1911 March Council Proceedings66
bia Addition, Lot 12 115 96
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 13 191 67
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 14 191 76
C. G; and C. H. Meyer, Colum-
bia Addition, Lot 15 136 13
Maria Sullivan, Sub. 2, M. L.
31, Lot 1 1,119 93
C. E. Curran, Sub, 2, M. L.
31, Lot 2 120 80
J. A. McMahon, M. Lot 30 93 23
J. B. Cornelius, Sub. M. L. 43,
Lot 2 . , .. 234 34
N. Faber, Sub. M. L. 43, Lot
1 ,• 449 36
C. J. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 29 86 73
C. .T. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 16, So. 1 -2
Lot 28 36 24
Alb. Gassman, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, No. 1 -2
Lot 28 36 24
Alb. Gassman, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 27.. 60 39
Alb. Gassman, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, So. 5 ft.
Lot 26 12 07
P. 'S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, No. 20 ft. Lot
26 48 32
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 15, Lot 25 60 39
Peterson & Slocum, Grand-
view Park Add., Block 15.
Lot 24 60 39
Peterson & Slocum, Grand-
view Park Add., Block 15,
Lot 23 60 39
Delia Wombacher, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 22.. 60 39
Delia Wombacher, Grandview
Park Add., Block 15, Lot 21.. 135 30
C. J. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, Lot 22.. 60 39
C. J. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, Lot 22.. 60 39
C. .T. Peterson, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6. Lot 21 .. 60 39
A. Imhof, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 20 60 39
A. Imhof, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 19 60 39
Geo. N. Klauer, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, lot 18 6 039
Geo. N. Klauer, Grandview
Park Add., Block 6, lot 18 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 16 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 15 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 14 60 39
P. S. Slocum, Grandview Park
Add., Block 6, lot 13 143 70
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, lot 18 151 47
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, lot 17 71 10
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Park Add., Block 5, lot 16 80 70
City of Dubuque, Grandview
Official Notices
Park • Add., Block 5, lot 15.... 19 21`
Total ,,..35029'43
All of which is assessed in proportion .
to the special benefits conferred.
R Session, March 2, 1911.
' Council met at 8:45 p. m.
1\Iayor Fiaas in the chair.
Present- Aldermen Apel, McEvoy,
- O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Specht and City
Attorney Lyon
Absent-Ald. Singin.
Moh ed by Aid. Ariel that action on
-the council proceedings for month of
February be deferred until next meet-
ing. Car ied.
_ i;11wa nger Bro ,., repairs, Sewer,
Police c.nd Fire Dept. $ 2 25
Key City Ruber Stamp Works,
stamp ,... 30
- Frank 1 plastering ceil-
ing. at E rmory 169 68
- Eiclihorn & Bechtel, supplies to
ma':ron. 6 16
(;eo. Rag•ttz & Son, repairs, Fire
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., Sewer
,I•ohn Janson, Police, expense .,
- J. L. Drehouse, Police Dept
Smedley Steam Pump Co.
-john McGrath, macaadm, Road 4
Matt. Kieffer, macaadm, Road 4
- Becker, H.azelton & Co., supplies,
Fir; Dci.t. 2 00
Lagen. P_,c.cl & Berwanger, horse -
sho Fire Dept. 5 60
i'ollenweider & Heim, horseshoe -
ing, Fir- Dent. 2 -15
Collings & Pfifiner, horseshoeing,
Fire Dept. 5 00
John L. Bleakly, state auditor.. 567 29
Mo by Aid. Apel that warrants
be drawn for various amounts and bills
ire paid. Carried.
Regular Session, March 2, 1911 67
3 49
4 75
2 50
1 65
47 12
80 05
Petition of Tim Flynn asking that
the P00.00 mon'ys and credits assessed
against him be cancelled and place
the value on his one vehicle at $25.00,
and the City Treasurer be instructed
to accept the taxes on that basis, pre-
- sented. On motion of Ald. Saul re-
:erred to Committee of the Whole.
Notification from Fire Chief Rein -
fried that the City Service Truck was
hi a dangerous condition and it is ab-
solutely t ecessary that provisions he
made for the purchase of a new light
- ruck as Noon as possible, presented.
Cn motion of Ald. O'Rourkee referred
to Committee on Fire and Fire Chief,
they to report to the Committee of the
Petition of A. L. Rhomberg asking to
lave the taxes for year 1910 on Lots
' 640 -64i, East Dubuque, No. 2, and Block
"4, Railroad addition, canceled as per
c ondi; ion of lease, presented. On mo-
tion Li Ald. Saul prayer granted.
Petition of Mrs. Mary Wolff notify-
ing the ci'y of damages done her prop-
irty on Althauser avenue, presented.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred
to Cnnmittee of the Whole.
Petition of Albert Kuhn asking that
the City Engineer be instructed to es-
tablish the grade on all the streets
abutting and contained in Grandview
Avenue Freights Sub- division, present-
ed. On motion of Ald. Saul prayer of
petiti iner granted.
Petition of Anna Lorenz stating that
City Assessor Kelly in making assess-
ment on City Lot No. 297, for year
1910, duplicate return hereto attached,
.how the valuation to be $3500.00, and
'that when she paid taxes on Feb. 28,
1911, the treasurer collected on the
aluution of $4500.00. She therefore pe-
titions to have the City Treasurer' in-
structed to return to her the rebate
which is due her and that the City As-
eessor be irstructed to correct the error
in the valuation of said City Lot No.
'97, preser ted. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke
that the prayer be granted, as it is
shown that there was an error, and
the City Treasurer be intructed to re-
fund to the petitioner the difference.
Application of B. McDonald asking
to be appointed Engineer on steam
oiler, also application of Herman
Kunkel asking to be appointed stoker
of steam roller. presented. On motion
c f Ald. Al. el referred to Committee of
the Whole.
Ald. Apel reported that two or three
of the Fire horses were sick and that
the Department is in need of new
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
Committee instruct the City Recorder
to advertise for the purchasing of three
l:orsos for Fire Department on Satur-
day, March 18, at 10:00 a. m. at the
Cent-al Engine house. = Carried.
Plans and specifications for 6 -inch
',le pipe sanitary sewer in Ries street
from the present manhole in Windsor
avenue to Stafford avenue, presented.
Moved b-i Ald. Saul be referred to
Cone iittee of the Whole and Ordinance
Committee be instructed to draft the
proper Ordinance for said sewer. Car-
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
olice report for the month of Feb-
ruary, 1911:
SECTION 2. Every owner of any
house, tenement, or outbuilding occu-
pied or used by a person or persons,
which house, tenement, or building,
or any part thereof is situated within
two hundred feet of any public sewer,
shall within thirty days from the
time of receiving notice from the
Board of Health to make such con
nections, as provided in Section 3
hereof, connect such house, tene-
ment, or outbuilding with such sewer.
by a proper branch sewer constructed
in accordance with the requirements
of the Board of Health, and to the
satisfaction and approval of the City
Engineer, both as to pipes and mater-
ial, as well as work of constructing.
and to use such sewer for all proper
purpose as required by the Board of
SECTION 3 A copy of said reso-
lution referred to in section 1 hereof.
duly attested by the City Recorder,
shall forthwith be served upon such
property owner or owners, or his or
their duly authorized agent or attor-
ney; the service thereof shall be
made 1)3 the City Chief of Police
or Sanitary Officer, who must endorse
thereon his return and file the same
with the City Recorder. Whenever
it appears that such property owner
or owners are non - residents and have
no duly authorized agent or attorney
upon whom service can be male, then
the City Recorder shall give ten da'
notice thereof by publishing same in
the official paper of the city of Du-
buque for three consecutive times,
and the service of the copy of said
resolution as herein provided by pub-
lication, shall be deemed sufficient to
require such property owner to make
said sewer connections.
SECTION 4. Whenever any prop-
erty owner who has been duly served
with notice to make such sewer con-
nections as hereinbefore provided,
shall neglect or refuse so to do. in.
accordance with the notice in the
time therein stated, then and in that
case the Board of Health may order
plans and specifications of the sewer
connections contempliated to be made
with an estimate of the cost therecf
by the City Engineer, which plans and
specifications and estimate, together
with a report of the action of said
Board in ordering said sewer con-
nection, shall be submitted to the
City Council for approval, and if ap-
proved by said Council, the Council
shall by resolution, order the same to
be done by contract in accordance
with such plans and specifications.
and for that purpose shall advertise in
the oxcial papers of the City for three
times within a period of ten days for
proposals for constructing said con-
nection sewers; said work to be done
under the supervision of the City En-
Regular Session, March 2, 1911 69
gineer and Committee on Sewers, and
the City of Dubuque shall have the
right by its officers or employees to
go upon the premises for the purpose
of making such connections, and up-
on the completion of said work and
acceptance thereof by the City Coun
cil and City Engineer shall report to
the Council the cost thereof, including
the cost of the estimates, notices, in-
spection and preparing the assessment
and plat, and the City Council shall
levy an assessment against the speci-
fic property of the owner thereof, in
an amount equal to said costs and ex-
penses in the manner thereinafter
stated, and the same shall from the
time said work is done, be,a lien up-
on such real estate upon which such
expenditures are made or expenses
are incurred, and such assessment
may be collected as other special as-
sessments and the lien enforced by
civil action in any court of competent
SECTION 5. The Council shall
then direct the Recorder to give ten
days' notice either by three publica-
tions in the two official newspapers,
or by mailing a notice to the owners
of the property that the proposed
assessment is to be made, stating the
amount and for what cause the ex-
pense was incurred, and that objec-
tions may be made in writing and fil-
ed with the Recorder during said ten
clays, and the council having consid-
ered such objections shall by resolu
tion levy the special assessment an
herein above provided.
Section 6. All ordinances and parts
cf ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby rei:ealed.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
'aassage and publication in the Du-
1 uduc Telegraph- Herald and Times -
Journal, : i,e official newspapers of the
City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Ad )pte 1 , 1911.
Apl,r•ovod , 1911.
