1955 Supplement to Revised Ordinances of 1951 for use during 19561955 Supplement
Revised Ordinances of 1951
City of Dubuque, Iowa
For Use During 1956
1955 Supplement
Revised Ordinances of 1951
City of Dubuque, Iowa
For use during 1956
This pamphlet contains all Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of general
interest adopted since August 10, 1951 and prior to January 1, 1956 and
supersedes 1954, supplement.
Table of Contents
Chapter Page
Ord. 16-52 - Providing for government by proclamation in event of
emergency 2
Ord. 6-54 - Exempting certain Agricultural Lands from City taxes 2
Ord. 7-52 - Establishing a single ward and defining boundaries of
precincts 3
Ord. 43-55 - Providing for the appointment of a Deputy City Clerk 8
Ord. 3-55 - Establishing water rates 9
Ord. 41-54 - Delineating responsibilities•of Park Board and Recreation
Commission; establishing Flora Park; and putting Allison -
Henderson Memorial Park under Park Board 10
Ord. 45-51 - Excavations in streets and sidewalks 11
Ord. 51-51 - Requiring removal of snow from sidewalks 12
Ord. 9-52 - Changing names or certain streets to Raymond Place;
Dodge Street; University Avenue; Asbury Street; Kaufmann
Avenue; Nebraska Ave.; Missouri Ave.; Wisconsin Ave.;
Ohio Ave.; Montana Street; Bunker Hill Street. 12
Ord, 33-52 - Changing street name to Sunnyview Drive 12
Ord. 20-52 - Widening and naming Fairway Drive 12
Ord. 2-53 - Providing for the construction and repair of sidewalks in
the City 13
Ord. 44-53 - Accepting and naming Chaney Road 14
Ord, 45-53 - Extending Green Street 14
Ord. 69-53 - Changing street name to Indian Ridge 14
Ord, 3-54 - Changing street name to Julien Dubuque Drive 14
Ord. 5-54 - Extending Victoria Street and naming Diane Court 14
Ord. 9-54 - Extending York Street 15
Ord. 36-54 - Changing name of street to River Ridge 15
Ord. 4-55 - Extending Kaufmann Avenue 15
Ord. 5-55 - Naming Bissell Lane 15
Ord, 18-55 - Changing names of streets in Falk Subdivision 15
Ord, 50-55 - Changing name of street to Clarke Drive 16
Ord. 23-52 - Establishing Central Market and regulating display of food
elsewhere in City 17
Ord. 15-52 - Amending Milk Ordinance 18
Ord. 17-52 - Prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering flood areas 19
Chapte r
VIII (Cont)
Ord. 38-53 - Regulating collection and storage of refuse and garbage 19
Ord. 39-53 - Exacting compliance with U. S. Model Milk Ordinance 20
Ord. 2-55 = Amending Milk Ordinance 20
Ord, 58-55 - Amending Restaurant Ordinance 21
Ord, 10-53 - Dog Ordinance 22
Ord. 31-52 - Regulating Service Stations and Storage and Transport of
Flammable Liquids 24
Ord. 52-55 - Business Licenses 26
Ord. 53-55 - Regulating and Licensing Auctions and Auctioneers 27
Ord. 54-55 - Regulating Peddlers, and Transient Merchants 28
Ord. 55-55 - Regulating Junk Dealers, Junk Collectors, Auto Salvage
Dealers and Pawnbrokers
Ord. 57-55 - Licensing Fortune Tellers
Ord. 59-55 - Providing for license for roller skating rink
Ord. 43-53 - Amending Beer Ordinance by changing permit fees 32
Ord. 26-55 - Amending Beer Ordinance Regulating location of taverns 32
Ord. 59-51 - Weed and brush Ordinance 33
No new Ordinances
Ord. 5-52 - Establishing sleighriding areas
Ord. 36-55 - Prohibiting smoking in certain public places
Ord. 39-51 - Prohibiting blocking railroad crossings
Ord. 56-51 - Establishing electric rates
Ord. 57-53 - Establishing bus fares
Ord. 68-53 - Establishing bus routes
Ord. 58-54 - Community Television Franchise
Ord. 35-55 - Natural Gas Rates
Ord. 56-55 - Regulating Taxi Cabs and Establishing fares
(See Text)
Ord. 35-52 - Providing for condemnation of dangerous buildings
Ord. 42-54 - Gas Installations
Ord, 21-55 - Plumbing Ordinance
Ord, 38-55 - Construction of Septic Tanks
Ord. 57-51 - Trailers and Trailer Courts
XVIII (Cont)
Ord. 47-51 - Changing Zoning Map 67
Ord. 64-51 - Changing Zoning Map 67
Joint Res. No. 52-52 - Airport Zoning Ordinance 67
Ord. 13-52 - Changing Zoning Map 70
Ord. 24-52 - Changing Zoning Map 71
Ord. 25-52 - Changing Zoning Map 71
Ord. 32-52 - Changing Zoning Map 71
Ord. 34-52 - Changing Zoning Map 72
Ord. 3-53 - Changing Zoning Map 72
Ord. 11-53 - Changing Zoning Map 72
Ord. 40-53 - Amending Zoning Ordinance to provide for professional offices
in prescribed area 72
Ord. 44-54 - Regulating non -conforming uses 73
Ord. 46-54 - Changing Zoning Map 74
Ord. 49-54 - Changing Zoning Map 74
Ord. 25-55 - Establishing Local Business Districts A and B 74
Ord. 27-55 - Changing Zoning Map 76
Ord. 37-55 - Changing Zoning Map 76
Ord. 44-55 - Changing Zoning Map 76
Ord. 51-55 - Changing Zoning Map 77
C. P. Welu, Mayor
Chas. E. Dove, Chas, A. Kintzinger, Ray F. Kolb, Leo N. Schueller
L.J. Schiltz, Manager
Leo F. Froinmelt, Clerk
T.H. Nelson, Solicitor
R.M. Czizek, Asst. Solicitor
R.N. Russo, Police Magistrate
L.M. Harney
Wm. Clemens jr.
Lloyd Peterson
Vic Grice
F.R. Woodward
Bert E. Graham
Irvin Oeth
J. H. Schiltz
Owen Riley
L.J. Streinz
Thos J. Hill
.C. Keuhnle
Geo. J. Schaffhauser
Wm. V. Toepel
Jos. A. Carew
L.J. Lagen
E.B. Lyons
A.Y. McDonald
Fred E. Neyens
Frank L. Wagner
M.H. Czizek
Merlin Hantelman
Mrs. Mabel Hoffman
Geo. C. Kaufman
Rev. Carl G. Schroeder
Arnold Stierman
W.B. Zuker
A.M. Bennett
F.P. Delaney
Fred Fuhrman
Fred E. Bissell
Owen Riley
R.V. McKay
Irvin Oeth
J.H. Schiltz
Frank Glab
R.D. Waller
Thos. J. Hill
W.B. Zuker
T.H. Nelson
Edward M. Tschirgi
Thos. Hickson
Norb Rausch
Ed Gerhard
Hugh Callahan
Fred Voels
Harry Funk
L.J. Schiltz
Kay Neyens
Mrs. Wilbur Dalzell
Frank A. Fluckiger
G.W. McAleece
John Petrakis
Rev. Eugene Weimer
General Administration
Ordinance No. 16-52
An Ordinance Exacting Compliance with Proclama-
tion Issued by the Mayor in Times of Public
Danger or Emergency and Providing a Penalty
for a Violation Hereof.
Be it Enacted by the City Council of the City of
Section 1: No person, firm orcorporation issued
violate the provisions .of any proclamation
by the Mayor during times of public danger or
emergency under the authority of Section 2 of Or-
dinance 93 of the City of Dubuque.
Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall violate any of the terms or conditions hereof
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be fined not to exceed One Hun-
dred Dollars ($100) or imprisoned in the County
jail for not to exceed thirty (30) days.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from and after its final passage, adop-
tion and publication as by law provided.
Adopted 4/15/52
Published 4/ 18/ 52
Ordinance No. 6-54
An Ordinance exempting certain Agricultural
Lands from City taxes, except taxes for street
purposes; lnd prescribing the time anditing the tax thereon for s
purposes and manner
of claiming such exemption.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. No land within the City of Dubuque,
which is not laid off in lots of ten acres or less
and which the City Council shall find is in good
faith occupied and used for agricultural or horti-
cultural purposes shall be subject to the annual
levies made for any of the functional funds of the
City except that said land shall be subject to a levy
of one and one-fourth (1 1/4) mills for street pur-
Section 2. Any owner or proprietor of real
estate who desires to obtain the benefits of the ex-
emption provided in Section 1 hereof shall, on or
before July 1st of each year, file application there-
for in writing with the City Clerk on forms pre-
pared by the City Manager showing sufficient in-
formation from which the City Council may deter-
mine whether the property is entitled to the exemp-
Section 3. At the time of the adoption of the an-
nual budget the City Council shall meet and deter-
mine what properties within the City are entitled
to the exemption provided in Section 1 hereof and
certify a list of such properties to the County
Auditor of Dubuque County at the time of the cer-
tification of the annual budget which list shall con-
stitute the authority of the County Auditor to re-
lieve the lands listed thereon from all municipal
levies except an annual tax of one and one -quarter
mills for street purposes.
Adopted 3/ 1/ 54
Published 3/5/54
No. 7- 52
Ordinance No. 7-52
An Ordinance Establishing a Single Ward for the
City of Dubuque and Dividing the Same into
Election Precincts, Establishing Such Precints
and Defining the Boundaries Thereof; and Re-
pealing Ordinance No. 159
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 159 be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Section 2. That all of the territory embraced
within the corporate limits of the City of Dubuque
shall be confined within a single ward, which ward
shall be co -extensive with the limits of said city.
Section 3. That for the convenience of its citi-
zens and to facilitate the casting of ballots, at elec-
tions, the ward hereby created shall be divided in-
to sixteen (16) precincts, the boundaries of which
shall be as set forth in Sections 4 to 19 hereof in-
Section 4. The boundaries of the First Precinct
shall be:
Commencing at the easterly limits of the city,
thence proceeding westerly on the north line of
Linhein's Subdivision to Laurel street, thence
southwesterly on the northwesterly line of the Sub-
division of Mineral Lot 20 to the southeasterly lot
line of Lot 19 of Rowan's Addition, thence south-
westerly along said lot line to a point where the
same is intersected by the quarter section line of
Section 36, thence westerly to the south of said
quarter section line to the center of Section 36,
thence westerly along said quarter section line to
a point where said section line intersects Southern
avenue, thence northeasterly along the westerly
side of Southern avenue to Samuel street, thence
northwesterly on the westerly side of Samuel street
to Levi street, thence northeasterly across Samuel
street at Levi street, thence southerly on the east
side of Samuel street to Southern avenue, thence
northerly on the west side of Southern avenue to
Valley street (excluded from this precinct, how-
ever, are all residents located upon both sides of
Southern avenue and Samuel street within the
boundaries of the precinct described) and thence
northwesterly on the southwesterly side of Valley
street to Quinn street, thence northerly on the west
side Of Quinn street to Union street, thence north-
erly on the west side of Union street to Rising
street, thence westerly on the south side of Rising
street to Dodge street, thence westerly on the
south side of Dodge street to South Hill street,
thence southerly on the east side of South Hill
street to Grandview avenue, thence across Grand-
view avenue to Henderson street, thence south-
westerly on the east side of Henderson street to
the end of said street, thence southwesterly on a
line drawn from Henderson street to the northwest
corner of Min. Lot 137, thence southerly on the
west line of Min. Lot 137, thence southerly on the
same line extended to the northwest corner of Min.
Lot 135, thence southerly on the west line of Min.
Lot 135 to the southwest corner of said Min. Lot,
thence westerly on the north line of Min. Lot 127
to the northwest corner of said Min. Lot, thence
southerly on the west line of Min. Lot 127 and Min.
Lot 124 to the quarter section line of Section 35,
thence westerly along said quarter section line to
the center of Section 35, thence southerly along the
quarter section line from the center of Section 35
to the south limits of the City, thence easterly
along the south limits of the City to the easterly
limits, and thence northerly to the place of begin-
Section 5. The boundaries of the Second Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing at the quarter section corner on
the south side of Section 35, being the south limits
of the city, thence northerly along said quarter
section line to the center of Section 35, thence
easterly on the quarter section line to where it
intersects the west line of Min. Lot 124, thence
northerly on the east line of Min. Lot 123, and 128
to the northwesterly corner of Min. Lot 127, thence
easterly on the north line of Min. Lot 127 to the
southwest corner of Min. Lot 135, thence northerly
on the east line of Min. Lot 134 to the northwest
corner of Min. Lot 135, thence northerly on a line
drawn from the northwest corner of Min. Lot 135
to the northwest corner of Min. Lot 137, thence
northeasterly on a line drawn from the northwest
corner of Min. Lot 137 to the south line of Hender-
son street, thence northeasterly on the northwest
side of Henderson street to Grandview avenue,
thence across Grandview avenue, thence northeast-
erly on the northwest side of South Hill street to
Dodge street, thence easterly on the north side of
Dodge street to Hill street, thence northerly on the
west side of Hill street to Langworthy avenue,
thence westerly on the south side of Langworthy
avenue to Booth street, thence northerly on the
west side of Booth street to West Third street,
thence westerly on the south side of West Third
street to College street, thence northwesterly on
the southwest side of College street to West Fifth
street, thence west on the south side of West Fifth
street to Delhi street, thence westerly along the
southerly side of Delhi street, to Auburn street,
thence southerly on the east side of Auburn street
to Grace street, thence westerly on the south side
of Grace street to Algona street, thence southerly
on the east side of Algona street to West Third
street, thence westerly on the south side of West
Third street, thence westerly along the south side
of West Third street and the south side of West
Third street produced to intersect with the section
line between Sections 26 and 27, T89NR2E, thence
south along said section line to a point one hundred
and ninety feet (190') north of U. S. Highway No. 20,
thence northwesterly along a line parallel to and
one hundred and ninety feet (190') north from the
center line of U. S. Highway No. 20 to its intersec-
tion with the west city limits line, thence south to
a point two hundred and five feet (205') south of the
center line of U. S. Highway No. 20, thence south-
easterly along a line parallel to and two hundred
and five feet (205') south of the center line of U. S.
Highway No. 20 to the west line of lot 1 of lot 2 of
lot 1 of lot 1 of George Jecklin farm, thence south-
westerly along the west line of said lot 1 of lot 2 of
lot 1 of lot 1 for a distance of one hundred and
seventy-five feet (175'), thence southeasterly along
a line three hundred and eighty (380') south of and
parallel to the center line of U. S. Highway No. 20
to the east line of Section 27, T89NR2E, thence
south along said section line to the south city
limits, thence east to the point of beginning.
Section 6. The boundaries of the Third Precinct
shall be:
Commencing at the easterly limits of the city,
thence proceeding westerly along the north line of
Linhein's Subdivision to Laurel street, thence
southwesterly on the northwesterly line of Subdi-
vision of Min. Lot 20 to the southeasterly lot line
of Lot 19 of Rowan's Addition, thence southwest-
erly on the north line of Lot 19 of Rowan's Addi-
tion to a point where the same intersects the quar-
ter section line of Section 36, thence westerly on
said quarter section line to the center of Section
36, thence westerly on said quarter section line to
Southern avenue, thence northeasterly on the east-
erly side of Southern avenue to Valley street (in-
cluded, however, in this precinct are all residents
upon both sides of Southern avenue and Samuel
street within the limits of this precinct), thence
across Southern avenue to Valley street, thence
northwesterly on the northeasterly side of Valley
street to Quinn street, thence northerly on the east
side of Quinn street to Union street, thence north-
erly on the east side of Union street to Rising
street, thence westerly on the north side of Rising
street to Dodge street, thence westerly on the
north side of Dodge street to Hill street, thence
northerly on the east side of. Hill street to West
Third street, thence easterly on the south side of
West Third street to Burch street, thence norther-
ly on the east side of Burch street to Fenelon
Place, thence easterly on the south side of Fenelon
Place to West Fourth street, thence easterly on the
south side of West Fourth street to Central avenue,
thence easterly on the south side of East Fourth
street to the easterly limits of the city, thence
southerly to the place of beginning.
Section 7. The boundaries of the Fourth Pre-
cinct shall be:
the west side of Burch street, to West Third
street, thence westerly on the north side of West
Third street to Hill street, thence northerly on
the east side of Hill street to West Fifth street,
thence westerly on the north side of West Fifth
street to Wilson street, thence northerly on the
east side of Wilson street to University avenue,
thence easterly on the south side of University
avenue to Eighth avenue, thence easterly on the
south side of Eighth avenue to Central avenue,
thence easterly on the south side of East Eighth
street to the easterly limits of the city, thence
southerly to the place of beginning.
Section 8. The boundaries of the Fifth Precinct
shall be:
Commencing at the easterly limits of the city,
thence proceeding westerly on a direct line to East
Fourth street, thence westerly on the north side of
East Fourth street to Central avenue, thence west-
erly on the north side of West Fourth street to
Fenelon Place, thence westerly on the north side of
Fenelon Place to Burch street, thence southerly on
Commencing at the intersection of Langworthy
and Hill streets, thence proceeding westerly on the
northerly side of Langworthy street to Booth
street, thence northerly on the easterly side of
Booth street to West Third street, thence westerly
on the northerly side of West Third street to Col-
lege street, thence northerly on the easterly side
of College street to West Fifth street, thence west-
erly on the northerly side of West Fifth street to
Delhi street, thence northeasterly on the easterly
side of Delhi street to Mt. Pleasant street, thence
northerly on the easterly side of Mt. Pleasant
street to Loras boulevard, thence easterly on the
southerly side of Loras boulevard to Belmont
street, thence southerly on the westerly side of
Belmont street to Rose street, thence easterly on
the southerly side of Rose street to Center Place,
thence southerly on the westerly side of Center
Place to University avenue, thence easterly on the
southerly side of University avenue to Wilson
street, thence southerly on the westerly side of
Wilson street to West Fifth street, thence easterly
on the southerly side of West Fifth street to Hill
street, thence southerly on the westerly side of
Hill street to the place of beginning.
Section 9. The boundaries of the Sixth Precinct
shall be:
Commencing on the Section lines between Sec-
tions 26 and 27 T89NR2E at a point where West
Third street if produced to said section line would
intersect the same, thence proceeding easterly on
the northerly side of West Third street, thus pro-
duced, to West Third street, thence easterly on the
northerly side of West Third street to Algona
street, thence northerly on the westerly side of
Algona street to Grace street, thence easterly on
the northerly side of Grace street to Auburn street,
thence northerly on the westerly side of Auburn
street to Delhi street, thence easterly on the north-
erly side of Delhi street to Mt. Pleasant street,
thence northerly on the westerly side of Mt. Pleas-
ant street to Loras boulevard, thence easterly on
the northerly side of Loras boulevard to Alta Vista
street, thence northerly on the westerly side of
Alta Vista street to Kirkwood street, thence west-
erly on the southerly side of Kirkwood street and
Kirkwood street produced to Rosedale avenue,
thence westerly on the southerly side of Rosedale
avenue to Adair street, thence southeasterly on a
line drawn northwesterly from the intersection of
Rosedale avenue and Adair street to the
intersection of West Locust and Seminary streets,
thence northeasterly on the northerly side of West
Locust street to a point where Abbott street if pro-
duced would intersect West Locust, thence north-
erly on the westerly side of Abbott street, thus
produced, to the alley between Lowell and Semi-
nary streets, thence westerly on the southerly side
of said alley produced to the point of intersection
between said line and the section line between sec-
tions 22 and 23 T89NR2E, thence north along said
section line to the intersection of said line with the
center line of Kaufmann avenue, thence westerly
along the center line of Kaufmann avenue to its in-
tersection with the center line of Carter road,
thence southwesterly along the center line of Car-
ter road to its intersection with the center line of
Asbury road, thence southeasterly along the center
line of Asbury road to its intersection with the sec-
tion line between sections 22 and 23 T89NR2E,
thence south along said section line to the inter-
section of said line with the center line of Karrick
street, thence southeasterly along the center line
of Karrick street to the intersections of the center
lines of Karrick, Poplar and Finley streets, thence
southeasterly along the center line of Finley street
to its intersection with the center line of Univer-
sity avenue, thence southwesterly along the center
line of University avenue to its intersection with
the section line between sections 26 and 27 T89NR-
2E, thence south to the point of beginning.
Section 10. The boundaries of the Seventh Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing at the easterly limits of the city,
thence proceeding westerly to East Eighth street,
thence westerly on the north side of East Eighth
street to Central avenue, thence westerly on the
north side of West Eighth avenue to Main street,
thence northerly on the east side of Main street to
Loras boulevard, thence easterly on the south side
of Loras boulevard to Central avenue, thence east-
erly on the south side of East Fourteenth street to
the easterly limits of the city, thence southerly to
the place of beginning.
Section 11. The boundaries of the Eighth Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing at the northwest corner of Main
street and Eighth avenue, thence proceeding west-
erly on the north side of Eighth avenue to Univer-
sity avenue, thence westerly on the north side of
University avenue to Center place, thence northerly
on the easterly side of Center place to Rose street,
thence westerly on the northerly side of Rose
street to Belmont street, thence northerly on east-
erly side of Belmont street to Loras boulevard,
thence easterly on the southerly side of Loras
boulevard to Main street, thence southerly on the
westerly side of Main street to the place of begin-
Section 12. The boundaries of the Ninth Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing at the easterly limits of the city,
thence proceeding westerly on East Fourteenth
street, thence westerly on the northerly side of
East Fourteenth street to Central avenue, thence
westerly to the northerly side of Loras boulevard
to Main street, thence northerly on the easterly
side of Main street to West Seventeenth street,
thence easterly on the southerly line of West
Seventeenth street to Heeb street, thence northerly
on the easterly side of Heeb street to East Nine-
teenth street produced to Heeb street, thence east-
erly on the southerly side of East Nineteenth street
produced and East Nineteenth street to the easter-
ly limits of the city, thence southerly to the place
of beginning.
Section 13. The boundaries of the Tenth Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing at a point where Seminary street
intersects West Locust street, thence proceeding
easterly on the southerly side of West Locust
street to a point where Abbott street, if produced,
would intersect West Locust street, thence north-
erly on the easterly side of Abbott street, thus
produced, to the alley lying between Lowell and
Seminary streets, thence easterly on the southerly
side of said alley to Harold street, thence easterly
on a line drawn midway between Lowell street and
Seminary streets to Main street, thence easterly
on a line drawn from Main street to Heeb street to
Twentieth street produced, thence southerly on the
westerly side of Heeb street to West Seventeenth
street, thence westerly on the northerly side West
Seventeenth street to Main street, thence southerly
on the westerly side of Main street to Loras boule-
vard, thence westerly on the northerly side of
Loras boulevard to Alta Vista street, thence north-
erly on the easterly side of Alta Vista street to
Kirkwood street, thence westerly on the northerly
side of Kirkwood street and Kirkwood street pro-
duced to Rosedale avenue, thence westerly on the
northerly side of Rosedale avenue to Adair street,
thence northwesterly on a line drawn from Adair
street to the place of beginning.
Section 14. The boundaries of the Eleventh Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing at a point on the section line be-
tween sections 22 and 23 T89NR2E where the alley
line between Lowell and. Seminary streets if pro-
duced on a direct line would intersect said section
line, thence proceeding easterly on the northerly
side of said alley, thus produced, to the westerly
end of said alley, thence easterly on the northerly
side of said alley to Harold street, thence easterly
on a line drawn midway between Lowell and Semi-
nary streets to Main street, thence easterly on a
line drawn from Main street to Heeb street at
Twentieth street produced, thence southerly on the
east side of Heeb street to East Nineteenth street
produced, thence easterly on the north side of East
Nineteenth street to the Chicago Great Western
Railroad right-of-way, thence northerly on the west
side of the Chicago Great Western Railroad right-
of-way to East Twenty-second street, thence west-
erly on the south side of East Twenty-second street
to Central avenue, thence westerly on the southerly
side of Kaufmann avenue to Valeria street, thence
westerly on the southerly side of Valeria street to
Lewis street, thence westerly on the westerly side
of Lewis street to Wallace street, thence westerly
on the westerly side of Wallace street to Monroe
street, thence westerly on the southerly side of
Monroe street and southerly on the easterly side
of Monroe street to Kane street, thence westerly
on the southerly side of Kane street to a point
where Gay street produced would intersect Kane
street, thence north six hundred feet (600'), thence
westerly in a direct line parallel to and six hun-
dred feet (600') north of Kane street produced to
the section line between sections 14 and 15,
T89NR2E, thence north along said section line to
the S. E. corner of the N. E. 1/4 of section 15,
T89NR2E, thence westerly twenty-six hundred and
forty feet (2640') to the center of section 15,
T89NR2E, thence west six hundred and sixty feet
(660'), thence south twenty-six hundred and forty
feet (2640') to the south section line of section 15,
T89NR2E, thence easterly along the southerly sec-
tion line of section 15, six hundred and sixty feet
(660') to the S. W. corner of the S. E. 1/4 of sec-
tion 15, T89NR2E, thence south to the intersection
of the center line of Kaufmann avenue, thence east-
erly along the center line of Kaufmann avenue to
its intersection with the section line between sec-
tion 22 and 23 T89NR2E, thence southerly along
said section line to the point of beginning.
Section 15. The boundaries of the Twelfth Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing on Kane street at a point where
Gay street if produced westerly to Kane street
would intersect the same, thence proceeding east-
erly on the southerly side of Gay street to Broad-
way, thence easterly on the southerly side of
Broadway to Diagonal street, thence easterly on
the southerly side of Diagonal street to Central
avenue, thence northerly on the easterly side of
Central avenue to East Twenty-sixth street, thence
easterly on the southerly side of East Twenty-
sixth street to Marquette Place, thence southerly
on the westerly side of Queen street to East
Twenty-fourth street, thence westerly on the north-
erly side of East Twenty-fourth street to Prince
street, thence southerly on the westerly side of
Prince street to East Twenty-second street, thence
westerly on the northerly side of East Twenty-
second street to Central avenue, thence westerly
on the northerly side of Kaufmann avenue to
Valeria street, thence northwesterly on the east-
erly side of Valeria street to Lewis street, thence
northwesterly on the easterly side of Lewis street
to Wallace street, thence northwesterly on the
easterly side of Wallace street to Monroe street,
thence southerly on the northerly side of Monroe
street to Kane street, thence northwesterly on the
northerly side of Kane street to the place of begin-
Section 16. The boundaries of the Thirteen
Precinct shall be:
Commencing at a point six hundred feet (600')
north of Kane street produced on the section line
between sections 14 and 15 T89NRZE, thence pro-
ceeding easterly on a direct line parallel to and
six hundred feet (600') north of Kane street to a
point six hundred feet (600') north of a point where
Kane street and the northerly line -of Gay street if
extended would intersect, thence south six hundred
feet (600') to said point, thence easterly on the
northerly side of Gay street to Broadway, thence
southeasterly on the northeasterly side of Broad-
way to Diagonal street, thence easterly on the
northerly side of Diagonal street to Central avenue,
thence northerly on the westerly side of Central
avenue to East Twenty-sixth street, thence north-
easterly on the northerly side of East Twenty-sixth
street to Marquette Place, thence northerly on the
westerly side of Marquette Place and Marquette
Place produced to Morton street, thence northerly
on the westerly side of Morton street to East
Twenty-eighth street, thence northerly to the north-
erly city limits to the west of a line drawn from
Morton street midway between Pinard and Bruns-
wick street, thence westerly on the northerly line
of the city limits to the westerly limits, which is a
point at the N. E. corner of the S. E. 1/4 of the N.
E. 1/4 of section 15, T89NR2E, thence west thirteen
hundred and twenty feet (1320'), thence south
thirteen hundred and twenty feet (1320') thence east
thirteen hundred and twenty feet (1320'), to the sec-
tion line between sections 14 and 15 at the S. E.
corner of the N. E. 1/4 of section 15, T89NR2E,
thence southerly to the point of beginning.
Section 17. The boundaries of the Fourteenth
Precinct shall be:
Commencing at the easterly limits of the city,
thence proceeding westerly to East Nineteenth
street, thence westerly on the northerly side of
East Nineteenth street to the Chicago Great West-
ern Railroad right-of-way, thence northerly on the
easterly side of the Chicago Great Western Rail-
road right-of-way to East Twenty-second street,
thence northerly on the easterly side of East
Twenty-second street to Prince street, thence
northwesterly on the easterly side of Prince street
to East Twenty-fourth street, thence easterly on
the southerly side of East Twenty-fourth street to
Queen street, thence northerly on the easterly side
of Queen street to Marquette Place, thence west-
erly on the easterly side of Marquette Place and
Marquette Place produced to Morton street, thence
northerly on the easterly side of Morton street to
East Twenty-eighth street, thence northwesterly
on a line drawn from Morton street midway be-
tween Pinard street and Brunswick street to the
northerly limits of the city, thence easterly along
the northerly limits of the city and Davis street to
the south 1/4 corner of section 12, T89NRZE of 5th
P. M.; thence north a distance of 2,659 feet to the
center of section 12, thence east a distance of
1,983.9 feet to the northeast corner of lot 1 of 1 of
Bethany Addition; thence south a distance of 729
feet to the northwest corner of lot 2 of lot 1 of the
N. E. 1/4 of the S. E. 1/4 of section 1Z; thence east
a distance of 654.75 feet to the northeast corner of
lot 2 of lot 1 of the N. E. 1/4 of the S. E. 1/4 of
section 12; thence south a distance of 1,775.6 feet
to the corner of sections 7, 12, 13 and 18 at the
easterly boundary of Linwood Cemetery; thence
southerly along the easterly side of Linwood
Cemetery to Thomas street, thence southwesterly
on the westerly side of Thomas street to Stafford
street, thence southeasterly on the southerly side
of Stafford street and Stafford street produced to
East Twentieth street to the easterly limits of the
city, thence southerly to the place of beginning.
Section 18. The boundaries of the Fifteenth Pre-
cinct shall be.
Beginning at the easterly boundary line of the
city, thence proceeding westerly to East Twentieth
street, thence westerly on the northerly side of
East Twentieth street to Stafford street produced,
thence northwesterly on the northerly side of Staf-
ford •street produced and Stafford street to Thomas
street, thence northerly on the easterly side of
Thomas street to the easterly boundary line of Lin-
wood Cemetery, thence northerly along the easterly
boundary line of Linwood Cemetery to the norther-
ly city limits, thence easterly to the easterly city
limits, thence southerly to the place of beginning.
Section 19. The boundaries of the Sixteenth Pre-
cinct shall be:
Commencing at a point one hundred and ninety
feet (190') north of U. S. Highway No. 20 on the
section line between Sections 26 and 27, T89NRZE,
thence north along said section line to the section
corner between Sections 26 and 27 and 22 and 23,
T89NRZE, thence north on the section line between
Sections 22 and 23, T89NR2E to its intersection
with the center line of the Asbury Road, thence
northwesterly along the center line of the Asbury
road to its intersection with the center line of
Carter road, thence northerly along the center line
of Carter road to its intersection with the center
line of Kaufmann avenue, thence northerly along
the center line of Carter road extension to its in-
tersection with the section line between Sections
15 and 22, T89NR2E, which is the southwest cor-
ner of the S. E. 1/4 of Section 15, T89NR2E,
thence west along the section line between sec-
tions 15 and 2Z, T89NRZE, to a point thirty three
feet (33') east of the southwest corner to a point
33 feet east of the southwest corner of section 15
T89NR2E thence south thirteen hundred and twenty
feet (1320'), thence west thirty three feet (33') to
the S.W. corner of the N.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of
Section 22, T89NR2E, thence south along the west
section line of Section 22 to the S.W. corner of Sec-
tion 22, T89NRZE, thence south nine hundred and
twenty feet (920') along the west section line of Sec-
tion 27, T89NR2E, thence east to the N.E. corner of
lot 2 of 1 of 1 of the west 1/2 of the N.W. 1/4 of the
N.W. 1/4 of Section 27, T89NR2E, thence south to
the N.W. corner of Lot 2 of the east 1/2 of the N.W.
1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 27, T89NR2E, thence
east to the west line of M. 248, thence north to the
N.W. corner of M.L. 248, thence southeasterly
along the north line of M.L. 248 to the N.W. corner
of lot 2 of 2 of Bronson Farm addition to the City of
Dubuque, thence southeasterly along the north line
of said lot 2 of 2 to the south line of Ridgeway ave-
nue in Lenox Addition, thence southeasterly along
the southerly line of Lenox Addition to the west line
of Delhi road, thence south to a point one hundred
and ninety (190') feet north of the center line of U.
S. Highway No. 20, thence southeasterly along a line
parallel to and one hundred and ninety feet (190')
north of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 20 to
the point of beginning.
Section 20. That where ever streets and alleys
are referred to in this ordinance, the center lines
thereof shall be the boundary line of the precincts.
Section 21. The various election precincts
hereby established shall be published in the offi-
cial newspapers of the City of Dubuque once a week
for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publica-
tion to be at least thirty (30) days prior to the next
general election.
Section 22. This Ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from and after its final passage, adoption
and publication as by law provided.
Adopted 3/3/52
Published 3/11/52
Officers and Employees
ORDINANCE NO. 36-52 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 37-52
Ordinance No. 37-52
An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 36-52.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 36-52 is hereby
repealed and declared to be void and of no effect.
Adopted 11/28/52
Published 11/30/52
Ordinance No. 43-55
An Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of a
Deputy City Clerk and prescribing his Powers.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That it is hereby determined to be
necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of
the affairs of the City that the office of Deputy
City Clerk be established.
Section 2. That the Deputy City Clerk shall be
appointed by the Council and shall have full power
and authority to perform all of the duties and func-
tions of the City Clerk, when so directed by him,
or in his absence, or inability to act.
Section 3. He shall serve at the pleasure of the
Council and may be discharged with or without
cause and shall receive such salary as the Council
may from time to time direct.
Adopted 7/18/55
Published 7/21/55
Public Works
ORDINANCE NO. 15-50 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 3-55
Ordinance 3-55
An ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be
charged for the furnishing of water for resi-
dential, commercial, industrial, and other uses
and purposes, within and without the City of
Dubuque, prescribing a penalty for violation
hereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 15-50.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. Commencing with all meter readings
on or after June 1, 1955, the rates to be charged
for water for residential, commercial, industrial
and other uses and purposes by any person, firm
or corporation supplying water within the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, shall be and they are fixed and de-
termined as follows:
(a) Water rates for users within the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, whose meters are read quarterly
shall be as follows:
First 3,000 cu. ft. per guar.
Next 3,000 cu, ft. per quar.
Next 3,000 cu. ft. per guar.
Next 36,000 cu. ft. per guar.
Next 105,000 cu. ft. per guar.
Next 150,000 cu. ft. per guar.
$ .36 per hund. cu. ft.
.30 per hund. cu. ft.
.25 per hund. cu. ft.
.20 per hund. cu. ft.
.18 per hund. cu. ft.
.16 per hund. cu. ft.
.105 per hund. cu. ft.
The minimum quarterly charge according to size
of meters shall be as follows:
5/8 n - $3.24 - allowance 900 cu. ft.
3/4n - 5.00 - allowance 1300 cu. ft.
1 n - 6.75 - allowance 1800 cu. ft.
1 1/411 - 8.00 - allowance 2200 cu. ft.
1 1/2" - 10.00 - allowance 2700 cu. ft.
2 n - 12.00 - allowance 3400 cu. ft.
(b) Water rates for users within the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, whose meters are read monthly
shall be as follows:
First 1,000 cu. ft. per mo. at $ .36 per hund. cu. ft.
Next 1,000 cu. ft. per mo. at .30 per hund. cu. ft.
Next 1,000 cu. ft. per mo. at .25 per hund. cu. ft.
Next 12,000 cu. ft. per rno, at .20 per hund. cu. ft.
Next 35,000 cu. ft. per mo. at .18 per hund. cu. ft.
Next 50,000 cu. ft. per mo. at .16 per hund, cu. ft.
Balance at .105 per hund. cu. ft.
The minimum monthly charge according to size of
meters shall be as follows:
5/8 n - $ 1.08 - allowance 300 cu. ft.
3/4" - 1.67 - allowance 400 cu. ft.
1 If - 2.25 - allowance 600 cu. ft.
1 1/4n - 2.67 - allowance 700 cu. ft.
1 1/2 n - 3.33 - allowance 900 cu. ft.
211 - 4.00 - allowance 1100 cu. ft.
3 n - 6.00 - allowance 1800 cu. ft.
4 n - 8.00 - allowance 2500 cu. ft.
611 - 12.00 - allowance 4400 cu. ft.
8 n - 16.00 - allowance 6400 cu. ft.
10 n - 20.00 - allowance 8400 cu. ft.
Section 2. Commencing with all meter readings
on and after June 1, 1955, the rates to be charged
for water supplied by the City Water Department
for residential, commercial, industrial and other
uses and purposes by any person, firm or corpora-
tion outside the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall be the
same rates provided in Section 1 hereof plus an
additional 25% of the rates listed in Section 1
Section 3. Commencing June 1, 1955, the follow-
ing yearly charge for fire sprinkler service sup-
plied by the City Water Department, within and
without the City of Dubuque, Iowa, shall be paid
semi-annually in advance and they are fixed and
determined as follows:
Minimum Annual Charge
Up to 200 heads at
$ 37.50 per year
37.50 per year
200 to 300 heads at 45.00 per year
300 to 400 heads at 52.50 per year
400 to 600 heads at 60.00 per year
600 to 800 heads at 67.50 per year
800 to 1000 heads at 75.00 per year
1000 to 1200 heads at 82.50 per year
1200 to 1400 heads at 90.00 per year
1400 to 1600 heads at 97.50 per year
1600 to 1800 heads at 105.00 per year
1800 to 2000 heads at 112.50 per year
2000 to 2200 heads at 120.00 per year
2200 to 2400 heads at 127.50 per year
2400 to 2600 heads at 135.00 per year
2600 to 2800 heads at 142.50 per year
2800 to 3000 heads at 150.00 per year
3000 to 3500 heads at 157.50 per year
For each additional 500 heads or fraction thereof
over 3500 heads at $7.50 per year.
Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall violate any of the provisions hereof, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be fined not to exceed One Hun-
dred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned not to exceed
thirty (30) days in jail.
Section 5. Ordinance No. 15-50 adopted June 15,
1950, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force
and effect on June 1, 1955, after its passage, adop-
tion and publication as required by law.
Adopted 2/ 14/ 55
Published 2/ 18/ 55
Parks and Playgrounds
by Ordinance No. 41-54
Ordinance No. 41-54
An Ordinance delineating the respective responsi-
bilities of the Park Board and Recreation Com-
mission with regard to recreation activities
conducted in public parks; establishing Flora
Park; placing Allison -Henderson Memorial Park
under the jurisdiction of the Park Board; and
repealing Section 2 of Ordinance 18-45.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the Park Board shall have the
jurisdiction and control over all grounds that have
been or may hereafter be set aside as public parks.
Except as hereinafter provided, such jurisdiction
and control shall be exclusive and shall compre-
hend the supervision, maintenance and repair of
all grounds, roads, buildings, recreational facili-
ties and appurtenances located therein.
Section 2. In all public parks in which the Rec-
reation Commission now has or shall have, with
the consent of the Park Board, hereafter installed
recreational equipment or buildings, said Commis-
sion shall have exclusive jurisdiction and control
over such recreational equipment and buildings,
including the supervision, maintenance and repair
thereof and the supervision of the recreational
activities employing such equipment or buildings.
Section 3. That except for the appurtenant
easements of right of way and a strip along Penn-
sylvania Street 20' in width, the recently acquired
real estate in the west end of the City, to -wit:
Sylvester Place:
Lot 1 of 4 of Mineral Lot 260;
Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 4 of Mineral Lot 260;
Lot 2 of 2 of 4 of Mineral Lot 260;
Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 259;
Lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 259;
Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of J.P. Mettel's Sub.,
be and the same is hereby set apart as a public
park to be known as "Flora Park" under the juris-
diction and control of the Park Board, subject, how-
ever, to the right in the Recreation Commission to
construct and maintain a municipal swimming pool
and other recreational facilities therein in accord-
ance with the Pilot Plan prepared by Paul Rossiter,
Architect dated April 28, 1954 and the further right
in the City Council of the City of Dubuque to install
and maintain such storm sewers, sanitary sewers
and water mains therein as it shall deem necessary.
Section 4. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 18-45
be and the same is hereby repealed and Allison -
Henderson Memorial Park is hereby placed under
the care, control and supervision of the Park Board,
subject to the provisions of Section 2 hereof.
Adopted 6/7/54
Published 6/ 11/ 54
Streets and Sidewalks
No. 2-53
No. 51-51
No. 45 -51
Ordinance No. 45-51
An Ordinance Prohibiting Excavations in Streets or
Other Public Places Without a Permit; Provid-
ing For the Issuance of Permits and Making a
Charge Therefor and Providing a Penalty for a
Violation Thereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall
make or cause to be made any excavation in any
public street, avenue, alley or other public place
in the City of Dubuque or dig up, cut into, or re-
move any public sidewalk, curb or pavement with-
out first obtaining a permit from the City Man-
ager as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. Before any such permit shall.be
issued, an application therefor shall be filed with
the City Manager by the person desiring to do the
work which application shall state the place, amount
and purpose of the contemplated work, the time
when the work is to be started and the estimated
time required for completion thereof, together with
such other information as the Manager may reason-
ably require to determine whether the permit would
be granted. Each application shall contain an agree-
ment signed by the applicant, in which the applicant
agrees to perform the work, including all digging,
tunnelling, backfilling and "restoration of the surface
in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance
with specifications established by the City Manager.
Section 3. Such application shall contain an
agreement by the applicant to compensate the City
for the cost of restoring the pavement surface de-
termined as hereinafter provided.
Section 4. When the permittee has completed
•the excavation, including backfilling and restora-
tion, to the approval of the City Manager, the pav
ing surface shall then be restored by the City
Street Department as soon as practicable at per-
mittee's cost. The cost of the restoration of the
pavement surface shall be determined by the City
Manager and shall include field labor, supervision,
materials, use of equipment, and inspection. The
City Manager may, at his discretion, make an ad-
ditional charge equal to 2% of the basic charge
multiplied by the difference between 36 and the
number of months the pavement has been laid.
Section 5. At the time the application is filed the
applicant shall deposit with the City Treasurer a
sum equal to the charge for restoring the pavement
surface as estimated by the City Manager which
sum shall be retained by the City to apply against
the charge for restoring the surface hereinabove re-
ferred to and credited to the Street Fund. In the
event the amount of the deposit proves to be in ex-
cess of the charge the difference shall be refunded
to the permit holder.
Section 6. Any work done under a permit provid-
ed for in this ordinance shall be performed in such
a manner as to cause the least possible interference
with the movement of traffic. On main thorough-
fares there shall be at all times sufficient traffic
lanes open to permit a substantially normal traffic
flow. Unless this can be accomplished the work
shall be confined to the hours between 9 a.m. and
4 p.m. or between midnight and 7 a.m. In the event
the work is of emergency nature the City Manager
may authorize work during other hours but shall
assign police to direct traffic.
Section 7. Permits shall be executed in duplicate
and shall show the work for which the same has
been granted, the name of the person, firm or cor-
poration to which the same is issued, the location
of the premises, the purpose of the excavation and
the time within which the work shall be commenced
and completed. The work shall be started within
one week from the date of the issuance of the permit.
Section 8. No permit shall be granted to any per-
son, firm, or corporation who shall not have first
been authorized by the City Council to do excavating
within the limits of the City and shall have deposited
a policy of liability insurance satisfactory to the
City Council insuring the City against any liability
arising out of the work during the period the same
is being carried on or within 2 years thereafter.
Section 9. Any work done under a permit as pro-
vided for in this ordinance shall be done expedi-
tiously and in a good and workmanlike manner
under the direction and supervision of the City
Section 10. Any person, firm or corporation vio-
lating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon
conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more
than $ 100.00 or, in default thereof, imprisoned for
not more than thirty days.
Section 11. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall fail to comply with the terms and conditions
of the permit herein authorized or shall violate the
terms of this ordinance shall not hereafter be
granted another such permit without the prior ap-
proval of the City Council.
Section 12. The City Manager is hereby author-
ized to delegate any of the powers conferred on
him by this ordinance to either the City Engineer
or the City Plumbing Inspector.
Section 13. The provisions of this ordinance
shall not apply to City Departments or to persons
performing work under a contract with the City but
any such contract shall require a substantial com-
pliance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 14. Ordinance No.171 adopted
February 1, 1926 is hereby repealed.
Adopted 9/25/51
Published 9/28/51
Ordinance No. 51-51
An Ordinance Providing for the Removal of Snow,
Ice and Slush From Sidewalks; Repealing Ordi-
nance No.53 and Providing a Penalty for a
Violation Hereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. The owner of any lot or parcel there-
of abutting upon any sidewalk on the City streets in
the City of Dubuque, ghall promptly remove, or
cause to be removed, accumulations of snow, ice or
slush from such sidewalks.
Section 2. In the event such accumulations are
permitted to remain on such sidewalks for more
than a reasonable length of time, then the City Man-
ager, when he deems necessary in the interests of
public safety, shall cause the same to be removed
and the cost of such removal shall be assessed
against the abutting property in the manner set out
in Section 3.
Section 3. When the City Manager has caused
accumulations of snow, ice or slush to be removed
from any sidewalk in accordance with the provisions
of this Ordinance, he shall promptly ascertain the
actual cost thereof, including the cost of supervi-
sion, inspection and accounting, and shall certify
such actual cost to the City Clerk who, in turn,
shall promptly certify said cost to the County Audi-
tor and it shall then be collected with and in the
same manner as general property taxes in accord-
ance with the provisions of Chapter 151 of the Acts
of the 54th General Assembly of Iowa.
Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof, shall be fined not to exceed one hun-
dred dollars ($100).
Section 5. Ordinance No.53 entitled "An Ordi-
nance providing for the cleaning of sidewalks" is
hereby repealed.
Adopted November 13, 1951.
Published November 19, 1951.
Ordinance No. 9-52
An Ordinance Changing the Names of Streets and
Avenues Within the City of Dubuque.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the following changes in the
names of Streets and Avenues within the City of
Dubuque be and the same are hereby changed, the
changes to become effective from and after the
passage and publication of this Ordinance as re-
quired by law. The names of Streets and Avenues
shall be changed to read as follows:
Austin street from Cooper street to Maiden
Lane shall be called Raymond Place.
Fremont avenue from Grandview avenue to
Lombard street shall be called Dodge street.
U. S. Highway No. 20 from Lombard street to
the new city limits shall be called Dodge street.
Delhi street from the old city limits to the new
city limits shall be called University avenue.
Hales Mill road from the intersection of Asbury
street and Rosedale avenue to the new City Limits
shall be called Asbury street.
Carter road from the present City Limits at
Kaufmann avenue west to the west line of Lewis
subdivision shall be called Kaufmann avenue.
Austin avenue in Lenox addition shall be called
Nebraska avenue.
Prescott avenue in Lenox addition shall be
called Missouri avenue.
Emerson avenue in Lenox addition shall be
called Wisconsin avenue.
Iowa avenue in Lenox addition shall be called
Ohio avenue.
Wilson street in Wilson Dubuque addition shall
be called Montana street.
and designating the unnamed street at the old
city limits line from Green street to Fairview
Drive as Bunker Hill street.
Section 2. That upon final passage a copy there-
of shall be certified and filed with the County Re-
corder and County Auditor of Dubuque County,
Iowa, and be entered of record in the Recorder's
office in accordance with the law.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in force and
effect from and after its final passage by the City
Council and publication as provided by law.
Adopted 3/3/52
Published 3/10/52
Ordinance No. 33-52
An Ordinance Changing the Name of Hazel Street
in the City of Dubuque to Sunnyview Drive
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the name of Hazel street in the
City of Dubuque is hereby changed to Sunnyview
Drive and that said street shall be known hereafter
as Sunnyview Drive.
Section 2. That the City Clerk is hereby au-
thorized and directed to file a certified copy of this
Ordinance with the County Recorder of Dubuque
County, Iowa.
Adopted 9/16/52
Published 9/19/52
Ordinance No. 20-52
An Ordinance Designating the Alley Lying between
St. Ambrose Street and Bunker Hill Street and
Abutting the North Boundary of Finley Addition
as a Street to be Known as Fairway Drive and
Widening the Same, and Subdividing Lot 2 of 1 of
Mineral Lot 265 to Provide for the Such Widen-
Whereas the City Engineer has submitted a plat
showing a proposed widening of the alley abutting
the north boundary of Finley addition between
Bunker Hill street and St. Ambrose street by
subdividing Lot 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot 265 to
provide an additional 10' strip on the north side
thereof and by including the north 15' of Lots
75 to 83 inclusive of Finley addition on the
south side thereof; and
Whereas the City Council is of the opinion
said plat should be approved;
Now Therefore Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
1. That said plat is hereby approved and the
Mayor and City Clerk authorized to endorse said
approval thereon.
2. That hereafter said alley shall be designated
a street 50' in width and shall hereafter be known
as Fairway Drive.
3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance
with the County Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa,
Adopted 5/14/52
Published 5/19/52
Ordinance No. 2-53
An Ordinance Providing for the Construction or
Repair of permanent or temporary Sidewalks
and the Assessment of the cost thereof; pro-
viding for a penalty for violation hereof; and
repealing Ordinances No. 47 and No. 61-51.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That permanent sidewalks hereafter
built or laid on any street, shall not be laid until
the bed of the same shall have been graded, so
that when completed such sidewalk shall be at
the established grade, and all sidewalks, unless
otherwise ordered, shall be permanent sidewalks
and shall be constructed as provided in the plans
and specifications for permanent sidewalks pre-
pared by the Engineer and approved by the Coun-
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Engineer,
upon the taking effect of this Ordinance, to sub-
mit plans and specifications for permanent and
temporary sidewalks to the Council, and the
Council, upon making such changes as they deem
advisable, shall approve the same and such plans
and specifications so approved shall constitute the
plans and specifications for permanent and tem-
porary sidewalks and shall continue in force until
changed by the Council.
Section 3. Any property owner may build a
permanent sidewalk in front of or along his pro-
perty at any time, at his own expense by securing
a permit from the City Manager, but such side-
walks shall conform strictly to this Ordinance and
the plans and specifications then in force, and no
permanent sidewalk shall be built by any person
without securing the permit therefor, and whoever
shall build or undertake to build, or have any per-
son build for him, any permanent sidewalk, with-
out first having secured a permit therefor, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished
by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars
($100) or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty
(30) days.
Section 4, Any person or firm desiring to
engage in the construction of permanent sidewalks
for private business, or for the City of Dubuque,
shall execute a surety company bond in the sum
of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) conditioned that
he will hold the City harmless from damage be-
cause of any negligence of himself or his employ-
ees while constructing said walk and that he will
keep the walk in good and perfect repair for the
time stated in the plans and specifications and
shall be liable on said bond to the City and pro-
perty holder for any damage, loss and expense
caused by reason of his failure to build such walk
according to specifications, and for any breach of
the bond. One of the conditions of the bond shall
be that the Engineer's decision that the walk needs
repair shall be final. No bond shall be good for a
longer period than one year.
Section 5. All permanent sidewalks built shall
be subject at all times to inspection and control
by the City and shall be approved by the Engineer
before the person or firm doing the work shall be
entitled to demand or receive pay from the pro-
perty owner for building the same. The contractor
building a walk under private contract shall re-
port its completion to the City Engineer. The City
Manager may order any sidewalk which is not in
accordance with the plans and specifications taken
up and replaced and the person or firm building the
same shall be liable on their bond for failure so
to do within the time specified.
Section 6. The Council, by the adoption of a
Resolution by three -fourths vote, may order the
construction or reconstruction of permanent side-
walks upon any street, highway, avenue or public
ground. The cost of such improvement or any
portion thereof may be paid from the street fund
or by assessing such cost or a portion thereof
against the lots and parcels of land in front of
which the same shall be constructed.
Section 7. Whenever the Council shall propose
to construct or reconstruct a permanent sidewalk
and assess all or a portion of the cost thereof
against abutting property they shall give notice of
their intention so to do by directing the City Clerk
to mail a notice to each property owner affected,
as shown by the tax rolls, by U. S. Mail at least
ten (10) days prior to the adoption of such Reso-
Section 8. Upon completion of the work the
City Engineer shall certify the cost thereof to-
gether with a schedule showing the lots proposed
to be assessed for said improvement, the owners
thereof as shown by the tax rolls, and the amount
proposed to be assessed against each lot, The
Council shall thereupon by Resolution set a time
and place of hearing on such proposed assessment
and direct notice of such hearing to be given. At
such hearing the City Council may adopt, or mod-
ify and adopt, the schedule as submitted by the
City Engineer and levy such assessments as a
special tax in the amounts and against the pro-
perties as shown by said schedule as adopted.
However, the assessment as shown by the proposed
schedule of any taxpayer shall not be increased
without notice to the taxpayer.
Section 9. Said special tax shall be paid, col-
lected and bear interest and the cost of such im-
provement paid for, all as provided by Sections
389.32 to 389.36, inclusive, of the 1950 Code of
Section 10. Upon recommendation of the City
Manager, the City Council may, by Resolution,
without notice, direct the repair of any sidewalk
or portion thereof and assess the cost thereof
against the property in front of which such repairs
are made. Upon completion of such repair the
City Clerk shall certify the cost thereof to the
County Auditor and it shall then be collected with
and in the same manner as general property
Section 11. The City Council may, by Reso-
lution, provide for the laying, relaying or repair
of temporary sidewalks and assess the cost there-
of in the manner provided in Section 10 hereof.
Section 12. Ordinance No. 47 as amended and
Ordinance No. 61-51 are hereby repealed.
Section 13, This Ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after its final passage,
adoption and publication.
Adopted 1/13/53
Published 1/16/53
Ordinance No. 44-53
Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque
County, Iowa, have delivered deed quit claiming
to the City of Dubuque, all right, title and interest
in and to
Lot 2 of Chaney Place in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa; and
Whereas said property was acquired by
Dubuque County for a public road; and
Whereas said Board has agreed to construct
and surface a road on said Lot;
Now Therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque hereby
accepts said quit claim deed;
Section 2. That said Lot 2 of Chaney Place
be and the same is hereby established as a public
street from Hillcrest Road to Pennsylvania Ave-
nue to be known as Chaney Road;
Adopted 6/23/53
Published 6/29/53
Ordinance No. 45-53
Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque
County, Iowa, have delivered deed quit claiming
to the City of Dubuque, all right, title and interest
in and to:
Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of John P. Mettel's
Subdivision, Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of John P.
Mettel's Subdivision, Lot 2 of 3 of 1 of 1 of 2
of John P. Mettel's Subdivision, in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa; and
Whereas said property was acquired by
Dubuque County for a public road; and
Whereas said Board has agreed to construct
and surface a road on said lot;
Now Therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque hereby
accepts said quit claim deed;
Section 2. That the above described property
be and the same is hereby established as a public
street to be hereafter known as Green Street
from the present terminus of Green Street to
Pennsylvania Avenue;
Adopted 6/23/53
Published 6/29/53
Ordinance No. 69-53
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Eleanor Street, as the same
appears on the various plats of the Subdivisions
of Lot 1 and of Lot 2 of Robinson's Subdivision
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is
hereby accepted and established as a public street
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and that the name
thereof is hereby changed to and the same shall
be hereafter known as "Indian Ridge";
Adopted 11/16/53
Published 11/20/53
Ordinance No. 3-54
An Ordinance changing the Name of Rowan Street
to Julien Dubuque Drive.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the name of Rowan Street in the
City of Dubuque, from Grandview Avenue to the
City limits, be and the same is hereby changed to
Julien Dubuque Drive, and that said street shall be
known hereafter as Julien Dubuque Drive.
Section 2. That the City Clerk is hereby auth-
orized and directed to file a certified copy of this
Ordinance with the County Recorder of Dubuque
County, Iowa.
Adopted 1/11/54
Published 1/14/ 54
Ordinance No. 5-54
An Ordinance Accepting the Conveyance of Certain
Herein Described Real Estate and Establishing
Victoria Street and Diane Court thereon.
Whereas Burton R. Baal and Ethel Baal have
tendered to the City of Dubuque, their Quit Claim
Deed conveying
Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of 1 of 1; and
Lot 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1,
of Lee's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque,
Dubuque County, Iowa
to the said City for the purpose of extending Vic-
toria Street thereon; and
Whereas William Cook and Marie Cook have
tendered their quit claim deed conveying
Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Cook and Allen Place in the
City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa,
to the said City for the purpose of extending Vic-
toria Street thereon; and
Whereas Edwin J. Koerperick and Lorrayne A.
Koerperick have tendered to the City of Dubuque,
their Warranty Deed conveying
Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1
of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of part of Mineral Lot
28 in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa
to said City for the purpose of establishing Victoria
Street and Diane Court thereon; and
Whereas it appears from the record that Mrs.
Mary Elmer is the owner of an easement across all
or portions of the above described lots; and
Whereas the said Edwin J. Koerperick and
Lorrayne A. Koerperick have filed with the City
Council their agreement to hold the City harmless
from any damage claim made by the said Mrs.
Mary Elmer arising out of the establishment of a
public street upon the above described lots and
further agreeing to surface the streets established
on the above described lots according to plans and
specifications approved by the City Manager and in
a manner approved by the City Manager, which lat-
ter agreement is secured by a surety bond;
Now therefore, be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the above described deeds of
conveyance to the above described real estate are
hereby accepted by the City of Dubuque;
Section 2. That Victoria Street is hereby ex-
tended and established as a public street 40 feet
in width southerly across the above described real
estate to the southerly line of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot
2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot
2 of part of Mineral Lot 28;
Section 3. That Diane Court is hereby extended
and established as a public street 40 feet in width
easterly from its present easterly terminus in
Koerperick's subdivision to its intersection with
Victoria Street;
Section 4. That the City Clerk is hereby auth-
orized and directed to file a certified copy of this
Ordinance with the County Recorder of Dubuque
County, Iowa;
Adopted 3/ 1/ 54
Published 3/5/54
Ordinance No. 9-54
An Ordinance Naming the Unnamed Street Lying
Between State Street and South Hill Street first
south of Curtis Street.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the unnamed street lying be-
tween State Street and South Hill Street, first
south of Curtis Street, as the same appears upon a
plat adopted and approved by the City Council by
Resolution No. 378-29 on June 21, 1929, shall here-
after be known as "York Street".
Adopted 3/25/54
Published 3/29/54
Ordinance No. 36-54
An Ordinance Change the Name of McLenan Street
to River Ridge.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the name of McLenan Street
from its southerly terminus at Tressa Street to its
northerly terminus in Mississippi Heights Sub-
division, be and the same is hereby changed to
Adopted 4/ 20/ 54
Published 4/ 27/ 54
Ordinance No. 4-55
An Ordinance Extending Kaufmann Avenue by in-
cluding the herein described real estate and
directing the filing of a certified copy with the
County Recorder.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the conveyance of Lot 2 of 1 of
1 of 2 of 2 to 1 of 2 of 1 of Highland Farm in the
City of Dubuque, heretofore conveyed to the City of
Dubuque by Warranty Deed dated April 13, 1953,
be and the same is hereby accepted and that
Kaufmann Avenue be and the same is hereby ex-
tended and established as a public street to include
aid hereinbefore described lot, together with the
portion of Kaufmann Avenue dedicated in the plat
of Lot 1 of Lewis Heights Addition to the City of
Dubuque from the westerly line of Carter Road to
the west line extended of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of 2 of
1 of 2 of 1 in Highland Farm in the City of Dubuque.
Section 2. That the City Clerk be and hereby is
authorized and directed to record a certified copy
of this Ordinance with the County Recorder of
Dubuque County, Iowa.
Adopted 3/7/55
Published 3/ 14/ 55
Ordinance No. 5-55
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the alley lying between Locust
Street and Bluff Street from Dodge Street north to
Jones Street, be and the same is hereby designated
"Bissel Lane" and the City Manager is hereby
authorized and directed to assign house numbers
to the lots fronting on said alley.
Adopted 3/7/55
Published 3/ 14/ 55
Ordinance No. 18-55
An Ordinance Changing the Names of Earl Drive
and Earl Drive East within the City of Dubuque.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the names of the following
named streets within the City of Dubuque be and
the same are hereby changed as follows:
Earl Drive and Earl Drive East in Falk's
Subdivision shall be named Ideal Lane
Earl Drive in Falk's Subdivision which is first
street East of Earl Drive shall be named Ruann
Section 2. That upon final passage of this ordi-
nance a copy thereof shall be certified and filed
with the County Recorder and thereof shall be
certified and filed with the County Recorder and
County Auditor of Dubuque County, Iowa.
Adopted 3/23/55
Published 3/28/55
Ordinance No. 50-55
An Ordinance Changing the Name of Seminary
Street to Clarke Drive.
Section 1. That the name of Seminary Street
from Heeb Street to Asbury Street be and same is
hereby changed to Clarke Drive.
Section 2. That the City Clerk be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to record a certi-
fied copy of this Ordinance in the offices of the
County Recorder and County Auditor of Dubuque
County, Iowa.
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/12/55
Public Market
No. 23-52
No. 23-52
ORDINANCE NO. 24-42 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 23-52
Ordinance No. 23-52
An Ordinance Establishing a Central Market; Regu-
lating the Display and Sale of Merchandise
Thereon; Regulating the Street and Sidewalk
Display of Food Elsewhere in the City of
Dubuque; Providing a Penalty for the Violation
Hereof; and Repealing Ordinance Nos. 36, 154,
and 24-42.
Be it Ordained by the City Council cf the City of
Section 1. That part of the property of the City
adjacent to the City Hall, together with such part
of the streets, and sidewalks located in the area
bounded by Eleventh street, Thirteenth. street,
White street and Iowa street, as may be necessary,
shall constitute and be known as the Central Mar-
Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby au-
thorized and directed to establish spaces for stalls
in the Central Market and issue permits for the
use of the same. The annual fee for such permits
shall be Fifteen Dollars ($ 15) per space which fee
shall be charged and collected at the time of issu-
ance of the permit and paid over to the City Treas-
Section 3. That it shall be the duty of the City
Manager to keep the streets and sidewalks in the
Central Market open and free for travel;
Section 4. That no person, firm or corporation
shall display, offer for sale, or sell any merchan-
dise on the streets and sidewalks of the Central
Market except poultry, vegetables, flowers, eggs,
butter and fruits, raised or produced by the vendor
and displayed at a stall for which a permit has been
issued under the provisions of Paragraph 2 hereof;
Section 5. That no person, firm or corporation
shall make any sidewalk or street display of food
upon any of the streets of sidewalks of the City of
Dubuque except in the Central Market at stalls es-
tablished by the City Manager under the provisions
of Paragraph 2 hereof.
Section 6. That all food or food products offered
for sale on the Central Market shall be subject to
inspection by the Health Officer or his deputy. If
any such food is found to be unfit for human con-
sumption, such officer shall confiscate and destroy
the same and the person offering for sale or sell-
ing such food shall be guilty of a misdeameanor.
If any person, firm or corporation holding a per-
mit for a stall in the Central Market shall operate
the same in a manner contrary to law, or display
his wares in an unsanitary manner his permit shall
be revoked.
Section 7. That Ordinance No. 36, Ordinance
No. 154 and Ordinance No. 24-42 are hereby re-
Section 8. Any person, firm or corporation who
violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance
shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not to ex-
ceed One Hundred Dollars ($100) and in default of
such fine shall be imprisoned for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days.
Adopted 6/2/52
Published 6/6/52
Public Health
by Ordinance No. 38-53
No. 38-53
ORDINANCE NO. 28-29 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 38-53
ORDINANCE NO. 7-41 AMENDED by Ordinance
No. 15-52 and 2-55
ORDINANCE NO. 27-49 AMENDED by Ordinance
No. 58-55
Ordinance No. 15-52
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 7-41 as
Amended by Repealing Sections 8, 10, 11, and
12 Thereof and Enacting New Sections in Lieu
Thereof to Eliminate Authorization of the Sale
of Raw Milk in the City of Dubuque.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Section 8 of Ordinance No. 7-41,
as amended, be and the same is hereby repealed
and thefollowing enacted in lieu thereof:
milk products shall be sold to the final consum-
er or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery
stores, or similar establishments except Grade A
Pasteurized and Certified; provided, that when any
milk distributor fails to qualify for one of the
above grades the health officer is authorized to
revoke his permit, or in lieu thereof to degrade
his product and permit its sale during a temporary
period not exceeding 30 days or in emergencies
such longer period as he may deem necessary."
Section 2. That Section 10 of Ordinance No.
7-41 as amended be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof:
mitted in this section, no milk producer or dis-
tributor shall transfer milk or milk products from
one container to another on the street, or in any
vehicle or store, or in any place except a bottling
or milk room especially used for that purpose.
The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited.
All pasteurized milk and milk products shall be
placed in their final delivery containers in the
plant in which they are pasteurized. Milk and milk
products sold in the distributor's containers in
quantities less than one gallon shall be delivered
in standard milk bottles or in single -service con-
tainers approved by State Health,authorities. It
shall be unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, res-
taurants, groceries, and similar establishments
to sell or serve any milk or milk product except
in the original container in which it was received
from the distributor or from a bulk container
equipped with an approved dispensing device; pro-
vided, that this requirement shall not apply to
cream consumed on the premises, which may be
served from the original bottle or from a dispens-
er approved for such service.
It shall be unlawful for any hotel, soda fountain,
restaurant, grocery, or similar establishment to
sell or serve any milk or milk products which have
not been maintained, while in its possession, at a
temperature of 50 degrees F. or less.
No milk or milk products shall be permitted to
come in contact with equipment with which a lower
grade of milk or milk products has been in contact
unless such equipment has been first thoroughly
cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment.
Bottled milk or milk products, if stored in
water, shall be so stored that the tops of the bot-
tles will not be submerged.
It shall be the duty of all persons to whom milk
or milk products are delivered to clean thoroughly
the containers in which such milk or milk products
are delivered before returning such containers.
Apparatus, containers, equipment, and utensils
used in the handling, storage, processing, or trans-
porting of milk or milk products shall not be used
for any other purpose without the permission of
the health officer.
The delivery of milk or milk products to, the
collection of milk or milk products containers
from, residences in which cases of communicable
disease transmissible through milk supplies exist,
shall be subject to the special requirements of the
health officer."
Section 3. That Section 11 of Ordinance No.
7-41, as amended be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof:
TINE INSPECTION. Milk and milk products from
points beyond the limits of routine inspection of
the City of Dubuque may not be sold in the City of
Dubuque, unless produced and pasteurized under
provisions equivalent to the requirements of this
Ordinance; provided, that the health officer shall
satisfy himself that the health officer having juris-
diction over the productions and processing is
properly enforcing such provisions."
Section 4. That Section 12 of Ordinance No.
7-41, as amended be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof:
PLANTS. All dairies and milk plants from which
milk or milk products are supplied to the City
of Dubuque which are hereafter constructed
reconstructed, or extensively altered shall con-
form in their construction to the requirements of
this Ordinance for Grade A dairy farms, or for
Grade A pasteurization plants, respectively; pro-
vided, that the requirement of a two -room milk
house shall be waived in the case of dairies the
milk from which is to be pasteurized. Properly
prepared plans for all dairies and milk plants
which are hereafter constructed, reconstructed
or extensively altered shall be submitted to the
health officer for approval before work is begun.
In the case of milk plants signed approval shall
be obtained fro/tithe health officer or State
Department of Health."
Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from and after its final passage, adop-
tion and publication as by law provided.
Adopted 4/7/52
Published 4/ 14/ 52
Ordinance No. 17-52
An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to
Prohibit Unauthorized Persons or Vehicles
from Entering Flooded Areas; Prohibiting Oc-
cupancy of Dwellings Within Such Areas; Pro-
viding a Penalty for Violation Hereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. Whenever the City Manager shall de-
termine that any area of the City of Dubuque has
been or is in imminent danger of being inundated
by the flood waters of the Mississippi River, he
may designate the same a "Flood Area" and erect
suitable barricades and signs giving notice thereof:
Section 2. After signs have been erected giv-
ing notice thereof, no person or vehicles shall en-
ter said flood area without first having been au-
thorized to do so by the City Manager;
Section 3. The City Manager is hereby em-
powered to issue special permits to any persons
or vehicles whose presence in such flood areas is
demanded by public interest, which permits
shall not be transferable and shall be displayed in
a prominent manner while in such area;
Section 4. Whenever the imminent danger of
flood waters shall make any habitation or dwelling
dangerous to health and unsuitable for human habi-
tation, the occupants thereof, upon demand of the
City Manager or his properly authorized represen-
tative, shall vacate said dwelling and remove there-
from and shall not return thereto until the City
Manager shall have determined such danger no
longer exists;
Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation vio-
lating any of the terms or conditions of this Ordi-
nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and pun-
ished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dol-
lars ($100) or imprisoned in the County jail for
not more than thirty (30) days.
Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after its final passage,
adoption and publication as by law provided.
Adopted 4/ 15/ 52
Published 4/18/52
Ordinance No. 58-55
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 27-49 by
Repealing Section 2 thereof and Enacting A
Substitute Therefor Providing for a License
and License Fee.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No.
27-49 be and the same is hereby repealed and the
following enacted in lieu thereof:
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to operate a restaurant or
itinerant restaurant in the City of Dubuque without
first procuring a permit therefor and paying a fee
as follows:
For a restaurant $20.00 per year; For an
itinerant restaurant $20.00 per year, $10.00 per
week and $5.00 per day.
In the event of the violation of any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance by a permit holder, the
Health Officer may revoke or temporarily suspend
the permit.
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/13/55
by Ordinance No. 38-53
No. 38-53
ORDINANCE NO. 28-29 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 38-53
ORDINANCE NO. 7-41 AMENDED by Ordinance
No. 15-52 and 2-55
ORDINANCE NO. 27-49 AMENDED by Ordinance
No. 58-55
Ordinance No. 15-52
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 7-41 as
Amended by Repealing Sections 8, 10, 11, and
12 Thereof and Enacting New Sections in Lieu
Thereof to Eliminate Authorization of the Sale
of Raw Milk in the City of Dubuque.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Section 8 of Ordinance No. 7-41,
as amended, be and the same is hereby repealed
and thefollowing enacted in lieu thereof:
milk products shall be sold to the final consum-
er or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery
stores, or similar establishments except Grade A
Pasteurized and Certified; provided, that when any
milk distributor fails to qualify for one of the
above grades the health officer is authorized to
revoke his permit, or in lieu thereof to degrade
his product and permit its sale during a temporary
period not exceeding 30 days or in emergencies
such longer period as he may deem necessary."
Section 2. That Section 10 of Ordinance No.
7-41 as amended be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof:
mitted in this section, no milk producer or dis-
tributor shall transfer milk or milk products from
one container to another on the street, or in any
vehicle or store, or in any place except a bottling
or milk room especially used for that purpose.
The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited.
All pasteurized milk and milk products shall be
placed in their final delivery containers in the
plant in which they are pasteurized. Milk and milk
products sold in the distributor's containers in
quantities less than one gallon shall be delivered
in standard milk bottles or in single -service con-
tainers approved by State Health authorities. It
as approved by the City Council by Resolution No.
278-53 on the 1st day of June, 1953;
Section 2. In addition to the provisions of
Ordinance No. 7-41 of the City of Dubuque, as
amended, the sampling, examination, grading, and
labeling of milk or milk products sold or offered
for sale for ultimate consumption within the City
of Dubuque; the inspection of dairy herds, dairies
and milk plants; and the issuance and revocation
of permits to milk producers, haulers and dis-
tributors shall all be done in accordance with the
terms of the unabridged form of the Ordinance in
"Milk Ordinance and Code - 1953 Recommendations
of the Public Health Service" as approved by the
City Council by Resolution No. 278-53 on the 1st
day of June, 1953;
Section 3. Any person who shall violate any of
the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined
not more than One Hundred Dollars (100) or
imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days in lieu
of such fine;
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force
and effect on June 1, 1953 after its final adoption
and publication as provided by law.
Adopted 6/ 1/ 53
Published 6/5/53
Ordinance No. 2-55
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 7-41 by
repealing Section 7-Ir thereof and enacting a
substitute therefor.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Section 7-lr of Ordinance No.
7-41 be and the same is hereby repealed and the
following enacted in lieu thereof;
"7-1r Cows -Health -- All milk for pasteuriza-
tion shall be from herds which are located in a
modified accredited tuberculosis -free area, as de-
termined by the Bureau of Animal Industry, United
States Department of Agriculture, and which has
been tested for tuberculosis not more than 6 years
prior to the adoption of this ordinance and at least
every 6 years after such test: Provided, that herds
located in an area that fails to maintain such ac-
credited status, or that has an incidence of bovine
tuberculosis in excess of 0.2 percent, shall have
been accredited by said Bureau of Animal Industry
as tuberculosis -free, or shall have passed an an-
nual tuberculin test. All additions to such herds
shall be free from tuberculosis. Said tests and
retests shall be made, and any reactors disposed
of, in accordance with the latest requirements ap-
proved by the Bureau of Animal Industry, United
States Department of Agriculture, for tuberculosis -
free, accredited herds, in effect at the time of the
adoption of this ordinance. A certificate identifying
each animal, signed by the veterinarian or attested
to by the health officer, and filed as directed by the
health officer, shall be evidence of the above test.
Upon the adoption of this ordinance, all milk and
milk products for pasteurization shall be from
herds certified by the State Livestock Sanitary
Authority as following Plan A as approved by the
BAI for the eradication of brucellosis. Evidence of
this certification shall be filed as directed by the
health officer. All additions to the herd shall be
made, and any reactors disposed of, in accordance
with the latest requirements approved by the BAI,
USDA, in effect at the time of the adoption of this
ordinance. A certificate identifying each animal,
signed by the veterinarian and the director of the
laboratory making the test, and filed as directed
by the health officer, shall be evidence of the
above test.
Cows which show a complete induration of one
quarter or extensive induration in one or more
quarters of the udder upon physical examination,
whether secreting abnormal milk or not, shall be
permanently excluded from the milking herd:
Provided, that this shall not apply in the case of a
quarter that is completely dry. Cows giving bloody,
stringy, or otherwise abnormal milk, but without
entire or extensive induration of the udder, shall
be excluded from the herd until re-examination
shows that the milk has become normal.
For other diseases, such tests or examinations
as the health officer may require after consultation
with State livestock sanitary officials shall be made
at intervals and by methods prescribed by him, and
any diseased animals or reactors shall be disposed
of as he may require.
Adopted 1/3/55
Published 1/7/55
Ordinance No. 58-55
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 27-49 by
Repealing Section 2 thereof and Enacting A
Substitute Therefor Providing for a License
and License Fee.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No.
27-49 be and the same is hereby repealed and the
following enacted in lieu thereof:
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to operate a restaurant or
itinerant restaurant in the City of Dubuque without
first procuring a permit therefor and paying a fee
as follows:
For a restaurant $20.00 per year; For an
itinerant restaurant $20.00 per year, $10.00 per
week and $5.00 per day.
In the event of the violation of any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance by a permit holder, the
Health Officer may revoke or temporarily suspend
the permit.
Adopted 9/ 6/ 55
Published 9/13/55
by Ordinance No. 2-52
No. 10-53
No. 56-54.
