1916 August Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Special session, August 1st, 1916. Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present Aldermen Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel, Wallis. Mayor Saul stated that this meeting is called for the purpose of allowing the property owners on Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue improvement to address the Council and acting on any other business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing any one present in the Council Cham- ber to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays None. Messrs. Polmeier, Mauer, Wieland, Luther, Lenz, Michel addressed the Council protesting against the im- proving of Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue with creo- sote wood block paving and stating that they desired the pavement to be brick. Mr. Lubck addressed the Council in preference to paving with creosote wood block paving. Attor- ney Matthews addressed the Council in the interest of C. B. McNamara & Co., the firm that was awarded the contract for paving with cresote wood blocks. Ald. Callahan moved to adjourn. Carried. Special Session, August 1, 1916. 331 Adopted , 1916. Approved J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. 11 332 Regular Session, August 3, 1916. CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular session, August 3rd, 1916. Council met at 8:20 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Aldermen Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel, Wallis. Ald. Strobel moved that the City Council take up the matter of award- ing the contract for the improvement of Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue with creosote wood block paving. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing the property owners of the Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue improvement to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Messrs. Wieland, Buettel, Rhom- berg and Kretschmer addressed the Council protesting against the im- proving of Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue with creo- sote wood block paving. Ald. Frith moved that the bids for furnishing the City with Fire Appara- tus be opened. Carried. Bid of The M rhtz Motor Company: One Jeffery All- Purpose combination hose and chemical truck $3750.00 F. O. B. Dubuque, allowing for two hose wagons without hose $250.00, one steam fire engine $300.00, one chem- ical wagon with two 50 gallon tanks and hose $350.00, or one Jeffery Quad combination hose and chemical truck $4750.00 F. O. B. Dubuque, al- lowing for two hose wagons without hose $250.00, one steam fire engine $300.00, one chemical wagon with two 50 gallon tanks and hose $350.00. Bid of the International Harvester Company of America, one motor driv- en combination chemical and hose wagon, net price on complete outfit $3400.00, with double tank equipment $3600.00, allowing $000.00 for one second hand hose wagon and one sec- ond hand chemical wagon, terms 10 per cent of purchase price on ac- ceptance of specifications, balance pay- able on delivery of outfit. Bid of Peter Even & Son, one White Com- bination Chemical and Hose Truck $5500.00 F. O. B. cars Dubuque, Iowa, allowing $500.00 for one horse drawn Chemical and Hose wagon. Bid of the Dart Motor Truck Co., one com- bination motor driven Hose and Chemical Wagon $5300.00 F. O. B. Dubuque, Iowa, allowing $500.00 for the two old hose wagons. Bid of American- LaFrance Fire Engine Company, Inc., one 75 foot motor driven Aerial Truck and one com- bination Hose and Chemical Wagon $16300.00 F. O. B. cars, Dubuque, Ia„ allowing for old apparatus the sum of $1350.00. Bid of the Seagrave Com- pany, one 75 foot Seagrave Patent Aerial Hook and Ladder Truck, two wheel front drive, and one Special Motor Propelled Combination Chem- ical Engine and Hose Car for the sum of $17000.00, or one four wheel drive and steer straight gasoline Mo- tor Propelled, Automatic Hoist Aerial Hook and Ladder Truck with ladder to extend 75 feet from ground and one special Motor propelled Combin- ation Chemical Engine and Hose car for the sum of $18000.00, prices F. O. B. cars, Dubuque, Iowa, allowing on either bid the sum of $2500.00 for your old apparatus as listed. On mo= tion of Ald. Leist the bids were re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. Frith, moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to return the checks to the different bidders on furnishing fire apparatus. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the City Council now act on the petitions of the Dubuque Commercial Club. Carried. Petition of the Dubuque Com- mercial Club, asking the City Coun- cil to grant permission for the hold- ing of a high class celebration and industrial celebration during the week of October 2, 1916, and in the event of unfavorable weather, the week following and that during that period while the celebration and ex- position is being held that you refuse the issuance to others of licenses for carnivals, street • shows, stands or other concessions within the City, presented and read. On notion of Ald. McLaughlin, the prayer of the Petition was granted. Petition of the Dubuque Com- mercial Club, asking the City Coun- cil for permission to close Fourth Street from the east side of the rail- road tracks to a point shortly east- erly of the train entrance to the ath- letic field, enclosing said portion of the street with a high board fence and using said street for the con- struction of exhibition booths and have the use thereof during the week commencing October 2nd, 1916, with further permission to construct the necessary buildings thereon, com- mencing about September 15th, 1916, for the holding of the celebration and industrial exposition, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaugh- lin, the prayer of the petition was granted. Alcl. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Rankin, secretary of the Dubuque Commercial Club, to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas: Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel, Wallis. Nays None. Mr. Rankin addressed the Council, thanking them for their favorable action on the pe- titions of the Dubuque Commercial Club relative to the holding of the celebration and industrial exposition to be held during the week of Octo- beir 2nd, 1916. Bids for the construction of perma- nent sidewalks: Bid of G. L. Kor- mann: Lots 160, 161 and 162, Wood - lawn Park Addition, 13 cents per square foot; Lot 164, Woodlawn Park Aciclition, 13 cents per square yard; Lots 47 and 48, Tschirgi & Sch■ind's Addition, 13 cents per square foot. Bid of Thos. R. Lee: Lot 164, Woodlawn Park Addition, 12 cents per square foot; Lots 47 and 48, Tschirgi & Schwind's Addition, 12 cents per square foot; Lots 160, 161 and 162 Wood lawn Park Addition, 11 cents per square foot. Bid of Wm. Roschi: Lots 47 and 48, Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub., 12 cents per square foot; Lot 164, Woodlawn Park Addition, 12 cents per square foot; Lots 160, 161 and 162, Wood - lawn Park Addition, 11 /2 cents per square foot; North 22 feet of South 44 feet of Lot 4, Sub. City 433, 439, part of 676, 11 cents per square foot. On motion of Ald. - Wallis, the con- tract for constructing permanent side- walks in front of Lots 160, 161 and 162, Woodlawn Park Aciclition, was awarded to Wni. Roschi, he being the lowest bidder. Alcl. Wallis moved that the City Recorder be •instructed to re- adver- tise for bids for the construction of the permanent sidewalks in front of the North 22 feet of South 44 feet of Lot 4, Sub. City 438, 439 and part of 676. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that the bids for the construction of the permanent sidewalk in front of Lot 164, Wood- lawn Park Add., be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that the City At- torney prepare lots for the construc- tion of the permanent sidewalk in front of Lots 47 and 48, Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub., on account of the bids of Thos. R. Lee and Wm. Roschi being tied. Carried. The City Attor- ney drew the name of Wm. Roschi. On motion of A,Icl Wallis, the con- tract for the construction of the permanent sidewalk in front of Lots 47 and 48 was awarded to Wm. Roschi. BILLS. Ecl. Ruff, inspector $ 26.00 Thos. Kenneally, inspector 24.00 Jim Byrnes, inspector 20.00 C. B. McNamara & Co., 5 per Regular Session, August 3, 1916. 333 cent retained on Fifth Ave- nue storm sewer 145.09 C. B. McNamara & Co., grad- ing Atlantic Avenue 500.00 Wilmer Cook, grading Wash- ington Street from 28th to 31st Streets 100.00 Nic. Staner, 5 per cent re- tained on Chestnut Street.... 103.08 Ed. Tibey, sewer in Solon Street 120.77 On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, all bills properly O. K.'d were ordered paid. Ald. Frith moved that the City Recorder be instructed to re- adver- tise for bids for the improving of West Thircl Street from Bluff Street to Burch Street and also for the sanitary sewer in Heeb Street, ex- tending the time for completion of the sewer, on account of not having received any bids for the same. Car- ried. Al$. Frith moved that the Com- mittee of the Whole meet at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Friday, August 4th, 1916, to view the grounds on the West Third Street improvement. Car- ried. Petition of C. H. Berg', Receiver Stilson Specialty Company, asking the City Council to accept the sum of $150.00 in settlement of back taxes presented and read. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Berg to address the Coucil. Carried by the following vote. n Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith. Leist, ,McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, and Wallis. Nays —None. Mr .Berg addressed the COnncil relative to the Council accepting the proposition of the Stilson Specialty Company. Ald. Frith moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed and the City Trea•. :rer instructed accordingly. Petition of Miss Bridget O'Shea asking the City Council to refund to her the taxes paid for the year 1915 on the building located on the north 25 feet of City Lot 568 in the snuff of $5.60 as said building was condemn- ed December 3rcl., 1914, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the prayer of the petitioner was granted and a warrant in the sum of $5.60 was ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of Miss Bridget O'Shea. Petition of the Dubuque Real Estate Board relative to postponing the pave- ment of NIrest Third Street until at least storm sewers can be construct- ed to take care of the flow of water, presented and read. On notion of Ald. Plamondon the petition was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of Mrs. Fredericka Meg- 334 Regular Session, August 3, 1916. genburg asking the City Council to reduce the assessment on Lot 2 of Sub. 1 of 2 of 3 of Lot 29 J. King's 1st addition, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of George Spark asking the City Council to install a culvert in that part of Mount Carmel Avenue which abuts Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the Sub. of Mineral Lot 50 A, and Lot 47 of the Sub. of Mineral Lot 39 presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the petition was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole to view the grounds. Communication of the Dubuque Electric Company relative to relaying the brick paving between the rails and one foot outside on the Clay Street improvement, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the communication was received and filed. Petition of S. B. Lattner, Agent, offering the City the sum of $25.00 for full payment of the special as- sessment levied November 23rd., 1893, for improving the alley of Lot 56 and southerly 25 feet of Lot 55 in E. Langworthy's addition presented and read. On motion of Aid. Wallis the petition was referred to the City Treasurer to report back to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of Edward Muntz asking the City Council to correct the as- sessment against Lots 22, 23 and 24 Morgan's addition for the improve- ment of West Seventeenth Street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the petition was referred to the City Engineer to report back to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mount Pleasant Home, St. Mary's Orphan Home, J. V. Rider, Maurice B. Lee and Geo. A. Burden, Executors of the will of S. P. Rider, deceased, and Harry J. Bennett, by Frank R. Lacy, relative to the assess- ment levied against Lot 10 'University 'Place for the improvement of Rose- dale Avenue said assessment levied against J. V. and S. P. Rider and should not have been assessed to them and asking to have same adjusted, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the petition was referred to the City Attorney and City Engi- neer to report back to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Communication of the park Board of the City of Dubuque accompanied by resolution adopted on the 31st. day of July, 1917, fixing the levy for park purposes for the coming year at three - fourths of a mill on the dollar of the assessable property of the City, presented and read. On motion of Aid. Wallis the communication and resolution were referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Communication of the Board of Education, by Wm. Becker, president, protesting against the tearing up of the brick pavement between 11th. and 12th. Streets on Clay Street, present- ed and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the communication was re- ceived and filed. Communication of the Dubuque Realty Co., stating that they do not intend to exercise their privilege in taking their salvage on the improve- ment of Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the communication was made a mat- ter of record. Petition of Henry Mueller, Chauf- feur of the Police Patrol, asking the City Council to grant him an increase in salary of $10.00 per month, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole Petition of John Phillips asking the City Council to grant him a reduction on the improvement o, Lot 1, Phillips Sub., presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the petition was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Quarterly report of the City Water Works from April 1st, 1916, to June 30th, 1916, presented. On - motion of Ald. McLaughlin the report was re- ferred to a special auditing commit- tee consisting of Alds..Strobel. Calla- han, McLaughlin. Return of service of sidewalk notice of J. H. Rhomberg in 'front of West 1 -2 of 254 City abutting on the north side of Eighth Street, , presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the return of - service was received and filed and the City Engineer be in- structed to prepare ,plans and specifi- cations -for the construction of the same. Return of - service of salvage notice of the property owners on the im- provement of , Clay Street, Eighteenth Street and Couler Avenue Prom the north property line of Third Street to the north property line .of Twenty - second Street •presented. On .motion of Ald. Wallis the return of service of Salvage notices were received and filed. On motion of Aid. Leist the follow- ing petitions of the property owners on the improvement of Clay Street, Eighteenth -Street and Couler Avenue from the north property line of Third Street to the north property line of Twenty - Second Street, stating that they desired to exercise their privelege in taking the salvage in front of their property on said im- provement, were made a matter of record: A. M. Trexler, Jos. Fuhr- mann and F. P. Fuhrmann, Edward Lenz, Mrs. Peter Huss, J. R. Riley, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Co.; B. Westercamp, Charles F. Pier, Frank Weiland, Peter Meyer, Mrs. J. J. Koester, R. O. Hughes, Adam Weiland, U. Willy, H. MT. Rust, H. Gatena and Louis Vogt. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve Fourth Street from the west property line of Lo- cust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street; also the petition of Mrs. Anna Murphy et al, asking the City Council to improve Fourth Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street in accordance with the park- ing system used on other streets. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the prayer of the petitioners was granted and the notice received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve Third Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east curb line of Bluff Street; also the written remonstrance of Anna Hildea. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice was received and filed and the remonstrance re- ferr?d to the Committee of the VlTh o1 City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to construct an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Windsor Ave- nue from Lincoln Avenue to Provi- dence Street and in Providence Sti eet from Windsor Avenue to Staf- ford Avenue. On motion of Aid. Frith the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve Fifth Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve North Main Street - from the south property line of Kauf- man Avenue to the north curb line of Seminary Street. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice was re- ceived and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve Arlington Street from the west lot line of Highland Place to the east curb line of Prairie Street and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to twenty -two feet between curbs. On motion of Ald. Regular Session, August 3, 1916. 335 Wallis the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve West Fifth Street from the west property line of Bluff Street to the west line of City Lot 614. On motion of .A.1d. McLaughlin the notice was received and filed.. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the 'publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve Fourth Street from the west property line of 1'Iain Street to the east property line of Locust Street. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to construct an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Foye Street front Almond Street to Seminary Street and east on Seminary :street from Foye Street to within one hun- dred feet of Paul Street and west on Seminary Street from Foye Street to the westerly lot line of Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 193. On motion of Ald. Wallis the notice was received and filed. • To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the several road districts during the last half of July, 1916. Amount due laborers $1,398.63 Also submit the payroll for sprink- ling and sweeping for the last half of July, 1916. Amount due laborers $925.45 Also submit the pay roll for labor on roads leading into the County for the last half of July, 1916, to be paid front the First Ward's portion of the County Road Fund. Amount due laborers $924.45 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith the pay- rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to Commit- tee on Streets. Also submit the payroll for labor on sewers during last half of July, 1916. Amount due laborers on sew- ers $270.05 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the payroll was received and warrants were ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to Committee on Sewers. 