City Recorder.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
leading just had be considered the first
reading and the City Recorder furnish
the Alder,r en a copy of same. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourkee that when
we adjourn, we adjourn to Monday,
March 6, ]911, at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
All. Saul offered the following:
Your Cnnimititee of the Whole would
t espectful'y submit the following reso-
lution ar.d ask that the same he
Whereas, in estimating the appropri-
ations for the present fiscal year, there
was Included in the original draft a
68 Regular Session, March 2, 1911
Intoxication ....25
Adultery 2
Assault end battery 1
3Jisturbing the peace 9
Diso: • conduct 12
Lewdness 3
Petit lar "eny
Runaway girl 1
Vagrancy 3
Total 57
Door3 found open 20
Lodgers 'harbored 284
Meals fti "nished 33
Cost of food $ 6.60
Defective lights 311
Pondmaster's receipts .... $ 1.00
Polic•i court costs collected $24.50
Patro. runs 29
Ambulance calls 2
Miles traveled 34
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Sauer, the report
was received and filed.
Tilt following weighmasters' reports
of re_eiptr were read:
Louise Pitschner $ 1.71
Joseph Straney 5.10
Edward Norton 27.75
On motion of Ald. Specht received
and filed
To the Honorable Mayor and City
We your Board of Health beg to
'report we held a meeting on the 25
day of February and at this meeting
we adopted the following resolution
and we ask your approval of same.
Be is Resolved by the Board of Health
of the City of Dubuqe. Sec. 1 That
from and after the taking effect of
this order, there shall not be can -
ducted within the limits of the
of Dubuque indescriminate sales or
clothing apparel and other articles
commonly known as "rummage sales"
without first obtaining written per-
mission from the City Recorder of
such City.
Sec. 2 The City Recorder of said
City shall not issue such permission
until he has received a report from
the Sanitary Officer of said Board of
Health certifying that the premises in
which said sale is to be conducted, tc•-
gether with all articles, clothing, mer-
chandise and other things to be offer -
,e-d for sale in said place have been
duly and thoroughly fumigated under
the personal direction and charge of
such Sanitary Officer. The expense
of such fumigating to be paid by said
Board of Health.
Mayor and Chairman of Board of
Clerk of Board of Health.
We also awarded the contract for
conveying small pox patients to the
Detention Hospital to Mr. R. F. Ben-
nett under the same terms as the
previous contract. Also recommend
that garbage be collected throughout
the year. Also recommend that the -
a•tsched Ordinance relative to sent
tary sewer connections be adopted by
3'u ur Honorable Body. Also that you
• ay the followings bills: Nutwood Liv-
ery, $6.00; C. N. Kenny, $60.00; E. T.
Frith, $64.00; A. J. Hartig, $33.00• X.
E. Roth, $27.00. The following bills
certified to and sent to the county
for payment: Corrance Grocer Co.,
$17.02; Fred Wissel, $6.25; Pier
Bros., $9.50; John Schaetzle, $1.30;'
E. A. Linehan, $3.25; M. E. King,.
$5.00; F. D. Wieland, $5.00; Union
Electric Co., $6.00; R. W. Quinlan,
$2.54; R. F. Bennett, $3.00; C. J.
Shannon, $12.35; J. Knoernschild,
$ 5.0 0.
l .o , ed ev Ald. O'Rourke the report-
et' roar() of Yealth be adopted except
the adoption of Ordinance that be-
considered later. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke offered the follow-
AN ORDINANCE Requiring the Mak
ing of Connections with Sanitary
Sewers and Repealing all Ordi-
nances and Parts or Ordinances i,1:
Conflict Herewith.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
SECTION 1. That whenever It
shall appear to the Board of Health
that any property owner, whose .
property is situated within two hun-
dred (200) feet of any public sewer,
has failed, neglected or refused to
make proper and necessary house
connections therewith, said Board
may by resolution order such sew- r
connections to be made by such prop-
erty owner, and said resolution shall
state the name of the owner or
owners of the property to be thus -
connected by sewer, with a descrip-
tion of the property and fix the time
in said order within which connec-
tions shall be made, and that they
general regulations and specifications
as to construction of such sewers are
on file and may be seen in the City
Engineer's office, and shall also re-
cite that if said connections are not
made by the time specified, the Board'
shall order such work and connec-
tions made and report the costs and
expenses thereof to the City Council
which shall assess the same agair-st
the property to be thus connected by
sewer, and such assessment shall be
a lien on said property, which the
City Council can enforce by the sale
of same.
70 Regular Session, March 2, 1911
provision that was subsequently over -
,00ked, and
Whereas, it is absolutely necessary
that such provisions be included, there-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that to
Provide fm the payment of settlements
in personal injury cases, for payment
of the amount retained on non- assess-
"ble improvements and for deficiency
pure , ses there be appropriated the
& &um of $7.368.00
Be it further Resolved that the
money collected from the recent issue
of Water Works bonds be credited to
the Sinking Fund Account and that
the Trty Auditor he instructed accord-
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
repor. . of Committee of the Whole.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of a street as
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expen
of said improvement amount to $5,-
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That to provide for the cost of im-
proving Grandview Avenue fr:,m
South Dodge Street to the south line
of I'Iineral Lot 31, the Mayor be and
he is hereby required to execute and
deliver to the City Recorder, to he by
him registered and countersigned,
nineteen bonds for two hundred and
fifty dollars each and one for two
hundred seventy -nine and 43 -100 dol-
lars, numbered 1080 to 1099, dated
March 16, 1911, payable on or before
seven years after date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent. per annum, payable semi -an-
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by
following vote: Yets Alds. Apel, Mc-
Evoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer as hereinafter described has
been completed, and the City Engi-
neer has computed that the cost and
expense of said improvement amount
to $4,306.64,
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
That to provide for the cost of con-
structing a sanitary sewer in Grand-
view Avenue from Dodge Street south
to South Dodge Street, thence in
South Dodge Street north to Dcdge
Street, the Mayor be and he is here
by required to execute and deliver to
the City Recorder, to be by him reg-
istered and countersigned, sixteen
bonds for two hundred and fifty dol-
lars each and one bond for three hun-
dred six and 64 -100 dollars, number-
ed 1100 to 116, dated March 16, 191'
payable on or before seven years af-
ter the date thereof, and bearing in-
terest at the rate of five per cent. per
annum, payable semi - annuallq.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adop-
tion of the resolution. Carried by the
following vote: Yeas —Alds. Ape::,
McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul,
Specht. Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Alderman Specht offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby in-
structed to prepare plans and specifi-
cations for a storm water sewer in
Twenty -fifth street from Elm to
Washington Street and after the ac-
ceptance of the same to file them in
the office of the City Recorder who is
thereupon authorized to advertised for
bidsbids for the construction of said
work in accordance with said plans
and specifications.
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by follow-
ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Specht. Ah-
sent—Ald. Singrin.
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Twenty- seventh Street and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb, gut-
ter and macadamize said street from
Elm to Pine Street and to assess the
cost of said grading, curbing, gutter-
ing and macadamizing against the
abutting property.
Moved ,by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Saul, Sauer, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Twenty -
seventh Street from Elm Street to Pine
Street, and the kind of material to
be used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder; that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in this office,
the City Recorder shall publish in
three consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city, a notice stating
that such plat and estimates are on
file, the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind of material to be used,
and an estimate of its cost, and the
time before which objections thereto
can be filed, and the time fixed for
hearing, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of such notice, and after such
publication shall have been made, the
City Recorder shall, at the next reg-
ular session of the City Council, notify
the Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
,Saul, Sauer, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deem-
ed necessary and advisable to improve
Sixth Street from the west line of Clay
Street to the east line of Main Street,
and it is hereby proposed to grade, to
sub -grade and brick, pave, curb and
reset curb said portion of said street
on a concrete foundation and to assess
the cost of said grading, brick - paving,
curb and reset curb and concrete foun-
dation against the abutting property.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Saul, Sauer, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol.
Be it Resolved by the City Council
.of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on • Sixth. Street
from the west line of Clay Street to the
east line of Main Street, and the kind
of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improvement,
and the amount assessable upon any
railway or street railway company,
the amount and cost thereof, to be
Regular Session, March 2, 1911 71
paid by the city, if any, and the cost
thereof and amount assessable upon
each parcel of land adjacent to or
abutting upon such improvement per
front foot, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
corder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the
City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city, a notice stating that
such plat and estimates are on file, the
location and nature of the improve-
ment, kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of its cost, and the time
before which objections thereto can
be filed, and the time fixed for hear-
ing, which time shall not be less than
five days after the last publication of
such notice, and after such publication
shall have been made, the City Re-
corder shall, at the next regular ses-
sion of the City Council, notify the
Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same.
Moved by Alderman O'Rourke the
adoption of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Saul. Sauer, Specht.
Absent —Ald. Singrin.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that a war-
rant be drawn in favor of the Mayor
for seven hundred and fifty dollars
($750.00) and interest, and one for cost
of suit in settlement of case of Anna
Keenan vs. City of Dubuque. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that a war-
rant be drawn in favor of the Mayor
for two thousand and eight hundred
dollars ($2,800.00) and one for the cost
of suit in the cast of Fred Tschirgi vs.
City of Dubrique. Carried.
Bills contracted by the old Board of
'drater Works Trustees presented,
Moved by Ald. ORour'ke that the
Mayor appoint a committee of three to
audit the bills. Carried.
Moved by Ald. Sauer that the Engi-
neer prepare plans and specifications
for the grading of Lincoln Avenue
from Seventh Avenue north, said work
not to exceed $300.00. Carried.
Moved by Ald. Saul we adjourn.
Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER,
City Recorder.
Adopted 1911
, Recorder
72 Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1911
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6,
Council met at 9:00 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
present— Aldermen Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul. Sauer, Singrin, Specht,
City Attorney Lyon and Assistant City
Attorney Wilging.
