1910 April Council Proceedings110 Official No$ices
First Precinct— County Court House.
Sebond Precinct— Fourth Street En-
gine House, up stairs.
First Precinct —Ninth Street Engine
,Second Precinct —City Hall.
Third Precinct —W estercamp build-
ing, 17th and Clay streets.
First Precinct —Wales Hotel, Eighth
and Bluff streets.
Second Precinct— Palmetto Hall, 695
Delhi street.
Third Precinct —Ed, Ryan's place, 160
West Locust street.
First Precinct — Meyers Bros.' place,
2327 Couler avenue.
Second Precinct —Henry G. 1Vliller's
place, corner Elm and Eagle Point ave-
Third Precinct —Miss Rose Fengler's
place, corner Schiller and Rhomberg
.Fourth Precinct —Fred Roesner's
place, corner Twenty- seventh and
Jackson streets.
Dated March 26th, 1910.
3- 26 -4t.
City Recorder.
Regular Session, April 7th, 1910.
Council met at 8:40 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Absent —None.
Ald. Martin moved that Council
Proceedings for month of March be
approved as printed. Carried.
Bids for constructing sanitary
sewer in Hayden's Lane were pre-
sented and, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, were ordered opened, as
Street & Steuck, 6 -inch pipe, per
lineal foot, 35c; manholes, each,
O'Farrell Contracting Co., 6 -inch
pipe, per lineal foot, 49c; rock to be
blasted, $5.00 per square yard; rock
to be picked, $2.00 per square yard;
manholes, each, $25.00.
H. G. Strong, 6 -inch pipe, per lin-
eal foot, 48c; manholes, each, $24.00.
J. F. Brown, 6 -inch pipe, per lin-
eal foot, SOc; manholes, each, $30.00.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, con-
tract for constructing sewer in Hay -
den's Lane was awarded to Street &
Following bills were approved and.
on motion of Ald. Singrin, were or-
dered paid:
W. B. Baumgartner, hard-
ware for Road Dept. $ 4 00
Butt Bros., repairs for Road
Department 3 05
F. A. Burns, coal for steam
roller 9 25
Frank Buetin, coal for
steam roller 9 30
Geo. Bock, repairs for Road
Department 3 45
John Butt, repairs for Road
Department 1 30
F. G. Becker, coal for Road
Department .. 4 10
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
Road Department 3 20
W. D. Deckert, supplies for
Road Department 5 05
Duggan & Cota, hardware for
Road Department 1 60
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., supplies for Road Dept. 21 25
Peter Even, coal for Road
Department 6 20
Fuhrman Bros., supplies for
Road Department 75
Fischer & Co., coal for Road
Department ....... 12 40
Regular Session, April 7, 1910 111
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary+
services for Road Dept
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
Road Department
Hussman & Lies, hardware
for Road Dept.
Iowa Oil Co., oil for Road
Department .......
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hard-
ware for Road Dept.
G. F. Kleih, hardware for
Road Department
Key City Gas Co., coke for
Road Department
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for Road Department
Key City Iron Works, re-
pairs for Road Department
Klauer Mfg. Co., supplies for
Road Department
Klauer &. Kress, hardware for
Road Department
P. Linehan's Sons Co., coal
for Road Department
L. Lindenberg, hardware for
Road Department
Wm. Marshall, repairs for
Road Department
Pier Bros., coal for steam
E. J. Vogenthaler, repairs for
Road Department
Pitts - Thompson Fdy. Co ,
supplies for Road Dept
J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies for
Road Department
Geo. F. Ragatz & Son, repairs
for Road Department
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Road Dept.
Aclam Stoltz, supplies for
Road Department
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Department
Wm. Boyce, 8.88 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Ave. .
Tom Cain, 70.33 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Ave. .
George Coble, 19.44 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
J. V. Casey, 30.15 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
Joe Donahue, 3.24 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
John Donahue, 36.84 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
Katharine Hall, 7.38 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
Avenue .....
Ellis Joyce, 41.06 cubic yards
macadam, Rising Avenue
Chas. Lee, 54.57 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Avenue
Harold O'Hearn. 4.54 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
Avenue ...
George Schumacher, 5.54
cubic yards macadam,
Southern Avenue
8 30
1 20
1 25
28 80
4 00
7 25
3 10
2 35
3 55
6 60
11 50
4 55
1 45
1 75
1 50
1 20
7 45
8 88
70 33
19 44
30 15
3 24
36 84
7 38
41 013
54 57
4 64
5 54
112 Regular Session, April 7, 1910
Cahill & Burke, 6.22 cubic
yds. macadam, City Pound 4 67
Ernest Smith, 7.34 cubic yds.
macadam, City Pound 5 51
W, R. Pearce, painting foun-
tain, Washington Park 9 50
Thos. Connell, cleaning cala-
boose 2 00
C. W. Katz, 22 meals fur-
nished prisoners March 4 40
Geo. T. Lyon, expenses for
various cases 14 75
Rent of buildings for City
Election 290 00
Judges and Clerks of City
Election 714 00
Registration Clerks, prepar-
ing Registration Books for
City Election 840 00
Union Electric Co., sprinkling
in Fifth Road Districts
' during August, September
and October, 1909 727 10
Petition of Fifth Ward Non- Parti-
san League, asking that certain im-
provements be made in Kaufman
Avenue, was, on motion of Ald. Frith,
referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds.
Petition of James R. Kean, asking
that he be allowed $66.00 as damages
claimed to have been sustained by
reason of rock crusher having been
placed on Clark Street abutting his
property, was, on motion of Ald.
Frith, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of Emilie Hintrager, ask-
ing that the special assessment levied
against Lot 2 of the Subdivision of
Lots 1 and 2 of Lot 6 of Lot 7 of
Mineral Lot 79 be reduced, was, on
motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Smith - Morgan Printing
Co., asking that the assessment of
$40,000.000 on corporation stock, as-
sessed against them for the year 1909
be canceled, was, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of Dubuque Biscuit Co.,
asking that their taxes .for the year
1909 be remitted in accordance with
action of the City Council of April
26th, 1909, was, on motion of Ald.
Singrin, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Pctition of Wm. Heitzmann, asking
that the taxes on his property at 321
Davenport Street, be canceled for
year 1909 and also Davenport Street
be graded so that he can rebuild his
house, was, on motion of Ald. Haas,
referred to the Committee of the
whole to view the grounds.
Petition of G. E. Davis, asking that
the $40.00 paid by him for space in
Harbor be applied on the basis of
$5.00 a year for eight years beginning
with the year 1907, was, on motion
of Ald. Saul, referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole to view the grounds.
Petition of the Dubuque Altar Mfg.
Co., asking that their taxes for the
year 1909 be made in accordance with
the action of the City Council of
April 2, 1908. was, on motion of Ald.
Frith, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of the League of Ameri-
canlMUnicipalities, asking that the
City of Dubuque becohie members of
said league, was, on motion of Ald,
Frith, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of Union Electric Co., ask-
ing that they be granted permission
to construct a loop at the south end
of Main Street; also that they be
granted permission to install a stiib
switch at the end of the Eagle Point
line, was, on motion of Ald. Singrin,
referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds.
Petition of Lawrence Gonner, ask-
ing that Martha Street from Alta
Vista Street to the west line of the
alley west of Alta Vista Street, be
graded, was, on motion of Ald. Rand,
referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds.
Petition of Jones Bros. Co., asking
that the valuation for taxation Of
their property, South 2 -3 of Lot 11,
for year 1909 be reduced to $12,-
000.00 and the Treasurer be instruct-
ed accordingly, was, on motion of
Ald. Singrin, referred to the Commit -
kee of the Whole.
Petition of G. A. Barnes, assignee
of Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co., ask-
ing that the City allow the claim of
$32.55 against said company at the
next session, was, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of Ida M. Cutler, asking
that the assessment of $10.00 for
merchandise for the year 1909 be
cancelled, same being erroneous, was,
on motion of Ald. Haas, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Mrs. Lena Hillard, ask-
ing that the taxes on the South 1 /2 of
Lot 498, owned by the late Mrs. E.
T. Dearborn, for the year 1909 be
canceled, was, on motion of Ald.
Haas; referred to the Delinquent Tax
Petition of J. P. Ludowisy, stating
that he had purchased the retail
liquor business of Hughes & Boesen
at 279 Main Street and asking that
the Council adopt a resolution grant-
ing him consent to operate a retail
liquor business as renewal of resolu-
tion of consent previously granted to
Hughes & Boesen, was, on motion of
Ald. Singrin, granted.
Following resolution was then of-
Be It Resolved by the Members of
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque: That consent previously
granted to Hughes & Boesen, a co-
partnership consisting of Nathan
Boesen and Frank Hughes, is here-
by renewed and consent is hereby
given to J. P. Ludowisy as assignee
of the business formerly conducted
and carried on by Hughes & Boesen
in said place, to operate a retail
liquor store within the said City of
Dubuciue, Dubuque County, Iowa, in
accordance with the laws of Iowa
and the Ordinances of the City of
Carried unanimously.
Following petitions of persons ask -
ing that they be appointed to posi-
tions by the Council were, on motion
of Ald. Frith, referred to the new
" onncil:
C. W. Katz, for reappointment of
Market Master.
Gardeners, asking that Mr. Katz
be re- appointed Market Master.
J. H. Carroll, asking that he be re-
appointed Harbor Master.
H. A. Moyes and Edward Kumpf,
position of Harbor Master.
Ed. Fritzlaff, position of City Car-
Thomas Hackney and Frank Mc-
Coy, position of Pound Master.
Thos. H. Rowland, position of en-
gineer of steam roller.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith hand you
statements of • amounts advanced by
me during the month of March, 1910,
for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor:
Interest paid on warrants
outstanding $159.05
New York exchange .80
Postage stamps expense 10.00
Redemption from tax sale 6.55
Express charges, fire 5.04
Freight charges, fire 2.30
Freight charges, road 23.85
Regular Session, April 7, 1910
Express charges, police .60
Total $208.19
Library orders paid $720.08
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts,
and the report referred to the Com-
mittee on Finance.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port for the month of March, 1910,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Receipts —
Cash on hand March 1,
1910 $ 79,960.95
Receipts from all sources 67,499.74
Total $147,460.69
Disbursements —
Warrants red eeemd $ 10,966.56
Improvement bond cou-
pons redeemed 203.62
Special sidewalk certificate
coupons redeemed 8.05
Sr lcial sidewalk certifi-
ates redeemed 83.60
total $ 11,261.83
Balance April 1st, 1910$136,198.86
The above cash balance includes
improvement bond fund, improve-
ment bond interest fund and library
fund balances.
Water Works Account —
Water Works balance
March lst, 1910 $19,160.29
Deposited with City Treas-
urer during March 3,942.94
Total .. ..... $23,103.23
Orders drawn on City
Treasurer during March. 3,829.74
Balance April 1, 1910... $19,273.49
Excavation Permit Account —
Balance March lst, 1910 $35.00
Receipts during month 5.00
Balance April 1st, 1910 $40.00
Also the following is a record of
all interest coupons, bonds and side-
walk certificates redeemed by the
City Treasurer during the past month
and credited to him:
Improvement bond coupons $ 203.62
Special sidewalk certificate
- coupons 8.05
Special sidewalk certificates 83.60
Total $295.27
114 Regular Session, April 7, 1910
Also the following list shows the
appropriations and the amount of
warrants drawn on each fund since
the beginning of the fiscal year be-
ginning March 1st, 1910, to April 1st,
Appropriation Expended
Expense .. ....$40,000.0 $ 1,403.34
Road —
First District .. 6,536.52 861.56
Second District , 15,923.22 404.24
Third District .. 9,544.60 351.87
Fourth District. 10,843.04 472.09
Fifth District .. 8,333.88 1,056.60
Fire .... ..... 48,000.00 1,433.52
Police .... .... 36,500.00 127.29
Sewerage ... .. 6,000.00 300.25
Printing .... .. 2,500.00
Street Lighting . 27,000.00
Interest ... ... 40,000.00
Board of Health 7,000.00
Grading .. .... 6, 0 0 0.0 0
Special Bonded
Paving .. ... 4,000.00
Special Bonded
Debt and In-
terest .. .... 4,000.00
Mt. Carmel Ave.
nue Grading . 2,500.00
Sidewalk Repair-
ing .... ..... 1,000.00
Bluff Street Ex-
tension .. ... 500.00
Bee Branch Sew-
er, Third -Ward,
Dubuque Pack-
ing Plant .... 2,500.00
Improvement of
-Windsor Ave.. 1,000.00
Bee Branch Sew-
er, Third Ward,
18th Street .. 2,500.00
Bee Branch Sew-
er, in Fifth
-Ward ... ...
Improvement of
Avenue 2,500.00
Eagle Point Park 3,000.00
Clay Street Im-
provement ... " 1,200.00
Heeb Street
Grading .. ... 300.00
Improvement of
Valley Street 200.00
Improvement of
- Willow Street. 1,500.00
Opening of
Booth and
Spring Streets, 500.00
Twenty - Seventh
Street Storm
Sewer .... .. 1,300.00
Improvement of
Althauser Ave. 1,500.00
Improvement of
Seventh Ave. . 2,600.00
Firemen's Pen-
sion Fund ... 750.00
Policemen's Pen-
sion Fund .. , 750.00
Opening and
Grading Alley
Between Clark
a n d Angella
Streets .. ....
Opening of Ce-
dar Street ...
Part Cost of Car
Street Wall ..
New Street
Sweeper .
Ninth Avenue
Sewer .. ....
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the re-
port was approved and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay city officers and
report be referred to the Committee
on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of the Fire Department for
the month of March, 1910:
Amount due Firemen.......$3,136.9
Less 1% retained for Pension
Fund .. .. ...... .. .... 31.03
Balance due firemen ....3105.88
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald Frith the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the firemen, and the
report referred back to the Commit-
tee on Fire:
Chief of Police Pickley reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
police report for the month of March,
Disorderly Conduct
Disturbing the Peace
Petit Larceny
Assault and Battery
4 40
Total .
Residents Arrested
Doors Found Open
Lodgers Harbored
.Defective Lights
Meals Furnished
Cost of Food
Police Court Costs Collected...$19.60
Sheriff Dieting Prisoners, March.8 50
Patrol Runs for Prisoners 60
Ambulance Calls 2
Miles Traveled 70
I also beg to submit the pay roll
for Policemen for the month of
March, 1910:
Amount due
Policemen $2408.05
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Martin, the
report and pay roll were received and
311.99 warrants ordered drawn to pay the
policemen and the report referred to
the Committee on Police and Light.
City Electrician Hipman reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my
report for defective lights for the
month of March, 1910:
I find from the report of the Police
Department that the total hours that
100 lamps failed to burn would equal
2 lamps burning for one month or
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion of AId. Singrin the re-
port was received and the City Audi-
tor to be instructed to deduct from
the Union Electric company's bill for
the month of March, 1910, the sum
of $10.00.
Acting Street , Commissioner Ma-
hony reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Illierewith submit the
p'ay roll for labor on streets during
the last half of March, 1910:
Amt. due laborers on streets $2,897.90
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the last half of
March, 1910:
Amt. due laborers on sewers..$236.80
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
grading Dunning Avenue during the
last half of March, 1910:
Amount due laborers grading
Dunning Avenue $24.20
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submitted.
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Aids. Saul and Sin -
grin the pay rolls on streets and sew-
ers were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the payrolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Recorder Linehan presented
and read the certified copy of the
notice of the ,Council's intention to
vacate the alley between Rhomberg
and Lincoln avenues, from Second
avenue to Third avenue.
Regular Session, April 7, 1910
No remonstrance being filed and
no one in the room objecting to the
vacation of said alley, the notice was,
on motion of Ald. Haas, received and
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read certified copy of the
notice of the Council's intention to
levy a special assessment for the im-
provement of Twenty Seventh Street
from Jackson Street to the Railroad
tracks by Wilmer Cook, contractor.
