1984 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
of the
of the
THOMAS BEURSKENS ................. Council Member at Large
BARBARA MANNING .................. Council Member at Large
WILLIAM HAMMEL ............................... First Ward
LORAS KLUESNER .............................. Second Ward
DONALD DEICH .................................. Third Ward
RHONDA KRONFELDT ........................... Fourth Ward
... Mary A. Davis
City Clerk ...........................................
Corporation Counsel ................................ Barry A. Lindahl
William G. Blum 8-1
·. James A. O'Brien 8-1
Assistant City Attorney .......................
Administrative Assistant ......................... GENT WITTENBERG
Airport Manager ....................................
Budget Officer ...................................... PAULINE JOYCE
Building Comwissioner ................................ DAVID SHURTS
Cable F~anchise Administrator ................... MERRILL CRAWFORD
Chief of Fire Department ........................... WILLIAM MILLER
Chief of Police Department ......................... ROBERT J. O BRIEN
City Assessor ......................................... FRANK FROST
City Engineer . . . ..............MICHAEL A. KOCH
Civic Center Director ................................. ROBERT DRURY
Communit Development Director ....... JAMES A. BURKE
Y ......... . ROBERT GOOCH
Coordinator, Office of Disaster Services ...........
Data Processing Manager ................. CHRIS KOHLMANN From 4-84
Deputy Finance Director ................................ GERALD HIED
Development Planner ............................ ROBERT McKAY 11-21
Director of Public Works ............... i ~B~I~T McCARTEN (To 9-28-84)
Electrical Inspector .................... . A.G. HEITZMAN
Finance Director ....................................
Food and Restaurant Sanitarian ..................... FRANCES KRINGLE
Human Rights Director &EED Officer .............. MATHIAS K. LORENZ
Library Director ..........................
Park and Recreation Director.. .. TERRY TRUEBLOOD
Parking/Dock Manager ....... '.'.'.'-'.'.'-'"'"']'"'" '']'''' ....... SHIRLEY LANG
personnel Assistant. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i .............. RANDY PECK
Personnel Director .. MERLE FELDERMAN
Street Commissioner ...................... .' .' .'; ;.. WILLIAM G. KOHLER
Transit Manager · . .................. BARTON JONES
Utilities Director ..................
Wastewater Plant Supervisor ......................... PAUL HORSFALL
Water Plant Supervisor ................................... RAY ALLEN
Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the
First Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M.
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Assistant Chief individuals certified after Fire Prumotionals
by Civil Service Commission ............................ 6
3--Albert, Richard, Refund for Cigarette Permit .............. 6
" 16--Alcohal Awareness Day, Proclamation ................... 8
" 16--Area Residential Care re: Ind. Rev. Bonds ................
........................................... : ....... 10-14, 32
" 16--Assessments Schedule for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer
Phase II ............................................ 18-21
" 16--Atkinson, Jori, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 25
.... 26, 68, 77, 117, 164, 218, 251,265, 281,305, 341, 423, 437, 482, 526
" 16--Arensdorf, Ken, Claim ................................. 26
" 16--Ahern, Patrick, Claim ................................. 26
" 16--Asphalt Paving Project, Proof of publication of Notice of
Final Plat & Schedule for of Assessment (for 1983 Program).. 27
" 16--Audit Reports for FY 1983, prepared by Helle, Klosterman
& Co ............................................... 27
" 16--Annual Financial Report for FY ended 6~30~83 ............. 27
Feb. 6--Anders0n, Rev. Phyllis, Invocation ...................... 29
6--Ambassador (Lady) for the City of Dubuque, Carrie Sue
Poston ............................................. 29
6--Amendment to Option Agreement between City & Klauer
Mfg. Co ............................................. 34, 50
6--Airport re: Problem with Mr. Bayer and Airport Comm ...... 37, 118
6--Amoco (K.C.'s), Cigarette Permit ........................ 41
6--American Central Airlines, Inc., Suit ..................... 43
6--Arensdor f, Ken, Settlement of Claim ..................... 43
6--Andrews, Joniee, Claim; Settlement ..................... 43, 78
6--American Central Airlines, re: Relocation of Gen. Office ..... 44
" 18--Apartments Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 68
" 18--AID Insurance Co. for Jiil Honkamp, Ciaim ............... 68
Mar. 5--Airport Comm. re: New facilities ........................ 74
5--American Central Airlines re: CAB ...................... 79
5--American Central Airlines re: Corp. Counsel advised airlines
had dismissed lawsuit against City ...................... 79
" 12--Airport Comm. to bring plan re: Criteria for construction of
hangar & office facility ................................ 83
" 12--Amberg, Sandra petition Council behalf of Dubuque
Historical Society .................................... 83
" 19--American Assn. of University Women Week, Proclamation.
" 19--Akins, Eric, re: Rezoning of University ................... 91
" 19--Annnal Grantee Perf. Report, Proof of publication .......... 105
2--Airport, issuance of $750,000 G.O. Bonds, for improvements.
2--Area Residential Care, -- Agreements, re: Loan of CD Funds.
................................................ 115, 159-163
2--Agreements, re: Area Resi~lential Care Funds from CD Loans
etc ............................................. 115, 159-163
2--Acqulaition of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR. 116
2--Air Service for Ft. Dodge & Mason City, re: CAB Submitting
"Order to Show Cause". ............................... 118
" 16--Application to US Dept. of HUD for an UDAG Grant for
Dubuque Hist. Improvement Co. (Redstone) .............. 122
" 16--Agreement between City & Robert's Foods, Inc. at Five
Flags to TFM Cb ..................................... 123
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr. 16--Arterial (North-West) from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury
Road - Design Public Hearing .......................... 125
" 16--Astgen's Foods, Ltd., Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 128
" 16--Art Assn. (Dubuque) Class "C" Beer-Wine License ......... 129
" 16--Annual Report of 1983, submitted by Group W. Cable ....... 130
" 23--Astgen's Foods, Ltd. Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 139
M,a,y 7--Airport Improvements - G.O. Bond Issuance .............. 141-142
7--Asphalt Paving Project for 1984
........................ 146-148, 197, 198, 200, 221,222, 275, 276
7--Amendmcut to FY '84 Budget .......................... 148
7--Amendment (Grant) with UMTA for Keyline items ......... 156
7--Agreements (Project) with Iowa DOT re: N/W Arterial ...... 158-159
7--Arterial (North-West), Agreements, re: Right-of-Way Ac-
qniaition & Constcuction ............................... 158-159
7--Area Residential Care · Amendment to Agreement - Loan,
Iowa OpP, (Iowa CD Loan Program) .................. 159-163, 194
7--Animals - Discussion, proposed Ordinance regulating Exotic
& Dangerous Pets ............................. 163,216. 245,278
7--Ambulance Driver/Attendant position individual certified by
Civil Service Commission .............................. 165
7--Annual Report of Peoples Natural Gas Co. submitted ....... 166
7--Annual Report of Community Development Audit for 1983
submitted ........................................... 166
7--Asbury destination signage response .................... 168
" 21--AGREEMENT, City & County for Dubuque Area Public
Safety Communications Center ......................... 182
" 21--All Veterans Memorial Complex - perpetual lease requested
for Tri-State Veterans Mem. Assn ....................... 183
" 21--Agreement with State Historical Dept. for grant for Nat.
Register Nomination for Cathedral District ............... 183, 184
" 21--Arcadian Agricultural Corp. - Lease from Allied Chemical
Corp ............................................... 184
" 21--Allied Chemical Corp. - Assignment of Lease to Arcadian
Agricultural Corp. : .................................. 184
,, 21 _Agreement between City & Amalgamated Transit Union. · 186
,, 21 _Agreement between City & Internatinnal Union of Opecating
Engineers ........................................... 187, 188
,, 21 _Agreement between City & Professinnal Firefighter s ....... 188
" 21--Althaus, Dennis, Cigarette Permit .................... 191
" 21--Army Engineers advising of City's permit to dredge in
Mississippi River ..................................... 194
June 4--Asbury Read - 1984 Street Project ....................... 198
4--Agreement- Grant Cinseout, with HUD (for UDAG) ........ 210
4--A,Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. UDAG - Grant Closeout Agreement.
4--Architect/Engineer for Dog Racing Facility ............... 210
4--Auditor- Delinquent Refuse Collection Accounts & Delin-
quent Sewer Accounts ....................... ~ ......... 214, 215
4--Animal (Dangerous & Vicious) Ordinance, Discussion .......
................................ 163, 216, 245, 278, 302, 337, 340
4--Angel Investment, Cigarette Permit ..................... 216
" 4--Arvanitis, George K., Cigarette Permit ................... 216
" 4--Astrdid, Ltd., Cigarette Permit ......................... 216
" 4--American Legion Post ~6, Liquor License ................. 218
" 4--April reports of Fin. Dh'. & Treasurer .................... 219
" 18--Arensdorf, Arnold, objection to Walker-Oneida St. Sewer
Project ............................................. 224
" 18--Agreement (Memorandum of) with Investment Counselors,
Inc ................................................ 229-231
" 18--Animals - Ordinance submitted changing confinement pro-
cedure .......................................... 245, 263, 367
1984 SUBJECT Page
June I8--Andrew Court, change of traffic control to a stop sign for
both westbound & eastbound vehicles ....................
18--Astgen's Foods, Ltd., Cigarette Permit ...................
18--Atkinson, Jon, (The Brewery), Cigarette Permit ............
18--Ankeny, Steve, Cigarette Permit ........................
18--American Legion Post 6 ...............................
18--Anthony, Paul E., Cigarette Permit ......................
18--Althaus, Dennis, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................
18--April- Proof of publication of List of Claims & Receipts .....
18--Air Service Determination (Essential), CAB submitting
Order .............................................. 251
" 18--Access of traffic to downtown, re: Dr. Wayne Moldenhauer.
................................................... 252
" 25--Amending the Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban
Renewal Project ...................................... 253
" 25--A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. (ARA Services), Cigarette Permit.. 263
" 25--ARA Services - (Outlets: Browns, FDL, Flexsteel), Cigarette
Permits ............................................. 263, 264
" 25--Airport Report from Chairperson Schmitt re: Leases &
Contracts ........................................... 265
July 2--Architectural Services of $15,000 for Dog Racing Facility
approved ........................................... 275
2--Avenarius, Gary N.. Applicant for Park & Recreation Comm.
................................................... 279
2--Andrews, Joniee, Applicant for Historic Preservation Comm. 279
2--Asbury Road ~ re: DMATS advising City has jurisdiction for
sidewalks ........................................... 282, 424
" 16--Arboretum Drive, changed from Brevan St ............... 295
" 16--At,rial - (Northwest), - Eminent Domain Proceedings for ac-
quiring property for same .............................. 301
' 16--Agreement with Mississippi Valley Hockey, Inc ........... 302
" 16--Agreement wlth Five Flags & Wahlert High School ......... 302
" 16--Agreement (Letter~ with Speer Financial, Inc. for financial
consulting services ................................... 302
" 16--Athinson, Merlyn, applicant for Human Rights Comm ...... 303
" 16--Ansel, KevinL, Claim; Denial ........................... 305, 342
" 16--Atchison, Wanda, Claim; Denial ......................... 305, 370
" 16--Atchison, Wesley, Claim; Denial ........................ 305, 370
" 16--Assessments Claim Ire: Victoria St. by Robert Smith) ....... 305
" 26--American Trust & Savings Bank re: Subordination Agree-
ment re: Loan to be made to FDL Foods, Inc. to build
pretreatment facility .................................. 310
" 26--Agreement (Subordination~ in favor of American Trust &
Savings in connection with a loan to FDL Inc. to build
pretreatment facility .................................. 310
" 26--Agreement with Iowa DOT for improvement for road
systems to the Milwaukee Railroad properties, re: Relocated
U.S. Highway 61 ..................................... 311
" 26--Agreement between City & Dubuque Montessori School, Inc.
to lease the Robert J. Slattery Center (The Barn) ........... 313
Aug. 6--Architectural/Engineering & Construction Management
Agreement with Durrant Group for Dog Track ............ 332
6--Arboretum Drive, name of Brevan Drive changed .......... 336, 343
6--April printed Council Proceedings approved ............... 341
6--Agreement, Construction Management re: Dog Racing Facili-
ty with Durrant Group, Inc ............................ 346, 347
6--Agreement (Lease) with Dubuque Racing Association for por-
tinn of Chaplaln Schmitt Island ......................... 354, 376
6--Agreement (Option) for disposition of vacated roadway of
Rhomberg Ave. near Eagle Polnt Bridge .................. 354, 381
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 20--Abandoned Portions of Rhomberg Ave. (Near Eagle Point), 355
Disposition to Susan Balsamo ..........................
" 20--Agreement, Loan, re: Bonds for Hall and Eckhart Medical 356-364
Clinic ...............................................
" 20--Amendment to Consent Decree re: Wastewater Treatment
............... 365, 366
Plant ................................
20--Acquisition of Leasehold Rights of 5 Acre Lease Held by Ind.
" Management, Inc. on Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island .... 365, 443
" 20--Alia K Z~zz. Inc., Class "C" Liquor L~cense; C~garette Perrmt. 370, 436
20--Athletlc Program (Adult), fees set by Park & Recreation
" 371
Sept 4--Agreement between City & Chamber of Commerce for
4--Admfuistrative Agent IChamber of Commerce) for 384
4--Agreement, Purchase of Service, with Retired Semor 385
4--Agreement (Memorandum of), request for amendment by
4--Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement with Dubuque
4--Agreement (Purchase of) between Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. & 388
4--Agreement {Loan) providing for $280,000 of CD Block Grant
Funds to Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. re: Penneys Building ..... 388
help fund Sewage Treatment Plant ...................... 403
J.F. Kennedy Road ...................................
1--Agreemen~ (Cooperative) with US Dept. of HUD & Dubuque 434
Human Rights Commission ............................
1--Addendum to Lease with Dubuque Bacing Assn ........... 438
,, 11--Agenda Review Session ...............................
' 15--Arts Showcase Days, (Very Special), Proclamation .........
Project .............................................
Uniform Building Code ................................
1984 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 15--Angust, Proof of publication of List of Claims & Expen-
ditures ............................................. 465
" 15--Annual Financial Report ............................... 465
" 15--American Youth Soccer Organization requesting to use area
near softball complex ................................. 465
" 15--Asbury Road, south of, Letna Propertiee final plat approved.
................................................... 466
Nov. 5--AGREEMENT, Loan, between the City & Dubuque In-
Futuro, Inc .......................................... 473
5--Agreement, Project with Iowa DOT for oxpendure for Brlee,
Petrides & Associates, Inc. to update the feasibility study of
l~ckdale Road Bride .................................. 475
5--Addendura to Supplemental Agreement with Brice, Petrldes
& Associates for their contract not to exceed increase relative
to professional services on Cedar Cross Environmental
Study .............................................. 475
MINUTES: ..................................... 510, 518, 548
" 19--Aragen Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 511
" 19--Annual Report of Cable Teleprogrammlng Corem .......... 511
" 19-Annual Repot t of DMATS submitted .................... 513
Dec. 3--Agreement (Lease) with Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. 519
3--Avenue Top, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 525
3--August Council Proceedings, approved as printed .......... 526
" 17--Andracchin, Mr. Charles, re: Cedar Cross Bridge Closing .... 534
" 17--Annual Contributions Contract incorporating an additional
43 units Section 8 Existing Program Funds etc ............ 541
" 17--Application for Loan Guarantee for Downtown Dubuque
Convention Hotel .................................... 542
" 17--Ad Hoc Committee (Parking) meeting with 4th Street Assn.
re: Parking. ......................................... 544
" 17--Angel Investment Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 547
" 17--Annexation opinion submitted by Dr. William Neumeister.
................................................... 551
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Blum. William G., appointed & sworn in as Corporation
Counsel ............................................. 2, 3
3--Bauer, James E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses;
Cigarette Permit ..................................... 5, 25
3--Burhach, Michele L, Claim; Denial ............. ~ ......... 5,26
" 16--Behr, Norbert, in favor of rezoning for Steve's Plumbing &
Heating on University ................................ 9
" 16--Bonds (Iud. Revenue), requested for Area Realdential Care. ·.
................................................... 10-13, 32
"16--Booth, Connie, Claim; Closed ........................... 26, 512
" 16--Barge Fleeting Sites, Barry Tegaler opposed to any more .... 27
Feb. 6--Beyer Aviation, re: Lease & Concerns with Airport ......... 37
6--Brice, Petridee & Associates, Inc., Supplemental Agreement
for Professional Services Affiliated with Cedar Cross Exten-
sion Corridor ........................................ 40
6--Board & Commission Membership . . . discussion as to ap-
pointment on more than one Board, initiated by Council
Member Deich ....................................... 41
6--Budget Documents, Fiscal Year 1985 submitted ........... 41
6--Breithach, Ann, Claim ................................. 43
6--Brimeyer, Donald, refund on Liquor License ............... 43, 44
" 21--Binff St. (Lower) Hist. District change to Chathedral Hist.
Pres. Diet ........................................... 59
"21--Budgnt Public Hcaring for FY '85 Budget ................
.................................................. 59, 81, 84
"21--Block Grant Documents (CD), Publication of Notice of
Availability ......................................... 62
"21 --Brian's, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 67
"21--Bauer, Daniel W., Claim; Denials ........................ 68,437
" 21--Budget, summary of Mgr.'s public meetings ............... 70
Mar. 5--Blue Star (Girl Scaut) Week, prociamation ................ 71
5--Michael Bower, Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 77
5--Breitbach, Ann, denial of clain~ ......................... 78
5--Boliman, Bruce inquiring as to Airport method of financing.
.................................... : .............. 79
5--Bonnewell, Bob requests City official support of Friendship
Force September trip to China .......................... 74
5--Baum, Bill request an appointment to Rail Organization
Corem .............................................. 76
" 12--Brldge, Rockdale Road petition received with 1108
signatures requesting replacement ...................... 84
" 19--Bueeh, Janet M. applicant for Housing Code Advisory and
Appeals Board ....................................... 104
' 19--Bowman, Dwaine cigarette license refund; Liquor License
refund .............................................. 106, 118
Apr. 2--Bakakas, Rev. Timothy, Gave Invocation ................. 109
2--Beeker, Dave, Youth in Government Council Member ....... 109
2--Bandy, Chris, Youth in Government City Manager ......... 109
2--Bonds, $750,000 General Obligation for Airport Im-
provements ......................................... 111, 112
2--Bauer, LaVerne J. petition for free parking at 5th & Central.
2--Brehm, JohnG.&Jean, Class B BeerPerm~t ............ 117
2--Brimeyer, Edward N. & Gladys E., Suit .................. 118
2--Budget Summary Public Notice showing adoption and public
inspection ........................................... 118
1984 SUBJECT Page
2--Beyer, Al, litigation commenced against City, now concluded. 118
" 18--Butler, David, Gave Invocation ......................... 120
" 16--Bird Chevrolet Co. objecting to assessment for Kennedy
Road reconstruction .................................. 120
" 16--Bertsch, Attorney R., objecting to method of payment for
Kennedy Road reconstruction .......................... 120
" 16--Bleek Grant Agreement (CD), with HUD, Execution for 12
month program .................................. 126
" 16--Bottoms Up Gaff Latenser) Cigarette Permit .............. 128
" 16--Bruggeman, William, Claim ............................ 129
" 16--Bauer, Daniel W. & Marilyn K., Claim .................... 129
" 16--Botsford & Olinger, Inc,, Claes "C" Liquor License ......... 129
" 16--Bethany Home submitting Audits for 1982 & 1983 ......... 130
" 16--.Budget, Summary showing intended uses of Gen. Rev. Shar-
ing Funds is available for inspection at various places ....... 130
" 23--Bonds, Medical Revenue Clinic. Hali & E ckhar t Project .....
................................................ 134-138, 172
"30--Benny's Steak House (B. Erschen), Cigarette Permit; Class
"C"Beer&LiquorLicense ............................. 138, 139
May 7--Buddy Poppy Sale Days, Proclamation ................... 141
7--Bonds, Issuance of $750,000 G.O. Bonds Airport Improve-
ment ............................................... 141, 142
7--Budget, Amendment to 1984, by Resolutinn ........... 148,174-176
7--Bonds, Ind. Der. Rev. - Purpose of Making Loan to Assist
First Judicial District Dept. of Correctional Services ........ 148-156
7--Best Beers Corp. - Ord. to construct concrete ramp at their
place of bualness ..................................... 157
7--Bonds . Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds (ARC Project~ in amt. of
$425,000, etc. with DB & T ............................. 161
7--Brewing Co., Transfer of Liquor License .................. 163
" 7--Boleyn, Terry J., Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 164
" 7--Bird Chev. Co., - Injunction re: Construction of Kennedy
Road construction. 165
7--Board of Supervisors (County~ - Canvass of Dog Racing
Track Complex Vote .................................. 166, 167
" 21--Bart & F. Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............. 191
" 21--Besler, Judy A. (with Clara Johnson~ - Cigarette Permit;
Class "B" Beer Permit ................................ 191, 192
" 21--Beecher Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 191, 192
" 21--Butlett, Tina Marie, Claim; Denial ....................... 193, 251
" 21--Buol, Frank, Claim; Closing ............................ 193, 305
June 4--Backstop etc. Project for Chaplain Schmitt Memorlai Island
Park & Recreation Complex.... .............. 206.269-271,386-387
" 4--Brice, Petrides & Associates, Inc, Supplemental Agreement
re: Cedar Cross Extension Corridor ...................... 212
4--Blum, Corporation Counsel submitting 2 Ord. re: prohibiting
dangerous animals etc ................................. 216, 245
4--Bishops Buffets, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................. 216
4--Bleile, Joseph F., Cigarette Permit ....................... 216
4--Boleyn, Terry J., Transfer of Beer Permit from Vets Park to
McAieece Field ...................................... 218
4--Bradiey, Rick, Claim; Denial ............................ 219, 342
" 18--Buchhelm, Rev. Durwood, Invocation .................... 224
" 18--Bonds, re: IND. Devel. Revenue Bonds for Investment
Counselors, Inc ............................ 229-232, 283, 284-286
" 18--Bonds, G.O. Issuance of $750,000 ....................... 236-244
" 18--Boyer St. and Andrew Ct. - traffic control changed to a Stop
sign both ways ....................................
18--Bauer. James E., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer & Liq~ 246
............................................ 247, 250
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 18--Baum, William J., Cigarette Permit ...................... 247
18--Boffeli, Gary & Linda, Cigarette Permit .................. 247
18--Bauec, Daniel, Cigarette Permit ......................... 249
18--Bsntor, David, Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
18--Bceler, Judy {& Clara Johnson), Cigarette Permit .......... 249
18--Botsford- Olingar, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................. 249
18--Bit N Spur, (DO II), Cigarette Permit .................... 249
18_Bower, Mike, Cigarette Permit; Refund ................... 249, 483
18--Burchette, Carol (& Phyllis Dunne), Cigarette Permit ....... 249
18--Barga, The (R.J. Kehl), Cigarette Permit .................. 249
" 18--BARGE FLEETING COMM. Submitting Minutes ......... 251
"25--Bauer, Eugene, objected to assessment of Walker-Oneida
Sewer Project ........................................ 258
" 25--Bird, Gene. objected to assessment of Walker-Oneida Sewer
,, 25_Basic Cable Television Services, Fac Increaec ate ........... 263
" 25--Brown, Wm. C., Cigarette Permits ....................... 263
"25--Ben. & Protective Order of Elks, Cigarette Permit .......... 264
" 25--Bauer, James, Cigarette Permit ......................... 264
"25--Bertolini, Angalina A., Cigarette Permit .................. 264
,, 25_Bonanza Family Restaarant, Cigarette Permit ............. 264
"25--Bechen, Kenneth F,, Cigarette Permit {Donut Hut #1, 2 &
,, 25_Blind Seciety {Tri-State), Cigarette Permit ........... 264
July 2--Beccher, Rick reappointed to Historic Pres. Corem ......... 279
" 2--Birkett, James J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 281
" 16--Brumfield, Rev. Ben, Gave Invocation ................... 283
" 16--Brevan St. named changed to Arboretum Drive ............ 295
,, 16_Black. Francis, applicant for Human Righte Corem ......... 303
" 16--Bralg, Karla, applicant for Human Rights Corem ........... 303
" 16--Banfield, Jayne M., (pizzazz), Cigarette Permit ............ 304
,, 16_Barn, The re: Leaec with Montessori School, Inc ...........
............................................... 291, 306, 318
"26--Bonnatte, John, re: Lease with the Barn (Slattory Center).
,, 26~Bonds-UrbanRanowalTaxlnc. Rev. Bonds{S1,200,000). 314, 315
" 26~Ballpark Lighting - Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island Park
& l~creation Complex .................. 91§,316,3§0-$§1,529-§30
" 90~Becker, John, Attorney for Iowa Dredging, re: contract for
Ballpark ............................................
Aug. 6~Bechan, Sam re: objecting to a noise of Splash Down Water
Slide on Pennsylvania Ave ............................. 332
6_Brevan Drive name changed to Arboretum Drive ........... 336, 387
6--Becler, Judy A., Class "C" Liquor License ................ 341
6--Bastian, Daniel, Claim; Denial .......................... 342, 890
6--Bisenius, Phillip J., Claim (Snitl ......................... 342
8_Bonds re: Issuance of GO Rends, $1,400,000 .............. 344, 349
8_Bonds, re: $?,900,000 GO Bonds .......... 348,346,393-$96,404-413
8--Bird, Fujimoto & Fish, associates firm with Durrant for
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility .......................... 347
" 20~Beginuin4: of the Mississippi River Revival in Dubuque, Pro- 349
clamation ...........................................
" 20--Balsamo, Susan, re: Option Agreement to purchase pro-
per ty on Rhomberg {near Eagle Pt. Bridge) ............ 855,381-382
" 20--Bonds, re: Dr. Hall & Eckhart, for Medical Clinic ........... 856-864
" 20--Bus Operator J. Evarte, affirmation of dismissal by City
Managar ................ ~,' ',; ........................ 368, 369
" 20--Bainbrid~e, JameeR.,Class C Bcer&LiquorLicense ..... 370
" 20--Banfield, Estolie, Clalm;Deniai ......................... 3?0, 391
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 20--Bartman, Terry L. Dubuque Savings & Loan Association vs.
them et al advising of foreclosure proceedings ............. 370
"20--Bisenius, Louls et al advising of forechisure proceedings ..... 370
" 20--Besler, Judy, Refund on Beer Permit ..................... 370
Sept. 4--Brockman, Rev. Francis, Gave Invocation ................ 376
4--Buy American Month, Proclamation ..................... 376
4--Battered Women Advocates Week, Proclamation .......... 376
4--Bid Package "A" Project (Driven Piles, Excavation, Con-
crete Work) Dubuque Dog Track ........................ 378-380
4--Blackhawk Foundation Co., Inc. of Geneseo, IL, awarded
contract for Dog Racing Facility - Driven Piles ............. 379
4--Blum, Al, re: Junk Dealer, Secondhand Dealer & Pawnbroker
Ordinance ........................................... 381
4--Beecher Sand Ltd., Lease of property on Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island (Ind. Management Inc.) .............. 383,397,444
4--Brewing Co., Transfer of Beer Permit .................... 389
4--Board of Trustees report of Fire Pension Fund, Fire Retire-
raent System, Police Pension Fund & Police Retirement
System ............................................. 391
" 17--Bid Package "B" Project (Site Work, Structural Steel & Ex-
terior Closaros & Kennels & Security Bldg.) ........ 400,401,440-441
" 17--Beer & Liquor Sales Establishments, re: Revocation of
Licenses (especially problems with outlets on University
Ave.) .............................................. 403-404
" 17--Bleachers, Conversion to Elec. Ones at Five Flags Civic
Center .............................................. 419-420
" 17--Babka, Edward, Applicant for Airport Commission ......... 421
" 17--Baum; William, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 422
" 17--Bronnen, Deborah, Claim; Settlement .................... 423, 437
" 17--Bridge, Cedar Cross, request by M/M Lochner for
maintenance ......................................... 423
Oct. 1--Barry, Patrick d/b/a Whiskey River, re: Hearing concerning
issuanceofClass"C"LiquorLicenec ..................... 428, 481
1--Butler, Ed, & Mary re: Tavern patrons on University Ave.,
problems ............................................ 428
1--Beccher Co. Inc. clarifying relevant Lease is owned by Ind.
Management Corp .................................... 438
l--Budget input meeting report by City Manager ............. 438
1--Britt, Paul submitting report on Dubuque Stamping &
Manufacturing Co .................................... 439
" 15--Bid Package C for Dog Track Project (Fire Sprinkler, Plumb-
ing HVAC, Electrical, Acoustical Ceiling. Interior, Building
& General Construction ............................... 450, 451
" 15--Bonds, Industrial Revenue re: Dairy Lab Services, Inc ......
..................................... 453-456, 469-470, 505-507
" 15--Building Code Advisory & Appeals Board re: Uniform
Building Code ....................................... 457
"15--Bnilding Code, Uniform, re Ordinance ............... 457, 485-490
" 15--Bregman, Dr. C.H. & LuAnn, Proclamation & vote of con-
fidence for work at Children's Zoo ....................... 458
" 15--Barge fleeting request by R. Hudson of Upper River Ter-
minals .............................................. 458, 513
" 15--Big I0 Mart, Mohi Oil Co., Cigarette Permit ............... 463
" 15--Bainbridge, James, Class C LquorLcense .............. 464
Nov. 5--Brice, Petridee & Associates, Inc., Supplement Agreement
re: Cedar Cross Environmental Assessment Study ......... 475
5--Brice, Petrides & Associates, Inc., lA. DOT etc. updating
economic feasibility study for Rockdale Road Bridge ....... 475
" 5--Brown Co., Wm. C., construction of three directional signs for
parkinglot .......................................... 476-478
1984 SUBJECT Page
Nov. 5--Beurskens, Council Member requesting City give money for 480
Reward Fund for eabatoging construction at Dog Track ..... 480
5--Bracket, Al applicant for Plumbing Board ................ 481
5--Bijan's, Class "B' Beer Permit ......................... 481
5--Breithach, Robert J., Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 482
5--Bit N Spur, Class "C" Liquor License ....................
5--Bodnar, Joan, Claim; Denial ............................ 482, 548
5--Brockman, Ruth, resigning from Historic Preservation 483
Comm ..............................................
,, 13_Bauer, Attorney David, representing MMC Mechanical C°n"
objecting to awarding of Contract ~7.1 (Dog Track) Plumbing 493
to Modern Piping, Inc .................................
" 13--Bradiey, F. James, requesting review of the bidding pro- 493
cedure for Dog Track Projects .......................... 493
,, 13 _Bidding procedure objections for Dog Track ...............
" 19--Bualness Growth, Inc. (ECIA) Contribution for Economical
Development Administration Revolving Loan Fund ........ 507
19--Block Grant Funds, Loan, approved to Dubuque Historic Im- 508
provement Co., (Redstone) ............................. 509
,, 19_Bkick Grant ~CD), Filing of Program Statement ............
" 19--Bkick Grant Projects, publication of environmental
finddings ........................................... 509, 510
" 19--Brady, Mayor, member of Ad Hoc Dock Committee ........ 512
,, 19--Butler, Avery, Claim .................................
' 19--Boelk, Melvin, Claim; Settlement ........................ 512, 548
" 19--Butler, Peter, Claim closed ............................. 512
19--Buckleitner, Chris of ECIA submitting 1984 DMATS Annual
" 513
Report .............................................
Dec. 5_Barrett, Mrs. Lee, re: Parking stickers ................... 518, 519
" 3--Beer Permit Suspension for Lucky Stores (Eagles) .......... 520
" 3--Brown, Terry & Brewer, Tom, re: Eagle Stores (Lucky Stores) 520
Class "C" Beer suspension .............................
3--Blum, Wilham Sr., reappointed to the Dock Board .......... 524
3--Bartman, Terri L. re: Claim by Dubuque Savings & Loan etc. 526
3--Bkick Grant Projects, C.D., Submission of Request for 527
releast of funds for same ...............................
" 17--Brockway, Rev. Duncan, Invocater ...................... 533
l?--Brice, Petrides & Associates report re: Cedar Cross Road
Bridge ..............................................
" 17--Blum, Attorney, re: Ordinances for Pawnbrokers, Second-
hand Dealers & Juvk Dealers ........................... 534, 535
17--Binff Streets & Fifth St. parking Lot, re: Lease of spaces for
" 533
Redstone ..................................... 534
' 17--Bridge - Cedar Cross, report by Brice Petrides .............
" 17--Bkim, Attorney, re: Letter concerning Conflict of Interest
charges re: Council Member Hammel ..................... 545
" 17--Bertolini, Angelini, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 548
" 17--Bauer, James E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 548
17--Bleile, Joseph F., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 548
17--Buss, Heten, Claim ...................................
" 17--Block Grant Entitlement Funds (CD), HUD advising receipt 549
of City's submission ..................................
17 BONDS re: Commercial Development Revenue for Dubuque
Hotel & Convention Center Limited Partnership ........... 552
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 2--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 1
" 3--City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ................. 2
" 3--City Manager appointed {W. Kenneth Gearhart} ........... 2
" 3--City Clerk Mary A. Davis appointed ..................... 2
" 3--Corporation Counsel {s} Barry Lindahl & William Blum ap-
pointed ............................................. 2, 3
" 3--Charges discussed for increase for Group W. Cable ......... 3, 4
" 3--Cable TV Services, Ordinance re: Installation charges, eellee-
tion charges & bad check charges ............ 3,4,16,41,65,66,103
" 8--Cox, R., Claim, Denial ................................. 5, 43
" 3--Captain for Fire Dept., Results of Promotional Exam Cer-
tified ............................................... 6
" 3--Civil Service Commission certifying results of Fire Promo.
tional Exams ........................................ 6
' 16 --City Cnancil, Special Session ........................... 8
" 16--Conditional Use in OR-I Office/Residnatial District (for
Motels) ............................................. 9
" 16--Center Grove Properties (Ralph Digman), reclassification of
property otc ........................................ 13, 49, 50
" 16--CorrectionalServiceere:ExpansionofWashingtonSt. Urban
Revit. Area .......................................... 14, 93
" 16--Creecent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II, acceptance of
Sanitary Sewer, Phase II - Schedule of Assessments ........ 17-22,46
" 16--Chi, Esther, appointed to the Human Rights Commtasion .... 24
MITRING MINUTES: ...............................
........... 26,88,77,105,117,251,281,841,370,423,464,511,526
MINUTES ............ 29, 88, 117, 218, 251,341, 423, 484, 511,548
" 16~laims for November, Proof of publication ................ 26
" 16--Coyle, Mary, Settlement of Claim ....................... 26
Feb. 6--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 29
" 6--Children's Dental Health Month, Proclamation ............ 29
" 6--Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location Study with Briee,
Petrides & Associates, Inc. - Supplemental Agreement ...... 40
, 6--Cultural Resource Sttrvey Study for Cedar Cross Extension
Corridor Location Study ............................... 40
" 8--Criteria for Membership on Boards & Commissions ......... 41
" 8--Clancy, Rita, Class C Liquor License ................... 42
" 6--Council Proceedings approved for Sept. & Oct., 1988 ........ 43
MINUTES: .................... 48,98,218,251,305,423,464,482
" 6--Census Count, revised for Dubuque for 1980 submitted by
U.S. Bureau of Census ................................. 44
" 6--Convention & Visitors Bureau submitting 6 month report.
18--City Council, Special Session ........................... 46
" 18--City Employees E. Zenner, J. Evarts & F. Specht, re: affirm-
lng of suspension of work for misconduct ................. 46
"20--City Council, Special Sesalon ........................... 48
"21 --City Council, Special Session ........................... 49
"21--City owned property (portion of Huff St.) to Frommelt Bldg.
Corp ............................................... 51
"21~Carrectional Services Agency re: Issuance of Ind, Rev.
Bonds .............................................. 54-58
" 21~apital Improvement Program, Public Hnaring ............ 59
"21--Cathedral Historic Preservation Distric, name changed from
Lower Bluff St. District ............................... 59
1984 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 21--Communlty Development Block Grant Funds - Publication of 60
Notice of P. Hearing ..................................
" 21--Community Development Block Grant Documents, Publica-
tion of Notice of Availability for Public Inspectiom ........ 62
' 21 --City Code Supplement No. 21, adopted ................... 64
" 21--Cable Delivery Services Franchise, Protecting the Integrity.
" 21--Civil Service Commission certifying promotional examina-
tions (individuals who passed Detective, Sergeant & Captain)
for Police Dept ....................................... 68, 69
"21--Captains (individuals) certified by Civil Service Commission.
"21--~S~ ~$~)~S: .............. 70, 106, 183, 197, 275, 308, 391
Mar. 5 --City Council, Regular Session ........................... 71
5--City Hall, structural modificatinas ................. 73,74,109-111
5--Cue Masters Limited d/b/a Cue Master Billiards Cigarette
license and Class "C" Beer License ...................... 77
5--Communlty Development Comm. minutes ................
.................................... 77, 164, 218, 341, 437, 548
5--North-Cnatral Companies re: Claim of Marvin Cocayne, claim
dismissed ........................................... 78
5--Generul Casualty re: Their client, William Pender's claim
dismissed ........................................... 78
5--Civil Aeronautics Board report re: American Central Airlines.
5-4~cayne, Marvin, claim dismissed; Denial ................. 78, 483
" 12--City Council, Spacial Seceion ........................... 81
" 12--Community Development and Housing, proof of publication
notice of Public Hearing on needs of the commissions ....... 81
" 12--Capital Improvement Program, proof of publication of notice
Public Hearing on adoption of five year program ........... 81
,, 12--Cultural Art s Program, Council discusaians na eliminatian of
program from FY 85 Budget ........................... 81, 82
,, 12_Carler, Deb, spealdng to Council re: Retain Cultucal Ar t s Pro'
,, 12--Carrcll, Mrs. T. re: Communicatlon to Coancll rebudget ..... 84
" 12--City Manager's Salary increaced ........................ 82
,, 12_comiskey Ficld, Improvement Projoct deleti~4~ of CD funding
from CIP Budget ..................................... 82
,, 12--Cat License Fces, revicion, ordinance providing ............ 88
,, 12--Capital Improvement Program (5 Year) adopted ......... ~ 84
" 19--City Council, Special Session ........................... 91
" 19--Cavarier, Milton, re: Racing Dog Trark ................... 98
UTES .............................................. 105, 305
,, 19--Community Development Funds lnan to Dubuque In Futuro,
Inc ................................................ 102
" 19--Civil Service Commission exams ........................ 105
" 19--Chavenelle, Gilbert speaking in opposition to Dog Racing
Track .............................................. 98
" 19--Community Development Block Grant Funds, for the City
and projects ......................................... 99, 102
19--Claims for January, 1984, proof of publication ............. 105
" 19--Civil Servica Commission, vacancy to be filled ............. 103
Ap,,r. 2--City Council, Rogular Session ........................... 109
2--Conlon Construction, Awarded Contract for Structural
Modifications to City Hall ............................. 111
" 2--Central Iowa (Block 5} request for free parking by L. Bauer.
