1985 March Council ProceedingsSpecial Session, Feburary 25, 1985
Council Member Beurskens moved
that the rule requiring an Ordinance to
be read at 3 separate meetings be
dispensed with. Seconded by Council
Member Manning. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel, Klues-
ncr, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Section 1. That the Code of Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
be amended by repealing the definition
of Health Officer in Section 20-2
thereof and enacting a new definitinn
of Health Officer in Section 20-2 in
lieu thereof as follows:
"Sec. 20-2. Definitions.
Health Officer is the Housing Services
Division Manager for the purposes of
adininistering and enforcing the provi-
sions of Chapter 20 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque,
Passed, approved and adopted this
25th day of February, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this 8th day of
March, 1985.
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
It 3/8
Council Member Beurskens moved
final adoption of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member Mann-
ing. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel, Klues.
ncr, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Bud Isenhart addressed the Council
and questioned if the adoption of the
Capital Improvement Program was
proper. Corporation Counsel assured
him that it was.
There being no further business,
Council Member Kronfeldt moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Council Member
HammeL Carried by the fullowing
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Delch, Hammel, Klues-
ncr, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Approved 1985
Adopted 1985
Council Members
City Clerk
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Regular Session, March 4, 1985.
Council met at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in
the Public Library Auditorium.
Present--Mayor Brady, Council
Members Beurskens, Deich, Hamme]
Kronfeldt, Manning, City Manager W.
Kenneth Gearhart, Assistant City At-
torney Tim O'Brien.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Mayor Brady read the call and
stated that service thereof bed been
duly made and this meeting is the
the purpose to act upon such business
which may properly come before the
INVOCATION was given by Msgr.
Francis Friedl. Pastor St.
Coinmbkille's Church.
March as "Mental Retardation
Month" received by Wm. Schmeichel.
March 1 through April 7 as "Easter
Seal Week in Dubuque" received by
Mary Biggins.
Terry Sullivan, President of
Downtown Association advised of a
"Discovery Meeting" to be held on
March 5, 1985.
Jerry Guy of the Durrant Group
gave a report on the status and pro-
gress of the Dog Track Facility.
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice of Public
Hearing on intention to issue In-
dustrial Development Revenue Bonds
(Frommelt Partnership Project II) in
an amount not to exceed 5800,000.
presented and read. No written objec-
tions were received and or oral objec-
tors were present at the public hear-
ing. Council Member Dcich moved to
suspend the rules to let anyone pre-
sent address the Council if they so
desire. Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel, Kron-
feldt, Manding. Nays--None.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Council Member Beurskens moved
that the proof of publication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council
Members Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Resolutlon to Proceed with the Is-
suance and Sale of Industrial Develop-
ment Revenue Bonds, Series 1985
(Frommelt Partnership Project II)
in an aggregate principal amount
not to exceed $800,000
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque.
Iowa, in the County of Dubuque, State
of Iowa (the "Issuer"), is an nicor-
porated municipality authorized and
empowered by the provisions of
Chapter 419 of the Code of Iowa, 1983,
as amended (the "Act"), to issue
revenue bonds for the purpose of finan-
cing the cost of acquiring, by construc-
tion or purchase, land, buildings, im-
provelnents and equipment, or any in-
terest therein, suitable for the use of
any industry or industries for the
manufacturing, proces(mg or assembl-
lng of any agricultural or manufactured
products or of any commercial enter-
prise engaged in storing, warehousing
or distributing products of agriculture,
~ninlng or industry, or of a national,
regional or divisional headquarters
facility of a company that does
mditistate business; and
WHEREAS, the Issuer has been re-
quested by Frommelt Partnership (the
"Company"), an Iowa general partner-
ship, to issue its industrial development
revenue bonds to finance the
Company's acquisition by construction
or purchase of an approximately 28,000
square foot building, equipment and im-
provements suitable for use as a
warehouse/manufacturing addition of
an existing faci~ty to be leased to
Frommelt Industries, Inc. (the
"Lessee") for the manufacture of
loading dock shelters, impact doors,
safety equipment (fire resistant fabrica-
tions) and other heavy textile products
(the "Project"l to be located at 4343
Regular Sessio~ March4,1985 10!
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Chavenelle Drive within the Issuer,
which will promote the welfare of the
Issuer and its citizens; and
WHEREAS, it is proposed to
finance the cost of the Project through
the issuance of Industrial Develop-
ment Revenue Bonds, Series 1985
(Frommelt Partnership Project II), of
the Issuer in an aggregate principal
amount not to exceed $800,000 (the
"Bonds") and to loan said amount to
the Company under a Loan Agreement
between the Issuer and the Company,
the obligation of which will be suffi-
cient to pay the principal of and in-
terest and redemption premium, if
any, on the Bonds, as and when the
same shall be due; and
WHEREAS, notice of intention to
issue the Bonds has, as directed by the
City Council of the Issuer, been duly
given in compliance with the Act and
Section 103(k) of the Internal Revenue
C, de; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has
been held on the proposal to issue the
Bonds at the time and place as
specified in said notice and all objec-
tions or other comments relating to
the issuance of the Bonds have been
RESOLVED by the City Council of
the Issuer, as follows:
Section L It is hereby determined it
is necessary and advisable that the
Issuer proceed with the issuance and
sale of the Bonds as authorized and
permitted by the Act to finance the
cost of the Projec~ and such actions
will be taken by the Issuer as may be
required pursuant to the provisions of
the Act to authorize, issue and sell the
Section 2. The Issuer will enter into
all agreements necessary to be entered
into by the Issuer in connection with
the issuance and sale of the Bonds.
The City Attorney shall approve all
agreements to be entered into in con-
nection with the issuance of the Bonds
and such agreements shall be authoriz-
ed and approved after due considera-
5on by this Council prior to their ex-
ecution by the Issuer.
Section 3. The Mayor, the City Clerk
and the City Attorney are hereby
authorized and directed to do any and
all things deemed necessary in order to
effect the accomplishment of the Pro-
ject and the issuance and sale of the
Section 4. All resolutions and parts
thereof in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed to the extent of such conflict.
Section 5. This Resolution shall
become effective immediately upon its
passage and approval.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hummel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice of Public Hear-
ing to consider an Ordinance vacating
unused streets and alleys which are
presently in subdivision owned or being
used by Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Pacific Railroad Company,
presented and read. No written objec-
tions were received and oral objectors
were present at the time of the public
hearing. Council Member Kronfeldt
moved that the proof of publication be
received and filed. Seconded by Council
Member Beurskens. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hummel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
dinance having been previously
presented and read at the Council
Meeting of February 18, 1985,
presented for final adoption.
WItEREAS, the Chicago, Mliwau-
kee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company has requested the vacathm
of numerous streets and alleys on
prnperty owned or used by the rail-
road in the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque,
Iowa and Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and Pacific Railroad Company
have entered into an agreement to
allow the City of Dubuque, Iowa to
receive certain property presently
owned hy the railroad; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa has determined
that the streets and alleys are no
longer required for public use, the
vacating of streets and alleys should
be approved.
ORDAINED, by the City Council, the
City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the following
described real estate in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa be in the same as
hereby vacated:
Vacated Cedar Street lying between
Vacated East Nineteenth Street and
Garfield Avenue (formerly Lake
the Vacated alley extending from
Vacated East Nineteenth Street to
Garfield Avenue (formerly Lake
Street), between Vacated Cedar Street
and Vacated Sycamore Street;
thc Vacated Alley next west of
Vacated Cedar Street extending from
Vacated East Nineteenth Street to
Couler Creek;
that part of Vacated Lynn Street
lying between Vacated East Nine-
teenth Street and Garfield Avenue
(Iormcr~y Lake Street);
that part of the Vacated Peosta
Street from Vacated Sycamore Street
to the inter~ction with Vacated Ash
the Vacated Alley between Garfield
Avenue (formerly Lake Street) and
Vacated Peosta Street through Blocks
7 and 8, in Railroad Addition;
that part of Vacated Ash Street
from the intersectten of Vacated
Peosta Street to Vacated East Nine-
~eenth Street;
that part of Vacated East Twentieth
Street from the east line of Vacated
Lynn Street to the west line of
Vacated Marsh Street (formerly Wil-
low Street);
the Vacated Alley in Block 18, Rail-
road Addition, extending from the Sec-
tion line between Sections 18 and 19,
Townsi~p 89 North, Range 3 East of
5th P.M., to Vacated East Twentieth
the Vacated Alley in Blocks 11 and
12, in Railroad Addition, extending
fi'om Vacated Ash Street to Vacated
East Nhieteenth Street;
the Vacated Alley in Block 6, Rail-
road Addition, extending from Vacated
Peosta Sereet to Vacated East Nine-
teenth Street;
the Vacated Alley in Block 17, in
Railroad Addition;
Vacated Sycamore Street extending
from Vacated East Nineteenth Street
to Garfield Avenue (formerly Lake
that part of Vacated Marsh Street
(formerly Willow Street) from the
north line of Vacated East Twentieth
Street to the north end of said Marsh
that part of the Vacated Alley lying
between lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, in
Block 2, in "Wiltse Dubuque, 1845"
(also known as Wiltse's Addition);
that part of Vacated Wayne Street
(formerly East 21st Street) commenc-
ing at the westerly line of Vacated
Hickory Street (formerly Birch Street)
thence westerly to the terminus of said
Wayne Street (formerly East 21st
that pm't of the Vacated Alley lying
between lots 1, 14 and 15, in Block 4,
in "Wiltse's Dubuque, 1~45" (also
known as Wiltse's Addition);
that part of Vacated Peosta Street
(described as - "the unnamed strip of
street shown on the plat of
McCraney's Addition") from the
northerly line extended of Schiller
Street to the northeasterly line of
Mineral Lot 303;
that part of Vacated Hickory Street
(formerly Birch Street) lying between
Blocks 1 and 4, in "Wiltse's Dubuque,
1843" (also known as Wiltse's Addi-
that part of Vacated Ash Street
lying between Blocks 12 and 17, in
Railroad Addition;
the alley lying between lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, of the subdivision
of Mineral Lot 107;
Lot 2, Block 5, Dubuque Packing
Company Addition; Lot 1 of"Vacated
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
East Nineteenth Street between East
line of Mineral Lot 106 and West line
of original Sycamore Street
Lot 1 of Lot i of Vacated Maple
Street north of 18th Street;
Lot 2 of Lot "B" of lot 1 of lot 305,
East Dubuque No. 2;
the alley lying between lot 2 of lot
240, lot 2 of lot 241, 302 and 303, in
"East Dubuque No. 2";
that part of East Eighteenth Street
(not vacated) from the east line of
Pine Street to the westerly line of lot
300 C and 800 A in East Dubuque No.
the northerly 141.76 feet of the alley
lying between lots 242, 243, 244, lot 2
of lots 300 and 301, lot 2 of lot 1 of lots
300 and 301, and lot 2 of lot 299, in
East Dubuque No. 2;
that part of East Seventeenth Street
lying between lots 246 and 247 in East
Dubuque No. 2;
that part of Vacated Marsh Street
(formerly Willow Street) from the
north line of East 19th Street to the
south line of East 20th Street;
that part of Vacated East 20th
Street from the west line of Marsh
Street (formerly Willow Street) to the
west line of Hickory Street, the
vacated alley in Block 21, the vacated
alley in Block 27, the vacated alley in
Block 20;
that part of vacated Hickory Street
lying between Blocks 20 and 27, the
alley in Block 26;
that part of Hickory Street lying
north of East Nineteenth Street to the
north line of East Twentieth Street;
that part of East TwenUleth Street
lying east of the east line of Hickory
Street to the westerly line of lot 4 of
FDL First Addition;
that part of Brook Street from the
north line of East Nineteenth Street to
the south line of East Twentieth
all in "Rail Road Addition" (also
known as - Railroad Addition);
that part of the vacated afiey, lying
between lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, in Block 2;
that part of vacated Hickory Street
(fommrly Birch Street) lying between
Blocks 2 and 3, the vacated alley in
Block 3;
that part of vacated Wayne Street
(formerly East 21st Street lying
between the west line of Brook Street
(formerly Hickory Street) and the west
line of Hickory Street (formerly Birch
that part of the vacated alley, lying
between lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9~ 10, 11,
12, and 13, in Block 4;
that part of vacated Brook Street
(formerly Hickory Street) lying
between lots 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, in
Block 4, and lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, in
Block 5;
that part of the vacated alley lying
between lots 1, 2, 3, 30, 31, 32, and 33,
in Block 5;
that part of Brook Street (formerly
Hickory Street) lying north of the
north line of East Twentieth Street to
the south line of lot 14, in Block 4, and
the south line of lot 10, in Block 5;
Linden Street (formerly Aspen
Street) from the north line of Wayne
Street (formerly East 21st Street) to
tbe south line of Peosta Street, and
from the south line of Wayne Street
(formerly East 21st Street) to the west-
erly line of Lot 4 of FDL First Addi-
tion, the alley in Block 6, the alley in
Block 8;
that part of the alley in Block 5,
from the north line of Wayne Street
(formetiy East Twenty First Street) to
the south line of lots 3 and 30, in said
Block 5;
that part of vacated Peosta Street
(described as - "the unnamed strip of
street shown on the plat of
McCraney's Addition") from the
northerly line extended of Schiller
Street to the southerly line extended
of Linden Street (formerly Aspen
Street) and Farley Street (formerly
Middle Avenue);
that part of Peosta Street (described
as "the unnamed strip or street shown
on the plat of McCraney's Addition")
from the southerly line extended of
Linden Street (formerly Aspen Street)
and Farley Street (formerly Middle
Avenue) to the southerly line extended
of lot i of lot 2 of lot 20 in Jaeger's
that part of Wayne Street (formerly
East Twenty First Street) from the
east line of Brook Street (formerly
Hickory Street) to the westerly line of
lot 2 of FDL First Addition.
all in Wiltse's Dubuque, 1845" (also
known as Wiltse's Addition).
Section 2. The City reserves unto
itseff perpetual easements in, over, and
across said real estate for public utili-
ties, together with and including the
right of ingress and egress thereto, with
the purpose of repairing and maintain-
lng the existing sewer, water and public
Section 3. The City Clerk be and is
hereby authorized and directed to
cause notice of intent to dispose of said
rea] estate in a manner as described by
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Section 4. That the conveyance of
the above described real estate is
hereby approved upon the Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail-
road Company conveying to the City
of Dubuque lot 1 of Kerper Industrial
Subdivision No. i in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa according to the
recorded plat thereof and granting
easements to the City of Dubuque for
tbe purpose of constructing, repairing,
and maintaining existing public utili-
ties in, over and across Chicago, Mil-
waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Raiiroad
Company property.
ADOPTED this 4th day of March,
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this 12th day of
Mm'ch, 1985
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
it 3/12
Council Member Kronfeldt moved
final adoption of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member Beur-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady. Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Resolution approving the sale of
vacated streets and alleys in
subdivisions and properties
presently owned by the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Pacific Railroad Company.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution
and public notice of time and place of
hearing established in the Telegraph
Herald. a newspaper of general circula-
tion published on Feb. 22, 1985, in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa the City Coun-
til, Dubuque, Iowa met on the 4th day
of March, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Dubuque Public Library, Dubuque,
Iowa to consider the proposal disposing
of real estate of the City of Dubuque.
Iowa being that property as described
on the attached Ordinance No. 12-85;
WHEREAS, such property as to be
conveyed to Chicago, Milwaukee. St.
Paul and Pacific Ralkoad Company
with the consideration of the Railroad
conveying property known as lot I of
Kerper Industrial Subdivision No. one
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa accor-
ding to recorded plat thereof; and
WHEREAS. the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa has overruled
any and all objections, oral or written.
to the proposal to dispose of the in-
terest of the City of Dubuque, Iowa in
the herein described and attached real
estate to the above named grantee.
RESOLVED by the City Coun(ll of the
City of Dubuque. Iowa:
Section 1. That disposal of the in-
terest of the City of Dubuque, in the
property' as described in the attached
Ordinance No. 12-85 is hereby approvec~
Section 2. That the mayor be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to ex-
ecute a Quit Claim Deed, and the City
Clerk be and she is hereby directed and
authorized to deliver Deed of Con-
veyance, conveying the attached
described real estate to the attached
named grantee upon receipt of Deed
conveying to the City of Dubuque lot 1
of Kerper Subdivision #1 and easements
for public utilities on Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad property.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Kronfeldt moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Beurskens. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
104 Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice of Pendency
of Resolution of Necessity for public
improvements and public hearing
upon proposed plans, specifications,
etc. for the Dubuque Greyhound Park
Off-Site Roadway Improvements,
presented and read. No written objec-
tions were received and no oral objec-
tors were present at the time of the
Public Hearing. Council Member Beur-
skens moved that the proof of publica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, HammeL
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, proposed plans have
been duly prepared and approved by
the City Council of the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa, and are now on file in the of-
rice of the City Clerk showing among
other things the plans, specifications
and form of contract for the improve-
ment, and an estimate of the cost for
the Dubuque Greyhound Park- Off-Site
Roadway Improvements.
that the City CouncLl deems it ad-
visable and necessary for the public
welfare to make the herein mentioned
improvement, and unless interested
persons at the time of the final con-
sideration of this proposed resolution
have filed objections with the City
Clerk to the proposed plans, specifica-
tions, contract or esthnated cost of the
improvement, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
stracted and done in accordance with
the plans and specificaU~ons which have
been approved by the City Council and
are now on file with the City Clerk. That
the cost and expense of making such
improvement will be paid from General
Obligation Bonds.
The above resolution was introduced
approved and ordered placed on file
with the City Clerk this 4th day of
February, 1985.
Approved and placed on file for final
James E. Brady
Karen M, Chesterman
Deputy City Clerk
The foregoing resolution was finally
passed and adopted, as proposed by the
City Council this 4th day of March,
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract for
the Dubuque Greyhound Park - Off-Site
Roadway Improvements have been ap-
proved by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque and public notice given as
provided by the Code of Iowa pertain-
lng to public contracts and bonds, and
the tune and place fixed for the hearing
of all objections to said plans, specifica-
tions or contract for or cost of such im-
provements, said time being this 4th
day of March, 1985; and
WHEREAS, the City Council met in
regalar session this 4th day of March,
1985, at 7:30 p.m. at the Public Library
Auditorium for the purpose of hearing
all interested parties and considering
any and all objections which have been
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
filed to the proposed plans, specifica-
tions or contract for or cost of the im-
provement herein described and pro-
posed to be made; and
WHEREAS, all interested parties
have been given an opportunity to be
heard and all objections which have
been duly weighed and considered;
RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that all objec-
tions which have been made and filed
to the plans, specifications, contract
for or cost of said improvement herein
described and proposed to be made, be
and the same hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form of
contract heretofore approved are
hereby adopted.
that this resolution containing the
decision of this City Council upon all
objections which have been filed to the
plans, specifications and form of cost
said improvement be made a matter of
permanent record in connection with
said improvement.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
QUE that pursuant to a Resolution of
Necessity No. 35-85 which was duly
passed by this Council for the Dubuque
Greyhound Park - Off-Site Roadway
Lnprovements be and the same are
hereby ordered and constructed by this
Council upon its own motion and with
or without the petition of property
owners. All the work shall be con-
structed in accordance with the plans
and specifications heretofore adopted
and now on file in the office of the City
the cost and expense of the said im-
provement be paid from General
Obligation Bonds.
this resolution being deemed urgent
and of immediate necessity shall be in
force and effect from and after its
passage and adoption by the City Coun-
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice to Contractors
of the receipt of proposals for the Dubu-
que Greyhound Park Off-Site Roadway
Improvements, presented and read.
Council Member Beurskens moved that
the proof of publication be received and
flied. Seconded by Courted Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of City Manager
recommending to award contract for
said project to Quad City Construction
in the amount of $356,438.90, presented
and read. Council Member Beurskens
moved that the communication be re-
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
ceived and filed. Seconded by Council
Member Kronfeldt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel.
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, sealed proposals have
been submitted by contractors for the
Dubuque Greyhound Park Off-Site
Roadway Improvements pursuant to
Resolution No. 37-85 and notice to bid-
ders published in a newspaper publish-
ed in the City of Dubuque, Iowa on the
8th day of February, 1985.
WHEREAS, said sealed proposals
were opened and read on the 21st day of
February, 1985 and it has been deter-
mined that the bid of Quad City Con-
structinn Co. of East Moline, Illinois in
the amount of $356,438.90 was the
lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor
and materials and performing the work
as provided for in the plans and
RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa:
That the contract for the above im-
provement be awarded to Quad City
Construction Co. and the Manager be
and is hereby directed to execute a con-
tract on behalf of the City of Dubuque
for the complete performance of the
That upon the signing of said con-
tract and the approval of the contrac-
ter's bond, the City Treasurer is
authorized and instructed to return the
bid deposits of the unseccessful bid-
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice of Public Hear-
ing on Notice of Pendency of Resolution
of Necessity for public improvements
and public hearing on proposed plans
and specifications for the Dog Racing
Facility Bid Package "E', presented
and read. No written objections were
received and no oral objectors were pre-
sent at the public hearing. Council
M~mber Beurskens moved that the pr~-
of of publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Kron-
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kkies-
WHEREAS, proposed plans have
been duly prepared and approved by
the City Council of the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa, and are now on file in the of-
rice of the City Clerk showing among
other things the plans, specifications
and form of contract for the improve-
ment, and an estimate of the cost for
the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid
Package "E" consisting of Contract
#16 - Wall Finishes; Contract #17 - Floor
Finishes; Contract #18 - Ceramic Tile
Installation; Contract #19 - Signage;
Contract #20 - Landscaping.
that the City Council deems it ad-
visable and necessary for the public
welfare to make the herein mentioned
improvement, and unless interested
persons at the time of the final con-
s~deration of this proposed resolution
have filed objections with the City
Clerk to the proposed plans, specifica-
tions, contract or estimated cost of the
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
improvement, they shall be deemed to
have waived all objections thereto.
Said improvement shall be con-
structed and done in accordance with
the plans and specifications which
have been approved by the City Coun-
cil and are now on file with the City
Clerk. That the cost and expense of
making such improvement will be paid
from General Obligation.
The above resolution was introduc-
ed. approved and ordered placed on file
with the City Clerk this 18th day of
February, 1985.
Approved and placed on file for final
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
The foregoing resolution was finally
passed and adopted, as proposed by
the City Council this 4th day of March,
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, proposed plans and
specifications and form of contract for
the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid
Package "E" consisting of Contract
#16 - Wall Finishes; Contract #17 - Floor
Finishes; Contract #18 - Ceramic Tile
Installation; Contract #19 - Signage;
Contract #20 - Landscaping have been
approved by the City Coun(d of the Ci-
ty of Dubuque and public notice given
as provided by the Code of Iowa per-
mining to public contracts and bonds,
and the time and place fixed for the
hearing of ali objections to said plans,
specifications or contract for or cost of
such improvements, said time being
this 4th day of March, 1985; and
WHEREAS, the City Council met in
regular session this 4th day of March,
1985, at 7:30 p.m. at the Carnegie-Stout
Library Auditorium for the purpose of
hearing ali interested parties and con-
sidering any and ali objections which
have been filed to the proposed plans,
specifications or contract for or cost of
the improvement herein described and
proposed to be made; and
WHEREAS~ ali interested parties
have been given an opportunity to be
beard and all objections which have
been duly weighed and considered;
RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, that ail objections
which have been made and filed to the
plans, specifications, contract for or
cost of said improvement herein
described and proposed to be made, be
and the same hereby overruled and
such plans, specifications and form of
contract heretofore approved are
hereby adopted.
this resolution containing the decision
of this City Council upon all objections
which have been filed to the plans,
specifications and form of cost said im-
provement be'made a matter of perma-
nent record in connection with said im-
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
QUE that pursuant to a Resolution of
Necessity No. 49-85 which was duly
passed by this Council for the Dubu-
que Dog Racing Facility Bid Package
"E" consisting of Contract #16 - Wall
Finishes; Contract //17 - Floor
Finishes; Contract #18 - Ceramic Tile
Instailatinn; Contract #19 - Signage;
Contract #20 - Landscaping be and the
same are hereby ordered and con-
structed by this Council upon its own
motion and with or without the peti-
tion of property owners. All the work
shall be constructed in accordance
with the plans and specifications
heretofore adopted and now on file in
the office of the City Clerk.
that the cost and expense of the said
improvement be paid from General
that the City Clerk be and is hereby
directed to advertise for proposals for
the construction of the improvements
herein provided, to be published in a
newspaper having general circulation
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which
notice shall not be less than four days
nor more than twenty days prior to the
receipt of said proposals at 2:00 p.m.
the 28th day of February, 1985. Bids
shall be opened and read by the City
Clerk at said time and will be submit-
ted to the Council for final action at a
meeting to be held at the Carnegie-
Stout Library Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
on the 4th day of March, 1985.
that this resolution being deemed
urgent and of immediate necessity
shall be in force and effect from and
after its passage and adoption by the
City Council.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Krunfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Delch, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
Proof of rublicotion, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice to Contractors
of the receipt of proposals for Dog Rac-
ing Facility Bid Package "E",
t~esented and read. Council Member
Beurskens moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt. Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
Communication of City Manager
recommending to award contracts for
said project, presented and read. Coun-
cli Member Beurskens moved that the
communication be received and fried.
Seconded by Councli Member Kron-
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel.
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, sealed proposals have
been submitted by contractors for the
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid
Package "E' - Contract #16 - Wall
Finishes pursuant to Resolution No.
51-85 and notice to bidders published in
a newspaper published in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa on the 21st day of
February, 1985.
WHEREAS, said sealed proposals
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
were opened and read on the 28th day
of February, 1985 and it has been
determined that the bid of Terry Strub
Ptg. & Dec. of LaMotte, Iowa in the
amount of $35,340.00 was the lowest
bid for the furnishing of all labor and
materials and performing the work as
provided for in the plans and specifica-
RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
That the contract for the above im-
provement be awarded to Terry Strub
Ptg. & Dec. of LaMotte and the
Manager be and is hereby directed to
execute a contract on behalf of the Ci-
ty of Dubuque for the complete perfor-
mance of the work.
That upon the signing of said con-
tract and the approval of the contrac-
tor's bond, the City Treasurer is
authorized and instructed to return
the bid deposits of the unseccessful
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the fuilowing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt. Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
WHEREAS, sealed proposals have
been submitted by contractors for the
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid
Package "E" - Contract #17 - Floor
Finishes pursuant to Resolution No.
51-85 and notice to bidders published in
a newspaper published in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa on the 21st day of
February, 1985.
WHEREAS, said sealed proposals
were opened and read on the 28th day
of February, 1985 and it has been deter-
mined that the bid of Commercial
Flooring of Dubuque, Iowa in the
amount of $52,590.00 was the lowest
bid for the furnishing of all labor and
materials and performing the work as
provided for in the plans and specifica-
SOLVED by the City Council of the Ci-
ty of Dubuque, Iowa:
That the contract for the above im-
provement be awarded to Commercial
Flooring and the Manager be and is
hereby directed to execute a contract
on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the
complete performance of the work.
That upon the signing of said con-
tract and the approval of the contrac-
tor's bond, the City Treasurer is
authorized and instructed to return the
bid deposits of the unsuccessful bid-
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
Jmnes E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens. Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, sealed proposals have
been submitted by contractors for the
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid
Package "E" - Contract #18 - Ceramic
Tile pursuant to Resolution No. 51-85
and notice to bidders published in a
newspaper published in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa on the 21st day of
February. 1985.
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
WHEREAS, said sealed proposals
were opened and read on the 28th day
of February, 1985 and it has been
determined that the bid of Commercial
Flooring of Dubuque, Iowa in the
omount of $30,886.00 was the lowest
bid for the furnishing of all labor and
n~aterlals and performing the work as
provided for in the plans and specifica-
RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
That the contract for the above im-
provement be awarded to Commercial
Flooring and the Manager be and is
hereby directed to execute a contract
on behalf of the City of Dubuque for
the complete performance of the work.
That upon the signing of said con-
tract and the approval of the contrac-
tor's bond, the City Treasurer is
authorized and instructed to return
the bid deposits of the unsuccessful
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfuldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dalch, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, sealed proposals have
been submitted by contractors for the
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid
Package "E" - Contract #19 - Signage
pursuant to Resolution No. 51-85 and
notice to bidders published in a
newspaper published in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa on the 21st day of
February, 1985.
WHEREAS, said sealed proposals
were opened and read on the 28th day
of February, 1985 and it has been deter-
mined that the bid of Advanta Signs of
Dubuque, Iowa in the amount of
$4,786.00 was the lowest bid for the fur-
nishing of all laber and materiais and
performing the work as provided for in
the plans and specifications.
RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa:
That the contract for the above im-
provement be awarded to Advanta
Signs and the Manager be and is hereby
directed to execute a contract on behalf
of the City of Dubuque for the complete
performance of the work.
That upon the signing of said con-
tract and the approval of the contrac-
tor's bond, the City Treasurer is
authorized and instructed to return the
bid deposits of the unsuccessful bid-
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Delch. Hammel,
Kronfeldt, MarmJng.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, sealed proposals have
been submitted by contractors for the
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid
Package "E '- Contract #20 - Landscap-
ing pursuant to Resolution No. 51-85
and notice to bidders published in a
newspaper published in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa on the 21st day of
February, 1985.
WHEREAS, said sealed proposals
were opened end read on the 28th day
of February, 1985 and it has been deter-
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
mined that the bid of Nauman Nursery
of Dubuque, Iowa in the amount of
$53,418.00 was the lowest bid for the
furnishing of aH labor and materials
and performing the work as provided
for in the plans and specifications.
SOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa:
That the contract for the above im-
provement be awarded to Nauman
Nursery and the Manager be and is
hereby directed to execute a contract
on behalf of the City of Dubuque for
the complete performance of the work.
That upon the sighing of said con-
tract and the approval of the contrac-
tor's bond, the City Treasurer is
authorized and instructed to return
the bid deposits of the unsuccessful
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice of Public Hear-
ing on changes to the proposed Zoning
Ordinance and Zoning Map which will
replace the existing Zoning Ordinance
and Zoning Map known as Ordinance
No. 32-75, presented and read. Couffcll
Member Kronfeldt moved the the proof
of publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Hammel.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Delch, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
Petition of Robert G. Steichen re-
questing to address the C-1 zoning of
bis property at 2753 Central Avenue;
Petition' of Mrs. Carl Fuhrman r~
questing permission to be granted to
Clarke College to rebuild their old type
towers on their new buildings; Com-
munication of Planning and Zoning
Commission submitting amendments
to the proposed Zoning Ordinance and
Zoning Map, were presented and read.
Council Member Kronfeldt moved that
the petitions and communication be
received and filed. Seconded by Council
Member Hammel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Establishing comprehensive zoning for
the City of Dubuque, Iowa and pro-
viding for the administration, enforce-
ment and amendment thereof in accor-
dance with the provisions of Chapter
414, Code of Iowa, and for the repeal of
all Ordinances in conflict herewith,
presented and read. Council Member
Kronfcidt moved that the reading just
had be considered the first reading of
the ordinance. Seconded by Council
Member Hammel. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Deich, Hammel, Kronfeldt, Mann-
Abstain--Council Member Beur-
skens on 535-537 Hill Street orfly.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of planning and Zon-
ing Conunlasion submitting revision of
Zoning Ordinance fee schedule and
establishment of temporary use permit
fees, presented and read. Council
Member Kronfuldt moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Dcich.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Absent--Council Member Kines-
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque,
Iowa charges certain fees for the pro-
cessing of applications pursuant to the
Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision
Begulations; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has
determined that the specific amount of
such fees should be set by resolution;
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, has adopted a new Zoning Or~
dinance containing the Fee Schedule
with the addition of a Temporary Use
Fee; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has
adopted the amount of the Temporary
Use Fee as part of the FY86 Budget.
SOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the attached
"Schedule A, Planning and Zoning
Fees" is hereby amended in acco~
dance with the New Zoning Ordinance
and to establish a new $75.00 Tern-
porary Use Fee.
Section 2. That the City Clerk be and
is hereby authorized and directed to
publish a complete copy of this Resolu-
tion establishing a new "Schedule A,
Planning and Zoning Fees" including
the new Temporary Use Fee.
Section 3. That the new schedule of
fees adopted by this Resolution shall
be in effect aftor passage, approval and
publication of this Resolution.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Krunfeldt moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Deich. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskons, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kines-
Communication of Dubuque County
Board of Supervisors requesting con-
currents with enclosed proposal for the
governance of Operation: New View,
presented and read. Council Member
Kronfeldt moved that "This Counc'd go
~m record by affirming the Board of
Supervisors' position and they mitigate
on our behalf". Seconded by Council
Member Deich. Carried by the follow-
lng vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfoldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of Dubuque In-
Futuro requesting to amend their Arti-
cle of Incorporation to coincide with the
request of the Internal Revenue Ser-
vice, presented and read. Council
Member Kronfeldt moved that the re-
quest be approved. Seconded by Coun-
cil Member Manning. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Delch, Hammel,
Kronfaldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Conununlcation of Attorney David L.
Clemens requesting execution of Cer-
t~ficate of Completion for property pur-
chased be Carlisle Graphics, presented
and read. Council Member Beurskens
moved that the communication be
received and filed. Seconded by Council
Regular Ses~ou
Member Kronfeldt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
Krunfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Authori~ng the execution of a Cer-
tificata of Completion for American
Optical Corporation
WHEREAS, on the llth day of
Marcia, 1974, the City of Dubuque pass-
ed, approved and adopted Resolution
No. 70-74 providing for the conveyance
of the interest of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, in the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of
Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 5 of
"River Front Subdivision No. 3" and
Lot 2 of LOt "A" of LOt 2 of Lot 2 of
Lot I of Block 5 of "River Front Sub-
d~vision No. 3" all in the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa
to American Optical Corporation.
WHEREAS, under the terms and
conditions of said Resolution, the sub-
ject real estate was conveyed by the Ci-
ty of Dubuque to American Optical
Corporation, who constructed certain
improvements thereon; and
WHEREAS, in Section 1 of said
Resointinn hnposed certsln terms and
conditions upon American Optical Cor-
poration as to the completion of im-
provements on said real estate; and
WHEREAS, it has detern~Jned that
the required improvements have been
satisfactorily completed in accordance
with all terms and provisions of said
Resolution; now therefore
Section 1. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby authorized
and directed to execute a Certificate of
Completion for American Optical Co~
potation for the improvements on Lot2
of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of
Lot2 of Lot1 of Block 5 of "River Front
Subdivision No. 3" and Lot 2 of Lot
"A' of Lot2 of LOt 2 of Lot I of Bleck 5
of "River Front Subdivision No. 3" all
March 4, 1985 113
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa
Section 2. That the Clerk be and she is
hereby authorized and directed to file a
espy of this Resolution and the ex-
ecuted copy of the Certificate of Com-
~letion in the office of the County
Recoiler in and for Dubuque County,
Passed, adopted and approved tins
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of City Manager sub-
n~tting Resolution providing for the
election of the Rockdale Read Bridge
design, presented and read. Council
Member Haramel moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Beur-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Haromel, Krunfeldt,
Nays--Council Member Deich.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
A RESOLUTION approving Sh~ve-
Hattery Engineers as engineering firm
for deslgn of Rockdale Road Bridge,
presented and read. Council Member
Hammel moved adoption of the Resolu-
tion. Seconded by Council Member
Mayor Brady moved amendment to
the Resolution "In an amount not to ex-
ceed $60,000 in cost. Seconded by
Council Member Deich. VOTE ON
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council
Member Deich.
Nays--Council Members Beurskens,
Regular Session March 4, 1985
Hammel, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Selection of Engineering Firm for
Design of Rockdale Road Bridge
WHEREAS, City Council has ap-
proved replacement of the Rockdale
Road bridge in fiscal year 1986-1990
Capital Improvement Program; and
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department
of Transportation has authorized ex-
penditure of $650,000 of bridge
replacement monies for replacement of
this bridge as Federal-aid; and
WHEREAS, engineering proposals
were sol~cited from five engineering
firms; and
WHEREAS, four engineering firms
were interviewed on February 26,
1985; and
WHEREAS, the selection commit-
tee is recommending Shive-Hattery
Engineers as the firm best qualified
professionally to design the bridge and
to provide other construction services
associated with the project.
SOLVED BY THE City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the City Council con-
curs on the selection of Shive-Hattery
Engineers as the construction firm to
design and provide other construction
services associated with the Rockdale
Road bridge.
Section 2. That the City Manager be
authorized to negotiate and execute a
contract with Shive-Hattery
Engineers for design and construcHon
services associated with the replace-
ment of the bridge and any associated
roadway approach improvements.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Vote on the motion by Council
Member Hammel to adopt the Resolu-
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council
Members Beurskens, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Nays--Council Member Deich.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of City Manager
submitting Resolution providing for
approval of a lease to Dubuque County
Conservation Society for River View
Park, presented and read. Council
Member Beurskens moved that the
commudication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Kron-
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Resolution approving a Lease Agree-
ment with the Dubuque County
Conservation Society for River View
Park for a period of six months.
WHEREAS, a lease agreement was
entered into between the City of Dubu-
ClUe, Iowa and the Dubuque County
Conservation Society on June 27, 1983
for the lease of River View Park, and
WHEREAS, there is provision in the
lease agreement that by mutual agree-
ment of the parties the lease is
renewable at the end of each year for a
one year period, and
WHEREAS, the Dubuque County
Conservation Society has suthnitted a
letter to the City dated January 2,
1985, requesting an extension of the
lease for three to five years; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque
Board of Dock Commissioners has
recommended a new lease be executed,
this lease expiring December 30, 1985.
Section 1. That a lease agreement bet-
ween the City of Dubuque, Iowa and
Dubuque County Conservation Society
be approved for a period of approx-
imately six months from June 27, 1985
through December 30, 1985 and
Regular Session
Section 2. That the Mayor be
authorized and directed to execute the
lease and agreement.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kines-
Communication of City Manager sub-
mitring Ordinance providing for in-
stallation of a stop sign for eastbound
and westbound traffic entering the in-
tersection of Washington Street and
East 28th Street, presented and read.
Council Member Deich moved that the
communication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Kron-
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
Kronfaldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
AN ORDINANCE amending the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubu-
clue, Iowa by revising Section 25-210,
subsection (b) of said Code providing
that those intersections designated are
hereby declared to be "Stop Intersec-
tlons" for all purposes of this Section.
Vehicles bound in the direction iff-
dicated must stop before entering the
designated intersections (Eastbound
and Westbound-Washington Street
and East Twenty-Eighth Street),
presented and read. Council Member
Deich moved to amend the Ordinance
requiring traffic on Washington Street
northbound & southbound be required
to stop. Seconded by Mayor Brady.
March 4, 1985 115
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council
Member Deich.
Nays--Council Members Beurskens,
Hammel, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
AN ORDINANCE Amending the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubu-
clue, Iowa by revising Section 25-210,
subsection (bl of said Code providing
that those intersections designated are
hereby declared to be "Stop Intersec-
tlans' for all purposes of this Section.
Vehicles bound in the direction in-
dicated must stop before entering the
designated intersections. (Eastbound
and WestboundiWashington Street
and East Twenty-Eighth Street),
presented and read. Council Member
Deich moved that the reading just had
be considered the first reading of the
Ordinance. Seconded by Council
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Council Member Deich moved that
the rule requiring an ordinance to be
read at three separate meetings be
dispensed with. Seconded by Council
Member Kronfeldt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
hers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Regular Session March 4, 1985
ORDAINED by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That tt~e Code of Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
is hereby amended by enacting a new
subsection to Section 25-210 (b)
thereof, as follows:
"Sec. 25-210. STOP INTERSEC-
(b) Those intersections designated
are hereby declared to be "STOP
INTERSECTIONS" for ail purposes
of this section. Vehicles bound in the
direction indicated must stop before
entering the designated intersection.
Washington Street and East
Twenty-Eighth Street
Section 2. That all ordinances or
p~u.ts of ordinances in conflict with tills
ordinance are hereby repealed.
ADOPTED this 4th day of March,
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this llth day of
Mm'ch, 1985 Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Deich moved final
adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the fo]lowing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hummel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Counnil Member Kluea-
Communication of Corporation
Counsel Lindahl submitting an Or-
dinance providing for the sale and con-
sumption of beer in Washington park,
presented and read. Council Member
Beurskens moved that the communica-
lion be reccived and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Kronfeldt. VOTE ON
Yeas--Council Members Beurskens,
Hummel, Kronfeldt.
Nays--Mayor Brady, Council
Member Deich, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kines-
Petition containing 77 signatures, on
behalf of the Beneficial Liquor and
Beverage Association, objecting to sale
and consumption of beer in Washington
Park, presented and read. Council
Member Banrskans moved that the
petition be received and filed. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. VOTE
Yeas--Canncfl Members Beurskens,
Hummel, Kronfeldt.
Nays--Mayor Brady, Council
Members Deich, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kines-
AN ORDINANCE Amending the
Code of Ordinances by adding a new
subparagraph (e) to Section 27-49 pro-
riding for the authorization of the use
and consumption of beer in Washington
Park upon recommendation of the Park
and Recreation Commission and ap-
provai of the City Council, presented
and read. Council Member Beurskens
moved that the reading just had be con-
s~dered the first reading of the Or-
dinance. Seconded by Council Member
Yeas--Council Member Beurskens,
Hummel. Kronfeldt.
Nays--Mayor Brady, Council
Members Deich, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Council Member Kronfeldt moved
that the City Clerk be directed to pre-
sent list of organizations serving beer in
City Parks. Seconded by Council
Member Hummel. VOTE ON THE
Yeas--Council Members Hummel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Nays--Mayor Brady, Council
Member Beurskens, Deich.
Absent--Council Member Kines-
Communication of City Manager sub-
nfittlng 2 Ordinances pertaining to the
operation of public and private landfill
sites within the city, presented and
read. Council Member Hammel moved
that the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
bets Beurskens, Deich,
Hammel,Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
An Ordinance amending the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa by repealing Sections 17~54
through 17-56, Sections 17-63 through
17~68, and Sections 17-75 through
17-80 providing for the elimination of
public and private landfill sites within
the City of Dubuque, presented and
read. Council Member Hummel moved
that the reading just had be con-
sidered the first reading of the Or-
dinance. Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hummel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Council Member Hammel moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance to be
read at 3 separate meetings be dispens-
ed with. Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hummel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
17-75 THROUGH 17-80 PROVID-
Section 1. That the Code of Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
be amended by repealing Sections 17-
54 through 17-56, Sections 17-63
through 17-68, and Sections 17-75
through 17-80 thereof.
