1916 December Council Proceedings484 Official Notices.
Wm. Pitsche, Sub. 1 of 1, Weland's Sub. _.._ 2 194.51 45.80 240.51
Otto D. Kulow, Tivoli Add. 21 524.41 123.14 647.75
Louisa Popp, Sub_ 20 and S. 1 -2 19, Tivoli
Add. 2 -3 269.45 63.22 332.87
Improving Vernon St. from North Glen Oak Ave. to Mt. Pleasant Ave.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add. 13 $102.46 $24.23 $126.89
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add. 14 78.71 18.37 97.28
D. J. Lenehan, Horne Add. 16 157.43 36.50 194.13
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add. 1S 78.71 18.37 97.28
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add. 17 102.71 24.45 127.36
Improving West Locust Street from Hodgdon Ave. to Alta Vista St.
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
F. Fettgather, Blake's Add. 12 $42.89 $10.29 $53.38
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in Grandview Ave. and South Dodge St.,
Name. Description. Lot. Blk. Tax. Int. Total.
L. Dwyer, Sub. 2 of Min. Lot 47 2 $16.25 $4.00 $20.45
Christina Sigworth, Union Add. 74 19.50 5.00 24.70
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place 6 16.25 4.35 20.80
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place 7 16.25 4.35 20.80
( Official. )
Special Session December 1, 1916.
Council met at 8:25 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present - Aldermen Callahan, Frith,
Leist, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis,
Absent -Ald. McLaughlin.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of acting
on the petition of Mrs. Catherine
Murphy, relative to sewer assess-
ment in Nevada Street, and acting
on any other business that may
come before a regular meeting of
the City Council.
Ald. Plamondon movecl to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the Council
Chamber to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. 11IcLaughlin.
Miss Murphy addressed the Coun-
cil relative to the sewer assessment
of Catherine Murphy, on Nevada
Ald. Strobel movecl that the peti-
tion of Catherine Murphy be referred
to the Committee of the Whole. to
view the grounds and to be acted on
Saturday, December 2, 1916, at 10:00
a. m. Carried.
Ald. Strobel movecl that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept same
basis on the Dennis Ryan 1915 taxes
as placed by the Board of Equaliza-
tion for his taxes of 1916. Carried.
Ald. Callahan moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the council cham-
ber to address the council. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays -None.
Absent Ald. McLaughlin.
Attorney Koerner addressed the
council relative to the valuation
placed on the property of T. J. Dona-
hue. Ald. Leist moved to refer the
matter of the taxes of T. J. Donahue
to the committee of the whole to
view the grounds Saturday, Decem-
ber 2nd, 1916, at 10:00 a. m. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved that the city as-
sessor be instructed to prepare a
large scale plat of the Donahue prop-
erty and have same ready for Satur-
day, December 2nd, 1916, at 10:00 a.
m. Carried.
Ald. Callahan moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present in the council cham-
ber to address the council. Carried
by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
Special Session, Dec, 1, 1916. 485
Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. McLaughlin.
L. F. McNamara addressed tn-
council relative to money due the C.
B. McNamara & Co. for the improv-
ing of Fourth Street Extension.
Ald. Callahan moved to adjourn.
Adopted , 1917.
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
486 Special Session, Dec. 2, 1916.
Special session, December 2, 1916.
Council met at 11:55 a. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present-- -Alds. Callahan, Leist, Pla-
mondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Absent —Alds. Frith, McLaughlin.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on the report of the committee
of the whole and any other business
that night properly come before a
regular meeting of the city council.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Adam Jeager Est. asking that the
interest on the special assessment for
the improvement of Kaufmann ave-
nue be cancelled and that they be al-
lowed to pay the balance in monthly
installments would respectfully rec-
ommend that the interest not be can-
celled but that they be permitted to
pay $50.00 down and $10.00 a month
until paid provided they sign the
proper waiver which will be drawn
up by the city attorney.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
John Miller asking that the taxes on
lot 2 of lot S Farley's Sub. be reduc-
ed for the year 1915, would respect-
fully recommend that said petition
be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Joseph Handel asking that the taxes
on lots 208 and 209 Union Add. be
reduced would respectfully recom-
mend that said petitions be received
and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Catherine Murphy asking that the
city accept $200.00 as payment in full
of her sewer assessment on Nevada
street would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of T.
J. Paisley asking that the special as-
sessment against his property for the
improvement of Grandview avenue
he cancelled would respectfully rec-
ommend that the same be received
and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. E. Lavery asking that the inter-
est on the special assessment against
her property for the improvement of
Grandview avenue be cancelled
would respectfully recommend that
the interest not be cancelled but that
she be given the privilege of paying
her assessment and interest in
monthly installments providing she
sign the waiver drawn up by the city
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Wallis the vari-
ous reports of the committee of the
whole were adopted.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
Adopted 1917.
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
Regular session December 7, 1916.
Council met at 8:15 p. n.
Mal or Saul in the chair.
Present Alds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist ,McLaughlin, Plamondon.
Absent - -Aids. Strobel, - Wallis.
Ald. Frith moved to defer action
on approving the council proceedings
for the month of October, 1916. Car-
Bids for furnishing a public dock
at Eagle Point: Bid of H. Porter,
$956.00. Bid of Dubuque Boat 8-
Boiler Works, $1335.00. Bid of Du-
buque Motor Boat Ways, $1,043.00.
On motion of Ald. Frith the bids
were referred to the committee of the
Peter Wertin, inspector $ 14 00
Ed. Ruff, inspector 28 00
Matt. Ackerer, inspector 11
W. E. Gregory, inspector 8 00
John Bohn, inspector 16 00
C. B. McNamara C Co., inter-
est on Tenth street im-
provement 41 10
Thos. Lee, constructing side -
walk on West 1 -2 of City
Lot 254 60 01
James Street, constructing•
sewer in Windsor avenue 461 65
James Street, constructing
sewer in O'Neill avenue,
West 2nd street, College
avenue, Walsh and - rest
3rd streets 3626 37
Jas. P. Lee, improving West
Locust street 16389 99
Geo. Mauer, macadam 125 99
Jake Frohs, macadam 58 82
Jos. Haupert, macadam 17 19
On notion of Ald. McLaughlin all
bills properly O. K. were ordered
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
following bills were referred to the
committee of the whole:
Jas. F. Lee, labor and mater-
ial along edge of gutter at
Majestic theatre $ 7 50
Jas. F. Lee, interest on 5 per
cent retained 72 33
Petition of Germania Stock Co.
asking the city council to exempt
then from paying a dance hall li-
cense presented and read. On motion
of Ald. Frith the petition was refer-
red to the committee of the whole.
Petition of A. W. Kemler Estate,
by R. W. Kemler, agent, objecting to
the proposed widening of Hill street
and West Third street presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the grou
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Resolution of Dubuque Trades and
Labor Congress objecting to the op-
eration of the one -man street car
system presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. McLaughlin the resolu-
tion was made a matter of record.
Alcl. Strobel entered and took his
seat at 8:25 p. m.
Petition of W. A. Buettell, Fred
Bade and Louis Trexler, committee,
of the Clay street and Couler avenue
Property owners' association, asking
the city council for permission to
make some openings in the newly
laid pavement on Clay street and
Couler avenue for the purpose of
making tests of the work presented
and read. On motion of Ald. - Leist
the petition was referred to the cone
uiittee of the whole and notify the
contractor and city attorney to be
Petition of Michael O'Shea asking
the city council to . grant him per-
mission to pay his special assessment
on Grandview avenue on installments
presented and react. On motion of
Ald. Frith the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole.
Petition of Thos. Jacobsen asking
the city council to reduce the special
assessment levied against his prop-
erty for the sanitary sewer in West
Second street presented and read.
Ald. Plamonclon moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
Mr. Jacobsen to address the council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist.
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays —Non e.
Absent - -Ald. Wallis.
Mr. Jacobsen addressed the coun-
cil relative to his petition. On mo-
tion of Ald. McLaughlin the petition
was referred to the city engineer to
report to the committee of the whole
at its next meeting.
Petition of Julia Pleins asking the
city council to donate to her the sum
of $50.00 to enable her to leave the
city and settle elsewhere presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Mc-
Laughlin the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole.
Petition of Catherine \Murphy ask-
ing the city council to cancel the in-
terest on her special assessment for
the sewer in Nevada street presented
and read. Ald. Strobel moved to
grant the prayer of the petitioner.
Ald. Frith amended Ald. Strobel's
motion to refer the petition to the
committee of the whole. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Mc-
Laughlin, Plamondon.
Nays —Alds. Leist, Strobel.
Absent —And. Wallis.
Ald. Leist moved that the signers
of the petition asking the city coun-
cil for permission to tear up some of
488 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
the newly laid wood blocks on the
Clay street and Couler avenue im-
provement be notified to be present
at the committee of the whole meet-
ing. Carried.
Communication of Dubuque Com-
mercial club relative to dock facilities
at Dubuque presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the communica-
tion was referred to the committee of
the whole.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
Mr. Paisley to address the council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas`Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays —None.
Absent - -Ald. Wallis.
Mr. Paisley addressed the counci'
relative to his petition for the special
assessment on Grandview avenue.
Petition of T. J. Paisley relative to
the special assessment levied againll
his property for the improvement
Grandview avenue presented and
read. On notion of Ald. Frith the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole.
Communication of Dubuque Trades
and Labor Congress with attached
copy of a 13111 for an act to authorize
cities and towns to construct all
street improvements, including grad-
ing, sewers and sidewalks and to re-
pair the sane presented and read.
On. motion of Alcl. Frith the com-
munication was referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
- Petition of C. F. Spiegelhalter ask-
ing the city council to cancel the as-
sessment levied against him for the
sewer in Queen street presented and
read. On motion of A.M. Frith the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the grounds.
Petition of A. L. Rhomberg asking
the city council to cancel the taxes
for the year 1915 against lots 640 and
641 East Dubuque and Block 24 Rail-
road Add. according' to the terms of
the lease of the detention hospital
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith the prayer of petitioner
was granted and the city treasurer
instructed accordingly.
Petition of Chas. W. Brouillet ask-
ing the city council to establish a
grade of the alley in the rear of lot
17 of Mineral Lot 149 presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole.
Petition of Western Union Tele-
graph company asking the city coun-
cil to . approve the sale of under-
ground conduit by the Iowa Tele-
phone Co. to the Western Union Tele-
graph Co. presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petition was
referred to the committee of the
Ald. Leist moved that the council
reconsider their action on the peti-
tion of Chas. \\T. Brouillet. Carried.
Ald. Leist moved to grant the pray-
er of the petition of Chas. W. Brouil-
let and that the city engineer be in-
structed to establish a grade. Car-
Petition of Farley & Loetscher
Mfg. Co. asking the city council for
Permission to build a platform eight
feet wide extending from Sixth to
Seventh street on the west side of
Jackson street also to lay a side track
on the east side of the alley between
6th and 7th and Jackson and White
streets also to build a bridge across
Seventh street between City Lots 368
and 369 presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of Mrs. J. P. Kasel stating
that she desired to exercise her privi-
lege in taking the salvage abutting
lot 4 Langworthy Acld. presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith the
petition was made a matter of rec-
Petition of Thos. Hackney, no•.
master and janitor, asking the city
council to grant him an increase in
salary of $10.00 per month presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Mc-
Laughlin the prayer of the petitioner
was granted and his salary placed at
$55.00 per month to start from De-
cember let, 1916.
Petition of Nic Bohler asking the
city council to order a warrant drawn
in his favor in the sum of $3.50 for
over payment of taxes for the year
1915 presented and read. On motion.
of Ald. Strobel the petition was re-
ferred to the city treasurer to report
back to the council.
Petition of Knights of Columbus
asking the city council to cancel their
taxes for the years 1914 and 1915 ac-
cording to Section 1304 of the Code
of Iowa presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Strobel the petition was
referred to the committee of the
Petition of First Baptist church
asking the city council to cancel their
taxes for the year 1915 according to
the statute presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petition was
referred to the committee of the
Petition of Margaret Accola asking
the city council to reduce the taxes
on lots 29 and 30 in Reche's Sub. pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Callahan the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole.
Petition of Peter Klauer, et al, rel-
ative to the excessive unit foot value
on White Street on both sides from
13th to 17th street presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the grounds.
Petition of Thomas J. Mulgrew, by
Frantzen & Bonson, his attorneys,
objecting to the special assessment
levied against lot 2 of 1 of Boxleiter's
Sub. for the sewer in Walsh street
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. McLaughlin the petition was re-
ferred to the city attorney to report
to the committee of he whole.
Petition of R. J. Burke asking the
city council to reduce the assessment
on lot 7 for sewer in O'Neill avenue
and College avenue presented and
read. Ald. McLaughlin moved to sus-
pend the rules for the purpose of al-
lowing Mr. Burke to address the
council. Carried by the following
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Absent—Ald. Wallis. '
Mr. Burke addressed the council
relative to his petition. On motion
of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was
referred to the committee of the
whole and city engineer.
Petition of Amanda Beyer and P. S.
Norton protesting against the assess-
ment levied on the east half of lot 4
Cox's Add. for the improvement of
West Locust street presented and
read. On notion of Ald. Strobel the
petition was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole to view the grounds.
Petition of Emma L. Buettell ask-
ing the city council to reduce the as-
sessment on lot 4 of lot 1 of lot 8 of
Ellen Blake's Sub. of Outlot 744 pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Frith the petition was referred to
the committee of the whole to view
the grounds.
Petition of Ellen Keatly, by Frant-
zen & Bonson, her attorneys, relative
to the special assessment levied
against lot 4 McGrath's Sub. for the
improvement of West Locust street
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Callahan the petition was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of John W Norton, by
Frantzen & Bonson, his attorneys,
protesting against the special assess-
ment levied against lots 2, 3, 4 and 5
Gilliam's Sub. and lots 8 and '9 and
the west 10 feet of lot 7 in Quigley's
Sub. presented and read. On motion
of Ald. Callahan the petition ,was re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
to view the grounds.
Petition of Mrs. M. Stapleton pro-
testing against the special assessment
levied against her property for the
improving of West Locust street pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
McLaughlin the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole to
view the grounds.
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Kingsley
protesting against the special assess-
ment levied against her property for
the improving of West Locust street
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Strobel the petition was referred
to the committee of the whole to
view the grounds.
Petition of Mrs. Theresa Stoltz, b3
Frantzen & Bonson, her attorneys,
stating that an error has been made
in her assessment for the improving
of - West Locust street against lots 4
and 5 in William Blake's Sub. pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
McLaughlin the petition was referred
to the city engineer to report to the
committee of the whole.
Whereas, a contract has been en-
tered into by and between the Peer
Amid Cement Stone Co., and Louis C.
Kolfenbach, Benjamin Kolfenbach
and Carl A. Kolfenbach with the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer in Park Way
avenue and Lawndale avenue and
across lots 70 and 71 and lots 25 and
26 at or near the dividing line be-
tween lots 70 and 71 and 25 and 26
in Voelker Highlands connecting with
sanitary sewer in Glen Oak avenue,
Whereas, said contract is to be per-
formed according to plans and spe-
cifications prepared by the city engi-
neer, and
Whereas, all the requirements pro-
vided for by statute and the City Or-
dinances of the City of Dubuque have
not been complied with, and
Whereas, the undersigned, being
the owner of all the property, subject
to an assessment for the construction
of said sanitary sewer, has petitioned
the city council of the City of Du-
buque for the construction of said
sewer and he has agreed to waive all
requirements that have not been
complied with as required by statute
and the ordinances of the City of Du-
Now Therefore, the undersigned,
being the owner of all the property
subject to assessment for the con-
struction of said sanitary sewer, in
consideration of the advantage gain-
ed by the construction of said sani-
tary sewer in accordance with the
plans as proposed by the city engi-
neer does hereby waive any and all
right which he may have, either at
law or equity, to object to the pay-
ment of the assessments which are to
be levied against the property, sub-
ject to the assessment, for the con-
struction of said sanitary sewer on
account of any irregularity, defect or
illegality in the proceedings, or
change in the specifications or plans,
or for any other reason whatsoever,
and I do hereby agree that said san-
490 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
itary sewer may be constructed as
above indicated and I will pay all as-
sessments which are to be levied for
the construction of said sanitary sew-
er, and I further agree that I will
make no objection to the payment of
the assessments for any reason what-
I further agree that the City of Du-
buque shall have the perpetual right
to the use of the land necessary be-
tween lots 70 and 71 and 25 and 26
in Voelker Highlands in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose o=
operating and maintaining said sani-
tary sewer and that they will have
the right to go upon said premises at
any time for the improvement, re-
pairing and cleaning' of said sewer.
Signed at Dubuque, Iowa, this 2nd
day of October, 1916.
(Signed) The Voelker Realty Co.,
By CHRIS. A. VOELKER, presi-
State of Iowa
Dubuque County
On this 2nd day of October, 1916,
before me personally appeared The
Voelker Realty Co., by Chris. A. Voel-
ker, president, and he acknowledged
that he executed the above waiver
and agreement as and for the volun-
tary act arid deed of The Voelker
Realty Co., a corporation of Iowa,
with its principal place of business at
Dubuque, in said state.
(Signed) The Voelker Realty Co.,
By CHRIS. A. VOELKER, presi-
Subscribed and sworn to this 2nd
day of October, 1916.
(Signed) M. D. COONEY,
Notary Public in and for Dubuque
County, Iowa.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
waiver and agreement were made a
matter of record.
Whereas, Mrs. Ernestine Lavery,
has filed a petition with the city coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, asking
that the interest on the special assess-
ment which has been levied against
her property for the improvement of
Grandview avenue be cancelled; and
Whereas, said property is advertis-
ed for sale to pay for the delinquent
special assessment which has been
levied for said improvement, said
sale to be made on December 4th,
1916, and
Whereas, the city council, having
met in special session on December
2nd, 1916, to act upon said petition;
Whereas, the city council of the
City of Dubuque, having refused to
grant the prayer of said petition, and
having refused to cancel the interest
upon the assessment which has he-
come delinquent; and
Whereas, said council having
agreed that not to sell said property
on December 4th, 1916, upon condi-
tion that the undersigned agrees to
pay said special assessments with the
interest thereon, in monthly install-
ments; now
Therefor, the undersigned, in con •
sideration of the permission granted
by the city council on December 2nd,
1916, to pay the assessments which
have been levied against the lots for
the improvement above stated in
monthly installments, hereby waives
any and all rights which she may
have, or her heirs, assignees or ad-
ministrator may have, to contest said
assessments either in law or equity,
for any reason whatsoever, or to
question the legality, regularity or
validity of such assessment, or the
jurisdiction of the council to levy
such assessment, and agrees that such
assessments shall never become out-
lawed by reason of the lapse of time,
_ and shall remain a lien upon said
lots until the assessments and inter-
est are paid in full.
It is further agreed and understood
that if at any time any monthly in-
stallments as herein provided for shall
become clue and remain unpaid, the
city treasurer of the City of Dubuque,
shall have the right to advertise said
property for sale, and sell the same
to pay the assessments and interest
remaining unpaid
Signed this 2nd day of December,
State of Iowa
Dubuque County
I. Mrs. Ernestine Lavery, being first
duly sworn on oath depose and say
that I am the person who signed the
foregoing waiver and agreement; that
I signed the same after reading it
over, know its contents, and I ac-
knowledge th' same to oe my volun-
tary act and deed.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
,a Notary Public in and for .Dubuque
County, Iowa, this 4th day of Decem-
her, 1916.
Notary Public.
On motion of Ald. Leist the waiver
and agreement was made a matter of
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 2, 1916.
Whereas, Adam Jaeger estate,. by
Martin N. Jaeger, administrator, has
filed a petition with the city council of
,the City of Dubuque, asking that said
estate be permitted to pay, in monthly
installments, certain . special assess-
ments which have been levied against
lots Sub. 138, 140, 142 of L. H. Lang-
worthy's Addition west twenty (20)
feet and Sub. 138, 140 and 142, L. H.