No remonstrance being filed and no
one in the room objecting to the
levying of said special assessment the
notice was on motion of Ald. Frith
received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read certified copy of the
notice of the Council's intention to
levy a special assessment for the im-
provement of -Vest Locust street
from Hodgden Avenue to Alta Vista
street by James Lee and Son, con -
trators. No remonstrance being filed
and no one in the room objecting to
the levying of said special assessment
the notice was on motion of Ald.
Rand received and filed.
City Attorney Lyon presented
agreement entered into between City
of Dubuque and M. Tschirgi and Sons
for completing contract for improv-
ing Bluff street, and on motion of
Ald. Frith the action of the City At-
torney was approved and agreement
made matter of record.
City Attorney Lyon also reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: Herewith please find
the City Treasurer's receipt for $9.90
being the amount of the cost deposit-
ed in the case of White & Company
and Key City Gas Co. vs. City of Du-
buque, which was returned to me by
the Clerk of the United States Circuit
Court and which I paid the Treasurer
this date.
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the
report of City Attorney was received
and filed.
Following Weighmasters' and Wood -
measurers' reports of receipts were
presented and read and on motion
were received and filed:
Jos Straney, First Ward scale..$3.30
C. W. Katz, scales receipts 28.20
Mrs. C. Deckert, Rhomberg Avenue
scales $3.87
Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the
committee of the Whole, reported as
116 Regular Session, April 7, 1910
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of E.
P. Laude asking that on account of
erroneous assessment - the following
taxes be cancelled:
Laude & Miller for 1908
Laude Bros., for 1909
H. W. Laude, for 1909
Would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the City Treasurer
be instructed accordingly.
$ 6.50
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Elizabeth Longueville in relation to
the special assessment levied against
lots 43 and 44 in Althauser's sub-
division of lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Mineral
lot 474 for the improvement of Eagle
and Middle streets, would respectfully
recommend that the City Treasurer
be instructed to accept the sum of
Thirty -five Dollars in settlement of
said assessment, provided the same
be paid within thirty days from the
day of the adoption of this report.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the ordinance
changing the name of certain streets
in the city of Dubuque, would
respectfully, recommend that said
ordinance be adopted.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Thos. Hill offering to pay the sum of
$174.52, in full settlement of the
special assessment levied against
lot 29 in Ann O'Hare's addition for
the improvement of Grandview
avenue, would respectfully recom-
mend that said offer be accepted and
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to accept the same in full settlement
of said assessment, provided same be
paid within thirty days from the date
of the adoption of this report.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the various reports of the Commit-
tee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Ordinances, presented and
read ordinances changing names of
certain streets in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, and moved that
Ordinance be now adopted as read,
Ordinance being read for the first
reading February 17th, 1910:.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas- -Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays -None.
The Ordinance follows:
An Ordinance - changing the name
of certain streets in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Be it Ordained by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the name of the
street now known as Anna Place and
situated on the hill nearly opposite
Fifteenth street be changed and that
said street be hereafter known as
West Fifteeenth street.
Section 2. That the name of
Thomas Street and Franklin Street,
both' of which streets being now an
, extension of West Sixteenth street be
changed and that said street be here-
after known as West Sixteenth street
its entire length.
Section 3. That the name of the
street now known as Yates street, the
same being a short street directly in
line with Catharine street be changed
and that the same be hereafter known
as South Catharine street.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and af-
ter its passage by the City Council
and is publication one time in the
Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and Times
Journal newspapers .
Adopted 1910.
Approved .... ...... 1910.
City Recorder.
Ald. Rand to whom was referred
with power the matter of having a
light installed at Pickett street re-
ported that he had ordered the Union
Electric Co. to install a lamp of less
candle power than regular street arc
lamp and that same will be installed
within the next week.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported that Com-
mittee had tested the fire hose pur-
chased from C. C. C. Fire Hose Co.
and A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. and
found same to be all right and com-
mittee recommends that the Mayor
be empowered to sign warrants for
same and moved that action of the
Committee be approved. Carried.
Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings, reported that committee had
the' plaster in the calaboose repaired
and that the calaboose was in need
of being calcimined, expense of
which would be about $26.00 and
moved that action of committee in
having repairs made be approved and
matter of calcimining calaboose be
referred to new council. Carried.
Aid.. Rand offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque. That to pay for
improving West Locust street from
Hodgdon avenue to Alta Vista street,
James Lee and Son, contractors, in
front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for
the several amounts set opposite each
parcel of real estate as follows:
Special assessment submitted April
7th, 1910.
John Martens, Blake's Add.,
Lot 23, 97.7 lin. ft. combin-
ation curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $92.81; 162.83
sq: yds. macadamizing at
52c, $84.67; extra cost,
$3.36 .....$180 84
Hughes and Blake, Blake's
Add., Lot 22, 100.00 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, 166.67 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 52c,
$86.67; extra cost, $3.44... 185 11
Hughes and Blake, Blake's
Add., Lot 21, 90 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $85.50;
150.01 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $78.01; extra
cost, $3.09 166 60
Hughes and Blake, Blake's
Add., Lot 20, 70 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $66.50;
116.67 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $60.67; extra
cost, $2.40 129 57
Paul Traut, Est., Blake's
Add., Lot 19, 50 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $47.50;
831 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $43.33; extra
cost, $1.72
Paul Traut, Est., Blake's
Add., Lot 18, 50 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $47.50;
831 -3 sq. yds. macadam
izing at 52c, $43.33; extra
cost, $1.72
Jos. F. Kingsley, Blake's Add ,
Lot 17, 50 lin. ft. com-
bination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $47.50;
831 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $43.33; extra
cost, $1.72
Jos. F. Kingsley, Blake's
Add., Lot 16, 50 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $47.50;
831 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $43.33; extra
cost, $1.72
John Kingsley, Blake's Add.,
Lot 15, 50 lin. ft. combin-
ation curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq.. yds. !macadamizing at
Regular Session, April 7, 1910
92 55
92 55
92 55
92 65
95c, $43.34; extra cost,
T. and L. Paisley, Blake's
Add., Lot 14, 50 lin, ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $47.50;
831 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $43.34; extra
cost, $1.72 ...... .... .... 92 56
T. and L. Paisley, Blake's
Add., Lot 13, 50 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $47.50;
831 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $43.33; extra
cost, $1.72.... .... ...... 92 55
F. Fettgather, Blake's Add.,
Lot 12, 50 lin. ft. combin-
ation curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; S3 1 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.33; extra cost,
Jos. Herod, Blake's Add ,
Lot 11, 50 lin. ft. combin-
ation curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1.3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.34;. extra cost,
$1.72 92 56
Alice Lonergan, Blake's Add ,
Lot 10, 50 lin. ft. combina-
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.33; extra cost,
$1.72 ,...
Mary Powers, Blake's Add ,
Lot 9, 50 lin. ft. combina-
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 83 1 -3, sq.
yds. macadamizing at 52c
$43.33; extra cost, $1.72
F. J. Wirth, Est., Blake's
Add., Lot 8, 50 lin. ft. com-
bination curbstone and gut-
tering at 95c, $47.50; 83 1 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.34; extra cost,
A. Michel, Blake's Add., Lot
7, 50 lin. ft. combination
curbstone and guttering at
95c, $47.50; 831 -3 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 52c,
$43.33; extra cost, $1.72
92 56
92 55
92 55
92 55
92 56
92 55
Mary Michel, Blake's Add.,
Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. combina-
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.33; extra cost,
$1.72 92 55
Nic. Theis, Est., Blake's Add.,
Lot 5, 83 1 -3 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 52c, $43.33;
extra cost, $1.72
Nic. Theis, Est., Blake's Add ,
Lot 4, 83 1 -3 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 52c, $43.34;
extra cost, $1.72.... 45 06
45 05
118 Regular Session, April 7, 1910
L. Zannuck, Blake's Add.,
E. 65.5 ft. of Lot 1, 65.5 lin.
ft. combination curbstone
and guttering at 95c, $62.23;
109.16 sq. yds. macadam
izing at 52c, $56.76; extra
cost, $2.25 121 24
McCreenay and Theis, Blake's
Add., Lot 3, 831 -3 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 52c,
$43.33; extra. cost, $1.72
45 05
Ellen Kane, Blake's Add., Lot
2, 50.7 lin. ft. combination
curbstone and guttering at
95c, $43.16: S4.5 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 520, $43.94
Extra cost, $1.72.... 93 83
Ellen Kane, Blake's Add., W. 14
ft. of Lot 1, 14 lin. ft. com-
bination curbstone and gut-
tering at 95c, $13.30; 23.33
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $12.13; extra cost, 48c 25 91
Joseph Herod, Min. Lot, W.
110.5 ft. of Lot 184, 110.5
lin. ft. combination curb-
stone and guttering at 95c,
$104.98: 184.16 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 52c, $95.76
extra cost, 53.77 204 51
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot 3, 41 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $38.95;
68 1 -3 sq. yds. macadamizing
at 52c, $35.53; extra cost,
$1.40.... 75 88
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot 2. 50 lin. ft. com-
bination curbstone and gut-
tering at 95c, $47.50: 83 1 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c. $43.34; extra cost,
$1.72 92 56
Alice McGrath, McGrath's
Sub., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. com-
bination curbstone and gut-
tering at 95c, 547.50; 83 1 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.33; extra cost,
$1.72.. .......... .. 92 55
Anton Siege, A. P. Woods
Add., Lot 1, 50 lin. ft. com-
bination curbstone and gut-
tering at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.33; extra cost $1.72
A. Doerr, A. P. Woods' Add.,
Lot 2, 50 lin. ft. combina-
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.33; extra cost,
A. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add ,
Lot 3, 50 lin. ft. combina-
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.34; extra cost,
92 55
92 55
$1.72 92 56
Huber, A. P. Woods Add ,
Lot 4, 50 lin. ft. combina-
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.34; extra cost,
$1.72 92 56
Siege and H. Siege, A. P
Woods Add., Lot 5, 50 lin
ft. combination curbstone
and guttering at 95c, $47.50;
831 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $43.33; extra
cost, $1.72 92 55
Doerr, A. P. Woods Add ,
Lot 6, 50 lin. ft. combina
tion curbstone guttering at
95c, $47.50; 831 -3 sci. yds.
macadamizing at 52c,
$43.33; extra cost, $1.72 55
Doerr, A. P. Woods Add ,
Lot 7, 50 lin ft. combina
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c. $47.50; 83 1 -3 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 52c,
$43.33; extra Cost, $1.72 55
poerr, A. P. Woods Add ,
Lot 8, 50 lin. feet. combin-
ation curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c. $43.34; extra cost, $1.72 92 56
. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add.,
Lot 9, 50 lin. ft. combina-
tion curbstone and gutter-
ing at 95c, $47.50; 831 -3
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c, $43.33; extra cost,
$1.72 .... .... 92 55
. Doerr, A. P. Woods Add ,
Lot 10, 113.1 lin. ft. com-
bination curbstone and gut-
tering at 95c, $107.44; 88.5
sq. yds. macadamizing at
52c. $98.02; extra cost,
$3.88 209 34
A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods Sub., 9Sa, Lot 36b
83.7 lin. ft combination
curb and guttering at 95c
$79.52; 139.5 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 52c, $72.54;
extra cost, $2.88 154 94
A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods Add., Sub., 9Sa, Lot
35b, 52 lin. ft. combination
curbing and guttering at 95c
$49.40; 86 2 -3 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 52c, $45.06;
extra cost, $1.79 96 25
A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods Add., Sub., 9Sa, Lot
3413, 52 lin. ft. combination
curbstone and guttering at
95c, $49.40; 86 2 -3 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 52c,
$45.06; extra cost, $1.79 96 25
. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 33b, 52
lin. ft. combination curb-
stone and guttering at 95c,
549.40; 86 2 -3 sq. yds. ma-
cadamizing at 52c, $45.07;
extra cost, $1.79 96 25
1 enrietta Grinzig, A. P. Woods
Sub., 98a, Lot 32b, 52 lin. ft.
combination curbstone and
guttering at 95c, $49.40;
86 2 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $45.07; extra
cost $1.79 96 26
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P
Woods Sub., 9Sa, Lot 31b, 52
lin. ft. combination curb-
stone and guttering at 95c,
$49.40; 86 2 -3 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 52c,
$45.07; extra cost, $1.79 96 26
T. Rhomberg, A. P. Woods
Sub., 98a, Lot 30b, 52 lin.
ft. at 95c, $49.40; 86 2 -3 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 52c,
$45.07; extra cost, $1.79 96 26
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 29b,
52 lin. ft. combination curb-
stone and guttering at 95c,
$49.40; 86 2 -3 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 52c, $45.07;
extra cost, $1.79 96 26
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 28b, 52
lin. ft. combination curb-
stone and guttering at 95c,
$49.40; 86 2 -3 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 52c, $45.07;
extra cost, $1.79 96 26
D. Sutherland, A. P. Woods
Sub., 98a, Lot 27b, 52 lin.
ft. combination curbstone
and guttering at 95c, $49.40;
86 2 -3 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 52c, $45.07; extra
cost, $1.79 96 26
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P.
Woods, Sub., 98a. Lot 26b,
51.8 lin. ft. combination
curbstone and guttering at
95c, $49.21; 86 1 -3 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 52c,
$44.89; extra cost, $1.79 95 89
J. A. Rhomberg Est., A. P.
Woods Sub., 98a, Lot 25b,
54 lin. ft. combination curb-
stone and guttering at 95c,
$51.30; 90 sq. yds. maca-
damizing at 52c, $46.80;
extra cost, $1.86 99.96
J. A. Rhomberg, Est., A. P
Woods, Sub., 98a, Lot 24b,
48.6 lin. ft. combination
curbstone and guttering at
95c, $46.17; 201 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 52c,
$104.52; extra cost, $1.67 152 36
Independent School District
No. 2, W. 50, Mineral Lot
95, 87.5 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 95c, $45.51; extra
expense, $1.73 47.24
Total assessment $5258 52
4971.83 sq. yds. macadam at
52c $2585 35
Regular Session, April 7, 1910
2708.6 lin. ft. combination
concrete curb and gutter-
ing at 95c 2573 17
Extra expense 100 00
Total Cost $5258 52
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to benefits conferred.
Ald. Rand moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays -None.
Ald. Frith offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
improving 27th street from Jackson
street to the railroad tracks by Wil-
mer Cook, contractor, in front of and
adjoining the same, a Special Tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels
of Real Estate hereinafter named,
situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each Lot
or Parcel of Real Estate as follows:
Total Amount
Owner. Description. Tax.
Jas. Zieries, Glendale Add.,
Lot 234, 106.8 lin. ft. curb-
stone at 52c, $55.54; 116.7
lin. ft. brick guttering at
70c, $81.69; 161.02 sq. yds.
macadamizing at 60c,
$96.61; extra cost, $4.50..$ 238 34
John McNulty, Glendale Add.,
Und. 1 / 2 of lot 235, 125.1 lin.
ft. curbstone at 52c, $65.05;
162.7 lin. ft. brick guttering
at 70c, $113.89; 213.67 sq.
yds. macadamizing at 60c,
$128.20; extra cost, $4.50. 311 64
R. and Ed. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., Und.
14 Lot 258, 105.5 lineal
feet curbstone at 52c,
554.86; 106.9 lin. ft. brick
guttering at 70c, $74.83;
223.69 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 60c, 134.21; extra
cost, $4.50.... .... .... 268 40
R. and Ed. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., Und.
1 / , Lot 259. 129.1 lineal
feet curbstone at 52c,
$67.13; 135.5 lin. ft. brick
guttering at 70c, $94.85;
221.94 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 60c, $133.17; extra
cost $4.50 299.65
R. and Ed. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add., Und.
1 / 2 Lot 282, 66.8 lineal
feet curbstone at 52c,
$34.74; 71.8 lin. ft. brick
guttering at 70c, $50.26;
139.41 sq. yds. macadam-
izing at 60c, $83.65; extra,
cost, $2.00 170' 65
Total assessment $1288 68
\`n Om 01
120 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 Regular Session, April 7, 1910 121.