Mayor Haas stated that this was an
adjourned session of the regular ses-
sion held March 2, 1911, and was call-
ed for the purpose of considering the
old water works bills and any matters
that may come before any regular ses-
Moved by Ald. Saul that the rules be
suspended for the purpose of allowing
any one to address the Council. Car-
Messrs. John Schunk, Fred Heer, J.
Anderson, address the Council in ref-
erence to the establishing of a grade
on Jackson street, from Peru road to
the city limits.
Moved by Ald. Saul that the Com-
mittee Clerk be instructed to invite the
Board of Supervisors to attend a meet-
ing of the Committee of the Whole,
Tuesday, March 7, at 2 p. m., for the
purpose of viewing the ground on Jack-
son street and Peru road. Carried.
Bill of Win. Berry ror macadam,
$39.60, presented. On motion of Ald.
Specht same order paid.
Ald. Saul stated that the drill team
of the Eagles Lodge desired the use of
the third floor of the city hall for drill
purposes one night eacn week. On
motion of Ald. Singrin same granted.
Petition of Theo. H. Schilling, et al.
asking that proper appropriation be
made for the purpose of grading and
macadamizing Angela Street, present-
ed. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, re-
ferred to Committee or the Whole.
Alderman Saul moved that the City
Engineer be instructed to prepare a
profile showing a proposed grade on
Langworthy Avenue from South Hill
Street to James Street and to report
the same at the next meeting of the
City Council. Carried.
Your Committee of the Whole. to
whom were referred the bills against
the old waterworks plant, would re-
spectfully recommend that the follow -
ins.- he paid:
John Butt $ 7 40
Standard Oil Co 249 62
Jos. L. Meyer, on order No. 981 1,878 75•
Tredway & Sons 6 50
Pape & Son - 30 29
T. J. Mulgrew & Co 122 85
Mauer & Kress 2 75.
Mullin Bros 3 87
F. C. Becker 25610
W. Marshall 67 40
W. K. Brown 3 75
National Refining Co 105 67
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co 168 72_
Ida B. Wallace 24 80
T. J. Mulgrew Co., order 1003 4,472 44
We would further recommend that
the order held by the Dubuque Na-
tional Bank be protected within forty8
five days from date.
Chairman Committee of the. Whole.
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
the report of the Committee of the -
Whole. Carried.
Alderman McEvoy offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is•
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove a portion of Auburn Avenue, and
it is hereby proposed to grade, gut-
ter, curb and macadamize said Auburn
Avenue from Delhi Street to West_
Fourteenth Street and to assess the
cost of said curbing, guttering and ma-
cadamizing against the abutting prop-
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption_
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourlcc•,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Alderman McEvoy offered the follow- -
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is. hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally the -
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on Auburn Avenue
from Delhi Street to West Fourteenth
Street, and the kind of material to he-
used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof, and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
assessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon
such improvement per front foot. and
to file such plat and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder, that after -
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office. the City Recorder shall nub..
lish in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper' published in this city. a no-
tice, stating that such plat and esti-
mates are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to he used, and an estimate of
Adjourned Regular Session, March 6, 1911 73
its cost, and the time before which ob-
jections thereto can he filed, and the
time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice. and
after such publication shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Moved by Ald. McEvoy the adoption
of the resolution. Carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin. Specht.
Moved by Ald. Specht the rules be
suspended for the purpose of allowing
Mr. Truesdale to address the Council.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Mr. Truesdale addressed the Council
and stated he was willing to drop the
case against the Iowa Trust & Sav-
ings bank provided the cost of the case
were paid by the City Treasurer out
of the 5 per cent retained and the bal-
ance of 5 per cent retained be paid to
Moved by Ald. Saul the matter be
referred to Committee of the Whole
and City Attorney. Carried,
Moved by Ald. Singrin that One
Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00)
from grading fund be expended on Bee
Branch sewer and Eighteenth street.
Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.'
Adopted , 191
. Recorder
74 Regular Session, March 16, I'll
Regular Session, March 16, 1911.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Aldermen Apel, O'Rourke,
:Saul, Sauer, Singrin, Specht, City At-
torney Lyon and Assistant City Attor-
siey Willging.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Moved by Ald. Singrin the Council
proceedings for the month of February
be approved as printed. Carried.
Mayor Haas stated that on March
2nd he had appointed Aids. O'Rourke,
Singrin and Sauer a committee tc
audit the old Water Works bills.
Mathis -Metz Co., supplies $ 2 25
-Wilmer Cook, 5 per cent retain-
ed, improving 27th street 63 43
N. J. Staner, to balance, cul-
verts, Lemon and Couler Ave. 217 25
Spey City Rubber Stamp Co.,
rubber stamp 60
Watt. Kieffer, . macadam, 4th
District 7 76
Jos. Brouileth, macadam, 2nd.
District 9 85
John Parker, macadam, 4th
District 10 05
Carney & Spielman, macadam,
2nd District 32 57
Jas. Campbell, macadam, 2nd
District 22 73
T. Burke and Depontain, ma-
cadam, 2nd District 110 05
Al Doty, macadam, 1st District 48 73
Thos. Kane, macadam, 2nd Dis-
trict 89 34
William Shields, macadam, 2nd
District 3 1
ZVilliam Boyce, macadam, 2nd
District 5 5C
Mike Cain, macadam, 2nd Dis-
`trict 47 25
Thomas Kenety, macadam, lst
District 14 06
A. and J. Kelley, macadam, 2nd
District 25 34
Ed. McDermott, macadam, 2nd
District 8 45
Nort Zengel, macadam, 1st Dis-
trict 80 73
.Jas. O'Shea, macadam, 2nd Dis-
trict 13 76
Alike Nicols, macadam, 2nd Dis-
trict 10 15
R. McCaffrey, macadam, 2nd Dis-
trict 6 8
, Chas. O'Toole, macadam, 2nd
District 26 05
Jas. Campbell, macadam, 2nd
District 17 4-
Tom Dillon, macadam, 2nd Dis-
trict 6 17
John Wickham, macadam, 2nd
District 3 88
Jules Roussell, macadam, 2nd
District 23 03
Al Doty, macadam, 1st District 103 65
Patrick Ryan, macadam, lst Dis-
trict 102 15
John Quigly, macadam, 1st Dis-
trict 32 15
Patrick McPoland, macadam, 4th
District 8 18
Jos. Haupert, macadam, 3rd Dis-
tvict 135 -03
John Duggan, macadam, 1st Dis-
trict 46 23
Ross McMahon, macadam, 1st
District 24 8S
Ellis Joyce, macadam, 1st Dis-
trict 40 33
Dave Smith, macadam, 1st Dis-
trict - - 26 8'
Moved by Ald. Singrin that warrants
be drawn for various amounts and
bills paid. Carried.
City Recorder Geiger presented and
read the notice, certified to by the pub-
lishers, of the City Council's intention
to improve Twenty- seventh street from
East Lot Line of Pine street to about
140 feet westward. No remonstrance
being filed and no one in the room
objecting, the notice was on motion of
Ald. Specht, received and filed.
City Recorder Geiger also presented
and read the notice, certified to by the
publishers, of the City Council's inten-
tion to improve Auburn Avenue. No
remonstrance being filed and no one in
the room objecting, the notice was on
motion of Ald. Specht, received and
City Recorder Geiger also presented
and read notice, certified to., by the
publishers of the City Council's inten-
tion to improve Belmound Street. No
remonstrance being filed and no one in
the room objecting, the notice was on
motion of Ald. Specht, received and
City Treasurer Wybrant presented
the following: Please have warrant
drawn on Special Bonded Paving Fund
to cover attached receipt for the Caty's
portion of the Special assessment for
the improvement of Grandview Avenue
abutting Grandview Avenue Park Add.,
Block 5, Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18, amount-
ing to $322.39. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke
a warrant be drawn in favor of Treas-
urer Wybrant and report referred back
to Finance committee. Carried.
Petition of D. F. Driscoll, agent
Wells, Fargo Express Co., asking that
the sum of $830.00 be deducted from
their assessment, and the Treasurer be
instructed to accept Taxes for the year
of 1910 on the balance on account of
error in the return of assessment, pre-
sented. On motion of Ald, Apel re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole.
Report from the Park Commission-
ers from Sept. 9th, 1910, to March 9th,
1911, presented. On motion of Ald.
.Singrin referred to Committe of the
Petition of G. E. Davis asking to be
;permitted to have his receptacle for
ashes remain where he now has it pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Saul re-
ferred to Committee of the Whole to
view the grounds.
• Petition of J. D. Bush et al, asking
- that a Sanitary Sewer be constructed
in Wood and West Fourteenth Streets.
presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin
- referred to Committee of the Whole tc
view the ground.
Communication from Dubuque Auto
club, giying the descriptions and num-
bers of the various automobiles owned
by the club, presented. On motion of
Ald. Saul referred to Committee of
the Whole.
Notice from John A. Cunningham,
attorney for St. Louis Coal Company,
stating that unless the hill of
Henry C. Becker for coal fur-
nished the Water Department is paid
.on or before April 15, 1911, he will in-
stitute proceedings in the District
Court of Dubuque county, presented.
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
City Attorney, he to report to Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of Dubuque and Wisconsin
Bridge Co., asking that when the
sidewalk is laid along the approach
to the bridge the electric light poles
be placed on the outside of the walk
presented. On motion of Alderman
Saul referred to alderman of the ward
,and city electrician.
Petition of C. A. Voelker, asking
that the proposed sewer in Mt. Pleas-
ant be constructed from the end of
• Mt. Pleasant Ave., near . the Home of
- the Friendless, directly west to Wood
street and then via Wood street to
- Rosedale Ave. and to West Locust
street presented. On motion of Ald.
,Singrin referred to committee of the
Application of James Tobin for the
position of stoker on steam roller pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Singrin re-
ferred to committee of he whole.
Remonstrance of Martin Zahan et
al against the laying of cement side-
walk on East Grandview Ave. pre-
sented. On motion of Ald. Saul re-
ferred to committee of the whole.