Langworthy's Addition east ten (10)
feet; and
Whereas, said assessments are de-
linquent and have not been paid, a,ncl
said property is advertised for sale
to pay for said assessments; and
Whereas, the city council of the
City of Dubuque, having met in spe-
cial ession_ on December 2nd, 1916.
agreed to permit the petitioner to pay
the assessments for said property in
monthly installments, providing how-
ever, that the interest which has run
upon, said delinquent assessments
shall not be cancelled and that said
property shall continue to be liable
for said interest as well as the prin-
Now Therefor, in consideration of
the permission granted by the city
council on December 2nd, 1916, to the
Adam Jaeger estate to pay the as-
sessments which have been - levied
against the lots above stated for the
improvement of Kauffman avenue,
the said Adam Jaeger estate by Mar-
tin N. Jaeger does hereby agree to
pay the whole amount of said assess-
ments, including principal and inter-
est, in the following manner:
The first payment to be Fifty
($50.00) Dollars, and the remainirx
balance to be paid in monthly install-
ments of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each,
until the whole amount of said assess-
ments and interest are paid in full.
In further consideration of saui
permission as granted, the Adam
Jaeger estate, by Martin N. Jaeger,
administrator, does hereby waive any
and all rights said estate and any per-
sons interested in said estate, or in-
terested in the lots against which such
assessment have been levied, which
they or any of there may have to con-
test by legal or equitable proceedings,
the right of the city council of the
City of Dubuque to levy such assess-
ments for any reason whatsoever, or
to question the legality or the amount
of such assessments, and agree that
such assessments shall never become
outlawed by reason of the lapse of
time, and shall remain a lien upon
said lots until the assessments and in-
terest are paid in full.
Signed this 2nd day of December,
Adam Jaeger Estate,
State of Iowa
Dubuque County
I, Martin N. Jaeger, being first
duly sworn, on oath depose and .ay
that I am the administrator of the
Adam Jaeger estate; that I have read
the foregoing waiver and agreement,
know its contents, and that I have
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
• 491
executed said waiver and agreement
as niy voluntary act and deed.
Administrator of the
Adana Jaeger Estate.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, a Notary Public in and for Du-
buque County, Iowa, this 5th day of
December, 1916.
Notary Public.
On motion of Ald. Leist, the waiver
and agreement was made a matte • of
To the Honorable Mayor and Mem-
bers of the City Council.
Gentlemen: We, the undersigned
property owners of the west 40 feet
of the N. 1 -5 of city lot 440 agree to
the widening of the street at the cor-
ner of 18th and Clay street so as to
set the curb back about four feet, the
city to pay the cost of said widening,
and we further agree not to contest
the assessment for improving Clay
street and Eighteenth street by rea-
son of said change.
Yours very truly,
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
agreement was made a natter of rec-
Quit -claim deed of William P. Slat-
tery and wife to City of Dubuque a
certain piece of ground now known
as North Nevada, street as indicated
on a plat of Slattery's Sub. presented.
On motion of Ald. Leist the deed was
referred to the committee of the
Bonds of William A. 1\IcClain and
Frank B. Ross, water works trustees,
presented. On motion of Ald. Mc-
Laughlin the bonds were referred to
the city attorney.
Notice of claim of Bernard Huels-
hoff in the sum of $1000.00 injuries
sustained by falling on cross walk at
17th and Clay street presented and
read. On motion, of Ald. Callahan the
notice was referred to the city attor-
Notice of claim of John Bernhard
in the sum of $14.00 damages to his
auto in colliding with a pile of rock
Colder avenue between Kaufman
avenue and Hart street presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Leist the no-
tice was referred to the city attorney.
Notice of claim of Ernestine Peck
vs. City of Dubuque in the sum of
$10,000.00 for injuries sustained by
falling on sidewalk at 1152 Clay street
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Leist the notice was referred to
the city attorney.
Original notice of suit of Charles
Krumhach vs. City of Dubuque in the
sum of $400.00 for destruction of ce-
ment wall at the rear of his premises
presented and read. On motion of
City cash balance Novem-
ber 30, 1916 $106,875.78
The above cash balances include
the - balances in the improvement Bond
Fund, the Water Works interest and
Sinking Fund, the Library Funcl, Old
Water Works Debt Fund, Police Pen-
sion Fund, Fire Pension Fund, and
the Sinking Fund - (for amelioration
of the City Regular Bonded Debt).
Cash balance November 1st,
1916 $ 605.00
Cash balance November 30th,
1916 570.00
Cash balance November 1st,
1916 $3,064.83
Deposit with treasurer by
Water Works Trustees 5,654.34
Orders drawn on treasurer
by Water Works Trustees__$ 5,707.45
Cash balance November 30,
1916 $3,011.72
The following is a record of all in-
terest coupons and bonds redeemed
by the city treasurer and credited to
Improvement bond coupons__.. $ 8 9 6.2 5
Also report there is due the city
officers for the month of November,
1916, salaries amounting to $3,029.89,
and Geo. Reynolds (Iowa working
men's compensation) $20.00; Amanda
Beyer (Iowa working men's compen-
sation) $35.08.
Very respectfully,
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1, 1916, to December 1, 1916.
Appropriation Expended
For general ex-
pense and con-
tingent fund $45,000.00 $36,528.79
For District Road
funds for clean-
ing, sprinkling
a n d repairing
First district 9,045.71 9,037.53
Second district .__ 18,151.01 18,129.23
Third district 12,304.38 10,908.17
Fourth district __ 1.4,287.43 14,273.03
Fifth district 12,183.00 12,151.50
For expense of
fire department 65,000.00 58,591.17
For expense of
police depart-
ment 40,500.00 29,211.50
For care, mainte-
nance and re-
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
pair of sewers
For printing
For street lighting
For interest on
floating a n d
bonded debt _.
For expense of
board of health
For grading
streets and al-
Special bonded
For interest on
special bonded
For repairing and
rebuilding side-
walks 1,000.00
For payment of
five per cent re-
tained on cer-
tain improve-
ments 1,000.00 856.79
For balance on
various cement
step jobs 750.09
For balance curb-
ing on Julien
Ave. and Delhi
streets 2,222.28 2,222,28
To pay award of
jury on Nevada
street 925.00
For balance on
brick paving at
Grandview and
Delhi street ___. 1,342.05 1,342.05
Balance on wid-
ening of Pickett
street 310.00 300.00
To pay bills for
extra work on
Louisa street,
Rosedale Ave.
and Alta Vista
street 251.76 251.76
To pay jurors
award on Cleve-
land avenue .... 725.00
For completion of
the Fifth ave-
nue sewer 3,000.00 250.00
Balance Bee
Branch in 3rd
ward 799.66 799.66
Respectfully submitted,
City Auditor.
Ald. Strobel moved that the reports
and payroll be received and warrants
be drawn for the various amounts
and report referred back to finance
committee. Carried.
City Treasurer Wybrant reported as
The following is a statement of the
amounts advanced by me during the
month of November, 1916, for which
please have warrants drawn in my
Interest on warrants out-
5,700.00 5,065.38
4,900.00 2,402.39
44,075,00 31,914.48
42,000.00 25,494.95
13,000.00 12,583.55
6,500.00 5,892.24
492 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Ald. Leist the notice was referred to
the city attorney.
Original notice of suit of John Phil-
lips vs. City of Dubuque in the sum
of $300.00 for destruction of wall at
the rear of his premises presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Leist
the notice was referred to the city
Notice of suit of R. W. Kemler and
Sarah E. Kemler vs. City of Dubuque
in the sum of $400.00 for destruction
of cement wall at the rear of their
premises presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist the notice was re-
ferred to the city attorney.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
several road districts during the last
half of November, 1916:
Amount due laborers $629.01
Also submit the payroll for labor
on roads leading into the county for
the last half of November, 1916, to be
paid from the various portions of the
County Road Fund:
Fifth county, amount clue la-
borers $159.80
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the -9ay-
rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay various amounts
and report referred back to commit-
tee on streets.
Also submit the payroll for labor on
sewers during' last half of November,
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $229.50
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Plamondon the
payroll was received and warrants
were ordered drawn to, pay varioua
amounts and report referred back to
committee on sewers.
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
police report for the month of Nov-
ember, 1 916:
Assault and battery 1
Assault to murder 1
Cruelty to animals 2
Disturbing the peace 9
Incorrigible 3
Intoxication 78
Petit larceny 4
Selling liquor contrary to law 2
Violating motor vehicle law 1
Violating parole 1
Violating speed ordinance 4
Violating traffic ordinance 1
Total 107
Residents arrested 42
Doors found open 23
Defective lights 14
Lodgers harbored 283
Meals furnished prisoners 8
Cost of food $ 1.60
Sheriff dieting prisoners for the
month of November $ 2.75
Police court costs and fines col-
lected $71.10
Patrol runs for prisoners 130
Prisoners transferred 6
Committee calls 2
Miles traveled 203
Ambulance calls 109
Also beg to submit the pay roll for
Policemen for last half of Nevember,
Amount clue policemen $1,436.93
Amount retained pension
fund 28.89
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Callahan the pay
roll and report were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the report re-
ferred back to the police committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the fire department for
the last half of November, 1916:
Amount due firemen $2,144.50
One per cent retained for
pension fund 40.88
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by committee on fire.
On motion of Ald. Leist the pay
roll was received, warrants were or-
dered drawn to pay the firemen c.nd
the report referred to the committee
on fire.
Dubuque, Iowa, December 7, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port for the month of November,
1916, showing the receipts and dis-
bursements for the month.
Receipts during the month$ 23,211.57
City's cash balance Nov-
ember 1, 1916 118;406.42
Warrants redeemed $ 30,954.84
Improvement bond cou-
pons 896.25
Park orders 1,713.14
Library orders 964.23
Policemen pension orders 110.00
Firemen pension orders _ 203.75
$ 34,842.21
494 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
standing $1315.00
Miscellaneous 14.94
City Treasurer.
Moved by Aid. Strobel the report be
received, warrants ordered drawn for
the various amounts and report re-
ferred back to the finance committee.
December 1st, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: On Dec. 7tii, 1915,
there was sold by the city treasurer to
W. J. Ewe, for the regular taxes of
1914, the following property assessed
to J. J. Nagle, the south 25 feet of the
south 2 -5 of City Lot 437, said taxes,
interest and costs in the sum of $71.95
being paid by said W. J. Ewe. It has
just been called to my attention that
said sale was erroneous, because of
the fact that same was a double as-
sessment and that the 1914 taxes had
been paid under an assessment made
in the name of the Francis Jaeger Es-
tate. I would therefore recommend
that a warrant be drawn in favor of
W. J. Ewe in the sum of $76.26 being
the amount paid by him with inter-
est for one year at 6 per cent.
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of the city treasurer was approv-
ed and a warrant ordered drawn in
favor of W. J. Ewe to cover the
December 7th, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I hereby petition your
Honorable Body to order a warrant
drawn on the city treasurer in favor
of H. F. Struben for $12.46 on lot 1
of 1 of 2 of W. 1 -2 of 41 Kelly's Sub.
for year 1915. Also that a warrant
for $15.40 be drawn in favor of Jno.
Koehler for 1915 on lot 2 of 86 Mc-
Craney's 1st Add. as the improvement
should not have been carried for
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Callahan the re-
port of the city assessor was approv-
ed and warrants were ordered drawn
City Electrician Hipman reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayorrand City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for months
of October and November, 1916. I
find from the report of the police de-
partment that the total hours that 72
lamps failed to burn would equal 3
lamps burning for one month, or
Ald. Callahan moved that the city
auditor be instructed to deduct $16.86
from the Dubuque Electric company's
bill. Carried.
Following weighmaster's report on
receipts were presented and read and
on motion of Ald. Strobel were re-
ceived and filed:
L. Pitschner $ 1.22
J. P. Cooney 3.96
C. J. McCarthy 27.25
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I return herewith pe-
tition of Mary R. Lacy, asking that
Mineral Lot 300 and the undivided
one -half of Mineral Lots 298 and 299
be exempted from city tax. I beg to
advise that the law provides that
property used solely and in good faith
for agricultural and horticultural
purposes and that does not receive
any benefit from the city government,
as lights, sewer and fire protection is
subject only to a road tax.
I understand that the property
mentioned in this petition is a part
of Hani's Island and is used solely
and in good faith for agricultural pur-
poses and does not derive any benefit
from the city government. I therefore
recommend to your Honorable Body
that the taxes for 1915 and 1916 be
cancelled, with the exception of the
road tax, and that the treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Respectfully submitted,
Assistant City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Callahan the re-
port of Asst. City Attorney was ap-
proved and the city treasurer instruct-
ed accordingly.
Alderman Strobel offered the fol-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the res-
olution adopted on October 19th, 1916,
providing for the issuance of bonds
to pay for the improvement of Tenth
street from the west property line of
Clay street to the east property line
of Main street be and they are hereby
Ald. Strobel moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays- -None.
Absent -Ald. Wallis.
Alderman Strobel offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Tenth street,
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to $5,-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Tenth street from the west
property line of Clay street to the
east property line of Main street, the
mayor be and he is hereby required to
execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, twenty bonds for Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and
one for One Hundred and Seventy and
53 -100 Dollars, numbered 4754 to
4774 inclusive, dated January Gth,
1916, payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable seini-
Ald. Strobel moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote•
Yeas - -Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Absent Ald. \Wallis.
Alderman Strobel offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improving of North Main
street, hereinafter described has been
completed, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense of
said improvement amount to $4,451.56
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving North Main street from the
south property line of Kaufman ave-
nue to the north curb line of Semi -.
nary street, the mayor be and he is
hereby required to execute and deliver
to the city recorder, to be by him
registered and countersigned, seven-
teen bonds for Two Hundred and Fifty
Dollars, and one for Two Hundred
and One and 56 -100 Dollars, number-
ed 4736 to 4753 inclusive, dated Jan-
uary Gth, 1916, payable on or before
seven years after the date thereof,
and bearing interest at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable semi -an-
Ald. Strobel moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. Wallis.
Your committee on streets would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the following improvements
and would respectfully recommend
that they be accepted:
Third street from the west property
line of Locust street to the east prop-
erty line of Bluff street, Jas. F. Lee,
contractor. Fourth street from the
west property line of Main St. o the
east property line of Locust street,
the intersection at Locust street ex-
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
cepted, Jas. F. Lee, contractor. Fourth
street from the west property line of
Locust street to the east property line
of Bluff street. Fifth street from the
west property line of Locust street to
the east property line of Bluff street,
Jas. F. Lee, contractor.
We would further recommend that
the city engineer be and he is hereby
instructed to prepare a special as-
sessment against the lots or parcels
of real estate subject to assessment for
said improvements and file the same
in the office of the city recorder who
will thereupon publish the notices as
required by ordinance.
E. E. FRITH, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the street committee was adopted.
Dubuque, Ia., December Gth, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The Board of Health
met in regular session December Gth,
1916. Chairman Saul in the chair.
Present- -Alds. Callahan, Leist, Citi-
zens Wm. Fosselmann, R. Kolck,
Sanitary Officer Neumann, Asst. City
Attorney Cooney. Minutes of the
meeting of November 16th, 1916. read
and on notion of Ald. Leist were ap-
proved as read. On motion of Ald.
Leist the following bills were sent to
the county for payment:
Dubuque Electric Co. $ 3.00
J. E. Robinson 65.00
Mike Kies 4.00
On motion of Ald. Leist resolutions
ordering the following nainecl parties
to connect with the sanitary sewer
were adopted.
August Kutsch, Geisler's Sub., lot 1.
Realty Inv. Corp., S. 18.9 feet of lot
82 East Dubuque Add.
Rose Voelker, N. 32.3 feet of lot 82
East Dubuque Add.
Ald. Leist moved to adjourn. Car-
Clerk of the Board of Health.
Ald. Leist moved the adoption of
the report of the Board of Health.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the following pe-
tions asking for a reduction in taxes
would respectfully recommend that
they be received and filed.
Katherine Enright, on the south
16.2 It North 1 -5 494, and N. 1 -2 of
the N. M. 1 -5 of 494.
Carrie B. Anderson, lots 2 and 3 of
2 of 3 of City 738.
P. H. Meyer, lot 3 L. H. Lang -
worth's Addition.
Dennis Ryan, lots 2 and 4 of Min.
Lot 28 and Lot 1 of the Sub. of Min.
lot 186.
Blanch McCann, City Lots 609a and
Caroline Hafner, Lots 401 and 495
Ham's Add.
496 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Geo. Gross, lots 1 of 1 and 2 of 1
Peil's Sub.
Geo. Ragatz, Sr., lots 10, 11 and 12
Stafford's Add.
Voelker Realty Co., lots 30 to 58
Bellevue Add.
Meuser Lumber Co., lots 5 and 6
Brewery Add.
Mrs. Fredericka Meggenberg, lot 2
of Sub. of 29 J. King's 1st Adcl.
Emily S. Tuegel, property located
on 19th and Jackson street.
Mrs. E. Muier, south 1 -5 of City Lot
J. Jennings, lot 10 Dorgan's Add.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom uas referred the petition of
Mrs. Maud McLaughlin asking for an
exemption from taxes for the year
1915 would respectfuly recommend
that the prayer of her petition be
J. H. - WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Owen Reynolds asking that the
taxes on her property be reduced for
the year 1915 would respectfully rec-
ommend that the city treasurer be in-
structed to accept $8.00 as payment
in full of her taxes.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of D.
Fisch asking for a reduction in his
taxes for the year 1915, would re-
spectfully recommend that the build-
ing be reduced to $800.00 and the
city treasurer and assessor be in-
structed accordingly.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Frank Beutin asking that Lime street
be opened would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petition
be granted and that the corner of
shed that obstructs the street be re-
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
P. Lochner asking that special as-
sessment levied against his property
for the construction of a sanitary sew-
er in Malady street be cancelled would
respectfully recommend that the said
petition be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the' petition of
Joseph Straub asking that the special
assessment levied against his proper-
ty for the improving of Putnam street
be reduced would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Leist the various
reports of the committee of the whole
were adopted.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
of A. Paley asking the city council for
permission to erect a garage on the
north easterly 20 feet abutting the
west side of lot 52 and the rear of or
east side of lots 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57
be granted and that the city to re-
tain all rights to the alley. Carried.
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve North street from the end of
the present macadam improvement
to the east line of Louisa street, and
it is hereby proposed to grade, curb
and gutter with combination cement
curb and gutter and to macadamize
said portion of said street and to as-
sess the cost of said grading, curbing,
guttering and macadamizing' against
the property legally subject to assess-
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays None.
Absent -Ald. Wallis.
Alderman Plamdndon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
engineer be and he is hereby% directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent to the
proposed North street from the end
of the present macadam improvement
to the east line of Louisa street, and
the kind or kinds of material or ma --
terials to be used, and an estimate of
the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount assessable up-
on any railway or street railway com-
pany, the amount and cost thereof to
be paid by the city, if any, and the
cost thereof and amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land adja-
cent to such improvement as contem-
plated by Chapter 76 of the Laws of
the Thirty -fifth General Assembly of
the State of Iowa and acts amended
thereby, and to file such plat and es-
timate in the office of the city record-
er; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the city re-
corder shall publish in three consec-
utives issues of a newspaper publish-
ed in this city, a notice stating that
such plat and estimates are on file,
the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind or kinds of material
or materials to be used, and an esti-
mate of its cost, and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the city recorder
shall ,at the next regular session of
the city council, notify the council
thereof in 'writing, with a printed copy
of such notice accompanying the
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. Wallis.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a re- assessment of the
special assessment to pay for im-
proving Tenth street from the west
property line of Clay street to the
east property line of Main street, ex-
cept where already paved, C. B. Mc-
Namara & Co., contractors. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist the notice was re-
ceived and filed.