2--Community Devclopmoot Block Grant Funds - Agreement -
to AREA RESIDENTIAL CARE ....................... 115
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr. 2--Community Development Loan Funds - Agreement - Loan to
Area Residential Care ................................. 115
" 2--Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. - Acquisi-
tion ................................................ 116
2--CAB submitting "Order to Show Cause" re: Air Service for
Ft. Dodge & Mason City ............................... 118
"16--City, Council, Special Scesion ........................... 120
" 16--Chew, Pat & Nancy, objection to assessment for Kennedy
Road reconstruction .................................. 120
" 16--Cheang, Fred, objection to assessment for Kennedy Road
reconstruction ....................................... 120
" 16--Carew, Attorney Allan, requesting approval of assignment o f
Agreement between City & Robert's Foods, Inc. at 5 Flags... 123
" 16--Contract for Mini-Bus ................................. 125
" 16--Comm. Development Block Grant Agreement, Execution.
(For 12 month program) ............................... 125-126
" 16--Clarke College, transfer of Beer Permit ................... 128
"16--Cumminge, James T., Claim ............................ 129
" 16--Claims for month of February .......................... 130
"16--Cable (Group W) submitting 1983 Annnal Report .......... 130
" 23--City Council, SpecialSession ........................... 132
"30--City Council, Special Scesion ........................... 134
"30--Clinlc (Medical) - Hall & Eckhart Project, re: Medical Clinic
Revenue Bonds ...................................... 134-138
May 7--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 141
7--Correctional Services (Dept.) re: Issuance of Ind. Revenue
Bonds for Project .................................... 148-156
7--Concrete Entry Ramp for Best Beers Corp, at 2459 Kerper
Bird ............................................... 157-158
7--Community Development Loan Program - Area Residential
Care ............................................... 160-163
7--Cottingham & Butler, Inc. (for R. Walder t) - Claim .......... 165
7--Civil Service Commission certifying individual for Am-
bulance Driver/Attendant Position ...................... 165
7--Canvass of votes submitted by County Board of Supervisors
re: DogTrack ........................................ 166, 167
7--Community Development Annual Audit Report for 1983 .... 166
" 7--Certificate from Insurance Dept. of Iowa stating Merchants
Bonding Co. is authorized to do business in Iowa ........... 166
7--County Board of Supervisors submitting voting canvass for
Dog Track .......................................... 167
"14--City Council, SpecialSession ........................... 169
"21 --City Council, ~peclal Session ........................... 171
"21--Cbeplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Com-
plex, Construction of Infields & Warning Tracks ...........
....................................... 180, 181, 227, 228, 550
"21--Communications Center (Dubuque Area Public Safety), ap-
proval of implementation .............................. 182
"21--Cathedral District -Lotter of Agreement with the State
Historical Dept. for grant to prepare a National Register
Nomination ......... . · .. 183, 184
" 21--Chemical Corp. (Allied} - Assignment of Lease to Arcadian
Agricultural Corp .................................... 184
"21--Compensaticn Package - Fischal Year 1985 - for Nonbargain-
lng Unit Employees ................................... 189
"21--Chicago & NW Crossing - reconstruction of Peru Road Pro-
ject ................................................ 190
"21--Cantract for reconstruction of J. F. Kennedy Road to Flynn
Co ................................................. 190
' 21--Carl Chuck, applicant for Planning & Zoning Connn ........ 191
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 21--C. K. of Dubuque, Inc., Cigarette Permit ..................
21--Curran, Vcima, Cigarette Permit ........................
21--Cremer, Ralph J., Class "C" Beer Permit .................
21--Country Club, Dubuque Golf, Class "A' Liquor License .....
21--Country Club, Dubuque Golf, Fireworks Permission ........
21 --Claims for March, 1984, Proof of publication ..............
21--CD Block Grant Program - HUD advising of City's audit
report ..............................................
June 4--City Council, Regular & Reconvened Session ..............
4--Chappell, Father James, Invocation .....................
4--Certificate of Appreciation to Carrie Sue Poston, Miss
Dubuque ............................................
4--City Clerk Certificate stating sent to ail known property
owners re: 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ..................
4--Chaney Road Paving Project - Objections, Motion ..........
4--Clarke Drive Paving Project, Objections, Final Inclusion ....
4--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Com-
198, 199
plex, Backstop, Dugout and Interior Fencing- Project ......
........................................ 206, 269-271, 386-387
4-cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location Study with Bcice,
Petrides & Asseciates, - Supplemental Agreement ...... 212,475-476
4--County Auditor - List of Delinquent Refuse Accounts ....... 214
4--Correll, Mary - Delinquent Refuse Acc't; Delinquent Sewer
Account ............................................ 214, 215
" 4--Canfiald Hotel, Inc. Cigarette Permit .................... 216
" 4--Cremer Grocer~ Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 216
" 4--Creslanes Bowling, Inc., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer &
Liquor License ....................................... 217, 218
8--City Council, Recessed Session .......................... 219
" 18--City Council, Special Session ........................... 224
" 18--CD Block Grant Funds re: Historic Improvement Co.
-Redstone ........................................... 226, 262
" 18--Commercial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (In-
vest. Counselors Project) .............................. 232
" 18--Chamber of Commerce, Purchase of Services Agreement .... 234
" 18--Cable Rate Increase, report by Touche Ross Co ............ 236, 278
" 18--Cable Reg. Comm. recommendation for increase for Cable
TV ................................................. 236
" 18-code Supplement No. 21 adopted ........................ 245
,, 18--Confinement of Animals, Ordinancechangingprovisinn ..... 245, 367
' 18--Cedar Cross Ind. Park, approval of final Plat of Subdivision
of Block 3 ........................................... 247
18--Century Plaza Rest., Inc., Cigarette Permit ............... 248
18--Corbett, Earl G., Cigarette Permit ....................... 248
18--Crane Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permit; Refund .......... 248, 437
18--Cue Master Ltd., Cigarette Permit ....................... 248
18--Clarke College, Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
18--CAB re: order on Essential Air Service Determination ...... 251
' 25--City Council, Special Session ........................... 253
" 25--Carew, Allen (Attorney) requesting adoption of Amendment
of Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Urban Renewal
Project ............................................. 253
" 25--Convention Hotel, re: Soliciting proposals to purchase said
parcel for development of same ......................... 255
" 25--CD Block Grant Funds re: Redstone ..................... 262
" 25--Cable Rate Increase, objections; request for final adoption,
etc .......................... 236, 263, 278, 293, 343, 364, 473, 498
" 25--Capital Tobacco Corp., Cigarette Permit .................. 264
" 29--City Council, Special Session ........................... 266
" 29--Community Development Loan Program - Loan for
Downtown Redevelopment Project ...................... 266
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 29--Community Development Block Grant Funds - Loan Not to
Exceed $380,000 to Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc .............. 267
July 2--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 269
2--Convention Hotel, UDAG application for assistance for
same ............................................... 275
2-conneil-Magee, Susan, applicant for Historic Preservation
Comm .............................................. 279
2--Cox, Chad, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ............... 279
2--Chasllk, Francis, applicant for TB Cable Taleprogramming
Connn .............................................. 279
" 2--Cable TV Regulatory Comm. appointments of C. Ellis &
Mark Wiilging ....................................... 279
2--Cable TV Teleprogramming Comm. appointments of B.
Everist, Sr. Carol Hoverman and Rosemary Lake .......... 279
" 16--City Council, Special Session ........................... 283
" 16--Commercial Development Revenue Bonds re: Investment
Counselors Project in amount of $10,000,000 .............. 285
" 16--Conventinn Hotel, Urban Renewal Tax Inc. Revenue Bonds.
................................................... 286
" 16--Comm. Dev. BlockGrantProject. AuthorizatinnofNoticeof
Environmental Review. 296
' 16--ContiCarriers & Terminals, Inc., approval of Lease Agree-
ment ........................................... 297
" 16--Chapla n Schmitt Memorial Island, Lease of property to
Dubuque Water Ski Club .............................. 299
" 16--City Clerk (Davis), Salary Adjustment ................... 303
" 26--City Council, Special Session ........................... 308
"26--Chaplnin Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Com-
plex - Ballperk Lighting ............. 315-317,350-351,352,529.530
"30--City Council, Special Session ........................... 320
"30--Convention Hotel, Report on receipt of proposals for pur-
chase and redevelopment of Urban Renewal Disposition
Parcel 4-2 ........................................... 321
" 30--ConventionHotci, FillngofApplicationforUDAG ......... 322
Aug. 6--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 325
' 6--County Fair Week, Proclamation ........................ 325
6--Cortificate of City Clerk re: Sending out assessment for Peru
Road - Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer .................... 325
6--Contracts for Architectural/Engineering services for the Dog
Racing Facility ...................................... 332
6--Cathedral Center, Lot 1, Approval of Final Plat ............ 336
6--Council Hills Sub&, approval of final plat ................. 335
6--Council Hill Drive, changed from Parkland Hill Drive ....... 335, 336
6--Corbett, Earl G., Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 341
6--Columbkilie's (St.), Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 341
6--Council Proceedings for April, 1984, approved as printed .... 341
6--Clark, Lois D., Claim; Closing ........................... 342, 512
6--Comm. Development Block Grant Program & Notice of In-
tent to file a release of funds for the !'Redstone" Project -
Proof of publication ............ · · .. 342
6--Claims List & receipts for June, proof of publication ........ 342
8--City Council, Special Session. 344
8--Clemens, Dave (Attorney~ re: Site & Traffic Plan for Dog
Track .............................................. 344
8--Construction Management Agreement re: Dubuque Dog Rac-
lng Facility with Durrant Group, Inc ..................... 346, 347
"20--City Council, Special Session ........................... 349
"20--Concrete Work & Precast Concrete Systems Project re:
Dubuque Racing Facility Bid Package -A,,. ........... 352,377-380
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 20--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, re: Intent of the City to
Enter a Lease with the Dubuque Racing Association., LTD.
for a portiun of same ............................... 354,376-377
" 20--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Eminent Domain Pro-
ceedings for Acquisition of Leasehold Rights of 5 Acre Lease 365
held by Ind. Management Inc ...........................
" 20--Cunsent Decree, Amendment Executed (re: WWTM Plant)... 365
,, 20_Council Hill Drive, Name change from Parldand Hill ........ 367
,, 20_Casey, Patricia, appointed to Housing Commissi°n ......... 369
" 20--Comm. Development Block Grant Program for Dubuque
Downtown Marketplace Project & Dubuque Downtown
Hotel Construction Project - Proof of publication ........... 37
" 21--City Council, Special Session ........................... 373
Sept. 3_City Council, Official - Regular Seeeion; No one in attendance. 375
" 3--City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ................. 376
3--Coyle, Michael, Attorney for Investment Counselors, re:
Vacation of Portion of north side of Fourth St. between Iowa 382
& Main .............................................
3--Contract, re: Sale of land for redevelopment with Investment 382
Counselors ..........................................
3--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - lease acreage to Beecher
Sand Ltd. lind, Munagement Inc.) ............... 383,397,398,443
3--Chamber of Commerce, Agreement for provision of Economic 384
Development Services .................................
3_City Hall, Structural Modificatina projeet ................ 385, 386
3--Comm. Development Block Grant Funds to Dubuque In-
Future, Inc. - Loan of $280,000, re: J. C. Penney Building .... 388
" 3--Clarke College, transfer of Beer Permit ................... 389, 463
3--Claims & Receipts for July, 1984, proof of publication ....... 391
5--City Council, Special Session ........................... 393
" 17--City Council, Special Session ........................... 397
,, 17_Constitution Week, Proclamation ....................... 397
" 17--Cable Franchise Administrator, re: Outages by Group W
Cable ...............................................
" 17--Code, City re: Inclusion of designation of Urban Revitaliza-
tion areas ........................................... 422
,, 17_Council Proceedlnge for May, approved ............... .'"
" 17--Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Servlees
Final Report for 4th Quarter of 1984 ..................... 423
" 17-Cedar Cross Bridge, request for maintenance by
Lochner .......................... ,'; ........ .' ' '. .....
,, 17_Civil Service cer tiffed 10 persons for posltlon Of Mecnamc. · 424
, 427
Oct. 1--City Council, Regular Sesslun ...........................
1--Colleges - Higher Education Week, Proclamation ........... 427
1--County - Fire Mutual Aid Agreements ................... 432
1 --Cooperative Agreement between U.S. Dept. of HUD & Dubu- 434
que Human Rights Commission .........................
1--Clerk-Typist, parttime to Iulltime, approved for Housing Ser- 434
vices Division ........................................
1--Crane Enterprises, Inc., Refund on Liquor License ......... 437
8--City Council, Special Session ........................... 440
" 8--Cedar Cross Road - stop signs on nearby frontage road etc. 444-446
,, 11 _City Couocil, Special Session ........................... 449
" 15--City Council, Special Session ........................... 450
,, 15_Ceiling Systems (Acoustical) re: Dog Track Facility .........
............................................... 450, 498, 502
" 15--Concrete Toppings & Risers, Dubuque Dog Track Facility
Pkg. C. Project ............................... 450, 451, 491,494
1984 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 15--Children's Zoo, Storybook Hill, re: Dr. & Mrs. Bregman and
giving proclamation .................................. 458
" 15--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, re: R. Hudson's petition
to lease on a temporary basis the easterly shoreline ......... 458
"15--Cable TV Franchiee Revenue contributing $5000 to the Cable
Television Information Center ...................... 462
" 15--Cooncfl Proceedingu for June approved ................... 464
" 15--Cable Comm. Teleprngramming Access Corem ............. 464
" 15---Claims & Expenditures (Proof of pub) for August, submitted.
"15--Cabla Coromuuity Teleprogranuning Comm. resignation of
Donald Stribling ..................................... 465
"29--City Council, Special Session ........................... 468
Nov. 5--City Council, Reguinr Session ........................... 469
5--Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location Study with Brice,
Petrides etc ......................................... 475, 476
5--Carport construction approved at 2000 Farragut St ........ 478
5--Computer, approval of additional money for City's ......... 479
5--Custodians of Public records designated .................. 479, 480
5--Cable TV billing procedure, questioned by H. Waltz ........ 48
5--Council Proceedings for July, approved ................... 482
5--Cable Teleprogramming Equipment & Training Comm.
Minutes ............................................ 482
5--Cable Franchise Administrator submitting Summary of a
House File re: Federal Cable Legislation .................. 483
" 13--City Council, Special Session ........................... 485
" 13--Contracts for Dog Racing Facility - 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 8, 9 and 11.
Tried to table same etc ................................ 495
" 19--City Council, Special Session ........................... 497
19--Continentel Fire Sprinkler Co. of Omaha, NE, awarded bid
for Fire Sprinkler System at Dog Track ................... 500
" 19--Cost Allocations between County Supervisore & City re: Law
Enforcement Center remodeling & Joint Comm. Center ..... 504
" 19--County Board of Supervisors & City re: Remodeling of Law
Enforcement Center & Joint Comm. Center Cost ........... 504.
" 19--Contrlbutinn Agreement between City & E.C.I.A. Business
Groth, Inc. for establishment of an EDA Revolving Loan
Fund ............................................... 507
" 19--Comm. Development Block Grant Funds to Dubuque
Historic Improvement Co. for the Redstone Rehabilitation
Project ............................................. 508
" 19--Comm. Development Block Grant, Filing of a Program Stete.
ment ............................................... 509
" 19--CD Block Grant Projects, publication of environmental
findings for certain CD Projects ......................... 509, 510
" 19--Craft, Richard, appointed to Ad Hoc Dock Committee ....... 510
" 19--Club House, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 511
" 19--Cactus Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 511
" 19--Cable Teleprogramming Comm., Annual Report Submitted.
................................................... 511
19--Cable Taleprogramming Corem., Promotion Committee,
MINUTES .......................................... 511
" 19--Crescent Ridge & Cedar Cross Road- Street Lighting & Traf-
fic counte reporte ..................................... 512
" 19--Clalms for Sept., Proof of publication .................... 513
" 19--Cable Communications Policy Act, response to Council refer.
rals ................................................ 513
Dec. 3--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 515
3--Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR tracks, nearby
property vacated ..................................... 515, 516
1984 SUBJECT Page
Dec. 3--Class "C" Beer Permit suspension for Lucky Stores d~b/a
Eagle Stores, Inc ..................................... 520
3--Cable TV Teleprogramming Commission appointment of
Francis Cbeslik ...................................... 524
3-~Chaslik, Francis, appointed to Cable TV Teleprngramming
Commission. ........................................ 524
3--C.J.'s, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................. 525
3--Cedar Cross Bridge raper t and closing .................... 526, 534
3--Coonell Proceedings for August, approved ................ 526
3--County Institutional accounts requesting suspension for
taxes for individuals .................................. 527
3--Conservation Commission (Iowa) approved to construct a
2-car garage at E.B. Lyons Nature Center ................. 527
3--Community Development Block Grants Project - Submission
of Request for release of Funds ......................... 527, 528
" 3--Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Com-
plex,; Bailpark Lighting Project ......................... 529, 530
" 17--City Council, Special Session ........................... 533
" 17--Cedar Cross Bridge report by Bt(ce, Petrides .............. 534
" 17-Compacter (Wastel & Concrete Pad at 250 E. 8th St. for Jeld-
Wen Authorized ...................................... 537, 538
,, 17--Code of City, furmally recording seven public parks & rscrea-
tlon areas ........................................... 539, 540
" 17--Contrlbutions Contract (Annual), Incorporating Additional
43 units Section 8 Existing Program Funds with 436 Unit
Contract ............................................ 541, 542
,, 17--Convention Hotel. Filing of Application fur Loan Guarantee.
,, 17_Cooperative Agreement fur Development & Maintenance of a
Marina Fuel Tax Fund Project .......................... 544
" 17--Conffict of Interest charges discussed re: Council Member
Hammel ............................................ 544, 545
" 17--Clarke College, Class "B" Beer Permit ................... 547
" 17--C.D. Block Grant Entitlement funds for FY 85 ............ 549
, 17--Corps of Engineers advising of R, Keld's request to modify
permit re: Mississippi Belle Mooring. .................... 549
" 17--CD Projects - Proof of publication of Find of No Significant
Effect on Environment ................................ 549
" 17--Civil Service Comndssion certifying Fire Promotional Exam
applicant James C. Miller .............................. 550
,, 17 --Captain/Inspector position for Fire, applicant certified ...... 550
" 17--Chaplain Sehraitt Memorial Island - Acceptance of Improve-
ment of Infields & Warning Tracks ...................... 550
" 27-City Council, Special Session ........................... 552
" 27--Commerelal Development Revenue Bonds in amount of
$8,000,000 & Loan to Dubuque Hotel & Convention Center
Limited Partnership .................................. 552
,, 27.-Coy]e, Mike, Attorney spoke to Dubuque Hotel & Convention
Center Project ....................................... 554
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Davis, MaryA.,Appointed&SworninasCityClerk ........ 2
..................................... 5, 117, 437, 464, 482, 511
" 16--Dubuque Schoel Nurse Day, Proclamation ................ 8
" 16--Digman, Ralph, Center Grove Properties re: rezoning of pro.
party at 3250 Dodge from C-7 to C-3 ..................... 13, 49, 50
" 16--Dodge St., 3250, re: Rezoning from C-7 to C.3 ..............
................................................ 13, 49, 50 76
" 16--Dull, Sharon re: Rezoning of property at 487-507 & 440-636
Loras. ............................................. 14
" 16--Dubuque Ind. Center & Associates Sewer/Water Service
Facilities - Accepting Improvement & Final Estimate ....... 22
" 16--Devlin, MatthewJ.,appointedtoHumanRightsComm ..... 25
" 16--Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., for P. Ahern Estate, Claim ..... 26
" 16--Demolition Permit re: Strand Theatre .................... 3, 27
Feb. 6--Dental Health Week (Children's), Proclamation ............ 29
6--Dubuque Supply Co., Execution of Certificate of Completion·
6--Duffy, Irene, Claim ................................... 43, 78
6--Drueer, Gene & Tim, Claim ............................. 43
6--Dubuque Convention & Visitors Bureau, six month progress
report .............................................. 44
6--Dubuque Federation of Labor urging Human Rights Dept. be
retained in its present strength ......................... 44
6--December 1983 reports of Treasurer & Fin. Dir. submitted.
................................................... 44
"18--DecemberListofClalms, proof. ........................ 69
" 18--Detective IPoliee Dept.) Individuals certified by Civil Service
Comm. (promotional Exams~ ........................... 69
Mar. 5--Dubuque Stamp & Manufacturing Co. Inc. loan $150,000.00
Community Block Grant funds ......................... 74, 75
5--D.O.T. (Iowa) letting bridge repair project on Julian Dubuque
Bridge .............................................. 79
" 5--Dillon, Pat, of UAW ~94 opposes City's funds to Chamber
Commerce Tourist Bureau ............................. 79
" 5--Dec. &Nov. printed councilproceedings accepted .......... 77
' 12--Dubuque Historlcal Society re: Fy 85 Budget funding ......
................................................. 83, 84, 194
" 19--Dog Track Racing Complex, discussion re building and
Resolution calling an election on proposition to construct and
equip such facility .................................... 98
" 19--Dog Racing Assn., LTD. Plans and specs for dog track com-
plex ................................................ 98
" 19--Dubuque In Future, Inc. Loaned Community Development
Block Grant Funds ................................... 102
" 19--Dubuque Industrial Center pricing structure of disposition
sites ............................................... 101
Apr. 2--Drunk Driving Awareness Week, Proclamation ............ 109
2--Dunne, Will/am F.. Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 117
" 16--Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, Pro-
clamation ........................................... 120
" 16--Driscoli, David & Mary Jane, objecting to assessments for
Kennedy Road Reconstruction Project ................... 120
" 16--Dubuque Historic Improvement Co., Re: Grant for
Redstone ........................................ 122, 132, 194
" 16--Des(gu Public Hearing on Northwest Arterial from Penn.
Ave. to Asbury Road .................................. 125
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr, 16--Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Second Addn., approval of final plat.
.................................................. ~ 127
" 16--Dubuque Industrial Center Fifth Addn., approval of final
plat ................................................ 127
' 16--Dubuque Art Assn., Class "C" Beer-Wine License .......... 129
" 16--Dubuque First China, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 129
May 7--Deich, Council Member, re: discussion etc. on regulation of
dangerous and exotic pets .............................. 168
7--DBQ, Inc., Class C Liquor License ..................... 164
7--Dubuque Bank & Trust, Claim against G, Udelhofen & City's
Housing Rehab. Program ............................ ;. 165
7--Dully, Clarence - resignation from Human Rights Comnus-
sion ................................................
'/--Dog Track Referendum set out by County Board of Super-
visors ..............................................
" 7--Destination SiguagE re: Asbury ......................... 168
,, 14_DubuqnsFest-DiscussionofPackingMetorEnforcement... 169
" 14~Disposition of City's Interest in Lot 2 of Subd. of Sears-
Roebuck & Co. Subd. No. 2 to Frommelts ................. 169, 173
,, 21_Duggan, John obi scting to dispnsition of Third St. Reservoir
Property ............................................ 171
"21--Dispnsltion of property, discussion - W. Third St. Reservoir.
................................................... 171
,, 21_Dubuque and Dubuque Count - Agreement re: Dubuque Area
Public Safety Communications Center ................... 182
,, 21_Dock Beard, renswal of Lense betwecn Dubuque Oil Terminal
& City (Koch Refining Co.) ............................. 185
" 21--Drivers & Helpers Union {General), Agreement with City .... 186
" 21--Delaney, William, Appointed to Planning & Zoning Comm. 191
"21--Detainer, Mary, Cigarette Permit ........................ 191
" 21--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Class "A' Beer & Liquor
License .............................................
' 21--Dahm, Sister Jordan, resignation from the Housing Corem.
June 4--Dugout re: Project for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island
pack &Rscreation Complex otc ...................... 206,269-271
4_Dog Racing Facility, Approvni of ArchitectlEngineer ....... 210, 211
' 4eDelinqnsnt Refuse & Sewer Accounts Certified to Auditor.
................................................... 214, 215
4--Dangerous Animal Ordinance ........... 216,245,278,302,33'/-340
4--Dnising, Lloyd, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License.
................................................... 217, 218
4--Dubuque Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit ............. 21 ?
4--Dubuque County Institution Accounts requesting tax
suspension for 2 people ................................ 219
" 18--Downtown Urban Renewal Project - Amendment to Urban
Renewal Plan ........................................ 233
" 18--Design Center, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................... 248
" 18--Doty, Nelda L., Cigarette Permit ........................ 248
" 18--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit ........... 248
" 18--Dunne, William F., Cigarette Permit ..................... 248
" 18--Dully, William F., (& John Fitzpatrick) Plaza 20 - Cigarette
Permit ............................................. 248
" 18--Dunne, Phyllis, (& Carol Burchettol, Cigarette Permit ....... 249
" 18--Do II Bit N Spur, Cigarette Permit ...................... 249
" 25--Downtown Urban Renewal Project - Amendment .......... 253
" 25--Downtown Urban Renewal Disposition Plan Parcel No. 4-2
1984 SUBJECT Page
June25--Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. release of funds for
Redstene ........................................... 261, 262
. 25--DodgE Honse Curporni/on, CigErette Permit .............. 264
"25--Donat Hut #1 and//2, Cigarette Permits .................. 264
"25--Dubuque Industrial Center - submission of EDA Project
Audit .............................................. 265
"29--Downtown Redeveinpmeat Project - Filing of App. for Lean
from Iowa CD Loan Program ........................... 266
"29--Dubuqns Invitational Softball Tournament, transfer of Beer
Permit ............................................. 267
"29--Dubuqns In-Futuro, Inc, Loan of CD Block Grant Funds to
.............................................. 267
July 2--D & N Fence Co., Inc. awarded cnatract fur Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island Park & Rec. Complex; Backstop, Dugout
and Interior Fencing .................................. 271
2--Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Grading - Project ...........
............................ 273,274,283,284,820,321,551,532
2--Dolan, Dennis & John, Cigarette Permit .................. 280
2--Duffy, William F., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 281
2--DMATS Policy Connn. advising City has jurisdict/on over
part of Asbury Road for construction of sidewaiks etc ....... 282, 424
" 16--Dispoecl of Interests in Real Estate re: FDL Foods ......... 288-290
" 16--Dubuque Montessori School, Lease Agrscment for the Barn.
................................................... 291, 305
"16--Dubuque Arboretum Assn, requesting Brevan St. be chnagEd
to Arboretum Dr ..................................... 295
" 16--Downtown Urban Renswni Disposition Plan Parcel No. 4.2 &
soliciting proposals to purchase parcel for Convention Hotel.
Schmitt Island ....................................... 299
" 16--Dubuque Yacht Basin re: 5 mile speed limit for boats in
Peosta channel ....................................... 299
"16--Dock Bd. re: 5 mile speed zons near Hawthorne St. ramp ..... 299
' 16--Davis, Mary- City Clerk, Salary A~nstment .............. 803
" 16--Dias, Gaff I, appointed to Human Eights Corem ............ 303
" 16--Dubuque, Inc. (Shot Tower) Cigarette Permit .............. 304
" 16--Dubuque Yacht Basin, sctflement of claim at no cost to City.
Tschiggfrie Excavating ............................... 306
" 16--Dubuque Invitational Softball Tournament, refund on Beer
Permit ............................................. 307
"26--Dubuque Downtown Market Place Project & Dubuque
Downtown Hotel Project - Submission for release of funds
ete ................................................. 317, 871
"26--Dubuque Racing Assn, re: Dredging Contract ............. 320
" 26--Disposition of Urban Renewni Parecl 4.2 .................. 321
Aug. 6--Dubuque County Fair Week, Proclamation ................ 325
" 6--DrainagE (& Grading), N/W Arterial Project ............... 330, 331
6--Dubuque Dog Racing Facility - Construction ManagEment
Agreement with the Durrant Group, Inc .............. 332,346-347
6--Durrant Group, Inc. - Agreement (construction Manage-
ment). Dubuque Dog Racing Facility .................... 332
6--Driveway Entrances, re: Directional signs at Mercy Health
Center .............................................. 333
8--Dog Racing Assn. - re: Issuance of G.O. Bonds ............. 344
8--Durrant Group, Inc. - Construct/on Management Agreement
- (Dubuque Dng Racing Facility) ..................... 332,346,347
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 8_Dog Track, report of progress by Durrant Gr°up Inc ........
349376397427,440, 450, 497, 515, 533
8--Dng Track - Foundation Systems Project - B~d Package ·
............. 352-353, 377-380
8--Dubuque Racing Assn., Ltd. - Lease for portion of Chaplain 354, 376
sehmitt Memorial Island ........ ~ ~ ...... . ...... 2 ....
8--Dubuque Greyhound Racing Facility Project - ~owa ~ 364
"12--Dciving while license is suspended, denied or revoked ....... 368368
,, 12_Discharge of Bus Operator J. Evarts .....................
"12--Dubuque Savings & Loan Assn. vs. L. Bisenius et al re: 370
foreclosure proceedings .......................... 370
, 12_Dennner, MaryL.,Class"C"LiquurLicense ..............
"12--Dubuque Savings & Loan Assn. vs. T. Bartman et al re: 370
Feseclos ,m'_e proceedings .............................. ,'
"12--Dubuqna s Urban Development Action Grant App., HUD s 371
receipt ..............................................
Se,p, t. 4_Davidshofer, Pat, Junior Achiever Honaree ............... 376
4--Dubuque Racing Assn., Lease of portion of Chaplain Schmitt 376
Island .............................................. 377
4--Dubuque Racing Assn., submission of Site Plan ............ 381
4--Dondi Enterprises, re: Secondhand & Pawnbroker Ord ...... 381
4--Din, Don re: Secondhand & pawnbroker Ordinance .........
4--Dubuque In. Future, Inc., Guarantee to Performance on Pur- 388
chase Agreement re: Penneye Bldg ...................... 389
4--Deck Bal., resignation of Rose Marie Montgomery ..........
" 4--Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Management advising of permit
to Tschiggfrie Excavating for Commerical Property ........ 391
,, 17 _Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Bid Package "B" Pr°J ect ISite
Work, Structural Steel & Exterior Closure & Kennels &
earity Bldg.) ..................................... 400,440-441
"17--Dept. of Housing (US) re: Mem. of Understanding & Human 403
Rights Corem ........................................
"17--Delch, Council Member, re: Parking situation at the Airport. 403
" 17--Dubuqna In. Future, Inc., Amendment to the Mem. of Agree- 413, 435
ment with City ................................ .... 422
,, 17_DubuqueMotorHotels, Inc.,Class"B"Liqu°rLicenae'
"17--DMATS, response by Manager to need for sidewalks near 424
Asbury .............................................
Oct. 1--Dubuqna Division, Iowa Chapter, Nat. Elec. CA, re: National 427
Electric Code Adoption ................................ 429
1--Deck Board, re: Policy Statement concerning Ordinance .....
1--Deck Comm. (W. Blura, Sr.) re: Shanley's Resort & Rec. Vehi- 429
ele Park .............................................
1 --District Court Decree re: John F. Kennedy Road Project ..... 432
1--Directess designated for Emergency Medical Service Pro- 433
gram ...............................................
1--Dept. of HUD re: Cooperative Agreement with Human 434
Rights Connn ........................................
1--Dubuqna Dog Racing Facility, purchase of Starting Boxes. 435
............. . .......... 435, 436
1--Dock Board appointment of Robert C. Schmitt. .... 437
" 1--Dubuque In-Future, Inc. Board submitting MINUTES.
"1--Dubuque Inn General Manager re: Priorities for Hotel 438
Business ............................................
1--Dubuqna Stamping & Mfg. Co. submitting update of their 439
company ............................................
" 15--Dubuque Racing Facility, Pkg. "C" (Plumbing, HVAC, Ceiling
1984 SUBJECT Page
15--etc.) ................................. 450, 451,491-495,498-503
15--Dubuque Racing Facility, Off-Site Sanitary Sewer, Water-
main and Sterm Sewer Project ................... 452,453,470-472
15--Dairy Lab Services, Inc.. requesting issuance of Ind. Devel-
opment Revenue Bonds ................. 453-456, 469-470. 505-507
15--Dakkehakker, Bruce re: Dairy Lab Services Ind. Bond Issue.
15--Drive-In Entrance Ramp, authorized at F & S Radiator, 850
Jackson ......................................... 438, 461,462
15--Dubuque Harbor Service (R. Hudson), re: Barge fleeting
space ............................................... 458, 513
15--Dock Board, Council Member Hummel submitting concerns.
15--Dock Board, Ad Hoc Committee, for studying Dock Board
itself ............................................... 462
15--Dory, Ncida, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 464
15--Dubuque Savings & Loan Assn., Claim/Snit re: Tax Levy .... 464
5--Dubuque In-Future, Inc., Agreement re: Loan Agreement
with City ........................................... 473
5--Downtown Dubuque - Monies expended for retail stabiliza-
tion ................................................ 474
5--Dubuque Tank Terminal Co.. Sewer Service Agreement ..... 474
5--Dept. of Transportation (Iowa), re: Agreement for Rockdale
Road Bridge Study ................................... 475
5--Dog Racing Facility, City contributing to Sabatnge Fund .... 480
5--Danner, Joe III, reappointed to the Plumbing Board ........ 480
5--Dubuque In-Future, Inc., Submitting MINUTES: ......... 482
5--Dement, Glenn, refund on Beer Permit ................... 483
19--Dock Ad Hoc Committee appointed ...................... 510
19--Dittemore, Daniel, appointed to Ad Hoc Dock Committee... 510
19--Dog Gone, (Dog Houset Inc., Class "C" Liquor License;
Cigarette Permit ..................................... 511, 525
19--Donut, Vickie Ann, Claim .............................. 512
19--Davis, Eleanor, Closing of Claim ........................ 512
19--DMATS Annual Report submitted ...................... 513
3--Drunk & Drugged Driving Awareness Week, Proclamation.
3--Duccini, John & Alice, re: vacatinn of portinn of Roosevelt St. 515, 516
3--Dock Ad Hoc Committee submitting MINUTES: .......... 518
3--Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. - Lease Agreement - re:
Parking spaces ....................................... 519, 533
3--Dodge St. (property at that corner & JFK & Wackerl - P & Z
approval of amendment to preliminary development plan for
Key City Investment Co. property ....................... 519
3--Dept. of Transportation (Iowa), Five Year Street Program
submitted ........................................... 523
3--Dock Board member R. sehmitt not seeking reappointment.
3--Dock Board appointments of William Blum, Sr. & Frank
Gilloon III .......................................... 524
3--Design Center, Inc., Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Liquor
License ............................................. 525
3--Dubuque Savings & Loan Assn. vs. Terry L. Bartmann et al
Notice of Levy & Sale of property located in City ........... 526
3--Dubuque County Institutional Accounts re: Petition for
suspension of real estate taxes .......................... 527
3--Dubuque In-Future, Inc. submitting financial report for FY
ending 6-30-84 ....................................... 527
3 --Dog Racing Facility - Grading Project, accepted ........... 531, 532
17--Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. - Lease of the Ornamen-
tel Lights ........................................... 537
Dec. 17--Double Lamp Street Light, Dubuque Historical Society r~ 537
questing this for Woodward Museum ....................
17--Dock Commission re: Cooperative Agreement for Marine 544
Fuel Tax Fund Project ................................
' 17--Deich, Council Member, re: Supportive of Council Member 547
Hammel's position concerning Conflict of Interest .........
"27--Dubuque Hotel & Convention Center Limited Partnership - 552
Loan Agreement .....................................
"27--Disposltion of Urban Renewal Parcel No. 4-2 for Dubuque 552
Hotel & Convention Center .............................
1984 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 6--Education Clubs (Distributive) of America Week, Proclama-
tion ................................................ 29
UTES: ............................... 43,105,193,341,423,511
6--Eric Eseer, claim ..................................... 43, 105
,, 18--Evar te, Jeff, re: Suspension from work dellberated ......... 46
,, 18--Engineers' Week, Proclamation ......................... 49
,, 18--Easter Seal Weeks in Dubuque, Pruclamation ............. 49
" 18--Eleventh (West) Urban Revit. Area, Tax Exemp., Appllca-
tion approved ........................................ 61
,, 18_Eighteenth St. Municipal Building, Parking set out ......... 83
" 18--Examinations (Promotional for Police Dept.) certified by
Civil Service Commission .............................. 68, 69
Mar. 5--Employ the Older Worker Week, Proclamation ............ 71
" 12--Emergency Telephone system (911 number) and joint com-
munications Center ................................... 81
" 12--Eberhardt, Auleen, addresses Council re: FY 85 budget and
supports free use of City parks .......................... 81
" 12--Ernst, Marie, objecting to elimination of Orange Line and
petition Council on behalf of Dubuque historical Society ..... 82, 84
,, 12_Energy Improvement Project moved to FY 85 budget ...... 83
Apr. 16--Evanoff, Charles, reappointed to Mechanical Cede Board .... 128
" 16--Expenditures for month of February ..................... 130
" 23--Eckhart, Teresa, M.D. (& Dr. Hall), Medical Clinic Revenue
Bonds Issuances .............................. 134-138, 171-173
" 23--Erschen, Benedict F., IBenny's) Cigarette Permit; Class "C"
Beer & Liquor License ................................. 138, 139
May 7--Exotic Pets (& Dangerous) Discussion as to regulation etc... 163, 245
" 14--Edens, Tammy, Transfer of Olde German Bank Liquor
License ............................................. 169
"21--Everist, Rev. Norma, Gave Invocation ................... 171
,, 2 l_Easeraent (Perpetual) - Lot 2 of Sears-Roebuck & Co. Subdivi-
sion No. to Frummelts ................................. 173
" 21--Employees (Non-Bargaining Unit), Compensation & Wage
Plan for FY 1985 ..................................... 189
" 21--Engle Discount Centers - 3 outlets; Cigarette Permits ....... 191
' 21 --Eichacker, Robert J., Claim; Closed ...................... 193, 423
June 4--Eska Co, Cigarette Permit ............................. 217
" 18--East Eighth St. - request by Handicapped Persons, Inc. to
use "No parking Signs" at their facility at that address ..... 235
" 18--Edens, Tammy A. (& P. Knourekl, Cigarette Permit; Class
"C" Liquor License ................................... 248, 250
" 25--Elks, Ben. & Protective Order, Cigarette Permit ........... 264
" 25--Eagles, Frat. Order of, Cigarette Permit .................. 264
" 25--EDA Project No. 05-01-01974 Audit (Dubuque Industrial
Center) ............................................. 265
' 29--EDA (Econ. Devel. Assn. I & Opp - stating 4th St. EDA Pro-
ject no longer a viable project & requesting reallocation of
funds ................ ~ .............................. 267
July 2--Elderhastel Week, Proclamatinn ........................ 269
2--Extension of U.S. 520 from Delaware to Four Lane Highway,
Embracing Freeway Concept ........................... 278
2--Ehlers, Jerome, applicant for TV Cable Reg. Corem ......... 279
2--Eliis, Charles appointed to TV Cable Reg. Corem ........... 279
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 2--Everist, Burton, reappointed to TV Cable Teleprogramming.
