1880 September Council ProceedingsRegular Session September 6 1880 Council met at 9 a.m. Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath the minutes of the August sessions were read The Recorder was instructed to explain why committee of the whole proceedings were kept and the minutes then approved Petitions to reduce assessment of 1880 ref to com on equlization On motion petitions asking to reduce the assessment for 1880 were referred to the committee on equalization as follows H E Wilson mrs M A Linton Dubuque furniture and burial case company G Schroeder Elizabeth Manson Norwegian Plow Co Ignatz Seeger Hazard Powder Co (committee of whole) Geo Burden Solomon Smith Wm Kley Andrew Solduer Noah Adams Jane S Hames Mrs M Levins Ellison and Son Dun and Dub Bridge Co A R Stanfenbeil Geo W Jones John Strelan mrs E M Smith F B Lawrence S E Esler W W Carr and Co mrs E Sullivan John Nagle John Meklop Henry Richter Fredericka Udall Conrad Schmidt C Schrieber Agt for heirs of X Reinfried James H Shields Joseph Dendinger Dub Water Co J Huber Key City Gas Co (Com of whole) Key City Furniture Co alex Simplot Fanny A Stuart Jos Platz C G Wullweber James Reilley Andrew Drees It was moved and adopted that petitions asking to reduce assessment raised by the Equalization Com be referred to the com of the whole (see two referred above) the petition of G Ganahl to remit saloon license was on motion referred to teh committee on delinquent tax Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Adam Pier to cancel the special tax on the south one half of lot 120 East Dubuque was referred to the same committee the petition of John McKinley to place value of lot No 2 of Sub lot 1 of Out lot 653 at $1250 was referred to the same committee the petition of Mary J Heaton to exempt her from paying hotel license was referred to the same committee the petition of John Ham for the privilege to open a saloon and pay in partial installments was referred to the same committee The petition of Bridget Burke to cancel tax of 1878 was referred to the same committee the petition of Mary Boyle to cancel tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee the petition of Ellen Ahern to cancel tax of 1879 was referred to teh same committee The petition of Mary Mullin to cancel tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee the petition of Anton Stines to cancel the personal tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee with power The petition of Ann O'Hare to remit tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee The petition of Mary Seige to remit tax of 1879 was referred to the same committee The petition of John Hederman for a crossing and a sidewalk on the Air Hill Street was referred to the street committee The petition of G Gmehle for grade on Franklin Street was referred to the same committee Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The petition of C W Schreiber et al for grade on Jackson between 17th and 18th East side was referred to the same committee The petitions of Alex Farley to compel hogs on Dodge Street to be removed and of Jerry Howard to retain the same were referred to the Executive Committee of the Board of Health the petition of Geo H Fry et al for a lamp on high street was referred to the committee on police the petition of F J Zugenbuckler to refund license paid in 1878 was referred to the same committee The remonstrance of H H Smith et al against the removal of policeman menkel was on motion referred to the same committee The petition of Farley Loetscher and Co for a lamp on the location of eighth and jackson streets was referred to the same committee The report of police justice hoerner for the month of August was referred to the same committee the remonstrance of the Dubuque Water Co against parties taking water from the drinking fountains was received and filed The petition of Geo W Burden for permission to erect a frame shed on the platform of a warehouse on Second and Iowa Streets was referred to the commitee on fire with power The remonstrance of C H Book and John R Waller on the improvement of Clay Street was read and a motion made to grant the protest. Amended to lay on the table the amendment was adopted The remonstrance of Westphal Winds and Co et al on the same street was also read and was received and filed Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath the petition of Wm B Allison to cancel special tax on sidewalk was on motion received and filed The petition of G L Young et al asking to have a family in the vicinity of the Diamond House declared a public nuisance was read. It was moved to refer the same to the committee on police. Amended to refer to the city marshal. the yeas and nays were called for on the amendment and was lost by a vote of 6 against and 4 in favor. The original motion was also lost and the petition was received and filed for the mayor casting his in the affirmative on a vote. Reports of officers City recorder reported the number of births deaths and infectious diseases from the 1st of March to the 31st of August 1880 No of births 272 No of deaths 138 No of diseases 78 He also suggested a change in section 3 of the ordinance which was referred to the comm on ordinance and gave the