1985 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1985 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1985 MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member At Large.....THOMAS BEURSKENS Ito 6/17/85) Council Member At Large......EMIL STACKIS (6/18/85 to 11/5/85) Council Member At Large.....DAVID SIMON (11/6/85 to 12/31/85) Council Member At Large ................BARBARA MANNING First Ward ..............................WILLIAM HAMMEL Second Ward ..............................LORAS KLUESNER Third Ward .................................DONALD DEICH Fourth Ward ..........................RHONDA KRONFELDT City Clerk ..........................................MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Council ............................BARRY A. LINDAHL City Solicitor ...................................WILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City Attorney ..........................JAMES A. O'BRIEN ~I~~ ~~IV~I~ W. KENNETH GEARHART Administrative Assistant ............... ..........GENT WITTENBERG Airport Manager ...................... .............. THERON CLARK Budget Officer ........................ .............. PAULINE JOYCE Building Services Division Manager ...... ...............DAVID SHURTS Cable Franchise Administrator .......... .........MERRILL CRAWFORD City Assessor ........................ .................FRANK FROST City Engineer ........................ ...............MICHAEL KOCH Civic Center Director .................. ...............ROBERT DRURY Community Development Director ....... ................JAMES BURKE Deputy Finance Director ............... ................GERALD HIRD Disaster Services Coordinator .......... ...............ROBERT GOOCH Environmental Sanitarian .............. .......MARY ROSE CORRIGAN Finance Director ...................... .............A.G. HEITZMANN Fire Chief ........................... .............WILLIAM MILLER Human Rights/EEO Director ........... .............MATHIAS LORENZ Information Services Manager .......... ............CHRIS KOHLMANN Library Director ...................... ..........ELIZABETH MINTER ParklRecreation Director ............... ...........TERRY TRUEBLOOD Parking Division Supervisor ........... ................SHIRLEY LANG Personnel Assistant ................... .....DARLENE HANTELMANN Personnel Manager ................... ..................RANDY PECK Police Chief .......................... ..................JOHN MAUSS Public Works Director ................. ..............FRANK HURRAY Street Superintendent ................. ..........MERLE FELDERMAN Transit Manager ..................... .............WILLIAM KOHLER Utilities Director ..................... ................BARTON JONES Wastewater Plant Supervisor ........... ..............PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Supervisor ................ .........RAY ALLEN (tit 7114/85) JOHN NORTH (from 7/15185) Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7--American Trust & Savings Bank named as depository for City monies ......................................... 4 " 7--Aba Sys., Inc., financial help extended for Computer firm.. 11 7--AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:... ................ 12, 82, 119, 291, 360, 394, 426, 524, 544, 562, 592 7--American Trust & Savings Bank, Claim ................. 13 7--Audin Techniques, Claim (re: 5 Flags) ................... 13 7--Air Transportation (essential) CAB requesting carrier proposals. 13 7--Arnold, David, resignation from Cable Taleprogramming Comm .............................................. 14 Jan. 21--Alley between Bluff & Locust (north of 5th) requesting Vacation & sale .................................. 14, 19, 57, 78 " 21--Arts Groups, proposed Grant funding request ............ 20 " 21--Artscape organization requesting portion of Hotal-Motel tax for Arts groups ...................................... 20 " 21--Arboretum Society, approval of storage bldg. in Marshall Park. 21 " 21--Agreement (Memorandum) re: Frommalt Partnership Ind. Deval. Rev. Bonds ................................... 21-23 " 21--Annual Contributions Contract - Sec. 8 Ex. Housing Program, amendment for additional units ........................ 23 " 21--Asphalt Paving Project 1984, Final Documents & Schedule of Assessments; Etc .................................... 25-47, 120 " 21--Assessment Schedule for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ..... .................................................. 26-47, 120 " 21--Asbury Road (Crissy to Carter) Assessment Schedule for Asphalt Paving Project (1984) set out ................... 27-29 " 21--Annuai Report for Cable Community Taleprogramming Commission ......................................... 52 Jan. 28--Adjourned Session, City Council ........................ 55 Feb. 4--Ambassador (Lady), of City, received by Danise Piwowarczyk. 57 4--Agreement acceptance providing for loan of $100,000 of Rev. Sharing Funds to Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc ............... 64 4--Attocneys assigned to represent various Bds. & Commissions. 68 4--Agreement with IA Dot, on right-of way Assurance Statement for Federal-Aid Projects ............................... 70 Feb. 18--Alleys (& Streets) re: Ordinance proposing Vacating those owned or being used by Chi., Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR; Sale of same ...................................... 78, 100-103 " 18--Anglin, Gary re: fund drive to Aux. Police to get radios... 78 " 18--Auxiliary Police requesting funding for two-way radios .... 78 " 18--Apartments, Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License ............. 82 " 18--Audit of 1984 Submitted by Helle, Klosterman & Co ...... 84 Feb. 25--AIRPORT DEPT., Budget finalization(deletion of Water System Project & Crash/Fire/Rescue Bldg. Project, 2nd floor office space In increase rev. from office space rental etc.)... 89 Mar. 4--Advanta Signs awarded contract for Signage Contract at Dog Racing Facility ...................................... 110 4--Articles of Incorporation amended, Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. 112 4--American Optical Corporation, Execution of Certificate of Completion .......................................... 113 4--Agreement (Lease) with Dubuque County Conservation Soc. for River View Park .................................. 114 4--Adams, Leo, Claim ................................... 120 4--Ambulance bids, proof of publication of notice ............ 120 4--Army Corps of Engrs. (US), submitting monthly notice .... 121 4--Army Corps of Engrs., re: Reconnaisance Study for commer- cial harbor development on Mississippi .................. 121 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 18--American Legion Sixty-Sixth Birthday Week, Proclamation. 123 18--Agriculture Week, National, Proclamation ............... 123 18--Appraisal Findings of Dbq. Industrial Center sites ........ 219 18--Agreement with Dubuque Humane Society ............... 220 18--Aba Sys., Inc., Agreement, for investment of CD Block Grant Funds .............................................. 220 " 18--Audio Techniques, denial of property damage ............ 226 " 18--Austin, Ariel, Claim; Denial ........................... 226, 271 " 18--Air Service, US DOT submitted Order re: Essential Service & requesting carrier proposals ............................ 227 Apr. 1--Applicatian Filed with US DOT, re: Mass transportation assistance etc ........................................ 237, 238 1--Acquisition of property etc. for 335 Iowa St. (Demolition & Parking Lot Project) .................................. 238, 239 1--Apel, Patrick, Claim; Closing .......................... 243, 824 1--American Trust & Savings Bank vs. City et al submitting Motion for Summery Judgement etc .................... 243 Apr. 15--Air Conditioning for Five Flags Theatre, Project .......... 253 " 15--Applications with DOT, USA for Grants under UMTA .... 254-255 " 15--Agreement (Lease) for use of former Rotman property at W. 3rd & Ia. Ste. between City & S & S Enterprises ......... 256 ' 15--Agreement with Helle, Klosterman & Co. for City's Annual Audit .............................................. 257 " 15--Agreement (Grant Closeout) with HUD for FDL Foods, Inc. UDAG ............................................. 257-258 " 15--Agreement, with Fire Fighters Assn .................... 267 " 15--Agreement, with Int. Union of Operating Bngrs .......... 267 " 15--Agreement with Policemen's Protective Assn ............. 268 " 15--Agreement with Amal. Transit Union ................... 268-269 " 15--ARA Leisure Services, Inc., Class "C" Liquor Licenses .... 270 May 6--Amendment to Budget for FY 1985 ..................... 277, 278 6--Agreement, Purchase of Service with Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) ..................................... 279 6 --American Central Airlines, request by A. Honkamp for funding for feasibility study .................................. 282-283 6--Airport Mgr. requesting additional personnel ............. 283 6--Ambulance & Ambulance Attendants & Drivers, Ordinance re: Health Officer etc .................................... 285 6--Annual Contributions Contract, Execution re: 31 units Sec. 8 program funds with current 479 unit contract ............ 286 6--Avenarius, Gary, Park & Rec. Comm. applicant ........... 289 6--Ankeny, Steve, Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 290 May 20--Amending current budget for FY ending 6-80-85, by Resolution. 294, 295 " 20--Alley adjacent to property of M. Gansemer, 615 Strauss, recom- mendation etc. for City to vacate & sell ................. 306 " 20--Asbury Rd. from Pennsylvania, Northwest Arterial bidding procedure ........................................... 307 ' 20--Agreement between the City & Washington Neighborhood Tool Library ............................................. 81i " 20--Althans, Dennis A., Cigarette Permit ................... 320 20--Angel Investment (Family Mart, Inc.); Cigarette Permit... 320 20--Amoco Food Shop, Cigarette Permit .................... 320 20--Asbury Fastop, Cigarette Permit ....................... 520 20--Amerine, Cecilia, Claim; Settlement ..................... 323, 860 20--Arlen, Mary K., Claim; Denial ......................... 323 20--April Report from Treasurer & Finance Director .......... 324 20--Annual report of Peoples Natural Gas ................... 324 June 3--Adams Co., Issuanco of lndustrial Revenue Bonds ($600,000). 331-333 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June 3--Agreement, Loan, between City & 3D Co., Inc ............ 333 3--Agreement, between City & Phone-A-Friend, Inc. Information & Referral Service .................................... 333, 334 " 3--Agreement, 28E, re: Operation: New View ............... 334 " 5--ARA Services (Greyhound Park), Cigarette Permit ........ 335 3--Ankeny, Stephen B., Class "B' Beer Permit ............. 336 3--Airport Inn, Class u~quor ~,mense .................. 336 3--April Financial Reports ............................... 337 June 17--Agreement (Lease) between City & Water Ski Club ........ 339 " 17--Asbury, 3400, requested rezoning from R-4 Multi-Fa~nily Residential Dis. to OR Office Residential District ......... ....................................... 344, 363, 366, 388, 406 " 17--Asphalt Paving Project, 1985 Street Program ............ ............................................. 345-347, 384-386 " 17--Adams Co., Memorandum of Agreement re: Industrial Rev. Bonds. ................................................ 347-349, 365 " 17--Asphalt Paving of Arbor Oaks Subd. for Jim Schwers, turn- down of extension of time ............................. 350 " 17--Arbor Oaks Subd., requested extension of time for asphalt paving etc... 350 " 17--Agreement with Illinois Central Gulf RR re: Cedar Cross Bridge. 350 17--Asseesments for Peru-Road Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer, sent out final notice .................................. 353, 354 17--Alley Parking, illegal Ord. providing penalty ............. 354 17--Agreement, 28E pertaining to operation: New View ....... 356 17--Appointment to Fill Council Member Beursken's vacancy on Dubuque In Future Greater Dubuque Development and Con- vention & Tourism Bureau ............................ 356 17--ARA Services, Dubuqu~ Greyhound Park, Cigarette Permit. 357 17--ARA Services, A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., Cigarette Permit. 357 17--Arvantis, George K., Busy Bee Cafe, Cigarette Permit ..... 357 17--American Legion, Cigarette Permit ..................... 357 17--A & B Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 357 17--Aragon Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 357 17--Airport Inn, Cigarette Permit .......................... 357 17--April List of Claims & Expenditures, Proof of publication.. 360 July 1--Agreement (Lease) Amendment with Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd ................................................ 364 1--Adams Co. (via Attorney Carew) requesting partial exemption from property taxation ............................ 368, 398, 412 1--Agreement (funding), City & Dbq. Main Street, Ltd ....... 370, 371 1--Agreement (Purchase) for change of interest in real estate on Curtis St ........................................... 371 1--Armual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Existing Housing Pro- gram with HUD .. · ...... 371 1--Avenarius, Daniel R., Claim; Denial ..................... 378, 427 July 15--Asphalt Paving Project, 1985, Objections, Final Documents. ,, .................... ,~ · ;,. ........................ 384-386, 399 15--Althaus, Dennis, Class E Beer Permit ................. 394 " 15--Assessment Schedule of Peru Road Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer Project.. 395 Aug. 5--Ageeement, Lease re: Tri-seate Veterans Mem. Assn. for Veterans Memorial ................................... 397, 411 " 5--Alta Vista Street petitioners re: Residential Parking Permit District ............................................. 398 5--Althaus, Denny re: Transfer of Beer Permit .............. 404 5--Amoco at the Bridge (Mulgeew), Cigarette Permit.. 404 5--Albrecht, Harold R., Claim ............................ 405 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 5 _Ahmann, Joyce, petitioning for removal of "No Parking" Signs on Davis St ...................................... 406 Aug, 19--ACA Study, re: update (American Central Airlines) via A. Honkamp ......................................... 417 " 19--Arlington St. re: approval of change in mortgage position in real estate etc ....................................... 418 19--Admiral Sheehy Drive, roadway named fronting Greyhound Park Drive ........................................ 420 19--Admli'al Sheehy Drive re: est abIishment of a 25 mph speed limit. 421 19--Admiral Sheehy Drive, re: prohibition of parking on same.. 421 19--Admiral Sheehy Drive, re: designation of stop signs etc .... 423 19--Agreement with L & H re: Hotel Feasibility Study ........ 425 19--Alla K Zazz (Swizzle Stick), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 425 19--Acoustlcal Ceiling Systems for Dog Racing Facility, Acceptance of Project .......................................... 431 Sept. 3--Adams Co., Proposed Reconstruction, Tax Exemption etc.. 446, 447 " 3--Annual Contributions Contract for 15 units Sec. 8 existing voucher program funds ............................... 448 3--Asbury Fastop, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 478 3--April Council Proceedings approved as printed ........... 479 3--Air Transportation re: US DOT Submitting Order Resoliciting Service Proposals .................................... 480 3--Annual Financial Report, City submitted by Mgr ......... 480 3--Analysis reports. Financial & Lost re: City Worker's Compen- sati6n Self-Insurance Plan ............................. 480 3--Annual Street Finance Report for FY 1985 .............. 480 3--Assessment Schedule set out for Walker-Oneida Sanitary Sewer .............................................. 483-485 Sept. 16-- Adams Co. Project, authorizing issuance & sale of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds ......................................... 495-496 16--Airport Comm. appointment of Dennis Houlihan .......... 498 16--All. Terrain Vehicles re: definition & restrictinn via Ordinance- 448-461 16--Airport Commission re: financial effects report of demise of American Central Airlines ............................. 500 16--American Central Airllnes demise, re: effect on Airport .... 500 16--Ambulance personnel, letter of appreciation by W. Fuerste. 500 Oct. 7--Arts Showcase & Art Education Days. Proclanmtion ...... 503 " 7--Adult Continuing Education Week, Proclamation ......... 503 " 7--Asbury Road re: N/W Arterial, dedicating properties acquired ete ................................................. 518 7--Asbury Road re: N/W Arterial, redesignation of Stop Signs at Intersection otc ...................................... 518 7--Avenue Top, Cigarette Permit ......................... 523 7--Anderson, Jeffrey, Claim .............................. 524 7--August Transit Statistical Statement ................... 524 7--August Financial Reports submitted .................... 525 7--August Claims. proof of publication ..................... 525 7--Assessmente Schedule etc. for Walker/Oneida Sewer, proof of publication .......................................... 525 7--Assistant Police Chief applicants certified by Civil Service Corem .............................................. 527 Nov. 4--Alzheimer's Disease Month, Proclamation ............... 553 4--Air Transportation re: Order re: Ft. Dodge & Mason City, by 563 US DOT ............................................ Nov. 18--Alley vacated between Jackson & Washington Sts. from E. 11th to E. 12th St. re: Spahn & Rose Lumber Co .............. 566 18--Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Existing Housing Program with HUD .......................... 569 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 18--Agreement (Project) with IA DOT re: relocation and reconstruc- tion of U.S. 61 from 7th St. to City Island Bridge ........ 571 " 18--Assessor, City re: stipulation of settlements to The District Court of properties of Tri-State Bank of E. Dbq .......... 575 " 18--Adams, Lee, closing of claim ........................... 578 " 18--Albrecht, Harold, closing of claim ...................... 578 Dec. 2--Alley between Cedar & Syca~nore Sts. (14th to 15th Sts.), re- quest from DuPaco Credit Union to vacate ............... 586, 598 2--Airport re: #1 CIP item, Chlorinate Water System, request. 588 2--Assessors office, re: combining City/County offices ........ 588 2--Asphalt Paving Project of Victoria Street, litigation conclusion. 589 2--Andrea Street, name change given to Jennifer St ...... 589 " 2--Algeria St. re: in Residential Parking Permit Area around U.D. 601 Dec. 16--Angel Investment Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 604 " 16--August Council Proceedings approved ................... 604 " 16--Asbury Springs Subd. No, 5. approval of final plat ....... 606 " 16--Asphalt Paving Project, final documents. Schedule of Assessments (1985) ................................... 608-614 " 16--Assessment Schedule for Asphalt Paving Project (1985) .... 609-614 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE B Jan. 7--Bid Pkg. "D" for Dog Track Facility IFencing, Bench Seating 2-3 & Chair Seating), Documents .......................... 7--Bench Seating for Dog Track (Bid Pkg. D), Necessary Documents .......................................... ....... 2-3, 57-60 7--Bitter, Attorney Joseph re: appeal denial of Cert. of 6, 20 Appropriateness ..................................... 7--Bus Garage, Engineering study by Dalon Hampton & 7 Associates .......................................... 7--Bid Pkg. "A" for Dog Track Facility, acceptance (Driven Piles). 7, 8 7--Bridge closing (Cedar Cross Rd.) & sign modification necessary. 9 7--Brunskill Road, Sign modification ...................... 10 7--Bridge design for Cedar Cross Bridge - selection of Engrg. firm. 10, 11 7--Blok, Robert, appointed to Human Rights Comm ......... 11 7--Benedlct, Tho~nas, Claim; Settlement .................... 13, 68 7--Betz, Stephan G., claim; Settlement ..................... 13, 82 " 7--Block Grant funds (for mlscallanceus projects), Proof of publica- tion on Notice of Intent to file request for release of same.. 13 7--Bower, Michael P., refund on Liquor License ............. 14 Jan. 21--Burns, Robert, of Dbq. Rescue Mission, Gave Invocation.. 19 " 21--Bfuff St. (between Locust St.) alley, requesting vacation.. .................................................. 19, 57, 78 " 21--Bittcr, Joseph J. appeaiing denial of request for Cert. of Appropriateness for property at 485 Locust St ........... 20 21--Bauerly, Donna, re: Grant funding for Arts Groups, request. 20 21--Beer in Washington park, request to allow ............... ..................................... 20, 79, 116, 218, 241, 257 21--Bonds, (Ind. Devel) Re: Frommelt Partnership ........... .................................................. 21-23, 99 " 21--Bus Station (Vendors Unl. Corp.), Cigarette Permit ........ 48 " 21--Bedtka, Bernard, Claim; Denial ................... 49, 82 " 21--Buss, Helen, denial of claim .......................... 50 " 21--Burbach, Carl & Mary Ann, re: approval of Buena Vista Sub. 51, 52 plats ............................................. " 21--Buena Vista Subs. No. 2 & 3, final plats approved ....... 51 Jan. 28--Brlstol Apts. re: zoning change ........................ 56 Feb. 4--Budget for FY 1986, Submitted by City Mgr .......... 67 4--Boards and Commissions, attorneys designated for each by 68 Legal Staff ................................... 4--Birkett, James J., refund on Cigarette Permit .......... 68 4--Block Grant Agreement (CD), Execution with HUD for Calan- 69 dar Year 1985 .............................. 4--Block Grant Documents (CD), certain ones available for 69 inspection ...................................... Feb. 11--Bonds ($4,700,000 G.O.), documents ........... ............................. 72, 87, 236-238, 258-266 " 11--Budget for 1986, setting Public Hearing ............. 73 11--Block Grant funds-(CD), publication of Notice of Public 74 Hearing ................................... Feb. 18--Beneficial Liquor & Beverage Assn., re: Jaycees selling beer in Wash. park ............................ 79, 116 18--Beer being sold in Washington Park, discussion etc ...... 79, 116, 218, 241, 257 " 18--Brice, Petrides & Association, Agreement re: Cedar Cross Corridor Location Study ........................ 79 " 18--Btian's, Inc., Class C Beer Permit ............ 81 " 18--Birchett, James J., refund on Liquor License .......... 82 " 18--Budget, City, brief summary of FY 1986, by City Mcr .... 84 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 25--Budget, CIP & regalar - Public Hearing, final decisions by Coun- cil etc .............................................. 87-98 Mar. 4--Board of Supervisors re: Operation: New View budget ..... 112 4--Becker, Robert, Claim; Denial .......................... 120, 271 4--Bly, Mason, claim by parents Patrick & Francis Bly ...... Mar. 18--Brehm, John & Jean, Class "B" Beer Permit (Racquet Club). 120 225 225 225 226 226 18--Banker Hill Goff Club, Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 18--Bar, The, Cigarette Permit ............................ 18--Bridge repair on U.S. No. 52, Ia. DOT .................. 18--Barge mooring on Chaplain Schmitt Island, re: objections.. Apr. 1 --Brown, Wm. C, re: Resolution of Intention to Dispose of City Interest in property in "River Front Subd. #5". .......... ................................................ 233, 246, 247 1--Balsamo, Susan, re: Vacation of portions of Rhomberg Ave. (near Eagle Pt. Bridge), exercising option ................ ................................................ 234, 235, 236 1--Boatyard Addn, re: Resolution approving plat of Vacated por- tion of Rhomberg Ave. from northerly property line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Boatyard Addn. to northerly terminus of street. 235 1--Bonds, G.O. in mount of $4,700,000 .................... .................................. 72, 87, 236, 237, 238, 258-266 1--Betsy's (Judith A. Botsfurd), Class "C' Liquor License .... 242 1--Bottoms Up (Gaff M. Latenser), Class "C" Liquor License.. 242 1--Barge Mooring objection, near City Island, by Miss. Walleye Club ............................................... 243 Apr. 15--Business Week (National Education for), Proclamation ..... 246 " 15--Bridge replacement project - Cedar Cross Road ........... ................................... 248, 249, 288, 289, 302, 350 " 15--Bualow, Thomas W., Claim; Closing .................... 270, 525 " 15--Budget, Proof of publication of Notices re: General Revenue Sharing funds, etc .................................... 271 " 15--Bond, Contractors Improvement for construction of Sidewalks re: Sunset Park Subd., released ......................... 272 " 15--Bond, Contractors Improvement Bond from Tri-State Paving Co. for Oak Brook Development, released ................ 272 " 15--Balsamo, Sue, plat approved of portion of vacated Rhomberg Ave. etc ............................................ 273 Apr. 29--Beverldge & Diamond, Law Firm, retained for City litigation. 275 May 6--Budget, Amendment (FY 1985) ......................... 277, 278 6--Brown & Beverly Streets, Stop-Yield Intersection Petition, etc. 279, 319 " 6--Best Beers Corp., construction of entry ramp at 2459 Kerper Blvd ....................... ........................ 283 " 6--Bus Parking Lot at Ia. Street near Hartige .............. 283, 284 " 6--Blume, Mark A., home sale (Housing Rehab lien) from E. Thompson on 1669 Washington ........................ 287 " 6--Bly, Mason, Claim by parents Patrick & Francis .......... 292 May 20--Budget Amendment .................................. 294 " 20--Budget, Transfer of Funds ............................ 295, 296 20--Brunswick & Balke St., vacation of portion of alley between from north property line of Strauss St .................. ................................................ 307, 328, 329 20--Bissell Harbor, activities prohibited ..................... 313 20--Beecher Co., Inc., Cigarette Permits .................... 320 20--Bus Facility Rehab. Study ............................. 324 20--Bethany Home, Auditors Report for 1983 & 1984 ......... 324 20--Bonding Co. (Merchants) authorized to do business in Ia... 324 June 3--Bualness Services re: Zoning Ordinance .................. 330 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June 3--Bonds, IDR-Adams Co. Project ....................... 331,332 334 3--Bond, Surety ($100,000), Ia. Racing Assn ................ 3--Banners for Downtown Light Standards ................. ................................................ 334, 354, 355 3--Beurskens, Council Member, resignation from Council ..... ................................................ 334, 356, 361 3--Breitbach, Robert (Oky Doky #9), Cigarette Permit ........ 335 3--Bishops Buffets, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................. 335 3--Big 10 Mart, Cigarette Permit ......................... 335 3--Brown (WCB) Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .............. 335 3--Bauer, James E., (Jerry's Tap), Class "C" Liquor License.. 336 3--BUILDING CODE ADVISORY & APPEALS BOARD SUB- MITTING MINUTES: ............................... 336, 499 3--Barker, Rebecca, Claim; Settlement ..................... 337, 479 June 17--BOARD OF HEALTH, Special Session ................. 338 17--Becker, Wm. & Sons, awarded contract for Rotman Retaining Wall ............................................... 341 17--Bonds-Adams Co. (Revenue Bonds) .................... ............................................. 347-349, 365-366 17--Bridge complex at Eagle Point Park, report of three alternate plans ............................................... ....................................... 350, 367, 368, 387, 388 17--Bridge, Cedar Cross Road, Agreement with Ill. Central RR. 350 17--Banm, Wm. of ECIA, requesting Council submit name for membership of DMATS Barge Fleeting Committee ........ 356 17--Beurskens vacancy on Dubuque In Future Greater Dbq. Development & Convention & Visitors Bureau ............ 356 17--Barge Fleeting Committee. needing representative ........ 356 17--Busy Bee. Cigarette Permit ............................ 357 17--Baum Shelter Tap, Cigarette Permit .................... 357 17--Bleile, Joseph F., Cigarette Permit ...................... 357 17--Betty & Nick's Tap, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................................ 357, 359 17--Barrell Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 357 17--Botey's, Cigarette Permit ............................. 357 17--Brewery, Cigarette Permit ............................. 357 17--Bill-On-The-Hill, Cigarette Permit ...................... 357 17--Barge, The, Cigarette Permit ......................... 357 17--Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ........................ 357 17--Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ....................................... 357-359 17--Bunker Hill Pro Shop, Cigarette Permit ................. 17--Bit N Spur, Cigarette Permit .......................... 17--Bowling Lanes, (Dbq.), Cigarette Permit 17--Bird Chevrolet, Court of Appeals affirming District Court judgement .......................................... " 17--Bernal, Brenda, applicant to fill vacant Council seat (Beurskens). July 1--Butt, Homer & Turnqulste, re: objecting to rezoning of portinn of Asbury Rd. for Helle Klosterman office bldg " t--Bobsledding and other winter activities on streets, prohibited. 1--Bakke, Rod, resignation from Cable Teleprogramming Comm. 1--Biasi, C. George, applicant to Historic Pres. Comm ....... 1--Braun, Steve, reappointed to Bd. of Elec. Examiners ...... 1--Bakke, Rod, appointed to Civic Center (5 Flags) Commission. 1--Bema, Richard, appointed to Park & Recreation Commission. i Brady, Mayor Jim, named as alternate to Operation: New View. 1--Butter's Bar, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 1--Brewing Co. (N. Pauly), Class "C" Liquor License ......... July 15--Blanchard, Marilyn objecting to Lotus Assessment Street Project. " 15--Bactlett, Donna objec~ to Kane St. Paving Project Assessment 357 357 359 361 361, 562 363 370 373 373 374 374 375 375 377 377 384 385 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 15--Blocker, Robert, objection to Kane St. Paving project Assessment ......................................... 385 " 15--Bliender, Frank, objecting to hog wire type fence near N/W Arterial ............................................. 389 " 15--Buoys (No-Wake), not enough for safety in river .......... 389 " 15--Beecher Co., Inc., Class "B" (Wine) Permit .............. 394 " 15--Boxes (Newspaper), Insurance put forth by Woodward Comm. 395 Aug. 5--Booth Tennis Courts, set out Certain City Parks via Ord... 402 " 5--Barge Fleeting Committee, requesting Council Member appointee ........................................... 403 " 5--Bemls, Harry, reappointed to the Transit Board .......... 404 5--Burr & F. Enterprises, Inc. (Vasco Drug), Cigarette Permit. 404 5--Becker, Robert & Linda, Claim ......................... 405 5--Bradley, Ruth, re: Suspension of real estate taxes ......... 406 5--Bauer, James E., refund request on Liquor License & Cigarette License ............................................. 406 19Bainbridge, James R. (The Ryan House), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 426 19--Brewing Co., Liquor License Transfer ................... 426, 498 19--Barrell Tap, (T. J. Schrobilgen), Class "C" Liquor License.. 426 " 19--Budget Session Update re: Convention & Visitors Bureau sub- mitted by Chamber of Commerce ....................... 426 " 19--Bakey, Judith C., Claim; Denial ........................ 426, 479 " 19--Bauer, Dan, Refund requested for Cigarette License ....... 427 " 19--Bird Chevrolet Case, re: Corp. Counsel advising decision filed in favor of the City ................................... 427 " 19--Bench Seating re: Dbq. Dog Racing Facility, Final documents etc ................................................. 434 3--Bakey, Calista petitioning re: mud slides etc. on Dominican property ............................................ 445 3--Beer Permits, re: Ordinance updated regulating same ...... 463-469 3--Bicycle Riders re: Ord. re: Permanent & Regular Seat ..... 471 3--Burden Ave. & Windsor re: construction of Storm Sewer at intersection ......................................... ................................................ 488, 489, 509 3--Bailpark Complex, Facilities Bldg ...................... ........................................... 490, 491, 492, 512 3--Band Law, referendum etc ............................. 493 3--Bonds, Ind. Dev. Rev. re: Adams Co. Project ............. 495 3--Baum, Wm. (Baum Shelter), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 499 3--Barry, Patrick, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 499 3--Bar-X, Whiteys, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 499 7--Ballpark Complex, Facility Bldg. Piling, Project .......... 511 7--Brennan, J.F. Co. Inc. of LaCrosse, WI awarded contract for Ch. Schmtt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex Piling ..... 513, 514 7--Bonds, Amending Mem. of Agreement re: Issuance of Bonds (Brewery Project) .................................... 515 7--Brewery Project, Bonds, Amending Mem. of Agreement... 515 7--Bonfire discussion for Loras & Wahlert homecoming ...... 516 7--Brunswick St., plans for closing from Peru Rd. to Elbow St. 522, 523 7--Bridges, re: funding by state and federal government ...... 523 7--Breitbach, Robert J., Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 524 7--Burke, Waiter J., Claim; Settlement ..................... 524, 564 7--Boards/Commissions vacancies and filling same, comment by F. M. Hellert ........................................ 525 7--Benton, Dave, Refund on Cigarette Permit ............... 525 7--Budget Input meeting, report by City Mgr ............... 527 7--Becker Subdivision, Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 2-2 of Mineral Lot 2-2 of Mineral Lot 370 and Subd. of Lot 2 ............ 529 Aug. Sept. Oct. INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 20--Bonds, re: Finley Hospital, etc... 7--Bridges re: IA DOT & lundin for th " 7--Bridge, Rockdale Road ...... ~ at & roads etc ....... 529 Oct, 21--Bijan's, Class "B" Beer Permi+ ........................ 541 "21--Bennett, Nelda L., Class "C" L]~r' ~i~ei:. :::::::'" 542 543 Nov. 4--Bernal, Brenda, canvass of votes in election .............. 562 " 4--Bissell, Marian, resignation from Dock Bd.. 563 Nov. 18--Block Grant (CD), Statement of Intent .................. 568 18--Board of Health re: requirements clarified etc. per Ordinance. 572 18--Brady, James re: canvass of votes in Gen. Election ....... 575 18--Band Tax Proposition, Vote Canvass ................... 575, 576 Dec. 2--Board of Health, Special Session.. ..................... 579 2--Board of Health Resolution No. 1-85 Authorizing & Directing the Chair to Sign an Amendment to Contract #2206D-131 between ~he City & IA. State Dept. of Health ............ 579 2--Bonds, re: 3,000,000 in Aggregate Principal Amt. of Variable Rate Demand Hospital Capital Asset Rev. Bonds, etc. (Finley Hospital) ...................................... 584-586 2--Block, Daniel, appointed to Dock Bd .................... 591 2--Beaves, George, applicant to Plumbing Bd ............... 2--Bracket, Al, appointed to Plumbing,,B,~; .............. 591 591 2--Bertolini, Angel na (Marie s, Class C Liquor License .... 592 2--Bechon, Kenneth, Refund on Cigarette License ........... 593 ' 2--Block Grant Projects, Request for Release of funds etc .... 593 Dec. 16--Bowling Week, Proclamation ........................... 598 16--Bennett Street, Residential Parking Permit District near U.D. 601 16--Big 10 Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 604 16--B!eile, Joseph, Class "C" Liquor License .............. 604 16--B~lly Bucks, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ..... ' ' ' 604 16--Brehm, Douglas M., Claim... ......................... 605 16--Block Grant funds, re: proof of publicatlon of Notice of Inten- tion for release ..................................... 607 " 16--Bridge Pavil on, Eagle Pt., mod ficatlons etc. Project ...... 607, 608 ...................... 615 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE J,a,n. 7--City Council, Regular Session ..... 1 7--Certificate of Appropriateness denied for 485 Locust St. Pro- 7 p~er~ty owned by J.J. Bitter ................. --weaar Cross Bridge- Stop Sign & Yield Sign M~ifi~ii~i: 6, 20 " 7--Cats, clarification for "Kennels". ....................... 9 " 7--Crescent Ridge & Highway 20-Frontage Rd.-Stop 8, 9 Intersection ........................................ " 7--Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. - Yield Intersec · 10 bound Vehicles. tmn for West- ...................................... 10 7--Cedar Cross Road & Starlight Dr. - Yield Intersection for East- bound traffic .................................... 7--Cedar Cross Rd. & Starlight Dr.- Eastbound trafflc-Stop 10 Intersection ......................................... 10 7--Crescent Ridge & Starlight Drive Westbound Traffic - Stop Intersection ....................................... 7--Cedar Cross Bridge Design, selection of IIW Associates p C 10 for design ....................................... 10, 11 7--Computer firm (Aba Sys.,/nc.) approved for City financial aid. 11 7--Cactus Lounge & Supper Club, Cigarette Permit ......... 7--Council Proceedings for Sept (84 a roved 7--CABLE TV COMMr~ ...... L- PP ............. ~1( T/~LEPROGRAMMING SUB- 12 7--CABLE TV COMMUNIT Rl~r~ -~'~ 9, 226, 270, 323, 360, 426 Y ...... A~O/~y COMM, SUB- MITTING MINUTES: ............. ................ 12, 67, 119, 243, 291 3 7--.C~BLE COMM. TELEPROGRA~,~ara,~ 2~_394, 405, 479, 524, 562 MITTEE . SUBMITTING MIN~'~27 ' ar:PORT COM- 7--Chamber of Commerce submitting Repo;t' ;;:' ~ ~; '~i;;i 12 Quarter for Econ. DeveL Services.. 7--CAB subm/tting Order re: Emergency interim carrier proposals for essential air transportation ......................... " 7--Compreensive Tourism plan suggested before decision about 13 downtown parking meters suggestion from Ruth Nash .... 13 7--.Calendar Year 1985 Block Grant Funds for Miscellaneous pro~ jects, proof of publication on Notice of Intent.. 7--Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 22 Adopte~i:::::: ' ' 13 7--Cable Community Teleprogramming Corem · 14 Dawd Arnold. . resignation of 7--Conner, Jim re: handicapped problems at "The Mall". 14 Jan. 14--City Council, Special Session.. 15 " 14--Comprehenslve Zoning for City of Dubuque New Publ/c Hear lng etc .................................... ~ Jan. 21--C~ty Council, Special Session.. .... 7, 18, 55, 111 " 2]--Chl Esther for Friendship Force, made presentation ...... ,, 21--Certification of Appropr/ateness re: 485 Locust St. (J.J. Bitter). 19 ,, 21--Chidley, Janet requesting funding for Arts Groups.. 20 21--Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract. Section 8 Ex- 20 ,, isting Housing Program, Amendment ~o same .......... 23 ,, 21--Contract with State for Rental Rehabilitation Program Grant. 24 21--Chancy Rd., Kaufman Ave. to Kane S~., Schedule of Assessments for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ......... 30 "21--Clarke Dr., Asbury to St. Ambrose, Schedule of Assessments ,, for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ................ 21--Clarke Dr St Ambrose to W. Locust, 1984 Asphalt Paving 31-33 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Project Schedule of Assessments ....................... 33, 34 Jan. 21--Costs of Legal Dept., set out proposed by Corp. Counsel 48 Lindahl ............................................. " 21--Counall Proceedings for Oct. & Nov.. approved ........... 49 " 21--CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING - PROMOTION COMMITTEE- SUBMITTING MINUTES: ...................... 49, 226, 291, 378 ,, 21_6&i/d/J ii 'fi '£6 MENT COMMISSION SUBMIT' 49 TING MINUTES: ................................... 21--Civil Service Commission certifying list of firefighter applicants who passed entrance level examination ................. 50 21 --Claims & Expenditures for month of Nov., Proof of publication. 50 21--Cathedral Historic District re: eligibility review by Nat. Reg. 50 of Hist. Places ...................................... " 21--Cable Community Taleprogramming Commission submitting Annual report for 1984 .............................. 52 Jan. 28--City Council, Adjourned Session ....................... 55 " 28--Central, 2753, request to remove from non-conforming use status by B. Steichen ................................. 55 Feb. 4--City City Council, Regular Session ...................... 57 4--Children's Dental Health Month, Proclamation ........... 57 4--Consent & Nondisturbance Agreement re: Dog Track Facility. 64 4--City Solicitor, appointment & duties set out .............. 65 4--Common Stock Trust of Ellis I. Levitt & Central Management Corporation, (Long John Silvers), Class "B' Beer Permit... 67 4--CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .................................... 67, 292, 405, 499, 524, 562 " 4--Clauer, Gary, Closing of Claim ......................... 67 " 4--Claims & Litigation schedule submitted by Corp. Counsel.. 68 4--Carter Court residents petitioning from traffic problems... 68, 311 4--Claims for December, proof of publication ......... : ...... 68 4--Corps of Engrs.- "Notice of Initiation" for Reconmassance Study for Flood Damage Reduction Couler Valley ......... 68 4--Communlty Development Block Grant Agreement with HUD. 69 4--Community Development Block Grant Documents, Authoriz- ing publication of Notice of Availability for public inspection. 69 F,e~o. il--City Council, Special Session ......................... 72 11--Community Development Block Grant Funds, Authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearing for usage ........ 74 Feb. 18--City Council, Special Session .......................... 76 18--Ceramic Tile Installation for Dog Track, Bid Pkg. "E"... · .................... 76, 77, 107-109 " 18--Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co., Ordinance vacating unused streets and alleys presently in subdivision own, ed or being used by them ......................... ........................................ 78, 100-103 " 18 Civil Defense Auxiliary Police requesting support for Fund Drive to purchase two-way radios ................. 78 " 18--Cedar Cross Location Study, Extension of Agreement with Brice, Petrides & Associates ........................ 79 18--Cable TV (Group W), Lawsuit - Corp. Counsel Lindahl submit- 79 ting copy of Judgement ........................... 18--Community Development Block Grant funds (Loan) to Dubuque Trolley, Inc. for property purchase (W. 2nd St.). 81 18--Cuemasters, Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 82 18--Colts Drum & Bugle Corps. requesting funding assistance for FY 1986 through Revenue Sharing programs ........... 83, 88 " 18--Corporation Counsel notification of Legal cases on appeal.. 83 " 18--Community Development Block Grant Documents, Publication of Notice of Availability for Final Inspection .......... 83 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 18--CLOSED SESSION, re: Litigation ..................... ...................... 85, 228, 273, 275, 337, 361,407, 409, 501 Feb. 25--City Council, Special Session ........................... 87 " 25--CIP Budget, Public Hearing .......................... 88 " 25--Communications Center, re: Budget approval etc .......... 88 " 25--Crash/Fire/Rescue Building Project for Airport, re: Budget allocation ........................................... 89 " 25--City Mgr.'s Office re: Budget allocation ................ 89 " 25--City Clerk's Office, re: Budget allocation ................. 89 " 25--CIP (Capital Improvement Program) Budget, Adoption; Comment .......................................... 88, 90, 98 ' 25--Charges ~ Refuse Collection Rates, Ordinance ............. 94 " 25--Council, salary compensation etc ....................... 95, 224 " 25--Community Development Director - Ordinance specifying... 96 " 25--City Housing Code, administered by Health Officer, set out. 97 Mar. 4--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 99 4--Cedar St., Vacation re: Chi., Mil., RR ............... 101 4--Commercial Flooring of Dbq., awarded contract for Floor Finishes at Dog Track ............................... 109 4--Commercial Flooring of Dubuque, Ia. awarded contract for Ceramic tile for Dog Track Facility ................. 109, 110 4--Clarke College request to build their old type towers under new zoning Ordinance .................................... 