2-52 REPEALED by Ordinance
10-53 AMENDED by Ordinance
Ordinance No. 10-53
An Ordinance Regulating the Keeping of Dogs in
the City of Dubuque; Providing for the Licens-
ing of the Same; Prohibiting the Same from
Running at Large; Providing for the Observa-
tion under Confinement of Biting Dogs; Estab-
lishing Special Procedures for the Control of
Rabies; Prescribing Penalties for the Violation
hereof; and Repealing Ordinance No. 2-52.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. Definitions. The following defi-
nitions shall apply in the interpretation and
enforcement of this Ordinance:
(a) "Dog" includes all domesticated members
of the canisfamilaris, male or female, whether
altered or not;
(b) "Owner" includes any person, firm, or cor-
poration owning, harboring, sheltering or keeping
a dog;
(c) "Kennel Dogs" are dogs kept or raised
solely for the bona fide purposes of sale and
which are kept under constant restraint;
(d) "At large" includes any dog off the premises
of its owner or upon the public streets, alleys,
public grounds, or parks within the City of
Dubuque. A dog shall not be deemed at large if:
1. It is attached to a leash of sufficient strength
to restrain the dog and not more than ten (10) feet
in length, where said leash is held by a person
competent to govern the dog; or
2. When properly restrained within a motor
vehicle or housed in an animal hospital approved
by City Health Officer.
Section 2. Licenses.
,(a) The City Manager shall issue dog licenses
upon due application and payment of the fee pro-
vided hereinafter. The licensee, upon procurement
of the license, shall securely attach the license tag
to a collar or harness, and this collar or harness
with the license tag attached shall at all times be
kept on the dog for which the license is issued.
Any dog found at large without a collar or harness
to which a license tag is attached shall be deemed
unlicensed and shall be impounded;
(b) The head of the family shall be liable for
payment of the license fee on any dog owned,
harbored or kept by any member of the family;
(c) It shall be unlawful for any owner to own,
possess or harbor a dog, except kennel dogs, in
the City of Dubuque without having obtained a
license therefor in compliance with the provisions
hereinafter set forth;
(d) The license fee per calendar year, or
fraction thereof shall be:
One Dollar ($1) for each male dog;
One Dollar ($1) for each spayed female dog;
Three Dollars ($3) for each female dog not
(e) All dog licenses issued hereunder shall
expire on March 31st of the year following the
year in which the license was issued unless sooner
(f) The owner, or other person responsible for
the payment of the license, as hereinbefore pro-
vided, shall make application for the same to the
City Manager on forms provided by him, which
forms shall give the name and address of the
owner, the sex and description of the dog, and,
when known, its breed and age. In the event of a
change in ownership the license holder shall
notify the City Manager of such change;
Section 3. Harboring Vicious Dog. It shall be
unlawful for any person to harbor or keep a vi-
cious dog within the City of Dubuque. A dog is
deemed to be vicious when it shall have attacked
or bitten any person (without provocation), or when
propensity to attack or bite persons shall exist
and is known or ought reasonably to be known to
the owner;
Section 4. Impounding.
(a) Any unlicensed dog, except Kennel dogs, and
any licensed dog found at large, as previously de-
fined, shall be subject to seizure and impoundment
in a place provided by the city.
(b) Except as otherwise provided, the possession
of any licensed dog so seized or impounded may
be obtained by the owner, by paying the sum of
Two Dollars ($2) plus the current daily fee for
keeping such dog for each day or fraction thereof
during which the dog was impounded.
(c) Upon proper identification, the possession
of any unlicensed dog so seized or impounded,
may be obtained by the owner paying the license
fee, in addition to the charges above provided for
impounding licensed dogs;
(d) Whenever any licensed dog has been so
seized or impounded, notice of such action shall
be given by United States Mail to the owner, as
shown by the records in the City Manager's office,
and if the dog is not claimed by the owner within
five (5) days after such notice has been mailed,
the license shall automatically be revoked and the
dog disposed of as prescribed by the Health Of-
(e) Any unlicensed dog not claimed by the owner
within three (3) days after it has been seized or
impounded, shall be disposed of as prescribed by
the Health Officer;
Section 5. Dogs Disturbing the Peace.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to own,
keep, have in his possession or harbor any dog
which by frequent and habitual howling, yelping,
barking or otherwise, shall cause a serious an-
noyance or disturbance to persons or to the
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation keeping, owning or sheltering a dog
to allow or permit such animal to pass upon the
premises of another causing damage or annoyance
or otherwise interfering with the premises.
(c) No person shall be convicted under the pro-
visions of this section except upon complaint of
two or more persons of different households.
Section 6. Female Dogs in Season. It shall be
unlawful for any owner to allow his female dog that
is in season to run at large or to so confine her as
to attract male dogs to the area and by their pres-
ence cause a nuisance. Any person violating the
provisions of this section shall be punished as
provided in this Ordinance and the dog shall be
subject to seizure and impoundment at the expense
of the owner, during the remainder of the heat
Section 7. Rabies.
(a) The owner of any dog which has contracted
rabies, or which has been subject to same or
which is suspected of having rabies, or which
shall have bitten any person, shall upon demand
of the Chief of Police or Health Officer, produce
and surrender up such dog to be held in quaran-
tine for observation for a period determined by
the City Health Officer at the expense of the
owner of said dog.
(b) At the discretion of the Health Officer it
may be permissible for the owner to properly
confine his dog instead of having it impounded.
The term "properly confined" shall be construed
to include:
(1) Chaining at home or penning at home if the
dog be so protected as to prevent intimate ap-
proach of any other animal or person by a metal
or wood barrier of sufficient size, height and
construction as to absolutely prevent the ingress
or egress of person or animal;
(2) Confinement in an animal hospital under the
supervision of a registered veterinarian.
(c) If, upon examination by a veterinarian, any
dog shall prove to be infected with rabies, such
dog shall be disposed of as directed by the Health
Officer. It shall be the duty of said veterinarian
to notify the City Health Officer of any positive
rabies case found within twenty-four (24) hours.
(d) Any animal bitten or attacked by any known
rabid animal, shall be quarantined under super-
vision of the City Health Officer by being confined,
as provided above, for a period of not less than
ninety (90) days.
(e) Any person who shall knowingly harbor or
keep any dog infected with rabies, or any dog
known to have been bitten by a rabid dog, or who
shall fail to report to the police or health officer
the existence of a dog which he knows to be so
infected, or who shall fail to produce and surren-
der up any dog pursuant to subsection (a) hereof,
shall be punished as provided in this ordinance.
(f) Any person finding a dead dog shall at once
notify the police department.
Section 8. Control of Rabies Outbreak. When
the Mayor, pursuant to Resolution of the City
Council, shall declare an emergency due to rabies:
(a) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog
to permit or suffer such dog to be at large. Any
dog found at large shall be deemed to be so with
the permission or at the sufference of its owner.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person except
the owner of a dog, or his agent, to open any door
or gate of any private premises, or to otherwise
entice or enable any dog to leave any private prem-
ises for the purpose or with the result of setting
such dog at large.
(c) Any dog, found at large shall be impounded
by the police department whether licensed or not.
Section 9. The City Manager is hereby au-
thorized to contract from year to year with any
incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty
to animals for the carrying out of the provisions
of this Ordinance, including the collection, pro-
tection and disposition of dogs, and the collection
of fees for the license and care of seized dogs.
Section 10. Violation of Provisions. Any per-
son violating any of the provisions of this Ordi-
nance shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum not
exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100) and costs,
and in default of payment be committed to the
City or County jail, until such fine and costs are
paid, not exceeding thirty (30) days, or a jail
sentence may be imposed not exceeding the said
thirty (30) days.
Section 11. Unconstitutionality Clause.
Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause
or phrase of this Ordinance be declared uncon-
stitutional or invalid for any reason, the remain-
der of said Ordinance shall not be affected there-
Section 12. Ordinance No. 2-52 adopted by the
City Council January 7, 1952 is hereby repealed
and this Ordinance shall be in full force and ef-
fect immediately upon its adoption and publica-
tion as provided by law.
Adopted 5/12/53
Published 5/15/53
No. 52-55
No. 55-55
No. 55-55
No. 59-55
Regulating Certain Businesses
4-33 REPEALED by Ordinance
3-38 REPEALED by Ordinance
12-39 REPEALED by Ordinance
21-42 AMENDED by Ordinance
Ordinance No. 31-52
An Ordinance Regulating Service Stations and Re-
quiring a Permit for the Operation Thereof;
Regulating Tank Vehicles Carrying Flammable
Liquids within the City of Dubuque; and Provid-
ing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. This Ordinance shall apply to all
service stations and tank vehicles handling flam-
mable liquids as hereinafter defined, within the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, except that it shall not ap-
ply to transportation when in conformity with Inter-
state Commerce Commission regulations or regu-
lations lawfully on file with and approved by the
Interstate Commerce Commission.
Section 2. For the purposes of this Ordinance
the following words and terms shall have the mean-
ings ascribed to such words in this section:
2.01 - "Service Station" shall mean that portion
of a property where flammable liquids used as
motor fuels are stored and dispensed from fixed
equipment into fuel tanks of motor vehicles or
floating craft.
2.02 - "Bulk Plant" shall mean that portion of a
property where flammable liquids are received by
tank vessel, pipe lines, tank car, or tank vehicle
and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose
of distributing such liquids by tank vehicle, pipe
line, tank car, tank vehicle or container.
2.03 - "Chief" shall mean the Chief of the Fire
Department and shall include any officer, member
or inspector deputized for the purposes of this Or-
dinance by the Chief.
2.04 - "Closed container" shall mean a con-
tainer so sealed by means of a lid or other device
that neither liquid nor vapor will escape from it at
ordinary temperatures.
2.05 - "Flammable liquid" shall mean any liquid
having a flash point below 200 ° F and having a va-
por pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square
inch (absolute). Flammable liquids shall be divided
into three classes as follows:
Class I shall include those having flash points at or
below 20 ° F;
Class II shall include those having flash points
above 20 ° F, but at or below 70 ° F;
Class III shall include those having flash points
above 70 ° F.
2.06 - "Safety can" shall mean an approved con-
tainer of not over five gallons capacity having a
spring closing lid and spout cover.
2.07 - "Person" as used herein shall include
any person, firm, corporation, partnership or as-
2.08 - "Tank truck" shall mean any single self-
propelled motor vehicle equipped with a cargo tank
mounted thereon, and used for the transportation
of flammable liquids.
2.09 - "Tank Full Trailer" shall mean any ve-
hicle, without motive power, equipped with a cargo
tank mounted thereon or built as an integral part
thereof and used for the transportation of flamma-
ble liquids, and so constructed that, when drawn by
a truck or tractor, no part of its weight rests upon
the towing vehicle.
2.10 - "Tank Semi -trailer" shall mean any ve-
hicle, without motive power, equipped with a cargo
tank mounted thereon or built as an integral part
thereof, and used for the transportation of flamma-
ble liquids, and so constructed that, when drawn by
a tractor by means of a fifth wheel connection,
some part of its load and weight rests upon the
towing vehicle.
2.11 - "Tank vehicle" shall mean any tank
truck, tank full trailer, or tank semi -trailer.
2.12 - "Cargo tank" shall mean any container
having a liquid capacity in excess of 200 gallons,
used for the carrying of flammable liquids, and
mounted permanently or otherwise upon a tank
vehicle. The term "cargo tank" does not apply to
any container used solely for the purpose of sup-
plying fuel for the propulsion of the tank vehicle
upon which it is mounted.
Section 3. No person shall engage in the opera-
tion of any service station within the City of
Dubuque without first obtaining a permit therefor
in compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
Section 4. Applicants for a service station per-
mit shall file with the City Manager an application
(a) The name and address of the applicant;
(b) The location of the service station;
(c) The name and address of the owner of the
premises on which the service station is located;
(d) The name and address of the operator of the
service station;
(e) The amount of Class I flammable liquid
storage provided in such service station.
Section 5. If, after an investigation by the Chief,
the City Manager shall be reasonably satisfied that
the premises are constructed and will be operated
in conformity with good safety standards, he shall
issue a permit to the applicant for the operation of
a service station, which permit shall be in full
force and effect until the first day of July following
the issuance thereof. Compliance with the require-
ments of NFPA Bulletin No. 30-L (1951 Ed.), three
copies of which shall be kept on file in the office of
.the City Manager for public inspection, shall be
prima facie evidence of good safety standards.
Section 6. Any person aggrieved by the refusal
of the City Manager to issue the permit hereinabove
provided for may appeal to the City Council within
ten days after receipt of notice of such refusal by
filing written notice of 'such appeal with the City
Clerk. Upon hearing such appeal the City Council
may affirm, modify, or revoke the action of the
City Manager.
Section 7. Service stations shall not be located
at a bulk plant unless separated by a fence or
similar barrier from the area in which bulk opera-
tions are conducted.
Section 8. All pumps and lighting apparatus of
any service station shall be of a type approved by
the National Board of Underwriters or other na-
tionally recognized fire prevention agency for such
Section 9. All service stations shall be equipped
with at least one fifteen pound dry powder or CO2
fire extinguisher, in operating condition, which
shall be kept in a location readily available at all
Section 10. There shall be no smoking on the
driveway of service stations in areas used for fuel-
ing motor vehicles, dispensing flammable anti-
freeze or the receipt of products by tank truck, or
in those .portions of the building used for servicing
automobiles, tractors or internal combustion en-
gines. Conspicuous signs prohibiting smoking
shall be posted within sight of the customer being
served. Letters on such signs shall be not less
than 4 inches high. The motors of all vehicles be-
ing fueled shall be shut off during the fueling oper-
Section 11. Whenever it shall appear to the
Chief that any permit holder has violated any of the
provisions of this Ordinance, or is creating a haz-
ardous condition through the improper handling of
flammable liquids, he may mail a written notice to
the owner and operator, as shown on the applica-
tion, pointing out the condition complained of and
directing that the same be remedied. In the event
the condition complained of is not remedied within
five (5) days from the date of mailing such notice,
the City Manager may revoke the permit and no
new permit shall thereafter issue until the condi-
tion complained of has been corrected.
Section 12. In the event any permit holder shall
be aggrieved by the decision of the City Manager
to revoke his permit under the provisions of the
foregoing section, he may appeal to the City Coun-
cil within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice
of such revocationby filing written notice of such
appeal with the City Clerk. Upon hearing such ap-
peal the City Council may affirm, modify or revoke
the action of the City Manager.
Section 13. Tank vehicles shall not be operated
unless they are in proper repair, devoid of accumu-
lations of grease, oil or other flammables and free
of leaks.
Section 14. The driver, operator or attendant of
any tank vehicle shall not leave the vehicle while it
is being filled or discharged. Delivery hose, when
attached to a tank vehicle, shall be considered to
be a part of the tank vehicle.
Section 15. Motors of tank vehicles shall be
shut down while unloading Class I flammable liquid
and all unloading of Class I flammable liquid into
service station underground tanks from tank ve-
hicles shall be by gravity flow and not by pumping.
Section 16. Any tank vehicle discharging Class
I flammable liquid into storage tanks shall employ
a sealed filler connection which provides constant
electric conducting contact between the filler pipe
and the tank vehicle.
Section 17. In every cargo tank or compartment
of any tank vehicle sufficient space shall be left
vacant to prevent leakage or distortion by expan-
sion of the contents due to rise in temperatures in
transit. No cargo tank or compartment shall be
loaded to a volume in excess of 99 1/4% of its
Section 18. No tank vehicle which has, or within
the twenty-four hours immediately preceding has
had, a cargo of Class I flammable liquids, shall be
left standing unattended on any street, alley, high-
way, or other public property, nor on any parking
lot held open to the public as a place for parking
vehicles, except that such vehicles, when properly
parked on any marked highway in the City, may be
left standing unattended for a period not exceeding
thirty (30) minutes.
Section 19. It shall be unlawful for any person
to unload any Class I flammable liquid from any
tank vehicle between the hours of 10 P.M. and
6 A.M. in any local business district or residence
district as established by the Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque.
Section 20. No tank vehicle shall discharge or
unload, or transfer Class I flammable liquid while
any portion thereof is standing on any street, alley
or public highway, except in the case of emer-
gency, In the event an emergency requires the
discharge or unloading of Class I flammable liquid
from any tank vehicle on a public street or highway
the Chief shall be notified and such operation shall
not be commenced until such necessary safeguards
as he shall require have been established.
Section 21. No tank vehicle having a capacity in
excess of 2,000 gallons shall be used to deliver
Class I flammable liquid to any service station un-
less the available storage capacity of such station
for Class I flammable liquid is equal to or greater
than the total cargo of such tank vehicle.
Section 22. No service station shall conduct its
regular business operations while a tank vehicle is
discharging Class I flammable liquid on the prem-
ises if such tank vehicle is located in a position
that will interfere with the unrestricted flow of the
normal business traffic of the station.
Section 23. Wherever the literal enforcement of
the provisions of either Section 15, 16, or 20 of this
Ordinance will, in the opinion of the City Manager,
work an unnecessary hardship, he may permit such
variation from the terms of that section as will not
be contrary to the public interest, but under such
terms and conditions that the spirit of the Ordi-
nance will be preserved and substantial justice
Section 24. Any person who shall be found
guilty of violating any of the provisions of this Or-
dinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
one hundred dollars ($100) or by imprisonment not
exceeding thirty (30) days.
Section 25. The City Council hereby declares
that should any section, paragraph, sentence, or
word of this Ordinance be declared, for any rea-
son, to be invalid, it is,the intent of said Council
that it would have passed all other portions of this
Ordinance independent of the elimination herefrom
of any such portion as may be declared invalid,
and the declaring of such portion invalid shall not
affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
Section 26. This Ordinance shall be in full force
and effect ninety (90) days from and after its final
adoption and publication as provided by law.
Adopted 8/4/52
Published 8/11/52
Ordinance No. 52-55
An Ordinance Providing License Fees for certain
Businesses and Vocations Conducted in the City
of Dubuque; Requiring the Securing of a License
therefor: Defining the terms; Repealing Ordi-
nance No. 4.33; and Prescribing the Penalty for
Violation hereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. From and after the effective date of
this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to engage in any business or
vocation hereinafter named, without first procuring
a license therefor and paying the license fee or fees
as prescribed herein for such business or vocation.
Section 2. It is not intended by this Ordinance to
repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or in-
terfere with existing provisions of other laws or
ordinances, excepting those specifically repealed
by this Ordinance. Where this Ordinance imposes
a greater restriction upon persons, premises or
personal property than is imposed or required by
such existing provisions of law, ordinances, con-
tract or deed, the provisions of this Ordinance
shall control.
Section 3. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of
this Ordinance the following definitions shall apply:
(a) Billposters and distributors shall mean all
persons engaged in the business of posting bills or
the business of distributing handbills, samples or
advertisements of any kind, except by mail.
(b) Billiard and Pool halls shall mean any busi-
ness in which pool tables or billiard tables are
operated for profit whether as a principal part of
the business, or conducted in connection with some
other business, except non-profit corporations and
fraternal associations operating pool and billiard
tables primarily for their own members.
(c) Bowling Alley as used herein shall mean any
business which, as its principal business or in
connection with some other business, operates
bowling alleys, box ball alleys, duck pin alleys, or
similar devices for profit, excepting charitable
corporations, or fraternal associations operating
such devices primarily for their own members.
(d) Open Air Show, as used herein shall mean
any traveling show exhibition or amusement con-
ducted for profit in the open air, or in any tent, or
other temporary structure.
(e) Christmas Tree Merchants shall mean any
business engaged in the sale of Christmas Trees at
a temporary location.
( f) Where used herein, the term Public Dance
Hall, shall mean any room, space or place where
public dances are conducted and shall include any
room, hall or auditorium in a building owned by
clubs or lodges.
Section 4. The license fees for the following
businesses and vocations are hereby established in
the following amounts:
(a) Billposter and Distributor license - $25.00
per year;
(b) Billiard and pool hall license - $5.00 for
each pool or billiard table, per year;
(c) Bowling Alley license - $5.00 per year for
each bowling alley, or similar device;
(d) The license fee for an Open Air Show shall
be $75 for the first day and $25 for each succeeding
day; provided that where the Council shall find that
the profits from said show are devoted to civic,
charitable, patriotic or other public purposes it
may remit the fee in whole or in part.
(e) The license fee for the sale of Christmas
trees by temporary merchants is hereby fixed at
$10 for the season;
(f) The license fee for any hotel, rooming or
lodging house, for transients, containing less than
30 rooms is fixed at $5 per year;
More than 29 but less than 50 rooms, $7.50
per year;
More than 49 but less than 70 rooms, $12.50
per year;
More than 69 but less than 100 rooms, $20.00
per year;
More than 99 but less than 200 rooms, $37.50
per year; and
More than 199 rooms, $75.00 per year;
(g) The license fee for any lunch wagon is hereby
fixed at $50.00 per year;
(h) The license fee for any public Dance Hall
having 2500 square feet of clear floor space, or
less, is hereby fixed at $15.00 per year; the
license fee for a public Dance Hall having more
than2500 square feet of clear floor space is hereby
fixed at $25.00 per year. In addition to the fore-
going license fee a charge of $5.00 for any public
Dance shall be exacted to cover the expense of
proper police supervision.
(i) The license fee for shooting galleries is
hereby fixed at $2.00 per day; $5.00 per week; or
$10.00 per month;
( j) The license fee for a theater, motion picture
theater, opera house, or other building or hall used
for public entertainments, having a seating capacity
of 250 or less, is hereby fixed at $25.00 per year;
Those having a seating capacity of more than
250, but less than 400, $50.00 per year;
Those having a seating capacity of more than
399, but less than 800, $75.00 per year;
Those having a seating capacity of 800 or more,
$100.00 per year.
Section 5. The City Council may, upon proper
application and showing, exempt any disabled vet-
eran, or crippled, disabled or indigent person,
from all or part of the provisions of this Ordinance.
Section 6. Any person, firm or corporation who
violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined not more than
$100.00, or in default of such fine shall be im-
prisoned for a period of not to exceed 30 days.
Section 7. Ordinance No. 4-33 is hereby re-
Section 8. Billiard and Pool Halls shall not be
operated between the hours of twelve o'clock mid-
night and six (6) o'clock A.M. except for heating
and cleaning the same. There shall be no obstruc-
tions placed in the windows so as to prevent a
clear view of the interior from the street. Such a
business shall be conducted in a single room with-
out any connection with or to any other room except
toilet rooms and or a basement which is used for
storage and heating purposes, or some other legit-
imate business or trade. Where such business is
conducted in connection with some other business
in the same room, all of the provisions hereof
shall apply and the one business shall not be sep-
arated from the other business by screens, curtains
or partitions, except with the consent of and under
the restrictions imposed by the City Council.
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/13/55
Ordinance No. 53-55
An Ordinance Regulating and Licensing Auctions,
and Auctioneers; Fixing License Fees; and
Providing a penalty for violation.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to conduct an auction or engage
in the business of auctioneer within the City of
Dubuque without first procuring a license and per-
mit therefor and paying the fees as hereinafter
Section 2. Auctioneer shall mean any person,
firm or corporation who engages in the business
of selling or offering for sale real or personal
property at public auction.
Section 3. Any person desiring to hold an auc-
tion sale within the City of Dubuque shall first
make application to the City Manager for a permit
therefor. Said application shall set forth the name
of the applicant, the name of the auctioneer, the
location of the auction sale, the name of the clerk
of the sale, and an inventory of the merchandise
proposed to be sold. The inventory herein re-
quired shall show the quantity and description of
each item, including the manufacturer's number,
if any, and shall separately list each itern brought
upon the premises for sale within 60 days prior to
the application.
Section 4. The inventory required by the fore-
going section shall be prepared in triplicate and
signed by the applicant. One copy thereof shall be
attached to the application, one copy shall be fur-
nished to the auctioneer and one copy shall be
posted in a conspicious place on the premises
where the auction is held.
Section 5. Upon determination that the applica-
tion is in order, the payment of the permit fee of
$5.00 and the payment of a clerk's license fee of
$5.00 the City Manager shall issue a permit for the
sale applied for and a clerk's license for such sale.
Section 6. Only the items of merchandise listed
on the inventory shall be sold or offered for sale
at such auction and, as each item is sold, the clerk
of the sale shall strike it from the inventory posted
on the premises.
Section 7. Notice. If the owner intends to offer
a bid at a public auction, or to have someone bid
for him, he shall give a written or oral notice of
such fact at the opening of each auction period, and
in the absence of such notice, he shall not submit a
bid, nor shall he employ or induce any person to
bid for him, nor shall the auctioneer employ or
induce any person to bid at such sale for the owner,
nor shall he knowingly take any bid from the owner
or any person employed by him. In addition to the
penalties herein described, any such sale may be
treated as fraudulent by the buyer.
Section 8. Misrepresentation. No article or
piece of merchandise sold or offered for sale shall
be misrepresented as to quantity, quality or price
Section 9. Premises. The premises where an
auction sale is being held shall be well lighted and
illuminated at all times during said sale.
Section 10. The permit for any auction sale
shall expire 30 days from the date of its issuance
and any auction conducted thereunder shall be con-
cluded within said period unless a new permit is
applied for, the fees paid and permit issued.
Section 11. Any individual desiring to act as an
auctioneer at any auction for which a permit is re-
quired under this ordinance, shall first make appli-
cation to the City Manager, on forms provided by
him, for a license and pay the following license fee:
To act as auctioneer at auction sales of real
estate, livestock or household goods, sold at
the domicile of the owner, $25.00 per year or
$5.00 per day.
To act as auctioneer at all types of auction
sales $100.00 per year.
Section 5 of Ordinance 3-33 shall not apply.
Section 12. The provisions of this ordinance
shall not apply to judicial sales. Sales by public
officers. or sales by Executors, Administrators or
Section 13. Any person, firm or corporation
who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not
exceeding $100.00 or by imprisonment not exceed-
ing 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/13/55
Ordinance No, 54-55
An Ordinance Regulating and Licensing Peddlers
and Transient Merchants, Prescribing the
License fees, and Providing a Penalty for the
Violation hereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to engage in the business of
transient merchant or peddler, as hereinafter de-
fined, within the corporate limits of the City of
Dubuque, without first obtaining a license therefor
and paying the license fee as hereinafter provided.
(a) The word "person" as used herein shall in-
clude the singular and plural and shall also mean
and include any person, firm or corporation, asso-
ciation, club, co -partnership or society, or any
other organization.
(b) A "peddler" is defined as any individual,
whether a resident of this City or not, traveling by
foot, motor vehicle or other type of conveyance,
from place to place, from house to house, or from
street to street, offering and exposing goods,
wares, products, merchandise or services for
sale, or taking or soliciting orders for goods,
wares, products, merchandise or services for
future delivery, whether he collects advance pay-
ments for such sales, or not; provided, that such
definition shall not include any individual who calls
upon or solicits business establishments, profes-
sional offices or institutions, exclusively, or per-
sons who call on prospective customers by ap-
pointment only.
(c) The term "transient merchant" shall mean
any person, whether a resident of this city or not,
who engages in the business of selling goods,
wares, merchandise, or services from any fixed
or temporary location, which is temporarily
maintained, within the City of Dubuque, or when
such a business is, intermittently carried on and
there is no intention to conduct the sameperma-
nently within the City, and in addition to the fore-
going, the term shall apply to any person who
temporarily locates in the City and engages in the
taking of orders for merchandise or services on
his or its own account, whether for immediate or
future delivery.
Section 3. Application for a license under this
Ordinance shall be filed in duplicate with the City
Manager, on a form to be furnished by him, which
shall be signed by the applicant and give the fol-
lowing information:
(a) Type of license applied for;
(b) Name of applicant;
(c) Address, both legal and local;
(d) A brief description of the nature of the
business and the goods to be sold or services
performed and, in the case of products of the
farm or orchard, whether produced or grown by
the applicant;
(e) If employed, the name and address of the
employer, together with credentials establishing
the exact relationship;
(f) The length of time for which the right to do
business is desired;
(g) The names of two reliable property owners
of the City of Dubuque, who will certify as to the
applicant's good repute and business responsibility,
or in lieu thereof, the applicant's fingerprints and
any other information that may be required by the
City Manager to properly investigate such reputa-
tion and business responsibility.
(h) A list of all places of residence of the appli-
cant for the five years immediately preceding the
At the time of filing the application a fee of $5
shall be paid to the City Manager to cover the cost
of investigating the facts stated therein.
Section 4. Upon receipt of the application the
City Manager shall cause an investigation of the
applicant to be made and if, as a result of such in-
vestigation, the reputation and business responsi-
bility of the applicant are found to be good he shall,
upon the payment of the proper fee, issue a license.
Section 5. Whenever a merchant claims to be
permanently located in this city, and the nature of
his business is such as to cause some doubt as to
such representation, the City Manager may request
the City Solicitor to enter into an agreement or ar-
rangement with such merchant whereby the interest
of the City and its inhabitants will be protected,
which agreement and arrangement shall be re-
ported to the City Council for its approval.
Section 6.
(a) The license fee for peddlers is hereby fixed
at $10 per day, $25 per week, $50 per month or
$300 per year;
(b) The license fee for transient merchants is
hereby fixed at $10 per day, $25 per week, $50 per
month, or $300 per year;
(c) None of the license fees provided for by this
ordinance shall be so applied as to occasion an
undue burden upon interstate commerce. In any
case where a license fee is believed by a licensee
or applicant for license to place an undue burden
upon such commerce, he may apply to the Manager
for an adjustment of the fee so that it shall not be
discriminatory, unreasonable, or unfair as to such
commerce. Such application may be made before,
at, or within six months after payment of the pre-
scribed license fee. The applicant shall, by af-
fidavit and supporting testimony, show his method
of business and the gross volume or estimated
gross volume of business and such other informa-
tion as the City Manager may deem necessary in
order to determine the extent, if any, of such undue
burden on such commerce. The City Manager
shall then conduct an investigation, comparing ap-
plicant's business with other businesses of like
nature and shall make findings of fact from which
he shall determine whether the fee fixed by this
ordinance is unfair, unreasonable or discrimina-
tory as to applicant's business and shall fix as the
license fee for the applicant, an amount that is
fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory, or if the
fee has already been paid, shall order a refund of
the amount over and above the fee so fixed, In
fixing the fee to be charged, the City Manager shall
have the power to base the fee upon a percentage of
gross sales, or any other method which will assure
that the fee assessed shall be uniform with that
assessed on businesses of like nature, so long as
the amount assessed does not exceed the fees as
prescribed by Section 6 of this Ordinance. Should
the City Manager determine the Gross sales meas-
ure of the fee to be the fair basis, he may require
the applicant to submit, either at the time of ter-
mination of applicant's business in the City, or at
the end of each three month period, a sworn state-
ment of the gross sales and pay of the amount of
fee therefor, provided that no additional fee during
any one calendar year shall be required after the
licensee shall have paid an amount equal to the
annual license as prescribed in Section 6 of this
Section 7. The license granted hereunder shall
be personal to the applicant only and shall not be
loaned or transferred.
Section 8. In the event any license issued here-
under shall become lost or mislaid, the Licensee
shall report such fact to the Chief of Police im-
Section 9. Peddlers or transient merchants are
hereby required to exhibit their licenses at the re-
quest of any citizen.
Section 10. Sections 2 to 6 inclusive hereof
shall not apply to holders of milk or bakery ped-
dlers licenses.
Section 11. Persons selling milk or milk prod-
ucts or fruit juices exclusively from house to
house in the City of Dubuque shall first obtain a
milk peddlers license and pay an annual license fee
of $5.00.
Section 12. Persons selling bakery goods ex-
clusively from house to house in the City of
Dubuque shall first obtain a bakery peddlers license
and pay an annual fee of $75,00,
Section 13. Peddling shall not be conducted
upon the public streets from temporary stands or
vehicles to which people are attracted by talking,
singing, music, unusual noises or entertainment
or by the use of flares or lights.
Section 14. Food commodities sold along and
upon the street, including ice cream, shall at all
times be subject to inspection by the Health Of-
ficer or his deputy and this inspection shall apply
to the quantity, weights, measure and sanitation of
the article offered for sale. Unwholesome rotten
or decayed foods shall not be sold or offered for
sale and it shall be the duty of the Health officer
or his deputy to condemn such foods wherever
Section 15. Vehicles upon which such foods are
carried the containers in which the same are
handled and the food products shall be clean and
sanitary, protected against filth, dust, flies, or
other contaminating substances by proper cover
or screens. In the absence of an agreement in
writing whenever any of the articles or commodi-
ties are sold upon the streets by the bushel or
fractional part thereof the measure thereof shall
be ascertained by avoirdupois weight, computed as
by law provided, The license shall be attached to
the vehicle from which such products are sold.
Section 16. Disabled soldiers or sailors who
have been honorably discharged from the United
States Service or crippled disabled or indigent per-
sons may be exempted from the provisions of this
ordinance providing they file an application with
the City Council setting forth the grounds on which
they request exemption.
Section 17. Any person violating any of the
provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction
thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed One
Hundred Dollars ($100) or by imprisonment not to
exceed thirty (30) days or by both such fine or im-
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/13/55
Ordinance No. 55-55
An Ordinance Regulating and Licensing Junk
Dealers, Junk Collectors, Auto Salvage Dealers
and Pawnbrokers; Prescribing License Fees;
Regulating Pawnbrokers; and providing a Pen-
alty for the Violation hereof and repealing Or-
dinances 3-38 and 12-39.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. For the purpose of this Ordinance
the following definitions shall apply:
(a) The term "Pawnbroker" shall mean any per-
son, firm or corporation who makes loans or ad-
vancements upon pawn, pledge or deposit of per-
sonal property, or who received actual possession
of personal property as security for a loan, with or
without a mortgage or bill of sale.
(b) The term "junk dealer" shall mean any per-
son, firm or corporation who buys, sells, or collects
junk, automobile parts or tires, of every kind and
description, either as his or its main business or
as incidental to some other business.
(c) The term "junk" shall mean scrap metals or
machinery, rags, paper, bottles, tinware, furniture,
used plumbing and electrical materials and fixtures,
used automobiles, automobile parts or tires, plati-
num, gold or silver, or any other article or thing
usually bought, sold, or dealt with as junk.
(d) The term "junk collector" shall mean any
person who travels about the City from house to
house or place to place, collecting or buying junk.
(e) The term "auto salvage dealer" shall mean
any person, firm or corporation who engages in the
business of buying automobiles, or automobile
parts, or tires, for resale in whole or in part as
junk or as used parts.
Section 2. No person, firm or corporation shall
engage in the business of junk dealer, junk collec-
tor, auto salvage dealer or pawnbroker without
first obtaining a license therefore and paying the
license fee as herein prescribed.
Section 3. The license fee for junk dealers
shall be $50.00 per year;
The license fee for junk collectors shall be
$50.00 per year;
The license fee for auto salvage dealers shall be
$50.00 per year;
The license fee for pawnbrokers shall be $100.00
per year.
Section 4. From and after the effective date of
this Ordinance every pawnbroker and junk dealer
shall keep a record in the English language, and
in a book kept for that purpose in which shall be
intelligently and accurately entered the time of
purchasing or receiving each article of personal
property purchased or received, and the following
(1) The name of the person from whom the
article of property was purchased or received, and
his place of residence, showing street and number
where possible;
(2) A detailed and accurate description of each
article purchased or received;
(3) A statement giving the nature of the transac-
tion and whether the article or property was re-
ceived in purchase or as security.
(4) The weight or quantity of each article pur-
chased or received;
(5) The amount paid for or loaned on each
article of property purchased or received;
(6) The date and hour of each transaction and if
said article of property was received as security
the expiration date of the period of redemption
(7) The time when and the person to whom such
article of property was disposed of, if sold, or the
time when, and the name of the person who re-
deemed the same, if said property was taken as
Such record or book shall be open to public
inspection by any sheriff, chief of police, con-
stable or police officer. Failure to keep such
record book, or making false entries therein, or
refusal to produce the same when requested by
the persons entitled to inspect the same, shall sub-
ject the offender to the penalty hereinafter provided.
Section 5. No pawnbroker or junk dealer and no
clerk, agent or employee of any pawnbroker or junk
dealer shall purchase or receive from any minor,
under the age of 18 years any junk, used or second-
hand furniture, fixtures, goods, wares or merchan-
dise, or any property of any kind or character
whatsoever; no pawnbroker or junk dealer and no
clerk, agent or employee of any pawnbroker or
junk dealer shall purchase or receive any property
of any kind or character whatsoever from any
minor over the age of 18 years, without first ob-
taining and receiving the written consent to the pur-
chase or receipt of said property, signed and exe-
cuted by the parent or guardian of said minor,
which said consent shall describe the property
being received or purchased, and consent to the
sale thereof by said minor, and such consent shall
be retained and preserved, and shall be exhibited
when requested to by any sheriff chief of police,
constable or police officer, or the parent or guardi-
an of said minor.
Section 6. Every pawnbroker or junk dealer
conducting their business in the City of Dubuque
who shall purchase or receive from any person
any tool or implement such as is commonly used
by carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, plumbers
or other mechanics in the construction or erection
of buildings shall within 24 hours after the purchase
or receipt of such tool or implement, give notice
to the Chief of Police Captain of Police or Police
Sergeant at the Police Station in said City, stating
the date on which said tool or implement was pur-
chased or received and the name of the person
from whom same was purchased or received and
the pawnbroker, or junk dealer so purchasing or
receiving such tool,or implement shall not sell or
dispose of the same for a period of 48 hours after
the notice above specified is given, and until the ex-
piration of such time shall keep said tool or imple-
ment in his store, shop or place of business in such
place that the same can be readily seen and exam-
ine d.
Section 7. From and after the effective date of
this Ordinance no junk shall be stored or automo-
bile salvage operation carried on within 20 feet of
any property line of 100 feet of any street line,
within the City of Dubuque, unless the premises
upon which such junk is stored or automobile sal-
vage work is performed is completely enclosed by
a solid metal fence not less than 8 feet in height.
Section 8. Any person, firm or corporation who
violates any of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof, shall be fined not to exceed One
Hundred Dollars ($100) or imprisoned not to ex-
ceed thirty (30) days in jail.
