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1880 August Council ProceedingsRegular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The council met at 9 a.m.
Minutes of July read and approved
the petition of Rev Johannes et al for a new street in Ham's addition was on motion
referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Chas Bruhn et al to have a nuisance abated on Elm and Pine streets was
referred to teh committee of the whole
The petition of Henry Mueller and others to have the sewer on Eagle Pointe Avenue
extended east to the railroad bridge was referred to the same committee
the petition of Margaret Quinn for remission of 1879 tax was referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
the petition of Joseph vogel et al to have corrected the number of lots on plat of Mineral
Lot 470 was referred to the committee on streets and the city engineer
the petition of John Dignan et al for the laying of a sidewalk on Gand View street between
villa and South Dodge Streets was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of mrs. Cath McEvoy for remission of her tax was referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
the petition of Theresa Eitel and P Welter to abate a nuisance on South one half of lot
139 East Dubuque was referred to teh Board of Health
the petitio of G Woodruff in regard to tax sale was referred to the committee on claims
and city attorney
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Mary Luke to remit her tax was referred to the delinquent tax committee
The petition of M Hooper to remit tax on his dogs was ordered tabled
The petition of Bridget Roach to remit her tax was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of J N Hill for cancellation of tax sale and for permission to pay tax of
1876 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of J E Wooton to correct the tax on mineral lot 76 was referred to the
same committee
The petition of Wm Andrew to cancel special assessment on part of lot 476 for 1865
was referred to the committee on streets
The petition of A Marfield to have grade given on Bluff street between 15th and 16th
streets was referred to the same committee
The petition of Cath Schuler for cancellation of tax of 1879 was referred to the committee
on delinquent tax
the petition of Thos Mulqueeny et al in relation to a nuisance on Madison Street was
referred to the city marshal and city engineer with power
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Thos Finn asking to be credited as payment in full for tax paid on mineral
lot 31 in 1878 was referred to the committee on streets and city engineer
the petition of thos Skelton for grade and to set curb stone on jackson between
seventeenth and eighteenth streets was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of theo Bangemann et al for a policeman south of Eagle Point avenue was
referred to the police committee
City Marshal Duane reported $980.85 as the amount necessary to pay the regular and
special police for the month of July. He also reported 59 arrests during teh month and
having received $200 as fees from Justice Hoerner and $9.90 as fees from Wm Koenig in
charge of the pound for which the treasurer's receipts were attached
report received and filed and orders to be drawn to pay the policemen
Street commissioner Dowling reported 2,436.45 required to pay off the street employees
for the month of July
received filed and ordered paid
City Auditor Brandt reported 1,092.95 as the sum necessary to pay the different city officials
for July
received filed and ordered paid
city recorder Kane reported 2,319.55 as the amount received from Sunday licenses
issued during July
received and filed
lamplighter O'Halloran reported having lighted and extinguished 179 gas lamps during
the month of July
received and filed
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Police Justice Hoerner reported having collected and paid into the treasury $2.00 as
fines for July 1880 and also issuing warrants to th enumber of 2 for the arrest and trial
of butchers violating the city ordinances.
Report received and filed
N C Ryan from the First ward scales reported having weighted 83 drafts during the month
of July. Gross amount $12.45 the treasureres receipt attached for $1.85 that being 15
percent of the total amount
report received and filed
F Fosselman from the fifth ward scales reported having weighed 162 drafts during the
month of July gross receipts $24.30 the treasurer's receipt attached for $3.65 being 15
percent of the whole amount.