Petition of Eliza Kanthlener, ask -
ing that the error in her assessment
Regular Session, March 16, 1911 75
be corrected and to accept taxes on
the valuation of $2,000.00, presented.
On motion of Ald. Saul referred to
committee of the whole.
Petition of Martin R. Seippel et al,
asking that Wootton Ave., between
Hill street and McClean Ave., be im-
proved by grading, curbing, guttering
and macadamizing, presented. On
motion of Ald. Saul referred to com-
mittee of the whole.
Dubuque, Ia., March 16, 1911.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, of the City of Dubuque,
Gentlemen: Attached . please find
the bill of Dr. I. S. Bigelow for services
rendered the legal department in the
case of Anna Keenan vs City of Du-
buque. Also the bills of Dr. W. P.
Slattery for services rendered in the
Keenan case and also in the case of
Wilkinson vs. City of Dubuque.
I recommend that these -bills be
paid and warrants ordered drawn in
favor of the respective parties, for
the amounts of their bills.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Dr. I. S. Bigelow, $25.00.
Dr. W. P. Slattery, $75.00.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that re-
port be approved and warrants be
drawn to pay same. Carried.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council: '
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the Fire Department for
the first half of March, 1911
Amount due Firemen $1,580.75
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re-
port was received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the Firemen and
the report referred hack to the Com-
mitee on Fire.
Chief of Police Reilly reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the Police Department for
the first half of March, 1911:
Amount due Policemen ....$1,362.81
Respectfully sumbitted,
On motion of Ald. Sauer, the re-
port and pay roll were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
whom was referred the verbal peti-
tion of J. E. Truesdale agreeing to
drop the case against the Iowa Trust
& Savings Bank, provided the costs
incurred in said case be paid from
the 5 per cent retained from his col-
lections of omitted taxes, would - re-
spectfully recommend that said peti-
tion be received and filed.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of A.
J. Van Duzee et al, asking that the
frame barn now located on Pickett
Street between 14th and 15th
Streets be removed, would respectful-
ly recommend that on account of the
order of the District Court restrain-
ing the City from removing said barn,
the said petition be received and filed.
Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of
the various reports of the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
Alderman Singrin offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Twelfth Street from the west
line of Clay Street to the east line of
Main Street, and it is hereby proposed
to grade to sub - brade, curb and reset
curb and brick pave said portion of
said street on a concrete foundation
and to assess the cost of said grading,
curb and reset curb, brick paving and
concrete foundation against the abut-
ting property.
Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer,
Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Alderman Singrin offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City . of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Twelfth
Street from the west line of Clay
Street to the east line of Main Street,
and the kind of material to be used,
and an estimate of the entire cost
thereof, and the amount and cost of
such improvement, and the amount as-
sessable upon 'any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office
of the city recorder; that after the
filing of said plat and estimate in his
office, the city recorder shall publish
in three consecutive issues of a news-
Regular Session, March 16, 1911
Paper published in this city, a notice
stationg that such plat and estimates
are on file, the location and nature of
the improvement, kind of material to
be used, and an estimate of its cost,
and the time before which objections
thereto can be filed, and the time fixed
for hearing, which time shall not be
less than five days after the last pub-
lication of such notice, and after such
publication shall have been made, the
city recorder shall, at the next regular
session of the City Council, notify the
Council thereof in writing, with a
printed copy of such notice accompany-
ing the same
Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of
the resolution..
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer,
Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Alderman Specht offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City .of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instructed
to prepare a plan for grading Lincoln
Avenue from Tenth Avenue to Seventh
Avenue, so that the same may be pass-
able for teams. Said plan to show
grading not to exceed the amount ap-
propriated from the grading fund for
that purpose and when the same is
complete, to file such plan in the of-
fice of the City Recorder who is hereby
instructed upon receipt of the same
to advertise for grading said portion
of said street in accordance there-
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer,
Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Alderman Specht offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That Twenty -
seventh Street from Elm Street to Pine
Street be improved by grading, curb-
ing, guttering and macadamizing the
same in accordance with the plans and
specifications for such improvement
prepared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Record-
er, and be it further
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the 1st
day of August, 1911, and shall be paid
for in the manner prescribed by Chap-
ter XXXII of the Revised Ordinances
of the City of Dubuque for the pay-
ment of the cost of street improve-
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council
on the 6th day of April, 1911, and the
City Recorder is hereby ordered to
give ten days' notice by publication
76 Regular Session, March 16, 1911
Policemen and report referred back
to the Committee on Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets during
the first half of March, 1911:
Amt. due laborers on streets $1,230.70
Also due laborers on streets
leading into the county
the first half of March and
to be paid from county
road fund 24.50
Approved by Committee on Streets.
On motion of Ald. Saul the pay
rolls on streets were received and
warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the pay rolls
and report referred back to the
proper committees.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of
March, 1911:
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $220.30
On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay
roll on sewers was received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and pay roll referred
back to Sewer Committee.
Weighmaster Rob Hay reported re-
ceipts of $201 for month of Feb-
ruary. On motion of Ald. Specht re-
ceived and filed.
Alderman Saul moved that the City
Engineer. be instructed to give a pro-
file showing a grade on Wooton Ave-
nue from South Hill Street to the east
end of said Wooton Avenue. Carried.
Dubuque, Iowa. March 16, 1911.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Gentlemen: Your Committee on
Claims reports that at the October
term of court, 1910, Thomas P.
McLaughlin brought suit against the
City of Dubuque to recover the sum
of Fifteen Thousand Dollars as dam-
ages sustained by him by falling upon
an alleged defective sidewalk on the
easterly side of Couler Avenue, in
front of a brick building known as
No. 2142 Couler Avenue and occu-
pied by the Bassler Shoe Store —the
walk at that point having a number
of bricks out of the walk, leaving a
hole therein. On the 5th day of
April, 1909, McLaughlin stepped into
said hole, causing him to fall, and
as a result of said fall he turned his
ankle, pausing a severe sprain of the
ankle and the breaking of a small
bone in the right leg.
The attorneys representing the said
McLaugh]in made an offer to adjust
the claim for the sum of Four Hun-
dred Dollars. Believing it to be to•
the hest interests of the City to ac-
cept the proposition thus made, we
therefore recommend that a settle-
ment be made with said McLaughlin_
upon that basis and that a warrant
be ordered drawn in favor of the
Mayor for that amount, and also a
warrant drawn to cover the court
costs. Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney .
Moved by Ald. Saul the report be ap-
proved and warrants be drawn in favor
of the Mayor in settlement of same..
Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that a
special committee, composed of Ald-
ermen Sauer and Singrin and Mayor
Haas be appointed to investigate con-
ditions at the garbage dump and re
port back its findings to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of •
Tim Flynn stating he was erroneous-
ly assessed for $600.00 on moneys and
credits and also for $25.00 on a ve-
hicle which he did not own and ask -
ing that said amount be deducted
from his assessment for the year
1910, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the City Treasurer -
be instructed accordingly.
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the communica-
tion of Postmaster Herman Ternes,
enclosing form for bid for sprinkling
about the postoffice, would respect-
fully recommend that said communi-
cation be received and filed and that
the City Recorder be instructed to •
submit a bid for such sprinkling at
the price heretofore charged for the
work, namely, $90.00 for the season.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the matter of changing and fixing the -
offices of the City Recorder, City En-
gineer and Water Works Trustees be
referred with power to the Committee -
on Public Grounds and Buildings.
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that.
the file showing a grade on Jackson
Street from Peru Road north to the
northerly line of Linehan Park Addi-
tion be approved.
Your Committee of the Whole, to-
7$ Regular Session, March 16, 1911 Special Session, March 31, 1911 79
asking for proposals as provided by
Moved by Ald. Specht the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Apel, .O'Rourke, Sauer,
Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Aid. McEvoy.
Alderman Sauer offered the fol-
• Be it Resolved by the City of Du-
buque, That . Belmound Street be im-
proved by grading, curbing, guttering
and macadamizing the same from Rose
Street to West Fourteenth Street, in
accordance with the plans and speci-
fications for such improvement pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Re-
- corder, and be it further
Resolved, That said " improvement
•shall be completed on or before the
1st day of August, 1911, and shall be
paid for in the manner prescribed by
Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi-
nance of the City of Dubuque for the
payment of the cost of street improve-
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council
on the 6th day of Apra, 1911, and the
City Recorder is hereby ordered to
give ten days' notice by publication
asking for proposals as provided by
Ald, Sauer moved the adoption of
- the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer,
haul, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Alderman Sauer offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that Auburn
Avenue from Delhi Street to West
Fourteenth Street be improved by
grading, curbing, guttering and ma-
cadamizing the same - in accordance
with the plans and specifications for
such improvement prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder and be it
Resolved, that said improvement
:shall be completed on or before the 1st
day of August, 1911, and shall be paid
for in the manner prescribed by Chap-
ter XXXII. of the Revised Ordinance
of the City of Dubuque for the pay-
ment of the cost of street improve-
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the council on
the 6th day of April, 1911, and the City
Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days' notice by publication asking for
- proposals as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Sauer moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried- by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer,
Saul, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Ald. Saul moved that the building of
a vault in the recorder's office be re-
ferred to the Committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings, they to report
to Committee of the Whole. Carried.
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that if the
horses offered ior•sdle Saturday, March
18, are not satisfactory to the Commit-
tee on Fire, they to visit the towns
offering Horses to the chairman and
the Veterinary to accompany them.
Moved by Ald. Saul that after the
Recorder and Engineer have changed
offices the Committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings advertise for
bids to repaper and painting all offices
on south side of building. Carried.
City Engineer Bau ngartner offered
the following: I respectfully recom-
mend that the grade shown by the
solid red line on the attached profile,
No. 682, be adopted as the grade of
Jackson Street from a point 700 feet
north of the North line of Peru Road
to th'e North line of Linehan's Park ad-
Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the
profile be adopted and the Ordinance
Committee draft the proper ordinance.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourre, Sauer,
Sauel, Singrin, Specht.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Moved by Ald. Specht that the Mayor
appoint a committee of three to call
on the Union Electric Co. and ascer-
tain if they are going to ]ay track on
Seventh Avenue before the last coat
of tarvia is placed thereon. Carried.
