1880 July Council ProceedingsSpecial Session June 25, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
by the Recorder from Rev Pape et al asking the right to remove over the streets the old
St Patrick Church building to the old fair grounds
referred with power
council adjourned to Friday at 2 p.m.
Special Session July 2, 1880
Council met at half past 2 p.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Altman
On his arrival the mayor stated the object of the meeting to be to take action on the case
of city marshal Duane and instructed the recorder to read the following. The charges
preferred by Messers Ryder and Ryan being read and recorded at the previous session
To Daniel D Duane
City Marshal
You are hereby notified that at a special session of the city council of the city of Dubuque
held on the 25th of June A.D. 1880 certain charges were preferred against you for
malfeasance in office and Friday the 2nd day of July 1880 at 2 o'clock p.m. fixed as
the time and the council chamber of said city the place when and where a hearing and
trial before said council will be had. You can appear and make your defense if any you
J D Bush mayor of Dubuque
June 26, 1880
Special Session July 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Altman
The following was attached and also read
The State of Iowa Dubuque County S S
Served the within notice and complaint annexed upon Dan'l J Duane by reading the
same to him and by giving him a copy of each of the same in the city of Dubuque this 26th
day of June 1880
Leonard Buehler
Acting Marshal of the City of Dubuque
The city attorney said the next thing in order would be the hearing of testimony in the case
Mr. D E Lyon Attorney for the defense introduced and had read the following
For the matter of the mayor and council of the city of Dubuque on information filed by
Ryder and Ryan against D J Duane city marshal in answer to the charges in said
information contained appears and denies the same in manner and form and says that
said charges are untrue. Wherefore he prays that they may be hence dismissesd and
held for naught signed D J Duane by Fouke and Lyon his attorneys
The city attorney called for the following as witnesses to be sworn and to testify
Dennis Ryan
Pat'k Ryder
B D Linehan
Jerry Sullivan
Officer Spiegel
who had each been subpoenaed by Dep Marshal Buekler
Capt Ryder was the first to testify the substance of which testimony was that he was called
upon by Mr. Sullivan to arrest marshal Duane on complaint of the latters wife for firing fire
arms. Did not see him fire nor could not say he
Special Session July 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Altman
shot Mr. Linehan or he was under the influence of liquor and it was not his wish to sign to
the charges preferred against the city marshal Capt Ryan corroborted the testimony of
Capt Ryder and added he assisted to make the arrest of marshal Duane on being called
upon by Capt Ryder Messrs Linehan and Sullivan not being present. Officer Spiegel took
the witness stand and testified he saw the Marshal in the calaboose on the night of the
23rd of June and said he was drunk but did not see Peter Fay nor talk to him that
evening. Peter Fay was called and said he talked with officer Spiegel who remarked to
him tht D J Duane city marshal was in the calaboose but didn't know for what and that he
(the marshal) was not drunk.The testimony was tehn closed. No argument ws made at its
close by the defense or prosocution and the matter submitted for its disposal to the
council and decision. The yeas and nays were called for on the question guilty or not
guilty with the following result
Yeas 3
Nays 7
The chair decided by the vote taken that the marshal was not guilty of the charges
preferred against him. Ald O'Neill there upon moved that the mayor rescind his order
suspending the marshal Adopted. Council adjourned.
Reguar Session July 5, 1880
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m. No quorum present adjourned to Tuesday July 6 at same time
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m.
