1912 April Council Proceedings130
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require:
511.0 lineal feet 8 -inch tile pipe.
20 manholes and 1 drop manhole.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as presented by
Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Ordi-
nance of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
work to be completed on or before
July 15, 1912.
Bidder will state the price per lineal
foot of completed sewer, also state
price per manhole and price for drop
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $500.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that con-
tract will be entered into if awarded
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at .Dubuque, Iowa, March 30.
3- 30 -3t. City Recorder.
Mayor's Proclamation.
In pursuance of the laws of Iowa
and the Ordinances of this city, I, 0.
J. Haas, Mayor of the city of Du-
buque, State of Iowa, do hereby Fro-
claim that an election will be holden
in said city on Monday, April 1st, 1912,
for the purpose of electing a
Mayor of the City,
City Recorder,
City Treasurer,
City Attorney,
City Auditor,
City Engineer,
City Assessor.
Two Aldermen -at- Large.
Also one alderman from each ward
in • the city.
That said day the polls will be op-
ened at 7 o'clock a. m. and close at
7 o'clock p. m. of said day, to receive
the votes cast at such election in the
following places, to -wit:
First Precinct — Thos. Donahue's
Place, 321 South Locust street.
Second Precinct— Love's Barber
Shop, 145 First street.
First Precinct — County Court House.
Second Precinct — Fourth Street En-
gine House, up stairs.
First Precinct —Ninth Street Engine
House, ,
Second Precinct —City Hall.
Third Precinct —Palen Building, 18th
and Couler Ave.
First Precinct —Wales Hotel, 8th and
Bluff Streets.
Second Precinct — Palmetto Hall, 695
Delhi street.
Third Precinct— Dubuque Realty Co.
Bldg., 160 West Locust street.
Official Notices
First Precinct —Meyer Bros., 2327
Couler Avenue.
Second Precinct— Ko]f's Shoe Store,
car. Elm street and Eagle Point Ave.
Third Precinct —Miss Rose Fengler's
Place, cor. Rhomberg and Schiller
Fourth Precinct —F. Roesner's Place,
cor. Elm street and Eagle Point Ave.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 21st
day of March, 1912.
City Recorder.
3 -21 -2t
• Notice.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve Nevada Street from Lang -
worthy Avenue to Dodge Street.
That the plat of said improvement
is now on file in the office of the City
Recorder. It is estimated by the City
Engineer that said improvement will
1317 lineal feet combination curb and
1280 sq. yds. macadamizing.
5570 cu. yds. cutting.
1406 cu. yds. filling.
Total estimated cost to the abutting
property owners of $1750.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its reg-
ular session, to be held April 4, 1912,
or filed with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before
April 4, 1912.
Dated at Dubuque, March 27, 1912.
3- 27 -3t. City Recorder.
Regular Session, April 4, 1912
Regular Session, April 4, 1912.
Council met at 8:20 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Aids. J. W. McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Absent —Ald. E. E. McEvoy.
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that
action on Council Proceedings be de-
ferred until next meeting.
Bids for the changing of the Ma-
tron's quarters presented and, on mo-
tion of Ald. J, W. McEvoy, order
Rellihan & Mullen, plumbing,
$52.00; Union Plumbing & Heating
Co., plumbing, $70.30; Philip Breit -
haupt, complete as per plans and
specifications, $298.00; Mullen Bros.
plumbing, $98.50 ; M. O'Donnell,
plumbing, $71.50; Nester & Hammel,
plumbing, $63.00; A. C. Haller, com-
plete as per plans and specifications,
$280.00. Ald. Saul moved that all bids
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Bills for rent of buildings for Elec-
tion; total, $295.00. Judges and
Clerks of Election; total, $714.00.
Register Clerks, $840.00. Ald. Sin -
grin moved the reports be approved
and warrants be drawn for the vari-
ous amounts. Carried.
Petition of Mary Bisanz, asking that
the taxes on North one -half of
Myrtle Add., be canceled, presented.
On motion of Ald. Sauer, prayer was
Petition of Katharine Blitsch, ask-
ing that the taxes on the North 1 / g . of
Lot 13, Tivoli Add., be canceled in
full, presented. Ald. Sauer moved the
prayer be granted. Carried.
Petition of Margaret H. Connolly,
asking that the special assessment
against Lots 38 and 39, W. Blake's
Add., for construction of sanitary
sewer be canceled, presented. Ald.
O'Rourke moved that it be referred
to the Committee of the Whole to
view the grounds. Carried.
Petition of John Ahern, Adminis-
trator of the estate of Maurice Ahern,
asking that the Treasurer be instruct-
ed to accept the sum of $28.03 in full
Payment of special assessment against
the West 117 feet of Lot 69, Union
Add. On motion of Ald. J. W.
McEvoy, referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy entered at 8:35
and took his seat.
Preamble from the Dubuque In-
dustrial Corporation read. Ald. Sin -
grin moved same be referred to the
Committee of the Whole. Carried.
Bonds of Joseph P. Scanlan,
Charles Sass and James Alderson, no-
tice of claim of damages for $1,000.00
by Anna Plein; also notice of claim of
damages for $5,000.00 by Mrs. Em-
ma Kruse, presented. On motion of
Ald. J. W. McEvoy, referred to the
City Attorney.
Petition of R. W, Kemler, asking
that the valuation on City Lot No.
215 be placed at $3,000.00 and City
Treasurer be instructed to accept
taxes on said basis. On motion of
Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petitions of Geo. Davis, M. Kerwin
and G. F. Schueler asking to be ap-
pointed engineer of steam roller; Her-
man Kunkel, asking to be appointed
stoker of steam roller; C. W. Katz,
asking to be appointed Market Mas-
ter; Edw. Fitzlaff, asking to be ap-
pointed driver of carpenter wagon;
Thos. Hackney, asking to be appoint-
ed Poundmaster; J. H. Carroll, ask-
ing to be appointed Harbor Master,
presented. Ald. Saul moved that all
petitions be referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole. Carried.
City Recorder Geiger presented and
read the notice, certified to by the
publishers, of the City Council's in-
tention to improve Nevada Street
from Langworthy Avenue to Dodge
Street; also the remonstrance of John
Murphy. On motion of Ald. Saul, no-
tice and remonstrance were referred
to the Committee of the Whole and
the parties interested be notified to be
present at the Committee of the
Whole meeting.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
petition of J. H. Lutz be taken from
the Committee of the Whole and
acted on tonight. Carried.
Petition of J. H. Lutz presented.
Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the
prayer be granted and Ordinance
Committee he instructed to draft the
proper ordinance. Carried.
City Auditor Lyons reported as. fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port showing the receipts and dis-
132 Regular Session, April 4, 1912 Regular Session April 4, 1912 133
bursements for the month of March,
Receipts -
City's cash balance March
1, 1912 $147,764.58
Receipts during month 72,389.88
Tctal $220,154.46
Disbursements -
Warrants redeemed $ 33,364.66
Improvetnent bonds re-
deemed 3,915.99
Improvement bond cou-
pon redeemed 243.75
Regular bond con re-
deemed 880.00
Library orders 1,010.67
Park orders redeemed 3,099.05
Special S. W. certificate
and interest 34.26
Police pension 65.00
Fir.: pension 41.25
Total $ 42,654.63
r;nlance April 1. 1912 $177,499.83
The above cash balance includes
the balances in the Improvement
Bond Fund, the Improvement Bond
Interest Fund, the Water Works In-
terest and Sinking Fund, the Library
Fund, Park Fund, Old Water Works
Debt Fund, Police Pension Fund,
Fire Pension Fund and the Sinking
Fund (for the 'amelioration of the
City Regular Bonded Debt).
Balance March 1, 1912.... $51,065.63
Receipts 3,564.48
Orders drawn
on City
Balance April 1, 1912.... $49,690.35
Balance March 1, 1912 $5.00
Balance April 1, 1912 5.00
The following is the record of all
interest coupons and bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer and credited to
Regular Bond Coupons $ 880.00
Improvement Bond Coupons 243.75
Total redeemed $1,123.75
Improvement Bonds $3,915.99
Total $3,915.99
Special S. W. certificate with
interest 34.20
Total $34.26
Also report there is due the City
officers for the month of March, 1912,
salaries amounting to $2,798.20.
Also the following list shows the
appropriations and amount of war-
rants drawn on each fund since the
beginning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1912, to April 1, 1912:
Appropriation Expended
General Expense
and Contingent
Fund .... $ 37,000.00 $1,109.70
District Road
Funds -
First District 6,666.00 1,852.47
Second District 15,739.00 1,621.60
Third District 9,595.00 1,511.24
Fourth District 10,912.00 1,771.67
Fifth District 8,777.00 3,238.34
Fire Dept... , 62,500.00 7,378.43
Police Dept.. 41,000.00 3,667.29
Sewerage 5,500.00 343.54
Printing 2,200.00 265.91
Street Lighting 27,500.00
Interest on Float -
ing and Bonded
Debt .. 42,000.00
Board of Health 7,500.00 241.59
Grading Streets
and Alleys 4,500.00
Special Bonded
Paving .. 2,500.00
Interest on Spec-
ial Bonded
Debt .. 3,800.00
Improvement on
Mount Carmel
Avenue 1,000.00 8.UU
Repairing and re-
building Side-
walks .. ... 1,000.00 27.34
Improvement of
Grandview Ave 2,400.00
Five per cent re-
tained on cer-
tain improve-
ments .. 536.06
Claims and judg-
ments .... . , 3,500.00 2,483.80
Levee Improve-
ment Fund 200.00 25.00
Balance due on
widening Hill
Street ....
Amount due the
Dubuque Na-
tional Bank
Storm water sew-
er in Arling-
ton, Grove and
West Twelfth
Bee Branch north
of 27th Street
Improvement of
Kaufman Ave.
Improvement of
Eagle Pt. Ave.
Payment of old
water works
debt .... .
Improvement of
North First St.
Widening South
Dodge St. at
intersection of
Curtis St..
Sodding 'Grand-
view Ave
Pranch Sewer
at 16th Street 800.00
Arching Bee
Branch Sewer
at 17th Street. . 800.00
Widening 18th
St. at Couler
Avenue .. ... 1,000.00
Widening or im-
proving West
Locust St. and
Arch St.. ....
Improvement of
Willow St .. .. 1,000.00
Willow, St. Am-
brose, Asbury
and Rosedale
Ave. sanitary
sewer ..
Park Fund ....
opening street
and water way
from Alpine to
Alta Vista Sts. 1,000.00
Twelfth, Thir-
teenth a n d
Fourteenth St.
dumps .. .... 250.00
Improvement on
Villa Street .. 250.00
and improving
Cherry, Dela-
ware and Avo-
ca streets .... 150.00
Improvement of
Fifth Ave.. .. 200.00
Improvement of
Elm St. from
Eagle Pt. Ave.
to Sanford St 450.00
Total Appro-
priations ... $313,512.39
M. E. LYONS, Auditor.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the re-
700.00 port be received and warrants be
drawn for the various amounts and
report be referred back to Finance
637.33 Committee. Carried.
City Treasurer Wybrant reported as
Below please find statement of
600.00 amounts advanced by me during the
month of March, 1912, for which
1 ;600.00 please have warrants drawn in my
1,000.00 Interest on warrants out-
standing $175 00
1,000.00 Miscellaneous 13 40
Interest on loans to bank 8 75
2 167.75 Also please find attached note of
Finance Committee to Dubuque Na-
200.00 tional bank, dated Nov. 10, 1911, for
$637.33 interest at 6 per cent, which
I paid on March 18, 1912, to the
amount of $637.33, for which have
100.00 warrants drawn in my favor.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report
be received, warrants be ordered
drawn for the various amounts and
report referred back to Finance Com-
mittee. Carried.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the Fire Department for
the last half of March, 1912
Amount due Firemen $1,139.00
One per cent. retained for Pen-
sion Fund 34.32
Respectfully submitted,
3, R. REINFRIED, Chief.
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re-
port was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the Firemen and
report referred back to Comimttee on
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
Police Report for the last half of
March, 1912:
The following is the report:
Assault and battery 1
Disturbing the peace 8
Disorderly conduct 8
Intoxication 17
Petit larceny 5
Total number of arrests 39
Residents arrested 21
Doors found open 21
Defective lights 36
Lodgers harbored 597
Meals furnished ...... .......... 4
Cost of food $ .80
Police court costs collected $ 12.25
City ordinance fines collected $• 14.90
Patrol runs for prisoners 33
Ambulance calls 3
Miles traveled 38
Also beg to submit pay roll for Po-
licemen last half of March, 1912:
Total due Policemen $1,521.75
Pension Fund ... 31.60
Chief of Police.
Approved by Committee on Police
and Light.
On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report
and pay roll were received and wa --
rants ordered drawn to pay the Police-
men and the report referred back 13
the Committee on Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during
the last half of March, 1912:
Amount due laborers on streets.$1521.45
134 Regular Session, April 4, 1912
Also submit pay roll for labor on
streets leading into the county for Iasi
half of March, 1912:
Amount due laborers on streets..$36.00
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls
on streets were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts, and the pay rolls and report.
referred back to the Committee en
Also submit pay roll for labor on
Sewers during the last half of March,
Amount due laborers on Sewers.$352.$0
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
roll on sewers was received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and pay roll referred
back to Committee on Sewers.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of March, 1912. I find from the
reports of the Police department that
the total hours that 35 lamps failed to
burn would equal 1 1 -3 lamps burning
for one month, or $6.66.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
Ald. Sauer moved the report be re-
ceived and the Recorder deduct from
the U. E. C. bill the -sum of $6.66.
Following weighmasters' reports on
receipts were presented and read and
an motion of Ald. Specht were receiv-
ed and filed:
Louisa Pitchner $ 1.17
Joseph Straney 3.50
Edw. Norton .... 29.10
J. H. Carroll .90
An Ordinance to restrain cows,
horses and other animals from run-
ning at large referred to new council.
Dubuque, Iowa, April 4th, 1912.
To the Honorable City Council:
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
met in regular session April 3rd, 1912,
with the following present: Mayor D.
J. Haas, Ald. O'Rourke, A. J. Hartig,
Simon Miller, E. H. Willging, Paul
Sewer and Dr. F. J. Kennedy.
Petition from the Hygienic commit-
tee et al, the prayer was granted, by
the Board, and the same referred to
your Honorable Body for approval.
Also paint, lumber, chain and lock
ordered purchased for Detention Hos-
Reported that the Simplot property
was connected with the storm water
sewer. Resolved that the Sanitary
Officer have the pipe stopped up, and
proceed in the manner provided by
law. •
The following bills sent to the Coun-
ty for payment: M. M. Hoffmann,
$10.44; T. W. Ruete, $2.95; J. G. Becker,
$13.30; Adam Zillig, 75 cents; J. E.
Robinson, $27.10; Union Electric Co.,
$3.00; M. M. Hoffmann, $1.44.
We also recommend that you pay
the following bills: John Roth, $3.00;
A. J. Hartig, $12.00; Simon Miller,
$12.00; E. T. Frith, $34.99; E. T. Frith,
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the report. Carried.
Committee on Claims respectfully
report that there has heretofore been,
allowed the sum of $1,000.00 in settle-
ment of the claims of Ralph Lucky,
Helen May, Irne Packwood and Mary
Dubmeyer in lump and interest, and
we respectfully ask that a warrant
be ordered drawn in said amount with
Ald. Saul moved that the report be
adopted and warrants ordered drawn.
