1916 November Council Proceedings444 Official Notices.
Examination of - ppncants For Posi-
tions On the Police and Fire
The Police and Fire Commission-
ers will hold a session at the City
Hall on Monday, October 30th, 1916,
at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose
of examining applicants for positions
on the Police and Fire Department.
Those desiring to take the exam-
ination may secure the proper appli-
cation blanks from the secretary at
the Mayor's Office.
10- 27-3t. COMMISSION.
Regular session November 2, 1916.
Council met at 8:50 p. m.
1\Mayor Sau]_ •In the chair.
Present -- Aldermen Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Ed. Ruff, inspector $ 22 00
John Bowen, inspector 7 00
Peter Wertin, inspector 18 00
John Kinsella, inspector 9 00
John Kean, inspector 26 00
Matt Ackerer, inspector 8 00
E. T. Frith, health 818 74
Thos. Lee, improving McEvoy
Place 683 13
C. B. McNamara & Co., con-
structing sanitary sewer in
Windsor avenue from Sut-
ter street 225 feet norther-
ly 172 82
F. W. Hassett, constructing
sanitary sewer in Atlantic
avenue 1530 12
On motion of Ald. Wallis all bills
properly O. K. were ordered paid.
Petition of Fred W. Faldorf asking
the city council to instruct the city
assessor to have the amounts of taxes
against his property in conformity
with the Iowa statutes, governing
lands for agricultural purposes with-
in the city limits presented and read.
Ald. Plamondon moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
Mr. Faldorf to address the council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Mr. Faldorf addressed the council.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
petition was referred to the committee
of the whole and city attorney.
Petition of Farley & Loetscher
Mfg. Co. and Key City Roofing Co.
asking the city council for permission
to pave that part of the alley between
White and Jackson street and 8th and
9th streets lying between lots 351,
352 and 353 on the west side and
374, 375 and 376 on the east side pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Frith the petition was referred to the
committee of the whole to view the
Petition of Joseph W. Straub asking
the city council to reduce the special
assessment levied against lot 21 South
Park Hill addition for the improve-
ment of Putnam street presented
and read. Ald. Frith moved to sus-
pend the rules for the purpose of al-
lowing Mr. Straub to address the
council. Carried by the following
Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916. 445
Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Mr. Straub addressed the council,
On motion of Ald. Frith the petition
was referred to the committee of the
whole and notify Mr. Straub to be
Petition of Anton Leibel and Geo.
Voltz asking the city council for per-
mission to use the Armory hall some
night during the month for a benefit
dance for L. Arthover presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith the
petition was referred to the committee
of the whole.
Petition of J. F. Kunz & Co., agents,
asking the city council to reduce the
special assessments levied against lot
2 in Dillion's Sub. presented and
read. On motion of Ald. McLaugh-
lin the petition was referred to the
committee of the whole to view the
Petition of C. H. Berg, trustee in
bankruptcy, asking the city council
to accept the sum of $1.25 in full set-
tlement of the balance of special as-
sessments levied against lots 1, 2, 49
and 50 Woodlawn Park addition in
the year 1894 presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Wallis the city record-
er was instructed to notify the peti-
tioner that the city will accept the
sum of $25.00 in full settlement of
the same.
Petition of A. Paley asking the city
council for permission to erect a ga-
rage on Edison street presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the grounds.
Petition of Joseph Handel asking
the city council to reduce the assess-
ment lots 208 and 209 Union Addition
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole.
Petition of Thos. Jacobsen asking
the city council to reduce the assess-
ment levied against his property for
the construction of a sanitary sewer
in front of lot 1 West Second street
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Leist the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Petitions of the Times - Journal com-
pany and the Telegraph - Herald com-
pany asking the city council to grant
them a raise in publishing the coun-
cil proceedings from 12 and 1 -2 cents
per column inch to 15 cents per col-
umn inch presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petitions
were referred to the committee of
the whole.
Petition of John W. Twaites asking
the city council to exempt from tax-
ation lot 3 of Sub. Mineral lot 122 and
lot 4 of Sub. Mineral lot 131 and lot
5 of Sub. Mineral lot 131 as the same
446 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
is used for agricultural purposes only
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Petition of John L. Kies et al, ask-
ing the city council to order the con-
struction of sidewalks on Paulina
street from .West 41h street to West
5th street presented and read. On
motion of Ald. McLaughlin the Pray-
er of the petitioners was granted and
the sidewalk inspector instructed ac-
Communication of Chas. S. Kidder
/C Co. stating to the city council that
they are prepared to undertake the
funding of all outstanding floating in-
debtedness of the city into low rate
interest - bearing bonds presented and.
read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the
city treasurer was instructed to pre-
pare a statement of the floating in-
debtedness of the city together with
the interest on same for the next
meeting of the city council.
Notice of appeal with bond of Mary
E. Waller from the special assessment
for improving Fourth Street Exten-
sion levied October 19th, 1916, pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
McLaughlin the notice and bond were
referred to the city attorney.
Notices of appeal, together with
bonds, from the special assessments
levied for the improving of Fourth
Street Extension October 19th, 1916,
Booth Estate, Fannie Tonner and
John V. Rider, presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Leist the notices
and bonds were referred to the city
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
several road districts during the last
half of October, 1916:
Amount due laborers $880.75
Also submit the payrool for sprink-
ling and sweeping for the last half of
October, 1916:
Amount due laborers $497.00
Also submit the payroll for sprink-
on roads leading into the county for
the last half of October, 1916, to be
paid from the various portions of the
County Road Fund:
First County, amount due la-
borers $159.60
Fifth County, amount due la-
borers 168.34
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay-
rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay various amounts
and report referred back to commit-
tee on streets.
Also submit the payroll for labor on
sewers during last half of October,
Amount clue laborers on sew-
ers $249.29
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
Payroll was received and warrants
were ordered drawn So pay various
amounts and report referred back to
committee on sewers.
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable' Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
police report for the month of Octo-
ber, 1916: -
Assault and battery
Disturbing the peace
Violating speed ordinance
Violating traffic ordinance
Pound master's receipts $1.00
Sheriff for dieting prisoners
during month of October $6.12
Police court costs and fines col-
lected $94.20
Patrol runs for prisoners 186
Prisoners transferred 14
Committee calls 1
Miles traveled 266
Ambulance calls 95
Also beg to submit the payroll for
policemen for last half of October,
Amount due policemen $1457.80
Amount retained pension fund_. $31.34
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Callahan the
payroll and report were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the police committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Ia.
Gentlemen: The following is the
payroll of the fire department for the
last half of October, 1916:
Amount due firemen $2205.22
One per cent retained for
pension fund 40.06
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by committee on fire.
On motion of Ald. Leist the payroll
was received, warrants were ordered
drawn to pay the firemen and the re-
port referred to the committee on fire.
Residents arrested
Doors found open
Defective lights
Lodgers harbored
Meals furnished prisoners
Cost of food
November 2nd, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port for the month of October, 1916,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Receipts during the month$ 47,992.56
City's cash balance 107,446.65
Warrants redeemed $ 28,822.34
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed 1,347.50
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed 2,600.00
Improvement bonds re- '
deemed 250.00
Library orders redeemed .. 1,237.55
Park orders redeemed 2,445.65
Police pension orders re-
deemed 110.00
Firmen pension orders re-
deemed 219.75
$ 37,032.79
City's cash balance Oct-
ober 31, 1916 $118,406.42
The above cash balances include
the balances in the improvement bond
fund, the water works interest and
sinking fund, the library fund. old
water works debt fund, police pension
fund, fire pension fund and the sink-
ing fund (for amelioration of the city
regular bonded debtl,
Cash balance October 1, 1916$2,009.78
Deposit with City Treasurer
by Water Works Trustees
during month 5,610.62
Orders drawn on City Treas-
urer during the month $4,555.57
Cash balance Oct. 31, 1916 3,064.83
Cash balance October 1, 1916. 4460.00
Cash balance October 31, 1916 605.00
The following is a record of all In-
terest coupons and .Bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer and credited to
Improvement bond coupons $1,347.50
Regular bond coupons 2,600.00
Improvement bonds $250.00
Also report there is due the City
Officers for the month of October„
1916, salaries amounting to $3,029.89.
And Geo. Reynolds (Iowa
Workingmen's • Compensa-
tion) $20.00
Amanda Beyer (Iowa Work-
Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1 91 6.
ingmen's Compensation) 35.08
Very Respectfully,
City Auditor.
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
. niug of the fiscal year beginning
March 1, 1916, to November 1, 1916.
Appropriation Expended
For general ex-
pense and con-
tingent fund .. ._$45,000.00 $33,127.64
For District Road
funds for clean-
ing, sprinkling
a n d repairing
First district 9,045.71
Second district -_ -- 18,151.01
Third district 12,304.38
Fourth district 14,287.43
Fifth district 12,183.00
For expense of
fire department 65,000.00 53,390.39
For expense of
police depart-
ment 40,500.00 25,922.66
For care, mainte-
nance and re-
pair of sewers 5,700.00 4,570.45
For printing 4,900.00' 2,197.08
For street lighting 44,075.00 28,326.37
For interest on
floating a n d
bonded debt 42,000.00 22,326.67
For expense of
board of health 13,000.00 11,194.57
For grading
streets and al-
leys 6,500.00 5,742.24
Special bonded
paving 9,000.00
For interest on
special bonded
debt 7,000.00
For repairing and
rebuilding side-
walks 1,000.00 966.09
For payment of
five per cent re-
tained on cer-
tain improve-
ments 1,000.00 767.55
For balance on
various cement
step jobs 750.09 760.09
For balance curb-
ing on Julien
Ave. and Delhi
streets 2,222.28 2,222,28
To pay award of
jury on Nevada
street 925.00
For balance on
brick paving at
Grandview and
Delhi street .... 1,342.05 1,342.05
Balance on wid-
ening of Pickett
street 310.00 300.00
To pay bills for
extra work on
Louisa street,
Rosedale Ave.
and Alta Vista
street 251.76 251.76
To pay jurors
award on Cleve-
land avenue ..__ 725.00
. For completion of
the Fifth ave-
nue sewer 3,000.00 250.00
Balance Bee
Branch in 3rd
ward 799.66 799.66
Respectfully submitted,
City Auditor.
Ald. Wallis moved that the reports
.and payroll be received and warrants
be drawn for the various amounts
and report referred back to finance
-committee. Carried.
City Treasurer Wybrant reported as
The following is a statement of the
amounts advanced by me during the
month of October, 1916, for which
please have warrants drawn in my
Interest on warrants out-
standing $3168.28
Miscellaneous 13.71
Also please order loan warrants is-
sued in lieu of the following loan
warrants, there being no space upon
which to make further interest en-
dorsements: Nos. 5820, 5821, 5822,
5823, 5824, 5825 and 5826, dated Dec.
6th, 1900, in the sum of $500.00 pay-
able to James P. Donahue, interest at
5 per cent to date from Nov. 5, 1916.
No. 4718, in the sum of $500.00 and
No. 4719, in the sum of $200.00, each
dated Nov. 7th, 1901, payable to Car-
oline Kriebs, interest at 5 per cent
from Oct. 25th, 1916.
No. 5179, in the sum of $500.00,
dated Nov. 20th, 1902, payable to Ida
W. Lux, interest at 5 per cent to date
from Oct. 10th, 1916.
Nos. 3591, 3592, 3593, 3594, each in
the sum of $500.00, dated Oct. 5th,
1905, payable to Ida W. Lux, interest
at 5 per cent to date from October,
19th, 1916.
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
Ald. Wallis moved that the report
of the city treasurer be approved and
warrants in the sum of $3,168.28 and
$13.71 be ordered drawn in favor of
the city treasurer and the balance of
the loan warrants that action be de-
ferred until a later date. Carried.
Dubuque, Ia., November 2, 1916.
To the Honorable 1\Iayor and City
Gentlemen: When Washington
street was built from 28th street to
31st street part of the macadam and
curb was not built due to the Bee
Branch sewer being so close to the
street, the contention being that the
city would complete this part when
the sewer was constructed. The fol-
lowing assessments were levied on the
lots abutting this part of the street:
Anna Marmann, east one -half of lot
1 of 162 and 163, $76.46.
Realty Inv. Corp. west one -half of
lot 1 of 162 and 163, $39.28.
Sophia Datisman, east one -half of
lot 2 of 162 and 163, $25.23.
Carl Kind, west one -half of lot 2
of 162 and 163, $18.69.
Adana Stoltz, south 33 feet of lot
164, $52.69.
C. A. Voelker, north 17 feet of lot
164, $27.13.
q. A. Voelker, lot 165, $79.83.
All in Glendale Addition. These
people are not able to get to their lots
from Washington street so I would
recommend the city treasurer be in-
structed to carry these assessments on
his books without interest until the
city completes the part omitted.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the city engineer was approved
and the city treasurer instructed ac-
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 2, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: At a recent meeting
of your honorable body, there was
referred to me the petition of the
assignee of the Dubuque Gasoline
Engine company, in which was con-
tained an offer to compromise the
taxes standing against the personal
property of said company. According
to the petition which is herewith re,
turned, the Dubuque Gasoline Engine
company, during the month of March,
1913, made an assignment for the
benefit of its creditors. There has
been levied against the property of
said company city taxes in the stmt
of Two Hundred Eighty -five ($285)
Dollars, which taxes are due and un-
paid. The assets of said company
have been disposed of and the sum
of Sixteen Hundred Twenty -five
($1625.00) Dollars realized therefrom,
which money is now in the hands of
the clerk of the District Court. Dur-
ing the years that this company has
been in the hands of the assignee, the
cost of the administration has be-
come very large, in fact amounts to
Twenty -one Hundred Sixty -eight and
88 -100 ($2168.88) Dollars, which you
will notice is far in excess of the
money on hand.
While it is true that taxes are or-
dinarily a preferred claim, yet the
cost of administrating an estate take
'precedence over such taxes, and must
be paid first. The assignee in this
case offers, by way of compromise, to
pay the city the sum of One Hundred
($100.00) Dollars in full of all taxes
448 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916. Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916. 449
which have been levied against the
personal property. In view of the
fact that the cost of administrating
this estate exceed the amount of
money realized from the sale of the
property, and from the further fact
that such cost of administration takes
precedent over city taxes, I have no
hesitation in recommending that the
city accept the offer of the assignee
to pay the sum of One Hundred
($100.00) Dollars, in full of the taxes
owing by said defunct company.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of the city attorney was ap-
proved and the city treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
Following weighmaster's report on
receipts were presented and read and
on motion of Ald. Strobel were re-
ceived and filed:
J. P. Cooney $ 4.54
C. J. McCarthy 31.00
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a cement side-
walk hereinafter described has been
completed, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to $61.51
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing a cement sidewalk abutting
the west 1 -2 of City Lot 254 on the
north side of Eighth street, the mayor
be and he is hereby required to exe-
cute and deliver to the city recorder,
to be by him registered and counter-.
signed, one sidewalk certificate for
sixty -one and 51 -100 dollars, number-
ed 157, dated December 2nd, 1916,
payable on or before seven years af-
ter the date thereof, and bearing in-
terest at the rate of six per cent per
annum, payable semi - annually.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
- Wallis.
Nays —None.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer hereinafter described has been
completed, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to $4,-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
'That to provide for the cost of con-
- strutting a sanitary sewer in O'Neill
avenue from Booth street to College
avenue, in College avenue from
O'Neill avenue to West Second street,
in West Second street from College
avenue to Walsh street, in Walsh
street from West Second street to
West Third street, thence westerly on
West Third street to fifty feet east of
Grandview avenue and easterly on
West Third street from Walsh street
for three hundred and fifty feet, the
mayor be and he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, fifteen bonds for two
hundred and fifty dollars each and
one for two hundred sixty -six and
29 -100 dollars, numbered 4649 to 4664
dated December 2nd, 1916, payable
on or before seven years after the
date thereof, and bearing interest at
the rate of five per cent per annum,
payable semi - annually.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
\\ralii s.
Nays None.
Your committee on streets would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the curb and guttering on
Park Avenue and would recommend
that the same be accepted, N. J.
Sterner, contractor.
- We also examined the improvement
of West Locust street from the end
of the present brick improvement at
Seventeenth street to Hodgdon ave-
nue and would respectfully recom-
mend that the same be accepted, Jas.
F. Lee, contractor.
We would further recommend that
the city engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to prepare a special as-
sessment against the lots or parcels
of real estate subject to assessment
for the improvement of West Locust
street excluding all charges for curb
not genuinely reset, and file the same
in the office of the city recorder who
will thereupon publish the notice of
said assessment as required by ordi-
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the street committee was adopted.