Section 9. That Ordinance No. 3-38 and No.
12-39, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/13/55
Ordinance No. 57-55
An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing and
Regulating of Fortune Tellers, Clairvoyants,
and the like, Establishing a License fee and
Providing a penalty for the violation )aereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. From and after the adoption of this
Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to engage in the practice of telling
fortunes, palmistry, clairvoyance, phrenology or
similar art, without first obtaining a license there-
for and paying the license fee hereinafter pre-
Section 2. Application for a license under this
ordinance shall be filed in duplicate with the City
Manager, on a form to be furnished by him, which
shall be signed by the applicant and give the follow-
ing information:
(a) Type of license applied for.
(b) Name of applicant.
(c) Address, both legal and local.
(d) The length of time the right to do business is
(e) The applicants fingerprints and a physicians
certificate that the applicant is free from communi-
cable diseases.
(f) A statement of good moral character signed
by the Chief of Police of each place the applicant
practiced previously.
Section 3. The license fee for the practice of
fortune telling, palmistry, phrenology, clairvoyance,
or similar profession or art is hereby fixed at
$5.00 per day, $25.00 per week or $50.00 per
Section 4. Any person who shall violate any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined not more than $100 or im-
prisoned not more than 30 days or both.
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/13/55
Ordinance No. 59-55
An Ordinance Amending Ordinances No. 21-42 by
Requiring Licenses for the operation of Roller -
Skating Rinks and Providing a Fee therefor.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 21-42 be and the
same is hereby amended by adding a new Section
4A thereto as follows:
"4A - No person shall engage in the business of
operating a roller-skating rink without first obtain-
ing a license therefore and paying the license fee
in the amount of $100.00 per year."
Adopted 9/6/55
Published 9/ 13/ 55
Beer Ordinance
RE-ENACTED by Ordinance No. 43-53
No. 26-55
Ordinance No. 43-53
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 9-35 by
Repealing Section 15 thereof relating to Fees
and Enacting a Substitute therefor.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Section 15 of Ordinance No.
9-35 relating to fees be and the same is hereby
repealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof:
"Section 15. That from and after the 1st day of
July, 1953, the following permit fees shall be
exacted and paid in advance for Class "B" and
Class "C" permits:
(A) For a Class "C" permit, Twenty-five
Dollars ($25);
(B) For a Class "B" tavern permit Two Hundred
Dollars ($200);
(C) For a Class "B" club permit Three Hun-
dred Dollars ($300);
(D) For a Class "B" golf or country club per-
mit Fifty Dollars ($50) for each six months'
(E) For a Class "B" hotel permit when the hotel
has two hundred fifty guest rooms or more,
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250);
(F) For a Class "B" hotel permit when the
hotel has more than one hundred and less
than two hundred fifty guest rooms, One
Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150);
(G) For a Class "B" hotel permit when the hotel
has one hundred guest rooms or less, One
Hundred Dollars WOO)."
Adopted 6/ 23 / 53
Published 6/29/53
Ordinance No. 26-55
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 9-35 by
Repealing Section 17A thereof and enacting a
substitute therefor.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Section 17A of Ordinance No.
9-35 be and the same is hereby repealed and the
following enacted as a substitute therefor:
"Section 17A. The location of the building
shall be within Zoning District Classified as
Local Business District B or lower Zoning Classi-
fic ation."
Adopted 4/ 25/ 55
Published 4/29/55
ORDINANCE NO. 25-39 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 59-51
Ordinance No. 59-51
An Ordinance Providing for the Cutting or Des-
troying of All Weeds, Vines, Brush or Other
Growth Which Constitute a Health, Safety or
Fire Hazard; Repealing Ordinance No. 25-39;
and Providing a Penalty for a Violation Hereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the owner of
any lot or parcel of land within the limits of the
City of Dubuque to maintain the same free and
clear of any dense growth of weeds, vines, brush
or other vegetation that may constitute a health,
safety or fire hazard and any such growth is hereby
declared a public nuisance.
Section 2. Whenever the City Manager shall de-
termine that the nature or quantity of weeds, vines,
brush or other growth on any lot or parcel of land
in the City of Dubuque is such as to constitute a
health, safety or fire hazard, he shall mail a written
notice to the owner of said lot or parcel of land, or
his agent or attorney, notifying the owner of said
property to cut or destroy such weeds, vines or
other growth and thereafter it shall be the duty of
such owner to cut or destroy such weeds, vines or
other growth within a reasonable time and in such
a manner as to remove such hazard.
Section 3. In the event the owner of such lot or
parcel of land shall fail to remove such hazard with-
in ten (10) days after the mailing of such notice, it
shall be the duty of the City Manager to cause said
weeds, vines or other growth to be cut and destroyed
and to certify the actual cost thereof to the City
Clerk who, in turn, shall certify such cost to the
County Auditor and it shall then constitute a lien
against said property and be collected with and in
the same manner as general property taxes on said
property, all in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter. 151 of the Laws of the 54th General Assem-
bly of Iowa.
Section 4. Ordinance No.25-39 entitled "An Ordi-
nance prohibiting weeds and noxious growths upon
lots and parcels of land in the City of Dubuque, pro-
viding for the destruction of the same and punishing
the violation thereof" is hereby repealed.
Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be fined not to exceed One Hun-
dred Dollars ($100).
Adopted December 3, 1951.
Published December 10, 1951.
Offenses Against Public Morals
No New Ordinances
Public Safety
Ordinance No. 5-52
An Ordinance Prohibiting Sleighriding on the Pub-
lic Streets of the City of Dubuque, Except in
Coasting Areas; Providing for the Establish-
ment of Such Areas; and Providing a Penalty
for a Violation Hereof.
Be it Enacted by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque as follows:
Section 1. That the City Manager is hereby au-
thorized and instructed to designate portions of not
more than fifteen (15) streets within the City of
Dubuque as "coasting areas" during the months of
November, December, January, February and
March of each year. Such coasting areas shall be
located on streets suitable for coasting where the
same will not cause undue interference with vehic-
ular traffic and when so designated the same shall
be marked with suitable signs, warnings and barri-
Section 2. When a portion of any street has been
designated a "coasting area" and signs have been
erected giving notice thereof, drivers of motor ve-
hicles approaching the same shall come to a full
stop before entering such area and shall proceed
to traverse the same cautiously, having due regard
for the safety of persons using such area for
Section 3. From and after the effective date of
this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person
or persons to use any of the public streets of the
City of Dubuque, for sleighing, sleighriding, coast-
ing, tobaggoning, bob -sledding or skiing, except in
properly designated coasting areas.
Section 4. Any person violating any of the terms
of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon arrest and conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine of not more than one hundred
dollars ($100) or in default thereof, by imprison-
ment for not more than thirty (30) days.
Passed 4/2/52
Published 4/ 12/ 52
Ordinance No. 36-55
An Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking and Carrying
of Lighted Objects in specified places in the
City; Requiring Enforcement by Persons having
control of the premises; authorizing the Fire
Chief to prohibit smoking where necessary to
public safety; and prescribing penalties for
violation hereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. No person shall smoke or carry a
lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or match, or use any
spark, flame or fire producing device not espe-
cially authorized for use in such places by the
Fire Chief, inany of the following places:
(a) Retail stores. Retail stores designed and
arranged to accomodate more than 100 persons,
or in which more than 10 persons are employed.
This prohibition shall not apply to smoking in
rest rooms, restaurants, executive offices, or
beauty parlors in retail stores, when specifically
approved by the Fire Chief by written order to the
person having control of the premises upon a find-
ing that such use therein is not dangerous to life
or property.
(b) Elevators. Elevators, regardless of capac-
ity, in any public place.
(c) Public lodging houses. In beds in hotels,
dormatories and rooming and lodging houses. A
printed notice advising the occupant ofthe effect of
this section shall be posted in a conspicuous place
in every room in the building.
(d) Public theaters. During a performance in
public theaters, motion picture houses, auditori-
ums, gymnasiums, and the like, including the
dressing rooms, except that the prohibition of this
section shall not apply to smoking rooms and
areas and rest rooms when specifically approved
by the Fire Chief by written order to the person
having control of the premises, upon a finding
that such use therein is not dangerous to life or
property. The prohibition of this section shall not
be construed to prohibit smoking by performers
on the stage as part of any theatrical production.
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person
or his agent, having control of any premises or
place to knowingly permit a violation of this ordi-
Section 3. The Fire Chief shall have the author-
ity to order "Smoking prohibited by Law" signs
erected in any place of public assemblage where,
in his opinion, smoking or the carrying of a lighted
cigar, cigarette, pipe or match, or any use of any
spark, flame or fire producing device, not espe-
cially authorized for use in such place would con-
stitute a menace to life or property.
Section 4. Every person, or his agent, having
control of the premises upon which smoking or
the carrying of lighted objects is prohibited by, or
under the authority of, this ordinance, shall con-
spicuously display upon the premises signs read-
ing "Smoking prohibited by Law" in such number
and in such location and of such size as the Fire
Chief may find reasonable and necessary.
Section 5. No person shall smoke in any prop-
erly placarded place, nor shall any person re-
move any placard required to be erected by or
under the authority of this ordinance.
Section 6. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be fined not to exceed one hun-
dred dollars ($100).
Adopted 6/ 27/ 55
Published 7/1/55
No. 22-52
No. 56-51
No. 66-51
No. 50-51
No. 49-51
No. 57-53
No. 68-53
No. 32-54
No. 51-54
No. 35-55
Public Service Companies
NO. 12-38 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 8-41 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 44-46 AMENDED by Ordinance
NO. 10-49 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 42-50 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 49-51 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 22-52 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 50-51 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 32-54 REPEALED by Ordinance
NO. 51-54 REPEALED by Ordinance
ORDINANCE NO. 44-46 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 56-55.
Ordinance No. 39-51
An Ordinance Prohibiting the Blocking of Railroad
Crossings and Providing a Penalty Therefor.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. No railroad company, railroad engi-
neer, train conductor, or other person having
charge or control of any locomotive engine, car or
train of cars, shall allow the same to remain
standing on its tracks for a longer period than five
(5) minutes in such a manner as to obstruct the
free flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic along
any street intersecting the said tracks:
Section 2. Any person who shall establish that
a failure to comply with the terms of Section 1
hereof resulted from a mechanical failure or
other unforeseeable circumstance beyond his con-
trol shall not be deemed guilty of a violation of
this Ordinance;
Section 3. Any railroad company, or any offi-
cer, agent or employee thereof, who shall violate
any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or who
shall do any act herein prohibited, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall
be subject to a fine of not more than one hundred
dollars ($100) for each offense.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after its final passage,
adoption and publication as by law provided.
Adopted August 27, 1951
Published August 30, 1951
Ordinance No. 56-51
An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be
charged for the furnishing of electricity for
residential, commercial, street lighting, power
and other uses and purposes within the City of
Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating the method
of service thereof; prescribing a penalty for vio-
lation thereof; repealing all ordinances and res-
olutions in conflict herewith.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. Commencing on and after 12:01 a.m.
November 17, 1951, the rates to be charged for
electricity for residential, commercial, street
lighting, power and other uses and purposes by any
person, firm or corporation supplying electrical
energy within the City of Dubuque, except as herein
otherwise provided, shall be fixed and determined
as follows:
Available for 115/230 volt, single phase, alter-
nating current service taken through one meter to
an individual customer residing in a single occu-
pancy residence or apartment for full domestic
use, including small motors with individual rated
capacities not in excess of five horsepower
(5 H. P.), provided, however, that off-peak con-
trolled service for water heating will be taken
through a separate meter.
This rate is not available to the public areas of
apartment buildings, or for rooming houses where
in excess of four (4) rooms are held for rental.
First 16 Kwhrs or less used per month for $1.00.
Next 34 Kwhrs used per month @ $ .041 per
Kwhr, net.
Next 50 Kwhrs used per month @ .032 per Kwhr,
*Next 100 Kwhrs used per month @ .032 per
Kwhr, net.
Excess Kwhrs used per month @ .025. per Kwhr,
*The fourth block of the rate to be increased
200 Kwhr for each whole KW of demand in excess
of 7 KW.
Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.00.
Customers' monthly bills shall be computed at
the net rate and there will be added to the total
net bill a sum equal to ten percent (10%) thereof,
which will be collected from the customers who
fail to pay the net bill within ten (10 days) from
and after the date of the bill.
Available for 115/230 volt, single phase, alter-
nating current service for lighting and other uses
in commercial establishments, institutions, public
areas of apartment buildings, including janitor's
quarters when service to same is combined with
service to public areas, and service when furnished
through a single meter to two or more families re-
siding in distinctive dwelling quarters in a single
structure, and for rooming houses where in excess
of four (4) rooms are held for rental. This rate is
not available for the purchase of energy for resale,
nor for breakdown or standby service.
No motor with rated capacity in excess of two
horsepower (2 H. P.), no single piece of cooking
equipment with a rated capacity in excess of five
kilowatts (5 KW) nor any apparatus that produces
abnormal voltage fluctuations will be served under
this schedule.
For demands of less than six (6) Kilowatts:
First 16 Kwhrs or less used per month for
Next 84 Kwhrs used per month @ $.044 per
Kwhr, net.
Next 400 Kwhrs used per month @ .033 per
Kwhr, net.
'Next 500 Kwhrs used per month @ .027 per
Kwhr, net.
Excess Kwhrs used per month @ .02 per Kwhr,
For Demand of six (6) Kilowatts and more:
The number of kilowatthours in the fourth block
(*) of the above rate will be increased by 200
Kwhrs for each whole kilowatt of demand in excess
of five kilowatts (5KW).
Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.00.
Neon lighting, fluorescent lamps and/or other
gaseous tube lamps or appliances having a low
power factor, shall be equipped with effective cor-
rective devices to increase the power factor of
such lamps, or appliances, to ninety percent (90%)
lagging, with such tolerance as may be necessary
to conform to existing manufacturer's equipment.
Customers' monthly bills shall be computed at
the net rate, and there shall be added to the total
net bill a sum equal to ten percent (10%) thereof,
which will be collected from customers who fail to
pay the net bill within the (10) days from and after
the date of the bill.
Available for 115/230 volt, single phase, alter-
nating current service, for residences and com-
mercial establishments for water heating with
automatic storage type water heaters of standard
make and design. The design and operating char-
acteristics of all water heaters served under this
schedule, as well as all necessary electrical con-
nections for the protection of the circuit furnishing
service to the water heater, must be acceptable to
the person, firm or corporation supplying electri-
cal energy.
A suitable time switch will be supplied by the
person, firm or corporation supplying electrical
energy to control the periods when energy shall
be supplied for heating. The hours of operation of
off-peak service may be changed when deemed ad-
visable, but under no condition shall they be less
than twelve hours during any twenty-four hour
Minimum storage capacity of each electric
water heater shall be fifty (50) gallons, and no
heating element shall have a capacity in excess of
thirty (30) watts per gallon of tank capacity. If two
heating elements are provided, one at the bottom
and one at the top of the tank, and they are so in-
terconnected that only one unit can be in operation
at a time, then both units may be connected to the
time -controlled water heating circuit to be served
under this schedule. If one unit is so connected
that it can be used other than during the controlled
off-peak hour, then such unit shall be connected
to the regular lighting circuit.
Energy used during off-peak hours @ $ .0125
per Kwhr, net.
Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.00.
Energy used during periods other than off-peak,
as hereinbefore specified, shall be billed with and
at the same rate as other residential or commer-
cial service.
Customers' monthly bills shall be computed at
the net rate and there shall be added to the total
net bill a sum equal to ten percent (10%) thereof,
which will be collected from customers who fail
to pay the net bill within ten (10) days from and
after the date of bill.
Available for alternating current service at
115/230 volts, single phase, or three phase at
either 230 volts or 460 volts for all power pur-
poses when the connected load exceeds two horse-
power (2 H. P.). Three phase service need not be
supplied to loads of five horsepower (5 H. P.) or
less, except at the option of the person, firm or
corporation supplying electrical energy. Lighting
service may be combined with power service under
this rate provided service is rendered through one
meter and at the same secondary voltage, and the
Minimum Billing Demand is not less than twenty
kilowatts (20 KW). This rate is not available for
the purchase of energy for resale, nor for break-
down or standby service.
Service will be rendered under this schedule for
a minimum period of one (1) year and shall con-
tinue thereafter until cancelled by a thirty (30)
day written notice by the customer.
Conditions requiring unusual construction and
expenditures for equipment to render service may
require an agreement for a term in excess of one
(1) year.
First 10 •hours use per month of each KW of bill-
ing demand @ $ _.05 per Kwhr.. net.
Next 20 hours use per month of eac.i KW of bill-
ing demand @ .041 per Kwhr, net.
Next 30 hours use per month of each KW of bill-
ing demand @ .031 per Kwhr, net.
Next 2000 Kwhrs used per month @ .021 per
Kwhr, net.
All excess Kwhrs used per month @ .02 per
Kwhr, net.
Five (5) kilowatts except when combined light
and power service is rendered when minimum bill-
ing demand is twenty (20) kilowatts.
$1.00 per month per horsepower, or equivalent,
of connected load for the first five horsepower
(5 H. P.) and $.50 per month per horsepower, or
equivalent thereof, for the next forty-five horse-
power (45 H. P.) and $.25 per horsepower for all
over fifty horsepower (50 H. P.) or equivalent of
the total connected load in horsepower. Major
fractions of a horsepower shall be considered as
one whole horsepower of connected load.
$1.00 per month will be added to the minimum
monthly charge as stated above if lighting service
is combined with power service under this rate.
The billing demand shall be determined by the
greatest number of kilowatts registered during any
thirty (30) minute interval as indicated by an inte-
grating demand meter, or by using the maximum
demand as recorded by a thermal type demand
meter, furnished, installed and maintained by the
person, firm or corporation supplying such elec-
trical energy, provided, however that when the
customer's load includes hoists, elevators, weld-
ing machines, and/or other apparatus where the
use of electricity is intermittent or subject to vio-
lent fluctuations to the extent that the indicated or
recorded demand for a fifteen (15) minute interval
exceeds the maximum recorded or indicated de-
mand during a thirty (30) minute interval by an
amount in excess of fifty per cent (50%), then the
customer's billing demand shall be determined by
using the average of the three (3) highest fifteen
(15) minute intervals indicated or recorded during
the month.
The billing demand for loads of less than twenty-
five horsepower (25 H. P.) in lieu of measured de-
mands may be calculated in kilowatts, by multiply-
ing the total rated connected load in horsepower
(or H. P. equivalent) by sixty per cent (60%). Any
major fraction of a kilowatt of demand so deter-
mined shall be considered one whole kilowatt of ad-
ditional demand.
If the power factor of any customer's load is
found by test to be below eighty per cent (80%) lag-
ging under normal operating conditions, and upon
written notification thereof, the customer fails to
correct the power factor within sixty (60) days, the
person, firm or corporation supplying electricity
will then increase the demand used for billing pur-
poses by the ratio of 0.80 to the power factor as
determined by test.
Neon lighting, fluorescent lamps and/or other
gaseous tube lamps, having a low power factor,
shall be equipped with effective corrective devices
to increase the power factor of such lamps to nine-
ty per cent (90%) lagging, with such tolerance as
may be necessary to conform to existing manufac-
turer's equipment.
Customer's monthly bills shall be computed at
the net rate and there will be added to the total net
bill a sum equal to ten per cent (10%) thereof,
which will be collected from customers who fail to
pay the net bill within ten (10) days of date of bill.
Available only to customers who are presently
served with direct current on premises where
direct current is now available for power purposes.
No additional customers will be served, and no ex-
tensions to existing installations will be permitted.
First 500 Kwhrs used per month @ $ .07 per
Kwhr net.
Next 500 Kwhrs used per month@ .055 per
Kwhr, net.
Next 1000 Kwhrs used per month @ .045 per
Kwhr, net.
All in excess of 2000 Kwhrs used per month
$ .035 per Kwhr, net.
$1.00 per horsepower for the. first five horse-
power (5 H. P.) and $ .50 per horsepower for the
next forty-five horsepower (45 H.P.) and $ .25 per
horsepower for all over fifty horsepower (50 H.P.)
of the total connected load in horsepower (or H.P.
equivalent), a major fraction of a horsepower
shall be considered as one whole horsepower of
additional connected load.
Customers' monthly bills shall be computed at
the net rate and there shall be added to the total
net bill ten per cent (10%) thereof, which amount
shall be collected from customers who fail to pay
the net bill within ten (10) days from date of bill.
Available for alternating current service to in-
dustrial and commercial customers whose month-
ly demand exceeds fifty kilowatts (50 KW), or who
agree to pay the demand charge for fifty kilowatts
(50 KW), for lighting and power purposes, when
all service is measured through one meter and
taken from one service connection. Service will
be rendered at standard primary voltages of
2300 volts, or higher as may be available, or at
secondary voltages of 460 volts or 230 volts.
Transformers for rendering these standard volt-
ages will be supplied by the person, firm or cor-
poration supplying such electrical energy, provid-
ed, however, that only one secondary voltage will
be supplied to customers whose maximum demand
is less than one hundred kilowatts (100 KW). Ad-
ditional transformers not located at the point of
delivery, and special voltage transformers for
lighting or other purposes shall be supplied and
maintained by the customer. This rate is not avail-
able for the purchase of energy for resale, nor for
breakdown or standby service.
Service will be rendered under this schedule for
a minimum period of one (1) year and shall continue
thereafter until cancelled by a sixty (60) day written
notice by the customer.
Conditions requiring unusual construction and
expenditures for equipment to render service may
require an agreement for a term in excess of one
(1) year.
First 50 KW of billing demand @ $1.50 per
Next 150 KW of billing demand @ 1.25 per
Excess KW of billing demand @ 1.00 per
First 5,000 Kwhrs used per month @ $ .015 per
Next 10,000 Kwhrs used per month @.012 per
Next 15,000 Kwhrs used per month @ .01 per
Next 120,000 Kwhrs used per month @
.0085 per Kwhr.
Excess Kwhrs used per month @ .0075 per
When customer's billing demand exceeds 1000
KW, all energy used in excess of 365 hours' use
of billing demand will be billed at $ .006 per
When customer furnishes and maintp.ins all
transformers and/or other apparatus rcessary
for the customer to take service at primary volt-
age, the charges computed under the above rate
will be reduced by an amount equal to five per
cent (5%) thereof.
Metering shall be at either primary or second-
ary voltage at the option of the person, firm or
corporation supplying electrical energy. If it is
elected to meter at the primary voltage, the bill-
ing less any previous adjustment will be reduced
by two and one-half (24 %) per cent to compensate
for transformer losses.
A discount of two and one-half per cent (2Z%)
of the billing less any adjustments heretofore
made will be allowed if bill is paid within
ten (10) days of date thereof.
The maximum demand in any month shall be
determined by the greatest number of kilowatts
(KW) recorded or indicated on a standard integra-
ted demand meter in any thirty (30) minute inter-
val during the month, or by using the maximum
demand as recorded by a thermal type demand
such meter to be provided, installed and maintained
by the person, firm or corporation supplying such
electrical energy, provided, however, that when
the customer's load includes hoists, elevators,
welding machines, and/or other appartus where
the use of electricity is intermittent or subject to
violent fluctuation to the extent that the indicated
or recorded demand for a fifteen (15) minute in-
terval exceeds the recorded or indicated demand
for a thirty (30) minute interval by more than
fifty per cent (50%), then the customer's billing
demand shall be determined by using the average
of the three highest fifteen (15) minute interval
indicated or recorded demands during the month.
The billing demand shall be the maximum de-
mand except when the customer's average power
factor, by actual measurement, is less than eighty
per cent (80%) lagging, or more than ninety per
cent (90%) lagging, in which case the billing de-
mand shall be determined each month therefrom
by increasing the measured maximum demand by
one per cent (1%) for each one per cent (1%) that
the average monthly power factor is found to be
below eighty-five per cent (85%) lagging and de-
creasing the maximum demand by one per cent
(1%) for each one per cent (1%) that the average
monthly power factor is found to be greater than
eighty-five per cent (85%) lagging. The billing de-
mand shall in no event be less than fifty kilowatts
(50 KW).
The average power factor of the customer's
load shall be determined monthly from readings
registered by the watthour meter and a reactive
component meter which shall be furnished by the
person, firm or corporation supplying the electric-
ity. It shall be calculated by dividing the number
of kilowatthours as registered by the square root
of the sum of the square of the kilowatthours reg-
istered plus the square of the reactive kilovolt
ampere hours registered. Reactive component
meters will be ratcheted so only lagging reactive
kilovolt ampere hours will be recorded.
The minimum monthly charge shall be the de-
mand charge for fifty (50) kilowatts plus the en-
ergy cnarg.es which may apply.
The rates for electrical energy stated herein
are based upon using coal or other boiler fuel to
produce such energy and costing sixteen cents
($0.16) per million B.T.U. delivered in the bunkers
of the Dubuque, Iowa plant of the person firm, or
corporation supplying such electrical energy at
Dubuque, Iowa.
In the event that the average cost of boiler fuel
delivered as aforesaid differs from the base price
of sixteen cents ($0.16) per million B.T.U. by one
cent ($0.01) or more per million B.T.U., then the
net bill as computed shall be increased or de-
creased, as the case may be, by an amount equal
to the number of kilowatthours used at twenty-two
hundredths mills ($.00022) per kilowatthour for
each whole one cent ($0.01) by which the cost of
one million B.T.U. of boiler fuel used during the
preceding month exceeds or is less respectively
than the base price of sixteen cents ($0.16) per
million B.T.U.
Before placing into effect the terms of this pro
vision, the firm, person or corporation supplying
electrical energy at Dubuque shall first disclose
to the City Manager of the City of Dubuque suffi-
cient data to warrant such action.
Available to the Water Department of the City
of Dubuque for three phase, alternating current
service of 2300 volts or 6900 volts for water
pumping, when such pumping is restricted to off-
peak periods as defined herein.
$ .009 per Kwhr, net.
The off-peak period, as prescribed under this
schedule, is defined to be the hours between 8:00
p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following day, and the
hours between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. daily
through the year and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00
p.m. daily during the period from April 15 to
September 15, inclusive, or in case of emergency,
or when at any time, the life or property of the
citizens of Dubuque may be in danger. An emer-
gency shall be held to exist (1) whenever the water
in the Eagle Point Reservoir is indanger of over-
flowing, (2) whenever, to maintain proper pres -
sures for fire protection, it is necessary to pump
water from the lower level storage to the high
service elevated tanks and standpipes.
The rate for electrical energy stated herein is
based upon using coal or other boiler fuel to pro-
duce such energy and costing sixteen cents ($0.16)
per million B.T.U. delivered in the bunkers of the
Dubuque, Iowa, plant of the person, firm or cor-
poration supplying such electrical energy at
Dubuque, Iowa.
In the event that the average cost of boiler fuel
delivered as aforesaid differs from the base price
of sixteen cents ($0.16) per million B.T.U. by one
cent ($0.01) or more per million B.T.U., then there
shall be" added to or deducted from the rate herein -
before provided per kilowatt hour, twenty-two hun-
dredths mills ($.00022) for each whole one cent
($0.01) by which the cost of one million B.T.U. of
boiler fuel used during the preceding month ex-
ceeds, .or is less respectively, than the base price
of sixteen cents ($0.16) per million B.T.U.
Before placing into effect the terms of this
provision, the firm, person, or corporation sup-
plying electrical energy at Dubuque shall first
disclose to the City Manager of the City of Dubuque
sufficient data to warrant such action,
Available to the municipality of the City of
Dubuque and to the Board of Park Commissioners
of the City of Dubuque for lighting, streets, alley
ways, and park areas, and for traffic control and
police call signals.
(a) Overhead System:
The rates to be charged for each overhead
street light owned, operated, maintained and sup-
plied with electrical energy by the person, firm or
corporation supplying electrical energy within the
City of Dubuque, including the replacement of all
glassware and renewal of lamps. shall be:
Size of
Lamp -
Per Year
Hours of Rate per
Burning Year
4000 $20.40
4000 26.40
4000 31.20
(b) Ornamental Street Lighting:
The rates to be charged for each lighting stand-
ard by the person, firm or corporation supplying
electrical energy within the City of Dubuque for
the operation of such lighting standard of the orna-
mental street lighting system owned by the City of
Dubuque and/or the Park Board of the City of
Dubuque, including the electric energy for the op-
eration thereof and all expenses and/or charges
incident to the operation of said system, including
the cost of replacement of any and all glassware
and renewal of lamps, except where the breakage
of such glassware and/or lamps is due to traffic
damage, but not including the maintenance of cables
and lighting standards which shall be maintained by
the owners thereof, shall be:
Size of
Lamp -
1 - Lamp @ 600
1 - Lamp @ 1000
1 - Lamp@ 2500
1 - Lamp @ 6000
2 - Lamp @ 4000
2 - Lamp @ 4000 4000 45.60
2 - Lamp @ 6000 4000 53.40
1 - Lamp @ 2500 2000 12.60
1 - Lamp @ 6000 2000 20.40
2 - Lamp @ 6000 2000 34.80
The rates to be charged for electrical energy
furnished for the operation of the traffic control
signals owned, operated and maintained by the City
of Dubuque, shall be:
No. and Size of Lamps
4 - Light - 40 watts
3 - Light - 40 watts and arrow
4 - Light - 40 watts and no turn
8 - Light - 40 watts
9 - Light - 40 watts
12 - Light - 6 arrows
Traffic flashing signals
School flashing signals
Rate per
$ 40.80
The rates to be charged for electrical energy
furnished for the operation of the police call
signal system owned by the City of Dubuque shall
be $8.00 per year per call signal.
The rates to be charged by the person, firm or
corporation supplying electrical energy within the
City of Dubuque for the operation of each park
lighting standard of the park or street lighting
system owned by the Dubuque Park Board, includ-
ing all energy required for the operation thereof,
and all expenses or charges incident to the opera-
tion of said system, including the cost of the re-
placement of any and all glassware and/or
renewal of lamps, except where the breakage of
such glassware or lamps is due to traffic damage,
but not including the maintenance of cables and
lighting standards which shall be maintained at the
cost of the owners thereof, shall be:
1-Lamp @ 4000 Lumens
1-Lamp @ 2500 Lumens
1-Lamp @ 200 Watts
Per Year
$ 22.80
Bills shall be rendered monthly by the person,
firm or corporation supplying such electrical en-
ergy to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, at the rate of
one -twelfth (1-12th) of the respective annual charge
for each street light, ornamental standard, traffic
control signal, and/or police call signal in service
during the month for which the bill is rendered.
These rules and regulations will apply to loads
of more than 2 H.P. for commercial air condition-
ing and air cooling equipment but will not apply
to equipment used for refrigeration of foods or
other supplies. (Loads of 2 H.P. or less, single
phase, can be used on commercial lighting rates.)
Service will be rendered under standard power
service conditions on the commercial power rates
in effect under a five year contract.
The conditions stated herein will not apply to
air conditioning loads where a customer has any
motor for other purposes larger than 2 H.P. be-
cause the person, firm, or corporation supplying
electrical energy will not install separate power
metering for the air conditioning load where the
customer has other power load of more than
2 H.P. Where other small power loads of 2 H.P.
or less are now connected and taking service
through the same meter as the air conditioning
load, then the customer may take advantage of
these rules and regulations by changing, at his
own expense, such wiring as may be necessary to
take the service for the motors of 2 H.P. or less
through the commercial lighting meter.
The standard monthly minimum bill of the pow-
er rate in effect will apply to this service from
the date of connection of the service to the date of
disconnection without prorating of the minimum
monthly bill for fractional parts of the month either
at the time service is ordered connected or discon-
nected. The minimum monthly bill will not be
charged during the period that service is discon-
In order for the customer to secure permission
for the minimum monthly bill to be eliminated, he
must order the service disconnected in writing and
the customer will then be given a final billing for
the amount of energy used including the proper
monthly minimum bill and will make a payment of
a disconnection charge of $2.00 plus an amount of
$1.00 per H.P. of connected load, in lieu of payment
of minimum monthly bills during the period when
service is disconnected.
At the time service is ordered connected, the
customer will pay a $2.00 connection charge to
pay the person, firm or corporation supplying elec-
trical energy for its cost in connecting service.
Service may be disconnected by any method deter-
mined as feasible, but, if it is desirable to leave
the meter installed, then service may be disconnect-
ed by sealing the switch open with the customer
understanding that the seal is only to be broken and
the switch closed by a representative of the person,
firm or corporation supplying electrical energy.
Service may be rendered at either single phase
or three phase in accordance with the general prac-
tice of rendering three phase service. Where it is
necessary for the person, firm or corporation
supplying electrical energy to make any special in-
vestment to render the service for air conditioning
load, then the regulations of the person, firm or
corporation supplying electrical energy in regard
to setting up a monthly service charge will apply
based upon an allowable investment of $125.00 (the
same as is used for residential and small commer-
cial lighting service) for loads up to 5 H.P. plus
$25.00 per H.P. in excess of 5 H.P. If the cost to
serve is greater than the allowable amount, then
the annual service charge will be an amount of
$6.00 for each major fraction of $50.00 in excess
of the allowable expenditure and such annual serv-
ice charge will be payable at the time connection
for the season is ordered.
Section 2. Any customer taking service under
one or more of the various classifications of serv-
ice may elect to change to any other classification
that may be available to him, provided, however,
that the person, firm or corporation supplying elec-
trical energy in the City of Dubuque need not change
any customer's classification more than once in
any (12) month period.
Section 3. No person, firm or corporation
supplying electrical energy in the City of Dubuque
shall install any meter or meters upon a customer's
premises for the purpose of measuring electrical
energy to be supplied to said customer unless and
until such meter has been compared with a stand-
ard meter and adjusted so that the error in regis-
tration at full load is not more than plus or minus
two per cent (2%) of accuracy within a period of
six (6) months preceding date of installation upon
said customer's premises. Any meter installed
upon a customer's premises shall bear a label
clearly indicating the date that said meter was
tested and recalibrated.
All meters in service in the City of Dubuque
shall be systematically tested and/or compared
with a standard meter and adjusted to register
within plus or minus two per cent PA) of accu-
racy, and no meter shall be kept in service which
has not been recalibrated within eight (8) years.
The person, firm or corporation supplying
electrical energy in the City of Dubuque shall keep
on file a record of the test of each meter, installed
upon or retained in service upon a customer's
premises after test, which record shall be avail-
able for inspection by officials of the City of
Dubuque. Such record as filed shall indicate the
name of the manufacturer of said meter, its serial
number, type, capacity, number assigned to it by
its owner, the name and address of the customer
where said meter was in service prior to said test,
the date of said test and date of last previous test,
together with the percentage of error above or be-
low accuracy, as disclosed by said test. Meters
shall be adjusted to register within plus or minus
two per cent (2%) of accuracy at full load.
Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall charge or exact other or different rates or
charges for any type of service, the rates for
which service are herein fixed and determined, or
who shall violate any of the provisions hereof,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed
$100.00, or imprisoned not to exceed thirty (30)
days in jail.
Section 5. Ordinance No. 8-41 and all amend-
ments thereto are hereby repealed.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in effect
from and after its final passage, adoption, and ap-
proval by the Council of the City of Dubuque and
publication provided by law.
Passed, adopted and approved upon final read-
ing this 13th day of November, 1951.
Published November 16, 1951.
Ordinance No. 57-53
An Ordinance Establishing and Fixing Rates to be
Charged for Furnishing Bus Transportation on
Busses Operated by the Interstate Power Com-
pany in the City of Dubuque; Repealing Ordi-
nance No. 49-51; and Providing a Penalty for
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 49-51 be and
the same is hereby repealed;
Section 2. The fare to be charged by the Inter-
state Power Company on all busses operating in
the City of Dubuque under its franchise known as
Ordinance No. 16-46, is hereby fixed as follows:
a. The charge for a single cash fare shall be
fifteen cents;
b. The charge for 7 full fare tokens shall be
One Dollar;
c. In accordance with and subject to the pro-
visions of •Section 5 of said franchise, children in
arms shall be carried free of charge, the cash
fare for children under 12 years of age shall be
eight cents and half -fare tokens shall be sold at
the rate of 14 of such tokens for One Dollar;
d. When requested, transfers shall be issued
upon the payment of all fares without additional
Section 3. That any person, firm or corpor-
ation who shall violate any of the terms of this
Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed
one hundred dollars or imprisoned not to exceed
thirty days in lieu of such fine;
Adopted 7/17/53
Published 7/21/53
Ordinance No. 68-53
An Ordinance Designating Bus Routes in the City
of Dubuque.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 22-52, entitled
"An Ordinance Designating Bus Routes in the City
of Dubuque" is hereby repealed;
Section 2. That the routes to be traversed by
the motor bus transportation system shall be as
(A) Main Street Route:
Point of Beginning: Jones and Main Street.
North on Main Street to Second Street, west on
Second Street to Locust Street, north on Locust
Street to Eighth Avenue, east on Eighth Avenue to
Iowa Street, north on Iowa Street to Twelfth Street,
east on Twelfth Street to Central Avenue, north on
Central Avenue to Twenty-fourth Street, east on
Twenty-fourth Street to Jackson Street, north on
Jackson Street to Milwaukee Avenue, west on
Milwaukee Avenue to Central Avenue, south on
Central Avenue to Fifteenth Street, west on Fif-
teenth Street to Main Street, south on Main Street
to point of beginning.
(B) Point Route:
Point of Beginning: Sixth and Main Street.
West on Sixth Street to Locust Street, north on
Locust Street to Eighth Street, east on Eighth
Street to Iowa Street, north on Iowa Street to
Twelfth Street, east on Twelfth Street to Elm
Street, north on Elm Street to Rhomberg Avenue,
east on Rhomberg Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, west
on Lincoln Avenue to Summer Street, south on
Summer Street to Rhomberg Avenue, west on
Rhomberg Avenue to Elm Street, south on Elm
Street to Twelfth Street, west on Twelfth Street
to Main Street, south on Main Street to Sixth and
Main, or point of beginning.