Passed, approved and adopted this 4th
day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this llth day of
March, 1985
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Hummel moved
final adoption of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hummel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
AN ORDINANCE Amending the Code
of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa by repealing Section 17-23 thereof
and enacting a new Section 17-23 in lieu
thereof providing for the transport of
Waste Material to a licensed sanitary
disposal project, presented and read.
Council Member Hummel moved that
the reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Council Member Kronfeldt. Car-
ried by the fo]lowing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hummel,
Kranfeldt, Manning. Nays--None.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Council Member Hanunel moved that
the rule requiring an Ordinance to be
read at ghree separate meetings be
dispensed with. Seconded by Council
Member Kronfeldt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning. Nays--None.
Absent--Council Member Kines-
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Section 1. That the Code of Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
be mnended by repealing Section 17-
23 thereof and enacting a new Section
17-23 in lieu thereof as follows:
"Sec. 17-23. Transport to state
approved sanitary disposal
a) No person, firm or corporation
shall haul or cause to be hauled any
garbage, refuse, rubbish or other sim-
ilar discarded solid or semisolid materi-
als, including but not limited to such
materials, resulting from industrial
commercial, agricultural or domestic
activities to any sanitary disposal
project, dump site or any ether area
unless such disposal project, dump site
or other area is operated under a per-
mit issued by the Director of the Iowa
Depart~nent of Water, Air and Waste
b) The use of d~rt, sto~e, br~ck or
similar inorganic material may be used
for fill, landscaping, excavation or
grading subject to the obtaining of a
building permit, if required, and in
confor~nance to all provisions of the
Zoning Ordhiance."
Passed, approved and adopted this 4th
day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald thiz llth day of March, 1985.
Mary A. Davis
It 3/11 City Clerk
Council Member Hammel moved
final adoption of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
AN ORDINANCE Amending the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubu-
' que by repealing Section 2-21 thereof
and enacting a new Section 2-21 in lieu
thereof providing for the compensation
of the Mayor and Council Members,
said ordinance having been previously
presented and read at the Meeting of
February 25, 1985. Council Member
Hammel moved that the reading just
had be conside~l the second reading of
the Ordinance. Seconded by Council
Member Deich. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of John Cody, Chair-
nmn, Community Development Com-
mission, requesting dissolution of the
Community Development Commission,
presented and read. Council Member
Kronfeldt moved that the cormnunica-
tion be received and filed and Corpora-
tion Counsel be directed to draw up Or-
dinance providing for the dissolution of
the Community Development Commis-
Associate Planner Slaughter submit-
ted attendance record of present Board
on Zoning Adjustment.
(Zoning Ordinance)
Individuals who had submitted ap-
pllcations -- Dominic Goodmann,
David I-Iartig, Jr., Joe W. Holdimann,
Michael J. Kielty, Joe Kramer, Chad
Leltch, Donald Redding. Council
Member Hamn~el nominated Hartig.
Holdiman, Kramer, Leitch, Redding.
Council Member Kronfeldt nominated
Hartig. Holdhaan, Kielty, Kramer,
Redding. Council Member Manning
nominated Goodman, Holdiman,
Kramer, Kielty, Redding. Council
Member Beurskens nominated
Holdiman, Kielty, Kramer, Leitch, Red-
ding. Mayor Brady nominated Good-
man. Hartig, Kramer, Leitch, Redding.
Council Member Deich nominated
Goodman, Holdlman, Kramer, Leitch,
Redding. Votes received --
Goodmann-3; Hartig-3; Holdiman-5;
Kielty-3; Kramer-6;
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Leitch-4; Redding-6. With majority of
votes, Holdiman, Kramer, Leitch and
Redding were appointed. Second time
for fifth position - Hanunel for Hartig,
Kronfeldt~for Kielty, Manning for Har-
rig, Beurskens for Kielty, Brady for
Hartig and Deich for Kielty, vote 3 for
Hartig and 3 for Kielty. Next vote
taken, results were the same. On third
ballot, Beurskens voted for Kielty,
Brady for Hartig, Deich for Kielty,
Hammel for Hartig, Kronfeldt for
Kielty and Manning for Kielty.
Therefore, Joe W. Holdiman was ap-
pointed for one year term; Chad Leitch
for two year term; Michael Kielty for
three year term; Joe Kramer for four
year term; and Donald Redding for
five year, aH terms to expire March
25th in their respective years.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
that the following having complied
with the provisions of law relating to
the sale of Cigarettes within the City
of Dubuque, Iowa~ be granted a permit
to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
Spect's Pipe Inn
Joseph L. Specht Kennedy Mall
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Deich moved adop-
tion of the Resolution. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel~
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
WHEREAS, Applications for Liquor
Licenses have been submitted to this
Council for approval and the same have
been examined and approved; and
WHEREAS, The premises to be oc-
cupied by such applleants were in-
spected and found to comply with the
S~ate Law and all City Ordinances rele-
rant thereto and they have filed proper
SOLVED, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
Manager be authorized to cause to be
issued to the following named ap-
plleante a Liquor License.
Dubuque Historic Improvement Co., 504 Bluff
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Deich moved adoption
of the Resolution. Seconded by Council
Member Beurskens. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Delch, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khies-
Dock Committee of 2-13; Airport Com-
mission of 2-19 and 2-22; Cable Com-
munity Teleprogramming Commission
of 2-5; Cable TV Regulatory Commis-
sion of 2-13; Dock Board of 2-20; Dubu-
clue In-Future, Inc. of 2-15 and 2-22;
Five Flags Commission of 2-18; Hous-
ing Commission of 2-19; Park and
Recreation Commission of 2-12; Plann-
ing and Zoning Commission of 1-9 and
2-13; Public Library Board of 1-22;
Board of Zoning Adjustment of 2-7,
presented and read. Council Member
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Deich moved that the minutes be
received and filed. Seconded by Coun-
cil Member Manning. Carried by the
~ollowing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kbies-
Printed Council Proceedings for
month of December, 1984, presented
f~r approval. Council Member Dcich
moved that the proceedings be approv-
ed as printed. Seconded by Council
Member Manning. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
SUITS--Leo A. Adams, in unknown
amount for personal injuries; Robert
Becker in unknown amount for car
damages; Mason Bly, a minor, by bis
parents Patrick and Prances Bly in
unknown amount for personal injuries;
Mary Ellen Lyons in unknown amount
for backed-up sewer dmnages; Joseph
R. Erschen in amount of $150.00 for
hacked-up sewer damages; John W.
Udell in amount of $87.19 for car
damages; Betty Crane in amount of
$192.42 for car damages, presented and
mad. Council Member Dcich moved
that the Notices be referred to Legal
Staff for investigation and report.
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Carried by the fofiowing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of Corporation
Counsel Lindahl recommending denial
of sewer back-up claim of Gayle Puller
and Property damage claim of Gerald
Naderman, presented and read. Council
Member Dcich moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Carried by the fo]lowing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deicb, Hammel~
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Certificate of City Clerk stating notices
were sent by certified mail to known
property owners for the 1984 Asphalt
Paving Project on February 7, 1985 and
Proof of Publication, certified to by the
Publisher, on Notice of filing of the final
plat and schedule of assessments
against benefited properties for con-
struction for said project, presented
and read. Council Member Deich moved
that the certificate and proof of pubfica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Maiming. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues~
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Pablisber, on Notice of receipt of
bids for ambulance; and notice of
receipt of bids for fire apparatus,
presented and read. Council Member
Deich moved that the proofs be receiv-
ed and filed, Seconded by Council
Member Manding. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dalch, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kines-
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, on Notice that Grantee
Performance Report is on file at various
offices in the City, presented and read.
Council Member Dcich moved that the
proof of publication be received and fil-
ed. Seconded by Council Member Man-
ning. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
Communication of Housing and Ur-
ban Development advising reviews of
the Grantee Performance Report
(GPR) for the City's Jobs Bill Program
have been completed, presented and
filed. Council Member Delcli moved
that the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council
Member Manning. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dalch, Hammel,
Kronfebit, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
United States Army Corps of
Engineers submitting their monthly
public notice for January, 1985,
presented and read. Council Member
Deich moved that the notice be received
and fred. Seconded by Council Member
Manning. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of Board of Super-
visors submitting a copy of notice of in-
itiation of reconnaissance study for
commercial harbor development on the
Mississippi River in Dubuque County,
issued February 1, 1985 by the Army
Carps of Engineers, presented and
read. Council Member Deich moved
that the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council Member
Manning. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dcich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of City Manager sub-
niltting financial reports for the month
of January, 1985, presented and read.
Council Member Deich moved that the
communication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members
Beurskens, Deich, Hammel, Kronfeldt,
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Proof of Publication, certified to by
the Publisher, of list of claims and ex-
penditures for the month of January,
1985, presented and read. Council
Member Deich moved that the proof of
publication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dalch, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Iowa Departmental Hearing Board of
the Iowa Beer and Liquor Control
Department submitting their decision
on the appeal of Eagle Discount Super-
market, presented and read. Council
Member Deich moved that the appeal
be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Manning. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
Communication of Planning and Zon-
ing Commission approving final plat of
Lots D, E and F of "Embassy West"
located north of Embassy West Drive
and west of the proposed North West
Arterial, presented and read. Council
Member Deich moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Manning.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Klues-
A Resolution approving the Final
Plat of the Subdivision of Lot D,
Lot E, and Lot F of "Embassy West"
Regular Session, March 4, 1985
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
WHEREAS, there has been filed
with the City Clerk a plat of the Sub-
division of Lot H, Lot E, and Lot F of
Embassy West in the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, said plat has been ex-
amined by the City Planning and Zon-
ing Commission and had its approval
endorsed thereon; and
WHEREAS, said final plat has been
examined by the City Council and the
City Council finds that the same con-
forms to statutes and ordinances
relating thereto.
Section 1. That the final plat of Lot
D, Lot E and Lot F of Embassy West
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa be and
the same is hereby approved~ and the
Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to endorse the
approval of the City of Dubuque upon
said final plat.
Passed, adopted and approved this
4th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Delch moved adop-
tion of the Resolution. Seconded by
Council Member Manning. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Kfues-
There being no further business, Court-
cll Member Kronfeldt moved to ad-
journ. Seconded by Council Member
Beurskens. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Absent--Council Member Khiesner.
Mary A. Davis
C~y Clerk
Council Members
City Clerk
Special Session March 18, 1985 123
Special Session, March 18, 1985.
Council Met at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in
the Public Library Auditorium.
Present--Mayor Brady. Council
Members Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning, City
Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart, Cor-
poration Counsel Barry A. Lindahi.
Mayor Brady read the call and
stated that service thereof had been
duly made and this meeting is called
for the purpose to SET A PUBLIC
and acting upon such other business
which may properly come before the
Invocation was given by Mayor
March 17 through 23 as "National
Agriculture Week" received by John
Week of March 16 through 23 as
"American Legion Sixty-Sixth Birth-
day Week" received by Nick Lucy.
Jerry Guy of Durrant Group
presented a progress and status report
on the Dog Track Facility.
Communication of City Manager
submitting Resolution authorizing a
public hea, ring be held on April to
discontinue the Community Develop-
ment Commission, presented and read.
Council Member Beurskens moved
that the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council
Member Kronfaldt. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel.
Khiesner, Kronfaldt, Manning.
Authorizing the Conducting o! a Public
Hearing on the Discountinning of the
Community Development Commission
WHEREAS, the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa has found and
determined it to be in the best interest
of the City of Dubuque to discontinue
the Co~nmunity Development Corn~nis-
sion; and
WHEREAS, Section 392.7 of the
Code of Iowa provides that prior to the
discontinuing of the Community
Development Commission, City Council
shall conduct a public hearing on the
proposal after which time such agency
may be discontinued no sooner than
thirty (30) days following the hearing.
Section 1. That the City Clerk shall
publish notice as provided in Section
362.3 of the Code of Iowa of the intent of
the City Council to discontinue the
Community Development Commission.
Section 2. That the notice shall be in
the form of Exhibit A, attached hereto
and made a part hereof
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution and that a
public hearing be held on April 1, 1985.
Seconded by Council Member
gronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
IGuesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager re-
questing a public hearing be held pro-
viding for the disposition of the City's
interest in property in River Front Sub-
division No. 5, presented and read.
Council Member Deich moved that the
communication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member
Kronfeldt. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Resolution of a Proposal to Dispose of
Special Session March 18, 1985
City interest in Property in "River
Front Subdivision No. 5" to Klauer
Manufacturing Company
WHEREAS, Klauer Manutacturing
Company has acquired and owns
Blocks 6, 7, 8 and 9 in "River Front
Subdivision No. 5" in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, Klauer Manufacturing
Company has plans for relocating their
manutacturing facilities from Ninth
and Washington Street to this location
as a result of relocation from the plan-
ned 61 Expressway; and
WHEREAS, Klauer Manufacturing
Company is desirous of acquiring addi-
tional property contiguous to Block 9
in order to facilitate the movement ot
goods to and from their new manufac-
turing facility.
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque,
Iowa plans to dispose of its interest in
a subdivision of Lot I of lot 1 of lot I of
lot 1, block 1, "River Front Subdivi-
sion No. 5", in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa to Klauer Manufacturing Com-
pany (the purchaser) and that the
following language shall be incor-
porated into the deed of sale, "The City
of Dubuque, Iowa reserves the
perpetual and assignable rights in
easement in and to the above described
property for the purpose of entering
thereon to maintain, repair, or operate,
patrol and replace existing flood con-
trol levee, including all appurtenances
thereto, and further including the right
to clear, cut, fill, remove and dispose of
any and all timbers, trees, underbrush,
buildings, improvements and other
obstructions therefrom. The owner or
its assignee shall not construct or
operate any structure or machinery on,
under, or across said levee, nor shall it
excavate or make any change in the
levee or within the levee easement
without prior determination by the
U.S. Corp of Engineers and the City of
Dubuque that such construction,
alteration, or operation would not
adversely affect the functioning of the
protective facilities. The owner or its
assignee shall submit any requests and
plans to the Corp and the City for ap-
proval prior to undertaking any such
Section 2. That the purchaser
permit construction of any im-
provements or building upon the sub-
ject area; provided the owner may
grade, pave, seed or landscape said
area and may erect, install, maintain
and repair and replace a security fence
along and within the boundary of sub-
ject area for the purpose of
establishing a security perimeter
around the industrial facilities and ad-
joining proper~y. Purchaser further
agrees that any security fence erected
within the area shall be provided with
operable gates of not less than 12 feet
opening (open width) and located so as
to permit access including vehicular
access to the area from both ends. It
shall be the purpose of such case to
provide the City of Dubuque, its
agents or assignee, to have perpetual
and unimpeded right to access to the
subject area and to the flood protection
levee. Plans for the erection of such
security fence and for the location of
gates shall be submitted for approval
to the City of Dubuque prior to the in-
stallation of said fence. It is hereby
acknowledged that the purchaser is
permitted to install lockable devices on
the gates on the condition that the Ci-
ty of Dubuque shall be provided keys
or other independent means of access
~o the easement area.
Section 3. That all existing recorded
easements shall remain in effect.
Section 4. That the City of Dubuque
covenants and agrees to have an ap-
propriato abstract of title to said pro-
perry to be prepared from U.S. Govern-
ment Entry to date of certification.
Section 5. That the CYty of Dubuque,
Iowa proposes to dispose of its in-
retest, with the reservations identified
herein, for the consideration in pay-
merit of $16,232.85 plus cost of plat-
ting, abstracting, publication and
~cording fees.
Section 6. That the City Clerk be and
is hereby authorized and directed to
cause a notice to be published as
prescribed under 364.7 - Disposal of
Property - Code of Iowa, 1984 or as
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Special Session
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Deich moved adop-
tion of the Resolution and that the
public hearing be set for April l, 1985.
Seconded by Member Kronfeldt. Car-
fled by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning,
Communication of City Manager re-
questing approval to vacate an ease-
ment which lies in the northeast corner
of the property purchased by Klauer
Manufacturing Company for their new
plant on Roosevelt Street Extension,
presented and read. Council Member
Deich moved that the communication
be received and filed and public hearing
be held on April 1, 1985. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the foilowing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
I~uesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of Corporation
Counsel Lindahl suhinitting proper mo-
tions to be made regarding adoption of
the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map,
presented and read. Council Member
Beurskens moved that the co~nmunica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dnich, Hammel
I{luesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Council Member Kronfeldt moved
reconsider action taken at meeting of [
March 4, 1985 regarding adoption of I
Ordinance No. 13-85. Seconded by
Council Member Deich. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dnich, Hammel
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
CounCil Member Kronfeldt moved t¢
adopt the reclassification as approved
by the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion for the Stcichen property. Second-
,Marchl8, 1985 125
ed by Council Member Manning. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Council Member Manning moved to
adopt the reclassification as approved
by Planning & Zoning Comnfission for
the DuMed property. Seconded by
Council Member Dcich. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Deich, Hammel, Kluesner, Mann-
Abstain--Council Members Beur-
skens, Kronfeldt.
Council Member Kronfeldt moved to
adopt the reclassification as approved
by the Planning & Zoning Commission
for the Hirsch Apartments. Seconded
by Council Member Manning. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Council Member Manning moved to
approve the Planning & Zoning Com-
mission's recommendation to deny the
request for the Sauer property. Second-
ed by Council Member Kronfeldt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Kluesner,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
HEREWITH, presented and read.
126 Special Session March 18, 1985
Council Member Kronfeldt moved that
the reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance. Second-
ed by Council Member Manning. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
IGuesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Council Member Kronfni~t moved
that the rule requiring an Ordinance to
be read at 3 separate meetings be
dispensed with. Seconded by Council
Member Manning. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Me~n-
hers Beurskens, Dnich, Hammel,
IGuesner, Kronfnidt. Manning.
WHEREAS, Chapter 414 of the
Code of Iowa 1983 empowers the City
of Dubuque, Iowa to enact a zoning
ordnance and to provide for its admin-
istration, enforcement and amend-
men); and
WHEREAS, the City Council deems
it necessary for the purpose of promot-
ing the health, safety, morais and gen-
eral welfare of the City to enact such
an ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the City Council pursu-
ant to the provisions of Chapter 414 of
the Code of Iowa 1983 has appointed a
Zoning Commission to recommend the
boundaries of the original districts and
appropriate regulations to be enforced
therein; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission
has divided the City into districts of
such number, shape and area as are
deemed best suited to carry out the
purpose of this ordinance and has pre-
pared regulations pertnining to such
districts in accordance with a compre-
hensive plan and design to lessen con-
gestions in the streets; to secure safety
from fire, flood, panic, and other dan-
gers; to promote health and the gen-
eral welfare, to provide adequate light
and air, to prevent the overcrowding of
land; to avoid undue concentration of
population; to facilitate the adequate
provision of transportation, water, sew-
age, schools, and parks and other
requirements; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission
has given reasonable consideration,
among other things, to the character of
the area of the district and the peculiar
suitability of such area for particular
uses, with a view to conserving the
value of buildings and encouraging the
most appropriate use of lands through-
out the City; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission
has made a preliminary report and
held public hearings thereon, and has
thereafter submitted its final report to
the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has
given due public notice of hearings
relating to zoning districts, regulations,
and restrictions, and has held such
ublic hearings; and
WHEREAS, all requirements of
Chapter 414 Code of Iowa 1983 with
regard to the preparation of the report
of the Zoning Commission and subse-
quent action of the City Council have
been met;
1.1 Title
This Ordinance shall be known and
may be cited and referred to as the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
1-2 Purpose
The zoning regulations and districts as
herein established have been made for
the purpose of promoting the health,
safety, and general weffare of the com-
munity, and for the protection and
)reservation of places and areas of his-
torical and cultural importance and
significance. The zoning regulations
and districts have been designed to
lessen congestion in the streets; to
secure safety from fire and other haz-
ards; to provide adequate light and air;
to prevent the overcrowding of land; to
avoid undue concentration of popula-
)ion and to facilitate the adequate pro-
vision of transportation, water, sewage,
schools~ parks and other puzd- lic
requirements. The zoning regulations
and districts have been made with rea-
sonab]e consideration of the character
of the distrirt and its suitability for the
particular uses, and with a view of
conserving the value of buildings and
Special Session, March 18,1985
encouraging the most appropriate use
of land throughout the community.
1-3 Interpretation
In their application, the provisions of
this ordinance shall be held to be the
minimum requirements for the promo-
tion of the purposes of this Ordinance
and the provisions shah be interpreted
in accordance with the following:
1-3.1 Minimum Requirements: In
their interpretation and application,
the provisions of this ordinance shall
be held to be the minimum require-
ments for the promotion of the public
health, safety, morals, convenience,
comfort, prosperity and general wel-
1-3.2 Overlapping or Contradic-
tory Regulations: Where the condi-
tions flnposed by any provision of this
ordinance upon the use of land, build-
ings, or structures are either more
restrictive or less restrictive than com-
parable conditions imposed by any
other provision of this ordinance or of
any other law, ordinance, resolution,
rule or regulations of any kind, the reg-
ulations which are more restrictive
shall govern.
1-3.3 Private Agreements: This
ordinance is not intended to abrogate,
annul or otherwise interfere with any
easement, cove~mnt or any other pri-
vate agreement or legal relationship;
provided, however, that where the reg-
ulations of this ordinance are more
restrictive or impose higher standards
or requirements than such easement,
covenant or other private agreement of
legal relationship, the regulations of
this ordinance shnil govern.
1-3.4 Unlawful Uses: No building,
structure, or use which was not law-
fully existing at the time of the adop-
tion of this ordinance shall become or
be made lawful solely by reason of the
adoption of ~his ordinance; and to the
extent that, and in any respect that,
said unlawful building, structure or use
is in conflict with the requirements of
this ordinance, said building, structure
or use remcins unlawful hereunder.
1-3.5 Not A Licensing Ordinance:
Nothing contained in this ordinance
shall be deemed to be a consent,
license or pemfft' to use any property
or to locate, construct or maintain any
building, structure or facility or to
carry on any trade, industry, occupa-
tion or activity.
1-3.6 Cumniative Provlsionsi The
provisions of this ordinance are cumu-
lative m~d additional limitations upon
all other laws and ordinances, hereto-
fore pasc"""""""""""""""""~d or which may be passed
hereafter, governing any subject mat-
)er in this ordinance.
1-4 Severability
It is hereby declared to be the inten-
~on of the City Council of the City of
Dubuque that the several provisions of
this ordinance are separable, in accor-
dance with the following:
a) If any court of competent juris-
diction shall adjudge any provision of
this ordinance to be invalid, such
judgement shall not affect gny other
provisions of tiffs ordinance.
b) If any court of competent jurla-
diction shah adjudge invalid the appli-
cation of any provision of this
ordinance to a particular parcel of
land, a building or other structure,
such judgement shall not affect the
application of said provisions to any
other parcel of land, building or stsuc-
2-1 Establishment of Districts
In order to carry out the purposes of
this Ordinance, the following districts
are hereby established:
Residential Districts
R-1 Single Family Residential District
R-2 Two Family Residential District
R-2A Alternate Two Family Residen-
)iai District
R-3 Moderate Density Multi-Family
Residential District
R-4 Multi-Family Residential District
PR Plam~ed Residential District
Office Districts
OR Office/High Density Multi-Family
Residential District
OS Office/Service District
Commercial District
C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Dis-
C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center
C-3 General Commercial District
C-4 Downtown Commercial District
C-5 Central Business District
CS Commercial Service and Wholesale
CR Commercial Recreation District
PC Planned Commercial District
Industrial Districts
LI Light Industrial District
HI Heavy Industrial District
PI Planned Industrial District
Special Purpose Districts
AG Agricultural District
ID Institutional District
FL Flood Hazard Overlay District
2-2 Zoning Map Adopted
The City is hereby divided into dis-
tricts as shown on the Official Zoning
Map, which together with all explana-
tory matter thereon, is hereby adopted
Special Session March 18, 1985
by reference and declared to be a part
of this ordinance.
2-2.1 Identification and Location
of Zoning Map: The Official Zoning
Map shall be identified by the signs-
ture of the Mayor, attested by the City
Clerk togethex with the date of adop-
tion of this ordinance. The Official
Zoning Map shall be located in the
office of Development Services.
2-2.2 Amendment of Official Zon-
lng Map: Amendments made to the
Official Zoning Map in accordance
with provisions of this ordinance and
Chapter 414, Code of Iowa 1983 shall
be entered on the Official Zoning Map
promptly upon receiving a copy of the
Ordinance signed by the Mayor and
City Clerk approving said amendment.
No shanges of any nature shah be
made on the Official Zoning Map
except in conformity with the proce-
dure set forth in this ordinance.
2-3 Annexation Zoning Policy
All territory which may hereafter be
annexed, either voluntarily or involun-
tarily, to the City shah be classified
AG Agricultural District, and shall
remain in that classification pending
request for reclassification in accor-
dance with the provisions of Section 6
of this Ordinance.
2-4 Application of District Regula-
Regulations within each district shall
be applied udiformly to each class or
kind of structure or land.
2-4.1 Conformance to Use Regu.
lations: No building, structure, or
land simll hereafter be used or occu-
pied and no building, structure, or part
thereof, shah hereafter be erected, con-
structed, reconstructed, moved, or
structurally altered except in confor-
miry with all of the regulations herein
specified for the district in which it is
2-4.2 Conformance to Bulk and
Yard Regulations Required: No
building or other structure shall here-
after be erected or altered:
a) to exceed the height or bulk;
b) to accommodate or house a
greater number of families;
c) to have narrower or smaller rear
yards, front yards, side yards, or other
open spaces
than herein permitted; or in any other
manner contrary to the provisions of
this ordinance.
2-4.3 Yards, Open Space, and Off-
Street Parking: No part of a yard,
open space, off-street parking, or load-
ing space required in connection with
any building for the purpose of com-
plying with this ordinance shall be
included as part of a yard, open space,
off-street parking, or loading space for
any other building.
2-4.4 Reduction of Required Lots
and Yards Prohibited: No yard or
lot existing on the effective date of this
ordinance shah be reduced in dimen-
sion or area below the minimum
requirements set forth herein. Yards or
lots created after the effective date
hereof shall meet at least the mini-
mum requirements established by this
2-5 Application and Scope of Regu.
2-5.1 Principal Permitted Uses:
No building, structure, or part thereof,
shall hereafter be built, moved or
remodeled, and no building, structure
or land shall hereafter be used, occu-
pied, operated or designed for use or
occupancy except for a use that is
listed as a Principal Permitted Use or
Accessory Use under the District Reg-
niations for the Zoning District in
which she building, structure or land is
located. No Principal Permitted Use
already established on the effective
date of this ordinance shah be altered,
modified or enlarged so as to conflict
with, or further conflict with, the regu-
lations for the zoning district in which
such use is located.
2-5.2 Conditional Uses: No use of
building, structure or land that is
desiguated as a Conditional Use in any
zoning district shall hereafter be estab-
lished, and no existing conditional use,
or part thereof, shall hereafter be
changed to another Conditional Use in
such district, unless a Conditional Use
Permit has been secured in accordance
with the provisions of Section 5-3.3 of
this ordinance. Any established use on
the effective date of this ordinance
that would be classified as a Condi-
tio~ml Use in the district in which it is
located, has all the rights of an
approved Conditional Use and does
not require any additional approval or
review. No Conditional Use already
established on the effective date of this
ordinance shall be altered, modified or
enlarged so as to conflict with, or fur-
ther conflict with, the regulations
applicable to the zoning district in
which such use is located.
2-5.3 Temporary Uses: Within any
district established by this ordinance,
temporary uses shall be permitted as
listed within the Zoning District in
which the proposed temporary use is
located, but only provided that:
a) a site plan, indicating the pro-
posed use, length of stay, off-street
parking, and traffic circulation be sub-
Special Session March 18,1985 129
mitred with the appropriate filing fee
as established in Section 7 and
approved by signature of the City
Dex;elopment Planner except as other-
wise provided for in the District Regu-
lations; and
b) the use is of a limited and tem-
parary duration, and in no case will
exceed six (6) months; and
c) the use will serve a public need
or contribute to the public convenience
and weffare; and
d) the use bears some functional or
other beneficial relationship to a per-
mitted use within the district; and
e) the use will not be likely to inter-
fere with the appropriate use and
enjoyment of nearby properties that
may be affected by its operation.
2-5.4 Accessory Buildings, Struc-
tm'es, and Uses: No accessory build-
ing, structure or use, or temporary
building, structure or use shall here-
after be built, moved or remodeled
established, altered or enhirged unless
such accessory building, structure or
use is permitted by and in conformance
with the provisions of Section 4-1 of
this ordinance, and all other reguhi-
tions or requirements pertaining to the
district in which such building, struc-
ture or use is located.
2-5.5 Lot Size Requirements:
Except as may be otherwise specifi-
cally provided in this ordinance:
a) No building, structure, or part
thereof, shall hereafter be built, moved
or remodeled, and no building, struc-
ture or land shah hereafter be used,
occupied, arranged, or designed for use
or occupancy of a zoning lot which is
smaller in area than the minimum lot
area or minimum lot area per dwelling
unit; narrower than the minimum lot
width; or shallower than the minimum
lot depth required in the zoning district
in which the building, structure or hind
is located.
b) No e~isting building or structure
shall hereafter be remodeled so as to
conflict, or further conflict, with the
lot area per dwelling unit requirements
for the zoning district in which the
building or structure is located.
2-5.6 Bulk Regulations: This ordi-
nance expresses bulk regulations in
terms of maximum building or struc-
ture height, maximmn lot coverage,
and minimum front, side and rear
yards. Unless permitted elsewhere in
this ordinance, no building/structure,
or part thereof, shah hereafter be built,
moved or remodeled, and no building,
structure or land shall hereafter be
used, occupied or designed for use or
a) So as to exceed the maximum
building or structure height, or max-
imum lot coverage specified for the
zoning district in which the building
or structure is located; or,
b) So as to provide any front, side,
or rear yard that is less than that spe-
eified for the zoning district in which
such building, structure or use of land
is located or meinteined.
2-5.7 Off-Street Parking and
Loading Requirements: No structure
shall hereafter be built or moved and
no structure or land shall hereafter be
used, occupied, or designed for use or
occupancy unless the minbnum off-
street parking and off-street loading
spaces required by the provisions of
this ordinance are provided. No struc-
ture or use already established on the
effective date of this ordinance shall be
enlarged, expanded or increased in use
unless the minimmn off-street parking
and loading spaces which would be
required by the provisions of this ordi-
nance for such enlargement, expansion
or increase in use are provided.
2-5.8 Exemption from Regula-
tions: The following structures or uses
are exempt from the regulations of this
ordinance and shall be permitted in
any district:
a) Poles, wires, cables, conduits,
vaults, laterals, pipes, mains, valves, or
any other eimiiar equipment for trans-
iuission or distribution to customers of
telephone or other communication ser-
vices, electricity, gas, steam or water,
or the collection of sewage or surface
water, operated or maintained by a
public utility.
b) Individually owned residential
antennae not including sattelite receiv-
ing dishes (see accessory structures).
c) Railroad tracks, signals, bridges
and simiHar facilities and equipment
located on a railroad right-of-way.
2-5.9 Buildings, Structures and
Uses of the City: Ail buildings, struc-
tures, or uses owned or operated by the
City of Dubuque not exempted by
Section 2-5.8 shall also be exempted
from the regulation of this ordinance
and shall be permitted in any district
)rovided that:
a) A site plan is submitted and
approved in accordance with the pro-
visions of Section 4-4 of this ordi-
2-5.10 Structures Permitted
Above the Height Limits: The fol-
lowing may exceed the prescribed
height lhnit provided they are required
for a use penuitted in the district in
which they are erected or constructed:
130 Special Session March 18, 1985
elevator bulkheads, belfries, stacks,
cupolas, domes, spires, and other neces-
sary mechanical appurtenances and
their protective housing.
Churches, however, may be erected
to a height not exceefflng seventy-five
(76) feet, provided that such buildings
shall provide at least one additional
foot of yard space on all sides for each
additional foot by which such build-
lng exceeds the maximum height limit
of the district in which it is located.
2-6 Number of Buildings, Strut-
tures and Uses Allowed Per Zoning
2-6.1 Residential Districts: Within
residential and office-residential dis-
triers only one principal permitted use
or building shall be located on a single
zoning lot. In addition, no residential
building shall be located on the same
zoning lot with any other use except
permitted accessory uses.
2-6.2 Other Districts: In other dis-
tricts any number of buihtings, struc-
tures or uses permitted by this
ordinance may be established, provided
that the individual district regulations
can be met, except that for any build-
lng used prhnarily for residential pur-
poses, the provisions of 2-6.1 shall
2-6.3 Planned Districts: Planned
districts (PR, PC AND PI) are exempt
from ti~e provisions of 2-6.1 and 2-6.2.
2-7 Yards Required
All yards required by this ordinance
shall be provided as open, unob-
structed space except aspermitted in 2-
2-7.1 Permitted Obstructions in
Required Yards
a) All Required Yards: Awnings,
shutters, canopies, arbors and trellises;
chimneys projecting not more than
twenty-four (24) inches into the
required yard; flag poles; steps neces-
sary for access to a building or lot;
fences and wails as provided in 2-8 of
this ordinance; and hedges and other
b) Required Front Yards: Bay
wlndowsbe3siels, or balconies projecting
not more than five (5) feet into the
required front yard; overhanging eaves
and gutters projecting into the required
front yard not more than one-third the
distance to the front property line
from an exterior wall; off-street park-
ing, except that ten (10) feet of clear
visibility shall be meintained on corner
lots in accordance with Section 4-4.6 of
this ordinance.
c) Re~luired Rear Yards:
Accessory uses, buildings or structures
as permitted by 4-1 of this ordinance;
attached or detached enclosed off-'
street parking spaces; balconies,
breezeways, open unroofed porches,
terraces and decks; bay windows
projecting not more than five (5) feet
into she required rear yard; overhang-
ing eaves and gutters projecting in~o
the required rear yard not more than
one-third the distance to the rear prop-
erty llne from an exterior wall.
d) Required Side Yards: Accessory
uses, buildings or structures as permit-
ted by 4-1 of this ordinance; overhang-
ing eaves and gutters projecting into
the required side yard not more than
one-third the distance to the side prop-
erty line from an exterior wall; open
off-street parking, except as provided
for in 4-1 of this ordinance.
2-7.2 Continuing Maintenance
Required: The maintenance of any
yard, open space, minimum lot area,
or off-street parking space required by
this ordinance shall be a continuing
obligation of the owner of the property
to which such requirements apply. No
yard, open space, lot area, or off-street
parking area required by this ordinance
for any building, structure, or use shall,
by virtue of change of ownership or
any other reason be used to satisfy any
yard, open space, lot area, or off-street
parking area required for any other
building, structure, or use, except as
may be otherwise specifically provided
herein. In addition, no yard or lot
e~dsting at the effecU~ve date of this
ordinance shall be reduced in dimen-
sion or area below the minimum
requirements set forth herein for the
district in wifich such yard or lot is
2-8 Fences
2-8.1 Residential Districts: 'On
any residential lot fences may be
erected to a height of seven (7) feet in
all yards, except that fences erected in
required front yards shall not exceed
four (4) feet in height provided that
ten (10) feet of clear visibility shall be
dance with Section 4-4.6 of this ordi-
2-8.2 Other Districts: Fences sur-
rounding school yards or located in
other zoeing districts shall be exempt
from the pro,hsions of 2-8.1 provided
that visibility at intersections is not
2-8.3 Barbed Wire: Barbed wire
shall not be permitted below eight (8)
feet in height except on AG, Agsicul-
turally zoned properties for purposes
of containing IJvesteck.
Special Sessior
2-9 Lots and Buildings to Front on
Public or Approved Private Street
All lots created after the effective date
of tiffs ordinance shall front upon a
public street or an approved private
street, and no building shall be here-
after erected or constructed except
upon such a lot. Private streets must
be included as part of a planned dis-
3-1 Residential Districts
3-1.1 R-1 Single Family Residential
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The R-1 District is the most
restrictive residential district. The
principal use of land in this district
is for low density single-family dwell-
ings and related recreational, religious
and educational facilities normally
required to service the residents within
the district. Low density residential
areas shall be protected from higher
density residential development and
from the encroaclmaent of incompati-
hie uses.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
ibllowing uses shall be permitted in the
R-1 District:
1) Single family residential dwelling
(detached) (11)
2) Churches, convents and monas-
teries (7)
3) Cemeteries, Mausoleums and
Columbariums (47)
4) Public and private/parochial
schools approved by Iowa State Board
of Public Instruction (K-12) (10)
5) Public or private parks, golf
courses, or similar natural recreation
area (47)
6) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
7) Non-commercial nurseries and
gardens (N/A)
8) Family homes (11)
( ) Parking Gronp - See See. 4-2 of
this Ordinance
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses ~s provided in Section 4 of this
I ) Attached garages
2) Detached garages
3) Non-commercial g~eenhouses
4) Solar collccters
5) Wind generators
6) Satellite receiving dishes -
7) Storage buildings
8) Readily moveable sports, recre-
ation, or outdoor cooking equipment
9) Tennis courts, swimming pools
. March 18, 1985 131
and similar permanent facilities 10) Home occupations
11) Non-commercial gardens and
12) Off-street parking and storage of
13) Fences
14) Garage sales or r~nnmage sales
provided that not more than 3 such
sales shall be allowed per premises per
calendar year and not more than three
(3) consecutive days per sale.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing condiUtonal uses are permitted in
the R-1 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Bed and breakfast homes, pro-
vided that:
a) The use is either located within
an Historic Preservation District or is
listed on the National Register of His-
teric Places;
b) the use is maintained within an
owner occupied single family dwelling;
c) not more than three (3) sleeping
rooms may be used for such purposes;
d) signage shall be limited to one
(1) non-illuminated wall mounted sign
not to exceed four (4) square feet in
area; and
e) the creation of overnight lodging
facilities shall not be deemed an over
intensification to surrounding proper-
ties by way of traffic congestion.
2) Nursery School/Day Care Center,
provided that:
a) Fifty (50) square feet of indoor
floor area (excluding halls and bath-
rooms) and one hundred (100) square
feet of fenced recreation space be pro-
vided per ctfild;
b) the parking group requirements
can be met; (15)
c) such facility shall supply loading
and unloading of shildren so as not to
obstruct public streets or create traf-
fic or safety hazards;
d) all licenses have been issued or
have been applied for awaiting the
outcome of the Board's decision;
e) a single family home must be
owner occupied; and
f) signags shall be limited to one (1)
nondllunfinated wall mounted sign not
to exceed four (4) square feet in area.
3) Off-street parking of operable
autsmobiles to serve a permitted or
conditional use in an abutting office,
commercial (except C-1 District) or
institutional district only, provided
a) no structure other than a screen-
ing or security fence or wall shall be
Special Session March 18,1985
erected on the premises;
b) signage shall be limited to one
(1) free-standing sigq~ of no more than
six (6) square feet in size per drive
opening, identifying the parking use,
providing directions or marking
entrances and exits thereto;
c) a site plan shall be submitted and
approved as provided in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
F. Bulk Regulations:
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the R-1 District:
1) Building or trailer for storage of
materials and/or equipment necessary
for construction authorized by a valid
building permit, provided the location
of the building or trailer has been
approved by the Building Official.
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-1.2 R-2 Two Family Residential
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The R-2 District is intended to
provide residential areas characterized
by single famliy and two family dwell-
ings. Increased densities and introduc-
tion of two family housing types are
intended to provide greater housing
options while maintaining the basic
qualities of a low density residential
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
R-2 District.
1) Single family detached dwellings
2) Two family dwelling (duplex)
3) Townhouses (maximum 2 dwell-
big unit) (11)
4) Churches, convents and monas-
teries (7)
5) Cemeteries, mausoleums, cohim-
bariums (47)
6) Public and private/parochial
schools approved by Iowa State Board
of Public Instruction (K-12) (10)
7) Public or private parks, golf
courses, or similar natural recreation
areas (47)
8) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
9) Non-commercial nurseries and
gardens (N/A)
10) Family homes (11)
( ) Parking Group - See Section 4-2
of this Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
Special Session
1) Attached garages
2) Detached garages
3) Non-commercial greenhouses
4) Solar collectors
5) Wind generators
6) Satellite receiving dishes
7) Storage buildings
8) Readily moveable sports, recre-
ation, or outdoor cooking equipment
9) Tennis courts, swimming pools
and similar permanent facilities 10) Home occupations
11) Non-commercial gardens and
12) Off-street parking and storage of
13) Fences
14) Garage sales or rummage sales
provided that not more than 3 such
sales shall be allowed per premises per
calsndar year and not more than three
(3) consecutive days per sale.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
the R-2 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Bed and breakfast homes, pro-
vided that:
a) The use is either located within
an Historic Preservation District or is
listed on the National Register of His-
teric Places;
b) the use is maintained within an
owner occupied single family dwelling;
c) not more than three (3) sleeping
rooms may be used for such purposes;
d) signage shall be limited to one
(1) nondliuminated wall mounted sign
not to exceed four (4) square feet in
area; and
e) the creation of overnight lodging
facilities shall not be deemed an over
intensification to surrounding proper-
ties by way of traffic congestion.
2) Hospice, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met; (2)
b) signs shall not be permitted.
3) The nursery schaol/day care cen-
ter, provided that:
a) l~ty (50) square feet of indoor
floor area (excluding halls and bath-
rooms) and one hundred (100) square
feet of fenced recreation space be pro-
vided per child;
b) the parking group requirements
can be met; (15)
c) such facility shall supply loading
and unloading of children so as not to
obstruct public skeets or create traf-
fic or safety hazards;
d) ali licenses have been issued or
have been applied for awaiting the
March 18, 1985 133
outcome of the Board's decision;
e) a single family home must be
owner occupied; and
f) signage shall be linrited to one (1)
non-illuminated wall mounted sign not
to exceed four (4) square feet in area.
4) Off-street parking of operable
automobiles to serve a perntitted or
conditional use in an abutting office,
commercial (except C-1 District), or
institutional district only, provided
a) No structure other than a screen-
ing or security fence or wall shall be
erected on the premises;
b) signage shall be limited to one
(1) free-standing sign of no ~nore than
six (6) sqnare feet in size per drive
opening, identifying the parking use,
providing directions or marking
entrances and exits thereto;
c) a site plan shall be submitted and
approved as provided in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the R-2 District:
1) Building or trailer for storage of
materials and/or equipment necessary
for construction authorized by a vabd
building permit, provided the location
of the building or trailer has been
approved by the Building Official.
