Alpine Street 0490 490 Alpine
0-Allen 4 Signen. Mueller & Sons.
Remodel 2 story Brick Dwells. B.P. 359 7/3/40 800,00
0 - Dr. L. P. Alt. C-Heitzman Const.
iterations to Rear porch of S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 518
7-1-60 300.00
0-Tim Johnson C-Jeff Reuter
partial reroof SF frm dwllg BP 3676 8/25/81 $775.00
0-Tim Johnson C Co.
reroof flat roof, repair roof, SF res BP 10054 5/12/86
490 Alpine St.
Board _- of_Adi_ustment_0ocket_31_00 for_Spec a_l_Exception
to construct a det. garage 3' from front prop. line(W.5t_h)
in i2 =1 dTStrict' Approve
- -0 Todd- & -Gary-ft-Locher 6 M- W- Cen -st.
erect 24'x24' det. frm garage on ftgs, SF BP41751 6/2/2000