places where burials were made and not reported which was referred to the marshal to ascertain. The report was there received and filed. The same also reported Sunday licenses issued during the month of August of which one license was issued to H Kolb for six months for the sum of $12.50 Received and filed and the ordinance Com instructed to inquire into the matter of violation of ordinance City auditor submitted his semi annual report of the receipt and expenditures for the precedig six months. The receipts amounted to $48,497.45 and the expenditures to $43,724.90. Cash in hands of treasurer Sept 1st 1880 $4,772.55. The report was received and filed. Same officer reported the sum of $1137.95 necessary to Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Pay the city officers for August Report received and filed orders to be drawn but the salary of the street commissioner was referred to teh com on streets to report in the afternoon City marshal submitted his report for August $1046.55 was required to pay the regular and special police. 95 dogs were impounded. 61 prisoners were arrested. $28.05 collected from city pound and $1.00 from police justice Coakley. report received and filed. orders to be drawn to pay off but officer Meukel's salary was referred to the street committee to report in the afternoon. Market master Gmekle reported having weighed at the market master house scales during August 126 drafs at 15 cents for each draft amounting to 18.90 Received from rent of huckster stands 27.50 teh receipts for both amounts being attached. The amount due for 27 meals furnished prisoners at 20 cents per meal was 5.40. report received and filed and claim ordered paid. St Com Dowling reported the sum of 2779.50 required to pay for street work during August as follows laborers teams masons carpenters rock crossing stone and dressing express hauling Wood measurer Warring reported measuring 536 2/8 cords of wood during August received and filed Lamp lighter O'Halleran reported having lighted and extinguished 179 gas lamps during the month of August report received and filed Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath N C ryan reported having weighed 90 drafts at 15 cords per draft on the first ward scales. The treasurer receipts for $2 was attached being 15 percent due the city report received and filed P Even reported having weighed 58 drafs on the southern avenue scales on August amount 8.70 The treasurers receipt attached for 1.30 that being 15 percent of the gross amount report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 147 drafts on West Dubuque scales during August Amount 21.80 The treasurers receipt attached for 3.27 that being 15 percent of the gross amount report received and filed Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 164 drafts on the fifth ward scales in August Amount 24.60 The treasurers receipt attached for 3.70 that being 15 percent of the gross amount report received and filed city attorney shields reported that at the last term of the N S Circuit Court final disposition was made of the case of Arnot against the city of Dubuque thta there was due from the city a balance of costs of 10.35 and 32.50 was due Mr Shields as epenses incurred by him received and filed and ordered paid the sum also reported that the matter of the Seventh Street sidewalk had been amicably settled by paymet therefore by Bishop Hennessy and the receipt to the treasurer therefore by John mcCoy the builder and that M M Walker had fully settled and discharged all claims against him by the last and the present coal oil inspectors and which were the subjects of the reference report received and filed Council adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m. Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Afternoon session police justice Coakley submitted his report for August total amount of fines collected and paid into the treasury 9.56 amount due 5.00 received and filed and ordered paid The city engineer presented two plats one of Broadway extension and the other of Clay street extension which were referred to the com on streets. he also presented a plan of a sewer to carry drainage of Dodge street and the estimated cost of construction which was referred to the committee of the whole reports of committees etc Ald Linehan Chairman f the com on Finance read a communication from the commercial national bank asking to eschange southwestern bonds for other bonds or cash the matter was referred to the finance com Ald Leckie presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate the use of public fountains and he movd its adoption after being read the first time. the motion was carried rule 29 was then suspended by a full vote of the council the ordinance read a second time by its title and passed The city attorney read an ordinance entitled an ordinance to further regulate the sale of fresh meals. Ald Fengler moved to place the charges of weight at 10 cent for a quarter of beef and 5 cents for a carcass of mutton etc. Adopted The rules were then suspended by a full vote of the council the ordinance read by its title a second time and passed the com on claims reported in favor of paying the claims of Lagen and sons of 4.00 and