Special Session, March 18, 1985
F. Bulk Regulations:
G. Parking Requirements: See Sec-
tion 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this ordi-
3-1.3 R-2A Alternate Two-Family
Residential District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tlon: The R-2A District is intended to
provide for the protection of certain
older areas of the community deve-
loped principally as single family and
two family uses. The purpose of this
district is to stabilize and preserve the
residential character of existing areas
though the establishment of bukk regu-
lations in conformity with existing
conditions. Characteristics of the R-2A
District are smaller than average lot
Widths and area, established building
lines much closer to the public right-
of-way and required setback lines,
and/or greater lot coverages than
allowed in the more recent developing
provided. The R-2A District is to be
selectively placed on those areas dis-
playing one or more of the above char-
Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
R-2A District:
1) Single ihmily detached dwellings
2) Two family dwelling (duplex)
3) Townhousos (mfiximum 2 dwell-
ing milts) (11)
4) Churches, convents and monas-
teries (7)
5) Cemeteries, mausoleums, colum-
bariums (47)
6) Public and private/parochial
schools approved by Iowa State Board
of Public Instruction (K-12) (10)
7) Public or private parks, golf
com'~s, or similar natural recreation
areas (47)
8) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
9) Non-commercial nurseries and
gardens (N/A)
10) Family homes (ll)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
tiffs ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Attached garages
2) Detacbed garages
3) Non-commercial greenhouses
4) Solar collectors
5) Wind generators
Special Sessior
6) Satellite receiving dishes
7) Storage buildings
8) Readily moveable sports, recre-
ation, or outdoor cooking equipment
9) Tennis courts, swimming pools
and similar permanent facilities 10) Home occupations
11) Non-commercial gardens and
12) Off-street parking and storage of
13) Fences
14) Garage sales or rummage sales
provided that not more than 3 such
sales shall be allowed per premises per
calendar year and not more than thre~
(3) consecutive days per sale.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
the R-2A District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Individual zero lot line homes
provided that:
a) The adjoining property owner, on
the zero lot line side, agrees to the
property line location and to provid-
ing a five (5) foot maintenance ease-
ment prior to Board review; and
b) the roof overhang shall not
extend across the property line; and
c) a minimum of six (0) feet can be
maintained between homes/and other
2) Bed and breakfast homes, pro-
vided that:
a) The use is either located within
an Historic Preservation District or is
[isted on the National Register of His-
toric Places;
b) tlie use is maintained within an
owner occupied single family dwelling;
c) not more than three (3) sleeping
rooms may be used for such purposes:
d) aignage shall be limited to one
(1) nondlhiminated wall mounted sign
net to exceed four (4) square feet in
area; and
e) the creation of overnight lodging
facihties shall not be deemed an over
intensification to surrounding proper-
ties by way of traffic congestion.
3) Hospice, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met; (2)
b) signs shah not be permitted.
4) Nursery school/day care center,
provided that:
a) Fifty (50) square feet of indoor
floor area (excluding halls and bath-
rooms) and one hundred (100) square
feet of fenced recreation space be pro-
vided per child;
b) the parking group requh~ements
, March 18, 1985 135
can be met; (15)
c) such facility shall supply loading
and unloading of clffldren so as not to
obstruct public streets or create traf-
fic or safety hazards;
d) all licenses have been issued or
have been applied for awaiting the
outcome of the Board's decision;
e) a single family home must be
owner occupied; and
f) signage shall be limited to one (1)
non-ilhiminated wall mounted sign not
to exceed four (4) square feet in area.
5) Off-street parking of operable
automobiles to serve a permitted or
conditional use in an abutting office,
commercini (except C-1 District), insti-
tutional or industrial district, provided
a) No structure other than a screen-
ing or security fence or wali shall be
erected on the premises;
b) signage shall be limited to one
(1) free-standing sign of no more than
six (6) square feet in size per drive
opening, identifying the parking use,
providing directions or marking
entrances and exits thereto:
c) a site plan shall be submitted and
approved as provided in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.
6) Off-premise residential garage,
provided that:
a) It is incidental and subordinate
to a permitted residential use and
located on a lot within three hundred
(300) feet of the residential use it
b) it is owned and maintained by
the property owner within three hun-
dred (300) feet of the residential use
it serves;
c) Such use shall be designed, con-
structed and maintained in harmony
with the residential setting, in which
it is located;
d) no such use shall exceed seven-
hundred and twenty (720) square feet
of floor m'ea per dwelling unit and a
haigbt of fifteen 05) feet;
e) no commercial storage~ sales or
home occupations shall be permitted
within such structure;
fl no outside storage shall be per-
nfitted in conjunction with such use;
g) a site plan shall be submitted as
~rovided for in Section 4-4 of this ordi-
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The fofiowing
uses shall be permitted as temporary
tkqes in tbe R-2A District:
1) Building or trailer for storage of
materials and/or equipment necessary
fdr construction authorized by a valid
136 Special Session, March 18,1985
building permit, provided the location ~
of the building or trailer has been
approved by the Building Official.
F. Bulk Regulations:
See Section A-g for Maximum Front Yard Setback AllOwed.
1 = Cul-de-Sac 2 ~ Local Street 3 = Collector
4 ~ Minor Arterial 5 = Principal Arterial
Plus one additional foot of setback for every foot in height ·
ahove~O feet with no part to exceed 75 feet in height,
Applied to exterior walls only
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
$-1.4 R-3 Moderate Density Multi-
Family Residential District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The R-3 District is intended to
provide residential areas of moderate
density developments which may
include a variety of dwelling types
ranging from single family to low-rlso
multi-family dwellings.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
R-3 District:
1) Single family detached dwellings
2) Two family dwelling (duplex)
3) Multi-family dwelling (maxin~um
6 dwelfing unite) (9)
4) Townhouses (maxhimm 6 dwell-
ing uuits) (11)
5) Churches, convente, and monas-
teries (5)
6) Cemeteries, mausoleums, colum-
bariums (47)
7) Public and private/parochial
schools approved by Iowa State Board
of Pubfic Instruction (K-12) (10)
8) Public or private parks, golf
courses, or shuilar natural recreation
areas (47)
9) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
10) Non-commercial nurseries and
gardens (N/A)
11) Family homes (11)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Attached garages
2) Detached garages
3) Non-commercial gree~houses
4) Solar collectors
5) Wind generators
6) Satellite receiving dishes
7) Storage buildings
8) Readily moveable sports, recre-
ation, or outdoor cooking equipment
9) Tennis courts, swimming pools
Special Session March 18, 1985 137
and similar permanent facilities 10) Home occupations
11) Non-commercial gardens and
12) Off-street parking and storage of
13) Fences
14) Garage sales or rummage sales
provided that not more than 3 such
sales shall be allowed per premises per
calendar year and not more than three
(3) consecutive days per sale
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
tbe R-3 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Individual zero lot Hue detached
dwellings, provided that:
a) The adjoining property owner, on
the zero lot line side, agrees to the
property line location and to provid-
ing a five (5) foot maintenance ease-
ment prior to Board review; and
b) the roof overhang shall not
extend across the property fine; and
c) a minimum of six (6) feet can be
maintained between homes/and other
2) Group homes, provided that:
a) Not less than six hundred and
fifty (650) square feet of lot area be
provided per resident;
b) the parking group requirements
can be met; (4)
c) signs shall not be permitted except
for nameplates.
3) Bed and breakfast homes, pro-
vided that:
a) The use is either located within
m~ Historic Preservation District or is
listed on the National Register of His-
toric Places;
b) the use is mointained within an
owner occupied single family dwelling;
c) not more than three (3) sleeping
rooms may be used for such purposes;
d) signage shall be limited to one
(1) non-illuminated wall mounted sign
not to exceed four (4) square feet in
area; and
e) the creation of overnight lodging
facifities shall not be deemed an over
intensification to surrounding proper-
ties by way of traffic congestion.
4) Hospice, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met; (2)
b) signs shall not be permitted.
5) Nursery school/day care center,
provided that:
a) Fifty (50) square feet of indoor
floor area (excluding halls and bath-
rooms) and one hundred (100) square
feet of fenced recreation space be pro-
vided per clfild; and
b) the parking group requirements
can be met; (15)
c) such facility shafi supply loading
and uuioading of children so as not to
obstruct pubfic streets or create traf-
fic or safety hazards;
d) all licenses have been issued or
have been applied for awaiting the
outcome of the Board's decision;
e) a single family home must be
ow~er occupied; and
f) signage shall be limited to one (1)
non-illuminated wall mounted sign not
to exceed fou~ (4) square feet in area.
6) Rooming/boarding houses, maxi-
mmn 10 roomers, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met; (4)
b) the owner or manager of said use
shall maintain a permanent residence
on site.
7) Nursing or convalescent home,
provided that:
a) The minimum lot size for such
use shah be 40,000 square feet;
b) a minimum lot frontage of 100
feet shall be maintained; and
c) the parking group requirements
can be met; (2)
8) Housing for the elderly handi-
capped and disabled, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (3)
9) Mortuaries and funeral homes,
)rovided that:
a) A minimum lot size of 20,000
square feet shah be provided;
b) a minimum lot frontage of 100
feet shall be maintained;
c) the 40% maximum lot coverage
shall not be exceeded;
d) a site plan shall be provided
showing the proposed layout of
the buildings, parking area, drive
aisles, and required screening and
landscaping according to the site plan
provisions of Section 4-4 of this ordi-
e) the parking group requirements
can be met. (12)
10) Off-street parking of operable
automobiles te serve a permitted or
conditional use in an abutting office,
comme~sial (except C-1 District), insti-
tutional or industrial district, provided
a) no structure other than a screen-
lng or security fence or wall shall be
erected on the premises;
b) signage shall be llnfited to one
(1) free-standing sign of no more than
six (6) square feet in size per drive
opening, identifying the parking use,
providing directions or marking
Special Sessioe. March 18, 1985
entrances and exits thereto;
c) a site pian shah be submitted and
approved as provided in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.
11) Off-premise residential garage,
provided that:
a) It is incidental and subordinate
to a permitted residential use and
located on a lot within three hundred
(300) feet of the residential use it
b) it is owned and mdintalned by
the property owner within three hun-
tired (300) feet of the residential use
c) such use shall be designed, con-
structed and maintained in harmony
with the residential setting in which
it is located;
d) no such use shall exceed seven-
hundred and twenty (720) square feet
of floor area per dwelling unit and a
height of fifteen (15) feet;
F. Bulk Regulations:
home occupations shall be permitted
within such structure;
f) no outeid? storage shah be per-
mitted in conjunction with such use;
g) a site plan shah be submitted as
provided for in Section 4-4 of this ordi-
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
tiffs ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the R-3 District:
1) Building or trailer for storage of
materials and/or equipment necessary
for construction authorized by a valid
building permit, provided the location
of the building or trailer has been
approved by the Building Official.
See Section 4-9 for Maximum Front Yard Setback All o~ed.
1 = Cul-de-Sac 2 = Local Street 3 = Collector
4 = Minor Arterial 5 - Principal Arterial
Plus one additional foot of setback for every foot in height
above 30 feet with no part to exceed 75 feet in height,
Applied to exterior walls only
Special Session March 18, 1985
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-1.5 R-4 Multi-Family Residential
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The R-4 District is intended to
provide residential areas of moderate
to high density developments. The
District is usually located adjacent to
a major street and serves as a buffer
or transition between commercial
development or heavy automobile traf-
tic and medium density residential
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
R-4 District:
1) Multi-Family dwellings (3 to 12
units per building) (9)
2) Townhouses (3 to 12 Units
laterally attached) (9)
3) Rooming/boarding house (maxi-
mum 10 roo~ners) (4)
4) Churches, convents and monas-
teries (7)
5) Cemeteries, mausoleums and
columbariums (47)
6) Public and private/parochial
schools approved by Iowa State Board
of Public Instruction (K-12) (10)
7) Public or private parks, golf
courses, or similar natural recreation
areas (47)
8) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
9) Non-commercial nurseries and
gardens (N/A)
10) Family homes (11)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: Tbe following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1 ) Attached garages
2) Detached garages
3) Non-commercial greenhouses
4) Solar collectors
5) Wind generators
6) Satellite receiving dishes
7) Storage buildings
8) Readily moveable sports, recre-
ation, or outdoor cooking equipment
9) Tennis courts, swimming pools
and similar permanent facilities 10) Home occupations
11) Non-commercial gardens and
12) Off-street parking and storage of
13) Fences
14) Garage sales or rummage sales
provided that not nmre than 3 such
sales shall be allowed per premises per
calendar year and not more than three
(3) consecutive days per sale
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
the R-4 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Group homes, provided that:
a) Not less than six hundred and
fifty (650) square feet of lot area be
provided per resident;
b) the parking group requiremente
can be met; (4)
c) signs shall not be pemtitted except
for nameplates.
2) Bed and breakfast homes, pro-
vided that:
a) The use is either located within
an Historic. Preservation District or is
listed on the National Register of His-
toric Places;
b) signage shall be limited to one
(1) non-illuminated wall mounted sign
not to exceed four (4) square feet in
area; and
c) the creation of overnight lodging
facilities shall not be deemed an over
intensification to surrounding proper-
ties by way of traffic congestion.
3) Hospice, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met; (2)
b) signs shall not be permitted.
4) Nursery school/day care center,
provided that:
a) Fifty (50) square feet of indoor
floor area (excluding halls and bath-
rooms) and one hundred (100) square
feet of fenced recreation space be pro-
vided per child; and
b) the parking group requiremente
can be met; (15)
c) such facility shall supply loading
and unloading of children so as not to
obstruct pubbc streets or create traf-
fic or safety hazards;
d) all licenses have been issued or
have been applied for awaiting the
outcome of the Board's decision;
e) a single fansiiy home must be
owner occupied; and
f) signage shall be lintited to one (1)
non-ilhiminated wall mounted sign not
to exceed four (4) square feet in area.
5) Nursing or convalescent home,
provided that:
a) The midimum lot size for such
use sball be 40,000 square feet;
b) a minimum lot frontage of 100
feet shall be maintained; and
c) the parking group requLrements
can be met; (2)
6) Housing for the elderly, handi-
140 Special Session March 18, 1985
capped and disabled, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (3)
7) Mortuaries and funeral homes,
provided that:
a) A minimum lot size of 20,000
square feet shall be provided;
b) a mliffmum lot frontage of 100
feet shall be maintnined;
c) the 40% maximmn lot coverage
shall not be exceeded;
d) a site plan shall be provided
showing the proposed layout of the
buildings, parking area, drive aisles,
and required screening and landscap-
lng according to the site plan provi-
skins of Section 4-4 of this ordinance.
e) the parking group requirements
can be met. (12)
8) Off-street parking of operable
automobiles to serve a permitted or
conditional use in an abutting office,
commercial (gxcept C-1 District), insti-
tutional, or industrial district, provided
a) no structure other than a screen-
ing or security fence or wall shall be
erected on the premises;
b) signage shall be limitad to one
(1) free-standing sign of no ~nore than
six (6) square feet in size per drive
opening, identifying the parking use,
providing directions or marking
entrances and exits thereto;
c) a site plan simll be submitted and
approved as provided in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.
9) Off-premise residential garage,
provided that:
a) It is incidental and subordinate to
a permitted residential use and located
on a lot witlffn three hundred (300)
feet of the residential use it serves;
b) it is owned and maintained by
the property owner within three hun-
dred (300) feet of the residential use
it serves;
c) such use shall be designed, con-
structsd and maintained in harmony
with the residential setting in which
it is located;
d) no such use shall exceed seven-
hundred and twenty (720) square feet
of floor area per dwelling unit and a
height of fifteen (15) feet;
e) no commercial storage, sales or
home occupations shall be permitted
within such structure;
f) no outside storage shall be per-
mitted in conjunction with such use;
g) a site plan shall be submitted as
provided for in Section 4-4 of this ordi-
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
tiffs ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the R-4 District:
1) Building or trailer for storage of
materials and/or equipment necessary
for construction authorized by a valid
building permit, provided the location
of the building or trailer has been
approved by the Building Official.
Special Session, March 18, 1985
F. Bulk Regulations:
b 1 = Cul-de-Sac 2 - Local Street 3 = Collector
4 = Minor Arterial 5 = Principal Arterial
* Plus one additional foot of setback for every foot in height
above 40 feet with no part to exceed 75 feet in height,
+ Applied to exterior walls only
· Plus one additional foot per floor above
O. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-1.6 PR Planned Residential
A. General Purpose and Descrip.
tlon: The PR District is intended to
encourage flexible and innovative
design in the development of
proriate sites as integrated project
units. Regulations for this district are
1) to encourage new development to
preserve and utilize as much as pos-
sible existing land characteristics and
features which offer visual or recrea-
tional benefits or other ameuities;
2) to promoto the economic, attrac-
rive, innovative, and har~nonious
arrangement and design of new build-
lugs, streets; utilities, and other
improvements or structures;
3) to protect and enhance the quail
ties of tranquillity, privacy, stability,
attractivene.~s and spaciousness which
are traditionally m~sociated with the
most desirable residential environ-
the second floor
4) to provide for the creation and
)reservation of more and larger use-
able public or common open spaces
than would normally be provided
under conventional development;
5) to encourage the careful design
and planding of larger development
projects and to give developers reason-
able assurances regarding project
approvals before the unnecessary
expenditure of design efforts, while
providing the City with the apropriato
a.~surances that approved Planned Res-
idential Development projects will
retain the character envisioned at the
time of project approval.
Property may be reclassified to the
Planned Residential designation when
it appears that the particular develop-
ment plan proposed for the parcel will
~romote the purposes of the District
and this ordinance and is formulated in
conformance with the review proce-
dures and standards of this Section.
B. Permitted Uses:
1. Primary Uses: The following p~i-
mary tkses shall be permitted in the
PR District, but only as estabhshed
Special Session, March 18, 1985
Special Session March 18, 1985
by the specific ordinance authorizing
the PR District:
a) Single family detached dwellings
b) Two family dwelling (duplex)
c) Multi-family dwelling (9)
d) Townhouses (11)
e) Individual zero lot line (11)
f) Mobile home park/subdivision
g) Family home (11)
2. Secondary Uses: The fdilowing
secondary uses shafi be allowed but
only in conjunction with primary use
or groups of uses as provided in the
ordinance establishing the PR Dis-
a) Group home (4)
b) Nursery school/day care center
c) Rooming/boarding house (4)
d) Nursing home (2)
e) Housing for the elderly, handi-
capped or disabled (3)
f) Church, convent and monastery
(7) j~
jjg~Cemetary, mausolenm, colum-
barium (47)
h) Public and private/parochial
school approved by Iowa State Board
of Public Instruction (K-12) (10)
i) Public or private parks, golf
courses, or simihir natural recreation
areas (47)
j) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
k) Non-commercial nurseries and
gardens (N/A)
1) Mortuary, funeralhome (12)
m) Schools of private instruction (4)
n) private club (20)
3. Contingency Uses: The follow-
ing contingency uses shall only be
allowed as specified within the specific
ordinance authorizing the PR District
establishment and shall only be con-
structed after a minimum of fifty per-
cent (50%) of the entire PR District
development has been completed:
a) General offices (14)
b) Medical office/clihic (36)
c) Personal services (14)
d) Barber and beauty shop (16)
e) Off-premise private residential
garages (N/A)
f) Gas station (18)
g) Grocery store (17)
h) Drug store/health care supplies
i) Bakery (retail only) (19)
j) Laundry/dry cleaner (19)
k) Hardware store (17)
1) Flower/garden store/commercial
~eentmuse (17)
m) Shoe repair (18)
n) Drive-up automated bank teller
o) Laundromat (22)
( ) Parking Groups (See Section 4-2
of tiffs ordinance)
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves except as otherwise limited by
the specific ordinance authorizing the
establishment of the particular PR
D. Procedures for District Estab-
fishment and Expansion:
1) Appllcatioo and Plan Submis-
sion: Application for district establish-
ment shall be filed, along with the
appropriate filing fee as provided in
Section 7 of this ordinance, with the
Office of Development Services. The
application shall be accompanied by a
Conceptual Development Plan indiud-
a) Written Information
· Legal description and address of
· Name, address and phone num-
bex(s) of the property owner(s)
· Proposed construction and land-
scaping schedule indicating the timing
and sequence of each development
· Existing and proposed uses for all
building~ or structures
· Total area of property and all
structures existing and proposed
· Present and proposed type and
numbor of parking spaces on the prop-
b)Graphic Materials
· Complete property dimensions;
· The location, grade, and dimen-
sions of all present and/or proposed
streets or other paved surfaces and
engineering cross-sections of proposed
new curbs and pavement;
· Proposed parking and traffic cir-
culation plan, if applicable, showing
location and dimensions of parking
stalls, dividers, planters or similar per-
manent improvements; perimeter
screehing treatment, including land-
scaping, etc.;
· Location and dimensions of all
buildings or major structures, both
proposed and existing, showing exterior
dimensions, number and area of floors,
location, number and type of dwelling
units, height of building(s), etc.;
· Existing and proposed contours of
the property taken at regular contour
intervals not to exceed five (5) feet,
or two (2) feet if the City Develop-
ment Planner determines that greater
conto~r detail is necessary to satisfac-
torily make the determination:
required by tt~s ordinance;
· The general nature, location, and
size of all significant existing natural
land features, including but not fimited
to sidewalks or paths, tree or bush
masses, all individual trees over six (6)
inches in diameter, grassed areas, sur-
face rock and/or soil features, and all
temporary bodies of water;
· A lacational map or other draw-
ing at appropriate scale showing the
general location and relation of the
property to surrounding areas, includ-
ing, where relevant, the zoning and
land use pattern of adjacent properties,
the existing street system in the area,
location of nearby public facilities
2)Commission Hearing: A public
hearing shall be held by the Planning
and Zoning Commission on the appfi-
cation in the same manner and with
tt~e s~me public notice procedure as
required for zoning reclassificaions.
3)Commission Recommendation
The Planning Commission's recommen-
dation shali be transmitted to the City
Council with a statement of reasons in
support of the recommendation. If the
recommendation is one of approval, it
shali contain recommended conditions
or restrictions to be included in an
ordinance authorizing the estabfish-
ment or expansion of the PR District.
The conditions or restrictions shall
include but not be limited to:
· ~ime fimitations, if any, for sub-
mission of final development plans and
· Uses permitted in this district.
· Lot and bulk and performance
standards for the development and
operation of the permitted uses.
· Reqdirement that any transfer of
ownership or lease of property in the
district include in the transfer or lease
agreement a provision that the pur-
chaser or lessee acknowledges aware-
ness of the conditions authotizing the
estab~ishinent of the district.
4)Conceptual Development Plan
Approval: The Planning and Zoning
Commission shall not approve the
Conceptual Development Plan unless
and until the Commission determines
that such plan conforms to each of the
foliowing standards:
a) The Conceptual Development
Plan is in substantial conformance
with adopted Comprehensive Plans to
guille the future growth and develop-
ment of Dubuque.
b) Expansions contemplated by the
Plan are justifiable and reasonable in
fight of the projected needs of the
institution and the pubfic welfare.
c) The proposed additions or expan-
sions are designed so as to be function-
ally integrated with the existing
institutional facilities, with due regard
to maintenance of safe, efficient, and
convenient vehicular and pedestrian
d) The proposed additions or expan-
sions of use are permitted in the dis-
trict m~d are of a location, size, and
nature such that they are not likely to
interfere with the appropriate use and
enjoyment of property in abutting dis-
e) The Conceptual Development
Plan will not violate any provision or
requisement of this ordinance.
f) Approval of the Conceptual
Development Plan shall be valid for a
petiod of three (3) years, provided that
after the first year, if no Final Site
Development Plan has been filed, the
Commission or Council may require
the resubmission of a Conceptual
Development Plan in conformity with
the procedures and standards of this
g) A new or amended Conceptual
Development Plan may be filed with-
out cost at any thne following Council
5)Council Action: Upon receiving
the recommendation of the Commis-
sion, the City Council shall act in the
manner provided by law to approve or
disapprove the requested zoning reclas-
sification of the property. The affirma-
tive vote of at least three-fourths of all
the memborship of the Council shall be
necessary to approve the Conceptual
Development Plan when the Commis-
sion has recommended disapproval
thereof, or to remove any conditions,
requirements, or lhnitations imposed
by the Commission in approving the
Conceptual Development Plan.
6)Submission of Final Site Devel-
opment Plan: After passage of the
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment of a PR District by the City
Council, the applicant shall submit
final site development plans to the
City Development Planner within the
period of time, if any, specified in said
ordinance. The plans shall include
detailed information as required of a
final site plan for adequate considera-
tion of the plans. The City Develop-
ment Planner will judge the Final Site
Development Plan for its conformance
with the approved Conceptual Devel-
144 Special Session March 18, 1985
opment Plan, and if found to be in
conformance with said plan the
k~uance of building permits sball be
permitted. Following approval of the
Final Site Development Plan, no con-
struction may take place except in
substantial conformance with such
Plan, If the project is phased, then
each phase would be conridered on its
own merit and be evaluated on the
s~pecific ordinance requirements estab-
fishing tbe district. The plans shall sat-
isfy the subdivision regulations and
other pertinent City ordinances where
7)Development According to
Final Site Development Plan:
a)Site Development Plan Review
No building permit shall be issued
for any site unless a site development
plan has been submitted and approved
in accordance with the provisions of
Section 4-4 and unless such plan con-
forms with the conditions of the
adopted Conceptual Development
b)Constrnction of Improvements
or Posting of Bond
No buildings may be erected and no
uses may occupy any portion of the
district until the required related off-
rite improvements are constructed or
appropriate security as determined by
the Planning and Zoning Comnfission
is provided to insure construction. If
the PR District is to be developed in
phases, all improvements necessary to
tbe proper operation and functioning
of each phase even though stone may
be located outside of the section, nmst
be constructed and installed or appro-
priate security as determined by the
Fiannuig and Zoning Commission must
be provided to insure theft construc-
c)Time Limitation
If substantial construction or devel-
opment does not begin within the
period of time specified in the ordi-
nance authorizing the establishment of
the district or in resolutions adopted
pursuant thereto, the City Council
dation of the Planning and Znning
Commission, rezone the porperty or
any portion thereof to the zoning dis-
trict classification that prevailed prior
to the approval of the PR classifies-
al)Extension of Time Limitation
The time limitation specified in the
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment of the PR District for submisrion
of final site development plans and for
completion of construction may be
extended by the City Council upon a
showing of good cause. e)Changes from Plan
After recording of a final site devel-
opment plan, changes not inconsistent
with the purpose or intent of this sec-
tion may be approved by the Planning
and Zoning Commission. Changes
affecting the purpose or intent of this
s~ction shall require a new petition to
be filed.
E. Lot, Bulk and Density Regula-
tions: Lots, uses and structures shall
conform to tbe lot mid bu~k standards
specifically provided in the ordinance
establishing a particular PR Planned
Residential District or in resolutions
adopted pursuant thereto, however,
density requirements shall remain
unchanged from the density applied to
the property prior to PR designation,
except as further provided under the
district bonus incentive established in
Section 3-1.6(G) of this ordinance.
F. District Standards: The specific
ordinance establishing a particular
Planned Residential District or resu-
lutions adopted pursuant thereto shall
)rovide standards for the design, devel-
opment, operation and mMnteaance of
uses and structures. These standards
may include, but are not limited to:
1) Control of operations outside of
enclosed buildings.
2) Control of lighting and utilities.
3) Provision of lanscaping and pro-
tection of natural areas.
4) Control of refuse collection areas.
5) Off-street parking and loading
requirements. (If not included in the
adopting ordinance establishing the
specific PR District, then Section 4-2
of rids ordinance shall apply.)
6) Control of signage. (If not
included in the adopting ordinance
cstablistfing tbe specific PR District,
then Section 4-2 of this ordinance shall
G. District Bonus Incentive: The
following bonus incentives shall be
allowed and encouraged in order to
provide attractive developments along
with preservation of natural and/or
developed open space:
1) Primary residential use listed
under Section 3-1.6B(I) shall be
allowed a density increase provided
a) The percentage ratio of open
space te density increase sball be cai-
culated at 1.5:1 (1.5% open space to
1.0% density increase) up to a maxi-
mmn of twenty (20) percent density
b) the calculated density increase
shafi be based on the zoning district
apphed to the property prior to PR
Special Session
designation; and
c) the ordinance establishing the spe-
cific PR l)istrict shall provide for the
density increase that will be allowed
for development.
(Example: Single Family Develop-
Parcel Size; l0 Acres
Prier Zoning: R-1
Prior Density Permitted:
7.2 Units/Acre
72 S.F. Units
Ratio of Open Space to Density
Increase: 1.5 to 1
Maximum Density Increase: 20~
Open Space Required Using Ratio:
PR Project: 10 Acres
Max. Density:
8.6 Units/Acre
86 Units on 7 Acres
Open Space: 3 Acres)
3~2 Office Districts
3-2.1 OR Office Residential Dis-
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The Office/High Density Multi-
Fmnily Residential District is intended
to encore'age and pem~it a mixture of
cmnpatible office uses with high den-
aity multi-family uses in an attractive
landscaped setting. This district should
generally be located in areas abutting
arterial and/or collector streets which
are, because of location and trends,
suitable for development of low inten-
sity office uses, thus muintaining a res-
idential characteristic. This district is
also ideally located in transitional
areas between commercial and reriden-
tia] development which is adaptable to
occupancy by certain office uses.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
OR District:
1) One and two-family dwelhng units
wittfin existing structures only (9) 2) Multi-family dwellings (9)
3) Townhouses (3 or more laterally
attached units) (9)
4) Rooming/boarding houses (4)
5) Nursing or convalescent homes
6) Housing for the elderly, handi-
capped or disabled (3)
7) Mortuaries and funeral homes
8) Non-commercial art galleries,
museums and libraries (13) 9) Artist studio (5)
10) General offices (14)
11) Personal services (14)
12) Churches, convents, and monas-
teries (7)
13)Schools of private instruction
March 18, 1985
14) Cemeteries, mausoleums, colum-
bm~ums (47)
15) Public and private/parochial
schools approved by Iowa State Board
of Public Instruction (K-I 2) (10)
16) Public or private parks, golf
cern'scs, or similar natural recreation
17) Railroads and pubhc or quasi-
public utilities including substations
18) Non-commercial nurseries and
gardens (N/A)
19) Family homes (11)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be pemdtted as accessory
uses as pro~ided in Section 4 of this
1) Attached garages
2) Detached garages
3) Greenhouses
4) Solar collectors
5) Wind generators
6) Satellite receiving dishes
7) Storage buiMings
8) Readily moveable sports, recre-
ation, or outdoor cooking equipment
9) Tennis courts, swimming pools
and similar permanent facilities 10) Home occupations
11) Non-connnercial gardens and
12) Off-street parking and storage of
13) Fences
14) Garage sales or runnnage sales
~rovided that not more than 3 such
sales shall be alk~wed per prmnises per
calendar year and not more than three
(3) consecutive days per sale
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses ,qa,e permitted in
tbe OR Disttict, subject to the pro,A-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
~nent for a conditional use permit:
1) Grnup hmnes, provided that:
a) Not less than six hundred and
fifty (650) square feet of lot area be
provided per resident;
b) the parking group requirements
can be met. (4)
2) Bed and breakfast homes, pro-
vided that:
a) The use is either located within
an Historic Preservation District or is
listed on the National Register of His-
toric Places; and
b) rignage shall be limited to one
(1) non-illuminated wall mounted sign
not to exceed four (4) square feet in
Special Session, March 18, 1985
3) Hospice, provided that:
a) The pm'king group requirements
can be met, (2)
4) Nursery schodi/day care center,
provided that:
a) Fifty (50) square feet of indoor
floor area (excluding halls and bath-
rooms) and one hundred (100) square
feet of fenced recreation space be pro-
vided per child; and
b) the parking group requirements
can be met; (15)
c) such facility shah supply loading
and unloading of ctfildren so as not to
obstruct public streets or create traf-
fic or safety hazards;
d) all licenses have been issued or
have been applied for awaiting the
outcome of the Board's decision;
5) Dental and medical labs provided
that: off-street parking can be met.
6) Private clubs, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (20)
7) Off-street parking of operable
automobties to serve a permitted or
conditional use in an abutting office
service, commercial (except C-1 Dis-
trict), institutional, or industrial dis-
trict, provided that:
a) no structure other than a screen-
ing or security fence or wall shall be
erected on the premises;
b) signage shall be limited to one
(1) free-standing sibqi of no more than
six (6) square feet in size per drive
opening, identifying the parking use,
providing directions or marking
entrances and exits thereto;
c) a site plan shall be submitted and
approved as provided in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.
8) Off-premise residential garages,
provided that:
a) It is incidental and subordinate
to a permitted residential use and
located on a lot within three hundred
(300) feet of the residential use it
b) it is owneti and maintained by
the property owner within three hun-
dred (300) feet of the residential use
it serves;
c) such use shah be designed, con-
structed and maintained in tmrmo~ny
with the residential setting in which
it is located;
d) no such use shall exceed seven-
hundred and twenty (720) square feet
of floor area per dwelling unit and a
height of fifteen (15) feet;
e) no commercial storage, sales or
home occupations shall be permitted
within such structure;
f) no outside storage shall be per-
mitted in conjunction with such use;
g) a site plan shah be submitted as
provided for in Section 4-4 of this ordL
9) Barber and beauty shops, pro-
vided that off-street parking can be
met. (16)
10) Adaptive uses in historic or
architecturally significant structm'es,
provided that:
a) the structure or property is
1) listed on the National Register of
Historic Places or is eligible for such
listing as determined by the Dubuque
Historic Prese~wation Commission, or
2) located in an area which has been
designated an Historic Preservation
District in accordance with Chapter
19-1/2 and is supportive of neighbor-
hood, city, state or national signifi-
cance as determined by the Dubuque
Historic Preservation Commission;
b) only the following uses may'be
1) specialty shops for gift items,
handicrafts, or clothing,
2) antique shops,
3) floral shops,
4) art galleries,
5) cabarets, and
6) restaurants;
c) application has been made to the
Dubuque Historic Preservation Com-
mission for any change, alteration or
modification of the external appear-
ance of the building or property; and
d) the Board of Adjustinent must
find timt the type of merchandise to
be sold, services to be rendered, num-
ber of persons or employees on the
premises, hours of business and other
operational aspects of the proposed use
are compatible with the appropriate
development and use of neighboring
properties and the intended historic or
architectural character of the area.
e) off-street parking can be met.
11) Shoe repair provided that: off-
street parking can be met.(18)
12) Commercial art gallery provided
that: off-street parking can be met.
13) Photographic studio provided
that: off-street parking can be met.
14) Parking structures
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permittod as temporary
uses in the OR District:
1) Building or trailer for storage of
materials and/or equipment necessary
for construction authorized by a valid
Special Session, March 18, 1985
building permit, provided the location
of the building or trailer has been
approved by the Building Official.
F. Bulk Regulations:
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-2.2 OS Office/Service District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tlon: The Office/Service District is
intended to encourage and permit pro-
fessional office uses of kigher intensity
than the Office/Residential District.
The OS District is also intended to
provide for office park developments,
selected commercial uses, and residen-
tial uses above the first floor. This dis-
trict is also ideally located between
Commer¢4al Districts, on major streets
in close proximity to street inter-sec-
tions and between higher density resi-
dential development and commercial
B. Principal Permittod Uses: The
tbllowing uses shall be permitted in the
OS District:
1) Residential uses above the first
floor only (6)
2) Nursing or convalescent home (2)
3) Housing for the elderly, handi-
capped and disabled (3)
4) Mortuaries and funeral homes
5) Non-commercial art galleries,
musetuns and libraries (13)
6) Artist studios (5)
7) General offices (14)
8) Medical offices/clinics (36)
9) Dental and medical labs (8)
10) Personal services (14)
11) Barber/beauty shops (16)
12) Neighborhood grocery/drug
stores/health care supplies (17) 13) Shoe repair (18)
14) Schools of private instruction
15) Railroads, public/quasi-public
utilties (47)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shali be permitted as accessory
uses as prbvlded in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing condltimml uses are permitted in
the OS District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Private clubs, provided that:
a) The parking group requh'ements
can be met. (20)
2) Off-street parking of operable
conditional use in an abutting office
residential, commercial (except C-1
District), institutional, or industrial
district, provided that:
a) no structure other than a screen-
ing or secm~ity fence or wall shall be
erected on the premises;
b) signage shall be limited to one
(1) free-standing sign of no more than
six (6) square feet in size~per drive
opeuing, identifying the parking use,
providing directions or marking
c) a site plan shall be submitted and
approved as provided in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.
3) Motels, not including restaurants
coffee si, ops, gift shops, or similar sec-
ondary or accessory uses, and also pro-
vided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (24)
4) Gas station, provided that:
a) A site plan has been submitted
Special Sessio~; March 18,1985
reviewed, and approved by the City
site Plan Review Team as to adequate
higress amd egress traffic movements
prior to Board review;
b) the parking group requirements
can bo met. (18)
5) Parking structures
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses ~hali be permitted as temporary
uses in the OS District:
1) Building or trailer for storage of
materials and/or equipment necessary
for construction authorized by a valid
building permit, provided the location
of the building or trailer has been
approved by the Building Official.
Special Session, March 18, 1985
F. Bulk Regulations
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3 Con~mercial Districts
3-3.1 C-1 Neighborhood Commer-
cial District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The C-1 District is intended to
provide individual parcels for commer-
cial establishments serving the needs of
the neighborhood in which they are
located. The C-1 District is not
intended to be au expandable District
but one that ia established on a very
limited basis. Larger neighborhood
commercial districts are to be estab-
lisbod under the C-2 District classifica-
tion as neighborhood shopping center
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
C-1 District.
1) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
2) Residential uses above the first
floor only (6)
3) Schools of private instruction (4)
4) General offices (14)
5) Personal services (14)
6) Barber/beauty shops (16)
7) Gas station (not including service
stations) (18)
8) Groce~w stere (17)
9) Drug store/health care supplies
10) Bakery (retail only) (19)
11) Laundry/dry cleaners (19)
12) Hardware stere (17)
13) Flower/garden store/commercial
greenhouse (17)
14) Shoe repair (18)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
tbis Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
150 Special Sessio~ ~ March 18, 1985
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of tiffs
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to tire principal use
it serves.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
the C-I District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of tiffs ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Private club, provided that:
a) The parking grnup reqdirements
can be met. (20)
2) Indoor restaurant, provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (20)
3) Bar/tavern, provided that:
a) A maximum area of 2,200 square
feet in gross floor area not be
b) The parking group requirements
can be met. (20)
4) Automated gas station, provided
a) Tire hours of operation shall be
limited from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.;
b) Opaque screening be provided for
adjacent residential uses as required
under the site plan review provisions in
Section 4-4 of tiffs ortlinance.
c) The parking group requirements
can be met. (]8)
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
u~s in the C-1 District:
1) (Reserve for future use)
F. Bulk Regulations:
Front Yard
(in feet)
Residential Use ABOVE 1Si FLOOR ONLY
All Other Permitted Uses
- Reserved -
- Reserved -
_ ~eserved
Private Club
Indoor Restaurant
Automated Gas Station
~ Reserved -
- Reserved -
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of tiffs ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3.2 C-2 Neighborhood Shopping
Center District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The C-2 District is intended to
provide small shopping centers serving
small clusters of neighborhoods. The
C-2 District will be carefully placed to
insure that the size of the commercial
center, the nature of uses permitted
and the locational characteristics are
sucb that cross-city or regional service
traflic into such districts shall not be
The C-2 District sball be k)cated at
artcrial street intersections of ncigh-
borhoods where traffic can adequately
be handled.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
C-2 District.
Special Session
1) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
2) Residential uses above the first
floor only (6)
3) Schools of private instruction (4)
4) Private club (20)
5) General office (14)
6) Personal services (14)
7) Barber/beauty shops (16)
8) Gas station (18)
9) Grocery store (17)
10) Drug stere/healtb care supplies
11) Bakm'y (retail only) (19)
12) Laundry/dry cleaner (19)
13) Hardware store (17)
14) Flower/garden store/commercial
greenhouse (17)
15) Shoe repair (18)
16) Indoor restaurant (20)
17) Automated gas station (18)
18) Service station (21)
19) Supermarket (17)
20) Clothing/acces~lry store (17)
21) Shoe store (17)
22) Jeweh'y stere (17)
23) Sewing/fabric store (17)
24) Tailoring/alterations (18)
~5) Books/stationary store (17)
26) Gift/souvenir shop (17)
27) Toy/hobby shop (17)
28) Sporting goods (sales/rental)
29) Bicycle shop (sales/rental) (17)
30) Camera/photo supply store (17)
31) Furniture/home furnishing (27)
32) Appliance sales/service (27)
33) Radio/TV sales/service (17)
34) Computer sales/service (17)
35) Music store (sales/rental) (17)
36) Catalog center (23)
37) Laundromat (22)
38) Furniture upholstery/repair (18)
39) Artist studio (5)
40) Pbotographic studio (23)
41) Neighborhood shopping center
42) Dental/medical lab (8)
( ) Parkiffg Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall bc permitted as accessory
u~s as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the prinsipai use
D. Conditional Uses: The fofiow-
lng conditional uses are permitted in
thc C-2 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of tbis ordinance and
are the minimmn requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use pemfit:
! ) Medical Offices, provided that:
March 18, 1985 151
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (36)
2) Drivedn/carryout restaurant, pro-
vided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met; (28)
b) opaque screening shall be pro-
vided for adjacent residential uses as
required under the site plan review
provisions of Section 4-4 of tbis ordi-
3) Drive up automated teller, pro-
vided that:
a) Ingress, egress and traffic flow
shall be acceptable to the City Site
Plan Review Team;
b) opaque screening shall be pro-
vided for adjacent residential uses in
conformance with the site plan review
provisions of Section 4-4 of this ordi-
nance; and
c) tire parking group requirements
can be met. (8)
4) Self-service carwash, provided
a) A minimum of three stacking
spaces per bay be provided; and
b) Ingress, egress traffic flow shall
be acceptable to the City Site Plan
Review Team;
c) opaque screening shall be provided
for adjacent residential uses in confer-
mance with the site plan review provi-
sions of Section 4-4 of this ordinance;
d) the parking group requirements
can be met. (8)
5) Animal bospital/clinic, provided
a) All operations and activities shall
be conducted and maintained within a
completely enclosed building.
b) the parking group requirements
can be met. (23)
6) Banks, savings and loans and
credit unions, provided that:
a) the parking group requirements
can be met. (31)
7) Bars and taverns, provided that:
a) the parking group requirements
can be met. (20)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
tiffs ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The fofiowing
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the C-2 District:
l ) (Reserved for future use)
Special Session, March 18, 1985
F. Bulk Regulations:
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3.3 C-3 General Commercial Dis-
A. General Purpose and Deserip-
tion: Tbe C-3 District is intended to
provide commercial uses which are
designed to serve the motoring public
or uses req*~ring highway or arterial
locations for their most beneficial oper-
atlon and which cannot be more
appropriately located in other com-
mercial districts.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be perntitted in the
C-3 District.
