1915 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
ay Others for tly pear 1413
Recorder -J. J. SHEA.
Treasurer -GEO. D. WYBRANT.
Auditor -CYRIL D. LAGEN.
J. H. WALLIS, Fourth Ward.
WM. A. McINTOSH, Fifth Ward.
MATT CLANCY, First Ward.
J. J. McLAUGHLIN, Second Ward.
WM. SINGRIN, Third Ward.
Mayor Pro Tem -WM. SINGRIN.
Chief of Police -JOHN W. GIELLES.
Committee Clerk -J. W. LAWLER,
Electrician -WM. C. HIPMAN.
Wallis, Heim, McIntosh.
McLaughlin, Callahan, Heim.
Streets -
Clancy, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis,
Police and Light -
Callahan, Clancy, Singrin.
Singrin, Heim, Clancy.
Heim, McLaughlin, Clancy.
Claims -
McIntosh, Callahan, Wallis.
Fire -
Singrin, Wallis, McIntosh.
McIntosh, Singrin, Heim.
Public Grounds and Buildings -
Heim, Callahan, Wallis.
Regular meetings of the
Thursdays of each month at
Attorney -M. H. CZIZEK.
Engineer - EDWARD C. BLAKE.
Assessor -FRED J. HELDER.
Street Commissioner -J. MAHONEY
Market Master -Edw. NORTON.
Harbor Master -JOHN STEMM.
Inspector of Public Improvements -
Delinquent Tax -
Wallis, Clancy, Singrin.
Sprinkling -
McLaughlin, Clancy, McIntosh.
Harbors -
Wallis, Callahan, McLaughlin.
Supplies -
McLaughlin, Clancy, Callahan_
Electrical Construction -
Callahan, McIntosh, Singrin.
Board of Health -
Council Member -Mayor Saul.
Aldermen Heim, McLaughlin.
Citizen Members -W. C. Fosselman,
Richard Kolck.
Health Officer -Dr. E. L. Reinicke.
Meat and Milk Inspector -Dr. F. J.
Sanitary Policeman -Chas. H. _Bucn-
City Council are held the first and third
8:00 o'clock p. m.
Page - Page
Jan. 7 -Apel, Emil, application of, for Chauffeur of Ambu-
lance 2
" 7- Ambulance under supervision of Chief of Police
9, 10, 28, 94, 133
" 21- Adding Machine, to purchase, for Assessor's Office 33
"21 -Alley in Union Add., relative to vacating 33, 60, 65, 119
Feb. 4 -Adam, M., relative to Rhomberg Ave. assessment 49
" 9 -Arch St., settlement made with the C. B. McNamara
& Co., in balance due for Arch St. Improvement 55
9 -Alley between Eagle Point Ave. and Regent Street,
from Queen Street to Prince St., to improve
60, 91, 93, 97, 110, 113, 117, 19 217, 232, 243
INDEX -Book 45
" 26- Approprialions for ensuing year fixed
" 26 -Auto Fire Engine warrants drawn for I9,500.00
Mar. 4 -Alley bet. Rhomberg & Garfield, from Dock to Reed
" 4 -Alley in Pauline Lang Sub., vacation of
" 12 -Auto Fire Engine, contract of Nott Fire Engine Co.
cancelled, Recorder to readvertise 86
" 12 -Auto Patrol, Chasis and Touring Car, bids on
88, 94, 107, 112, 127 128, 138
" 18- American Surety Co., relative to cancelling bond of
J. S. Morgan, Levy Imp. Commissioner 90
" 18- Alley, between Grant Ave. and Center Place, to im-
prove 91, 93, 109, 113;125
" 18- Attorneys report on court cases of Cath and William
Kleespies and Mary Rutter 92
" 18 -Allen Emma,, allowed soldiers exemption ... 92
" 25 -Auto Fire Engine, bids of the various firms...100, 111, 124, 128, 145
Apr. 1- Atherton Alice, relative to a reduction in taxes.... 118, 194
" 1- Attorney, annual report of 123
" 1- Abstract: of Title of Lots 503 to 515 inclusive, Ham's
Add. 124
1 -Alley bet. Alta Vista and Center Place, improvement
of accepted by Street Commissioner 125, 160, 182, 200
1- Automobile, Ford, to purchase for City Engineer.... 126, 179
1- American LaFrance Fire Engine Co., awarded' con-
tracts for furnishing City with Chases and Auto
Fire Engine 127
15- Allison- Henderson Memorial Association, communica-
tion of 138
" 15- Arlington Street property owners, relative to reduc-
tion on the special assessment for constructing _
Sewer 140
15- Anderson, A. E., warrant ordered drawn for overpaid
taxes 140
" 15 -Arch and Asbury streets, U. E. Co., instructed to do
work 145
May. 6- Agreement and waiver of C. A. Voelker, on making
sewer connectionss, Lot 7 Columbia Add., and Lot
111 Cox Add. 169
6- Albee, Mary and Adams, J. T., report of attorney on -
taxes, and decree of Judge Bonson - 175
20 -Alley lying bet. 16th and 17th St., bet. Cedar and
Sycamore Sst., petition of Belsky Co., relative to
clearing same 189
" 20 -Alley running west of St. Ambrose St., to the city
limits in Kleinscbmidt and Finley Add., relative to
vacating 196
" 25— Ambulance, City to purchase inner tubes 201
June 3— Alderson, James, taxes corrected for the year 1914 228
" 3— Alderson, Dr. James, error in taxes corrected 228
" 3— Attorneys report on Raine case, also on the payment
of sums due T. J. Hassett for street improvemeHnts 230
" 17— Attorneys.report on Hay vs. Scharle case 248
July 1— Automobiles, relative to insuring 292
" 1 —Alley bet. 9th and 10th Avenues and alley running
from Rhomberg to Lincoln Ave. bet 9th and 10th
Avenue, to improve
294, 465, 468, 470, 484, 487, 538
1 —Alta Vista and West Locust Street, to widen inter-
section 295
1 —Apple Street, to improve from Cleveland Ave. to
Rush Street 296
1 —Alley in Kleinschmidt's Sub., relative to vacating 300, 382
15 —Alley west of Louisa Street, from North Street to
South Street, relative to opening 303, 447
15— Angella Street, from Pier Street westerly, improve-
ment of accepted by Council
312, 325, 338, 349
" 15— Angella Street, relative to taking care of flow of
water and payment for doing work
Aug. 5.— Anderson, C. L. et al, asking to remove water •
fountain on Grandview Avenue 330,352
5— Assessor's, Deputies, petition of relative to an in-
crease in salary 331
6 —Alley bet. Cleveland Avenue and Rush Street from
Union Street to Mountain Lane, profile of showing
grade 337
5 —Alley bet. Martha Street and West 14th Street, re-
lative to fixing 341
5— Angella Street, $200.00 to be taken from Grading
Fund, for repairing of 341
" 19— Automobiles, mufflers, relative to enforcing cutouts 367
Setp. 2 —Alta Vista Street, improvement of accepted by Cou-
ncil 391, 435, 444, 450
" 16— Austin, A. W., et al., petition of relative to extending
water mains in Delhi Street from Asbury Street to
to City Limits
" 16— Attorney instructed to prepare a written opinion re-
lative to power City Council has over Water Works
" 16 —Arch and St. Ambrose Street, U. E. Co. to fix inter-
Oct. 7— Allison- Henderson Memorial Association, petition of
relative to City assuming the mortgage of Allison -
Henderson Park 439, 466
7— Auditor's annual report for 1914 442
7— Annual reports of Auditor and Treasurer 442
7— Angella Street steps, contract awarded to Thos. Lee 460, 498
22 —Alley lying bet. Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues,
relative to improving
22— Alderson, Chas. P., error corrected in Delhi Street
" 22— Auburn Avenue, grade of from Dexter to Rosedale
Nov. 18 —Apel, John, pettiion of relative to having
cancelled on his special assessment.
" 18 —Alley bet. Reed Avenue and Rhomberg Avenue, re-
INDEX —Book 45
INDEX —Book 45
lative to improving
" 18— Alpine Street, assessment of for improving ,against
Lot 7 and 51 in Julia Langworthy's Add., relative
to making settlement .
" 30— Angella Street, Engineer instructed to prepare grade --
" 30— Auction sale of old carts and harness
Dec. 2 —Alley bet.. Grandview Avenue and Bradley Avenue
from Altman Avenue to the north end of the Alley
in Grandview Place to vacate ..
" 16— Angella Street, grade of from Cox Street to Lot 9
Kringle's Sub.
- '506,'5L1
INDEX -Book 45
Jan, 7 -Bills allowed. in January, 1915 . ........... ........
" 1 -Bills referred, Nntwood_ Livery, John- Dehring, Du-
buque,Rubber. & BeltingcCo.,.and Jas. Levi.& Co
7- Bonson,, Mrs. W. W., relative, to. placing light on
East. Street
7- Buettel,, E., A., relative- to snow cleaned on sidewalk
on Alpine Street
7-Bonds•ofiF. J Helleri.T1tos;.R. Lee, W. J. Nesler and
Mullen Bros., ............. ........... . .. ............ .
7 -Burch Street, Improvebent..of Bonds ordered
7--Board cif. Health. report
7- Blake, Nettie, relative to remission of taxes
21 -Bills allowed in January
21- Buelow, J. S., relative to valuation of his property
21- Belsky, I. & Co., relative to building sidewalk across
Sixteenth Street to their plant
21 -Bird, Bridget, relative to taxes
23- Bonds, refunding ordered by City Conucil numbered
3841 to 3878 inclusive
" 23- Bonds, City Improvements for sale
Feb. 4 -Bills allowed in February, 1915
" 4- Buesch, Wm. 0., agent for Young Estate, relative to
back taxes
4- Buesch, Wm. 0., agent for Young Estate, relative to
building a woodshed on 11th and White Streets....
" 4 -Board of Health report
" 18 -Bills allowed in February, 1915
" 18 -Berg, Friederick, relative to drainage on Woodworth
" 18- Banks, money borrowed by City to pay balance due
on various improvements completed in 1914
" 26 -Bills allowed in February, 1915
26- Bathing Beach, relative to a donation of $60,000.00
for swimming pool ..
" 26- Booths, Election, relative to purchasing
Mar. 4 -Bills allowed first half of March, 1915
" 4- Barnes, Job., petition of relative to soldiers exemption
" 4- Bertos, Cath., relative to correcting personal taxes of
Reugamer Est,
4 -Ball, Martin, petition of relative to Soldiers'
4- Baxter, Tom., relative to Somer System returns for
4 -Board of Health report
18 -Bills allowed in March, 1915
18- Morgan, J. S., relative to cancelling bond of
18- Burke, R. J., Bond of for excavating
18 -Bade, Henry, personal taxes cancelled
18- Bathing Beach Commission, Eldon Fischer and A
Kettler, appointed for terms expiring May 1st, 1918
18 -Burns Street to improve from Cleveland Avenue to
Oak Street
96., 135, 136, 141, 158, 160, 165, 170, 312, 326,
31- Beiler, Edward, relative to saloon consent
Apr. 1 -Bills allowed in April
" 1-- -each, Wm., application of, as Roller Engineer
1 -Bonds of Jas. Street and Chas. Sitterly referred
1- Blake, F. M., resignation of, as Deputy Treasurer
1 -Board of Health, report of
2, 33
2, 32
10, 417
49, 305
64, 173
90, 174
" 15 - Bills allowed in April 134
" 15- Brown, Mabel, taxes cancelled 136
" 16 -Bell, Fred, appointed Water Works Trustee . 146, 189, 228
" 19- Baptist Church, relative to 5 -ft. strip on 11th Street
146, 185, 332, 357, 367, 392, 407, 439, 491
May 6 -Bills allowed in, May, 1915 166
" 6- Bissell, L., remonstrance of. on West 3rd Street. im-
6- Ballard, Mrs. W. W., relative to cancelling taxes 167, 340
6 -Berg & Kress,, petition of, asking perm ission,to build
an approach at Cor. of Elm Street and, Eagle Point
INDEX -Book 45
" 6- Baier, Louis, relative to reducing his taxes
6 -Bonds of Water Works Trustees for 1915
6 -Byrne & Saul, bond for building sidewalks
31 " 6 -Bond of Curtis Plumbing Co. for excavating
33 " 6 -Bank cases vs. City on taxes, report of Attorney on
decree, made by Judge Bonson
35 6- Boards of Health„ report of
43 May 20 -Bills allowed in May,.1915
49 " 20- Breshin, H., given saloon consent .... ......... ..
20- Belsky, I. & Co., asking to have alley cleared of all
obstruction laying bet. 16th and 17 Street
" 20 -Bonds of Water Works Bookkeepers
49, 55 20 -Bonds of L. O. Papin, Geo. Masters, Gow & Curtis,
54 for excavating
61 " 20- Beutin, F., relative to transforming his scale into
City Scales
62 June 3 -Bills allowed in June, 1915
" 3- Bonds,of Dempsey, C., Pape & Son, M. O'Donnell,
and H. J. Reynolds
66 3- Bathing Pool, construction of, City. Attorney's report
on the. legality of paying for same
86 3- Booster Sign, recorder to advertise for bids for
89 painting
77 3 -Board of Health, report of
78 3- Bucknam, C., sanitary officer, relative to an increase
in salary
79 17 -Bills allowed in June; 1915
17- Bunting, Mary L.,. relative to city accepting a full
79 settlement on special assessments
17- Beach, Jas. & Sons, relative to releiving them of
building a sidewalk. on Bluff Street Extension
17 -Bonds of Linehan & Molo and P. Breithaupt, for
17- Breithaupt, Philip, bond of, for excavating '
17- -Bonds of Police and Fire Commissioners
17 -Burns Street, to improve, from Oak Street to Han-
cock Street 195, 282, 287, 296, 364, 366, 391,
93 July, 1 -Bills allowed in July, 1915
" 1 -Board of Health, report
1 -Berg, F.,. relative to drainage on Woodworth Street
338, 346 1 -Bluff Street, reimprovement of, from 4th to 8th St
102 " 1- Baker, Frances.E., relative to reduction in the special
118 assessment on. alley bet. 10th and 11th Street bet.