Your committee on sewers would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sewer in Windsor avenue
from Lincoln avenue to. Providence
street and in Providence street from
Lincoln avenue to Stafford avenue
and would respectfully 'recommend
that the same be accepted, Jas. Street,
We would further recommend that
the city engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to prepare a special as-
sessment against the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
West Third street from Walsh street
for 350 feet, by Jas. Street, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for
the several' amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
Carl Jungworth, O'Neills Sub.,
No. 1, S. 58 ft. lot 1; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
50 lin. ft. at $1.1208, $56.04;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$2.24; total $ 58 68
Anna Buelow, O'Neil's Sub.
No. 1, W. 30 ft. lot 30; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
30 lin. ft. at $1.1208, $33.62;
interest at 6 per cent, 24c;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$1.34; total 35 20
Anna Buelow, O'Neill's Sub
No. 1, lot 4; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra
expense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 68
Anna Buelow, O'Neill's Sub
No. 1, lot 5; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra
expense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 68
Kemler & Svendson, O'Neill's
Sub. No. 1, lot 6; manholes
and 8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin.
ft.•at $1.1208, $56.04; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 40c; extra
expense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 68
Anton Schmidt, O'Neill's Sub
No. 1, lot 7; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 78 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $87.42; interest
at 6 per cent, 63c; extra
expense at 4 per cent, $3.49;
total 91 54
E. D. White, Sub. Min. lot 159,
lot 6; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 833.3 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $933.96; interest at
6 per cent, $6.69; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $37.35;
total 978 00
Thos. Jacobson, Sub. 8, 9, 10,
11, 12 College Sub. lot 1;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 115.1 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$129.00; interest at 6 per
cent, 93c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $5.16; total 135 09
Thos. Jacobson, Sub. 8, 9, 10,
11, 12 College Sub., lot 2;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$48.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916. 451
4 per cent, $1.96; total
mhos. Jacobson, Sub. 8, 9, 10,
11, 12 College Sub., lot 3;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
.$48.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $1.96; total
C. H. Jordan, Sub. 8, 9, 10, 11,
12 College Sub., lot 4; man-
holes and S -inch tile pipe,
43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$48.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $1.96; total
C. H. Jordan, Sub. 8, 9, 10, 11,
12 College Sub., lot 5; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$48.85; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $1.96; total
dlargt. Patterson, Sub. 8, 9, 10,
11, 12 College Sub., lot 6;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$48.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $1.96; total
Wm. Kaiser, Sub. 8, 9, 10, 11,
12 College Sub., lot 7; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
43.6 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$48.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $1.96; total
W. A. Norman, College Sub.,
lot 13; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $56.04; interest at
6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
W. A. Norman, College Sub.,
lot 14; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $56.04; interest at
6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
A. L. Rhomberg, College Sub.,
lot 15; manholes and fl-
inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $56.04; interest at
6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Col-
lege Sub., lot 2; manholes
and 8 -inch tile pipe, 75 lin.
ft. at $1.1205, $84.06; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 60; extra
expense at 4 per cent, $3.36;
M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Col-
lege Sub., lot 3; manholes
and 8 -inch tile pipe, 60 lin.
ft. at $1.1208, $67.25; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 49; extra
expense at 4 per cent, $2.69;
Wm. Krakow, College Sub.,
51 20
51 20
51 20
51 20
51 20
51 20
58 68
58 68
58 68
88 02
70 43
450 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
said improvement and file the same
in the office of the city recorder who
will thereupon publish the notices as
required by ordinance.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
report of the sewer committee was
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the objections of
Anna B. Parson, Ella B. Ruete and
Henrietta Booth Lusch and also those
of Fannie Tonner against the propos-
ed special assessment for the im-
provement of Fourth Street Extension
because of the assessment being more
than the value of the property will
allow, would respectfully recommend
that said objections be received and
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the remonstrance
of John V. Rider on the Fourth Street
Extension special assessment stating
that lots 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19 were
exempt by resolution in 1905 and ob-
jecting to the levy on the above men-
tioned lots and also objection to a levy
of over $18.13 on lot 12 would re-
spectfully recommend that the assess-
ment on lot 12 in Block 30, Dubuque
Harbor Improvement company's ad-
dition remain as it stands at present
and that the prayer of the petition
be granted on the remainder.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of C. B.
McNamara & Co. for filling on Fourth
Street Extension amounting to $161.00
to be paid from the Second ward fund
would respectfully recommend that
said bill be paid and a warrant be
drawn covering the same.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the recommenda-
tion of the city engineer on the re-
monstrance of Ed 1[untz on the spe-
cial assessment levied against his
property for the improvement of
West Seventeenth street would re-
spectfully recommend that the engi-
neer's recommendation be approved
of and the petition be received and
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition and
also the plat of Slattery's subdivision
which was submitted for approval
would respectfully recommend that
the same be approved of.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Wallis the report
of the committee of the whole was
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for constructing a cement side-
walk abutting the west 1 -2 of City
Lot 254 on the north side of Eighth
street, Thos. Lee, contractor. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist the notice was re-
ceived and filed.
Resolved by the city council of the
city of Dubuque: That to pay for con-
structing cement sidewalks, by Thos.
Lee, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
J. .H Rhomberg, city lot, W.
1 -2 lot 254; cement walk,
545.6 sq. ft. at llc, $60.01;
extra expense, $1.50; total....$61 51
Adopted November 2nd, 1916.
Approved November 3rd, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Leist move41 the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -- -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays -None.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for constructing an eight -inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in O'Neill
avenue from Booth street to College
avenue, in College avenue from O'Neill
avenue to West Second street, in West
Second street from College avenue to
Walsh street, in Walsh street from
\Vest Second street to West Third
street, thence westerly on West Third
street to fifty feet east of Grandview
avenue and easterly on West Third
street from Walsh street for three
hundred and fifty feet, James Street,
contractor, also the written remon-
strance of E. D. 'White. Ald. Frith
moved to receive and file the notice
and remonstrance. Carried by the
following vote: .
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Strobel, Wallis.
Nays -Alds. McLaughlin, Plamon-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for an
8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
O'Neill avenue from Booth street to
College avenue, in College avenue
from O'Neill avenue to West Second
street, in West Second street from
College avenue to Walsh street, in
Walsh street from West Second street
to West Third street, thence westerly
on West Third street to 50 feet east
of Grandview Avenue and easterly on
lot 4; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 70 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $78.45; interest at
6 per cent, 56c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $3.13;
total 82 14
Maria E. Pape, College Sub.,
lot 5; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 70 lin. ft. at
$1.1208, $78.45; interest at
6 per cent, 56c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $3.13;
total 82 14
1ilargt. H. Burke, College
Sub., lot 6; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 70 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $78.45; interest
at 6 per cent, 56c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $3.13;
total 82 14
14Iargt. H. Burke, College
Sub., lot 7; manholes and
S -inch tile pipe, 115.1 lin.
ft. at $1.1208, $129.00; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 93c;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$5.17; total 135 10
T. J. Mu]grew, Sub. 2 of Box -
leiter's Sub., lot 1; manholes
and 8 -inch tile pipe, 359 lin.
ft. at $1.1208, $402.37; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $2.88;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$1G.10; total 421 35
Mary F. Mullin, Finley Honie
Add., lot 23; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 69
Win. F. Hein, Finley Home
Add., lot 24; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin.. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-.
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total .. 58 69
J. H. Ha.rancourt, Finley
Home Add., lot 25; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
50 lin. ft. at $1.1208, $56.05;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$2.24; total 58 69
A. J. Van Duzee, Finley Home
Add., lot 26; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 60 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 69
John E. Fuchs, Finley Home
Add., lot 27; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 69
Mary Kuntzman, Finley Home
Add., lot 28; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
452 Regular Session, Nov. 2, 1916.
at $1.1208, $56.05; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 69
B. W. Adams, Finley Home
Add., lot 29; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 68
B. W. Adams, Finley Home
Add., lot 30; manholes and
S -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.120S, $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $2.24;
total 58 68
B. W. Adams, Finley Home
Add., lot 31; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 34 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $38.11; interest
at 6 per cent, 27c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $1.53;
total 39 91
Grundy and Hird, Sidonia
Hosford's Sub., lot 7; man -
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
51.2 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$57.38: interest at 6 per
cent, 41c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.30; total 60 09
August Dahme, Sub. 1 of 2 of
2 Boxleiter's Sub., lot 2;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 50 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$56.04; interest at 6 per
cent, 40c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.24; total 58 68
Ann McDonald, Sub. 1 of 2 of
2 Boxleiter's Sub., lot 1;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, GO lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$67.25; interest at 6 per
cent, 49c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.70; total 70 44
Ann McDonald, Sub. 2 of 2 of
2 Min. lot 160, lot 2; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
90 lin. ft. at $1.1208,
$100.87; interest at 6 per
cent, 78c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $4.04; total 105 69
G. A. Barnes, Sub. 2 of 2 Min
lot 160, lot 1; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 50 lin. ft.
at $1.1208. $56.04; interest
at 6 per cent, 40c; extra ex-
tra expense at 4 per cent,
$2.24; total 58 68
O. M. Schmid, Sub. 1 of 2 Min.
lot 160, lot 2; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 160.3 lin.
ft. at $1.1208, $179.66; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.34;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$7.19; total 188 19
O. M. Schmid, Sub. 1 of 2 Min
lot 160, lot 1; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 39.2 lin. ft.
at $1.1208, $43.93; interest
at 6 per cent, 32c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $1.75;
total 46
Total $4016 29
2003 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at $1.75 $3505
'11 manholes at $30.00 330
Extra expense 153
Interest at 6 per cent 27
Total $4016 29
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted November 2nd, 1916.
Approved November 3rd, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stroebl,
Nays None.
Ald. Leist moved the repairing of
the cupola on the Fourth street en-
gine house be left in the hands of the
committee on public grounds and
buildings. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved to take from
the committee of the whole the pe-
tition of the policemen relative to
being granted one day off every week
and act on same in the council meet-
ing. Lost by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Strobel, Wal-
Nays Alds. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon.
Ald. Wallis moved that the salary
of the ward foremen be increased to
$70.00 per month. Ald. Frith, amend-
ed Ald. Wallis' motion to defer action
on increasing the salary of the ward
foremen. Lost by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Frith, Strobel.
Nays -Alds. Callahan, Leist, Mc-
Laughlin, Plamondon, Wallis.
Ald. Wallis' original motion lost by
the following vote:
Yeas Aids. Plamondon, Wallis.
Nays -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Strobel.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
City Water Co. be instructed to re-
move the water plug situated at the
intersection Fourth Street Extension
and Sixth street from the street. Car-
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
City Recorder.
, 1916.
City Recorder.
Regular session, November 16th,
Council met at 8:20 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present -Alds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Nic. Staner, grading Heeb
street $150
W. E. Gregory, inspector 14
John Bohn, inspector 6
Ed. Ruff, inspector 22
John Kinsella, inspector 4
Peter \Vertin, inspector 2
Matt. Ackerer, inspector 16
Ike Beekman, inspector 14
Interlocking Cement Block
Co., 5% retained on retain-
ing wall on Leibnitz street
H. A. McIntosh, 5% retained
cement steps on Foye St...
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on West 7th
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on Angella St
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on 18th street....
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on West 14th St.
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on Montrose
\Vm. Roschi, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk lots 47 and
48 Tschirgi & Schwind's
Wm. Roschi, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk lots 160, 161
and 162 Woodlawn Park
Add. _.
C. B. McNamara & Co., 5%
retained sewer in Washing-
ton street from -22nd to
24th, street
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained on
2nd street improvement
from Locust street to Bluff
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained
Prairie street improvement
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained on
2nd street improvement
from Main street to the C.
M. & St. P. tracks
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained West
3rd street improvement
from Burch street to Alpine
John Drehouse, expense
E. Schuller, expense
H. Breithaupt, expense
H. Galle, expense
N. Evert, expense
Wm. Grode, expense
L. Dailey, expense
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co ,
9 45
11 33
10 02
14 49
30 00
6 02
7 93
54 38
124 38
37 56
167 27
53 83
224 84
759 84
10 50
25 74
39 00
1 50
3 00
6 00
24 85
Geo. M. Healey & Son, ex-
F. A. Nesler & Son, expense....
Nesler & Hammel, expense....
Gonner Bros., expense
M. S. Hardie, expense
A. Gmehle, expense
A. C. Wunder, expense
Midland Chemical Co„ ex-
United Tire Sales Co., expense
F. Beutin, expense
Remington Typewriter Co ,
G. H. Davis & Co., expense....
Standard Supply Co., expense
Pier Bros., expense
Martin- Strelau Co., expense._
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense
Geo. W. Ilealey & Son, ex-
Dubuque Electric Co., fire
Byrne Bros., fire
Key City Iron Works, fire
Dubuque lubber & Belting
Co., fire
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
National Refining Co., fire .__.
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire
F. 1M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
Wunclerlich & \ \rieclerholt,
Fischer & Co., fire
Deyoe- Avenarius, fire
Vollenweider & Hein, fire
C. Matz, fire
National Refining Co., fire
Key City Gas Co., fire
J. E. Hartig, fire
Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works, fire
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire
Peed- Berwanger & Pfiffner,
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
9 50
20 35
16 00
14 85
1 45
18 50
5 00
60 80
14 70
10 75
J. J. Rowan & Son, fire 6 45
Dubuque Welding Works, fire - 1 90
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 3 66
W. D. Deckert Co., the 65
F. W. Thompson, fire 6 20
T. F. Kane, fire 270 66
Geisler Bros., fire 4 60
Linehan & i\lolo, fire 23 95
Butt Bros., fire 51 15
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 25
J. F. Stampfer Co., fire 7 95
Iowa Oil Co., fire 3 00
Kassler Auto Co., fire 22 33
The -Kuntz Co., police 14 38
J. W. Geillis, police 6 28
W. C. Gov, police 4 45
Kaep & Buechele, police 2 10
Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 4 13
Central Garage, police 12 00
Chas. McCarthy, police 4 00
Fischer & Co., police 13 26
Dubuque Electric Co., 'police.. 1 00
R. Herrmann & Son, police
and expense 6 00
Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
Co., police and expense 2 80
Tri State Auto Co., police and
fire 1 75
Rellihan & Mullen, expense,
police and fire 21 45
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 4 25
Key City Gas Co., fire, police
and expense 88 80
Iowa Telephone Co., fire, po-
lice and expense 42 67
A. Zillig, police and expense 1 75
Telegraph - Herald, expense,
fire and police 75 00
Bart Ragatz, health 2 50
Wm. Fosselman, health 18 00
Dubuque Glass Co., health _ 2 25
E. P. Smith Electric Contract
Co., health 50
United Tire Sales Co., health 124 20
J. J. Rowan & Son, health 50
Upton Laundry, health 10 59
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co ,
health 15
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
health 6 00
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
health 1 15
John Dehing, health 60 00
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co ,
sidewalk 21 50
Dubuque Lufnber & Coal Co ,
sidewalk 6 20
Geo. Korman, Martha street
sewer 12 49
F. Schloz & Son, sewer 45
Peed -Berwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 3 00'
Telegraph - Herald, printing 17 81
Telegraph- Herald, printing _ 96 13
Telegraph - Herald, printing 8 40
Times - Journal, printing 70 47
Labor Leader, printing 12 50
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 94 20
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 162 15
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 1 66
Union Electric Co., lighting 3330 10
Nic. Staffer, sewer in North
Main street 206 31
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street_5042 60
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
priving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 22269 96'
Klauer Mfg. Co., 3rd road .... 64 20.
Klauer Mfg. Co., 3rd road .__. 4 20
The Smedley Co., 3rd road .... 30 00
Molo Sand & Gravel Co., 3rd
and 2nd roads and sewer.... 7 10
A. W. Drake & Son, roads .... 20
Leader Oil Co., fire and roads 17 95
Mettel Bros., roads, sewer, fire
and expense 20 70
Key City Roofing Co., roads
and sewer 24 07
G. W. Healey & Son, 2nd road 30
Cota, Byrne & Seymour, roads 4 00
Leader Oil Co., roads 12 00
F. Schloz & Son, roads 21 20
-Midland Chemical Co., roads.. 44 66
Nic. Staner, curbing and gut-
tering Park avenue 111 56
Linehan & Molo, 1st road 19 50
Linehan & Molo, 2nd road _ 118 00
F. Beutin, 2nd road 257 65
F. Beutin, 5th road 2 50
The Smedley Co., 2nd road 7 00
Fischer & Co., 2nd road 4 40
Mullen Bros., 4th road 6 35
Eagle Point Lime Works, 5th
road 2 95
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin all
bills properly O. K. were ordered
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
following bills were referred to the
committee of the whole:
Jas. F. Lee, interest on 5%
retained $ 54 26
Jas. F. Lee, for labor and ma-
terial on curbing on West
Locust street 34 63
Key Ciy Iron Works, roads 119 60
Petition of Geo. Ragatz, Sr., ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sessment on lots 10, 11 and 12 in
Stafford's Add., presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Frith the petition
was referred to the committee of the
whole to view the grounds.