Ald. J. W. McEvoy moved that the
Fire Committee purchase the neces-
sary beds and paint to paint the fire
apparatus. Carried.
Ald, O'Rourke moved that a warrant
be ordered drawn on the City Treas-
urer to cover the balance due the
Rhomberg Estate for the five foot
strip purchased for the widening of
Hill street. Carried.
Ald. Singrin moved that all matters
now pending before any committee be
referred to the same committee of the
new council. Carried.
Ald. Singrin moved that a commit-
tee of three be appointed to canvass
the votes. Carried.
Alds. O'Rourke, Singrin and Specht
were appointed a committee to can-
vass the votes.
The vote was then canvassed frond
the Poll books and found to be as
Park Commissioners.
;t Ward.
2nd Ward
4th Ward.
John O'Rourke, C N-P....
M. E. Lyons, D '.
E. J. Buchet, S
Otto P. Geiger, C N -P .
J. J. Shea, D
1Geo. W. Heil, S
(John A. McKinley, D
Alois H. Pfiffner, D
Adam Mueller, S
Fred J. Heller, D
Chas. Baumgartner, C N -P. I
Paul Ilg, D
Geo. T. Lyon, C N -P
M atthew H. Czizek, D
1 Patrick J. Treanor, D
'Oliver P. Shiras, Ind
'Frank J. Piekenbrock, Ind.
Herbert Adams, Ind
klbinus Bauer, S
'George Beekman, S
'Richard Lynn, S
'Geo. Miller
I Wm. Knapp
James Saul, D
C. J. Mathis, S
Tom Callahan, Ind
John Strobel, C N -P
J. J. McLaughlin, D
'Edw. Brasher, S
James Haggerty, C N -P....
J. H. Wallis, C N -P
1 E. E. McEvoy, D
'Patrick Smith, Ind
'G. R. Brandt
I Geo. Volirath, S
First Ward.
!irst Precinct.
iecond Prec't.
Second Ward
rirst Precinct.
iecond Prec't.
Third Ward
!irst Precinct.
iecond Prec't.
1'hird Prec't.
Fourth Ward
!irst Precinct.
iecond Prec't.
third Prec't.
Fifth Ward
!irst Precinct.
iecond Prec't.
third Prec't.
Fourth Prec't.
1 275
1 261
551 145
135 141
161 168
74 76
355 356
129 128
174 178
2091 214
252 250
171 172
284 281
189 193
211 213
224 229
145 45
170 37
75 26
353 65
126 21
175 44
210 69
254 43
178 61
281 40
188 89
207 106
228 155
145 123
212 2
223 1
Total .. ..... 3198 3504
3243 460
3928 2386
30 37
425112713 2751
2735 919
7001 3
1 306
911 111542
1 11
9821 111037
11 1
- 911
i the manner provided by
'wing bills sent
vment: M. M. Hoffmann,
N. Ruete, $2.95
am Zillig, 75 ____-_ J. E.
$27.10; Union Electric Co.,
1. Hoffmann, $1.44.
recommend that you pay
ing bills: John Roth, $3.00;
rtig, $12.00; Simon Miller,
T. Frith, $34.99; E. T. Frith,
ourke moved the adoption
ort. Carried.
Ce on Claims respectfully
t there has heretofore been,
e sum of $1,000.00 in settle -
he claims of Ralph Lucky,
Irne Packwood and Mary
in lump and interest, and
tfully ask that a warrant
drawn in said amount with
I moved that the report be
id warrants ordered drawn.
vV. McEvoy moved that the
nittee purchase the neces-
and paint to paint the fire
ourke moved that a warrant
i drawn on the City Treas.-
over the balance due the
Estate for the five foot
hased for the widening of
. Carried.
;tin moved that all matters
ng before any committee be
the same committee of the
il. Carried.
grin moved that a commit -
ee be appointed to canvass
Rourke, Singrin and Specht
tinted a committee to can -
was then canvassed from
books and found to be as
Regular Session, April 4, 1912 135
Ald. Singrin moved that all candi-
dates receiving a majority or a plur-
ality of the votes cast be declared
elected. Carried.
Alds, O'Rourke, J. W. McEvoy,
Sauer, Specht and E. E. McEvoy
made a few remarks in reference to
the work done by the council in the
past two years and expressing their
good wishes to the newly elected al-
dermen for a prosperous and success-
ful administration of the city's af-
fairs for the ensuing two years.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I tender you my resig-
nation as auditor and request your
honorable body to appoint Geo. J.
Vogel to fill the vacancy.
Ald. Saul moved that the resigna-
tion be accepted and Geo. J. Vogel be
appointed city auditor. Carried.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I respectfully ask your
honorable body to appoint John A.
McKinley as assistant in the auditor's
office for the month of April, 1912.
On motion of Ald. Sauer prayer
Mayor Haas made the following re-
"Gentlemen of the City Council:
"I will not take up mcuh of your
valuable time, but before turning over
the keys of the city, I desire to make
a few remarks appropriate to the oc-
casion. I desire to expresys to you
my appreciation of the courtesy shown
me as mayor and your presiding offi-
cer. The result sachieved in the past
two years could only be accomplished
by the harmony that has existed, and
the .uteer absence of friction and self-
ish interest. I am sure that the ef-
forts of this body have been concen-
trated in the accomplishment of the
greatest good for our entire people,
and the progress and betterment of
our, city. I sincerely trust that these
same conditions may prevail with the
ne wcouncil in the next two years. I
congratulate your body upon the effic-
iency displayed by your appointive of-
ficers and employees. They have been
prompt in the discharge of their du-
ties. economical in their work, and
the results have shown that you se-
lected well when you named the heads
of the different departments to aid
you in the conduct of the city's af-
fairs, and I hope the new council will
use good judgment when they make
these appointments. The Police and
Fire departments of our city have
reached a degree of efficiency which I
believe is unequalled in any Iowa city
of the same proportions as our own.
Of all branches of our city govern-
ment, they are most in the public eye,
and they have passed the ordeal with
credit to themselves and to our city.
At no former time in my memory has
our city been so free from crime and
criminals, or its people so efficiently
guarded from the depredations of law
breakers. We have an orderly and
law- abiding city. The discipline of
our police force has been exceptional
and no fault can be found. Great
credit must be given the police ma-
trons for the manner in which they
discharged the duties of their office.
Our Fire department has become a
most efficient and valuable organiza-
tion, and is a feature to which all
point with pride.
The two years just past, have been
busy ones in the improvement of our
streets, alleys, sewers and sidewalks.
Our main thoroughfares are nearly
all in good condition. In the last two
years we have laid over one and one -
half miles of brick paving, three and
one -half miles of tarvia and macadam
streets, and several alleys have been
paved with brick or cement, and right
here, I would recommend the paying
of all the alleys in the busniess section
of the city. This will not only im-
prove their appearance, but people will
take more pride in keeping them clean
and the cost will not be very much
to the property owners.
"Great improvements was also made
in our sewer system. Over five miles
of storm sewer and sanitary sewers
have ben laid in the past two years,
and all of our severe system is in
first class condition, The urgent de-
mand of our citizens for the continua-
tion of the work, satisfies me that the
new council will find it their duty to
make the corning two years eventful
ones. When we consider that the
property owners along the proposed
improvements bear the expense, it
seems to me that the city should co-
operate with them.
"Our rive front with the Levee Im-
provement Commission back of it, will
no doubt receive the proper attention
and I am pleased to say that we have
a body of men on that commission, on
whom you can rely, and who, no doubt
will he in a position to obtain import-
ant concessions from the government
in having work done upon our river
"Our Park Commissioners have been
untiring in their endeavor to carry
on the work of beautifying our parks
and avenues. If the citizens will co-
operate with the park commissioners .
we will indeed have a 'City Beautiful."
"The trustees of the public library
are making every effort to induce our
136 Regular Session, April 4, 1912
people to take full advantage of its
"The board of trustees for the wat-
er works have provided our citizens
with a plentful supply f pure water
at minimum of expense to the tax -
r avers,
"The board of health of the city of
Dubuque, is credit to our city, and
our present freedom from contagious
diseases can be attributed 'to their
good work. Dubuque is one of the
most healthful cities in the United
States, but it requires vigilance to
kep it so.
"I cannot step out of office without
saying a few words of praise for Mr.
John W. Lawlor, the mayor's clerk,
He has alyays been pleasant, oblig-
ing and competent. He fulfills the
duties of his position admirably, and
I shall never forget his kindness.
"All of the city officials and em-
ployees have been polite and court-
eous, and I shall never forget my
pleasant association with them.
"In concluding, I believe the past
administration of the affairs of Du-
buque, has met the approval of its
citizens. It has ben marked with
strict economy as well as judicious
"I have great confidence in Du-
buque. It has never had a better and
brighter future than now. "All boost.
no knocking" should be our motto.
The Brunswick - Balke - Collender com-
pany has located in our city, and
erected an extensive and commod-
ious factory. This means the employ-
ment of a large number of persons,
and the advancement in price of real
estate in our city, especially_ in the
north end. As mayor, I lent my as-
sistance to the project, and as indi-
vidual contributed financially, and I
am sanguine of the results.
"I desire to express my good will
to the public press. I will ever re-
member the good things that hava
been written about me during my
term of office as alderman- at -largq
and as mayor. Any adverse criticism
that may have been made, will be
forgotten by me.
"I thank all the citizens of Dubuque
for the honor that I have received
at their hands, and believe my suc-
cessor will worthily fill my place.
"I thank you and bid you all a kind
Mayor Haas then introduced M. E.
Lyons as Dubuque's next Mayor. He
then administered the oath of office.
Mayor Lyons then read his inaug-
ural address, which is as follows:
"The methods of administration in
the various cities of the United
States are said to exhibit every de-
gree of crudity and excellence. The
absence of sundry control and uni-
formity even in the cities of a single
state until within the last few years,
is remarkable. The conditions under
which municipal officers have labor-
ed in the past is appalling. The foot-
steps and the paths marked out by
their predecessors is about all that
has been present to guide them.
"That no greater losses have oc-
curred and that no greater faults
have been found, it attributable sole-
ly to the honesty of purpose of the
great body of public officials. I dare
say that ignorance of their authori-
ties, their obligations and their ad-
ministrative duties, has caused great-
er loss to American cities and inci-
dentally the tax - payers, than have
fraudulent, thieving or mischievous
officials. What more could be ex-
pected from those servants of the
people, who without preliminary
preparation or training are injected
bodily through partisan politics into
places of power and trust, for which
in many instances, they were no
more fitted or adopted than the
average school -boy. They must be
guided as would the school -boy by
the advices, counsels and suggestions
of older heads in the business. Thus
starting frequently with every hon-
esty of purpose, every ambition for
faithful and efficient service, many
who have aspired to the thrones of
public life have fallen ignobly or
passed out as mediocre. All charge..
able to not having had the proper
foundation for assuming the respon-
sibility and demands of the position
occupied. What more could be ex-
pected than an abhortive administra-
tion of such duties as the office im-
"This lack of preparedness has
had much to do with the cry that has
gone up demanding a revision of the
system. In many instances officials
are themselves blamable for the dis-
satisfaction that has grown up
throughout the land over that gen-
eral plan of government until recent-
ly considered as standard for admin-
istering American cities.
"In the earlier days of our coun-
try when a mayor and a set of alder-
men were the sole elective officials in
whom were reposed, in so far as the
public was concerned, all responsi-
bilities for the administration of its
government, there was little com-
plaint. The later years brought ad-
ditions to the list of electives there-
fore a greater division of responsibi-
lity and through this tendency toward
divided authority here grew up a
feeling of officialdom of personal re-
sponsible rather than general. This
tendency led to an independence of
action on the part of the several
electives that has brooked no good
for those in authority. In the older
forms of local government, when all
administrative officers assembled,
discussing the welfare of all the citi-
zens of the community, following
such deliberations by acts and deeds
which worked for the common good
there was little complaint. But
from among the mass of independent
units boards and officials that later
came to govern our cities, there arose
jealousies and dissentions prompted
by the independence of and unre-
sponsibility for conduct and lacking
in unity of action, frequently at cross
purposes with other officials whose
duties and councils were often desir-
able adjuncts. It is only natural that
this should lead to a complete reor-
ganization sooner or later under a
new definite form of administration
such as would admit of undivided re-
sponsibilities together with a proper
centralization of authority. The ever
and constant changing of political,
social and economical conditions, the
improvement in plans and methods
of doing work, and the frequent
changes in controlling laws, have set
a task which most officials find in-
surmountable in the short period al-
lotted to them in an ordinary elective
term. Even the diligent, after gain-
ing information, fail to comprehend
the work before them to which they
have been assigned, until the oppor-
tunity has passed for putting into
effect that change which they have
come to know as best. The compaign
for standardizing methods of business
conduct had its birth within the last
twenty years, along commercial lines.
where its growth to hardy manhood
was rapid. A few years later the
seed sown in the public service field
began to sprout, acquiring a growth
that has been retarded by ignorance,
prejudice and parsimony. To Lift the
veil of ignorance, remove the wall of
prejudice, replacing parsimony with
the spirit of prudence is the goal to
be won by the many organizations
that are at this time striving for the
improvement of the conditions that
make for successful municipal ad-
"The campaign for standardizing
municipal accounting and reporting
which has been waged for the past
dozen years, is having its duplicate in
the struggle now going on in many
communities to bring municipal af-
fairs to that definite standard of ad-
ministrative activity and responsibility
commonly spoken of as the commis-
sion plan of government. Following
the calamity at Galveston and its in-
cident upheaval in the methods of
conducting the municipal affairs of
Regular Session April 4, 1912 137
that city, there followed an awaken-
ing of the public mind to the realiza-
tion that within its grasp was a means
of bringing about reform that had
been appealing to them as necessary
in their home city. Prompted by the
news gathering service of the daily
press, nurtured by the able reviews in
important newspapers, the sprout
hatched at Galveston has so propa-
gated itself that at the present time
one finds reproductions of the orig-
inal in many states of our union. The
circumstances which brought to life
the commission plan at Galveston
have not been duplicated in any of
the other cities of its adoption, yet the
plan once started has gained a foot-
hold in many places that augurs for
permanence, and why? It has been
my good fortune to have been your
auditor and in that position I had a
chance to investigate certain condi-
tions, always finding the same general
trend toward that of complex govern-
ment by boards and numerous elec-
tive independent individual units,
working frequently at cross purposes,
seldom if ever wholly in harmony, or
working as a united whole.