119 Mainland Locust Street
119, 174 1- Bonds, issuing of, for a new City Hall, City Attorney
122 to report. on power of Council
127 " 1- •Brimeyer, John, relative to being given permission
169, 228
189, 251
190„ 249
234, 281
234, 305,.306
246 „360
247 „337
247 „337
392, 400,431
299, 306,, 333
to build driveway on Providence Street
15 —Bills allowed in July, 1915
15—Bond of Jos. J. Morgan, Levee Imp: Commissioner
15— Braun, Chris., remonstrance of, on Lincoln Avenue
15 —Bluff Street Extension, -Engineer to give correst lines
Aug. 5 —Bills allowed in August, 1915
" 5— Beutin, F., petition of, relative to having his Scales
transformed into City Scales -
6— Buesch, Wm. O., petition of, relative to reducing the
taxes on the Chas. J. Young estate Hall
5— Bonds, relative to power of issuing, for new City
5 —Board of Health report -
13— Bernhard, Mrs. R., et al., relative to improving
Klingenberg Terrace
13 —Bond of R. Jungk, for excavating
19 —Bills allowed in August, 1915•
19— Blocklinger, Dr., bill of, for -medical services referred
19 —Barr, E. NI., remonstrance of, on Cora Street sewer.. -
Sept. 2 —Bills allowed in September, 1915
2— Beyer, Amanda, relative to allowance for funeral and
medical expenses of her husband, Geo. F. Beyer ,
2— +Beutin, F., relative to, transferring his scales into
city scales
2—Board of Equalization appointed
2—Board of Health, report of
" 9— Bathing Beach Commission, warrants ordered drawn
" 10— Beutin, Frank, bill of, for work on Lincoln Avenue,
" 16 —Bills allowed in September, 1915
" 16— Beyer, Amanda, report of City Attorney on compen-
sation due her under compensation law
Oct. 7 —Bills allowed in October, 1915
7— Bartells, R., petition of, asking for permission to
construct private sewer in West 5th Street
7 -- Bennett, Hattie and Harry, petition of, -relative to re- •
ducing their assessment on Rosedale Avenue
7— Braun, Mr., petition of, relative to his taxes
" 7— Burns, W. J., and Brown, W. J., petition of, relative
to their taxes
7— Buchet, E. J., and Mary, petition of, relative to their
special assessment for paving Delhi Street
7 —Bond of A. C. Wunder, on excavating
" 7 —Board of Health, report of
" 22— Bills allowed in October, 1915
" 22— Blake, Nettie, petition of, relating to her taxes .. • •
" 22— Bergener, Henry A., petition of, relative to installing
gasoline tank
Nov. 4 —Bills allowed in November, 1915 his
" 4 —Sour, John, petition of, relative to reducing
assessment on Louisa Street
4L—Bathing Beach Commission, petition of, relative to
levy on one sixth mill for the commission
4.— Bergener, C. A., petition of, relative to reducing his
his assessment
" 4— Biedeman, Mrs. Augusta, petition of, relative to her
assessment on Louisa Street
INDEX —Book 45
4 —Bond of N. J. Steller, for building sidewalks
300 " 4 —Board of Health, report. of
302 " 18 —Bills allowed in November, 1915
303, 337 18—Barr, Elmer R., petition of, relative to reducing his
306 assessment
313 30 —Board of Equalization, final report of, for the year
330 1915
Dec. 2 —Bills allowed in December, 1915
330 " 2— Braun, Christ., petition relative to selling his prop-
erty at tax sale
331, 447 2 —Board of Health, report
2— Brunskill, James, petition of, relative to cancelling
299, 306,,336 report
340 2— Bromlette, M., relative to the assessment for improv-
ing of the alley bet. Julien Avenue and West 5th
353 Street reduced
353, 391 16- -Bills of Jas. F. Lee, for interest for grading, etc. re-
355 ferred
357, 447 ( 16 —Bill of E. P. Smith, referred
358 16 —Berg, C. H., receiver - of Nutwood Livery Co., petition
385 of, relative to settlement of all taxes against Nut -
wood Livery
385 " 16— Bertsch, Jos. J., petition of, relative to having grade
established on Thomas Place
385 " 16 —Bill of Frank W. White, for cement steps at Harbor,
391, 404, 434, 523, 531.
398, 437
438, 46 7
464, 494
INDEX —Book 45
491, 508
523, 531
543, 551
INDEX -Book 45
Jan. 7- Council Proceedings, for November approved of
7 -Court costs in the Elizabeth Pier case, Attorney's
7 ^Campbell Co., bill of, allowed
7- Chestunt Street, to improve, from Highland Place to
Walnut Street
.11, 188, 192, 197, 213, 216, 239, 241, 247, 254, 274, 278, 285, 293,
341, 381, 391, 349
7- Council Proceeding, binding of, Recorder to adver-
tise for bids,
" 21- Clarke, Sarah R., notice of suit for $7,500.00
" 21- Carnegie Stout Free Public Library, annual report of,
" 21- Cosgrove, J. F., relative to vacating the alley in
Union Add. Add
23 -City Improvements, bonds for sale
Feb. 4- Coates & Robinson, bill of, for bond of , J. E. Robinson
for taking care of Detention Hospital
18- Council Proceedings for December, approved of
" 18- Calvert, John, relative to Soldiers' tax exemption
Mar. 4-Council Proceedings for Jan. 1915 approved
" 4 -Car Line, relative to extending on Grandview
and Mt. Carmel Avenue
4- Cottingham, D., petition of,
exemption -
4- Cleaves, Mary, petition of, relative to cancelling
4- Cherry Street property owners petition or felative to
a reduction in the assessment for improving Cherry
4- Cleveland Avenue property owners petition of re-
lative to extending from South Dodge Street to
State Street
4-Chases, Recorder to advertise for bids
4-Clock, to Hospital
purchase for Detention ospi a 1
J., relative to a reduction in a es
18- Ccgan, Mary, relative to reducing axes
18- Cullen, A., relative to reducing taxes
18 -Cox Street from West 14th to West'17t.h Street to im-
18- Clarke, Sarah, notice of suit
1- Carney, Winifried, relative to a reduction in taxes
15- Crotty, Mary, relative to a reduction in taxes
15- Connolly, W. J., relative to reducing taxes
15- Cleveland Avenue property owners relative to refill-
ing alley running from Mt. Lane to Union Street
15 -Cook, Wilmer, instructed to repair Paufman Avenue
15- Curtis Plg. Co., bond of, for excavating
6- Connolly, Margaret, relative to cancelling assessment
20- Cooper, A. A., relative to special assessments on
Grandview Avenue
20- Curtis Street, profile of showing grade
20- Center Place, improvement of, accepted by Street
Committee 193, 249, 261, 271
20- Contomitor, to purchase for Engineers office
20- Cleveland Avenue, to open from South Dodge to
State Street
20 -Cox and West 16th Street, Committee of the Whole
to view grounds
e 3 -Cain, Henry, taxes corrected for three years
to Soldiers'
28, 76,
33, 60
79, 94
79, 141, 195
1 83, 88, 112, 127, 128
90, 140
t 90, 137
d t 90, 139
' 90, 178
169, 291
189, 305
195, 225
1914, 228
INDEX -Book 45
" 17 -City Hall, City Attorney instructed to find out if
Council has powe rto build a new city hall 252
July 1- Council Proceedings for May, 1915 approved of 285
" 1- Coventry Court Building, adjoining property owners
complaining about smoke unisance 287
1 -City Hall, relative to power of Council for issuing
bonds to pay for erecting a new city hall 299, 306, 336
" 6 -Carts at Fire Houses, relative to selling 300
" 6 -Cox Street, improvement of, accepted by Council 301, 326, 338, 350
Aug. 5- Council Proceedings of June approved of 329,
" 5- Cunningham, John, relative to the assessment • for
improving West 11th Street 331, 361
" 5- Casey, Mary L., relative to cancelling taxes 331
5- Ciarke, F. M., remonstrance of, on vacating strip on
West 11th Street for First Baptist Church 332
5 -Cook, W., instructed toput rock and coverng on
Martha Street
" 5- Cherry Street, to improve, from Avoca to Asbury St. 345
19- Connolly, Joe., petition of, relative to an increase in
" 19- Conley, J. M., et al, relative to improving West 3rd
Street from Bluff Street
" 19 -Cady, M. M., relative to reducing assessment on Lot
24 in Farley's Sub. 358
" 19- Courtney, R. J., relative to an error in taxes 361
Sept. 2- Council Proceedings for July approved of 385
" 2- Central Garage Co., petition of, relative to installing,
Gasoline tank
2- County Auditor, statement of, on the assessements
and valuations of R. R. express and telegraph com-
Oct. 7- Council Proceedings of August, 1915, approved of. 437
" 22--- Curtis Plbg., and Htg. Co., petition or, relative to
making sewer connection - 464
" 22 Cushing, Mrs. Dolter, petition of, relative to taxes 474
Nov. 4- Callahan, James, loan warrants re- issued 494
" 4 -Cain, John F., loan warrant reissued 494
4 -Carts of Fire Dept., to be sold at auction 498
4- Cooney, John P., appointed weightmaster of 1st
Ward Scales
18- Coleman, John, error in taxes corrected
" 18- Collis, Geo., error in taxes corrected
" 18- Crotty, Mary, error in taxes, corrected
Dec. 2- County Treasurer, copy of resolution of tax levy sent
2 -City Treasurer instructed to remove city property
from tax sale
" 16 -Cole and Elcar Service Co., petition of, relative to
erecting a sign in front of 1527 Clay Street '
" 16- Clerks and Judges for special election
" 16 -Cox Street, grade of, from Angella Street to alley 1st
386, 404, 413
387, 409
INDEX -Book 45
Jan. 7.- Dennison, John D., relative to tax levied against 2
Lot 7, Julia Langworthy's Add
" 21- Demsepy, Emily, relative to Jefferson Street Sewer 30, 292
" 21- Dubuque Bridge Co., report of, special committee 32
Feb. 4- Dubuque Park Board, relative to tax levy ...... 49. 139
" 4- Dawson, Mrs, Margaret, relative to remitting her
taxes for 1914 49, 340
" 4- Dubuque boys' Club, extending thanks to Mayor Saul
and Council for repairs done on 3rd floor
" 9- Dubuque Lumber Co., report of, an scale receipts
" 18- Doran, F. B., relative to a reduction in taxes
" 18- Decry, John, protesting against granting reductions 63
on various special assessments
" 18- Dubuque Benevolent Humane Society, relative to City
using hard and slippery materials on streets on the
hill districts
" 18- Dubuque Benevolent Humane Society, relative to the
annual donation
Mar. 4- Dolan, Wm., application of, for chauffeur of
4- Dubuque Automobile Club, relative to taking necces-
sary steps to changing street corners at 17th Clay 79
and 8th and Main Streets
4- Dillon Street, relative to extending from Grandview
Avenue to Curtis Street.
4- Dunphy, Maggie McDonald, loan warrant No. 5838 82
renewed 90
18- Dubuque Motor Boat Club, relative to dredging harbor 91, 174
18 - -Deed of Emily Hintrager, to City of Dubuque
18- Detention Hospital, bids . of, for taking care of
.18 -Delhi Street, to improve
114, 118, 126, 132, 134, 135, 142, 157, 160, 14121 165, 170, 184. 1,
Apr. 1 -Delhi Street property owners, remonstrance of 118
" 15- Donahue, .I. E., relative to reducing taxes 135,194
" 15- Durbin, Lena, taxes cancelled 136
15- Dubuque Auto Club, relative to turn on Mt. Carmel
Avenue 139
" 15- Dubuque Athletic Field, asking for appropriations
" 15- Dubuque Labor Congress, relative to increase in the
park levy 139
15- Drehouse, John, bid of, for repairing town clock tower
" Dubuque National Bank, relative to taxes for the years
1912, 1913 and 1914
" 15 -- Dubuque Park Board, warrants drawn for $2,300.00
money appropriated for Park purposes
May 6- DeLorimer, Mary, relative to having taxes cancelled 168, 340
" 6- Dubuque Moose Lodge, petition of relative to holding 168
carnival at Olinger Park 169
" 6- Dubuque Park Board, relative to light bills 170
" 6- Dubuque Park Board, annual report of 188
" 20- Dubuque Park Board, relative to city donating horses 190, 292
" 20 -Dohs, Emma, relative to reducing taxes
" 20- Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., awarded contract for
furnishing hose
June 3- Dietl, Anna, relative to her taxes
" 3- Dempsey, T. D., bond of, for excavating
63, 147
111, 127
224, 340
225, 291
INDEX -Book 45
3- Dubuque Bridge Co., annual report of 225, 390
17- Daily, L., relative to being appointed as. alley
17- Dubuque Industrial Corporation, relative to City
donating for fireaz orks 247
17- Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge Co., relative to city
cleaning streets leading to bridge 247
17- Dubuque Packing Co., relative to alley adjoining their
property on 16th Street, vacating of 251, 287, 292, 341
17- Delaware Avenue, to improve from Avoca Avenue to
the end of the present improvement 253
17- Dubuque No. 2 Addition, Lots 278 and 279, purchased
of Ed. Norton
July 1- DeGuise Co., notice of claim for damages 287, 336, 337
1- Dubuque & Sioux City R. R. Co., decree of Judge
Bonson on taxes of Banana Cooling Plant 290
1- Doyle, N. F., relative to sewer assessments on Spruce
and Jefferson Streets
1- Donering, P., City Carpenter, relative to an increase
in salary
Aug. 5 -Dell, Chas., petition of, relative to bill for construct-
ing sidewalk abutting Lots 27 and 61, Tschirgi and
Schwind's Add,.
5- Dubuque Park Board, relative to levy for park
purposes 332
5- Donaldson, Matilda, relative to cancelling taxes 34(1
5- Dubuque Humane Society, relative to the removal
of Fountain on Grandview Avenue 3't2
19- Daily, L., relative to advertising for bids for clean-
ing alleys
19- Davis, G. E., et al, protesting on the vacation of
strip of land on West 11th Street 357
19- Dubuque Industrial Corporation, relative to holiday
for races
Sept. 2- Dubuque Park Board, relative to turning over money
for the building of the Hodgdan Avenue steps 386, 407
2 - Decree of Judge hintzinger, in the Highland Place
assessment, appeal of property owners 390
16 Duttle, Frank, petition of, relative to his taxes 402
16- Dorgan Place, special committee to investigate sheds 402
16 -Deed of Mary Harper, to city for property on Pickett
Street 404
16- Doors, to purchase for Fire Engine Houses 408, 446,469, 499
23 -- Dubuque Mattress Co., relative to reducing taxes 409
Oct. 7- Dubuque Poultry Association, asking for use of
Armory Hall .