Communication of the Dubuque
Athletic Field in regard to their bills
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the communication was
referred to the committee of the
Petition of Geo. L. Courtney ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sessment on lots 233, 235 Union Add.
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Leist the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole to
view the grounds.
Petition of Frank Beutin asking
the city council to open Lime street
presented and read. On motion of
'Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole to
view the grounds.
Petition of Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co.
asking the city council to place the
total taxable valuation on their prop-
erty for the years 1911, 1912, 1913,
1914 and 1915 at $9,200.00 presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Leist
the petition was referred to the coun-
mittee of the whole.
Petition of Bridget Casey asking
the city council to accept the sum of
$25.00 for cancelling the assessment
on the north half of lot 9 in O'Neill's
Add., No. 2 presented and read. Ou
motion of Ald. Wallis the petition
was referred to the city treasurer to
report back to the council.
Petition of Mrs. Maud McLaughlin
asking the city council to exempt her
taxes for the year 1915 presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the grounds.
Petition of Phil Schwinn, receiver
Smedley Steam Pump Co., asking the
city council to accept the sum of
$1000.00 for settlement of back taxes
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the city treasurer to report to the
committee of the whole.
Petition of Jos. A. and W. H. Meus-
er objecting to the assessment against
lots 5 and 6, Brewery Add. presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis
the petition was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole to view the
gr ounds.
Petition of J. E. Kemler, agent,
asking the city council to cancel the
assessment for sewer in West 14th
street levied against the east 1 -2 of
the northerly 88' feet of lot 783 in A.
-lcDaniels Sub. presented and read.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing Mr.
Kem]er to address the council. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays —None.
Mr. Kemler addressed the council
relative to his petition. On motion
of Ald. Frith the petition was referr-
ed to the city engineer and city at-
torney to report to the committee of
- the whole.
Petition of R. W. Kemler asking
the city council to cancel the special
assessment against lots 8 and 10 mar-
tin's Dubuque presented and read.
Ald. Callahan moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing Mr.
Kemler to address the council. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist„
McLaughlin, Plainondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Mr. Kemler addressed the council
relative to his petition. On motion of
Ald. McLaughlin the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of John Miller asking the
city council to correct the assessment
on lot 2 of lot 8 of Farley's Sub. pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Wallis the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole to view
the grounds.
Petition of Voelker Realty 'Co. ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sessment on lots bearing even num-
bers, two to twenty -six inclusive, and
lots thirty and fifty -eight Bellevue
Adcl. presented and react. On motion
of Ald. Wallis the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of Voelker Realty Co. ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 16, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: Charles McManus of
the City of Dubuque, has filed a claim
for damages in the sum of Sixty
($60.00) Dollars for injuries sustain-
ed when a horse owned by him fell
into .a manhole in the alley between
First and Second street and between
Main and Locust street.
We have examined into the merits
of this claim and would recommend
that the same be allowed and a war-
rant be drawn in favor of Charles
McManus in the sum of Sixty ($60.00)
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of the city attorney was ap-
proved and a warrant in the sum of
$60.00 was ordered drawn in favor of
Chas. McManus on the city treasurer.
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 16, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: In the May term 1916
of the District Court of Dubuque
County, Iowa, Peter Hartert brough..
suit against the City of Dubuque for
damages sustained by him when he
fell upon a street crossing at the cor-
ner of Ninth and Main streets, by
which he sustained a severe fracture
of his right ankle. The action was
brought for the sum of One Thou-
sand ($1000.00) Dollars.
After a careful investigation into
the facts of this case we have con-
sidered it advisable to effect an ad-
justme' of the claim upon as satis-
factory a basis as possible, in view
of the fact that it is our opinion that
the city is liable for the injuries sus-
tained. We have submitted a propo-
sition of settlement in this case based
upon the actual damages which the
plaintiff has sustained, such as med-
ical services and hospital bills. The
amount which we agreed to pay was
Qne Hundred Fifteen ($115.00) Dol-
lars, the plaintiff to pay the costs of
court already accrued, subject, of
course, to the approval of your Hon-
orable Body.
In view of the circumstances sur-
rounding this case and the extent of
the injuries received, we would rec-
ommend that this settlement be ac-
cepted by you, and a warrant be
drawn in the sum of One Hundred
Fifteen ($115.00) Dollars payable to
Walter Koerner, the attorney for the
plaintiff, said warrant to be turned
over to him after he has dimissed the
suit now pending and filed a satisfac-
tory release with this office.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
On motion of Ald. Leis the report
of the city attorney was approved
and a warrant in the sum of $115.00
was ordered drawn on the city treas-
urer in favor of Walter Koerner.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer hereinafter described has been
completed, and the City engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
o1 said improvement amount to
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing' a sanitary sewer in Windsor
avenue from Lincoln avenue to Provi-
dence street and in Providence street
from Windsor avenue to Stafford ave-
nue, the mayor be and he is hereby
required to execute and deliver to the
city recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, two bonds for
Two Hundred and fifty dollars each
and one for Forty -three and 93 -100
dollars, numbered 4665 to 4667 in-
clusive, dated December 16th, 1916,
payable on or before seven years af-
ter the date thereof, and bearing in-
terest at the rate of five per cent per
annum, payable semi - annually.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
N None.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of West Locust
street hereinafter described has been
completed, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
of said improvement amount to $16,-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving West Locust street from the
end of the present brick improvement
at Seventeenth street to the west
curb line of Hodgdon avenue, the
ma3or be and he is hereby required
to 'execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, sixty -seven bonds for
Two Hundred and fifty dollars each
and one for One Hundred fifty -three
and 59 -100 dollars, numbered 4668 to
4735 inclusive, dated December 16th,
1916, payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent per annum, payable semi- annual-
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
456 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
sessment on lots 38, 39, 52 and 53
Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub. presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Frith
the petition was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole to view the
Petition of Gale T. Parry asking
the city council to reduce the valua-
tion placed on lot 8 of lot 4 of Mini
eral Lot 73 and lot 5 of Mineral Lot
73 presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Wallis the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole to view
the grounds.
Petition of Geo. Bendel asking the
city council to cancel the special as-
sessment levied against lot 6 in San -
ford's Sub. for the sanitary sewer in
Prince street presented and read. On
- motion of Ald. Frith the petition was
referred to the city engineer and city
attorney to report to the committee
of the whole.
Original notice of suit of Helen,
Maria and William Meehan vs. City
of Dubuque in the sum of $3,000.00
for damages to City Lot 553 present-
ed and read. On motion of Ald. Frith
the notice was referred to the city
Bills of the City Water Co. against
Jas. F. Lee in the sum of $57.05 for
water used on West Locust street im-
provement and also Thos. Lee in the
sum of $8.22 for water used on the
improvement of the alley lying be-
tween 9th and 10th avenues and
Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues and
in the sum of $.41 for water used for
constructing the sidewalk on Cooler
avenue, City Lots Nos. 438 and 439
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the bills were referred to
the city auditor to deduct the amounts
from the above mentioned bills.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit niy
pay roll for labor on streets in the
several road districts during the first
half of November, 1916:
Amount 'due laborers $911.66
Also submit the pay roll for sprink-
ling and sweeping the first half of
November, 1916:
Amount due laborers $148.35
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on roads leading into the county:
Fifth Ward County Road
Fund, amount due laborers__$191.11
.Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the pay
- rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay various amounts
and report referred hack to commit-
tee on streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of
November, 1916:
_Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $224.75
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay various
amounts and report referred back to
committee on sewers.
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for the police department for
the first half of November, 1916:
Amount due policemen $1505.20
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Callahan the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred back
to the police committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
Gentlemen: I herewith submit niy
pay roll for the fire department for
the first half of November, 1916:
Amount due firemen $2190.30
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Alderman Leist the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the report referred back
to the fire committee.
November 16th, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Lot 2 of 1 of 6 F. , L. H.
Lang Add. owned by Wm. Graf has
been assessed for 10 feet greater
depth on his lot than he owns. I
hereby petition you that you instruct
the treasurer to change this amount
from $920.00 to $860.00 for 1915.
Edw. Harming owning lot2 of 1 of 1 of
1 of 25 Mt. Pleasant Add. was assessed
by the Somers System for $2,990.00
for 1914, also 1915, a re- measure-
ment of this lot shows that it should
be assessed for $450.00. Lot 14 Wil-
son's Sub. assessed to A. J. Iran Duzee,
1915, owned by C. A. Voelker, should
not have the improvement of $1,-
620.00 carried for 1915 and I hereby
petition that a warrant be ordered
drawn for $22.68 in favor of C. A.
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of the city assessor was ap-
proved, the city treasurer instructed
accordingly and a warrant in the
sum of $22.68 ordered drawn in favor
of C. A. Voelker.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of Weighmaster R. Hay in the
sum of $2.86 was received and filed.
458 Regular Session Nov. 16, 1916.
lowing vote:
Yeas- -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Your committee on streets would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the improvement of North
Main street and would respectfully
recommend that the same be accept-
We would further recommend that
the city engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to prepare a special rssess-
ment against the lots or parcels of
real estate subject to assessment for
the improvement excluding all charg-
es for curb not genuinely reset and
file the same in the office of the city
recorder who will thereupon publish
the notices as required by ordinance.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the committee on streets was
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 16, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The Board of Health
met in regular session, November 16,
1916. Chairman Saul in the chair.
Present —Ald. Leist, Citizens Wm.
Fosselman, R. Kolck, Dr. Reinecke,
Dr. Graham, Sanitary Officer Neu-
mann. Minutes of the regular . meet-
ing of October 5th, 1916, read and on
motion of Ald. Leist were approved as
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
following bills were sent to the coun-
ty for payment:
Dubuque Electric Co. $ 3.00
John D. Langclon 3.55
Charles Palen . 100.00
J. E. Robinson 65.00
Communication of Margaret Mar-
tin per R. Martin Beck asking the
Board of Health for a continuation of
three months time to make sanitary
connections presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Leist the communica-
tion was referred to the city attorney.
On motion of R. Kolck resolutions
ordering the following named parties
to connect with the sanitary sewer
were adopted:
Gregor Aureden, S. 1 -2 of lot 19,
L. H. Langworthy's Subdivision.
Mikel Michels, City Lot S .1 -2 of S.
M. 1 -5 of Lot 442.
R. Kolck moved to adjourn. Car-.
Clerk of the Board of Health.
On motion of Ald. Leist the report
of the Board of Health was adopted.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petitions of
the Times - Journal and Telegraph -
Herald newspapers asking for an in-
crease in their price of publishing
council proceedings and notices from
12 cents to 15 cents per column
inch, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of their petition be
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that
the city recorder be instructed to re-
advertise for bids for a public dock
at Eagle Point, bidders to submit
plans and specifications.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was submitted the petition of
The Visiting Nurse Association Fresh
Air Camp asking that the city car-
penter be instructed to repair the
damage done to their fence at Rhom-
berg park on Hallowe'en would re-
spectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petition be granted and the
carpenters instructed accordingly.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Thos. Jacobsen asking that the spe-
cial assessment against his property
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in West Second street he re-
duced would respectfully recommend
that the petition be received and fil-
.1. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the W. C. T. U. asking that the city
council enforce the cigarette law
would respectfully recommend that
the petition be made a matter of rec-
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of F.
Schloz & Sons for work done for the
various wards would respectfully
recommend that the bill be paid and
warrants be drawn covering the same.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of Jas. F.
Lee for interest on a 5 per cent re-
tained for a street improvement atso
the communication of the Western
Improvement Co. asking for the same
thing would respectfully recommend
that they be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Yonr committee to whom was re-
ferred the petition of Mary A. Dolan
asking that the taxes on her property
be cancelled would respectfully rec-
ommend that the prayer of her peti-
tion be granted but that the same be
allowed to remain a lien on the prop-
erty without interest.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the protest of A.
L. Rhomberg against the special as-
sessment levied for the improvement
of the alley running from Rhomberg
to Lincoln avenue between Ninth and
Tenth avenue would respectfully ree-
ommend that said protest be received
and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the protest of
James and Mary Beacon against the
special assessment levied for the im-
provement of Burns street would re-
spectfully recommend that said pro-
test be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
John Hillery asking for a refund of
$2.10 for over paid taxes for the year
1914, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petition be
granted and a warrant be drawn cov-
ering the same.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of C. B.
McNamara & Co. for the 5 per cent
retained on the Locust and South
Locust street improvement would re-
spectfully recommend that said bill
be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Jos. L. Hird asking for a reduction in
taxes would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co. and the
Key City Roofing Co. asking permis-
sion to pave the portion of the alley
abutting their property between
White and Jackson street from 8th
street three -fifths of the distance to
9.th street would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of their petition
be granted but that the same must
be constructed under the supervision
of the city engineer.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Wallis the vari-
ous reports of the committee of the
whole were adopted.
Whereas, Tenth Street, in the City
of Dubuque, has been improved from
Clay street to Main street, where not
already paved, in accordance with
proper proceedings had by the City
Council; and
Whereas, said work has been com-
pleted and accepted by the City
Council; and
Whereas, a plat and schedule has
heretofore been made by the City En-
gineer of said City; and
Whereas, in said plat and schedule
as prepared, certain lots and parts of
lots were omitted from said schedule
and plat which should have been in-
cluded therein and assessed to pay
for said improvement; and
Whereas, on October 19th, 1916, a
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
special assessment was levied by the
City Council to pay for said improve-
ment and certain lots and parcels of
lots were omitted from said assess-
ment which should have been includ-
ed therein to pay for said improve-
ment; and
Whereas, because of said omissions
and nonconformity to the law relat-
ing to special assessments, it is deem-
ed advisable and necessary that a re-
assessment be made and re -levy
thereon in order that said omissions
be supplied and irregularity be recti-
fied; now
Therefor, be it resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque that
the City Engineer be instructed to
prepare a special re- assessment
against the lots and parcels of real
estate subject to assessment for said
improvement and file the same in the
office of the City Recorder who will
thereupon publish the notice of said
re- assessment as required by law and
the Ordinances of said City.
Ald. Leist moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas – Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving West Locust
street, from the end of the present
brick improvement at Seventeenth
street to the west curb line of Hodg-
don avenue, Jas. F. Lee, contractor.
Also the written remonstrances of J.
W. Lange and John M. Lee, by
Frantzen & Bonson, his attorneys. On
motion of Ald. Wallis the notice was
received and filed and the remon-
strances referred to the committee of
the whole.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for im-
proving West Locust street from the
end of the present brick improve-
ment at Seventeenth street to the
west curb line of Hodgdon avenue, by
Jas. F. Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a Special
Tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
Wm. Nester, Sub. 1 of 1
of 2 of Outlot 670 and
Pt. 682, lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$116.31; interest at 6 per
cent, 82c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.74;
total $ 118 87
460 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
John Doud, Sub. 1 of 1 of 1
of 2 of Outlot 670 and Pt.
682, lot 2; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$88.82; interest at 6 per
cent, 66c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.33;
W. Hamel, Sub. 1 of 1 of 1
of 2 of Outlot 670 and Pt.
682, lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$158.32; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.14; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.37;
•Caroline Grill, Sub. 1 of 2 of
Outlot 670 and Pt. 682, lot
2; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $165.12; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.19;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.48; total
Frank Hamel, Sub. 2 of Out-
lot 670 and Pt. 682, lot 2;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $61.88; inter-.
est at •6 per cent, 44c; ex-
tra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 93c; total
John Deery, Sub. of Outlot
670 and Pt. 682, lot 3;
brick block paving O,nd
curbing cost, $167.98; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.20;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.52; total
John Deery, Sub. of Outlot
670 and Pt. 682, lot 4;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $81.76; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 59c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.23; total
oonn Deery, Nun. or vutiot
670 and Pt. 682, lot 5;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $84.66; in-.
terest at 6 per cent, 60c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.27; total
John Deery, Sub. of Outlot
682, E. 22.2 ft. lot 8; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $28.17; interest at 6
per cent, 20c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
42c; total
Paulina Danzer, Sub. of Out -
lot 682, W. 29.1 ft. lot 8;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $23.01; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 17c; ex-
tra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 34c; total
Jos. J. Gill, Sub. of Outlot
682, lot 7; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$23.97; interest at 6 per
cent, 17c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, 36c; total
Jos. J. Gill, Sub. of Outlot
90 81
161 83
168 79
63 25
171 70
83 58
86 53
28 79
24 50
682, lot 6; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$18.32; interest at 6 per
cent, 13c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 27c; to-
tal 18 72
Eliz. McMahon, Sub. of Out -
lot 682, lot 5; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$7.62; interest at 6 per
cent, 6c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, 11c; total.. 7 79
John Deery, Bowen's Sub.,
lot 2; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $73.95;
interest at 6 per cent, 53c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.11; total 75 59
Sarah and Eliz. Bowen, Sub
1 of Bowen's Sub., lot 1;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, • $102.19; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 73c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.53; total 104 45
Dub. Realty Co , Sub. 1 of
Bowen's Sub., lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $151.62; interest at 6
per cent, $1.09; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$2.27; total 154 98
Dub. Realty Co., Bowen's
Sub., lot 3; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$102.42; interest at 6 per
cent, 73c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, $1.54; total 104 69
James Lee, Gilliam's Sub.,
lot 12; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $43.74.;
interest at 6 per cent, 32c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 66c; total 44 72
James Lee, Gilliam's Sub.,
lot 11 ;brick block paving
and curbing cost, $19.88;
interest at 6 per cent, 14c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 30c; total 20 32
James Lee, Gilliam's Sub.,
lot 10; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $15.16;
interest at 6 per cent, 10c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 23c; total 15 49
Cath E. Sullivan, Gilliam's
Sub., lot 1; brick block
Paving and curbing cost,
$230.41; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.65; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.46;
total 235 52
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub ,
lot 2; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $53.52;
interest at 6 per cent, 38c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 80c; total 54 70
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub.,
lot 3; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $22.12,;
interest at 6 per cent, 16c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 33c; total
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub.,
lot 4; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $13.53;
interest at 6 per cent, 10c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 20c; total
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub ,
lot 5; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $11.30;
interest at 6 per cent, 8c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 17c; total
Ed. Milligan, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 24; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$14.86; interest at 6 per
cent, 10c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, 22c; total
Cath. Sullivan, Sub. 1 of
Quigley's Outlot 710, lot 2;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $4.93; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 4c; ex-
tra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 8c; total
�. L. and Eliz. Parmalee,
Sub. 1 of Quigley's Outlot
710, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$142.81; interest at 6 per
cent, $1 ^2; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 'ir cent, $2.14;
J. G. Rand, Qui Outlot
710, lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$175.59; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.26; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.63;
J. G. Rand, Quigley's Outlot
710, E. 10 ft. lot 3; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $38.65; interest at 6
per cent, 28c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
58c; total
Vianna Rand, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, W. 40 ft. lot 3;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $159.80; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.15;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.40; total
Realty Inv. Corp., Quigley's
Outlot 710, lot 4; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Realty Inv. Corp., Quigley's
Outlot 710, lot 5; brick
block paving and curbing
, cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
33.00; total
-Mary A. Flynn, Quigley's
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
22 61
13 83
11 55
15 18
5 10
145 97
179 48
39 51
163 35
204 17
204 17
Out lot 710, lot 6; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Margt. Norton, Quigley's
Outlot 710, E. 40 ft. lot
7; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $159.80; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.15;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.40; total
J. SST. Norton, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, W. 10 ft. lot 7;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $39.95; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 29c; ex-
tra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 60c; total
J. W. Norton, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 8; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.00;
total ..
J. W. Norton, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 9; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.00;
Wm. Kingsley, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 10; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1 -2' per ' cent, $3.00;
M. Stapleton, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 11; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.00;
Jno. M. Lee, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 12; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.00;
John Coleman, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, lot 13; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$199.75; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.42; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.00;
E. P. Callihan Est., Quigley's
Outlot 710, lot 14; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Jno. M. Lee, Quigley's Out -
lot 710, W. 42 ft. lot 15;
brick block paving and
204 17
163 35
40 84
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
204 17
462 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916. Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916. 463
curbing cost, $167.79; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.21;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.52; total
E. P. Callihan Est., Quigley's
' Outlot 710, lot 16; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $10.18; interest at 6
per cent, 7c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 15c; total
Ger. Trust and Say. Bank,
Quigley's Outlot 710, lot
17; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $54.70; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 82c; total
Con. Moore, 'Quigley's Outlot
710, lot 15a; Con. Moore,
Quigley's Outlot 711, lot
9a; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $199.75; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.42;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $3.00; total
Rosina Albrecht, Quigley's
Outlot 711, lot 10; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Rosina Albrecht, Quigley's
Outlot 711, lot 11; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $199.75; interest at 6
per cent, $1.42; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$3.00; total
Emily Hintrager, Quigley's
Outlot 711, lot 9; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $28.91; interest at 6
per cent, 22c; extra ex-
pense at '1 1 -2 per cent,
43c; total
Phil Ryder, Quigley's Outlot
711, lot '8; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$55.76; interest at 6 per
cent, 40c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, 84c; total
Jno. M. Lee, Quigley's Outlot
711, lot 6a; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$15.60; interest at 6 per
cent, 12c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 23c; total
M. H. Connolly, Mosher's
Sub., lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$734.89; interest at 6 er
cent, $5.28; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $11.02;
Emma L. Buetell, Mosher's
Sub., lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing' cost,
$46.04; interest at 6 per
cent, 33c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, 69c; total..
Emma L. Buetell, Union Ave.
Sub. No. 2, lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $53.06; interest at 6
171 52 per cent, 38c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
80c; total
Emma L. Buetell, Union Ave
Sub. No. 2, lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
10 40 cost, $39.17; interest at 6
per cent, 28c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
59c; total
Wm. A. Buetell, Union Ave
Sub. No. 2, lot 3; brick
block paving and curbing
55 92 cost, $18.58; interest at 6
per cent, 13c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
28c; total
Enema L. Buetell, Union Ave
Sub. No. 2, lot 4; brick
block paving and curbing
.cost, $14.83; interest at 6
204 17 per cent, 12c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
22c; total
John McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 10; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$232.86; interest at 6 per
204 17 cent, $1.67; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.49;
John McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 8; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$140.28; interest at 6 per
204 17 cent, $1.00; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.10;
Cath. McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 7; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$140.28; interest at 6 per
29 56 cent, $1.00; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.10;
Alice McKeown, Cath. Mc-
Grath, McGrath's Sub., lot
9; brick block paving and
57 20 curbing cost, $75.03; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 53c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.13; total
Ellen Keatley, McGrath's
Sub., lot 4; brick block
15 95 paving and curbing cost,
$177.63; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.28; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.66;
Jeffry McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 3; brick block
751 19 paving and curbing cost,
$218.74; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.56; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.28;
Dennis McGrath, McGrath's
47 06 Sub., lot 6; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
54 24
40 04
18 99
15 17
238 02
143 38
143 38
76 69
181 57
223 58
$59.05; interest at 6 per
cent, 43c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 89c; to-
Lena McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., lot 5; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$40.58; interest at 6 per
cent, 29c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 61c;
Pat Cassidy, Sub. Min. Lot
95, lot 1; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$181.20; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.31; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.72;
C. W. Walton, Sub. City lot
672a, lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing 'cost,
$161.36; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.16; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.42;
F. A. Ulrich, Dorgan's Sub.,
E. 42 ft. lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$156.09; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.12; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.34;
F. C. Stines, Dorgan's Sub.,
W. 9 ft. lot 1; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$33.44; interest at 6 per
cent, 24c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 50c; to-
F. C. Stines, Dorgan's Sub.,
lot 2; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $156.01;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.12; extra expense at 1
1 -2 per cent, $2.34; total..
Grace Stines, Dorgan's Sub.,
lot 3; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $171.99;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.23; extra expense at 1
1 -2 per cent, $2.58; total..
Minnie 1\Ietcalf, Sub. 1 of
Cox's Add., lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $131.11; interest at 6
Per cent, 95c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$1.97; total
Jas. P. Norton, Sub. 1 of
Cox's Add., lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $98.22; interest at 6
per cent, 70c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$1.47; total
Mary A. Rawson, Cox's
Add., N. 1 -2 lot 2; Mary
A. Rawson, Cox's Add.,
S. 1 -2 lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$182.65; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.31; extra expense
60 37
41 48
185 23
164 94
159 55
34 18
159 47
175 80
134 03
100 39
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.74;
total 186 70
E. H. Scheppley, Cox's Add ,
lot 3; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $206.77;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.47; extra expense at 1
1 -2 per cent, $3.10; total_ 211 34
Amanda Norton, Cox's Add.,
lot 4; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $211.16;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.51; extra expense at 1
1 -2 per cent, $3.17; total 215 84
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lot 5;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $209.97; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.50;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $3.15; total 214 62
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., E
1 -2 lot 6; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$104.32; interest at 6 per
cent, 75c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, $1.56; total 106 63
Jas. Lee, Cox's Add., W. 1 -2
lot 6; brick block paving•
and curbing cost, $104.32;
interest at 6 per cent, 75c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.56; total 106 63
Jas. Lee, Cox' Add., lot 7;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $206.77; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.47;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $3.10; total 211 34
Ernest Eisert, Sub. 8 of
Cox's Add., lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $143.45; interest at
6 per cent, $1.03; extra
expense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$2.15; total 146 66
Chas. and A. G. Wright, Sub
8 of Cox's Add., lot 2;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $140.58; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.00;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.11; total 143 69
Anna and Eva Yates, Cox's
Add., lot 9; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$193.25; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.39; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $2.90;
total 197 54
Anna and Eva Yates, Cox's
Add., E. 9 ft. E. 1 -2 lot 10;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $34.78; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 26c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, 52c; total 35 56
Annabelle Yates, Cox's Add.,
W. 16.1 E. 1 -2 lot 10;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $6,1.84; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 44c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
464 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
cent, 93c; total
'Thos. Keatley, Cox's Add.,
W. 1 -2 lot 10; brick block
paving and curbing' cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense at
1 '1 -2 per cent, $1.45; to-
Herb Lundbeck, Cox's Add.,
E. 30 ft. lot 11; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$115.94; interest at 6 per
cent, 83c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.74;
:S. G. Lundbeck, Cox's Add.,
W. 20 ft. lot 11; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $77.30; interest at 6
per cent, 56c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$1.16; total
Adam Vogel, Cox's Add., E
1 -2 lot 12; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63, interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.45;
Michael Staffel, Cox's Add.,
W. 1 -2 lot 12; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, $1.45; total
Ray G. Wicken, Cox's Add.,
lot 13; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $193.25;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.39; extra expense at
1 1 -2 per cent, $2.90;
Mary Moery, Cox's Add., lot
14; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $193.25; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.39;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.90; total
Jacob Traut, Cox's Add., lot
15; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $193.25; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.39;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $2.90; total
Realty Investment Corp.,
Cox's Add., W. 23.6 ft. lot
16; brick block paving and
curbing cost, $91.19; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 66c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.37; total
W. and J. Organ, Cox's Add ,
E. 26.6 ft. lot 16; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $102.79; interest at 6
per cent, 73c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$1.54; total
W. J. Sullivan, Cox's Add ,
W. 1 -2 lot 17; abrick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
63 21
98 78
118 51
79 02
98 78
98 78
197 54
197 54
197 54
93 22
105 06
cent, 70c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.45;
total 98 78
Ellen Sullivan, Cox's Add.,
E. 1 -2 lot 17; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.45;
total 98 78
Sarah Carney, Cox's Add.,
Und. 1 -2 lot 18; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.45;
total 98 78
Gert. Carney, Cox's Add.,
Lind. ?% lot 18; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$96.63; interest at 6 per
cent, 70c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $1.45;
total 98 78
W. A. Buettell, Cox's Add.,
lot 19; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $193.25;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.39; extra expense at 1
1 -2 per cent, $2.90; total .. 197 54
W. A. Buettell, Cox's Add.,
lot 20; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $193.25;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.39; extra expen at 1
1 -2 per cent, $2.90; total .. 197 54
Emily Allen, Cox's Add.,
lot 21; brick block paving
and curbing cost, $193.25;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.39; extra expense at 1
1-2 per cent, $2.90; total _. 197 54
Bridget Brunskill, Cox's
Add., E. 24 ft. lot 22;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $92.75; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 67c;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $1.39; total 94 81
John Blake Est., Sub. 7 El-
len Blake's Sub., lot 1;
brick block paving and
curbing cost, $552.98; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $3.96;
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $8.29; total 565 23
John Lee, Sub. 7 Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $25.90; interest at 6
per cent, 19c; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
39c; total 26 48
John Lee, Sub. 6 Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 1; brick
block - paving and curbing
(Continued on Page Eleven.)
cost, $230.03; interest at 6
per cent, $1.65; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$3.45; total 235 13
John Lee, Sub. 6 Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $10.11; interest at 6
per cent, 7c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 15c; to-
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 5; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.60;
Theresa Stoltz, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 4; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1-8 per cent, $3.60;
A. C. Buetell, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 3; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.60;
Jos. A. Klauer, Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$240.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.72; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $3.60;
K. and E. Buettell, Ellen
Blake's Sub., lot 1; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $240.15; interest at 6
per cent, $1.72; extra ex-
pense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$3.60; total
Ind. School Dist., Sub. Min
Lot 93a, lot 2; brick block
paving and curbing cost,
$989.48; interest at 6 per
cent, $7.09; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, $14.84;
Ind. School Dist., Sub. Min.
Lot' 95, bal. lot 2; brick
block paving and curbing
cost, $708.50; interest at
6 per cent, $5.08; extra
expense at 1 1 -2 per cent,
$10.63; total
Ind. School Dist., Littleton
and Sawyer's Sub., E. 235
ft. lot 64; brick block pav-
ing and curbing cost,
$31.18; interest at 6 per
cent, 23c; extra expense
at 1 1 -2 per cent, 47c; to-
Union Electric Co., tracks,
extra expense at 1 1 -2 per
cent, $61.07; total
Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
10 33
245 47
245 47
245 47
245 47
245 47
1011 41
724 21
31 88
61 07
Total $16903 59
8214.45 sq. yds. brick block
paving on a concrete
foundation at $1.99 $16346 76
-49.2 lin. ft.. new 24 -inch
stone curb at 65c
7 lin. ft. new 36 -inch stone
curb at 75c
288.8 lin. ft. reset 24 -inch
stone curb at 223ic
94.3 lin. ft. reset 36 -inch
stone curb at 30c
Interest at 6 per cent
Extra expense
31 98
5 25
64 98
28 29
118 10
308 24
Total $16903 59
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted November 16th, 1916.
Approved November 17th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. - Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays -None.
City Recorder • Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for constructing an eight -inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in Windsor
avenue from Lincoln avenue to
Proviclence street and in Providence
street from Windsor avenue to Staf-
ford avenue, James Street, contractor.
On motion of A.M. Frith the notice
was received and filed.
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for an
8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
Windsor avenue from Lincoln avenue
to Providence street and in Provi-
dence street from Windsor avenue to
Stafford avenue, by Jas. Street, con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots , and parts
of Lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and own-
ed, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
Kate Miller, Sub. 63 Cook's
Add., lot 1; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 45.1 lin. ft.
at $.7462, $33.65; interest
at 6 per cent, 24c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $1.35;
total $ 35 24
Geo. W. Wiegand, Cook's
Add., S. E. 1 -2 lots 78, 79;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 68.74 lin. ft. at $.7462,
$51.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 37c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.06; total 53 73
Peter Aepli Est., Cook's Add.,
N. W. 1 -2 lots 78, 79; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
68.74 lin. ft. at $.7462,
466 Regular Session, Nov. 16, 1916.
$51.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 37c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $2.06; total
Geo. Beier, Cook's Add., lot
64; manholes and 8 -inch
tile pipe, 50 lin. ft. at
$.7462, $37.32; interest at
6 per cent, 27c; extra ex-
pense at 4 per cent, $1.50;
Eliz. Elligan, Cook's Add., S.
96.5 ft. lot 77; manholes
and 8 -inch tile pipe, 96.5
lin, ft. at $.7462, $72.01;
interest at 6 per cent, 52c;
extra expense at 4 per cent,
$2.88; total
M. Michels, Cook's Add., N
41 ft. lot 77; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 52.43 lin.
ft. at $.7462, $39.12; inter-.
est at 6 per cent, 28c; extra
expense at 4 per cent, $1.56;
M. Michels, Cook's Add., W.
5 in. lot 76; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, .33 lin. ft.
at $.7462, 25c; interest at
6 per cent, lc; extra expense
at 4 per cent, 1 c; total
Augusta Schilling, Cook's
Add., E. 52.1 ft. lot 76;
manholes and 8 -inch tile
pipe, 52.1 lin. ft. at $.7462,
$38.88; interest at 6 per
cent, 27c; extra expense at 4
per cent, $1.55; total
Chas. Rose, Est., Cook's Addt,
lot 75; manholes and 8-
inch tile pipe, 52.43 lin. ft.
at $.7462, $39.12; interest
at 6 per cent, 28c; extra
expense at 4 per cent,
$1.56; total
Chas. Rose, Est., Cook's Add ,
lot 74; manholes and 8-
inch tile pipe, 52.43 lin. ft.
at $.7462, $39.12; interest
at 6 per cent, 28c; extra
expense at 4 per cent,
$1.56; total
H. Wunderlich, Cook's Add ,
lot 73; manholes and fl-
inch tile pipe, 52.43 lin. ft.
at $.7462, $39.12; interest
at 6 per cent, 28c; extra
expense at 4 per cent,
$1.56.; total
Isabelle and Lillian Nipp,
Cook's Add., lot 72; man-
holes and 8 -inch tile pipe,
52.43 lin. ft. at $.7462,
$39.12; interest at 6 per
cent, 28c; extra expense at
4 per cent, $1.56; total
Augusta Schneider, Cook's
Add., lot 71; manholes and
8 -inch tile pipe, 52.43 lin.
ft. at $.7462, $39.12; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 28c; ex-
tra expense at 4 per cent,
53 73
39 09
75 41
40 96
40 70
40 96
40 96
40 96
40 96
$1.56; total 40 96
Total $543 93
710.9 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe
at 59c $419 43
4 manholes at $25.00 100 00
Extra expense 20 77
Interest at 6 per cent 3 73
Total $543 93
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted November 16th, 1916.