"This lack of cohesiveness, the lack
of co- operation, the lack of the proper
spirit if you please, is apparent
everywhere, and to this lack of co-
operation or union of endeavor in
working out the innumerable munic-
ipal problems to the best interests of
the citizens or community represented,
has had more to do with the public
dissatisfaction with municipal officials
and affairs than has the actual cor-
ruption. This dissatisfaction has pro-
duced a sort of civic unrest, which has
resulted in crystalizing the determin-
public official life has had nearly as
ation to bring about a change. I do
not believe that actual corruption in
public official life has had nearly so
much to do in bringing about the re-
cent great change of the public mind,
as has the tendency toward indif-
ference shown by the average public
official in the welfare and best in-
terests of the citizens of the commun-
ity as a whole. When the elective
officers of a municipilaity consisted
of a little more than mayor and
alderman with responsibilities fully
centered upon them for properly ad-
ministering civic affairs, there was
little clamoring for administrative re-
form except in those communities in
which incompentent and corrupt offi-
cials had secured the reins of govern-
ment. The occasonal corrupt official
frequently brought suspicion upon the
whole. The public's first efforts at
reform was to have laws drawn more
stringently, while making more posi-
tions elective, planning thereby to
break the corruption of the few or to
acquire greater efficiency of admin-
138 Regular Session, April 4, 1912
istration. This tendency to elect all
administrative officials soon led to
laws requiring the election of officials
whose positions could much better
have been filled by appointment at the
hands of a responsible head. In fact
administrative control became so ir-
responsible that the offices of mayor
an alderman were frequently reduced
to mere automatons without initiative,
except in a very limited sense. So little
control had they over the conduct of the
various adminstrative offices, that the
proper administration of municipal af-
fairs by these supposedly responsible
officials became as a joke without
point. Satisfactory results were not
nor could not be secured.
"Instead of eliminating politics
from municipal administration the
many elective officers frequently be-
came a mass of seething rivals for
popular approval, each striving to
outdo the other in securing favors for
his immediate constituency regardless
of the interests of the community as
a whole. These are the things that
have hastened and are hastening the
downfall of the one -time popular
and today the most widely used plan
of municipal government. What is
there that has heretofore prevented
municipalities from coming to a
definite standard of - organization.
Whereby like functions of govern-
ment could be administered by the
same general authority and along the
same general lines and by officials
having like authorities, like responsi-
bilities and like tenures of office?
What prevents this other than ignor-
ance of method producing timidity of
execution or is it sublime indiffer-
ence? Have civic officials been so
wedded to ancient ways that they
could not see the handwriting on the
wall in time to get together? Would
you officials have it thus or do you
await the blast of commission govern-
ment, which is civic reform from the
outside? Now, gentlemen, will you
get together for the good of your town
or be driven from it, as you surely
will, for the demand of the day is re-
form in municipal administrations."
Mayor Lyons then called all th e
Aldermen before the desk of the City
Recorder and administered to them
the oath of office. The members are
as follows:
Alderman -at -Large Andresen, of the
the Third Ward.
Alderman -at -Large Heim, of the
Fifth Ward.
Alderman Saul, of the First Ward.
Alderman McLaughlin, of the Sec-
ond Ward.
Alderman Singrin, of the Third
Alderman Wallis, of the Fourth
Alderman Frith, of the Fifth Ward.
Ald. Singrin moved that when we
adjourn, we adjourn to Friday, April
5, at 2:00 p. m. Carried.
Ald. E. E. Frith moved that the
Street Commissioner be instructed to
have the road scraper repaired at
once. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
Adjourned Regular Session, April 5, 1912 139
Regular Adjourned Session, April 5,
Council met at 2:30 p. m.
Mayor Lyons in the chair.
Present —Alds. M'Laughlin, Andre-
sen, Heim, Frith, Wallis, Assistant
Attorney Willging.
Mayor Lyons stated that this was an
adjourned session of the regular ses-
sion held April 4, 1912, and was called
for the purpose of considering any
matters that may come before any
regular session.
Mayor Lyons had the recorder read
the 33 Rules of Order, after which he
stated that it was his . duty to keep
order and decorum and it was their
duty to assist in same.
Ald. Frith moved that there be but
one sewer inspector appointed for the
term. Ald. Saul amended that
the assistant sewer inspector be left
blank for the present and the Coun-
cil to fill in later. After discussing
same the amendment carried unani-
Ald. Singrin moved that the Coun-
cil make the various appointments
this afternoon. Carried.
Ald. Singrin moved that the mayor
appoint two tellers. Carried.
Mayor Lyons appointed Aids. Sin-
grin and Andresen tellers.
Ald. Singrin moved that the various
appointments be made by ballot. Car-
Ald. Frith moved that all applica-
tions referred to the Committee of the
Whole be taken from the said com-
mittee and acted on at this meeting.
Ald. Frith moved that the recom-
mendation of the Mayor to have Mr.
John Lawlor act as clerk to the Mayor
and Committee Clerk be approved by
the Council. Carried.
For the office of Street Commission-
er Ald. Wallis placed in nomination F.
Siege. Ald. Saul nominated John Ma-
honey. Ald. Frith nominated John
Leicht. Ballot was taken and resulted
as follows: Siege, 2; Mahoney, 4;
Leicht, 1. The Mayor declared John
Mahoney elected Street Commissioner.
For Marketmaster Ald. McLaugh-
lin nominated Edw. Norton. Ald.
Wallis nominated Edw. Ruff. Ald
Andresen nominated G. Hendrick.
Ballot resulted as follows: Norton, 5;
Hendrick, 1; Ruff, 1. The Mayor de-
clared Edw. Norton elected Market -
Ald. Heim nominated Con Sullivan
for the office of Sewer Inspector. Ald.
Andresen moved that he be elected
by acclamation. Carried. The Mayor
declared Con Sullivan elected Sewer
For Sidewalk Inspector Ald. Frith
nominated W. Foley. Ald. Andresen
nominated James Haggerty. Ballot
resulted as follows: Foley, 3; Hagger-
ty, 2; Royce, 1. No choice. Second
ballot: Foley, 4; Haggerty, 2; Royce,
1. The Mayor declared W. Foley
elected Sidewalk Inspector.
Ald. Frith moved that W. P. Hip -
man be elected to the office of City
Electrician by acclamation. Carried.
The Mayor declared W. P. Hipman
elected City Electrician.
Poundmaster: Ald. Wallis asked if
the office of Poundmaster was an ab-
solute necessity and, if it were pos-
sible to dispense with said office, it
would be a saving of about $500 per
Ald. Singrin replied to Ald. Wallis
and stated that the office of Pound-
master was created for the upper 400
and if it was dispensed with it would
cause a lot of trouble.
Aid. Saul stated that the duty of
the Poundmaster was to see that no
cows or horses run at large and do
janitor work at the City Hall. Ald.
Wallis stated that he thought the.
cows, etc., would find their way home
without the Poundmaster and that he
was not representing the upper 400,
but wanted the office of Poundmaster
abolished to economize.
Ald. Saul moved that the appellation
or name of Poundmaster be changed
to Janitor and Poundmaster. Carried.
Ald. ti\rallis moved that the office of
Janitor and Poundmaster be abolish-
Yeas —Alds. Wallis, Frith.
Nays— Andresen, Heim, McLaugh-
lin, Saul, Singrin. Motion lost.
Janitor and Poundmaster: Ald. Saul
nominated Thos. Hackney. Ald. Frith
nominated Al. Moyer. Result of ballot
as follows: Hackney, 5; Moyer, 2.
The Mayor declared - Mr. Hackney
Engineer steam roller No. 1: Ald.
Heim nominated Geo. Davis. Ald. An-
dresen nominated Geo. Schuler. Bal-
140 Adjourned Regular Session, April 5, 1912 Regular Session April 18, 1912 141
lot resulted as follows: Davis, 6;
Schuler, 2. The Mayor declared Geo.
Davis elected engineer of roller No. 1.
Engineer roller No. 2: Ald. Andre-
sen nominated Geo. Schuler. Ald. Sin-
grin nominated J. Thorton. Ballot re-
sulted as follows: Schuler, 6; Thorton,
1. The Mayor declared Mr. Schuler
elected engineer of roller No. 2.
Stoker roller No. is Ald.. Singrin
nominated A. Turner. Ald. Wallis
nominated E. Willson. Ballot result-
ed as follows: Turner, 5; Willson, 2.
The Mayor declared Mr. Turner elect-
ed stoker to roller No. 1.
Stoker roller No. 2: Ald. Wallis
nominated E. Willson. Ald. McLaugh
lin nominated T. Coffee. Ald. Saul
nominated H. Kunkel. Ballot result-
ed as follows: Willson, 3; Coffee, 3;
Kunkel, 1. No choice. Second ballot
resulted as follows: Willson, 3; Coffee,
4; Kunkel, 0. The Mayor declared Mr.
Coffee elected stoker to roller No. 2.
Ald. McLaughlin moved that Rich.
McCaffrey be appointed foreman of
Fourth street dump. Carried.
City Carpenter: Ald. Frith nomi-
nated Mr. D. Domenig. Ald. Saul
nominated Tom Ward. Ald. Heim
nominated J. Kinsella. Ballot result-
ed as follows: Domenig, 2; Ward, 2;
Kinsella, 3. No choice. Second bal-
lot: Domenig, 2; Ward, 1; Kinsella,
4. The Mayor declared Mr. Kinsella
elected City Carpenter.
Ald. Wallis asked if it was to have
a driver for the carpenter wagon.
The Mayor replied and stated that he
was called driver, but was in fact as-
sistant carpenter.
Ald. Heim nominated John Dubler.
Ald. Andresen nominated E. Fitzlaff.
Ald. Wallis nominated Ed. Ruff. Bal-
lot resulted as follows: Dubler, 5;
Fitzlaff, 1; Ruff, 1. The Mayor de-
clared Mr. Dubler elected driver to
carpenter wagon.
Harbormaster: Ald. Saul nominat-
ed E. Daly, H. Carroll by petition.
Ballot resulted as follows: Daly, 5;
Carroll, 2. The Mayor declared E.
Daly elected Harbormaster.
Superintendent of Sprinkling: Ald.
McLaughlin nominated David Ham-
mel. Ald. Andresen nominated Geo.
Miller. Ald. Wallis nominated T. B.
Cain. Ballot resulted as follows:
Hammel, 3; Miller, 2; Cain, 2. No
choice. Second ballot: Hammel, 4;
Miller, 2; Cain, 1. The Mayor declared
Mr. Hammel elected superintendent of
Ald. Saul moveu tnat Mrs. Koenig
be appointed janitress at City Hall.
Ald. 'Frith moved that the Commit-
tee Clerk be instructed to investigate
and report not later than the next
meeting as to how much has been ex-
pended and the amount on hand in
the various funds at this date, also as
to how much macadam has been
bought and where it is located. Car-
Ald. Saul moved that Thos. Cahill
be appointed dump foreman of the
sanitary dump. Carried.
A letter from City Engineer Baum-
gartner relative to the aJckson street
improvement between Seventh and
Eighth streets read. On motion of
=old: Saul referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Also sketch showing the conditions
governing the fixing of the alley lines
first west of Francis street presented.
On motion of Ald. Frith, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Singrin moved that Ald. Saul
be elected Mayor Pro Tem. Carried.
The matter of appointing a meat
and milk inspector was taken up and
after discussing the same it was re-
solved that the City Attorney be re-
quested to give his opinion if the City
Council has the appointing or if the
Board of Health is to recommend the
person to be meat and milk inspector.
Ald. Saul moved that the City En-
gineer, Street Commissioner and Com-
mittee Clerk draft specifications for
the sweeping of brick -paved streets
and alleys. arried.
Mayor Lyons stated that he had not
decided on the various appointments,
to be made by him and the different
committees, but would submit them
at the next council meeting.
Ald. Frith moved that the various
appointments made at this meeting be
at the pleasure of the City Council.
Ald. Singrin moved that all the of-
ficers appointed to take their office on
the first day of May, 1912. Carried.
Ald. Andresen moved that the Chief
of Police be instructed to notify the
public to remove all ashes and other
waste matte rfrom the alleys within
fifteen days, and if not removed the
City will remove same and assess the
cost against the property. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
Regular Session, April 18, 1912..
Council met at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor Lyons in the chair.
Present — Aids. Andresen, Frith,
Beim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin,
Ald. Singrin moved that action on
the council proceedings for the month
of March be deferred until next meet-
ing of the council. Carried.
Bids for construction of Willow
Street Sanitary Sewer. On motion of
Ald. Saul bids ordered opened.
Street & Steuck: 8 -inch tile pipe, 83c
per lineal foot; manholes, $31.00 each.
Wilmer Cook: 8 -inch tile pipe, 77c
per lineal foot; manholes, $35.00 each;
drop manhole, $37.00.
C. B. McNamara & Co.: 8 -inch tile
pipe, $1.13 per lineal foot; manholes,
$45.00; drop manholes, $65.00.
G. L. Kormann: 8 -inch tile pipe,
78 1 -2c per lineal foot; manholes, $30.00
Tibey Bros.: 8 -inch tile pipe, 87c per
lineal foot; manholes, $35.00 each;
drop manhole, $50.00.
T. J. Hassett: 8 -inch tile pipe, 94c
per lineal foot; manholes, $35.00 each;
drop manhole, $35.00.
Oliver Kringle: 8 -inch tile pipe, 83c
per lineal foot; manholes, $30.00; drop
manhole, $40.00.
Ald. Saul moved that all bids be re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Frith moved that the City Re-
corder advertise for bids for cleaning
ground the Market Square. Carried.
Chris. Gantenbein, macadam,
R. 4 $ 36 75
Pete Ludwig, macadam, R. 1 37 10
Maurice Byrne, macadam, R. 1 14 35
Frank Bakey, macadam, R. 1 13 20
Edw. Grue, macadam, R. 1 7 75
Chas. O'Neill, macadam, R. 2 40 91
Tibey Bros., 5 per cent retained
on 27th street storm water
sewer 145 25
Matt. Keck, macadam, R. 4 5 70
Jas. Lynch, inspector sewer in
Eagle Point .... 17 35
Albert Schuster, inspector sewer
in Kaufman avenue .... 6 74
Thos. Kenneally, inspector sewer
in Nevada street 17 33
Jacob Spieman, inspector sewer
in Kniest street .... .... .7 70
Chas. Neu, inspector Jackson
street improvement .... 19 25
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs, Fire
dept. 2 92
Mettel Bros., feed, Fire dept 1 50
Gow & Curtis, repairs, Fire dept 5 25
P. Linehan's Sons, coal, Fire
dept, 12 22
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
1 protector, Fire dept. 75 00
Fischer & Co., coal, Fire dept 17 75
National Refining Co., oil, Fire
McClain Bros., bran, Fire dept. 1 60
Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Fire
Union Electric Co., power, fire
McCollins Express line, coal,
Fire dept. 21 65
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing, Fire dept. 14 20
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., sup-
plies, Fire dept. 5 30
J. N. Graham, veterinary ser-
vices, Fire dept. 6 00
Matt. Stafford, feed, Fire dept 4 65
Pier Bros., coal, Fire dept 16 78
Iowa Oil Co., oil, Fire dept. 5 00
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal, Fire
dept, 15 45
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, Fire and Sewer
depts . ...... .... .. 8 00
F. A. Burns, coal, Fire dept. .. 50 67
Key City Gas Co., coal, Fire
dept. .... 32 60
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing, Fire dept. 12 75
Key City Roofing Co., cement,
Fire dept. 50
P. J. Seippel, hose, Fire dept... 425 00
Peter Even, coal, Fire dept. .... 16 18
John Butt, repairs, Fire dept... 35
Linehan & Molo, coal, Fire dept. 27 45
M. E. Byrne, bran, Police dept. 4 90
H. Burgwald, sawing wood, Po-
lice dept. 2 50
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing, Police dept. 4 00
F. A. Burns, use of horse, Police
dept. 1 50
E. Norton, feeding prisoners 80
G. F. Kleih Sons, supplies, Po-
lice dept. 2 55
Fischer & Co., coal, Police dept. 12 54
J. N. Graham, veterintary ser-
vice, Police dept . .... .... .... 48
A. J. Ilartig, drugs, etc., Police
Gow & Curtis, repairs, Police
Linehan & Molo, coal, Police
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lum-
ber, Police dept. 92
Peter Even, coal, Police dept... 45 73
John Butt, repairs, Road dept.. 12 85
Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co.,
sand, Road dept. 1 50
J. M. Lee, cinders, Road dept... 50 75
Key City Roofing Co., cement,
Road dept.