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Tenth street from the west
property line of Clay street to the
east property line of Main street, by
C. B. McNamara and Co., contractors,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
and the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each
lot or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
J. J. Ogilby Est., City Lot, lot
201; creosote wood block
paving cost, $47.10; interest
at 6 per cent, 34c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, 95c;
total $ 48 39
J. J. Ogilby Est., ruy Lot, N
11.2 ft. lot 20,, creosote
wood block paving cost,
$25.74; interest at 6 per
cent, 19c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 52c; total 26 45
Eliz. Bray, City Lot, S. 40 ft
lot 202; creosote wood
block paving cost, $121.98;
interest at 6 per cent, 89c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.43; total
Christina Brede, City Lot, lot
203; creosote wood block
paving cost, $392.07; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.87;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$7.84; total 402 78
Cornelius Ryan, City Lot, lot
204; creosote wood block
paving cost, $392.07; inter-.
est at 6 per cent, $2.87; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$7.84; total 402 78
Cornelius Ryan, City Lot, N
2.11 ft. lot 205; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$12.04; interest at 6 per
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
125 30
cent, 9c; extra expense at 2
per cent, 24c; total 12 37
J. M. Boothy, City Lot, S. 48.3
ft. lot 205; creosote wood
block paving cost, $135.68;
interest at 6 per cent, 98c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.72; total 139 38
F. J. Byrne, City Lot, N. 1 -2
lot 206; creosote wood
block paving cost, $47.10;
interest at 6 per cent, 34c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
95c; total 48 39
Jos. J. Koester Est., City Lot,
lot 261; creosote wood
block paving cost, $47.10;
interest at 6 per cent, 34c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
95c; total 48 39
Aug. Fitz, City Lot, S. 1 -2 lot
262; creosote 'flood block
paving cost, $64.39; interest
at 6 per cent, 47c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, $1.28;
total 66 14
Jacob Sherman, City Lot, N
1 -2 lot 262; creosote wood
block paving cost, $83.34;
interest at 6 per cent, 61c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.66; total 85 61
Geo. Hinges, City Lot, S. 28.2
ft. lot 263; creosote wood
block paving cost, $149.60;
interest at 6 per cent, $1.09;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$2.99; total 153 68
Cath. Fuhrman, City Lot, N
23 ft. lot 263; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$242.46; 103 lin. ft. cement
curb at 35c, $36.05; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $2.04; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$5.57; total 286 12
Fischer Inv. Co., City Lot, lot
264; creosote wood block
paving cost, $392.07; 103.5
lin. ft. cement curb at 35c,
$36.22; interest at 6 per
cent, $3.14; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $8.56; total 439 99
Fischer Inv. Co., City Lot, S
34.2 ft. lot 265; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$107.47; interest at 6 per
cent, 79c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $2.14; total 110 40
Evelyn M. Moser, City Lot, N
17 ft. lot 265; creosote wood
block paving cost, $40.24;
interest at 6 per cent, 29c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
80c; total 41 33
Evelyn M. Moser, City Lot, S
48.8 ft. lot 266; creosote
- wood block paving cost,
$47.10; interest at 6 per
cent, 34c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 95c; total 48 39
Geo. W. Kiesel (Tr.), City Lot,
498 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916. Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916. 499
N. 1 -2 lot 35; creosote wood
block paving cost, $52.33;
interest at 6 per cent, 38c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.05; total 53 76
Jno. V. Rider, City Lot, Und.
1-3 lot 36; S. P. Rider, City
Lot, Und. 1 -3 lot 36; Eliz.
and G. A. Burden, City Lot,
Und. 1 -3 lot 36; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$164.13; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.20; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.28; total.... 168 61
Jno. V. Rider, City Lot, Und.
1 -3 lot 36a; S. P. Rider,
City Lot, Und. 1 -3 lot 36a;
Eliz. and G. A. Burden,
City Lot, Uund. 1 -3 lot 36a;
creosote wood block pav-
ing cost, $435.70; interest
at 6 per cent, $3.18; extra
expense at 2 per cent, $8.72;
total 447 60
Jno. V. Rider, City Lot, Und.
1 -3 lot 37; S. P. Rider, City
Lot, Und. 1 -3 lot 37; Eliz.
and G. A. Burden, City Lot,
Und. 1 -3 lot 37; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$435.70; interest at 6 per
cent, ,$3.18; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $8.72; total.__. 447 60
W. L. Bradley Est., City Lot,
lot 38; creosote wood block
paving cost, $164.13; inter-
est at 6 per cent, $1.20; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
$3.28; total 168 61
D. N. Cooley Est., City Lot,
lot 39; creosote wood block
paving cost, $52.32; inter
est at 6 per cent, 3Sc; extra
expense at 2 per cent, $1.05;
total 53 75
Jennie Thiening, City Lot, S
1 -2 lot 163; creosote wood
Nock paving cost, $52.32;
interest at 6 per cent, 38c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.05; total 53 75
A. Hanapel Est., City Lot, N
1 -2 lot 164; creosote wood
block paving cost, $71.54;
interest at 6 per cent, 53c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.43; total 73 50
Geo. W. Kiesel (Tr.), City Lot,
S. 1 -2 lot 164; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$92.59; interest at 6 per
cent, 69c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.85; total 95 13
Anna and J. A. Forester, City
Lot, N. 1-2 lot 164a; creo-
sote wood block paving cost,
$150.76; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.10; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $3.01; total.... 154 87
Bernard Michel, City Lot, S.
1 -2 lot 164a; creosote wood
block paving cost, $284.94;
3.3 lin. ft. cement curb at
35c, $1.15; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.10; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $5.72; total..._ 293 91
H. B. and H. Gratiot, City
Lot, N. 41 ft. lot 165; creo-
sote wood block paving
cost, $386.32; 10 lin. ft. ce-
ment curb at 35c, $3.50;
interest at 6 per cent, $2.86;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$7.79; total 400 47
Margt. Roesner, City Lot, S
10.2 ft. lot 165; creosote
wood block paving cost,
$49.37; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 98c; total 50 71
Margt. Roesner, City Lot, N.
1 -2 lot 166; creosote wood
block paving cost, $92.59;
interest at 6 per cent, 67c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.85; total 95 11
Maria Sumpman, City Lot, S
1 -2 lot 166; creosote wood
Nock paving cost, $71.54;
interest at 6 per cent, 53c;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$1.43; total 73 50
H. A. Begley, City Lot, N. 1 -2
lot 167; creosote wood block
paving cost, $52.33; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 38c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, $1.05;
total 53 76
Total $5170 53
2073.71 sq. yds. creosote wood
block paving at 82.39 $4956 16
219.8 lin. ft. new cement
curb at 35c 76 92
Interest at 6 per cent 36 80
Extra expense 100 65
Total $5170 53
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted December 7th, 1916.
Approved December 8th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Leist moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays -None.
Absent Ald. Wallis.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving North Main
street from the south property line
of Kaufman avenue to the north
curb line of Seminary street, N. J.
Staner, contractor, also the written
remonstrance of F. N. Kurt, et al.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
notice was received and filed and the
remonstrance referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving North Main street from the
south property line of Kaufmann
avenue to the south curb line of Sem-
inary street, by Nic. Staner, contract-
or, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and own-
ed and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. • Amt.
Julia M. Zwack, Marsh's Add.,
lot 37; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $197.43; in-
terest at 6 per cent, $1.64;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.97; total $201 04
Julia M. Zwack, Marsh's Add.,
lot 36; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $70.03; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 5Sc; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
70c; total 71 31
Wm. P. Andresen, Marsh's
Add., lot 35; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $35.96;
interest at 6 per cent, 30c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
36c; total 36 62
M. E. Weitz, Marsh's Add.,
lot 34; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $19.02; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 16c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
19c; total 19 37
Jno. P. and C. Mettel, Marsh's
Add., lot 30; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $116.16;
interest at 6 per cent, 96c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.16; total 118 28
Jno. P. and C. Mettel, Marsh's
Add„ N. 15 ft. lot 29; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$34.84; interest at 6 per
cent, 30c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 35c; total 35 49
Frank J. Schmitt, Marsh's
Add., S. 35 ft. lot 29; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$51.32; interest at 6 per
cent, 68c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 82c; total 82 82
R. A. Butler, Marsh's Add ,
W. 95 ft. lot 28; brick gut-
ter and paving cost, $94.37;
interest at 6 per cent, 78c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 96 09
Minnie Graham, -Marsh's
Add, E. 90 ft. lot 28; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$21.78; interest at 6 per
cent, 18c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 22c; total 22 18
A. W. Newoehner, Marsh's
Add., lot 27; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $116.16;
interest at 6 per cent, 96c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.16; total 118 28
Ed. Lenz, -Marsh's Add., lot
26; brick gutter and curb-
ing cost, $116.16; interest
at 6 per cent, 96c; extra
expense at 1 per cent, $1.16;
total 118 28
Bertha Baumhover, Marsh's
Add., lot 25; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $116.16;
interest at 6 per cent, 96c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.16; total 118 28
Bertha Baunthover, - Marsh's
Add., lot 24; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $116.16;
interest at 6 per cent, 96c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.16; total 118 28
John and Mary Rens, Marsh's
Add., lot 23; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $93.61;
interest at 6 per cent, 7Sc;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
A. F. and D. B. Heeb, Marsh's
Add., lot 22; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $93.61;
interest at 6 per cent. 78c:
extra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
-Mary Hanover, Marsh's Add.,
lot 21; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $93.61; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 78c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
John F. Johansen, Marsh's
Add., lot 20; brick gutter
and c urbing cost, $93.61;
interest 'at 6 per cent, 78c;
extra expense at,1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
Eliz. Wilging, -Marsh's Add.,
lot 19; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $93.61; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 78c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
Realty Inv. Corp., Marsh's
Add., N. 37 ft. lot 18; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$69.28; interest at 6 per
cent, 58c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 69c; total 70 55
Eliz. Wilging, Marsh's Add ,
S. 13 ft. lot 18; brick gut-
ter and curbing cost, $24.33;
interest at 6 per cent, 20c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
24c; total 24 77
Eliz. Wilging, Marsh's Add.,
lot 17; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $93.61; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 78c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
Eliz. Wilging, Marsh's Add.,
lot 16; brick gutter and
500 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916. Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916. 501
curbing cost, $93.61; inter-.
est at 6 per cent, 78c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
94c; total 95 33
F. Knoernschild, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., N. 1 -2 lot
19; brick gutter and curb-
ing cost, $40.93; interest at
6 per cent, 35c; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, 41c;
total ._ 41 69
G. Aureden, L. H. Langwor-
hy's Sub., S. 1 -2 lot 19;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, 40.93; interest at 6
per cent, 35c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 41c; total _.. 41 69
C. M. Rohner, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lot 18; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$81.87; interest at 6 per
cent, 68c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 82c; total 83 37
John Palmer, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lot 17; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$81.87; interest at 6 per
cent, 68c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 82c; total 83 37
Eva M. Moser, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., lot 16; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$76.42; interest at 6 per
cent, 63c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 77; total 77 82
S. P. Rider, Sub. 20 L. H
Langworthy's Sub., lot 1;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, $114.12; interest at 6
per cent, 95c; extra ex-
pense at 1 per cent, $1.14;
total 116 21
Ida W. Bingham, Sub. 20 L.
H. I_angworthy's Sub., lot 2;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, $12.80; interest at 6
per cent, 12c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 13e; total 13 05
S. P. Rider, Sub. 21 L. H
Langworthy's Sub., lot 1;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, $83.49; interest at 6
per cent, 70c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 84c; total 85 03
Ida W. Bingham, Sub. 21 L
H. Langworthy's Sub., lot 2;
brick gutter and curbing'
cost, $35.87; interest at 6
per cent, 30c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 36c; total 36 53
S. P. Rider, Sub. 53 Marsh's
Add., lot 1; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $115.50;
interest at 6 per cent, 96c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.16; total 117 62
Ida W. Bingham, Sub. 53
Marsh's Add., lot 2; Ida W.
Bingham, Sub. 1 of 54
Marsh's Add., lot 3; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$43.25; interest at 6 per
cent, 36c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 43c; total 44 04
Andred Strobel, Sub. 21 L. H
Langworthy's Sub., lot 3;
Andrew Strobel, Sub. 1 of
54 Marsh's Add., lot 2; An-
drew Strobel, Sub. 55
Marsh's Add., lot 2; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$12.68; interest at 6 per
cent, 12c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 13c; total 12 93
Jos. Geisler, Sub. 1 of 1 of 54
Marsh's Add., Lot 1; Jos.
Geisler, Sub. 1 of 55 Marsh's
Add., lot 1; Jos. Geisler,
Sub. 56 Marsh's Add., lot
2; brick gutter and curbing
cost, $9.30; interest at 6 per
cent, 8c; extra expense at 1
per cent, 9c; total 9 47
Mary Steiner, Sub. 1 of 55
Marsh's Add., lot 2; Mary
Steiner, Sub. 1 of 1 of 54
Marsh's Add., lot 2; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$3.60; interest at 6 per cent,
3c; extra expense at 1 per
cent, 4; total 3 67
Mary Steiner, Sub. 56 Marsh's
Acld., lot 1; brick gutter
and curbing' cost, $10.18;
interest at 6 per cent, 8c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
10c; total 10 36
Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add ,
lot 57; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $10.44; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 9c; extra
expense at 1 per cent, 11c;
total 10 64
Emily Hintrager, Marsh's
Add., S. 1 -2 lot 58; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$4.95; interest at 6 per cent,
5c; extra expense at 1 per
cent, 5c; total 5 05
Wm. Keller, Marsh's Add.,
N. 1 -2 lot 58; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $4.95; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 5c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
5c; total 5 05
S. P. Rider, Marsh's Add.,
S. 1 -2 lot 52; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $48.43;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
48c; total 49 31
Eliz. F. Kiebel, Marsh's Add.,
N. 1 -2 lot 52; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $48.43;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
48c; total 49 31
Eliz. F. Kiebel, Marsh's Add.,
lot 51; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $96.88; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 81c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
97c; total 98 66
Peter Nicks, Marsh's Add ,
lot 50; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $96.88; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 81c; ex-
tra expense at 1 per cent,
97c; total 98 66
Emily Hintrager, Marsh's
Add., lot 49; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $96.88;
interest at 6 per cent, 81c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
97c; total 98 66
Wm. Keller, Marsh's Add.,
lot 48; brick gutter and
curbing cost, $106.17; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 88c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.06; total 108 11
L. Wetter, Jr., Marsh's Add ,
E. 100 ft. lot 47; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
84.23; interest at 6 per cent,
70c; extra expense at 1 per
cent, 84c; total 85 77
Anton Schmitz, Marsh's Add.,
W. 146 ft. lot 47; brick gut-
ter and curbing cost,
$21.34; interest at 6 per
cent, 18c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 21c; total 21 73
A. Majerus, Sub. 45 Marsh's
Add., lot 1; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $25.35;
interest at 6 per cent, 21c;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
25c; total 25 81
Chas. Wyman, Sub. 45
Marsh's Add., lot 2; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$110.49; interest at 6 per
cent, 91c; extra expense at
1 per cent, $1.10; total 112 50
Frank N. & S. Kurt, Marsh's
Add., lot 44; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $134.80;
interest at 6 per cent, $1.13;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.35; total 137 28
Frank N. & S. Kurt, Marsh's
Add., lot 43; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $133.43;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.11; extra expense at 1
per cent, $1.33; total 135 87
Mathilda Specht, Klingen-
berg's Fourth Sub., lot 9;
brick gutter and curbing
cost, $26.17; interest at 6
per cent, 22c; extra expense
at 1 per cent, 26c; total 26 65
Mathilda Specht, Marsh's
Add., lot 41; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $129.40;
interest at 6 per cent,
$1.08; extra expense at 1
per cent, $1.29; total 131 77
A. J. and M. L. Hassler,
Marsh's Add., .lot 40; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
;$127.06; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.06; extra expense
at 1. per cent, $1.27; total 129 39
Herman Gronau, Marsh's
Add., lot 39; brick gutter
and curbing cost, $124.32;
interest at 6 per cent, $1.03;
extra expense at 1 per cent,
$1.24; total 126 59
Johanna Buse, Sub. 38
Marsh's Add., lot 3; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$54.21; interest at 6 per
cent, 45c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 54c; total 55 20
Johanna Buse, Sub. 38
Marsh's Add., lot 4; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$10.52; interest at 6 per
cent, 8c; extra expense at 1
per cent, 10c; total 10 70
Johanna Buse, Sub. 38
Marsh's Add., W. 3 ft. lot
2; brick gutter and curbing
cost, $4.42; interest at 6 per
cent, 5c; extra expense at 1
per cent, 4c; total •4 51
Eliz. Kranz, Sub. 33 Marsh's
Add., E. 36 ft. lot 2; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$85.52; interest at 6 per
cent, 72c; extra expense at
1 per cent, 85c; total 87 09
Anna Jungbluth, Sub. 38
Marsh's Add,, lot 1; brick
gutter and curbing cost,
$138.91; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.15; extra expense
at 1 per cent, $1.39; total 141 45
Total $4451 56
2140.82 sq. yds. brick gutter
on a concrete foundation
at $1.99 $4260 23
104.1 lin. ft. new stone curb
at 80c 83 28
99.7 lin. ft. stone curb reset
at 28e 27 91
Interest at 6 per cent 36 43
Extra expense 43 71
Total $4451 56
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted, December 7th, 1916.
Approved, December 8th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Frith,- Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. Wallis.
502 Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
Dubuque, Iowa, November 27, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: Your Board of Equalization, duly appointed to equalize
and correct the assessment roll for the year 1916, would respectfully re-
port that we have performed that duty and would recommend that the
assessment roll as prepared by the City Assessor be approved with the
following changes submitted below: -
From To
Adams Co., The, machinery Nothing $ 10,000.00
Armour and Co., merchandise 3,900.00 4,900.00
Beach, Jas. and Sons, merchandise _. 9,850.00 14,850.00
Dubuque Lumber and Coal Co., merchandise 12,000.00 15,000.00
Dubuque Paper Co., merchandise 8,100.00 11,100.00
Nothing 500.00
Hammel Henker Co., machinery
Harris and Co., merchandise 300.00
Jaeger Kunnert Co., merchandise 2,500.00 3,500.00
Jackson Vinegar Co., merchandise __. 800.00 1,300.00
Johannsen Candy Co., merchandise 4,000.00 5,000.00
Lowther, Wm. & Co., merchandise ._._ 5,800.00 10,000.00
McNamara, C. B. & Co., machinery _. 600.00 1,000.00
Rider Wallis Dry Goods Co., merchandise 113,060.00 123,000.00
Seippel Lumber Co., merchandise 40,000.00 43,000.00
Spahn Rose Lumber Co., merchandise 15,000.00 18,000.00
Standard Lumber •Yard Co., merchandise 15,750.00 18,750.00
Welsh, Thomas, machinery .. Nothing 300.00
Zwack, Anton, machinery 1,000.00 2,500.00
J. F. Teal, building Kringle's Sub.; lots 16 -17 -18 _... 390.00 300.00
Minnie K. Herdman, building Morgan's Sub., lot 4._ 3,000.00 2,500.00
C. C. McGregor, Sub. 21- 22 -23, Kelly's Sub., lot 1; 510.00 400.00
Cummings Sub. lot 13 1,230.00 1,000.00
E. A. Engler, utility depreciation, Sub., 12; Min. lot
172, lots 1 -2 -3 1,640.00 1,100.00
R. W. Kemler, building, City 703, lot 17 1,530.00 800.00
R. W. Kemler, building, Farley's Sub., lot 13; N.
1 -2 of 14 820.00 500.00
Dennis Ryan, Min. Lot 28, lots 2 and 4 1,770.00 1,030.00
Matilda and Theresa Schinidt, Sub. City 438 -439
and pt. 676, lot 2 7,720.00 6,840.00
C. A. Voelker, L. H. Langworthy's Add., E. 77.4
ft. of S. 35 ft., N. 50 ft. of lot 6.... 4,400.00 4,100.00
Iowa Dairy Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 60 ft.
lot 8 9,310.00 8,980.00
Iowa Dairy Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 7 ___. 5,940.00 4,920.00
Iowa Dairy Co., L. H. Langworthy's Add., N. 15 ft.
