Almond Street 0453 453- Almond St. B.of 8d. Petn. to waive lot area requirement to convert single family into two family dwelling, Granted Docket No. 1-45 _ I 453 Almond bt, 0 -Mrs• Ticker G'Ed %olfenbech _- Alterations_to_brick_dwelling- ESP, -4E5 -- 3/12/45 -_ 195.00 _ 0 -Vince Kolb soffit &fascia on 1 g BP221 Schnee 2 of 2Fbrkdwlg BP22168 6/14/93 $510.00 0- Vincent Kolb C -Steve Schnee Home Imp. 7t/o; reroof SF BP37492- 7/23/97-- ST500.00 0 -Troy Gronau - C- Owner - _erect stairsllanding_ MF_BP42184 8/23/2000 $460.00 •