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Road
142 Regular Session, April 18, 1912
Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup-
plies, Road dept. .... 1 20
Standard Oil Co., oil, Road dept 3 28
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
hose, Road dept. 10 45
G. F. Kleih Sons, supplies, Road
dept. 75
Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co.,
sand, Sewer dept. 112
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lum-
ber, Sewer dept. 1 92
G. F. Kleih Sons, supplies,
Sewer dept.
County Recorder, fees ...... ....
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Sewer
Standard Lumber Yard Co.,
hose, Sewer dept . ...... .... .. 152 00
Iowa Oil Co., oil, City Hall .... 1 00
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., office sup-
plies 3 76
Mathis -Metz Co., office supplies 19 25
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., stakes
for Engineer .... 27 00
F. G. Becker, wood, City Hall 14 00
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for elec-
tion day 60
Al. Moyer, burning ballots .... 3 00
Eagle Chemical Co., sweeping
compound 2 50
C. Kupferschmidt, carrying
wood 50
Peter Even, coal, First ward
scales .... .... 9 50
Dubuque Realty Co., rent of
chairs, etc., elections .... .... .. 75
VTm. Brandt, burning ballots .. 1 50
Joe. Jellison, delivering ballot
boxes .... 1 50
Mrs. E. Schuler, cleaning lamps 6 00
Charles Gibbs, repairing scales 10 00
Smith- Morgan Printing Co.,
printing brief 3100
John Dehing, cleaning market
square 14 00
Foley Hand Laundry, towel ser-
vice 4 00
G. Davis, supplies for election 7 40
The Collis Co., stakes for Engi-
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
clock service .... 1 00
Jos. C. Schneider, drugs, City
Hall .... 50
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lum-
ber, sidewalk 13 02
Union Electric Co., light 2288 44
Key City Gas Co., light 99 75
Ald. Saul moved that all bills O. K.
be paid and the rest referred to Com-
mittee of the Whole. Carried.
The following bills were referred to
the Committee of the Whole:
E. H. Willging $ 14 00
Felix G. Becker 5 50
Iowa Telephone Co. 13 48
Standard Office Supply Co 8 70
Dubuque Electric Supply Co. 6 25
Key City Gas Co. 2 00
John E. Hartig 35
Times- Journal ..... .... .... 119 25
National Demokrat .... 12 50
Union Printing Co. .... 82 75
2 50
Labor Leader .50 70
H. L. Fitzgerald 6 00
F. M. Jaeger & Co. 4 30
Labor Leader 50 70
H. Wunderlich 4 50
C .E. Fitzpatrick & Co. 9 00
Otto P. Geiger 10 00
C. L. Dambacher 175
O. J. Haas 150
Geo. F. Kleih & Son 2 90
C. L. Dambacher 19 85
Smith - Morgan Printing Co. 186 20
Frank Beutin 3 00
R. Herman & Son 6 00
Dubuque Mercantile Co. .... 5 70
Standard Office Supply Co. 23 40
W. J. Brown 1 50
Petition of Max Vogt et al, asking
that a sidewalk be constructed in
front of Lot 119, McCraney Add., pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Singrin,
referred to Committee of the Whole
Petition of J. W. Neumeister et al,
asking that the alley between 25th
and 27th Streets, east of Elm Street,
be opened, presented. On motion of
Ald. Singrin, referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole to view the ground.
Petition of Nest No. 11, Fraternal
Order of Orioles, asking to be grant-
ed permission to hold a Carnival east
of the railroad tracks on Sixth Street.
Ald. Frith moved that petition be re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole
and a committee of Orioles be present
when action is taken. Carried.
Invitation from the city of Galena,
Ill. to the City Council to attend the
ninetieth birthday anniversary of Gen-
eral Ulysses S. Grant, presented. On
motion of Ald. Frith, accepted with
thanks. _—
Petition of Mrs W. J. Clark, asking
that she be granted complete exemp-
tion from taxation on her property,
presented. On motion of Ald. Frith,
referred to Delinquent Tax Commit-
Petition of Frank Beutin, asking
for an extension of 60 days to com-
plete Columbia Street, presented. On
motion of Ald. Frith, prayer granted.
Petition of Streckfus Steamboat
Line, asking for a renewal of the lease
granted January 12th, 1892, pre -
presented. On motion of Ald. Sin-
grin referred to Committee of the
Whole to view the ground.
Remonstrance of P. J. Weirich et
al, against the proposed sanitary
sewer in Seminary Street from Clif-
ford Street to Schroeder Avenue, pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Frith, re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of John Appel, asking that
he City Treasurer be instructed to
redit him with $127.79, which he
paid for the old improvement of
Grandview Avenue, and that the
Treasurer accept balance in full for
he present improvement of Grand-
view Avenue, presented. On motion
of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Dan Norton, ask-
ing that the valuation on her prop-
erty be placed at $1,200.00 and City
Treasurer be instructed to accept
taxes for year 1911 on said basis,
presented. On motion of Ald. Frith,
referred to the Delinquent Tax Com-
Petition of Standard Lumber Co.,
asking that they be granted a rebate
of 7 -12 of the taxes charged against
them for the year of 1911. On mo-
tion of Ald.. Saul, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of merchants on Clay
Street between , Twelfth and Four-
teenth Streets, by Theo. E. Bue-
chele, asking the City to pay the pro-
portionate share per front foot on
Clay Street of city property to install
and maintenance of the boulevard
lighting along said street, presented.
On motion of Ald. Saul, prayer grant -
Petition of Dubuque Park Board,
asking the City to have the dirt and
rubbish taken from the streets and
alleys hauled to what is known as
Market Square and Public S_luare,
thereby filling same to grade, pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Frith, re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Regular Session, April 18, 1912 143
Petition of M. Lippman, asking
that Mrs. Leonard be allowed some
compensation for the use of her
building on Election day, presented.
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Levee Commission, ask-
ing that the City Council instruct the
Legal Department to ascertain if
there be any ownership in any prop-
erty, except the City, east of its streets
adjoining the Mississippi River from
Seventh Street south and report
same to said Board, presented. On
motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the
City Attorney.
Petition of Cyril D. Lagen, Audi-
tor- elect, asking the City Council to
approve of his appointing Carl O.
Weglau his deputy at a salary of
$80.00 per month. Also petition of
J. J. Shea, City Recorder - elect, ask-
ing the City Council to approve his
appointee, Peter J. Kies, his deputy.
On motion, both appointments were
appro ved.
Bonds of Frank J. Piekenbrock,
Herbert Adams and Oliver P. Shiras,
Park Commissioners, presented. On
motion, referred to the City Attorney.
Detail report of Park Commission
presented. On motion of Ald. Saul,
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Statement of C. E. Mullen, ex-
penses incurred by a fall on an icy
sidewalk on Rose Street on Feb. 19,
1912, a total of $142.65, presented.
On motion of Ald. Frith, referred to
the Committee on Claims.
Original notice of Joseph Weitz,
claiming, $2,500.00 damages sustained
by fall on sidewalk on north side of
Kaufmann Avenue presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. Frith referred to Commit-
tee on Claims.
Original notice of Emma M. Hawe.
claiming $1,000.00 damages, sustained
by falling on sidewalk on north side
of Fifth Street. On motion of Ald.
Saul referred to Committee on Claims.
Mayor Lyons stated he had appoint-
ed John Raesli Chief of Police and
P. J. Mulligan assistant chief. On
motion the appointments approved.
Mayor Lyons announced the follow-
ing standing committees:
Finance —Heim, Wallis, Frith.
Ordinances — McLaughlin, Wallis Sin-
Streets —Saul, Singrin, Frith, Mc-
Laughlin, Wallis.
Police and Light — Andresen, Mc-
Laughlin, Frith.
SewersSingrin, Heim, Andresen.
Printing —Saul, McLaughlin, Wallis.
Claims—Saul, Heim, Andresen.
Fire — Singrin, Wallis, Frith.
Markets — Frith, Singrin, Wallis.
Public Grounds and Buildiner—
Frith, Singrin, Heim.
Delinquent Tax — Wallis, Frith Saul.
Sprinkling— McLaughlin, Saul, Frith,
Harbors— Wallis, Saul, McLaughlin.
Supplies — Andresen, McLaughlin,
Electrical Construction — Wallis, Sin-
grin, Heim.
Board of Health — Mayor, Andresen,
McLaughlin. Citizen members, W. C.
Fosselman, Richard Kolck.
On motion the committees approved.
Hon. Mayor and City Council, City of
Gentlemen: I return herewith the
renewal certificates on bonds of
Charles Sass, Joseph P. Scanlon and
James Alderson, for the period of one
year beginning April 20th, 1912, and
144 Regular Session April 18, 1912 Regular Session, April 18, 1912 145
expiring April 20th, 1913, in the sum
of five thousand dollars ($5,000) each,
and find the same correct as to form.
Respectfully, GEO. T. LYON,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Frith report ap-
proved and order filed.
City Attorney Lyon also reported as
I herewith return plat of lots con-
veyed to the City of Dubuque in the
opening of Clifford Street which plat
has been duly filed for record in the
office of the County Recorder. On
motion of Ald. Wallis received and
Attorney Lyon also reported as fol
Attached hereto is a statement of
the amounts advanced by me on be-
half of the city, and I therefore ask
that you order warrants drawn in
my favor to cover same.
1911 —
February, express on Markey
briefs ..... $ .30
Oct. 31, copy of opinion in Markey
cases 1.•.15
Nov. 28, filing abstract with Clerk
of Supreme Court in case of Liz -
zie Post vs. City 3.05
Nov. 28, express on above
1912 —
Feb. 22, filing petitions with Clerk
of District Court in four man-
damus cases against railroads 6.00
April 3 -4 -5, expenses to Des Moines
on oral arguments cases of
Keckevoet vs. City... 21.30
Stamps 2.00
Total $34.05
A.ld. Wallis moved that prayer be
granted, the report received and war-
rants he ordered drawn. Carried.
Dubuque, Iowa, April 18, 1912.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: In accordance with
your instructions, I herewith attach a
statement showing the amount ex-
pended in the several funds since the
beginning of the new fiscal year.
I also submit statement showing
the amount of macadam broken in
the several wards and the location
I would further report that the
matter of preparing a schedule for
the sweeping of brick paved streets
has been attended to and said sched-
ule is now on file in my office.
Committee Clerk.
On motion of Ald. Singrin report
received and filed.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll for the Fire Department for
the first half of April, 1912:
Amount due Fireman $1,695.87
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re-
port was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the firemen and
the report referred back to the Com-
mittee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
pay roll for Policemen for the first
half of April, 1912:
Amount due Policemen $1,615.92
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
and pay roll were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the Po-
licemen and the report referred to
the Committee on Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during
the first half of April, 1912:
Amount clue laborers on
streets $ 3,191.45
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion of Ald. Saul the pay
rolls on streets were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the pay rolls
and report referred hack to the
proper committees.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of
April, 1912:
Amount due laborers on
sewers $ 229.00
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion of Ald. Singrin report
received and the various amounts be
paid and report referred back to
Committee on Sewers.
Also report collection of $915 from
Dubuque High Bridge Co., for haul-
ing snow onto the bridge. On mo-
tion of Ald. Singrin received and fil-
Petition of Park Board, asking the
City Council to adopt an Ordinance
granting the Union Electric Co. per-
mission to extend its car line from$
Rhomberg Avenue to Eagle Point
park, presented; also the Ordinance
presented. On motion of Ald. Sin-
grin petition and Ordinance referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
the Metz Manufacturing Company,
asking that it be granted an exten-
sion of the exemption given it by the
City Council in 1903, would respect-
fully recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
John Ahern, administrator for the
estate of Maurice Ahern, deceased,
asking that the city accept the sum
of $28.03 in full settlement of the
balance due on the special assessment
levied against the West 117 feet of
Lot 69, in Union Addition, for the
improvement of Cleveland Avenue,
would respectfully recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
Your Committe of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Isabella Metcalf, asking that the
valuation for assessment purposes on
Lots 9 and 10, of the Sub. of Lots 6,
7, 8 and 9, of Quigley's Sub., be low-
ered, would respectfully recommend
that said valuation be placed at $1,-
000.00 and that the City Treasurer
be instructed to accept the taxes for
the year 1911 on said basis.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
G. E. Davis, asking that he be grant-
ed the same reduction' proportionately
as was granted E. Scheppele for old
material taken out in the reconstruc-
tion of Bluff street, would respectful-
ly report that the petitioner was al-
lowed $20.17 from his full assessment
on said street for whatever good
curbing there was abutting his prop-
erty, which is the full amount to
which he is entitled; we, therefore.
recommend that the petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectful report that a repre-
sentative from the Farley & Loet-
scher Manufacturing Company ap-
peared before this comm ttee and
asked that they be granted permis-
sion to have the present side -track
extended for the distance of a car
length. Also a representative of the
Illinois Central Railroad Company
asked that a guard rail be used in-
stead of nose brick along the tracks
of his company on Jackson Street be-
tween Seventh and Eighth Streets.
We respectfully recommend that
both requests be granted, provided
said Farley & Loetscher Manufactur-
ing Company and Illinois Central
Railroad Company both sign an
agreement holding the city harmless
from any damages that might arise
by reason of said changes, and waiv-
ing all objections to the payment of
the special assessment to be levied
against them for the construction of
said portion of said street.
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recomemnd that T. J.