7- Dolan, Mary A., petition of, relative to having taxes
7- Donahue, John, petition of, relative to damage done
by overflow of water 438
22 -Davis Farm Add., Lot 250, error in taxes corrected.. 467
22- Dexter Aveune, grade of, from Algona to Asbury Ave. 468
22- Dolter, Anna B., relative to concelling taxes - 469
Nov. 4- Dubuque College, petition of, relative to cancelling
" 4- Duescher, Joseph, loan warrant reissued
30- Duttle, Frank H., petition of, on taxes received and
Dec. 16- Davenport Tent and Awning Co., petition to new
246, 292
303, 447
331, 364
INDEX —Book 45
" 16— Dubuque Musicians Association, asking to be allowed
to use Armory Hall
INDEX —Book 45
Page 1915 SUBJECT Page
Jan. 7— Edwards, Mr., relative to an error in his assessment. 1Q
Mar. 18— Ernsdorff, Mary, relative to a reduction in taxes 90, 139, 303
" 18— Enzler, Jos., relative to a reduction in taxes 90, 139
" 18— Eberhardt, Mary, relative to soldiers' exemption 90, 1,37
" 18— Engineers stationary, relative to adopting ordinance 90k
Apr. 15— Elwell, F. J., relative to a reduction in taxes 135
" 29— Eleventh Street from R. R. tracks to river to estab-
lish grade 148
May 6— Early, J. P., agent, relative to reducing taxes 168
" 6— Edwards, S., U. S. Engineer, relative to extending
track on Water Street 1
6— Eighmey, Mr., notified to remove rubbish from prop-
erty on corner of Jones and Locust Streets 178
18 —Even, Ida S., relative refunding tax paid for 1913 90, 194
20— Eleventh Street, profile of, showing grade 192, 198
" 20— Engineer's office, to purchase comtomitor _ . 194
June 3 —Even, Peter, and Son, relative to erecting a gasoline
tank 224
Aug. 5— Elwell, F. J., et al, asking to improve Louisa Street _ 331
" 5— Engineers of Rollers, asking for an increase in salary 332
Sept. 16— Eleventh Street, relative to vacating strip of land
for Baptist Church 407
" 16— Engine Houses, to purchase new doors 408
" 23— Engineer instructed to prepare plat of strip of
ground to be given to the city by the I. C. R. R. Co. 415
Oct. 22— Ellison, Geo., petition of, relative to making sewer
connection 464
" 22— Eberhardt, Mary, petition of, relative to Soldiers'
Exemption 464
Nov. 4— Eberhardt, Josephine, allowed Soldiers' Exemption 495
" 18— Eustace, Chas. and Anna, petition of, relative to can-
celling the assessment for improving Clay Street 506
" 30— Eggler, Jno., error in taxes corrected 524
Dec. 16— Ellis, Geo., warrant drawn in his favor for overpaid
taxes 554
INDEX —Book 45
Jan. 7 —Fifth Avenue, improvement of, bonds ordered
" 7-Fire Dept., driver of chief's car, left in hands of
Committee and Chief 10
" 7— Fischer & Co., bill of, allowed 10
Jan. 21 —Fifth Avenue property owners, relative to a reduction
on the special assessment - - 30
Feb. 4 —Fire Dept., Walsh and L. Benzer, relative to an in-
crease in salary 49
Feb. 4— Flynn, James, relative to a refund for fence and rail-
ing constructed by him on West 11th Street 63, 34
Feb. 26- -Feed, furnishing of, recorder to advertise for bids. . 69, 76, 57, 138
Mar. 4— Frith, E. T., relative to being allowed $300.00 for loss
of horses 70, 90, 194
4 —Fire Dept., warrants drawn for salaries for last half
of January and first half February 32
4 —Fire Apparatus, recorder to advertise for bids 84, 86, 100, 112
4— Federal Deposit & Trust Company, relative to reduc-
ing taxes 90, 140
Mar. 18— Fischer, Eldon, appointed on Bathing Beach Com-
" 25— Fourth Street, Extension, to improve ...100, 188, 196„ 213, 255, 305
112, 127
" 25— Fumigating, bids of -
Apr. 1Fuller, Jas., application of, for Roller Engineer
" 1— Fuller, Dolph, application of, for Roller Engineer
1— Flucklinger, Mr., , awarded contract for furnishing
auto Police Patrol 128
1— Farrell, Ed., appointed ambulance driver _ . - 133
" 15— Frenzel, 0., relative to a reduction in taxes 135
" 15— Francois, Leo, application of, for ambulance driver 135
15— Fisch, Dominic, taxes - cancelled ................
" 15--- Florey, Kate, taxes cancelled ........... ..
" 15 —Fire Escapes, relative to, painting 145
May 6 —First Baptist Church, petition of, relative to vacating 187., 186, 439
strip on Eleventh Street along side of .steps 168
6— Feigner, E., et al, relative to repairing West 15th St. 175
6— Fritsche, J., error in taxes corrected
" 20— Fifield, G. A., asking to have Prairie Street improved 189, 299
" 20—Fluckinger, A., relative to erecting gasoline tank
" 20— Froebel, Mrs. Albert, relative to having taxes exempt-
June 3— Federspiel, Thos., et, al, relative to issuing permits for
making connection the Troy Street Sewer ..,
" 17 —Fifth Avenue Property Owners, petition of, relative to
the street and alloy being enclosed
17— Falkenhainer, Chas., agreement of, on the erection of
a bowser tank
17— Finley Hospital, bill of, for services rendered Geo.
17 —Fire Apparatus, money appropriated not used to be 251
used to pay for new apparatus
17— Flynn, J., remonstrance of, on the West. 11th Street 258
assessment 258
July '1—Fischer, Anton, Estate, error in taxes corrected 305
'' 15 —Fire Chief to attend Fire Chiefs' Convention 305
" 15— Federal Trust Co., relative to electric rates
Aug. 5— Fountain on Grandview Avenue, relative to removing 330, 352
" 5— Flynn, John, relative to his assessment on Min. Lot 191, 351
" 5— Farrell, Ed., to be put on officers payroll •
" 19 —Fox, W. E., petition of, relative to his assessment on
248, 341
INDEX —Book 45
Lot-27, Langworthy Add.
Sept. 2— Farwell, Mr., addressed council relative to being
granted permission to erect a building on Iowa St.
for a roller skating rink
Nov. 4 —Fire Dept., carts and harness to be sold at auction
" 4 —Fire Dept., new doors at Engine Houses
" 18— Fettgather, Mrs. J. J., petition of, relative to having
assessment reduced
35.7, 447, 467
498, 537
INDEX -Book 45
Jan. 21- Gatena, H., protest of, against widening West 3rd St:
Mar. 4- Grandview Avenue, residents petition of, relative to
extending car line on Grandview Avenue
" 4- Gilliam, E. A., petition of, relative to being granted
partial exemption on his taxes
4- Gmehle, A. E., relative to being appointed delinquent
personal tax collector
Apr. 1- Germania Stock Co., relative to•a reduction in taxes
" 1- Gieseman, Louis, relative to strip being 'vacated of
Lot 1 of Lawrence Sub.
" 1- Glenn, Wm. J., application of, as driver of ambulance
" 15- Graham, Anna, relative to reducing taxes
" 15- Goodman, E. J., taxes cancelled
" 15- Gutenkaef, Mrs. J., relative to reducing taxes
May 6- Gengler, Mr., relative to sewer connection of J. W.
Neumeister on Lincoln Avenue
20 -Gow & Curtis, bond of, for excavating
June 3- Gasser, Albert, petition of, relative to his taxes
July 1- Galliart, A. & San, relative to overflow of water from
sewer on Julien Avenue
" 1- Gniffke, H., appointed Library Trustee
" 1- Grutz, Nick, relative to Bee Branch Sewer
" 15 -Gow & Curtis, bill of, referred
Aug. 5- Graver, Mrs. Maria. relative to reducing taxes
" 5 -Grue, Edward, relative to repairing Locust Street
Sept. 2- Graham, W. J., et al ,asking to have sidewalks con-
structed on Main Street
" 2-Gruensig, Oscar, error in assessment corrected
Nov. 4- German Trust & Savings Bank, new loan warrants
" 30- Galle, Eliz., error in taxes corrected
Dec. 2- Gatena, Henry, notice of appeal on action of jury on
the appraisement of damages for property on West
3rd Street
2- Gonner, Lawrence, new loan warrant reissued
30, 466, 645
78, 114
118, 139
119, 178
135, 292
190, 249
224, 305
313, 341
331, 447
INDEX -Book 45
1, 447
1, 364
Jan. 7 -Hird, Mrs. Bertha, relative to a reduction in taxes
" 7 -Hird, Jos. L., relative to a reduction in taxes
" 7-- Heacock, Mrs. Elizabeth, relative to the assessment
on Mountain Lane 2, 138
7- Heller, Fred, City Assessor, bond of 2, 32
7- Haggerty, Hannah R., notice of suit
Jan. 21- Hannig, Mary A., relative to a reduction in taxes 30, 139
" 21- Hughes, Bridget, relative to injuries sustained by
falling on walk in Washington Park 31, 53, 79
Feb. 8 -- Heine, Louis, relative to the valuation on his property 63, 138
Mar. 4- Hassett, T. J., relative to blasting on Southern Ave.
74, 94, 119, 179, 293
against blasting on
77, 293
79, 340
4- Hohnberg, W. J., protesting
Southern Avenue
4- Hoerr, Peter, petition of, relati ve to a reduction in
4- Hickson, Mrs. M., petition of, relative to reducing her
assessment 79, 447
4- Hillary, John. petition of, relative to reducing his
taxes T9
12- Halpin, P. H., et al, protesting against the dumping
of garbage, etc., into lot at corner Jones and Locust
Streets 86
Mar. 18- Heacock, Mrs. E., relative to reducing taxes 90, 138
18 -Haas, Mary, relative to injuries received by falling on
an icy sidewalk -
18- Hintrager, Emily, deeds of, to city
18- Hutter, Mary, court case settled
18- Hortsch, Eliz., personal taxes cancelled
18 -Home, David, taxes not to assessed for year. 1914
19 -Hill Street, to improve, from West Eighth Street to
West Third Street 99, 137, 162, 167, 182, 186, 188, 190, 210, 469,
557, 559, 573
Apr. 1 -Heeb Street, to improve, from Kaufman Avenue
southerly 119' 146
" 15 -Hess, Otto, relative to reducing taxes 135
" 15 -Hose to purchase for Fire Department 137, 163, 165, 194
15- Hughes, F., relative to extending city limits 138
May 6 -Hune, Bessie Miller, relative to reducing taxes 168
" 6- Heine, L., application of, for roller engineer 168
6- Hancock, Mary, decree of, on bank case 175
6- Howie, David, warrant ordered drawn for overpaid
taxes' 175
20- Hollnagel, Chas., petition of asking council to extend
Hart Street from Couler to White Street 189
20 -Ilyde Clark Post, asking for donation for Memorial
day 189, 202
20 -Hune, Bessie Miller, relative to reducing taxes 190
20-Herron, Ed., bond of 190, 249
20- Holland, John, waiver of, on sewer connection with
sewer in the alley between Reed and Dock Streets. 190
20- Hassett, T. J., relative to money retained on Willow
Street and Rosedale Avenue improvements, report
of city attorney 191, 230
20- Harbor Master, relative to appointing C. McCarthy 194
20- Harbor Master, John F. Stemm, appointed for the
year 1915 202
" 20- Horses for sale, notice of 216
June 3- Harper, Mary, asking to have Pickett Street repaired 225, 305, 404
91, 119
91, 174
92, 124
i t
INDEX —Book 45
3— Horses, recorder to advertise for the selling of, at
auction 234, 271
3 —Hill and West 3rd Street, to widen, at the intersection 236, 448, 465
17 —Hay, Robt., attorney report on settlement of case and
settlement of money due him from 'F. Scharle 248
July 1- -Herr, Jos. L., loan warrant renewed 290
1— Hanson, Wm., notified to remove rubbish from the 292
rear of 12th and Iowa Streets
July 1 —Heeb, A. F., relative to sewer assessments on Spruce
and Jefferson Streets 292
1 —Heeb Street, to change grade of, from Kaufman Ave-
nue southerly 293, 404, 413, 470, 550
Aug. 5— Hoefer, Charlotte B., relative to special assessment
for sewer in Third Street and Nevada Street 330, 447, 554
Sept. 2— Hackney, Thos., relative to raise in salary 385, 447
" 2— Hancock, Mary Y., relative to having the assessment
placed against her cancelled 386, 443
2— Highland Place, appeal of assessment of Hancock
Tibbals, Torbert, Kiesel and Le Van, decree of
Judge Kintzinger 390, 508
16— Hemmi, E., petition of, relative to his assessment on
Lot 3 O'Neills Sub. 402, 409
16 —Holy, Catherine, waiver and agreement of, on mak-
ing sewer connection 402
16— Herron Street, to improve, from Grandview Avenue
to Cannon Street 405, 436, 439, 443, 448
16— Hodgdon Avenue, steps, money turned over to Park
Board 407
23 —Heeb Street, profile of, showing grade 413, 550
Oct. 7— Handel, Bertha, petition of, relative to having taxes
" 22— Hockensteiner, F., petition of, relative to storm sewer 464
in Angella Street
" 22 —Heeb Street, engineer instructed to prepare grade 470
Nov. 4— Harwood, M. L., petition of, relative to connecting 489
with sewer on Delhi Street
4— Hockensteiner, Frank, notice of appeal on Angella 491
Street assessment
4— Harkett, W. A., taxes placed at same valuation as in
4— Hodges, Mr., instructed to stop building garage on
Montrose Terrace
" 18 —Hug, Anna, petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 606
18 —Hird, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to having taxes
" 18— Homan, Mary Mrs., petition of, relative to reducing
" 18— Hintrager, Emilie, deed of, to City Lot 190 Union Add. 508
Dee. 2 —Hird, Mrs. Jos. L., petition of, relative to reducing
2 —Hind, Jos. L., petition of, relative to reducing taxes 544
2 —House of Good Shepherd, petition of, relative to ex-
tending sewer from St. Ambrose St. to city limits 644
2 —Hawe, John, relative to assessment for improving the
alley between Julien Avenue and West 5th Street 549
16— Hanson, Hulda, notice of, claim for injuries received 653
16— Heisch, Nic, error in taxes corrected
INDEX —Book 45
Feb. 4— Ihrke, Mrs. Henry, relative to cancelling taxe 49, 340
Mar. 4 —Iowa Dairy Co., petition of, relative to cancelling as-
sessment for constructing sanitary sewer in Heeb
Mar. 12— Illinois Central Railroad Co., relative to being grant-
ed the proper right and authority to lay a new
track in Iowa Street 86,128, 445, 460
18— International Association of Machinist, relative to
Frith claim
Ma.y 6 —Iowa Telephone Co., city attorney report on case of
Telephone Co. vs. Des Moines, Ia., on franchise of
6 —Iowa Telephone Co., relative to excavating at car
28— Illinois Central R. R. Co., petition of, relative to lay-
ing an additional track in Iowa Street
June 3 —Ice, purchasing of, for City Hall
" 17— International Harvester Co., asking for permission to
construct a cement approach at their building on
South Main Street
July 1 —I. C. R. R., decree of Judge R. Bonson
" 15 —I. C. R. R., instructed to construct new crossings on
Washington Street at Eighth and Ninth Streets
Sept. 2 —Iowa Chiefs of Police, relative to Chief of Police at-
tending convention
78, 137
174, 191
202, 415, 463
INDEX -Book 45
Feb. 18- Julien Avenue, relative to changing name of street
Bluff Street to West 8th Street to Eighth Street
Mar. 25- Julien Avenue and Delhi Street, to imrpove, from
Alpine Street to Asbury Street
114, 118, 132, 134, 135, 142, 160, 161, 166, 170, 184, 241, 364, 412, 414,
442, 464, 474
Apr. 1- Jefferson Street from Olive Street to Walnut Street,
to improve 131, 238, 239. 247, 254, 277, 345, 354, 367, 377, 419,
510, 51 534
118, 140
" 15- Jungwirth, Rosa, relative to a reduction in taxes
June 3- Jecklin, J. F., taxes corrected for the year 1914
Aug. 5- Jackson Street between 24th and 25th Street, profile
of,'showing grade
" 5- Jungwirth, J. J., relative to installing gasoline tank
" 13- Jungle, Robt., bond of, for excavating
Aug. 19- Jecklin, F. J., relative to overpaid taxes
Sept. 2- Johnson & Waite, relative to installing Bowser tank
Nov. 4- Jurors report on appraisement of property on West
Third Street
" 4- Jungferman, Lizette, loan warrant reissued
" 4- Jacobsen, I. H., warrant drawn for overpaid taxes
Dec. 16- Judges and Clerks for special election
353, 391
386, 434
INDEX -Book 45
Jan. 7- Kenety, J. 21., relative to the assessment on Angella
7- Kenneally, R., relative to being sent to Minneapolis ' 9
7- Korman, Geo., bill of, allowed 10
4 -Kunz, J. F. Co., Agents, relative to city accepting
$25.00 in full for assessment levied against Lot 712 . .