Mayor Haas appointed Aids. Specht.
Sauer and Saul a committee to visit
Union Electric Co.
Moved by Ald. Singrin that the En-
gineer be instructed to prepare profile
showing grade on various proposed im-
provements, providing there is no es-
tablished grade. Carried.
Moved by Ald. Saul we adjourn. Car-
Adopted , 191
Special Session, March 31, 1911.
Council met at 8:15 p. "tn.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present —Alds. Sauer, Saul, Specht,
Abscttt —Aids. O'Rourke, McEvoy,
Mayor Haas stated this meeting was
called to take action on the petition
.of Fred Knockel.
Petition of Fred Knockel asking that
the consent previously granted to John
Klein be transferred to him, presented.
-Oh motion of Ald. Specht prayer
Ald. Singrin offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Thai, consent is hereby given Fred
Knockel, as purchaser, successor and
assignee of the saloon business of John
Klein, at the Southeast corner of 10th
and Clay Streets, in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, to sell and keep for sale
intoxicating liquors and deal therein
-in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as pro-
vided by law. The consent here given
is a new consent given in lieu of and
in renewal of the Resolution of Con-
sent given said John Klein.
'Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of
the resolution. Carried by the follow -
ing vote:
Yeas —Aids. Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Absent —Aids. O'Rourke, Apel and
Moved by Ald. Saul we adjourn. Car-
Adopted 1911
City Recorder.
, Recorder
Patrick McCollins, salary 31 85
Michael McCormick, salary 27 58
llenr v Mueller, salary 29 72
Hugh Markey, salary 31 85
Patrick Mulligan, salary 36 75
John O'Brien, salary 31 85
Michael O'Connor, salary 36 75
John Raesle, salary 36 75
Michael Ryan, salary 31 85
Gus Bateman, salary 31 85
Joe Stoltz, salary 31 85
Michael Stapleton, salary 31 85
Patrick Sullivan, salary 31 85
John Spielman, salary ...... 31 85
Dennis Sheehan, salary 31 87
Thomas Sweeney, salary 36 75
Frank Williams, salary 31 92
Louis Zemanek, salary 27 42
Miss Brennan, salary 31 85
Mrs. Hibbe, salary 31.85
Police Pension 'Fund ... 26 87
J. Brouillette, 2nd 80
E. Brunskill, 4th 5 20
J. Callaghan, 2nd 25 20
J. Egan, 2nd 12 20
S. Eustice, 4th 3 60
G. Frost, 2nd 25 00
E. Fitzlaff, 2 -4 10 00
B. Glass, 2nd 13 80
C. Geimer, 4th 12 00
L. Hansel, 2nd 14 60
E. Herbst, 4th 5 40
F. Keck, 2nd 18 40
M. Kenneally, 2nd 3 80
R. Kreamer, 2nd 5 40
J. Kness, grading 6 20
P. Kenneally, Health .... 25 20
J. Kinsella, 2 -4 10 00
T. Lonergan, 2nd 5 40
John Lillie, 4th 1 80
R. McCaffrey, 2nd 10 80
George Noonan, 2nd 5 40
C. O'Neill, 2nd 12 80
F. Oser, 2nd 3 80
P. O'Farrell, grading 3 20
J. Powers, 4th 5 40
Jas. Ryan, 2nd 25 20
F. Starr, 2nd 6 20
F. Siege, 4th ... 25 00
F. Arthofer, 3rd 80
J. Alexander 13 80
F. Frick, 3rd 80
J. McLaughlin, 3rd 1 60
F. Selli, grading 1 40
A. Turned, grading ..... 3 20
J. Tobin, 4th.... .. 5 40
J. Tashner, 4th 1 80
J. Graham, 2nd'.... 4 OD
P. Lenihan's Sons, 2nd 5 00
Jeff M'Grath, 4th 11 00
Walter Burke .... 25 20
W. Boyce 25 20
Ben Burd 3 60
Tom Boyd 10 80
John Burke .. 19 80
John Burns 23 40
P. Carney, Sr 21 60
P. Carney, Jr 24 20
John Callaghan .. 10 80
List of Warrants
Henry Connolly
J. Campbell
W. Connell ...
John Donahue
Jas. Doyle
J. Dillon
T. Hackney
T. Kenneally
Ed. Lee
Jaynes Maher
T. McNulty ..
D. McGuinness
J. McCarron ....
W. O'Brien.....
Geo. Reynolds .... .... .. .. . . ..
T. Sheehan
J. •Sweeney
J. Wickham
E. Apel
J. Mulligan ...
D. O'Meara
Jerry Sullivan
C. \'an Wie
W. Woods
D. Cunningham
W. Hennessy
A. Hird
J. Jellison
M. Kenneally
J. Klang
H. Kunkel
A. Kaesbauer
H. Leik
J. Lillie
F. Luchterhand
M. McLean
C. Oatley
J. Rooney
C. Specht
C. Sullivan
J. Scheuer
J. Tobin
M. Markham
E. Norton
Wilmer Cook, improvement
Martha street
Wilmer Cook, improvement of
Martha street
Wilmer Cook, improvement of
Wilbur avenue
Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance
E. T. Frith, removing dead ani-
mals -
Dr. C. M. Linehan, express
charges, city water to Des
Union Printing Co., printing for
Treasurer's office
Smith- Morgan Printing
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horse -
shoeing, Road dept.
J. B. Workhian, omitted tax con-
Standard Office Supply Co., office
L. Oberhoffer, refund of over-
paid taxes
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
19 80
4 40-
10 80
10 80
10 80
13 60
3 60
14 40
10 80
14 40
3 60
3 60
25 00
10 80
10 80
25 20
27 00
18 00
18 00
27 00
9 00
27 00
25 20
26 20
14 40
18 80
13 40
18 00
18 80
25 20
16 20
18 00
25 20
14 40
1 81
25 20
30 00
27 50
25 20
18 800
38 90
14 00
500 00
17 20
151 96
9 00
31 00
2 87
66 25
65 75
1 00
20 13
10 " -C
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa, April 1, 1911.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of February, 1911:
L. J. Haas, salary, Mayor $116 65
Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas-
urer .... 133 30
F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
L. F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk
to Treasurer 60 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 65
Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Deputy
Auditor 80 00
Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder 116 65
Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dep-
uty Recorder 85 00
Wm. A. Schaffhauser, salary, As-
sessor 125 00
Allen Wiedner, salary, Deputy
Assessor 83 30
C. W. Hird, salary, Deputy As-
sessor 83 30
Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00
Edgar Willging, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 85 00
Nettie Bently, salary, Stenogra-
pher to Attorney 20 00
Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En-
gineer ..... 166 65
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Clerk to
Engineer 75 00
Walter Cullen, salary, Rod Man 50 00
Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po-
lice .. 100 00
John W. Lawlor, salary, Com-
mitee Clerk 125 00
John Mahoney, salary, Street
Commissioner ... 40 00
P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector 60 00
Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. of
Sprinkling 24 00
Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas-
ter 55 00
Al. Moyer, Pondmaster and As-
sistant Market Master ... 45 00
Mrs. 11. Koening, salary, Jan-
itress 30 00
Thos. Cahill, salary, Park Cus-
todian 40 00
Chas. McManus, salary, Park
Custodian .....
Jos. Straney, Sr., salary, Park
Custodian ...
Dr. Chas. Linehan, Health Phys-
Paul Bewer, salary, Sanitary Of-
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Milk
and Meat Inspector
John J. Carroll, salary, Wharf
Peter, .Apel, salary, Alderman...
Edw. McEvoy, salary, Alderman.
John O'Rourke, salary, Alderman
Edw. Sauer, salary, Alderman..