1) 'Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
2) Residential uses above the first
floor only (6)
3) Mortum3,/funeral home (12)
4) Musemn/library (13)
5) Schools of ptivate instruction (4)
6) Private club (20)
7) General offices (14)
8) Medical office/clinic (36)
9) Dental/medical lab (8)
10) Personal services (14)
11) Barber/beauty shops (16)
12) Motel (24)
13) Gas station (18)
14) Grocery store (17)
15) Drug store/health care supplies
16) Bakery (retail only) (19)
17) Laundry/dry cleaner (19)
18) Hardwace store (17)
19) Flower/garden store/commercial
greenhouse (17)
20) Shoe repair (18)
21) Commercial art gallery (17)
22) Bakery (~h~i~s~le/commercial)
23) Indoor restaurant (20)
24) Bar/tavern (20)
25) Automated gas station (18)
26) Service station (21)
27) Supermarket (17)
28) Clothing/accessory store (17)
29) Shoe stere (17)
30) Jewelry stere (17)
31) Sewing/fabric stere (17)
32) Tailoring/alterations (18)
33) Books/stationary store (17)
34) Gift/souvenir shop (17)
35) Toy/hobby shop (17)
36) Sporting goods (sales/rental)
(1~)~ Bicycle shop (sales/rental) (17)
38) Cs~nera/phota supply store (17)
39) Furniture/home furnishing (27)
40) Appliance sales/service (27)
41) Radio/TV etc. (sales/service
42) Computer sales/service (17)
Special Session, March 18, 1985
43) Music store (sales/rental) (17)
44) Catalog centex (23)
45) Drivedn/carryout restaurant
46) Drive-up automated bank teller
47) Self-service carwash (8)
48) Animal hospital/clinic (23)
49) Laundromat (22)
50) Furniture upholstery/repair (18)
51) Artist studio (5)
52) Photographic studio (23)
53) Neighborhood shopping center
54) BuSiness services (29)
55) Department stares/60,000 sq. f~.
max. (17)
56) HoteLs (30)
57) Auditoriums/assembly balls (20)
58) Indoor theatre (48)
59) Banks/savings and loans and
credit unions (31)
60) Office supply (19)
61) Indoor amusement center (23)
62) Vending/game machine sales and
service (19)
63) Indoor recreation facilities (37)
64) Mail order houses (23)
65) Lumber yards/bnilding materials
sales (19)
66) Construction supply sahis and
service (19)
67) Printing/publishing (32)
68) Moving/storage facilities (33)
69) Packaged liquor sales (19)
70) Full service car wash (8)
71) Auto service centers (TBA) (34)
72) Auto sales/service (38)
73) Auto repair/body shop (35)
74) Truck sales/service and repair
75) Farm implement sales and ser-
vice (39)
76) Auto parts and supply (17)
77) Mobile home sales (40)
78) Motorcychis sales and service
79) Boat sales and service (40)
80) Recreational vehicles sales and
service (38)
81) Vehicle rental (47)
82) Upholstery shop (42)
83) Local shopping center (17)
84) Parking structures (N/A)
85) Contractor shop/yard (33)
86) Wholesale sales/distributor (29)
87) Agricultural supply sales (19)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4~2 of
this Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
tbe C-3 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a condiflonal use permit:
1) Outdoor recreation/outdoor
amusement center provided that:
a) Hoars of operation shall be llra-
ired 8 a.m. to 12 midnight unless fur-
ther limited by the Board of Zoning
b) The parking group requirements
can be met. (37)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the C-3 District:
1) Any use listed as a permitted use
within the district of a limited dura-
tion as established in Section 2-5.3 and
as defined in Section 8 of this ordi-
Special Session, March 18,1985
F. Bulk Regulations:
FrONt Yard
(in feet)
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3.4 C-4 Downtown Commercial
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
lion: The C-4 District is intended to
accommodate the older commercial
areas of the City by permitting a large
variety of unrelated uses that develop
prior to effective planning techniques.
Such uses are characterized by older
structures, deficient traffic and parking
patterns, and little open space or green
area. The regulations for this disttict
are designed to encourage the mainte-
nance of existing uses and the private
reinvestment and redevelopment of
new commercial uses by providing a
wide variety of uses and liberalize bulk,
yard and parking requirements. The C-
4 District is not intended to have any
application in undeveloped or newly-
developing areas of the City.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses st~all be permitted in the
C-4 District.
1) Churches, convents, and monas-
reties (7)
2) Public and private/parochial
sct~oo]s approved by Iowa State Board
of Public Instruction (K-12) (10)
3) Public or private parks, golf
areas (47)
4) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
5) Residential use above first floor
only (6)
6) Housing for the elderly, handi-
capped or disabled (not identified with
5 above) (3)
7) Mortuaries and funeral homes
8) Non-commercial art galleries (13)
9) Museums and libraries (13)
10) Schools of private instruction
(4t11)~ Privateclubs(20) 12) General offices (14)
13) Me&ca] office/clinic (36)
14) Dental/medical lab (8)
15) Personal services (14)
16) Barber/beauty shops (16)
17) Off-street parking lot (N/A)
18) Motel (24)
19) Gas station (17)
20) Grocery store (17)
21) Drug store/health care supplies
22) Bakery (retail only) (19)
23) Laundry/dry cleaner (19)
24) Hm-dware store (17)
25) Flower/g~den store/commercial
grecnbouse (17)
26) Shoe repair (18)
27) Commercial art gallery (17)
28) Bakery (wholesale/commercial)
29) Indoor restaurant (20)
30) Bar/tavern (20)
Special Session March 18, 1985
31) Autemated gas station
32) Service station (21)
33) Supermarket (17)
34) Clotlfing/accessory store (17)
35) Shoe store (17)
36) Jewelry store ( ] 7)
37) Sewing/fabric store (17)
38) Tailoring/alterations (18)
39) Books/stationary store (17)
40) Gift/souvenir shop (17)
41 ) Toy/hobby shop ( 17 )
42) Sporting goods (sales/rental)
43) Bicycle shop (sales/rental) (17)
44) Cmnera/photo supply store (17)
45) Furniture/home furnishing (27)
46) Appliance sales/service (27)
47) Radio, TV sales and ~rvice (~7)
48) Computer sales and service (17)
49) Music store (sales/rental) (17)
50) Catalog center (23)
51) Animal hospital/clinic (23)
52) Laundromat (22)
53) Furniture upholstery/repair (18)
54) Artist studio (5)
55) Pliotographic studio (23)
56) Neighborhood shopping center
57) Business services (29)
58) Department store/60,000 sq. ft,
max. (17)
59) Hotels (30)
60) Auditorium/assembly halls (20)
61) Indoor theatre (48)
62) Banks/savings and loans/credit
unions (31)
63) Office supply (19)
?~4) Indoor mnusement center (23)
60) Vending/game macliine sales and
service (19)
66) Indoor recreation facilities (37)
67) Mail order houses (23)
68) Construction supplies sales and
se~Mce (19)
69) Printing/publishing (32)
70) Package liquor sales (19)
71) Auto parts/supply (17)
72) Upholstery shop (42)
73) Parking structures (N/A)
74) Contractor's shop/yard (33)
75) Wholesale sales/distributor (29)
76) Agricultural supply sales (19)
77) Vocational school (45)
78) Business/secretarial school (45)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
tliis Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The lbllowing
~es shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are premitted in
the C-4 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
applicatkm to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit:
1) Drive-in/carryout restaurant pro-
vided that:
a) Tlie parking group requirements
can be met. (28)
2) Drive-up automated bank teller
provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (8)
3) Self-service car wash provided
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (8)
4) Full-service carwash provided
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (8)
5) Auto service centers (TBA) pro-
vided that:
a) Ti~e parking group requirements
can be met. (34)
6) Auto sales/service provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (38)
7) Auto repair/body shop provided
a) Tbo parking group requirements
can be met. (35)
8) Motorcycle sales and service pro-
vided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (41)
9) Boat sales and service provided
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (40)
10) Recreational vehicles sales and
service provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (38)
11) Vehicle rental provided that:
a) The pm'king group requirements
can be met. (47)
( ) Parking group (See Section 4-2
of this ordinance)
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be pennitted as temporary
uses in the C-4 District:
1) Any use listed as a permitted use
within the district of a l~mited dura-
tion as established in Section 2-5.3 and
as defined in Section 8 of tiffs ordi-
Special Session, March 18, 1985
F. Bulk Regulations:
Front Yard
(in feet)
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance; except
that a twenty-five percent (25%)
reduction shall be allowed in the C-4
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3.5 C-5 Central Business District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The C-5 District is intended to
be applied to a very limited downtown
business core and the City's urban
renewal area. The development within
this business core simll be encouraged
by permitting a wide variety of uses
and very liberal bulk regulations and
parking requirements.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
C-5 District:
1)Railroads, public/quasi-public uti-
lities (47)
2) Residentini use above first floor
only (6)
3) Housing for the elderly, handi-
capped and disabled (3)
4) Non-com~nercial art gallery (13)
5) Museums ad libraries (13)
6) School of private instruction (4)
7) Private club (20)
8) General office (14)
9) Medical office/clinic (36)
10) Medicdi/dental lab (8)
11) Personal services (14)
12) Barber shop/beauty shop (16)
13) Motel (24)
14) Gas station (18)
15) Grocery store (17)
16) Drug store/health care supplles
17) Bakery (retail only) (19)
18) Laundry/dry cleaner (19)
19) Hardware store (17)
20) Flower/garden store/commercial
greenhouse (17)
21) Shoe repair (18)
22) Commercial art gallery (17)
23) Indoor restaurant (20)
24) Bar/tavern (20)
25) Automated gas station (18)
Special Sessiom
26) Service station (21)
27) Supermarket (17)
28) Clothing/accessory store (17)
29) Shoe store (17)
30) Jewelry store (17)
31) Sewing/fabric store (17)
32) Tailoring/alterations (18)
33) Book/stationary store (17)
34) Gift/souvenir shop (17)
35) Toys/hobby shop (17)
36) Sporting goods sales and rental
37) Bicycle shop sales and rental
38) Camera/photo supply store (17)
39) Furniture/home furnishing (27)
40) Appliance sales and service (27)
41) Radio/Tv etc, sales and service
42) Computer sales and service (17)
43) Music stere (sales/rental) (17)
44) Catalog center (23)
45) Carry-out restaurant (not
including drive-in) (28) 46) Artist studio (5)
47) Photographic studio (23)
48) Business services (29)
49) (Reserved for future use)
50) Hotels (30)
51) Auditorituns, assembly halls (20)
52) Indoor theatre (48)
53) Banks/savings and loans/credit
unions (31)
54) Office supply (19)
55) Indoor amusement center (23)
March 18, 1985 157
56) Indoor recreation facilities (37)
57) Printing/publishing (32)
58) Parking structures (N/A)
59) Sports arenas (26)
60) Department stores (17)
61) Convention center (20)
62) Regional shopping center (43)
63) Vocation school (45)
64) Business/secretarial school (45)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this Ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The ~nilowing
uses shah be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
the C-5 District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
are the minimum requirements for
application to the Board of Adjust-
ment for a conditional use permit: 1) (Reserve for future use)
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as te~nporary
uses in the C-5 District:
1) (Reserve for future use)
F. Bulk Regulations:
Residential Use ABOVE lST FLOOR ONLY
All Other Perinitted Uses
- Reserved -
- Reserved -
158 Special Session March 18, 1985
G. Parking Requirements: As
required by the Downtown Urban
Renewal Plan.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3.6 CS Commercial Service and
Wholesale District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tlon: The CS District is intended to
provide areas for a variety of business
services, office uses, limited industrial
activity ad major wholesale operations.
Tbe CS uses are primarily character-
ized by large storage space require-
~nents, nigh volume truck traffic and
low volume customer traffic. Special
emphasis shall be placed on selection
of areas to be granted CS classifies-
tion. It is intended that the CS District
is one tliat provides a transitional zone
that can be used between industrial
and commercial uses and in cases
where topography establishes a transi-
tional area due to pbysical limitations
between industrial and higher density
residential development.
B. Principal Permltted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
CS District:
1) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations.
2) General office (14)
3) Medical/dental lab (8)
4) Personal services (14)
5) Off-street parking lot (N/A)
6) Frtrniture/home furnishing (27)
7) Appliance sales and service (27)
8) Furniture upholstery/repair (18)
9) Business services (29)
10) Office supply (19)
11) Vending/games machines sales
and service (19)
12) Mail order houses (23)
13) Lumber yards/building material
sales (19)
14) Construction supplies, sales and
service (19)
15) Printing/publisbing (32)
16) Moving/storage facilities (33)
17) Auto service centers (TBA) (34)
18) Auto sales/service (38)
19) Auto repair/body shop (35)
20) Track sales/service repair (39)
21) Farm implements sales and ser-
vice (39)
22) Auto parts/supply (17)
23) Mobile home sales (40)
24) Motorcycle sales and service
25) Boat sales and service (40)
26) Re¢~ceational vehicles sales and
service (38)
27) Vehicle rental (47)
28) Upholstmw shop (42)
29) Contractor shop/yard (33)
30) Wholesale sales/distributor (29)
31) Freight transfer facilities (44)
32) Fuel/ice dealers and ice manu-
facturing (33)
33) Agricultural supply sales (19)
34) Processing or assembly (33)
35) Tool, die and pattern-making
36) Mnii-warehouaing (47)
37) Engine/motor sales, service and
repair (19)
38) Refrigeration equipment and
supply sales and service (19)
39) Landscaping services (not includ-
lng retail sales as prhnary use) (29)
40) Welding services (29)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
tbla ordinance.
C, Accessory Uses: The following
trees shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves.
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditinal uses are permitted in the
CS District, subject to the provisions
of Section 5 of this ordinance and are
the minimum requirements for appli-
cation to the Board of Adjustment for
a conditional use permit:
1) (Reserve for future use)
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the CS District:
1) (Reserve for future use)
Special Session, March 18, 1985
Bulk Regulations:
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3.7 CR Commercial Recreation
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The CR Commercial Recreation
District is intended to provide for corn-
merciki recreation facilities, together
with their supporting uses, which gen-
erally require large tracts of land
and/or generates substantial volumes
to traffic.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
CR District.
1) Public or private parks, golf
courses, or similar natural recreation
areas (47)
2) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
3) Non-commercial art galleries (13)
4) Museums and libraries (13)
5) Private club (20)
6) General office (14)
7) Personal services (14)
8) Off-street parking lot (N/A)
9) Motel (24)
10) Grocery store (17)
11) Drug store/health care supphes
12) Bakery (retail only) (19)
13) Laundsy/dry cleaner (19)
14) Commercial art gallery (17)
15) Indoor restaurant (20)
16) Gift/souvenir shop (17)
17) Sporting goods sales and rental
18) Bicycle shop sales and rental
19) Camera/photo supply store (17)
20) Drive-up automated bank teller
21) Self-service carwash (8)
22) Animal hospital/clinic (23)
23) Laundromat (22)
24) Hotel (30)
25) Auditorium/assembly hall (20)
26) Indoor theatre (48)
27) Indoor amusement centers (23)
28) Indoor recreation facilities (37)
29) Motorcycle sales and service
30) Boat sales and service (40)
31) Recreational vehicle sales and
service (38)
32) Vehicle rental (47)
33) Parking structures (N/A)
84) Outdoor recreation (37)
35) Convention center (20)
36) Athletic fields, stadimns and
sports arenas (26)
37) Beaches (47)
38) Bowling alleys (37)
39) Campgrounds and recreational
vehicle parks (47)
40) Dog racing, kennels, and track
operations (26)
41) Excursion boats and services
42) Health, sports, recreation and
athletic clubs m~d organizations (37)
43) Horse racing, breeding and sta-
ble and track operations (26)
44) Pleasure craft harbors (37)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
Special Sessioa March 18, 1985
this ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
D. Conditional Uses: The follow-
ing conditional uses are permitted in
~he CR District, subject to the provi-
sions of Section 5 of this ordinance and
apphcation to the Board of Adjust-
1) Gas station provided that:
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (18)
2) Bar/tavern provided that:
a) Tbe parking group requirements
can be met. (20)
3) Automated gas station provided
a) The parking group requirements
can be met. (18)
4) Drive-in/carryout restaurant pro-
vided that:
a) Tbe parking group requirements
can be met. (28)
( )Parking Group (See Section 4-2
of this ordinance)
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the CR District:
1) (Reserve for future use)
F. Bulk Regulations:
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-3.8 PC Planned Commercial Dis-
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The PC District is intended to
provide larger regional commercial cen-
ters for the shopping convenience of
local and regional patrons. These cen-
ters are characterized by large depart-
ment stores, integrated with smaller
sbops and represents significant advam
tages and convenience and efficiency
over many individual traditional com-
mercial developments. These urban-
regional centers by their size and cus-
tomer popularity tend to create
substantial impacts upon the commu-
nity and therefore deinand special
attention and consideration for their
development and expansion. The PC
District regulations are intended to
provide an efficient means to guide the
development of such centers.
Special Session March 18, 1985
Principal Permitted Uses: Th~
following uses shah be permitted in the
PC District.
1) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
2) Residential use above the first
floor only (6)
3) Mortuaries and funeral homes
4) Non-commercial art gallery (13)
5) Museums and libraries (13)
6) School of private instruction (4)
7) Private clubs (20)
8) General office (14)
9) Medical office/clinic (36)
I0) Dental/medical lab (8)
1I) Personal services (14)
12) Barber shop/beauty shop (16)
13) Motel (24)
14) Gas station (18)
15) Grocery store (17)
16) Drug store/health care supplies
17) Bakery (retail only) (19)
18) Laundry/dry eleanor (I9)
10) Hardware store (17)
20) Plower/garden store/commercial
greenhouse (17)
21) Shoe repair (18)
22) Commercial art gallery (17)
23) Bakery (wholesale/commercial)
24) Indoor restaurant (20)
25) Bar/tavern (20)
26) Automated gas station (18)
27) Service station (21)
2~) Supermarket (17)
29) Clothing/accessory store (17)
30) Shoe stere (17)
31) Jewelry store (17)
32) Sewing/fabric store (17)
33) Tailoring/alterations (18)
34) Book/stationary store (17)
35) Gift/souvenir shop (17)
36) Toys/hobby shop (17)
37) Sporting goods sales and rental
38) Bicycle shop sales and rental
39) Camera/photo supply store (17)
40) Fur~fiture/home furnishing (27)
41 ) Appliance sales and service (27)
42) Radio/TV etc. sales and service
43) Computer sales and service (17)
44) Music store (sales/rental) (17)
45) Catalog center (23)
46) Drive-in/carryout restaurant
47) Drive-up automated bank teller
48) Self-service carwash (8)
49) Animal hospital/clinic (23)
50) Laundromat (22)
51) Furniture upholstery/repair (18)
52) Artist studio (5)
53) Photographic studio (23)
54) Neighborhood shopping center
56) Business se~ices (29)
56) Indoor amusement center (23)
57) Hot~ls (30)
58) Auditorium/assembly halls (20)
59) Banks/savings and loans/credit
udions (31)
60) Office supply (19)
61) Indoor theatre (48)
62) Indoor recreation facilities (37)
63) Printing/publishing (32)
64) Auto service centers (TBA) (34)
65) Auto parts/supply (17)
66) Local shopping center (17)
67) Parking structures (N/A)
68) Wholesale sales/distributor (29)
69) Outdoor recreation (37)
70) Department stores (17)
71) Convention center (20)
72) Regional shopping center (43)
( ) Parking groups (See Section 4-2
of this ordinance)
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
I) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves.
D. Procedures for District Estab-
lishment and Expansion:
1) Application and Conceptual
Development Plan Submission:
Application for district establishment
shall be filed, along with the appropri-
ate filing fee as provided in Section 7
of tbis ordinance, with the Office of
Development Services. The application
shall be accompanied by a Conceptual
Development Plan including: a) Written Information
· Legal description and address of
· Name, address and phone num-
bet(s) of the property owner(s)
· Proposed construction and land-
scaping schedule indicating the timing
and sequence of each development
· Existing and proposed uses for all
buildings or structures
· Total area of property and all
structures existing and proposed
· Present and proposed type and
number of parking spaces on the prop-
b) Graphic Materials
· Complete property dimensions;
· The location, grade, and dimen-
sions of aH present and/or proposed
streets or other paved surfaces and
Special Session, March 18, 1985
engineering cross-sections of proposed
new curbs and pavement;
· Proposed parking and traffic cir-
culation plan, ff applicable, showing
location and dimensions of parking
sta]ls, dividers, planters or shnihir per-
manent improvements; perimeter
screening treatment, including land-
scaping, etc.;
· Location and dimensions of all
buildings or major structures, both
proposed and existing, showing exterior
dhnensions, number and area of floors,
location, nmnber and type of dwelfing
units, height of bnilding(s), etc.;
· Existing and proposed contours of
the property taken at regular contour
interval] not to exceed five (5) feet,
or two (2) feet if the City Develop-
ment Planner determines that greater
contour detail is necessary to satisfac-
torily make the determinations
required by this ordinance;
· The general nature, location, and
size of all sighificant existing natural
land features, including but not limited
to sidewalks or paths, tree or bush
masses, all individual trees over six (6)
inches in diameter, grassed areas, sur-
face rock and/or soil features, and all
springs, streams, or other permanent or
temporary bodies of water;
· A locational map or other draw-
ing at appropriate scale showing the
general location and relation of the
property to surrounding areas, includ-
ing, where relevant, the zoning and
land use pattern of adjacent properties,
the existing street system in the area,
location of nearby public facilities,
2) Commission Hearing: A public
hearing shall be held by the Planning
and Zoning Commission on the appli-
cation in the same manner and with
the same public notice procednre as
required for zoning reclassifications.
3) Commission Recommendation:
The Planning Commission's recommen-
dation shall be transmitted to the City
Council with a statement of reasons in
support of the recommendation. If the
recommendation is one of approval, it
shall contain recommended conditions
or restrictions to be included in an
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment or expansion of the PC District.
The conditions or restrictions shall
include but not be limited to:
· Time limitations, if any, for sub-
mi]sion of final development plans and
· Uses permitted in this district.
· Lot and bulk and performance
standards for the development and
operation of the permitted uses.
· Requirement that any transfer of
ownership or lease of property in the
district include in the transfer or lease
agreement a provision that the pur-
chaser or lessee acknowledges aware-
ness of the conditions authorizing the
establishinent of the district.
4) Conceptual Development Plan
Approval: The Planning and Zoning
Commission shall not approve the
Conceptual Development Plan unless
and until the Commission determines
that such plan conforms to each of the
following standards:
a) The Conceptual Development
Plan is in substantial conformance
with adopted Comprehensive Plans to
guide the future growth and develop-
ment of Dubuque.
b) Expansions contemplated by the
Plan are justifiable and reasonable in
light of the projected needs of the
insfitution and the public weffare.
c) The proposed additions or expan-
sions are designed so as to be function-
ally integrated with the existing
institutional facifities, with due regard
to maintenance of safe, efficient, and
convenient vehicular and pedestrian
d) The proposed additions or expan-
sions of use are permitted in the dis-
trict and are of a ]ocatinn, size, and
nature such that they are not likely to
interfere with the appropriate Use and
enjoyment of property in abutting dis-
e) The Conceptual Development
Plan will not violate any provision or
requirement of this ordinance.
f) Approval of the Conceptual
Development Plan shall be valid for a
period of three (3) years, provided that
after the first year, if no Final Site
Development Plan has been filed, the
Commission or Council may require
the resubmtsslon of a Conceptual
Development Plan in conformity with
the procedures and standards of this
g) A new or amended Conceptual
Development Phin may be filed with-
out cost at any time following Council
5) Council Action: Upon receiving
the recommendation of the Commis-
sion, the City Council shall act in the
manner provided by law to approve or
disapprove the requested zoning reclas-
sification of the property. The affirma-
tive vote of at least three-fourths of aH
tbe membership of the Council shah be
necessary to approve the Conceptual
Development Plan when the Commis-
Special Session
sion has recommended disapproval
thereof, or to remove any conditions,
requirements, or limitations imposed
by the Commission in approving the
Conceptual Development Plan.
6) Submission of Final Site
Development Plan: After passage of
the ordinance authorizing the estab-
lishment of a PC District by the City
Council, the applicant shall submit
final site development plans to the
City Development Planner within the
period of time, if any, specified in said
ordinance. The plans shall include
detailed information as required of a
final site plan for adequate considera-
fion of the plans. The City Develop-
ment Planner will judge the Final Site
Development Plan for its conformance
with the approved Conceptual Devel-
opment Plan, and if found to be in
conformance with said plan the
issuance of building permits shall be
permitted. Following approval of the
Final Site Development Plan, no con-
structinn may take place except in
substantial conformance with such
Plan. If the project is phased, then
each phase would be considered on its
own merit and be evaluated on the
specific ordinance requirements estab-
lishing the district. The phins shall sat-
isfy the subdivision regulations and
other pertinent City ordinances where
7) Development According to
Final Plan:
a) Site Development Plan Re-
No building permit shall be issued
on o~ay site unless a site plan has been
submitted m~d approved in accordance
with the provisions of Section 4-4 and
unless such site plan conforms with the
conditions of the adopted Conceptual
Development Plan.
b) Construction of Improvements
or Posting of Bond
No buildings may be erected and no
uses may occupy any portion of the
district until the required related off-
site improvements are constructed or
appropriate security as determined by
the Planning and Zoning Comml]sion
is provided to insure construction. If
the PR District is to be developed in
phases, all improvements necessary to
the proper operation and functioning
of each phase even though same may
be located outside of the section, must
be constructed and installed or appro-
priate security as dete~nined by the
Planning and Zoning Commission must
be provided to insure their construc-
March 18, 1985 163
c) Time Limitation
If substantial construction or devel-
opment does not begin within the
period of time specified in the ordi-
nance authorizing the establishment of
the district or in resolutions adopted
pursuant thereto, the City Council
dation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, rezone the property or
any portion thereof to the zoning dis-
trict classification that prevailed prior
to the approval of the PR classifica-
d) Extension of Time Limitation
The time limitation specified in the
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment of the PC District for submission
of final site deveinpment plans and for
completion of construction may be
extended by the City Council upon a
showing of good cause.
e) Changes from Plan
After recording of a final site devel-
opment plan, changes not inconsistent
with the purpose or intent of this sec-
tion may be approved by the Planning
and Zoning Commission. Changes
affecting the purpose or intent of this
section shall require a new petition to
be filed.
E. Lot and Bulk Regulations:
Lots, uses and structures shall conform
to the lot and bulk standards specifi-
cafiy provided in the ordinance estab-
lishing a particular PC Planned Com-
mercia] District or in resolutions
adopted pursuant thereto.
F. District Standards: The specific
ordinance esteblishing a PC District or
resolutions adopted pursuant thereto
shall provide standards for the design,
development, operation and mainte-
nance of uses and structures. These
standards may include, but are not
limited to:
1) Control of operations outside of
enclosed buildings.
2) Control of figbting and utilities.
3) Provision of landscaping and pro-
tection of natural areas.
4) Control of refuse collection areas.
5) Off-street parking and loading
requirements. (If not included in the
adopting ordinance establishing the
specific PC District, then Section 4-2
of this ordinance shall apply.)
6) Control of signage. (If not
included in the adopting ordinance
establishing the specific PC District,
then Section 4-3 of this ordinance shall
G. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shah be pe~nitted as temporary
uses in the PC District:
164 Special Sessio~ March 18, 1985
1) As specified in the ordinance
establislfing the particular PC District.
3-4 Industrial Districts
3-4.1 LI Light Industrial District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The LI District is intended to
provide for a variety of uses associated
primarily in the conduct of light man-
ufacturing, assembling and fabricatio~l
warehousing, wholesaling and commer-
cial service operations that require
adequate accessibility to transporta-
tion facilities. This district is designed
to accommodate the expansion of
existing u~es and pro,fide for infill of
vacant properties but is not generally
intended to be an expandable district
other than through the use of a
Planned Indilstrial District as provided
in Secion 3-4.3 of fids ordinance.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
LI District.
1) Railroads and public or quasi-
public utilities including substations
2) General offices (14)
3) Medical/dental lab (8)
4) Personal services (14)
5) Off-street parking lot (N/A)
6) Gas station (18)
7) Bakery (wholesale/commercial)
8) Indoor restaurant (20)
9) Bar/tavern (20)
10) Automated gas station (18)
11) Service station (21)
12) Drive-up automated bank teller
13) Self service car wash (8)
14) A~fimal hospital/clinic (23)
15) Furniture upholstery repair (18)
16) Business services (29)
17) Banks, savings and loans, and
credit uaions (31)
18)Vending / game machine sales
/ service (19)
19) Indoor recreation facilities (37)
20) Mail order houses (23)
21) Lumber yards/building materials
sales (19)
22) Construction supplies sales and
selwice (19)
23) Printing and publishing (32)
24) Moving/storage facilities (33)
25) Full service car wash (8)
26) Auto service centers (34)
27) Auto sales and service (38)
28) Auto repals/body shop (35)
29) Truck sales, service and repair
30) Farm implement sales, services
and repair (39)
31) Auto parts/supply (17)
32) Mobile home sales (40)
33) Motorcycle sales/service (41)
34) Boat sales/service (40)
&5) Recreation vehicle sales/service
36) Vehicle rental (47)
37) Upholstery shop (42)
38) Parking structure (N/A)
39) Personal (29)/business services
40) Contractors shop/yard (33)
41) Wi~olesale sales/distributor (29)
42) Freight transfer facilities (44)
43) Fuel and ice dealers (33)
44) Agricultural supply sales (19)
45) Cold starage/locker plant (15)
46) Packing and processing of meat,
dairy or food'products but not to
include slaughterhouses or stockyards
47) Compounding, processing, and
packaging of chemical products, but
not including highly flammable or
explosive materials (33)
48) Manufacture, assembly, repair or
storage of electrical and electroni~ pro-
ducts, components, or equipment (33)
49) Laboratories for research or
engineering (33)
50) Warehousing and storage facili-
ties (33)
51) Manufacture or assembly of
musical instruments; toys; watches or
clocks; medical, dental, optical, or sim-
ilar scientific instruments; orthopedic
or medical appliances; signs or bill-
boards (33)
52) Manufacturing, compounding,
assembly or treatment of articles or
)roducts from the following sub-
stances: clothing or textiles; rubber;
)recious or semi-precious stones or
metals; wood; plastics; paper; leather;
fiber; glass; hair; wax; sheet metal;
concrete; feathers; fnr; and cork, but
not including the manufacture of such
raw substances as a principal operation
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The ibllowing
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves but specifically not to include
any use listed as a principal permittad
use in the HI Heavy Industrial Dis-
D. Conditional Uses: (Reserved for
future use )
E. Temporary Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as temporary
uses in the LI District:
1) Batch plants (asphalt or con-
Special Session, March 18, 1985
F. Bulk Regulations:
1) Maximum building height: 50'
2) Minimum sfide and/or rear yard
setback: 10' + 2' per story over the
first, but only where the yard abuts a
residential or office district
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of this ordinance.
H. Signs: See Section 4~3 of this
3-4.2 HI Heavy Industrial District
A, General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The H-I Heavy Industrial Dis-
trict is intended to provide appropriate
locations for those industrial uses
which by their nature tend to generate
levels of smoke, dust, noise, or odors
that render them incompatible wi~h
virtually all other land uses. The
Council finds that the continued oper-
ation and development of such quasi-
nuisance uses is necessary to the eco-
nomic health and public welfare of the
community, but that the potentially
harmful impacts of such uses upon
surrounding activities requires them to
be physically isolated or "buffered"
from adjacent uses that may be
adversely affected. For this reason, the
H-I Heavy Industrial District will be
mapped only in areas where topo-
graphic features or adjacent Light
Industrial Districts mitigate the effects
of the zone upon nearby uses. This dis-
trict is also deaigned to accommodata
the expansion of existing uses and pro-
vide for infill of vacant parcels but is
not generally intended to be an
expandable district other than through
the use of a Planned Industrial District
as provided in Section 3-4.3 of this
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
HI District.
1)Railroads and public or quasi-pub-
lic utilities including substations (47)
2) General offices (14)
3) Medical/dental lab (8)
4) Personal services (14)
5) Off-street parking lot (N/A)
6) Gas station (18)
7) Bakery (whohisale/commercial)
8) Indoor restaurant (20)
9) Bar/tavern (20)
10) Automated gas station (18)
11) Service station (21)
12) Drive-up automated bank teller
13) Self service car wash (8)
14) Animal hospital/clinic (23)
15) Furniture upholstery repair (18)
16) Busine~ services (29)
17) Banks, savings and loans and
credit unions (31)
18) Vending/game machine
sales/service (19)
19) Indoor recreation facilities (37)
20) Mail order houses (23)
21) Lumber yards/building materials
salss (19)
22) Construction supplies sales and
service (19)
23) Printing and publishing (32)
24) Moving/storage facilities (33)
25) Full service car wash (8)
26) Auto smMce centers (34)
27) Auto sales and service (38)
28) Auto repair/body shop (35)
29) qYuck sales, service and repair
30) Fa~]a implement sales, services
and repair (39)
31) Auto parts/supply (17)
32) Mobile home sales (40)
33) Motorcycle sales/service (41)
34) Boat sales/service (40)
35) Recreation vehicle sales/service
36) Vehicle rental (47)
37) Upholstery shop (42)
38) Parking structure (N/A)
39) Contractors shop/yard (33)
40) Wholesale sales/distributor (29)
41) Freight transfer facilities (44)
42) Fuel and ice dealers (33)
43) Agricultural supply sales (19)
44) Cold storage/locker plants (15)
45) Packing and processing of meat,
dairy or food products but not to
include slaughterhouses or stockyards
46) Compounding, processing, and
packaging of chemical products, but
not including highly flammabhi or
explosive matarlals (33)
47) Manufacture, assembly, repair or
storage ef electrical and electronic pro-
ducts, components, or equipment (33)
48) Laboratories for research or
engineering (33)
49) Warehousing and storage facili-
ties (33)
50) Manufacture or assembly of
musical instruments; toys; watches or
clocks; medical, dental, optical, or
shniliar scientific instrmnents; orthope-
dic or medical appliances; sip~s or bill-
boards (33)
51) Manufacturing, compounding,
assembly or treatment of articles or
products from the following sub-
stances: clothing or textiles; rubber;
precious or semi-precious stones or
metals; wood; plastics; paper; leather;
fiber; glass; hair; wax; sheet metal;
feathers; fur; and cork (33)
52) Manufacture, storage or pro-
166 Special Session March 18, 1985
cessing of the following products or
materials: glue; petrolemn products or
any flmnmable liqnid; asphalt or con-
crete products; explosive materials of
any tupe; structural steel and foundry
products; fertilizer; pharmaceutical
products, including cosmetics, toile-
tries, and soap; and stone products,
including brick, building stone, and
similar masonry materials (33)
53) Slaughterhouses or stockyards
54) Manufacture or processing of the
following ma~esials: acid, lhue or lime
products; coke; coal tar; creosote; cci-
luloid or cellulose products; detergent;
and ammonia or chlorine (33) 55) Sanitary landfills (47)
56) Sewage treatment plants (47)
57) Crematoriums; reduction plants;
foundries, forges or smelters (15)
58) Junk yards, salvage yards (44)
59) Grain/barge terminal (44)
( ) Parking Group - See Sec. 4-2 of
this ordinance.
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it se~wes.
D. Conditional Uses: (Reserved for
future use)
E. Temporary Uses: (Reserved for
future use)
F. Bulk Regulations:
1) Maximum building height: 150'
G. Parking Requirements: See
Section 4-2 of thls or,finance
H. Signs: See Section 4-3 of this
3-4.3 Planned Industrial District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
lion: The PI Planned Industrial Dis-
trict is created to permit the
establisinnent of industrial parks and
te provide for the orderly growth of
existing and new industries on large
.tracts of land. Tins district provides
a protected area for the development
of industry based on performance as
well as type.
The PI Planned Industrial district
is established with the recoguition that
the economic well-being of the city and
the metropolitan area requires the
expansion of fudusU'ial development. It
is also recognized that tixe lack of land
available and adaptable for such devel-
opment nmy require consideration of
locating industrial devehipment in
areas adjacent to or highly visible from
existing and future residential neigh-
Therefore, it is the purpose of these
regulations to provide the necessary
standards for development and special
)roceditres for plan approval which
will maximize the potentials of indus-
trial development and at the same
time reduce to a winimmn the impact
of that industrial development on sur-
rounding non-industrial land uses or on
the natural environment.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shah be permitted in the
PI District:
1) A~y use listed as a principal per-
mitted or conditional use in the LI
Light Industrial or HI Heavy Indus-
trial District except that the specific
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment of a particular PI Planned Indus-
trial District may limit the uses
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shah be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of tins
1) Any use customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use
it serves except as otherwise Ihnited by
the sq?ecific ordinance authorizing the
establishment of the particular PI Dis-
D. Procedure for District Estab-
lishment and Expansion:
1) Application and Conceptual
Development Plan Submission:
Application for District establish-
merit shall be filed, along with the
appropriate filing fee as provided in
Section 7 of tiffs ordinance, with the
Office of Development Services. The
application shall be accompanied by a
Conceptual Development Plan incfud-
a) Written Information
· Legal description and address of
· Name, address and phone num-
bet(s) of the property owner(s)
· Proposed construction and land-
scaping schedule indicating the 0ming
and sequence of each development
· Existing and proposed uses for all
buildings or structures
· Total area of property and all
structures existing and proposed
· Present and proposed type and
number of parking spaces on the prop-
b) Graphic Materials
· Complete property dimensions;
*The location, grade, and dimen-
sions of all present and/or proposed
streets or other paved surfaces and
engineering cross-sections of proposed
Special Session, March 18, 1985 --F
· Proposed parking and traffic c
culation plan, if applicable, showingI
location and dimensions of parkingI
stalls, dividers, pianters or shnilar per- I
manent improvements; perimeter
screening treatment, including land-
scaping, etc.;
· Location and dimensions of all
bnildings or major structures, both
proposed anti existing, showing exterior
dhnensions, number and area of floors
location, number and type of dwelling
units, hcight of building(s), etc.;
· Existing and proposed contours of
she property taken at regular contour
intervals not to exceed five (5) feet,
or two (2) feet if the City Develop-
ment Planner detarmines that greater
contempt detail is necessary to satisfac-
torily make the determinations
required by this ordinance;
· The general nature, location, and
size of all significant existing natural
land features, including but not fimited
to sidewalks or paths, tree or bush
masses, all individual trees over six (6)
inches in diameter, grassed areas, sur-
face rock and/or soil features, and all
springs, stremns, or other permanent or
temporary bodies of water;
· A lacational map or other draw-
ing at appropriate scale showing the
general location and relation of the
prnperty to surrounding areas, includ-
ing, where relevant, the zoning and
land use pattern of adjacent properties,
the existing street systam in the area,
location of nearby public facilities,
2) Commission Hearing: A public
hearhag shall be held by the Planning
and Zoinng Commission on the appli-
cation in the same manner and with
she same public notice procedure as
required for zoning reclassifications.
3) Commission Recommendation:
The Planning Commission's recommen-
dation shall be transmitted to the City
Council with a statsment of reasons in
support of the recommendation. If the
reconunenda~on is one of approval, it
shall contain recommended conditions
or restrictions to be included in an
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment or expansion of the PI District.
The conditions or restrictions shall
include but not be limited to:
· Time limitations, ii' any, for sub-
mission of final development plans and
commencement of construction.
· Uses pennittadin tins district.
· Lot and bulk and performance
standards for the development and
operation of the permitted uses.
· Requirement that any transfer of
ownership or lease of property in the
disWlct include in the transfer or lease
agreement a provision that the pur-
chaser or lessee acknowledges aware-
ness of the conditions authorizing the
establisinnent of the district.
4) Conceptual Development Plan
Approval: The Planning and Zoning
Commission shall not approve the
Conceptual Development Plan unless
and until the Commission determines
that such plan conforms to each of the
following standards:
a) The Conceptual Development
Plan is in substantial conformance
with adopted Comprehensive Plans to
guide the future gl'owth and develop-
ment of Dubuque.
b) Expansions contemplated by
the Plan are justifiable and reasonable
in light of she projected needs of the
institution and the public welfare.
c) The proposed additions or expan-
sions are designed so as to be function-
ally integrated with the existing
institutional facilities with due regard
to maintenance of safe, efficient, and
convenient vehicular and pedestrian
d) The proposed additions or expan-
sions of use are permitted in the dis-
trict and are of a location, size, and
nature such that they are not likely to
interfere with the appropriate use and
enjoyment of property in abutting dis-
e) The Conceptual Development
Plan will not violate any provision or
requirement of tbis ordinance.
f) Approval of the Conceptual
Development Plan shall be valid for a
period of three (3) years, provided that
after the first year, if no Final Site
Development Plan has been filed, the
Commission or Council may require
the resubmlasion of a Conceptural
Development Plan in confomtity with
the procedures and standards of tins
g) A new or amended Conceptual
Development Plan may be filed with-
out cost at any time following Council
5) Council Action: Upon receiving
the recommendation of the Commis-
sion, the City Council shall act in the
manner provided by law to approve or
disapprove the requested zoning reclas-
sification of the property. The affirma-
tiv9 vote of at least three-fourths of all
she membersinp of the Council shall be
necessary to approve the Conceptual
Development Plan when the Commis-
sion has recommended disapproval
thereof, or to remove any conditions,
requirements, or limitations imposed
168 Special Session March 18, 1985
by the Commission in approving the
Conceptual Development Plan.
6) Submission of Final Site
Development Plan: After passage of
the ordinance authorizing the estab-
lishment of upi district by the City
Council, the applicant shall submit
final site development plans to the
City Development Planner within the
period of tune, if any specified in said
ordinance. The plans shall include
detailed information as required of a
final site plan for adequate considera-
tion of the plans. The City Develop-
ment Planner will judge the Final Site
Development Plan for its conformance
with the approved Conceptual Devel-
opment Plan, and if found to be in
conformance with Said plan the
issuance of building permits shall be
permitted. Following approval of the
Final ~te Development Plan, no con-
struction may take place except in
substantial conformance with such
Plan. If the project is phased, then
each phase would be considered on its
own merit and be evaluated on the
specific ordinance requirements estab-
lisifing the district. The plans shall sat-
isfy the subdivision regulations and
other pertinent City ordinances where
7) Development According to
Final Site Development Plan:
a) Site Development Plan
No building permit shall be issued
on any site unless a site development
plan has been submitted and approved
in accordance with tbe provisions of
Section 4-4 and unless such site plan
conforms with the conditions of the
adopted Conceptual Development
b) Construction of Improvements
or Posting of Bond
No buildings may be erected and no
uses may occupy any portion of the
district until tha required related off-
site improvements are constructed or
appropriate security as determined by
the Planning and Zoning Commission
is provided to insure construction. If
the PR District is to be developed in
phases, all improvements necessary to
the proper operation and functioning
of each phase even though same may
be located outside of the section, must
be constructed and installed or appro-
priate security as determined by the
Plancing and Zouing Commission must
be provided to insure their construc-
c) Time Limitation
If substantial construction or devel-
opment does not begin within the
period of time specified in the ordi-
nance authorizing the establishment of
the district or in resolutions adopted
pursuant thereto, the City Council
may, on its motion or on a recommen-
dation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, rezone the property or
any portion thereof to the zoning dis-
trict classdication that prevailed prior
to the approval of the PR classifica-
d) Extension of Time Limitation
The time limitation specified in the
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment of the PR District for submission
of final site development plans and for
completion of construction may be
extended by the City Council upon a
showing of good cause.
e) Changes from Plan
After the recording of a final site
development plan, changes not incon-
sistent with the purpose or intent of
this section may be approved by the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Changes affecting the purpose or intent
of this section shall require a new peti-
tion to be filed.