in Quigley's Sub. 49
" 4 -Key City Gas Co., bill of, City for rolling trenches 52
Mar. 4 -Kamm, Minnie, relative to claim for injuries SO
" 18Kringleville, relative to installing water mains "88
" 18- Krause, F. F., relative to reducing taxes 90, 140
" 18- Kleespies, Cath, and,William, court cases settled 92, 124
" 18-Kritter, John, allowed Soldiers' Exemption "92
" 18- Kettler, Anton, appointed on Bathing Beach Com-
mission '93
Apr. 1- Klingenberg, Emma, relative to a reduction in taxes 118
" 15 -Kaep, H. J., et al, petition of, relative to preventing
erection of building on 14th and White Streets 135
" 15- Kaspar, Mrs. Jos., relative to reducing taxes 137
" 15 -Key City Gas Co., bill of, allowed 139
" 15- Kaufman Avenue, repairing of, W. Cook instructed
to do work 139
May - 6- Keane, Mrs. Rhoda, relative to reducing taxes 168, 29 - 2
" 6- Kretschmer Mfg. Co., relative to taxes 168
" 6- Kohltnan, H., error in taxes corrected -175
" 6- Kaufman, J. H., error in taxes corrected 175
" 20- Kopple, Sarali, relative to correcting her assessment 189
" 20- Kuenhle, Chris., relative to reducing taxes 194
June 3- Kavanaugh, J. J., artist, relative to overhauling all
pictures in the Council Chamber 225
3- Keating, E. C., taxes corrected for the year 1914 228
" 3- Kaufman, It., error in taxes corrected 228
3- ling, Anna, relative to overpaid taxes 228
3- Kennedy, Dr. F. J., relative to an increase in salary 234, 305, 306
17- Kreft, Aug., error in taxes corrected 249
17- Kenety, J. M., paying for rolling Center Place 249
17- Kemler, Mr., addressed Council, relative to the West
11th Street improvement 251
July 15- Klauer Mfg. Co., relative to inspecting 10th Street
between Jackson Street and C. G. W. R. R. tracks. 303
Aug. 5- Kolck, Mrs. Richard, resolution adopted, expressing
sorrow at her loss, by the Board of Health 340, 392
" 13- Kennedy, Sarah A., relative to the valuation placed
on her property • 353
" 13- Klingenberg Terrace, relative to needed repairs 353
" 19- Kolfenbach, L., relative to an increase,tn salary 357, 392
" 19 -Kiev, Peter, et al, petition of, relative to removing
sheds on Sycamore Street 358
19- Kessler, Jacob, relative to correcting his assessment 358, 447
Sept. 2- Kemler, C. H., petition of, relative to having grade
established on St. Joseph Street 386
2- Krier, Nic, new loan warrant, drawn in favor of 390
" 16- Kemler, A. W. and R. W., assessor report on double
assessment 404
Oct. 7- Krocheski, P., petition of, relative to Rosedale Avenue
assessment 438
" 7- Kemler, R. W. and Julia E., protesting against City
taking Lot .1 McCoy's Sub. 438
7- Kemler, R. W. and Julia E., petition of, relative to
reducing taxes
— Krumback, Chas., relative to taxes
7— Krocheski, Paul, remonstrance of, on Rosedale Ave.
" 22— Kassler, Case vs. City, for damage, settlement of
Nov. 4— Kearney, M., eptition of, relative to reducing taxes
" 4— Krunion, Mrs. petition of, relative to - cancelling taxes
" 4— Kuehnele, Chris., petition relative to reducing his
4— Kenety, J. M., report of attorney on special assess-
ment levied against his lots for improving Angella
18— Kemler, J. E., Agent, petition of, relative to cancel-
ling the assessment for sewer in West 14th Street
18— Kemler, J. E., Agent, petition of, asking Council to
investigate the assessment on her property
30— Klein, Dorothea, ,petition of, on taxes received and
Dec. 2— Kinney, Clara P., petition of, relative to special as-
sessment against Lot 756 in McDaniel's Sub.
2— Kuempel, E. H., petition of, relative to reducing his
assessment on Lots 1 and 2 of Davis Farm Add
Dec. 2— Kemler, R. W., petition of, relative to valuation on
Lots 13 -14 Farley's Sub.
2— Kemler, R. W., petition of, relative to valuation
placed on Lot 17 of City Lot 703
INDEX —Book 45
INDEX —Book 45
Jan. 7— Light, relative to erecting on East Street 1
7— Lights, list of all city street lights 2
7- -Lee, Thos., R., Bond of, for constructing sidewalks 2, 32
7— Lillie, Mr., home of, on 16th Street to be inspected by
Board of Health 9
" 7 —Light to erect on Yale Court 30
Jan. 21 —Light to install at 13th and Locust Streets 30
" 21 —Light to install on Peen Avenue 30
" 21 —Light on 4th Street, to be lapced on east side of
tracks 33
" 21 —List of City Warrants 37
" 12— Lights, relative to installing on 15th and Main Sts 49
'Feb. 4— Light, relative to installing on West 5th Street 49
" 4— Lenehan, M. C., relative to cancelling assessment
against Lots in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addi-
tion 53,'64
9— Lights, relative to installing on Burden Avenue 55
9— Light, relative to installing on Johnson Ave. 55
9 —Lee, Jas. F., matter of procuring balance due on
Rhomberg Ave. improvement left in hands of
Mayor and Finance Committee 55
" 18— Lights, to erect in the alleys bet. Main and Iowa
Sts., and bet. Locust and Main Sts. 63
" 18— Light, to install on Seminary Street 63
" 18— Light, to install on 4th and White Streets 63
" 18— Light, to install on Russell St. 63
" 18— Loans, made by City of the various Banks to pay
balances due for various improvements 64, 122, 173
" 26— Lights, boulevard, City to take care of 69
" 26 —List of City Warrants 70
" 26— Licenses notice to those of whom license is required 75
Mar. 4 —Le Van, Mrs. T. J., petition of, relative to refunding
the 1913 taxes 79, 178
" 4— Lange, Conrad, Estate, petition of, relative to a re-
duction in taxes '79
4— Light, relative to installing at Cot. of Pearl and
Gilliam Sts. 79
4— Lawther, Wm., relative to returns of Somers System
for 1914 80
4— Lembke, Elizabeth, relative to returns of Somers
System for 1914 80
4 —Ley, J. W., relative to an error in taxes 80
" 4 —Loan, Warrant No. 5838, Maggie McDonald Dunphy
received 82
" 18— Leute, Edward A., relative to reducing taxes 90, 292
" 18— Leute, Wm. P., relative to reducing taxes 90; 137
" 18— Lorenze, A., relative to reducing taxes 90
" 18 —La Borteoux, M., relative to reducing taxes 90, 179
" 18— Light, to install on Seventh Avenue 90, 139
18— Light, to Install on Nevada and Solon Sts. 90, 178
" 18— Louisa Street, to improve from Bennett to St. Jos-
eph St. 91, 93, 95, 110, 112, 117, 126, 331, 391, 434, 443, 455
" 18 —List of City Warrants drawn in Feb., 1915 103
Apt. 1— Leppert, Marie T., relative to a reduction in taxes 118, 292
" 1— Light, to install at Arch and West Locust St. 118, 139
1-- Leicht, John, relative to cancelling taxes 133
" 15— Light, to install at the end of Absury St. 135
" 15 —Lee, Thos., relative to an extension of time on 18th
" 1 —Ley, Mrs. K., relative to remitting her taxes 118
part in parade
" 19— Light, relative to placing on Spruce St.
" 19 —List of City Warrants issued in July, 1915
Sept. 2— Light, relative to installing on Washington St., at
18th St.
— Light, relative to installing on Stewart Ave.
2— Lorenz, Mrs. M., relative to reducing taxes
2— Linehan, Lewis, relative to traffic ordinance
16— Light, to install on Wood St.
16.— Light, to install at the Junction of Julien Ave. and
Hill St.
16 —La Prune, J. P., petition of, relative to injuries sus-
tained by him by falling on defective sidewalk on
Couler Ave.
16 - -- Light, to install on Milwaukee Ave.
16— Light, to install at 15th and Washington Sts.
16— Light, to install at cor. of West 11th and Prairie St.
16 —List of all City Warrants issued in August, 1915
Oct. 7— Light, to install at corner of St. Ambrose and Hazel
7— Lansen, Edith, petition of, relative to taxes reduced
7- -Ley, Mrs. K., relative to taxes
22 —Lyon, George, addressed Council relative to special
assessments on Madison and Julien Ave. and Delhi
22 —Lacy, May P., petition of, relative to taxes
22 —List of all City Warrants
Nov. 4— Light, relative to placing on Willow St.
4 —Loan Warrants reissued
18 —Lee, Jas. F., bills of, referred
18-- Light, relative to installing on West 14th St., at As-
bury St.
18•— Light, relative to installing at Rhomberg and First
30 -- Lutgen, Maria, error in taxes corrected
30 —List of City Warrants for Oct., 1915
2— Lorey, Mrs. A., petition of, relative to overpaid taxes
2— Lowery, John, petition of, relative to reducing taxes
2 —Lee, James, petition of, relative to reducing the as-
sessment for improving Rosedale Ave.
2— Light, relative to placing at the alley east of Asbury
INDEX —Book 45
2 St. property owners petition of, relative to
constructing sewer
2 —Loan Warrant reissued in favor of Lawrence Gonner
" 16 —Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for interest, $8275 on Louisa St.
and $44.89 interest on Madison St., referred to
16 —Lee, Jas. F., bills of, for grading over -haul use of
steam roller, etc., referred to Committee of the
16— Light, relative to installing on Prairie St., petition
of residents
16 —List of City Warrants
386, 413
402, 413
402, 413
402, 494
544, 554
INDEX —Book 45
Street Steps
" 15— Library Trustees, relative to tax levy
" 28— Lawlor, J. W., Jr., appointed Committee Clerk
28— Lawlor, J. W., resolution adopted
" 28 —List of City Warrants
May 6— Light, to install on Rowan Street
" 6— Light, to install on the south side of First St
" 6— Light, to install at Cor., of Grandview Ave. and
Dunning Ave. 169, 413
6— Library Board, asking City to donate $1,000.00 to
make necessary repairs on Library Building 169, 251, 331
6 —Loan Warrants, No. 315, dated Apr. 6, 1915, and
No. 4,201, dated Sept. 6, 1910, renewed
6— Lyons, John, report of City Attorney relative to set-
tlement on injuries sustained by him on Couler
20— Light, to install on corner of 20th & Washington St.
20 —List of City Warrants
June 3— Lange, Louisa, petition of, relative to her taxes
3— Light, relative to installing at Cor. of Izniest and
Lincoln Ave.
3— Light, relative to installing at Cor. of Jackson and
Diamond Sts.
17— Lathrop, L. B., petition of, relative to being over- 246
charged on the Walnut St. assessment
17— Light, relative to place at Cor. of Cornell St. and
Anna Place
17— Linehan & Molo, bond of, for excavating
17 Improvement, Commissioner Jos. Morgan ap-
" 17 —List of City Warrants issued in May, 1915
July 1 —Loan Warrants renewed, Joseph L. Herr and Union
Electric Co.
1— Library Trustees. appointed for term ending July
1st, 1921
— Lewis, Dr. E. R., bill of, for services rendered Geo
1 —Labor Leader, relative to publishing Board of Health
1— Lincoln Ave., Improvement of, from end of present
improvement northerly to Tenth Ave., accepted by
Council 299, 304, 306, 322
15— Lattner, S. B., et al., remonstrance of, on Martha St.
15 -- Light, relative to placing on Heeb St.
" 15— Light, relative to placing on Pickett St.
" 26 —List of City Warrants
Aug. 5-- Light, relative to placing on Walnut St.
" 5- -Lee, Jas. F., relative to bills held by City Engineer
" 5— Locust St. property owners, relative to repairing
5— Library Certificate of tax levy
5— League of Iowa Municipalities, relative to member-
ship fees
5— Lewis, Dr.. E. R., bill of, for services rendered to Geo.
5— Lonergan, Jas. J., relative to his assessment on Lots
10 and 11, Blake's Add.