report received and filed
Wood measurer Warrng reported having measured 175 1/2 cords of wood for the month
of July and receiving $7.00 therefor
report received and filed
Chas Pitschner from the west dubuque scales reported having weighed 73 drafts during
the month of July Gross receipts $10.75 the treasurer's receipt attached for $1.65 that
being 15 percent of the toal amount
report received and filed
City engineer submitted a profile of Roberts avenue and recommended that the red
line thereon be declared the official grade of said avenue
referred to street commission
same presented a plat of the subdivision of th eeast part of mineral lot 63 and recommended
to have the north end of belle street altered
to same committee
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same also presented a report on the petition of Thomas Naim and recommended that
the grade of the west Dubuque motor track line be changed by consent of the property
to same committee
the committee on claims reported on the petition of G W Sackett that he be exempt from
paying a team license for 1880
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of mrs. john mulligan recommending that an
order for fifty dollars be drawn in her favor to refund a liquor license paid in 1873
report adopted
The same reported on teh petition of John Butler that an order for five dollars be drawn
in his favor to recompense him for injury sustained from the late high water
report adopted
The committee on streets reported on the claim of John mcCoy for laying a sidewalk on
Seventh street between main and locust streets recommending that the amount claimed
$62.00 be paid
report adopted
On the petition of Rev Pape that the reverend gentlemen had abandoned the idea of
removing the old St. Patrick's church and would therefore not require the permission
asked for
report adopted
On the report of the street commission in relation to the seventh street bridge as follows
Your committee would report that upon examining the seventh street bridge they found
the same in a very critical and unsafe condition
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
and by the advice of the city attorney and city engineer they have taken such measures as
to ensure the safety of the bridge during high water and have also put the same in good
order Your committee would recommend that a committee be appointed with teh city
attorney to present a claim for all or part of this work to the county
the report was adopted and the mayor appointed as such committee alds O'Neill, Linehan,
Jones, Herod and Doerfler
The same commttee reported on the petition of Wm L Bradley et al asking to have Wilson
Avenue and the street running northerly from said avenue to Julien avenue improved from
fifth street to julien avenue and recommended the same be graded The yeas and nays were
called for on the adoption of the report
Yeas Ald Fengler Herod Kavanaugh and leckie 4 votes
Nays Altman Doerfler Jones Linehan O'Neill and Rath - 6 votes
The chair decided the prayer not granted and
On motion of ald Linehan the petition was received and filed
Same reported on the claim of John Bell of $19.12 for repairing sidewalk on city lot 632
that it be paid and the said amount placed against the owner thereof A McKee
report adopted
On the petition of Geo W Andrew et al for opening a street south from eleventh street
along the east line of lots 4 and 5 of out lot 687 that the committee had been unable
to find out the cost and they would recommend that the petition be laid upon the table
report adoptd
On the petition of H A Rooney for compensation for private property taken for a street
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
that the prayer be not granted and that the city attorney recommend this cause of action
report adopted
On the petition of F Roche that a stone crossing be laid at the west end of 19th street
report adopted
On the petition of Peter Kiene et all that the city engineer be instructed to prepare a
profile of the street known as broadway from its present northwestern terminus to the
intersection of Gay Charles and McCabe streets estimate the cost of the grading and find
out upon what terms the right of way an be had and report at the next session
report adopted
On the resolution of ald Linehan to draw an order on the treasurer for four hundred dollars
in favor of the building and loan association the said order to be delivered to them whenever
they deed to the city sufficient ground through their property to straighten sanford street
recommending its adoption
report adopted
On the resolution for the improvement of James street and the remonstrance thereon that
the same be referred to the committee of the whole
report adopted
On the resolution for the improvement of peabody avenue and the remonstrance thereon
that the same be referred to the committee of the whole
report adopted
On the plat of an alley through out lot 688 the following
that the accompanying plat of said alley deeded to and accepted by the city council be
declared the official plat thereof and that the city engineer be
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
instructed to properly record and file the same
the committee on harbors updated as follows on the collection of wharfage
in regard to the matter of wharfage your committee would report that they have investigated