533.3 lin ft. new curbstone
at 52c $ 277 32
593.6 lin. ft. brick gutter at
70c.. 415 52
959.73 sq. yds.
60c 575 84
Extra expenses .... 20 00
macadam at
Total Cost. $1288 68
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to benefits conferred.
Ald. Frith moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Ald. Rand offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of
Dubuque, Iowa, That the Street Com-
missioner be instructed to bring to a
possible grade, the west 50 feet of
Anna Place, now called West
Fifteenth street, so as to avoid in-
jury to the adjacent house owned by
Mr. Deggendorf, the estimated cost
Of which is about $50.00 and the
material excavated from said West
Fifteenth street be used to grade
West Sixteenth street.
Ald. Rand moved that resolution
be referred to the committee of the
whole of the new Council to view the
grounds. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that all matters
now in the hands of the various com-
mittees be referred to the same com-
mittees of the new Council. Carried.
Mayor Schunk announced the next
business in order would be the can-
vassing of the votes of the City Elec-
tion held Monday, April 4th, 1910.
Ald. Singrin moved that the Mayor
appoint a committee of three to can-
vass vote of City Election. Carried.
Mayor Schunk then appointed Aids.
Singrin, Martin and Frith a commit-
tee to canvass the vote.
The vote was then canvassed from
the Poll books and found to be as
(See Insert)
Ald. Singrin moved that all candi-
dates receiving a majority or a
plurality of the votes cast be declar-
ed elected. Carried.
Mayor Schunk then called upon the
members of the retiring Council for
farewell remarks
Ald. Rand read the following:
Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen of the
Council: In leaving this office, I feel
that it is appropriate for me to say
a few words as to what my aims and
objects have been, and as to what has
been accomplished. My aim has al-
ways been to make as many improve-
ments and repairs as possible, consist-
ent with the revenues of the city, and
without increasing the burdens of the
taxpayers; and this is so as applies
to the whole city as well as to my
own ward, and while I may have
made some mistakes, as all men do.
I feel that as a whole I should 'be
proud of the record made in the last
two years. I do not think all has been
done that was needed, but it was im-
possible to perform any more with
the revenue at hand, and I feel that
I should be pardoned if I mention
some of the improvements in my own
A long section of West Locust
street has been improved, which the
people have sought for years, both
for the street improvement and the
storm sewer.
Louisa street has been extended
which opens up a large tract of val-
uable property.
Bennett street, Asbury street and
St. Ambrose street have been im-
A large pond of water was abated
on Fourteenth street, at large ex-
pense. A good sized stagnant pool in
the central part of Woodlawn park
has been abated, at very small ex-
pense. A large and troublesome pool
on Grace street was abolished by fill-
ing, at no expense, in fact at a real
profit to the city, besides grading an
Many other small improvements in
the line of street repairs have been
made and many other needed. ones
were not made for the lack of funds,
but preparation has been made for
doing this kind of work on a large
scale this year, with the view that
my successor to this term of office,
whether it be myself or another,
would be better fitted for this work
than any before have been.
It also affords me much satisfac-
tion to know that many of the pub-
lic buildings have received needed re-
pairs and some improvements. But
there are still others in serious need;
the Ninth street engine house roof,
also the town clock tower and the li-
brary roof, etc., will need painting
nIu "lll \.,
01111 ,'.atd—
liar inct
v`+d+ d—
n la inet
ntl1 1. a,inet z einct
nni 15
soon. And now with this somewhat
abbreviated pr °IPment. I am ready to
retire and t
station over
for him an(
7a d—
'ark Commissioners.
11 11 2
11 21 2
4 1 1 1 11 1
myself, but 1 submit with - emphasis
the assertion, that for the petty sat-
isfaction of self •vindication, or per -
sonal or political success, I have
never planted tares in the field of
another's reputation.
�nntnales to offer for
141 139
189 110
142 77
380 144
160 90
166 84
187 134
242 83
157 112
145 35
194 173
206 159
213 163
140 193
2662 1696
Fifth ward.
Ald Saul, of the First ward.
Ald. O'Rourke, of the Second ward.
Alrl. Singrin, of the Third ward.
Mayor• 1
Treasurer. 1
I Engine
1 Aidertnen
1 Alderman,
First Ward
1 Alderman,
2nd Ward.
3rd Nd.
I Alderman,
4th Ward.
1 Alderman,
'Fifth Ward
Park C
H. A. Schunk, D
D. J. Haas, C. N. P
E. J. Buchet, S
0. P. Geiger, C. N. P
T. Buckingham, S
G. D. Wybrant, C. N. P
H. Brinkman, D
M. E. Lyons, D
G. N. Raymond, C. N. P....
E. R. Nolte, S
I s. R. Waller, D
C. T. Lyons, C. N. P
I S. Ferris, S
I J. T. Kelly, D
W. A. Schaffhauser, C. N. P.
D. S. Cameron, S
Ilg, D
C. H. Baumgartner, C. N. P.
G. R. Brandt, S
IP. R. Martin, D
B. J. Sauer, D
P. Apel, C. N. P.
R. Jones, C. N. P
A. L. Wright, S
L. J. Reick, S
I . Saul, D
S. Coyle, S
Ed. Erie
H. O'Donnell, D
J. J. O'Rourke, C. N. P.
1 H. G. Collis, S
w. Singrin, D
I A. McAlleece, S
E. E. McEvoy, D
D. W. Rand, C. N. P
L. C. Stewart, S
R. Specht, D
E. E. Frith, C. N. P
F. Mussehl, S
P x 1 f. x i o t7 It
g H ' m in
H ` 4
. 197
. 148
1 •
• I
263 108
241 106
161 135
306 251
127 168
170 184
213 213
221 187
90 255
243 228
167 262
262 266
194 377
188 258
11 152
1 1
1 177
255 92
208 96
185 78
315 244
177 120
194 116
2191 155
217 184
237 181
231 211
246 172
222 171
302 277
239 175J
1 124
189 41
I 160
+ 187
20 6
flrst Ward—
....old Precinct
, ..end Ward—
! . t Precinct
...ail Precinct
Thin! Ward—
. • t Precinct
and Precinct
nl Precinct
I'.nreth Ward —
.t Precinct
•aul Precinct
.1 Precinct
Fifth Ward -
-•t Precinct
.nul Precinct
n! Precinct
nth Precinct
a md Totals
Pluralities ..
Official Canvass of Votes of Election of April 4th, igio
120 Regular Session, April 7, 1910
533.3 lin ft. new curbstone
at 52c $ 277 32
693.6 lin. ft. hr -
Ald. Singrin moved that all candi-
dates rece;vincr — '- ity or a
I be declar-
there are still others in serious need;
the Ninth street engine house roof,
also the town clock tower and the li-
brary roof, etc., will need painting
soon. And now with this somewhat
abbreviated statement, I am ready to
retire and turn the burdens of this
station over to my successor and wish
for him and the other members of
the new council a prosperous admin-
I have also given serious thought
to the question of additional fire
protection in the hill district, and I
have no doubt that the new council
will seek to remedy the present con-
dition. Mr. Mayor, T thank the mem-
bers of the old council for the cordial
relations which I have enjoyed with
them and wish for the new council
as pleasant relations as we have en-
Alds. Frith, Martin, O'Rourke and
Haas then made a few remarks in
reference to the work done by the
Council in the past two years and
expressing their good wishes to the
newly elected aldermen for a pros-
perous and successful administration
of the city's affairs for the ensuing
two years.
Mayor Schunk then said that it
had been a pleasure to him to be
connected personally with the mem-
bers of the Council and he then de-
livered his valedictory which is as
Gentlemen of the Council: Before
turning over the affairs of the city to
my successor, I hope you will par-
don me if I take up a few more
moments of your time. A few
thoughts suggest themselves to me
that I am persuaded will not be in-
appropriate on this occasion.
Many people's judgment of a city
government is influenced by their
idealistic conception of what a city
government should be, while those
in active control know but the real
city government with its good points
as well as its imperfections. In all
things in city affairs, of course, there
is much that is imperfect. However,
what may seem imperfect, may real-
ly be as nearly perfect as human im-
perfection can make it. You can
only follow the past which is certain -
tainly extremely valuable to us in
every walk of life - -its chief value is
in interpreting for us the present and
giving greater intelligence for the fu-
ture. It teaches us partisan clamor
and criticism to the contrary, not-
withstanding that honest, sincere and
thorough effort on our part is not
only a great pleasure and satisfaction
to ourselves, but will also prove a
wholesome example to posterity.
Much has been said in the cam-
paign recently closed derogatory to
myself, but I submit with emphasis
the assertion, that for the petty sat-
isfaction of self - vindication, or per -
sonal or political success, I have
Regular Session, April 7, 1910 121.
never planted tares in the field of
another's reputation.
I have no apologies to offer for
any act in my official career of the
past four years, and have no regrets
whatever. I feel that I have been very
kindly treated, and certainly apprec-
iate the opportunity afforded me by
our people to occupy a niche in the
history of my native city.
I have been signally honored by
my fellow citizens, and fully appre-
ciate the courtesies received at their
hands. I have had and have thor-
oughly enjoyed my yesterday, and
tender my heartfelt thanks to the
citizens of Dubuque for the favor of
the privilege of serving them two
terms as mayor.
Mayor Schunk stepped down to
where Ald Haas sat and escorted
him to the mayor's rostrum, from
where he introduced him as Du-
buque's next mayor. He then admin-
istered the oath of office.
Mayor Haas then read his inaug-
ural address which is as follows:
I feel greatly honored this evening
to take my place as mayor of our
city. Having been elected as the
result of a non - partisan movement, I
feel that I owe my election to no
one party, but to the people. Dur-
ing my term as Alderman -at -large it
was always my aim to give all mat-
ters careful consideration and to clo
what I thought was for the best in-
terest of the whole city and not to
be influenced by political or personal
As mayor, I will try to act as I
have in the past and will always have
but one object in view, and that will
be to do what I think best for the
I wish to thank Mr. Schunk and
the members of the retiring council
for the many kind things they have
done for me and to assure them that
I will always cherish the friendships
I have made while I worked with
them as a member of the council.
To the new council, I extend hearty
greetings and best wishes for the fu-
ture. I hope that during the term we
may all work together in harmony
with but one object in view, and that
will be a greater and a better Du-
Mayer Haas then called all the
newly elected aldermen before the
desk of the City Recorder and admin-
istered to them the oath of office.
The members are as follows:
Alderman -at -Large Apel, of the
First ward.
Alderman -at -Large Sauer, . of the
Fifth ward.
Ald Saul, of the First ward.
Ald. O'Rourke, of the Second ward.
Ald. Singrin, of the Third ward.
122 Adjourned Regular S.esaion, April 14, 1910
Ald. McEvoy, of the Fourth ward.
Ald. Specht, of the Fifth ward.
Ald. Saul moved that when the
Council adjourns they adjourn to
meet Thursday evening, April 14th,
1910. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, April 14th, 1.910.
City Recorder.
Approved 191
Adjourned Regular Session, April
14th, 1910.
Council met at 9:05 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Mayor Haas stated that the meet-.
ing was an adjourned meeting of the
regular session of April 7th, 1910, and
was called to take up and consider
all matters which may. properly come
before a regular session of the City
Petition of Frank O'Connor, asking
that he be appointed stoker of the
steam roller, was, on motion of Ald.
Saul, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of Charles F. Seward, ask-
ing that he be appointed foreman of
the Fourth Street' dump, was, on mo-
tion of Ald. Saul, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Louisa Pitschner, ask-
ing that she be appointed Weighmis-
tress at West Dubuque scales, was,
on motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred
to the Committee , f the Whole.
Invitation to the City Council to at-.
tend the Grant Birthday Celebration
in Galena, Illlinois, April 27th, 1910,
was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, ac-
cepted with thanks
Petition of Mary De Lorimer, ask-
ing that she be exempt from taxation
on her homestead for the year 1909,
was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred
to the Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of J. M. Culbertson et al,
asking that the unsanitary conditions
of premises fronting on West Fifth
Street and Summit Street be investi-
gated and nuisance abated, was, on
motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to
the Health Officer to report to the
Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Dubuque National Bank,
asking that their assessment for year
1909 be reduced to $100,000.00, the
same as for the year 1908, was, on
motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of W. M. Kretschmer et a :,
stating that Cooper Street is being
used as a public dump and asking
that the nuisance be abated by the
Adjourned Regular Session, April 14, 1910 123
removal of the debris dumped there
and that steps be taken to prevent
Cooper Street being made a public
dumping ground for the whole hill
region, was, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, referred to the Sanitary
Officer to report to Committee of the
Petition of Herman Mauer, Sr.,
asking that the valuation for assess-
ment purposes on Lot 34, E. Lang -
worthy's Add., be reduced to $500.00
and that the City Treasurer be in-
structed to accept taxes on said basis
for year 1909, was, on motion of Ald.
Singrin, referred to the Committee on
Delinquent Tax.
Petition of M. Schlegel, owner of
Lot 19, Althauser's Sub., stating he
is willing . to pay assessment levied
against said lot for the improvement
of Eagle Street, provided payment is
accepted as follows: Interest now
due be canceled, will then pay the
balance of said assessment, amount-
ing to $103.28, in the following man-
ner: Within 30 days he will pay two
installments, thereafter he will pay
one installment per year with interest
on deferred payments until the bal-
ance of said assessment is paid, was,
on motion of Ald Saul, referred t
the Committee of the whole.
Petition of James Alderson et al,
asking that Harvard Street be graded
and improved and a sanitary sewer
laid therein, was, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, referred to City Engineer,
Street Commissioner and City Attor-
ney to report to the Committee of the
Petition of Brandel- Waller Co.,
asking that the assessment of $6,-
000.00 levied against said company on
merchandise and other personal prop-
erty be canceled and that the Treas-
urer be instructed to accept $170.00
in full settlement of their taxes for
year 1909, was, on motion of Ald.
Singrin, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of Business men's Associa-
tion of Prairie du Chien, Wis., ask-
ing that the Council appropriate a
sum of money to assist them in the
erection of a monument in the said
city to the memory of Father Mar-
quette, was, on motion of Ald. Saul,
referred to the Committee of . the
Ald. Saul stated that the newly -
elected Park Commissioners were
present in the Council chamber and
moved that the rules be suspended to
grant them permission to address the
council. Permission being granted,
Mr. O. P. Shiras then addressed the
Council, stating that the members of
the Park Commission had filed their
bonds with the Mayor, as was re-
quired by the Ordinance, and had
taken the oath of office, and that the
Park Commissioners respectfully rec-
ommend that the Council appoint the
Custodians of the different parks and
provide funds to pay them for the en-
suing year, as the Park Commission-
ers are without funds and no pro-
vision for procuring funds can be
made until the appropriations are
made next year.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, the
request of the Park Commissioners
was granted.
Mayor Haas announced the follow-
ing as the standing committees for
the ensuing year:
Finance — O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul.
Ordinance — McEvoy, Singrin.
Streets — Saul, Singrm, Specht,
O'Rourke, McEvoy.
Police and Light — Sauer, McEvoy,
Sewer — Singrin, Saul, Sauer.
Printing — O'Rourke, McEvoy, Apel.
Claims — Saul, Apel, McEvoy.
Fire — Singrin, Apel, Sauer.
Markets— Specht, Singrin, Sauer.
Public Grounds and Buildings —
Sauer, Singrin, Specht.
Delinquent Tax — McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sprinkling— O'Rourke, Saul, Specht.
Harbors — Specht, Apel, Saul.
Supplies —Apel, O'Rourke, Saul.
Electrical Construction —Apel, Sin-
grin, Specht.
Mayor Haas also presented the
surety bonds of Mr. O. P. Shiras,
Frank Piekenbrock and Herbert
Adams as Park Commissioners, same
having been approved by the City At-
torney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke,
bonds were approved and made mat-
ter of record.