13 —Labor Day Parade, relative to City Council taking
148, 225
169, 413
173, 174
224, 413
224, 413
246, 412
247, 337
313, 413
329, 392
330, 364
331, 364
332, 386
.Tan. 7- Mullen Bros., bond of, for erecting
" 7- -Matz, Chas., bill of, allowed
Jan. 21-- Mueller, Mrs. A., relative to a reduction in taxes
" 21 -Muir, S., relative to making new plats of Lot 4 of the
Subd. of Lots 218 and 219, Davis Farm Add. 30, 341
Feb. 4- Marra, John, relative to a reduction in taxes
4- -Molo, Mary L., relative to the special assessments on
Lots in the Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition
Feb. 18- Mattinique, Mary A., relative to reducing taxes
" 18 -- Motorcycle, relative to purchasing for Police Dept
Mar. 4 -Mt. Carmel Avenue, residents petition of, relative to
extending car line 78
" 4 -Mann, 'Mary L.. petition of, relative to an error on
her taxes 78, 92
4- Miller, Jo., relative to an error in taxes 80
4- Municipal Athletic Field, bills of, for filling ordered
" 18- Maloney, J. H., application of, for Engineer Road
Roller ' 90
" 18- Martha Street, to improve, from end of present im-
provement to North Booth Street
91, 95, 110, 113, 117, 126, 252, 304, 310, 322, 341
" 18- Murray, J. J., remonstrance of, on sidewalk assess-
Apr. 1- Meehan, Mrs. A., relative to taxes 118, 292, 340
" 1- Muntz, Mt., ordered to remove all debris at 17th and
Clay Streets 127
" 15- Meehan, Mary, relative to a reduction in taxes 135, 292, 340
" 15- Market, recorder to advertise for bids, for cleaning
around Market Square 137, 163, 165
" 15- Martin, Nic., relative to reducing taxes 137
15- Mueer, Mrs. A., relative to reducing taxes 137
6- Maier, Mrs. Eva, relative to reducing taxes 168, 447
6- Meggenberg, Mrs. D., relative to reducing taxes 168
6- Myers, Cox. Co., petition of, relative to installing
high water pressure system 168
6- Muntz, Ed., petition of, relative to correcting the
west line of the corner of Julien Avenue on South
Alta Vista Street
6- Milligan, Ed., petition of, relative to extending
water mains on West 17th St. and Catherine St 169
6 -Mink, Carrie, error in taxes corrected
20- Machinist Union, relative to strike of American La
Franc Co., on accepting auto engine
20- Masters, Gee., bond of, for excavating 190, 249
20- Madison Street, to improve, from 17th Street to
Seminary Street 220, 224, 238, 247, 253, 274, 278, 285, 404, 463,
468, 471, 483
June 3- Mathis, F., petition of, relative to his taxes
" 3- Mettel, C. P., relative to the nuisance of keeping
dogs on Lot 26 Tiboli Add.
3 -Meat and Milk Inspector, relative to an incerase in
17- Miller, Bessie, relative to reducing taxes
17-- Midland Chemical Co., agreement of, on erecting a
Bowser tank
17- Morgan, Jos., appointed Levee Improvement Com-
17- Matthews, residence, relative to building the rear of
INDEX -Book 45
2, 32
49, 139
53, 64
98, 123
248, 34I
his home on 11th and Locust Streets
July 1- Meyer, Stanley, error in taxes corrected
" 1- -Mayor Saul, photograph of him to be placed in
Council Chamber
" 15- Morgan, Jos. J., bond of
Aug. 5- Muntz, Ed., relative to correcting the assessment on
Lot 250
5- Muntz, Ed., relative to damage done by overflow on
Lot 39, Grandview Avenue
5- Mullen, Richard, notice of, claim for damages
5- Mulqueeney, Mr., addressed Council, relative to wall
on Madison Street
5- Midland Chemical Co., relative to installing gasoline
19- Metcalf, Mrs. Wm., et al, relative to improving
North Street
10- Midwest Construction Co., notified to repair West
Third Street
19- Mayor's Proclamation, on half holiday on August
24th, 1915
Sept. 2- Mayor to attend meeting of League of Iowa Munici-
Sept. 2- Meyers. John, relative to reducing taxes
" 16 -Mt. Loretta Avenue, steps, engineer to prepare plans
23- Mathis. Eisnegger Co., relative to placing light on 7th
and Wall Streets
23- Muntz, Edward, notice of suit
23- Melhop, H. H., relative to reducing assessment for
improving Muscatine Street
Oct. 7- Motsch, Florence and Minnie, petition of, relative to
having taxes reduced
" 22- Mulqueeney, T. M., petition of, protesting against
she,d and wall on the alley between the property
facing Madison Street
Nov. 4•- Maroney, Mary, petition of, relative to having taxes
18- Martinique, Mary A., petition of relative to valuation
on his property
" 30- Mettel, M. P., error in taxes corrected
" 30 -Madl, Jos., Estate, error in taxes corrected
Dec. 2- Meehan, Mary A., petition of, relative to special as-
sessment for sewer in South Dodge Street
16- Musicians Association, petition of, asking for use of
Armory Hall
16 -Mihn, Hannah, notice of, suit for injuries received
16- Mayor's Proclamation, for special election
INDEX - Book 45
303, 337
332, 402
408, 409
555, 675
Jan. 7— McCune, Michael, relative to injuries sustained while
employed by the City
7— McCune, Catherine, attorney report on claim for
Jan. 21— McNamara & Co., $1,320 deducted from bill on Locust
Street assessment and refunded to S. P. Wadley Co.
21— McGrath, Wm., relative to injuries sustained by him
report of City Attorney
21— McCarthy, M. H., relative to a reduction on the
Standard Lumber Co., taxes
21— McNamara & Co., allowed interest,on balance due on
Locust Street Improvement
Feb. 9— McNamara, C. B. & C., settlement made with City on
balance due on West Locust and Arch Street Im- 55
provements ' .. .
Feb. 18— McDonnell, Theresa, relative to claim for personal 64, 124'; 247
" 18— McCann, Blanche, notice of, claim for personal in- 64, 119
Feb. 26—McNamara & Co., bill of, for overhaul, amount 68
$145.95, rescinded
26— McNamara, C. B.•& Co., warrant drawn for, overhaul 69
in the first ward on Mt. Carmel Avenue fund
Mar. 4— McNulty, Mrs. Patrick, petition of, relative to can- 78, 340
celling taxes
" 4— McDonald, J. M., relative to double assessment on 80
personal property
4— McNamara, C. E. & Co., bill of, for overhaul for
$142.46, rescinded
Mar.18— McEvoy, J. W., asking to have sewer constructed in
Curtis Street and McEvoy Place
18— McNamara, C. B., relative to improving Cox Street
18— McGrath, Wm., relative to City allowing him $150.00
for injuries received by falling on an icy sidewalk
4-- McClain, E. E., taxes not to be assessed for the year
18— McNamara & Co., bill of, for overhaul in 2nd Ward, 94
allowed 118 139 623
Apr. 1— McGregor, C. C., relative to a reduction in taxes 118, 139,
" 1— McFadden Bldg. Co., relative to cancelling their
1— McGovern, C. L., relative to the assessment on Lot 119, 191
20 Kringle Sub. 135, 119, 191
15— McMullen, Daniel, relative to reducing taxes 192
May 20— McEvoy Place, profile of, showing grade
" 20— McCarthy, Chas., relative to being appointed Harbor 194, 202
June 3— McNamara & Co., bill of, for grading on Julien Axe 23, 246, 286, 341
" 17— McGiven, Robt., relative to reducing taxes- 286, 341
Aug. 5— McDonnell, Miss, addressed Council, relative to light
and the improving of Walnut Street
" 5— McClain, Ellen, relative to reducing taxes
" 5— McMullen, D. D., relative to taxes
" 5— MeCarten, M. M., remonstrance of, on Exchange St.
Sept. 23— McKinley, Helene C., relative to reducing taxes
Oct. 22— McCallum, Margaret, petition of, relative to the
valuation placed on her property
INDEX —Book 45
2, 34
INDEX —Book 45
Nov. 18— McNamara, C. 13. & Co., bill of, referred
" 18— McClain, Katherine, petition of, relative to reducing
' taxes
" 18— McFarland, Mrs. John, petition of, relative to fall-
ing on walk on the Iowa St. side of Jackson Park
" 18— McMahon, Eliz., error in taxes corrected
Dec. 16— McClain, Wm. A., appointed Water Works Trustee
d i
INDEX -Book 45
1916 SUBJECT Page
2, 32
75, 2 "2
dan. 7- Nesler, W. J., bond of, for excavating
Jan. 23- Notice to Attorneys for the revision of Ordinances
Feb. 26- Notice to those from whom license is reghired
" 26 -- Notice to property owners and tenants
Mar. 4- Nevada Street, relative to opening, from Julien Ave.
north 77
4- Neumeister, F. P., relative to an error in taxes 80
12 -Nott Fire Engine Co., relative to the delivery of
Auto Fire Engine 86
18 -North Main Street, to improve, from Kaufmann
Avenue to Seminary Street 88, 93, 97, 109, 167
18- National Association of Engineers, petition of, rela-
tive to adopting ordinance requiring certain stand-
ards for Engineers 90
18- Nevada Street, to extend, from Julien Avenue to
Martha Street 77, 94, 142, 160, 167, 182, 190, 251
18- Notice to Hay and Grain Dealers 108
18- Notice to Water Works bondholders 11_4
18- Notice to property owners on Grandview Avenue 1 -
15- Nesen; J., relative to a reduction in taxes 125, 2 i2
15- Nachtman, Aug., relative to being granted permis-
sion to construct an approach at 3295 Couler Ave. 135, 2') %%
" 15- Nachtman, Aug., warrant ordered drawn in his favor
for assessment on auto truck 136
" 15 -North Glen Oak Avenue, Engineer to prepare plat 1-5
May 6- Noyes, Helen P., relative to the assessment on Ar-
lington Street 179
6- Nevada Street, to improve, from West Third to
Langworthy Avenue 188, 196, 212, 234, 236, 247, 256, 274
20 -New Orleans Association of Commerce, relative to
use of river as a channel of trade 189
" 20- Notice to Gardeners, Hucksters, Fishermen, etc 210
June 17- Norton, Ed., warrants ordered in his favor for the
purchase of Lots 278 and 279 Dubuque No. 2 Add. 2,2
Aug. 5- Northwestern Road Congress, inviting Council to at-
tend road congress at Cedar Rapids, Ia. 353
19- National Refining Co., petition of, relative to erecting
a sign on Seventh Street 357
" 19 -North Street, petition of property owners, relative to
improving 357
" 19 -Ney, Albert, petition of, relative to his assessment for
paving alley between Clay and Iowa Streets 357
Oct. 7 -Ninth Street Engine House, relative to placing new
" 22 -Ney, A., awarded contract for new doors for Ninth
Street Engine House 469
22- Notice of examination of Police and Fire Commission 483
Nov. 4- Nevada Street, relative to changing grade 499, 548
Dec. 16- Nutwood Livery Co., relative to settlement of all
taxes 552
446 "
INDEX -Book 45
Jan. 7- Ordinance changing the grade on Martha Street from
alley first west of Alta Vista St. to North Booth St.
7- Ordinances, revision of, referred to City Attorney-9,
Feb. 9- O'Mara, E. W., relative to grant him relief on Olive
Street assessment
" 9- Ottumwa, Mayor of, communication of, relative to
endorsing the bill governing franchises for Tele-
phone Companies,
Mar. 4- O'Meara, E. W., petition of, relative to cancelling
4- O'Donnell, Kate, petition of, relative to a reduction
in taxes
4- Ordinance for the vacation of the alley between
Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Dock to
Reed Avenue
" 4- Ordinance vacating the alley in Pauline Lang -
worthy's Subd.
Mar. 18- Oversmith, Susie L., taxes reduced
" 18- O'Meara, Ellen, relative to taxes
" 1- Ordinance establishing grade on Louisa Street
Apr. 1- Ordinance establishing grade on Quince Street
" 1- Ordinance establishing grade on the alley from
Eagle Point Avenue to Regent Street
1- Ordinance vacating the alley extending from Plum
St. easterly between Cleveland Ave. and Rush St.
" 15 -Odd Fellows Temple, relative to taxes
15- O'Meara, J. J., remonstrance of, on Pear Street Im-
15- Ordinance relative to animals running at large re-
ceived and filed
15- Ordinance relative to testing weights, received and
15- Ordinance relative to Milk inspection received and
15- Ordinance relative to the sale of meat, received and
May 6- Ordinance establishing grade on West 8th Street
6-Ordinance establishing grade on Delhi Street from
Grandview Avenue to West 14th Street
6- Ordinance establishing grade on Hill Street from
West 8th Street to West 3rd Street
6- Ordinance establishing grade on Burns Street from
Cleveland Avenue to Oak Street
6- Ordinance establishing grade on West 3rd Street re-
6- Officers appointive, reappointed for ensuing year .. .
6 -- Ordinance, curfew, chief of police instructed to en-
" 20-- Ordinance regulating the planting and erecting tele-
graph and telephone poles, report of city attorney,
" 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Rhcmberg Avenue
from 5th Avenue to Lot 371 Ham's Add.
20-Ordinance relative to excavating streets, alleys, etc.
25- .-Ordinance establishing grade on 11th Street from
Pine Street easterly
" 25 Ordinance establishing grade - 12th Street from
Pine Street easterly
25- Ordinance repealing an ordinance adopted May 21st,
8, 43
43, 61, 66„ 94
83, 108
85, 109
118, 340
126, 159
124, 159
126, 159
126, 158
175, 211
176, 212
176, 212
177, 211
178, 185, 213
192, 219
193, 219
199, 222
198, 222
INDEX -Book 45
1915, relative to excavating in streets, alleys, etc 202, 220
June 3- O'Donnell, M., bond of, for excavating 225, 291
" 3- Oestringer, Chris., taxes corrected for the year 1914 228
" 3- Ordinance relative to creating a board of Examining 230, 234
Engineers for pasage of stationary engineers
3- Ordinance establishing grade on Wood Street from 232, 276
Julien Avenue to West 14th Street
3- Ordinance establishing grade on McEvoy Place.. • • 233, 275
" 3- Ordinance establishing grade on Curtis Street 249
" 17- O'Farrell, Jos., error in taxes corrected
" 17- Ordinance establishing grade on 7th Street from Lo- 250, 281
cust to Bluff Street
" 17-- Ordinance establishing grade on 6th Street from Lo- 251, 281
cust Street to Bluff Street
17- Ordinance on the emission of dense smoke resolution 252
adopted granting an extension of time
July 1- Ordinance establishing grade on 2nd Street from. 298, 323
Locust to Bluff Street
Aug. 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Elm Street from 339, 381
21st to 22nd Street
5 - Ordinance establishing grade on 2nd Street from 339, 381
R. R. tracks to Main Street
5- Ordinance establishing grade on Chestnut Street 341, 380
5- Ordinance establishing grade on West 17th Street 342, 380
19- Ordinance amending an ordinance relating to street
traffic and regulating the use of streets 360, 383, 386, 397, 405
19- Ordinance establishing grade on the alley between
Cleveland Avenue and Rush Streets from Union 362, 382
Street to Mountain Lane
19- Ordinance establishing grade on Jackson Street from 363, 382
24th Street
II 19- Ordinance vacating the alley between Lots 4 and 5,
Kleinschmidt's subdivision from St. Ambrose St. 363, 383
Sept. 10- Ordinance establishing a grade on Burns Street from 398, 433
Oak to Hancock Street
" 23- Ordinance repealing section 32 of an ordinance to
provide for the streets and alleys and public land- 412, 436
Oct. 7- Ordinance regulating the number of employes 4 re-
468, 483, 602, 638
quired to operate street cars
" 7- Ordinance granting I. C. R. R. Co. the right of way 445, 486
for a single track on Iowa Street
" 7- Ordinance establishing grade on Putnam Street re- 468
Nov. 4- Ordinance grade
L Lincoln Avenue between
Ninth Avenue and Tenth Avenue 496, 534
4- Ordinance establishing grade on Washington Street 496, 636
between 27th and 28th Streets 496, 535
4- Ordinance establishing grade on Auburn Avenue .