Hassett he paid the amount due him
for the construction of the sanitary
sewer in Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Vernon
Street, North Glen Oak Avenue, Rose-
dale Avenue and West Locust Street,
upon his filing a surety bond issued by
some approved fidelity company, in
an amount even with that due him on
said contract, and conditioned as may
be determined by the City Attorney.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. W. W. Wilkinson, asking for a
reduction in the amount of the special
assessment levied against Sub. City Lot
740, Lot 3, for the construction, of a
sanitary sewer in West Fourteenth
Street, said reduction being asked for
on the ground that no benefit has been
conferred on said property by said
sewer, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the City Treasurer
be instructed to accept the sum of
$78.89 in full for said assessment.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was refererd the following bills,
would respectfully recomemnd that
the same be paid and that warrants
in settlement thereof be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer:
Telegraph - Herald, of f i c i a l
printing for February $ 66.88
Telegraph - Herald, printing in-
dex and binding proceedings 62.00
Telegraph - Herald, supplies for
primary election 137.75
Linehan & Molo, coal for City
Hall .... .... 21.95
Key City Gas Co., globes and
burners for City Hall 3.60
Key City Gas Co., mantles and
shade for City Recorder's of-
fice ..... .65
R. Herrmann & Sons, rent of
tables for primary election.. 1.50
Peter Even, coal for City Hall 30.68
Mrs. Schuler, cleaning and fill-
ing lamps for primary elec-
tion 6.00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, kerosene
for City Hall .35
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
City Hall 20.19
Standard Office Supply Co.,
supplies for various offices.. 5.00
Mathis -Metz Co., rebinding tax
receipts 24.75
Berg & Briggs, blanks for City
fore which objections thereto can he
filed, and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall not be less than five
days after the last publication of such
notice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the city recorder shall,
at the next regular session of the Ci
Council, notify the Council thereof in
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption if
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
yeas—Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Kaufmann Avenue, from Coui-
er Avenue to Cushing Place, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb or re-
set curb where necessary and brick
pave said portion of said street, or t )
grade, curb or reset curb where neces–
sary, and pave saicl portion of said
street with asphaltic concrete, and cl
assess the cost of said grading, turb-
ine or resetting curb, and paving with
brick or asphaltic concrete against the
abutting property.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption if
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
v.ae_Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Regular Session, April 18, 1912 147
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer he and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Kaufmann
Avenue to Cushing Place, and the
kinds of material to be used, and an
estimate of the entire cost thereof,
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assessable
upon any railway or street railway
company, the amount and cost thereof,
to be paid by the city, if any, and the
cost thereof and amount assessable up-
on each lot or parcel of land adjacent
to or abutting upon such improvement
Per front foot, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the city re-
corder; that after the filing of said
Plat and estimate in his office; the ci`y
recorder shall publish in three con-
secutive issues of a newspaper publish-
ed in this city, a notice stating that
such plat and estimates are on file,
the location and nature of the improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of its cost, and the time
before which objections thereto can be
filed, and the time fixed for hearing,
which time shall not be less than five
days after the last publication of such
notice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the city recorder shall,
at the next regular session of the City
Council, notify the Council thereof in
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Frith offered the followinb:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deem-
ed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Valeria Street, from Kaufmann
Avenue to Cushing Place, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter
and macadamize said portion of said
street, and to assess the cost of said
curbing, guttering and macadamizing
against the abutting property.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption c•f
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Valeria
Street, from Kaufmann Avenue ,o
Cushing Place, and the kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
the entire cost thereof, and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and
the amount assessable upon any rail-
way or street railway corer a ny, the
amount and cost thereof, to be paid
by the city, if any, and the cost there-
of and amount assessable upon each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to .r
abutting upon such improvement per
front foot, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the city re-
corder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the city
recorder shall publish in three con-
secutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city, a notice stating that
such plat and estimates are on file,
the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind of material to be used,
and an estimate of its cost, and .`he
time before which objections thereto
can be filed, and the time fixed or
hearing, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of such notice, and after such
publication shall have been made, the
city recorder shall, at the next regular
session of the City Council, notify
the Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
146 Regular Session, April 18, 1912
Auditor .... .... 6.00
Union Printing Co., assessment
return blanks 36.00
McCollins Express & Transfer
Line, coal for city hall 23.11
Smith - Morgan Printing Co ,
pamphlets, etc., month of
Times - Journal, printing pro-
ceedings for February 68.09
G. W. Healey & Son, wrench
for 4th St. dump
F. M. Jaeger & Co., dynamite,
etc, for Mt. Carmel and Road
Department ...... 10.35
- We further recomend that the bill
of the Iowa Telephone Co. for tele-
phone service for the month of March
be referred to the City Attorney. •
JAMES SAUL, Chairman.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the
various Committee of the Whole re-
ports. Carried.
Mayor M. E. Lyons administered
the oath of office to Cyril D. Lagen,
J. J. Shea, Peter Kies and P. Ham-
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Fe It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Lincoln Avenue from Seventh
Avenue to Ninth Avenue, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter
and macadamize said portion of said
street, and to assess the cost of said
curbing, guttering and macadamizing
against the abutting property.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. A ndresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Lincoln
Avenue from Ninth Avenue to Seventh
Avenue, and the kind of material to
be used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to
file such plat and estimate in the office
of the city recorder; that after the
filing of said plat and estimate in his
office, the city recorder shall publish
in three consecutive issues of a news-
paper published in this city, a notice
stating that such plat and estimates
are on file, the location and nature
of the improvement, kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of its cost,
and the time before which objections
thereto can be filed, and the time fixed
for hearing, which time shall not be
less than five days after the last pub-
lication of sach notice, and after such
publication shall have been made, the
city recorder shall, at the next regular
session of the City Council, notify the
Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable co
improve Eagle Point Avenue from
Windsor Avenue to the easterly rail of
the Chicago Great Western Railroad
company's tracks, and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade, curb or reset curb
where necessary and brick pave said
portion of said street, or to grade, curb
or reset curb and pave said portion ,jf
said street with asphaltic concrete
and to assess the cost or said grading,
curbing or resetting curb, and paving
with brick or asphaltic concrete.
against the abutting property.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. ,Andresen, Frith. Heim.
McLaughlin, Sanl, 5ingr1n, Wallis.
Alderman Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Eagle Point
Avenue, from Windsor Avenue to tue
easterly rail of the Chicago Great West-
ern Railroad Company's tracks, and
the kinds of material to be used, and
an estimate of the entire cost thereof,
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assessable
upon any railway or street railway
company, the amount and cost thereof,
to be paid by the city, if any, and the
cost thereof and amount assessable up-
on each lot or parcel of land adjacent
to or abutting upon such improvement
per front foot, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the city ra-
corder; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the city re-
corder shall publish in three consecu-
tive issues of a newspaper published
in this city, a notice stating that such
plat and estimates are on file, the lo-
cation and nature of the improvement,
kind of material to be used, and an
estimate of its cost, and the time he-
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Ald. Saul offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Villa Street from the north line
of Cleveland Avenue to the south line
of Shandon Street, and it is hereby
proposed to grade, curb, gutter and
macadamize said portion of said
street and to assess the cost of said
curbing, guttering and macadamizing
against the abutting property.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the
resolution. Carried by the following
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Ald. Saul offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
enginer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Villa Street
from the north line of Cleveland Ave-
nue to the south line of Shandon
Street, and it is hereby proposed to
grade, curb, gutter and macadamize
said portion of said street and to
assess the cost of said curbing, gutter-
ing and macadamizing against the
abutting property.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the
resolution. Carried by the following
vote: Yeas: Alds. Andresen, Frith
Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin and
Alderman Saul offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Villa Street
from the north line of Cleveland Ave-
nue to the south line of Shandon
street, and the kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon
such improvement per front foot, and
to file such plat and estimate in the
office of the city recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the city recorder shall pub-
lish in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and esti-
mates are on file, the location and na-
Regular Session, April 18, 1912 149
ture of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and the
time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days atter
the last publication of such notice,
and after such publication shall have
been made, the city recorder shall, at
the next regular session of the City
Council, notify the Council thereof in
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same. Ald.
Saul moved the adoption of the resolu-
tion. Carried by the following vote:
Yeas: Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin and Wallis.
Alderman Saul offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That it
is deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Grandview Avenue from the
end of the present improvement,
which is about opposite the south line
of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 31, souther-
ly to Southern Avenue. and it is here-
by proposed to grade, park, curb,
gutter and macadamize said portion
of said street and to assess the cost
of said curbing, guttering and ma-
cadamizing against the abutting
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Saul offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to prepare a plat showing gen-
erally the location, nature and extent
of the proposed improvement on
Grandview Avenue from the end of the
present improvement, which is op-
posite the south line of Lot 2 of Min-
eral Lot 31, southerly to Southern
Avenue, and the kind of material to
be used, and an estimate of the en-
tire cost thereof, and the amount and
cost of such improvement, and the
amount assessable upon any railway
or street railway company, the
amount and cost thereof, to be paid
by the City, if any, and the cost
thereof and amount assessable upon
each lot or parcel of land adja-
cent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office
of the City Recorder; that after the
filing of said plat and estimate in his
office, the City Recorder shall pub-
lish in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and es-
timates are on file, the location and
148 Regular Session April 18, 1912
Alderman Frith offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to prepare plans and specifications
for the continuation of the Bee Branch
sewer from Twenty- seventh Street
north as far as the appropriation for
the same will allow, and to file such
plans and specifications with an esti-
mate of the cost of the work in the
office of the city recorder, who will
thereupon advertise for bids for the
construction of said sewer in accord-
ance with said plans and specifica-
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Wallis offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the city of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Willow Street from the alley
first east of St. Ambrose Street to
Rosedale avenue, and it is hereby
proposed to grade, curb, gutter and
macadamize said portion of said
street, and to assess the cost of said
curbing', guttering and macadamizing
against the abutting property.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Heim, Mc-
Laughlin, Frith, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Wallis offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Willow
Street from the alley first east of St.
A mbrose to Rosedale Avenue, and th•j
kind of material to he used, and an
estimate of the entire cost thereof,
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assess-
able upon any railway or street railway
company, the amount and cost there-
of, to be paid by the city, if any, and
the cost thereof and amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to
file such plat and estimate in the of-
fice of the city recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the city recorder shall pub -
Psh in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and esti-
mate are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice, and
after such publication shall have been
made, the city recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a printed copy of such no-
tice accompanying the same.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, McLaughlin,
Heim, Saul, Singrin, Wallis, Frith,
Ald. Wallis offered the following:
Whereas, the City Council granted
the petition of several civic organiza-
tions asking that the garbage collec-
tion be made by the city instead of by
contract, therefore,
Resolved, that the City purchase
four steel garbage wagons of such pat-
tern as may be determined by the
Board of Health, and that the entire
matter of garbage collection be re-
ferred to the Board of Health and City
Engineer to lay off the city in four
garbage collection districts, and be it
Resolved, That the collection of
garbage be done directly under the
supervision of the Sanitary Policeman.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Ald. Wallis offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
cf the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instruct
ed to prepare plans and specifications
for a storm water sewer in Arlington
Street from Grove Terrace westerly
to Highland Place, thence southerly
in Highland Place to the south line
of Chestnut Street, and to file such
Plans and specifications with an esti-
mate of the cost of the improvement
in the office of the City Recorder, who
will thereupon advertise for bids for
the construction of said sewer.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Mc-
Laughlin, Heim, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Ald. Wallis offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Attorney be and he is hereby directed
to make a revision of the present city
ordinances and have the copy thereof
ready for the press within six months
from date.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
150 Regular Session, April 18, 1912
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the City Recorder
shall, at the next regular session of
the City Council, notify the Council
thereof in writing, with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Saul offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to set stakes showing the lines
and grades for sidewalks on Grand-
view Avenue from Dodge Street to
South Dodge Street.
Aid. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
eYas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Singrin offered the fol-
Be It Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That the
Union Electric Company be and is
hereby granted permission to erect an
electric sign across Fourth Street,
east of Clay Street, with all poles,
wires and other appurtenances that
may be necessary for the proper in-
stallation and maintenance thereof.
Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Ald. Wallis offered the following:
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That it shall be unlaw-
ful for any boy or girl under the age
of sixteen (16) years to be abroad in
or upon the streets, alleys, public
grounds, public buildings, or other
public places of the city of Dubuque
between the hours of 8:30 p. m. and
5:00 a. m. unless accompanied by his
or her parent or guardian or by some
person of lawful age appointed by
said parent or guardian having said
boy or girl in charge, or unless upon
some absolutely necessary errand by
permission or direction of his or her
parent or guardian.
Sec. 2. Any boy or girl who vio-
lates any of the provisions of the first
section of this ordinance shall be sub-
ject to arrest by any officer of the
police force or by any citizen with-
out process. Upon any such arrest
said boy or girl shall be brought, by
the officer or person making the ar-
rest, before the Justice of the Peace
for trial. If said boy or girl is found
guilty of the violation of any part of
this ordinance he or she shall be fined
not less than five (5) dollars nor
more than ten (10) dollars for each
Section 3. It shall be the duty of
the Chief of the Fire Department to
have the hour of 8:30 p. m. designated
by such ringing of the fire bells as
shall be sufficient to be heard
throughout the city.
Section 4. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances conflicting with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be
in effect on and after its passage, ap-
proval and publication in accordance
with the provisions of the Code of
Ald. Frith moved that the ordi-
nance be referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Ald. Singrin inquired as to what
was being done in regard to the cross-
ing gates. Assistant City Attorney
Willging stated the matter was now
before the District Court and being
pushed as hard as possible.
Ald. Heim moved that the Com-
mittee of the Whole visit the Bruns -
wick-Balke sewer at an early date
ascertain if the City can in any way
assist in the proceeding of said sewer.
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
, Recorder
Special Session, April 26, 1912.
Council met at 8:10 p. rn.
Mayor Lyons in the chair.
Present — Alds. Andresen, Frith,
Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wal-
Mayor Lyons stated that this meet-
ing was called to approve of the var-
ious appointments of the Board of
Health, and to consider any other
matter which may come before a reg-
ular meeting.
Ald. Singrin moved that the Coun-
cil proceedings for the month of
March be approved as- printed. Car-
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
of the Orioles be taken from the Com-
mittee of the Whole and acted on at
this meeting. Carried.
Petition of Orioles asking to be
granted permission to hold carnival
on the city property lying south and
east of what is known as the Bridge
Track, down to and including both
sides of Sixth street, read.
Ald. Frith moved that prayer be
granted, provided they furnish a bond
of $5,000. Carried.
Petition of John J. Flynn, asking
that the special assessment against lot
2 of 470, City, for construction of san-
itary sewer be reduced to such a sum
as would be just and equitable, pre-
On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Sarah Reilly, ask-
ing that assessment against lot 122,
Finley - Waples Add., be canceled, as
the said lot is not within the city lim-
its, presented.
On motion of Ald. Frith, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Nattie Blake, asking that
the taxes for year 1911 against lot No.
7 in Ellen Blake's Sub., be canceled,
On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred
to Delinquent Tax committee.
Petition of W. J. Brown, asking to
allow Mr. Toukras to continue his
shoe shining business at the corner of
Seventh and Main, presented.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Original notice of Anna Plein, claim-
ing $1,000 damages; also original no-
tice of John Lund, claiming $1,000
Special Session, April 26, 1912 151
damages, presented.
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
City Attorney.
Petition of Klauer Manufacturing
Co., asking that the Chicago Great
Western Railway Co. be permitted to
run a spur track from the north side
and across Ninth street to and on the
premises of the petitioner, presented.
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
the Committee of the Whole to view
the ground and the petitioner be re
quested to submit a blue print.
Petition of John Dehing, asking to
be allowed the sum of $2.00 per day
for cleaning alleys, presented.
On motion of Ald. Wallis, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Geo. D. Wybrant, asking
to approve of his appointing Frank M.
Blake, deputy, at a salary of $110 per
month, and Louis F. Kolfenbech, clerk
at a salary of $75 per month, pre-
Ald. Wallis moved that the appoint-
ments be approved and the question of
salary be referred to the Comimttee of
the Whole. Carried.
Petition of City Attorney Lyon, ask-
ing the Council to approve of his ap-
pointing E. H. Willging, assistant city
attorney, salary $100 per month, and
Miss Nettie M. Bentley, salary $20 per
Ald. Saul moved the approval of the
appointments and the question of sal-
ary be referred to the Committee of
the Whole. Carried.
