1912 February Council Proceedings44 Official Notices
educational corporation, for the vaca-
tion of the unnamed street lying be-
tween Grace street and the alley first
north of Grace street and running
parallel therewith, between East street
and Louisa street, and for the vaca-
tion of said alley from the easterly
line of said unnamed street extended,
westerly to East street in the City of
Dubuque; and
Whereas, it is represented in said
petition that said corporation is the
owner of all the land on both sides of
the said streets, and also the property
on both sides of said alley, and that
this street and alley can be of no use
to the public; and
Whereas, the City Council sees no
valid objection to granting said peti-
tion and giving the use of the land so
vacated to said school for school pur-
Therefore, Be It Ordained by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That the unnamed street
lying between Grace street and the
alley first north of Grace street and
running parallel therewith between
East Louisa street, and for the vaca-
tion of said alley from the easterly
line of said unnamed street extended,
westerly to East street in the City of
Dubuque, be and the same is hereby
vacated and the use thereof granted
to the said Dubuque German College
and Seminary for school purposes,
subject to the conditions hereinafter
named, provided, that if at any time
the said Dubuque German College and
Seminary should cease to exist, or
should cease to use said vacated land
for school purposes, then the land now
vacated shall revert back to the City
of Dubuque, and this ordinance shall
be null and void.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance is based on
the condition that the terms of the
acceptance hereof endorsed hereon, be
signed by the said Dubuque German
College and Seminary.
This Ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Tele-
graph- Herald and Times- Journal, of-
ficial newspapers.
Adopted January 4, 1912.
Approved January 6, 1912.
City Recorder.
The terms and conditions of the
above ordinances are hereby accepted,
and it is expressly represented that
the undersigned is the sole owner of
all the property on both sides of the
unnamed street and the portion of the
alley by this ordinance vacated, and
it is agreed that the validity of the
above ordinance is based on the cor-
rectness of this representation.
Signed this 8th day of January, A.
D. 1912.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
January 11, 1912.
1 -11 -1t City Recorder.
Notice to Those From Whom a City
License Is Required.
Office of Chief of Police, Dubuque,
Iowa, Jan. 4, 1912.
All auctioneers, pawnbrokers, junk
dealers, hotel, restaurant and eating
house keepers, owners of bowling al-
leys and of billiard and pool tables,
etc., owners of theatres and shows,
peddlers, porters, transient mer-
chants, street venders, vault cleaners,
scavengers, teamsters, expressmen
and owners of hacks, omnibuses, car-
riages, drays and owners or harborers
of dogs, and all other parties requir-
ing a city license.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that said licenses are now
past due and if not paid immediately
you will be prosecuted in accordance
with the ordinances of the City of
Dubuque. THOS. REILLY,
1 -4 -3t. Chief of Police.
Regular Session, February 1, 1912 45
Regular session, Feb. 1, 1912.
Council met at 8:16 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present —Alds. E. E. McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, Specht, City
Attorney Geo. T. Lyon and Assistant
City 'Attorney Wilging.
Absent —Alds. Saul, J. W. McEvoy.
Ald. Singrin moved that the peti-
tion of City Assessor Schaffhauser,
relative to increase of salary, be taken
from the Committee of the i\rhole
and some action taken tonight. Car -
Ald. Singrin moved that the salary
of the Deputy Assessors be placed at
$1,100 per year. Carried.
Ald. J. W. McEvoy entered and
took his seat at 8:20 p. m.
Ald. Specht moved that action on
Council. Proceedings for month of
January be deferred until next meet-
ing. Carried.
Bids for construction of Fire Es-
capes, binding of Council Proceedings
and construction of sewer in Nevada
stret, presented.
Ald. Sauer moved that all bids be
opened. Carried.
E. J. Voggenthaler, fire escapes at
Ninth street Engine House, $274; fire
escapes at City Hall, $194.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the con-
tract be awarded to E. J. Voggen-
thaler. Carried.
Bids for printing index and binding
Council Proceedings as follows:
Mathis Mets Co., $3.60 per book.
Telegraph - Herald Co., $2.48 per
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the con-
tract be awarded to the Telegraph -
Herald. Carried.
Bids for construction of sanitary
sewer in Nevada street, as follows:
Tibey Bros., 8 -inch tile pipe, 80c per
lineal foot; manholes, $40 each.
T. J. Hassett, 8 -inch tile pipe, $1.08
per lineal foot; manholes $40 each.
Ald. •J. W. McEvoy moved that the
contract be awarded to Tibey Bros.,
and bond placed at 25 per cent of con-
James Lynch, inspector Eagle
Point sewer $23.10
A. E. Gmehle, collecting delin-
quent taxes 261.66
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the bills
be paid and the City Treasurer re-
quested to furnish a list of taxes col-
lected, individual accounts and dates
of collections. Carried.
Petition of Julie A. Pemler, agent,
asking that the assessment for sani-
tary sewer in West Fourteenth street
assessed against north 38 feet of lot
783. A. McDaniel's Sub., be canceled,
as it was an illegal assessment, pre-
On motion of Ald. Sauer, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. M. Dawson, ask-
ing that the taxes for the year 1911 on
lot No. 79, Union Add., be canceled,
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re-
ferred to Committee on Delinquent
Petition of City Policemen and rec-
ommendation of Fire and Police Com-
missioners for a ten per cent. increase
in, their wages, presented.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of J. G. Meukel et al., ask-
ing that a sanitary sewer be con-
structed in Lincoln avenue from Mid-
dle avenue to Fengler avenue, thence
east to Dock avenue, presented.
Ald. Specht moved that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted. Carried.
Petition of Chas. Norton et al. ask-
ing that provision be made at the time
of making the appropriations for the
year for the completion of the Bee
Branch sewer from Twenty- seventh
street north, presented.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re-
ferred to Appropriations Committee.
Communication from John A. Cun-
ningham, in relation to the petition
filed asking for the removal of shoe -
shining stand at corner of Seventh
and Main, presented.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke re-
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Communication from R. E. Collins,
clerk of City of Cleveland, Ohio, ask-.
ing the Council to adopt a resolution
requesting the coinage of a three -cent
piece, presented.
On motion of Ald. Sauer, request
was granted.
Petition of Wm. L. Bradley et al.,
asking that Nevada street be graded
from Langworthy avenue to Dodge
street, presented.
On motion of Ald. J. W. McEvoy,
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Joseph Straney, asking
that a warrant be ordered drawn on
the City Treasurer for $30.00, park
custodian salary for months of March
and April, 191, presented.
46 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 47
On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred
to Comittee of the Whole.
Petition of F. J. Elwell et al., ask-
ing that Louisa street from Bennett
street to St. Jooseph street be improv-
ed by grading, macadamizing and
curbing presented; also remonstrance
of Joseph Pilmaier et al., against the
improvement of Louisa street, pre-
On motion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy,
petition and remonstrance referred to
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of August Hammel, asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to deduct $800, soldier claim, and ac-
cept taxes for year 1911 on the balance
On motion of Ald. Specht, prayer
Petition of Barbara Sanner, asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to deduct $800.00, soldier widow claim,
from the S. 1 /2 of 1 of 2 of 102, Lot 1,
of Lot 500 and accept taxes for year
191 on balance.
On motion of Ald. Specht, prayer
Petition of Mary Puls, asking that
the City Treasurer be instructed to de-
duct $800.00, soldier widow claim,
from the S. 1 /2 of 1 of 2 of 102, Lot 1,
and Sub. 2 of 2 of 102, L. H. Lang -
worthy's Add., Lot 1, and accept taxes
on balance for year 1911.
On motion of Ald. Specht, prayer
Petition of Sarah E. Rice, asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to deduct $800.000, soldier widow
claim, from the south 25 feet of mid-
dle 1 -5 of City Lot 446 and accept
taxes on balance.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, prayer
Petition of Susie Weland, asking
that she be exempt from taxation for
years of 1910 -1911 and the City Treas-
urer be instructed to cancel the same.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, prayer
Petition of Christina Suess, asking
that $800.00, moneys and credits, as-
sessed against her for year 1911, be
canceled on account of same being in-
vested in real estate.
Ald. Singrin moved prayer be
granted and City Treasurer instructed.
City Recorder Geiger presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publishers, of the City Council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in West Locust Street, Rose-
dale Avenue, North Glen Oak Ave-
nue, Vernon Street and Mt. Pleasant
Avenue. No remonstrance being filed
and no one in the room objecting,
the notice was, on motion of Ald. E.
E. McEvoy, received and filed.
Notice of claim of Mary Griffin for
$500.00 for personal injuries sus-
tained by falling upon a sidewalk on
the 26th day of December, 1911, pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. E. E.
McEvoy, referred to City Attorney.
Notice of claim of Walter E.
Wendt for $500.00, as damages for
personal injuries sustained on the
31st day of December, 1911, by an
obstruction on 15th and Clay Streets,
presented. On motion of Ald. E. E.
McEvoy, referred to City Attorney.
Notice of claim of R. W. Lambert
for $5,000.00 as damages for personal
injuries sustained on January 5, 1912,
by falling on sidewalk, presented. On
motion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy, referred
to City Attorney.
To the Ionorable City Council:
Gentlemen: At a meeting of the
joint committee, composed of the
members of the Board of Supervis-
ors, a committee from the Industrial
Corporation and the City Council, ap-
pointed to determine the practicabili-
ty of reducing the grade on Southern
Avenue, it was decided to leave the
matter to a committee of three from
each of said bodies, they to go more
fully into the details, determine the
cost of right of way and get as close
an estimate of the entire cost of the
improvement as possible, and report
their findings back to the full com-
I take great pleasure in appointing
Aldermen J. W. McEvoy, E. J. Sauer
and J. O'Rourke to represent the
City Council on said committee.
Very respectfully,
On motion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy re-
port approved.
City Treasurer Wybrant reportea
as follows:
Below please find statement of
amounts advanced by me during the
month of January, 1912, for which
please have warrants drawn in my
Interest on warrants out-
standing $200 00
Miscellaneous 14 50
Also please find attached City of
Dubuque note to Dubuque National
Bank for $6,000.00, issued Decem-
ber 23, 1'911, and paid by me Janu-
ary 25. 1912.
Also please have warrants drawn
in my favor against loan account for
said amount.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the re-
port be received, warrants be ordered
drawn for the various amounts and
report referred back to Finance Com-
mittee. Carried.
City Auditor Lyons reported Li
. follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port showing the receipts and dis-
bursements for the month of Janu-
ary, 1912:
Receipts —
City's cash balance, Janu-
ary 1, 1912 $ 12,216.26
Receipts during month 95,111.34
Total $107,327.60
Disbursements —
Warrants redeemed $ 24,015.87
Improvement bonds re-
deemed 11,600.00
Improvement bond con-
pons redeemed 1,276.2L
Regular bond coupons re-
Library orders
Police pension
Fire pension
Park orders redeemed
Water Works bonds cou-
pons redeemed 112.50
Total $ 41,123.94
Balance Feb. 1st, 1912 $ 66,203.66
The above cash balance includes
the balances in the Improvement
Bond Fund, the Improvement Bond
Interest Fund, the Water Works In-
terest and Sinking Fund, the Library
Fund, Park Fund, Old Water Works
Debt Fund, Police Pension Fund,
Fire Pension Fund and the Sinking
Fund (for the amelioration of the
City Regular Bonded Debt).
Also report there is due the City
officers for the month of January,
salaries amounting to $27,771.50.
Balance January 1st, 1912.$45,359.20
Receipts 8,292.94
Total $53,652.14
Orders drawn on City
Treasurer 4,095.57
Balance Feb. 1st, 1912.. $49,556.57
Balance January 1st, 1912 $5.00
Balance February 1st, 1912..$5.00
The following is the record of all
interest coupons and bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer and credited to
Regular Bond Coupons $3,120.00
Improvement Bond Coupons 1,276.25
Water Works Bond Coupons 112.50
Total redeemed $4,508.75
Improvement Bonds $11,600.00
Total Bonds redeemed .. $11,600.00
Also the following list shows the
appropriations and amount of war-
rants drawn on each fund since the
beginning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st. 1911, to Feb. 1, 1912:
Appropriation. Expended.
General Expense and
Contingent Fund ....$37,000 $28,046.20
First District
Second District
Third District
Fourth District
Fifth District
Fire Department
Police Department
Printing ...
Street Lighting
Board of Health
Special Bonded Paving
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 4,000.00
Improvement of
Mount Carmel Ave. 1,500.00 725.64
Repairing and Build-
ing Sidewalks 1,000.00 883.84
Improvement of
Grandview Ave. 3,700 3,508.57
Improvement of
Villa Street 300.00 113.35
Improvement of
First and Iowa Sts. 500.00 500.00
Widening and Im-
proving Hill Street 500.00 500.00
Constructing S i d e-
walk at City Pound 400.00 389.62
Completing Sewer at
Eighteenth Street . 1,000.00 999.20
Cleaning Sewer in
Fourteenth Street . 800.00 310.75
Thirteenth St r e et
Dump ... 200.00 199.20
Improvement of
Clay Street 800.00 483.69
Sanitary Se w e r in
Mount Pleasant
Ave ... ... 3,000.00
Improvement of
North Booth Street
Opening and Im-
provement of Clif-
ford Street
Continuation of Bee
Branch Sewer north
of Twenty - Seventh
Street .. 1,000.00
Improvement of
Park Hill Avenue 200:00
Storm Sewer in
Twenty -Fifth St 200:00
Storm Water Sewer
200.00 200.00
48 Regular Session February.1, 1912 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 49
in Twenty- seventh
Street . 1,981.00 1,407.48
Sanitary Sewer in
Jackson Street to
Brunswick - Balke-
Collender Co ... 1,500.00 1,266.57
Sidewalk to Eagle
Point Park 300.00 299.20
Deficiency Fund • 7,368.00 7,365.25
Total Appropria-
tions .. $297,529.00
Moved by Ald. 0' Rourke the report
be received and warrants be drawn
for the various amounts and report be
referred back to Finance Committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The folowing is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
last half of January, 1912:
Amount due Firemen $1618.10
One per cent. retained for Pen-
sion Fund 31.6;
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the Firemen and the re-
port referred back to the Committee
on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
police report for the month of Jan-
uary, 1912:
Assault and battery 1
Demented • • • • 1
Runaway boys 1
Disturbing the peace 8
Disorderly conduct 1
Seduction • • • • 1
Violating city ordinance 2
Intoxication . .20
Petit larceny 5
Totals ....40
Residents arrested 23
Doors found open 29
Defective lights 55
Lodgers harbored 249
Meals fufnished 32
' Cost of food $ 6.40
Poundmaster's receipts • 1.00
Police court costs collected 19.60
City ordinance fines collected 18.8
Patrol runs for prisoners
Ambulance calls • • • • 2
Miles traveled 50
Also beg to submit pay roll for Po-
licemen for last half of January, 1912:
Amount due Policemen $1,419.31
Pension Fund .... 28.97
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report
and pay roll were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the Po-
licemen and the report referred back
to the Committee on Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during
the last half of January, 1912:
Amount due laborers on streets..$583.30
Also submit pay roll for labor on Mt.
Carmel avenue last half of January:
Amount due $362.60
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
rolls on streets were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the pay rolls and
report referred back to the Committee
on Streets.
Also submit pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the last half of Jan-
uary, 1912:
Amount due laborers on sewers..$226.10
Also due labor on Fourteenth street
storm sewer last half of January:
Amount due $186.20
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
roll on sewers was received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and pay roll referred
back to Committee on Sewers.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of January, 1912. I find from the
reports of the Police department that
the total hours that 55 lamps failed to
burn would equal 1 1 -3 lamps burning
for one month, or $6.66.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician. •
Following weighmasters' reports on
receipts were presented and read and
on motion of Ald. Specht were received
and filed:
Louisa Pitchner
Joseph Straney
Edw. Norton
H. P. L emper ..... • .............. 11.25
R. Hay 2.68
Dubuque Lumber Co. 2.95
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Fi-
nance Committee be instructed to bor-
row sufficient money to pay the Fire-
jmried. en as the same becomes due. Car -
$ 1.64
City Engineer Baumgartner pre-
sented profile No. 716 showing the pro-
posed grade of Kaufman avenue from
Couler avenue to Kane street. Ald.
Specht moved that the grade be ac-
cepted and Ordinance Committee in-
structed to draft proper ordinance.
Specifications for combination auto-
mobile pumping engine read. Ald. Sin-
grin moved that it be referred to Com-
mittee of Whole and the Committee
Clerk and City Engineer secure all
the data they possibly can and pre-
sent same to Committee of Whole.
Also that Mr, Melindy, of the Water
Works office, be requested to be pres-
ent when same is considered. Carried.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy offered the fol-
Resolved, by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving Clifford street from Seminary
street to the alley first northerly
thereof, by N. J. Stoner, contractor,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied on
the several Lots and Parts of Lots,
and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts net opposite each
Lot or Parcel of Real Estate as fol-
Owner. Description. Amt.
W. A. Hammond, J. P. Schroed-
er's Add., Sub. 1, Lot 1 and
Mechanic's Add., Sub. 108, Lot
2, 135.0 lin. ft. combination ce-
ment curb and gutter at 59c,
$79.65; 133.4 s. yds. macadam-
izing at 70c, $93.38; extra ex-
pense, $4.65 $177.68
Jacob Kerper, Cox's Add., Lot
117, 135.0 lin. ft. combination
cement curb and gutter at 59c,
$79.65; 133.4 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 70c, $93.38; extra ex-
pense, $4.65 177.68
270.0 iln. feet combination cement
curb and gutter at 59c $159.30
266.8 sq. yds, macadamizing at
70c 186.76
Extra expenses ... 9.30
Total $355.36
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Alds, E. E. McEvoy, J. W Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, and
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald. O'Rourke offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing a canitary sewer in West
Locust street, Rosedale avenue, North
Glen Oak avenue, Vernon street and
Mt. Pleasant avenue, by T. J. Has -
sett, contractor, in front of an ad-
joining the same, a Special Tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels
of Real Estate hereinafter named, sit-
uated and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each Lot or Par -
sel of Real Estate, as follows:
Owner. Description.
C. M. Buettell, Ellen Blake's
Sub., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft. $ 28.25
Independent School District of
Dubuque, Min. Lot 93a, Lot 2,
206 lin. ft. pipe, manholdes
and extra expenses at .565 per
ft. 116.39
Independent School District of
Dubuque, Min. Lot 95, Lot 2,
130 lin. ft. pipe, manholes and
extra expenses at .565 per ft. 73.45
Joseph Herod, Min. Lot 184, W.
110.5 ft. Lot 1, 110.5 lin. ft.
pipe, manholes and extra ex-
penses at .566 per ft. 62.43
Minard Koch, Wm. Blake's
Add., Sub. 1 of 1, Lot 2, 30 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft. 16.95
L. Zanuck, Wm. Blokes' Add ,
Sub. 1 of 1, Lot 1, 35 lin. ft
pipe, manholes and extra ex-
penses at .565 per ft. 19.78
Ellen Kane, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Sub. 1, Lot 2, 14.5 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft. 8.19
Ellen Kane, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Lot 2, 50 lin. ft. pipe, manholes
and extra expenses at .565 per
ft. .... 28.25
McCeeney and L. Theis, Wm.
Blake's Add., Lot 3, 50 lin. ft.
pipe, manholdes and extra ex-
penses at .565 per ft 28.25
Nic Theis Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 4, 50 lin. ft.. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Nic Theis Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 5, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Marie Michel, Wm. Blake,'s
Add., 'Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft,
John Michel, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Lot 7, 50 lin. ft, pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
F. J. Wirth Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 8, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
OA .565 per ft.
