1916 Index City Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
, -FOR-
Ti #g (Mars for Or igrttr 141.6
Recorder -J. J. 'SHEA.
Treasurer -GEO. D. WYBRANT.
Auditor -CYRIL D. LAREN.
J. J. McLAUGHLIN, Second Ward.
CHAS. J. LEIST, Third Ward.
Mayor Pro Tem -J. H. WALLIS.
Chief of Police -JOHN W. GIELLES.
Committee Clerk -J. W. LAWLER.
Electrician -WM. P. HIPMAN.
Finance -
Wallis, Strobel, Leist.
Ordinance -
McLaughlin, Callahan, Plamondon.
Streets -
Frith, Plamondon, Leist, McLaughlin,
Police and Light -
Callahan, Plamondon, Frith.
Sewers -
Plamondon, Leist, Strobel.
Printing -
McLaughlin, Strobel, Leist.
Claims -
Strobel, Callahan, Wallis.
Fire -
Leist, Wallis, McLaughlin.
Markets -
Frith, Callahan, Plamondon.
Public Grounds and Buildings -
Callahan, Wallis, Strobel.
Regular meetings of the City Council
days of each month at 8:00 o'clock p. m.
Attorney -M. H. CZIZEK.
Engineer -F. J. McNULTY.
Assessor -FRED J. HELLER.
J. H. WALLIS, Fourth Ward.
E. E. FRITH, Fifth Ward.
Street Commissioner -JOHN MA-
Market Master -C. J. McCARTHY.
Harbor Master and Sidewalk Inspect-
Delinquent Tax -
Wallis, Frith, McLaughlin.
Sprinkling -
Plamondon, Frith, Callahan.
Harbors -
Leist, McLaughlin, Callahan.
Supplies -
Strobel, McLaughlin, Plamondon.
Electrical Construction -
McLaughlin, Leist, Frith.
Board of Health -
Council Members -Mayor Saul.
Aldermen- Callahan, Leist.
Citizen Members - -W. C. Fosselman,
Richard Kolck.
Health Officer -Dr. E. L. Reinecke.
Meat and Milk Inspector -Dr. J. N.
Sanitary Policeman-Otto C. Neu-
are held on the first and third Thurs-
Jan. &- Algona Avenue, profile of, showing grade 5
13- Attorney instructed to prepare resolution for bonds
amounting to $96,000.00 14
20 -Alley between Grandview Avenue and Bradley Ave-
nue from Altman Avenue to north end of alley, rela-
tive to vacating 23, 43, 112
Feb. 17- Armory Hall, relative to leasing to Governor Greys 51
29- Appropriation for the fiscal year 1916 52
Mar. 2 -Alley between Alpine and Nevada Street from Solon
Street to Langworthy Avenue, petition of John
Maclay on improving 65
2- Atherton, Alice, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 66, 117
2- Ashton, Susie, allowed soldiers' exemption 69
2 -Alley between Alpine and Nevada Street from Solon
Street to Langworthy Avenue, to improve 73
16 -Apel, John, relative to the assessment for sewer in
Grandview Avenue 85
Apr. 6- Alderson, John, petition of, relative to making sewer
connection 98
6- Ahern, Dennis, petition of, relative to taxes 99, 116
6- Auditor instructed to report to council the standing of
funds 107
11- Appointive Officers appointed for the year 1916 107
20-Atlantic Avenue, petition of, property owners on im-
proving street 111
20- Althaus, Annie, petition of, relative to sewer assess-
ment 111, 158
20- Althaus, Val, petition of, relative to sewer assessment.. 111, 158
20- Adams, Herbert, bond of 112
20- Auditor, petition of, appointing deputy 112
20Attorney, petition of, appointing deputy 112
20- Assessor instructed to change land values on Broad-
way Extension, on Franklin Street, Kringle's Sub
and West Seventeenth Street 117
20- Atlantic Avenue to improve from Julien Avenue to
Rosedale Avenue 119, 154, 156, 162, 176, 178, 181, 18S
20- Alleys, engineer to prepare statement of square yards
of improved alleys in the city 124
25 -Alley lying between 9th and 10th Avenue, to improve
126, 202, 213, 224, 347, 251, 379, 391, 393, 397, 405
May 4- Atlantic Avenue, petition of, property owners relative
to improving 139
4- Alleys and streets, relative to cleaning, petition of J.
Vandermillen, et al, asking to advertise for bids 139, 159
4- Artus, Lena, petition of,.relative to reducing taxes 140, 208
4- Anderson, Carrie B., petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 140
4- Adams, Herbert, Park Commissioner, bond of 143
4 -Alley running north from Cora Street back of Osel
property, relative to placing stakes showing location 144
18 -Alley in Westaby's Sub., between North and South
Streets, petition of property owners relative to open-
ing 152, 208
June 1 - Attorney's report on salvage in alley between Clay and
White Streets 187
1- Annual report of Fire Department 187
16- Attorney's report on the taxes of Sisters of Mt. St
Joseph 203, 232
15- Attorney's report on Elks Home Bldg. and Odd Fellows
taxes • 204, 232
26- Attorney to be notified to second offenders on speed
ordinance 223
30- Arlington Street, to improve, from Highland Place to
Prairie Street 234, 327, 335, 341, 345, 364, 513
July 6- Annual report of Chief of Police 267
6-Auto Fire Apparatus, city to purchase 267, 319, 332
6- Assessor asking council to dismiss F. W. Kenneally 277
if I
INDEX -Book 46
INDEX —Book 46
" 20— American Hay Fever Association, relative to ordinance
on cutting weeds 280
" 20 —Adam, M., petition of, relative to his Rhomberg Ave
assessment 280
" 24 —Asst. City Attorney given increase in salary 298
-" 25— Attorney instructed to notify parties to remove the
spouts on Main Street- 299
Sept. 7—Assessor's report of, on assessment roll being com-
pleted 377
" 21— Auditor instructed to compile annual reports 391
Oct. 5— Auditors of state, report of, on affairs of city 409
Nov. 2 —Alley between White and Jackson from 8th to 9th
Streets, relative to paving 445, 459
" 2— Arthofer, L., petition of, for use of Armory Hall 445
" 16— Aureden, G., ordered to have sewer connections made 458
Dec. 7— Accola, Margaret, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 488
" 7— Agreement of Peer Amid Stone Co. and B. and L.
Kolfenbach on sewer in Parkway and Lawndale
Avenue 489
7— Agreement of Ernestine Lavery and of A. Jaeger Est. 490
7— Agreement of Lena Holz, Merkes and Matt Holz on
widening Eighteenth and Clay Streets 491
ing Eighteenth and Clay Streets 491
7— Anderson, Carrie B., tax petition received and filed 495
13— Armory Hall, petition of Jos. Scharry asking for use of 505
21— Assessor's deputies appointed 514
" 22— Ambulance, council to purchase shock absorbers 522
" 26— Asphaltic Concrete material not to be included in the
specifications 525
" 29— Auction sale of old scales
INDEX —Book 46
Jan. 6 —Bills allowed and referred in January, 1916
6 —Bond of Wm. A. McClain, Water Works Trustee
6 —Bills of Jas. F. Lee for interest on Louisa Street and
Madison Street referred
6 —Board of Health report
6 —Bell, Fred, remonstrance of, on West 3rd Street as-
13 —Bills of Jas. F. Lee, allowed and referred
13— Bonds, treasurer to advertise for bids for the sale of
$96,000.00 worth of refunding bonds 14, 16, 24, 46
14 —Bills of Jas. F. Lee for grading and overhaul referred 16, 20, 21
20 Bills of Tri -State Auto Co. referred 19
20 —Bills of IN. J. Staner for cement work in 4th Ward re-
" 20— Burch, Ellen, error in personal taxes corrected
20— Braun, Chris., relative to the special assessment on 7th
20— Bonds, relative to selling $105,000.00 worth of•refund-
ing bonds
3 —Bills allowed in February, 1916
3 —Bills of City Water Works against Jas. F. Lee
3 —Bush, John D., petition of, relative to taxes
3 Burns, Webster, petition of, relative to taxes
3 —Bock, Geo., petition of, relative to erecting a sign on
Couler Avenue
3 Bonds of Mullen Bros. and of A. Curtis & Son for ex-
3 —Board of Health, report of
3— Brunskill, James, relative to his assessment for sewer
in Dodge Street
3 Blake, E. C., city engineer, communication of, on re-
lease of his bond
17 —Bills of Jas. F. Lee for interest on Hill and Second
Street referred
17— Beiler, Ed., petition of, relative to painting old pole on
Couler Avenue
17— Brouillette, Cath., petition of, relative to curb set on
Hill Street
29 Broadway Extension, improvement of, warrant drawn
in favor of Mayor
Mar. 2— Bradley and Maclay, petitions of, asking for sewer in
Grandview Avenue and in Solon Street
2— Bathing Beach Commission, relative to submitting to
voters the proposition of borrowing $9,750.00 65, 106
2—Belsky, I., petition of, relative to clearing alley be-
tween 16th and 17th Streets
2 Byrne, Mary, petition of, relative to reducing taxes __.
2 Burden Avenue, grade of
2 —Board of Health, report of
10— Brown, Glenn, appointed on Park Board
16 —Bills allowed in March, 1916
16 —Bills of N. J. Staner and 1st Ward macadam referred
16— Behlmer, J. E., petition of, relative to erecting sign on
Sixth Street
16— Blocklinger, B. F., petition of, relative to special as-
sessments 83, 155, 182, 205
16 Buettell, Emma L., petition of, relative to reducing
16— Brown, Glenn, bond of
16 Brown, Mary A., notice of claim
16— Ballard Estate, relative to taxes
Apr. 6 —Bills allowed and referred in April, 1916
6— Brasher, Ed., bill of, for retaining wall, referred
6— Beutin, F., bill of, for interest on Lincoln Avenue re-
6— Bathing Beach Commission, statement of
6 —Bush, C. T., relative to the assessment on Julien Ave-
nue and Delhi Street
1, 17
2, 51
9, 23, 205
15, 16
26, 63, 78
37, 49, 52
38, 116
38, 159
43, 46
49, 157
66, 116
8$, 115
83, 115
98, 145
98, 114
- 99
INDEX -Book 46
6 -Board of Health report
11- Bacher, Emil, deed of, to city
20 -Bills allowed in April, 1916
20- Benckendorff, Mrs. Minnie, petition of, relative to
taxes 111, 159
20- Bwell, F., et al, protesting against laying side track on
Jackson Street 112
20 -Brown Glenn, bond of, Park Commissioner 112, 143
20- Bridge on Seventh Street, relative to filling 115
20 Byrnes, Mary, tax petition received and filed 116
20- Burns, W. J., and W. J. Brown, tax petition received
and filed 116
20 Braun, Chris., taxes reduced 116
20- Broadway Extension land value changed a unit foot 117
20- Braun, Chris., assessment on Lincoln Avenue received
and filed 117, 158
20 Biederman, Mrs. Augusta, assessment on Louisa Street,
received and filed 118
20- Buchet, E. J., assessment on Delhi Street received and
filed 118
20 -Burns Street, to improve, from Oak Street to 40 ft.
north of Hancock Street
118, 154, 161, 174, 178, 181, 188, 225, 353, 372, 378, 384
May 4- Building on Fifth Avenue, chief instructed to have it
removed 139
4 -Bills allowed May 4th, 1916 139
4- Bohler, Nic., ,petition of, relative to reducing taxes 140, 158
4 -Bonds of the various city officers 140, 154
4 -Bonds of Water Works employes 140, 155
4 -Bond of A. J. Le Van for excavating 140
4- Baier, Louis, relative to his taxes 145
4 -Bills allowed May 18th, 1916 151
18 Bush, Chas. T., petition of, relative to the assessment
for improving Julien Avenue and Delhi Street 152, 158
18 -Board of Health, report of 156
18 -Board of Health, policemen given complaint blanks..__ 157
18 -Bour, John, relative to his assessment on Louisa St 158
" 18 Barrett, Mrs., relative to her assessment for sewer in
Milwaukee Avenue 65, 158, 191
" 18- Building at 35 South Locust Street, relative to remov-
June 1 -Bills allowed in June, 1916 182
" 1 -Bond of Western Union Telegraph Co. for excavating__ 183
" 1 -Bond of Chas. Pape & Son for excavating 183
" 15 -Bills allowed in June, 1916 200
" 15- Breithaupt, P., bond of, for excavating 201
" 15- Bonds, refunding, relative to reissuing amounting to
$15,000.00 206, 233
" 15 -Board of Health, report of 208
" 15 -Bond of J. E. Robinson for taking care of Detention
Hospital 208
" 15- Building on South Locust Street condemned, property
belongs to B. and E. O'Shea 191, 201, 209
July 6 -Bills allowed in July, 1916 261, 279
" 6- Beutin, F., scales be no longer declared city scales 266
" 20 -Bell, Fred, resigned as Water Works Trustee 280
" 20 -Board of Health, report of 285
" 24- Bathing Beach, to establish at Eagle Point ....293, 338, 354, 367, 380
Aug. 3 -Bills allowed in August, 1916 333, 347
" 3 -Berg, C. H., receiver of Stilson Co., petition of relative
to taxes 333
3- Burden, Geo. A., petition of, relative to his assessment
on Rosedale Avenue 334
3- Bennett, Harry J., petition of, relative to his assess-
ment on Rosedale Avenue 334
3- Board of Education, petition of, relative to paving on
Clay Street 334
INDEX -Book 46
3- Bathing Beach; council appropriated $300 for Bathing
3- Bathing Beach, resolution of, offered by Ald. Wallis....