N. 50 ft. lot 6 5,840.00 5,810.00
German Trust and Savings Bank, Sub City 438 -439
and pt. 676; S. 1 -2 lot 1 6,450.00 5,930.00
C. B. Keesecker, L. H. Langworthy, N. 1 -3 lots 1
and 2 ... 17,740.00 ' 16,280.00
H. Gatina, Sub. City 433 -439 and pt. 676, lot 5 4,640.00 4,270.00
Veronica Jacquist, City 438 -439 and pt. 676; S. 44
ft. of lot 4 4,670.00 4,250.00
F. R. Holland, Sub. City 438 -439, lot 3; Sub. City
438 -439, N. 1, .6 ft. lot 4 5,870..00 5,380.00
Conrad Lange Est., Sub. City 438 -439, lot 6 4,870.00 4,220.00
Ida Dement, Sub. City 438 -439, E. 120 ft. lot 8 1,700.00 1,500.00
Margt. Kohlman, L. H. Langworthy's lot 4a 4,850.00 4,420.00
Margt. Kohlman, L. H. Langworthy's S. 1 -3 lot 5 1,450.00 1,320.00
Nic. Gonner, L. H. Langworthy's Ad d., M. 1 -3 lot 5;
L. H. Langworthy's Add., N. 1 -3 lot 5 5,460.00 5,160.00
Jas. A. Hayes, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 50 ft
lot 6 _.._ 5,700.00 5,200.00
A. F. and B. D. Heeb, L. H. Langworthy's Add., N.
40 ft. lot 8, 8a 4,890.00 4,070.00
Mary Kasel, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 4 5,170.00 4,750.00
Frank Holtz, Sub. City 438 -439, S. 24x100 ft. lot 7
and pt. 676 _. 2,160.00 2,000.00
P. H. Meyer, L. H. Langworthy's Add., lot 3 8,770.00 7,780.00
M. Schmidt, L. H. Langworthy's Add., S. 2 -3 lot 1 6,730.00 6,040.00
P. W. Wieland, Sub. City 438 -439, M.1 -2 of 1 pt
676 .... 6,370.00 5,850.00
J. H. Rhomberg, Sub. City 438 -439, N. 34 ft of E.
Ald. Leist
Lion. Carried.
Your Board of Equalization, to
whom was referred the petition of W.
J. Burns and W. J. Brown asking
your Ionorable Body to place the
taxes on lots 252 -252a -253, for the
years 1914 and 1915 at $10,000.00,
would respectfully recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
CYRIL D. LAGEN, Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Your Board of Equalization to
whom was filed a petition by the
Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge • Co.,
asking an amended return for taxa-
tion, would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and fil-
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
CYRIL D. LAGEN, Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Your Board of Equalization to
whom was filed a petition by Chris-
tine Oestringer asking a reduction on
her property on Kneist street, would
respectfully recommend that said pe-
tition be made a matter of record.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
CYRIL D. LAGEN, Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Your Board of Equalization to
whom was filed a petition by R. 11.
Gallaher requesting a reduction of
Mrs. W. H. Riemann, Conrad Lang
Est., would respectfuly recommend
that said petition be made a matter
of record.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
CYRIL D. LAGEN, Auditor.
Clerk of Board of Equalization.
Ald. Leist moved the adoption of
the various reports of the Board of
Equalization. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Regular Session, Dec. 7, 1916.
100 ft. of lot 7 and pt. 676 1,100.00 900.00
Webster Burns, Mobley's Dubuque lot 6 and 7 5,700.00 5,600.00
Jacob H. Clow, Kelly's Sub., lot 4 ...... 1,790.00 1,630.00
F. D. Collette, Kelly's Sub., lot 3 2,440.00 2,220.00
E. and J. Burns, Mobley's Dubuque, N. '70 ft. lot 5 1,900.00 1,800.00
F. B. Doran, Sub. 1 of Kelly's Sub., lot 1 3,120.00 2,920.00
Evelyn Snyder, Sub. 1 of 2 Kelly's Sub. and all of
lot 2 1,300.00 1,000.00
Carrie B. Anderson, Sub. City 2 and 3 of 2 of 3 of
738 and all of lot 10 of 738 3,570.00 3,320.00
Frank Kirk, Sub. City 1 of 5 of 738_._. 3,190.00 2,940.00
Wm. Headford Est., Cain's Sub., lot 1.. 3,270.00 3,220.00
Ellen E. Putman, Sub. City 4 and 2 of 5 of 738 3,240.00 3,140.00
Annie Matthews, Sub. City W. 30 ft. of 6 of 738 ..__ 1,210.00 1,080.00
J. - Steffens and N. Pihart, Sub. City E. 50 ft. of 6
of 738 ___ 3,220.00 3,200.00
Maurice Stokley, Sub. City 738, lot 9 and W. 3 ft.
lot 8 of '738 3,800.00 3,460.00
Sarah J. and Elizabeth Thomas, Sub. City 738, lot 7 1,550.00 1,510.00
Jennie West, Sub. City 738, lot 11 and 4 of 2 of 3
of 738 __ 2,730.00 2,480.00
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Board of Equalization.
Board of Equalization.
moved the adoption of the report of the Board of Equaliza-
council reconsider their action on the
petition of Michael O'Shea relative
to the special assessment levied
against his property on Grandview
avenue. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
prayer of Michael O'Shea's petition
be granted providing that he sign
waiver and agreement drawn by the
city attorney. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
, 1917.
City Recorder.
504 Special Session, Dec. 11, 1916.
(Official) .
Special session December 11, 1916.
Council met at 10:05 a. m.
Mayor Pro Tem Wallis in the chair.
Present —Alds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
b el.
Mayor Pro Tem Wallis stated that
this meeting is called for the pur-
pose of acting on the petition of T. J.
Paisley now pending before the com-
mittee of the whole and any other
business that might properly come
before a regular meeting of the city
Ald. Strobel moved to take from
the committee of the whole the peti-
tion of T. J. Paisley and act on same
in the council meeting. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to sus-
pend the rules 'for the purpose of al-
lowing Mr. Paisley to address the
council. Carried by the following
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays- -None.
Mr. Paisley addressed the council
relative to his petition for the special
assessment levied against his proper-
ty for the improving of Grandview
avenue. Ald. Leist moved to receive
and file the petition of Mr. T. J. Pais-
ley. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that petitions fil-
ed on protest of assessments or taxes
will continue to bear interest the
same as if no petition was filed. Car-
Ald. Callahan moved to take from
the committee of the whole the peti-
tion of Phil. Schwinn, receiver of
Smedley Steam Pump Co., and act on
same in the council meeting. Car-
Ald. Leist moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing Mr.
Bonson to address the council. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays- -None.
Attorney Bonson addressed the
council relative to the petition of
Phil. Schwinn, receiver of Smedley
Steam Pump Co., on taxes due the
.city. Ald. Callahan moved to re- _
ceive and file the petition of Phil.
Schwinn, receiver of Smedley Steam
Pump Co., relative to the back taxes
due the city. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
, 1916.
Mayor Pro Tem.
City Recorder.
Special Session, Dec. 1 3, 1916.
(Official) .
Special session, December 13, 1916.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of mak-
ing the tax levy for the year 1916 and
acting on any other business that
might properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the city council.
Petition of Patrick O'Shea, for the
heirs of Michael O'Shea, relative
to the special assessment levied
against lot 1 of Mineral Lot 145
for the improving of Grandview ave-
nue and asking the city council to
instruct the city treasurer to credit
his assessment with the sum of
$203.19, together with interest there-
on paid to the city on January 30,
1892, the same to apply on his pres-
ent assessment presented and read.
Ald. Frith moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing
Attorney Chalmers to address the
council. Carried by the following
Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Attorney Chalmers addressed the
council relative to the petition of
Patrick O'Shea. Ald. Frith moved
to receive and file the petition of
Patrick O'Shea. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Wallis.
Nays —Ald. Strobel.
Ald. Callahan moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
Mr. Scharry to address the council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Mr. Scharry addressed the council
asking them for permission to use the
Armory hall for the purpose of hold-
ing a basket ball game on the night
of December 22, 1916. Ald. Mc-
Laughlin moved that Mr. Scharry be
given permission to use the Armory
hall for a basketball game on the
night of December 22, 1916. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
road fund remain at 2 mills the same
as it previously was. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel.
Nays —Ald. Wallis.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Be it resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
taxes for the year 1916, for the fol-
lowing purposes be levied as provid-
ed by law on all taxable property
within the limits of said city in the
respective number of mills on the
dollar on the assessed valuation of all
taxable property in said city except
as otherwise provided:
General Fund -7 and 2 -48 mills.
Fire Fund - -2 mills.
Water Works Sinking Fund -1 mill.
Regular Water Levy -1 mill.
Library Fund -1 -3 mill.
Park Fund -1 -2 mill.
Police Pension Fund -1 -16 mill.
Firemen's Pension Fund -1 -16 mill.
Road Fund -2 mills.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
506 Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916. Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916. 507
Special session, December 15, 1916.
Council met at 10:45 a. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel. -Wallis.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of re-
ceiving bids for 'the sale of twenty
year 4 per cent refunding bonds in
the sum of $120,000.00 dated Janu-
ary 1st, 1917, and twenty year 4 per
cent refunding bonds in the sum of
8240,000.00 dated February 1st, 1917,
and acting on any other business
that might properly come before a
regular meeting of the city council.
Ald. Frith moved to open the bids.
Dubuque, Ia., December 15, 1916.
City Treasurer Wybrant reported
as follows:
A. B. Leach & Co. and Wm. R.
Compton & Co., jointly, of Chicago,
Illinois, have submitted the highest
bid namely par and accrued interest
to day of delivery plus a premium of
$684.00 and will furnish blank bonds
ready for signature without charge
for legal and other expenses. Ald.
Strobel moved that the report of the
city treasurer be approved and the
bid of A. B. Leach & Co., and Wm. R.
Compton & Co., jointly, of Chicago,
Illinois, be accepted. Carried.
A resolution to provide for the is-
suance of refunding bonds on the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of
refunding certain outstanding and
matured bonds.
Whereas, The City of Dubuque,
Iowa, is justly and legally indebted
on its certain valid outstanding bonds
to the amount of one hundred and
twenty thousand dollars which out-
standing bonds were heretofore is-
sued by the said city under a resolu-
tion duly and legally passed by the
city council thereof in the year 1897,
and which outstanding bonds bear in-
terest at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi- annually, and
become clue and payable on the 1st
day of January, A. D. 1917, and said
outstanding bonds have been issued
to refund and pay certain other
outstanding bonds of the said city
theretofore issued to pay valid in-
debtedness of the said city heretofore
contracted and incurred; and
Whereas, The said outstanding
bonds which so become clue on Janu-
ary 1st, 1917 are in all respects regu-
lar, legal and valid, and the interest
thereon having been regularly paid
by the said city during all the time
they have been so outstanding; ana
-Whereas, It being deemed for the
public interest to refund said bonds;
Whereas, The city has full power
and authority under the laws of said
State of Iowa to issue bonds and
hereinafter provided to refund the
said outstanding bonds so clue, now
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec-
tion 1. That there are hereby au-
thorized and directed to be issued by
and in behalf of said City of Dubuque
its refunding bonds according to and
of the form hereinafter contained to
the amount of one hundred and twen-
ty thousand dollars under date of
January 1st, 1917, in denominations
of one thousand dollars each, payable
twenty years from date bearing in-
terest at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi - annually on the
first day of July and January, during
said term, to be evidenced by inter-
est coupons attached to said bonds.
Both interest and principle of said
bonds to be made payable in lawful
money of the United States of Amer-
ica at the Continental and Commer-
cial National Bank of Chicago, Illi-
nois. The said bonds shall be sign-
ed by the mayor and attested by the
recorder of the said city under its
corporate seal, and the interest cou-
pons thereto attached ,shall be signed
by the mayor and attested by the re-
corder of said city, with the seal of
the city affixed, and said bonds being
numbered from one to one hundred
and twenty, both inclusive, and said
interest coupons being numbered from
one to forty, both inclusive.
Section 2. That said bond shall be
substantially m the following form,
subject to the necessary changes as
to the numbers, maturity of coupons
and other necessary variations there-
No. $1,000.00.
The City of Dubuque, in the state
of Iowa, for valuation received, prom-
ises to pay to the bearer One Thou-
sand Dollars, of lawful money of the
United States of America, on Janu-
ary 1st, A. D. 1937, with interest on
said sum from the date hereof until
paid at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi - annually, on the
first day of July, and January, of
each year on presentation and sur-
render of the interest coupon hereto
attached; both principle and interest
payable at the Continental and Com-
mercial National Bank of Chicago,
Illi nois.
This bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 905 to 911, inclu-
sive, of Chapter XII Title V of the
Code of Iowa, and in conformity to a
resolution of the council of said city,
duly passed, a true and complete
copy of which is printed on the back
hereof. And it is hereby certified
and recited that all acts, conditions
and things required by the laws and
constitution of the State of Iowa to
bo clone precedent to and in the issue
of this bond have been properly
done, happened and been performed
in regular and due form as required
bylaw, and that the indebtedness of
said city, including this bond, does
not exceed the constitutional or stat-
utory limitations.
In testimony whereof, said City of
Dubuque by its council has caused
this bond to be signed by its mayor
and attested by its recorder, with.the
seal of said city attached, this first
day of January, 1917.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
No. $
On the first day of January, 1917,
the City of Dubuque promises to pay
to the bearer, as provided in the
within bond, the sum of $ in
lawful money of the United States of
America, at the Continental and Com-
mercial National Bank of Chicago, Il-
linois, being six months interest due
that day on its refunding bond, No.
, dated January 1st, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Section 3. That the said One Hun-
dred and Twenty- Thousand Dollars of
bonds so to be issued upon being ex-
ecuted by affixing thereto the cor-
porate seal of the City of Dubuque
and being signed by the proper offi-
cers thereof, shall be sold, exchanged
or substituted for the said outstand-
ing' four per cent bonds, which so be-
come due on January 1st, 1917, but
in no case at less than par value
thereof, nor shall the said bonds au-
thorized by this resolution nor the
proceeds thereof, be used for any
other purpose than for paying, re-
deeming and refunding the said de-
scribed outstanding four per cent
Section 4. That the said coupons
attached to the said four per cent re-
funding' bonds shall be signed by the
fac- simile signature of the mayor of
the City of Dubuque and attested by
the fac- simile signature of the City
,Recorder of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and that from the said coupons
there may be omitted the placing of
the city seal of the City of Dubuque.
Section 5. The bond herein author-
ized shall be duly and properly reg-
istered in the office of the city treas-
urer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted December 15th, 1916.
Approved December 16th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays- -None.
A resolution directing the city
treasurer of the City of Dubuque to
sell four per cent refunding bonds.
Whereas, The City Council of the
City of Dubuque, deeming it neces-
sary and for the public good to re-
fund the outstanding' indebtedness of
the City of Dubuque in the sum of
One Hundred and Twenty Thousand
.Dollars by the issuance of its refund-
ing bonds; and
Whereas, Bids have been asked and
received for the sale of said bonds at
four per cent interest payable semi-
annually; and
-Whereas, A. B. Leach & Co. and
Wren. R. Compton & Co., jointly, of
Chicago, Illinois, has submitted its
bid to buy said bonds at par, allow-
ing a premium to the City of Du-
buque in the sum of $228.00 and will
furnish blank bonds ready for signa-
ture without charge for legal and
other expenses; and `
Mrhereas, Said bid is the highest bid
offered for said bond issue; now
I3e it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
treasurer be and he is hereby au-
thorized and directed to sell said
bonds at par to A. B. Leach & Co. and
Wm. R. Compton & Co., jointly, of
Chicago, Illinois, they being the high-
est bidder, said bonds to be in the de-
nomination of one thousand dollars
each, bearing interest at the rate of
four per cent per annum, payable
semi - annually, said bonds to be pay-
able at the Continental and Commer-
cial National Bank of Chicago, Illi-
nois, in accordance with the bid and
proposal offered by said bidder, which
bid and proposal are hereby made a
part of this resolution.
Adopted December 15th, 1916.
Approved December 16th, 1916.
City Recorder.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
508 Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916.
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays - -None.
A resolution to provide for the is-
suance of refunding bonds on the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of
refunding certain outstanding and
matured bonds.
Whereas, The City of Dubuque,
Iowa, is justly and legally indebted
on its certain valid outstanding bonds
to the amount of two hundred and
forty thousand dollars which out-
standing bonds were heretofore issued
by the said city under a resolution
duly and legally passed by the city
council thereof in the year 1901, and
which outstanding bonds bear inter-
est at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi - annually, and
become clue and payable on the 1st
day of January, A. D., 1917, and said
outstanding bonds have been issued
to refund and pay certain other out-
standing bonds of the said city there-
tofore issued to pay valid indebted-
ness of the said city heretofore con-
tracted and incurred; and
Whereas, The said outstanding
bonds which so become due on the
l st day of February, 1917, are in all
respects regular, legal and valid, and
the interest thereon having been reg-
ularly paid by the said city during all
the time they have been so outstand-
ing; and
Whereas, It being deemed for the
public interest to refund said bonds;
Whereas, The city has full power
and authority under the laws of said
State of Iowa to issue bonds and
hereinafter provided to refund the
said outstanding bonds so due, now
Be it resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec-
tion 1. That there are hereby au-
thorized and directed to be issued by
and in behalf of said City of Dubuque
its refunding bonds according to and
of the form hereinafter contained to
the amount of two hundred and forty
thousand dollars under date of Feb-
- nary lst, 1917, in denominations of
one thousand dollars each, payable
twenty years from date bearing in-
terest at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi - annually on the
first day of August and February,
during said term, to be evidenced by
interest coupons attached to said
bonds. Both interest and principle of
said bonds to be made payable in
lawful money of the United States of
America at the Continental and Com-
mercial National Bank of Chicago,
Illinois. The said bonds shall be sign-
ed by the mayor and attested by the
recorder of the said city under its
corporate seal, and the interest cou-
pons thereto attached shall be signed
by the mayor and attested by the re-
corder of said city; with the seal of
the city affixed, and said bonds being
numbered from one to two hundred
and forty, both inclusive, and said
interest coupons being numbered from
one to forty, both. inclusive.
Section 2. That said bond shall be
substantially in the following form,
subject to the necessary changes as
to the numbers, maturity of coupone
and other necessary variations there-
No. $1,000.00.
The City of Dubuque, in the state
of Iowa, for valuation received,
promises to pay to the bearer One
Thousand Dollars, of lawful money of
the United States of America, on Feb-
ruary 1st, A. D. 1937, with interest
on said sum from the date hereof un-
til paid at the rate of four per cent
per annum, payable semi - annually,
on the first day of August, and Feb-
ruary, of each year on presentation
and surrender of the interest coupon
hereto attached; both principle and
interest payable at the Continental
and Commercial National Bank of
Chicago, Illinois.
This bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 905 to 911, inclu-
sive, of Chapter XII Title V of the
Code of Iowa, and in conformity to a
resolution of the council of said city,
duly passed, a true and complete copy
of which is printed on the back here
of. And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all acts, conditions and
things required by the laws and con-
stitution of the State of Iowa to be
done, precendent to and in the issue
of this bond have been properly
done, happened and been performed
in regular and due form as required
by law, and that the indebtedness of
said city, including this bond, does
not exceed the constitutional or stat-
utory limitations.
In testimony whereof, said City of
Dubuque by its council has caused
this bond to be signed by its mayor
and attested by its recorder, with the
seal of said city attached, this first
day of February, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
No. $
On the first day of February, 1917,
the City of Dubuque promises to pay
the bearer, as provided in the within
bond, the sum of $ in lawful
money of the United States of Amer-
ica, at the Continental and Commer-
cial National Bank of Chicago, Illi-
nois, being six months interest due
that day on its refunding bond, No.