111 4--Clemens, David, Attorney requesting execution of a Certificate of Completion for property purchased by Carlisle Graphics. 112 4--Carlisle Graphics, property of, Attorney Clemens requesting execution of Cert. of Completion ..................... 112 4--County conservation Society, Lease Agreement for River View Park ........................................ 114 4--Cody, John as Chairperson of CD Commission, requesting dlssalution of same ............................. 118 4--Communlty Development Commission, requesting dissolution etc i18, 123, 230, 286 4--Council Proceeding for December, approved .......... 120 4--Crane, Betty, claim; Settlement .................. 120, 292 4--Certificate of City Clerk stating notices were sent out re: 1984 Asphalt Paving Project 120 4--Claims for January, proof of publication ............. 121 Mar. 18--City Councii, Special Session ................... 123 " 18--Cox, Chad re: Beer in Washington Park 218 " 18--Courthouse, installation of cablecasting equipment 218 18--Consent Agreement re: Dubuque Greyhound Park Sign 220 18--Consent Agreement re: construction of 5th kennel ...... 220 18--Comm. Development Block Grant Funds - disbursal to AbaSys, Inc 220 18--Council (& Mayor), providing for compensation (salaries).. 224 18--Conoco, Dunn, Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 225 18--CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING COMMIS- SION - EQUIPMENT & TRAINING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....................... 226 18--Corbett, Earl, refund on Beer 8; Cigarette Permits .... 226 18--County Conservation Society objecting to barge mooring on Chaplain Schmitt Island 226 18--Cedar Rapids TV, reply in matter of KDUB-TV Inc. petition for waiver of rules etc 228 Apr. 1--City Council, Regular Session 230 1 --Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Park~ Submission of a Request for INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Funds for Development of Outdoor Rec. under Land & Water- Conservation Fund Program ........................... 240 1--Code of Ordinances Supplement No. 23 adopted .......... 242 1--City Island - objection to barge mooring ................. 243 Apr. 15--City Council, Special Session ........................... 246 " 15--Child, Week of the Young. Proclamation ................. 246 " 15--Cedar Cross Road Bridge Replacement Project ........... ........................................ 248-249, 288, 289, 350 " 15--Capitai Assistance Application (Sec. 5) re: UMTA ......... ........................................... 254, 276, 302, 303 " I5--Compensation Pkg. for Nonbargaining Unit Employees .... 269 " 15--Clark, Theron N., Claim; Denial ........................ 270, 292 " 15--Claims for month of February, proof of publication ........ 271 " 15--Contracter's Improvement Bond cancelled re: Tri-State (Sunset Park Sub.) .......................................... 272 Apr. 29--City Council, Special Session ........................... 275 May 6--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 276 6--Conditionai Uses in Office Residential District, Zoning Amendments ........................................ ................................................ 278, 296-298 6--Contributinns Contract, Annual, Execution (Inc. an additional 31 units Sec. 8 existing program funds with current 479 unit contract) ............................................ 286 6Cedar Cross Road Bridge reconstruction, eminent domain pro- ceedings to acquire necessary properties ................. 288, 289 6-- Civil Service Commission certifying J. Manse, J. O'Neal, & R. Roberts for position of Police Chief ..................... 293 May 20--City Council, Special Session ........................... 294 " 20--Chief of Police John Manse appointed ................... 311 " 20--Carr, Chuck, applicant for P & Z Comm ................. 320 " 20--CK/Country Kitchen, Cigarette Permit .................. 320 " 20--Casey's General store, 2699 Rockdale & 4003 Peru Rd., Cigarette Permits .................................... 320 " 20--Canfield Hotel, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 320 " 20--Curran, Velma, Cigarette Permit ....................... 320 " 20--Correll, Mary G., Delinquent Sewer Account; Delinquent Refuse Collection Account ................................... 322, 323 June 3--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 326 3 --Central Business District - Temporary Uses (Zoning), Defined. 327-328 3--Community Development Loan Funds re: 3D Co. (Kresge Bldg.) .............................................. " 3--Council resignation of Thomas Beurskens effective 6/15 .... " 3--Canncil vacancy - procedures to fill same, etc ............. 334, " 3--Cremer Grocery Store, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit 335, 3--Crealanes Bowling, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 3--Cue Master Ltd., Cigarette Permit ...................... 3--Copper Kettle, Cigarette Permit ........................ 3--Country Inn (Judy's), Cigarette Permit .................. 3--Cable, Kurt, Claim ................................... 3--Cable TV Rate Increase, objection ...................... June 17--City Council, Speciai Session ........................... 17--Ch. Schmltt Memorial Island--Lease Agreement with Dubuque Water Ski Club .............................. 17--Chamber of Commerce, Purchase of Services Agreement... 17--Convention & Visitors Bureau, financial participation ...... " 17--Cedar Cross Bridge, Agreement with Illinois Central Gulf RR. " 17--Cactus Lounge, Cigarette Permit ....................... " 17--Club House, Cigarette Permit .......................... " 17--Chung Lim Gee (Monte Carlo), Cigarette Permit .......... 333 334 335 336 335 335 335 335 327 327 339 339 349 349 35O 357 357 357 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Ju, ne 17-Cafe Germain, Cigarette Permit.. ' 17--Coach House, Cigarette Permit... ' ..................... 17--Corner Tavern, Cigarette Permit ........................ 17--Clarke College, Cigarette Permit ........................ 17--Crealanes Bowling, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........ 17--Chateau, The, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 17--Curier Subd., final plat approved of Lots 1 thru 4 ......... 17--Carnahan, Steven A., Claim ................... 17--Cllntan Federal Savings & Loan, Claim .................. " 17--Claims for month of April, proof of publication ........... 17--Court of Appeals affirming District Court Judgement in matter of Bird Chevrolet et al .......................... July 1--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 1--Conceptual Development Plan for ID Institutional District of Clarke College ....................................... 1 ................................................ 366, 380, 381 --CLARKE COLLEGE, Conceptual Development Plan Etc.. ............................................ 366, 380, 381 1--Carew, A lan J. Attorney) for Adams Co. requesting partial exemption from property taxation ...................... 368 " 1--Coasting (Sledding) etc. Prohibited etc. on City Streets .... 370 1 --Curtis St., 1297-1299, re: Change in Terms of Real Estate Loan (E. Fassbinder transfer to J. Hagerty) ................... 371 l--Cathodic Protection Analysis of Water Distribution System, contract with Harco Corp.. 372 1--Civic Center Comm. Member F. Henkels submitting resignation ..................................... 373 1--Concrete Work Bid Pkg. A , Contract #2 - Excavation too) for Dog Track Facility, final documents.. 373 1--Cable Televrogramming Comm. reslgnatin~ '~f' R~h' B'a~el: 373 1-Civic Center Commission appointments of J. Oehrle, A. Rafoth & R. Bakke ......................................... 374 1--Coaley, James A., reappointed to the Elec. Bd. of Appeals. 374 1--Connall-Magee, S., applicant for Historic Preservation Comm. 374 1--Cable TV Regulatory Comm. appointment o£ J. Renter ..... 375 1 --Cheslik, Francis reappointed to Cable Taleprogramming Comm, 375 1--Convention & Tourism Bureau appointment of Rhonda Kronfeldt as rep .................................... 375 1--Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 24 adopted .......... 378 July 10--City Council, Special Session.. 380 10--Clarke Drive - possibility of closing for college campus etc,. 380 " 10--Cooper Wagon Works, A.A. Building Project, Filing of Applica- tion of Loan from IA. CD Loan Program ................ 381,382 10--Community Development Loan Program re: Loan application for A.A. Cooper Wagon Works etc ...................... 381,382 10--Community Development Loan Program Application for loan for Jays Waste Equipment, Ltd.. 382 July 15--City Council Special Sees on " i . . . ' ....................... 384 5--Certificate of C~ty Clerk re: Notices on 1985 Asphalt Paving Project.. " ......................................... 384 15--Carleton College objecting to Hillcrest Rd. Rehab Work .... 384 " 15--Chesterman, Wm. of Westminster Pres. Church, objecting to Asphalt Paving Project of Loras Blvd .................. 384 " 15--Conservatian Comm. (IA) re: river safety program etc ..... 389 " 15--Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island re: establishment of a 5 mile per hour speed/no wake zone in nearby waters ....... 389 15--Claussen, Herb, Water Plant Operator, re: suspension'f~'~ working days ....................................... 390 15--Communicatinns Center Emergency), bidding for three radio consoles for same.. .............................. 390 357 357 358 357 359 359 359 360 360 360 361 363 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 15--Chapman, Kristina, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit. 393 ,, 15--Council Proceedings for Jan. & Feb. 1985 approved as printed. 394 15--Clerk certificate of notices sent re: peru Road - Kennedy Court " 395 Sanitary Sewer ...................................... " 15--Claims list for month of May, 1985, Proof of publication... 395 Aug. 5--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 397 5--County Fair Week, Proclamation ....................... 397 5--Cleveinnd Park, Designation of City park by Ord ......... 402 5--Casey, Patrick, Claim; Denial .......................... 405. 544 " 5--C0unty submitting petitions for t~x suspension process .... 405, 406 Aug. 11--City Council, Special Session (Closed Session) ............ 409 A,u,g. 19--City Council, Special Session ........................... 19--Carew, Attorney Alien, re: Tax Exemption for Adams Co. 411. 412 " 19--Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Park & Rec. Complex parking Lot Project. 414, 415 19--Change in Mortgage position of Real Estate Mortgage (Cooper on Arlington St.) ..................................... 418, 419 19--Cooper, Rodney & Marilyn, change in real estate Mortgage· 418, 419 · 426 19--Coach House Class "C" Liquor Lmense...,~ ............ 19--Crocker, Patricia (King of Clubs), Class "C Liquor Lac .... 426 " 19--Chamber of Commerce submitting Budget Session update re: 426 Convention & Visitors Bureau .......................... " 19--Conventinn & Visitors Bureau Budget update etc ......... 426 " 19--Corporatian Counsel re: suit of Bird Chev. decision in favor of 427 " 19_~eYsllk, rranc~s submitting resignation from Cable 427 Teleprogramming Comm .............................. 19--Cable Teleprogramming Comm· resignation of F. Chesfik... 427 19--Civil Service Comm. certifying Environmental Sanitarian 428 individuals ......................................... 19--County Historical Society re: Fireworks Display .......... 427 19--Concrete Topping & Risers with Edwards Concrete for Dog Track, Acceptance of work ete ......................... 433 Sept. 2--City Council, Reg. Session (No members present) ......... 439 S~,,pt.3--City Council, Adjourned Reg. Session ................... 440 3--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island park & Recreation Complex 444, 445 parking Lot Project .................................. 3--Contract revised for 15 units Section 8 existing voucher pro- 447, 448 gram funds etc ...................................... 3--Construction- (New), updating City Code by providing for partial exemption for value added to real property bY thls ete' 461-463 3--Civil Service Commissioners, Providing for Qualifications.. 475 3-C.J.'s Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License; Transfer of Lin... 478, 498 " 3--Council Proceedings for March, April, May & June Approved. 479 " 3--Clarke College transfer of Beer Permit .................. 479 3--Clendenen, Marvin E. re: DB & T re them etc. City, Foreclosure 479 Petition & Order .................................... 3--Cummings suits vs. City & Mississippi Valley Hockey, Inc. 479 3--Cable Taleprogramming Commission, resignation of M. Lark 48O Underwood ....................................... 480 3--City Annual Financial Report for FY ending 6-30-85, submitted. 3--C~ty s Worker s Compensation Self-Insurance Plan Report·. 480 Sept. 16--City Council, Special Session ........................... 486 16--Constitutinn Week, Proclamation ...................... 486 16--Concrete Domes reconstruction on the primary clarifiers at the WWTP, Project .................................... ............................ 487, 488, 510 " 16--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex Facilities Bldg ..................................... 490, 512, 513, 554 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 16--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex Facilities Bldg. Piling ............................... 491, 492, 511 16--Civic Center's Micro-Computer, repair & update ....... 494 16--Clarke Drive, 279-283, re: denial of rezoning by P & Z etc. 495 16--Canopy above entrance at Dubuque Financial Services at 1405 Dodge ....................................... 497, 498 16--Club House, Class "C' Liquor License ................ 499 16--Casey's General Store, Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 499 16--Culbertson, Mrs. Clara, Claim; Denial ................. 500, 544 16--Concerns of Council Member Stackis re: removal of railroad access ........................................ 500 Oct. 7--City Council, Regninr Session 503 7--Continuing Education Week (Adult), Proclamation .... 503 7--Compensation. earnable discussion by Attorney R.N. Russo for Police & Firefighters .............................. 514, 515 7--Consent Agreement- City & Racing Assn ............. 516 7--Citizens for Community (Dbq.) re: telephone costs ete ...... 522 7--Coach House, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 523 7--Carroll, Deborah, Claim; Denial ...................... 524, 544 7--Claims for Aug., Proof of publication ................... 525 7--City Council & Civil Service documents transferred to Wahlert Library at Lores College ............................ 526 7--Center Grove Properties (R. Digman etc.) Dept· of Water, Air & Waste Mgmt. issuing permit for sewer etc ............ 526 7--Code Supplement No. 25 adopted ....................... 526 7--Correctional Services Facility at 1494 Elm requesting restricted parking ............................................. 526, 564 7--Civil Service Commission certified Assistant Police Chief individuals .......................................... 527 7 --Cha~c Seating (Stadium), Dbq. Racing Facility, final documents. 532 7--Ceramic Tile for the Grandstand at the Dbq. Racing Facility. 533, 534 Oct. 21--City Council Special Session ........................... 541 21--Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, National, Proclamation. 541 21--Council Proceedings, Printed, for July, 1985, approved ..... 544 21--Conlon, Anna Mae, Claim ............................. 544 21--Civil Service Commission certified Police Officer applicants. 545 21--Ch. Schmitt Memorial Recreation Co~nplex Road, final documents .......................................... 545, 546 21--Cllnque Inc. Addition, Final Plat of certain subdivision .... 546 21--Century Circle, final plat of subdivision (Cllnque Inc.) ...... 546 Oct. 24--City Council, Special Session ........................... 548 Oct. 28--City Council, Special Session ........................... 549 Nov. 4--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 553 4--ContiCarriers, re: Ord. repealed (No. 52-81) which granted to them & Hodge Warehouse Co. re: Industrial RR track etc.. 557 4--Cedar Cross Road, proposed traffic control with opening of C. Ct. Bridge .......................................... 557 4--Cedar Cross Road, Designation of Stop Signs at the intersections ......................................... 557, 558 4--Crescent Ridge & Cedar Cross Rd., Stop Signs at intersections. 557, 558 Nov. 18--City Council, Special Session ........................... 18--CD Block Grant, Authorizing filing of Statement of Intent etc. 4--Cedar Cross Road, establishment of a 35 mph speed limit.. 559 4--Cedar Cross Road, prohibiting parking on same ........... 560 4--Conservation Park Development Plans, re: Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island .............................................. 560 4--Ch. Schmltt Mem. Island Conservation Park Development Plans ............................................... 560 4--County Auditor requesting name change of Jennifer Drive. 563 566 568 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 18--CD Block Grant Project, Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings ........................ 568 18--Contributions Contract Revised, re: Section 8 Existing Voucher Progrmn Funds, Execution ............................ 569 18--City Mgr. re: Extension of Termination Dates of OPP Contract for IA. Rental Rehabilitation Program and Directing Mayor to execute any approved Contract Documents ............ 570 18--C.J?s Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 574 ' 18--Clalms for Sept. Proof submitted ....................... 575 " 18--Canvass of Votes for Municipal General Election submitted by 575 County ............................................. " 18--Cook, Floyd R., votes in Municipal Election {Ward 3) ...... 576 Dec. 2--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 581 2--Cedar & Sycamore Streets, alley between from 14th to 15th Sts., vacation etc. for DuPaco Credit Union .................. 586 2--Clark, Theron (Airport Mgr.) re: using #1 CIP item, Chlorinate 588 Water System ....................................... 2--City Hall Elevator Project ............................. 588, 605 2--Corporation Counsel re: Victoria Street litigation, successful- ly concluded ......................................... 589 2--Cable TV Community Teleprogramming appointments of Cronin, Nash and Lenane .............................. 591 2--Cronin, Rosemary C., appointed to Cable TV Community Teleprogramming Corem .............................. 591 2--Clarke College, Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 592 " 2--Cole, Michelle by Carol, suit ........................... 593 " 2--Commudity Development Block Grant Projects, re: release of funds for certain ones ................................. 593 Dec. 16--City Council, Special Session ........................... 598 " 16--City & County Assessors offices, re: combining them ...... 602 " 16--Convention & Visitors Bureau re: keeping Tourist Information 603 Center open ......................................... " 16--City Council Meeting Dates and reconsideration of actions by Council, established by Ordinance ...................... 603 16--Casey s General Stores. Class C Bee Permit .......... 604 16--Canncli Proceedings for August, 1985, approved .......... 605 16--Claims for month of October, 1985, proof of publication .... 605 16--City Hail, removal of Architectural Barriers etc. for CD Block 605 Grant Project ........................................ Dec. 20--City Council, Special Session ........................... 615 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7--Durrant Group (Jerry Guy) giving progress report on Dog Track ........................... 1, 19, 57, 99, 123, 246, 276, 294 " 7--Dog Track Progress Report by Durrant Group ........... ................................ 1, 19, 57, 99, 123, 246, 276, 294 " 7--Dodge St. (& JFK & Wacker), establishment of C-6 Planned Comm. District & Preliminary Development Plan ......... " 7--Development Plan (Preliminary) - JFK, Dodge & Wacker... 1 " 7--Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "D' - submission of documents (Fencing, Bench Seating, Stadium Chair Seating) ......... .................................................. 2, 3, 57-61 7--Depositeries named for City monies ..................... 4, 5 7--Dupaco Credit Union, named depository for City funds .... 4, 5 7--Dubuque Savings & Loan approved as financial depository. 4, 5 7--Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. approved as financial depository. 4 7--Dalon Hampton & Associates approved for structural study of Keyline Bus Garage ................................ 7 7--Dog Racing Facility - Driven Piles, (& Alt. 1), completion.. 7, 8 7--Driven Plies Project re: Dog Track, completion of project.. 7, 8 7--Dogs - Ord. defining "Kennels". ........................ 8, 9 7--Dubuque Greyhound Park, re: clarification of "kennels" for dogs ............................................... 8, 9 7--Devlin, Matthew reappointed to the Human Rights Comm. 11 7--DOCK BOARD- AD HOC- COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................. 12, 49, 67, 82, 119, 226, 243, 292, 544 7--Dubuque Stamping & Manufacturing, Inc. report on progress (as per Loan Agreement) .............................. 13 7--DOT (IA.), proposal to let an A.C.C. reanr fucing project on U.S. 52 (Ruby St. to Country Club) ......................... 14 7--Dbq. Historic Improvement Co., re: vacation & sale of s. half of alley between 5th & 6th Sts. between Locust & Bluff Ste. ................................................... 14, 57, 78 Jan. 14--DuMed, re: New Zoning Ordinance, objection ............. 17 " 14--Dorwelier, Delos, A., objection re: New Zoning Ordinance.. 17, 55 14--DOCK BOARD SBMITTING MINUTES: .............. ................................. 49, 82, 119, 292, 360, 405, 605 Jan. 21--Donar, Vickie Ann, Denial of Claim ..................... 50 Feb. 4--Dental Health Month (Childrens), Proclamation ........... 57 4--Dubuque Greyhound Park, Off-Site Roadway Improvements Project ................................. 62-64~ 104-106, 350, 351 4--Dubuque In-Futuro, Funds Loaned for acquisition of Kresge Bldg ............................................... 64 4--Dubuque Inn, Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Liquor License ..... 67 4--December, proof of publication of List of Claims & Expenditures ........................................ 68 4--Downs, Robert, resignation from Dubuque Planning & Zoning Corem .............................................. 70 Feb. 18--Dog Racing Facility, Bid Pkg. "E", (Wall Finishes, Floor Finishes, Ceramic Tile Installation, Signage, Landscaping).. .............................................. 76, 77, 106-108 " 18--Dubuque Trolley, Inc., Loan discussion of CD Block Grant funds ............................................... 81 " 18--DUBUQUE IN FUTURO, INC. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................................ 82, 119, 226, 270, 499, 562, 592 Feb. 25--Dubuque Development Corp. (Greater) re: Budget funding request ............................................. 88 " 25--Dock Manager office eliminated ........................ 97 Mar. 4--Dubuque Downtown Assn., advislng of a "Discovery Meeting". 99 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 4--Dubuque In-Futero, Inc. requesting to amend their Articles of Incorporation for IRS .............................. 4--Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. (Redstone), Class "B" Hotel-Metal Liquor License ............................ 4--December Council Proceedings approved ................. 4--Discontinuation of Community Development Commission.. Mar. 18--DuMed property, zoning reclassification...: ............. 18--Downtown Plaza, re: Beer Sales etc ..................... 18--Demolition of Rotman Bldg. at 335 Ia ................... 18--Dbq. County Courthouse cablecasting equipment installation. 218, 18--Dubuque Industrial Center, pricing structure for sites etc.. 18--Dubuque Greyhound Park Sign, Consent Agreement ...... 18--Dubuque Humane Sodety, Agreement for animal impoundment etc ................................................. 18--Dunne Conoco, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 18--DOT (Ia.) re: bridge repair on U.S. 52 .................. 18--DOT (U.S.) submitting Order re: Air Service resumption etc. Apr. 1--Discontinuation of Community Development Commission.. 1--Disposal of City Interest in property in River Front Subdivi- sion No. 5 to Klauer Mfg. Co .......................... 1--Disposal of City Interest in property in River Front Subdivi- sion No. 5 to the Wm. C. Brown Co .................... 233, 1--DOT, U.S., Filing of Application for financing of planning assistance project .................................... 237, 1--Downtown Property Acquisition, Submission of request for release of funds (re: 335 Iowa St.) demolition and parking lot project ............................................ 238, 1--Demolition & Parking Lot Project - 335 Iowa St ......... ................................................ 238, 239, 1--Dubuque Greyhound Park requesting fireworks display permission ........................................ 1--Dr. B's Billiards & Ice Cream Parlor (Elbe, Inc.), Cigarette Permit, Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 1--Dorweiler, Delos, expressing concerns ................. Apr. 15--Drummond, Dr. Richard, Giving Invocation .............. 15--Dodge & Wacker Dr. Traffic Signal Improvements & Inter- section Ltg. Project ........................... 252, 253, 301. " 15--DOT, USA, Filing of Application for Gra~t re: UMTA ..... ............................................. 254, 255, " 15--Dubuque First China, Inc. (Yen Chin Rest.), Class "C" Liquor License ........................................... " 15--Dubuque Greyhound Park Track, (ARA Leisure Services), Class "C" Liquor License .................................. Apr. 29--Diamond & Beveridge, retaining them as law firm to act on Ci- ty's behalf in certain litigation matter ................... May 6--DubuqueFest Days, Proclamation ..................... 6--Duschen. Joe petitioning for Stop or Yield sign at Beverly & Brown Sts ...................................... 6--Discontinuation of Community Development Commission.. 6--DubuqueFest 85 (Stephen B. Ankeny), Class "B" Beer Permit. 6--D,B.Q. Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 6--Dodson Road & U,S. 20, property's final plat approved .... 6--Dept. of Revenue, Ia., Claim ...................... 6--Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., Claim ................... 6--Dubuque Golf & Country Club requesting "Fireworks" permission ...................................... May 20--Dix, Rev. Wm., Gave Invocation ....................... " 20--Dubuque Marina Harbor, Prohibited Activities set out in Ordinance (swimming, ice skating, etc.) ............... 112 119 120 123 125 218 218 219 219 220 220 225 226 227 230 231 246 238 239 292 240 241 244 246 302 256 270 270 275 276 279 286 290 290 290 292 292 293 294 313 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE May 20--Dove Harbor (7th St, area), Prohibited Activities set out in Ordinance ........................................... 313 20--Demmer, Mary (El Toro), Cigarette Permit .............. 320 20--Dip Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................. 320 20--Denny's Lux Club, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 321 20--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Class "A" (Club) Liquor License. 321 20--Dahlman, H., Delinquent Refuse Collection Charges ....... 323 20--Delon Hampton & Associates, submitting Bus Facility Rehab. Feasibility Study ..................................... 324 June 3--Dock Commission re: Lease between City & Dbq. Water Ski Club ............................................... 331 3--Dubuque Water Ski Club, Re: lease ..................... 331,339 3--Dodge House Motel, Cigarette Permit ................... 335 " 3--Dougherty's United, Cigarette Permit ................... ' 335 3--Derby Gas Station, Cigarette Permit .................... 335 June 17--Dubuque Racing Assn., re: Lease, Changes ............... 347 " 17--Davis, Walter re: 3rd Annual Vietnam Veterans Reunion in Dubuque ............................................ 347 " 17--Design Center Associates, re: Eagle Point Park Bridge Complex designs ........................... .......... 350 " 17--Dubuque In-Future Greater Dubuque Development & Conven- tion & Tourism Bureau, Vacancy of Thomas Beurskens, request to fill vacancy ....................................... 356 " 17--DMATS Barge Fleeting Committee, request Council submit representative's name etc .............................. 356 " 17--Dory, Nelda (Olde Shang), Cigarette Permit .............. 357 17--Dubuque Inn Best Western, Cigarette Permit ........ 357 17--Dan's Super Standard, Cigarette Permit ............. 357 17--Demetri's Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit .......... 357 17--Denny's Lux Club, Cigarette Permit ................ 357 17--Donut Hut, Ltd., Cigarette Permits (3 outlets) ....... 357 17--Dubuque Mining Co., Cigarette Permit .............. 357 17--Dave's IOCO, Cigarette Permit ........................ 357 17--Design Center, Inc. (Julien), Cigarette Permit ............ 358 17--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit .......... 358 17--Dunne Conoco, Cigarette Permit ........................ 358 " 17--Dalsing, Lloyd, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 359 " 17--Dubuque Bowling Lane, Class "C" Liquor License ........ 359 " 17--Dip Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 359 " 17--Dubuque Post 6 (Legion), Class "C" Liquor License ....... 359 July 1--Dolan, Art, objection to rezoning on Asbury Rd. (3400) - Helle Klosterman ......................................... 363 ' " 1--Dubuque Racing Assn., amendment to Lease Agreement with City ................................................ 364, 365 1--Downtown Revitalization program, Agreement (funding)... 370, 371 1--Dubuque Racing Facility, Bid Pkg. "A", Excavation & Concrete Work, Final documents ........... 373 1--Dubuque In Future, Inc. appointment of Rhonda Kronfeldt as representative to this board ............................ 375 1 --Deich, Council Member Donald appointed to the Operation: New View Bd ............................................ 375 1--Dubuque Racing Assn. appointments ................... 375 1--Duffy, William F. (Fitzpatricks), Class "C" Liquor License. 377 July 10--Dunn, Sister Catherine, re: relocation of Clarke Drive & Develop- ment Plan for Clarke College ........................... 380 July 15--Daubenbergor, Doug, objecting to hog wire fencing near N/W Arterial ............................................. 389 15--Dubuque Fighting Saints Assn., contract with Five Flags Center .............................................. 391 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 15--Dubuque Savings & Loan Assn., claim .................. 395 Aug, 5--Dubuque County Fair Week, Proclamation ............... 397 5--Dubuque Barge Fleeting Committee, request for another appointment etc ..................................... 403 5--Dr. B's, Cigarette Permit .............................. 404 5--Dbq. County Institutional Accounts, re: suspension of real estate taxes for 3 ................................... 406 5--Davis St., re: removal of "No Parking" Signs on north side etc. 406 Aug. 19--Dubuque Greyhound Park, re: "Landlords Waiver of Lien" for Sign .............................................. 419 19--Detainer, Mary L., (El Toro), Class "C' Liquor License .... 426 19Dubuque Bowling Lanes (M. Spiegalhalter), Class "C' Liquor License ............................................ 426 19--DOT holding public hearing re:design of U.S. 61 & 151 .... 426 19--Design Public Hearing by Ia. DOT re: relocation of U.S. 61 & U.S. 151 .................................. ~ ........ 426 19--Dubuque County Historical Society re: Fireworks Display Petition ............................................. 427 19--Dewey, Mrs. Lyle petition for reinstallation of street light on N. Grandview ....................................... 427, 428 19--Dubuque, Racing Facility Contract A-3 Precast Concrete work etc., final documents ................................ 428 19--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract B-5 Structural Steel & Exterior Closure at Grandstand/Paddock with Kraemer Bros., final documents .................................... 429 19--Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Contract B-6 Ke~mels & Se- curity Bldg. with - C.F. Carr Construction, Inc,, final doc~unents. 430 19--Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Contract C-9 Acoustical Ceil- ing Systems, final documents ......................... 431 19--Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Tote Bldg. & Gen. Construction, final documents .................................... 432 19--Durrant Group submitting final figures re: cost of Dog Track Concrete Topping & Risers etc ....................... 433 19--Dubuque Dog Racing Facility - Concrete Topping & Risers, final documents ete ................................... 433 19--Dubuque Dog Racing Facility - Contract D-14 Contoured Bench Seating with Miracle Recreation Equipment ............ 434 Sept. 3--Dominican Sisters drain property, re: mud slide etc. problem.. 445 3--Dubuque Traffic Code, Updating & providing definition of All- Terrain Vehicles .................................. 448-461 3--Directing execution of revised Annual Contributions Contract for 15 Units Sec. 8 existing Voucher Program Funds ..... 448 3--Discriminatory Practices in the City, Prohibition, by Ord. 472-474 3--Deich, Donald nominated for "Government" for ECIA Regional Coordinating Council .......................... 478 ' 3--Dittemore; D. nominated for "Business" for ECIA Regional Coordinating Council ......................... 478 ' 3--Dr. B's Ice Cream & Billiard Parlor, Class "C' Liquor License. 478 ' 3--Dubuque Bank and Trust Co. vs. Marvin E. Clendenen et al submitting Foreclosure Petition & Order ............. 479 ' 3--Dubuque Fire & Police Pension Fund & Retirement Systems submitting Financial Reports for FY ................... 480 Sept. 16--Dubuque Arboretum Days, Proclamation .............. 486 ' 16--Domes, Concrete for Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. 487, 488 ' 16--Dodge St., 1405, at Dbq. Financial Services for Mr. John Brwin, Ord. approving placement of canopy thereof ..... 497, 498 " 16--Dubuque Financial Services re: Ord. authorizing canopy. ~ 497, 498 " 16--Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc. (Holiday Inn), Class "B" Ilotel Motel License 499 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 16--DOT, letter to same re: concerns of railroad access etc. re: Eagle Ridge Mfg. Co... Oct. 7--Demolition of Rockdale Road Bridge etc.. p&D ............... 513 " 7--Durrant Grou ubuque Racing Assn. Security Agreement etc ................................................. 513 7--DOT re: Project Agreement for Funding of Rockdale Road Bridge ............................................. 516 7--Dubuque Racing Assn. re: Council consent to Security agree- ment between them & Durrant Group and to assignment of por- tion of Lease between City & Racing Assn ............... 516 7--Dubuque In-Future, Inc. Loan Agreement for security to 3D Co. 521 " 7--Dbq. Citizens for Community Improvement re: two resolutions concerning telephone cost increase.. .................... 521 7--Dodge House Motel & Rest., Class "B" Beer & Liquor License. 523 7--Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Mgmt. re: permit for sewer for Center Grove Properties ............................. 526 7--Digman, Ralph re: Center Grove Properties re: permit for sewer etc.. 7--DOT, IA re: funds for roads & bridges etc ............... 529 7--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract Plumbing Systems, final ....................................... 530, 531 7--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract Electrical Systems, final 7--Dubuque Racing Facility, Stadium Chair Seating, final 531, 532 ........................................ 532, 533 7--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract, Off-Site Gravity Main, Lift Station & Force Main, final documents ............... 535 7--Dubuque Racing Facility- HVAC Systems, final documents. 536 7--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract Interior Systems, final documents.. .............. ........................ 537 7--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract D13, Fencing, final 7--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract E16, Wall Finishes, final .................................... 539 7--Dubuque Racing Facility Contract E-19 Signage, final 540 Oct. 21--Dodge St, rezoinng for Super 8 Building (motel) ...... 21--Duster, Robert L., Refund on Beer ~;mii.'. '.. '. '..' ".541,542, 553 544 Nov. 4--DubuqueUrbanizedAreaAccount, TransferofUMTACapitai Assistance funds.. 555 4--Design of U.S. 61 and 151 between Grandview Ave. & 7th St. adoption.. ................................. 556 4--Dock Board re: Development Plans for Riverview Park 560 4--Dog Gone, Inc. Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................. ............... 561, 562 4--Dix, William, re: write in vote at Municipal Primary .... 563 4--Dubuque Racing Assn. resignation of Rhonda Kronfeldt... 565 Nov. 18--Dix, Rev. Wm., gave Invocation. ............... 566 18--DOT, IA re: Project Agreement for City street ralocation, re: U.S. 61 relocation from 7th St. northerly and easterly to City Island Bridge " 18--Do an, Denn s & John, C garette Permit. 571 " 18--Dubuque Savings & Loan Ass~ re: Claim.. 573 " ......... 574 18--District Court re: Assessor advising of stipulation of set- tlements to same of properties of Tri-State Bank of E.D.. 575 I8--Deich, Donald E., re: vote on Muincipai Election .... 576 18--Dubuque Dog Racing Fac~ty Landscaping, project completion. 577, 578 Dec. 2--DuPaco Credit Union, re: vacate ailey between Cedar & INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 2--Sycamore Sts., from 14th to 15th Sts .................. 586, 587 2--Dubuque Racing Assn. re: resignation of Rhonda Kronfeldt. 590 2--Dock Board appointment of Daniel Block ................ 591 2--Desens, John C., appointed to Bd. of Electrical Examiners. 591 2--Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Improvements ...................................... 596 Dec. 16--DuPaco Credit Union, re: Vacation of Alley between Cedar & Sycamore Sts. from 14th to 15th Sts ................... 598, 599 16--Design Center, Inc. Class "B" Hotel-Motel Liquor License. 604 16--Dias, Gall, resigned from Human Rights Corem .......... 607 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE £ Jan. 7--Englneering firm selected for Cedar Cross Bridge Dealgn (iiW Associates) .......................................... 10, 11 " 7--Erschen, Joseph R., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 11, 12 " 7--Econorrdc DeVelopment Services, report of Chamber of Commerce.. Jan. 21--ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......................... 49, 243, 336, 405, 524, 592 " 21--Erschen, Benedict F., Refund request for Liquor License... 50 " 21--Entrance Level Firefighter applicants certified to Council.. 50 " 21--Expenditures of City for Nov. 1984, Proof submitted ...... 50 Feb. 18--Engineer's Week (National), Proclamation ................ 76 Mar. 4--Easter Seal Week, Proclamation... ,, · .................... 99 4--East 19th St. area, vacation (re: Chicago, Mil., St. Paul & Pacific RR) ................... 101 4--Engineer firm for design of Rockdale Road Bridge ........ 113, 114 4--East 28th St., & Washington, Stop sign installation ....... 115 4--Erschen, Joseph R., Claim ............................. 120, 243 4--Eagle Discount Supermarket, Ia. Beer & Liquor Control sub- mitring decision on Beer License suspension appeal ....... 121 4--Expend/tures for month of January, Proof of publ/cation... 121 4--Embassy West, approval of final plat of Subd. Lot D,E & F. 121, 122 Mar. 18--Eagles Club, Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit... 225, 358 " 18--Elks Club, Class "C" Liquor License; ................... 225, 592 Apr. 1--Eagle Point Bridge, vacated access on Rhomberg, said te Susan Balsamo ............................................ 234-236 1--ECIA, authorization to submit plann/ng assistance application to UMTA.. ......................................... 237, 238 1--Elbe, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit & Cigarette Permit ..... 241 1--Erschen, Joseph R., Claim... 243 Apr. 15--Education for Business Week (National), Proclamation .... 246 " 15--Eichman, Robert, Settlement of Claim ................... 271 " 15--E. 16th St. Parking problem.. 271 'May 6 --Eralnent Doma/n proceedings te acqoire per tion of rlght.of, way necessary for Cedar Cross Road Bridge .................. 288 " 6--El Toro, Cigarette Perm/t... · ..... 320 June 3--Eagle Point Tavern, Cigarette Permit ............... 335 3--Eegle Discount Center, C~garette Permit ................. 335 Juno 17--Eagle Point Park re: Lowering Bridge Complex Road (Project} to aliow buses to enter otc ................ 350, 367, 368, 387, 388 3--Elks, Ben, Order of, Cigarette Permit. 35,7 3 Erschen, Joseph R., Happy Hour, Cigarette Permig 3--Edens, Tammy (Olde German Bank), Cigarette Permit ..... 358 July 1--Elderhostel Week, Proclamation... " 1--Ernst, Mary Kay, objecting to rezon/ng of Asburv property for 363 Helle Klosterman off/ce building. 1--Engineering firm {fierce Corp. I re: Catholic Protection Analysis of Water Dist. System.. 372 1--Excavation & Concrete Work, Bid Pkg. "A" at Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Acceptance & Approval documents ..... 373 1--Electrical Examining Bd. appointments of S. Braun & R. Wagoner. 1--Electrical Board of Appeals reappointment of J. Coaley & D. Pfohi.. 1- Edens, q'ammy A. (Olde Ger. Bank), Class "C" Liquor License. 377 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 1 --Eagle Discount Center (#109 & #320), Class "C" Liquor License. 377 July 15--Emergency Communications Center approval of 3 radio consoles ......................................... 390 Aug. 5--Economic Development Services Agreement with Greater Dubuque Development Corporation for FY 85-86 ......... 398 5--ECIA requesting appointments to Dbq. Barge Fleeting Com- mittee & Regional Coordinating Council ................ 403 5--Eagles Bldg. at Elm St. re: request by Mgr. of Jacobson's to sell 18th St. etc .................................... 406, 441 5--Elm St. re: property vacation, sale etc. near Eagles Store.. ............................................ 406, 417, 440-442 5--Emergency No. (911) effective date ..................... 407 Aug. 19--ECIA Ex. Director submitting Resolution in support of U.S. 61 Four Lane Higilway north of DeWITT project ......... 419 " 19--ECIA requesting nominations for Regional Coordinating Coun- cil etc .............................................. 425 " 19--E1 Toro Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 426 " 19--Erschen, Alice, Claim ................................. 426 " 19--Envlronmentol Sanitarian Certification by Civil Service Commission ......................................... 428 " 19--Edwards Concrete Contractors, Inc., approval of Dog Racing Facility Contracts etc ................................. 433, 434 Sept. 3--E. 18th St. from Elm St. to Pine St., Vacation of same, approval of plat and disposal of interest (sale) to Jacobson's Inc .... 440-442 3--Eagle Discount Supermarket expansion & Lease from Jacob- son's etc. at 1800 Elm St .............................. 442-443 3--Exemption (partial) - for value added to certain real property by new construction & acquisition of improvement to certain machinery or equipment ............................... 461 3--Elbo, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 478 3--ECIA Regional Coordinating Council appointments ....... 478 Sept. 16--Election petition for Ia. Municipal Band Law ............. 493 " 16--Erwin, John, re: Canopy above entrance to Dubuque Financial Services at 1405 Dodge St ............................. 497 " 16--Eagle Point Assn., Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........ 499 " 16--Eagle Mfg. Co. re: Joe Holdiman re: plans to move business if railroad access if finalized ........................... 500 Oct. 7--Employ the Handicapped Week, Proclamation ............ 503 7--Enzler, Jerry, of Dbq. County Historic Society re: presentation (sketch by G. Olsen) of Ice Harbor ...................... 