17- Becker, F. G., bill of, for $141.75 referred
17 -Board of Equalization appointed
17- Building on Fifth Avenue, Chief of Police to have it
17 -Board of Health, report of
Sept. 7 -Bills allowed in September, 1916
7- Braun, Chris., petition of, relative to weeds on Lincoln
7- Baynes, John, loan warrant reissued
7 -Board of Health, report of
7 -Beck, Margt. Martin, ordered to have sewer connec-
tions made
7- Beacon, Mr. and Mrs. James, remonstrance of, on
Burns Street assessment 384, 459
21- Beutin, F., petition of, relative to grade on Lime Street
21- Blocklinger, B. F., notice of suit on outlawed special
21 -Board of Health, report of
21- Bathing Beach Committee, report of, for the year 1916
21 -Board of Equalization, notice of meeting
Oct. 5 -Bills allowed in October, 1916
5 -Brown and Burns, petition of, relative to taxes
5 -Board of Health report
19- Blocklinger, B. F., decree of Judge Kintzinger on out-
lawed assessments 423, 516
19- Baumgartner, John, notice of claim for personal in-
juries 423
Nov. 2 -Bills allowed in November, 1916 445, 453
2 -Berg, C. H., trustee, petition of, relative to an assess-
ment levied against Lots 1, 2, 3, 49 and 50 Woodlawn
Park Add. 445, 466, 510
2- Bonds, communication of Chas. S. Kidder & Co. on
funding all of city's indebtedness 446
2 -Booth Estate, appeal of, on Fourth Street Extension
assessment 430, 446, 450
16- Beutin, Frank, petition of, relative to having Lime
Street opened 455, 496
16- Bendel, Gee., petition of, relative to his sewer assess-
ment on Prince Street
16 -Board of Health, report of
16 -Beck, Margt. Martin, petition of, asking for extension
of time on sewer connection
27- Bonds, refunding, relative to advertising for bids for
sale of a $120,000.00 on January 1 and $240,000.00
on February 1, 1917 467, 475, 506, 526
Dec. 7 -Bills allowed and referred in December, 1916 487, 511
7- Brouillet, Chas. W., petition of, relative to grade of
alley in the rear of Mineral Lot 149
7- Bohler, Nic., petition of, relative to overpaid taxes
7- Burke, R. J., petition of, relative to sewer assessment
in O'Neill Avenue
7- Beyer, Amanda, remonstrance of, on West Locust
Street assessment
7- Buettel, Emma L., petition of, relative to reducing
7- Bernhard, John, notice of, claim for personal injuries..
7 -Board of Health, report of
21 -Bluff Street and South Bluff Street, to improve, from
Third Street to Dodge Street
21 -Bonds of Jas. F. Lee on various street improvements-
350, 502
373, 387
404, 475
408, 421
408, 502
488, 514
INDEX -Book 46
Sept.- 7 relative to rolling streets to go according
to specifications
" 21- County Auditor, communication of, on valuation of
telephone and telegraph companies
" 21- Cleveland Avenue, extension of, referred
Oct. 5- Council Proceedings for June, July, August and Sept-
ember, 1916, approved
5- Cooper, A. A., Wagon Co., petition of, relative to curb
on Second Street 408
" 5 -Coal, to advertise for bids for furnishing city 413, 421, 442
" 19 -Court costs of city on suit of Iowa Telephone Co. 424
Nov. 16- Courtney, Geo. L., petition of, relative to reducing his
assessment 455
" 16- Casey, Bridget, petition of, relative to her assessment.. 455, 514
" 16- Counters, to purchase, for Treasurer's, Auditor's and
Recorder's office 473, 515, 536
Dec. 7 -Clay Street property owners, petition of, asking for
permission to make some openings in new pavement 487, 488
" 21- Council Proceedings for October approved of 511
" 21- Connolly, Margaret, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 513
" 21- Connolly, Margaret, petition of, relative to her assess-
ment on West Locust Street 513
" 22- Carney, Winifried, error in taxes corrected 521
" '26 -Cole, Sarah E., notice of claim 522
Jan. 7- Council Proceedings for November, approved of 1
6- Clark, Geo. R., petition of, relative to Soldiers' Exemp-
20- Council Proceeding, relative to indexing and binding..
28- Cleaves, Mary E., petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes of Ann Phelan
Feb. 3- Council Proceedings of December, 1915, approved of
3 -- Curtis, A. and Son, bond of, for excavating
3 -Cole & Elcar Service Co., relative to erecting sign at
1527 Clay Street 42
3 -Cook, W., bill of, for work on Rosedale Avenue and
Alta Vista Street referred
10 -Crown Dairy Co., petition of, relative to their taxes
17- Clerks and Judges appointed for Primary Election
29- Catherine Street steps, warrant drawn in favor of
-29- Canvass of votes of Primary Election
2 Cora Street, relative to improving, from Exchange
Street to Grandview Avenue 65, 140
2 -Clay Street, to improve, from Fourth Street to Twen-
tieth Street 71
2 Committee Clerk instructed to prepare list of all mat-
ters before committee of the whole 77
16- Clerks and Judges appointed for City Election 83
16 -Cook, W., bill of, allowed for extra work on Rosedale
6- Considine Toy Co., petition of, relative to taxes
6- Currier, Irene, notice of suit against city
19- Committees appointed for the year 1916
20 -Cole, R. W., petition of, relative to taxes
20- Custer Street, petition of, property owners on improv-
ing street 111
20- Cady, M. M., taxes reduced 117
20- Custer Street, to improve, from Auburn Avenue to At-
lantic Avenue 120, 154, 156, 162, 174, 178, 181, 188, 225
20- Catherine Street steps, to advertise for bids 124,- 138, 139, 172
May 11 Carter, Wm., to be paid up to April 20, 1916 150, 185
18 Cook, W., bill of, for 5% retained, referred 152, 190
18- -Cox Street, petition of C. B. McNamara relative to im-
18 Cherry Street, relative to improving 154, 156, . 162, 175,
18- Cahill, T., appointed caretaker of dump
18- Coliseum, relative to erecting, referred
18- Connolly, J., relative to salary increase
18 -Cole, R. J., relative to Jefferson Street assessment
1- Council Chamber, relative to papering, etc.
1 -City Scales, parties operating, instructed to turn in re-
1- Cooney, J. P., relative to taking care of park on South
Main Street
1 Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue, to
improve, from Third Street to Twenty - Second Street
194, 203, 206, 210, 219, 220, 225, 236, 247, 253, 258, 261, 262,
273, 291, 294, 308, 331, 332, 334, 348, 487, 488, 491, 513
15- College Avenue, profile of, showing grade 206
15- Cellars, overflowed, report of Sanitary Officer 208, 354
July 20- Council Proceedings for May, 1915, approved of 278
20 -City Carpenter and helper, petition of, relative to hav-
ing salary increased 279
20- Cellars in various part of city, Sanitary Officers to in-
24- Curtis Plumbing and Heating Co., bond of, for exca-
24- Cooney, M., Asst. Attorney, given increase in salary___.
Aug. 17 -Clay Street property owners, petitions of, relative to
17- Council to attend fire apparatus test at Davenport
INDEX -Book 46
24, 34, 37
38, 115
55, 56
99, 145
99. 202
176, 181, 188
293, 377
348, 373, 488
INDEX -Book 46
• Page
Jan. 6- Dubuque Biscuit Co., petition of, relative to cancelling
" 6- Dietrich, George, notice of suit for personal injuries....
20- Dubuque Paper Co., petition of, relative to water rates
for fire protection 19
Feb. 3- Dubuque Baseball and Amusement Assn., relative to
their taxes 38, 158
" 3- Dubuque Sanitary Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to
putting side track on Tenth and Jackson Streets 38, 108
" 17- Duffy, Mineiva, petition of, relative to having her taxes
cancelled 49, 232
" 17- Dubuque Athletic Field, petition of, relative to appro-
priating $2,000.00 for Athletic Field for the year 1916 49
" 17- Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., petition of, ask-
ing to have street leading from Lincoln Avenue to
bridge repaired 49
" 17 -Deed of First Baptist Church to City of Dubuque 51
Mar. 2- Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, petition of,
relative to their annual donation 65
2- Detention Hospital, recorder to advertise for bids for
care of 71, 92, 138, 156, 208
2- Dillon Street, to improve, from Grandview Avenue
northerly to end of said street 72
16- Dubuque Packing Co., petition of, asking city to vacate
the alley between Sixteenth and Seventeenth Streets,
between Cedar and Sycamore Streets 82
16- Donahue, T. J., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 83, 145
16- Dubuque Bridge Co., petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 83, 158, 503
Apr. 6- Dorgan, John, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 98, 116
6- Dubuque Welding Works, waiver and agreement of, on
erecting sign 98
6- Davis, Geo., application of, for roller engineer 99, 107
6- Diebold, Mary, petition of, relative to taxes 99, 117
6- Dubuque Casket Co., error in taxes corrected 102
6 -Deed of Emil Bacher to city 108
20- Daily, Lawrence, application of, to be appointed alley
cleaner 110
20- Didesch, Theo., petition of, relative to taxes 111, 158
20 -Dax, Mrs. Anna, petition of, relative to old shaft next
to her lot on Rush Street 111
" 20- Dietl, Anna, taxes reduced 117
May 4 -Dohs, Emma, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 139, 158, 182, 208
" 4 -De Lorimer, Mary, petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes 140
4- Dawson, Margt., petition of, relative to remitting her
taxes 140
4- Dubuque Realty Co., relative to sidewalk laid in front
of City Lot 210 on Iowa Street 142, 165
4- Dubuque Park Board, annual report of 144
" 4- Dubuque Mattress Factory, relative to their taxes 145
" 18- Daily, L., application of, for cleaning alleys 156
" 18- Dehing, Jno., application of, for cleaning alleys 156
" 18- Detention Hospital, relative to purchasing 157
" 18- Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to coliseum 157
" 18- Dempsey, T. D. and Mrs. L. H., relative to Jefferson 158
Street assessment
" 18- Doyle, M. F. and Hanna, relative to Jefferson assess-
ment 158
June 1- Dubuque Real Estate Board, petition of, relative to
street signs 182
1- Deckert's City Scales, relative to cost for repairing 187
1- Deckert, J., taxes reduced 191
1- Dubuque Commercial Club, relative to donation from
city for fire works display on July 4, 1916 201
" 15- Dempsey, T. D., bond of, for excavating 201
" 15- Delaware Avenue, profile of, showing grade of 206
" 15- Diagonal Street, unite foot valuations reduced 208
1, 22
" 15- Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to re
pairing Grandview Avenue
July 6- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, petition of, rela- 261
tive to enforcing speed ordinance
6- Dubuque Automobile Club, petition of, relative to re-
pairing Grandview Avenue 262
" 6- Deckert, Mrs. C., scales repaired 266
" 20- Dubuque Lumber and Coal Co., petition of, relative to
city scales 280
" 24- Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to es-
tablishing Bathing Beach 293
Aug. 3- Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to
holding a celebration during the week of October
2nd, and asking that 4th Street Extension be closed 332
3- Dubuque Real Estate Board, petition of, relative to
storm sewers in West Third Street 333
3- Dubuque Electric Co., petition of, relative to paving
on Clay Street 334
3- Dubuque Realty Co., petition of, relative to salvage on
Clay Street 334
" 17- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, invitation of,
relative to taking part in Labor Day parade 349
" 17- Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to city
donating $300.00 to defray expenses for convention
of Iowa League of Municipalities 349
Sept. 7- Davis, Geo. W., petition of, relative to care of rollers 373
" 7- Dubuque Electric Co. granted an extension of time on
turning in electric rates 380, 392
21- Dubuque Commercial •Club, petition of, relative to hav-
ing fire apparatus placed at exposition grounds 388
21 -Dean, Geo. W., petition of, relative to correcting his
assessment 388
21- Dubuque Gasoline Co., petition of, relative to taxes 388, 448
21- Dubler, J. C., notice of claim, for injuries sustained 389
21- Detention Hospital, resolution adopted on building a
new hospital 391
" 21- Drake, A. W. & Son, instructed to remove all obstruc-
tion from the 'street at First and Locust Streets 391
Oct. 5- Dawson, Margaret, petition of, relative to taxes 408
5- Dolan, Mary A., petition of, relative to taxes 409, 458
10- Dubuque Pontoon Bridge, attorney to report, relative
to purchasing 419, 425
19- Dubuque Commercial Club, extending thanks for past
favors 423
19- Dubuque Commercial Club and Rotary Club, petition
of, relative to enforcing smoke ordinance 423
19- Decree of Judge Kintzinger on outlawed assessments
of B. F. Blocklinger 423
19- -Deed of Cummings Sisters to city 425
Nov. 2- Donahue, Jas. P., loan warrant reissued, referred 448
16- Dubuque Athletic Field, petition of, relative to bills 455
16- Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to taxes 455, 516
16 -Dock, to build, at Eagle Point 458, 474, 487, 516
1- Donahue, T. J., relative to having taxes reduced 485
7- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress objecting to one
man street cars 487
7- Dubuque Commercial Club, communication of, relative
to dock facilities in Dubuque 488, 512
7- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, communication
of, relative to bill for allowing cities to do their own
7 -Deed of Wm. P. Slattery for property on Nevada St