336 Regular Session, August 3, 1916. Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of July, 1916: Assault and battery 5 Assault with intent to murder 2 Carrying concealed weapons 1 Disorderly conduct 10 Disturbing the peace 16 Intoxication 38 Larceny from building 1 Murder 1 Rape 1 Robbery 1 Selling liquor contrary to law 1 Vagrancy 4 Violating speed ordinance 13 Violating traffic ordinance 2 Total 96 Residents arrested 58 Doors found open 17 Defective lights 11 Lodgers harbored 72 Meals for prisoners 32 Cost of food $ 6.40 Pound receipts for the month of June 2.00 Sheriff dieting prisoners for month of July, 1916 1.06 Pollce court costs and fines collected 271.20 Patrol runs for prisoners 156 Prisoners transferred 4 Miles traveled by patrol 299 Ambulance calls 119 Also beg to submit the payroll for policemen for last half of July, 1916: Amount clue policemen $1520.68 Amount retained pension fund._$30.93 Respectfully submitted, JOHN GIELLIS, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Callahan the pay- roll and report were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report re- ferred back to the police committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Ilonorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Ia. Gentlemen: The following is the payroll of the fire department for the last half of July, 1916: Amount due firemen $2320.75 One per cent retained for pension fund 41.25 Respectfully submitted, • J. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by committee on fire. On motion of Ald. Leist the payroll was received, warrants were ordered drawn to pay the firemen and the re- port referred to the committee on fire. Dubuque, Iowa, August 3, 1916. To The Ilonorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of July, 1916, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: RECEIPTS. Receipts during the month July $ 28,276.50 City cash balance July 1, 1916 169,803,09 $198,079.59 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $ 30,210.07 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 3,723.75 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 2,980.00 Water Works bond cou- pons redeemed 45.00 Improvement bonds re- deemed 11,750.00 Special sidewalk certificate 95.69 interest on sidewalk certi- ficate 15.36 Park orders redeemed 2,922.42 Library orders redeemed____ 714.87 Police pension orders re- deemed 110.00 Fire pension orders re- deemed 219.75 $ 52,786.91 City's cash balance July 31, 1916 145,292.68 $198,079.59 The above cash balances include the balances in the improvement bond fund, the water works interest and sinking fund, the library fund, old water works debt fund, police pension fund, fire pension fund and the sink- ing fund (for amelioration of the city regular bonded debt). WATER. WORKS ACCOUNT. Cash balance July 1, 1916..__$ 2,058.61 Deposit with City Treasurer by Water Works Trustees 6,262.55 $ 8,321.16 Orders drawn on City Treas- urer by Water Works Trustees $ 4,284.80 Cash balance July 31, 1916 4,036.36 8,321.16 EXCAVATION ACCOUNT. Cash balance July 1, 1916 $315.00 Cash balance July 31, 1916 455.00 The following is a record of all In- terest coupons and Bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer and credited to hirn INTEREST. Improvement bond coupons._$ 3,723.75 Regular bond coupons 2,980.00 Water Works bond coupons 45.00 Special Sidewalk certificate bonds 15.36 $6,764.11 $11,845.69 Also report there is due the City Offices for the month of July, 1916, salaries amounting to $2,994.89. Also Geo. Reynolds (Iowa - Workingmen's Compensa- tion) $20.00 Ainanda Beyer (Iowa Work- ingmen's Compensation) 35.08 Very Respectfully, CYRIL D. LAGEN, Citv Auditor. The following list shows the appro- priations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the begin- ning. of the• fiscal year beginning March 1, 1916, to August 1, 1916. Appropriation Expended For general ex- pense and con- tingent fund____$45,000.00 $23,080.51 For District Road funds for clean- ing, sprinkling a n d repairing streets: First district 9,045.71 9,018.40 Second; district 18,151.01 12,908.09 Third district... 12,304.38 6,676.73 Fourth district 14,287.43 12,465.11 Fifth district 12,183.00 10,974.71 For expense of fire department 65,000.00 37,912.35 For expense of poli depart- men 40,500.00 15,200.49 For care, mainte- nance and re- pair of sewers_. 5,700.00 2,943.89 For printing 4,900.00 1,210.21 For street lighting 44,075.00 17,582.97 For interest on floating a n d bonded debt 42,000.00 8,402.54 For expense of board of health 13,000.00 7,442.57 For grading streets and al- leys 6,500.00 4,290.00 Special bonded paving 9,000.00 For interest on special bonded debt 7,000.00 For repairing and rebuilding side- walks 1,000.00 762.44 For payment of five per cent re- tained on cer- tain improve- ments 1,000.00 406.43 For balance on various cement step jobs 750.09 750.09 For balance curb- ing on Julien Ave. and Delhi BONDS. "improvement bonds $11,750.00 Special idewalk certificate 95.69 Regular Session, August 3, 1916. 337 streets 2,222.28 2,222,28 To pay award of jury on Nevada street 925.00 For balance on brick paving at Grandview and Delhi street ____ 1,342:05 1,342.05 Balance on wid- ening of Pickett street 310.00 300.00 To pay bills for extra work on Louisa street, Rosedale Ave. and Alta Vista s' :et 251.76 251.76 To pay jurors award on Cleve- land avenue .... 725.00 For completion of the Fifth ave- nue sewer 3,000.00 Balance Bee Branch in 3rd ward 799.66 799.66 Respectfully submitted, C. D. LAGEN, City Auditor. Ald Wallis moved that the reports and payroll be received and warrants be drawn for the various amounts and report referred back to finance committee. Carried. City Treasurer lrybrant reported as follows: The following is a statement of the amounts advanced by me during the month of May, 1916, for which please have warrants drawn in my favor: Interest on warrants out- standing $1161.75 Miscellaneous .... .... 199.80 Also please order renewed the fol- lowing Loan Warrants: Warrants Nos. 2101 and 2102, dated June 16th, 1904, in the sum of $500.00 each, in favor of Mamie Kirk, interest to date from July 7th, 1916. Warrants Nos. 2471 and 2472, dated July 7th, 1904, in the suns of $500.00 each, in favor of Barbara Fecker, in- terest to date from July 27th, 1916. GEORGE D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. Moved by Ald. Wallis the report be received, warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts and report re- ferred back to the Finance Commit- tee. Carried. Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1916. To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I return herewith re- newal bond of Linehan & Molo for Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, covering a period of twelve months from June 16, 1916, to June 16th, 1917. 11 338 Regular Session, August 3, 1916. I find the same correctly executed in form. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Wallis the report of Asst. City Attorney Cooney was made a matter of record. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: 1 herewith submit my report of defective lights for the months of June and July, 1916. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 37 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 and 1 -2 lamps burning for one month or $8.40. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Callahan the re- port of the City Electrician was ap- proved and the City Auditor instruct- ed to deduct the sum of $8.40 from the bill of the Dubuque Electric Com- pany. Following weighmaster's report on receipts were presented and read and on motion of Ald. Wallis were re- ceived and filed: L. Pitschner J. P. Cooney C. J. McCarthy R. Flay City Engineer McNulty presented Profile No. 937 showing the grade of Third Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street. On motion of Ald. Mc- Laughlin the Prolfie was adopted and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordinance covering the satn e. City Engineer McNulty presented Profile No. 938 showing the grade of Fifth Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street. On motion of Ald. Mc- Laukhlin the Profile was acloptecl and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordinance covering the same. City Engineer McNulty presented Profile No. 939 showing the grade of Fourth Street from Main Street to Locust Street. On motion of Ald. Laughlin the Profile was adopted and and the ordinance committee instruct- ed to draft an ordinance covering the same. City Engineer McNulty presented Profile No. 940 showing the grade of Fourth Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street. On motion of Ald. Mc- Laughlin the Profile was adopted' and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordinance covering the sam e. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that a $ .18 2.60 14.00 1.15 Committee consisting of Aldermen Wallis, Strobel and Plamondon be ap- pointed to purchase the necessary implements to assist in the rescuing of drowning persons. J. H. WALLIS, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred petitions asking for lights on the following streets would respectfully recommend that the prayer of their petition be grant- ed and the lights be put In. One on Green Street east of Asbury Street. One on Green Street west of Asbury Street. One at the intersection of Rush and Pear Streets. One at the intersection of Burns and Vine Streets. J. H. WALLIS, Chairman. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Your Committee to whom was re- ferred the proposition of establishing a Bathing Beach in this city would respectfully report that we have let the contract for the transferring of the old bathing house to the new site to Frank Schmitt for $250.00. We would also report that we have ap- pointed Mr. Farwell at a salary of $50.00 per month as caretaker at the beach and would respectfully recom- mend, our action for your approval. We would also recommend' that the Council set aside $300.00 in the City Treasury for the use of this Commis- sion. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report. Carried by the following' vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Strobel. Nays Alds. Plamondon, Wallis. Ald. Frith moved that Mr. Farwell, Caretaker at the Beach, be instructed to commence work on the morning of August 4th, 1916. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Strobel. Nays —Alds. Plamondon, Wallis. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Whereas, it has been proposed to the City Council to establish a mu- nicipal bathing beach at Eagle Point, and Whereas, it.has been learned on the best authority that there is no proper river bathing beach at Dubuque, and Whereas, the particular beach in question cannot be used without a very considerable element of danger to bathers, and Whereas, the City Council is of the opinion that the City should not as- sume the moral and financial respon- sibility involved in such a project, therefore, be it Resolved that the City will not as- sume the operation or control of the proposed beach nor designate the same, or permit it to be designated, as a municipal beach. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Lost by the following vote: Yeas —Ald. Wallis. Nays —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the resolutions heretofore adopted pro -' Aiding for the improvement of Fourth, Street from the west properly line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street be and they are hereby rescinded. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas - -Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, Mc- Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman McLaughlin offered - Ice following: De it Resolved by thL City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Fourth Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street and it is hereby proposed to•narrow said street to thirty -four feet between curbs, to grade, curb and gutter with combination cement curb and gutter and to pave said portion of said street with asphaltic- concrete on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading;, curbing and guttering and paving against the property le- gally subject to assessment. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan. Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat showing gener- ally the location, nature and extent to the proposed improvement of Fourth Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street, and the kind or kinds of material or materi- als to be used, and an .estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost there- of to be paid by the city, if any, and Regular Session, August 3, 1916. 339 the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to such improvement as contemplated by Chapter 76 of the Laws of the Thirty -fifth General As- sembly of the State of Iowa and acts amended therby, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind or kinds of mater- ial or materials to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time be- fore which objections therto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publica- tion shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. McLaughlin niovecl the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas- -Alds. Callahan, frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Thal. Fifth Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street be improved by grad- ing, curbing with new stone curb where necessary, to reset old stone curb and curb with cement curb where necessary, and to pave said portion of said street with either brick block on a concrete foundation, or with concrete paving, or to gutter with cement gutters and to pave with asphaltic concrete on a concrete foundation, the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st clay of November, 1916, and shalt be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII as amended of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuctue for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall he acted upon by the Council on the 17th day of August, 1916, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication 340 Regular Session, August 3, 1916. asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. - Nays —None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Fourth Street from the west property line of Main Street to the east property line of Locust Street be improved by grad- ing, curbing with new stone curb where necessary, resetting old stone curb where necessary and curbing with new cement curb where neces- sary and by paving said portion of said street with either brick block on a concrete foundation or with creosote wood block on a concrete foundation or by guttering with a cement gutter and by paving with asphaltic con- crete on a concrete foundation, the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improve- ment prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1916, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII as amended of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Du- buque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 17th clay of August, 1916, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the .following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That West Fifth street from the west property line of Bluff street to the west line of City lot 614 be improved by grading, curbing with ceinent curb and by paving said portion of said street with either brick block on a concrete foundation or with concrete paving or by gutter with a cement gutter and paving with asphaltic concrete on a concrete foundation the sane in ac- cordance with the.plans and specifica- tions for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, , that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st, day of November, 1916, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter _XXXII. as ammended of the Revised Ordinance, of the City. of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon, by the Council on the 17th day of August, 1,9,16, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice ,by puhlicatioa asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McLaidghiin moved the adop- tion of .the resolution. Carried - by the following vote. Yeas —Aids, Callahan, Frith, Leist, 1ticLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That from and after twenty days after the pass- age and publication hereof as requir- ed by ordinance, and for a period of ten years thereafter, no person, firm or corporation shall excavate in or tear up the surface of North Main Street from the south property line of Kaufman Avenue to the north curb line of Seminary Street. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this reso- lution shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offence and the City Recorder is hereby instructed to cause to be published notice of the adoption here- of within twenty -four hours after its passage. Resolved further, That the pro- visions hereof shall be held not to ap- ply in case of contracts which have been or are about to be let for the paving of said street or parts thereof. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in Foye Street from Almond Street to Seminary Street, and east in Seminary Street from Foye Street to within one hundred feet of Paul Street and west on Semi- nary Street from Foye Street to the westerly lot line of Lot -2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 193 according to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved , that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st, day of March, 1917, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pres- cribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 17th day of August, 1916, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist. McLaughlin,. Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays None. Alderman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: 'Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Arling- ton Street from the west lot line of Highland Place to the east curb line of Prairie Street be narrowed to twenty -two feet between .