1911 February Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL.
Regular Session, Feb. 2, 1911.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Alderman Apel, McEvoy
O'Rourke, Singrin, Specht, City At-
torney Lyon and Assistant City Attor-
ney Willging.
Absent —Alds. Sauer and Saule.
Ald. Spcht stated that Ald. Sauer
would not be present at this meeting
on account of the death of his father.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the ex-
planation of Ald. Sauer's inability to
attend this meeting be accepted and
the City Council in session extend to
him the sympathy of the Council in
his sad bereavement. Carried unani-
Moved by Ald. Singrin the approval
of the Council Proceedings be de-
ferred until next meeting. Carried.
Petition of B. B. Jungferman et al,
asking that the name Wilde street be
changed to Mount Loretto Avenue,
presented. Moved by Ald. Apel the
prayer of petitioners be granted.
Petition of J. B. Mettel et al, ask-
ing that a cinder - pathway be con-
structed on the north side of Park
Hill Avenue from Couler Avenue to
Davenport Street, presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. Specht, referred to the
'Committee of the Whole.
Original Notice of Kate Lembke,
claiming $3,000.00 as damages sus-
tained on Middle Avenue on the 1st
day of January, 1911, presented. On
motion of Ald. Specht, referred to the
City Attorney and Committee on
Claims. Carried.
Petition of D. A. Doty, leader of
Moose Lodge band, asking permission
- to use Armory Hall on April 17, 1911,
presented. On motion of Ald. Specht,
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Dubuque & Wisconsin
Bridge Co.. asking that a sum be ap-
propriated sufficient to grade Lincoln
Avenue from Fourth Avenue to Tenth
Avenue, presented. On motion of
Ald. Specht, referred to Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of the Dubuque .Humane
Society, asking that the City Council
devote the sum of Three Hundred
Dollars ($300.00) per year to aid in
-carrying on their work. On motion
Regular Session, February 2, 1911 21
of Aid. Specht, referred to Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of Geo. A. Carpenter et al,
asking to have an electric light
placed at or near the intersection of
North and Louisa Streets, presented.
On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred
to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of W. A. Garver et al, ask-
ing that Louisa Street from Bennett
Street south to St. Joseph Street, he
improved by grading, macadamizing
and cement curbing and guttering,
presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy,
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Wm. Heitzman, asking
that Davenport Avenue from Sabula
to Primrose, be graded, presented.
On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred
to Committee of the Whole to view
the grounds.
Communication from Representa-
tive Simon Miller in reference. to
House File No. 111. presented. On
motion of Ald. Apel. referred to
Legislature Representative Willging.
Petition of Board of Park Commis-
sioners, asking that a cement walk be
laid from end of street car line on
Rhomberg avenue to the high bridge;
also to extend the improvement of
Seventh Avenue at least as far as the
entrance to Eagle Point Park, pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Specht,
referred to Committee of the - Thole.
Petition of C. B. McNamara et al,
asking that an electric lamp be placed
at the intersection of West Seven-
teenth and Cox Streets, presented.
On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Jno. Hillery, asking that
the assessment on South 1 /2, of Lot 9
in Finley, Waples & Burton's Add. be
reduced from $800.00 to $600.00 and
the Treasurer to accept taxes for the
year 1910 on $600.00, presented.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy, prayer be
granted. Amended by Ald. O'Rourke,
be referred to Committee of the
Whole and Mayor to investigate and
report to Committee of the Whole.
Amendment carried. Motion lost.
Petition of Anna C. Smith, asking
that Lots 9, 10 and 11 of Lawrence
Smith Add. be exempt from taxes for
year of 1910, presented. On motion
of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Communication of Mullen Bros.,
stating that there had been an error
made in their assessment for 1911
and asking to have same rectified,
ing the receipts and disbursements for
the month:
Receipts -
Balance Jan. 1, 1911 $ 59,573.59
Reiceipts during month 88,298.45
Total $147,872.04
Disbursements -
Warrants redeemed $ 71,597.34
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed .... .....
Water Works bond coupons
redeemed .... ....
Improvement bonds redeem-
ed 533.19
Warrants redeemed ...... .... 71,597.34
Regular bond Coupons re-
Total $ 77,181.65
Balance Feb. 1, 1911 $ 70,690.39
The above cash balance includes im-
provement bond fund, improvement
bond interest fund and library fund
Water Works Account -
Water Works balance, Jan. 1,
1911 ....$34,203.08
Deposited with City Treasurer
by Water Works Trustees... 6,845.23
Total .... ....$41,048.31
Orders drawn on City Treas-
urer by Water Works Trus-
tees .... 2,449.20
Balance Feb. 1, 1911 $38,599.11
Excavation Account -
Balance Jan. 1, 1911 $40.00
Permits redeemed by Treasurer
during December 10.00
Balance Feb. 1, 1911 • $30.00
Also there is due the City Officers
for the month of January, 1911, sal-
aries amounting to $2,716.50.
Also the following is a record of all
interest coupons redeemed by the City
Treasurer during the past month and
credited to him:
Improvement bond coupons....$1,198.62
Water Works bond coupons .... 90.00
Regular Bond Coupons 3,762.50
Improvement bonds
Total bonds redeemed '533.19
Also, the following list shows the au-
propriations and the amount of war-
rants drawn on each fund since the
beginning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1910, to February 1, 1911:
Appropriation. Expended.
Expense $40,000.00 $ 32,852.00
Road -First Dis-
Second District
Third District
Fourth District
Fifth District 4
Police ...... .... ..
Sewerage .. .... ..
Regular Session, February 2, 1911
$ 533.19
6.5 6.530.24
15.923.22 14,036.47
9,544.60 9,492.23
10,843.04 10,094.87
8,333.88 8,303.34
48,000.00 44,403.32
36.500.00 32,399 82
6,000.00 4,646.55
Street Lighting ...
Board of Health ..
Special Bonded
Paving ....
Special Bonded
Debt and Interest
Mount Carmel Ave-
nue Grading
Sidewalk Repair-
Bluff Street Exten-
Bee Branch Sewer,
Third Ward, Du-
buque Pack ing
Improvement of
Windsor Avenue..
Bee Branch Sewer,
Third Ward -18th
street .... .... ..
Bee Branch Sewer,
in Fifth Ward...
Improvement of
Grandview Ave..
Eagle Point park..
Clay Street Im-
provement .... ..
Heeb Street Grad-
Improvement of
Valley Street ....
Improvement of
Willow street ...
Opening of Booth
and Spring Street
Twenty - seventh
Street Storm
Sewer .... ......
Improvement of
Althauser Ave. ..
Improvement of
Seventh Ave.
Firemen's Pension
Policemen's Pension
Opening and Grad-
ing alley between
Clark and An-
gella Streets ....
Opening of Cedar
Street ....
Part cost of Car
Street wall
New Street Sweep-
e r .... .
Ninth Ave. Sewer.
2,500.00 1,851.86
27,000.00 22,517.00
40,000.00 30,405 84
7,000.00 5,324.26
6,000.00 2,302.25
4,000.00 1,009.32
4,000.00 4,000.00
2,500.00 1,179.95
1,000.00 998.29
500.00 494.17
2,500.00 2,335.48
1,000.00 1,000.00
2,500.00 1,587.67
5,000.00 4,796.36
1,500.00 2,178.04
3,000.90 2,995.85
1,200.00 1,200.00
300.00 291.35
200.00 199.91
1,500.00 1,498.4.1
500.00 499.75
1,500.00 1,500.00
2 500.00 875.00
750.00 750.00
750.00 750.00
317.00 311.99
280.00 256.66
800.00 800.00
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the report
be received and warrants be drawn
for various amounts, and the report
be referred back to the Finance com-
22 Regular Session, February 2, 1911
presented. On motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, referred to Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of John Voelker, asking
that the Treasurer be instructed to
deduct ono hundred dollars assess-
ment on Lot 66 in Stafford's Add. on
account of error of assessment, pre- ,
sented. On motion of Ald. Singrin,
referred to Committee of the Whole
Petition of George M. Kimball,
asking that his property be exempt
from taxation to the amount of eight
hundred dollars on the actual value
of the same, he being an honorably
discharged union soldier, presented.
On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of John A. Roth, asking
that the assessment on Lot 20, Block
1, of Scott's Add. be reduced from
$700.00 to $600.00, presented. On
motion of Ald. Specht, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Ida Pfotzer, asking that
the coal sheds at the 18th Street en-
gine house be removed and the taxes
on said property be canceled for the
period of lease, presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. Singrin, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Julia Pleins, asking that'
Treasurer be instructed to deduct
$800.00 from the assessment on Lot
5 of Sub. 3 of Min. Lot 467, as pro-
vided by law for the soldiers of the
rebellion. On motion of Ald. Apel, re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of H. C. Carroll asking
that the consent granted to John Sex -
tno and prior thereto to W. Bilderback,
be transferred to him, presented. On
motion of Ald. O'Rourke prayer
Ald. O'Rourke offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the Members of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque:
That consent previously granted to
John Sextton and Wm. Bilderback is
hereby renewed to and consent t5
hereby given to H. C. Carroll as as-
signee of the business formerly con-
ducted and carried on by said John
Sexton and Wm. Bilderback in said
place, to operate a retail liquor store
within the said City of Dubuque, Du-
buque County, Iowa, in accordance
with the laws of the State of Iowa and
the ordinances of the City of Dubuque;
said consent to become and be effect-
ive on and after the first day of April,
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
resolution be adopted. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Singrin, Specht.
Absent -Alds. Sauer, Saul.
Petition of Wm. Benn asking that
consent granted to Graham Fuller be-
transferred to him, presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. McEvoy prayer granted.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
That consent is hereby given Wil-
liam Benn, as purchaser, successor and -
assignee of the saloon business of
Graham Fuller (also written Wm. Gra-
ham Fuller) at 703 Julien avenue, in
the City of Dubuque, to sell and keep
for sale intoxicating liquors and deal
there in in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
as provided by law. The consent here
given is a new consent given in lieu
of and in renewal of the Resoluton of
consent given said Graham Fuller.
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Singrin, Specht.
Absent -Alds. Sauer, Saul.
Gentlemen: The undersigned begs
to report that the enclosed contract,
being the proposed contract between
the City of Dubuque and J. E. Trues -
dale, is an authentic copy of the one -
prepared by me.
Respectfully submitted.
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. McEvoy report
City Treasurer Wybrant reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Below you will find
statement of amount advanced by me
during the month of January, 1911, for
which please order warrants drawn in.
my favor:
Interest on outstanding war-
rants $390 .00
Miscellaneous 15.45-
Library Trustees' orders 807.77
Yours truly,
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re-
port be received and warrants be
drawn for various amounts, and the
report be referred back to the Finance
committee. Carried.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my report
for the month of January, 1911, show-
24 Regular Session, February 2, 1911
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
last half of January, 1911:
Amount due Firemen ...$1,604.00
One per cent. retained for Pen-
sion Fund 31.93
Respectfully submittel,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re-
port was received and warrants order-
ed drawn to pay the Firemen and the
report referred back to the Committee
on Fire.
Chief Reinfried's recommendations
for the betterment of the Fire De-
partment read.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred
to Committee of the Whole.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
police report for the month of January,
Breaking and entering 2
Disturbing the peace 2
Fugitive from justice ... 2
Intoxication 41
Petit larceny 1
Wayward girl 1
Total 50
Residents arrested 20
Lodgers harbored 209
7VIeals furnished 16
Police court costs collected $29.40
Doors found open . 50
Defective lights 162
Cost of food $3.20
Miles traveled 43
Transfer of prisoners 1
Patrol runs 43
Also beg to submit pay roll for Po-
licemen last half of January, 1911:
Amount due Policemen .........$1,311.61
Amount retained, Pension Fund. 26.87
Respectfully submittel,
Chief of Police.
'On motion of Ald. Specht, the report
- and pay roll were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the Po-
licemen and the report referred back
to the Committee on Police and Light.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month
of January, 1911. I find from the re-
ports of the Police Department that
the total hours that 161 lamps failed
to burn would equal 21 lamps burning
for one month, or $13.75.
Respectfully submittel,
City Electrician.
On motion of Ald. Specht, the re-
port was received and the City Auditor
to be instructed to deduct from the
Union Electric Company's bill for the
month of January the sum of $13.75.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during the
last half of January, 1911:
Amount due laborers, 011 streets $430.60
Amount due laborers on Mt. Car-
mel Avenue 500.60
Amount clue labor on streets lead-
ing into the county . 35.50
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submittel,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Singrin the pay
rolls on Streets were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts, and the pay rolls and report
referred back to the proper com-
• Also submit the pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of January,
Amount due laborers on sewers $414.30
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
roll on sewers was received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and pay roll referred back to
Sewer Committee.
Bill of Willmer Cook, improvement
Martha street, $517.20; bill of Willmer
Cook, improvement Wilber avenue,
$151.96, presented.
On motion of Ald. Singrin warrants
ordered drawn and bills paid.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
Twenty- seventh street storm sewer and
Seventh avenue improvement be con-
sidered by the Committee of the Whole
prior to March 1, 1911. Carried.
Following Weighmasters' reports of
receipts were presented and read and
on motion of Ald. Specht were re-
ceived and filed:
Louisa Pitchner $ .99
Joseph Straney 4.35
Edw. Norton 27.15
J. H. Carroll .90
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Sarah E. Rice, widow of an honorably
discharged soldier of the War of the
Rebellion, stating that she is without
means other than her widow's pension
and the small rental she derives from
renting a part of her home and asking
therefore that the taxes assessed
'against her homestead, the south 25
- feet of the middle 1 -5 of City Lot 446,
be Canceled for the year 1910, would re-
spectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the City Treasurer be instructed ac-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of F.
W. Theiring, asking that he be allowed
$88.00 for damage caused his furnace
and cellar by reason of the stoppage of
the sanitary sewer in Hill Street, would
respectfully recommend that petitioner
be allowed the sum of $15.00, provided
he accepts the same in full settlement
of his claim.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Peter Kiene & Son, Agents, asking that
the taxes assessed against Lots 165 and
166 in Union Addition for the years
1891, 1892 and 1904 be canceled . on ac-
-count of said lots having been used for
play ground purposes for St. Columb-
kill's School, would respectfully recom
mend that said petition be received and
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Hygienic Committee of Women's Clubs
asking that in the event of the purchase
by the City of the property known as
Olinger Park, a portion thereof be set
aside for playground purposes, would
respectfully recommend that said pe-
tition be referred to the Board of Park
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of J.
J. Murray, agent for Anne B. Ryan,
stating that said Anne B Ryan has
been a non - resident of this city for the
past three years, and therefore not as-
sessable for moneys and credits here,
and that the City Assessor, through er-
ror, assessed her for moneys and cred-
its in the amount of $18,000.00, and ask -
ing that said error be corrected and
said amount be deducted from her as-
sessment, would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
he granted and that the City Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Your Committee of the Whole would
- respectfully report that with the ex-
ception of one policy for one thousand
'dollars, all the insurance on the City
Hall, Central Engine House, Town
Clock Tower and Patrol House expired
February 1st, and that we have order-
ed the same renewed in the following
Central Engine House $11,500.00
City FTall (building) 15,000.00
City Hall (contents) 2,250.00
Regular Session, February 2, 1911
Town Clock Tower 1,000.00
Town Clock Tower (contents 500.00
Patrol House 1,000.00
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred an ordinance en-
titled "An Ordinance granting A .F.
Heeb permission to maintain a private
sewer in Rock Street, in the City of
Dubuque, to connect Lots 30 and 31 in
Farley's Subdivision with the sanitary
sewer in Julien Avenue, and regulating
such permission," would respectfully
recommend that said ordinance be put
upon its final passage and adopted.
Your Committee of the Whole to
whom was referred the petition of
John R. Waller for Mary E. Waller,
asking that the valuation of certain
lots in Dubuque Harbor Improvement
Co.'s Addition in which she owns an
undivided interest, be reduced, would
respectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner he granted and that
the City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept the taxes of said petitioner on said
lots on the following basis:
Lots 13 to 24, Block 25 $300.00
Lots 27 to 38, Block 26 300.00
Lots 20 to 24, Block 27 150.00
Lots 4 to 9, Block 30 200.00
Lots 9 to 19, Block 31 400.00
Lots 1 to 9, Block 32 300.00
Lots 18, 19 and 21, Block 15 200.00
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the following bills,
would respectfully recommend that
the same be allowed and that warrants
be ordered drawn on the City Treasur-
er in settlement of said claims:
Union Printing Co., Tax Receipts
for City Treasurer . $47.25
Union Printing Co., postals and
printing for Treasurer 19.00
Standard Office Supply Co., sta-
tionery and supplies 10.20
Smith - Morgan Ptg. Co., printing
for Attorney and official print-
ing 65.75
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horse -
shoeing for Road Department 1.50
J. B. Mrorkman, Commission on
omitted taxes collected 20.18
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of L.
Oberhoffer, asking that the valuation
of his property, Lots 41 and 42, in
Blake's Addition, be reduced from
$1,150.00 to $680.00 and that the Treasur-
er be instructed to refund the amount
overpaid• by him for the year 1909,
would respectfully recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that a warrant in the sum of $5.87 be
ordered drawn on the City Treasury in
settlement of said claim. Also that the
City Treasurer be instructed to accept
the taxes for the year 1910 on a basis
of $680.00 valuation.
Chairman Pro Tem.
26 Regular Session, February 2, 1911
Moved by Ald. Singrin the adoption
of the various reports of the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the form of con-
tract proposed to be entered into with
J. E. Truesdale for the discovery and
listing of concealed or omitted taxes,
would respectfully recommend that
the same be approved subject to a
report from the City Attorney as to it
being a true copy of that on file in his
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop-
tion of report of Committee of Whole.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. McEvoy, Singrin and
Nays —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke.
Absent —Aids. Saul, Sauer.
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tion of Katrina Hepp, administratrix
for the Henrietta Herzog estate, own-
er of Lot 5 in O. S. Langworthy's
Add., stating that the husband of
said Henrietta Herzog had been an
honorably discharged soldier of the
War of the Rebellion, but that
thrugh an oversight had riot been al-
lowed the exemption provided by th'_
statutes of Iowa, and asking therefore
that the taxes assessed against said
lot for the years 1895 to 1899 be can-
celed, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the City Treasurer
be instructed accordingly.
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the pe-
tition of Mrs. James Ryder, stating
that the city assessor had erroneously
placed the valuation of the west 40
feet of Lot 31 and the east 10 feet
of Lot 39 in Union Addition at $1,300
for the year 1909, although the val-
uation of said lot was fixed at $650
by the City Council for the year 1908
and asking, therefore that the said
valuation be reduced to the latter
amount, would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petition-
er be granted and that the City Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the pe-
tition of Mina Brachtenbach, stating
that she is a widow depending on her
personal labor for a livelihood and
asking therefore that the taxes levied
against her homestead, the south 48
feet of Lot 75, L. H. Langworthy's
Addition, be either canceled or allow-
ed to remain a lien on the property,
would respectfully recommend that
the prayer of. the petitioner be grant-
ed and that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to allow the tax of 1910
against said lot to remain a lien
thereon and not to sell same.