503 7--Educational Bonus Pay, addressed re: Police & Fire benefits. 514, 515 7--Easement for the R~ckdale Road Bridge, with Illinois Central. 517 7--Edens, Tammy A., Class"C" Liquor License ............. 523 7--Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd., Class "C' Liquor License ....... 523 " 7--Elm St. parking~by Correctional Facility, denial of ........ 526. 564 " 7--Electrical Systems, re: Dbq. Racing Facility, Project completion .......................................... 531 Oct. 21--Eagle Food Center 130, Class "E" Beer Permit ........... 542 " 21--Eagle Point Associates, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............ 542 Nov. 4--Easement to Illinals Central Gulf & RR Co. to construct railroad track along Kerper Blvd .............................. 556 " 4--Election results of Primary set out ..................... 562 " 4--Emmett Street, residents of re: Storm Water problem of St. Mary's St ........................................... 565 Nov. 18--E. 11th & E. 12th - alley between Jackson & Washington etc. vacation & sale to Spahn & Rose ....................... 566, 581 18--Extension of Termination Dates of OPP Contract for IA. INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 18--Rental Rehab. Program ............................ 570 " 18--Ehlers, Wayne, sale of 415-419 Loras from M. Portzen 570, 571 " 18--Election results of Mun. General Election set out ......... 575, 576 Dec. 2--Elevator for City Hall Project ........................ 588 2--Electtical Examining Board, appointment of John C. Desens. 591 2--Elks, Benevolent & Protective Order, Class "C" Liquor License. 592 2--Eagle Food Center 109, Class "E" Beer Permit ........... 592 Dec. 16--Environmental Review Findings re: Removal of Arch, Barriers (City Hall Elevator) .............................. 605 " 16--Edwards Subd., Lot I and Lot 2, P & Z Approving final plat. 606 16--Eagle Point Bridge Pavilion, finalization of project etc ..... 607, 608 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE F Jan. 7--Fencing Project at Dog Track (Bid Pkg. D), Necessary Documents ......................................... 2, 3, 57-61 7--First National Bank, named Depository for City funds ..... 4 7--First Federal Savings & Loan, Named Depository for City funds ............................................... 4, 6 7--Financial institutions named for depositing City funds ..... 4-6 7--FIVE FLAGS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............ 12, 67, 119, 243, 291, 360, 378, 405, 499, 524, 562, 593 7--Five Flags re: Suit by Audio Techniques ................. 13 7--Funding request by Helping Services for N/W Ia., Inc ..... 14 14--Fffth St. properties re: New Zoning Ordinance, objections etc. 17 14--Freund, George, re: New Zoning Ordinance ............... 17 Jan. 21--Fourth S~., between IA. & Main Ste., Vacation request etc., pro- ject given up ........................................ 19, 20 21--Fifth St. (Ord. requesting vacation of alley north between Bluff & Locust) ........................................... 19, 78 21 --Fine Arts Society (Dbq. County) re: Hotel-Motel tax disposition. 20 21--Frommelt Parnership re: execution of Mem. of Agreement for issuance of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds ......... 21-23, 61, 62, 99-100, 221 21--Final Assessment Schedule for 1984 Asphalt Paving Schedule. 26-47 21--Fourth St,, re: Ordinance re: Parking Meter Zones ........ 48 21--Frommelt, Harold J., Claim ............................ 49 21--Flattery, Pamela, settlement of claim ................... 49 21--Firefighter applicants (entrance level) certified to the City Council ............................................. 50 21--Finance Director submitting reports for Dec ............. 50 21--Final Plat of Buena Vista Sub. No. 2 & No. 3 approved .... 51 Feb. 4--February as Children's Dental Health Month, Proclamation. 57 4--Fire Pump (Quint) Replacement for Ladder Truck for Fire Dept. 64 4--Four Mounds Foundation-Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation ........................................ 64 " 4--Fiscal Year 1986 Budget presented ..................... 67 " 4--Frommalt, Mildred, claim dismissal ..................... 67 " 4--Flood Damage Reduction Couler Valley - Notice of Initiation for Reconniassance Study by Corps of Engrs ............. 68 " 4--Federal Aid Projects - Agreement with IDOT on tight, of-way assurance statement .................................. 70 Feb. 18--Floor Finishes for Dog Track IBid Pkg. E), document ...... .............................................. 76, 77, " 18--Fund Drive by Civil Defense Auxiliary police for two-way radios .............................................. " 18--Frummelt, Harland, settlement of claim ................. Feb. 25--Foster Grandparent Advisory CouncAl requesting budget flmding. " 25--Fire Dept. budget approved by Council .................. " 25--Fjellman, Judie, on behalf of the League of W. Voters, re: Budget comments .................................... Mar. 4--Ftledl, Msgr., Gave Invocation ......................... 4--Furhman, Mrs. Carl, request Clarke College be allowed to rebuild same type towers on new bldgs .................. 4--Fee Schedule of new Planning and Zoning Ordinance set out. 4--Five Flags (KC & S Co.), Class "C" Liquor License ........ 4--Frederick, Terry A. (Finish Line) Class "C" Liquor License. 4--Fuller, Gayle, denial of claim ........................... 4--Fire apparatus, Notice of receipt of bids etc. Proof. ....... 4--Financial reports for January, 1985, submitted ........... 4--Fitzpatricks, John, objected to granting Beer Permit for Washington Park .................................... 106-110 78 82 88 88 89 99 111 111-112 119 119 120 120 121 218 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Mar, 4--First National bank, Lender Loan Agreement re: Frommelt Partnership Ind. rev. Bond Issue etc .................. 221 Mar. 18--Fink, Jeffrey S,, Claim; Denial; Settlement ............... ............................................... 226, 271 324 " 18--Friedinan, John R., objection to moor ng of barges at City Island .................. ........................... 226 " 18--Findley, Lefty, objection to mooring of barges at City Island. 226 " 18--Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, Notice governing use of.. 227 " 18--February Financial Reports submitted ................. 228 Apr. 1--Fireworks Display, request by Greyhound Park for permission. 240 1 --Fischer Investment Co. vs. City, Copy of Judgement submitted. 243 15--Five Flags Theatre - Heating Ventilating & Air Cond. Systems Project ...................................... 253, 254, 304, 305 15--Firefighters Assn. Agreement with the City .............. 267 15--February List of Clallns & Expenditures ................. 271 May 6--Feasibility Study requested by A. Honkamp for American Central.. 6--Fink, Jeff, Claim... ' ........................... 282 ................................ 292 6--Financinl Report for month of March, submitted by Treasurer & Fin. Dir ......................................... 292 " 6--Fireworks request by Dbq. Golf & Country Club .......... 293 M,,ay 20--Fund Transfer- City Budget ere ....................... 295, 296 20--Flynn Co. awarded contract for Schmitt Island - Rec. Complex Road ............................................. 300 20--Fourteen St. & Main St. Storm Sewer Rehabilitation ...... 310, 342 " 20--Fishing (Ice) Shelters, re: Ordinance Provision ............ 313, 314 " 20--Fenelon, Patrick re: Ordinance allowing roofing overhang at his restaurant at 3130 Jackson ............................ 317, 318 " 20--Family Beer Store, Cigarette Permit.: ............. 320 " 20--Family Mart, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................... 320 " 20--Fenelon Finer Foods, Cigarette Permit ................ 320 " 20--Fidelity & Surety Insurance, authorized by Merchants Bonding CO. to do business in Iowa... 324 20--Finance Director submitting reports for April ...... .... 324 20--Feasibility Study for Keyline Submitted.. 324 June 3--Flemlng, Kenneth, Gave Invocation .................. 326 3--FDL Foods, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................. 335 3--Fitzpatrick J. (& B. Dully), Cigarette Permit ........... 335 3--Five Flags, Cigarette Permit.. 335 3--Financial Reports for April, submitted by Mgr .......... 337 June 17--Fireworks petition of Jaycees for Vet's Field ......... 350 " 17--Flexsteel, Cigarette Permit... ,, ' ..................... 357 17--FDL Foods, (ARA Services), Cigarette Permit ........... 357 " 17--Fischer Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit ........... 358 17--Furry, Norma, Claim; Denial ........................ 360, 405 17--FIRE & POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING SUB- MITTING MINUTES: .................. 292, 360, 499, 544 17--Farber, David M. & Kelli A., submitting Foreclosure Petition. 360 17--Financial Reports for May, 1985 submitted ............. 361 July --l~assb nder, Edeen of 1297 Curtis St., property transfer (Lien etc.) to John Hagerty.. 371 1--Five Flags Comm. resignation of, Francis Henkels ........ 373 1--Five Flags (Civic Center) Commission appointments of John Oehrle & Andrea Rafoth & Rod Bakke... ............ 374 1--Frederick, Terry (My-Cap), Cigarette PermR ........... 376 " 1--Fischer & Co. (Bowling Lanes), Class' C" "~, quor -'L~cense.. 377 1--Fitzpatrick, John M. (Fitzpatricks), Class"C" L'~quor T.L~cense, 377 1--~ or nosa Enterprises, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ...... 377 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 10--Failer, Mary for Conceptual Development Plan for Clarke College ............................................. 380 " 10--Ferring, Mrs. Dorothy, objection to Loras Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 384 " 10--Feyen, Mrs. Dick, objection to Loras Asphalt Paving Project. 384 July 15--Fencing by Northwest Arterial, objections etc ............ 389 " 15--Foreman position in Water division, approved ............ 390 ' 15--Five Flags Center contract with Wahlert High School ..... 391 " 15--Five Flags Center contract with Dubuque Fighting Saints Assn. 391 " 15--Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments for Peru Road - Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer ................................. 395 Aug. 5--Fair Week (Dbq. County), Proclamation ................. 397 5--Farber Bag & Supply Co. requesting Mayor to advise OPP re: relocation facility .................................... 398 5--Funding Agreement for Economic Devlopment Services with the Greater Dbq. Development Corp .................... 398 5--Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park, re: designation of City park. 402 5--Fluhr, Gerald J., claim; Settlement ..................... 405, 544 5--Faust, Edythe, re: suspension of real estate taxes ......... 406 Aug. 19--Fisch, Robert re: Residential Parking Permit Designation etc. 412, 413 " 19--FDL Foods, Inc. UDAG Project, re: execution of Grant Closeout Agreement .......................................... 417, 418 ' 19--Four-lane Project- U.S. Highway 61 Financing (re: RISE Funds) ............................................. 419 " 19--Feaslbility Study (Hotel), re: Amended Agreement ........ 425 " 19--Family Mart, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 425 " 19--Fireworks Display, petition of Dbq. County Historical Society. 427 Aug. 29--FDL Foods, Inc. re: Execution of Inter-Creditor Agreement re: UDAG Agreement ................................... 436 " 29--First National Bank of Minneapolis~ re: Inter-Crediter Agree- ment re: FDL Foods, Inc .............................. 436 Sept. 3--Feipal, Mary, re: problem of mud slides etc. from the Dominican Sisters' drain property ................................ 445 3-- Fair Labor Standards Act, Supporting League of Ia. Mun. posi- tion etc ............................................ 446, 447 3--Fire Lanes, regulating parking of vehicles & equipment on private premises etc .................................. 470, 471 3--Fire Escapes, Penalty for Parking Under etc ............. 470, 471 3--Financial Reports submitted for July ................... 480 3--Financlal Report, Annual City, submitted ................ 480 3--Fire & Police Pension Fund & Retirement Sustems submitting financial reports ..................................... 480 3--Final Assessment Schedule for Walker-Oneida Sanitary Sewer e t c. 483-485 Sept, 16--Facilities Building Piling Project for Ch. Schrr~tt Mem. Island Ball Park Complex .............................. 491, 492, 512 " 16--Five Flags repair of Micro Computer .................. 494 " 16--Faley, Joe, Construction of Canopy above entrance of Dbq. Financial Services at 1405 Dodge St ................. 497, 498 ' 16--Freiburger, W., Applicant for Airport Corem ............. 498 " 16--t~exste, Wm., appreciation expressed to Ambulmlce personnel. 500 Oct. 7--Facilities Bldg., Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Com- plex Project ......................................... 511 7--Facilities Bldg., Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Bollpark Com- plex Project ..................................... 512, 513, 554 7--Firefighters re: definition of earnable compensation etc. address by Mr. Russo ...................................... 515 7--Forty-Five (45) Miles Per Hour Speed Limit on the N/W Arterial ......................................... 519 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 7--Fritz, Suzanne M. re: denial of request for bonfire for Lores & Wahlert .............. i,' ',; ......................... 516 7--FDL Foods, Inc, Class C Beer Permit .............. '.. 524 7--Funds, state & federal, from IA DOT re: roads and bridges maintenance ......................................... 529 7--Fire Sprinkler Project, Dbq. Racing Facility, final documents. 529, 530 7--Floor Finishes, for Dubuque Racing Facility, final documents. 533 7--Fencing for Dog Racing Facility, final documents ......... 537, 538 7--Financial Reports for September, submitted .............. 545 Nov. 18--Franchise of Peoples Natural Gas Co. to UtiliCorp United Inc. 567 " 18--Fire/Police Pension Bd. resignation of Fred J. Pape ....... 575 Dec. 2--Finley Hospital, re: Revenue Bonds ($3,000,000) .......... ............................................ 584-586, 615, 616 2--Five Year Street Construction Program ................. 589 2--Ffre/Palice Retirement Pension Board appointment of Robert K. Popple ........................................... 591 2--Financial Report for October ........................... 593 Dec. 16--Fourteenth to Fifteenth Ste., Alley between Cedar & Sycamore, Vacation ............... ,~ ' ;,' ......................... 598 16--French Cafe (New), Class C Liquor License ............. 604 16--Firman, Mike (Ford), Claim ............................ 605 16--Flora Park, re: objection to public road closing in front .... 607 16--Final Assessment Schedule for the 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 609-614 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7--Gerdes, Dr. Egon W.D., Pastor of Grondview Methodist, Gave Invocation .......................................... 7--Gutheing, Brian from Durrant Group available for response to establishment of C-6 Planned Comm. District at corner of JFK, Dodge & Wacker & Preliminary Devel. Plan .............. 1 7--Garage (Bus), Analysis by Dclon Hampton & Associates... 7 7--Ground Round, The, Class "C" Liquor License ........... 12 7--Gomer's, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 12 7--Gross, Robert (Sport Page), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 12 7--Grievance Procedure approved re: Revenue Sharing funds.. 15 Jan. 14--Giesler Bros. re: New Zoning Ordinance ................. 17 Jan. 21--Grant funding requested for "Arts Groups". ............. 20 " 21--Grandview Ave. (N.) from Dexter St. to alley between Clarke Dr. & Rosedale Ave., Schedule of Assessments for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project .................................... 35 Feb. 4--Granger, Sandy, closing of Claim ....................... 67 4-Golinvaux, Ellen, closing of claim ...................... 67 Feb. 18--General Revenue Sharing Program, Resolution Supporting Continuation ........................................ 80 " 18--Goetainger, James W., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License... 82 " 18--Greater Dubuque Development Corp. re: budget funding aid. 88 Mar. 4--Goodman, Dominic, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment. 118 4--Grantee Performance Report, Proof of publication that it is on file in various offices ................................ 120 4--Grantee Performance Report (GPR) for City's Jobs Bill Pro- gram, reviews have been completed .................. 121 4--Greyhound Park Sign, Consent Agreement ............... 220 4--Greyhound Park, approval for fifth kennel ............. 220 Mar. 18--Garner, Judy, Settlement of P.I. claim .................. 228 Apr. 1--G.O. Bonds re: Official Notice of Sale of $4,700,000 .......................................... 236, 237, 258-266 Apr. 15--Gra~ts Filing with Dept. of Transportation, USA, under UMTA ............................................. 254, 255 " 15--Grant Close-out Agreement with HUD for FDL Foods, Inc. UDAG ...................................... 258 15--Ginter, Donna, (West Dbq. Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. 270 15--Group W Cable TV submitting information requested pursuant to Ord. 42-81 ................................... 270 15--General Revenue Sharing Funds, re: Proof of publication of sum- mary of City Budget etc ........................... 271 15--Gross, Robert, Refund on Cigarette License ............ 271 15--Gansemer, Martin A., 515 Strauss St., re: vacation & sale of public alley adjacent .................. 272, 273, 306, 329, 330 May 6--Gerhard, Marvin E., Clai~n ...................... 292 May 20--Grandview Milk House, Cigarette Permit ............ 320 " 20--Gerhard, Curtis, Cigarette Permit ................... 320 " 20--Gerdeman, John, Delinquent refuse collection charge .... 323 June 3--Grant, Dennis, opposing rezoning of 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg. 326 3--Guidelines for filling Council vacancy (Beurskens) etc ..... 334 3--Greyhound Park Track, (ARA Services), Cigarette Permit.. 335 3--Group W Cable Rate Increase objection ............. 337 June 17--Grocery Store definition, clarification (& Supermarket) - Zoning Ord ....................................... 344, 345, 363, 364 17--Greater Dubuque Development & Convention & Tourism INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June 17--Bureau, re: filling vacancy of T. Beurskens ............... 356 " 17--Greyhound Park, (ARA), Cigarette Permit ............. 357 " 17--Grandview Drug, Cigarette Permit... .................. 357 " 17--Goetzinger, James W. (Goetz's}, Cigarette Permit ......... 357 " 17--G0mer's, Cigarette Permit .......................... 357 " 17--Ground Round, Cigarette Permit ... 357 17--Grand Tap, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License .... 358, 359 17--G & W Enterprises (K & K Foods), Cigarette Permit ...... 358 17--Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit .................. 358 July 1--Glab, Charles appointed to Historic Pres. Comm ......... 374 --G~bson, Mike appointed to Library Board ................ 375 I--Greater Dubuque Devalopment Assn., representative Loras Kluesner named.. 1--Gearhart, Ken (City Mgr.) named as representative to Opera- tion: New View ........ Cl ,~ ' ;,' ......... : ................ 375 " I--Grandview Drug, ass C Beer Permit ..... 376 1 --Gratton & Wheaton Enterprises, Inc., Class "C" B~e~'l~it~ 376 1--Gerhard, Curtis L., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 377 Aug. 5 -- Greater Dubuque Development Corp., Agreement for Economic Development Services for FY 85-86 .................... 398, 399 Aug. 19--Grant Closeout Agreement for FDL Foods, Inc. UDAG Pro- ject, requesting Execution etc... ,, · ..................... 417, 418 19--Greyhound Park, fronting roadway, to be named Admiral Sheehy Drive.. " ' .................................... 420 19--Greyhound Park - Street in front named as "Greyhound Park 19--Greyhound Park Drive Streets, establishment of speed limits. 421 19--Greyhound Park re: Designation of Stop Signs at Intersections of Admiral Sheehy Drive & U.S. Highway 61-151 & Greyhound Park Drive & U.S. Highway 61-151... ,, · ................ 423 19--Grandstand/Paddock with Kraemer Bros. Inc., Structural steel & Exterior Closure re: Accepting Improvement of same .... 429 Sept. 16--Grandview Ave. (North), near Ungs St., installation of street light ...................................... 501 Oct. 7--Greyhound Park, request for traffic signalization etc, at in- tersection with Hwy 61-151, requested by Ms. Pat's patrons etc. 514 7--Geno's, Class "C" Liquor License... ............ 523 7--Godfather's Pizza, Class "B" Beer Permit... ........ 524 7--Germain, Gary, Refund on Cigarette Permit; Refund on Liquor License .... 7--~randstand Building- Ceramic Tile Project at Dbq. Racing 525, 563 ~acility, final documents... 7 ..... ' ........................ 533, 534 --Grawty Mare, Lift Station & Force Main, re: Dubuque Racing Facility, final documents, "C" L: 536 7--Ground Round, Class ~quor License 543 Nov.4--Grandwew~ ' Ave. & 7th St. re: Relocation of U.S. 61 and 151. 556 Nov. 18--Gas Co. re: assignment of franchise to UtiliCorp United, Inc. 567 Dec. 16Grace St., re: involved in Area Residential parking Permit Area at U.D 601 16--Graf, Deborah, Claim. 605 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE H Jan. 7--Highway 20 & Brunskill Rd., Stop Intersection at Frontage Road ............................................... 10 7--Hindman, Kenneth. appointed to the Human Rights Commission ......................................... 1 I 7--Human Rights Commission appointments of R. Blok, M. Devhn & Ken Hindman ..................................... 11 7--Happy Hour Tavern, Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 11 7--Howard Johnson's "Ground Round", Class "C" Liquor License. 12 7--Hawkeye Inn. Class "C" Liquor License ................. 12 " 7--Hard Times Bar, Class "C" Liquor License .............. 12 " 7--HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: 12, 67, 226, 243, 292, 323, 336, 378. 405, 479, 524, 562, 592 7--HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:... ......................... 12, 67, 119, 292, 394. 500, 524, 574, 592 7--HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMIT- TING MINUTES: 12, 67, 226, 291, 336, 378, 405, 479, 500, 524, 544, ................................................ 574, 592, 605 7--Herr, Ruth M., Claim; Deniai .......................... 13, 361 7--Hickman, Julie, objecting to closing of portion of Ia. St. Ramp. 13 7--Helping Services for N/W Ia., Inc. requesting funding ..... 14 7--Handicap Discrimination re: complaint procedure ......... 15 7--Handicapped conditions at Mail, objection ............... 15 Jan. 14--Heitzman, Wesley, objections: New Zoning Ordinance ..... 17 14--Hobbies Unlimited, objections: New Zoning Ordinance ..... 17 14--Hill St., re: New Zoning Ordinance ...................... 17 14--Herbst, Donald J. re: New Zoning Ordinance ............. 17 14--Hardie, Steve, re: New Zoning Ordinance ................ 17 14--Hafur, Bob, re: New Zoning Ordinance .................. 17 14--Henry, John. re: New Zoning Ordinance ................. 17 14--Hartig, David, re: New Zoning Ordinance ................ 17 14--Hilby, Doug, re: New Zoning Ordinance ................ 18 Jan. 21--Human Rights Chairperson submitting Annuai Report ..... 19 21--Historic Preservation District problem with new window at 485 W. Locust (property of J.J. Bitter) ...................... 20 21--Hotel-Motel Tax, re: portion requested for "Arts" groups.. 20 21--Mousing Program - Amendment of Consolidated Annuai Con- tributions Contract-Section 8 ....................... 23 21--HUD, re: City terminate responsibility of advance of overpass at 14th & Pine Sts ................................... 25 21--Historic Preservation Commission appointment of J,P. Mozena. 48 21--Historic Preservation (State) re: Cathedral District is schedul- ed for Nationai Register eligibility review ............. 50, 51 Jan. 28--Hill St., re: New Zoning Ordinance discussion .......... " 28--Height Restrictions, re: New Zoning Ordinance ......... ' 28--Hirsch, Terry, re: Public Hearing re: rezoning ......... Feb~ 4--Harrmann, Terry presented with Officiai Bond ......... 4--Hart, Bob, re: possible vacation of alley near Redstone .... 4 HUD - Execution of Comm, Development Block Grant Agree- ment for 1985 .................................. Feb. 18--HUD advising request to terminate Planning Advance $61,000 has been granted .............................. " 18--HUD Jobs Bills Performance Report is on file in various places. " 18--Hill St. Addition Lot, Resolution submitted by John Moore. " 18--Helle, Klosterman & Co., 1984 Audit Reports ......... Feb. 25 Helping Services of NE Ia., Inc., re: Budget funding etc... " 25--Heaith Officer position, new definition set out in Code .... " 25--Housing Services re: ~leaith Services Officer etc ....... 55 55 56, 125 57 57 69 83 83 83 84 88 97, 98 98 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 4--Hartig, David Jr., applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment. 118 4--Haidiman, Joe, appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment:... 119 4--HUD advising reviews of Grantee Performance Report for Jobs Bill Program have been completed ...................... 121 4--Harbor Development on Miss. River, re: Reconnaissance Study. 121 Mar. 18--Hirsch Apartments, re: rezoning. ....................... 125 " 18--Humane Society, Agreement for animai impoundment ..... 220 " 18--Human Rights Commission, re: provision of code for election of officers... 223 " 18--Historic Preservation Commission appointment of Roger Osborno & Dean Isben ................................ 224 " 18--Hash, Volney W., Claee "B" Beer Permit ................ 225 " 18--Hubbs, Mike, claim ................................... 226 18--Helms, Herbert W., Claim ............................. 226 18--HUD advising of additionai receipt of funds ($50,000) ..... 226 Apr. 1--Harris Trust & Savings Bank, re: Bid for $4,700,000 G.O. Bonds .............................................. 237 1--Hemeeath, Scott F., Claim; Settlement .................. 243, 27I 1--Historic Preservation Commission member Jan Zenner resignation .......................................... 243 Apr. 15--Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Project at Five Flags Theatre ..................................... 253, 254, 304, 305 " iS--Helle. Klosterman & Co. re: City's Annuai Audit .......... 257 " 15--HUD, Grant Closeout Agreement for FDL Foods, INC. UDAG. 257 May 6--Hearing & Speech Day, Proclamation ................... 276 6--Honkamp, Arnie requesting funding for Feasibility Study need- ed to acquire American Centrai Airlines ................. 282, 283 6--Holiday Saiee (Dubuque), request to construct Ramp at bldg. at 2459 Kerper Blvd .................................. 283 6--Health Officer, defined for purposes of administering standards re: Ambulances etc ................................... 285 6--Hansing Rehab Loan - Lien Release for 1669 Washington.. 287 6--HOUSING CODE APPEALS BD. SUBMITTING MINUTES:. ........................................ 292 May 20--Hospice Week, Proclamation ........................... 294 " 20--Haggstrom, Kandis, re: petition @ traffic problems on Carter Ct ................................................. 311 " 20--Harhnr (Dubuque Marina, Bissell, Schmitt & Dove), Ordinance setting out restrictive activities ........................ 313 20--Hardie, Stephen, appointed to P & Z Commission ......... 320 20--Haitz, B.J. (Jack), appointed to P & Z Commission ........ 320 20--Hartig, David, applicant to P & Z Commission ........... 320 20--Happy's Place, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 320 20--House of China, Cigarette Permit ....................... 320 20--Hudson's, Class "C" Liquor License, Cigarette License .... 320, 321 20--Hickey, Tom, Claim; Deniai ............................ 324, 395 June 3--Harder, Elmer re: rezoning of 2774 University Ave ........ 326 3--Hein, Camfilus & Harriet (Sale of Lot 53A in Belmont Addn.). 330 3--Hartlg Drug Co., Inc., Cigarette Permits ................ 335 3--Holiday Off Dis. (Derby's), Cigarette Permits ............ 335 " 3--HyVee Food Stores, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............... 335 June 17--Helle, Kinsterman, request for rezoning on Asbury for office bldg ................................................ 344, 363 17--Heinz Convenience Stores, Inc. (Oky Doky #7), Cigarette Permit... .......................................... 357 17--Hard Times, Cigarette Permit ......................... 357 17--Holiday Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 357 " 17--Happy Hour, Cigarette Permit ......................... 358 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June 17--Hudson's, Cigarette Permit ............................ 358 17--Heron, Inc., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License... 358, 359 17--Hoffman, David, Cigarette Permit ...................... 358 17--Haas, Henry, Claim re: Advisement by Woodward Communica- tions ete ............................................ 360 July 1--Hagerty, John re: City rehab loan transferred from E. Fassbinder .......................................... 371 1--Housing Program (Sec. 8) with HUD, Execution of Contract. 371,372 " 1--Housing Rehab Loan transferred (E. Fassbinder to J, Haggerty) ........................................... 371 1--Harco Corp., engineering services associated with Cathodic prc~ tection Analysis of Water Distribution System ........... 372 1--Henkals, Francis resigning from Five Flags Commission... 373 1 --Historic Preservation Commission appointments of P. Peckosh, Pauin Stenlund, Susan Connall-Magee, Robert Wild, & Charles Glab .............................................. 374 1--Helms, Jan, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm ........... 374 1--Heathcoto, Carl applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.. 375 1--Halnz Convenience Stores, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .... 376 1--House of China, Class "C" Liquor Licence ............... 377 1--Heckelsmiller, Delbert F., Claim ........................ 378 1--Herrig, Laura, Claim ................................. 378 July 15--HRW Associates objecting to Hillcrest Road 1985 Assessment (Street) ............................................. 384 15--Hillcrest Road = Street Assessment Project, Objections etc. 384, 385 15--Hansel, Richard objecting to repavlng of Hillcrest.: ...... 385 15--Historic Preservation Commission, additional duty of Comm. enacted by Ord ...................................... 391 15--Harwood, Gregory R., Cigarette Permit ................. 393 15--Herrig, James, Claim; Closed .......................... 395, 578 Aug. 19--Hoppman, Harold re: Residential Parking Permit Ordinance. 412 " 19--Honkamp, re: update on American Central Study ......... 417 " 19--HUD- Execution of a Grant Closeout Agreement with U.S. DEPT ............................................. 418 " 19--Hotel Feasibility Study, Agreement with L & H etc ....... 425 " 19--Herrlg, Larry T., claim denied; ......................... 427 Sept. 2_ Humm~ Right s Commission, Judicial Review of Actinns etc. via Ord ................................................ 472-474 2--Holy Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 478 2--Hanson, Louis, Claim ................................ 479 2--Haney, Jeffrey S., Claim .............................. 479 2--Hauman, Robert D. & Betty, Claim ..................... 479 2--Holiday Inn, Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Liquor License. 499 2--Happy's Place, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 499 2--Hellert, F.M., Applicant for Airport Commission ......... 498 2--Holiday Oil Distribution, Inc., granting of Judgement etc.. 500 2--Hoth, Steven C., for Dbq. Policemen's Protective Assn. re: Ci- ty to abide by ruling of supreme judicial authority ........ 500 Oct. 7--Handicapped Week, Proclamation ...................... 503 7--Higher Education Week, Proclamation .................. 503 7--Halloween Trick or Treat Night, Procl~unatinn ............ 503 " 7--Historic Society, by Jerry Enzler, made a presentation to Council ............................................. 503 " 7--Hoppman, Harold, re: Residential parking Permit Ordinance. 503 7--Highway 61-151 intersection of Schmitt Island & Greyhound Park, re: petitinNdlscussion etc. for better traffic signalization. 514 7--Holiday Pay etc. for Police & Fire, discussion ............ 514, 515 7--Hoth, Steve, on behalf of Police re: compensation clarified.. 515 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Oct 7--Highway 20 and N/W Arterial, naming of Northwest Arterial etc.. .' 517, 518 7 Helhng, Bette O. & Anthony A., Class "B" Beer & Liquor License ....................................... 523 7--Happy Joe's, Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 524 7--Hellert, F.N., commenting on filling Board & Commission vacancies 525 7--Hill St., 411, excavation request by Jack Jones ....... 525 7--Herrig, Bill re: parking problem in front of Correctional Ser- vices at 1494 Elm St.. ........................ 526, 564 7--Highway 20- Tschiggfrie Commercial property, final plat approved.. 7--HVAC Systems for Dog Racing Facility, final documents of project ................................... 536 7--Hanson, Lou s, claim ........................... 544 Nov. 4--Hindman, Rev. Kenneth, Invocation... ........... 553 4--Hodge Transit Warehouse Co. re: RR Easement repealed etc. 557 4--Helle, Klosterman & Co. submitting Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. Audit Report ....................................... 562 Nov. 18--HUD, execution of Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Housing .......................................... 569 18--Housing, Sec. 8, re: Ann. Contrib. Contract etc .......... 569 18--Health Board Meetings estabIished etc ................. 572 18--Human Rights Commissioner Dave Simon submitting resignation .......................................... 575 " 18--Hammel, Wm., re: election results ...................... 575 " 18--Hine, Herbert, claim closed.. 578 Dec. 2--HEALTH BOARD, Special Session.. 579 2--Health Nursing Funds re: contract with State etc ......... 579 2--Hanson, Stephen C. re: Pres. of Voluntary Hospitals of Ia. re: Bond Issue for Finley Hospital etc ..... 584 " 2--Hospital Bond Issue etc. (Finley) ...... :::i::i:i::ii:::: 584-586 2--Harrmann, Terry, as Pres. of Dbq. Racing Assn. re: realgna- tion of C. M. Kronfeldt from Racing Assn. Board ......... 590 2--Hallert, F. M., applicant for Dock Board ................. 591 2--Herrig, Larry, applicant for Fire/Police Pension Boards .... 591 Dec. 16--Hehring on suspension of Liquor License for J.W. Rumph's. 602 " 16--Huff St. (south), re: Petition of Zephyr Alum. Products, Inc. requesting to purchase... 602 " 16--Hoffman, David H., Class "C" Liquor License .......... 604 " 16--U.S. Dept. of HUD re: Notice of Environmental Review Fin- d. ing for CD Block Grant Project - re: Removal of Arch. Bar- hers, City Hall ...................................... 605, 606 " 16--Human Right Comm. resignation of Gail Dias ............ 607 " 16--Hillcrest Road, Schedule of Assessments, 1985 Asphalt Pav- ing Project .......................................... 610 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE I Jan. 7--IIW Associates, P.C. selected as engineering firm for Cedar Cross Bridge Design ................................. 11 7 Iowa Oil Co, (IOCO Speede Shop). Class "C" Beer Permit.. 12 7--Iowa St. parking Ramp, objection to closing for first level north. 13 7-- Iowa DOT advising of proposal to let an ACC Resurfacing pro- ject on Primary Road U.S, 52 .......................... 14 Jan. 21--Investment Counselors, Inc. re: selling to same real estate vacated on north side of 4th ........................... 19 21--Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Frommalt Partnership ...................................... 21-23, 61-62, 99-100 21--Ia. Rental Rehabilitation Program Grant, execution of contract. 24 21--Ia. Community Development Loan, OPP submitting update. 50 Feb. 4--Inns of Iowa, Ltd., Class "B" (Hotel-Motel)Beer & Liquor License ............................................ 67 4--Ia. Comm. Development Loan Program, re: City commitment against indebtedness limit ............................. 68 4--Ia. DOT - Agreement re: Assurance Statement for Federal-Aid Projects .......................................... 70 Feb. 18--Ia. Comm. Development & Loan Project, OPP permitting ad- ditional time for completion ............................ 84 18--Information & Referral requesting budget funding ........ 88 Mar. 4--Ia. Beer & Liquor Control Hearing Bd. re: appeal decision of Eagle Discount's Beer Permit .......................... 121 Apr. 1--Iowa St., 335, re: Downtown Property Acquisition & Parking Lot Project .......................................... 238, 256 1--Intersection Lighting Project (Dodge at Wacker Drive) etc. 253 Apr. 15--Internatinnal Union of Operating Engineers, Agreement with City ................................................ 267 15--Idle Hour (J. Kersch), Class "C" Liquor License .......... 270 May 6--Iowa St~ & W. 3rd, r~ Le~se Agreement wlth S & S Enterprises, etc. 276 6--Iowa Store Public Transit Division, subm/ssion of Operating Assistance Application ................................. 277 6--Iowa DOT, contract etc. with Keyllne ..................... 277 6--Iowa Dept. of Revenue, Claim ........................... 292 6--Insurance Women's Week, Proclamation ................... 294 May 20--I~ Harbor, prohibited activities .......................... 313 ' 20--Ice Fishing Shelters, provision by Ordinance ................ 313, 314 20--Iowa eli Co., Cigarette Permits at 5 locations .............. 320 " 20--IOCO Speede Shoppe, Cigarette Permits at 5 locafiens ....... 320 " 20--Insurance Commissioner certifying Merchants Bonding Co. is authorized to transact business .......................... 324 Jmxe 3--Industrial Development Revenue Bonds- re: Ad,ins Co ....... ................................................. 331-333, 365 3--Is ConununJty Development Loan Funds, Loan Agreement with City & 3D Company ................................... 333 3--Information & Referral Service (Phon~A-Ftiend, Inc.), Fuudhig Agreement vnth the City ............................. 333-334 June 17--Illinols Central Gulf RR re: Cedar Cross Bridge; Agreement~.. 350 " 17--Inns of Iowo, Ltd., (Dbq. Inn), Cigarette Permit ............. 357 " 17--Idle Hour, Cig~wette Permit ............................. 357 " 17--Ia. Court of Appeals affirming Dis. Ct. judgement in Bird Chev. matter .............................................. 361 July 1--ID Institutional District r~ Clarke College ................. ................................................. 366, 38(~381 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 1--Iowa Street, request for "closing portion" during Farmer's Market times by Ellen Neese .......................... 377, 428 July 10--IA. Comm. Development Loan Program for A.A. Cooper Wagon Works Building Project, filing of application ............. 381-382 10--IA. Community Development Loan Program Application for Jays Waste Equipment, Ltd. Project .................... 382 Aug. 5--Inspectinn Program of Slaughter Houses & Meat Packing Plants .............. ,, 5--Iowa Oil Co., (IOCO S~e~' ~;~;i,'Ci~s~' '~;"B;;; ~e~i~ 403 (2 outlets) ........................................... 404 5--Iowa State Historical Dept. re: Jackson Park designation.. 406 5--Iacobucci, Jack objecting to rezoning proposals for the 3400 block of Asbury Road... .............................. 406 Aug. 19--Iowa DOT advising of Design Public Hearing re: U.S. 61-151 at Washington Jr. High... 426 19--Intercreditor Agreement re: UDAG Agreement, re: FDL Feeds, Inc ................................................. 436 Sept. 3--Iowa Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 478 SePt. 16--Iowa Band Law, re: request to have referendum .......... 493 " 16--Industrial Development Revenue Bond (The Adams Co. Pro- ject) authorizing issuance & sale etc .................... 495-497 Oct. 7--Industrlal Development Revenue Bonds, re: Brewery Project, amending Memorandum of Agreement .................. 515 " 7--IA. Dept. of Transportation, approval of Project Agreement re: Rockdale Road Funding.. 516 7--IlIinals Central RR, Agreement for Easement for Rockdale Road Bridge .............................................. 517 7--Ia. State Commerce Commission re: NW Bell Telephone Co. & fee increase ........................................ 522 7--Ia. State Rac ng Comm. re: Corporation Counsel advising of decision of suit. · ................ 524 7--IA DOT reviewing programming of funds for roads & bridges. 529 7--Interior Systems re: Dbq. Racing Facility Contract, final documents.,. ....................................... 537 Oct. 21--Imperial Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 543 Nov. 4--Insurance program re: expenditure to assist League of Ia. Municipalities ....................................... 555 4--Illinals Central RR re: granting of easement to construct etc. a RR track along Kerper Blvd... 556 4--IA. Dept of Water, Air & Waste Mgm~. re: inspection report for WWT Facility .................................... 563 Nov. 18--IA Rental Rehab Program re: Extension of Termination Dates of OPP Contract etc ..... 570 " 18--IA Dept. of Transportation, Project Agreement re: relocation and reconstruction of U.S. 61 from 7th St. to City Island Bridge. 571 " 18--Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe, Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Beer Permit .... . ................. 573 Dec. 2--Iowa State Dept. of Health, Contract between the CRy Bd. of tlealth otc... 2--Iowa DOT, Presentation of Five Year Street construction Program ............................................ 589 Dec. 16--Ida Street, re: included in Residential parking Permit area around U.D... INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE J Jan. 7--Jolm F. Kennedy Rd. (& Dodge & Wacker), re: C-6 Planned Com- eaercial District & Preliminary Development Plan ......... 1 Jan. 14--John F. Kennedy Road - re: New Zoning Ord. objection by D. Dorweiler ........................................... 17 Jan. 21--Jaycees requesting beer to be sold in Washington Park and/or Town Clock Plaza ...................... 20, 79, 116, 218, 241, 257 Feb. 4--Jobs Bills Grantee Performance Report, publish notice of availability; etc ...................................... 69, 83 Feb. 18--Judgement submitted in Group W Cable case ............ 79 18--Jackson Park, W. 11th St. & Washington St. Urban Revit. areas, approving to~x exemption applications ............. 84 18--JTPA Summer Youth Employment Program, Operation: New View requesting employer aid .......................... 84 Feb. 25--Joint Communications Center, finalization of budget ...... 88 Mar. 4--January claims & expenditures, proof submitted .......... 121 4--January financial reports submitted ..................... 121 4--Jobs Bills Program, review of Grantee Performance Report. 121 Apr. 15--Jim's Web, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 336 May 20--J & B Investments requesting Council approve Conditional Use Ordinance ........................................... 297 20--James, Jerry, Cigarette Permit ......................... 320 20--Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 336 June 17--Jaycees, re: Fireworks Display permission etc ............ 350 17--Jerry's Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 357 17--Jullen Motor Inn, Cigarette Permit ..................... 358 17--Jena (Oky Doky), (S. Grandvlew), Cigarette Permit ....... 357, 358 17--Joter (Bridge Rest. & Lng), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 359 July 1--July proclaimed as "National Recreation & Parks Month". 363 1--Jaycees re: transfer of Beer Permit to Eagle Point Park... 376 1--Jena, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit (1545 S. Grandview) .... 376 1--Jade Palace, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 377 July 10-Jays Waste Equipment, Ltd. Project, Application for CD Loan. 382 July 15--Justmarm, C. Robert, object~ng to Loras Blvd. on 1985 Asphalt Project ............................................. 384 15-Johnson, Clara L., Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit. 393, 394 Aug. 5--Jeffersan Park, designation of City park ................ 401 5--Johnson, Clara L., Class "B" Beer Permit; Refund ........ 404, 427 5--Jack Jones Excavating re: excavation in street at 1391 W. 3rd. 406 5--June Financial Reports submitted ...................... 