21- Dubuque Biscuit Co., petition of, relative to their out-
lawed assessment
21- Dubuque Traveling Men's Assn., petition of, relative to
public dock
26- Dubuque Team Owners, petition of, relative to oiling
INDEX -Book 46
491, 516
512, 521
Jan. 6- Engineer's report on profile No. 902 on improvements
made on street
6- Erwin, Louise H., petition of. relative to soldiers' ex-
6- Engineer Blake, communication of, on releasing his
Nlch. 2.- Exchange St., relative to improving from Dodge St., to
Cora Street
2- Elligen, Elizabeth. petition of, relative to error in her
16 Elks' Home Bldg., petition of, relative to cancelling
Apr. 20- Engineer's petition of appointing deputies
20- Ernsdorff, Mary, tax petition; received and filed
20 -Even, Peter, purchased rock crushed of city
20 -Eagle St., to improve
124, 255, 262, 267, 269, 293, 311, 319, 328,
20- Engineer, to prepare statement of square yards of im-
proved streets and alleys in the city
18- Ernsdorff Iron Co., petition of, relative to condition
of cellars
18- Engineers of Rollers, relative to salary increase
18- Elwell, F. J., relative to taxes, received and filed
1- Enameled Steel Sign Co., relative to furnishing street
1- Elliott Children, petition of, relative to taxes
15 -Eagle Point, relative to installing a public landing
201, 223, 347, 365, 458,
15 Eighteenth St., relative to improving (see index of
Clay St.) 194,
15 -Elks' Home Bldg., report of city attorney on their
15- Engel, H. A., appointed engineer of Road Roller
15- Excavations, plumber instructed to repair Rhomberg
Ave. 221
30- Excavate in West Locust Street, not to, for 15 years 234, 306
July 20 Excavations, all persons, firms, etc., be required to put
up bond on tearing up of pavements 286
3 Electric Rates, Ordinance of, referred 342, 380, 407, 419, 420
17- Electrician instructed to have poles moved on Fourth
Street Extension 354
Sept. 7- Excavations, city attorney and city engineer to draw
up an ordinance covering the manner of excavating
in streets 386
7- Ellwanger, John, check of, to _pay for oil purchased of
21- Engle, H. A., resignation of, as roller engineer
21- Engineer's assistants, Eitel and Ryan, given increase
in salary
" 21- Eitel, Albert, given an increase in salary
Oct. 5- Enright, Kath., petition of, relative to taxes
Dec. 7 -Ewe, W. J., error in taxes corrected
" 7- Enright, Kath., tax petition received and filed
" 22 -Eagle Point Park, to change name of, to Shiras Park
INDEX -Book 46
43, 46
65, 140
346, 356, 380
474, 487, 516
203, 206, 210
INDEX -Book 46
6 -Fruit Dispatch Co., petition of, relative to a permanent
exemption from smoke ordinance 239
Feb. 3- Fischer Investment Co., petition of, relative to the
taxes on their ice plant 38
3 -Fifth Avenue property owners, relative to completing
Fifth Avenue sewer 38
3-Flynn, Jas., relative to his assessment on West 11th St 43
17 -First Baptist Church, deed of, to City of Dubuque 51
17 Feed for city horses, recorder to advertise for bids 51, 63, 65, 85
17 -Fire Department, fixing scale of wages, referred 51
29 -Fifth Ward Oiling Fund credited with $105.00 5
29 -Fifth Ward Oiling Fund, warrant drawn in favor of
Mayor. 54
Mar. 2- Fumigater, recorder to advertise for bids 71, 92
16 -Fire Department, scale of wages adopted 85
Apr. 6 -Fire Department, drivers of. petition of relative to
salary 98
6- Flewell, Geo., error in taxes corrected 102
6- Finley Hospital, bill of, received and filed 104
6 Fourth Street Extension, to improve 105, 159, 255, 263,
267, 275, 292, 299, 308, 323, 389, 426, 430, 441, 446, 450, 514
20- Farrell, Ed., relative to an increase in salary 111, 159
20- Flynn, John, taxes reduced - 116
20 Franklin Street land value changed a unit foot 117
20- Froebel, Mrs. Albert, taxes exempted 117
20 -Ferry Boats, attorney instructed prepare franchise 124
May 18- Federal Trust and Deposit Co., petition of, relative to
making settlement for the assessment against Lot
City 457 153
18 -Ford, Jno., relative to Jefferson Street assessment 158
18 Frenzel, 0., relative to taxes, received and filed 158
18 Fountain, to purchase for 13th and Clay Streets 164
June 1 First Ward, relative to macadaiii sold 187
" 1 -Fire Department, annual report of 187
1- Fettgather, J. J., taxes reduced 191
1 Fischer Investment Co., relative to taxes 191
" 15 -Fire Works display on July 4th, relative to donation
from city 201
" 26- Falkenhainer, Charles, petition of, relative to drop-
ping curb in front of 675 Julien Avenue 223
July 6 Fisch, Domenic, petition of, relative to reducing as-
sessment on Let 4 Barry's Sub. 262, 496
6 -Fire Apparatus, recorder to advertise for bids267, 319, 332, 354, 380
6- Firemen, city to purchase caps 2 67
6 -Fifth Street, to improve, from Locust Street to Bluff
Street 273, 335, 338, 339, 345, 365, 520, 521, 535
6- Fourth Street, to improve, from Locust to Bluff Streets
_.._ 274, 326, 335, 338, 339, 350, 355, 357, 366, 368, 519, 521, 535
20 Fourth Street, to improve, from Main to Locust Sts 286, 327, 335,
338, 340, 345, 349, 365, 380, 495, 518, 522, 523, 524, 535
20- Fourth Street dump, foreman and assistant given in-
crease in salary
25 -Five and Ten Cent Store ordered to remove spouts
25- Fitzpatrick, C. E., ordered to remove spout in front of
his store
Aug. 3- Fecker, Barbara, loan warrants reissued
3 Farwell appointed caretaker of Bathing Beach
Sept. 7- Fischer Investment Co., petition of, relative to salvage
on Clay Street
7- Fremont Avenue, name of, changed to Wartburg Ave
7- Fecker, Barbara, loan warrant reissued
7 Frost, Lawrence, ordered to have sewer connections
" 21- Fertilizing plant of E. T. Frith, property owners re-
monstrating against having it down on the flats
" 21- Frith, E. T., awarded garbage contract
21— Fischer, Mrs., remostrance of, on Rhomberg Avenue
intersection improvement
Oct. 5— Fourth Street Engine House belfrey to be repaired
Nov. 2— Faldorf, Fred, petition of, relative to his taxes -
2— Farley & Loetscher, petition of, relative to paving alley
between Eighth and Ninth Streets
16 —Fresh Air Camp, relative to fence at park
7— Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., petition of. relative to
building platform
7 —First Baptist Church, petition of, relative to cancelling
INDEX —Book 46
Jan. 20— Grote, Cath., error in taxes corrected 20
391, 515 Feb. 3— Grings, F. N., error in taxes corrected 1 39
418, 451 .3— Garfield Avenue. to improve, from Reed St. to 7th Ave. 43
445 " 17— Gmehle, A. E., petition of, relative to being appointed
delinquent tax collector 49
445, 459 17— Greenwald, Charles, petition of, relative to soldiers' ex-
emption 49
17— Gilliam, C. H., notice of, claim for personal injuries 49, 111, 424
488 " 17— Governor Greys, relative to leasing Armory Hall 51
Mar. 16Grode, Jacob, Sr., petition of; relative to cancelling taxes 82
488 " 16— Grundy and Hird, petition of, relative to constructing
sewer east from their property on Grandview Ave 82
16 Gartner, Gus, relative to his taxes 85
Apr. 6— Gantenbein, Geo., petition of, relative to Rhomberg
Avenue assessment 99, 158
6— Ginter, Peter, relative to soldiers' exemption 102
20— Graham, Emma, petition of, relative to taxes 111, 145
20— Grandview Heights, petition of property, owners, rela-
tive to proper drainage of street 112, 159
May 4— Gillespie, ,John, petition of, relative to reducing his as-
sessment 140
18— Geyer, Cath., remonstrance of, on Park Avenue sewer.. 139, 153
18 Grode, Jacob, Sr., relative to his assessment on Rhom-
berg Avenue 158
18— Gonner, Caroline, relative to her assessment on Martha
Street 158
June 1— Gross, Geo., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 182, 496
1— Gudarian, Kate, taxes reduced 191
1 —Glab, Nic, taxes on Block 17, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co
Add. cancelled 191
1 Germania Stock Co., petition of, relative to remitting
dance hall license for the year 1916 201, 515
15 Grandview Avenue, petition of Dubuque Commercial
Club relative to repairing 219
July 6 Glaser, A. L., et al, remonstrance of, on Windsor Ave.
paving _ 262
• 6 —Gorr, H. G., relative to reducing his taxes 266
• 20— Gasser, Albert, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 280, 379
Aug. 17 Gregory, W. E., notice of, claim for injury to his horse 349
" 17 Gengler, John G., petition of, relative to erecting sign
on Ninth and Main Streets 349
17— Garbage receptacles not conforming with ordinance to
be destroyed 354, 368
Sept. 7 Gruetzmacher, John, petition of, relative to salvage on
Clay Street 373
7— Gonner, Caroline, new loan warrant issued 377, 411
7 Grenzig, Walter, ordered to have sewer connections
made 379
7 Gasser, Albert, tax petition received and filed 379
21— Gregory, W. E., notice of, claim for damage to his
horse 389
• 29 Garbage, collecting of, contract awarded to E. T. Frith 393
Nov. 16— Groff, Wm., error in taxes corrected 456
Dec. 7 Germania Stock Co., petition of, relative to dance hall
license 487
7— Gallagher, R. H., relative to taxes 4 503
29 —Gates at railroad crossings, companies notified to repair 528
INDEX —Book 46
INDEX -Book 46
6- Heery, Mary A., and Marcella, petition of, relative to
reducing taxes
6 -Hill, Anna, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 1, 117
6- Hancock, Mary B., petition of, relative to cancelling
personal taxes
6- Hilger, Frank, settlement of claim for damage to prop -
20- Hendricks, Geo. J., petition of, relative to reducing his
assessment on Hill Street 19
Feb. 3- Healey, E. M., petition of, relative to cancelling his
3- Hammel, Aug., allowed soldiers' exemption 39
3- Hockensteiner, Frank, relative to damage done to his
17 -Hoff, Susie, petition of, relative to personal injuries by
falling on sidewalk 49, 69, 83
" 17- Hartert, Peter, notice of, claim for personal injuries 49
Mar. 2- Humane Society, petition of, relative to annual dona-
tion 65
2- Heacock, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to reducing
2 -Heeb Street property owners, waiver and agreement of,
oh changing grade 66
2 -Home Bldg. Co., error in taxes corrected 69
10- Hancock, Dr. John C., appointed Library Trustee S0
16- Hillary, John, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 83, 116, 191
16 -Hart Street, extension of, city to purchase property 87 157
Apr. 6 -Hein, William F., notice of, suit against city 99, 183
6- Hartert, Peter, notice of, suit against city 99, 457
6 -Heim, John, bills of, for $27.00 and $7.00 allowed 404
6 Heim, Jos. P., bill of, for improvement of Broadway
Extension allowed 105
20- Haverland, Geo., bill of, for repairing curb, referred 110, 180
20- Heinze, Annie, petition of, relative to sewer assessment 111, 158
20- Hattig, A. J., petition of, relative to Hill and West
Third Street assessments 111, 145
20 Hanson, Hulda, settlement of claim and release of 114
20 -Hird, Jos. L., relative to the assessment on Delhi St 116
20 -Hird, Jos. L., tax petition, received and filed 116
20 Handel, Mrs. Bertha, tax petition, received and filed_.__ 116
20 -Bird, Mrs. Jos. L., taxes reduced 117
25 -Heeb Street, to improve, from Kaufman Avenue to the
south line of -Lot 5, Marsh's Add. _. 125, 147, 191,
202, 213, 224, 225, 245, 250, 344, 345, 366, 374
May 4 -House of Good Shepard, petition of, relative to con-
structing private sewer in Willow and Asbury Sts.139, 143,. 191, 235
4- Hipman, W., city electrician, bond of 140, 154
4- Herron, Ed., cashier of Water Co., bond of 140, 155
4- Hendricks, Geo., relative to his, assessment on Hill St 145
18 -Hess, Otto, relative to taxes, received and filed 158
18- Homan, Mary, relative to taxes 158
18- Hughs, Bridget, relative to claim, received and filed 158
18 -Haas, Mary, relative to claim, received and filed 158
18- Haggerty, Jennie, relative to her assessment on Couler
Avenue 159
June 1 -Hill, Anna, petition of, relative to her special assess-
ment - 182, 205, 232, 281
1 -Bird, Jos. L., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 182, 459
1- Herron, Eliz., taxes reduced 191
1 -Heeb Street, relative to grade of street 191
15- Haller, Mrs. Marie, remonstrance of, on Martha Street
sewer 202
15- Harbor Master's report on money collected 205
19- Harbor Master instructed not to allow boats to tie up
at landing 222
19- Hopkins & Witty instructed to remove sign in front of
their place
1, 116
37, 191
66, 232
INDEX -Book 46
26- Harbor Master instructed to make up a list of collec-
tions made by him 223, 266
30 -Bird, Elizabeth, relative to her taxes 232
July 6- Hoerr, Peter, petition of, relative to his taxes 262, 379
6- Heller, city assessor, asking council to dismiss the ser-
vices of Frank W. Kenneally
20 -Hay, R., petition of, relative to making scale reports
20- Hughes, Wm., petition of, relative to reducing taxes
20- Hynes, Frank, petition of, relative to unsanitary con-
ditions at 30 Dodge Street
Aug. 3- Hildea, Anna, remonstrance of, on Third Street im-
17- Hockensteiner, Frank, report of city attorney on the
assessment for improving Angella Street
7- Hillery, John, petition of, relative to refunding over-
paid taxes
7- Hanson, Mary, tax petition, received and filed
7- Hockensteiner, Frank, relative to storm sewer running
through his property
21- Homan, Geo. J., petition of, relative to the taxes of Du-
buque Gasoline Co.