4- Ordinance establishing grade on Washington Street 497, 536
between 22nd and 24th Streets 497, 635
" 4 - Ordinance establishing grade on
onDexter Avenue Avenue
" 12 -- Ordinance establishing grade 498, 536
from Willow Street to Auburn Avenue
" 12- Ordinance regulating the number of employes to 503, $37
operate cars used for public service
INDEX -Book 45
18-- Ordinance vacating a five -foot strip of land of West
11th. Street, between Bluff Street and Grove Street 510, 539
Jan. 7- Patch, Sylvester J., relative to Villa Street improve-
ment 2, 138
7 -Pier, Elizabeth, Attorney report on court costs .... 6
7 -Park Avenue, Improvement of, bonds ordered 8
7 -Platt Street, opening of, remonstrance of Mercy
Hospital 9, 12, 34
Jan. 21 -Pier, E. and M., relative to Locust Street special as-
sessment 30, 138
" 21 -Platt Street, opening of, Jurors appraisement 31, 34
" 21- Poole, Mr. H., relative to City accepting $20.00 on
special assessment 33
" 21- Playground, report of, special committee relative to
purchasing property 33
Jan. 23 -Plum Street, Improvement bonds ordered 35
Mar. 4- Pollock, Chas. L., petition of, relative to construct=
ing a dock along river front between Camp Street
and Railroad Avenue 77, 101
" 4- Police Department, relative to one day of each
week 77
4- Parmelee, Mrs. A. L., petition of, relative to having
taxes reduced 78
4- Pitschner, L. and A., petition of, relative to reducing
taxes 78
4 -Pier, Phil., relative to the returns of Somers System
for 1914 80
4- Pollock, Walter W., warrants ordered to pay for
Somers System 82, 179
" 4- Pickett Street, to widen, from Lot 7 to Henson St. 85, 404, 406, 419
Mar. 18-- Police Patrol, to purchase 87, 107, 120
" 18- Phillips, John, relative to reducing taxes 88, 1.l7
" 18 -Peal, Mrs. Mary, relative to remitting taxes 90, 340
" 18-Pear Street, to improve, from Cleveland Avenue to
Oak Street 95, 135, 136, 142, 15'i
" 18 -Park Avenue, to improve, from Bradley Avenue to
the east end of said street 96, 135, 141, 158, 161, 165, 170,
252, 305, 310, 322
Apr. 1- Putnam, D. A., relative to a reduction in taxes 118, 140
" 1 -Puls, Otto, appointed Deputy City Treasurer 122
" 1- Police Patrol, contract awarded to A. Fluckinger 128
" 1- Palley, Amos, relative to cancelling taxes 133
May 1- Pickenbrock, F. J., et al, remonstrance of, on vacat- 167, 186
ing strip of land on West 11th Street
6 -Popp, Louise, error in assessment corrected 176
" 20- Prairie Street, relative to improving
189, 200, 282, 287, 293, 295, 345, 354, 377, 392, 511, 557, 563, 574
20 -Pier, H. L., petition of, relative to constructing storm 189
sewer in Valley Street 190, 189
20- Papin, L. 0., bond of, for excavating
20- Phelps, Helen, asking for permission to construct a
cement curb in the rear' of her property at 62
Prince Street
June 3- Piltz, J., Jr., petition of, relative to his taxes 224, 447
" 3- Pretiauer, J., et el, relative to having telephone pole
removed in the alley between Clay and Iowa Sts.
at 16th Street 224
3 -Pape & Son, bond of, for excavating 225, 291
3- Parker, A. J., relative to overpaid taxes 228
17- Police and Fire Commissioners, bonds of 247 ,337
July 1 -- Putnam Street, from Broadway to Muscatine Street,
INDEX -Book 45
INDEX -Book 95
to improve 294, 436, 439, 443, 448, 462, 483
Aug. 19- Pitgchner, Louise, petition of, relative to repairing
West Dubuque Scales
" 19 -Pearl Street, Engineer instructed to establish grade 367
Sept. 2- Penning, Mike, relative to his assessment on An-
gella Street
" 2- Police Chief, relative to attending convention at
" 16- Patrol House, to purchase new doors 408, 446, 499
" 16- Pfohl, Mr., relative to plat being adopted of Uungs
" 23 -Peck, Lester J., notice of suit, for personal injuries
Oct. 22- Police and Fire Commission, notice of examination 483
Nov. 4-- Policemen of City, petition of, asking for one day off
each week
4- Papin, L. O. and O. C., petition of, relative to their
4- Poole, Horace, petition of, relative to special assess-
ment levied against Lots 7 and 51 Langworthy Add. 491, 608
4 -Plat of ground for the building of the Baptist
Church on West 11th Street
4- Potter, Jeremiah, error in taxes corrected
18- Palmer, Wm. A., estate, relative to cancelling assess-
ment for improving Clay Street
30- Palen, Barbara, estate, petition of, on taxes, received
and filed
2- Piltz, Joseph, petition of, relative to taxes
2 -Peck, Lester, notice of, suit for injuries received
2- Patrol House, relative to repairing the upstairs . .
2- Pickett Street, to improve, from Henion Street to
Cornell Street
506, 554
INDEX -Book 45
Mar. 18- Quince Street, to improve, from Cleveland Avenue
to Rush Street 91, 93, 97, 110, 113, 117, 126, 194, 218, 232, 243
Apr. 15 -Queen Street property owners, relative to City Lot
on Queen Street, now ' being used by Sacred Heart
School 135
July 15- Quinlan, Wm., given saloon consent 314
Aug. 6- Quinn, Sarah, relative to cancelling taxes 340
Jan. 7-- Rhomberg Avenue residents, addressed Council, in
relation to the assessment on Rhomberg Adenue 1, 34, 49, 61, 94
" 7- Reports of Officers for last half of Dec., A 914 • 2, 3
" 7- Report of Street Commissioner, on rolling trenches 3
7- Rider, S. P., money refunded on Julien Avenue as-
sessment b
7 -Rich, Anna K., protest of, on Platt Street opening 9
7- Rhomberg Avenue, to improve, from - Fifth Avenue
to lot line of Lot 371 Ham's Addition
11, 91, 93, 97, 111, 183, 186, 210, 469, 510, 518, 533
" 7- Rhomberg Avenue Improvement, special assessment
levied 13, 55, 64, 76
Jan. 21- Robinson, Bridget, notice of, suit for $5,000.00 31, 123
21- Reports of Officers for first half of January - 31
Jan. 23- Refunding Bonds, ordered by City Council, numbered
3841 to 3878 inclusive 35.
Feb. 4- Reports of Officers for last half of January, 1915 51
Feb. 9- Rizoz, James, notice of, claim for $5,000.00 55, 466'
Feb. 18- Ragatz, Geo., Sr., relative to a reduction in taxes 63, 44
" 18- Russell Street property owner, relative to needed -
repairs 63
" 18- Reports of Officers for first half of February, 1915 ' 6
Feb. 26- Reports of Officers for last half of February, 1915 67
" 26- Report of Treasurer, on the amounts due for special
assessments on various improvements on City
property 67
" 26- Roller, relative 10 purchasing 69, 87, 107, 128
Mar. 4 -Roth, Peter, estate, protesting against valuations
placed by Somers System 78, 524
" 4 -Rand, D. W., petition of, relative to correcting per-
sonal taxes - 79
" 4- Reports of Officers for last half of February, 1915 80, 81
Mar. 18- Rizos, James, noCiae of suit 91
" 18 - Reports of Officers for the first half of March 91, 92
Apr. 1- Reports of Officers for the last half of March 120, 121
" 1- Robinson Fire Apparatus Co., bill of, referred 123, 139
" 1- Report, annual report of City Attorney 123
1 -Riker Street, from Valley Street westerly, to improve
J28, 188, 195, 214, 305
" 15- Reports of Officers for the first half of April 135, 136
" 15- Rhomberg Estate, warrants drawn for the purchase
Of Lots 503 to 515 Ham's Add. 145
May 6- lhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to cancelling
taxes on Lots 640 -641 East Dubuque Add., ad Block
24 Railroad Add. 167
6- Rumple, John, Guardian of Elliott Children, relative
to having their taxes cancelled 168, 340
6- Bottler, Max, petition of, asking permission to erect
a frame shed at 131 17th Street 168
6- Reynolds, Geo., petition of, relative to injuries re-
ceived while employed by the .City 168, 249, 291, 337
6- Reports of Officers for last half of May, 1915 170
6- Ridgeway, Mr., appointed Roller Engineer 183
20 -Ring, Andrew, et al, asking for a grade on the lane
running from Mt. Lowe to Union Street 189
20- Rooney, Irene, relative to taxes 190, 447
20- Reports of Officers for first half of May, 1915 190
" 20 -Rice, Sarah, relative to reducing taxes 194
June 3- Reynolds, H. J.. bond of, for excavating 225, 291, 385
INDEX -Book 45
June 3- Reports of Officers for the last half of May, 1915 225
" 17- Reports of Officers for the first half of June, 1915 249
" 17 = Roof on 9th St. Engine House, recorder to advertise
for bids for repairing roof 262, 280, 286, 364
July 1- Reports of Officers for the last half of June, 1915 287, 28S
1 -Ross, F. B., appointed Library Trustee 290
8- Reservoir Water Works, notified to build fence 301
" 15- Reports of Officers for first half of July, 1915 303
Aug. 5- Reynolds, Mrs. 0., relative to reducing taxes 330
" 5- Reports of Officers for last half of July, 1915 333
" 19- Reports of Officers for the first half of August, 1915 359
Sept. 2- Richards, Lawrence, waiver of, on making sewer
connection on Lincoln Ave. 386
2- Reports of Officers for the last half of August, 1915 387
16- Rider, S. P., et al., petition of, relative to the ob-
struction on the sidewalk at corner of 17th and
Seminary St. 402
16- Reports of Officers for the first half of Sept., 1915 403
23- Rosedale Ave. improvement, ;accepted by Council 391, 432, 414, 4'31
437, 46.1
23- Rosedale Ave., notice of special assessment
Oct. 7 -Ruff, Ed., bill of, for inspecting referred
" 7- Reports of Officers for the last half of Sept., 1915
" 22-Roepsch; G. J., et al., petition of, relative to laying
sidewalk on Rhomberg Ave. 434
" 22- Rhomberg Ave., intersection and alley bet. Rhom-
berg Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, to improye.294, 465, 501, 543, 545
" 22- Reports of Officers for the first half of October, 1915 465
" 22- Rosedale Ave., grade of, from Willow St. to Au- -
burn Ave.
Nov. 4.- Robinson, John J., petition of, relative to reducing -
his taxes •
4- Rider, S. P., petition of, relative to reducing his.
" 4- Rokusek, Frank, petition of, relative to his assess - •
ment on Rosedale Ave. 490, 558
4- Rider, John V., petition of, relative to his assess-
ment on Rosedale Ave. • 490
" 4- Reports of Officers for the last half of ' Oct., 1915 491
" 18-- '-Russo, F. W., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 506
" '18- Rickey, Geo. M., petition' of, relative to erecting stand
on 8th and Math St. -
" 18- Reports of Officers for, the, first half of Nov., 1915
" 30 -Rice, Sarah, relative to taxes received and filed
" 30- Rudolph, J., error in taxes corrected
Dec. 2- Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to selling Lots
at tax sale '
2 -Ryan, Dennis. petition of, relative to reducing taxes 545
2- Roeber, August; petition of, relative to correcting -his
street assessment
2- Reports of Officers for the last half of November,
16- Rudolph, Julius, petition of, relative to overpaid
16- Reports of Officers for the first half of Dec., 1915
16- Rhomberg, A. L., remonstrance of, on Hill Street
16 - Registration notice for special election 676
INDEX -Book 45
46 1
1915. SUBJECT .
Jan. 7- Sidewalks, bids, let, for cement walk on Pickett St.
" 7- Sidewalks, bids let for cement walk on West 3rd St.
" Sidewalks, bids let for cement walk :on West 14th St
7- Sidewalks, bids let .for .cement walk on Arch Street
7- Schroederc& Kleine Grocer Co., relative to cancelling
taxes 7 6
7 - Sewer, sanitary, in 24th Street; bonds. ordered - 6
7- Sewer, sanitary, In Heeb • Street, bonds ordered 6
7- Sewer, sanitary, .in Mt...Loretta Ave., bonds ordered . 7
7- Sewer, sanitary, in Arlington St., bonds ordered 7
7- Sewer, sanitary, in Jefferson Street; bonds .ordered 8, 251, 292
"Sewer, sanitary,. in .Spruce Street, bonds- ordered 8, 251, 292
7- Sprinkling Wagons, necessary repairs to be made 9
" 7- Somers System, remonstrance of, property owners
received and, filed 9
7- Sisters of Mercy Hospital, on Platt Street, opening -
' received and filed 9
" 7- Steiner, C., relative to a reduction on his assessment 10
Jan. 21-Schrup Motor Co., bill of, referred 30, 62)
" 21- Splan, Fred, and-Mrs. M. Stewart, protesting against -
the assessment for constructing sewer in Spruce St. 30
" 21 -Snow and Ice, cleaning of, special assessment levied 44, 54, 55, 56
Feb. 4- Smith, Anna, - relative to her taxes being cancelled 49, 137
" 4- Schmitt, Frank, notice of, claim for the sum of
$500.00 49, 169
4 -Smoke Abatement Commission, report of, on various
steam producers in the city 53, 63, 84, 138
4- Sidewalk. abutting Lot 13 Newberry Hales -Sub ,
accepted 54, 65, 76
Feb. "18 - Stairway, .from South Bluff Street to Cleveland Ave ,
to construct 63, 139
" 18- Stockman, Winnifield; relative to necessary repairs on
Russell Street " 63
" 18 -Steps at 18th and Clay Sts., warrant ordered drawn 66
Feb. 26- Second Road Fund, a warrant ordered drawn' for
balance left. in fund- . 69
Mar. 4- Slattery, Wm. P., petition of, and plat relative to the
opening of Nevada Street 77
4- Sewer, sanitary, .relative to constructing in Grand-
view Avenue, from South Dodge Street southerly 77
4- Schuman, Mrs.. H., relative to cancelling taxes '78, 340
4- Schoenthal, Henry, petition of, relative to Soldiers'
Exemption 78
4- Schmitt, Mrs. Phoebe, relative to having taxes can-
celled 78, 123, 175
4- Schmitt, Winifield S., relative to reducing her assess-
ment 79
4- Smith, C. B., relative to improvements returned by
Somers System, for the year 1914 SO
4- Somers System, warrants drawn to pay for installa-
lion of 82, 179
4- Sidewalks, abutting Lot 69 East Dubuque Add ,
accepted 83, 94, 98, 108, 123
4- Sidewalk, abutting Lot 2 S.- M. Langworthy's Add.,
accepted 83, 93, 98, 108, 132
4- Sidewalk, abutting Lot 1 of the Subd. of City Lot
740, accepted - 83, 94, -98, 108, 132
4 -Sewer inspector instructed to inspect sewer running
into Dodge- Street from, Mercy Hospital 85
INDEX - Book , 45
INDEX -Book 45
4 -Steps in the various parts of the City, Engineer to
prepare plans and specifications 85
4- Sewer, storm, to construct, from West 3rd Street to
the alley south of Fenelon Place
• 4- Sewer, storm, to Construct, in Fifth Avenue...85, 114, 117, 126, 165
-St. Luke Church, protesting against the opening of
Sundays of picture show on 11th and Main Streets 84
4- Sewer, storm, to construct, in Thirtieth Street 87, 111
Mar. 18-Sweeper, for sweeping streets, city to purchase 88, 118
" 18- Sheppley, E. H., relative to reducing taxes 90, 118, 137, 292
" 18- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Curtis Street from
South Dodge Street to Exchange Street ..........