(C) West Dubuque Route:
Point of Beginning: Eighth and Central Avenue.
West on Eighth Avenue to Hill Street, south on
Hill Street to West Third Street, east on West
Third Street to James Street, south on James
Street to Langworthy Avenue, west on Langworthy
Avenue to Alpine Street, north on Alpine Street
to University Avenue, west on University Avenue
to Delhi Street, west on Delhi Street and Univer-
sity Avenue to Asbury Street, north on Asbury
Street to St. Ambrose Street, north on St. Ambrose
Street to Seminary Street, east on Seminary Street
and West Locust Street to West Seventeenth Street,
east on West Seventeenth Street to Main Street,
south on Main Street to Tenth Street, east on Tenth
Street to Central Avenue, South on Central Avenue
to point of beginning.
(D) Seminary and Carter Road Route:
Point of Beginning: Seventh and Iowa Streets.
North on Iowa Street to West Fifteenth Street,
west on West Fifteenth Street to Main Street,
North on Main Street to Madison Street, north on
Madison Street to Seminary Street, west on Sem-
inary Street to Asbury Street, north on Asbury
Road to Avalon Road, west on Avalon Road to
Valley View Road, south on Valley View Road to
Morningview Road, west on Morningview Road to
Hillcrest Road, south on Hillcrest Road to Asbury
Street, south on Asbury Street to University Ave-
nue, east over University Avenue and Delhi Street
to Alpine Street, south on Alpine Street to West
Third Street, east on West Third Street to Hill
Street, north on Hill Street to Eighth Avenue,
east on Eighth Avenue to Central Avenue, south
on Central Avenue to Seventh Street, west on
Seventh Street to point of beginning.
(E) Linwood and Mount Carmel Route:
Point of Beginning: Twelfth and Main Street.
South on Main Street to Railroad Avenue, west on
Railroad Avenue to Southern Avenue, west on
Southern Avenue to Grandview Avenue, south on
Grandview Avenue to Mount Carmel Loop, north
on Grandview Avenue to Bryant Street, north on
Bryant Street to Rush Street, east on Rush Street
to Mountain Lane, north on Mountain Lane to
Cleveland Avenue, west on Cleveland Avenue to
Bryant Street, north on Bryant Street to Dodge
Street, east on Dodge Street to Bluff Street, north
on Bluff Street to Second Street, east on Second
Street to Locust Street, North on Locust Street
to Eighth Street, east on Eighth Street to Iowa
Street, north on Iowa Street to Twelfth Street,
east on Twelfth Street to Jackson Street, north on
Jackson Street to Twenty-second Street, east on
Twenty-second Street to Windsor Avenue, north
on Windsor Avenue to Davis Street, west on Davis
Avenue to Sheridan Avenue, south on Sheridan
Avenue to Edith Street, west on Edith Street to
Burden Avenue, south on Burden Avenue to Wind-
sor Avenue, south on Windsor Avenue to Twenty-
second Street, west on Twenty-second Street to
Central Avenue, south on Central Avenue to
Twelfth Street, west on Twelfth Street to point of
(F) Short Linwood Route:
Point of Beginning: Davis Avenue and Windsor
Avenue. West over Davis Avenue to Sheridan
Avenue, South on Sheridan Avenue to Edith Street,
west on Edith Street to Burden Avenue, south on
Burden Avenue to Windsor Avenue, south on Wind-
sor Avenue to Twenty-second Street, west on
Twenty-second Street to Central Avenue, south on
Central Avenue to Sixth Street, west on Sixth
Street to Locust Street, north on Locust Street to
Eighth Street, east on Eighth Street to Iowa Street,
north on Iowa Street to Twelfth Street, east on
Twelfth Street to Jackson Street, north on Jackson
Street to Twenty-second Street, east on Twenty-
second Street to Windsor Avenue to point of be-
(G) Fremont Route:
Point of Beginning: Eighth Avenue and Main
Street. South on Main Street to Second Street,
west on Second Street to Bluff Street, south on
Bluff Street to Dodge Street, west on Dodge
Street to Fremont Avenue, south on Fremont
Avenue to Simpson Street, west on Simpson Street
to Cross Street, north on Cross Street to Coates
Street, east on Coates Street to Concord Street,
north on Concord Street to Stetmore Street, north
on Stetmore Street to Lombard Street, west on
Lombard Street to Algona Street, north on Algona
Street to Loras Boulevard, east on Loras Boule-
vard to Alta Vista Street, south on Alta Vista
Street to Rose Street, east on Rose Street to Race
Street, south on Race Street to West Eleventh
Street, east on West Eleventh Street to Prairie
Street, north on Prairie Street to Loras Boulevard,
east on Loras Boulevard to Main Street, to point
of beginning.
(H) Grandview Avenue Route:
Point of Beginning: Eighth Avenue and Main
Street. East on Eighth Avenue to Iowa Street,
north on Iowa Street to Loras Boulevard, west
on Loras Boulevard to Prairie Street, south on
Prairie Street to West Eleventh Street, west on
West Eleventh Street to Race Street, north on
Race Street to Rose Street, west on Rose Street
to Alta Vista Street, north on Alta Vista Street
to Loras Boulevard, west on Loras Boulevard to
Algona Street, south on Algona Street to Bennett
Street, east on Bennett Street to Grandview Ave-
nue, south on Grandview Avenue to Southern Ave-
nue, East on Southern Avenue to South Locust
Street, north on South Locust Street to Jones
Street, east on Jones Street to Main Street, north
on Main to Second Street, west on Second Street
to Locust Street, north on Locust Street to Eighth
Avenue, east on Eighth Avenue to point of be-
(I) Cleveland Tripper Route:
Point of Beginning: Tenth and Main Street.
South on Main Street to Railroad Avenue, west on
Railroad Avenue to Southern Avenue, west on
Southern Avenue to English Lane, north on
English Lane to Mt. Loretta, east on Mt. Loretta
Avenue to Esther Street, south on Esther Street
to Tressa Street, east on Tressa Street to Mc
Lenan Street, north on McLenan Street to Mt.
Loretta Avenue, west on Mt. Loretta Avenue to
Bryant Street, north on Bryant Street to Rush
Street, east on Rush Street to Mountain Lane,
north on Mountain Lane to Cleveland Avenue, west
on Cleveland Avenue to Bryant Street, north on
Bryant Street to Dodge Street, east on Dodge
Street to Bluff Street, north on Bluff Street to
Second Street, west on Second Street,to Locust
Street, North on Locust Street to Eighth Avenue,
east on Eighth Avenue to Iowa Street, north on
Iowa Street to Tenth Street, to point of beginning.
(J) East Dubuque Route:
Point of Beginning: South side of Eighth Avenue
near Main Street. East on Eighth Avenue to Cen-
tral Avenue, south on Central Avenue to Third
Street, west on Third Street to Iowa Street, south
on Iowa Street to Second Street, west on Second
Street to Locust Street, south on Locust Street to
Julien Dubuque Bridge and across Julien Dubuque
Bridge; upon returning on Julien Dubuque Bridge
to Locust Street, then north on Locust Street to
Eighth Avenue, east on Eighth Avenue to point of
(K) Park Hill Tripper Route:
Point of Beginning: Central Avenue and Twen-
ty-second Street. North on Central Avenue to
Diagonal Street, west on Diagonal Street to Broad-
way, west and north on Broadway to Putnam Street,
west on Putnam Street to Muscatine Street, north
on Muscatine Street to Primrose Street, west on
Primrose Street to Kane Street, south on Kane
Street to Kaufmann Avenue, east on Kaufmann
Avenue to point of beginning.
(L) Deere Plant Route:
Point of Beginning: Jones and Main Street.
North on Main Street to Second,Street, west on
Second Street to Locust Street, north on Locust
Street to Eighth Avenue, east on Eighth Avenue
to Iowa Street, north on Iowa Street to Twelfth
Street, east on Twelfth Street to Central Avenue,
north on Central Avenue to Twenty-fourth Street,
east on Twenty-fourth Street to Jackson Street,
north on Jackson Street to Milwaukee Avenue,
west on Milwaukee Avenue to Central Avenue,
north on Central Avenue to John Deere Plant, and
on returning to City proceed south on Central
Avenue to Fifteenth Street, west on Fifteenth
Street to Main Street, south on Main Street to
point of beginning.
Section 3. The foregoing routes are hereby
determined to be reasonably necessary to ade-
quately serve the needs of the traveling public of
the City of Dubuque within the meaning and intent
of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 16-46 and are sub-
ject to modifications and change when the needs
of the traveling public shall require.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after its passage,
adoption and publication as provided by law.
Adopted 11/2/53
Published 11/6/53
Ordinance No. 58-54
An Ordinance granting to Dubuque -Jerrold Tele-
vision Cable Corporation, an Iowa Corporation,
its successors and assigns, the right to erect,
maintain and operate transmission and distri-
bution facilities and additions thereto, in, under,
over, along, across and upon the streets, lanes,
avenues, sidewalks, alleys, bridges, highways,
and other public places in the City of Dubuque,
and subsequent additions thereto, for the pur-
pose of transmission by cable and distribution
of television impulses and television energy for
sale to the inhabitants of said City, and other
purposes, for a period of ten years, and regu-
lating the same; and providing terms and con-
ditions of said Franchise.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. In consideration of the faithful per-
formance and observance of the conditions and
reservations hereinafter specified, the right is
hereby granted to Dubuque -Jerrold Television
Cable Corporation, a corporation organized under
the laws of the State of Iowa, its successors and
assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Company"
the right to erect, maintain, and operate television
transmission and distribution facilities and addi-
tions thereto in, under, over, along, across and
upon the streets, lanes, avenues, sidewalks, alleys,
bridges, and other public places in the City of
Dubuque, and subsequent additions thereto, for the
purpose of transmission and distribution of tele-
vision impulses and television energy in accordance
with the laws and regulations of the United States
of America and the State of Iowa, and the Ordi-
nances and regulations of the City of Dubuque, for
a period of ten (10) years, following the fulfillment
of Section 23 hereof.
Section 2. Wherever used in this Ordinance the
word "television" shall mean a system for simul-
taneous transmission of audio signals and transient
visual images by means of electrical impulses.
Section 3. The poles used for the Company's
distribution system shall be those erected and
maintained by the Northwestern Bell Telephone
Company, or the Interstate Power company, when
and where practicable, providing mutually satis-
factory rental agreements can be entered into with
said Company.
Section 4. The Company's transmission and
distribution system, poles, wires and appurtenances,
shall be located, erected and maintained so as not
to endanger or interfere with the lives of persons,
or to interfere with any improvements the City
may deem proper to make, or to unnecessarily
hinder or obstruct the free use of the streets,
alleys, bridges or other public property.
The City Council, under reasonable regulations,
reserves the right to require the Company to place
its conductors underground and to designate the
districts in which such work shall be performed,
and also to order the removal or relocation of
poles, wires and other appurtenances erected by
the Company whenever, in the judgment of the City
Council, such action is necessary in the public in-
terest, and the Company shall forthwith comply
with any and all instructions and directives in such
Matters at its own expense.
Construction and maintenance of the transmis-
sion distribution system, including house connec-
tions, shall be in accordance with the provisions of
the National Electrical Safety Code, prepared by
the National Bureau of Standards, the National Elec
trical Code of National Board of Fire Underwriters,
and such applicable ordinances and regulations of
the City of Dubuque affecting electrical installa-
tions which may be presently in effect or may be
enacted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque.
Installation and house drop hardware shall be
uniform throughout the City except that the Com-
pany shall be free to change its hardware and in-
stallation procedure as the art progresses, pro-
vided such changes have been approved by the
City Electrical Inspector.
Section 5. In the maintenance and operation of
its television transmission and distribution system
in the streets, alleys and other public places, and
in the course of any new construction or addition
to its facilities, the Company shall proceed so as
to cause the least possible inconvenience to the
general public; any opening or obstruction in the
streets or other public places, made by the Com-
pany in the course of its operations, shall be
guarded and protected at all times by the place-
ment of adequate barriers, fences, or boardings,
the bounds of which during periods of dusk and
darkness shall be clearly designated by red warn-
ing lights.
Whenever the Company shall take up or disturb
any pavement, sidewalk, or other improvement of
any street, avenue, alley, or other public place,
the same shall be replaced and the surface re-
stored in as good condition as before entry within
forty-eight (48) hours after completion of the Com-
pany's work. Upon the failure of the Company to
make such restoration within such time, or to be-
gin such restoration within such time, or upon the
Company's delay of more than twenty-four (24)
hours in the continuation of a restoration begun,
the City may serve upon the Company notice of the
City's intent to cause the restoration to be made
and, unless the Company within twenty-four (24)
hours after receipt of such notice begins or re-
sumes the restoration, the City may cause the
proper restoration to be made, including the re-
moval of excess dirt, and the expense of same
shall be paid by the Company upon demand by the
The Company shall at all times comply with
any and all rules and regulations which the City
has made or may make applying to the public gen-
erally with reference to the removal or replace-
ment of pavements and to excavations in streets
and other public places, not inconsistent with their
use for the purpose contemplated in this Ordinance.
Section 6. The Company shall maintain its at-
tachments on poles that the City now uses, or has
been authorized, by other franchises now in force
or hereafter enacted, to use, in such manner that
it will not interfere with the use of such poles by
the City.
Section 7. In consideration of the rights granted
in Section 1 hereof, the Company agrees and binds
itself to extend its lines and to serve any and all
applications for television service whose dwellings
or places of business are located in the City of
Dubuque and who in good faith have entered into or
signified their willingness to enter into a contract
for such television service, except that the Com-
pany shall not be required to extend its line in
order to serve any applicant if it requires the in-
stallation of additional poles in order to do so.
Section 8. The Company shall have the right to
prescribe reasonable service rules and regulations
for the conduct of its business not inconsistent with
the provisions of this Ordinance and a copy of such
service rules and regulations shall be kept on file
at all times with the City Clerk.
Section 9. All rates, and charges exacted by the
Company shall be fair, reasonable and just.
Section 10. The Company shall provide a mini-
mum of five (5) channels available to its customers
at any one time, provided satisfactory reception of
a minimum of five channels is available in the
Section 11. The Company shall maintain its
service in accordance with such reasonable stand-
ards regarding uniformity of transmission, input
rms noise levels, and channel signal voltages as
the City Council shall, from time to time establish.
For the purpose of implementing the terms of this
Section the Company shall provide, without charge,
adequate test equipment to perform periodic tests
to determine whether such standards are being
complied with and shall cooperate with the City, or
its official representatives in conducting such tests.
The Company further agrees to pay such reason-
able fees for such tests and for installation inspec-
tions as the City Council may from time to time
Section 12. The Company's distribution system
shall conform to the requirements of the Federal
Communications Commission, particularly with
respect to freedom from spurious radiation.
Section 13. The antenna and receiving equip-
ment shall be installed and maintained so as to
give a reasonably noise free picture on each chan-
Section 14. The installation and maintenance of
equipment shall be such that no objectionable inter -
modulation distortion will occur.
Section 15. Installation and maintenance of
equipment shall be such that standard NTSC color
signals shall be transmitted to any subscriber re-
ceiver without objectionable picture degradation.
Section 16. The distribution system of the
Company to be hereafter installed shall not be
abandoned, either in whole or in part, without the
consent of the City Council. In the event of the
failure of the Company to render community
television service to the City of Dubuque and the
inhabitants thereof, as contemplated and provided
for by this Ordinance, and particularly Section 7
hereof, within a period of one year from the effec-
tive date of this Ordinance, the City Council shall
have the right, on reasonable notice to the Company,
to declare this Ordinance and the rights and fran-
chise granted thereunder forfeited; provided, how-
ever, failure to comply with the terms of Section 7
hereof by reason of causes beyond the reasonable
control of the Company, which could not be antici-
pated at the time of the acceptance of its terms by
the Company, shall not be sufficient grounds to de --
Clare a forfeiture.
Section 17. The Company shall indemnify and
hold the City harmless, at all times during the
term of this grant, from and against all claims for
injury or damages to persons or property both real
and personal caused by the construction, erection,
operation or maintenance of any, structure, equip-
ment, appliance, or products authorized or used
pursuant to authority of this Ordinance.
The Company shall carry insurance in such
form and in such companies as shall be approved
by the City Manager of the City of Dubuque to pro-
tect the City and itself from and against any and
all claims for injury or damages to persons or
property, both real and personal, caused by the
construction, erection, operation or maintenance
of any structure, equipment, appliance or products
authorized or used pursuant to authority of this
Ordinance and the amount of such insurance against
liability due to damage to property shall be not
less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars (100,000),
as to any one person, and Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($200,000), as to any one accident and
against liability due to injury or death of persons
One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) as to any
one person and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars
($300,000) as to any one accident.
The Company, upon receipt of due notice in
writing from the City, shall defend at its own ex-
pense, any action or proceedings against the City
of Dubuque in which it is claimed that the injury
arose from the Company's activities in the opera-
tion of its television system.
Section 18. The Company shall grant to the
City, free from expense, joint use of any and all
poles owned by it for any proper municipal pur-
pose acceptable to the Company insofar as may be
done without interfering with the free use and en-
joyment of the Company's own wires and fixtures,
and the City shall hold the Company harmless
from any and all actions, causes of action or dam-
age caused by accruing directly or indirectly by, or
through the placing of the City's wires or appur-
tenances upon the poles of the Company. Proper
regard shall be given to all existing safety rules
governing construction and maintenance in effect
at the time of construction.
Section 19. Upon termination or forfeiture of
this Franchise, in accordance with any of its terms,
the Company shall, within a reasonable time, re-
move its cables, wires and appliances from the
City streets, lanes, avenues, sidewalks, alleys,
bridges, highways and other public places within
the City and subsequent additions thereto.
In the event of the failure of the Company to
perform the obligation of the first sentence of this
Section, the City shall have the right to make a
written demand on the Company for such perform-
ance and in the event of the failure of the Company
to proceed to carry out the removal of such equip-
ment within thirty (30) days from the date of such
demand and to proceed with such removal expedi-
tiously, the City shall have the right to remove the
same and retain it as the City's property, without
accounting therefor to the Company, and the ex-
pense of such removal shall be charged to and paid
by,the Company, without credit for the value, if any,
of the equipment removed by the City. At the time
this Franchise becomes effective the Company
shall furnish a bond to the City in the amount of
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) in such form and
with such sureties as shall be acceptable to the
City, guaranteeing the payment of all sums which
may, at any time, become due from the Company
to the City under the terms of this Franchise (ex-
cept such sums as are covered by the insurance
provided in Section 17 hereof) and also the repay-
ment to the customers of the Company of the un-
earned value of any deposits or connection charges
exacted by the Company.
Section 20. The Company, its stockholders, of-
ficers or relatives of said stockholders and/or
officers, dealers, its affiliates, or the Jerrold
Electronics Corporation of Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania, its stockholders, officers or relatives of
said stockholders and/or officers, dealers, or its
affiliates, shall not engage in the sale or servicing
of television sets or parts thereof within the City
during the term of this Franchise.
Section 21. If the Company shall fail to comply
with any of the provisions of this Franchise, or
default in any of its obligations, except for causes
beyond the reasonable control of the Company, as
provided in Section 16 hereof, and shall fail within
thirty (30) days after written notice from the City
to correct such default or noncompliance, the City
Council shall have the right to terminate this Fran-
chise and all rights of the Company hereunder.
Section 22. Should any Section, clause or pro-
vision of this Ordinance be declared invalid by a
Court of record same shall not affect the validity
of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof,
other than the part so declared invalid.
Section 23. This Ordinance having been approved
by the voters of the City of Dubuque at an election
held October llth, 1954, shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage by.the City Coun-
cil, the acceptance of its terms by the Company, or
its assigns, in writing, and its publication in the
Telegraph Herald, the official newspaper of the
City of Dubuque.
Adopted 10/ 4/ 54
Published 11/22/54
An Ordinance fixing and establishing rates to be
charged for the furnishing of gas for residential,
commercial and firm industrial purposes within
the City of Dubuque, Iowa; fixing and regulating
the method of service thereof: repealing Ordi-
nance No. 51-54, and all Ordinances and Reso-
lutions in conflict herewith.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. Definitions:
(a) Industrial User: For the purposes of this
ordinance an "industrial user" shall mean any con-
sumer who uses gas heat in processing any article
for sale.
(b) General House Heating: For the purposes of
this ordinance gas shall be consideredused for
general house heating when gas is the principle
source of heat energy for the premisesoccupied by
the consumer.
(c) Company: As used herein the word "Com-
pany" shall mean any person, firm or corporation
holding a franchise to operate a gas distribution
system in the City of Dubuque.
(d) B.T.U.: One B.T.U. is the heat required to
raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.
Section 2. Rate Schedule. Commencing with
all meter readings on and after July 1, 1955, the
rates to be charged for gas for residential, com-
mercial, and firm industrial purposes by any per-
son, firm or corporation supplying gas within the
City of Dubuque, except as herein otherwise pro-
vided shall be fixed and determined as follows:
This rate is available for general service to all
residential and commercial users of gas except
those using gas for general house heating.
First 1000 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF
Next 4000 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF
Next 45000 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF
Next 50000 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF
All in excess of 100,000 cu. ft. per meter
per month per MCF Net $
Minimum monthly charge: $1.71.
Net $3.00
Net $2.50
Net $
Net $
This rate is available to all residential and
commercial users of gas for general house heat-
ing regardless of other gas appliances. All gas to
be supplied through one meter.
This rate is also available to small industrial
users requiring firm gas.
First 500 cu. ft. per meter per month
month Net $1.30
Next 1500 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF Net $1.40
Next 3000 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF Net $1.20
Next 45000 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF Net $ .85
Next 50000 cu. ft. per meter per month
per MCF Net $ .80
All in excess of 100,000 cu. ft. per meter
per month per MCF Net $ .75
Minimum monthly charge: $1.71 per meter.
Customers desiring general house heating
service shall first ascertain from the person, firm
or corporation supplying gas, if such service is
available at the desired location and then shall in-
stall only approved gas burning apparatus in com-
pliance with the supplier's safety requirements,
and applicable city ordinances.
Section 3. Cost of Gas Adjustment. The rate
schedules quoted herein are predicated upon natu-
ral gas having a heat content of 1,000 B.T.U. per
cubic foot delivered to the City Border Station,
Dubuque, Iowa and costing on the basis of a 100%
load factor, 30.98 per M.C.F. In the event the
cost of natural gas is increased or decreased with
the consent of or by the action of a duly constituted
regulatory body resulting in a cost of purchased
natural gas at the City Border Station in excess of,
or less than 30.98 per M.C.F. based upon a 100%
load factor, the charge per M.C.F. for gas supplied
in each subsequent billing period beginning not
earlier than the effective date of such increase or
decrease, shall be increased or decreased accord-
ingly, by the amount of which such unit of cost ex-
ceeds or is less than 30.98 per M.C.F. multiplied
by 1.1, as the case may be: provided, however,
that if the amount of the increase or decrease, so
computed per M.C.F. is not a multiple of 0.01c, it
shall be computed to the nearest such multiple.
Section 4. Tax Clause. To the total monthly
bill as computed under any of the rate of schedules,
the Company shall have the right to add all or part
of the prorated increase in the cost of natural gas
to the company in any month resulting from the
addition of any excise tax levied on the natural gas
as purchased or sold.
The term "excise tax" where used above shall
mean any occupational production, severance,
gathering, transportation, pipeline footage, sales
or other excise tax or tax of similar nature now or
hereafter imposed by any lawful authority upon or
in respect to the production, severance, transpor-
tation, purchase or sale of the natural gas sold by
the company.
Any changes in rates under Sec. 3 or 4 shall be
reported to the City Council on the basis therefor.
Section 5. Meter Service. No person, firm or
corporation supplying gas shall install any meter
or meters upon a customer's premise for the pur-
pose of measuring gas to be supplied to said cus-
tomer unless and until such meter has been proper-
ly calibrated and adjusted within a period of six (6)
months preceding date of installation upon a cus-
tomer's premise, so that the error in registration
of rated meter capacity is within two percent (2%)
of accuracy.
Any meter installed upon a customer's
premise shall bear a label clearly indicating the
date that said meter was tested and recalibrated.
No meter shall be kept in service which has
not been recalibrated within a ten year period.
The person, firm, or corporation, supplying
gas in the City of Dubuque shall keep on file a
record of the test of each meter installed upon or
retained in service upon the customer's premise
after test, which record shall be available for in-
spection by officials of The City of Dubuque. Such
record as filed shall indicate the name of the man-
ufacturer of said meter, its serial number, type
capacity, number assigned to it by its owner,
name and address of the customer where said
meter was in service prior to said test, and the
date of last previous test, together with the per
tentage of error above or below accuracy, as dis-
closed by said test. Meters shall be adjusted to
register within plus or minus two percent (2%) of
accuracy at full load.
Section 6. B.T.U. Content of Gas. The average
gross heating value of the gas supplied shall ap-
proximate 1,000 B.T.U. per cu. ft. unless the gas
supplied by the company's natural gas supplier
shall contain a greater or less heating value. In
the event the arithmetic average of hourly gross
heating value delivered by the Company's natural
gas supplier in any month shall be less than 975
B.T.U. or more than 1025 B.T.U. per cu. ft. then
the volume of gas measured hereunder during such
period shall be decreased or increased propor-
Section 7. Measurement of Gas Used. The
unit of measurement for gas sold will be the
volume of gas in cubic feet at a temperature of
60 degrees Fahrenheit and at an absolute pressure
of 4 oz. above atmospheric pressure assumed to
be 14.40 psia.
Section 8. Prompt Payment. Customer's
monthly bills shall be computed at the net rate and
there shall be added to all bills of $2.00 or less, a
charge of 14 and to all bills in excess of $2.00,
a charge equal to the number of cubic feet of gas
consumed at 104 per 1000 cubic feet, which
charges shall be collected from those customers
who fail to pay their net bill within ten (10) days
from and after date thereof.
Section 9. Penalty. Any person, firm or cor-
poration who shall charge or exact other or dif-
ferent rates and charges for any type of services,
the rates for which services are herein fixed and
determined, or who shall violate any of the provis-
ions hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be
fined not to exceed $100.00 or imprisoned not to
exceed thirty (30) days in jail.
Section 10. Repealing Prior Ordinances.
Ordinance No. 51-54 adopted July 20, 1954, and
all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in
conflict herewithin are hereby repealed.
Section 11. This Ordinance shall be in full
force upon its passage, adoption and publication
as provided by law.
Adopted 6/ 6/ 55
Published 6/10/55
Ordinance No. 56-55
An Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of
Taxicabs, Requiring a License Therefor, Pre-
scribing the License Fee and Providing a
Penalty for Violation Thereof and Repealing
Ordinance 44-46.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. No person shall operate a taxicab in
the City of Dubuque unless it is licensed, nor shall
any such cab be operated by an unlicensed driver
or chauffeur.
Section 2. Taxicab License. Motor vehicles or
taxicabs having a capacity of ten (10) or less per-
sons shall pay a License of Twenty Dollars ($20)
per year for each such vehicle.
Section 3. The chauffeur or driver of any taxi-
cab or motor bus shall wear upon his clothing the
button or tag issued to him for which he shall pay
the sum of One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) per
Section 4. Motor Bus License. Except motor
busses operating under a franchise, the License
for operating a motor bus or other vehicle used
for the transportation of persons for hire and
having a capacity of ten (10) or more persons shall
be Twenty-five Dollars ($25) per year for each
such vehicle.
Section 5. The following definitions shall apply:
(a) Taxicabs shall mean any motor vehicle,
(other than a motor bus traveling over fixed routes
under a franchise) which is used for the transpor-
tation of passengers for hire with or without a
driver and where the capacity of such vehicle is
limited to less than ten (10) persons.
(b) Chauffeur shall mean any person who oper-
ates an automobile in the transportation of persons
and who receives any compensation for such serv-
ices in wages, commissions or otherwise paid
directly or indirectly or who, as owner or employ-
ee, operates an automobile carrying passengers
for hire.
Section 6. The following rates and prices for
the transportation of passengers by taxicabs are
hereby fixed as the rates and prices to be charged
for services rendered by the means above stated,
to -wit:
(a) For one passenger from one part of the City
of Dubuque to any other part thereof, including
such passenger's ordinary luggage, the sum
of Sixty Cents (60);
(b) For two or more passengers to and includ-
ing five passengers from one part of the City to
any other part thereof, including such passenger's
ordinary luggage, the sum of Seventy-five Cents
(75 );
(c) Where two or more passengers board a
taxicab at the same place, from that place to any
other parts of the City as designated by each pas-
senger, the passenger alighting shall pay 60 and
each other passenger shall pay 35 as he leaves
the taxicab at his destination. These fares include
the passengers' ordinary luggage;
(d) Waiting time may be charged for on the fol-
lowing terms: At the rate of Three Dollars ($3)
per hour. No charge shall be made for waiting
time under ten (10) minutes.
Section 7. Every vehicle operating as a taxicab
shall have exposed in a conspicuous place to clear
view within the passenger's compartment a printed
table large enough to be read by the passengers in
the taxicab, of the fixed rates; and it shall be un-
lawful to operate or permit to be operated any
such vehicle unless said rates are posted as herein
provided. Each time a taxicab is operated and
permitted to be operated carrying a passenger or
passengers without so posting the rates as afore-
said shall constitute a separate offense.
Section 8. It shall be unlawful for the operator
of any taxicab to stop, park or drive about the
streets and public places of Dubuque, and by word,
sign or signal, solicit passengers for his vehicle;
but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent
the taking on of passengers anywhere within the
City upon the request of any such persons.
Section 9. As a condition to the granting of a
license to taxicabs, the person, firm or corpora-
tion seeking such license shall file in the office
of the City clerk a Public Liability Insurance Poli-
cy executed by a Surety Company authorized to do
business in the State of Iowa, such policy to be
approved by the City Manager. The minimum
liability of such policy shall be as follows:
(a) To cover the assured's liability for personal
injury or death of one person, as a result of one
accident or other cause, $5,000.00: for all per-
sons receiving personal injuries as a result of one
accident or other cause $15,000.00 such liability
to include injury or death to passengers being
carried upon such vehicles or persons injured or
killed through the operation of such vehicles; and
(c) for damage to or destruction of property other
than that of the assured, as a result of any one
accident or cause $5,000.00.
Each policy shall contain the following endorse-
ment: "It is understood and agreed that before the
insurance policy to which this endorsement is at-
tached may be suspended or cancelled the City of
Dubuque will be given ten (10) days prior written
notice of such proposed suspension or cancellation.
It is further understood and agreed that the obliga-
tion and policy of such policies shall not be affected.
by any act or omission of the named assured or
any employee of the named assured with respect
to any condition or requirement attached thereto,
nor by any default of the assured in payment of
premium or in the giving of any notice required
by said policy or otherwise, nor by the death, in-
solvency, bankruptcy, legal incapacity or inabil-
ity of the assured."
Such policy shall be issued for a period cover-
ing the life of the License applied for. Failure to
keep such a policy in full force and effect shall be
cause for revocation of the License.
Section 10. The License Tag or Plate shall be
fastened upon the vehicle and shall not be re-
moved until the expiration of the Licensed period.
Section 11. A license plate issued for one
vehicle shall not be attached or affixed to any
vehicle other than the one licensed.
Section 12. The Chief of Police, with the ap-
proval of the City Council, may set apart places
upon the streets in the vicinity of depots, hotels
or other places where taxicabs may stand and
where passengers may be solicited but nothing
herein shall permit such soliciting to be made
away from the cab or so as to subject the sidewalks
to the annoyance or interference of traffic. Oper-
ating an unlicensed taxicab or permitting a licensed
taxicab to be operated by an unlicensed driver or
chaffeur, or driving a licensed or unlicensed taxi-
cab, without being a licensed chaffeur, or violating
any of the provisions hereof shall subject the of-
fender to the penalty herein provided for.
Section 13. The provisions herein relating to
insurance policies and licenses shall apply to
vehicles rented out without a driver or operator.
Section 14. Any person, firm or corporation
who violates any provision of this ordinance shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con-
viction shall be fined not more than One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00) and in default of such fine and
costs shall be imprisoned for a period of not ex-
ceeding thirty (30) days in jail.
Section 15. That Ordinance No. 44-46 as
amended by Ordinance No. 66-51 be and the same
is hereby repealed.
Adopted 9/ 6/ 55
Published 9/13/55
Traffic Regulations
SECTION 1.17 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 56-53):
"1.17. Chauffeur means any person who oper-
ates a motor vehicle in the transporation of per-
sons, including school busses, for wages, compen-
sation or hire, or any person who operates a truck
tractor, road tractor or any motor truck which is
required to be registered at a gross weight classi-
fication exceeding five tons, or any such motor
vehicle exempt from registration which would be
within such gross weight classification if not so
exempt except when such operation by the owner
or operator is occasional and merely incidental
to his principal business.
A farmer, or his hired help, shall not be deemed
a chauffeur, when operating a truck owned by him,
and used exclusively in connection with the trans-
portation of his own products or property."
SECTION 8.1 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No, 56-53):
"8.1, Any person driving a motor vehicle on
any street of this City shall drive the same at a
careful and prudent speed not greater than or less
than is reasonable and proper, having due regard
to the traffic, surface and width of the streets and
of any other conditions then existing, and no per-
son shall drive any vehicle at a speed greater than
will permit him to bring it to a stop within the as-
sured clear distance ahead, such driver having the
right to assume, however, that all persons using
such streets will observe the law.
The following shall be the lawful speed except
as hereinbefore or hereinafter modified, and any
speed in excess thereof shall be unlawful:
1. Twenty miles per hour in any business dis-
2. Twenty-five miles per hour in any residence
or school district.
3. Forty miles per hour for any motor vehicle
drawing another vehicle.
4. Forty-five miles per hour in any suburban
SECTION 9.3 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 9-53):
"9.3. Except on one-way streets, the operator
of a motor vehicle shall at all times travel on the
right-hand side of the center of the street."
SECTION 10.1 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No, 9-53):
10.1. Except on one-way streets, the driver of
a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding
in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof
at a safe distance and shall notragain drive to the
right side of the roadway until safely clear of the
overtaken vehicle.
The driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give
way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle
on audible signal and shall not increase the speed
of his vehicle until completely passed by the over-
taking vehicle."
SECTION 10.2 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 9-53):
10.2. Except on one-way streets, no vehicle
shall be driven to the left side of the center of the
street in overtaking and passing another vehicle
proceeding in the same direction unless such
left side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming
traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit
such overtaking and passing to be completely made
without interfering with the safe operation of any
vehicle approaching from the opposite direction
or any vehicle overtaken. In every event the
overtaking vehicle must return to the right-hand
side of the street before coming within one hundred
feet of any vehicle approaching from the opposite
SECTION 10.3 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 9-53):
"10.3. No vehicle shall, in overtaking and
passing another vehicle or at any other time, be
driven to the left side of the street under the fol-
lowing conditions:
1. When approaching the crest of the grade or
upon a curve in the street where the driver's
view along the street is obstructed for a
distance of approximately seven hundred
2. Except on one-way streets, when approach-
ing within one hundred feet of any narrow
bridge, viaduct, or tunnel when so sign -
posted, or when approaching within one
hundred feet of or traversing any intersec-
tion or railroad grade crossing.
3. Where official signs are in place directing
that traffic keep to the right or a distinctive
center line or off -center line is marked,
which distinctive line also directs traffic as
declared in the sign manual adopted by the
state highway commission."
SECTION 10.6 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 12-52):
10.6. Upon those streets and parts of those
streets and in those alleys designated and de-
scribed in Schedule I attached hereto and made a
part hereof, sign -posted for one-way traffic,
vehicles, except authorized emergency vehicles
responding to an emergency call, shall be driven
only in the direction designated."
SECTION 11.2 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 5-53):
11.2. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn
at an intersection shall do so as follows:
1. Both the approach for a right turn and a right
turn shall be made as closely as practicable to the
right hand curb or edge of the roadway and in such
a manner as to leave the intersection as nearly as
practicable in the right hand lane lawfully avail-
able to traffic moving in the direction of traffic
of such vehicle.
2. At any intersection where traffic is permit-
ted to move in both directions on each intersecting
street, an approach for a left turn shall be made
in that portion of the right half of the roadway
nearest the center line thereof and after entering
the intersection the left turn shall be made so as
to depart from the intersection to the right of the
centerline of the roadway being entered.
3. At any intersection where traffic is restricted
to one direction on one' or more of the intersecting
streets, the driver of a vehicle intending to turn
left at any such intersection shall approach the
intersection in the extreme left-hand lane lawfully
available to traffic moving in the direction of trav-
el of such vehicle, and after entering the intersec-
tion the left turn shall be made so as to leave the
intersection as nearly as practicable in the left-
hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in
such direction upon the roadway being entered.
4. Where the special circumstances require,
the City Manager may cause markers, buttons
or signs to be placed within or adjacent to inter-
sections and thereby require and direct that a dif-
ferent course from that specified in this section
be traveled by vehicles turning at any intersection,
and when markers, buttons, or signs are so placed,
no driver of a vehicle shall turn a vehicle at an
intersection other than as directed and required
by such markers, buttons or signs."
SECTION 11.3 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 59-54):
"11.3. No vehicle shall be turned so as to pro-
ceed in the opposite direction upon any curve, or
on the approach to, or near the crest of, a grade or
hill, where such vehicle cannot be seen by the
driver of any other vehicle approaching from either
direction within five hundred feet (500 1) nor upon
any of the streets or portions of streets described
in.Schedule IX of this Ordinance."
SECTION 11.9 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 56-53):
"11.9. When a vehicle is equipped with a
directional signal device, such device shall at all
times be maintained in good working condition,
No directional signal device shall project a glaring
or dazzling light. All directional signal devices
shall be self -illuminated when in use while other
lamps on the vehicle are lighted."