406 5--Jacobson's re: sell 18th St. near Eagles Bldg. at Elm St. re: Lease for vacated rail property behind bldg. etc....406, 417, 440-443 5--Jackson Park Historic District reviewed for National Register of Historic Places .................................... 406 5--Jaycees re: Plaza Feet Project .......................... 417 Aug. 19--James, Jerry Lee, (Neighbor's Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. 426 19--June Claims, proof of publication ...................... 427 Sept. 3--Jacobson's Inc. Lease between City etc. for tract of land on E. 18th Si. re: Eagle Discount Expansion ................. 442 3--Judicial Review re: Actions of the Human Rights Commission. 472 3--June Council Proceedings approved as printed .......... 479 3--July Financial Reports submitted ..................... 480 3--Jones, B.J., objecting to Municipai Band Law ............ 493 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 16--Judgement granted re: City vs. Holiday Oil Distribution, Inc. 500 Oct. 7--Jones, Ric re: earnable compensation etc. for firefighters etc. 515 71Jones, Ric re: bonfire requests by Wahlert & Loras ........ 516 7--Jenni, Edward, claim; Referred to Mgr; Settlement ........ ................................................ 524, 574, 590 7--Johnson, Clara, refund on Cigarette License... ........ 525 7--Jones, Jack C. re: excavation for 411 Hill St.. i i ......... 525 Oct. 21--Jacobean's, re: Ordinance to use public right of way on 19th St. for parking needs of Lucky Stores, Inc ........ 543, 548, 549, 550 " 21--July Council proceedings approved ...................... 544 " 21--Jackson, Lyle M., claim.. 544 " 21--Johnson Bros. Wine Co., claim; Denial ..... 544, 574 Nov. 4--Johnson, Clara L., Refund on Beer Permit ............... 563 4--Jaycees, refund on Beer Permit ........................ 563 " 4--Jennifer Street, name change requested .................. 563, 589 Nov. 18--Jackson St. & Washington - alley between, vacation & sale to Spahn & Rose ................................... 567, 581, 582 Dec. 16--Julien Motor Inn. (Design Center, Inc.), Class "B" Hotel-Metal License. ............................................ 604 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE K Jan. 7 _ Key City Development Co. re: C-6 planned Commercial District at corner of JFK, Dodge & Wacker & amended Praliminary Development Plan .................................... 1, 2 7--Key City Bank and Trust Co., Named Depository for City funds. 4 7--Keyline Bus Garage, engineering analysis by Delon Hampton & Associates ........................................ 7 7--Kennels defined for dogs & cats, Ord .................... 8, 9 7--Klauer, James J., Refund on Liquor License .............. 14 7--KEYLINE EARNINGS STATEMENT SUBMITTED:.~. .................................................. 12, 67, 405 Jan. 21--Kopps Market, Inc. (Plaza 20), Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 48 Feb. 4--Kresge Bldg., Agreement re: Loan of $100,000 of Rev. Shat- lng Funds to Dbq. In-Futuro, Inc. for acquisition of this... 64 Feb. 18--Klohn, Rev. Fr. Franklin J., Gave Invocation ............. 76 18--Kirchberg, Don, objection to vacation of alley near Redstone. 78 Mar. 4--Kielty, Michael J., appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment. 118, 119 " 4--Kramer, Joe, appointed to the Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.. 118, 119 4--KC & S Co., Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 119 4--Ken Fenelon's Finer Foods, Class "C" Beer & Wine License. 119 Mar. 18--Klauer Mfg. Co., re: Disposal of City Interest in property in Riverfront Subd. No. 5 to same .......... 123, 124, 231-233, 247-248 " 18--Kla~er Mfg. Co., re: vacation of easement on n/e corner of their property for their new plant etc ........................ 125 " 18--Kennel for Dbq. Greyhound Park, Consent Agreement etc. for construction of the 5th .............................. ~.. 220 18--Kegger, The, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 225 18--Kramer, Robert, Claim .............................. 226 18--Kuntz, Micheile L., Claim, Denial ...................... 226, 271 18--KDUB-TV, Cedar Rapids TV Submitting reply in matter etc. 228 Apr. 1--Knights of Columbus, Class "C' Liquor License ......... 242 1--Keiley vs. Francis Specht case resolved ................ 243 " 1--Kerper Industrial Subdivision no. 1, Final Plat Approved.. 244 Apr. 15--Kilgore St., re: Riverside Tractor Trailer Co., consenting to Brown's purchase of portion of area south ............ 246 " 15 Kivlahan, John requesting extension of Water Main to 3350 JFK Road 256 " 15--Kersch, Jeannine (Idle Hour), Class "C" Liquor Linense .... 270 May 6_KeylineTransit, Operating Asslstance Program with IA. DOT 277, 294 6--Knicker's Saloon, Cigarette Permit ................ 320 6--Kegger, The, Cigarette Permit ................... 320 6--Kennel Club, The, Cigarette Permit ................. 320 May20--Keyline Bus Facility Rehabilitation Feasibility Study submitted 324 June 3--King, D. Michael (Atty), for G. Miner Phimbing, for property zoning reclassification at 2774 University .......... 326 3--Kresge Bldg., Renovation, Loan Agreement etc ......... 332, 333 3--KC & S (Five Flags), Cigarette Permit ......... 335 " 3--Kopps Market (Plaza 20), Cigarette Permit ......... 335 3--Kwik Stop Food Mart, Cigarette Permit .......... 335 June 17--Kennedy Court (Peru Road), Final Documents of Sanitary Sewer Project 352, 353 " 17--Keane Hall (Loras), Cigarette Permit .................. 357 " 17--Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Cigarette Permit (Betty & Nick's Tap). 357 " 17--K & K Foods, (2013 Central), Cigarette Permit ....... 358 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June 3--Kamp, Mary Lou (Corner Tavern~, Cigarette Permit ....... 358 3--Kennedy's Tap IM. Kennedy), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Li- quor License ........................................ 358, 359 358 358 359 3--Kirchberg, Gerald (Pop-A-Top Lounge), Cigarette Permit... 3--Knourek, Pamela (Olde German Bank), Cigarette Permit... 3--Kiwanis Club (Noon) Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 3--Krajnovich, Elizabeth (Betty & Nick's Tap), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 359 3--Katherine Place in Curler Sub. Final plat of Lots 1 thru 4 approved ............................................ 359 " 3--Kretechmer, Barbara, claim ............................ 360 " 3-- Kizzler, Bruce, applicant to fill vacant Council seat (Beurskens). 36I July 1--Klosterman & Helle office bldg. on Asbury, rezoning etc... ............................................ 344, 363, 366, 388 1--Kollach, Richard, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Commission ......................................... 375 1--Kluesner, Council Member Loras, named representatove to Greater Dubuque Development Assn .................... 375 1--Kronfeldt, Council Member Rhonda, appointed representative to Convention & Tourism Bureau ....................... 375 1 --Kronfaldt, Council Member Rhonda appointed as representative of Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc ............................ 375 1--Kronfeldt, Council Member Rhonda named representative to Operation: New View ................................. 375 1--Key City Bowling Lanes, /nc., Cigarette Permit .......... 376 1--Kruser, Kevin, Cigarette Permit ........................ 376 1--Knicker's Saloon, Class "C" Liquor License .............. 377 1--Knourek, Pamela L. (Olde German Bank), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 377 " 1--Kirchberg, Gerald, Class "C" Beer-Wine License .......... 377 " 1--Kopps Market, Inc., Class "B" Wine Permit; Refund ...... 377, 575 July 15--Kane Street paving Project, Assessmente, Objections etc. etc. ............................................... 384, 385, 399 15--Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer (& Peru Road), Filing of Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments, Proof .................. 395 Aug. 5--Kennel Club (Angie Watters), Class "C" Liquor License .... 405 5--Kennicker, Arnold & Elizabeth, approval of suspension of real estate taxes ......................................... 406 5--Kisting, Linda M. - Notice of Claim under Ia. Municipal Torts Claims Act .......................................... 426 5--King of Clubs, Patricia A. Crocker, Class "C" Liquor License. 426 5--Kennlcker, Tamie, Coach House, Class "C" Liquor License; Refund ............................................ 426, 563 5--Kamentz, Shirley, Rainbow Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License. 426 5--Kennedy Road re: Corp. Counsel advising of fuvorable (Cityl decision re: suit as to assessments etc ................... 427 5--Kraemer Bros. re: final est. etc, re: Dbq. Dog Racing Facility, Contract B-5 Structural Steel & Exterior Closure at Grand- stand/Pad~lock .................................. 429, 430, 432 5--Kennels & Security bldg. at Dog Racing Facility, Final documents ete .................................. 430 5--Kraemer Bros. Inc. - final acceptance etc. of Dbq. Racing Facili- ty Contract C-11 Tote Bldg. & General Construction etc... 432 Sept. 3--Kringle, Richard W., Claim; Denial .................... 479, 565 3--Kelly, Neff, Claim ................................. 479 Sept. 16--Kiwanis Peanut Day, Proclamation ................... 486 " 16--Kupferschmidt, Gary, Class "C" Liquor License ........ 499 Oct. 7--Kiauer, John re: comment on residential parking permit areas INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 7--around colleges etc ................................... 503 7--Kelly, Elaine (Coach House), Class "C" Liquor License .... 523 7--Kopp, Eugene L. (Geno's), Class "C" Liquor License ...... 523 7--Knourek, Pamela L. (Olde German Bank) Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 523 7--Kopple's Market, Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 524 7--Kannedy Aquarium claim settled ....................... 525 Oct. 21--Key City Bowling Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License ....... 543 " 21--Kamp, Mary Lou, Refund on Liquor License ............. 544 Nov. 4--Kerper Blvd. re: easement to Illinois Central to construction a railroad track etc ................... '. ............... 556, 557 4--K-Mart Corp., Cigarette Permit ........................ 561 4--Kronfeldt, Rhonda resignation from Dbq. Racing Assn .... 565, 590 Nov. 18--Krieg, Katie, re: Canvassed vote re: General Election ...... 576 Dec. 2--Krumpe, Stephen, Claim .............................. 593 Dec. 16--Kachevas, Inc. Class "C" Liquor License ................ 604 " 16--Kremer. Roger & Juanita, Claim ...................... .. 605 " 16--Kane St. Assessment Schedule set out .................. 611 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE 7--Love, Philllp R., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 7--Lounge, The, Class "C" Liquor License... 7-Loan agr ment report submitted hy Dhq. Jan. 21--Letter of Intent authorized to apply for National Main Street Center Urban Demo. Program .......................... 24 " 21--Lindahl, Attorney submitting costs re: Legal Dept ........ 48 " 21--Legal Dept. costs set out .......................... " 21--Lanham, Linda, denial of Claim ................. i.. 48 50 Feb. 4--Lady Ambassador for City of Dubuque, Denise Piwowarczyk. 57 4--Lombardo, Samuel, of GSA, re: proposed vacation of alley near Post Office etc... .................................... 57, 78 4--Latta Co., J.S., awarded bid for PKG. D, Contract #15, Stadium Chair Seating etc .................................... 60, 61 " 4--Ladder truck replaced for Fire Dept ..................... 64 ' 4--Loan of $100,000 of Rev. Sharing Funds to Dbq. In-Futuro, /nc., Agreement ...................................... 64 4--Legal Dept. duties & responsibilities set out .... 65 4--Lee's 76 and West Locust Mart, Cigarette & Class' "'C"" B~ Permit .............................................. 66, 67 4--Long John Silver's, Class "B" Beer Permit.. 67 4--Litlgation Schedule subndtted by City Corp Counsel ...... 68 4--Legal Staff assignments for Attorneys to represent Bds. & Comm .............................................. 68 4--Loans of City through IA. CD Loan Program, constitute in- debtedness limit etc.. Feb. 18--Landscaping for Dog Track Facility, Bid Pkg. E .......... .............................................. 76 77, 106-I10 18--Liquor & Bev. Assn. re: Jaycees scl lng beer in Wash. Park & objecting ....................... ..................... 79 " 18--Letters requested to area legislators re: State Municipal Assistance ......................................... 81 " 18--Lucky Stores, Inc.. 2, Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 81 " 18--Loan discussed of $11,400 to CD Block Grant Funds to Du- buque Trolley, Inc. for purchase of 2nd St. property ....... 81 " 18--Loan Project (Ia CD), additional time approved ........... 84 " 18--Litigation discussion in Closed Session .................. ........................................ 85, 228, 273, 275, 409 Feb. 25--League of Women Voters representative Judie Fjellman re: 1986 Budget ............................................. 89 Mar. 4--Lease Agreement wlth Dubuque County Conservatlon society for River View Park... ............................... 114 4--Landfill Sites, elimination of public and private within City. 117 4--Leitch, Chad, appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment ..... 119 " 4--Lyons, Mary Ellen, Claim; Denial; Denial overruled-Settlement. ,,' ............................................ 120, 271, 320 4--Legion American Sixty-Sixth Birthday Week, Proclamation. 123 Mar. 18--Lender Loan Agreement with First National Bank of Du- buque, re: Frommelt Partnership IDR bonds ete .......... 22I 18--LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......... ............ 49, 119, 226, 243, 291, 336, 394, 405, 479,544, 562, 592 Apr. 1--Land & Water Conservation Funds, grant requested for con- struction of bldg. in Softball Complex at Chaplain Schmitt Mem. Park.. ........................................ 239 7--Legal Staff appointed for 1985.. 7--Locust St., 485, re: denial of request for Cert. of Appropriateness for window put in by Attorney J.J. Bitter ............... 6, 20 12 12 13 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 15--Lease Agreement for use of former Rotman property at corner of West 3rd & Iowa Sts. between City & S & S Enterprises. 15--Lucky Lady Saloon, (Maylo Turner), Class "C" Liquor License. 15--Lounge, The (P. Love), Class "C' Liquor License ........ May 6--Lease Agreement for real estate at 335 Iowa St. etc ...... 6--LaVista Estates, approval of final plat located just west of in- tersection of Yellow Hill Road & JFK Road ............. 6--Lees, Paul, Claim .................................... 6--Lincoln Co. (Casey's), Cigarette Permit ............... May 20--Lux Club (Denny's), Class "C" Liquor License ............ June 3--Leicht, Gene, opposing zoning change for 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg ........................................... " 3--Loan Agreement between City & 3D Co. for renovation of Kresge Bldg ......................................... 332, " 3--Light Standards, installation of Banners etc .............. ................................................ 334, 354, 3--Lucky Stores, Inc. (Eagle Discount Center), Cigarette Permit(s). 3--Lee's Union 76, Cigarette Permit ....................... 3--Luchslnger, Greg & Jane, Claim; Denial ................. 337, 3--Local 94, UAW, dissatislfaction with Group W Cable Rate increase ............................................. 3--Litigatlon discussion with Counsel ...................... June 17--Lease Agreement between City & Water Ski Club ......... " 17--Lease between City & Dbq. Racing Assn. proposed "changes". " 17--Legislative Statement for 1986 submitted to Ia. League of Municipalities ....................................... " 17--Lorralnes 1900 Tap, Cigarette Permit ................... 17--Loras College, - several outlets, Cigarette Permits 17--Lucky Lady, Cigarette Permit .......................... 17--Lucky 13, Cigarette Permit ............................ 17--Love, Kenneth J., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 17--Legion (American), Class "C" Liquor License ............. 17--Lochner, Donald, applicant to fill vacant Council seat IBeurskens) .......................................... July 1--Lease Agreement with City & Dubuque Racing Assn., execu- tion of amendment ................................... 256 270 270 276 291 292 320 321 326 333 355 335 335 360 337 337 331, 339 347 356 357 357 357 358 358, 359 359 361 364, 365, 401 1--Library Board appointments of Marilyn McDonald & Michael Gibson ............................................. 375 1--Latenser, Gall, Cigarette Permit ........................ 376 1--Lucky Stores, Inc., (2 outlets), Class "B" Wine Permit ..... 377 July 10--Loan Program application - for A.A. Cooper Wagon Works Bldg. Project ........................................ 381 10--Loan application (CD) for Jays Waste Equipment, Ltd. Project. 382 10--Loras Blvd. - objections to 1985 Street Assessment Project. 384 15--Lund, Randy, objecting to hog wire type fence near N/W Arterial ............................................. 389 15--Locust St., (255), by Miracle Car Wash, Ord. providing for planters ............................................ 392 15--Liberty Restaurants, class "C" Liquor License ........... 394 Aug. 5--Lease Agreement re: Tri-State Veterans Memorial Assn. Inc. for 2 acres of Marshall Park ........................... 397, 411 5--LETNA Properties, acceptance of Warranty Deed for parcel of property acquired from same ........................ 400 " 5--Lease between the City and Dubuque Racing Assn ........ 401 " 5--Lucky 13 Tap, Class "B" Beer Permit ................... 404 " 5--Langman, Bertha W., Claim ........................... 405 " 5--Local 234, re: Claim of Paul Lees, Denial ................ 405 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. lO--Landlords Waiver of Lien re: Sign at Greyhound Park .... 419 " 19--L & H re: Agreelnent for Hotel Feasibility Study needed for UDAG app... 425 Sept. 3--Leas.e Agreement with Jacobson's Inc. re: Eag e Discount Ex. panmon on Ehn St ............................... 442, 443 3--League of Ia. Municipalities on the Fair Labor Standards Act, Supporting the position, etc.. 446 3--League of Iowa Municipalities on the Regional Coordinating Council's Resolution supporting the position ......... 447 3--Liquor Control Licenses, Wine & Beer Permlts, Regula~i~gl 463 3--Legal Holidays - Definition (by Ord.) of Computing Time and specific language .................................... 475, 476 3 Lender/Loan Agreement with American Trust & Savings Bank, re: IDR Bonds re: the Adams Co. Project .............. 495, 496 3--Lincoln Co., The., Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 499 Oct. 7--Lombardi-Schuster, Pat, re: petition for better traffic control at intersection of Hwy 151-61 and Greyhound Park ....... 514 7--Loras College re: bonfire petition ....................... 516 7--Lease between City & Dbq. Racing Assn., assignment of por- tion and Security Agreement... 516 7--Loan Agreement approved with Dubuque In-Future, Inc. re: 3D Co .............................................. 521 7--Loras Coliege Library as recipient of records of the City Coun- cil and Civil Service Commission ....................... 526 " 7--Lift Station & Force Main (& Off-Site Gravity Main), Dbq. Rac- ing Facility, final documents etc.. 535 7--Lucky Stores, Inc., Class"E" Beer Permit, (1800 Ehn St.).. 542 7--Lucky Stores, Inc. re: parking needs etc. Ord. authorlzh~g Jacob- sons re: 19th St... ................................... 543 4--League of Iowa Municipalities re: expenditure for developing group liability insuro~nce program ....................... 555 Nov. Nov. 18--Loras Blvd., 412, rezoning etc. re: request of James Mai... ................................................ 566, 583, 584 " 18--Loras College, Class "B" Beer Permit.. ................. 573 " 18--Lone Star Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 573 " 18--Landscaping accepted for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility ....... 577 Dec. 2--Leonard, Father Wm., Gave Invocation .................. 581 2--Liquor License suspension for Mark Menadue & Jeff Menadue & Jeff Nagle d/b/a J.W Rumphf's ...................... 588 2--Lenane, Hugh, appointed to Cable TV Community Teleprogrammlng Commission.. 591 2--Lucky Stores, Inc. (Eagles,, Class "E" Beer Permit ....... 592 Dec. 16--LaVista Estates No. 2, approval of final plat ............. 595 " 16--Lochner, Don, re: combining City/County Assessors office.. 602 " 16--Lateen, Gary, Claim .................................. 605 " 16--Link, James E., Clailn ................................ 605 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE M Jan 7_Meters(Parking) - decisions should be delayed, re: Ruth Nash' 13 7--Mall, petition re: Handicapped problems ................. 15 Jan. 14--Mackin, Sr. Therese, re: New Zoning etd ................ 17 Jan. 21 --Marshail park, approval of storage bldg. for Arboretum Society. 21 " 21--Memorandum of Agreement with Frommelt partnership... 21-23 " 21--Main St. (National) Center Urban Demonstration Frogram, sub- 24 mission of Letter of Intent ........................... " 21--Meter District (parking) & 4th St ...................... 48 " 21--Mozena, Jeffrey P,, appointed to Historic Pres. Commission. 48 " 21--Makrl, Robert A. IMilk House), Class "C" Beer Permit .... 48 " 21--MECHANICAL BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ..... ...................................... 49, 292, 360, 500, 593 21--Meyer, Ben, Claim; Settlement ......................... 49, 574 21--Mulgrew Oil Co., re New Zoning Ordinance .............. 55 Feb. 4_Murphy, Charles J., Postmaster, opposing vacation °f ailey & selling to Redstone etc ................................ 57, 78 4--Martin, Don re: Post Office needing alley for turn-around of 57 trucks otc ........................................... 4--Miracle Recreation Equipment of Grinnell. IA., for Dog Rac- ing Facility Bid Pkg. "D", Contract #14, Contoured Bench 60, 434 Seating etc.. "C" 67 4--Milier, Beverly R., Class Beer Permit ............... 4--Milwaukee (& Chi) St. paul & Pacific RR, re: Ordinance vacating streets & alleys presenting in subdivision owned or used by 78 them ............................................. 4--Murray. Thomas F., Pres. N.A.L.C. object ng to Ord. vacating 78 alley behind Redstone ................................. 4--Municipal Assistance - Council authorizing Mayor to send let- 81 ters to State in this regard ............................ Feb 18--Mayne, Nellie M., Settlement of claim ................... 82 " 18--Mr. Steak, Class "C" Beer-Wine License ................. 82 " 18--Moore, John, wanting use of parcel on Hill St, Addn. Lot.. 83 Feb. 25--Mayor, Salary & compensation change .................. 95, 224 Mar. 4--Mental Health Month, Proclamation .................... 99 4--Mississippi River Harbor Development, Study ete ........ 121 4--Mangeno, Zella E., (The Bar), Cigarette Permit ........... 225 4--Meyer, Dennis J. (Bunker Hill), Class "B" Beer Permit .... 225 Apr. 15--Mini-Bus Operations, Contract etc. with project Concern etc. 257 " 15--Marene. Edward F. (Submarina), Class "B" Beer Permit... 269 " 15--Marco's Inc., Class "C" Liquor Licens.es....:-/..:*..~... 270 " 15--Merchante Mutual Bond Co., release of sidewalk Dona re: 'trl- 272 State Paving Co. ete .................................. 15--Minerai Lot 305A, Plat of Subd. of portion of same, approved, (vacated portion of Rhomberg, sold to S. Balsamo etc.) 273 May 6--Mental Health Month, Proclamation .................... 276 6--Mother's Peace Day, Proclamation ...................... 276 May 20--Main & 14th Street Storm Sewer Repair Project..........'~9, 310, 342 20--Mauss, John, appointed to Chief of Police Position ........ 311 20--Marina Harbor, prohibited activities set out .............. 313 20--Milier, Beverly (Sid's Bev. Store), Cigarette Permit ........ 320 20--Miracle Car Wash, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 320 20--Mulgrew Oil Co., (Amoco Food Shop), Cigarette Permit .... 320 20--Mulgrew Oil co. IAsbury Fastop), Cigarette permit ........ 320 20--Mr. Fixit, Cigarette Permit ............................ 320 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE May 20--Maldrite Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................. 320 " 20--Muaic Works I, Cigarette Permit ....................... 320 " 20--Mining Co. East, Class "C" Liquor License .............. 321 " 20--Merfeld, Nicholas & Marie, Delinquent Refuse collection charges ............................................. 323 " 20--Maas, Gary, Delinquent Refuse Collection Charges ........ 323 " 20--March claims, proof of publication ...................... 324 " 20--Merchants Bonding Co. (Mutuai) af Des Moines, authorized by Comm. of Insurance to transact business etc ............. 324 June 3--Miner Plumbing & Heating, re: rezoning of 2774 University Ave ................................................ 326, 327 " 3--Milk House (R. Mehrl), Cigarette Permit ................. 335 " 3--Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit .................... 335 " 3--Mole Oil Co. (Big 10 Mart), Cigarette Permit ............. 335 " 3--Murphy, Sister Mary Jean, Claim; Denial ................ 337, 427 uno 17--Memorandum of Agreement with Adams Co ............. 347-349 17--Minnow Bucket owner R. Pitz requesting restricted parking. 349 17--Monte Carlo, Cigarette Permit ......................... 357 17--Meyers Tavern (C. Meyer), Cigarette Permit .............. 357 17--My-Cap Vendors (several outlets), Cigarette Permits ....... 357 17--Marco's Its]. & Amer. Rest., Cigarette Permit ............ 358 17--Marty's Union 76, Cigarette Permit ..................... 358 17--Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit ................. 358 17--Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette Permit ................. 358 17--Ms. Pat's, Cigarette Permit ............................ 358 17--Marios, Cigarette Permit .............................. 358 17--Mescher &Tench Grocery (V.W. Mescher), Cigarette Permit. 358 17--Miller, LeRoy A. (Whitey's Bar X), Cigarette Permit ...... 358 17--Meyer's Tavern, Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 359 17--Moose, Loyal Order of, Class !'A" (Club), Liquor License... 359 17--Mathews, Timothy, Claim; Deniai ...................... 360, 395 17--Miller, Robert & Mary, Claim; Denial ................... 360, 427 17--May Financial Reports submitted ...................... 36I July 1--Manson, Rev. Duane, Gave Invocation .................. 363 1--Main St., Ltd., Agreement between City ete .............. 370 1 --Murray, Francis (Chip), appointed to Park & Recreation Comm. 375 1--Manning, Barbara (Council Member) appointed to Operation: New View Board ..................................... 375 1--Mulgrew Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 376 1--Miller, Beverly R., Class "B" Wine Permit ............... 377 1--May Transit Statistics submitted ....................... 378 July 15--MIA/POW Day, Proclamation ......................... 384 " 15--Missisaippi Waileye Club, re: river traffic problem ........ 389 " 15--Manor, Jim re: fence installation by N/W Arterial.: ....... 389 " 15--Magglo, Michaal re: need for patrolling river etc .......... 389 " 15--Maintenance Foreman position in Water Division approved. 390 15--Miracle Car Wash re: Barrel type planters in front of their business ............................................ 392 15--Mangeno, Zalla E., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 393, 426 15--Menning, Lynn, Cigarette Permit ..................... .. 393 15--Miller, John G. requesting refund on Beer Permit ......... 395 15--May List of Claims, proof of publication ................. 395 Aug. 5--Missisaippi River Revival in Dubuque, Proclamation ...... 397 5--Marshail Park, Leasing of 2 acres by Tri-State Veterans Assn. 397 5--Manning, Council Member appointed to Racing Assn ...... 403 5--Meat Packing Plants - Set up City Inspection Program .... 403 5--Mulgrew Oil Co. (Amoco at the Bridge), Cigarette Permit.. 404 Aug. 19--Marshall Park leasing re: City & Tri-State Veterans Assn.. 411 19--Monster, Robert re: Reaidentiai Parking Permit designation. 412, 413 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 19--Murphy park, reconstruction of Tennis Courts etc., project.. 413 " 19--Mortgage position change re: 586-590 Arlington St ......... 418 Sept. 3--Mulgrew Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 478 3--March Council Proceedings approved .................... 479 3--May Council Proceedings approved ..................... 479 Sept. 16--Manhart, Bishop Dennis, Invocation. ..................... 486 16--Minority Enterprise Development Week, Proclamation ........ 486 16--Murphy Park Tenn. Court, construction project ............. 486, 487 16--Municipal Band Commission etc. re: referendum ete .......... 493 16--Micro Computer repair at Five Flogs Civic Center ........... 495 16--Miller, Leroy A., Class "C" Liqaor License ................. 499 16--Meyer, Jeffrey T., Claim ................................ 500 Oct. 7--Ms. Pat's Petitioning for traffic alleviation at ~tersection of Hwys. 151411 & Greyhound Park .............................. 514 7--Murphy, Wm. J. IMurph's South End Tap,} Class "C" Liquor License; ............................................. 523, 561 7--My-Cap Vendors, Inc., Cigarette Permit. .................. 523 7--Mauss, Bill & Darl~ae, Claim ............................ 524 Nov. 4--Municlpal Primary Canvass of votes ...................... 562 Nov. 18--Mooas Day (Loyal Order of), Prccinmation ................. 566 18--Mai, James requesting rezoaing of property at 412 Loras Blvd. 566 18--Meetlngs of Board of Health, specifying times, officers ete .... 572 18--Municipel General Election results set out ................. 575 18--Munielpal Band Proposation results set out ................ 575 Dec. 2--Menadue, Mark, suspension of Liquor License for J.W. Rumph's 588 2--Mihalakas, Phillip, Cigarette Perrmt, Class C Liquor License. 591, 592 2--Matio's, Class "C" Liquor License ........................ 592 598 Dec. 16--Miller, Rev. Robert, Invocation ..................... : .... 16--MiNa, Inc., d/b/a J.W. Rumph's, Liquor IAasnse Suspension... 602 16--Meeting Dates of the City Council, plus reconsideration of actions 603 " 16--Molo Oil Co., Class "C' Beer Permit ...................... 604 ' 16--Moracco, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ................... 604 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7--McGovern, Michael J. (Happy Hour Tavern), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ............................. 11 May 20--McDermott Excavating of Peosta, awarded contract for Schmitt Island Rec. Complex Sanitary Sewer ............. 304 20--McCann's Standard, Cigarette Permit ................... 320 " 20--McGiffin's Kitchen (Kevin), Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 321 June 3--McCoy, Donald L., Claim; Denial ....................... 337, 361 3--McHaney, Bruce L., Claim, Settlement of elalm ........... 337. 379 June 17--McCarty, Rev. Bernard of Calvary Baptist Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 339 " 17--McDonald, A.Y., Cigarette Permit ...................... 357 " 17--McDonough, James (Grandview Drug); Cigarette Permit... 357 July 1--McDonald, Marilyn reappointed to Library Bd ........... 375 Aug. 29--McKay, Thomas W., Attorney, on behalf of FDL Foods, Inc. requesting execution of InterCreditor Agreement re: UDAG Agreement .......................................... 436 Oct. 7--McCann, Mike, Cigarette Permit ...................... 523 Nov. 18--McMullen, Don, election results ........................ 576 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7--Nash, Ruth, suggestion @ parking meters ............... 13 7--NE Iowa, Inc., Helping Services, requesting funding ...... 14 " 14--Nell, Colin, re: New Zoning Ordinance ................... 17 Jan. 21--Nash, Ruth, requesting Hotel-Motel money for "Arts" groups. 20 " 21--National Main St. Center Urban Demonstration Program, authorization to submit a Letter of Intent to apply ....... 24 " 21--N. Grandview from Dexter St. to alley between Clarke Dr. & Rosedale A., Schedule of Assessments for 1984 Asphalt Paw ing Project .......................................... 35-37 " 21--November Council Proceedings approved ................ 49 " 21--November Claims & Expenditures, Proof of Publication .... 50 " 21--National Register of Historic Places re: Cathedral Historic District Scheduled for Review .......................... 50 Feb. 4--National Office Education Week, Proclamation ........... 57 4--Nondisturbance Agreement (& Consent), re: Race Track .... 64 4--Nineteen Hundred Tap (1900), Class "C" Liquor License... 67 4--Notlce of Initiation for Reconnaissance Study for Flood Dmnage Reduction Couler Valley re: Corps of Engrs .............. 68 Feb. 18--National Engineer's Week, proclamation ................ 76 Mar. 4--Nauman Nursery, awarded contract for Dog Racing Facility Landscaping project ............................... 110, 111, 577 4--Nad~rman, Gerald, claim denied ........................ 120 Mar. 18--Natinnal Agriculture Week, Proclamation ............... 123 " 18--Notice published re: Use of Fed. Rev. Sharing Funds ...... 227 Apr. 1--Notice of Sale re $4,700,000 G.O. Bonds ................. 236 " 1--Noonan's Tavern, John W. Noonan, Class "C" Liquor License. 242 1--Noel, Laura, Denial of Claim ........................ 243 " 1--Ninnnick, Michael H., Claim; Denial .................. 243, 361 Apr. 15--Natinnal Valunteer Week, Proclamation ................ 246 " 15--Natinnal Education for Business Week, Proclamation ...... 246 " 15--Nightengale Lane residents re: traffic problem created by WRA traffic 256, 316 " 15--Nonbargaining Unit Employees, Adopting the FY 86 Compen- sation Pkg .................................. 269 May 6 Nites of the Square Table, Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 290 " 6--Notlce of Intent to file a release of funds for Downtown Ac- quisition Demolition & Parking Lot Project, Proof ....... 292 " 6--Northwest Arterial from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury, Paw lng Project ............................ 307, 308, 343, 344 May 20 Neighbors Tap, Cigarette Permit .............. 320 " 20--Nabors Drug, Cigarette Permit 320 20--1933 (Nineteen Thirty-Three), Inc., Class C Liquor License. 321 June 3--Nash-Finch Co. (Warehouse Market), Cigarette Permit 335 June 17--Nursing Services of VNA, Execution of Docmnents etc 338 17 Noonan's Tap, Cigarette Permit ............... 357 " 17--Nesler, Ferd, applicant for City Council vacancy (Beurskens). 361 July 1--National Recreation & Parks Month, Proclamation 363 1 Neese, Ellen requesting closure of Ia, Street from llth to 14th on Saturdays from May to Nov. (near Farmers Market) .... 377, 428 July 15--Northwest Arterial, installation of hog wire type fence, objections 389 15--No-Wake area around Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island... 389 15 Nagel, Fred, re: suspension as Water Plant Operator ..... 390 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 15--Natlonal Register of Historic Places, re: Ord. enacting additional duty of Histe. Pres. Comm.. .......................... 391 15--Newspaper distribution boxes, re: Certificate of Ins. from Wood- ward Communications ................................ 395 Aug. 5--Nabors Drug, Class "B" Wine Permit ................... 405 Aug. 19-- No Parking signs removed on north side of street between Wind- sor & Sheridan Road .............................. 424 " 19--Neighbor's Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .... 426 " I9--Noesgen, Mr. & Mrs. Claim... 426 Sept. 3--Norman, Wayne for Region 9, named for ECIA Regional Coor- dinating Council ..................................... 478 3--Newt, Gary re: refund on Liquor License ................ 480 Sept. 16--Nites of the Square Table transfer of Liauor License " I ........ 498 6--North Grandvlew, near Ungs St., installation of Street Light. 501 Oct. 7--Naming said right of way as NORTHWEST ARTERIAL, and dedicating properties acquired for same .................. 517, 518 7--Northwest Arterial & Asbury Road etc., designation of Stop Signs ............................................... 518 7--Northwest Arterial, Establishment of a 45 mile per hour speed limit ....... : ...................................... 519 7--Northwest Arterial, add ng to Code providing for prohibiting of Parking on the Northwest Arterial ................... 520 " 7--Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. re: study and fee increase etc. 52L 522 " 7--Nativity Church, refund on Beer Permit ................. 525 Oct. 21--National Colleglate Alcohol Awareness Week, Proclamation. 541 21--Nash-Finch Co., C ass C Beer Permit .................. 542 " 21--New Harbor Development Co. (Yardarm), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 543 Oct. 24--Nineteenth St., adding to Code for prohibiting parking on same. 548, 550 Nov. 4--November as "Alzheimer's Disease Month", Proclamation.. 553 Nov. 18--Natural Gas Co. re: assignment of Franchise from Inter-North to UtiliCorp United... ,, ' ............................... 567 18--Notlce of Environmental Review Findings for CD Block Grant Projects .......................................... 568 Dec. 2--Nursing Funds re: contract With State & City Health Dept. 579 2--Nuclear War~ Urging Support in the Hopes of Ending the Threat of same, Urging support-Proclamation ........ 581 2--Nash, Ruth & Russ requesting approval of zoning change'f~ 412 Loras Bird ................................ 2--Nagie, Jeff re: Liquor License suspension (J.W. Rump~'~)i: 583 588, 602 2--Nash, Russell appointed to the Cable TV Community Teleprogramming Comm. 591 Dec. 16--Norman, Wayne, re: Res. Parking Permit Ordinance established near U.D ......................................... 600 16--New French Cafe, /nc., Class "C" Liquor License ......... 604 16--Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment for CD Project; Proof of publication ....................... 605 16--Neyens, Ronald, Claim... .......................... 605 16--Notice of Environmental Review for C.D. Block Grant Project - Removal of City Hall Arch. Barrier etc ................. 605 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE O Jan. 7--ORDINANCE NO. 1-85 Providing for Amendment of Ord. No. 59-81 which established a C-6 Planned Comm. District of Pro- petty at corner of JFK Road, Dodge & Wacker and conditionally approved a Preliminary Development Plan ............... ' 7--ORDINANCE NO. 2-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by repealing Subsection (fl of Section (f) of Section 7-16 thereof and Enacting a new Subsection (f) of Sec. 7-16 in lieu thereof Providing for a Definition of a Kennel ................... 7--ORDINANCE NO. 3-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Revising Section 25-210, Subsection (b) of said Code Providing that those intersections designated are hereby declared to be "Stop Intersections" and by revising Sec. 25-212 Subsection (b) of said Code Providing that those intersections designated are hereby decla~d to be "Yield Intersections" (Brunskill Road, Starlight Dr. Hwy 20, Brunakill Rd.) .................... 9, 10 7--O'Connall, Judy (Cactus Lnge. & Supper Club), Cigarette Permit .... 7--Operating Engrs. Local No. 234 et al filing claim against con- tract involved with City 1984 Asphalt Project ............ 13 7--ORDINANCE -85 Re: vacating alley north of 5th St .... ................................................... 14, 57, 78 Jan. 14--ORDINANCE NO. -85 Establishing Comprehensive Zoning for the City of Dubuque, IA and providing for the administra- tion, enforcement and amendment thereof in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 414, Code of Iowa, 1983 and the repeal of all ordinances in conflict herewith .................... 18 Jan. 21--Ordinance presented vacating a portion of N. side of 4th St. 19 " 21--Overpass project (14th & Pine), termination, HUD ........ 25 ' 21 --ORDINANCE NO. -85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new reference to Fourth St. as listed in Parking Meter District B in Section 25-326 in lieu thereof providing for the inclusion of Fourth St. in Parking Meter District B ....... 48 " 21--ORDINANCE NO. -85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by repealing reference to Fourth St. as listed in the two-hour time zone in subsection (c) of Section 25-257 thereof providing for restricted parking on Fourth St ........................ 48 ' 21--Oky-Doky, TFM, 1101 Rhomberg, Class "C' Beer Permit.. 48 " 21--October Council Proceedings, approved .................. 49 21--OPP (Office of Planning & Peogrammfl~g), update re: IA. Conun. DeveL Loan ......................................... 50 21--Oky-Doky, re: Zoning map ............................. 55 Feb. 4--Office Education Week (National), proclamation .......... 57 4--Official bond presentation to Terry Harmon (re: Dog Track efforts) ............................................. 57 4--Off-Site Roadway Improvements, Dubuque Greyhound Park. ...................................... 62-64, 104-106, 350, 356 4--ORDINANCE NO. 4-85 Amending Sec. 2-143, Div. 5, Art. III, Ch. 2, Code of Ordinances re: Appointment & duties of City Solicitor ............................................ 65, 66 4--OPERATION: New View requesting 2 appointees to represent City ................................................ 66 4--OPP (Office for Planning & Programming), confirming that loans thru IA. CD Loan Program constitute commitment against City's indebtedness limit ....................... 68 Feb. 18--ORDINANCE 12-85 Vacating unused street and alleys whiak are presently in subdivialon owned by Chi, Mil. St. Paul & Pacific RR ......................................... 78, 100-103 18--ORDINANCE -85 Amending Section 24-79 of the Code re: INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 18--consumption of beer in Washington Park by providing a new subsection (3) to allow COnsumption of beer in Washington Park during designated hours.. ............................. 79 " 18--Order & Judgement submitted re: Group W. Cable Case... 79 " 18--Oberbroeckling, Dave & Joanna (Mr. Steak), Class "C" Wine & Beer Lic ....................................... " 82 18--OPERATION New View edv sing of operating the JTPA Sum- mer Youth Employment Program and requesting assistance for employment of individuals.. 18--Opp (Office for Planning & Programming) advising request for additional time to complete IA CD Loan project, approved. 84 Feb. 25--Operatinn: New View requesting funding at Budget Hearing. 88 " 25--ORDINANCE NO. 5-85 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 36-101, Residential, Commercial & Industrial Uses, Divi- sion 4, "Rates" an~ TM -' u ~nacung a new Section 36-161, Residen- tial, Commercial & Industrial uses, under Division 4, "RATES", to provide for revision of Water Rates ................... 90-92 25--ORDINANCE NO. 6-85 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 36-56 of Division 4, "RATES" of Article II and Enacting a new Section 36-56 of Division 4, "Rates" of Article II in lieu thereof to provide for revision of SEWER RATES AND CHARGES ......................................... 92 " 25--ORDINANCE NO. 7-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances, by Repealing Sec 17-36 Charges-Amounts; Exceptions", and Adopting a new Section 17-36 "Charges", Amounts; Exception" in lieu thereof to provide for revision of REFUSE COLLEC- TION RATES ....................................... 94-95 " 25--ORDINANCE NO 18-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 2-21 in lieu thereof providing for the ompensatinn of the MAYOR and COUNCIL MEMBERS.. 95, 224 " 25--ORDINANCE NO.8-85 Amending the Code by Repealing Subsection (b) of Section 2-169 thereof and Enacting a new Subsection (b) of Section 26-169 in lieu thereof providing for the reponsibility of the Office of PUBLIC WORKS for direc- ting the activities of Certain Divisions.. ................ 96 " 25--ORDINANCE NO. 9-85 Amending the Code by Repealing Subsection (b) of Section 2-172 thereof and Enacting a new Subsection (b) of Section 2-172 in lieu thereof providing for the responsibility of the Office of Director of Community Develop- ment for Directing the Activities of Certain Division ...... 96 " 25--ORDINANCE NO. 10-85 Amanding the Code of Ordinances of the City by Repealing Section 9V~-12 thereof providing for the elimination of the office of DOCK MANAGER effective July 1, 1985 ......................................... " 97 25--ORDINANCE NO. 11-85 Amending the Code by Repealing the definition of HEALTH OFFICER in Section 20-2 thereof and enacting a new definition of HEALTH OFFICER for the pur- pose of administering & enforcing provisions of Chapter 20. 