+orbs and be improved by grading, curbing cement curbs and paving said poition of said street with hillside brick on a con- crete foundation, the same in accor- dance with the plans and specifica- tions for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1916, and shall 'be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. as ammencled of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 17th day of August, 1916, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays None. Alderman Plamondon offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Third Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east curb line of Bluff street be improved by grading, curbing with cement curb's and by paving said portion of said street with Regular Session, August 3, 1916. 341 either brick ■block on a concrete foundation, , or with asphaltic con- crete on a concrete foundation or by paving with concrete paving, - the sane in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improve - went prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further ■Resolved, That said Amprovement shall be completed on or ,before .the 1st day-of November, 1916, and shall .be paid,for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. as amended of the Revised Ordinance. of.the.City of Dubuque for ' the payment of the cost of:.street improvements. The propasals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 17th day of August, 1916, and the .City Recorder is hereby or- dered to give ten days' notice by pub- lication asking for proposals as pro- vided by ordinance. Ald. Plamondon moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following ;rote: Yeas—Alds. Calla- han, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Pla- mondon, Strobel, 'Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Frith offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council' of the City of Dubuque, That North Main Street from the south property line of Kaufman Avenue to the north curb line of Seminary Street be im- proved by grading, curbing with new stone curb where necessary and re- setting old stone curb where neces- sary and by guttering said street with a ten foot hillside brick gutter on a concrete foundation from the south property line of Kaufman Avenue to the south curb line of Leibnitz Street and with an eight foot hillside brick gutter on a concrete foundation from the south curb line of Leibnitz Street to the north curb line of Seminary Street, the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and no won file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the let day of November, 1916, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII as amended of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Du- buque for the payment of the cost or street ,improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 17th day of August, 1916, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided- by ordinance. Aid, Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: 342 Regular Session, August 3, 1916. Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, - Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. .Alderman Frith offered the follow- ing; Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in Windsor Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Providence Street and: in Providence Street from Wind- sor Avenue to Stafford Avenue, ac- cording to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1916, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will bo. acted upon by the Council on the 17th day of August, 1916, and the City Re- corder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved the adoption o.7 the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-- AAlds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays -- -None. Ald. Wallis moved to refer the Or- dinance fixing and regulating the prices and charges of Electric cur- rent for private consumption in the City of Dubuque to the Committee of the Whole and the City Recorder be instructed to furnish copies of said ordinance to the Dubuque Electric Co. and each Alderman. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Car- ried. J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Adopted Approved Attest: , 1916. Mayor. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Special Session, August 4, 1916. Council met at 11:10 a. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Alderman Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strob- el, Wallis. Mayor Saul stated that this meet - ing is called for the purpose of re- considering the action of the City Council in instructing the City Recor- der to re- advertise for bids for con- structing a permanent sidewalk in front of the north 22 feet of south -44 feet of Lot 4, Sub.. City 438, 439 and part of 676, abutting on the west side of Couler Avenue, and acting on any other business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the. City Council. Ald. Wallis moved that the Council reconsider' their action in ordering the re- advertising for bids for the construction of the sidewalk in front of the north 22 feet of south 44 feet of Lot 4, Sub. City 438, 439 and part -of 676 and act on the bids received for the construction of same. Car- ried. Bids for the construction of the per- manent sidewalk in front of the north 22 feet of south 44 feet of Lot 4, Sub. •City 488, 439 and part of 676 abut- ting on the west side of Couler Ave- nue: Bid of Wm. Roschi =11 cts. per square foot. Bid of Thos. R. Lee -11 cts. per square foot. Aid. Wallis moved that the City At- torney be instructed to prepare lots on account of being a tie bid. Carried. The City Attorney drew the name of Thos. R. Lee. Ald. Wallis moved that the contract for constructing the permanent side- walk iii front of the north 22 feet of south 44 feet of Lot 4, Sub. City 438, 439 and part of 676, abutting on the west side of Couler Avenue, be awarded the contract. -Carried. Ald. Wallis moved to take from the Committee of the Whole the bids for the improving of Pickett Street. Car- ried. A ld. Wallis moved to award the contract for the improving of Pickett Street to C. B. McNamara & Co., they being the lowest bidders, and their bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contract. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to take from the Committee of the Whole the Profile showing the grade of North Main street. Carried. Aid. Frith moved the adoption of the Profile, showing the grade of North Main Street, and that the or- Special Session, August 4, 1916. 343 dinance committee be instructed to draft an ordinance covering the same. Carried. City Treasurer \irybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: In reference to the pe- tition of S. B. Lattner, Agent, which was referred to me to report relative to the levying of a special tax Novem- ber 23, 1893, for improving the alley of Lot 56 and southerly 25 feet of Lot 55, in E. Langworthy's Add., amount- ing to $32.86, I beg to report that the records show the statements therein to be true. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. On motion of Ald. Wallis the report of the City Treasurer was approved and that he be instructed to accept the sum of $25.00 in full settlement of the special tax. Alderman Plamondon offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the reso- lutions heretofore adopted providing for the improvement of West Third Street, from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the present asphaltic improvement at Burch Street, be and they are hereby rescinded. Ald. Plamondon moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, - Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Plamondon offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve West Third Street from the west curb line of Bluff . Street to the west property line of Burch Street, and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to twenty -two feet between curbs from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the east property line of Burch Street, the balance of the street to be the same as the asphaltic improvement between ' curbs; to grade, curb with cement curb and to pave said portion of said street from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the east property line of Burch Street with hillside brick on a concrete foundation and the balance of the street from the east property line of Burch Street to the present asphaltic improvement to be paved with asphal- tic concrete on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said narrow- ing, curbing, grading and paving against the property legally subject to a ssessment. Ald. Plamondon moved the adop- tion of the resolution. -j : 1 344 Special Session, August 4, 1916. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Plamondon offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent to the proposed improvement of West Third Street, from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the west property line of Burch Street, and the kind or kinds of material or materials to to__ 43 used, and an es- timate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assess- able upon any railway or street rail- way company, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to such 'improvement as contemplated by Chapter 76 of the Laws of the Thirty -fifth General As- sembly of the State of Iowa and acts amended thereby, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind or kinds of material or materials to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the - time before which objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session 3f the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Plamondon moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. Frith moved to take from the Committee of the Whole the bids for the improving of Heeb Street. Car - ri ed. Ald. Frith moved that the bids for the improving of Heel) Street be re- turned to the bidders. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to re- advertise for bids for the improving of Heeb Street. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved to adjourn. Car- ried. J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Adopted Approved Attest: , 1916. Mayor. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular session, August 17th, 1916. Council met at 8:40 p. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Aldermen Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro- bel, Wallis. BIDS. Bids for the improving of Arling- ton street from the west lot line of Highland Place to the east curb line of Prairie street. Bid of R. L. Johns- ton, cement curbing per . lineal foot 55 cts., brick paving per square yard $2.35. Bid of Wilmer Cook, cement curbing per lineal foot 60 cts., brick paving per square yard $2:35. Bid of O'Farrell Cont. Co., cement curbing per lineal foot 40 cts., brick paving per square yard $2.20. .Bid of G. L. Kormann, cement curbing per lineal foot 60 cts., brick paving per square yard $2.20. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son, cement curbing per lineal foot 39 cts., brick paving per square yard $2.12., Bid of James F. Lee, cement curbing per lineal foot 40 cts., brick paving per square yard $2.09. On motion of Ald. Wallis the contract was awarded to James F. Lee, he be- , ing the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contract. Bids for the improving of Heeb street from Kaufman avenue to the south lot line of Lot 6, Marsh's Ad- dition. Bid of N. J. Staner, grading in total $560.00, cement curbing per lineal foot 44 cts., brick paving pei square yard $2.35. Bid of. Wilmer Cook, grading in total $650.00, cement curbing per lineal foot 60 cts., brick paving per square yard $2.35. On motion of Ald. Frith the contract was awarded to N. J. Staner, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the con- tract. Bids for the improving of North Main street from the south property line of Kaufman avenue to the north curb line of Seminary street. Bid of N. J. Stoner, stone curbing per lineal foot 80, cts., reset curbing per lineal foot 28 cts., brick paving per square yard $1.99. Bid of G. L. Kormann, stone curbing pei• lineal foot 80 cts., reset curbing per lineal foot 40 cts., brick guttering per square yard $2.40. Bid of Thos. R. Lee, new stone curb- ing per lineal foot 69 cts., reset curb- ing per lineal foot 26 cts., brick gut- tering per square yard $2.10. On mo- tion of Ald. Frith the contract was awarded to N. J. Staner, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the con- tract. Regular Session, August 17, 1916 345 Bids for the improving of Fifth street from the west property line of Locust street to the east property line of Bluff street. Bid of R. L. Johns- ton, cement curbing per lineal foot 48 cts., cement guttering per square yard $1.45, brick paving per square yard $ 2.10, cement paving per square yard $1.45, asphaltic concrete per square yard, Class A, $1.79, asphaltic concrete per square yard, Class B, $1.77. Bid of N. J. Staner, cement curbing per lineal foot 38 cts., stone curbing per lineal foot 85 cts., reset curbing per lineal foot 30 cts., brick paving per square yard $1.97, cement paving per square yard, $1.37. Bid of James F. Lee, cement curbing per lineal foot 42 cts., stone curbing, per lineal foot 90 cts., reset curbing per lineal foot 30 cts., cement guttering per square yard $1.30, brick paving per square yard $1.90, cement paving per square- yard $1.30, asphaltic con- crete per square yard, Class A, $1.65. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the contract was awarded to James F. Lee, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one- fourth the amount of the contract the improve- ment to be asphaltic concrete. Bids for the improving of Fourth street from the west property line of Main street to the east property line of Locust street. Bid of R. L. Johns- ton, cement curbing' per lineal foot 50 cts., stone curbing per lineal foot $1.00, reset curbing per lineal foot 40. cts., cement guttering per square yard $1.45, brick paving per square yard $2.12, asphaltic concrete per square yard, Class A, $1.79, asphaltic con- crete per square yard, Class B, $1.77. Bid of James F. Lee, grading per cubic yard 40 cts., cement curbing per lineal foot 40 cts., stone curbing per lineal foot 80 cts., reset curbing per lineal foot 30 cts., cement gutter- ing per square yard $1.30, brick pav- ing' per square yard, $1.90, asphaltic concrete per square yard, Class A, $1.65. Ald. Wallis moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Lee to address the council. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas - -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Mr. Lee addressed the council stat- ing that his bid of 40 cts. per cubic yard for grading was according to his opinion necessary for the cutting to be done on said street. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the bids were refer- red to the committee of the whole. Bids for the improving of Third Street from the west property line of Locust street to the east curb line of Bluff street. Bid of R. L. Johnston, cement curbing per lineal foot 48 cts., cement guttering per square yard 346' Regular Session, August 17, 1916 $1.45, brick paving per square yard $2.10, cement paving per square yard $1.45, asphaltic concrete per square yard, Class A, $1.79, asphaltic con- crete per square yard, Class B, $1.77. Bid of James F. Lee, cement curbing per lineal foot 39 etc., cement glitter- ing per square yard $1.45, brick pav- ing per square yard $1.90, cement pav- ing per square yard $1.30, asphaltic concrete per square yard, Class A, $1.69. On motion of Ald. McLaugh- lin the contract was awarded to James P . Lee, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contract the improve- ment to be asphaltic concrete. Bids for repairing 2500 square feet of cement gutter on West Locust street from Rosedale avenue to Sem- inary street. Bid of Thos. R. Lee, 15 etc. per square foot. Bid of Win. Roschi, 16 cts. per square foot. Bid of N. J. Staner, cement guttering per square yard $1.69. On- motion of Ald. Wallis the contract was awarded to Thos. R. Lee, he being the lowest bid- der, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contract. Bids for replacing new curb and gutter abutting the A. Urbach prop- erty on Park avenue between Grand- view avenue and Bradley avenue. Bid of N. J. Starer, combination curb and guttering per lineal foot 59 cts. Bid of Thos. R. Lee, combination curb and guttering per lineal foot 60 cts. Acct. ,.albs moved to award the con- tract to N. J. Starer, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the con- tract. Lost by the following vote: Yeas - -Alds. Frith, Leist, Wallis. Nays —Aids. Callahan, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel. Ald. Frith moved to refer the bids - to the committee of the whole. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, i\IcLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Nays —Aid. Wallis. Bids for improving Pine street from 'Thirty -first street to Thirty - second street. Bid of Peter Even Co., grad- ing in total $500.00, combination curb and glittering per lineal foot 74 cts., macadamizing• per square yard 82 cts. Bid of Wilmer Cook, grading in total $450.00, combination curb and gut- tering per lineal foot 73 cts., macada- mizing per square yard 83 cts. Bid of O'Farrel Cont. Co., grading in total $280.00, combination curb and gut- tering per lineal foot 80 cts., macada- mizing per square yard 85 cts. Bid of Frank Beutin, grading in total $579.60, combination curb and gutter- ing per lineal foot 58 cts., macada- mizing per square . yard 65 cts. On - motion of Ald. Callahan the bids were referred to the city engineer to report later in the evening the lowest bidder. Bids for improving Eagle street from Viola street to Althauser ave- nue. Bid of.O'Farrel Cont. Co., grad- ing in total $471.00, combination curb and guttering per lineal foot 90 cts., macadamizing per square yard 95 cts, Bid of Peter Even Co., grading in to- tal $800.00, combination curb and guttering per lineal foot 65 cts., ma- cadamizing per square yard 75 etc. Bid of Wilmer Cook, grading in total $900.00, combination curb and gutter- ing per lineal foot 75 etc., macadamiz- ing per square yard 85 cts. Bid of Frank Beutin, grading in total $707.40, combination curb and gut- tering per lineal foot 58 cts., macada- mizing per square yard 67 cts. On motion of Ald. Frith the bids were re- ferred to the city engineer to report later in the evening the lowest bidder. Bids for the improving of Nevada street from Julien avenue to Martha street. Bid of O'Farrell Cont. Co., grading in total $15.00, combination curb and guttering per lineal foot $1.00, macadamizing per square yard $1.15. Bid of Wilmer Cook, grading in total $500.00, combination curb and guttering per lineal foot 75 cts.,. ma- cadamizing' per square yard 85 cts. Bid of G. )r . Kormann, gradin }g in to- tal $15.00, combination curb and gut- tering per lineal foot 98 cts., macada- mizing per square yard $1.20. Bid of F. W. Hassett, grading in total $1,- 300.00, combination curb and gutter- ing per lineal foot 58 cts., macada- mizing per square yard 83 cts. On motion of Ald. Wallis the bids were referred to the city engineer to report later in the evening the lowest bidder. Bids for the improving of Viola street from Pleasant street to the end of said Viola street. Bid of Peter Even Co., grading in total $400.00, combination curb and guttering per lineal foot 65 cts., macadamizing per square yard 75 cts. Bid of Ztrilmee Cook, grading in total $500.00, combi- nation curb and guttering per lineal foot 70 cts., macadamizing per square yard 85 c,ts. Bid of O'Farrell Cont. Co., grading in total $146.00, combi- nation ( ur; and guttering • per lineal foot 85 etc., macadamizing per square yard 90 etc. On motion of Ald. Frith the bids were referred to the city en- gineer to report later in the evening the lowest bidder. Bids for constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Heeb street from the end of the present sewer south to the first angle of the grade of said street. Bid of F. W. Hassett, eight -inch tile pipe per lineal foot One Dollar Nineteen and one -half cents, manholes each $24.75. Bid of J. A. R. Daniels, eight -inch tile pipe. per lineal foot $9.00, manholes each $70.00. On motion of Ald. Frith the contract was awarded to F. W. Has- ,sett, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the .amount of the contract. Bids for constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Windsor .avenue from Lincoln avenue to Prov- idence street and in Providence street from Windsor avenue to Stafford ave- nue. Bid of Wilmer Cook, eight -inen -tile pipe per lineal foot 65 cts., man- holes each $35.00. Bid of G. L. Kor- mann• eight -inch tile pipe per lineal foot 65 cts., manholes each $24.00. Bid of James Street, eight -inch tile pipe per lineal foot 59 etc., manholes each $25.00. Bid of N. J. Staner, eight -inch tile pipe per lineal foot 67 cts., manholes each $24.00. Bid of F. W. Bassett, eight -inch tile pipe per lineal • foot 72 cts., manholes each 824.50. On motion of Ald. Frith the contract was awarded to James Street he being the lowest bidder, and his ibond placed at one - fourth the amount, of the contract. Bids for constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Foye street from Almond street to Seminary street and east in Seminary street from Foye street to within one hundred feet o' Paul street and west on Seminary . from Foye street to the wester- ly lot line of Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 193. Bid of G. L. Kormann, eight -. inch tile pipe per lineal foot $4.80, .manholes each $45.00. Bid of Wilmer Cook, eight -inch tile pipe per lineal' foot $4.25, manholes each $48.00. Bid -of J. A. R. Daniels, eight -inch tile pipe per lineal foot $4.10, manholes each $45.00. On motion of Ald. Wal- lis the bids were referred to the coin - ,mittee of the whole. Bids for building a Public Barge at Eagle Point. Bid of the Dubuque Mo- tor Boat Ways $1,265.00. Bid of Du- buque Boat & Boiler Works $1,225.00. On motion of Ald. Leist the bids were . referred to the committe of the whole. BILLS. •C. B. McNamara M fr Co., grad- ing Atlantic avenue $250 00 Thos. Lee, grading alley be- tween Ninth and Tenth Ave. 3 00 Ed. Ruff., inspector 26 00 ..Jim Byrnes, inspector 14 00 Thos. Kenneally, inspector .__ 18 00 'H. A McIntosh, 5% retained Bee Branch sewer at 28th street 121 66 - Wilmer Cook, 5% retained Al- ta Vista improvement 27 28 "Wilmer Cook, 5% retained Rosedale avenue improve- ment 534 28 _James F. Lee, 5% retained Louisa street improvement 316 85 Tibey Bros., 5% retained Wood street improvement __ 122 78 _J. A. R. Daniels, 6 %d retained Bee Branch sewer Milville Regular Session, August 1 7, 1916 34 road 147 42 Western Improvement Co., 5% retained Julien :avenue and Delhi street improvement 2174 66 Fred C. Ris, expense and fire 11 40 W. C. Fosselman, expense and fire • 2 28 Kerper -Muntz Garage Co., po- lice, fire and health 6 10 United Tire Sales Co., expense and health 50 60 Iowa Telephone Co., expense, fire and police 42 67 Key Cit: Gas Co., police, fire , - and expense 4 25 Key City Gas Co., police, fire and expense 59 75 L. Daily, expense and health 8 95 Klauer & Kress, expense and sewer 3 90 John Drehouse, expense and police 20 25 John Drehouse, expense 12 50 F. M. Jaeger Co., bathing beach 1 30 F. M. Jaeger Co., bathing beach 80 F. Beutin, bathing beach 25 00 T. D. Dempsey, expense 5 15 J. Levi & Co., expense 141 43 Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co , expense 65 45 Chicago Great Western Rail - way Co., expense 1 00 Union Electric Co., expense 1 00 Klauer & Kress, expense 2 95 Gonner Bros., expense 39 76 1-IOerman Press, expense 4 00 Murray & Freiburg Co., ex- expense 12 25 Eagle Point Lime Works, ex- pense 1 15 Mullen Bros:, expense 2 10 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 49 05 C. L. Dambacher, expense 5 08 United Garage Co., expense 11 30 G. Ragatz, Jr., expense 8 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense 55 L. A. Walch, expense 10 Farley '& Loetseher Mfg. Co , expense 13 50 G. F. Kleih Sons, expense 11 92 A. E. Gmehle, expense 62,15 F. A. Nosier & Son, expense 53 United Tire Sales Co., police 37 20 N. J. Kons, police 175 00 ' Standard Lumber Yard Co , police 8 00 Iowa Oil Co., police 20 61 Couler Avenue Garage, police 50 United Tire Sales Co., police 1 75 A. F. Rieck, expense 1 00 E. Schuller, expense 23 30 Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 1 48 G. F. Kleih Sons, police 34 74 Union Electric Co., police 1 00 W. J. Brown, police 32 50 C. J. McCarthy, police 6 .40 Tri-State Auto Co., police 7 86 Albert Ney, police 100 32 G. F. Kleih Sons, police 3 :30 F. W. Thompson, fire 2 70 • ■ MI 348 Regular Session, August 17, 1916 Kea' City Gas Co., fire Wunderlich & Wiederholt, fire 16 70 8 75 J. Newman & Son, fire 3 25 Peed - Berwanger & Pfiffner, fire 7 50 Vollenweider & Hein, fire 4 50 Deyoe - Avenarius, fire 12 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 1 05 Ellwanger Bros., fire 3 90 Iowa Oil Co., fire 7 90 F. Schloz & Son, fire 3 45 G. W. Healey & Son, fire 1 70 Dubuque Welding Works, fire 1 50 Key City Iron Works, fire 3 35 Jas. A. Hayes, fire 36 00 Union Electric Co., fire 14 70 F. G. Becker, fire 25 24 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., fire 15 Standard Lumber Yard Co., fire 11 28 F. M. Jaeger Co., fire 3 50 Dubuque Rubber & ' Belting Co., fire' 42 Tri -State Auto Co., fire 1 28 Geisler Bros., 'fire 90' National Refining Co., fire - - 21'50 National Clothiers, fire 84 00 W. D. Deckert Co., fire 10 Ed. ' Millius, fire 2 J L. Schmitt, fire 35 Gamewell Fire Alarm Co., fire 255 00 Philip Pfersch, fire 1 90 G. F. Kleih Sons, fire 9 97 National Refiining Co., fire 21 50 J. Levi Co.', health 12 54 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., health 1 30 Coates & Robinson, health _ 10 00 Standard Lumber Yard Co , health 1 47 G. F. Kleih Sons, - health 30, John Ellwanger Co., health 3 50: Upton Laundry, health 9 85 M. J. McCullopgh, health 30 00 Ellwanger Bros., health ..... 2 30 G. F. Kleih Sons, sewer 9 30 Peed - Berwanger & Pfiffner, - sewer 3 00 llwanger Bros., sewer 3 35 Schloz & Son, sewer. 2 65 Klauer & Kress,, sewer 1 65 Klauer & Kress, sidew alk 3 25 P. Lang, sidewalk 6 40 Kaep & Buechele, sidewalk - _ 1 00 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co , sidewalk 45 90 G. P. Kleih Sons, sidewalk -. 3 55 Standard Lumber Yard Co , ,sidewalk 41 13 Joey City, Roofing, Co., ,roads and police - 20 93 •Mettel Bros., roads and fire. - 13 40 J\lolo Sand & GraveL Co., 4th ,road 1 .05 , Standard Oil Co., 2nd and 3rd ,roads 764 52 ,Smedley Co., 4th road 36 08 Smedley Co., 4th, road - .85, 76 . _M: -Mullen, 3rd road 83 00 I`. Beutin, 2nd and 4th roads 164 65 _Iolo Sand & Gravel Co., 4th and 5th roads 70 Standard Oil Co., 2nd road 3 00 Klauer Mfg. Co., 5th road - 91 00 F. Beutin, 4th road 90 J. P. Heim, 3rd road 12 50 Key City Gas Co., 4th road 2 25 Bradford Bros., 4th road 10 00 L. J. Schmitt, 4th road 35 Eagle Point Lime Works, 5th road 6 90 T. J. Mulgrew Co., 4th road 44 00 J. P. Heim, 2nd road 6 00 Charles R. Pollock, 4th road 55 22 Standard Oil Co., 3rd road . - 316 47 Standard Oil Co., 2nd road .. - 348 70 Klauer & Kress, roads 30 Ellwanger Bros., roads 20 Austin-Western Road Machin- ery Co., roads 20 00 Indianapolis Brush & Broom Co., roads ' 12 00 Leader 'Oil Co., roads 78 66 G.'F. Kleih Sons, roads 17 55 Cota - Byrne' & Cota, roads 8 00 W: D. Deckert Co:, roads 17 85 Midland Cheihical Co., roads_- 13 65 'Midland Chemical' Co., roads 59 85 Iowa Oil Co., roads 37 87 F. Schloz & Son, roads 59 40 Key, City Iron Works, 'roads - '23 56 'Labor Leader, printing 12 50 Telegraph - Herald, printing - - 79 .38 Telegraph- herald, , printing - - 110 •09 Times - Journal, printing' '177 00 'Union Electric Co., lighting 3300 85 Union Electric'Co( .. -- '162 . 15 ' Union Electric Co:,•lighting -.:. 93 70 On motion of Aid.'' McLaughlin all bills properly O.' K. were ordered paid. On motion of Ald. _McLaughlin the following bills were sent to the com- mittee of the whole: Jno: M. Lee, cinders delivered to Athletic Park • $453 00 F. G. Becker, balance due to bill rendered to Mr. Adams 141 75 The following petitions of property owners stating that they desired to exercise their privilege in taking the salvage on the improvement of Clay street, Eighteenth street and Couler avenue from the north property line of 'Third street to the north property line of Twenty- second "street present- ed and read. Eliz. Hemmer; N. Jac - quinot, Frank Holz, Wm. Olanosky, M. L. Grings, J. NI. Kolb, Herman Jungle, Peter P. Schrafl, Jr., Anna r rnoldy, Lena' Merkes, Math. Holz, John P. Hillard, Mrs. Emilia' Richter, Oscar Herrmann, A. H, Herget, Jos- ' eph Pilmaie,r, Mary, ,Lagarce, . Board 08 Education, C. A. Walter, J. H. Strobel & Sons Pkg. Co. J. H. Rhom- - Lei;g, J. C, Collier, P. W. Wieland, F. M. Wunderlich, Iowa Dairy - Carr- __ Ryder & Adams Co., H., ,Dement Es- tate, Louis and Anna - ,Trexler, ' Jacob Sherman, W. ' A„ Pa1n1er, Barbara Palen Estate, Theresa A: and _Matilda I. Schmidt, Marg. Lorenz, German Trust & Savings hank, N. C. Gindorf, 10. Muntz, Anna F. Klauer, Rosalie I[uilaun, Katherine _luennig, Chas. F. lloeiflin, J. R. Waller, _Iajerus Block 46C-481, Clay street, Fred and Thresa Bade, C. B. Keesecker, Christina Brede, Evelyn \'I. Moser, Agatha Heine. On motion of Ald. Leist the petitions were made a matter of rec- ord. Communication of W. C. Luther, Exc. Estate Chas. Luther, stating that he elected to turn over salvage abut- ting property on Clay street to the city on, terms as indicated by said notice presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the communication was made a matter of record. Petition of C. N. Klein et -al, asking the city council to install an electric street light at the intersection of Broadway Extension and King street presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the Petition was referred to the 'committee of the whole to view the grounds. Communication of the W. H. Mul- lins company acknowledging the re- ceipt of the order for one 3 H. P. Spe- cial Laune :i and requesting that the city send `hem a remittance of 25% of the cost of the launch so that they can ship same presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis a warrant for 25% of the purchase price of the Spe- cial Launch was ordered drawn on the city treasurer in favor of the W. H. _l upins company and the city treasurer instructed to forward the same. . Petition of Voelker Realty Co. ask- ing the city council to award the con- tract for the construction of a, sani- tary sewer in Park Way and Lawn - dale avenue and across Lots 25 and 71 in Voelker Highlands ,connecting with the sewer in Glen Oak a enue to the Peer Amid Cement Stone Co. at the price of 40 cts. per lineal foot and $20.00 for manholes, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the petition was referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Petition of the Wartburg Seminary asking the city council to cut the weeds and clean the street on Fre- mont avenue before Sept. 13th, 1916, the day on which .they dedicate their new buildings presented and read. Ald. Wallis moved to suspend the rules .for the purpose of allowing Mr. Sin - grin to address the : council. Carried by the following .vote: - Yeas - -Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon; Strobel, Wallis. }7a� s None. • Mr. Singrin addressed the council relative to the condition of - weeds,and dirt on Freemont avenue. Ald. Frith _moved that the prayer of the peti- Regular Session, August 1 7, 1916 349 tioners be, granted. Carried. Communication of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress inviting the city council as well as the police and fire departments to participate in the Labor Day parade presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the invitation was accepted. Petition of Abe. Pochter asking the city council to refund to him $5.00 the license paid by him to the city for peddling ice cream owing to an acci- dent with one of the Union Electric Co.'s street cars he is unable to con- tinue peddling presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Mrs. E. Rebman and 1+`. W. Trader asking the city council for permission to erect retaining walls on the east side of Nevada street north of Langworthy avenue presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the .pe- tition was referred to the committee of the whole to view the grounds. Petition of A. A. Cooper et al, pro, testing against the improving of West Fifth street from Bluff street to the west line of City Lot 614 presented and read. On motion of Ald. Mc- Laughlin the petition was received and filed. Petition of Dubuque Commercial club asking the city council to appro- priate the sum of $300.00 to help de= fray the expenses of the convention of the Iowa League of Municipalities to be held in the month of September, 1916, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist a warrant in the sum -of $200.00 was ordered drawn in favor of Mayor Saul to be used in defraying the expenses of the convention of the Iowa League of Municipalities. Claim of W. E. Gregory in the suns of $30.00 for damages of.horse falling• into sewer ditch on Delaware avenue presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the notice was referred to the city attorney. Petition of John G. Gengler asking the city council for permission to erect a small sign about 15 feet from the southwest corner of Ninth and Main street presented and read. On motion of Ald. Callahan the petition was _referred to, the committee of the whole to view the grounds. ' Petition of Rider - Wallis Dry Goods C,Q et al, protesting to the improving of Fourth street from Main street to Locust street presented and read. On motion of A.ld. McLaughlin the peti- 4,9A was received and filed. Bond of Wm. Roschi -in the ' sum of $1000.00 -.for ,.constructing permanent sidewalks in the City of Dubuque pre- sented -and read. On motion. of Aid. Wallis the bond was referred to the city attorney. • 350 Regular Session, August 1 7, 1916 Bond of Thos. It. Lee in the sum of $1000.00 for constructing permanent sidewalks in the City of Dubuque pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the bond was referred to the city attorney. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publisher's, of the city council's in- tention to improve Fourth street from the west property line of Locust street to the east property line of Bluff street and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to thirty -four feet between curbs. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read tt e notive, certine d to by .he publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve West Third Street from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the west property line of Burc_i Street, and it is hereby pro- posed to narrow said street to Twonty -two feet between curbs from - the west curb line of Bluff Street to the east property line of Burch Street, the balance of the street to be the same as the asphaltic improvement 'between curbs, also the petition of Mary A. Ryenolds stating that she will be unable to pay for said im- provement. On motion of Ald. Mc- Laughlin the notice was received and 'filed and the petition made a matter of record. 'To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the several road districts during the first half of August, 1916: Amount due laborers $1439.31 Also submit the pay roll for sprink- ling and sweeping the first half of August, 1916: Amount due laborers $402.65 Also submit the pay roll for labor on roads leading into the County: First Ward County Road Fund, amount due laborers $13:3.60 Fifth Ward County Read Fund, amount due laborers. 15.00 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith the pay - rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to commit- - tee on streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor - -on sewers during the first hklf of August, 1916: _Amount due laborers on sew- ers $260.66 - Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to committee on sewers. Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and' City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for the police department for the first half of August, 1916: Amount due policemen $1536.70 Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. GIELLIS, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Callahan the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the polic. committee. Chief Reinfried reported as follows: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my ' pay roll for the fire department for the rfist half of August, 1916: Amount clue firemen $2243.10 Respectfully suhmit.tnd. J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. On moticn pf Alderman Leist the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report refered back to the fire committee. Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 15, 1916. • To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: During the present term of Court, the appeal from a spe- cial assessment levied against lot No. 12 of Kringle's Sub- diivsien in the City of Dubuque. for the improve- ment of Angella Street, Frank Hock - ensteiner, owner and appellant, was called for trial. It was the conten- tion of the appellant in this case that he should not be compelled to pay this assessment, and he based his contention upon numerous objections which were filed for consideration by Your Honorable Body and which you overruled. The full amount of the assessment as levied, was Eighty - three and 80 -100 ($83.80). This whole matter was given our careful attention, and we arrived at the con- clusion that it would be advisable to effect a settlement if a settlement could -be made. The appellant finally agreed to the proposition to pay the City of Dubuque, in full settlement of this assessment, the city to pay the costs of suit, the sum of Forty -one and 90 -100 ($41.90) Dollars. This being deemed satisfactory to us, the settlement was made. You will, therefore, find hereto at- tached a check in the sum of Forty - one and 90 -100 i$41.90) Dollars, and you will instruct your Treasurer to cancel this assessment upon his books upon this payment being made. You will also find hereto attached a certificate of the costs in the case as prepared by the Clerk of the Dis trict Court. These costs amount to Twelve and 5 -100 ($12.05) Dollars, in which amount you will have a war- rant drawn in favor of C. D. Har- rington, Clerk of the District Court. I sincerely trust this matter will meet with your approval. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the report of the City Attorney was ap- proved and the City Treasurer in- structed accordingly and a warrant in - the sum of $12.05 was ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of C. D. Harrington, Clerk of the District Court. Dubuque, Ia., Aug. 17th, 1916. Gentlemen of the City Council: I hereby appoint the following named Aldermen as members of the Board of Equalization, Aldermen - Wallis, Plamondon, McLaughlin, Leist and Frith, to act as such board for the purpose of equalizing the valua- tions for the year 1916. , JAMES SAUL, Mayor. On motion of Ald. Frith, the rec- ommendation of Mayor Saul was ap- proved. City Engineer McNulty presented Profile No. 940, showing the grade of Seminary Street from east curb line of Schroeder Avenue to 1600 feet west. On motion of Ald. Wallis, the profile was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. City Engineer McNulty presented Profile No. 941, showing the grade of West Fifth Street from Bluff Street to west line of City Lot No. 614. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the pro- file was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing An ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON FIFTH STREET • FROM LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es -; tablishing a grade on Fifth Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street be and the same is hereby establishes and adopted as . shown by the profile ' of said street and grade, p- epared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 938, B. M. Water Table at Hartig's Drug Store, elevation 25.21. - Said grade begins at the west prop -. erty line of Locust Street, which is ' station 0, north curb, elevation 50.60, - south curb elevation 50.80; thence to Regular Session, August 17, 1916 351 station 1+14, east alley line, north curb elevation 52.00, south curb ele- vation 51.70; thence to station 1 +44, west alley line, north curb elevation 52.50, south curb elevation 52.10; thence to station 2+60, east property line of Bluff Street, north curb ele- vation 54.00, south curb elevation 53.20. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers of the City as required by ordinance. Adopted August 17th, 1916. Approved August 18th, 1916. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald newspapers, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 18 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the, following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays — None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, Mc- Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays - -None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON NORTH MAIN STREET FROM KAUFMAN AVE- NUE TO SEMINARY STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on North Main Street from Kaufman Avenue to Seminary Street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade, prepared by the City En- gineer, being profile No. 868. B. M. Door sill of Heeb's Brewery Hall, ele- vation 32.56. Said grade begins at the south cm-h line of Kaufman Avenue. west, which is station 0 -6, west curb elevation 41.42; thence to station 0 +6, south curb line of Kaufman Avenue east, east -curb elevation 41.21; thence to station 1 +50, east curb elevation 58.60, west curb elevation 59.30; thence to station 2 +89.5, north 'curb line of 'Klingenburg Terrace 352 west, east curb elevation 78.60. west curb elevation 77.90; thence to sta- tion 3 +20.5, south curb line of Kling - enburg Terrace west, east curb ele- vation 81.90, west curb elevation 81.55; thence to station 4 +80, north curb line of Leibnitz Street west, east curb elevation 102.35, west curb ele- vation 102.68; thence to station 5 +10, south curb line of Leibnitz Street west, west curb elevation 106.17; thence to station 10 +00, east curb elevation 169.45, west curb elevation 169.35; thence to station 10 +50, east curb elevation 172.15, west curb ele- vation 172.56; thence to station 10+81, north curb line of Seminary Street west, west curb elevation 173.25; thence to station 11 +81, north curb line of Seminary Street east, east curb elevation 170.59. Section 2.—This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers of the City as required by ordinance. Adopted: August 17th, 1916. Approved: August 18th, 1916. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald newspapers, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 18 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin. Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays- - None. Aid. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, Mc- Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis: Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: An ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THIRD STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Third - Street .from - Locust Street to Bluff - Street be and the same is .hereby ,established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade, as prepared ,by the City Engineer, being. profile No. 937, B. _M. Water .Table at Hartig's Regular Session, August 17, 1916 Drug Store, elevation, 25.21. Said grade begins at the west prop- erty line of Locust Street, which is station 0, north curb elevation 43.40, south curb elevation. 43.34; thence to station 1 +14, east alley line, north_ curb elevation 46.90, south curb ele- vation 46.90; thence to station 1+44, west alley line, south curb elevation 47.20, north curb elevation 47.40; thence to station 2+58.4, east prop- erty line of Bluff Street, north curb elevation 48.80, south curb elevation 49.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers of the City as required by ordinance. Adopted August 17th, 191G. Approved August 18th, 1916. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald . newspapers, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 18 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the !reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- _ Tied. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend Ithe rules for the purpose of reading !'the ordinance by its title. Carried \by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays — I None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Car - ,i•ied by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, Mc- 'Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON FOURTH STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council . of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on ,Fourth street from ,Locust street, to Bluff street be and the same is hereby established and adopted. as, shown by the profile of said street and grade, ,prepared by the City Engineer, being ,profile No. 940, B. M. waxer table at,#iartig's drug store, , elevation 25.21. Said grade J ,egins at; the west Prop- erty line of ; Locust street, which is ,station ,0, ,Perth .curb .,elevation 49.90, .south curb,- elevatiou thence ,to station 1 +14 .,east line, of alley, north curb.,elevatioh 50 30, south, curb eleva- tion 50.20; thence to , station 1 +44, west line of alley, north curb eleva- tion 50.70, south curb elevation 50.40; thence to station 2 +60.5, east proper- ty line of Bluff street, north curb ele- vation 51.00, south curb elevation 50.90. Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official news- papers of the city, as required by or- linance. Adopted August 17th, 1916. Approved August 18th, 1016. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -18 -It City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays — None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, Mc- Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. A id. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON FOURTH STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO LOCUST STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Fourth street from Main street to Locust street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 939, B. M. water table at Hartig's drug store, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the west prop- erty line of Main street, which is sta- tion 0, north curb elevation 47.60, south curb elevation 47.80, thence to station 1+14 east alley line, north curb elevation _48.70, south curb ele- vation 48.50; thence to station 1 +44, west alley line, north curb elevation 49.10, south curl) elevation '48.801 thence to station 2 +57.5, east prop- erty line of, Locust street, north curb elevation 49.60, south curb elevation 49.60. Regular Session, August 17, 1916 353 Section 2. This ordinance shall be -in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers of the city as required by ordinance. Adopted August 17th, 1916. Approved August 18th, 1916. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers August 18th, 1016. J. J. SHEA, 8 -18 -1t City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved, that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays — None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, Mc- , Laughlin, Plamonclon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays —None. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the improvement of Burns Street from Oak Street to fifty feet north of Hancock Street, Ed. Tibey, contractor, we have also examined the sidewalk in front of the 'north 22 feet of the south 44 feet of lot 4 of Sub. City 433 and 439 and part of 676, Thos. R. Lee, contractor, and would respectfully recommend that they be accepted. We would further recommend that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a special assess- ment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for such improvements and file the same in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon publish the no- tices as required by ordinance. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of the Street Committee was adopt- ed. Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the following sewers and would respectfully recommend that they be accepted. Sewer in Delaware Avenue, Avoca Avenue, Decorah Avenue and Irving Avenue, Geo. Kormann, contractor. Sewer in Nevada Street and Mar- tha Street, Geo. Kormann, contract- or. Sewer in St. Ambrose Street. J. A. R. Daniels, contractor. We would further recommend that 354 the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a special assess- ment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for such improvement and file the same in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon publish the no- tices of said assessment as required by ordinance. L. PLAMONDON, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the report of the committee on sewers was adopted. Ald. Frith moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to remove the building off the street on Fifth ave- nue at once as the same is obstruct- ing the construction of the storm water sewer. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that Ald. Frith be appointed chairman of the trans- portation committee for the automo- bile trip to Davenport to witness the demonstration of the Seagrave Fire Apparatus. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the city electrician be instructed to have the poles that are obstructing the im- provement of Fourth Street Extension removed. Carried. Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 16th, 1916. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The Board of Health met in regular session, August 16th, 191 6. Chairman Saul in the chair. Present - -Aid. Callahan, Citizens - Wm. Fosselman and R. Kolck, Dr. Reinecke, Dr. Grahuim, Sanitary Offi- cer Neumann. Minutes of the meeting of July 19, 1916, read and on motion of Ald. Cal- lahan were approved as read. Sani- tary Health Officer Neumann report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Chairman and members of the Board of Health. Gentlemen: The undersigned, - Your Health Officer, being instructed by the city council to investigate cel- lars in various parts of the city begs to report that upon investigation found some cellars in bad condition but upon notifying the different own- ers the same are now in first class condition. Respectfully submitted, OTTO C. NEUMANN, Health Officer. On motion of Ald. Callahan the re- port of the Health Officer was ap- proved. Bill of Coates & Robinson in the sum of $10.00 for furnishing bond for custodian of the Detention Hospital presented. On motion of Ald. Calla- han the bill was ordered paid and a warrant in the sum of $10.00 was or- dered drawn on the city treasurer in favor of Coates '& Robinson. Regular Session, Au i 7, 1916 Or motion of Ald. Callahan the fol- lowing bills were sent to the county for payment: Dr. C. Palen $100 00 J. E. Robinson 65 00 Dan J. Haas 50 J. Jellison 56 70 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co 6 06 R. Wallis 21 60 John L. Kies 4 25 J. J. Strayer 9 24 Mrs. Roser 35 1 W. C. Fosselman 31 68 Union Electric Co. 14 49 R. Kolck moved that the Board of Health insert a notice in the papers notifying all householders, owners, lessors, lessees, managers and agents of any building or tenement, restaur- ant or hotel within the City of Du- buque that it is the intention of the Board of Health to pick up and de- stroy all garbage receptacles not con- forming with the city ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. Callahan moved to adjourn. Carried. J. J. SHEA, Clerk of the Board of Health. On motion of Ald. Callahan the re- port of the Board of Health was ap- proved. Your Bathing Beach Commission would respectfully report that we have had the bath house moved from the former beach to the present one at Eagle Point, and that we have ex- amined the job and would respect- fully recommend that the same be ac- cepted and that a warrant to the amount of $250.00 be drawn in favor of Frank Schmitt in payment for same. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Frith, the report of the Bathing Beach Commission was approved and a warrant in the sum of $250.00 was ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of Frank Schmitt. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the res- olutions heretofore adopted providing for the improving of West Fifth street from the west property line ,of Bluff street to the west lot line of City Lot 614 be and they are hereby rescinded. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel Wal- lis. Nays None. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in North Main street, as follows, to -wit: An eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in North Main street from the end of the present sewer south to ten feet south of the north lot line of Lot 19, L. H. Langworthy's Sub., and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abut- ting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, yallis. Nays —None. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in North Main Street from the end of the present sanitary sewer south to ten feet south of the north lot line of Lot 19, L. H. Langworthy's Sub., showing the location and gen- eral nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abut- ting thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the of- fice of the City Recorder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the offic- ial paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of -the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which ob- jections can he filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of said notice, and after the completion of the publica- tion of such notice, he shall at its next session, notify the council there- of in writing with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - -Aids. Callahan, Frith. Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, , Strobel, Wallis, Nays--None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Fourth street from the west property line of Locust street to the east property line of Bluff street be improved by grad- ing, curbing and guttering with com- bination cement curb and gutters and narrowing said street to thirty -four feet between curb and by paving said Regular Session, August 1 7, 1916 355 portion of said street with asphaltic concrete on a concrete foundation, the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improve- ment prepared by the city engineer and now on file in the office of the city recorder, and be it' further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of October, 1916, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII as amended of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Du- buque for the payment of the cost of- - street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the council on the 31st day of August, 1916, and the city recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals. as provided by ordi- nance. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays - -None. Alderman Plamondon offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That West Third Street, from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the west property line of Burch street be improved by narrowing to twenty -two feet be- tween curbs from the west property line of Bluff street to the east prop- erty line of Burch street and the bal- ance of the street to be the same as the asphaltic improvement between curbs, by grading, curbing with ce- ment curbs and to pave the portion of the street from the west curb line of Bluff street to the east property line of Burch street with hillside brick on a concrete foundation and to pave the balance of the street to the 'asphaltic improvement with as- phaltic concrete on a concrete foun- dation, the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the city en- gineer and now on file in the office of the city recorder, and he it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1916, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII as amended of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Du- buque for the payment of the cost of street improvements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the council on the 31st day of August, 1916, and the city recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Plamondon moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the 356 Regular Session, August 17, 1916 following vote: Yeas Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays None. Alderman Frith offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct perma- nent sidewalks four feet wide in front of the following lots or parcels of lots abutting on the following named streets in the City of Dubuque: Lot 91 Burden and Lawther's Ad- dition, abutting on the east side of Burden ai:enue, owned by T. E. Rhomberg. Lot 89 Burden and Lawther's Ad- dition, abutting on the east side of Burden avenue, owned by John A. Cunningham. Said sidewalks to be built of ce- ment (artificial stone) and to be com- pleted not later than the 30th day of August, 1916. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays N one. City Engineer" McNulty reported as follows: O'Farrel Cont. Co. the lowest bid- ders for the improving of Viola street, Wilmer Cook the lowest bidder for the improving of Nevada street, F. Beutin the lowest bidder for the im- proving of Eagle street and also Pine street. On motion of Ald. Frith the bids were referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Strobel moved' that the bond of the Iowa Telephone Co. be increas- ed from $500.00 to $5000.00 the same to be a Surety Bond and this bond to be prepared by the city attorney. Carried. Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn. Car- ried. J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Adopted Approved Attest: , 1916. Mayor. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. (Official. ) Special Session, August 31st, 1916. Council met at 8:20 p. in. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Aldermen Callahan, Frith, Leist, McLaughlin, Strobel, Wallis. Absent -- Alderman Plamondon. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of act- ing on bids on various street im- provements and any other business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ald. Wallis moved to open bids. Carried. - 13ids for the improving of West Third Street from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the west property line of Burch Street: Bid of G. L. Kormann, grading in total, $50.00; cement curbing, per lineal foot, 50 cents; hillside brick paving, per square yard, $2.40; asphaltic concrete, per square yard, Class B, $1.95. Bid of Jas. F. Lee, grading in total, $75.00; cement curbing, per lineal foot, 49 cents; brick paving, per square yard, Galesburg hillside brick, $2.35; asphaltic concrete, per square yard, Class A, $1.80. On motion of Ald. Callahan, the contract was awarded to Jas. F. Lee, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the con- tract. Bids for the improving of Fourth Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street: Bid of James F. Lee, combination curb and guttering, per lineal foot, 70 cents; asphaltic concrete, per square yard, Class A, $1.72. Bid of Johnston Construction Co., combination curb and guttering, per lineal foot, 75 cents; asphaltic concrete, per square yard, Class A, $1.85; asphaltic concrete, per square yard, Class B, $1.80. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the contract was awarded to James F. Lee, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contract. Ald. Frith moved that the money turned over to the City Treasurer by the Dubuque Commercial Club be placed in the Eagle Point Bathing Beach Fund. Carried. Ald, Frith moved that a warrant in the sum of $67.03 be drawn on the Eagle Point Bathing Beach Fund in favor of A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. to cover the bill of Curtis Plumbing & Heating Co. turned over to them against the Eagle Point Bathing Beach. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the construction Special Session, August 31, 1916. 357 of a sewer at the Eagle Point Bath- ing Beach. Carried. Ald. Callahan moved that the City Engineer be instructed to give stakes to Harvey Pier on Valley Street to show whether or not his lot is on the street. Carried. Ald. Strobel moved that the Mayo] appoint a committee of three to make arrangements for the convention of the Iowa League of Municipalities, to be held during the month of Septem- ber. Carried. Mayor Saul appointed the following named committee; Alds. Strobel, Frith and McLaughlin. Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn. Carried. J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Adopted , 1916. Approved Attest Mayor. City Recorder. is u 358 List of City Warrants. Dubuque, Iowa. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque. Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1916: Salaries for June, 1916 James Saul, Mayor $116 65 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 133' 30 Otto F. Puls, Deputy 108 33 L. F. Kolfenbach, Clerk 80 00 Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 116 65 Carl O. Weglen, Deputy 88 33 J. J. Shea, Recorder - 116 65 Peter Kies, Deputy 93 33 Fred J. Heller, Assessor 125 00 Harry Gleason, Deputy 100 00 Frank Kenneally, Deputy 100 00 Matthew H. Czizek, Attorney_ 150 00 Matthew Cooney, Asst. Attor- ney 95 00 Mary Czizek, Stenographer _ 20 00 F. J. McNulty, Engineer 166 65 Albert Eitel, Asst. Engineer 60 00 Walter Cullen, Asst. Engineer 125 00 J. J. Ryan, Rodman 75 00 Jos. Schlueter, Asst. Engineer 95 00 John W. Lawler, Committee Clerk 100 00 John Mahoney, Street Com- missioner 100 00 C, J. McCarthy, Market Mas- ter 65 00 Thos. Hackney, Pound Master 45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 70 00 Dr. E. L. Reinicke, Health Officer 50 00 Otto Neumann, Sanitary Offi- cer 75 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector 85 00 Ed. Farrel, Ambulance Driver 80 00 Jas. Lynch, Wharf Master 60 00 Louis Plamondon, Alderman First \Ward 25 00 J. J. McLaughlin, Alderman Second Ward 25 00 Chas. Leist, Alderman Third Ward 25 00 J. H. \Wallis, Alderman Fourth Ward 25 00 E. E. Frith,. Alderman Fifth Ward 25 00 Thos. H. Callahan, Alderman - at -Large 25 00 John E. Strobel, Alderman -at- Large 25 00 John Giellis, Chief of Police _ 125 00 Geo. Reynolds, for injuries received 20 00 Amanda Beyer, compensation labor law 35 08 Police Payroll Last Half June, 1916. Edward Brunskill $ 36 58 Michael Connolly 36 58 James Corcoran 34 30 John Cody 34 30 Nicholas Campbell 36 61 William Carroll 36 58 List of Warrants. Thomas Cain Thos. Connolly Philip Dunphy .Wm. Dolan Thomas Duggan Edward Daily Patrick Fury John Fox James Flynn Michael Fogarty Theo. Ganahl Ben Gray John Kane John Kilby John Kopp Patrick Kenneally Barney Ludescher Henry Mueller Hugh - Markey Alfred Noel John O'Brien Michael O'Connor Michael Ryan Gus Raterman Thomas Reilly Joseph Stoltz Patrick Sullivan Dennis Sheehan John Spielman Thomas Sweeney Fred Seyler Fred Spielman Charles Truher Frank Williams !Miss B. Brennan Mrs. K. 1 -Iibbe Police Pension Fund Retained 36' 34 41 36 34 33 39 36 34 36 36 36 34 33 36 34 36 34 36 33 41 41 34 36 34 34 39 36 34 39 36 39 36 34 34 34 31 Fire Payroll Last Half June, 1916. J. Reinfried $ 61 D. Ahearn 49 Wm. Hipman 49 At Eitel 47 A. Heer 39 A. McDonell 43 P. Zillig 39 N. Wagner 39 .T. Kennedy 39 F. Alotsch 39 J. Noonan 39 L. \Wemett 33 J. Flynn 42 H. Cain 43 T. Ryder 43 \Wni. Smith 39 M. Kelley 39 F. Murphy 39 J. Rooney 37 R. Tierney 32 G . Gehrlce 42 J. Keppler 39 J. Smith 43 \Wm. McClain 39 L. Benner 37 J. Daugherty 39 H. Woodward 32 M. Sweeney 39 J. Benzer 39 J. McGloughlin $0 P. Apel 37 \ \'m. Kennedy 39 A. Brewer 34 Wm. Ryan 34 58 28 71 75 30 97 20 58 28 58 61 55 30 97 58 30 56 30 97 81 30 61 25 3) 18 58 30 23 58 20 58 30 30 30 02 75 00 00 05 20 62 2p 20 20 36 20 00 15 62 62 20 20 20 25 35 15 20 62 20 25 20 35 20 20 20 25 20 30 30' D. Harker 34 30 P. McManus 32 35 Win. Ducey 42 lb E. McDermott 39 20 F. Kenneally 39 21? T. O'Brien 39 20 R. Weston 42 15 M. Fahey 39 20 R. Kenneally 43 62 J. Allen 39 20 .J. Connelly 39 20 Wm. Meyers 34 30 H. Rawson 34 30 .J. Roshin 42 15 Wm. Kannolt 39 20 F. Baumgartner, 39 20 P. Kirch 39 20 Pension Fund Retained 41 14 M. Leist, Sub. 33 00 F! Lonergan, Sub. 33 00 H. Ruh, Sub. 33 00 J. Stafford, Sub. 33 00 Dubuque, Iowa, July 6th, 1916. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts in the City of Dubuque for the last half of June, 1916: F. Balser, 1st $ 16 22 J. Broskey, 3rd 4 00 R. Birner, 4th 20 22 R. Bowden, 5th 13 54 R. Bowden, S. W. 6 88 C. Buelow, 5th 17 54 J. Connolly, 1st 28 00 P. Carney, 1st 20 44 J. Cahill, 3rd 28 00 'T. Cahill, 3rd 1 10 'T. Cahill, health 26 00 E. Desmond, 2nd 6 00 G. Davis, 1 -5 each 37 50 S. Eiistace, 4th 23 76 J. Eberhart, 5th 19 10 H. Engle, 1 -5 each 46 10 M. Flick, 4th 19 32 W. Frost, 4th 22 66 G. Frost, 2nd 32 50 B. Glass, 2nd 16 88 M. Gierst, 2nd 11 10 F. Goodman, 2nd 17 54 C. Geimer, 4th 16 88 A. Gantinbien, 4th 10 22 H. Galle, 5th 5 10 M. Gantinhien, 5th 26 22 C. Gantinbien, 5th 32 50 J. Haupert, 5th 23 10 D. Hall, 5th 7 76 G. Hird, 4th 32 50 D. Hoag, harbor expense 2 88 T. Kenneally, 1st 18 22 S. Kronatz, 5th 16 00 C. Kuppersemid, 5th 17 10 J. Kuch, 1 -5 each 25 00 T. Lonergan, 2nd 22 06 F. Lawson, 4th 22 44 H. Lange, 5th 17 10 J. McCarron, 1st 18 00 C. McDonald, 2nd 24 22 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 4 00 J. Maus, 4th 24 23. List of Warrants. 359 J. Murray, 1st 12 00 H. Marten, 4th 25 10 R. McCaffrey, 2nd 25 00 J. O'Neill, 2nd 12 88 W. O'Brien, 1st 32 50 S. Oppelt, 1 -5 each 25 00 O. B. Ridgeway, 1-5 each 2 90 F. Rowe, 2nd 4 00 R. Royce, 4th 8 66 J. Rekert, 5th 13 54 J. Ryan, 2nd 26 00 A. Schaller, 3rd 21 32 N. Spies, 3rd 22 44 G. Schultz, 3rd 10 22 W. Spensley, 4th 21 54 J. Steffen, 5th 17 76 W. Schnee, 5th 20 66 L. Schneider, 5 5th 8 88 P. Schetgan, 3rd 32 50 J. Thompson, 1st 28 00 A. Turner, 3rd 22 44 J. Tschriggfrie, 4th 18 22 W. Williams, 2nd 22 22 P. Wertin, 2nd 21 10 C. Zimmerman, 2nd 23' 54 F. Zell, 2nd 4 00 M. Ackels, 4th 27 50 F. Burns, 3rd 4 95 B. Baldwin, 5th 62 15 J. Berwanger, 5th 64 90 A. Conral, 5th 34 65 J. Dorgan, 4th, macadam for 14th street 453 00 N. Evert, 1st 17 60 Al. Hannon, 2nd 50 60 J. Ludowisky, 1st 19 80 J. Long, 5th 64 90 J. McCollins, 2nd 44 0a J. McGrath, 4th 24 75 S. Norton, 4th 45 10 D. O'Meara, 1st 23 10 P. Pier, 3rd 4 95 C. Singrin, 3rd 66 55 P, Wagner, 1st 19 25 T. Welsh, 4th, macadam for 14th street 280 13 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for sprinkling and sweeping in the City -of Dubuque for the last half of June, 1916: J. Sullivan, 1st $ 35 20 J. McCollins, 2nd 33 00 J. Linehan, 3rd 26 95 B. A/olo, 2nd 2 -3, 4th 1 -3 26 95 M. Ackels, 3rd 1 -6, 4th 5 -6 35 75 A. Conrad, 5th 30 25 Union Electric Co., 1st 9%, 2nd 13, 3rd 20, 4th 5, 5th 539- 361 90 J. Ludowsky, 1st, 2nd 47 30 D. O'Meara, 1st, 2nd 22 00 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque -for the last half o� June, 1916: F. Schaller $ 26 00 W. Hennessey -- 26 00 W. Coughlin 24 00 360 H. Carney 28 00 W. Burke 7028 00 J. Tobin 28 00 C. Rusch 22 22 T. Bailing 44 T. Hird 28 00 C. Sullivan 37 50 BILLS. Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest $500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, %interest 15 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, miscellaneous 185 11 John I,. Kies, police, expense 33 55 E. T. Frith, health 500 00 E. T. Frith, health 318 74 C. B. McNamara & Co., grad- ing 100 00 Tom Kenneally, inspector 18 00 Jim Byrnes, inspector 26 00 F. W. Hassett, 5% retained Burns street 19 79 O'Farrel Cont. Co., 5 %d retain- ed Cox street 61 30 Tibey Bros., 5% retained Wood street sewer 28 25 Tibey Bros., 5% retained Cur- tis street sewer 4 S Tibey Bros., 5% retained Mc- Evoy Place sewer 7 79 Geo. Korman, constructing sewer in Burden avenue 500 00 Geo. Korman, constructing sewer in Burden avenue 500 00 Geo. Korman. constructing ' sewer in Burden avenue _ 500 00 Geo. Korman, constructing sewer in Burden avenue ._ 500 .00 Geo. Korman, constructing sewer in Burden avenue 28 90 Fire Payroll for First Half July,. 1916. J. Reinfried $ 62 00 50 00 List of Warrants. D. Ahern W. Hipman M. Eitel A. Heer A. McDonnell P. Zillig N. Wagner T. Kennedy F. Motsch J. Noonan L. Wemett J. Flynn H. Cain T. Ryder Wm. Smith' M. Kelley F. Murphy R. Tierney J. Rooney J. Walsh 37 Oc G. Gehrke 42 00 J. Keppler 40 00 J. Smith 43 00 J. Daugherty 40 00 W. McClain 40 00 L. Benner 37' 00 H. Woodward 32 00 M. Sweeney 40 0l• J. Benner 40 00 50 00 47 00 40 00 43 40 40 40 40 40 32 42 43 43 40 40 40 32 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 J. McGloughlin 40 00 W. Kennedy 40 00 P. Apel 37 00 W. Ryan 35 00 D. Harker 35 00 A. Brewer 35 00 P. McManus 32 00 W. Ducey 40 00 F. Kenneally 40 00 T. O'Brien 40 00 E. McDermott 40 00 R. Weston 42 00 ' M. Fahey 40 00 R. Kenneally 43 00 J. Allen 40 00 J. Connelly 40 00 W. Meyers 35 00 H. Rawson 35 00 J. Roshin 42 00 W. Kannolt 40 00 F. Baumgartner 40 '00 P. Kirch 40 00 F. Donahue, Sub. 12 60 N. Leist, Sub. 32 00 J. Staoffrd, Sub. 32 00 F. Lonergan, Sub. 32 00 H. Ruh, Sub. 32 00 D. McGrath, extra help 2 00 S. Zim, extra help 2 Os W. B. Mass, extra help 2 00 F. Starr, extra help 2: 00 F. Justman, extra help 2 00 J. Dun, extra help 2 00 Police Payroll First Half July, 1916. Ed *ard Brunskill $ 35 00 James Corcoran 37 33 Michael Connolly 35 00 John Cody 35 00 Nicholas Campbell 37 33 William Carroll 35 00 Thos. Connolly 35 00 Thomas Cain 35 00 Philip Dumphy 42 50 Wm. Dolan 37 50 Thomas Duggan 39 65 Edward Daily 32 50 Patrick Fury 45 35 James Flynn 35 00 John Fox 35 00 Theo. Ganahl 37 33 Michael Fogarty 35 00 Ben Gray 35 00 John Kane 37 33 John Kopp 35 00 Patrick Kenneally 30 33 John Kilby 34 65 Barney Ludescher 35 00 Henry Mueller 35 00 Hugh Markey 35 00 Alfred Noel 34 65 John O'Brien 42 65 Michael O'Connor 42 65 Michael Ryan 35 00 Gus Raterman 35 00 Thos. Reilly 35 00 Joseph Stoltz 37 33 Patrick Sullivan 40 00 John Spielman 37 33 Dennis Sheehan 35 00 Thomas Sweeney 42 65 Fred Seyler 35 00 Fred Spielman 37 50 Chas. Truher 35 Os Fkank Williams 35 00 Edward Vosberg 10 65 Miss B. Brennan 35 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe 35 00 Dubuque, Iowa, July 20, 1916. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts in the City of Dubuque for the first half of July, 1916: T. Addyman, 4th $ 7 10 F. Balser ,1st 18 00 J. Broskey, 3rd 16 3.8 R. Birner, 4th 22 44 A. Blackburb, 4th 4 00 C. Buelow, 5th 4 1 0 R. Bowden, 5th 8 66 J. Connolly, 1st 24 00 P. Carney, 1st. 22 44 J. Cahill, 3rd 23 10 T. Cahill, health 24 OQ G. Davis, 1 -5 each 37 50 S. Eustace, 4th 14 22 J. Eberhart, 5th 6 00 H. Engle, 1 -5 each 37 50 F. Frick, 3rd 6 00 M. Flick, 4th 22 44 W. h'rist, 4th 12 66 G. Prost, 2nd 32 50 B. Glass, 2nd 16 88 M. Gierst, 2nd 8 00 F. Goodman, 2nd 20 00 C. Giemer, 4th 4 88 M. Gantinbien, 5th 21 76 H. Galle, 5th 8 66 C. Gantinbien, 5th 32 50 J. Haupert, 5th 18 66 G. Hird, 4th 32 50 T. Kenneally, 1st 18 00 J. Kelley, 4th 8 00 C. Kupperschmid, 5th 14 44 J. Koch, 1 -5 each 25 00 T. Lonergan, 2nd 23 54 F. Lawson, 4th 21 54 H. Lang, 5th 7 10 J. McCarron, 1st 16 88 C. McDonald, 2nd 23 54 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 18 00 Jno. McLaughlin, 3rd 22 00 R. McCaffery, 2nd 25 00 J. Maus, 4th 22 22 H. Martin, 4th 20 44 J. O'Neill, 2nd 2 00 W. O'Brien, 1st 32 50 S. Oppelt, 1 -5 each 25 00 F. Rowe, 2nd 2 66 P. Royce, 4th 8 44 J. Ryan, 2nd 24 00 A. Schaller, 3rd 18 66 N. Spies, 3rd 22 44 G. Schultz, 3rd 23 10 W. Spensley, 4th 18 44 W. Schnee, 5th 2 66 L`. Schneider, 5th 2 88 P. Schetgan, 3rd 32 50 J. Thompson, 1st 24 00 A. Turner,' 3rd 22 44 -W. Williams, 2nd 12 66 List of Warrants. 361 P. 1Vertin, 2nd 16 66 C. Zimmerman, 2nd 23 54 F. Ziel, 2nd 4 88 \I. Ackels, 4th 51 70 F. Burns, 3rd 46 75 B. Baldwin, 5th 21 45 J. Brietbach, 5th 32 40 F. Becker, 5th 6 05 J. Dorgan, 2nd, macadam 285 00 J. Dorgan,' 4th, macadam 177 00 P. Evens Co., 4th, macadam 6`'3 00 F. Faldorf, 1st 4 95 M. Hannon, 2nd 30 25 J. Long, 5th 51 70 J. McCollins, 2nd 7 70 J. McGrath, 4th 29 70 S. Norton, 4th 15 95 D. O'Meara, 1st 42 35 P. Pier, 3rd 41 80 C. Singrin, 3rd 59 40 T. Welsh, 4th, macadam, 24 00 To the Hoonrable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for sprinkling and sweeping in the City of Dubuque for the first half of July, 1916: J. Sullivan, lst $ 56 65 J. McCollins, 2nd 44 50 J. Linehan, 3rd 56 6.5 B. Molo, 2nd, 2 -3, 4th 1 -3 51 15 Al. Ackels, 3rd 1 -6, 4th 5 -6 56 6.5 A. Conrad, 5th 56 65 J. Ludowisky, 1st, 2nd 34 65 B. Lagen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th- 44 55 C. Van Wie, 1st, 2nd 14 85 Dubuque, Iowa, July 20th, 1916. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the first half of July, 1916: E. Schaller $ 22 00 W. Hennessey 24 00 W. Coughlin 24 00 H. Carney 24 00 W. Burke 24 00 J. Tobin 24 00 C. Rusch 24 00 T. Bannig 24 00 T. Hird 23 10 C. Sullivan 37 50 C. B. McNamara & Co., grad- ing Atlantic avenue $150 00 Ed. Ruff, inspector 24 00 Tom Kenneally, inspector. 18 00 Jim. Byrnes, inspector 8 00 Wilmer Cook, improving Ne- vada street 500 0'e Wilmer Cook, improving Ne- vada street 500 00 Wilmer Cook, improving Ne- vada street 111 36 Geo. Korman, sewer in Leib- nitz street ' 507 00 Standard Oil Co., roads 212 80 Standard Oil Co., 4th road 4 5'0' Standard Oil Co., 4th road 458 35 Klauer Mfg. Co., 4th road 14 88' G. W. Healey & - Son, 2nd road 90 Ed. Brasher, 2nd road ' 13 00 1 362 J. M. Kenety & Son, 4th road C. R. Pollock, 4th road Smedley Company, 2nd road_ Milwaukee Brush Co., roads Clark Roller Awning Co , roads Iowa Oil Co., roads Imperial Brush Co., roads Key City Iron Works, roads J. Newman & Son, roads Geo. Bock, roads A. W. Drake & Sons, roads .._ Ellwanger Bros., roads Leader Oil Co., roads Key City Iron Works, roads F. Schloz & Son, roads Key City Roofing Co., roads and sewer Mettel Bros., fire, roads and sewer Mettel Bros., fire and roads ..._ Molo Sand & Gravel Co., sew- er and road P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., sewer Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner, sewer Molo Sand & Gravel Co., sew- er F, M. Jaeger Co., sewer P'. Schloz & Son sewer G. W. Healey & Son, sewer Win. Marshall, sidewalk Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co , sidewalks Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., sidewalk and police Iowa Telephone Co., fire, po- lice and expense A. R. Stanfenbeil & Son, po- lice and expense Key City Gas Co., police, fire and expense Key City Gas Co., police, fire and expense Rellihan & Mullen, police and expense Klauer Mfg. Co., expense Coates & Robinson, expense Dubuque County Recorder, expense John L. Kies, expense Larry Dailey, expense Michael Mullen, expense Pauly Printing Co., expense Pauly Printing Co., expense M. S. Hardie, expense Gonner •Bros., expense Key City Gas Co., expense Hoerman Press, expense Ed. Millius, expense A. E. Bradley, expense Union Electric Co., expense _ _ h. Schloz & Son, expense C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense F. Schloz & Son, expense C. L. Dambacher, expense .. J. Beach & Sons, expense L.'A. Walch, expense M. A. O'Rourke, expense Iowa Oil Co., police List of Warrants. 