Oct. 5- Hafner, Caroline R., petition of, relative to assessment
on Rhomberg Avenue
5- Hemmi, E., petition of, relative to salvage on Clay St
10 -Hill and West Third Streets, relative to widening 419,
10- Heating Plant at City Hall, bids of, referred
2- Handel, Joseph, petition of, relative to taxes
16- Nanning, Edw., error in taxes corrected
7- Hackney, Thos., petition of, relative to salary increase
7 -Holz, Matt and Lena, agreement of, on widening 18th
and Clay Streets
7- Huelshoff, Bernard, notice of, claim for injuries
21 -Hird, Jos. L. and Bertha, petition of, relative to their
assessment for the improvement of Delhi Street
21 -Hoag, Ervdoine, notice of claim
374, 459
INDEX —Book 46
2— Imhoff, Theresa, allowed soldiers' exemption
15 —Iowa Telephone Co., relative to excavating on Rhom-
berg Avenue
20 —Iowa Chiefs of Police, petition of, relative to attend-
ing convention
17 —Iowa Telephone Co., bond increased from $500.00 to
17 —Iowa League of .Municipalities, council to make ar-
19 —Iowa Telephone Co., court costs of city
21 —Ice HIarbor, snow to be removed
207, 231
356, 389, 411
INDEX —Book 46
Feb. 3— Jefferson Street property owners, petition of, relative
to their assessment for street improvement 38
" 3— Jackson Street property owners, relative to the assess-
ment for laying of sewer in said street between 24th
and 25th Streets, referred 43
" 3— Judges and Clerks appointed for Primary Election 49
Mar. 16-- Jones, R. H., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 83, 116
" 16— Judges and Clerks appointed for City Election 83
Apr. 6 —Joos, Leo, error in taxes corrected 102
" 20— Jackson Street property owners protesting against the
laying of a side track between 10th and 11th Streets 112
May 18— Jefferson Street property owners, relative to their as-
sessment 158
June 1— Jungfermann, Margt., petition of, relative to adopting
plat 183
July 20— Jungk, Robt., bond of, for excavating 280, 377
Sept. 7— Jennings, John, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 373, 496
" 7— Jestel, Magd., petition granted on building addition to
building on Washington Street 380
Oct. 5— Jacquinot, Veronica, petition of, relative to sidewalk
assessment 408, 514
Nov. 2— Jacobsen, Thos., petition of, relative to sewer assess-
ments on. West 2nd Street 445, 458, 487
" 27 —Jones Street, improvement of, from railroad tracks to
levee 474, 517, 536
Dec. 2— Jaeger, Adam, Est., petition of, relative to paying an-
nual installments on old assessment 487, 490
INDEX —Book 46
Jan. 20— Kaufman Avenue, petition of property owners, relative
to improve street 19
Feb. 17— Kingsley, Mrs. Wm., petition of, relative to reducing
her assessment 48, 117
Mar. 2 —Kurt, F. N., petition of, relative to his taxes 66, 116
" 2— Kemler, C. H., error in taxes corrected 69
" 16— Kinney, Clara P., relative to the assessment for Bluff
Street improvement 85
Apr. 6 —Kaep, Henry, error in taxes corrected 102, 116
" 20— Klingenberg, Emma, tax petition, received and filed 116
" 20— Kuenhele, Chris., tax petition, and filed 116
" 20— Kopple, Sarah, tax petition, received and filed 116
" 20— Kemler, R. W., tax petition, received and filed 116
" 20— Kennedy, Sarah A., tax petition, received and filed 116
" 20— Kemler, R. W., taxes reduced 117
" 20— Kringle's Sub., assessor instructed to assess lots 1 and
14 at $200.00 and lot 2 at $100.00 117
" 20— Kearney, M., taxes reduced 117
May 4 — Kenneally, Stephen, petition of, relative to reducing
his assessment 140, 158
4— Krocheski, Paul, relative to his assessment on Rose-
dale Avenue 145
" 18— Kearney, M., petition of, relative to an error in his
taxes 152
" 18— Knoernschield, Anna, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 153, 208
" 18— Klinge, John, relative to taxes 158
" 18— Kuempal, E. H., relative to taxes 158
" 18 —Kamm, Minnie, relative to claim, received and filed 158
June 1— Kringle, H. J., petition of, relative to his taxes 182, 208
" 1— Kaufmann Avenue, to improve, from end of present
improvement to the end of City Limits 194, 257, 263,
269, 281, 291, 307, 513
" 15-- Kassler Motor Co., relative to installing gasoline tank 201, 266
" 15— Klauer, Peter, remonstrance of, on Clay Street im-
provement 203
" 15— Kingsley, Mrs. Wm., petition of, relative to overpaid
taxes 219
" 26— Keller, N. J., petition of, relative to erecting barber
pole in front of his place 223
July 6— Kenneally, Frank W., communication of Assessor Hel-
ler, relative to dismissing his services 276
July 20 —Kane, Joseph, notice of, claim for personal injuries 280, 389
Aug. 3 —Kirk, Mamie, loan warrants reissued 337
Sept. 7— Krumback, Charles, petition of, relative to damage
done to his property 373
" 7— Kluck, John, ordered to have sewer connections made 379
" 7— Kemler, R. W., ordered to have sewer connections made 379
" 21— Klinge, John and Lena, allowed a reduction in taxes 390
Oct. 5 —Kien, Peter, petition of, relative to his taxes 408
" 5— Kemler, R. W. and Sarah, notice of, claim for damages 409
" 5— Krumbach, Chas., notice of, claim for damages 409
" 19— Kintzle, Theodore, petition of, relative to grade in the
alley in the rear of Lots 74 and 75, Burden and
Lawther's Add. 422
Nov. 2 —Kunz, J. F., and Co., petition of, relative to reducing
assessments 445, 466
2— Kidder, Chas. S., and Co., petition of, relative to un-
dertaking the funding of all outstanding indebted-
ness 446
2— Kriebs. Caroline, loan warrant reissued, referred 448
16 —Key City Iron Works, bill of, referred 455, 515
16— Kemler, J. E., agent, petition of, relative to sewer as-
sessment in West Fourteenth Street 455
16— Kemler, R. W., petition of, relative to cancelling as-
sessment against lots 8 and 10, Martin's Dubuque 455, 522, 525
INDEX —Book 46
Dec. 7— Kemler, R. W., remonstrance of, on widening of West
Third and Hill Streets
7— Kasel, Mrs. J. P., petition of, relative to taking salvage
on Clay Street
7— Knights of Columbus, petition of, relative to taxes
7— Keatly, Ellen, petition of, relative to her assessment on
West Locust Street
7— Kingsley, Mrs. Mary, petition of, relative to the assess-
ment on West Locust Street
7— Krumbach, Charles, notice of suit •
7— Kemler, R. W. and Sarah E., notice of suit
7— Koehler, Jno., error in taxes corrected
7— Kutsch, Aug., ordered to have sewer connections made
7 —Kurt, F. N., et al, remonstrance of, on North Main
Street assessment
INDEX -Book 46
Jan. 6 -Light petition of property owners on ,Rush Street, rel-
ative to installing
6 -Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for interest on Louisa and Madi-
son Streets, referred 5
13 -Lee, Jas. F., bills of, allowed and referred 15, 16, 20, 21
14 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of; for 5 per cent retained on Rhom-
berg Avenue, $2,500.00 allowed 16, 145, 186
20- Light, relative to placing, on Grandview Heights 19
20- Light, relative to placing, on corner of St. Joseph and
Coupon Streets 19
20- Luchterhand, Chris., petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 19, 208
" 20- Light, relative to installing, on Broadway Extension.... 19
" 20- Lights, relative to installing, on Kaufman Avenue 19
28 -List of City Warrants drawn in December, 1915 27
Feb. 3- Lange, Louisa, petition of, relative to reducing taxes__ 37
3- Library Trustees, annual report of 38
3- Lathrop, F. B., relative to his assessment on Walnut St 43
17 -Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for interest on Hill and Second
Streets, referred 48, 185, 187, 205
17 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for removing curb on West 11th
St., referred 48, 145
17- Lavin, J. F., petition of, asking Council to appoint a
terminal commission 49, 159
17 -Lee, Jas. F., petition of, relative to bills filed against
him by Water Co. 49
17- Lonergan, Jas., relative to a reduction in taxes 51
17 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for overhaul on Hill and West 8th
Ct., allowed, and bill for extra grading on Rhomberg
Ave., referred 54, 145
" 17 -List of all city warrants drawn in Jan., 1916 57
Mar. 2- Light, petition of property owners, relative to plac-
ing on Russell St. 66
2- Light, relative to, placing opposite Altman Ave 66
2- Lange, Conrad, estate of, relative to reducing taxes 66, 116, 503
2- Lange, Martin, petition of, relative to cancelling as-
sessment for cutting weeds 66
2- Lange, Louisa, petition of, relative to reducing taxes_.__ 66, 117
2- Lehman, Mary, allowed soldiers' exemption 69
2- Leibnitz St., grade of 69
2- Library Trustee, Dr. John C. Hancock, appointed 80
16- Light, relative to placing, at corner of Green and Fin-
ley Streets 82
16- Lippert, Mary, petition of, relative to having taxes
cancelled 83, 232
16- Linden, John, relative to his taxes 85
16 -Lee, Thos., bill of, allowed for 5 per cent retained on
alley between 17th and 18th Streets
16 -List of all city warrants drawn in February, 1916
Apr. 6 -Lee, John, bill of, for cinders, referred
6 -Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for 5 per cent retained removing
curb and overhaul, referred 98, 145, 515
6- Ludescher, F., petition of, relative to sewer assessment
in Rosedale Avenue 98, 143
6- Light, relative to placing, on Vernon Street 98
20 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for 15 loads of stone, referred 110
20- Light, petition of property owners to place, on Division
Street 111
20 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for repairs on Hill Street and West
Eighth Street, allowed • 115
20- Lorenz, Mrs. M., tax petition, received and filed 116
20 -Lory, John, tax petition, received and filed 116
1, 338
98, 145
INDEX -Book 46
" 20- Lawson, Edith, taxes reduced 116
" 25 -Lee, Jas. F., purchased steam rollers from city 125, 145
" 25 -List of all city warrants for February, 1916 127
May 4- Lagen, Cyril, city auditor, bond of 140, 154
" 4 -Le Van, A. J., bond of, for excavating 140, 155
4 -Lee, James, Sr., relative to his assessment on Rosedale
Avenue 144
4 -Lee, Jas. F., purchased of city old roller and rock
crusher 145
4 -Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for grading West Third Street,
Hill Street, Rhomberg Avenue, received and filed 145
4 -Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for interest on Rhomberg Ave ,
referred 145
" 4 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for use of steam roller, referred.___ 145, 186
" 18 -Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for 5 per cent retained on West
Eleventh Street, referred 152, 191
" 18- Light, relative to installing, on Julien Avenue 153, 164
" 18 -Lee, Jas. F., maintenance bond of. on Rhomberg Ave _ 153, 186
" 18- Lynch, Jas., bond of, for Harbor Master. 153
" 18- Ludescher, F. J., remonstrance of, on Atlantic Avenue
sewer and street improvement 153
" 18 -Loan warrants reissued in favor of Lillie Schwartz 155
" 18- Lutgen, Mary ,relative to her assessment on Couler
Avenue 158
" 18 -List of city warrants drawn in April, 1916 164
June 1- Light, relative to erecting, on-Rose Street 183
" 1 -Loan warrants reissued in favor of Mrs. J. M. Werner _ 185
" 1 -Lee, Jas. F., notified to repair Rhomberg Avenue 187
1- Light, relative to placing, at Boat Landing 190
1- Laborers on streets given an increase in salary 199
" 1- Landing, relative to installing, at Eagle Point 201, 223, 347, 365
" 15 -Lee, Jas. F., maintenance bonds, for West 11th Street
and for Locust Street, South Locust and Southern
Avenue improvements 201
" 15 Lutcherhand, Fred, tax petition, received and filed 208
" 15 Lassance, Cath., tax petition, received and filed 208
" 15- Louisa Street property owners, relative to opening alley
from North to South Streets 152, 208
" 30- Lawndale, profile of, showing grade 225
" 30 -List of city warrants issued in May, 1916 237
July 6- Light, petition of Vine Street residents relative to in-
stalling 262
" 6- Linehan & Molo, bond of, for excavating 262, 337
" 20 Leonard, F. E., petition of, relative to installing gaso-
line tank 280, 293
" 20 -Levi, G., estate, notified to remove steps at 1057 Main
Street 290
" 20 -List of city warrants issued in June, 1916 301
Aug. 3- Lattner, S. B., agent, petition of, relative to settlement
of special assessment 334, 343
3 -Lee, Maurice P., petition of, relative to his assessment
on Rosedale Avenue 334
3 -Loan warrants reissued in favor of Mamie Kirk and
Barbara Pecker 337
3 -Life saving apparatus, committee appointed to pur-
chase 338, 349
3- Lights, to install, on Green, Rush and Burns Streets._._ 338
" 3- Lighting, electric rates, ordinance of, referred 342
" 17 -Lee, Jno. M., bill of, for $453.00, referred 348
" 17- Luther, W. C., petition of, relative to salvage on Clay
Street 349
" 17- Light, relative to installing, on Broadway Extension
and King Street 349
" 17 -Lee, Thos. R., bond of, for building sidewalks 350, 377
" 17 -List of city warrants drawn in July, 1916 358
Sept. 7 —L attner, Wilfred, claim of, for damage done to his
auto • 374
7— Lincoln Avenue property owners, waiver and agree-
ment of, on improvement of Lincoln Avenue 374