Your Committee on Delinquent_
Taxes, to whom was referred the pe-
tition of Dora Boetschler, stating that
she is a widow with four minor chil-
dren to support and that she is un-
able to pay the taxes levied against
her property for the year 1909, and
asking therefore that the same be
canceled, would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petition-
er be granted and that the City
Treasurer be instructed to cancel the
taxes levied against the south 1 /2 of
Lot 54 and the south 1 /2 of Lot 95 in
McCraney's 1st Addition for the year -
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the peti-
tin of Herman Mauer, Sr., stating -
that the Board of Equalization, in
1909 raised the valuation of all prop-
erty in the vicinity of where his .lot
34 in Langworthy's Addition is locat-
ed and that said board subsequently
revoked its action, reducng the val-
uation on all lots except said lot 34,
which had been raised from $400.00
to $900.00, and asking that he be ac-
corded the same treatment as his -
neighbors, would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petition -
be granted and that the City Treasur-
er be instructed to accept the taxes
on said lot on a basis of $500.00 val-
uation for the year 1909.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop-
tion of various reports of Committee
on Delinquent Taxes. Carried.
Your Committee on Ordinances, to
whom was referred the ordinance
amending an ordinance, entitled "An
Ordinance to Determine Contested
Elections and Tie Votes," would re-
spectfully recommend that said or-
dinance be put on its final passage.
Your Committee on Ordinances
herewith presents an ordinance entit-
led "An Ordinance Prohibiting Ex-
pectorating on the Sidewalks, or Up-
on the Floor of Any Street Car, or
Any Public Conveyance Within the
City of Dubuque," and would re -
spectfully recommend that the same
be adopted.
Your Committee or Ordinances
would respectfully recommend that
the attached ordinance entitled "An
Ordinance amending Section 36 of
Chapter XXVI. of the Revised Ordin-
ances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
being an ordinance in relation to li-
censing and regulations of various oc-
cupations and business, persons,
things, exhibitions, games and amuse
ments. E. E. M'EVOY,
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop-
tion of various reports of Committee
on Ordinance. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
AN ORDINANCE prohibiting ex-
pectorating on the sidewalks, or apon
the floor of any street car, or - any
public conveyance within the City of
Dubuque. b
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful
for any person within the City of Du-
buque to expectorate upon the side-
walks, or upon the floor of any street
car, or any other public conveyance
within said City.
Sec. 2. Any person violating the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be
beemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
on conviction thereof shall be fined in
a sum not to exceed Five Dollars
Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its pas-
sage by the City Council and publica-
tion one time in the Times - Journal
and Telegraph - Herald, officials news-
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy this be con-
sidered the first .sealing. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
An Ordinance Amending Section 36
of Chapter XXVI. of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, being an ordinance entitlecl
"An Ordinance in Relation to the Li-
censing and Regulations of Various
Occupations and Business, Persons,
Things, Exhibitions, Games and
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Section 36 of
Chapter XXVI of the Revised Ordin-
ances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
being an ordinance entitlecl "An Or-
dinance in Relation to the Licensing
and Regulations of Various Occupa-
tions and Business, Persons, Things,
Exhibitions, Games and Amusements,"
be and the same is hereby amended
as follows:
Sec. 2. That said Section 36 be
and is hereby amended by striking
therefrom the word "March" in the
second line thereof and inserting in
lieu thereof the word "December,"
and by striking therefrom the word
"April" in the fourth line thereof and
inserting in lieu thereof the word
"January;" _also by striking therefrom
the word "March" in the eighth line
thereof and inserting in lieu thereof
the word "December."
Regular Session, February 2, 1911
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque-
Times-Journal and Telegraph- Herald,
the official papers of the City of Du-
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy this be con-
sidered the first reading. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
Heeb Permission to Maintain a Pri-
vate Sewer in Rock Street, in the
City of Dubuque, to Connect Lois
No. 30 and 31, in Farley's Subdivis•
ion, With the Sanitary Sewer in
Julien Avenue, and Regulating Such
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permission be and
the same is hereby granted to A. F.
Heeb of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
to maintain a private sewer in Rock
Street, in said City, to connect Lots
No. 30 and 31 in Farley's Subdivision
to the City of Dubuque with the sani-
tary sewer in Julien Avenue, said
sewer having already been constructed
at the private expense of said A. F.
Heeb, and consisting of eight -inch tile
pipe, laid at a depth of about five feet,
in the middle of said Rock Street, the -
permission herein granted being sub-
ject to the following conditions:
Section 2. The said City of Dubuque
does not .assume any obligations to re-
pair or maintain said sewer, but all
expenses incident to such repair or
maintenance shall, at the option of
the City, be chargeable to the said A
F. Heeb, and should the city at any
time find it necessary or advisable to
order a new sewer in said Rock Street,
consent to the laying of the private -
sewer herein referred to shall not be-
deemed to be a waiver on the part of
said city on the right to make assess-
ment for said new sewer in any lawful
Section 3. Said A. F. Heeb shall,
by accepting the terms hereof, at all
times hold said City safe and harmless
from any damages, costs or expenses
to which the city may be subject, in
any manner whatsoever, by reason of
the existence and maintenance of the
said sewer herein referred to.
Section 4. The City of Dubuque
may at any time grant the right to
any other person or company to con-
nect with said private sewer, upon
the latter paying to the said A. F.
Heeb the proper proportion of the
cost of construction and maintenance
of said sewer then due, any parties
28 Regular Session, February 2, 1911
making subsequent connections to re-
imburse, in turn, the said A. F. Heeb
and parties having made prior con-
nections according to the just pro-
portions then due said A. F. Heeb and
parties having made such prior con-
nections, the intention hereof being to
reimburse those having paid for the
cost of said sewer in such just and
fair proportions as the then total
number making use of said sewer
bears to the cost of the sewer, no one
to be reimbursed, however, in an ex-
cess of the actual expense advanced.
Section 5, That said A. F. Heeb
shall be entitled to the benefits of the
provisions contained in Section 4
hereof only on his written acceptance
of the terms of this ordinance. and
.on filing, within twenty (20) days
from the time this ordinance goes in-
to effect. in the office of the city Re-
corder of said city, an itemized sworn
statement of the actual cost of the
construction of said sewer. Failure
- to file such statement shall be deemed
to constitute a waiver of said bene-
fits, and shall entitle any person or
company to make connections with
said sewer without cost, provided due
consent to such connection be first ob-
tained from said city.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be
in force and effect from and after its
- passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Times-
:Journal and Telegraph - Herald, offi-
ials newspapers, and its written ac-
ceptance, duly endorsed hereon, by the
:said A. F. Heeb. .
Adopted , 1911.
Approved • , 1911
City Recorder.
The provisions and terms of the
above ordinance are hereby accepted
and agreed to, this - -clay of
, 1911.
Moved by Ald. M'Evoy the reading
just had be considered second reading.
Moved by Ald. M'Evoy the ordinance
he adopted as read. Carried by the
following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
'Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Alds. Saul, Sauer.
AN ORDINANCE Changing the Grade
of Grandview Avenue from Station
60 to 67 in the City of Dubuque,
Whereas the owners of all the prop-
erty abutting on Grandview Avenue,
between Station 60 and 67 have signed
a waiver of all claims for damages
caused by reason of the herein propos-
ed change of grade on said portion of
said street, and have given their con-
sent thereto, the said waiver being
filed in the office of the City Recorder,
under date of October 7th, 1910, a
ccpy of which is written on the profile
described in Section I hereof„ therefore
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade on Grand -
view Avenue between Station 60 and
67 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be
changed and that the grade be and is
hereby re- established, and adopted as
shown by the blue line on the profile
of said street, and grade prepared by
the City Engineer, and accepted by the
City Council, January the 19th, 1911.
being No. 6g1 and marked, "Change
of grade of Grandview Avenue from
Station 60 to 67" b. m. water table side
of East door Ducey's store, South
Dodge and Grandview Avenue, eleva-
tion on 271.62, said grade beginning at
station 60, elevation 255.0, thence to
station 63, elevation 246.14, thence to
station 67, elevation 239.0.
Section 2. This Ordinance to be ill
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and
its publication one time in the Du-
buque Telegraph - Herald and Times -
Journal, the official newspapers of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted 1911.
Approved 1911.
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing. Carried.
AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter
VI. of the Revised Ordinance of the
City of Dubuque of 1901, entitled
"An Ordinance to Determine Con-
tested Elections and Tie Votes."
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Chapter VI. of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City
of Dubuque, entitled "An Ordinance to
determine contested elections and tie
votes" be and is hereby amended as
Section 2. That Section 1 thereof be
and is hereby amended by striking
therefrom all that part thereof, to and
including the word "elections" in tine
second line, and inserting in lieu
thereof the words, "The Court for the
trial of contested City Elections shall
be thus constituted: The Mayor shall
be the presiding officer, and the con-
testant and incumbent may each name
a person who shall be associated with
Section 3. That Section three (3)
thereof, be and is hereby amended by
striking out all of the section begin-
ning with the word "and" in the fif-
teenth line thereof, to and including,
the word "facts" in the seventeenth
line thereof.
Section 4. That said Ordinance be
and is hereby amended by adding
thereto the following section:
Section 7. The contestant and in-
cumbent shall each file in the record-
er's office, on or before the day of trial,
a written nomination of one associate
judge of the contested election, who
shall be sworn in manner and form
as trial jurors are in trials of civil
-actions, if either the contestant or the
incumbent fails to nominate, the pre-
siding judge shall appoint for him.
When either of the nominated judges
fail to appear on the day of trial, his
place may be filled by another ap-
pointment under the same rule.
This Ordinance shall be in force and
take effect after its passage and pub-
lication in the official newspapers of
'the City of Dubuque.
Adopted , 1911.
Approved 1911.
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the reading
just had be considered the first read-
ing. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque: That, Where-
as there is now pending before the
General Assembly of the State of Iowa
a bill for the establishment of a Pub-
lic Service Commission, for the regu-
lation and control of public utilities;
Whereas, the passage of the proposed
Treasure would deprive municipal cor-
porations of the control of certain pub-
lic utilities, such as water works, and
- vest this control in said Commission;
Whereas, the City of Dubuque has
now invested a large sum of money
in its water plant; and,
Whereas, the general purpose and
object of said proposed act is, in
- 'the opinion of this Council, detri-
mental to the general interests of the
- people and particularly of this mu-
Therefore, this Council declares
itself as unfavorable to the objects
of the said hill, as pernicious, tending
to injure the interests of the muni-
cipality, and depriving cities and
towns of the right to exercise that
self - government which they now en-
joy, and which, in many instances,
they themselves can best exercise to
the greater advantage of their citi-
Be it further resolved that the City
Recorder be, and he is hereby, in-
structed to forward a copy of this
resolution to the Senator and Repre-
sentatives from this district at once.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the ad-
option of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Regular Session, February 2, 1911
Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Alds. Sauer, Saul.
City Recorder Geiger stated that Mr.
Mathis presented a bid for binding the
Council proceedings for the year 1910,
and the same was sent up early in the
evening, but the boy failed to deliver
same, on motion of Ald. Singrin bid
ordered opened.
Mathis -Mets Co. offer to print the in-
dexes complete and bind (25) twenty -
five copies of Council proceedings for
1910 for Two and 48 -100 ($2.48) per book.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, the contract
be awarded to Mathis -Mats & Co.
City Recorder Geiger also presented
and read the notice certified to by the
publishers of the City Council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment for
improvement of Grandview avenue.
No remonstrance being filed and no
one in the room objecting, the notice
was on motion of Ald. Apel, received
and filed.
City Recorder Geiger also presented
and read the notice certified to by the
publishers of the Council's intention to
levy special assessment for the con-
struction of sanitary sewer in Grand-
view avenue also the remonstrance of
Geo. Collis and Ellen Lavery. On
motion, Ald. Singrin, notice was re-
ceived and filed and remonstrance re-
ferred to the Committee of Whole.
To the Honorable City Council:
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
met on Jan. 27th, 1911, the follow-
ing present: Mayor D. J. Haas, Alds.
O'Rourke, Singrin, Citizen A. J. Har-
tig, Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Dr. C. M.
Linehan and Paul Bewer. Mr. H.
Potter asked permission to com-
plete a vault on his property on Wind
sor ave., the same refused, and he
instructed to connect with sanitary
sewer in accordance with the Law.
The Board recommends to your Hon-
orable Body, that the proper resolu-
tion be adopted, to extend the sani-
try sewer in alley between Rhomberg
and Garfield Ave., from Middle ave.
to the Marshall School. Also that the
sanitary sewer be extended from the
manhole in White Street and Peru
Road westerly to alley between Couler
Ave. and Lemon Street, then souther=
ly to the Bee Branch Sewer. Also
that the Mayor confer with the Water
works Trustees, in reference to hav-
ing the water mains extended from
the Diamond House to Walnut Street,
also along West Seventh Street as
far as the sanitary sewer is con-
structed. Also letter to Dr. C. M.
Linehan from the State Chemist,
stating that the city water was prac-
30 Regular Session, February 2, 1911 Special Session, February 9, 1911 31
tically pure. The following bills cer-
tified to and sent to the County for
payment: Pier Bros, $3.25; Pier Bros.
$3.00; Pier Bros., $3.00; M. E. King,
$38.86; M. M. Hoffmann, $1.85; M. M.
Hoffmann, $1.96; M. M. Hoffmann,
$1.20; M. M. Hoffmann, $1.68; M. M.
Hoffmann, $1.44; F. D. Weland, $5.00;
Pier Bros., $3.00; W. H. Rhomberg,
$12.62; J. N. Neumeister, $24.00; M.
D. Linehan, $100.00; R. W. Quirtlan,
$10.00; Union Electric Com., $6.00;
R. W. Quinlan, $5.04; C. M. Linehan,
$2.87; F. A. Burns, $3.25; Peter
Hanson, $5.00; F. A. Burns, $3.25:
M. M. Hoffmann, $2.40. Aslo recom-
mended the following bills be paid
by the City, E. T. Frith, $31.00; Nut -
wood Livery, $9.00; C. M. Linehan,
$ 2.87.
Also your Board of Health begs to
report that at a session of said Board
the following motion was carried,
which we submit to your Honorable
Body for approval:
Regularly moved - and seconded
that without entering into any con-
tract or agreement whatever, the
Board of Health of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, does hereby designate
Dr. Charles Palen, of Dubuque, Iowa,
as the duly constituted physician to
act in the care of all cases of infec-
tious or contagious diseases arising
in said City of Dubuque, (except case
of small pox) as contemplated in
Code Section 2570 -A, as contained in
the Supplement of 1907, Code of
Iowa, without obligation or liability
as to compensation or otherwise on
the part of said City, its Board of
Health or on the part of the County
of Dubuque.
The said Dr. Charles Palen is to
agree by reason of being designated
as the physician to take care of such
cases as above referred to, that he
will not charge the County of Du-
buque, to exceed Four Hundred Dol-
lars ($400.00) per year for the ser-
vices rendered as aforesaid, nor to
incur any liability or obligation in
any form in so far as said City of
Dubuque is concerned.
Yours Respectfully,
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adop-
tion of the report. Carried.
The annual report of the Library
Trustees presented. On motion of
Ald. O'Rourke referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that on
account of an error in the assessment
of $1,000.00 on personal property of
Mrs. Ida M. Cutler for the year of
1909 the City Treasurer be instructed
to cancel same. Carried.
Moved by Ald. Singrin the Recor
der notify the public that the fiscal
year closes on Feb. 28, 1911, and all
bills must be filed with him before
noon Feb. 27. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
City Treasurer be requested to col-
lect any balance due from the county
on the 15th day of February, 1911.
Moved by Ald. Singrin to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
. Recorder
Special Session, February 9th, 1911.
Council met at 11:25 a. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Mayor Haas stated this meeting
was to take action on the letter re-
ceived from the attorney for the Du-
buque Industrial Corporation.
Mayor Haas presented and read the
letter he had received from the at-
torney of the Dubuque Industrial
Ald. Saul offered the following:
WHEREAS, on account of the re-
moval of its division terminals from
the City of Dubuque, the Chicago
Great Western Railroad Company
now has a tract of about thirty -five
acres of land, lying partly in the city
and partly in Dubuque township
where said division or engine termi-
nals have been located, which it does
not longer require to use in the op-
eration of its railroad, and
WHEREAS, said land was acquired
many years ago by the Dubuque and
Northwestern Railroad for the pur-
pose of being used for terminal and
machine shop purposes and was paid
for out of the proceeds of a tax voted
by the people of the City of Dubuque
in aid of the construction of said rail-
road and said tax was voted and cer-
tain rights of way granted to said
railroad by the City of Dubuque on
the faith of an oral understanding
that terminals of said railroads would
be maintained at this city, and the
said Dubuque and Northwestern Rail-
road by various transfers, consolida-
tions or other intercorporate ar-
rangements has become and now is a
part of the railroad system of the
said Chicago Great Western Railroad
Company, and
WHEREAS, said thirty -five acre
of land is suitable for industrial pur-
poses and the Dubuque Industrial
Corporation ( a corporation organ-
ized and maintained by the citizens of
Dubuque for the purpose of promot-
ing industries therein and generally
stimulating the growth and activities
and best interests of said city) has
arranged for the construction and
maintainance on said tract of land by
the Brunswick - Balke- Collender Com-
pany of a large wood working fac-
tory, which, it is believed will offset
the injury sustained by the City of
Dubuque and its citizens caused by
the removal of said division termi-
nals, and the citizens of Dubuque
have, through the efforts of said In-
dustrial Corporation, subscribed a
large fund payable to said Industrial
Corporation, to be expended by it in
part payment of the - cost of the fac-
tory buildings to be constructed by
said Brunswick- Balke- Collender Com-
pany on said land, and the said Chi-
cago Great Western Railroad Com-
pany is willing to donate said land
for said purpose and by way of com-
pensation to some extent to the said
City of Dubuque and its citizens for
their loss by reason of the removal
of said division terminals, and an
agreement is now negotiated between
said Dubuque Industrial Corporation,
said railroad company and said
Brunswick - Balke- Colender Company
which will provide that the said land
will be conveyed by said railroad
company to said Industrial Corpora-
tion, to be taken and held by it in
trust under such terms that if the
said Brunswick - Ballce- Collender Com-
pany constructs its said factory there-
on and maintains same with a force•
of employees and for a length of time
as agreed the land is to be then con-
veyed to said Brunswick- Ballce -Col-
lender Company; but if the said
Brunswick- Balke- Collender Company
does not comply with its said agree-
ments it is to forfeit said land and
the improvements it has put thereon;
if, after said land has been conveyed
the' said factory is not constructed the
land will be reconveyed to the rail-
road company, and if, after said fac-
tory has been constructed, the said
Brunswick - Balke- Collender Company
then fails to comply with its agree-
ments and forfeits said property, both
said railroad company and said In-
dustrial Corporation are to have an
interest in said property as specified
in said agreement.
by the City Council of the City of Du-
buque, that the plan as above out-
lined for the conveyance of said land
by said railroad company to said In-
dustrial Corporation as representing
the general public of this city, and,
in so far as it makes restitution to
said public and to the city for the in-
jury sustained by them caused by the
removal by said railroad company of
its said division terminals, as above
set forth, is approved and this Coun-
cil consents and requests that such
conveyance be made to said Dubuque
Industrial Corporation for, the pur-
poses and under the terms as above
outlined and as compensation to this
city and its citizens, so far as it goes,
for their injury sustained by reason
of the removal of said division ter-
minals instead of conveying said land
Regular Session, Feb. 16, 1911.
Council met at 8:30 p. m,
Mayor Haas in the chair,
Present — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specnt,
City Attorney Lyon and Assistant City
-Attorney Willging.
Moved by Ald. Singrin the Council
,proceedings for the month of January
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were read:
Maurice Byrne, macadam $ 17 10
R. McCaffrey, macadam 16 67
Mike Cain, macadam 135 87
Phil Reddin, macadam 19 84
_Jos. Brouilette, macadam 16 90
fir, Shields, macadam 16 33
R, Burns, macadam 21 40
B. Glass, macadam 18 08
Fred Keck, macadam ... 7 16
Wm. Walker, macadam 38 60
_J. Burke, macadam 6 45
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke warrants
-be drawn for the various amounts and
- bills paid. Carried.