Petition of Rev Pape asking to purchase a plat of land in the old fair grounds
Petition of F Roehl et al to have a stone crossing laid at the west end of Nineteenth
Petition of Chris Lohrmann et al to abate a nuiance on lake street
Petition of Maria Wolf to remit tax
Petition of E Smedley et al to open Jackson Square
Petition of Mary Kelly to cancel tax
Petition of Tim Byron et al for a policeman on Jones and First streets
Petition of W W Woodworth et al to remove obstuctions on Iowa Street between second
and fourth streets
Petition to cancel tx on estate of Frederick Light
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Frank and claim for inspecting coal oil
Petition of f Mussehl et al refund paid on curbing of Windsor Ave
Petition of D G Scott against improving James Street and also against improving
Peabody avenue
Petition of T F Harsch to rent a cellar in the market building for storing purposes
Petition of A Y McDonald to improve White and Jackson streets
on motion tabled
Petition of Peter Klein et al to have a street opened from Broadway street through Gay,
Charles and McCabe sreets
Communication received from Street Commissioner Dowling directing attention to the
condition of the Seventh Street Bridge and on motion was referred
Claim of P J Hanlon repairing sidewalks and John Bell for same
Petition of P J Milligan and others for a street along Grand View near Russell property
Petition of Wm L Bradley and others for the improvement of Wilson Avenue to a northerly
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of John Hedermen and others against laying a sidewalk on lots 18 19 and 20
in Kelly's subdivision on Eighth Street
Petition of Fred Trilk et al to abate a nuisance on White between sixth and seventh
Petition of G Schollian et al for a policeman on Southern Avenue
Clailm of Mrs. John Mulligan liquor license refund
Petition of F Freitsche and others requesting the council to examine the work recently
done on White and Jackson Streets by Martin and Strane
Petition of G W Sacket to exempt his team from a license
Petition of John Butler for recompense of loss sustained by the recent high water
Petition of Jacob Buselink, Richard Bennett, C Schmidt, Mrs F Zeller, john Hohman to
reduce correct and cancel their taxes
Street Commissioner Dowlings amount expended on street
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Stone Crossings
Sand Etc.
received filed and amounts ordered paid
Recorder Kane reported Sunday Licenses issued
received and filed
Marshal Duane reported amounts due the regular police force including special police at
fees paid into treasury
received filed and ordered paid
Auditor Brandt reported the salaries due the several city officers and the salaried members
of the fire department
received filed and ordered paid
market Master Gmekle reported weighed Market scales
rent of the huckster sands
sum due him for boarding prisoners
received filed and expenses ordered paid
Frank Fosselman reported fifth ward scales
received and filed
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Police Justice Jennings reported
received and filed
Chas Petschner reported west dubuque scales
received and filed
Lamplighter O'Halloran reported
received and filed
City Engineer reported a profile of grade of Iowa Street also a plat of street deeded to
the city by Yates and McGraney
Bill of M Blake
received and filed and ordered paid
City marshal reported claim of market master for bording prisoner
received filed and ordered paid
adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m.
Afternoon session July 6, 1880 at 2 p.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Recorder was allowed to read a petition from Hansen and linehan and others asking to
have the levee repaired on account of being damaged by high water.
request was granted
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same also read a communication from City Treasurer Gehrig which stated he had
examined the delinquent tax book made from the tax lists for the yeras 1874 to 1879
special taxes
requested to have some competent person appointed to collect delinquent taxes
approved nad adopted
Wm Dyer was allowed to address the council with his plans presented for laying out
walks in Jackson Park. On motion of Ald Linehan the one which was marked by the
letter 'a' was adopted. and his proposition for doing the said work was referred
Teh ordinance committee reported on the petition of J Huber et al to rid the city of all
pigeons, recommending that the marshal be instructed to enforce the ordinance
report adopted
The same presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance regulating subdivisiond and
additions to the city of Dubuque which was read and the first time when rule 29 was
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
ordinance read a second time and passed
Also an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for a board of health which was read
the first time when Rule 29 was suspended by a full vote of the council and the ordinance
was read a second time and passed
the committee on claims reported Byrne Bros
report adopted
On the petition of Margaret Jordan
report adopted
Claim of J and T Reddan
refunded liquor license
report adopted
Claim of Chas Klingenberg liquor license
reported adopted
Claim of Mrs M Lucas liquor license
report adopted
Petition of Casper Steif saloon license
reported adopted
Petition of Johanna Luhinna
report adopted
Petition of John Parker