Mary Powers, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 9, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Alice Lonergan, - Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 10, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Jos. Herod, Wm. Blake's Add.,
Lot 11, 50 lin. ft. pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
Ferd Fettgather, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 12, 50 lin. ft. pipe;
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
T. and L. Paisley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 14, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
T. and L. Paisley, Wm. Blaze's
Add., Lot. 4, 50 lin, ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
John Kingsley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 15, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Jos. F. Kingsley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 16, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Jos. F. Kingsley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 17, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Paul Traut Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 18, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Paul Traut Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 19, 50 lin, ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Hughes and Blake, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 20, 70 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Hughes and Blake, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 21, 76 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Hughes and Blake, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 22, 100 lin. rt. pipe,
manholes' and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
John H. Martens, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 23, 100 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
John H. Martens, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 24, 100 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft.
Hughes and Blake, Wm. •Blake's
Add., Lot 25, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft
Alice McGrath, McGrath's Sub.,
Lot 8, 50 lin. ft. pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
Alice McGrath, McGrath's Sub.,
• Lot 7, 50 lin. ft. pipe, man-
Regular Session, February 1, 1912
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
Pat Cassidy, Min. Lot 96, Lot
1, 79 lin. ft. pipe, manholes,
and extra expenses at .565
per ft,
Alice McGrath, McGrath's Sub.,
Lot 4, 50 lin. ft. pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
Alice McGrath, McGrath's Sub ,
Lot 3, 61 lin. ft. pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
Alice McGrath, McGrath's Sub ,
Lot 2, 50 lin. ft. pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
Alice McGrath, McGrath's Sub ,
Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
.565 per ft.
Anton, Siege, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 1, 50 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra'
expenses at .565 per ft.
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 2, 60 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 3, 50 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
Johanna Huber, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot. 4, 50 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
Hilda and Viola Siege, A. P
Woods' Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 5,
50 lin. ft. pipe, manholes and
extra expenses at 565 per ft
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 6, 50 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 7, 50 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 8, 50 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 9, 50 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 10 81.4 11n.
ft. pipe, manholes and. extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 36B, 62 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
J. A. . Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 35B, 52 lin
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
expenses at .565 per ft.
J. A, Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 34B, 52 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
28.25 expenses at .565 per ft. 29.38
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 33B, 52 lin
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
44.64 expenses at .565 per ft. 29.38
Henrietta Gruenzig, A. P
- Woods' Add., Lot 32 B, 52 lin
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
28.25 expenses at .565 per ft. 29.38
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 31B, 52 lin
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
34.47 expenses at .565 per ft. 29.38
T. Rhomberg, A. P. Woods'
Add., Lot 30B, 52 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
28.25 .. at .565 per ft. 29.38
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 29B, 52 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
28.25 expenses at .565 per ft. 29.38
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 28B, 52 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
28.25 expenses at .565 per ft. 29.38
D. Sutherland, A. P. Woods'
Add., Lot 27B., 52 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
28.25 at .565 per ft. 29.38
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 26B, 52 lin.
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
28.25 expenses at .565 per ft, 29.28
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 25B, 59 lin
ft. pipe, manholes and extra
28.25 expenses at .565 per ft. 33.34
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 24C, 125 lin
ft. pipe, manholes' and extra
28.25 expenses at .565 per ft. 70.63
Jas. Lee, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Lot 32 69 lin. ft. pipe, man-
holes and extra expenses at
28.25 .565 per ft. 38.99
John Blake Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 33, '71 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
28.25 at .565 per ft. 43.51
M. M Hoffmann, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 34, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft. .. -. 28.25
M. M Hoffmann, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 35, 50 lin. ft. pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
at .565 per ft. 28.25
M. J. McCullough, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 36. 50 lin. ft pipe,
manholes and extra expenses
45.99 at .565 per ft. 28.25
Paul Traut Est., Win. Blake's
Add., Lot 37, 50 lin. feet,
pipe, manholes' and extra
2938 expense at .565 $ 28 25
P. Hughes' Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 38, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
29.38 expense at .565 28 25
P. Hughes' Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 39, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
Regular Session, February 1, 1912
28 25
expense at .565
Paul Traut Est., Win. Blake's
Add., Lot 40, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565 28 25
Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm.
Blake's Add., Lot 41, 50
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 28 25
Louis. Oberhoeffer, Wm.
Blake's Add., Lot 42, 71
lin. feet pipe; manholes
and extra expense at .565 40 12
J. H. Bromberg. Est., A. P.
Wood's Add., Lot 24a, 216
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 122 04
J. H. Rromberg Est., A. P.
Wood's Add., Lot 12b, 118
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 66 67
Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm.
• Blake's Add., Lot 46, 50
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 28 25
Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm.
Blake's Add., Lot 45, 50
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 28 25
Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm.
Blake's Add., Lot 44, 50
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 28 25
Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm.
Blake's Add., Lot 43, 62.5
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 35 31
Jas Lee, Min. Lot 185,
100 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
.565 56 50
7. J. Nagle, Wood's Add., Lot
la, 350 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
Add., Lot 1, 220 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565 124 30
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
Add., Lot 2, 398 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565 224 87
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
Add., No. 120 feet Lot 7,
240 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
Add., No. 120 feet Lot 8,
120 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
.565 67 80
Jos. Jungwirth, Mt. Pleasant
Add., So. 80 feet Lot 8,
80 lin, feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 45 20
Jos. Jungwirth, Mt, Pleasant
Add., Sub. 9, Lot 1, 99.4
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 56 17
J. B. Gilmore, Home Addi-
197 75
136 60
62 Regular Session February 1, 1912
tion, Lot 20, 140 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Oath. Sullivan, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 19, 45 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
D. J. Linehan, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 18, 45 lin, feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
D. J. Linehan, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 17, 45 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
D. J. Linehan, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 16, 90 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
D. J. Linehan, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 14, 45 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
D. J. Linehan, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 13, 45 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
John J. Ludescher, Home
Addition, Lot 7, 130 lin.
feet pipe, manholes and
extra expense at .565
Henry Bade, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 6, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Jacob Ettensohn, Home Ad-
dition, Lot 5, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Win. R. Fawkes, Home Ad-
dition, Lot 4, 100 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Robt. J. Courtney, Home Ad-
dition, Lot 3, 100 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Frank Nevens, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 2, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Jennie Courtney, Home Ad-
dition, Lot 1, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Home for the Friendless,
Min. Lot 178, Lots 2 and
3, 65 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
Home for the Friendless,
Gray's Sub., Lot 1, 26 lin.
feet pipe, manholes and
extra expenses at
Helen Wright, Gray's Sub ,
Lot 2, 51.25 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Mary G. Page, Gray's Sub.,
Lot 3, 51.25 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Helen Wright, Gray's Sub.,
Lot 4, 51.25 lin. feet pipe,
79 10 manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Mary R. Maher, Gray's Sub ,
Lot 5, 51.25 lin. feet pipe,
25 43 manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Mary R. Maher, Mt. Pleas-
ant Add., E. M. 75 fet. Lot
25 43 6, 75 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
Mary R. Maher, Oakland
25 43 Park, Lot 6, 50.9 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .564
H. B. Schwaegler, Oakland
50 85 Park, Lot 5, 51 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Mary Truedell, J. N. Hill's
25 43 Sub., Lot 7, 51.8 lin, feet
pipe, manholes and ' extra
expense at .565
John Barrett, J. N. Hill's
25 43 Sub., Lot 6, 51.8 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Anna Graham, J. N. Hill's
73 45 Sub., Lot 5, 51.8 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Thos. Hein, Oakland Park,
28 25 Lot 4, 50 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Dora Hein, Oakland Park,
28 25 Lot 3, 50 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Rosalia Holland, Oakland.
56 50 Park, E. 110 ft. Lott, 50
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565
Laura Ming Oakland
56 50 Park, Lot 1, 57.9 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Anton Fortinan, Maple
28 25 Heights Add., No. 50 ft.
Lot 8, 50 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
28 25 Hiram L. Herron, Maple
Heights Add., So. 20 ft.
Lot 8, 20 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
36 73 Hiram L. Herron, Maple
Heights Add., No. 40 ft.
Lot 7, 40 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
14 13 pense at .565
Lizzie Fortman, Maple
Heights Add., So. 30 ft.
Lot 7, 30 lin. feet pipe,
28 96 manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Lizzie Fortman, Maple
Heights Add., No. 30 ft.
28 96 Lot 6, 30 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
28 96 Frank Gorham, Maple
Heights Add., So. 40 ft.
Lot 6, 40 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Frank Gorham, Maple
Heights Add., No. 20 ft.
Lot 5, 20 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
42 37 pense at .565
John Sniker, Maple Heights
Add., So. 50 ft. Lot 5, 50
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565
28 76 John Sniker, Maple Heights
Add., No. 10 ft. Lot. 4, 10
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565
28 82 J. D. Bush, Maple Heights
Add., So. 135 ft. Lot 4, 135
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expenses at .565
C. T. Bush, Maple Heights
Add., Lot 3, 70, lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Mary P. Condon, Maple
Heights, Add., Lot 2, 70
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565
Carrie Miller, Maple Heights
Add., Lot 1, 70 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Chas. T. Bush, Mt. Pleasant
Add., E. 1 -2 Lot 30, 155
lin. feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565
J. J. Nagle, Schmidt's Sub.,
Lot 4, 50 lin, feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
28 96
29 27
29 '27
29 27
28 25
28 25
28 26
Frank H. Smyth, Schmidt's
Sub., Lot 3, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
32 71 expense at 565
Robt. W. Simpsin, Schmidt's
Sub., Lot 2, 50 lin. feet
pipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
28 25 Rosa Schmidt, Schmidt's
Sub., Lot 1, 85.3 lin. feet
wipe, manholes and extra
expense at .565
Helen Holand, Mt. Pleasant
11 3'0 Add., N. E. 7 -8 Lot 23, 150
lin feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565
Chas. Simplot Est., Mt.
Pleasant Add., S. W. 1 -8
22 60 Lot 23, 50 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565
Wm. Quigley, Mt. Pleasant
Add., No. 50 ft. W. 1 -2 Lot
16 95 26, 50 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
A. Ruchte, Mt. Pleasant
Regular Session, February 1, 1912
16 95
22 60
11 30
28 25
5 65
76 28
39 55
39 55
39 55
87 58
28 25
28 25
28 25
48 19
84 75
28 25
28 25
Add., So. 99 ft. W. 1 -2 Lot
26, 99 lin. feet pipe, man-
holes and extra expense at
.565 55 95
J W. Coy, Mt. Pleasant
Add., Sub. 31 Lot 2, 50 lin.
feet, pipe, manholes and
extra expense at .565 28 25
Sarah Collier, Mt. Pleasant
Add., Sub. 31 Lot 3, 50 lin.
feet pipe, manholes and
extra expense at .565...: 28 25
Sarah Collier, Reilley's Sub.,
Lot 1, 30 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565 16 95
Florence E. McCraney,
Reilley's Sub., Lot 2 and 1
of 3 and 1 of 4, Lot 1, 40
lin, feet pipe, manholes
and extra expense at .565 22 60
Eliz. Frost, Reilley's Sub.,
Lot 2 and 1 of 3 and 1 of
4, Lot 2, 25 lin. feet pipe,
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565 14 13
City of Dubuque, appropria-
riation, 1,000 lin. feet pipe.
manholes and extra ex-
pense at .565 565 00
Total $6107 65
3700.5 lin. feet 8 -inch tile
pipe at 70c per lin. ft. $2590 35
2872.5 lin. feet 10 -inch tile
pipe at 75c per lin. ft. '... 2154 37
28 manholes at $40,00 each 1120 00
Extra expenses 242 93
Total Cost $6107 65
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singirn
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully report that we met with
the representatives of the several rail-
roads interested in the order of the
City Council to construct and maintain
gates at certain specified crossings, and
directed that the gates on crossings
occupied by more than one railroad
should be. placed as follows:
Railroad Avenue -One west of the C.,
M. & St. Paul track and one east of
the I. C: west bound main track.
Jones Street -One west of the C., M.
& St. P. 'track and one east of the Bush
First Street -One west of the C., M.
& St. P. track and one east of the
I. C. track and a watchman stationed
at Iowa Street. -
Second Street -One west of the C., M.
& St. P., and one east of the I. C. track.
54 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 55
Third Street —One west of the C., M.
& St. P. track and one east of the
track leading to the C., B. & Q. pass-
enger depot.
Fourth Street —One west of the C., M.
& St. P. track and one east of the
easterly switch track.
Seventh Street —That instead of gates
at this crossing, two watchmen be sta-
Eleventh Street, Thirteenth Street,
Fifteenth Street, Sixteenth Street and
Seventeenth Street, one gate at each
crossing west of the C. G. W. track
and one east of the C., M. & St. P.
The other gates ordered by the reso-
lution adopted January 10, 1912, being
on the respective rights of way of
the C., M. & St. P. and the C. G. W.
Railroad companies, said companies
were directed to erect a gate on either
side of their tracks on the crossings
specified in said resolution. •
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Kretschmer Manufacturing Co. asking
that the valuation for assessment pur-
poses on city lots 417, 418 and 419, the
improvements to be made thereon and
also on the personal property used in
connection with its business be
placed at $5,000.00 for a period of ten
years, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the accompanying or-
dinance confirming said exemption be
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of St.
Joseph's College, stating that the as-
sessment levied against it for the
construction of the Belmound and West
Fourteenth Street sanitary sewer was
altogether out of proportion to the
benefits conferred on its property, and
asking that on this account and for
other reasons mentioned, that the said
assesment be reduced, would respect-
fully recommend that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that the City
Treasurer be instructed to cancel fifty
per cent of said assessment.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the bill of Anton
Zwack for $9.50 for putting in new
crossing at Ries Street and Stafford
Avenue, would respectfully recommend
that said bill be paid.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Fire Department asking for an in-
crease in wages for the members there-
of, would respectfully recommend that
an increse of five dollars per month be
granted the captains, engineers, stokers,
drivers, hosemen and truckmen.
Charmian Pro Tem.
Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of
the various reports of the Committee
of the Whole, except the one pertaining
to R. R. crossings and that be refer-
red back to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy offered the fol-
An Ordinance Amending the Ordi-
nance adopted February 3, 1910, and
approved February 9, 1910, providing
for the election of Park Commission-
ers, and defining their duties and
Whereas, the General Assembly of
the State of Iowa, by an act approved
March 24, 1911, and which forms Chap-
ter 46 of the Acts of the 34th General
Assembly, changed the term of office
of Park Commissioners in cities acting
under special charter, making the same
six instead of five years, and provid-
ing for an election of a full board at
the next regular city election, and also
made other changes in the laws gov-
erning said Park Boards, thus render-
ing it necessary to amend the existing
ordinance of the City of Dubuque,
adopted February 3, 1910, approved
February 9, 1910, providing for the
election• of three Park Commissioners,
in order to conform to the require-
ments of the act adopted by the Gen-
eral Assembly of the state; Therefore,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Sec. 1. That the ordinance entitled
"An Ordinance providing for the elec-
tion of Park Commissioners and de-
fining their duties and powers," which
was approved February 9th, 1910, he
amended so as to read as follows:
Sec. 2. In pursuance of the require-
ments of Chapter 46 of the acts of the
34th General Assembly of the State of
Iowa, at the next municipal election
in the City of Dubuque, to be held on
Monday, April 1st, 1912, there shall be
elected three Park Commissioners who
shall constitute and be known as the
Park Board of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, one of whom shall hold his of-
fice for the term of two years, one for
four rears and one for six years, the
term for which each Commissioner so
elected shall serve to be determined by
lot. The terms of office of the Com-
missioner elected as successors to
those chosen at the election held April
1st, 1912, shall be for six years.
The Commissioners elected at the
election of April, 1912, within ten (10)
days after their election shall determine
by lot the term each one IS to serve,
shall take the oath of office, shall
elect from their own number a chair-
man and secretary, and shall each
give bond in the sum of One Thousand
Dollars, for the faithful performance
of their duties, to the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, the bond to be taken out in
a bonding company to be approved by
the City, Council, the cost to be paid
out of the Park Fund.
Sec. 3. The jurisdiction, powers, du-
ties and obligations of said Park Board
shall be those created and defined in
the Code, the Supplement thereto, and
Laws of the State of Iowa now in
force or which may be hereafter en-
acted relative to the Park Boards in
cities acting under special charters,
and as provided for in said laws, said
Park Board shall keep a full account
of all disbursements and expenditures
and make a detailed report thereof to
the City Council at the April meeting
thereof in each year, including a full
statement of the work done and im-
provements made during the preced-
ing year.
All payments out of the Park Fund
in care of the City Treasurer shall be
by orders drawn on said Treasurer and
signed by the Chairman and Secretary
of the Park Board, and the City Treas-
urer is required to honor all such or-
ders drawn as aforesaid to the extent
of the money in his hands belonging to
said Park Fund.
Sec. 4.' The Park Board is hereby
authorized and empowered to formu-
late and enforce rules and regulations
for the proper planting, care, trimming
and protection of all trees on the pub-
lic streets and driveways of the city,
and it shall be the duty of all persons
to comply with such rules and regula-
Sec. 6. There shall be no compensa-
tion attached to the office of Park Com-
missioner and all services performed
by said Commissioners and Park Board
shall be rendered without compensation
Sec. 6. The adoption of this Ordi-
nance amendatory of the Ordinance
adopted February 3, 1910, shall not be
held to terminate the term of office
of the present Park Commissioners or
to affect their powers as such Com-
missioners, but the same shall con-
tinue until the election of their suc-
cessors at the city election to be held
April 1, 1912.
Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
passage and publication in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald,
the official newspapers of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance. Carried.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
rules he suspended in order to read
the Ordinance by its title. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas, Alds.
E. E. McEvoy, J. W. McEvoy,
O'_Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
P ld. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
Ordinance be now adopted. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas, Alds.
E. E. McEvoy, J. W. McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy offered the fol-
An ordinance fixing the compensa-
tion of the members of the Fire De-
partment and repealing all previous
ordinances or parts of ordinances
bearing on that subject.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the, City of Dubuque;
Section 1. That the compensation
for members of the Fire Department
of the City of Dubuque shall be as
Chief, $1,500.00 per annum.
Assistant Chief, $1,200.00 per annum.
Captains, $85.00 per month.
Engineers, $87.50 per month.
Stokers, $76.50 per month.
Drivers 3 -horse hitch, $81.50 per
Drivers 2 -horse team, $76.50
Hosemen and Laddermen, 3rd year,
87100 per month.
Hosemen and Laddermen, 2nd year,
$65.50 per month.
Hosemen and Laddermen, 1st year, .
$60.00 per month.
Watchmen $60.00 per month.
Section 2. That all ordinances and
parts of ordinances inconsistent with
the provisions hereof be and are
hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance to take
effect and be in force from and after
the first day of March, 1912, after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Teegraph- Herald and Times - Journal
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance. Car-
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
rules be suspended in order to read
the Ordinance by its title.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
Ordinance be now adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald E. E. McEvoy offered the follow-
An Ordinance fixing the salary of
the Deputy Assessors and repealing all
ordinances or parts of ordinances
heretofore adopted in conflict there-
56 Regular Session February 1, 1912 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 57
Be it Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the salary of the
Deputy Assessors be and the same is
hereby fixed at $1,100 per annum.
Section 2. That all ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict with the
provisions of Section 1 hereof be and
the same are hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
the first day of March, 1912, after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance. Carried.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
rules be suspended in order to read
the Ordinance by its title. Carried
by the following vote: Yeas, Alds.
E. E. McEvoy, J. W. McEvoy.
O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Ald E. E. McEvoy moved that the
Ordinance be now adopted. Carried
by the following' vote: Yeas, Alds.