Petition of H. G. Melchoir asking
that city accept taxes for year 1910 on
Lot 1 of Lot 14 of 15 in H. T. McNulty's
Sub. on the valuation of $1500.00 pre-
- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke
referred to Committee of the ,Whole.
Petition of Walter G. Cox asking
that Belmound street be improved its
• entire length from Rose street to West
Fourteenth street presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. McEvoy prayer granted.
Communication and Resolution from
the Building Trades Council against
-, the granting of reduction of assess-
ment on Cooper property presented.
Moved by Ald. Saul the resolution be
- approved. Carried.
Applications for the position of en-
. gineer on Steam Roller from the fol-
lowing, Michael Kerwin, W. Cotter.
James L. Crawford, Geo. W. Davis
- presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Fred Berg asking that
Leibnitz street in front of No. 535 be
- repaired so as to prevent the water
from flowing over his property pre -
sented. On motion of Ald. Specht re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Theo. Klein, et al, asking
that Clifford street, from Seminary
street back to alley be improved pre -
-sented. On motion -of Ald. McEvoy
prayer granted.
Regular Session, February 16, 1911 33
Petition of Katharina Brinkmoeller
asking that the taxes against Lot 798,
McDaniel's Sub., be canceled present-
ed. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke re-
ferred to Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of Wm. Lowther, Jr., ask-
ing the city to accept certain sums on
lots in Dubuque Harbor presented. On
motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of A. J. van Duzee et al,
asking that the barn located upon
Pickett street, between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth streets, and near Bluff street,
be removed presented. On motion of
Ald. Saul referred to Committee of the
A request from Herman Ternes, cus-
todian, asking for proposal for sprink-
ling of streets presented. On motion
of Md. McEvoy referred to. Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petiion of Albert Kuhn asking that
Grandview avenue be extended
through Lot 30 and Lot 1 of Mineral
Lot 28, City, and the same be improv-
ed as per plat submitted, presented,
Moved by Ald. Singrin the rules be
suspended to permit anyone to address
the council in reference to same. Car-
ried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Nays —None.
Mr. Albert Kuhn addressed the coun-
cil in reference to the extension of
Grandview avenue, promising to dedi.
cate the necessary ground and secure
the required waivers for the said im-
Moved by Ald. Saul be referred to
Committee of the Whole and the com-
mittee to meet on the ground Feb. 17
at 2:00 p. m. Carried.
Petition of Casper Endlein asking
that the consent to sell intoxicating
liquors granted to W. H. Kirkpatrick
be transferred to him, presented. On
motion of Ald. Sauer prayer granted.
Ald. Sauer offered the following:
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, That
consent is hereby given Casper End -
lien, as purchaser, successor and as-
signee of the saloon business of W. H.
Kirkpatrick, at No. 767 Lincoln avenue,
in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to sell
and keep for sale intoxicating liquors
and deal therein in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, as provided by law. The
consent here given is a new consent
given in lieu of and in renewal of the
Resolution of consent given said W. H.
Moved by Aid, Sauer the adoption
of resolution. Carried by the following
2 Special Session, February 9, 1911
to the city or dedicating it for public
Adopted February , 1911.
Approved February , 1911.
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
Carried by following vote:
Yeas — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul and Specht.
Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke to ad-
journ. Carried.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
34 Regular Session, February 19, 1911
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Nays —None.
Bond of Leo Papin for making exca-
vations in streets and alleys present-
ed. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke re-
ferred to City Attorney.
Notice of Irving G. Boxleiter claim-
ing $500.00 damages for personal in-
juries claimed to have been sustained
by falling on a sidewalk, was, on mo-
tion of Ald. Apel, referred to City At-
Notice of Helen A. Frith, claiming
$10,000.000 damages for personal injur-
ies claimed to have been sustained by
falling on a sidewalk, was. on motion
of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to City At-
Notice of John Grimm claiming
$1,000.00 damages for personal injuries
claimed to have been sustained by
falling on a sidewalk, was, on motion
of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to City At-
Notice of Edna Wootton claiming
$1000.00 damages for personal injuries
claimed to have been sustained by fall-
ing on a sidewalk, was, on motion of
Ald. Saul, referred to City Attorney.
Notice of Louis La Grain claiming
$7,500.00 damages for personal injuries
claimed to have been sustained by
falling on a sidewalk, was, on motion
of Ald. Apel, referred to City Attorney.
Notice of Ben Lang claiming $3000.00
damages for personal injuries claimed
to have been sustained by faling on a
sidewalk, was, on motion of Ald. Sin-.
grin, referred to City Attorney.
Ald. Singrin moved to reconsider the
action taken at last meeting relative
to entering into contract with J. E.
Truesdale. Carried.
Ald. O'ourke moved to lay on the
table all matter pertaining to the tax
ferret proposition. Carried.
City Attorney Lyon reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: I have paid out for and
on behalf of the city, the sum of $8.10,
as shown by the following itemized
statement. Please order a warrant
drawn in my favor for that amount:
Jan. 28, To cash for telephones to
Wm. Vorhies, Chicago, account
of bond deal, Dec. 28- 29, 1910 $4.80
Opinion, Dempsey vs. City 1.30
Stamps 2.00,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke warrant
ordered drawn and report referred
back to Finance committee.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the Fire Department for
the first half of February, 1911:
Amount due Firemen $1,580.00
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by the Committee on
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re-
port was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the Firemen, and
the report referred back to the Com-
mittee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the Police Department for
the first half of February, 1911:
Amount due Policemen ....$1,330.00•
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Sauer, the re-
port and pay roll were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
Policemen and report referred ,back
to the Committee on Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during
the first half of February, 1911:
Amt. due laborers on streets.. $516.90
Also due laborers for grading
Mt. Carmel Avenue 353.60'
Also due laborers on streets
leading into the country the
first half of February, and to
be paid from county road
road fund 26.20'
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion of Ald. Saul the pay
rolls on streets were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the pay rolls
and report referred back to the prop-
er committees.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of Feb-
ruary, 1911:
Regular Session, February 16, 1911
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $417.60
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, report
received and the various amounts be
paid and report referred back to the
Committee on Sewers.
Weighmaster R. Hay reported re-
ceipts of $2.81,
On motion of Ald. Specht, received
and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of J.
B. Mettel et al., asking that a cinder
sidewalk and a railing be constructed
cn Park Hill Avenue, would respect-
fully recommend that the prayer of
the petitioner be granted and that the
Committee of the Whole, when rec-
ommending appropriations for the
corning year, be instructed to include
an amount for such improvement suf-
ficient to cover the cost of the same.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
John A. Roth, owners of Lot 20,
Block 1, in Scott's Add., asking that
the valuation on said lot be reduced,
would respectfully recommend that
the said petition be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Mullen Bros., stating that through an
error they were assessed on $2,350.06
personalty for the year 1910 ,where-
as the said assessment should be but
$1,647.00, mould respectfully report
that after investigating the matter, we
find that the said statement is true,
and we would therefore respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the
petitioners be granted and that the
City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept the taxes of said firm for the
year 1910 on the basis of $1,647.00
valuation and to cancel the balance.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
John Voelker, owner of Lot 66 and
the Sub. of Lot 71, Lot 2, in Staf-
ford's Sub., stating that he had been
erronousiy increased in the amount
of his assessment because he had ex-
changed a portion of his said lot 66
with the abutting owner, in order that
both lots should be properly shaped,
would respectfully recommend that
the City Treasurer be instructed to
deduct the sum of $100.00 from the
amount of said assessment and to ac-
cept the taxes on the balance in full
settlement of the. same.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Margaret Riede, asking that the
assessed valuation of her property be
reduced, would respectfully recom-
mend that the valuation on Lot 55 in
McDaniel's Park Hill Addition be
placed at $1,600.00, and that the City
Treasurer be instructed to accept the
taxes for the year 1910 on such val-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Geo. M. Kimball, stating that he is
an honorably discharged soldier of the
War of the Rebellion, and asking
therefore that he be allowed the ex-
emption from taxation provided by law
on his homestead, Lot "B" in Bell's
Sub., would respectfully report that
said exemption has already been al-
lowed and the proper deduction made -
by the City Assessor; we would there-
fore recommend that said petition be
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Julia Plein, owner of Lot No. 5 of 3
of Mineral Lot 4,67, stating that
through an oversight she was not al-
lowed the exemption from taxation
provided by law for soldiers and wid-
ows of soldiers of the War of the Re-
bellion, and asking therefore that the-
error be corrected, would respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the City
Treasurer be instructed to deduct
$800.00 from the valuation of said lot
and to accept taxes on the balance in
full settlement for 1910.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
the Board of Park Commissioners,
asking that certain improvements be
made for the betterment of Eagle
Point Park, would respectfully rec-
ommend that said petition be referred
to the City Engineer for a report as
to the cost of said improvements.
Said report to be made at as early a
date as possible.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Dubuque Humane Society, asking that
they be granted an appropriation of
$300.00 for the use of said society,
'would respectfully recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be grant-
ed and that the Committee of the
Whole, when making the annual ap-
propriations, make provisions for the
foregoing expenditure.
Your Committee of the Whole, to-
whom was referred the remonstrance
of Mary K. Jaeger, stating that she
is the widow of an honorably dis-
charged soldier of the War of the Re-
36 Regular Session, February 16, 1911
bellion and therefore entitled to ex-
emption from taxation to the extent
of $800 valuation, and that her
only assessable property is a piano
on which she has been assessed $100,
the tax on which she paid clown to
and including 1906, and stating that
the taxes for years 1907, 1908 and
1909, are still carried against her and
asking that the same be canceled,
would respectfully recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be grant-
ed and that the City Treasurer be in-
structed accordingly.
Your Committee of Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
John Rumple and D. Cottingham,
owners of Lots 4 and 5 of Lots 38 and
39 in Quigley's Sub., stating that there
was levied against said lots in the
year 1891, a special assessment for the
improvement of Grandview Avenue,
arid further stating that said assess-
ment was subsequently declared illeg-
al by the courts and asking therefore,
and more especially that there has
been a new assessment levied against
our said lots for later improvement on
said street, that said assessment be
canceled, would respectfully' recom-
mend that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to accept the sum of $25.00
on each of said lots in full settlement
•of the original assessment for the im-
provement of Grandview Avenue and
to cancel the balance.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
- whom was referred the petitions of
the Dubuque Military Band, the An-
cient Order of Hibernians, the Fra-
ternal Bankers' Reserve Society and
the Moose Lodge Band for use of Ar-
mory hall, would respectfully report
that we have instructed the Commit-
tee on Public Grounds and Buildings
and the City Attorney to prepare a
new lease with the Governor's Greys
for a period of two years at a rental
of $300.00 per annum. and in justice
to owners of other halls, that they in-
clude in said lease a provision that
said hall be used exclusively for mili-
tary purposes, except the firemen and
policemen may have the use of said
"hall for their annual ball; we would
therefore recommend that said peti-
tions be received and filed.
'We further recommend that the
matter of doing the necessary paint-
ing, papering and varnishing on ,the
Armory hall, parlor, balcony, proper-
ty room and main stairway, be left to
said Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings with power.
JAMES SAUL, Chairman.
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
the various reports of Committee of
the Whole. Carried.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the brick paving of a street as herein-
after described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amount to $4,630.94.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, That
to provide for the cost of brick - paving
Seventh Street, from the west line of
Clay Street to the east line of Main
Street, the Mayor be and he is here-
by required to execute and deliver to .
the City Recorder, to be by him regis-
tered and countersigned, eighteen
bonds of two hundred and fifty dollars
eaqh and one bond for one hundred
thirty and 94 -100 dollars, numbered
from 1061 to 1079, inclusive, dated Feb-
ruary 20, 1911, payable on or before
seven years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent. per annum, payable semi -annu-
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Nays —None.
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
Be it. resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necesary and advisable to con-
struct a sanitary sewer in Lincoln Ave-
nue, Reed Avenue and in the alley be-
tween Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues,
as follows, to -wit: An eight inch tile
pipe sanitary sewer beginning at the
present manhole at Lincoln and Middle
Avenues, thence northeasterly to Reed
Avenue, thence to the alley between
Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues,
thence southwesterly in said alley to
Middle Avenue, and to assess the cost
of said sewer against the abutting
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of resolution.
Carried by following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Nays —None.
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
an eight -inch pipe sanitary sewer in
Lincoln Avenue, thence to Reed Ave-
nue, thence to the alley between Rhom-
berg and Garfield Avenues, thence
southwesterly to Middle Avenue, show-
ing the locations and general nature of
such improvement, the extent thereof,
the size and kind of material to be
used, and to prepare an estimate of
the cost thereof and the amount as-
:sessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting thereon
per front feet or square feet in area,
and to file such plat, specifications and
.estimate in the office of City Re-
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
,consecutive issues of the official paper
of the City of Dubuque, stating that
:such plat is on file, and generally the
nature of the sewer, its location, size
and kinds of material to be used, and
the estimate of its cost, and fixing the
itime before which objections can be
filed, which time shall not be less than
flve days after the last publication of
said notice, and after the completion
.of the publication of such notice, he
.shall at its next session, notify the
Council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
,of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote :
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Nays —None.
Alderman Specht ,effered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer between
Washington and Elm Streets from
Twentieth Street to Lincoln Avenue,
as follows, to -wit: An eight - inch tile
sewer between Washington Street
and Elm Street from Twentieth
Street to Lincoln Avenue, and to
assess the cost .of said sewer against
:the abutting property.
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
:Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Alderman Specht offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
'of the City of Dubuque, That the City
• Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer,
between Washington and Elm Streets,
from Twentieth Street to Lincoln Ave-
nue, showing the locations and general
nature of such improvement, the ex-
tent thereof, the size and kind of ma-
terial to be used, and to prepare an es-
timate of the cost thereof and the
amount assessable upon each lot or
parcel of land adjacent to or abutting
'thereon per front feet or square feet
Regular Session, February 16, 1911
in area, and to file such plat, specifica-
tions and estimate in the office of
City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of •the official paper
of the City of Dubuque, stating that
such plat is on file, and generally the
nature of the sewer, its location, size
and kinds of material to be used, and
the estimate of its cost, and fixing the
time before which objections can be
filed, which time shall not be less than
five clays after the last publication of
said notice, and after the completion
of the publication of such notice, he
shall at its next session, notify the
Council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Stul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Alderman McEvoy offered the fol.
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Belmotrnd street from Rose
street to West Fourteenth street, and
it is hereby proposed to grade, curb,
gutter and macadamize said portion of
said street and to assess the cost of
said curbing, guttering and macadam-
izing against the abutting property.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Alderman McEvoy offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Belrnound
Avenue +rom Rose street to' Wesi
Fourteenth street, and the kind of
material to be used, and estimate of
the entire cost thereof, and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and the
amount assessable upon any railway nr
street railway company, the amount
and cost thereof, to be paid by the city,
if any, and the cost thereof and
amount assessable upon each lot or
parcel of land adjace't to or abutting
upon such improvement per front foot,
and to file such plat and estimate in
the office of the city recorder; that
after the filing of said plat and esti-
mate in his office, he city recorder
shall publish in three consecutive
issues of a newspaper published in thi3
38 Regular Session, February 16, 1911
city, a notice stating that such plat
and estimates are on file, the location
and nature of the improvement, kind
of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of its cost, and the time before
'which objections thereto can be filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the city recorder shall,
at the next regular session of the City
Council, notify the Council thereof in
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourka,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Alderman McEvoy offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Hall street from Delhi street.
to West Fourteenth street, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb, gut-
ter and macadamize said portion of
said street and to assess the cost of
said curbing, guttering and macadam-
izing against the abutting property.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Alderman McEvoy offered th : fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Hall street
from Delhi street to West Fourteenth
street, and' the kind of material to be
Used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and
cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if
any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
laird adjacent to or abutting upon
such improvement per front foot, and
to file such plat and estimate in the
office of the city recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the city recorder shall pub-
lish in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper published in this city, a no-
tice stating that such plat and esti-
mates are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice,.
and after such publication shall have -
been made, the city recorder shall, at
the next regular session of the City
Council, notify the Council thereof in,
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas -Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Ald. Saul offered the following:
ResolVed by the City Council of the -
City of Dubuque, That to pay for im-
proving - Grandview avenue from its -
intersection with South Dodge street
to the south line of M. L. 31, by The
O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractors,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
Special Tax be and is hereby levied.
on the several Lots, and Parcels of '
Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate here-
inafter named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as -
C. G. and C. 13. Meyer, Colum-
bia. Addition, Lot 7, 9.5 lin ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $6.18; 38.3 sq. yds. ma-
cadvnizing at 65c, $24.90; ex-
tra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
73c $ 31 81.
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 8, 48 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $31.20; 187 sq. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 65c, $121.55;
extra expenses, .0765 lin, ft.,
$3.67 ... 156 42'
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 9, 48 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $31.20; 174.9 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $113.69;
exta expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$3.67 148 56
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 10, 48 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $31.20; 133.8 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c; $$6.97;
extra expenses, .065 lin. ft.,
$3.67 • 121.84'
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 11, 48 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $31.20; 124.75 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $81.09;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$3.67 .... 116 96
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 12, 48 lin. ft.
combination' curb and gutter
at 65c, $31.20; 124.75 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $81.09;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$3.67 .... 115 96:
C. G. and C, H. Meyer, Colum-
bia .ddition, Lot 13, 76.2 lin, ft.
combination curb and gutter
Regular Session, February 16, 1911
at 65c, $49.53; 212.91 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $138.39;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$3.75 ... 191 67
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 14, 76.2 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $49.53; 212.91 sq. yds.
ma •adainizing at 65c, $138.39;
extra evpen;;e, .0765 lin. ft,
$3.75 191 67
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 15, 53.5 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $34.78; 12.8 lin. ft. curb
only at 40c, - $5.12: 142.4 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $92.56;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$3.67 136 13
Maria Sullivan, Sub. 2, M. L. 31,
Lot 1, 468 lin. ft. combination
curb and gutter at 65c, $304.20;
48 lin, ft. curb only at 40c,
$1.92; 1198.34 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 65c, $778.92; extra ex-
penses, 0765 lin. ft., $34.89 1119 93
C. E. Curran, Sub. 2, M. L. 31,
Lot 2, 50 lin. ft. combination
curb and gutter at 65c, $32.50;
129.95 sq. yds. - macadamizing
at 65c, $84.47; extra expenses,
.0766 lin. ft., $3.83 120 80
J. A. McMahon, M. Lot 30, 38
fin. ft. combination curb and
gutter at 65c, $24.70; 100.96 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 650,
$65.62; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $2.91 93 23
J. B. Cornelius, Sub, M. L. 43,
Lot 2, 97 lin. ft. combination
curb and gutter at 65c, $63.05;
252.1 sq. yds. macadamizing at
65c, $163.87; extra expenses,
.0765 lin. ft., $7.42 234 34
N. Faber, Sub. M. L. 43, Lot 1,
196 lin. ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65s, $127.40; 475.33
sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$308.96; extra expenses, .0765
lin. ft., $13.00 449 36
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, Lot 29, 42 lin
ft. combination curb and gut-
ter at 65c, $27.30; 38.5 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $57.52;
expenses, .0765 lin. ft. $1.91 86 73
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, So. 1 -2 Lot 28,
15 lin. ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65c, $9.75; 38.98
sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$25.34; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $1.15 36 24
Alb. Gassman, Grandview Park
Add:, Block 15, No. 1 -2 Lot 28,
15 lin. ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65c, $9.75; 38.98
sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$25.34; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft, $1.15 36'24
Alb. Gassman, Grandview. Park
Add., Block 15, Lot 27, 25 lin,
ft. combination curb and gut-
ter at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$1 91 ....... ...... .... 60 39-
Alb. Gassman, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, So. 5 ft. Lot 26,
5 lin. ft. combination curbing
and gutter, $3.25; 12.99 sq. yds.
macadamizing, $8.44; extra ex-
penses, .0765 lin. ft., 38c 12 07'
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, No. 20 ft, Lot
26, 20 lin. ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65c, $13.00; 51.98
sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$33.79; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $1.53 48 32:
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, Lot 25, 25 lin.
ft. combination curb and gut-
ter at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing' at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$1.91 60 39
Peterson & Slocum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 24. 25
lin. ft. combination curb and
gutter at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$42.23; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $191. 60 39'
Peterson & Slocum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 23, 25
lin. ft. combination curb and
gutter at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$42.23; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $1.91 60 39-
Delia Wombacher, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 22, 25
lin. ft. combination curb and
gutter at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. -
yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$42.23; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $1.91 i 60 39•
Delia Wombacher, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 21,
52.3 lin. ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65c. $34.00; 152.91
sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$99.39; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $1.91 135 30'
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 23, 52.3 lin.
ft. combination curb and gut-
ter at 65c, $34.00; 152.91 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $99.39;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$1.91 135 N-
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 22, 25 lin. ft.
combination ourb and gutter
at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$1.91 60 39
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 21, 25 lin. ft.
combination ourb and gutter
at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$1.91 60 39'
40 Regular Session, February 16, 1911
A. Imhof, Gandview Park Add.,
Block 6, Lot 20, 25 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
A. Imhof, Gandview Park Add.,
Block 6, Lot 19, 25 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
, Geo. N. Klauer, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 18, 25 lin. ft.