7 —Loan warrants reissued in favor of Caroline Gonner,
John C. Baynes and Barbara Fecker 377
7— Locust Street, South Locust and Southern Avenue,
contractor who did work to repair same 379
21 —Lime Street, petition of F. Beutin, relative to grade _ _ 388
21 —Lee, Jas. F., notice of, suit for money due him 389
21— Lange, Jos., petition of, relative to private sewer in An-
gella Street 391
21 —List of all city warrants 399
Oct. 5— Light, relative to installing, on West Fifth Street 408
5— Light, relative to installing, at intersection of Ungs and
Pfohl Streets 408
19— Lehner, Caspar, petition of, relative to grade on Finley
Street 422
19— Light, relative to installing, on Alta Vista Street 422
19 —List of city warrants 436
Nov. 2 —Lux, Ida W., loan warrants reissued, referred 448
2 —Loan warrants, relative to reissuing, referred 448
16 —Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for interest on 5 per cent retained,
referred 455, 515
16 —Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for curb on West Locust Street, re-
ferred 455
16 —Lime Street, petition of F. Beutin, relative to opening.. 455, 496
16 —Lee, Jas. F., bill of, for 5 per cent retained, received
and filed 458
16— Lange, Jos., remonstrance of, on West Locust Street
assessment 459
16 —Lee, John, remonstrance of, on West Locust Street as-
sessment 459
27— Lavery, Ernestine, petition of, relative to interest on
special assessment 467, 486, 490
" 27 —List of city warrants drawn in October, 1916 468
Dec. 7 —Lee, Jas. F., bills of, referred, for gutter on Fourth
Street and for interest on 5 per cent retained 487
7— Lawndale, sanitary sewer, waiver and agreement of the
Peer Amid Stone Co. and B. and L. Kolfenbach 489
7 —Lacy, Mary R., relative to the taxes of Mineral Lot 300 494
7— Lochner, P., relative to assessment on Malady Street,
received and filed 496
21— Leidinger, John, petition of, relative to claim for per-
sonal injuries 513
21 —Lee, Jas. F., bills of Water Co. against him, referred to
city auditor 513
21 —Lee, Jas. F., petition of, asking for extension of time
on Arlington and West Third Streets 513
21 —Lee, Jas. F., bonds of, on Sixth Street and Seventh St 513
21 —Lee, Jas. F., maintenance bonds of, on various street
improvements 521
29 —List of city warrants for November, 1916 529
INDEX —Book 46
INDEX —Book 46
Jan. 6— Mueggenburg, Frederica, petition of, relative to re-
ducing taxes
6 —Model Wall Paper and Paint Co., petition of, relative
to being given permission to erect a thermometer at
950 Main Street
6— Municipal Court Election, relative to calling special
13— Municipal Court Election, votes canvassed
20 —Mihm, Hannah, notice of suit
20— Mayor's Proclamation on Primary Election
3— Miller, Mary F., petition of, relative to cancelling her
3— Mullen Bros., bond of, for excavating
3— Meehan, Mary A., relative to the assessment for sewer
in Dodge Street
3— Meggenberg, C., relative to reducing taxes
29 —Mayor Saul, warrants ordered drawn in his favor on
the Fifth Ward Oiling Fund, Pickett Street, Cather-
ine Street steps and Broadway Extension
29— Macadam, engineer to measure all macadam in the
Mar. 2— Maclay, John, petition of, relative to improving the
alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets
2— Barrett, Mrs., petition of, relative to her assessment
on Milwaukee Avenue
2— Municipal Bathing Beach Commission, petition of, rel-
ative to submitting to voters the proposition of bor-
rowing $9,750.00
2— Michels, M. F., petition of, relative to an error in his
16— Mayor's Proclamation on election for issuing bonds for
Bathing Beach
16— Mayor's Proclamation on Municipal Election
6— Macher, Ernest, petition of, relative to Rhomberg
Avenue assessment
6— Meehan, Helen and Mary, petition of, relative to gate
at the corner of South Locust and Dodge Streets
6— Meehan, Helen and Mary, petition of, relative to dam
age done to property
6 Macadam, bills in the first ward allowed
20— Meyer, P. H., petition of, relative to taxes
20— Market Square, recorder to advertise for bids for clean-
ing 116, 138,
20— Muntz, Edward, tax petition, received and filed
20— Motsch, Minnie, tax petition, received and filed
20— Meyers, John, taxes reduced
20— Miller, Bessie Hume, taxes reduced
20— Martinique, Mary A., taxes reduced
20— Mathis, Frank, taxes reduced
25 —Milk Tester, city to purchase
4— Murray, Mr., addressed council relative to sidewalks
on Wood Street
4— Meggenberg, Mrs. D., petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 140
4— Muier, Mrs. Eva, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 140, 496
4— Mahoney, Jno., Street Commissioner, bond of 140
4— Market Stands, relative to selling 144, 173
18— Memorial Day Committee, relative to annual donation.. 152
18— Muntz, Edward, petition of, relative to correcting his
assessment 153, 450
18— Masters, Geo., bond of, for excavating 153, 187, 201
18 —Madl, Anna, relative to her assessment on Couler Ave 158
1— Macadam, sold by 1st Ward to 2nd and 3rd Wards 187
1 —Mats, to purchase for Council Chamber 190
1— Marshall, Geo., relative to condemning his building on
Dodge Street
1, 51
19, 514
37, 116
38, 115
54, 55
99, 158, 262
99, 145
110, 495
139, 151, 156
INDEX -Book 46
" 15- Meehan, Helen, petition of, relative to changing cul-
verts on South Locust and Dodge Streets 201
" 15- Mauer, W. L., and Co., bond of, for excavating 201
" 15- Miller, Peter, remonstrance of, on Washington Street
improvement 202
" 15- Mettel Land and Security Co., relative to deeding the
alley in the rear of their property to city from North
to South Streets 152, 208
15- Mullen Bros. instructed to repair Rhomberg Avenue 221
15- Motorcycle, relative to purchasing 223
" 15- Motorcycle Policeman, relative to appointing 223
" 30 -Molo Sand and Gravel Co., petition of, relative to erect-
ing derrick 224, 261
July 6- Mullin, J. S., et al, remonstrance of, on West Third
Street improvement 263
" 6- Martons Quarters, relative to papering 268
" 20- Matlin, Margt., resolution adopted ordering sewer con-
nections 286
Aug. 3- Meggenberg, Fredericka, petition of, relative to reduc-
ing assessment 333, 334, 496
" 3- Muntz, Edward, petition of, relative to correcting his
assessment 334
3 -Mount Pleasant Home, petition of, relative to their as-
sessment on Rosedale Avenue - 334
" 3- Mueller, Henry, petition of, relative to salary increase.. 334
" 17- Mullins, W. H., Co., relative to order for special launch 349
Sept. 7- Mauer, Wm. L., bond of, for excavating 374, 411
" 7- Meehan, Helen and Marie, petition of, relative to dam-
age done to their property 374
" 21- Meehan, Helen, addressed the council to the opening
of storm sewer on Dodge Street 391
Oct. 5- Meehan, Helen, Marie and William, notice of, claim
for damages 409
Nov. 16- Meuser, Jos. A. and W. H., petition of, relative to their
assessment levied against Lots 5 and 6, Brewery Add. 455, 496
" 16- Miller, John, petition of relative to correcting his as-
sessment 455, 486
" 16- Meehan, Helen, Marie and William,, notice of suit 456
" 16- Michels, M., ordered to have sewer connections made 458
Dec. 1- Murphy, Mrs. Catherine, petition of, relative to sewer
assessment in Nevada Street 485, 486, 487
" 7- Mulgrew, Thos. J., petition of, relative to his assess
ment for sewer in Walsh Street 489
INDEX -Book 46
Jan. 6- McNamara, C. B. and Co., bills of, for improvement of
Locust Street and for overhaul on Julien Avenue,
6- McClain, W. A., communication of, accepting the ap-
pointment as member of Water Works Trustees
6- McClain, Wm. A., bond of, Water Works Trustee
3- McNamara, C. B. and Co., bill of, for overhaul in 4th
Ward, received and filed 42, 152,
3- McNamara, C. B., and Co., bill of, for 5 per cent re-
tained, referred
17- McNamara and Co., bill of, for repairs in alley be-
tween Clay and Iowa Streets, referred
17- McGovern, John, petition of, relative to his assessment
on Delhi Street
Mar. 2- McFarland, Mrs. John, petition of, relative to claim
for personal injuries
16- McCarthy, John, petition of, relative to his assessment
for cutting weeds
16- McFadden Bldg. Co., petition of, relative to cancelling
Apr. 6- McClean Avenue, petition of T. Watters, relative to
6- McLean, Chas., petition of relative to building conven-
tion hall
6- McEvoy Place, to improve, from Curtis Street to end
of said street 105, 202, 209, 245, 278, 282, .307, 390,
20- McNamara, C. B., and Co., bills of, for 5 per cent re-
tained on sewer in 30th Street and alley between
Alta Vista Street and Center Place
" 20- McClain, Ellen, petition of, relative to taxes
" 20- McEvoy, Ed., appointed police and fire commissioner
" '20- McClain, Katherine, tax petition, received and filed
May 4- McIntosh, Harry, bill of, for 5 per cent retained, re-
4- McCarten, M. M., petition of, relative to city purchas-
ing forty foot strip on Exchange Street, also relative
to adopting grade
4- McNulty, F. J., city engineer, bond of
4- McCarthy, C: J., market master, bond of
4- McNulty, John, error in taxes corrected
4- McGovern, John F., relative to his assessment on Del-
hi Street
18- McNamara, C. B., and Co., bills of, for 5 per re-
tained on Locust Street, referred
" 18 McDonald, Mary, addressed council relative to her
18- McNulty, Margt., petition of, relative to her taxes
18- McNamara and Co., bill of, city for labor done on sewer
in Washington Street to be deducted from 5 per cent
retained, bill
" 18- McDonnell, Theresa, relative to claim, received and
" 18- McGrath, Wm., relative to claim, received and filed ._.
June 1- McSharry, J., taxes reduced
July 6- McDonald, Mrs., addressed council relative to Walnut
Street improvement
20- McNulty, Margt., resolution adopted ordering sewer
Aug. 17- McDonald, A. Y., Co., bill of, against Bathing Beach __
Sept. 7- McNamara, C. B., and Co., bill of, for $161.00, referred
7- McDonald, A. Y., bill of, for $67.03, rescinded
" 21- McKinley, J. A., petition of, relative to correcting the
assessment against the real estate of Blanche Mc-
Cann, et al
19- McManus, Chas., notice of, claim for injuries to his
1, 17
2, 51
190, 380
66, 114
99, 112
406, 412, 414
110, 380
111, 116
139, 156
140, 158
140, 154
140, 154
152, 459
152, 209
153, 379
423, 457
INDEX -Book 46
Nov. 2- McNamara and Co., bill of, for filling on Fourth Street
Extension 450
16- McLaughlin, Maud, petition of, relative to her taxes.___ 455, 496
Dec. 1- McNamara and Co., relative to money due on Fourth
Street Extension improvement 485
7- McClain, Wm. A., bond of, for Water Works Trustee 491
7- McCann, Blanche, tax petition, received and filed 495
21- McNamara and Co., petition of, asking for extension of
time on Clay Street and Kaufman Avenue 51 3
23- Notice to City Taxpayers for collection of taxes 33
3 -North Street, relative to improving, from the end of
present improvement to Louisa Street 38, 44, 147, 180,
183, 188, 193, 200, 217, 232, 243
29- Nevada Street, improvement of, from West Third Street
to Langworthy Avenue ..63, 84, 85, 92, 95, 97, 102, 208, 252, 267
Mar. 16- Notice to those of whom a license is required 93
" 16- Notice to Water Works Bondholders 95
16 -- Notice to Electors for Presidential Primary 95
Apr. 20- Newmeister, J. W., petition of, relative to taxes 111, 158
20 Noel, Alfred, petition of, relative to having grade es-
tablished between 30th and 31st Streets 112, 156
29 -- Nemrich, S. H., taxes reduced 117
20- Nevada Street, to improve, from Julien Avenue to
Martha Street120, 206, 254, 263, 272, 275, 293, 311, 329, 346, 356
May 4- National Association of Comptrollers, communication
of, relative to city council attending convention 140
18- Newmann, Otto, appointed Sanitary Officer 157
" 18 Notice to Hucksters, Fishermen, etc., on sale of stands 173
" 18- Notice to applicants for police and fire departments___ 173
18- Notice to Physicians and Midwifes 179
June 15 North Main Street, to improve, from Kaufman Avenue
to Seminary Street 221, 256, 263, 268,
280, 322, 335, 340; 341, 343, 345, 363, 458, 473, 495, 498, 512, 515
30- Notice to Clothiers for furnishing fire department with
caps 249
July 20 North Main Street property owners, petition of, rela-
tive to street improvement 280, 515
Aug. 3 -North Main Street, resolution adopted relative to ex-
cavating 340
17- Notice of Board of Health on collecting all improper
garbage cans - 368
Sept. 7- Norton, Ed., Adm., ordered to have sewer connections
made 379
7- Nagle, J. J., ordered to have sewer connections made.. 379
Nov. 2- Newspapers, petition of, relative to an increase for
publishing Council Proceedings 445, 458
27 -North Street, relative to improving 473, 496, 536
Dec. 7 Norton, P. S., petition of, relative to West Locust St.
assessment 489
7- Norton, John W., petition of, relative to assessments
levied against lots in Gilliam's Sub. 489
INDEX -Book 46
Jan. 6- Olinger, John, petition of, asking council to reconsider
the assessment against his property on Jackson St.._
" 6- Ordinance establishing grade on Cox Street from An-
gella Street to the alley first northwest of Angella St.