S M Langworthy of 4.20 report adopted Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The Committee on streets reported in favor of the adoption of the grades submitted by the city engineer in the profiles of the alley between 5th and west seventh streets in Coriell's Subdivision and of the street on the west line of said subdivision from west 7th to 5th streets. Report adopted Same committee reported in favor of accepting the plat of subdivision of lots 14 and 15 of Bush's Subdivision. report adopted Same committee also reported in favor of the adoption of teh grades of College and Roberts Avenue as shown by the profiles submitted by the City Engineer. Report adopted Same committee reported to recommend that the city engineer be instructed to make a survey of the proposed road from Linwood to connect with 5th Street in Ham's addition; to inquire upon what terms the right of way can be had and report the same at the next regular session. report adopted Same reported on the petition of Thos Finn to credit him with $1.33 on his taxes for 1878 on Min lot 31. Report adopted Same reported in favor of the adoption of the following Resolved that a sidewalk four feet wide of good No 1 two inch plank be within thirty days of this notice constructed and laid (crosswise) in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on both sides of Grand View Street between Villa and South Dodge Streets laid to a temporary grade at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following votes Yeas Altman Doerfler Fengler Herod Kavanaugh Linehan Leckie O'Neill and Rath Nays Jones Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Also in favor of the following resolved That a sidewalk six feet wide of good No 1 two inch plank laid crosswise be within 30 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on Hill Street between Linehan Block and Garragan's property in front of lots 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20. Rogers Subdivision and lot 39 Kellys subdivision at the expense of the abutting property adopted by a full vote The same committee reported adversely on the resolution referred to them for the improvment of the alley between Lake Street and Eagle Point Ave. and Jackson and Washington Streets Adopted The Same reported to refer the statement of the estimated cost of improving Seminary Street from Iowa to 17th Street to the Com of the Whole. Adopted Also to refer the resolution for the laying of a sidewak on the north side of 14th Street from Clay to Jackson to the Com of the whole. Adopted On the petition of Chas Bruhn et al that the street com had already provided means to carry off the water from the lots complained of. Report approved On the petition of A Marfield that a grade has been established between 15th and 16th streets but would recommend that a compromise grade be established provided the abutting property holders can agree to the same. report adopted On the petition of Wm Andrew that the treasurer be instructed to cancel the special tax assessed against the south one fifth of 478 for the year 1865 amounting to $33.19 as the levy of said tax was an error. Report adopted Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath On the petition of Thos Skelton that it be granted report adopted On the petition of Fred Mussehl that it be laid upon the table. report adopted On the petition of Lawrence O'Mara that he had been allowed $25 in full for his claim. report adopted On the report of the city engineer on the petition of Thos. Nairn that the report be adopted and the city engineer be instructed to prepare a plat and have the same approved by abutters. Report adopted On the claim of $12 for labor in Washington Park that it be paid. report adopted On the salaries of M Dowling as St Commisioner and Officer Muekel. In favor of making no change on the payroll for the present month so far as their salaries were concerned. report adopted The committee on Harbors to whom was referred the petition of Hugh Martin. Reported that Mr. Martin did not need require the place asked for and recommended the petition be received and filed. Report adopted The committee on Markets reported on the petition of T F Haisch. In favor of allowing him the use of the middle cellar of the Market Building at $23 per annum at the pleasure of the council. report adopted The committee on Printing reported in favor of paying the claim of the Herald for $115.30 for August. report adopted Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Times Co of $91.80. report adopted The committee on Fire reported on the petition of H W Sanford. That after a careful examination by architects of the South wall of the J K Graves engine house there was found to be due the city from Mr Sanford for its use $85.41 which sum had been paid into the treasury as per receipt attached report accepted The Commitee on police and gas reported in favor of paying the key city gas company's claim of $563.90 for August. report adopted Same committee reported in favor of allowing the claim of A W Globe Gas Light Co of $269.43 for lamps. report adopted On the petition of Thos Bangemann et al for a policeman at Eagle Point that the same had been granted report approved On the petition of