1914 June Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL (Official.) Regular session June 4, 1914. Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Aldermen Callahan, Clan- cy, Heim, McIntosh McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Bids. Bids for the brick paving of the al- ley between Clay and Iowa streets from 4th street to 17th street. Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co., brick pav- ing per square yard $1.84; Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son brick paving pei square yard $2.14; bid of Wilmer Cook brick paving per square yard $2.04; bid of James F. Lee brick pav- ing per square yard $1.91. On motion of Ald. Heim the contract was award- ed to C. R. McNamara & Co., they being the lowest bidders and their bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contract. Bids for brick paving the alley be- tween Clay and White streets from 4th street to 17th street. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son brick paving per square yard $2.12. Bid of Wilmer Cook brick paving per square yard $1.98. Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co., brick paving per square yard $1.84. :Bid of James F. Lee brick paving per square yard $1.84. On motion of Ald. Wallis the contract was awarded to 'Jas. F. Lee and his bond placed at one - fourth the amount of the contract. Ald. Clancy moved that the Mayor and Committee Clerk be given power to purchase a box for the receiving of bids. Carried. Bills. T. Kenneally, inspector $ 9.00 D. Royce, inspector 21.00 E. Ruff, inspector 10.00 G. F. Mansteadt, inspector 6.00 J. Roggensack, macadam 19.80 E. T. Frith, health 818.74 Coates & Robinson, health 10.00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., health 2.25 J. Dehing, health 2400 On motion of Ald. Wallis all bills properly O. K. were ordered paid. City .Recorder Shea presented the 79 applications of the saloonkeepers. On motion of Ald. Clancy the appli- cations were referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Jas. Lee Sr., relative to the, City Council canceling the assess- ment levied against lot 2 of Mineral Lot 185 for the sanitary sewer in Rosedale Avenue, and also reducing the assessment levied against Lot 31 Blake's Addition, for the improvement of West Locust street presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the petition was referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of H. Fries et al relative Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 213 to the placing of an electric arc light on the corner of Emsley and Ann streets presented and read. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of L. J. Knockle et al, rela- tive to the laying of sidewalks on both sides of Arch street from the corner of Arch and St. Ambrose streets to the first alley east of St. Ambrose street presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds and the City Engineer instructed to lay out lines for the above sidewalks. Petition of the Singer Sewing Ma- chine company relative to correcting the taxes assessed against them for the year 1913 presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole and City Assessor. Petition of Elmer Heil relative to being granted permission to connect kith sewer lot No. 8, Columbia Addi- tion, at the intersection of Grand- view avenue and South Dodge street presentee and read. On motion of A ld. Wallis the prayer of the petition- er was granted provided that the pe- titioner sign a waiver executed by the City Attorney. Petition of Jesse Venn relative to a fence being erected at the south end of Marion street and asking to have same removed presented and read. On motion of Ald. Clancy the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of the Substitutes on the Fire Department relative to increas- ing their wages to $71.00 per month presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole and Chief of the Fire Department. Petition of Maggie Syeil and C. B. Trewin relative to the city construct- ing a storm sewer and stairway through the one - hundred feet strip from the alley to West Third street and the petitioners to dedicate a six foot strip to the City presented and read. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the prayer of the petitioners be grant- ed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin. Nays —Alds. Singrin, Wallis. Petition of J. A. Enzler relative to canceling the assessment of $5.00 lev- ied against Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Fin- ley Addition, for cutting weeds pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. ;Wallis the petition was referred to the Street Commissioner and Fourth Ward Foreman. Communication of Mayor James Saul relative to the City Council pur- chasing a motorcycle for the purpose 214 Regular Session, June 4, 1914. of following the offenders of the speed regulations presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the communication of the Mayor was ap- proved and the City Recorder instruct- ed to advertise for bids for the pur- chase of a motorcycle. Petition of the Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., relative to being granted permission to erect a gasoline tank at 655 Iowa street presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of the Standard Oil com- pany, relative to being granted a lic- ense to operate a float at the Dubuque harbor for the purpose of supplying launches and boats with Petroleum products presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Singrin the petition was referred to the Harbor Committee with power. Petition of the Dubuque Bathing Beach by P. K. Karberg, Secretary, relative to the City ordering a war- rant drawn in the sum of $283.85, bal- ance left in the Bathing Beach Fund and made out in the name of B. E. Blocklinger presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the prayer of the petitioners was granted and a warrant in the shim of $283.85 order- ed drawn on the City Treasurer. Petition of Adam Stoltz relative to the City Council allowing him his back taxes for the year 1913 on $1,600 mon- ies presented and read. On motion of Aid. McLaughlin the petition was referred to the City Assessor. Petition of property owners and residents asking the assistance of the City Council in securing the extension of the street car line along Dodge street and Freemont avenue, to the Wartburg Seminary grounds, present- ed and read. On motion of Ald. Clancy the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole and notify the Union Electric company to be present. Waiver and agreement of Leonard Richard relative to connecting with the sanitary sewer located in the al- ley between Lincoln avenue and Rhomberg avenue for to connect Lot 1 of 2 of the Sub. of Lots 80 and 81 in McCraney's First Addition, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the waiver and agreement were order- ed recorded with the County Record- er. Petition of P. J. Miller et al, relative to the City Council starting work on the Bee Branch sewer north of 27th street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was received and filed. Communication of Coates and Rob- inson relative to insuring the City employes under the Workmen's Com- pensation law presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the communi- cation was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of 1t.rs. T. J. Loftus rela- tive to the City encroaching on her property in improving the alley be- tween Main and Locust street present- ed and read. On motion of Ald. Sin- grin the petition was referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney. Bond of T. D. Dempsey for excavat- ing in the streets presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the bond was referred to the City Attor- ney. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's inten- tention to improve Solon street from Nevada, street to Booth street. On motion of Ald. Clancy the notice was received and filed. City Recorder ahea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve Malady street from Grandview avenue to Dodge street. On motion of Ald. Clancy the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's inten- tion to improve Third Street Exten- sion from the end of the present brick paving easterly to the outer levee. On motion of Ald. Clancy the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the Publishers, of the City Council's in- tention to improve Second street from the westerly lot line of Main street to the easterly curb line of Locust street, also the written remonstrance of W. Manson Estate, et al. On mo- tion of Ald. Clancy the notice and re- monstance were received and filed. Ald. Clancy moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing the different parties in the room to ad- dress the Council. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. The representatives of the Knott Fire Engine company and Mr. Schep- ple addressed the Council. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the payroll for labor on streets during the last half of May, 1914. Amount due laborers on streets $3,109.05 Also submit the payroll for labor on Mt. Carmel avenue and Valley street: Amount due laborers $ 47.90 Also submit the payroll for labor on streets leading into the county, the cost thereof to be pail from the 5th ward's apportionment of the County Road Fund: Amount due laborers $134.80 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Clancy, the pay rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to Commit- tee on Steets. Also submit the pay roll for labor -on sewers during the last half of May, 1914: _Amount due laborers on sewers$214.00 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay - roll was received and warrants were ordered drawn to pay various amounts and reports referred back to the Com- mittee on Sewers. Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of May, 1914: Assault and battery Carrying concealed weapons - Disorderly conduct Disturbing the peace Intoxication Petit larceny Selling liquor without license Vagrancy Total Residents arrested Doors found open ]Jefective lights Lodgers harbored - Meals furnished prisoners Cost of food Police court costs and fines lected Sheriff dieting prisoners month of May Prisoners transferred Patrol runs for prisoners _Ambulance calls Miles traveled Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 2 1 5 8 63 1 2 35 119 25 31 31 90 20 $ 4.00 col - $22.60 for $16.68 2 86 3 186 Also beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for last half of May, 1914: Amount due Policemen $1,540.49 Amount retained, - pension fund 31.46 Respectfully submitted, JOHN GIELLIS, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Callahan ti - pay roll and report were received and - warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report re- ferred back to the Police Committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- !lows: iPo the Honorable Mayor and City Council: 215 Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the last half of May, 1914: Amount due Firemen $2,058.85 One per cent retained for Pen- sion Fund 37.47 Respectfully submitted, J. REINFR1ED, Chief. Approved by Committee ou Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay roll was received, warrants were or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. City Auditor Lagen reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of May, 1914, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Receipts for month $ 47,125.74 Cash balance May 1, 1914 161,914.41 Total $209,040.15 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $ 25,987.71 Improvement bond coupons redeemed Improvement bonds redeem- ed Special Sidewalk Certifi- cate redeemed 17.58 Special Sidewalk Certifi- cate interest redeemed 2.02 Library orders redeemed 729.81 Park orders redeemed 6,846.17 Police pension orders re- deemed 87.50 Firemen pension orders re- deemed 103.75 cash balance, May 30, 1914 172,054.36 961.25 2,250.00 Total $209,040.15 The above cash balances include the balances in the Improvement Bond Fund, the Water Works Inter- est and Sinking Fund, the Library Fund, Old Water Works Debt Fund, Police Pension Fund, Fire Pension Fund and the Sinking Fund (for amelioration of the City Regular Bonded Debt.) WATER WORKS ACCOUNT. Cash balance May 1, 1914 $ 30,394.65 Deposited with City Treas- urer by Water Works Trustees 5,005.74 Total .$ 35,400.39 Orders drawn on City Treas- Orders drawn on City Treas- urer by Water Works Trustees during month... 5,637.82 Cash balance May 30, 1914 29;762.57 Total $ 35,400.39 EXCAVATION ACCOUNT. Cash balance, May 1, 1914. 40.00 Cash balance May 29, 1914. 40.00 216 Regular Session, June 4, 1914. The following is a record of all in- terest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer and credited to him: INTEREST. Improvement Bond Coupons $ 961.25 Special Sidewalk Certificate . Interest 2.02 Total interest coupons re- $ 963.27 BONDS. Improvement Bonds $2,250.00 Special Sidewalk Certificates 17.58 deemed Total bonds redeemed ...$2,267.58 Also report there is due the City Officers for the month of May, 1914, salaries amounting to $2,793.19. The following list shows the appro- priations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the begin- ning of the fiscal year beginning March lst., 1914, to June lst, 1914: Appropriat'n Expended For General Ex- pense and Con- tingent Fund.$ 42,000.00 $ 13,135.82 District Road Funds - First District 7,152.00 4,225.24 Second Dis- trict 15,820.00 2,345.90 Third District 9,978.00 4,220.48 Fourth Dis- trict 11,123.00 4,202.88 Fifth District. 9,162.00 5,012.28 Fire Department 52,000.00 13,047.22 Purchase of Fire Engine .. 9,750.00 Nothing Police Depart- ment .. 43,000.00 10,719.58 Purchase of Am- bulance 3,000.00 Nothing Sewerage 5,500.00 1,239.99 Printing 4,400.00 1,465.70 Street Lighting 33,000.00 5,186.32 Interest on Floating and Bonded Debt. 42,000.00 2,972.64 Board of Health 15,000.00 4,774.66 Grading Streets and Alleys ... 11,000.00 5,459.34 Special Bonded Paving 8,500.00 2,285.02 Interest on Spe- cial Bonded Debt .. .... 4,000.00 4,000.00 For general ex- Repairing and building side- walks Five per cent retained on certain im- provements Claims and judgments . Bathing beach. Library donation Part of cost of revision of the ordinances 1,000. 400.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 nothing 90.19 27.22 979.75 216.15 1,000.00 Balance on land- ing barge . Balance on Pfot- zer property, 18th and Clay Gasoline Road Roller Angella street improvement Balance on storm sewer in Charlotte avenue Balance on storm sewer in Alta Vista street Balance on storm sewer in West Twelfth St Opening Wash- ington street through lot 10 of M. L. 322. Gracing Market Place and Pub- lic Square 4th street Ext Purchasing prop- erty corner of Dodge a n d Grandview 500.00 Nothing Oiling Southern Avenue 300.00 Nothing Improving Grand- view avenue between W. Third and Southern .... 800.00 Nothing Improving Grand- view avenue east of South - Ave. Improving cor- ner of Dodge and South Dodge streets Improving east side of South Dodge St. op posite Curtis street Improving streets intersecting Cleveland ave- nue Improving leading West St. Improving Mt. Carmel Ave.. Improving Mt. Loretta Ave. and Valley St. Sanitary sewer in Rising Ave. Opening of West Third street west of Grand- view Ave..... Sts. from Third 600.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 457.10 457.10 1,604.82 1,604.82 332.50 332.50 700.00 700.00 1,500.00 1,495.75 300.00 200.00 Nothing 200.00 Nothing 400.00 Nothing 500.00 Nothing 200.00 Nothing 3.00 1,000.00 17.40 900.00 Nothing 600.00 Nothing Oiling Dodge St. west of South Dodge St. Storm Sewer in West Fifth St. Steps at 18th and Clay Sts Altering street and sidewalks at 18th and Couler Ave... Third ward dumps Bee Branch sew- er in Third ward Storm sewer in Fifteenth St Cleaning City Pound Purchase of property and improvement of Rosedale Ave. Grading G o 1 d Street Storm sewer in West Four- teenth St Widening of Louisa St Cement steps on West Fif- teenth Street and Montrose Terrace Cement steps on Hogdgon avenue Grading Pearl Street Storm sewer in Thirtieth street Dee Branch sewer north of Twenty - Seventh St Opening Pine street north of Thirty -Sec- ond street Heeb street grading Retaining wall on Leibnitz St, Repairing Fifth avenue .. • • Improving Lin- coln Ave Lowering sewer at 32nd and Jackson Sts Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 217 500.00 Nothing 1,500.00 Nothing 350.00 Nothing 350.00 Nothing 500 00 110.20 2,000.00 Nothing 150.00 87.10 150.00 Nothing 1,800.00 Nothing 200.00 Nothing 1,100.00 Nothing 500.00 Nothing 400.00 400.00 400.00 Nothing 200.00 Nothing 1,000.00 Nothing 3,500.00 4.50 500.00 Nothing 300.00 Nothing 200.00 Nothing 200.00 Nothing 500.00 Nothing 300.00 Nothing $365,479.42 $98,418.75 Respectfully submitted, C. D. LAGEN, City Auditor. Ald. Wallis moved that the reports and pay roll be received and warrants be drawn for the various amounts and report referred back to 'Finance Com- mittee. Carried. Respectfully, C. D. LAGEN, Auditor. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: The following is a statement of the amounts advanced by me during the month of May, 1914, for which please have warrants drawn in my favor: Interest on warrants outstand- ing $295.75 GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. Moved by Ald. Wallis the report be received, warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts and report re- ferred back to the Finance Commit- tee. Carried Dubuque, Iowa, June 4, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, City Assessor, respectfully report the petition of Nic Wollf for a reduction of taxes from $800.00 to $600.00 as he claims his stock was of no more value than $600.00 which I wish you gentle- men will allow. Respectfully, FRED J. HELLER, City Assessor. On motion of Ald. Clancy the re- port of the City Assessor was ap- proved and the City Treasurer in- structed accordingly. Dubuque, Iowa, .Lune 4, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Being that I find Mrs. Caroline Moser still a resident of our city, I move you gentlemen not to allow the assessment to be cancelled of the Fred Jenkel estate. Respectfully, FRED J. HELLER, City Assessor. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port of the City Assessor be approved. Ald Wallis amended Ald. McLaugh- lin's motion to refer the report to the Committee of the Whole. Lost by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Heim, Wallis. Nays -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Mc- Intosh, McLaughlin, Singrin. Vote on Ald. McLaughlin's motion: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Mc- Intosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Nays -Alds. Heim, Wallis. Dubuque, Iowa, June 3, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque, Ia.: Gentlemen: At the special meeting of your Honorable Body held on May 14th last, there was referred to me the following bonds upon which I beg to report as follows: The bond of Curtis & Wunder ■ m 218 Regular Session, June 4, 1914. Plumbing company in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars dated May 12, 1914, to run for one year. I have examined said bond and find the same correctly executed as to form. The bond of the Dubuque National bank in favor of the City of Dubuque and Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, in the sum of Forty Thousand ($40,- 000.00) Dollars, dated May 1st, 1914, to run for one year. I have examined the said bond and find the same cor- rectly executed as to form. The bond of Michael O'Donnell in the sum of Five Hundred, ($500.00) Dollars dated May 22, 1914, to run for one year. I have examined said bond and find the same correctly executed as to form. The bond of the Iowa Trust & Sav -. ings bank in the sum of Sixty Thou- sand ($60,000.00) Dollars dated May 21, 1914, to run for one year. Said bond has been correctly executed as to form. The bond of Geo. D. Wybrant in the sum of Seventy -five Thousand ($75; 000.00) Dollars dated May 4th, 1914, to run for one year. Said bond has been properly executed as to form. The continuation certificates on the bonds of Martin H. Scheidecker, Ed- ward H. Herron and B. F. Stedman, the first two in the sum of One Thou- sand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, and the last in the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, dated April 17th, 1914, to run one year, all of which I find properly executed as to form. The renewal premiums on the plumbing bonds of Gow & Curtis, George Masters and Chas. Pape & Son in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars each for one year from date. I find that said premiums have been paid for the current year and said bonds are continuing in force. The communications of Kretschmer & Lee relative to the bonds of H. B. McCarten, The Key City Gas Co., and E. T. Cleaver have been separately exmained by me and I find the same to be true. The bond of the German Trust & Savings bank in favor of the City of Dubuque and Geo. D. Wybrant, Treas- urer, in the penal sum of Fifty Thou- sand ($50,000.00) Dollars, dated May 22, 1914, to run for one year. I have examined the said bond and find the same correctly executed as to form. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the report of the City Attorney was ap- proved, Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I return herewith the following bonds and renewal bonds and I find the same correctly executed in form: Herbert Adams, Park Commissioner for a term of two years beginning the 8th of April, 1914. Renewal bond of Frank J. Pieken- brock, Park Commissioner, for a term of one year from April 14, 1914. Respectfull submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. By M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the report of the City Attorney was ap- proved. Dubuque, Iowa, June 3, 1911. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City cf Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: At the last regular rt:)eting of your Honorabl: Body held on May 22, 1914, there vas referred to _me the claim and communication c.f Edward Welsh, by which it is c airned he received personal injuries by a fall on an ice covered sidewalk. I beg to report that I have u+ade an examination into the facts of this case told find the same without merit, there being no liability on the part of the city, said accident being caused through the negligence of the claim- ant. I therefore recommend that said c'sim be received and filed. Respectfully submitted. M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Clancy the report of the City Attorney was approved. City Electrician Hipnian reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for month of May, 1914• I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 31 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 lamp burning for one month, or $5.62. Ald. Singrin moved that the City Auditor be instructed to deduct $5.62 from the Union Electric Co.'s bill. Carried. Following Weighmasters' reports on receipts were presented and read and, on motion of Ald. McIntosh, were re- ceived and filed: Jos. Straney Ed, Norton L. Pitschner R. Hay Trie following return of service on sidewalk notices was presented and read: Gertrude Ryan Estate, Lot 107 N. 190.2 feet, Union Add.; Emily Hin- trager, Lot 190, S. 165 feet, Union Add.; Julia Langworthy Estate, Lot 8, Lois Add.; Dan Sauer, Lot 45, Mc- Craney's 1st Add.; Anna B. Ryan, N. $ 3.97 14.80 1.35 23.15 1 -5 N. ,10.4 feet of N. M. 1 -5 of City Lot 663. On motion of Ald. Clancy the returns of service were received and filed and the City Recorder in- structed to advertise for bids for the same. of Rosedale Avenue, present- The following of return of service for the right of way notice for the widening ed and r J. A. Rho mberg Estate, Louisa M. Traut, Estate, Jas Lee. On motion of Ald. Wallis the return of service was received and filed. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the City Engineer prepare plans and speci- fications for the storm water sewer in West Fifth Street. Carried. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 801 showing the grade of side- walks on Gold Street from Mer- chants Lane, south to end of street. On motion of Ald. Wallis the Profile was referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 824 showing the grade of Solon Street from Nevada Street to Booth Street. On motion of Ald. Clancy the Profile was adopted and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordiaance covering the same. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 826 showing the grade of Sec- ond Street from Main Street to Lo- cust Street. On motion of Ald. Clancy the Profile was adopted and the ordinance committee instructed to •draft an ordinance covering the City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 828 showing the grade of West Fifth Street from Glen Oak Avenue to Booth Street. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the Profile was adopted and the ordinance committee instruct- ed to draft an ordinance: covering the same. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 829 showing the grade of Booth Street from West Fifth Street to Forrest Lane. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the Profile was adopted and the ordinance committee instruct- ed to draft an ordinance to cover the same. Ordinance relating to the sale and .distribution of milk and providing a - penalty for the violation thereof pre- sented. On motion of Ald. McLaugh- lin the ordinance was referred to the Committee of the Whole and the City Recorder instructed to furnish every member of the Council with a copy -of the ordinance. . Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing•: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A BATHING BEACH COMMISSION AND PROVIDING FOR THE MAN- AGEMENT OF THE PUBLIC BATHING BEACH OR BEACHES. Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 219 Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That there is hereby created the Bathing Beach Commis- sion of the City of Dubuque, which commission shall consist of seven members, of whom one shall be an alderman of the City of Dubuque and the other six citizens of Dubuque. Section 2. The members of the Bathing Beach Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor. The alder- man member shall be appointed an- nually in April, the term of office to take effect immediately and expire upon the appointment of his success- or. The six citizen members shall be appointed in April, the terms of office to begin and end May 1st. The citizen members shall hold office for three years and shall be appointed two each year. Of the first six, two shall be appointed for one year, two for two years and two for three years. As the terms of these first appointees expire, their successors shall be ap- pointed for three years as provided above, Section 3. The Bathing Beach Com- mission shall have charge of the man- agement of the public bathing beach or beaches of the City of Dubuque, heretofore or hereafter established, subject to the will of the Mayor and City Council of Dubuque. They shall have power to expend any money ap- propriated by the City of Dubuque for bathing beach purposes, being sub- ject to the direction of the Mayor and City Council, but shall have no power to incur debts chargeable to the City of Dubuque, or to obligate the city. They shall make an annual report to the Council not later than February of each year of the word: and expendi- tures of the preceding season. Section 4. The City of Dubuque shall be in no way liable or responsi- ble for accidents or injuries to any person or persons when such acci- dents or injuries occur outside the limits allotted to the public bathing beach or beaches, nor shall the City of Dubuque be liable for any accidents or injuries occurring inside the limits of the public bathing beach or beaches unless the same shall be caused by negligence on the part of the City. Section 5. The members of the Bathing Beach Commission shall serve without pay for their services as commissioners. Section 6. The Bathing Beach Com- mission shall have power to make and enforce rules and regulations govern- ing the public bathing beach or beaches, provided such rules and reg- ulations are not in conflict with this or any other city ordinance. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and aft- er its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- 220 Regular Session, June 4, 1914. buque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 4, 1914. Approved June 5, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times- Journal newspapers, June 5, 1914. J. J. SHEA, Ciy Recorder. Ald. 11IcLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for sweepings of brick paved streets and the sweeping and hauling of the alleys, bias to be opened June 11, 1914. Carried. Ald. McIntosh moved that a war- rant in the sum of $150.00 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer to settle the claim of Louisa Hein for personal injuries sustained by her. Carried. Your Committee on Markets, to whom was referred the matter of ad- vertising for bids for cleaning around the market house, would respectively report that we received the following: Lawrence Daily, per month $18 00 John Dehing, per month 8 00 John Dehing being the lowest bidder, we respectively recommend that he be awarded the contract. W. A. Mc1NTOSH, Chairman. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the re- port of the Committees on Markets was adopted. Your Committee on Supplies would respectively recommend that the fur - nishing of towels for use in the city Hall be given to the C. O. D. Laundry at the same price as at present being paid, viz: $1.00 per towel per month. The change to go into effect on the 1st day of July, 1914. J. J. McLAUGHLIN, Chairman. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port of the Committee on Supplies be approved. Ald. Singrin amended Ald. McLaugh- lin's motion to advertise for bids. Lost by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —Aids. Clancy, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin. Ald. McLaughlin's motion carried by the iollowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh McLaughlin. Nays —Alds. Singrin, Wallis. Ald. Wallis moved that the City At- torney be instructed to begin proceed- ings left by his predecessor against the Iowa Telephone Co. Carried. Dubuque, Iowa June 4, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The Board of Health met in regular session June 4, 1914. Chairman Heim in the chair. Present —Mayor Saul, Ald. McLaugh- lin Citizen W. Fosselman, Dr. Rein - eke, Dr. Kennedy, Sanitary Officer Buckman, assistant City Attorney Cooney. Minutes of the meetings of May 1, 1914, and May 4, 1914, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin were approved as read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the following bills were sent to the County for payment: G. J. McCabe $ 38 00 W. C. Fosselman 45 17 G. J. McCabe 5 00 Klauer & Kress 10 70 Dr. C. Palen 82 00 J. E. Robinson 121 50 F. Hemmer 2 25 Golden & Engler 6 48 Dr. E. L. Reinecke 108 00 Union Electric Co. 5 24 C. J. Shannon 3 05 McCollins Express & Transfer C 4 50 M. M. Roffman 8 88 On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the following bills were ordered paid and warrants ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. F. M. Jaeger & Co. 2 25 Coates, & Robinson 10 00 J. Dehing 24 00 Ald. McLaughlin moved that the City Physician prepare a notice to Doctors and Physicians relative to the filing of Certificates of Death and Births and also the filing of Contag- ious Diseases. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. J. J. SHEA, Clerk of the board of Health. Ald. Heim moved the adoption of the report of the Board of Health. Carried The undersigned, your special com- mittee, to whom was referred the pe- tition of C. B. Ihlueggenburg relative to the special assessment levied against Lot 4 of the Sob. of Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 in W. ftebman's Sub- division for the improvement of Ful- ton street, would respectfully recom- mend that said petition be received and filed. W. A. McINTOSH, JOHN HEIM, Committee. On motion of Aid. McIntosh the report of the special committee was approved. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Louis F. Kalfenbach, clerk in the City Treasurer's office, asking for an increase in salary of $10.00 per month would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the engineers and assistant engineers of the fire department asking for an increase in salary, would respectfully recommend that said petitions be re- ceived and filed. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Key City 'Building Club by N. C. Gindorf, its vice president, asking that the valuation for assessment purpos- es on the building occupied by the Dubuque Club be reduced one -half, would respectfully recommend that .said petition we received and filed. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mary DeLorimier, owner of the South 16 feet of City Lot 159, asking that the regular taxes and also the special assessment for the paving of the al- ley between Locust and Bluff streets assessed against said lots be cancel- ed, would respectfully recommend that the city treasurer be instructed and 1913 and also the special assess- ment levied against said lot for. the improvement of said alley to remain a lien against said property. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom ws referred the resolution of Ald' Heim relative to the official newspapers, would respectfully rec- ommend that the City Recorder be instructed to have the monthly pamph- lets of the council proceedings and the list of warrants published in the Telegraph - Herald instead of the Tim- es- Journal and that the Times - Journal be notified to take its copy of the Council Proceedings from the Tele- graph- Herald; both papers, however, to be considered official. This ar- rangement is made with the distinct understanding that there will be no additional cost for publishing the pro- ceedings, pamphlets and list of war- rants. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Ysr Committee of the Whole, to 'whom was referred the petition of Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 221 Mr Fredricka Ehlers stating that she is the owner of the northerly part of Lots 41 and 42 in Rebman's Subdivision against which lot there has been levied a special assessment in the amount of $594.83, for the im- provement of Fulton and Monroe streets, and that said amount is great- ly in excess of the amount legally collectable, and asking therefore that the same be reduced, would respect- fully report that said petition was subsequently referred to a sub- commit- tee composed of Aids. McIntosh and Heim, on whose report to this com- mittee, we respectfully recommend that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the sum of $350.00 in full settlement of said assessments, and that said amount be divided propor- tionately on both streets. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of - Augusta Henderson to the levy for the improvement. of West Locust street, woulct respectfully recommend that said remonstrance be received and filed. • W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom were referred the remon- strances of James and Angie Hanlon, W. Schwaegler, Henry Schwaegler and N. J. Reuter against the special assessment for the improvement of Cherry street, would respectfully re- commend that said remonstrances be received and filed, W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bids for an automobile ambulance, would respect- fully report that we deem the propos- al submitted by the Schrup Motor company to be most satisfactory, and we therefore recommend that the same be accepted, said company hav- ing agreed to accept $100.00 less than their bid. We further recommend that the specifications be amended to include the following: Body to be painted gray. Words "Dubuque City Ambulance" to be lettered in gold leaf on either side. All lights except headlights to be electric. Headlight to be Prestolite. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the city license for retail dealers in intoxicat- ing liquors be placed at $900.00 per annum, payable quarterly, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to the pres- ent ordinance providing for such change. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of 222 Regular Session, June 4, 1914. certain of the sewer force asking for an increase in salary, would respect- fully recommend that said petition be received and filed. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Alderman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct per- manent sidewallw four feet wide in front of the following named lots or parts of lots: A. P. Wood's Addition, Lots 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, owned by J. A. Rhomberg. A. P. Wood's Addition. Lots 2 of 73, all of 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, and 81, owned by J. A. Rhomberg. A. P. Wood's Addition, Lots 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64, owned by J. A. Rhomberg. McGrath's Sub. Lots 9 and 10, own- ed by Alice and John McGrath. Mineral Lot 91, Lot 2, owned by Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Mineral Lot 91, Lot 1, owned by Walter G. Cox. Finley, Waples, and Burton's Addi- tion, Lot 140, owned by Henry Can- non. Woodlawn Park Addition, Lot 99, owned by Jos. Kampman Said sidewalks to be built of ce- ment and to be completed not later than the 25th day of June, 1914. Adopted June 4, 1914. Approved June 5, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays -None. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve West Twelfth street from Bluff street to the retaining wall on Grove Terrace, and it is hereby pro- posed to narrow said street to twenty - six feet between curbs, and to grade, curb with cement curb and pave said portion of said street with either con- crete or With asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing and paving against the abutting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- is. i .,4'I Nays -None. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat showing gener- ally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on West Twelfth street from Bluff street to the retaining wall on Grove Terrace, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in bib office, the city record- er shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publiciation ij)g such notice, and after such publica- tion shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried 1 the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- is. Nays -None. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Grove Terrace from the nor- therly curb line of West Twelfth street to the northerly curb line of Arlington street, and it is hereby pro- posed to grade, curb with cement curb and pave said portion of said street with either cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing and paving against the abutting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing Vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- is. Nays -None. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location. nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Grove Ter- race from the northerly curb line of West Twelfth Street to the northerly curb line of Arlington Street, and the kind of material to be ttsed, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess - able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder .shall publish in three consecu- tive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the loca- tion and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time be- fore which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanymgj the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove Arlington Street from the west- erly curb line of Grove Terrace to the westerly curb line of Highland Place, and it is hereby proposed to narrow 'said portion of said street to twenty- six feet between curbs, and to grade, curb with cement curbing and pave the same with either cement or con- crete or with asphaltic macadam or sandstone block on a concrete fonuda- tion, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing and paving against the abutting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Ads. Callahan, Clancy, Henn, :McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 223 Nays -None. Absent -Ald. McLaughlin. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Arlington Street from the westerly curb line of Grove Terrace to the Westerly curb line of Highland Place and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost there- of, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the loca- tion and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used and an estimate of its cost, and the time be- fore which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall be made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular cession of the City countil, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. McLaughlin. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Be it Revolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove Highland Place from the south- erly curb line of Arlington Street to the southerly curb line of West Elev- enth Street, and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to twenty-six f eet between curbs, and to grade, curb with cement ourb, and pave the same with either cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing and paving against the abutting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: 224 Regular Session, June 4, 1914. Yeas —Alds Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent—Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Highland Place from the southerly curb line of Arlington Street to the southerly curb line of West Eleventh Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable up- on each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city re- corder, that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city re- corder shall publish in three consecu- tilve issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the loca- tion and nature of improvement, kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Aid. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve West Eleventh Street from the westerly curb line of Highland Place to the westerly end of said street and it is here- by proposed to narrow said street to twenty -six feet between curbs, grade, curb with cement curb and pave as folows: from Highland Place to Alice street, with cement c ncrete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foun- dation; from Alice street to the west- erly line (or thereabout) of Lot 7 of the Sub. of Lot 823, and part of 824, with cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam or sandstone block on a con- crete foundation, and from the wester- ly ling of said lot 7 to the westerly end of the street, witn cement con- crete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing, and paving against the abutting proper- ty owners. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the revolution.. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on West Elev- enth Street from the westerly curb line of Highland Place to the West- erly end of said street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, of any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable up- on each lot or parcel ci land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to fit ) such plat and estimate in the office of the city re- corder, that after tho filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city re- corder shall publish in three consecu- tive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the loca- tion and nature of the improve- ment, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, ane the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove Walnut street from the north- side of Julien avenue to the nor- therly side of Chestnut street, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb where necessary with cement curbing, and pave said portion of said street with either cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foun- dation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing and paving against the abutting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Walnut street from the north side of Julien avenue to the north side of Chestnut street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the en tire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to he paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive is- sues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat aad estimates are on file, the ; ocation and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used and an esti- mate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made the city recorder shall, at the next regular session i.f the City Council, notify the Council therof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Aid, Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow - ing 'rote: Yeas - -Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, rtclnlosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Julien avenue and Delhi Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 225 street from the easterly curb line of Alpine street, westerly to Asbury street, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb where necessary with ce- ment curb, and pave said portion of said street and avenue with concrete, or with asphaltic macadam on a con- crete foundation with brick between the rails and one foot outside there- of, et with asphaltic concrete on a concrete foundation with brick he twet;n the rails and one foot outside thereof, or with brick block, and to assess the cost of said grading, curb- ing and paving against the abutting pi operty. Ald. Wallis moved the adopp.iLu of the resolution. Carried by the follow - ing - •cte : Yeas - -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Ileim, i�c1 ;csh, Singrin, �'t�ailia. N ays —Non Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City 'Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is ne ebb directed to rrepare a plat showin.1 generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement oft Julien ave- nue and Delhi street from the east- erly curb line of Alpine street, wes- terly to Asbury street, and the kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof, and the ainqunt and cost of such improve - ment, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway com- pany, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, of .1 y, and the cost thereof, and amount assessable uNon each lot or parcel of land adjac, ent to or abutting upon such improve- ment per front foot, and to filo such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his otilce, the city recorder 3ha11 publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature cf tre improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cist, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council there- of in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. 226 Regular Session, June -4, 1914. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Olive street from the south- erly curb line of West Eleventh street to the southerly curb line of Jefferson street, and it is hereby pro- posed to grade, curb or reset curb where necessary and pave said street with cement concrete or with asphal- tic macadam on a concrete founda- tion, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing or resetting curb and paving against the abuttting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: .Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: ' Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Olive street from the southerly curb line of West Eleventh street to the southerly curb line of Jefferson street, and the kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable up- on any railway or street railway corn - pany, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. - Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Whereas, It is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to widen Rose- dale avenue from Alta Vista street to the westerly line of Mineral Lot 185, and for that purpose to acquire a strip thirty feet wide through Lots 12b, 24 and 24a in Woods' Addition, owned by J. A. Rhomberg estate, Lots 43, 44, 45 and 46 in Win. Blake's Ad- dition, owned by Paul Traut estate and Mineral Lot 185, owned by James Lee, according to the plat of said pro- posed widening as prepared by the City Engineer and filed in his office, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City Recorder be and he is hereby in- structed to issue a venire to the Chief of Police, commanding him to sum- mon a jury of twelve freeholders, citi- zens of said city not directly inter- ested, and having the qualifications required by ordinance, for the pur- pose of assessing any damages which may be sustained by reason of the widening of said avenue by any owner of the property proposed to be taken for such improvement. All the proceedings under this res- olution to be taken in accordance with the charter and tie provisions of Chapter XXXI of the Revised Or- dinances of the City of Dubuque of 1901. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald, McLaughlin. Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct side- walks four feet wide in front of the following lots or parts of lots: S. M. Langworthy's Addition, Lot 31, owned by John Kanthlener. Kelly's Sub. Lot 12, owned by D. Barry estate. Finley Home Addition, Lot 24, own- ed by J. D. Plaister. Finley Home Addition, Lots 22 and 23, owned by C. C. Mullen estate. - Finley Home Addition, Lot 21, own- ed by W. T. Roehl. Oxford Heights Addition, Lot 46, owned by Ed. Muntz. Said sidewalks to be built of ce- ment, and to be completed not later than the 25th day of Jane, 1914. Adopted June 4, 1914. Approved June 5, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Siugrin, Wallis. Nays -Noce. Absent -Ald. McLaughlin, Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council -of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct perm- anent sidewalks four feet wide in front of the following named lots or parts of lobs: Summer Hill Addition, Lot 17, west 46 feet and north 39 feet, owned _Sarah and Walter Lovett. Summer Hill Addition, Lot 1, owned by Sarah and Walter .ovett. Summer Hill Addition, Lot 7, owned by W. P. Carter. Summer Hill Addition, Lot 4, owned by Bart Cain. summer Hill Addition, Lots 2 and 3, owned by Emily Hintrager. Summer Hill hddicion. Lot 5, owned by Nellie O'Rourke. Summer Hill Additio ^., Lot 6, owned by M. Duggan. Summer Hill Addition, Lot 8, owned by Jas. O'Connor. Summer Hill Addition, Lot 10, owned by Lucy M. Waller. Summer Hill Addition, Lot 13, own- ed by Emily Hintrager. Summer Hill Additi n, Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 14, owned by Emily Hintrager. Summer Hill Addition, Lots 1 and 2 of 15 and 2 of 16, owned by Emily Hintrager. Summer Hill Addition, Balance of Lot 17 and all of 18, owned by John Hickey. Summer Hill Aduitioa, Lot 1 of 16, owned by John Carter. Summer Hill Addition, Lot 9 the N. E. 80 by 100 feet, owned by Mrs. Jas. Grunion. Summer Hill Addition, Lots 11 and 12, owned by Martin Galvin. Linhein's Addition, Lot 1 of 12, owned by Jas. O'Connor. Attest: Linhein's Addition, Lot 2 of 12, own- ed by John Brady. Linhein's Addition. Lots 9, 10 and 11, owned by Jas. O'Connor. Linhein's Addition, Lot 3 the east .one-half, owned by James McCauley. Linhein's Addition, Lot 6, owned by Al. Herron. Linhein's Addition, Lot 2, owned by T. Dillon. Quinlivan's Sub, Lot 2 of 1 of 2, •owned by Alice Blount. Regular Session, June 4, 1914. 227 Quinlivan's Sub, Lot 1 of 1 of 2, owned by Eugene Adams. Quinlivan's Sub. Lot 1 owned by Eugene Adams. Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub. Lot 1, Rosa Hiner. Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub., Lot 4, owned by Wm. Barrett. Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub. Lots 2 and 3, owned by Chris. Mathis. Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub. Lot 6, owned by Mary McCauley. Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub. Lot 1 of 8, owned by Kate R. Flynn. Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub. Lot 2 of 8, owned by James Barry. Kavanaugh & Barry's Sub. Lot 7, owned by T. Kavanaugh estate. Cannon's Sub. Lots 1 and 2, owned by Herbert Adams. Mineral Lot 12, owned by T. Dillon. Mineral Lot 21, Lot 4, owned by Jos. C'halders. Mineral Lot 24, Lot 5, owned by Mary McCauley. Mineral Lot 21, Lot 1 of 5, owned by John and Mary Corcoran. Mineral Lot 25, Lot 2 of 1 of 5, own- ed by Ross McMahon estate. Mineral Lot 21, Lot 3, owned by M. Regan estate. Said sidewalks to be built of cement and to be completed not later than the 25 the day of June, 1914. Adopted, June 4, 1914. Approved, June 5, 1914. JAMES SAUL. Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy Moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, - Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. McLaughlin, Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Second Street from the westerly lot line of Main Street to the easterly curb line of Locust Street be improved by grad- ing, curbing or resetting curb where necessary and paving said portion of said street with brick blocks on a concrete foundation in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of August, 1914, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost: of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 18th day of June, 1914, and the 1 228 Regular Session, June 4, 1914. City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald, Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Solon Street from Nevada Street to Booth Street be improved by grading, curb- ing and guttering with combined ce- ment curb and gutter, and macad- amizing said portion of said street in accordance with the plans and speci- fications for such improvement pre- .pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 15th day of August, 1914, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordin- ance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 18th day of June, 1914, and the city recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan. Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Malady street from Grandview avenue to Dodge street be improved by grading, curbing and guttering with combined cement curb and gutter, and macad- amizing said street, in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1914, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 18th day of June, 1914, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publica- tion asking for proposals as provid- ed by ordinance. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Third street Extension from the end of the present brick paving, easterly to the westerly line of the outer levee be im- proved by grading and paving said portion of said street with brick blocks on a concrete foundation, in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations for such improvement prepar- ed by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1914, and shall be paid for in the manner 'prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cdst of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 18th day of June, 1914, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the resolutions heretofore adopted pro- viding for the improvement of Twen- tieth street and . Rhomberg avenue from Couler avenue to Fifth avenue be and they are hereby rescinded. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas —Alds Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Twentieth street from Rhom- berg avenue from Couler avenue to Fifth avenue, and it is hereby pro- posed to grade, curb or reset curb where necessary, and pave said por- Regular Session, May 4, 1914. tion of said avenue and street with concrete, or with asphaltic macadam, on a concrete foundation, with brick between the rats and one foot out- side, or with asphaltic concrete on a concrete foundation, or with brick block on a concrete foundation, or with creosoted block on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing or resetting curb and paving against the abutting property. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heine, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays - -None. Absent —Ald, McLaughlin. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby direct- ed to prepare a plat showing general- ly the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Twen- tieth street and Rhomberg avenue, from Cooler avenue to Fifth avenue, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land ad to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to tie such plat and esti- mate in the office of the city recor- der; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three con- secutive issues of a newspaper pub- lished in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on 'file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time oefore which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing, with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by he City Council 229 of the City of Dubuque, That the res- olutions heretofore adopted providing for the improvement of Lincoln ave- nue from Ninth avenue to Tenth ave- nue be and they are hereby rescind- ed. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin. Nays —Ald. Wallis. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Lincoln avenue from the end of the present improvement, north- easterly to Tenth avenue, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, and gutter with combined concrete curb and gutter and macadamize said por- tion of said street, and to assess the cost of said curbing', guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin. Nays —Ald. Wallis. Absent —Ald, McLaughlin, Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and ex- tent of the proposed improvement on Lincoln avenue from the end of the present improvement, northeasterly to Tenth avenue, and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive is- sues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the loca- tion and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time be- fore which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall be not less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city re- 23o Regular Session, May 4, 1914. corder shall, at the next regular ses- sion of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, Singrin, Nays —Ald. Wallis. Absent —Ald. McLaughlin. Ald. Singrin moved that the City Engineer be instructed to take ac- tion on preparing plans and specifica- tions for the steps on 18th street. Carried. Ald. McIntosh moved that the City Carpenter be instructed to build a fence across that portion of the street that has been used for a road- way at Fischer's at Eagle Point. Car- ried. Ald. Wallis moved that the City Assessor be instructed to get full re- turns for assessment purposes foe the year 1914. Carried. Ald. Heim moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise the notice for the cutting of weeds. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Adopted , 1914. Approved Mayor. Attest City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Special session June 11, 1914. Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Aldermen Callahan, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. - /IcLaughlin moved to open all bids. Carried. Bids for sweeping the brick paved streets and alleys: Bid of Mrs. Anna Dietl $50.00 per week. Bid of M. Ackels, $51.00 per week. Bid of C. VanWie, $26.00 per week. Bid of P. Linehan & Sons, $47.00 per week. On motion of Ald. Singrin the con- tract was awarded to C. VanWie, he being the lowest bidder. Bids for hauling the street' sweep- ings: Bid of Wilmer Cook, $43.00 per week. Bid of Mrs. Anna Dietl, $30.00 per week. Bid of Dennis O'Meara, $30.00 per week. Bid of M. Ackels, $54.00 per week. Ald. McIntosh moved to award the contract to Mrs. Anna Dietl. Ald. Wallis amended AId. McIntosh's mo- tion to draw lots on account of being a tie bid and the one drawn to be awarded the contract. Carried. Chief of Police Giellis drew the name of Mrs. Anna Dietl and she was awarded the contract. Bids for improving First street from Main street to Locust street: Bid of C. B. McNamara & co., stone curbing per lineal foot, 80 cents; re- set curbing per lineal foot, 30 cents; brick paving per square yard, $1.84. Bid of Jas. F. Lee, stone curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; reset curb- ing per lineal foot, 29 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.00. On motion of AId. McLaughlin the bids were referred to the City Engi- neer to report later in the evening. Bids for improving Third street from Main to Iowa streets: Bids of C. B. McNamara & Co.: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 80 cents; reset curbing per lineal foot, 30 cents; brick paving per square yard, $1.87., Bid of Wilmer Cook: Stone curb- ing per lineal foot, 70 cents; reset curbing per lineal foot, 40 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.15. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; re- set curbing per lineal foot, 25 cents; cement curbing per lineal foot, 55 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.06. Special Session, June 11, 1914 231 Bid of Jas. F. Lee: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; reset curb- ing per lineal foot, 29 cents; cement curbing per lineal foot 55 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.13. Bid of Tibey Bros.: Stone curbing per lineal feet, 70 cents; reset curb- ing per lineal foot, 30 cents; cement curbing per lineal foot, 50 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.10. On motion of Ald. Wallis the bids were referred to the City Engineer to report later in the evening. Bids for the improving of Jones street from Locust street to Main street: Bid of Jas. F. Lee: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; cement curb- ing per lineal foot, 55 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.00. Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co.: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 80 cents; reset curbing per lineal foot, 30 cents; brick paving per square yard, $1.84. Bid of Wilmer Cook: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; brick pav- ing per square yard, $2.19. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; re- set curbing per lineal foot, 27 cents; cement curbing per lineal foot, 57 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.04. Bid of Tibey Bros.: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; reset curb- ing per lineal foot, 30 cents; cement curbing per lineal foot, 50 cents; brick paving per square yard, $2.07. On motion of Ald. Heim the bids were referred to the City Engineer to report later in the evening. Ald. McIntosh moved that all bids for the improvement of Locust street from Sixth street south, be referred back to the bidders. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that the City Engineer be instructed to revise the plans and specifications for the im- provement of Locust street south- and cut out the objectionable clauses. Car- ried. Ald. McIntosh moved that all bids for the improvement of Jones street be referred back to the bidders. Car- ried. Bids for the cement sidewalk on Foy street: Bid of Thos. Lee; 11 cents per square foot. Bid of the Interlocking Cement Block & Concrete Co.: 11 1 -2 cents per square foot. Bid of Emil Schilling: 14 cents per square foot. Bid of N. J. Staner: 12 1 -2 cents per square foot. Bid of G. L. Kormann: 12 1 -2 cents per square foot. On motion of Ald. Wallis the con- tract was awarded to Thos. Lee, he being the lowest bidder, Is 17 232 Special Session June 11, 1914 Bids for the improving of Julien avenue from Bluff street to a point opposite the west lot line of lot 49 in Coreill's Dubuque: Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co.: Curb- ing per lineal foot, 80 cents; reset curbing per lineal foot, 30 cents; brick paving outside of tracks, $2.07 per square yard, inside of tracks, $2.45 per square yara. Bid of Jas. F. Lee: Curbing per lineal foot, 70 cents; reset curbing per lineal foot, 29 cents; brick paving out side of tracks, $2.25 per square yard, brick paving inside of tracks, $2.65 per square yard. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the bids were referred to the City Engi- neer to report later in the evening. Bids for the storm water in West Fifth street: Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son: 24 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, $1.—o; man- holes each, $27.50. Bid of O'Farrell Cont. Co.: 24 -inch tile pipe per lineal Toot, $2.15; man - holes each, $27.50. Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co.: 24- inch tile pipe per lineal foot, $1.87; manholes each, $27.50. Bid of J. A. R. Daniels: 24 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, $1.90; man- holes each, $30.00. Bid of M. O'Hagen: 24 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, $1.96 1 -2; man- holes each, $27.50. Bid of Wilmer Cook: 24 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, $1.90; manholes each, $28.00. On motion of Aid. McLaughlin the bids were referred to the City Engi- neer to report later in the evening. Bids for the construction of the Bee Branch sewer north of Twenty - seventh street: Bid of Jas. Street: Stone arch sewer per lineal foot, $21.50. Bid of Tibey Bros.: Stone arch sewer per lineal foot, $22.00, On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the contract was awarded to Jas. Street, he being the lowest bidder, and his bond placed at one- fourth the amount of the contract. Ald. Wallis moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Miller to address the Council rela- tive to his oid on the motorcycle. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Mr, Miller addressed the Council relative to the filing of his bid on the motorcycle. Ald. Singrin moved to open the bids for furnishing of a motorcycle. Car- ried. Bid of the Hawkeye Steam Vulca- nizing Co.: Price $270.00, Bid of N. J. Kons: Price $325.00, $3Q0.00, $275.00, $260.00, $225.00. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the bids were referred to the Mayor and Ald. Wallis with power to purchase. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers of the City Council's inten- tion to construct a sanitary sewer in Booth Street from the present man- hole at West Fifth Street to Forrest Lane. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the pub- lishers, of the City Council's intention to construct a sanitary sewer in West Fifth Street from Glen Oak Avenue to Booth Street. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers for the vacation of the fol- lowing named streets and alleys in C. H. Meyer's Add.: All of Columbia Street, all of the alley lying between Columbia Street and Adams Street from the southerly line of said C, H. Meyer's Add. to the southerly line of Wabash Avenue, all of Adams Street from the 'southerly line of 0. H. Meyer's Add. to the southerly line of Wabash Avenue; all of the alley lying between said Adams street and Woodworth Street from the southerly line of C. H. Meyer's Ada. to the south- erly line of Wabash Avenue, all of the alley lying between Woodworth Street and Portland Street and extending from the northerly line of the alleY first north of Leibnitz Street to the southerly line of Wabash Avenue, all of Portland Street from the northerly line of the alley first north of Leib- nitz Street to the southerly line of Wabash Avenue, all of Abbott street and all of Watts Street as shown on Plat in said C. H. Meyer's Add. Also the return of service of City Engineer Blake served on C. A. Voelker. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the notice and return of service of referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Dubuque, Iowa, June 8, 1914. WAIVER AND AGREEMENT. I, Elmer Heil, owner of lot No. 8 in Columbian Addition, City of Dubuque, in consideration of the privilege granted me by said City of Dubuque to make connection with sanitary sewer now in Grandview Avenue, but which sewer terminates east of my said lot and for which sewer said lot was never assessed, do hereby agree that if at any time in the future said sewer with which I am about to so connect should be extended westerly so that my lot would be assessable therefor, to pay the full amount of the assessment legally levied against my property and I will make my objection to such assessment or ask for any diminution or reduction thereof be- cause of the connection which I am about to make with the sewer already constructed, and I do further agree that this shall be a binding lien on said property. ELMER HEIL. State of Iowa ) ) ss. Dubuque County) On this 10th day of June, 1914, be- fore me personally appeared Elmer I to me known to be the person gamed in and who executed the for - gping instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his volun- tary act and deed. FLOYDI S. OATEY, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the waiver and agreement was ordered re corded with the County Recorder. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the improvement on Angella street from West Locust street to a point about opposite the dividing line between lots 17 and 18 in Quigley's Sub., Tibey Bros., contractors, and would recommend that the same be adopted. We further recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment for said improvement against the prop- erty benefited thereby and file the same in the office of the City Record- er, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by law. MATT CLANCY, Chairman. Report of City Attorney Czizek rel- ative to having m ade a complete tran- script of all the evidence in the case of G. W. Raine vs. the City of Du. buque presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. McLaughlin the report of the City Attorney was approved and the City Attorney given power to se- cure same. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 830 showing the grade of the alley between Rhomberg Avenue and Garfield Avenue from Ann Avenue to Dock Avenue. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the profile was adopted and 'the ordinance committee instruct- ed to draft an ordinance covering the same. City Engineer Blake presented plat showing the proposed widening of Lousia from Bennett street to West Third street. On motion of Ald. Wallis the plat was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ox- amined the brick paving on the alley between Locust and Bluff streets Special Session, June 11, 1914 2 33 from Eighth street to Tenth street, J. M. Kenety & Son, contractors, and would recommend that the same be accepted. We further recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment for said improvement against the prop- erty benefited thereby and file the same in the office of the City Record- er, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by ordinance. MATT CLANCY, Chairman. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the report of the Committee on Streets was adopted. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- TION 2 OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE REGULATING AND PROVIDING FOR AN ADDI- TIONAL TAX ON THE TRAFFIC IN INTOXICATING LIQUORS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, ADOPTED MAY 29, 1913. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That 'Section 2 of the amendment to the Ordinance regulat- ing and providing for an additional tax on the traffic in intoxicating li- quors in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, adopted May 29, 1913, is hereby so amended as to read as follows, to -. That there shall be assessed against each and every person within the City of Dubuque (other than registered pharmacists holding permits in com- pliance with law), engaged in selling dnd keeping with intent so to sell in- toxicating liquors, and against any real estate and the owners thereof wherein or whereupon intoxicating li- quors'are sold or kept with intent to sell, a tax of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars, yearly, payable in four equal installments, quarterly, in advance, on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year, the first quarterly payment hereunderto become due on the first day of duly, A. D. 1914. Said taxes shall be assess- ed by the City and shall go into the general fund of the City, and shall be a perpetual lien on all property, both real and personal, used in connection with such business, and shall consti- tute a valid claim against the persons engaged in such business and against the owners of real estate wherein and whereupon said business is conducted. Section 2. This ordinance shall be In force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council fend its publication one time in the )flicial newspapers in the city. Adopted June 11th, 1914. 234 Special Session June 11, 1914 Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder, Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vcze: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, - Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin mc,ved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote; Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Heim Mcln- tceah, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON. THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND IOWA STREETS FROM FOURTH . STREET TO NINTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the alley between Clay and Iowa streets from 4th street to Ninth street be and the same is hereby established and adopt- ed as shown by the profile of said al- ley and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 814. Bench Mark: Water table southwest corner Page House, elevation 20.24. Said grade begins at the north curb line of 4th street, which is Station 0, eleva- tion east curb 22.09 west curb 22.78; thence to Station +12, elevation east curb 22.12, west curb 22.82; thence to Station +50, elevation east curb 22.90, west curb 22.90; thence to Sta- tion 2, elevation east curb 24.80, west curb 24.90; thence to Sta- tion 2 +71, elevation east curb 24.25, west curb 24.89; thence to Station 2+ h3, south curb line 5th street, eleva- tion east curb 24.14, west curb 24.61; thence to Station 3 +23.5, elevation east curb 24.06, west curb 24.43; thence to Station 3 +35, elevation east Station 5 +94.5, elevation east curb 30.53, west curb 30.69; thence to Sta- tion 6 +6.5, south curb 6th street, ele- vation east curb 30.25, west curb 30.47; thence to Station 6 +46.5, elevation east curb 30.91, west curb 31.09; thence to Station 6 +58.5, elevation east curb 3.24, west curb 31.35; thence to Station 9+16.5, elevation east curb 36.68, west curb 36.96, thence to Sta- tion 9+27.5, south curb 7th street, elevation east curb 36.73, west curb 37.01; thence to Station 9+67.5, ele- vation east curb 36.75, west curb 37.03; thence to Station 9 +79.5, ele- vation east curb 37.07, west curb 37.43; thence to Station 11 +50, eleva- tion east curb 38.00, west curb 38.30; thence to Station 12 +37.5, elevation east curb 37.82, west curb 38.29; thence to Station 12 +49.5, south curb 8th street, elevation east curb 37.70, west curb 38.08; thence to Station 12 +90, elevation east curb 37.49, west curb 38.13; thence to Station 13 +2, eleva- tion east curb 38.17, west curb 38.42; thence to Station 13 +27, elevation east curb 38.00, west curb 38.10, thence to Sta.aon 15 +59, elevation east curb 35.54, west curb 35.59; thence to Station 15 +71, elevation east curb 35..4, west curb 35.52. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times- Journal .newspapers. - Adopted June llth, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914, JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent—Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON JULIEN AVENUE FROM A POINT ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY -SEVEN FEET WEST OF BLUFF STREET, TO A POINT SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET WEST OF BLUFF STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Julien avenue from a point one hundred and sixty -seven feet west of Bluff street, to a point six hundred and fifty feet west of Bluff street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 816. Dench mark: Wa- ter table southeast corner Wales Ho- tel, elevation 66.97. Said grade be- gins at Station 1-- 1 - -67, which is the end of the present grade, elevation north curb 72.04, south curb 72.43, thence to Station 2, elevation north curb 75.51, south curb '5.70; thence to Station 5- - - -50, elevation north curb 101.20; thence to Station 6- - - -50, elevation north curb 109.10, south curb 108.80. Section 2, This ordinance shall be in force and talc° effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried: Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeaaa —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None, Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald, McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON JONES STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Jones street from Locust street to Bluff street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 823. Bench Mark: Water Special Session, June 11, 1914 2 35 table southwest corner 1st and Locust street, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the west curb line of Locust street which is Station 0, elevation south curb 21.60, north curb 21.00; thence to Station +50, elevation south curb- 22.40, north curb 22.40; thence to Station 1 +48, elevation south curb 27.86, north curb 27.76; thence to Station 1 +78, elevation south curb 29.53, north curb 29.56; thence to Station 3 +14, elevation south curb 36.88, north curb 37.33; thence to Sta- tion 3 +26, east curb line of Bluff street, elevation south curb 37.03, north curb 37.80. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - J ournal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegrapn - herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder, Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON' FIRST STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO LOCUST STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on First street from Main street to Locust Street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade pre- pared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 821. Bench Mark: Water table northwest corner First and Main streets, elevation 23.06. Said grade begins at the west property line of Lion +12, elevation east curb 20.40, west curb 21.50; thence to Station elevation east curb 19.90, west curb 20.80; thence to Station 3, ele- vation east curb 19.20, west curb 19.65; thence to Station 5+ 36, elevation east curb 18.70, west curb 19.12, thence to Sta- tion 5 +48, north curb line Dodge street elevation east curb 18.55, west curb 19.08; thence to Station 5 +88, eleva- tion east curb 19.50, west curb 18.92; thence to Station 6, elevation east curb 18.80, west curb 18.70; thence to Station 12 +98, southerly line of City r,ot 578 elevation east curb 21.70, west curb 20:20. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and Its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. - Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald, McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. . Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Aid. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: . AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND WHITE STREETS FP.OM FOURTH STREET TO SEVENTEENTH Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on th-1 al- ley between Clay and White streets from Fourth street to Seventeenth street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said alley and gradc pre - Pared by the City Engineer, being Profile N'o. 815. Bench Mark: Water table southwest corner Page Hous 'i, Special Session June 11, 1914 elevation 20.24. Said grade begins at the north curb line of Fourth street which is station 0, elevation east curb 19.11, west curb, 19.26; thence to Station +12, elevation east curb 19.39, west curb 19.38; thence to Sta• tion 1 +75, elevation east curb 19.80, west curb, 19.9u; thence to Sta- tion east curb 24.23, west curb north curb line 5th street, elevation east curb 19.86, west curb 20.94; thence to Station 3 +36, elevation east curb 20.00, west curb 21.00; thence to Station 5 +50, elevation 23.90; thence to Station 5 +95, eleva- tion east curb 24.23, west cur'.) 24.33; thence to Station 6 +8, south curb line 24.33; thence to Station 6 +8, south curb line 6th street, eleva- tion east curb 23.98, west curb 24,34; thence to Station 6 +48, elevation east curb 23.52, west curb 24.42; thenoe to Station 6 +60, elevation east curb 24.06; west curb 24.58; thence to Station 8 +70, elevation east curb 32.90 west curb 33.10; thence to Station 9 +17, elevation east curb 32.16. west curb 33.00; thence to Station 9 +29, elevation east curb 32.17, west curb 32.75; thence to Station 9 +69, eleva- tion east curb 32.02, west curb 32.89; thence to Station 9 +81, elevation east curb 32.47, west curb, 33.29; thence to Station 11 +50 elevation east curb 34.80, west curb 35.00; thence to Sta- tion 12 +38, elevation east curb 34.16, west curb 34.62; thence to Station 12 +50, south curb line 8th Street ele- vation east curb 33.34, west curb 34. 23; thence to Station 12 +90, elevation east curb 33.87, west curb 34.19; thence to Station 13 +2 elevation east curb 34,58, west curb 34.95; then. e to Station 13 +50, elevation east curb 34.60, west curb 34.70, thence to Sta- tion 15+58, elevation east curb 31..58, west curb 32.19; thence to Station 15 +70, elevation east curb 31.56, west curb 3L95; thence to Station 16-x10, north curb line 9th street, elevation east curb 31.44, west curb 31.75; thence to Station 16 +22, north proper- ty line 9th street, elevation east curb 31.46, west curb 31.93; thence to Sta- tion 17 +50, elevation east curb 32.50, west curb 32.50; thence to Station 18 +80, elevation east curb 31.51, west curb 31.75, thence to Station 18 +92, elevation east curb 31.18, west curb 31.25; thence to Station 19 +32, north curb line 10th street, elevation east curb 30.91, west curb 31.71; thence to Station 21, elevation 33.80; thence to Station 22 +13, elevation east curb 33.18, west curb 33.66; thence to Sta- tion 22 +25, elevation east curb 32.71, west curb 33.18; thence to Station 2a +65, north curb line 11th street, el- evation east curb line 33.04, west curb 33.12; thence to Station 22 +77, elevation east curb 33.40, west curb 36.66; thence to Station 24, elevation =1 236 Special Session, June 11, 1914 Main street which is Station 0, eleva- tion north curb 21.60, south curb 20. 42; thence to Station 1 +14, elevation north curb 21.92, south curb 21.47; thence to Station 1 +44, elevation north curb 22.13, south curb 21.73; thence to Station 2 +70, east curb lino Locust street, elevation north curb 23.52, south curb 23.17. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON JONES STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO MAIN STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Jones street from Locust street to Main street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 822. Bench mark: Water table south west corner let and Lo- cust streets, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the east curb line of Locust street which is Station 0, ele- vation south curb 20.45, north curb 20.26; thence to Station +12, eleva- tion south curb 20.20, north curb 20.24; thence to Station +50, eleva- tion south curb 19.50, north curb 19.70; thence to Station 1 +61, west line of alley north, elevation north curb 19.14; thence to Station 1+63, west curb line Harrison street, eleva- tion south curb 19.25; thence to Sta- tion 1 +91, east line of alley north, elevation north curb 18.42; thence to Station 2+3, east curb line Harrison street, elevation south curb 18.50; thence to Station 3 +40, elevation north curb 18.94; thence to station 3 +53, west property line Main street south elevation south curb 18.90. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, • Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 13th, 1914. J, J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy, Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Heitn, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON LOCUST STREET FROM JONES STREET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CITY LOT 578. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on South Lo- cust street from Jones street to the southerly line of City Lot 578 be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 818. Bench Marks: Door sill southwest corner Second and Locust streets, ele- vation 33.04, water table northwest corner of Jones and Locust street, el- evation 21.83. Said grade begins at the south curb line of Jones street, which is Station 0, elevation east curb 20.45; west curb 21.60; thence to Sta- 238 Special Session, June 11, 1914 34.00; thence to Station 25+35, eleva- tion east curb 33.07, west curb 33.22; thence to Station 25 +47 south curb line 12th Street, elevation east side 32.69, west side 33.02; thence to Sta- tion 25 +87, elevation east curb 32.69, west curb 32.95; thence to Station 25 +99, elevation east curb 33.06, west curb 33.43; thence to Station 26 +50, elevation east curb 33.30, west curb 33.50; thence to Station 28 +67, ele- vation east curb 32.54, west curb 32. 68; thence to Station 28+79, south curb line 13th street, elevation east curb 32.07; west curb 32.37; thence to btation 29 +19, elevation east curb 32.07, west curb 32.37; thence to Sta- tion 29 +31, elevation east curb 32.12, west curb 32.74; thence to Station 31, elevation east curb 33.50, west curb 33.60; thenceto Station 31 +91, eleva- tion east curb 33.33, west curb 33.58; thence to Station 32 +1, south curb line 14th street, elevation east side 32.81, west side 33.30; thence to Sta- tion 32 +41, elevation east curb 32.57, west curb 32.57; thence to Station 32.53, elevation east curb 32.77, west curb 33.08; thence to Station 35 +10, elevation east curb 30.28, west curb 31.15; thence to Station 35 +22, eleva- tion east curb 30.16, wost curg 30.68; thence to Station 35 +62, elevation east curb 30.00, west curb 30.57; thence to Station 35+74, elevation east curb 30.43, west curb 30.93; thence to Station 37, elevation east curb 31.00, west curb 31.30; thence to Station 38 +32, elevation east curb 30.27, west curb 30.51; thence to Station 38 +44, south curb line 16th street, elevation east curb 29.88, west curb 30.30; thence to Station 38 +84, elevation east curb 29.86, west curb 30.30; thence to Station 38 +96, elevation east curb 30.15, west curb 30.69; thence to Station 39 +50, elevation east curb 30.20, west curb 30.70; thence to Sta- tion 41 +51, elevation east curb 28.73, west, curb 29.16; thence to Station 41 +63, south curb line 17th street, el- evation east curb 28.11, west curb 28.61. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914, JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading th ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. • McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THIRD STREET FROM THE WEST LOT LINE OF IOWA STREET TO THE EAST LOT LINE OF MAIN STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Third Street from the west lot line of Iowa street to the east lot line of Main street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 819. Bench Mark: Water table northwest corner 3rd and Iowa streets, elevation 24.35. Said grade be- gins at the west lot line of Iowa Street which is Station 0, elevation north curb 23.57, south curb 23.25; thence to station 1 +14, east line of alley, elevation north curb 33.12, south curb 32.62; thence to Station 1 +44, west line of alley, elevation north curb 35.20, south curb 34.70; thence to Station 2 +58, east lot line of Main street, elevation north curb 44.91, south curb 44.15. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque! Telegraph Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON LOCUST AND SOUTH LOCUST STREETS FROM SIXTH STREET TO JONES STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Locust and South Locust streets from Sixth street to Jones street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engi- neer, being Profile No. 817. Bench .dark: Water table northeast corner Sixth and Locust streets, elevation 54.45. Said grade begins at the south property line of 6th street which is Station 0, elevation east curb 51.10, west curb 51.03; thence to Station 2 +59, elevation east curb 50.16, west curb 50.33; thence to Station 2 +71, north curb line 5th street, elevation east curb 49.89; west curb 50.23: thence to Station 3 +11, south curb line 5th street, elevation east curb - 19.05, west curb 49.90; thence to Sta- tion 3 +23, elevation east curb 50.00, west curb 49.95; thence to Station 5 +83, elevation east curb 49.38, west curb 49.60; thence to Station 5 +95, north curb line 4th street, elevation east curb 49.30, west curb 49.50; thence to Station 6 +35, south curb line 4th street, elevation east curb 49.22, west curb 49.08; thence to Sta- tion 6 +47, elevation east curb 49.00, west curb 48.80; thence to Station 7+ 80, elevation east curb 46.00, west curb 46.20; thence to station 9 +3, elevation east curb 43.19; west curb 43.16; 3rd street, elevation east curb 42.90, west curb 42.86; thence to Station 9+55, south curb line 3rd street, ele- vation east curb 42.20, west curb 42.20, thence to Station 12+36, elevation thence to Station 9 +15, north curb 3rd street, elevation east curb, 42.90, east curb 33.21, west curb 33.41; east curb 32.77, west curb 32.86; thence to Station 12, south curb line 2nd street, elevation east curb 32.28, west curb 32.30; thence to Station 13 +12, elevation east curb 31.81, west curb 32.40; thence to Station 15 +71, Special Session June 11, 1914 2 39 elevation east curb 23.51, west curb 24.30; thence to Station 15+82, north curb line 1st street, elevation east curb 23.51, west curb 24.40; thence to Station 16 +45, south curb line lst street, elevation east side 23.17, west curb 23.83; thence to Station 16+57, elevation east curb 22.90, west curb 24.00; thence to atation 16+90, _eleva- tion east curb 22.40, west curb 23.80; thence to Station 20, elevation E. curb 20.30, west curb 20.93; thence to Sta- tion 20 +9, north curb line Jones street elevation east curb 20.26, west cub 21.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be In force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegrapn- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND IOWA STREETS FROM TENTH TO TWELFTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That a grade on the al- ley between Clay and Iowa streets from Tenth street to Twelfth street be and the same is hereby establish- ed and adopted as shown by the pro- file of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 813. Bench Mark: Door sill Clay Street entrance northeast corner 10th and Clay streets, elevation 39.74. Said grade begins at the north curb line 24o Special Session, June 11, 1914 of 10th street, which is Station 0, ele- vation east curb 40.11, west curb 40.34; thence to Station +12, elevation east curb 40.49, west curb 40.89; thence to Station 2, elevation 43.30; thence to Station 2+70, elevation east curb 43.15, west curb 43.12; thence to Sta- tion 2 +82, south curb line llth street, elevation east curb 42.79, west curb 42.94; thence to Station 3 +22, north curb llth street, elevation east side 42.72, west side, 42.93, thence to Sta- tion 3+34, elevation east curb 42 90, west curb 43.20; thence to Station 4, elevation east curb 43.30, west curb, 43.00; thence to Station 5 +90, eleva- tion east curb 41.66, west curb 41.92; thence to Station +2, south curb line 12th street, elevation east side 41.46, west side 41.74. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND IOWA STREETS FROM THIRTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the al- ley between Clay and Iowa streets from Thirteenth street to Seventeenth street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said alley and grade prepar- ed by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 812. Bench Mark: South end of bottom step Clay street entrance to City hall, elevation 36.41. Said grade begins at the north curb line of 13th street, which is Station 0, elevation east curb 36.94, west curb 37.37; thence to Station +12, north property line of 13th street, elevation east curb 37.01, west curb 37.69; thence to Sta- tion 2, elevation east curb 39.50, west curb 39.60; thence to Station 2 +70, south property line of 14th street, el- evation east curb 39.14, west curb • 39.51; thence to Station 2+80, eleva- tion east curb 38.91, west curb 39.21; thence to Station 3 +22, north curb line 14th street, elevation east curb 38.86, west curb 39.35; thence to Sta- tion 3 +34, north property line 14th street, elevation east curb 38.24, west curb 39.67; thence to Station 4, ele- vation east curb 39.70; west curb 39.70; thence to Station 5 +91, south property line 15th street, elevation east curb 38.77, west curb 39.52; thence to Station 6+3, elevation east curb 38.42, west curb 38.23; thence to Station 6 +43, elevation east curb 38.78, west curb 39.51; thence to Sta- tion 6 +55, north property line 15th street, elevation east side 39.04, west curb 38.88; thence to Station 8 +50, elevation 39.70; thence to Station 9 +12, south property line 16th street, elevation east curb 38.73, west curb 39.38; thence to Station 9 +24, eleva- tion east curb 39.27, west curb 39.82; thence to Station 9 +64, north curb line 16th street, elevation east curb . 63.21, west curb 39.97; thence to Sta- tion 9 +76, elevation east curb 39.02 west curb 40.24; thence to Station 12 +32, elevation east curb 44.10, west east curb 43.55, «west curb 44.95. south curb line 17th street, elevation curb 43.55, . west curb 44.95. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays - None. Absent -Aid. Clancy. Ald. McL moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. ' Nays -None. Absent -Aid. Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve West Fifth street from the westerly side of Hill street to the easterly side of Delhi street, and it is hereby proposed to improve said por- tion of staid street as follows, to -wit: by constructing a cement curb and brick gutter four feet wide on a con crete foundation on either side there of and to assess the cost of said curb• ing, guttering and concrete foundation against the abutting property. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on West Fifth street from the westerly side of Hill street to the easterly side of Delhi street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost ehereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file suck plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five clays after the last publication of 'such notice, and after such publication shall have Special Session June 11, 191. 241 been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof 111 writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis, Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve West. Seventh street from Hill street easterly to the east end of said West Seventh street. and it is hereby proposed to improve said street as follows, towit: by construct- ing a combined cement curb and gut- ter on the south side thereof, and to assess the cost of said curbing and guttering against the abutting prop- erty. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the south side of West Seventh Street, from Hill Street easterly to the east end of said West Seventh Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assess- able upon any railway or street rail- way company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his' office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and esti- mate are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, 242 Special Session June 11, 1914 at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays — None. Absent —Aid. Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove West Fifth Street, and it is hereby proposed to make such im- provement as follows, to wit: by constructing a cement curb and brick gutter eight feet wide on concrete foundation on the easterly side only from the westerly end of the curb line south of City Lot 615, northerly to the right angle in said street, thence, cement curbs ar d brick gut- ters eight feet wide on concrete foun- dations on either side, westerly to Hill Street, and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and foundation against the abutting property. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on West Fifth Street from the westerly end of the curb line south of City Lot 615, north- erly to the right angle in said street, thence westerly to Hill Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such im- provement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city. if any, and the cost thereof and a mount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections -thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council there- of in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald, Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a san- itary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be constructed in West Fifth Street from Glen Oak Avenue to Booth Street, ac- cording to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it furth- er Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 15th day of August, 1914, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter XXX.IV of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 2nd day of July, 1914, and the City Re- corder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordi- nance. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a san- itary sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be constructed in Booth Street from the present manhole at West Fifth Street, northerly to Forest Lane, according to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said sewer shall be completed on or before the 15th day of August, 1914, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Re- vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The pro- posals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 2nd day of July, 1914, and the City Re- corder is hereby ordered to give ten . Special Session, June I1, 1914 days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays—None. - Absent —Ald. Clancy. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Whereas, It has pleased the Al- mighty God to call from the scene of his activity the beloved son of our colleague, Ald. Clancy, and Whereas, Death in any guise and at any time invariably brings sorrow to the hearts of the friends and relatives of the departed, but in such a case as the present, where a young man just entering into the field of usefulness, is suddenly called to the beyond, the grief of those who held him near and dear becomes particularly poignant, therefore be it Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that we tender to the sorrowing wife. parents and relatives of the late Patrick M. Clan- cy our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of sorrow, and be it further Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the record of the City Council and that a copy thereof be transmitted to the relatives of the de- ceed. Ald Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. City Engineer Blake reported C. B. McNamara & Co. the lowest bidders for the improvement of Julien Ave- nue. On motion of Ald. Wallis the contract was awarded to C. B. McNa- mara & Co. and their bond placed at 1 -4 the amount of the contract. City Engineer Blake reported J. M. Kenety & Son the lowest bidders for the sewer in West Fifth Street. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the con- tract was awarded to J. M. Kenety & Son and their bond placed at 1 -4 the amount of the contract. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the following bids were referred to the Committee of the Whole: For the im- provement of Jones Street from Main Street to Locust Street. Third Street from Main to Iowa Street. First Street from Main Street to Locust Street. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. McNamara to address the Coun- cil. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Mr. L. McNamara addressed the 2 4 3 Council in reference to the different contracts not completed. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port of the Mayor in appointing the members of the Bathing Beach Com- mittee was approved. Council mem- ber, Ald. Wallis; for the term of one year, B. F. Blocklinger and J. Lavin; for the term of two years F. Levi and P. R. Karberg; for the term of three years, J. McDonald and J. W. Mc- Evoy. Ald, Singrin moved that the City Engineer be instructed to establish a grade in the alley between Jackson Street and Washington Street from Tenth Street to Eleventh Street. Car- ried. Ald. McIntosh moved that the City Council attend the funeral of Ald. Clancy's son in a body. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to take from the Committee of the Whole the petition of the Hawkeye Steam Vul- canizing Co. relative to the erection of a gasoline tank at 655.Iowa Street. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the prayer of the petition of the Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co. be granted and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an agreement to be prop- erly signed by the Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co. before they be allowed to erect the tank. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved to adjourn, Car- ried. Adopted , 1914. Approved Mayor. Attest City Recorder 244 Special Session June 16, 1914 CITY COUNCIL (Official). Special session June 16, 1914. Council met at 8:55 p. m. Mayor Saul in the cnair. Present — Aldermen Callahan, Clan- cy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Sin- grin, Wallis. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of re- voking twenty -one saloon permits in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and any other business that might come be- fore a regular meeting of the City Council. Your committee of the whole, act- ing on the petitions of the retail li- quor dealers of the city asking for permission to continue in the busi- ness after July 1st, 1914, would re. spectfully report that under the stat- utes of Iowa, it becomes obligatory on the part of the City Council to re- duce the number of saloons in opera- tion in excess of one for each one thousand of the city's population by one -half before July 1st next, and in accordance with said provision, we respectfully recommend that the reso- lutions of consent to sell intoxicating liquors issued to the following named retail liquor dealers be revoked, and that all rights granted thereunder shall cease and determine on June 30, 1914: August Fink, Gottfried Duenser, John J. Winter, C. Hos, J. Hillard, N. J, Loes, C. I. Kruse, Chas. F. Hoefflin, Fred Kumpf, Fred Roes ner, Fred Knockle, John P. Page, Jr., A. Richter, A. Leiser, John Wagner, Alois Glab, W. Meyer, J. H. Rhomberg, John Ford, E. M. Erie, John J. Krayer. We further recommend that all the other petitions be granted. W. SINGRIN, Chairman. Ald, Singrin moved the adoption of the report of the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Adopted , 1914 Approved Attest Mayor. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Regular session June 18, 1914. Council met at 8:30 P. M. Mayor Saul in the chair. Prevent —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Ald. Clancy moved that the Council Proceedings for the Month of April be approved as printed. Carried. Bids. Bids for the improving of Malady Street; Bid of G. L. Kormann, grading in total $1000,00, combination curb and gutter per lineal foot 70 cents, macadam per square yard 70 cents; Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co., grading in total $1160.00, combination curb and gutter per lineal foot 57 cents, macadam per square yard 63 cents; Tibey Bros., grading in total $1020.00, combination curb and gutter per lineal foot 50 cents, macadam per square yard 60 cents. On motion of Ald. Clancy the contract was awarded to Tibey Bros. they being the lowest bidders and their bond placed at 1.4 the amount of the contract. Bids for improving Solon Street; Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co., gradin; in total $520.00, combination curb and gutter per lineal foot 58 cents, ma- cadam per square yard 65 cents. Bid of Tibey Bros.: grading in total $370.00, combination curb and gutter per lineal foot 55 cents, macadam per square yard 67 cents. On motion of Ald. Singrin the bids were referred to the City Engineer and he to report later in the evening. Bids for improving Third Street Ex- tension: Bid of Wilmer Cook: curb- ing per lineal foot 48 cents, brick pav- ing outside of tracks $1.78 per square yard, brick paving inside of tracks $2,10 per square yard. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son: curbing per lineal foot 70 cents, reset curbing per lineal foot 25 cents, brick paving outside of tracks $1.94 per square yard, brick paving inside of tracks $2.30 per square yard, cement curbing per lineal foot 54 cents. Bid of C. B. Mc- Namara & Co.: curbing per lineal foot 55 cents, brick paving outside of tracks $1.80 per square yard, brick paving inside of tracks $2.50 per square yard. Bid of Jas. F. Lee, ce- ment curbing per lineal foot 45 cents, brick paving outside of tracks $1.80 per square yard, brick paving inside of tracks $2.25 per square yard. On motion of Ald. Singrin the bids were referred to the City Engineer, he to report later in the evening. Bids for improving Second Street from Main Street to Locust Street: Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co.: curbing per lineal foot 8o cents, reset curbing per lineal foot 30 cent, brick paving outside cf tracks per square yard $1.87, brick paving per square yard inside of tracks $2.65. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son, rock curbing per lineal foot 75 cents, reset rock curbing per lineal foot 30 cents, cement curbing per lineal foot 55 cents, brick paving per square yard outside of tracks $2.06, brick paving per square yard in- side of tracks $2.35. Bid of Wilmer Cook: curbing per lineal foot 50 cents, reset curbing per lineal foot 40 cents, brick paving outside of tracks per square yard $2.10, brick , per square yard inside of tracks $2.40. Bid of Jas. F. Lee, stone curbing per lineal foot 70 cents, reset curbing per lineal foot 29 cents, brick paving per square yard outside of tracks $1.93, brick paving per square yard inside Of tracks $2.$5. On motion of Ald. Mc- Laughlin the bide were referred to the City Engineer to report later in the evening. Bills. Pat Royce, inspector T. Kenneally, inspector T, Kenneally, inspector J. Callahan, inspector G. F. Mansteadt, inspector Harry Boesen, inspector ld. Ruff, inspector C. B. McNamara & Co., grad- ing State Street 600 00 J. M. Kenety & Son, grading alley from Eighth to Tenth Street between Locust and Bluff Street 43 40 J. M. Kenety & Son, brick block paving the alley from Eighth to Tenth Street be- tween Locust • and Bluff Street 1942 45 Nutwood Livery, health 12 00 Mathis -Mete Co., expense and health 6 75 L. Fay, expense 26 20 Mrs. L. Schuller, expense 23 40 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 32 70 Foley Hand Laundry, expense 5 00 Eichhor•n & Bechtel, expense 35 Pauly Printing Co., expense 6 00 C. L. Dambacher, expense 4 75 C: h Dambacher, expense 1 75 Boone Blank Book Co., expense 1 55 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense. 75 G. W. Davin, expense 2 00 Kueffel & Esser Co., expense 10 56 M. S. Hardie, expense 102 25 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 6 50 Eagle Chemical Co., expense 12 50 Hoermann Press, expense 3 00 C. L. Dambacher, expense 1 50 H. B. McCarten, expense .. 9 20 J. Dehing expense 9 95 Geo. Masters, expense 6 15 E. A.pel, expense 4 00 J F. Ris & Bro., expense 1 00 Clark Roller Awning Co'., ex- pense 13 95 Regular Session, June 18, 1914 $ 4 00 9 00 14 00 13 00 6 00 4 00 22 00 2 45 A. E. Gmehle, expense 188 94 Cota, Byrne & Cota, expense 6 95 C. A. Voelker, expense 1 00 P. B. Hoffmann, expense 4 00 J. L. Kies, police and expense 2 1.0 E. Norton, police 4 00 J. N. Graham, police 2 00 J. Diebold, police 3 75 Deyoe, Avenarius Co., police 4 50 Palace Clothiers, police 110 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 5 34 G. Ragatz & Son, police 2 40 \V. D. Deckert Co., police 1 50 M. Stafford, police and fire 136 59 Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffrier, fire 11 50 Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., fire 5 75 Clark Roller Awning Co., fire .1 10 E. P. Sinith Electric Contract Co., fire 50 F. G. Becker, fire 25 62 Union Electric Co., fire $ 8 91 Union Electric Co., fire 2 00 J. Newman & Son, fire 6 80 Rellihai & Mullen, fire 6 00 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, fire 8 50 L. Lindenberg, fire 1 95 Robinson Fire Apparatus Co , fire 2 08 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., fire 6 50 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., fire 10 05 Key City Gas Co. fire 25 95 National Refining Co., fire 5 00 G. Ragatz, Jr., fire 9 38 P. H. Meyer & Son, fir3 39 75 Deyoe, Avenarius Co., fire 8 50 J. N. Graham, fire 20 00 Dubuque Rubber & i,elting Co , fire 95 00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., fire 05 Mullen Bros., fire 25 Mettel Bros., fire 1 35 B. C. Scherr, fire 4 45 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co , fire 25 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., fire 55 Standard Oil Co., fire .. 10 28 F. M. Jaeger & Co., fire 15 J. C. Schneider, fire 7 00 Dubuque Auto Supply Co., fire 1 60 Key City Gas Co., fire, police expense 83 65 Iowa Telephone Co., fire, po- lice, expense 44 25 Key City Gas Co., fire, police, expense 3 50 A X L Lubricator Co., fire, po - lice, road 60 00 A. Zillig, police, sidewalk 90 Dub. Lumber & Coal Co., side- walk 30 52 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., side- walks 58 77 J. N. Graham, sewer, sidewalk 2 00 Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner, sewer 2 00 F. Schloz & Son, sewer 1 90 John Newman & Son, sewer 14 00 T. J. Mulgrew Co., road $ 3 50 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co , road 44 246 Regular Session, June 18, 1914 Smedley Steam Pump Co., road 134 52 13 40 Iowa 011 Co., road Purington Paving Brick Co , road 176 00 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co , road Iowa Oil Co., road 7 Smedley Steam Pump Co , road 39 F. G. Becker, road 38 John Ernsdorff Iron Co., road 1 Mettel Bros., road L. W. Roehl, road 2 Model Grocery, road H. Magdel, road 1 F. Schloz & Son, road 2 Key City Iron Works, road 10 Iowa Oil Co., road 9 Peter Hanson, road Austin Western Road Mch. Co , road 14 Geo. Bock, road 20 Geo. Ragatz & Son, road 2 A. W. Drake & Sons, road 12 John Newman & Son, road 80 Key City Roofing Co., road and sewers 9 54 Labor Leader, printing . 12 50 National Demokrat, printing 12 50 Smith - Morgan Prtg. Co., print- ing 130 20 Telegraph- Herald, printing.... 65 78 Telegraph - Herald, printing ... 83 45 Times - Journal, printing 135 31• Union Electric Co., lighting 18 81 Union Electric Co., lighting 2,582 78 Ald. Clancy moved that all bills properly O. K. be paid. Carried. Communication of the Dubuque Jef- frey Sales Co., relative to an invita- tion to the City Council to accompany them to Rockford, Ill., to inspect the fire engines of that city. Ald. Clancy moved that council accept invitation and recorder instructed to notify Du- buque Jeffrey Sales Co. when council intends to go. Carried. Petition of Arthur L. Mathis, rela- tive to the water on Gandolfo avenue running through lot 37 and damaging said lot to the extent of $200.00, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Clancy the peti- tion was referred to the Committee or the Whole to view the grounds. Dubuque, Iowa, July 18, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The undersigned, Charles F. Hoefflin, respectfully states that he is a qualified elector of the city of Dubuque, Iowa; that he is the purchaser, successor and assignee of the saloon business of Emil Lorenz at Number 1956 Couler avenue, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and as such purchaser, successor and assignee to the saloon business of said Emil Lor- enz, he respectfully prays your hon- orable body to grant him a new per- mit or resolution of consent to sell and keep for sale, intoxicating liquors 2 20 15 38 45 73 55 00 25 80 90 71 50 40 80 00 89 00 50 by him at Number 1044 Clay street in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and to cause the following resolution of con- sent to be adopted: CHAS. F. HOEFFLIN. On motion of Ald. Singrin the prayer Of the petitioner was granted. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That consent is hereby given Charles F. Hoefflin, as purchaser, successor and assignee of the business of Emil Lor- enz at Number 1044 Clay street, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, to sell and keep for sale, intoxicating liquors, and deal therein in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. The con- sent here given, is a new consent given in lieu of, and in renewal of the resolution Emil Lorenz. Approved: of consent given said Unanimously adopted. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Petition of Matilda Hirtz relative to the canceling of the special assess- ment levied against the southwest- erly 1 -2 of lot 560, Ham's add., city of Dubuque, as said assessment has become outlawed, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Heim the prayer of the petitioner was granted and the City Treasurer was instructed accord- ingly. Attest: Stipulation and Agreement. Know all Men by These Presents: Whereas, The Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co. of the city of Du- buque, Iowa, has petitioned the City Council of the city of Dubuque for permission to place a gasoline tank under the sidewalk No. 655 Iowa street, in said city, and also to place a curb pump at the same place. Now, therefore, in consideration of the per- mission granted by the City Council to place said gasoline tank under the sidewalk at No. 655 Iowa street, and also the curb pump, as above spec - fied, the Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co. agree, and by these presents does agree, to maintain said gasoline tank and curb pump in a safe and careful manner, and it is further stipulated and agreed that the Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co. shall a -one be liable and responsible for any and all dam- ages that may grow out of any in- juries sustained by any person by rea- son of the maintenance of said gaso- line tank and curb pump and there shall be no liability on the part of the City of Dubuque whatsoever. Signed at the City of Dubuque, this 13th day of June, 1914. HAWKEYE STEAM VULCANIZING Co. By A. T. Schwaegler. Witnessed by M. 11. CZIZEK. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the Stipulation and Agreement were made a matter of record. Petition of Mrs. Mary Schepple rela- tive to the condemnation proceedings againet lots 48 and 49, Coriell's add., presented and read. On motion of Ald. Clancy the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of T. E. Rhomberg by J. F. Kunz Co., agents, relative to the city canceling the personal tax of the Richardson Shoe Mfg. Co. for the year 1904 and allowing him to pay the taxes on the lots for 1904 and subse- quent years with six per cent inter- est, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of E. L. Meis et al, relative to the City Council ordering the col- lection of garbage on Grandview ave- nue, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Clancy the petition was re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Communication of Mrs. Mary Mee- han, relative to the paving of South Locust street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Clancy the communica- tion was received and filed. Petition of Chas. W. Leavitt, Jr., relative to being appointed landscape engineer for the construction of parks, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the petition was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Metz Manfg. Co. relative to being granted permission to use south half of 17th street, east of Elm street to railway track for the pur- pose of piling building material, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of the Dubuque Bathing Beach committee relative to being granted permission to use a part of Seventh street between Bluff street and Locust street for to hold a Chau- tauqua, presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. McLaughlin the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of the Metz Mnfg. Co. rela- tive to being granted permission to construct and maintain a bridge or culvert across the gutter at the foot of Seventeenth street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the petition was referred to the commit- tee of the whole to view the grounds. Petition of Mrs. Helen May rela- tive to the canceling of taxes on lot 106, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the petition was referred to the delinquent tax com- mittee. Regular Session, June 18, 1914 2 47 Petition of T. J. Hassett relative to being granted permission to blast rock on property abutting on South- ern avenue near railroad avenue, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Clancy the petition was referred to the committee of the whole and City Attorney to view the grounds. Petition of Francis Coates, Sr. rela- tive to the city accepting the sum of $11.18 instead of $16.77 for the im- provement of Fourteenth street, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the prayer of the petitioner was granted and the City Treasurer instructed accordingly. Bonds of Linehan & Molo and Philip Breithaupt for excavating in streets, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the bonds were re- ferred to the City Attorney. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's inten- tion to improve the alley between Gar- field avenue and Rhomberg avenue from Ann avenue to Dock avenue. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice certified to by the pub- lishers, of the City Council's intention to improve Twentieth street and Rhomberg avenue from Couler avenue to Fifth avenue. Ald. Wallis moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing the remonstrators to ad- dress the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Messrs. Miller et al addressed the Council. Ald. McIntosh moved that the notice be received and filed. Carried. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's inten- tion to improve Dodge street from the east line of South Locust street to the west line of South Main street; also the written remonstrance of Mrs. Mary Meehan. On motion of Ald. Clancy the notice and remonstrance were referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Wallis mved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowingthe different reuresentatives to address the Council relative to the sale of a sprinkler for spreading oil on the streets. Carried by the following vote. Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. The representative of the Austin - Western Co. and of the Studebaker Co. addressed the Council. Aid. Clancy moved that the City 248 Regular Session, June 18, 1914 Recorder advertise for bids for sprink- ler and also advertise for a combi- nation sprinkler and street sweeper. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved that the Austin - Western Co. be allowed to ship a sprinkler for spreading oil to the City and if satisfactory the City to pur- chase same. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved to take from the Committee of the Whole the petition of E. W. McFadden. Carried. Petition of E. W. McFadden rela- tive to being allowed permission to erect a garage of normal size and build of concrete, or tile or of wood covered with galvanized iron on Lot 2 of D. W. Cooley's Sub. and also to be given permission to lower the curb on the west end of said lot pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Ald. Clancy moved that the salary of Assistant City Engineer McNulty be increased to $125.00 per month to become effective June 1, 1914. Carried. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets during 'the first half of June, 1914. Amount due to laborers on Streets $2,378.90 Also submit the payroll for labor on Valley Street. Amount due laborers $79.90 Also submit the payro 1 for labor on Mt. Cormel Avenue. Arnunt due laborers... $19.60 Also sumit the payroll for labor on Fifth Avenue. Amount due laborers $37.00 Respectfully s ubmitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Glancy the pay rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Street Committee. Also submit the pay roll for labor on Sewers during the first half of June, 1914. Amount due laborers $236.90 Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Singrin the pay roll was received and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Sewer Committee. Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for the police department for the first half of June, 1914: Amount due policemen $1,593.65 Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. GIELLIS, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Callahan the pay roll was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Police Committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for the Fire Department for the first half of June, 1914: Amount due Firemen $2,026.00 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. On motion of Ald. Singrin the pay roll was received and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Fire Committee. Weighmaster report of H. P. Lem - per in the sum of $11.Go presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the report was received and filed. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I return herewith the following plumbers' bonds and I find the same properly executed in form. Nesler and Hammel from January 1, to December 31, 1914. Mullen Bros. from January 1, 1914 to December 31, 1914. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. By— M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Wallis the report of the City Attorney was approved. Dubuque, Iowa, June 12, 1914. We the undersigned Jurors after being duly sworn and going over prop- erty carefully, find the following damages; J. A. Rhomberg Estate —Lot 1 of 24 A $189 50 J. A. Rhomberg Estate —Lot 1 of 24 25 00 J. A. Rhomberg Estate —Lot 1 of 12 B 100 00 Paul Traut Estate —Lots 1 of 45 & 46 200 00 Paul Traut Estate —Lots 1 of 43 & 44 100 00 James Lee — Mineral Lot 185 and all overlap on. Rosedale Avenue 225 00 Respectfully submitted, Chris. A. Voelker, H. J. Kaep, M. M. Hoffmann, Joseph Schrup, C. A. Walter, P. H. Halpin, Herman Knoernschild, G. H. Davis, C. H. Berg, Justus Bechtel, Jos. J. Rowan, Herman Brinkman. On motion of Alderman Wallis the report of the jury was approved and warrants ordered drawn on the City Treasurer to settle the above amounts and the Streets declared open. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 831 showing the grade of the alley between Washington and Jackson Streets from 10th. Street to 11th. Street. On motion Of Ald. Singrin the Pri- file was adopted and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordi- nance covering the same. City Engineer Blake presented Pro - file No. 827 showing the grade of 20th. Street from Couler Avenue to the alley between Washington and Jackson Streets. On motion of AId. McIntosh the pro- file was adopted and the ordinance Committee instructed to draft an ordi- nance covering the same. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 825 showing the grade of Rhomberg Avenue from Elm Street to Fifth Avenue. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the Pro- file was adopted and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordi- nance covering the same. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 832 showing the grade of the alley first east of Alpine Street from Langworthy Avenue to Solon Street, On motion of Ald. Clancy the pro- file was adopted and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordi- nance covering the same. City Engineer Blake presented Pro- file No. 833 showing the grade of Third Street Extension from the end of the present improvement (Westerly Line Lots 17 and 26 Booth's Addition) to the outer levee. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the Profile was adopted and the ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordi- nance covering the same. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the reso- lutions heretofore adopted providing for the improvement of Lincoln Ave- nue from Ninth Avenue to Tenth Ave- nue be and they are hereby rescinded. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis, Nays —None. Alderman Singrin offered the fol.. lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the alley between Clay and Regular Session, June 18, 1914 2 49 White Street from Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade said portion of said alley and pave the same with con- crete and to assess the cost of said grading and paving against th abutt- ing property. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Singrin offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the alley between Clay and White streets from Seventeenth street to Eighteenth street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall pub- lish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and esti- mates are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement,. kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Lincoln avenue from the end of the present improvement, north- easterly to Tenth Avenue, and It is hereby proposed to grade, curb and gutter with combined concrete curb 250 Regular Session, June 1S, 1914 and gutter and macadamize said por- tion of said street, and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent to the proposed improvement on Lincoln avenue from the end of the present improvement, northeasterly to Tenth avenue, and the kind or kinds of ma- terial or materials to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway com- pany, the amount and cost thereof to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adja- cent to such improvement as contem- plated by Chapter 76 of the Laws of the Thirty -fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa and acts amended thereby, and to file such plat and es- timate in the office of the city record- er; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city re- corder shall publish in three consecu- tive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating tnat such plat and estimates are on rile, the lo- cation and nature of the improvement, kind or kinds of material or materials to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman McIntosh offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Twen- tieth street and Rhomberg avenue from Couler avenue to Fifth avenue be improved by grading, curbing or resetting curb where necessary, and paving said portion of said street and avenue with either concrete with brick on a concrete foundation be- tween the rails and one foot outside thereof, or with creosoted blocks on a concrete foundation, or with asphalt macadam with brick on a concrete foundation between the rails and one foot outside thereof, or with brick blocks on a concrete foundation or with asphaltic concrete with brick on a concrete foundation between the rails and one foot outside thereof in accordance with the plans and speci- fications for such improvement pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Record- er, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1914, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street Im- provements. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the council on the 1st day of September, 1914, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publica- tion asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman McIntosh offered the foI- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the alley between Garfield and Rhomberg ave- nues from Ann avenue to Dock avenue be improved by grading and macada- mizing the same in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the lst day of September, 1914, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 2nd day of July, 1914, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Nevada street, and it is hereby proposed to construct such sewer as follows, to- wit: an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Nevada street from West Third street to Langworthy avenue, and to assess the cost of said sewer against the abutting property: Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Nevada street from West Third street to Langworthy avenue., showing the locations and general na- ture of such improvement, the extent thereof, the size and kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon per front feet or square feet in area, and to file such plat, specifications and estimate in the office of the City Re- corder. That after such plat is so filed, the City Recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the Council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official paper of the City of Dubuque, stating that such plat is on file, and generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kinds of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publica- tion of said notice, and after the com- pletion of the publication of such no- tice, be shall at its next session, notify the Council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy offered the follow. ing: Regular Session, June 18, 1914 251 Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Dodge street from the east line of South Lo- cust street to the west line of South Main street be improved by grading and paving said portion of said street with brick blocks on a concrete foun- dation, in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improve- ment prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of September, 1914, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinance of the City of Dubuque for payment of the cost of street improve- ments. The proposals for doing said work shall be acted upon by the Council on the 2nd day of July, 1914, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Clancy moved to refer the reso- lution to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council 0. the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the alley first north of West Fifth Street, from Alpine Street to Nevada Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade and pave said alley with brick on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, paving and foundation against the abutting prop- erty. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following' vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, liaim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the locati m, nature and ex- tent of the proposed improvement on the alley first north of West Fifth Street from Alpine Street to Nevada Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder, that after the filing =1 252 Regular Session, June 18, 1914 of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than 5 days after the last publica- tion of such notice, and after such pub- lication shall have been made the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, Iviclntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City that Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets from Julien Avenue to the alley first north of West Fifth Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade and pave said alley with brick on a concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, paving and foundation agairvst the abutting prop- erty. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and ex- tent of the proposed improvement on the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets from Julien Avenue to the alley first north of West Fifth Street. and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the ambunt assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said .plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and esti- mates are on file, the location and na- ture of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after s uch publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Coun- cil, notify the Council thereof in writ- ing with a printed copy of such no- tice accompanying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove Burch street from West Fifth street to Fenelon Place, and it is here- by proposed to construct brick gutters four feet wide in said portion of said street, and to assess the cost of said grading against the aoutting property. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None Alderman McLaughlin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and ne is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Burch Street from West Fifth street to Fenelon Place, of the kind of material to be used and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city if any. and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such pat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind oi: material to be used, and an estimate of its cost and the time before which objec- tions thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None Alderman Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve Pierce Street from West Sev- enteenth Street to Angella Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said portion of said street, and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macadam- izing against the abutting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —Non e. Ald. Wallis offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Pierce Street from West Seventeenth Street to Angella Street, and the kind of ma- terial to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway com- pany, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assess- able upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the of- fice of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall pub- lish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and esti- mates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in Regular Session, June 18, 1914 2 53 writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None, Ald. McIntosh offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary to con- struct a permanent sidewalk 4 feet wide in front of Lots 6 and 7, Jan - sen's Sub., abutting on northeasterly side of Fifth Avenue in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Rudolph Jones, said side- walk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June, 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1014. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. McIntosh moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary to con- struct a permanent sidewalk 4 feet wide in front of Lot 11 -12 of Mineral Lot 149, abutting on north side of Curtis street, in the City of Du, buque, which piece of property is owned by M. Farrell. Said sidewalk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June, 1914. Adopted June 18th, 1914. Approved June 19th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk .4 feet wide in front of Lot 6, S. 26 feet, 6 inches, S. M. Langworthy's Sub., abutting on south side of Langworthy Ave. in the City of Dubuque, which piece of prop- erty is owned by H. G. Torbert. Said sidewalk to be built of cement (arti- ficial stone), and to be completed not 2 54 Regular Session, June 18, 1914 later than the 30th day of June 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayar. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Pe it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 5 feet wide in front of Lot 1 of 1 of M. O'Hare's Sub., abutting on north side of Southern Ave., in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by R. M. Kunz. Said sidewalk to be built of . cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June, 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald, uiancy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 4 feet wide in front of Lot 3, Oak Grove Add., abutting on south side of Loretta Ave., in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by J. F. Kunz. Said side- walk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June, 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 4 feet wide in front of lot 35 Julia Langworthy's Add., abutting on north side of Langworthy Ave. in the city of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by F. L. Poole, said sidewalk to he built of ce- ment (artificial stone), and to be com- pleted not later than the 30th day of June, 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914, Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 4 feet wide in front of lot 8 S. M. Langworthy's Sub., abut- ting on north side of Langworthy ave- nue in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Eliza- beth Fischer, J. P. Early, agent. Said sidewalk to be built of cement (arti- ficial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 5 feet wide in front of lot 7 Southern Ave. Add., abutting on north side of Southern Ave. in the city of Dubuque, which piece of prop- erty is owned by John Purcell. Said sidewalk to be built of cement (arti- ficial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Singrin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 8 feet wide in front of South 1 -2 of City lot 495 abutting on west side of Jackson and on the north side of 13th St. in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Jacob Plapp estate. Said sidewalk to be bunt of cement (arti- ficial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914, Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald. Singrin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per. manent sidewalk 12 feet wide in front of City lot 199 and lot 1 of city lot 200 abutting on east side of Iowa street in the city of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Louis Trexler. Said sidewalk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote. Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal• lis. Nays —None. Alderman Singrin offered the fol. lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 12 feet wide in front of City lot 199 abutting on south side of 11th street in the city of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Louis Trexler. Said sidewalk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June, 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Regular Session, June 18, 1914 2 55 Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Nays —None. Ald Singrin offered the following: B'e it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed ed necessary to construct a perma- nent sidewalk 8 feet wide in front of M. 1 -5 of City Lot 495 abutting on Wrest side of Jackson Street between 13th and 14th street in the City of Dubuque, which piece of prop- erty is owned by Andrew Stoohl Estate said sidewalk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None, Ald. Singrin offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk 8 ft. wide in front of S. M. 1 -5 of City Lot 495 abutting on West side of Jackson Street between 13th and 14th street in the City of Dubuque, which piece of prop- erty is owned by Joseph Hanover said sidewalk to be built of cement (arti- ficial stone), and to be completed not later than the 30th day of June 1914. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914 JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN RHOMBERG AND GAR - FIELD AVENUES FROM ANN AVENUE TO DOCK AVENUE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the al- 1-'y between Rhomberg and Garfield a'enues from Ann avenue to Dock avenue be and the sand is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said alle,; and grade prepared by the City Engineer, be- ing Profile No. 830. Bench mark: Door 256 Regular Session, June 18, 1914 sill west side of brick house north side Middle avenue between Lincota avenue and High Bluff street, eleva- tion 46.17. Said grade begins at the northeasterly curb line of Ann avenue which is Station 0, elevation south- easterly curb 43.30, northwesterly curb 43.16; thence to Station +10, ele- vation southeasterly curb 43.47, north- westerly 43.42;. thence to Station 1+ 50, elevation southeasterly curb 46.00, northwesterly curb 46.00; thence to Station 3 +56.5, elevation southeaster- ly curb 43.24; northwesterly curb 43.34; thence to Station 3 +66.5, south- westerly curb Dock avenue, elevation southeasterly curb 43.11, northwester ly curb 43.04. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times Journal newspapers, June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t, City Recorder. Ald, McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON SECOND STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO MAIN STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Second Street from Locust Street to Main Street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street End grade pre- pared by the City Engineer, being Pro- file No. 826. Bench mark: Door sill southwest corner of Second and Locust Streets, elevation 33.04. Said grade begins at the east curb line of Locust Street which is Station 0, elevation north curb 32.67, south curb 32.28; thence to Station 1+26, west line of alley, elevation north curb 34.01, south curb 32.64; thence to Station 1+56, elevation north curb 34.41, south curb 33.21; thence to Station 2+71, west property line Main Street, elevation north curb 37.29, south curb 34.89. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the DU- buque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officiallf in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —Nane. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol. lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON WEST FIFTH STREET FROM GLEN OAK AVENUE TO BOOTH STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on West Fifth street from Glen Oak avenue to Booth street be and the sauce is here- by established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 828. Bench mark: Door sill of store opposite west end of Grandview avenue, elevation 303.54 Said grade begins at the east curb line of Glen Oak avenue, which is Station 0, elevation south curb 275.99, north curb 276.68; thence to Station 1, elevation south curb 279.30', north curb 279.15; thence to Station 1+50, elevation south curb 280.34, north curb 280.60; thence to Station 2, ele- vation south curb 283.14, north curb 280.60; thence to Station 2 +69, west curb line Booth Street, elevation south curb 295.14, north curb 295.49. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its Passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Time Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914, JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its :,it1e. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- Iowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON SOLON STREET FROM NEVADA STREET TO BOOTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Solon Street from Nevada Street to Booth Street be and the sama is hereby es- tablished and adopted a, shown by the profile of said street and grade pre- pared by the City Engineer, • being profile No. 824. Said grade begins at the west property line of Solon Street which is Station 0, elevation south curb 255.70, north curb 256.79; thence to Station +40, elevation south curb 251.33, north curb 251.33; thence to Station 2 +40, elevation south curb 224.21, north curb 224.21; thence to Station 2 +66, elevation south curb 220.38, north curb 220.68; thence to Station 2+74, east curb line Booth Street, elevation s luth curb 220.19, north curb 220.68. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and afetr its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph - Herald and Times- Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal Regular Session, June 18, 1914 2 57 newspapers June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car. ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None Ald, McLaughlin moved the adoption tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin. Wallis. Nays —None Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol. lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade on Booth Street from West Fifth Street to Forest Lane. Re it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; Section 1. That a grade on Booth street from West Fifth street to For- est Lane be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 829. Bench mark: Door sill brick store opposite: west end of Grandview avenue, elevation 303.54. Said grade begins at the north curb line of West Fifth street, elevation west curb 295.94, east curb 297.13; thence to Station —, south curb line of Forest Lane, elevation west curb 306.53, east curb 306.56. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and aft- er its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -29 -1t City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first .reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, S'_ngrin, Wallis. Nays—None Ald. McLaughlin mm ed the adop- 1• m 258 Regular Session, June 18, 1914 tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin. Wallis. Nays —None Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTAB'LISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY FIRST EAST OF ALPINE ST., FROM LANGWORTHY AVENUE TO SO- LON STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the alley first east of Alpine street from Langworthy avenue to Solon street in the .City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby adopted and es- tablished as shown by the profile of said grade prepared by the City En- gineer and accepted by -the City Coun- cil on the 19th day of June, 1914, be- ing profile No. 832 and marked "Pro- file showing grade of alley first east of Alpine street from Langworthy avenue to Solon street," B. M. door sill east and of first stone step to Burch's house -3rd street opposite James street — elevation 266.36. Said grade beginning at the south curb line of Langworthy avenue which irs Sta- tion 0, Elevation 280.50, thence to Sta- tion 0+10, elevation 280.50; thence to Station 1+10, elevation 273.50; thence to Station 2+74, elevation 253.50, the north curb line of Solon street. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and aft- er its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18. 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -29 -1t City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin. Wallis. Nays —None Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Callahan, Clancy, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin. Wallis. Nays —None Petition of Linehan & Molo relativ to the construction of a tunnel across Cox street for St. Joseph's College and asking permission to do same pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the prayer of the petitioners was granted and the City Attorney instructed to draft an ordinance cover- ing the same. Your committee on Streets would respectfully recommend that William Carter be appointed, subject to the pleasure of the City Council, general inspector of all public improvements, and that he be paid a salary of $65.00 per month. MATT CLANCY, Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the report of the Street Committee, Carried. Your Harbor Committee, to whom was referred with power, the petition of the Standard Oil Co. to place a float at the point of the Harbor on the north side in a space not previ•, ously assigned to any one, said float to be used for the sale of oils to motor boats, woula report that we have granted the petition on the un- derstanding that the fees provided b., the ordinance be paid and that the permit may be withdrawn at any time at the will of the Council. J. H. WALLIS, Chairman. On notion of Ald. Wallis the report of the Harbor Committee was adopt- ed. Ald. Wallis moved that Ald. Heim be placed on record as having voted No on the putting out of business the 21 different saloons. Carried. Alderman Clancy moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare from actual survey, and report to the City Council, a profile showing a pro- posed grade on the alley first east of Alpine street from Langworthy ave- nue to Solon street. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported Tibey Bros. the lowest bidders for the im- provement of Solon street. On mo- tion of Ald. Clancy the contract was awarded to Tibey Bros., they being the lowest bidders and their bond placed at 1 -4 the amount of the contract. City Engineer Blake reported Witmer Cook the lowest bidder for the im- provement of Third street extension. On motion of Ald. Clancy the contract was awarded to Wilmer Cook, he be- ing the lowest bidder and his bond placed at 1 -4 the amount of the con- tract. City Engineer Blake reported Jas. F. Lee the lowest bidder for the im- provement of Second street from Main to Locust street. On motion of Ald. Clancy the contract was awarded to Jas. F. Lee, he being the lowest bidder and his bond placed at 1 -4 the amount of the contract. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Adopted , 1914. Approved Attest Special Session, June 29, 1914 Mayor. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL 2 59 (Official). Special session June 29, 1914. Council met at 8:25 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Aldermen Callahan, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Mayor Saul stated that this meeting is called for the purpose of consider- ing changes in location of saloons and any other business that might properly come before a regular meet- . ing of the City Council. Ald. Singrin moved to take up the petitions of the different saloon -keep- ers and act on same. Carried. Petition of John D. Flynn stating that he is the assignee and grantee of the saloon business of Edward Rob- inson and asking to adopt the proper resolution presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the petition was received and filed. Ald. Singrin moved that the Coun- cil reconsider their action in the one particular saloon consent of John Krayer. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the name of Edward Robinson be : l.bstituted on the list of the Committee of the Whole report in place of J. J. Krayer, said report relating to the discontin- uing of twenty -one saloons in the City of Dubuque. Carried. Petition of G. F. Roche relative to the City Council granting him permis- sion to transfer his saloon business from 75 Twenty- second street to 3185 Couler avenue, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of John Roth relative to the City Council granting him permission to transfer his saloon business from 800 Pine street to the southeast cor- ner of Tenth and Clay streets, pre- sented and read. On notion of Ald. Singrin the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of Edward Montgomery relative to the City Council granting him permission to transfer his saloon business from 2776 Couler avenue to 2389 Couler avenue presented and read. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of John C. Erpelding da- tive to the City Council granting him permission to transfer his saloon busi- ness from the northwest corner of 14th and Clay streets to 345 Thir- teenth street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin the pray- er of the petitioner was granted. Ald. Wallis moved that the garbage contractor be notified to fulfill his 260 _ , Special Session June 30, 1914 contract in hauling the garbage from Angella street. Carried. AId. Wallis moved that the mayor appoint a committee of three with power to purchase and erect a fence on Angella street. Carried. Mayor Saul appointed Alds. Wallis, Singrin, Heim as the committee. Ald. Wallis moved that the city at- torney be instructed to see what pow- er the city council has in the regulat- ing of electric rates. Carried. Ald, McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Adopted , 1914 Approved Mayor. Attest City Recorder CITY COUNCIL (Official). Special session June 30, 1914. Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present — Aldermen Cesliahan, Heim, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wal- lis. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of con- sidering different saloon matters and any other business that might proper- ly come before a reguiar meeting of the City Council. Petition of Edward Erie stating that he is the assignee of the saloon busi- ness of Thomas J. Meehan and asking the City Council to adopt the proper resolution presented and read. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the petition of Edward Erie was received and filed. Ald. Callahan moved that the City Council reconsider their action in the one particular case of Edward Erie in the Committee of the Whole report relative to the discontinuing of twen- ty -one saloons in the City of Du- buque. Carried. Ald. Callahan moved that the name of Thomas J. Meehan be substituted on the report of the Committee of the Whole report in place of Edward Erie, relative to the discontinuing of twenty -one saloons in the city of Du- buque. Carri •d by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Petition of J. H. Rhomberg stating that he is the assignee of the saloon business of J. H. Smith and asking the City Council to adopt the proper resolution presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLanghlin the peti- tion of J. H. Rhomberg was received and filed. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the City Council reconsider their action in the one particular case of J. H. Rhom- berg in the Committee of the Whole report relative to the discontinuing of twenty -one saloons in the city of Dubuque. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the name of J. H. Smith be substituted on the report of the Committee of the Whole in place of J. H. Rhomberg, relative to the discontinuing of twen- ty -one saloons in the city of Dubuque. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Callahan, Heim, McIn- tosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Clancy. Mayor Saul recommended an inspec- tion report for the Fire Department for the inspection of. buildings and premises. On motion of Ald. Siugrin the rec- o mmendation of the Mayor be approv- ed and the City Recorder instructed to order report blanks for same and the Chief of the Fire Department in- structed to carry out the system. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Adopted , 1914 Approved Attest Mayor. List of Warrants City Recorder. List of City Warrants 261 Dubuque, Iowa. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque. Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1914. Salaries for April, 1914 James Saul, Mayor $116 65 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 133 30 F. M. Blake, Deputy 108 33 L. F. Kolfenbach, Clerk 75 00 Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 116 65 Carl Weglau, Deputy 88 33 J. J. Shea, Recorder 116 65 P. J. Kies, Deputy 93 33 Fred J. Heller, Assessor 125 00 Harry Gleason, Ass't Assessor 91 65 Frank Kenneally, Ass't Asess- or ... 91 65 Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney 150 00 Edgar H. Willging, Asst. Attor- ney 95 00 Nettie Bentley, Stenoographer to Attorney 20 00 John Daniels, Engineer 166 65 Francis J. McNulty, Asst. to Engineer ... 105 00 Allen Weidner, Office Clerk 85 00 Wm. Coleman, Rod Man, En- gineer 75 00 John Lawler, Committee Clerk 125 00 John Mahoney 100 00 Wm. Foley, Sidewalk Inspector 60 00 Patrick Hamel 60 00 Edw. Norton, Market Master 65 00 Thos. Hackney, Pound Master 45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 70 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Officer 50 00 James Lynch, Sanitary Officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector 75 00 Edward Daley, Wharf Master 45 00 Matt Clancy, Alderman First Ward 25 00 J. J. McLaughlin, Alderman Second Ward 25 00 Wm. Singrin, Alderfan Third Ward 25 00 J. H. Wallis, Alderman Fourth Ward 25 00 Wm. A. McIntosh, Alderman Fifth Ward 25.00 Thos. H. Callahan, Alderman - at -Large ... 25.00 John Heim, Alderman -at -Large 25 00 Police Payroll Last Half of April, 1914. John Raesle $61 25 James Corcoran 34 30 Michael Connolly 36 60 Ed. Brunskil 36 60 John Cody 34 30 Nicholas Campbell 34 30 William Carroll 33 96 'rhos. Cain 33 98 Thos. Connolly 33 98 Philip Dunphy 41 65 Wm. Donahue 34 28 262 List of Warrants List of Warrants 263 Thos. Duggan 36 60 Patrick Fury 39 20 John Fox 39 20 James Flynn 34 28 William Fox 34 39 Michael Fogarty 34 28 Theo. Ganahl 36 60 Ben Gray 36 60 Emil Kahn 36 75 Michael Kilty 34 30 John Kane 34 28 John Kop 21 45 Patrick Kenneally 34 30 Barney Ludescher 34 30 Michael McCormick 34 30 John McGrath 31 85 Henry Mueller 34 30 Hugh Markey 34 28 Patrick Mulligan 39 20 John O'Brien 34 30 Michael O'Connor 41 81 Michael Ryan 34 30 Gus Raterman 34 28 Thomas Reilly 31 95 Joseph Stoltz 34 30 Michael Stapleton 36 60 Patrick Sullivan 36.60 John Spielman 34 30 Dennis Sheehan 34 28 Thomas Sweeney 39 20 Frey Seylor 31 85 Fred Spielman 36 60 Charles Truher 33 96 Frank Williams 34 30 Miss B. Brennan 34 30 Mrs. K. Hibbe 34 30 Police pension fund retained 34 33 FIRE PAYROLL LAST HALF OF APRIL, 1914. J. Reinfried $61 75 W. Hipman 49 00 M. Eitel 47 05 J. Essman 43 62 P. Zillig 37 73 T. Kennedy 37 73 A. Heer 39 96 F. Mutsch 32 85 J. Noonan 32 85 L. Arthofer 29 40 C. H. Dement 30 00 J. Flynn 42 15 T. Ryder 43 62 H. Cain 37 73 M. Kelley 40 68 F. Murphy 37 73 J. Bakey 37 24 W. Smith 35 29 J. Rooney 29 40 J. Walsh 29 40 C. Gehrke 42 15 J. Smith 43 62 W. Kannolt 37 25 J. Keppler 37 24 J. Daugherty 35 29 W. McClain 35 29 D. Ahern 49 00 J. Benzer 40 68 A. McDonnell 43 62 M. Sweeney 37 24 J. McGlaughlin 35 29 J. Connelly 35 29 W. Kennedy 39 20 N. Wagner 35 29 P. Apel 29 40 J. Murphy 29 40 R. W. Weston 42 15 J. Allen 37 73 M. Fahey 37 24 R. Kenneally 35 29 W. Ducey 42 15 F. Kenneally 37 73 T. O'Brien 35 29 E. McDermott 37 24 J. Roshin 42 15 F. Baumgartner 37 '73 J. Schoenberger 37 24 P. Kirch 35 29. L. Benzer 30 00 Fire pension fund retained 36 59 Dubuque, Iowa, May 7, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the several Road Districts during the last half of April, 1914. M. Ackerer, Third $ 19 00 A. Arendt, Third Ward dumps 2 80 J. Alexander, Fourth 19 00 M. Burke, First 20 20 J. Burke, First 17 20 H. Bambrough, First 20 00 E. Besser, First 15 40 J. Busch, Second 13 40 Tom Barrett, Second 2 00 F. Bitzberger, Third 19.00 G. Bengamin, Third Ward dumps ... 8 00 A. Bauer, Third 18 80 G. Baxter, Fourth 17 20 G. Burrows, Fourth 21 20 C. Buelow, Fifth 7 20 R. Borden, Fifth 12 20 H. Burgwald, Fifth 13 20 P. Carney, First 20 20 W. Coughlan, First 20 20 Jas. Connolly, First 20 80 Jerry Cahill, First 20 00 J. Calamine, First 1 00 John Cahill, Third 19 00 Tom Cahill, Health 23 40 L. Dambacher, Third 15 20 L. Dempsey, Fourth 13 60 L. Dempsey, Fourth 3 60 Geo. Davis, 1 -5 in each 37 50 J. Egan, Second 18 80 F. Eberhardt, Second 1 80 S. Eustice, Fourth 16 80 F. Eberhardt, Fifth 15 60 John Ess, Fifth 12 20 W. Fitzgerald, First 20 00 J. Fannan, Second 3 60 J. Flanagan, Second 5 40 George Frost, Second 25 00 F. Frick, Third 18 80 W. Foley, Third 18 00 W. Flynn, Third 14 40 W. Frost, Fourth 19 20 F. Geitz, First 20 00 J. B. Graham, First 16 40 M. Glass, Second 16 20 James Graham, Second 19 00 M. Gierst, Third 14 20 C. Geimer, Fourth 19 00 M. Gantenbein, Fifth 20 20 H. Galle, Fifth 12 80 P. Guenther, Fifth 7 60 D. Gantenbein, Fifth 8 20 C. Gantenbein, Fifth 25 00 John Hill, First 18 20 J. Hitchcroft, Second 17 00 L. Horrig, Third 18 80 E. Hammond, Third 19 00 G. Heckman, Third 19 00 P. Horch, Third Ward dumps 1 00 J. Hillary, Fourth 7 55 George Hird, Fourth 25 00 'J. Haupert, Fifth 19 20 Max Helmar, Fifth 15 60 Peter Jacobs, Third .16 20 John John, Third 12 20 J. H. Jackson, Fourth 21 40 'T. Kenneally, First 20 20 P. Kreamer, Second 20 60 J. Kness, Third 13 80 H. ' Kamps, Third 7 20 'M. 'Kelly, Third 80 M. ' Kieffer, Fourth 20 00 F. Kregal, Fourth 14 60 Paul Krocheski, Fourth 6 40 C. Kupferschmidt, -Fifth 10 80 S. Kronatz, Fifth 10 00 'J. Kinsella, 1 -5 in each 25 00 Tom Lonergan, Second 19 80 W. T. Lampman, Fourth 1 80 'J. Levin, Fifth 14 00 J. Leicht, Fifth 7 20 J. Mullen, Second 18 80 'James Malloy, Third 5 80 Mike Markham, Third 60 C. Maroney, Third 6 40 J. Maus, Fourth 18 00 G. Maus, 'Fourth 19 20 J. Martinek, Fourth 22 40 A. Manderscheidt, Fifth 8 60 , James McCarron, First 20 20 'D. McGuinness, First 20 00 C. 'McDonald, Second 19 60 It. McCaffrey, Second 25 00 'James McLaughlin, Third 5 40 John McLaughlin, Third 3 60 D. 1McPoland, Fourth 9 80 John Nutz, Fourth 19 20 ‘W.' O'Brien, First 25 00 'P. O'Farrell, Third 18 80 T. C. Parks, First 17 40 , H.'Peck, First 15 60 'J. Parker, Fourth 14 -40 (R. 'Betty, Fifth 1140 F. Paar, Fifth 3 •60 'G. Reynolds, First 20 20 J. Reddin, First 19 -20 John Reilley, First 19 20 F. , Rowe, Second 19 20 'R. 'Rosemeier, Second, $11.40; Bathing Beach, $9.00 20 •40 C. ! Rodney, Third 5 GO 'F..Radloff, Fifth 1 80 Theo. Ruprecht, Fifth '4 , 60 'James Ryan, Second 23 40 •J. Straney, First 2 40 G. Schulz, Third 16 00 , 'N. Spies, Third 18 00 .J. Singrin, Third Ward dumps 17 40 F. Slade, Third Ward dumps 15 20 E. Schmitt, Third 14 20 P. Schetgen, Third 25 00 W. Spensley, Fourth 16 40 J. Sloan, Fourth 6 40 P. F. Smith, Fourth 8 20 P. Schneider, Fifth 14 60 J. Scheidecker, Fifth 12 60 John Steffes, Fifth 12 60 Leo Schneider, Fifth 11 80 J. Thompson, First 20 20 'A. Turner, 1 -5 in each 25 00 W. Walker, 'First 19 00 W. Williams, Second 19 40 E. Werner, Third 18 80 E. Wilson, Third 19 00 W. Wyatt, Third 18 80 E. Winkelman, Fifth 11 80 G. Zemar, Third 18 80 N. Zingle, Fourth 9 "60 J. Zentner, Fifth 4 40 E. Apel, 'First, $37.30; Second $6.20 43 50 M. •"Ackel, First, $3:50; 'Second, $3.50; Third, $28.50; Fourth, $58.00 93 50 F. Burns, Third 78 F. Becker, Third 34 50 C. Bush, Fourth 48.00 F. Bauch, Fifth 39 '50 F. Beutin, Fifth 13 50 J. Berwanger, Fifth 22 50 J. Clow, Second 36 50 John Calvert, Second '4 50 W. Cook, "Third 49 50 B. Costello, "Fourth 9 00 A. Conrad, Fifth 37 Mrs. A. Dietl, Fifth 44 50 P. Even, Fifth 27 50 H. Farnum, Third 14' 00 C. E. Gantenbein, Fifth 29 50 M. Hannan, Second 47 50 J. Kean, Fourth '43 50 H. Linehan, Third 40 50 'J. LandOlt,'Fourth 31 00 John Lee, Fourth, 2 Toads cin- ders 1 00 John Long,'Fifth 24 00 Linehan & Molo, Second, $23.50; 'Fourth, $11.50 35 00 F. Millard, Fifth 24 50 J. McCollins, 'Second 71 50 'Jeff McGrath, Fourth 48 00 P. S. Norton, Fourth 15 50 D. O'Meara, First 50 50 E. Peed, First 39 00 Phil Pier, Third 29 50 'Jerry Sullivan, ' First 50 50 C. Singrin, Third 12 50 Union Electric Co. 305 60 C. Van Mie, First 43 50 J. Walsh, First '41 '00 Respectfully submitted, Approved: 'LABOR ON SEWERS LAST HALF OF APRIL, 1914. Dubuque, Iowa, May 7, 1914. To the Honorable May or and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my 264 payroll for labor on sewers during the last half of April, 1914. $ 23 40 J. Rooney 23 40 W. Hennessy 21 60 W. Coughlan 23 40 11. Kunkel 23 40 D. Cunningham 23 40 J. Tobin 23 40 C. Ruesch 23 40 T. Bannig 35 00 C. Sullivan Respectfully submitted, Chairman on Sewers, Approved: Street Commissioner. BILLS ALLOWED FIRST HALF OF MAY, 1914. Mrs. John Duggan, macadam...