, dated February 1st, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque,
Section 3. That the said Two Hun-
dred and Forty Thousand Dollars of
bonds so to be issued upon being ex-
ecuted by affixing thereto the cor-
porate seal of the City of Dubuque
and being signed by the proper offi-
cers thereof, shall be sold, exchanged
or substituted for the said outstand-
ing four per cent bonds, which so be-
come due on February lst, 1917, but
in no case at less than par value
thereof, nor shall the said bonds au-
thorized by this resolution nor the
proceeds thereof, be used for any
other purpose than for paying, re-
deeming and refunding the said de-
scribed outstanding four per cent
.Section 4. That the said coupons
attached to the said four per cent re-
funding bonds shall be signed by the
fac- simile signature of the mayor of
the City of Dubuque and attested by
the fac - simile signature of the city
recorder of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and that from the said coupons
there may be omitted the placing of
the city seal of the City of Dubuque.
Section 5. The bond herein au-
thorized shall be duly and properly
registered in the office of the city
treasurer of the City of Dubuque,
Adopted December 29th, 1916.
Approved December 29th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
A resolution directing the city
treasurer of the City of Dubuque to
sell four per cent refunding bonds.
Whereas, The city council of the
City of Dubuque, deeming it neces-
sary and for the public good to re-
fund the outstanding indebtedness of
the City of Dubuque in the sum of
Two Hundred and Forty Thousand
Dollars by the issuance of its refund-
ing bonds; and
Whereas, Bids have been asked and
received for the sale of said bonds at
four per cent interest, payable semi-
annually; and
Whereas, A. B. Leach & Co. and
Special Session, Dec. 15, 1916.
Wm. R. Compton & Co., jointly, of
Chicago, Illinois, has submitted its
bid to buy said bonds at par, allow-
ing a premium to the City of Du-
buque in the suns of $450.00 and will
furnish blank bonds ready for signa-
ture without charge for legal and
other expenses; and
Whereas, Said bid is the highest
bid offered for said bond issue; now
Be it resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
treasurer be and he is hereby author-
ized and directed to sell said bonds at
par to A. B. Leach & Co. and Wm. R.
Compton & Co., jointly, of Chicago,
Illinois, they being the highest bid-
der, said bonds to be in the denomi-
nation of one thousand dollars each,
bearing interest at the rate of four
pe cent per annum, payable semi -an-
nually, said bonds to be payable at
the Continental and Commercial Na-
tional Bank of Chicago, Illinois, in
accordance with the hid and proposal
offered by said bidder, which bid and
proposal are hereby made a part of
this resolution.
Adopted December 1501, 1916.
Approved December 16th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
A.ld. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays- -None.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
, 1917.
City Recorder.
5 10 Special Session, Dec. 19, 1916. Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
Special Session, December 19, 1916.
Council met at 9:55 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present Aldermen Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on the report of the Committee
of the Whole and any other business
that might properly come before a
regular meeting of the City Council.
Your Committee of the Whole, to -
whoni was referred the petition of C.
H. Berg, Trustee in Bankruptcy, rel-
ative to an old special assessment
against Lots 1, 2,49 and 50, Wood -
lawn Park Addition, would respect-
ively recommend that the prayer of
his petition be granted.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Aid. Wallis moved the adoption of
the report of the Committee of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas Aids. Callahan, Leist, Mc-
Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays —Ald. Frith.
Alcl. 1\IcLaughlin moved to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1917.
City Recorder.
(Official.) .
Regular Session, December 21, _916
Council met at 8:50 P. M.
1\Iayor Saul in the chair.
Present -- Aldermen Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
On motion of Ald, McLaughlin the
Council Proceedings for the month of
October, 1916 were approved.
C. B. McNamara & Co., 5%
retained sewer in Washing-
ton street, 22nd. Street to
24th Street
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
G. F. Kleih & Son, expense.._.
Peter B. Hoffinian, expense ____
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
Dubuque County Recorder, ex-
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
expense ..__ ...
F. Schloz & Son, expense
Martin- Strelau Co., expense....
Klauer & Kress, expense _.
W. Grode, expense
H. B. McCarten, expense
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.,
F. M. VanValkenberg & Co.,
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co.,
Pauly Printing Co.. expense....
Gonner Bros., expense,
Union Printing Co., expense....
Times - Journal, expense
C. L. Dambacher, expense
M E. Byrne, expense
James Beach & Sons, expense
John L. Kies, expense
Pier Bros., expense
Pier Bros., expense
Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense
F. Beutin, expense
Demkier Bros., expense
F. G. Becker, expense
Guaranteed Tire Service Co.,
Reliance Chemical Co., ex-
H. F. Krueger, expense
Dubuque Paper Co., expense
Homan Furniture Co., expense
Homan Furniture Co., police.___
Burrough Adding Machine Co.
expense 8
Conlin & Kearns, expense 14
N. J. Kons, police 130
Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
Co., police 5
Peter Even & Son, police 13
Eichhorn & Bechtel., police.... 3
W. B. Baumgartner, police ._._ 14
$ 37.56
39 r 5
29 65
4 00
1 50
1 50
1 75
Iowa Oil Co., police 19 07
Iowa Oil Co., police 6 61
Key City Gas Co., police 3 40
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., police 4 28
G. F. Kleih & Son, police 3 75
J. W. Geillis, police 2 00
Cole & Elcar Service Co ,
police 32 60
Rellihan & Mullen, police 3 40
C. J. McCarthy, police 2 58
Dubuque Electric o., police____ 2 58
John Jehring, police 1 40
Dubuque Electric Co., fire _... 20 80
Deyoe- Avenarius, the 14 96
Tri State Auto Co., fire 12 03
J. F. Ris & Bros., fire 1 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 5 00
Key City Gas Co., fire 23 75
Dubupue Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 18 00
John Newmann & Son, fire .._ 40
G. A. Grimm, fire 23 52
Ellwanger 'Bros.. fire 9 30
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 5 00
National Refining Co., fire . 18 50
J. F. Ris & Bros., fire 18 50
Cole & Elcar Service Co., fire 2 45
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 5 00
M. P. Hogan, fire • 3 30
G. W. Healey & Son, fire 16 30
Klauer & Kress, fire 1 00
G. F Kleih & Son, fire 30
Keller Electric Co., fire.... 27
Hawkeye Battery Co., fire 22 80
Hammel, Henkel' Co., fire 4 00
Murphy Insurance Agency,
fire SO 00
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 20
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co, fire 50
F. G. Becker, fire 37 24
J. J. Fettgather, fire 11 30
T. Kane, fire 190 10
J. T. Hancock Co., fire 4 00
W. S. Nott Co., fire 12 00
F. C. Ris, fire 12 10
Wunderl]ch & Wiederholt, fire 20 70
E. P. Smith Electric Co., fire.. 1 50
Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner,
fire 12 00
Iowa Oil Co., fire 17 50
W. .D. Deckert & Co., fire 21 35
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., sewer 3 40
Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 5 00
F. Schloz & Son, sewer 8 75
Ellwanger Bros., sewer 50
G. F. Kleih & Son, sewer 52 80
Hoerman Press, health 14 00
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co ,
health 20
Kassler Motor Co., health 1 83
Kassler Auto Co., health 40
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co ,
health 2 15
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co ,
health 1 35
G. F. Kleih & Son, health 30
512 Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
Upton Laundry, health 9
Hawkeye Battery Co., health__ 1
John Dehing, health 52
Jas. Levi Co., health 2
Times - Journal, printing 193
Times - Journal, printing 31
Telegraph - Herald, printing._ 74
Telegragh- Herald printing 15
Labor Leader, printing 12
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 1
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 89
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 162
Union Electric Co., lighting._._3313
Midland Chemical Co., ex-
pense and fire 26 76
Trenk 1 Vire Works, police and
expense 11 30
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 4 25
Key City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 97 90
Iowa Telephone Co., police,
fire and expense 42 67
Ed. Ruff, inspector 26 00
John Bohn, inspector 8 00
Matt. Ackerer, inspector 4 00
C. B. McNamara & Co ,
grading Pickett Street 30 00
Nic. Staner, grading Heeb
Street 150 00
Nic. Staner, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on West Third
Street 42 11
Nic. Staner, improving North
Main Street 4367 85
T. H. Clark, fire and health___ 31 35
Kassler Motor Co., fire and
health 9 59
Efficiency Oil Co., health and
expense 6 40
T. H. Clark, fire and health_ 4 25
Overland - Dubuque Co., police
and health 43 15
F. Schloz & Son, roads 5 15
Key City Roofing Co., Second
and Third roads • 4 45
Mettel Bros., Third and
Fourth roads, sewer 9 55
Molo Sand & Gravel Co., Sec-
ond road 75
Iowa Dairy Co., Fifth road 1 50
Watkins Sign System, Fourth
road 75
John Lies, roads 3 15
A. Tredway & Son, roads 3 35
Ellwanger Bros., roads 3 25
Klauer & Kress, roads 3 00
Leader Oil Co., roads 22 90
G. F. Kleih & Son, roads 7 35
Key City Iron Works, roads 7 45
Leader Oil Co., roads 8 00
Leader Oil Co., roads 8 80
Leader Oil Co., roads 4 80
Midland Chemical Co., roads 40 09
G. L. Kormann, roads 31 76
Schroeder & Kleine Grocer
Co., roads and sidewalks 7 15
G. F. Kleih & Son, sidewalk 2 75
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co ,
sidewalks and fire 45 16
Jas. Levi Co., health 21 96
E. T. Frith, health 818 74
On motion of Ald. Strobel all bills
properly O. K. were ordered paid.
Petition of Phil Schwinn, receiver,
Smedley Steam Pump Co., by Frantz -
en & Bonson, his attorneys, asking the
City Council to reconsider their ac-
tion in receiving and filing his former
petition, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Frith the petition was re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Joseph L. Hird and
Bertha Hird, by Frantzen & Bonson,
their attorneys, protesting against the
paying of any further assessment for
the improvement of Delhi Street, lev-
ied against Lots 2, 3 and 4, of Sub. of
Mineral Lot 170, and stating that
they will hold the City liable for any
and all damages to their property by
reason of said grade established on
Delhi Street, presented and read. On
motion of Ald. Frith the petition was
referred to the Committee of the
Petition of Louis Trexler, offering
,the City the sum of $1.25 in full set-.
tlement of the special assessment lev-
ied against the northerly one -half of
Lot 235, for the improvement of Clay
Street levied in the year 1895, pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Leist the petition was referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Dubuque Biscuit Co., of-
fering the City the sum of $25.00 iZ
full settlement of the special assess-
ment levied in 1907 for the improve-
ment of Ninth Street, presented and
Ald. Strobel moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing Mr.
Thimmesch to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist;
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel„
Nays —None.
Mr. Thimmesch addressed the
Council relative to the petition of the
Dubuque Biscuit Co.
On motion of Ald. Leist the pet'. -
tion was referred to the City Attorney
to report back to the Council.
Petition of E. H. Willging, attorney
for owner, stating that an error was
made in the assessment levied against
Lot 16 in Marsh's Add. for the im-
provement of North Main street, pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Frith, the petition was referred to the
City Engineer to report back to the
Petition of the Board of Directors
of the Dubuque Traveling and Busi-
ness Men's Association, stating their
approval of the proposition for a
municipal dock and asking the City
Council to appropriate a sufficient
sum for the building of same, pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
Leist, the petition was referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
Petition of Mrs. Angelene Schuh,
asking the City Council to reduce the
valuation placed on her property,
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. Frith, the petition was referred
to the City Assessor to report back to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. C. Sullivan, by
Thos. Rafferty, asking the City Coun-
cil to reduce the valuation placed on
Lots 535 and 535A, presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Callahan,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole to view the
Petition of John Steffens, asking
the City Council to reduce the valua-
tion placed on Lot 1 of 239, Davis
Farm Addition, presented and read.
On motion of Ald Frith, the petition
was referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds.
Petition of John R. Waller, tender-
ing the amount prescribed by the
Court of Iowa for the special assess-
ment levied against Lots 27', 28, 29
and 30 in Block 26, presented and
read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the
petition was referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of Margaret Connolly, ask-
ing the City Council to reduce the
valuation placed on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6, Moser's Sub., presented and
read. On notion of Ald. Callahan,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole to view the
groun ds.
Petition of Margaret Connolly, stat-
ing that an error has been made in
levying the special assessment against
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Connolly's Sub., for
the improvement of West Locust
Street, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Strobel, the petition was
referred to the City Engineer to re-
port back to the Council.
Petition of Mary L. Waller, tender-
ing the sum of $50.00 in full pay-
ment of the special assessment levied
against Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30 in
Block 26, for the improvement of
Fourth Street Extension, presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Frith,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Petition of John Leidinger, asking
the City Council to pay him the sum
of $50.00 in full settlement of the in-
jury sustained by him by falling on
the sidewalk at 21st Street and Couler
Avenue, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist, the petition was
referred to the City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the
following bills were referred to the
City Auditor: City Water Co. vs. Jas.
F. Lee, water used on Third Street
improvement, $9.76. Water used on
Fourth Street improvement from
Locust Street to Bluff Street, $9.17.
Water used on Fourth Street im-
provement from Main Street to Lo-
cust Street, $9.07. Water used on
Fifth Street improvement from Lo-
cust Street to Bluff Street, $9.57.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Mayor appoint a committee to con-
fer with the Water Company relative
to the water rates and extension of
mains. Carried. Mayor Saul ap-
pointed the entire City Council as the
committee. -
Petition of Jas. F. Lee, asking the
City Council for an extension of time
limit till June 1st, 1917, for the com-
pletion of the improvements of Ar-
lington Street and West Third Street,
presented and read. On motion of
Ald. 'Wallis, the prayer of the peti-
tioner was granted.
Maintenance bonds of Jas. F. Lee,,
each in the sum of $500.00, for the
improvement of Sixth Street and Sev-
enth Street between Locust and Bluff
Streets, presented and read. On no-
tion of Ald. 'Wallis, the bonds were
referred to the City Attorney.
Petition of C. B. McNamara & Co.,
asking the City Council for an exten-
sion of time limit -till August, 1917,
for the completion of the improve-
ment of Kaufman Avenue and till
June, 1917, for the completion of the
improvement of Clay Street, present-
ed and read. On motion of Ald.
Leist, the prayer of the petitioners
was granted.
Notice of claim of Errdvine Hoag
in the sum of $100.00 for damages to
her horse by falling on alley grate in
the alley between Alpine Street and
Nevada Street, presented and read.
On motion of Ald. Leist, the notice
was referred to the City Attorney.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
several road districts during the first
half of Docember, 1916:
Amount due laborers $652.64
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on roads leading into the county: '
Fifth Ward County Road
Fund, amount due laborers $270.84
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith, the pay
rolls were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay various amounts
and report referred back to commit-
tee on streets.
Also submit the pay rolls for labor
on sewers during the first half of
December, 1916:
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $268.60
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. 'Plamondon, the
pay roll was .received and warrants
5 14 Regular Session, Dec. 21, 19
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and report referred back to
committee on sewers.
Chief of Police Giellis reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen : I herewith- submit my
pay roll for the police department for
the first half of December, 1 916:
Amount due policemen $1492.65
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of A1c1. Callahan the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn -to pay the various
amounts and the report referred Lack
to the police committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for the fire department for
the first half of December, 19916:
Amount due firemen $2066.00
Respectfully submitted,
. On motion of Alderman Leist the
pay roll was received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amount and the report referred back
to the fire committee,
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 21, 1916.
To .the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I beg leave to report
on the petition of Bridget Casey in
reference to certain special assess-
ments against Lot 9 in O'Neill's Add.,
No. 2, which petition was referred to
me; I find that the amounts and dates
enumerated in said petition are in
accord with the records
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Treasurer was referred to
the City Attorney to report back to
the Council.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 21, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I beg leave to report
on the petition of Nic Bohlen, which
was referred to me, On February 14,
1916, Mr. Bohler paid his 1915 taxes
in full as assessed on the tax list, On
may 18th, 1916, your honorable body
instructed me to accept taxes on Mr.
Bohler's property at a reduction of
$250.00 valuation on buildings,
amounting in taxes to $3.50, As Mr.
Bohler had previously paid his taxes
and same had been credited he is
entitled to a refund of $3.50 and I
would recommend that a warrant in
the sum of $3.50 be drawn in his
Respectfully submitted,
City Treasurer.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of the City Treasurer was ap-
proved and a warrant in the sum of
$3.50 ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in favor of Mr. Bohlen.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: In the case of Hannah
Mihm, vs. City of Dubuque, law No.
18660, for $25,000.00, I beg to advise
that I have arranged for a settlement
in this matter for the sum of two
hundred ($200) dollars. One hundred
($100) dollars of which has been paid
by the Iowa Dairy company.
I attach hereto release properly
signed by said Hannah Mihm. I
therefore recommend to your Honor-
able body that a warrant for One
Hundred ($100) dollars be drawn in
favor of H. F. McCabe, as full settle-
ment of said case.
Respectfully Submitted,
Assistant City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Ctrobel the re-.
port of Asst. City Attorney Cooney
was approved and a warrant in the
sum of $100.00 was ordered drawn on
the City Treasurer in favor of H. F.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 21st, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Would respectfully rec-
ommend that Veronica Jacquinot be
granted the reduction of 90c on
special assessment levied for the con-
struction of cement sidewalk in front
of N. 23% feet less 1% feet of Lot
4 of Sub. City Lots 438 and 439 and
part of 676. Nine inches hase been
sold off this lot and he should not
have been assessed for this distance.
Respectfully yours,
City T +i ngineer.
On motion of Ald Frith, the report
of the City, Engineer was approved
and the City Treasurer instructed ac-
On motion of Ald. Frith, the report
of City Mreighmaster Hay in the sum
of $2.74 was received and filed.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 21th, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
following men for Deputies in the
City Assessor's office for the next two
years, Harry J. Gleason and Harry
McCarthy. Hoping that these men
meet your favorable consideration, I
ant Yours respectfully,
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. Strobel, the rec-
ommendation of City Assessor Heller
was approved.
WHEREAS, a contract has hereto-
fore been entered into by and be-
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 19
tween the City of Dubuque and C. B.
McNamara & Co. for the improve-
ment of Fourth Street Extension; and
WHEREAS, said work has been
completed and accepted by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque; and
WHEREAS, special assessments
have been levied against the proper-
ty legally subject to assessment to
pay for said improvement; and
WHEREAS, bonds have been is-
sued in contemplation of the pay-
ment of said special assessment and
the funds received from the sale of
said bonds are to be used to pay the
contractor; and
WHEREAS, there still remains un-
sold bonds approximating Five Thou-
sand ($5000.00) dollars and the City
Treasurer is experiencing difficulty in
selling such remaining bonds and
thereby the contractor has not been
paid for his work performed to the
extent of the amount of the bonds
remaining' unsold; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable
by the City Council of the City of
Dubuque that said bonds be sold im-
mediately and the contractor paid;
CITY OF DUBUQUE, That, in order
to facilitate the sale of the bonds re-
maining unsold which were issued to
pay for the improving of Fourth
Street Extension, the City of Du-
buque, by its Council, does hereby ir-
revocably guarantee the payment of
bonds which are now in the hands of
the City Treasurer remaining unsold
to any person or persons who will
buy the whole amount of said bonds
at this time unsold, and said City of
Dubuque does hereby agree and
pledge itself to redeem said bonds
when they become due in the event
that not sufficient' money has been
collected from and paid by such per-
sons who have been assessed for the
payment of said improvement, it be-
ing understood that the fact that the
person who buys the bonds now re-
maining unsold, buys all of them
without delay, shall be deemed a suf-
ficient consideration to bind the City
of Dubuque to the pledge hereby
Said bonds being numbered from
4580 to 4625, inclusive.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays- -None.