City Attorney Lyon reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The undersigned, to
whom was referred the patent of date
November 8th, 1909, running from
the State of Iowa to the City of Du-
buque, and the official government
plat certified by the Surveyor Gen-
eral, under date of December 25th,
1838. and May 1st, 1848, of Sections
24, 25 and 36 in Township Eighty -
Nine (89), North, Range Two (2),
East of the Fifth P. M., Iowa, being
a portion of the abandoned river bed
of the Mississippi River within the
limits of the City of Dubuque, and
124 Adjourned Regular Session, April 14, 1910
which patent was authorized by act
of the Thirty -Third General Assem-
bly, becoming effective July 4th, 1909,
would respectfully report that I have
examined said patent and plat and
hereby approve the same, subject to
the descriptions being found correct
by the City Engineer April 11, 1910.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the
report of the City Attorney was ap-
proved and report received and filed.
Harbor Master Carroll reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I hereby report wharf-
age collected this month of April,
19i0, amounting to $86.70. I have
not completed my collections, owing
to matters now pending in Council.
Respectfully submitted,
Harbor Master.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, the
report of the Harbor Master was ap-
proved and ordered received and filed.
Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the
mittee on Ordinances, presented and
read an Ordinance vacating the alley
between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ave-
nues from Second to Third Avenues,
and moved that the reading just had
be considered its first reading. Car-
Ald McEvoy moved that rules be
suspended for the purpose of readins-
the Ordinance by its title for the sec-
ond reading.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Aids. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Nays -None.
Ald. McEvoy moved that the Ordi-
nance be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Aids. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Nays -None.
The Ordinance follows:
AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of
that part of the alley between
Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues ex-
tending from Second to Third Ave-
nues in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Whereas, The Rev. Joseph A. Du-
pont has petitioned the City Council
for the vacation of that part of the
alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln
Avenues extending from Second to
Third Aveniles for use of the Holy
Trinity Parish, and
Whereas, The said parish is the
owner of all the real estate abutting
that part of said alley above desig-
nated, and
Whereas, Notice of the application
for said vacation has been published
for ten days in the official newspapers
of the City, and
Whereas, It appears that no valid
objections have been made to said
application for said vacation and that
said above described alley is not re-
quired for alley purposes; therefore:
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That that part of the
alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln
Avenues extending from Second to
Third Avenues be and the same is
hereby vacated and the use thereof
granted to the Holy Trinity parish for
church and school purposes, provided,
that if at any time the said Holv
Trinity parish should cease to use the
premises so vacated for the purposes
herein contemplated, then the said
portion of said alley so vacated shall
revert back to the City of Dubuque,
and this Ordinance shall be null and
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and
after its passage by the City Council
and its publication one time in the
Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal
Adopted , 1910.
Approved , 1910.
City Recorder.
Following reports of the Committee
of the Whole were read:
Your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the following named officers and em-
ployees be appointed for the ensuing
term or at the pleasure of the City
Council and that their salaries be fixed
as set out below:
Per Mo.
Committee Clerk -Jno. Lawler... $125.00
Street Commissioner -John Ma-
honey 100.00
Supt. of Sprinkling -Geo. Miller 60.00
Carpenter -John Kinsella.... 60.00
Carpenter's Driver -Ed. Firzlaff 50.00
Harbormaster -John 11. Carroll 35.00
Engineer Steam Roller, Regular
Bart McDonnell 75.00
Engineer Steam Roller Extra
T. H. Rowland 75.00
Stoker Steam Roller, Regular
Arthur Turner 50.00
Stoker Steam Roller, Extra
Patrick Carney 60.00
Per Day.
Foreman Garbage Dump -P.
Kenneally .... 1.80
Foreman Fourth Street Dump -
J. Callaghan 1.80
Adjourned Regular Session, April 41, 1910 125
Per Mo.
City Electrician -W. P. Hip -
man 100.00
Marketmaster -E. Norton 55 00
Poundmaster -Al. Moyer.... 40 00
Sidewalk Inspector -P. J. Royce, b0 00
Janitress -Mrs. Koenig 30.00
We would further recommend that
from and after the first day of May,
1910, the salary of the Chief of the
Fire Department be fixed at $125.00
per month, that of the Assistant Chief
at $100.00 per month and that of the
Chief of Police at $100.00 per month.
Also, your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the following named men be appoint-
ed on the Sewer Gang, and at the
wages set opposite their names, they
to be appointed subject to the pleas-.
ure of the City Council:
Per Mo.
Casper Specht, inspector $60.00
C. Sullivan, assistant inspector 55.00
Per Day
D. Cunningham, driver.... $1.80
Ed. Hennessy, laborer 1.80
Amb. Hird, laborer 1.80
Jake Scheir, laborer 1.80
Jos. Rooney, laborer 1.80
F. Luchterhand, laborer 1.80
Jas. Clune 1.80
We also recommend the appointment
of the following named men for sweep-
ers on the brick paved streets, all at
the rate of $1.80 per day:
James Connolly.
W. Walker.
M. Carney.
John Kness.
John Steffens.
John Knaus.
T. Lonergan.
We would further recommend that
the following named be appointed
foremen in the various wards at the
salary fixed in the previous report of
the committee, i. e., $50 per month:
First Ward -W. O'Brien.
Second Ward- George Frost.
Third Ward -W. McLaughlin.
Fourth Ward -Frank Sieg.
Fifth Ward -P. Weirich.
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
Alderman James Saul be appointed
Mayor Pro Tempore.
We would also recommend that
Thos. Cahill be appointed custodian
of Washington Park, Charles McMan-
us custodian of Jackson Park, J.
Straney, Sr., custodian of Phoenix
Park, and Weighmaster First Ward
Scales, Patrick Healey, custodian of
Grandview Avenue Parking.
We would further recommend that
the chairman on Public Grounds and
Buildings he instructed to have the
calaboose kalsomined, provided the
cost of the same does not exceed the
sum of $25.00.
Chairman Pro Tem.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the
various reports of the Committee of
the Whole.
Ald. O'Rourke stated that he was
opposed to increases in salaries as
recommended by the Committee of the
Whole and that he questioned the ad-
visability of making these increases in
salary at this time and wanted to know
where the money was coming from to
pay for them, as the • appropriations
for the year had already been made.
Ald. Saul stated that the most of the
increases were in the fire department
and he thought the work of the fire de-
partment the past week would justify
them and result in no criticism from
the citizens. Ald. Singrin said he was
only _sorry they couldn't raise the
salaries of more of them, and Ald.
Apel voiced Singrirrs sentiments. Ald.
O'Rourke rejoined that that was the
reason he objected to raising only a
few, and they were the "top - notchers"
who got the increase.
Motion adopting the various reports
of the Committee of the Whole was
then put and was carried, Ald.
O'Rourke voting no.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the City
Recorder he instructed to advertise
for bids for sweeping brick paved
streets; also for hauling away of
street sweepings and to submit the
bids to Council at their next session.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Re-
corder be instructed to advertise for
bids for cleaning around Market
Square. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke stated that there was
great need of a fire plug being in-
stalled on Third Street Extension near
Fischer's ice house and recommended
that the Mayor take up the matter
of installing said fire plug with the
Water Works Trustees.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Com-
mittee Clerk be instructed to look up
the indebtedness of the Telephone
company to the City of Dubuque and
report same to the Mayor and City
Attorney and they to report to the
Committee of the Whole. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved that the warrants
drawn in favor of J. Haudenshield to
pay for oats furnished City be can-
celed and new warrants be ordered
drawn in favor of J. Haudenschield
and the Mayor be authorized to sign
same. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that war-
rant be ordered drawn in favor of
126 Adjourned Regular Session, April 14, 1910
George Miller to pay balance due him
for salary month of March. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that Mayor
and City Engineer look up condition
of the portion of Windsor Avenue,
improved by Eagle Point Lime
Works, and report to the Committee
of the Whole.
Ald. Singrin moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, April 21st, 1910.
City Recorder.
Approved 191
Special Session April 18th, 1910.
Council met at 8:05 p. m,
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Mayor Haas stated that the meet-
ing was a special session called for
the purpose of taking action on the
appointment of members of the Board
of Health.
To determine the term of office and
salaries of appointments to be made
by the Board of Health.
Mayor Haas then announced the
following as the members of Board of
Ald. O'Rourke.
Ald. Singrin.
Mr. A. J. Hartig.
Mr. John P. Roth.
Mayor Haas.
Ald. McEvoy moved that appoint-
ments of the Mayor be approved. Car-
Ald. Singrin moved that the term of
appointments to be made by Board of
Health be for the ensuing year.
Ald. McEvoy moved as an amend-
ment that appointments be made for
term of two years. Amendment lost
by following vote:
Yeas —Apel, McEvoy and O'Rourke.
Nays —Aids. Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Original motion fixing term of ap-
pointments as one year was then pui
and was carried by the following ,vote:
Yeas —Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht.
Nays None.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that salaries
of Health Physician and Sanitary
Officer be the same as heretofore,
namely, Health Physician $50.00 per
month and Sanitary Officer 65.00 per
month. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 1910
Regular Session, April 21, 1910
Regular Session, April 21st, 1910.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Council met at 9:20 p. m,
Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Absent —None.
Bids for sweeping brick paved
streets, also for hauling sweepings
from paved streets and also for haul-.
ing from around market square, were
presented, and on motion of Ald. Sin-
grin were ordered opened as follows:
Bids for sweeping brick paved
Rudolph Obermayer....$16.50 per week
John Peed, Jr , , .. 19.00 per week
H. C. Van Wie 20.00 per week
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, contract
for sweeping brick paved streets was
awarded to Rudolph Obermayer.
Bids for hauling sweepings from
brick paved streets are as follows:
John Linehan $20.00 per week
James Ward .. 22.50 per week
Dennis O'Meara .... 24.00 per week
On motion of Ald. Singrin, contract
for hauling sweepings was awarded to
John Linehan.
Bids for hauling from around Market
Square are as follows:
Lawrence Daily $16.00 per month
Otto Dehing .... 24.00 per month
On motion of Ald. Saul contract for
hauling from around Market Square
was awarded to Lawrence Daily.
Following bills were approved and
were on motion of Ald. O'Rourke or-
dered paid and in future all purchase,
for various departments be made
through the proper committees:
American La France Fire En-
gine Company, repairs for Fire
Dept 5 00
Geo. Bock, repairs for Fire Dept..78 00
John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. 3 25
Becker Hazelton Co., supplies
for Fire Dept. 1 10
Deckert Co., supplies for
Fire Dept. 1 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
43 firemen's helmets 193 50
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co.,
1 Fireman's Coat 5 50
Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber
for Fire Dept. 10 55
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for
Fire Dept , . 1 40
A. R. Flick Box Co., sawdust for
Key City Rubber Stamp Works,
rubber stamp for mayor
G F. Kleih, hardware for City
Kaep & Buechele, box for Aud-
McCollins Transfer Line, deliv-
ering ballot boxes for Primary
and City Election
Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance
service 4 00
Pier Bros., wood for City Hall.. 3 50
W. R. Pearce, painting 3 street
signs .. 1 00
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., stakes
for Engineer's office ...
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
clock service, Treasurer's of-
fice, March 100
National Demokrat, official
printing, March 12 50
Labor Leader, official printing,
March 12 50
Telegraph - Herald, printing pro -
ceedings, March 7138
Times - Journal, printing proceed-
ings, March 7118
G. F. Kleih, hardware for
Health Dept. .... 25
Bill of Willmer Cook for improving
27th street, from Jackson street to C.
G. W. track, $1,157.27, was approved
and on motion of Ald. Saul was or-
dered paid from sale of bonds.
Following bills were not approved
and were on motion of Ald. O'Rourke
referred to the committee of the
James Lee & Son, improving
Nest Locust street $4652 00
The Collis Co., stakes for Engi-
neer's office 2 50
M. Tschirgi & Son, extra work
on Bluff street 893 88
M. Tschirgi & Son, balance due
on 32nd street contract 64 08
O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad-
ing' East street 625 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., inter-
est on Althauser Ave. bill 20 00
Times- Journal, printing election
ballot .... 14 93
Telegraph - Herald, printing elec-
tion ballot 15 62
Labor Leader, printing election
ballot and registration notice 120 85
Telegraph- Herald, contract book
and printing cards for Re-
codrer's office 46 00
Telegraph - Herald, printing for
various offices and printing
ballots and supplies for Prim-
ary and City Elections 447 00
Smith - Morgan Printing Co ,
printing for Auditor and City
Attorney .... .... 143 70
M. S. Hardie, printing registra-
tion and poll books 132 50
At S.' Hardie, printing bond file
for Auditor's office 27 50
Harger & Blish, supplies for
registration .... 15 25
C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for
Regular Session, April 21, 1910 129
Election and Recorder's office
1 25 Homan & Roehl, rent of tables
and chairs for election
3 25 H. Wunderlich, rent of tables
and chairs for election
25 John Linehan, hauling dead ani-
mals during March .. ,
48 07
4 75
4 50
30 50
Petition of Joseph F. Kingsley et
al, stating that on the recent im-
provement of West Locust Street
they have been assessed for 50 feet
3 70 of curbing and claiming that they
have but 41 lineal feet of curbing,
was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred
to the Committee of the Whole and
City Engineer to be instructed to go
over the ground and investigate the
matter and report to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of the Union Electric
Co., asking that they be granted per-
mission to install grates within the
gauge line of the street railway track
at various places for the purpose of
carrying off overflow of water from
their tracks, was, on motion of Ald.
Singrin, referred to the Committee of
the Whole to view the grounds.
Petition of German National Demo-
crat, asking that said paper be ap-
pointed one of the official papers for
the ensuing term, was, on motion of
Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Petition of Anna M. Jordan, asking
that the assessment for taxes for year
1909 on Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Col-
lege Sub., Lot 2, and Lots 1 and 3 be
corrected, was, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of Dubuque Packing Co.,
by James -Beach, president, asking
that the Council investigate the con-
dition of the walls and cover of Bee
Branch sewer adjoining their proper-
ty and asking that it be repaired or
rebuilt at once, so that they can start
erection of their packing plant, was,
on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred
to the committee consisting of City
Attorney, City Engineer and Street
Commissioner to report to Committee
of the Whole as soon as possible.