6- Ordinance establishing grade on Angella Street from
Cox Street to easterly line of Lots 9 and 13, Kringle's
" 20- Ordinance establishing grade on St. Joseph Street
from Fremont westerly
20 .-Ordinance establishing grade on Algona Avenue from
West Fourteenth Street to Dexter Avenue
" 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Nevada Street from
West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue
Feb. 3- O'Donnell, T. J., petition of, relative to the taxes of
Webster Burns
3- Ordinance relating to fixing and regulating the prices
and charges of electric current for private consump-
tion, referred 46
Mar. 2- Ordinance - establishing grade on Putnam Street 70, 93
" 16 -Otto, Ernestine, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 83, 116
Apr. 6 -Odd Fellows Temple, petition of, relative to taxes 98, 204
AR r. establishing grade on Burden Avenue,
O'Neill Avenue 102, 137
6- Ordinance establishing grade on Leibnitz Street from
Paul to Clifford Streets 103, 136
6- Ordinance establishing grade on Thomas Place 104, 136
11- Officers appointive, appointed for the year 107
" 20- O'Donnell, T. J., taxes reduced 117
May 4- Ordinance vacating the alley in Grandview Place be-
tween Grandview Avenue and Bradley Place from
Altman Avenue to north end of alley 144, 173
18 O'Connor, Mary, relative to Jefferson Street assessment 158
1- Ordinance establishing grade on Cherry Street 188
1- Ordinance establishing grade on Atlantic Avenue 189, 249
1- Ordinance establishing a grade on Custer Street 190
1- O'Shea, Bridget and Elizabeth, their building con-
demned and declared a nuisance by council 191, 201, 209
" 15- O'Donnell, M., bond of, for excavating 201
" 15- O'Neill Street, profile of, showing grade 206
" 15 Ordinance changing the grade on Heeb Street 207, 250
" 15- Ordinance establishing grade on North Street 207, 249
15- Ordinance relative to licensing ferry boats, etc., re-
ferred 221
30- Ordinance establishing 'grade on O'Neill Street 225, 314
30 Ordinance establishing grade on Clay Street 226, 317
30- Ordinance establishing grade on West Second Street 227, 313
30- Ordinance establishing grade on Eighteenth Street 227, 313
30- Ordinance establishing grade on Delaware Avenue 228, 315
30- Ordinance establishing grade on Walsh Street 228, 314
30- Ordinance establishing grade on Nevada Street 229, 313
30- Ordinance establishing grade on College Avenue 229, 314
30- Ordinance establishing grade on Washington Street
from 28th to 31st Streets 230, 315
" 30- Ordinance establishing grade on Couler Avenue from
18th to 22nd Streets 230, 316
30- Ordinance establishing grade on West Locust Street
from West Seventeenth to Hodgdon Avenue 231, 315
" 30- Ordinance granting the House of Good Shepard and St
Joseph Sanitarium the permission to construct a pri-
vate sewer 235, 317
July 6- O'Farrell Cont. Co., bill of, for 5 per cent retained on
Angella Street, referred 261, 380
" 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Eagle Street 282
" 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Viola Street 282, 320
" 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Lawndale Avenue 283, 320
" 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Parkway 283, 320
INDEX -Book 46
1, 23
7, 33
7, 33
21, 35
21, 34
22, 35
INDEX -Book 46
20- Ordinance establishing grade on Pfohl Street 284, 321
20- Ordinance establishing grade on Ungs Street 284, 321
20- Ordinance establishing grade on Pine Street from 31st
to 32nd Streets 285, 321
24- Ordinance changing the grade on Burns Street 294, 326
24- Ordinance changing the grade on McEvoy Place 295, 325
24- Ordinance establishing grade on Kaufmann Avenue 295, 324
24- Ordinance establishing grade on Windsor Avenue 296, 324
24- Ordinance establishing grade on Pickett Street 297, 325
24- Ordinance establishing grade on 4th Street Extension 298, 299, 323
3- O'Shea, Bridget, petition of, relative to refunding taxes 333
3- Ordinance relative to electric rates, referred 342, 420
17- Ordinance establishing grade on 5th Street from Lo-
cust to Bluff Streets 351, 369
17- Ordinance establishing grade on North Main Street .._ 351, 369
17- Ordinance establishing grade on Third Street from Lo-
cust to Bluff Streets 352, 370
" 17 Ordinance establishing grade on Fourth Street from
Locust to Bluff Streets 352, 369
" 17 Ordinance establishing grade on Fourth Street from
Main to Locust Streets 353, 368
Sept. 7- Ordinance on smoke, petition of residents relative to
enforcing 373
21 Odd Fellows Temple, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 389
Oct. 5- O'Meara, Ellen, petition of, relative to taxes 409
5- Ordinance changing the name of Fremont Avenue to
Wartburg Avenue 412, 441
19- Oberhofer, Louis, petition of, relative to taxes 422
7- O'Shea, Michael, petition of, relative to his assessment
on Grandview Avenue - 487,
7- Oestringer, Christine, relative to taxes
13- O'Shea, Patrick, petition of, relative to taxes
22- O'Rourke, John, addressed council relative to changing
name of Eagle Point Park to Shiras Park 518
503, 505
Jan. 20- Putnam Street property owners, petition of, relative to
narrowing street
" 20- Palmer, Martha J., petition of, relative to an error in
Feb. 3- Pochter, Gertrude, notice of, suit for personal injuries
" 3- Phol's Sub., plat of, accepted by council
" 17- Putnam Street, profile of, showing grade
" 29- Pickett Street, widening of, warrant drawn in favor of
Mar. 2 -Pier, H. L., petition of, relative to sewer under Quinn
INDEX -Book 46
19, 42
19, 145
38, 99
54, 108
2- Pfohl, F. A., error in taxes corrected
" 2 -Park Board, Glenn Brown appointed
" 16- Putnam Street, improvement of, contract let
85, 112, 156, 177, 188, 197
Apr. 6 -Pfohl Street, petition of property owners, relative to
improving 99
" 20- Phillips Co., petition of, relative to taxes 111, 232
" 20- Policemen, petition of, relative to one day off each week 112, 451, 466
" 20- Police and Fire Commissioner, Ed. McEvoy appointed 115
" 20- Papin, L. 0., taxes reduced 116
20 Parmelee, A. L., taxes reduced - 116
" 20 Pitschner, L. and. A., assessment on Delhi Street re-
ceived and filed 118
" 20 -Pfohl Street, to improve 122, 257, 263, 267, 271, 291, 312
" 20- Policemen, committee to purchase hats 124
" 25- Pfeffer, Mr., addressed council relative to wall at 18th
and Couler Avenue 125
" 25 -Peace Committee, communication of, relative to peace
parade 125
May 4 -Park Commissioners, bonds of 143
4- Patrol House, relative to needed repairs 144
4- Polmeyer, Mr., addressed council relative to salvage 149, 187
18- Pamphlets, printing of, contract awarded to Times -
Journal 156
18- Palen, Dr. Chas., appointed contagious disease physi-
cian 157
18- Policemen given complaint blanks for Board of Health 157
18- Palen, Jos. A., relative to his assessment on Muscatine
Street 158
June 1- Parry, Gale, petition of, relative to taxes 182, 208
1 -Pape, Chas., bond of, for excavating 183, 266
" 15- Playground around reservoir, relative to use of 208
" 15 -Plat of Voelker Highlands, approved of 209
" 15 -Pine Street, to improve, from 31st to 32nd Streets
212, '257, 263, 267, 269, 293, 310, 329, 346, 356, 380
15- Plumber who excavated in Rhomberg Avenue instruct-
ed to repair
26-- Policeman, Motorcycle, relative to appointing
30- Parkway, profile of, showing grade
30-- Phillips, T. F., Co., relative to a reduction in back taxes
30- Pickett Street, relative to improving
253, 263, 267, 271, 292, 294, 312, 343, 522
July 6- Police, annual report of 267
20 -Park Avenue, petition of A. Urbach on fixing curb and
gutter 279, 346, 367, 449, 515
24- Palmer, Wm., estate, petition of, relative to outlawed
assessment 293, 516
Aug. 3 -Park Board, communication of, relative to levy for
park purposes 334
3- Phillips, John, petition of, relative to reducing his as-
sessment 334
17- Pochter, Abe, petition of, relative to having ice, cream
license money refunded 349, 516
Oct. 5- Phillips, John, notice of, claim for damages 409
19- Peters, A. J., petition of, relative to the assessment on
Atlantic Avenue 422
223 '
INDEX -Book 46
19- Parsons, Ruete Lusch, remonstrances of, on 4th Street
Extension assessment 430, 450
19- Police and Fire Commission, notice of examination 444
2- Paley, A., petition of, relative to erecting garage on
Edison Street 445, 496
2- Paulina Street, petition of property owners, on having
sidewalks built 446
16- Parry, Gale T., petition of, relative to his taxes 456
2- Paisley, T. J., petition of, relative to his assessment on
Grandview Avenue 486, 488, 504
7- Pleins, Julia, petition of, relative to donation of $50.00 487
7- Parkway, sanitary sewer, waiver and agreement of the
Peer Amid Cement Stone Co. and B. and L. Kolf en-
bach 489
7 -Peck, Ernestine, notice of, claim for personal injuries.. 491
7- Phillips, John. notice of suit 492
'29- Public Comfort Stations, relative to installing 528
Jan. 6 -Ring, Andrew, petition of, relative to his assessment
for improvement of Union Street 1
" 6 -Rice, Sarah E., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 1, 116
" 6- Reports of Officers for the last half of December, 1915 2
" 13- Refunding Bonds, relative to the selling of $96,000.00
worth 14, 16, 24, 46
" 20- Reports of Officers for the first half of January, 1916 20
" 28- Refunding Bonds, relative to selling $105,000.00 worth 26, 63 ,
Feb. 3- Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to his assessment
for the improvement of Rosedale Avenue 38, 157
" 3- Reche, Henry C., petition of, relative to sewer connec-
tion on Delhi Street 38
3- Reports of Officers for the last half of January, 1916 _ 39
" 3- Robinson, John J., relative to reducing his taxes 42
" 17- Ruprecht, Julia M., notice of, claim for personal in-
juries 49, 112
" 17- Reports of Officers for the first half of February, 1916 50
" 29- Reports of Officers for the last half of February, 1916 53
Mar. 2- Reports of Officers for the last half of February, 1916 67
" 16- Reports of Officers for the first half of March, 1916.... 84
" 16- Roeber, August, relative to his assessment on Rhom-
berg Avenue 85
" 16- Registration notice 94
Apr. 6- Ridgeway, 0., application of, for roller engineer 99, 107
" 6- Reports of Officers for last half of March, 1916 99
" 6- Remus, F., error in taxes corrected 102
6- Rosemeier, R., appointment of, reconsidered 108
20- Ruegamer estate, relative to cancelling taxes 111, 159
20- Reche, Henry C., petition of, relative to sewe rconnec-
tion 112, 145
20- Recorder, petition of, appointing deputy 112
20- Reports of Officers for first half of Aril, 1916 112, 113
20- Reynolds, Mrs. 0., tax petition, received and filed 116
20 -Ryan, Dennis, tax petition, received and filed 116
20 -Rock Crusher, sold to Peter Even Co. 117
25- Rollers, steam, sold to Jas. F. Lee 125
25- Rhomberg Avenue intersection, to improve
126, 202, 213, 224, 247, 251, 379, 893, 405, 458
May 4- Reports of Officers for the last half of April, 1916 141
4- Rider, J. V., relative to his assessment on Rosedale
Avenue 145
4 -Rock Crusher and Roller sold to Jas. F. Lee 145
18 -Ryan, Mrs. Patrick, remonstrance of, on Burns St
Imp. 154
18- Reports of Officers, for first half of May, 1916 154
18- Registration Notice for June 5th, 1916, election 155, 179
18- Robinson, J. 7., relative to contract for care of Deten-
tion Hospital 156
18- Reinecke, Dr. E. L., appointed Health Physician 157
" 18- Rooney, Jas., relative to Jefferson St., assessment 158
" 18- Radford, Ada., relative to, Jefferson St., assessment 158
June 1- Reports of Officers for last half of May, 1916 183
" 1- Rhomberg, A. L., relative to his assessments on Hill
and W. 8th Sts 187
1- Rhomberg Ave., Jos. F. Lee instructed to repair street 187, 190
15- Reports of Officers for first half of June, 1916 203
15- Robinson, J. E., awarded Detention Hospital contract 208, 354
15- Roller, H. A. Engel appointed engineer 208
15- Reservoir, relative to unused ground for playground 208
30 -Ross, F. B., appointed Water Works Trustee 225, 280
30- Refunding Bonds, No. 4495 to No. 4525, issued 233
6- Rider, J. V., relative to the agreement on 4th Street
Extension 263, 450
6- Reports of Officers for the last half of June, 1916 264
6- Rider, J. V., relative to his personal taxes 265
20- Ruchte, Mrs. Anna, petition of, relative to reducing
INDEX -Book 46
taxes 280, 379
20- Reports of Officers for first half of July, 1916 281
20- Robinson, J. E., petition of, relative to toilets at De-
tention Hospital 285
3- Rider, J. V., and S. P. Rider, petitions of, relative to
Rosedale Avenue assessment 334
3- Reports of Officers for the last half of July, 1916 335
17- Rebman, Mrs. E., petition of, relative to building re-
taining wall on Nevada Street 349
" 17 -Rider Wallis Co., remonstrance of, on paving Fourth
Street between Main and Locust Streets 349
" 17- Roschi, Wm., bond of, for building sidewalks 349, 377
" 17- Reynolds, Mary A., petition of, relative to her assess-
ment on West Third Street 350
" 17- Reports of Officers for first half of August, 1916 350
" 17- Robinson, J. E., bill of Coates and Robinson for bond 354
Sept. 7 -Roth, John, petition of, relative to salvage on Clay St. 373
" 7 -Ring, Andrew, petition of, relative to cancelling inter-
est on special assessments levied against his prop-
erty on Union Street 373
7 -Ryan, Dennis, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 374, 495
7- Reports of Officers for last half of August, 1916 375