List of Warrants
40 00
15 00
50 00
65 00
75 00
35 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00
Wm. Singrin, salary, - Alderman 25 00
Robert Specht, salary, Alderman 25 00
J. Reinfried, salary 61 75
Wm. Hipman, salary 49 00
M. Eitel, salary 38 23
J. Essman, salary ' 40 67
A. Duccini, salary .... 35 78
J. Flynn, salary 37 73
G. Byer, salary .. 35 78
A. Heer, salary .... 32 34
Wm. Kannolt, salary 32 34
B. Kirch, salary 32 34
J. Daley, salary 38 23
T. Ryder, salary .. 40 67
H. Cain, salary 35 78.
M. Kelley, salary 37 73
F. Murphy, salary.. .... 35 78
J. Bakey, salary 32 34
Wm. Smith, salary 32 34
Wm. McConnell, salary 32 34
G. Gehrke, salary ..... 38 23
T. Kennedy, salary 35 78
J. Smith, salary 32 34
J. Keppler, salary 32 34
D. Ahern, salary 49 00•
J. Benzer, salary 37 73
A. McDonnell, salary . • 40 67'
P. Zillig, salary 32 34
M. Sweeney, salary 32 34
J. McGloughlin, salary 32 34
J. Connelly, salary 32 34
Wrn. Kennedy, salary 29 89
J. Daugherty, salary 29 89'
J. Murphy, salary 24 50
R. Weston, salary .... 38 23'
J. Allen, salary 35 78
M. Fahey, salary 32 34
R. Kenneally, salary.. 32 34'
Wm Ducey, salary.. 38 23
F. Kenneally, salary 35 78
E. McDermott, salary 32 34
T. O'Brien, salary 29 89'
J. Roshin, salary J 38 23
F. Baumgartner, salary 35 78
J. Schoenberger, salary 32 34
P. Kirch, salary 29 89
Fireman Pension Fund 31 93
James Corcoran, salary $ 31 85
Michael Connolly, salary .... .. 31 85
John Cody, salary 21 -12
Phila. Dunphy, salary 27 37
Wm. Donahue, salary 25 42
Thomas Duggan, salary 31 85
Patrick Fury, salary 31 85
John Fox, salary 31 85
James Flyn, salary 25 42
Wrn. Fox, salary . 29 40
Michael Fogarty, salary 31 87
Theo. Ganohl, salary 29 40
Ben Gray, salary , .. 31 85
Emil Kahn, salary 31 85
Michael Kilty, salary 31 94
James Keefe, salary 31 85
John Kane, salary.. 31 85
John Kop, salary .... 29 44
Patrick Kenneally, salary 29 72
Barney Ludescher, salary 31 85
Charles Liest, salary 34 30
Patrick McInerney, salary 31 85
interest on outstanding war-
rants 390 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
postage, etc. 15 45
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
library orders 500 CO
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
library orders 307 77
J. Reinfried, salary 62 00
Wm. flipman, salary 50 00
M. Eitel, salary 38 00
J. Essman, salary 41 00
A. Duccini, salary 35 00
J. Flynn, salary 38 00
G. Byer, salary 35 00
A. Heer, salary 33.00
Wm. Kahnolt, salary 33 00
B. Kirch, salary 33 00
J. Daley, salary 38 00
'I'. Ryder, salary 41 00
H. Cain, salary 35 00
M. Kelly, salary 38 00
F. Murphy, salary 35 00
J. Bakey, salary 33 00
Wm. Smith, salary 33 00
W. McConnell, salary 33 00
G. Gehrke, salary 38 00
T. Kennedy, salary 35 00
J. Smith, salary 33 00
J. Keppler, salary 33 110
D. Ahern, salary 50 00
J. Benzer, salary 38 00
A. McDonnell, salary 41 00
P. Zillig, salary 33 00
M. Sweeney, salary 33 00
J. McGloughlin, salary 33 00
J. Connelly, salary 33 00
- Wm. Kennedy, salary 30 00
J. Daugherty, salary 30 01
J. Murphy, salary 25 00
R. Weston, salary 38 00
J. Allen, salary 35 00
M. Fahey, salary 33 00
R. Kenneally, salary 33 00
W. Ducey, salary 38 00
F. Kenneally, salary 35 00
E. McDermott, salary 33 00
T. O'Brien, salary 30 00
J. Roshin, salary 38 00
F. Baumgartner, salary 35 00
J. Schoenberg, salary 33 0')
P. Kirch, salary 30 00
Louis Blocklinger, salary 8 4 35
James Corcoran, salary 32 5Q
Michael Connolly, salary 32 50
Phil Dunphy, salary 35 00
Wm, Donahue, salary 21 66
Thomas Duggan, salary 32 50
Patrick Fury, salary 32 00
John Fox, salary 32 50
Jaynes Flynn, salary 32 50
Wm. Fox, salary 30 00
Michael Fogarty, salary 32 50
Theo. Ganahl, salary 30 00
Ben Gray, salary 32 60
Emil Kahn, salary 36 33
Michael Kilty, salary 32 50
James Keefe, salary 32 50
John Kane, salary 32 00
John. Kopp, salary 23 85
Patrick Kenneally, salary 26 00
List of Warrants
Barney Ludescher, salary 32 50
Charles Liest, salary 35 00
Patrick McInerney, salary 30
Patrick McCollins, salary 32 50
Michael McCormick, salary 32 50
Henry Mueller, salary 32 50
Hugh Markey, salary 32 5
Patrick Mulligan, salary 37 50
John O'Brien, salary 32 00
Michael O'Connor, salary 37 50
John Raesle, salary 37 60
Gus Raterman, salary 32 50
Michael Rvan, salary 32 50
Joe Stoltz, salary 32 00
Michael Stapleton, salary 32 50
Patrick Sullivan, salary 32 50
John Spielman, salary 32 10
Lennis Sheehan, salary 32 50
Thomas Sweeney, salary 37 50
Frank Williams, salary 32 Co
Louis Zemanek, salary 30 00
Miss Brennan, salary 32 50
Sirs iiibbe, salary 32 50
J. Alexander, 4th 5 40
M. Barry, 2nd 6 20
i, Brouillette, 2nd 80
F'. Brunskill, 4th 10 40
J. Callaghan, 2nd 23 4i)
J. Egan, 2nd 14 20
S. Eustice, 4th 1 80
O. Fannon, 2nd 3 60
J. Farring, .2nd 1 40
J. Fannon, 2nd 2 60
G. Frost, 2nd 25 00
F. Frick, 3rd 2 60
R. Firtzlaff, 2nd -4th 10 00
B. Glass, 2nd 14 20
P. Geary, 2nd 8 00
A. G. Gerery, 2nd 3 60
Conrad Geimer, 4th 8 60
L. Hansel, 2nd 7 80
O. Hardy, 2nd 9 80
M. Hannan, 2nd 2 60
N. Hird, 2nd 60
W. Hird, 4th 4 40
E. Herbst, 4th 4 80
T. Harker, 4th 1 80
F. Keck, 2nd 17 40
P. Kreamer, 2nd 5 40
G. Kyne, 2nd 3 20
J. Kness, 3rd 8 40
P. Kenneally, health 23 40
J. Kinsella, 2nd -4th 10 00
T. Lonergan. 2nd 9 00
F. Maroney, 3rd 1 (N)
T. Munsch, 3rd 6 80
R. McCaffrey, 2nd 9 60
J. McQuillan, 3rd 1 e0
J. Powers, 4th 10 00
J. McLaughlin, 3rd 1 60
John McGrath, 4th 8 20
Phil Reddin, 2nd 1 80
J. Ryan, 2nd 23 40
W. Shields, 2nd 2 60
F. Smith, 4th 2 80
F. Siege, 4th 25 00
Josh Calvert, 2nd
John Calvert, 2nd
B. Costello, 4th
9 00
13 50
6 50
J. Graham, 2nd 9 00
J. Kean, 4th 6 50
P. Lenihan's Sons, 2nd 16 00
J. Landholdt, 4th 6 50
,T. J. McCollins, 2nd 9 00
J. Powers, 4th 6 50
W. Burke 21 60
W. Boyce 16 20
J. Burns 7 20
'T. Bannon 10 80
.P. Carney, Jr. 21 60
H. Connolly 9 00
W. Connell 10 50
.John Callaghan 5 40
'Tom Carroll 5 40
Jas. Connolly 5 40
J. Duggan 3 60
T. Hackney 14 40
J. Hiel 5 40
G. Kuntz 4 40
Chas. Lee 14 40
.1. Murray 14 40
E. Magner 3 60
'T. McNulty 7 20
I). McGuinness 9 00
J. McCarron 7 20
.J. O'Meara 1 00
W. O'Brien 25 00
Geo. Reynolds 10 80
T. Scollard 10 80
T. Sheehan.. 9 00
W. Sheehan 13 20
.J. Sweeney 4 40
J. Wickham 7 20
- W. Walker 3 60
- P. H. Brink 1100
J. Linehan.
J. Mulligan
Jerry Sullivan
D. O'Meara
D. Cunningham .... 23 40
W. Hennessy 23 40
- Tom Jess 19 80
J. Jellison 21 60
M. Keneally 4 40
J. Kiang 22 00
H. Kunkel 18 00
A. Kaesbauer 23 40
- H. Leik 23 40
J. Lillie 21 60
F. Luchterhand 23 40
M. McLean .... 23 40
Ed. Norton, (use of horse) 11 0 0
C. Oatley 23 40
J. Rooney 23 40
C. Sullivan 27 50
C. Specht 30 00
J. cchener 13 60
J. Tobin 23 40
M. Markham 18 50
J. Burk, macadam, 2nd. road 6 45
Wm. Walker, macadam, 2nd road 38 60
R. Burns, macadam, 2nd road 21 40
Mike Cain, macadam, 2nd road 135 87
B. Glass, macadam, 2nd. road 18 08
- Fred Keck, macadam, 2nd. road 7 16
List of Warrants 83
Phil. Reddin, macadam, 2nd road 19 84
Wm. Shields, macadam, 2nd road 16 33
Jos Burlette, macadam, 2nd road 16 90
R. McCaffrey, macadam, 2nd road 16 67
Maurice Byrne, macadam, 2nd
Geo. T. Lyon, expense, telephone,
F. W. Thering, damage to cellar. 15 00
D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor 116 70
Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas-
urer 133 50
F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
L. F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk
to Treasurer ... 60 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 70
Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Deputy
Auditor 80 00
Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder 116 70
Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dep-
uty Recorder 85 00
Wm. A. Schaffhauser, salary, As-
sessor 125 00
Allen Wiedner, salary, Deputy
Assessor ... 83 36
C. W. Hird, salary, Deputy As-
sessor . 83 36
Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney.. 150 00
Sdgar Willging, salary, Ass't At-
torney . 85 00
Nettie Bentley, salary Seenog-
rapher to Attorney 20 00
Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En-
gineer . 166 85
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Ass't En-
gineer 75 00
Walter Cullen, salary, Rod Man 50 00
Thos, Reilly, salary, Chief Police 100 00
John W. Lawlor, salary, Commit-
tee Clerk 125 00
John Mahoney, Street Commis-
sioner 40 00
P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In-
spector ... 60 00
Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. Sprink-
ling 24 00
Ed. Norton, salary, Marketmas-
ter ... 55 00
Al Moyer, salary, Poundmaster
and Ass't Marketmaster... 45 00
Mrs. H. Koening, salary, Jani-
Thos. Cahill, salary, Park Cus-
todian 40 00
Chas. McManus, salary, Park
Custodian ... 40 00
Jos. Straney, Sr., salary,
Custodian ... 1.5 00
Dr. Chas. Linehan, salary,
Health Physician 50 00
Paul Bewer, salary, Sanitary Po-
lice .....