Approved November 17th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas--Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays None.
Ald. Callahan moved to take from
the committee of the whole the pe-
tition of the policemen asking for
one day off every week and act on the
petition in the council meeting. Car-
Ald. Callahan moved that the po-
licemen he allowed one day off every
two weeks during the period of the
year when there are no vacations.
Ald. Wallis moved that the council
reconsider their action of the meet-
ing of November 2nd, 1916, relative
to the petition of C. H. Berg, trustee
in bankruptcy, relating to the special
assessments levied August 6th, 1894,
against lots 1, 2, 49 and 50 Woodlawn
Park Addition. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved to refer the pe-
tition of C. H. Berg, trustee in bank-
ruptcy, relating to the special assess-
ments levied August 6th, 1894,
against lots 1, 2, 49 and 50, to the
committee of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved to take from the
committee of the whole the petition
of J. P'. Kunz & Co., agents, relating
to the special assessments levied
against lot 2 Dillon's Sub., and act on
the petition in the council meeting.
Ald. Frith moved to receive and file
the petition of J. F. Kunz & Co.,
agents, relating to the special assess-
ments levied against lot 2 Dillion's
Sub. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted , 1916.
City Recorder.
Special Session, November 27, 1916.
Council met at 4:20 p. m.
Mai or Saul in the chair.
Present — Aldermen Callahan, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Absent — Alderman Frith.
Mayor Saul stated that this meeting
is called for the purpose of instruct-
ing the City Treasurer to advertise for
the sale of twenty year 4 per cent re-
funding bonds in the sum of $120,-
000.00 dated January 1st, 1917, and
twenty year 4 per cent refunding
bonds in the sum of $240,000.00 dat-
ed February 1st, 1917, and acting on
any other business that might prop-
erly come before a regular meeting
of the city council.
Ald. Wallis moved that the city
treasurer be instructed to advertise
for bids for the sale of twenty year 4
per cent refunding bonds in the sum
of $120,000.00 dated January let,
1917, and twenty year 4 per cent re-
funding bonds in the sum of $240,-
000.00 dated February 1st, 1917, bids
to be received December 15th, 1916,
till 10 a. m. Carried.
Petition of Mrs. Ernestine Lavery
asking the city council to cancel the
interest on the special assessment
levied against her property for the
improving of Grandview avenue pre-
sented and read. On notion of Ald.
Wallis- the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole to view
the grounds. Ald. Callahan moved
that the tax levy for the year 1916 be
placed at 14 mills. Carried.
A Wallis moved to adjourn. Car-
Special Session, Nov. 27, 1916. 467
City Recorder.
, 1916.
City Recorder.
List of City Warrants
List of Warrants.
Dhbuque, Iowa.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by
me during the month October, 1916.
Salaries for September, 1916.
James Saul, Mayor $116 65
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 133 30
Otto F. Puls, Deputy 108 334
L. F. Kolfenbach, Clerk 80 00
Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 116 65
'Carl O, Weglau, Deputy 88 33
J. J. Shea, Recorder 116 65
Peter Kies,. Deputy 93 33
Fred J. Heller, Assessor 125 00
.Harry Gleason, Deputy 100 00
Frank Kenneally, Deputy 100 00
Matthew H. Czizek, Attorney__ 150 00
Matthew Cooney, Asst. Attor-
ney 105 00
Mary Czizek, Stenographer __ 20 00
F. J. McNulty, Engineer 166 65
Albert Eitel, Asst. Engineer 80 00
Walter Cullen, Asst. Engineer 125 00
.J. J. Ryan, Rodman 80 00
Jos. Schlueter, Asst. Engineer 95 00
John W. Lawler, Committee
Clerk 100 00
John Mahoney, Street Com-
missioner 40 00
•C. J. McCarthy, Market Mas-
ter 65 00
Thos. Hackney, Pound Master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 70 00
Dr. E. L. Reinicke, Health
'Otto Neumann, Sanitary Offi-
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and
Milk Inspector 85 00
Ed. Farrel, Ambulance Driver 80 00
Jas. Lynch, Wharf Master ._ 60 00
Louis Plamonclon, Alderman
First Warcl 25 00
J. J. McLaughlin, Alderman
Second Ward 25 00
Chas. Leist, Alderman Third
Ward 25 00
J. H. Wallis, Alderman
Fourth Ward 25 00
E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth
Ward 25 00
'Thos. H. Callahan, Alderman -
at -Large 25 00
John E. Strobel, Alderman -at-
Large 25 00
John Giellis, Chief of Police 125,00
Geo. Reynolds, for injuries
received 20 00
Amanda Beyer, compensation
labor law 35 08
Police Payroll Last Half September,
Edward Brunskill $ 34 28
Michael Connolly 34 30
James Corcoran 34 30
.John Cody 34 30
50 00
75 00
Nicholas Campbell
William Carroll
Thomas Cain
Thos. Connolly
Philip Dunphy
`pm. Dolan
Thomas Duggan
Edward Daily
Patrick Fury
John Fox
James Flynn
Michael Fogarty
Theo. Ganahl
Ben Gray
John Kane
John Kilby
John Kopp
Barney Ludescher
Henry Mueller
Hugh Markey
Alfred Noel
John O'Brien
Michael O'Connor
Michael Ryan
Gus Raterman
Thomas Reilly
Joseph Stoltz
Patrick Sullivan
:Dennis Sheehan
John Spielman
Thomas Sweeney
Fred Seyler
Fred Spielman
Charles Truher
Frank Williams
Miss B. Brennan
llrs. K. Hibbe
Edward Vosberg
Police Pension Fund Retained
Fire Payroll Last Half September,
J. Reinfried $ 61 75
D. Ahearn 49 00
Wm. Hipman 49 00
M. Eitel 47 05
A. Heer 39 20
A. McDonnell 43 63
P. Zillig 39 20
N. Wagner 39 20
T. Kennedy 39 20
F. Motch 39 20
J. Noonan 39 20
L. Wemett 33 00
J. Flynn 42 15
H. Cain 43 63
T. Ryder 43 63
Wm. Smith 39 20
M. Kelley 33 95
F. Murphy 39 20
J. Rooney 37 25
R. Tierney 32 35
J. Walsh 37 25
G. Gehrke 42 15
J. Keppler 39 20
J. Smith 43 63
Wm. McClain 39 20
L. Benzer 37 25
J. Daugherty 39 20
H. Woodward 32 35
M. Sweeney 39 20
J. McGloughlin 39 20
J. Benzer 39 20
P. Apel
A. Brewer
Wm. Ryan
M. Leist
D. Harker
P. McManus
Wm. Ducey
E. McDermott
F. Kenneally
T. O'Brien
R. Weston
M. Fahey
R. Kenneally
J. Allen
J. Connelly
Wm. Meyers
H. Rawson
J. Roshin
Wm. Kannolt
F. Baumgartner
P. Kirch 39 20
Pension Fund Retained 40 83
F. Lonergan, Sub. 33 00
H. Ruh, Sub. 33 00
J. Stafford, Sub. 33 00
J. Anglin, Sub. 33 00
11. Miller, Sub. 4 30
Dubuque, Ia., October 4, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
city of Dubuque for the last half of
September, 1916. To be paid from
the various road funds.
M. Ackerer, 3rd $ 6 88
J. Cahill, 3rd 25 32
T. Cahill, health 26 00
E. Desmond, 2nd 2 00
Geo. Davis, 1 -5 each 15 00
H. Engel, 1 -5 each 8 12
Geo. Frost, 2nd 32 50
B. Glass, 2nd 8 00
J. Koch, 1 -5 each 11 00
T. Lonergan, 2nd 23 10
C. McDonald, 2nd 24 22
R. McCaffery, 2nd 30 00
S. Oppelt, 1 -5 each 11 00
J. Ryan, 2nd 25 00
N. Spies, 3rd 21 54
P. Schetgan, 3rd 32 50
A. Turner, 3rd 21 54
W. Williams, 2nd 18 22
P. Wertin, 2nd 10 00
F. Ziel, 2nd 25 10
M. Hannon, 2nd 12 65
C. B. McNamara, 2nd 8 70
C. Singrin, 3rd 62 70
Dubuque, Ia., October 4, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for sprinkling and sweeping
in the city of Dubuque for the last
half of September, 1916:
J. McCollins, 2nd $ 35 75
M. Ackels, 3rd 1 -6, 4th 5 -6 7 15
'Union Electric Co. 106 72
B. Lagen, lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 13 66
C. Van Wie, 1st, 2nd 31 08
Dubuque, Ia., October 4, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
List of Warrants. 469
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on sewers in the
city of Dubuque for the last half of
September, 1916:
E. Schaller $ 21 10
W. Hennessey 25 10
W. Coughlin 26 00
H. Carney 22 00
W. Burke 26 00
J. Tobin 26 8$
C. Rusch 12 00
T. Bannig 26 00
T. Hird 24 00
C. Rusch 15 75
H. Carney 4 50
C. Sullivan 37 50
Ed. Ruff, inspector $ 30 00
Pat. Mcinerny, inspector 6 00
John Stemm, inspector 26 00
John Kean, inspector 16 00
Peter Wertin, inspector 13 00
Tom Kenneally, inspector 26 00
Ike Beekman, inspector 16 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., 2nd,
4th and 5th roads 7 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., 5th
avenue storm sewer 250 00
Jas. Lee, grading West Locust
street improvement 20 00
Jas. Lee, 5 per cent retained
West Eighth street im-
provement 83 20
John Lee, 2nd road 38 75
E. T. Frith, health 500 00
E. T. Frith, health 318 74
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
interest 411 15
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
miscellaneous 64 14
Caroline Gonner, loan warrant 500 00
Caroline Gonner, loan warrant 500 00
Fire Payroll for First Half of Octo-
ber, 1916.
J. Reinfried
D. Ahearn
W. Hipman
M. Eitel
A. Heer
A. McDonnell
P. Zillig
N. Wagner
T. Kennedy
F. Motsch
J. Noonan
L. Wemett
J. Flynn
H. Cain
T. Ryder
Wm. Smith
M. Kelley
F. Murphy
R. Tierney
J. Rooney
J. Walsh
G. Gehrke 42 00
J. Keppler 40 00
J. Smith 43 00
J. Daugherty 40 00
W. McClain 40 00
L. Benzer 37 00
H. Woodward 32 00
M. Sweeney 40 00
J. Benzer 40 00
J. McGloughlin 40 00
P. Apel 40 00
W. Ryan 35 00
A. Brewer 35 00
M. heist 32 00
P. McManus 35 00
W. Ducey 42 00
F. Kenneally- 40 00
T. O'Brien 40 00
E. McDermott 40 00
R. Weston 42 00
M. Fahey 40 00
R. Kenneally 43 00
J. Allen 40 00
J. Connelly 40 00
W. Meyers 35 00
H. Rawson 35 00
J. Roshin 42 00
W. Kannolt 5 15
F. Baumgartner 40 00
P. Kirch 40 00
J. Stafford, Sub. 32 00
F. Lonergan 32 00
H. Ruh, Sub. 32 00
J. Anglin 23 75
H. Lochner, Sub. 5 40
H. Young, Sub. 14 70
Police Payroll First Half October,
Edward Brunskill $ 38 50
James Corcoran 44 35
Michael Connolly 38 50
John Cody 44 35
Nicholas Campbell 40 85
William Carroll 40 85
Thomas Cain 40 85
Thos. Connolly 40 85
Philip Dunphy 42 50
Wm. Dolan 38 25
Thomas Duggan 49 00
Edward Daily 35 75
James Flynn 36 15
Patrick Fury 56 00
John Fox 38 50
Theo. Ganahl 40 85
Michael Fogarty 38 50
Ben Gray 39 65
John Kane 49 00
John Kopp 40 85
John Kilby 35 75
Barney Ludescher 40 85
Henry Mueller 35 00
Hugh Markey 40 85
Alfred Noel 37 90
John O'Brien ,46 65
Michael O'Connor 46 65
Michael Ryan 25 65
Gus Raterman 36 15
Thos. Reilly 40 85
Joseph Stoltz 49 00
Patrick Sullivan 43 75
John Spielman 39 65
Dennis Sheehan 40 85
List of Warrants.
Thomas Sweeney 50 65
Fred Seyler 44 35
Fred Spielman 43 75
Frank Williams 49 00
Chas. Truher 38 50
Miss B. Brennan 35 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe 35 00
Ed. Vosberg 40 00
R. Mundt, extra 15 00
Jesse Jellison, extra 15 00 '
Wm. Jellison, extra 15 00
Frank Dausener, extra 8 75
Dubuque, Ia., October 19, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
various road districts in the city of
Dubuque for the first half of Octo-
ber, 1916:
M. A ckerer, 3rd $ 21 76
J. Busch, 2nd 2 22
J. Cahill, 3rd 19 10
J. Cahill, S. W. 4 00
T. Cahill, health 24 00
G. Davis, 1 -5 each 15 00
H. Engel, 1 -5 each 2 32
G. Frost, 2nd 32 50
B. Glass, 2nd 7 32
P. Kremar, 2nd 2 88
J. Koch, 1 -5 each 11 00
T. Lonergan, 2nd 23 76
C. McDonald, 2nd 22 00
R. McCaffery, 2nd 30 00
S. Oppelt, 1 -5 each 11 00
J. Ryan, 2nd 25 00
N. Spies, 3rd 21 76
P. Schetgan, 3rd 32 50
J. Thompson, 2nd 4 00
A. Turner, 3rd 21 76
ti/. Williams, 2nd 14 00
F. Ziel, 2nd 23 10
J. Dorgan, 2nd, macadam 1 50
M. Hannon, 2nd 2 20
C. Singrin, 3rd 57 20
Dubuque, Ia., October 19, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for sprinkling and sweeping
in the city of Dubuque for the first
half of October, 1916:
J. McCollins, 2nd $ 39 05
B. Molo, 2nd, 4th 5 50
M. Ackels, 3rd 1 -6, 4th 5 -6 5 50
B. Lagen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 27 18
C. Van Wie, 1st, 2nd 32 18
Dubuque, Ia., October 19, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on sewers in the
city of Dubuque for the first half of
October, 1916:
E. Schaller $ 22 22
W. Hennessey 24 00
W. Coughlin 19 10
H. Carney 15 10
W. Burke 24 88
J. Tobin 24 88
C. Busch 24 00
T. Bannig 24 00
J. M. Kenety & Son, 5 per
cent retained on Jefferson
street 168 39
John Tibey, 5 per cent retain-
ed on West 17th street 104 11
Jas. F. Lee, 5 per cent retain-
ed on 7th street from Lo-
cust to Bluff street 93 87
Thos. Lee, improving alley
between 9th and 10th ave-
nues, Rhomberg to Lincoln
avenue 131 05
Jas. F. Lee, 5 per cent retain-
ed on Hill street 500 00
Jas. F. Lee, 5 per cent retain-
ed on Hill street 212 48
Jas. F. Lee, 5 per cent retain-
ed on 6th street from Lo-
cust to Bluff street 94 41
John Daniels, 5 per cent re-
tained on sewer in Wash-
ington street from 21st to
22nd street 14 59
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
- Washington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th to 31st street 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Washington street from
28th to 31st street 403 89
Frank White, 5 per cent re-
tained on West 11th street
steps 46 68
F. G. Becker, police 11 70
Peter Hanson, police 60
Iowa Oil Co., police 21 76
Cole & Elcar Service Co., po-
lice 5 40
Peter Even & Son, police 1 50
George Bock police 3 75
C. J. McCarthy, police 8 80
Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 2 00
Central Garage, police 3 00
Dubuque Electric Co., police 1 30
State Auditors, expense 305 94
W. Grode, expense 1 00
Ed. Millius, expense 35
J. J. Dunn, expense 80
J. J. Dunn, expense 1 70
Key City Gas Co., expense ._ _ - 20
F. A. Burns, expense 20 00
Tri State Auto Co., expense 30
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 20 85
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 19 75
United Garage Co., expense._ 60
United Tire Sales Co., expense 5 15
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co.,
expense 19 50
List of Warrants.