5 00 33 92 10 00 63 96 1 40 44 78 12 00 11 48 2 25 1 15 25 2 00 9 75 4 90 25 25 7 10 12 50 16 90 1 50 4 20 6 50 35 1 58 9 65 25 5 00 19 20 44 77 42 67 12 75 58 60 4 25 41 65 10 80 2 50 1 50 3 45 7 95 10 70 14 75 11 25 18 00 12 25 80 10 00 1 00 21 00 2 40 3 00 10 00 3 60 66 45 1 25 6 75 10 -35 30 21 95 41 12 Eichhorn & Bechtel, police _- 8 03 Adam Zillig, police 3 15 Key City Gas Co., police 45 C. McCarthy, police 6 60 Dubuque Mattress Co., police 4 40 Clem Ravning, police 57 85 eapt. Trombley, police 75 Kaep & Buechele, police 2 10 J. Lowe Electric Ca., police J. W. Giellis, police 5 70 John Jehring, police 2 95 United States Tire Co., police 18 60 Union Electric Co., police 1 80 J. Mineadue, police 41 00 Chester A. Ruff, fire 36 00 American- La-Prance Fire En- gine Co., fire 453 85 I G. Becker, fire - 5 42 Murphy Insurance Agency, fire 60 00 F. Lanser & Son, fire 4 50 .Iowa Oil Co., fire 21 50 Labor I,eader, fire 8 50 The Adams Co., fire 3 25 F. Schloz & Son, fire 4 GO Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner, fire 16 25 F. G. Becker, fire' 11 58 Key City Iron Works, fire 6 53 Schepple Machine Co., fire 1 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 68 , 00 T. F. Kane, fire . 362 86 Demkier Bros., fire 9 50 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 96 Tri -State Auto Co , fire 25 94 Tri -State Auto Co., fire 6 82 National Refining Co., fire 21 50 National Refining Co., fire 21 50 Tri -State Auto Co., fire 33 56 Key City Iron Works, fire 1 40 Kassler Motor Co., fire 2 10 Fred C. Ris, fire 1 65 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, fire 19 35 Key City Gas Co., fire 27 00 Key City Gas Co., fire 1 50 Capt. Trombley, fire 75 J. Beach & Sons, fire 4 00 National Refining Co., fire 5 25 Deyoe- Avenarius, fire 15 25 J. Newman & Son, fire 1 00 A. Y. McDonald Co., fire 3 75 Union Electric Co., fire - 16 26 J. Vandermiller, health 9 00. J. Erlinger, health 3 75 Geisler Bros.,_ health 40 Upton Laundry, health 10 33 Upton Laundry, health 10 99 J. F. Ris, health 3 00 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co , health 5 10 Schepple Machine Works, health 51 36 Labor Leader, health 5 50 Labor Leader, printing 12 50 Times- Journal, printing 144 56 Telegraph- Herald, printing 141 76 Telegraph- Herald, printing and expense 95 50 Union Electric Co., lighting._ 67 06 Union Electric Co., lighting 162 15 Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00 Union Electric Co., lighting.._. 500 00 Union Electric Co., lighting.... 500 00 Union Electric Co., lighting.... 500 00 Union Electric Co., lighting._.. 500 00 Union Electric Co., lighting.... 500 00 Union Electric Co., lighting..._ 310 40 J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Official Publication. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council Of the City of Dubuque that from and after twenty days after the passage and publication hereof as required by ordinance, and for a period of ten years thereafter, no person, firm or corporation shall excavate in or tear up the surface of North Main from the south property line of Kauf- man Avenue to the north curb line of Seminary Street. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this reso- lution shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense and the City Recorder is hereby instructed to cause to be pub- lished notice of the adoption hereof within twenty -four hours after its passage. Resolved further, That the provis- ions hereof shall he held not to apply in case of contracts which have been or are about to be let for the paving of said street or parts thereof. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers August 4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 5 -4 -1t. City Recorder. N ^'_ice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received al the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 P.,M. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for im- proving West Fifth Street from the west properly line of Bluff Street to the west line of City Lot 614, in ac- cordance with the plans and specifi- cations prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: If brick block paving: 1,180 square yards of brick block paving on a concrete foundation. 535 lineal feet of cement curb. If concrete paving: 1,180 square yards of concrete pav- ing. 535 lineal feet of cement curb. If asphaltic concrete paving: 1,060 square yards of asphaltic con- crete on a concrete foundation. 535 lineal feet of cement curb and gutter. 300 square feet of cement gutter. The work to he paid for when said Official Notices. 363 work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of the 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or be- fore the 1st day of November, 1916. Bidders must state price per square yard of brick block, of concrete and of asphaltic concrete paving, and price per lineal foot of cement curb and gutter, and price per lineal foot of cement curb, and price per square foot of cement gutter. Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for $200.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4th, 191 6. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City's Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for im- proving North Main Street from the south property line of Kaufman Ave- nue, to the north curb line of Sem- inary Street, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 1,158 square yards of 'Hillside brick gutter on a concrete foundation. 100 lineal feet of stone curb reset. 50 lineal feet of new stone curb. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1916. Bidders must state price per square yard of Hillside brick gutter on a concrete foundation, and price per lineal foot of new stone curb, and price per lineal foot of stone curb reset. Eacl. bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $200.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will he entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 P. M. 364 Official Notices. Thursday, August 17th, 1916 for the construction of an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Windsor avenue' from Lincoln Avenue to Providence street and in Providence Street from Windsor avenue to Stafford Avenue in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- __eer and now on file in the office o I the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 710 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 4 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1916. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of completed sewer also price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $60.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded Checks and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for im- proving Arlington street from the west lot line of Highland Place, to the east curb line of Prairie street, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1,910 square yards of Hillside brick paving on a concrete founda- tion. 1,560 lineal feet of cement curb. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as pres- cribed by Chapter XXXII and amend- ments thereto of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque Iowa,• work to be completed on or be- fore the 15th day of November, 1916. Bidders must state price per Iineal foot of cement curb, and price per square yard of Hillside brick paving. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid In separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. Thursday, August 17th, 1916 for the construction of an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Foye street from Almond street, to Seminary street, and east in Seminary street from Foye street to within one hundred feet of Paul street, and west on Semi- nary street from Foye street to the westerly lot line of Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 193, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 2,764 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 14 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,' Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of March, 1917. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of completed sewer aso price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $500.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Checks and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for im- proving Third Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east curb line of Bluff Street, in ac- cordance with the plans and specifi- cations prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: If brick paving: 1,190 square yards of brick paving on a concrete foundation. 456 lineal feet of cement curb. If asphaltic concrete paving: 1,190 square yards of asphaltic con- crete paving on a concrete foundation. 456 lineal feet of cement curb. If concrete paving: 1,190 square yards of concrete pav- ing. 456 lineal feet of cement curb. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1916. Bidders must state price per Square yard of Brick Block, of Asphaltic Concrete and of Concrete Paving, and price per lineal foot of Cement Curb. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $200.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate en- velopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for im- proving Fourth street from the west property line of Main street to the east property line of Lucust street, in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: If brick block paving: 1,190 square yards of brick blocs. paving on a concrete foundation. 100 lineal feet of cement curb. 5 lineal feet of new stone curb. 10 lineal feet of stone curb reset. If creosote wood block paving: 1,190 square yards of creosote wood block paving on a concrete foundation 100 lineal feet of cement curb. 5 lineal feet of new stone curb. 10 lineal feet of stone curb reset. If asphaltic concrete paving: 1,075 square yards of asphaltic con- crete paving on a concrete foundation. 1,032 square feet of cement gutter. 100 lineal feet of cement curb. 5 lineal feet of new stone curb. 10 lineal feet of stone curb reset. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII, and amendments thereof of the Revised Ordinance of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of November. 1916. Bidders must state price per square yard of Brick block, of creosote wood block and of asphaltic concrete pav- ing and price per lineal foot of ce- Official Notices. 365 ment curb, of stone curb and for re- setting stone curb, and price per square foot of cement gutter. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $200.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Noteice to Boat Builders. Sealed proposals will be recived at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder unitl 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for the building and furnishing material for a 16x60 Barge, including anchros and holding devices, 1 steel frame with plank covering 2 wooden frames. Work to be completed on or before the 1st %! ay of .October, 1916. Bidders must furnish plans and specifications covering construction according to his bid. Bidders must state price in total for Barge com- pleted. . Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $30.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and hid in 'separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Datde at Dubuque, Iowa, August 7th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -7 -3t: City Recorder. Notice to Contract Sealed proposals will be . eceived at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. in., Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for improving Fifth Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the of- fice of the City Recorder. . It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: If brick block paving: 1,190 square yards of brick block paving on a concrete foundation. 300 lineal feet of cement curb. 5 lineal feet of new. stone curb. 5 lineal feet of stone curb reset. If asphaltic concrete paving: 1,072 square yards of asphaltic con- crete paving on a concrete founda- tion. . 1,032 square feet of cement gutter. 300 lineal feet of cement curb. 5 lineal feet of new stone curb. 366 5 lineal feet of stone curb reset. If concrete paving: '1,190 square yards of concrete pav- ing. 300 lineal feet of cement curb. 5 lineal feet of new stone curb. 5 lineal feet of stone curb reset. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the lst clay of November, 1916. Bidders must state price per square yard of brick block, of asphaltic con- crete and of concrete paving, and price per lineal foot of cement curl), of stone curb and for resetting stone curb, and price per square foot of ce- ment gutter. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $200.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recrocler until 5:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for•the construction of an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Heel) Street from the end of the present sewer south to the first angle of the grade of said street, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 180 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 1 manhole. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 15th clay of October, 1916. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of completed sewer; also price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $20.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a. contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August -4th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, • 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Official Notices. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City's Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City ,Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for im- proving Heeb Street from Kaufman Avenue to the south lot line of Lot 6, Marsh's Add., ill accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It. is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 856 square yards of Hillside brick paving on a concrete foundation. 770 lineal feet of cement curb. 115 cubic yards of filling. - 1,885 cubic yards of cutting. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to he completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1916. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of cement curb, and price per square Yard of Hillside brick paving, and price for grading in total. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $250.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August tth, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Official Notice. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE FOURTH STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF LO- CUST STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF BLUFF STREET, AND IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED TO NARROW SAID STREET TO THIRTY -FOUR FEET BETWEEN CURBS. To Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve Fourth street from the west property line of Locust street to the east property line of Bluff street, and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to thirty -four, feet between curbs. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City I ocorder. It is estimated by the Ctty Engineer that said improvement will re tuire: 917 square yards of asphaltic con- crete paving on a concrete foundation. 456 lineal feet of cement curb and gutter. Making a total estimated cost of the legally assessable property owners -of $2,289.70 Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held Thurs- day, August 17th, 1916 or to file with the City Recorder their objection in writing on or before August 17th, 1916. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa August 8, 1916. J, J. SEA, 8-8-3t. l ity Recorder. Official Notice. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST THIRD STREET, FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF BLUFF STREET TO THE WEST PROP- ERTY LINE OF BURCH STREET, AND IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED TO NARROW SAID, STREET TO TWENTY -TWO FEET BETWEEN CURBS FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF BLUFF STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF BURCH STREET, THE BALANCE OF THE STREET TO BE THE SAME AS THE ASPHALTIC IM- PROVEMENT BETWEEN CURBS. To Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve West Third Street, from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the west property line of Burch Street, and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to twenty -two feet between curbs from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the east property line of Burch Street, the balance of the street to be the same as the .as- phallic improvement between curbs. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 4,230 square yards of Hillside Brick Paving on a concrete foundation. 3,690 lineal feet of cement curb. 200 square yards of Asphaltic Con- crete Paving on a concrete foundation. Making a total estimated cost to the legally assessable property owners of $12,370.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held Thurs- clay, August 17, 1916, or to file with the City Recorder their objection in writing on or before August 17, 1916. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 8, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -8 -3t City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at Official Notices. 367 the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for re- placing new curb and gutter abutting the A. Urbach property on Park Ave- nue, between arandview Avenue and Bradley Avenue, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now On file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 110 lineal feet of cement curb and gutter. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1916. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of cement curb and gutter. Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for $10.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award ed. Check and bid in separate en- velopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 15th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 15 -2t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will he received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 17th, 1916, for re- pairing 2.500 square feet of cement gutter on West Locust Street from Rosedale Avenue to Seminary Street, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 2,500 square feet of cement gutter. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1916. Bidders must state price per square foot of cement gutter. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $20.