2--Ellis, Victorina, Cigarette Permit ........................ 280
' 16--Ellen St. residents objecting to small sewer system ......... 293
16--Environmental Review findings for two projects re:
Downtown Marketplace & Downtown Hotel Project ........ 296
- 16--Emlnent Domain Proceedings for Acquizition of proper tY f°r
N/W Arterial from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road ...... 301
" 16--Electrical Examining Board appointment of Daniel J. Ham~
reel ................................................ 303
' 16--Electrical Board of Appeals, appointment of David Grothe.
" 16--Evening Optimist Club of Dubuque, Class "B" Beer Permit;
Refund ............................................. 304, 391
" 16--Enderson, Jr., George, appointed to the Transit Board ...... 304
" 26--East 19th St. - Vacating a Portion and disposing to FDL
Foods, Inc .......................................... 308, 309
Aug. 6_EmmettSt.,re:ApprovaloffinalplatofCathedralCenter... 335
6--Easements (Public Utility) Vacation of same re: Council Hills
Subdivision etc ...................................... 336
" 20--Equality Day, Women's- Proclamation ................... 349
" 20--Excavation & Concrete Work etc. for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility, Package A .......................... 352, 353, 377-380
" 20--Eagle Point Bridge re: abandoning portions of Rhomberg
Ave. for ponsible restaurant ............................ 355, 381
" 20--Eckhart, Dr. Teresa A., re: Issuance of Medical Clinic
Revenue Bonds, etc ................................... 356-364
" 20--Eminent Domain Proceedings for Acquisition of Leasehold
Rights of 5 Acre Lease held by Industrial Management Inc.
on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island .................... 365
" 20--Executinn of amendment to Consent Decree re: Wastewater
Treatment Plant ..................................... 365
" 20--Evarts, Jeff, Bus Operator, re: Affirmation of discharge ..... 368
,, 20--Elm Street &12th St., petition fur four'way stop ........... 371, 424
Sept. 4--Engelken, Elmer, re: Secondhand/Dealer Ordinance ........ 381
4--Eagle Point Bridge, re: Option Agreement with Susan M.
Balsamo for vacated roadway of same .................... 381
4--Eonmenical Towers parking lot, re: Increased fee for same,
objections ........................................... 384
4--Economic Development Steering Committee re: Agreement
for Economic Development Services with Chamber of Com-
merce etc ...........................................
" 4--Edens, Tammy A., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 390
4--Ellis, Victoria A., suit by J.H. Morong, etc ................ 390
,, 17_Electricni Code (National) of 1984, adopted ............ 402,427,428
" 17--Equipment & Training Comm. of Cable Teleprogramming
Comm. submitting MINUTES: ......................... 423
Oct. 1--Emergency Medical Service Program, ServiCe Program
Directors designated .................................. 433
1--Eleventh St. Historic Preservation District (West),
designated etc ....................................... 429
l_EastDubuqueFireDept.,re:FireMutualAidAgreement.. · 432, 433
1--Emergency Medical Service Program, Directors designated.
8--Exemption (Partial) from property taxation for certain In-
dustrial property ..................................... 446, 447
8--Electrical System for Dog Track (Bid Package "C") .........
........................................ 450, 451,493, 498-502
1984 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 8--Entrance ramp authorized for F & S Radiator of 850 Jackson
St ................................................. 461
" 15--Enzler, Jerry, for Historical Society requesting historic
lights .............................................. 466
" 15--Engle Point Tavern, Ltd., 2401 Windsor, Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................. 468
Nov. 5--Economic Feasibility Study re: Rockdale Road Bridge, up-
dated ............................................... 475
" 5--Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd. (Windsor Tap), Cigarette Permit.
................................................... 481
" 13--Edwards Concrete Contractors awarded contract for Dog
Track Package "C" Concrete 12, Concrete Topping & Risers.
................................................... 494, 495
" 13--Eleetrical System Contract awarded to Mnidt Electric Ser-
vice Inc. for Dog Track ................................ 502
" 19--E.C.LA. Business Growth, Inc. - Contribution Agreement for
Establishment of an EDA Revolving Loan Fund and Direc-
ting Mayor to sign .................................... 507
" 19--Economic Development Administration Revolving Loan
Fund - Contribution Agreement between City & ECIA
Business Growth, Inc ................................. 507
" 19--Environmental Review Findings for Certain CD Projects,
Proof of publication of Notice ........................... 510
" 19--Eagle Discount Supermarket//109, Class "C" Beer Permit... 511
" 19--Eichman, Robert, Claim ............................... 512
" 19--ECIA, by C. Buckleitner, submitting 1984 DMATS Annual
Report. 513
3--Eleventh St, (West), Establishment of Historic Preservation
Area ............................................... 517, 518
3--Eagle Discount Stores re: Suspension of Class "C" Beer Per-
mit ................................................ 520
3--Ecumenical Towers Parking lot - re: Change in fee .......... 520
3--Elks Club, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 525
3~E.B. Lyons Nature Center, construction of garage .......... 527
" 17--Entitlement Funds for FY 85' - CD Development Block
Grant. 549
" 17--EDA advising Project No. 05-0t0-02108 terminated ........ 549
1984 SUBJECT Page
................... 5, 43, 129, 164, 250, 281,342, 390, 437, 483, 511
3--Fuiler, Gloria, Denial of Claim .......................... 5
3--Fire Equipment Operators, Individuals Certified by Civil Ser-
vice Corem ............. ............................. 6
" 16--Foht, Carolyn, Settlement of Claim ...................... 26
" 16--Funding request by Helping Services for NE Ia,, Inc ........ 27
" 16--Fisch, William, re: Solution to disposal of sludge in sewage
system ............................................. 27
' 16--Financial Report (Annual) for FY ending June 30, 1983, sub-
mitted .............................................. 27
Feb. 6--Frommait Building Corp., Approval of Plat of Vacated Por-
tions of Huff St. hear this .............................. 35, 51
" 6--Frommlet Building Corp. Sale of City-Owned Property .....
.............................................. 36, 51, 52, 169
" 6--Frommslt Building Corp., Execution of Certificate of Comple-
tion ................................................ 38
" 6--Frommelt Industries, Execution of Certificate of Completion.
" 6--Fransen, Lorraine A., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 42
" 6--Finance Director's report for Dec. 1983 ................... 44
"21--Five Year Capital Improvement Program, Public Hearing... 59, 60
"21--Franchise, re: Protecting the Integrity of Dubuque Cable
Delivery Services ..................................... 65
" 21 --Frye, Yvonne, Settlement of Claim ...................... 68
"21--Finance Director submitting report for Feb. 1984 .......... 69, 106
"21--FebruaryreportsofFinancialDirector&Treasurer ......... 69, 106
Mar. 5--Friendship Force, Bob Bonneweli requests City official sup-
port for September trip to China ........................ 74
" 12--FIRE DEPT., re: Proposed establishment of Volunteer Fire-
fighters program ..................................... 81-84
' 12--Fjeilman, Judie, for League of Women Voters, re: Joint
Center & 911 Emergency Telephone System; Funding for In-
fOrmation & Reforail .................................. 81-82
' 19--Fraternal Order of Eagles, Class "C" Liquor License ........ 104
" 19--February reports Fin. Dir. & Dap. Fin. Director ............ 106
Apr. 2--Fair Houaing Month, Proclamation ...................... 109
2--Funds (CD) to Area Residential Care Foundation ........... 115
" 12--Fritsch, Arnald, Claim;Sottlement ...................... 117, 125
" 16--Five Flags, Assignment of Agreement between Roberts &
TFM Co ............................................ 123
" 16--Final Plat of Dubuque Inc. Center Fifth Addn, Approved... 126
' 16--Final Plat of Dubuque Harbor Co.~s 2nd Addn., Approved... 127
" 16--Final plat of "Hardee's First Addn. ', Approved ........... 127
" 16--First China, Inc. (Dubuquel, Class "C' Beer & Liquor
License ............................................. 129
" 16--Febrnary, List of Claims & Expenditures ................. 130
May 7--Foster Grandparent Day, Proclamation .................. 141
7--First Judicial District Dept. of Correctional Services re: Is-
suance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds ......... 148-156
7--Fransen, Gary Lee, Class "C' Liquor License .............. 164
7--Fire Dept. Ambulance Driver/Attendant individual certified
by Civil Service Corem ................................ 165
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 14--Frommelt Bldg. Corp., Sale of City-owned property .........
" 21--Fr°nunelt Ind. - City approving dispositinn of Lot 2 of Sears
& Roebuck Co. Subdivision No. 2, retaining a perpetual Ease*
"21--Funds', permanent Transfer ............................ 173
,, 176
21--Firefighters. Agreement between City and them ........... 188
" 21--Flynn Co., Inc., Awarded Contract for J.F. Kennedy
Reconstruction ...................................... 190
' 21--Fire & Police Retirement System, consideration for appoint-
ment of member ...................................... 191
"21--Family Mar t, Cigarette Permit .......................... 191
"21--Fireworks Display, petitions by Golf & Country Club &
Jaycees ............................................. 193
June 4--Fencing Project re: Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park
& Recreatlan Complex etc ................... 206,269-271,386,387
4--Frommelt's requesting tax exempt, for new construction,
changing applicant from Frommelt Ind. to Frommelt Part-
ncr ship ......................................... 207, 224, 225
4--Findley, Lefty, objecting to Belle mooring ................ 208
4--Flynn Co., Awarded contract for J.F. Kennedy Road Project.
" 4--Fenelon, Ken, Finer Foods ............................. 217
4--Finance Director report for April 1984 ................... 219
" 18--Fire & Police Pension Board - Appointment of Fred J. Pape.
" ' .................................................. 247
,, 18--Fitzpatrick, John (& William Dully), Cigarette Permit ...... 248
18--Fischer Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit ................. 248
" 18--Fitzgerald's Bar X Ltd., Cigarette Permit ................. 248
" 18--Fransen, Lorraine, Cigarette Permit .... . 248
" 18--Finnan, Mike (Ford), Cigarette Permit.. 248
" 18--Fink, Douglas, Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
' 18--FebruaryCouncilProceedinge, AdoptedasPrinted ......... 250
" 18--Finance D/rector reports for May ........................ 251
"25--FDL Foods, Cigarette Permit ........................... 264
' 25--Flexteel Inc., Cigarette Permit .......................... 264
" 25--Fraternal Order of Eagies, Cigarette Permit ............... 264
*' 29--FourthSt. EDAproject.nolongervlable ................. 267
July 2--Freeway Concept embraced for Extension of US 520 from
Delaware County to the Four Lane Highway west of Dubuque.
;: .................. 278
2--F~tzpatrick, John M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 281
" 16--FDL First Addn., p & Z approving final plat ............... 287
" 16~FDL re: Pretreatment Facility re: UDAG Grant etc .... 288
" 16--FDL re City vacating a port/on of E. 19th St. and disposing
of same to them.
,, ' ................................ 291,308, 309
16--Fransen, Thomas of Keymeer St. objecting to small sewers
which back up during heavy rains. 293
16--Five Flags Center & Wahlert High School, Agreement ...... 302
" 16--Formosan Enterprises, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor
Licenses ............................................ 305
' 16--Fitzgerald's Bar X, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ........ 305
" 16--Fciton, John G., Claim; Denial .......................... 305, 342
" 16--Fciton, Michael J., Claim; Closing ....................... 305, 512
" 26--FDL Foods, Inc. - Subordination Agreement in favor of
American Trust & Savings Bank re: Loan for pretreatment
facility ............................................. 310
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 26--FDL First Addn. - City Executing partial Releases of Real
Estate Mortgage & partial Releases of Financing Statement 312
as to Lot 1 and Lot 3 ..................................
Aug. 6_Fair Week, Dubuque County - Proclamation ............... 325
,, 6--Family Mart, Inc., Class "C' Beer Permit ................. 341
,, 20--Foundation Systems for the Dog Racing Facility - Project... 352, 353
,, 20_Four th St.. recummendation to vacate 15' strlp on north side
between Main & Iowa Streets & sell to Investment Counse-
.... 355, 382, 473
lore, Inc .....................................
20--Fox, Betty, putting City on notice as to liability for the sewer
" 356
problem on west end IKeymeer area etc.) ..................
"20--Fecker, Agnes, claim; Settlement ........................ 370, 437
Sept. 4_Five Flags submitting Yeer End Report {1984) ............. 390
" 4--Fire Pension Fund & Fire Retirement System, Financial 391
report ..............................................
" 17--F.B.O.'s at Airport, re: Parking situation ................. 403
17--Francbias Administrator of Cable Co. re: Report about
" 404
outages .............................................
17--Fourth St. to Ninth St. - on Locust, changes in Parking re-
'' 414
quirements ..........................................
,, 17_Five Fiage Civic Center, c0nversion to Electric Blcucher s' ' 419-420
,, 17 _Frieburger, William, applicant for Airport Commissi°n ...... 421
,, 17 _Four Mounds Task Force Submitting Minutes ............. 423
Oct. 1--Flynn Co., awarded contract for J.F. Kennedy reconstruc- 432
tion ................................................ 432, 433
1 --Fire Mutual Aid Agreements ...........................
1--Finance Report for FY ending 6-30-84 submitted ........... 438
1--Finance Director monthly reports submitted .............. 438
1 _F & S Radiator, cunstruction of Drive-In Entrance Ramp .... 438, 461
8_Fire Volun~ecr Program, program dropped ................ 447, 448
8--Fire Sprinkler Systems for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility,
Project ...................................... 450, 451,499-500
" 15--Fire Code, Uniform ................................ 457,485-489
" 15--Franchise Revenue (Cable TV) to Cable TV Information 462
Center .............................................. 463
15--FDL Foods, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 465
15--Financial Report for Year Submitted ..................... 465
15--Fink, Doug, Cigarette Refund .......................... 465
15--Fitzgerald, James C., Cigarette Refund ...................
15_Farragnt Street, 2000, request by Mrs. Lange f°r carp°rt .... 465, 478
15--Four Mounds Task Force & Park & Recreation Comm. sub- 465
mitting report .................................. 481
Cigarette Permit ' ' '
" 15--Finale Lounge, ' ....................
Nov. 5 _Financu Director submitting September rep°r t ............ 483
5--Fitzgerald, James, Refund on Liquor License .............. 483
5--Frost, Elena, Refund on Beer-Wine License ............... 483
5--Federal Cable Legislation, advising by Cable Franchise Ad- 483
ministrator ..........................................
" 19--Feaelbility Study for Hotel - Scope of Services ............. 504
Dec. 3--Fuerst, Shirley A., re: vacating a portion of Roosevelt St. &
515, 516
buying it ............................................
3--Fee increase at Ecumenical Towers parking lot ............ 520, 522
" 3--Fourth Street Parking - Meters? ........................ 522
3--Five Year Street Construction Program submitted ......... 523
3--Financial report for October ............................
3--Financial report of Dubuque In-Future, Inc. for fiscal year 527
ending June 30, 1984 ..................................
1984 SUBJECT Page
Dec. 17--Fourth St. representative (S. Prochaska) re: Ordinances cun-
cerning parking in Fourth St. area ....................... 544
" 17--Fual Tax Fund Project (Marine) re: Cooperative Agreement
for Development & Maintenance ........................ 544
"17--Flattery, Pamela M., Claim ............................. 548
"17--Fuller, Gayle M., Claim ................................ 548
" 17--Fire Captain/Inspector certified by Civil Service Comm. (J.
Miller) .............................................. 550
" 17--FinancialReport for Nov. submitted ..................... 551
" 27--Form of Agreement for Sale of Land for Private Redevelop-
ment re: Urban Renewal Property (Parcel No. 4-2) .......... 552
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Gearhart, W. Kenneth, Reaffirmed Appointment & Sworn In.
" 3--Group W Cable - Ordinance allowing Increase of Charges for
certain Cable Services ................................. 3, 16
3--Gomer's, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 5
,, 16_Grants under UMTA, Filing of Applications (Keyline) ....... 8
,, 16_Gross, Rohart R., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer & Liqu°r
License; Refund .................................... 25, 26, 165
,, 16--Glover, Thomas, DeniaiofClaim ........................ 26, 437
,, 16_Goldthorpe, Cindy, Settlement of Claim .................. 26
Feb. 6_Golinvaux, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 42
6--Goetzinger, James, Class "C" Liquor License ..............
6--Gerhard, Curtis, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 42
6--General Casualty Companies, Claim; Settled .............. 43, 390
" 6--Greiner, Robert, Denialof Claim ........................ 43
,, 18_Gross, Rebert, Refund on Cigarette Permit ............... 69
Mar. 5_Girl Scnnt Blue Star Week, Proclamatinn ................. 71
" 19--Gilloon, Arthur, attorney for Dean Seardino Estate, Claim.
"19--Grantee Performance Report (annual) Proof of Publication.
" 19--Group W Cable, requesting rate increase .................. 103
Apr. 2--Grantee Performance Report, HUD received, & receipt of
submission for CD Block Grant Entitlement Funds ......... 118
2--Ginter, John & Sharon, Denial of Claim ................... 118
" 2--Glover, Lois, questioning Police procedure & rules .......... 119
" 16--Grant Agreement (CD) with HUD, 12 month program ....... 126
" 16--Geisler, Thomas A., reappointed to the Mechanical Board.. · 128
" 16--Ginter, Donna M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 129
" 16--Group W Cable submitting 1983 Annual Report ........... 130
May 7_Grandparent (Featerl Day, Proclamation ................. 141
7--General Obligation (B.O.) Bonds, $750,000 Airport Ira- 141-142
provements .........................................
7--Grant Amendment with UMTA for 80% funding for Keyline
items ...............................................
7--Gross, Robert & Pat, Refund on Liquor License ............ 165
7--Grantce Performance Report - HUD, completion & in com-
pliance .............................................
"21--Grants under UMTA, Filing of applications ............... 177
" 21--Grant - Letter of Agreement with State Historical Dept. to
prepare a National Register Nomination for Cathedral
District .............................................
,, 21 _Generai Drivers & Helpers Union, Agreement with City ..... 186
" 21-~olf & Country Club, Class "A" Beer & Liquor License ...... 192
,, 21 _Golf & Country Cinb, requeet for fireworks display ......... 193
June 4_Grandview Ave. re: 1984 Asphalt Paving ProJect ........... 199
4--G.O. Bonds - Sale of $750,000 ...........................
4--Grant Close-Out Agreement with HUD for UDAG Project
(A.Y. McDonald) ....................... 217
4--Gerhard, Curtis L., Cigarette Permit .................... 217
4--Goetzinger, James W., Cigarette Permit ...................
4--Glover, Thomas W., Claim; Denial ....................... 248
,, 18--Grandview Drug, Cigarette Permit ...................... 248
,, 18--Gomer's Bar~ Cigarette Permit ..........................
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 25--Group W Cable, Fee Increase ect ........................
............................ 236, 263, 278, 293, 343, 364. 473, 498
" 25--Gross, Robert R., Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
" 25--Germain. Gary L., Class "B" Beer & Wine License .......... 264
" 25--Ginter. Donna M., Cigarette Perndt ...................... 264
July 2--Gabrielson, Paul, Gave Invocation ...................... 269
2--Grading Project, Dubuque Dog Track ....................
............................ 273, 274, 283, 284, 320, 321. 531,532
" 2--Galiiart, Lyle, appointed to the Park & Recreation Comm .... 279
" 2--Ginter, Harriet, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit .... 280
" 2--Gerhard, Curtis L., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 281
" 2--Gartner, William, Claim- Closed ........................ 281
" 16--Grant Agreement re: Disposition of Interest(s) in Real
Estate, FDL, Inc. etc .................................. 288-290
" 16--Grant St., residents having problems with sewer back-ups.
................................................... 293
" 16--Grothe, David W., appointed to Elec. Board of Appeals ..... 303
" 16--Germain, Gary, Cigarette Permit ........................ 304
" I6--Gomer's Inc.. Class "C" Liquor License .................. 305
Aug. 6--Grading & Drainage Contract, N/W Ar teriai ........ 330-332,398-400
6--Grantee Performance Report on Dubuque's Jobs Bill Pro-
gram to HUD - Proof of publication ...................... 342
6--G.O. Bonds, $1,400,000 for Essentiai Corp. Purpose ........ 344, 349
6--G.O. Bonds, saie of $7,900,000 ................... 345,346,393-395
6--Guy, Jerry, report on Race Track Facility .................
................................... 349, 376, 397, 427, 440. 450
6--Grading of Dog Track, questioned by Operating Engineers.
................................................... 349
6--Goodman. Dominic W., Claim; Settlement ................ 370, 437
" 27--Greyhound Equipment Co., Purchase of Lure System for Dog
Track .............................................. 373
Sept. 4--Guarantee to Performance on Purchase Agreement between
Dubuque In-Future, Inc. and Owners of former J.C. Penney
bldg ................................................ 388
" 17--Group W Cable Outages, report from Cable Administrator.
Oct. 1 --Gomer's Bar, re: Liquor License for Whiskey River etc ...... 428
1--Grade Elevations established on Kennedy Road .......... 430
1--Greyhaund Racing Facility, purchase of Starting Boxes ..... 435
1--Golinvaux, Ellen, Claim ............................... 437
8--Government {Locel~, Week, Proclamation ................. 440
8--Gravity Main (Offsite), Lift Station & Forceman for Dog
Track, Contract Awarded to Tschiggfrle Excavating. ...... 442
Nov. 19--Gonyier, James, appointed to Ad Hoc Dock Committee ..... 510
' 19--Geladas, James A., of T-H re: New Transient Merchants Or-
dinance ............................................. 512
" 19--Golinvaux, Ellen M., Small Claims Suit: Closure ........... 512, 526
Dec. 3--Gilloon, Frank III, appointed to Dock Board .............. 524
3--Gearhart, City Manager, report on Cedar Cross Road Bridge
and announcing immediate closing ...................... 526
3--Garage construction at E.B. Lyons Nature Center by Iowa
Conservation Commission ............................. 527
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Historic Pres· Comm. re: Demolition request for Strand
Theatre ............................................. 3, 27
3--Howard Johnson Co., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 5
MINUTES .......... 5,43,105,164,251,305,341,370,390,423,437
464, 482, 526, 548
MINUTES .......................................... 5
3--Hopkins, Michael J., Cigarette Permit Refund ............. 6
" 16--Harbaugh, Rev. Gene, Gave Invocation .................. 8
" 16--Housing, Ordinance changing Salesman to Salespersons .... 23, 24
" 16--Human Rights Comm. appointments of Esther Chi, Daniel
Nicholson, Ruby Sutton & Matthew Devlin ............... 24, 25
" 16--Hosch, Terrance, Denial of Claim ........................ 26
" 16--Helping Services for NE Iowa, Inc., requesting City funding.
" 16--Hopkins, Michnel D., Liquor License refund ............... 27
" 16--Helle, Klosterman & Co., FY '83 Audit, Reports submitted.
................................................... 27
Feb. 6--Hockey (Youth) Week, Proclamation ..................... 29
6--Huff St., re: Vacation of portion near Frommelt Bldg ....... 35, 51
6--Hard Times Bar, Cigarette Permit ....................... 41
6--Heft, Ardell L., Claim ................................. 43
6--Heibing, Connie, Settlement of Claim .................... 43
6--Horsfali, Paul, Settlement of Claim ...................... 43
6--Haferbacker, Earl, Cigarette License refund ............... 43
6--Handicapped Status, Public Notice of Policy of Non-
discrimination ....................................... 44
6--Historic Places (National Register), 1295 Prairie St ......... 44
6--Human Rights Dept. re: Dubuque Federation of Labor urg-
ing retention ......................................... 44
" 21--Historic Preservation Comm. approve name change of
historic district from L. Binff to Cathedral ............... 58,59,92
" 21--Honkamp, Jill, Claim; Denial .......................... 68, 78, 165
" 21--Housing Inspection Services proposal set out by City Inspec-
tors R. Hanselmann & E. Zenner ........................ 70
" 21--Hanseimann. Roger, re: Alternate Inspection services plan.
............. 77, 105, 117, 129, 164, 218, 281,370, 390, 437,482, 526
.................. 43, 77, 117, 164, 218, 281,341,423, 437, 482, 548
5--Herrig, Donald, Claim, Denial .......................... 78, 130
5--Heir, Ardene. Settlement of Claim ....................... 78
5--Human Rights re: Support for maintenance level budget .... 81
5--Hemmer, Paul, of Dubuque Musicians Assn., objecting to
Park entry fee & requesting funding ..................... 82
" 12--Haliiburten, L.H., re: Historical Society & budget ete ....... 83, 84
" 12--Hotel-Motel Tax, re: funding for Convention & Visitors
Bureau ............................................. 83
" 19--Harder, Elmer, no objection te zoning change on Univereity.
" 19--Houeing Comm. appointment ........................... 102
" 19--Hess, John E., re: Civil Service Comm. appointment ........ 103
" 19--Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board, terms ......... 104
" 19--Honkamp, Arule, Reporting on Dog Racing Track study .... 98
, 19--Harrmann, Terry of Dubuque Racing Assn. LTD. address
Council on building Dog Racing Track .................... 98
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr. 2--Houeing, (Fair), Month, Proclamation .................... 109
2--Haneen, Joan, Youth in Government City Council Member.
2--Hoff. nn, Youthln Government City Clerk ..... ii'i:109
2--Highway 20 & Highway 52, Modification of Traffic Signals. 109
-- , ~ r~arwoou), Cigarette Permit.. 116
" 2--Hash, Voiney, Class "B" Liquor Permit ...... ' ........ 117
2--Hoe, William, Claim ........
........................... 118
2--Human Rights Comm. & City sued by E. & G. Brhneyer ..... 118
2--HUD receipt of Grantee Perf. Report etc. for CD Block Grant
Funds for FY 84 ...........
...... 118
" 16--H°l°caust, Remembeance of Victims of, preclamation ...... 120
" 16--Hammerand, Alfred & Edna Mary, Objeetlng to aseeeemente
for Kennedy Read Project ............................. 120
" 16--Itollday Oil Distributing, Inc., objecting to assessments for
Kennedy Road Project ................................ 120
" 16--HUD. Application for UDAG Grant for Dubuque Historic
Improvement Co. at "Redefune" · · · · 122
" 16--Historic Improvement Co. re: Request for Grant for
" ' ....................................... 122, 132
16--HUD, CD Block Grant Agreement (12 month program) ...... 120
" 16--Harbor (Dubuque) Co.'s 2nd Addn.; Approval of Final Plat.
' 127
16--Hawkeye-Security Ins. (for William Bruggeman), Claim ..... 129
" 16--Handicapped Parking, City Manager commuhicatlon ....... 130
"23--Hall, Dr,. (& Eckhart) Project. re: Medical Clinic Revenue
...................................... 134-138, 171-173
May 7--Hutchcroft, John A., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for
Ambulance Driver/Attendant .......................... 165
7--Houslng Rehabilitation Program, Cinhn by Dubuque Bank &
Trust vs. them and G. Udelhofen ........................ 105
" 7--HUD - Grantee Performance Report completed & in com-
............................................ 166
7--Human Rights Dept. resignation of Clarence Dully ......... 166
" 21--Hearing & Speech Day, Preclamation .................. 171
" 21 --Historical Dept. State, re: National Register Nomination for
Cathed~, al District ....................................
"21--Happy s Place, Cigarette Permit ..................... 183, 184
' 191
21--Hy-Vee Food Stores, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............... 191
, 21 --H°using Commisslon reeignation of Sist er Jordan Dalun .... 194
"21--HUD, advieing of receipt of City's audit for CD Bleck Grant
Program & receipt of Dubuque's Urban Development Action
Grant application ..... ~ .............................. 194
June 4--"Hwe A Veteran Month", preclamat~on ......... 197
4--Hughes, Attorney Alfred, re: Odor Problem at Inland
Molasses ............................................ 202
" 4--Hawthorne Street Boat Ramp Area, - Lease - Objections ..... 207, 208
" 4--Hohnecker, Randy re: Concern for boaters at Hawthorne St.
Boat Ramp ....................
4-HUD - Grant Cleaeout Agree ' 208
McDonald's) ......................................... 210
4--Haugen, Kenneth O. & Ruth Ann, Delinquent Refuse Collec-
tion Acc't ........................................... 214
4--Hoffman House, Cigarette Permit ....................... 217
4--Hartig Drug Co. Cigarette Permits - 4 outlets... 217
" 4--anus, Susan, Dehiai of C im ................ i:::::::::i 219
4 --Haigh, Dorothy, Denial of Claim ........................219
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 4--Housing & Urban Development (HUD) expressed apprecia-
tion for courtesies shown by Staff ....................... 219
4--Handlcapped Person s Inc. re: Pernusmon to use No Park-
ing Signs" at their facility on 8th St ..................... 235
" 18--Heathcote, Care, re: Group W Cable TV rate increase ....... 236
18--Heron, Inc. CigarettePern~t.;Class"C"LiquorLicense ..... 248, 250
18--Hiatt & Schroeder Tap, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............. 248
18--Hoffman, David H., Cigarette Permit .................... 248
18--Holiday Oil Dist., Inc,, Cigarette Permits - 4 outlets ........ 248
18--Hancock, William, Cigarette Permit ..................... 249
18--Holiday Inn, Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................... 249
18--Harbor (New) Development, Inc., Cigarette Permit ......... 249
" 25--Hotel (Convention) Documents approved re: Downtown Ur-
ban Renewal ......................................... 255
" 25--Harwood, Greg R., Cigarette Permit ..................... 264
" 25--Heinz Convenience Stores, Inc. Cigarette Permit ........... 264
" 25--Hall, John, Cigarette Permit ............................ 264
July 2--Hotel, Convention re: UDAG assistance .................. 275
2--Hickey-Buting, Mar(eh, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.
2--Historic Preservation Commission appointments of
R. Beecher & J. Zenner ................................ 279
2--Heathcote, Care, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.
2--Hoverman, Sr. Carol, appointed to TV Cable Teleprogram-
ming ............................................... 279
2--Hart, Clifford, Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 280
2--Heinz Convenience Stores, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 280
2--Hy-Vee Food Stores, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 280
" 16--Hotel (Convention) Issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Inc. Rev.
Bonds .............................................. 286
" 16--Hawthorne St. Municipal Launching ramp re: special speed
zone ................................................ 299, 300
" 16--Hammel, Daniel J. appointed to Board of Elec. Examiners.
" 16--Historic Preservation Comm. appointment of Paula Steniund.
" 16--Human Rights Comm. appointment of Gaff Dias ........... 303
" 16--Hansen, Veronica, applicant for Human Right Corem ....... 303
" 16--Herrlg, Arnold, applicant for Human Rights Corem ......... 303
" 16--Hilvers, William, appointed to Transit Board .............. 304
" 16--House of China, Cigarette Permit ....................... 304
" 26--Highway No. 61 - Iowa DOT agreement, improvement to
road systems (Milwaukee RR property) ................... 311
" 26--Hotel Project - Submission of request for release of funds, re:
Downtown .......................................... 317
" 30--Harrmann, Terry, re: Awarding dredging contract for Dog
Track .............................................. 320
" 30--Hotel (Convention), redevelopment of Urban Renewal
Disposition Parcel 4-2 ................................. 321
" 30--Hotel (Convention), Filing of Applicant for UDAG Grant .... 322
Aug. 6--Human Rights Comm. submitting report of the Commission.
6--Hili St. re: Portion of property requested by J. Moore ....... 331, 332
6--Historic Pres. Comm. resignation of Judie Schiel ........... 342
6--Hingtgnn, Lavern & Margaret, Claim; Settlement .......... 342, 512
8--Honkamp, Arnie, re: Racing Assn. members ............... 344
" 20--Hall, James C., Dr. re: Medical Clinic Rev Bond Issue ....... 356
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 20--Housing Comm. appointments of P. Casey & R. LaRue ...... 369
"20--Hotel, Dubuque Downtown Project & Notice of No Sign. El-
fect on the Environment, Proof of publication ............. 371
"20--HUD advising of receipt of Dubuque's Urban Development
Action Grant App .................................... 371
Sept. 4--Hammel, William, sworn in as Mayor Prc-Tem for 8 months.
dinance ...................................... ....... 381
4--Hnasing Comm. appointment of Linda McDonald ......... 389
4--Hingtgnn, Doris, applicant for Housing Corem ............. 389
4--Holy Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 389
4--Happy's Place, Class "C" Liquor Lieense ................. 390
" 17--Holiand Bros. awarded contract for N/W Arterial Grading &
Drainage Contract, from Penn. Ave. to Asbury Road ....... 400
" 17--Helicopters Ia~nding at Iowa Army National Guard property
on Radfurd Road ..................................... 402
" 17--Historic Improvement Co. re: Redstone Lighting ........... 403
" 17--Hammel, Council Member, re: Parking at Airport .......... 403
" 17--Harhin, S, Lynn, Cia/m; Settlement ...................... 423, 437
Oct. 1--Higher Education Week, Proclamation... 427
1--Handicapped Week, National Employ the, ~r~i~i~. ' i:: 427
1--HEARING re: issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to P.
Barry & G. Kupferschmidt dib/a Whiskey River ........... 428
1--Hoppmann, Jeannette, re: behavior of bar patrons on Univer~
sity ................................................ 428
1--Historic Preservation Corers. re: Designation of W. llth St.
Historic Preservation District .......................... 429
" 1--Holiday Oil, filing of Decree in suit matter re: J.F. Kennedy
Road Paving ........................................ 432
1--Human Rights Curare. re: Agreement with HUD (USA) ..... 434
1--Housing Services Div., change approved for fuli-time clerk
from Parttime ....................................... 434
1--Helling, Anthony & Bette, Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Liquor
License .................
............................ 436
1--H/Il, Patricia Ann, Class "C" Beer-W/ne License ........... 436
1--Hotel Business, re: Dubuque Inn owner]manager requesting
priorities being set.. 438
8--Hiway 20, south side, & both sides from Wacker, Stop signs
installed ............................................ 445
" 8--Hiway 20 & Wacker Drive, Stop signs installed ............ 445-446
" 15--HVAC Systems for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Package
"C". ........................................ 450-452, 498-501
" 15--Hudson, Robertre:BargeFleetingrequest ................ 458, 513
" 15--Har t, Hazel, Claim closed. 464
" 15--Historical Society (Dubuque County) requesting one historic
double lamp for Riverboat Museum & 11 for Dubuque Harbor
Project ............................................. 466, 537
5--Hamilton, Father Phill~p, Gave Invocation ................ 469
5--Hartig Drug Co., Class "C" Beer Permits - 5 outlets ........ 481
MINUTES: ......................................... 482, 526
5--Historlc Preservation Con~m. resignation of Ruth Brockman.
................................................... 483
19--Hili St., request by John Moore to purchase portion on that
Street .............................................. 503
19--Hotel Feasibility Study, re: Scope of Services presented ..... 504
" 19--Historic Improvement Co., Redstone Rehab. Project, Loan of
CD Funds.
1984 SUBJECT Page
Nov. 19--Hammel, Council Member, designated as Council llaean to
Ad Hoc Dock Committee .............................. 510
,, 19_Human Righte Commission resignation of Mark Pries ...... 513
Dec. 3_Historlc preaervation Distric, - Establishment of W. 11th St.
8--Historic Improvement Co. - Lease of property to same, for
parking places ....................................... 518
,, 17_Historic Improvement Co. - Lease of Ornamental Lighte ..... 537
" 17--Housing - re: Execution of Application for 25 Units of Sec-
tion 8 ...............................................
,, 17_Hotel (Convention) - Loan Guarantce for Downtown Hotel, .. 542
" 17--Housing Rehab. Program - releasing City's interest in real
estate rehabilitated through that program ................ 543
,, 17_Hammel, CouncilMemberre:ConflictofInterestCharges.. · 544, 545
" 17--Hoffman, David H., Class "C" B~er & Liquor License ....... 548
,, 17_Historic Precervation Commission requestlng vaeancy not be 549
filled etc ............................................
" 17--Hotel, Downtown Convention re: Issuance of Commerical
Development Revenue Bonds etc ........................ 552, 553
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 16--Industrial Revenue Bonds, for Area Residential Care Project.
.......................................... 10-13, 32, 161-163
" 16--Inilustria Center, Paving & Utility Installations ........... 22
Feb. 6-- Iowa Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 42
6--Inn's of Iowa, Ltd, Dubuque, Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Liquor
" 21--Industrlal Revenue Bonds re: First Judicial District Dubuque
Community Corrections Facility ................. 54-58, 93, 148-156
Mar. 12--Information and Referral Services-funding FY 85 Budget .... 82, 83
" 12--Isenhart, Bud, speaking in opposition to park fees and
deleting Cultural Arts Program re FY 85 Budget ........... 82. 83
Apr. 2--Iowa Dept. of Trans. re: Modification of Traffic Signals on
Hwy 20 & Hwy52. 114
" 16--Industrial Center Fifth Addition, approval of Final Plat ..... 126
May 7--Iowa DOT re: Application for Operating Assistance for FY
1985 ............................................... 145
7--Iowa DOT, re: Construction of N/W Arterial - Right-of-Way
Acquisition and Construction ........................... 158-160
7--Iron Kettle Beer & Wine Permit, Transfer ................. i63
7--Iowa CD Loan Program - re: Area Residential Care ......... 159-163
7--Inland Molasses Co., Claim... 165
7--Insurance Dept. of Iowa - re: Merchants Bonding Co.
