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Alta Vista Street 1385
1385. Alt a Ili ate St. __ 0-L. 3. Meyers. C_Jcha Fischbach Reroof brick dwelliag.B.P. 706 10/3/38 240.00 0 -Harry Eldridge 0 -Giese Sheet Metal Co. roof S.F. FrameDwellg. B.P. 765 9 -8- 700.00 0- Theodore Blanchard C- Owner Erect 14x24 screen porch on rear, SF brrkBP26958 - - 118-94 $3343.0 & -- 0- Ted - Blanchard -- C- Better- Roofing t /o, reroof,_SF & det. garage 6 P36269_ 10/23196 $3780.00 •