•combination curb and gutter
at 65c, 316.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
Geo. N. Klauer, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 17, 25 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at G5c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
$1.91 ....
1'. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 16, 25 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. zeds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
P. S Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 15, 25 lin. ft.
combination curb and gutter
at G5c, $16.25; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 14, 25 lin ft.
combination curb and gutter
at 65c, $16.26; 64.97 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c, $42.23;
'extra expenses, .0765 lin, ft ,
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, Lot 13, 47.3 lin.
ft. combination curb and gut-
ter at 65c, $30.75; 171.41 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 65c• $111.42;
extra expenses, .0765 lin. ft.,
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, Lot 18,
41.7 lin. ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65c, $27.10; 188.41
sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$122.46; extra expenses, .0765
lin. ft„ $1.91
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, Lot 17,
11.5 lin. ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65c, $7.48; 94.8 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$61.62; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., $1.91 .
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, Lot 16,
25 lin. ft. combination curb
60 39
60 39
60 39
60 39
60 39
60 39
60 39
143 70
151 47
71 01
and gutter at 65c, $16.25; 96.21
sq. yds. macadamizing at 65c,
$62.54; $1.91; extra expenses,
.0765 lin. ft., $1.91 80 70
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, Lot 15,
7 lin. ft. combination curb and
gutter at 65c, $4.52; 21.74 sq.'
yds. macadamizing at 65c, '
314.13; extra expenses, .0765 lin.
ft., 56c 19 21
5527.8 sq. yds. macadamizing at
65c $3593 07
1988.5 lin_ ft. combination curb
and gutter at 65c 1292 52
17.6 lin. ft. ourb at 40c 7 04
Extra expenses 136 80
$5029 43
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Yeas -A1ds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Ald. Saul offered the following:
Resolved by • the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for con-
structing a Sanitary Sewer in Gri.nd-
view avenue and South Dodge street,
from Dodge street, Grandview avenue,
south to South Dodge, thence doWn
South Dodge to Dodge, W. T. Hassett,
contractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a Special Tax be and is here-
by levied on the several Lots, and
Parts of Lots and Parcels of Real Es-
tate hereinafter named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real
Estate, as follows:
Owner. Description. Total.
Wm. A. McClain, Byrne Sub.,
Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $64.07; extra, expense,
$2.64 $ 66 71
John Byrne, Byrne Sub., Lot 1,
8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$52.44; extra expenses, $2.16 54 60
John Byrne, Bonson and Stew-
ard Sub., Lot 25, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $37.14; extra ex-
penses, $1.53 38 67
John Byrne, Bonson and Stew-
ard Sub., Lot 24, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, 327.09; extra ex-
penses, $1.12 28 21
Peter Eisbach, Bonson. and Stew-
ard Sub., Lot 26, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $28.40; extra ex-
penses, $1.17 .. 29 57
Peter Eisbach, Sub. Div. Min
Lot 63, Lot 4, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $62.05; extra ex-
penses, $2.56 .. .. 64 61
E. A. • Donahue, Hoskin's Sub.,
Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, .$40.77; extra expenses,
$1.68 42 45
Eliz. Saul, Hoskin's Sub., Lot 2,
8' -inch pipe and manholes,
$31.24; extra expenses, $1.29.... 32 53
Isabelle Cain, Hoskin's Sub., Lot
. 3, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$24.82; extra expenses, $1.02.... 25 84
.Jas. Brunskill, Hoskin's Sub., Lot
4, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$36.27; extra expenses, $1.49 .... 37 76
'Wm. McClain, Hoskin's Sub.,
Lot 5, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $32.77; extra expenses,
$1.35 ... .. :... 34 12
'Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot 5,
8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$25.13; extra expenses, 31.03.: 26 16
`Therisa Sullivan, Saul's Sub., Lot
4, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$24.03; extra expenses, 99c 25 02
Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot
3, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$20.54; extra expenses, 85c 21 39
'Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot
2, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$20.54; extra expenses, 85c 21 39
'Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot
1,8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$20.54; extra expenses, 85c 21 39
,J. C. Fitzpatrick, Union Addi-
tion, Lot 151, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $37.14; extra ex-
penses, $1.53 38 67
'Therisa Sullivan, Sub. 152, Tlnion
Addition, Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.85; extra ex-
penses, 90c 22 75
.Jas. Walsh, Sub. 152, Union Ad-
dition, Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and
'manholes, $23.60; extra ex-
penses, 97c .... 24 57
L. Dwyer, Sub. 2, Min. Lot 47,
Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $21.85; extra expenses,
- 90c 22 75
T. J. Donahue, Sub. 2, Min. Lot
47, Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $63.10; extra ex-
penses, $2.60 65 70
Wm. Ducey, Sub. 1 Min. Lot 46,
Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $78.66; extra expenses,
$3.24 81 90
J. and E. Tibey, Sub. 3 Min. Lot
63, Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and man-
'holes, $259.58; extra expenses,
$10.69 270 27
Johanna Koerner, Sub. 3 Min
Lot 63, Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $32.77; extra ex-
penses, $1.35 .... 3412
P. Meehan, Union Addition, Lot
72, 8' -inch pipe and manholes,
27.14: extra expenses, $1.12 28 26
Henry Cain, Union Addition, Lot
73, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$26.22; extra expenses, $1.08 27 30
'Christina Sig Union Addi-
tion, Lot 74, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $26.22; extra ex-
penses, $1.08 27 30
Peter Kearney, Union Addition,
Lot 75, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $29.72; extra expenses,
$1.22 30 94
M. and H. Kelly, Sub. 2 of 76
Regular Session, February 16, 1911 41
and 77, Union Addition, Lot
1, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$19.88; extra expenses, 82c 20 70
M. and H. Kelly, Sub. 2 of 76
and 77, Union Addition, Lot
2, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
Margaret Ryan, Sub. 2 of 76 and
77, Union Addition, So. 40 ft.
Lot 3, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $17.48; extra expenses,
72c 18 20
Margaret Ryan, Sub. 2 of 76 and
77, Union Addition, Lot 4,
8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$18.79; extra expenses, 77c 19 56
Margaret Ryan, Sub. 2 of 76 and
77, Union Addition, Lot 5,
8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
C. G. and C. M. Meyer, Sub. 145
and 146, Union Additions, Lot
1, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$19.66; extra expenses, 81c 20 47
C. G. and C. M. Meyer, Sub, 145
and 146, Union Additions, Lot
2, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$17.48; extra expenses, 72c 18 20
C. G. and C. M. Meyer, Sub. 145
and 146, Tlnion Additions, Lot
3, 8 -inch pipe, and manholes,
$17.48; extra expenses, 72c 18 20
C. G. and C. M. Meyer, Sub. 145
and 146, Union Additions, Lot
4, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$26.22; extra expenses, $108 27 30
Mary McGuiness, ' Sub. 128 of
Min. Lot 452, 1 of M. L. 472,
Lot 153, Union Addition, Lot
1, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$9.18; extra expenses, 38c 9 56
Josephine Lahey, Sub. 1 "S of Min.
Lot 452, of M. L. 472, Lot 153,
Union Addition, Lot 2, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $47.63; ex-
tra expenses, $1.96 49 59
C. G. and C. H. Meyer. Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $26.22; extra ex-
penses, $1.08 27 30
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 2. 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $20.98; extra ex-
penses, 86c 21 84
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 3, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $20.98; extra ex-
penses, 86e 21 84
R. E. Twaites, Columbia Addi-
tion, Lot 4, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $18.35; extra ex-
penses, 76c 19 11
R. E. Twaites, Columbia Addi-
tion, Lot 5, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $17.48; extra ex-
penses, 72c 18 20
G. Fautsch, Columbia Addition,
Lot 6, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $17.70; extra expenses 73c 18 43
T. J. Donahue, Sub. 1 of M. L.
46, Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $66.86; extra expenses
$2.75 69 61
Regular Session, February 16,'1911 43
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place,
Lot 7, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $21 85; extra expenses,
90c .. 22 75
11h Bourdeau, Grandview Place,
Lot 8, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $21 85; extra expenses,
'90c .... .... ........... 22 75
L. Van Buren, Grandview Place,
Lot 9, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $21 85; extra expenses,
'•90c .... 22 75
Kiene & Altman, Grandview
Place, Lot 10, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.85; extra ex-
1 penses, 90c 22 75
Anna L. Keogh, Grandview
Place, Lot 11, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.85; extra ex-
r penses, 90c ' ... , 22 75
J. Appel, Grandview Place, Lot
12, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
J. 'Appel, Grandview Place, Lot
13, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
J. Appel, Grandview Place, Lot
14, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
J. Appel, Whelan's Sub., Lot 12,
8 -inch pipe and manholes,
:!$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
J. Appel, Whelan's Sub., Lot 11,
8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
Carl Consor, Whelan's Sub., Lot
10, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
John Stedman, Whelan's Sub ,
Lot 9, 8 -inch pipe and man-
' holes, $21.85; extra expenses,
90c .... 22 75
W. W. Whelan, Whelan's Sub.
lot 8, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expense, 90c $22 75
J. S. McClain, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 7, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
• $21.85; extra expense, 90c 22 75
'T. J. Paisley, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 6, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expense 90c 22 75
'T. J. Paisley, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 5, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expense, 90c 22 75
T. J. Paisley, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 4, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expense, 90c 22 75
D. E. Fernald, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 3, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expense, 90c 22 75
D. E. Fernald, Whelan's Sub.,
lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra • expense, 90c 22 75
'D. E. Fernald, Grandview Park
Add., Block 1, No. 6.1 ft. lot 1,
8 -inch pipe and manholes, $2,66;
extra expense, 9c 2 75
Chas. Safkow, Sub. 1 and 2,
Grandview Park Add., So. 46
ft. lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and man -
holes,. $20.10; extra expense, 81c. 20 91
Rev. A. Luz, Sub. 1 and 2, Grand-
view Park Add., Block 1, lot 2,
8 -inch pipe and manholes, $21,85;
extra expense, '90c 22 75
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2, lot
1, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$8.74; extra expense, 36c ... 9 10
Domes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2, lot
2, •8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$10.92; extra expense, 45c 11 37'
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2, lot
3, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$10.92; extra expense, 45c 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2, lot
4, 8 inch pipe and manholes,
$10.92; extra expense, 45c 11 37'
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 5,
8 -inch pipe and manholes, $10.92;
extra expense, 45c 11 37
C. 11. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 6,
8 -inch pipe and manholes, $10.92;
extra expense, 45c 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 7,
8 -inch pipe and manholes, $10.92;
extra expense, 45c 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block •2, lot 8,
8inch pipe and manholes, $10.92;
extra expense, 45c 11 37
M. J. Schmitt, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 9, 8inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
M. J. Schmitt, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 10, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
F. W. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 11, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense. 45c.... 11 37
F. -T. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 12, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c.... .. 11 37
F. W. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 13, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c.... 1137
F. W. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 14, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 15,
8 -inch pipe and manholes, $10.92;
extra expense, 45c.... .... 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 16, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; ex-
pense, 45c • ... 1137
Carrie Pollock, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 1, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
Carrie Pollock, Grandview Pam
Add., Block 3, lot 2, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
42 Regular Session, February 16, 1911
E. Lavery, Sub. 2 of M. L. 46,
Lot 2; E. Lavery, Sub. 3 of M.
L. 47, Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $39.77; extra ex-
penses, $1.64 .. 41 41
Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub., Lot 2,
' 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$41.86; extra expenses, $1.72 43 58
Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub., Lot 1,
8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
A. A. Cooper, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 11, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $21.85; ex-
tra expenses, 90c 22 75
A. A. Cooper, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 10, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $21.85; ex-
tra expenses, 90c 22 75
A. A. Cooper, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 9, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $21.85; ex-
tra expenses, 90c 22 75
Tim Dillon, Grandview Avenue
Addition, Lot 8, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.85; extra ex-
penses, 90c 22 75
M. Howie, Grandview Avenue
Addition, Lot 7, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.85; extra ex-
penses, 90c .... 22 75
M. Howie, Grandview Avenue
Addition, Lot 6, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, 321.85; extra ex-
penses, 90c .... 22 75
Geo. Masters, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 5, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $21.85; extra
expenses, 90c 22 75
Geo. ZT��ybrant, Grandview Ave -
"nue Addition, Lot 4, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $21.85; extra
expenses, 90c 22 75
Trewin •& Waller, Grandview
Avenue Addition, Lot 3, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $21.85; ex-
tra expenses, 90c 22 75
Trewin & Waller, Grandview
Avenue Addition, Lot 2, 8 -inch
' pipe and manholes, $21.85; ex-
tra expenses, 90c 22 75
Trewin & Waller, Grandview
Avenue Addition, Lot 1, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $34.96; ex-
tra expenses, $1.44 36 40
Geo. Collis, O'Hare's Sub., Lot
19, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
'$170.43; extra expenses, $7.02 177 45
John Osel, Stewart's Sub., Lot
14, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$23.90; extra expenses, 98c 24 88
John Osel, Stewart's Sub., Lot
13, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$23.90; extra expenses, 98c 24 88
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
11, 8' -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
T im Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
'10, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90e 22 75
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
9, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
121.85; extra expenses, 90c 22 75
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
8, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c .... 22 75
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
7, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c .... 22 75 ,
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
6, 9 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c .... 22 75
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
5, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c .... 22 75
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
4, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c .... 22- 75 •
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
3, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c .... 22 75-
Tim Dillon, Steward's Sub., Lot
2, 8 -inch pipe and manholes,
$21.85; extra expenses, 90c .... 22 75•
M. B. Wallis, Sub. 3, M. L. 150,
Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $189.66; extra expenses,
$7.81 197 47
,M. B. Wallis, Sub. 3, M. L. 150,
Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $64.89; extra expenses,
$2.67 67 56
McClain Bros., Sub. 16, McClain's
Sub., Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $33.52; extra ex-
penses, $1.38 .... 34 90
Alice McClain, Sub. 1, M. L. 150,
Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, '$40.33; extra expenses,
$1.66 .... 41 99^
McClain Bros., McClain's Sub ,
Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, •330.41; extra expenses,
$1.25 31 66
Ed. McClain, Sub. 1, M. L. 150,
Lot 4, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $21.85; extra expenses,
M. O'Shea Est., Sub. Div. M. L
145, Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and man-
.- holes, $74.29; extra expenses,
$3.06 77 35•
Jas. Alderson, Grandview Place,
Lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $20.89; extra expenses,
86c 21 75
Kiene & Altman, Grandview
Place, Lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.89; extra ex-
penses, 90c 22 79^
J. E. Burns, Grandview Place,
Lot 3, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $21 89; extra expenses,
90c .,...... 22.79^
Kiene & Altman, Grandview
Place, Lot 4, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.85; extra ex-
penses, 90c 22 75.
Kiene & Altman, Grandview
Place, Lot 5, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $21.85; extra ex-
penses, '90c 22 75'
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place,
Lot 6, 8 -inch pipe and man-
holes, $21 85; extra expenses,
90c .... 22 75•
22 75,
44 Regular Session, February. 16, 1911
pense, 15c.... .. 11 37
Carrie Pollock, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 3, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 4, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c.... ' 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 5, '8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 6, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 7, 8 inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c..... • . 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 8, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 9, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c .. 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 10, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 11, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 12, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c.... .. 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 13, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c... 11 37
'C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 14, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense 45c.... .... 11 37
.J. M. Fritz, Grandview Park Add ,
Block 3, lot 15, 8 -inch pipe and
manholer ", $17.48; extra expense,
72c 18 20
J. M. Fritz, Grandview Park Add ,
Block, 3, lot 16, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $10.92; extra expense,
45c .. 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park Add.,
Block 4, lot 1, 8 -inch pipe and
manhol s. $8.i4; extra expense,
S6c 9 10
R. Urbach, Grandview Park Add ,
Block 4, lot 2, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $10.92; extra expense,
45c 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park Add ,
Block, 4, lot 3, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $10.92; extra expense,
45c 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park Add ,
Block 4, lot 4, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $10.92; extra expense,
45c ... .. 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park Add.,
Block, 4, lot 5, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $10.92; extra expense,
45c 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park Add ,
Block, 4, lot 6, 8 -inch pipe and
manholes, $10.92; extra expense,
45c ,..7 11 37
Anna M. Huntoon, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 7, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c... 11 37
Anna M. Hunto on, Grandview
Park, Add., Block 3, lot 8, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c 11 37
l'. A. Miller, Grandview Park
Add., Block, 4, lot 9, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
F. A. Miller, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 10, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum ,Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 11, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c.... .... 11 37
C. H. , Fiegenbaum ,Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 12, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c.... .. 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 13, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra
expense, 45c 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 14, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra, 11 37
expense, 45c.. ..
Catherine Duggan, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 15, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra 11 37
expense, 45c
Catherine Duggan, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 16, 8 -inch
pipe and manholes, $10.92; extra 11 37
expense, 45c.... ....
P. S. Slocum, . Grandview Park
Add., Block, 5, lot 1, 8 -inch pipe
and 'Manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 1137
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 2, 8 -inch pipe
and manhole, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
H. N. Brandt, Grandview Park
Add., Block, 5, lot 3, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
H. N. Brandt, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 4, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92;' extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 5, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra 'ex-
pense, 45c ... 11 37
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 6, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c.... .. ' 11 37
J. J. Curran, Grandview Pa{k
Add., Block 5, lot 7, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c.... .... 11 37
J, J. Curran, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 8, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
_Mary Kirkby, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 9, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
_Mary Kirkby, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 10, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 1137
lMargt. Seeley, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 11, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
pense, 45c 11 37
:MVIargt. Seeley, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 12, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
tra expense, 45c 11 37
M. P. Sullivan, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 13, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
tra expense, 45c 11 37
M. P. Sullivan, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 14, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $7.64; extra ex-
pense, 31c ..... 7 95
5,463 lin, ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at
64c per lin foot $3,496 32
16 manholes, at $40.00 each 640 00
Extra expense 170 32
'Total $4,306 64
All of which is assessed in proportion
to the special benefits conferred.