E, E. McEvoy, J. W. McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, Specht,
Absent -Saul.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy offered the fol-
An Ordinance establishing a grade
on Kaufman Avenue from Couler
Avenue to Kane Street.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Kauf-
man avenue from Couler Avenue to
Kane Street, be and the same is here-
by established and adopted by the
profile of said street and grade pre-
pared by the City Engineer and ac-
cepted by the City Council on the first
day of February, 1912, being Profile
No. 716 and marked "Grade of Kauf-
man Avenue from Couler Avenue to
Kane Street 13. M. North door sill of
Heeb's Brewery Hall, elevation
Said grade begins at the west curb
line of Couler Avenue, which is Sta-
tion 0, elevation 31.98; thence to sta-
tion 1 +28, east line of alley, elevation
north curb 33.67; thence to station
1 +48, west line of alley, elevation
north curb 32.98; thence to station
2 +11, east curb line of Heeb Street,
elevation south curb 34.80; thence to
station 2 +41, west curb line of Heeb
street, elevation south curb 35.30;
thence to station 2 +75, east curb line
of Francis street, elevation north curb
36.50; thence to station 3 +11, west
curb line of Francis street, elevation
north curb line 36.20; thence to sta-
tion 3+60, elevation south curb 36.50,
north curb 36.88; thence to station
4 +43.5, east line of alley, elevation
north curb line 38.02; thence to sta-
tion 4 +61.5, elevation north curb
38.27; thence to station 6 +39, east
curb line of North Main street, eleva-
tion south curb 40.60, north curb
40.35; thence to station 6 +70.5,
vest curb line of North Main street,
elevation south curb 40.85, north curb
41.10; thence to station 8 +70, east
curb line of Klein street, elevation
south curb 45.20, north curb 45.10;
thence to station 9 +3, west curb line
of Klein street, elevation south curb
46.15; thence to station 13, elevation
48.40; thence to station 13 +66, east
line of alley, elevation north curb
50.20; thence to station 16 +49, east
line of alley, elevation north curb
56.00; thence to station 16 +71, west '
line of alley, elevation north curb.
56.45; thence to station 17, elevation
57.30; thence to station 17 +50, eleva-
tion 58.20; thence to station 18,
elevation 58.80: thence to sta-
tion 18 +50, elevation 59.40; thence to
station 19, elevation 59.75; thence to
station 21 +39, angle in street, eleva-
tion 61.00; thence to station 24 +73,
east line of Hempstead street, eleva-
tion 62.20; thence to station 24.99,
east line of Hempstead street, eleva-
tion south curb 62.40; thence to sta-
tion 26.99, east curb line of Valeria
street, elevation north curb 64.00;
thence to station 27.23, west curb of Va-
leria street, elevation north curb 64.20;
thence to station 32 +39, northeast
curb of street, elevation north curb
68.70;, thence to station 32.58, north-
west curb of stret, elvation north curb
68.70; thence to station 34+50, east
curb of Kane street, elevation north
curb 70.70; thence to station 34 +20,
angle and center line of Kane, eleva-
tion south curb 70.60.
section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and af-
ter its passage by the City Council and
its publication one time in the Du-
buque Telegraph - Herald and Times -
Journal newspapers.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the Ordinance. Car-
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
rules be suspended in order to read the
Ordinance by its title.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
Ordinance be now adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy offered the fol-
Whereas, on or about ulv 30. 1911,
the entire plant of the Kretschmer
Manufacturing Company, situated on
lots four hundred seventeen (417), four
hundred eighteen (418) and four hun-
dred nineteen (419) in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, was destroyed by fire,
Whereas, for the purpose of re-
establishing said business on said
property it is now proposed to organ-
ize a separate corporation to be named
Kretschmer Building Company, to
construct on said property a new and
substantial building, suitable for
carrying on the business of said
Kretschmer Manufacturing Company,
and to be leased to said Kretschmer
Manufacturing Company, on such
terms that the said Kretschmer Manu-
facturing Company will be obliged to
pay whatever taxes are assessed
thereon, and,
Whereas, the capital stock of said
Building Company is being subscribed
by the Dubuque Industrial Corpora-
tion, and various other corporations,
firms and individuals for the purpose
of enabling said business to be con-
tinued, and,
Wnereas, the business of said
Kretschmer Manufacturing Company
is largely manufacturing and it is a
substantial employer of labor and it
is the settled policy of this city to en-
courage the establishment and main -
tainence here of manufacturing plants
giving employment to its citizens, and,
Whereas, it is believed that during
the next ten years the sum of Five
Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars should be
a sufficient valuation for taxation pur-
poses of the entire property, real and
personal, used in connection with
said manufacturing business at said
location, and,
Whereas, it would take a consider-
able part of the present year, 1912, to
construct said building, now therefore
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That for the period of
ten years commencing with the year
1913 and provided that during said
period the property herein mentioned
shall he used for manufacturing pur-
poses, as herein contemplated, the
valuation for the purposes of city tax-
ation of city lots four hundred seven-
teen (417), four hundred eighteen (418)
and four hundred nineteen (419) in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, together with
the improvements that are or may
during said period be put thereon and
the personal property owned or used
by the said Kretschmer Manufactur-
ing Company in connection with its
plant and business located on the
lands above described shall be fixed at
the sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00)
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and
after its passage by the City Council
and its publication one time in the
Telegraph - Herald and Times- Journal,
the official newspapers of the City of
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
reading just had be considered the
first reading of the ordinance. Car-
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
rules be suspended in order to read
the ordinance by its title. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
ordinance be now adopted. Carried by
the following vote:
Yeas - -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 1st. 1912.
To the Honorable City Council: -
Gentlemen: The Board of Health met
on January 29th, 1912, with the fol-
lowing members present: Hon. D. J.
Haas, Otto P. Geiger, Ald. Wm. Sin-
grin, Citizen, A. J. Hartig, Simon Mil-
ler, Sanitary Police Paul Bewer.
Bids f or care of the Detention Hos-
pital opened, and contract , awarded
to James E. Robinson, he being the
lowest bidder.
Mr. F. Fosselman and J. B. Murray
given to April 1st, 1912, to comply with
order to connect with sanitary sewer.
We also recommend that the follow-
ing bills be paid by you:
Nutwood Livery Co., $21.00; Simon
Miller, $21.00; A. J. Hartig, $27.00.
The following bills sent to the county
for payment: M. E. King, $5.00; E. J.
Ganson, $7.76; B. C. Scherr, $10.00.
Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of
the report. Carried.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by 'the City of Dubuque
for the construction of permanent side-
walks abutting certain property here-
inafter described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
the cost and expense thereof to amount
to $236.62.
Therefore, be it Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, that
58 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 Regular Session, February 1, 1912 59
to provide for the cost of constructing
such permanent sidewalks, the Mayor
be and he is hereby required to exe-
cute and deliver to the City Recorder
to be by him registered and counter-
signed, ten sidewalk certificates num-
bered consecutively from 37 to 46, in-
clusive, and in the amounts set out
No. 37, E. Langworthy's Add ,
lot 77 $27 47
No. 38, Ham's Add., northeast one -
half lot 570 20 08
No. 39, Ham's Add., southwest
one -half lot 570 13 50
No. 40, Ham's Add., lot 571 27 00
No. 41, Julia Langworthy's Add ,
Und. 1 -2 lot 42 12 75
No. 42, Julia Langworthy's Add.,
Und. 1 -2 Lot 42 12 75
No. 43, S. M. Langworthy's Sub.,
Lot 1 17 54
No. 44, S. M. Langworthy's Sub.,
Lot 6 17 71
No. 45, Cleininson's Sub., Lot 4 i2 76
No. 46, City, the South Lot 3a 25 03
Said sidewalk certificates to be dated
February 5th, 1912, to be payable in or
before six years after the date there -
foreof, and to bear interest at the rate
of six per cent. per annum, payable
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Ald. O'Rourke offered the following:
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque for
the improvement of a street as here-
inafter described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amount to $16,210.47.
Therefore, Be it resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, That
to provide for the cost of improving
Grandview Avenue from Dodge Street
to South Dodge Street, the Mayor be
and he is hereby required to execute
and deliver to the City Recorder, to be
by him registered and countersigned,
sixty -four bonds for two hundred and
fifty dollars each and one bond for
two hundred ten and 47 -100 dollars,
numbered 1,315 to 1,379, inclusive,
dated February 5th, 1912, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum, pay-
able semi-annually.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul. •
Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of a street as
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to
Therefore, Be it resolved by the
Council of the City of Dubuque, That
to provide for the cost of improving
Auburn Avenue from Delhi street to
West Fourteenth street, the Mayor be
and he is hereby required to execute
and deliver to the City Recorder, to
be by him registered -and counter-
signed, - -eight bonds -for two hun-
dred -and fifty dollars each and
one bond for three hundred nineteen
and 33 -100 dollars, numbered 1,380 to
1,388 inclusive, dated February 5th,
1912, payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, and bear-
ing interest at the rate of five per cent.
per annum, payable semi - annually.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent- Ald.'Saul.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of a street here-
inafter described has been complet-
ed, and the City Engineer has com-
puted that the cost and expense of
said improvement amount to $1,160.63
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Harvard Street from Alta
Vista Street to Yale Street, the
Mayor be and he is hereby required to
execute and deliver to the City Rec-
order, to be by him registered and
countersigned, four bonds for two
hundred and fifty dollars each and one
bond for one hundred sixty and 63 -100
dollars, numbered 1389 to 1393 inclusive,
dated February 5th, 1912, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum, pay-
able semi - annually.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the ' adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote, Yeas, Aids. E. E. Mc-
Evoy, J. W. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer,
Singrin, Specht. Absent -Ald. Saul.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer as hereinafter described has been
completed, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
o f said improvement amount to
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing a sanitary sewer in Belmound
Street, from Rose Street to West Four-
teenth Street, thence easterly in West
Fourteenth Street to Prairie Street,
the Mayor to be and he is hereby re-
quired to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, twelve bonds for
two hundred and fifty dollars each and
one for two hundred sixty -one and
37 -100 dollars, numbered 1298 to 1310,
inclusive, dated February 5th, 1912,
payable on or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent, per an-
. num, payable semi - annually.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sewer as here-
inafter described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amount to $1,076.04.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing a sanitary sewer in Lang -
worthy Avenue, from South Hill Street
to James Street, thence northerly in
James Street to West Third Street,
thence easterly in West Third Street
for a distance of two hundred and
twenty -five feet, the Mayor be and he
is hereby required to execute and de-
liver to the City Recorder, to be by
him registered and countersigned, three
bonds for two hundred and fifty dol-
lars each and one bond for three hun-
dred twenty-six and 04 -100 dollars,
numbered 1311 to 1314, inclusive, dated
February 5th, 1912, payable on or be-
fore seven years after the date there-
of, and bearing interest at the rate of
five per cent. per annum, payable semi-
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent -Ald. Saul.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a street ae
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted. and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Langworthy Avenue from
South Hill Street to James Street,
the Mayor be and he is hereby re-
quired to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him regis-
tered and countersigned, nine bonds
for two hundred and fifty dollars
each and one bond for two hundred
thirty -one and 24 -100 dollars, num-
bered 1394 to 1403, inclusive, dated
February 5th, 1912, payable on or
before seven years after the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum, pay-
able semi - annually.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin
and Specht.
Absent - -Ald. Saul.'
Alderman O'Rourke offered the
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of a street as
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amount to
Therefore, Bt It Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Belmound Street from Rose
Street to West Fourteenth Street,
the Mayor be and 1.e is hereby re-
quired to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him regis-
tered and countersigned, five bonds
for two hundred and fifty dollars
each and one bond for three hundred
twenty -nine and 84 -100 dollars,
numbered 1404 to 1409, inclusive,
dated February 5th, 1912, payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi - annually.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy; O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin
and Specht.
Absent-Ald. Saul.
Ald. O'Rourke offered the following:
Whereas, the contract heretofore en-
60 Regular Session February 1, 1912
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the construction of a sewer as here-
inafter described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amount to $414.35,
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing a sanitary sewer in Broad-
way from a point about opposite the
middle of Lot 1 in Wullweber's Sub.,
southerly to Blocklinger's Lane, thence
easterly in Blocklinger Lane to Couldr
Avenue, the Mayor be and he is here-
by required to execute and deliver to
the City Recorder, to be by him regis-
tered and countersigned, one bond for
two hundred and fifty dollars and on.:
bond for one hundred and sixty -four
and 35 -100 dollars, numbered 1410 and
1411, dated February 5th, 1912, payable
on or before seven years after the gate
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent per annum, pay-
able semi - annually.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adopt_on
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
EN oy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin,
Absent —Ald. Saul.
The annual report of the
brary Trustees presented.
of Ald. Sauer referred to
of the Whole.
Public Li-
On motion
Quarterly report of City Water
Works Trustees presented on motion
of Ald. Singrin referred to the Special
Auditing Committee.
Ald. Sauer moved that the Mayor.
City Engineer and Ward Aldermen
constitute a committee to investigate
the grade on Columbia street and re-
port to the Council. Carried.
Ald. Singrin moved that brick be
purchased for the Clay street im-
provement. Carried.
Ald. Specht suggested that it would
be a good idea to have the City
Engineer draft plans and specifica-
tions for a public comfort station in
the City Hall. Ald, J. W. McEvoy
moved that the matter be referred
to the Public Buildings and Grounds
Committee and the City Engineer to
investigate if such could be done and
report to the Committee of Whole.
City Attorney Lyon reported that the
attorney for the P. W. Crawford
estate would .gay the sum of $50.00 in
full settlement of special assessment
against Sub. of out lot 16 of lot 5 -6
in Hetherton Sub. of Lot 77 of Mc-
Daniel's Sub of out lot 779. Ald.
Sauer moved that the offer be accept-
ed and the City Treasurer be in..
strutted. Carried.
Ald. Specht moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
Regular Session, February 15, 1912 61
Regular Session, Feb. 15, 1912.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Council met at 8:50 p. m.
Present —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin-
grin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon.
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that the
Council proceedings for the month of
January he approved as printed. Car-
Ald. Sauer moved that the matter
of advertising for an automobile fire
engine be made the first order of
business. Carried.
Chief Reinfried advised that In
purchasing an engine, the Council
purchase one having the chemical at-
Ald. Sauer stated that in his opin-
ion the test of the engine should be
made tinder the supervision of the
underwriter with the same length of
hose as used at a fire; also from a
low and high pressure fire plug.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the ad-
vertisement call for specifications
with and without chemical attach-
ment. Carried.
Ald. Singrin moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of al-
lowing Mr. Paup to address the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas— A -lds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul Sin-
grin and Specht.
Nays —None.
Mr. Paup stated that he represented
The Racine Sattley Co. of Des Moines,
Iowa, and that their taxes for the
years of 1906 to 1912 had not been
paid on account of one of their agents
and that he was ready to pay the
taxes without interest for the year
of 1911, and on a valuation of
$4,000.00 for the year of 1906 -1907,
or the sum of $269.66 in full of taxes
to Jan. 1, 1912.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the
Mayor be empowered to settle the
same on said basis and the Treasurer
be instructed. Carried.
A bill from Jacob Hansen for work
done for F. Brown was presented.
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that the
bill be returned, as the City is in no
way liable. Carried.
Petition from Dubuque Benevolent
& Humane Society, asking for a repe-
tition of the appropriation of $300.00
made about a year ago, to aid it in
its undertaking, presented. Ald. Saul
moved same be referred to the Ap-
propriation Committee.
Petition of P. H. Brink, asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to cancel the $100.00 personalty
taxes for the year 1911, as he is an
honorably discharged soldier, pre-
sented. Ald. Singrin moved petition
be referred to City Assessor for in-
vestigation and report to Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Petition of Andrew Wieser, asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to make the proper deduction on his
assessment for year of 1911, as he is
an honorably discharged soldier. On
motion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy, re-
ferred to the City Assessor for in-
vestigation, he to report to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Eva Stock, ask-
ing that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to make the proper allow-
ance on her taxes for year of 1911
for soldier's widow. On motion of
Ald. J. W. McEvoy, referred to City
Assessor for investigation, he to re-
port to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of ' Mrs. Margaret Grutz,
asking that the City Treasurer be
instructed to grant her the soldier's
widow exemption on her taxes for
year 1911. On motion of E. E.
McEvoy, referred to the City Asses-
sor for investigation, he to report to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Kate Klussman,
asking that she be granted the ex-
emption to which she is entitled and
City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept taxes for year 1911 on such re-
duced valuation. On motion of Ald.
Singrin, referred to the City Assessor
for investigation, he to report to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Theo. Klein, asking the
City to accept the principal due for
the improvement of Clifford Street,
assessed against N. 40 ft. of Lot 18,
in C. A. Voelker's Add., and the in-
terest be cancelled. On motion of
Ald. E. E. McEvoy, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of John Eisenegger et al,
asking that provision be made at the
time of making the appropriations
for the year for the completion of
Bee Branch sewer from Twenty -sev-
enth Street north, presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to
the Appropriation Committee.
Notification from Louis Oberhoef-
fer that he was not the owner of Lots
Nos. 43, 44, 45 ad 46, Wm. Blake's
Add., as shown on the special assess-
62 Regular Session, February 15, 1912 Regular Session, February 15, 1912 63
ment for construction of • sewer in
West Locust Street and Rosedale
Avenue and asking that the correc-
tion be made. On motion of Ald. E.
E. McEvoy, referred to the Ci y En-
gineer for correction.
Remonstrance of Mrs. W. W. Wilk-
inson against the special assessment
for the construction of sanitary sewer
in West Fourteenth Street and asking
to be permitted to personally explain
her reasons, presented. On motion
of Ald. E. E. McEvoy, referred to the
Committee of the Whole and Mrs.
Wilkinson be notified to be present
when action is to be taken.
Petition of M. J. Grace (Referee),
asking the City to accept the sum of
$17.72 in full payment of special as-
sessment for the improvement of
Southern Avenue and assessed against
Lot 1 of 3 and Lot 2 of 4 in O'Con-
nor's Add., presented. Ald. Saul
moved that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and City Treasurer
be instructed. Carried.
Petition of Mrs. Ellen O'Meara,
asking that the taxes against Lot 66,
Union Add., be allowed to remain a
lien thereon without interest and the
City Treasurer be instructed accord-
ingly. Ald. Saul moved that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted.
Petition of Mrs. Mary R. Fuhr-
mann, asking that the City allow her
the sum of $25.00 for the destruction
of two peach and one plum tree by
the City firemen on Jan. 16, 1912,
Ald. Singrin moved that the rules
be suspended to hear from Mr. R.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Sin-
grin and Specht.
Nays - -None.
Mr. ' Fuhrman stated that on Jan.
16, 1912, the house next to his was
on fire and the City Firemen destroy-
ed three trees in his yard, and there
was no necessity for same and he
therefore asks the City Council to al-
low him the sum of $25.00 for the
said trees. Ald. Saul moved that the
petition be referred to the Commit-
tee of the whole and that the Chief
of the Fire Department and Mr.
Fuhrman be requested to be present
when action is to be taken. Carried.
Communication from the Gamewell
Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., of New
York, relative to a decision of the
United States District Court of New
Jersey as to the patent right on Fire
Alarm boxes, read. Ald. Saul moved
that it be referred to the City Attor-
Petition of Eugene C. Carey, ask-
ing that assessment on his stock of
goods be reduced to $1,000.00, pre-
sented. Ald, Singrin moved that the
petition be referred to the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Communication from the C. G. W.
R, R. addressed to City Treasurer
Wybrant, claiming that at the time
for the improvement of Twenty -sev-
enth Street there had been an error
made as to the yardage in said work,
read. Ald. Singrin moved that the
communication be referred to the
Committee of the Whole. Carried.
The following list of names of
Judges and Clerks for the coming
Primary and Regular Election was
First Ward, First Precinct — Judges,
James Saul, John McEvoy, Jr.; Clerk,
John Mahoney.
Second Precinct — Judges, John
McEvoy, Sr., T. J. O'Donnell; Clerk,
Robt. Halpin.
Second Ward, First Precinct —
Judges, John Page, Jr., Henry Heir;
Clerk, Geo. Berg.