Petition of Team Owners' Associa-
tion, No. 567, asking that they be paid
55c per hour after May 1, 1912, pre-
On motion of Ald. Frith referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of C. H. Baumgartner, ask-
ing the City Council to approve of his
appointing John A. R. Daniels, assist-
ant city engineer; Joseph Fredrichs,
draftsman and clerk, and W. Cole-
man, rodman, presented.
Ald. Frith moved that the appoint-
ments be approved at the pleasure of
the Council.
Bill of E. J. Voggenthaler Co. for
erection of fire escapes, presented.
On motion of Ald. Singrin referred
to the Chief of the Fire and
Committee on Public Grounds and
Buildings with power.
Mayor Lyons reported as follows:
Gentlemen of the City Council:
I beg to respectfully state that the
term of Dr. J. Alderson as Water
Works Trustee expired on the 20th
instant. As you are aware, the pres-
Special Session, April 26, 1912
be redistricted into three Road
Districts and that the City En-
gineer and City Assessor be
and they are hereby instructed to
so divide the City and so have the
same appear on the next assessment
roll, and that the ordinance commit-
tee Le instructed to amend the Pres-
ent ordinance to conform therewith.
Ald. Saul moved the resolution be re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
Ald. Wallis offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deeme 1 necessary and advisable to im-
prove Angella Street from West Lo-
cust Street to a point about 150 feet
east of Catharine Street, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb, gut-
ter and macadamize said portion of
said street and to assess the cost of
said curbing, guttering and macadam-
izing against the abutting property.
Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Alds, Andresen, Frith, Heim,
McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis.
Alderman Wallis offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby direct-
ed to prepare a plat showing gener-
ally the location, nature and extent
of the proposed improvement of An-
gella Street, from West Locust Street
to a point about 150 feet east of
Catherine Street, and the kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount assessable up-
on any railway or street railway com-
pany, the amount and cost thereof,
to be paid by the city, if any, and
the cost thereof and amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to
file such plat and estimate in the of-
fice of the City Recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the city recorder shall pub-
lish in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and es-
timates are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, whicfr
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the City Recorder
shall, at the next regular session of
the City Council, notify the Council
thereof in writing, with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
same. - -
Ald. Singrin moved the resolution
be referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds. Carried.
Ald. •Frith moved that Mr. John
Dehing be given the contract to
clean around the market at a salary
of $20.00 per month. Carried
Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn.
152 Special Session, April 26, 1912
ent Board has gone deeply into the
matter of betterments and improve-
ments for the plant, and has not only
formulated plans, but has actually let
the contracts for a number of the
proposed changes. I have given the
matter of appointing a successor to
Dr. Alderson careful consideration,
and have arrived at the conclusion
that to make any change in the mem-
bership of the Board, particularly at
the present time with so many mat-
ters of great moment in their hands
and with which they alone are fami-
liar, would be a thoroughly unbusi-
nesslike procedure.
I therefore take great pleasure in
reporting to your honorable body that
I have reappointed Dr. J. Alderson
to membership on the Board of Water
1Vorks Trustees for a term or three
years from April 20th, 1912.
Yours very respectfully,
M. E. LYONS, -
Ald. Singrin moved that the ap-
pointment be approved. Carried.
Dubuque, Ia., April 26, 1912.
To the Honorable City Council:
Gentlemen: The Board of Health
met on April 23rd, 1912, at 2:45 p.
m. with the following present:
Mayor M. E. Lyons, Alds. McLaugh-
]in, Andresen, and Citizens R. Kolck
and W. Fosselman.
The Mayor stated he had callid this
meeting for the purpose of making
the appointment of the Board of
The following appointments were
Health Physician —Dr. Chas. Palen.
Sanitary Officer —James Lynch.
Physician to Care for the Conta-
gious Diseases —E. L. Reinicke.
Meat and Milk Inspector —F. J.
Also recommend that you have an
Iowa 'phone placed in the Detention
Ald. Saul moved the report be ap-
proved as read.
Ald. Frith asked if the Meat and
Milk Inspector was to enforce the
The Recorder read the Ordinance
on inspection adopted Oct. 3, 1907.
The motion carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Heim, Mc-
Laughlin, Saul, Singrin and Wallis.
Nay —Ald. Frith.
Dubuque, Ia., April 26, 1912.
To the Honorable City Council:
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
met on April 26 at 3 p. m.
Mayor Lyons in the chair.
Present —Ald. O'Rourke, Singrin;
Citizens A. J. Hartig, S. Miller, Sani-
tary Officer Bewer, Attorney Will -
Sanitary Officer Bewer reported
that he had tried to have the City
sewer men close up the sewer pipe in
the storm water sewer leading from
the Simplot property on Hill Street,
but they were too busy to attend to
same. The Board therefore recom-
mends to your Honorable Body that
you order Mr. Simplot to abate the
nuisance and if he fails to obey the
order legal . proceedings be taken.
The following bills were certified to
and ordered sent to the County for
James Levi $ 6.30
Metz Manufacturing Co. 1.40
Clancy Transfer Co. 3.50
Chas. Palen 100.00
J. E. Robison - 26.40
Fischer & Co. 9.50
F. M. Jaeger 2.25
Felix Becker 3.75
We also recommend that you pay
the following bills.
Simon Miller $ 3.00
A. J. Hartig 3.00
Telegraph - Herald 5.00
Nutwood Livery Co. 12.00
Clerk of Board of Health.
Ald. Singrin moved that report be
approved. Carried.
Dubuque, Ia., April 26, 1912.
To the Honorable City Council:
Your Board of Health met April 26
at 3:50 p. m. with Ald. Andresen in the
chair. Present also, Mayor Lyons,
Ald. McLaughlin. Citizens, R. Kolck,
W. Fosselman, Meat and Milk Inspec-
tor F. J. Kennedy, Attorney Willging,
Sanitary Officer J. Lynch, Health Of-
ficer Palen.
The matter of Mr. Kemler and Mr.
Murry failing to connect with Sani-
tary Sewer as ordered by former
board, taken up, and we recommend
that the City Engineer be instructed
to prepare plans and specifications for
the proper connection of their prop-
erty with the anitary Sewer.
Bill of Mrs. Winders for $10.02 re-
ferred to us. The same certified to
and ordered sent to the County for
Resolved, that when we adjourn we
would adjourn to meet again Friday,
May 3, at 2:30 p. m.
Clerk, Board of Health.
Ald. Andresen moved the report be
approved. Carried.
City Engineer Baumgartner present-
ed profiles Nos. 731, 732 and 733. On
motion of Ald. Frith referred to Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Be it Resolved - by the City Council
of the City- of Dubuque that the City
154 • List of Warrants _
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa, April 1st, 1912.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a
complete list of all the warrants is-
sued by me during the month of
March, 1912:
John Mahoney, Street Com-
missioner, 1st, $80.00; 2nd,
$40.00; 3rd, $100.00; 4th,
$20.00; 5th, $160.00 $400 00
Geo. Miller, Superintendent
of Sprinkling, 1st, $48.00,
2nd, 325.00; 3rd, $60.00;
4th, $12.00; 5th, 396.00 240 00
Thos. Reilly, Chief of Police 100 00
John Lawlor, Clerk to Police
and Fire Commission 15 00
Al. Moyer, Pound Master 45 00
J. Reinfried $ 61 75
Wm. Hipman 49 00
M. Eitel 38 23
J. Essman 40 69
A. Duccini 35 78
J. Flynn 37 73
G. Beyer 35 7S
A. Heer 32 34
Wm. Kannolt 32 34
B. Kirch 22 34
J. Daley 38 23
T. Ryder 40 67
H. Cain 35 78
M. Kelly 37 73
F. Murphy 35 78
J. Bakey 32 34
Wm. Smith 32 34
Wm. McConnell 32 34
G. Gehrke 38 23
T. Kennedy 35 78
J. Smith 32 34
J. Keppler 32 34
D. Ahern 49 00
J. Benzer 37 73
A. McDonnell 40 67
P. Zillig 32 34
M. Sweeney 32 34
J. McGloughlin 32 34
J. Connelly 32 34
Wm. Kennedy 35 29
J. Daugherty 32 34
J. Murphy 24 50
R. Weston 38 23
J. Allan 35 78
M. Fahey 32 34
R. Kenneally 32 34
Wm. Ducey 38 23
F. Kenneally 35 78
E. McDermott 32 34
F. O'Brien 32 34
J. R oshin 38 23
F. Baumgartner 35 78
J. Schoenberger 32 34
P. Kireh 32 34
Fire Pension Fund 32 18
Edw. Brunskill $ 31 38
James Corcoran 31 85
Michael Connolly
John Cody
Nick Campbell
Phil. Dunphy
Wm. Donahue
Thos. Duggan
Patrick Fury
John Fox
James Flynn
Wm. Fox
Michael Fogarty
Theo, Ganohl
Ben Gray
Emil Kahn
Michael Kilty
James Keefe
John Kane
John Kopp
Patrick Kenneally
Barney Ludescher
Chas. Liest
Patrick Mclnterney ....
Patrick McCollins .
Michael McCormick ....
Henry Mueller
Hugr Markey
Patrick Mulligan ......
John O'Brien
Michael O'Connor
John Raesle
Michael Ryan
Gus Raterman
Joe Stoltz
Michael Stapleton .... .....
Patrick Sullivan .... ......
John Spielman
Dennis Sheehan
Thos. Sweeney
Fred Spielman
Frank Williams ....
Louis Zemanek ....
Miss Brennan
Mrs. Hibbe
Police Pension
J. Alexander, 4th $
M. Ackels, 4th
T. Ahern, 2nd
A. Arthofer, 5th
C. Buelow, 3d, 38.55; 5th, 35.00
T. Barrington, 2nd .... ...
J. Bechen, 2nd
A. Benderman, 2nd
R. Burns ,2nd
A. Bennett, 3rd
J. Boyle, 3rd
H. Burgwald, 5th
J. Bevensdorf, 5th
F. G. Becker, 3rd
F. A. Burns, 3rd
M. ,Carney, 3d, $9.60; 4th, 80c
J. Connolly, 1st
C. Calamine, 2nd
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd
Josh Calvert, 2nd
John Calvert, 2nd
T. Caffrey, 2nd
J. Cooper, 2nd
W. Connolly, 2nd
John Cahill, 3rd
B. Costello, 4th
G. Davis, lst, $25.39; 3rd,
$32.89; 5th, $17.89 76 17
John Dolan, 4th 23 40
J, Denlinger, 2nd 9 80
C. Duccini, 3rd 12 40
J. Egan, 2nd 14, 20
S. Eustice, 4th 15 20
B. Engel, 3rd 7 20
F, Erickson, 4th 14 80
E. Erickson, 4th 6 60
E. Fitzlaff, 1st, $40.00; 2nd,
$20.00; 3rd, 345.00; 4th,
$10.00; 5th, $35.00 150 00
G. Frost, 2nd 100 00
W. Flynn, 2nd 3 60
J. Fannon, 2nd 5 40
F. Frick, 3rd 14 20
F. Flynn, 4th 3 60
B. Glass, 2nd 49 80
Jas. Graham, 2nd 8 00
C. Geimer, 4th 28 80
N. Gerens, 2nd 13 00
F. Goodman, 3rd 1 80
W. Gere, 3rd 1 80
H. Galle, 5th 2 60
M. Hennessy, 3rd 5 25
D. Hotfield, 2nd 5 40
John Hilliary, 4th 14 20
J. Haudenschield, 3rd 2 50
M. Hannan, 2nd 9 00
E. Herbst, 4th 16 20
E. Hird, 4th 9 40
T. Harker, 4th 1 80
W. Jellison, 3rd 9 80
.1. Jellison, 3rd 15 40
K. Kness, lst, 35c; 3rd ,$24.80 25 15
M. Kerwin, 1st, $8.03; 3rd,
315.58; 5th, 58c 24 24
J. Kinsella, 1st, $40.00; 2nd,
$20.00; 3rd, $45.00; 4th,
310.00; 5th, $35.00 150.00
M. Kenneally, 2nd 48 00
H. Kunkel, 1st, $16.98; 3rd,
321.93; 5th, $11.93 50 79
F. Kech, 2nd 65 60
P. Kreamer, 2nd 37 60
C. Krumbach, 2nd 1 80
H. Kreamer, 2nd 1 80
John Kinley, 4th 1 80
P. Linehan & Sons, 3rd 15 25
T. Lonergan, 1st, 35c; 3rd,
39.80 10 15
E. Lee, 1st 40 80
J. Leneha.i, 3rd 3 50
J. Landholt, 4th 12 50
John Long, 5th 4 50
Bart McDonnell, 5th 13 87
D. McGuinness, 3rd 9 35
John McGrath, 4th 24 00
Dennis McGrath, 4th 8 00
J. Mullin, 2nd 10 40
R. McCaffrey, 2nd 57 80
M. B. McAllister, 2nd 37 80
J. N. Meridith, 2nd 5 40
J. Miller, 3rd 6 20
M. Markham, 3rd 9 00
R. Mundt, 3rd 5 40
J. Mayne, 4th 15 20
G. Maas, 4th 8 80
Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 12 40
J. McCollins, 2nd 18 00
A. Nigg, 5th 27 80
P. S. Norton, 4th 31 50
List of Warrants 155
C. O'Neill, 2nd 33 40
P. O'Farrell, 3rd - 7 00
S. Patterson, 2nd 9 00
T. Pfieffer,' 3rd 5 40
F. Paar, 4th 4 40
M. Prosser, 1st, 35c; 3rd,
$9.80; 5th, $15.65 25 80
F. Pepper, 2nd 80
J. Peed, 2nd 12 80
J. Parawola, 2nd 1 80
R. Rhomberg, 5th 7 20
W. Ruesch, 5th 28 50
D, Rosemeier, 5th 70 00
James Ryan, 5th_ 90 00
J. Robert, 2nd 11 20
F. Rowe, 2nd 14 00
P. Reddin, 2nd 3 60
G. Reynolds, 2nd .....1 3 60
A. Roberts, 2nd 1 80
W. Robertson, 4th 14 20
F. Selli, 5th 1 80
J. Stefen, 5th 4 15
P. Schoetgen, 3rd 200 00
S. Smith, 2nd 18 80
P. Smith, 4th 7 60
John Sloan, 4th 9 00
F. Siege, 4th 50 00
C. Smith, 2nd 3 60
J. Sullivan, 2nd 5 40
G. Schultz, 3rd 11 40
C. Sieling, 3rd 6 20
J. Sloan (No, 1), 3rd 2 60
Severn Smith, 3rd 5 40
John Sloan (No. 2), 4th 12 60
Sam Sterling, 4th 5 00
Jos. Schafetel, 5th 6 00
J. Twieg, 3rd, 60c; 5th, $3.60 4 20
A. Turner, 1st, $4.62; 3rd, $13.22;
5th, 339.62 57 46
Union Electric Co., 3rd, $62.20;
5th, $767.60 500 00
Union Electric Co., 3rd, $62.20;
5th, 8767.60
•• .. 329 80
M. Uppinghouse, 2nd 2 60
C, Van Wie, 5th 20
J. Vandermullin, lst, 60c; 3rd,
318.10; 5th, 39.45 28 15
J. Vandermullin, 1st, 30c; 3rd,
315.25; 5th, 37.90 23 41
P. Weirich, 5th 290.00
W. Walker, 3rd 9 35
H. Watters, 2nd 9 00
W. AVyburn, 3rd 9 00
J. Ward, 3rd 5 40
D. Ward, 4th 2 60
A. Wallis, 5th 2 20
N. Zingel, 4th 2 00
F. Luchterhand 18 00
J. Rooney 18 00
C. Sullivan 27 50
C. Specht 30 00
The Adams Co., supplies, Road
dept. -
Frank Beutin, coal, Road dept.