Ald. Strobel moved that the city re-
corder be instructed to advertise for
the furnishing of new counters in the
offices of the city treasurer, city aud-
itor and city recorder, each hid to he
accompanied with a set of plans and
specifications of the counters that the
bidder proposes to furnish. Carried.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Fischer asking for a reduction
in the special assessment levied
against her property for the improve-
ment of the intersection of Rhom-
berg avenue and the alley running
from Rhomberg avenue to Lincoln
avenue would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
- J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the North Main St. property owners
remonstrating against the assessment
levied for the improvement of said
street would respectfully recommend
that said petition he received and
J. H. \ WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bills of Jas.
Lee for interest on the 5 per cent re-
tained on 2nd, 6th, 7th, Hill street,
West Third street and Prairie street
would respectfully recommend that
said bills be received and filed.
J. H. - WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the bill of the
Ivey City Iron Works for constructing
an iron railing in the fourth ward
would respectfully recommend that
said bill be paid and a warrant be
-drawn covering the same.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole would
respectfully recommend that N. J.
Staner be instructed to put up a bond
for the maintenance of the curbing
of Park avenue for one year and he
be paid for said work when said bond
is approved of.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Germania Stock Co. asking that
the Germania Hall be exempt from
dance license would respectfully rec-
ommend that said petition be receiv-
ed and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the remonstrance
against the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Park avenue also the remon-
strance against the improving of West
Locust street would respectfully rec-
ommend that they be received and
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of B.
F. Blocklinger asking that an outlaw-
ed special assessment against his
property be cancelled would respect-
fully recommend that said petition be
referred to the city attorney to inves-
tigate and report to the council.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Wm. Palmer Est. asking that the city
accept $20.00 as payment in full of
an outlawed assessment against the
property would respectfully recom-
mend that said petition be referred to
the city attorney to investigate and if
found to be correct that the city ac-
cept the $20.00 offered.
J. H. \ WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
Abe Pochter asking that the city re-
fund his ice cream license fee of $5.00
because of an accident which clisabl-
ed him in such a way that he was not
able to work but one day of the three
months would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of his petition
be granted and a warrant be drawn
covering the same.
J. H. WAI.LIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Altar Co. asking that
the city accept their taxes on a valu-
ation of $9,200.00 as payment in full
of their taxes for the years 1911, 1912,
1913, 1914 and 1915, would respect-
fully recommend that said petition
be received and filed.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
Your committee of the whole to
whom was referred the quit claim
deed of Wm. Slattery and Mrs. Slat-
tery would respectfully recommend
that the same be referred to the city
attorney to report.
J. H. WALLIS, Chairman.
On motion of Ald. Wallis the vari-
ous reports of the committee of the
whole were adopted.
Ald.' Frith moved to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing any
one present to address the council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays- -None.
Mr. Capritz addressed the council
relative to the building of a public
clock at Eagle Point.
Ald. Wallis moved that the bids for
the furnishing of a public dock at
Eagle Point be returned to the bid-
ders. Ald. Frith amended Ald. Wal-
lis' motion that the contract for the
furnishing of a public dock at Eagle
Point be awarded to Mr. Porter, he
being the lowest bidder. Carried by
the following vote:.
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Mc-
Laughlin, Strobel.
Nays —Alds. Leist, Plamondon, Wal-
- Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the 'City Couneil
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916.
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Bluff Street and South Bluff
Street, from the north property line
of Third Street to the south property
line of Dodge Street, and it is hereby
Proposed to grade, curb with new
stone curb where necessary, curb with
new cement curb where necessary, re-
set old stone curb where necessary,
gutter with an 13 -inch cement gutter
and to pave with asphaltic concrete
on a concrete foundation, or to pave
with sheet asphalt on a concrete foun-
dation, or to pave with bitulithic
pavement on a concrete foundation,
and to assess the cost of said curbing,
resetting curbing, guttering and pav-
ing against the property legally sub-
ject to assessment.
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent to the
proposed Bluff street and South Bluff
street, from the north property line of
Third street to the noth property ine
of Dodge street, and the kind or
kinds of material or materials to
be used, and an estimate of the entice
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and
cost thereof to be paid by the city, if
any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to such improvement as
contemplated by , Chapter 76 of the
Laws of the Thirty -fifth General As-
sembly of the State of Iowa and acts
amended thereby, and to file such plat,
and estimate in the office of the City
Recorder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the
City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city, a notice stating
that such plat and estimates are on
file, the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind or kinds of
material or material s to be
used, and an estimate of its
cost, and the time before which ob-
jections thereto can be filed, and the
time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice,
and after such publication shall have
been made, the City Recorder shall, at
the next regular session of the City
, Council, notify the Council thereof in
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop •
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Alderman Plamondon offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Counc
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Jones Street, from the east-
erly rail of the Illinois Central Rail-
road Company's tracks, first west of
Warren Street, to eighty -five feet east
of the east property line of the Du-
buque Harbor Company's Addition,
and it is hereby proposed to grade,
curb with new stone curb where nec-
essary and to reset old stone curb
where necessary, and to pave said
portion of said street with brick block
on a concrete foundation, and that
portion of said street lying between
the rails of the Illinois Central Com-
pany's tracks and one foot outside
thereof to be paved with the same
material, the filler used to be as-
phaltic, and to assess the cost of said
grading, curbing, resetting of curb
and paving against the property leg-
ally subject to assessment.
Ald. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
' rallis.
Nays —None.
Alderman Plamondon offered the
following: .
Be it Resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the Location, nature and extent to the
proposed improvement of Jones street
from the easterly rail of the Illinois
Central company's tracks first west
of Warren street to eighty -five feet
east of the east property line of the
Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition
and the kind or kinds of material or
materials to be used, and an estimate
of the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount assessable up-
on any railway or street railway com-
pany, the amount and cost thereof
to be paid by the city, if any, and the
cost thereof and amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land ad-
jacent to such improvement as con-
templated by Chapter 76 of the Laws
of the Thirty -fifth General Assembly
of the State of Iowa and acts amend-
ed thereby, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the city re-
corder; that after the filing of said
Regular Session, Dec. 21, 1916. 517
plat and estimate in his office, the
city recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city, a notice stating
that such plat and estimates are on
file, the location and nature of the
improvement, kind or kinds of mater-
ial or materials to be used, and an
estimate of its cost, and the time be-
fore which objections therto can be
filed, and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall not be less than five
clays after the last publication of such
notice, and after such publication
shall have been made, the city record-
er shall, at the next regular session
of the city council, notify the council
thereof in writing, with a printed
Copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Alcl. Plamondon moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas- -Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Alderman Callahan offered the fol-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the reso-
lution heretofore adopted provided
for the widening of West Third street
and Hill street at the northwest cor-
ner thereof be and they are hereby
Ald. Callahan moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by teh following vote.
Yeas Alds, Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strc bel
Nays —None.
Alderman Callahan offered the fol-
lowing: -
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
widen Hill and west Third street at
the northwest corner thereof, and be
it further resolved that the City Engi-
neer be and he is hereby instructed to
make a plat and survey of such pur-
posed improvements, showing the
land or lots through or over w:dch
the same is purposed to be made, and
file such plat in his office for public
That after such plat is prepared
and filed, said city engineer shall give
the owners of the property through
or over which such improvement is
purposed to be made, notice as pre-
scribed by section 2 of Chapter 31 of
the Ordinances of the City of Du-
Ald. Callahan moved the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas — Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
518 Special Session, Dec. 22, 1916.
Nays —None.
Ald. Callahan moved that the sew-
er inspector be instructed to remove
the snow from the ice harbor for the
purpose of allowing the public to
skate on the same. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Car-
Adopted , 1917.
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
Special session, December 22, 1916.
Council met at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor ,Saul in the chair.
Present Alds. Callahan, Frith,
• Leist, \1cLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of acting
on special assessments and any other
business that might properly come
before a regular meeting of the city
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-.
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving Fourth street
from the west property line of Main
street to the east property line of Lo-
cust street, James F. Lee, contractor.
Also the written remonstrance of
Winall Building Co. owners of prop-
erty occupied by Rider - Wallis Dry
Qoods Co., title 1ie1d in the name of
Frank and Frecl Bell, by R. Musser,
president, and H. B. Spensley. On
motion of Ald. McLaughlin the no-
tice was received and filed and the
remonstrance and special assessment
were referred to the committee of
the whole.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend
the rules for the purpose of allowing
any one present to address the coun-
cil. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Mr. Jas. F. Lee addressed the coun-
cil relative to the i}nprovement of
Fourth street between Main and Lo-
cust streets and Mr. John O'Rourke
addressed the council relative to
changing the name of Eagle Point
park to Shiras park.
Ald. Wallis moved that the city
council be placed on record as being
in favor of changing the name of
Eagle Point park to Shiras park. A1d.
McLaughlin amended Ald. Wallis'
motion to have the park hoard meet
with the city council on the matter
of changing the name of Eagle Point
park to Shiras park. Lost by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Mc-
Nays - -Alds. Leist, Plamondon,
Strobel, Wallis.
Ald. Wallis' motion carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Leist, Mc-
Laughlin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays —Ald. Frith.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment to
pay for improving Fourth street from
the west property line of Locust
street to the east property line of
Bluff street, James F. Le contrac-
or. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin
the notice was received and filed.
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street, by
Jas. F. Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situ-
ate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Owner, Description. Amt.
Ida A. Hunt, City Lot, N. 1 -2
N. 39 ft., Lot 107, asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost $30.67; in-
terest at 6 %, 22c; extra ex-
pense at 2%, G0c $ 31 49
Winifred O'Donnell, City Lot,
S. 1 -2 N. 39 ft., Lot 107,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$37.16; interest at 6%, 27e;
extra expense at 2%, 74c.._. 38 17
Job. Barnes, City Lot, S. 25.6
ft., Lot 107, asphaltic con -
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $60.49; inter-
est at 6 %, 43c; extra ex-
pense at 2 %, $1.21 62 13
Job. Barnes, City Lot, N. 20
ft., Lot 108, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and -
gutter, cost, $66.18; inter-
est at 6 %, 47c; extra ex-
pense at 2%, $1.32 67 97
City of Dubuque, City Lot,
S. 44.6 ft., Lot 108, asphal-
tic concrete paving and
curb and gutter, cost,
$310.55; interest at 6 %,
$2.23; extra expense at 2 %,
$6.21 318 99
Fischer Inv. Co., City Lot
109, asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter, cost, $376.73; interest
at 6 %, $2.70; extra ex-
pense at 2 %, $7:54 386 97
Fischer Inv. Co., City Lot
110, asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter, cost, $128.32; interest
at 6%, 92c; extra expense
at 2%, $2.58 131 82
H. A. Knowlton, City Lot, N
1 -3 Lot 134, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $34.22; inter-
est at 6%, 24c; extra ex-
pense at 2 %, 68c 35 14
Jas. Harragan Est., City Lot,
M. 1 -3 Lot 134, asphaltic
Special Session, Dec. 22 1916. 519
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $42.03;
interest at 6%, 30c; extra
expense at 2 %, 84c 43 17
H. A. Knowlton, City Lot, S
1 -3 Lot 134, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $52.07; inter-
est at 6 %, 37c; extra ex-
pense at 2 %, $1.04 53 48
H. A. Knowlton, City Lot, E
1 -2 Lot 133, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost $188.37; inter-
est at 6%. $1.35; extra ex-
pense at 2 %, $3.78 193 50
Isabelle Knowlton, City Lot,
W. 1 -2 Lot 133, asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $185.37;
interest at 6 %, $1.35; extra
expense at 2 %, $3.78 193 50
Ann Murphy, City Lot, N
21.3 ft., Lot 13'2, asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $195.25;
interest at 6 %, $1.41; extra
expense at 2 %,$3.90 200 56
B. Lagen, City Lot, S. M. 26.6
ft., Lot 132, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $126.78; inter-
est at 6%, 90c; extra ex-
pense at 2 %, $2.53 130 21
John McCabe, City Lot, S.
17.3 ft., Lot 132, asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $54.69; in-
terest at 6%, 40c; extra ex-
pense at 2 %, $1.09 56 18
John McCabe, City Lot, N
7 ft., Lot 131, asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $19.10; in-
terest at 6 %, 14c; extra ex-
pense at 2 %,38c 19 62
Jas. T. Wood, City Lot, N. M
24 ft. N. 31 ft., Lot 131, as-
phaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$53.76; interest at 6 %, 38c;
extra expense at 2 %. $1.08 55 22
Cath. McCann, City Lot, S.
33.6 ft. E. 1 -2 Lot 131,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$27.73; interest at 6 %, 20c;
extra expense at 2 %, 55c.._. 28 48
Cath. McCann, City Lot, S.
M. 16.6 ft. W. 1 -2 Lot 131,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$14.95; interest at 6%, 10c;
extra expense at 2 %, 30c__ 15 35
John H. Meehan, City Lot,
S. 17 ft. W. 1 -2 Lot 131,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$12.77; interest at 6 %, 9c;
extra expense at 2 %, 25c 13 11
Total $2076 06
520 Special Session, Dec. 22, 1916.
973.55 sq. yds. asphaltic con-
crete paving at $1.72 $1674 50
464.7 lin. ft. comb. curb and
gutter at 70c 325 29
40.0 lin. ft. new cement curb
at 51c 20 40
Interest at 6% 14 47
Extra expense 40 40
Total $2075 06
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted— December 22nd, 1916.
Approved— December 23rd, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Aid, McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamonclon, Strobel,
- Wallis.
Nays —None.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by 'the
publishers, of the City Council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving Fifth Street
from the west property line of Locust
Street to the east property line of
Bluff Street, James F. Lee, con-
tractor. On motion of Ald. McLaugh-
lin, the notice was received and filed.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Fifth Street from the west
property line of Locust Street to the
east property line of Bluff Street, by
Jas. F. Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named,
situated and owned, and for the sev-
eral amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Total.
M. and A. Rogers, City Lot,
N. 30 ft. Lot 103, asphalt-
ic concrete paving and
curb and gutter, cost,
$52.38; interest at 6 per
cent, 37c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.05 $ 53 80
Wm. L. Bradley Est., City
Lot, S. 34.6 ft. Lot 103, as-
phaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$83.55; interest at 6 per
cent, 60e; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.67 85 82
\\Tm. L. Bradley Est., City
Lot 104, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $399.08;
interest at 6 per cent,
$2.86; extra expense at 2
per cent, $7.98 409 92
May Delaney, City Lot, W
44 ft. N. 23.1 ft. Lot 105,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$85.09; interest at 6 per
cent, 61c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.70
Mary Cleaves, City Lot, L
70 ft. N. 23.1 ft. Lot 105
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$135.38; interest at 6 per
cent, 98c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $2.71
J. 1I. Green, City Lot, S. 40.8
ft. Lot 105, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $178.62; in-
terest at 6 per cent,
$1.28; extra expense at 2
per cent, $3.58
J. H. Green, City Lot, N. 23.8
ft. Lot 106, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $61.95; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 44c; :ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
Anna Shea, City Lot, S. 40.8
ft. Lot 106, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost $73.99; inter-
est at 6 per cent, 53c; ex-
tra expense at 2 per cent,
A. A. Cooper (Inc.), City
Lot' 138, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter, cost, $135.93; in-
terest at 6 per cent, 98c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $2.72
L. A. Walch, City Lot 137,
asphaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter, cost,
$399.03; interest. at 6 per
cent., $2.86; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $7.98
J. H. Thedinger Est., City
Lot 136, asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter, cost, $399.08; interest
at 6 per cent, $2.86; extra
expense at 2 per cent,
A. C. Kleine, City Lot, N. 1 /z
Lot 135, asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $79.32;
interest at 6 per cent,
57c; extra expense at 2
per cent, $1.58
Francis Kirk, Jr., City Lot,
S. 1 / 2 Lot 135, asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter, cost, $56.62;
interest at 6 per cent, 40c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $1.13
gutter at $1.30 130 52
368.0 lin. ft. new cement
curb at 42c 154 56
Interest at 6 per cent 15 34
87 40 Extra expense 42 80
139 07
183 48
63 63
76 00
139 63
409 92
409 92
81 47
58 15
Total $2198 21
1124.24 sq. yds. asphaltic
concrete paving at $1.65 $1854 99
100.4 sq. yds. plain cement
$2198 21
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits con-
Adopted December 22nd, 1916.
Approved December 23rd, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Alderman Wallis offered the follow-
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the paving of Fourth street from
Locust street to Bluff street, herein-
after described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
.,nat the cost and expense of said im
provement amount to $2,075.06.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the •.ost of im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street, the
Mayor be and he is hereby required to
execute and deliver to the City Re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, eight bonds for two
hundred and fifty dollars each and
one for seventy -five and 60 -100 dol-
lars, numbered 4775 to 4783 inclusive
dated January 22nd, 1917, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof, and hearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi - annually
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays None.
Alderman Wallis offered the follow-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Fifth street
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense 'of
said improvement amount to $2,198.21
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
that to provide for the cost of im-
proving Fifth street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
Special Session, Dec. 22, 1916. 521
east property line of Bluff street, the
Mayor be and he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the City Re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, eight bonds for Two
Hundred and Fifty dollars each and
one for One Hundred and ninety - eight
and 21 -100 dollars, numbered 4784 to
4792 inclusive, dated January 22nd,
1917, payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent. per annum, payable semi -an-
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution,
Carried by the following vote.
Yeas —A1ds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The land value on Lot
1 of 16 Kings 1st. Addition owned by
- Winifred Carney was assessed for
1914 and 1915 without deducting the
1O% on land allowed by the Council.
The revised valuation should be
$6,420.00 instead of $7,130.00 land
value. I therefore petition your
honorable body to instruct the City
Treasurer to have this amended on his
City Assessor.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of the City Assessor was ap-
proved and the City Treasurer ins-
tructed accordingly.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I return :herewith the
petition of the Dubuque Biscuit com-
pany, asking that the City accept the
suns of Twenty -five ($25) dollars, for
the special assessment, for the Mt-
provement of 9th street, levied against
City Lot 379.
I beg to advise that said Special
Assessment has became outlawed and
uncollectible. I therefore recommend
to your Honorable Body that you ac-
cept the amount offered as payment
in full for said assessment.
Respectfully submitted,
Assistant City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Strobel the re-
port of Ass't. City Attorney Cooney
was approved and the City Treasurer
instructed accordingly,
Maintenance Bonds of James F. Lee
for the following improvements,
Fourth street from Locust to Bluff
Streets, Second Street from Locust to
Bluff streets, West Third street from
Burch to Alpine streets, Fifth street
from Locust to Bluff streets, Fourth
street from Main to Locust streets,
522 Special Session, Dec. 26, 1916.
Third street from Locust to Bluff
streets, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Frith the bonds were re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that the
Committee of the Whole view the
grounds on the improvement of
Fourth street from Main street to
Locust street and the improvement of
Pickett street Tuesday, December 26,
1916, at 2:00 p. m. Carried.
Ald. Callahan moved that the pur-
chasing of shock absorbers for the City
Ambulance be left in the hands of the
Board of Health with power. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to take
from the Committee of the Whole the
petition of R. W. Kent ler relative to
canceling the special assessment
levied against Lot 8 Martin's Dubuque
for the construction of a permanent
sidewalk. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved to defer
action on the petition of R. W. Kem-
ler till a later date. .Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1917
City Recorder.
Special Session, December 2Gth, 1916.
Council met at 8:20 p. m.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present — Aldermen Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel and
Absent — Alderman Callahan.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of act-
ing on special assessments and any
other business that might properly
come before a regular meeting of the
City Council.
Communication of R. Musser, pres-
ident Winall Building Company, wish-
ing to withdraw his remonstrance
against the improvement of Fourth •
Street from Main Street to Locust
Street, presented and read. On mo-
tion of Ald. Leist, the communication
was made a matter of record.
Petition of Dubuque Team Owners'
Association, asking the City Council
to discontinue the practice • of oiling
streets with a heavy grade, presented
and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis,
the petition was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Notice of claim of Sarah Cole in
the sum of $10,000.00 for injuries
sustained in falling on sidewalk on
the northerly side of Julien avenue at
the intersection of Rock street pre-
sented and read. On motion of Ald.