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
.Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
AN ORDINANCE prohibiting ex-
pectorating on the sidewalks, or upon
,.the floor of any street car, or any
public conveyance within the City of
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful
for any person within the City of Du-
buque to expectorate upon the side-
walks, or upon the floor of any street
car, or any other public conveyance
within said City.
Sec. 2. Any person violating the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
on conviction thereof shall be fined in
a sum not to exceed Five Dollars
Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall be in
'force and effect from and after its pas -
sage by the City Council and puhlica-
•tion one time in the Times - Journal
and Telegraph - Herald, ;officials news-
- papers.
Regular Session, February 16, 1911
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop-
tion of the Ordinance.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Aldermen Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
An Ordinance Amending Section 36
of Chapter XXVI. of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, being an ordinance entitled
"An Ordinance in Relation to the Li-
censing and Regulations of Various
Occupations and Business, Persons,
Things, Exhibitions, • Games and
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Section 36 of
Chapter XXVI of the Revised Ordin-
ances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
being an ordinance entitled "An Or-
dinance in Relation to the Licensing
and Regulations of Various Occupa-
tions and Business, Persons, Things,
Exhibitions, Games and Amusements,"
be and the same is hereby amended
as follows:
Sec. 2. That said Section 36 be
and is hereby amended by striking
therefrom the word "March" in the
second line thereof and inserting in
lieu thereof the word "December,"
and by striking therefrom the word
"April" in the fourth line thereof and
inserting in lieu thereof the word
"January;" also by striking therefrom
the word "March" in the eighth line
thereof and inserting in lieu thereof
the word "December."
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald,
the official papers of the City of Du-
Adopted , 1911.
Approved , 1911.
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop-
tion of the Ordinance.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Aldermen Apel,' McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
AN ORDINANCE Changing the Grade
of Grandview Avenue from Statiotl
60 to 67 in the City of Dubuque,
Whereas the owners of all the prop-
46 Regular Session, February 16, 1911
erty abutting on Grandview Avenue,
between Station 60 and 67 have signed
a waiver of all claims for damages
caused by reason of the herein propos-
ed change of grade on said portion of
said street, and have given their con-
sent thereto, the said waiver being
filed in the office of the City Recorder,
under date of October 7th, 1910, a
copy of which is written on the profile
described in Section I hereof, therefore
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of, Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade on Grand-
view Avenue between Station 60 and
67 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be
changed and that the grade be and is
hereby re- established, and adopted as
shown by the blue line on the profile
of said street, and grade prepared by
the City Engineer, and accepted by the
City Council, January the 19th, 1911.
being No. 681 and marked, "Change
of grade of Grandview Avenue from
Station 60 to 67" b. m. water table side
of East door Ducey's store, South
Dodge and Grandview Avenue. eleva-
tion on 271.02, said grade beginning at
station 60, elevation 255.0, thence to
station 63, elevation 246.14, thence to
station 67, elevation 239.0.
Section 2. This Ordinance to be , n
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and
its publication one time in the Du-
buque Telegraph - Herald and Times -
Journal, the official newspapers of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted , 1911.
Approved , 1911.
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop-
tion of the Ordinance.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -- Aldermen Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter
VI. of the Revised Ordinance of the
City of Dubuque of 1901, entitled
"An Ordinance to Determine Con-
tested Elections and Tie Votes."
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Chapter VI. of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City
of Dubuque, entitled "An Ordinance to
determine contested elections and tie
votes" be and is hereby amended as
Section 2. That Section 1 thereof be
and is hereby amended by striking
therefrom all that part thereof, to and
including the word "elections" in t_1e
second line, and inserting in lieu
thereof the words, "The Court for the
trial of contested City Elections shall
he thus constituted: The Mayor shall
be the presiding officer, and the con-
testant and incumbent may each name -
a person who shall be associated with
Section 3. That Section three (3)
thereof, be and is hereby amended by
striking out all of the section begin-
ning with the word "and" in the fif-
teenth line thereof, to and including,
the word "facts" in the seventeenth
line thereof.
Section 4. That said Ordinance be -
and is hereby amended by adding
thereto the following section:
Section 7. The contestant and in-
cumbent shall each file in the record-
er's office, on or before the day of trial,
a written nomination of one associate
judge of the contested election, who -
shall be sworn in manner and form
as trial jurors are in trials of civil
actions, if either the contestant or the
incumbent fails to nominate, the pre-
siding judge shall appoint for him.
When either of the nominated judges
fail to appear on the day of trial, his -
place may be filled by another ap-
pointment under the same rule.
This Ordinance shall be in force and
take effect after its passage and pub-
lication in the official newspapers of '
the City of Dubuque. ,
Adopted , 1911.
Approved 1911.
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adop-
tion of the Ordinance.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas- Aldermen Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin and
Moved by Ald. Saul, that when we
adjourn we adjourn to Monday, Feb.
27, 1911, at 2:00 p. m. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the -
Treasurer be instructed to make ap-
plication to the County Treasurer for -
the Road Fund due the city. Carried.
Ald. Singrin asked for permission to
start men to work on macadam. On
motion of AId. O'Rourke the same was -
Moved by Ald. Saul the money col-
lected from the County Treasurer be
divided equally between the First,
Fourth and Fifth Road Districts. Car-
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that Tibey
Bros. be allowed $700.00 on the Twenty -
seventh street contract, and a war-
rant be drawn for said amount and
held until the proper receipt is drafted
by the City Attorney. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that a war- -
rant be drawn in favor of Tibey Bros.
Adjourned Regular Session, February 27, 1911 47
for $600.00 and the same be held until
the completion of the Twenty- seventh
.street contract. Carried.
Ald. Singrin reported that the Com-
mittee on, Public Grounds and Build -
ings had awarded the contract to
paint and varnish the Armory Hall
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the action
of the committee was approved.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
City Engineer be instructed to prepare
an estimate of total cost for improve-
ment of Seventh avenue. and a war-
rant be drawn not to exceed the net
appropriation for said improvement.
Moved by Ald. Saul that we adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
Adjourned Regular Session, February
27th, 1911.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Council met at 3:00 p. m.
Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy;
O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Sauer, Specht
and City Attorney Lyon.
Mayor Haas stated that this meat -
ing was an adjourned meeting of the-
regular meeting of February 16, 1911.
And was called to take up and con-
sider bills, appropriations and any
matter which may properly come ba -
fore a regular session of the Council.-
Standard Oil Co., road oil for 2nd
Road dept. 678 00'
National Refining Co., road oil
for 4th Road dept. ' 270 00
Matt. Stafford, salt for Road
dept. 5 00
John Butt, repairs for Road
dept. 55•
Ellwanger Bros., repairs for
' I:oad dept. ... 10'
Standard Lbr. Co., lumber for
Road dept. 70
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for Road dept. and Bee Branch 1 10
Peter C. Utzig, repairs for Road
dept. ' 1 00
Phil Heller horseshoeing, Road
dept. 11 10'
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repair for
Road dept. 140
Labor Leader, printing for
Road dept. 6 55-
Key City Gas Co., supplies, of-
fice 1 20
M. O'Donnell, repairs on foun-
tain on White street 2 30-
Key City Gas Co., light for var-
ious offices for February 104 95-
Western Union Telegraph Co ,
clock service, December and
January 2 00.
Icwa House Furnishing Co ,
supplies. Treasurer's office 3 50'
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
City Hall 45.
John Schaetzle, 1 case Toilet pa-
per 7 75
James Beach & Son, 1 box Toilet
soap 3 20
J. P. Buechele, taking care of
town clock 36 00
Michael Mullen, repairs, foun-
tain on White street 5 25
James A. Hayes, premium on
insurance policy 25 .00
Kretschmer & Lee, premium on
insurance policy 25 00
P. Kiene & Son, premium on in-
surance policy ....... 25 00
C. B. Scherr, premium on in-
48 Adjourned Regular Session, February 27, 1911
surance policy 25 00
John Pier & Son, premium on
insurance policy 25 00
A. P. Abeln, premium on in-
surance policy 25 00
Coates & Robinson, premium
on insurance policy ... • 25 00
J. P. Early, premium on insur-
ance policy 25 00
Jaeger & Linehan, premium CM
insurance policy - 50 00
'C Murphy, premium on insur-
ance policy .... 22 60
Trewin & Wallis, preuim on in-
surance policy . 25 00
Nessler & Schepple, repairing
clocks, City Hall 2 50
F. Mertz, repairing lock, City
Hall • . 1 50
Foley Hand Laundry, towel ser-
vice 4 60
C. H. 'Reynolds, premium on in-
surance policy 25 00
M. J. McCullough, premium on
insurance policy 25 06
'Peter B. Hoffmann, service tak-
ing picture of scene of accident
on corner 11th and Iowa streets 2 50
Berg & Briggs, printing for City
offices 12 5C
•Conner Bros., printing bonds 17 50
E. H. Willging, expenses to Des
Moines, Ia. 22 88
Roshek Bros. Co., oil cloth for
Recorder's office 75
Demkier Bros., 1 dozen brooms.
City Hall 3 15
Dubuque Eagle Chemical Co ,
sweeping compound .. 2 50
H. F. Salot, premium on insur-
ance policy 25 00
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lumber
for Recorder's office ... 11 0�
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service 52 ',
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service 14 00
Larry Dailey, cleaning around
Market Square 64 00
Niagara Metal Stamping Works,
licenses 32 35
Key City Gas Co., repairing
lights, City Hall 13 10
Key City Rubber Stamp Works,
rubber stamps 110
Key City Gas Co., light for var-
ious offices for January 121 95
Lager, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, sewer dept. 1 80
- Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
supplies, Sewer dept. 75
John Neuman & Son, supplies,
Sewer dept. 35 00
Ellwanger Bros., supplies and
repairs, Sewer dept. .... .... 3 15
'Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lumber,
Sewer dept. 3 26
E. Cleaver, repairing fountains 13 65
E. A. Linehan, kerosene, Sewer
dept. FC
Hussman & Lies, pick handles,
Sewer dept. : • • 5C
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Sewer
dept. .... 1 40
Dr. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary
service, Sewer and Road. depts. 80
E. T. Frith, hauling dead ani-
mals 64 00
A. J. Hartig, attending meetings
of Board of Health 33 00
John Roth, attending meetings
of Board of Health 27 09
Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance
service for Board of Health 6 00
Charles N. Kinney, analyzing
city water .... 60 00
Mathis -Metz Co., binding council
proceedings for 1910 64 48
Times- Journal, printing council
proceedings 87 80
Smith - Morgan Printing Co ,
printing, etc. 5417
Labor Leader, printing council
proceedings .,• 25 00
National Demokrat, printing
council proceedings ... • .... . • 25 '00
Telegraph - Herald, printing coun-
cil proceedings 104 55
John Duggan, repairs, Mt. Car-
mel avenue .... 19 25
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies, Mt
Carmel avenue 27 50
Duggan & Cota, supplies, Mt
Carmel avenue ..... 3 00
T. J. Mulgrew Co., wood, Mt.
- Carmel avenue 4 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co.,* im-
provement of Grandview Ave.3871 61
W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer in Grandview avenue 3356 35
Union Electric Co., light for
January .... 2253 85
Union Electric Co., light for
February 2253 85
F. G. Becker, coal for police and
City Hall 19 15
P. Linehan & Sons, wood for po-
lice and City Hall 13 00
Frank Beutin, coal for police
and City Hall 29 70
Fischer & Co., coal for police
and City Hall 27 78
R. D. Kirmse, repairing clock,
police and City Hall 3 00
Ernest Besser, sawing wood 2 50
Frank Hammel, repairing plas-
ter in Armory Hall 32 60
J. F. Kunz & Co., premium on
insurance policy 23 80
F. A. Burns, coal and wood, po-
lice and City Hall 16 50
Mettel Bros., feed, Fire and Po-
lice 17 75
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs, Fire
and Police 10 50
Key City Gas Co., arc inspec-
tion, Fire and Police 4 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoeing,
Fire and Police 17 25
F. A. Burns, coal, Fire dept 23 13
Dubuque Lumber Co., coal, Fire
dept, . 16 95
John Jansen, sawing wood, Police
dept .... 2 50
E. J. Mulgrew, supplies for ma-
trons' dept. ... • 4 73
Adjourned Regular Session, February 27, 1911 49
Spensley, & Spensley, premium
on insurance policy .... 16 00
Aran Zillig, drugs, Police dept. 35
Plril Heller, horseshoeing, Fire
dept. 5 10
Smedley Steam Pump Co., sup-
plies, Fire dept. 4 00
Jahn Neuman & Son, supplies
and repairs, Fire dept. 410
Union Electric Co., city fire
alarm power 4 00
Al. Schollian, premium on insur-
ance policy 19 40
. Ellwanger Bros., repairs fire de-
partment 1 00
Hopkins & Witty, repair clock 1 25
Geo. C. Deyoe, horseshoeing, fire
department 2 0
. John Butt, repairs, fire depart-
ment 3 95
Whelan & Graham, supplies, fire
department 12 13
R. W. Kemler, premium on in-
surance policy 25 00
F. H. Weihe, premium on insur-
ance policy 19 40
Dub. Fire & Marine Ins. Co ,
premium on insurance policy 38 80
T. F. Martin & Co., premium on
insurance policy 19 40
' Traub & Feigner, premium on
insurance policy 19 40
• Coates & Robinson, premium on
insurance policy 19 40
Dub. Fire & Marine Ins. Co ,
premium on insurance policy 19 40
Chris. A. \Toelker, premium on
insurance policy 19 40
C. H. Meyer & Co., premium on
insurance policy 19 40
Standard Lumber Co., lumber,
fire department 8 05
H. Wunderlich & Son, supplies,
fire department 2 75
Key City Gas Co., coal and coke,
fire and police departments 84 60
• Clancy Transfer Co., coal and
coke, fire department 14 31
Dub. Lumber Co., coal and coke,
fire department 32 25
F. G. Becker, coal and coke, fire
department ... 18 4?
Babcock Fire Ext. Co., repairs,
fire department 35 00
Iowa Oil Co., oil, fire and road
departments ... 8 35
W. J. Connolly, premium on in-
surance policy 19 40
Eelg & Reugnitz, drugs, fire de-
partment 10 50
E. A. Linehan, 1 case toilet paper 5 00
Geo. Rettenmeir, Jr., feed, fire
department 2 70
W. J. Brown, drugs, fire depart-
ment 7 02
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co., supplies, fire department... 3 75
Western Union Tel. Co., tele-
gram, fire department 64
C. H. Fischer, supplies, fire de-
partment ..... 3 50
Michael Mullen, repairs, fire de-
partment 9 70
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse-
shoeing, fire department 11 75
John Kriebs, repairs, fire depart-
ment 2 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies, po-
lice department ... 6 99
Pier Bros., coal, police depart-
ment ... 21 35
N. B. Schneider, supplies, police
department 3 50
Conlin & Kearns, coal, police de-
partment 15 60
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horse-
shoeing, police department 6 35
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal, fire de-
partment 27 88
J. J. Nagle, feed, police and fire
departments ... 196 60
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, police
and fire departments 2 10
Peter Even, coal, fire department 62 14
Ed. Norton, meals to prisoners 9 80
Fischer & Co., coal, police and
fire departments 50 07
Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies,
police and fire departments 14 75
McCollins Exp. Co:, coal, police
and fire departments 54 02
Dr. J. H. Hagerty, veterinary
service, fire and police depts 10 40
Standard Iumber Co., lumber for
sidewalk 5150
Chas. Giese, repairs for sidewalk 2 00
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that war-
rants be drawn, and all bills properly
O. K. be paid. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke stated that the bi.
of O'Farrell Contracting Co., for grad-
ing East Street, $87.50, had not been O.
K. by the City Engineer as the work
had been done prior to his term of of-
fice and the records of same were not
in his office, but the bill was found
correct. On motion the bill was or-
dered paid.
Petition of Henrietta Gruenzig,
asking that the City Treasurer be
instructed to allow the taxes for the
S ear 1910 on Lot 320 of Wood's Addi-
tion to remain a lieu on same. On
motion of Ald. Sauer prayer granted.
Petition of Anton Zwack, asking
that he be permitted to construct a
six inch tile pipe sanitary sewer along
Ries Street, connecting same with
sanitary sewer at Windsor avenue
presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy
the Engineer be instructed to draft
plat and specifications and presert
them at next regular meeting of
Council. Carried.
Petition of Dubuque Park com-
missions asking that the Council pro -
vide for the placing the roadway and
cider *calk from the end of Eagle Point
1Ugh Bridge to the car line in first
class condition also that a four foot
cf ment sidewalk be ordered laid along
50 Adjourned Regular Session, February 27, 1911
Se•,enth avenue on both sides of the
street from Rhomberg avenue north
to the end of present street improve -
Tr.eet. also that all street scraping and
dirt -. .he city has to spare in the vt-
curity •_.t the Olinger plat of ground,
Corner Jackson and Sandford streets,
Le hauled onto said ground. Also that
the city each year do something to-
ward the completion of the Seventh
avenue improvement up to the driv-
ing entrance to the Park presented.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred
to appropriation committee.
Applications of John P. Thourton,
John Shetler, Harry Rowland for the
position of Engineer on Steam Roller
presented. On motion of Ald. Apel
referred to committee of whole.
Petition of Alfred Herron et al.
asking that a cement sidewalk be or-
dered layed on both sides of Grand -
view avenue from the east end to
Southern presented. On motion or
Ald. O'Rourke referred to committee
of he whole.
Petition of S. E. Watters, asking
that his assessment be reduced from
$4.86O.00 to $2,200.00, presented. On
motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to
committee of the whole.
Petition of W. H. Smith, asking
that the assessment on Sub. 2 of 1 of
1 and 2 of 6 and 7 of Mineral Lot 79
for the year 1910 be reduced tq
$250.00, presented. On motion of
Aid. Sauer referred to committee of
the whole to view the ground.
Petition of Edward Ford et al
asking for the immediate extension of
the water mains through the alley be-
twc en Garfield and Rhomberg ave-
nues from their present terminus at
Midcl'e street, presented. On motion
of Ald. Apel referred to the Mayor, he
to confer with the water works trus-
Original notice of Helen A. Frith
vs City of Dubuque asking $10,235.00
damages sustained by her falling on
a sidewalk, presented. On motion of
Ald. O'Rourke referred to City At-
Petition of Mrs. Clara Deggendori,
asking that the assessment on the
North 42 1 -2 feet of Lots 1 and 2,
Morgan's Sub., be reduced to $2,500
and instruct treasurer to accept taxes
for year 1910 on said valuation. On
motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to
committee of whole.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the
pay roll for the city officers for the
months of February, 1911:
Amount due city officers ... $2,717.17
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the
report was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the city officers,
and the report referred to the com-
mittee on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the pay
roll of the Fire Department for the
last half of February, 1911:
Amount due firemen $1604 00'
Less 1 per cent retained for
Pension Fund 31 75-
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of AId. Singrin the report
was received and warrants ordered'
drawn to pay the firemen, and the re-
port referred back to the Committee.
on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the pay
roll of Police Department for the last
half of February, 1911: tr4 r
Amount due policemen $132=
Pension Fund 26 7
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Sauer the report
was received and warrants ordered'
drawn to pay the policemen and the
report referred to the Committee on.