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Milk
and Meat Inspector 75 00
J. H. Carroll, salary, Wharfmas-
ter 35 00
Peter Anel, salary, Alderman 25 00
Edw. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
John O'Rourke, salary, Alderman 25 00
Edw. Sauer, salary, Alderman 25 00
17 10
8 10
30 00
65 00
Jas. Saul, salary, Alderman 25 09
Wm. Singrin, salary, Alderman 25 00
Robert Specht, salary, Alderman 25 00
Wm. Hipman, salary $ 49 00
J. Daugherty, salary 29 90
J. Murphy, salary 24 50
R. Weston, salary 38 23
J. Allen, salary 35 79
M. Fahey, salary 32 34
R. Kenneally ... 32 34
Wm. Ducey, salary 38 23
1'. Kenneally, salary 35 79
E. McDermott, sadary 32 34
T. O'Brien, salary 29 90
James Corcoran 31 85
Michael Connolly 29 70
John Cody 3218
P'nilip Dunphy 34 30
Win. Donahue 31 96
Thomr-s Duggan 31 85
Patri ;k Fury 31 85
John Pox • 31 85
James Flynn 31 85
Wm. lox 29 40
Michacf Fogarty 29 70
The r. Ganohl 29 40
Ben Gray 31 85
Emil Kahn 34 30
Michael Kilty 8 25
James Keefe 31 85
John Kane 31 85
John Kopp 29 48
Patrick Kenneally 31 92
Barney Ludescher 31 85
C:1as.:blest 34 30
Patrick McInerney 31 88
Patrick McCollins 31 85
134ichael McCormick 31 85
Henry Mueller 29 70
Hugh Markey 31 85
Patri';k Mulligan 36 75
Jahn O'Brien 3185
John Raesle 36 75
Michael O'Connor 36 75
Michael Ryan 31 85
Gus 1 aterman 31 85
Joe Stoltz 31 85
Michael Stapleton 31 55
Patrick Sullivan 31 85
John Spielrnan 31 85
Dennis Sheehan 31 85
O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad-
ing on East street $ 87 50
Matt. Stafford, salt for Road
depL. 6 00
John Butt, repairs for Road
Lllwanger Bros., repairs for
Road dept.
Standard Lbr. Co., lumber for
Road dept.
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for Road dept. and Bee Branch 1 10
Peter C. Utzig, repairs for Road
Phil Heiler, horseshoeing, Road
dept. 4 44
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Road dept.
Labor Leader, printing for
List of Warrants
1 00
1 40
care of
J. P. Buechele, taking
town clock
Michael Mullen, repairs, foun-
tain on White street ..
Jame?, A. Hayes, premium on in-
surance policy
Kretsehmer & Lee, premium on
insurance policy
P. Kione & Son, premium on in-
surance policy
C. B. Scherr, premium on in-
surance policy
John Fier & Son, premium on in-
surance policy
A. P. Abeln, premium on in-
surance policy
Coates & Robinson, premium on
insurance policy
J. P. Early, premium on
surance policy
Jaeger & Linehan, premium on
insurance policy
C. Murphy, premium on insur-
ance policy
Trewin & Wallis, premium on in-
surance policy
Nessler & Schepple, repairing
clocks, City Hall
F. Mertz, repairing lock, City
Foley Hand Laundry, towel ser-
C. H. Reynolds, premium on in-
surance policy
M. J. McCullough, premium on
insurance policy
Peter B. Hoffmann, service tak-
:ng picture of scene of accident
on corner 11th and Iowa streets
Berg & Briggs, printing for City
Gonner Bros., printing bonds ....
E. H. Winging, expenses to Des
Moines, Ta
Roshek Bros. Co., oil cloth for
Recorder's office
Demkier Bros., 1 dozen brooms,
City Hall
Dubuque Eagle Chemical Co.,
sweeping compound .......
11. F. Salot, premium on insur-
ance policy
Sl ahn -Rose Lumber Co., lumber
for Recorder's office
Dubmitre Telephone Co., tele-
6 55
Road dept.
Key Cit3 Gas Co., supplies 1 20
M. O'Donnell, repairs on foun-
tain on White street 2 30
Key City Gas Co., light for var-
ious offices for February 104 95
- :destern Union Telegraph Co ,
clock service, December and
Iowa House Furnishing Co.,
supplies, Treasurer's office .... 3 50-
Eichirorn & Bechtel, supplies,
City Hall
John Schaetzle, 1 case Toilet pa-
James Beach & Son, 1 box Toilet
2 00
7 75
3 20
36 00'
5 25
26 00
25 00
25 00
25 00'
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
50 00
22 60
25 00'
2 50
1 50'
4 00
25 00
25 00
2 50
12 50
17 50
22 88
3 15
2 50
25 00
11 02
phone service 52 28
Iowa Telephone Co.. telephone
service 14 00
arr; Dailey, cleaning around
Market Square 64 00
- Niagara Metal Stamping Works,
licenses 32 35
Key City Gas Co., repairing
lights, City Hall .... 13 10
Key City Rubber Stamp Works,
rub: er stamps 1 10
Key City Gas Co., light for var-
ious offices for January 121 95
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
norseshoeing, sewer dept. 1 80
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
sups lies, Sewer dept. ...... 75
John Neuman & Son, supplies,
Sewer dept. 35 00
Eilwanger Bros., supplies and
repairs. Sewer dept. 3 15
Spahr -Rose Lumber Co., lumber
Sewer dept. .... 3 26
E. Cleaver, repairing fountains.. 13 65
E. A. Linehan, kerosene, Sewer
dept. 50
Hussman & Lies, pick handles. 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, Sewer
dept. 1 40
Dr. 11. J. Hagerty, veterinary
service, Sewer and Road depts. 80
E. T. Frith, hauling dead ani-
mals .... 64 00
A. J. Harti•, attending meetings
of Board of Helath 33 00
John Roth, attending meetings
of Board of Helath 27 00
Nutwood Livery Co., amublance
service for Board of Health 6 00
Charles N. Kinney, analyzing
city water 60 00
Mathis -Metz Co., . binding council
proceedings for 1910 .... 64 48
Times - Journal, printing council
proceedings .... 87 80
Smith - Morgan Printing Co.,
printing, etc. 5417
Labor Leader, printing council
proceedings 25 00
National Demokrat, printing
council proceedings .... 25 00
Telegraph- Herald, printing coun-
cil proceedings 104 55
John Duggan, repairs, Mt. Car-
mel avenue 19 25
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies, Mt
Carmel avenue 27 50
Duggan & Coto, supplies, Mt
Cannel avenue 3 00
T. J. Mulgrew Co., wood, Mt
Carmel avenue 4 00
Union Electric Co., light for
January .... .... .... 500 09
Union Electric Co., light for
January .... .... .... 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
January .... .... .... 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
January .... .... .... 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
January 253 85
Union Electric Co., light for
February ... 500 00
List of Warrants 85
Union Electric Co , light for
February ... 500 00
Unioi: Electric Co., light for
February ... 500 UO
Union Electric Co., light for
Fein nary ... 500 00
Union Electric Co., light for
February 229 15
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 500 00'
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 500 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 500 00'
O'Fa; cell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 500 00'
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 500
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 500 00
0 Farrell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 500 00;
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
provement of Grandview Ave. 371 61
W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer in Grandview avenue 500 00
W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer in Grandview avenue 500 00
W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer in Grandview avenue 500 00•
W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer in Grandview avenue 500 00
'W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer in Grandview avenue 500 00
W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer hi Grandview avenue 500 00
W. T. Hassett, constructing
sewer in Grandview avenue 356 35
F. G. Becker, coal for police and
CiL.v Hall 12 75.
P. Linehan & Sons, wood for po-
lice and City Hall 4 00
Frank Beutin, coal for
a,nii City Hall 29 70
Fischer & Co., coal for police
anu City Hall 18 52'
1. I;. hirmse, repairing clock,
police and City Hall 2 00
Ernest Besser, sawing wood 2 50
Frank Hammel, repairing plas-
ter in Armory Hall 16 30
J F. Kunz & Co., premium on
insurance policy 1410
F. A. Burns, coal and wood, po-
lice and City Hall 6 50;