�► .
C. L. Dambacher, expense ._._ 2 20
Reliance Chemical Co., ex-
pense 3 00
G. H. Davis & Co., expense.... 1 45
C. L. Dambacher, expense ._.. 1 75
G. W. Healey & Son, expense 11 50
F. G. Becker, expense 50
John L. Kies, expense 13 70
Pauly Printing Co., expense 7 75
Murray & Freiburg, expense 15 25
F. K. Munsell, expense 9 85
Gonner Bros., expense 20 50
Dubuque Electric Co., fire 16 54
F. G. Becker, fire 111 32
Deyoe - Avenarius, fire 10 00
F. W. Thompson, fire 9 70
Geisler Bros., fire 84
Tri State Auto Co., fire 146 15.
Peter Hanson, fire 4 35
A. Treadway & Son, fire 10 80
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., fire 20.
Morrison Bros., fire 9 57
Iowa Oil Co., fire 26 25
Vollenweider & Hein, fire 6 00
M. P. Hogan, fire 4 00
Rellihan & Mullen, expense
and fire 9 90
Deyoe- Avenarius, fire 8 00
F. M. Jaeger Co., fire 15.
National Refining Co., fire _ 19 50
G. W. Healey & Son, .fire 30
F. Schloz & Son, fire 5 00
Peed-Berwanger & Pfiffner,
fire 10 50
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, fire 20 50
Key City Gas Co., fire 27 30
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 13 10
Dubuque Welding Works, fire 50
Keller Electric Co., fire 14
Midland Chemical Co., •fire _ 1 75
W. D. Deckert Co., fire and
roads 27 60
Capt. Trombley, police, fire,
expense and health 9 00
Iowa Telephone Co., police,
fire and expense 42 67
T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense
and 2nd road 13 45
Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
Co., police, fire and expense 18 L5
Hawkeye Vulcanizing Co., ex-
pense and police 2 05
Jno. C. Beck, expense and
police 4 '15
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 3 70
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 4 25
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 61 35
Mettel Bros., sewer, fire, 3rd
and 4th road 10 65
Key City Decorative Glass
- Works, health 3 70
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., health 60
John Dehing, health 60 00
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
health 65
Upton Laundry, health 10 16
472 List of Warrants. Official Notices. 4 73
E. P. Smith Electric Co.,
health 1 90
Muntz Motor Co., health and
police 3 70
Wm. Marshall, sidewalk 2 50
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co ,
sidewalk 45 38
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.,
sidewalk 6 44
Wnr. Marshall, sidewalk 50
Chas. Matz, sidewalk 15 90
Peed - Berwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 3 00
.F. M. Jaeger Co., sewer 1 40
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., sewer 2 50
F. Schloz & Son, sewer 4 05
Telegraph- Herald, printing 164 59
Telegraph - Herald, printing 49 97
'Telegraph- Herald, printing 17 84
Times - Journal, printing 31 47
'Times- Journal, printing 192 87
'Times - Journal, printing 60 67
Times- Journal, printing 33 84
Times - Journal, printing 31 65
Labor Leader, printing 25 00
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 103 90
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 162 15
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 1 25
Union Electric Co., lighting.._. 500 00
'Union Electric Co., lighting..._ 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting_ 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting_ 331 65
Jas. F. Lee, 2nd road 50 40
W. Cooper, macadam 12 16
John Casey, macadam 22 82
Mr. Bennett, macadam 4 88
Geo. Sparks, macadam 107 27
J. Swallow, 2nd road 6 00
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., 1st
and 2nd roads and sewer 44 62
'Standard Oil Co., roads 1 05
Geo. Bock, roads 1 25
A. W. Drake & Son, roads .._. 2 25
Geo. Bock, roads 3 20
Key City Roofing Co., roads
and sewer 5 98
F. Schloz & Son, roads and
expense 12 60
Leader Oil Co., roads 17 62
Iowa Oil Co., roads 28 42
-Key City Iron Works,' roads 14 98
Smedley Co., 1st and 2nd
roads 28 00
C. D. Harrington, court costs 10 05
Jno. Baumgartner, settlement
of claim 7 00
Jas. Saul, mayor, dues for
Upper Mississippi River
Improvement Association _. 250 00
Geo. T. Lyon, attorney, settle-
ment of claim of C. H. Gil-
liam 200 00
C. D. Harrington, court costs 37 80
City Recorder.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment, as
provided by law, will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the City
of Dubuque Iowa, to be held Thurs-
day, November 16th, 1916, to pay for
constructing an eight -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Windsor Avenue
from Lincoln Avenue to Providence
Street, and in Providence Street from
Windsor Avenue to Stafford Avenue.
James Street. contractor.
Amount of special assessment,
$543.93, same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to assess-
ment upon and along said streets.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the streets in which said
sewer was constructed and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement,
the name of the owner thereof as far
as practicable and the amount to be
assessed against each lot or parcel
of ground, which plat and schedule
are subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Thursday, November
16th, 1916, or to appear at said ses-
sion of the Council to show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Novem-
ber 3rd, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
11 -3 -3t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment, as
provided by law, will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held
Thursday, December 7th, 1916, to pay
for improving North Main Street,
from the south property line of Kauf-
man Avenue to the north curb line of
Seminary Street. N. J. Staner, con-
Amount of special assessment,
$4,451.56, same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to assess-
ment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was made and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement,
the name of the owner thereof as far
as practicable and the amount to be
assessed against each lot or parcel
of ground, which plat and schedule
are subject to public inspection.
And that any mad all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Thursday, December
7th, 1916, or to appear at said ses-
sion of the Council to show cause, if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Novem-
ber 21st, 1916. J. J. SHEA, -
11- 21 -3t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice to Cabinet Makers.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the City Recorder's office, City Hall
by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, January 4th, 1917, for
furnishing the City Treasurer, City
Auditor and City Recorder's offices
with counters.
Bidders must furnish plans and
specifications of the Counters they
propose furnishing, also state price in
total for Counters set in place in the
offices above stated.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
27th, 1916.
12- 27 -3t. City Recorder:
• Official Notice.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to improve North Street, from
the end of the present macadam im-
provement to the east line of Louisa
That a plat of said improvement is
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
1,704 lineal feet of combination 2e
ment curb and gutter.
3,029 square yards of macadam.
Making a total estimated cost to the
legally assessable property owners of
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
next regular session to be held Thurs-
day, January 4, 1917, or to file with
the City Recorder their objection in
writing on or before January 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
26, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
12- 26 -3t. City Recorder.
474 Official Notices.
Official Notice.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council' of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to improve Jones Street, from
the easterly rail of Illinois Central
Railroad Company's tracks, first west
of Warren Street, to eighty -five feet
east of the east property line of the
Dubuque Harbor Company's Add.
That a plat of said improvement is
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
3,995 square yards of Brick Block
Paving on a coi erete foundation out-
side of tracks. .
95 square yards of Brick Block Pav-
ing on a concrete foundation inside of
tracks and one foot outside thereof.
50 lineal feet of new stone curb.
200 lineal feet of stone curb reset.
Making a total 'estimated cost to the
legally assessable property owners 01'
Any person having objection to salt]
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at -ts
next regular session to be held Thurs-
day, January 4, 1917, or to file with
the City Recorder their objection in
writing on or before January 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
27, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
12- 27 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Boat Builders.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the City Recorder's office, City Hall,
by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, December 7th, 1916, for
the building and furnishing material
for a lGx60 barge, including anchors
and holding devices. One steel frame
with plank covering'. Two wooden
Bidders must furnish 'plans and
specifications covering construction
according to his bid, work to be com-
pleted on or before the 1st day of
14larch, 1917.
Bidders must state price in total
for barge completed.
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $30.00 on some
Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
ed. Check and bid in separate enve-
The City Council reserves the right
'to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
24th, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
11- 24 -3t. City Recorder.
O ff icial Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a re- assessment of the
special assessment as provided by
law will be re- levied at a session of
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, to be held Thursday,
December 7th, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Tenth street, from the west
property line of Clay street, to the
east property line of Main street, ex-
cept where already paved. C. B. Mc-
Namara & Co., Contractors.
Amount of re- assessment of Special
Assessment, $5,170.53, same to be re-
assessed against the property legally
subject to re- assessment upon and
along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, Iowa,
showing the street in whicn said im-
provement was made and the separ-
ate lots and parcels of ground or spec-
ified portions thereof subject to re-
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be re-
assessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said re- assessment of special
assessment or to said plat must file
his or their objections in writing with
the City Recorder of said City of Du -'
buque, Iowa, on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council, to be held
Thursday, December 7th, 1916, or to
appear at said session of the City
Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said re- asessment of spec-
ial assessment should not be re- levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
21st, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
11 -21 -3t City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Thurs-
day, November 16, 1916, to pay for
improving West Locust Street, from
the end of the present brick improve-
ment at Seventeenth Street, to the
west curb line of Hodgdon Avenue,
Jas. F. Lee, Contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment
$16,903.59 saute to be assessed against
the property legally subject to assess-
ment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
Official Notices.
ule on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street in which said improve-
ment was made and the separate lots
and parcels of ground or specified por-
tions thereof subject to assessment
for such improvement, the name of
the owner thereof as far as practicable
and the amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, which
plat and schedule are subject to pub-
lic inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting' to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their objec-
tions in writing with the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque on or before
said eession of the City Council to be
held Thursday, November 16, 1916, or
to appear at said session of the Coun-
cil to show cause, if any you have,
why said assessmnet should not be
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
3, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
11 -3 -3t City Recorder.
• 475
Dubuque, Iowa
Refunding Bond Sale
Sealed proposals will be received by
the City Treasurer of Dubuque, Iowa,
up to 10 a. m.
December 15, 1916
for the sale of 4% 20 -year Refunding
Bonds to the amount of $360,000.
Denomination $1,000 each. Interest
payable semi - annually.
$120,000 of these Bonds will be
dated January 1, 1917: and $240,000
will be dated February 1, 1917.
Proposals may be made for each
issue separately or both jointly.
Certified check of $1,200 for the
$120,000 issue; $2,400 for the
$240,000 issue to accompany bids.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids.
. Machinery
• Merchandise
City Treasurer.
Dubuque, Iowa, November 15th, 1916
The following is a list showing the changes made in the assessment
by the Board of Equalization of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
The Board will be in session on Monday, November 27th, 1916, at 2
o'clock P. 1M., at the City Hall, where any person feeling aggrieved by the
assessment of his or her property, either Real or Personal, may appear
before said Board and give reasons why such change should not be made.
From To.
Adams Co., The Nothing $ 10,000.00
Armour and Co. $ 3,900.00 4,900.00
Beach, Jas., & Sons 9,850.00 14,850.00
Dubuque Lumber and Coal Co 12,000.00 15,000.00
Dubuque Paper Co 8,100.00 13,100.00
Hammel, Henker Co Nothing 500.00
Harris and Co. Nothing 750.00
Jaeger, Kunnert ,Co 2,500.00 3,500.00
Jackson Vinegar Co 800.00 1,300.00
Johannsen Candy Co 4,000.00 5,000.00
Lawther, Wm., & Co 5,800.00 11,300.00
McNamara, C. B., & Co 600.00 1,000.00
Rider- Wallis Dry Goods Co '113,060.00 130,000.00
Seippel Lumber Co Merchandise 40,000.00 43,000.00
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co .Merchandise 15,000.00 18,000.00
Standard Lumber Yard Co. .Merchandise 15,750.00 18,750.00
Welsh, Thomas .. Machinery Nothing 300.00
Zwack, Anton Machinery 1,000.00 2,500.00
(Signed) CYRIL D, LAGEN, City Auditor,
Clerk of The Board of Equalization.
Add. 232- 233 - 234 - 235 -236 244.44 14.66 259.30
Egan, Annie, Sub. 1 of 12 of Min. Lot 79 __._ 2 2.80 .15 3.15
Elks' Horne Building Co., City 625 226.80 13.60 240.60
Farwell, L. F., Sub. 10, Klingenberg's 4th
Fowler, Jennie, Grandview Park Add., block
10 10- 11 -12 -13 4.06 .24 4.50
Fuller, Wm. G., Oakland Park Add. 8 10.22 .63 11.05
Gibbons, Eva, Leven's Add. 49 9.80 .58 10.58
Gemehle, Emily, Sub. S. 1 -2 City 456 3 -4 112.28 6.72 119.20
Goldthorpe, S. J., City, S. E. 25x118 ft. ....752 -753 28.28 1.67 30.15
Graf, Wm., Sub. 1 of 6 -F., L. H. Langwor-
thy's Add. 2 12.88 .77 13.55
Graham, Minnie A., Marsh's Add., E. 92 ft. 28 6.02 .38 6.60
Gray, Willard F., Grandview Heights Add...37 -44 5.46 .34 6.00
Hanlon, P. J., Finley Add. 202 18.62 1.13 19.95
Harriman, Maud, Woodlawn Park Add. 54 -55 7.00 .40 7.60 i
Hartig, A. J., Massey Heights Add. 5 28.98 1.72 30.90
Hartley, P. and M., Lois Add. 2 17.92 1.08 19.20
Hatzenbuehler, J. G., A. Stines' Add., Lot 50
and E. 5 ft. 51 22.68 1.37 24.25
Hayes, Sarah A., Cummins' Sub. 19 18.20 1.10 19.50
Heim, Frank and E., Davis Farm Add. 317 39.90 2.40 42.50
Heim, Wm., Bellevue Add. 43 1.40 .10 1.70
Heintz, Kate, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 30
ft., N. 60 ft. 46 18.48 1.12 19.80
Hepperle, John, Sub. 1 of S. 1 -2 of 10, Ann
O'Hare's Sub. 2 11.20 .70 12.10
Herancourt, John, Finley Home Add. 25 3.22 .18 3.60
Hintrager, Emily, Sub. Min. Lot 20 6 .70 .05 .95
Hintrager, Emily, Sub. S. 165 ft. of 190,
Union Add. 2 1.68 .12 2.00
Jacobi, Christ., Est., Glendale Add. 171 -172 3.78 .22 4.20
Jamieson, Wm., O'Neill's Sub., No. 3 1 -2 -4 -5 24.64 1.46 26.20
Johanssen, J. F., Grandview Heights Add. .. 28 2.10 .15 2.45
Jordan, C. H., Sub. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 College
Keast, Harry, Finley, Waples and Burton's
Add. 90 -91 3.50 .20 3.90
Kintzinger, J. 'tV., Woodlawn Park Add. .__ 253 3.36 .19 3.75
Krause, Sophia C., Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 178 4 3.92 .23 4.35
Krause, Fred, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 178 6 3.71 .24 4.15
Kringle, O. G., Breakey's Add., E. 30 ft. _._ 1 6.72 .43 7.35
Langworthy, Anna R., Glendale Add., S. 1 -2 154 20.86 1.24 22.30
Lawrence, Belle, Cain's Sub. 10 30.10 1.80 32.10
Lesch, John, Quigley's Outlot 712, E. 1 -2 .__ 18 11.76 .74 12.70
Lightcap, L. L., A. McDaniel's Sub., lot 782
and S. 12 ft. 782 73.50 4.40 78.30
Long, Adelia, Davis Farm Add. 288 35.42 2.13 37.75
Ludwig, Peter, Sub: Min. Lot 7 2 .70 .05 .95
Ludwig, Peter, Sub. Min. Lot 112 2 8.54 .51 9.25
McCann, Wm. T., E. E. Jones Sub. 7 28.14 1.66 30.00
Menke', F. L., Ham's Add., S. W. 1 -2 lot
570 and 571 14.00 .85 15.25
Meyer, Jos. and J. B., City S. 1 -5 489 64.82 3.87 68.55
Millerlilly, Jno. A., East Dubuque Add. 74 34.44 2.06 36.70
Mueller and Gasser, City und. 1 -4 497a 17.22 1.03 18.45
Mueller, Herman J., Fairmont Park Add. 52 12.88 .7.7 13.85
Mulligan, Julia; City, S. M. 1 -5 472 152.80 8.55 151.55
O'Connor, James, Sub. Min. lot 37
6 4.90 .30 5.40
Oeth, John, Glendale Add., S. 1 -2 151 26.04 1.56 27.80
Ott, Jos. J., S. M. Langworthy's Sub. 49 -50 -51 20.86 1.24 22.30
Ott, Jos. J., Langworthy's Sub. 23 7.84 .46 8.50
Palmer, W. A., City N. 1 -2 235 22.40 1.35 23.95
Penchoff, R., East Dubuque Add. 367 2.24 .16 2.60
Quigley, Wm., Est., Mt. Pleasant Add., N
50 ft. W. 1 -2 26 33.60 2.00 35.80
Quillian, Lulu, Sub. Min. Lot 303, S. E. 30 ft 1 .70 .05 .95
Robinson, Christian, A. Stines' Add. 24 25.90 1.55 27.65
Ronan, Mary, Union Add. 27 -28 .70 .05 .95
Schmid, Otto M., Glendale Add., N. 1 -2 .,.._ 39 14.70 .90 15.80
Official Notices. 477
1.12 .08 1.40
11.20 .65 12.05
476 Official Notices.
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 13th, 1916.