(Mutual) - ok to transact business in Iowa ................. 166
" 21--Infield & Warning Track Construction re: Park & Rec. Cora-
plex on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ..... 180-181,228-230,550
" 21--Iowa State Historical Dept. re: Cathedral National Register
District ....................... : ..................... 184
June 4--Inland Molasses Co., rezoding to Planned Ind. District
(Along Julien Dubuque Drive) .......................... 202
4--Interior Fencing Project for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Island Park & Recreation Complex ...................... 205-207
4~Iowa DOT Project Agreement re: Relocation & reconstruc-
tion of U.S. 61 from 6th St. to City Island Bridge ........... 211
4--Imperial Lanes, Inc. Cigarette Permit .................... 217
4--Inns of Iowa Ltd., Cigarette Permit ...................... 217
" 18--Investment Counselors, Inc. re: Issuance of Industrial De-
velopment Revenue Bonds .................. 229, 253, 283, 284-286
" 18--Industrial Development Revenue Bonds re: Investment
Counselors Petition ................................ 229-233, 253
" 18--Information and Referral Service re: Funding Agreement .... 234
" 18--Iowa Oil Co. ' IOCO Speede Shoppe - 4 outlets, Cigarette Per.
mits ............................................... 248
" 18--IowaOi Co. IowaGas, CigarettePerm/t .................. 248
" 25--Inwood Street, elimination of certain lots of Walker-Oneida
Sewer Project.. 258
July 2--Iowa Street Parking Ramp - Joint Repairs & Boilard
Replacements Project. 276
" 16--Iowa State Conservation Comm. re: 5 mile speed limit in
Peosta channel ...... . 299
" 26--Iowa Dept. of Transportation Agreement re: Relocated Hwy.
61, re: Improvements to the Milwaukee Road properties ..... 311
" 26--Iowa Dredging attorney J. Becket re: Bid for Dubuque Rac-
lng Association for dredging ........................... 320
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 30--Inveetment Counselors, Inc. - Disposition of Urban Renewal
parcel No. 4-2 ........................................ 321
Aug. 6--Iowa Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permits, 2 outlets; 1 outlet ..... 341, 369
" 6--Imperial Lanes, Inc., Class "C' Liquor License ............ 341
" 20--Investment Counselors, Inc. - disposition of property (por. of
nor th side of 4th St. between Iowa & Main Streets) ..... 355,382,473
" 20--Iowa Comm. Development Loan for Dubuque Greyhound
Racing Facility Project ................................ 364
" 20--Industrial Management Inc. on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Island - Eminent Domain Proceedings for the Acquisition of
Leasehold Rights of 5 acre Lease ........................ 365
Sept. 4--Integrlty Day, Proclamation ........................... 376
4--Industrial Management Inc. amendment to Lease between
Beecher Sand Ltd. & City for land on Chaplain Schmitt Mem-
orial Island ...................................... 397, 444, 438
" 17--Iowa Army Nationdi Guard re: Permissinn to land helicopters
at Radford Road property .............................. 402
" 17--Inglee, Joan, settlement of claim ........................ 423
Oct. 1--Iowa Comm. Development Loan Program, OPP acknowledg-
ing receipt of application for loan ........................ 438
1 --Input of Budget Meeting submitted by Manager ........... 438
8--Industrial Management Inc. - approval of Agreement re: Pro-
per ty located on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ........ 443, 444
8--Industrial Property re: Partial Exemption from Property tax-
ation ............................................... 446, 447
8--Interior Systems, Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Package
"C". ....................................... 450,451,491,492
" 15--Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, re: Dairy Lab Set-
vices, Inc ............................. 453-456, 469,470, 505-507
" 15--Isenhart, Chuck, for Youth Soccer Org, requesting usage of
area near softball complex ............................. 485
Nov. 5--Iowa DOT, Project Agreement for Brice, Petrides updating
economi~ feasibility study of Rackdale Road Bridge ........ 475
5--Imperial Lanes, Cigarette Permit ........................ 481
Dec. 3--Iowa Street Muincipal Parking Garage - amendment of hours
of operation, etc ...................................... 521
3--Iowa Street, 335, Purchase of property by City ............ 523
3--Iowa Department of Revenue, Five Year Street Construction
Program submitted ................................... 523
" 3--Iowa Conservation Commission to construct 2 car garage at
E.B. Lyons .......................................... 527
17--Ice Harbor, re: Corps of Engineers advising of R. Kehl's re-
quest to modify permit to include pilings etc ............... 549
" 17--Indenture of Trust re: Issuance & Sale of Commercial
Development Revenue Bonds re: Dubuque Hotel & Conven-
tion Center .......................................... 552, 553
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 16--Jones, Thomas re: Addressed Council @ writing novel @
river City ........................................... 16 44
" 16--John F. Kennedy Road, re: Reconstruction of portion from
Pennsylvanla to University ............. 17, 96-98, 120-122, 165, 432
Feb. 21--Jackson Park Property owners, Approval of Tax Exemption
Mar. 5--Julien Dubuque Bridge, IowaDOTletsbridgedeckrepair... 79
5--Junnie's Lounge Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit.
................................................... 77, 217
" 12--J°nes, Ric, objecting to volunteer firefight er s peogram ...... 81
May 7--Julien Dubuque Drive Planned Ind. District, Zoning Map
7 ....................... 145,185 20 .205
-- uy r~oaa r~econstruction, Injunction by assess-
ed property owners.
.................................. 165
" 21--Johnson, Clara, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit;
" JRa°yf cu e~e~ .................. ' 1.~1-192,'139730
21 -- request to hold Fireworks l~ig~l~i ~'. ~i '. '..
June 4--James, Jerry L., Cigarette Permit. 217
" 18--Joter, Inc., Cigarette Permit ........................ 250
" 18--January Counc 1 Proceedings approved as printed .......... 250
July 2--Jewett, Stephen, TV Cable Teleprngramming Conun. appli-
.............................................. 279
" 16--Jaycees, Class "B" Beer Permit ......................... 304
A,u,g. 6--Johnson, Clara, Class "C"
6--Jobs Bills Programs, Notice of Grantee Perf. Report to HUD,
Proof of publication ................................... 342
6--June, Claims & Receipts, Proof of publicatinn .............. 342
Aug. 20--Junk Dealer Ordinance revlsinns ..... 356,381,430,458-460,503,535
"20--Jamee, Jerry Lee, Class "C' Liquor License ....... 370
" 20--July, Traneit Earnings ................................ 370
· Sept. 4--Junior Achievement Program. Congratulations to Honorees.
................................................... 391
"17--Jolms, Sue, Claim.
................................... 423
Oct. 1--Jamestown re: Fire Mutual Aid Agreement ............... 432, 433
" 1--Jackson St., 850, re: F & S Radiator constructing Drive In
Entrance Ramp ...................................... 438, 461
" 15--June Council Proceedinge approved as printed ............. 464
Nov. 5-- Jacquinot, Reber t, applicant for Plumbing Board .......... 480
5--July Council Proceedings, approved as printed ............. 482
5--Jackson Park Historic Pres· District representative R.
Brockman reeigned ................................... 493
' 19--Joint Communications Center, re: Law Enforcement Center
renovation etc.
...................................... 504
Dec. 3--Jewett, Stephen, applicant for TV Cable Telepeogramming
Corem .............................................. 524
3--Julien Motor Inn, Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor
............................................ 525
" 17--Jeld-Wen Fiber Products, permission to construct a Waste
Compactor & Concrete Pad at 250 E. 8th St ............... 538
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Kluesner, Loras, sworn in as Council Member for Second
Ward, 14 year term) ................................... 2
3--Kronfeldt, Rhonda, sworn in as Council Member for Fourth
Ward (4 year term) ...................... 5
3--Klein, Mary J., denial of claim ..........................
,, 16--Kennbdy Road reconstruction, etc .... 17,96,97,98,120-122,165,432
,, 16_Koppe Market, Inc., Class "C' Beer Permlt ...............
,, 16_Krueer, Ken., Claee "C" Liquor License ................... 26
" 16--Kircher, Mildred, Claim ................................ 26, 105
" 16--Kretz, James S., Claim, Settlement ...................... 26, 48
Feb. 6--Kluck Construction, rezoning of property at 2769 University.
6--Klauer Mfg. Co., Amendment to Option Agreement with City.
............................................... 33, 34, 49, 50
6--K.C.'s Amoco, Cigarette Permit ......................... 41
Mar. 5_Kelly, Francis appointed to Operation New View ........... 76
5--Klauer, John apPointed to Operation: New View ........... 76
5--Klauer Mfg. Co. submit notice of election to exercise option
to purchase City property .............................. 76
" 12--Klense, Jan addressed Council favoring Cultural Arts Pro-
gram retained in FY85 Budget .......................... 81
" 19--Kluck Construction requesting rezoning 2769 Uvlversity
Ave ................................................
19--King, Michael Kluck Construction's Attorney re: Rezone
2789 University Ave .................................. 91
" 19--Kinck, Tom, re: Rezoning 2769 University Ave ............ 91
- 19_Kratoska, Dick favoring rezoning 2769 University Ave ...... 91
. 19--Kemp, Kick objection to City budget in re: Recreation Dept.
" 19--Kelly, Charlote, applicant for appointment to Housing Code 104
Advisory and Appeals Board ...........................
" 19--KC & S Co., Ine, Class "C" Beer/Liquor License ............ 104
" 19--Killingsworth Report on feasibility study re: Building Dog
Racing Complex ......................................
Apr. 2--Kleis, Sue, Mayor Youth in Government Student ........... 109
2--Kennedy, David, Youth in Government Council Member .... 109
2--Knights of Columbus Council 510, Class "C" Liquor License. 117
" 2--Krieg, Betty, Claim ...................................
,, 16_Kennedy Road Reconstruction - Objections etc ............
................ 120-122, 165, 190, 216, 432
" 16--Kopp, Lyle & Grace, objecting to Kennedy Road Reconstruc- 120
tion assessment ......................................
" 16--Key City Investment Co., objecting to Kennedy Road
Reconstruction assessment ............................ 120
" 16--Kegger, The, Cigarette permit ...................... 130
" 16--Kruser, Gene & Tim, Claim .............................
May 7--Kaesbauer, Raymond F., Class "C" Beer ~ Liquor License. 164
7--Kennedy Road Reconstruction - Injunction from several 165
assessed property owners nearby ........................
" 14--Knourek, Pamela {Olde German Bank), transfer of Liquor
Lieense~ ............................................
" 21--Knights of Columbus Week, Proclamation ................ 171
" 21--Keyline Transit System . Proof of publication of Notice of P. 171
Hearing ............................................
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 21--Keyline - Section 9A Structural Analysis Study & Section 9
Fiscal Year 1985 Operating Assistance Application to UMTA.
.................................................. 177
" 21--Koch Refining Co. - renewal of Lease & Agreement between
Dubuque Oil Co. etc ................................ 185
" 21--Kennedy Road Reconstruction - awarding of contract to
Flynn Co ........................................ 190, 216,432
" 21--Kaesbauer, Raymond F., Cigarette Permit ................ 191
" 21--K-Mart Corp., Cigarette PerroJt ......................... 191
" 21--Koppe Market, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................... 191
. 21--Klauer, Attorney P.M., claim for Tins Butlett ............. 193
June 4--Kieffer, Anneva, objecting to lease of Robert's River Rides
re: Parking of Belle on Hawthorne St ................... 207
4--Kleinschmidt, Dale, objecting to parking of Belle on
Hawthorne St ....................................... 208
4--Kieffer, Richard, objecting to parking of Belle on Hawthorne
St ................................................. 208
4--Klauer Mfg. Co. - Option Agreement Exercise re: Lots 6 & 7
in Block 1 in "Riverfront Subdivision No. 5". ............. 209
4--Kennedy, Mr. from Kennedy's Aquarium, re: Dangerous
Animal Ordinance .................................... 216
4--KC & S, Cigarette PerInit .............................. 217
4--Krieg, Betty, Claim and Denial .......................... 219, 281
" 18--Klauer, James J, Cigarette Permit ...................... 248
" 18--Kennedy, Wilfred J., Cigarette Permit ................... 248
" 18--Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................. 248. 250
" 18--Kruser, Kevin, Cigarette Permit ........................ 248
" 18--Knourek, Pamela L. - Olde German Bank, Cigarette Permit;
Class "C" Liquor License ............................. 248, 250
18--Keane Hall- Loras College. Cigarette Permit ............. 248
18--Kachevas, James, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................. 249
18--Kehl, Robert, The Barge, Cigarette Permit ................ 249
18--Kenniker, Tamie, Cigarette Permit ...................... 249
18--Kersch. Jeannine, Cigarette Permit ...................... 249
18--Kruser, Ken, Cigarette Permit .......................... 249
18--Kircher, Mildred C. & Ignatius, Suit ..................... 251
18--Kieffer, Anneva, requesting info re: Lease of B. Kehl at
Hawthorne St. ramp .................................. 251
" 18--Keliy, Nell objecting to newspaper littering problem ........ 252
" 25--Kamp, Mary Leu, Cigarette Permit ...................... 264
July 2--Kennedy Court (& Peru Road) Sanitary Sewer Project .......
........................................ 271-273, 325-327, 366
2--Kersch, Tom, applicant for Park & Rec. Commission ........ 279
2--Koilach, Max, applicant for Park & Rec. Commission ....... 279
2--Kirchberg, Gerald, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit. 280
2 --Koppen, Ronald, Claim (Suit).; Denial .................... 281,305
16--Keymeer St. residents objecting to small sewer in their area.
" 16--Klauer Mfg. Co. - Lease Agreement for parking lot next to
McAleece Field ...................................... 298
16--Kruse, Christopher D., Claim .......................... 305
' 16--Kircher, Jim, refund on Cigarette Permit; refund on Liquor
License ............................................. 306, 391
" 16--Kiwanis Club (by J. Reynolds) supporting "The Barn" for
theatre ............................................. 306
" 26--KWIk Stop Food Mart (2 outlets) Cigarette Permits ......... 318
Aug. 6--Kramer, Richard J. re: Problems etc. with Sergeant Pepper's
Ice Cream Stand on Kaufmann Ave ...................... 332
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 6--Kaufmann Ave. - Sergeant Pepper's Ice Cream Stand, pro-
blems with neighbors ................................. 332
6--Knob Hill - Approval of Final Plat of Council Hill's Subdivi-
sion & vacation plat of 5' Utility Wastements in this area .... 336
6--Klauer, James J., Class "C' Liquor License ............... 341
6--Kress, Robert, Claim; Denial ........................... 342, 390
8--Kurt, Charlie, of Durrant Group re: Site & Traffic Plan at
Dog Track .......................................... 344
' 20--Kenniker. Tamie. Class "C" Liquor License ............... 370
" 20--Kamentz. Shirley, Class "C' Liquor License ............... 370
"20--Kiebel, Steven, Claim; Denial ........................... 370, 391
Sept. 4--K & M Coins & Stamps, re: Secondhand Dealer Ordinance... 381
4--Kronfeldt, Council Member requesting specifics of Dubuque
In-Futuro organization ................................ 387
4--Knourek, Pamela L., Class "C' Liquor License ............. 390
" 17--Kennelconstruction-BidPkg."B"forDogTrackfacility.-.
........................................... 400-401, 440-441
" 17--Kronfeldt, Council Member re: Options of City in terms of
revocation etc. of licenses of taverns with dissendents ....... 403
. 17--Kelly, Francis & Darlene, approval of plat of their property
east of Samuel St ..................................... 420
17--Kelly, Stephen, applicant for Airport Commission .......... 421
17--Kupferschmidt, Gary, (& Patrick J. Barry) re: Whiskey
River's liquor license .................................. 422, 428
" 17--Kelley, Klm, Claim .................................... 423
" 17--Kohn, Brian, Claim; Denials ............................ 423, 437
Oct. 1--Kennedy Road - Establishment of a Grade Elevation from
University Ave. to Pennsylvania Ave .................... 430
1--Kennedy Road reconstruction contract awarded to Flynn Co.
1--Kluesner, Council Member, withdrawing from Agenda a
Resolution approving an amendment to the Mem. of Agree-
ment between City & Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc ............. 435
1 --Knight's Trailer Center, Starter Boxes for Greyhound Racing
Facility ............................................. 435
1--Kopple's Market, Class "C" Beer Per nrit ................. 430
1--Kopp, Eugene L., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 438
1--Kraemer Bros. awarded contract for Dubuque Racing Facili-
ty Bid Pkg. "B" Structural Steel etc ..................... 442
8--Kerper Blvd. re: No. Parking Signs put up by Hwy. 61 etc .... 445
8--Kennedy Road near Dayhin Road, No Parking Signs put up
etc ................................................. 445
8--Kurt, Larry R., Attorney for Dairy Lab Services, Inc. re:
suance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ..................... 453-456
Nov. 5--Kerper Blvd., W.C. Brown getting permission for 3 direc-
tional signs in parking lot at that specific area ............. 478-478
5--Kupferschmidt, Gary L., Cigarette Permit ................ 481
5--Key City Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................. 481, 482
5--Keyline Earnings Statement for Sept. 1984 ............... 482
5--Kruse. ChristopherbyEdward, Suit;Settlement ........... 482, 526
" 19--Kraemer Bros., Inc. awarded bid of Dubuque Racing Facility
Pkg. "C" Contract 11 - Tote Bldg. & Gen. Construction ...... 503
" 19--Kluga, Robi, petitioning re: Lower IIncome) Housing ........ 503
" 19--KWIK Stop Food Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 511
" 19--King of Clubs, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 511
" 19--Kamentz, Gene, Imperial Lanes, Cigarette Permit Refund... 513
Dec. 3--Key City Investment Co. re: Approval of Preliminary
Development Plan .................................... 519, 520
1984 SUBJECT Page
Dec. 3--Kennedy Road property at comer of Dodge & Wacker Drive
amending preliminary development plan .................. 519
17--Kachevas, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 548
" 17--Kamp, Mary Lou, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 548
" 17--Kehl, Robert re: Request to modify permit to include pilings
on Mississippi River - Corps of Engineers response ......... 549
" 17--Klauer, James J., Refund on Liquor & Cigarette Licenses .... 549
" 17--Kamentz, Gene, Refund on Liquor License ................ 549
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Legal Staff appointed & sworn in (Blum & Lindahl) ......... 2, 3
3--Lindahl, Barry A., appointed and sworn in as Corporation
Counsel ............................................. 3
3--Lippstock, Barbara J. Claim ............................ 5
3--Lewis. Carol, Denial of Claim ........................... 5
3--Lieutenant Inspector positions for Fire Dept., individuals
certified by Civil Service Commission .................... 6
3--Lieutenant positions for Fire Dept., individuals certified by
Civil Service Corem ................................... 6
" 16--Loras Blvd. (437-597 & 440-636), rezoning request denied~ ·.. 14
" 16--Law Enforcement Officers, Ordinance designating Park
Rangers as them, .................................... 22
" 16--Loras Coilege, Transfer of Beer Permit ................... 25
" 16--Love, PIYll~pR.,Class"C"LiquorLicense ................ 26
" 16--Leifker, Attorney David advising Notice of Expiration of
Right of Redemption for Certain Properties ............... 27
Feb. 6_Lady Ambassador Proclaim for the City (Carrie Sue Poston). 29
...................... 43, 68, 193, 251,305, 370, 437, 482, 511,526
6--Location Study - Cedar Cross Extension Corridor, Sup-
plemental Agreement for Professional Services ............ 40
6--Long John Silvers, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 42
" 21--Lower Bluff St. Historic Preservation District, changed to
Cathedral Historic Preservation District ................. 59, 92
' 21--Legislation re: Cable Television Services, City supporting to
National League of Cities .............................. 64, 65
" 21--Leagne of Cities (National) Support from Dubuque on Cable
Television Services Legislation ......................... 65
" 21--Lombardi-Schuster, Patricla, Cigarette Permit & Class "C"
Liquor License ....................................... 67, 68
- 21_Lucky Stores, inc. (2 outlets) Claee ,,C' Beer Permit ........ 67
Mar. 5--Love, Ken, Class "C" Beer License ...................... 77
" 12--Legal Department assistant to be full time versus half time
re: FY 85 Budget ..................................... 83
A ,p,r. 2--Library (National) Week, Proclamatlon ................... 109
2--Lynch, Scott, Youth in Government Corporation Counsel .... 109
2--Loan of CD Block Grant Funds to Area Residential Care ....
................................................ 115, 159-160
2--Loan of State of Iowa CD Loan Funds to Area Residential
Care ............................................ 115, 159-160
" 2--Lyons, Ralph, Claim .................................. 118
16--Loltering for purposes of Prostitution, Ordinance Pro-
bib{ting ............................................. 123, 124
" 16--Latenser, Gail M., Cigarette Permit ...................... 128
' 16--Loras College, Transfer of Beer Permit ................... 128
" 16--Lubbers, Lloyd, Claim; Denial .......................... 129, 193
" 16--Lindecker, Brenda Lee, Claim ........................... 129
May 7--Loan (Via Industrial Development Revenue Bond Procedure)
to assist the First Judicial District Dept. of Correctional Ser-
vices Project ........................................ 148
7--Lender Loan Agreement with D B & T (Area Residential Care
Project) ............................................. 161
"21--Lease requested by Tri-State Veterans Memorial Assn. for
location of an All Veterans Memorial Complex ............. 183
" 21--LaRue, David. re: Perpetual lease for lacation of AilVeterans.
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 21--Lease assignment from Allied Chemical Corp. to Arcadian
Agricultural Corp .................................... 184
"21--Lease renewal of Koch Refining Co. {Dubuque Oil Co.) ...... 185
" 21--Lars5n, Beverly A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 193
"21--Libcary Board of Trustees responding to Library's FY 1984
Budget Hearing questions ............................. 194
June 4--Lincoln Ave., - 1984 Street Project, Removed from Schedule. 198, 221
" 4--Logan Street, 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ............... 199
4--Lcase Agreement with Robert's River Rides, Hawthorne St.
Boat Ramp .......................................... 207, 208
4--Liberty Restaurant's, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............. 217
4--Leglon {Americanl, Post 6, Beer & Liquor License; Cigarette
Permit ............................................. 218, 248
" 18--Loan of CD Block Grant Funds to Dubuque Historic Im-
provement Co. for Redstone Project ..................... 226
" 18--Latenser, Ga{l, Cigarette Permit ........................ 248
" 18--Love, Kenneth J., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................. 248, 250
" 18--Loras College Snack Bar, Cigarette Permit ................ 248
" 18--Loras College Beckman Hall, Cigarette Permit ............. 248
" 18--Loras College Keane Hall, Cigarette Permit ............... 248
" 18--Lombardi-Schuster, Pat, Cigarette Permit ................ 249
" 18--Loyal Order of Moose, Dubuque Lodge No. 355, Class "C"
Beer & Liquor License ................................. 250
18--Litterlng problem on Elm St., objected to by Mr. Neil Kelly.
................................................... 252
" 25--Larsen, Beverly, Cigarette Perm/t ....................... 264
" 25--Loan - from Iowa CD Loan Program for Downtown
Redevelopment Project ................................ 266
" 25--Loan - CD Block Grant Funds ($380,000) to Dubuque In-
Futuro, Inc .......................................... 267
July 2--Lake, Rosemary appointed to the TV Cable Teleprogramm-
lng Corem ........................................... 279
" 16--Lagen St. residents petitioning for bigger sewer system ..... 293
" 16--Luchsinger, Greg, sewer back up problem on Lagen St ......
............................................... 293, 305, 465
" 16--Lease Agreement with ContiCarriers & Terminals, Inc ...... 297-298
" 16--Lease Agreement with Klauer Mfg. Co. for parking lot near
McAleece Recreation Park ............................. 298
16--Lcase of property located on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Island to the Dubuque Water Ski Club ................... 299
" 16--Letter of Agreement with Speer Financial Inc. for financial
consulting services thru 7-15~87 ......................... 302
" 16--Liberty Restaurants, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........ 305
" 16--Luchsinger, Greg & Jane, Claim; Settlement .............. 305, 465
" 16--Lowell St., Peoples Nat. Gas cutting into street to repair ser-
vice line .....................................
" 16--Lease re: Dubuque Monteesori School and "The Barn"... i ~. 306
Aug. 6--Link, Dale re: Peru Road - Kennedy Ct. Sanitary Sewer Pro-
ject ................................................ 325
6--Link, Leo (father of Jeffry), Suit against City .............. 342
" 6--Liason of City Staff to Dog Track Construction Manage-
ment/Arckitecture .................................... 347
6--Lease Agreement with Dubuque Racing Assn. for portion of
Chaplain Schmitt Island ........................... 354, 376, 438
6--Loan Agreement re: Medical Clinic Revenue Bonds (Hall &
Eckhart Project) ..................................... 356-364
6--Loan - Iowa Comm. Development for Dubuque Greyhound
Racing Facility Project ................................ 364
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 6--Leaeehold Rights of a 5 Acre Lease Held by Ind. Manage-
ment Inc. on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Author(z-
lng Eminent Domain Proceedings for (Beecher Sand Ltd.) · · ·
............................................... 365, 383, 397
6--License being denied, suspended or revoked - driving pro- 368
bib(ted .............................................
6--LaRue, Ray, appointed to the Housing Commission ........ 369
" 27--Lure System purchased from Greyhound Equipment Co. for 373
Dog Track ..........................................
Se,p?. 4--Link, Tony, Junior Achiever Honored ........ ~' ','.. ~: '.'. 376
4--Laberer position, temporary, requested for ~va~er ~ae~er 387
Replacement Program .................................
4--Loan Agreement providing for loan of $280,000 of CD Block
Grant Funds to Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc .................. 388
" 17--Locust St. from 4th to 9th, Changes in parking requirements. 414
" 17--Livens, Stephen & Kathleen, plat approved for property east 420
of Samuel St ....................................... .' '
" 17--Lane & Waterman, Attorneys, claim for broken water ma~n. 423
" 17--Lochner, Dorothy & Phil, requesting maintenance for Cedar 423
Cross Bridge ........................................
Oct. 1--Liquor License Hearing for Whiskey River tavern & Owners
p. Barry & G. Kupferschmidt ........................... 428
1--Lorenza, Jack re: Secondhand Dealer & Junk Dealer Or-
dinance ............................................. 430
" 8--Local Government Week, Proclamation .................. 440
8--Lift Station & Forceman Project for the Dubuque Racing 442
Facility Bid Pkg. "B". ................................
"15--Lcosing request by R. Hudson for barge fleeting space on
Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ...................... 458
" 15--Lunge, Mrs. Dorrance, re: Permission to construct carport at
2000 Farragut St ..................................... 465, 478
" 15--Lamp, historic, re: Historical Society requesting donation for 466
Woodward Museum .................................. 466, 467
,, 15 _Letna Proper tles, approval of fins( Plat ...................
5--Loan Agreement between City & Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. & 473
Directing Mayor to execute ............................
5--Lawhd Custodians of public records designated ........ 479
" 19--Low Income Housing complaint by R. Kings .............. 503
,, 19_Law Enforcement Center Renovation, re: Cost All°cati°n etc' 504
" 19--Luana Savings Bank, re: Industrial Development Revenue
Bond Issue (Dairy Land Lab Services) .................... 505
" 19--Loras College, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 511
Dec. 3--Lease of property to Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. re: 518, 519
Parking for Redstone .............................. ,; ',',
3--Lucky Stores (Eagle Discount) re: Suspension of Class C 520
Liquor License .......................................
3--Lyons (E.B.) re: Iowa Conservation Commission to construct 527
2 car garage there ....................................
" 17--Lease Agreement with Dubuque Historic Improvement Co.
re: Parking spaces etc. at Fifth & Bluff Streets parking lot... 533
" 17--Lights, Ornamental, leased to Dubuque Historic Improve- 537
ment Co ............................................
" 17--Loan Guarantee for Downtown Dubuque Convention Hotel, 542
Filing of an application ........... ; ...... ... 545
,, 17_Letter re: Conffict of Interest, Councd Member Hummel' ' 548
" 17--Lanham, Linda, Claim ................................. 548
17--Lippstock, Eldon & Barbara J., Suit .....................
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3 --Manning, Barbara. Sworn in as Council Member representing
At-Large ............................................ 2
3--Molo Oil Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 4
3--Mayers, Barbara, Denial of Claim ....................... 5
" 16--Motels as "Conditional Use" in OR-1 Office/Residential
District ............................................. 9, 10, 29
" 16--Memorandum of Agreement - Execution with Area Res/den-
rial Care ............................................ 10-12
" 16--Moser, Fred, applicationforHumanRightsComm ......... 24
" 16--Miller, Beverly R., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 25
" 16.Meyer, Herman, Refund request for Cigarette License ...... 27
Feb. 6--Marriage Day (World), Proclamatinn ..................... 29
6--Membership of Boards & Commissions re: Criteria discussed.
" 21--Music in our Schools Week, Proclamation ............ . ..... 49
" 21--Memorandum of Agreement between City & First Judicial
District Dept. of Correctional Services ................... 56-58
" 21--Municipai Bldg. at 18th St., Providing for Reserve Parking.
................................................... 63, 64
" 21--Mehrl, Robert A., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit.
" 21--Meyer, Ben, Claim .................................... 68
Mar. 5--Mulgrew Oil, Cigarette License ......................... 77
5--Mr. Fixit Automotive, Cigarette License .................. 77
5--Mahe, Stanley R. Claim; Settlement ..................... 78, 118
5--Morong, Joseph H. Claim .............................. 78, 105
5--Mesaba Aviation provide air service at Ft. Dodge and Mason
City ................................................ 79
" 12--Miller, Beth, re: Favor retain Cultural Arts Program in FY 85
Budget ............................................. 81
" 12--Murray, "Chip" on behalf Park & Recreation Comm. re: Re-
tain Cultural Arts Program in FY 85 Budget .............. 81
" 12--MusiclansAssoclation(Dubuque) speakeronitsbehalfinop-
position to Park Entry Fee and request funding for Assn. re:
FY 85 Budget ........................................ 82
" 12--Meter Exchange Program - coordination of funds on Outside
Read Program ....................................... 82
" 12--Mutual Aid Agreements, Mayor favors use of same with
nearby fire depart~nents ............................... 83
' 12--Milk Permit Fees revision, ordinance providing ............ 89
" 19--Ment ai Ret artist(on Month, Proclamatinn ................ 91
" 19--Markward, Edward, applicant for Housing Commission ..... 103
" 19--Meyer, DennisJ Class"B"BeerPermit .................. 104
19--Metz, Ronaid L. Claim; Settlement ...................... 105, 118
19--Moore, Earl M. & Janet, Claim; Den(a( ................... 105, 437
" 19--Morett, Merlin, Cigarette license refund .................. 106
Apr. 2--Modifications of Traffic Signals for Hwy. 20 & 52 .......... 114
2--Milwaukee Railroad (Chicago, St. Paul & Pacific) - Acquired
by City ............................................. 116
" 16--Marion Realty Co., objeeting to assessments of J.F. Kennedy
Road Reconstruction .................................. 120
" 16--Midwest Developers, objecting to assessments of J.F. Ken-
nedy Road Reconstruction ............................. 120
" 16--Mini-Bus Contract .................................. 125
.............................................. 129, 281, 423
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr. 16--Marco's, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 129
" 16--Mayne, Nellie M., Claim ............................... 129
,, 16_Mississippi Valley Hockey, Inc. - Named in suit with City bY
James T. Cummings ..................................
Apr. 30--Medical Clinic Revenue Bonds- HaH & Eckhart Project .....
. 134-138, 171-173
,, 30--Memorandum of Agreement, ExecUtion re: Hall & Eckhart
Project .............................................
" 30--Morine, Edward F. (Submarina), Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 139
" 30--Mina, Inc. IRumph's), Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..... 139
May 7--Mllllons of Moms Vote for Survival '84, Proclamation ....... 141
7--Mazzuchelli St. - sale of portion of Water Division West Third 146
St. property .........................................
7 _Mar tin, Bernadette, Clai~n, Closed ....................... 165, 464
7--Moldenhauer, Wayne A., requesting change in downtown
traffic flow ..........................................
7--Merchants Bonding Co. (Mutual) - Insurance, authorized to 166
do business in state of Iowa ............................
" 14--Meter IParking) Discussion - re: Dubuquefest, Riverfest &
Winter Wonderland ................................... 169
" 21--ManagementWeck, Proclamation ....................... 171
" 21--Membership discussed as to Dubuque Area Public Safety
Communications Center Agreement ..................... 182
" 21--Maack, Dennis appointed to Planning & Zoning Comm. for 3 182
year term ...........................................
" 21--Miracle Car Wash, Inc. Cigarette Permit .................. 191
" 21--Mulgrew Oil Co. Asbury Fastop & Mr. Fixlt Automotive;
Cigarette Permits ...................... 194
,, 21_March List of Claims - Proof of publication ................
" 21--Mississippi River - Army Corps of Engineers advising of per- 194
r~At to dredge in four areas .............................
June 4--Miss Dubuque, Carrie Sue Poston, Certificate of Apprecia-
tion ................................................
4--Maggio, Michael G. for Miss. Waliey Club re: Parking pro-
blem at Hawthorne St. Ramp ........................... 208
4--Merfeld, Nicholas & Marie, Delinquent Refuse Collection Ac- 214
count ......................................... 216
4--Monday Co., The, Cigarette Permit .................... 217
4--Mehrl, Robert A., Cigarette Permit ...................... 217
4--Miller, Beverly, Cigarette Permit ....................... 219
4--Meyer, John, Claim; Denial .............................
" 18--Mozena, Jeffrey, re: Approval of Loan of CD funds for
Redstone ...........................................
18--Memorandum of Agreement Executed with Investment
Counselors, Inc. for Industrial Development Revenue Bonds
229, 230-234
etc .............................................
" 18--Meyering, Terry, Dis. Manager of Group W Cable, re: Rate 236
Increase ...........................................
" 18--Mescher & Tenth Grocery, Cigarette Permit .............. 248
" 18--Meyer, Catherine, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit.
248, 250
" 18--Murphy, William J., Cigarette Permit .................... 248
18--Mangeno, Dorothy, Aragon Tap, Cigarette Permit ......... 249
18--Marty, Milton, Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
18--Meyer, Dennis, Cigarette Permit ....................... 249
18--Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit .................. 249
18--Milhnan, Noreen, Cigarette Permit ...................... 249
18--Moracco Supper Club, Inc. Cigarette Permit .............. 249
" 18--Miller, John George, Sr., Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 250
" 18--Moose Lodge, Cigarette Permit ......................... 250
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 18--Mueller, Ronald J. re: Assistance with property problems at
end of Roosevelt ..................................... 251
18--March Council Proceedings approved as printed ........... 251
" 18--Moldenhauer, Dr. Wayne, re: Changing of traffic access
downtown ........................................... 252
July 2--Metteli, MichaelT.,Claim;Deniai ....................... 281, 305
" 16--Montessori School, Inc., Leasing of R. J. Slattery Center.
............................................... 291, 306, 313
" 16--Meter (Water) Replacement Project. 292,327,329
" 16--Mississippi Valley Hockey, Ageeement with Five Flage ..... 302
" 16--Meyers, David J., applicant for Electrical Board of Appeals.
................................................... 303
" 16--Moser, Fred, applicant for Human Rights Corem ........... 303
" 16--Metsker, Alice C., applicant for Transit Board ............. 304
" 16--May, Proof of pub. of claims & receipts ................... 308
" 16--Miller, Beth, encourage Council to accept Lease from Dubu-
que Montessori School for "The Barn". .................. 306
" 16--Molo Oil Co. refund on Beer Permit ...................... 306
"26--Milwaukee Railroad Properties re: Agreement with Iowa
DOT for Improvement ................................ 311
" 26--Mortgage - Partial Releases of Real Estate & Releases of
Financing Statement as to Lot 1 & Lot 3 of FDL First Addn.
" 26--Marketplace Project - Submission of Request for Release of
Funds, re: Downtown ................................. 317, 371
Aug. 6--Miller, Carl W., re: Peru Road - Kennedy Ct. Sewer Project.
6--Manternach, Tom re: Peru Road - Kennedy Ct. Sewer Project.
............................................... 325
6--Moore, John W. re: Land purchase on Hill St .............. 331, 332
6--Management Agreements with Durrant Group, Inc. re: Dog
Racing Facility ...................................... 332
6--Mercy Health Center, placement of 2 directional signs ...... 333
6--Mazzuchelll St., - directional sign for Mercy Medical Center.
6--Mulgeew Oil Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit.
6--Marshall Park, reference by J. Shaffer re: Arboretum Drive.
................................................... 343
8--Management Services, re: Construction, for Dog Racing
Facility ............................................. 347
" 20--Maln St. re: Vacate portion of north side of 4th St. between
Iowa&Main ......................................... 355, 382
" 20--Motor Vehicles, operation of same while license is suspended,
revoked or dehied etc .................................. 367, 368
" 20--Mangeno, Zeila, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 370
Sept. 4--Mayor Pro-Tern sworn in - William Hammel ............... 376
4--Membership of Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. & other specifics... 387
4--Memorandum of Agreement, Amendment with Dubuque In-
Futuro, Inc ...................................... 387, 413, 435
4--Montgomery, Rose Marie, resignation from Dock Board ..... 389
4--Mallaro, Cherry L. vs. Zeila A. Mangeno et al, Suit; Closing.. 390, 464
4--May, Joseph C., Claim; Settlement ...................... 390, 423
4--Morong, Joseph H., Claim ............................. 390
" 17--Memorandum of Understanding between US Dept. of Hous-
lng & Dubuque Human Rights Comm .................... 403
" 17--Meyer, Linda, re: Problems on University Ave. with patrons
of taverns etc ........................................ 403
1984 SUBJECT Page
Sept. 17--Meter zone for parking changed on east side of Locust from
4th to 9th ........................................... 413, 414
" 17--Monday Co., The., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 422
" 17--Mulgrew Oil Co., 3300 Asbury Rd., Class "C" Beer Permit. 422
" 17--May Council Proceedings, approved as printed ............ 422
,, 17_Maul, Grace, objecting to tax hike .......................