the same and have had the city attorney write to different points along the river
we find it to be no source of revenue to appoint a regular wharf master but woud recommend
the apointment of a man for a few months or at the pleasure of the council to attend to
matters at the wharf with a salary not to exceed $15.00 per month
report adopted
Ald Kavanaugh moved that Wm Warring be appointed to fill the position recommended
by the report of the committee
The committee on printing reported in favor of paying the claim of the daily telegraph of
$50.00 for three months advertising
In favor of paying the herald $53.46 for the same purpose
In favor of paying the times $93.36
In favor of paying the daily dispatch $6.50
The claim of P J Hanlon amounting to $2.40 referred to the committee on streets for
repairing sidewalk was ordered paid
The committee on delinquent tax reported
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
in favor of cancelling the tax of 1879 on the estate of Fredericke Leicht
report adopted
In favor of cancelling the tax of '77 '78 and '79 on the butcher shop of C Schmitt
report adopted
Same committee reported on the petition of C W Sanders to cancel tax of 1872 to the
amount of $2.59 that the same be referred to the city engineer
report adopted
On the petitions of Mary Skelly Patrick Coffee Maria Wolf and Jacob Busekirk in favor
of cancelling their tax
report adopted
On the petition of mrs. James Linehan that the request be granted and that an order be
drawn on the treasurer for the amount necessary to redeem her homestad from tax
report adopted
Also on the petition of Richard Bennett that his assessment be reduced to $3000 provided
the taxes be paid within 30 days
report adopted
The committee on police and gas reported in favor of paying the claim of the key city gas
co of $499.45 for july
report adopted
Ald O'Neill chairman of the special committee to whom had been referred the petition of
F Frietsche et al requesting an examination of the improvement recently made on
fourteenth street between white and jackson streets made the following report
your committee went on the grounds examined the situation and concluded that the crossing
on the west side of jackson
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
and fourteenth streets needed raising about four inches and a sufficient amount of
macadam placed on teh street to bring it to the grade of the crossing and a concave
gutter made easterly across jackson street to carry the surface water
your committee recommend the street commissioner be instructed to carry out the project
the report was adopted
Ald O'Neill also made the following report
on the petition of Hugh Treanor your committee to whom was referred the petition of
Hugh Treanor asking a legal receipt for $150 paid by him to Dan Riordan in 1874 then
city treasurer to apply to the tax of that year respectfully report that your committee find the
treasurer had no legal authority to receive partial payments could not credit the party
paying with teh amount paid and in such case partial payments are a matter wholly between
the party paying and the city treasurer the city not having the use of the money and hence
the matter is not within the jurisdiction of teh city council and cannot grant the prayer of
the petitioner therefore your committee recommend the city treasurer be instructed to
collect all delinquent tax
the report was adopted
Ald Kavanaugh chairman of the special park committee reported that his committee had
awarded the contract of laying walks in Jackson Park to Wm Dyer and that the terms of
the contract could be seen at the recorder's office
the contract was called for and read and after being properly signed the action of the committee
was on motion approved
Ald Herod chairman of the committee on equalization of taxes reported on the report of H
Lembeck city assessor as follows
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
committee would report that they have examined the tax books and have equalized the
same as provided by ordinance and would recommend that said books as corrected
and approved by your committee be accepted and approved by the city council
report adopted
Ald Herod also reported in favor of paying H Lembeck and T O Sullivan $450.00 each
for services rendered in making up the assessment roll for 1880
report adopted
mayor Bush presented profiles of the city engineer on the ally between fifth and west
seventh Corriell's subdivision an dof teh street on the west line of said subdivision
from west seventh to fifth who recommended that the red lines on said profiles be
declared the official grades of said alley and street
referred to street comm
On motion the council then adjourned to 2 pm
Afternoon session
council met at 2 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the chair and all aldermen present
Market master Gmekle presented his report for the month of July 1880. Showing that he
had weighed during that month 99 drafts amounting to $14.85 and received $27.25
from sale of stands for which amounts the receipts of the treasurer were attached and
that he had furnished 46 meals at 20 cents per meal amount due $9.20
received and filed and ordered paid
The recorder read a petition from James Reddan to cancel tax sale on lot 45 Finley's
addition in 1866.