McLaughlin the - notice was referred
to the city attorney.
Dec. 26, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and Mem-
bers of the City Council.
Gentlemen: Have investigated at-
tached petition of E. 11. Willging rela-
tive to assessment against lot 16,
Marsh's Add. for improving N. Main
street and find that this lot was fig-
ured at too large an area due to mis-
take in plats. The assessment on this
lot should be $67.67 instead of $95.33
and would respectfully recommend
the city treasurer be instructed to
make this change.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the
report of the city engineer was ap-
proved and the city treasurer in-
structed accordingly.
City Recorder Shea presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publisher's, of the City Council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
to pay for improving Third street
from the west property line of Lucust
street to the east property line of
Bluff street, James F. Lee, contractor.
On motion of Ald, Wallis the notice
was received and filed.
Special Session, Dec. 26, 1916.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Third street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street by
Jas. F, Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situate
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Dinah W. Bennett, city lot
111, Asphalt concrete pay-
' ing and curbing cost, $143.-
79; interest at o %, $1.03;
extra expense at 2 %,
$2.88; $ 147 70
Ryder Bros., city lot N. 1 -3,
lot 112; asphalt eoncrete
paving and curbing cost,
$82.87; interest at 6%,
59c; extra expense at 2 %,
$1.66; 85 12
Michael Powers, city lot S.
21.8 ft., S 2 -3, lot 112,
asphaltic concrete paving
and crubing cost, $218.80;
interest at 6%, $1.57; ex-
tra expense at 2%, $4.37;-.
Ellen B. • Wood, City Lot, N.
21.1 ft. S. 2 -3 lot 112;
asphaltic concrete paving
and curbing cost, $120.49;
interest at 6 per cent, 85c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $2.40; total 123 74
Stewart and Powers, City lot
lot 113; asphaltic concrete
paving and curbing cost.
$422.17; interest at 6 per
cent, $3.03; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $8.44; total 433 64
Pat. Enright, City Lot, lot
114; asphaltic concrete
paving and curbing cost,
$143.79; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.03; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $2.88; total 147 70
Jas. J. Connors, City Lot,
lot 127; asphaltic concrete
paving and curbing cost,
$143.79; interest at 6 per
cent, $1.03; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $2.88; total 147 70
S. P. Rider, City Lot, lot 128;
asphaltic concrete paving
and curbing cost, $422.17;
interest at 6 per cent,
$3.03; extra expense at 2
per cent, $8.44;,,total 433 64
Anna Gilden, City lot, lot 129;
asphaltic concrete paving
and curbing cost, $422.17;
interest at 6 per cent,
$3.03; extra expense at 2
per cent, $8.44; total 433 64
J. F. Jess, et al, City Lot,
lot 130; asphaltic concrete
paving and curbing cost,
$143.79; interest at 6 per
224 74
cent, $1.03; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $2.8S; total 147 70,
Total $2325 32
1223.24 sq. yds. asphaltic
concrete paving at $1.69 $2067 27
504 lin. ft. new cement curb
at 39c 196 56
Interest at 6 per cent 16 22
Extra expense 45 27
Total _ $2325 32
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted December 26, 1916.
Approved December 27, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - -Alds. Frith, Leist, - McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Callahan.
Ald. Frith moved to take from the
Committee of the \Vhole the special
assessment for the improvement of
Fourth Street, from the west proper-
ty line of Main Street to the east
property line of Locust Street, and al-
so the written remonstrance of R.
Musser, Pres., 'Winall Building Com-
pany, and H. B. Spensley against
said improvement and act on them in
the Council meeting.. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved to receive and
tile the written remonstrance of R.
Musser, president, lVinall Building
Company, and 11. B. Spensley,
against the improvement of Fourth
street from the west property line of
Main street to the east property line
of Locust street. Carried.
Resolved by the city council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property dine of Main street to the
east property line of Locust street, by
Jas. F. Lee, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the sever-
al lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate, hereinafter named, sit-
uate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
Bosseman and Ives, City Lot,
N. 1 -3 lot 67; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $32.82;
interest at 6 per cent,
23c; extra expense at 2 per
cent, 66c; total $ 33 71
J. J. Nagle, City Lot, S. 2 -3
lot 67; asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter cost, $97.16; interest
at 6 per cent, 70c; extra
524 Special Session, Dec. 26, 1916.
expense at 2 per cent,
$1.94; total
J. J. Nagle, City Lot, N. 11
in. lot 68; asphaltic con-
crete paving and curb and
gutter cost, $2 90; interest
at 6 per cent, 3c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, 6c;
Jake Rosenthal, City Lot, S.
63.1 ft. lot 68; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $375.72; in-.
terest at 6 per cent, $2.72;
extra expense at 2 per cent,
$7.57; total
Wm. Lawther, Sr., City Lot,
N. 44 ft. lot 69; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $314.59;
interest at 6 per cent,
$2.25; extra expense at 2
per cent, $6.29; total
John J. McDonald, City Lot,
S. 20.6 ft. lot 69; asphal-
tic concrete paving and
curb and gutter cost,
$67.03; interest at 6 per
cent, 49c; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $1.34; total
John J. McDonald, City Lot,
N. 28.3 ft. lot 70; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $63.28;
interest at 6 per cent, 46c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $1.26' total
Samuel Kopald, City Lot, S.
20 ft. lot 70; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $42.46;
interest at 6 per cent,
30c; extra expense at 2 per
cent, 86c; total
Jas. F. Crider, City Lot, lot
70a; asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter cost, $24.25; interest
at .6 per cent, 17c; extra
expense at 2 per cent, 48c;
Besseman and Ives, City Lot,
S. 28.6 ft. lot 91; asphal-
tic concrete paving and
curb and gutter cost,
$48.17; interest at 6 per
cent, 34c; extra expense at
2 per cent, 96c; total
Frank Bell, Und. 1 -2 City
Lot, N. 35 ft. lot 91; Fred
Bell, Und. 1 -2 City Lot,
lot 91; asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-
ter cost, $81.82; interest
at 6 per cent, 58c; extra
expense at 2 per cent,
$1.64; total
Frank Dell, Und. 1 -2 City
Lot, lot 92; Fred Bell, Und.
1 -2 City Lot, lot 92; as-
phaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter cost,
99 80
2 99
389 01
323 13
68 86
65 00
43 62
24 90
49 47
84 04
$381.62; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.73; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $7.63; total 391 98
B. Lagen, City Lot, lot 93;
asphaltic concrete paving
and ciirb and gutter cost,
3381.62; interest at 6 per
cent, $2.73; extra expense
at 2 per cent, $7.63; total.. 391
B. Lagen, City Lot, S. 2.4 ft.
lot 94; asphaltic concrete
paving and curb and gut-.
ter cost, $5.63; interest at
6 per cent, 4c; extra ex-
pense at 2 per cent, 12c;
Mich. T. Ryan, City Lot, S.
1 -2 N. 62.2 ft. lot 94; as-
phaltic concrete paving
and curb and gutter cost,
$72.26; interest at 6 per
cent, 52c; extra expense at
2 per cent, $1.44; total .... 74 22
Thos. Dolan, City Lot, N. 1 -2
N. 62.2 ft. lot 94; asphaltic
concrete paving and curb
and gutter cost, $52.09;
interest at 6 per cent, 37c;
extra expense at 2 per
cent, $1.04; total
5 79
53 50
Total $'2102 00
1120.33 sq. yds. asphaltic
concrete paving at $1.65....$1848 54
100.22 sq. yds. plain cement
gutter at $1.30 130 28
169 lin. ft. new cement curb
at 40c
Interest at 6 per cent
Extra expense
67 GO
14 66
40 92
Total $2102 00
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Adopted December 26, 1916.
Approved December 27, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,.
City Recorder.
Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas— _alds. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, - Wallis.
Nays None.
Absent —Alds. Callahan.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Fourth street
from Main street to Locust street
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the city engineer has com-
puted that the cost and expense of
said improvement amount to $2,102.00
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for- the cost of im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Main street to the
east property line of Locust street, the
mayor be anct he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, eight bonds for Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and
one for One Hundred and Two Dol-
lars, numbered 4803 to 4811 inclusive,
dated January 26th, 1917, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent per annum, pay-
able semi - annually.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays —None.
.Absent Ald. Callahan.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of Third street,
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the city engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to $2,-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
city council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Third street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street, the
mayor be and he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the city re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, nine bonds for Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and
one for Seventy -five and 32 -100 Dol-
lars, numbered 4793 to 4802 inclusive,
dated January 26th, 1917, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof, and hearing' interest at the
rate of five per cent per annum, pay-
able semi - anuually.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Aids. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis. -
Nays — None.
Absent —Ald. Callahan.
Petition of R. W. Kemler asking
the city council to cancel the special
assessment levied against Lot 8 Mar-
tin's Dubuque for the construction of
a permanent sidewalk presented and
read. Ald. McLaughlin moved to
suspend the rules for the purpose of
allowing Mr. Kemler to address the
council. Carried by the following
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Leist, McLaugh-
lin, Plamondon, Strobel, Wallis.
Nays —None.
Absent—Ald. Callahan.
Mr. Kemler addressed the council
relative to his petition. On motion
of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was
Special Session, Dec. 26, 1916.
received and filed.
Ald. Wallis moved that the space
be left blank in the plans and speci-
fications for street improvements rel-
ative to the number of years requir-
ed for maintenance bond. Carried.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that as-
phaltic concrete be not included in
the plans and specifications for street.
improvements. Carried.
Ald. Wallis moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
526 Special Session, Dec. 29, 1916.
Special session, December 29, 1916.
Council met at 10:50 a. in.
Mayor Saul in the chair.
Present —Alds. Callahan, Frith,
Leist, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Stro-
bel, Wallis.
Mayor Saul stated that this meet-
ing is called for the purpose of adopt-
ing resolutions relative to the sale of
twenty -year four per cent refunding
bonds dated January 1st, 1917, and
acting on any other business that
might properly come before a regu-
lar meeting of the city council.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, That - the res-
olutions heretofore adopted providing
for the issuance of twenty year four
per cent refunding bonds in the sum
of One Hundred and Twenty Thou-
sand Dollars, adopted December 15,
1916, be and they are hereby rescind-
ed. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamond on, Strobel,
Nays —None.
A resolution to provide for the is-
suance of refunding bonds on the City
of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of
refunding certain outstanding and
matured bonds.
Whereas, The City of Dubuque,
Iowa, is justly and legally indebted
on its certain valid outstancling bonds
to the amount of one hundred and
twenty thousand dollars which out-
standing bonds were heretofore issued
by the said city under a resolution
duly and legally passed by the city
council thereof in the year 1901, and
which outstanding bonds bear inter-
est at the rate of four per cent per
annum, payable semi - annually, and
become due and payable on the 1st
day of January, A. D., 1917, and said
outstanding bonds have been issued
to refund and pay certain other out-
standing bonds of the said city there-
tofore issued to pay valid indebted-
ness of the said city heretofore con-
tracted and incurred; and
Whereas, The said outstanding
bonds which so become due on Janu-
ary 1st, 1917, are in all respects reg-
ular, legal and valid, and the inter-
est thereon having been regularly
paid by the said city during all the
time they have been so outstanding;
Whereas, It being deemed for the
public interest to refund said bonds;
Whereas, The city has full power
and authority under the laws of said
State of Iowa - to issue bonds and
hereinafter provided to refund the
said outstanding bonds so due, now
Be it resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec-
tion 1. That there are hereby au-
thorized and directed to be issued by
and in behalf of said City of Dubuque
its refunding bonds according to and
of the form hereinafter contained to
the 'amount of one hundred and twen-
ty thousand dollars under date of Jan-
uary 1st, 1917, in denominations of
one thousand dollars each, payable
twenty years from elate bearing in-
terest at the rate of •four per cent per
annum, payable semi- annually on the
first day of July and January,
during said term, to be evidenced by
interest coupons, attached to said
bonds. Both interest and principle of
said bonds to be made payable in
lawful money of the United States of
America at the Continental and Com-
mercial National Bank of Chicago,
Illinois. The said bonds shall be sign-
ed by the mayor and attested by the
recorder of the said city under its
corporate seal, and the interest cou-
pons thereto attached shall be signed
by the mayor and attested by the re-
corder of said city, with the seal of
the city affixed, and said bonds being
numbered from one to one hundred
and twenty, both inclusive, and said
interest coupons being numbered from
one to forty, both, inclusive.
Section 2. That said bond shall be -
substantially in the following form, .
subject to the necessary changes as
to the numbers, maturity of coupons
and other necessary variations there-
No $1,000.00.
The City of Dubuque, in the state
of Iowa, for valuation received,
promises to pay to the bearer One
Thousand Dollars, of lawful money of
the United States of America, on Jan-
uary 1st, A. D. 1937, with interest
on said sum from the date hereof un-
til paid at the rate of four per cent
Per annum, payable semi - annually,
on the first day of July and Janu-
ary of each year on presentation
and surrender of the interest coupon
hereto attached; both principle and
interest payable at the Continental
and Commercial National Bank of
Chiccigo, Illinois.
This bond is issued by the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 905 to 911, inclu-
sive, of Chapter XII Title V of the
Code of Iowa, and in conformity to a
resolution of the council of said city,
duly passed, a true and complete copy
of which is printed on the back here-
of. And it is hereby certified and re-
cited that all acts, conditions and
things required by the laws and con-
stitution of the State of Iowa to be
done, precenclent to and in the issue
of this bond have been properly
done, happened and been performed
in regular and due form as required
by law, and that the indebtedness of
said city, including this bond, does
not exceed the constitutional or stat-
utory limitations.
In testimony whereof, said City of
Dubuque by its council has caused
this bond to be signed by its mayor
and attested by its recorder, with the
seal of said city attached, this first
day of January, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque.
No. $
On the first day of July, 1917, the
City of Dubuque promises to pay to
the bearer, as provided in the within
bond, the sum of $ in lawful
money of the United States of Amer-
ica, at the Continental and Commer-
cial National Bank of Chicago, Illi-
nois, being six months interest due
that day on its refunding bond, No.
, dated January 1st, 1917.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
City Recorder of the City of Dubuque,
Section 3. That the said One Hun-
dred and Twenty Thousand Dollars of
bonds so to be issued upon being ex-
ecuted by affixing thereto the cor-
porate seal of the City of Dubuque
and being signed by the proper offi-
cers thereof, shall be sold, exchanged
or substituted for the said outstand-
ing four per cent bonds, which so be-
come due on January 1st, 1917, but
in no case at less than par value
thereof, nor shall the said bonds au-
thorized by this resolution nor the
proceeds thereof, be used for any
other purpose than for paying, re-
deeming and refunding the said de-
scribed outstanding four per cent
Section 4. That the said coupons
attached to the said four per cent re-
funding bonds shall be signed by the
fac- simile signature of the mayor of
the City of Dubuque and attested by
the fac - simile signature of the city
recorder of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and that from the said coupons
there may be omitted the placing of
the city seal of the City of Dubuque.
Section 5. The bond herein au-
thorized shall be duly and properly
Special Session, Dec. 29, 1916. • 527
registered in the office of the city
treasurer of the City of Dubuque,
Adopted December 29th, 1916.
Approved December 29th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas- -AIds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
Nays —None.
A resolution directing the city
treasurer of the City of Dubuque to
sell four per cent refunding bonds.
Whereas, The city council of the
City of Dubuque, deeming it neces-
sary and for the public good to re-
fund the outstanding indebtedness of
the City of Dubuque in the sum of
One Hundred and Twenty Thousand
Dollars by the issuance of its refund-
ing bonds; and
Whereas, Bids have been asked and
received for the sale of said bonds at
four per cent interest, payable semi-
annually; and
Whereas, A. B. Leach & Co. and
Wm. R. Compton & Co., jointly, of
Chicago, Illinois, has submitted its
bid to buy said bonds at par, allow-
ing a premium to the City of Du-
buque in the sum of $225.00 and will
furnish blank bonds ready for signa-
ture without charge for legal and
other expenses; and
Whereas, Said bid is the highest
bid offered for said bond issue; now
Be it resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, that the city
treasurer be and he is hereby author-
ized and directed to sell said bonds at
par to A. B. Leach & Co. and Win. R.
Compton & Co., jointly, of Chicago,
Illinois, they being the highest bid-
der, said bonds to be in the denomi-
nation of one thousand dollars each,
bearing interest at the rate of four
pe cent per annum, payable semi -an-
nually, said bonds to be payable at
the Continental and Commercial Na-
tional Bank of Chicago, Illinois, in
accordance with the bid and proposal
offered by said bidder, which bid and
proposal are hereby made a part of
this resolution.
Adopted December 29th, 1916.
Approved December 29th, 1916.
Attest: J. J. SHEA,
City Recorder.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Frith, Leist,
McLaughlin, Plamondon, Strobel,
528 Special Session, Dec. 29, 1916.
Nays —None.
Ald. Frith moved that the different
railroad companies be notified to
raise and lower both gates on rail-
road crossings at the same time. Car-
ried. •
Ald. 1vIcLaughlin moved that the
matter of installing public comfort
stations in the city of Dubuque be
referred to the appropriation com-
mittee. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the city car-
penters be instructed to tear down
the weighing shed located on the
south side of the city hall building
and that the city recorder he instruct-
ed to advertise for the sale of the
platform scales used at said weigh-
ing shed at public auction to be held
Saturday, January 6th, 1917, at 10:00
o'clock a. m. Carried.
Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
, 1917.
City Recorder.
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of November, 1916.
Salaries for October, 1916.