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate en- velopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 15th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 15 - 2t. City Recorder. li { r I AIM I • 368 Official Notices. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's Office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 • p. m., Thursday, August 31st, 1916, for improving Fourth Street from the west property line of Locust Street to the east property line of Bluff Street, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 917 square yards of asphaltic con- crete paving on a concrete founda- tion. 456 lineal feet of cement curb and gutter. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of October, 1916. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of cement curb and gutter and price per square yard of asphaltic concrete paving. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $200.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 18 -3t. City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE INTENTION OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO COLLECT A N D CONFISCATE WORN OUT AND IMPROPER GARBAGE CANS, BUCKETS AND BASKETS. Householders, owners, lessors, les- sees, managers and agents of build- ings, tenements, restaurants and hotels are hereby notified that begin- ning on the 24th day of August, 1916, the Board of Health will cause to be collected and confiscated all worn out, dilapidated and improper garbage cans, baskets and buckets wherever the same are found. Such parties will, therefore, take immediate steps to displace such receptacles with iron cans having tight covers as provided by the Ordinance. Failure upon the part of anyone to provide the proper can for garbage and other oil -fall, will be punished by a fine or imprison- ment. Per Order Board of Health. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will he received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, August 31st, 1916,' for im- proving West' Third Street from the west curb line of Bluff Street to the west property line of Burch Street, in accordance with the plans and spe- cifications prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 4,230 square yards of Hillside Brick Paving on a concrete foundation. 200 square yards of asphaltic Con- crete Paving on a concrete founda- tion. 3,690 lineal feet of cement curb. 517 cubic yards of cutting. The work to be paid for when salt/ work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work tb be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1916. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of cement curb and price per square yard of Hillside Brick Paving, and price per square yard of Asphal -i tic Concrete Paving, and price for grading in total. Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check for $1,200.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and hid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 18 -3t. City Recorder, Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON FOURTH STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO LOCUST STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Fourth street from Main street to Locust street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 939, B. M. water table at Hartig's drug store, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the west prop- erty line of Main street, which is sta- tion 0, north curb elevation 47.60, south curb elevation 47.80, thence to station 1+14 east alley line, north curb elevation 48.70, south curb ele- vation 48.50; thence to station 1 +44, west alley line, north curb elevation 49.10, south curb elevation 48.801 thence to station 2+57.5, east prop- erty line of Locust street, north curb • elevation 49.60, south curb elevation 49.50. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers of the city as required by ordinance. Adopted August 17th, 1916. Approved August 18th, 1916. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald newspapers August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -18 -1t City Recorder. Official Notices. Official Publication. An ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON FIFTH STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es - tablishing a grade on Fifth Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street be and the same is hereby establishes and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade, prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 938, B. M. Water Table at Hartig's Drug Store, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the west prop- erty line of Locust Street, which is station 0, north curb elevation 50.60, south curb elevation 50.80; thence to station 1 +14, east alley line, north curb elevation 52.00, south curb ele- vation 51.70: thence to station 1+44, west alley line, north curb elevation 52.50, south curb elevation 52.10: thence to station 2 -I-60, east property line of Bluff Street, north curl) ele- vation 54.00, south curb elevation 53.20. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council , and its publication in the official newspapers of the City as required by ordinance. Adopted August 17th, 1916. Approved August 18th, 1916. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times- Journal and Telegraph- Herald newspapers, August 18th. 1916. J. J. SHEA, 3- 18 -1t. City Recorder. 0 ffiei:' Pnbli ontinn. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE EST A'BUSHING A GRADE ON 1 OTTRTH STREET FROM 'LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. 369 Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Fourth street from Locust street to Bluff street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade, prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 940, B. M. water table at Hartig's drug store, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the west prop- erty line of Locust street, which is station 0, north curb elevation 49.90, south curb elevation 49.60; thence to station 1+14 east line of alley, north curb elevation 50.30, south curb eleva- tion 50.20; thence to station 1 +44, west line of alley, north curb eleva- tion 50.70, south curb elevation 50.40; thence to station 2+60.5, east proper- ty line of Bluff street, north curb ele- vation 51.00, south curb elevation 50.90. Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official news- papers of the city, as required by or- linance. Adopted August 17th, 1916. Approved August 18th, 1916. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Published officially in the Dubuque Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -18 -1t City Recorder. Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON NORTH MAIN STREET FROM KAUFMAN AVE- NUE TO SEMINARY STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on North Main Street from Kaufman Avenue to Seminary Street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade, prepared by the City En- gineer, being profile No. 868. B. M. Door sill of 13eeb's Brewery Hall, ele- vation 32.56. Said grade begins at the south curb line of Kaufman Avenue west, which is station 0 -6, west curb elevation 41.42; thence to station 0 +6, south curb line of Kaufman Avenue east, east curb elevation 41.21; thence to station 1 +50, east curb elevation 58.60, west curb elevation 59.30; thence to station 2 +89.5, north curb line of Klingenburg Terrace west, east curb elevation 78.60, west curb elevation 77.90; thence to sta- 3:70 tion 3+20.5, south curb line of Kling - •enburg Terrace west, east curb ele- vation 81.90, west curb elevation 81.55; thence to station 4 +80, north curb line of Leibnitz Street west, east curb elevation 102.35, west curb ele- vation 102.68; thence to station 5 +10, south curb line of Leibnitz Street west, west curb elevation 106.17; thence to station 10+00, east curb elevation 169.45, west curb elevation 169.35; thence to station 10 -1-50, east curb elevation 172.15, west curb ele- vation 172.56; thence to ' station 10 +81, north curb line of Seminary Street west., west curb elevation 173.25; thence to station 11+81, north curb line of Seminary Street east, east curb elevation 170.59. Section 2. —This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers of the City as required by ordinance. Adopted: August 17th, 1916. Approved: August 18th, 1916. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald newspapers, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 18 -It. City Recorder. Official Publication. An ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRAD C ON THIRD STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Third Street from Locust Street to Bluff Street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile. of said street and grade, as prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 937, B. M. Water Table at Hartig's Drug Store, elevation, 25.21. Said grade begins at the west prop- erty line of Locust Street, which is station 0, north curb elevation 43.40, south curb elevation 43.34; thence to station 1 +14, east alley line, north curb elevation 46.90, south curb ele- vation 46.90: thence to station 1 +44, west alley line, south curb elevation 47.20, north curb elevation 47.40; - thence to station 2 +58.4, east prop- erty line of Bluff Street, north curb elevation 48.80, south curb elevation 49.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication in the official Official Notices. newspapers of the City as required by ordinance. Adopted August 17th, 191x, Approved August 18th, 1916. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J . J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers, August 18th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 18 -1t. City U ecorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, September 7th, 1916, for constructing sidewalks abutting Lots 274, 275 and 276, City Lots east side of Clay street, Engineer's estimate 1,850 square feet, abutting the west i, City Lot 254, north side of Eighth street, Engineer's estimate, 600 square feet, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City 'Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,. Iowa, work to be completed on or before ',lie 1s` clay of October, 1916. Bidders must state price per square foot of cement sidewalk. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of gross amount of bid on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate en- velopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Ia., August 24th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 24 - -3t City Recorder. Offical Notice. Notice' of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a ses- sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque. Iowa, to be held Thursday, September 7th, 1916, to pay for con- structing an eight -inch tile pipe sani- tary sewer in Martha Street from North Booth Street to the intersection of Martha Street and Nevada 'Street and along Nevada Street to a point about fifty feet north of Julien Ave- nue, G. L. Kormann, contractor. Amount of Special Assessment $593.92, same to be assessed against the property legally subject to assess- ment upon and along said streets.. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- li { r I AIM I • • 372 Official Notices. constructing a cement sidewalk abut- ting the north 22 feet, of the south 44 feet, Lot 4, Sub. City 438, 439, and part of 676, owned by Veronica Jac - quinot, Thos. Lee, contractor. Amount of Special Assessment, $28.12, same to be assessed against the property legally subject to assess- ment upon and along said lots. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such im- provement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public in- spection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jections in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held Thursday, September 7th, 1916, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 25th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -m -3t City Recorder Official Notice. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment a: provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. to be held Thurs- day, September 7th, 1916, to pay for improving Burns street from the south property line of Oak street to about forty feet north of Hancock street, Edward Tibey, contractor. Amount of Special Assessment, $941.94, same to be assessed against the property legally subject to as- sessment upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show - ing'the street in which said improve- ment was made and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified por- tions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to pub- lic inspection. And that any and all persons object- ing to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jections in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held Thursday, September 7, 1916, or to appear at said session of the council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not he levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 24th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8 -24 -3t City Recorder. Official Notice. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT AN EIGHT -INCH TILE PIPE SANI- TARY SEWER IN NORTH MAIN STREET FROM THE END OF PRESENT SEWER SOUTH TO TEN FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LOT LINE OF LOT 19, L. H. LANGWORTHY'S SUBDI- VISION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City • of Dubuque, Iowa, to construct an eight -inch tile . pipe sanitary sewer in North Main Street from the end of the present sewer south to ten feet south of the north lot line of Lot 19, L. H. Lang - worthy's Subdivision. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 225 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 1 manhole. Making a total estimated cost to the legally assessable 'property own- ers of $250.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held Thursday, September 7th, 1916, or to file with the City Recorder their ob- jection in writing on or before Eep- tember 7th, 1916. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August 30th, 1916. J. J. SHEA, 8- 30 -3t. City Recorder. c) Regular session (Offiial. , September 7th, 1916.' . Council met at 8:15 p. m. .Mayor Saul- In the chair. Present= Aldermen Callahan, Frith, Leist, Plamonc>,on,` "Strob`el,' Wallis. McLaughlin."' Aid. 'Frith moved t'o'defe• action on approving the Council ' Proceetinks friir' the ' months at and - .i'Uly, 1916: `Carl led: 'Aid. Walks moved that on account of only one bid, tieing received for "tire construction Of the pei•ritanent "side: walk in f r o n t of the west 1 2''City ! Lot 254 abutting on the north side 'o#, 8T1i street that'the bid be returned to the bidder unopened" and the City 'Ile: Corder instructed to 're- advertise 'for bids: Carried. ' BILLS. E. T. Frith, health $818,74 Frith; health 8 23` C. B. McNamara & Co., 2nd - ward ,road fund 250. 00 C. E. • kcNamara & Co., 3rd ward road fund, 88 40 C. R. McNamara & Co., grad- ing Atlantic avenue' 200 00 Thos. Lee, grading McEvoy Place 60 00 Thos. Lee, grading alley be- tween Rhomberg and Lin, coin avenue and 9th and 10th avenues 15 00 Ed. Tibey, grading Burns St 97 24 Ed. Ruff, inspector 2.8 00 Tom. Kenneally, inspector _ 28 00 'John Stemm, inspector 30 00 Pat McInerney, inspector 4 00 P. Kearney, inspector 16 00 Harry Boesen, inspector 4 00 II. A. McIntosh, 5 per cent re- tained on sewer in Jackson Street 'from 24th to 25th street 20 62 Jas. F. Lee, 5 per cent re- tained on improving Madi- son street 182 28 On motion of AM. Frith all bills properly O. K. were ordered paid. " On `motion of Ald. Frith the bill of C. B. McNamara S. Co. in the sum of $161.00 for work on Fourth Street Extension was 'referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Ald. Wallis moved that a warrant in the sum of $50.80' be "ordered drawn' on `the city treasurer in 'favor of,' Cota,' yrh'e` and SeYmo'ur for 'the''pili•chase ot' ail auto tral }si•. Carried - 0 'P;etit on "of, C:,eo. W� bavis engineer of, "road roller relative to . b at- lobved ; `time'• Xcir'tlIe, fakirs ' care i)l'1er an resented ti read (In m-o` f. ° t?on b id;: eis� the �eti'tl lynx re =` lOteci. 'to t)ie comhiittehi�`ot the t c h. 1:Y lam'_' ;-rat!.: .2.'. l' .T_e: ?S , JL d; Regular Session September 7, 191, 6. 3 73. Petition of John Schwaegler et al, aslting the city council to order the construction of sidewalks on West Locust street from Rosedale avenge to'the intersection of Seminary street presented and read. On motion of Aid. Wallis the prayer of the peti- tioners was granted and the sidekall inspector instructed to draw up the proper resolutions for the same. petition of Chris Wann asking tile, city council` to have the 'weeds cult along Lincoln avenue presented and read: • On motion of Aid. b i ith the prsiyer of the petitiolle,r, was granted. Petition of Charles I(rumiia9h ask' - inf;, the_ city council' inyesti at @'the damage clone 'his "proPertY at: Ai- pule st by the storm last Taesctay at' noon p� esented and react, O illo- tion of A Callahan the petition Was received, and filed. B etition of Maurice Brown et al, asking the, city council to enforce the Stuioke Ordinance against the' proper- ty ` located at' x'031"` Main street 'and operated by the C. Q 1).' laundry pre- suited and read. Ald. Leist moved to, suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing the proprietors' of. the C. 0, I).' laundry to ILdidress the council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas- -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent —Aid. McLaughlin. Messrs. Young and Rabbett ad- dressed the council. Ald. Strobel moved to refer the petition to the committee of the whole to view the grounds. Carried. Petition of John Jennings asking the city council to lower the assess- ment on Lot 10 Dorgan's Add. pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the petition was referred to the committee of the whole to view the grounds. On motion of Ald. Leist the follow- ing petitions, Fischer Inv. Co., John Roth and John Gruetzmacher Estate, stating that they desired to exercise their privilege in taking the salvage, from the Clay street improvement were made a matter of record. Communication of the Western Im- provement Co. relative to, being al- lowed interest on the 5 per 'cent re- tained on the Julien avenue and 'Delhi street improvement presented and read. On motion of Aid. Frith the communication was referred" -to the committee of the whole. Petition of J: G. I et al, ask- ing the city, council to change, the name `of. Frem g ont avenue to Wartburg; avenue presented and' read: On mo- tion, ol'... Aid. Wallis the prayer, of. the, petitioners Nyas gran attd,, the, city attorney instructed, to craft', ordi- nance "cover of the seine, l'etsitlon e Attil, 'Yang asking the • • • A: ' a