' Notice is hereby given that the lands, town lots and real estate herein-
after described will be sold at public sale, as provided by law, and the Ordi -,
nance of the City of Dubuque, at the City Hall, in said city, on the
First Monday in December
(December 4, 1916,) for the payment of unpaid delinquent taxes (regular and
special), for the year 1915 and prior years, penalty and costs accrued against
each of the several respective parcel or parcels of real estate, town lots and
lands, hereinafter mentioned and described. The cost of advertising being
twenty cents per description, that amount is included in the total.
City Treasurer.
TAX OF 1915.
Name. Description. Lot. Tax. Int. Total.
Accola, Matt., Reche's Sub. 29 -30 $ 25.62 $ 1.53 $ 27.35
Adam, Mike, Bradley's Sub. 1 -2 .42 .03 .65
Albinger, Peter, Sub. 150, L. H. Langwor-
thy..s Add. 2 12.74 .76 13.70
Albinger, Peter, Sub. 152, L. H. Langwor-
thy's Add. 1 2.52 .15 2.87
Allen, Thomas, Sub. 4 of S. 2 -5 City 444, Lot
1, and Sub. 4 of S. 2 -5 City 444 S. 1 ft._. 2 139.02 8.33 147.75
Allen, Thomas, Cook's Add. 49 37.80 2.25 40.25
Anderson, D. C., Mill's West Dubuque ..._19 -20 -21 6.16 :37 6.73
Anglin, Jerry, Porter's Add. 14 12.32 .73 13.25
Barvin, Samuel, Sub. 52, 53, 54, 55, Bellevue
Add., Lots 3 -4 -10, and Sub. 1 of 9 of 52,
53, 54, 55, Bellevue Add. 1 -2 17.22 1.03 18.65
Barvin, Samuel, Sub. 1 of 9 of 52, 53, 54, 55,
Bellevue Add. 1 -2
Becker, Theresa, Sub. 30, 31, Littleton and
Sawyer's Add. 1 -4 20.30 1.20 21.70
Beckett, Fabian, Woodlawn Park Add. '330 15.12 .90 16.22
Bennett, R. F., Sub. City 724 7 -10 35.70 2.15 38.05
Bonson, R. and W. W., Union Add. 16 1.96 .12 2.28
Bonson, Harriet, Est., Mineral Lot 189 16.24 .96 17.40
Bonson, Harriet, Est., Mineral Lot 200 18.62 1.11 19.93
Borns, Oscar W., Hodge's Sub. 3 -4 43.40 2.60 46.20
Braun, Christ., Ham's Add. 536 19.60 1.15 20.95
Buehler, Mrs. John, Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 314 3 14.00 .85 15.05
Buesch, A. 0., King's 1st Add., Lot 11, and
King's 1st Add., S. 4 ft. 6 in. 13 67.06 4.04 71.50
Buesch,'A. 0., Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 316 3 .14 .01 .35
Burdt, 'Fred C., Sub. 1 of 63, Sanford's Sub 2 17.08 1.02 18.30
Byrne, Frank J.; City S. 1 -2, M. 1 -5, Lot 464,
and City S. 1 -2, N. 1 -2, M. 1 -5 464 129.22 7.75 137.37
Byrne, Frank J., City N. 1 -2 206 45.92 2.75 48.87
Carroll & Mulgrew, City 89a 11.48 .67 12.35
Connolly, Ida K.. Reche's Sub. 28 18 48 1.12 19.80
Courtney, Geo. L., Union Add. 233 -235 4.76 .29 5.25
Cummings, Mrs. A., Est., Cumming's Sub _. 6 25.34 1.51 27.05
Cunningham, Mary, Union Add. 12,7 5.18 .32 5.70
Cunningham, Mary, Union Add. 128 15.82 .93 16.95
Dempsey, Louis H., East Dubuque Add., E
1 -2 151 17.36 1.04 18.60
Donahue, Albert, NKiene & Blocklinger's
Sub., N. 23 ft. 4 in., S. 98 ft. 6 in. 1 -2 -3 22.82 1.38 24.40
Driscoll, Clara, Sub. 3 -4 of 135, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add. 2 15.40 .90 16.50
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add. 167- 168- 169- 170 -171 85.26 5.10 90.56
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
4 78 Official Notices.
Schmid, Otto M., Glendale Add., S. 1 -2 39
Schneider, John, Kringle's Sub. 5
Schuh, John, Est., E. Langworthy's Add. ._ 14
Scott, G. W., Est., Min. lot 301
Slattery, W. P., Sub. Min. Lot 174 1 -2
Smedley Steam Mfg. Co., Smedley's Sub. 22
Smith, Sam, Est., Reeder Langworthy's Add 10 -11
Stack, J. J. Finley Add. 118
Stuademeyer, Emily, Littleton & Sawyer's
Add. 37 -38
Steger, Jos. A., Fairmount Park Add. 51
Stewart, H. E. & M. H., Stewart's Sub. 19 -20
Stoltz, Frank A., Finley, Waples & Burton's
Add. 127 -128
Sunderhaft, James, Ham's Acld., N. E. 1 -2_... 570
Trautman,.Cresentia, Linehan Park Add. .... 10
TAX OF 1914.
Accola, Matt., Reche's Sub. 29 -30
Albinger, Peter, Sub. 150, L. H. Langwor-
thy's Add. 2
Albinger, Peter, Sub. 152, L. H. Langwor-
thy's Add. 1
Allen, Thomas, Sub. 4 of S. 2 -5 of City 444,
lot 1; and Sub. 4 of S. 2 -5 of City 444,
S. 1 ft. 2 139.02 16.66 156.08
Allen, Thomas, Cook's Add. 49 37.80 4.50 42.50
Becker, Theresa, Sub. 30 -31, Littleton &
Sawyer's Add. 1 -4
Beckett, Fabian, Woodlawn Park Add. 330
Bennett, R. F., Sub. City 724 7 -10
Bock, J. B., Quigley's•Outlot 712, E. 1 -2 ..__ 18
Bonson, R., Est., Union Add. 233 -235
Buehler, John, Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 314 3
Buesch, A. 0., King's 1st Add., lot 11, and
King's 1st Add., S. 4 ft. 6 in. 13
Buesch, A. 0., Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 316 3
Burdt, F. C., Sub. 1 of 63, Sanford's Sub 2
Byrne, F. J., City, S. 1 -2 M. 1 -5, lot 464 and
S. 1 -2, N. 1 -2, M. 1 -5 464
Byrne, F. J., City, N. 1 -2 206
Carroll & Mulgrew, City 89a
Cunningham, Mary, Union Add. 127
Cunningham, Mary, Union Add. 128
Dempsey, L. H., East Dubuque Add., E. 1 -2 151
Donohue, Albert, Kiene & Blocklinger's
Sub., N. 23.4 ft., S. 98.6 ft. 1 -2 -3
Driscoll, Clara, Sub. 3 -4 of 135, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add. 2
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add., lots 1..67- 168 -169- 170 -171
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add., lots 232- 233 -234 -235 -236
Dubuque Investment Co., Linehan Park
Add. 10
Elks' Houle Building Co., City
Farwell, L. F., Sub. 10, Klingenberg's 4th
Sub. 1
Fuller, Wm. G., Oakland Park Acld. 8
Graham, M. A., Marsh's Add., E. 92 ft. 28
Gray, W. F., Grandview Heights Add. 37 -44
Hatzenbuehler, J. G., A. Stines' Add., lot 50
and E. 5 ft. 51
Heim, F. & E., Davis Farm Acld 317
Hintrager, Emily, Sub. Min. Lot 20 6
Keast, Harry, Finley, Waples & Burton's
Add. 90 -91
Kringle, O. G., Breakey's Add., E. 30 ft. 1
Langworthy, Anna R., Glendale Add., S. 1 -2 154
Lawrence, Belle, Cain's Sub. 10
Long, Adelia, Davis Farm Add. 288
Ludwig, Peter, Sub. Min. Lot 7 2
5.88 .74 6.82
625 226.80 27.20 254.20
Official Notices. . 4 79
Ludwig, Peter, Sub. Min. Lot 112 2 8.54 1.02 9.76
McCann, Win. T., E. E. Jones' Sub. 7 28.14 3.32 31.66
Meyer, Jos. and J. B., City, S. 1 -5 489 66.22 7.93 74.35
Millerlilly, Jno. A., East Dubuque Add. 74 34.44 4.12 38.76
O'Connor, James, Sub. Min. Lot 37 6 4.90 .60 5.70
Oeth, John, Glendale Add., S. 1 -2 151 26.04 3.12 29.36
Quigley, Wm., Est., Mt. Pleasant Add., N
50 ft. W. 1 -2 26
Quillian, Lulu, Sub. Alin. Lot 303, S. E. 30 ft. 1
Rhomberg, A. L., East Dubuque Add. 367
Robinson, Christian, A. Stines' Add. 24
Schmid, Otto M., Glendale Add., N. 1 -2 39
Schuh, John, Est., E. Langworthy's Acld. _ 14
Scott, G. W., Est., Min. Lot 301
Slattery, W. P., Sub. Alin. Lot 174 1 -2
Smedley Steam Mfg. Co., Smedley's Sub. __ 22
Smith, Sani, Est., Reeder Langworthy's Add 10 -11
Steger, Jos. A., Fairmount Park Add. 51
Stoltz, Frank A., Finley, Waples & Burton's
Add. 127 -128
Schmitt, Frank, Hodge's Sub. 3 -4
TAX OF 1913.
Nance. Description. Lot.
Allen, Thomas, Sub. 4 of S. 2 -5 City 444, lot
1; Allen, Thomas, Sub. 4 of S. 2 -5 City
444, S. 1 ft. 2 82.65 14.85 97.90
A. O. Buesch, King's 1st Add., Lot 11; A. O.
Buesch, King's 1st Add., S. 4 ft. 6 in. lot
13; A. O. Buesch, Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 316 3
Burdt, Fred C., Sub. 1 of 63, Sanford's Sub. 2
Cunningham, Mary, Union Add. 128
Cunningham, Mary, Union Add. 127
Dempsey, L. H., East Dubuque Add., E. 1 -2 151
Driscoll, Clara, Sub. 3 and 4 of 135, L. H.
Langworthy's Add. 2
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add. 167 -168 -169- 170 -171 72.50 13.05 85.75
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add. 232 - 233 -234- 235 -236 275.50 49.60 325.30
Elks' Home Building Co., City 625 101.50 18.25 119.95
Farwell, L. F., Sub. 10, Klingenberg's 4th
Sub. 1
Gray, W. F., Grandview Heights Add. 37 -44
Hatzenbuehler, J. G., Stines' Add., Lot 50
and E. 5 ft. 51
Heim, F. & E., Davis Farm Add. 317
Hintrager, Emily, Sub. Min. Lot 20 6
Millerlilly, John, East Dubuque Acld. 74
O'Connor, M., Est., Sub. Min. Lot 37 6
Quigley, Wm., Est., Alt. Pleasant Add., N. 50
ft. W. 1 -2 26
Scott, G. W., Est., Min. Lot 301
Slattery, W. P., Sub. Min. Lot 174 1 -2
Smedley Steam Mfg. Co., Smedley's Sub. ___ 22
TAX OF 1912.
Name. Description. Lot.
Buesch, A. O. King's 1st Add., Lot 11; King's
1st Add., S. 4 ft. 6 in. Lot 13; Sub. 1 of
Alin. Lot 316 3
Dempsey, L. H., East Dubuque Add., E. 1 -2 151
Driscoll, Clara, Subz. 3 and 4 of 135, L. H.
Langworthy's Add. 2
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add., 167- 168 - 169 -170 -171
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add., 232- 233 -234- 235 -236
Elks' Home Building Co., City 625
Farwell, L. F., Sub. 10, Klingenberg's 4th
Sub. 1
Kuhn, Albert, Grandview Heights Add. 37 -44
Hatzenbuehler, J. G., A. Stines' Add., Lot 50
36.40 4.35 40.95
.70 .10 1.00
1.61 .19 2.00
25.90 3.10 29.20
14.70 1.80 16.70
32.48 3.84 36.52
12.18 1.44 13.l'2
236.60 28.40 265.20
401.24 48.11 449.55
31.50 3.80 35.50
.98 .14 1.32
20.86 2.48 23.54
43.40 5.20 48.80
Tax. Iht. Total.
53.65 9.65 63.90
18.85 3.35 22.40
7.25 1.30 8.75
4.35 .75 5.30
15.95 2.85 19.60
11.60 2.00 13.80
1.45 .25 1.90
1.45 .25 1.90
20.30 3.65 24.15
37.70 6.75 44.65
.44 .08 .72
27.55 4.95 32.70
8.70 1.55 10.45
38.86 7.00 46.06
8.70 1.55 10.45
98.60 17.75 116.55
316.10 56.90 373.20
Tax. Int. Total.
53.65 12.85 67.10
15.95 '3.80 19.95
11.60 2.75 14.55
72.50 18.40 91.10
275.50 66.10 341.80
101.50 24.35 126.05
1.45 .35 2.00
1.45 .35 2,00
480 Official Notices.
Official Notices.
J. A. Rhomberg Est.,, A P. Wood's Add 24c 70.63 20.64 91.47
John Blake, Est., Wm. Blake's Add. 33 43.51 12.78 56.48
M. M. Hoffmann, Min. Blake's Add. 34 28.25 8.14 36.59
M. M. Hoffmann, Wm. Blake's Add. 35 28.25 8.14 36.53
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 24a 122.04 35.44 157.68
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add 12b 66.67 19.46 86.33
James Lee, Mineral Lot 185 56.50 16.56 73.26
D. J. Linehan, Horne Add. 1S 25.43 7.26 32.89
D. J. Linehan, Home Add. 17 25.43 7.26 32.83
D. J. Linehan ,Home Add. 16 25.43 7.26 32.89
D. J. Linehan, Home Add. 14 25.43 7.26 32.89
D. J. Linehan, Horne Add. 13 25.43 7.26 32.89
Mary J. Page, Gray's Sub. 3 . 24.81 7.14 32.15
Mary R. Maher, Gray's Sub. 5 28.96 5.10 34.26
Mary R. Maher, 1\it. Pleasant Add., E. M
42.37 7.39 49.96
7 ft. 6
Mary R. Maher, Oakland Park Add. 6 28.76 5.10 34.06
Wm. Quigley, Mt. Pleasant Add., N. 50 ft
W. 1 -2 26 24.00 6.85 31.05
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park Add. 5 5 58.27 16.82 75.29
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park Add. 6 5 58.27 16.82 75.29
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park Add. 6 5 58.27 16.82 75.29
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park Add. 8 5 58.27 16.82' 75.29
Improving Harvard Street from Alta Vista Street to Yale Street.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Wm. Crabtree, Oxford Heights Adcl. 37 $124.07 $35.96 $160.23
Improving Clifford St. from Seminary St. to Alley First North Thereof.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
\V. A Hammond, Sub. 1 of J. P. Schroed-
er's Add., Lot 1, and Sub. 108 of Me-
chanic's Add. 2 $152.23 $43.40 $196.03
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in' Nevada St. from Langworthy Ave. to
Dodge St.
T. J. and L. Paisley, Whelan's Sub. 6 116.52 33.93 150.65
T. J. and L. Paisley, Whelan's Sub. 5 116.52 33.93 150.65
T. J. and L. Paisley, Whelan's Sub. 4 116.52 33.93 150.65
Domes & Bush, Grandview Park Add. 13 2 58.27 16.82 75.29
Domes & Bush, Grandview Park Add. 14 2 58.27 16.82 75.29
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
J. Murphy, Sub. Min. Lot 158, E. -2 1 $386.66 $102.50 $489.36
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Middle Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to the
Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, thence in said Alley to Reed
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
H. M. Sauer, McCraney's 1st Add. 46 $30.00 $7.80 $38.00
Realty Investor's Corp., McCraney's 1st
Add., S. 1 -2 50 15.20 3.90 19.30
Michael Thore, McCraney's 1st Add., N. W.