90, 129, 188, 196, 215, 218, 223, 313, 325, 339, 348
18- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in McEvoy Place ....
90, 129, 188, 196, 215, 223, 313, 324, 338, 348
18- Schwaegler, John, notice of suit 91, 169
18- Sewer, storm, to construct, in Rosedale Ave. 98, 115, 117, 126, 197, 221
25- Sacred Heart School, petition of, relative to being
allowed to use the Lot on Queen Street 150, 135
25- Sidewalks, abutting Lots 2 to 8 Linehan Park Add
on the north side of Peru Road, bids of •
112, 118, 174, 194, 216, 231, 242
25- Sidewalk, abutting Lot 4 Home Add., bids
112, 118, 174, 194, 216, 231, 242
Apr. i- Sprenglemcyer, Johanna, relative to a reduction in
taxes 118
1- Sheppley, E. H., relative to reduction in taxes 118, 137, 292
1- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Wood Street from
Julien Avenue to West 14th Street
119, 130, 188, 197, 214, 217, 223, 231, 313, 324, 338, 347, 390
1- Street, Jas., bond of, for excavating 119, 174
1- Sitterly, Chas., bond of, for constructing cement
walks 119
1- Schrup Motor Co., awarded contracts for chases.... 127
1- Sidewalk, to construct, on Garfield Avenue, abutting
Lot 106
" 15- Seitz, Ernest, relative to reducing taxes 135, 194
" 15Sewer, sanitary, relative to constructing in Jackson St
between 24th and 25th Streets
" .15-Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Nevada Street from
West Third Street to Langworthy Avenue
135, 142, 157, 161, 166, 234, 276, 291, 297
" 15- Scanlon, Patrick, taxes cancelled 136
" 15- Sewer, sanitary, in Dodge Street, accepted by Salver
" 15- Seminary Street property owners., relative to culture
of bees
15- ;7tark, F. H., relative to repairing walk on Walnut St.
15-Second Street, to improve, from Locust Street to
Bluff Street. ....140, 234, 247, 249, 256, 272, 279, 343, 354, 359. 313,
511, 557, 564, 573
15- Second Street, to improve, from C. M. & St. P. tracks
.... 140, 179 ,248 „257, 272, 278, 304, 343, 354, 359, 375, 548, 575
15- Sidewalks, to construct, abutting Lots 3 and 4, cf City
Lot 456 143, 323, 3'17
15- Sidewalks, to construct, en 8th Street and on Iowa St. 143, 324, 3n.
15- Sidewalks, to construct on Delhi and North Booth St. 143, 323 337
15- Sidewalks, to construct on Locust Street 143, 144
15- Sidewalks, to construct, on Harold Street and Jackson
Street . - .- 144
" 15- Sidewalk, to construct, on West 5th Street 144
15- Sewer, Be e, Branch, to construct, in the 5th Ward 145, 221
May 6- Schultz, Charles, relative to reducing taxes
168, 447
" 6- Sewer, sanitary, in Washington Street to construct -
between 22nd Street and 24th Street
168, 306, 470, 484, 487, 557, 565, 574'
6- Sidewalks, return of service notices 170
6- Sidewalks, abutting Lots 411 to 424 Ham's' Addition,
accepted 173, 194, 216, 231, 242
6- Sullivan, Cath., error in taxes corrected 175
6- Schmid, Phoebe, warrant ordered drawn for overpaid .
taxes -- 175
6- Scarifier, recorder to advertise for bids 178, 19-8, 216
6- Saunders, C. J., relative to special assessment 178
6-Somers System, relative to balance due on bill - 179
May 6- Sidewalk resolutions adopted,.. ordering sidewalks 179
" 6- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Washington Street . --
from 21st to 22nd Street '..180, 282, 303, 304, 323', 327,, 329, 333.
469, 509, 51-6, ,532
6- Seventh Street, from Locust to Bluff Streets, to
improve 180, 220, 224, 231, 238, 271, 280, 344, 355, 375,
469, 509., 517, 532
6 -Sixth St., from Locust to Bluff St., to improve 181, 218, 224, 231, 237,
280, 344, 355, 375, 469, 510, 517, 534
20- Scott, H. W., petition of, relative to constructing wall
on the north side of Lot 15, Wilson's Sub. 189, 198, 233
20- Schlenker, Anna, relative to the assessment for set-
ting curb 189
20- Steiner, Mary, relative to cancelling personal taxes 190, 305
20- Scheidecker, M., bond of 190, 249
20- Stedman,. B. F., bond of t ' 190, 249
20- Sweepers, to purchase, two of them, one from Austin
Western Co., and one from Baker Co. 194
20- Sewer, Bee Branch, to construct, in Third Ward... - - 198
25- Sidewalk resolutions adopted, ordering sidewalks 200, 201
" 28- Stemm, John, appointed Harbor Master 202
June 3- Sewer, storm, Bee Branch, to in Millville Road 223, 391
3- Sewer, storm, Bee Branch, to construct, 'between 27th
and 28th Street 223', 251, 391
3 Sewer, storm, to construct, in Rosedale Avenue 223
3- Simpson, G. T., relative to handling of all city garbage 224
3- Sanitary Officer, relative to an increase in salary 234
3- Sewer, sanitary, to construct in Jackson Street, from
24th to 25th Street ..135. 236, 332, 343, 353, 376, 404, 435, 443, 459
3- Sidewalk resolutions adopted, ordering sidewalks - .241
" 17- Stafford, M., relative to collecting garbage on Cleve-
land Avenue 246
17- Storhmeyer, Mrs. A., relative to cancelling her taxes 246'
17- Schaetzle, John, relative to being granted permission
to erect a Bowser tank at 276 Couler Avenue 246
17- Sterling, Sam, petition of, relative to injuries received
on Julien Avenue
17- Sidewalks, returns of service, received and filed
17 -Smoke Ordinance, an extension of time given
17- Sidewalks resolutions adopted, ordering sidewalks
17- Sewer, storm, to construct, on 4th Street Extension
17- Steps, cement, leading from West 3rd to Fenelon
Place, bids 280
INDEX - Book 45
INDEX -Book 45
S �
" 17- Sewer, storm, to construct, in West 3rd Street
" 17- Sewer, sanitary, to construct in Elm Street
282, 303; 304, 306,•.323, 325; 329, 333, 412, 435,
17- Steps, cement, to construct, • on West Eleventh St.... 283,
July 1- Schiltz, J. H., petition of, relative to 'constructing .
sewer in Cora and Exchange Streets
1- Sewer, sanitary, relative to constructing .in Cora St
286, 297, 358, 366, '379, 405
1- Schwind, John W.,'- relative to his assessment on Lots
2 and..3 of Sub. 1
1- Spensley, H. B., appointed Library Trustee
1- Steffen, N., relative to reducing taxes
1- Standard. Lumber Co., relative to sewer in Seventh St.
1- Saul,- Mayor, .photograph of his to be placed - in
Council. Chamber
1- Specifications and plans on asphalt, relative to adopt -'.
15- Sewer, sanitary, relative to constructing in Algona
and. in Delaware Avenue and Dexter Avenue
15- Sewer, along Washington and Elm Street, relative to
constructing, received and filed
July l ii- Stampfer, J. F. & Co., city attorney to look into the
right of said company using two feet of sidewalk
on Eighth Street
Aug. 5- Sidewalks, bids opened, for the construction of
" 5 -Seng, Leopold, Sr., relative to cancelling taxes
" 5- Scheppley, E. H., relative to his assesment on Grove 332
5- Spielman, Fred E., relative to injuries received on
Rhomberg Avenue - 332, 442
5- Sidewalks, return of service received and plans and
specifications ordered 332
5- Sidewalks accepted by Council, abutting Lots 46 and
47 Finley Add. 340, 362, 366, 377
5-- Sidewalk accepted by Council, abutting Lot 100
Woodlawn Park Add.. 340, 361, 366, 377
5- Sidewalk.accepted by Council, abutting Lot 25 Fin-
ley Home Add. ' 340, 361, 366, 377
5- Sidewalk accepted by Council, abutting Lot 667, City
Lot 340, 362, 367, 377
5- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Jackson Street from
22nd to 24th Street -
5- Schlueter, Jos., to, be put on officers payroll
13 -Steps leading from Montrose Terrace to Fairview
Place, bids of. for constructing • 352, 378, 511
13 -Steps leading from West 14th Street to Montrose -
Terrace, -bids of, for constructing 352, 378, 511
13 -Steps leading from Hill Street to West 7th St., bids of 352, 378, 511
13- Scanlan, Jos.; et al,. relative to sidewalk grade on
South Booth
19- Sidewalks, on Wcst - 14th Street, Harold Street and
West Seventh Street, ' of
19- Steffens, C. M., petition of, relative to building a
cement driveway on Hall Street •
19- Southern - Surety CO., relative to bond of McNamara .
and Co.,. for blasting
Aug. 19-- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, to Rosedale Avenue in
Auburn Avenue in Dexter 'Avenue and in Algona
Avenue 365, 465, 467, 471, 484, 487, 501
281, 285 " 19- Street Laborers, relative to increasing wages, referred
" 19 -Steps leading from West Locust Street to Catherine
444, 450 Street, to construct 378, 398, 431, 466, 498
391, 392 " 19- Sidewalk, to construct, abutting Lots 6 and 7 of Sub.
City 720 353, 380, 391, 411, 413, 414, 432
286 " 19- Sidewalks, to construct, abutting Lot 5 of 13 of Min.
Lot 172 353, 380, 410, 413, 414
" 19- Sidewalk; to construct, abutting Lot. 33 Schroeder's
Add. 353, 380, 404, 509, 513, 533
237 Sept. 2 -St. Joseph Street, petition of C. H. Kemler, relative to
290 establishing grade 386
292 2- Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., relative to reducing taxes 386
293 2- Sidewalk abutting Lots 77 and 78 Union Add., Lot 19
Grandview Avenue Add., Lot City 210, Lots 344 of
299 City Lot 456 and Lots 4, 5 and 6 Marsh's Dubuque,
accepted 391, 409, 410, 412, 413, 432
300 - 2- Sidewalks, to construct, abutting City Lot 193 394
2-- Sidewalk, to construct, abutting Lots 1 and 2 Barry's
303 Sub. 394, 402, 434, 437
" 9- Steps to construct, on Foye Street 397, 398, 431, 511
305 " 10- Sparks, Geo„ bill of, for macadam, allowed 398
" 10- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Grandview Avenue
from South Dodge Street to the unnamed street
213 about 500 feet south 399
329 16- Sidewalk, return of service of, abutting Lots 1 and
331 2 Barry's Sub. 402, 434
" 16-- Sewer, storm, in Angella Street, accepted by Council 404
" 16- Sewer, sanitary, in Washington Street, to construct,
from Twenty - Second St. to Twenty - Fourth St....406, 465, 502, 548
" 16- Sidewalk, to construct, abutting Lots 1 of 189 and
Lot • 2 of 189 Union Add. 407
" 16- Sidewalk, to construct, ' abutting City Lots 86, 87, 88
on Locust Street 407
" 16 -Steps on Hogdgon Avenue, money turned over to
Park Board 407
" 16 -Steps on Mt. Loretta Avenue, engineer to prepare
plans 408, 409
Oct. 7- Sidewalks, abutting Lots in Woodlawn Park Add ,
bids opened 437, 548, 556, 558, 574
" 7- Sidewalks, abutting Lots in O'Neill's Riverview Add.,
bids opened 437, 558, 576
343 7- Sidewalk, abutting Lot 161 Glendale Addition, bids
351 opened 437
" 10- Steps, to construct ..YM,(&
Oct. 7- Schrup Motor Car Co., asking for permission to place
an air tank on Seventh and Iowa Streets 437
7- Straub, Jos. W., petition of, asking to have special
assessment reduced 438
7- Smith, Michael, petition of, asking to having taxes
3.53. reduced 438
353 7- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in Heeb Street from
end of present sewer westerly 447
" 7- Sidewalk resolutions adopted, ordering sidewalks 449
357 • 22 -- Sewer, Bee Branch, in Third Ward, to construct 462, 485
" 22- Sutherland, Dillon, petition of, relative to the assess -
358 ment on Alta Vista Street , 464
" 22 -Steps at 18th and Clay Streets, accepted by Council 469
" 22- Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in St. Ambrose Street
471, 507, 512, 536, 538, 543
INDEX - Book 45
INDEX —Book 45
22— Sewer, sanitary, to construct, in South Dodge Street
from Rush Street to Grandview Avenue
Nov. 4— Sewer, sanitary, relative to construction in Windsor
Avenue and O'Neill and Burden Avenues
4— Staner, N. J., bond of, for building sidewalks
4— Steuck, Chas., new loan warrants reissued
4— Steuck, Wm., loan warrants reissued
4— Sidewalk constructed on Harold Street, accepted by
18— Schreiner, Geo., petition of, asking Council to open
the alley running south from Cora Street
Dec. 2— Sewer, sanitary, relative to constructing in Leibnitz
2— Sewer, sanitary, petition of House of Good Shepherd,
Baby Fold and St. Joseph Sanitarium, relative, to
constructing from St. Ambrose Street to the end of
City Limits
2— Sisters of Charity, petition of, relative to reducing
the assessment for improving Rosedale Avenue
2— Straney, Jos., Sr., petition of, relative to claim for
injuries received
2— Schrup, N. J., notice of appeal on West 17th Street
2— Smith, E. P., bill of, referred to Committee of the
16— Schulte, K. M. and V., protesting against their assess-
ment for the improvement of Rhomberg Avenue
16— Schepple, E. H., protest of, against the assessment
levied against Lot 50 Corriell's Add.