Petition of Telegraph - Herald, ask-
ing that they be appointed the official
paper of the City for the ensuing year,
was, on motion of Ald. O'Rouke, re-
ferred to the Committee of the
Petition of Columbia Camp, No. 78,
Woodmen of the World, asking that
they be granted permission to use
128 Regular Session, April 21, 1910
Fire Dept.... 2 25
Fischer & Co., coal for Fire
Dept.... .... .... 25 00
Falkenhainer Co., sponges for
Fire Dept 24 00
Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies
for Fire Dept .. 65c
Iowa Oil Co., oil for Fire
Dept.... .... 7 10
Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire
Dept 38 90
Key City Roofing Co„ repairing
gutter on 9th St. Engine House 21 80
Mullin Bros., plumbing repairs
at 9th St. Engine House 8 15
Lagen, Peed and Berwanger,
horseshoeing for Fire Dept.... 8 30
Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire
Dept 26 72
McClain Bros., bran for Fire
Dept 1 35
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., sup-
plies for Fire Dept. .... 20
Spahn, Rose Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Fire Dept..... 2 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Fire Dept .. 75c
M. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept. 63 33
John Schaetzle, supplies for Fire
9 36
Union Electric Co., power for
Fire Alarm System 2 00
E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs
for Fire Dept.... .... 1 28
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing for Fire Dept.. 12 85
American Ever Ready Co ,
batteries for Police Dept 4 00
S. C. Dike, repairs for
Police Dept 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and
supplies for Police Dept.... .. 4 10
Frank Hamel, repairing plaster
in Calaboose 18 75
Key City Gas Co., light for
various Depts.. .. 94 45
Key City Gas Co., rental and
maintenance 4 gas arcs for
Fire and Police .... 2 00
Mullin Bros., plumbing repairs,
City Hall .... 24 40
Martin Strelau Co., coal for
Police Dept 12 75
Mettel Bros., bran for Police
Dept 6 55
C, A. Noyes, shade and roller for
Police Dept.... 80
D. O'Meara, hauling for Patrol
House .... 2 25
Union Electric Co., arc lights,
month of March, 1910 2237 25
John Butt, repairs for 2nd, 3rd
and 4th Road Districts .. 15 85
Barrett Mfg. Co., Tarvia for 3rd
and 5th Road Districts 286 57
Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber
for 7th Ave. bridge 5 76
Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co ,
supplies for Road Dept. 110
Frank A. Frommelt, repairing
sprinkling wagon 20 20
Peter Hanson, supplies for Road
Dept. 35
Joseph Haupert, 9.07 cu. yds.
macadam, .Valeria St. .. 9 07
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for Road Dept. 19 20
G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road
Dept. .... 5 30
John M. Lee, cinders, for 4th
Street Extension .... .... 77 50
McCollins Transfer Line, pine
wood for Road Dept. 3 75
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal for
steam roller 19 80
Pier Bros., wood for stone
crusher 3 50
Pitts - Thompson Fdry Co., ca tch
basin frame and cover 12 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Dept. 19 55
Spahn -Rosa Lumber Co., lumber
for Sidewalk and Road Depts. 3 90
Standard Oil Co., oil for Road
Dept. 1 75
Dan Sheehan, planting trees at
Callaghan Park .... ...... 12 00
E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs
for Road Dept. 23
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing, Road Dept, 100
Anton Welu, 9.83 cu. yds. ma-
. cadam, Valeria street .. 9 83
John Butt, repairs for Sewer
Dept. .. 14 45
F. M. Jaeger & Co., rope for
Sewer Dept. 1 65
Key City Roofing Co., cement
and sewer pipe for Sewer
Dept. 4 10
Lagen, Peed & Berwanger,
horseshoeing, Sewer Dept. ... 1 00
M. Mullen. repairing fountain,
Cleveland Ave. .... 18 20
H. B. McCarten, repairing
Eighth street fountain 7 75
M. ,O'Donnell, repairing water
pipes, city hall 6 00
Pitts - Thompson Fdry. Co., 2
sewer rings and covers 16 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Sewer Dept. 3 10
Berg & Briggs, printing for Fire
Dent. and Engineer's office ... 56 75
A. E. Bradley, repairing wall
paper, council chamber 75
County Recorder, recording deed
of W. H. Day, Jr., to City of
Dubuque 75
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
nhone service, February and
March 34 84
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service. Anril 12 75
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for
City Hall 75
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies
for Committee Clerk 85
Foley's Hand Laundry, towel
service for March 4 00
Hoermann Press, envelopes for
Mayor's office 2 75
M. S. Hardie, printing for Engi-
neer's office 22 00
Geo. W. Healey & Son, grass
seed. Washington Park 3 25
R. Hermann & Son. repairing
chair, Treasurer's office 75
130 Regular Session, April 21, 1910
Clay Street from Fourth to Twelfth
Streets for the purpose of holding a
Street Carnival during' a part of the
month of June this year; also pre-
senting petition signed by the mer-
chants and residents of Clay Street
granting consent to the use of Clay
Street and asking that the Council
grant the Woodmen the use of said
street, was read and, on motion of
Ald. Saul, rules were suspended to
grant interested parties permission to
address the Council.
J. W. Kintzinger and Alex Gratz then
addressed the Council, urging the
Council to grant consent to the use of
said street for Carnival and stating
that Woodmen will furnish necessary
bond protecting the City.
Ald. O'Rourke stated Chief of Fire
Department should be consulted in the
On motion of Ald. Singrin, petition
was granted and Chief of Fire De-
partment to be consulted before
shows are placed and Woodmen to
furnish proper bond protecting the
City from all liabilities arising by rea-
son of accidents and providing that
streets be put in proper shape when
Carnival is over.
Original Notice in the District Court
of suit of Ralph B. Luckey against the
City of Dubuque for $3,000.00 dam-
ages claimed to have been sustained
was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
Original Notice in the District Court
of suit of Mary Dobmeyer against the
City of Dubuque for $7,500.00 dam-
ages claimed to have been sustained
was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
Original Notice in the District Court
of suit of Kate Daugherty against the
City of Dubuque for $2,000.00 dam-
ages claimed to have been sustained
was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
Petition of Sheehan & Gregory,
stating that they are the purchasers
of the liquor business of C. R. Dib-
ble at 630 Main Street, to whom con-
sent was given to sell and keep for
sale intoxicating liquors, and asking
that they be granted consent to sell
and keep for sale and deal in intoxi-
cating liquors in the City of Dubuque
at retail as the successors and as-
signees to the business of said C. R.
Dibble and that resolution granting
them said consent be adopted, was,
on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, granted.
Following resolution was then
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That con-
sent is hereby given Sheehan & Greg-
ory. a co- partnership consisting of
Jerry Sheehan and Frank Gregory, as
the successors and assignees to the
business of C. R. Dibble, to sell and
keep for sale intoxicating liquors and
deal therein in the City of Dubuque,
as provided by law. This resolution
to become effective on and from the
1st day of May, A. D., 1910.
Adopted unanimously.
Petition of Frank K. Loftus, stating
that be is the successor and assignee
to the liquor business of Thomas J.
Loftus at 390 Main Street, and ask-
ing that the Council grant him con-
sent to sell and keep for sale intoxi-
cating liquors in the City of Dubuque,
as the successor and assignee to the
business of said Thomas J. Loftus,
that resolution granting said consent
be adopted, was, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, granted.
Following resolution was then of-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That con-
sent is hereby given Frank K. Loftus,
as the successor and assignee of the
business of Thomas J. Loftus, to sell
and keep for sale intoxicating liquors
and deal therein, in the City of Du-
buque, as provided by law.
Adopted unanimously.
Communication from City Attorney
Lyon, asking that the Council confirm
his appointment of E. H. Willging as
Assistant City Attorney and Miss Net-
tie Bentley as stenographer and that
her salary be fixed at twenty dollars
per month, was, on motion of Ald.
Sauer, referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition cf Recorder -elect Geiger,
asking that the Council confirm his
appointment of George H. Ellwanger
as deputy in Recorder's office and
asking that the salary be fixed at
$55.00 per month, was, on motion of
Ald. Singrin, referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
Petition of Engineer -elect Baum-
gartner, asking that Council confirm
his appointments of Joseph Friedrich
as Clerk and Draftsman and W. Cull
lin as Rodman in Engineer's office,
was, on motion of Ald. Saul, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of M. E. Lyon, Auditor -
elect, asking that Council confirm his
appointment of Geo. J. Vogel as depu-
ty in his office and salary be fixed at
$100.00 per month, was, on motion of
Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of
the Whole.
Mayor Haas reported as follows:
To the Honorable City Council:
Gentlemen: I take pleasure in an-
nouncing to your honorable body that
I have appointed Mr. Joseph P. Scan-
lan to succeed himself as a member
of the Board of Water Works Trus-
tees, said appointment to take effect
April 20th, 1910.
Very Respectfully,
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the ap-
pointment of Mr. Scanlon as Water
Works Trustee by the Mayor was ap-
Mayor Haas stated that Notice of
Contest of Election of George D. Wy-
brant to the ofli :e of City Treasurer
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, had
been filed with the City Recorder and
that the Mayo'• had fixed the time of
the trial of above contest for Friday,
April 29th, 191.1, at 9 o'clock a. m.
at the Council Chrmber of City Hall
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, but that
the attorneys for Mr. Wybrant and
Mr. Brinkman had agreed to have
trial held at an earlier date, pro-
vided City Council could arrange for
same at an earlier date.
Ald. Saul moved that Election Con-
test of Geo. Wybrant for City Treas-
urer be held Tuesday, April 26th,
1910, at 9:00 a. m. Carried.
Chief of Police Pickley reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: The following is the
pay roll of Police Department for the
first half of April, 1910:
Amount due policemen ....$1537.70
Respectfully submitted,
On motion of Ald. Sauer the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the policemen and the
report referred to the Committee on
Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Mahoney re-
ported as follows:
1'o the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: 7 herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets in the
several Road districts during the first
half of April, 1910:
Amt. due laborers on streets.$3,284.55
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of
April, 1910:
Amt. due laborers on sewers..$196.60
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
grading Dunning Avenue during first
half of April, 1910:
Amount due laborers- grading
• Dunning Avenue $19.80
Regular Session, April 21, 1910 131
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Aids. Saul and Singrin
the pay rolls on streets and sewers
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts
and the pay rolls referred back to the
proper committee.
City Engineer Ilg presented his an-
nual report for year ending February
24th, 1910, and, on motion of Ald.
Saul, report was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
City Recorder Linehan presented
surety bonds of Otto P. Geiger, Re-
corder- elect, for $5,000.00, Charles H.
Baumgartner, Engineer - elect, $5.-
000.00, and Joseph P. Scanlon, Water
Works Trustee, for $5,000.00, and, on
motion of Ald. O'Rourke, bonds were
referred to the Committee of the
Whole and City Attorney.
Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets, to
whom was referred the bill of the
Indiana Road Machine Co. for $280.00
for one No. 1 A steel street sweeper
with two hickory fibre brooms, all to
be delivered f. o. b. Dubuque, would
respectfully recommend that said bill,
less the freight, amounting to $23.85,
be allowed, and that a warrant in the
sum of $256.15 be ordered drawn on
the City Treasurer in full settlement
of the claim. JAMES SAUL,
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the report of the Committee on
Streets. Carried.
Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: At the October term.
1909, of the District Court of Du-
buque County, Iowa, Lizzie Elmore
began an action against the City
claiming damages in the sum of
$5,000.00 alleged to be due her by
reason of an injury sustained by her
upon a sidewalk, being the northerly
side of the North One -fifth of City
Lot 445, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
otherwise described as sidewalk situ-
ated on the southerly side of Thir-
teenth Street extending westerly to
Clay Street from the alley between
Clay and White Streets, she alleging
said sidewalk was allowed to become
and remain in a dangerous and de-
fective condition in that the curbing
set alongside of and forming a part
of said sidewalk was defective old,
worn, cracked and pieces of rock
;for the construction of a cement side -
walk on the south side of Ninth
Street between Clay and White
'Streets, abutting City Lot 279, owned
by Barbara Isborn, has been com-
pleted and the City Engineer has re-
ported that the cost and expense of
said sidewalk amount to $115.20, and
Whereas, The assessment levied to
pay for said sidewalk has been paid
into the City Treasury, but, in order
to preserve the system of accounting
adopted by the City in all such, cases,
it becomes necessary to issue a side-
walk certificate foir said amount;
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Mayor be and he is hereby instructed
to execute and deliver to the City Re-
corder, to be by him countersigned
and registered, one sidewalk certifi-
cate for $115.20, numbered 21, dated
April 16, 1910.
Said certificate to have no value
other than as set out above.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Sp echt.
Nays - -None.
Ald. Saul offered the following:
Whereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the north side
of Rush Street between South Dodge
Street and Holly Street in front of and
abutting the premises hereinafter de-
scribed by laying down a permanent
sidewalk thereon composed of cement
material four feet wide;
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
shoving generally the location, nature
and extent of the proposed improve-
ment on the north side of Rush
Street between South Dodge and Hol-
ly Streets and in front of and abut-
ting Lots 145 and 146, Union Add.,
and the kind of material to be used,
and an estimate of the entire cost
thereof and the amount and cost of
such improvement, and the amount
and cost thereof, to be paid by the
City. if any, and the cost thereof and
amount assessable upon each lot or
parcel of land adjacent to or abutting
upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such plat and esti-
mate in the office of the City Recor-
der; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the City Re-
corder shall notify said abutting and
adjacent property owners, as provided
by ordinance, that such plat and esti-
mate are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
its cost, and the time before which
Regular Session, April 21, 1910
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five (5) days
after the service of such notice, and
after such service shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a copy of such notice ac-
companying the same.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Sp echt.
Nays —None.
Ald. Saul also offered the following:
- Vhereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the east side of
South Dodge Street between Cleve-
land Avenue and Rush Street in front
of and abutting the premises herein-
after described by laying down a per-
manent sidewalk thereon composed of
cement material four feet wide:
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, nature
and extent of the proposed improve-
ment on the east side of South Dodge
Street between Cleveland Avenue and
Rush Streets, and in front of and
abutting Lots 145 and 146, Union
Add., and the kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
and cost thereof, to be paid by the
City, if any, and the cost thereof and
amount assessable upon each lot or
parcel of land adjacent to or abutting
upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such .plat and esti-
mate in the office of the City Recor-
der; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the City
Recorder shall notify said abutting
and adjacent property owners, as pro-
vided by ordinance, that such plat and
estimate are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can'be filed, and the
time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five (5) days
after the service of such notice, and
after such service shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Nays —None.
132 Regular Session, April 21, 1910
were broken out of said curbing,
forming a dangerous hole in said side-
walk and curbing..
That the plaintiff, through her at=
torneys, has made a proposition of
settlement in the sum of $450.00 in
said case, together with the costs in-
curred and your Committee on Claims
and the City Attorney, deeming it to
be for the best interest of the City to
accept said proposition, would there-
fore recommend that the City Council
authorize the City Attorney to adjust
said action upon that basis, and to
that end that a warrant be ordered
drawn for the sum of $450.00 and one
for $11.35 to cover the costs.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the report of the Committee on
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -- Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Nays —None.
Ald. Saul, chairman of the Commit-
tee on Claims, also reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: On January 27th, 1910,
Mrs. Margaret Hobbs, a resident of
this City, filed a claim for damages
in the sum of one thousand ($1,000.00)
dollars, alleged to have been caused
by the fracture of her left arm be-
tween the wrist and elbow on the
evening of January 8th, 1910.
The injury, she alleges, was caused
by the negligence of the city in al-
lowing the walk near 168 Twenty -
eighth Street to remain in a danger-
ous condition by allowing snow and
ice to accumulate thereon, which no-
tice was referred to this committee
and the City Attorney on the 31st day
of February, 1910.
Mrs. Hobbs, through her attorneys,
have made a proposition of settlement
in the sum of one hundred dollars
($100.00), and your Committee on
Claims and the City Attorney, deem-
ing it to he for the best interests of
the City to accept this proposition,
would therefore recommend that the
sum of one hundred dollars be paid
Mrs. Hobbs in full settlement of her
claim, and that a warrant be drawn
for such amount:
Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the report of the Committee on
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -- Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported that Fire De-
partment were in need of a carload
of oats and a carload of hay.
Ald. Saul moved that the Fire Coin -
mittee be empowered to purchase a
carload of oats and a car load of hay
at lowest prices. Carried.
Ald. Sauer, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and build-
ings, stated that one of the insurance
policies on the City Hall building
would expire the early part of next
Ald. O'Rourke moved that matter
of having City Hall reinsured be re-
ferred to the Committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings with power.
Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the
Board of Health, reported as follows:
Your Board of Health begs to re-
port that at the meeting of the Board
of Health held April 18th, 1910, the
contract for hauling garbage and dead
animals for the season of 1910 was
awarded to E. T. Frith at $14.40 per
clay and 50c for each animal collected
during period when garbage is not be-
ing collected.
Also your Board of Health begs to
report that the contract for vault
cleaning for the season of 1910 was
awarded to James Robinson at 8c per
cubic foot below the bluffs and 9c per
cubic foot on the bluffs.
Also, your Board of Health begs to
report that we have appointed Mr.
Wm. Larkins, Sr., Sanitary Officer and
Dr. Charles M. Linehan Health Offi-
cer for the ensuing year, which ap-
pointments we submit to your honor-
able body for approval.