SECTION 13.5 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 9-53):
"13.5. The City Manager is authorized and
directed to erect school -type traffic control sig-
nals at the entrance to each school zone, as here-
inbefore defined, in the City of Dubuque, and at
such other crossings or other intersections as
the Council may designate."
SECTION 15.28 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 38-54):
Motor carriers shall travel over marked high-
ways when operated within the City limits and shall
not depart therefrom except that any motor carrier
whose destination is in the City may depart from
such highway at that point on the highway nearest
to its destination and then proceed directly to such
destination and any motor carrier whose trip orig-
inates within the City may travel by the most di-
rect route to that point on a marked highway near-
est to such point of origin; provided, however, that
motor carriers may also traverse the following al-
te rnate routes:
Alternate No, 1. Commencing at the intersec-
tion of Fourth Street and Central Avenue, thence
on Central Avenue to Third Street; thence on
Third Street to Iowa Street; thence on Iowa Street
to Second Street; thence on Second Street to Bluff
Alternate No. 2. Commencing at the intersec-
tion of Fourth Street and Central Avenue, thence
on Central Avenue to Third Street; thence on
Third Street to Iowa Street; thence on Iowa Street
to Second Street; thence on Second Street to Main
Street; thence on Main Street to Railroad Avenue;
thence on Railroad Avenue to South Locust Street.
SECTION 16.1.11 REPEALED (By Ordinance
No. 5-53):
SECTION 16.1.14 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 6-52):
16.1.14. Within ten (10) feet of the crosswalk
at all intersections within the City of Dubuque."
SECTION 16.2 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 44-51):
"16,2, Except where angle parking is permitted
and on one-way streets, every vehicle stopped•or
parked upon a roadway where there is an adjacent
curb shall be stopped or parked with the right-
hand sheels of such vehicles parallel with and
within eighteen inches (18,H) of the right hand curb.
On one-way streets vehicles may also be parked
with the left hand wheels parallel with and within
eighteen inches (18 If) on the left hand curb."
SECTION 16.3 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 12-52):
"16.3. Angle parking is permitted only on both
sides of West Second Street from Iowa to Locust
Street; the north side of West Sixth Street from
Locust Street to Bluff Street; the east side of
Bluff Street from West Sixth to West Seventh
Street; the south side of West Seventh Street from
Locust to Bluff Street.
Upon such streets or parts of streets, vehicles
shall be parked within the spaces indicated and
with a front wheel of the vehicle against the curb.
Vehicles having a greater length than 20 feet over
all, shall not be permitted to park at an angle upon
any street."
SECTION 16.22.1 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 8-54):
"16.22.1. Vehicles shall not be parked at any
time, except on Sundays, on the east side of Elm
Street between Twentieth and Twenty-second
SECTION 16.28 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 6-52):
"16.28. The City Manager of the City of Dubuque
is hereby authorized to designate not more than one
parking space in each block within the area bounded
on the south by Fourth Street and on the north by
Loras Boulevard and on the east by White Street
and on the west by Bluff Street, to be known as "re-
stricted parking spaces," which parking spaces
shall be large enough to accommodate the parking
of one motor vehicle. When such restricted park-
ing spaces have been so designated and suitable
signs erected giving notice thereof, it shall be un-
lawful to park any vehicle in any such space for a
longer period than ten (10) minutes at any one time.
For the purpose of this Section the word "block" as
used herein, shall be interpreted to mean that part
of the street which lies between cross streets."
SECTION 16.29 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 12-52):
"16.29. After signs have been erected giving
notice thereof, it shall be unlawful to park any
vehicle on Eighth Avenue between Central Avenue
to Bluff Street during the period from 4 o'clock
P.M. to 5:30 o'clock P.M., inclusive, of each day,
except Sundays and holidays."
SECTION 16.30 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 5-53):
"16.30. Except vehicles stopped or parked
while taking on or discharging persons, goods or
merchandise, or commercial vehicles licensed as
such, no person shall stop or park a vehicle in the
alleys or portions of alleys enumerated in Sched-
ule VII hereof, unless necessary to avoid conflict
with other traffic or in compliance with the direc-
tions of a police officer, or traffic control device."
SECTION 16.31 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 35-54):
"16.31. After signs have been erected giving
notice thereof, it shall be unlawful to park any
vehicle between the hours of 1 A.M. and 6 A.M. of
the days set out in Schedule VIII of this Ordinance
on the streets or portions of streets described in
said Schedule VIII."
No. 35-54):
"16.32. The City Manager is hereby authorized
to designate not more than four (4) metered spaces
each on Fifth Street and Ninth Street to be known
as Restricted Metered Spaces. When such metered
spaces have been so designated and suitable signs
erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful
to park any vehicle in any such space for a longer
period than two minutes at any one time during the
hours and on the days designated by the City Mana-
ger. At all other times parking in said spaces shall
be subject to the foregoing provisions."
(By Ordinance
SECTION 16.33 ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 61-55):
"16.33. No person shall drive, stop, stand or
park a vehicle onto or upon privately owned
property, or an area developed as a private off-
street parking facility, without the consent of the
owner, lessee or person in charge of such privately
owned property or facility."
No. 68-55):
"16.34. After signs have been erected giving
notice thereof, it shall be unlawful to park any
vehicle during the hours between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M.
on the west side of White Street between East
Fourth Street and East Sixth Street."
SECTION 17.19 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 56-53):
"17.19. No person shall drive or move any
vehicle or equipment upon any highway with any
lamp or device thereon displaying or reflecting
a red light visible from directly in front thereof.
This section shall not apply to authorized emer-
gency vehicles.
No person shall display any color of light,
other than red on the rear of any vehicle, except
that stop lights and directional signals may be
red, yellow, or amber."
SECTION 20.5 RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 56-53):
"20.5. The maximum length of any motor ve-
hicle or combination of vehicles shall be as fol-
1. No single truck, unladen or with load, shall
have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear
bumpers, in excess of thirty-five feet.
2. No single bus, unladen or with load, shall
have an overall length, inclusive of front and rear
bumpers, in excess of forty feet, provided that a
bus in excess of thirty-five feet in overall length
shall not have less than three axles.
3. No combination of truck tractor and semi-
trailer, nor any other combination of vehicles
coupled together, unladen or with load, shall have
an overall length, inclusive of front and rear
bumpers, in excess of forty-five feet.
4. There shall be no limit on the length of fire
fighting apparatus, and vehicles operated in the
daytime when transporting poles, pipe, machinery
or other objects of a structural nature which can-
not be dismembered readily when required for
emergency repair of public service facilities or
properties, and such vehicles transporting such
objects operated at nighttime by a public utility
when required for emergency repair of public ser-
vice facilities or properties, but in respect to such
night transportation every such vehicle and the
load thereon shall be equipped with a sufficient
number of clearance lamps on both sides and
marker lamps upon the extreme ends of any pro-
jecting load to mark clearly the dimensions of
such load, at which time, a.member of the state
highway patrol shall be notified prior to the oper-
ation of such vehicle."
(By Ordinance
No. 68-55):
1. Traffic shall move northerly only:
a. In the alley between Iowa Street and Central
Avenue from West Fourth Street to West 13th
b. In the alley between Locust Street and Main
Street from Jones Street to West Twelfth Street;
c. In the alley between Bluff Street and Locust
Street from Eighth Avenue to West Tenth Street;
d. On Iowa Street from West Fourth Street to
Loras Boulevard;
e. On Locust Street from Dodge Street to West
16th Street;
f. On the portion of Elm Street lying east of
the railroad tracks in said Street between East
24th Street and East 26th Street;
g. On White Street from East Fourth Street to
East 21st Street.
Z. Traffic shall move southerly only:
a. In the alley between Central Avenue and
White Street from East 14th Street to East
Fourth Street;
b. In the alley between Main Street and Iowa
Street from West Twelfth Street to West Second
c. On Bluff Street from West 16th Street to
Dodge Street;
d. On Main Street from Loras Boulevard to
West Fourth Street;
e. On the portion of Elm Street lying west of
the railroad tracks in said Street and East 26th
f. On Central Avenue from 21st Street to
Fourth Street.
3. Traffic shall move westerly only:
a. On East 21st Street from White Street to
Central Avenue.
No. 56-53):
"L. Hill Street from the south line of Eighth
Avenue to the north property line of Dodge Street."
(By Ordinance
****#*# ##* mix
No. 19-55):
"U. Iowa Street from the south line of Second
Street to the south line of West Twelfth Street;
from the north line of West Twelfth Street to the
south line of Loras Boulevard; and, from the
north line of Loras Boulevard to West Seventeenth
Tex**** ****#
No. 68-55):
"V. White Street from the north line of East
Fourth Street to the south line of East 20th Street."
No. 12-52):
"W. Bluff Street from Loras Boulevard to the
north line of West Twelfth Street, and from the
south line of West Twelfth Street to Dodge Street."
SECTION "X" ADDED (By Ordinance
No. 59-54):
"X. East Sixteenth Street from Elm Street to
its easterly terminus."
No. 68-55):
"In accordance with Section 12.4, the following
are designated as "stop intersections" and when
signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of
vehicles shall stop before entering said intersec-
tions from directions indicated:
"A. East -bound and west -bound vehicles must
stop before entering:
Washington Street at East 16th Street;
Washington Street at East 29th Street;
Elm Street at East 29th Street;
White Street at East 17th Street.
"B North -bound and south -bound vehicles must
stop before entering:
Rosedale at Avoca Street;
East 21st Street at Washington Street;
Ea.st 21st Street at Elm Street;
Lincoln Avenue at Stafford Avenue;
East 29th Street at White Street;
Cherry Street at Finley Street;
East 17th Street at Washington Street;
Green Street at Finley Street;
East 22nd Street at White Street;
East 24th Street at White Street;
Stafford Street at Merz Street.
"C. West -bound vehicles must stop before en-
Bluff Street at West Third Street;
White Street at East 21st Street.
"D. North -bound vehicles must stop before
ente ring:
Second Street at Iowa Street.
"E. East -bound vehicles must stop before
St. Ambrose Street at Clarke Drive;
"F. South -bound vehicles must stop before
East 21st Street at White Street."
SECTION 2.p. RE-ENACTED (By Ordinance
No. 39-55):
SECTIONS 2.x, 2.y, 2.z, 2a.a., 2b.b.
and 2c.c, and SECTION 3a ADDED (By
Ordinances 36-51, 21-52, 4-54, and 61-54):
2.p. Both sides of East Seventh Street from
Central Avenue to White Street; north side only
from White Street to Jackson Street; south side
only from Jackson Street to Washington Street.
x. Seminary Street from the northeast cor-
ner of Avoca Street and Seminary Street to a point
600 feet east thereof.
y. Both sides of Thirteenth Street between
Central Avenue and White Street.
z. Both sides of University Avenue from
Irving Street to Asbury Street.
aa. The east side of Algona Street from
Campus Lane to University;
bb. The south side of University Avenue from
Alpine Street to Nevada Street;
cc. Both sides of University Avenue from
Nevada Street to a point 100 feet west of Booth
3. For longer than 15 minutes upon the follow-
ing streets:
a. Both sides of Jones Street between Main
Street and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Tracks.
No. 19-55):
J. The south side of East 14th Street from
Central Avenue to the first alley east of Central
SECTIONS ff. to 58, inclusive, ADDED
(By Ordinance Nos. 46-51, 52-51, 60-51, 6-52,
26-52, 67-53, 37-53, 56-53, 62-53, 2-54, 4-54
50-54, 61-64, 19-55, 48-55, 63-55, 66-55 and
"ff. East side of Wartburg Place from Fremont
Avenue to 385 Wartburg Place;
Both sides of Wartburg Place from 385
Wartburg Place to the entrance to Sunset
hh. The south side of University Avenue from
the south line of McCormick Street to the
north line of Algona Street;
ii. The east side of Algona Street from Cam-
pus Lane to Grace Street.
The north side of Broadway from Diagonal
Street to Gay Street;
kk. Both sides of Davis Avenue from a point
630 feet east on Windsor Avenue easterly
to the entrance of Mt. Calvary Cemetery;
11. The south side of Pickett Street from Cor-
nell Street to Henion Street;
mm. Both sides of Cornell Street from the north
line of Loras Boulevard northerly for a
distance of 170 feet;
nn. Both sides of Montrose Street from the
north line of Loras Boulevard northerly
for a distance of 170 feet;
oo. The southeasterly side of Caledonia Street
from Hill Street to Eighth Avenue;
pp. The south side of Bennett Street from
Grandview Avenue to Algona Street;
The north side of West Tenth Street from
Locust Street to Bluff Street;
rr. The south side of East Twenty-first Street
from Jackson Street to the Chicago, Great
Western Railroad right-of-way;
ss. The southeasterly side of Lincoln Avenue
from the Chicago, Great Western Railroad
right-of-way to Kniest Street;
tt. Both sides of Eighth Avenue from a point
146 feet west of the west line of University
Avenue to a point 206 feet west of the west
line of University Avenue."
uu. The west side of College Street from Al-
lison Street to West Fifth Street;
vv. The east side of St. Mary's Street from
Bennett Street to West Third Street;
ww. The north side of East 30th Street from
Jackson Street to Central Avenue."
xx. The west and north side of South Hill Street
from Grandview Avenue to Dodge Street."
The south side of Dodge Street from Main
Street to Locust Street."
52. On the west side of Washington Street from
20th Street to 24th Street.
53. On the south side of West 23rd Street from
Central Avenue to Valeria Street.
54. On the west side of Farley Street from
Rhomberg Avenue to High Bluff Street.
55. On the east side of Highland Place from
West Eleventh Street to Arlington Street."
56. The north side of Foye Street from Semi-
nary Street to Napier Street.
57. Beyond both sides of Sycamore Street from
East Sixteenth Street to East Nineteenth Street.
58. On the west side of Avoca Street from
Seminary Street to Sunnyview Drive.
59. On both sides of Jackson Street from Eighth
Avenue to a point 140 feet south of the south curb
of East Eleventh Street.
59. a. On the west side of Elm Street from
East 24th Street to East 26th Street.
60. On both sides of Algona Street from Campus
Lane to Bennett Street.
61. On the west side of Algona Street from
Campus Lane to University Avenue.
62. The north side of Eighth Avenue from
Wilson Street to Roberts Street.
63. Both sides of Bluff Street from Dodge
Street to Jones Street.
64. The west side of Bluff Street from Jones
Street to West First Street.
65. The east side of Bluff Street from Eighth
Avenue. to West Tenth Street.
66. The north side of West Fourth Street from
Central Avenue to Bluff Street.
67. Both sides of East 14th Street from White
Street to Central Avenue.
68. Both sides of Loras Boulevard from Cen-
tral Avenue to Bluff Street.
69. Both sides of East 21st Street from Central
Avenue to White Street.
No. 5-53):
In Accordance with Section 16.30 and, when signs
are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall,
except while taking on or discharging persons,
goods or merchandise, park any vehicle, other than
a commercial vehicle licensed as such, on any of
the following alleys, or portions of alleys:
(a) From Jones Street to West llth Street in
the alley between Bluff and Locust Streets.
(b) From Jones Street to West 12th Street in
the alley between Locust and Main Streets;
(c) From West Second Street to West Twelfth
Street in the alley between Main and Iowa Streets;
(d) From West Fourth Street to the City Hall
property and from West Thirteenth Street to Loras
Boulevard in the alley between Central Avenue and
Iowa Street;
(e) From East Fourth Street to East Fourteenth
Street in the alley between Central Avenue and
White Street."
No. 57-54):
In accordance with Section 16.31 and when signs
are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall
park any vehicles between the hours of 1 A.M. and
6 A.M. on the days and portions of streets set out
in the following table:
A. On Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, on the east
side of the following portions of the following
1. Main Street from Dodge Street to West 17th
2. Locust Street from Dodge Street to West 17th
3. Central Avenue from East Fourth Street to
East 20th Street;
4. White Street from East Fifth Street to East
20th Street;
5. Elm Street from East Eleventh Street to
East 20th Street;
6. Bluff Street from Dodge Street to West 16th
7. Iowa Street from West Fourth Street to West
17th Street;
8. Jackson Street from East Sixth Street to
East 20th Street;
9. Washington Street from East Ninth Street to
East 20th Street.
10. Elm Street from East Eleventh Street to East
20th Street.
B. On Monday, Wednesday or Friday on the west
side of the following portions of the following
1. Main Street from Dodge Street to West 17th
2. Locust Street from Dodge Street to West 17th
3. Central Avenue from East Fourth Street to
East 20th Street;
4. White Street from East Fifth Street to East
20th Street;
5. Elm Street from East Eleventh Street to
East 20th Street;
6. Bluff Street from Dodge Street to West 16th
7. Iowa Street from West Fourth Street to
West 17th Street;
8. Jackson Street from East Sixth Street to
East 20th Street;
9. Washington Street from East Ninth Street to
East 20th Street;
10. Elm Street from East Eleventh Street to
East 20th Street.
C. On Tuesday or Thursday on the north side of
the following portions of the following streets:
1. West First Street from Bluff Street to Iowa
2. West Second Street from Bluff Street to
Locust Street;
3. West Third Street from Bluff Street to Main
4. Fourth Street from Bluff Street to Iowa
5. Fifth Street from Bluff Street to White
6. Sixth Street from Bluff Street to Jackson
7. Seventh Street from Bluff Street to Washing-
ton Street;
8. Eighth Avenue from Bluff Street to Pine
9. Ninth Street from Bluff Street to Pine Street;
10. Tenth Street from Bluff Street to Washington
11. Eleventh Street from Bluff Street to Pine
12. Twelfth Street from Bluff Street to Pine
13. 13th Street from Bluff Street to Washington
14, Loras Boulevard from Bluff Street to Cen-
tral Avenue;
15. East 14th Street from Central Avenue to
Pine Street;
16. Fifteenth Street from Bluff Street to Pine
17. Sixteenth Street from Iowa to Pine Street;
18. Sixteenth Street from West Locust Street to
Main Street;
19. Seventeenth Street from.West Locust Street
to Pine Street;
20. Eighteenth Street from Central Avenue to
Pine Street;
21. Nineteenth Street from Central Avenue to
Pine Street;
22. Twentieth Street from Central Avenue to
Elm Street;
D. On Monday or Friday on the south side of the
following portions of the following streets:
1. West First Street from Bluff Street to Iowa
2. West Second Street from Bluff Street to
Locust Street;
3. West Third Street from Bluff Street to Main
4. Fourth Street from Bluff Street to Iowa
5. Fifth Street from Bluff Street to White Street;
6. Sixth Street from Bluff Street to Jackson
7. Seventh Street from Bluff Street to Washing-
ton Street;
8. Eighth Avenue from Bluff Street to Pine
9. Ninth Street from Bluff Street to Pine Street;
10. Tenth Street from Bluff Street to Washington
11. Eleventh Street from Bluff Street to Pine
12. Twelfth Street from Bluff Street to Pine
13. Thirteenth Street from Bluff Street to Wash-
ington Street;
14. Loras Boulevard from Bluff Street to Central
15. East Fourteenth Street from Central Avenue
to Pine Street;
16. Fifteenth Street from Bluff Street to Pine
17. Sixteenth Street from Iowa Street to Pine
18. Sixteenth Street from West Locust Street to
Main Street;
19. Seventeenth Street from West Locust Street
to Pine Street;
20. Eighteenth Street from Central Avenue to
Pine Street;
21. Nineteenth Street from Central Avenue to
Pine Street;
22. Twentieth Street from Central Avenue to Elm
E. On Mondays on the west side of the following
portions of the following streets:
1. White Street from Fourth Street to Fifth
2. Central Avenue from Third Street to Fourth
3. Iowa Street from First Street to Fourth
F. On Saturdays on the east side of the following
portions of the following streets:
1. Central Avenue from Third Street to Fourth
2. Iowa Street from First Street to Fourth
3. White Street from Fourth Street to Fifth
G. On Mondays on the north side of the following
portions of the following streets:
1. Second Street from Iowa Street to Locust
2. Third Street from Central Avenue to Main
3. Fourth Street from White Street to Iowa
H. On Saturdays on the south side of the following
portions of the following streets:
1 Second Street from Iowa Street to Locust
2. Third Street from Central Avenue to Main
3. Fourth Street from White Street to Iowa
No. 57-54):
In accordance with Section 11.3, no vehicle
shall be turned so as to proceed in the opposite
direction upon the following portions of the follow-
ing named streets:
1. Main Street from West Second Street to West
Thirteenth Street, both intersections included.
2. Central Avenue from Fourth Street to the
south line of Eighteenth Street.
3. Central Avenue from the north line of
Eighteenth Street to the north line of Twenty-
fourth Street.
4. Eighth Avenue from Central Avenue to the
west line of Bluff Street.
5. At the intersection of Sixteenth and Sycamore
Ordinance No. 44-51 adopted 9/25/51; Published 9/28/51
Ordinance No. 46-51 adopted 10/15/51; Published 10/18/51
Ordinance No. 52-51 adopted 11/5/51; Published 11/9/51
Ordinance No. 60-51 adopted 12/3/51; Published 12/10/51
Ordinance No. 6-52 adopted 2/4/52; Published 2/8/52
Ordinance No. 8-52 adopted 3/3/52; Published 3/10/52
Ordinance No. 12-52 adopted 3/22/52; Published 3/31/52
Ordinance No. 19-52 adopted 5/5/52; Published 5/9/52
Ordinance No. 21-52 adopted 5/20/52; Published 5/23/52
Ordinance No. 26-52 adopted 7/7/52; Published 7/11/52
Ordinance No. 5-53 adopted 3/19/53; Published 3/24/53
Ordinance No. 9-53 adopted 5/12/53; Published 5/15/53
Ordinance No. 37-53 adopted 6/1/53; Published 6/5/53
Ordinance No. 56-53 adopted 7/15/53; Published 7/20/53
Ordinance No. 62-53 adopted 8/25/53; Published 9/3/53
Ordinance No. 2-54 adopted 1/4/54; Published 1/8/54
Ordinance No. 4-54 adopted 3/1/54; Published 3/5/54
Ordinance No. 8-54 adopted 3/25/54; Published 3/29/54
Ordinance No. 35-54 adopted 4/20/54; Published 4/27/54
Ordinance No. 38-54 adopted 5/11/54; Published 5/17/54
Ordinance No. 50-54 adopted 7/20/54; Published 7/27/54
Ordinance No. 57-54 adopted 10/4/54; Published 10/11/54
Ordinance No. 59-54 adopted 11/1/54; Published 11/5/54
Ordinance No. 61-54 adopted 11/16/54; Published 11/26/54
Ordinance No. 19-55 adopted 3/23/55; Published 3/28/55
Ordinance No. 39-55 adopted 6/27/55; Published 7/1/55
Ordinance No. 46-55 adopted 8/1/55; Published 8/4/55
Ordinance No, 61-55 adopted 11/7/55; Published 11/11/55
Ordinance No. 63-55 adopted 10/17/55; Published 10/21/55
Ordinance No. 66-55 adopted 12/5/55; Published 12/8/55
Ordinance No. 68-55 adopted ; Published
No. 21-55
ORDINANCE NO. 8-33 REPEALED by Ordinance
No. 21-55
No. 35-52 and 42-54
Ordinance No. 35-52
An Ordinance Providing for the Removal, Repair
or Dismantling of Dangerous Buildings or Struc-
tures and for the Assessment of the Cost There-
of; and Repealing Sections 540 to 545 Inclusive
of the Building Code.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. When the City Manager shall deter-
mine that any building or structure within the City
of Dubuque is dangerous to life or health because
of its condition or manner of construction, he is
hereby authorized and empowered to issue a notice
describing the dangerous condition and directing
that such condition be corrected or the building or
structure dismantled within ten (10) days from the
date of the issuance of such notice. Suchnotice
shall be addressed to the owner of the property as
shown by the County Auditor's tax rolls and may
be served by Registered United States Mail ad-
dressed to such owner at his last known address.
In the event the owner of such property or his ad-
dress is unknown to the City Manager after rea-
sonable inquiry, an affidavit to that effect shall be
executed by the City Manager and filed with the
City Clerk and the notice provided for herein
thereupon be served by posting a copy thereof on
the building or structure affected.
Section 2. Whenever such notice has been is-
sued and has not been complied with, the City
Manager shall report his findings to the City
Council describing the condition complained of,
the time and manner of the service of the notice,
the description of the building or structure and the
real estate upon which the same is situated, the
name and address of the owner as shown by the
tax rolls and stating his recommendations.
Section 3. Upon receipt of the City Manager's
report the City Council shall set a time and place
for hearing thereon and direct the City Clerk to
give notice of such hearing by publication at least
once not less than ten (10) days prior to said hear-
ing and by mailing a copy of such notice to the
owner if his address be known. Said notice shall
give the time and place of hearing on the City
Manager's report and at such hearing, the owner
of the property involved and all other interested
parties shall be afforded an opportunity to appear
and be heard.
Section 4. If at said hearing the City Council
shall find that said building or structure is dan-
gerous to life, health or property, it may direct
the City Manager to remove, repair or dismantle
said building or structure and may assess the cost
of such removal, repair or dismantling against the
real estate in the manner provided by Section 4 of
Chapter 151 of the Acts of the 54th General Assem-
bly of Iowa.
Section 5. The City Manager, or his properly
authorized representatives are hereby a uth
and empowered to enter upon any property m the
City of Dubuque for the purposes of carrying out
any order entered by the City Council in accord-
ance with Section 4 hereof.
Section 6. Sections 540 to 545 inclusive of the
Building Code of the City of Dubuque are hereby
Adopted 10/13/52
Published 10/ 16/ 52
Ordinance No. 42-54
An Ordinance Amending the Building Code of the
City of Dubuque to change the provisions thereof
relating to heating and ventilating by requiring
bonds of heating contractors, providing for per-
mits and fees, regulating the installation of gas
burning equipment; amending Sections 31 and
322 thereof and adding Section 192.1 and Chap-
ters XVI A and XVI B thereto.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Section 31 of the Building Code
be and the same is hereby repealed and the follow-
ing enacted in lieu thereof:
"Section 31. Bond for Heating Contractors.
Any person, firm or corporation desiring
in the business of installing heating apparatus
building, shall first file with the City Clerk a surety
bond, from a surety company authorized to do busi-
ness in Iowa as surety, in ap
pronal ved ey oft$2,000.00
and in a form and company
e City
Council, conditioned on the faithful performance City
of such work in accordance with all applicable
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque and Statutes of
the State of Iowa running to the benefit of the City
of Dubuque and the members of the general public
including all customers of said heating contractor."
Section 2. That the Building Code of City of
Dubuque be and the same is hereby amended by
adding a new Section 192.1 thereto as follows:
"Section 192.1. The foregoing provisions relat-
ing to chimney and flue construction shall be sub-
ject to the provisions of Chapters XVI A and XVI B
relating to gas fired units and conversion gas
Section 3. That Section 322 of the Building Code
of the City of Dubuque be and the same is hereby
repealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof:
"Section 322. Before commencing the installa-
tion, remodeling, conversion or repair of any
heating or ventilating apparatus in any building of
the City of Dubuque a permit therefore shall first
be obtained by a heating contractor qualified under
the provisions of Section 31 hereof, and it shall be
unlawful to commence any such work unless a per-
mit shall first have been obtained and a permit fee
paid in accordance with the following schedule:
Heating and Ventilating Fee Schedule
Stokers and..conversion gas burners $5.00
Furnaces, Warm Air Units, boilers and gas
fired heating units including their nec-
essary appurtenances except wiring. . . . 5.00
New oil burning heating units
Fees for conversion oil burning units shall
be as provided in Ordinance 24-31.
Blowers, repairs, alterations and any
other equipment or work not covered by
the above when the price charged to the
customer exceeds $100.00
Water Heaters (Gas)
REQUIRED. Before installation of a conversion
gas burner in an existing warm air furnace is
made, enough of the connecting pipes or outer
casing shall be removed so as to make close visual
inspection around the entire circumference of the
furnace primary and secondary heating surfaces.
On inspection, if furnace appears to be tight and
before pipes or casing are replaced, the flue pas-
sage between the chimney and furnace shall be
closed off and the furnace shall be given a smoke
bomb or smoke candle test. If there is no visible
sign of smoke around the whole perimeter of the
furnace during the test, the furnace may be reas-
5.75 sembled and the conversion gas burner installed.
If smoke does appear during this test, the furnace
shall be given another smoke test after repairs or
replacements are made.
DOORS NOT PERMITTED. All combustion air
5.00 doors will be permanently positioned.
The foregoing fees shall be in lieu of the fee
for new heating installations required by Section
28 hereof,
No permit shall be required for work not cov-
ered by the above when the price charged the cus-
tomer is $100.00 or less but such work shall com-
ply with the provisions of this Code and all other
applicable Ordinances of the City of Dubuque.
Section 4. That the Building Code of the City of
Dubuque be and the same is hereby amended by
adding a new chapter thereto known as Chapter
XVI A, consisting of Sections 341.1 to 345.11 in-
clusive as follows:
Approval and Installation Requirements for Gas
Fired Units and Conversion Gas Burners with Im-
put Rating up to 500,000 Btuh.
345.1. DEFINITIONS. (a) Gas fired unit is de-
fined as either a package unit (furnace or boiler)
in the smaller sizes designed by the manufacturer
and shipped from the factory as a completely as-
sembled unit or in the larger sizes not to be shipped
completely assembled but to meet the requirements
of complete unit approval when tested as an assem-
bled unit.
(b) Conversion burners are burners installed in
existing or new furnaces or boilers not specifically
designed for the use of gas as a fuel.
(c) Type "B" gas vent is one made of non-
combustible, corrosion resistant material of suffi-
cient thickness and cross section area and heat in-
sulating quality to avoid excess temperature on ad-
jacent combustible material and certified by a na-
tionally recognized testing agency. They shall be
used only for venting gas fired equipment when
that equipment does not exceed flue gas tempera-
tures in excess of 550 degree F. at the outlet of the
draft hood.
fired units and conversion gas burners shall be
listed or approved by The American Gas Associa-
tion Laboratories or a similar qualified impartial
testing laboratory. The approval shall be for safety,
combustion and rating.
No hot water coils will be permitted in a combus-
tion chamber in which a gas burner is installed.
If there are hot water coils in a combustion cham-
ber of an existing furnace or boiler they shall be
removed when a conversion gas burner is installed
in that furnace or boiler.
work shall be done and the equipment installed in
accordance with recognized good practices. Com-
pliance with "American Standards Requirements for
Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Burners"
1948 Edition shall be prima facie evidence of good
workmanship except as follows:
(a) All electrical wiring shall be done in the
manner provided by applicable ordinances of the
City of Dubuque.
(b) Room thermostats shall be installed in ac-
cordance with good practice and applicable city
(c) The main manual control valve shall be lo-
cated not more than three feet upstream from the
burner pressure regulator.
(d) Automatically operated air doors shall not
be permitted.
(e) Automatic pilot shall be complete shut off
ATION. With respect to Part VI, Section 5, method
1, paragraph c and method 2, paragraph b-4, A COZ,
test shall indicate a reading of 6 1/2% to 9%. The
flue gas temperature shall be not more than 650
degrees F. higher than the temperature of the air
surrounding the unit. These tests shall be made at
a point between the furnace or boiler outlet and
diverter and only when a gas conversion burner is
The CO2 and temperature recordings shall be
posted on or near the equipment by the installer.
JOB. Instructions furnished by the manufacturer
outlining procedures shall be attached to or near
the installation as follows:
(a) Instructions for the proper manner of op-
erating gas main shut-off valve, pilot valve and
proper sequence for lighting unit.
(b) Instructions outlining the proper sequence of
turning off gas burner and closing gas main valve
and auxiliary valves.
345.9. CHIMNEYS, FLUES, VENTS. This sec-
tion shall apply only to natural draft venting.
Forced draft or exhaust systems and power
burners usually required special engineering and
installation and shall require approval of the
Building. Commissioner.
(a) All masonry chimneys used for venting gas
burning equipment up to 350,00,0 BTUH input shall
have installed within them a suitable flue liner as
specified in sub -section (b) following:
(b) Flue liners approved by the Building Com-
missioner are as follows:
1. Vitrified steel pipe as approved and classi-
fied by the rational Board of Fire Underwriters
2. Type_B gas vents as approved and classified
by the National Board of Fire Underwriters Labora-
3. Stainless steel 302-18.8 of not less than 26
4. Vitrified clay pipe or tile when joined gas
tight with acid resistant mortar.
Definition: Alumina and air setting refractory
base motors shall be considered acid resistant
when used for this purpose.
(c) In event the chimney serving gas fired equip-
ment also serves one or more devices used for
heating space other than gas fired, liner require-
ments may be omitted. Said device shall not have
less than 1000 Btuh input per cross sectional
square inch area of the flue in the chimney to which
said device is connected.
(d) .If no new flue liner need be installed when
new gas heating equipment is installed, there shall
be provided in the base of the chimney, a clean -out
door if one shall not be present.
(e) When a flue liner is venting more than one
gas fired appliance, it shall be of a size sufficient
to vent all appliances connected to it.
(f) Where gas vents are used to discharge gases
directly to the outside without the use of a masonry
chimney, the following shall be required.
1. If Type "B" vents shall be installed through
attics, concealed places, and floors, 1•11 clearance
will be required from combustible materials and a
spacing device used to maintain these clearances.
When installed in a concealed place, they will be so
installed so that they can be easily removed for
inspection or replacement.
2. Packaged chimneys approved by the office of
Building Commissioner shall be acceptable for
venting gas equipment.
VENTING. (a) Appliances of the following type
shall be flue or vent connected or provided with
other approved means for exhausting the flue gases
to the outside atmosphere.
1. Space heating steam and hot water boilers
and warm air furnaces, floor furnaces, unit heaters,
duct furnaces and recess heaters.
2. Gas fired incinerators.
3. Water heaters with inputs over 5000 Btuh.
4. Room heaters listed for vented use only.
5. Appliances equipped with gas conversion
6. Appliances listed for vented use only.
(b) Appliances listed below will not require
venting unless they are listed for vented use or
having installation limitations. In such case they
shall be installed in accordance with its listing or
installation limitations.
1. Gas ranges.
2. Gas refrigerators.
3. Counter appliances.
4. Domestic clothes dryers.
5. Room heater or heaters listed for unvented
use, installed in the same room which, if not vented,
would make the total input rating of the unvented
heating appliances less than 30 Btuh per cu. ft. of
room content.
heaters listed for vented use shall be installed in
sleeping quarters for use of transients, as in hotels,
motels and auto courts, in institutions such as
Homes for the Aged, Sanitoriums, Convalescent
Homes, Orphanages, etc. Such heaters shall be
connected to an effective flue or vent and equipped
with an automatic pilot.
Section 5. That the Building Code of the City of
Dubuque be and the same is hereby amended by
adding a new Chapter XVI B thereto consisting of
Sections 345.12 to 345.14 inclusive as follows:
Approved and Installation Requirements for Gas
Fired Units and Conversion Gas Burners with
Input Rating of 500,000 Btuh and larger.
345.12. APPROVAL. All gas control equipment
shall be approved by a nationally recognized testing
345.13. Such equipment shall be installed and
inspected in the manner set forth in "American
Standard Requirements for Installation of Gas
Equipment in Large Boilers -- Z 21.33, 1950 Edi-
tion", except as hereafter provided and said publi-
cation except as hereafter provided is hereby ap-
proved by the City Council and ordered placed on
file with the City Clerk for public inspection and
shall become a part hereof by this reference. The
following changes and modifications of said Stand-
ards shall apply:
(A) Change paragraph 2.4,5 to read -- "when there
is no available place for the installation of a
shut-off valve outside of the boiler room, the
curb cock may be used and a curb cock wrench
be furnished and hung on a wall outside of the
boiler room in an easily accessible place. The
curb cock shall be plainly marked and kept
clean of snow, ice or debris."
(B) There shall be added to section 2.5 the fol4w-
ing sections: ✓
2.5.10. For fuel inputs not exceeding 5,000,000'
Btu per hour, the combustion control system may
be the on -off type which shall consist of a pressure
or heat -actuated controller to operate an approved
slow opening on -off gas input control valve proper-
ly interlocked with air louvres or dampers.
2.5.11. For fuel inputs exceeding 5,000,000
Btuh, the combustion control system shall be the
modulating type with 2 stage modulating valve as-
suring a slow start. The system shall be designed
so that air control dampers and fuel input control
valves will operate in conjunction with each other
to maintain heat release to the boiler or furnace
in balance with requirements and to assure safe,
stable and proper combustion throughout the entire
required range of operation.
2.5.12. Manually lighted installations shall fol-
low a sequence of closing a push button start
switch to open the pilot solenoid valve; the pilot
being ignited from electric spark ignition system
which is energized with the same push button start
switch; the main burner being then ignited from
the safety pilot by opening the manual firing valve
after having opened the manual reset safety shut
off valve. The start -stop switch will be so ar-
ranged to prevent recycling of pilot following action
of any safety device to shut off fuel.
2.5.13. Automatically lighted installations shall
have the necessary controls and devices to auto-
matically ignite the safety pilot and open recycling
safety shut off valve to permit ignition of the main
burner from the safety pilot when fuel input is re-
quired and when fuel input is not required, shut off
all gas to pilot and main burner; providing however,
standing pilots may be used on natural draft instal-
lations up to 2,000,000 Btuh input and in such cases
the control arrangement shall shut off gas only to
the main burner when fuel input is not required.
Automatic pilot shall be complete shut off type.
2.5.14. On automatically recycling jobs where
mechanical draft fans are required, a pre -purge
time of not less than 30 seconds shall be provided
in the starting sequence and accomplished before
pilot valve is opened.
2.5.15. The fuel input control valve and the
safety shut off valve shall be separate and inde-
pendent valves where in the opinion of the Building
Commissioner it is needed as a safety factor.
2.5.16. Draft switches when required in the
opinion of the Building Commissioner shall be in-
stalled to shut off fuel in the event of air failure.
2.5.17. All limiting devices shall shut off fuel
to all main burners.