' 17--Mechanic position certified by Civil Service Comm ......... 424
Oct. 1--Meyer, Ed & Linda re: Tavern patron problem etc. on Univer- 428
sity Ave ............................................
1--Mutuai Aid Agreements - Fire, with County, East Dubuque
&Jamestown ........................................ 432, 433
1--Medical Service Program (Emergency), Designation of Dh'ce- 433
tors ................................................
" 1--Miller, Leroy A., Class "C" Liquor License; C~garette Pernut.
................................................... 436, 463
,, 15_Memorandum of Agreement re: Dairy Lab Services, Inc. (In'
dustrial Revenue Bond Issue) ........................... 455
" 15--Molo Oil Co., Cigarette Permit .......................... 463
" 15--Murphy, William, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 464
Nov. 5--Marine Corps League Dubuque Detachment Day, Proclama-
tion ................................................
5--Monies approved to expend on technical assistance for
downtown retail stabilization ........................... 474
5--Money approved (additional) for Mainframe Computer ...... 479
" 13--MMC Mechanical Contractors objecting to awarding of
Plumbing Contract (Dog Track) to Modern Piping, Inc ...... 493
" 13--MMC Contractors, motion to award Plumbing Contract to
(failed) ..............................................
" 13--MMC Mechanical Contractors of Dubuque, awarded Plumb- 501
lng Contract for Dog Track .............................
" 13--Moldt Electric Service Inc. awarded Electrical Systems Con-
tract for Dog Track ................................... 502
" 13--Moore, John W. requesting P. Hearing about purchasing pro- 503
petty on Hill Street ...................................
Dec. 3--Mihalakis, phillip, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 525, 548
" 17--Marine Fuel Tax Fund Project, re: Dock Comm. Chairperson
requesting execution of Cooperative Agreement for Develop- 544
ment & Maintenance of same ...........................
" 17--MMC Contractors, re: Conflict of Interest problem concern-
lng Council Member Hammel etc ........................ 546
" 17--Molo Oil Co.. Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 547
, 17--Millman, Norene J., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ....... 548
" 17--MiNa, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............. 548
" 17--Moracco, The, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 548
" 17--Menasha Transport, Inc. third party plaintiff vs. City for
Suit of E. & B. Lippstock .............................. 548
" 17--Myhre-Gonyier, Associate Planner advising of resignation of
Donald R. Osborne from Historic Preservation Commission.
" 17--Mississippl Belle mooring - mooring in Ice Harbor, re: Corps 549
of Engineers etc ......................................
17--Mangeno, Dorothy Schaffer, Refund on Cigarette License· .. 549
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr. 2--McCarthy, Leo, Attorney for Grocery Stores. requesting
amendment to Unit Pricing Ordinance .................. 114
May 7--McGinnis, Joseph (& D. Wettert Transfer of Liquor License;
New Liquor License ................................... 163, 164
7 --McCann, Jann, Claim; Deniai ........................... 165, 219
June 4--McCarthy, Attorney Leo re: tax exemption of Frommelt
Partnership etc ................................... 207
" 18--McGrath Subdivision, petition of T. O'Neill requesting to
purchase Lot 6 ...................................... 252
" 25--McCann, Mike, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
July 2--McCurdy, Robert, TV Cable Comm. Applicant ............. 279
2--McDonough, James, Class "C' Beer Permit ............... 280
" 16--McDermott Excavating, awarded contract for Walker-
Oneida Sewer Project ................................. 297
" 16--McAleece Rec. Park, Lease Agreement with Klauer Mfg. Co.
for nearby parking lot ................................ 298
Sept. 4--McDonald, Linda, appointed to Housing Comm ............ 359
Nov. 19--McMuilen, Don, appointed to Ad Hoc Dock Committee ...... 510
" 19--McCarten, Robert. appointed to Ad Hoc Dock Committee... 510
" 19--McDowell. Sandra, appointed to Ad Hoc Dock Committee... 510
Dec. 3--McCurdy, Robert. applicant for Cable TV Teleprogramming
Corem .............................................. 524
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Newspaper (Official) of City of Dubuque - Named as
Telegraph Herald .................................... 3
' 16--Novel, re: Mr. Thomas Jones from Connecticut requesting
time to explain plans to write same .................... :.
' 16--Nicholson, Daniel, Appointed to the Human Rights Comnus-
sion ............................................. 24
" 16--November 1983 List of Claims, Proof of publication ......... 26
" 16--Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemption for certain pro-
perties, submitted by Attorney D. Leifker ................ 27
Feb. 6--Nondiscrimination policy, Proof of publication of Public
Notice .......................................... 44
6--National Register of Historic Places, property of 1295 Prairie
St ............................................. 44
,, 21 _ National Nutrition Mont h, Proclamation ................. 49
" 21--National Engineer's Week; Proclamation ................. 49
" 21--Notice of Public Hearing for use of CD Block Grant Funds.
" 21--Notice of Availability for P. Inspection of Certain C.D. Block
Grant Documents, Authorizing Publication ............... 62
" 21--National League of Cities, City Manager supporting position
re: Cable Television Services Legislation .................. 64. 65
Mar. 5_Nov..Dec. Council Printed proceedings accepted ........... 77
" 19--National Agriculture Week, Proclamation ................ 91
" 19--Noel, Laura J. opposing rezo~ing of 2769 University ........ 91
Apr. 2--Noonan's Tap. Class "C" Liquor License .................. 117
May 7_Northwest Arterlal- Iowa DOT re: acquisition of tight'of'waY
and construction projects ....... 158, 159, 194, 301,330-331. 398'400
7--Natural (Peoples) Gas Co. submitting Annual Report ....... 166
" 21--Norby, Gary, Attorney for Drs. Hall & Eckhart, no longer
consider purchasing Third St. Reservoir Property .......... 171
" 21--National Register Nomination for Cathedral District. Letter
of Agreement with the State Historical Dept. for Grant ..... 183, 184
" 21--Non-Bargaining Unit Emphiyees - Compensation Pkg. &
Wage Plan for FY 1985 ................................ 189
" 21--Northwestern RR Crossing (& Chicago), reconstruction of
Peru Road Project .................................... 190
" 21--Nash-Finch Co., Cigarette Permit ....................... 191
' 21--Nineteen Thirty-Three, Inc. {1933 Inc.), Class "C" .Beer & Li-
quor License ......................................... 193
" 21--Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment
for ARC - Proof of publication .......................... 194
June 4--Nites of the Square Table. Inc., Class "B' Beer Permit ...... 218
" 18--Nichols, Dan, re: Walker-Oneida St. Sewer ................ 224
" 18--Name Change of Frommelt Ind., Inc. to Frommelt Partner-
ship for tax exemption purposes for new construction on
Chavenelle Road ..................................... 224, 225
" 18--Noonan, John W., Cigarette Permit ...................... 248
18--1933 {Nineteen Thirty-Three), Inc., Cigarette Permit ........ 249
18--New Harbor Devehipment Corp. Inc. {Dubuque Marina),
Cigarette Permit ..................................... 249
" 26--Nites of the Square Table, Inc. Class "B" Beer Permit .......
............................................... 318, 340, 389
Aug. 6--Nativity Church, Class "B" Beer Permit; Refund ........... 341, 437
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 6--Notice of Grantee Performance Report for Dubuque Jobs
Bills Programs to HUD has been filed (Proof of publication).. 342
6--Noel, Michael J., Claim ................................ 342
Sept. 4--North End Wrecking co. re: Secondhand Dealers Ordinance
etc .............................................. 381
4--Northern Trust Co. & Associates, Vendee re: $7,900,000 GO
Bonds .............................................. 395
" 17--National Electrical Code of 1984, Adopted etc .......... 402,427-428
" 17--Noel, Jim&Casie, Clalm;Denial ........................ 423, 464
Oct. 1 --National Employ the Handicapped Week, Proclamation ..... 427
1--NECA re: National Elec. Code adoption .................. 427
1 --Nelson, Mrs. Robert, re: Behavior of bar patrons on Unlversi-
ty Ave .............................................. 428
1--Nauman, Holly & Dean; Claim; Closing ................... 437, 483
1--Noel, Laura, Claim .................................... 437
15--Nationai Business Women's Week, Proclamation .......... 450
" 15--November, month as National Issue Forum Month; so pro-
claimed .............................................
15--November, proclaimed as Alzheimer's Month .............. 450
Nov. 5--Nash-Finch Company, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 481
Dec. 17--New Harbor Development re: Marina Fuel Tax Fund Project,
................................................... 544
" 17--Neumeister, Dr., re: In support of C.M. Hammel in conffict of
interest problem ..................................... 547
' 17--Neumeister, William, re: Opinions on taxation & annexation.. 551
" 17--November Financial Report ............................ 441
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--ORDINANCE NO. 7-84 Amending the Code by enacting new
subsections 36-183 providing for installation charges, collec-
tion charges & bad check charges for CABLE SERVICES.
.................................... 3, 4, 16, 41, 65-67
3--Operation: New View requesting Council name 2 delegates &
alternates to their Board ............................... 4. 76
" 16--Operating Assistance Application to UMTA (Keyline Buses).
8, 49
" 16--ORDINANCE NO. -84 Amending the Zoning Ordinance to
reclassify portion of property northwest of University Ave.
from R-4 Multi-Fam. Residential to C-1 Commercial District.
(Request Withdrawn- Morris, Steve) ..................... 9, 41
" 16--ORDINANCE NO. 3-84 Amending the Zoning Ordinance by
enacting a new Section 4-109.4(4) and 4-109.6 of Article IV in
lieu thereof to allow motels as a conditional use in the OR-1
Office/Residential District ............................. 9, 29-31
" 16--ORDINANCE NO. 14-84 Amending the Zoning Ordinance by
reclassifying property at 3250 Dodge & adjoining west parcel
from C-7 General Service/Wholesale Commercial to C-3
Arterial Business Commercial District. 13, 102, 103
' 16--ORDINANCE NO. 5-84 Amending the Boundaries & Plan for
the Washingten St. Urban Revitalization Area as established
by Ord. 40-81 ........................................ 16, 53
" 16--ORDINANCE NO. 1-84 Amending the Code by Adding a
new Section 27-11 to Chapter 27 Providing for the Designa-
don of Certain Employees as Law Enforcement Officers ..... 23
" 16--ORDINANCE NO. 2-84 Amending the Code by Enacting a
new Section 21-64(1) of Division 4 Providing for Prohibited
Practices in Housing & by Deleting the Word "Salesman"
and Inserting the Word "Salespersons". ................. 23, 24
Feb. 6--Office Education Week, Procla~nation .................... 29
6--ORDINANCE NO. 12-84 Amending the Zoning Ordinance
and Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 2769 University
Ave. from R-4 Multi-Family Residential District and R-2
Single Family Residential District to OR-1 Office/Residential
District ............................................ 33, 91, 92
6--Option Agreement Amendment between City & Klauer Mfg.
Co ................................................. 34, 50
6--ORDINANCE NO. 4-84 Vacating a portion of Huff St. in
Sears, Roebuck & Co. Subdivision No. 2 .................. 36, 51
6--Oberbroeckling, David & Joanna, Class "C" Beer & Wine .... 42
6--October Council Proceedings, Approved .................. 43
6--ORDINANCE NO. 12-84 Amending the Zoning Ord. & Map
by reclassifying property at 3250 Dodge St. and adjoining
west parcel from C-7 "General Service/Wholesale Commercial
District" to C-3 Arterial Business Commercial District ...... 50, 91
6--ORDINANCE NO. 13-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by deleting title of designated "Lower Bluff St. Historic
Preservation District" and substituting the title "Cathedral
Historic Preservation District" in lieu thereof. ............ 59, 92
6--ORDINANCE NO. 6-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Enacting a Section 25-270 pro-
riding for the Reserve Parking at the 18th Street Municipal
Building ............................................ 63, 64
Mar. 5--Operation: New View, appoint John Klauer & Francis Kelly
representatives thereto ................................ 76
1984 SUBJECT Page
Mar. 12--ORDINANCE NO. 8-84 Amending Code of Ordinances of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Section 36-161, Residen-
tial Commercial and Industrial uses, Division 4 "Rates", and
enacting a new Section 36-181, Residential, Commercial and
Industrial uses, under Division 4, "Rates", in lieu thereof to
provide for revision of water rates (effective 7-1-84) ......... 85
" 12--ORDINANCE NO. 9-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances,
City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 36-56 of Division
4, "Rates", of Article II and enacting a new Section 36-56 of
Division 4, "Rates" of Article II in]leu thereof to provide for
revision of sewer rates and charges, (effective %1-84) ........ 86
" 12--ORDINANCE NO. 10-84 Amending Code of Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Subsection (a~ of Sec-
tion 7-35 thereof and enacting a new Subsection (a) of Section
7-35 in lieu thereof providing for revision in cat license fees
(effective 7-I-80~ Neutered cats, $3, unneutered (5.55) ....... 88
' 12--ORDINANCE NO. 11-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Subsections la)
and (d) of Section 16-36 thereof and enacting new Subsections
(a~ and {d) of Section 16-36 providing for revision of milk per-
mit fees, (effective 7-1-84) .............................. 89
" 12--Ocange Line, Transit Co., proposed ellminatlan thereof ...... 82, 83
" 12--Outside Read Program re: Water readings ................ 82
" 19--Outdoor Recreation funding appl. for development ......... 100
Apr. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 15-84 Amending the Code by repealing
Section 26-8 and Enacting a New Section 26-8 PRO-
STITUTION ........................................ 124
May 7--Operating Assistance application with Iowa DOT .......... 145
7--ORDINANCE NO. 17-84 Amending Zoning Ord. & Map by
reclassifying property along J. Dubuque Drive from current
zoning classifications to PI Planned Industrial District to be
known as "Julien Dubuque Drive Planned industrial
District". ................................... 145, 189, 202-205
7--ORDINANCE NO. 16-84 Authorizing Best Beers Corp. to
construct a Concrete Entry Ramp ....................... 157, 158
7--OPP (State of Iowa~ re: Loan to assist Area Residential Care
Corp ............................................... 160
May 14--Olde German Bank, Transfers of Liquor License ........... 169, 389
" 21--Operating Assistance Application to UMTA .............. 177
" 21 --Oneida Street (& Walker) Sanitary Sewer .......... 178-180,224,297
" 21--Operatlng Engineers, Agreement with City ............... 187, 188
" 21 ~tting, Eugene A.. Cigarette Permit ..................... 191
June 4--Odor Problem discussed re: Inland Molasses Co ............ 202
4--ORDINANCE NO. 18-84 Amending Ordinance No. 39-8i of
the City Providing for prior approval of tax exemption for
new construction, changing the applicant from Frommelt
Ind. Inc. to Fronunelt Partnership ................... 207, 225-226
4--Option Agreement between Klauer Mfg. Co. & City, Exercise
of Option ........................................... 209
4--Ostert, James & Judith, Delinquent Refuse Collection Ac~
count ............................................... 214
4~)RDINANCE NO. 25-84 Providing for defining dangerous
and vicious animals and the keeping, seizure, impoundment
and dlsposition of such animals .......... 216,245,278,302,337-340
" 18--Operating & Plarming Assistance for Keyline. under Section
9 of UMTA .......................................... 224
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 18--ORDINANCE NO. -84 Amending the Code by enacting a
new Section 7-46 providing for the confinement of Animals
(not adopted) ..................................... 245,263,367
,, 18--ORDINANCE NO. 19-84 Amending the Code by adding new
Subsection te Section 25-210(b) to provide that Andrew
Court and Boyer Street Intersection be designated a "Stop"
Intersection for Eastbound and Westbound Traffic; that Sec-
tion 25-210(b) be amended by deleting therefrom the Andrew
Court and Boyer St, intersection as a Designated Stop In-
ter section for Westbound Vehicles ....................... 246
' 18--Olde German Bank, Cigarette Permit .................... 248
" 18--Olinger (Botsford), Inc., Cigarette Permit ................. 249
' 18--Otting, Eugene A., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 250
" 18--O'Neill, Thomas requesting to purchase Lot 6 of McGrath
Subdivision ......................................... 252, 424
"25--ORDINANCE NO. 20-84 Amending the Code by enacting
new subsections (a), (b), (cl, (d), (e), Ii), ig), (h) and (i) of Sec.
36-183 in lieu thereof providing for the monthly subscriber
rates and charges for Cable Television Basic Services .......
............................ 263, 278, 293-295, 343, 364, 473, 498
"25--Oky-Doky ~, ~9, g/, #10, Cigarette Permits ............... 264
"25--O'Cannell, Judy, Cigarette Permit ....................... 264
"29--OPP = notification that 4th St. Project no longer viable .... 267
July 16--ORDINANCE NO. 21-84 Vacating a portion of E. 19th St. in
the City and disposition of same to FDL Foods, Inc. in the
amount of $20,000 .................................... 291, 308
- 16--OptimistChiblEvening),Class"B"BeerPermit;Refund .... 304, 391
"26--O'Haca, Richard D., Cigarette Permit .................... 318
Aug. 6--ORDINANCE NO. 22-84 Authorizing Mercy Health Center
to construct two directional signs ....................... 333
6~)RDINANCE NO. 24-84 Changing the Name of Brevan
Drive to Arboretum Drive ............................. 336
6--ORDINANCE NO. 26-84 Changing the name of Parkland
Hill Drive to Council Hill Drive ......................... 336, 367
" 20--Opecating Engineers of State of Iowa, questioned specifics of
the Dog Track ....................................... 349
" 20--Option Agreement for disposition of vacated roadway near
Eagle Point (for S. Balsamo) ..................... 354, 355, 381-382
" 20--ORDINANCE NO. -84 Vacating a Portion of the north side
of 4th St. between Iowa & Main Streets in the City of Dubu-
que and disposing of same to Investment Counselors. (not
adopted) ........................................ 355, 382, 473
" 20--ORDINANCE NO. 37-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Chapter 22 thereof
and enacting a new Chapter 22 in lieu thereof providing for
ERS&PAWNBROKERS .................. 356,381,430,458-460
" 20~)RDINANCE NO. 27-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Deleting Section 25-142 and Submitting a Revised Section
25-142 Prohibiting Driving while License is denied, suspend-
ed or revoked ........................................ 368
Sept. 4--ORDINANCE NO. 46-84 Amending Code by enacting a new
Subsection {2) to Section 25-307 providing for a fee on a
specific parking int ................................ 384,520,522
1984 SUBJECT Page
Se,pt. 4--Ober foeli, Cynthia, denial of Claim ....................... 391
4--O'Hara, Venson, Denial of Claim ........................ 391
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 31-84 Amending the Code by enacting a
new Section 13-16 of Division 2 of Article II to provide for the
adoption of the National Electrlcal Code of 1984 ........... 402, 427
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 28-84 Amending the Code by Revising
Sections 25-236, 25-327, 25-328, 25-257(d) providing for
changes in the Parking Requirements on the East Side of
Locust St. from Fourth St. to Ninth St ................... 414
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 29-84 Amending the Code by Enacting a
new Chapter 35 1/2 thereof comprised of Section 35 1/2-1
providing for the designation of Revitalization Areas ....... 415-417
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 30-84 Amending the Code by enacting
Sections 27-92 through 27-102 providing for the Designation
of Certain City Parks .................................. 417
Oct. 1--ORDINANCE NO. 44-84 Amending the Code by enacting a
new Section 6.5 of Chapter 19 1/2 to provide for the establish-
meat of the W. 1 lth Street Historic Preservation District ....
................................................ 429, 517-519
" 1--ORDINANCE NO. 33-84 Establishing a Grade on John F.
Kennedy Road from University Ave, to the South Curb Line.
................................................... 430
l~O'Neili, Edmond E., M.D., Designated as Service Program
Medical Directors for Emergency Medical Service Program.. 433
1--OPP receipt of application from City for loan under CD Loan
Program and advising no funds available ................. 438
1--ORDINANCE NO. 35-84 Amending the Code by revising
Section 25-210 subsection (b) of Said Code providing that
those intersections designated are hereby declared to be
"Stop Intersections" for an purposes of this section - West-
bound, Frontage Road, South side of Highway 20 & Wacker
Dr.: Eastbound Frontage Road, South Side of Highway 20
and Wacker Drive: Eastbound, Frontage Road, South side of
Highway 20 and Cedar Cross Road ...................... 445, 446
1--ORDINANCE NO. 36-84 Amending the Code by Repealing
First Unnumbered Paragraph of Subsection (a) of Section
35-12 and Paragraph (2) of Subsection (al of Section 35-12
thereof and Enacting a new First Unnumbered Paragraph of
Subsection (a) of Section 35-12 and Paragraph (2) of Subsec-
tion (a) of Section 35-12 in lieu thereof providing for the Scope
and Applicability for a partial exemption from property taxa-
tion for certain Industrial Property ...................... 446, 447
" 15--Off-Site Sanitary Sewer, Watermaln & Storm Sewer Project
for Dog Track ................................ 452,453,470-472
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. 41-84 Amending the Code by enacting a
new Section 10-1 in lieu thereof and amending Section 10-2
pertaining to revising a Building Code and providing for the
issuanCe of permit s and coliectinn of fees thereof. ....... 457,485-489
" 15~RDINANCE NO. 42-84 Amending the Code by enacting
new Sections 14-1, 14-2 and 14~3 providing for adoption of a
Uniform Fire Code ................................ 457,489,490
" 15~ptimist Club, re: proclaiming Bregman Day at Children's
zoo in honor of Dr. & LuAnn Bregman .................... 458
" 15--ORDINANCE NO. 38-84 Authorizing F & S Pmdiator of 850
Jackson St. to construct a Drive-In Entrance Ramp ........ 461, 462
" 15--Osthoff, Gary, L. signing Acceptance of Ordinance re: Con-
struction of entrance ramp at F & S Radiator .............. 462
" 15--O'Hara, J & p, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 463
Nov. 5--ORDINANCE NO. 38-84 Authorizing William C. Brown Co.
Publishers to Construct Three Directional Signs ........... 476
1984 SUBJECT Page
Nov. 5--ORDINANCE NO. 40-84 Authorizing Mrs. Dorrance Lange
to construct a Carport at 2000 Farragut Street ............ 478, 479
5--Oky Doky ~9, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 481
19--ORDINANCE NO. 43-84 Vacating a portion of Roosevelt St.,
easterly from Garfield Ave. to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul & Pacific RR Tracks .............................. 498, 515
" 19--O'Conneil, Judy, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 511
,, 19--Oky Doky #6, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 511
Dec. 3--ORDINANCE NO. -84 Amending the Preliminary
Development Plan for C-6 Planned Commercial District
(adopted in 1985) ..................................... 519, 520
3--ORDINANCE NO. 45-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Enacting a new Second
Paragraph to Section 25-293 thereof providing for hours of
Operating in the Iowa Street Municipal Parking Garage ..... 521
3--ORDINANCE NO. -84 Amending the Code of Ordinance
by enacting a new reference to 4th St. as listed in Parking
Meter District B in Section 25-326 in lleu thereof providing
for the inclusion of 4th St. as Parking Meter District B (not
adopted) ............................................ 522, 543
3--ORDINANCE NO. -84 Amending the Code by repealing
reference to 4th Street as listed in the two-hour time zones in
subsection lc) of Section 25-257 thereof providing for
restricted parking on 4th St. (not adopted) ................ 522, 543
3--October Transit Statement of Earnings etc ............... 526
3--October Financial Report submitted ..................... 526
17~RDINANCE NO. -84 Establishing Comprehensive Zon-
ing for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing for the ad-
ministration, enforcement and amendment thereof, in accor-
dance with the provisions of Chapter 414, Code of Iowa, 1984,
and for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict herewith
{adopted March 18, 1985) .............................. 534
" 17--Olsen, Patrick, re: Cedar Cross Road Bridge report by Brice
Petrides etc ......................................... 534
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 47-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Repealing Certain Sections of Chapter 22 and Enacting a
new Definition of Secondhand Dealer in Section 22-2(a) and
Enacting New Sections 22-2a{1), 22-2a(6), 22-2(a)7, 22-2(d),
22-6 and 22-18(b) Providing for the regulation of JUNK
BROKERS .......................................... 535
" 17--Ornamentai Lights Leased to Dubuque Historic Improve-
ment Co ............................................ 537
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 48-84 Authorizing Jeld-Wen Fiber Pro-
ducts of Iowa to Construct a Waste Compactor Pad at 250 E.
8thSt .............................................. 537, 538
" 17--ORDINANCE NO. 49-84 Amending the Code of Ordinances
by Enacting Section 27-103 through 27-109 thereof providing
for the designation of Certain City Parks ................. 539, 540
" 17--Osborne, Donald R., resignation from Historic Preservation
Comm .............................................. 549
17--October claims etc,, Proof of publication .................. 549
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Petition of J. Rodenberg, owner of Strand, requesting demoli.
tion permit for same ............... 3
TING MINUTES ........ 5,77,117,164,193,265,305,437,464,548
" 3--Promotional Exams for Fire Department Certified by Civil
Service Commission. 6
16--Planning and Zoning Commission re: Zoning to allow motels
as a conditional use in OR-1 Office/Residential District ...... 9
16--Planning & Zoning Commission re: Stove's Plumbing &
Heating rezoning on University ......................... 9
16--Planning & Zoning Commission re: Zoning of Ralph
Digman/Centor Grove Properties at 3250 Dodge ........... 13
16--Plarming and Zoning Commission re: Zoning re: 437-597 &
440-636 Loras.. 14
16--Paving & Utility Installations for Dubuque Industrial
Center ......
........................................ 22
,, 16--Park Rangers desiguated as Law Enfurcement Officers ..... 22
TING MINUTES ........... 26,43,129,164,305,342,391,423,511
" 16--Prochaska, James F., Claim .......................... 26, 78, 106
" 16--Pier, Robert S., Claim; Denial of Claim ................... 26, 43
" 16--Petitions of Helping Services for North East Iowa re:
Funding ............................................ 27
Feb. 6--Poston, CarrieSue, Proclalmingas"LadyAmbassador,,, ... 29
6--Planning & Zoning Commission re: Denial of request of Kluck
Construction to rezone property at 2769 University ........ 33
............................................. 43, 77, 105, 464
6--Plein, Larry, Denial of Claim ............................ 43
6--Prairie St., 1295, property for National Register of Historic
Places .............................................. 44
6--Policy of Non-Diecriminatlan, Public Notice Proof of publiea.
tion ................................................ 44
6--Population of Dubuque, per revised Census Count submitted.
................................................... 44
21--Property Tax Exemptions approved for property owners in
Jackson Park & W. 1 lth St. Urban Revitalization Areas ..... 61
21--Parking set out by Ordinance for 18th St. Munidpal Bnilding.
................................................... 63, 64
6--Police Dept. Promotional Examinations, individuals for
Detective Sergeant & Captain, set out & Certified by Civil
Service Connnission .............. 68, 69
6--Pape, Craig, Claim .................................... 68, 105
6--Pender, William, Claim; Settlement ............... 68, 390
6--Pdinsett, William., Claim .............................. 68, 105
6--Pender, Will/am, Claim dismissed ....................... 78
6--Pins, Ruth, Claim ..................................... 78, 105
6--Purkway Street, re: James Prochaska clahn ............... 78
" 6--Peoples Natural Gas request excavation permit for Alpine
Street . · ................. 79
Mar. 12--Park admission fees, citizens speaking in opposition to admis-
sion charges re: FY 85 Budget .......................... 81, 82
TING MINUTES .................................... 105
" 19--Perkins, Sister M. O.P. Claim; Denial .................... 105, 118
Apr. 2--Petit, Kara, YouthinGovernmentCouncflMember ......... 109
2--Petitinn of L. Bauer requesting free parking near 5th & Cen-
............................................. 114
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr. 2--Parking request of L. Bauer for free parking at 5th & Central. 114
2--Petition of Attorney L. McCarthy for amendment to Unit 114
Pricing Ordinance .......................... ; "' ": '"" ' i
2--Price Marking on items, request for deletion m mmwaua 114
marking ............................................
" 2--Pregler, Walter, request no change in present United Pricing 115
Ordinance ........................... . ................ 119
2--Police Force procedures, questioned by Lms Glover .........
" 16--Public Service Awareness Week, Proclamation ............ 120
" 16--Petitions (Several) objecting to Kennedy Road Recnastruc-
tion Assessments ....................................
" 16--Fler, Mary Jane, objecting to Kennedy Road Reconstruction 120
Assessment .........................................
" 16--Petition of Allan Carew (Attorney) requesting ap,provul of
assignment of Agreement between City & Robert s Foods, 123
Inc. at Five Flags to TFM Co ...........................
16--Prostitution, Ordinance Prohibiting Loitering, for purpose.
16--Public Hearing (Design) re: Northwest Arterial from Penns. 125
Ave. to Asbury Road ..................................
16--Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury - Design Public Hearing on 125
N/W Arterial ........................................
16--P & Z approving final plat of Dubuque Industrial Center 5th 126
Addition ................................... ; ........
16--P & Z approving final plat of Dubuque Harbor Co. s 2nd Ad- 127
dition .............................................. 127
16--P & Z approving final plat of Hardee's First Addition .......
16--Parking - Handicapped - communication of Manager ........ 130
" 23--Peckosh, Paul, re: Outlining plans for Redstone ............ 132
" 30--Petition of G. Norby, Attorney, re: Consideration for is-
suance of Medical Clinic Revenue Bonds - Hall & Eckhart
Project .............................................
7--Poppy {Buddy} Sale D~ys, Proclamation .................. 141
M~,,y 7--Planning & Zoning proposing Zoning Map amendment for
Julian Dubuque Drive Planned Industrial District for proper-
ty located on South Julien Dubuque Drive ................ 145
7--Proj ect Agreements with Iowa DOT re: N/W Arterial ....... 158
7--Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road- Agreement re: Right-Of- 158
Way Acquisition for N/W Arterial .......................
7--Petition re: Ordinance regarding Dangerous & Exotic Pets. 163
" 7--Pets, Dangerous & Exotic, Ordinances requested regulating. 163
................................................... 164
7--Palmer Drug Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................
" 7--Petitkin of W. Moldenhauer requestla~ traffic change
downtown ...........................................
7--Peoples Natural Gas Co. re: 1983 Annual Report ..... 166
,, 14_Petition to trane fer Liquor License (Olde German Bank} ..... 169
" 14--Parking Meter discussion for City "Festival" times ......... 169
" 21--Park & Recreation Complex - Construction of Infields &
Warning Tracks ............................... 180-182,227-228
" 21--Public Safety Communications Center, approval of im-
plementation ........................................
21--Petitkin of Al Pulsean re: Water, Sewer & Street Services in
" 183
Crescent Ridge Area .................................. 183
,, 21_Poleean, A1 re: Water, Sewer & Street concerns ............
,, 21_Petitkin of Tri-State Vet's Memorial Assn. re: Lease f°r tract
of land on All Veterans Memorial Complex ................ 183
,, 21_Petition of M. Richardson et al {299 signers) re: Sh°rter park'
ing time limitotion on Unlvorsity Ave .................... 183, 371
" 21--Parking time limitation petitioned for on University ........ 183, 371
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 21--Pohcemen's Protective Assn., Acceptance of Agreement with
the City ............................................. 187
" 21--Peru Road Reconstruction (at abandoned Chicago NW RR
Crossing} ........................................... 187
" 21--Police Retirement ,System (& Fire). Delaying of appointment.
" 21--Planning & Zoning Commission appointments of William
Delaney & Dennis Maack and Dennis White ............... 191
"21--Petition to have Fireworks Displays by Dubuque Golf &
Country Club & Jaycece ............................... 193
" 21--Pender, William, Claim ............................... 194
" 21--Pulsean, Al, Comment @ sending out utility bill ............ 194
June 4--Poston, Carrie Sue, Certificate of Appreciation - Miss
Dubuque ............................................ 197
4--Pennsylvania Ave., 1984 Asphalt Paving project ........... 199
4--Plymouth Ct., 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ............... 199
4--Park & Recreation Complex, Interior Fencing Project, (Back-
stop, Dugout etc.) ....................... 205-207,269-271-386-387
4--Petition of Leo McCarthy re: Amending tax-exempt owner-
applicant to Frommelt Partnership etc ................... 207
4--Petition of Anneva Kieffer re: Lease of Hawthorne St. Boat
Ramp to Robert's River Rides .......................... 207, 208
4--Petition of M. Maggie for Mississippi Walleye Cinb re: Park-
ing problem at Hawkeye St. Parking Ramp ............... 208
4--Project Agreement with Iowa DOT re: Relocation &
reconstruction of U.S. 61 from 6th St. to City Island Bridge.
4--Peru Road Water Main construction, Acceptance etc ....... 213
" 18--Potter, Scott, objecting to Walker-Oneida Sewer Project .... 224
" 18--Purchase of Services Agreement with Chamber of Commerce. 234
" 18--Phone-A-Friend, Inc. re: Funding for Information & Referral 234
" 18--Plat approved of Subdivision of Block 3 of Cedar Cross In-
dustrial Park ........................................ 247
' 18--Police Retirement Board appointment of Fred J. Pape ...... 247
" 18--Pape, Fred J., appointed to Fire & Police Retirement Board.
................................................... 247
" 18--Palrner Drug Co., Cigarette Permit ...................... 248
" 18--Perkins, Inc., Cigarette Permit .......................... 249
" 18--Ponderosa Systems, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 249
" 18--Pickle Barrel Subs., Cigarette Permit .................... 249
" 18--Petition of Thomas O'Neill requesting to purchase Lot 6 of
McGrath Subdivision ................................. 252
" 18--Polsean, Al, response sent regarding questions of May 21,
1984 ............................................... 252
" 25--Planning & Zoning Commission approving amendment to
Urban Renewal Plan .................................. 253
" 25--Potter, Scott, objecting to Walker-Oneida Sewer Assess-
ment ............................................... 258
July 2--Peru Road - Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer Project ........
........................................ 271-273, 325-327, 367
2--Pfaff, Robert A, re: Accept. of Res. 214-84 re: Northrange
Subdivision No. 1 ..................................... 277
2--Plat of Northrange Subdivision - waiving of late f lng of Ac-
cept. of Res. etc ...................................... 277
2--Perry, E. Eugene, applicant for Park & Recreation .......... 279
2--Park & Recreation Commission appointments of G. Thomp-
son & L. Galllar t ..................................... 279
2--Pitzer, Nancy, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 280
2--Pusatem Bros., Inc., Class B Beer Pernut ............... 280
2--Palmer, Richard, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 280
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 2--Pitz. Jeffrey, Claim; Denial ............................. 281, 305
" 16--Plat (Final) Approval of FDL First Addn. & Execution of
Consent ............................................ 287
, 16--Pretreatment Facility re: FDL Foods, Inc. etc ............. 288
" 16--Petitlon of residents of west end (Lagen, Ellen, Grant, Winne
& Keymeer) requesting bigger sewer system ............... 293
" 16--Petition of Dubuque Arboretum re: Name change of Brevan
St. to Arboretum Drive ................................ 295
" 16--Parking Lot - Lease with Klauer Mfg. Co. near McAleece
Recreation Park ...................................... 298
" 16--PeostaChannel, limltationofspeedlimitforboats .......... 299, 300
' 16--Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road re: Property acquisitions
for N/W Arterial ..................................... 301, 330
' 16--Project Self-Sufficiency Demonstration Program, re: Section
8 Housing ........................................... 301
' 16--Pregler, Walter, reappointed to the Transit Board .......... 304
" 16--Permit from Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Management for
Tschiggfrie~s ........................................ 306
" 16--Peoples Natural Gas Co. re: Permission to repair cut into
Lowell St ........................................... 306
" 16--Petition of W. Whittenbaugh requestlng sale of City property
in Porter's Addition ................................... 306
" 16--Porter's Addition (Lot 1 of Lot 16) re: W. Whlttenbaugh re~
quest sale of property owned by City ..................... 306
Aug. 6--Polsean, Al, questioning specifics of Peru Road · Kennedy
Road Sewer Project ................................... 327
" 6--Petition of J. Moore re: Land contract for property on Hill St.
................................................... 331,332
6--Petition of M/Mrs. Sam Bechen re: Splash Down Water Slide
objections ........................................... 332
6--Planning & Zoning Commission approving final plat of Sub-
division of Lot I of Cathedral Center ..................... 334, 335
8--P & Z approving final plat of Council Hills Subdivision &
recommending name change of Parkland Hill Drive to Coun-
cil Hills Drive ........................................ 335, 336
8--Proof of publication, on Notice of Grantee Performance
Report for Dubuque Jobs Biil Programs to HUD has been
filed ................................................ 342
8--Proof of publication, on Notice of Intent to file a release of
funds for the "Redstone" project from CD Block Grant Pro-
gram & Notice of Intent to file a release of funds for the
"Redstone" project from UDAG ........................ 342
" 20--Park & Recreation Complex, Bailpark Lighting Project .....
............................................ 350-352, 529-530
" 20--Precast Concrete Systems, Dubuque Dog Racing Faallity Bd
Pkg. "A" Project .............................. 352, 353, 377-380
" 20--Pawnbroker's Ordinance ........ 356,381,430,458-460,503,535-536
" 20--ParklandHillDrivenamedtoCouncilHillDrive ........... 335, 367
" 20--Proklbiting Driving while license is suspended, denied or
revoked ............................................. 368
" 20--Petition of C. Riedl re: 4-way stop at 12th & Elm Streets ..... 371
"20--Park & Recreation Commission, establishment of fees for
adult Athletic Program ................................ 371
" 20--Proof of publication on Notlce of Intent to release funds, from
CD Block Grant Program for Downtown "Market Place" &
Dubuque Downtown Hotel Project & Notice of No Signifi-
cant Effect on the Environment for these projects .......... 371
Sept. 4--P & Z Commission submitting Site Plan for Dubuque Racing
Facility... .......................................... 377
4--Price Bros. - Midwest Inc. of Rochelle, Ill, awarded precast
Concrete contract for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility ........ 380
4--Parking lot near Ecumenical Towers, re: Fee increase ....... 384
1984 SUBJECT Page
Sept. 4--Petltion of parking tenants at Ecumenical Towers re: Parking
fee increase .......................................... 384
4--Purchase of Services Agreement with Retired Senior
Volunteer Program ................................... 385
4--Profit & Loss Statement of Dubuque In-Future, Inc. re-
quested by Council. 387
4--Pratt, Mike, re: Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement
of Dubuque In-Future ................................. 387
4--Purcheee Agreement with Dubuque In-Future and Penneys.. 388
4--Penneys Building re: Purchase Agreement with Dubuque In-
Future ............................................. 388
4--Proof of publication of List of Claims & Receipts for July .... 39
4--Police Pension & Police Retirement System re: Financial
reports submitted. 391
" 5--Pavia, Richard A., of Speer Financial, Inc. for $7,900,000 GO
Bond issue.