$ 94 91 Dubuque Motor B o a t Ways, landing barge 500 00 Dubuque Motor B o a t Ways, landing barge 100 00 E. T. Frith, health 500 00 E. T. Frith, health 318 74 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest 305 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, miscellaneous 13 10 Pauley Printing Co., health 5 25 Nutwood Livery Co., health 3 00 C. 11. Berg, Chairman, dona- tion 200 00 Geo. Hanson, error in assess- ment 8 70 H. L. Buckley, court costs, police 12 25 Jos. Keppler, court costs, police 9 10 J. J. Hennessy, court costs, police 2 00 E. Cleaver, court costs, police 60 Martin Rabbett, court costs, Police 60 John Desmond, court costs, police 60 J. F. Johanson, court costs, police 60 A. Bitzberger, c o u r t costs, police 60 Tom Connolly, c o u r t costs, police 60 Harry Pressley, c o u r t costs, police 60 Forest Hayden, c o u r t costs, police 60 E. C. Young, court costs police 60 J. Green, court costs, police 60 Wm. Carter, court costs, police 60 J. Sawyer, court costs, police 60 J. Walsh, court costs, police 60 List of Warrants FIRE PAYROLL FIRST HALF OF MAY, 1914. J. Reinfried $62 00 W. Hipman 50 00 M. Eitel 47 00 J. Essman 43 00 P. Zillig 38 00 T. Kennedy 38 00 A. Heer 39 25 F. Mutsch 32 00 J. Noonan 32 00 L. Arthofer 30 00 C. H. Dement T. Flynn T. Ryder H. Cain M. Kelley F. Murphy J. Bakey W. Smith J. Rooney J. Walsh G. Gehrke J. Smith W. Kannolt J. Keppler J. Daugherty W. McClain D. Ahern J. Benzer A. McDowell M. Sweeney J. McGlaughlin J. Connelly W. Kennedy N. Wagner P. Apel J. Murphy R. W. Weston J. Allen M. Fahey R. Kenneally W. Ducey T. Kenneally E. McDermott T. O'Brien J. Roshm F. Baumgartner J. Schoenberger P. Kirch L. Benzer 30 00 42 00 43 00 38 00 40 00 38 00 38 00 35 00 30 00 30 00 42 00 43 00 37 00 38 00 35 00 35 00 50 00 40 00 43 00 38 00 35 00 35 00 40 00 35 00 30 00 30 00 42 00 38 00 38 00 35 00 42 00 38 00 38 00 35 00 42 00 38 00 38 00 35 00 30 00 POLICE PAYROLL FIRST HALF OF MAY, 1914. Edward Brunskill $35 00 James Corcoran 35 00 Michael Connolly 36 00 John Cody 35 00 Nicholas Campbell 32 65 William Carroll 32 50 Thomas Cain 35 00 Thomas Connolly 21 65 Philip Dunphy 42 50 William Donahue 35 00 Thomas Duggan 35 00 Patrick Fury 40 00 John Fox 4 37 50 James Flynn 35 00 William Fox 35 00 Michael Fogarty 35 00 Theo. Ganahl 35 00 Ben Gray 35 00 Emil Kahn 37 50 Michael Kilty 35 00 John Kane 35 00 John Kop 35 00 Patrick Kenneally 35 00 Barney Ludescher 35 00 Michael McCormick 35 00 John McGrath 32 50 Henry Mueller 35 00 Hugh Markey 35 00 John O'Brien 35 00 Michael O'Connor 40 00 Michael Ryan 35 00 Gus Raterman 35 00 Thomas Reilly 35 00 Joseph Stoltz 35 00 Michael Stapleton 35 00 Patrick Sullivan 35 00 John Spielman 35 00 Dennis Sheehan 35 00 Thomas Sweeney 40 00 Fred Seylor 35 00 Fred Spielman 35 00 Charles Truher 32 50 Frank Williams 35 00 Miss B. Brennan 35 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe 35 00 Dubuque, Iowa, May 21, 1914. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the sev- eral road districts during the first half of May, 1914. M. Ackerer, Third J. Alexander, Fourth W. Burke, First H. Bambraugh, First E. Besser, First John Burke, First J. Busch, Second 4F. Bitzberger, Third T. Brown, Second A. Bauer, Third G. Bengamin, T h i r dumps G. Baxter, Fourth G. Baxter, Fourth G. Burrows, Fourth G. Burrows, Fourth R. Bowden, Fifth H. Burgwald, Fifth J. Bana, Fifth J. Berwanger, Fifth C. Beulow, Fifth P. Carney, First J, Connolly, First W. Coughlan, First Jerry Cahill, First J. Calamine, First John Cahill, Third G. Collinson, Fourth T. Cahill, health Ed. Desmond, First L. Dempsey, Fourth L. Dambacher, Third A. Domenig, 1 -5 in each G. Davis, 1 -5 in each J. Egan, Second S. Eustice, Fourth S. Eustice, Fourth J. Eberhardt, Fifth J. Ess, Fifth W. Fitzgerald, First J. Torney, Second George Frost, Second W. Foley, Third F. Frick, Third W. Flynn, Third W. Frost, Fourth F. Geitz, First 3. B. Graham, Third, $5.40 $ 21 60 23 40 22 00 20 80 14 40 15 20 10 80 20 20 3 60 10 80 d First, Ward 14 10 4 17 4 21 20 4 10 19 22 23 22 20 19 20 11 23 4 2 14 25 37 18 4 13 20 $5.40; List of Warrants 265 30 14 20 20 20 10 40 80 00 00 00 00 60 40 00 40 00 40 00 80 80 20 40 40 40 80 40 00 50 40 00 20 80 19 00 10.80 9 20 00 40 00 80 60 00 80 B. Glass, Second 19 40 James Graham, Second 20 20 J. Gray, Second 5 40 G. Schulz, Third 18 20 M. Gierst, Third 18 60 C. Geimer, Fourth 22 60 H. Galle, Fifth 20 80 M. Gantenbein, Fifth 18 20 John Hill, First 15 40 H. Horrig, Third 14 40 F. Hammond, Third 19 40 G. Heckman, Third 20 20 J. Hanson, Third 14 40 G. Hird, Fourth 30 00 J. Huber, Fifth 15 60 Peter Jacobs, Third 17 60 John John, Third 16 60 J. H. Jackson, Fourth 16 20 Tim Kenneally, First 21 20 P. Kreamer, Second 16 60 John Kness, Third 18 20 M. Kieffer, Fourth 20 60 F. Kregel, Fourth 17 00 P. Krocheski, Fourth 20 60 F. Kregel, Fourth 4 00 C. Kupferschmidt, Fifth 20 80 A. Kaesbauer, Fifth 3 50 J. Kinsella, 1 -5 in each 25 00 T. Lonergan, Second 5 40 J. Levin, Fifth 21 40 J. Leicht, Fifth 30 00 J. Mullen, Second 7 20 J. Maus, Fourth 19 00 T. Maus, Fourth 4 00 G. Maus, Fourth 17 00 G. Maus, Fourth 4 00 J. Martinek, Fourth 19 00 A. Manderscheid, Fifth 11 60 S. Meyer, Fifth 4 40 C. M. Miller, Fifth 12 60 Jas. Malloy, Third 2 20 D. McGuinness, First 21 60 J, Reddin, First 14 40 J. Reilley, First 19 80 Jas. McCarron, First 19 20 C. McDonald, Second 23 40 'R. McCaffrey, Second 25 00 James McLaughlin, Third 14 40 John McLaughlin, Third 7 60 J. Nutz, Fourth 2 80 F. Naglea, Fifth 11 80 W. O'Brien, First 30 00 P. O'Farrell, Third 14 40 J. C. Parks, First 19 00 H. Peck, First 20 00 R. Petty, Fifth 20 60 F. Paar, Fifth 6 40 G. Reynolds, First 18 40 F. Rowe, Second 20 20 R. Rosemeier, Second 10 25 R. Rosemeier, Second 16 80 P. Royce, Second 5 40 F. Ruprecht, Fifth 20 80 J. Ryan, Second 23 40 J. R. Slye, Second 5 40 N. Spies, Third 20 20 E. Schmitt, Third 14 40 John Singrin, T h i r d Ward dumps 18 00 F. Slade, Third Ward dumps 17 60 P. Schetgen, Third 30 00 P. F. Smith, Fourth 9 40 266 J. Sloan, Fourth 19 W. Spensley, Fourth 9 J. Steffes, Fifth 20 J. Scheidecker, Fifth '19 P. Schneider, Fifth 18 W. Schnee, Fifth 13 J. Thompson, First 19 A. Turner, 1 -5 in each 25 W.' Van Haltern, Fifth 17 W. " Walker, First 19 W. ` Williams, Second 23 E. Werner, Third 13 80 E. Wilson, Third '20 20 W.' Wyatt, Third 14 40 G.. Zemar, Third 16 20 N. Zingle, Fourth 4 80 J. Zentner, Fifth 17 40 M. Ackel, Fourth 51 50 E. Apel, First, $34.80; Second, $6.70; Third, $3,00; 'Fourth, $3`.00 47. 50 H. Ackel, Third, $6.16; Fourth, $20.80 -37 00 F. Burns, Third 92 00 F. Becker, Third 28 50 F. Beutin, Fifth 41 00 J. Berwanger, Fifth 16 00 John Calvert, Second 11 00 W. Cook, Third 48 50 A. Conrad, Fifth 2 50 B. Evans, Fifth 26 50 Peter Evens, Fifth 30 00 F. Fabeur, Fourth, 4 yards of macadam -4 00 M. Hannan, Second 50 50 'A. Harks, Fourth 38 00 F. Honecker, Fifth 39 00 J. Kean, Fourth 51 50 Mary Lattner, Second 37 00 P. Linehan Sons, Third 32 00 J. Landholt, Fourth 47 00 John Long, Fifth 27 00 B. Lagen, sidewalks 15 00 Linehan •& Molo,• Second, $25; Fourth, $12.50 37 50 J. W. Mills, First 45 00 F. Millard, Fifth 27 50 J. McCollins, . Second 88 00 D. O'Meara, First 53 00 P. Pier, Third 41 50 E. Peed, First, • $40.00; Second, $2:00; Third, $1.50; Fourth, $1.50 ... 45 00 S. Rittenhouse, Fourth 51 50 W. Ruesch, Fifth 4 50 'Jerry Sullivan, First 53 00 C. Van Wie, First 50 50 Respectfully submitted, Chairman on Streets. Street Commissioner. Approved: Dubuque, Iowa, May 21,'1914. To the Honorable Mayer and City Council of the City of Dubuque. • Gentlemen:—I• herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers during the first half of May, 1914. 'J. Rooney $ 23 40 W. Hennessy 23 40 'W. Coughlan 23 40 H.' Kunkle 23 40 List of 'f Warrants 80 80 60 80 00 80 80 00 40 80 40 D. Cunningham 23 40 Jas. Tobin 23 40 C. Ruesch 23 40 T. Bannig 23 40 C. Sullivan 35 00 T. Convey, expense 7 00 C. Stevenson, expense 8 00 ' Respectfully submitted, Chairman on Sewers, Street Commissioner. Approved: BILLS. G. L. Korman, cement . walk on \West Locust street $ 45 50 G. F. Mansteadt, inspector 14 Val. Lange, macadam 4 72 Wm. Schnee, macadam 35 26 Wm. •Schnee, macadam 36 52 P. Linehan Sons,. police and ex- pense 21 86 Key City Gas Co., fire, expense and police 105 '25 Iowa Telephone Co., fire, • ex- pense and police 27 85 Key City Gas Co., fire; expense and police 3 50 Pauley Printing Co., health and expense 18 00 Telegraph- Herald, health and expense ... 105 10 Berg & Briggs Co., police and expense 25 00 Standard Lumber Yard Co , health and expense 26 36 Standard Lumber Yard Co , health and expense 27 70 Fire & Water Engineering Co , fire and police 6 00 M. Stafford, fire and police 91 09 Dubuque County Recorder, po- lice and expense 9 50 Gow & Curtis, . police and ex- 'pense 10 50 W. C. Fosselman, health 63 61 Nutwood Livery Co., health 6 00 W. J. Brown, expense 237 50 G. H. Davis •• & Co., expense 6- 66 Roehl Furniture. Co., health 6'' 95 P. J. Seippel Co., expense 8 43 Klauer & Kress, expense 5'60 Berg & Briggs, expense 11 25 Beutin,' expense 23 00 Midland Chemical Co., expense 5'00 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 34 05 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 25 C. L. Dambacher, expense 23 00 C. L. Dambacher, expense 3 •00 C. E. Fitzpatrick • Co., expense 10 15 C. E. Fitzpatrick & Co., ex- pense 5 60 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 7 50 Martin - Strelau Co., expense 20 00 Berg &' Briggs Co., expense 5' 50 J. L. Kies, expense 2 15 Hoermann Press, expense 3 00 Spahn &' Rose Lumber' Co., ex- pense 3'00 Smedley Steam Pump Co., ex- pense Hoerrmann Press,' expense I. Manhof, expense A. R. Staufenbeil & Son, ex- pense 25 A. E. Bradley, expense 1 25 F. A. Burns, expense 15 60 Western Union Telegraph Co , expense 2 00 Key City Gas Co., expense 1 50 T. J. Mulgrew Co., expense 3 00 J'. Dehing, expense 9 95 Foley Hand Laendry, expense 5 00 H. B. McCarten, expense 2 10 F. Schloz & Son,expense 50 T. D. Dempsey, expense 1 65 Mrs. Atkinson, expense 5 00 Wertin Soda Water Co., ex- pense 10 00 Dubuque Motor Boat Ways, ex- pense 85 00 Union EIectric Co., expense 14 Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 9 15 J. Biebol'd, police 3 65 Gow & Curtis, police 1 20 Deyoe & Avenarius Co., police 6 00 Gow & Curtis, police 1 60 Trenk Wire Works, police 15 00 National Carbon Co:, police 12 00 Iowa Oil Co., police 55 T N. Graham, police 3 00 Y. G. Becker, police 10 28 Ellwanger Bros., police 5 55 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., po- lice 2 70 Klauer & Kress, police 70 Hammel, Henker & Co., police 11 75 E. Norton, police 1 80 Ellwanger Bros., fire 5 40 P Lang, fire 3 60 F. G. Becker, fire 2 90 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., fire 8 20 P. Heller, fire 9 60 Key City Gas Co., fire 12 40 Iowa Oil Co., fire 8 90 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 70 Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., fire 10 25 J. N. Graham, fire 20 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , fire 6 60 Peed, Berwanger & Pficner, fire 9 00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., fire 40 W. C. Fosselman, fire 4 92 E. P. Smith Electric Co., fire 85 G. Ragatz & Son, fire 6 33 Butt Bros., fire 23 25 R. McFarlane, fire 4 05 Key City Gas Co., fire 45 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 4 50 Union Electric Co., fire 9 24 Robinson Fire Apparatus Mfg Co., fire 14 44 P. Lang, fire 3 05 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., fire 5 60 G. Ragatz & Son, fire Tri State Auto Co., fire 7 20 The Adams Co., fire 5 50 Dubuque R u b b e r & Belting 60 Co., fire List of Warrants 1 15 12 55 1 00 4 50 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 75 Whelan & Crahan, fire 2 75 E. P. Smith Electric Co., fire 37 37 M. Stafford, fire 2 80 Deyoe & Avenarius Co., fire 4 25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 5 50 Key City Roofing. Co., road, ex- pense and sewers 19' 08 J. Newnan & Son, sewers and road 42 92 Dubuque Sand & Gravel. Co., • 2,18 1 30 road and expense 'F. Schloz & Son, road Spahn & Rose Lumber Co , road 3 12 Standard 011 Co., road...._ 305 19 Zehetner & Pitschner, road L' 35 P. Lang, road' 8 20 Smedley Steam,Pump Co., road 3 13 P. Ranson, road: 50 Zehetner & Pitschner, roda 50 95 The Adams Co., road 1 35 Iowa Oil Co., road 6 08 Iowa Oil Co., road 10 15 Standard Oil Co., road 69 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., road 55 Standard Oil Co., road 5 95 Smedley Steam Pump Co 3 13 \Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., road 10 80 'Smedley Steam Pump Co., road 4 50 Ragatz & Son, road 2 61 G. Ragatz & Son, road 1 95 F. Scholz & Son, road 75 F. G. Becker, road 30 67 Klauer & Kress, road 2 50 P. Lang, road 12 50 Smedley Steam Pump Co., road 7 50 T. J. Mulgrew Co., road 12 88 T. J. Mulgrew Co., road 2 00 Peed, Berwanger & Pfiffner, sewers 2 00 Klauer & Kress, sewers 1 10 Ellwanger Bros., sewer 15 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., sewer 1 12 F. M. Jaeger & Co., sewers 1 80 T. J. Mulgrew' Co., sewers 3 00 J. N. Graham, sewers and side- walk 2 00 Klacer & Kress, sidewalk 10 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co , sidewalk 7 60 P. Heller, sidewalk 2 50 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co , sidewalk 7 20 Union Electric Co., lighting 24 30 Union Electric Co., lighting 6 66 Union Electric Co., lighting 2577 16 National Demokrat, printing 12 50 Labor Leader, printing 12 50 Telegraph - Herald, printing 54 03 Times- Journal, printing 65 50 T. J. Mulgrew Co., East Grand- view imp. 3 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., Bee Branch 4 50 268 Official Notices Official Notices 269 F. G. Becker, grading Munici- pal Athletic Field 427 15 Central Engineering Co., grad- ing Municipal Athletic Field 247 50 F. Beutin, grading Municipal Athletic Field 83 40 Upton's Laundry, Bathing Beach 17 05 G. W. Healy & Son, Bathing Beach 5 81 Torbert Drug Co., Bathing Beach 17 05 Geo. A. Burrows, claims and judgments 25 00 Jas. Saul, Mayor, for Ada L Collier for property for open- ing of Washington street 500 00 Jas. Saul, Mayor, for Ada L Collier for property for open- ing Washington street 200 00 J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON CARDIFF STREET FROM WEST THIRD STREET SOUTH 465 FEET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Cardiff Street from West Third Street, south 465 feet, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 803. Bench mark: Door sill McCarthy house, Burch and West Third Streets, elevation 259.90. Said grade begins at the south curb line of West Third Street, which is Station 0, elevation east curb 215.60, west curb 218.60; thence to Station 1 +50, elevation east curb 235.40, west curb 235.40; thence to Station 2 +50, elevation east curb 245.50, west curb 245.90; thence to Station 3, elevation 248.90; thence to Station 3 +50, eleva- tion east curb 250.30, west curb 250. 80; thence to Station 4, elevation east curb 250.60, west curb 250.20; thence to Station 4 +65, end of present curb, elevation 246.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted May 22, 1914. Approved May 23, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -2 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN M A-I N AND IOWA STREETS FROM FIRST STREET TO SECOND STREET. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the al- ley between Main and Iowa Streets from First Street to Second Street be, and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said grade prepared by the City En- gineer, being Profile No. 807. Bench mark: Water table northwest corner First and Main Streets, elevation 23.06. • Said grade begins at the north curb line of First Street which is Station 0, elevation east curb 19.48, west curb 19.98; thence to Station +12, elevation 0.33; east hence to Station 19.80, west curb 20.33; Stat on +50, e1 va- 0.33 ; tion 20.50; thence to Station 2, ele- vation 23.20; thence to Station 2+72.5, elevation east curb 26.45, west curb 28.26; thence to Station 2 +84.5, eleva- tion , west curb Section 26.51 2. This ordinan ce shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newp Adopted sPa May 22, 1914. 1914. Approved ers. May 23, JAMES SAUL, Mayor. J. J. SHEA, Attest: City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -2 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN MAIN AND LOCUST STREETS FROM SECOND STREET TO JONES STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the alley between Main and Locust Streets from Second Street to Jones Street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said alley and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 809. Bench mark: Door sill southwest corner of Second and Locust Streets, elevation 33.44. Said grade begins at the south curb line of Second Street, which is Sta- tion 0, elevation east curb 33.56, west curb 33.04; thence to Station +12, ele- vation east curb 33.76, west curb 33.14; thence to Station 2+72, north property line of First Street, elevation east curb 22.59, west curb 22.89; thence to Station 2 +84.5, north curb line First Street, elevation east curb line 22.29, west curb 22.54; thence to Station 3 +25.5, south curb line First Street elevation east curb 21.85, west curb 22.18; thence to Station 3 +37.5 south property line First Street, ele- vation east to Station 3 +90, elevation east curb 21.30, west curb 21.30; thence to Station 6 +90, elevation east curb 19.30, west curb 19.90; thence to Station 7 +73, north property line Jones Street, elevation east curb 18.72, west curb 19.72, thence to Station 7+85, north curb of Jones Street, elevation east curb 16.77, west curb 19.22. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted May 22, 1914. Approved May 23, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -2 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON COX STREET FROM WEST CHESTNUT STREET TO WEST FOURTEENTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Cox Street from West Chestnut Street to West Fourteenth Street be and the same is hereby established and adopt- ed as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 804. Bench mark: Coping of wall north - west corner West Chestnut and Wal- nut Streets, elevation 255.66. Said curb begins at the south curb of West Chestnut Street, which is Sta- tion 0, elevation east curb 237.80, west curb 237.30; thence to Station +24, north curb of Chestnut Street, elevation east curb 237.80 west curb 236.90; thence to Station +74, eleva- tion 232.00; thence to Station 2 +74, elevation 207.00; thence to Station 3 +94, elevation 200.00; thence to Sta- tion 4 +62.5, south curb West Four- teenth Street, elevation east curb 195.94, west curb 198.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted May 22, 1914. Approved May 23, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal, June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -2 -1t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO TEAMSTERS Sealed proposals addressed to the undersigned committee will be re- ceived at the Mayor's Office, City Hall, up to 4 o'clock p. in. Thursday, June 4th, for cleaning around the market house and hauling the refuse and ashes therefrom. 6 -2 -2t Committee on Markets. 270 (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON WEST EIGHTH STREET FROM CALEDONIA PLACE TO THE ALLEY FIRST EAST OF WILSON AVENUE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on West Eighth Street from Caledonia Place to the alley first east of Wilson Ave- nue be and the same is hereby estab- lished as shown by the profile of said grade prepard by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 811. Bench mark: Door sill No. 13 Hill Street, elevation 136'.90. Said grade begins at the west curb line of Caledonia Place, which is Station 0, elevation south curb 233.96, north curb 232.96; thence to Station 1, elevation north curb 237.90; thence to Station 2 +10, elevation south curb 243.70, north curb 241.80; thence to Station 2 +95, elevation south curb 251.61, north curb 250.20. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publicatio one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted May 22, 1914. Approved May 23, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published, officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times- Journal, June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -2 -1t City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH ING A GRADE ON MALADY STREET FROM GRANDVIEW AVENUE TO DODGE STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade be and the sane is hereby established and adopt- ed on Malady Street from Grandview Avenue to Dodge Street according to the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 808. Bench mark: Door sill north end of brick house No. 561 Grandview Avenue, elevation 281.06. Said grade begins at the north curb line of Grandview Avenue, which is Station - 9,elevation west curb 276.28; thence to Station +9, eleva- tion east curb 275.75; thence to Sta- tion 1+40, elevation east curb 270.20, west curb 270.20; thence to Station 14-70, elevation east curb 268.15, west curb 267.90; thence to Station 2, ele- vation east curl) 266.10, west curb 265.50; thence to Station 4 +10, ele- Official Notices, vation 245.00; thence to Station 4 +12, elevation 245.10;. thence to Station 4+58, elevation east curb 242.07; thence to Station 4 +70, elevation east curb 241.52 west curb 240.70; thence to Station 6 +60, elevation east curb 224.68, west curb 224.22; thence to Station 6.+80, elevation east curb 222.88, west curb 222.69; thence to Station 7., elevation east. curb 221.39, west curb 221.31.; thence to Station 7 +20, elevation 220.10„ west curb 220.08; thence to Station 7 +40, elevation 216.00; thence to Station 8+86, south property Iine Dodge Streee west, elevation west curb 213.38; thence to Station 8 +90, south property line Dodge Street east, ele- vation east curb 211.36; thence to Sta- tion 8 +96, elevation west curb 212.88; thence, to Station 9, south curb line of Dodge Street east, elevation east curb 211.19. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph: Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted May 22, 1914. Approved May 23, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal, June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, G -2 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE AL L E Y BE- TWEEN BLUFF AND LOCUST STREETS FROM EIGHTH STREET TO TENTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the alley between Bluff and Locust' Streets from Eighth to Tenth Streets be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said alley and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No 810. Bench nark: Water table north- west corner of Eighth and Locust Streets, elevation 57.32. Said grade begins at the north curb line of Eighth Street, which is Station 0, elevation east curb 58.91, west curb 59.92; thence to Station +12, north property line Eighth Street, elevation east curb 59.20, west curb 60.28; thence to Station 1 +50, elevation east curb 60.30; west curb 60.40; thence to Station 2 +69, south prop- erty line Ninth Street, elevation east curb 58.93, west curb 59.76; thence to Station 2 +81, south curb line of Ninth Street, elevation east curb 58.62, west curb 59.56; thence to Station 3 +21, north curb line Ninth Street, eleva- tion east curb 58.63, west curb 59.10; thence to Station 3+33, north prop- erty line Ninth Street, elevation east curb 59.01, west curb 59.23; thence to Station 4, elevation east curb 59.20, west curb 59.30; thnce to Station 5+90, south property line Tenth Street, elevation east curb 57.71, west curb 58.61; thence to Station 6 +7, south curb line Tenth Street, eleva- tion east curb 57.71, west curb 58.36. Section 2. This drdinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Jocrnal newspapers. Adopted May 22, 1914. Approved May 23, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal, June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -2 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON STATE STREET FROM GRANDVIEW AVENUE TO CUR - TIS STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Section 1. That a grade be and the same is hereby established and adopted on State Street from Grand- view Avenue to Curtis Street in ac- cordance with the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 805. Bench mark: Water table Donahue building Grandview Avenue and South Dodge Street, elevation 271.62. Said grade begins at the northerly curb line of Grandview Avenue - which is Station -17, elevation east curb 272.04; thence to Station 0, elevation east curb 271.60; thence to Station +17, elevation 272.21; thence to Sta- tion +34, elevation west curb 271.38; thence to Station 1, elevation west curb 265.20, east curb 264.70; thence to Station 7, elevation west curb 243.20, east curb 242.70; thence to Station 10+50, elevation east curb 214.00, west curb 214.00; thence to Station 11 +64, southerly curb line of Curtis Street, elevation east curb 209.66, west curb 213.70. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Official Notices 271 Adopted May 22, 1914. Approved May 23, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal, June 2, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -2 -1t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SEWER IN WEST FIFTH STREET FROM GLEN OAK AVENUE TO BOOTH STREET. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to construct a sanitary sewer in West Fifth Street from Glen Oak Avenue to Booth Street. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 420 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 1 manhole. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $396.80. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its session to be held June 11th, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before June 11th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 3rd, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -3 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SEWER IN BOOTH STREET FROM THE PRESENT MANHOLE AT WEST FIFTH STREET TO FOREST LANE. To Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to construct a sanitary sewer in Booth Street from the present man- hole at West Fifth Street to Forest Lane. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 455 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 2 manholes. 272 Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $480.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its session to be held June 11th, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before June 11th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 3rd, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -3 -3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, June 18th, 1914, for improv- ing Second street from the westerly lot line of Main street to the easterly curb line of Locust street to pave with brick block on a 5 -inch concrete foundation in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 50 lineal feet of stone curb reset, 252 lineal feet of cement curb, 205 square yards of brick block pav- ing on a concrete foundation inside of tracks and one foot outside, 1,660 square yards of brick block paving on a concrete foundation out- side of track. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of August, 1914. Bidders must state price per square yard of brick block paving on a con- crete foundation, and price per len- eal foot of curbing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate en- velope. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 5th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -5 -3t. City Recorder. Official Notices NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, June 18th, 1914, for im- proving Malady Street from Grand- view Avenue to Dodge Street, in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1,762 lineal feet of cement curb and gutter. 2,650 square yards of macadam. 3,050 cubic yards cutting. 1,550 cubic yards filling. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances. of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Towa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1914. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of cement curb and gutter and price per square yard of macadam and price for grading in total. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $350.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee, that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate envel- opes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 5th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6-5-3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, June 18th, 1914, for improv- ing Third Street extension from the end of the present brick paving easter- ly to the outer Levee, to pave with brick block on a concrete foundation, in accordance with the plans and spec- ifications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 3,010 square yards brick block pav- ing on a 5 inch concrete foundation, outside tracks. 35 square yards brick block pav- ing on a 5 inch concrete foundation, inside of tracks and one foot outside. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1914. Bidders must state price per square yard of brick block paving on a 5 inch concrete foundation, outside of tracks, and price per square yard for brick paving inside of tracks and one foot outside. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $700.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate envel- opes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 5th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -5 -3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. . m. Thursday, June 18th, 1914, for im- proving Solon street from Nevada street to Booth street, in accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- cer. ord It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 806 square yards of macadam, 526 lineal feet of cement curb and gutter, 1,300 cubic yards of cutting. The work to be paid for when said work is com pleted and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of August, 1914. Bidders must state price per square yard of macadam and price per lin- eal foot of cement curb and gutter and price for grading in total. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separ- ate envelopes. The City Counoil reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 5th, 1914. . J. J. SHEA, 6. 5 -3t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CON- TRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the council chamber, city hall, by the city recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thurs- day, June 11th, 1914, for the construc- tion of a permanent sidewalk on cor- ner of Foye and Seminary streets in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the city engin- eer and now on fire in the office of late city recorder. It is estimated by the city engineer that it will require 700 square feet of cement sidewalk on a foundation of cinders. Bidders must state price per square foot of cement sidewalk. Each bid must be accompanied by. a certified check of $10.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Official Notices 2 73 Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 8th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -8 -3t City Recorder. Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE CREATING A BATHING BEACH COMMISSION AND PROVIDING FOR THE MAN- AGEMENT OF THE PUBLIC BATHING BEACH OR BEACHES. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That there is hereby created the Bathing Beach Commis- sion of the City of Dubuque, which commission shall consist of seven members, of whom one shall be an alderman of the City of Dubuque and the other six citizens of Dubuque. Section 2. The members of the Bathing Beach Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor. The alder- man member shall be appointed an- nually in April, the term of office to take effect immediately and expire upon the appointment of his succes- sor. The six citizen members shall be appointed in April, the terms of office to begin and end May 1st. The citizen members shall hold office for three years and shall be appointed two each year. Of the first six, two shall be appointed for one year, two for two years and two for three years. As the terms of these first appointees expire, their successors shall oe ap- pointed for three years as provided above. Section 3. The Bathing Beach Com- mission shall have charge of the man- agement of the public bathing beach or beaches of the City of Dubuque, heretofore or hereafter established, subject to the will of the Mayor and City Council of Dubuque. They shall have power to expend any money ap- propriated by the City of Dubuque for bathing beach purposes, being sub- ject to the direction of the Mayor and City Council, but shall have no power to incur debts chargeable to the City of Dubuque, or to obligate the city. They shall make an annual report to the Council not later than February of each year of the work and expendi- tures of the preceding season. Section 4. The City of Dubuque shall be in no way liable or responsi- ble for accidents or injuries to any person or persons when such acci- dents or injuries occur outside the limits allotted to the public bathing beach or beaches, nor shall the City of Dubuque be liable for any accidents or injuries occurring inside the limits of the public bathing beach or beaches unless the same shall be caused by negligence on the part of the City. Section 5. The members of the Bathing Beach Commission shall 2 74 serve without pay for their services as commissioners. Section 6. The Bathing Beach Com- mission shall have power to make and enforce rules and regulations govern- ing the public bathing beach or beaches, provided such rules and reg- ulations are not in conflict with this or any other city ordinance. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 4, 1914. Approved, June 5, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 5, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -5 -1t City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the council chamber, city hall, by the city recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, June 11th, 1914, for the con- struction of a storm water sewer in West Fifth street from Harkett's nur- sery to Winona avenue, in accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared by the city engineer and now on file in the office of the city re- corder. It is estimated by the city engineer that said improvement will require lineal feet of 24 -inch tile pipe, 2 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of August, 1914. Bidders must state price uer lineal foot of completed sewer, also price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $200.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Checks and bid - in separate en- velopes. The city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 8th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -8 -3t City Recorder. 'NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received tt the council chamber, city hall, by the city recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thurs- day, June 11th, 1914, for the construc- tion of the Bee Branch Sewer from Official Notices the end of the present Bee Branch Sewer about 370 feet north of Twen- ty- seventh street in Washington St. northward in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer and now on file in L.ie office of the city recorder. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of October, 1914. Bidders must state 'rice per lineal foot of completed s aver, the amount. to be expended not to exneed $3,500. Each bid must be accompauue3 1,y a certified check of $3b0 c.n sane Du- buque hank as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into it awarded. Checks and bid in separate envelopes. The city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 8th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -8 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. An Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE PERMIS- SION TO MAINTAIN A PRIVATE SEWER IN COX STREET, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, THE SAME TO START AT MANHOLE IN WEST FOURTEENTH STREET AT COX STREET AND EXTEND APPROXIMATELY FOUR HUN- DRED AND TWENTY -FIVE FEET NORTH, AND REGULATING PERMISSION. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the St. Joseph's College of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, to maintain a private sanitary sewer in Cox Street, the same to start at the manhole in West Fourteenth Street at Cox Street and extend approximately four hundred and twenty -five feet north, said sewer having already been constructed at the private expense of said St. Joseph's College, and consisting of eight -inch tile pipe, laid at a depth of about five feet, in the middle of said Cox street, the permission herein granted being subject to the following conditions: Section 2. The said City of Du- buque does not assume any obliga- tions to repair or maintain said sewer, but all expenses incident to such re- pair or maintenance shall, at the op- tion of the City, be chargeable to the said St. Joseph's College, and should the City at any time find it necessary or advisable to order a new sewer in said Cox Street, consent to the laying of the private sewer herein referred to shall not be deemed to be a waiver on the part of said City on the right to make assesssment for said new sewer in any lawful manner. Section 3. Said St. Joseph's College shall, by accepting the terms hereof, at all times hold said City safe and harmless from any damages, costs or expenses to which the city may be subject, in any manner whatsoever, by reason of the existence and main- tenance of the said sewer herein re- ferred to. Sectio 4. The City of Dubuque may at any time grant the right to any other person or company to connect with said private sewer, upon the latter paying to the said St. Joseph's College the proper proportion of the cost of construction and maintenance of said sewer then due, any parties making subsequent connections to re- imburse, in turn, the said St. Joseph's College and parties having prior con- nections according to the just propor- tions then due said St. Joseph's Col- lege and parties having made such prior connections, the intention here- of being to reimburse those having paid for the cost of said sewer in such just and fair proportions as the then total number making use of said sewer bears to the cost of the sewer, no one to be reimbursed, however, in an excess of the actual expense ad- vanced. Section 5. That said St. Joseph's College shall be entitled to the bene- fits of the provisions contained in Section 4 hereof on.y n their written acceptance of the terms of this ordi- nance, and on filing, within twenty (20) days from the time this ordi- nance goes into effect, in the office of the City Recorder of said city, an itemized s - corn statement of the actual cost of the construction of said sewer. Failure to me such statement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of said benefits, and shall entitle any person or company to make connec- tions with said sewer without cost, provided due consent to such connec- tion be first obtained from soid City. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time ra the Times- Journal and Telegraph- Herald, ofIcial newspapers, and its written acceptance, duly en- dorsed hereon, oy the said St. Joseph's ollege. Adopted May 14, 1914. Approved May 15, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance are hereby accepted Official Notices 275 and agreed to this 5t1 day of June, 1914. ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE, By D. M. GORMAN. Published officially in Daily Times - Journal and the Telegraph- Herald, June 5th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -5 -1t. City Recorder. NOTICE. An order issued by the Board of Health to all physicians and midwifes. You and each of you are nereby no- tified that it is the intention of the local Board of Health to strictly en- force the rules and regulations of the Iowa State Board of Health relative to the filing of certificates of birth, death and contagious diseases. Fail- ure to comply with the above notice will subject the offender to the full penalty of the law. 6 -8 -3t J. J. SHEA, Clerk of the Board of Health. NOTICE IN RELATION TO NOXIOUS WEEDS. Every owner, agent, trustee, tenant or other person having the control of lots or parcels of real estate in the City' of Dubuque, Iowa, is hereby noti- fied that the permitting of noxious weeds growing to seeds on such lots or parcels of real estate or on the walks abutting same is forbidden by the ordinance of said city, and should any such owner, agent, trustee, tenant or other person having control of lots or parcels of real estate fail or neglect to destroy such noxious weeds before the 10th day of July, 1914, the City of Dubuque will cause such noxious weeds to be destroyed, and assess the property whereon such weeds are al- lowed to grow, at the rate of 50 cents per hour for the time required to do the work of destroying same. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 8th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -8 -3 t uity Recorder. NOTICE TO MOTORCYCLE DEALERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder un- til 8:00 p. m., Thursday, June 11, 1914, for furnishing the police depart- ment of the City of Dubuque with one first class motorcycle fully equipped. Complete specifications must. accom- pany all bids. Each bid must be ac- companied by a certified check of $50 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 8th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -8 -3t City Recorder. 276 Official Notices NOTICE TO T CANISTERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder up to 8:00 p. m. Thursday, June 11, 1914, for sweeping the brick paved streets and alleys and hauling away such sweepings according to the specifica- tions and schedule on file in the office of the City Recorder. Bids to be sep- arate. Bidders will state the price of doing such work by the week and all bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $50.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 8th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -8 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE DODGE STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SOUTH LOCUST STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF SOUTH MAIN STREET, TO PAVE WITH BRICK ON A CONCRETE FOUN- DATION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve Dodge street from the east line of South Locust street to the west line of i cuth Main street to pave with brick. on a concrete foundation. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 3,823 square yards brick block pav- ing on a concrete foundation outside of tracks. 35 square yards brick block paving on a concrete foundation inside of tracks and one foot outside, 1,517 lineal feet of cement curb, Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $9,250.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held Thursday, June 18th, 1914, or to file With the City Recorder their objec- tions in writing on or before June 18th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 10th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 10 -3t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCILS INTENTION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY BETWEEN GARFIELD AVENUE AND RHOMBERG AVE- NUE FROM ANN AVENUE TO DOCK AVENUE. To Whom Is May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve the alley between Garfield avenue and Rhomberg ave- nue from Ann avenue to Dock avenue, That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 780 square yards of macadam, 340 cubic yards of cutting, Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $624.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- ' pear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held Thurs- day, June 18th, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before June 18th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 10th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 10 -3t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Notice or the city council's inten- tion to improve Twentieth street and Rhomberg avenue from Couler avenue to Fifth avenue. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the city council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve Twentieth street and Rhomberg avenue from Couler avenue to Fifth avenue. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the city recoraer. It is estimated by the city engineer that said improvement If Concrete Paving: 23,679 square yards of Concrete out- side of tracks. 6,461 square yards Brick Block Pav- ing inside of tracks and one foot out- side. 1,000 lineal feet of rtune curb reset. 1,500 lineal feet of new stone curb. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting p: operty owners of $53,000.00. If Creosote Wood Block Paving: 23,679 square yards Creosote Wood Block Paving. 6,461 square yards C eosote Wood Block Paving inside of Lracks and one toot outside. 1,000 lineal feet of stone curb reset. 1,500 lineal feet of new stone curb. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $82,465.00. If Asphalt Macadam: 23,679 square yards Asphalt Macad- am outside of tracks. 6,461 square yards Brick Paving in- will require: side of tracks and one foot outside. 1,000 lineal feet of stone curb reset. 1,500 lineal feet of new stone curb. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $53,000.00. If Brick Block Paving: 23,679 square yards Brick Block Pav- ing outside of tracks, 6,461 square yards Brick Block Pav- ing inside of tracks and one foot out- side. 1,000 lineal feet of stone curb reset. 1,500 lineal feet of new stone curb. Making a tdtal estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $69,700.00. If Asphalt Concrete: 23,679 square yards Asphalt Con- crete outside of tracks. 6,461 square yards Brick Paving in- side of tracks and one foot outside. 1,000 lineal feet of stone curb reset. 1,500 lineal feet of new stone curb. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $62,020.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the city council at its next regular session to be held Thursday, June 18, 1914, or to file with the city recorder their objections in Writing on or before June 18th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 10th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 10 -3t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON FIRST STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO LOCUST STREET. Re it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on First street from Main street to Locust Street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade pre- pared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 821. Bench Mark: Water table northwest corner First and Main streets, elevation 23.06. Said grade begins at the west property line of Main street which is Station 0, eleva- tion north curb 21.60, south curb 20. 42; thence to Station 1 +14, elevation north curb 21.92, south curb 21.47; thence to Station 1 +44, elevation north curb 22.13, south curb 21.73; thence to Station 2 +70, east curb line Locust street, elevation north curb 23.52, south curb 23.17. Section 2. This ordinance shall he in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council Official Notices 2 7 7 and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON JONES STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO MAIN STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Jones street from Locust street to Main street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 822. Bench mark: Water table south west corner 1st and Lo- cust streets, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the east curb line of Locust street which is Station 0, ele- vation south curb 20.45, north curb 20.26; thence to Station +12, eleva- tion south curb 20.20, north curb 20.24; thence to Station +50, eleva- tion south curb 19.50, north curb 19.70; thence to Station 1+61, west line of alley north, elevation north curb 19.14; thence to Station 1+63, west curb line Harrison street, eleva- tion south curb 19.25; thence to Sta- tion 1+91, east line of alley north, elevation north curb 18.42; thence to Station 2+3, east curb line Harrison street, elevation south curb 18.50; thence to Station 3 +40, elevation north curb 18.94; thence to station 3 +53, west property line Main street south elevation south curb 18.90. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. 278 (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING k GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND WHITE STREETS FROM FOURTH STREET TO SEVENTEENTH Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1.. That a grade on the al- ley between Clay and White streets from Fourth street to Seventeenth street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said alley and grade pre- pared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 815. Bench Mark: Water table southwest corner Page House, elevation 20.24. Said grade begins at the north curb line of Fourth street which is station 0, elevation east curb 19.11, west curb, 19.26; thence to Station +12, elevation east .'urb 19.39, west curb 19.38; thence to Sta- tion 1 +75, elevation east curb 19.80, west curb, 19.9u; thence to Sta- tion east curb 24.23, west curb north curb line 5th street, elevation east curb 19.86, west curb 20.94; thence to Station 3+36, elevation east curb 20.00, nest curb 21.00; thence to Station 5 +50, elevation 23.90; thence to Station 5 +96. eleva- tion east curb 24.23, west curb 24.33; thence to Station 6 +8, south curb line 24.33; thence to Station 6 +8, south curb line 6th street, eleva- tion east curb 23.98, west curb 21.34; •thence to Station 6+48, elevation east curb 23.52, west curb 24.42; thence to Station 6 +60, elevation east curb 24.06; west curb 24.58; thenc3 to Station 8 +70, elevation east curb 32.90 west curb 33.10; thence to Station 9 +17, elevation east curb 32. 26. west curb 33.00; thence to Station 94-29, elevation east curb 32.17, west curb 32.75; thence to Station 9+69, eleva- tion east curb 32.02, west curb 32.89; thence to Station 9 +81, elevation east curb 32.47, west curb, 33.29; thence to Station 11 +50 elevation east curb 34.80, west curb 35.00; thence to Sta- tion 12 +38, elevation east curb 34.16, west curb 34.62; thence to Station 12 +50, south curb line 8th Street ele- vation east curb 33.34, west curb 34. 23; thence to Station 12 +90, elevation east curb 33.87, west curb 24.19; thence to Station 13+2 elevation east curb 34.58, west curb 34.95; then'4e to Station 13 +50, elevation east curb 34.60, west curb 34.70, thence to Sta- tion 15 +58, elevation east curb 2L58, west curb 32.19; thence to Station 15 +70, elevation east curb 31.56, west curb 31.95; thence to Station 16 -r10, north curb line 9th street, elevation east curb 31.44, west curb 31.75; thence to Station 16 +22, north proper- ty line 9th street, elevation east curb 31.46, west curb 31.93; thence to Sta- Official Notices tion 17+50, elevation east curb 32.50, west curb _ 32.50; thence to Station 18+80, elevation east curb 31.51, west curb 31.75, thence to Station 18+92, elevation east curb 31.18, west curb 31.25; thence to Station 19 +32, north curb line 10th street, elevation east curb 30.91, west curb 31.71; thence to Station 21, elevation 33.80; thence to Station 22 +13, elevation east curb 33.18, west curb 33.66; thence to Sta- tion 22+25, elevation east curb 32.71, west curb 33.18; thence to Station ' 24+65, north curb line 11th street, el- evation east curb line 33.04, west curb 33.12; thence to Station 22+77, elevation east curb 33.40, west curb 34.66; thence to Station 24, elevation 34.00; thence to Station 25+35, eleva- tion east curb 33.07, west curb 33.22; thence to Station 25+47 south curb line 12th Street, elevation east side 32.69, west side 33.02; thence to Sta- tion 25 +87, elevation east curb 32.69, west curb 32.95; thence to Station 25+99, elevation east curb 33.06, west curb 33.43; thence to Station 26 +50, elevation east curb 33.30, west curb 33.50; thence to Station 28+67, ele- vation east curb 32.54, west curb 32. 68; thence to Station 28 +79, south curb line 13th street, elevation east curb 32.07; west curb 32.37; thence to Station 29 +19, elevation east curb 32.07, west curb 32.37; thence to Sta- tion 29 +31, elevation east curb 32.12, west curb 32.74; thence to Station 31, elevation east curb 33.50, west curb 33.60; thenceto Station 31 +91, eleva- tion east curb 33.33, west curb 33.58; thence to Station 32 +1, south curb line 14th street, elevation east side 32.81, west side 33.30; thence to Sta- tion 32 +41, elevation east curb 32.57, west curb 32.57; thence to Station 32.53, elevation east curb 32.77, west curb 33.08; thence to Station 35-F10, elevation east curb 30.28, west curb 31.15; thence to Station 35 +22, eleva- tion east curb 30.16, w•;st curg 30.68; thence to Station 35 +62, elevation east curb 30.00, west curb 30.57; thence to Station 35 +74, elevation east curb 30.43, west curb 30.93; thence to Station 37, elevation east curb 31.00, west curb 31.30; thence to Station 38 +32, elevation east curb 30.27, west curb 30.51; thence to Station 38 +44, south curb line 16th street, elevation east curb 29.88, west curb 30.30; thence to Station 38 +84, elevation east curb 29.86, west curb 30.30; thence to Station 38 +96, elevation east curb 30.15, west curb 30.69; thence to Station 39 +50, elevation east curb 30.20, west curb 30.70; thence to Sta- tion 41 +51, elevation east curb 28.73, west curb 29.16; thence to Station 41 +63, south curb line 17th street, el- evation east curb 28.11, west curb 28.61. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald And Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved Julie 12th, 1914. TAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Ilerald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Official Publication. AN OkbINANOE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON JONES STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO BLUFF STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ditbtique: Section 1. That a grade oil Jones street from Locust street to Bluff street be and the saiine is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 823. Bench Mark: Water table Southwest corner 1st and Locust street, elevation 25.21. Said grade begins at the west curb line of Locust street which is Station 0, elevation south curb 21.60, north curb 21.00; thence to Station +50, elevation south curb 22.40, north curb 22.40; thence to Station 1 +48, elevation south curb 27.86, north curb 27.76; thence to Station 1 +78, elevation south curb 29.53, north curb 29.56; thence to Station 3 +14, elevation south curb 36.88, north curb 37.33; thence to Sta- tion 3 +26, east curb line of Bluff street, elevation south curb 37.03, north curb 37.80. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914: Approved June 12th, 1914, JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegr Herald and Times - Journal newspa June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Official Notices. 2 9 (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON JULIEN AVENUE FROM A POINT ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY -SEVEN FEET WEST OF BLUFF STREET, TO A POINT SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET WEST OF BLUFF STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Julien avenue from a point one hundred and sixty -seven feet west of Bluff street, to a point six hundred and fifty feet west of Bluff street be and the sane is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile, of said grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 816. Bench mark: Wa- ter table southeast coiner Wales IIo- tel, elevation 66.97. Said grade be- gins at Station 1-- I - -67, which is the end of the present grade, elevation titirth Curb 72.04, sotttli curb 72.4$, thence to Station 2, elevation north curb 75.51, south curb i 5.70; thence to Station elevation north curb 101.20; thence to Station. 6- -k -50, elevation nbrth curb 109.10, south curb 108.80. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Connell and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in . the Dubtigtie Telegraph- Herald and Tunes- Joiirnal newspapers, .June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6.13 -1t. City Recorder. (Offibiai Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON LOCUST AND SOUTH LOCUST STREETS FROM SIXTH STREET TO JONES STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Locust and South Locust streets from Sixth street to Jones street be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engi- neer, being Profile No. 817. Bench _dark: Water table northeast Corner Sixth and Locust streets, elevation 54.45. Said grade begins at the south property line of 6th street which is Station 0, elevation east curb 51.10, west curb 51.03; thence • to Station 2+59, elevation east curb 50.16, west - 280 curb 50.33; thence to Station 2 +71, north curb line 5th street, elevation east curb 49.89; west curb 50.23; thence to Station 3 +11, south curb line 5th street, elevation east curb 49.05, west curb 49.90; thence to Sta- iion 3 +23, elevation east curb 50.00,, west curb 49.95; thence to Station 5 +83, elevation east curb 49.38, west curb 49.60; thence to Station 5+95, north curb line 4th street, elevation east curb 49.30, west curb 49.50; thence to Station 6+35, south curb line 4th street, elevation east curb 49.22, west curb 49.08; thence to Sta- tion 6+47, elevation east curb 49.00, west curb 48.80; thence to Station 7+ 80, elevation east curb 46.00, west curb 46.20; thence to station 9 +3, elevation east curb 43.19; west • curb 43.16; 3rd street, elevation east curb 42.90, west curb 42.86; thence to Station 9 +55, south curb line 3rd street, ele- vation east curb 42.20, west curb 42.20, thence to Station 12+36, elevation thence to Station 9 +15, north curb 3rd street, elevation east curb, 42.90, east curb 33.21, west curb 33.41; east curb 32.77, west curb 32.86; thence to Station 12, south curb line 2nd street, elevation east curb 32.28, west curb 32.30; thence to Station 13+12, elevation east curb 31.81, west curb 32.40; thence to Station 15 +71, elevation east curb 23.51, west curb 24.30; thence to Station 15 +82, north curb line 1st street, elevation east curb 23.51, west curb 24.40; thence to Station 16 +45, south curb line 1st street, elevation east side 23.17, west curb 23.83; thence to Station 16 +57, elevation east curb 22.90, west curb 24.00; thence to Station 16 +90, eleva- tion east curb 22.40, west curb 23.80; thence to Station 20, elevation E. curb 20.30, west curb 20.93; thence to Sta- tion 20 +9, north curb line Jones street elevation east curb 20.26, west curb 21.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall be In force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegrapn- Herald and Times- Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Official Notices (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- TION 2 OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE REGULATING AND PROVIDIN'G FOR AN ADDI- TIONAL TAX ON THE TRAFFIC IN INTOXICATING LIQUORS IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, ADOPTED MAY 29, 1913. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That 'Section 2 of the amendment to the Ordinance regulat- ing and providing for an additional tax on the traffic in intoxicating li- quors in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, adopted May 29, 1913, is hereby so amended as to read as follows, to wit: That there shall be assessed against each and every person within the City of Dubuque (other than registered pharmacists holding permits in com- pliance with law), engaged in selling and keeping with intent so to sell in- toxicating liquors, and against any real estate and the owners thereof wherein or whereupon intoxicating li- quors are sold or kept with intent to sell, a tax of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars, yearly, payable In four equal installments, quarterly, in advance, on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year, the first quarterly payment hereunderto become due on the first day of July, A. D. 1914. Said taxes shall be assess- ed by the City and shall go into the general fund of the City, and shall be a perpetual lien on all property, both real and personal, used in connection with such business, and shall consti- tute a valid claim against the persons engaged in such business and against the owners of real estate wherein and whereupon said business is conducted. Section 2, This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- l:er its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the )fficial newspapers in the city. Adopted June llth, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times- Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND IOWA STREETS FROM TENTH TO TWELFTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That a grade on the al- ley between Clay and Iowa streets from Tenth street to Twelfth street be and the same is hereby establish- ed and adopted as shown by the pro- file of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 813. Bench Mark: Door sill Clay Street entrance northeast corner 10th and Clay streets, elevation 39.74. Said grade begins at the north curb line of 10th street, which is Station 0, ele- vation east curb 40.11, west curb 40.34; thence to Station +12, elevation east curb 40.49, west curb 40.89; thence to Station 2, elevation 43.30; thence to Station 2+70, elevation east curb 43.15, west curb 43.12; thence to Sta- tion 2+82, south curb line 11th street, elevation east curb 42.79, west curb 42.94; thence to Station 3 +22, north curb 11th street, •elevation east side 42.72, west side, 42.93, thence to Sta- tion 3 +34, elevation east curb 42 90, west curb 43.20; thence to Station 4, elevation east curb 43.30, west curb, 43.00; thence to Station 5 +90, eleva- tion east curb 41.66, west curb 41.92; thence to Station +2, south curb line 12th street, elevation east side 41.46, west side 41.74. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND IOWA STREETS FROM THIRTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the al- ley between Clay and Iowa streets from Thirteenth street to Seventeenth street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said alley and grade prepar- ed by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 812. Bench Mark: South end of bottom step Clay street entrance to City hall, elevation 36.41. Said grade begins at the north curb line of 13th street, which is Station 0, elevation east curb 36.94, west curb 37.37; thence to Station +12, north property line of 13th street, elevation east curb Official Notices 281 37.01, west, curb 37.69; thence to Sta- tion 2, elevation east curb 39.50, west curb 39.60; thence to Station 2+70, south property line of 14th street, el- evation east curb 39.14, west curb 39.51; thence to Station 2+80, eleva- tion east curb 38.91, west curb 39.21; thence to Station 3+22, north curb line 14th street, elevation east curb 38.86, west curb 39.35; thence to Sta- tion 3 +34, north property line 14th street, elevation east curb 38.24, west curb 39.67; thence to Station 4, ele- vation east curb 39.70; west curb 39.70; thence to Station 5 +91, south property line 15th street, elevation east curb 38.77, west curb 39.52; thence to Station 6 +3, elevation east curb 38.42, west curb 38.23; thence to Station 6 +43, elevation east curb 38.78, west curb 39.51; thence to Sta- tion 6 +55, north property line 15th street, elevation east side 39.04, west curb 38.88; thence to Station 8 +50, elevation 39.70; thence to Station 9 +12, south property line 16th street, elevation east curb 38.73, west curb 39.38; thence to Station 9 +24, eleva- tion east curb 39.27, west curb 39.82; thence to Station 9 +64, north curb line 16th street, elevation east curb '08.21, west curb 39.97; thence to Sta- tion 9 +76, elevation east curb 39.02 west curb 40.24; thence to Station 12 +32, elevation east curb 44.10, west east curb 43.55, west curb 44.95. south curb line 17th street, elevation curb 43.55, west curb 44.95. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June llth, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times- Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN CLAY AND IOWA STREETS FROM FOURTH STREET TO NINTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the alley between Clay and Iowa streets from 4th street to Ninth street be and the same is hereby established and adopt- ed as shown by the profile of said al- 282 ley and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No, 814. Bench Mark: Water table southwest corner Page House, elevation 20.24. Said grade begins at the north curb line of 4th street, which is Station 0, eleva- tion east curb 22.09 west curb 22.78; thence to Station +12, elevation east curb 22.12, west curb 22.82; thence to Station +50, elevation east curb 22,90, west Curb 22.90; thence to Sta- tion 2, elevation east curb 24.80, west curb 24.90; thence to Sta- tion 2+71, elevation east curb 24.25, west curb 24.89; thence to Station 2+ 8d, south curb line 5th street, eleva- tion east curb 24.14, west curb 24.61; thence to Station 3 +23.5, elevation east curb 24.06, west curb 24.43; thence to Station 3 +35, elevation east Station 5 +94,5, elevation east curb 30.53, west Curb 30.69; thence to Sta- tion 6 +6,5, south curb 6th street, ole- Vation east curb 30.25, West Milli 30.47; thence to Station 6 +46.5, elevation east curb 30,91, west curb 31.09; thence to Station 6+58.5, elevation east Curb 3.24, west curb 31.35; thence to Station 9 +16.5, elevation east Curb 26.68, West curb 86.96, thence to Sta- tion 9 +27.5, south curb 7th Street, elevation east oUrb 36.73, West ctirb 37.01; thence to Station 9+67.6, ele- vation east curb 36,75, West curb 37.08; thence to Station 9 +79.5, ele- vation east curb 37.07, west curb 37.43; thence to Station 11 +50, eleva- tion east curb 38.00, west curb 38.30; thence to Station 12 +37.5, elevation east curb 37.82, west curb 38.29; thence to Station 12 +49.5, south club 8th street, elevatibn east curb 37.70, west curb 38.08; thence to Station 12+90, elevation east curb 37.49, west Curb 38.13; thence to Station 13 +2, eleva- tion east ctirb 38.17, west curb 38.42; thence to Station 13 +27, elevation east curb 38.00, west curb 38.10, thence to Station 15 +59, elevation east curb 35.54, west curb 35.59; thence to Station 15 +71, elevation east curb 35. =4, west curb 35.52. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and af- ter its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914, JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Official Notices (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON LOCUST STREET FROM JONES STREET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CITY LOT 578, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on South Lo- cust street from Jones street to the southerly line of City Lot 578 be and the same Is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 818. Bench Marks: Door sill SbuthWest corner Second and Locust streets, e1e- vation 33.04, Water table northwest corner of Jones and Locust street, el evatibn 21.83. Said grade begins at the south otirb like of Jones street, Which is Station 0, elevation east Curb 20.45; Nest curb 21.60; thence to Ste tion +12, elevation east Chit 20.40, West ctirb 21.50; thence to Station elevation east curb 19.90, West curb 20.80; thence to Station 3, ele- vation east curb 19.20, West onrb 19.65; thence to Station 5+ 36, elevation east ctirb 18.70, west curb 19,18, thence to Sta- tion 5+48, north curb line Dodge Street elevation east curb 18.65, West curb 19.08; thence to Station 5+88, eleva. tion east curb 19.50, weal curb 18.92; thence to Station 6, elevation east curb 18.80, West curb 18.70; thence to Station 12 +98, southerly line of City Lot 578 elevation east curb 21.70, west curb 20.20. Section 2. ThiS ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Duliuijue Telegraph- Herald and Times- Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J, SHEA, 6- 13 =1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THIRD STREET FROM THE WEST LOT LINE OF IOWA STREET TO THE EAST LOT LINE OF MAIN STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1, That a grade 011 Third Street from the west lot line of Iowa street to the east lot line of Main street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 819. Bench Mark: Water table northwest corner 3rd and Iowa streets, elevation 24.35. Said grade be- gins at the west lot line of Iowa Street which is Station 0, elevation north curb 23.57, south curb 23.25; thence to station 1+14, east line of alley, elevation north curb 33.12, south curb 32.62; thence to Station 1+44, west line of alley, elevation north curb 35.20, south curb 34.70; thence to Station 2 +58, east lot line of Main street, elevation north curb 44.91, south curb 44.15. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 11th, 1914. Approved June 12th, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 13th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 13 -1t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for improv- ing Jones Street from Bluff Street to Locust Street to pave with asphaltic concrete on a concrete foundation, in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated- by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1,428 square yards of asphaltic con- crete on a 5 inch concrete foundation. 593.2 lineal feet of cement curb. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or -before the 15th day of October, 1914. Bidders must state price per square yard of asphaltic concrete on a con- crete foundation, and price per lineal foot of cement curb. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate envel- opes. Official Notices J. J. SHEA, 6 -17 -3t City Recorder. 283 The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 17th, 1914. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 P. M. Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for improv- ing Locust street, South Locust street and Southern avenue from Sixth street to the southern line of City Lot 578, to pave with asphaltic concrete except between rails of Union Elec- tric Company and one foot outside thereof which is to be paved with brick, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 14,641 square yards of asphaltic con- crete on a 5 -inch concrete foundation outside of tracks, 1,101 square yards of brick block paving on a 5 -inch concrete founda- tion inside of tracks and one foot out- side, 350 lineal feet of stone: curb reset, 2,486 lineal feet of cement curb, 850 lineal feet of new stone curb. The work to be paid for when said • work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of October, 1914. Bidders must state price per square yard of asphaltic concrete and per square yard of brick block paving and price per lineal foot of curbing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $3,000.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Check and bid in separate en- velope. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 17th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 17 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. in. Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for the con- struction of an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Booth street from the present manhole at West Fifth Street to Forest Lane, In accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is estimated by the City Engineer 284 Official that said improvement will require:. 455 lineal feet of 8 inch tile pipe. 2 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque. Iowa, work to be completed on Of before the 15th day of August, 1914. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of completed sewer, also price per manhole complete. Each hid must be accompanied by a certified check of $50.00 on some Du- buque tank as a guarantee that a con-. tract will be entered into if awarded. Checks and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 18th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -18 -3t City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for the con- struction of an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in West Fifth Street from Glen Oak Avenue to Booth Street, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 402 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe. 1 manhole. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 15th day of August, 1914. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of completed sewer, also price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $40.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. Checks and bid in separate en- velpes. The City Cuncil reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 18th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -18 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by Iaw will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Thurs- day, July 2nd, 1914, to pay for im- Notices proving the alley between Locust and Bluff Streets from the northerly line of Eighth Street to the southerly line of Tenth Street, J. M. Kenety & Son, Contractors. Amount of special assessment $2,106.02, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said streets. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the streets in which said im- provement was made and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons object- ing to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their objec- tions in writing with the City Record- er ,of said City of Dubuque on or be- fore said session of the City Council to be Held July 2nd, 1914, or to ap- pear at said session of the 'Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 17th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -17 -3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for improv- ing Twentieth Street and Rhomberg Avenue from Couler Avenue to Fifth Avenue, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 23,679 square yards of either, Con- crete or cf Creosoted Wood Block, As- phalt Macadam, Brick Block, or As- phaltic Concrete, on a Concrete foun- dation outside of tracks. 6,461 square yards of either Brick Block, or Creosoted Wood Block Pay - ingon a Concrete foundation inside of tracks and one foot outside thereof. 1,000 lineal feet of stone curb reset. 1,500 lineal feet of new stone curb. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised 'Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1914. Bidders must state price per square yard on the various materials as above stated, and price per lineal foot of new stone curb and per lineal foot for resetting curb. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $2,000.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- e d. Check and bid in :,eparate envel- opes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 19th, 19. H, 6- 19 -3th. 14. J. Ci S 'Reco OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO 'IMPROVE THE ALLEY FIRST NORTH OF WEST FIFTH STREET FROM ALPINE STREET TO NEVADA STREET, TO PAVE WITH BRICK ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom - it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve the alley first north of West Fifth Street from Alpine Street to Nevada Street to pave with hillside brick on a concrete founda- tion. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require 482 square yards of Brick Paving on a 6 -inch Concrete Foundation, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,100.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held Thurs- day, July 2nd, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before July 2nd, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 24, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 24 -3t. City Recorder NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 P. M. Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for improv- ing the alley between Garfield ave- nue and Rhomberg avenue from Ann avenue to Dock avenue, in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 780 square yards of macadam, 340 cubic yards of cutting. Official Notices J. J. SHEA, 6 -24 -3t City Recorder. 285 The work to be - paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or- dinances of 1901 of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the first day of Septem- ber, 1914. Bidders must state price per square yard of macadam and price for grad- ing in total. Each bid must be .accompanied by a certified check for $75.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 19, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 19 -3t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY BETWEEN ALPINE AND NEVADA STREETS FROM JUL- IEN AVENUE TO THE ALLEY FIRST NORTH OF WEST FIFTH STREET TO PAVE WITH HILL- SIDE BRICK ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom it May 'Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that It is the intention of the City Council o fthe City .of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve the alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets :from Julien Avenue to the alley .first north of West Fifth Street, to pave with Ihillside brick on a , concrete founda- tion. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City .Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 1,215 square yards of hillside brick paving on a 5 inch concrete founda- tion. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $2,675.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held Thurs- day, July 2nd, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writ- ing on or before July 2nd, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 24th, 1914. Wanted Combination Street Sweeper and Sprinkler. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m., Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for a combination street sweeper and sprinkler. The bidder to furnish a complete specification of the com- bination street sweeper and sprinkler 1 • 286 he proposes to furnish. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 26th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -26 -3t City Recorder. Wanted Street Sweeper. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder un- til 8:00 p. m. Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, for a street sweeper. The bid- der to furnish a complete specifica- tion of the street sweeper he pro- poses to furnish, The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 26th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -26 -3t City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON WEST FIFTH STREET FROM GLEN OAK AVENUE TO BOOTH STREET. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on West Fifth street from Glen Oak avenue to Booth street be and the same is here- by established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 828. Bench mark: Door sill of store opposite west end of Grandview avenue, elevation 303.54 Said grade begins at the east curb line of Glen Oak avenue, which is Station 0, elevation south curb 275.99, north curb 276.68; thence to Station 1, elevation south curb 279.30, north curb 279.15; thence to Station 1 +50, elevation south curb 280.34, north curb 280.60; thence to Station 2, ele- vation south curb 283.14, north curb 280.60; thence to Station 2 +69, west curb line Booth Street, elevation south curb 295.14, north curb 295.49. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times- Journal newspapers June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t. City Recorder. Official Notices (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON SECOND STREET FROM LOCUST STREET TO MAIN STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Second Street from Locust Street to Main Street be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade pre- pared by the City Engineer, being Pro- file No. 826. Bench mark: Door sill southwest corner of Second and Locust Streets, elevation 33.04. Said grade begins at the east curb line of Locust Street which is Station 0, elevation north curb 32.67, south curb 32.28; thence to Station 1+26, west line of alley, elevation north curb 34.01, south curb 32.64; thence to Station 1+56, elevation north curb 34.41, south curb 33.21; thence to Station 2 +71, west property line Main Street, elevation north curb 37.29, south curb 34.89. Section 2. This ordnance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officiall in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers, June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON SOLON STREET FROM NEVADA STREET TO BOOTH STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Solon Street from Nevada Street to Booth Street be and the sam3 is hereby es- tablished and adopted a; shown by the profile of said street and grade pre- pared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 824. Said grade begins at the west property line of Solon Street which is Station 0, elevation south curb 255.70, north curb 256.79; thence to Station +40, elevation south curb 251.33, north curb 251.33; thence to Station 2+40, elevation south curb 224.21, north curb 224.21; thence to Station 2+66, elevation south curb 220.38, north curb 220.68; thence to Station 2 +74, east curb line Booth Street, elevation smith curb 220.19, north curb 220.68. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and afetr its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 29 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t. City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY BE- TWEEN RHOMBERG AND GAR - FIELD AVENUES FROM ANN AVENUE TO DOCK AVENUE. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1, That a grade on the al- ley between Rhomberg and Garfield 'a% %enues from Ann avenu•3 to Dock avenue be and the sama is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said alley and grade prepared by the City Engineer, be- ing Profile No. 830. Bench mark: Door sill west side of brick; house north side Middle avenue between Lincoln avenue and High Bluff street, eleva- tion 46.17. Said grade begins at the northeasterly curb line of Ann avenue which is Station 0, elevation south- easterly curb 43.30, northwesterly curb 43.16; thence to Station +10, ele- vation southeasterly curb 43.47, north- westerly 43.42; thence to Station 1+ 50, elevation southeasterly curb 46.00, northwesterly curb 46.00; thence to Station 3 +56.5, elevation southeaster- ly curb 43.24; northwesterly curb 43.34; thence to Station 3 +66.5, south- westerly curb Dock avenue, elevation southeasterly curb 43.11, northwester ly curb 43.04. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published offiicially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times Journal newspapers, June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 29 -1t. City Recorder. Official Notices 28 7 (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON THE ALLEY FIRST EAST OF ALPINE ST., FROM LANGWORTHY AVENUE TO SO- LON STREET. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on the alley first east of Alpine street from Langworthy avenue to Solon street in the City. of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby adopted and es- tablished as shown by the profile of said grade' prepared by the City En- gineer and accepted by the City Coun- cil on the 19th day of June, 1914, be- ing profile No. 832 and marked "Pro- file showing grade of alley first east of Alpine street from Langworthy avenue to Solon street," B. M. door sill east and of first stone step to Burch's house -3rd street opposite James street — elevation 266.36. Said grade beginning at the south curb line of Langworthy avenue which is Sta- tion 0, Elevation 2,80.50, thence to Sta- tion 0+10, elevation 280.50; thence to Station 1 +10, elevation 273.50; thence to Station 2 +74, elevation 253.50, the north curb line of Solon street. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and aft- er its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18. 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers June 29, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -29 -1t City Recorder. (Official Publication.) AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade on Booth Street from West Fifth Street to Forest Lane. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; Section 1. That a grade on Booth street from West Fifth street to For- est Lane be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown 'bY the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer, being Profile No. 829. Bench mark: Door sill brick store opposite west end of Grandview avenue, elevation 303.54. Said grade begins at the north curb line of West Fifth street, elevation west curb 295.94, east curb 297.13; 288 thence to Station -, south curb line of Forest Lane, elevation west curb 306.53, east curb 306.56. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and aft- er its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal newspapers. Adopted June 18, 1914. Approved June 19, 1914. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA. City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times- Journal newspapers June 29, 1914. • J. J. SHEA, 6 -29 -1t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY BETWEEN CLAY AND WHITE STREETS FROM SEVEN- TEENTH STREET TO EIGH- TEENTH STREET, TO PAVE WITH CEMENT CONCRETE. To Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve the alley between Clay and White Streets from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, to pave with cement concrete. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 570 square yards of cement con- crete paving. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $855.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writ- ing on or before July 9th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHE A, G -30 -3t City Recorder. Official Notices OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE ARL• INGTON STREET FROM THE WESTERLY CURB LINE OF GROVE TERRACE TO THE WEST- ERLY CURB LINE OF HIGHLAND PLACE AND IT IS HEREBY PRO- POSED TO NARROW SAID POR- TION OF SAID STREET TO TWENTY -SIX FEET BETWEEN CURBS, TO PAVE WITH EITHER CEMENT CONCRETE OR WITH ASPHALTIC MACADAM OR SAND- STONE BLOCK ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom it 14Iay Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve Arlington Street from the westerly curb line of Grove Terrace to the westerly curb line of Highland Place, and it is hereby pro - i osed to narrow said portion of said street to twenty -six feet between curbs, to pave with either cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam or sandstone block on a concrete foun- dation. That a pL t of said improvement is now on tile ir. the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: I1' either cement concrete or of as- phaltic macadam, 610 square yards of oitln , ement concrete or of a: -- phaltic macadam on a concrete foun- dation, 414 lineal feet of cement curb, mak- ing a total estimated co'5t to the abut- ting property owners of $1,140.00 If sandstone blocks, 610 square yards of sandstone blocks. 444 lineal feet of cement curb. Making a total estimated cost to the, abutting property owners of $2,360.00. any person having objection to said imp'•ovem:•nt is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before July 9th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -30 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY ,COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST TWELFTH STREET FROM BLUFF STREET TO THE RETAINING WALL ON GROVE TERRACE AND IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED TO NARROW SAID STREET TO TWENTY -SIX FEET BETWEEN CURB'S TO PAVE WITH EITHER CONCRETE OR WITH ASPHAL- TIC MACADAM ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve West Twelfth street from Bluff street to the retaining wall on Grove Terrace and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to twenty -six feet between curbs, to pave with either concrete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the city engineer that said improvement will require 400 lineal feet of cement curb, 725 square yards of either asphaltic ma- cadam or of cement concrete on a concrete foundation. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property ow ners of $1,300.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the city council at its next session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th, 1914, or to file with the city recorder their objections In writing on or before July 9th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -30 -3t -- City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENT1,,N TO IMPROVE WAL- NUT STREET FROM THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF JULIEN AVENUE TO THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF ROSE STREET TO PAVE WITH EITHER CEMENT CONCRETE OR WITH ASPHAL- TIC MACADAM ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'Iowa, to improve Walnut street from the northerly side of Julien avenue to the northerly side of Rose street to pave with either cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam on .a concrete foundation. That a .plat of said improvement is now on file in the -office of the city recorder. It is estimated by the city engineer that said improvement will require 200 lineal feet of cement curb, 2,012 square yards of either cement con - •crete or of asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation, making a to- t;,,1 estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $3,150.00. any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the city council at its next session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th, 1914, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writ - ting on or before July 9th, 1914. . Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -30 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE GROVE TERRACE FROM THE NORTHER- LY CURB LINE OF WEST TWELFTH STREET TO THE NORTHERLY CURB LINE OF Official Notices 289 ARLINGTON STREET, TO PAVE WITH EITHER CEMENT, CON- CRETE OR WITH ASPHALTIC MACADAM ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve Grove Terrace from the northerly curb line of West Twelfth Street to the northerly curb line of Arlington street to pave with either cement, concrete or with as- phaltic macadam on a concrete foun- dation. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 341 lineal feet of Cement Curb. 790 square yards of either cement concrete or of asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,360.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next session to be held Thurs- next regular session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th; 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writ- ing on or before July 9th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -30 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST ELEVENTH STREET FROM THE WESTERLY CURB LINE OF HIGHLAND PLACE TO THE WESTERLY END OF SAID STREET, AND IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED TO NARROW SAID STREET TO TWENTY -SIX FEET BETWEEN CURBS, TO PAVE WITH EITHER CEMENT CON- CRETE OR WITH ASPHALTIC MACADAM ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of th City Council of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, to improve West Elev- enth Street from the westerly curb line of Highland Place to the west- erly end of said street, and it is here- by proposed to narrow said street to twenty -six feet between curbs, to pave with either cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 290 If cement concrete paving: 3,500 lineal feet cement curb. 5,342 square yards of cement con- crete paving, making a total estimated cost to the abutting property of $9,- 805.00. If asphaltic macadam: 3,500 lineal feet of cement curb. 5,342 square yards of asphaltic. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $9,- 805.00. If part cement concrete and part sandstone blocks: 3,500 lineal feet cement curb. 4,362 square yards of cement con- crete paving. 980 square yards of sandstone blocks. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $11,- 723.00. If part asphaltic macadam and part sandstone blocks: 3,500 lineal feet of cement curb. 4,362 square yards of asphaltic ma- cadam. 980 square yards of sandstone blocks. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $11,723.00. Any person having objection. to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writing on or before July 9th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6- 30 -3t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE HIGH- LAND PLACE FROM THE SOUTHERLY CURB LINE OF AR LINGTON STREET TO THE SOUTHERLY CURB LINE OF WEST ELEVENTH STREET, AND IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED TO NARROW SAID STREET TO TWENTY -SIX FEET BETWEEN CURBS TO PAVE WITH EITHER CEMENT CONCRETE OR WITH ASPHALTIC MACADAM ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to impro le Highland Place from the southerly curb line of Arlington street to the southerly curb line of West Eleventh street and it is hereby proposed to narrow said street to twenty -six feet between curbs, to pave with either cement concrete or with asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation. That a plat of said improvement is Official Notices now on file in the office of the city recorder. It is estimated by the city engineer that said improvement will require 1,282 lineal feet of cement curb, 1,855 square yards of either cement con- crete or of asphaltic macadam on a concrete foundation, making a total estimated cost to the abutting prop- erty owners of $3,425.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the city council at its next regular session to be held Thurs- next session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th, 1914, or to file with the city recorder their objections in writing on or before July 9th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -30 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO IMPROVE OLIVE STREET FROM THE SOUTHER- LY CURB LINE OF WEST ELEVENTH STREET TO THE SOUTHERLY CURB LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET, TO PAVE WITH CEMENT CONCRETE OR WITH ASPHALTIC MACADAM ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION. To Whom it May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to improve Olive Street from the southerly curb line of West Elev- enth street to the southerly curb line of Jefferson Street to pave with ce- ment concrete or with asphaltic ma- cadam on a concrete foundation. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that said improvement will require: 5 lineal feet of new stone curb. 90 lineal feet of stone curb reset. 815 square yards of either asphaltic macadam or of cement concrete. Making a total estimated cost to the abutting property owners of $1,260.00. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to ap- pear before the City Council at its next session to be held Thurs- day, July 9th, 1914, or to file with the City Recorder their objections in writ- ing on or before July 9th, 1914. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 30th, 1914. J. J. SHEA, 6 -30 -3t City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Regular session, July 2, 1914. Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Saul in the cnair. Present — Alderman Callahan, Clancy, Heini, McIntosh, McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Ald. Clancy moved to open all bids. Carried. Bids for street sweeper and com- bination street sweeper and sprinkler: Bid of the Studebaker Corporation: Combination street sweeper and sprinkler, $285.00; street sweeper only, $260.00, cash 30 days, 1. o. b. South Bend, Indiana. Bid of the Universal Road Mach- inery Co.: Street sweeper delivered free on board cars in Dubuque, Iowa, $Z90.00. Bid of the Austin Western Road Machinery Co.: Street sweeper $225.00 goods f. o. b. cars factory; terms cash upon delivery. On motion of Ald. Clancy the bids were referred to the Committee of the Whole. Bids for sanitary sewer in West Fifth street: Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co.: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 67 cts; manholes each, $30.00. Bid of M. O'Hagan: 8 -inch title pipe per lineal foot, 74 cts.; manholes each, $29.00. Bid of J. A. R. Daniels: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 70 cts.; manholes each, $32.00. Bid of Wilmer Cook: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 74 cts.; manholes each, $32.50. Bid of G. L. Kormann: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 70 cts.; manholes each, $30.00. Bid of the O'Farrell Cont. Co.: fl- inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 90 cts.; manholes each, $35.00. Bid of J, M. Kenety & 'Son: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 87 cts.; man- holes each, $32.50. Bid of Carl Steuck: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 75 cts.; manholes each, $30.00. Bid of J. Street: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 77 cts.; manholes each, $30.00. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the bids were - referred to the City Engi- neer to report later in the evening. Bids for sanitary sewer in Booth street: Bid of Carl Steuck: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 75 cts.; manholes each, $30.00. Bid of Wilmer Cook: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 74 qts.; manholes each, $32.50. Regular Session, July 2, 1914 291 Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co.: fl- inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 67 cts.; manholes each, $30.00. Bid of O'Farrell Cont. Co.: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 90 cts,; man- holes each $35.00. Bid of J. A. R. Daniels: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 70 cts.; manholes each, $32.00. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 87 cts.; man- holes each, $32.00. Bid of M. O'I-Iagan: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 74 cts., manholes each, $29.00. Bid of G. L. Kormann: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, 70 cts.; manholes each, $30.00. Bid of J. Street: 8 -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, SO cts.; manholes each, $33.00. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the bids were referred to the City Engi- neer to report later in the evening. Bids for the improvemnt of the alley between Rhomberg avenue and, Garfield avenue from Ann avenue to Dock avenue: Bid of Wilmer Cook: Grading in to- tal, $160.00; macadam per square yard, 75 cts. Bid of F. Beutin: Grading in total, $75.00; macadam per square yard, 60 cts. Bid of C. B. McNamara & Co.: Grad- ing in total, $165.00; macadam per square yard 79 cts. Bid of O'Farrell Cont. Co.: Grading in total, $140.00; macadam per square yard 70 cts. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son: Grading in total, $92.00; macadam per square yard, 63 cts. On motion of Ald. McIntosh the con- tract was awarded to F. Beutin and his bond placed at onedfourth the amount of the contract. Bids for the improvement of Locust street: Bid of Jas. F. Lee: Stone curb per lineal foot, 70 cts.; cement curb per lineal foot, 55 cts.; reset curb per lin- eal foot, 29 cts.; asphalt concrete per square yard, $1.79; brick paving in- side the car tracks per square yard, $2.42. Bid of J. M. Kenety & Son: Stone curb per lineal foot, 75 cts.; cement curb per lineal foot, GO cets.; reset curb per lineal foot, 30 cts.; asphalt concrete per square yard, $1.89; brick paving inside the car tracks per square yard, $2.45. Bill of C. B. McNamara & Co.: Stone curbing per lineal foot, 75 cts.; cement curbing per lineal foot, 45 cts.; reset curb per lineal foot, 28 cts.; asphalt concrete per square yard, $1.77; brick paving inside the car tracks per square yard, $2.39. Bid of Ford Paving Co.: Stone curb per lineal foot, 74 cts.; cement curb