referred to del tax com
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the petition of T F Haisch for the privilege of renting a store room in the cellar of the market
building was on motion referred to the committee on markets with power
City engineer submitted an estimate of the cost of grading seminary street from Iowa to
17th sts which was referred to the st comm
On motion of Ald Fengler the action had on the petition of A Y Mcdonald and others to
improve the alley between 14th and 15th and White and Jackson Streets was
reconsidered and the prayer of the petitioners granted
Ald Fengler thereupon offered the following resolution which was adopted by a full vote
of the council
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the alley between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth and White and Jackson Streets be graded and macadamized in conformity
with the ordinance upon that subject that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to
make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work
the macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
Ald O'Neill presented the following resolution which together with a petition thereon was
referred to the committee on streets. resolved that a sidewalk be laid on our Grand View
Street between Villa and South Dodge Streets
Ald O'Neill moved that action on Mr. Hugh Treanor's petition be reconsidered and that
that gengleman be permitted to pay his full tax of 1874 without interest if paid within 30 days
The claim of the northwestern globe gas light co of $256.25 approved by the police and gas
com was ordered paid
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the police committee to whom was referred the petition of CLohrmann to abate nuisance
on lake street recommended that the matter be referred to the board of health
report adopted
the same reported on the petition of John Hederman et al remonstrating against laying
a sidewalk on kellys subdivision north side of eighth street recommending the same be
received and filed
report adopted
The same reported on the petition of W W Woodworth et al complaining of obstructions on
iowa street from second to fourth streets that the city marshal be directed to enforce the
ordinances and have the street and sidewalks cleaned of all obstructions
report adopted
Ald leckie stated that two petitions one from Tim Byron et al and the other from G Schollian
et al asking to be given a policeman in their neighborhoods he said he would move to place
a policeman from Jones street to southern avenue as far as kempf's old brewery
Ald Fengler amended to appoint three policement one or two being asked for at
Eagle point
Ald Linehan made an amendment to the amendment to appoint one for three months
Ald Herod moved to lay on the table
the yeas and nays were called for
yeas - ald Altman Doerfler Herod Linehan and Leckie - 5
Nays Fengler Jones Kavanaugh O'Neill and Rath - 5
The vote was declared a tie the mayor cast his vote in the affirmative and the amendments
and original motion were tabled
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie then moved that the petitions be received and filed
Some of the members of the medical fraternity were present and were permitted to address
the council on the necessity of appointing a health physician
Drs Staples Horr Belden Waples and Bready gave some good information on sanitary
affairs and urged the council to take commendable steps to preserve the health of the city
Ald Fengler moved that when the council adjourn it be to Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock to
meet as a board of health
Ald Doerfler moved that the matter of exempting Gottleib Kusche from dog license for 1880
be referred to the mayor with power
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
that a committee of one from each ward be appointed by the mayor to confer with the
butchers of the city to devise ways and means to establish and erect a slaughter house
in the lower part of the city where all butchers shall be compelled to do their slaughtering
the mayor appointed as such committee Ald Kavanaugh Altman Rath Herod and Fengler
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of Dubuque
tht the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare proper plans and specifications
for the draining of the sloughs in the lower part of the city and to present the same with
an estimate of the cost of such improvement at the next session of the council
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
ald Fengler also presented the following
Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the city treasurer
in favor of P Boyne for $2.20 for taxes remitted by the city council in April last
Also to draw an order for $86.57 to redeem Mrs. Jas Linehan's lot
The same alderman presented a resolution to lay a sidewalk on the south side of
Fourteenth Street from Clay to Jackson Streets which was referred to the commission
on streets
The same also presented a resolution to improve the alley between Lake Street and Eagle
Point Avenue and Jackson and Washington Streets which was also referred to the same
Ald Herod moved to reconsider the action on the resolution adopted at the July session
ordering the improvement of Clay street extension
Als LInehan moved that the same be referred back to the same committee to report
Ald Herod thereupon submitted the following
Whereas by an act of congress the united states entitled an act for laying off the towns
of Fort Madison and Burlington in the county of Des Moines and the towns of Bellevue
Dubuque and Peru in the County of Dubuque territory of Wisconsin and for other purposes
approved July 2 1836 it was provided that a quantity of land of proper width on the river
banks at the town of Dubuque and running with said river the whole length of said town
shall be reserved from sale for public use and remain forever for public use as public
highway and for other public uses.
And whereas by an act of congress entitled an act for the relief of the town of Bellevue and
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
cities of Burlington and Dubuque approved February 14 1853 the said quantity of land along
the river front of the City of Dubuque so reserved for a public highway and other public
purposes was given and tranted to the city of Dubuque for public purposes and to be
disposed of in such manner as the corporate authorities of said city may direct.