Second Precinct— Judges, W. R
Lenehan, Wm. Vogt; Clerk, M. Ho-
Third Ward, First Precinct —
Judges, Otto Neuman, Peter Hoff-
man; Clerk, H. R. Thill.
Second Precinct — Judges, W. Sin-
grin, Jos. Hummel; Clerk, Nie
Third Precinct — Judges, Edw. Seil-
er, John Trexler; Clerk, John Wes -
Fourth Ward, First Precinct —
Judges, Matt. McCullough, Pat Mc-
Aloon; Clerk, Alex Gratz.
Second Precinct— Judges, E. E.
McEvoy, Peter Bradley; Clerk, Er-
nest Staehli. .
Third Precinct — Judges, John
Hamel, J. M. Kenety; Clerk, Jas. Lee.
Fifth, Ward, First Precinct —
Judges, Chas. T. Thomas, Geo.
Schlagel; Clerk, C. P. Mettel.
Second Precinct — Judges, Robt.
Specht, Louis Hos; Clerk, Otto Meiss-
Third Precinct — Judges, John
Grimm, Jos. Welu; Clerk, Frank
Fourth Precinct— Judges, Edmund
Sauer, Peter Raab; Clerk, Ed. Stoltz.
Ald. Saul moved that the foregoing
be appointed the Democratic Judges
and Clerks for the Primary Election
Feb. 26, and the Election to be held
April 1, 1912. Carried.
First Ward, F irst Precinct —H.
Lumbeck, Judge; H. Pier, Clerk.
Second Precinct —Geo. D. Rose,
Judge; Frank White, Clerk.
Second Ward, First Precinct —John
Strobel, Judge; T. Frey, Clerk.
Second Precinct--J. O'Rourke,
Judge; O. Longueville, Clerk.
Third Ward, First Precinct —F. L.
Egelhog, Judge; H. A. Kleis, Clerk.
Second Precinct —O. Stecher,
Judge; L. Hauer, Clerk.
Third Precinct —A. Crawford,
Judge; Wm. Haisch, Clerk.
Fourth Ward, First Precinct —A.
Galliart, Judge; D. A. Putman, Clerk.
Second Precinct —H. Geiger, Judge;
3, Ulrich, Clerk.
Third Precinct —D. W. Rand,
Judge; Fred Steiner, Clerk.
Fifth Ward, First Precinct —A.
Reed, Judge; C. K. Mathis. Clerk.
Second Precinct —J. Henney,
Judge; Otto Puls, Clerk.
_ Third Precinct —C. Nead, Judge;
R. Beckler, Clerk.
Fourth Precinct —H. Knoernschild,
Judge; F. Keersecker, Clerk.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the
foregoing be appointed the Citizens'
Non - Partisan Judges and Clerks for
the Primary Election and the Elec-
tion to be held April 1, 1912. Car-
Original notices of Guiseppe Fab -
brini vs. City of Dubuque, Lina
Kleine vs. City of Dubuque and A. C.
Kleine vs. City of Dubuque present-
ed, and on motion of Ald. Saul referr-
ed to the City Attorney.
Notice of claim of personal injur-
ies by Jennie Smith in the sum of
$3,000.00, claiming to have been sus-
tained by falling on the cement side-
walk in Washington Park, on or
about the 6th of Jan. 1912; also no-
tice of claim for personal injuries by
Joseph Weitz in the sum of $2,500.00,
claiming to have been sustained by
falling on the cement sidewalk on
Kaufman Avenue on the 20th day of
January, 1912. On motion of Ald.
O'Rourke both notices referred to
the City Attorney.
City Recorder Geiger presented and
read the notice certified to by the
publishers of the City Council's inten-
tion to construct a Sanitary Sewer in
North Glen Oak Avenue; no remon-
strance being filed and no one in the
room objecting the notice was on mo-
tion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy received
and filed.
Hon. Mayor and City Council, City of
Cent I hem to report that I
have examined the bonds of Joseph
S. Morgan, A. F. Frudden and W. J.
Brown, the newly appointed mem-
bers of the Levee Improvement Com-
mission and find the bonds to be
properly executed as to form, and
herewith return the same.
Jan. 31, 1912.
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, report
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
the pay roll of the Fire Department
for the first half of February; 1912:
Amount due Firemen '$1,596.00
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re-
port was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the Firemen and
the report referred back to the Com-
mittee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as •
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the Police Department for
the first half of February, 1912:
Amount due Policemen ....$1,439.89
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report
and pay roll were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the Po-
licemen and report referred back to
the Committee on Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during
the first half of February, 1912:
Amt. due laborers on streets..$516.95
Also due laborers on Mt. Car-
mel Avenue 255.70
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion of Ald. Saul the pay
rolls on streets were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the pay rolls
and report referred back to the prop-
er committees.
Also submit pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of Feb-
ruary, 1912:
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $221.30
Also due laborers on 14th St.
Water Sewer 262.80
Street Commissioner.
64 =Regular Session, February 15, 1912
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
roll on sewers was received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and pay roll referred
back to Sewer Committee.
Ald. Singrin moved that the Fin-
ance Committee be instructed to bor-
row enough money to pay the Po-
licemen as their salary becomes due.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Lena Artus, asking that the as-
sessed valuation of Lot 83, East Du-
buque Addition, be reduced to $3,-
500.00, would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the peti-
tioner be granted and that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept the
taxes for the year 1911 on said basis.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Joseph Straney,• stating that through
an oversight he was not allowed any
pay for the months of March and
April in 1911 as custodian of Phoenix
Park, and asking that he be allowed
compensation for said months, would
respectfully recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that a warrant in the sum or
$30.00 be ordered drawn on the City
Treasurer in settlement of the claim.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. C. Zust, stating that the estate
of L. Zust stands assessed for $2,-
800.00 moneys and credits for the
year 1911, and that said estate was
closed and the property divided in
1910, and asking therefore that said
assessment be canceled, would re
spectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the City Treasurer be instructed ac-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of E.
R. Lewis, administrator for the es-
tate of J. S. Lewis, asking that on ac-
count of erroneous assessment, the
taxes on $1,100.00 personalty, assess-
ed against said J. S. Lewis, be can-
celed, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the City Treasurer
be instructed accordingly.
Your Committee of the. Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Biscuit Company, ask-
ing that the action heretofore taken
on its petition of March 14th, 1911,
be reconsidered, would respectfully
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Lena Aureden, stating that, although
not a resident of this city during the
year 1910, she was assessed for
$1,000.00 moneys and credits for said
year and asking that the taxes levied
thereon against her be canceled,
would respectfully recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be grant-
ed and that the City Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
E. H. Scheppley, asking that on
account of the expense he was put
to in constructing a brick gutter
abutting his property on Bluff Street,
which gutter, although in good con-
dition. was torn up in the reconstruc-
tion of the street, that the assessment
levied against Lots 767 and 768, City
of Dubuque, for the improvement of
Bluff Street, be accepted in full in
the amount of $201.95, would re-
spectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the City Treasurer be instructed ac-
Your Committee of the .Whole, to
whom was referred the bill of Jacob
Hansen for $12.65, balance alleged to
be due him for work for the city,
would respectfully recommend that
said bill be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Angie H. Peaslee, asking that the as-
sessed valuation of Lot 3, Lang -
worthy Avenue Sub., be increased
from $2,500.00 to $2,600.00, and that
the assessment on $400.00 personal
property be cancelled on account of
double taxation, would respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that the
City Treasurer be instructed to make
said alteration and deduction on the
tax list of 1911.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition, en-
dorsed by the Police and Fire Com-
mission, of the members of the Po-
lice Department, asking for an in.
crease in pay, would respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the
petitioners be granted and that the
salaries of all members of the de-
partment, exclusive of the chief, be
increased $5.00 per month, and that
the salary of the chief be increased
$10.00 per month, and that the Ordi-
nance Committee be instructed to
prepare an ordinance providing for
said changes, the same to take effect
March 1st, 1912.
Regular Session, February 15, 1912 65
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the remonstrance
of the Illinois Central Railroad Com-
pany against the proposed brick pav-
ing of Jackson Street from Seventh
Street to Eighth Streets, together
with the copies of the notices of said
improvement served on the Illinois
Central and Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railroad Companies, would
respectfully recommend that said re-
monstrance and notices be received
and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the agreement of
Mrs. Celia Skemp to pay any assess-
ment that may be levied against the
East 1 -2 of Lot 8 in Fengler's Addi-
tion, provided she be granted per-
mission to connect with the sewer
now in the alley between Rhomberg
and Lincoln Avenues, for the con-
struction of which her said lot has
not been assessed, would respectfully
recommend that permission be grant-
ed as prayed for and that the agree-
ment be approved and filed for
record in the office of the City
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Christ. Braun, stating that he had
been put to an expense of over
$200.00 for extra material on his
contract for the irfrprovement of Sev-
enth Avenue, by reason of the City
having laid its water main in said
avenue while the same was in course
of construction, and asking there-
fore that the charge made for roll-
ing be canceled, would • respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that a war..
rant in, the sum of $183.00 be ordered
drawn on the special bonded fund in
settlement of the claim.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re-
port of the Committee of the Whole,
relative to Christ Braun, be referred
back to the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Saul moved that the various
other reports of the Committee of
the Whole as read be approved. Car-
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the City Recorder be instructed to ad-
vertise for bids to be opened March
1st, for One Combination Motor
Pumping Engine and Hose Wagon,
with box of sufficient capacity to car-
ry from 1,200 to 1,500 feet of 2
inch hose and to have a pumping ca-
pacity of not less than 750 gallons per
minute against a pressure of 100 lbs.
at the engine, and be built under the
bidders' specifications. Each bid to be
accompanied by a certified check for
$500.00 as a guarantee that the con-
tract will be entered into when award-
ed. The City to reserve the right to
reject any or all bids.
JAMES SAUL, Chairman.
After discussing as to it being ad-
visable to make several changes td
the report, Ald. O'Rourke moved that
the City Recorder be instructed to ad-
vertise for bids and specifications for
an Automobile Fire Engine with a
carrying capacity of 1,200 to 1,500
feet of 2 -inch hose and capacity of
not less than 750 gallons of water.
Bidder also to submit specifications as
described with a chemical attach-
ment. Carried.
Ald. Singrin moved that the Com-
mittee of the Whole report, instruct-
ing the City Recorder to advertise for
bids for Motor Fire Engine, be re-
ferred back to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Ald. Singrin moved that the City
Recorder be instructed to insert in the
advertisement for Automobile Fire
Engine, that the bids must be accom-
panied with a certified check of
$500.00 as a guarantee that the bidder
will enter into a contract if awarded,
and that the bids are to be opened
March 1, 1912, and that the City re-
serves the right to reject any or all
bids. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That Jackson
Street from the north curb line of
Seventh Street to the south lot line of
Eighth Street be improved by grading
to sub-grade, curbing or resetting curb
the same where necessary, and brick -
paving said portion of said street on
a concrete foundation, in accordance
with the plans and specifications for
such improvement prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the
15th day of June, 1912, and shall be
paid for in the manner prescribed by
Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Or-
dinance of the City of Dubuque for
the payment of the cost of street im-
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council on
the 7th day of March, 1912, and the
City Recorder is hereby ordered to
give ten days' notice by publication
asking for proposals as provided by
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
66 Regular Session, February 15, 1912 Regular Session, February 15, 1912 67
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin -
grin, Specht.
Ald. Specht offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in Queen
Street, and it is hereby proposed to
construct such sewer as follows, to-
wit: An eight -inch tile pipe sewer in
said Queen street from the present
manhole opposite the southerly line
of Lot 35 in Sanford's Sub., northerly
to a point opposite the center of Lot
46a in Stafford's Add., and to assess
the cost of said sewer against the
abutting property.
Ald. Specht moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin -
grin, Specht.
Ald. Specht offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Queen street from the present man-
hole opposite the southerly line of
Lot 35 in Sanford's Sub., northerly
to a point opposite the center of Lot
46a in Stafford's Add., showing the lo-
cations and general nature of such im-
provement, the extent thereof; the
size and kind of material to be used,
and to prepare an estimate of the cost
theerof and the amount assessable up-
each lot or parcel of land adjacent to
or abutting thereon per front feet or
square feet in area, and to file such
plat, specifications and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in
three consecutive issues of the official
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
hat such plat is on file, and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections
can be filed, which time shall
not be less than five days after the
last publication of such notice, and
after the completion of the publica-
tion of such notice, he shall at its next
session, notify the Council thereof in
writing with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Specht moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin -
i,, necht.
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
• ing:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in Kniest
Street, Eagle Point Avenue, Prince
Street and Sanford Street, and it is
hereby proposed to construct such
sewer as follows, to -wit: an eight -
inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Kniest
Street, from the present manhole in
Lincoln Avenue northerly to Eagle
Point Avenue, thence northeasterly in
Eagle Point Avenue to Prince Street,
thence northwesterly in Prince Street
to Sanford Street, thence northeasterly
in Sanford Street to the east line of
Saunder's Sub. and to assess the cost
of said sewer against the abutting
Ald. Specht moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Cairied by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin,
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Kniest Street from the present
manhole in Lincoln Avenue northerly
to Eagle Point Avenue, thence north-
easterly in Eagle Point Avenue to
Prince Street, thence northwesterly in
Prince Street to Sanford Street, thence
northeasterly in Sanford Street to the
east line of Saunder's Sub., showing
the locations and general nature of
such improvement, the extent there-
of, the size and kind of material to
be used, and to prepare an estimate of
the cost thereof and the amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting thereon per
front feet or square feet in area, and
to file such plat, specifications and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in
three consecutive issues of the official
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file, and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the Last publication
of said no'tice, and after the completion
of the publication of such notice, he
shall, at its next session, notify the
Council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Specht moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin,
Alderman E. E. McEvoy offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in West
Fourteenth Street, and in Wood Street
and it is hereby proposed to construct
such sewer as follows, to -wit: an
eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
West Fourteenth Street, from the al-
ley first west of Mount Pleasant Ave-
nue to Wood Street, thence in Wood
Street northerly to Rosedale Avenue,
and to assess the cost of said ,sewer
against the abutting property.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin,
Alderman E. E. McEvoy offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby direct-
ed to prepare a plat and specifications
for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in West Fourteenth Street from
the alley first west of Mount Pleasant
Avenue westerly to Wood Street, thence
northerly in Wood Street to Rosedale
Avenue, showing the locations and
general nature of such improvement,
the extent thereof, the size and kind
of material to be used, and to prepare
an estimate of the cost thereof and
the amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of land adjacent to or abut-
ting thereon per front feet or square
feet in area and to file such plat, speci-
fications and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in
three consecutive issues of the official
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file, and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publi-
cation of said notice, and after the
completion of the publication of such
notice, he shall, at its next session, no-
tify the Council thereof in writing with
a printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved the adop-
tion of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin,
Alderman E. E. McEvoy offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That a sani-
tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be
constructed in North Glen Oak ave-
nue from the north line of Lot 11 in
Lawrence's Dubuque, northerly to
Vernon Street, according to the plans
and specifications of said sewer pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder, and be it further
Resolved, that said sewer shall be
completed on or before the 1st day of
June, 1912, and shall be paid for at
the time and in the manner prescribed
by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque for the payment of the cost of
constructing sewers. The proposals for
doing such work will be acted upon
by the Council on the 7th day of
March, 1912, and the City Recorder is
hereby ordered to give ten days' no-
tice by publication, asking for pro-
posals as provided by ordinance.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved the adop-
tion' of the resolution. Carried Ly the
following vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin,
Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow-
Whereas, there is now pending be-
fore congress a bill by Representative
Bulkley, of Ohio, providing for the
coinage of a three -cent piece; and,
Whereas, the coinage of such a piece
would be beneficial to all the people
of the United States and a very con-
venient addition to our smaller coins,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the rep-
resentative from this district, Hon. C.
E. Pickett, and also United States
Senators Cummins and Kenyon be
asked to lend their efforts to the pass-
age of the above mentioned bill, and
Be it further Resolved, that the City
Recorder be instructed to forward a
copy of these resolutions to Repre-
sentative Pickett, and to Senators
Cummins and Kenyon.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin,
68 Regular Session, February 15, 1912
City Attorney made a verbal
report in the Barnes matter. Ald.
Saul moved that the same be referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Bill of James Lynch, inspector Eagle
Point sewer, $23.10, presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. Specht warrant ordered
drawn and bill paid.
Ald. Specht moved to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht.
Mayor Haas stated that the Special Session was called for the purpose of canvassing the vote of the
Ald. Singrin moved a committee of three Aldermen be appointed by the Mayor to canvass the vote of the
Mayor Haas appointed Aids. J. W. McEvoy, O'Rourke and Singrin.
The vote was then canvassed from the Poll Books and found to be as follows:
First Ward—
_ _ T .mn¢ Sa ^1 _ _ _
1 11
First Precinct,. First Ward
Second Precinct, First Ward
First Precinct, Second Ward
Second Precinct, Second Ward
First Precinct, Third Ward
Second Precinct, Third Ward
Third Precinct, Third Ward
First Precinct, Fourth Ward
Second Precinct, Fourth Ward
Third Precinct, Fourth Ward
First Precinct, Fifth Ward
Second Precinct, Fifth Ward
Third Precinct, Fifth Ward
Fourth Precinct, Fifth Ward
1 9 (1 �b 0 Q 0 ' 4
0 P O . o y .. 0 CD a P C ?
in [n O 0 ti 0
d A o
�� N x C 0
01 0 Ul a a x ti y a N q
a' 0
5 a a 62 0
w . It
3 159 46 8 185 8 57 139 8' 149 10. 45 59
3 106 93 3 215 3 34 196 3 154 66 52 99
1 83 47 1 106 1 108 60 1 110 36 60 60
4 109 94 4 178 4 66.•132 4 154 71 62 77
1 1 91 76 1 124 1 48•' 124 1 124 28 82 58
6 102 109 6 165 6 51 170 6 176 67 98 52
2 99 168 2 212 2 61 209 2 224 119 103 50
2 100 82 2 159 21 48 137 2 161 72 54 67
1 75 23 1 78 1 25 61 1 77 31 30 26
3 69 96 3 125 2, 27 132 3 127 56 55 57
10 54 101 10 117 10" 21 135 10 132 68 57 29
11 61 138 11 149 11 39 165 11 168 1 103 69 34
16 54 122 15 146 15 21 174 15 147 85 54 47
1 9 41 108 101 113 2 10 30 119 10 128 67 48 33
1P. 2P. Total 1P. 2P. Total
24 104
Recorder. Assessor.
Third Ward-
SPECirI..:_�ui.,g seii `as i Sid: °"'. '.- z- , _ ...,... _
Primary Election hezld Monday, Feb. 26, 1912, and to consider any other matter that may come before a regular session.
Primary Election and' report to the Council.
Engineer Attorr-ney.
First Precinct, First Ward 28 180 10�
Second Precinct, First Ward 32; 185 22,
First Precinct, Second Ward 64 100 11
Second Precinct, Second Ward 65 125 41
First Precinct, Third Ward 72 73 37
Second Precinct, Third Ward 87 119 SE;
Third Precinct, Third Ward 101 _14& --47
First Precinct, Fourth Ward ---- 8#' 69 45
Second Precinct, Fourth Ward. 20 44 36
Third Precinct, Fourth Ward 51 89 29
First Precinct, Fifth Ward ` -3 53 41
Second Precinct, Fifth Ward 69 73 67
Third Precinct, Fifth Ward 68 81 46
Fourth Precinct, Fifth Ward 79 49 39 _
Totals 897 1389 527 1 77 2122 1 1 77 1203 1303 7712072 2 76 636 1953 77 2031
Plurality 494 2121 1 100 1317 12030 1 104 973 869 738
Scattering Votes —For Mayor, Rob Specht, D., 1, Third Precinct, Fifth Ward. For Treasurer —Rob. Specht, D., 1, Third Precinct, Fifth Ward.