James Saul, Mayor $116 65
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 133 30
Otto F. Puls, Deputy 108 33
L. F. Kolfenbach, Clerk 80 00
Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 116 65
Carl O, Weglau, Deputy 88 33
J. J. Shea, Recorder 116 65
Peter Kies, Deputy 93 33
Fred J. Heller, Assessor 125 00
Harry Gleason, Deputy, 100 00
Frank Kenneally, Deputy 100 00
Matthew H. Czizek, Attorney__ 150 00
Matthew Cooney, Asst. Attor-
ney 105 00
Mary Czizek, Stenographer .... 20 00
F. J. McNulty, Engineer 166 65
Albert Eitel, Asst. Engineer 80 00
Walter Cullen, Asst. Engineer 125 00
J. J. Ryan, Rodman 80 00
Jos. Schlueter, Asst. Engineer 95 00
John W. Lawler, Committee
Clerk 100 00
John Mahoney, Street Com-
missioner 40 00
C. J. McCarthy, Market Mas-
ter 65 00
Thos. Hackney, Pound Master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 70 00
Dr. E. L. Reinicke, Health
Officer 50 00
Otto Neumann, Sanitary Offi-
cer 75 00
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and
Milk Inspector 85 00
Ed. Farrel, Ambulance Driver 80 00
Jas. Lynch, Wharf Master .___ 60 00
Louis Plamondon, Alderman
First Ward 25 00
J. J. McLaughlin, Alderman
Second Ward 25 00
Chas. Leist, Alderman Third
Ward 25 00
J. H: Wallis, Alderman
Fourth Ward 25 00
E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth
Ward 25 00
Thos. H. Callahan, Alderman -
at -Large
John E. Strobel, Alderman -at-
Large 25 00
John Giellis, Chief of Police 125 00
Geo. Reynolds, ,.for injuries
received 20 00
Amanda Beyer, compensation
labor law 35 08
Police Payroll Last Half October,
Edward Brunskill $ 34 27
Michael Connolly 34 27
James Corcoran 34 21
John Cody 34 21
List of Warrants. 529
25 00'
Nicholas Campbell
William Carroll
Thomas Cain
Thos. Connolly
Philip Dunphy
Wm. Dolan
Thomas Duggan
Edward Daily
Patrick Fury
John Fox
James Flynn
Michael Fogarty
Theo. Ganahl
Ben Gray
John Kane
John Kilby
John Kopp
Barney Ludescher
Henry Mueller
Hugh Markey
Alfred Noel
John O'Brien
Michael O'Connor
Michael Ryan
Gus Raterman
Thomas Reilly
Joseph Stoltz
Patrick Sullivan
Dennis Sheehan
John Spielman
Thomas Sweeney
Fred Seyler
Fred Spielman
Charles Truher
Frank Williams
Miss B. Brennan
Mrs. K. Hibbe
Edward Aro
Police Pension Fund Retained
Fire Payroll Last Hall October,
J. Reinfried $
D. Ahearn
Win. Hipman
M. Eitel
A. Heer
A. McDonnell
P. Zillig
N. Wagner
T. Kennedy
F. Motch
J. Noonan
L. Wemett
J. Flynn
11. Cain
T. Ryder
Wm. Smith
M. Kelley
F. Murphy
J. Rooney
R. Tierney
J. Walsh
G. Gehrke
J. Keppler
J. Smith
Wm. 11IcClain
L. Benzer
J. Daugherty
H. Woodward
M. Sweeney
J. McGloughlin
J. Benzer
P. Apel
34 24
34 24
34 24
34 24
41 65
36 75
34 16
31 83
41 67
34 27
34 29
31 95
34 24
34 25
34 16
31 83
34 24
34 24
34 30
34 24
31 80
39 13
39 13
18 23
34 29
34 24
34 16
36 69
34 24
34 25
41 73
34 21
36 69
34 27
34 16
34 30
34 30
40 00
31 34
61 75
49 00
49 00
47 05
39 20
43 62
39 20
39 20
39 20
39 20
39 20
33 00
42 15
43 62
43 62
39 20
39 20
39 20
37 26
32 35
37 25
42 15
39 20
43 62
39 20
37 25
39 20
32 35
39 20
39 20
39 20
39 20
A. Brewer 34 30
Wm. Ryan 34 30
M. Leist 32 35
D. Harker 34 30
P. McManus 34 30
Wm. Ducey 42 15
E. McDermott 39 20
F. Kenneally 39 20
T. O'Brien 39 20
R. Weston 42 15
M. Fahey 39 20
R. Kenneally 43 62
J. Allen 39 20
J.. Connelly 39 20
Wm. Meyers 34 30
H. Rawson 34 30
J. Roshin 42 15
- Wm. Kannolt \ 35 71
P. Kirch 39 20
F. Baumgartner 39 20
Pension Fund Retained 40 06
H. Lochner, Sub. 33 00
F. Lonergan, Sub. 33 00
H. Ruh, Sub. 33 00
H. Young, Sub. 12 60
Dubuque, Ia., November 2nd, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
various road districts in the City of
Dubuque for the last half of October,
J. Cahill, 3rd $ 18 88
J. Cahill, S. W. 4 00
T. Cahill, health 28 00
G. Davis, 1 -5 each 15 00
G. Frost, 2nd 32 50
B. Glass, 2nd 17 76
P. Kremar, 2nd 10 88
J. Koch, 1-5 each 11 00
T. Lonergan, 2nd 23 10
C. McDonald, 2nd 25 10
R. McCaffery, 2nd 30 00
S. Oppelt, 1 -5 each 11 00
J. Ryan, 2nd 25 00
N. Spies, 3rd 23 54
G. Schultz, 3rd 18 44
P. Schetgan, 3rcl 32 50
A. Turner, 3rc1 23 10
1V. Williams, 2nd 21 10
F. Ziel, 2nd 13 10
M. Hannon, 2nd 31 90
C. Singrin, 3rd 57 20
/Dubuque, Ia., November 2nd, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for sprinkling and sweeping
in the City of Dubuque for the last
half of October, 1916:
J. McCollins, 2nd $ 10 45
Union Electric Co. 110 65
B. Lagen, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th _ 34 66
C. Van AVie, lst, 2nd 34 65
iDubuque, Ia., November 2nd, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on sewers in the
City of Dubuque for the last half of
October, 1916:
List of Warrants.
E. Schaller $
W. Coughlin
W Hennessey
H. Carney
H. Carney
\V. Burke
J. Tobin
C. Rusch
C. Rusch
T. Bannig
T. ird
T. Hird
S. Eusace
C. Sullivan
Ed. Ruff, inspector $ 22 00
John Bowen, inspector 7 00
Peter WVertin, inspector 18 00
John Kinsella, inspector 9 00
John - Kean, inspector 26 00
Afatt Ackerer, inspector 8 00
E. T. Frith, health 500 00
E. T. Frith, health 318 74
Thos. Lee, improving McEvoy
Place 500 00
Thos. Lee, improving McEvoy
Place 183 13
C. B. McNamara & Co., con-.
structing sanitary sewer in
Windsor avenue from Sut-
ter street 225 feet norther-
ly 172 82
F. AV. Hassett, constructing
sanitary sewer in Atlantic
avenue 500 00
F. W. Hassett, constructing
sanitary sewer in Atlantic
avenue 500 00
F. W. Hassett, constructing
sanitary sewer in Atlantic
• avenue 500 00
F. W. Hassett, constructing
sanitary sewer in Atlantic
avenue 30 12
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. 1Vybrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. 1Vybrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest 168 28
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
miscellaneous 13 71
C. B. McNamara & Co., 2nd
road 161 00
Fire Payroll for First Half of Novem-
ber, 1916.
J. Reinfried $ 62 00
D. Ahearn 50 00
W. Ilipman 50 00
AI. Eitel 47 00
A. Heer 40 00
A. McDonnell 43 00
P. Zillig 40 00
N Wagner 40 00
T. Kennedy 40 00
F. Motsch 40 00
J. Noonan 40 00
I. 11'eunett 32 00
J. Flynn 42 00
H. Cai 43 00
T. Ryder 43 00
- Wm. Smith 40 00
M. Kelley 40 00
F. Murphy 40 00
R. Tierney 32 00
J. Rooney 37 00
J. Walsh 37 00
G. Gehrke 42 00
J. Keppler 40 00
J. Smith 43 00
J. Daugherty 40 00
MT McClain - 40 00
L. Benzer 37 00
H. Woodward 32 00
M. Sweeney 40 00
J. Benzer 40 00
J. McGlou•hlin 40 00
D. Harker 35 00
P. Apel 40 00
1V. Ryan 35 00
E. McDermott 40 00
M. Leist 32 00
P. McManus 35 00
W. Ducey 42 00
F. Kenneally 40 00
T. O'Brien 40 00
A. Brewer 35 00
R. Weston 42 00
M. Fahey 40 00
R. Kenneally 43 00
J. Allen 40 00
J. Connelly 40 00
\\T. Meyers 35 00
H. Rawson 35 00
R. Roshin 42 00
W. Kannolt 40 00
F. Baumgartner 40 00
P. Kirch 40 00
J. Stafford, Sub. 21 65
F. Lonergan 32 00
H. Ruh, Sub. 32 00
H. Lochner 21 65
Police Payroll First Half November,
Edward Brunskill $ 37 35
James Corcoran 35 00
Alichael Connolly 37 35
John Cody 35 00
Nicholas Campbell 37 35
William Carroll 37 35
Thomas Cain 37 35
Thos. Connolly 37 35
Philip Dunphy 42 50
Thomas Duggan 35 00
Edward Daily 34 65
.James Flynn 37 35
Patrick Fury 40 00
John Fox - 37 35
Theo. Ganahl 37 35
Michael Fogarty 37 35
Ben Gray 37 35
John Kane 35 00
J Ko pp 37 35
John Kilby 34 65
Barney Ludescher 37 35
Henry Mueller 35 00
List of Warrants. 531
Hugh Markey 37 35
Alfred Noel 34 65
John O'Brien 42 65
Michael O'Connor 42 65
Michael Ryan 18 65
Gus Iiaterman 37 35
Thos. Reilly 37 35
Joseph Stoltz 35 00
Patrick Sullivan 40, 00
John Spielman 35 00
:Dennis Sheehan, 37 35
Thomas Sweeney 40 00
Fred Seyler 35 00
Fred Spielman 40 00
Frank Williams 35 00
Chas. Truher 37 35
Miss B. Brennan 35 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe 35 00
Ed. Vosberg 37 50
Dubuque, Ia., November 16, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on streets in the
various road districts in the City of
Dubuque for the first half of Novem-
ber, 1916:
J. Cahill, 3rd $ 18 00
T. Cahill, health 26 00
G. Davis, 1 -5 each 7 50
F. Frick, 3rd 4 00
J. Koch, 1 -5 each 6 00
Jno. McLaughlin, 3rd 6 88
S. Oppelt, 1 -5 each 6 00
N. Spies, 3rd 16 88
P. Schetgan, 3rd 32 50
A. Turner, 3rd 15 10
C. Singrin, 3rd 57 20
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for sprinkling and sweeping
in the City of Dubuque for the first
half of November, 1916:
B. Lagen, lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th __$ 12 38
Union Electric Co. 9 88
Dubuque, Ia., November -16, 1916.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque.
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
payroll for labor on sewers in the City
of Dubuque for the first half of No-
vember, 1916:
E. Schaller $ 24 00
W. Coughlin 26 00
H. Carney 26 00
W. Burke 26 00
S. Eustace 8 00
C. Busch 16 00
T. Bannig 26 00
T. Hird 18 00
J. Tobin 6 00
C. Rusch 11 25
C. Sullivan 37 50
Walter Koerner, expense $115 00
Chas. McManus, expense 60 00
C. A. Voelker, expense 22 68
Nic. Staner, grading Heeb
street 150 00
W. E. Gregory, inspector 14 00
John Bohn, inspector 6 00
Ed. Ruff, inspector 22 00
John Kinsella, inspector 4 00
Peter Wertin, inspector 2 00
Matt. Ackerer, inspector 16 00
Ike Beekman, inspector 14 00
Interlocking Cement Block
Co., 5% retained on retain-
ing wall on Leibnitz street_ 9 45
H. A. McIntosh, 5% retained
cement steps on Foye St. _.._ 11 33
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on West 7th
street 10 02
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on Angella St 14 49
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on 18th street 30 00
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on West 14th St. 6 02
Thos. Lee, 5% retained ce-
ment steps on Montrose
Terrace 7 93
Wm. Roschi, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk lots 47 and
48 Tschirgi & Schwind's
Sub. 54 38
Wm. Roschi, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk lots 160, 161
and 162 'Voodlawn Park
Add. _. 124 38
C. B. McNamara & Co., 5%
retained sewer in Washing-
ton street from 22nd to
24th street 37 56
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained on
2nd street improvement
from Locust street to Bluff
street 167 27
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained
Prairie street improvement 63 83
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained on
2nd street improvement
from Main street to the C.
M. & St. P. tracks 224 84
Jas. F. Lee, 6% retained West
3rd street improvement
from Burch street to Alpine
street 500 00
Jas. F. Lee, 5% retained West
3rd street improvement
from Burch street to Alpine
street 259 84
John Drehouse, expense 10 50
E. Schuller, expense 25 74
H. Breithaupt, expense 39 00
H. Galle, expense 1 50
N. Evert, expense 3 00
Wm. Grode, expense 6 00
L. Dailey, expense 24 85
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co ,
expense 40
Geo. M. Healey & Son, ex-
pense 35
F. A. Nesler & Son, expense.... 53 75
Nesler & Hammel, expense.... 2 50
Gonner Bros., expense 36 00
M. S. Hardie, expense 72 90
A. Gmehle, expense 66 98
A. C. Wunder, expense 3 70
Midland Chemical Co., ex-
pense 9 50
United Tire Sales Co., expense 20 35
F. Beutin, expense 16 00
Remington Typewriter Co ,
List of Warrants.
expense 97 20
G. H. Davis & Co., expense 1 65
Standard Supply Co., expense 11 85
Pier Bros., expense 22 78
Martin- Strelau Co., expense 5 50
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
expense 14 75
Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense 1 45
Geo. W. Ilealey & Son, ex-
pense 23 55
Dubuque Electric Co., fire 16 70
Byrne Bros., fire 2 50
Key City Iron Works, the 80
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 70
F. Si. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
fi re 20
National Refining Co., fire ___. 18 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 5 00
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
fire 50
\lrunclerlich & \Viederholt,
fire 13 00
Fischer & Co., fire 28 04
Deyoe- Avenarius, fire 12 50
Volleuweider & Hein, fire 4 50
C. Matz, fire 17 75
National Refining Co., fire 18 50
Key City Gas Co., fire 41 00
J. E. Hartig, fire 35
Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works, fire 60 80
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., fire 14 70
Peed - Berwanger & Pfiffner,
fire 10 75
J. J. Rowan & Son, fire 6 45
Dubuque -Welding Works, fire 1 90
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 3 66
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 65
F. W. Thompson, fire 6 20
T. F. Kane, fire 270 66
Geisler Bros., fire 4 60
Linehan & Molo, fire 23 95
Butt Bros., fire 51 15
W. D. Deckert Co., fire 25
J. P. Stampfer Co., fire 7 95
Iowa Oil Co., fire 3 00
Kassler Auto Co., fire 22 33
The Muntz Co., police' 14 38
J. W. Geillis, police 6 28
-V. C. Gow, police 4 45
Kaep & Buechele, police 2 10
Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 4 13
Central Garage, police 12 00
Chas. McCarthy, police 4 00
Fischer & Co., police 13 26
Dubuque Electric Co., police 1 00
R. Herrmann & Son, police
and expense 6 00
Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing
Co., police and expense 2 80
Tri State Auto Co., police and
fire 1 75
Rellihan & Mullen, expense,
police and fire 21 45
Ivey City Gas Co., police, fire
and expense 4 25
Key City Gas Co., fire, police
and expense 88 80
Iowa' Telephone Co., fire, po-
lice and expense 42 67
A. Zillig police and expense 75
Telegraph - Herald, expense,
fire and police 75 . 00
Bart Ragatz, health 2 50
Wm. Fosselman, health 18 00
Dubuque Glass Co., health 2 25
E. P. Smith Electric Contract
Co., health 50
United Tire Sales Co., health 124 20
J. J. Rowan & Son, health 50
Upton Laundry, health 10 59
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co ,
health 15
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
health 6 00
F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co.,
health 1 15
John Dehing, health 60 00
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.,
sidewalk 21 50
Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co ,
sidewalk 6 20
Geo. Korman, Martha street
sewer 12 49
F. Schloz & Son, sewer 45
Peed - Berwanger & Pfiffner,
sewer 3 00
Telegraph - Herald, printing __ 17 81
Telegraph - Herald, printing .. 96 13
Telegraph - Herald, printing .. 8 40
Times - Journal, printing 70 47
Labor Leader, printing 12 50
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 94 20
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 162 15
Dubuque Electric Co., lighting 1 66
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 500 00
Union Electric Co., lighting 330 10
Nic. Starer, sewer in North
Main street 206 31
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street._ 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving- Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street 500 00
List of Warrants. 533
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street....
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Tenth street from
Clay street to Main street..
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
B. McNamara &
proving Fourth St reet Ex-
B. McNamara &
proving Fourth St reet Ex-
B. McNamara
proving Fourth St
B. McNamara &
proving Fourth St
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
B. McNamara & Co., im-
droving Fourth Street Ex-
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
13. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im -
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im -
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
500 00
42 60
500 00
Co., im-
500 00
Co., im-
500 00
Co., im-
reet Ex-
500 00
Co., im-
reet Ex-
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 Ou
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 600 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., Im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 500 00
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
proving Fourth Street Ex-
C. B. McNamara & Co., im-
priving Fourth Street Ex-
tension 269 96
Blauer Mfg. Co., 3rd road 64 20
Mauer Mfg. Co., 3rd road ..._ 4 20
The Smedley Co., 3rd road 30 00
500 00
500 00
500 00
List of Warrants.
Moto Sand & Gravel Co., 3rd
and 2nd roads and sewer 7 10
A. W. Drake & Son, roads _ 20
Leader Oil Co., fire and roads 4 75
Mettel Bros., roads, sewer, fire
and expense 20 70
Ivey City Roofing Co., roads
and sewer 24 07
G. W. Healey & Son, 2nd road 30
Coto, Byrne & Seymour, roads 4 00
Leader Oil Co., roads 4 40
F. Schloz & Son, roads 1 10
Midland Chemical Co., roads 8 94
Nic. Staner, curbing and gut-
tering Park evenue 48 52
F. Schloz & Son, road 94
John Hillery, expense 2 10
Au tion Sale of One Howe Platform
On Saturday, January 6th, 1917, at
10:00 o'clock A,. M., there will be
sold at public auction at the City Hall
toto the highest bidder one Howe
Platform Scale which has been in the
use of the City of Dubuque.
12- 30 -3t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Friday,
December 22nd, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Main street to the
east property line of Locust street,
James F. Lee, contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment $2,-
102.00, same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to as-
sessment. upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of .Dubuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was made and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re—
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Friday, December 22nd,
1916, or to appear at said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 9th, 1916.
12 -9 -3t. City Reoorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Friday,
December 22nd, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Fifth street from the west
property line of Locust street to the
east property line of Bluff street,
James F. Lee, contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment $2,-
198.21, same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to as-
sessment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was made and the sepa-
rate lots 'and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
Official Notices. - .. 535
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Friday, December 22nd,
1916, or to appear at said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be vied.
Dated le at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 9th, 1916.
12 -9 -3t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to alt con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Friday,
December 22nd, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Fourth street from the west
property line of Locust street, to the
east property line of Bluff street,
James F. Lee, contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment $2,-
075.06, same to be assessed against
the property legally subject to as-
sessment upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
•Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was made and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions .thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Friday, December 22nd,
1916, or to appear at said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 9th, 1916.
12 -9 -8t. City Recorder.
Official Notice.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council of the city
of Dubuque, Ia., to be held Tuesday,
December 26th, 1916, to pay for im-
proving Third street from the west
Official Notices.
property line of Locust Street to the
east property line of Sluff street,
James F. Lee, contractor.
Amount of Special Assessment $2,-
325.32, same to be assessed against gai t
the property legally
sessment, upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dtibuque,
showing the street in which said im-
provement was made and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground or
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment for such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held Tuesday, Dec. 26th,
1916, or to appear at said session of
the Council to show cause, if any you
have, why said assessment should not
be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Decem-
ber 12th, 1916.
J. J. SHEA-,
City Recorder.
Official Notice.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to improve North Street, from
the end of the present macadam im-
provement to the east line of Louisa
That a plat of said improvement is
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
1,704 lineal feet of combination ce-
ment curb and gutter.
3,029 square yards of macadam.
Making a total estimated cost to
the legally assessable property owners
of $4,149.60.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
next regular session to be held Thurs-
day, January 4, 1917, or to file with
the City Recorder their objection in
writing on or before January 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
26, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
12- 26 -3t. City Recorder.
12- 12 -3t.
Official Notice.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the •
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to improve Jones street, from
the easterly rail of Illinois Central
Railroad Company's tracks, first west
of Warren Street, to eighty -five feet
east of the east property line of the
Dubuque Harbor Company's Add.
That a, plat of said improvement is
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
3,995 square yards of Brick Block
Paving on a concrete foundation out -
side of tracks.
95 square yards of Brick Block Pav-
ing on a concrete foundation inside of
tracks and one foot outside thereof.
50 lineal feet of new stone curb.
200 lineal feet of stone curb reset.
Making a total estimated cost to
the legally assessable property owners
of $8,804.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
next regular session to be held Thurs-
clay, January 4th, 1917, or;to file with
the City Recorder their objection in
writing on or before January 4, 1917.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
27, 1916. J. .J SHEA,
12- 27 -3t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city recorder's office, City Hall, by
the city recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, January 4th, 1917, for fur-
nishing the city treasurer, city audi-
tor and city recorder's offices with
Bidder's must furnish plans and
specifications of the counters they
propose furnishing, also state price
in total for counters set in place in the
offices above stated.
Dated at Dubuque, Ia., December
27th, 1916. J. J. SHEA,
12- 27 -3t. City Recorder.