And where as the strip of land between Second and Third Streets in said city on the
slough or river front and abutting upon lot 745 subdivided is a part of the quantity of land
so granted to said city for public purposes and to be disposed of as said city may direct
and which said city has always used as a public highway and for other public purposes
Now therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the westerly 64
feet of said strip between Second and Third streets in said city on the slough or river
front and abutting on lot 745 subdivided by and the same is declared a public street to be
shown as Clay street for public use as other streets and highways i said city and subject
to all regulations and ordinances thereto appertaining and hat the city engineer be
instructed to prepare a plan of said street and have the same presented to the city
The resolution was adopted
Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted
special assessment
Resolved by the City council of the city of dubuque that to pay for repairing sidewalks
on the following described property by M Dowling street commissioner in front of and
adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot of parcel of real estate as follows
John Goldthorpe
N 64 ft No 617
Mry Mix
Lot 3 L H Langworthy's ad
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
Same presented the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for repairing sidewalk by P J Hanlon contractor in front of and
adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts
of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
M M Trumbull
No 4 Hughes Sub
Also the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for repairing sidewalk by John McCoy contractor in front of and
adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots
and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows
Rt Rev J Hennesey
No 60 City
Also the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for repairing sidewalk in front of city lot 632 and per order of city
marshal by John Bell contractor in front of and ajoining the same a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot of parcel
of real estate as follows
A McKee
No 632 City
Also the following which was adopted
special assessment
resolved that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Ninth Street from Jackson
Street to Washington Street by James G Carney contractor in front of and adjoining the
same a sepcial tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels
of real estate hereinafter
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of
real estate as follows
Sarah C Disney
No 398 City
Jacob Bernett
No 399 City
No 419 City
Margaret Laboyleux
No 420 City
Ald Linehan presented the following which was adopted
tht the finance committee be instructed to borrow six thousand dollars for the city of
Ald Fengler presented the following
resolved that a policeman be detailed from the regular police force to night duty north
of Couler bridge to Ellison's ice House and west to division street east to the railroad
track and the C D and M Round House
to the police commission with power
The kerosene oil ordinance and the ordinance regulating the sale of fresh meat were
deferred to Tuesday evening
Ald Leckie presented a resolution to have a sidewalk laid on the north side of Hill street
Kelly's subdivision which was referred to the commission on streets
The claim of $12.00 for repairing done in the washington park was referred to the
same committee
the claim of S M Langworthy for $4.20 was referred to the commission on clalims
the claim of Lagen and sons for $4.00 was referred to the same committee
Regular Session August 2, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath
the following bills were read and ordered paid
claims allowed
Burch Babcock and Co
Carson McElrath
M Downey
Ingram Kennedy and Day
P J Donohue
G Richler
Dubuque Water Co
B D Linehan
T J Donohue
C McElrath
C Mason
Rouse Dean and Co
C McElrath
Martin and Strane
Harney and O'Connor
Telephone Exchange Co
Healey Bros
A Woller
D W Linehan
Jerry Driscoll
Jm M Linehan
Do Do
H Delisle
Hansen and Linehan
J K Graves Hose Co
James Beach
Sol Truck Hose Co
John McCoy
Wulweber Bros
Key City H and L Co
N C Ryan
J P Kleuck
Mrs. P McMahon
Jake Klauer
Key City Gas Co
J G Mitchell and Co
Pfiffner and Kriebs
Wm N Wallace
F E Moser
R W Rodgers
Dan Breen
Peter Klauer
T E Frith
West Union Telegraph Co
D A Gehrig
Chas McMaster
Jos Ogle
M D Wright
Larry Daily
Wm Koenig
Frank Lathrop
J R Harvey
Vogel and Ferguson
H J F Webb
P Olinger
Asa Horr
Burt and Frick
F G Brandt
B D Linehan
The bids for improving Seminary Street and Wilson Avenue were on motion opened read
and referred to the street commissioner and city engineer to report on Tuesday evening
On motion the council adjourned to Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
Martin Kane city recorder
Regular Session August 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
the committee on ordinances presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal
Section 3 of an ordinance regulating the licensing and keeping of dogs which was read
the first time when rle 29 was suspended and the ordinance then read a second time by
its title and passed
also an ordinance amending an ordinance to regulate the sale and inspection of kerosene
oil etc which was read the first time when rule 29 was suspended and the ordinance read
a second time by its title and passed
Ald Herod moved to take up the Butchers ordinance
The ordinance was then read the first time
ald Jones moved to lay the same on the table
Ald Herod moved that rule 29 be suspended and the ordinance placed upon its
