Allison Place 1495 -•5 Allison Pl.
0 -tir.I. 9hempion 0- Owner
heroof framedwelli$g -B.P. 346 9/22/45 98.00
C- C.Streub.
r Alterations & g epsir to 2 car frame Garage.
B.P. 609 10 -8-41 400.00
B.of &. Peta. erection of 2 car garage on side alley
L line and 42 foot from side lot line. Granted Docket
No._75 -48
0 -Irvin W. Champion C- Witherall Contractor
Beside S.P.Frane Dwellg.B.P. 254 6 1,500.00
1495 Allison
0. Mrs. I. Champion C. Mettille Rfg. & Sht. Mt1.
Reroof sf fr dw B.P. 720 9/20/71 450.00
',, 0 - David Lambert C Masters Home Improve.
siding,soffit,fascia, casings SF frm &11g BP
4724/87- $6800 -. 00
0- Finley Hospital C -CDI Excavating Inc. ___
demolish SF frm dwllg BP42235 9/1/2000 n/a