John Butt, repairs, Road dept..
F. G. Becker, coal, Road dept..
F. A. Burns, coal, Road dept...
Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Road
Conlin & Kearns, coal, Road
7 53
10 38
2 98
29 6V.
4 76
156 Listt of Warrants
dept. 2 13
Dubuque Lumber Co., coal,
Road dept. 10 20
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
supplies, Road dept. 50
John Duggan, repairs, Road
dept, ... 1 82
W. D. Deckert Co., supplies,
Road dept. 6 72
Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works,
repairs, Road dept. 1 95
John Dehing, cleaning alley, R
3 5 00
Peter Even, coal, Road dept. .. 13 26
Fischer & Co., coal, Road dept. 27 64
Peter Hanson, supplies, Road
Kelly Springfield Road Roller
Co., supplies, Road dept.
Klauer Mfg. Co., supplies, Road
Key City Roofing Co., supplies,
Road dept. 50
Klauer & Kress, supplies, Road
John Lies, supplies, Road dept. 70
Peter Lang, supplies, Road
Linehan & Molo, coal, Road
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal, Road
Martin - Strelau Co., coal, Road
dept. ....
Metz Mfg. Co., supplies, Road
dept. . ....
John Neuman & Son, repairs,
Road dept. ... 40
National Refining Co., oil, Road
dept. .. 2 22
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs,
Road dept.
Pier Bros., coal, Road dept 22 02
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs, Road dept. . 58 80
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Road
dept. 7 80
Standard 011 Co., oil, Road
dept. 1 16
Telegraph - Herald, p r i n t i n g,
Road dept. .... 2 70
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs,
Road dept. 336 79
T. F. Kane, feed, Fire and Po-
lice Dept.... .. .........$ 461 12
Jos. J. Rowan, supplies, Fire
Dept.... .... ........... 1 98
Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Fire
Dept.... .... .... ....
H. E. Callahan, acid, Fire
Dept.... .... ........... 7 36
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., re-
pairs, Fire Dept 75
T. J. Mulgrew Co, coal, Fire
Dept. 22 25
Becker- Hazelton Co., supplies,
Fire Dept. 75
W. Marshal, repairs Fire Dept 7 54
P. Linehan Sons, coal, Fire
Dept 36 01
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe-
2 01
45 10
57 60
1 26
43 09
2 62
4 18
2 04
43 11
17 42
ing, Fire Dept.
Spahn -Rose Lbr. Co., lumber,
Fire Dept.
Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup-
plies, Fire Dept. ....
National Refining Co., oil,
Fire Dept
The Adams Co., supplies., Fire
Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway Co., repairs,
Fire Dept. .... ...... ... .
John N. Juergens, paint, Fire
Am erican La
Engine Co.,
John Newman
pairs, Fire D
Matt. Stafford,
B. C. Scherr, salt, Fire Dept.
Phil. Heller, horseshoeing,
Fire Dept
Vollenwieder & Heim, horse-
shoeing, Fire Dept.
Whelan & Crahan, supplies,
Fire Dept.
M. E Byrne, repairs, Fire and
Police Dept.
J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies,
Fire and City Hall
Key City Gas Co., coal, etc ,
Fire and Police Depts. 42 30
Standard Lumber Yard Co ,
shavings, Fire Dept. 29 05
Dubuque Lumber Co., coal,
Fire Dept.... ......
France Fire
supplies, Fire
& Son, re-
ept .... ....
feed, Fire
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., supplies, Fire Dept....
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing, Fire
Key City Gas Co., arc inspec-
tion, Fire and Police
F. A. Burns, coal, Fire
Frank Beutin, coal, Fire..
Union Electric Co., power,
Conlin & Kearns Co., coal,
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs,
¥cCollins Transfer Line, coal,
Lagen, Peed & Eerwanger,
horseshoeing, Fire
F. G. Becker, coal, Fire
Torbert Drug Co., drugs and
paint, Fire
Martin - Strelau Co., coal, Fire
Eagle Chemical Co., sweeping
compound, Fire
Geo. Rettenmeier, Jr., bran,
W. Deckert & Co., supplies,
Pier Faros., coal, Fire
Iowa Oil Co., oil, Fire
Fischer & Co., coal, Fire
J. N. Graham, veterinary ser
vice, Fire and Police
Collings &'Pfiffner' horseshoe-
ing, Police . .
12 45 Standard Lumber Yard Co ,
coal, Fire and Police
°9 86 Fischer & Co., coal, Exp. and
1 21 J, C. Schneider Pharmacy,
i, Police .... .
5 50 John suppl es
L. Kies, supplies, Po lice.
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal, Police
and ...
coal, Po-
13 65 Clancy Transfer City Hall Co., c
J. Cli. e Althauser City , supp lies, Police
1 01
and Fire
Mettel Bros., feed, Police...
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs,
30 00 Union Plumb. & Heating Co ,
repairs, police
4 65 E. Norton, dieting prisoners
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Po-
8 25 lice
2 15 Thos. Connolly Est., repairs,
5 60 N, B. Schneider, bran, Police
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
10 40 Police .... ....
C. J. Shannon, supplies, Police
9 20 Martin- Strelau Co., coal, Police
Standard Lumber Yard Co ,
3 10 coal, Police
19 50
Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co.,
Sand, R. 1 43
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, R. 3 6 60
Conlon & Kearns, coal, R. 2 3 05
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Sew-
er .
Lagen, Peed hi' Berwanger,
46 00 horseshoeing, Sewer .. .... 2
H. Corrance, supplies, Sewer...
98 45 O'Farrell Contracting Co., ma-
cadam, Sewer
9 30 Butt Bros., repairs, Sewer
E. T. Frith, hauling animals
2 00 and garbage 209
29 12 J. P. Early premium on bond 10
44 44 poates & Robinson, premium
on bond
4 00 Times- Journal, printing
Telegraph - Herald, printing
55 61 National Demokrat, printing.
Labor Leader, printing
42 76 - Smith- Morgan Ptg. C.o., print-
21 33 N. Zingel, labor in 4th W.
Lynch, inspecting Eagle Pt.
7 85 sewer
22 56 Gonner Bros
Butt Bros.... .......
20 08 ♦✓ lancy Transfer Co
19 02 R. Fuhrmann, damage to trees
D. J. Haas, Mayor, settlement
1 50 Mary Dempsey vs. City 500
D. J. Haas, Mayor, settlement
2 80 Mary Dempsey vs. City 600
D. J. Haas, Mayor, settlement
1 20 Mary Dempsey vs. City 200
14 04 D. J. Haas, Mayor, settlement
5 00 Sarah Blumenthal vs. City 400
, t4 88 D. J. Haas, court costs, various
cases 108
6 48 Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney,
settlement Irving Boxleiter
7 70 ve. City
List of Warrants
Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney,
19 55 settleemnt John Burke vs.
City .... .... ...... 250 00
43 79 Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney,
settlement Geo. Collett vs.
1 05 City ...... .... 150 00
2 10 Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney,
settlement Theo. Ruprecht
28 34 vs. City 75 00
Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney,
23 49 settlement Ellen Frith vs.
City 250 00
28 57 Nutwood Livery Co. ambu-
3 75 lance service 6 00
Lacy, Brown & Lacy, settle -
65 ment of bills against water
works ...... .... 167 75
49 80 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
6 40 money loaned to pay Fire-
men 500 00
1 25 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
money loaned to pay Fire-
7 00 men 500 00
1 95 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
money loaned to pay Fire -
6 70 men 500 00
10 15 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
15 95 money loaned to pay Fire-
men 500 00
30 15 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
money loaned to pay Fire-
men 356 41
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
money loaned to pay Police 173 66
20 J, Reinfried $ 62 00
Win Hipman 50 09
00 M. Eitel .4 ..... • 42 00
50 J. Essman 43 00
A. Duccini 38 00
55 J. Flynn 40 00
4 65 G. Byer 38 00
A. Heer 35 00
99 W. Kannolt 35 00
00 B. Xirch 35 00
J. Daley . 42 00
15 00 T. Ryc.?r 43 00
87 25 H. Cain 38 00
91 56 M. Kelley 40 00
25 00 F. Murphy 38 00
25 00 J. Bakey 35 00
W. Smith 35 09
37 10 Wm. McConnell 35 00
8 20 G. Gehrke 42 10
T. Kennedy 38 00
13 72 J. Smith 35 00
95 00 J. Keppler 35 60
25 00 D. Ahern 50 09
8 00 J. Benzer 40 00
15 00 A. McTonnell 43 00
P. Zillig 35 00
00 M. Sweeney 35 00
J. McGlonghlin 35 00
00 .T. Connolly 35 00
Wm. Kennedy 38 00
00 J. '1aue 35 00
.T Mnrnhy . 30 00
00 P. Weston 42 00
,T A 11Pn _ 38 00
80 pr, Fahey 35 00
P. Venneally 35 00
likrtn . 7lnrry 42 60
50 00 F. Kenneally 38 00
C. O'Neill, 2nd 19 20
P. O'Farrell, 3rd 1 00
W. Ohnesorge, 33rd 3 20
E. Oherfoell, 4th 15 40
J, Peed, 2nd 9 80
F. Punclt, 2nd 8 00
J. Paxton, 3rd 4 00
D. Park, 3rd 2 40
T. Pfeiffer, 3rd 4 00
F. Paar, 4th 9 00
J, Parker, 4th 3 40
D. Rosemeier, 3rd .... 22 40
F. Rowe, 2nd 20 20
J. Robert, 2nd 13 20
G. Reynolds 2nd .... 9 40
R. Rosenquest, 3rd .... .., 8 40
W. Robinson, 4th .... 1 80
Jas. Ryan, 2nd 25 70
Sam Smith, 2nd 7 60
J. Sullivan, 2nd 1 00
C. Sieling, 3rd 6 60
Gus. Schultz, 3rd 10 00
P. Schoetgen, 3rd 25 00
Severn Smith, 3rd 1 80
J. A. Sloan, 3rd 9 00
Sam Sterling, 4th 3 60
John Sloan, 4th 14 40
Len Steiner, 4th 13 00
P. Smith, t4h 3 60
Ed. Skemp, 4th 80
F. Siege, 4th 25 00
J. Scheidercker, 5th 13 60
J. Schafetel, 5th 1 40
A. Schulski, 5th 1 80
J. Thompson, 1st 7 20
J. Tobin, sidewalks 23 40
W. B. Williams, 1st 1 60
G. Waters, 2nd 10 20
J. Werb, 2nd 9 40
J. Williams, 2nd, $4.40; side-
walk, 40c 4 80
W. Wyburn, 3rd ....- 6 60
J. Ward, 3rd 4 40
Duke Ward, 4th .... 8 00
P. Weirich, 5th 25 00
N. Zingel, 4th 14 40
M. Ackels, 4th 4 50
F. G. Becker, 3rd 9 00
F. Burns, 3rd 9 00
B. Costello, 4th 4 50
J. Linehan, 3rd 28 00
J. Landholt, 4th 4 50
John Long, 5th 2 00
P. S. Norton, 4th 4 50
D. Cunningham
W. Hennessy
A. Hird
P. Horch
A. Kaesbauer
J. Klang
F. Luchterhand
J. Paxton
J. Rooney
J. A. Sloan
S. Smith
C. Sullivan
C. Specht
List of Warrants 159
23 40
23 40
23 40
6 40
23 40
19 80
23 40
4 60
23 40
6 40
6 40
27 50
30 00
Kenety & Lee, amount withheld
for removing curb on Tenth
street .. 150 00
Jas. Lynch, inspector sewer,
Eagle Point 33 10
Matt. Stafford, salt, Road 2.... 1 25
Conlin & Kearns Co., coal,
Road 2 3 06
Michael Mullen, repairing foun-
tain 7 80
M. O'Rourke ,repairing fountain 3 37
H. B. McCarten, repairing
fountain .. 4 65
J. N. Graham, veterinary ser-
vice 2 00
McCollins Transfer line, coal
Fire dept. 33 98
John Neuman & Son, repairs,
Fire dept, 2 75
Dubuque Lumber Co., coal, Fire
dept. .... 22 25
F. A. Burns, coal, Fire dept... 18 56
Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Fire
dept. 17 03
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, Fire dept. 2 10
F. G. Becker, coal, Fire dept 17 85
Geo. Ragataz & Son, repairs,
Fire dept. 1 93
Deyoe & Avenarius, horseshoe -
ing, Fire dept, .. 3 55
Martin Strelau Co., coal, Fire
dept. .... 14 24
Conlin & Kearns Co., coal, Fire
dept. 29 05
T. W. Ruete Drug Co., drugs,
etc., Fire dept. 85
Carr, Ryder & Adams, edgings,
Fire dept. 510
John C. Beck, drugs, Fire dept. 20 90
T. F. Kane, feed, Fire dept 155 55
Key City Gas Co., arc light in-
J. N. Graham, veterinary ser-
vice 6 48
Matt. Stafford, straw, Fire dept 5 00
Key City Gas Co., coal, Fire
dept. 19 00
Mettle Bros., feed, Fire dept 1 45
Iowa Oil Co., oil, Police dept 1 00
Phil. Breithaupt, repairs to
plumbing 1 00
Standard Lumber Yard Co., coal,
Police dept. 50 88
C. J. Shannon, supplies, Police
dept. 1 65
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
Police dept. .. 3 15
Foley Hand Laundry, towel
service 4 50
Dr. J. H. Schrup, services, Po-
lice dept. .... 2 09
John Lies, supplies, • Sewer dept. 40
Key City Gas Co., light 103 75
O'Farrell Contracting Co., pav-
ing First and Iowa streets 194 46
D. J. Haas, Mayor, assessment
to Upper Mississippi River Im-
provement association .... 250 00
T. J. Hassett, damages while
completing sewer in Langwor-
thy avenue 75 00
Dubuque Humane society, help
to carry on work 300 00
Chris. Braun, extra work on
158 List of Warrants
E. McDermott 35
T. O'Brien 35 00
J. Roshin 42 00
F. Baumgartner 38 00
J. Schoenberger 35 00
P. Kirch 35 00
Edw, Brunskill 32 50
James Corcoran 35 CO
Michael Connolly 35 00
John Cody 35 00
Nick Campbell 32 50
Phil Dunphy 37 50
Wm. Donahue 35 00
Thos. Duggan 35 0O
Patrick Fury 35 Oi'
John Fox 21 00
James Flynn 35 00
lilrm. Fox 23 33
Michael Fogarty 32 63
Theo. Ganohl 32 50
Ben Gray 35 00
Emil Kahn 37 50
Michael Kilty 35 00
James Keefe 35 00
John Kane 35 00
Jbhn Kon 32 66
Patrick Kenneally 35 00
P,arney Lndescher 35 00
Chas. Liest 37 50
Patrick McInerney 35 00
Pmt ^i rk M ^Collins 35 00
Michael McCormick 25 66
TTen•7 Mueller 30 33
T Merlrev 35 00
T'e trick Mulligan 40 00
Jo' n O'Brien 35 00
Triehael O'Conner 40 00
?nhn Paes'. -- 40
TT; ^heol Rvan 75 00
r'•'e tertn an
25 00
?rip Fkoltz 2 00
T T Pfsr■letoll 05 01
T' ^t ^in eullivan 35 00
?nhn 00
.T Sheehan 35 CO
Thos. Sweeney 40 00
Fred Snielman 22 ' +1
Frank Williams 35 00
T ,nnis Zemanek . 35 00
Miss Brennan 35 00
Mrs. Hihhe 35 00
T, Ahern, 2nd 1 SO
? Ale.ra 4 th 20 97
F. Artbofer, 5th 14 40
W. Burke, 1st 10 80
J. Bechen, 2nd 18 81
A. Boderman, 2nd 8 60
P. Burnett, 2nd 4 60
G. Blanchard, 2nd 8 00
J. Burns, 2nd 2 10
A. Bennett 10 60
F. Bennett, 3rd 3 60
J. Boyle, 3rd 16 00
C. Bevensdorf, 5th 2 GO
C. Buelow, 5th 7 40
P. M. Bauer, 5th 1 80
H. Burgwald, 5th 5 80
John Bolz, 5th , 2 60
P. Carney, 1st 13 80
Jas. Connolly, 1st 13 00
Jerry Cahill, 1st 1 80
J. Cooper, 2nd 13 03
W. Connolly, 2nd . 11 0
T. Caffrey, 2nd 11 20
M. Corbett, 2nd 9 40
J. Cashman, 2nd 12 60