Also, your Board of Health begs to
report that the premises of Mr. Kern=
ler and occupied by New Candy Shop
on Delhi Street was ordered connected
with the sanitary sewer in Delhi
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the various reports of the Board
of Health. Carried.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Whereas, The contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
134 Regular Session, April 21, 1910
Ald. Saul also offered the following:
Whereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the east side of
Alpine Street between Reeder Street
and Solan Street in front of and abut-
ting the premises hereinafter de-
scribed by laying clown a permanent
sidewalk thereon composed of cement
material four feet wide:
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, nature
and extent of the proposed improve-
ment on the east side of Alpine Street
between Reeder Street and Solan
Streets, and in front of and abutting
Lot 8. Lois Add., and the kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of the entire cost thereof and the
amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount and cost there-
of, to be paid by the City, if any, and
the cost thereof and amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder; that after the fil-
ing of said plat and estimate in his
office, the City Recorder shall notify
said adjacent property owners, as pro-
vided by ordinance, that such plat and
estimate are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than (5) days after
the service of such notice, and after
such service shall. have been made,
the City Recorder shall, at the next
regular session of the City Council,
notify the Council thereof in writing,
with a copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul; Singrin and
Ald. Saul also offered the following:
Whereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the south side
of Cleveland Avenue between Union
Street and Quince Street in front of
and abutting the premises hereinafter
described by laying clown a perma-
nent sidewalk thereon composed of
cement material four feet wide;
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
,City Council of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, nature
and extent of the proposed improve-
ment on the south side of Cleveland
Avenue between Union and Quince
Streets, and in front of and abutting
Lot 1 of 2 of Lot 105 and Lot 187,
Union Add., and the kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
and cost thereof, to be paid by the
City, if any, and the cost thereof and
amount assessable upon each lot or
parcel of ]and adjacent to or abutting
upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such plat and esti-
mate in the office of the City Recor-
der; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the City Re-
corder shall notify said abutting and
adjacent property owners, as provided
by ordinance, that such plat and esti-
mate are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five (5) days
after the service of such notice, and
after such service shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Nays —None.
Ald. Saul also offered the following:
- Whereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the north side
of Cleveland Avenue between South
Dodge Street and Burns Street in
front of and abutting the premises
hereinafter described by laying down
a permanent sidewalk thereon com-
posed of cement material four feet
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, nature
and extent of .the proposed improve-
ment on the north side of Cleveland
Avenue between South Dodge and
Burns Streets, and in front of and
abutting Lot 69, Bush's Sub., includ-
ing East 120 feet Subdivision with
Mineral Lot 63, and the kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
the entire cost thereof and the
amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount and cost there-
of, to be paid by the City, if any, and
the cost thereof and amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to
file such plat and estimate in the of-
fice of the City Recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the City Recorder shall no-
tify said abutting and adjacent prop-
erty owners, as provided by ordinance,
that such plat and estimate are on
file, the location and nature of the
improvement, kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of its cost, and
the time before which objections
thereto can be filed, and the time
fixed for hearing, which time shall not
be less than five (5) days after the
service of such notice, and after such
service shall have been made, the
City Recorder shall, at the next regu-
lar session of the City Council, notify
the Council thereof in writing, with
a copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Nays —None.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that warrants
be ordered drawn in favor of the
Mayor to make the second payment
with interest on the City's share of
the purchase price of Eagle Point
Park. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the Chief
of Police instruct the men in charge
of the Patrol wagon to have rope put
in Patrol wagon whenever same is
called to fires for the purpose of rop-
ing off space around fire to prevent
accidents. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy stated that, owing to
the extreme width of the gutter con-
structed on West Locust Street, he
had been informed that provision had
been made by the City to pay part of
the cost of constructing said gutter
and moved that the matter be looked
up; also the agreement made with
Mr. Rhomberg and other party by the
City making some allowance from
contract price for improving street
abutting their property and a report
be made to the Committee of the
Whole in the matter. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy moved that tit, Mayor
appoint a committee to procure .waiv-
ers from property owners abutting on
the alley proposed to be o.?ened be-
tween Clark and Angella Streets.
Carried. .
Mayor Haas appointed Ald. iI ^Evoy,
Street Commissioner, City Engineer
and City Attorney as committee to
procure necessary waivers and said
committee to report to the Committee
of - the Whole.
Alcl. Apel moved that the engineer
and stoker of the steam roller be paid
twice a month, the same as other
Regular Session, April 21, 1910
employes in the Road Department of
the City. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy moved that Council de-
fer action in the matter of Dorgan
Place until next session of the Coun-
cil. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke stated that this
would probably be the last session of
the Council to be held during the
month of April and would, therefore,
be the last, opportunity the Council
would have of extending a vote of
thanks to City Recorder Linehan and
Deputy Mr. Friedrich, for their faith-
ful attendance to the duties of their
office and for the courteous treatment
the members of the Council had al-
ways received from them, and moved
that the City Council extend to re-
tiring City Recorder Linehan and
Deputy Mr. Friedrich, a vote of
thanks for the faithful attendance to
the duties of their office and for the
very courteous treatment the mem-
bers of the Council had always re-
ceived from them. Carried unani-
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, May 5th, 1910.
City Recorder.
Approved 191
136 Special Session, April 26, 1910
Special Session, April 26th, 1910.
Council met at 9:45 a. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Specht, City Attorney Lyon, City
Treasurer Brinkman, Treasurer -elect
Wybrant, Attorney Nelson, represent-
ing Mr. Brinkman, and Attorneys
Hurd and Longueville, representing
Mr. Wybrant.
Absent —None.
Mayor Haas stated that the meet-
ing was called for the purpose of tak-
ing up the matter of Election Con-
test instituted by Herman Brinkman,
contestant against George Wybrant,
incumbent for the office of Treasurer
of the City of Dubuque, date for
same having been fixed by the Mayor
for April 29th, 1910, at 9:00 a. m.,
but that the parties to the contest
having stipulated and agreed that the
contest be held at an earlier date,
and that the City Council, acting on
said agreement, arranged to have
matter come before them on this date,
April 26th, 1910, at 9:00 a. m.
Statement of contest of Herman
Brinkman as contestant was then
read. Also Answer of George Wy-
brant, incumbent, to statement of
contestant, and bond of Herman
Brinkman for $1,000.00 was read. At-
torney Nelson made opening argu-
ments and Attorney Hurd followed,
stating points of laws governing
election contests.
City Recorder Linehan was put on
witness stand and testified as to re-
ceipt of ballot boxes and care given
ballot boxes and keys to same since
Election Day.
Ald. Singrin was next witness ex-
amined and testified to opening of
ballot boxes on night of April 7th
for purpose of getting poll books to
canvass vote of Election, he being one
of board appointed by Mayor to can -
, .vass the Election returns.
Ald. Saul moved that Council ad-
journ to 1:30 p. m. and that when
they meet at 1:30 they remain in ses-
sion until 600 p. m. and then adjourn
to 7:30 p. m., and when they meet
again at 7:30 continue in session un-
til they have completed work. Car-
Council met at 1:45 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Absent —None.
Night Desk - Sergeant Liest was put
on stand and testified to having re-
ceived ballot boxes of four precincts
of the City on Election night and to
having turned same over to City Re-
Recess of 10 minutes was then
taken to confer with City Attorney
Council then re- convened at 3:30 p.
Ald. Singrin moved that Council
proceed to count the vote of the
Election for the office of City Treas-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, Sauer,
Saul, Singrin and Specht.
Nays--Ald. O'Rourke.
Ald. O'Rourke stated that he voted
no, not on the grounds that he
thought the ballots were not properly
taken care of; on the contrary, he be-
lieved they were properly taken care
of, but on the grounds that there was
not sufficient evidence offered to war-
rant a recount of the ballots.
A ld. Saul moved that Mayor ap-
point a committee to assist the Re-
corder in bringing ballot boxes to the
Council Chamber. Carried.
Mayor Haas then appointed Ald.
Sauer, Ald. O'Rourke and Ald. Sin-
grin to assist the Recorder.
Ballot boxes of First and Second
Precincts of First and Second Ward
and First Precinct of Third Ward
were brought to the Council Cham-
ber and were opened and ballots
counted, as follows:
Brinkman Wybrant
First Ward —
First Precinct 222 154
Second Precinct 171 165
Second Ward —
First Precinct 153 125
Second Precinct 222 337
Third Ward —
First Precinct 127 171
895 952
Ald. Apel- moved that Council ad-
journ to 7:30 p. m. Carried.
Council met at 7:30 p, m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke,
Sauer, Saul, Specht and Singrin.
Absent —Ald. McEvoy.
Ald. McEvoy arrived at 7:40 p. m.
Ballots of Second and Third Pre-
cinct of Third Ward and First, Sec-
ond and Third Precincts of Fourth
Ward were canvassed, resulting as
follows: -
Brinkman Wybrant
Third Ward —
Second Precinct 195 166
Third Precinct 251 179
Fourth Ward —
First Precinct 161
Second Precinct 120
Third Precinct 197
924 1073
On motion of Atd. Saul, recess of
10 minutes was taken.
Council reconvened at 9:45 p. m.
Ballots of First, Second, Third and
Fourth Precincts of Fifth Ward were
then counted, resulting as follows:
Brinkman Wybrant
Fifth Ward —
First Precinct 231 196
Second Precinct 299 223
Third Precinct 320 262
Fourth Precinct 245 208
1095 889
At close of count, on motion of Ald.
Saul, meeting adjourned.
City Recorder.
.Approved 1910
Special Session, April 29, 1910
Special Session, April 29th, 1910.
Council met at 8:35 p. m.
Mayor Haas in the chair.
Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Mayor Haas stated that the meet-
ing was a special session called for
the purpose of taking action on the
bonds of J. H. Carroll as Harbor
Master, Wm. Hipman as City Elec-
trician and Edmond J. Norton as
Market Master.
Also to take action on rnatter of
party wall on Bijou theatre property.
Also to take action on report of
Committee on Public Grounds and
buildings in rnatter of renewal of in-
surance on City Hall building.
Also to take action on report of
Board of Health.
Also to take action on report of
.Mayor Haas in matter of appoint-
ment of Chief of Police.
Also for the purpose of determin-
ing the Election Contest of H. Brink-
man and George Wybrant for office of
Treasurer of the City of Dubuque.
Mayor Haas reported as follows:
To the Honorable City Council, Du-
buque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: I have the honor to
report that I have this day appointed
Thomas Reilley to the office of Chief
of Police, said appointment to take
effect on the 1st clay of May, 1910.
Very, respectfully,
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, ap-
pointment of Mr. Reilley as Chief of
Police by the Mayor was approved.
Mayor Haas presented certified
copy of notice served on Dubuque
Opera House Company and W. J.
Burns, ordering the wall standing on
the dividing line between Lots 67 and
68, in the City of Dubuque, removed
at once, same being in a dangerous
condition. -
Notice was read and, on motion of
Ald. Saul, was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
City Recorder Linehan presented
surety bond of J. H. Carroll as Har-
bor Master in sum of $500.00; also
of Edmond J. Norton as Market
Master in sum of $500.00; also or
Wm. Hipman as City Electrician in
sum of $1,000.00, and, on motion of
Ald. McEvoy, bonds were referred to
the City Attorney for approval.
Ald. Sauer, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and ,Build-
taking the larger portion of the work
on themselves, and by introducing to
the Council only those ballots upon
which the Attorneys could not agree.
Ald. Sauer moved that counting of
ballots be clone as suggested by Mr.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds, Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and
Ald. Apel moved to reconsider the
action of the Council on the report
of the Board of Health in matter of
appointment of Sanitary officer.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Apel, McEvoy, Sauer
and Specht.
Nays —Alds. O'Rourke, Saul and
Ald. Specht moved the adoption of
the report of the Board of Health,
appointing Mr. Paul Bewer Sanitary
Carried by the following' vote:
Yeas - -Aids. Apel, McEvoy, Sauer
and Specht.
Nays —Alds, O'Rourke, Saul and
Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car-
City Recorder.
Approved .... 191
List of Warrants 139
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa, April lst, 1910.
ro the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a
complete list of all warrants issued
by me during the month of March,
1910, the same having been author-
ized by the proper committees and a
majority vote of the Council, as in-
dicated by the minutes of the meet-
ing held during said month.
Union Electric Co., City's
share of cost of construct-
ing Car Street wall. $ 311 99
J. Haudenschield, feed for
Police and Fire Depart-
ments .... 979 11
H. A. Schunk, settlement
damage claim of Anna
Wisgiskle 175 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
proving Althauser Ave 880 62
in the several Road Districts during
the first half of March, 1910:
J. W. Amen, 2nd $ 1 80
F. Arendt, 3rd 4 40
Ed. Andreson, 3rd 3 60
T. Addyman, 4th 13 60
F. Arthofer, 5th 7 40
Ben Burd, 1st 13 00
F. Budde, 3rd ..... 5 40
C. Bordten, 3rd 2 60
John Beier, 5th 6 20
J. Connolly, 1st 4 60
P. Carney, 1st 4 40
Jery Cahill, 1st 5 40 •
J. Callaghan, 2nd 23 40
M. Cleary, 3rd and 4th 18 00
F. Cahill, 3rd 2 80
W. Challupka, 3rd 3 60
Jos. Childs, 3rd 1 80
M. Carney, 4th 23 20
J. Cooney, 4th 23 40
John Cahill, 4th 9 80
T. B. Cain, 4th 16 00
T. Donahue, 1st 6 20
John Duggan, 1st 2 60
C. Duccini, 3rd 3 60
John Egan, 2nd 17 00
Jos. Eberhardt, 5th ... 10 00
W. Fitzgerald, 1st 5 20
Geo. Frost, 2nd 23 40
P. Farrell, 3rd 8 40
F. Frick, 3rd 14 80
W. Flynn, 3rd 3 60
W. Foley, 3rd 3 20
C. Fatka, 3rd 3 60
J. Godnalski, 1st 3 60
B. Glass, 2nd 14 60
C. Geimer, 4th 16 20
A. Geisler, 5th 4 60
C. Gantenbein, 5th 23 40
John Hill, 1st 3 60
L. Hansel, 2nd 5 80
M. Hannan, 2nd ... 80
J. Hofburger, 3rd 3 60
T. Harker, 4th 1- 80
138 Special Session, April 29, 1910
ings, to which committee had been re-
ferred'with power the matter of hav-
ing the insurance on City Hall build-
ing renewed, reported that committee
had placed a policy for $1,000.00 in-
surance with the I. C. Chamberlain
agency and moved that action of the
committee be approved. Carried.
Mayor Haas, chairman of the
Board of Health, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Members of the
City Council:
Gentlemen: Your Board of Health
respectfully reports that at a meeting
held April 2Sth, 1910, resignation of
Wm. Larkins, Sr., as Sanitary Officer -
elect, was accepted and Paul Bewer
appointed as Sanitary Officer, which
appointment we present to your hon-
orable body for approval.
Also, your Board of Health re-
spectfully recommends that E. T.
Frith be paid $1.00 for each dead ani-
mal hauled on Sundays during the
period from May 1, 1910, to Novem-
ber 1st, 1910, and that the contract
for hauling garbage and dead ani-
mals be amended to include this ex-
tra compensation. D. J. HAAS,
Alrl. Specht moved the adoption of
the report of the Board Health.
Ald. O'Rourke, of the Board of
Health, presented the following mi-
nority report:
The undersigned, a minority of the
Hoard of Health, feel constrained to
dissent from the report offered by the
majority of this Board in recommend-
ing Paul Eewer for the office of Sani-
tary Policeman and would recom-
mend that the name of Frank Flynn
be substituted.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the minority report of the Boaru
of Health.
Mayor Haas asked City Attorney
Lyon for an opinion as to which re -'
port of the Board of Health took
City Attorney Lyon stated that the
Ordinance provides that the Board of
Health shall appoint a Sanitary Offi-
cer, subject to the approval of the
City Council and that the only mat -'
ter before the Council was the ap-
proval or rejection of appointment of
Mr. Bewer as Sanitary Officer.
Motion of Ald. Specht, to adopt re-
port of Board of Health was then put
and was lost by following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Specht and Sauer.
Nays — Alds. Apel, McEvoy,
O'Rourke, Saul and ,Singrin.
Matter of approval of part of the
report in reference to garbage con-
tract was, on motion of Ald.
O'Rourke, approved.
Mayor Haas announced next matter
to be taken up by the Council would
be the Election Contest matter.
Mr. Hurd, counsel for Mr. Wy-
brant, asked that Herman Knoern-
schild be sworn as witness.
Mr. Nelson, attorney for Mr.