97, 98 Mar. 4--Operation: New View, proposal for governance by Bd. of Supervisors ........................................ 112 4--ORDINANCE NO.14 85 AMENDING THE CODE BY REVISING SECTION 25-210 SUBSECTION (b) OF SAID CODE PROVIDING THAT THOSE INTERSECTIONS DESIGNATED ARE HEREBY DECLARED TO BE "STOP INTERSECTIONS". Vehicles bound in the direction indicated must stop before entering the designated intersections bound & W. bound-Washington St. & E. 28th St.) ......... 115, 116 4--ORDINANCE -85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by ad- ding a new sub-paragrph (e) to Section 27-49 providing for the authorization of the use and COnsumption of beer in Wash/ngton Park upon recommen~iation of the Park and Recreation Corem, INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE and approval of the City Council ................ 116, 218. 241 Mar. 4--ORDINANCENO. 15-85AmendingtheCodebyrepealingSec- tions 17-54 through 17-56, Sections 17-63 through 68, and Sec- tions 17-75 through 17-80 providing for the ellmlnation of public and private landfill sites within the City ................. 117 4--ORDINANCE NO. 16-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by repealing Section 17-23 thereof and enacting a new 17-23 in lieu thereof providing for the transport of WASTE MATERIAL to a licensed sanitary disposal project ....... 117 Mar. 18--ORDINANCE NO. 13-85 Establishing Comprehensive ZON- ING for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Providing for the Ad- ministration, Enforcement and Amendment thereof in accor- dance with the provisions of Chapter 414, Code of Iowa, 1983, and for the repeal of all the Ordinances in conflict herewith. 125-217 18--ORDINANCE NO. 17-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 21-19 in lieu thereof providing for the election of officers for the HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. 223 18--Osborne, Roger, appointed to Historic Preservation Commission ......................................... 224 18--Oky Doky #5, Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 225 18--ORDER submitted by US DOT re: Essential Air Service.. 227 18--Oak Brook Development, Contractors Improvement Bond (Tri- State Paving) cancelled etc ............................ 227 18--ORDINANCE NO. 19-85 Vacating a Portion of Rhomberg Ave. from the northerly property line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Boatyard Addition to the Northerly Terminus of Said St., (re: property near Eagle Pt. Bridge, to sell to Susan Balsamo) .......... 234, 235 Apr. 1--Optinn Exercised by Susan Balsamo re: vacated portion of Roadway of Rhomberg Ave ............................ 236 " 1--O'Connor, Brooks & Co., re: selection of Helle firm for City audit ............................................... 257 Apr. 15--ORDINANCE NO. 20-85 Amending Sections 24-1 and 24-3 (1), Code of Ordinances, re: Occupational Licenses in Christmas Tree Merchants by repealing said Sections; and amending Chapter 28 Code of Ordinances, entitled "Peddlers & Transient Mer- chants'' by repealing said Chapter and adopting in lieu thereof a new Chapter 28, Peddlers & Transient Merchants ..... 257, 279-282 " 15--Operating Engrs., Agreement with the City .............. 267 " 15--Oak Brook Development re: release & cancellation of City's in- terest in Contractor's Improvement Bond ................ 272 May 6--Operating Assistance Applicant Public Hearing, Sec. 9 Program of Projects .......................................... 276 6--Offlce Residential District - Conditional Uses, Amendment of Zoning Ordinance ............... ..................... 278 6--ORDINANCE NO. 25-85 Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zon- ing Map by enacting a new Section 3.2.1D in lieu thereof to provide addition of certain Food Service Establishments to the available uses now listed in the Office Residential Service.278, 298-300 6--ORDINANCE NO. 24-85 Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque by enacting a new Section 3-4.1(B) Principal Permitted Uses in lieu thereof ....... 278, 279, 297 6--ORDINANCE NO. 21-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by enacting a new Subsection (10~ to Section 25-304 thereof, by repealing Section 25-305 thereof and enacting a new Section 25-305 in lieu thereof, and enacting a new subsection (3) to Section 25-307 thereof providing for the designation of a MUNICIPALLY-OWNED PARKING LOT, for the exclusive Use of Motor Buses and presecribing a Penalty for Violations thereof ............................................. 283, 284 INDEX -- BOOK 115 i985 SUBJECT PAGE May 6--ORDINANCE NO. 22-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by repealing the definition of HEALTH OFFICER in Sec. 18-16 thereof and enacting a new Definition of HEALTH OFFICER in Sec. 18-16 in lieu thereof providing for a definition of HEALTH OFFICER for the purposes of Administering & En- forcing Standards on AMBULANCES, AMBULANCE AT- TENDANTS, ATTENDANT- DRIVERS & DRIVERS 285 6--ORDINANCE NO. 23-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Sections 11¼-11 through 11¼-18 thereof, pro- viding for discontinuing the Community DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION.. 6--Olde German Bank, Transfer of Liquor License . 290 6--O'Neal, John, certified by Civil Service Comm. as Police Chief applicant ........................................... 293 May 20--ORDINANCE NO. 34-85 Amending Appendix Also known as the Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, by reclassifying property known as 2774 University Ave, from "R-2 Two Family Residential District" to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District ............................... 305, 326, 327 20--ORDINANCE NO. -85 Amending Appendix "A" known as the Planning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubu- que, IA. by reclassifying property including premises known as 2417 Rhomberg & 2501 Rhomberg from "C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District... the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Ia., by enacting a new Section 3-3.5E in lieu thereof to allow for certain temporary uses in the C~5 Cmltral Business Distrlct.306, 327, 328 " 20--ORDINANCE N0.36-85 Vacating a portion of the alley be- tween Brunswick St. and Balke St. from the north property ]~ne of Strauss St. 75 feet to the north ................... 307, 328, 329 " 20--ORDINANCE NO. 26-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by repealing Subsection (5) of Section 9¼-27 and Enacting a new Subsection (5) of Section 9¼-27 Providing for NOISE RESTRICTION for WATERCRAFT .................... 312 20--ORDINANCE NO. 27-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Repealing Subsection (a) of Section 9¼-30 thereof and Enacting a new Subsection (a) of Section 9¼-30 in lieu thereof providing for the Regulation of Certain Activities on Waters under the Contrni of the City ................... 312, 313 " 20--ORDINANCE NO. 28-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Repealing Section 9¼-32 thereof and by Enac- ting a new Section 9¼-32 in lieu thereof providing for ICE FISHING SHELTERS ............................... 313 " 20--ORDINANCE NO. 29-85 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 25-186 thereof and by Enacting a new Section 25-186 in lieu thereof providing for that Certain VEHICLES MUST STOP AT RAILROAD CROSSINGS ............ 314 20--ORDINANCE NO. 30-85 Amending the code of Ordin~s'~ Repealing the First unnumbered Paragraph and Subsection of Section 25-307 thereof and Enacting a new First Unnumbered Paragraph and Subsection (2) of Section 25-397 in lieu thereof providing for RESERVED PARKING IN PARKING LOTS NO. 3, 5, 7 & 9 and Prescribing a Penalty for VIOLATIONS. 315, 316 " 20--ORDINANCE NO. 31-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by revising Section 25-257(d) Providing that when Signs are Erected Giving Notice thereof, NO PERSON SHALL, AT ANY TIME, PARK A VEHICLE UPON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED STREETS OR PARTS OF STREETS- NIGHTENGALE LANE ................... 317 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE May 20--ORDINANCE NO. 32-85 Authorizing Patrick Fenelon to CON- STRUCT A ROOFING OVERHANG ................... 317, 318 " 20--ORDINANCE NO. 33-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Revising Section 25-210 Subsection (b) of said Code Pro- viding that those intersections designated are hereby declared to be "STOP INTERSECTIONS" for ail purposes of this Sec- tion, Vehieles bound in the Direction Indicated must Stop Before Entering the Designated Intersection - BROWN ST. & BEVERLY AVE ..................................... 319 " 20--Otting, Eugene (The Dip Tap), Cigarette Permit .......... 320 " 20--Ostert, James E. & Judith, Delinquent Refuse Collection put on t e~xes ............................................ 323 June 3--ORDINANCE NO. 37-85 Amending the Zoning Ord. & Map by deleting from Section 8 the definitions of PERSONAL SER- VICES & BUSINESS SERVICES and enacting new definitions in lieu thereof, and by ~ddiag the definition of TEMPORARY USES. 330, 340 3--Operation: New View, re: 28E Agreement as drafted by State Office of Planning & Programming ..................... 334, 356 3--Oky Doky #9, W. 32nd St., Cigarette Permit ............. 335 3--Oky Doky #10, W. 5th St., Cigarette Permit ............. 335 3--O'Connell, Judy, (Judy's Country Inn), Cigarette Permit... 335 3--O'Connell-Ziegenfuss, MeIinda, Claim .................... 337 June 17--ORDINANCE NO. 43-85 Amending tile Code by revising "Zon- ing Ord. & Zoning Map" by reclassifying property located in the 3400 Block of Asbury Rd. from "R-4 Multi-Family Residen- tial District" to "OR Office Residential District ....... 344, 366, 388 " 17--ORDINANCE NO. 39-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by revising "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map" by adding Section 8, Definitions, the definition of "Grocery Store" and "Supermarket". .............................. 345, 364 " 17--ORDINANCE NO. -85 Amending the Code by enacting new subsections (1) and (5) of Section 25-274 in lieu thereof providing a penalty for illegal parking in ALLEYS ................. 354 " 17--ORDINANCE NO. 38-85 Authorizing the Dubuque Downtown Association et install Public Interest BANNERS on City- Owned Light Standards throughtout the Downtown Area.. 354, 355 " 17--OPERATION: New View, Agreement adoption as drafted by State Office of OPP .................................. 356 17--Olde Shang, Cigarette Permit .......................... 357 17--Oky Doky #7, 3301 Pennsylvania, Cigarette Permit ....... 357 17--Oky Doky #14 (University Ave. I, Cigarette Permit ........ 357 17--Office Grill, Cigarette Permit .......................... 358 17--Olde German Bank, Cigarette Permit ................... 358 17--Oky Doky #6 (1250 Ia.), Cigarette Permit ................ 358 17--Oky Doky #11 (1101 Rhomberg), Cigarette Permit ........ 358 17--Oky Doky #15 (1545 S. Grandview), Cigarette Permit ...... 358 17--Oky Doky #5 (2204 Central), Cigarette Permit ............ 358 17--Ottlng, Eugene, (The Dip Tap), Class "C" Liquor License.. 359 July 1--ORDINANCE NO. 42-85 Providing that the Code of Or- dinances be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by ap- proving a conceptual Development Plan for the ID Institutional District of CLARKE COLLEGE ........................... 366, 380, 381 1--ORDINANCE NO. 49-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting New Subsections (10), (11) and (12) of Section 25-304 and three unnumbered paragraphs to subsections (2) of Section 25-307 in lieu thereof providing for the Designation of Parking Lots 10 and 12 and Regulations of parking Lot 12. 368, 369 1--ORDINANCE NO. 41-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Repealing Sections 33-11, 33-12, and 33-13 thereof INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 1--and enactlng a new Sectinn 33-11 in lieu thereof prohibiting the use of City Streets for Sleighing, Sleigh Riding, Coasting, Tobagganing, Bobsledding or Skiing.... ................ 369, 370 1--Oehrle, John, reappointed Five Flags-Civic Center Commission ......................................... 374 1 --Operation: New View Board Appointments of K. Gearhart, D. Delch, & B. Manning ................................. 375 1--Olde German Bank, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 377, 523 July 15--Oldham, Edith, objection to Kane St. Asphalt Paving Project. 384 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 44-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting an additional Duty of the Historic Preservation Commission in Section 19V~-5 thereof. .................. 391 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 45-85 Authorizing Miracle Car Wash, Inc. to construct Barrell Flower Planters, I7" High ........... 393, 394 " 15--Oswald, Cyril W., Claim; Settlement .................... 395, 427 Aug. 5--ORDINANCE NO. -85 Amending the Code by enacting a new Division 6 to Chapter 25 comprising Sections 25-350 through 25-362 thereto providing restrictions on parking in detigna~ed residential district, establishing a Residential Parking Permit pfc- gram and providing penalties for violations of the parking permit program ................................... 397, 412, 413 5--ORDINANCE NO. 55-85 Providing prior approval for eligibili- ty for a TAX EXEMPTION on the proposed reconstruction of the ADAMS CO .................................. 398, 412, 446 5--Office for Planning & Programmh~ (OPP) re: Farber Bag Co. need for relocation facility etc .......................... 398 5--ORDINANCE NO. 46-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque Iowa, by repealing Sections 27-102 and 27-I08 thereof and ENACTING SECTIONS 27-102, 2%108 and 2%110 through 27-113 in lieu thereof PROVIDING FOR THE DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN CITY PARKS ........... 401, 402 5-ORDINANCE NO. 47-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, IA., by repealing Sections 16-48 through 16-66 thereof providing for the elimination of the City Inspec- tion Program of Slaughter Douses and Meat Packing Plants. 402, 403 Aug. 19--ORDINANCE NO. 54-85 Vacating East 18th Street from Elm Street to Pine St. and conveying same to Jacobsan's, Inc.417, 440-441 19--ORDINANCE NO.48-84 Naming the Major Public Street Traversing the Recreational Area on the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island as Admiral Sheehy Drive ............... 420 19--ORDINANCE NO. 49-85 Naming the Public Street Fronting Dubuque Greyhound Park as Greyhound Park Drive ...... 420, 421 19--ORDINANCE NO. 50-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Adding Admiral Sheehy Drive and Greyhound Park Drive to Subsection (c) of Section 25-220 thereof providing for the establishment of a 25 (25) miles per hour speed limit on Ad- miral Sheehy Drive and Greyhound Park Drive ........... 421 " 19--ORDINANCE NO. 51-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Adding Admiral Sheehy Drive and Greyhound Park Drive to Subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing for the prohibiting of Parking on Admiral Sheehy Drive and Greyhound Park Drive ................................ 422, 423 " 19--ORDINANCE NO. 52-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Adding Greyhound Park Drive to Subsection {b) of Section 25-210 thereof providing for the Designation of Stop Signs at the Intersections of Admiral Sheehy Drive and U.S. Highway 61-151 and Greyhound Park Drive and U.S. Highway 61-151. 423 19--ORDINANCE NO. 53-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Revising Sections 25-257 (d) providing that when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall, at any INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 19--time, park a Vehicle upon any of the following described Streets or Parts of Streets ................................... 424 Sept. 3--ORDINANCE NO. 57-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Certain Subsections of Chapter 25 and Enacting in lieu thereof Certain Subsections of Chapter 25 Providing for the Definitions of and Restrictions on All-Terraln Vehicles and Updating the Dubuque TRAFFIC CODE ................ 448-461 3--ORDINANCE NO. 56-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Repealing Section 35-12 thereof and Enacting a New Section 35-12 in lieu thereof Pro- viding for the Partial Exemption for Value Added to Certain Real Property by New Construction and Acquisition or Im- provement to Certain Machinery or Equipment ........... 461-463 3--ORDINANCE NO. 58-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting New Sections 5-1, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8. 5~19, 5-20, 5-21, 5-22, 5-23, 5-24, 5-26, 5-27, 5-28, 5-29, 5-31, 5-35, 5-36, 5-37, 5-38, and 5-39 in lieu thereof PROVIDING FOR THE IS- SUING OF AND REGULATING LIQUOR CONTROL LICENSES, WINE PERMITS AND BEER PERMITS... 463-469 3--ORDINANCE NO. 59-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting aNew Section 25-264, a New Subsection (5) to Sec- tion 25-274, and a New Subsection (15) to Section 25-256, in lieu thereof providing for the Prohibition of Parking in Access Roadways at Private Premises and Under Fire Escapes and Penalties for Violations ............................... 470, 471 3--ORDINANCE NO. 60-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque by Enacting a new Section 9-11 thereto providing for a Person Propelling a BICYCLE to ride upon a permanent and reg~alar seat ............................ 471 3--ORDINANCE NO. 61-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting New Subsections to Chapter 21 in lleu thereof prc~ viding for the Prohibition of the Discriminatory Practices in the City and Judicial Review of Actions of the HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION .............................. 472-475 " 3--ORDINANCE NO. 62-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, IA by repealing Section 2-180 thereof and Enacting a New Section 2-180 in lieu thereof providing for the Qualifications of the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS .................................. 475 3--ORDINANCE NO. 63-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting new Definitions of Computing Time- Legal Holidays, Gender, Month-Yea~A.D., Person, Shall-May-Must, and Written-In-Writing-Signature of Section 1-2 in lieu thereof Providing for the Definitions of Certain Terms in the Code of Ordinances .......................................... 475-477 3--ORDINANCE NO. 64-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 1-5 in lieu tliereof Providing for the Effect of Repealing City Ordinances and Sections of the Code of Ordinances ........................................ 477 3--O'Brien, Margaret, named to serve on Regional Coordinating Council- re: ECIA .................................... 478 3--ORDER submitted by U.S. DOT Resollcitlng Service Proposals re: Essential air Transportation for Mason City, Clinton, Ot- tumwa, et al ................... : .................... 480 Sept. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 66-85 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Division 6 to Chapter 25 comprising Sections 25-350 through 25-362 thereto providing restrictions on park- ing in designated Residential District, establishing a Residen- tial parking Permit Program and providing penalties for viola- tions of the Parking Permit Program. (Revised Ord.)... 494, 503, 507 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 65-85 Authorizing Joe Faley Construction to construct Masonry Roof or front 16" Projection Soffit.. 497, 498 Oct. 7--ORDINANCE NO. 67-85 Dedicating the Properties Acquired for the Northwest Arterial between Highway 20 and Asbury Road as Public Right-of-Way as the Northwest Arterial .... 517, 518 7--ORDINANCE NO. 68-85 Amending the Code by Adding the N/W Arterial to Subsection (b) of Section 25-2, 0 thereof pro- viding for the redesignation of Stop Signs at the Intersection of the Northwest Arterial and Pennsylvania Avenue and Designation of Stop Signs at the Intersection of the Northwest Arterial and Asbury Road ............................. 518, 519 7--ORDINANCE NO. 69-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Adding the Northwest Arterial to Subsection (c) of Section 25-220 thereof providing for the establishment of a 45 miles per hour speed limit on the N/W Arterial ..... 519, 520 7--ORDINANCE NO. 70-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Adding the N/W Arterial to Subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing for the Prohibiting of Park- ing on the N/W Arterial ............................... 520 7--O'Hara, J & p, Class "C" Beer Permit (Happy Joe's Pizza Parlor) .............................................. 524 7--Oil Depot, The, Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 524 7--Oky Doky, #9, Class "C" Beer Permit ...... :. ........... 524 7--Oberbroeckling, Karen, Settlement of Claim .............. 525 " 7--O'Connall, Judy, Refund on Cigarette License ............ 525 " 7--Off-Site Gravity Main, Lift Station & Force Main for Dbq. Rac- ing Facility, completion of project ...................... 535, 536 Oct. 21--ORDINANCE NO 73-85 Amending the Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying portion of property located at 2730 Dodge St. from R-1 Single Family Residential District to C-3 Commercial District .......................................... 542, 553 21--ORDINANCE NO. 71-85 Authorizing Jacobson's Inc. to use public right-of-way on 19th St. for parking needs of Lucky Stores, Inc ................................ 543, 548, 549, 550 " 21--Old Shang, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 543 " 21--ORDINANCE NO. 72-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances prohibiting parking on 19th St. (both sides) ............ ......................................... 543, 548, 550, 551 " 21--Oberembt, Charles, resignation from Electrical Exo~nining Bd. 545 Nov. 4--ORDINANCE NO. 74-85 Repealing ORDINANCE NO. 52-81 which granted the RAILROAD EASEMENT TO CONTI- CARRIERS AND TERMINALS, INC. and HODGE TRAN- SIT WAREHOUSE CO. to lay down, operate a~d maintain an Industrial Track along Kerper Blvd and to enact a New Or- dinance which would Grant an Easement right for tile Construc- tion and/or Operation of a Railroad track in the same location to the Illinois Central Gulf RR Co ................... 537 4--ORDINANCE NO. 75-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City By Amending Subsection (b) of Section 25-210 and Subsection (b) of Section 25-212 thereof Providing for the designation of Stop Signs at the Intersections of Starlight Drive and Cedar Cross Road and Starlight Drive and Crescent Ridge. 557, 558 4--ORDINANCE NO. 76-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Amending Subsection (c) of Section 25-220 thereof providing for the establishment of a 35 mph speed limit on Cedar Cross Road, fi'om Fremont St. to a point 800 ft. east of Ace Ave. and 30 mph Speed Limit on Cedar Cross Rd. from U.S. Highway 20 to point 800 feet east of Ace Ave 559 4--ORDINANCE NO. 77-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Adding Cedar Cross Road from U.S. highway INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 4--20 to Starlight Dr. to Subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing for the prohibiting of Parking on Cedar Cross Rd. 560 Nov. 18--ORDINANCE NO. 80-85 Amending the Code to rezone pro- perty located at 412 Loras Blvd. from R-4 Multi-Family Residential District to OR Office Residential District ...... 566, 583 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 79-85 Vacating alley between Jackson & Washington Streets from E. 11th St. to East 12th St ..... 566, 581 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 78~85 Amending the Code by repealing Sec- tion 18-1 thereof and enacting a new Section 18-1 in lieu thereof providing for establishing a Board of Health, specifying Quarterly Meetings, electing Officers and defining a Quorum. 572 Dec. 2--ORDINANCE NO. 82-85 Vacating the Alley between Cedar and Sycamore Streets, from 14th to 15th Sts ......... 586, 598, 599 2--ORDINANCE NO. 81-85 Changing the name of Jennifer Street to Andrea Street located in Sunset Park, Subdivision No. 4 in the City of Dubuque .................................. 589 2--October Financial Reports, Submitted ................... 593 2--October Transit Bd. Statements Submitted .............. 593 Dec. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 83-85 Providing for the Designation of a Certain Area as a Residential Parking Permit District (on the streets near the University of Dubuque) ................. 600 " 16--ORDINANCE NO. -85 Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by reclassifying property at the south terminus of Richards Road Extension from AG "Agricultural District" to PR "Planned Residential District". .................. 602 16--ORDINANCE NO. 84-85 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Sections 2-22 and 2-48 thereof and enacting new Sections 2-22 and 2-48 in lieu there of relating to tim Meeting Dates and Reconsideration of Actions by the City Council.. 603 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7-Prellminary Development Plan- re: Zoning ............... 1, 2 7--Parking meters - R. Nash suggesting that any decision should be pestpened & considered rs part of a comprehensive tourism plan. 13 7--Parking Ramp, Ia. St., First Level North, Objection to No Park- ing in certain areas ................................... 13 7--Proof of publication on Notice of Intent to file a request for release of Calendar Year 1985 Block Grant funds for miscellaneous projects ................................ 13 7--Petition of Dbq. Historic Improvement Co. requesting vaca- tion & sale of the south half of the alley between 5th & 6th Sts., lying parallel & between Locust & Bluff St .............. 14 7--Petition of Jim Conner requesting consideration be given to rec- tify the conditions at "The Mall" for handicapped persons. 15 Jan. 14--Proof of publication, on Notice of P. Hearing to consider an Or- dinance establishlnng Comprehensive Zoning for City ...... 17 " 14--Petitions re: comprehensive zoning proposals ............. 17 14--Pline, Al, re: New Zoning Ordinance .................... 17 14--Pearce, Douglas C. re: proposed zoning ordinance ......... 17 Jan 21--Plat of vacated portion of the n. side of 4th St. between Ia. & Main St. -project removed from Agenda ................. 19, 20 " 21--Project removed (vacating portion of 4th St., disposal of & sale of real estate to Investment Counselors) from Agenda ..... 19, 20 " 21--P & Z approving site plan for the location of storage bldg by Dbq. Arboretum Society in Marshall Park ............... 21 " 21--Paving Project (Asphalt) for 1984 - Final documents ....... 25 " 21--Pine St. & 14th St. Overpass project terminated .......... 25 " 21--Pennsylvanin Ave., J.F.K, Road to Lennox St., Schedule of Assessments for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ............ 37 " 21--Plymouth Court, Grandview Ave. to W. End-Assessment Schedule etc. for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ............ 39, 40 " 21 --Parklng Meter District Bi)rd. enocting new reference to 4th St. ete, 48 21--PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:49, 119, 243, 292, 336, 360, 395, 405, 479, 524, 574, 593, 605 21--PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SUBMIq~rlNG MINUTES: .... 49, 119, 226, 270, 292, 323, 336, 378, 395, 405, 479, 544. ................................................ 574, 593, 605 21--Proof of publication of llst of Claims & Expenditures for month ending Nov. 30, 1984... 50 21--Plarming & Zoning Comm. approving plats for Carl & Mary Ann Burbach for property north of Asbury Read (Buena Vista Sub. No. 2 & 3) ............................................. 51 21--Plate (Final) approved by P & Z - Buena Vista Sub. 2 & 3 .... 51 Jan, 28--Pianinng & Zoning re: height restrictions of 100' in ID District. 55 " 28--Planning & Zoning re: New Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map Establishing Comprehensive Zoning for City ................ 55, 56 Feb. 4--Piwowarczyk, Denise procl~ned as "Lady Ambassador" for City of Dbq ............................................. 57 4--Peckosh, Paul of Dbq, Historic Improvement Co., re: requested delection of alley north of 5th St. (Redstone request etc.) ...... 57 4--Potter, Lee W., Sr, (Lee's 76), Cigarette Permit; Cqass "C" Beer Per. 66, 67 4--Planning & Zoning Commissioner resignation of R. Downs... 70 4--Petition of residents of Carter Court, re: relief from traffic congestion ......................................... 68 Feb. 18--Police AuMliary requesting support for fund drive for radios.. 78 18--PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......... .................................... 82, 323, 562, 592, 426 18--Performance Report (CD Block Grant), publication of Notice of Aveilab6Jty ......................................... 83 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 25--Proof of publication of Notice of Meeting re: issuance of $4,700,000 GO Bonds ................................. 87 25--Police Dept., Budget finalization ....................... 88 25--Port of Dubuque Visitor requesting budget funding ....... 88 25--Park & Rec. Dept., Budget finalization .................. 88 25--Project Concern requesting funding ..................... 88 25--Pubfic Works Director position, re: Budget discussion etc., Ord. 89, 95 25--Purchase of Services, finalization of budget .............. 89 Mar. 4--Planning & Zoning Comm - re: objections to new Zoning Ord. 111 " 4--P & Z Comm. submitting of Zoning Ordinance Fee Schedule. 111 " 4--Proof of publication on Notice of Receipt of bids for ambulance & notice of receipt of bids for fire apparatus ............. 120 " 4--Proof of publication, on Notice that Grantee Performance Report is on file at various offices in the City ............ 120 4--P & Z Comm. approving final plat of Lots D, E & F of "Em- bassy West". ....................................... 121 Mar. 18--P & Z Commission adopted reclassification for Steichen property ............................................ 125 " 18--P & Z Commission approving zoning reclassification for DuMed property ..................................... 125 " 18--P & Z Commission approving zoning reclassification for Hirsch apts ................................................ 125 " 18--Planning & Zoning re: Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, etc. 125, 217 " 18-- Park & Recreation Commission re: Beer drinking in the Parks ete. 218 " 18--Priclng structure for disposition sites in the Dubuque Industrial Center .............................................. 219 " 18--Prine, Robert, denial of claim .......................... 226 " 18--Planning & Zoning comm. approving final plats of Sub. of Lot 1-1-1 and Subd. of Lot 1-1-1-1 of Block 1 of River Front Subd. No. 5 west of floodwall and south of Dubuque Marina ..... 227, 228 Apr. 1 --Plat approved of vacated portinn of Rhomberg Ave. from nor- therly property line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Boatyard Addn. to nor- therly terminus of street .............................. 235 1--Planning Assistance Application to UMTA on behalf of ECIA. 237 1--parking Lot Project (335 Iowa St.), Submission of request for release of funds for downtown property acquisition ........ 238, 239 1--Petition of Dubuque Greyhound Park requesting permission to hold a Fireworks Display ........................... 240 1 --Petition of Miss. Walleye Club objecting to barges parking near City Island .......................................... 243 1--Park & Rec. Commissioner Willoughby resigned .......... 243 1--Plat approved by P & Z of "Kerper Industrial Subd. No. 1. 244 Apr. 15--Private Property Week, Proclamation ................... 246 15--Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hearing to consider disposi- tion of City's interest in property located in Riverfront Subd. No. 5 to Wm. C. Brown Publishers ..................... 246 15--Petition of Nightengale Lane re: investigation of traffic pro- blem of WRA Complex ............................... 256, 316 15--Petition of John Kivlahan requesting Water Main Extension to 3350 JFK Rd ..................................... 256 15--Peddlers & Transient Merchants, Ordinance enacting changes etc ............................................. 257, 279-282 " 15--Project Concern, Contract covering Mini-Bus Operations for FY. 257 " 15--Policemen's Protective Assn., Agreement with City ....... 268 " 15--Palmer Drug Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 269, 270 " 15--Pfuhl, Louis, re: Ia. Court of Appeals Opinion ............ 271 " 15--Pitz, Richard re: parking situation across from FDL Foods. 271 " 15--Parking Problem across from FDL Foods, petition by R. Pitz. 271 May 6--Preservation Week, Proclamation ..................... 276 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE May 6--Proof of publication, on Notice of P. Hearing on FY 86 Sec. 9 Program of Projects, Operating Assistance Applicant & Plan- ning Assistance Application & Sec. 5 Capital Assistance Application ......................................... 276 6--Proof of publication, on Notice of P. Hearing to consider Lease Agreement between City & S & S Enterprises for leasing of pro- perty at W. 3rd & Iowa Ste ........................... 276 6--Planning & Zoning Comm. recommending amendment of Zon- ing Ord. re: Conditional Uses in Office Residential Dis- trict ................................................ 278 6--P & Z Comm. recommending amendment to Zoning Ord. to allow for GROCERY STORES in Light Ind. District ...... 278 6-- Principal Permitted Uses - Ord. enacted in New Section of Zon- ing Ordinance ....................................... 278 6--Petltinn of J. Duschan et al requesting Stop or Yiald sign at Brown & Beverly ets ................................. 279 6--Petition of Arnie Honkamp requesting funding for Feasibility Study to possibly acquire American Central Airlines ...... 282, 283 6--Petition of Airport Mgr. Clark re: additional personnel needed. 283 6--Parking regulated in newly created parking lot adjacent to the Iowa St. Parking Ramp and Hartig Drug ................ 283 6--Park & Rec. Comm. appointment of Jane M. White ....... 289 6--Plat of Dodson Rd. & US 20, approved by P & Z & Council 290, 291 6--Plat of LaVista Estates Subd., final approval ............ 291 6--POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................................. 292~ 405, 479, 605 6--Proof of publication of Notice of Intent to file a Release of funds for Downtown Acquisition Demolition and Parking Lot Project ............................................. 292 6--Police Chief applicants certified by Civil Service Comm .... 293 May 20--Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on Notice of P. Hearing to consider project for which IA. DOT & Cap. Assistance is being sought to offset part of cost of Keyline etc. 294 " 20--Proof of publication, on Notice of P. hearing for purpose of amending current budget .............................. 294 " 20--Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hearing to consider amen- ding Zoning Ord. to allow certain conditional uses etc ..... 296, 297 " 20--Petitinn of J & B Investments re: Conditional Uses ....... 297 " 20--Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hearing re: Schmitt Island - Rec. Complex Road ................................... 299 " 20--Proof of publication of Notice of P. Hearing on Schmitt Island - Rec. & Complex Sanitary Sewer Project ................. 303 " 20--P & Z approving rezonlng of premises at 2774 University from R-2 to C-1 Neighborhood Comm. District ................ 305 " 20--P & Z Comm. approving rezoning of C-1 Neighborhood Comm. District that includes 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg Ave. to a C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District ................. 306 " 20-- P & Z recommendlng change to text amendment to Zoning Ord., to allow for temporary uses in C-5 Central Business Disttict. 306 " 20--Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury- Northwest Arterial Paving Project .......................................... 307, 343, 344 " 20--Paving & Street Lighting Project, Northwest Art. from Penns. to Asbury ........................................... 308 " 20--Peter Pan Preschool traffic problem on Carter Court ...... (68) 311 " 20--Police Chief John Manse appointed ..................... 311 " 20--Parking, Reserved, for Lots No. 3, 5, 7 & 9, Ordinance setting out ................................................. 315, 316 " 20--Planning & Zoning Commission appointment of Stephen Har- die & B.J. (Jack) Noltz ................................ 320 " 20--Palmer Drug, Cigarette Permit ......................... 320 " 20--Peoples Natural Gas Co. submitting Annual Report ....... 324 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June 3-Petition of E. Strohmeyer opposing rezoning of 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg ........................................... 326 3--Pust, Eldon, opposing rezoning of 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg. 326 3--Plat approved for vacated Portion of Alley between Brunswick St. & Balke St ...................................... 329 3--Personal Services, New definition added (& Business & Tem- perary Services), Amendment to Zoning Ordinance ........ 380, 340 8--Planning & Zoning Ordinance change to add new definitions of Personal Services, Business Services & Temporary Uses. 380 3--Phone-A-Friemi, Inc., Information & Referral Service, Funding Agreement .......................................... 333, 334 3--Procedure etc. to fill vacant Council seat (Beurskens) ...... 334 3--Potter, Lee W. Sr. (Lee's Union 76), Cigarette Permit ...... 835 June 17--Public Nursing Services, VNA, execution of documents for same.... ........................................... 338 17--Pressure Concrete Co. of Florence, AL, awarded contract for Main at 14th St. Storm Sewer Rehabilitation ............. 342 17--P & Z approving rezoning request for Lots 4, 5, 6 & 7 of Blocks 1 and 2, Westchester located on south side of 3400 Block of Asbury (from R-4 to OR Office Residential District) ....... 344 17--P & Z Comm. approving amendment to Zoning Ordinance, clari- fying distinctions between GROCERY STORE & SUPERMARKETS ................................... 344, 845 17--Purchase of Services Agreement with Chamber of Commerce. 349 17--Petition of R. Pitz (Owner of Minnow Bucket) re: Parking time change ............................................. 349 " 17--Petition of J. Sckwers re: Time Extension to complete asphalt paving for Arbor Oaks Subd ........................... 350 " 17--Peru Road - Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer, Final Assessment Schedule adopted ................................. 352, 353, 354 " 17--Parking in alley - illegally - Ordinance submitted, not enacted. 354 " 17--Petition of Wm. Baum, of ECIA re: DMATS Barge Fleeting Committee membership ............................... 356 ' 17--Paimer, Richard & J. McDonough, Cigarette Permit ....... 357 " 17--Pop A Top Lounge, Cigarette Permit .................... 358 " 17--Park Square, (My-Cap), Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Liquor License ............................................. 358, 359 17--Perkins Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................... 858 17--Pump, The, Cigarette Permit ........................... 358 17--Paul's Tavern, Cigarette Permit ........................ 359 17--Plat of Curler Subd. (Lots 1-4), approved ................ 359, 360 17--Proof of publication of list of Claims for April ............ 360 17~Pcett, Michael, applicant to fill vacant (Beurskens) Council seat. 361 July 1--Parks Month (& National Recreation), Proclamation ....... 363 1--Petition of Mary Kay Ernst objecting to rezoning request on Asbury by Halle Klosterman for office building ete ........ 363 1--Prockaska, Tom objecting to rezoning of Asbury Rd: for Helle Klosterman office bldg ................................ 363 1--Partial exemption from prop. taxation requested by Adams Co. 368 1--Parking Lots, Designation of Lots 10 and 12 by Ordinance. 368, 369 1--Pfohl, Donald H. reappointed to Electrical Bd. of Appeals.. 374 1--Peckosh, Paul, appointed to the Historic Pres. Commission, 374 1--park and Rec. Comm. appointments of R. Bean & Francis (Chip) Murray ............................................. 375 1--Perry, E. Eugene, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ....... 375 1--Pusateri Bros., Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 376 1--Pauly, Nancy, Class "C' Liquor License (Brewing Co.) ..... 377 1--Pop-A-Top Lounge, Class "C" Beer-Wine License ......... 377 1--Petition of E. Neese requesting closure of Ia. St. from llth to 14th on Sat. a.m. (during Market time) .................. 377 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 1--P & Z Comm. approving final plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of the SE ¼ of the 5th P.M., requested by R. Steichen. 377 1--Plat approved of property of R. Staichen ............... 377, 378 July 10--Palsean, Al, objecting to possibility of closing of Clarke Drive. 380 July 15--Petitinns objecting to Lores Blvd. repaving (1985 Project).. 384 ' 15--Prendergnst, Jerome G. objection to Lores Blvd. assessment, paving proj .......................................... 384 " 15--Petition objecthlg to construction of N/W Arterial Fencing with hog wire ............................................ 389 ' 15--Pregler, Ray, objecting to hog wire fencing by N/W Arterial. 389 15--Petition of M. Maggio re: patrol boat for river, safety program. 389 15--Poaitinn of Maintenance Forman in Water Division approved. 390 15--Planters in front of Miracle Car Wash, Inc. approved by Ord. 392 15--Plat & Schedule of Assessments for construction of Peru Road - Kenn. Court Sanitary Sewer, Proof of publication ......... 395 15--Parking Permit Program (Residential) Etc ............... ................................................ 397, 412, 413 Aug. 5--Petition of Farber Bag & Supply Co. re: relocation facility etc. 398 5--Parks Designated via Ordinance (Jefferson, Cleveland, Franklin Delano Rcosevelt Park, Booth Tennis Cts., Hilltop Playground, Park Tree Farm) ..................................... 401,402 5--Park Tree Farm, designation of Park etc ................. 402 5--Packing Plants (Meat) re: City Inspection Program ........ 403 5--Petition of Joyce Ahmann, requesting removal of "No Park- ing'' signs on north side of Davis St .................... 406 Aug. 19--Pleiness, Rev. Robert, gave Invocation .................. 411 ' 19--Parking Lot at Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Rec. Complex, documents etc ........................... 414, 415, 564 " 19--Park & Rec. Complex Parking Lot, constraction documents etc. ................................................ 414, 415, 564 " 19--Pine St. re: Leasing frown 18th to 19th St ................ 417 ' 19--Plazafest Project, re: Jaycees .......................... 417 " I9--Petitinn re: update on American Central Airlines Study .... 417 " 19--Plant renovation FDL Food, INC., re: UDAG Project etc.. 418 " 19--Parking Prohibited on Greyhound Park Drive & Admiral Sheehy Drive ........................................ 422 " 19--Price Bros. - Midwest, Inc. - Dbq. Dog Racing Facility -Contract A-3 Precast Concrete Project, Accepting Improvement documents etc ....................................... 428, 429 Sept. 3--Pera, Father Sylvano, Gave Invocation .................. 440 3--Pine St., from Elm St., Vacation of E. 18th etc ........... 440, 441 3--Pfeiler, Louis, Attorney, for Weiser Movers re: vacation of E. 18th St. from Elm to Pine ............................. 440, 442 3--Phit of Vacated E. 18th St. between Elm & Pine, approved. 441 3--Property Disposal approved - E. 18th St. lying between E. right- of-way of Elm St. & West fight-of-way of Pine St. to JACOBSON'S ....................................... 441 8--Pine St., re: leasing portion by Jacobson's (Eagle Discount Supermarket) ........................................ 442, 443 3--Parking Lot Sealcoating for Veteran's Memorial Park etc.. 443, 444 3--Park & Recreation Complex Parking Lot, project ......... 444,445 3--Petition of Calista A. Bakey re: mud slides etc. from Dominican Sisters' drain property ................................ 445 3--Palsean, A1 re: 1% increase in City taxes & Center Grove Bridge. 445, 446 3--Partihi Exemption for value added to certain real property by new construction and acquisition of improvement to certain machinery or equipment ............................... 