Owner Initiated District: Individ-
ual landowners wishing to establish a
Planned Industrial District shall fol-
low the procedures as established
above in D. 1) through 7).
9) City Initiated District: The pro-
cedure to be followed in order to uti~
llze land in a Planned Industrial
District established by ordinance by
the City Council upon its own iuitia-
tive or by petition of the Planning and
Zoning Commission shall be as speci-
fled in s~id ordinance.
E. Lot and Bulk Regulations:
Lots, uses and structures shall conform
to the lot and bulk standards specifi-
cally provided in the ordinance establi-
shig a particular PI Planned Industrial
District or in resolutions adopted put-
suant thereto.
F. District Standards
1) Performance Standards: All
uses established in a Planned Indus-
trial District shall operate in accor-
dance with the following performance
standards. These standards are mini-
mum requirements and may be made
more restrictive in the specific ordi-
nance authorizing the establishinent of
a particular Planned Industrial Dis-
trict or in resolutions adopted pursu-
ant thereto:
a) Vibration
No activity or operation shall at any
time cause earth vibration perceptible
beyond the lot line of the lot on which
the operation is located, except that
vibration caused by blasting conducted
Special Sessio~
in accordance with the requirements of
Article III, Chapter 26 of the Munici-
pal Code, may exceed these limita-
b) Smoke, Particulate Matter and
No activity or operation shall be
established which fails to meet the air
quality regulations of the Iowa
Department of Envionmental Quality.
c) Odor
No activity or operation shall cause
at any (fmae the discharge or toxic or
noxious odor beyond the lot on which
it is located. d~ Noise
No activity or operation shall be
carried on which involves noise in
excess of the noise limitations for Light
Industrial Districts set for in Article
VII, Chapter 26 of the Municipal
e) Glare
Glare, whether direct or reflected
such ~s from spot lights or high tem-
perature processes, and as differen-
tiated from general illumination, shall
not be' visible beyond the lot line of tlo
lot on which the use is located. fl Wastes
· Solid Wastes. All solid waste
materials, debris, refuse or garbage
shall be properly contained in a closed
container designed for such purpose.
No exterior incineration of trash or
garbage is permissible.
· Sewage and Liquid Wastes. All liq-
uid wastes shall be discharged in
full compliance with appropriate City,
State and Federal regulations. g) Fire H~zard
No activity or operation shall be
established which fails to meet the
City's fire code.
2) Additional Standards: The spe-
cific ordinance establishing a particular
Planned Industrial District or resolu-
tions adopted pursuant thereto may
provide additional standards for the
design, development, operation and
mnintenance of uses and structures.
These additional standards may
include, but are not lintited to:
a) Control of operations outside of
enclosed buildings.
b) Control of lighting and utilities.
c) Provision of landscaping and pro-
tectlon of natural areas.
d) Control of refuse collection areas.
e) Off-street parking and loading
requirements. (If not included in the
adopting ordinance establishing the
specific PI District, then Section 4-2
of this ordinance shall apply.)
f) Control of signage. (If not
included in the adopting ordinance
March 18, 1985 169
establishing the specific PI District,
then Section 4-3 of this ordinance shall
3-5 Special Purpose Districts
3-5.1 AG Agricultural District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The AG District is intended to
conserve furm land for agricultural
purposes and to serve as a "holding"
zone to prevent the premature devel-
opment of large land acreages and of
recently annexed land for which the
most appropriate future use has not
yet been determined. In order to pro-
mote these purposes, the regulations
for this district allow a very limited
range of uses so that the present devel-
opment character of the land may be
maintained and future development
options preserved pending comprehen-
sive study and analysis of the area.
B. Principal Permitted Uses: The
following uses shall be permitted in the
AG District:
1) Agricultural use, including the
raising of field crops and livestock,
horticulture, forestry, animal hus-
handry, and similar farming activities
2) Railroads and public or quasi-
mblic utilities including substations
3) Non-commercial nursery
4) (Reserved for future use)
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Single family dwelling provided it
is located on a lot of 10 acres or more
and is incidental and subordinate to an
active agricultural use it serves.
2) Barbed wire fences when used for
livestock containment
3) Barns, sheds and similar struc-
4) Seasonal pkoduce sales of pro-
ducts raised on site
D. Conditional Uses: (Reserved for
future use)
E. Temporary Uses: (Reserved for
future use)
F. Bulk Regulations: (Reserved for
future use)
G. Parking Requirement s:
Reserved for future use)
H. Signs: (Reserved for future use)
3-5.2 ID Institutional District
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tion: The ID District is intended to
address the particular problems and
characteristics of Dubuque's many
institutional facilities. It is the intent
of this ordinance that this district shall
only be applied to facilities possessing
the characteristics of an institutional
use set forth in this Section.
The Councufinds that several fac-
Special Session March 18, 1985
Special Sessio~, March 18, 1985
tots distinguish institutions from other
land use activities. The most signifi-
cant feature of institutions is their ten-
dency to function as substantially
separate communities within the City.
They maintain a large and definable
resident population within a more or
less discrete geographical area. Typi-
cally a broad range of essential living
services and facilities are provided by
the institutions internally for both its
resident and transitory populations. A
second common feature of institutions
is a primary educational, medical, roll-
gious, or charitable purpose. This dis-
tinguishes them from commercial
nursing homes, hotels, boarding houses,
and dmilar uses.
It is further the intent of this ordi-
nance that, because of the very sub-
stantial hnpact institutional uses may
have upon the surrounding community,
no expansion of an existing ID Institu-
tional District will be permitted except
in accordance with tixe provisions of
this Section, which requires a Concep-
tual Development Plan to be filed and
approved prior to institutional reclassi-
fication or substantial on-premise
Principal Permitted Uses - All
Institutions: The following uses are
permitted in the ID District subject
however to the limitations of 3-5.2(E)
of this Sections:
1) Hospitals (46)
2) Outpatient care facilities (36)
3) Residential care facilities (18)
4) Colleges and uuiversitlas (45)
5) Vocational schools (45)
6) Seminaries (45)
7) Business and secretarial schools
8) Single-family, two family, (11) or
multiple-family dwellings for the hous-
ing of institutional residents or affili-
ates. (9)
9) Offices for adihinistrative person-
nel or other institutional employees or
affiliates. (14)
10) Churches (7), libraries, and muse-
ums. (13)
11) Classrooms, laboratories, lecture
halls, auditoriums and druilar places or
institutional assembly. (45)
12) Off-street parking and loading.
13) Nursing or convalescent homes
of institutional residents or affiliates.
14) Recreational or atidetic facilities
for the primary use and benefit of
institutional residents or affiliates. (45)
15) Farms, gardens, nurseries or
greenhouses. (N/A)
16) Existing private uses or struc-
tures situated within an ID District for
which the R-3 District standards shall
apply. (N/A)
17) (Reserved for future use)
( ) Parking Group - (See Section 4-
2 of this ordinance)
Additional Principal Permitted
Uses for Medical Institutions
In addition to the Principal Permit-
ted Uses listed above, the following
additional principal uses shall be per-
mitted for Medical institutions, but
only in accordance with the limitations
of 3-5.2(E) of this Section.
1) Facilities and operations for the
diagnosis, care, and treatment of
human health disorders, including
examination or operating rooms, physi-
cai therapy or x-ray facilities, psychiat-
ric treatment, convalescent care, and
similar hospital-related uses, but not to
include commercial uses or uses listed
as Conditional or Accessory Uses for
this District. This provision shall
include separate doctors' clinics or
other medical facilities not owned or
operated by the principal institution,
but only where such facilities are func-
tionally related to the histitution and
are included within the original Insti-
tutional District boundaries or the
approved Preliminary Development
Plan, as provided in 3-5.2(E) of this
Section. (36)
C. Accessory Uses: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory
uses as provided in Section 4 of this
1) Restaurankq or cafeterias; flower
shops; gift shops; and candy, cigar, or
magazine stands; but only when
operated and located entirely within a
principal building
2) As an accessory use to a medical
institution, and located entirely within
a prindpal building, facilities for the
compounding, dispensing, or sale of
drugs or medicines, prosthetic devices,
lotions and preparations, dental care
supplies, eyewear, bandages or dress-
ings, and similar medical or health-
related supplies.
3) As an accessory use to an educa-
tional institution and located entirely
within a principal building, bookstores,
or bars seating not more than seventy-
five (75) persons at one time and
located not closer then two hundred
feet (206') from the nearest residential
or office-residential district.
4) All other u~s customarily inci-
dental to the principal permitted use
SP conjunction with which such
rained, but not to include commercia
uses outside a principal building.
D. Procedures for District Estab.
lishment and Expansion:
1) Application and Conceptual
Development Plan Submission:
Application for district establishinent
or expansion, or expaffsion of new or
existing structures within an estab~
lished ID District shall be filed, along
with the appropriate filing fee as pro-
vided in Section 7 of this ordinance
with the Office of Development Ser-
vices. The application shall be accom-
panied by a Conceptual Development
Plan including:
a) Written Information
· Legal description and address of
· Name, address and phone num-
ber(s) of the property owner(s)
· Proposed construction and land-
scaping schedule indicating the timing
and sequence of each development
· Existing and proposed uses for all
buildings or structures
· Total area of property and all
structures existing and proposed
· Present and proposed type and
number of parking spaces on the prop-
b) Graphic Materials
· Complete property dimensions;
· The location, grade, and dimen-
sions of all present and/or proposed
streets or other paved surfaces and
engineering cross-sections of proposed
new curbs and pavement;
· Proposed parking and traffic cir-
culation plan, if applicable, showing
location and dimensions of parking
stalls, dividers, planters or sinai]ar per-
manent improvements; perimeter
screening treatment, including land-
scaping, etc.;
· Location and di~nensions of all
buildings or major structures, both
proposed and existing, showing exterior
dbnensions, number and area of floors,
location, number and type of dwelling
units, heigi~t of building(s), etc.;
· Existing and proposed contours of
the property taken at regular contour
intervals not to exceed five (5) feet,
or two (2) feet if the City Develop-
ment Planner determines that greater
contour detail is necessary to satisfac-
torily make the determinations
required by tills ordinance;
· The gsneral nature, location, and
size of all significant existing natural
land features, including hut not limited
to sidewalks or paths, tree or hush
masses, all individual trees over six (6)
inches in diameter, grassed areas, sur-
face rock and/or soil features, and all
springs, streams, or other permanent or
temporary bodies of water;
· A locational map or other draw-
ing at appropriate scale showing the
general location and relation of the
property to surrounding areas, includ-
ing, Where relevant, the zoning and
land use pattern of adjacent properties,
the existing street system in the area,
location of nearby public facilites, etc.
2) Comrais$ion Hearing: A public
hearing shall be held by the Planning
and Zoning Commis~ton on the appli-
cation and Conceptual Development
Plan in the same manner and with the
same public notice procedure as
required for zoning reclassifications.
3) Commission Recommendation:
The Planning Commission's recommen-
dation shall be transmitted to the City
Council with a statement of reasons in
support of the recommendation. If the
recommendation is one of approval, it
shall contain recommended conditions
or restrictions to be included in an
ordinance authorizing the establish-
merit or expansion of the ID District
or its uses. The conditions or restric-
tions shall iclude but not be limited
· Time limitations, if any, for sub-
nfission of final development plans and
· Uses permitted in this district.
· Lot and bulk and performance
standards for the development and
operation of the permitted uses.
· Requirement that any transfer of
ownership or lease of property in the
district include in the transfer or lease
agreement a provision that tim pur-
chaser or lessee acknowledges aware-
ness of the condiUmns authorizing the
establishment of the district.
4) Conceptual Development Plan
Approval: The Planning and Zoning
Commission shall not approve the
Conceptual Development Plan unless
and until the Commission determines
that such plan conforms to eact~ of the
following standards:
a) The Conceptual Development
Plan is in substantial conformance
with adopted Comprehenxive Plans to
~ide the future g~owth and develop-
merit of Dubuque.
b) Expansions contemplated by the
Plan are justifiable and reasonable in
light of the projected needs of the
institution and the public welfare.
c) The proposed additions or expan-
sions are designed so as to be function-
ally integrated with the existing
Special Session, March 18, 1985
institutional facilities, with due regard
to maintenance of safe, efficient, and
convenient vehicular and pedestrian
d) The proposed adifitions or expan-
sions of use are permitted in the dis-
trict and are of a location, size, and
nature such that they are not likely to
interfere with the appropriate use and
enjoyment of property in abutting dis-
e) The.,Conceptual Deveinpment
Plan will not violate any provision or
requirement of this ordinance.
f) Approval of the Conceptual
Development Plan shall be valid for a
period of three (3) years, provided that
after the first year, if no Final Site
Development Plan has been filed, the
CommiSsion or Council may require
the resubmission of a Conceptual
Development Plan in conformity with
the procedures and standards of this
g) A new or amended Conceptual
Development Plan may be filed with-
out cost at any thne following Council
5) Council Action: Upon receiving
tbe recommendation of the Commis-
sion, the City Council shall act in the
manner provided by law to approve or
disapprove the requested zoning reclas-
sification of the property. The affirma-
tive vote of at least three-fourths of all
the membersinp of the Council shall be
necessary to approve the Conceptual
Development Plan when the Commis-
sion has recommended disapproval
thereof, or to remove any conditions,
require~nents, or limitations imposed
by the Commission in approving the
Conceptual Development Plan.
6) Submission of Final Site
Development Plan: After passage of
the ordinance authotizing the estab-
lisinnent of an ID Institutional Dis-
trict by the City Council, the applicant
shall submit final site development
plans to the City Development Plan-
ner within the period of time, if any,
specified in said ordinance. The plans
shall include detailed information as
required of a final site plan for nde-
quate consideration of the plans. The
City Development Planner will judge
tim Final Site Development Plan for
its conformance with the approved
Conceptual Development Plan, and if
found to be in conformance with said
plan tbe issuance of building permits
shall be permitted. Following approval
of the Final Site Development Plan, no
construction may take place except in
substantial conformance with such
Plan. If the project is phased, then
each phase would be considered on its
own merit and be evaluated on the
specific ordinance requirements estab-
]]airing the district. The plans shall sat-
isfy the subdivision regulations and
other pertinent City ordinances where
7) Development According to
Final Site Development Plan:
a) Site Development Plan
No building permit shall be issued
on any site unless a site development
plan h~s been submitted and approved
in accordance with the provisions of
Section 4-4 and unless such plan con-
forms with the conditions of the
adopted Conceptual Development
b) Construction of Improvements
or Posting of Bond
No buildings may be erected and no
uses may occupy any portion of the
district until the required related off-
site hnprovements are constructed or
appropriate security as determined by
the Planning and Zoning Commission
is provided to insure construction. If
the Institutional District is to be deve-
loped in phases, all improvements nec-
essary to the proper operation and
functioning of each phase even though
stone may be located outside of the
section, must be constructed and
installed or appropriate security as
determined by the Planning and Zon-
lng Commission must be provided to
insure their construction. c) Time Limitation
If substantial construction or devel-
opment does not begin within the
~eriod of time specified in the ordi-
nance authorizing the establishment of
the district or in resolutions adopted
~ursuant thereto, the City Council
datinn of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, rezone the property or
any portion thereof to the zoning dis-
trict classification that prevailed prior
to the approval of the classification.
d) Extension of Time Limitation
The time limitation specified in the
ordinance authorizing the establish-
ment of the District for submission of
final site development plans and for
completion of construction may be
extendsd by the City Council upon a
showing of good cause.
e) Changes from Plan
After recording of a final site devel-
opment plan, changes not inconsistent
with the purpose or intent of this sec-
tion may be approved by the Planning
Special Sessio~
and Zoning Commission. Changes
affecting the purpose or intent of this
section shall require a new petition to
be filed.
E. Prohibition on Commence-
meat of Use by Parties Unasso-
ciated with the Principal
Institution: Within an existing ID
Institutional District, no use otherwise
provided for tins district may be com-
menced by any person(s) except that:
1) The principal institution or its
2) A person under contractual or
other legally-binding obligation to pro-
vide services to such institution (e.g.,
the independent operator of a student
cafeteria); or
3) The person or persons operating
a doctor's cli~c or other facility per-
mitred under the Principal Permitted
Uses of this Section.
The purpose of tins provision is to
prohibit within an ID Institutional
unrelated to the promotion of the pri-
mary educational, charitable, religious,
or me&pal purpose of the institution,
by requiring purchasers of institutional
land and/or buildings to seek appropri-
ate reclassification of the property
institutional use on the premises. F. Lot and Bulk Regulations:
1) Required Front Yard Setback: 20
2) Required Side Yard Setback: 10
feet plus 2 feet per story over the first
where abutting a residential or office-
residential district.
3) Required Rear Yard Setback: 10
feet plus 2 feet per story over the first
where abutting a residential or office-
residential district,
4) Building Height: Hospitals - 120
feet. Afl other uses - As approved in
the adopting ordinance estabfishing the
ID District.
G. District Standards: The specific
ordinance establishing a particular
Institutional District or resolutions
adopted pursuant thereto shall provide
standards for the design, development,
structures. These standards may
include, but are not hinited to:
1) Control of operations outside of
enclosed buildings.
2) Control of lighting and utilities.
3) Provision of landscaping and pro-
tectlon of natural areas.
4) Control of refuse collection areas.
5) Off-street parking and loading
requirements. (If not included in the
adoptiag ordinance establishing the
March 18, 1985 173
specific ID District, then Section 4-2
of this ordinance shall apply.)
6) Control of signage. (If not
included in the adopting ordinance
estabfishing the specific ID District,
then Section 4-3 of tins ordinance shall
3-5.3 FL Flood Hazard Overlay Dis-
A. General Purpose and Descrip-
tions: The provisions of the FL Dis-
trict are intended to promote the
public health, safety, and general wel-
fare and to minimize the extent of
floods and the losses incurred in flood
hazard areas. Tt~e regulations of this
Section are designed to:
1) Restrict or prohibit uses which are
dangerous to health, safety, or prop-
erty in times of flooding or cause
undue increases in flood heights or
2) Require that uses vulnerable to
floods, including public facilities which
serve such uses, be provided with flood
,rotection at the time of initial con-
3) Protect individuals from buying
land winch are unsinted for intended
purposes because of flood hazard; and
4) Assure that eligibility is main-
rained for property owners in the City
to purchase flood insurance in the
National Flood Insurance Program.
B. Supplemental Definitions
1) CHANNEL. A natural or artifi-
cial watercourse of perceptible extent,
with a defiuite bed and banks to con-
fine and conduct continuously or peri-
odically flowing water. Channel flow,
thus is that water which is flowing
within the limits of a defined channel.
2) DEVELOPMENT. Any man-
made change to improved or unim-
)roved real estate, including but not
limited to buildings or other structures,
miuing, dredging, filling, grading, pav-
ing, excavation or drilling operations.
3) FLOOD. A temporary rise in
streams flow or stage that results in
water overlapping its banks and toun:
dating areas adjacent to tbe channel.
An unusual and rapid accumulation of
run-off or surface waters from any
MAP (FIRM). An official map of a
commudity, on which the Flood Insur-
ance Study has delineated the Flood
Hazard Boundaries and the zones
establislfing insurance rates applicable
to the community.
(FIS). The official report provided by
the Federal Insurance Administration.
Special Session, March 18, 1985
The rep(~rt contains flood profiles, as
well as the Flood Boundary-Floodway
Map and the water surface elevation of
the base flood.
bination of structm'ai and nonstruc-
rural additions, changes or adjustments
to structures, including utility and san-
itary facilites, which would preclude
the entry of water. Structural compo-
nents shall have the capability of
resisting hydrostatic hydrodynamic
loans and the effect of buoyancy.
7) FLOODWAY. The channel of a
river or other watercourse and the
adjacent portion of the flood plain
that must be reserved in order to dis-
charge the 100-year flood without
cumplafively increasing the water sur-
face elevation more than one foot at
any point assuming equal conveyance
reduction outside the channel from the
two sides of the flood plain.
area of the flood plain, outside of the
floodway, that on the average is fikely
to be flooded once every 109 years (i.e.,
that hms a one per cent chance of flood
occurrence in any one year).
9) MOBILE HOME. A structure,
transportable in one or more sections,
which is built on a permanent chassis
and designed to be used with or with-
out a pennanent foundation when con-
nected to the required utifities. It does
not include recreational vehicles or
travel trailers.
DIVISION. "Mobile Home Subdivi-
sion'' means a parcel (or continguous
parcels) of land which has been divided
into two or more lots for rent or sale
and the placement of mobile homes.
construction means those structures or
substantial improvement of which is
begun after the effective date of this
VATION. Elevation indicated on the
FIRM as the elevation of the 100 Year
tion one foot lfigher than the water
surface elevation of the regulatory
14) STRUCTURE. A walled and
roofed structure including a gas or liq-
uid storage tank, that is principally
above the g~'ound, including but with-
out limitation to buihfings, factories,
sheds, cabins, mobile homes, 'and other
simili~u~ uses.
MENT. "Substantial Improvement"
means any repair, reconstruction, or
improvement of a structure, the cost
of which equals or exceeds 50 per cent
of the market value of the structure
either (a) before the improvement is
started, or (b) if the structure has been
damaged and is being restored, before
the damage occun'ed. For the purposes
of this definition "substantial improve-
ment" is considered to occur when the
first alteration of any wall, ceiling,
or other structural part of the build-
lng commences, whether or not that
alteration affects the external dimen-
sions of the structure. The term does
not, however, include any alteration to
comply with existing state or local
health, sanitary, building, or safety
codes or regulations.
16) 100 YEAR FLOOD. The base
flood having a one per cent chance of
C. General Provisions
1) Adoption of Flood Maps and
Flood Insurance Study
The City of Dubuque hereby adopts
the Flood Insurance Rate Map, the
Flood Boundary and Floodway Map,
and the Flood Insurance Study dated
October 31, 1975, provided by the Fed-
eral Adininlstration as the official doc-
2) Lands to Which Section
This section shall apply to all lands
within the jurisdiction of the City of
Dubuque identified on the Flood
Insurance Rate Map as numbered and
unnumbered A zones and within the
Flood H~ard Overlay Districts estab-
5shed in Section 3-5.3 (D). 3) Interpretation
In their interpretation and applica-
lion, the provisions of this Section
si~afi be held to be minimum require-
ments and shall not be deemed a limi-
tation or repeal of any other powers
granted by State Statutes.
4) Warning and Disclaimer of
The degree of flood protection
required by tbis Section is considered
reasonable for regulatory purposes and
is based on engineering ~nd scientific
metbods of study. Larger floods may
heights may be increased by man-made
or natural causes, such as ice jams and
bridge openings restricted by debris.
This Section does not imply that areas
outside the flood hazard overlay dis-
tricts or land uses permitted within
such dis~icts will be free from flooding
Special Session, March 18, 1985
or flood damages. This Section shall
not create liability on the part of the
City of Dubuque or any officer or
employee thereof for any flood dam-
ages that may result from reliance on
this Section or any administrative
decision lawfully made thereunder.
D. Establishment of Flood Haz~
ard Overlay Districts: There are
hereby established a Floodway Overlay
District (FW) and a Floodway Fringe
Overlay District (FF) whose bonn-
daries shall be consistent with the
numbered and unnumbered A Zones as
identified on the Flood Insurance Rate
Map and in the Flood Insurance Study
provided by the Federal Insurance
Administration. Witbin these districts
ail uses not meeting the standards of
tbis Section and those standards of the
underlying zoning ~fistrict shall be pro-
E. Standards for the Floodway
Overlay District (FW) and the
Floodway Fringe Overlay District
1) General Standards
a) All new construction including
mobile homes and substantial improve-
ments shall be anchored to prevent
flotation, collapse or lateral movement
of the structure;
b) All new construction and sub-
stantial improvements shall be con-
structed with materials and utility
equipment resistant to flood damage;
c) All new construction or substan-
tial improvements shall be constructed
by methods and practices and mini-
mize flood dmnage.
d) All new and replacement water
supply systems shall be designed to
minimize or eliminate infiltration of
flood waters into the system.
e) New and replacement sanitary
sewerage systems shall be designed to
minimize or eliminate infiltration of
flood waters into the systems and dis-
charges from the systems into flood
waters; and
f) All new and replacement on-site
waste disposal systems shall be located
to avoid hnpairment to them or con-
tamination from them during flooding.
2) Specific Standards
a) Storage of Material and Equip-
(1) The storage or processing of
materials flint in time of flooding are
buoyant, flammable, explosive, or
could be injurious to human, animal,
or plant life is prol~bited.
(2) The storage of other material or
equipment may be allowed if not sub-
ject to major damage by floods and
firmly anchored to prevent flotation or
if readily removable from the area
within the time available after flood
b) Subdivision Proposals
(1) All division proposals shall be
consistent with the need to minimize
flood damage,
(2) All subdivision proposals shall
have public utilities and facifities such
as sewer, gas, electrical, and water sys-
tems located and constructed to mini-
mize flood damage.
(3) All subdivision proposals shall
have adequate drainage provided to
reduce exposure to flood hazards.
(4) The subdivider shall provide the
regulatory flood protection elevation
for each subdivision proposal of five
(5) acres of fifty (50) lots whichever
is lesser.
F. Floodway Fringe Overlay Dis-
trict (FF)
1 ) Permitted Uses
Any use permitted in the underlying
district shall be permitted in the
Floodway Fringe Overlay District (FF)
provided that no use shall be permitted
in the district unless the standards of
this Section and Section 3-5.3 (E) are
c) Within Zones AO all new con-
Special Session, March 18, 1985
ment of streets, utilities and pads
equals or exceeds 50 percent of the
value of the streets, utilities and pads
before the repair, reconstruction or
improvement has commenced, it is
required that:
il) Specific anchoring standards be
(a) Over-the-top ties be provided at
each of the four corners of the mobile
home with two additional ties per slde
at the intermediate locations and
mobile homes less than 50 feet long
requiring one additlonal tie per side.
(b) Frame ties be provided at each
corner of the home with five additional
ties per side at the intermedlate points
and mobile homes less than 50 feet
long requiring four additional ties per
(c) All components of the anchoring
system be capable of carrying a force
of 4800 pounds.
(d) Any additions to mobile homes
be sinuiarfy anchored.
(2) Stands or lots are elevated on
compacted fill or piers so that the
lowest floor of the structure will be at
or above the regulatory flood protec-
tion elevation.
(3) Adequate surface drainage and
easy access for a hauler is provided.
(4) In the instance of elevation on
piers, lots are large enough to permit
steps, lfmr foundations are placed on
stable soil no more than 10 feet apart
and steel reinforcement is provided for
piers r~ore than 6 feet high.
G. Floodway Overlay District
1) Permitted Uses
Only the following uses having a low
floodsdamage potential and not
obstructing flood flows shall be per-
mitted within the Floodway Overlay
Dristrict (FW) to the extent that they
are not prohibited by any other ordi-
nance and provided they do not
require structures, fill, or storage of
materials or equipment. No use shall
increase the flood levels of the regula-
tory flood elevation. These uses are
subject to the standards of Section 3-
5.3(E) and Section 3-5.3(F).
a) Agricultural uses such as general
farming, pasture, nurseries, forestry.
b) Residential uses such as lawns,
gardens, parking, and play areas.
c) Non-residential areas such as
loading areas, parking, airport landing
d) Public and private recreational
uses such as golf courses, archery
ranges, picnic grounds, parks, wildlife
and natural preserves.
e) Streets, overhead utility lines,
creek and storm drainage facilities,
sewage treatment plant outlets, water
supply intake structures, and other
similar public or utility uses.
f) Boat docks, ramps, piers for pub-
licly owned structures.
g) Dams, provided they are con-
structed in accordance with the regn:
lations of the city of Dubuque, the
Iowa Natural Resources Council and
other State and Federal ageneies.
h) Placement of mobile homes is
prohibited in the floodway, except in
e:dsting mobile home parks and exist-
lng mobile home subdivisions.
H. Administration
1) Permit Required
No person, firm, or corporation shall
initiate any development or substantial
improvement or cause the same to be
done without first obtaining a separate
permit for development for each build-
lng or structure.
2) Application for Permit
To obtain a permit, the applicant
shall first file an application in writ-
lng on a form furnished for that pur-
pose. Every such application shall:
a) Identify and describe the work to
be covered by the permit.
b) Describe the land on which the
proposed work is to be done by lot,
block, tract, and street address or simi-
lar description that will readily identify
and definitely locate the proposed
building or work.
c) Indicate the use or occupancy for
which the proposed work is intended.
d) Be accompanied by plans and
specifications for proposed construc-
e) Be signed by the permittee or his
authorized agent who may be required
to submit evidence to indicate such
f) Give such other information as
may reasonably be required by the
City Manager or his appointed deeig-
3) Administrator of this Section
The (T~ty Manager or his appointed
designee is hereby appointed to admin-
ister and implement the provisions of
this Section. The duties of the City
Manager or his appointed designee
shall include, but not be limited to:
a) Review of all development per-
mits to ossure that sites are reason-
ably safe from flooding and that the
permit requirements of this Section
have been satisfied;
b) Review of all development per-
mits to assure that all necessary per-
mits have been obtained from Federal,
State, or local governmental agencies
from which prior approval is required;
Special Session, March 18, 1985
c) Notify adjacent communities and
the Iowa Natural Resources Council
prior to any alteration or relocation of
a watercourse and shall submit evi-
dence of such notification to the Fed-
eral Insurance Administration;
d) A~sure that maintenance is pro-
eided within the altered or relocated
portion of said watercourse so that the
flood carrying capacity is not dimin-
e) Verify and record the actual ele-
vation (in relation to mean sea level
of the lowest floor (ineiuding the base-
ment) of all new or substantially
improved structures.
f) Verify and record the actual ele-
vation (in relation to mean sea level)
to which the new or substantially
improved structures have been flood-
proofed; and
g) When floodproofing is utilized for
a particular structure the City Man-
ager or his appointed designee shall be
presented certification frmn a regis-
tered professional engineer or archi-
4) Appeals
Appeals may be made to the Board
of Adjustment by any person aggrieved
or any munieipal officer, department,
beard or bureau affected by any order,
requirement, decieion or determination
made by the City Manager or his
appointed designee in the administra-
tion or enforcement of this Section.
Such appeals shall be made in accor-
dance with the provisions of Section 5-
5) Variances
a) Authorization
The Board of Adjustment may
authorize a variance from the strict
application of any provision of this
Section, provided that such a variance
may only be granted upon (1) a show-
lng of good sufficient cause, (2) a deter-
mination that failure to grant the
variance would result in exceptional
hardship to the applicant, (3) a deter-
mination that the variance issurance
will not result in increased flood
heights, additional threats to public
safety, extraordinary public expense,
will not create nuisances, cause fraud
on or victimization of the public, or
conffict with existing local or state
laws or ordinances and (4) approval of
the variance by the Iowa Natural
Resources Council. No variance shall
have the effect of allowing in any zon-
lng district uses not permitted in that
district by either this Section or any
other Section of this ordinance.
b) Procedure and Standards
Requests for variance shall be made
in accordance with the procedures and
standards set forth in Section 5-3.4.
c) Technical Assistance
The Board of Adjustment in its
review of a variance request, and prior
to rendering its decision, shall transmit
one copy of the application and sup-
plemental information to the City
Engineer for technical assistance in
evakiating the proposed variance. d) Notice tO the Applicant
The City Manager or his appointed
designee shall notify the variance
applicant in writing that the issuance
of a variance to construct a structure
below the 100-year flood level will
result in increased actuarial rates for
flood insurance coverage and that such
construction increases risks to life and
property. The applicant will provide
written and notarized acknowledge-
ment of such notification.
4-1 Accessory Uses
4-1.1 Accessory Uses Permitted:
A. In residential and office residen-
rial districts (R through OR) accessory
uses shah only be permitted as specifi-
cally authorized within eaci~ individual
district of this ordinance. No accessory
use shall be deemed to be authorized
by this ordinance unless such use is
suberdilmte to and on the same zoning
lot with the principal use in conjunc-
tion with which it is maintained.
B. In all other zoning districts,
accessory uses shafi be permitted with
or without conditions if the City Plan-
ner deems the use customarily inciden-
tal and subordinate to the principal
use it serves. Such uses within non-resi-
dential districts shall comply with the
specific bulk regulations listed within
the district in which it is located,
except that gas and service stations
shall be allowed pumps, pump islands
and canopies in a required front yard
subject to site plan review, in Section
4-4 of this ordinance and satellite
receiving dishes shall comply with the
same requirements of residential and
office residential districts established in
Section 4-1.5(3) of this ordinance.
4-1.2 Location, Coverage and
Height of Accessory Uses, Build-
ings and Structures within Resi-
dential and Office Residential
A. Location: No accessory use,
building, or structure permitted by this
ordinance may be located in a required
front yard, except as otherwise specffi-
caliy authorized. No accessory building
and no structure, equipment or
material of any kind exceeding five (5)
Special Session March 18,1985
feet in height may be located in a
required side yard. If satellite receiving
dishes are attached to a roof of a prin-
cipal building then the haight of said
structure shall not exceed the highest
point of the building on which it is
mounted. Roof mounted satellite
receiving dishes shall be limited to six
feet (6') in diameter.
B. Accessory Use/Building Coy-
erage: The lot coverage of permitted
accessory uses and/or buildings and
the principal building it serves shall be
calculated together for the purpose of
complying with the specified lot cover-
age as a percent of lot area for each
district. The maximum lot coverage
shall not be exceeded within the dis-
trict in which it is located and in no
case shall the permitted accessory
building(s) exceed the lot coverage of
the principal building it serves.
C. Accessory Building and Strut-
ture Height Limitations: No
accessory building or structure permit-
ted by this ordinance shall exceed one
floor level and a height of fifteen (15)
feet measured from ground level,
except that for wind generators no
rotating or moving portion of the
structure shall be closer than 8' to
ground level unless a four (4) foot
fence is provided around said structure
regardless of whether or not a perime-
ter property fence is existing. (See dia-
wind Generator
Solar Collector:
ROOf Mounted
Solar CoUectorl
Free Standing
4-1,3 Side and Rear Yard Setback
for Detached Accessory Buildings,
Structures and Uses within Resi-
dential Districts: Where a detached
garage is entered from an alley, such
garage shall be located no less than six
(6) feet from the alley line. All other
permitted accessory buildings or struc-
tures shall be located no less than
three (3) feet from any side or rear
yard line, except where a greater set-
back is required by other provisions of
this ordinance.
4-1.4 Residential Dwelling Prohi-
bited in Accessory Buildings: No
accessory building may be used for res-
identlal dwelling purposes at any time.
4-1.5 Site Plan Approval for Cer-
tain Accessory Uses: The follo~ving
accessory uses and conditions estab-
lished herein shall require site plan
approval in accordance with Section 4-
4 of this ordinance prior to their esteb-
Iishment on the premises:
Special Session, March 18, 1985
1) Greenhouses over one-hundred
(100) square feet in area 2) Wind generators
3) Satellite receiving dishes, provided
a) not more than one (1) dish shall
he placed on any lot less than one-half
(1/2) acre; and
~ b) dishes shall not exceed ton feet
(10') in diamtor; and
c) dishes shall only he permitted in
rear yards, except that on corner lots
dishes shall be allowed in side yards;
d) dishes shall be made of noncom-
bustible and corrosive-resistent ma-
terial and erected in a secure, wind
reskstent manner according to the spec-
ifications of the building official; and
e) dishes shall not he used as signs
or billboards (off-premise signs).
4) Swimming pools
4-2 Off-Street Parking and Loading
4-2.1 General Purpose: The provi-
sions of this section shall apply to uses
within all zoning districts of the City
of Dubuque. No such use shall be
commenced, expanded or enlarged in
any manner unless the off-street park-
lng and loading provisions of this sec-
tion are complied with.
4-2.2 Site Plan Required: A site plan
shall be required for the construction
or creation of any parking lot or the
expansion of any existing parking lot
in accordance with the site plan pro-
visions of Section 4-4.
4-2.3 Computation of Off-Street
Parking and Loading Require-
monte: The following provisions shall
govern the computation of required
off-street parking and loading spaces:
1) Where computafton of required
off-street parking spaces results in a
fractional number, the required spaces
for the use shall be the next higher
whole number.
2) Where more than one use is
established on a single lot, the off-
street parking and loading require-
ments for the lot shall be the sum of
the separate requirements for each use
established on the lot.
3) Where a lawful use exists at the
time of adoption of this ordinance that
is deficient in the provision of required
off-street parking, any new use hereof-
ter established in its place shall con-
form to the parking requirements of
this ordinance. However, in computing
the off-street parking requirements for
any new use, such new use shall be
credited for the number of off-street
parking gpaces that the previous use
w~s in delleit.
4) No structure(s) containing lawful
uses existing at the thne of adoption of
this ordinance within C-1, C-2, C-3, C-
4, CS, CR, LI and HI districts, shall
hereafter he expanded or enlarged to
an extent greatex than twenty-five per-
cent (25%) of the gross floor area exist-
lng at the time of adoption of this
ordinance, unless parking and loading
spaces are provided in full so as to
bring the entire expanded use into con-
fortuity with this Section.
4-2.4 Location of Required Parking
and Loading Spaces: All off-street
parking and loading spaces required by
this ordinance shall he located on the
same lot as the use for which such
spaces are required, except that:
A. Where, within an office, commer-
cial, or industrial district, an increase
in the number of off-street parking
spaces is required by an alteration,
enlargement, or change of a use, the
required off-street parking spaces may
he located not farther than three hun-
dred (300) feet from the use(s) served.
B. Within an ID Institutional Dis-
trict parking spaces may be located on
a separate lot within the ID District
beundarieub unless further restricted by
the ordinance establishing the district.
C. Payment in lieu of parking:
(Reserved for future use)
4-2.5 Off-Street Loading Space
Requirements: All off-street loading
spaces for truck and/~r other bulk
deliveries shall be required as follows:
1) Manufacturing/Warehousing Use
0 - 4,999 sc!. ft. - 1 space minimum
5,000+ sq. ft. - 2 spaces minimum
2) All other Commercial and Indus-
trial Uses
0 - 9,999 sq. ft. - 1 space minimum
10,0O0 + sq. ft. - 2 spaces minimum
4-2.6 Special Provisions for Off-
Street Parking and Storage of
Vehicles in Residential District
A. Statement of Intent: In order to
avoid the obstruction of public streets
and sidewalks, improve traffic visibil-
ity, insure the provision of necessary
light and air to residential dwellings,
and maintehi the visual harmony and
character deemed appropriate in resi-
dential neighborhoods within the City,
it is the intent of this ordinance that
the provisions of this Section should be
narrowly construed so as to prohibit
any parking or storage of vehicles on
residential lots except as clearly and
specifically authorized herein.
The provisions of this Section shall
govern the off-street parking or stor-
age of vehicles as an accessory use
within any R-l, R-2, R-2A, R-3, or R-4
Special Session March 18, 1985
residential district, and no such
accessory off-street parking or storage
of vehicles within any such district
shall be permitted except in confor-
mance with these provisions.
B. Definitions: The following deft-
nitions shall govern the interpretation
of this Section:
1) Vehicle: as used in this Section,
a vehicle shall be broadly interpreted
to mean any implement of conveyance
designed or used for the transportation
of people or materials on land, water
or air, including but not limited to
automobiles, trucks, bicycles, motorcy-
cles, snovnnobiles, boats, airplanes, hel-
icopters, trailers, campers, wagons, etc.
2) Storage: the substantially unin-
terrupted placement on a residential
lot of any vehicle for any consecutive
period of time exceeding forty-eight
(48) hours.
3) Parking: tbe placement on a res-
identlal lot of a vehicle for any sub-
stantially uninterrupted period of time
not exceeding forty-eight (48) hours.
C. Standards Governing the Off-
Street Parking or Storage of Vehi-
cles as an Accessory Use in Resi-
dential Districts:
1) Maximmn Size Limitation on
Vehicles Stored: No vehicle exceed-
ing twenty (20) feet in overall length
or nine (9) feet in overall height may
be stored anywhere on a residential lot
as an accessory~ use, except as provided
2) Front Yard Storage Prohi-
bited: No vehicle may be stored in the
front yard of a residential dwelling
under any circumstances, but front
yard parking of vehicles may be per-
mitred in conformance with the other
standards of tiffs Section.
3) Rear Yard Storage Required, if
Accessible: All vehicles shall be
stored only in a rear yard, where one
exists, except that where no rear yard
exists, or where the City Development
Planner determines that an existing
rear yard is not reasonably accessible,
then not more than one (1) vehicle
may be stored in a side yard, provided
that no part of such vehicle may be
stored within a required ~ide yard.
4) Current Registration Required
for Ail Vehicles Stored: No vehicle
may be stored as au accessory use on
a residential lot unless such vehicle
bears a current Iowa certificate of
motor vehicle registration.
5) Storage in Required Parking
Spaces for Multiple Family Dwell-
ings Prohibited: Contrary provisions
of tiffs ordinance notwithstandtag, no
vehicle storage shall be permitted in
reqnired parking spaces for a multiple-
family dwelling. Off-street vehicle stor-
age space may be provided for a multi-
pie-family dwelling, provided that a
Site Plan for such space is approved in
accordance with Section 4-4 of this
6) Front Yard Setback for
Garages Required: In zoning districts
requiting less than twenty feet (20')
front yard setbacks, where a garage
opens onto or faces the street a mini-
mum setback of twenty feet (20') shall
be required.
4-2.7 Off-Street Parking Require-
merits: The number of off-street park-
ing spaces required for each building
or use shall be determined by refer-
once to the following table of parking
groups. Parl(mg groups m~ identified
for each use witifin each district by a
bracket enclosed number next to each
principal permitted use i.e., (1). Where
several different property uses will
share a joint parking area, the parking
requirements shall be computed based
upon the overall development.