1P. 2P. 3P. Total
R. W. Quinlan 36 9 62
P 0
c ?'
3 4
9) 0
Alderman - at - Large.
121 56 138
154 \ 63
1 62 58 80
118 .6 105 119
57 ..i6 86
75 16i' 106
107 173 123
82 109 98
36 46 (A
87 117 51.ii
53 127 51
67 161 76
76 118 77,
54 121 561
1 1149 1502 12391
363 1001
1P. 2P. 3P. Total
1 75 63 208 1
8 8 150
3 3 58 1 2
1 1
4 4
6 5
2 2
2 2
3 3
9 9
11 11
15 14
9 10
H H 5 . 0 O
a "' a x o H
V 1 d p
5 3 0 m CD
ro a
• • P)
: to
o P
H p
0 a .'.Pr
a a
20 5 1 1
86 1 2
6 7 7
2 2 2
10 1 7 8 4 4 4
4 4 1 1 4 1
1 2 2 1 6 6 5
1 1 1 1 2 2 2
2 1 2 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 5 6 4 3 3 3
9 9 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11
1 14 15 13
1 1 1 8 9 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 10 1 28 1 22 9 1 1 12 1 1 68 70 66
64 28
107 56 3
134 27 1
Ward!' 4th W.
118 31
69 1
61 15
41 33 7 1 3
44 11 14 1
50 11 5 1 2
29 10 14 1
8 106 6 1 1 2 1 1305 111 4 248 47 164 65 40 1 1 7
6 101 1194 , 201 99 .6
3/ 1
Democrat Socialist
Fifth Ward— 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total
John Mettel .... ....55 26 16 43 140
u� Q,., h. KM 00 1 9 A 9 1 A A
Fifth Ward.
O R� N
p � 9 y ) O
' 6
5 r C'
iilo iol q'in:i db,r,t 1P1114 a I 68 81 46 16 160
i r.lupifilar 1: rrnveb,r.tP, it��b�t�li ° fi 79 49 39 9 116
1 897 14891 5271 1 77 121221
ori. tob • Speoht, D., 1, Third Precinct,
u h' Jfa ,;
lhepr,: 1Bh� ..,
First Ward- 1P. 2P. Total
James Saul 80 24 104
John McEvoy, Jr. 80 24 104
Maurice Byrne 80 24 104
Wm. Corcoran 80 23 103
Dennis Ryan 80 20 100
P. H. Halpin 80 24 104
A. A. Cullen 80 23 103
James Hannon 80 23 103
Matt Clancy 80 24 104
P. Ryan 3 3
Precinct Committeemen -
Bart Cain, 85
Tom Ward • 24
Matt Clancy 1
C. J. Mathis
Dick Lynn
Second Ward- 1P. 2P. Total
John Mayerle 28 67 95
Leo Mulgrew 28 67 94
T. H. Duffy 29 67 96
Geo. Miller 28 66 94
P. J. Quigley 28 67 95
W. M. Bergener 28 66 94
John Steiner 28 67 94
W. Lenehan 28 67 95
Jos. J. Murphy 28 66 94
Con Sullivan 28 66 94
James McDonald 28 64 92
Tom Buckham
Precinct Committeemen -
James Peed 1
Henry Gerki 16
E. J. Mulgrew 66
Con Sullivan 1
J. J. McLaughlin 5
P. McGough
Edw. Fraser
16 541 122 15 146
1 9 411 108 1011 113
1 1 r7111203113031 77112072
Fifth Ward. For Treasurer -Rob. Specht, D., 1, Third Precinct, Fifth Ward.
1P. 2P. Total Third Ward- 1P.
R. W. Quinlan 36
Jno. Stumpf 36
Louis F. Brede 35
Dr. H. R. Thill 35
Frank Lobstein 36
Peter Martin 35
N. Schneider 35
H. Stumpf 35
Ed. Beiler 35
John Juergens 35
James T. Butler 34
86 W. Andresen 34
24 Jas. J. O'Farrell 34
1 W. Singrin 2
8 W. Keck
2 10 Syl. Shettler
A. Harapal
1P. 2P. Total
Fourth Ward- 1P.
1 1 M. J. McCullough 78
Chas. Dwyder 78
Alex Gratz 78
T. C. Murphy 78
Peter Bradley 78
W Whelan 78
Geo. Hilders 78
1 John Ludescher 78
1 M. S. Hardie 78
Frank Hamel 78
J. M. Kenety 78
Frank Steins 78
E. Buchet
Precinct Committeemen -
T. D. Dempsey
Louis Herbst
G. B. Huekels
G. R. Brandt
21 101 30 119 101 128 11 67 481 331 11 541 1211 561
1111149 1502 12391
11 3631 1001
21 761 636 13171 771120301 111 1041 8691 7381
Precinct Committeemen -
Otto C. Neuman 31
J. R. Merkes 1
Dimes Knapp 1
Jos Hummel
W. Singrin
J. P. Merkes, Jr.
J. E. Maguire
Edw. Rider ....
A. Hanapal
2P. 3P. Total
17 9 62
17 9 62
2P. 3P. Total
28 18 124
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 18 124
1P. 2P. 3P. Total
y91 1011 1 I
751 631 2081
2071 11
Fifth Ward- 1P.
John Mettel .... ....55
F. F. Spahn 55
Geo. Schlagel .... 55
Chas. Dell .... 51
Peter Schiltz .... 55
Theo. Kemps ... 55
Frank Richards .. 55
Robert Beyer ... 55
Dom. Frick .. 55
Geo. Rettenmeier .. 55
W. McIntosh .... 55
Simon Miller .... 55
W. Brown .... 55
Frank Mihm .... 55
Wm. Meuser .... 55
E. J. Sauer 55
H. P. Lemper .... 55
Peter Raab .... 55
Ernst Berringer 55
Adam Mueller
Ed Bemis ......
Peter Smith ....
H. Weitey
L. Fengler ....
T. Meyer ....
2 1 6111011 51 11
2P. 3P. 4P.
26 16 43
29 17 43
28 20 43
31 21 43
33 21 43
31 22 43
32 21 43
31 21 43
32 21 43
31 22 43
30 21 43
30 21 43
31 20 43
31 21 43
28 20 43
27 19 43
26 18 43
24 15 43
20 15 43
1 1 1
1 1 1 11 11 291 101 141 yl 11
2 1 1 111941 111 1 4 112011 47111991 651 401
Total 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total
1 2
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that all candidates receiving the highest number of votes, including the two Aldermen -at- Large, be declared elected, provided they received the required per cent of vote cast, and so
certified to the City Auditor with instructions to issue nomination certificates. Carried.
3 6
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Precinct Committeemen -
Fifth Ward- 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total
G. J. Hayes .... ..... 8
Socialist Peter Raab .... ..... 3
1P. 2P. 3P. Total A. Bauer 1
Joe Wandel ..... • • • • 1 2
Frank Bauer .... 1
F. H. May 7
Peter Even 40
Fred Reavell 19
Mrt. Klumpp 1
Joe Welu 21
J. Lassance 1
Chas. Thomas .. 1
Adam Wiehl ... 1
John Burk .... 1
Jno. Grimm .... 1
1 1 Peter Wagner ... 1
11 7
m ! _ 7
K s'
K r
o y
L -•
� ,
it •
rt ,d
<DD o
Ul N
d d tit
° a V o
d 8
V to 41
w 5 P 0
N y
ti t�
p •
! b
o 1
• J
' 7
m �
First Precinct,. First Ward
Second Precinct, First Ward
First Precinct, Second Ward
Second Precinct, Second Ward
First Precinct, Third Ward
Second Precinct, Third Ward
Third Precinct, Third Ward
First Precinct, Fourth Ward
Second Precinct, Fourth Ward
Third Precinct, Fourth Ward
First Precinct, Fifth • Ward
Second Precinct, Fifth Ward
Third Precinct, Fifth Ward
Fourth Precinct, Fifth Ward
Totals 1
11 31
41 1
91 1
11 111 68
iilo iol q'in:i db,r,t 1P1114 a I 68 81 46 16 160
i r.lupifilar 1: rrnveb,r.tP, it��b�t�li ° fi 79 49 39 9 116
1 897 14891 5271 1 77 121221
ori. tob • Speoht, D., 1, Third Precinct,
u h' Jfa ,;
lhepr,: 1Bh� ..,
First Ward- 1P. 2P. Total
James Saul 80 24 104
John McEvoy, Jr. 80 24 104
Maurice Byrne 80 24 104
Wm. Corcoran 80 23 103
Dennis Ryan 80 20 100
P. H. Halpin 80 24 104
A. A. Cullen 80 23 103
James Hannon 80 23 103
Matt Clancy 80 24 104
P. Ryan 3 3
Precinct Committeemen -
Bart Cain, 85
Tom Ward • 24
Matt Clancy 1
C. J. Mathis
Dick Lynn
Second Ward- 1P. 2P. Total
John Mayerle 28 67 95
Leo Mulgrew 28 67 94
T. H. Duffy 29 67 96
Geo. Miller 28 66 94
P. J. Quigley 28 67 95
W. M. Bergener 28 66 94
John Steiner 28 67 94
W. Lenehan 28 67 95
Jos. J. Murphy 28 66 94
Con Sullivan 28 66 94
James McDonald 28 64 92
Tom Buckham
Precinct Committeemen -
James Peed 1
Henry Gerki 16
E. J. Mulgrew 66
Con Sullivan 1
J. J. McLaughlin 5
P. McGough
Edw. Fraser
16 541 122 15 146
1 9 411 108 1011 113
1 1 r7111203113031 77112072
Fifth Ward. For Treasurer -Rob. Specht, D., 1, Third Precinct, Fifth Ward.
1P. 2P. Total Third Ward- 1P.
R. W. Quinlan 36
Jno. Stumpf 36
Louis F. Brede 35
Dr. H. R. Thill 35
Frank Lobstein 36
Peter Martin 35
N. Schneider 35
H. Stumpf 35
Ed. Beiler 35
John Juergens 35
James T. Butler 34
86 W. Andresen 34
24 Jas. J. O'Farrell 34
1 W. Singrin 2
8 W. Keck
2 10 Syl. Shettler
A. Harapal
1P. 2P. Total
Fourth Ward- 1P.
1 1 M. J. McCullough 78
Chas. Dwyder 78
Alex Gratz 78
T. C. Murphy 78
Peter Bradley 78
W Whelan 78
Geo. Hilders 78
1 John Ludescher 78
1 M. S. Hardie 78
Frank Hamel 78
J. M. Kenety 78
Frank Steins 78
E. Buchet
Precinct Committeemen -
T. D. Dempsey
Louis Herbst
G. B. Huekels
G. R. Brandt
21 101 30 119 101 128 11 67 481 331 11 541 1211 561
1111149 1502 12391
11 3631 1001
21 761 636 13171 771120301 111 1041 8691 7381
Precinct Committeemen -
Otto C. Neuman 31
J. R. Merkes 1
Dimes Knapp 1
Jos Hummel
W. Singrin
J. P. Merkes, Jr.
J. E. Maguire
Edw. Rider ....
A. Hanapal
2P. 3P. Total
17 9 62
17 9 62
2P. 3P. Total
28 18 124
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 17 123
28 18 124
1P. 2P. 3P. Total
y91 1011 1 I
751 631 2081
2071 11
Fifth Ward- 1P.
John Mettel .... ....55
F. F. Spahn 55
Geo. Schlagel .... 55
Chas. Dell .... 51
Peter Schiltz .... 55
Theo. Kemps ... 55
Frank Richards .. 55
Robert Beyer ... 55
Dom. Frick .. 55
Geo. Rettenmeier .. 55
W. McIntosh .... 55
Simon Miller .... 55
W. Brown .... 55
Frank Mihm .... 55
Wm. Meuser .... 55
E. J. Sauer 55
H. P. Lemper .... 55
Peter Raab .... 55
Ernst Berringer 55
Adam Mueller
Ed Bemis ......
Peter Smith ....
H. Weitey
L. Fengler ....
T. Meyer ....
2 1 6111011 51 11
2P. 3P. 4P.
26 16 43
29 17 43
28 20 43
31 21 43
33 21 43
31 22 43
32 21 43
31 21 43
32 21 43
31 22 43
30 21 43
30 21 43
31 20 43
31 21 43
28 20 43
27 19 43
26 18 43
24 15 43
20 15 43
1 1 1
1 1 1 11 11 291 101 141 yl 11
2 1 1 111941 111 1 4 112011 47111991 651 401
Total 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total
1 2
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that all candidates receiving the highest number of votes, including the two Aldermen -at- Large, be declared elected, provided they received the required per cent of vote cast, and so
certified to the City Auditor with instructions to issue nomination certificates. Carried.
3 6
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Precinct Committeemen -
Fifth Ward- 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total 1P. 2P. 3P. 4P. Total
G. J. Hayes .... ..... 8
Socialist Peter Raab .... ..... 3
1P. 2P. 3P. Total A. Bauer 1
Joe Wandel ..... • • • • 1 2
Frank Bauer .... 1
F. H. May 7
Peter Even 40
Fred Reavell 19
Mrt. Klumpp 1
Joe Welu 21
J. Lassance 1
Chas. Thomas .. 1
Adam Wiehl ... 1
John Burk .... 1
Jno. Grimm .... 1
1 1 Peter Wagner ... 1
11 7
Special Session, February 28, 1912 73
Petition of Brunswick- Balke- Collen-
der Co., asking that the Council take
such action as is necessary to fill Jack-
son Street, that part adjoining their
building recently constructed, and that
the necessary appropriation therefor be
made when the appropriations for the
coming year are fixed, presented.
Ald. Saul moved it be referred to Ap-
propriation Committee. Carried.
Petition Dubuque Levee Improvement
Commission, asking that the time of
making the appropriations for the year
be made, an appropriation for the use
of the Levee Improvement Commis-
sion be included, presented.
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that it be
referred to the Appropriation Com-
mittee. Carried.
Petition of Park Board, asking 'that
at the time of making the appropria-
tions for the fiscal year, an appropria-
tion of $2,500.00 be made for the pur-
pose of paying the claim of Catherine
Rhomberg when same comes due.
On motion of Ald. J. W. McEvoy re-
ferred to Appropriation Committee.
Petition of John Kapp, et al, asking
that an appropriation be made for the
improvement of Willow Street and for
the opening of Auburn Avenue to
Willow Street, presented.
On motion of Ald. J. W. McEvoy re-
ferred to Appropriation Committee.
Petition of Dubuque Lumber Co., et
al, asking that an appropriation of
$1,000.00 or as much as the Council
deemed advisable for the grading of
Lincoln Avenue, between Seventh ave-
nue and Ninth Avenue, presented.
On motion of Ald. Specht referred to
Appropriation Committee.
Petition of T. F. Phillips, et aI, ask-
ing that an appropriation be made for
the improvement of Kaufman Avenue
and that he be permitted to address
the Council in relation to same, pre-
On motion of Ald. Sauer referred to
Appropriation Committee.
Petition of Chas. Gibbs, asking that
the assessment of money and credits of
$800.00 for the years 1909, 1910, 1911 be
canceled, as he had invested same in
real estate since 1908.
On motion of Ald. Sauer referred to
Committee of Whole.
Petition of A. E. Gmehle, asking
for an extension of six months' time for
the collection of personal delinquent
taxes, presented.
Ald. Sauer moved that prayer of pe-
titioner be granted. Carried.
Petition of Louis Oberhoffer, asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to reduce the valuation on lots 41 and
42, Blake's Add., to $680.00 and cancel
the personal taxes, presented.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved the peti-
tion be referred to the Committee of
the Whole. Carried.
Petition of A. R. Flick Box Co., ask-
ing that the City Treasurer be instruct-
ed to accept taxes on a valuation of
$3,000.00 on their manufacturing plant,
as per agreement of April 7, 1907.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke prayer
Petition of Richard Kolck, asking
that the assessment on Lot 6 be cor-
rected, presented.
Ald. Saul moved that petition be
referred to Committee of the Whole
and City Assessor. Carried.
Petition of Sisters of St. Francis,
asking that the taxes on lot 7, Sub. of
lot 675 and lot 620, city, he remitted,
and it be exempt from tax for future
Ald. E. R McEvoy moved that the
prayer of petitioner be granted. Car-
Petition of Joseph Jungwirth, asking
that the special assessment for the
construction of sanitary sewer in Glen
Oak Avenue against 80 ft. of lot 8 and
lot 9, Mt. Pleasant Add., be canceled
on account of him not being able to
connect with said sewer.
On motion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy re-
referred to Committee of the Whole and
City Engineer.
Petition of Young Men's Christian
Association, asking that they be per-
mitted to pay the assessment of $467.13
for the paving of Ninth Street in the
following manner: $100.00 at once;
$91.78 July 1, 1912; 91.79 Jan. 1, 1913;
$91.78 July 1, 1913; $91.78 Jan. 1, 1914, and
all interest be remitted.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted.
Petition of T. J. Hassett, asking that
the amount charged for rolling Lang -
worthy Avenue be canceled on account
of extra work caused by ditches in said
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Kaep & Buechele and 43
other merchants, asking that the tran •
sient merchants' license be raised to
at least $25.00 per day, presented.
Ald. E.E. McEvoy moved that it be
referred to Ordinance Committee and
City Attorney for immediate action.
Petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Heacock,
74 - Special Session, February 28, 1912
asking that a reduction be made in
her taxes for year 1911, presented.
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of the merchants and bus-
iness men along Clay Street, from
Third to Eighteenth Street, asking to
he granted the same privileges and
conditions in regard to the boulevard
lighting system as will be granted any
other street in the city, presented.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted.
Original notice of Emma Hahn vs.
City of Dubuque for $5,000.000 on ac-
count of personal injuries received and
damages sustained Dec. 31, 1911, pre-
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
City Attorney.
Ald. Sauer brought before the Coun-
cil the necessity of a bath tub in Ma-
tron Quarters.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Public
Grounds and Buildings Committee con-
fer with the Matrons as to the advis-
ability of changing their quarters and
the placing of bath tub and they report•
to the Committee of the Whole. Car -
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that.a war -
rant be drawn in the sum. of $600.00 in
full of the appropriation now made
for the improvement of North Booth
. Street, the said warrant to be drawn
in favor of the Mayor and held until
the completion of the contract for such
improvement. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Carried.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
Special Session, February 29, 1912 75
Special Session Feb. 29, 1912.
Council met at 10:50 p. m., Mayor
Pro Tem Saul in the chair.
Present —A1ds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin -
grin, Specht.
Mayor Pro Tem Saul stated that
this meeting was called for the pur-
pose of considering any matter that
may come before a regular meeting.
Mayor Haas entered at 10:54 and
took the chair.