461-463 3--Permits, Wine & Beer, Issuing of Regulating ............. 463-469 3--Parking of vehicles and equipment in required fire lanes on INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 3--private premises ..................................... 470 3--Policy Statement re: Schmitt Island Park & Rec. Complex, Development ...................................... 479 3--Police & Fire Pension & Retirement Fund re: financial reports submitted ......................................... 480 3--Piling Project for Facilities Bldg., Ch. Schmitt Mom. Island Ballpark .......................................... 491 3--Parklng Lot Construction at site of former Rotman Building· .......................................... 492, 493, 507, 508 3--Petition re: referendum to enact Iowa Band Law .......... 493 3-- Petition of B. J. Jones objectlng to propesed referendum (Baud Tax). 493 3--Parking Permit Program Ordinance - revised, set out ...... ................................................ 494, 503-507 3--P & Z Comm. re: denial to rezone vacant property west of 279-283 Clarke Drive from R-2 to R-3 ................... 495 Sept. 16--Phillips, Michael J. applicant for Airport Comm .......... 498 " 16--Pizza Hut, Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 499 " 16--Policeman's Protective Assn. re: Council requested to abide by ruling of Supreme Judicial Authority .................... 500 Oct. 7--Presentation made by J. Enzler (Historic S.) to Council (sketch by G. Olsen) ......................................... 503 7 -- Pillng for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Ballpark Complex, Facilities Bldg ............................................... 511 7--Petitlon of patrons etc. of Ms. Pat's re: traffic problem at in- tersection of Hwy 61-151 & Greyhound Park otc .......... 514 7--Petition of Dbq. Star Brewing Co. re: extension of IDR Bonds. 515 7--Petition of Suzanne Frltz re: bonfire request at WahlertfLorasetc. 515. 516 7--Project Agreement approval with Ia DOT for Rockdale Road Bridge funding ...................................... 516 7--Prohibiting Parking on N/W Arterial .................... 520 7--Petition of Dbq. Citizens for Community Improvement re: sup- port for telephone fee increase...objectlon etc ............. 521,522 7--Peru Rd. to Elbow St., Approval of plans for closing of Brunswick St. otc .................................... 522, 523 7--Plat (Final) Proof of publication of Notice of Filing etc. of that & Schedule of Assessments re: Walker Oneida Sanitary Sewer properties ........................................... 525 " 7--Parking problem in front of Corr. Facility, Elm St ........ 526,564 7--Petition of Bill Herrig re: parking in front of Correctional Ser- vice on Elm St ....................................... 526 7--Permit by Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Mgmt. for sewer etc. at Center Grove properties for R. Digman (Ia. Oil) ........ 526 7--Police Dept·, re: certification of individuals for Ass't Police Chief ' position by Civil Service Comm ........................ 527 7--Plat, final, of Tschiggfrle Commercial, approved .......... 527, 528 7--Plat (final) of Sub. of Lot 2-2 Of Mineral Lot 370 & Subd. of Lot 2 of Becket Subd. (property north of Kaufman), approved. 529 7--Plumbing Systems for Dbq. Dog RAcing Facility, final documents otc ....................................... 530, 531 Oct. 21--Parking prohibited on 19th St. (both sides) ............... 543 " 21--Paul, Lonny, denial of claim ........................... 544 " 21--Police Officer individuals certified by Civil Service Corem·. 545 " 21--Plat (final) approved of Subd. in Clin-Que Inc. Addn ....... 546 Oct. 24--Parking facilities etc. constructed on public right of way, re: Jacobson's etc. on 19th St ............................. 548, 549 " 24--Parking prohibited on 19th St ......................... 548, 549 Nov. 4--Parking prohibited on Cedar Cross Road ................. 560 4--Primary (Municipal} votes set out ...................... 562 4--Pfohl, Louis, Clalm ................................... 563 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE 4--Park & Rec. Complex Parking Lot (Ch. Schmitt Island), final documents .......................................... 564 Nov. 18--Planning & Zoning Comm, re: rezoning at 412 Loras Blvd. from R-4 M. Family to OR Office Res ........................ 566 " 18--Peoples Natural Gas, changing franchise etc. to Div. of Inter- North. Inc... ....................................... 567 18--Program Statement of Intent for CY '86 for use of CD Block Grant Funds... ..................................... 567 18--Portzen, Michael, approval of Land Contract Sale to Wayne Ehlers & continuation of City mortgage ................. 570 " 18--Project Agreement with the IA DOT for City Street relocation for Hwy. 61-151 relocation etc ......................... 571 " 18--Pape, Fred Jr. resigning from Police/Fire Pension Bd ...... 575 " 18--Pdiice/Fire Pension Bd. resignation of Fred Pape, Jr ....... 575 Dec. 2--Parking Permit District (Residential), established near U.D. 587, 600 2--Popple, Robert L.. appointed to Fire/Police Pension Boards. 591 2--Pension Boards (Fire/Police) appointment of R. Popple ..... 591 " 2--Planning and Zoning Commission approval of final plat of LaVista Estates No. 2. · ........ 595 2--Plat of LaVista Estates No. 2, approved ................. 595 16--Petitlon of Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc. requesting to pur- chase 2 acres of land from City south of their Huff St. property. 602 16--Pauly, Nancy, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 604 16--Proof of publication of Notice of Finding of No Significant El- f.oct on Environment for CD Project, re: removal of Arch. Bar- hers, City Hall .................................... 605 " 16--Plannlng and Zoning Commission approving final plat of Lot I and 2 of Edwards Subd... .......................... 606 " 16--P & Z Commission approving finalplat of Asbury Springs Subd. No. 5.. " 16--Powers, Phil & Martha, re: approval of final plat of Asbury Springs Subd. No. 5 .... 606 16--Pusateri, Lois, re: road closure near Flora Park etc ........ 607 16--Proof of publication of Notice of Intent to file a request for release of Calendar Year 1986 Block Grant funds ......... 607 Dec. INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 4--Quad City Construction, awarded contract for Off-Site Read- way Improvement at Dbq. Greyhound Park .............. 106 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7--Roddick, Kenny, Cigarette Permit ...................... 11 7--Report Committee of the Comm. Cable Taleprogramming Committee .......................................... 12 7--Reimer, Sandra, refund on Liquor License ................ 14 7--Resurfacing project on U.S. No. 52, let by Ia. DOT, (from Ruby St.) ................................................ 14 7--Ruby St. north, resurfacing project on U.S. No. 52 by DOT. 14 7--Rev. Sharing funds, written Grievance Procedure set out... 15 Jan. 14--Ruegnitz Drug, re: objections etc. to new Zoning Ordinance. 17 Jan. 21--Report (Annual) from Human Rights Commission ......... 19 " 21--Removal of Project from Agenda- vacated portion of n. side of 4th St., between Ia. & Main; Ord. vacating a portion on north side of 4th St. between Ia. & Main Sts. etc .............. 19, 20 " 21--Robertson, Richard, stressed importance of supporting the "Arts". ............................................ 20 " 21--Rev. Bonds (Ind. Development)-Frommelt Partnership .... 21 " 21--Rental Rehab. program awarded in amt. of $250,000, advised by OPP ............................................. 21 " 21--Ryan, Ora, Settlement of Claim ........................ 49 " 21--Report (Annual) from Cable Community Teleprogramming Commission ......................................... 52 Feb. 4--Ramsey, Gregory J., of GSA, re: proposed vacation & sale of alley near Redstone ................................ 57 4--Redstone's interested in acquiring vacated alley, set forth by Paul Peckosh ........................................ 57 4--Revenue Sharing Bonds, re: Frommelt Partnership Project II Project ............................................ 61, 62 4--Roadway Improvements {Off-Site), for Dbq. Greyhound Park. .......................................... 62, 63, 104-106, 351 4--Race Track, Consent & Nondisturbance Agreement ....... 64 " 4 -- Revenue Sharing Funds, Agreement providing for loan to Dubu- que In-Futuro. Inc .................................. 64 " 4--Rose, Jacqueline, closing of claim .................... 67 " 4--Right-of-way Assurance Statement for Federal Air Project. 70 Feb. 18--Revenue Sharing Program, Resolution supporting continuation, 80 Feb. 25--RATES, Water, changed ........................... 90-92 25--Rates, Sewer, Changed ............................... 92-94 25--Refuse Collection Rates, Changed. ................ 94, 95 Mar. 4--Rockdale Road Bridge Design, Shive-Hattery Engrs ...... 113, 114 4--R{verView Park, Lease Agreement with Dubuque County Con- servation Society .................................... 114 4--Reddlng, Donald, appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.. 118, 119 4--Redstone Inn, The (Dbq. Historic Improvement Co.), Class "B" Hotel-Motel License ......................... 119 4--Reconnaisannee Study for Commercial Harbor Development on Miss. River ................................ 121 18--River Front Subd. No. 5, Disposal of City Interest etc .... 124 18--Roosevelt St. Extension, vacation of easement etc. for Klauer Mfg. Co 125 18--Rotman Bldg. property, demolition etc. at 335 Iowa ..... 218 18--Racquet Club, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 225 18--River Front Subd. No. 5, Approval of Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Block 1 .................... 227 18--Revenue Sharing Funds, Notice governing use of same published .................................. ~27 " 18--River Front Subdivision Nol 5, approval of final plat of the Subd. of Lot i of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Block 1 ...... 228 INDEX -- BOOK 115 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 1--Riverfront Subdivision #5 re: Vacation & Release of a Water Well Easement ...................................... 230, 231 1 --Riverfront Subd. No. 5, Disposal of City Interest to Klauer Mfg. Co ................................................. 231,232 1--Riverfront Subd. No. 5 property disposal of City interest to Wm. C. Browns ................................... 233, 234, 246 1--Rhomberg Ave., Vacating a portion, (Re: Near Eagle Pt. Bridge.) ............................................. 234, 235 1--Release of Funds Request for Downtown Property Acquisition, Demolition & Parking Lot Project (335 Iowa St.) .......... 238, 239 Apr. 15--Riverslde Tractor-Trailer Co. consenting to Brown Co. purchase of portion of Kilgore St ............................... 246 15--Recreation Complex Road etc. project on Schmitt Island... ........................................... 249, 250, 299, 300 15--Recreation Complex (sehmitt Island), Sanitary Sewer Project. ........................................... 251, 252, 303, 304 15--Rotman Property at 335 Ia., Lease Agreement with S & S Enterprises etc ...................................... 256 15--Roberts, Marguerite M., Claim ......................... 270 May 6-- Retired Senior Valunteer Program (RSVP), Purchase of Service Agreement .......................................... 279 6--Rehab Loan, Lien Release on property at 1669 Washington. 287 6--Roberts, Robert, certified by Civil Service Comm. for Police Chief candidate ...................................... 293 " 6--Rhomberg Ave., 2417 & 2501, rezoning from C-1 Neighborhood Commercial district to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center. 306, 326 " 6--Rock Retaining Wail at previous site of Rotman Bldg ..... ................................................ 308, 309, 341 6--Railroad Crossings, Ordinance stating Vehicles must Stop.. 314 6--Reserved Parking in Parking Lots No. 3, 5, 7 & 9 ......... 315 May 20--Riverside Bowl, Inc. Cigarette Permit ................... 320 " 20--Ray's Amoco Service, Cigarette Permit ................. 320 ' 20--Resurrrectinn Men's Service Club (14 Day), Class B Beer Permit ............................................ 321 " 20--Refuse Collection Accounts (Delinquent), certified to County Auditor ...................................... 322, 323 , June 3--Racing Assn, (Ia.), re: Indemnify Surety bond in $100,000 amount ........................................... 334 3--Resignation of Council Member Beurskens ............ 334 3--Rainbo Oil (Kwik Stop Food Mart), Cigarette Permit ..... 335 3--Revco Discount Drug Center (2 outlets), Cigarette Permits. 335, 357 3--Ruegnitz Drug, Cigarette Permits ................... 335 3 -Riverside Bowl, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........ 336 3--Rotman Retaining Wall Project .................. .................................... 309, 341, 481 June 17--Railroad (Ill. Central Gulf) Agreement re: Cedar Cross Bridge etc 350 17--Robinson, Jerry, re: removing himself from applying for Council vacancy .............................. 356 17--Richardson, Mary (Oky Doky #14), Cigarette Permit ...... 357 17--Rings Fine Foods, Cigarette Permit .............. 358 17--Roeth, Dolores (Park Square), Cigarette Permit ........ 359 July I Real estate loan of E. Fassbiner at1297-99 Curtis transferred to J. Hagerty 371 1--Rafoth, Andrea, appointed to Civic Center Commission 374 1--Rundle, Floyd, applicant £or Civic Center Commission 374 " 1--Racing Assn., re: appointments & Lease Agreement ...... 375 " 1 Renier, Jim reappointed to TV Cable Regulatory Comm .... 375 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 1--Randall's International, Inc. (Dodge St.), Cigarette Permit. 376 July 1--Revco Discount Drug Centers, Class "C" Beer Permite.(2 outlets) ............................................. 376 July 15--Reimer, Michael & Carol, objection to street assessment pro- ject for Kane St ...................................... 384 " 15--Rettenmeler, John, objection to Loras repaying project .... 384 " 15--Radio consoles approved for Emergency Conununications Center .............................................. 390 Aug. 5--Residential Parking Permit District Program ............. ................................................ 397, 412, 413 5--Racing Assn., re: Second Addendum to Lease ............ 401 5--Reglonal Coordinating Council, request of ECIA for individuals to serve ............................................. 403 5--Racing Assn. appointment of Barbara Manning to same... 403 5--Richardson, Mary, refund on Cigarette License ........... 406 5--Rezoning of 3400 Block of Asbury, objections ............ 406 Aug. 19--Reynalds, Melvin re: Residential Parking Permit Program.. 412, 413 " 19--Roadway fronting Dubuque Greyhound Park re: Admiral Sheehy Drive ........................................ 420 " 19--Regional Coordinating Council =nominations requested by ECIA .............................................. , 425 " 19--Ryan House (J. Bainbridge), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 426 19--Rainbow Lounge (S. Kamentz), Class "C" Liquor License.. 426 19--Ralocation of U.S. 61 - Design Public Hearing scheduled by Ia. DOT ............................................... 426 19--Rohinson, Jerry, Refund on Cigarette License; Liquor License Refund ............................................. 427, 500 Sept. 3--River City Paving Co., Awarded Contract for Veteran's Memorial Parking Lot Sealcoating Project ............... 444 3--River City Paving Co., Inc. awarded contract for Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Rec. Complex Parking Lot ....... 445 3--Regional Coordinating Councils re: Res. Supporting the posi- tion of the League of Ia. Municipalities .................. 447 3--Roadways, Prohibition of Parking in these at private premises & under Fire Escapes & Penalties for Violations .......... 470 3--Repealing City Ordinances & Sections of the Code of Ordinances ......................................... 477 3--Regional Coordinating Council of ECIA appointments of M. O'Brien, D. Daich, D. Smith, T. Tully, W. Norman and D. Dittemore ........................................... 478 3--Randall's International, Inc., Class "C" Beer-Wine Permit.. 478 3--Routley, Ramona by Lowell Routley, Claim; Denial; Objecting to Denial ........................................ 479, 544, 574 3--Reports submitted by City Mgr., re: financial & lost analysis for City's Worker's Compensation Sail-Insurance Plan ..... 480 3--Rotman Bldg. Retaining Wall, acceptance of project ....... 481, 510 Sept. 16 Reconstruction of the Three Reinforced Concrete Dome Struc- · tures, for WWTP .................................... 488 " 16--Rotman Parking Lot Project .......................... .......................................... 492, 493, 507, 508 " 16--Rundie, Floyd re: proposed Iowa Band Law .............. 493 " 16--Referendum re: Iowa Band Law ....................... 493 " 16--Resldential Parking Permit Program Ordinance, revised, submitted .................................... 494, 503-507 " 16--Rezoning of vacant property at 279-283 Clarke Drive ..... 495 " 16--Railroad access problems etc. re: Eagle Mfg. Co. & Pres. Joe Holdimann ................................. 500 Oct. 7--Reynalds, Melvin, re: Residential Parking - Permit Ordinance. 503-507 INDEX -- BOOK 115 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 7--River City Paving awarded contract for Rotman Parking Lot Project ............................................. 508 7--Rockdale Road Bridge Project ......................... ........................................... 513, 514, 517, 541 7--Russo, Attorney R.N. on behalf of Police & Fire union re: defini- tions clarified for earnable compensation etc .............. 514, 515 7--Revenue (ID) Bonds re: Brewery Project, extension ........ 515 " 7--Racing Assn. & Durrant Group, re: Security Agreement... 516 " 7--Racing Assn. re: Consent Agreement .................... 516 " 7--Rockdale Road Bridge, Approval of Project Agreement with IA. DOT for funding ................................. 516 " 7--Rockdale Road Bridge, Approving Agreement with the Illinois Central RR for an Easement ........................... 517 7--Railroad (Il. Central) for Easement for Rockdale Road Bridge. 517, 518 7--Richman, John, Cigarette Permit ....................... 523 7--Racing ~ommission (IA), re: suit of City ................. 524 7--Release on behalf of the City re: suit, from Corp. Counsel.. 527 7--Roads/Bridges re: IA DOT rovlew of programming of state & federal funds ........................................ 529 7--Rockdale Road Bridge & Approaches, Project ............ ................................................ 541, 571,572 Nov. 4--Relocatinn of U.S. 61 & 151 from Grandview to 7th St .... 556 4--Rariroad (Illinois Central) granted easement re: tracks along Kerper ............................................. 556, 557 4--Riverview Park, development plans re: Dock Bd. discussion etc. 560, 561 4--Rainbo Oil Co., Class "E" Beer Permit .................. 561 4--Recreation Complex Parking Lot, final documents ......... 564, 565 4--Report on petition of residents of Emmett & St. Mary's St. re.' drain water from Villa ................................ 565 Nov. 18--Rental Rehab Program, re: execution of Approved Contract Ex- tension Documents ................................... 570 ' 18--Relocation and Reconstruction of U.S. 61 from 7th St. to City Island Bridge, Project Agreement with IDOT ............ 571 " 18--Referendum for Band Tax Levy ........................ 575, 576 Dec. 2--Revenue Bonds for Finley Hospital ($3,000,000) .......... ............................................. 584-586, 615-616 2--Reaidential Parking Permit District for area near U.D ..... 587 2--River City Tap & Griri, Cigarette Permit ................ 592 2'--Richman, John, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 592 2--River City Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 592 Dec. 16--Rumph's, J.W., Hearing on Suspended Liquor License ..... 602 " 16--Richards Road Extension, Zoning Change ................ 602 " 16--Reconaideration of actions taken by City Council and also set- ting up meeting dates for City Council .................. 603 " 16--Rib Tickler, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 604 " 16--Road in front of Flora Park, re: closing, objection ......... 607 1985 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS Jan. 7-- 1'85 Necessity for Improvement - Dubuque Dog Raclng Facility Bid Pkg. "D" - Contract #13, Fencing, Contract #14, Contoured Bench Seating & Contract #15, Stadium Chair Seating ..... 2, 58 7--2-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans - Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "D" = (Fencing, Bench Seating, Chair Seating) ...... 2, 3 7--3-85 Fixing Date of Hrg. & Auth. Advertisement for Proposals - Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "D" - Fencing, Bench & Chair Seating ............................................. 3 7--4-85 Providing for the Appointment of a Legal Staff (Limiahl, Blum & O'Brien) ..................................... 3, 4 " 7--5-85 Naming depositories for City monies (American Trust, DB & T, First National, Key City, First Federal, Dbq. Savings & Loan, Dupaco ....................................... 4 " 7--6-85 Approving Dupaco Credit Union as depository for City funds ............................................... 5 7--7-85 Approving Dbq. Savings & Loan as Depository for City funds ............................................... 5 7--8-85 Approving First Federal Savings Bank as despository for City funds .......................................... 6 7--9-85 Authorizing City Manager te Execute an Engineering Con- tract with Delon Hampton & Associates, Chartered for Struc- tural Analysis of the Keyline Bus Garage ................ 7 7--10-85 Accepting Improvement for Dog Racing Facility - Driven Pries, also Alt. 1 ..................................... 7 7--11-85 Approving Final Estimate for Dog Racing Facfltiy Driven Piles (Also Alt. 1) Project in amt. of $357, 910 ........... 8 7--12-85 Selecting of Engrg. firm for Cedar Cross Bridge Design - IIW Associates, P.C .................................. 10, 11 7--13-85 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to 2 outlets .......... 11 7--14-85 Approval & issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit to IOCO. 12 7--15-85 Approval & issuance of Class "C" Liquor Lic. to 7 outlets. 12 7-- 16-85 Adopting Supplement No. 22 to the Code of Ordinances. 14 7--17-85 Adopting a Grievance Procedure for Handling Complaints of Alleged Handicap Discrimination ..................... 15 Jan. 21-- 18-85 Authorizing the Execution of a Mem. of Agreement with Frommelt Partnership ................................ 21 " 21 --19-85 Authorizing & directing the execution of Annual Contribu- tions Contract incorporating an additional 43 units Sec. 8 Ex- isting Program funds with 436 Unit Contract ............ 23 " 21--20-85 Authorizing & Directing the Mayor to Execute a Con- tract with State of Ia. for Ia. Rental Rehab. Program Grant. 24 21--21-85 Accepting Improvement for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project. 25 21--22-85 Approving Final Estimate for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 25 21--23-85 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ....................................... 26 21--24-85 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to one outlet ......... 48 " 21--25-85 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to one outlet.. 49 " 21--26-85 Issuance of Class "C" Liqqor License to one outlet.. 49 " 21 --27-85 Approving Final plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Buena Vista Subd. No. 2 ......................................... 51 " 21--28-85 Approving the Final Plat of Buena Vista Sub. No. 3. 51, 52 Feb. 4-- 29-85 Decisinn of Council upon objectinns to pinns, specs, furm of Contract & Cost of Improvements for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "D", Contract #13, Fencing, Contract, #14 & Contract #15 Stadium Chair Seating .................. 58 4--30-85 Ordering Construction for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "D" (Contract #13 ~encing, Contract #14- Contoured Bench Seating & Contract '#15, Stadium Chair Seating ..... 59 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 4-- 31-85 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "D" Contract No. 13, Fencing & Add Alternate 13 Liquidated Damages to Lovewall Fencing, Inc ................... 59 4--32-85 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility bid Pkg. "D" Contoured Bench Seating & Add Alt. 14 Liq. Damages to Miracle Rec. Equipment .......................... 60 4--33-85 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Dog Rachig Facility Bid Pkg. "D" contract #15, Stadium Chair Seating & Add Alternate 15 Liq. Damages to J.S. Latta Co. of Cedar Falls, IA ........ 60 4--34-85 Fixing a Date for Hearing on Proposed Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 (prommelt partner- ship Project II Project) ............................... 61 4--35-85 Necessity for Improvement for Dubuque Greyhound Park Off-Site Roadway hnprovemente ....................... 63, 104 4--36-85 Approval of plans, specs etc. for Dubuque Greyhound park Off-Site Roadway Improvements ................... 63 4--37-85 Fixing Date of Hearing & Authorized for Proposals for Dbq. Greyhound Park - Off-Site Roadway Improvements,.. 63 4--38-85 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for the Loan of $100,000 of Revenue Sharing Funds to Dubuque - In-Future, Inc. for the Acquisition of the Former Kresge Bldg. in Downtown Dubuque ................................ 64 4--39-85 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. to Lee's 76 .......... 66 4--40-85 Issuo~ce of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits .... 67 4--41-85 Issuance of Class "B" Liquor & Class "C" Liquor License. 67 4--42-85 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Agree- ment with the Dept. of HUD for Calendar Year 1985 ...... 69 4--43-85 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain CD Block Grant Documents ..... 69 4--44-85 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreement with the IA. Dept. of Transportation on right-of-way Assurance State- ment for Federal Aid Projects .......................... 70 Feb. 11--45-85 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Is- suance of $4,700,000 GO Bonds (For an Essential Corp. Put- pose) of Dubuque, IA and Providing for publication of notice thereof .............................................. ~ 11--46-85 Setting the date of Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 1986 Budget for the City of Dubuque, IA .................... 73 11--47-85 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Five Year Capital Improvement Program ......................... 73 11--48-85 Authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds... 74 Feb. 18--49-85 Necessity for Improvement for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E" consisting of Contract #16 Wall Finishes; Contract #17 Floor Finishes; Contract #18 Ceramic Tile Instalia- tion; Contract #19 Signage; Contract #20 - Landscaping .... 76, 106 18--50-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans etc. for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E" (Wall & Floor Finishes, Tile Inet oliafions, Signage, & Landscaping) .............................. 77 18--51-85 Fixing date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E".. 77 18--52-85 Authorizing Extension of Agreement with Brice, Petrldes & Associates for completion of Professional Services associated with the Cedar Cross Corridor Location Study ............ 79, 80 18--53-85 Supporting the continuation of the General Revenue Shat- lng Program ......................................... 80, 81 18--54-85 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ............... 81 18--55-85 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............. 82 18--56-85 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain CD Block Grant Documents ..... 83 18--57-85 Approving Tox Exemption Applications Submitted by INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 18--Property Owners in the Jackson Park. W. llth St., & Washington St. Urban Revitalization Areas, & Authorizing the transmittal of the approved Applications to the City Tax Assessor ......................................... 84, 85 Feb. 25--58-85 Instituting Proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of $4,700, 000 GO Bonds .................... 87 " 25--59-85 Adopting the Annual Budget for the FY ending June 30, 1986 ............................................. 89 " 25--60-85 Adoption of Five Year Capital hnprovement Program. 90 Mar. 4--61-85 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 (Frommelt Partner- ship Project II) in an Aggregate principal amount not to ex- ceed $800,000 ..................................... 99 4--62-85 Approving the Sale of vacated streets and aileys in sub- divisions and properties presently owned by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co .............. 103 4--63~85 Decision of Council upon objections to plans etc. for Dubu- que Greyhound Park - Off-Site Roadway Improvements .... 104, 105 4--64-85 Ordering Construction for Dubuque Greyhound Park - Off-Site Roadway Improvements ....................... 105 4--65-85 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park - Off-Site Roadway Improvements to Quad City Construction Co. of E. Moline, IL .......................................... 106 4--66-85 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, etc. for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E" (Wall Fin., Floor Fin., Ceramic Tile InstalI.,slgnage, & Landscaping) ........ 107 " 4--67-85 Ordering construction for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility bid Pkg. "E" (Wall Fin., Floor Fin., Ceramic Tile, Signage, Land- scaplng etc.) ............ : ............................ 108 " 4--68-85 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E" Contract #16 Wall Finishes to Terry Strub Ptd.& Dec. of LaMotte, IA ...................................... 109 " 4--69-85 Awarding Contract for Dbq Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E" Contract #17 Floor Finishes to Commercial Flooring of Dubuque, lA ........................................ 109, 4--70-85 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E" Ceramic Tile - Contract #18 to Commercial Flooring of Dbq., IA ......................................... 109, 110 4--71-85 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. !'E" Contract #19 Signage to Advanta Signs of Dubuque, IA ................................................. 110 4--72-85 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "E" Contract #20 Landscaping to Nauman Nursery.. 111 4--73-85 Providing that "Schedule A, Planning and Zoning Fees" - Establishing Application Fees and Providing for Establishment of a New Fee for Temporary Use Permits ................ 112 4--74-85 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for American Optical Corporation ....................... 113 4--75-85 Selection of Engineering Firm for Design of Roakdaie Road Bridge ......................................... 114 4--76-85 Approving a Lease Agreement with the Dubuque Coun- ty Conservation Society for River View Park for a period of six months ............................................. 114 4--77-85 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to one outlet ......... 119 4--78-85 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Liquor Licenses.. 119 4--79-85 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot D, Lot E, and Lot F of "Embassy West". ................. 121, 122 Mar. 18--80-85 Authorizing the Conducting of a Public Hearing on the Discontinuing of the Community Development Commission. " 18--81-85 A Proposal to Dispose of City Interest in Property in 123 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 18--"Riverfront Subdivision No. 5" to Klauer Mfg. Co ........ 123, 124 18--82-85 Approving Appraisal finding and recommendations for the pricing of disposition sites Lq the Dubuque Industrial Center. 219 18--83-85 Approving a Development Agreement between the City & AbaSys., Inc. providing terms and conditions for the invest- ment of $50,000 of CD Block Grant Funds, & Authorizing and directing the Mayor to sign said Agreement and Authorizing and directing the City Mgr. to disburse CD Block Grant Funds etc ................................................. 220 18--84-85 Authorizing the issuance and sale of Industrial Develop- merit Revenue Bond (FrommeR Partnership Project II) of the City in the principal amount of $760,000; the Execution and delivery of a Lender Loan Agreement with First National Bank of Dubuque, providing the terms and sale of such bond; the ex- ecution and delivery of a Loan Agreement with Frommelt Part- nership providing for the repayment of the loan of the proceeds of such bond, and related matters ...................... 221 18--86-85 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits .... 225 18--87-85 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .............. 225 18--88-85 Approving the final plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Block 1, "River Front Subd. No. 5". ............ 227 18--89-85 Approving the final plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1, Block 1, "River Front Subdivision No. 5". 227, 228 Apr. 1 --90-85 Autharlzing vacatlon and release of a 20' x 79' Water Weli Easement to the City relating to and effecting Lot 9, Block of Riverfront Subdivision No. 5 ........................ 230, 231 1--91-85 Resolution of Intention to Dispose of City Interest Lq Prc- perty in "Riverfront Subdivision No. 5" to Klauer Mfg. Co. 231,232 1--92-85 Resointion of Intention to Dispose of City Interest in perry in "River Front Subdivision #5" (Wm. C. Brown) .... 233 1--93-85 Approving a Plat of a Vacated portion of Rhomberg Ave. from the northeriy property line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Boatyard Addition to the northery terminus of said St ............. 235 1--94-85 Approving the Exercising of an Option by Susan M. r: Baisamo to Vacated portion of Roadway of Rhomberg Ave. previously used as Access to Eagle Point Bridge in Accordance with Option Agreement between Susan M. Balsamo and City. 236 1--95-85 To Approve the Action of the City Clerk in the Sale of $4,700,000 General Obligation Bonds .................... 237 1--96-85 Authorizing the filing of an Application with the U.S. Dept. of Transportation ............................... 237 1--97-85 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for the Downtown Property Acquisition, Demolition and Parking Lot Project (335 Ia.) ........................... 238, 239 1--98-85 Authorizing submission of a Request for funds for Development of an Outdoor Recreation (Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Park) under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program ............................................ 239, 240 1--99-85 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to one outlet .......... 241 1--100-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 241 1--101-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses to 4 outlets ............................................ 242 1--102,85 Adopting Supplement No. 23 to the Code of Ordinances. 242 1--103-85 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of "Kerper Industrial Subdivision No. 1" in the City ................ 244 Apr. 15--104-85 Approving disposal of interest in Lot 3 of Subd. of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Block 1 "Riverfront Subd. #5 to Browns ............................................. 246, 247 " 15--105-85 Approval disposal of interest in Lot 2 of Subd. of Lot i of Lot I of Lot 1, Block I "River front Subd. #5 to Klauer Mfg. INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 15--Co ................................................. 247, 248 " 15--I06-85 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for Cedar Cross Road Bridge ..... 248 " 15--107-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Cedar Cross Road Bridge Replacement ........................ 248 " 15--108-85 Ordering Bids for Cedar Cross Road Bridge Replacement. 249 15--109-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Schmitt Island- Recreation Complex Road ...................... 249 I5-- 110-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Schmitt Island. Recreation Complex road ....................... 250 15-- 111-85 Ordering Bids for Schmitt Ialand - Recreation Complex Road .... 250 15--112-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Schmitt Island- Recreation Complex Sanitary Sewer .............. 250, 251 15 -- 113-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Schmitt Island - Recreation Complex Sanitary Sewer .............. 251 15--114-85 Ordering bids for Schmitt Island - Recreation Complex Sanitary Sewer.. 251 15-- 115-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Traffic Signal Improvements & Intersection Ltg. Project.. 252 " 15--116-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Traffic Signal Improvements & Intersec- tion Lighting Project ................................. 252 15--117-85 Ordering bids for Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Signal Ira- provements Intersection Lighting Project ................ 253 15-- 118-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Five Flags Theatre HVAC Retrofit ............................... 253 " 15--119-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Five Flags Theatre HVAC Retrofit .......................... 253, 254 " 15--120-85 Ordering Bids for Five Flags Theatre HVAC Retrofit. 254 " 15--121-85 Authorizing the Filing of Applications with tho Dept of Transportation, USA, for Grants under UMTA of 1964, as amended ............................................ 254, 255 " 15--122-85 Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the Dept. of Transportation, USA, for Grants under UMTA of 1964, as amended ............................................ 255, 256 15--123-85 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute a Grant Close-out Agreement with the US Dept. of HUD for the FDL Foods, INC. UDAG .................................. 258 " 15--124-85 Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance of $4,700,000 GO Bonds & Levying a Tax to Pay said Bonds. 258, 259 " 15--125-85 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubu- que, IA., and the Dubuque Professional Fire Fighters Assn., Local 353, & Authorizing the Mayor to Sign said Agreement. 267 " 15--127-85 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubu- que, IA., and the Int~rnatinnal Union of Operating Engrs., Local 758 and Authorizng the Mayor to sign said Agreement .... 267 " 15--128-85 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubu- que, IA and the Dubuque Policemen's Protective Assn. and Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement ........... 268 15--129-85 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubu- que, IA. and the Areal. Transit Union, Div. 329 & Authorizing the Mayor to sign Agreement .......................... 268, 269 15--130-85 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1986 Compensation Package & Wage Plan for Nonbargaining Unit Employees ......... 269 15--131-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits... .......................................... 269, 270 " 15--132-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses) to about 8 outlets ................... 270 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 15--133-85 Approving cancelling of Contractors Improvement bond for the construction of sidewalks naming Tri-State Paving (Dbq. Stone Productsl as Contractor & Merchant's Mutual Bonding Co. (re: Sunset Park Subd.) ............................ 272 " 15--134-85 Approval of execution of documents necessary for release and cancellation of City's interest in Contractor's Improvement Bond for development naming Tri-State Paving, Dbq. Stone Prod. Co. as Contractor & Merchants Mutual Bonding Co. as Surety .............................................. 272 " 15--135-85 Approving a plat of Subdivision of Lot i of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of of Lot 1 Mineral Lot 305A in the City. 273 May 6--136-85 Approving a Lease Agreement for certain Real Proper- ty owned by the City commonly known as 335 Iowa St. and authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City .................................. 276 6--137-85 Authorizing Key Line Transit to apply for $51,402 for Capital & Operating Assistance ........................ 277 6--138-85 Directing the City Clerk to publish proposed Amend- merit to the Fiscal Year 1985 Budget and date of Public Hearing ............................................ 278 6--139-85 Authorizing reconstruction of concrete Entry Ramp at 2459 Kerper Blvd., request Best Beers & Dubuque Holiday Sales ............................................... 283 6--140-85 Authorizing & Directing the execution of Annual Con- tributions Contract incorporating an additional 31 units Sec. 8 existing program funds with current 479 unit contract... 286, 287 6--141-85 Authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute Lien Release on a Housing Rehab Loan if certain Contingen- cies are met ......................................... 267 6--142-85 Approval of Eminent Domain proceedings for acquisi- tion of property needed for reconstruction of the Cedar Cross Road Bridge ......................................... 288 6--143-85 Approval of Eminent Domain proceedings for ~cquisi- tion of property needed for reconstruction of the Cedar Cross Road Bridge ......................................... 289 6--144-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' & Class "C' Beer Permits ............................................. 290 6--145-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License.. 290 6--146-85 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of the SW¼ of the SEV4 of Sec. 31, T 89 N, R 2 E of the 5th P,M., excluding highway R.O.W. in the County of Dubuque, Ia.. 290 6--147-85 Approving the Final Plat of "LaVista Estates" Section 9, T 89N, R 2 E of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, IA .... 291 May 20-- 148-85 Amending Current Budget for FY ending June 30, 1985. 294 " 20--149-85 Approving Permanent Transfer of Fands .......... 295, 296 " 20--150-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Schmitt Ialand- Recreation Complex Road ............................ 300 " 20--151-85 Awarding Contract for Schmitt Island - Rec. Complex Road to Flynn Co., Inc ................................ 300 " 20--152-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Traffic Signal Improvements & Intersection Lighting Project ............................................. 301 " 20--153-85 Awarding Contract for Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Traf- fic Signal hnprovements & Intersection Lighting project to Tschiggfrle Excavating ............................... 301 " 20--154-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Cedar Cross Road Bridge Replacement Project .................................. 302 " 20--155-85 Awarding Contract for Cedar Cross Road Bridge Replacement Project to States Construction Co. of Des Moines. 303 ' 20--156-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Schmitt Island- INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE May 20--Recreation Complex Sanitary Sewer ..................... 303 " 20--157-85 Awarding contract for Schmitt Island - Rec. Complex Sanitary Sewer to McDermott Excavating of Peosta ...... 304 " 20--158-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Five Flags Theatre HVAC Retrofit ...................................... 304 " 20--159-85 Awarding Contract for Five Flags Theatre HVAC Retrofit ............................................. 305 " 20--160-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Northwest Arterial from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Rd., P.C.C. Pay- ing & Street Lighting ................................. 307 " 20--161-85 Fixing Date of hearing on Plans and Specs, for Nor- thwest Arterial from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road, P.C.C. Paving & Street Lighting ............... '. ............. 307 " 20--162-85 Ordering bids for Northwest Arterial from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Rd., P.C.C. Paving & Street Lighting ..... 308 " 20--163-85 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Rotman Retaining Wall Project ................................ 308 " 20--164-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Rot- man Retaining Wall Project ........................... 