Tim Byron et al that a policeman had been given them as prayed for. reporta pproved On the petition of John Mehlop et al for a gas lamp on Couler Avenue that the same had been granted report approved The committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Cath Schuler. report adopted In favor of cancelling the tax of Cath McEvoy. report adopted Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath In favor of the City Treasurer receiving the sum of $3 as the amount of tax in full from Margaret Lear. Report adopted In favor of allowing J N Hill to pay $60 as the amount of personal tax for 1869 and also the tax on his homestead for 1876 without penalty or interest and that the city auditor be and he is hereby directed to redeem the same from M Hintrager at once as the tax sale was erroneous report adopted In favor of cancelling the tax of Mary Luke report adopted In favor of granting the petition of John Homan as the assessment was erroneous. report adopted Adverse to the petition of James Reddan on th eground that the special tax was only paid on one half the lot petitioned for. Report adopted In favor of cancelling the tax of Margaret Quinn report adopted In favor of referring the petition of C W Bittman to the committee of the whole report adopted Ald Kavanaugh from the special committee to whom was referred the matter of the erection of a slaughter house reported that the committee had conferred with many of the butchers and found that the latter could not be induced to agree to such an arrangement and would therefore recommend the subject be laid on the table. report adopted Ald Leckie chairman of the special committee which had under consideration the petition of JV Rider Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath et al in reference to a linseed oil factory made the following report: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of John V rider, John Bell and Co. W L Bradley J H Lull Jacob rick and Geo L Torbert asking that the property of the Linseed Oil Co. about to be organized in the city be exempted from taxation for a term of years would respectfully report and recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that the taxes be assessed against the buildings machinery and raw and manufactured stock be remitted by the City Council for a period of eight years, and would further recommend that the assessed value of lots 376 377 and 370 on which said factory is about to be built remain at the cost price to the company to wit: $2400 for the same number of years. The report of the committee was adopted resolutions etc. Ald O'Neill presented the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that an order be drawn in favor of A matthews for $200 and the same charged to him on account of the codification of the city ordinances which are about complete. Same also presented a resolution to have obstructions on Jones Street between Main and Locust streets removed. Referred to com of the whole Ald Linehan offered the following Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that a tax for the year 1880 of ten (10) mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied on all the real and pesonal property in the city of Dubuqeu as returned by the assessors and corected by the Committee on Equalization distributed and set apart in the following manner: for general expenses, five (5) mills and for special inerest five (5) mills: and be it further resolved that a tax of one (1) mill be and is hereby levied on all the real and personal property within the water limits for the water tax of 1880. Adopted Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald Leckie presented the following which was adopted resolved that the auditor be instructed to redeem from sale of October 9th 1876 to Wm Hintrager the N 25 feet of City lot No 639 upon the payment of $93.46 said payment to be made by Geo W Beaubien or his attorney without delay. Same presented the following: resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque That two coal oil lamps be placed on Wilson Avenue between Fifth Street and Julien Avenue under the direction of the Committee on police adopted Ald Linehan presented the following which was adopted. Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the Finance Committee be instructed to borrow $4000 for the city of Dubuque. Same read a communication from Treasurer Gehrig on what to do about the tax of Samuel Root who had paid some of the tax into the treasury. Referred to special com who previously examined the city offices of which ald O'Neill was chairman Ald Altman presented the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Clay Street between Second and Third Streets be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specificiations for said improvment and the City Recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the macadamizing to be done t the epense of the owners of the abutting propert. Adopted by the following vote; Yeas - Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Nays - Jones and Leckie Ald Linehan presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that the Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath alley between Jackson and Washington and beween Ningh and Tenth Streets be graded and macacamized in conformit with the ordinance upon that subject. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed o maek the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the macadamizing to be done at the expense of the ownes of the abutting property. Adpoted by nine votes Ald Leckie being out of the council chamber at the time of voting. Ald Fengler presented the following: which was adopted Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the committee on streets be and is hereby instructed to protect the sewer on Eagle Point Avenue west of Couler Avenue in such a way as to keep children from falling into the same at once. Ald Rath offered the following which was adopted Resolved that an order be drawn in favor of Gilbert Woodruff to cover the sume paid by him to redeem the south 32 1/2 feet of lot 446 from tax sale for delinquent personally tax assessed against R S West. Said order amounting to about $60.00 or such sum as the treasurers books show. Ald Fengler presented the following: Resolved by the city council of Dubuque that an order be drawn on the treasurer in favor of Mrs. Catherine Schuler for $4.73 for tx of 1879 remitted by action of the ciyt council adopted Ald Fengler also presented the following which was adopted Be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque that teh street commissioner be and is hereby instructed to clean the alley between Tenth and Eleventh and between White and Jackson Streets and to put the same in proper repair at once. Ald Doerfler presented the following Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Dubuque. that an appropriation of the sum of $1,000.00 be made from the city treasury for the purpose of improving Couler Avenue from Sanford Street to the city line, said improvements to be made under the direction of the Street Committee. The alderman moved to adopt the resolution. Considerable discussion was had upon expanding the whole amount at one time when Ald Fengler moved to ammend that $500 be expended during the present month and the remaining $500 the next month. Adopted Ald Herod presented the following which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the red line on the accompanying profile of the street east of prospect street from fifth to West Seventh Street be and is hereby declared the official grade of said street. Also the following which was adopted Resolved that the red line on the accompanying profile of the alley between Fifth Street and West 7th Street in Corriell's Subdivision be and is hereby declared the official grade of said alley. Also the following which was adopted Resolved that the red line as shown by the accompanying profile of Main Street from Eagle Point Avenue to Seminary Street be declared the official grade of said street. Also the following which was adopted Resolved that the red line as shown by the accompanying profile of College Avenue be declared the official grade of said avenue Also the following which was adopted Resolved tht the red line as shown by the accompanying profile of Roberts Avenue be declared the official grade of said avenue Also the following which was adopted (plat of 14 and 15) resolved that the accompanying plat of the Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Subdivision of lots 14 nd 15 of Bush's Subdivision be accepted and the city's engineer ordered to place the same on record. Ald Herod also offered presented the following which was adopted resolved That a committee of three be appointed to see on what terms a portion of the adjoining lots on the west side of Wilson Avenue can be secured to improve said avenue where it changes from 64 to 40 feet in width; also on what terms a change of grade can be secured, and report at the next regular session of the council. Adopted and the mayor appointed as such committee Ald Herod Linehan and Jones Also the following which was adopted Resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Eighth Street from White to Washington Streets by James G Carney contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows German Catholic Church City 353 $43.90 Andrew Reilly City 354 $117.04 Also the following which was adopted Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing fifth Street from main to Locust Streets by J N Froye contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be an dis hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath as follows First nat Bank 694 ft s 1/3 City Lot 64 86.18 Winona Land Co W 20 ft S 1/3 City Lot 64 24.34 John Mallany 97 City 79.57 Geo M Staples 96 City 73.77 Richard Cox 65 City 103.62 Also the following was adopted Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for curbing, guttering and macadamizing Fourteenth Street from Washington to Pin Street by Martin and Strane contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein after named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Jame McCracken 142 East Dubuque 137.96 City 191 East Dubuque 107.00 City 212 East Dubuque 82.26 J O'Neil W 1/2 122 East Dubuque 24.21 Wm Helm 141 East Dubuque 28.18 Also the following which was adopted Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for curbing guttering and macadamizing