John McEvoy, Jr., Judge of
$ 10 00
Election . •••
James Saul, Judge of Elec-
H.'Lundbeck, Judge of Elec- 10 00
John Mahoney, Clerk 10 00
H. Pier, Clerk
John McEvoy, Sr., Judge 11 00
Tom. J. O'Donnell, Judge.. . . 10 00
Geo. R. Rose, Judge 10 00
Robt. Halpin, Clerk 10 00
Frank White, Clerk 10 00
John Page, .Jr., Judge 10 00
Henry Heir, Judgs 10 00
John Strobel, Judge 11 00
Geo. Berg, Clerk 10 00
Thos. Frey, 'Clerk 10 00
W. R. Lenehan, Judge 10 00
Wm. 'Vogt, Judge 10 00
John O'Rourke, Judge 10 00
M. Hogan, Clerk 11 00
Oliver Longueville, Clerk 10 00
Otto Neuman, Judge 11 00
Peter Hoffman, Judge 10 00
F. L. Egelhof, Judge 10 00
H. R. Thil1, Clerk 10 00
H. Klein, Clerk 10 00
Wm. Singrin, Judge 10 00
Jos. Rummel, Judge 11 00
O. Stecher, Judge 10 00
Nick Schneider, Clerk 10 00
L. Hauer, Clerk 10 00
Edw. A. Beller, Judge 10 00
John Trexler, Judge 10 00
Adam Crawford, Judge 11 00
John Westercamp, Clerk 10 00
Wm. Haisch, Clerk 10 00
Matt. McCullough, Judge 10 00
Pat. McAloon, Judge 11 00
A. Galliart, Judge 10 00
Alex Gratz, `Clerk 10 00
D. A. Putnam, 'Clerk 10 00
Edw. E. McEvoy, Judge 10 00
Peter Bradley, Judge 10 00
H. Geiger, Judge 11 00
Ernest Staehli, Clerk 10 00
J. Ulrich, Clerk 10 00
John Hamel, Judge 10 00
J. M. Kenety, Judge 10 00
D. W. Rand, Judge 11 00
Jas. Lee, Clerk 10 00
Fred Steiner, Clerk 10 00
10 00
Chas. T. Thomas, Judge 11 00
Geo. Schlagel, Judge 10 00
C. P. Mettel, Clerk 10 00
C. K. Mathis, Clerk 10 00
Robt. Specht, Judge 10 00
Louis Hos, Judge 11 00
J. Henney, Judge 10 00
Otto Meissner, Clerk 10 00
Otto Puls, Clerk 10 00
John Grimm, Judge 10 00
Jos. Welu, Judge 11 00
Frank Schlueter, Clerk 10 00
C. Nead, Judge 10 00
Robt. Heckler, Clerk 10 00
Edmund J. Sauer, Judge 10 00
Peter Raab, Judge 10 00
H. Knoernshield, Judge 11 00
Ed. Stoltz, Clerk 10 00
F. Keesecker, Clerk 10 00
Thos. Donahue, rent of build-
ing 10 00
Mrs. Regan, rent of building 10 00
Barbara Palen, rent of build-
ing 10 00
C. E. Wales, rent of building 10 00
J. Hird (Palmetto Club), rent
of building 10 00
Dubuque Realty Co., rent of
building 10 00
Meyer Bros., rent of building 10 00
Frank Kolf, rent of building 10 00
Miss A. Fengler, rent of
building 10 00
Fred Roesner, rent of build-
ing 10 00
Enterprise Printing Co ,
printing 4 50
Berg & Briggs, printing 14 75
F. A. Burns, wood, City Hall 4 50
F. G. Becker, wood, City Hall 14 00
F. A. Miller, brooms, City
Hall 3 80
Armonr & Co., washing pow-
der 1 00
Eagle Chemical Co., com-
pound, etc., City Hall .... 35 00
F. M. Jaeger Co., supplies,
Mt. Carmel 12 20
Alec. Reed, Judge, Mt Carmel 10 00
W. Ward, wood for Election 2, 00
Foley Hand Laundry, towel
service 4 00
Peter Even, coal, City Hall 9 50
W. Flynn, carrying in wood 50
C. Kupferschmidt, sawing
wood 2 50
H. Burgwald, sawing wood 2 65
John N. Juergens, repairs in
Council Room 3 50
A. R. Staufenbeil, repair clock 1 75
John Dehing, cleaning around •
market ...... .... 28 00
J. J. Dunn, subpoaenas fees 8 80
Klauer & Kress, supplies, City
Hall 75
H. Corrance, supplies, City
Hall 4 75
E. T. Frith, hauling garbage 189 00
E. T. Frith, hauling animals 34 99
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., election
supplies 21 80
Standard 'Office Supply Co ,
76 Special Session, February 29, 1912 Special Session, February 29, 1912 77
office supplies .... 3 10
Union Plumbing & Heating
Co., repairs to plumbing 67 70
Pier Bros., coal, City Hall 16 65
M. S. Hardie, election supplies 98 25
Key City Gas Co., light 120 55
F. Schloz & Son, supplies and
repairs 14th Street Sewer 2 60
G. F. Kleih, supplies and re-
pairs 14th Street Sewer 1 60
P. Linehan & Sons, sand, 14th
Street Sewer 1 25
Thos. Allen, boots, 14th Street
Jos. J. Bertsch, boots, 14th
Street Sewer 6 00
Klauer & Kress, supplies,
14th Street Sewer 20
Standard Lumber Yards Co ,
lumber, Sidewalk Dept 4 3 15
Chas, Giese, repairs to tools,
Sidewalk Dept. 2 00
H. Corrance, supplies, Side-
walk Dept . .. . . .... 1 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs,
Sidewalk Dept. 1 20
Union Electric Co., light, Jan-
uary 2264 04
Union Electric Co., light, Feb-
ruary 2254 35
Purington Paving Brick Co ,
brick, Clay Street 225 15
John Butt, repairs, Mt
Carmel 3 35
Ald. Singrin moved that a committee
of three be appointed to go over the
bills and select the bills to be paid
from this year's appropriations and
others presented at next meeting.,
Ald. Saul moved that all bills prop-
erly O. K. be paid as far as the funds
will permit. Carried.
Petition of Chicago, Milwaukee and
St. Paul railroad asking that the
northerly half of Nineteenth street.
between Sycamore and Ash streets, be
vacated for the purpose of building an'
office and store room thereon, present-
ed. Ald. Singrin moved that the
prayer of petitioner be granted.
Petition of Louisa M. Traut asking
the council to accept the sum of $166.50
in full for the construction of Sanitary
Sewer in West Locust street, etc., and
cancel the balance assessed against
her property, presented. Ald. J. W.
McEvoy moved it be referred to the
Committee of the Whole Carried.
City Treasurer Wybrant presented
a list of delinquent taxes collected by
A. E. Gmehle. On motion of Ald.
O'Rourke referred to Committee of
the Whole.
City Treasurer Wybrant also report-
ed as follows:
Below please find statement of
amounts advanced by me during the
month of February, 1912, for which
please have warrants arawn in my
favor. -
Interest on warrants outstand-
ing $210.00
Miscellaneous . ... 84.65
Also please have warrant against
Special Bonded Paving Fund for $61.74
and against approprition for Mt.
Pleasant avenue $565.00.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report
be received, warrants be ordered
drawn for the various amounts and
report referred back to the Finance
Committee. Carried.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find City Of-
ficers' pay roll for February, 1912:
Total due City Officers $2772.90
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report
be received and warrants be drawn
for the various amounts and report be
referred back to Finance Committee.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during
the last half of February, 1912:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1208.25
Also due laborers on streets leading
into the country the last half of Feb-
ruary, and to be paid from country
road fund, $64.10.
Also due laborers on Mt. Carmel
during the last half of February,
amount due, $124.80.
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls
on streets were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts, and the pay rolls and
report referred back to the Committee
on Streets.
Also submit pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of Feb-
ruary, 1912:
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers .... .... .............$185.30
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
roll on sewers was received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and pay roll referred
back to Committee on Sewers.
City Electrician Hipman reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of February, 1912. I find from
the reports of the Police Department
-that—the total hours that 40 lamps
failed to burn would equal 3% lamps
burning for one month, or $18.75.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report
was received and the City Recorder
instructed to deduct from the Union
Electric Co.'s bill from the month of
December, 1911, the sum of $17.50.
Following Weighmasters' reports on
receipts were presented and read and
on motion of Ald. Specht were receiv-
ed and filed:
Louise Pitschner
Edw. Norton ....
$ 1.46
Ald. Sauer, chairman of Public
Grounds and Building committee, rec-
ommended that the Matrons' quarters
be changed from the north side of the
building to the south side, and that
a bath tub be installed.
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that the
recommendation be complied with.
Ald. Sauer moved that the City En-
gineer be instructed to prepare spec-
ifications for the installation of bath
tub in Matrons' quarters and the City
Recorder be instructed to advertise
for bids for installing same. Carried.
Ald. Specht moved that the City
Engineer be instructed to prepare pro-
file showing proposed grade of King
street from Broadway Extension to
Fulton street. Carried.
Ald. Saul offered the following:
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend the
adoption of the following resolution:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the ap-
propriations for the ensuing fiscal
year for the different departments and
purposes of the city be fixed as fol-
For General Expense and
Contingent Fund ........$37,000.00
For District Road Funds, for cleaning,
sprinkling and repairing streets:
First District 6,666.00
Second District 15,739.00
Third District 9,595.00
Fourth District 10,912.00
Fifth District 8,777.00
For expense of Fire Depart-
ment 62,500.00
For expense of Police De-
partment 41,000.00
For care, maintenance and
repair of sewers, storm
and sanitary 5,500.00
For Printing 2,200.00
For street lighting . 27,500.00
For interest on Floating
and Bonded Debt 42,000.00
Vor expense of Board of
Health 7,500.00
For grading of streets and
alleys 4,500.00
For taking up improvement
bonds issued for payment
of special assessments
against parks, engine
houses and other city
property, and for taking
up bonds issued to pay
street and sewer improve-
ments, where the assess-
ments levied to pay same
have been canceled by the
City Council 2,500.00
For interest on special bond-
ed debt 3,800.00
For improvement of Mt
Carmel Avenue 1,000.00
For repairing and build-
ing sidewalks 1,000.00
For improvement of Grand-
view Avenue 2,400.00
For payment of 5 per cent
retained on certain im-
provements .... 536.06
For payment of claims and
judgments 3,500.00
For levee improvement fund 200.00
For balance due on widen-
ing of Hill street
For amount due Dubuque
National bank
For storm water sewer in
Arlington, Grove and West
Twelfth streets ....
For Bee Branch sewer north
of 27th street
For improvement of Kauf-
man Avenue
For improvement of Eagle
Point Avenue
For payment of old Water
Works debt ....
For improvement of North
First street
For widening South Dodge
street at intersection of
Curtis street .... .......
For sodding Grandview Ave.
For arching Bee Branch
sewer at 16th street
For arching Bee Branch
sewer at 17th street
For widening 18th street at
Couler Avenue
For widening or improving
West Locust street and
Arch street , •
For improvement of Willow
street ...... .... ......
For Willow, St. Ambrose and
Asbury street and Rose-
dale Ave. sanitary sewer
For Park Fund
For opening a street and
water way from Alpine to
Alta Vista
For 12th, 13th and 14th St
For improvement on Villa
For straightening and im-
78 Special Session, February 29, 1912
proving Cherry, Delaware
and Avoca streets at their
interjunction .... 150.00
For improvement of Fifth 2
Avenue 200.00
For improvement of Elm St.
from Eagle Point Ave. to
Sanford street .... 450.00
Ald. Saul moved that the report of
the Committee of the Whole be ap-
proved and the resolution adopted.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas: Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin.
Nays —Aids. Sauer, Specht.
Resolution adopted.
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
List of City Warrants.
List of Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 1, 1912.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following Is a com-
plete list of all the warrants issued by
me durinf the month of January, 1912:
D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor $116 70
Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas-
urer 133 35
F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy
Treasurer ... 100 00
L. F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk
to Treasurer 60 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 70
Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Deputy
Auditor 80 00
Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder 116 70
Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dep-
uty Recorder .... 85 00
Wm. Schaffhauser, salary, As-
sessor 125 00
Allen H. Wiedner, salary, Deputy
Assessor 83 35
C. W. Hird, salary, Deputy As-
sessor 83 35
Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00
Edgar H. Willging, salary, As-
sistant Attorney 85 00
Nettie Bently, salary, stenog-
raph to Attorney 20 00
Chas. Baumgartner, salary, Engi-
neer 166 65
John Daniels, salary, Assistant
Engineer 110 00
Jos. Frederich, salary, Clerk to
Engineer 75 00
Wm. Coleman, salary, Rod Man 65 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of
Police 100 00
John W. Lawlor, salary, Commit-
tee Clerk 125 00
John Mahoney, salary, Street
Commissioner 40 00
P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In-
' 9Peetor ..... 60 00
Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. of
Sprinkling 24 00
Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas-
ter .... 55 00
Al Moyer, salary, Assistant Mar-
ket Master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 30 00
Dr. Chas. Linehan, salary, Health
Physician ... 50 00
Paul Bewer, salary, Sanitary
Police 65 00
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Milk
and Meat Inspector 75 00
John Carroll, salary, Harbor Mas-
ter .,... 46 00
k'dw. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. W. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 26 00
John O'Rourke, salary, Alderman 25 00
Edw. Sauer, salary, Alderman 25 00
Jahies Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00
Wm. Singrin, salary, Alderman 25 00
Robt. Specht, salary, Alderman 00
J. Reinfried
Wm. Hipman
M. Eitel _
J. Essman
A. Duccini
J. Flynn ..
G. Byer
A. Heer
Wm. Kannolt
B. Kirch
J. Daley
T. Ryder
H. Cain
M. Kelly
F. Murphy
J. Bakey
Wm. Smith
Wm. McConnell
G. Gehrke
T. Kennedy
J. Smith
J. Keppler
D. Ahern
J. Benzer
A. McDonnell
P. Zillig
M. Sweeney
J. McGloughlin
J. Connelly
Wm. Kennedy
J. Daugherty
J. Murphy
R. Weston
J. Allen
M. Fahey
R. Kenneally
Wm. Ducey
F. Kenneally
E. McDermott
E. O'Brien
J. Roshin
F. Baumgartner
J. Schoenberger
P. Kirch
Fire Pension Fund
Edw. Brunskill $ 29 40
James Corcoran 31 85
Michael Connolly 29 70
John Cody 31 85
Nick Campbell 27 42
Phil Dunphy 34 30
Wm. Donahue 31 85
Thos. Duggan 31 86
Patrick Fury 31 85
John Fox 31 85
James Flynn 31 85
Wm. Fox 29 42
Michael Fogarty 29 70
Theo. Ganohl 29 40
Ben Gray 29 70
Emil Kahn 34 30
Michael Kilty 29 70
James Keefe 27 65
John Kane 29 70
John Kop 31 87
Patrick Kenneally 31 85
Barney Ludescher 31 86
Chas. Liest 34 30
Patrick McInerney 31 85
$ 61 75
49 00
38 23
40 67
35 78
37 73
35 78
32 .34
32 34
32 34
38 23
40 67
35 78
37 73
35 78
32 34
32 34
32 34
38 23
35 78
32 34
32 34
49 00
37 73
40 67
32 34
32 34
32 34
32 34
35 29
32 34
24 50
38 23
35 78
32 34
32 34
38 23
35 78
32 34
32 34
38 23
35 78
32 34
32 34
32 18
Patrick McCollins 31 85
Michael McCormick 31 85
Henry Mueller 29 72
Hugh Markey 31 85
Patrick Mulligan 36 75
John O'Brien 3185
Michael O'Connor 36 75
John Raesle 36 7�
Michael Ryan 31 85
Gus Raterman 31 85
Joe Stoltz 31 85
Michael Stapleton 31 85
Patrick Sullivan 31 85
John Spielman 31 85
Dennis Sheehan ... 29 70
Thos. Sweeney 39 20
Fred Spielman 29 40
Frank Williams 30 78
Louis Zemanek 29 70
Miss Brannan 31 85
Mrs. Hibbe 31 85
Police Pension Fund 29 29
J. Alexander, 4th 9 00
' J. Bechen, 2nd 7 40
A. Bieterman, 2nd 2 80
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 25 01
T. Cahill, Health 21 60
G. Davis, 2nd and 4th, each $2.89 5 78
J. Egan, 2nd 8 20
G. Frost, 2nd 25 00
F. Frick, 13th St. Dump 1 80
E. Fitzlaff, 2 -4, each $5.00 10 00
B. Glass, 2nd 9 20
N. Gerens, 2nd 2 80
C. Geimer, 4th 7 20
O. Hardie, 2nd 1 60
M. Kenneally, 2nd 15 80
F. Keck, 2nd 9 20
P. Kreamer, 2nd 6 00
C. Krombach, 2nd . 3 80
J. Kness, 13th St. dump, $1.80;
Sidewalk, ,$3.60 b 40
J. Kinsella, 2 -4, each, $5.00 10 00
H. Kunkle, 2 -4, each, $1.93 3 86
J. Mullen, 2nd 6 40
R. McCaffrey, 2nd 8 00
John McGrath, 4th 5 00
C. O'Neill, 2nd 4 80
D. Rosemeier, 2nd 10 60
P. Reddin, 2nd 2 80
Jas. Ryan, 2nd 21 60
S. Smith,' 2nd 3 00
P. Smith, 4th 2 80
F. Siege, 4th 25 00
Josh Calvert, 2nd 150
John Calvert, 2nd 2 60
J. Graham, 2nd 2 00
P. S. Norton, 4th 4 50
3 60
7 20
19 80.
19 80
19 80
3 60
19 80
5 40
4 60
19 80
18 00
10 80
J. Beakey
Martin Burke
W. Burke, Sr.
J. Burns
W. Burke, Jr.
John Callaghan
H. Carney
W. Coughlan
T. Carroll
P. Carney
Jos. Dougherty
Chas. Lee
List of Warrants
D. McGuinness 10 80
W. O'Brien 25 00
Harvey Spielman 10 80
W. B. Williams 7 20
J. Wickham 19 80
D. O'Meara 18 00
Jerry Sullivan 3150
Jas. Connolly 12 80
W. Coughlan 6 40
John Hill 180
Jerry Sullivan 2 50
D. O'Meara 4 60
Tibey Bros., 2 yds. macadam 2 00
D. Cunningham $ 21 60
W. Hennessy 21 60
A. Bird 21 60
A. Kaesbauer 19 00
J. Klang 21 60
F. Luchterhand 21 60
J. Rooney 21 60
C. Sullivan 27 50
C. Specht 30 00
W. Coughlan $ 16 20
E. Finkenauer 17 60
F. Goodman 17 60
P. Horch 24 25
J. Kness 2 60
John McLaughlin 17 80
G. Singrin 19 40
A. Turner 14 80
M. Markham .... .... 30 50
John Dehing, cleaning around
market $ 14 00
E. T. Frith, hauling garbage 182 00
Jas. Lynch, inspector sewer in
alley between Bromberg
and Garfield 19 25
T. J. Hassett, improvement
of Langworthy Ave. 500 00
T. J. Hassett, improvement
of Langworthy Ave. 500 00
T. J. Hassett, improvement
of Langworthy Ave. 500 00
T. J. Hassett, improvement
of Langworthy Ave. 500 00
T. J. Hassett, improvement
of Langworthy Ave. 74 93
N. J. Staner, constructing
sidewalk, Lincoln Ave. 53 58
Wilmer Cook, improving
Harvard St. 500 00
Wilmer Cook, improving
Harvard St. 416 34
N. J. Staner, constructing
sidewalk on Elm St. 23 97
Wm. Murray, constructing
sidewalk on Langworthy
Ave. 22 00
Wm. Murray, constructing
sidewalks, Cor Booth and
Langworthy Ave. .... 14 21
Wm. Murray, constructing
sidewalk on Glen Oak Ave. 56 76
Wm. Murray, constructing
sidewalk on Main St. 21 22
Wm. Murray, constructing
sidewalk on Booth St., be-
tween Solon and Lang-
worthy Avenues .... 14 08
Tibet' Bros., macadam. R. 4 110 32
Tibey Bros., macadam, Delhi
St., R. 4 76 59
Tibet' Bros., cement, R. 4 4
Tibet' Bros., grading, Grand-
view Heights 500 00 92
Tibet' Bros., grading Grand-
view Heights 130 00
J. F. Brown, extra work,
sewer in W. 14th St. 37 50
B. P. Holst, assessment to
Iowa League of Municipali-
tie 50 .00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest on warrants 247 50
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer
miscellaneous .... .. , 13 56
N. J. Staner, improvement
Clifford Street .... . , 315 42
J. Reinfried $ 62 00
Wm. Hipman 50 00
M. Eitel 38 00
J. Essman 41 00
A. Duccini 35 00
J. Flynn 38 00
G. Beyer 35 00
A. Heer 33 00
Wm. Kannolt 33 00
B. Kirch 33 00
J. Noonan 17 00
J. Daley 38 00
T. Ryder
H. Cain 35 00 00
M. Kelley 38 00
F. Murphy 35 00
J. Bakey 33 00
Wm. Smith 33 00
Wm. McConnell 33 00
G. Gehrke 38 00
T. Kennedy 35 00
J. Smith 33 00
J. Keppler 33 00
D. Ahern 50 00
J. Benzer 38 00
A. McDonnell 4100
P. Zillig 33 00
M. Sweeney 33 00
J. Connelly 33 00
W. Kennedy 35 00
J. Daugherty 33 00
J. Murphy 25 00
N. Wagner 27 50
R. Weston 38 00
J. Allen 35 00
M. Fahey 33 00
R. Kenneally 33 00
Wm. Ducey 38 00
F. Kenneally 35 00
E. McDermott 33 00
T. O'Brien
J. Rashin ... 38 33 00 00
F. Baumgartner 35 00
J. Schoenberger 33 00
P. Kirsh 33 00
Edw. Brunskill $ 28 00
James Corcoran 32 50
Michael Connolly .... 32 50
List of Warrants 81
John Cody
Nick Campbell
Phil. Dunphy
W.Vm. Donahue
Thos. Duggan
Patrick Fury
John Fox
James Flynn
Wm. Fox
Michael Fogarty
Theo. Ganahl
Ben Gray
Emil Kahn
Michael Kilty
James Keefe
John Kane ........-
John Kopp
Patrick Kenneally
Barney Ludescher
Chas. Liest
Patrick McInerney
Patrick McCollins .