John Cahill, 3rd - 8 30
J. Cooney, 4th 2 60
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 25 00
Tom Cahill, Health 25 20
J. Dunlinger, 2nd 12 00
G. Donovan, 2nd 4 40
J. Desmond, 3rd 3 60
C. Duccini, 3rd 18 00
J. Dolan, 4th 17 60
B. Donnelly, 4th 13 60
L. Dempsey, Jr., 4th 5 40
L. Dempsey, Sr., 4th 8 20
J. Egan, 2nd 6 20
B. Engel 3rd 11 40
S. Eustice, 4th 19 20
F. Erickson, 4th 10 00
J. Fannon, 2nd 1 60
W. Flynn, 2nd 10 80
J. Flannagan, 2nd 1 SO
G. Frost, 2nd 25 00
1". Frick, 3rd 9 80
E. Finkenauer, Sr., 3rd 16 20
J. Furey, 3rd 8 40
E. Finkenauer, Jr., 3rd 4 00
F. Flynn, 4th 20 00
W. Fawcett, 4th 11 20
E. Fitzlaff, 1 -5 in each 25 00
B. Glass, 2n0 17 SO
N. Gerens, 2nd 14 40
M. Gierst, 2nd - 10 80
W. Gere, 3rd 10 80
F. Goodman, 3rd 3 60
C. Geimer, 4th 20 SO
D. Gantenbein, 5th 15 40
H. Galle 5th .............. 10 80
P. C- uenther, 5th SO
A. Harris, 3rd 3 60
H. Henge, 3rd 80
P. Horch, 3rd 1 80
E. Herbst, 4th 19 20
E. Hird, 4th 12 00
John Hillary, 4th .... , 5 40
W. Hird, 4th 3 60
W. Jellison, 3rc1 3 20
J. Jellison, 3rd .. 23 30
T. Kenneally, 1st 2 80
H. Kunkel 1st 16 20
F. Keck, 2nd 20 60
M. Kenneally, 2nd .... 21 40
P. Kreamer, 2nd .... 16 20
J. Kness, 3rd 7 20
W. Klupka, 3rd 2 60
John Kinsella, 1 -5 in each. 25 00
J. Lund, 2nd 2 20
J. W. Meredith, 2nd 11 20
J. Miller, 3rd 80
M. Markham, 3rd ..., 14 80
R. Mundt, 3rd 11 60
J. Mayne, 4th 17 20
G. Maas, 4th 11 60
T. McNulty, 1st 6 20
R. McCaffrey, 2nd 18 40
W. B. McAllister, 2nd 12 20
Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 7 60
John McLaughlin, 3rd 1 00
John McGrath, 4th 20 80
D. McGrath, 4th 10 00
W. O'Brien, 1st 25 00
160 Listt of Warrants
Seventh avenue 125 00
John Heim, brick 28 00
Dubuque Electric Supply Co.,
Eighth street fountain 30 31
Union Electric Co., installing
lights .... 35 40
A. E. Gmehle, collecting taxes. 55 75
H. Corrance, rope, Road dept... 185
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
supplies, Road dept. .... 2 75
McCollins Transfer line, wood,
Road dept. .... 8 00
H, Wunderlich & Son, rent of
chairs, etc. 1 75
Standard Oil Co., road oil, R. 4.. 344 97
Anton Tschol, macadam,
Road 2
Nick Leidinger, macadam,
Road 3
John Cahill, macadam, Road
Chas. Anthony, macadam,
Road 3 16 17
Jacob Hutter, macadam,
Road 5
Anton Tschol macadam,
Road 2
Peter Cramer, macadam,
Road 2 1. 45
Peter Cramer, macadam,
Road 2 13 75
David Frommelt, macadam,
Road 5 36 86
Schnee Bros., macadam,
Road 5 92 10
Thos. Berry, macadam, Road
5 41 45
Peter Ginter, macadam, Road
5 53 00
Max Hemler, macadam, Road
5 48 75
J. J. Quigley, macadam,
Road 1 12 00
Gib. Love, macadam, Road 1 39 86
R. J. Love, macadam, Road 1 14 09
Dan. Carney, macadam, Road
1 10 00
Alb. Doty, macadam, Road 1 156 70
North Zingel, macadam, Road
1 66 20
Pat. Ryan, macadam, Road 1 91 10
Mike Carney, macadam, Road
1 33 50
Nick Leidinger, macadam,
Road 3 12 00
Gus. Schultz, macadam, 13,,_ ltd
2 3 'r5
Gus. Schultz, macadam, Road
3 2 08
Jos. Marticek, • macadam,
Road 4 17 35
Paul Krocheski, macadam,
Road 4 . .. ..... 29 50
Jno. Parker, macadam, Road 4 179 55
Anton Sieg, macadam, Road 4 10 70
Jeff McGrath, macadam,
Road 4 . . . . . . . . .80 35
Glass & Rosemaier, macadam,
Road 2 43 10
Andrew Luck, macadam„
Road 5 11 10
Andrew Mertz, macadam,
44 60
17 01
Road 5 32 25
Andrew Luck, macadam,
Road 5 14 25
Jos. Vogt, macadam, Road 4 3 00
August Rink, macadam, Road
5 20 00
John Koehler, madacad, Road
5 40 00
Geo. Mauer, macadam, Road
5 16 20
Geo. Mauer, macadam, Road
5 72 30
Jos. Haupert, macadam, Road
5 89 60
Anton Welu, macadam, Road
5 10 70
Nick Herrmann, macadam,
Road 5 22 95
John Mihm, macadam, Road
5 100 00
Schnee Bros., macadam, Road
5 11 56
Mrs. Chas. Jaeger, macadam,
Road 5 4 00
Otto Minges, macadam, Road
1 78 60
F. Genzel, macadam, Road 1 43 70
I3. Genzel, macadam, Road 1 17 00
Eugene Burke, macadam,
Road 1 19 10
Wm. Donahue, macadam,
Road 1 18 10
E. Grue, macadam, Road 1 7 40
Jules Russell, macadam, Road
1 9 00
Mike Cain, macadam, Road 1 92 35
Mrs. Hall, macadam, Road 1 2 75
Thos. Dillon, macadam, Roarl
1 4 40
Ed. Lee, macadam, Road 1 11 10
John Kunz, macadam, Road 1 11 00
John Casey, macadam, Road
1 29 00
B. W. Williams, macadam,
Road 1 23 00
Spielman & Daugherty, maca-
dam, Road 1 35 30
John Duggan, macadam,
Road 1 109 00
Donahue & Wickham, maca-
dam, Road 1 72 40
Wm. Walker, macadam, Road
1 25 70
Chas. Boyer ,macadam, Road
1 19 25
Peter Horrig, macadam, Road
5 131 51
Louie Vogt, macadam, Road 5 4 88
John Tweed, macadam, Road
5 27 15
John DeWacher, macadam,
Road 5 7 35
Geo. Glasser, macadam, Road
5 22 25
Frank Lassance, macadam,
Road 5 79 00
Matt Kiefer, macadam, Road
4 103 18
Andrew Trandwein, maca-
dam, Road 4 67 00
Conrad Geimer, macadam,
Road 4 5 50
John Kane, madacad, Road 4 42 44
Frank Krayer, macadam,
Road 1
Jos. Koester, macadam, Road
134 74
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of March, 1912.
City Recorder.
Official Notices
35 05
All property owners are hereby no-
tified to remove from vacant lots by
them owned, and from one -half that
portion of the street or alley upon
which their property may abut, all ac-
cumulations of dirt, filth, ashes, man-
ure, offal, and other offensive matter,
or other nuisance, within fifteen days
from the date hereof.
In the •event of the failure of such
property owners to comply with this
notice within the time specified, it shall
be the duty of the Street Commissioner
to cause such removal to be made, and
to assess the cost of the same against
the abutting property as provided by
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 8th
day of April, 1912.
4 -10 -3t Chief of Police.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
lower, to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Wood Street and
West Fourteenth Street.
That a plat of said proposed sewer
is now on file in the office of the City
Itc is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require:
2025 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe and
6 manholes, and 3 drop manholes, and
wil cost the abutting property owners
Any persons having objections to the
construction of said sewer are hereby
notified to appear before the City
Council at its regular session to be
held May 2, 1912, or to file their ob-
jections in writing with the City Re-
corder on or before May 2, 1912.
Dated at Dubuque, Ia., April 22, 1912.
4- 22 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Teamsters.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
8:00 p. m. Thursday, May 2nd, 1912,
for cleaning around the Market
House, and hauling cleanings away as
per specifications on file in said office.
Bidders will state price of doing
such work by the month, and all bids
must be accompanied by a certified
check for $25.00 on some Dubuque
bank as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered - into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Regular Session May 2, 1912.
Council met at 8:45 p. m.
Mayor Lyons in the chair.
Present— Alds. Andresen, Frith,
Heim, I1cLaughlin, Saul, Singrin,
Wallis and City Attorney Lyon.
Moved by Ald. Singrin that action
oii the council' proceedings for month -
of April be deferred until next meet-
ing. Carried.
Bids for cleaning Market Square.
On motion of Ald. Singrin bids order-
ed opened.
John Dehing, $15.00 per month.
Lawrence Daily, $12.75 per month.
On motion of Ald. Saul Lawrence
Daily was awarded the contract.
Bids for sweeping of brick paved
M. Ackles, $23.00 per week.
Bids for hauling street sweepings:
John Van Der Millen, $19.91 per
M. Ackles, $21.50 per week.
an motion of Ald. Frith M. Ackles
awarded sweeping contract and John
Van Der Millen the hauling of street
sweepings contract.
City Electrician Hipman reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report for defective lights for the
month of April, 1912. I find from the
report of the Police department that
the total hours that 51 lamps failed to
burn would equal 2 lamps burning
for one month, or $12.50.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re-
port was received and the City Audi-
tor instructed to deduct from the
Union Electtric company's bill for the
month of April, 1912, the suns of $12.50.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
annual report for the fiscal year end-
ing Feb. 28, 1911, and Feb. 29, 1912.
On motion of Ald. Sattl the reports
were referred to the Cointnittee of the
The following Weighmasters' re-
ports of receipts were presented and
read and on motion Were received and
Regular Session', May 2, 1912
Jos. Straney , $ 3.60
Edward Norton 19.20
On motion of Ald. Frith warrants
were ordered drawn.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the pay
roll of the Fire department for the
last half of the month of April, 1912:
Amount due Firemen $1732.75
Less 1 per cent retained for
Pension Fund .. 33.71
Balance due Firemen $1699.04
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Singrin the re-
port was received and warrants or-
dered drawn, and the report referred
back to the Committee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
Police report for the month of April,
Assault and battery
Breaking and entering
Disorderly conduct
Disturbing the peace
Lewdness ...
Petty larceny
Violating the city ordinance
Total ...
Residents arrested
Doors found open
Defective lights
Lodgers harbored
Meals furnished
Cost of food
City ordinance fines collected
Police court costs collected
Patril tuns for prisoners
Ambulance calls
Miles traveled
Also beg to submit the pay roll for
Policemen for the last half of April,
Amount due Policemen $1,514.28
Lees 1% retained for Pension
Fund 31.54
$ 4.40
$ 9.80
Palance .... ...... ....$1,482.74
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Andresen the re-
Pert 'and pay roll Were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
Policemen and the report referred to
to the Committee on Police.
City Treasurer Wybrant reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, April 22nd,
4- 22 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Teamsters.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of the City Recorder up
to 8 p. m., Thursday, May 2, 1912,
for sweeping the brick paved streets,
and hauling away such sweepings,
according to the specifications and
schedule on file in the City Recor-
der's office. Bids to be separate.
Bidders will state the price of do-
ing such work by the week and all
bids must be accompanied by a cer-
tified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be enterer into if
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, April 25,
4 -25 -31 City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the City Recorder, at the City Hall,
until 8 p. m. Thursday, April 4, 1912,
for the altering of the Police Matrons'
Quarters, in accordance with the plans
and specifications prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file with
the City Recorder.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check of $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will he entered into If
The City reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, March 30,
3- 30 -3t.
City Recorder.
Notice to Waterworks Bondholders.
To the Holders of Dubuque Water
Works Bonds Numbered Two Hun-
dred and Sixty -one to Three Hun-
dred, both inclusive.
The Board of Water Works Trus-
tees has directed that Dubuque Water
Works bonds, numbered from Two
Hundred and Sixty -one (261) to Three
Hundred (300), both inclusive, dated
June 1st, 1900, be redeemed in accord-
ance with the ordinance and contract
entered into by the City of Dubuque
and the holders of said bonds.
The above bonds should be present-
ed at the City Treasurer's office, Du-
buque, Iowa, on the first day of June,
1912, for payment. All interest ceases
on above bonds June 1st, 1912.
3 -29 -1 wk. City Treasurer.
Official Notices
Notice to Sewer Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, April 18th, 1912, for the
construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Asbury Street, from
Delhi Street to St. Ambrose Street,
thence in St. Ambrose Street to Wil-
low Street to Rosedale Avenue,
thence in Rosedale Avenue to the
present manhole at a point about
opposite the easterly line of Lot 1 of
1 of Mineral Lot 183, in accordance
with the plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that it will require:
5,100 lineal feet - of 8 -inch tile pipe.
20 manholes and 1 drop manhole.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as presented
by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised
Ordinance of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or
before July 15th, 1912.
Bidder will state the price per lin-
eal foot of 'completed sewer, also
state price per manhole and price for
drop manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by
a certified check for $500.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City reserves the right to re-
ject and any all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, March
30th, 1912. OTTO P. GEIGER,
3- 30 -3t. City Recorder.