......................................... 394
" 17--Pasko, Rev. Kurt, of U.D., gave Invocation ............... 397
' 17--Phase 4 Site Work, Phase 5 Structural Steel & Exterior
Closures & Phase 6 Kennels & Security Building for Dog Rac-
lng Facility .......................................... 400
" 17--Polecan, Al, re:CouncilMeetingofS-21.84;Response ....... 402, 512
" 17--Peekeeh, Paul of Dubuque Historic Improvement co. re:
Redstone guest parking etc ............................ 403
" 17--Parking at the Airport investigated ...................... 403
" 17--Police Dept. re: Options re: Suspension/revocation of Beer &
Liquor Sales establishments etc ......................... 403
' 17--Parking requirements changed on east side of Locust St.
from 4th St. to Ninth St ............................... 414
" 17--Parks re: Recording them & recordingln Cide Cede ......... 417
" 17--P & Z Commission approving plats (2) for property located
east of Samuel St. owned by Kelly, Livens, & Simpson (St.
George's Subdivision).. 420
17--Plat approved in St. George's Subdivision No. 2 ............ 420
" 17--Phillips, Michael, applicant for Airport Commission ........ 421
" 17--Pizza Hut of Dubuque #2, Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 422
" 17--Peco, Lori Ann, Settlement of Claim ..................... 423
Oct. 1--Planning & Zoning Commission re: West Eleventh St.
Historic Preservation District .......................... 429
1--Policy Statement re: Dock Board Ordinance ............... 429
1 --Polsean, Bernice A., Claim; Denial ....................... 437, 483
" 11 --Places discussed for Council Meetings .................... 449
" 15--Plumblng Systems, Package C, Dubuque Dug Racing Facility
Construction ............................. 450,451,493,498-501
" 15--Petition of R. Hudson for Upper River Terminals requesting
barge fleeting space.. 458
15--Printed Council Proceedings for the month of June, approved.
' ' '.'. ............................................... 464
" 15--Petition of C. Isenhart for Youth Soccer Organization re-
questing use of area near softball complex ................ 465
" 15--Park & Recreation Commission & Four Mounds Task Force
submitting report. 465
" 15--Petition of Mrs. Lange to construct carport on Farragut St.
................................................... 465
" 15--Petition of G. Sullivan re: Property adjacent to his at 120 W.
4th St.
,, ' .................................................. 465
15--Park & Recreation Complex, statement re: Uses ............ 466
" 15--Plat (final) of Letna Properties, approved by P & Z .......... 466
" 15--Pfohl, Richard A., signing Acceptance of Resolution re: Letna
Properties.. 467
1984 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 29--Planning & Zoning Commission held Work Session with
Council re: Zoning Ordinance ........................... 468
Nov. 5--Project Agreement with Iowa DOT for Brice, Petrides &
Associates Inc. to update feasibility study of Reekdale Road
Bridge .............................................. 475
5--Public records - designation of lawful custodians ........... 479
5--Petition of C.M. Beurskens to contribute $500 to the Reward
Fund for sabatoging at the Dog Racing Facility ............ 480
5--Public records, designation of lawful custodians ........... 480
5--Plumhing Board appointments of J. Darner II & Harlen
Willenborg .......................................... 480
" 5--Post, Paula, Lynda & Dennis, Claim ..................... 482
" 13--Plumbing Systems Contract for Dog Track Awarded .... 493,498-501
" 19--Plat approved of vacated portion of Roosevelt St., Easterly
from Garfield Ave. to the Chicago, Milwaukee etc. RR ....... 497
" 19--Petition by J. Moore re: Purchase of property on Hi-1 St ..... 503
" 19--Petition of M/M Robi G. Kluga, Sr. requeeting discussion etc.
of Lower Income Housing .............................. 503
" 19--Petition of S. Simon re: Repeal of Secondhand, Junk Dealer
Ordinance ........................................... 503
" 19--Police & Sheriff Locker facilities, renovation etc. of Law Eh-
forcement Center .............................. ....... 504
" 19--Program Statement, filing of same for a CD Block Grant .... 509
" 19--Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for
Certain CD Block Grant Projects ........................ 510
" 19--Promotion Committee of Cable Teleprogramming Comm.
submitting MINUTES ................................ 511
" 19--Pries, Mark resigning from Human Rights Commlsslon ..... 513
Dec. 3--Preliminary Development plan for Key City Investment Co.
for property at corner of J.F.K. Road, Dodge St. & Wacker
Drive ............................................... 519
3--Planned Commercial District, Amendment (at corner of JFK,
Dodge & Wacker) ..................................... 519
3--Property at J.F.K. Road, Dodge St. & Wacker re: Amending
preliminary development plan .......................... 519
3--Parking lot at Ecumenical Towers, re: Fee change & discus-
sion etc ............................................. 520
3--Petition of p~rking tenants at Lot No. 9 objecting to fee raised
for parking lot at Ecumencial Towers .................... 520
3--Parking Garage at Iowa Street Municipal Ramp - change in
hours of operation .................................... 521
3--Parking Meters re: 4th Street arca ....................... 522, 534
3--Parking fee for Parking LOt No. 9, changed ................ 522
3--Polsean, Al, re: Opinion @ Cedar Cross Road Bridge Closing.
" 3--Pawnbrokers Ordinances, Amending ..................... 535-536
" 17--Parks, formally recording 7 of them in City Code ........... 539-540
" 17--Prochaska, Susan re: 4th Street area Meter Parking Or-
dinanee ............................................. 544
17--Parking in 4th St. area, Meters - Discussion ............... 544
" 17--Pauly, Nancy, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 548
" 17--Proof of publication, List of Claims for October & Notice of
Finding of No Significant Effect on the Environment for CD
Projects ............................................ 549
" 17--Project No. 05-01-02108 terminated by EDA .............. 549
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 14-Quit Claim Deed, Disposition of Lot 2 of Subdivision of
Sears-Roebuck & Co. Subdivision No. 2, to Frommcits ...... 169
Sept. 4-Qnit Claim Deed re: Vacation of North side of 4th St. between
Iowa & Main and approving vacation to Investment
Counselors, Inc ...................................... 382
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Rodenberg, James A., re: demolition of Strand Theatre ...... 3
3--Robinson, Jerry & Jon Atkineen, Cigarette Permit ......... 4
" 16--Rezoning request of Steve's Plumbing & Heating for 2600
University .......................................... 9
, 16,Rezoning to allow raotels as a conditional use in OR'i ....... 9
"16--Rezoning re: Ralph Dignmn/Center Grove Properties at 3250
Dodge ........................................ 13, 76, 102, 103
,, 16_Rezoning re: Sharon Dull request for Loras Blvd ........... 14
,, 16_Revitalization Area for Waskiv~on St., Amended .......... 14-16
,, 16_Rangers (Park), deeignated as Law Enfurcement Officer s .... 22
" 16--Radford Road, Dubuque Industrial Center, Utility & paying
installations .........................................
,, 16_Redalen, Rick, M.D., applicant for Human Right s Comm .... 24
,, 16_Robinson, Linda, Claee"C"Beer&LiquorLieenee ......... 25
,, 16_Rohay, Stanley, Jr., Class "C" Liquor Lieense ............. 26
" 16--Reports (Audit & Financial) Submitted for FY ending
6/30/83 .............................................
Feb. 6--Reynolds, Attorney Jim, re: Al Beyer & problems with Air-
6--Road Use Tax Fund, Preserving the Integrity ............. 40
6--Rehab, Program by City, Dubuque Bank & Trust vs. City
Program and Gerald Udelhafen ......................... 43
Feb. 18--Rantni Rehab. Demonstration Program Participation,
Authorizing Application to US. Dept. of HUD ............. 62, 63
Mar. 5--Rupert, Colleen, Claim ................................. 78, 105
" 5--Regan, Jane, Claim; Denial; Settlement ................ 78, 118, 281
" 5--Rail Organization committee-request for representative be
appointed thereto .................................... 76
5--Rockdale Road Bridge, petition of 1108 signatures re-
questing replacement ................................. 84
" 12--Richard Slattery Arts Center, re: FY 85 Budget and retain
Cultural Arts Program and retain name of Center .......... 81
,, 12_Reed, Gary, speaking in favor of retaining Cditural Arts Pro'
gram FY 85 Budget ...................................
" 12--Reepech, Linda, questioning Council re: Specifics of
Volunteer Firefighters Program ......................... 82
" 12--Residentizl Meter Exchange Program proposed funding
change .............................................
,, 12_Refuse Collection, propose City fund at same level .......... 82
" 19--Reeoning re: 2769 University from R-4 to OR-1 ............ 91, 92
Apr. 2--Railroad IChicagn, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific), Acquired
by City .............................................
2--Rohar t, Margnerite, Clnim; Denial ....................... 118, 165
" 16--R & S Investments, objecting to assessments for Kennedy
Road Reconstruction .................................. 120
" 16--Redstone Building, Application to HUD for UDAG Grant.
................................................... 122, 132
,, 16_Robert's Foods, Inc. - Assignment of Agreement to TFM C°.
,, 16_RevenueShacingFunds, Budget, Avallableforinspection..' 130
" 16--Rumph's (J.W.I - Mina, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor
Licens~ ............................................. 139
May 7_RampconstructionforBestBeersCorp .................. 157, 158
7--Report - Grantee Performance (HUD), completed & in com-
pliance .............................................
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 7--Report - 1983 Peoples Natural Gas ....................... 166
7--Report - 1983 Annual Audit report - Community Develop-
ment ............................................... 166
7--Race Track Vote Canvass - set out by County Board of Super-
visors .............................................. 167
7--Referendum Vote for Race Track, set out by County Board of
Supervisors ......................................... 167
7--Raee Track, request by United Labor Part, Comm, to use
Iowa Labor .......................................... 168
" 14--RiverFest, Discussion of Parking Meter Enforcement ....... 169
"21--Reservoir(3rdSt. Property)-objectinnstodisposalofproper-
ty by neighbors ...................................... t71
"21--Richurdeen, Mary - petition with others for change in
metered parking on University .......................... 183
"21--Riverside Bowl, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 191
"21--Ruegnitz Drug Store, Cigarette Permit ................... 191
"21--Resurreetion Men's Service Club, Class "B" Beer Permit .... 192
4--Rohart's River Rides, Inc. - re: Lease of Hawthorne St. Boat
Ramp .............................................. 208
4--Racing Facility, approval of Architect Engineer ............ 210
4--Refuse Colieetion Accounts (Delinquent) certified to Auditor.
" 4--Revco Discount Drug Center, Cigarette Permits ........... 217
4--Ring, Richard J., Cigarette Permit ....................... 217
4--Riverside Bowl, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 218
" 4--Recessed Session - from June 4 to June 8 .................. 219
"18--Redstone, - Loan of CD Block Grant Funds to Dubuque
Historical Improvement Co ............................ 226, 261
" 18--Rate Increase re: Cable TV .............. 236, 263, 278, 293, 343, 364
" 18--Robey, Stanley, Jr. (Ken Kruser), Cigarette Permit ......... 249
" 18--Randalls Foodarama #1 & #2, Cigarette Permit ............ 249
" 18--Red Apple Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................. 249
" 18--Robinson, Jerry, (The Brewery), Cigarette Permit .......... 249
" 18--Roeth, Delores, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License.
................................................... 249, 250
" 18--Robert's River Rides, re: Lease on Hawthorne St ........... 251
" 18--Roosevelt St. - property at end off Peru Road, various pro-
blems .............................................. 251
" 18--Report by Acting City Manager on referrals made to City
Managers Office ..................................... 252
" 25--Redstone - Request fur release of funds for Dubuque Historic
Improvement Co. "Redstone" Rehabilitation Project
(UDAG) ............................................ 261,262
2--River City Paving, Inc. awarded contract for 1984 Asphalt
Paving Project ....................................... 275, 276
2--Rossiter, Paul, appointed to Historic Preservation Corem .... 279
2--Revco Discount Drug Centers of Iowa, Class "C" Beer Per-
mit ................................................ 280
16--Real Estate Disposal of Interests, Declaration of Intent etc.
re: FDL Foods ....................................... 288
16--Reni Esta[e Disposal of Interests, Declaration of Intent etc.
re: FDL Foods, Inc ................................... 290
16--Resldential Water Meters, Replacement, Project ........... 292
16--Rapp, Richard, objecting to sewer system in Keyway area... 293
16--Rates (Basic} fur Cable Television ........ 263,278,293-295.343,364
16--Review (Environmental) fundings for 2 projects ............ 296
16--Redalen, Rick R., applicant for Human Rights Comin ....... 303
16--Randall's International, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 304
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 16--Red Dragon, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 305
,, 16_Rapp, Richard&Janice, Claim; Settlement ................ 305, 464
" 16--Reynnlds, James for Kiwanis Club re: Using "The Barn" for
the theatre and the Arts ............................... 306
,, 26_Railroad Addn., Sale of Vacated Lot A of E. 19th St. to FDL
Foods ..............................................
" 26--Real Estate Mortgage - Partial Releases etc. as to Lot 1 and 312
Lot 3 of FDL First Addn ...............................
" 26--Resointion determining the compliance on disposition pro-
posals with terms of offering for Urban Renewal Parcel 4-2.
" 26--Revenue Bonds (Urban Renewal Tax Increment), proof of
publieation, and Resolution ............................ 314, 315
" 26--Rceolution Instituting proceedings to take additional action
for the issuance of $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment 315
Revenue Bonds ......................................
' 26--Request for release of Funds for Downtown Marketplace &
Conventinn Hotel .................................... 317
"30--Rober's Dredge Inc. - awarded contract for the Dubuque Dog 321
Racing Facility, Grading ...............................
Aug. 6--Rath, Dennis, re: Kennedy Court - Peru Read Sewer Project. 325
6--Redstone, Proof of publication on Notice of Intent to file a
release of funds for the "Redstone' project from the CD
Block Grant Program & Notice of Intent to file a release of
funds for the "Redstnne" Project from UDAG Program ..... 342
6--Receipts & Claims for June, Proof of publication ........... 342
6--Recesecd Session of August 6, 1984 ...................... 343
8_Racing Assn. re: Issuance of General Obligetion Bonds bY Ci' 344-346
8--Resolution submitted Authorizing City Manager to execute
document for Construction Management Agreement re:
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility with Durrant Group, Inc ..... 346
8--River (Mississippi) Revival, Proclamation ................. 349
8--Rhomberg Ave. - Disposition of Abandoned portions to
Susan Baisamo ................................... 355,381-382
8--Report from City Manager re: Splash Down Water Slide ..... 356
" 20--Richardson, Mary, Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 369
" 20--Riedl, Connie, requesting 4-way stop at 12th & Elm Streets;
Response ........................................... 371, 424
Sept. 4_Rinderknecht Associates, awarded contract for Excavati°n & 380
Concrete Work .......................................
" 4--Resolution approving plat of vacation of North side of 4th St.
between Iowa & Main Streets etc ........................ 382, 473
4--Resniution approving disposal of vacated land (North side of
4th St. between Iowa & Main Streets) to Investment
Counselors & authorizing Mayor to execute Quit Claim Deed.
................................................... 382, 473
4--Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Purchase of Services
Agreement ..........................................
4--Resolution Amending Memoranduni of Agreement between
City & Dubuque In-Future, Inc ......................... 387, 413
4--Randali's International, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 389
4--Receipts & Claims (Proof of publication), for July ........... 391
4--Retirement Systems - Fire & Police - financial report ........ 391
4--Redstone Guest parking & historic lighting.... ........... 403
" 17--Revitalization areas re: Designation ..................... 415-417
" 17--Recreation Area, re: Recording 11 of those & public parks in
City Code ...........................................
1984 SUBJECT Page
Sept. 17--Redding, D., reappointed to Zoning Board of Adjustment .... 421
Oct. 1--Rampson, Gina, re: Noisy tavern patrons on University Ave.
1--Rental Rehabilitation Program, approval for appl/eatinn of
50 units .............................................. 434, 435
1--Repo t on Worker s Compensatton Self-Insurance Plan ...... 438
1--Ramp construction at F & S Radiator .................... 438, 461
" 15--Richnrdson, Rev. Terry, Gave Invocation ................. 450
" 15--Risere & Concrete Toppings, re: Dubuque Dog Track
Package "C". ....................................... 450, 491
" 15--Revenue Bond Issue for Dairy Lab Services, Inc ........... 453-456
" 15--Radiator, F & S, requesting to construct ramp ............. 438, 461
" 15--Riverboat Museum requesting historic light s .............. 466
Nov. 5--Retired Executives Month (Service Corps et), Proclamation.
5--Retail Stabilization in Town Clock Plaza, Authorization to
expend monies ....................................... 474
5--Rockdaie Read Bridge, Economic Feasibility Study by Brlce,
Petrides etc ......................................... 475
5--Records Custodians desiguated for the City ............... 479, 480
5--Reward Fund for Sabataging for Dog Racing Facility ....... 480
5--Redstone re: UDAG saying application for project not ap-
proved ............................................. 483
" 13--Resolutinns re: Awarding Contracts for Bid Package "C"
(Dog Track) - and Discussions (Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical
etc.) ................................................ 493-495
" 13--Rinderknecht Associates, awarded contract for Dog Track
Interior Systems ..................................... 494
"19--Roosevelt St., pint approval of vacated portion easterly from
G~r field Ave. to Chicago, Milwaukee RR ................. 497
" 19--Roosevelt St. - Ord. submitting vacating portion of same
easterly from Garfield to Chieagu, Milwaukee RR tracks ..... 498, 515
" 19--Ryan, Ed, appointed to Ad Hoc Dock Committee ........... 510
" 19--RedstoneRehab. Project, Lonnof$35,000ofCDBlockGrant
Funds to Historic Improvement Co ...................... 508
" 19--Rainbo Oil Co. (KWIK Stop Food Mart), Class "C" Beer Per-
mit ................................................ 511
" 19--Roddick, Kenny, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 511
" 19--Report (Annual) of DMATS submitted ................... 513
Dec. 3--Rotman Auto Supply at 335 Iowa St. - purchase of property
by City ............................................. 523-524
3--River City Tavern, (P. Mihalakls), Class "C" Liquor License.
................................................... 525
3--Richman, John (Avenue Top), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 525
3--Ryan, Mrs. Ora, Claim ................................. 526
3--Report (financial) of Dubuque In-Future, Inc .............. 527
" 17--Redstone-re:LeaseAgreementforparkinginlot .......... 533, 534
" 17--Report from Brice, Petrides & Associates re: Cedar Cross
Road Bridge ......................................... 534
" 17--Redstone re: Lease of Ornamental Lights etc .............. 537
" 17--Riverboat Museum requesting one historic double inmp ..... 537
17--Recreation areas & Parks) formally recorded in City Code .. 539, 540
17--Real Estate Disposal Bound by Liens and/or Mortgages
Agreed to between Housing Rehab Property Owners & City.
" 17--Revco Discount Drug Center ........................... 547
' 17--Robinson, Gerald, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 548
" 17--Reimer, Sandra L., Refund on Cigarette Permit ............ 549
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--1-84 Reaffirming the Appointment of City Manager
(Gearhart) ........................................... 2
3--2-84 Providing for the Appointment of a City Clerk (Davis).
3--3-84 Providing for the Appointment of a Legal Staff for the
City of Dubuque (Lindahl & Bhim) ....................... 2, 3
3--4-84 Designating the Official Newspaper of the City of
Dubuque (Telegraph-Herald) ........................... 3
3--5-84 Cigarette Permits to two outlets .................... 4
3--6-84 Class "B" Beer Permits to two outlets ................ 4
3--7-84 Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to 4 outlets ......... 5
" 16--8-84 Authorizing the filing of Application with Dept. of
Transportation, USA, for Grants under UMTA of 1964, as
Amended ........................................... 8
- 16--9-84 Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agree-
ment with ARC ...................................... 10
" 16--10-84 Fixing a Date for Hearing on Proposed Industrial
Devalopment Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (ARC Project) .... 12
" 16--11-84 Finding an Amendment to the Boundaries & Plan for
the Washington St. Urban Revitalization Area is Necessary
in the Interest of the Public Health Safety & Welfare of the
Residents of the City .................................. 14
" 16--12-84 Acknowledging a Proposed Amendment to the
Washington St. Urban Revitalization Area Plan Established
by Ordinance No. 40-81 & Providing for a Public Hearing .... 15
" 16--13-84 Accepting Improvement for Crescent Ridge Sanitary
Sewer Phase II ....................................... 17
" 16--14-84 Final Estimate of Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer
Phase II ............................................ 17
" 16--15-84 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for Crescent
Ridge Sanitary Sewer Phase II, etc ...................... 18
" 16--16-84 Accepting Improvement for Dubuque Industrial
Center & Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities ........ 22
" 16--17-84 Final Estimate for Dubuque Industrial Center &
Associated Sewer/Water Facillties ....................... 22
" 16--18.84 Cigarette Permits to 2 outlets ...................... 25
" 16--19-84 Beer Permiin to 3 outlets .......................... 25
" 16--20-84 Beer & Liquor License to 4 outlets; Beer & Wine to 1
outlet .............................................. 25, 26
Feb. 6--21-84 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Industrial
Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (Area Residential
Care Project) ........................................ 32
" 6--22-84 Amendment to Option Agreement Between the City of
Dubuque and Klauer Mfg. Co ........................... 34
" 6--23-84 Approving Plat of Vacated Portions of Huff Street in
the Proximity of the Frommelt Bldg. Corp ................ 35
" 6--24-84 Sale of City Owned Property to Frommelt Bldg. Corp.
6--25-84 Authorizing the Execution of a Certificate of Comple-
tion for Dubuque Supply Co ............................ 37
6--26-84 Authorizing the Execution of a Certificate of Comple-
tion for Frommelt Bldg. Corp ........................... 38
6--27-84 Authorizing the Execution of a Certificate of Comple-
tion for Frommelt Industries, Inc ....................... 39
6--28-84 Supplemental Agreement for Professional Services Af-
filiated with the Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location
Study with Brice, Petrides & Associates, Inc., Waterloo,
Iowa ............................................... 40
6--29-84 Preserving the Integrity of the Read Use Tax Fund .... 40
6--30-84 Cigarette Permits to 2 outlets ...................... 41
1984 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 6--31'84Class"B"&"C"BeerPermit. to3outlets ............ 42
6--32-84 Class "B" & "C' Liquor License & "C" Beer & Wine
License ............................................ 42
" 21--33~84 Approval of an Amendment to Option Agreement ha-
tween City & Klauer Mfg. Co ........................... 50
" 21--34-84 Approval of Sale of City Owned Property to Frommelt
Bldg. Corp .......................................... 52
" 21--35-84 Regarding the Issuance of Not to Exceed Amount of
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (First Judicial
District Dept. of Correctional Services Project), etc ......... 54
" 21--36-84 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the FY 85
Budget for the City of Dubuque ......................... 59
" 21--37-84 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on Five Year
Capital Improvement Program ........................ 59
" 21--38'84 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Hearing for
the Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds .... 60
" 21--39-84 Approving Tax Exemption Applications Submitted by
Property Owners in the Jackson Park & W. 11th St. Urban
Revitalization Areas, etc ............................... 61
" 21--40-84 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability for
Public Inspection of Certain C.D. Block Grant Documents.
" 21--41-84 Authorizing Application to the U.S. Dept. of Housing
& Urban Development (HUD) for Participation in the Rental
Rehabilitation Demonstration Program .................. 62
" 21--42-84 Adopting Supplement No. 20 to the Code of Or-
dinances ............................................ 64
"21--43-84 Protecting the Integrity of the Dubuque Cable
Delivery Services Franchise ............................ 65
" 21--44-84 Cigarette Permit to 2 natlets ...................... 67
" 21--45-84 Class "C" Beer Permit to 4 outlets .................. 67
" 21--46'84 Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to 3 outlets ........ 68
Mar. 5--47-84 Authorizing & Directing the City Manager to proceed
with the demolition & removal of the South Trickling Filter
Dome at the Wastewater Treatment Plant ................ 71
5--48-84 Necessity for Improvement for demolition of trickling
filters etc. of plant facilities at WWTP .................... 71
' 5--49-84 Approval of Proposed Specs. etc. for demolition of
domes etc. for WWTP ................................. 72
5--50-84 Fixing Date of Hearing & Advertising for Proposals for
demolition of domes, etc. for WWTP ..................... 72
5--51-84 Necessity for Improvements for Structural Modifica-
tions for City Hall .................................... 73, 109
5--52-84 Preliminary Approval of Plans etc. for Structural
Modifications for City Hall ............................. 73
5--53-84 Fixing Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertise-
ment for Proposals for Structural Modifications for City
Hall ................................................ 74
5~54-84 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for
the Loan of Community Development Block Grant Funds to
Dubuque Stamping & Mfg. Co .......................... 75
" 5--55-84 Accepting Improvement for the 1983 Street Lighting &
Traffic Signal Improvements ........................... 75
5--56-84 Final Estimate for the 1983 Street Lighting & Traffic
Signal Improvement Project ........................... 76
5--57-84 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to 5
outlets ............................................. 76, 77
5--58-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to 5 outlets ............ 77
" 12--59-84 Adopting the annual Budget for the Fiscal ~ear En-
ding June 30, 1985 .................................... 84
" 12-60-84 Adoption of Five Year Capital IInprovement Program. 84
1984 SUBJECT Page
Mar. 12--61-84 Re: Public Hearing and Approving Issuance and sale of
not to exceed $950,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of In-
dustical Revenue Bonds First Judicial District Dept. of Cor-
rectional Services Project Series 1984 .................... 93
" 12--62-84 Decision of Council on objections to cost of demolition
of trickling filters at WWTP ............................ 95
" 12--63-84 Ordering Construction and Proceeding with Demolition
of dome covers and trickling filters at WWTP ............. 95
12--64-84 Adopting Rollback Factor on special Assessments
Associated with Reconstruction Projects for FY 85 ........ 96
" 12--65-84 Necessity for Improvement Being Reconstruction of
John F. Kennedy Road .............................. 96,97,120
" 12--66-84 Approval of Plans, etc. for Reconstruction of John F.
Kennedy Road ....................................... 97
" 12--67-84 Determination of Schedule of Assessments for
Reconstruction of John F. Kennedy Road and valuations .... 97
" 12--68-84 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans, Specifications and
Form of Contract for Reconstruction of John F. Kennedy
Road ............................................... 98
" 12--69-84 CaRing an Election of Proposition of Issuing Bonds for
Construction and Equipping a Dog Racing Track Complex.
98, 99
" 12--70-84 Authorizing Filing of Program Statement for Com-
munity Deveinpment Block Grant for City ................ 99
" 19--71-84 Authorizing Submission of Request for Funds for
Development of Outdoor Recreation Under Land and Water
Conservation Fund Program ........................... 100
" 19--72-84 Consenting to Variance in Pricing Structure of Disposi'
tion Sites in Dubuque Industrial Center .................. 101
" 19--73-84 Authorizing Acceptance of Agreement for Loan of
Community Development Block Grant Funds to Dubuque In-
Future, Inc .......................................... 102
" 19--74-84 Issuance of Class "B" and "C" Beer Permits ......... 104
" 19--75-84 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses .............. 104
Apr. 2--76-84 Decision of Counsel Upon Objections to Plans, Specs.
Etc. for Structural Modifications for City Hail ............. 110
2--77-84 Ordering Construction of Structural Modifications for
City Hall Project ..................................... 110
" 2--78-84 Awarding Contract for Structural Modifications for
City Hail Project to Conion Construction Co .............. 111
2--79-84 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Is-
suance of $750,000 General Obligation Bonds (For An Essen-
tlal Corporate Purpose) of Dubuque, Iowa, and Providing for
Publication of Notice Thereof ........................... 111
2--80-84 Necessity for Improvement for 1984 Traffic Signal and
Street Lighting Improvement s ...................... 113,142,143
2--81-84 Approval of proposed plans, specs, for 1984 Traffic
Signal & Street Lighting Improvements in the estimated
amount of $105,102.06 and placing same in Clerk's Office .... 113
2--82-84 Fixing Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertise-
ment for Proposals for 1984 Traffic Signal & Street Lighting
Improvement ........................................ 113
2--83-84 Authorizing Execution of An Agreement between the
City & the Iowa Dept. of Transportation Relating to the
Modification of Several Traffic Signals along U.S. 20 and
U.S. 52 ............................................. 114
2--84-84 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for
the Loan of Community Development Block Grant Funds to
Area Residential Care Foundation ....................... 115
2--85-84 Authorizing Ac~eptance of An Agreement Providing
for the Loan of State of Iowa CommuRity Development Loan
Funds to Area Residential Care Foundation ............... 115
1984 SUBJECT Page
Apr. 2--86-84 Relating to Acquisition of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and Pacific Railroad .............................. 116
" 2--87-84 Cigarette Permits to 2 outlets ...................... 116
" 2--88-84 Class "B" & "C" Permits to 2 outlets ............... 117
" 2--89-84 Class "C" Liquor & Beer Licenses to 2 outlets ........ 117
" 16--90-84 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of
Necessity Proposed for Reconstruction of J.F. Kennedy Road
~'om Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ................ 121
" 16--91'84 Ordering Constructlon for reconstruction of j.F. Ken.
nedy Road .......................................... 121-122
" 16--92-84 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental
Review Findings for the City of Dubuque/Dubuque Historic
Improvement Co. Urban Development Action Grant Project.
................................................... 122
" 16--93'84 Authorizing publicatinn of Notlce of Public Hearing for
the City of Dubuque/Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. Ur-
ban Development Action Grant Project .................. 123
" 16--.94.84 providing for an Opportunity for a Deelgn Public Hear.
~ng on Northwest Arterial from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury
Road ............................................... 125
16--95-84 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Agree-
ment with the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for
Calendar Year 1984 ................................... 126
" 16--Approving the Final Plat of Dubuque Industrinl Center Fifth
Addn. in the City of Dubuque ........................... 126
" 16--97'84 Approvlng the Final Plat of Dubuque Harbor Co,s 2nd
Addn. in the City of Dubuque ........................... 127
" 16--98'84 Approving the Final Plat of "Hardee's First Addn.,, in
the City of Dubuque. 127
" 16--99-84 Cigarette Permits to 2 outlets ...................... 128
00-84 Class C Beer Pernuts to 2 outlets ................ 128
" 16--101-84 Class "C" Beer & Wine License to One Outlet; Class
e & Liquor L~eense to Several Outlets ............. 129
" 23--102-84 Authorizing the Filing of An Application for UDAG
Grant for Dubuque/Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. Pro-
ject. 132
"30--103'84 Regarding tho Issuance of Not to Exceed $325,000 in
Ag. Prin. Amount of Med. Clinic Revenue Bonds (Hall &
Eckhart Project) Series 1984 of the City, Directing Publica.
tion of Notice of Intention to Issue, Calling a Public Hearing
on the proposal to issue said Bonds & Authorizing Execution
of a Memorandum of Agreement ........................ 184
"30--104-84 Cigare,~te,,Pe,r,~m~,,t for Benny's Steak House .......... 138
" 30--105-84Cinss B & C Beer Permit for l outlet each ....... 138,139
--0684Class C Beer&LiquorL~eenseto2outlets ........ 139
May 7--107-84 Instituting Proceedings to take additional action for
the issuance of $750,000 General Obligation Bonds - Airport
Improvements.. 141
" 7--108-84 Directing the Advertisement for sale of $750,000
General Obligation Bonds - Airport Improvements ......... 142
7--109-84 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, etc. for
1984 Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Improvements ....... 143
7--110-84 Ordering Construction for 1984 Street Lighting &
Traffic Signal Project ................................. 143, 144
7--111-84 Awarding Contract for 1984 Traffic Signal & Street
Lighting Project to Westphal & Co., Inc .................. 144
7--112-84 Authorizing submission of an application for
Operating Assistance with the Iowa Dept. of Transportation.
................................................... 145
7--113-84 Necessity for Improvement for 1984 Asphalt Paving
Project ......................................... 146, 199, 200
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 7--114-84 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Specs. for 1984
Asphalt Paving Project ............................... 147
7--115-84 Be it Resolved by the City Council that the Schedule
of Assessments for the 1984 Asphalt Paving Project be ap-
proved ............................................. 147
" 7--116-84 Fixing Date of Hearing for the 1984 Asphalt Paving
Project ............................................. 147
" 7--117-84 Directing the City Clerk to publish proposed amend-
ment to the Fiscal Year 1984 Budget and Date of Public
Hearing ............................................ 148
7--118-84 Authorizing the Issuance of a $765,000 Industrial
Development Revenue Bond (First Judicial Dis. Dept. of Cor-
rectional Services Project) for purpose of making a loan to
assist the First Judicial Dept. of Correctional Services in the
Financing of Costs of a "Project" etc ..................... 148-156
7--119-84 Authorizing the filing of an amendment to Section 5
Application (Iowa-05-0037) with the Dept. of Transportation,
USA, for a Grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act
of 1964, as amended ................................... 156
7--120-84 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the Iowa Dept. of Transportation
re: Right-of-way Acquisition for the N/W Arterial from Penn-
sylvania Ave. to Asbury Road .......................... 158
7--121-84 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between the
City of Dubuque and the Iowa Dept. of Transportation re:
Construction of N/W Arterial from Pennsylvania Ave. to
Asbury Road ........................................ 159
7--122-84 Authorizing Acceptance and Execution of an Amend-
ment to an Agreement by and between the City & Area
Residential Care Foundation ........................... 159
7--123-84 Authorizing Acceptance and Execution of a Pro.
missory Note and an Agreement between the State of Iowa
Office for Planning & Programming and the City of Dubuque
Providing for the Loan of $250,000 to the City of Dubuque
Under the Iowa CD Loan Program ....................... 160-161
" 7--124-84 Authorizing the issuance and Sale of an Industrial
Development Revenue Bond (Area Residential Care Project)
c~ the City of Dubuque, Iowa in the principal amount of
$425,000; Execution of a Lender Loan Agreement with DB &
T. Co. providing terms etc. of bond, execution and delivery of
Loan Agreement with Area Residential Care Foundation pro-
viding for the repayment of hian of proceeds of such bond .... 161
7--125-84 Cigarette Permit to James Webb (Jim's Web) ....... 163
7--126-84 Class "B' & Class "C" Beer Permits to several
outlets ............................................. 163, 164
7--127-84 Class "C" Liquor License to several outlets ......... 164
" 14--128-84 Reeelutinn of a Propoeal te Dispose of City's Interest
in Lot 2 of Subdivision of Sears-Roebuck & Co., Subdivision
No. 2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ...................... 169
"21--129-84 Relating to the Holding of a Public Hearing and Ap-
proving Proceeding with the Issuance and Sale of Not to Ex-
ceed $325,000 in Aggregate Principal Amount of Medical
Clinic Revenue Bonds (Hall & Eckhart Project) of the City of
Dubuque ............................................ 172
" 21--130-84 Approving Disposition of Lot 2 of Sears & Roebuck
Co. Subdivision No. 2 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa subject to
the City of Dubuque, Iowa Retaining a Perpetual Easement
in Accordance with a Grant oI Easement Executed by the Ci-
ty and Frommelt Ind .................................. 173
" 21--131-84 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year
Ending 6-30,84 ....................................... 174
" 21--132-84 For the Permanent Transfer of Funds .............. 176
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 21--133-84 Authorizing the FiReg of Applications with the DOT,
USA for Grants under the UMTA of 1964, as amended ...... 177
May21--134-84 Necessity for Improvoment for Walker-Oneida
Sardtary Sewer ................................... 178,258,259
"21--135-84 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc., for Walker-
Oneida St. Sewer ..................................... 179
"21--136-84 Approval of Proposed Assessments for Walker-
Oneida Sanitary Sewer ................................ 179
' 21--137-84 Fixing Date of Hearing for Walker-Oneida Sanitary
Sewer ...................................
"21-138-84 Nece~ait~' for imp;gve~ent ior 6hapl~n S~hmltt 179
Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex - Construction
of Infields & Warning Tracks ........................... 180, 227
"21--139-84 Preliminary Approval of Plans etc. for Chaplain
Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex - con-
structlan of Infields and Warding Tracks ................. 181
"21--140'84 Fixing Dar e of Heating & Author/zing Adver tlaement
for Proposals for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park &
Becreatlan Complex - Construction of Infields & Warning
Tracks. 181
"21--141-84 A o m t~e~n i~b e
County, Iowa providing for the establishment, maintenance
a~d operation of the Dubuque Area Public Safety Com-
mudieatlons Center ....... ' ............................ 182
ment with the Iowa State Historical Dept. for Nomination of
Cathedral National Register Dis ........................ 184
" 21--143-84 Approval of Assignment of Lease to Arcadian
Agricultural Corp. from Allied Chemical Co. has been sub-
mitred by All/ed Chemical Co ........................... 184
" 21--144-84 Approval of Renewal of Extension of Lease between
City & Dubuque Oil Terminals .......................... 185
"21--145-84 Accepting Agreement between the City &
Amalgamated Transit Union, Division #329, and Author/zing
the Mayor to sign Said Agreement ....................... 186
"21--146-84 Accepting the Agreement between the City & the
General Drivers & Helpers Union, Local #421 .......... 186
"21--147-84 Accepting the Agreement between the City and D~
que PoHeemen's Protective Assn. and authorizing Mayor to
s/gn Agreement ...................................... 187
"21--148'84 Accepting the Agreement between the Cizy and inter.
national Union of Operating Engineers, Local 0758, and
authorizing Mayor to sign Agreement .................... 188
" 21--149-84 Accepting the Agreement between the City & Dubu-
que Assn. of Professional Fire Fighters, Local #353, and
authorizing Mayor to sign Agreement .................... 188
"21--150-84 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1985 Compensation
Package & Wage Plan for Nonbargalding Unit Employees... 189
"21--151-84 Accepting Improvement for Reconstruction of Peru
Road at Abandoned Ch/cage NW RR Crossing ............. 190
"21--152'84 Final Estimate of Reconatruction of Peru Road at the
abandoned Chicago NW RR Crossing .................... 190
" 21--153-84 Cigarette Permits to @ 20 outlets ............ 191, 192
"21--154'84Class"B"&"C"BecrPermitstoseveralout]cts.'iill 192
" 21--155-84 Class "C', "B" & "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to
several outlets ....................................... 192, 193
June 4--156-84 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of
Necessity Proposed for the 1984 Asphalt Paving Project .... 200. 221
4--157-84 Decision of Council upon objections to plans.
specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements re:
1984 Asphalt Paving Program .......................... 201, 222
4--158-84 Ordering construction re: 1984 Asphalt Paving
Project ............................................. 201, 222
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jane 4--159-84 Necessity for Improvement for Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island Park and Recreation Complex, Backstop,
Dugout & Interior Fencing ............................. 205, 269
4--160-84 Preliminary Approval of Plans etc. for Chaplain
Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex,
Backstop, Dugout & Interior Fencing .................... 206
4--161-84 Fixing Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertise-
merit for Proposals for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island
Park & Recreation Complex, Backstop, Dugout & Interior
Fencing ............................................. 206
, 4--162-84 Directing Sale of $750,000 G.O. Bonds ............. 208
4--163-84 Appr oviv~ Lease with Robert's River Rides ......... 208
4--164-84 Approviog the Exercise of an Option by Klaner Mfg.