2.5.18. There shall be no shut off valves in the
piping between boiler and pressure and -or water
limiting devices.
2.5.19. On all installations, the controls shall
prevent the opening of the main valve until after
the presence of the pilot flame has been proven.
(C) There shall be added to section 3.2 the follow-
3.2.6. There shall be provided a one -eighth
inch pipe tap with plug in the gas burner manifold,
such tap to be used for testing manifold gas pres-
345.14. DUAL - FUEL BURNERS. Definition:
The term, "Dual -Fuel Burner" shall mean an ap-
pliance designed to supply either gaseous or liquid
fuel to and properly burn same within the combus-
tion chamber of a single boiler, furnace or other
device, originally designed to burn a single fuel.
For self-contained integral units, controls may be
common to both burners or may be independent.
Transfer from one fuel to the other shall be ac-
complished by means of a manual double throw
switch interlocked to prevent simultaneous opera-
tion of both fuels. Other dual -fuel burners may
be comprised of separate oil and gas units, one
of which may be swung out of firing position on
its structure while the other is in operation; or,
units requiring the interchange of gas and oil in-
serts, so designed by the manufacturer to assure
proper positioning of either insert may be used.
The term, "Dual Fuel Burner Equipment", shall
include gas burners and all piping, tank pumps,
fans, blowers and all devices, and accessories con-
nected to the burner. Requirements for such type
installation are as follows:
(a) Dual -Fuel installations utilizing gas and
solid fuel will require special approval for each
individual installation
(b) When oil burners are used in conjunction
with dual -fuel burners the installation will be made
so that they will be immediately available for oper-
ation when gas is curtailed.
(c) Gas burners shall be of the inshot type. The
turndown ratio shall be such as to assure positive
and safe ignition and complete stability during op-
eration of main flames on all burners or ports
throughout the required range of operation.
(d) To determine the necessary furnace volumes,
a value of 50,000 Btu per cubic foot per hour heat
release will be the maximum allowable.
345.15. FURNACE VOLUME. When conver-
sion gas burners are installed, a heat release of
40,000 Btu per cubic foot per hour will be the
maximum allowable. Higher rates may be permis-
sible when granted by specific approval of the
Office of Building Commissioner.
Adopted 6/7/54
Published 6/14/54
Ordinance No. 21-55
An Ordinance prescribing regulations for the in-
stallating in buildings of pipes, fixtures and
other apparatus for bringing in the water supply
and removing liquid and water carried wastes,
in the City of Dubuque, and the issuance of
permits therefor; to provide for the inspection
of such plumbing and house drainage systems
and for the enforcement of such rules and regu-
lations, and to prescribe penalties for the vio-
lation thereof; to create a board of examiners
of plumbers, providing for examination and
licensing of plumbers, fixing a fee for licenses
and prescribing a penalty for doing plumbing
work or engaging in the plumbing business with-
out a license, and to repeal Ordinance No. 107,
Ordinance No. 8,33 and Ordinanee No. 4,33
Plumbers Section 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Part I. Administration
Section 1. Division of Plumbing Inspection:
The division of plumbing inspection is hereby es-
tablished inthe building department to enforce
the laws and ordinances governing plumbing, and
shall be composed of a chief plumbing inspector,
plumbers's examining board and such assistant
plumbing inspectors as the City Manager shall
Section 2. Duties and Qualifications of Plumb-
ing Inspectors: The chief plumbing inspector and
the assistant plumbing inspectors shall have such
duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed
by the City Manager. A plumbing inspector must
hold a license as a journeyman or master plumber
and have at least five (5) years experience as a
journeyman plumber.
Section 3. Board of Examiners: The City Man-
ager shall, with the consent and approval of the
City Council, appoint a board of examiners con-
sisting of three members, one of whom shall hold
a license as journeyman plumber of at least five
years experience, one a member of the local
board of health, and one a master plumber who has
engaged in the plumbing business as a master
plumber for at least five (5) years in this city.
Section 4. Term of Office: Members of the
board of examiners shall serve for a period of
three years, or until their successors are duly
appointed and qualified.
Should a vacancy in the board occur it shall be
the duty of the chief plumbing inspector to notify
the City Manager of such vacancy and the City
Manager with the consent and approval of the City
Council, shall immediately appoint a new member
of the board to fill the unexpired term.
Section 5. Compensation of Examining Board:
The compensation which shall be paid to the mem-
bers of the Plumbing Board shall be five dollars
($5.00) per meeting, but in no case shall the com-
pensation exceed pay for twelve meetings per
year. The Council shall provide suitable rooms in
which said Board of Examiners may hold its
meetings and shall provide said Board with all the
necessary and incidental equipment and facilities
for holding the examinations and pay the expense
Section 6. Quorum: Two members of said
board of examiners shall constitute a quorum for
the transacting of all business, but any action taken
by said board shall require a majority vote of all
members of said board.
Section 7. Clerk of Board: The Chief plumbing
inspector shall act as the clerk of said board and it
shall be his duty to keep a record of the meet-
ings of said board and to register the names and
residences of all persons examined by said board,
the result of the examination and the kind of li-
cense issued to each, if any, and the date thereof,
and assist the board in preparing, conducting and
grading examinations, and maintain a roster of all
opprentices with the board.
Section 8. Powers and Duties: The examining
board of plumbers shall meet at least once every
three months. They shall also meet whenever the
board of health or the City Manager shall, in
writing, request them to do so. Such board shall
examine all persons applying for licenses as
journeyman plumbers or master plumbers to de-
termine their fitness and qualifications as journey-
man plumbers or master plumbers and shall is-
sue licenses to all persons who shall have passed a
satisfactory examination before such board and
shall be determined to be qualified as journeyman
plumbers or master plumbers.
Section 9. Qualifications of Journeyman
Plumber: A Journeyman plumber must be able to
read blue prints, do simple mathematical prob-
lems, and must know the city plumbing ordinances
and the rules and regulations of the local or state
boards of health governing plumbing. He shall pass
a satisfactory examination showing that he has the
above qualifications and is capable of performing
practical plumbing and is entitled to a license as
a journeyman plumber.
Section 10. Qualification of a Master Plumber:
A master plumber shall have a general practical
knowledge of the purpose and method of the con-
struction of plumbing work, be competent to plan
and supervise the installation of plumbing and
shall be required to have some knowledge of
mechanical drawing and pass a satisfactory exam-
ination showing he has the above qualifications and
is entitled to a license as a master plumber.
Section 11. License: Any person desiring to be
examined for a license as a journeyman plumber
or master plumber, as determined in this ordi-
nance by the board of examiners shall make appli-
cation therefor to the board of examiners on
blanks furnished by the board, setting forth infor-
mation necessary to establish his qualifications as
such, and each application shall be accompanied by
a receipt from the City Treasurer for the examin-
ation fee of ten dollars ($10.00), for examination
for a master plumber, and five dollars ($5.00)
for examination for a journeyman plumber.
Section 12. Any person currently licensed as a
journeyman plumber by the City of Dubuque shall
be entitled' to a license as such without examination
upon application therefor to the examining board
within four months from the date hereof. Any per-
son currently licensed as a master plumber by the
City of Dubuque shall be entitled to a license as
such without examination upon application therefor
to the examining board within four months from the
date hereof.
Section 12A. Whenever any firm or corpora-
tion shall establish to the satisfaction of the City
Council that it has had in its employ for more than
one year a full time maintenance crew whose work
is devoted exclusively to the repair and mainte-
nance of the buildings and equipment of said firm
or corporation, including plumbing repair, the City
Council may, in its discretion issue a restricted
plumber's license authorizing the person in direct
supervision of such maintenance crew to make
minor installations, subject to the provisions of
Section 20 hereof, in said buildings so long as the
permittee remains in direct supervision of such
maintenance crew and conforms to the provisions
of this ordinance.
Section 13. Renewals. Licenses may be re-
newed annually upon presentation of the treasurer's
receipt for the renewal fee on or before January
31 of each year commencing with January 31 of
the year following the year in which the license
was first issued. The date of such renewal shall be
endorsed on the licenses. In the even the holder of
any such license shall fail to renew the same in
the manner herein provided, the license shall ex-
pire and a new one shall not be issued except in
compliance with Section 11 hereof. The annual
renewal fee shall be two dollars ($2.00) for mas-
ter plumber and one dollar ($1.00) for journeyman
Section 14. In addition to the penalties herein-
after provided, when any holder of a license issued
under the provisions of this ordinance shall have
been convicted of more than one violation of the
provisions hereof, the board of examiners may, in
its discretion, revoke such license, whereupon the
holder shall on receipt of written notice of such re-
vocation, surrender such license. In the event any
person shall feel aggreived by the action of the
board in revoking his license, he may appeal from
such action to the City Council by filing written no-
tice of his appeal within ten days from the date of
mailing of such notice. The council shall give five
days written notice of the date and time of hearing
to the appealing party, examining board and the
chief inspector. Upon hearing, the City Council
may affirm, modify or overrule the action of the
Section 15. Master Plumber's License: That
except for the work described in Section 21, no
person, firm or corporation shall engage in the
installing in buildings of pipes, fixtures and other
apparatus for bringing in the water supply and re-
moving liquid and water carried wastes in the City
of Dubuque, without first having obtained a plumb-
er's license or is working under the direct super-
vision of a master plumber.
Section 16. Employment of Licensed Plumber:
That no person, firm, or corporation shall employ
any person to engage in the art of installing in
buildings the pipes, fixtures, and other apparatus
for bringing in the water supply and removing
liquid and water carried wastes except for the
work described in Section 22, in or for any build-
ing in the City of Dubuque, unless such person has
obtained a plumber's license or is working under
the direct supervision of a master plumber.
Section 17. Master Plumber: Shall include any
person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi-
ness of plumbing, other than as a journeyman
plumber, actually engaged in the installation of
plumbing, and who employs other licensed plumb-
ers or apprentices, and who is skilled in the
planning, superintending and practical installation
of plumbing and familiar with the laws, rules and
regulations governing the same.
Section 18. Apprentice: The term "apprentice"
shall include any person who does not hold a
license as a journeyman plumber or master
plumber and is assisting in the installation, alter-
ation or repair of plumbing.
Section 19. Apprentice: No master plumber
shall hire or employ, or have in his employ, any
apprentice who is not registered with the examin-
ing board as such, and at no time shall any ap-
prentice perform any plumbing work unless he is
actually in the presence of and with a licensed
plumber. Every person who desired to perform
the work of an apprentice plumber shall register
his name as an apprentice, with the examining
board at the time of entering on such employment,
and on or before the first day of February of each
year, thereafter so long as such employment shall
Section 20. Plumbing Permit: That no person,
firm or corporation shall begin installing pipes,
fixtures, or other apparatus for bringing in the
water supply or removing liquid and water carried
waste in any building in the City of Dubuque except
as provided in Section 22 unless a permit for such
work has been issued by the division of plumbing
Section 21. Application for Permit: Any
licensed plumber desiring a plumbing permit shall
file with the division of plumbing inspection an ap-
plication in writing for such permit stating therein
the street and house number, with the owner's
name, the name of the licensed plumber, specify-
ing the work to be done and that such work will be
done in accordance with the ordinances of the City
of Dubuque, and rules and regulations of the local
and state boards of health.
Section 22. When Permits are Not Required:
Permits will not be required for the removal of
stoppage in soil or waste pipes or for replacing
borken fixtures, or tanks, or faucets, or repairing
leaks in waste pipes or water pipes or tanks, but
when repairs are made, only fixtures shall be used
to replace broken fixtures as shall conform to the
provisions herein prescribed. Traps not previous
vented when repaired shall be finished with an ap-
proved antisyphon trap. Nothing herein shall,
however, be construed to permit excavating in the
streets or other public places in the City of
Dubuque, without first having obtained a permit and
paying the fee therefor.
Section 23. Permits Issued: Upon the approval
of the application provided for in Section 21 hereof,
the division of plumbing inspection shall issue a
permit to the person applying therefor, stating the
name of the owner of the property, the name of the
owner of the property, the name of the licensed
plumber to whom the permit is issued, and the
street and house number, and the work authorized
to be done thereunder. No permit shall be issued
for additional plumbing work in any building where
the plumbing is found defective or has been in-
stalled or is being maintained contrary to the pro-
visions of the City plumbing ordinances, or the
rules and regulations of the local or state boards
of health, unless such plumbing is to be corrected,
and the permit is taken out to cover the correction
of such work.
Section 24. Permit Fees: There shall be
charged for the inspection of all plumbing work,
either new, replaced or reconstructed, a permit
fee as follows:
For the first four fixtures of fixture
openings $2,00 ea.
For each additional fixture or fixture
opening 1.00
Each garage wash rack, settling basin, oil
separator, blow off basin, sewage ejector of
similar equipment shall be considered as a
For each bar, soda fountain, refrigerator, air
conditioning unit or similar equipment re-
quiring indirect connections to the sewer,
each opening shall be considered as a fixture,
and the fee for each such waste opening shall
be 1.00
For each domestic hot water storage tank or
range boiler 1.00
For each domestic hot water storage tank
or range boiler including furnace coils
and electric heating apparatus 1.00
For each water softener, or similar device
connected to the water supply 1.00
For the reinspection of any work found de-
fective or installed contrary to the re-
quirements governing the installation of
plumbing 5.00
All such fees shall be paid to the City Treasurer
who shall issue his receipt therefor, and such re-
ceipt shall be presented to the City Plumbing in-
spector before any permit is issued to any person
applying therefor.
Section 25. New Permit Required: When a
permit has been issued for plumbing work in no
case shall additional work be put in or additional
fixtures set without the approval of the chief
plumbing inspector, and a new permit shall be ob-
tained for all such additional work or fixtures.
Section 26. Destroying Certificate or Notice:
It shall be unlawful for any person, or persons,
to willfully mutilate, deface, remove or destroy
any certificate or notice placed upon the plumbing
work of any building by a city plumbing inspector.
Section 27. Inspection of Work: When a permit
has been issued for plumbing work, the construc-
tion of such plumbing shall be subject to the in-
spection of the division of plumbing inspection at
all times and the chief plumbing inspector may
revoke such permit at any time when the work is
not being done in accordance with the ordinances
of the city or the rules and regulations of the local
or state boards of health; and it shall be unlawful
for any person to proceed further with said work
without the written consent of the chief plumbing
Section 28. Access to Buildings: Inspectors
shall have access to all buildings for the purpose
of examining and carrying into effect the provi-
sions of the plumbing ordinances of the City of
Dubuque, or the rules and regulations of the local
or state boards of health.
Section 29. Request for Inspection. That any
person, firm or corporation doing plumbing work
in the City of Dubuque shall, when work has been
prepared for inspection, as provided for in this
ordinance, notify the plumbing inspector that in-
spection is required, giving location of the pre-
mises, and the time that work will be ready for
inspection, and if, upon inspection, the plumbing
inspector finds the work not in accordance with
the provisions of this ordinance, he shall notify the
plumber doing the wlcor the owner of the pre-
mises, by written letter o'r by posting written
notices upon the premises, and such letter or such
posting shall be all the notice required to be given
of the defects in the work found upon inspection
and such defects shall be corrected within three
(3) days after notice is given.
Section 30. Covering or Using Before Inspec-
tion; Prohibited: It shall be the duty of the
plumber installing the work to see that no plumb-
ing is covered or used until such work has been in-
spected and approved by the plumbing inspector.
Section 31. Variations from the Requirements
of this Ordinance: When it is possible or imprac-
tical to install plumbing in strict accordances with
the plumbing ordances or the rules and regulations
of the local or state boards of health, upon proper
application, variations, which, in the opinion of the
state department of health, are safe, will be per-
mitted, and a special permit noting the variations
will be issued and the fee for such installations
shall be double the amount set out in Section 23
Section 3Z. Liability for Damages: None of
the provisions of this ordinance whallbe construed
to relieve or less the liability of any person, firm,
or corporation owning, operating, controlling, in-
stalling, or repairing any plumbing work or equip-
ment where damages to any person or property
are caused by any negligence or defects in the op-
eration of installation thereof, Nor shall the City
of Dubuque, or any of its inspectors be held as as-
suming any liability by reason of the inspection
authorized herein or the certificates or licenses
Section 33. The definitions of terms set out in
the State Plumbing Code are hereby adopted as
the definitions of the terms used in this ordinance
and all plumbing hereafter done in the City of
Dubuque shall be done in accordance with the State
Plumbing Code except as follows:
(a) Concrete pipe shall not be used to carry
sewage except in main sewers.
(b) All joints in vitrified clay pipe shall be
made of an approved plastic.
(c) No storm water drains or cistern overflow
pipes shall be connected either directly or in-
directly to a sanitary sewer.
(d) A main shut-off on the water supply line
shall be approximately one foot inside the curb
line if there is a curb, otherwise, it shall be in the
platted street close to the property line. An acces-
sible shut-off shall be provided just inside the
foundation wall and at the outlet side of the water
meter, for the main supply line, for each sill cock
and, in buildings over three stories in height, for
each riser line.
(e) Where cast iron soil pipe is used within the
building, it shall be of a grade not less than
"extra -heavy".
(f) The use of asbestos cement pipe or bitumi-
nous fibre pipe for house sewers shall not be per-
(g) The use of aluminum pipe and fittings shall
not be. permitted.
Section 33A. The restrictions and regulations
contained in Sections 15, 16 and 20 hereof shall
apply to the installation of a house sewer.
Section 34. Penalty. Any person, firm or cor-
poration violating any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined
in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars
($100.00) or be imprisoned in the city jail not to
exceed thirty (30) days.
Part II. Legislative
Section 1. Repeal: Ordinance No. 107, Ordi-
nance No. 8-33 and Ordinance No. 4-33 Plumbers
Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 are hereby repealed.
Section 2. Savings Clause: If any section, sub-
section, sentence, clause or phase of this ordi-
nance, for any reason, is held to be unconstitu-
tional and invalid, such decision shall not affect
the validity of the remaining portions of this or-
dinance. The City Council of the City of Dubuque,
hereby declares that it would have passed this
ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence,
clause or phase thereof irrespective of the fact
that anyone or more sections, subsections, sen-
tences, clauses or phases may be declared uncon-
stitutional or invalid.
Section 3. Effective Date: This ordinance shall
be in full forceand effect from and after April 15,
1955, and after its passage and after publication as
provided by law.
Adopted 4/4/55
Published 4/ 15/ 55
Amended 8/10/55 and 11/7/55
Ordinance No. 38-55
An Ordinance Regulating the Construction of Septic
Tanks and other Private Sewage Disposal Sys-
tems, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. No septic tank or other private
sewage disposal system shall be constructed in
the City of Dubuque unless a permit therefor has
first been granted by the City Sanitary Inspector
in the manner hereinafter provided.
Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation de-
siring to construct a private sewage disposal sys-
tem within the City shall make application therefor
to the City Sanitary Inspector showing the name
and address of the owner, the applicant and the
person who will perform the work, the description
of the premises to be served and a plan showing
the location and design of the septic tank and sec-
ondary treatment, and the location of any wells
within 75 feet of the premises.
Section 3. If the Sanitary Inspector, after an
inspection of the premises and plans, shall find
(a) That the location and design is in accordance
with the Regulations of the State Department of
(b) That the disposal plant is adequate for the
premises to be served;
(c) That it is not likely to create a nuisance to
abutting property, and
(d) That there is no public sewer within 200
feet of the premises,
he shall issue a permit therefor and advise the
Plumbing Inspector.
Section 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of
this Ordinance no such disposal plant shall be
connected to any house drainage system except in
accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances
regulating plumbing.
Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation
violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than
$100 or be imprisoned not more than 30 days.
Adopted 6/27/55
Published 7/1/55
Zoning and Platting
3-34 (Zoning Ordinance) AMENDED as follows:
Sec. 1 (i)
Sec. 5
Sec. 1 (j)
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
amended by Ordinance No.
Ordinance No. 57-51 (Trailer Ordinance)
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No.3-34 Enti-
tled "The Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque" by Adding New Subsections Thereto
Defining "Trailers" and "Trailer Parks;"
Providing Restrictions on the use of Premises
for the Storage of Trailers and as Trailer
Parks; and Providing a Penalty for the Viola-
tion Thereof.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Article II, Section 4 of Ordi-
nance No.3-34 entitled "The Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque" is hereby amended by adding
a new subsection (e) thereto as follows:
"Art.II Section 4 (e): The storage of not more
than one unoccupied trailer, as hereinafter de-
fined, shall be considered a proper accessory use
provided the same shall not be used for living
quarters or business purposes while so parked."
Section 2. That Article V, Section 1 of said
Ordinance No.3-34 is hereby amended by adding
new subsections (j) and (k) thereto as follows:
"Art.V, Section 1 -
(j) Trailer Parks provided the same are de-
signed, constructed and maintained in accordance
with Article IX hereof.
(k) Trailer Sales Lots."
Section 3. That Article VI, Section 1 of said
Ordinance No.3-34 is hereby amended by adding
a new subsection (23) thereto as follows:
"Article VI Section 1 -
(23) Trailer Parks except those designed, con-
structed and maintained in accordance with Arti-
cle IX hereof."
Section 4. That Article VII Section 1 of said Or-
dinance No.3-34 is hereby amended by adding
thereto a new subsection (52) thereto as follows:
"Article VII Section 1 -
(52) Trailer Parks except those designed, con-
structed and maintained in accordance with Arti-
cle IX hereof."
57-51 and 25-55
Section 5. That Article IX of said Ordinance
No.3-34 is hereby amended by adding a new sub-
section (v) thereto as follows:
"Article IX
(v) Trailer Parks. No premises shall be used
for a Trailer Park unless and until the following
conditions have been complied with:
1. The proprietor of such Trailer Park shall
file with the Building Commissioner a plat of such
proposed Trailer Park showing the following in-
(a) Location of sites for trailers.
(b) Location and number of sanitary conven-
iences to be used by occupants of trailers.
(c) Plan for electrical distribution of lights to
2. The actual use of such premises shall con-
form to such plat.
3. Each trailer park shall have erected there-
on, at a distance not greater than two hundred (200)
feet from any trailer site it is designed to serve,
a suitable building for housing toilets and showers
hereinafter required, which shall be provided with
a floor of concrete or similar material impervious_
to water and properly drained.
4. There shall be provided and accessible at
all times, separate toilet rooms for each sex.
Each toilet room shall contain satisfactory lava-
tories with hot and cold running water and toilets
connected to the City sewer system.
5. Separate bathing facilities with hot and cold
running water shall be provided for each sex with
at least one shower head for every 15 persons.
6. Trailers shall be kept at least four (4) feet
distant from any lot line, and ten feet from any
trailer or other structure.
7. All other applicable ordinances of the City
of Dubuque shall be complied with.
8. No premises shall be used for a Trailer
Park unless and until a Certificate of Occupancy
therefor has been issued.
9. The provisions of Article IX (a) shall not
apply to use of premises as Trailer Parks."
Section 6. That Article X of said Ordinance
No.3-34 is hereby amended by adding thereto the
following definitions:
"Trailer. A Trailer is any vehicle or structure
so designed and constructed in such manner as
will permit occupancy thereof as sleeping
quarters by one or more persons, or the conduct
of any business or profession, occupation, or
trade (or use as a selling or advertising device)
and so designed that it is or may be mounted on
wheels and used as a conveyance on highways or
streets, propelled or drawn by its own or other
motive power, but the word "trailer" shall not be
construed to include any standard model automo-
bile body designed to accommodate six or less pas-
Trailer Park. A Trailer Park is any lot, par-
cel or tract of land designed, maintained or in-
tended for the purpose of supplying a location or
accommodations for any Trailer, or upon which any
Trailer is parked and shall include all buildings
used or intended for use as part of the equipment
thereof whether charge is made for the use of the
Trailer Park and its facilities or not.
Trailer Sales Lot. A Trailer Sales Lot is any
lot, parcel or tract of land on which unoccupied
Trailers are parked for purpose of inspection and
sale only."
Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from June 15, 1952 and after its final
passage, adoption and publication as by law pro-
Adopted December 3, 1951.
Published December 7, 1951.
Ordinance No. 47-51
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque as Provided by
Ordinance No.3-34 so as to Change the Below
Described Area from its Present Classification
to Two Family Residence District Classifica-
Whereas the Planning and Zoning Commission
has recommended to the City Council that the
following described area be changed from its
present classification to Two Family District
Classification, to -wit:
Lots 7 to 20 inclusive of Finleys Addition in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, including any or all subdi-
visions of said lots;
Now Therefore, be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Ordinance
No.3-34 known as the Zoning Ordinance be and the
same is hereby amended by changing the above de-
scribed area from its present classification to
Two Family Residence District Classification.
Adopted December 3, 1951.
Published December 10, 1951.
Ordinance No. 64-51
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque as Provided by Ordi-
nance No. 3-34 so as to Change the Below De-
scribed Area from Its Present Classification to
Two Family Residence District Classification.
Whereas the Planning and Zoning Commission
has recommended to the City Council that the fol-
lowing described area be changed from its present
classification to Two Family District classifica-
tion, to -wit: Lots 7 to 20, inclusive, of Finleys Ad-
dition in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, including any
or all subdivisions of said lots; and
Whereas notice of such proposed change has
been published as provided by law and an oppor-
tunity afforded to all interested parties and citizens
to be heard thereon at a public meeting held at 7:30
o'clock p.m. on the 7th day of January, 1952, at the
Council Chambers in the City Hall; and
Whereas no objections have been filed or made
to the proposed change;
Now Therefore Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Ordinance
No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Ordinance, be and
the same is hereby amended by changing the above
described area from its present classification to
Two Family Residence District classification.
Adopted 1/7/52
Published 1/11/52
Joint Resolution No. 52-52
Regulating and Restricting the Height of Structures
and Objects of Natural Growth and Otherwise
Regulating the Use of Property in the Vicinity of
the Dubuque Municipal Airport by Creating Air-
port Approach and Turning Zones, and Estab-
lishing the Boundaries Thereof and Height and
Use Limitations Therein; Providing for Vari-
ances from the Restrictions and Boundaries of
Such Zones; Defining Certain Terms Used Here-
in; Providing for Enforcement; Establishing a
Board of Adjustment; and Imposing Penalties.
In pursuance of the authority conferred by Chap-
ters 329, 330 and 414 of the Code of Iowa, 1950,
and amendments thereto and for the purpose of
promoting the public health, safety and general
welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Dubuque
and the County of Dubuque, Iowa, by preventing the
creation or establishment of airport hazards,
thereby protecting the lives and property of the
users of the Dubuque Municipal Airport and of oc-
cupants of land and other persons in the vicinity
thereof and preventing the destruction of impair-
ment of the utility of said airport and the public
investment therein.
Be it Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of
Dubuque County and by the City Council of the City
of Dubuque:
Article I. Short Title
Section 1. This resolution shall be known and
may be cited as the Dubuque Municipal Airport
Zoning• Resolution.
Article II. Definitions
Section 1. As used in this resolution, unless
the context otherwise requires, certain terms and
words shall be construed as provided in this
Article. Words used in the present tense shall
include the future and the singular shall include
the plural and the plural shall include the singular.
Section 2. "Airport" means the Dubuque Munic-
ipal Airport and the lands embraced by the follow-
ing description, to wit:
Lot 1 of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, West one-half of the Northwest Quarter
and the Southwest Quarter of Section 26; the North-
east Quarter, the East one-half of the Northwest
Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 27;
the Northeast Quarter of Section 34; Lot 1 of the
Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Lot 2
of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
and Lot 1 of the Northeast Quarter of the North-
west Quarter of Section 35 all in Township 88
North, Range 2 East of the 5th Principle Meridian.
Section 3. "Airport Hazard" means any struc-
ture, tree or use of land which obstructs the air
space required for the flight of aircraft in landing
or taking -off at the airport or is otherwise haz-
ardous to such landing or taking -off of aircraft.
Section 4. "Non -conforming" as applied to any
structure, tree or use of land, means that which
does not conform to the regulations prescribed in
this resolution or amendments thereto as of the ef-
fective date thereof.
Section 5. "Person" means any individual, firm,
partnership, corporation, company, association,
joint stock association or body politic and includes
any trustee, receiver, assignee or other similar
representative thereof.
Section 6. "Structure" means any object con-
structed, deposited or installed by man, including,
but without limitation of the general meaning of
said term, buildings, towers, smokestacks, over-
head transmission lines and the supports therefor.
Section 7. "Trees" means any object of natural
Section 8. "Horizontal surface" means a sur-
face or plane 1230 feet above sea level.
Section 9. "Obstruction" means any tangible,
inanimate object, natural or artificial, protruding
above the ground.
Section 10. "Usable Landing Area" means that
portion of the airport which is used or intended to
be used for actual landings or take -offs of aircraft
at the airport and described as follows: A strip of
land 500 feet in width, 250 on each side of a cen-
terline described as follows: Commencing at the
North Quarter corner of Section 34, Township 80
north, Range 2 East, thence South 195.0 feet, thence
East 555.5 to point of beginning, thence North
4,900.0 feet; said strip being the North -South land-
ing strip together with a strip of land 500 feet in
width, 250 feet on each side of a centerline de-
s'cribed as follows: Commencing at the North
Quarter corner of Section 34, Township 88 North,
Range 2 East, thence East 3,648.4 feet, thence
North 561.1 feet to point of beginning, thence
North 45° 00 feet West 5,600.00 feet; said strip
being the NW -SE landing strip.
Section 11. "Board" means the Airport Zoning
Board of Adjustment created by the provisions of
Article VI of this resolution.
Section 12. "Airport Reference Point" means
that point from which the boundaries of the hori-
zontal surface and the conical surface are meas-
ured, said airport reference point being as follow-
ing described: Starting at the North Quarter cor-
ner of Section 34, Township 88 North, Range 2 East
of the 5th P.M.; thence North 2,255.0 feet; thence
East 1,365.0 feet to a point; said point being here-
by designated as the airport reference point.
Article III. Airport Zones
Section 1. In order to carry out the purpose of
this resolution, airport approach zones and turn-
ing zones are created by this Article embracing
the area in and around the boundaries of the air-
port, which zones shall be as provided in this Ar-
Section 2. Non -instrument approach zones are
hereby established extending in a northerly direc-
tion and in a southerly direction beginning 200 feet
outward from the north end and the south end re-
spectively, of the paved portion of the North -South
runway as the same is now in place on the airport
and designated as runway 18-36. Said North -South
runway being 150 feet in width and with a center-
line coincident with the centerline of the North -
South landing strip as the same is described in
Article II, Section 10 of this resolution; and extend-
ing in a northwesterly direction and in a south-
easterly direction beginning 200 feet outward from
the northwest end and the southeast end, respec-
tively, of the paved portion of the northwest -south-
east runway as the same is now in place on the air-
port and designated as runway 13-31. Said north-
west -southeast runway being 150 feet in width and
with a centerline coincident with the centerline of
the northwest -southeast landing strip as the same
is described in Article II, Section 10 of this reso-
lution. Such non -instrument approach zones shall
be bounded on the ground by the following lines:
(a) A straight line 200 feet outward from the run-
way end, perpendicular to the extended centerline
of said runway and extending a distance of 200 feet
on each side of the extended centerline of the said
runway, (b) a straight line at the opposite end of
said zone 10,200 feet outward from the runway end,
perpendicular to the extended centerline of said
runway and extending a distance of 1,200 feet on
each side of the extended centerline of the said
runway, and (c) two straight lines connecting the
ends of the aforesaid lines which extend to the
same side of the projected centerline of said run-
Section 3. Turning zones are hereby established
containing all of the area bounded on the ground by
a circular line, all points of which are 12,000 feet
from the airport reference point.
Article IV. Height Limitations
Section 1. Except as otherwise provided in this
resolution no structure or tree shall be erected,
created, established, planted or allowed to grow in
any zone, described in Article III of this resolution
to a height in excess of the height limits estab-
lished by this Article for the respective zones, nor
shall any non -conforming structure or tree be so
replaced, rebuilt, altered, allowed to grow higher,
or replanted in any such zone as to extend to a
greater height than the height thereof prior to such
change or as to constitute a greater airport hazard
than it was at the time of the adoption of the regu-
lations herein contained or any amendments there-
Section 2. No obstruction in a non -instrument
approach zone shall project above a sloping plane
beginning at the runway end of said zone and at an
elevation identical to the elevation of the runway
end at the centerline, and extending upward and out-
ward therefrom to the outer end of said zone, ris-
ing at the rate, of one foot vertically for each forty
feet horizontally.
Section 3. No obstruction in the turning zone
shall project above the horizontal surface, conical
surface or transitional surfaces, which surfaces
comprise said turning zone and are described as
follows: (a) the horizontal surface is a plane, cir-
cular in shape, with an elevation of 1230 feet above
sea level and bounded on all sides by a circular
line, all points of which are 7,000 feet, measured
horizontally, from the airport reference point,
(b) the conical surface extends upward and outward
from the periphery of the horizontal surface, ris-
ing at a rate of one foot vertically for each 20 feet
horizontally measured in a vertical planes passing
through the airport reference point. The outside
boundary of the conical surface is a circular line,
all points of which are 12,000 feet, measured hori-
zontally, from the airport reference point (c) the
transitional surfaces are inclined planes sloping
upward and outward to an intersection with the
transitional surface or conical surface at the rate
of one foot vertically for each seven feet hori-
zontally, measured in vertical planes perpendicu-
lar to the centerlines of the runways. The transi-
tional surfaces, symmetrically located on each
side of each runway, extend upward and outward
from lines on either side of each runway, which
are parallel to and level with the respective run-
way centerlines and at a distance of 200 feet from
said centerlines. Transitional surfaces also ex-
tend upward and outward from the sides of all ap-
proach zone surfaces as same are described in
Section 2 of this Article.
Section 4. In addition to the height limitations
above provided, no obstruction shall project
above the horizontal surface in any of the zones
described in Article III of this resolution.
Article V. Restrictions on Use of Land
and Non -Conforming Uses
Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions
of this resolution, no use may be made of land in
any of the zones described in Article III of this
resolution, in such a manner as to create electrical
interference with radio communications between
aircraft and ground stations, make it difficult for
operators of aircraft to distinguish between lights
on the airport intended for aid in landing or taking -
off thereat or in aerial navigation, and other lights
result in glare to the eyes of the operators of air-
craft using the airport, impair visibility in any of
said zones or otherwise make hazardous the land-
ing or taking -off of aircraft at the airport or the
maneuvering of aircraft in connection with such
landings or take -offs, provided, however, that the
mere height of trees or structures on any land in
said zones conforming to the height restrictions
prescribed in Article IV of this resolution shall
not constitute a use of land in violation of this sec-
Section 2. Non -conforming uses. The regula-
tions prescribed in this resolution shall not be so
construed as to require the removal, lowering,
changing or altering of any non -conforming struc-
ture or tree nor as to otherwise interfere with any
non -conforming use of land nor as to require any
change in the construction, alteration or intended
use of any structure, the construction or alteration
of which was begun prior to the effective date of
this resolution and which is diligently prosecuted
and completed within one year from the date there-
of, provided, however, that the owner of any non-
conforming structure or tree is hereby required to
permit the city of Dubuque and Dubuque County or
either of them, at the expense of such city or
county to install, operate and maintain thereon such
markers and lights as shall be deemed by such
city or county to be necessary to indicate to the
operators of aircraft in the vicinity of the airport,
the presence of such airport hazards.
Article VI. Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment
Section 1. An Airport Zoning Board of Adjust-
ment is hereby established which shall consist of
five members, two to be selected by the council of
the city of Dubuque, two to be selected by the
Board of Supervisors of Dubuque county and an ad-
ditional member who shall act as Chairman of the
Board to be selected by a majority vote of the
members selected by the city of Dubuque and the
county of Dubuque. The terms of the members of
the Board shall be for five years except that when
the Board shall first be created, of the members
appointed by each municipality, one shall be ap-
pointed for a term of two years and one for a term
of four years.
Section 2. The procedure and the conduct of the
affairs of the Board shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Section 414.9, Code of Iowa, 1950.
Section 3. Appeals to the Board may be taken by
any person aggrieved or by an officer, department,
board or bureau of any municipality or political
subdivision affected by any decision of any admini-
strative officer acting under the terms and provi-
sions of this resolution. Such appeal shall be taken
within a reasonable time as provided by the rules
of the board by filing with the officer from whom
the appeal is taken and with the board a notice of
appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The officer
from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith
transmit to the board all the papers constituting
the record upon which the action appealed from
was taken.
Section 4. An appeal shall stay all proceedings
in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless
the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies
to the Board of Adjustment after the notice of ap-
peal shall have been filed with him that by reason
of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in
his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or prop-
erty. In each case, proceedings shall not be stayed
otherwise than by a restraining order which may
be granted by the board or by a court of record on
application on notice to the officer from whom the
appeal is taken to the board and to the appellant
and on due cause shown.
Section 5. Powers. The Board of Adjustment
shall have the following powers:
(a) To hear and decide appeals where it is al-
leged there is error in any order, requirement,
decision or determination made by an administra-
tive official in the enforcement of this resolution.
(b) To authorize in specific cases such variances
from the terms of this resolution as will not be
contrary to the public interest, when the board.
shall find that owing to special conditions a literal
application or enforcement of the regulations
would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary
hardship, if the variances are in harmony with the
general purpose and intent of this resolution and
Chapter 3Z9 of the 1950 Code of Iowa and would do
substantial justice. The board in allowing vari-
ances may impose such reasonable conditions as
it may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes
of this resolution including the reservation of the
right to the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County
or either of them at the expense of such city or
county to install, operate and maintain such mark-
ers and lights as such city or county shall deem to
be necessary to indicate to the operators of air-
craft in the vicinity of the airport, the presence of
an airport hazard.