Standard Oil Co., oil, 2d 339 00
Standard Oil Co., oil, 2d 339 00
National Reflning Co., road oil,
4th 270 00
John Ti bet', first estimate, 27th
Street Storm Sewer ... 350 00
John Tibey, first estimate, 27th
Street Storm Sewer 350 00
J. Brouillette, 2nd $ 1 80
M. Bury, 2nd ... 80
James Callaghan, 2nd 19 80
John Egan, 2nd 6 20
F. Keck, 2nd 10 80
G. Frost, 2nd 25 00
E. Fitzlaff, 2 -4, $5.00 each 10 00
B. Glass, 2nd 6 60
N. C. Gerens, 2nd 5 00
O. Hardy, 2nd 5 80
L. Hansel, 2nd 5 20
M. Hannan, 2ncIJ 80
J. Jellison, 2nd 2 00 ,
P. Kreamer, 2nd 1 80
P. Kenneally, Health 19''80
F. Siege, 4th 25 00
J. Kinsella, 2 -4, $5.00 each 10 00.
T. Lonergan, 2nd 4 40
J. Mullen, 2nd 3 40
R. McCaffrey, 2nd 8 40
F. Rowe, 2nd 2 60
J. Ryan, 2nd ... 19 80
F. Seil, 2nd 1 60
Emil, Apel, 2nd 4 00
John Calvert, 2nd 13 50
Josh Calvert, 2nd 11 00
J. Graham, 2nd 6 00
P. Lenihan's Sons, 2nd 11 50
Walter Burke 10 80
W. Boyce 10 80
Ben Hurd ' 10 80
John Burke 10 80
P. Carney, Jr 11 20
T. Carroll 11 20
James Connolly 18 00
John Callaghan 9 00
W. Connell 9 00
Ed. Connolly .. 9 00
P. Carney, Sr 5 40
John Duggan 9 80
M. Duggan 9 00
T. Hackney 11 20
J. Hill 1 80
G. Kunz 10 80
Chas. Lee 5 40
John Murray 11 60
Ed. Magner 10 80
D. McGuinness 10 80
T. McNulty 9 00
W . O'Meara 9 00
W . O'Brien 25 00
Geo. Reynolds 10 80
- W. Sheehan 10 80
W. Walker 10 60
Emil Apel 22 50
P. FT. Brink 18 00
Key City Gas Co., cinders, 14 yds 3 50
.I. Miillierm 29 00
D. O'Meara 22 50
Jerry Sullivan 24 50
W. Woods 22 50
D. Cunningham 18 20
W. Hennessy 18 00
J. Jellison 12 60
M. Kenneally 15 40
J. Kiang' 15 20
T. Kunkel 16 20
A. 'Kaesbauer 18 20
J. Lillie 10 80
TT. Leilc 15 20
F. Lnchterhand 18 00
M. McLean, 16 20
C. Oatley 18 00
J. Rooney 18 00
C. Sullivan 27 50
C. Specht 30 00
J. Scheuer 12 62
J. Tobin 16 20
M. Markham 35 00
Ed. Norton (use of horse) 10 00
List of Warrants
J. V. Casey, macadam, R. 2 100 48
Apel & Spielman, macadam, R. 2 30 35
H. Gengler, macadam, R. 2 5 61
F. Bieberman; -macadam, R. 2 7 -41
Paul Krocheski, macadam, R. 4 27 06
Anton Siege, macadam, R. 4 83 83
Chris. Gantenbein, macadam, R. 4 38 71
G. F. Kleih, hardware, Sewer
Dept... 2 15
J. Kriebs, harness, Sewer Dept.. 29 00
Klauer & Kess, hardware, Sewer
Dept 1 75
G. F. Kleih, hardware, Sewer
Dept 2 70
H. S. Moore, transcript of testi-
mony in case of Lizzie Post vs
City 56 00
H. Corrance, supplies 9 25
Telegraph - Herald, printing, etc 9 00
Union Printing Co., printing 32 50
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
interest on outstanding war=
rants 100 00
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
postage 18 34
Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer,
lihray orders 380 48
John Tibey, 2nd est. 27th. St
Storm Sewer 300 00
John Tibey, 2nd est. 27th. St
Storm Sewer 300 00
I hereby certify that he foregoing
is a true and correct List of all war-
rants issued' by me during the month
of February, 1911.
City Recoder:
Fire Horses Wanted.
City of Dubuque desires, to pur-
ag2 horses for the Fire De-
partrnent. They must be in good con-
dition; sound of eye, wind- and limb;
weight about 1,450 lbs. and about five
years old. Parties having such
horses and willing to sell at a reason-
able figure, will bring them to the
Central Engine House, corner Ninth
and Iowa, Saturday, March 18th, at
10:00 a. m. WM. SINGRIN,
3 -6 -4t. Chairman Fire.
To Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to impriove Belmound Street, from
Rose Street to West Fourteenth Street.
That the plat and specifications of
said improvement are now on file in
the office of the City Recorder. It is
estimated by the City Engineer that
said improvement will require:
968 lin. feet curb and gutter.
1613.0 sq. yards macadamizing.
634.2 cut.
867.9 fill.
Total estimated cost to the abutting
property owners of $1,755,00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its reg-
ular session, to be held March 16th,
1911, or file with the City Recorder
- their objections in writing on or be-
fore March 16th, 1911.
Dated at Dubuque, March 6, 1911.
3 -8 -3t City Recorder.
Of the City Council's intention to
improve Twenty- seventh Street from
the east lot line of Pine Street to
about 140 feet westward.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve Twenty- seventh Street
from the east lot line of Pine Street
to about 140 feet westward.
That the plat and estimate of said
proposed improvement is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 242 Lin. ft New
Curb, 262 Lin. ft. brick gutter, 395
sq. yds. macadam, 457.68 Fill, 23.3
Cut. Making a total estimated cost
to the abutting property owners of
$691.50. Any person having objec-
tion to said improvement is hereby
notified to appear before the City
Council at its regular session to be
Official Notices 87 ,
held March 16, 1911, or to file with
the City Recorder their objections on
or before March 16, 1911. Dated at
Dubuque Marsh 8, 1911.
3 -8 -3t City Recorder.
Of the City Council's intention to
improve Auburn Avenue from West
Fourteenth Street to Delhi Street.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubu,{ua
to improve Auburn Avenue from West
Fourteenth Street to Delhi Street.
That the plat and estimate of said
proposed improvement is now on file
in the office of the Oily Rennrder. It
is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require Comb. Curb and
Gutter 1300 Lin Feet, Macadam 257
sq. yds. Out 2081.1 cu. yds. Fill 624.5
cu. yds. Total estimated cost to the
abutting prperty owners of $2665.00
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
regular meeting to be held March 16,
1911, or to file with the City Recorder
their objections on or before March
16, 1911.
Dated at Dubuque March 8, 1911.
3 -8 -3t City Recorder.
Seale proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, April 6th, 1911, for the im-
provement of Auburn Avenue from
Delhi Street to West Fourteenth
Street, in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by the City
Engineer and now on file in the of-
fice of the City Recorder. It is esti-
mated by the City Engineer that said
improvement will require:
1300.00 lineal feet combination
curb and gutter.
2576.0 square yards Telford ma-
624.5 cubic yards earth filling.
2081.1 cubic yards cutting.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of
Dubuque, work to be completed on or
before August 1st, 1911.
The bidder must state price per
lineal foot for combination curb and
gutter, price per cubic yard for grad-
ing, also the price per square yard
for macadamizing.
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will he entered into if
of such fumigating to be paid by said
°oard of Health.
*,- ayor and Chairman of Board of
Clerk of Board of Health.
3 -30 2t.
Notice to Water Works Bondholders.
To the Holders of Dubuque Water
Works Bonds Numbered Two Hun-
dred and Twenty -One to Two Hun-
dred and Sitxy, Both inclusive.
The Board of Water Works Trus-
tees has directed that Dubuque Water
Works bonds, numbered from Two
hundred and Twenty -One (221) to Two
Hundred and Sixty (260), both in-
clusive, dated June lst, 1900, be re-
deemed in accordance with the ordi-
ance and contract entered into by the
City of Dubuque and the holders of
„id bonds.
The above bonds should be presented
at the City Treasurer's office, Dubuque,
Iowa, on the first day of June, 1911, for
payment. All interest ceases on above
ponds .Lune lst, 1911.
4 -1 lw. City Treasurer.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby noti-
fied that it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque to im-
prove Sixth street from Clay street to
Main Street.
That the plat, estimate, and specifi-
cations of said proposed improvement
are now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
2533 square yards brick paving on con-
crete foundation, 140 lineal feet old
curb reset, 360 lineal feet new curb,
making a total cost to the abutting
property owners of $5170.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
regular session to be held April 6, 1911,
or to file in writing with the City Re-
corder their objections on or before
April 6, 1911.
Dated at Dubuque, March 28, 1911.
3- 28 -3t. City Recorder.
Official Notices 84
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an eight -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in alley between Couler
Avenue and Lemon Street from Mill -
ville Road to Thirty - Second Street,
thence east on Thirty Second Street
to alley known as White Street.
That the plat and specifications of
said proposed sewer are now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 1,268 lineal feet of
eight -inch tile pipe, 20 lineal feet of
eight -inch iron pipe, 6 manholes and
will cost the abutting property owners
$1,080.00 in total.
Any person having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer
are hereby notified to appear before
the City Council at its next regular
session to be held April 6, 1911, or to
file with the City Recorder in writing
their objections on or before April 6,
Da ted at Dubuque, March 28, 1911.
3 -28 -3t City Recorder.
The City Council reserves 4he right
to. reject any and all lidds.,r
Dated at Dubuque,: N);are 21, 1911.
3 -8 -3t. City' Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, April 6th, 1911, for the im-
provement of Belmound Street, from
Rose Street to West Fourteenth
Street, in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by the City
Engineer and now on file in the of-
fice of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said improvement will re-
968.0 lineal feet combination
and gutter.
'1613.0 square yards Telford
867.9 cubic yards earth filling.
634.2 cubic yards cutting.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of
Dubuque. work to be completed on
or before August 1st, 1911.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for combination curb and gutter,
price per cubic yard for grading, also
the price per square yard for macad-
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque March 21. 1911.
3- 21 -31. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m.,
. Thursday, April 6th, 1911, for the im-
provement of Twenty- seventh Street
from the East lot line of Pine Street
to about 140 feet westward, in ac-
cordance with plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said improvement will re-
242 lineal feet new curbstone set.
262 lineal feet brick guttering.
'295 square yards Telford ma-
457.68 cubic yards earth filling.
23.3 cubic yards cutting.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinance of 1901 of the City of Du-
Offic Notices
buque, wdr1 t to` be completed on or
before August' 1St, 1911.
- Bidders Must 'state price per lineal
foot of curbstone set, price per linear
foot brick; gutter, price per cubic yard"
for grading; also price per sgtiar'e
yard for macadamizing.
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into If
. The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids. -
Dated at Dubuque, March 21, 1911.
3- 21 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Garbage Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the, office of the City Recorder up to
4 o'clock p. rn., of March 31, 1911, for
the removal of- garbage and dead ani-
mals for the season of 1911 -1912, in
the City of Dubuque, as per specifica-
tions on file in said office.
A certified check of $50.00 on some
Dubuque hank must accompany each
bid as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
3 11 4t City Rcorde?.
Horses For Sale.
On Saturday, March 25, 1911, at
10 o'clock a. m., there will be sold at
the Market House to the highest bid-
der for cash two horses that have
been in services in the Fire Depart-
3 -22 -3t Chairman.
' Be it Resolved by the Board of Health -
of the City of Dubuque:
Sect;on 1. That from and after the
taking effect of this order, there shall
not be conducted within the limits of
the City of Dubuque indescriminate
sales of clothing apparel and other ar-
ticles commonly known as "rummage
:,ales" without first obtaining written
permission from the City Recorder of
ouch City.
Sec. 2. The City Recorder of said
City shall not issue such permission
until he has received a report from
the Sanitary Officer of said Board of
Health certifying that the premises in
which said sale is to be conducted, to-
gether with all articles, clothing, mer-
chandise and other things to be offer-
ed for sale in said place have been
duly and thoroughly fumigated under
the personal direction and charge of
such Sanitary Officer. The expense