Co. to Lots 6 & 7 in Block 1, in "River Front Subd, No. 5",... 209
4--165-84 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute a
Grant Cloecout Agreement with the US Dept. of Housing &
Urban Development for the A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Urban
Development Action Grant Project ...................... 210
4--166-84 Architectural/Engineering Firm Selection for the
Dubuque Dng Racing Facillty .......................... 210-211
4--167-84 Authorizing & Executing Program Agreement F-61-8
(22) - 20-31 with Iowa DOT .......................... .. ·.
4--168-84 Supplemental Agreement for Professional Scr,aces
Affiliated with the Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location
Study with Brice, Petridee and Associates, Inc. Waterloo,
Iowa ............................................... 212
4--169-84 Necessity for Improvement re: Peru Road Watermain. 213
4--170-84 Final Esthnate, Peru Reed Watermain ............. 213
" 4--171-84 Authorizing the City Manager to collect Delinquent
Refuse Collection Accounts in Accordance with Section
17-37(d) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa ............................................... 214
4--172-84 Authorizing Collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts
in Accordance with Section 36-55 and 36-59 of the Code of Or-
dinances of the City of Dubuque ......................... 215
4_173.84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to @ 40 outlets ........ 216, 217
4_174.84 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits .......... 217, 218
4--175-84 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to 5
outlets .............................................
" 18--178-84 Approving the Loan of $35,000 of CD Block Grant
Funds to the Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. for the
Redstone Rehabilitation Project ........................ 226
" 18--176-84 Decision of Coancll upon objections to plans, specs.
etc, for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island park & Recreation
Complex ............................................ 228
,, 18_177.84 Ordering constructinn re: Chaplain Schmitt Memoriai
Island Park & Recreation Complex Construction of Infields &
Warning Tracks ...................................... 228
" 18--179-84 Awarding Contract re: Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Island Park & Recreation Complex - Construction of Infields
and Warning Tracks .................................. 229
" 18--180-84 Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of
Agreement with Investment Counselors, Inc .............. 229
" 18--181-84 Fixing a date for Hearing on proposed Commercial
Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (Investment
Coanselor s Project) ................................... 232
,, 18_182.84 Fixing the Date of Public Hearing for an Amendment
to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal
Project.' ............................................ 233
" 18--183-84 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of
Dubuque and the Phon~-A-Friend, Ioc, Information and
Referral Service and authorizing and Directing the City
Manager to Execute Said Agreement .................... 234
1984 SUBJECT Page
June18--185-84 Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance of
$750,000 G.O. Bonds and Levying a Tax to Pay Said Bonds.
"18--186'84 Adopting Sup~l;~ N~i 2~ '~; t~e' Co~ of Or- 236
dinances of the City of Dubuque ......................... 245
" 18--187-84 Approving the Plat of the Subd. of Block 3 of Cedar
Cross Industrial Park in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ......... 247
" 18--188-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to @ 100 outlets ...... 247-249
" 18--189-84 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits .......... 250
" 18--190-84 Issuance of Class "A' Beer & Liquor License; and
Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ....................... 250
" 25--191'84 Amending the Urban Renowai Plan fur the Downtown
Urban Reocwal Project, Iowa R-15 to Revise the Land Use
Plan by Deleting the Office and Service Area and Adding in
lieu thereof A Civic, Convention and Hotel Area and by
deleting the additional controls and objectives for Area I and
adding new controls & Objectives for Area I ............... 253
" 25--192-84 Approving the Minimum Reqdiremonts, Competitive
Criteria, Offering Documents and Procedures for Disposition
of Downtown Urban Ronewai Disposition Plan Parcel
Number 4-2 and (2} Soliciting Proposals to Purchase said
Parcel for Development of a Convention Hotel ............. 255
"25--193-84 Decision of CoUncil Upon Objections to Plans, Specs.
Form of Contract and Cost of Improvements re: Walker-
Oneida Sanitary Sewer ................................ 259
" 25--194-84 Ordering construction re: Walker-Oneida St. Sanitary
Sewer .............................................. 260
" 25--195-84 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of
Funds for the Dubuque Historic Improvement Co.
"Redstone" Rohabilltatinn Project (UDAG) ............... 261
" 25--196-84 Authorizing submission of a Request for a Release of
Funds for Dubuque Historic Improvement Company
"Redstone" Rehabilitation Project (CDBG) ............... 262
"25--197-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits .................... 263, 264
" 25--198-84 Issuance of Special Class "C" Beer-Wine License ..... 264
" 29--199-84 Authorizing the Filing of An Application for a
$250,000 Loan from the Iowa Community Development Loan
Program for the Downtown Redevelopment Project ........ 266
" 29--200-84 Authorizing the Loan of a Community Development
Block Grant Funds in an Amount Not to Exceed $380,000 to
Dubuque In-Future, Inc ............................... 267
July 2--201-84 Decision of Council Upon Objections to Plans, Specs.
etc. for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Recreation
Complex ....................................... 270
2--202-84 Ordering Construction for Chaplain Schmitt Mem~l
Island Park & Recreation Complex ...................... 270
2--203-84 Awarding Contract for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Island Park & Recreation Complex ...................... 271
2--204-84 Necessity for Improvement re: Peru Road - Kennedy
Court Sanitary Sewer .............................. 272, 325-326
" 2--205-84 Approving Preliminary Plans etc. for Peru Road - Ken-
nedy Court Sanitary Sewer ............................. 272
" 2--206-84 Schedule of Proposed Assessments for Peru Road
'Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer Project .................. 272-273
2--207-84 Fixing Date of Hearing for Peru Road - Kennedy
Court Sanitary Sewer Project ........................... 273
2--208-84 Necessity for Improvement for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility Grading. ................................. 273, 274, 283
2--209-84 Preliminary Approving of Plans for Dubuque Dog
Racing Facility, Grading Project ........................ 274
2--210-84 Fixing Date of Hearing & Authorizing Advertisement
for Proposals for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Grading .... 274
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 2--211-84 Awarding Contract for the 1984 Asphalt Paving Pro-
ject to River City Paving Co ............................ 276
2--212-84 Accepting Improvement for the Iowa Street Parking 276
Ramp - Joint Repairs & Bollard Replacements .............
2--213-84 Final Estimate for the Iowa Street Parking Ramp 277
.Joint Repairs & Bollard Replacements ...................
2--214-84 Amending Resolution No. 140-83 by Waiving Late Fil- 277
lng of Acceptance for Said Resolution ....................
2--215-84 Embracing the Freeway Concept for Extension of
U.S. 520 from Delaware County to the Four Lane Highway 278
West of Dubuque .....................................
2--216-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to 4 businesses ....... 280
" 2--217-84 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits .......... 281
2--218-84 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License ..............
" 16--219-84 Decision of Council upon objections to Plans,
Specifications etc., for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, 284
Grading ............................................
,, 16_220.84 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Commercial
Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (Investment
Counselors Project) in the amount of $10,000,00 ........... 285
" 16--221-84 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Is-
suance of $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue 286
Bonds of Dubuque and providing for Publication ...........
" 16--222-84 Approving the Final Plat of FDL First Addn. to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa and Authorizing Execution of Con- 287
sent to Plat thereof ...................................
16--223-84 Declaring the Intent of the City to Dispose of Interest
" 288-290
in Certain B. eal Estate (re: FDL) .........................
16--224-84 Declaring the Intent of the City to Dispose of In-
'' 290
terests in Certain Real Estate ...........................
" 16--225-84 Declaring City Council Intent to Lease E. J. Siattory
Center to Dubuque Montessori School, Inc. and Authorizing 291
a Public Hearing .....................................
" 16--226-84 Necessity for Impr.o, vement for Replacement of
ResidentialWaterMeters(5/8 size)Project ............... 292, 328
" 16--227-84 Fixing Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertise-
ment for Proposals for Replacement of Residential Water 292-293
Meter Project ........................................
" 16--228-84 Approving an Amendment to the Downtown Urban 295
Renewal Disposition Plan ..................... .
" 16--229-84 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental
Review Findings for Certain Community Development Block 296
Grant Projects .......................................
16--230-84 Awarding Contract to McDermott Excavating for 297
Walker-Oneida Sanitary Sewer Project ...................
16--231-84 Approving Lease Agreement with Conti Carriers and
" 297
Terminals Inc ........................................
16--232-84 Accepting and Executing a Lease Agreement with
" 298
Klauer Mfg. Co ......................................
,, 16--233~84 Approval of Lease of property on Chaplain Schrnitt
Memorial Island to the Dubuque Water Ski Club ........... 299
" 16--234-84 City Requesting the Iowa State Conservation Com-
mission to establish by administrative procedures a special
five mile per bani speed zone in the N/E portion of Lake 300
Peosta Channel etc ...................................
16--235-84 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Engineer-
ing Contract with Strand Assoc. Inc. for Wastewater Treat- 300
rnent Management Plan ...............................
" 16--236-84 Authorizing Eminent Domain Proceedings for the Ac-
quisition of Properties for the Construction of the N/W
Arterial from Pennsylvadia Ave. to Asbury Raad .......... 201
" 16--237-84 Authorizing Mayor to Submit Letter of Intent for
City of Dubuque to Participate in Project Self-Sufficiency 301
Demonstration Program ...............................
" 16--238-84 Issuance of Cigarette License to 4 businesses ........ 304
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 16--239-84 Issuance of Class "B" & "C' Beer Permits .......... 304
" 16--240-84 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ....... 305
"26--241-84 Approving Sale of Vacated Lot A of E. 19th St. in
Railroad Addn. to FDL Foods, Inc ....................... 309
"26--242-84 Authorlzing the City of Dubuque to execute a Subor.
diantion Agreement in favor of American Trust & Savings
Bank in Connection with a Loan to be made to FDL Foods,
Inc. to build a covered Anaerobic Pretreatmant Facility ..... 310
"26--243-84 Approving Iowa Dept. of Transportation Agreement
No. 84-16-171 re: Relocated Highway 61, FDL Foods, Inc .... 312
"26--244-84 Authorizing the City to Execute Partial Releases of
Real Estate Mortgage and Partial Releases of Financing
Statement as to Lot I and Lot 3 of FDL First Addn. to the
City ......... ..................................
"26--245-84 Approving Lease Agreement between Ci~'~ 312
Monteseeri School, Inc. re: Richard J. Slattory Center ....... 313, 314
"26--246-84 With Respect to Public Hearing on the Issuance of
$1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds.
Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex; Ballpark
Lighting etc ......................................... 316, 350
"26--248'84Approvalofplans, specificationsforChaplainSchmitt
Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex, Ballpark
Lighting in the est. amount of $226.435 ................... 316
"26--249-84 Fining Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advert{aa-
ment for Proposals for the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island
Park & Recreation Complex, Ballpark Lighting ............ 316, 317
"26--250-84 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of
Funds for the Dubuque Downtown "Market Place" Project
and the Dubuque Downtown Hotel Project ................ 317
"26--251-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to 3 outlets ........... 318
"26--252-84 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to the Nitee of the
Square Table, Inc ..................................... 318
"30--253-84 Ordering Construction for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility, Grading ..................................... 320
"30--254-84 Awardlng Contract for Dubuque Dng Racing Facility,
"30--255-84 Deter~r~ ................................... 321
that the Proposal Submitted by Invest-
ment Counselors, Inc. satisfies the Offering Requirements for
Disposition of Urban Renewal Parcel 4-2 and Declaring the
Intent of the City to enter into an Agreement for Sale of Land
for Private Redevelopment By and Between the City and In-
vestment Counselors, Inc. and Directing Publication of
Notice of Said Intent .................................. 321
" 30--256-84 Instituting Proceedings to take additional action for
the Issuance of $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment
Revenue Bonds ...................................... 322
"30--257-84 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for an Urban
Development Action Grant for the Downtown Dubuque Con-
vention Hotel .... 322
Aug. 6--258-84 Decision of Council upon objections to plans,
specifications etc. for Peru Read - Konnedy Court Sanitary
Sewer .............................................. 326
" 6--259-84 Ordering Construction for Peru Road - Kennedy Court
Sanitary Sewer ...................................... 327
6--260-84 Decision of Council upon objections to plans,
specifications, etc., for Replacement of Residential Water
Meters (5/8" size) ..................................... 328
6--261-84 Orderin~g Construction re: Replacement of Residential
Water Meters (5/8" size) ............................... 329
6--262-84 Awarding Contract for Residential Water Meter Ex-
change Program ...................................... 329
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 6--263-84 Necessity for Improvement for N/W Arterial Grading
& Drainage Contract (from Pennsylvania to Asbury Road).
................................................... 330, 398
6--264-84 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc. re: N/W Arterial
Grading & Drainage Contract from Pennsylvaala Ave. to
Asbury Road ........................................ 330
6--265-84 Fixir4~ Date of Hearing & Authorizing Advertisement
for Proposals for N/W Arterial Grading & Drainage Contract
(Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road) ..................... 331
" 6--266-84 Approving Contracts for Architectural/Engineering
Services for the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility ............. 332
" 6--267-84 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1
of Cathedral Center in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......... 335
" 6--268-84 Approving the Final Plat of "Council Hills Subdivi-
sion'' in the City and Approving the Vacation Plat of the Five
Feet Wide Public Utility Easements Between Lot 3 & Lot 4
of Block 10 of"Knob Hill". ............................ 336
6--269-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to 3 cutlets ........... 340
6--270-84 Issuance of Class "B" Beer & Class "C" Beer Permits.
6--~ ~-~' f ;s~ '~f'~l~s ~ ""~'; ~e;'& ~i~;'l~i~;~.' i i i i i i 341
" 8--272-84 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Is-
suance of $1,400,000 GO Bonds IFor an Essential Corporate
Purpose) of Dubuque Iowa and providing for Publication of
Notice thereof ....................................... 344
8--273-84 Directing the Advertisement for Sale of $7,900,000
General Obligation Bonds .............................. 344
8--274-84 Approving Contract for Construction Management
Services for the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility ............. 347
"20--275.84 Institutlng Preceedings to Take Additional Action for
the Issuance of $1,400,000 G.O. Bonds ................... 349
"20--276-84 Decision of Council upon objections to plans,
specifications, form of contract for Chaplain Schmltt
Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex; Ballpark
Lighting ............................................ 350, 351
" 20--277.84 Ordering Construction for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Island Park & Recreation Complex; Ballpark Lighting ...... 351
" 20--278-84 Awarding Contract for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial
Park & Recreation Complex; Ballpark Lighting ............ 352
"20--279-84 Necessity for Improvement for Dubuque Racing
Facility Bid Package "A' for Driven piles, Excavation &
Concrete Work & Precast Concrete Systems ........... 352,377,378
" 20--280-84 Preliminary Approval of Plans etc. re: Foundation
Systems for the Dog Racing Facility ..................... 353
" 20--281.84 Fixing Dato of Hearing & Authorlzing Advertisement
for Proposals for Dubuque Racing Facility Bid Package "A'
for Driven Piles, Excavation & Concrete Work & Precast
Concrete Systems .................................... 353
" 20--282-84 Declaring the Intent of the City to Enter into a Lease
with the Dubuque Racing Assn., LTD for a portion of
Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ...................... 354
" 20--283-84 Resolution for Disposition of Abandoned Portions of
Rhomberg Ave ....................................... 355
"20--284-84 Authorizing the Issuance of a $325,000 Medlcai Clinic
Revenue Bond (James C. Hall, M.D. and Teresa A. Eckhart,
M.D. Project) Series 1984 of the City for the purpose of mak-
ing a loan to assist them in the financing of costs of a "Pro-
ject'' within the meaning of Chapter 419, Code of Iowa; Pro.
viding for the Assignment & Grant of a Security Interest in
Revenues for the Payment of the Bond to Further Secure the
Payment of the Bond; Authorizing the Execution and
Delivery of a Loan Agreement Pertaining to the Project; and
Authorizing an Assignment for Securing Further the pay-
ment of the Bond ..................................... 356
1984 SUBJECT Page
Aug. 20--285-84 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for a
$250,000 Loan from the Iowa Community Development Loan
Program for the Dubuque Greyhound Racing Facility Pro-
ject. ............................................... 364
" 20--286'84 Authorizlng Eminent Domain Preceedinge for the Ac.
quisition of Leasehold Rights of a Five Acre Lease Held by
Industrial Management Incorporated on Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island.
,, ' .................................. 365
20--287-84 Authorizing the Mayor and the Corporation Counsel
to Execute an Amendment to Consent Decree Relative to the
WWTM Plant ....................................... 365
"20--288-84 Awarding Contract for the Peru Road - Kennedy
Court Sanitary Sewer Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating .... 366, 367
"20--289-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permit. 369
20--290-84 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit... .............. 369
"20--291-84 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses .......... 370
Sept. 4--292-84 Authorizing the Execution of a Lease by and between
the City and the Dubuque Racing Assn ................... 376
4--293-84 Decision of Council upon objections to Plans,
Specifications, Form of Contract & Cost of Improvements for
Dubuque Racing Facility Bid Package"A". - ~nven' rues,~"
Excavation & Concrete Work & Precast Concrete System... 378
4--294-84 Ordering Construction for Dubuque Racing Facility
Bid Package"A" for Driven' Piles; Excavation and Concrete
Work & Precast Concrete Systems ...................... 379
4--295-84 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Racing Facility
-Driven Piles to Blackhawk Foundation Co., Inc. of Geneseo,
Ill ................................................. 379, 380
4--296-84 Awarding Contract for Foundations of Dubuque Rac-
ing Facility Excavation & Concrete Work to Rinderknecht
Associates of C. Rapids ................................ 380
4--297-84 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility
-Precast Concrete Systems to Price Bros. - Midwest, Inc. of
Rochelle, Ill ........
,, ' ................................ 380
4--298-84 Authorizing Option Agreement between Susan M.
Balsamo & City for vacated roadway of Rhomberg Ave. (near
Eagle Point Bridge) ................................... 381,382
4--299-84 Authorizing amendment to Lease Agreement between
City & Beecher Sand Ltd. for land on Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island.
4--300-84 Approving an Agreement for Economic Development
Services with the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce as
Administrative Agent for an Economic Development Steer-
ing Comm. for FY 84-85 and Authorizing & Directing Mayor
to Execute.
4--301-84 Approving the City of Dubuque, FY 84 Street Finance
Report ............................................. 385
4--302-84 Accepting Improvement for City Hall Structural
Modifications ........................................ 385, 386
4--303-84 Final Estinmte for City Hall Structural Modifications.
4--304-84 Accepting Improvement for Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex, Backstop,
Dugout & Interior Fencing. 386
4--305-84 Final Estimate for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island
Park & Recreation Complex, Backstop, Dugout & Interior
Fencing ............................................. 387
4--306-84 Authorizing Acceptance of (1} Loan Agreement Pro-
riding for the Loan of $280,000 of CD Block Grant Funds to
Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. and (2) a Guarantee to Performance
on Purchase Agreement between Dubuque In-Futuro, Inc. &
Owners of former J~C. Penney Bldg ...................... 388
1984 SUBJECT Pagq
Sept. 4--307-84 Issuance of Class "B" Beer & Class "C" Beer Permit.
4--308-84 Issuance of Class "C' Liquor License .............. 390
5--309-84 Directing Sale of $7,900,000 GO Bonds ............. 394
17--310-84 Approving of proposal to enter into an amendment to
lease and Agreement between City & Beecher Sand Ltd. (In-
dustrlal Management Inc.) as leasee covering a tract of land
locat ed on Chaplain Sohmitt Memorial Island ............. 397, 398
" 17--311-84 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs.
etc. for N/W Arterial Grading & Drainage Contract from Pen-
nsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road ......................... 399
17--312-84 Ordering Construction for N/W Arterial Grading &
Drainage Contract, from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road.
" 17--313-84 Awarding Contract for the N/W Arterial Grading &
Drainage Contract from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Road.
" 17--314-84 Necessity for Improvement for Dubuque Racing
Facility Board Pkg. "B" comprised of Site Work, Structural
Steel & Exterior Closure, & Kennels & Security Bldg .... 400,401,440
" 17--315-84 Approval of final plans, specifications etc. for Bidding
Bid Pkg. for Phase 4 Site Work, Phase 5 Structural Steel &
Exterior Closure & Phase 6 Kennels & Security Bldg. for the
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility .......................... 401
" 17--316-84 Fixing Date of Hearing & Authorizing Advertisement
for Proposals for Dubuque Racing Facility Bid Pkg. "B"
comprised of Site Work, Structural Steel & Exterior Closure
& Kennels & Security Bldg ............................. 401
" 17--317-84 Authorizing & Providing for the Issuance of
$7,900,000 G.O. Bond & Levying a Tax to Pay Said Bonds.
" 17--318-84 Accepting Improvement for Converting Existing
Bleachers to Electrical Operation for Dubuque Five Flags
Center .............................................. 419
" 17--319-84 Final Estimate for Converting Existing Bleachers to
Elec. Operation for Dubuque Five Flags Center ............ 419, 420
' 17--320-84 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2-2
of St. George's Subdivision No. 2 in the City ............... 420
" 17--321-84 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1
and Lot I of 2 of St. George's Subdivision No. 2 in the City.
" 17--322-84 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits.
" 17--323-84 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer & Liquor
Licenses ............................................ 422
Oct. 1--324-84 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .............. 428
1--331-84 Awarding Contract for Reconstruction of J.F. Ken-
nedy Road from Penn. Ave. to University Ave. to Flynn Co.
Inc ................................................ 432
1--325-84 Designating Edmond E. O'Neill, M.C. & Keith A.
Shaw, M.D. as Service Program Medical Directors for the
Emergency Medical Service Program .................... 433
1--326-84 Authorizing the Execution of a Cooperative Agree-
merit between the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Develop-
merit and the Dubuque Human Rights Corem ............. 434
1--327-84 Approving the Submission of an Application for 50
Units in,the State of Iowa Rental Rehabilitation Program
and Authorizing and Directing Certain Actions in support
thereof ............................................. 434, 435
1--328-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Alia K Zazz, Inc.
(Swizale Stick) ....................................... 436
Oct. 1--329-84 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit to Kopple's
Market, Inc.
" 1 --330-84 ........................................ 436
Issuance of Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Liquor
License & Class "C" B,~,.~v' T. .
Licenses -v_ ~me ~cenee and Class "C" Liquor
..................................... 436, 437
8--332-84 Decision of Council upon objections to plans,
specifications, etc,, for Dubuque Racing Facility Bd Package
"B" comprised of (4) Site Work, (5), Structural Steel & Ex-
terior Closure and (6) Kennels & Security Bldg ............. 441
" 8--333-84Bid Ordering ..... construction for Dubuque Racing Facility
Pkg. B , Site Work, Structural Steel & Exterior Closure
& Kennels & Security Bldg ............................. 441
8--335-84 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Racing Facility Bid
Package "B" 4.10ffsitc Grading Main, Lift Station & Force-
main etc. to Tschiggfrie Excavating ..................... 442
8--336-84 Awarding contract for Dubuque Racing Facility Bid
Pkg. "B" 5, Structural Steel & Ext. Closure etc. to Kraemer
Bros. of Plalne, Wisc ................................ 442, 443
8--337 84 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Racing Facility Bid
Package "B" 6, Kennels & Security Bldg. to C.F. Carr Con-
structinn ..........
.................................. 443
8--338-84 Authorizing City Manager & Corp. Counsel to finalize
an acquisition agreement with Industrial Management, Inc.
(re: Chaplain Schmite Memorial Island~ ................... 444
' 15--339'84 Necessity for Improvement for tha Dubuque Dog Rac.
lng Facility Pkg. "C" comprising of Contract #7, 7,1, 7.2, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12 ........................................ 450, 491,498
" 15--.340'84 Preliminary approval of plans re: Dubuque Dog Rar.
mg- Bid Pkg, "C" - Fire Sprinkler Systems, Plumbing
Systems, HVAC Systems, Elec, Systems, Acoustical Ceiling
Systems, Interior Systems, Tote Bldg. & Gen. Construction;
Concrete Topping & Risers ........................... 451
" 15--341 84 Fixlng Datc of Hearing & Authorlzing Adver tieement
for Proposals for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Pkg. "C".... 451
' 15--342.84 Necessity for Improvement for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility, Off-Site Sanitary Sewer, Watermaln & Storm Sewer, 452, 470
" 15--343-84 Preliminary approval of Plans, etc. for Dubuque Dog
Racing Facility, Off-Sitc Sanitary Sewer, Watermain &
Storm Sewer .............................
.......... 452
" 15--344'84 Fixing Date 0f Hnaring & Authorizing Adver tlaement
for Proposals for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Off-Site
Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Storm Sewer .......
........ 453
" 15--345-84 Authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of
Agreement with Dairy Lab Services, Inc ................. ,. 453
" 15--346-84 Fixing a date for hearing on proposed Ind. Develop-
merit Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (Dairy Lab Services, Inc.
Project) ..................................
" 15--347-84 Ieeuanee of Cigarette Permits. ' .......... 455
................... 463
" 15--348-84 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ..... 463
" 15--349-84 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .............. 464
" 15--350'84 Appr°ving the Final Plat of the Subdivisinn of Lot 3
of the Northeast Quarter; the Southeast Quarter of the Nor-
theast Quarter; and Lot I of the Northeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter aliln Sec. 20, Township 89 North, Range 2
East of the Fifth Principal Meridian ..................... 466, 467
"29_351.84issuanceofClass,,C, Beer & Liqnnr License to Eagle
Point Tavern, Ltd. .
................................... 468
Nov. 5--352-84 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Industrial
Development 'Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (Dairy Lab Ser-
vices, Inc. Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to
exceed $240,000.
..................................... 469
1984 SUBJECT Page
Nov. 5--354-84 Ordering Construction for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility, Off-Site Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Storm Sewer.
5--355-84 Awarding Contract to Tschiggfrie Excavating for
Dubuque Dog Racing Facility, Off-Site Sanitary Sewer,
Watermain & Storm Sewer ............................. 472
5--356-84 Authorizing approval of a Loan Agreement between
the City and Dubuque In-Future, Inc. & Directing Mayor to
Execute Agreement ................................... 473
5--357-84 Authorizing the City Manager to Exec~ute a Sewer
Service Agreement with Dubuque Tank Terminal Co ........ 474
5--358-84 Approving Iowa Dept. of Transportation Agreement
No. 84-F-112 ......................................... 475
5--359-84 Supplemental Agreement for Professional Services
Associated with the Cedar Cross Extension Corr. Location
Study with Brice, Petrides &Assoc, Inc., Waterloo, Iowa .... 475
5--360-84 Designating Lawful Custodians of Public Records of
the City of Dubuque .................................. 480
5--361-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits .................... 481
5--362-84 Issuance of Class "B" Beer & Class "C" Beer Permits.
5--363-84 Issuance of Class "C' (Commercial) Beer & Liquor
License ............................................. 481, 482
" 13--364-84 Decision of Council upon objections to Plans,
Specifications, etc., for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Pkg.
"C" comprised of Interior Systems & Concrete Topping &
Risers .............................................. 491
" 13--365-84 Ordering Construction re: Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility Pkg. "C' comprised of Interior Systems & Concrete
Toppings & Risers .................................... 492
" 13--366-84 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility
Bid Pkg. "C" Interior Systems to Rinderknect Assoc ....... 494
" 13--367-84 Awarding Contract for Dubuque Racing Facility Bid
Pkg. "C" Contract 12 - Concrete Topping & Risers to Ed-
wards Concrete Con ................................... 494
" 19--368-84 Approving Plat of Vacated Portion of Roosevelt St.,
Easterly from Garfield Ave. to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul & Pacific RR Tracks .............................. 497
" 19--369-84 Decision of Council upon objections to Plans,
Specifications, etc., for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility Pkg.
"C" comprised of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Plumbing
Systems, HVAC Systems, Electrical Systems, Acoustical
Ceiling Systems, Tote Bldg. & General Construction ........ 499
19--370-84 Ordering Construction for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility Pkg. "C" for Fire Sprinkler Systems, Plumbing
Systems, HVAC Systems, Electrical Systems, Acoustical
Ceilings & Tote Bldge. & General Construction ............ 500
" 19--371.84 Awarding contract for Dubuque Racing Facility Bldg.
Pkg. "C" Fire Sprinkler Systems to Continental Fire
Sprinkler Co ......................................... 400
" 19--372-84 AWarding Contract for Dubuque Racing Facility Bid
Pkg. "C" Plumbing Systems to MMC Mechanical Contrac-
tops ................................................ 501
" 19--373-84 Awarding Contract for Dog Track HVAC Systems to
Giealer Bros ......................................... 501
' 19--374-84 Awarding Contract for Dog Track Pkg. C, Electrical
Systems to Moldt Electric ............................. 502
" 19--375-84 Awarding Contract for Dog Track Pkg. "C",
Acoustical C, eiling Systems ............................ 502
" 19--376-84 Awarding Contract for Dog Track Pkg. "C" Tote
Bldg. & Gen. Construction to Kraemer Bros ............... 503
" 19--377-84 Agreement of Dubuque County Board of Supervisors
& Dubuque City Council re: Costs of Renovation Project at
Law Enforcement Center .............................. 504
Nov. 19--378-84 Authorizing the issuance & sale of Industrial Develop.
merit Revenue Bond (Dairy Lab Services, Inc. Project) in
amt. not to exceed $240,000; Execution & Delivery of Lender
Lean Agreement with Luana Savings Bank; Execution &
Delivery of Lean Agreement with Dairy Lab Services, Inc.
" 19--370.84 Approving a Contribution Agreement between City & 505-507
ECIA Business Growth for the Establishment of EDA
Revolving Loan Fund & Authorizing Mayor to sign ......... 507
" 19--380-84 Approving the Loan of $35,000 of CD Block Grant
Funds to Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. for the
"Radstone". ................................... 508
" 19--381-84 Authorizing the Fll/ng of a Program Statement for a
CD Block Grant...
Review Findings for Cer t~dn CD Block Grant Pro~ccts ...... 509-§10
" 19--383-84 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ..... 511
"1 ~9--~8~4'~8,4 I. sanance,of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ....... 511
Dec, °--°°°'°i appr°vai of Sale of City Owned Proper ty ~o Shirley A,
Fuerst and Jehu W. & Alice H. Duccini .................. 516
" 3--386 84 Lease Agreement With Dubuque Historic Improve-
ment Co,
.................................. 519
3--387-84 Approving ~ Tentatlv; Five Y;ar Street 6o~str~c~i~n
Program and Submitting Same to the Iowa Dope. of
Transportation ................
3--388-84 Approving the Furehas~ of 6e~i~' ~t~i ~.~t~'~: 523
moniy Known as 335 Iowa Street and Authorizing and Direc.
ting the City Manager to Conclude the Purchase of said Real
Estate on Behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............. 523, 524
" 3--389-84 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to 3 outlets ........... 524, 525
3--390-84 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to UAW ....
3--391-84 Issuance of Class "B" ~. ~1~oo ,,o,, r · .. · .... 525
3--392-84 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of
Funds for Certain CD Development Block Grant Projects... 527, 528
3--393-84 Accepting Improvement for Chaplain Schmitt
Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex; Ballpark
Lighting ............
3-- .94:8 nal E ?mate for Chapla ScOtt Memorial Isled 529, 330
raru ~ l~ecreat~on Complex; Ballpark Lighting .......i ....
3--395-84 Accepting Improvement for 1984 Traffic Signal &
Street Lighting Improvements ....................... 530, 531
3--396 84 Final Estimate for the 1984 Traffic Signal & Street
Lighting Improvemente ............................. 531
3--397 84 Accepting Improvement for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility Grading ..................................
" 3--398-84 Final Estimate lop, the Dubuque Dog Racing Facility 531
Grading .........................
"17--399-84 Accepting & Executing Le~ ~r~['(vi~h 532
Dubuque Historic Improvement Co..
17--400.84 Lease of the Ornamental Lights ~ Du~u~u~ H~oric 533
,, Improvement Co ................................... 537
17--401 84 Authorizing & Directing the Mayor to Execute an Ap-
plication for 25 Units of Section 8 Existing Housing ........ 541
"17--402-84 Authorizing & Directing the Execution of Annual
Contributions Contract Incorporating an Additional 43
Units Section '
8 Existing Program Funds with 436 Unit Con-
tract ..........
Guarantee for Downtown Dubuque Convention ]-Iot ei ....... 542
" 17--404-84 Authorizfflg the City Manager to Act on Behalf of the
City Council in disposing of Interest in Certain Real Estate
Bound by Liens and/or Mortgages Agreed to between Hous-
lng Rehab Prope~-ty Owners and the City of Dubuque ....... 543
" 17--405-84 Accepting and Executing Cooperative Agreement for
Development and Maintenance of a Marina Fuel Tax Fund
.......................................... 544
1984 SUBJECT Page
Dec. 17-406-84 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits .......... 547
" 17--407-84 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 547, 548
' 17-408-84 Accepting Improvement for Chaplain Schmltt
Memorial Island Park & Recreation Complex - Construction
of Infields & Warning Tracks ........................... 550
17-409-84 Final Estimate - Chaplain Scfunitt Memorial Island
Park & Recreation Complex - Construction of Infields & Warn-
ing Tracks .......................................... 550, 551
" 27~110-84 Directing Additional Action with Respect to the
Disposition of Urban Renewal Property (Parcel No. 4-2) ..... 552
"27-411-84 Authorizing the issuance and Sale of Commercial
Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 (Dubuque Hotel
Project) in the principal amount of $8,000,000, the execution
and delivery of an Indenture of Trust to secure said Bonds,
and the execution and delivery of a Loan Agreement with
Dubuque Hotel & Convention Center Limited Partnership.
Jan. 3--Strand Theatre, request for de ' '
16--Schanl Nurse Day (Dubu u
3--Schednie of Assessments for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer
Phase II Projects ...................................
" 3--Salesman, term changed to Salespersons in Housin O 19-21
dinance ....... g r-
" 3--Sutton, Ruby, Reappointed to Human 'l~i~ts' C~m~sgio~i 23, 24
3--Spiegelhalter, Robert, Class,,C LiquorLicense... 25
........ 26
3--Sewage Sludge, William Fisch submitting solution to
Feb. 6--Survey Study of selected Cedar Cross Extension Corridor
Location Study ......... ;,' ..............
6--Sba fret, Doruthy, Class -C Liquor Lice~s~ ..... '..'..'..'..' .' .' 40
6--September Printed Council Proceedings, approved .... 43
6--Strect, J.D. & Co., Inc., Refund on Cigarette License .......
" 18--Suspension from work deliberated for City Emnloyees ' 43
,, ner, Evarts & Specht for alleged miscenduct... ~ Zen-
.......... 46
18--Specht, Francis, affirmed suspension from work ........... 46
" 21--Selig, Rev. Alan, Invocation ............................
"21--Snie of City Owned Property to Frummelt Bldg. Corp ap- 49
proved ......
21-Supplement No. ~0 t~ t~e ~i~y ~o a : 52
21--Schuster - Patricia Lombardi, Cigarette Permit; Cia .... 64
quor License ..................................
" 21--Sergeant classification individuals certified by Civil Service 68, 105
........................................ 69
Mar. 5--SewagePlaut, dome trickling system repair. 71, 72
5--Street Lighting & Traffic Signal Improveme~t'~.'::::::: 75, 76
5--Shaffer, Dorothy, Class "C" License ....................
5--Schmidt, Robert, A rport Comm., Chair request discussion
Airport facilities .................................
5--Schulz Ann, Claim Denial.. 74
........................... 78, 165
" 12--Siattery Arts Center proposed leasing and re: Cultural Arts
,, Program in FY 85 Budget ..............................
12--Siattery, Doris address Council favoring retain Cultural Arts
Program in FY 85 Budget and retain name of Richard Siat-
tery Arts Center if Center is leased ...................... 81
12--Sditew, Craig, addressed Council re: Sanitation services be-
ing leased out .....................................
" 12--Salary, City Manager'slncreased .....
" 12--Sanitati°n Dept. proposed contracted to out side entity ...... 82
,, 12--Sanltation Dept. proposed contracted to outside entity.. 82
12--Sewer Rates revision, ordinance providing. · · ·. 82
............... 86
12--Shlve-Hattery favoring reznaing of 2769 University Ave.. 91
12--Shaw, Bruce favsring rezoning of 2769 University Ave. ' ' 91
12--Speeial Assessments, roll-hac factor for r¥ 85 .......
12--Stephens, Lesley, applicant for Civil Service Corem .... 103
12--Schumacher, Earl Edmund Class "C" Beer Permit. ' .... 104
12--Sordahi Enterprises, Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit...
...... 104
12--Scardino, Dean Estate by Atty, Arthur Giloon claim; Denial 105, 118
" 12--Smith, Steve J., Cigarette refund..
" 12--Sti]L-nunkes, Parr]cia, Claim; Deniai. ..................... 106
.................... 105, 118
1984 SUBJECT Page
A,p,r. 2--Sign Up American Week, Proclamation ................... 109
2--Stieber, Ted, Youth in Government City Council ........... 109
2--Structural Modifications of City Hall, Project ...... 109-111,385,386
2--Signal (Traffic) & Street Lighting Project .......... 112-114,142-145
" 16--Sieg-Dubuque Co., objecting to assessments for Kennedy
Road Reconstruction Project ........................... 120
M,a,y 7--Suspension of Water Division employee affirmed ........... 159
7--State of Iowa, Loan Agreement with Area Residential Care.