309 " 20--165-85 Ordering bids for Rotman Retaining Wall Project... 309 " 20-- 166-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Main and 14th St. Storm Sewer Rehabilitation .................... 310 20--167-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Main and 14th St. Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project .......... 310 20--168-85 Ordering bids for Main and 14th St. Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project ................................. 310 20--169-85 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Inc. and authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City ........................ 311 20--170-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to @ 25-40 outlets ............................................. 320 20--171-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................. 321 " 20--172-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "A" & "C' Liquor Licenses ............................................ 321 " 20--173-85 Authorizing collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts in accordance with Sections 36-55 and 36-59 of the Code of Or- dinances of the City .................................. 322 " 20--174-85 Authorizing the City Manager to collect Delinquent Refuse Collection Accounts in accordance with Section 17-37(d) of the Code ......................................... 322, 323 June 3-- 175-85 Approving the plat of Vacated Portion of the Ailey be- tween Brunswick and Balke St. from the NPL of Strauss St. 75' to the North ..................................... 329 3--176-85 Approval of Sale of City Owned Property to Camillus & Harriett Hein & Martin A. & Joann F. Gansemer ....... 329, 330 3--177-85 Fixing a date for Hearing on proposed Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 (Adams Co. Project). 331-333 3-- 178-85 Approving a Loan Agreement between the City of Dubu- que and 3D Co. Inc. providing for the Loan of $250,000 of Ia. CD Loan Funds & Authorizing & Directing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City ..... 333 3--179-85 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City and PHONE-A-FRIEND Inc. Information & Referral Service & Authorizing & Directing City Mgr. to Execute Said Agreement. 333, 334 3--180-85 Authorizing issuance of @ 40 cigarette permits ..... 335 " 3--181-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Class "B" Beer Permits .................................... 336 " 3--182-85 Authorizing issuance of Class C L'quor License.. 336 June 17--183-85 Approving a Lease Agreement with the Dubuque Water INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June17--Ski Club on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ........... 339 17--184-85 Adopting Plans & Specifications for Rotman Retaining Wall ............................................... 341 I7--185-85 Awarding Contract for Rotman Retaining Wall Project to Win. Becker & Sons ................................ 341 17--186-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Moin & 14th Street Storm Sewer Rehabilitation .................................. 342 17--187-85 Awarding contract for Main & 14th St. Storm Sewer Rehab. Project to Pressure Concrete Co. of Florence, Alabama. 342, 343 17--188-85 Adopting Plans & Specs. for N/W Arterial from Penn. Ave. to Asbury ...................................... 343 17--189-85 Awarding Contract for N/W Arterial from Penns. Ave. to Asbury Rd ....................................... 343, 344 17--190-85 Preliminary Approval of Pians& Specs. for 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ....................................... 345 17--191-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ............................... 345 17--192-85 Resolution of Necessity for 1985 Asphalt Paving Project. ................................................ 346, 385, 386 17--193-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ........................... 346 17--194-85 Approving Schedule of Assessments for 1985 Asphalt Paving Project .................................. : .... 347 17-- 195-85 Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment with the Adams Co .............................. 347-349 17--196-85 Accepting Improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility, Off-Site sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Stetro Sewer: ...... 350 17--197-85 Final Estimate for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Off- Site Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Storm Sewer .......... 351 17--198-85 Accepting Improvement for Dubuque Greyhound Park Off-Site Roadway Improvement ....................... 351 17--199-85 Final Estimate for Dubuque Greyhound Off-Site Road- way Improvements .............................. :~ 351 17--200-85 Accepting Improvement for Peru Road - Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer .................................. 352 17--201-85 Final Estimate for Peru road - Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer ............................................ 352, 353 17 202-85 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for Peru Road - Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer etc ...................... 353 17--203-85 Authorizing issuance of @ 100 Cigarette Permits... 357, 358 " 17--204-85 Authorizing issuance of Class"B" & "C" Beer Permits. 359 " 17--205-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "A" (Club) and Class "C" Liquor Licenses ................................ 359 " 17--206-85 Approving the Final plat of Curler Sub., Lots 1 through 4 in the City of Dubuque ......................... 359, 360 July 1--207-85 Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to a Lease by and between the City of Dubuque, IA and the Dubuque Rac- ing Assn., Ltd ..................................... 364, 365 1--208-85 To Proceed with the Issuance & Saie of Industriai Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1983 (The Admns Co. Pro- ject) in an aggregate principal amount of $600,000 ...... 365 ' 1 --209-85 Prelimianary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Eagle Point Park Bridge Pavilion Road Reconstruction ........ 367 " 1--210-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the EAGLE POINT PARK BRIDGE PAVILION ROAD RECONSTRUCTION .......................... 367 " 1--211-85 Ordering Bids for the EAGLE POINT PARK BRIDGE PAVILION ROAD RECONSTRUCTION ............ 368 1--212-85 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque MAIN STREET LTD. and authoriz- ing and directing the Mgr. to execute said Agreement on behalf INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 1-of the City .......................................... 370 1--213-85 Approving change in terms of a Certain Real Estate Loan (E. Fassbinder at I299 Curtis St.) ................. 371 " 1 -- 214-85 Authorizing and Directing the Execution of Annual con- tributions Contract for 15 Units Section 8 Existing Voucher Program Funds ...................................... 371 1--215-85 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute ENGINEER- ING CONTRACT with HARCO CQRP. for CATHODIC PRO- TECTION ANALYSIS ............................... 372 1--216-85 Accepting Improvement for Dbq. Racing Facility, Bid Pkg. "A" Contract #2, Excavation & Concrete Work ...... 373 1--217-85 Final Estimate for Dubuque Racing Facility, Bid Pkg~ "A", Contract 2 Excavation & Concrete Work ............ 373 1--218-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to @ 10 outlets ............................................. 376 1 --219-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits & Class "C" Beer and Class "C" Beer & Wine permits to several outlets. 376 1--220-85 Authorizingissuance of Class "C" Beer & Wine License & Class "B" Wine Permit to several outlets .............. 377 1--221-85 Approving the Final Plat Subdividing Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of the Southeast Quarter of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, IA .......................................... 377 " 1--222-85 Supplement No. 24 to the Code of Ordinances of the City. 378 July 10--223-85 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for a $250,000 Loan from the IA. Community Development Loan Program for the A.A. Cooper Wagon Works Building Project .......... 381 i0--224-85 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for a $120,000 Loan Iron the IA CD Loan Program for JAYS WASTE EQUIP- MENT, LTD PROJECT .............................. 382 July 15--225-85 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the 1985 Asphalt Paving Project... 385 15--226-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1985 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT .................................. 386 " 15--227-85 Ordering Bids for the 1985 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT .......................................... 386 " 15--228-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the EAGLE POINT PARK BRIDGE PAVILION ROAD RECONSTRUCTION. 387 " 15--229-85 Awarding Contract for the EAGLE POINT PARK BRIDGE PAVILION ................................. 387, 338 " 15--230-85 Approving Establishment of special 5 MILE PER HOUR SPEED/NO WAKE ZONES in the Waters Adjacent to the Southerly Shoreline of Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island and in the vicinity of the Schmitt Island Boat Launching Ramp etc. & approve regulation of speed in portion of LAKE PEOSTA CHANNEL ............................. i ........... 389, 390 15--231-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to @ 5 outlets. 393 15--232-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", "C" & "E" Beer Permits ........................................... 393, 394 15--233-85 Authorizing Issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel), Class "C" Liquor & Class "B" Wine Permit to various outlets... 394 Aug. 5--234-85 Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Services with the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation for Fiscal Year 1985-1986 and authorizing and directing the mayor to execute ..................................... 398 5--235-85 Awarding Contract for 1985 Asphalt Paving Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating .............................. 400 5--236-85 Accepting delivery of Warranty Deed by LETNA Pro- perties (portion of Sec. 20) ............................ 400 5--237-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ........ 404 5--238-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. 404 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 5--239-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses.. 404. 405 Aug. 19--240-85 Authorizing the execution of a Lease by and between the City of Dubuque and Tri-State Veterans Memorial Assn., Inc ................................................. 411 19--241-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Murphy park Tennis Court Project ............................. 413 19--242-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Mur- phy Park Tennis Court Project ......................... 413 19--243-85 Ordering Bids for Reconstruction of Murphy park Ten- nis Court Project ..................................... 414 19--244-85 Preliminary Approval of plans, specs, for Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island, Park & Rec. Complex Parking Lot ....... 414 19--245-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Ch. Schmitt Mere. Island, Park & Rec. Complex Parking Lot... 414, 415 19--246-85 Ordering Bids for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island, Park & Rec. Complex Parking Lot ................................. 415 19--247-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Veterans' Memorial Parking Lot Sealcoating ...................... 416 19--248-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Veterans' Memorial Parking Lot Seaicoating ...................... 416 19--249-85 Ordering bids for Veterans' Memorial Parking Lot Seaicoating .......................................... 416 19--250-85 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute a Grant Closeout Agreement with the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Dev9lopment for the FDL Foods,/nc. Urban Development Ac- tion Grant Project .................................... 418 " 19--251-85 Approving change in Mortgage position of a Certain real estate mortgage (Cooper at Arlington St.) ................ 418, 419 " 19--252-85 Supporting the use of RISE Funds to Finance U.S. Highway 61 Four Lane Project ......................... 419 " 19--253-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 425 " 19--254-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses.. 425, 426 " 19--255-85 Accepting improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility ~ Contract A-3 Precast Concrete with Price Brothers Midwest, /nc ................................................. 428, 429 " 19--256-85 Final Estimate of Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract A-3 Precast Concrete with Price Brothers-Midwest, thc .... 429 " 19--257-85 Accepting improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract B-5 Structural Steel & Exterior Closure at Grand- stand/Paddock with Kraemer Bros., /nc ................. 429 " 19--258-85 Finai Estimate of Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract B-5 Structural Steel & Exterior Closure at Grandstand/Pad- dock with Kraemer Bros., Inc .......................... 430 " 19--259-85 Accepting improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility Contract B-6 Kennels & Security Bldg. with C. F. Cart Const., Inc ............................................... 430 " 19--260-85 Final Estimate for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract B-6 Kennels & Security Bldg. with C.F. Carr Construction, Inc. 430, 431 " 19--261-85 Accepting improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility, Contract C-9 Acoustical Ceiling Systems with SuIlivan Bros. Inc ................................................. 431 " 19--262-85 Final Estimate for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract C-9 Acounstlcai Ceiling Systems with Sullivan Bros. Inc... 431,432 " 19--263-85 Accepting Improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facili- ty - Contract C-11 Tote Building & General Construction with Kraemer Bros., Inc ................................... 432 " 19--264-85 Final Estimate for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract C-11 Tote Bldg. & General Construction with Kraemer Bros. Inc ................................................. 432 " 19--265-85 Accepting Improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facili- ty - Contract C-12 Concrete Topping & Risers with Edwards INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 19--Concrete Contractors, Inc .............................. 433 19--266-85 Final Estimate for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract C-12 Concrete Topping & Risers with Edwards Concrete Con- tractors, Inc ........................................ 433 I9--267-85 Accepting Improvement for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract D-14 Countoured Bench Seating with Miracle recrea- tion Equipment ...................................... 434 " 19--268-85 Final Estimate for Dbq. Dog Racing Facility - Contract D-14 Contoured Bench Seating with Miracle Rec. Equipment. 434 Aug. 29--269-85 Authorizing the City of Dubuque to enter into an Inter- Creditor Agreement with the First National Bank of Minneapolis ......................................... 436 441 Sept. 3--270-85 Approving a plat of vacated E. 18th St. between Elm St. and Pine St ...................................... 3--271-85 Approving sale of real estate between Elm St. & Pine St. in the City to Jacobson's, Inc ....................... 441, 442 " 3--272~85 Accepting and Executing a Lease Agreement with Jacobson's, Inc. (re: Eagle Discount Supermarket) ......... 442, 443 " 3--273-85 Adopting plans and specs, for the VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARKING LOT SEALCOATING .......... 443 3--274-85 Awarding Contract for Veteran's Memorial Parking Lot Seaicoating to River City Paving Co., Inc. of Dubuque ..... 444 3--275-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex Parking Lot.. 444 3--276-85 Awarding contract for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex Parking Lot to River City Paving Co., Inc ...................................... 445 3--277-85 Supporting the position of the League of Iowa Municipalities on the Fair Labor Standards Act .......... 446 3--278-85 Supporting the position of the League of Iowa Municipalities on the Regionai Coordinating Councils ...... 447 3--279-85 Authorizing and directing the execution of revised an- nual contributions contract for 15 units Section 8 existing voucher progran~ funds ............................... 448 3--280-85 Granting issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits and Class "E" Beer-Wine Permits .......................... 478 3--281-85 Granting issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. 478 3--2824~5 Approving the City Fiscal Year 1985 Slxeet Finance Report. 481 3--283-85 Accepting Improvement for the Rotman Retaining Wall. 481 3--284-85 Final Estimate for Rotman Retaining Wall ........ 481-482 3--285-85 Accepting Improvement for the Walker-Oneida Sanitary Sewer .............................................. 482 " 3--286-85 Final Estimate for the Walker-Onaida Sanitary Sewer Project ............................................. 482 3--287-85 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the Walker- Oneida Sanitary Sewer including certain information required by the State etc ...................................... 483-484 Sept. 16--288-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Reconstruction of Murphy Park Tennis Court ............................ 486 16--289-85 Awarding Contract for the Murphy Park Tennis Courts. 487 16--290-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the reconstruction of the Three Reinforced Concrete Dome Struc- tures for WWT ...................................... 487 16--291-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Reconstruction of the Three Reinforced Concrete Dome Struc- tures for WWT ...................................... 487, 488 " 16--292-85 Ordering bid~ for the Reconstruction of the Three Rein- forced Concrete Dome Structures for the City of Dubuque WWT. 488 " 16--293-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and specs for the Wind- sor Avenue and Burden Avenue Storm Sewer ............ 488, 489 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 16--294-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Windsor Ave. and Burden Ave. Storm Sewer ............. 489 ' 16--295-85 Ordering Bids for the Windsor Avenue and Burden Avenue Storm Sewer ................................ 489 " 16--296-85 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex, Facilities Bldg ............................................... 490 " 16--297-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Chaplain Schmitt Island Ballpark Complex, Facilities Bldg. 490 16--298-85 Ordering Bids for the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex, Facilities Bldg ...................... 490 16--299-85 Preliminary Approval o£ Plans and Specs. for the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex, Facilities Bldg. Piling ......................................... 491 16--300-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans, and Specs. for the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex ...... 491 16--301-85 Ordering Bids for the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Islea~d Ballpark Complex, Facilities Bldg. Piling ................ 492 " 16--302-85 Preliminary Approval of plans and Specs. for the Rot- man Parking Lot ..................................... 492 " 16--303-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Rot- man parking Lot ..................................... 492 " 16--304-85 Ordering Bids for the Rotman Parking Lot ........ 493 " 16--305-85 Calling an Election on the Proposition of Levying Taxes for the support of a Municipal Band .................... 493 ' 16--306-85 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Industrial Develop- ment Revenue Bond IThe Adams Co. Project) of the City in the principal amount of $525,000; execution and delivery of a Lender Loan Agreement with Amerizan Trust & Savings Bank etc~ 495-497 " 16--307-85 Granting issuance of Class "B" & "C' Beer Permits. 499 " 16--308-85 Granting issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor License & Class "C" Liquor Licenses & Class "B" Wine Permit .............................................. 499 Oct. 7--309-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Rotman Parking Lot. 507, 50~8 7--310-85 Awarding Contract for Rotman Parking Lot to River City Paving, Inc ..................................... 508 7--311-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Windsor Ave. & Burden Ave. Storm Sewer .................................... 509 7--312-85 Awarding Contract for Windsor Ave. & Burden Ave. Storm Sewer Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque. 509 7--313-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Reconstruction of the Three Reinforced Concrete Dome Structures for the City. 510 7--314-85 Awarding Contract for the Reconstruction of the Three Reinforced Concrete Dome Structures for the City Wastewater Division, to Warren Contractors, Inc .................... 510 " 7--315-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex Facilities Bldg. Piling ........... 511 7--316-85 Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex Facilities Building Piling - AwardingContract to J.F. Brennan. 511, 512 7--317-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Chap. Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex ..................... 512 7--318-85 Ordering Bids for the Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Ballpark Complex- Facilities Bldg ...................... 513 7--319-85 Preliminary Approving of Plans and Specs. for the Rockdale Road Bridge & Approaches .................... 513 7--320-85 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Rockdale Road Bridge & Approaches .................... 513, 514 7--321-85 Ordering Bids for the Rockdale Road Bridge and Approaches ......................................... 514 7--322-85 Amending the Memorandum of Agreement executed in INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 7-connection with the issuance of not to exceed $1,000,000 in ag- gregete principal amount of the issuer's Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (THE BREWERY PROJECT) ............ 515 7--323-85 Approval of Project Agreement with the Iowa Depart- ment of Transportation for Funding of the Rockdale Road Bridge ............................................. 518 " 7--324-85 Approving the Agreement with the Illinois Central RR for an Easement for the Rockdale Road Bridge ........... 517 7--325-85 Approving a Loan Agreement with Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc, in the a~nount of $100,000 for Loan Guara~tee Security to 3D Co. and Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Dubuque .......... 521 7--326-85 Supporting Members of Dubuque Citizens for Communi- ty Improvements in their efforts to obtain release of Volume II etc ............................................ 522 7--327-85 Dubuque City Council supports the Dubuque Citizens for Community Improvement efforts to have Ia. State Com- merce Comm. hoId P. Hearing in Dubuque, on telephone cost issue ............................................... 522 7--328-85 Approving Plans for Closing of Brunswick Street from Peru Road to Elbow St. and for Acquisition of Contlginus Properties ........................................... 522, 523 7--329-85 Grtmting issuallce of Cigarette permits to 3 outlets. 523 7--330-85 Granting issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer & Liquor License ............................................. 523 7--331-85 Granting issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. 524 7--332-85 Adopting Supplement No. 25 to the Code of Ordinances. 526 7--333-85 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4 and Lot 5 of Block 1 of Tschiggfrie Commercial" in the City. 527, 528 7--334-85 Approving the Final Plat of Subdivision of Lot2-2 of Mineral Lot 370 and The Subdivision of Lot 2 of Becker Sub- division in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ................... 529 7--335-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract C-7 Fire Sprinkler Project ................... 529, 530 7--336-85 Final Estimate of Dubuque Racing Facility Contract C-7 Fire Sprinkler .................................... 530 7--337-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract C-7.1 Plumbing Systems ................... 530 7--338-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract C-7.1 Plumbing Systems .......................... 531 " 7--339-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract C-8 Electrical Systems ..................... 531 " 7--340-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract C-8 Electrical Systems ........................... 531, 532 7--341-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract D-15 Stadium Chair Seating ................. 532 7--342-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract D-15 Stadium Chair Seating ...................... 532 7--343-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract E-17 Floor Finishes ........................ 533 7--344-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract E-17 Floor Finishes .............................. 533 7--345-85 Acceptance of the Dubuque Racing Facility Contract E-18 Ceramic Tile Installation Project ................... 534 7--346-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract E-18 Ceramic Tile Installation Project .............. 534 7--347-85 Accepting improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facility Contract B-4 Site Work Project ........................ 534, 535 7--348-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract B-4 Site Work Project ............................ 535 7--349-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facil- INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 7--ity Contract B-4.1 Off-Site Gravity M~fin, Lift Station & Force Main ............................................... 535 7--350-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract B-4.1 Off-Site Gravity Main, Lift Station & Force Main. 536 7--351-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract C-7.2 HVAC Systems Project ............... 536 7--352-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract C-7.2 HVAC Systems Project ..................... 536. 537 7--353-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract C-10 Interior Systems Project ............... 537 7--354-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract C-10 Interior Systems Project ..................... 537 7--355-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract D-13 Fencing Project ....................... 538 7--356-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract D-13 Project .................................... 538 7--357-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract E-16 Wall Finishes ......................... 538 7--358-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract E-16 Wall Finishes Project ........................ 539 7--359-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Racing Facili- ty Contract E-19 Signage Project ....................... 539 7--360-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Racing Facility Con- tract E-19 Signage Project ............................. 540 Oct. 21--361-85 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Rockdale Road Bridge and Approaches ...................................... 541 " 21--362-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ......... 542 " 21--363-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", "C", and "E" Beer Permits ............................................. 542 " 21--364-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ............................................ 543 " 21--365-85 Accepting Improvement for the Ch. Schmitt Recreation Comptex Road ....................................... 545 " 21--366-85 Final Estimate for the Chaplain Schmitt Recreation Complex Road ....................................... · 546 " 21--367-85 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1-1-2-1-2, Lot 1-2-2-1-1, Lot 1-1-2-1-1, Lot 1-1-1-1, Lot 2-1-1-1, Lot 1-2-1-2-1-1 and Lot 1-2-1 All of Clin-Que In. Addition in the City of Dubuque (CENTURY CIRCLE AREA) ........... 546, 547 Nov. 4--368-85 Awarding Contract for City Island Ballpark Complex Facilities Bldg ....................................... 554 ' 4--369-85 Authorizing Transfer of UMTA Capital Assistance Funds from Dubuque Urbanized Area Account ........... 555 4--370-85 Recommending Adoption of Proposed Design As Amended of the P~leeated U.S. 61 and U.S. 151 between Grand- view Ave. and Seventh St. in the City ................... 556 4--371-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to 6 outlets. 561 4--372-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", "B" & "E" Beer Permits ............................................. 561 4--373-85 Authorizing Issuance of Class "C" Commercial Liquor Licenses ............................................ 561, 562 4--374-85 Accepting Improvement for the Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island, Park and Recreation Complex Parking Lot ........ 564 4--375-85 Final Estimate for Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island, Park & Rec. Complex Parking Lot ........................... 564, 565 Nov. 18--376-85 Approving the Assignment of the Franchise Granted in Ord~ 17-68 ........................................ 567 18--377-85 Authorizing the filing of a Statement of Intent for a Com- munity Development Block Grant for the City ............ 568 18--378-85 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 18--Review Findings for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects ................ 568 "18 -- 379'85 Authorizing and Directing tl~ ~c~i~ ~ i~i~ ~ nual Contributions Contract for $64,316 Contract Authority Section 8 Existing Voucher Prograra Funds .............. 569 " 18--380-85 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Negotiate and Extension of the termination dates of OPP Con- tract #R-84-SG-19-0101 for the Iowa Rental Rehabilitation Pre- gram and Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute any Approved Contract Documents ......................... 570 18--381-85 Approval of Land Contract Sale by Michael Per tzen to Wayne Ehlers and Continuation of City Mortgage ........ 570 18--382-85 Approving Project Agreement #86-1-042 with the IA DOT ............................................... 571 " 18--383-85 Awarding Contract for Existing Rcckdale Read Bridge, Demolition .......................................... 572 " 18--384-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ......... 573 " 18--385-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permit. 573 " 18--386-85 Authorizing issuance of Cinss "C" Liquor License.. 573, 574 " 18--387-85 Accepting Improvement for the Veterans' Memotiai Parking Lot Seaicoatlng ............................... 577 " 18--388-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Contract Landscaping Project ................... 577 " 18--389-85 Accepting Improvement for the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Contract Landscaping Project ................... 577 18--390-85 Final Estimate for the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Contract Landscaping Project .......................... 578 Dec. 2--1'85 RESOLUTION (Board of Health) Authorlzing and Direc. ting the Chair to Sign an Amendment to Contract #3306D-131 between the Dbq. City Board of Health & Ia. State Dept. of H. 579 2--391-85 Approving the Plat of a Vacated Alley between Jackson & Washington Ste. from E. 11th to E. 12th St ........... 581 2--392-85 Approving disposal of interest of City personal proper- ty Lot 498A in Original Town to SPAHN & ROSE LUMBER CO. for $3,840 plus publication & filing fees .............. 582, 583 2--393-85 Regarding the issuance of Not to Exceed $3,000,000 in Aggregate Principal Amt. of Variable Rate Demand Hospital Capital Asset Rev. Bonds - (re: FINLEY HOSPITAL) ..... 584-586 " 2--394-85 Setting a Public Hearing on Establishing a Residential Parking Permit in area Adjacent to the University of Dubuque. 587 2--395-85 Approving a Tentative Five Year Street Construction Program and Submitting Same to the IDOT ............. 589 2--396-85 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ......... 591, 592 2--397-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", "C" & "E" Beer Permits... 592 2--398-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses.. 592 2--399:85 Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Cer- rain CD Block Grant Projects .......................... 593, 594 2--400-85 Approving the Final Plat of "LaVista Estates No. 2" in Dubuque County, IA ............................... 595 2--401-85 Accepting in~provemant for the Dodge St. at Wacker Dr. Traffic Signal Improvements and Intersection Lighting. 596 2--402-85 Final Estimate of contract for Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Traffic Signal Improvements & Intersection Ltg. .... 596 Dec. 16--403-85 Approving Plat of a Vacated Alley between Cedar and Sycamore Streets from 14th to 15th Streets .............. 598 16--404-85 Approval of disposal if interest of the City in real pro- perty described as Lot 408A in E. Dbq. #2 Subd., in the City to DuPaco Credit Union for the sum of $4128 plus publication and filing fees .................... ~,. ;,. ............... 599, 600 16--405-85 Authorizing issuance of Class C Beer Permits .... 604 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 16--406-85 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer/Li- quor License and Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ....... 604 16--407-85 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ...... 605 16--408-85 Approving the Final Plat of Lot I and Lot 2 of Edwards Subd. in the City ..................................... 606 16--409-85 Approving the Finai Plat of Asbury Springs Sub. No. 5 in the City ........................................ 606, 607 16--410-85 Accepting improvement for the Eagle Point Park Bridge Pavilion Project ...................................... 607, 608 16--411-85 Final Estimate of the Eagle Point Bridge Pavilion Project ............................................. 608 16--412-85 Accepting improvement for the 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 608 16--413-85 Approving determination of costs and payments re: 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ............................... 609 16--414-85 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ete ............................ 609-614 Dec. 20--415-85 Pabllc Hearing and Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale by VHi Capital Resources Group of A Series of its Variable Rate Demand Hospital Revenue Bonds (Voluntary Hospital Cooperative Assn. of IA. Capital Asset Financing Pro- gram), Series 1985, and approving Execution of a Joint Powers Agreement Pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 28E .......... 615-616 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE " 21--Schumacher, Patti Jo & Donald, Claim .................. " 21--Spahn, Carol, claim ................................... " 21--Smith, Sandi, Refunds of Cigarette Permit ............... " 21--Subdivialons No. 2 & 3 of Buena Vista Sub., plats approved. Jan. 28--Sigwarth, Msgr. Anthony re: New Zoning Ordinance ...... 28--Saner, Dorothy, re: Zoning Ordinance (New) .............. 55, 125 28--St. John's Lutheran Church, re: Zoning Ordinance (New)... 55 Feb. 4--Swartz, Rev. Dave, Gave Invocation .................... 57 4--Soliciter, City, duties & responsibilities set out ........... 65 4--Side Beverage Store, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 67 4--Schromen, Ruth E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..... 67 4--Study, Reconnaissance-Corps of Engineers submitting "Notice of Initiation" for Flood Damage Reduction Couler Valley .............................................. 68 Feb. 18--Soccer, Youth, Week, Proclamation ..................... 76 " 18--Signage etc., Dog Racing Facility Bid Pkg. E (Contracts 16-20). $ Jan. 7-- Stadium Chair Seating, (Bid Pkg. D) for Dog Track, Documents. .................................................. 2, 3, 57-60 7--Savings & Loan named as depositories for City funds ..... 4, 5 7--Step Intersections named re: Crescent Ridge & Hwy. 20 area. 10 " 7--St arlight Dr. re: Stop intersections by Cedar Cross Rd. & Hwy 20 ................................................. 10 7--September 1984 Council Proceedings approved ........... 12 7--Sport Page (R. Gross), Class "C" Liquor License .......... 12 7--Stamping & Mfg. Co. (Dbq.) report of Progress ........... 13 7--Supplement No. 22 to the Code of Ordinances, adopted .... 14 Jan. 14--Steichen, Robert, re: new Zoning Ordinance .............. 17, 55 " 14--Schoal, Tom re: New Zoning Ordinance .................. 17 " 14--Salco, Inc., re: Now Zoning Ordinance ................... 17 Jan. 21--Simon, Dave L., Human Rights Comm. submitting Annual Report ............................................. 19 " 21--Site plan approved by P & Z for storage bldg. at Arboretum. 21 " 21--Schedule of Assessments set out for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 26-47, 120 " 21--Spiegalhalter, Robert, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .... 49 5O 5O 5O 51 55 ............................................ 76, 77, 106-110 " 18--Streets & Alleys Vacated & Sale re: Chi., MiL, RR ........ ................................................. 78, 100-103 " 18--Second St. (w.), 235, funds for Dubuque Trolley, Inc. to buy property ............................................ 81 " 18--State Municipal Assistance, re: sending letters to area legialators ........................................... 81 " 18--Schuster, Patricin Lombardi, Class "C" Liquor License .... 82 " 18--Summer Youth Employment Program, Operation: Vew View requesting assistance etc ............................. Feb. 25--Senior Volunteer Program (Retired), re: Budget funding .... ' 25--Sewer Rates & Charges, set out by Ordinance ........ " 25--Salaries of Mayor & Council Members, set out .......... Mar. 4--Sycamore St., Vacation & Sale etc. to Chi, Mil. RR ....... 4--Sale of property (vacated alleys & streets) re: Chi., Mil., RR. 84 88 92 95 101 103 4--Strub, Terry, (Ptg. & Dec.), awarded contract for Dbq. Dog Rac- ing Facility .................................... 108, 109 4--Stalchen, Robert G., Petition re: Zoning at 2753 Central.. 111, 125 4--Supervisors (County} re: governance of Operation: New View, 112 4--Shive-Hattery Engrg. firm for Rockdale Road Bridge ..... 113, 114 4--Stop-Sign for traffic at Washington St. & E. 28th ....... 115 4--Sanitary Disposal project, transport of Waste Material etc. 117 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 4--Specht's Pipe Inn, Cigarette Permits .................... 119 4--Supervisors (County Board), Notice of Initiation of Reconnais- sance Study for Commercial Harbor Development on Miss. River. 121 Mar. 18--Sign of Dubuque Greyhound Park, Consent Agreement approval. 220 18--Schumacher, Earl (Oky-Doky 5), Class "C" Beer Permit .... 225 18--Schmidt, Harold C., Claim; Denial ...................... 226, 271 18--Setter, Attorney Dave for Tri-State Paving requesting Contrac- tors Improvement Bond be cancalled etc. for Oak Brook Development ........................................ 227 Apr. 1--Sale of Official Bonds (G.O. $4,700,000) ................. 236 1--Softball Complex - requested Grant from Land & Water Con- servation Funds for construction of all-purpose bldg. there. 239, 240 1--Supplement No. 23 adopted to the City Code ............. 242 1--Specht, Francis case (by K. Kelley), resolved without cost to City ............................................... 243 1--Seymour, Judith A., Claim; Settlement .................. 243, 292 Apr. 15--Schmitt Island Recreation Complex Rd. Project .......... ................................................ 250, 299~300 15--Schmitt Island Recreation Complex Sanitary Sewer Project. ................................................ 251,303, 304 15--Sanitary Sewer Project on Schmitt Island Rec. Complex area. ................................................ 251, 303, 304 " 15--Signal Improvement (Traffic) Project at Dodge & Wacker.. 252, 301 " 15--Sectinn 5 Capital Assistance Application & Section 9 Operating Planning Applications to UMTA .................... 254, 256, 276 " 15--Schmit, Tim re: traffic problems created on Nightengale Lane by WRA ........................................... 256 " 15 S & S Enterprises, re: Lease Agreement for use of Rotman Property ........................................... 256, 276 " 15--Sanner, Barb, Claim; Closing .......................... 270, 324 " 15--Sunset Park Subd. No. 4 - Cancallatinn etc. of Contractor's Im- provement Bond from Tri-State Paving Co ............... 371 " 15--Sixteenth St., E., Parking problem re: R. Pitz ............ 271 " 15--Sidewalk bond cancelled re: Sunset Park Subd. No. 4 .... 272 " 15--Sale of public alley adjacent to property of Martin Gansemer. 272, 273 May 6--Sec. 9, FY 86, Program of Projects, Re: Operating Assistance Applicant & Planning Assistance Application, & a Sec. 5 Capital Assistance Application .............................. 276 6--Sec. 5 Capital Assistance Application ............... 276 6--Stenlund, Paula re: Lease Agreement of property at W. 3rd & Ia. 276 6--State Public Transit Div. - Operating Assistance Application re: Key Line Transit ................................. 277 6--Sign request for Brown & Beverly Sts., by Joe Duschen.. 279 6--Shot Tower Inn, Class "C" Liquor License ......... 290 6--Steingreaber, Paul D., Claim; Closing ............... 292, 324 6 Schmitt, Harold, Claim; Settlement ................ 292, 324 May 20--States Construction Co. of Des Moines awarded Cedar Cross Road Bridge Replacement Project .................... 302, 303 " 20--Sale (& Vacation) of property (alley) adjacent to that of M. Gansemer, 515 Strauss St ....................... 306 " 20--Strauss St. - Ordinance vacating portion of nearby alley 306, 307, 328, 329 " 20--Street Lighting Project for N/V~ Arterial from Penns. to Asbury. 307, 308 " 20--Storm Sewer Project at Main & 14th .............. ................................. 309, 310, 342 " 20--Schmitt Harbor, Projibiting Certain Activities by Ord 313 " 20--Stop Intersections- Brown & Beverly Streets ......... 319 " 20--Schmitt, Maria, applicant for P & Z Comm ....... 320 " 20--Sfikas Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ........... 320 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE May 20--Savary's Tavern, Cigarette Permit ...................... 320 " 20--Sordahl Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............. 320 " 20--Sannd N Vision, Cigarette Permit ...................... 320 " 20--Sunshine Mart of Dubuque, Cigarette Permit ............. 320 " 20--Shan-P Yuan, Cigarette Permit ......................... 320 " 20--Sid's Beverage Store, Cigarette Permit .................. 320 " 20--Softball Tournament (Tri-State), Class "B" Beer Permit .... 321 " 20--Soupy's Inc., Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit.. 320, 321 20--Sewer Accounts - Delinquent - Charged to Tax Bill ........ 322 20--Sim~nons, Ralph, Delinquent Refuse Collection ........... 323 June 3--Strohmeyer, Eldon, objecting to zoning change for 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg ........................................... 326 3--Stein, Rick, requesting zoning change for 2774 University to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial ......................... 326 3--Schultz, John, requesting zoning change for 2774 University. 326 3--Sale of City Owned Property (Belmont Addn) to Hein's & Gansemers .......................................... 329, 330 3--Sheppley, W.S., Cigarette Permit ....................... 335 3--Save-U-More, Cigarette Permit ......................... 335 3--Schwartz, Milton, Class "C" Liquor License .............. 336 June 17--Ski Club (Dbq. Water), Lease Agreement ................ 339 " 17--Supermarket, clarification of definition between that & grocery store .......... ~ ............................. 344, 345, 363, 364 " 17--Schwers, Jim, requesting extension of time to finish paving in Arbor Oaks ......................................... 