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
be received and filed
report adopted
Petition of John Daniels reported in favor of grading the alley on 16th and 17th between
Washington and Jackson Street and macadamizing the same
report adopted
Petition of W E Wellomgtpm et al grading macadamizing and guttering west side of
Madison on Seminary Street to the east side of Iowa Street and that they city engineer
be instructed to find out the balance of the cost in grading said street to 11th
report adopted
Petition of Rev P J McGrath et al that action had already been taken in regard to the
improving of Fourteenth street and to have same received and filed
report adopted
Petition of Tim Byron et al that the prayer for a sidewalk on Jones Street be granted so
far as the north side is concerned
report adopted
Also on the petition of A Heeb et al that the city engineer be instructed to prepare a profile
of grade of Main Street Extenion from Seminary Stret to Eagle Point Avenue and to
present the same to the council at next session
report adopted
Petition of Geo Crane et al that the street as prayed for be granted whenever a bond is
filed for the condemnation and purchase of ground through which the road runs in
Gates Subdivision
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Petition of Vantine Luck that it be received and filed
report adopted
Petition of Albert Leicht
report approved
Petition of R O Anderson that the street as prayed for be opened as soon as right of way
is furnished
report adopted
Petition of J N Foy street be opened as soon as right of way is given city
report adopted
Petition of Jos Roy et al remonstrating against improving Wilson Avenue that it not be
report adopted
Petition of Henry Riker et al that as soon as the right of way is obtained and the location of
street is agreed to by the city engineer and street commissioner such action will be
recommended as is customary for the opening of the stret
report adopted
Petition of John Degman
report adopted
Petition of B Bradford et al to prepare a plan and profile of college avenue
report adopted
Petition of John Quail locate alley and st put it in passable condition
report adopted
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Also on petition of W J Cantillon et al that the city engineer prepare a profile of grade of
Roberts avenue
report adopted
Petition Herman Bussman et al that the petition be laid on the table
report adopted
Petition of E Mobley that he be allowed $15.00 in settlement of all claim
report adopted
Also on the petition of Thos. Haim that it be referred to the City Engineer to give true grade
Report adopted
Market sidewalk
resolution of Ald Rath that a sidewalk be laid on Iowa Street in front of the Market House
report adopted
Prairie and Walnut Sidewalkl
Resolution of sidewalk on Eleventh between Prairie and Walnut street that the same be
rescinded as the sidewalk was laid already
report adopted
Wilson Ave rescinced
Ald Herod moved to reconsider and rescind the resolution offered at the June session to
improve Wilson Avenue
Committe on Markets reported in favor of investing $27 in purchasing scales from the
Healey Bros for the Central Market
report adopted
The committee on public grounds and buildings reported in favor of receiving and filing
the petition of J P Farley
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Farley et al
report adopted
The committee on printing reported on the claim of the herald that 21.50 be allowed as
payment in full for June
report adopted
Times Co
Claim of Times Co that 27.00 as claimed for June be allowed
report adopted
Claim of the Post for 43.75 that it be paid
report adopted
The Commission on Fire reported on the communication of Frank Morgan on inventory
of goods of the Fire Department that it be filed
report adopted
Petition of Frank Nowhin that his salary be increased to 12.50 per month from the first
of July 1880
report adopted
Also that the salary of Frank Strinsky be increased the same way
report adopted
Also on the petition of salaried members of the fire department that their salaries be
placed at what they were before the reduction of 15 percent
report adopted
The commission on police reported on the petition of D Hoffman for pay as acting
marshal that it be received and filed
report adopted
On the petition of Alois Tschirgi that the same be received and filed and the city marshal
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
be instructed to collect the saloon license at once
report adopted
Petition of Geo Koch that the license be collected at once
report adopted
Petition of M Blumenauer that the license be collected at once
report adopted
Petition for a lamp at Union and Hosford Street that the same be granted
report adopted
P J Hanlon
adverse to the petition of the west dubuque policeman for an increase in salary
report adopted
The Claim of Justice Coakley for 3.00 be paid
report adopted
Mrs. John Sage be granted an hotel runner free from license during the pleasure
of the council
report adopted
the claims of the key city gas co of $502.30 in may and $504.70 in june be allowed
report adopted
33.50 be allowed A Hubert as payment in full and revolver be charged to the city marshal
report adopted
claim of the northwestern globe gas light co of 26.25 be paid
report adopted
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of remitting tax of Mrs. J B Smith for
report adopted
cancel tax of Thos Quinlon on saloon fixtures
report adopted