Police and Light.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the month'
of February, 1911:
I find from the reports of the Police
Department that the total hours that
311 lamps failed to burn would equal
4% lamps burning for one month, or
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion of Ald. Sauer the report
was received and the City Auditor in-
structed to deduct from the Union
Electric company's hill for the month'
of February, 1911, the sum of $22.50.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that a strip
Adjourned Regular Session, February 27, 1911 51
of ground on Hill street and Julien
avenue four feet wide and four hun-
dred and twenty -five feet long be pur-
chased at a price not to exceed $1000.00,
and the payment of same be referred
to the Committee on Appropriations;
the cost of improving same to be paid
from the Second road fund. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that when
we adjourn we adjourn to Tuesday,
Feb. 28, at 2:00 p. m. Carried.
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in the alley
between Lemon street and Couler ave-
nue and Couler avenue and in Thirty -
second street from Lemon street to
White street as follows, to -wit: An
eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
the alley between Lemon street and
Couler avenue from Millville Road to
Thirty - second street, thence in Thirty -
second street to the alley (commonly
called White street, between Couler
avenue and Jackson street, and to as-
sess the cost of said sewer against the
abutting property.
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
N ays —None.
Alderman Specht offered the follow -
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
an eight inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in the alley between Lemon street and
Couler avenue from Millville Road to
Thirty - second street, thence in ThirtY-
second street to the alley (commonly
called White street between Couler
avenue and Jackson street, showing
the locations and general nature of
such improvement, the extent thereof,
the size and kind of material to be
used, and to prepare an estimate of
the cost thereof and the amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of.
land adjacent to or abutting thereon
per front feet or square feet in area,
and to file such plat, specifications and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in three
consecutive issues of the official paper
of the City of Dubuque, stating that
such plat is on file, and generally the
nature of the sewer, its location, size
and fixing the time before which ob-
jections can be filed, which time shall
not be less than five days after the
last publication of said notice, and af-
ter the completion of the publication of
such notice, he shall at its next ses-
sion, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Moved by Ald. Singrin to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
. Recorder
52 Adjourned Regular. Session, February 28, 1911
Adjourned Regular Session, February
28, 1911.
Council met at 2:30 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present —Ald. Sauer.
Absent — Aids. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Mayor Haas stated that in the ab-
sence of a quorum, the meeting would
be adjourned to Tuesday evening, Feb-
ruary 28, 1911, at 7:30 P. m.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
Adjourned Regular Session, February
28th, 1911.
Council met at 8:30 D. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Aldermen Apel, McEVoy,
O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht
and Assistant City Attorney Willging.
Mayor Haas stated that the meeting
was an adjourned meeting of the ad-
journed meeting Feb. 28, held at 2:00 13.
m. of the adjourned meeting of Feb.
27, of the regular meeting of Feb. 16,
1.911, and was called to take up and
consider Bills and the appropriations .
for 1911 and any other matter which
may properly come before a regular
meeting of the council.
The following bills having been pro-
perly approved by various committees
were, on motion of Ald. Apel, ordered
Union Printing Co., supplies, as-
sessor's office $ 32 50
J. Kriebs, harness, sewer dept 29 00
Klauer & Kress, supplies, var-
ious offices 175
Telegraph- Herald, supplies,
Treasurer's office 9 00
11. Corrance, supplies, various
offices 9 25
G. F. Kleih, supplies, various
depts. 4 85
H. S. Moore, transcript,
City 86 00
canton Seig, macadam, 4th dist 83 81
Chris. Gantenbein, macadam,
4tth district 38 71
Paul Krocheski, macadam, 4th
district 27 06
Fred Bieberman, macadam, 2nd
district 7 41
J. V. Casey, macadam,
H. Gentler, macadam, 2nd district
Apel and Spielman, macadam,
2nd district
Post vs.
2nd dis-
100 48
5 61
30 35
Petition of Hygienic committee ask-
ing that a bath tub be placed in the
Matron's quarters, presented. On mo-
tion of Ald. Sauer prayer of petitioner
Petition of Timothy Dillon asking to
be credited with $2,050.46 on the con-
templated improvement of Grandview
avenue, presented. On motion of Ald.
Saul referred to Committe of the
Petition of Hygienic committee ask-
ing that the garbage be collected
throughout the year, presented. Moved
by Ald. O'Rourke be received and filed,
based on the fact that the Board of
Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1911 .53
Health has already taken action. Car-
Petition of Annie and Amelia B.
Matthews asking the council to instruct
the Treasurer to accept the principal
on special assessment against east
eighty feet of Lot 6, of the sub- division
of Out Lot .738, and westerly 30 feet of
, -said easterly 80 feet, presented. On
motion of Ald. O'Rourke prayer grant-
Gentlemen: Below you will find
,statement of amount advanced by me
during • the , month of February, 1911,
for which please order warrants drawn
in my favor:
•Interest on
rants ...
_Miscellaneous ...
Library Trustees' orders
Yours truly,
outstanding war -
,.. $100.00
Ald. O'Rourke , moved that the re-
'port be received and warrants be
. idrawn for various amounts, and the
report be referred back to the Finance
Committee. Carried.
'To the Honorable Mayor and City
• Council:
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during the
last , half of !February, 1911:
Amount due laborers on streets..$330.30
Amount due laborers on Mt. Car-
mel Avenue ... .... 414.90
Amount due labor on streets
leading into the county 199.71
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submitted,
Street G'ommissioner.
On motion of Aid. Saul 'the pay rolls
on Streets were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts, and the pay rolls and report
referred back to the proper com-
Also submit pay roll for labor on
sewers during the last half of .Febru-
ary, 1911.
Amount due laborers on sewers $341.30
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
roll on sewers was received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and pay roll referred
back to Committee on Sewers.
Ald. Saul, chairman Committee of the
Whole,' offered the following:
Your Committee of 'the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
William A. Schaffhauser, asking that
the salaries of his deputies be raised to
$100.00 per month, would respectfully
recommend that said petition be re-
• ceived and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that the fol-
lowing resolution be adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of Dubuque, That the plat of Grand-
view Heights, a subdivision of Min-
eral 'Lot 30 and Lot 1 of Mineral Lot
28, be accepted and that the Mayor
and City Recorder be and they are
hereby instructed to certify this res-
olution of approval to the County Re-
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Louis .F. Koltenbach, Clerk in the City
Treasurer's office, asking that his sal-
ary be increased to $80.00 per month,
would respectfully recommend that
said petition be received and filed.
Your • Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
James. R. Pickley, stating that while
Chief of Police his salary had been re-
duced by the City Council from $125.00
to $100.00 ,per month and asking that
he be reimbursed for the loss of salary
occasioned thereby, would respectfully
recommend that said petition be re-
ceived and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom were referred the petitions of
the Police and Fire Departments ask-
ing ,that they be granted an increase
of 10 per cent in their salaries, would
respectfully recommend that owing to
the present financial condition of the
city, • the said petitions be received and
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Thos. Reilly, Chief of Police, asking
that his salary be fixed at $125.00 per
month, would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Otto P. Geiger, City Recorder, asking
that the salary of his deputy be fixed
at $100.00 per north, would respectful-
ly recommend that the said petition be
received and filed.
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
the various reports of the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Your Committee of the Whole re-
spectfully recommend that the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque that the ap-
propriations for the ensuing year for
the different departments and pur-
poses of the city be fixed as follows:
For general expense and
contingent fund $37,000.00
54 Adjourned Regular Session, February 28, 1911
For district road fund for cleanin_,
sprinkling and repairing of streets.
First district 6,710.00
Second district 15,450.00
Third district 9,330.00
Fourth district 10,765.00
Fifth district 8,525.00
For expense of fire depart-
ment 50,000.00
For expense of police de-
partment 37,000.00
For care, maintenance and
repair of sewers both
storm and sanitary 5,500.00
For printing.. .... 2,200.00
For expense of street light-.
ing 27,000.00
For interest on floating and
bonded debt.. 41,1000.00
For expense of board of
health .. 7 500.00
For grading fund 6,000.30
For taking up improvement
bonds issued for payment
of special assessments
against parks, fire engine
houses and other real
estate owned by the city
and for taking up bonds
issued by the city to pay
street and sewer im-
provements, where the
assessment levied to pay
the same have been can-
celed by the city council. 2,500.00,
For interest on special
bonded debt .... 4,000.00
For improvement of Mount
Carmel avenue 1,500.0')
For repairing and rebuild-
ing sidewalks 1,000.00
For improvement of Grand-
view avenue 3,700.00
For improvement of Villa
street 300.00
For improvement of First
and Iowa streets 500.00
For widening and improv-
ing of Hill street 500.00
For constructing sidewalk at
city pound 400 00
For completion of sewer at
Eighteenth street 1,000 0'i
For cleaning sewer in Four-
teenth street .. .. 800.00
For Thirteenth street dump 200.0C.
For improvement of Clay
street.... .. 800.00
For providing for sanitary
sewer from Mt. Pleasant
avenue 3,000.00
For improvement of North
Booth street 600.00
For opening and improve-
. ment of Clifford street 200.00
For continuation of Bee
Branch north of Twenty -
seventh street 1,000.03
For improvement on Park
Hill avenue 200.00
For storm sewer in Twenty -
fifth street 200.00
For storm water sewer in
Twenty- seventh street 1,981.00
For sanitary sewer in Jack-
son street to Brunswick -
Balke Co.. 1,500.00
For sidewalk to Eagle Point
Park .... .... 300.00
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
recommendation and resolutions be
adopted. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the Chief
of Police instruct his subordinates
that whenever they see any person
hauling garbage or manure on Main
or Clay Streets, they compel them to
drive on some back street. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
different amounts due Dubuque Na-
tional Bank and the German Savings'
Bank be paid. Carried.
Moved by Ald. Saul that the Ordi-
nance committee be instructed to
draft an ordinance in relation to the
removal of rubbish from the alleys
and keeping same clean and submit
same to committee of whole. Carried.
Moved by Ald. Specht that the en-
gineer be instructed to give an esti-
mate cost for the repairing Kaufman
avenue in the most economical man-
ner. Carried.
Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn.
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
. Recorder
List of City Warrants.
Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 1, 1911.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of January, 1911:
D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor $116 70
Geo. D. Wybrant, salary Treas-
urer 133 35
F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy
Treasurer • 100 00
Louis Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk
to Treasurer 60 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 70
Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Deputy
Auditor 80 00
Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder 116 70
Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dep-
uty Recorder 85 00
Jos. T. Kelly, salary, Assessor. 125 00
Allen H. Wiedner, Deputy Asses-
sor ..... 83 49
Frank Kenneally, salary, Deputy
Assessor 83 49
Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00
Edgar Willging, salary, Asistant
Attorney 85 00
Nettie Bentley, salary,
raph to Attorney 20 00
Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En-
gineer 166 65
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Clerk to
Engineer 75 00
Walter Cullen, salary, Rod Man 50 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po-
lice .. 100 00
John W. Lawlor, salary, Com-
mitee Clerk 125 00
John - Mahoney, salary, Street
Commissioner ,.. 40 00
P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector 60 00
Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. of
Sprinkling 24 00
Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas-
ter 55 00
Al. Moyer, Pondmaster and As-
sistant Market Master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koening, salary, Jan-
itress 30 00
Thos. Cahill, salary, Park Cus-
todian 40 00
Chas. McManus, salary, Park
Custodian ..... 40 00
Jos. Straney, Sr., salary, Park
Custodian ... 15 00
Dr. Chas. Linehan, Health Phys-
ician 50 00
Paul Hewer, 'salary, Sanitary Of-
ficer 65 00
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Milk
and Meat Inspector 75 00
John J. Carroll, salary, Wharf
Master 35 00
Peter, Apel, salary, Alderman 25 00
Edw. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
John O'Rourke, salary, Alderman 25 00
Edw. Sauer, salary, Alderman 25 00
James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 60
List of Warrants 55
Wm. Singrin, salary, Alderman., 25 00
Robert Specht, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. Reinfried, salary 61 75
Wm. Hipman, salary 49 00'
M. Eitel, salary 38 23
J. Essman, salary 40 68
A. Duccini, salary 35 79
J. Flynn, salary 37 74
G. Beyer, salary 35 79
A. Heer, salary 32 34
Wm. Kannolt, salary 32 34
B. Kirch, salary . 32 34•
J. Daley, salary 38 23
T. Ryder, salary 40 68
H. Cain. salary 35 79
M. Kelly, salary 37 74
F. Murphy, salary 35 79
J. Bakey, salary 32 34
win. Smith, salary 32 34
W. McConnell, salary 32 34
G. Gehrke, salary 38 23
J. Smith, salary .. 32 34
T. Kennedy, salary 35 79
J. Keppler, salary ... 32 34'
D. Ahern, salary 49 00'
J. Benzer, salary 37 74
A. McDonnell, salary 40 68'
P. Zillig, salary 32 34
M. Sweeney, salary 32 34'
J. McGloughlin, salary 32 34'
J. Connelly, salary 32 34'
\Vm. Kennedy, salary 29 90'
J, Daugherty, salary 29 90'
J. Murphy, salary 24 50'
R. Weston, salary 38 23
J. Allen, salary 35 79
M. Fahey, salary 32 34
R. Kenneally, salary 32 34
1Vm. Fucev, salary 38 23
T. Kenneally, salary 35 79
E. McDermott, salary 32 34'
T. O'Brien. salary 29 90'
J. Roshin, salary 38 23
J. Schoenberger, salary 32 34
F. Baumgartner, salary 35 79
P. Kirch. salary . 29 90'
Firman Pension Fund 31 75
Tames Corcoran, salary 3185
Michael Connolly, salary 29 70
.Tohn Cody salary 31 85
Phil Dunphy, salary 34 30
Wm. Donahue, salary 31 89
Thomas Duggan, salary 29 70
Patrick Fury. salary 31 g6
John Fox, salary 31 8�
'.lames Flynn, salary 31 86
Wm. Fox. salary 29 40
Michael Fogarty, salary 31 85-
Theo. Ganahl, salary 29 40'
Pen Gray, salary 31 85
Emil Kahn. salary 31 85
Michael Kilty, salary 12 59
.James Keefe, • salary 31 85
John Kane, salary 27 55
John Non, salary 29 42
Patrick Kenneally, salary 29 70
Braney Ludescher, salary 31 8F
Chas. Liest, salary 36 78
Patrick McDnerney, salary 31 85
Patrick MCcollins, salary 31 86
Michael McCormick, salary 29 70
Henry Mueller, salary 31 85
Hugh Markey, salary 31 85
Patrick Mulligan, salary 36 75
John O'Brien, salary 31 89
Michael O'Connor, salary ... 36 75
John Raesle, salary 36 75
Michael Ryan, salary 31 85
Gus Raterman, salary 31 85
Joe Stoltz, salary 31 85
Michael Stapleton, salary 31 85
Patrick Sullivan, salary 31 87
John Spielman, salary 31 85
Dennis Sheehan, salary 31 85
Frank Williams, salary 31 85
Louis Zemanek, salary 25 46
Miss Brennan, salary 31 85
Mrs. Hibbe, salary 31 85
Police Pension Fund 27 08
J. Alexander, 4th 10 60
S. Bastien, 4th 6 80
J. Callaghan, 2nd 25 20
J. Egan, 2nd 13 60
C. Frost, 2nd 25 00
E. Fitzlaff, 2 -4, $5.00 10 00
B. Glas, 2nd 15 00
J. Graham, 2nd 1 00
G. Geimer, 4th 12 60
L. Hansel, 2nd 11 60
F. Keck, 2nd 20 80
P. Kraemer, 2nd 7 20
P. Kenneally, health 25 20
J. Kinsella, 2 -4, each $5.00 10 00
P. Lonergan, 2nd 80
C. O'Neill, 2nd 13 60
.T. Ryan, 2nd 25 20
F. Siege, 4th 25 00
J. Tobin, 4th 100
John Calvert, 2nd
J. Graham, 2nd
P. Lenihans' Sons, 2nd
F. Atrhofer $ 4 40
Jerry Cahill, 1st 80
Jas. Connolly, 1st 11 60
J. Eberhardt, 5th 5 00
F. Frick, 3rd 2 20
J. Gronau, 5th 1 80
J. Galagher, 5th 2 60
Ed. Malloy, 3rd 3 60
John McLaughlin, 3rd 3 60
P. O'Farrell, 3rd 5 20
F. Selli 5th 1 80
J. Singrin, 3rd 17 30
A. Turner, 3rd 2 80
P. Weirich, 5th 9 60
F. Wallinger, 5th 2 60
W:' Walker, 1st 1 60
John Heim, 5th 6 50
M. Markham, 3rd 9 00
W. Boyce $ 12 60
Ben Burd 3 60
J. Burns 19 80
John Burke 19 80
W. Burke 16 20
P. Carney 23 40
H. Connell 5 40
List of Warrants
J. Donahue 18 00
J. Duggan 16 20
Gene Duggan
T. Hird 9 00
F. De Fontaine 9 00
T. Hackney 7 20
19 80
J. Hill 10 80
H. Kunkle 3 60
Ed. Lee 19 80
Ed. Magner 9 00
D. McGuinness 7 20
Janes McCarron 3 60
W. O'Brien, (So. Locust) 10 8'0
D. O'Meara 10 80
W. O'Brien 25 00
George Reynolds 3 60
W. Sheehan 12 60
G. Smice .... 5 40
J. Wickham 12 60
Peter APel 27 00
James Mulligan .... 9 00
D. O'Meara 22 50
Jerry Sulivan 27 00
C. Van Wie 13 50
W. Woods 9 00
D. Cunningham .... $ 24 80
A. Hird 20 60
W. Hennessy 22 60
A. Kaesbauer 24 80
F. Luchterhand 23 40
J. Rooney 22 60
J. Scheuer 23 40
C. Sullivan 27 50
C. Specht 30 00
E. Norton, (Use of Horse) 13 00
E. J. Frith, hauling' dead
animals $ 1 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
interest on outstanding war-
rants 392 50
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
postage, express, etc 16 92
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
library orders 500 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
library orders ... ... 448 63
city's share improvement of
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
Windsor Ave 500 00
city's share improvement of
Windsor Ave 500 00
George D. Wybrant, warrants No.
6317 to 6414, both inclusive, for $500.00
each Martin Strelau bonds.