Brinkman, objected to examination of
any further witnesses by defendant
in the case unless plaintiff could also
be permitted to introduce further evi-
dence before case is finally settled.
After considerable discussion it was
finally agreed that both sides would
be permitted to introduce evidence be-
fore closing of case.
Mr. Knoernschild was then sworn
as a witness and testified that he was
Clerk of Election in the Fourth Pre-
cinct of the Fifth Ward and that he
marked on the back of three ballots
with blue pencil figures showing
straight tickets voted.
Mr. Hurd then asked that the bal-
lot box of the Fourth Precinct of the
Fifth Ward he brought into the Coun-
cil Chamber and opened to introduce
the three ballots in question for iden-
tification. Attorney Nelson objected.
Mayor Haas then asked City Attor-
ney Lyon for an opinion as to the
right to introduce the ballots as evi-
City Attorney Lyon stated the
Council had the right to introduce the
ballots as evidence.
Ald. O'Rourke then moved that the
ballot box of the Fourth Precinct of
the Fifth - Ward be brought into the
Council Chamber and opened and
ballots be produced for identification.
Ald. Singrin moved as a substitute
that all the ballot boxes of all the
Precincts of all the Wards of the City
he brought into the Council Chamber
arid produced as evidence.
After considerable discussion Mayor
Haas then appointed Alds. O'Rourke
and Sauer to assist the Recorder in
bringing the ballot box in question
to the Council Chamber.
Ballot box of Fourth Precinct of the
Fifth Ward was then opened by the
Recorder in presence of the City
Council and the three ballots in ques-
tion introduced by Mr. Hurd for iden-
tification by Mr. Knoernschild.
On examination of the ballots in
question it was found that ballots
were marked with blue pencil on the
face of the ballot, instead of on the
back, as testified to by Mr. Knoern-
Ald. Sauer moved that all ballots of
all the Precincts of all the Wards of
the City be recounted, commencing
Tuesday, May 3rd, 1910.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas- -Alds. McEvoy, Sauer Saul,
Singrin and Specht.
Nays— .Alds. Apel and O'Rourke.
Attorney Hurd stated that, in his
opinion, Mr. Nelson and himself could
shorten the work of the Council by
cadam, City Pound 6.69
Edw. Malloy, 9.68 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, City Pound..... 7.26
Pat. O'Farrell, 18.08 cu. yds
macadam, City Pound 13.56
F. H. Slade, 6.26 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, City Pound 4.70
Gus Schultz, 10.51 cu. yds.
macadam, City Pound 7.88
L. Wackenheim, 13.44 cu. yds.
macadam, City Pound 10.08
Mrs. Heck, 1.5 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Robinson Ave 1.50
Matt. Kiefer, 58.44 cu. yds.
macadam, W. Locust St 58.44
Jas. Martinique, 21.01 cu. yds.
macadam, Rosedale Ave 21.01
Chas. O'Neil, 47.30 cu. yds.
macadam, Robinson Ave 47.30
John Becker, 144.43 cu. yds.
madacadm, Becker's quarry.144.43
Thos. Barry, 47.70 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Thomas Place 47.70
John Ess, 42.49 cu. yds. maca-
dam, Valeria Street 42.49
Andrew Dietl, 3.64 cu. yds.
macadam, Kaufman Ave 3.64
Dave Frommelt, 43.90 cu. yds.
macadam, Thomas Place 43.90
Max Helmer, 41.68 cu. yds.
macadam, 30th and 31st St. 41.68
Jos. Haupert, 90.67 cu. yds.
macadam, Valeria Street 90.67
Peter Jacobs, 67.56 cu. yds.
macadam, Thomas Place 67.56
John Koehler, 15.07 cu. yds.
macadam, Kane Street 15 07
Wm. Rusch, 24.91 cu. yds.
macadam, Kane St 24.91
F. Lassance, 52.06 cu. yds.
macadam, 28th St 52.06
Herman Nicks, 36.93 cu. yds.
macadam, Valeria Street 36.93
Andrew Luck, 6.00 cu. yds.
macadam, Kaufman Ave 6.00
Peter Mihm, 3.70 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Kaufman Ave 3.70
Andrew Mertz, 8.78 cu. yds.
macadam, Emsley's Lane 8.78
Albert Schnee, 51.08 cu. yds.
macadam, Kaufman Ave 51.08
Anton Welu, 44.41 cu. yds.
macaadm, Valeria Street 44.41
Mr. Ginter, 59.88 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Emsley's Lane 5 9.8 8
Herman J. Weber, 43.10 cu.
yds. macadam, 28th Street.. 43.10
Henry Young, 7.67 cu. yds.
macadam, Adams Ave 7.67
Union Printing Co., printing,
Auditor's Office 6.50
Key City Rubber Stamping
Works, dog tags and team
licenses 35.50
Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lum-
ber for repairs, City Hall 1.68
Geo. Masters, supplies.for var-
ious departments .95
J. J. Dunn, serving subpoenas
in city cases 4.50
Charles McEvoy, Judge Pri-
mary Election 10 00
List of Warrants 141
Hugh Milligan, Judge Pri-
mary Election 11 00
Edward Lee, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
H. L. Lundbeck, Clerk Pri-
mary Election .... 10 00
Ed. Schaefle, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
Wm. P. O'Brien, Judge Pri-
mary Election .... 11 00
J. H. Lucas, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
Oliver Longueville, Judge
Primary Election 10 00
J. J. Savage, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
A. C. Gasser, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
John E. Strobel, Judge Pri-
mary Election .... 11 00
Henry Gehrig, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
Henry P. Hier, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
Fred Bade, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
John T. La Barge, Clerk Pri-
mary Election .... 10 00
M. Hogan, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
Fred C. Ris, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
John E. Hedley, Judge Pri-
mary Election .... 11 00
Geo. J. Vogt, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
W. R. Lenehan, Clerk Pri-
mary Election 10 00
Otto C. Neuman, Judge Pri-
mary Election .... ...... 11 00
F. L. Egelhof, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
J. A. Stumpf, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
It.. W. Quinlan, Clerk Pri-
mary Election .... 10 00
Louis A. Sanner, Clerk Pri-
mary Election ...... 10 00
John P. Merkes, Judge Pri-
mary Election 10 00
Joseph Hummel, Judge Pri-
mary Election 11 00
Oscar Stecher, Judge Pri-
mary Election 10 00
Nic Schneider, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
Lorenz Hauer, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
S. A. Crawford, Judge Primary
mary Election 11 00
P. J. Schuler, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
Jas. T. Butler, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
John Trexler, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
Matt De Muth, Clerk Primary
Election 10 00
Mont Rickey, Judge Primary
mary Election 11 00
E. P. Laude, Judge Primary
Election 10 00
140 List of Warrants
Jos. Hamel, 4th
J. Hird. 4th
L. Hug, 5th.. .....
John Heil, Expense
J. Jellison, Expense
G. Kroung, 2nd
Jos. Kyne, 2nd
J. Kalmes, 2nd
J. Kness, 3rd
M. Kieffer, 4th
P. Kearney, 4th
C. Kupferschmidt, 5th
A. Kaeshauer, 5th
P. Kenneally, Health
M. Lehman, 3rd
F. Lillie, 5th
M. Morrisey, 2nd
A. Miller, 2nd
F. Maroney, 3rd .....
Ed. Malloy, 3rd
Geo. Muekel, 3rd
J. Malloy, 3rd
R. Mundt, 3rd
Geo. Miller, Expense
J. McCarron, 1st
11. McCaffrey, 2nd
Tom McCaffrey, 2nd
Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd
W. McDonough, 3rd
W. McLaughlin, 3rd
P. McPoland, 4th
G. Noonan, 2nd
W. O'Brien, 1st
C. O'Neill, 2nd
J. O'Donnell, 3rd
W. Powers, 2nd
A .Pettibone, 2nd
John Parker, 3rd and 4th
M. Quinlan, Expense
Geo. Reynolds, 1st
P. Ryan, 1st
F. Rowe, 2nd
It. Rosemeier, 2nd
James Ryan, 2nd
E. Rodgers, 3rd
Chas. Rooney, 3rd
J. Richter, 5th
F. Strohmeyer, 1st
D. Smyth, 2nd
J. Schoenbeck, 2nd
W. Shields, 2nd
F. Slade, 3rd
Gus Schultz, 3rd
C. Smith, 3rd
S. Smith, 3rd
P. Smith, 4th
J. Sloan, 4th
J. Steffens, 5th
F. Selli, 5th
J. Schafetel, 5th
C. Specht, S. W
Art. Turner, 3rd
F. Tippey, 3rd
J. Taschner, 4th
W. Tobin, Exp. $2.80; 4th,
S. Vandermullen, 2nd .......
L. Walsh, 2nd
B. Williams, 2nd
I- Williams, 2nd
John Ward, 3rd -
Peter Apel, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
10 80
23 40
1 80
25 00
12 50
9 00
7 20
9 00
13 00
14 20
10 80
1 80
23 40
1 80
11 60
11 40
8 00
6 60
7 20
7 20
5 40
2 60
11 55
6 20
18 60
7 20
6 80
3 60
19 80
6 60
3 60
23 40
14 80
2 60
10 20
23 40
3 60
1 80
2 60
9 00
3 60
23 40
3 60
3 60
17 60
7 80
12 20
1 60
6 00
6 40
8 20
3 60
1 go
4 20
6 20
11 60
6 40
6 20
23 40
13 40
3 60
12 40
10 00
4 20
14 40
20 40
3 60
11 40
5th 6 50
Jos. Calvert, 2nd 2 00
W. Cook, 3rd 6 00
Jas. Graham, 2nd 3 50
J. Linehan, 1st 9 00
M. Markham, 3rd 10 00
F. Mathis, 5th ..... 2 00
J. McCollins, 2nd 1 50
J. Stumpf, 3rd 10 50
W. Ruesch, 5th 15 50
during the first half of March, 1910.
J. Boyle $ 10 80
D. Cunningham .... 23 40
J. Clune 23 40
F. Donahue 23 40
13. Donnelly 14
C. Duccini 12
J. Jellison 14
F. Luchterhand 23
H. Leik 12
E. Magner 23
J. McLaughlin 9
J. Rooney 23
C. Ruesch 12
C. Sullivan 30
L. Taylor 23
James Tobin 14
Tom Burke, 7.96 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Southern Ave $ 7.96
Mike Cain, 102.06 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Southern Ave 102.06
John Coyne, 11.00 cu. yds.
macadam, Southern Ave 11.00
James Campbell, 13.60 cu. yds.
macadam, Southern Ave 13.60
Al. Doty, 156.17 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Dodge Street 156.17
F. De Fountain, 9.54 cu. yds
macadam, Southern Ave 9.54
Jas. T. Duggan, 15.85 cu. yds.
macadam, Southern Ave 15.85
F. De Fountaine, 17.00 cu.
yds. macadam, Valley Street 17.00
Nort Zengel, 83.10 cu. yds.
macadam, St. Mary's Street 83.10
John Duggan, 33.34 cu. yds.
macadam, St. Mary's Street 33.34
Tom Dillon, 4.80 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Southern Ave 4.80
Tom Kennedy, 5.61 cu. yds.
macadam, Southern Ave 5.61
Mike Nichels, 47.00 cu. yds.
macadam, Quince Street
Pat Ryan, 59.72 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Dodge Street 59.72
Wm. Woods, 46.95 cu. yds.
macadam, Southern Ave 46.95
Wm. Walker, 39.30 cu. yds.
macadam, Valley Street 39.30
Jos. Brouilette, 36.72 cu. yds.
macadam, Hill Street 27.54
Mike Donnegan, 22.34 cu. yds.
macadam, Hill Street 16.76
B. Glass, 10.00 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Hill Street 7.50
Mike Lavin, 5.5 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Hill Street 4.13
Thos. Malloy, 3.38 cu. yds.
macadam, City Pound 2.54
Jas. Malloy, 8.92 cu. yds. ma-
John F.' 'Teal, repairing floor
for= Fire D'epartnieiit
J; W. Wittmer; supllies for
Fire Department ....
Key City Gas Co., coke for
Steam Roller
John Becker, coal for Steam
' Roller
Nancy Transfer Co., coal for
Steam Roller
F. A. Burns, coal for Steam
' Roller
P: Hanson, oil for Steam Rol-
Klauer & Kress, supplies for
Road Department
G. F. Kleih, supplies for Road
N. J. Staner, cinders for Road
Linehan & Molo, cement and
sewer pipe for Road De-
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs,
Steam Roller
L. J. Schmitt, , supplies for
Road Department
Paul Schlenker, supplies for
Road Department
Geo. Bock, repairs for Road
John Butt, repairs for Road
Key City Iron Works, supplies
for Road Department .
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Department
J. W. Wittmer, supplies for
Road Department
F. C. Keesecker, supplies for
Road Department
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for
Road Department
W. D. Deckert Co., supplies
for Roatl Department
Street and Steuck, balance due
grading West 4th St
H. Corrance, oil for Road De-
partment .... ....
F. Schloz and Son, repairs for
Road Department ....
John Butt, repairs for Road
D epartment .... .. ,,
H. J. Haggerty, veterinary ser-
vice. for Road Department
Standard Oil Co., oil for . fire
and Road Department ,
W. K. Brown, supplies for
Road Department
John Heim, brick for Road
Duggan & Cota, rails for Road
Ellwanger Bros., supplies and
repairs for Road Depart-
G.. F. Kleih, supplies and re-
pairs for Road Department.
Wunderlich & Wiederholt
,shoeing' carpenter horse .
F. M. Jaeger .& - Cu., . supplies
for Mt. Carmel
Marti$' & Strelau, salt fdr
60:83 '- sprinkling sidewalks .
Stalin - Rose Lbr. Co., 'wither
3.50 "for 'repairing sidewalks " 9.44'
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil for
33.90 Sewer Department .... .. ,
John Linehan, collecting dead
2.00 - animals during February 18.00
Peter Eisbach, 5 per cent. re-
5.73 tained improving Pleasant
15.98 Wilmer Cook, grading 27th
Street 23 55
.65 Jas. Lee & Son, grading West
Locust Street 48, 60.
7.4'5 N. J. Staner, constructing Bee
Branch culverts 217 25-
.40 Jas. H. Hayes, refund of taxes 22 18
0' Farrell Constructing Co , re-
1.80 pairing Althauser Avenue 440 31_
N. J. Staner, constructing
cement walk 9th and Clay 112'20
,Tob Barnes. salary Fireman 123 75
F. A. Burns, coal for Road De-
Key City Iron Works, repairs
for Road Department 2 45
Fengler & Beutin, coal for
Road Department 16 30
1 \\rilmer Cook, extra work,
O'Neill Avenue 4 00
Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co ,
grates for 4th Road Dist • 15 00
Key City Iron Works, repairs
for Road Department 169 60
Ellwanger Bros., repairs for
Road Department 50
Frank Boutin, coal for. Road
Department 11 75
W. D. Deckert Co., railing for
4th Road District 12 43
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairing
steam roller 7 26
Key City Roofing Co., cement
and sewer pipe for Road De-
partment 5 32'
John Newman '& Son, repairs
for Roacl Department 50
Peter Hanson, supplies for
Road and Police Departments 3 40
John McGrath 9 75
Gottlieb Tashner 9 00
Dubuque Rubber and Belting
Co., life saving net Fire De-
nartment 95 00
Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Fire
Department 17 95
Mullen Pros., plumbing repairs
Fire Department 2 80
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of March, 1910.
City Recorder.
63 74
142 List of Warrants
P. J. McAloon, Judge Primary
E. J. Delaney, Clerk Primary
H. F. Girard, Clerk Primary
Ormal Bennett, Judge Primary
Ernest Staheli, Judge Primary
P. J. Royce, Judge Primary
Charles Falkenhainer, Clerk
Primary Election , ..