adverse to the petitionso f Bridget Roach Mrs. P O'Neill and J N Noel
reports adopted
Also that the city auditor be instructed to redeem lot 41 owned by Mrs A Kaufmann sold to
Mr. Hantrager and the order be drawn in her favor of $32.10 to cover the amount
report adopted
Also that the assessment of J W Parker and Co be reduced to $200.00 provided the same
be paid within fifteen days
report adopted
Also in favor of remitting tax of Bridget Burke and Sarah Brunskill
report adopted
Adl Linehan from the special committee to whom was referred the petition of Peter
Schrafl asking to have a street opened reported adversely thereon
report adopted
Ald Fengler presented a resolution to the effect that whenever the building and loan
assn deed ground enough to straighten Sanford street an order for $400.00 in their
favor be drawn
to comm on streets
Ald Linehan presented a resolution that the finance com be instructed to borrow six thousand
dollars $6000.00
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Kavanaugh reported the following which was adopted:
your committee would state that a contract has been made with Wm Rebman for improving
Jackson Park, agreeing to have furnished 200 cubic yards of four inch rock, 175 yards
of two inch and fifty yards of top dressing on condition of the city's withdrawing all claims
against him on the neumeister case. said rock to be furnished on or before August 15 1880
Ald Leckie presented the following which was adopted
That a gas lamp be placed on Eleventh Street Hill near the residence of John Bell under the
direction of the Com on Police and Gas
Ald Rath introduced a resolution to abate nuisance caused by water standing on lot 194
East Dubuque owned by Mrs. mary Schwab
Adopted and Marshal to abate
Ald Fengler presented a resolution to appoint a health officer
referred to health board
Ald herod prsented a resolution to increase street commissioner Dowling's salary $10.00
per month over and above his present salary, the same to be allowed from the 1st day
of April an continue as long as a horse is needed to do his work and the recorder draw
an order for the same
The same submitted the following which was adopted by a full vote of teh council
resolved that the alley from 16th to 17th street between jackson and washington streets
be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed to make the necessary plans and
specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work The guttering and
macadamizing to be done at the expense of teh owners of the abutting property
The same presented the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that to p ay for curbing guttering and macadmizing
14th street from jackson to washington street by Martin and Strane contractors in front of
and adjoining the same as special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and
parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows:
owners Name
Description of Lot
Amount tax
Mrs. B Roach w 1/2 51 East Dubuque 57.36
Michael McMahon e 1/2 51 East Dubuque 35.27
C G Wulwebers Est 52 East Dubuque 25.36
Margaret Jordan 71 East Dubuque 24.75
Assessment Js Platz 72 East Dubuque 69.20
The same aldermen reported in favor of the adoption of the following:
resolved that eleventh street between washington and jackson streets be graded
guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject.
That the city engineer be and
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
he is hereby instructed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said
improvements and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and
proposals for the performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property.
The resolution was adopted by a full vote of the council
The same alderman reported on the following recommending its adoption
that clay street extension between second and third streets be graded, guttered, curbed
and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer
be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement and he city recorder directed to give the proper notice for the proper notice
for bids and proposals for the performance of the work. the guttering curbing and macadmizing
to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
adopted by a full vote of the council
Same reported in favor of the following:
That the committee on public grounds and buildings be insructed to have a sidewalk
twelve feet or more in width of good hard brick laid in front of the market house on Iowa
adopted by a full vote of the council that the work be done under the direction of the
street committee
Same reported in favor of the following which was adopted by a full vote of the council
that a sidewalk twelve feet wide of good no 1 two inch plank be within twenty days of this
notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to the sidewalks
on the north side of Jones Street
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
between Jones and Main Street
Same presented the following which was adopted by a full vote
that seminary street between the west side of Madison Street and the East Side of Iowa
Street be graded guttered and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that
subject. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans
and specificiations for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper
notice for bids and proposals for the performance to be done at the expense of the
owners of the abutting property.