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
general bonding fund (Martin
Strelau).. .... 155 03
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
general bonding fund (Martin
Strelau) 20 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
express charges on bonds to
Farson Son & Co 10 Q0
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
Clay Street improvement be-
tween 10th and 11th 41 87
Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer,
special bonded paving fund 22 98
Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance
service.... .... .... 3 00
J. T. Kelly, extra services 100 00
F. Kennealy, extra services .... 100 00
A. Wiedner, extra services .... 100 00
Geo. T. Lyon, expense in case
of Mary Dempsey vs. City of
and Martin - Strelau case and
Farson Son & Co 20 67
J, Reinfried, salary .... $ 62 00
William Hinman, salary 50 00
M. Eitel, salary 38 00
A. Heer, salary 33 00
J. Essinan, salary 41 00
A, Ducci 35 00
J. Flynn, ni salary 38 00
G. Byer, salary .... 35 00
Wm. Kannolt, salary 33 00
B. Kirch, salary 33 00
J. Daley, salary 38 00
T. Ryder, salary 41 00
H. Cain, salary 35 00
M. Kelly, salary 38 00
F. Murphy, salary 35 00
J. Bakey, salary 33 00
Wm. Smith, salary 33 00
E. Buck, salary 2 50
Wm. McConnell, salary 38 00
G. Gehrke, salary 38 00
T. Kennedy, salary 35 00
J. Smith, salary 23 CO
J. Keppler, salary 33 00
D. Ahern, salary 50 00
.1. Benzer, salary 38 00
A. McDonnell, salary 41 00
P. Zillig, salary 33 00
M. Sweeney, salary 33 00
J. Mcloughlin, salary 33 00
J. Connely, salary 33 00
Wm. Kennedy, salary 30 00
J. Daugherty, salary.. 30 00
J. Murphy, salary 25 00
R. Weston, salary 38 00
J. Allen, Salary 35 00
M. Fahey, salary 33 00
R. Kenneally, salary 33 00
Wm. Ducey, salary 38 00
F. Kenneally, salary 35 00
E, McDermott, salary 33 00
T. O'Brien, salary 30 00
J. Roshin, salary, 38 00
F. Baumgartner, salary 35 00
J. Schoenberger, salary 33 00
P. Kirch 33003
0 00
Wm. Fox, salary 30 00
John Fox, salary 32 50
Michael Fogarty, salary 30 33
James Corcoran, salary 32 0
Michael Connolly, salary 32 00
John Cody, salary 32 50
Phil Dunphy, salary 35 00
Wm. Donahue. salary 32 50
Thomas Duggan, salary 32 50
Patrick Fury, salary 32 60
' Theo. Ganahl, salary 30 00
Ben Gray, salary 32 50
Emil Cahn, salary 32 50
Michael Kilty, salary - 23 83
James Keefe, salary 32 50
John Kane, salary 32 50
John Kop, salary 26 00
Patrick Kenneally, salary 30 33
List of Warrants 57
Barney Ludescher, salary 32 50
Chas. Liest, salary 35 00
Patrick McInerney, salary 32 50
Patrick McCollins, salary 32 50
Michael McCormick, salary 30 33
H. Mueller, salary 30 33
�Ienr, Markey, salary 30 50
Patrick Mulligan, salary 37 6
John O'Brien, salary 32 50
Michael O'Connor, salary 37 60
John Raesle, salary 37 50
Michael Ryan, salary 32 50
Gut Raterman, salary 32 50
Joe Stoltz, salary ... 32 50
Michael Stapleton, salary 32 50
Patrick Sullivan., salary 32 50
John Spielman, salary 32 50
Dennis Sheehan, salary 30 33
Thomas Sweeney, salary 37 50
Frank Williams, salary ... 26 00
Louis Zemanek, salary 30 00
Miss Brennan, salary 32 50
Mrs: Hibbe, salary 32 50
J. Alexander, 4th 18 00
M. Carney, 4th 1 80
J. Callaghan, 2nd 21 60
J. Egan, 2nd 12 20
G. Frost, 2nd 25 00
E. Fitzlaff, 2 -4 each $5.00 10 00
B. Glass, 2nd 12 40
G. Geimer, 4th 14 40
L. Hansel, 2nd 17 40
E. Herbst, 4th 4 40
F. Keck, 2nd 16 40
P. Kreamer, 2nd 15 40
M. Kenneally, 2nd ... 7 20
.P Kenneally, Health ... 21 60
J. Kinsella, 2 -4 each $5.00 10 00
T. Lonergan, 2nd 80
R. Caffrey, 2nd 11 60
C. O'Neill, .2nd 14 60
P. Reddin, 2nd 3 60
J. Ryan, 2nd 21 60
F. Siege, 4th 25 00
J. Tobin, 4th 17 40
J. Taschner, 4th 1 80
Josh Calvert, 2nd 18 00
J. Graham, 2nd 9 00
P. Linehans Sons, 2nd 13 00
P. S. Norton, 4th 4 50
W. Burke $ 19 80
W. Boyce 19 80
Ben Hurd 19 80
Tom Boyd - 19 80
P. Carney, Sr 19 80
P. Carney, Jr 10 80
John Callaghan 10 80
H. Connolly 9 00
.J. Donahue 19 80
G. Duggan 19 00
F. De Fontaine 60
T. Hackney 19 80
T. Hird 18 00
H. Kunkle 19 80
J. Kiang 19 80
Tim Kenneally 10 80
Chas. Lee 19 80
Ed. Magner 19 00
W. O'Brien 25 00
Fire Dept. 8 60
hi'alter Baumgartner, nails,
Fire Dept. 1 00
Chas. E. Berry, harness sup-
plies, Fire Dept. 6 19
Iowa Oil Co., oil, Fire Dept 4 50
p. Linehan's Sons, coal, Fire
Dept. 19 97
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., 1 plumber's friend for
Fire Dept. 76
Butt Bros., repairs for Fire
Dept. 2 60
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing, Fire Dept. .. 8 80
Vollweider & Heim, horse -
shoeing, Fire Dept. 3 10
Union Electric Co., city fire
alarm 2 00
F. A. Miller, brooms for Fire
Dept. 13 60
F. A., Burns, coal for Fire
Dept. 17 85
Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Fre
and Police Depts. 36 83
Frank Beutin, coal, Fire and
Police Depts. 36 03
Gow & Curtis, repairs and
supplies, Police Dept. and
City Hall 29 55
G. F. Kleih, supplies for
Sewer Dept. and City Hall 5 35
Key City Gas Co., arc rental
and inspection, Police and
Fire Dept. 2 00
Elchhorn & Bechtel, supplies,
Matron's quarters 6 46
Thos. Reilly, telephone and
telegraphic message 85
McCollins Transfer Co., wood
• for City Hall and Police
Dept. 19 91
Ernest Besser, sawing wood 3 75
J. L. Kies, drug supplies, Po-
lice and City Hall 1 40
J. J. Nagle, feed, Police Dept. 47 12
American Ever -Ready Co.,
supplies for Police Dept. 4 00
Times- Journal, printing for
December, 1910 61 93
Telegraph - Herald, printing
for November and Decem-
her, 1910 79 87
Labor Leader, printing for
December, 1910 12 50
National Demokrat, printing
for December, 1910 12 50
Thos. Allen, boots for Sewer
Dept. 13 60
James Lee & Sons, 5% re-
tained on improvement of
West Locust St, 257 93
' D. J. Haas, Mayor, settlement
with Miss Antonette Kopsa 75 00
Moris Tatelman, refund of li-
cense 37 50
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war -.
List of Warrants 59
Dept. 20 35 rants issued by me during the month
McClain Bros., feed, Fire of January, 1911.
Dept. 1 6 OTTO P. GEIGER,
National Refining Co., oil for City Recorder.
J. Purcell 3 60
W. Sheehan, 19 80
T. Sheehan 16 20
J. Wickham 19 80
P. 11. Brink 27 00
J. Linehan 31 50
J. Mulligan 9 00
D. O'Meara 4 50
C. Van Wie 22 60
M. Beitzle 80
J. Botz 1 80
J. Eberhardt 9 00
F. Frick.... 6 40
B. Frick 1 00
J. Graunau 7 60
N. Herman 1 80
John John 2 60
J. Kness 9 00
F. Maroney 64 0
J. Muntz 1 80
P. O'Farrell 3 60
C. Snecht 30 00
F. Selii 9 00
A. Turner 3 60
E. Norton use of horse 11 00
D. Cunningham 19 80
A. Hird ... 19 80
W. Hennessy .. 18 80
A. Kaesbauer 19 $0•
J. Lillie 7 20
J. Rooney . 19 80
J. Scheuer 19 80
C. Sullivan 27 50
Tibey Bros., 5% retained on
improvement of St. Am-
brose Street $ 65 93
O'Farrell Contracting Co ,
grading Grandview Ave. 378 04
J. M. Kenety, overhaul of sur-
plus dirt from 7th St. and
Bluff St., 2nd Road District 144 37
Iowa Telephone Co., tele-
phone service 13 75
Union Electric Co.,
December, 1910 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
December, 1910 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
December, 1910 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
December, 1910 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
December, 1910 253 85
E. T. Frith, hauling garbage,
November, 1910 374 40
Key City Gas Co., light for
various departments 106 75
W. D. Deckert, supplies Blulff
Street Extension and Road
Department 3 30
T. J. I4ulgrew Co., wood for
Mt. armel Ave. 7 60
F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder
caps, etc., Fire Dept. and
Mt. Carmel Ave. 26 60
H. Magdal, iron plate, Road
Dept. 1 68
Wm. Marshall, repairs, Road
List of Warrants
Dept. 80
G. F. Kleih, supplies, Road
Dept. 60
F. Schloz & Son, repairs and
supplies, Road Dept. 40'
Linehan & Molo, waste and
cement, Road Dept. 7 64
Conlin & Kearns, coal, 2nd
Road District 3 45
Key City Roofing Co., cement,
Road and Sidewalk Wepts. 35
Peter Lang, supplies, Side-
walk Dept. and City Hall. 50
F. Schloz & Son, supplies and
repairs, Fire and Sewer
Departments 3 10
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., office
supplies 13 40'
Jas. Beach & Son, soap for
City Hall 4 00.
M. O'Donnell, shades for As-
sessor's office 25
Foley Hand Laundry, towel
service 4 00
Geo. P. Rose, repairing type-
writer 2 00
J. J. Dunn, subpoena fee 1 00
Adam Zillig, drug supplies,
City Hall and Police 2 65•
Klauer & Kress, repairs, Re-
corder's office 75
Key City Gas Co., coal and
gas mantles, Fire and Po-
lice Depts 43 95
Dr. II. J. Hagerty, veterinary
service, Police, Fire and
Sewer Depts. 22 40
Ellwanger Bros., repairs and
supplies, Police, Fire and
Sewer Depts. 6 25
F. G. Becker, coal, Fire, Po-
lice and City Hall 41 94
Linehan & Molo, rope for
Sewer Dept. and coal for
Fire, Police and City Hall 88 18'
Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup-
plies, Fire and Police Depts. 19 25
Mettel Bros., feed, Fire and
Police Depts. 15 24-
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, Sewer and
Fire Depts. 12 20
Collings & Pfiffner, horse -
shoeing, Fire and Police
Depts. 19 75
Peter Even, coal, Fire, Police
and City Hall 63 34
E. L. Lembke, pad for Fire
Dept. 50
•Martin- Strelau, coal, Fire
Dept. 16 85
M. Stafford,. feed, Fire Dept. 2 50
J. J. Nagle, feed, Fire Dept. 500 00
J. J. Nagle, feed, Fire Dept. 169 86
Pier Bros., coal, Fire Dept 20 70
Geo. C. Deyoe, horseshoeing,
Fire Dept. 4 76
Metz Mfg. Co., repairing lad-
der for Fire Dept. • 2 70
Smedley Steam Pump Co ,
brake shoes, Fire Dept. 1 35.
Conlin & Kearns, coal, Fire
N othhe.
To Whom It May Concern:
Tuesday, February 28th, 1911, be-
ing the close of the present fiscal
year for the City of Dubuque, you are
hereby notified that all claims against
said City must be filed with the City
Recorder on or before noon of Mon-
day, Feb. 27th, 1911.
2 -7 -5t City Recorder.
Heeb Permission to Maintain a Pri-
vate Sewer in Rock Street, in the
, City of Dubuque, to Connect Lots
No. 30 and 31, in Farley's Subdivis-
ion, frith the Sanitary Sewer in
.Julien Avenue, and Regulating Such
Permission. •
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That permission be and
the same is hereby granted to A. F.
Heeb of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
to maintain a private sewer in Rock
Street, in said City, to connect Lots
No. 30 and 31 in Farley's Subdivision
to the City of Dubuque with the sani-
tary sewer in Julien Avenue, said
sewer having already been constructed
.at the private expense of said A. F.
Heeb, and consisting of eight -inch tile
pipe, laid at a depth of about five feet,
in the middle of said Rock Street, the
permission herein granted being sub-
ject to the following conditions:
Section 2. The said City of Dubuque
does not assume any obligations to re-
pair or maintain said sewer, but all
expenses incident to such repair .or
maintenance shall, at the option of '
the City, be chargeable to the said A.
F . Heeb, and should the city at any.
time find it necessary or advisable to
order a new sewer in said Rock Street,
consent to the laying of the private
sewer herein referred to shall not be
deemed to be a waiver on the part of
said city on the right to make assess-
ment for said new sewer in any lawful
Section 3. Said A. F. Heeb shall,
by accepting the terms hereof, at all
times hold said City safe and harmless
from any damages, costs or expenses
to which the city may be subject, in
any manner whatsoever, by reason of
the existence and maintenance of the
said sewer herein referred to.
Section 4. The City of Dubuque
may at any time grant the right to
any other person or company to con-
nect with said private sewer, upon
the latter paying to the said A. F.
Heeb the proper proportion of the
cost of construction and maintenance
of said sewer then due, any parties
making subsequent connections to re-
imburse, in turn, the said A. F. Heeb
and parties having made prior con-
nections according to the just pro-
portions then due said A. F. Heeb and
Official Notices
parties having made such prior con-
nections, the intention hereof being to
reimburse those having paid for the
cost of said sewer in such just and
fair proportions as the then total
number making use of said sewer
bears to the cost of the sewer, no one
to be reimbursed, however, in an ex-
cess of the actual expense advanced.
Section 5, That said A. F. Heeb
shall be entitled to the benefits of the
provisions contained in Section 4
hereof only on his written acceptance
of the terms of this ordinance, and
on filing, within twenty (20) days
from the time this ordinance goes in-
to effect, in the office of the city Re-
corder of said city, an itemized sworn
statement of the actual cost of the
construction of said sewer. Failure
to file such statement shall be deemed
to constitute a waiver of said bene-
fits, and shall entitle any person or
company to make connections with
said sewer without cost, provided due
consent to such connection be first ob-
tained from said city.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be
in force and effect from and after its
' passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Times -
Journal and Telegraph - Herald, off i-
ials newspapers, and its written ac-
ceptance, duly endorsed hereon, by the
said A. F. Heeb. .
Adopted February 2, 1911.
Approved February 8, 1911.
D. J. HAAS, Mayor.
City Recorder.
The provisions and terms of the
above ordinance are hereby accepted
and agreed to this 9th day of Febru-
ary, 1911. A. F. HEEB.
Published officially in Daily Time
Journal and the Telegraph- Herald,
February 14, 1911.
City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Whereas, negotiations are now
pending between the Dubuque Indus-
trial Corporation, the Chicago Great
Western Railroad Company, and The
Brunswick, Palke, Collender Com-
pany, by which the said Brunswick,
Ballce, Collender Company Is to re-
move its wood working factory now
located at Chicago, Illinois, to this
City, and to establish and maintain at
this city a . large wood working fac-
tory, furnishing employment to a
large number of men, and„
Whereas said factory Is to be lo-
cated on land now owned by the said
Chicago Great Western Railroad
Company, and heretofore used by it
in connection with its division termi-
nals at Dubuque. said land being sit-
uated partly within and partly out-
side the present limits of the City of
.Dubuque, and being a tract of approx-
imately thirty -five acres, and com-
prizing a part of lot one (1) of the
subdivision of Mineral Lot Three
Hundred Sixty Three (363) within the
City of Dubuque, and a part of lots
two (2) of three (3) and of two (2)
of one (1) of the South East quarter
(S. E. 1 -4) of the South East quarter
(S. E. 1 -4) of Section Eleven (11),
and of lot one (1) of the North East
.quarter (N. E. 1 -4) of the South
East quarter (S. E. 1 -4) of Section
Eleven (11), all in Dubuque Town-
ship outside of the present city limits
of the City of Dubuque, and all of
said land has heretofore, for the pur-
poses of assessments and taxation,
been included with the other property
of said Railroad Company, and has
not been separately assessible, and,
Whereas by way of assisting said
Brunswick, Balke, Collender Com-
pany on account of the expense inci-
dent to removing said factory to this
city, the said Dubuque Industrial Cor-
poration has provided for a substantial
amount of cash to be contributed by
citizens of this city towards the cost
of the new factory buildings so to be
constructed, and the said Railroad
Company has agreed to donate the said
'land on which said manufacturing plant
is to be located, the title to said land
for a term of years to be held by said
Dubuque Industrial Corporation, and it
is a settled policy of this city to en-
courage the establishment and main-
tenance here of manufacturing plants
giving employment to its citizens, and,
Whereas it has not yet been deter-
-mined what portion of the said manu-
facturing plant so to be established on
said lands will be within and what por-
tion will be without the limits of this
city, and it is believed that during the
next ten years the sum of Fifteen
"Thousand $15,000.00) Dollars should be
a sufficient valuation for taxation pur-
pose's of the entire property, real and
personal, used in connection with said
manufacturing business at said loca-
tion, and that for said period the val-
uation for city taxation of such part of
said property as may be located within
the limits of said city should be such
portion of said sum of $15,00.00 as the
value of that part thereof within the
limits of the city, when compared with
the entire valuation of said property,
bears to the said sum of $15,000.00, and,
Whereas it is contemplated that it
will take all of this year 1911 to con-
struct said factory, Now Therefore,
Be It Ordained, by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That for the period of ten
years commencing with the present
year 1911, and provided that during that
Official Notices 61
said period the property herein men-
tioned shall be used for manufacturing
purposes as herein contemplated, the
valuation for the purposes of city
taxation of that part located within the
limits of the City of Dubuque and
subject to city taxation of the property
owned or used by the said Brunswick,
Balke, Collender Company in connection
with its manufacturing plant located
on the lands hereinbefore referred to,
including the lands, buildings, mach-
inery, tools, appliances, equipment, fix-
tures, stocks of material, and manu-
factured product, and all other of said •
property shall be as follows: For the
year 1911 it shall be exempt from taxa-
tion and for the succeeding nine years
the valuation and assessment shall be
for such amount only as that portion
of said property located within the
limits of the City of Dubuque, when
compared with the entire valuation of
said property, bears to the sum of
$15,000.00, and said property shall for
said years be exempt from taxation
for any amount in excess of the
amount herein provided.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Telegraph -
Herald and Times- Journal, the official
newspapers of the city of Dubuque.
Adopted January 24, 1911.
Approved January 24, 1911.
City Recorder.
Published officially. in The Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
February 22, 1911.
2 -22 -1t City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter
VI. of the Revised Ordinance of the
City of Dubuque of 1901, entitled
"An Ordinance to Determine Con-
tested Elections and Tie Votes."
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Chapter VI. of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City
of Dubuque, entitled "An Ordinance to
determine contested elections and tie
votes" ' be and is hereby amended as
Section 2. That Section 1 thereof be
and is hereby amended by striking
therefrom all that part thereof, to and
including the word "elections" in the
second line, and inserting in lieu
thereof the words, "The Court for the
trial of contested City Elections shall
be thus constituted: The Mayor shall
be the presiding officer, and the con-
testant and incumbent may each name
a person who shall be associated with
Section 3. That Section three (3)
thereof, be and is hereby amended by
striking out all of the section begin-
ning with the word "and" in the fif-
teenth line thereof, to and including,
the word "facts" in the seventeenth
line thereof. .
Section 4. That said Ordinance be
and is hereby amended by adding
thereto the following section:
Section 7. The contestant and in-
cumbent shall each file in the record-
er's office, on or before the day of trial,
a written nomination of one associate
judge of the contested election, who
shall be sworn in manner and form
as trial jurors are in trials of civil
actions, if either the contestant or the
incumbent fails to nominate, the pre-
siding judge shall appoint for him.
When either of the nominated judges
fail to appear on the day of trial, his
place may be filled by another ap-
pointment under the same rule.
This Ordinance shall be in force and
take effect after its passage and pu0-
lication in the official newspapers of
the City of Dubuque.
Adopted February 16, 1911.
Approved February 17, 1911.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald
February 21, 1911.