Fourteenth Street from Washington to Pine Streets by martin and Strane contractors in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Phil Tinkenauer N 1/2 192 East Dub 28.18 E & D Langworthy 211 East Dub 24.67 John Pickley 121 East Dub 0.78 Also the following which was adopted Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to pay for laying plank sidewalk two feet wide on north side of south street by P J Hanlon contractor in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situated and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows Unknown 74 Finleys Waples and Burton's 4.64 report of St Com on Petition of Jos Vogel Et Al Same that the city auditor be instructed to redeem from all erroneous city tax sales on the following lots viz: on lot 3 in Min Lot 470 for the year 1877 Also on lot 5 for the same year sold Nov 25 1878 Also for lot 3 sold Oct 10 1879 for the year 1878 and also for lot 5 sold for same year on said date. It is understood tha tsaid redemption shall be made with 10 percent interest and said amount charged to the respective lots as shown by Evans' plat an dall double payment on said lots to be adjusted adopted The following bills were read and ordreed paid Henry Daugherty P J Hanlon May Schnatka T J Donahue James G Carney Harney and O'Connor Regular Session September 6 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Bills paid Telephone Exchange Co J K Hacker Geo K Smith N C Ryan C W Robinson K City Gas Light Co John Murphy Schrieber and Strinsky Asa Roberts Larry Daly Arnold Tschirgi Chas McMaster Asa Horr M M Wapler Westphal Hinds and Co L H Dampsey C S Wells C B Dorr H Lembeck Martin Kane Mrs. P McMahon D W Linehan Geo Reynolds Sol Turck Hose Co J K Graves Hose Co Fifth Ward Hose Co F H Finke F Mertz Do P Clancy F Mertz C McElrath P Olinger Wm Stoenig T O'Sullivan Wm G Watters Dub Water Co Gibbs and Co Daily Telegraph Joseph Thuring H De Lisle Wullweber Bros F H Finke T E Frith Faust and O'Connell T O Sullilvan Jerry Driscoll James Robinson A H Schilling Key City H and L Co N Eichmann J S Rndall Sol Turck Hose Co Fifth Ward Hose Co C H Voelker J F Conant Morrison Bros the claim of Wm Dyer of 732.28 for improving Jackson Park was on motion referred to the special com on parks the bids for street work were opened and read and on motion referred to the committee on streets with the city engineer to be reported upon Thursday evening's adjourned session Council then adjourned Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Regular Session September 7 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan and Rath - the necessary quorum Ald Linehan moved to award the contracts about to be let to the lowest and best bidders adopted The Com on Streets through Ald Herod then reported J E Foye to be the lowest and best bidder for the work on Eleventh from Jackson to Washington J E Foy for the work on alley between Washington and Jackson from 16th to 17th Albert Leicht for the work on alley between White and Jackson from 14th to 15th Streets Martin and Straine for the work on Fourteenth Street 100 fet west of Cox to the Altat Vista Street Martin and Strane "Blank" street in Corriel's subdivision from Fifth to West Seventh Martin and Strane for the work on Alley north of Fifth and west of prospect street The contracts were awarded accordingly Ald Linehan stated that some policemen were required at the fair grounds during the races and moved to refer the matter of furnishing them to the mayor Police Com and Marshal Adopted The rules were suspended and James Martin addressed the council on the obstructions made on the sidewalk in front of his property. He was instructed to have them removed at once Ald Kavanaugh reported to allow Wm Dyer $700.00 in full for Jackson Park improvement Regular Session September 7 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan and Rath - the necessary quorum Moved that Mr Dyer be allowed $400 as part payment and the balance hereafter or when the work has been declared satisfactory The yeas and nays were called for: Yeas - Fenger Herod Jones and Leckie - 4 Nays - Kavanaugh Linehan and Rath - 3 the motion was declared carried and Mr. Dyer to be paid $400.00 Ald Leckie presented the following which was adopted Your committee would report the resolution of Ald Linehan in reference to curbing guttering and macadamizing James Street and Peabody Avenue and recommend that the street committee put the same in good possible condition at once Same committee recommended that the resolution on Couler Bridge be received and filed adopted Adjourned on motion of ald Leckie to the 20th inst at 7 1/2 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the newly compiled city ordinances fromn A Matthews Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Adjourned Session September 20 1880 No quorum being present the recorder adjourned subject to call Attest Martin Kane City recorder Adjourned Session September 24 1880 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanagh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Council met at 8 o'clock p.m. The petition of John Butt et al to delay the improvement of Wilson Avenue was referred to the St Com Adjourned Attest Martin Kane City Recorder