Group Minimum Off-Street
Parking Spaces Required
1 ..... 5 spaces for each bed
2 ..... 5 spaces for each bed plus 1
space for each employee on the maxi-
mum shift
3 ..... 5 spaces for each dwelling
4 ..... 75 spaces for each person or
5 .... 1 space for each person
6 .... 1 space for each dwelling
7 .... 1 space for each 4 permanent
8 .... I space for each employee on
the maximum shift
9 .... L5 spaces for each dwelling
Special Seseio~
on the ma:dmum shift
16 .... 3 spaces for each employee
on ma~mum shift
17 .... I apace for each 250 sq. ft. of
floor area accessible to the general
18 .... 2 spaces for 6ach employee
on the maximum shift
19 .... 1 space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus 1 space for
each 250 sq. ft. of floor area access-
ible to the general public
20 .... 1 space for each 4 permanent
seats plus 1 space for each employee
on the maximum shift plus 1 space for
eacb 100 sq. ft. of floor area devoted to
assembly use
21 .... 2 spaces for each employee
on the maxiraum shift plus 1 space for
each service bay
22 .... I space for each 4 washing
23 .... i space for each employee on
the maximmn shift plus 1 space for
each 100 sq. ft. of floor area access-
ible to the general public
24 .... 1 space for each unit plus 1
space for each employee on the maxi-
m mn shift
25 .... 1 space for each 4 permanent
seats plus i space for each employee
on the maximum shift plus 1 space for
each 100 sq. ft. of floor area access-
ible to the general public not contain-
ing permanent seats
26 .... 1 space for each 4 permanent
seats plus 1 space for each employee
on the maximum shift
27 .... 1 space for each 400 sq. ft. of
floor area accessible to the general
28 .... i space for each 4 permanent
seats plus 1 space for each employee
on themaximum shift plus i space for
each 50 sq. ft. of floor area devoted to
29 .... i space for each employee on
the maxim,un shift plus 1 space for
each service vehicle plus 1 space for
each 250 sq. ft, of floor area access-
ible to the general public
30 . . . ~ .75 space for each room plus 1
space for each employee on the maxi-
mum shift (lodging only) other uses
shall be calculated separately
31 .... I space tbr each employee on
the maximum shift plus 1 space for
each 300 sq. ft. of floor area access-
ible to the general public
32 .... I space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus 1 space for
each 250 sq. ft. of floor area access-
ible to the general public plus i space
for each 400 sq. ft. of general office
33 .... 1 ~pace for each employee on
, March 18, 1985 181
the maximum shift plus I space for
each moving van or service vehicle
34 .... 1 space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus 2 spaces for
each service bay
35 .... 1 space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus 3 spaces for
each service bay
36 ..... 75 space for each employee
on the maximum shift plus 3.5 spaces
for each doctor (doctors are not
included as employees for calculation
of this parking group)
37 .... A. Bowling Alley - 4 spaces
for each lane
B. Miniature Golf - 15 spaces for
each 9 holes
C. Golf Course - 50 spaces for each 9
D. Excursion Craft Operation and
Service - i space for each 4 permanent
seats on the craft plus I space for each
employee on the maximum shift
E. Pleasure Craft Harbor - 1.5 spaces
for each docking slip
F. Tennis/Handhall/Racquetball
Courts - 3 spaces for each court
G. Swhaming Pool - 1 space for each
30 sq. ft. of gross pool area
H. Welgbt Tcaining/Exercise Room -
I space for each 100 sq. ft. of floor area
devoted to such use
I. Gymnadum (with no seating pro-
vided) - i space for each 100 sq. ft.
of athletic floor area
J. Shooting/Archery Range - 1 space
for each firing point plus i space for
each employee on the maximum shift
K. Pool Hall/Billiard Parlor - 1
employee on the 'maximum shift plus
1 space for each 100 sq. ft. of area
accessible to the general public
38 .... 1 space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus 1 space for
each 500 sq. ft. of internal display area
plus 1 space for each 2,000 sq. ft. of
outdoor display area plus 2 spaces for
each service bay
39 .... i space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus i space for
each 4,000 sq. ft. of outdoor display
area plus 2 spaces for each service bay
40 .... i space for each employee on
the maximmn shift plus 1 space for
each 500 sq. ft. of indoor display or
office area plus 1 space for each 5,000
sq. ft. of ounioor display area
41 .... 1 space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus i space for
each 250 sq. ft. of display area (includ-
ing both indoor and outdoor) plus 2
spaces for each service bay
42 .... 1.5 spaces for each employee
on the maximum shift plus 1 space for
each service bay and/or service vehicle
43 .... I space for each 209 sq. ft. of
Special Session, March 18, 1985
gross leasible area
44 .... i space for each employee on
the maximum shift plus I space for
each service vehicle plus adequate
truck and tractor/trailer spaces as
determined by the City Development
45 .... Dormitories - i space for
each bed
Gymnasiums - 1 space for each 6
pexmanent seats
Lecture Hails - 1 space for each 6
permanent seats
Employees - .75 spaces for each
employee on the maximum shift
46 .... 1.5 spaces for each licensed
or state approved bed
47 .... As determined by the City
Development Planner
48 .... i space for each six (6) per-
manent seats plus one space for each
employee on the maximum shift
4-2.8 Handicap Parking Space
Requirements: Parking spaces for the
physically handicapped ~hall be
located as close as posaible to eleva-
tots, ramps, walkways and entrances.
Parking spaces for the physically hand-
icapped shall be located so that such
persons are not compelled to wheel or
to walk behind parked cars to reach
entrances, ramps, walkways and eleva-
One (1) handicap space simli be pro-
vided for each one-hundred (100) park-
ing spaces in a pot]dug lot.
4-3 Sign Regulations
4-3.1 General Statement of Intent
The provisions of this Section set-
forth the comprehensive regulations,
conditions and limitations under which
signs may be permitted in the City of
Dubuque. It is intended by the Council
that these provisions shall be held to
be the minimum regulations necessary
for the protection of the public weffare
and simll be narrowly construed and
strictly applied in favor of the public
interest in maintaining a safe, healthy,
and attractive environment.
4-3.2 Definitions
1) Abandoned Sign. A sign which
no longer identifies or advertises a
afide business, lessor, service, owner,
product, or activity and/or for which
no legal owner can be found.
2) Animated Sign. Any sign which
uses movement or change of lighting
to depict action or to create a special
effect or scene.
3) Area. (See Section 4-3.10 of this
4) Banner Sign. A sign made of
fabric or any non-rigid material with
no enclosing framework.
5) Billboard. (See "Off-Premise
6) Building Sign. A sign affixed to
and wholly supported by an exterior
wall of a building or stsucture.
7) Canopy or Arcade Sign. A wall
mounted sign attached to or con-
structed on the face of a permanent
roofed structure covering an area cus-
tomarlly used for pedestrian circula-
8) Changeable Copy Sign. A sign
that is designed so that characters, let-
ters, or illustrations can be changed or
rearranged either manually or auto-
matic without altering the face or the
service of the sign.
9) Commemorative Sign. A perma-
nent sign or architectural feature, cast
or engraved in stone or metal, and
fixed to or made an integral part of the
structure, indicating the name of the
structure, its address, date of cons~ruc-
tion, or other information of commem-
orative or historical significance.
10) Construction Sign. A tern-
porary sign identifying an architect,
contractor, subcontractor, material
supplier or others participating in the
construction on the property on which
the sign is located.
11) Direct Lighting. Illumination
by means of an external source.
12) Directional / Informational
Sign. An on-premise sign identifying
a premises, or an activity conducted
upon such premises, and providing
direction for the safe and efficient flow
of vehicular or pedestrian traffic to
such acclivity or premises. Directional
signs shall include signs marking
entrances, exits, parking areas, loading
areas or other operational features of
the premise.
13) Discontinued Sign. (See
"Abandoned Sign")
14) Double-Faced Sign. A sign with
two faces or panels, neither of which
is visible at the same time and are
directly back to back as opposed to a
v-shaped sigu.
i5) Electronic Message Center. A
sign on which the copy changes auto-
matically on a lampbank or through
mechanical means, e.g., electrical or
electronic time and temperature units.
16) Externally IBuminated Sign.
A signs whose illumination is derived
entirely from an external artificial
17) Facade. The entire building
front, including the parapet.
18) Flashing Sign. A sign which
contains an inter~nittont or sequential
flashing light source used primarily to
attract attention. This does not include
Special Sessian
changeable copy signs, animated signs,
or signs which, through reflection or
other means create an illusion of flash-
lng of intermittent light (compare
!'Animated Sign").
19) Free Standing Sign. A sign
supported upon the ground by poles or
braces and not attached to any build-
20) Frontage. The length of the
property line of any one premise along
a public right-of-way on which it bor-
21) Government Sign. Any tem-
porary or permanent eign erected and
maintained by the City, County, State,
or Federal government for traffic
direction or for designation of or
direction to any school, hospital, his-
toric aite, or public service, property, or
22) Height (of a Sign). The vertical
distance measured from the highest
point of the sign, exluding embellish-
ments of not more than five feet (5')
in height above the sign, to the aver-
age ground grade beneath the sign.
23) Identification Sign. A sign
whose copy is limited to the name and
address of the building, institution, or
person and/or to the activity or occu-
pation being identified.
24) Illegal Sign. A sign which does
not meet the requirements of this code
and which has not received legal non-
conforming status.
25) Indirect Lighting. Illumination
by means of a concealed light source,
whereby all incandescent or florescent
devices are shielded from view by
opaque or translucent materials, and
including reflected light'mg.
26) Inflatable Sign. Any sign
designed or constructed with the abil-
ity to be mechauically filled with air
or gas.
27) Internally Illuminated Sign.
Illumination by means of a light
source completely enclosed by the sign
28) Intermittent Lighting. (See
Flashing Sign)
29) Maintenance. The cleaning,
painting, repair, or replacement of
defective parts of a sign in a manner
that does not alter the basic copy,
desigu, or structure of the sign.
30) Multiple Faced Sign. Signs
containing more than two (2) faces or
31) Name Plate. A nonelectric or
premise idenCrfication sigu giving only
the name, address, and/or occupation
of an occupant or group of occupants.
32) Nonconforming Sign. A sign
which was erected legally, but which
March 18, 1985 183
does not comply with subsequently
enacted sign restrictions and regula-
33) Off-Premise Sign. A eigu struc-
ture advertising an establishment, mer-
chandise, service, or entertainment
which is not sold, produced, manufac-
tured, or furnished at the property on
which said sign is located, e.g., "Bill-
boards", "Outdoor Advertising", or
"Off-Site Sign".
34) On-Premise Sign. A sign which
)ertains to the use of the premises on
which it is located and meintained.
35) Painted Wall Sign. A sign
which is applied with paint or similar
substances on the face of a wall and is
considered to be a wall mounted sign
for calculation p~krposes.
36) Parapet. That part of any wall
entirely above the roof line.
37) Political Sign. A temporary
Sign used in connection with a local,
state, or national election or referen-
38) Portable Sign. Any sign de-
signed to be moved easily and not per-
manently affixed to the ground or to a
structure or building.
39) Frojeeting Sign. A sign other
than a fiat wall sign, which is attached
to and projects from a building wall or
other structure not specifically
designed to support the sign and is not
parallel to the structure to which it is
40) Public Serv/ce Information
Sign. Any sign intended exclusively to
promote items of general interest to
the commuuity, such as time, tempera-
ture, date, atmospheric conditions,
news or travel control.
41)Reni Estate Sign. A temporary
sign advertising real estate upon which
the sign is located as being for rent,
lease, or sale.
42) Roof Line. The top edge of the
roof or building parapet, whichever is
higher, excluding any cupolas, pylons,
cbJmneys, or minor projections.
43) Roof Sign. Any sign erected
upon or above a roof or parapet wall
of the building in which it is wholly
or partially supported by such build-
44) Rotating Sign. Any sign or
device which has any visable moving
part, visable revolving part, or visable
mechanical movement. Such motion
does not refer to methods of cimnging
4~) Sign. Any device, structure, fix-
ture, or placard using graphics, sym-
bols, and/or written copy designed
specifically for the purpose of adver-
tising or identifying any establieinnent,
184 Special Sessioe. March 18, 1985
product, goods, or services.
46) Special Event Sign. A tem-
porary sign advertising or pertaining to
any civic, patriotic or special event of
general public interest taking place
within the city.
47) Street Banner Sign. Any ban-
ncr sign which is stretched across and
hung over a public right-of-way.
48) Subdivision Identification
Sign. A free-standing or wahl sign
identifying a recognized subdivision,
condomiuium complex, or residential
49) Temporary Sign. A sign not
constructed or intended for long-term
50) Under-Canopy Sign. A direc-
tional sign suspended beneath a
canopy, ceiling, roof, or marquee.
51) V-Shaped Sign. A sign with two
(2) faces or panels not supported by
one common structural member and
wifich faces are not back to back such
as a double-faced sign.
52) Wall Sign. A sign attached
parallel to and extending not more
than eighteen inches (18") from the
wall of a building, This definition
includes psinted, individual lettered,
and cabinet signs, and signs on a man-
53) Window Sign. A sign installed
inside a window and intended to be
viewed from the outside,
4-3.3 Signs Prohibited
The following Signs shall be
erpressly prohibited in all zoning dis-
tricta, any contrary provisions or
implications of this ordinance notwith-
a) Any sign, all or any portion of
which is set in motion by movement,
including pennants, banners, or Bags,
except official flags of nations or
administrative or political subdivisions
thereof, and except for temporary signs
and for flags for historically or archi-
tscturally designated properties in the
OR-1 District as provided in Seciton 4-
3.11 Schedule of Sign Regulations.
b) Any display lighting by strings of
ligbts, including lights which outline
any part of a building or which are
affixed to any ornamental portion
thereof, except temporary traditional
decorations for Christmas or other
recognized holidays.
c) Any sign which contains the
words "Danger" or "Stop", or other-
wise presents or implies the need or
requirement of stopping or caution, or
which is an imitaion of, or is likely to
be confused with, any sign customarily
displayed by a public authority.
d) Any sign which infringes upon the
area of visibility required on a corner
lot pursuant to Section 4-4.6(5) of this
e) Any sign which obstructs any
window, foot, fire escape, stairway,
ladder, or other opening intended to
provide light, air, or egress from any
f) Any sign or lighting which casts
direct ligbt or glare upon any prop-
erty in a residential or office residential
g) Any portable sign, including any
sign displayed on a stored vehicle,
except for a display of temporary polit-
ical signs.
h) Any sign wbicb obstructs the rea-
sonable visibility of a sign maintained
by a public aushority, or which other-
wise distracts attention from such
i) Any sign or sign structure involv-
ing the use of moHon pictures or pro-
tected photographic scenes or images.
j) Any sign attached to public or
private utility poles, signs or other
appurtenances, including trees, located
in the public right-of-way.
k) Roof signs as defined in 4-3.2 of
this ordinance.
4-3.4 Permits Required
Unless otherwise provided by this
Ordinance, all signs shall require per-
mits and payments of fees as estab-
fished through Building Services
4-3.3 Exempted Signs
The following types of signs are
exempted from the requirements of
this Ordinance:
a) Holiday or special events deco-
b) Name plates of two (2) square
feet or less provided that in reslden-
rial districts or on residential structures
only name and address may comprise
the nameplate.
c) Political signs displayed not more
than four (4) weeks prior to the gnv-
ernmental election to which they
apply, and removed within ten days of
such election.
d) Public signs or notices, public ser-
vice information signs, or any sign
relating to an emergency.
e) Real estate signs advertising the
s~le or lease of premises provided not
more than 2 signs of less than 12
square feet/sign shall be allowed per
premise. Ali such real estate signs shall
be less than 4' in height if free standing
or below tbe eave or parapet if wall
f) Window signs (interior only), pro-
vided that required liglit is not reduced
beyond the limits established in the
Special Session March 18, 1985 185
Buiding Code.
g) Commemorative signs.
h) Temporary construction signs.
4-3.6 Discontinued or Abandoned
Signs which are not properly main-
mined as determined by the Building
Official, or which advertise a use which
has been abandoned or discontinued
shall be removed by the property
owner within 90 days after abandon-
ment of the principal use or may there-
after be removed by the Building
Official with such removal expense
charged to the property owner.
4-3.7 Sign Contractor's License. See
City of Dubuque Sign Code.
4-3.8 Non-Conforming Signs
Any sign which becomes a non-con-
forming sign on tbe effective date of
this Ordinance or which becomes a
non-conforming sign at any future date
shall be regulated according to the
rules setforth in Section 4-6 of this
Ordinance; provided further that no
alteration, improvement or other
change may be made to such non-con-
forming sign. In the event that such
non-conforming sign shall be removed
or if the use to which the non-con-
forming sign pertains is changed, any
replacement sign shall be made to con-
form to the maximum area, number,
alhi~vable structure type, projection,
height, lighting, and motion require-
ments for signs otherwise permitted in
the zoning district.
4-3.9 Temporary Signs
Temperary signs may be erected and
maintained in accordance with tt fol-
lowing provisions:
1) General Conditions.
a) Certificate and Fee Required.
No persons shall erect, alter or relo-
cate any temporary sign except for real
estate and political signs without first
making application, submitting a fee as
specified in Section 7 of this Ordinance,
and obtaining a temporary sign certifi-
cate from the Building Commissioner.
b) Limit on Number of Certifi-
cutes. No more than four (4) certifi-
cutes for temporary signs shall be
issued for the same zoning lot in one
calendar year.
c) Materials and Methods. The
Building Official shall impose as a con-
dition of the issuance of certificate,
such requirements as to material and
sa~w to assure the safety and conve-
nience of the public.
d) Sign Types. Temporary signs
shall be non-projecting building signs
or free-standing signs as defined herein,
except that in the case of temporary
business signs and quasi-public signs;
pennants, banners, inflatable signs, and
flags may be utilized.
e) Number, Area, Height, and
Location. The permitted number,
area, height and location of temporary
sig~m shall be detemtined by the Build-
lng Official with consideration given to
public safety and the signage reason-
ably necessary and appropriate for the
intended purpose.
2) Quasi-Public Signs, giving
notice of events and activities spon-
sored by recognized civic, patriotic,
religious or charitable organizations for
non-commercial purposes, subject to
the following:
a) Location. Quasi-public signs may
be located on or off of the premises
where she event is taking place pro-
vided permission is given by the owner
of the property. Such signs shall not
project beyond any lot line,
b) Timing. Quasi-public signs shall
not be erected or maintained more
than thirty (30) days prior to the date
on which the event advertised is to
occur and shall be removed immedia-
tely after the termination of the
3) Temporary Business Signs,
calling attention to a special, unique or
limited activity, service or product or
sale of limited duration, as follows:
a) Location. Temporary business
signs shall be located only on the lot
upon which the ~pecial activity is to
occur. Such signs shall not project over
any lot line.
b) Timing. Temporary business
signs shall be erected and maintained
for a period not to exceed thirty (30)
days, at the expiration of which the
certificate holder shall immediately
remove such temporary sign.
4-3.10 Sign Calculations
A. On-Premise Sign Area:
1) Single Panel: The area of a sin-
gle panel sign shah be measured within
a single continuous perimeter enclosing
the extreme lhnits of a sign panel, and
m no case passing through or between
any adjacent elements of the same;
however, such perimeter shall not
include structural elements or supports
outside the limits of such sign and not
forming an integral part of the display.
The gross area of a sign composed of
separate letters, symbols or words
attached directly te an architectural
facade shall be measured as the area
enclosed by straight lines drawn closest
to copy extremities encompassing indi-
vidual symbols or wo~s.
2) Double-Faced (or Panel): Same
as sihgle panel except that a double
Special Session March 18,1985
faced si~n shall only count one (1) face
or panel for area determination.
3) Multiple-Faced (or Panel):
Same as single panel except that only
one (1) face or panel shall be counted
for area determination and each face
or panel shall be reduced in area by
twenty (20) percent.
B. Off-Premise Sign Area: The
area of off-premise signs shall be mea-
sured in the same manner as on-prem-
ise signs, except for off-premise signs
that have "add-ons" or embellishments
to the principal sign panel then each
additional "add-on" shall be calculated
separately for its area and added to
the principal sign panel. However, in
no case shall the total area of the
principal sign panel when added to the
"add-ons" exceed the maximum sign
area provided within the district in
which it is located.
C. Sign Number: The number of
signs shall be calculated by the num-
bet of permitted signs displayed on a
1) Single Panel: Each integral
structural unit displaying a unified
i~fformational content shall be counted
as one sign.
2) Double-Faced (or Panel): A
double faced or paneled sign meeting
the same requirements of a single panel
sign m~d supported on a single struc-
ture shall be counted as one
3) Multiple-Faced (or Paneled):
Multiple-faced or paneled signs,
including v-shaped signs, meeting the
same requirements of a single panel
sign and supported on a single struc-
ture shall be counted as one sign.
D. Signs on Multiple Frontage
Lots: Zoning lots which have separate
frontages on more than one street,
including through lots and corner lots,
simll not display signs along any one
sweet frontage in excess of the maxi-
mum area and ma~'num number per-
mitted for flint frontage alone. Each
frontage is to be considered separa-
Special Session, March 18, 19~5
188 Special Session, March 18, 1985
Special Session, March 18,1985 189
190 Special Session, March 18, 1985
Special Sessio~
4-4.1 Intent:
The site plan review provisions of
this section are intended to promote
functional and aesthetic design of
property development within the City.
These provisions are ir~tended to allevi-
ate the potentially harmful effects on
adjoining land of new development.
Such provisions can produce site plans
that respect their enviromnental, land
use trod economic context. Regulations
of this Section should ensure that new
structures, utilities, streets, parking,
circulation systems yards and open
spaces are designed in the most effi-
cient, attractive and harmonious man-
4-4.2 Application and Scope:
No building permit or occupancy
permit shall be issued, and no con-
struction, grading or other land devel-
opment activity listed below may be
commenced on property unless a Site
Plan has been submitted and approved
for such activity as set forth in this
Development activities subject to
the requirements of this Section may
hereafter be carried out only in sub-
stantial conformance with the
approved Site Plan and any conditions
or restrictions attached thereto. Any
substantial deviation from the
approved Site Plan, unless approved in
advance by the City Planner, shall be
deemed a violation of this Ordinance.
Development Activities Subject
to Site Plan Review
1) Construction or expansion of any
building structure or freestanding sign
except single-family detached dwell-
ings, duplexes, townhouses of not more
than two units and permitted
accessory structures to a single-family
dwelling or duplex, however, driveways
to said aingle-family and duplex dwell-
ings shall be paved with a hard sur-
2) Any change, alteration, or modi-
fication in a structure or use which
would require the provision of addi-
tional off-street parking spaces addi-
tional lot area, or other substantial
change in zoning requirements appli-
cable to such structure or use.
3) The construction or creation of
any parking lot or the expansion of
any existing parking lot.
4-4.3 Administrative Waiver of Site
Plan Review -- When Permitted:
Tbe City Development Planner may
waive the requirements for Site Plan
review for any development activity
, March 18, 1985 191
within the scope of Section 4-4.2 where
he/she reasonably believes that such a
waiver will not adversely affect the
purposes and intent of tbls Ordinance.
4-4.4 Contents of Site Plan --
The Site Plan shall include one or
~nore appropriately scaled maps or
drawings of the property clearly and
accurately indicating the following:
1) Complete property dimensions;
2) The location, grade, and dimen-
sions of all present and/or proposed
streets or other paved surfaces and
engineering cross-sections of proposed
new curbs and pavement;
3) Complete parking and traffic cir-
culation plan, if applicable, showing
location and dimensions of parking
stalls, dividers, planters or shnilar per-
manent improvements; perimeter
screening treatment, including land-
4) Location and full dimensions of
all buildings or major structures, both
proposed and existing, showing exterior
dimensions, number and area of floors,
location, number and type of dwelling
units, height of building(s);
5) Existing and proposed contours of
the property taken at regular contour
intervals not to exceed five (5) feet, or
two (2) feet if the City Planner deter-
mines that greater contour detail is
necessary to satisfactorily make the
determinations required by this Ordi-
6) The general nature, location, and
size of all siguificant existing natural
land features~ including but not limited
to sidewalks or paths, tree or bush
masses, all individual trees over four
(4) inches in diameter, grassed areas,
surface rock and/or soil features, and
all springs, streams, or other penna-
nent or temporary bodies of water;
7) A locational map or other draw-
lng at appropriate scale showing the-
general location and relation of the
property to surrounding areas, inchid-
lng, where relevant, the zoning and
land use pattern of adjacent properties,
the existing street system in the area
and location of nearby public faciH-
8) Adilitional graphic information as
may be required by the City Planner
or other City Agencies to make deter-
minations requh'ed by this Ordinance.
4-4.5 Contents of Site Plan -- Writ-
All Site Plans shah include a report
or narrative containing the fbllowing:
1) Legal description and address of
the property.
192 Special Session March 18, 1985
2) Name, address, and phone num-
ber(s) of the property owner(s).
3) Name, address and phone num-
bet(s) of the developer(s) or contrac-
tot(s), if different than the owner(s).
4) Proposed use(s) for aH non-resi-
dential buildings or structures.
5) Data clearly identifying the fol-
lowing: total number and type(s) of
dwelling units on the property; num-
ber and type of aH structures or build-
ings, whether residential or non-
residential; total area of the property;
number of dwelling units per acre;
total floor area of each building.
6) Proposed landscaping schedule
indicating plant types, number and
thning for installation.
7) Proposed construction schedule of
all structures and physical improve-
ments indicating the timing and
sequence of each major structure and
8) Pre~ent zouing classification(s) of
the property.
9) Present and proposed type and
number of parking spaces on the prop-
4-4.6 Site Development Standards:
1) The Site Plan must show that a
reasonable effort has been made to
conserve and protect those natural
characteristics that are of some last-
ing benefit to the site, its environs and
the community at large.
2) Slopes which exceed ten percent
(10%) shah be protected by appropri-
ate measures against erosion, run-off,
unstable soil, trees and rocks. Measures
shall be taken to stabilize the land sur-
face from unnecessary disruption. The
Soil Conservation Service shall be con-
suited for soil erosion control practices
and allowable soil loss as permitted by
the State of Iowa. Said erosion control
and soil loss limitations shah be the
responsiblity of the property owner.
3) All outside rubbish, storage, and
garbage areas shall be permanently
screened from view to a height of at
least six (6) feet and so constructed as
to prevent accidental dispersal of the
material contained therein.
4) The placement of bnildings, struc-
tures, fences, lighting and fixtures on
each site shall not interfere with traffic
4-4.7 Parking Lot Design Stan-
circulation, safety, appropriate use and
enjoyment of adjacent properties.
5) On any corner lot a visibility
triangle shall be provided in which
nothing shall be erected, placed,
planted or allowed to grow as to mate-
rially impede vision from within motor
vehicles, between a height of two feet
(2') and eight feet (8') above the aver-
age grades of the intersecting property
lines, in the area bounded by said lines,
and a line joining the points of such
property llne~ at a distance of ton feet
(10') from the intersection.
Visibility triangles shall also be pro-
vided at any vehicular access to a pub-
lic way, except for any single-family
detached dwellings, duplexes, and
shall be taken at the intersection of
the front property and the edges of a
6) Adequate illumination shall be
provided to parking lots, sidewalks and
other areas for vetdcular and pedes-
trian circulation. In no case shall illu-
minating devices be placed above
fifteen (15) feet in height in a reeiden-
tim district.
7) Afl parking spaces shall he clearly
marked in accordance with 4~4.7 Park-
ing Lot Design Standards, Signs apd
pavement markings shah be used ~as
appropriate to control traffic access
m~d egress.
8) All areas designed for vehicular
use shah be paved with a minimum of
either an eight inch (8") rolled stone
base and two and one-half inch (2
1/2") asphaltic concrete mat, a six inch
(6") Portland cement concrete pave-
approved by the City. The paving sur-
face must be so designed and main-
rained as to allow prompt and effective
drainage of natural precipitation. No
water drainage across sidewalks shall
be allowed.
9) Wherever reasonably practical aH
including but not limited to water,
sewer, natural gas, electrical and tole-
phone lines shall be placed under-
MOd. Width
{ ) = Stall Depth for Overlap at Center Island
Special Session, March 18, 1985
4-4.7 Parking Lot Design Stan-
Stall Depth I ~Width
Mod. Width
Design Stall = 8' x 16'
Stall Depth for Overlap at Center Island
194 Special Session, March 18, 1985 Special Session, March 18, 1985 195
4-4.7 Parking Lot Design Stan-
4-4.8 Required Procedures for Site
Plan Revlew:
1) Applicants for Site Plan review
shall m~et w~th the City Planner or
]Us/her designee prior to submission of
a Site Plan. The purpose of this meet-
ing is to acquaint the applicant with
site development standards and proce-
dures. This meeting shall also serve to
allow the applicant to present the
scope and nature of the proposed
project to the City Planner.
2) Following the initial meeting with
the City Planner or his/her designee,
the applicant may suhinit a completed
Site Plan for review. At least four
copies are required of all Site Plan
sheets, drawings and written informa-
tion. The City Planner shall submit
one (1) copy to the City Engineer and
one (1) copy to the Zoning Administra-
tor for their permanent records.
3) Within fourteen (14) working days
of receiving a Site Plan the City Plan-
ner or his/her designee shall notify the
applicant of any approval, conditional
approval or disapproval. In cases of
conditional approval or disapproval,
written notification shall be given for
the reasons of such action. In those
Special Session, March 18, 1985
Site Plans which propose the construc-
tion of new streets, driveways, curb
cuts and other paved surfaces devoted
to vehicular use, the City Planner shall
first obtain the advice and comment of
the City Engineer prior to any action.
4) The City Planner shall review the
Site Plan for consistency with City
planning policies and objectives and
compliance with zoning regulations
and standards. Development activity
shall not commence until the Site Plan
is approved.
5) One (i) copy of the approved Site
Plan shall be returned to the appli-
cant. One (1) copy of the approved
Site Plan shall remain in the records
of the City Planner.
4-4.9 Appeal Procedure:
The Site Plan review applicant, any
aggrieved citizen, or any two (2) mem-
bets of the Planning Commission may
upon notice appeal in whole or in part
any determination or decision of the
City Planner made within the scope of
this Section, including a decision to
waive Site Plan review made pursuant
to Section 4-4.3. Appeal is without cost
and shaft be made by delivery of writ-
ten notification of the appeal to the
Planning Department within the fif-
teen (15) days immediately following
the decision or determination from
which appeal is sought.
The Planning Commission shall
review ali appeals, and to that end
shall have all the powers and duties of
the City Planner relative to Site Plan
review. The affirmative vote of at least
four (4) Commissioners shaft be neces-
sexy to affirm, overturn, or modify the
dsciE~on from which appeal is sought.
At the Commission meeting, the
appealing party or parties and all other
interested parties shall be presented a
reasonable opportunity to present thCrr
views. Following the appeals hearing,
the Commission must take action no
Later than the next regularly scheduled
Comr~ion meeting. A failure to act
within such period shall have the effect
of affirming the determinationfrom
which appeal has been made. Decisions
of the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion may be appealed to the Board of
Adjustment in the same manner as
appeals from a decision of an adminis-
ixaf~ve officer.
4-5.1 Intent:
The landscaping and screening
requirements of this Section are
intended to promote attractive and
harmonious growth of the City. Land-
scaping is a fundamental component
of property development. These provi-
sions are intended to preserve and
et~mnce property values by ensuring
that yards, open spaces, parking lots
and public rights-of-way are designed
and maintained with respect to plants
and landscape materials. This Section
also intends that property development
should respect land capabilities and
constraints, minimize erosion and
destruction of natural amenities and
reduce conflicts between land and
4-5.2 Application and Scope:
No new structure, building or park-
lng lot shall be constructed unless in
compliance with the landscape and
screening standards of this Section.
4-5.3 Landscape Area Require-
1) Single-family and two-family
dwellings shah maintain a minimum of
twenty percent (20%) of lot area as
a permeable and uncovered surface
~hat contains living material. Single-
family and two-family dwellings shah
be exempt from other requirements of
this Section.
2) Aft other uses shah provide and
maintain a landscaped area that equals
or exceeds the greater area of the fol-
REQUIRED AREA: a) 20% of
Building Coverage
DEFINITION: The area contained
within a measurement of the exterior
dimension of any building or structure
at grade level, plus any hardsurfaced
area not associated with pedestrian
access or egress from a Vehicular Use
Area; or
REQUIRED AREA: b) 20% of
Vehicular Use Area (VUA)
DEFINITION: The area includes
those hardsurfuced areas devoted to
the circulation, loading, parking and
storage of vehicles as defined by this
ordinance. This area shall also include
all hardsurfaced paths or walks de-
voted to the access or egress of per-
so~s using the VUA and other VUA's
on the property. Areas under roof or
permanent canopy shall not be
included in this total. Such areas
whether used regularly or occasionally
for vehicle storage are not, for the pur-
poses of this Section, to be calculated
as Vehicular Use Area or
REQUIRED AREA: c) 10% of the
combined Building Coverage and
Vehicular Use Area
4-5.4 Screening Requirements:
1) Aft parking areas abutting a real-
dential district or public right-of-way
shall be screened from grade level to
a height not less than three feet
Special Sessioo March 18, 1985
2) All commercial and industrial uses
that abut residential, office, or institu-
tlanal districts, shall maintain screen-
ing not less than six feet (6'0") along
the abutting property line or lines.
3) Screening required by this Ordi-
nance shall be equivalent to the fni-
a) Fences with at least fifty percent
(50%) opaque constxuction; or
4-5.5 Landscaping and Screening
b) Hedges, shrubs or evergreen tsees
of at least thirty percent (30~) opacity
at the time of installation and fifty
percent (50%) opacity maintained
within three years of installation; or
c) Berms or graded slopes of not less
than three feet (3'0") of mean height.
Such berms or graded slopes shall con-
tain at least fifty percent (50%) living
198 Special Session, March 18, 1985 Special Session March 18,1985 199
4~5.6 Maintenance of I~ndscsping and
1) All required landscaping shah be
maintained in proper condition. When
replacement is necessary ali plants
and other nonliving landscape
materials shall be equal in size, density
and appearance to those items requir-
ing replacement.
2) All required screening and fencing
shall be maintained and, whenever
necessary, replaced with materials
that provide equivalent size, density
and appearance.
4-6 Non-Conformities in General
Within the zoning districts estab-
lished by tins ordinance or its subse-
quent amendment, there exist a)lots;
b) structures; c) uses of land; d) uses
of structures; e) uses of land and
structures in combination; and f) char-
actetistics of use, winch were lawful
before this ordinance was adopted or
amended, but which would now be
prohibited, regulated or restricted
under the terms of this ordinance or its
subsequent amendment. Such instances
shall hereafter be considered lawful
4-6.1 General Statement of Intent:
It is the intent of tins ordinance to rec-
ognize the legitimate interests of
owners of lawful non-conformities by
allowing such lawful non-conformities
to continue, subject to the provisions
contained herein. At the same time, it
is recognized that lawful non-confor-
mities may substantially and adversely
affect the orderly development, main-
tenance, use and taxable value of other
property in the same zoning district,
property that is itself subject to the
regulations and terms of this ordi-
nance. In order to secure eventual
compliance with the City's comprehen-
sive plan and with the standards of
this ordinance, it is therefore necessary
to carefully regulate lawful non-con-
fortuities and to proinbit the re-estab-
lishment of such non-conformities that
have been discontinued.
To avoid undue hardship, nothing in
this ordinance shall be deemed to
require a change in the plans, con-
structlon, or demgnated use of any
building on which actual constrdction
was lawfully began prior to the adop-
tion or amendment of tins ordinance
and upon winch actual building con-
struction has been carried on dili-
gently. "Actual bnildfug construction"
is hereby defined to include the place-
ment of construction materials in per-
manent position and fastened in a
permanent manner.
4-6.2 Lawful Non-Conformities
A. Lots: Any lot having insufficient
area, width or depth for the zoning
district in winch it is located, front-
age on an improved public street or
an improved private street of a
planned district, or any combination
thereof, shall be considered a lawful
non-conforming lot only if it was law-
fully platted, recorded and on file in
the office of the Dubuque County
/recorder prior to the adoption of this
ordinance. On any single lawful non-
conforming lot wltinn a zoning district
winch permits single family detached
residential dwellings, one such dwelling
may be constructed by right, provided
(hat setbacks (yards), height, lot cover-
age and off-street parking requirements
of the zo~fing district within which the
parcel is located are complied with,
and all appropriate permits are
obtained prior to any construction
Two or more lawful non-conforming
lots that are contiguous and held in
single ownership shall, for the purposes
of this ordinance be considered a zon-
lng lot (or undivided parcel). Such
multiple lots shah be used in combina-
tion until the minimum lot require-
mentsfor the permitted use intended
are provided for witinn the zoning dis~
trict in winch such lots are located, or
they shall be repintted to conform with
the terms of tins ordinance. Further,
no zoning lot or portion thereof shall
be used or sold in a manner winch will
increase its degree of non-conformity.
B. Structures: Structures that were
lawfully constructed prior to the adop-
tion of this ordinance but which could
not be constructed under the terms of
this ordinance by reason of restrictions
on area, lot coverage, height, setbacks
(yards), location on the lot or other
requirements concerning structures,
shall hereafter be considered lawful
non-conforming structures. As such
they may continue to exist so long as
they remain otherwise lawful, provided
that no reconstruction, enlargement or
alteration of said s~uctures shah occur
that will increase their nonconformity
except as provided for in Section 4-6.5
of this ordinance. However, any lawful
non-conforming structure or portion
thereof may be altered to reduce its
non-conformity. C. Uses:
1) Uses of Land: Any use of land,
or use of land winch involves no indi-
vidual structure with a replacement
value exceeding one thousand dollars
($1,000) winch would not be permitted
under the terms of tins ordinance but
was lawfully existing at the time of
the adoption of tins ordinance shall
hereafter be conE~dered a lawful non-
conforming use of land. As such it may
be continued so long as it remains oth-
erwise lawful and provided that no
eninrgement, increase or extension of
the lawful non-conforming use of land
occurs so that a greater area of land is
occupied than was occupied at the
time of the adoption of this ordinance,
and that no additional structures or
additions to stsuctures existing at the
time of the adoption of this ordinance
shah be constructed on the same zon-
fug lot. Fl~rther, no such lawful non-
conforming use of land shah be moved
or relocated in whole or in part to any
other portion of the zoning lot on
which it is located than that portion
occupied at the U~rae of the adoption
of tins ordinance. If any lawful non-
conforming use of land ceases for any
reason for a period of more than
ninety (90) consecutive days, any sub-
sequent use of such land shall conform
te the terms of tins prdinance.
2) Uses of Structures: Any use of a
structure with a replacement cost of
one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more
winch would not be permitted under
the terms of tins ordinance but was
inwfully existing at the time of the
adoption of this ordinance shall here-
after be considered a lawful non-con-
forming use of that structure. As such
it may be continued so long as it
remains otherwise lawful and provided
that the structure in winch the lawful
non.conforming use is located shall not
be enlarged, extended, constructed, re-
constructed, moved, relocated or stsuc-
turally altered except fu changing the
use to a permitted use in the district in
winch it is located or as otherwise pro-
vided for in tins ordinance. However, a
lawful non-conforming use of a struc-
ture may be extended throughout any
parts of the structure in which it is
located where said structure or parts
thereof were manifestly arranged or
designed for such use at the time of the
adoption of tins ordinance, but no law-
ful non-conforming use of a structure
shall be extended to occupy any land
outside such structure. If any lawful
non-conforming use of a stucture is
discontinued for any reason for a
period of one (1) year, (except when
government action impedes access to
the premises), such structure shall only
thereafter be used in conformity with
the terms of tins ordinance.
3) Uses of Land and Structures in
Combination: Any use of land in
combination with a stsucture with a
replacement cost of more thau one
thousand dollars ($1,000) which wouhl
not be permitted under the terms of
this ordinance but was lawfully exist-
lng at the thne of the adoption of this
ordinance shall hereafter be considered
a lawful non-conforming use of land
and structure in combination. As such
it may continue so long as it remains
otherwise lawful and provided that the
provisions of Section 4-6.2(C) of this
ordinance are complied with.
4) Characteristics of Use: When
an otherwise lawful existing use is per-
mitred generally in any given zoning
district but where, due to the adop-
tion of this ordinance, required off-
street parking, paving of parking area,
landscaping, screening, and ~mailar reg-
utstions are not provided, such deft-
200 Special Session March 18,1985
ciensies attributable to the use shall be
considered lawful non-conforming
characteristics of such use. Said deft-
ciencies shall be brought into confor-
mance when the use they are
attributable to is expanded, enlarged or
the intensity is increased, even though
the use itself is permitted generally.
4-6.3 Change from One Non-Con-
forming Use to Another: One exist-
lng lawful non-conforming use of a
structure may be changed to one other
non-conforming use of the same struc-
ture provided that:
1) The proposed use is no more
intensive than the existing use;
2) the proposed use occupies no more
area of the structure than the existing
3) the proposeff use requires no more
off-street parking than the existing use;
4) a Conditional Use Permit has
been granted as provided in Section 5-
3.3 of this ordinance except that exist-
lng lawful non-conforming uses of a
structure that changeowners
but continue~e same'use shall be
permitted to do so provided tliat an
agreement is signed by the new owner
and kept on file in the Office of Devel-
opment Services stating that the new
owner agrees to all conditions placed
on the previous owner and use(s) of
the structure.
All siguage for the existing use shall
be removed and all signage for the
proposed use shall conform to the
underlying district in which it is
located as provided in Section 4-3 of
this ordinance except that where sig-
nage is prohibited then one (1) wall
mounted sigu of a maximum area of
40 square feet shall be permitted and
the proposed use otherwise complies
with the terms of this ordinance and a
Conditional Use Permit has first been
obtained before any change or conver-
sion is commenced.