350 " 17--Sanitary Sewer, Watermaln & Storm Sewer Project for Dubu- que Dog Racing Facility, Final Documents ............... 350, 351 " 17--Sanitary Sewer for Peru Road-Kennedy Court, final documents .......................................... 352-354 " 17--Statement, Legislative, for 1986 to be submitted to Ia. League of Municipalities ..................................... 356 17--Sunnycrest Manor, Cigarette Permit .................... 357 IT--Schroemen, Ruth E. (Lorralnes 1900 Tap), Cigarette Permit. 357 17--Spocht's Pipe Inn, Cigarette Permit .................... 357 17--Sears Roebuck Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 358 17--Sante's, Cigarette Permit .............................. 358 17--Shanahan '76, Cigarette Permit ........................ 358 17--Shot Tower Inn, Cigarette Permit. ..................... 358 17--Swizzle Stick, Cigarette Permit ......................... 358 17--Sandldge, Judith M., (The Pump), Cigarette Permit ....... 358 17--Schwartz, Milton, Cigarette Permit ..................... 358 17--Soupy's, Inc., Cigarette Permit ......................... 358 17--Schumacher, Earl F. & E. Thomas, Class "C" Beer Permit; Cigarette Permit ..................................... 358, 359 " 17--Savery's Tavern (J. Savary), Cigarette Permit ........... ' 359 " 17--Schollmeyer, Wayne P. (Paul's Tavern), Cigarette Permit... 359 " 17--Spiegalhalter, Melvin A. (Dbq. Bowling Lanes) ........... 359 " 17--Shiras Ave. (Plat of Curler sub.), approved ............... 359, 360 " 17--Shubert, Joseph A., Claim ............................ 360 "17--Stackis, Emil (Mike), appointed to fill Council vacancy (Beurskens.) ....................................... 361 July 1--Schweikert, Tom, Objection for rezoning of Asbury Rd. pro- perty for Helle Klosterman office complex project ......... 363 1--Street, Prohibiting certain activities etc (Sleighing, Sleigh Riding, Coasting, Tobagganlng, Bobsledding or Skiing) 369, 370 1--Sleigh riding etc. prohibited on certain streets ............ 369, 370 1--Skiing on certain streets, prohibited ................... 369, 370 1 -- Stenlund, Pavia appointed to ~rm on Historic Preservation Comr~ 374 1--Sand, Virginia appointed to term on Historic Pres. Comm.. 374 1 --Sawveli, Michael J., Cigarette Permit; Class"C"Liquor License. 376, 377 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE July 1--Spiegalhalter, Melvin A., Cigarette Permit ............... 376 1--Shetler, Harry (My-Cap)), Cigarette Permit ............... 376 1--Schallmeyer, Paul, Cigarette Permit ..................... 376 1--Sawvell, Michaal J., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 377 1--Sids Beverage Store (B. Miller), Class "B" Wine Permit... 377 1--Staichen, Robert, approval of his request for plat approval of Subd. of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of the SE ¼ of the 5th P.M. 377 1--Supplement No. 24 to the City Code, adopted ............ 377 1--Sanner Bros., Inc. Claim .............................. 378 July 15--Steimel, Father Paul, Gave Invocation .................. 384 15--Street program for 1985, objections, final documents etc... 384-386 15--Schumacher, Ed, objected to 1985 Asphalt Paving of Kane, assessment .......................................... 385 15--Smith, Bill, objection to hog wire type fence by N/W Arterial. 389 15--Suspenaion etc. of Water Plant Operators Nagel & Claussen. 390 Aug. 5--Slaughter Houses & Meat Packing Plats, Inspection Program. 403 " 5--St. Calumbkille Church, Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 404 " 5--Sordahl Enterprises, Inc., (Nabors Drug) Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 405 " 5--Schnee, Ronald O & Patricla, Claim ..................... 405 " 5--Shulin, John, re: selling portion of 18th St. along Eagles Bldg. on Elm St. - along with Lease for vacated rail property etc. ................................................ 416, 417, 543 5--State Historical Dept. advising that proposed Jackson Park Historic District will be reviewed for National Register of Historic Places ...................................... 406 Aug. 19--Stackis, Council Member getting response to Tax Exemption questions ........................................... 412 ' 19--Sealcoating & repairs procedures for Veterans Memorial park- ing Lot Project ...................................... 415, 416 " 19--Smith, Dane E. re: update of progress of American Central Airline Study by A. Honkamp ......................... 417 " 19--Sign at Dubuque Greyhound Park, Execution of "Landlords Waiver of Lien". .................................... 419 " 19--Sheehy (Admiral), Drive, Set out by Ordinance ........... 420 " 19--Street names set out for streets in Greyhound Park area... 420 " 19--Speed limits set out for Ad. Sheehy Dr. & Greyhound Park Drive ............................................... 421,422 " 19--Stop Signs at intersections of Admirai Sheehy Drive & U.S. 61-151 and Greyhound Park Drive ...................... 423 " 19-- Sign removal of"No Parking" Signs at north side of street be- tween Windsor Ave. & Sheridan Road ................... 424 " 19--Swizzle Stick (Alia K Zazz, Inc.), Class "C" Liquor License. 425 " 19--Schrobilgen, Thomas J. (Barrell Tap), Class C Liquor License. 426 " 19--Spiegelhalter, Melvin A. (Dbq. Bowling Lanes), Class "C" Li- quor License ........................................ 426 19--Sanitarian (Environmental), Civil Service Commission certify- ing top ten .......................................... 428 19--Structural Steel & Exterior Closure for Dbq. Racing Facility Contract B-5 with Kraemer Bros. - acceptance of project etc. 429, 430 19--Sullivan Bros. Inc., acceptance of Dbq. Racing Facility Can- tract C-9 Acoustical Ceiling Systems .................... 431 Sept. 3--Sullivan, Gene, Pres. of St. Vincent de Paul Soc. re: proposed vacation of E. 18th St. from Elm to Pine (Eagle Discount Ex- pension etc.) ......................................... 440 3--Sale of property (E. 18th St. lying between Elm St. & West Pine St.) to Jacobsen's, Inc. (re: Eagle Discount Expansion) .... 441, 442 3--Seaicoating of Veteran's Memorial Parking Lot Project .... 443 3--Supporting position of League of Ia. Municipalities on Fair Labor Standards Act (re: Comp. time) ................. 446, 447 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 3--Supporting position of League of IA Municipalities on the Regional Coordinating Councils ........................ 447 3--STOP - Serious Traffic Offender Patrol Contract - approval of program ............................................ 447 3--Sectinn 8 Existing Voucher Program Funds, revised Contract. 447, 448 3-- Sale - Regulating Liquor Control Licenses, Wine Permits & Beer Permits ............................................. 463 3--Smith, Donna, named to Regional Coordinating Council re: ECIA .............................................. 478 3--Schrodt, Charles H. (C.J.'s), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 478 3--Schmitt Island Palicy Statement Submitted by Park & Rec. Comm .............................................. 479 3--Self-Insurance Plan, Worker's Comp., Report submitted .... 480 3--Strcet Finance Report for Fiscal Year 1985, approved ..... 480, 481 3--Sanitary Sewer of Waiker-Oneida Street, final documents.. ................................................ 482-485, 525 3--Schedule of Assessments re: Walker-Oneida Sanitary Sewer Project ............................................. ................................................ 483-485, 525 Sept. 16--Sterna Sewer at Intersection of Wlndsor& Burden Ave. Project. 488-489 " 16--Stock, Jim & Nancy re: rezoning of 279-283 Clarke Drive property ............................................ 495 " 16--Styer, Harold, applicant for Airport Comm ............... 498 " 16--Spiegelhalter, Robert F. IChib House), Class "C' Liquor License. 499 " 16--Street Light approval for installation along N. Grandview Ave. 501 Oct. 7--Smith, Daniel (Pres. of Emmaus Bible College), Gave Invocation .......................................... 503 " 7 --Schuster, Pat Lombardi, petitioning for traffic signal at intersec- tion of Hwy. 151-61 and Schmitt Island ................. 514 7--Star Brewing Co. requesting extension of IDR Bonds ...... 515 7--Security Agreement between Racing Assn.& Durrant Group re: Lease assignment of City & Dbq. Racing Assn ........ 516 7--Step Signs at intersection of N/W Arterial and Pennsylvania and N/W Arterial and Asbury Road ..................... 518, 519 7--Speed Limit of 45 miles per hour set on N/W Arterial ..... 519, 520 7--State Commerce Commission re: Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. re: Public Hearing on phone cost etc ................. 522 7--Spiegel, Bob (Avenue Top,) Cigarette License ............. 523 7--Sandidge, Judith M., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 523 7--State Racing Commission - re: Suit of City ............... 524 7--Shetler, Harry, Refund on Liquor License ................ 525 7--Supplement No. 25 to the Code, adopted ................. 526 7--scwer permit for Center Grove Properties from Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Mgmt ................................... 526 7--Sprinkler (Fire) Project for Dbq. Racing Facility, final documents .......................................... 529, 530 7--scate funds available for road and bridge needs ........... 529 7--scadium Chair Seating for Dbq. Racing Facility, final documents .......................................... 532 7--Site Work for the Dubuque Racing Facility, Contxact Work final documents .......................................... 534 7--Signage for the Dubuque Racing Faciltiy Project, final documents .......................................... 539, 540 Oct. 21--Super 8 Buildlngs, approval of rezonlng for Dodge St. site. ................................................ 541, 542, 553 21--Shang (Old), The, Class "C" Liquor License .............. 543 21--Saberian, Janet (Bijans), Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 542 21--Smith, Spencer, settlement of claim ..................... 544 Nov. 4--Special Community Award from Ia. Travel Council to City Council ............................................. 553 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 4-Starlight Drive & Crescent Ridge, Stop Signs ............ 557, 558 4--Speed Limit set for Cedar Cross Road ................... 559 4--Schrodt, Charles H., Cigarette Permit ................... 561 4--Soens, Michael R., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 561,562 4--Simon. Dave, canvass of votes re: City Election .......... 562 4--Stackis, Emil, canvass of votes re: City Election .......... 562 " 4--Santes, refund on Cig. License ......................... 563 " 4--Stetzer, Douglas, refund on Boer Permit ................. 563 " 4--Storm sewer problem on Emmett St. & St. Mary's St. area from the Villa ............................................ 565 Nov. i8--Spahn & Rose re: disposal of alley between Jackson & Washington from 11th to 12th ......................... 566,582 " 18--Statement of Intent for CD Block Grant Funds ........... 567 " 18--States Construction, awarded contract for demolition & replac~ ment of Rockdale Road Bridge ......................... 572 " 18--Schrodt, Charles H., Class "C" Liquor License ........... 574 18--Simon, Dave resigned from Human Rights Comm ......... 575 18--Siman, Dave results of election for City Council .......... 575 18--Stackis, Emil, results of election for City Council ......... 575 18--Sealcoating for Veteran's Memorial Parking Lot, final documents .......................................... 577 Dec. 2--State Board of Health re: Contract for Public Health Nursing Funds .............................................. 579 2--Sycamore Street & Cedar, Vacating of alley .............. 586, 598 2--Smith, Donna (County Supervisor) re: combination of City & County Assessors Office .............................. 588 2--Street Construction Program, Submission of Five Year Plan. 589 2--Schwartz, Jeff, applicant for Plumbing Bd ............... 591 2--Spiegal, Robert, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 592 2--Sunshine Mart of Dbq., Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 592 2--Street Lighting Improvements final documents for D~dge St. at Wacker Drive Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Improvements ....................................... 596 Dec. 16--Suspension of Liquor License for MiNa, Inc. d/b/a J.W. Rumph's ............................................ 588, 602 16--Shaffer, Tom & Sue, Claim ............................ 605 " 16--Schedule of Assessments set out for the 1985 Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 610-614 " 16--Sidewalk Ordinance, M. Wilhelm requesting enforement .... 614 Dec. 20--Sale by VHi Capital Resources Group of a Series of its Variable Rate Demwad Hospital Rev. Bonds ..................... 615, 616 INDEX-- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE T Jan. 7--Tigges, Bernard, applicant for Human Rights Corem .... 11 7--Turner, Jerry G., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 12 7--Tourism Plan, request etc. by Ruth Nash ............. 13 Jan. 14--Thompson Food Markets re: rezoning of Fifth & Hill Sts... 17 Jan. 21--Termination of Project (14th & Pine St. Overpass) with HUD. 25 " 21--TFM Co., Class "C" Beer Permit (1101 Rhomberg) ........ 48 ' 21--Takos, Peter J. & Elizabeth, Clalm; Denial .............. 49, 361 " 21--Treasurer (City), submitting reports of Dec .............. 50 Feb. 4--TRANSIT BD. SUBMITTING STATEMENT & STATISTICS MINUTES: ........................... ............ 12, 67, 226, 243, 292, 336, 378, 405, 479, 524, 562, 592 Feb. 18--Trolley (Dbq.), Inc., CD Funds to assist in purchase of proper- ty on W. 2nd St ..................................... 81 18--Town Clock INN, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License; Re- fund Request ........................................ 82, 243 18--Tax Exemption applications for Urban Revit. Area properties. 84 Feb. 25--Tourism & Convention Bureau, requesting funding from new budget ........................................... 88 " 25--Transit (Mass). consideration requested by Foster Grandparent Advisory Council ..................................... 88 " 25--TRANSIT DEPT.- re: finalization of new budget ......... 89 Mar. 4--Temporary Use Permit Fee Schedule, revised, etc ......... ........................................... 111, 112, 327, 328 4--Transport of Waste Materi~l to a licensed saaltary d/sposal project. 117, 118 Mar. 18--TCS, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit (Kegger~ .............. 225 " 18--Tort, Gerald, denial of clifim ........................... 226 " 18--Tri-State Paving requesting Contractors Improvement Bonds be cancelled etc. for Oak Brook Development Project etc... 227 Apr. 1--Town Clock Plaza area, re: Jaycees using it for Friday p.m. social events ...................................... 241 Apr. 15--Traffic Signal Project at intersection of Dodge & Wacker Ste. 252, 253, 301 15--Traffic problem on Nightengale Lane due to WRA Traffic etc. 256, 316 15--Transient Merchants- New Ordinance ................... ................................................ 257 279-282 " 15--Tax levied to pay bonds $4,700,000 G.O.) ............... 258-266 " 15--Transit Union, Agreement with City .................... 268 " 15--Turner, Maylo (Lucky Lady Saloon), Class "C" Liquor License. 270 " 15--Town Clock Inn, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .......... 270 " 15--Turner, Jerry, Refund on Liquor License ............. 271 " 15--Tri-State Paving Co., release of Contractor's Improvement B~ for Sunset Park Subd. No. 4 ........................... 271 " 15--Tri-State Paving Co., release of Contractors Improvement Bond for Oak Brook Development from Merchants Bonding Co.. 272 May 6--Transportation Week, Proclamation ..................... 276 6--Transit Division, Ia. State, Operating Assistance Application. 277 6--Temporary Businesses, Ordinance covering etc ........... 279-282 6--Thompson, Edna, property at 1669 Washington, release of lien etc. for Housing Rehab Loan ........................... 287, 288 6--Trimble, Paula, settlement of claim ..................... 292 6--Treasurer's Report for March; April ..................... 292, 324 6--Transfer of Funds, Budget Amendment ................. 295 6--Tschiggfrie Excavating Co., awarded contract at Dodge St. at Wacker Drive Traffic Signal Improvements & Intersection Lighting Project... 301 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE May 6--Theatre (Five Flags) HVAC Retrofit Project ............. 304, 305 " 6--Temporary Uses in C-5 Central Business District ......... ............................................. 306, 327, 328 6--Tornblom, Jane re: Carter Ct. traffic problem ............. 311 6--Traffic Problem on Carter Ct .......................... 311 6--TCS Corporation, The Kegger, Cigarette Permit .......... 320 6--Tegaler, Mark & Gary (Grandview Milk House), Cigarette Permit .............................................. 320 6--Tressell, Allen C. (Fenalon's Market), Cigarette Permit ..... 320 6--Tschiggfrle, Ray (Ray's Amoco Set.) Cigarette Permit ..... 320 6--Toni's Cafe, Cigarette Permit .......................... 320 6--Tri-State Soft Ball Tournament, Class "B" Beer Permit .... 321 6--Thomas, Vernon & Dorothy & Mary, Delinquent refuse collec- tion charges ......................................... 323 6--Temporary Services, re: Definition of, Zoning Ordinance... 330 6--Three D (3D) Co., approval of Loan Agreement for former Kresge Bldg ......................................... 332, 333 June 3--Third Annual Vietnam Veterans Reunion, information given by W. Davis ........................................ 347 June17--Target Store #86, Cigarette Permit ..................... 358 17--Tri-Stnte Ind. Blind Soc., Cigarette Permit ............... 358 17--Ten Pin Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 358 17--Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit ...................... 358 17--Trausch Baking Co., Cigarette Permit ................... 358 17--TFM Co., (Oky Doky's), Cigarette Permits ............... 358 17--Thompson's Food Market #1, Class "C" Beer Perhnit; Cigarette Permit .............................................. 358, 359 July 1--Tobagganing, prohibited on city streets etc .............. 370 1--TV Cable Regulatory Connnission reappointment of Jim Renier. 375 1--TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Commission reappoint- ment of Francis Cheslik ............................... 375 1--Transport Sales Co., Cigarette Permit ................... 376 1--Tigges, Ron, objecting to Kane St. street assessment project. 385 1--Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for Eagle Pt. Bridge Pavilion Project ...................................... 387, 388 1--TCS Inc., Class "B" (Wine Permit} ..................... 394 Aug. 5--Tri-Stnte Veterans Association re: leasing 2 acres in Marshall Park ............................................... 397, 411 5--Tscniggfrie Excavating awarded contract for 1985 Asphalt Pav- ing Proj ............................................ 399,400 5--Transit Bd. reappointment of Harry J. Bemis ............ 404 Aug. 19--Tax Exemption for Adams Co. Etc ..................... 412 " 19--Tennis Courts at Murphy Park, reconstruction project ..... 413, 414 Sept. 3--Thirty-Fourth Infantry Division Weekend, Proclamation... 440 3--Traffic Offender Patrol Contract (Serious) ~ STOP - approval of program ............................................ 447 3--Tax Exemption on proposed reconstruction of Adorns Co.. 446 3--Traffic Code Updating, and Defining& Restricting all-Terrain Vehicles ............................................ 448-461 3--Tax Exemption re: Real Property by new construction or ira- provement to certain machinery ........................ 461-463 3--Time, Ordinance enacting new definitions- legal holidays, gender etc .......................................... 475 3--Tully, Tim, named for Business Sector re: ECIA Regional Coar- dinatlng Council ..................................... 478 Sept. 16--Tennis Courts at Murphy Park, Reconstruction Project .... 486, 487 " 16--Tschiggfrle Excavating awarded Contract for Murphy Park Tennis Court Project ................................. 487 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 16--Tax re: enactment of Band Law etc ..................... 493 16--Thacker, Lee, applicant for Airport Commission .......... 498 " 16--Tallbridge Inn Class "C" Liquor License ................ 499 " 16--Tschurner, Mrs. Veronica, Claim; Settlement ............. 500, 564 Oct. 7--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Windsor/Burden Ave. Storm Sewer.. 509 7--Three Reinforced Concrete Dome Structures for WWTP, Project ............................................. 510 " 7--Traffic problem at Highways 151-61 & Schmitt Island/Greyhound Park intersection ..................... 514 7--Three-D (3D) Co. Loan Agreement with Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. for Loan Security ................................ 521 7--Talephone Co. re! Dbq. Citizens for Comm. Improvement against fee increase ................................... 521, 592 7--T.L Investments, Inc. Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 524 7--Transport Sales Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ............. i 524 7--Tschiggfrie Commercial, approval of Final Plat of Lot 1, lot 2, lot 3, lot 4 and lot 5 of Block 1 ......................... 527 7--Trio (Grandstand Bldg.) Ceramic, of Dbq. Racing Facility, com- pletion of project ..................................... 533, 534 Oct. 21--Tollbrldge Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 542 Nov. 4--Tranalt monies (UMTA), transferred etc ................. 555 4--Traffic Control for Cedar Cross Road .................... 557-559 4--Travis, Barbara J., Class "Bi' Beer Permit; Cigarette Permit. 561, 573 4--TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 573 Dec. 16--Timmerman, A.J. re: purchase of 2 acres south of Huff St.. 602 " 16--Tourist Information Center re: keeping open during winter. 603 INDEX -- BOOK 115 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE 0 Jan. 7--U.S. 52, IA. DOT advising of resurfacing project ......... 14 Mar. 4--Udell, John W., Claim; Settlement; ..................... 120, 271 4--US Army Corps of Engrs. submitting Jan. notice ......... 121 Mar. 18--US 52, IA DOT advising of bridge repair ................ 226 Apr. 1--UMTA re: Planning Assistance application on behalf of ECIA. 237 Apr. 15--UMTA, Filing of Application for Grant with DOT, USA... 255 May 6--US 20 & Dodson Road, plat of property approved ......... 290 May 20--Univeralty Ave. - 2774, Rezoning to C-1 Neighborhood ..... 305. 326 June 3--Ungs, David A. (Copper Kettle), Cigarette Permit ......... 335 June 17--Union Bus Depot, Cigarette Permit ..................... 357 " 17--UAW, Local 94, Cigarette Permit ....................... 358 Aug. 19--UDAG Project re: Grant Closeout Agreement with UD Dept. HUD re: FDL Foods, fnc .............................. 417, 418 19--UDAG Application re: Hotel Feasibility Study ........... 425 19--U.S. Highway 61 & Greyhound Park Drive, Designation of Stop Signs at Intersections ................................ 426 Aug. 29--UDAG Agreement, re: FDL requesting fntercreditor Agreement .......................................... 436 Sept. 3--Uni0n Label Week, Proclamation ............ ........... 440 3--Underwood, M. Lark, resignation from Cable Teleprogramm- ing Corem ........................................... ? 480 Sept. 16--Ungs St. (Near N. Grandvlew), installation of Street Light. 501 Nov. 4--UMTA Capital Assistance Funds Transfer from Dubuque Ur- banlzed Area Account ................................ 555 4--U.S. 61 & 151 from Grandview to 7th St. relocation design. 556 4--U.S. Dept. of Transportation submitting Dockets "Essential Air Transportation for Fort Dodge & Mason City" Order.. 563 Nov. 18--Utilicorp United, assignment of Peoples Natural Gas Franchise. 567 18--Union Cigar Store, Cigarette Permit .................... 573 Dec. 2--University of Dubuque, re: Residential Parking Permit .... 587, 600 Dec. 16--Ungs, David A., Class "C' Liquor License ............... 604 I985 SUBJECT PAGE ¥ Jan. 7--Vacation requested re: alley between 5th & 6th & Bluff & Locust Ste ............................................. 14, 19. 57, 78 Jan. 21--Victoria & Logan from Plymouth Ct. to southerly end, Assess- ment Schedule of 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ........... 45-47 Feb. 18--Vacating streets & alleys which are presently in subdivision owned or being used by Chi., Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR. ................................................. 78, 100-103 Apr. 1--Vacatinn & release of Water Well Easement re: Lot 9, Blk. 1 Riverfront Subd. No. 5 ................................ 230 1 --Vacation of portion of Rhomberg Ave. from northerly proper- ty line of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Boatyard Addn. to Northerly Term. of Said St. (formerly abutted Eagle Pt. Bridge Area)- conveyance to Susan M. Balsalno ....................... 234-236 Apr. 15--Volunteer Week, National, Proclamation ................. 246 " 15--Ventilating (Heating & Air Cond.) for Five Flags Theatre.. ........................................... 253, 254, 304, 305 " 15--Vacation & Sale of public alley adjacent to property of Martin A. Gansemer, 515 Strauss St .......................... ........................................... 253, 254, 306, 307 May 6--VanderBroek, Dr. Lyle, Gave Invocation ................. 276 May 20--Vehicles Stop at Railroad Crossings, Ordinance ........... 314 " 20--Vehicle Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets (Nightengale Lane etc.) ........................................... 317 June 3--Vacancy on City Council due to resignation of Council Member Beurskens ....................................... 334, 356, 361 3--VanNatta, Reva, Claim; Denial ....................... 337, 361 June 17--Visiting Nurse Services - Execution of Documents by Board of Health .............................................. 338 " 17--Veterans Assn.- Third Annual ReuniQn, information by W. Davis ............................................. 347 ' 17--Visitor's Council, Chamber of Commerce, Agreement, Purcliase of Services ......................................... 349 " 17--Vet's Softball Fields, Jaycee's Fireworks Display ........ 350 " 17--Vendors Unlimited, Cigarette Licenses (Several Outlets) 357 " 17--Village Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 358 " 17--Vanderah, Kevin, Claim ........................... 360 July 15--Vogt, Eugene, objection to Kane St. assessment paving project. 385 Aug. 5--Vietnam Veterans Week, Proclamation ............. 397 5--Vasco Drug, Cigarette Permit ....................... 404 Aug. 19--Veterans (Tri-State) Memorial Assn., Inc. - Lease Agreement for 2 acres in Marshall Park ...................... 411 19--Veterans Memorial parking Lot Sealcoating project ....... .................................... 415, 416, 443, 444, 577 ' 19--Vacatinn o~ East 18th St. fi'om Elm to Pine, re: John Shulan, Mgr. of Jacobson's Inc ........................ 417, 440, 441 Sept, 3--Villa property, re: problem with drainage rocks etc ........ 445 Oct. 7--Vacating & Closing of Brunswick St. from Peru Rd. to Elbow St. 522, 523 Nov. 18--Vacation of aliey between Jackson & Washington St. fi'om E. llth to E. 12th .............................. 566, 581,582 Dec. 2--Voluntary Hospitals of Iowa re: Reve. Bonds for Finley Hospitals etc ................................. 584 INDEX -- BOOK 115 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 2--Vaca~on ofal leybetween Cedar&Sycan~ore Sts. from 14th to lSth Sts .......................................... 586, 598 2--Victoria Street litigation concluded ..................... 589 " 2--Visitors Bureau, Conventinn&,re: keeping Tourist Centeropen. 693 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 7--Wacker Dr. (JFK & Dodge), establishment of C-6 Planned Comm. District & Preliminary Development Plan ......... 1 7--Waldenbacher, Mark F., suit ........................... 13 Jan. 14--Walff, Clark W., re: New Zoning Ordinance .............. 17 14--Washington St., re: New Zoning Ordinance ............... 17 14--Walser Movers, Inc., objection to proposed new rezonlng... 17 Jan. 21--Washington Park, request by Jaycees to a~low beer on Friday p.m .................................. 20, 79, 116, 218, 241, 257 21--Withee, Dave, re: request to have beer in Wash. Park by Jaycecs. 20 21--W. 3rd St., North Grandview to Hill, Schedule of Assessments for 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ....................... 41-45 Feb. 18--Wall Finishes for Dog Track, Pkg. E. Documents ......... .............................................. 76, 77, 106-109 18--West Second St., property, purchase by DIxt. Trolley, In~ (CD local). 81 " 18--Washington Street Urban Revitalization areas, - approval of tax exemption ....................................... 84 " 18--West Eleventh St. Revitalization Area, approval of tax exemptions .......................................... 84 Feb. 25--Water System Project at Airport, deleted from Budget .... 89 " 25--Water Rates Changed ................................. 90-92 Mar. 4--Washington St. - Ordinances designating "Stop Intersections". 115 4--Waste Material, transport to hcensed sardtary disposal project. 117 4--Will-Co, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 225 Apr. 1--Water Well Easement, Vacation & Release relating to & Ef- fecting Lot 9, Block 1 of Riverfront Subd. #5 ............. 230, 231 1--Willoughby, David resigning from Park & Recreation Commission ......................................... 243 1--Ward, Ronald, Claim, Denial ........................... 243, 271 1 --Walleye Club (Mississippi) objecting to barge parking near Ci- ty Island ........................................... 243 Apr. 15--Week of the Young Child, Proclamation ................. 246 " 15--William C. Brown Co., re: disposal of City property located in Riverfront Subd. No. 5 ................................ 246 15--Wacker Drive & Dodge St., Traffic Signal Improvement & In- tersection Lighting Project ............................ 252-253 15--Water Main, request to extend it across JFK to 3350 JFK. 256 15--Women's Recreation Assn. Complex, petition requesting traf- fic relief for nearby homeowners ........................ 256 15--West Dubuque Tap, (D. Ginter), Class "C" Liquor License. 270 15--Wareco System of Iowa, Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 270 15--Webb, James J., (Jim's Web), Class "C" Liquor License... 270 May 6--West Third & Iowa St., re: Lease Agreement with S & S Enterprises ........................................ 276 6--Washington, 1669, re: Lien Release on Housing Rehab Loan. 287, 288 6--White, Jane M., appointed to the Park & Rec. Commission. 289 6--Westmark, Leo F., Claim; Denial ....................... 292, 324 May 20--Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Agreement ....... 311 " 20--Watercraft, Noise Restriction .......................... 312 " 20--Waters - Regulation of Certain Activities thereon ......... 312, 313 " 20--WRA Complex, problem with traffic on Nightengale L~e.. 316, 317 " 20--Watters, Angle R., Cigarette Permit .................... 320 " 20--Wagner, Paul, Delinquent Sewer Accounts, & Delinquent Refuse Collection Accounts ........................... 322, 323 June 3--Wright, Tim opposing zoning change for 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg ...................................... 326 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE June 3--White, Dennis, favoring zaning change for 2774 University Ave. 3--Will-Co., Inc. (Oky Doky #10), Cigarette Permit ........... 3--Windsor Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 3--Warehouse Market, Cigarette Permit .................... 3--W.C.B. (Brown) Restaurant) 3100 Dodge (W-I Canteen), Cigarette Permit .................................... June 17--Water Ski Club- Lease Agreement with City ............. 17--Watermaln & Sewer for Dog Racing Facility, final documents. 17--Wm. C. Brown Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 17--Walgreen Co., Cigarette Permit ........................ 17--Warecu System of Ia. (700 Rhomberg), Cigarette Permit... 17--West Dubuque Tap, Cigarette Permit ................... 17--Whiskey River, Cigarette Permit ....................... 17--Walnut Tap & Beer Store, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor 326 335 335 335 335 340 350,351 357 357 357 358 358 License ............................................. 358, 359 " 17--Whitey's Bar X, Cigarette Permit ...................... 358 " 17--White House Tap, Cigarette Permit ..................... 358 " 17--Wagner, Jane, Claim; Closed ........................... 360, 578 " 17--Woodward Communications re: Henry Haas III Claim - Indemnity .................................... 360 July 1--Wintertime activities (sleighing, etc) prohibited by Ord .... 369 1--Water Distribution System, Contract with Harcu Corp. for Cathodic Protection Analysis .......................... 372 1--Wagener, Richard, appointed to Bd. of Electrical Examiners. 374 1--Wild, Robert, appointed to Historic Preservation Comm... 374 1--Wheaten & Gratton, Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 376 1--Walgreen Co., Class "B" Wine Permit ................... 377 July 10--Waste Equipment Project (Jays), Application for CD Loan. 382 July 15--Whaian, John & Doris, objection to Loras Blvd. Assessment (Street Project) ...................................... 15--Westminster Pres. Church, objection to Loras Blvd. Assess- ment (Street Project.) ................................. 384 15--Water Division maintenance foreman position approved .... 390 15--Water Plant Operator suspensions (F. Nagal & ti. Claussen) approved ............................................ 390 15--Wahlert High School, contract with Five Flags Center ..... 391 15--WCB Restaurants, Inc. Class "B" Beer & Liquor License.. 394 15--Woodward Communications re: Cert. of Ins. for installation of newspaper distribution boxes .......................... 395 Aug. 5--Warranty Deed for parcel of property from LETNA Properties, acceptance .......................................... 400 5--Watters. Angle R., (The Kennel Club), Class "C" Beer & Li- quor License ........................................ 405 5--Waiver of Lien re: sign at Dbq. Greyhound Park .......... 419 5--Windsor Ave. & Sheridan road, removal of No Parking signs on north side of street ................................ 424 5--White, Vivian, Claim; Denial ........................... 426, 479 Sept. 3--Walser Movers re: vacation of E. 18th St. from Elm to Pine (re: Eagle Discount Expansion.) ............................. 440 3--Wine Permits, Ord. Providing for regulating e~c. ............ 463 3--Wild , Gary, Claim .................................... 479 3--Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Plan, Analysis reports.. 480 3--Waiker4)neida Streets Sani~wy Sewer, final documents ....... 482-485 Sept. 16--Wastewater Treatment Plant - reconstruction of three reinforc- ed Concrete Domes ................................... 487 16--Windsor Ave. & Burden Ave. Storm Sewer Project ........ ............................................... 488, 489, 509 16--Whiskey River, Class "C" Liquor License ..... : .......... 499 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 16--Whitey's Bar X, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 499 Oct. 7--White Cane Day, Proclamation ......................... 503 7--Warren Contractors. Inc. awarded contract for Three Reinforced Concrete Dome Structure for the City ................... 510 7--Waif, Carolyn re: needed traffic signals for the Schmitt Island/Greyhound park intersection ..................... 514 7--Wahlert High Schoai re: requested bonfire for Homecoming. 517 7--Webb, James, Cigarette Permit ........................ 523 7--Windsor Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 523 7--Walker Oneida Sanitary Sewer, filing of Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments ...................................... 525 7--Wahlert Library at Loras receiving Council and Civil Service documents .......................................... 526 7--Wall Finishes for Dog Racing Facility, final documents .... 538 7--Warehouse Market, Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 542 Nov. 4--Woodman, Clair A., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 562 4--Wastewater Treatment Facility, Inspection Report ........ 563 Nov. 18--Washingten St. & Jackson - Alley from E. 11th to E. 12th, vaca- tion and disposition to Spahn & Rose ................... ................................................ 566, 581, 582 " 18--Wild, Michael, Claim ................................. 574 " 18--White, Dennis, Canvass of votes re: General Election ...... 576 Dec. 2--Water System for Mudicipai Airport re: approval of using #1 CIP item, Chlorinate Water System ..................... 588 2--Wild, Robert, applicant for Dock Bd .................... 591 2--Willenborg, Jeff, appointed to Plumbing Board ........... 591 2--Woitekatis, Jeanne L., Denial of Claim .................. 593 2--Waiz, Judith, Claim .................................. 593 2--Wacker Drive (at Dodge), acceptance of Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Improvements ............................... 596 Dec. 16--Wiinelm, Maynard, requesting Sidewalk ordinance enforcement. 614 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Y Feb. 18--Youth Soccor Week, Proclamation ...................... 76 " 18--Yen Chin Restaurant, Class "C' Liquor License .......... 270 May 6--Youth Leadership Day, Proclamation .................... 276 6--Yellow Hill Road & J.F. Kennedy Road, property at intersec- tion approved (LaVista Estates) ........................ 291 June 17--Yardarm, Cigarette Permit ............................ 358 " 17--Yesterdays, Cigarette Permit .......................... 358 Aug. 5--Yager, Lillian re: Jury verdict for City re: Claim .......... 405 Oct. 21--Yardarm (New Harbor Development Co.), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 543 INDEX -- BOOK 115 1985 SUBJECT PAGE Z Jan. 7--Zoning Change to C-6 Plmmad Comm. District at corner of JFK, Dodge & Wacker Dr. & Preliminary Development Plan .... 1 Jan. 14--Zoning Ordinance (New), Public Hearngs, Objections, Or- dinance, Resolution (enacted 3-25-85) .... 17, 18, 55, 111-112, 125-217 Jan. 21--ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......................................... 49, 119, 243, 270, 292, 336, 360, 378, 405, 479, 500, 544, 574, 593, 605 Feb. 18--Zirkelbach, Dennis & Sandy, Class "C" Liquor License .... 82 Mar. 4--Zonnig Fees, Official Schedule & for Temporary Use, Adopted. 112 Apr. 1--Zenner, Jan, resignation from Historic Pres. Commission... 243 May 6--Zoning Change - Conditional Uses in OR District, to allow for addition of certain food service establishments to available uses. 278, 297 6--Zoning Change to allow an additional principal use, namely GROCERY STORES ................................. 298 May 20--Zoning Change, reclassifying property at 2774 University from R-2 Two Family Residential to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District ............................................. 305, 326 " 20--Zoning Change from CI Neighborhood Comm. to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center at 2417 & 2501 Rhomberg. 306, 326 20--Zoning Change, by enacting a new Section 3-3.5E to allow for certain temporary uses in the C-5 Central Business District. ................................................ 306, 327, 328 " 20--Zoning change, deletion from Section 8 the definitions of Per- sonal Services and Business Services .................... 330, 340 June 3--Zayre Corp., Cigarette Permit ..................... 335 June 17--Zoning change re: deletion from Sec. 8 the definitions of Per- serial Services & Business Services & also adding definition of TEMPORARY USES ................................. 340 " 17--Zoning change- Amending Code by reclassifying property located in the 3400 Block of Asbury Road from "R-4 Multi- Family Residential District" to "OR Office Residential District" ............................................ ........................................... 344, 363, 388, 406 " 17--Zayre's, Cigarette Permit .............................. 358 July 1--Zoning ordinance amendment to provide for definitions of Grocerty Stores & Supermarkets ....................... ........................................... 344, 345, 363, 364 July I 0--Zoning Ordinance change, re: Conceptual Development Plan for ID Institutional District of Clarke College ............... 380, 381 Sept. 16--Zoning requested re: 279-283 Clarke Drive (J. & N. Stock re- quest for P. Hearing etc., from R.2 to R-3) ............... 495 Oct. 21--Zoning change for 2730 Dodge St. from R-1 Single Family to C-3 Commercial District ............................... 542, 553 Nov. 18--Zoning change etc. at 412 Loras Blvd. from R-4 Multi-Family Residential District to OR Office Residential District ...... 566, 583 Dec. 16--Zoning change by reclassifying property at the south terminus of Richards Road Extension from AG to PR ............. 602 Regular Session, January 7, 1985 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, January 7, 1985. Council Met at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Public Library Auditorium. Present--Mayor Brady, Council Members Beurskens, Deich, Hammel gluesner, Kronfaldt, City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart, Corporation Counsel William G. Blum. Absent at Roll Call--Council Member Manning. Mayor Brady read the call and stotad this is the REGULAR MONTH- LY MEETING OF THE CITY COUN- CIL eaUed for the purpose to act upon such business which may properly come before the Council. Invocation was given by Dr. Egon W. D. Gerdes, Pastor of Grandview Avenue United Methodist Church. Council Member Manning entered the Chambers at 7:32 p.m. Jerry Guy of the Durrant Group, Inc. spoke on the progress of the Dog Track Facility. Council Member Khieener moved to suspend the rules to let anyone pr~- sent address the Council if they so desire. Seconded by Council Member Deich. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem- bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal, Klues- ner, Kronfeldt, Manning. Nays--None. Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on Notice of Public Hearing to establish a C-6 Planned Commercial District at the corner of J.F. Kennedy Road, Dodge Street and Wacker Drive, presented and read. There were no written objections received and no oral objectors present at the time of the Hearing. Council Member Hammel moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Council Member Dalch. Carried by the follow- lng vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem- bers Beurskens, Dalch, Hammal, Klues- her, Kronfeldt, Manning. Nays--None. Mr. Brian Guthalng of the Durrant Group appeared in order to respond to any questions. ORDINANCE NO. 1-85 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF OR- DINANCE NO. 59-81 WHICH ES- TABLISHED A C-6 PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF PRO- PERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED THEREIN AND WHICH CONDI- TIONALLY APPROVED A PRE- LIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN, PRESENTED AT THE COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 3, 1984, presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 1-85 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 59-81 WHICH ESTABLISHED A C-6 PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED THEREIN AND WHICH CONDITIONALLY AP- PROVED A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 59-81 the City Council approved the request of Key City Development Company for reclassification of property therein described to C-6 Planned Commercial District subject among other condi- tions to submission of final develop- ment plans and substantial conformity with the approved Preliminary Devel- opment Plan; and WHEREAS, Key City Development Company has filed an amended Pre- liminary Development Plan in accor- dance with provisions of the Code of Ordinances, Appendix A thereof, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zen- lng Commission has held a public hearing on said amended Preliminary Development Plan pursuant to required published notice and has con- ditionally approved said amended Pre- liminary Development Plan having found said plan in conformance with the review standards applicable to such plans; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zen- lng Commission has recommended the concurrence of the City Council in conditional approval of said amended Preliminary Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has