7- Refferty, Thos., ordered to have sewer connections
made 379
7- Rhomberg Avenue, contractor who did work to repair
same 379
7- Railroad Companies instructed to clean storm sewers
on Fourth and Fifth Streets 379
" 7- Roller, to be advertised for sale 380, 404
" 21- Registration Clerks, relative to appointing 389, 419
" 21- Reports of Officers for first half of September, 1916 389
" 21 -Ryan, J. J., given an increase in salary 390
" 21- Rhomberg, J. A., remonstrance of, on Rhomberg Ave
intersection improvement 391, 458
Oct. 5- Registration Clerks, relative to appointing 409
5- Reports of Officers for last half of September, 1916 409
19- Reynolds, Mrs. Owen, petition of, relative to taxes 422, 496
19- Reports of Officers first half of October, 1916 423
19- Rider, John V., remonstrance of, on Fourth Street Ex-
tension assessment 430, 446, 450
19- Registration, notice of, to voters 443
Nov. 2- Reports of Officers for last half of October, 1916 446
16- Ragatz, Geo., Sr., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 455, 496
16- Reports of Officers for first half of November, 1916 456
" 16- Refunding Bonds, to issue, for $120,000.00 and $240,-
000.00 Dollars 467, 506, 526
Dec. 1 -Ryan, Dennis, taxes reduced 485
7-Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes 488
7 -Ross, F. B., bond of, for Water Works Trustee 491
7- Reports of Officers for last half of November, 1916 492
7- Realty Inv. Co., ordered to have sewer connections
made 495
7- Riemann, W. H., relative to taxes 503
21- Reports of Officers for first half of December, 1916 513
29- Railroad Companies notified to have gates at crossings
in working condition
INDEX -Book 46
INDEX -Book 46
Jan. 6-Street Commissioners report on money collected from
Water Works for damage on West Third Street 5
6 -St. Joseph Street, profile of, showing grade 5
6- Sidewalk abutting Lot 16 O'Neill's Riverview Add ,
sidewalk certificate ordered 6, 8
6- Sidewalk- abutting Lot 60 O'Neill's Riverview Add., cer-
tificate ordered 6, 8
6- Second Street, from railroad tracks to Main Street,
bonds ordered 6, 8
6- Second Street improvement, special assessment of 8
11- Shiras, O. P., resolution in condolence adopted 14
20- Staner, N. J., bills of, for cement work in Fourth Ward,
referred 19, 380
20- Steffen, Nicholas F., petition of, relative to his taxes.... 19, 117
20- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in the unnamed street
and on Burden Avenue and on O'Neill Avenue
19, 23, 32, 34, 37, 190, 206, 214, 243
Feb. 3 Seng, Leopold, petition of, relative to soldiers' exemp-
tion 37, 232
3- Sewer, sanitary, in Rosedale, Dexter, Algona and Al-
gona Avenues, work of, accepted by council 41, 63, 70, 74
3- Straub, Joe, petition of, relative to his assessment on
Muscatine Street 42, 158
3- Smith, E. P., bill of, against Police Department, re-
ferred 42
3- Sewer, sanitary, in Jackson Street between 24th and
25th Streets, petition of property owners on assess-
ment 43
3- Schavoni, Jas., relative to reducing taxes 43
3- Seventh Avenue, to improve, from Rhomberg Avenue
to Garfield Avenue 44
3 -St. Joseph Street, to improve, from Fremont Avenue
six hundred feet westerly 45
3- Specifications, special committee appointed to draw up
new set of plans and specifications 46
" 17- Sprinkling Wagons, relative VI repairing 51, 104
Mar. 2- Sewer, sanitary, petition of property owners of Ex-
change Street and of Cora Street, relative to con-
structing 65
2- Sewer, sanitary, petition of property owners of Grand-
view Avenue, relative to constructing, from Park
Avenue to Bradley Avenue 65
2- Sewer, sanitary, petition of Bradley and Maclay, rela-
tive to constructing, in Solon Street 65
2- Straub, Joseph, Sr., petition of, relative to his assess-
ment on Muscatine Street 65
2- Snyder, Chas., petition of, relative to reducing taxes __ 66
2- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Solon Street from
Booth Street easterly
71, 153, 163, 175, 177, 181, 267, 294, 298, 312
2- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Park Avenue from
Grandview Avenue to Bradley Avenue ..73, 139, 153, 161, 175, 515
2 Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Exchange Street from
Cora Street to Curtis Street and in Cora Street 74, 161, 187
" 16- Staner, N. J., bill of, for B. B. Sewer in 3rd Ward, re-
fel•ned 82, 105
" 16- Sewer, petition of Grundy and Hird, et al, relative to
sewer in Grandview Avenue 82
16 -Shea, Mrs., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 82
16- Scanlan, Pat, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 82, 116
16- Scheppele, E. H., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 33
16- Scheppele, E. H., error in the assessment levied against
Lot 50 Corriell's Dubuque, corrected
" 16- Sprengelmeyer, Johanna, relative to taxes
16- Sewer, sanitary, to construct in O'Neill Avenue, Col-
lege Avenue, in West 2nd Street, in Walsh Street and
West 3rd Street 86, 111, 191, 202
206, 209, 224, 244, 251, 278, 306, 427, 442, 449, 450
16- Sidewalks, resolutions adopted for construction of
sidewalks in Grandview Heights 86
6- Stees, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to taxes 99.
6 -State Scale Inspector, relative to scale licenses 99
6- Stafford, Henry, error in taxes corrected 102
6- Summitt Street, to improve, from West Fifth Street to
West Third Street 105, 118
6 -Saul, Mayor, address to the council 106
11- Sewer, storm, to construct, in Fifth Avenue
108, 109, 112, 125, 138, 139, 190
19 -Smoke Ordinance, relative to taking action against the
violators 109
20- Siegworth, Erwin, petition of, relative to taxes 110, 158
20- Schwind, J. W. and B. J., petition of, relative to im-
proving Custer Street and Atlantic Avenue 111
20- Seventh Street Bridge, relative to filling 115
20- Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., tax petition, received and
filed 116
20- Schwind, John, taxes reduced - 116
20- Smith, M., taxes reduced 117
20- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Martha Street from
North Booth Street to fifty feet north of Julien Ave.
119, 202, 211, 224, 245, 250, 353, 370, 378, 383
20- Streets, engineer to prepare statement of square yards
of improved streets 124
20- Sidewalks laid on Wood Street between West Four-
teenth Street and Julien Avenue to be four foot wide 125, 139
May 4 -St. Joseph Sanitarium, petition of, relative to con-
structing private sewer in Willow and Asbury Sts
139, 143,
INDEX -Book 46
4 -Shea, J. J., city recorder, bond of
4- Steadman, B. F., bookkeeper of Water Co., bond of
4- Scheidecker, M. H., asst. book- keeper of Water Co ,
bond of 140, 155
4-Sidewalk laid in front of Lot City 210, assessed
against the Dub. Realty Co., error in assessment 142, 155
4- Scheppele, E. H., relative to his assessment on Grove
Terrace 144
4- Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., relative to their assess-
ment on Rosedale Avenue 144
4 -Sewer Gang, appointed for ensuing year 145
4- Sidewalk resolutions adopted, ordering sidewalks
abutting the west side of Couler Ave. 146
4- Sidewalk resolution adopted, ordering sidewalk
abutting on Jackson St., Lot 161, Glendale Add 146
4- Sidewalk resolutions adopted, ordering walks in front
of Lots 36 -37, Marsh's Add., and Lot 1 of 8 and 2 of
9, Schaffner Sub. 146
4- Sewer, sanitary to construct in Atlanta Ave.
148, 153, 162, 175, 176, 182, 218, 405, 411, 415
4 Sewer, sanitary to construct in Algona, Avoca, Dela-
ware and Avoca Avenues
149, 202, 211, 224, 246, 251, 353, 371, 378, 381
18- Sewer, sanitary to construct in Leibnitz St., from Paul
Street to Clifford Street 153, 163, 174, 176, 182, 232, 282, 288, 306
18 -Sewer in Washington Street, work done by city to be
taken out of 5 per cent retained bill of C. B. McNa-
mara & Co. 154
18- Schwartz, Tillie, loan warrants reissued 155
18- Schulte, K. M. and V., relative to Rhomberg Avenue
assessment 158
),8- Schneller, N. F., relative to his assessment on Couler
Avenue 158
18- Scheidecker, M. H., relative to his assessments on Ful-
INDEX -Book 46
ton and Monroe Streets 168
" 18- Stockman, W., relative to his taxes 158
" 18- Sisters of Presentation, relative to taxes 158
" 18- Straney, Jos., relative to claim, received and filed 158 .
" 18- Sterling, Sam, relative to claim, received and filed 158
" 18- Sidewalk, resolutions adopted ordering walks on West
Seventeenth Street 163
" 18- Sidewalk, resolutions adopted ordering walks on Apple
and Plum Streets 163
" 18- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Heeb Street
180, 183, 196, 200, 225, 243, 248, 278, 306, 319, 346, 366
June 1- Signs, relative to erecting, on street corners 182, 200, 248
" 1 -Sewer Gang, petition of, relative to salary increase 183
1- Street Laborers, petition of, relative to salary increase 183, 199
1 Sidewalks, return of service for sidewalks abutting Lots
City 438, 439 and part of Sub. 676, on Couler Ave
183, 293, 318, 328, 333, 343, 353, 371, 377, 381
1- Scales at Deckert's grocery, relative to cost for repair-
ing 187, 266
1 Smith, J., taxes reduced 191
1- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in alley running easterly
from Sutter Street and in Hennipen Street
195, 202, 213, 220, 247, 264
1 Sidewalks, resolutions adopted ordering walks abutting
Lots 160, 161, 162 and 164 and 253 Woodlawn Park
Addition 197, 262, 322, 333, 426, 427, 441
1 Sidewalk, resolution adopted ordering walk abutting
lots 47 and 48, Tschirgi and Schwind's Sub.
197, 262, 322, 333, 426, 441
1- Straub, Jos. W., remonstrance of, on Putnam Street
assessment 197, 496
15- Slattery, Wm. P., petition and plat of Slattery Sub 202, 450
15 Schwietering, J., remonstrance of, on Hennipen Street
sewer 202
18- Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph, attorney's report, relative to
their taxes 203, 232
" 15- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Windsor Avenue from
Providence Street to Lincoln Avenue and in Provi-
dence Street 212, 287, 323, 335, 342, 347, 364, 449, 457, 465, 473
" 15 Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Windsor Avenue from
Sutter Street northerly 220, 255, 269, 291, 309, 390, 405, 412, 413
30 Schwind, B. J. and J. W., petition of, relative to improv-
ing Custer Street 225
" 30- Schwind, B. J. and J. W., petition of, relative to using
old shaft on Custer Street 225
" 30 -South Main Street property owners, petition of, rela-
tive to stench of slough 225
" 30 -Sass, Mr., resigned as Water Works Trustee 225
" 30- Staner, N. J., bills of, allowed for work done in Fourth
Ward 232
" 30- Sewer, sanitary, to construct in Foye Street and Semi -
nary Street 235, 286, 322, 335, 340. 347, 364, 380
July 6- Service Utilities Co., petition of, relative to placing
waste paper containers 262
6- Sidewalks, resolutions adopted, abutting City Lots 274,
275 and 276 and lot 213 and City Lot 436 275, 280
" 20- Sidewalks, to construct, on Wood Street, petition of
property owners 280
" 20- Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph, petition of, relative to cancel-
ling taxes 280
" 20- Sniker, John, resolution adopted ordering sewer con-
nections 286
" 20- Sidewalk resolution adopted abutting City Lot 254 on
north side of Eighth Street
288, 334, 370, 387, 404, 408, 427, 443, 449, 460
20- Sidewalk resolutions adopted ordering walks on Pear
Street 288
20- Siegel, Mr., relative to granting him rights to enlarge
natatorium '293
Aug. 3- Stilson Specialty Co., petition of, relative to taxes 333
3- Spark, Geo., petition of, relative to installing culvert on
Mt. Carmel Avenue 334
3 -St. Mary's Orphan Home, petition of, relative to their
assessment on Rosedale Avenue 334
3- Schmitt, Frank, given contract for towing old bathing
house to Eagle Point 338, 354
" 17- Sewer, sanitary, in Parkway and Lawndale avenues,
petition of Voelker Realty Co., relative to awarding
contract 349, 380, 489
17- Seminary Street, profile of, showing grade 351
17- Sewer, sanitary, in St. Ambrose Street, accepted by
Council 353, 371, 378, 384
17- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in North' Main Street
from end of present sewer to Lot 19 Langworthy's
Sub. 354, 372, 374, 380, 387, 405, 413, 427, 428, 442
17- Sidewalks, resolutions adopted ordering walk abutting
Lots 89 and 91, Burden and Lawther's Add. 356
31 Sewer, relative to constructing, at Eagle Point Bath-
ing Beach 357
Sept. 7 -Smoke Ordinance, petition of residents relative to en-
forcing 373
7- Stiel, Peter, ordered to have sewer connections made.... 379
7 Sewers, storm, on Fourth and Fifth Streets, railroad
companies to have same cleaned 379
7- Streets, relative to rolling, to go according to specifica-
tions 380
21 Sewer, Bee Branch, between Seventeenth and Eigh-
teenth Streets, petition of property owners on having
sewer covered 388
21 -Star Brewing Co., waiver and agreement on changing
width of street on Fourth Street Extension 389
Oct. 5 -State Auditors, report of, on city affairs 409
5 -- Sidewalks, to construct, on 3rd and Iowa Streets 413, 423
5- Sidewalks, to construct, abutting lots in Klingenberg
Sub. 413
19- Scheppley, E. H., petition of, relative to his assessment
on Grove Terrace 423
19- Sidewalk Inspector instructed to have all water plugs
that extend above walks removed 423
Nov. 2- Straub, Jos. W., petition of, relative to his assessment
on Putnam Street ,445, 496, 512
16- Smedley Steam Pump Co., petition of, relative to their
taxes 455, 504