4-6.4 Lawful Non-Conforming Uses
Superseded: Anywixere a lawful non-
conforming use is superseded by a per-
mitted use, such lawful non-conform-
lng use shall not thereafter be
4-6.5 Expansion of Certain Lawful
Non-Conformities: Certain lawful
non-conformities may be expanded
provided that:
1) They are either a residential
dwelling in a Zoning District other
than residential, or a commercial use
allowed as a permitted or conditional
use in one com~nercial zoning district
but located in a different commercial
z~ning district where such use is not
provided for; and
2) the current capital investment in
buildings, structures, or other facilities
of the non-conforming use or other
evidence is substantial enough to indi-
cate that such use is likely to be main-
tained on the property for the
forseeable future; and
3) the continuance thereof will not
be contrary to the public health,
safety, welfare or the spirit of this ordi-
nance; and
4) the use and its proposed expan-
sion do not and are not likely to sig-
nificantly depress the value of nearby
properties; and
5) no useful purpose would be served
by strict application of the provisions
or requirements of this ordinance with
which the use does not conform; and
6) the aggregate extent of the expan-
sion does not exceed twenty-five per-
cent (25%) of the gross floor area of
the building devoted to the non-con-
forming use and such expansion shall
comply with the schedule of district
regulations in the district in which it is
located; and
7) the public will receive some ben;
efit from the proposed expansion
through improve~nent of conditions on
the property including but not limited
to upgrading the appearance of the
premises, removal of non-conforming
signs, and addition of off-street parking
and loading facilities.
In authorizing a Conditional Use
Permit for the expansion of a non-con-
forming use of a structure or of a
structure m~d premises the Board of
Zoning Adjustment shall follow the
application, notice and public hearing
provisions set forth in Section 5-3.3.
The Board shall impose conditions of
approval to assure that the expanded
non-conforming use does not become
contrary to the public health, safety or
welfare or the spirit and purpose of
this ordinance.
No vested interest shall arise out of
the approval of a Conditional Use Per-
mit pursuant to this section.
4-6.6 Reconstruction of Certain
Lawful Non-Conforming Struc-
tures: Should any lawful non-con-
forming structure be destroyed by any
means to an extent of more than sev-
enty-five percent (75%) of its replace-
ment cost at the time of destruction, it
may only be reconstructed in confor-
mance with the provisions of this ordi-
nance; except that lawful
non-conforming structures that are
single family detached dwellings,
Special Session March 18, 1985
duplexes or town houses of not more
than two (2) laterally attached single
family dwellings, or multi-family dwell-
ings/townhouses not exceeding four (4)
units may be reconstructed to their
former condition, dimensions and loca-
tion on the lot p~ovided that the
destruction was caused by an accident
or act of God occurring after the adop-
tion of this ordinance and such recon-
struction does not increase the degree
of non-conformity that existed prior to
4-6.7 Prohibition on the Re-Estab-
lishment of Non-Conforming Uses
and Structures in Combination:
Where non-conforming status applies
to a use and structure in combination,
the removal or destruction of the
structure by more than seventy-five
percent (75%) of its replacement cost
at the time of destruction shall pro-.
hibit the re-establishment of the non-
conforming use in any case.
4-7 Home Occupations
4-7.1 General Provision:
A. Home occupations sim]l be per-
mitted as accessory uses within prin-
cipal residential dwellings provided
they meet the following provisions and
the requirements of the district in
which located. A home occupation
shall not be permitted that:
1) Changes the outside appearance
of the dwelling or is visable from the
2) generates traffic, parking, sewer-
age or water use in excess of what is
normal in the residential neighbor-
3) creates a hazard to person or
property, results in electrical interfer-
4) results in outside storage or dis-
play of any kind;
5) employees other than self or fam-
ily members residing on the premises;
6) occupies more than twenty-five
percent (25%) of the total floor area of
the dwelling uait;
7) requires deliveries ~)f nmteriais to
and from the premises involving the
use of vehicles over two (2) ton capac-
ity, except parcel post or similar parcel
service vehicles;
8) produces noise, vibration, smoke,
odors, heat or glare as a result of a
home occupation which would exceed
that normally produced by a single res-
idence as determined by the City Plan-
9) advertises using other than nauru,
phone number and post office box.
B. Customer and client contact shall
be primarily by telephone or mail and
not on the premises of the home occu-
pation, except those home occupations
such as tutoring, teaching, babysitting
or personal services which cannot be
conducted without personal contact
and as permitted li~ the following sec-
C. Services or sales conducted on the
premises shall be by appointment only
and shall not be oriented toward, or
attract, off-the-street customer or cli-
ent traffic.
4-7.2 Permitted Home Occupations:
The following are permitted home
a) dress making, sewing and tailor-
b) painting, sculpturing and writing
c) telephone answering
d) home crafts
e) tutoring limited to four (4) per-
sons at one time
0 home cooking and preserving
g) computer programming
h) art studio
i) babysitting for up to six (6) chil-
dren at one time
j) teaching limited to four (4) per-
sons at one time
k) cake decorating
1) income tax preparations
m) mailing services
n) insurance sales persons
o) ceran~ics
p) typist/stenographer
q) film processing
r) home products distributors
s) consultant services
4-7.3 Prohibited Home Occupa-
tions: The following uses shall be spe-
cifically prohibited as home
a) barber and beauty shops
b) automobile repair except that an
individual residing on the premises
may service his or her own vehicle pro-
viding that the provisions of Section 4-
7.1 are met and that no repairs shall
take place between the hours of 9:00
p.m. to 9:00 a.m.
c) antique/furniture refinishing for
for the general public
d) any use listed as office or com-
mercial uses permitted in other dis-
4-7.4 Home Occupations as Condi-
tional Uses: Any proposed occupation
not specifically permitted by Section
4-7.2 or specifically prohibited by Sec-
tion 4-7.3 shall be considered a condi-
tional use and be granted or denied by
the Board of Adjustment upon finding
that the proposed home occupation
can meet the provisions of Section 4-
202 Special Session, March 18, 1985 Special Session March 18, 1985 203
4-8 Adult Entertainment Require-
ments and Definitions
4-8.1 General Statement of Intent:
The special provisions of tins Section
are intended to regulate the location of
adult entertainment establishments asl
herein defined, by specifying districts in
winch such uses may be permitted and
requirements for spatial separation of
such uses. Notinng in this ordinance
shall be construed or interpreted to
permit adrfit entertainment in areas
other than those set forth herein.
Adult entertainment estabHshmente
are hereby acknowledged to have ape-
eiai characteristics and impacts upon
their surroundings, and upon the use
and enjoyment of adjacent property. It
is the intent of these regulations to
provide for the confinement of adult
entertainment establishments to those
Commercial and Industrial areas in
which these special impacts are judged
to be least disruptive to the use and
enjoyment of adjacent properties.
These regulatens are further intended
to require that adult entertainment
establishments shall not be permitted
to locate in such concentration that
their operational features may estab-
lish the dominant character of any
Commercial or Industrial area.
These regulations are further
intended to protect and balance lawful
rights of expression with other lawful
rights to the enjoyment and use of
property, and are made with full con-
siderallon of the legal and constitu-
tionalissues heretofore adjudicated.
The provisions of this section shaft
govern the location and spatial sepa-
ration of adult entertainment estab-
lishments in Commercial Districts and
Industrial Districts, and no such regu-
lated use, as defined, may be permitted
except in conformance with these pro-
4-8,2 Definitions: The following deft-
nitiolm shall govern the interpretation
of tins Section:
1) Adult Entertainment Estab-
llshments: An establishment having
as a substantial or siguificant portion
of its business the offering of entertain-
ment, stocks in trade of matertals,
scenes or other presentations charac-
terized by emphasis on depiction or
description of"Specified Sexual Actlvi-
ties" or "Specified Anatomical Areas",
as herein defined.
2) Adult Book Store: An establish-
ment having as a substantial or cig-
nificant portion of its stock in trade,
beaks, magazines, and other periodicals
winch are distinguished or character-
ized by their emphasis on matter
depicting, describing or relating to
"Specified Sexual Activities" or "Spe-
cified Anatomical Areas", (as defined
below), or an establishment or section
devoted to the sale or display of such
3) Adult Motion Picture Theater:
An enclosed building with a capacity
of 50 or more persons used for pre-
senthig material distinguished or char-
acterized by an emphasis on matter
depicting, describing or relating to
"Specified Sexual Activities" or
cified Anatomical Areas", (as defined
below) for observation by patrons
4) Adult Mini Motion Picture
Theater: An enclosed building with a
capacity for less than 50 persons used
for presenting material distinguished or
characterized by an emphasis on mat-
ter depicting, descalbing or relating to
"Specified Sexual Activities" or "Spe-
cified Anatomical Areas" (as defined
below), for observation by patrons
5) Specified Sexual Activities:
a) Human genitals in a state of sex-
ual stimulation or arousal;
b) Acts of human masturbation, sex-
ual intercourse or sodomy;
c) Fondling or other erotic touchP
ing of human genitals, pubic region,
buttock or female breast.
6) Specified Anatomical Areas:
a) Less than completely and
opaquely covered 1) human genitals,
pubic region; 2) buttock; and 3) female
breast below a point immediately
above the top of the areola; and
b) Human male genitals in a dis-
cerniiny turgid state, even if comple-
teiy and opaquely covered.
4-8.g Regulations Governing the
Location and Spatial Separation of
Adult Entertainment Establish-
merits: Adult entertainment establish-
ments, and including adult book steres,
adult motion picture theaters, and
adult mini-motion picture theaters, as
herein defined are hereby declared to
be regulated uses according to this
ordinance and their location and spa-
tial separation shall be governed by
rules as follows:
1) Adult entertainment may be
established witinn a Commercial Zon-
ing District or any Industrial Zoning
District but not within one thousand
two-hundred feet (1,200') of any Resi-
dential or Institutional Zoning Dis-
2) No adult entertainment use shall
be allowed within five hundred feet
(500') of any other adult entertainment
4-9 Maximum Front Yard Setback
Established for Residential Dis-
4-9.1 Statement of Intent: In order
to preserve the visual continuity and
harmony of existing and developing
residential areas, a maximum front
yard setback is hereby established.
4-9.2 Maximum Front Yard
Requirements: For any single family
detached and two-family residential
structure witinn R-1 through R-3 zon-
hag districts the maximum front yard
setback allowable shah be calculated
by doubling the required minimum
front yard setback, according to the
street classification witinn the specific
district in winch located, except that
within PR, Planned Residential Dis-
tricte, a maximum front yard setback,
if any, shah be established in the spe-
cific ordinance relating thereto.
5-1 Enforcement, Violations and
A. Enforcement: The provisions of
this Ordinance shah be administered
and enforced by the Zoning Adminis-
trator designated by the City Man-
B. Violations and Penalties:
1) Complaints Regarding Viola-
lions: Whenever a violation of this
ordinance occurs or is alleged to have
occurred, any person may file a com-
plaint of such alleged violation with
the Zoning Administrator stating fully
the facts or grounds upon winch the
complaint is based. The Zoning
Administrator shall prbmptly record
and investigate such complaint and
take appropriate action as provided by
this ordinance.
2) Enforcement Procedure;
Orders or Directives: Whenever the
Zoning Admiuistrater finds that any of
the provisions of this ordinance are
being violated, he shall promptly
notify in writing both the person(s)
responsible for such violations and the
City Manager, indicating in such
notice the nature of the violation and
the actions ordered to correct it. Tl~e
Zoning AdministraWr shall in all cases
take such actions or issue such orders
or directives as are authorized by tins
ordinance to insure compliance with or
to prevent violations of itc provisions.
3) Orders and Directives: In addi-
tion to all other powers conferred upon
him by this ordinance, the Zoning
Administrator shall have the power to
issue appropriate written orders or
directives to any person deemed to be
responsible for a violation of this ordi-
nance, as provided above under Sec-
tion 5-1 B(2). A failure to promptly
comply with such lawful orders or
directives shall be deemed a violation
of this ordinance, punishable as pro-
vided in Article IX. Such orders or
directives shall include, but shall not
be limited to: orders to discontinue
illegal use of land, buildings, or struc-
tares; orders to remove illegal buildings
or structures, or illegal additions,
alterations or structural changes to
buildings or structures; orders to dis-
continue illegal work or construction
or any other appropriate orders to pre-
vent or correct violations of this ordi-
5-2 Issuance of Building Permits
No building or other structure shall
be erected, moved, added to, or steuc-
turally altered without a building per-
mit therefor, issued by the Building
Commissioner, as provided by Ordi-
nance 3-75 of the City of Dubuque.
However, no such building permit shall
be issued by the Building Commis-
sioner except in conformity with the
provisions of this ordinance, unless he
receives a written order from the
Board of Adjustment in theigorm of an
administrative review, conditional use
permit, or variances as provided by this
5-3 Zoning Eoard of Adjustment
5-3.1 Establishment of Board: A
Zoning Board of Adjustment is hereby
established pttrsuant to Chapter 414 of
the Code of Iowa 1983. The word
"Board" as used in this ordinance shah
mean the Zoning Board of Adjust-
A. Membership of the Board: The
Board shall consist of five (5) mere-
hers appointed by the City Council.
B. Term of Office: Members of the
Board shall be appointed for a term of
five years, excepting that when the
Board shah first be created, one mem-
bet shah be appointed for a term qf
five years, one for a term of four years~
one for a term of three years, one for a
term of two years, and one for a term
of one year.
C. Removal: Board members may
be removed for cause by the City
Council upon written charges and after
a public heating.
D. Vacancies: Vacancies on the
Board shah be filled for the unexpired
term of any member whose term
becomes vacant.
204 Special Session March 18, 1985
5-3.2 General Procedure
A. Meetings: Meetings of the Board
shall be held at the call of the chair-
man and at such other times as the
Board may determine. Sucb chairman,
or in his absence, the acting chairman,
may adnfinister oaths and compel the
attendance of witnesses. All meetings
of the Board shall be opefi to the pub-
lic. The Board shall keep minutes of its
proceedings, showing the vote of each
member upon each question, or if
absent or failing to vote, indicating
such fact, and shall keep records of its
exanfinations and other official actions,
all of which shah be hnmediately filed
in the office of the Board and shall be
a public record. The Board may in
addition adopt general rules of proce-
dure not inconsistent with the provi-
sions of this Ordinance.
B. Vote of the Board: The con-
cerning vote of three members of the
Board shall be necessary to reverse any
order, requirement, decision or determi-
~mtlon of any admilfistrative official, or
to decide in favor of the applicant or
any matter upon which it is required
to pass under this ordinance, or to
effect any variation in such ordinance,
or to adopt, repeal, or amend any rule
of procedure adopted pursuant to this
5-3.3 General Powers: The Board
shall have the following powers:
A. Appeals from the Administra-
tive Official: To hear and decide
appeals where it is alleged there is
error in any order, requirement, deci-
sion, or determination made by an
adn(~aistrative official in the enforce-
ment of this ordinance.
B. Conditional Uses: To hear and
decide applications for Conditional Use
Permits upon which such Board is
required to pass under this ordinance.
C. Variances: To authorize upon
appeal in specific cases such variance
from the bulk regulation provisions
including parking and sign require-
ments of the ordinance as will not be
contrary to the public interest, where
owing to special conditions a literal
enforcement of the provisions of the
ordinance will result in unnecessary
hardship, and so that the spirit of the
ordinance shall be observed and sub-
stantiai justice done.
5-3.4 Conditional Use Provisions:
The Board of Adjustment may allow
as Conditional Uses only those uses
classified as Conditional Uses in this
ordinance. No Conditional Use shall be
allowed in a particular district unless
such use is specifically permitted as a
Conditional Use in the regulations for
that district, except as provided in
Section 4-6.2(F) of this ordinance, and
the Board shall not act upon any con-
ditional use permit application unless
and until the requirements for each
conditional use within the specific dis-
trict in which it is located has been
A. Application: Any person may
file an applicaten to use property for
one of the Conditional Uses permitted
in the district in which the property is
located. All applications for a Condi-
tional Use Permit shall be made upon
the official form for such applications
wifich sha[I be available without cost
from the Office of Development Ser-
vices. A sample copy of the application
form is contained in the Appendix to
this ordinance. The applicant shall be
required to supply ali pertinent items
of informafion contained to the review
of such application. Review of the
application for a Conditional Use Per-
mit may be obtained by delivering two
(2) copies of the completed application
form to the Zoning Administrator
together with payment of the required
fee as specified in Section 7 of this
ordinance. Upon receipt of the com-
)leted forms and the required fee, the
Zohing Admi~fistrator shall forthwith
transmit one (1) copy of the form to
the Board of Adjustment, retaining the
original form as part of his permanent
records. Prior to its review, the Board
may require the applicant for a Condi-
tional Use Permit to supply any fur-
ther information beyond that
contained in the application form
where it reasonably considers such
information necessary to make the
determinations required by Section
5~3.4(C) of this ordinance.
B. Notice and Hearing Required:
Following receipt of the completed
application form and any additional
informafion required by the Board, the
Board shah with due diligence hold a
public hearing to consider the applica-
tion for a Conditional Use Permit.
Notice of the time and place of the
)ubHc hearing shall be published in the
newspaper of general circulation at
least seven (7) days and not more than
twenty (20) days prior to such hearing.
The Board shall send notice of the
time and place of tile hearing by certi-
fied mail to all owners of property
within two-hundred fee (200') of the
property at which the Conditional Use
Permit is sought.
At the public hearing all interested
,arties shall be afforded a reasonable
Special Session March 18, 1985
opportunity to appear and express
their views on the application, either
in person or by agent.
c. Standards for Granting a Con-
ditional Use Permit: No Conditional
Use Permit shall be granted unless the
Board determines on the basis of spe-
cific information presented at the pub-
lic hearing or contained in the
application for such use that each of
the following conditions has been satis-
1) The proposed Conditional Use
will comply wth ali applicable regula-
tions of this ordinance, including lot
requirements, bulk regulations, use lim-
itations, and all other standards or
conditions contained in the provisions
authorizing such use.
2) Adequate utility, drainage and
other necessary facilities or improve-
mente have been or will be provided,
3) Adequate access roads or entrance
and exit drives will be provided and
will be designed so as to prevent traffic
hazards and to minimize traffic con-
filets and congestion in public streets
and alleys,
4) All necessary permits and licenses
required for the operation of the Con-
ditional Use have been obtained, or it
clearly appears that such permits are
obtainable for the proposed Condi-
tional Use on the subject property.
5) All exterior lighting fixtures are
shaded wherever necessary to avoid
casting direct light upon any property
located in a residential district.
6) The location and size of the Con-
ditionai Use, the nature and intensity
of the activities to be involved or con-
ducted in connection with it, the size
of the site in relation thereto, and the
location of the site with respect to
streets giving access to the Conditional
Use, shall be such that it will be in
harmony with the appropriate and
orderly development of the district and
neighborhood in which it is located.
7) The location, nature and height
of buildings, structures, walls, and
fences on the site and the nature and
extent of landscaping and screening on
the site shall be such that the use will
not reasonably hinder or discourage
the appropriate development, use and
enjoyment of the adjacent land, build-
ings and structures.
8) The proposed Conditional Use
will not cause substantial injury to the
value of other property in the neigh-
borhood in which it is located and will
contribute to and promote the conve-
nience and welfare of the public.
9) Additional standards for granting
a Conditional Use Permit for a change
in non-conforming uses:
'Where an applicant seeks a Condi-
tional Use Permit for the purpose of
changing from one non-conforming use
to another non-conforming use, as pro-
vided in Section 4-6.3 of this ordinance,
no Conditional Use P-Eermit for such
change shall be granted unless and
until the Board further determines, in
addition to the findings required by
this Section, that the proposed non-
confonning use is more appropriate to
the ptmpese and character of the zone
in which it is located than the existing
non-conforming use. The granting of
any Conditional Use Permit under tiffs
subsection shall not be deemed to oth-
erwise authorize in the district involved
any use not spficifically listed as a Per-
mitted or Conditional Use for the dis-
trict and the new non-conforming use
allowed by the permit shall be subject
to all provisions of Section 4-6 of this
ordinance to the same degree and
extent as the prior non-conforming
The Board may solicit the opinion
or advice of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, its staff, or any other
public agency or employee(s) whose
advice the Board considers necessary
to properly make the determinations
required by this Section. However,
such advice may not be relied upon in
whole or inpart as a basis for the ulti-
mate decision to grant, conditionally
grant, or deny the Conditional Use
Permit unless such advice is presented
to the Board in writing, is read or oth-
erwise publicly presented at the public
heating, and is specifically identified as
a determing consideration in the
Board's final written decision.
D. Conditions and Restrietlons
on the Conditional Use Permit
1) Imposition of Conditions and
Restrictions: In granting a Condi-
tional Use Permit, the Board may
nnpose any conditions or restrictions it
reasonably considers necessary to
insure full compliance with the stan-
dards of Section 5-3.4(C), to reduce or
eliminate any detrimental effect of the
proposed Conditional Use Permit upon
the neighboshood or the district, or to
carry out the general purposes and
intent of this Ordinance.
2) Modification of Conditions and
Restrictions: Any subsequent change
or modification of a condition or
restriction imposed by the Board of
Adjustment in granting a Conditional
Use Permit must be approved in the
same manner and with the same
206 Special Sessiov, March 18, 1985
requirements as the original applica-
tion for CondiUlonni Use Permit.
3) Violation of Conditions and
Restrictions: A vioiatlon of such con-
ditions and restrictions, when made a
part of the terms under which the
Conditional Use Permit is granted,
shall be deemed a violation of this
E. Decision and Records: The
Board shah reeder a written dedision
on an application for a Conditional
Use Permit within sixty (60) days after
the close of the public hearing. The
dec,ion of the Board shall contain spe-
cific findings of fact supporting the
granting or denial of the Conditional
Use Permit and shall clearly set forth
any conditions or restrictions imposed
pursuant to Section 5-3.4(D). The
Board shall maintain complete records
of aH actions with respect to appllca-
tions for Conditional Use Permits and
shall notify the City Council of the
Board's decision on each application.
F. Period of Validity: No Condi-
tional Use Permit granted by the
Board shall be valid for a period longer
than six (6) months from the date on
which the Board grants the Permit,
unless within such six (6) month
1) A building pemtit is obtained and
the erection or alteration of a structure
is started, or
2) An occupancy permit is obtained,
ff required, and the use is commenced.
The Board may grant a maximum of
two (2) extensim~s not exceeding six
(6) months each, upon written appH-
cation, without notice of hearing.
5-3.5 Variance Procedure
A. Application: Any person owning
property may apply for a variance
from the literal enforcement of the
bulk regulation provisions including
parking and sign requirements of tins
ordinance for the property or structure
involved. All applications for a vari-
ance shafi be made on the official form
for such applications which shall be
available without cost from the Zoning
Administrator. A sample copy of the
application form is contained in the
Appendix to this ordinance. The appli-
cant shall be required to supply all
pertinent items of information con-
teined on the official application form,
as a condition to review of such appli-
cation. Review of the application for a
variance may be obtained by delivering
a copy of the completed application
form to the Zoning Administrator
together with payment of the required
fee as specified in Section 7 of this
ordinance. Upon receipt of the com-
pleted forms and the required fee, the
Zoning Administrator shall forthwith
transmit a copy of the completed form
to the Board, retaining the original
form as part of ins permanent records.
Prior to its review, the Board may
require the applicant for a variance to
supply any further information beyond
that contained in the application form
where it reasonably considers such
information necessary to make the
B. ]q0t~ee and Meeting Require-
ments: Following receipt of a com-
pleted appllcatlon the Board shall,
with due diligence, consider such appll-
cation at a public meeting. Notice of
the tune and place of the meeting shah
be made by the Board by certified mail
notification to all owners of property
witinn two hundred feet (200') of the
property for which variance is sought.
At the public meeting, all interested
parties shall be afforded a reasonable
opportunity to appear and express
their views on the application, either in
person or by agent. A record of such
meeting shall be entered into the
minutes of the Board.
C. Requirements for the Granting
of a Variance: The Board shah grant
a variance only under exceptional cir-
cumstances where practical difficulty
or unnecessary hardsinp is so substan-
tial, serious and compelling that relax-
ation of the general restrictions ought
to be granted. No variance shall be
granted unless the applicant shah show
and the Board shall find that:
1) The particular property, because
of size, shape, topography or other
physical conditions, suffers singular
disadvantage through the application
of this ordinance winch disadvantage
does not apply to other properties in
the vicinity; and
2) because of tins disadvantage, the
owner is unable to make reasonable
use of the affected property; and
3) this disadvantage does not exist
because of conditions created by the
owner or previous owners of the prop-
erty; and
4) granting the variance requested
will not confer on the applicant any
special privilege that is denied by this
ordinance to other lands, structures~ or
buildings in the same district; and
5) granting of the variance will not
be contrary to the public interest, will
not adversely affect other property in
the vicinuty, and will be in harmony
with the intent and purpose of this
Special Session
In passing a variance, the Board
shall not coneider prospective financial
loss or gain to the applicant.
D. Conditions and Restrictions
Attached to the Granting of a Vari-
ance: In granting a variance, the
Board may impose any conditions or
restrictions it reasonably considers nec-
essary to insure full compliance with
the standards of Section 5-3.5(C) of
this ordinance, to reduce or eliminate
any detrimental effect of the proposed
variance upon the neighborhood or the
public weffare, or to carry out the gen-
eral purposes and intent of this ordi-
nance. Violation of such conditions
and restrictions, when made a part of
the terms under which a variance is
granted, shall be deemed a violation of
E. Decisions and Records: The
Board shall render a written decision
on an application for a variance witinn
sixty (60) days after the close of the
public meeting. The decision of the
Board shall contain specific findings of
fact supporting the granting or denial
of the variance and shall clearly set
forth any conditions or restrictions
imposed pursuant to Section 5-3.5(D)
of this Ordinance. The Board shall
maintain complete records of all action
with respect to applications for a vari-
5-3.6 Appeals from Board of
Adjustment Decisions: Appeals from
action or decision of the Board of
Adjustment shall be made in the man-
ner provided by Chapter 414 of the
Code of Iowa, 1983, or any other appli-
cable provisions of Iowa law,
5-4 Zoning Administrator
The City Manager shah designate a
Zoning Administrator who shall be
responsible for the enforcement and
administration of this ordinance. The
Zoning Administrator may be provided
with the ass'mtance of such other per,
sons as the City Manager may direct.
5-4.1 Duties of Zoning Administra-
tot: The Zoning Administrator shall
have the following duties and responsi-
1) To enforce the provisions of tins
ordinance by investigating information
concerning violations thereof, and tak-
tag such actions or issuing such orders
or directives as are deemed appropriate
to insure compliance with the ordi-
2) To keep accurate and complete
records of all investigations, enforce-
ment proceedings, Site Plans, PUD
Preliminary or Final Devblopment
Plans, Zoning Correspondence and
M~rch 18, 1985 207
such other re(~ords as he may be
required to keep under the provisions
of this ordinance.
3) To faithfully and promptly exe-
cute aH other duties or responsibilities
delegated to him under tins ordinance.
5-4.2 Interpretation By Zoning
Administrator: In making any judge-
ment, interpretation, or decision
authorized by this ordinance, the Zon-
ing Administrator shah consider and be
guided by the particular provisions of
this ordinance and relevant statomento
of intent contained herein, provided,/
however, that notinng herein shall be
deemed to authorize the Zoning
Administrator in the performance of
his duties to permit any exception to,
or variance from the provisions or
requirements of tins ordinance, or to
otherwise impinge upon the powers
vested in the Board of Adjustment.
5-5 Appeals to the Board, Stan-
dards and Procedure
A, Authorization: Appeals may be
made by any person aggreived or any
municipal officer, department, board or
bureau affected by any order, require-
ment, deciaion, or determination made
by an adminstrative official in the
enforcement of tins ordinance.
B. Procedure for Appeal: Appeals
may only be filed witinn 30 day~nn-
mediately following the date of the
administrative action winch is the sub-
ject of the appeal. An appeal is filed by
delivering to the administrative office
involved and to the Board a completed
Notice of Appeal, a sample copy of
winch appears in the Appendix to this
ordinance, together with the fee pay-
ment specified under Section 7 of tins
ordinance. Official Notices of Appeal
forms shall be available without cost
from the Zoning Administrator. The
Notice of Appeal must, in addition to
ali other information required by the
form, specify she particular grounds for
the appeal. The officer from whom the
appeal is taken shah forthwith trans-
mit to the Board all documents con-
stituting the record upon winch action
.appealed from was taken.
C. Effects of Appeal: An appeal
stays all proceedings in furtherance of
the action appealed from, unless the
officer from whom the appeal is taken
certifies to the Board of Adjustment
after the Notice of Appeal shall have
been filed with him that by reason of
facts stated in the certificate a stay
would in his opinion cause imminent
peril to life or property. In such case
proceedings shall not be stayed other-
wise than by a restraining order which
208 Special Session, March 18, 1985 Special Sessio~, March 18, 1985 209
may be granted by the Board of
Adjustment or by a court of record on
application on notice to the officer
from whom the appeal is taken and on
due cause shown.
D. Board Decision of Appeal: In
exercising its powers of appeal the
Board may, in conformity with the
provisions of this ordinance, reverse or
affirm, wholly or partly, or may mod-
ify the order, requirement, decision, or
deterlnination appealed from any may
make such order, requirement, decision,
or determination as ought to be made,
and to that end shall have all the
powers of the officer from whom the
appeal is taken.
6-1 Zoning Reclassification Proce-
6-1.1 General Statement of Intent:
The Council finds that the reclassifica-
tion of property is a sensitive and
important legislative function which, hi
the interest of maintaining uniform
zoning policies and the integrity of the
City Plan, should only be exercised
sparingly and under proper conditions.
For this reason, and because the origi-
nal zoning district boundaries under
this ordinance are presumed to be cor-
rect and appropriate, it shall hereafter
be the policy of the City Council to
reclassify property only where a clear
showing has been made that the origi-
nal clarification was a mistake or that
circumstances and conditions affecting
the property in question have so mate-
rially changed so as to demand reclas-
sification in the public interest.
The reclassification procedur~ out-
lined herein should not be confused
with, or used in place of, the ordinance
amendment process or the variance
process. Thus, the Council intends that
reclassification of property should not
be entertained where 1) an alleged
hardship peculiar to the property is
clakned, which is more properly the
subject of a variance request, or 2) it is
alleged that the ordinance provision
themselves as applied to similar prop-
erties are unreasonable, which is more
properly the subject of an amendment
proposal. In all cases, the burden shall
be upon the person(s) seeking reclassi-
fication to demonstrate that the
requested reclassification is more
appropriate than the present classifica-
tion, in light of the characteristics of
the property and the public welfare.
Furthermore, it is contemplated
under this ordinance that the Planning
Commission is, in the first instance, the
body responsible for tim formulation
and continuing review of the City
Plan, as expressed herein, and that the
Commission shall be charged with the
duty of periodically reviewing the poll-
cies and provisions of tlfis ordinance in
light of its purposes and changing con-
ditions, and proposing on its own ini-
tiative such district reclasaifications or
ordinance amendments as may be
deemed appropriate to secure the pub-
lic welfare.
6-1.2 Application Requirements:
Any person may request a rectsssifica-
tion of property to another district,
regardless of such persons interest in
the property, by submitting a com-
pleted zoning reclassification applica-
tion together with the fee as specified
in Section 7-2 of this ordinance, to the
Development Services Division. The
Planning and Zoning Commission shall
consider the request with diligence. On
finding the request to be inappropriate,
the Commission may forthwith return
a recommendation for denial to the
City Council. The Commission may
not recommend approval of any reclas-
sification request which is found to be
substantial in nature, as defined in
Section 6-1.3, without first conducting
a public hearing on such reclassifica-
tion. Where a reclassification request is
not deemed substantial in nature, the
Commission may in its discretion, but
shall not be required to, hold a public
hearing thereon. The Commission shall
hold a public hearing on any request
when so directed by the City Council.
6-1.3 Substantial / Non - Substan-
~al Requests: For purposes of this
ordinance, the following shafi be con-
sidered substantial reclassification
1) Any request which would result
in the expansion in area of an exist-
lng zoning district by more than
twenty percent (20%); or
2) Any request which would result
in the creation of a new district; or
3) Any request involving the reclas-
sification of more than two (2) acres
of property; or
4) Any request for a Planned Dis-
trict designation.
6~1.4 Commission Action: Following
the public hearing, or if no hearing is
held, then at any time following
receipt of the reclassification request,
the Commission may act to recom-
mend approval or disapproval of the
request. The affirmative vote of at
least fov, r (4) Commission members
shall be required to constitute approval
of a substantial zoning reclasd~fication
request as defined in Section 6-1.3, and
any lesser number of affirmative votes
shall constitute a disapproval of the
request. A failure of the Commission to
consider a zoning reclassification
request within sixty (60) days following
receipt of the request shall constitute
Commission approval thereof. A rec-
ommendation of the Commisaion shall
forthwith be transmitted to the City
Council for its action.
6-1.5 Council Action: Following
receipt of any recommendation of the
Commission, or on finding that~ the
Commission has not considered the
request within the s~xty (60) day lim-
itation, the City Council may initiate
final action on the request. A Com-
mission recommendation for denial of
a request may be approved by the
Council without public hearing. If the
Commission recommends approval of a
request, the City Council shall act to
hold its own public hearing on the
requested reclassification, at which
time all interested parties shall have
an opportunity to be heard. At least
seven (7) days and not more than
twenty (20) days notice of the thne
and place of such hearing shall be pub-
lished in a newspaper of general circu-
latlon in the City.
Following the public hearing, the
Council shall act to adopt or reject the
reclasaification request. In cases where
the Commission has recommended dis-
approval of the reclassification the
affirmative vote of at least three-
fourths (3/4) of the Council shall be
reqnired to enact the reclasshqcation.
Furthermore, in case of a written
protest against the reclassification
request which is filed with the City
Clerk and signed by the owners of 20
percent (20%) or more of the area of
the lots included in the request, or by
the owners of 20 percent (20%) or more
of the property which is located within
two hundred feet (2~0') of the exterior
boundaries of the property being con-
sidered for reclassification, such
request shall not be enacted except by
the favorable vote of at least three-
fourths (3/4) of the Council.
6-2 Notice and Hearing Require-
6-2.1 Notice of Commission Hear-
ings: Notice of the time and place of
all public hearings to be held by the
Planning Commission shall be pub-
lished in a newspaper of general cfr-
culation in the City at least Seven (7)
days and not more than twenty (20)
days prior to the date of the hearing.
A reasonable effort shall be made to
notify by mail those property owners
whose property is being considered for
reclassification and those adjacent
owners of property within two hundred
feet (200') therefrom, prior to the first
public hearing in which the reclassifi-
cation request will be considered.
Where the Commission has acted to
set a public hearing on a reclassifica-
tion request, the Commission shall
take responsible steps to give notice of
the time, place, and subject of the
hearing by certified mail to all prop-
erty owners within two hundred feet
(200') of the property for which reclas-
sification is requested, and to the
owner(s) of the property included in
such request. Where no Commission
hearing is held, Council shall be
responsible for mailing such notice.
Only one mailing shall be required in
any event, and mail notice by the
Council shall not be required where the
Commission has set its own public
hearing on the request. In all cases,
however, the notice shall be mailed not
less than seven (7) days and not more
than 20 days, prior to the public hear-
lng announced therein.
6~2~2 Hearing Procedures: At all
public hearings held by the Planning
Commission or City Council, all
interested persons shall have an oppor-
tunity to express their opinions on the
subject matter at hand, either in per-
son or by agent, subject in all cases to
reasonable rules of procedure.
6-3 Text Amendment Procedure
6-3.1 Commission Action: Any per-
son may propose amendments to the
provisions of this ordinance by deliv-
ering a copy of the proposed amend-
ment to the Development Services
Division. Such proposals shall be con-
sidered in regular session by the Plan-
ning Commission, which will diligently
act to set the proposal for public hear-
lng as provided in Section 6-2. Follow-
lng the public hearing, the Commission
shall act to approve or disapprove the
proposed amendment.
The affirmative vote of at least four
(4)~ Commission members shall be
reqnired to constitute approval of the
proposal, and any lesser number of
affirmative votes shall be considered
disapproval of the amendment. The
CommisSion's recommendations shall
be forthwith transmitted to the Coun-
cil for their action. A failure by the
Commission to act within sixty (60)
days following receipt of the proposed
amendment shall consf~tute Commis-
sion approval thereof.
Special Session, March 18, 1985
6-3.2 Council Action: Folhiwing
receipt of the Commission's recommen-
dation or expiration of the sixty (60)
day limit for Commission action,
Council shall act to hold its own public
hearing po the proposed amendment,
at which all interested parties shall
have an opportunity to be heard. At
least seven (7) days and not more than
twenty (20) days notice of the time
and place of such hearing shall be pub-
lished in a newspaper of general circu-
lation in the City.
Following the public hearing, Coun-
cji shall adopt or reject the proposed
amendment. In those cases where the
Commission has recommended disap-
proval of the amendment, the affirma-
tive vote of at least three-fourths (3/4)
of the City Council shall be required to
enact the amendment.
7-1 Fees Required
Any application for the following
shall be accompanied by the requisite
1) Vatia~nce;
2) Conditional use permit;
3) Appeals to the Board of Adjust-
4) Amendinent to this Ordinance;
5) ReclasSification of property;
6) Planned District proposals;
7) Site plan review;
8) Temporary sign certificate;
9) Temporary use.
7-2 Amount of Fee
The amount of each fee shall be as
established by Resolution of the City
Council in an official schedule of plan-
ning and zoning fees.
7-3 Payment
All fees shall be collected by the
City Development Planner at the time
of application for deposit with the City
7-4 Fee Exemption
No fee is required for applications
filed in the public interest by mem-
bets of the City Council, Planning and
Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board
of Adjustment or the City Manager.
In the interpretation of this ordinance,
the following words and terms are to
be used and interpreted as defined
Accessory Building: A subordinate
building, located on the same lot as
the main building, the use of which is
clearly incidental to and customati]y
found in connection with the main
building or principle use of the land.
Accessory Use: A use which is clearly
nicidental to and customarily found in
connection with the principle use of
the premises and which is located on
the same lot as the principle use.
Adult Entertainment Establish-
ments: See Section 4-8 of this ordi-
Alley: A public right-of-way which
affords a secondary means of access
to abutting properties, not to be con-
sidered a street.
Amusement Center: A facility pro-
riding 3 or more coin or token acti-
vated machines or devices for use by
patrons as games of skill or entertain-
Automated Bank Teller: A machine
or device for the dispensing and col-
lecting of cash and conducting of other
banking activities by the customer
without an attendant.
Babysitting: A residential accessory
use providing temporary supplemenial
parental care for non-related children
under twelve (12) years of age where
such care is provided within a dwelling
unit by the permanent resident thereof
and that the number of such children
shall not exceed six (6) children at any
Basement: Any floor level below the
first story in a building, except that a
floor level in the building having only
one floor level shall be classified as a
basement unless such floor level qua-
lifies as first story. (See diagram for
Boarding House: See Rooming
connecting two otherwise detached
buildings. Breezeway connections shall
not be construed to alter the detached
status of the buildings so connected.
Building: Any structure used or
intended for supporthig or sheltering
Building Height: The vertical dis-
tance from the average ground level
at the front wall of the building to the
highest point of the underside of the
ceiling beams for a flat roof or to the
deck line of a mansard roof, or to the
mean height level between eaves and
ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs.
Building Line: See Setback.
Bulk Regulations: An indication of
size and setbacks of buildings and their
location with respect to one another
including lot area, lot frontage, lot cov-
erage, required front yard, required
side yard, required rear yard, and
building height.
dian service, dry cleaners, floor wax-
ing service, linen supply, janitorial
Special Session March 18, 1985 211
services, diaper service, lighting mainte-
nance service, carpet and upholstery
cleaning, news syndicates, equipment
rental/leasing, photofinishing labora-
tories, trading stamp service, funeral
services, commercial testing labora-
tories, auctioneering se~ice, automo-
bile shows, bottle exchanges, fire
extinguisher service, invalid supplies
rental, packaging/labling service, sign
painting/lettering service, swimming
pool cleaning/maintenance, water soft-
ening service, parking lot maintenance
service, snow removal service, tattoo
parlors, pet grooming, advertising
agencies, outdoor advertising services,
shopping news advertising, blueprinting
service, photocopying serviee/dupllcat-
lng/mimeographing commercial pho-
tegraphy, arts and graphics, window
cleaning service, disinfecting and exter-
minating services, building cleaning
service/office cleaning, and chimney
cleaning services.
Car Wash, Full Service: A building
or section thereof containing facilities
for washing motor vehicles, using pro-
duction line methods or mechanical
devices and does not include customer
self service.
Car Wash, Self Service: A buihling
or section thereof containing facilities
for washing motor vehicles by provid-
lng spaces, water and hand held equip-
ment for washing of motor vehicles by
the customer.
Club, Private: A non-profit voluntary
association of persons for the promo-
tion of same purposes or philosophy.
The permitted uses of a building
owned or leased by such an associa-
tion shall include all customary club
activities such as lectures, discussions,
meetings, social or recreational events,
and similar activities, and shall also
include as an accessory use the sale of
food or beverages, but only where lim-
itod to club members and guests and
only in conformance with all state and
federal regulations.
Comn~ssion: Shall mean the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Conditional Use: A use which is per-
mitred in a district only upon a find-
ing by the Board of Zoning
Adjustment at a public hearing that
specific conditions as established by
this ordinance are present and can be
Day-Care Center, or Nursery
School: An establishment rggularly
providing temporary supplemental
parental care or educational instruc-
tion for more than six (6) non-related
children under twelve (12) years of
Deck: A fiat floored roofless struc-
Density: The average number of per-
sons, families or dwelling units per unit
Department Store: Any retail store
offering multiple lines or categories of
Drive-In Restaurant: See restaurant,
Duplex: See dwelling, two family.
Dwelling: Any building or portion
thereof contaning one (1) or more
dwelling units, but not including
motels, hotels, rooming or boarding
nursing homes.
Dwelling, Single Family: A building
designed exclusively to contain one (1)
dwelling unit, the main body of which
shall not be less than twenty (20) feet.
Dwelling, Two Family: A building
designed exclusively to contain two (2)
dwelling units. A two family dwelling is
a duplex.
Dwelling, Multiple Family: A build-
ing designed exclusively to contain
three (3) or more dwelling units, but
not including townhouses.
Dwelling Unit: A building or portion
of a building which is exclusively
arranged, occupied, or intended to be
occupied as living quarters for one
Family: Any number of people occu-
pying a single dwelling unit living
together as a single housekeeping unit,
related by blood, marriage or formal
adoption plus not more than three (3)
additional people not so related, except
that foster children shall be considered
as formally adopted.
Family Home: A community based
re~Cldeniial hom~ which is licensed as
a residential care facility under Chap-
ter 135C of the Code of Iowa or as
a child foster care facility under Chap-
ter 237 of the Code of Iowa to provide
room and board, personal care, habi-
tualation services, and supervision in a
family envfronment exclusively for not
more than eight (8) developmentally
disabled persons and any necessary
support personnel. However, family
home does not mean an individual fos-
ter family home licensed under Chap-
ter 237 of the Code of Iowa.
Flammable or Explosive Materials:
Any substance which decomposes
through detonation or which is intense
burning. In addition, any substance
which is considered an "explosive" or a
"flammable liquid" as defined in Di~-
212 Special Seseiar March 18, 1985 Special Session March 18, 1985 213
sion IV of Article 1 of the City of
Dubuque Fire Code shall be considered
a"flarmnable or explosive material".