Section 6. Every variation granted or denied by
the board shall be accompanied by a written finding
of fact based upon sworn testimony and evidence
specifying the reasons for granting or denying the
Section 7. In exercising its powers on appeal,
the board may reverse or affairm wholly or partly
or may modify the order, requirement, decision or
determination appealed from and may make such
order, requirement, decision or determination as
ought to be made and to that end shall have all of
the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is
Section 8. The concurring vote of a majority of
the board shall be necessary to reverse any order,
requirement, decision or determination of any ad-
ministrative official or to decide in favor of the ap-
plicant on any matter on which it is required to
pass under this resolution or to effect any varia-
tion from the terms thereof.
Section 9. Review of decisions of the Board of
Adjustment shall be in accordance with Sections
414.15 to 414.19 inclusive of the 1950 Code of Iowa.
Article VII. Enforcement
Section 1. The regulations prescribed by this
resolution shall be administered and enforced by
the Airport Zoning Commission constituted by a
joint resolution of the City of Dubuque, No. 90-51
enacted 3/5/51 and resolution by the Board of
Supervisors of Dubuque County adopted 3/13/51.
Such commission may select an Administrator of
Airport Zoning Regulations to assist in the per-
formance of its duties, none of whom shall be mem-
bers of the Board of Adjustment.
Section 2. Each violation of the regulations
prescribed by this resolution or of any order or
ruling promulgated hereunder shall constitute a
misdemeanor and the perpetrator thereof upon
conviction shall be punished by a fine of not to ex-
ceed $100.00 or by imprisonment for a term not
to exceed thirty days; and each day a violation con-
tinues to exist shall constitute a*separate offense.
Article VIII. Conflicting Regulations
Section 1. In the event of any conflict between
the requirements of this resolution and any other
regulations applicable to the same area, the more
stringent limitation or regulation shall govern and
Article IX. Severability
Section 1. If any of the provisions of this reso-
lution or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance, is held invalid, such invalidity shall
not affect other provisions or applications of this
resolution which can be given effect without the in-
valid provision or application, and to this end, the
provisions of this resolution are declared to be
Article X. Effective Date
Section 1. This resolution shall be in full force
and effect upon its passage by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque and by the Board of Supervi-
sors of Dubuque County and upon its publication as
provided by law.
Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Dubuque
County, Iowa, 3/4/52.
Adopted by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa,
Published 3/14/52
Ordinance No. 13-52
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as Provided
by Ordinance No. 3-34, Designated "Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque" so as to Provide
Zoning Classification for the area recently an-
nexed to the City.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque be, and the same is
hereby amended and changed so as to include all
of the area annexed to the City by Decree of the
District Court of Iowa in and for Dubuque County
dated February 7, 1952 in Equity Cause No. 33339,
entitled City of Dubuque, Iowa vs. LeRoy Stoffel,
et al;
Section 2. That all of said area, except the por-
tions described in Sections 3 and 4 hereof, is here-
by classified and designated "Single Family Resi-
dence District";
Section 3. That the following described areas
are hereby classified and designated "Local Busi-
ness Districts":
(a) Commencing at a point on the northwest cor-
ner of the intersection of Carter Road and Asbury
Road northerly one hundred feet along the westerly
edge of Carter Road, thence westerly five hundred
and eighty-three feet (583 0) on a line parallel to
and one hundred feet (100 1) northerly of the Asbury
Road, thence southerly one hundred feet (100 1) to
the northerly edge of Asbury Road, thence easterly
five hundred and eighty-three feet (583 !) along the
northerly line of the Asbury Road to the point of
be ginning.
(b) Commencing at the northeasterly corner of
Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Lot 152 Finley, Waples
and Burtons Addition, thence southwesterly along
the southeasterly side of the Delhi Road a distance
of three hundred and fifty feet (350 1), thence south-
easterly at a right angle to the Delhi Road a dis-
tance of one hundred feet (1001), thence three hun-
dred and fifty feet (350 0 northeasterly on a line
parallel with Delhi Road to the easterly lot line of
Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Lot 152 Finley, Waples
and Burtons Addition, thence northwesterly one
hundred feet (100 0) to the place of beginning;
(c) On the northerly side of the Delhi Road
westerly from the intersection of Lenox Avenue
and Delhi Road an area composed of Lots two to
nine inclusive and lots forty-seven to fifty inclusive
all in Lenox Addition.
Section 4. That the following described area is
hereby classified and designated "Business Dis-
Commencing at the westerly city limits line and
the center line of U. S. Highway No. 20, thence
south to a point two hundred and five feet (205 1)
south of the center line of U. S. Highway No. 20,
thence southeasterly along a line parallel to and
two hundred and five feet (2051) south of the center
line of U. S. Highway No. 20 to the west line of Lot
1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of George Jecklin Farm, thence
southwesterly along the west line of said Lot 1 of
2 of 1 of 1 of George Jecklin Farm for a distance
one hundred and seventy-five feet (1751), thence
southeasterly along a line three hundred and eighty
feet (380 0) south of and parallel to the center line
of U. S. Highway No. 20 for a distance of three
hundred feet (3001), thence northerly along the
easterly line of Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of George Jeck-
lin Farm to the northeast corner of said Lot,
thence easterly two hundred and five feet (205 1)
south of and parallel to U. S. Highway No. 20 to
the east line of Section 27, Township 89, North,
Range 2, East, thence north along said Section line
to the center line of U. S. Highway No. 20, thence
northerly along said Section line a distance of two
hundred and sixty feet (2600), thence westerly along
a line two hundred and sixty feet (260 1) north of
and parallel to U. S. Highway No. 20 to the wester-
ly City Limits line, thence south along the wester-
ly City Limits line two hundred and ninety feet
(290 1) to the center line of U. S. Highway No. 20 to
the point of beginning.
Adopted 4/7/52
Published 4/14/52
Ordinance No. 24-52
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as Provided by
Ordinance No. 3-34, so as to Change the Zoning
Classification of the hereinafter described area
lying in the vicinity of Garfield Avenue and
Stanton Street from Light Industrial District to
Two Family Residence District Classification.
Now T-herefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque be and the same is
hereby amended as follows: The area described as
all the present Light Industrial District between
Garfield Avenue and the alley first easterly from
Hamilton Street to Stanton Street; and the area be-
tween Garfield Avenue and the C.M.St.P.&P.R.R.
tracks to the east, from Stanton Street to Shiras
Street; and the area from Shiras Street to Farragut
Street, between the alley first westerly of Garfield
Avenue and the C.M.St.P.&P.R.R. tracks, to the
easterly side of Garfield Avenue, is changed to two
Family Residence District Classification.
Adopted 7/7/52
Published 7/11/52
Ordinance No. 25-52
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque, as Provided by Or-
dinance No. 3-34, Designated "Zoning Ordi-
nance of the City of Dubuque," so as to Change
from Single Family Residence District to Two
Family Residence District, the Hereinafter
Described Area in the Vicinity of West Twenty-
eighth Street and Broadway Street.
Now Therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque, be and it is hereby
amended and changed as follows: The area begin-
ning at a point at the center line of West Twenty-
eighth Street, one hundred feet westerly of the
westerly line of Central Avenue, thence northerly
along a line one hundred feet westerly and parallel
to Central Avenue a distance of two hundred feet,
thence westerly along a line two hundred feet
northerly and parallel to West Twenty-eighth
Street to its intersection with the center line of
Davenport Street; thence northerly along the cen-
ter line of Davenport Street to the center line of
Sabula Street; thence westerly along the center
line of Sabula Street to the center line of Musca-
tine Street; thence southerly along the center line
of Muscatine Street to the center line of Putnam
Street; thence easterly along the center line of
Putnam Street to the center line of Broadway
Street; thence northerly along the center line of
Broadway Street to a point two hundred feet south-
erly of the center line of West Twenty-eighth
Street; thence easterly along a line two hundred
feet southerly and parallel to West Twenty-eighth
Street to a point one hundred feet westerly of Cen-
tral Avenue; thence northerly along a line one
hundred feet westerly and parallel to the westerly
line of Central Avenue a distance of two hundred
feet to the center line of West Twenty-eighth Street
the point of beginning, is hereby changed from
single family district classification to two family
residence district classification.
Adopted 7/7/52
Published 7/11/52
Ordinance No. 32-52
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque be amended by
changing from local business district classifica-
tion to business district classification the area
bounded by Nevada Street, Booth Street, University
Avenue and Forrest Lane.
Adopted 9/2/52
Published 9/5/52
Ordinance No. 34-52
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance by Changing the Classification of Lot
5 in Hodge's Subdivision.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque be and the same is
hereby amended by changing the classification of
Lot 5 in Hodge's Subdivision from its present
single family residence district classification to
local business district classification.
Adopted 11/3/52
Published 11/10/52
Ordinance No. 3-53
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque, as Provided by
Ordinance No. 3-34, Designated the Zoning
Ordinance, so as to Change the herein described
Area from Single Family Residence District
Classification to Two Family Residence Clas-
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the Zoning Map of the City of
Dubuque, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, des-
ignated the Zoning Ordinance, be and the same is
hereby amended and changed by changing from
single family district classification to two family
district classification, the following described
area, to -wit:
Beginning at a point on the south line of Loras
Boulevard, one hundred and fifty feet easterly
of the east line of Mt. Pleasant Street; thence
easterly along the south line of Loras Boulevard
to a point one hundred feet easterly of the east-
erly line of Glen Oak Street; thence southerly
along a line one hundred feet easterly and par-
allel to the easterly line of Glen Oak Street to
a point one hundred feet north of the north line
of University Avenue; thence westerly along
a line one hundred feet north of and parallel to
the north line of University Avenue to a point
orie hundred and fifty feeteasterly of the east
line of Mt. Pleasant Street; thence northerly
along a line one hundred and fifty feet east of
and parallel to the east line of Mt. Pleasant
Street to the south line of Loras Boulevard,
which is the point of beginning.
Adopted 2/2/53
Published 2/6/53
Ordinance No. 11-53
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque, as provided by
Ordinance No. 3-34 designated the "Zoning
Ordinance", so as to Change the herein Described
Area from Two -Family Residence District
Classification to Multiple -Family Residence
District Classification.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the Zoning Map of the City of
Dubuque, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34
designated the "Zoning Ordinance" be and the
same is hereby amended and changed by changing
from Two -Family Residence District Classifica-
tion to Multiple -Family Residence District Clas-
sification, the following described portions of
Mississippi Heights Subdivision, to -wit:
Lots 4 to 22 inclusive, and Lots 25 and 26, all
in Mississippi Heights Subdivision;
Adopted 6/1/53
Published 6/5/53
Ordinance No. 40-53
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Dubuque by Repealing Sub -section
"j" of Section 1 of Article 4 of the Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque and Enacting
Substitutes Therefor to Authorize Additional
Uses in the Multiple Residence District.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Sub -section j of Section 1 of
Article 4 of Ordinance No. 3-34, designated "Zon-
ing Ordinance" of the City of Dubuque be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Section 2. That Section 1 of Article 4 of Or-
dinance No. 3-34 is hereby amended by adding a
new Sub -section "j" thereto as follows:
"j. Professional office or studio of a physician,
surgeon, doctor, dentist, architect, musician, law-
yer or similar profession, within the following
described area:
Beginning at a point on the east line of Bluff
Street one hundred feet north of the north line
of West Ninth Street, thence east to the center
line of the alley first east of Bluff Street,
thence north along the center line of the alley
first east of Bluff Street to the center line of
West Eleventh Street, thence east on the center
line of West Eleventh Street to the center line
of the alley between Locust and Main Streets,
thence north on the center line of the alley
between Main and Locust Streets to a point
one hundred feet south of West Fifteenth Street,
thence west along a line one hundred feet south
of West Fifteenth Street to the center line of
Bluff Street, thence south along the center line
of Bluff Street to the center line of Loras Bou-
levard; thence west along the center line of
Loras Boulevard one hundred feet west of the
west line of Bluff Street, thence south along a
line one hundred feet west and parallel to the
west line of Bluff Street to a point one hundred
feet north of the north line of West Ninth Street
extended, thence east along a line one hundred
feet north of the north line of West Ninth Street
extended to a point on the east line of Bluff
Street one hundred feet north of the north line
of West Ninth Street which is the point of be-
ginning, and the area further described: Be-
ginning at the point of intersection of the center
lines of Loras Boulevard and Walnut Street,
thence east on the center line of Loras Boule-
vard to a point one hundred and twenty feet
east of east line of Prairie street, thence south
on a line one hundred and twenty feet east of the
east line of Prairie Street to the center line of
the alley first south of Loras Boulevard, thence
west along the center line of the alley first
south of Loras Boulevard to the center line of
Prairie Street, thence south along the center
line of Prairie Street to the point of intersection
of the center lines of Prairie Street and Chest-
nut Street, thence west along the center line of
Chestnut Street to the point of intersection of
the center lines of Chestnut Street and Walnut
Street, thence north along the center line of
Walnut Street to the center line of Loras Bou-
levard, which is the point of beginning,
provided that no goods are publicly displayed on the
premises, and that no sign or advertisements are
shown other than the name and profession of the
person using the office or studio, and such sign
or nameplate shall not exceed five (5) square feet
in area."
Section 3. That Section 1 of Article 4 of Ordi-
nance No. 3-34 is hereby amended by adding a new
sub -section "k" thereto as follows:
"k. Accessory uses on the same lot customar-
ily incident to any of the above permitted uses."
Adopted 6/23/53
Published 6/29/53
Ordinance No. 44-54
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-34, known
as the Zoning Ordinance, by repealing Section 1
(i) of Article II thereof and enacting a substitute
therefor and by repealing Section "a" of Article
IX thereof and enacting a substitute therefore.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That Section 1 (i) of Article II of
Ordinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Ordinance,
be and the same is hereby repealed and the follow-
ing enacted in lieu thereof:
"Article II
1 (i) Within a main building, the office or
studio of a surgeon, physician, architect, dentist,
attorney, or musician, residing in such main build-
ing and employing in said office not more than one
non-resident assistant, provided no goods are
publicly displayed on the premises and no sign or
advertisement are shown other than a sign not
more than one square foot in area bearing the name
and profession of the person using the office or
Section 2. That Section a. of Article _IX of Or-
dinance No. 3-34, known as the Zoning Ordinance,
be and the same is hereby repealed and the follow-
ing enacted in lieu thereof:
"Article IX
a. The lawful use of any building, structure or
land existing on January 23, 1934, may be con-
tinued, although such use does not conform with
the provisions of this Ordinance, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Except as hereinafter provided in sub-
section a.4 hereof, whenever, subsequent to the
enactment of this amendment, any building or struc-
ture has been altered, improved, repaired or re-
constructed and the aggregate cost of such work ex-
ceeds fifty per cent (50%) of the assessed value of
such building or structure before such work was
done, it shall thereafter be used only in such man-
ner as to conform to all of the provisions of this
manner as to conform to all of the provisions of
this Ordinance.
2. A non -conforming use shall not be extended
or changed, except as hereinafter provided in sub-
section 3, but the extension of a lawful non-
conforming use to any portion of a building or
structure that was arranged or designed for such
non -conforming use and existed on January 23,
1934, shall not be deemed the extension of such use.
3. A lawful non -conforming use may be extended
or changed to a different use permitted within the
classification of the existing use, if the Board of
Adjustment shall determine, after a public hearing
of which published notice has been given, that such
use will meet a community need without adversely
affecting the neighborhood; and that such extension
or change will not defeat the spirit and intent of
this ordinance as expressed in the preamble.
4. Whenever, subsequent to the enactment of
this amendment, the owner of any building or
structure in which a lawful non -conforming use
exists, shall desire to alter, improve, repair or
reconstruct such building or structure to an extent
exceeding in aggregate cost fifty per cent (50%) of
the assessed value of such building or structure
and continue such non -conforming use or any other
use permitted within the classification of the exist-
ing use, he may apply to the Board of Adjustment
for permission so to do and if the Board of Adjust-
ment shall determine after a public hearing, of
which published notice has been given, that ade-
quate yard spaces and other safeguards to preserve
the character of the neighborhood will be provided;
that such use will meet a community need without
adversely affecting the neighborhood; and that such
use will not defeat the spirit and intent of this
ordinance as expressed in the preamble, such per-
mission shall be granted.
5. Whenever the lawful non -conforming use of
a building, structure or land has been abandoned,
such building, structure or land shall thereafter
be used only in such manner as to conform to all
of the provisions of this Ordinance. A non-
conforming use shall be considered abandoned
when the intent of the owner to discontinue the use
is apparent, or when the characteristic equipment
and furnishings of the non -conforming use have
been removed from the premises and have not
been replaced by similar equipment within twelve
(12) months, or when it has been replaced by a con-
forming use, or when it has been changed to another
use under permit from the Board or Adjustment.
6. Nothing in this ordinance shall be interpreted
as authorization for or approval of the continuance
of the.use of a structure or premises in violation
of the zoning regulations in effect at the time of
the effective date of this amendment.
7. Upon the effective date of this amendment,
or as soon thereafter as practical, the Building
Commissioner shall issue a "Certificate of Non -
Conforming Use" to all owners of property upon
which a lawful non -conforming use existed at the
time of the enactment of this amendment, which
certificate shall show, among other things, the
name of the owner, the legal description of the
property, and use being made of the property at
the time of issuance. Whenever, because of a
change in the Zoning Map, or the Zoning Ordinance,
a lawful conforming use shall become a non -con-
forming use, the Building Commissioner shall
similarly issue a "Certificate of Non -Conforming
Use" to the owner of such property upon request.
Copies of such Certificates shall be retained in the
office of the Building Commissioner.
8. Whenever, because of a change in the Zoning
Map or Zoning Ordinance, a lawful conforming use
shall become a non -conforming use, the provisions
of this section shall apply."
Adopted 7/ 20/ 54
Published 7/27/54
Ordinance No. 46-54
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map of the City of Dubuque, as provided by
Ordinance No. 3-34 designated the Zoning
Ordinance, so as ot change the herein described
Area from Multiple and Two Family Residence
District Classification to Business District
Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map of the City of
Dubuque, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated the Zoning Ordinance, be and the same
is hereby amended and changed by changing from
its present Multiple and Two -Family Residence
District Classification to Business District Classi-
fication the property described as follows:
Beginning at a point 58.1 feet north of the north-
erly line of Dodge Street on the westerly line of
Bluff Street, which is the southeast corner of
Lot 1 of Lot 2 of City Lot 598, thence northerly
along the westerly line of Bluff Street to the
northerly line of City Lot 599; thence westerly
261.3 feet along the northerly line of City Lot
599 to the northwest corner of City Lot 599;
thence southerly along the westerly line of City
Lot 599 and City Lot 599A and extending tangent
to the same line to a point one hundred feet
northerly of the northerly line of Dodge Street,
which is a point on the northerly line of the pres-
ent business district; then southeasterly to the
southeast corner of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of City Lot
5'98 on the westerly line of Bluff Street, which is
the point of beginning.
Adopted 8/ 2/ 54
Published 8/6/54
Ordinance No. 49-54
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, so as to Change the hereinafter
described property lying on the north side of
Grace Street from Single -Family District
Classification to Two -Family District Classi-
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque be and the same
is hereby amended by changing Lots 21 to 27, inclu-
sive in Rache's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque,
including the Subdivisions of said Lots, from Single -
Family District Classification to Two -Family Dis-
trict Classification.
Adopted 8/10/54
Published 8/ 16/ 54
Ordinance No. 25-55
An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3-34 known
as the Zoning Ordinance by repealing Article V
there VB; and, amending Article X thereof and
enacting new Articles VA and by adding defini-
tions of "Drive -In" and "Drive -In Restaurants."
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Article V of Ordinance No. 3-34
known as the "Zoning Ordinance" be and the same
is hereby repealed.
Section 2. That Ordinance No. 3-34 known as
the Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby
amended by adding a new Article VA thereto as
Section 1. Use Regulations.
No building or premises shall be used and no
building or structure shall be erected or altered to
be used in whole or in part, unless otherwise pro-
vided for in this ordinance, except for the following
(a) Uses permitted in a Multiple Residence Dis-
(b) Retail store except those retail stores en-
gaged in a business hereinafter specifically men-
tioned in a lower Zoning Classification.
(c) Professional office building for physicians,
surgeons, dentists, architects, attorneys or simi-
lar professions.
(d) Bank or financial institutions.
(e) Storage garage.
( f) Personal Service Establishments.
(g) Sign Boards and electric signs, indicating the
name and character of business' transacted or pro-
fession practiced on the premises, attached to the
building or structure, but not suspended or pro-
jected more than six (6) feet therefrom, or pro-
jecting more than eight (8) feet above the roof.
Section 2. Height Regulations.
No building shall be erected or altered to exceed
in height thirty (30) feet. Unoccupied towers,
spires and domes are excepted.
Section 3. Area Regulations.
No building shall be erected or altered except
in conformance with the following provisions:
(a) Front Yard. A front yard having a mean
depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet is required
on every lot. When a lot is used in whole or in
part for business purposes there shall be provided
next to the building front a public sidewalk not less
than five (5) feet in width and connected with adja-
cent sidewalks, and a parking space for motor
vehicles between such sidewalk and the street
line. This parking space shall be made directly
accessible from the street for its entire length.
(b) Side Yards. On every lot used exclusively
for residential purposes side yards are required
each with a minimum width of four (4) feet and
such side yards shall be increased in width by one
(1) foot for each additional story above the first.
On a corner lot used for business purposes the
side yard adjacent to the side street shall be a
minimum of four (4) feet in width.
(c) Rear Yards. A rear yard is required on
every lot which shall be of a mean depth of not
less than ten (10) feet and shall be increased by
two (2) feet for each additional story above the
(d) Courts. All courts is residential structures
shall conform to the requirements of the Housing
Law, State of Iowa. Courts for other than resi-
dential structures shall be governed by the Build-
ing Code of the City of Dubuque.
(e) Lot Area Per Family. No dwelling shall be
erected or placed on a lot containing less than the
following minimum lot area per family:
One family dwelling - five thousand (5000)
square feet.
Two family dwelling - one thousand two
hundred and fifty (1250) square feet per family.
Apartment house - one thousand two hundred
and fifty (1250) square feet per family.
Nothing in the area regulations of this ordi-
nance relating to lot area per family shall be held
to prohibit the erection of a one family dwelling
upon a lot, the area of which is less than that
prescribed as the minimum lot area per family,
provided such lot was held under separate owner-
ship from the adjacent lots and a record plat of
lots or subdivision of property shows such lot to be
separate and distinct at the time of the passage of
this ordinance. Adjacent lots held by the same
owner at time of passage of this ordinance shall
be replated to provide the required lot area per
family before any building is erected or placed
Section 4. Accessory Uses.
(a) Rear Yard Area Occupiable by Accessory
Uses. Accessory buildings may occupy not to ex-
ceed forty (40) per cent of the area of the rear
(b) Private Garages. A Private garage not ex-
ceeding fifteen (1.5) feet in height may provide
storage for not more than four (4) motor vehicles.
(c) Location of Accessory Buildings. No part of
any accessory building shall be nearer than thirty
(30) feet to any front street line or nearer than
three (3) feet to any side or rear lot line, except
that a private garage may be incorporated in a
building in which case the building side yard clear-
ance shall prevail. In the case of a corner lot any
separate accessory building shall not be nearer to
the side street line than ten (10) feet.
Section 3. That Ordinance No. 3-34 known as
the Zoning Ordinance Be and the same is hereby
amended by adding a new Article VB thereto as
Section 1. Use Regulations.
No building or premises shall be used and no
building or structure shall be erected or altered
to be used in whole or in part, unless otherwise
provided for in this ordinance, except for the fol-
lowing purposes:
(a) Uses permitted in a Local Business District
(b) Office building.
(c) Restaurant, Drive-in, Drive-in restaurant,
cafe, cafeteria, tavern.
(d) Moving picture theater, dance school.
(e) Oil and gasoline station (subject to Article
IX (d).
(f) Public garage for the sale, servicing or
repair of motor vehicles (subject to Article IX (d).
(g) Funeral home or mortuary.
(h) Trailer Parks provided the same are de-
signed, constructed and maintained in accordance
with Article IX hereof.
(i) Trailer Sales Lots. Auto Sales Lots.
Section 2. Height Regulations.
No building shall be erected or altered to ex-
ceed in height forty (40) feet unless it sets back
from each street and lot line, in addition to the
yard requirements, one (1) foot for each one foot
of excess height. No building shall exceed in
height the width of the widest street upon which the
lot abutts. Unoccupied towers spires and domes
are excepted.
Section 3. Area Regulations.
The area regulations for Local Business District
A shall apply.
Section 4. Accessory Uses.
Accessory uses permitted in Local Business
District A shall apply.
Section 4. That Article X of Ordinance No.
3-34 known as the Zoning Ordinance be and the
same is hereby amended by adding thereto the
following definitions:
Drive -In. The term Drive -In, where used in
this Ordinance, shall mean, a business catering
to the motoring public, whether also serving
pedestrians or not, which is engaged in the retail
sale of goods or services and provides curb or
window -counter service.
Drive -In Restaurant. The term Drive -In Res-
taurant, where used in this ordinance, shall mean
an establishment engaged in the sale of food or
beverages which, as a part of its regular business,
provides service to patrons seated in motor ve-
hicles on the premises or in the street adjacent
.Adopted 6/6/55
Published 6/13/55
Ordinance No. 27-55
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance known as Ordinance No. 3-34 by
changing the Zoning Classification of all area
now zoned as Local Business Districts.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City. of Dubuque be and the same
is hereby amended by changing the following de-
scribed areas from Local Business District Clas-
sification to Local Business District A Classifica-
tion, to -wit:
(a) The one half block bounded by Windsor Ave-
nue on the east, Clinton Street on the south, the
alley between Windsor Avenue and Queen Street
on the west, and Queen Street extension on the
(b) Lots 106, 107, 108, 109 and 110 in Burden
and Lawther Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa
(Groveland Street at Sheridan Street).
(c) Lots 53 and 54, McDaniels Park Hill Addi-
tion on Muscatine Street and Lots 73 and 74
McDaniels Park Hill Addition on Burlington Street.
(d) Lots 36 and 27 J. P. Schroeders Addition,
Lots 3 and 4 J. P. Porters Addition and the area
bounded as follows, beginning at a point on the
west side of Harold Street one hundred feet north
of the north line of Seminary Street, thence west
and parallel to the north line of Seminary Street
to the west line of Lot Six Littleton and Sawyers
Addition, thence south along the west line of Lot
Six Littleton and Sawyers Addition to and across
Seminary Street, thence south along the west line
of Lot 57 Littleton and Sawyers Addition to a point
one hundred feet south of the south line of Semi-
nary Street, thence east along a line one hundred
feet south and parallel to the south line of Semi-
nary Street to the west line of Lot 2 J. P. Porters
Addition, thence northerly along the west line of
Lot 2 of J. P. Porters Addition to the south line of
Seminary Street, thence across Seminary Street to
the east line of Harold Street, thence north along
the east line of Harold Street to one hundred feet
north of the north line of Seminary Street, thence
west across Harold Street to a point one hundred
feet north of the north line of Seminary Street
which is the point of beginning.
(e) Lots 1 and 2 Columbia Addition and the area
described as follows, beginning at a point where
the southerly line of Mt. Loretta extended westerly
would intersect with the easterly line of Bryant
Street, thence westerly at a right angle to the
westerly line of Bryant Street across parts of Lots
2 and 1 Sub., of Mineral Lot 47 to the easterly line
of South Grandview Avenue, thence southerly along
the easterly line of South Grandview Avenue to the
intersection of the west line of Bryant Street,
thence northerly along the westerly line of Bryant
Street to the point of beginning.
(f) The southerly one hundred feet of Lots 4 and
2 of 5 Hughes Sub., the southerly hundred feet of
Lot 1 of 7 Motor Sub., all of Lots 1 and 2 Loetscher
and Truebs Sub., Lot 1 of 6 of Lot 12 of Mineral
Lot 172, Lot I of 1 of Morheiser Sub., Lots 1 of 20
and 2 of 30, Reches Sub., Lot 5 of Hodges Sub.,
Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 2 of 1 and Lot 2 of Z of 1 and Lot
2 of 2 of 2 of 1. Boxleiters Sub., and Lot 1 of
Sidonia Hosford's Sub. (Grandview Avenue and
Delhi Street).
Section 2. That the Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque be and the same
is hereby amended by changing the following de-
scribed area from Local Business District Classi-
fication to Multiple Residence District Classifica-
tion, to -wit:
Lots 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and
32 Wm. Blakes Addition. Lots 24C, 25B, and 26B
in A. P. Woods Addition and that part of Mineral
Lot 192 not included in Blakes Addition.
Section 3. That the Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque be and the same
is hereby amended by changing the following de-
scribed area from Local Business District Classi-
fication to Two Family Residence District Classi-
fication, to -wit:
Lots 92, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122 and 123
Burden and Lawthers Addition.
Section 4. That except as provided in Section
1, 2, and 3 hereof, the Zoning Map and Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque be and the same
is hereby amended by changing all areas now Clas-
sified as Local Business Districts to Local Busi-
ness District B Classification.
Adopted 6/6/55
Published 6/13/55
Ordinance No. 37-55
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Ordinance No.
3-34, designated the Zoning Ordinance, so as
to change the herein described area from Two
Family Residence District Classification to
Multiple Family Residence District Classifica-
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Zoning Map of the City of
Dubuque, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34, des-
ignated the Zoning Ordinance, be and the same is
hereby amended and changed by changing from its
present Two Family Residence District Classifi-
cation to Multiple Family Residence District Clas-
sification the property described as follows:
Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Julia Langworthy's Sub.
Adopted 8/ 1/ 55
Published 8/4/55
Ordinance No. 44-55
An Ordinance Amending and Changing the Zoning
Map and Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by Ordinance No.
3-34 designated the Zoning Ordinance, so as to
change the herein described area from Single
Family Residence District Classification to
Local Business District A Classification.
Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of
Dubuque, as provided by Ordinance No. 3-34,
designated the Zoning Ordinance, be and the same
is hereby amended and changed by changing from
its present Single Family Residence District Clas-
sification to Local Business District A, Classifi-
cation the property described as follows:
Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 16; Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of
16; and the easterly 75 feet of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 16
all in Mount Pleasant Addition.
Adopted 7/18/55
Published 7/21/55
Ordinance No. 51-55
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning
O Ordinance of the City of Dubuque to change Lot
1 of Block 1 of St. Anne's Subdivision and Lots
386, 387, 388, 408, 4'09, and 410 of Lennox Addi-
tion to Local Business A District Classification.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Section 1. That the Zoning Map and Zoning Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque be and the same is
hereby amended by changing Lot 1 of Block 1 of
St. Anne's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque and
Lots 386, 387, 388, 408, 409 and 410 in Lennox
Addition to the City of Dubuque from their present
single family district classification to Local
Business District A classification.
Section 2. That the City Clerk be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to record a certi-
fied copy of this ordinance in the office of the
County Recorder of Dubuque County.
Adopted 10/3/55
Published 10/6/55
Granting Donald R. Nank et al right to construct a
sanitary sewer
Vacating alley first east of Concord 9/17/51 40-51 9/20/51
41-51 9/20/51
Authorizing Sinclair Refining Co. to erect a fire- 9/17/51
wall in Terminal street and Railroad Ave.
Issuing $131,000.00 Sanitation Fund Bonds 10/4/51 42-51 10/9/51
Authorizing Trausch Bakery to construct a load- 10/4/51 43-51 10/9/51
ing dock
Vacating alley adjoining Lot 113 in Belmont Add. 12/3/51 48-51 12/10/51
Directing installation of sani-toilets on certain 11/13/51 53-51 11/19/51
Directing installation of sani-toilets on certain 11/13/51 54-51 11/19/51
Directing installation of sani-toilets on certain 11/13/51 55-51 11/19/51
Granting A.H. Bolte et al right to construct a san- 12/3/51 58-51 12/10/51
itary sewer
Granting Henry A. Reelfs et al right to construct a 12/12/51 62-51 12/19/51
sanitary sewer
Amending appropriation ordinance 12/20/51 67-51 12/21/51
Vacating alley lying first north of West 32nd st. 1/7/52 63-51 1/10/52
Vacating alley lying south of lots 45, 46 and 47 in 1/7/52 65-51 1/10/52
University Place
Appropriation Ordinance 1/7/52 68-51 1/10/52
Authorizing the issuance of $167,000 Fire Station 2/4/52 3-52 2/12/52
Directing installation of Sanitary toilets 3/3/52 4-52 3/10/52
Granting American Legion right to build loading 4/7/52 10-52 4/14/52
Granting Independent School District right to 4/7/52 14-52 4/18/52
construct a force main
Granting Chester C. Schmitt right to construct a 5/5/52 18-52 5/9/52
sanitary sewer
Conveying property to Dale Wiegand 8/14/52 27-52 8/19/52
Conveying,propertyto Robert Kerth and Annette 8/14/52 28-52 8/19/52
Granting Lloyd C. Burkhart right to construct a 8/14/52 29-52 8/19/52
sanitary sewer
Granting CMStP&P RR right to construct an in- 8/14/52 30-52 8/19/52
dustry track
Authorizing Mt. St. Bernard Seminary to construct 1/13/53 1-53 1/19/53
a sanitary sewer in Kauffman Avenue
Authorizing Standard Brands, Inc. to construct a 3/19/53 4-53 3/24/53
sanitary sewer in Fourth St. extension
Authorizing Peter J. Seippel to construct a sani- 5/4/53 6-53 5/8/53
tary sewer in Marion Street
Authorizing Albert H. Beitzel to construct a sani- 5/4/43 7-53 5/25/53
tary sewer
Authorizing Dan Schmalz to construct a sanitary 5/12/53 8-53 5/18/53
Establishing a grade on Finley Street 5/12/53 13-53 5/20/53
Establishing a grade on Bunker Hill Street 5/12/53 14-53 5/20/53
Date Ordinance Date
Adopted Number Published
9/6/51 38-51 9/7/51
Establishing a grade on Edith Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Sutter Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Coates Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Abbott Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Link Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on St. Ambrose St. 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Garfield St. 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Ramona Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Sunnyview Drive 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Prescott Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Roosevelt Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Emerson Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Stetmore Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Primrose Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Lenox Avenue 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Brown Avenue 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Beverly, Avenue 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Rowan Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Shiras Avenue 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on West 16th Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Bunker Hill Street 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Southern Avenue 5/12/53
Establishing a grade on Chaney Street 6/23/53
Establishing a grade on Green Street 6/23/53
Authorizing Jas. H. Meyer to construct a sanitary 7/6/53
Authorizing John T. Kalb to construct a sanitary 7/6/53
Authorizing Gus Giunta to construct a sanitary 8/3/53
Authorizing A. J. Kerper to construct a sanitary 8/3/53
Vacating a portion of Nitingale Street 8/3/53
Vacating a portion of Bauer Street 8/25/53
Authorizing Earl Falk to construct a water main 8/25/53
Authorizing William Oakley to construct a sani- 8/25/53
tary sewer
Authorizing D. W. Ernst to construct a sanitary 9/8/53
Authorizing Andrew Fondell to construct a sani- 9/8/53
tary sewer
Vacating Lindale Street
Authorizing Herbert Steger to construct a sani-
tary sewer
Vacating portions of Lindale, Kevindale and 12/7/ 5.3
Woodlawn Streets
1954 appropriation Ordinance
Vacating an alley Finley Addition
Establishing a grade on Brunswick St.
Establishing a grade on Carter Rd.
Establishing a grade on Devan Drive
12/ 7/ 53
Establishing a grade
Establishing a grade
Establishing a grade
Establishing a grade
Establishing a grade
Establishing a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
a grade
on Edina Street
on Fairfax Street
on Goethe Street
on Henry Street
on Kane Street
on Karen Street
on Kevindale Street
on Levi Street
on McPoland Street
on Mineral Street
on Nebraska Street
on, Park Street
on Pennsylvania Street
on Poplar Street
on Vernon Street
on West 32nd Street
on York Street
on St. Joseph Street
on Spruce Street
on Shiras Ave.
4/5/54 13-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 14-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 15-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 16-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 17-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 18-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 19-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 20-54 4/8/54
4/5/54 21-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 22-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 23-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 24-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 25-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 26-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 27-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 28-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 29-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 30-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 31-54 4/9/54
4/5/54 33-54 4/27/54
Authorizing 1st National Bank to install curb- 4/20/54 34-54 4/27/54
teller on side -walk
Granting Ludmilla F. Mauer right to construct 5/11/54 37-54 5/17/54
sanitary sewer
Granting Julia Heuser right to construct sanitary 6/7/54 39-54 6/11/54
sewer in Primrose.Street
Authorizing American Trust and Savings Bank 6/7/54 40-54 6/11/54
to construct a canopy
Authorizing 1954 Swimming Pool Bond Issue 7/6/54 45-54 7/13/54
Vacating part of Elm Street 8/1/54 47-54 8/6/54
Authorizing Arthur Digman to construct a 7/6/54 48-54 7/13/54
sanitary sewer
Vacating portions of West and Finley Streets 8/24/54 52-54 8/27/54
Widening McPoland Street, Kane Street, 9/7/54 54-54 9/10/54
Pennsylvania Avenue, and Eighth Avenue
Vacating alley between Putnam and West 28th 10/4/54 55-54 10/8/54
Vacating alley 12/6/54 60-54 12/9/54
Amending budget 12/6/54 62-54 12/9/54
1955 Appropriation Ordinance 1/3/55 1-55 1/7/55
Vacating Easement in Mississippi Heights 4/4/55 20-55 4/11/55
Vacating Alley in Yates Sub. 4/25/55 24-55 4/29/55
Granting right to construct sewer in Marion St. 6/6/55 34-55 6/10/55
Granting permission to construct wall in Levi St. 6/27/55 40-55 7/11/55
Granting permission to construct wall in Levi St. 6/27/55 41-55 7/11/55
Approving plat of Cherokee Place 7/5/55 42-55 7/18/55
Vacating portion of West 29th St. 8/1/55 45-55 8/4/55
Vacating streets in East Dubuque No. 2 8/10/55 47-55 8/15/55
Vacating part of Harrison St. 11/7/55 60-55 11/11/55
Amending 1955 Budget 12/19/55 65-55 12/22/55