Michael McCormick
Henry Mueller
Hugh Markey
Patrick Mulligan
John O'Brien
Michael O'Connor
John Raesle
Michael Ryan
Gus. Raterman
Joe Stoltz
Michael Stapleton
Patrick Sullivan
John Spielman
Dennis Sheehan
Thos. Sweeney
Fred Spielman
Frank Williams
Louis Zemanek
Miss Brennan
Mrs. Hibbe
John Noonan
32 50
28 00
32 66
32 50
32 60
32 50
32 50
32 50
30 00
28 16
30 00
30 33
35 00
32 50
32 50
30 33
26 00
32 50
32 50
35 00
32 50
32 50
26 00
32 50
32 50
37 50
32 50
37 50
37 50
32 50
32 50
32 50
32 50
32 50
32 50
32 50
37 60
30 00
32 50
32 50
32 50
32 50
20 00
J. Alexander, 4th $ 13 40
M. Bernert, 2nd 80
J. Calamine, 2nd 5 40
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 25 00
T. Cahill, Health 21 60
Jas. Connolly, Villa Street im-
provement 10 80
W. Coughlan, Villa Street im-
provement 1 80
C. Elmer, Sidewalk 80
E. Fitzlaff, 4th 5 00
C. Geimer, 4th 12 60
P. Horch. Brunslick -Balke
sewer 4 50
John Hill, Villa Street imp. 1 80
J. Jellison, Sidewalks 80
J. Kness, Sidewalk 8 00
J. Kinsella, 4th 5 00
John McGrath, 4th 2 80
P. O'Farrell, Sidewalk 3 60
S. Smith, 4th 1 80
F. Siege, 4th 25 00
John Ward, Sidewalk 1 60
F. G. Recker, Brunswick -
Balke sewer, 11 loads cov-
ering 19 25
P. S. Norton, 4th 3 50
82 List of Warrants List of Warrants 83
John Burke $ 60;
F. Bakey 8 20
Martin Burke 3 60
W. Burke, Sr. 12 60
John Burns 7 60
W. Burke, Jr. 12 80
John Callaghan 3 60
H. Carney 5 40
P. Carney 18 80
J. Dougherty 14 20
Herman, Kunkel 5 40
T. Kenneally 8 0;0
E. Magner 8 00
W. O'Brien 25 00
Leo Scollard 1 80
J. Wickham 15 40
E. Apel 13 50
C. Van Wie 26 50
D. Cunningham $
W. Hennessy
A. Hird
A. Kaesbauer
J. Kiang
F. Luchterhand
J. Rooney
C. Sullivan
C. Specht
W. Coughlan $ 21 60
Ed. Finkenauer ... 14 80
F. Goodman 16 00
P. Horch 18 50
Jos. Jellison 1 80
John McLaughlin 9 00
C. Singrin 15 00
A. Turner 4 40
F. G. Becker 1 50
James Lynch, inspector of
sewer in alley between
Garfield and Rhomberg $ 23 10
Peter Hanson, supplies, Road
Dept. 46
Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup-
plies, Road 2nd 65
Martin - Strelau Co., coal,
Road Dept. 14 72
Dubuque Electric Supply Co ,
dry batteries 76
Ernest Staheli, taking care of
town clock 36 50
John Dehing, cleaning around
market 14 00
Foley Hand Laundry, Towel
service .... 4 00
Mathis -Metz Co., printing tax
receipts, etc. 61 50
M. S. Hardie, printing record
book, etc. 67 50
Peter Even, coal, First Ward
Scales 9 64
John Trexler, 1 case matches 4 25
F. G. Becker, wood, City Hall 12 50
Henry Galle, sawing wood,
etc. 50
H. Burgwald, sawing wood,
etc. 3 75
Spahn -Rose Lbr. Co., lumber,
Engineer's office .... 91
Conlin & Kearns Co., coal
Police and City Hall
Clancy Transfer Co., wood 14 00
Standard Office Supply Co ,
office supplies
Telegraph - Herald, 13 direc-
Gonner Bros., printing bonds
Key City Rubber Stamp
Works, licenses, etc.
Michael Mullen, repair to
water fountain .... '
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, Sewer Dept
Geo. W. Healey & Son
rope, Sewer Dept.
Berg & Briggs, printing, Sew-
er Dept.
J. N. Graham, veterinary ser-
Mettel Bros., feed, Police
Key City Gas Co., are inspec-
tion Police and Fire Dept 2 00
John Trexler, salt, Police
Dept. 1 35
Collings & Pfiffner, horse-
shoeing, Police Dept. 7 75
Iowa Oil Co., oil, Police
Dept, 60
Conlin & Kearns Co., coal, Po-
lice Dept. 19 66
Ellwanger Bros., repairs, Po-
lice Dept. 2 46
S. C. Dike, repairs, Police
Dept. 66
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
Police Dept. • 6 10
American Ever Ready Co.,
supplies, Police Dept. 6 55
Ed Nortpn, feeding prisoners 11 60
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., rubber coats, etc., Fire
Dept. 31 30
McCollins Express Co., coal,
Fire Dept. 49 95
Peter Even, coal, Fire Dept 40 08
Mettei Bros., feed, Fire
Dept. 8` 20
F. M. Jaeger & Co., suppii ' s,
Road and Fire Depts. . 4 90
John Trexler, supplies, Fire
Dept. 7 85
Ellwanger Bros., supplies and
repairs, Fire Dept. 6 50
Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup -
plies, Fire Dept, 1 23
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., office
supplies, Fire Dept. 13 50
Standard Lumber Yard Co ,
shavings, Fire Dept. 133 81
Key City Gas Co., coal and
coke, Fire Dept. 37 26
Iowa Oil Co., oil, Fire Dept 5 00
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, Fire Dept
Matt Stafford, feed, Fire
Dept. 4 80
John Butt, repairs and sup-
plies, Fire Dept. . 2 95
Eagle Chemical Co., com-
pound, Fire Dept. 2 50
W. C. Fosse] man, paints,
29 95 etc., Fire Dept. 10 05
Phil. Pfersch, repairs, Fire
11 45 F. G. Becker, coal, Fire Dept, 14 46
T. F. Kane, feed, Police and
65 00 Fire Depts 500 00
59 76 - T. F. Kane, feed, Police and
Fire Depts 147 32
39 50 F. A. Burns, coal, Fire Dept 25 43
Union Electric Co., power,
2 40 Fire Dept, 2 00
Frank C. Keesecker, drugs,
2 70 Police and Fire Depts. 6 75
Deyoe & Avenarius, horse -
22 56 shoeing, Fire Dept. 3 55
John Neuman & Son, re-
4 75 pairs, Fire Dept. 2 60
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
6 48 horseshoeing, Fire Dept 10 35
Collings & Pfiffner, horse- 65
6 50
A. Kriebs, - repairs, Fire Dept.
John Schaetzle, drugs, Fire
Pier Bros., coal, Fire Dept
Whelan & Crahan, bran, Fire
A. O. Smith Co., supplies,
Fire Dept.
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal, Fire
F. Beutin, coal, Police and
Fire Depts.
Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co ,
sand, Villa St.
John Duggan, repairs, Mt.
F. M. Jaeger & Co., sup-
plies, Mt. Carmel
Clancy Transfer Co., wood,
Mt. Carmel
Smith - Morgan Prtg
Labor Leader, printing
National Demokrat, printing
Times - Journal, printing
Telegraph - Herald, printing
Hoermann Press, printing,
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
John M. Lee, cinders, sup-
plies, Sidewalk ......
Schroeder - Kleine Grocer Co ,
salt, Sidewalk .... .. ... •
Key City Gas Co., light
Iowa Tel. Co., telephone
Union Electric Co., light
Union Electric Co., light
Union Electric Co., light
Union Electric Co., light
Union Electric Co., light
Telegraph - Herald, printing,
Nutwood Livery Coo., ambu-
lance service
M. M. Hoffmann, disinfecting
rummage sales
Ellwanger Bros., repair side-
walk.... ....
Union Electric Co., power for
4 48
17 30
41 21
20 00
21 05
8 00
35 35
12 50
12 50
198 73
6 77 50
15 00
6 50
115 35
500 15 59 00
500 00
500 500 00 00
250 10
21 00
22 00
1 78
1 10
8 85
21 70
3 95
November .... ... 2 00
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs, Road 2 05
Geo. Bock, repairs, Road 1 00
W. D. Deckert Co., railing,
Park Hill 69 00
W. D. Deckert Co., repairs,
Road 35
Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber,
Sidewalk .... .... 36 15
Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works,
repairs, Road 2 10
E. T. Frith, hauling dead ani-
mals .. 34 99
N. J. Staner, Brunswick - Balke
sewer 500 00
N. J. Staner, Brunswick -Balke
sewer 500 00
N. J. Staner, Brunswick -Balke
sewer 192 72
P. Smith, labor, 4th ward 80
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of January, 1912.
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that
at the session of the City Council held
on February 1, 1912, the following
special assessments were levied on the
real estate hereinafter described, and
that in case of failure to pay the one -
seventh part within the time prescrib-
ed by the ordinance governing same,
all will become delinquent and sub-
ject to collection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For constructing a sanitay sewer in
West Locust street, Rosedale avenue,
North Glen Oak avenue, Vernon street
and Mt. Pleasant avenue:
Owner. Description. Amt.
C. M. Buettell, Ellen Blake's
Sub., Lot 1 $ 28 25
Independent School District of
Dubuque, Min. Lot 93a, Lot
2 116 39
Independent School District of
Dubuque, Min. Lot 95, Lot 2 75 45
Joseph Herod, Min. Lot 184,
W. 110.5 ft. Lot 1 62 43
Minard Koch, Wm. Blake's
Add., Sub. 1 of 1, Lot 2 16 95
L. Zanuck, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Sub. 1 of 1, hot 1 19 78
Ellen Kane, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Sub. 1, Lot 2 8 19
Ellen Kane, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Lot 2 28 25
McCeney and L. Theis,
Blake's Add., Lot 3 28 25
Nic Theis Est. Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 4 28 25
Nic Theis Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 5 28 25
Marie Michel, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 6 28 25
John Michel, Win. Blake's
Add., Lot 7 28 25
F. J. Wirth Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 8 28 25
Mary Powers, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 9 28 25
Alice Lonergan, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 10 28 25
Jos. Herod, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Lot 11
Ferd Fettgather, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 12 28 25
T. and L. Paisley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 14
T. and L. Paisley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 4 28 25
John Kingsley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 15
Jos. F. Kingsley, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 16
Jos. F. Kingsley, Wm. Blake's
Add. Lot 17 28 25
Paul Traut Est., Wm. Blake's
Add.. Lot 18
Paul Traut Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 19 28 25
Hughes and Blake, Wm
Blake's Add., Lot 20 39 55
Hughes and Blake, Wm
Blake's Add., Lot 21 42 94
Official Notices
Hughes and Blake, Wm.
Blake's Add., Lot 22
John H. Martens, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 23
John H. Martens, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 24
Hughes and ' Blake, Wm
Blake's Add., Lot 25
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub. Lot 8
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot 7
Pat Cassidy, Min. Lot 95, Lot 1
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot 4
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot 3
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot - 2
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot 1
Anton Siege, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub 98a, Lot 1
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 2
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 3
Johanna Huber, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 4
Hilda and Viola Siege, A. P
Woods' Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 5
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 6
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 7
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a Lot 8
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 9
Adam Doerr, A. P. Woods'
Add., Sub. 98a, Lot 10
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 36B
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 35B
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 3413
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 33B
Henrietta Grunzig, A. P
Woods' Ad,d Lot 32B
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 3113
T. Rhomberg, A. P. Woods'
Add., Lot 30B
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 29B
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 28B
D. Sutherland, A. P. Woods'
Add., Lot 27B
J. A. Rhomberg, Est , A. P.
Woods' Add., Lot 26B
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P
Woods' Add., Lot 25B
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P
\CToods' Add., Lot 24C
Jas. Lee, Wm. Blake's Add ,
Lot 32
John Blake Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 33
M. M. Hoffmann, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 34
Add., Lot 35
M. M. Hoffmann, Wm. Blake's
M. J. McCullough, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 36
Paul Traut Est.. Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 37
P. Hughes Est., Wm Blake's
28 25 Add., Lot 38
p. Hughes Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 39
Paul Traut Est., Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 40
Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 41
34 47 Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 42
28 25 J. H. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Wood's Add., Lot 24a
28 25 J. H. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Wood's Add., Lot 12b
28 25 Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 46
28 25 Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm. Blake's
Blake's Add., Lot 45
28 25 Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 44
28 25 Louis Oberhoeffer, Wm. Blake's
Add., Lot 43
28 25 Jas. Lee, Min. Lot 185
J. J. Nagle, Wood's Add., Lot
28 25 la
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
28 25 Add., Lot 1
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
28 25 Add., Lot 2
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
28 25 Add., No. 120 feet Lot 7
Helen Wright, Mt. Pleasant
Add., No. 120 feet Lot 8
45 99 Jos. Jungwirth, Mt. Pleasant
Add., So. 80 feet Lot 8
29 38 Jos. Jungwirth, Mt. Pleasant
Add., Sub. 9, Lot 1
29 38 J. B. Gilmore, Home Addition,
Lot 20
29 38 Cath. Sullivan, Horne Addition,
Lot 19
29 38 D. J. Linehan, Horne Addition,
Lot 18
29 38 D. J. Linehan, Home
Lot 17
29 38 D. J. Linehan, Home Addition,
Lot 16
29 38 D. J. Linehan, Horne Addition,
Lot 14
29 38 D. J. Linehan, Horne Addition,
Lot 13
29 38 John J. Ludescher, Home Ad-
dition, Lot 7
29 38 Henry Bade, Horne Addition,
Lot 6
29 38 Jacob Ettensohn, Horne Addi-
tion, Lot 6
33 34 ? Wm. R. Fawkes, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 4
70 63 Robt. J. Courtney, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 3
38 99 Frank Nevens, Horne Addition,
Lot 2
43 51 Jennie Courtney, Home Addi-
tion, Lot 1
28 25 Home for the Friendless,
Min, Lot 178, Lots 2 and 3
Home for the Friendless,
56 50
56 50.
56 50
28 65
28 25
44 64
28 25
Official Notices 85
28 25
28 25
28 25
28 25
28 25
28 25
28 25
40 12
122 04
66 67
28 25
28 25
28 25
35 31
56 50
197 75
124 30
224 87
135 60
67 80
45 20
56 17
79 10
25 43
25 43
25 43
50 85
25 43
25 43
73 45
28 25
28 25
56 50
56 50
28 25
28 25
36 73
Gray's Sub., Lot 1
Helen Wright, Gray's Sub., Lot
Mary G. Page, Gray's Sub., Lot
Helen Wright, Gray's Sub., Lot
Mary R. Maher, Gray's Sub.,
Lot 5
Mary R. Maher, Mt. Pleasant
Add., E. M. 75 feet, Lot 6 ....
Mary R. Maher, Oakland Park,
Lot 6
H. B. Schwaegler, Oakland
Park, Lot 5
Mary Truedell, J. N. Hill's Sub ,
Lot 7
John Barrett, J. N. Hill's Sub.,
Lot 6
Anna Graham, J. N. Hill's Sub ,
Lot 5
Thos. Hein, Oakland Park, Lot
Dora Hein, Oakland Park, Lot
Rosalia Holland, Oakland Park,
E. 110 ft. Lot 2
Laura Minges, Oakland Park,
Lot 1
Anton Fortman, Maple Heights
Add., No. 50 ft. Lot 8
Hiram L. Herron, Maple
Heights Add., So. 20 ft. Lot 8
Hiram L. Herron, Maple
Heights Add., No. 40 ft. Lot 7
Lizzie Fortman, Maple Heights
Add., So. 30 ft. Lot 7
Lizzie Fortman, Maple Heights
Add., No. 30 ft. Lot 6
Frank Gorham, Maple Heights
Add., So. 40 ft. Lot 6 ......
Frank Gorham, Maple Heights
Add., No. 20 ft. Lot 5
John Sniker, Maple Heights
Add., So. 50 ft. Lot 5
John Sniker, Maple Heights
Add., No. 10 ft. Lot 4
J. D. Bush, Maple Heights
Add., So. 135 ft. Lot 4
C. T. Bush, Maple Heights
Add., Lot 3
Mary P. Condon, Maple Heights
Add., Lot 2
Carrie Miller, Maple Heights
Add., Lot 1
Chas. T. Bush, Mt. Pleasant
Add., E. 1 -2 Lot 30
J. J. Nagle, Schmidt's Sub ,
Lot 4
Frank H. Smyth, Schmidt's
Sub., Lot 3
Robt. W. Simpson, Schmidt's
Sub., Lot 2
Rosa Schmidt, Schmidt's Sub ,
Lot 1
Helen Holland, Mt. Pleasant
Add., N. E. 7 -8 Lot 23
Chas. Simplot Est., Mt. Pleas-
ant Add., S W. 1 -8 Lot 23 ..
Wm. Quigley, Mt. Pleasant
Add., No. 50 ft. W. 1 -2 Lot 26
A. Ruchte, Mt Pleasant Add.,
So. 99 ft. W 1 -2 Lot 26
J. W. Coy, Mt. Pleasant Add ,
14 13
28 96
28 96
28 96
28 96
42 37
28 76
28 82
29 27
29 27
29 27
28 25
28 25
28 25
32 71
28 25
11 30
22 60
16 95
16 95
22 60
11 30
28 25
5 65
76 28
39 55
39 55
39 55
87 58
28 25
28 25
28 25
48 19
84 75
28 25
28 25
55 95
Sub. 31, Lot 2
Sarah Collier, Mt. Pleasant
Add., Sub. 31, Lot 3
Sarah Collier, Reilley's Sub ,
Lot 1
Florence E. McCraney, Reil-
ley's Sub., Lot 2 and 1 of 3
and 1 of 4, Lot 1
Eliz. Frost, Reilley's Sub., Lot
2 and 1 of 3 and 1 of 4, Lot 2
City of Dubuque, appropriation
2 -9 Fri lt
Official Notices
28 25
28 25
16 95
22 60
14 13
565 00
$6107 65
(Official Publication.)
An Ordinance fixing the salary of
the Deputy Assessors and repealing all
ordinances or parts of ordinances
heretofore adopted in conflict there-
Be it Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the salary of the
Deputy Assessors be and the same is
hereby fixed at $1,100 per annum.
