Algona Street South 0080 I 80 South Algona St. /
04rancis Mc Dermott
Erect S.F.Frame Dwelling. D.P. 696 9 -13 -50 7,500.00
B.of At Petn to waive side yard requirement of Art II Sec.
3 B for erection of attached garage. Granted 3 from
side lot line with written consent of south property owner.
Front of garage not further front than rear side window. -
Docket No. 35-63
B.of A. Petn. to waive side yard requirement of Art.II,
Sect. 3 b for Addition to rear of S.F 4 from
side lot line Granted 4 from side lot lineDocket No.50 -6E
80 South Algona St, o'er
B.of A. Reconsidered Docket No. 50-66 Granted 3'6""
from side lot line. Me
eting 8 -31-66
0. Francis McDermptt
B of A Petn for Var Art II Sec 4c to waive side yard to
allow erection of 14' X 24 garage 1'6s from
'south side lot line. Granted. Docket 40 - 72.
e i
80 So. Algona
B of A Docket 26 -81 Variance from side yard require. for
det. gar. Denied 6/18/81
0- Francis McDermott C- Bullock Garages
erect 16x26 det. frm gar SF frm dwllg BP3568 7/28/81