2 -21 It City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
An Ordinance Amending Section 36
of Chapter XXVI. of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, being an ordinance entitled
"An Ordinance in Relation to the Li-
censing and Regulations of Various
Occupations and Business, Persons,
Things, Exhibitions, Games and
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Section 36 of
Chapter XXVI of the Revised Ordin-
ances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
being an ordinance entitled "An Or-
dinance in Relation to the Licensing
and Regulations of Various Occupa-
tions and Business, Persons, Things,
Exhibitions, Games and Amusements,"
be and the same is hereby amended
as follows:
Sec. 2. That said Section 36 be
and is hereby amended by striking
therefrom the word "March" in the
second line thereof and inserting in
lieu thereof the word "December,"
and by striking therefrom the word
"April" in the fourth line thereof and
inserting in lieu thereof the word
"January;" also by striking therefrom
the word "March" in the eighth line
Official Notices
thereof and inserting in lieu thereof
the word "December."
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque -
Times- Journal and Telegraph- Herald,
the official papers of the City of Du-
Adopted February 16, 1911.
Approved February 17, 1911.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily -
Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald
February 21, 1911.
2 -21 lt City Recorder.
AN ORDINANCE Changing the Grade
of Grandview Avenue from Station
60 to 67 in the City of Dubuque,
Whereas the owners of all the prop-
erty abutting on Grandview Avenue,
between Station 60 and 67 have signed
a waiver of all claims for damages •
ca csed by reason of the herein propos --
ed change of grade on said portion of
said street, and have given their con-
sent thereto, the said waiver being
filed in the office of the City Recorder,
under date of October 7th, 1910, a
crpy of which is written on the profile
described in Section I hereof, therefore
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade on Grand-
view Avenue between Station 60 and
67 in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be -
changed and that the grade be and is
hereby re- established, and adopted as
shown by the blue line on the profile
of said street, and grade prepared by
the City Engineer, and accepted by the
City Council, January the 19th, 1911.
being No. 6g1 and marked, "Change
of grade of Grandview Avenue from
Station 60 to 67" b. m. water table side -
of East door Ducey's store, South
Dodge and Grandview Avenue, eleva-
tion on 271.62, said grade beginning at
station 60, elevation 255.0, thence to
station 63, elevation 246.14, thence to
station 67, elevation 239.0.
Section 2. This Ordinance to be 'n
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and
its publication one time in the Du-
buque Telegraph- Herald and Times -
Journal, the official newspapers of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted February 16, 1911.
Approved February 17, 1911.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald
February 21, 1911.
2 -21 It City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
AN ORDINANCE prohibiting ex-
pectorating on the sidewalks, or upon
the floor of any street car, or am
public conveyance within the City of
Be It Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City'of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful
for any person within the City of Du-
buque to expectorate upon the side-
walks, or upon the floor of any street
ear, or any other public conveyance
within said City.
Sec. 2. Any person violating the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
on conviction thereof shall be fined in
a sum not to exceed Five Dollars
Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its pas-
sage by the City Council and publica-
tion one time in the Times - Journal
and Telegraph - Herald, officials news-
Add., Block 5, lot 13, 8 -inch pipe
and manholes, $10.92; extra ex-
tra expense, 45c 11 37
Adopted February 16, 1911.
Approved February 17, 1911.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald
February 21, 1911.
2 -21 lt City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the city council held
on Feb. 16, 1911, the following special
assessment was levied on the real es-
tate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay the one -
seventh part within the time prescrib-
ed by the ordinance governong same,
all will become delinquent and subject
to collection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For constructing a Sanitary Sewer in
Grandview avenue and South Dodgem,
street, from Dodge street, Grandviewt
avenue, south to South Dodge, thence
down South Dodge to Dodge.
Owner. Description. Total.
Wrn. A. McClain, Byrne Sub ,
Lot 2 $ 66 71
John Byrne, Byrne Sub., Lot 1 54 60
John Byrne, Bonson and Stew-
ard Sub., Lot 25... 38 67
Official Notices 63
John Byrne, Bonson and Stew-
ard Sub., Lot 24 28 21
Peter Eisbach, Bonson and Stew-
ard Sub., Lot 26 29 57
Peter Eisbach, Sub. Div. Min
Lot 63, Lot 4 64 61
E. A. Donahue, Hoskin's Sub ,
Lot 1 42 45
Eliz. Saul, Hoskin's Sub., Lot 2, 32 53
Isabelle Cain, Hoskin's Sub., Lot 3 25 84-
Jas. Brunskill, Hoskin's Sub.,
Lot 4 37 76
Wm. McClain, Hoskin's Sub ,
Lot 5 34 I2
Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot 5 26 16.
Therisa Sullivan, Saul's Sub., Lot
4 25 02
Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot
Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot
Sidney Saul, Saul's Sub., Lot
1 ...
J. C. Fitzpatrick, Union Addi-
tion, Lot 151 38 67
Therisa Sullivan, Sub. 152, Union
Addition, Lot 1 22 75•
Jas. Walsh, Sub. 152, Union Ad-
dition, Lot 2 24 5T
L. Dwyer, Sub. 2, Min. Lot 47,
Lot 2 22 75
T. J. Donahue, Sub. 2, Min. Lot
47, Lot 1 65 70-
Wm. Ducey, Sub. 1, Min. Lot 46,
Lot 2 ..... 81 90-
J, and E. Tibey, Sub. 3 Min. Lot
63, Lot 1 270 27
Johanna Koerner, Sub. 3 Min.
Lot 63, Lot 2 34 12
P. Meehan, Union Addition, Lot
72 .... 28 26
Henry Cain, Union Addition, Lot
73 27 30-
Christina Sigworth, Union Addi-
tion, Lot 74 27 30
Peter Kearney, Union Addition,
Lot 75 30 94
M. and H. Kelly, Sub. 2 of 76
and 77, Union Addition, Lot 1. 20 70
M. and H. Kelly, Sub. 2 of 76
and 77, Union Addition, Lot 2 22 75
Margaret Ryan, Sub. 2 of 76 and
77, Union Addition, So. 40 ft
Lot 3 18 20-
Margaret Ryan, Sub. 2 of 76 and
77, Union Addition, Lot 4 19 56
Margaret Ryan, Sub. 2 of 76 and
77, Union Addition, Lot 5 22 75
C. G. and C.' M. Meyer, Sub. 145
and 146, Union Additions, Lot 1 20 47
C. G. and C. M. Meyer, Sub. 145
and 146, Union Additions, Lot 2. 18 20
C. G. and C. M. Meyer, Sub. 145
and 146, Union Additions, Lot 3. 18 20
C. G. and C. M. Meyer, Sub. 145
and 146, Union Additions, Lot 4. 27 30
Mary McGuiness, Sub. 128 of
Min. Lot 452, 1 of M. L. 472,
Lot 163, Union Addition, Lot 1 9 56
Josephine Lahey, Sub. 128 of Min.
Lot 452 of M. L. 472, Lot 158,
Undion Addition, Lot 2 49 59
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
21 39-
21 39
21 39•
Official Notices
Park Add., ,Block 2, lot 5 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2 lot 6 11 37
.C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add.,. Block 2, lot 7 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 8 11 37
M. J. Schmitt, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 9 11 37
. M. J. Schmitt, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 10 . 11 37
F. W. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 11 11 37
F. W. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 12 11 37
F. W. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 13 11 37
F. W. Brunkow, Grandview Park
Add., Block 2, lot 14 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 15 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 2, lot 16 11 37
Carrie Pollock, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 1 11 37
Carrie Pollock, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 2 11 37
Carrie Pollock, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 3... 11 37
- Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 4 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lat 5 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 6 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 7 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 8 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 9 11 37
C. J. Peterson, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 10 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 11 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 13 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 13 11 37
- C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 14 11 37
J. M. Fritz, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 15 11 37
J. M. Fritz, Grandview Park
Add., Block 3, lot 16 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 1 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 2 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 3 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 4 11 35
R. Urbach, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 6 11 37
R. Urbach, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 6 11 37
Anna M. Huntoon, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 7 11 37
Anna M. Huntoon, Grandview
Park Add., Block 3, lot 8 11 37
F. A. Miller, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 9 11 37
F. A. Miller, Grandview Park
Add., Block 4, lot 10
C. ,H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 11
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 12
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 13
Domes and Bush, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 14
Catherine Duggan, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 15
Catherine Duggan, Grandview
Park Add., Block 4, lot 16
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 1
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 2.
M. N. Brandt, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 3
M. N. Brandt, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 4
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 5
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 6
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 7
J. J. Curran, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 8
Mary Kirkby, Grandview Park
Add., Brock 5, lot 9
Mary Kirkby, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 10
Margt. Seeley, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 11
Margt. Seeley, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 12...
M. P. Sullivan, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 13
M. P. Sullivan, Grandview Park
Add., Block 5, lot 14 7 95
All of which is assessed in proportion
to the special benefits conferred.
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
11 37
Public notice is hereby given that at
the session of the City Council held on
Feb. 16, 1911, the following special as-
sessment was levied on the real estate
hereinafter described, and that in
case of failure to pay the one - seventh
part with the time prescribed by the
ordinance governing same, all will be-
come delinquent _ and subject to collec-
tion by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For the improvement of Grandview
avenue from its intersection with South
Dodge street to the south line of Min-
eral Lot 31:
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 7 $ 31 81
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia, Addition, Lot 8 156 42
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 9 148 56
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia, Addition, Lot 10 121 84
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 11 115 96
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
64 Official Notices
bia Addition, Lot 1 ... 27 30
C. G. and C.. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 2... 21 84
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 3 21 84
R. E. Twaites, Columbia Addi-
tion, Lot 4 19 11
R. E. Twaites, Columbia Addi-
tion, Lot 5 18 20
G. Fautsch, Columbia Addition,
Lot 6 18 43
T. J. Donahue, Sub. 1 of M. L
46, Lot 1 69 61
E. Lavery, Sub. 2 of M. L. 46,
Lot 2; E. Lavery, Sub. 3 of M.
L. 47, Lot 2
Tim Dillion, Dillon's Sub., Lot 2
Tim Dillon, Dillon's Sub., Lot 1
A. A. Cooper, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 11 22 75
A. A. Cooper, Grandview Ave-
nue, Addition, Lot 10 22 75
A. A. Cooper, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 9 22 75
Tina Dillon, Grandview Avenue
Addition, Lot 8 22 75
M. Howie, Grandview Avenue
Addition, Lot 7 22 75
M. Howie, Grandview Avenue
Addition, Lot 6 22 75
'Geo. Masters, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 5 22 75
Geo. Wybrant, Grandview Ave-
nue Addition, Lot 4 22 75
'Trewin & Wallis, Grandview
Avenue Addition, Lot 3 22 75
Trewin & Wallis, Grandview
Avenue Addition, Lot 2 22 75
Trewin & . Wallis, Grandview
Avenue Addition, Lot 1 36 40
Geo. Collis, O'Hare's Sub., Lot
19 177 45
John Osel, Stewart's Sub., Lot 14. 24 88
John Osel, Stewart's Sub., Lot 13. 24 88
'Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
11 22 75
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
10 22 75
'Tim. Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
9 22 75
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
8 22 75
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
7 22 75
'Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
6 22 75
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
5 .. 22 75
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
4 22 75
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
3 22 75
Tim Dillon, Stewart's Sub., Lot
2 22 75
M. B. Wallis, Sub. 3, M. L. 150,
Lot 2 197 47
M. B. Wallis, Sub. 3, M. L. 150,
Lot 2 67 56
McClain Bros., Sub. 16, McClain's
Sub., Lot 1 34 90
Alice McClain, Sub. 1, M. L. 150,
• Lot 2 4199
McClain Bros., McClain's Sub ,
41 41
43 58
22 75
Lot l 31 66
Ed. McClain, Sub. 1, M. L. 150,
Lot 4 22 75
M. O'Shea Est., Sub. Div. M. L
145, Lot 1 .. 77 35
Jas. Alderson, Grandview Place,
Lot 1 21 75
Kiene & Altman, Grandview
Place, Lot 2 . 22 79
J. E. Burns, Grandview Place,
Lot 3 22 79'
Emma C. \rilmott, Grandview
Place, Lot 4 22 75
Emma C. Wilmott, Grandview
Place, Lot 5 22 75
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place,
Lot 6 22 75
Matilda Miller, Grandview Place,
Lot 7 22 75•
M. Bordeau, Grandview Place,
Lot - 8 22 75
L. Van Buren, Grandview Place,
Lot 9 . 22 75
Kiene & Altman, Grandview
Place, Lot 10 22 75
Anna L. Keogh, Grandview
Place, Lot 11 22'75
J. Appel, Grandview Place, Lot
12 22 7
J. Appel, Grandview Place, Lot
13 22 75
J. Appel, Grandview Place, Lot
14 22 75
J. Appel, Whelan's Sub. Lot 12 22 75
J. Appel, Whelan's Sub., Lot 11 22 75
Carl Consor, Whelan's Sub., Lot
10 22 75
John Stedman, Whelan's Sub ,
Lot 9 2275
W. W. Whelan, Whelan's Sub,
lot 8 22 75
J. S. McClain, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 7 22 75
T. J. Paisley, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 6 22 75
T. J. Paisley, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 5 . 22 75
T. J. Paisley, Whelan's Sub.,
lot 4 22 75
D. E. Fernald, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 3 22 75
D. E. Fernald, Whelan's Sub ,
lot 2 22 75
D. E. Fernald, Grandview Park
Add., Block 1, No. 6.1 ft. lot 1 2 75
Chas. Safkow, Sub. 1 and 2,'
Grandview Park Add., So. 46
ft. lot 1 20 91
Rev. H. Luz, Sub. 1 and 2, Grand-
view Park Add., Block 1, lot 2. 22 75
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2,
lot 1 9 10
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2,
lot 2 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2,
lot 3 11 37
Dornes and Bush, Grandview
Avenue Park Add., Block 2,
lot 4 11 37
C. H. Fiegenbaum, Grandview
66 Official Notices
bia Addition, Lot 12 115 96
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 13 191 67
C. G. and C. 11. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 14 191 76
C. G. and C. 11. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 15 136 13
Maria Sullivan, Sub. 2, M. L.
31, Lot 1 1,119 93
C. E. Curran, Sub. 2, M. L.
31, Lot 2 120 80
J. A. McMahon, M. Lot 30 93 23
J. B. Cornelius, Sub. M. L. 43,
Lot 2 .... 234 34
N. Faber, Sub. M. L. 43. Lot
1 449 36
C. .T. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 29 86 73
C. J. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, So. 1 -2
Lot 28 36 24
Alb. Gassman, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, No. 1 -2
Lot 28 36 24
Alb. Gassman, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 27.. 60 39
Alb. Gassman, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, So. 5 ft.
Lot 26 12 07
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, No. 20 ft. Lot
' 26 48 32
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, Lot 25 60 39
Peterson & Slocum, Grand-
view Park Add., Block 15
Lot 24 60 39
Peterson & Slocum, Grand-
view Park Add., Block 15,
Lot 23 60 39
Delia Wombacher, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 22.. 60 39
Delia Wombacher, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 21.. 135 30
C. J. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, Lot 22.. 60 39
C. .T. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, Lot 22.. 60 39
C. J. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6. Lot 21 .. 60 39
A. Imhof. Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 20 60 39
A. Imhof, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 19 60 39
Geo. N. Klauer, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, lot 18 6 039
Geo. N. Klauer, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, lot 18 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 16 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 15 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 14 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 13 . 143 70
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, lot 18 151 47
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, lot 17 71 10
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, lot 16 80 70
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park • Add., Block 5, lot 15.... 19 21
Total ....$5029. 43
All of which is assessed in proportion.
to the special benefits conferred.
Regular Session, March 2, 1911.
' Council inet at 8:45 p. m..
Mayor Baas in the chair.
Present -- A ldcrmen Apel, McEvoy,
- O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Specht and City
Attorney Lyon
Absent -Aid: Singin.
Moved by Aid. Apel that action on
_;he council proceedings for month of
February be deferred until next meet-
ing. Car' ied.
. Ellwanger Bros., repairs, Sewer,
Police c.nd F1re Dept. $ 2 25
- Key City Ruber Stamp Works,
stairp .... 30
- Frank Itimel, plastering ceil-
ing at rmory 169 68
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies to
ma'.rons 6 16
• c;eo. Rag'•ctz & Son, repairs, Fire
Dept. 3 49
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., Sewer
Deal. . 4 75
Sohn Jansen, Police, expense .. 2 50
J. L. Drc•house, Police Dept... 1 65
Smedley Steam Punip Co. 25
d ohn McGrath, macaadm, Road 4 47 12
Matt. Kieffer, macaadm, Road 4 80 05
'Becker, Hazelton & Co., supplies,
Fir. Ddpt. 2 00
Lagen. P_,rd & Berwanger, horse-
sinning, Fire Dept. 5 60
i'ollenweider & Heim, horseshoe -
ing, Fire Dept. 2 45
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoeing,
Fir- Dept. 5 00
John L. Bleakly, state auditor.. 567 29
Mowed by Ald. Apel that warrants
be drawn for various amounts and bills
be paid. Carried.
Petition of Tim Flynn asking that
the $00.00 mon'ys and credits assessed '
against 'rim be cancelled and place
the value on his one vehicle at $25.00,
and ,he City Treasurer be instructed
to accept the taxes on that basis, pre-
. sentect. On motion of Ald. Saul re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Notific.ition from Fire Chief Rein -
fried that the City Service Truck was
in a dangerous condition and it is ab-
solutely t ecessary that provisions be
made for the purchase of a new light
%ruck as soon as possible, presented.
Cn motion, of Ald. O'Rourkee referred
to Committee on Fire and Fire Chief,
they to report to the Committee of the
- Whole.
Petition of A. L. Rhomberg asking to
l ave the taxes for year 1910 on Lots
640 -641, East Dubuque, No. 2, and Block
Regular Session, March 2, 1911 67
"4, Railroad addition, canceled as per
condition of lease, presented. On mo-
tion c i Ald. Saul prayer granted.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Wolff notify-
ing the ci'y of damages done her prop-
erty on Althauser avenue, presented.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred
to C nnmittee of the Whole.
Petition of Albert Kuhn asking that
the City Engineer be instructed to es-
tablish the grade on all the streets
abutting and contained in Grandview
Avenue Freights Sub - division, present-
ed. On motion of Ald. Saul prayer of
petit mer granted.
Petition of Anna Lorenz stating that
City .Assessor Kelly in making assess-
ment on City Lot No. 297, for year
1910, duplicate return hereto attached,
,how the valuation to be $3500.00, and
that when she paid taxes on Feb. 28,
1911, the treasurer collected on the
t aluation of $4500.00. She therefore pe-
titions to have the City Treasurer in-
structed to return to her the rebate
which is due her and that the City As-
sessor be instructed to correct the error
in the valuation of said City Lot No.
97, preserted. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke
that the prayer be granted, as it is
shown that there was an error, and
the City Treasurer be intructed to re-
fund to the petitioner the difference.
Application of 13. McDonald asking
to be appointed Engineer on steam
oiler, also application of Herman
liunkel asking to be appointed stoker
of steam roller, presented. On motion
cf Ald. Apel referred to Committee of
the Whole.
Ald. Ape resorted that two or three
of Uri Fire horses were sick and that
the Department is in need of new
Moved by Aid. O'Rourke that the
Committee instruct the City Recorder
to advertise for the purchasing of three
Corson for Fire Department on Satur-
day, March 18. at 10:00 a. m. at the
Gent °al Engine house. , Carried.
Plans and specifications for 6 - inch
',le pipe sanitary sewer in Ries street
trom the rresent manhole in Windsor
avenue to Stafford avenue, presented.
Moved hi Ald. Saul be referred to
Comi tittee of the Whole and Ordinance
Committee be instructed to draft the
proper Ordinance for said sewer. Car-
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
police report for the month of Feb -
uarv, 1911