" 16- Schloz, F., and Sons, bill of, allowed 458
Dec. 7- Spiegelhalter, C. F., petition of, relative to his sewer
assessment 488
7- Stapleton, Mrs. M., petition of, relative to her assess-
ment on West Locust Street 489
7- Stoltz, Mrs. Theresa, relative to her assessment on West
Locust Street 489
7- Slattery, Wm. P., deed of, to city 491, 516
7- Struben, H. F., error in taxes corrected 494
13- Scharry, Jos., asking for use of Armory Hall 505
21- Schuh, Angeline, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 513
21- Sullivan, Mrs. C., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 613
21- Steffens, John, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 513
22- Shiras Park, J. O'Rourke addressed council relative to
changing name of Eagle Point Park 518
26- Specifications for street work amended 525
29 -Shed at city hall, to tear down 528
29- Scales to be sold at auction 528, 534
INDEX -Book 46
Jan. 20 -Tri -State Auto Co., bills of, for police department, re-
ferred 19
20- Thompson, Mrs. Julia, petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 19, 116
20 -Town Clock, relative to awarding contract for taking
care of 34, 37
Feb. 29- Treasurer's report on assessments levied against city
property 54
Mar. 2- Thomas Place, profile of, showing grade 70
16 -Toll, John, petition of, relative to sewer assessment in
Auburn Avenue 82, 117, 158
16- Thielen, Matilda, petition of, relative to reducing taxes 83
16- Tibey, John, bill of, allowed for grading West 17th St. 85
Apr. 6- Trenk, Henry, petition of, relative to damage done to
his property on West Fourteenth Street 98
6- Tjellden, Mrs. Rose, petition of, relative to her taxes 98, 208
" 20- Thomas, H. 0., petition of, relative to taxes 111, 208
" 20- Treasurer, petition of appointing deputies 112
" 20- Twaites Robert, tax petition, received and filed 116
May 4 -Team owners, petition of, relative to an increase in
wages 139, 157
" 4 Tuegel, Emily S., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 140, 496
" 18 Times - Journal awarded contract for printing monthly
pamphlets 156
18 Thedinga, Clara B., relative to taxes, received and filed 158
18 -Troy Street property owners, relative to sewer connec-
tions 159
June 1 Third Street, to improve, from Locust to Bluff Streets
192, 209, 270, 327, 335, 338, 341, 345, 364, 495, 522, 525, 535
" 1 -Third Street, to improve, from Main to Locust Streets 192, 271
15 -Tenth Street, to improve, from Clay to Main Sts. 210, 258, 264, 273,
280, 292, 294, 300, 309, 412, 426, 429, 441, 459, 474, 494, 497
July 20- Telegraph - Herald, communication of, relative to city
purchasing directories 279
20- Tuegel, Cecelia, notice of, claim for personal injuries 293
Aug. 17- Trader, F. W., petition of, relative to building retain-
ing wall on Nevada Street 349
Sept. 21-- Telegraph and Telephone Companies, communication
of the county auditor on valuation of telephone and
telegraph companies 389
" 21- Tuegel, Cecelia, notice of, claim of 389
Oct. 19 Tonher, Fannie, remonstrance of, on Fourth Street as-
sessment 430, 446, 450
Nov. 2- Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal, petition of, rela-
tive to raise for publishing council proceedings 445, 458
2- Twaites, John W., petition of, relative to his taxes 445
27 -Tax list sale for the year 1916 476
13 -Tax levy made for the 1916 taxes 505
21- Trexler, Louis, petition of, relative to his outlawed as-
sessment on Clay Street 512
26•- -Team owners, petition of, relative to oiling streets 522
INDEX -Book 46
INDEX -Book 46
6 -Union Electric Co., notice of, appeal from the decision
of the Board of Equalization on their assessment ___. 2
3 -Union Electric Co., relative to doing their own work
on West Locust Street 38
2- United Garage Co., petition of, relative to installing
gacroline tank 66, 114
6 - -Ungs Street. petition of property owners, relative to
improving 99
" 20 -Ungs Street, to improve 122, 257, 263, 267, 271, 291, 294, 310
May 4- Urbach, Abe, remonstrance of, on Park Avenue sewer 139, 153
June 15 -Union Electric Co., remonstrance of, on Clay Street
improvement 203
15 -Union Electric Co., petition of, relative' to their paving
on Clay Street, 1Sth Street, Couler Avenue and West
Locust Street 219, 262, 280
26 -Union Electric Co., petition of, relative to operating
their single end cars for Sunday School picnic 223, 277
July 6- Urbach, Abe, petition of, relative to replacing curb and
gutter in front of his place on Park Avenue 279
Oct. 19 -Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association,
communication of, relative to delegates and annual
fees 422
INDEX -Book 46
Feb. 3 -Vey, Mrs. Brown, petition of, relative to reducing her
taxes 38, 158
" 3- Voellcer, C. A., petition of, relative to sewer assessment -
on Mt. Loretta Avenue 38, 191
3 Van Vors, J. F., error in taxes corrected 39
" 29 -Votes of Primary Election canvassed by special com-
mittee 55, 56
Apr. 6- Voltz, C., petition of, relative to Rhomberg Avenue as-
sessment 99, 158, 262
" . 6- Voelker, C. A., error in taxes corrected 102
" 6 -Votes of City Election canvassed by special committee 106
" 20 -Viola Street, to improve
123, 254, 264, 267, 268, 293, 311, 329, 346, 356 ;380
June 15- Voelker Highlands, plat approved of 209
" 30- Visiting Nurse Association, members of, addressed
council 224
Aug. 17- Voelker Realty Co., petition of, asking council to award
contract for sewer in Parkway and Lawndale Ayes... 349, 380, 489
" 17- Valley Street, engineer instructed to give stakes 357
Nov. 2- Voelker, C. A., relative to the assessment on Washing-
ton Street 448
" 16- Voelker Realty Co., petition of, relative to reducing as-
sessment on lots in Bellevue Add. 455, 496
" 16- Voellcer Realty Co., petition of, relative to reducing
assessment on lots in Tschirgi and Schwind's Sub 455
" 16- Voelker, C. A., error in taxes corrected 456
" 16 Visiting Nurse Association, relative to fence at Rhom-
berg Park 458
" 16- Voelker, Rose, ordered to have sewer connections
made 495
Jan. 6 -West Third Street, improvement of, bonds ordered 6, 9
6 -West Third Street improvement, special assessment of 9, 10
20 -Water Works, quarterly report of, from October 1 to
December 31, 1915 19
20 -West Locust Street, relative to improving, from Seven
teenth Street to Hodgdon Avenue
,20, 23, 32, 33, 37, 51, 153, 160, 179, 183, 188, 196, 202,
206, 211, 219, 234, 244, 252, 261, 262, 449, 457, 459, 474, 515
20 -Water Works reports, report of special auditing com-
mittee 23
Feb. 3 -Water Works, bills of, against James F. Lee, referred 37, 49
3- Weinberg, Francis L., petition of, relative to taxes 37, 117
3- Warst, Ida M., petition of, relative to taxes 37, 117
3- Weeda, Selma, relative to reducing her assessment on
Madison Street
17- Wertin Soda Water Co., petition of, relative to staking
out the alley in Kaufman Avenue in Cushion's Add. 49
29- Welch, T., bill of, for macadam to be taken out of 4th
ward county fund instead of road fund 55
Mar. 2 -Walsh Street, to improve, from West Second to West
Third Streets 72
16 -West Locust Street property owners, petition of, rela-
tive to using asphalt on street improvement 82, 183
16- Wasser, Josephine, relative to taxes 85
16- Washington Street, improvement' of, between Twenty -
seventh and Twenty- eighth Sts., contract let 85, 156, 177, 188, 198
16- Walton, C. W., relative to damage done to his property 85
Apr. 6- Watters, Thos., petition of, asking to have McClean
Avenue improved 98
6- Weitz, Peter E., petition of, relative to the paving on
Twenty - second Street 98, 159
6- Waiver and agreement of Dubuque Welding Works 98
6- Wallis, J. H., appointed Mayor Pro Tern 106
20- Welty, Joseph J., tax petition, received and filed 116
20- Wright, Agnes E., tax petition, received and filed 116
20- Wiehl, N., taxes reduced 117
20- White, Frank, taxes reduced 117
20 -West Seventeenth Street, assessor instructed to investi-
gate land values 117
20 -White Street, land value changed, between Twenty -
seventh and Twenty - eighth Streets 117
20- Walnut Street, to improve, from West 14th Street to
end of present improvement 121, 182, 254, 263, 272, 308
20- Washington Street, to improve, from 28th Street to
31st St. 123, 202, 206, 213, 224, 246, 248, 379, 391, 394, 397, 404
25 -Wall at 18th and Couler Avenue in dangerous condition 125
25- Windsor Avenue, to improve, from present improve-
ment to Lot 1, Mettell's Sub. 126, 147
May 4- Woodall, J. W., petition of, relative to constructing wall 139, 158
4- Wagner, Paulina, petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes 140
4- Wybrant, Geo. D., city treasurer, bond of 140, 154
4- Welty, Jacob, relative to his sewer assessment on Lin-
coln Avenue 145
4 -West Third Street steps, contractor notified to repair
same 149
11- Windsor Avenue, to improve, from „present improve-
ment to Lot 1, Burden and Lawther's Add.
150, 266, 259, '262, 267, 270, 292, 294, 310
18- Welty, Joseph, petition of, relative to his taxes 153, 208
18 -Water Works, quarterly report of, January 1 to March
31, 1916
18- Wagner, Pauline, relative to her assessment on Couler
18 -West Third Street property owners, relative to im-
proving street
June 1- Western Union Telegraph Co., bond of, for excavating 183, 266
INDEX -Book 46
153, 380
158, 208
1- Werner, Mrs. J. M., loan warrants reissued 185
1- Weighmasters instructed to turn in receipts 190, 266
1 -West Third Street, to improve, from Bluff Street to
Burch Street 193, 256, 263,
271, 286, 288, 333, 343, 350, 355, 357, 367, 368, 386, 513
1- Windsor Avenue property owners notified to make
sewer connections 199
" 15- White, Emily D., remonstrance of, on O'Neill Avenue
sewer 202
" 15 -Walsh Street, profile of, showing grade ' 206
" 15 -West Second Street, profile of, showing grade 206
" 30 -Water Works Trustee, F. B. Ross appointed 225, 280
" 30- Weeds, notice of, relative to cutting 25'2
" 30 -Wood Street, relative to improving 254, 263, 272, 279, 291, 312
July 6 -West Locust Street property owners, petition of, rela-
tive to constructing storm sewer 261
6- Woodman of the World drill team, petition of, relative
to holding carnival 262
6 -West Fifth Street, to improve, from Bluff Street to City
Lot 614 274, 328, 335, 340, 349, 351, 354, 363
" 6 -West Locust Street gutters, to repair 277, 346, 367
" 20- Weeds, relative to cutting, petition of American Hay
Fever Association 280
" 20 -Wood Street property owners, petition of, on building
sidewalks 280
Aug. 3 -Water Works, quarterly report of 334
" 17- Wartburg Seminary, petition of, relative to cutting
weeds 349
7 -West Locust Street property owners, petition of, rela-
tive to sidewalks 373
7-Western Improvement Co., petition of, relative to in-
terest on 5 per cent retained 373, 409, 458
7- Wartburg Avenue, name of street formerly called Fre-
mont Avenue
7 -W. C. T. U. Ladies, communication of, relative to en-
forcing cigarette law
7- Waiver and agreement of Heeb Street property own-
ers on changing grade
7- Waiver and agreement of Lincoln Avenue property
owners on street improvement 374
7 -West Third Street, engineer to notify property owners
to have all connections made 386
" 21- Waiver and agreement of Star Brewing Co. on chang-
ing the width of Fourth Street Extension 389
" '21 -West Third and Hill Street proper, resolution ordered
drawn up to appraise property for widening of....392, 419, 487, 517
Oct. 5- Wallis, John R., et al, petition of, relative to the taxes
on lots in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Add 403
" 19 -Water Works, quarterly report, July 1 to September
30, 1916 423
Nov. 2- Waller, Mary E., notice of, appeal on Fourth Street Ex-
tension assessment 446, 513
" 2- Washington Street property owners, between Twenty -
eighth to Thirty -first Streets, relative to the assess-
ment for improvement 448
2 White, E. D., remonstrance of, on O'Neill Avenue sew-
er assessment 450
2 -Ward foremen, relative to an increase in salary 451
2 -Water Co. instructed to remove water plug on Fourth
Street Extension 451
" 16 -Water Co., bills of, against Jas. F. Lee and Thos. Lee 456
Dec. 7- Western Union Telegraph Co., petition of, relative to
approving of the $ale of underground conduits 488
" 7 -White Street property owners, petition of, relative to
unit foot value on White Street from 13th to 17th Sts. 488
INDEX -Book 46
374, 458
INDEX -Book 46
7-Waiver and agreement of Peer Amid Stone Co. and B.
and L. Kolfenbach on constructing sewer in Lawn -
dale and Parkway 489
7- Waiver and agreement of Ernestine Lavery and A
Jaeger Estate 490
7- Waiver and agreement of Lena Holz Merkes and Matt
Holz on the widening of Eighteenth and Clay Streets 491
21- Willging, Attorney, addressed council relative to error
in the assessment for North Main Street against Lot
16, Marsh's Add. 512, 522
21-Waller, John R., petition of, relative to the assessment
levied against Block 2'6 513
21 -Water rates, mayor to appoint a committee 513
22- Winall Bldg. Co., remonstrance of, on Fourth Street
assessment, between Main and Locust Streets 518, 522, 523
INDEX —Book 46
Feb. 3— Zollicoffer, Geo., petition of, relative to reducing his
June 30 —Zeng, Leopold, relative to his taxes
37, 116
I •
INDEX —Book 46
1916 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 3— Young, Henry G., petition of, relative to taxes
" 17— Yingling, Carrie, petition of, relative to reducing taxes
Sept. 7— Young, Mr., addressed council relative to smoke ordi-
49, 116