7--Smith, Phil re: Comment concerning dangerous & exotic pets.
................................................... 163
7--Sandidge, Judith M., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 164
7--Signage for Asbury, response by Manager ................ 168
' 21--Speech Day (& Hearingi, Proclamation ................... 171
" 21--Sale of property to James C. Hall, M.D. & Teresa Eckhart,
M.D ................................................ 171
"21--Sears, Roebuck Co. Subdivision - Disposition of Lot 2 etc .... 173
"21--Structural Analysis Study & Section 9 FY 1985 Operating
Assistance application to UMTA ........................ 177
"21 --Sewer - Walker, Oneida Project .................. 178,224,258-260
"21--Sberiff recommending approval of implementation of Dubu-
que Area Public Safety Comm. Center .................... 182
" 21--Suspension of Water Division Employee affirmed .......... 183
" 21--State Historical Dept. re: Nomination of Cathedral National
Register District ..................................... 184
' 21--Savary, John L, Cigarette Permit ....................... 192
" 21 --Sunshine Mart of Dubuque, Ltd., Cigarette Permit ......... 192
" 21--Smith, Beatrice, Claim ................................ 194
" 21--Smith, Eugene V., Claim; Denial ........................ 194
June 4--Street Program, 1984 ....................... 197-202, 220-223, 251
4--Sale of G.O. Bonds ($7,500,000) ......................... 208
4--Supplemental Agreement with Brice, Petrides & Associates,
Inc. re: Cedar Cross Extension Corridor .................. 212
4--Sewer Accounts, Delinquent, Certified to Auditor .......... 215
4--Smoker, Phil, re: Dangerous Animal Ordinance opinion ...... 216
4--Schwartz, Milton, Cigarette Permit; Liquor License ........ 217-218
4--Sordahl Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............... 217
4--Schumacher, Earl & Thomas, Cigarette Permit; Class "C"
Beer Permit ......................................... 217, 218
4--Schumacher, Earl, Cigarette Permit ..................... 217
4--Sbeppley, W.S., Cigarette Permit ........................ 217
4--Sec. 8 Existing Housing Review - Appreciation from HUD.
................................................... 219
" 18--Structural Analysis Study, cost partly aided by UMTA ..... 224
" 18--Service Agreement with Chamber of Commerce ............ 234
" 18--Supplement No. 21 to City Code adopted ............... 245
" 18--Spiegel, Robert, Cigarette Permit ....................... 248
" 18--Schollmeyer, Wayne P., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor
License ............................................. 248, 250
" 18--Spiegelhalter, Melvin A., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor
License ......................................... .... 248, 250
" 18--Sunnycrest Manor, Cigarette Permit ..................... 248
" 18--Schrohilgen, Thomas, Cigarette Permit ................... 249
" 18--Schuster, Patricia Lomberdi ............................ 249
" 18--Shanahan, Francis C., Cigarette Permit .................. 249
" 18--Smith, Steve (Gomer's Bar), Cigarette Permit ............. 249
" 18--Smith, Steve (Pickle Barrell Sub.) Cigarette Permit ......... 249
" 18--Savary, John L., Class "C" Liquor License ................ 250
" 18--Smith, Spencer, M/M, Denial of Claim .................... 251
" 25--Sutton, Paul, objecting to Cable Rate Increase ............. 263
" 25--Sears-Roebuck Co., Cigarette Permit ..................... 264
" 25--Splegelhalter, Robert, Cigarette Permit .................. 264
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 25--Sehmidt, Robert, for Airport Comm. - discussion of leases &
July 2--Sewer Project, Peru Road. Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer.
........................................ 271-278, 326-327, 366
,, 2--Sand, Virginia, Applicant for Historic Preservation Comm... 279
2--Schetgen, Ralph, Applicant for Park & Recreation Corem .... 279
2--Sandidge, Judith M., Cigarette Permit ................... 280
2--Stoffel, Bill, Claim; Denial .............................. 281, 342
2--Sidewalks construction re: DMATS advising City has respon.
sibility of same near Asbury ............................ 282, 424
" 16--Schulte, Robert J., objecting to grading project of Dng Track
bid procedure ........................................ 283
" 16--SlatteryCenterre:LcasingtoMontesseriScbool, inc... 291,296,313
" 16--Sewer problems in west end - Lagen, Elien, Grant, Winne Ct.
and Keymeer ............
............................ 293, 356
" 16--Speed zone in Peeata Channel etc .................... 299
"16--State (Iowa) Conservation Conun. petitioned to establish
special 5 mph speed zone in Lake Peosta Cut (waters) ....... 299
" 16--Strand Assoc. Inc., for engineering services with WWT
Management Plan .................................... 300
, 16--Self-Sufficiency Demonstration Program Project - City par-
ticipation ........................................... 301
" 16--Speer Financial, Inc., Letter of Agreement fer financial con.
suiting services ..................................... 302
" 16--Sa ary of City Clerk Davis adjusted ...................... 303
" 16--Sisler, Michael M., applicant for Elec. Bd. of Appeals ....... 303
" 16--Stenlund, Pauia M., appointed to Historical Preservation
"16--Smith, Robert W., ~lahn ..... : ......................... 303
" 16--Smith, H. Spencer, Claim .............................. 305
" 16--Steffen, Thomas R., Closing of Claim ..................... 306
July 26--Sale of vacated Lot A of E. 19th St. in Ral]read Addn. to FDL
Foods, Inc ..........................................
"26--.Subordination Agreement in favor of American Trust & Say- 309
~nge Bank in connection with a loan to be made to FDL
Foods, Inc. to build a pretreatment facility ................ 310
"26--Slattery Center - Agreement with City by Montessori School,
Inc. to lease same (The Barn). 313
Aug. 6 --Si.m°.n, Dave, of Human Right s Comm. re: Report of the Com.
,, ' .......................................... 331
6--Sergeant Pepper's Ice Cream Stand re: Petition of problems
caused in neighborhood ete ............................. 332
6--Splash Down Water Slide, re: Complaint of noise in
neighborhood, etc .................................... 332
6--Signs, Directional at Mercy Health Center .......... 333
--St. Mary s St. re Approval of plat of Cathedral Center ...... 335
6--St. Coinmbkilie's, Class "B" Bcer Permlt; Refund .......... 341, 437
6--Schrohilgen, Thomas J., Class "C" Liquor License .......... 341
6--Shickel, Raymond p., Claim; Settlement .................. 342, 464
6--Schiel, Judie, resignation from Historic Preservation Com-
mission ............................................. 342
" 6--Shaffer, Jim re: Arboretum Dr. Ordinance & stressing' Mar-
shall Park" should always be called that .................. 343
8--Shive-Hattery firm, associates with Durrant Group, Inc. for
Construction Management Services. 347
" 20--Secondhand Dealer s, Ordinance; Discussion ...............
............................ 356, 381,430, 458-460, 503, 535, 536
" 20--Shetler, Harry W., Cigarette Permit ..................... 369
" 20--Splegelhalter, Melvin A., Class "C" Liquor License ......... 370
1984 SUBJECT Page
S~,,pt. 4--Square Dance Week, Proclamation ...................... 376
4--September designated as Buy American Month ............ 376
4--Site plan submitted for Dubuque Racing Facility by P & Z.
4--Schaen, Dulane, objecting to Ordinance on Secondhand
Dealers ............................................. 381, 430
4--Smith, Anna Mae of Starlite Gem & Jewelry, objecting to
Secondhand Dealer Ordinance .......................... 381
4--Slmon, Steve, re: Secondhand Dealer Ordinanee ............ 381, 430
4--Shulan, John, re: Secondhand Dealer Ordinance ............ 381
4--Steering Committee (Economic Development) re: Agreement
with Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce ............. .... 384
4--Senlor Volunteer Program, Retired, Purchase of Services
Agreement .......................................... 385
4--Street Finance Report to FY 84, Approved & filed with Iowa
DOT ............................................... 385
5--Sale of $7,900,000 General Obligation Bonds .............. 393-396
5 --Spoer Financial, Inc. re: Bids for $7,900,000 GO Bonds ...... 393-396
" 17--StructuralSteel&SeeurltyBldg.-BldPkg. B forDog -
lng Facifity Project ............................ 400-402,441,442
" 17--Sewage Treatment Plant costs, re: Airport Comm. using re-
maining bond issue money ............................. 403
" 17--Screening Unit, re: Airport Comm. requesting money to pur-
chase ............................................... 403
17 --Suspension/revocation of Beer/Liquor License, re: Discussion
abeut plaees on University Ave ......................... 403, 404
" 17--St. George'sSubd.,approvalofFinalPlat ................. 420, 421
" 17--Samuel St., plats approved for property located east of and
owned by Francis & D. Kelly, Stephen & Kathleen Livens,
and Janet Simpson ................................... 420
" 17--Simpoon, Janet re: Approval of plat of property near Samuel
St ................................................. 420
" 17--Sidewalk need on Asbury Road, response by Manager to re-
quest of DMATS ..................................... 424
Oct. 1--Smith. Mr. Daniel, of Emmaus Bible College, Gave Invoca-
tion ................................................ 427
1 --Spiegelhalter Electric, re: National Electrical Code adoption. 427
1--Schroby's Barrell Tap, re: Tavern problem on University
Ave ................................................ 428
1--Shaniey, Don re: apology etc. re: Riverfront Hotel plans etc.
1--Shaw, Keith A., designated as Service Program Medical
Directors for Emergency Medical Service Program ......... 433
1--Service Program Medical Directors named ................ 433
1--State of Iowa Rental Rehab. Program - submission of applica-
tion ................................................ 434
1--Starting Boxes purchased for Dubuque Dog Raeehound
Facility ............................................. 435
1--Schmitt, Robert C., appointed to Dock Board .............. 436
1--Swizzle Stick, Cigarette Permit ......................... 436
1--Sandidge, Judith M., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 436
1--Summary Report submitted along with Annual Finance
Report for year ending 6-30-84 .......................... 438
" 1--Stamping & Mfg. Co. (Dubuquet, update of their company's
progress ............................................
15--Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer, for Dubuque Dog Racing
Facility ...................................... 452,453,470-472
" 15--Softball complex, nearby area requested for usage by
American Youth Soccer Organization .................... 465
" 15--Soceer organization requesting usage of area near softball
complex ............................................ 465
" 15'Stribling, Donald, resigned from Cable Comm. Teleprogram-
ming Corem ......................................... 465
1984 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 15--Sulllvan, Gene F. re: Property adjacent to his at 120 W. 4th
................................................ 465
Nov. 5--Service Corps of Retired Executives Month, Proclamation.
................................................... 469
" 5--Stabilization (retailS, money expended for Downtown - Town
Clock Plaza .......................................... 474
5--Sewer Service Agreement with Dubuque Tank Terminal Co.
............................................. 474
5--Study (Economic Feasibility) for Rockdale i~oad Bridge,' ~p~
dated, and approved for Brlce, Petrides to do .............. 475
" 5--Supplemental Agreement with Brice, Petrldes & Assoc. for
addendum to contract re: Professional service on Cedar Cross
Environmental Study. 475
5--Signs requested & approved (directional) for William C.
Brown Co. Parking Lot ................................ 476-478
5--Sabatoge Reward Fund, City contribution (Dog Track Facili-
ty) ...........................
5--Seens, Michael R., (Finalel, Cigare~i~ Pe~i~i ~1~ ""~'" 'l~i[ 480
quor License ........................................ 481, 482
5--Saberian, Janet (Bijans), Class "B" Beer Permit. ' 481
5--Seipp, Bruce, Claim; Denial.. ' ......... 482. 548
5--September Transit Earnings Statement & Statistics ........ 482
5--September reports of Finance Director & Treasurer ......... 483
" 19--Sullivan Bros., Inc. of Madison, WI, awarded contract for
Acoustical Ceiling Project for Dog Track ................. 502
" 19--Simon, Steve, petitioning for Change in new Secondhand
Dealer Ordinance ...........................
,, 503
19--Scope of Services presented for Hotel Fe~siSility Study ..... 504
" 19--Sheriff (& Police) Locker facilities etc., re: Cost & remodeling
project at Law Enforcement Center..
"19--Supervisors (County) & City, Agreement r~: C~sts ~f R~no~- 504
tion Project at County/City Law Enforcement Center ....... 504
" 19--Statement (Program) Filed for Comm. Development Block
Grant for City .......................................
"19--Sunshine Mart of Dubuque Ltd,.,, ,C,!ass "C" Beer Permit ..... 509
,, 511
19--Spiegelhalter, Robert P., Class C Liquor License ......... 511
" 19--Shetler, Harry W., Class quor ~lcense ........ 511
"C" L -'
" 19--Swan, George, Claim- Denial & Closed. 512
" 19--Sewer rates & location of Watermain on Crescent Ridge, etc.
response to those questions of A. Polsean by City Mgr ...... 512
" 19--Street lighting on Crescent Ridge, response to Al Polsean .... 512
19--September Council Proceedings, approved as printed ....... 513
Dec. 3--Schaefer, Rev. Jeffrey, Gave Invocation .................. 515
3--Safe Driving Week, Proclamation.
3--Sale of City Property (portion of Ro~;it'~.i ~; S'. ~;s~'& 515
J°hn & Alice DucciniL' ',; .............................. 516
3--Suspension of Class C Beer Permit of Lucky Stores d/b/a
Eagle Discount on S. Locust ............................ 520
3--Street Construction Program, Five Year .................. 523
3--Schmitt, Bob, re: no Dock Bd. reappointment .............. 524
3 -- ,S, c, ,hr, ~dt, Charles H. (C.J.'s Lounge), Cigarette Permit & Class
C l~iquor Lieense ................................... 525
" 3 --Spiegel, Robert (Avenue Top), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 525
3--Schumacher, Patti Jo & Donald, Claim ................... 526
" 3--Suspension of taxes requested and given ................. 527
" 17--Secondhand Dealer Ordinance Amended .................. 535, 536
" 17--Street Lighting (Historic) request for Riverboat Museum .... 537
" 17-~SectionSExistlngHousingUnlts.filingofanapplication... 540, 541
" 17--Section 8 Existing Program Funds (Addn'l), Execution of An.
nual Contributions Contract ..............
"17--Siebert, Ruben G. {Menasha Transport ~c.): ~l~i~. J :. :.'...' 541, 542
" 17--Spahn, Carol, Claim. 548
" 27--Sale of Urban Renewal Property (Parcel No. 4-2) ........... 552
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Telegraph Herald, Named as Official Paper of the City ...... 3
3--Transit Bd. submitting Statements for Nov. & Dec. 1983 .... 5, 43
3--Turner, Jerry G. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 5
" 16--Thiltgen, Ron C. applicant fur Human Rights Conun ........ 24
" 16--TFM Co., Oky Doky ~9, Class "C" Beer Permit (W. 32nd St.)
" 16--TFM Co., Class "C" Beer-Wine License ................... 26
" 16--Tegeler, Barry, opposing proposed addition of barge fleeting.
.............................. 43, 77, 117,218, 305, 341, 464, 526
6--Timmerman, James, Denial of Claim ..................... 43
6--Treasurer reports for month of December ................. 44
' 21--Tax Exemption Application Submitted by Property Owners
in Jackson Pk. & W. 11th St. Urban Revitalization Areas .... 61
Mar. 5--Tourist (Visitors) Bureau of Chamber of Commerce ......... 79
5--Tri-State Securities Spec. re: Bidding process on Purchase of
Services ............................................ 78
"12--Transit System, re: Elimination of Orange Line ............ 82, 83
" 12--Ties, Charles. petition re: Historicai Society in Budget ...... 84
" 12--Thompson, Rev. Dennis, Invocation ..................... 91
" 19--Tegeler, Earl, Cigarette License refund: Beer Permit ........ 106
" 12--Touche Ross retained for Cable Rate Study ............... 103
Apr. 2--Tri-State Restaurant, Inc. Cigarette Permlt ............... 116
2--Traffic Signal & Street Lighting Improvement Project ......
.................................... 112-114, 142-144, 530, 531
2--Traffic Signal Modifications along US 20 & US 52 .......... 114
2--Transit Earnings Statements of Nov., Dec. & Jan. (corrected)
&Feb .............................................. 117
16--TFM Co. - Assignment of Agreement between City &
Robert's Foods, Inc. at Five Flags ....................... 123
" 16--TCS Corp. {Kegger). Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Per- -
mit ................................................ 128, 129
May 7--Transportation Week, Proclamation ..................... 141
7--Transit Div., Re: Operating Assistance Application, with
Iowa State Public Transit Division ...................... 145
7--TFM Co., Transfer of Beer & Wine Permit ................ 163
7 --Tegeler, Earl, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 164
7--Transit Board Statement & Stats. for March .............. 164
7--Turner, Maylo J., Class "C' Liquor License ............... 164
7--Traffic Flow of downtown area, changed requested by W.
Moldenhauer ........................................ 165
7--Track (Dog) Vote - Canvass submitted by County Bd. of
Supervisors ......................................... 167
" 21 --Tranait system -Prcof of Publication on Notlce of P. Hearing
for 1985 State Transit Assistance ....................... 171
" 21--Third Street Reservoir - Discussion as to disposai of property
to Hall/Eckhart Medical Clinic .......................... 171
" 21--Transfer (Permanent) of Funds re: City Budget ............ 176
" 21--Tri-State Veterans Memorial Assn: petitioning perpetuai
Lease .............................................. 183
' 21--Transit Union- Acceptance of Agreement with City ........ 186
" 21--T.C.S. Inc., Cigarette Permit ........................... 192
" 21 --Tegeler, Earl, Cigarette Permlt ......................... 192
' 21--Tschiggfrie, Raymond, Cigarette Permit .................. 192
1984 SUBJECT Page
May 21--Tressel, Allen C., Cigarette Permit ....................... 192
June 4--TaxexemptionforFrommeltPartnerskipetc .............. 207, 225
4--Thomas, Vernon F. & Dorothy, Delinquent Refuse Account.
4--Transfer of Beer Permit from Vets Park to McAieece Field.
................................................... 218
4--Transit Earnings & Statistics Statement for April .......... 218
4--Treasurer's report for April, 1984 ....................... 219
" 18--Tool Library (Washington Neighborhood), Agreement for
funding ............................................. 235
" 18--Touche Ross Co. submitting report re: Cable Rate Increase.
................................................... 236
" 18--Traffic Control at intersection of Andrew Ct. & Boyer St.
changed ............................................ 246
18--Theisen's, Inc., Cigarette Permit ........................ 248
18--Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 249
18--Target Store #86, Cigarette Permit ...................... 249
18--Trausch Baking Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 249
18--Turner, Jerry, Cigarette Permit ......................... 249
18--Turner, Maylo, Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
18--Twin Sisters Subd., Claim .............................. 251
18--Tigges, Ar thur, Claim; Settlement of Claim ............... 251, 305
18--Treasurer Report for month of May, 1984 ................. 251
",25--TFM Co., Cigarette Permits, (2 outlets~ ................... 264
' 25--Tri-State Independent Blind Society, Cigarette Permit ...... 264
July 2--Thompson, Gene, appointed to Park & Rec. Corem ......... 279
2--Tax suspension for 3 citizens ........................... 281
2--Transit Bd. Earnings Statement & Stats. for May .......... 281
' 16--Tkiltgen, Ron, applicant for Human Rights Comm. & Tranait
Bd ................................................. 303
" 16--Transit Bd. appointments of G. Enderson, Jr., William
Hilvers, and Walter A. Pregler .......................... 304
16--Twin Sisters Sub., - Claim, settled at no cost to the City ..... 306
" 16--Tschiggfrie Excavating, permit issued by Dept. of Water, Air
& Waste Management ................................. 306
Aug. 6--Transit Earnings Statement of June ..................... 341,342
6--Turner, Steven J., Claim; Deniai ......................... 342, 391
"20--Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for Peru-Road
Kennedy Court Sanitary Sewer Project ................... 366, 367
" 20--Tranait Earnings Statement for July ..................... 370
" 20--Twelfth&ElmStreets, request for four-way Stop sign ...... 371,424
Sept. 4--Tri-State Junior Achievement Program, Congratulatlons .... 376
4--Toth, Les re: Secondhand Dealers License ................. 381
4--Tenants of Lot 9 (Ecumenical Towers) objecting to parking
fee increase .......................................... 384
4--Tschiggfrie Excavating, Permit by Dept. of Water, Air &
Waste Mgmt ........................................ 391
' 17--Thoms, Allan, appointed to Airport Commission ........... 421
" 17--T.I. Investments, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 422
" 17--Tax increase objected to by G. Maul ..................... 423
Oct. 7--Tkill, John, re: Bar patron problem on University .......... 428
" 7--Treasurer reports submitted ........................... 438
8--Trick or Treat Night, Proclamation ...................... 440
8--Tsckiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for Dubuque Rac-
ing Facility "B" Offsite Gravity Main etc ................. 442, 472
8--Taxation Exemption for Cer rain Industrial Propor ty ....... 446, 447
1984 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 8--Tote Building & General Construction, Bid Package "C" Pro-
ject, Dog Track ............................... 450,451,499-503
" 15--Transport Sales Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ...............
" 15--Transit Earnings Statement for August ..................
Nov. 5--Town Clock Plaza, Ret ail stabillzation. Money assist ance ....
5--Tank Terminal Co. (Dubuque), Sewer Service Agreement ....
5--Treasurer's report for month of September ................
"19--TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, Class "C" Beer Permit ............
" 19--Town Clock Inn, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ............
"19--Telegraph Herald's Jim Geladas submitting Transcient Mer-
chant's Ordinance ....................................
" 19--Transient Merchant's License, re: J. Geladas submitting new
one & requesting discussion ............................
Dec. 3--Transit Earnings Statement for October ..................
3--Tax Suspension (Real Estate) for certain needy individual...
" 17--Taxation opinions submitted by Dr. William Neumeister ....
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 16--UMTA - Filing of Applications with Dept. of Transportation,
USA, re: Keyline Buses ................................ 8, 49
" 16--University Ave., 2600 block, rezoning property as requested
by Steve's Plumbing & Heating from R-4 to C-1 ............ 9, 41
" 16--Urban Revitalization Area (Washington Street) - expansion
of same ............................................. 14
" 16--Utility Installations etc. for Dubuque Industrial Center, ac-
ceptance of project ................................... 22
Feb. 6--University Ave., 2769, request of rezoding by Kluck Con-
structlon ............................................ 33
6--Udelhofen, James, Claim ............................... 43, 78
6--Udelhofen, Gerald J. (& D.B. & Trust Co. vs. them) & City,
Suit ................................................ 43
18--Urban Revitalization Areas (W. 11th & Jackson St.) approval
of property owners tax exemptions ...................... 61
Mar. 5--United Labor opposition to City's fund to Chamber's Tourist
& Visitors Bureau .................................... 79
" 12--Ulstead, Steve, objectingtoCouncil'sproposedCulturalArts
Program deletion from Budget .......................... 81
Apr. 2--U.S. 52 & U.S. 20, Traffic Signal Modifications by Iowa DOT.
2--Unlt Pricing Ordinance. petition for amendment, discussion,
etc ................................................. 114, 115
" 16--UDAG Grant Project re: Redstone ...................... 122-123
May 7--UMTA - Grant Amendment for 80% for various items for
Keyline ............................................. 156
7--United Labor Participation Comm., requesting Dubuque
Labor be used for Dog Track construction, etc ............. 168
21--UMTA - Section 9A Structural Analysis Study & Section 9
Fiscal Year 1985 Operating Assistance application to
UMTA ............................................. 177
21--University Parking - Petition of Mary Richardson et al (299
signers) requestlng to change to 15 min. parking ........... 183, 371
21--UDAG application, receipt by HUD ..................... 194
21--Utility bills, questioning by A1 Polsean ................... 194
4--U.S. 61 Relocation - Project Agreement re: frontage road
right-of-way ......................................... 211
4--Ungs, David, Cigarette Permit .......................... 217
4--UMTA re: Operating & Planning Assistance under Section 9
to help offset FY 85 Operating Exp. & a portion of Structural
Analysis Study ...................................... 224
4--Urban Renewal Plan, Public Hearing etc. for Amendment.
............................................... 233, 253, 255
4--UD Student Union, Cigarette Permit .................... 248
4--UAW Local 94, Cigarette Permit ........................ 249
25--UDAG - "Release of Funds re: Redstone rehab, project". .... 261
2--UDAG - assistance for Convention Hotel .............. 275.314,315
2--US 20 Extension from Delaware County to 4 lane at
Dubuque ............................................ 279
" 2--Unge, Leo of Dubuque County petitioning for tax suspen-
sions ............................................... 281
" 16--Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds for downtown
convention hotel ..................................... 286
16--UDAG Grant Agreement re: FDL & Disposition of Certain
Real Estate ......................................... 288, 290
16--Urban Renewal Disposition Plan, fur downtown ........ 295,314,315
1984 SUBJECT Page
July 26--Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Proof of
publication on matter of proposed issuance ................ 314, 315
"30--Urban Renewal Parcel 4-2 Disposition - Declaring the intent
of the City to enter into Agreement for Sale of Land for
Private Redevelopment between City & Investment
Counselors, Inc ...................................... 321
"30--Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds - Instituting
Proceedings to take Additional Action ................... 322
"30--Urban Devel. Action Grant for Downtown Convention Hotel.
Aug. 6--UDAG Program - Proof of publication of Notice of Intent to
file a release of funds for Redstone projeet ................ 342
,, 20--UDAG Application - HUD advising of receipt ............. 371
Sept. 4--Union Label Week, Proclamation ........................ 376
"17--United Way Campaign Time, Proclamation ............... 397
" 17--U.S. Dept. of Housing & Dubuque Human Rights Comm. re:
Memorandum of Understanding ........................ 403
,, 17_University Ave., re: Obi ectlons for taverns etc. whose patrons
have objeetionable behavinr ........................ 403,404,428
" 17--Urban Revitalization Areas, included into City Code ........ 415-417
Oct. I--U.S. Dept. of HUD and Dubuque Human Rights Commis-
sion, Cooperative Agreement ........................... 434
" 15--UNICEF Day, Proclamation ........................... 450
" 15--Uniform Building Code ................................ 457
' 15--Uniform Fire Code .................................... 457
,, 15_Upper River Terminals {By R. Hudson) requesting temporary
leasing of shorelines for barge fleeting .................... 458
Dec. 3--United Auto Workers, Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 525
"17--Ungs, David A., Class "C" Liquor License ................ 548
" 17--Urban Renewal Property - Disposition for Dubuque Hotel &
Convention Center .................................... 552
1984 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 6--Vacate a portion of Huff St. in Sears, Roebuck & Co. Subd.
{re: Sale to Frommelt Bldg. Corp.) ....................... 36, 51
6--Visitors (& Convention) Bureau, submitting 6 mo. report .... 44
Mar. 5--Vorwald, Father Al, Invocation ......................... 71
5--Visitors (Tourists) Bureau of Chamber of Commerce opposi-
tion voiced in re: Funding by City ....................... 79, 83
" 12--Voss, Roger, address Council opposing Volunteer Fire Pro-
gram ............................................... 82
" 12--Volunteer Firefighters Program ..................... 81, 82, 83, 84
" 19--Veterans Memorial Park Baseball Field develop into lighted
field ................................................ 100
May 7--Vulunteer(National)Week, Proclamatiou ................. 141
7--Voting Canvass submitted by County Bd. of Supervisors for
Dog Track .......................................... 167
"21--Vet's Memorial Park, Fireworks Display .................. 193
June 4--Veteran - Hire A, Proclamation ......................... 197
4--Victoria & Logan Sts., 1984 Asphalt Paving Project ........ 199
" 18--Village Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................... 249
" 25--Vanderloo, Dr. Merrill re: Opinion on confinement of Animal
Ordinance ........................................... 263
July 16--Vacating a portion of E. 19th St. and disposition of same to
FDL Foods, Inc. in the amount of $20,000 ............. 291,308,309
" 16--Victoria St., suit because of street assessments ............
Aug. 6--Vacation Plat of the Five Feet Wide Public Utility
Easements between Lot 3 & 4 of Block 10 of "Knob Hill".... 336
6--Vacated roadway on Rhomberg near Eagle Point Bridge to
Susan M. Balsamo .................................... 354, 355
" 20--Vacate 15' strip of land on North of 4th St. between Main &
Iowa Streets and disposing of same to Investment Counse-
lots, Inc ......................................... 355,382,473
Sept. 4--Von Fumetti, Jill, JA Honoree - Congratulatory Letter ...... 376
Nov. 19--Vacated portion of Roosevelt St., Easterly from Garfield
Ave. to the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific RR
Tracks, approving plat of same ......................... 497, 515
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 3--Wagner, Mary Ann, Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 4
" 16--Winter Wonderland II, Proclamation .................... 8
" 16--Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area, expansion... 14-16, 53
Feb. 6--Wehrle Lavern, Claim ................................. 43, 78
6--Whitney, Joel by Floyd, Claim .......................... 43, 105
" 6--Welbes, Lyndeen, Claim; Closing ........................ 43, 512
" 21--Women's History Week, Proclamation ................... 49
" 21--West 11th St. Urban Revit. Area, Tax Exempt. applicatlons
approved ........................................... 61
21--Watson, Hugh, Cigarette Permit Refund ................. 69
Mar. 5--Wastewater Treatment Plant, repair trickling system .......
............................................... 71, 72, 94, 95
5--Waish, Maureen A., Claim ............................. 78, 105
5--Wagner, Mary Ann, Cigarette Permit refund .............. 78
" 12--Williams, Marian address Council re: Fire Dept. response
time to Old Mill Road ................................. 82
" 12--Word Processing, awarded funding for acoustical partitions.
" 12--Water rates revision ordinance providing ................. 84
" 19--Waltz, John opposing special aiection on Dog Track Complex.
" 19--Wagner, Fred, favoring Special Election on Dog Track ...... 98
" 19--Will-Co., Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 104
" 19--Wareco System of Iowa, Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 104
" 19--Winders, James Robert, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License... 104
" 19--Willey, Rick, Claim; Settlement ......................... 105, 118
" 19--Water Plant operator Civil Service Exam results ........... 105
7--Walz, Father Dean, Gave Invocation ..................... 141
7--Westphai & Co., Inc. contract for Traffic Signal & St.
Lighting Improvements ............................... 144
7--Water Division West Third St. Property on Mazzuchelli St.,
recommendation of sale ................................ 146
7--West 3rd property of Water Div. - offered for sale .......... 146
7--Water Div. Employee suspended ........................ 159
7--Wetter, David, Transfer of Liquor License ................ 163
7--Walgreen Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 164
7--Wetter, David (& J. McGinnis), Class "C" Liquor License .... 164
7--Webb, James J., Class "C" Liquor License ................ 164
7--Wahlert, R.H., Claim: Denial ........................... 165, 218
" 14--Winter Wonderland, Discussion of Parking Meter Enforce-
ment ............................................... 169
" 21--Walker-Oneida St. Saditary Sewer Project .............
................................ 178-180, 224, 258-260, 297
" 21--Warning Tracks - Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park &
Recreation Complex ........................... 180,228-230,550
" 21--Water Division Employee, Suspended affirmed ............ 183
" 21 --White, Dennis, appointed to Planning & Zoning Corem 191
" 2l--Walgreen Co., Cigarette Permit 192
" 21--WCB Restaurants, Inc., Class "B' Beer & Liquor License... 193
June 4--West Third St., 1984 Asphalt Pavlng Project .............. 199
4--Watermain, Peru Road, Project ......................... 213
" 4--Wareco, Cigarette Permit .............................. 217
18--Washlngton Neighborhood Tool Library, funding Agree-
ment .............................................. 235
18--Weber, Jim, Mgr. of Group W., re: Cable Rate Increase ...... 236, 263
1984 SUBJECT Page
June 18--Winter, Carl J., Applicant for Police & Fire Pension Bd. of
"18--Wailis, Joan, Claim, Closing .......... [.. ,':[ .' .' ..[ :: ~[ ..... 247
251, 512
"25--Will-Co./nc. (Oky Doky #10), Cigarette Permit ............ 284
July 2--Wi]kie, Rev. William, Applicant for Historic Preservation
Corem ..............
2--Wlllglng, Mark, reappointed to the TV Cable Re~lato~ 279
......................... 279
" 16--Water Meter Replacement Project (Residentlal) ........ 292,327-329
" 16--Winne Ct. residents objecting to small sewer system in their
area ..............................
"16--Willey, Bob, of LaDen St. objecting tg pr~bie~ '~it~' ~g~g; 293
back-up due to snell sewer .......
" 16--Water Ski Club re: Lease of property on Chaplai~ Sch~itt 293
Island ..........
" ' ................................... 299
16--Water area of Peeeta Channel - special speed zone for boats.
" -- g cbool- Agreement with Five Flags .......... 302
" 16--Weber, Jerry, Claim; Closing ....................
"16--Whittenbaugh, Wayne, petition City sell prop;rty'i~ 'j.~ 805, 512
Porter's Addn.
16--Water, Air & Waste Mgmt. Dept. issuing p~rm~t ~o ~s~hi~ 306, 424
gfrie Exc.
........................................... 306
Aug. 6--WarreD, Angle, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License.
6-V~ong, Dick Zee, ~igarette Permi~ .... i. i.. i. i.. i. i.. i.. 1 840, 341
8--Wirkler, Norman of Durrant Group spoke on Site & Traffic
Plan of Dog Track ..................................
8--Weekly updates bi, re: Dog Track. 344
..................... 347
"20--Water Slide (Splash Down), re: Complaints of Naise .........
" 356
20--Wastewater Treatment Plant, amendment to Consent
Decree ...................... : ....................... 365, 366
"20--Wailand, Mary, Claim;Closlag .......................... 370, 512
"20--Wagner, James, Claim; Settlement ...................... 370, 423
"20--Winders, Jamee, refund requeet for Liquor License ...... 370
S?,t. 376
" 381
Oct. 1 Whiskey River, Class "C" Liquor License application,
HEARING Issuance oI Same .........................428
1 --Wagner, Agnes re Tavern patrons on University & Issuance
of Liquor License to Whiskey River ...................... 428
1--West Eleventh (11th) Street Historic Preservation District
1 --Windso,r Tap ~e~u~ o~ Cigarette ~ermi~ .... : ...... : .... : 429
1--Worker s Comp. Self-Insurance Plan, submission of Annual 437
--Women s Advocate Week, Battered, Proclamation
4--Withee, Dave, Congratulations for JA Program...'. ii ii ii ii
4--Walton, Chris, as JA Member, Congratulatory Letter .......
4--Weller, Fred, re: Secondhand Dealer Ordinance.
4--Wallace, Colleen, re: Secondhand Dealer OrdinanCe.' i' i .....
4--Wa~er Meter Replacement program, re: Temporary Laborer
position approved.
............... 387
gfrie Excavating .......... 391
17--Whiskey River, re: Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Per-
mit ............................................. 422,428,481
17--Waterman & Lane, Attorneys, Claim on behaff of their client
for broken watermain.
8--Wacker Drive, deslgnation of Stop intersection ............ 445, 446
1984 SUBJECT Page
Oct. 15--Watermain - Construction for Dubuque Dog Racing Facility.
............................................ 452, 453, 470-472
" 15--Work Session requested between Park & Recreation & Four
Mounds & Council re: Four Mounds ...................... 465
" 15--Woodward Museum requesting historic lights from City ..... 466
" 29--Work Session with P & Z Comm. for proposed Zoning Or-
dlnance ............................................. 468
Nov. 5--Willenborg, Harlan, appointed to the Plumbing Board ...... 480
5--Waltz, Hank re: Group W Cable billing procedures ......... 480
5--Windsor Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 481
" 19--Weber, James, of Group W Cable TV, not available for report
etc ................................................. 498
" 19--Woodman, Clair A., Class "C" Liquor License ............. 511
Dec. 3--W. 11th St. Historic Preservatlon District, Establishment of
same ............................................... 517, 518
3--Woodman, Clair (Aragon Tap), Cigarette Permit ........... 525
" 17--Woodward Riverboat Museum re: Request for historic double
lamp street light ..................................... 537
' 17--Waste compactor construction etc. at Jeld-Wen Fiber Pro-
jects ............................................... 537-539
1984 SUBJECT Page
1984 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 16--Zoning change request by Steve's Plumbing & Heating for
2600 University.
16--Zoning change request to provide for "Motels" as a condi-
tional use in the OR-1 Office/Residentiai District .......... 9, 29
16--Zoning change request to reclassify property at 3250 Dodge
(R. Digman) ............................. 13, 49, 50, 76
Feb. 6--Zoning Change to rezone property at 2769 University
quest of Kluck Construction) ...................... 33
6--Zephyr Station, (J.D. Streett & Co.), refund on Beer Pern2t
18--Zenner, Edward, Suspension from work ............... 46
' 18--Zirkelbach, Dennis & Sandy, Class "C" Liquor License ...... 68
" 18--Zenner, Ed, re: Proposal to City to purchase their Housing
Inspection Services.
Mar. 5--Z°ning change request 3250 Dodge and adjacent west parcel
from C-7 to C-3.
5--ZOHI~G BOA~D' '0r ' ~(D~JS+hE~+' 'Sb~/i~T~N~ 76
MINUTES ................... 77, I05, 164, 218, 305, 342, 390, 511
May 7--Zoning change proposed - by reclassifying properties along
Julien Dubuque Drive from current zoning to PI Planned In-
dustrial District to be known as "Julien Dubuque Drive
Planned Industriai District.' . ................. 145, I89,202-205
June 18--Zayre Snack Bar, Cigarette Permit. 249
July 2--Zenner, Jan/ce I., appointed to Historic Preservation Comm.
Sept.17--Zoning Board of Adjustment reappointment of D, Redding.
................................................. 421
Oct. 29--Zoning Ordinance, Joint Work Session held for discussion... 468
Dec. 17--Zonlng (Comprehensive), Ordinance set out .............. 534
1984 SUBJECT Page
Feb. 6--Youth Hockey Week, Proclamation ...................... 29
Mar. 19--Yager, Lillian L., Claim ................................ 105
Apr. 2--Youth in Government Council & Staff sworn in by Mayor .... 109
"16--YWCA - National Week, Proclamation ................... 120
June 18--Yen Chlng, cigarette Permit ........................... 249
Sept. 4--YWCA Battered Women Advocates Week, Proclamation .... 376