the yeas and nays were had there on as follows
Yeas Ald Altman, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh and Linehan - 5
Nays Doerfler, Jones, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath - 5
Lost three fourths being necessary to suspend the rules the motion was declared lost and
the ordinance laid over
Ald Doerfler moved to reconsider the action had at yesterday's session on the petition
of Wm L Bradley and others to improve Wilson avenue from Fifth street to Julien Avenue
Regular Session August 3, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
the report of the street commission was on motion then adopted ordering its improvement
Ald Fengler presented the following resolution
resolved that Wilson Avenue from a point thereon opposite the southerly line of Eighth Street
extended westerly across said Wilson Avenue to Julien Avenue be graded guttered and
macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subjct. That the City Engineer be
and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said
improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals
for the performance of the work the guttering and macadamizing to be done at the expense
of the owners of the abutting proprty
Adopted by the following vote
Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Nays Ald Jones
A petition from Tim Byron et al for a policeman on Southern Avenue was read and on motion
referred to the police commission
Also a petition from Lawrence O'Maid asking two months' back pay which was referred to
the street commission
The commission on streets reported Martin and Strane to be the lowest and best bidders
for the work on Wilson avenue and John H Morgan the lowest and best bidder for the work
on Seminary street
the report was approved and the contracts awarded accordingly
Martin Kane
city recorder
Special Session August 10, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Doerfler
Mayor stated the object of calling the meeting to be to consider a petition from J A Rhomberg
and others protesting against the erection of a frame building by Asa Roberts on fifth and
clay streets contrary to ordinance
Ald Linehan moved to refer to the city attorney to have the ordinance which was read
Ald Jones moved an amendment to have the petition referred to the commission on fire
A petition was presented from Hugh Martin for the privilege of using ground to build a wood
On motion referred to commission on harbors with power
Ald Leckie stated that his committee had not concluded as yet to report on the petitions of
the residents of southern avenue for a policeman but had been waited upon by several of
the prominent business men of that locality and was convinved by them of the necessity of
appointing a policeman. he would therefore move to appoint one for Jones Street to Kempf's
Old Brewery and alsao one from Eagle point Ave to the Round House.
Ald Linehan moved to apoint two tellers and taht ballots be taken
Ald Lekie and jones were selected as the tellers
Special Session August 10, 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Ald Doerfler
Messrs Halpin, Driscoll and Gilmore were placed in nomination
First Ballot
Halpin 5
Gilmore 2
Total 9
Mr. Halpin having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected
Second Ballot
Driscol 4
gilmore 3
Lentz 2
total 9
No choice Gilmore was withdrawn but voted for
Third Ballot
Driscoll 5
Gilmore 2
Lentz 2
total 9
Mr. Driscoll having received a required ajority of votes was declared elected
It was moved and adopted that the salary of the elected policement be placed at $40 per
month for a few months and not uniformed
martin Kane
City Recorder
Committee of the Whole August 10, 1880
Council went into committee of the Whole Mayor Bush in the Chair
The resolution referred to the committee of the whole for the improvement of Peabody Avenue
accompanied by a remonstrance were ordered tabled.
On motion no action was had on James Street until after the committee visited the ground
On the petition of Mrs B Roach Ald Linehan moved to remit her regular tax and she be
given two years time to pay special tax without interest
The petition of Chas Bruhn et al to abate a nuisance in the shape of pools of stagnant
water on Elm and Pine from 15th to 17th streets was ordered referred to the com on
Streets to abate the same
On the petition of Henry Mueller et al to continue the sewer from Eagle Point Avenue
to the Railroad Bridge ordered that the commitee visit the premisis
Council objected to minutes of Com of Whole being kept
Special Session August 16 1880
Council met at 4 1/2 p.m.
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Aldermen Altman and Linehan
Recorder read a petition from J V Rider et al stating that a licensed oil factory
manufactory was about to be established in this city and asking that an ordinance be
passed exempting such enterprise from taxation for ten years
Ald Leckie introduced a resolution exempting the company and giving the same certain
privleges for a blank number of years
Ald O'Neill moved to remit the taxes for five yeras
Special Session August 16 1880
Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh,
Leckie, O'Neill and Rath
Absent Aldermen Altman and Linehan
Ald Doerfler amended that the matter be referred to a committee of five one from each
the mayor appointed as such committee Ads Leckie, Doerfler, Rath, Linehan and O'Neill
Ald Doerfler moved that the matter of supplying water for jackson park be referred to the
comm on public grounds and buildings with power
A petition was handed in from A Graham and on motion referred to the comm on claims
on motion adjourned
Martin Kane
City Recorder