Same also presented the following which was adopted by a full vote
that Wilson Avenue between fifth street and a point opposite west Eighth street opposite the
following lots: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 and
31 of Wilson's subdivision and mineral lot 78 be graded guttered and macadamized in
conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement
and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the
performance of the work the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the
epense of the owners of the abutting property.
Also the following which was adopted by a full vote
that the blue line as shown by the profile of the city engineer of Iowa street from Seminary
street to the north line of L H Langworthy's subdivision be and is hereby declared the
official grade of said street.
Ald Doerfler offered the following:
Resolved that the water district for the year 1880 remain the same as it was last year,
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
according to the map upon that subject
adopted by a full vote of the council
Ald Kavanaugh prescribed the following which was adopted by a full vote of the council:
resolved that the city engineer be instructed to prepare and establish the best possible
grade for a road from the cascade crossing on the delhi road to teh top of the hill to
connect withe the rokdale road in order that the board of supervisors may improve the
Mayor Bush announced the following as the committee for equalizing the city assessment
for 1880 to wit: Alds Herod, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Rath and Doerfler
the following claims were read and ordered
D A Gehrig
John Bale
G Kirmse
M McMahon et al
D W Linehan
Chas McMaster
Geo W Burden
Poole Gilliam and Co
T F Koepfli
F H Finke
Dubuque Co Bank
John Pals
Jas G Carney
Do Do
Mrs E M Ogilby
T E Frith
John Corbit
Morrison Bros
M Corbit
Martin and Strane
Do Do
Dubuque Nat'n Dem
F Mertz
Junkermann and Haas
John Maclay
Dubuque Water Co
Mrs P McMahon
C McElrath
Key City Hook and Ladder Co
Wm Clair
Key City GAs Light Co
J and A Christman
Sol Truck Hose Co
J K Graves Host Co
Fifth Ward Hose Co
Harvey and O'Connor
N H Thedinga
P Olinger
M Downey
John Ganahl
Peter Klauer
Martin Kane
Dubuque Telephone Exle
Healey Bros
John Bell
John P Quigley
Morrison Bros
Regular Session July 6, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The claims of T O Sullivan and H Lembeck for $450 each were referred to the Committee
on Equalization
The claim of P J Hanlon for $2.40 was on motion referred to the committee on streets
The claim of John Bell for $19.12 was referred to the same committee
twelfth eighth fifth streets
on motion the bids for street work were opened and read and referred to the
street committee and city engineer to report immediately
recess for twenty minutes
Upon the reconvening of the council the above committee reported as follows
James N Foy to be the lowest bidder for the work on fifth stree F J Donohue for the work
on Eighth street and Wm Rebman for the work on Twelfth street
the report was approved and the contracts for said work awarded accordingly
On motion the proposals for furnishing lime for disinfecting purposes were opened and
the amount needed equally divided between Ald Geo Fengler and John M Linehan
the council then adjourned
martin Kane
City Recorder
Special Session July 7, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Council met at 7 1/2 p.m.
All present
Attention was called to a slight mistake having been made in awarding the contract on
Eighth Street at the regular session July 6 1880. Mr. Wm Rebman being lower than
Mr. T J Donohue the gentleman to whom the contract had been awarded
On motion of Ald Herod the same was reconsidered and awarded to Mr. Wm Rebman
martin Kane
City Recorder
committee of the whole July 12 80
the recorder read the petition of Rev Pape asking to purchase a plat of land in the old
Sanford Fair Grounds
It was moved that it be referred to the committee on finance and city attorney
martin Kane
City Recorder