91.5 ft. 52 35.50 9.10 44.80
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 1 33.16 8.58 41.94
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 2 33.16 8.58 41.94
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 3 33.16 8.58 41.94
Frank Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub. 4 33.16 5.53 41,91
Realty Investors' Corp., Jungk's Add. 2 35.50 9.10 44.80
K. C. Fengler, McCraney's 1st Add. 20 35.50 9.10 44.80
M. A. Geary, McCraney's 1st Add., S. 1 -2 22 15.20 3.90 19.30
Nic Loes, McCraney's 1st Add. 30 30.43 7.80 38,43
Nic Loes, McCraney's 1st Add. 31 30.43 7.80 38.43
Nic Loes, McCraney's 1st Add. 32 30.42 7.80 38.42
Nic Loes, McCraney's 1st Add. 33 30.42 7.80 38.42
Jacob Welty, Sub. E. 7 ft. 10 in. of Lot 9
and Lot 11 and N. 46 ft. 9 in. of Lot 13
of Wick's Add. 1 35.50 9.10 44.80
C. Niedermeyer and G. Rettenmaier, Wick's
Add., Lot 12, Lot 14 and S. 7 ft. 10 in... 10 35.50 9.10 44.80
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Queen St. from manhole opposite thn
Southerly line of Lot 35, Sanford's Sub., Northerly to a point opposite center
of Lot 46A, Stafford's Add.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Peter Bintner, Sanford's Sub. 39 $28.00 $7.15 $35:35
Carl Spigelhalter, Bellevue Add. 56 18.90 4.86 23.96
and E. 5 ft. 51 20.30 4.85
Hintrager, Emily, Sub. Min. Lot 20 6 .37 .08
O'Connor, M., Est., Sub. Min. Lot 37 6 8.70 2.10
•Quigley, Wm., Est., Mt. Pleasant Add., N. 50
ft. W. 1 -2 26 38.86 9.32 48.38
Scott, G. W., Est., Min. Lot 301 8.70 2.10 11.00
Slattery, W. P., Sub. Min. Lot 174 1 -2 127.60 30.60 153.40
Smedley Steam Mfg. Co., Smedley's Sub. ____ 22 316.10 75.85 392.15
TAX OF 1911.
Name. Description. Lot. Tax. Int. Total.
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add. 167- 168 -169- 170 -171 70.00 21.00 91.20
Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., East Dubuque
Add. 232- 233 - 234 - 235 -236 266.00 79.80 346.05
Farwell, L. F., Sub. 10, Klingenberg's 4th
Sub. 1 1.40 .45 2.05
Hatzenbuehler, J. G., A. Stines' Add., Lot 50
and E. 5 ft. 51 19.60 5.55 25.70
Marsch, F. 1\I., Sub. Min. Lot 174 1 -2 119.00 35.70 154.90
O'Connor, M. Est., Sub. Min. Lot 37 6 8.40 2.50 11.10
Scott, G. Est., Min. Lot 301 8.40 2.50 11.10
Smedley Steam Punip Mfg. Co., Smedley's
Sub. 22 305.20 91.55 396.95
Slattery, W. P., City 625 102.20 30.60 133.00
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Belmound and West Fourteenth Sts.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Jennie Powers, E. E. Jones' Sub. 16 $23.64 $ 5.48 $29.32
Elizabeth Buehler, Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 89 .... 1 29.00 7.69 36.89
S. R. and J. E. Kemler, A. McDaniel's Sub.,
E. 1 -2 N. 88 ft. 783 54.83 16.36 71.39
H. S. Moore, A. McDaniel's Sub., W. 1-2
88 ft.
Improving Grandview Avenue from
Name. Description.
T. J. Donahue, Sub. 1 of Min. Lot 46
E. Lavery, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 46, Lot 2, and
Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 47
Tim •Dillion, Dillon's Sub.
Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub.
Tim Dillon, Stwart's Sub.
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub.
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub.
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub.
Ann O'Shea, Sister's Add.
Mike O'Shea, Sub. Min. Lot 145
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place
W. W. Whelan, Whelan's Sub.
Improving Belmound St. from
Name. Description.
M. Howie, E. E. Jones' Sub.
S. B. Lattner, Sub. 12 of E. E. Jones' Sub
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in West
Glen Oak Ave., Vernon St. and Mt. Pleasant
Name. Description.
Ferd Fettgather, Wm. Blake's Add.
Hughes & Blake, Wni. Blake's Add.
Hughes & Blake, Wm. Blake's Add.
Hughes & Blake, Wm. Blake's Add.
Hughes & Blake, Wm .Blake's Add.
Anton Siege, Sub. 98a, A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
T. Rhomberg, A. P. Wood's Add.
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P. Wood's Add
783 54.83 16.36 71.39
South Dodge to Dodge Street.
Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
1 $318.30 $ 92.22 $410.72
2 234.16 67.86 302.22
2 337.76 98.02 435.98
16 278.48 80.62 359.30
5 118.78 34.51 153.49
4 118.78 34.51 153.49 _
3 118.78 34.51 153.49
2 247.13 71.63 318.96
43 102.74 29.87 132.81
1 396.17 114.84 511.21
6 09.87 27.17 127.24
7 161.20 44.96 206.36
8 187.24 54.23 241.67
Rose St. to West Fourteenth St.
Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
13 $81.25 $23.49 $104.94
1 61.75 17.98 79.93
Locust St., Rosedale Ave., North
Lot. Blk. Tax. Int.
12 $ 24.00 $ 4.40
20 33.90 8.60
21 36.81 9.35
22 48.43 12.14
25 24.21 6.07
1 23.25 6.58
Mb 29.38 8.43
35b 29.38 8.43
34b 29.38 8.43
33b 29.38 8.43
31b 29.38 8.43
30b 29.38 8.43
29b 29.38 8.43
28b 29.38 8.43
26b 29.38 8.43
25b 33.34 9.59
$ 28.60
482 Official Notices. Official Notices. 483
Henry Pfotzer Est., Bellevue Add. 44 28.05 7.15 35.40
Augusta Koester, Stafford's Add., S. 20 ft
Lot 39; Sub. 1 o f 71 Stafford's Add 2 11.64 3.06 15.10
Chris. Hemmi, Sub.1 of 71, Stafford's Add 1 11.64 3.06 14.90
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Kniest St. from Lincoln Ave. norther-
ly to Eagle Point Ave., thence to Prince St., thence northerly to Sanford St.,
thence in Sanford St. to easterly line of Saunder's Sub.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Jos. Hillard, Sanford's Sub., N. 1 -2 4 $12.00 $ 3.03 $15.23
Nic Feller Est., Sanford's Sub., N. 1 -2 45 29.00 7.41 36.61
Frank J. Berg, Sanford's Sub. 48 29.00 7.41 36.61
Fred C. Burdt, Sub. 1 of 63 and S. 20 ft. of
2 of 63, Sanford's Sub. 2 20.91 5.11 25.32
Jas. Kane, Sub. 1 of 63 and S. 20 ft. of 2 of
63, Sanford's Sub. 1 25.00 6.39 31.59
Geo. Bendel, Sanford's Sub. 6 68.44 17.37 86.00
Andrew Fuerst, Sanford's Sub., N. 1 -2 55 14.50 3.84 18.54
Anna Kutsch, Kemp's Sub. 3 29.00 7.41 36.61
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Kaufmann Ave. from sewer about
West lot line of Lot 10, Cushing's Sub., to Kane St.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Jos. J. Nagle, Mechanic's Add. 155 $19.28 $ 4.86 $24.34
Jos. J. Nagle, Mechanic's Add. 154 19.28 4.87 24.34
Elizabeth Teal, Sub. 151, Mechanic's Add _ 2 18.79 4.86 23.85
Peter Albinger, Sub. 150, L. H. Langwor-
' thy's Add., Lot 2 an.d Sub. 152, L. H.
Langworthy's Add. 1 40.00 10.22 50.62
C. G. Meyer, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N.
92 ft. 155 36.80 9.46 46.46
Adam Kaesbauer, Sub. 143, L. H. Langwor-
thy's Add., E. 1 -2 3 1.00 2.82 14.02
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in North Glen Oak Ave. from North line
of Lot 11, Lawrence Dubuque, northerly to Vernon St.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
D. J. Linehan, Home Add. 15 $ 33.80 $ 8.69 $ 42.69
John Taschner, Sub. 1, Min. Lot 175, Lot 1;
Gottfried Taschner, Sub. 17, Mt. Pleas-
ant Add. 1 122.20 31.17 153.77
Jos. J. Nagle, Lawrence Dubuque 7 13.78 3.58 17.56
Jos. J. Nagle, Lawrence Dubuque 8 28.29 7.16 35.65
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in West Fourteenth St., from alley first
west of Mount Pleasant Ave., westerly to Wood St., thence northerly in Wood
St. to Rosedale Ave.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Laura Hinges, Oakland Park Add. 1 $18.00 $ 4.50 $22.70
Susan L. Oversmith, Mt. Pleasant Add ,
und. 1 -3 20 7.50 2.00 9.70
Wm. L. Fuller, Oakland Park Add. 8 21.60 5.50 27.30
-Albert Ruhland, Gray's Sub. 7 19.50 6.00 24.70
Albert Ruhland, Gray's Sub. 8 19.50 5.00 24.70
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
178 8 18.45 4.75 23.40
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
178 9 18.45 4.75 23.40
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Sub.' 3 of Min. Lot
178 10 18.45 4.75 23.40
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
178 13 18.45 4.75 23.40
C. G. and C. H Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
C. G. and C. H Meyer, Sub. 3 of Min. Lot
178 15 13.50 3.50 17.20
C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add. 59 53.10 13.25 66.55
C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add. 55 45.00 11.25 56.45
Rudolph Franzen, Rosedale Add. 51 22.50 5.75 28.45
C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add. 52 22.50 5.75 28.45
C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add. 53 22.50 5.75 28.45
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in North Booth St., from Julien AVe. to
West Fourteenth St., thence westerly in West Fourteenth St. to North Glen
Oak Ave.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
N. S. Moore, Marsh's Dubuque 8 $23.50 $5.77 $29.47
S. B. Lattner, Levins' Add. 16 27.50 6.73 34.43
Edw. Hanning, Sub. 1 of 1 of 1 of 25, Mt
Pleasant Add. 2 25.00 6.01 31.21
Albert Harming, Sub. 2 of 1 of 25, Mt. Pleas-
ant Add., lot 1 and Sub. 2 of 25, Mt.
Pleasant Add. 1 50.20 9.03 59.63
Construction of Sanitary Sewer on west side of Couler Ave., from present
manhole at Twenty -fifth St. to Thirty - second St.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
Chas. J. Even, Sub. 1 of 2 of 1 of 18, John
King's 1st Add. 1 $45.75 $10.82 $56.77
Kiene & Altman, Sub. 4, Kiene & Altman's
Sub. 8.66 44.46
Kiene & Altman, Sub. 3, Kiene & Altman's
Sub. 8.66 44.46
Kiene & Altman, Sub. 2, Kiene & Altman's
Sub. 8.66 44.46
I(iene & Altman, Sub. 1, Kiene & Altman's
Sub. 1 35.60 8.66 44.46
Geo. Marshall, Davis Farm Add. 259 45.00 10.82 56.02
Henry Cartigny, Davis Farm Add. 262 34.50 8.42 43.12
Improving West Fifteenth St. from Cornell St. to east lot line of Lots 3
and 9, Morgan's Sub.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
J. H. Luz, Morgan's Sub. 5 $80.49 $19.43 $100.12
J. H. Luz, - Morgan's Sub. 6 84.96 20.64 105.80
Improving alley between Alta Vista St. and North Booth St., from Martha
St. to West Fourteenth St.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
S. B. Lattner, Levin's Add. 19 $154.72 $37.64 $192.56
Improving alley between Alta Vista and Belmound St., from Rose to West
Fourteenth St.
Name. Description.
S. B. Lattner, E. E. Jones' Sub.
John Berringer, E. E. Jones' Sub.
Adolph Jaeggi, E. E. Jones' Sub.
Improving North Booth St., from
Name. Description.
B. Meyer Est., Marsh's Dubuque
N. S. Moore, Marsh's Dubuque
Edw. Hanning, Sub. 1 of - 1 of 1 of 25, Mt.
Pleasant Add.
Improving Kaufmann Ave. from
Name. Description.
Mary E. Weitz, Marsh's Add.
W. P. Andresen, Marsh's Add.
Chris. Mathis, Siege's Sub.
D. H. Lieberknecht, Sub. 138, 140, 142, L. H.
Langworthy's Add.
Mary Luchsinger, Sub. 138, 140, 142, L. H.
Langworthy's Add.
Diary Luchsinger, Sub. 138, 140, 142, L. H.
Langworthy's Add., E. 5 ft.
Adam Jaeger Est., Sub. 138, 140, 142, L. H
Langworthy's Add., W. 20 ft.
Adam Jaeger Est., Sub. 138, 140, 142, L. H
Langworthy's Add., E. 10 ft.
Wm. Petsch, Sub. 138, 140, 142, L. H
Langworthy's Add., W. 49 ft.
R. B. Fuller, Cushing's Sub., S. 60 ft.
R. B. Fuller, Sub. 3 -4 of 135, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add.
Clara Driscoll, Sub. 3 -4 of 135, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add.
John Jenni, Weland's Sub.
Mrs. M. Birkhill, Weland's Sub.
1 35.60
1 35.60
1 35.60
Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
4 $38.87 $ 9.47 $48.54
11 53.24 12.87 66.31
10 33.00 8.01 41.21
Julien Ave. to West Fourteenth St.
Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
5 $75.18 $17.61 $ 92.99
8 75.18 17.61 92.90
2 98.99 23.25 122.44
Couler Ave. to Cushing Place.
Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
34 $214.73 $50.53 $265.46
35 214.60 50.53 265.33
1 224.23 52.60 277.C3
2 225.71
5 111.66
6 24.56
6 90.00
8 46.42
8 204.70 48.15 253.05
7 33.36 7.76 41.32
1 141.79 33.37 175.36
2 137.62
5 258.55
4 258.55
484 Official Notices.
Wm. Pitsche, Sub. 1 of 1, Weland's Sub. .___ 2 194.51 45.80 240.51
Otto D. Kulow, Tivoli Add. 21 524.41 123.14
Louisa Popp, Sub. 20 and S. 1 -2 19, Tivoli
Add. - 2 -3 269.45 63.22 332.87
Improving Vernon St. from North Glen Oak Ave. to Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add. 13 $102.46 $24.23 $126.89
D. J. Lenehan, Horne Add. 14 78.71 18.37 97.28
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add. 16 157.43 36.50 194.13
D. J. Lenehan, Horne Add. 18 78.71 18.37 97.28
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add. 17 102.71 24.45 127.36
Improving West Locust Street from Hodgdon Ave. to Alta Vista St.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
F. Fettgather, Blake's Add. 12 $42.89 $10.29 $53.38
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Ave. and South Dodge St.,
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax.
L. Dwyer, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 47 2 $16.25
Christina Sigworth, Union Add. 74 19.50
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place 6 16.25
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place 7 16.25
Int. Total.
$4.00 $20.45
5.00 24.70
4.35 20.80
4.35 20.80
( Official. )
Special Session December 1, 1916.
Council met at 8:25 p. m,
Mayor' Saul in the chair.
Present - Aldermen Callahan, Frith,
Leist, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis,
Absent -Ald. McLaughlin.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of acting
on the petition of Mrs. Catherine
Murphy, relative to sewer assess-
ment in Nevada Street, and acting
on any other business that may
cone before a regular meeting of
the City Council.
Ald. Plamondon moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the Council
Chamber to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. McLaughlin.
Miss Murphy addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the sewer assessment
of Catherine Murphy, on Nevada
Ald. Strobel moved that the peti-
tion of Catherine Murphy be referred
to the Committee of the Whole. to
view the grounds and to be acted on
Saturday, December 2, 1916, at 10:00
a. m. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept same
basis on the Dennis Ryan 1915 taxes
as placed by the Board of Equaliza-
tion for his taxes of 1916. Carried.
Ald. Callahan moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the council cham-
ber to address the council. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. McLaughlin.
Attorney Koerner addressed the
council relative to the valuation
placed on the property of T. J. Dona-
hue. Ald. Leist moved to refer the
matter, of the taxes of T. J. Donahue
to the committee of the whole to
view the grounds Saturday, Decem-
ber 2nd, 1916, at 10:00 a. in. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved that the city as-
sessor be instructed to prepare a
large scale plat of the Donahue prop-
erty and have same ready for Satur-
day, December 2nd, 1916, at 10:00 a.
m. Carried.
Ald. Callahan moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the council cham-
ber to address the council. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Callahan', Frith, Leist,
Special Session, Dec, 1, 1916. • 485
Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. McLaughlin.
L. P. McNamara addressed tu,
council relative to money due the C.
B. McNamara & Co. for the improv-
ing of Fourth Street Extension.
Ald. Callahan moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted , 1917.
City Recorder.