16— Steiner, Christ, and Sagehorn Adeline, petition of,
asking to have taxes placed at $3,500.00
16— Schrup, N. J., remonstrance of, on West 17th Street
16— Schmid, O. M., error in taxes corrected
490, 499, 512
491, 508
544, 558
545 '
INDEX - Book 45
Jan. 7-- Thomas, Chas. T., relative to taxes 2, 33
" 7— Thilken, R., relative to damages done to his car by
Fire Department, referred to City Attorney 9, 28
7— Twentieth Street Improvement, special assessment
levied 13,_34, 61
Jan. 21 - -Tri -State Auto Co., bill of, referred 30, 35, 94
Feb. 4— Theis, Mrs. Kathryn, relative to her taxes 49, 84
" 9— Telephone Companies, communication of the Mayor
of Ottumwa, Ia., relative to franchises of Telephone
" 18 —Town Clock, bids let for taking care of
" 18— Traut, Louisa, relative to the taxes of M. Tschirgi St.
" 26— Treasurer's report on special assessments against
various city property, for improvements 67
Mar. 4 —Town Clock, relative to illuminating 77, 139
" 4— Tuegel, Mrs. Paul, petition of, relative to a reduction
in taxes 49
4— Typewriter, to purchase for the Chief of Police office
" 4— Transit, Recorder to advertise for bids 84, 87, 111, 128
" 18— Touring Car for Police Department, to purchase 88, 128, 138
" 18 —Tibet' Bros., bill of, for grading Pear St., referred 90
" 18— Thomas, Sarah, allowed soldiers' Exemption 92
Apr. 1— Thomas, Jesse, application of, for Roller Engineer 119
" 1— Tapelt, Cecelia, notice of, claim for damage done to
property 119
1— Taylor, J. R., relative to the taxes on Lot 13 Oxford's
Heights 123
" 1— Thedinger, Clara B., relative to a reduction in taxes 135
May 6— Trexler, L., notify to remove debris from Lot on 10th
and White Streets 178
" 20— Tibey, Ed., relative to overflow of water on his lot on
Fremont Avenue
" 20— Theisen, F., relative to installing gasoline tank
" 20— Twelfth Street, profile of, showing grade
June 3 —Troy Street Sewer, petition of property owners, rela-
tive to making new connections 224
3— Tapelt, Cecelia, notice of, suit for damage done to her
property 225
July 1— Toussaint, Mrs. M., relative to barn of Belsky Co 287
1 —Tibey Bros., remonstrance of, on Burns Street
Aug. 5— Tinsley, Mrs. Wm., relative to reducing taxes
Sept. 2 —Third Street, to improve, from Main to Bluff Street
Oct. 7— Twaites, Robt. E., petition of, relative to erroneous
assessment 438
" 1— Treasurer's, annual report of 442
Nov. 4— Terminal Commission, relative to appointing 489, 558
" 1S—Trewin, C. P., relative to drawing a warrant for re-
purchase of Lot 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 141, sold at
tax sale
" 30 —Tax levy for the year 1915
" 30 —Tax list of property to be sold at tax sale
Dec. 2— Tihey, Edward, petition, relative to his taxes
" 2 —Tax levy of city, copy of, sent to County Treasurer
2— Treasurer instructed to remove all city property from
tax sale 550
" 16— Thomas Place, petition of Jos. Bertsch, asking to
have grade established 552
61, 76
63, 340
189, 293
INDEX —Book 45
Jan. 7— Urbach, Abe, relative to the assessment on Grand-
view Avenue
" 7 —Union Electric Co., relative to list of all street lights
7 —Union Electric Co., bill of, allowed
7 —Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association,
relative to annual assessment
Feb. 4 —Union Eleceric Co., bill of city for rolling between
" 4 —Union Electric Co., Street Commissioner to present
them with a bill for hauling snow on various streets
Feb. 26 —Union Electric Co., relative to .brick paving between
tracks on Couler Avenue
Mar. 4 —Union Electric Co., relative to cost for illuminating
Town Clock
" 4 —Union Electric Co., $126.90 paid to city for hauling
snow on Main Street
4 —Union Electric Co., relative to constructing Y at end
of Linwood line and loop at end of Dodge St. line
Apr. 15 —Union Electric Co., relative to doing their own work
on Julien Avenue and Delhi Street
" 15 —Union Electric Co., relative to a reduction in electric
" 15 —Union Electric Co., instructed to do work on Arch
and Asbury Streets
May 6 —U. S. Engineer Edwards, asking for permission to ex-
tend track on Water Street
" 20 —Union Electric Co., relative to changing switch on
Delhi Street and also of running a sidetrack into
Heim's quarry
June 3 —Union Electric Co., relative to doing their own work
on West Third Street
" 17 —Union Electric Co., relative to placing switch on
Julien Avenue
July 1 —Union Electric Co., petition of, relative to changing
switch between Hall and Louisa Street, to one block
1 —Union Electric Co., communication of, relative to
doing their own work on 2nd Street, West 3rd Street
and West 8th Street
1 —Union Electric Co., relative to letting contractor do
work on Julien Avenue
1 —Union Electric Co., loan warrants renewed
1 —Union Electric Co., notified to tear up paving on
Julien Avenue
1 —Union Electric Co., notified to do work on Julien
Avenue and Delhi Street
19 —Union Printing Co., bill of, referred
Sept. 2 —Union Electric Co., petition of, relative to drafting
• an ordinance creating the office of Electric Inspector
10 —Union Electric Co., petition of, relative to improving
between the rails on Alpine Street
" 16 —Union Electric Co., notified to fix intersection at
Arch. and St. Ambrose Street
16 —Ung's Add., relative to Council adopting plat
Oct. 22— Urbach, A., petition of, relative to repairing curb on
Grandview Avenue
Nov. 4 —Union Depot and Terminal Commission, relative to
2, 137
10, 119
77, 139
84, 352, 358
194, 305
357, 447
489, 558
INDEX — Book 45
Jan. 7 —Villa Street Improvement, petition of S. J. Patch,
relative to the assessment on Villa Street
Feb. 4— Vaccinating children in the city
Feb. 9— Vacation of the alley in Union Addition
Feb. 18 —Villa Street property owners, relative to constructing
a retaining wall and stairway
May 6— Vogel, A., petition of, relative to erecting small shed
at 1058 Locust Street
6— Voelker, C. A., waiver and agreement of, on connect-
ing with sewer on Grandview Avenue, Lot 7 Colum-
bia Addition
6— Voelker, C. A., waiver and agreement of, on connect-
ing with sewer on Seminary Street, Lot 11 Cox Add.
June 3— Valeria Street property owners, petition of, relative
to improve street
" 17 —Vogt, Jos., and Anna, error in taxes corrected
July 1— Vacation of an alley in Kleinschmidt's Sub.
Aug. 8— Voelker, C. A., petition of, relative to improving
Woodworth Street and Cottage Place
8— Voelker, C. A., asking to have sidewalks constructed
on West Fourth Street and Paulina Street
Oct. 7— Vacation of a strip of land on West 11th Street be-
tween Bluff and Grove Streets
20 —Veto of Mayor Saul, on Allison - Henderson Memorial
Nov. 18— Voelker, C. A., error in taxes corrected
Dec. 16— Voelker, C. A., error In taxes corrected
33, 60, 65
331, 470
INDEX -Book 45
Jan. 7- Windsor Avenue, to brick pave, from end of present
improvement to sutherly lot line of Burden and
Lowther Addition 10
7 -West Third Street, to widen, from Grandview Ave.
to Louisa Street 12, 30, 55, 491
Jan. 21Wolfe, Mary, notice of, suit for $10,000.00 31, 63
" 21 -Werb, Catherine, notice of, suit for $1,000.00 31, 119
" 21 -West 3rd Street, to widen of, report of Jurors ap-
to Louisa Street 31, 55, 446
" 21- Wadley, S. P., Co., money refunded, on Locust St.
assessment 32
" 21 -West Locust Street Car Line, Engineer's report on
refund due property owners for building car tracks 32
Jan. 23- Weeds, assessment levied 44, 54, 55, 56
Feb.. 9 -West Locust Street Improvement, settlement made
with McNamara & Co. on balance due 55
Feb. 18 -Wall, retaining, to extend on Villa Street 63
" 18 -West 3rd Street. opening of, warrant ordered drawn 6
Mar. 4 -West, Jennie, relative to an error in taxes 80
" 4 -Water Works, quarterly report of, from Oct. 1st to
Dec. 31st, 1914
" 4 -Wall, to construct, on West Seventh Street
" 12- Walker, Dr. J. M., bill of, for services rendered to
Patrolman Brunskill, allowed
Mar. 18- Welsh, Mary A., relative to reducing taxes 90, 292
18- Welty, Jacob, relative to Council investigating his
sewer proposition on Lincoln Avenue 90
" 18- Weitz, Mary E., allowed soldiers' exemption 92
19 -West Eighth Street and part of Julien Avenue, from
Lot 49 to north line of Hill Street, to improve
98, 137, 163, 167, 181, 186, 188, 211, 217, 237, 247, 255, 273, 277, 285,
446, 485, 495, 499
25 -West Locust Street, to improve, from Seventeenth St.,
to Hogdgon Avenue 101, 163, 167, 182, 192, 252, 549
Apr. 1- Weland, Wm., relative to a reduction in taxes 118, 139
1- Wright, Agnes E., relative to a reduction in taxes 118
1 -Wood Street, to improve, from Julien Avenue to West
Fourteenth Street 119, 130, 192, 239, 247, 254, 293, 422
1 -West 17th Street, from West Locust Street to Clark
Street, to improve 130, 192, 239, 240, 247, 253, 276, 285, 293, 341,
609, 515, 533, 545
15 -- Welty, Joseph J., relative to a reduction in taxes ... 135
15- Wilky, Matt, taxes cancelled
15 -West 3rd Street, grade of, from Burch to Alpine St. 136
15 -West 12th Street assessment, engineer to spread a •
new assessment 146
" 19 -Water Works Trustee, Fred Bell appointed
" 19 -.Vest Third Street, to improve, from Burch Street to
Alpine Street ...136, 146, 162, 167, 184, 234, 235, 247, 256, 273, 279,
353, 376, 469, 511, 575
169, 228
May 6 -Water Works Trustees, bonds of, for 1915
" 6- Waiver of C. A. Voelker, on sewer connections on
Lot 7 Columbia Add., and Lot 111 Cox Add.
6 -Water Works Trustees, relative to meter rates
6 -Water Works Trustees, quarterly report of, to March
1st, 1915
" 20- Waller, J. R., remonstrance of, on the improvement
of Fourth Street Extension
" 20-- Waller, J. R., relative to reducing taxes
85 `
170 .
188 .
190, 292
INDEX -Book 45
" 20- Waiver of John Holland, on sewer connection in the
alley between Reed and Dock Streets 190
" 20- Wilky, Matt, warrant ordered drawn for overpaid
20 -West Eleventh Street, improvement of, accepted by
Street Committee 193, 250, 251, 258, 271, 331
" 20 -Wall, retaining, to build, abutting Lot 15 Wilson Sub. 221, 223
June 3 -Wood Street, to improve, from West 14th Street to
Julien Avenue 239, 274, 277, 286, 391, 409, 433
" 17- Western Union Telegraph Co., petition of, relative to
being granted permission of placing underground
17- Wohlert, Aug., error in taxes corrected 249
17 -West 3rd Street, to improve, from Bluff Street to
Burch Street 256, 331, 342, 357, 358, 365, 379, 399
17 -West 11th Street, to construct, cement steps..283, 285, 293, 391, 392
17 -West 3rd Street, to construct, cement steps 282, 286, 293, 301
July 1- Wallis, J. H., petition of, relative to condition of Lot
on corner of Algona Ave. and Dexter Ave. 292, 408
1 -Wilde Street property owners, relative to cement
steps 293
1 - -West Locust and Alta Vista Street, to widen inter-
section 295
1- Walnut Street, to improve, from West 14th Street
to the end of the present improvement 295, 329
1- Western Union Telegraph Co., relative to laying
underground wires 299, 405
8 -West 3rd Street and Hill Street, to widen, for side-
walk 301, 443
8 -Wood Street, to improve, from end of present im-
provement north to Rosedale Avenue 301
.8-Water Works, instructed to build fence around the
top of their reservoir 301
15 -Ward Foremen granted an increase in salary 305
15- Weeds, relative to cutting 313, 324
15- Woodworth Street and Cottage Place, relative to im
proving 331
Aug. 19-Wasser, Josephine, relative to reducing taxes 358, 447
" 19 -Wall, retaining, to construct, on Leibnitz Street 384, 385, 54S
" 19 -Wall, retaining, to construct, on West Seventh St...384, 385, 398, 511
Sept. 2- Waiver of Lawrence Richard, on making sewer con-
nection 386
2- Weitz, Ed., error in assessment corrected 390
2- Washington Street, to improve, from 27th to 28th
Street 393, 465, 468, 470, 485, 488, 501, 549
16- Walch, L. A., relative to erecting gasoline tank .... 402, 404
16- Waiver and agreement of Cath. Holy, on making
sewer connection 402
16 -Water Works, quarterly report of Apr. 1st to June
30, 1915 402
23 -Water Works, annual report ending May 31st, 1915 409
Oct. 7 -- Wunder, A. C., bond of, for excavating 439, 467
7- Wallis, Mary B., petition of, relative to acquiring
strip of Lot 1 Steward's Sub. 43a
7 -West 11th Street, relative to vacating between Bluff -
and Grove Streets 439.
22- Waiver and agreement of property owners, on nar-
rowing Washington Street
22 -Water Works, quarterly report of, ending Sept. 30,
246, 299, 405
IN DEX —Book 45
" 22 —Water Works, bill of city for rolling trenches
" 22— Washington Street, grade of, from 22nd to 24th St.
22— Weeda, Selma, a remonstrance of, on Madison Street
" 22 —Water Mains, relative to assessing for laying
" 22— Washington, Geo., picture of, in Council Chamber to
be touched up
Dec. 2— Walton, C. W., petition of, relative to damage done
to his property
— Wolfe, Mr., relative to the assessment for improving
the alley between Julien Avenue and West 5th St.,
" 16— Wasser, Josephine, petition of, relative to correcting
" 16— White, Frank W., petition of, relative to the raise in
taxes on Lot 229 Union Add.
" 16— White, Frank, bill of, for cement steps at Harbor,
" 16— Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 253, relative to assessment
levied against said Lot
" 16 —West 3rd Street Appropriation, money expended for
repairs of street caused by overflow of water from
" 16 —Water Works Trustee, Wm. A, McClain apopinted
465 Jan. 21 —Y. W. C. A., relative to special assessment on Locust
467 • Street
468 Mar. 1$— Yamburg, M., application of, for Engineer on Road
Apr. 1— Youngworth, Rosa, relative to a reduction in taxes
471 " 15— Yunker, Ed., relative to claim for injuries
473 • Roller
July 15— Young, Chas. J., estate, relative to taxes
5) '
INDEX —Book 45
30, 55
118, 140
135, 305
INDEX —Book 45
Apr. 16— Ziegler, Clara J., relative to a reduction in taxes ...
135, 292