Flood Hazard Overlay District: See
Section 3-5.3
Garage, Residential: A structure or
building or portion thereof in winch
one or more cars are parked or stored.
For purposes of tins ordinance garages
include carports.
Garage Sale (Rummage Sale): A res-
identini accessory use whereby items
accumulated during the every-day reel-
dential use of a dwelling are sold.
Eden, Non-Commercial: A plot of
ground where fruit, herbs, flowers, veg-
etables or other plants are grown and
for which the owner or operator
derives no compensation on the site.
Gas Stations: Building and premises
where gasoline, oil and minor auto
accessories may be supplied and dis-
pensed at retail. A gas station is not a
service station. For other services in
addition to the sales of gasoline see
Service Station.
Gas Station, Automated: A gas sta-
tion characterized by customer acsi-
vated fuel dispensing and packaged
automotive products as the primary
method to sell such products.
Greenhouse, Non-Commercial: A
building constructed primarily of glass
or similar material in winch tempera-
ture and humidity can be controlled
for the cultivation of fruit, herbs, flow-
ers, vegetables or other plants but not
for sale on the premises.
Group Home: Any group of persons
not meeting the definition of family
and occupying a single dwelling unit
living together as a single housekeep-
Lng unit, but not including a boarding
or rooming house or family home.
Home Occupation: Any occupation
or activity conducted witinn a dwelling
unit winch is clearly incidental and
secondary to the use of the premises
for dwelling purposes. See Section 4-7
of the ordinance for further informa-
Hospice: A freestanding building serv-
lng as a medlcal and residential facility
for terminally ill people, providing
inpatient services and support services
for families of the residents and
Hotel: Any building contaiuing six (6)
or more guest rooms designed for occu-
pancy for sleeping purposes by guests.
Housing for the Elderly, Handi-
capped and Disabled: A dwelling
designed, maintained, and operated for
exclusive occupancy by elderly, handi-
capped and disabled persons who con-
stitute an elderly family as defined by
the regulations of the United States
Department of Housing and Urban
Development and providing that one
dwelling unit may be used for a reai-
dent manager who shall be exempt
from occupancy age limitations.
Intensification of Use: An intonsifi-
cation of a use thati be any change,
alteration, extension, expansion or
enlargement of a use or use and struc-
ture in combination where the off-
street parking requirements of this
ordinance would be calculated at a
ingher ratio and/or would require that
additional off-street parking spaces be
Laundromat: An establishment pro-
viding for the self scqwice washing, dry-
ing and cleaning of cloths or linens.
Lot, Zoning: A zoning lot is a parcel
of land of at least sufficient size to
meet minhnum zoning requirements for
use, coverage, and area, and to provide
such yards and other open spaces as
are herein required. Such lot shall have
frontage on an improved public street,
or on an approved private street, and
may consist of:
a) A single lot of record;
b) a portion of a lot of record;
c) a cominnation of complete lots of
record, of complete lots of record and
portions of lots of record, or of por-
tions of lots of record;
d) a parcel of land described by
meets and bounds; provided that in no
case of division or combination shall
any residual lot or parcel be created
winch does meet the requirements of
tins ordinance.
Lot Area: The total horizontal area
included witinn the boundaries of the
property lines.
Lot Coverage: That portion of a lot
covered by principal and accessory uses
and/or buildings expressed as a per-
centage of the lot area.
Lot Depth: The average distance from
the front property line to the rear
property line, measured in the general
direction of the side property lines of
the lot.
Lot Frontage: All sides of a lot adja-
cent to a street and measured along
the front property line as it abuts the
street or along the street right-of-way
line on unplatted streets.
Lot Line: See property line.
Lot of Record: A lot winch is part of
a subdivision recorded in the office of
the County Recorder, or lot or parcel
described by meets and bounds; the
description to which has been so
Lot Types:
a) Corner Lot: A lot located at the
intersection of two or more streets.
b) Interior Lot: A lot other than a
corner lot with only one frontage on a
c) Through Lot: A lot other than a
corner lot with frontage on more than
one street.
Lot Types:
Lot Width: The horizontal distance
between the side property lines mea-
sured at the front property line as it
abuts the street or along the street
~ght-of-way line on unplatted streets,
except that on cul-de-aac lots, the lot
width shall be measured at the
required front yard setback line.
Manufactured Home: A factory built
single-family structure, winch is manu-
factured or constructed under the
authority of 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5403, Fed-
eral Manufactured Home Construction
and Safety Standards, and is to be
used as a place for human habitation,
but winch is not constructed with a
permanent intch or other device allow-
ing it to be moved other than for the
purpose of moving to a permanent site,
and winch does not have permanently
attached to its body or frame any
wheels or axles. A mobile home is not
a manufactured home unless it has
been converted to rea] property and is
taxed as a site built dwelling. For the
purpose of these regulations, manufac-
tured home shall be considered the
same as any site built single-family
214 Special Ses~or,March18,1985
detached dwelling.
Mobile Home: Any vehicle without
motive power used or so manufactured
or constructed as to permit its being
used as a conveyance upon the public
streets and highways and so designed,
constructed, or reconstructed as will
permit the vehicle to be used as a place
for human habitation by one or more
persons; but shall also include any
such vehicle with motive power not
re~stered as a motor vebicle in Iowa.
A mobile home is factory-buflt housing
built on a chassis. A mobile home shall
not be construed to be a travel trailer
or other form of recreational vehicle. A
mobihi home shall be construed to
remain a mobile borne, subject to all
regulations applying thereto, whether
or not wheels, axles, hitch, or other
appurtenances of mobility are removed
and regardless of the nature of the
foundation provided. However, certain
mobile homes may be classified as
"manufactured homes". Nothing in
tbAs ordinance shall be construed as
permitting a mobile home in other
tban an approved mobile home park,
unless such mobile home is classified as
a manufactured home.
Mobile Home park/Subdivision:
Land exclusively designed and deve-
loped for two or more lots to be sold
or rented for the placement of mobile
Motel: Motel shall mean hotel as
defined by this ordinance.
Motor Freight Terminal: A building
or area in which freight brought by
motor truck is received, assembled or
stored and dispatched for routing by
motor truck which may include motor
truck storage.
Nursery School: See Day-Care Cen-
Nursing or Convalescent Home: An
establlshinent providing full-time and
beusing and care for the aged or phys-
ically infirm, and not involving sur-
gory, obstetrical services, or other
provided in hospitals or clinics. Such
establlshinent may involve usual con-
valescent or chronic care including
bedside nursing care, admidistration of
medicines or special diets, application
of bandages or dressings, and aim flat
Office, General: A business establish-
ment, or portion thereof, where con-
sulthig, record keeping, bookeeping and
clerical work are performed, but not to
incinde medical offices or clinics.
Office, Medical: A business establish-
ment, or portion thereof, furnishing
medical, surgical or other service to
individuals, including the offices of
ihysicians, dentists, and other health
~ractitioners, medical and dental labs,
out-patient care facilities, blood banks,
and oxygen and miscellaneous types of
medical supplies and services.
Open Space: That part of a lot not
tevoted to buildings, structures, park-
ing or loading areas, driveways or any
)rincipal or accessory use.
Open Space, Usable: An area of land
or water or combination of land and
water which may include complimen-
tary structures and improvements
within the site, excluding space
devoted to parking, designed and
intended for common use and enjoy-
Personal Services: Babysitting ser-
vice, dating service, debt counseling to
individuals, escort service, genealogical
hivestigation service, marriage counsel-
ing, shopping service, tax return prepa-
ration service, consumer credit
reporting agencies, adjustment and col-
lection agencies, address list compilers,
addressing service, direct mail advertis-
ing service, mailing list cmnpilers,
mailing service, court reporting service,
letter writing service, public stenogra-
)hers, stenographic service, typing ser-
vice, employment agencies, temporary
help supply service, management, con-
sulting and public relations service,
detective agencies and protective ser-
vices, business brokers, interior
decorating service, messenger service,
notary publics, repossession service, tax
collection agencies, telephone solicita-
tion service, clothing / costume rental,
dressmaking service / seamstress, quilt-
lng for individuals and reducing salons
/ weight control clinics.
Planned District: A district with
development characterized by a unified
site development plan which may pro-
vide for a mixture or combination of
residential, recreation and open space,
with the provisions of this ordinance.
Premises: A lot, together with all
improvements thereon.
Principal Permitted Use: A main or
predominant use maintained on a lot
or premises. In some districts, mainto-
nance of more than one principal per-
mitted use on a lot or premises may
be permitted.
Property Line: The legal, platted
boundary of a lot or parcel of land.
Recreation, Indoor: A facility for
relaxation, diversion, amusement or
enter~uinment in which participants or
customers are charged for use of the
Special Session March 18, 1985
facilities, devices or equipment, all
such activity shall occur within the
building or structure.
Recreation, Outdoor: A facility for
relaxation, diversion, amusement or
entertainment in which the partici-
pants or patron customarily pay a fee
for the use of facilites, devices or
equipment, all or most of such activi-
ties shall occur on the exterior but
witldn the property of the facility.
Recreational Vehicles: Any units
designed for living or sleeping purposes,
permanently equipped with wheels or
permanently placed upon a wheel
device for the purpose of transporting
from place to place~ This shall include
but is not limited to cmnping trailers,
campers, tent trailers, motor homes
and tent campers.
Restaurant, Drive-In/Carry Out:
Any business establishinent or portion
thereof where food is prepared for sale
for consumption off the premises,
including all restaurants advertising
and/or allowing carry-out service.
Restaurant, Indoor: Any business
establishinent or portion thereof where
food is prepared for sale for consump-
fion on the premises.
Retail Sales: The sale of merchandise
for direct consumption or use by the
purchaser as an ultimate consumer.
Rooming House: Any building or
portion thereof, containing a single
dwelling uuit, wherein meals or lodg-
lng or beth are provided for direct or
indirect compensation to not less than
ttrcee (3) and not more than ten (10)
u~rcelated persons.
Rummage Sale: See Garage Sale.
Service Stations: Any premises pro-
viding motor fuels, tires, accessories,
lubricants and maintenance repair ser-
vices at retail direct to the motorist
consumer. Service stations shall not
include major automotive repair such
as tire recapping, body work, frame
straightening, welding, painting or stor-
age of non-operable vehicles.
Setback: The ~ninimum horizontal
distance between a property line and
the nearest portion of a structure to
such property line.
Shopping Center, Neighborhood: A
group of commercial establishments
with off-street parking on the property
that are planned and developed as an
architectural unit, with a primary
trade area of the neighberhood(s) in
which it is located.
Shopping Center, Regional: A group
of commercial establishments with off-
street parking on the property that are
planned and developed as an architec-
tural unit, a centrally managed facility
requiring a highway or arterial location
for their most beneficial operation; the
market area of which includes the met-
ropo]itan area.
Sign: See Section 4-3.
Story: That portion of a building
included between the upper surface of
any floor and the upper surface of the
floor next above, except that the top-
most story shafi be that portion of a
building included between the upper
surface of the topmost floor and the
ceiling or roof above. If the finished
floor level directly above a usable or
unused under-floor space is more than
6 feet above grade as defined herein
for more than 50 percent of the total
perhneter or is more than 12 feet above
grade as defined herein at any point,
such usable or unused under-floor
space shall be considered as a story.
Story, First: The lowest story in a
building which qualifies as a story, as
defined herein, except that a floor level
in a building having only one floor
level shall be classified as a first story,
provided such floor level is not more
than 4 feet below grade, as defined
herein, for more than 50 percent of the
total perimeter, or more than 8 feet
below grade, as defined herein, at any-
Special Session, March 18,1985
Structure: Anything constructed or
erected with a fixed location on the
ground, or attached to something with
a fixed location on the ground. Stuc-
tures include but are not limited to
buildings, mobile homes, walls, fences,
billboards, poster panels, above ground
storage tanks, and similar uses.
Terrace: A raised earthen embank-
ment with the top leveled. A terrace
may be supported by a retaining wall.
Townhouses: Any series of two or
more laterally attached single family
dwellings in which each dwelling has
separate access, utilities service and in
which no dwelling is placed on top of
Use: The purpose of activity for which
land and/or the buildings thereon are
designed, arranged, or intended or for
which it is occupied or maintained.
Variance: A limited exception from
the strict application of the bulk regn-
lations of this ordinance which may
be granted by the Board of Adjust-
ment according to the standards of
Section 5-3.5 of this ordinance.
Vehicle: A vehicle shall be broadly
interpreted to mean any implement of
conveyance designed or used for the
transportation of people or materials
on land, water or air, including but
not limited to automobiles, trucks,
bicycles, motorcycles, snowmobiles,
boats, airplances, helicopters, trailers,
Wholesale Establishment: A busi-
ness establishment engaged in selling to
retailers or distributors rather than to
Yard: A required open space which is
unoccupied and unobstructed by any
stxucture or portion thereof from the
natural ground level to the sky, except
as otherwise provided in this ordi-
Yard, Front: The required yard
extending between side lot lines across
the front of a lot adjoining a street. In
the case of corner lots and through
lots, front yards shafi be required at all
frontages of the lot. The depth of
required front yard shall be measured
at right angles to the front property
line. The required front yard line shall
be parallel to the front property line.
Yard, Rear: The required yard
extending across the rear of the lot
between inner slde yard lines: In the
case of through lots and corher lots,
there will be no rear yards, but only
front and side yards. Depth of required
rear yaxds shall be measured in such a
manner that the yard established is a
strip of the minimum width required
by district regulations with its inner
edge parallel to the rear property line.
Yard, Side: The yard extending from
the rear line of the required front yard
to the rear property line. In the case of
through lots, side yard shall extend
from the rear lines of front yards
required· In the case of corner lots,
yards remaining after front yards have
been established shall be considered
side yards. Width of a required side
yard shall be measured in such manner
that the yard established is a strip of
the minimum width required by dis-
trict regulations with its inner edge
parallel to the side property line.
Yard, Special: A required yard other
than the required front yard so
oriented that neither the terms "side
yard" nor "rear yard" clearly apply.
In such cases the City Development
Planner shall determine, based on
topography, location, orientation and
pattern of adjacent structures and
development, Which yard requirement
is more appropriate.
Special Session March 18, 1985
9-1 Repeal of Conflicting Ordi-
Upon the effective date and publi-
cation of this ordinance, Ordinance No.
32-75 and all amendments thereto shall
he, and the same hereby are repealed.
However, in the event that this ordi-
nance shall fail to become effecUxve for
any reason whatsoever, Ordinance No.
32-75 and all amendments thereto sha[
remain in full force and effect.
9-2 Effective Date of Ordinance
This ordinance shall be in force and
effect on the day of its final passage,
adoption, and publication as provided
by law.
ADOPTED this 18th day of March,
James E. Brady, Mayor
Mary A. Davis, City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this 25th day of
March, 1985.
Council Member Manning moved
final adoption of the Ordinance, Zon-
ing Map and Street Classification.
Seconded by Council Member Kron.
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council
Members Deich, Hammel, Kluesner,
Kronfeldt, Manning.
Abstain--Council Member Beur-
~ ~ LX)cal ~
~wc~s o~c~ ~
,uou,, ,ow~
[TH \ : ~
218 Special Sessio~, March 18,1985
Communication of Dubuque Jaycees
requesting that the Council reconsider
an Ordinance relating to the consump-
tlon of beer in Washington Ppxk,
presented and read. Council ~,ember
Beurskens moved that the com-
municatinn be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Kron-
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mere.
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager sub-
mitt'mg proposed terms and conditions
for use of Washington Park by the
Dubuque Jaycees, presented and read.
Council Member Beurskens moved that
the communication be received and fil-
ed. Seconded by Council Member Krun-
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Daich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of Chairperson of the
Park and Recreation Commission ad-
vising of actions t~ken by the Commis-
sion at thsir meeting held on March 12,
1985, presented and read. Council
Member Beurskens moved that the
communication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Kron-
feldt. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
Klueeuar, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Council Member Beurskens moved to
suspend the rules to let anyone address
the Council ff they so desire. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfoldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Krunfeldt, Manning.
Chad Cox of Jayeees requested Coun-
cil reconsider tbeir action taken at the
meetings of February 18 and March 4th
and grant request to serve beer in
Washington Park by the Jayceee.
John Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick's,
2600 Dodge Street objected to peeeib'di-
ty of granting beer permit in
Washington Park.
Council Member requesting Jaycees
try the Downtown plaza area for eerv-
ing beer.
Mayor Brady moved that the City
Manager and Staff proceed with alloca-
tion of license to Jaycees for Downtown
Clock Plaza area. Seconded by Council
Member Manning. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, ~ouncil
Members Beurskens, Klusener, Mann-
Nays--Council Members Deich,
Hammsi, Kronfeldt.
AN ORDINANCE Amending Sec-
tion 27-49 by adding thereto a new sub-
paragraph (e) Providing for the
authorization of the use and consump-
tion of beer in Washington Park under
recommendation of the Park and
Recreation Commission and approval
of by the City Council, presented and
read. Council Member Kronfeldt moved
that the reading just had be considered
the first reading of tho Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member Banr-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurekens, Hammel, Klueener,
Kronfsidt, Manning.
Nays--Council Member Deich.
Communication of City Manager re.
questing approval to proceed in the cu~
rent fiscal year with the demolition and
reeurfacing of the 'Rotman Building
Property at 335 Iowa Street for con-
struction of parking area, presented
and read. Council Member Beurskens
moved that the coromunieatinn be
received and filed and demolltinn to
proceed and Staff to provide with
necessary budget amendment. Second-
ed by Council Member Kconfoldt. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dalch, Hammel,
Klueaner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager re-
questing approval of a contract bet-
ween the City and Dubuque County for
completion of the installation of live
cablecasting equipment in the Dubuque
Special Session
County Courthouse, presented and
read. Counc'd Member Beurskens mov-
ed that the request be approved and
Mayor to execute contract. Seconded
by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried
by the following vote:
Ycas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluaaner, Krom%ldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager re-
queet'mg consent to a pricing structure
for disposition sites in the Dubuque In-
dustrlal center, presented and read.
Council Member Beurskens moved that
the communication be received and
filed. Seconded by Council Member
Kluesner. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfoldt, Manning.
A Resolution approving appraisal £m-
dings and recommendations for the
pricing of disposition sites in
the Dubuque Industrhfl Center
WHEREAS, the City Council and
the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Dubu-
clue In-Future, Inc. have entered into a
Memorandum of Agreement, dated
August 17, 1981; and,
WHEP~EAS, Section 6 of the
aforesaid Memorandum of Agreement
provides as follows:
"6. The Corporation shall retain
qualified real estate appraiser to make
an appraisal of the fair market value of
the disposition sites under its control.
Fair morket value shall be determined
in accordance with the uses con-
templated, the covenants, conditions
and obligations assumed by the pur-
ch~aser bl~less~e, or by the comparable
value of other sites suitable for the
contemplated use. Such appraisal shall
be obtained within sixty days of the
date of this Agreement and shall be
transmitted to the CITY for its review
~nd approval.
Upon such approval, the statement of
appraised fair market value shall be
made a part of the Disposition Plan.
The CORPORATION shall cause a
appraisal to be made at least once a
year thereafter by a qualified real estate
appraiser, and shall submit such re-
, March 18, 1985 219
appraisal to the CITY for its approval.
The CORPORATION shall not dispose
~ any real or personal property
through sale, use or location and shall
not enter into contracts or agreements
for the disposition of industrial sites in
the project at less than fair market
value thereof without the written con-
sent of the CITY in each case."
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors
of Dubuque In-Future, Inc. has obtain-
ed the opinion of Roy R. Fisher, Inc., a
qualified real estate appraisal firm, and
has requested approval of a pricing
structure for disposition sites in the
Dubuque Industrial Center;
Section 1. That the opinion of Roy
Fisher, Inc., appraiser, regarding fair
market value of disposition sites in the
Dubuque Industrial Center is hereto at-
tached and is hereby acknowledgetL
Section 2, That the pricing structure
of disposition sites in the Dubuque In-
dustrial Center shall be no less that $.64
per square foot for industrial uses and
no less that ~94 per square foot for com.
mervial uses permitted by the Planned
Industrial Zoning District on lots fron-
ting Radford Roa~
Section 3. That the Board of Directors
of Dubuque In-Future may utilize
guidelines for pricing disposition sites
above the base prices set forth in Se~
lion 2~ herein, to reflect, at its discretion,
the characteristics of the proposed use,
the location and size of the development
parce~ and the prevailing market condi-
tions at time of sale.
Section 4. That the Disposition Plan
attached as Exhibit A to the Memoran.
dum of Agreement dated August 17,
1981 between the City of Dubuque,
Iowa and Dubuque In-Future, Inc. is
hereby amended by including therein
the statement off, ir market value az set
forth above, for the period commencing
one year from the date of this Resolu-
tion, according to requirements of Sec-
tion 6 of the aforesaid Memorandum of
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
220 Special Sessio~, March 18, 1985
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kluesner. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammel
Kluesner. Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager re
questing approval for the Mayor to ex-
ecute a Consent Agreement relating to
Dubuque Greyhound Park Sign,
presented and read. Council Member
Beurskens moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed and execution
of Agreement approved. Seconded by
Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel
Khiesner, Krunfeldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager
questing approval for the construction
of the fifth kennel and authorizing and
directing the Mayor to sign the Con-
sent Agreement, presented and read.
Council Member Beurskens moved that
the communication be received and fil-
ed and execution of Agreement approv~
ed. Seconded by Council Member
Kluesner. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammel.
Khiesner, Krunfeldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager re-
questing Mayor be authorized to ex-
ecute an Agreement with the Dubuque
Humane Society for animal impound-
ment services for period from July 1,
1984 extending through June 1, 1986,
presented and read. Council Member
Khisener moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed and approved
execution of Agreement. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
I~uesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Cnaununication of City Manager
recommending approval of a develop-
merit agreement providing financial
assistance to Aba Sys, Inc., presented
end read. Council Member Kluesner
moved that the Communication to
received and filed. Seconded by Council
Member Beurskens. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
A Resolution (1) approving a Develop-
ment Agreement between the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, and AhaSys, Inc.
providing terms and conditions Ior the
investment of $50,000 of Community
Development Block Grant Funds,
(2) Authorizing and directing the Mayor
· to sign said agreement on behalf
of the City of Dubuque, znd (3)
Authorizing and directing the City
Manager to disburse Community
Development Block Grant Funds in
conformance with said agreement.
WHEREAS, AhaSys, Inc.. a Dubu-
que Corporation desires to carry out the
development and marketing of specific
computer software systems; and
WHEREAS, The City of Dubuque
believes the pursuit of such activities
will benefit the City of Dubuque by in-
creasing employment opportunities
within and yielding additional tax
WHEREAS. in order to secure such
benefits, the City of Dubuque is .willing
to provide AbaSys, Inc. with financial
assistance needed for such activities;
WHEREAS, AhaSys, Inc. desires to
obtain such financial assistance and has
presented a Development Agreement
setting forth terms and conditions for
Section 1. That the Development
Agreement attached hereto and by this
reference made a part hereof is hereby
approved by the City Council of ~he Cf-
Special Sessio~
ty of Dubuque, Iowa.
Section 2. That the Mayor and City
Clerk be and they are hereby and
directed to execute said Agreement on
behalf of the City of Dubuque.
Section 3. That the City Manager be
and he is hereby~ authorized and
directed to disburse up to $50,000 in
funds according to the Development
Agreement from the City's Communi-
ty Development Block Grant Funds.
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Khiesner moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Beurskens. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Kinesner, Man-
Nays--Council Member Hammel.
Abstain--Council Member Kron-
"Resolution authorizing the issuance
and sale of Industrial Development
Revenue Bond (prommelt Partnership
Project II) of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, in the principal amount of
$760,000; the execution and delivery of
a Lender Loan Agreement with First
National Bank of Dubuque, Dubuque,
Iowa providing the terms and sale
of such bond; the execution and
delivery of a Loan Agreement with
Frummelt Partnership providing for
the repayment of the loan of the
proceeds of such bond, and related
WHEREAS, the City of Dubuque,
in the County of Dubuque. State of
Iowa (the "Issuer") is an incorporated
municipality authorized and em-
powered by the provisions of Chapter
419 of the Code of Iowa, 1983, as
mnended Ithe "Act") to issue revenue
bonds for the purpose of financing the
cost of acquiring, by construction or
purchase, land, buildings, ira-
March 18, 1985 221
provements and equipment, or any in-
terest therein, suitable for the use of
any industry or industries for the
manufacturing, process'rog or assembl-
ing of any agricultural or manufac-
tured products or of any commercial
enterprise engaged in storing,
warehousing or distributing products
of agriculture, mining or industry, or
of a national, regional or divisional
headquarters facility of a company
that does muitistate business; and
WHEREAS, the Issuer has made
the necessary arrangements with
Frummelt Partnership (the "Com-
pany"), an Iowa general partnership,
for the acquisition by construction or
purchase of an approximately 28,000
square foot building, equipment and
improvements suitable for use as a
warehouse/manufacturing addition to
an existing facility to be leased to
Fronunelt Industries, Inc. for the
manufacture of loading dock shelters,
impact doors, safety equipment Ifire
resistant fabrications) and other heavy
textile products (the "Project"),
located at 4343 Chavenelle Drive
within the corporate boundaries of the
Issuer; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary and ad-
visable that provisions be made for the
issuance of Industrial Development
Revenue Bond, Series 1985 (Frummelt
Partnership Project II) of the Issuer in
the principal amount of 5760,000 (the
"Bond") as authorized and permitted
by the Act to finance the cost of the
Project to that amount; and
WHEREAS, the Issuer will loan the
proceeds of the Bond to the Company
pursuant to the provisions of a Loan
Agreement dated as of March 1, 1985
(the "Loan Agreement") between the
Issuer and the Company the obilga-
tion of which will be sufficient to pay
the principal of, redemption premium,
if any, and interest on the Bond as and
when the same shall be due and
payable; and
WHEREAS. the Bond will be sold
pursuant to and secured as provided
by a Lender Loan Agreement to be
dated as of March 1, 1985 (the "Lender
Lean Agreement") by and between the
Issuer and First National Bank of
Dubuque, Dubuque. Iowa (the
"Lender"); and
WHEREAS, the rights of the Issuer
in and to the Loan Agreement are
Special Session, March 18, 1985
assigned to the Lender under the
Lender Loan Agreement; and
WHEREAS, notice of intention to
issue the Bonds has been published
and this Council has conducted a
public hearing pursuant to such
published notice, ali as required by the
Act and Section 1031kl of the Internal
Revenue Code, and has determined
that it is necessary and advisable to
proeeed with the financing of the Pro-
ject; and
WHEREAS, tha Issuer has arrang-
ed for the sale of the Bond to the
SOLVED by the City Council of the
Issuer, as follows:
Sectinnl. Authori~mtinn o! the Bond.
In order to finance the cost of the Pro-
ject, the Bond shall be and the same is
hereby authorized, determined and
ordered to be issued in the principal
amount of $7~0,000. The Bond shall be
issued in fully registered form,
numbered R-1, and shall be dated as of
the date of issuance and delivery
thereof and shall be executed, shall be
in such form, shall be payable, shall
have such prepayment provisions,
shall bear interest at such rates, and
shall be subject to such other terms
and condiHons as are set forth therein
and in the Lender Loan Agreement
and Loan Agreement. The Bond and
the interest thereon do not and shall
never constitute an indebtedness of or
a charge against the general credit or
taxing power of the Issuer, but are
limited obligations of the Issuer
payable solely from revenues and other
amounts derived from the Loan Agree-
ment and the Project and shall be
secured by an assignment of the Loan
Agreement and the revenues derived
therefrorx Forms of the Lender Loan
Agreement, the Bond and the Loan
Agreement are before this meeting and
by this reference incorporated in this
Bond Resolution, and the City Clerk is
hereby directed to insert them into the
minutes of the City Council and to
heep them on file.
Section 2. Lender Loan Agreement;
Sale of the Bond. In order to provide
for the sale of ~he Bond to the Lender
and the conditions with respect to the
delivery thereof, the Mayor and City
Clerk shall execute acknowledge and
deliver in the name and on behalf of the
Issuer, the Lender Loan Agreement in
substantially the form submitted to
the City Counci~ which is hereby ap-
proved in all respects. The sale of the
Bond to the Lender is hereby approved
and the Mayor and City Clerh of the
Issuer are hereby authorized and
dircetod to deliver the Bond to the
Lender. Deposit by the Lender to the
credit of the Issuer of the purchase
price, namely $760,000, in immediately
available funds at the office of the
Lender shall cons tituto payment in full
for the Bond pursuant to Section 1.02
of the Lender Loan Agreement, The
Lender shall be authorized as the
Issuer's depository and agent to ira-
mediately deposit such purchase price
in the Project Fund established by Sec-
tion 1.03 of the Lender Loan Agree-
merit to effect the making of the loan of
the proceeds of sale of the Bond to the
Company pursuant to Section LO2 of
the Lender Loan Agreement.
Section 3. Repayment of Loan. The
Loan Agreement requires the Com-
pany in each year to pay amounts as
loan payments sufficient to pay the
prinalpal of, redemption premium, if
any, and interest on the Bond when
and as due and the payment of such
amounts by the Company to the
Lender pursuant to the Loan Agree-
ment is hereby authorized, approved
and confirmed.
Section 4. Loan Agreement. In order
to provide for the loan of the proceeds
of the Bond to acquire and equip the
Project and the payment by the Com-
pany of an amount sufficient to pay
the principal of and premium, if any,
and interest on the Bond, the Mayor
and City Clerk shall execute, and
deliver in the name and on behalf of the
Issuer the Loan Agraement in substan-
tially the form submitted to the City
Council which is hereby approved in
all respects.
Section 5. Statement of Election.
The Issuer hereby elects to have the
prowsions of Section 103(b)(6)(D) of the
fnternal Revenue Code of 195~ as
amended, apply to the Bong and the
Mayor and City Clerk are hereby
directed to file or cause to be filed an
appropriate statement relating to such
~lection with the InternalRevenue Sec~
Section 6. Miscellaneous. The Mayor
and/or the City Clerk are hereby
Special Session, Msrch 18, 1985
authorized and directed to execute, at-
test, seal and deliver any and all
documents and do any and all things
deemed necessary to effect the is-
suance and sale of the Bond and the
execution and delivery of the Loan
Agreement and the Lender Loan
Agreement, and to carry out the intent
and purposes of this resolution, in-
cluding the preamble hereto.
Section 7. Reverability. The provi-
sions of this resolution are hereby
declared to be separable and if any sec-
tion, phrase or provislans shall for any
mason be declared to be invalid, such
declaration shall not affect the validity
of the remainder of the sections,
phrases and provisions.
Section 7. Repealer. All resolutions
and parts thereof in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed to the extent of
such conflict.
Section 8. Effective Date. This
resolution shall become effective ira-
mediately upon ndoptior~
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kluesner. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
gluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of City Manager sub-
mitring Ordinance providing for an
Amendment to Section 21-19 of the
Code of Ordinances (Human Rights),
presented and read. Council Member
Kluesner moved that the communica.
t~on be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
hers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
An ORDINANCE Amending the
Code of Ordinances by enacting a new
Section 21-19 in lieu thereof providing
for the election of officers for the
Human Rights Commission, presented
and read.
Counc'd Member Kluesner moved
that the reading just had be considered
the first reading of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member Beur-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
I~uesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Council Member Kluesner moved
that the rule requiring an Ordinance to
he presented and read at two meeUnags
prior to the meeting when final action is
taken he dispensed with. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Section 1. That the Code of Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
he amended by repealing Section 21-
19 thereof and enacting a new Section
21q9 in lieu thereof as follows: "Sec. 21-19. Officers.
The Commission created by this
ArC, cie shall elect from its own mem-
bership, at its regular July meeting, its
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson,
each to serve a term of one year. It
shall, at its regular July meeting, elect
a Secretary, who may be, but need not
bec a mcanber of the Commission. The
Commission shall fill vacancies among
its officers for the remainder of the
unexpired term."
Passed, approved and adopted this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Special Session March 18, 1985
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this 25th day of
March, 1985.
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
It 3/25
Council Member Kluesner moved
final adoption of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member Beur-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
An ORDINANCE Amending the
Cede of Ordinances of the City of Dubu-
que~ Iowa, by Repealing Section 2-21
thereof and enacUmg a new Section 2-21
in lieu thereof providing for the Com-
pensation of the Mayor and Council
Members, said Ordinance having been
presented and read at the Cnancil
Meet'rags of February 25th and March
4th, presented for final action.
Section 1. That the Code of Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuqe, Iowa be
amended by repealing Section 2-21
thereof and enacting a new Section 2-
21 in lieu thereof as follows:
~Sec. 2-21. Compensation
(a) The compensation for the Mayor
shall be three thousand five hundred
dollam ($3,500.00) per annum and the
compensation for Councilmembers
shah be four thousand two hundred
dollars ($4,200.00) per annum.
(b) Effective January 1, 1986, the
compensation for the Mayor shall be
six thousand five hundred dollars
($6,500.00) per annum and the eom-
pensation for Councihnembers shall be
five thousand two hundred dollars
($5,200.00) per annum.
(c) Effective January 1, 1988, the
compensation for the Mayor shall be
seven thousand eight hundred dollars
($7,800.00) per annum.
ADOPTED this 18th day of March,
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Published officially in the Telegraph
Herald newspaper this 25th day of
March, 1985.
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
It 3/25
Council Member Hammel moved
final adoption of the Ordinance.
Seconded by Council Member Deich.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council
Members Deich, Hammel, Manning.
Nays--Council Members Beorskens,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt.
Upon consensus it was decided to hold
off appointment to the Planning & Zon-
· lng Commission until term expiration
date of May 24, 1985.
Historic Preservation Conunlssion:
Council Member Kronfeldt moved that
Roger Osborne and Dean Ibsen be ap-
pointed to the Historic Preservation
Commission on behalf of the Historic
Society and the Jackson Park area
respectively, said unexpired term to ex-
plre 6-29-86. Seconded by Council
Member Dcich. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskena, Deich, Hammel,
I~]uesner, Kronfeldt, Marning.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
Special Session March 18, 1985
that the following having complied
with the provisions of law relating to
the sale of Cigarettes within the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, be granted a permit
to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette Papers
within said City.
~lla E. Mangeno d/b/a THE BAR 1399 Jackson St.
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th. day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kluesner. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hamme]
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
WHEREAS, Applications for Beer
Permits have been submitted and filed
to this Council for approval and the
same have been examined and approv-
ed; and
WHEREAS, The premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicants were hi-
spected and found to comply with the
Ordinances of this City and have flied
proper bonds;
RESOLVED, By the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
Manager be authorized to cause to be
issued to the following named ap.
pllcants a Beer Permit.
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Kluesner. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
WHEREAs. Applications for Liquor
Licenses have been submitted to this
Council for approval and tlie same have
been examined and approved; and
WHEREAS, The premises to be oc-
cupied by such applicants were in-
spected and found to comply with the
State Law and ali City Ordinances rele-
vant thereto and they have filed proper
SOLVED, By the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the
Manager be authorized to cause to be
issued to the fonowing named ap-
plieante a Liquor License.
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Beurskens moved
adoption of the Resolution, Seconded
by Council Member Kluesn~r. Carried
by the following vote:
Special Session, March 18, 1985
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
I~uesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Dock Committee of 2-27 & 3.6; Cable
Community Tsieprogramming Com-
mission of 3-5; Equipment and Training
Committee of Tsieprogeamming Com-
mission of 2-15; Promotion Committee
of Teleprogranunlng Commission of
2-7; Historic Preservation Commission
of 2-21; Human Rights Commission of
2-25; Dubuque In-Futoro, Inc. of 3-1,
3-5 & 3-12; Public Library Board of 2~5
& 2-19; Transit Board Ear~nge State-
rcent for month of January, 1985; Plan-
nlng & Zoning Comm. of 3-6, presented
and read. Council Member Krenfeldt
moved that the minutes be received and
filed. Seconded by Counc'd Member
Beurskens. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kron~eldt, Manning.
Communication of Corporation
Counsel Lfudahl recommending denial
of property damage ciahn of Audio
Techniques; Property damage claim of
l~bert Prine; Property damage claim of
Gerald Tott, presented and read. Coun-
cil Member Kronfeldt moved that the
communications be received and filed
~md denials approved. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Ar~el Austin, in est. amount of $798.68
for car damages; Jeffrey S. Fink in est.
amount of $1,000 for car damages;
Mike Hubbs in est. amount of $229.04
for backed-up sewer damages; Robert
Kramer in amount of $130 for car
damages; Michelle L. Kuntz in amount
d $915.50 for car damages; Harold C.
Schn~dt in amount of $210.33 for car
damages; Herbert W. Helms in est.
amount of $825 for personal injuries,
presented and read. Council Member
Kronfcidt moved that'the claims and
suits be referred to the Legal Staff for
investigation and report. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the fonowlng vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Corbett, $18.75 for unexpired Beer Per.
mit and $25 on unexpired Cigarette
Permit, presented and read. Councll
Member Kronfeldt moved that the
refunds be approved and Finance Direc-
tor directed to issue the proper checks.
Seconded by Council Member Bear-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Iowa DOT advising of bridge repair
project on primary read on U.S. 52 to
be let on May 7, 1985, presented and
read. Council Member Kronfsidt moved
that the communication be received
and filed. Seconded by Council Member
Bearskens. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Dalch, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfsidt, Manning.
Communications of John R. Fried-
man, Lefty Findiey and Dubuque Coun-
ty Conservation Society objecting to
barges mooring at the "Chaplain
Schr~tt City Island", presented and
read. Council Member Kronfeldt moved
that the communications be received
and filed. Seconded by Counc'd Member
Beurskens. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
I~luesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Corcanunication of Housing and Ur-
ban Development advising of addi-
~onal receipt of funds in the amount of
$50,000, presented and read. Council
Member Kronfsidt moved that the com-
munication be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Member Beur-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Delch, Hammal,
Eluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Special Session
Communication of United States
DOT submitting Order requiring
resumption of essential air service and
requesting carrier proposals,
presented and read. Council Member
Kronfeldt moved that the communica-
ton be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carrie,
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Merr
bers Beurakens, Deich, Hammel
Riuesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communieation of City Manager
questing Clerk be authorized to publish
required Notice governing the use of
Federal Revenue Sharing Funds,
presented and read. Council Member
Kronfeldt moved that the communica-
t~on be received and filed and approved
authorization. Seconded by Council
Member Bearskens. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of Attorney Dave
Setter, on behalf of T~i-State Paving,
requesting Contractors Improvement
Bond be cancelled and released of
record for the Oak Brook Development
Project, presented and read. Council
Member Kronfeldt moved that the com-
mardcation ha referred to the City
Manager for investgaton and report.
Seconded by Council Member Beur-
skens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurakens, Deich, Hammel,
gluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of Plarm~ng and Zon-
lag Commission approving final plats of
Subdivision of Lot 1-1-1 and Subdivi-
sion of Lot 1-1-1-1 both of Block i of
River Front Sub& No. 5 west of flood-
wall and south of Dubuque Marina,
l~esented and read. Council Member
Kronfeldt moved that the communica-
lion be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
March 18, 1985 227
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
A Resolution approving the final plat
of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1
of Lot 1, Block 1, "River Front
Subdivision No. 5" in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa.
WHEREAS, there has been filed
w~th the City Clerk a final plat of the
Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1,
Block 1, "River Front Subdivision No.
5" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, said final plat has been
examined by the City fil~ming and
Zoning Commission and had its
proval endorsed thereon; and
WHEREAS, said final plat has been
examined by the City Council, and the
City Council finds that the same con-
forms to statutes and ordinances
relat'mg thereto.
Section 1. That the final plat of the
Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1,
Block 1, "River Front Subdivision No.
5" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa be and
the same is hereby approved, and the
Mayor and City Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to endorse the
approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa
upon said pla~
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Kronfeldt moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Beurskens. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bets Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Special Session March 18,1985
A Resolution approving the final plat
of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1
of Lot 1 of LOt 1, Block 1, "River
Front Subdivision No. 5" in the City
of Dubuque, Iowa.
WHEREAS, there has been filed
with the City Clerk a final plat of the
Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1
of Lot 1, Block 1, "River Front Sub-
division No. 5" in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa; and
WHEREAS, said final plat has been
examined by the City Planning and
Zoning Commission and had its ap-
proval endorsed thereon; and
WHEREAS, said final plat has been
examined by the City Council, and the
City Council finds that the same con-
forms to statutes and ordinances
relating thereto.
Section 1. That the final plat of the
Subdivision of Lot I of Lot i of Lot i of
Lot 1, Block 1, "River Front Subdivi-
sion No. 5" in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa be and the same is hereby ap-
proved, and the Mayor and City Clerk
are hereby authorized and directed to
endorse the approval of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa upon said plak
Passed, adopted and approved this
18th day of March, 1985.
James E. Brady
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Member Kronfeldt moved
adoption of the Resolution. Seconded
by Council Member Beurskens. Car-
tied by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kinesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Cedar Rapids Television Co. submit-
ting reply in the matter of KDUB-TV,
Inc. petition for waiver of Section
76.921g) of the Commission's rules,
presented and read. Council Member
Kronfeldt moved that the communica-
tion be received and filed. Seconded by
Council Member Beurskens. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammal,
I/]uesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
City Manager submitting financial
reports of the City for the month of
February, 1985, presented and read.
Council Member Kronfsidt moved that
the reports be received and filed.
Seconded by Council Members Beur-
/~ens. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Bluesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Communication of Corporation
Counsel Lindab] recommending settle,
ment in the amount of $2,000 for per-
sonal injuries claim of Judy Garner,
pre~ented and read. Council Member
Kronfeldt moved that the connnuniea-
tion be received and filed and ecttl~-
ment approved with the Finance Direc-
ter to issue the proper check. Seconded
by Council Member Beurskens. Carried
by the foilowing vote:
Yeas--Mayur Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
I/luesner, Krunfeldt, Manning.
9:12p.m. Council Member Kinesner
moved to go into Closed Session in ac-
ordance with Chapter 28.A(5c) Code of
Iowa. Seconded by Council Member
Beurskens. Carried by the following
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
Kluesner, Kronfsidt, Manning.
9:35p.m. Council reconvened and
Mayor stated direction was given to the
Legal Staff regarding imminent litiga-
There being no further business,
Council Member Kronfeldt moved to
adjourn. Seconded by Council Member
Deich. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem-
bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel,
I~uesner, Kronfeldt, Manning.
Special Session
Meeting adjourned 9:38
Mary A. Davis
City Clerk
Council Members
City Clerk
March 18, 1985