Section 2. That all ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict with the .
provisions of Section 1 hereof be and
the same are hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
the first day of March, 1912, after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal
Adopted Feb. 1st, 1912.
Approved Feb. 3rd, 1912.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
Feb. 9, 1912.
2 -9 -it. City Recorder.
To Whom It May oncern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani-
tary sewer in North Glen Oak Ave-
That a plan of sold proposed sewer
is now in file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that it will require 1,235 lineal
feet of 8 -inch tile pipe, with 7 man-
holes and will cost the abutting prop-
erty owners $1,205.00 in total.
Any persons having objections to
the construction of said sanitary sew-
er are hereby notified to appear be-
fore the City Council at its regular
session Feb. 15, 1912, or to file in
writing with the City Recorder their
objections on or before Feb. 15,5 1912.
Dated at Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 7, 1912.
2 -7 -3t City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
An ordinanbe fixing the compensa-
tion of the members of the Fire De-
partment and repealing all previous
ordinances or parts of ordinances
bearing on that subject.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque;
Section 1. That the compensation
for members of the Fire Department
of the City of Dubuque shall be as
Chief, $1,500.00 per annum.
Assistant Chief, $1,200.00 per annum.
Captains, $85.00 per month.
Engineers, $87.50 per month.
Stokers, $76.50 per month.
Drivers 3 -horse hitch, $81.50 - per
Drivers 2 -horse team, $76.50 per
Hosemen and Laddermen, 3rd year,
$71.00 per month.
Hosemen and Laddermen, 2nd year,
$65.50 per month,
Hosemen and Laddermen, 1st year,
$60.00 per month.
Watchmen $60.00 per month.
Section 2. That all ordinances and
parts of ordinances inconsistent with
the provisions hereof be and are
hereby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance to take
effect and be in force from and after
the first day of March, 1912, after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Teegraph - Herald and Times - Journal
Adopted Feb. 1st, 1912.
Approved Feb. 3rd, 1912.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
Feb. 9, 1912.
2 -9 -1t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Whereas, on or about ?+ilv 30. 1911,
the entire plant of the Kretschmer
Manufacturing Company, situated on
lots four hundred seventeen (417), four
hundred eighteen (418) and four hun-
dred nineteen (419) in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, was destroyed by fire,
Whereas, for the purpose of re-
establishing said business on said
property it is now proposed to organ-
ize a separate corporation to be named
Kretschmer Building Company, to
construct on said property a new and
substantial building, suitable for
carrying on the business of said
Kretschmer Manufacturing Company,
and to be leased to said Kretschmer
Manufacturing Company, on such
terms that the said Kretschmer Manu-
facturing Company will be obliged to
pay whatever taxes are assessed
thereon, and,
Whereas, the capital stock of said
Building Company is being subscribed
by the Dubuque Industrial Corpora-
tion, _ and various other corporations,
firms and individuals for the purpose,
of enabling said business to be con -
Whereas, the business of said
Kretschmer Manufacturing Company
is largely manufacturing and it is a
substantial employer of labor and it
is the settled policy of this city to en-
courage the establishment and main -
tainence here of manufacturing plants
giving employment to its citizens, and,
Whereas, it is believed that during
the next ten years the sum of Five
Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars should be
a sufficient valuation for taxation pur-
poses of the entire property, real and
personal, used in connection with
said manufacturing business at said
location, and,
Whereas, it would take a consider-
able part of the present year, 1912, to
construct said building, now therefore
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That for the period of
ten years commencing with the year
1913 and provided that during said
period the property herein mentioned
shall he used for manufacturing pur-
poses, as herein contemplated, the
valuation for the purposes of city tax-
ation of city lots four hundred seven-
teen (417), four hundred eighteen (418)
and four hundred nineteen (419) in the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, together with
the improvements that are or may
during said period be put thereon and
the personal property owned or used
by the said Kretschmer Manufactur-
ing Company in connection with its
plant and business located on the
lands above described shall be fixed at
the sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00)
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and
after its passage by the City Council
and its publication one time in the
Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal,
the official newspapers of the City of
Official Notices 87
Adopted Feb. 1st, 1912.
Approved Feb. 3rd, 1912.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald
Feb. 9, 1912.
2 -9 -1t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
An Ordinance establishing a grade
on Kaufman Avenue from Couler
Avenue to Kane Street.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Kauf-
man avenue from Couler Avenue to
Kane Street, be and the same is here-
by established and adopted by the
profile of said street and grade pre-
pared by the City Engineer and ac-
cepted by the City Council on the first
day of February, 1912, being Profile
No. 716 and marked "Grade of Kauf-
man Avenue from Couler Avenue to
Kane Street 13. M. North door sill of
Heeb's Brewery Hall, elevation
Said grade begins at the west curb
line of Couler Avenue, which is Sta-
tion 0, elevation 31.98; thence to sta-
tion 1 +28, east line of alley, elevation
north curb 33.67; thence to station
1 +48, west line of alley, elevation
north curb 32.98; thence to station
2+11, east curb line of Iieeb Street,
elevation south curb 34.80; thence to
station 2 +41, west curb line of Heeb
street, elevation south curb 35.30;
thence to station 2 +75, east curb line
of Francis street, elevation north curb
36.50; thence to station 3 +11, west
curb line of Francis street, elevation
north curb line 36.20; thence to sta-
tion 3 +60, elevation south curb 36.50,
north curb 36.88; thence to station
4+43.5. east line of alley, elevation
north curb line 38.02; thence to sta-
tion 4 +61.5, elevation north curb
38.27; thence to station 6 +39, east
curb line of North Main street, eleva-
tion south curb 40.60, north curb
40.35; thence to station 6 +70.5,
west curb line of North Main street,
elevation south curb 40.85, north curb
41.10; thence to station 8 +70, east
curb line of Klein street, elevation
south curb 45.20, north curb 45.10;
thence to station 9 +3, west curb line
of Klein street, elevation south curb
46.15; thence to station 13, elevation
48.40; thence to station 13 +66, east
line of alley, elevation north curb
50.20; thence to station 16 +49, east
line of alley, elevation north curb
56.00; thence to station 10 +71, west
line of alley, elevation north curb
56.45; thence to station 17, elevation
57.30; thence to station 17 {-50, eleva-
88 Official Notices
tion 58.20; thence to station 18,
elevation 58.80: thence to sta-
tion 18+50, elevation 59.40; thence to
station 19, elevation 59.75; thence to
station 21 +39, angle in street, eleva-
tion 61.00; thence to station 24 +73,
east line of Hempstead street, eleva-
tion 62.20; thence to station 24.99,
east line of Hempstead street, eleva-
tion south curb 62.40; thence to sta-
tion 26.99 east curb line of Valeria
street, elevation north curb 64.00;
thence to station 27.23, west curb of Va-
leria street, elevation north curb 64.20;
thence to station 32 +39, northeast
curb of street, elevation north curb
68.70; thence to station 32.58, north-
west curb of stret, elvation north curb
68.70; thence to station 34 +50, east
curb of Kane street, elevation north
curb 70.70; thence to station 34 +20,
angle and center line of Kane, eleva-
tion, south curb 70.60.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and af-
ter its passage by the City Council and
its publication one time in the Du-
buque Telegraph - Herald and Times -
Journal newspapers.
Adopted Feb. 1st, 1912.
Approved Feb. 3rd, 1912.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
Feb. 9, 1912.
2 -9 -1t. City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Queen Street.
That a plat of said proposed sewer
is now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require:
970 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe and
5 manholes, and will cost the abutting
property owners $926.00.
Any person having objections to the
construction of said sewer are hereby
notified to appear before the City
Council at its regular session to be
held March 7, 1912, or to file their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder on or before March 7th, 1912.
Dated at Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 28th,
2- 28 -3t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
An Ordinance Amending the Ordi-
nance adopted February 3, 1910, and
approved February 9, ,1910, providing
for the election of Park Commission-
ers, and defining ,their duties and
Whereas, the General Assembly of
the State of Iowa, by an act approved
March 24, 1911, and which forme Chap-
ter 46 of the Acts of the 34th General
Assembly, changed the term of office
of Park Commissioners in cities acting
under special charter, making the same
six instead of five years, and provid-
ing for an election of a full board at
the next regular city election, and also
made other changes in the laws gov-
erning said Park Boards, thus render-
ing it necessary to amend the existing
ordinance of the City of Dubuque,
adopted February 3, 1910, approved
February 9, 1910, providing for the
election of three Park Commissioners,
in order to conform to the require-
ments of the act adopted by the Gen-
eral Assembly of the state; Therefore,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Sec. 1. That the ordinance ,entitled
An Ordinance providing for the elec-
tion of Park Commissioners and de-
fining their duties and powers," which
was approved February 9th, . 1910, be
amended so as to read as follows:
Sec. 2. In pursuance of the require-
ments of Chapter 46 of the acts of the
34th General Assembly of the State of
Iowa, at the next municipal election
in the City of Dubuque, to be held on
Monday, April lst, 1912, there shall be
elected three Park Commissioners who
shall constitute and be known as the
Park Board of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, one of whom shall hold his of-
fice for the term of two years, one for
four years and one for six years, the
term for which each Commissioner so
elected shall serve to be determined by
lot. The terms of office of the Com-
missioner elected as successors to
those chosen at the election held April
1st, 1912, shall be for six years.
The Commissioners elected at the
election of April, 1912, within ten (10)
days after their election shall determine
by lot the term each one is to serve,
shall take the oath of office, shall
elect from their own number a chair-
man and secretary, and shall each
give bond in the sum of One Thousand
Dollars, for the faithful performance
of their duties, to the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, the bond to be taken out in
a bonding company to be approved by
the City Council, the cost to be paid
out of the Park Fund.
Sec. 3. The jurisdiction, powers, du-
ties and obligations of said Park Board
shall be those created and defined in
the Code, the Supplement thereto, and
Laws of the State of Iowa now in
force or which may be hereafter en-
acted relative to the Park Boards in
cities acting under special charters,
and as provided for in said laws, said
Park Board shall keep a full account
of all disbursements and expenditures
and make a detailed report thereof to
the City Council at the April meeting
thereof in each year, including a full
Statement of the work done and im-
provements made during the preced-
ing year.
All payments out of the Park Fund
in care of the City Treasurer shall be
by orders drawn on said Treasurer and
signed by the Chairman and Secretary
of the Park Board, and the City Treas-
urer is required to honor all such or-
ders drawn as aforesaid to the extent
of the money in his hands belonging to
said Park Fund.
Sec. 4. The Park Board is hereby
authorized and empowered to formu-
late and enforce rules and regulations
for the proper planting, care, trimming
and protection of all trees on the pub-
lic streets and driveways of the city,
and it shall be the duty of all persons
to comply with such rules and regula-
Sec. 5. There shall be no compensa-
tion attached to the office of Park Com-
missioner and all services performed
by said Commissioners and Park Board
shall be rendered without compensation
Sec. 6. The adoption of this Ordi-
nance amendatory of the Ordinance
adopted February 3, 1910, shall not be
held to terminate the term of office
of the present Park Commissioners or
to affect their powers as such Com-
missioners, but the same shall con-
tinue until the election of their suc-
cessors at the city election to be held
April 1, 1912.
Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be In
force and effect from and after its
passage and publication in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald,
the official newspapers of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted Feb. 1st, 1912.
Approved Feb. 3rd, 1912.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
Feb. 9, 1912.
2 -9 -1t. City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
Official Notices 89
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani-
tary sewer in Kniest street, Eagle
Point avenue and Prince street.
That a plat of said proposed sewer
is now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that it will require 1,850 lineal
feet of 8 -inch tile pipe, 8 manholes
and 1 flush tank and will cost the
abutting property owners $1,410.00 in
Any person having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear before the
City Council at its regular session
March 7, 1912, or to file in writing
with the City Recorder their objec-
tions on or before March 7, 1912.
Dated at Dubuque Feb. 27, 1912.
2 -27 -3t City Recorder.
—�� —
Sealed proposals• will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
4:00 p. m., Friday, March 1st, 1912,
for a Combination Motor Pumping
Engine and Hose Wagon, one with
and one without chemical attachment
the same to have a carrying capacity
of 1,200 to 1,500 feet of 2 1 -2 inch
hose, and a capacity of not less than
750 gallons of water per minute. The
bidder to furnish a complete specifi-
cation of the engine he proposes to
furnish, and the bid must be accom-
panied by a certified check of $500.00
as a guarantee that the bidder will
enter into a contract if awarded. The
city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, February
17th, 1912.
2 -17 -4t City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the
City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m., Thurs-
day, March 7th, 1912, for the brick pav-
ing of Jackson Street, from the north
curb line of Seventh Street to the
south lot line of Eighth Street in ac-
cordance with the plans and specifi-
cations prepared by the City Engineer
and now on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require:
Concrete, sand and paving with
brick between tracks, 834 sq. yds.
Concrete, sand and paving with
brick, grouting the strips containing
tracks, 803 sq. yds.
New curbing, 256 lin. ft.
One catch basin and 12 feet of cast
iron pipe.
90 Official Notices
Old curbing taken up and reset, 31
lin. ft.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXI, of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or be-
fore the 31st of October, 1912.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for furnishing and setting curb
stone, price per sq yd. for brick pave-
ment, price per lin. ft. for resetting old
curb stone between tracks and the
price per sq. yd. of the strip including
the tracks, 9 foot in width.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check of $500.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded,
check and bid in separate envelope.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids which may
not he deemed advantageous to the
City, or to permit the railway com-
pany to improve the various 9 foot
strips containing their tracks.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 23,
2- 23 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Sewer Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at,
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the
City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m., Thurs-
day, March 7th, 1912, for the construc-
tion of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in North Glen Oak Avenue from
Vernon Street to Julien Avenue, in
accordance with the plans and speci-
fications prepared by the City Engi-
neer and now on file in the office of the
City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require:
1235 lineal feet 8 -inch tile pipe.
7 manholes.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as presented by
Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Ordi-
nance of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
work to be completed on or before
June 1st, 1912.
Bidder will state the price per lineal
foot of completed sewer, also state
price Per manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into If awarder.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 23.
2- 23 -3t. City Recorder.
Primary Eledtion.
In pursuance of the laws of Iowa,
I, D. J. Haas, Mayor of the City of
Dubuque, State of Iowa, do hereby
proclaim that a Primary Election will
be held in said city on Monday, Feb-
ruary 26th, 1912, for the purpose of
nominating a
Mayor of the City.
City Treasurer.
City Attorney.
City Recorder.
City Auditor. •
City Assessor.
City Engineer.
Two Aldermen -at- Large.
Precinct Committeemen.
Delegates to City Convention.
Also one Alderman from each
Ward in said city.
That on said day the polls will be
opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and will
close at 8 o'clock p. m. on said day,
to receive the votes cast at such
election in the following places- to-
First Precinct— Thomas Donahue's
place, 321 South Locust St.
Second Precinct — Central House, 26
South Locust St.
First Precinct— County Court House.
Second Precinct — Fourth Street En-
gine House.
First Precinct —Ninth Street En-
gine House.
Second Precinct —City Hall:
Third Precinct — Palen Building,
18th St. and Couler Avenue.
First Precinct —Wales Hotel, 8th
and Bluff Streets.
Second Precinct — Palmetto Hall,
695 Delhi Street.
Third Precinct— Dubuque Realty
Co.'s Building, 160 West Locust St.
First Precinct —Meyer Bros., 2327
Couler Avenue.
Second Precinct — Kolf's Shoe Shop,
corner 22nd and Elm Streets.
Third Precinct — Rose Fengler's
Building, corner Rhomberg and
Schiller Avenues.
Fourth Precinct — Fred Roesner's
place, corner 27th and Jackson Sts.
Dated February 16th, 1912.
M. E. LYONS, City Auditor.
2 -16 and 28.
Special Session March 1st, 1912.
Council met at 8:10 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W.
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin -
grin, Specht.
Mayor Haas stated that this meet-
ing was called for the purpose of con-
sidering the bid for Motor Fire En-
gine and any other matter which may
come before a regular session of the
City Council.
T. F. Kane, feed, Fire and Po-
lice Dept.... .. ......... $ 461
Jos. J. Rowan, supplies, Fire
Dept.... .... 1
Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Fire
Dept.... .... .... 17
H. E. Callahan, acid, Fire
D ept.... .... 7
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., re-
pairs, Fire Dept
T. J. Mulgrew, coal, Fire
Dept. 22
Becker - Hazelton Co., supplies,
Fire Dept.
W. Marshal, repairs Fire Dept
P. Linehan Sons, coal, Fire
Dept 36
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing, Fire Dept. 12
Spahn -Rose Lbr. Co., lumber,
Fire Dept.
Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup-
plies, Fire Dept. ....
National Refining Co., oil,
Fire Dept...
The Adams Co., supplies., Fire
Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul Railway Co., repairs,
Fire Dept . .... ...... 1
John N. Juergens, paint, Fire
Dept. 13
American La France Fire
Engine Co., supplies, Fire
Dept. 30
John Newman & Son, re-
pairs, Fire Dept. ....
Matt. Stafford, feed, Fire
Dept. 8
13. C. Scherr, salt, Fire Dept. 2
Phil. Heller, • horseshoeing,
Fire Dept 5
Vollenwieder & Heim horse -
shoeing, Fire Dept. 10
Whelan & Crahan, supplies,
Fire Dept 9
M. E. Byrne, repairs, Fire and
Police Dept.
J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies,
Fire and City Hall 19
Key City Gas Cd., coal, etc ,
Fire and Police Depts. 42
Standard Lumber Yard Co ,
Special Session, March 1, 1912 91
7 54
9 86
1 21
5 50
1 60
0 1
4 65
3 10
shavings, Fire Dept. 29 05
Dubuque Lumber Co., coal,
Fire and Police Depts 46 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., supplies, Fire and Po-
lice Depts.... 98 45
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing, Fire 9 30
Key City Gas Co., are inspec-
tion, Fire and Police 2 00
F. A. Burns, coal, Fire 29 12
Frank Beutin, coal Fire 44 44
Union Electric Co., power,
Fire 4 00
Conlin & Kearns Co., coal,
Fire 55 61
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs,
Fire 42 76
McCollins Transfer Line, coal,
Fire 21 33
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, Fire 7 85
F. G. Becker, coal, Fire 22 56
Torbert Drug Co., drugs and
paint, Fire 20 08
Martin - Strelau Co., coal, Fire 19 02
Eagle Chemical Co., sweeping
compound, Fire 1 50
Geo. Rettenmeier, Jr. bran,
Fire 2 80
W. Deckert & Co., supplies,
Fire 1 20
Pier Bross., coal, Fire 14 04
Iowa 011 Co., oil, Fire 5 00
Fischer & Co., coal, Fire 44 88
J. N. Graham, veterinary ser-
vice, Fire and Police 6 48
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing, Police 12 80
Standard Lumber Yard Co ,
coal, Fire and Police 19 55
Fischer & Co., coal, Exp. and
Police 43 79
J. C. Schneider Pharmacy,
supplies, Police .... 1 05
John L. Kies, supplies, Police. 2 10
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal, Police
and City Hall .... 28 34
Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Po-
lice and City Hall 23 49
J. C. Alhauser, supplies, Police
and Fire 28 57
Mettel Bros., feed, Police 3 75
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs,
Police 65
Union Plumb. & Heating Co ,
repairs, police 49 80
E. Norton, dieting prisoners 6 40
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Po-
lice 1 25
Thos. Connolly Est., repairs,
Police .. 7 00
N. 13. Schneider, bran, Police 95
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
Police .... .... 6 70
C. J. Shannon, supplies, Police 10 15
Martin - Strelau Co. coal, Police 15 95
Standard Lumber Yard Co ,
coal, Police 30 15
Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co ,
Sand, R. 1 43
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, R. 3 6 60
Conlon & Kearns, coal, R. 2 3 05