Louis Herbst, Clerk Primary
J. M. Kenety, Judge Primary
E. J. Ryan, Juclge Primary
D. W. Rand, Judge Primary
Jas. F. Lee. Jr.,
H. Corrance, Jr., Clerk Primary
Charles T. Thomas, Judge Pri-
mary Election
A. G. Reed, Judge Primary
Geo. Schlegel, Judge Primary
C. K. Mathis, Clerk Primary
C .P. Mettel, Clerk Primary
Herman Zernecke, Judge Pri-
mary Election
John Klarman, Juclge Primary
mary Election
Martin Klumpp, Judge Pri-
mary Election
O- Meissner, Clerk Primary
Gregory Vath, Clerk Primary
John Grimm, Juclge. Primary
Vollra th, Judge Primary
Chas. Nead, Judge Primary
Roht. Peckler, Clerk Primary
Jos. Welu, Clerk Primary
mary Election
Peter Raab, Judge Primary
Wm. Tnee Jr., Judge Pri-
mary Election
Ed�'ard Stoltz, Juclge Primary
H. Knoer'sehield, Clerk Pri-
mary Election
John Beim, Clerk Primary
Mrs. Demnsev, rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
Mrs. P. Ree•a.n, rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
B. \ restercamp, rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
10 00
10 00
1 0 0 0
10 00
11 0
10 00
1 0 0
10 00
10 00
11 00
10 00
Clerk Primary
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
1 1 0
10 00
11 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
11 00
1 0 0
10 00
10 00
11 00
10 00
C. E. Wales, rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
Palmetto Club, rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
Ed. Ryan, rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
Meyer Bros., rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
Henry Mueller, rent of Build-
ing for Primary Election 10 00
Miss Rose Rengler, rent of
Building for Primary Elec-
tion 10 00
Fred Roesner, rent of Building
for Primary Election 10 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vice Road horses 1.60
Phil Heller, horseshoeing
Road horses 3.00
City Water Works, water used
through W. O. Wright's
meter for use of stone
crusher, 17th Street 5.08
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
rent of clock, Treasurer's
Office 1.00
C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., station-
ery for Assessor's and Audi-
tor's Offices 1.85
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service .... ..... 12.75
Mullen Bros., plumbing re-
pairs, various departments 26.75
Mrs. H. Koenig, cleaning and
filling lamps for use at Pri-
mary Election 1.00
Mrs. Henge, cleaning and fill-
ing lamps for use at Pri-
mary Election 1.00
Nutwood Livery Co., use of
ambulance , .. 2.00
J. W. Wittmer, supplies for
Police Department 2.20
Peter Even, coal for Fire De-
partment 33.46
Phil Doerr & Co., coal for Po-
lice Department ... , . 36.33
P. Linehan & Sons, wood for
various departments 13.00
Tom Connell, sawing and car-
rying in two cords wood,
City Hall 2.50
Jas. Haggerty, repairing stove
at Patrol House 3.00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies
for Police Department. .50
Peter Lang, hardware supplies
for various departments 10.30
Frank Beutin, coal for Fire
Department .... 16.13
Clancy Transfer Co., coal for
Fire Department 19.70
Conlin & Kearns Co., coal for
Fire Department .... 29.10
Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber
for Fire Department 14.95
Matt. Stafford, feed for Fire
Department .... 110.75
Geo. Ragatz & Sons, repairs
for Fire Department 2.23
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for Fire Department .50
that upon approaching a crossing,
bridge, curve or steep descent, such
motor vehicle shall be under perfect
control, but in no event shall the speed
be greater than is reasonable and prop-
er having regard for the traffic then
on the street and the safety of the
That at request or signal by putting
up the hand of any person riding or
driving a horse or other domestic ani-
mal, bring such motor vehicle imme-
diately to a stop, and remain so, if suca
horse or other domestic animal bn
traveling in the opposite direction, so
long as may be reasonable to allow.
such horse or other animal to pass, and
if traveling in the same direction, use
reasonable caution in passing such
horse or other animal.
Every motor vehicle must be fitted
with an efficient brake and also with
bell, horn or other signal, and must
exhibit from one hour after sunset to
one ? before sunrise, one or more
lamps showing white light visible'with-
in a reasonable direction toward which
such vehicle is proceeding and a red
light in the reverse direction.
The penalty for violating any ,f
the provisions of the aforesaid o.-di-
( iian. e shall be for th„ first offense, a
fine of twenty -five dollars, and for the
second 'or subsequent offense a fine of
not less than twenty -five nor more
than fifty dollars or imprisonment not
exceeding thirty days.
The Chief of Police has been instruct •
eel to arrest any or all persons violat-
ing said ordinance and under no cir-
cumstances will favor he shown to of
D. J. HAAS, Mayor.
Thurs- Fri -Sun
Notice to Teamsters.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
8:00 p. in., Thursday, April 21st, 1910,
for sweeping brick paved streets in
accordance with schedule on file.
Sealed proposals will also be re-
ceived at the same time and place for
hauling off the sweepings from said
brick paved streets.
Bidders will state the price of do-
ing such work by the week.
Dated at Dubuque, April 16th, 1910.
4 - 16 - 3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
8:00 p. m., Thursday, April 21st, 1911,
for cleaning around the Market House
and hauling the offal therefrom.
Bidders will state the price for doing
such work by the month. The city re-
serves- the right to reject any and all
4 -16 -3t City Recorder.
Official Notices
Official Publication.
AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of
that part of the alley between
Rhomberg and Lincoln Avenues ex-
tending from Second to Third Ave-
nues in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Whereas, The Rev. Joseph A. Du-
pont has petitioned the City Council
for the vacation of that part of the
alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln
Avenues extending from Second to
•Third Avenues for use of the Holy
Trinity Parish, and
Whereas, The said parish is the
owner of all the real estate abutting
that part of said alley above desig-
nated, and
Whereas, Notice of the application
for said vacation has been published
for ten days in the official newspapers
of the City, and
Whereas, It appears that no valid
objections have been made to said
application for said vacation and that
'said above described alley is not re-
quired for alley purposes; therefore:
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That that part of the
alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln
Avenues extending from Second to
Third Avenues be and the same is
hereby vacated and the use thereof
granted to the Holy Trinity parish for
church and school purposes, provided,
that if at any time the said Holy
Trinity parish should cease to use the
premises so vacated for the purposes
herein contemplated, then the said
portion of said alley so vacated shall
revert back to the City of Dubuque,
and this Ordinance shall be null and
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and
after its passage by the City Council
and its publication one time in the
Telegraph- Herald and Times - Journal
Adopted April 14th, 1910.
Approved April 16th, 1910.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal April 19th, 1910.
City Recorder.
Adjourned meeting of the Police and
Fire Commission to examine applicants
for positions on the police and fire
force of this city will .be held at the
City Hall Monday evening, April 25, et
8 p. m.
Special Assessment Notice,
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac—
cordance .with an ordinance of the
144 Official Notices
Notice to Garbage Contractor. -
Sealed proposals will be _received at
the' office of the City Recorder up to
4 o'clock p. m. April 18th, 1910, for
the removal of garbage and dead an-
imals for the season of 1910, in the
districts herein below designated, all
of said garbage to, be hauled and
dumped'at the city dump, at the foot
of Railroad avenue.
First District —All the territory
south of Eighth street and Julien
avenue extended.
Second District —All territory lying
between Eighth street and Julien
avenue extended and Seventeenth
street and West Seventeenth street
Third District —All territory lying
north of Seventeenth and West Sev-
enteenth streets extended.
Garbage must be removed once a
day in the down town districts and
twice a week on the bluffs during the
months of May, June, July and Oc-
tober, and once a day in the down
town districts, and three times a week
on the bluffs during the months of
August and September.
Bidders must state the price per
day for removing in each district, and
the price per day in the entire city.
A certified check of $50.00 on some
Dubuuqe bank- must accompany each
bid as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The City reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
4 -13 -3t City Recorder.
Notice to Vault Cleaners.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
4:00 o'clock p. m. April 18th, 1910.
for cleaning of vaults in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, for the season of
Bidders must state the price per
cubic foot below the bluffs and the
price per cubic foot on the bluffs.
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
4 -13 3t City Recorder.
An Ordinance changing the name
of certain streets in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the name of the
street now known as Anna Place and
situated on the hill nearly opposite
Fifteenth street be changed and that -
said street be hereafter - known as
West Fifteenth street.
Section 2. That the -name of
Thomas Street and Franklin Street,
both .of which streets being now an
extension of West ,Sixteenth - street, be
changed and that said street be here-
after known as West Sixteenth street
its entire length.
Section 3.. That the name of the
street now known as Yates street, the
same being a short street directly in
line with Catharine street be changed
and that the same be hereafter
known as South Catharine street.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and af-
ter its passage by the City Council
and its publication one time in the
Dubuque Telegraph- Herald and
Times - Journal newspapers.
Adopted April 7th, 1910.
Approved April 11th, 1910.
D. J. HAAS, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times- Journal April 13th, 1910.
It City Recorder.
Last Notice to Those From Whom a
City License is Required.
Office of Chief of Police, Dubuque,
Iowa, February 7, 1910.
All auctioneers, pawnbrokers, junk
dealers, hotel, restaurant and eating
house keepers, owners of bowling al-
leys and of billiard and pool tables,
etc., owners of theatres and shows,
peddlers, porters, transient mer-
chants, street venders, vault cleaners.
scavengers, teamsters, expressmen
and owners of hacks, omnibuses, car-
riages, drays and owners or harbor -
ers of dogs, - and all other parties re-
quiring a city license.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that said licenses are now
past' due and if not paid immediately
you will be prosecuted in accordance
with the ordinances of the City of
Dubuque. JAS. R. PICKLEY,
4-17 Chief of Police.
Notice to Owners and ])rivers of
Motor Vehicles.
Numerous complaints having reached
this office in regard to the careless anti
reckless manner in which motor ve-
ricles are being driven through the
streets of this city to the extreme
danger of pedestrians and others, you
are hereby notified that the provis-
ions of the ordinance entitled, An Or-
dinance regulating the use and opera-
tion of motor vehicles in the City of
Dubuque and providing a penalty for
the violation thereof," will be strictly
Said, ordinance provides, among
other things, that no motor vehicle
shall be driven at a greater rate of
speed than one mile in six minutes in
the closely built up portion of the
city, nor elsewhere at a greater speei.l
than one mile in font'. minutes, and
in 1
March 4— Elizabeth Lewis, City,
S. E6 ft., lot 477, length 64
ft., width 8 ft., at 1 c
March 4— Bosserman & Ives,
City lot 65, length 55 ft.,
width 12 ft., at 2c
March 5 —Anna Kelly, Cox
Add., lot 99, length 55 ft.,
width 5 ft., at lc
March 5 —J. J. Nagle, A. Mc-
Daniels' Sub. 706, lot 789,
length 50 ft., width 4 ft., at
March 5 —Mrs. H. B. Noyes, A
McI)aniels' Sub., lot 788,
length 22 ft., width 4 ft., at
March 5 —Wm. Lawther, Jr ,
City, N. 36 ft. of N. 56 ft.
of lot 477, length 110 ft.,
width 8 ft., at 1
Total assessment $46.65
Dated at Dubuque April 22nd,
4 -22 -3t City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Couler Avenue from
present manhole at the intersection of
Twenty -fifth Street to the north line
of Lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 1 of Lot 18,
John King's First Add.
That a plat and specifications of
said proposed sewer are now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 228 lineal feet of
8 -inch tile pipe with 1 manhole, and
will cost the abutting property own-
ers $170.00 in total.
Any persons having objection to
the construction of said sanitary sew-
er are hereby notified to appear be-
fore the City Council at its regular
session May 5th, 1910, or to file in
writing with the City Recorder their
objections on or before May 5th.
Dated at Dubuque, April 26th,
4 -26 3t City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
Official Notices
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe san-
itary sewer in Seminary Street from
the present manhole at the intersec-
tion of Madison Street to a point
about 550 feet westerly thereof.
That a plat and specification of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 565 lineal feet of
8 -inch tile pipe, including extra drop
pipe to manhole at Madison Street,
with 3 manholes and will cost the
abutting property owners $695.00 in
Any persons having objections to
the construction of said sanitary sew-
er are hereby notified to appear be-
fore the City Council at its regular
session May 5th, 1910, or to file in
writing with the City Recorder their
objections on or before May 5th, 1910.
Dated at Dubuque April 26th, 1910.
4 -26 3t City Recorder.
Adjourned meeting of Police and
Fire Commission Monday, April llth,
1910, 8 p. m., at City Hall, to exam-
ine applicants for Police and Fire
To the Holders of Dubuque Water
Works Bonds Numbered One Hun-
dred and Ninety -One to Two Hun-
dred and Twenty, Roth Inclusive.
The Board of aWter Works Trus-
tees has directed that Dubuque Water
Works bonds, numbered from One
Hundred and Ninety -One (191) to
Two Hundred and Twenty ( 220),
both inclusive, dated June lst, 1909,
be redeemed in accordance with the
ordinance and contract entered into
by the City of Dubuque and the
holders of said bonds.
The above bonds should be pre-
sented at the City Treasurer's office,
Dubuque, Iowa, on the first day of
June, 1910, for payment. All interest
ceases on above bonds June lst, 1910.
4 -11 to 6 -1. City Treasurer.
Official : N9t}ce ;
City of Dubuque for removing snow
and ice from .sidewalks, by the city
during the months. of February and
March, 1910, that a , special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the regular meeting of the
City Council to be held. May 5th, 1910,
upon all lots and parcels of land on
said improvement, owned by you, be-
ing subject to such special assess-
ment. And you are hereby notified
to appear at said meeting of the
Council to be held May 5th, 1910, and,
show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
- Owner. Description. Total.
Feb. 1. Matilda Hirtz, East
Dubuque Add., lot 326, length
50 ft., width 4 -ft., at lc $ .50
Feb. 2 - -E. P. Ternes Est., City,
S. 1-5 - lot 450, length 50 ft.,
width 12 ft., at 2c 1.00
Feb. 2 —Anna Klaur, City, S
2 -5 lot 447, length - 10 ft ,
'width 10 ft., at 1%c .70
Feb. 3 W. L . Bradley- heirs,
City, N. 1 -5, lot 465, length
60 ft., width 10 ft., at 1 1.05
Feb. 4 —Jas. Levi, City, lot 468a,
length 113 ft., width 10 ft.,
1%.c 2.0Q
Feb. 4 —Jas. Levi, City, lot 468a,
' length 110 ft., width 8 ft.- at
1 / 1.65
Feb. 4 —S. P. and Geo. W. Bur -
den, City, S. 55 ft. lot 458,
length 60 ft., width 12 ft., at
2c 1.20
Feb. 5 —Wm. L. Bradley heirs,
City, S. 20 ft. lot 33, length
113 ft., width 10 ft., at 1%c 2.00
Feb. 5 —Mike Burke, 'Stout's
Add., lots 3 -4, length 100 ft.,
width 5 ft., at lc 1.00
Feb. 7 —Mary Flechsiz, Glen-
dale Add., lot 13, length 60
• ft., width 4 ft., at lc .60
Feb. 7 --C. A. Voelker, Davis
• Farm Add., lot 238, length 30
• ft., width 5 ft. at lc .30
Feb. 7 —C. A. Voelker Davis
Farm Add., lot 238, length 80
ft., width 4 ft. at lc .80
Feb. 8— Dubuque Opera House
Co. City, lot 68, length 113
ft., width 12 ft., at 2c 2.25
Feb. 8 Archie Frater, City, N.
46 ft., lot 622, length 46 ft.,
width 8 ft. at 1 .7 0
Feb. 8 —Geo. Healey, City, S. 23
ft., N. 52.6 ft., lot 623, length
25 ft., width 8 ft., at 1
Feb. 8 Z. Hoffman, City lot
' 621, length 25 ft., width 8 ft ,
at 1 .35
Feb. 8—Carl F. iVIehllrop Est ,
City, N. 6.6 ft., N. 52.6 ft ;
S. 39.6 ft., lot 622, length 50
ft., Width 8 ft., at 1 .75
Feb. 8— Franciscan Sisters,
City lot. 620, length 76 ft.,
width -8 ft., at 1 1.15
Feb. 8 —J. R. Waller .E "st., City
lot. 14 0, length 146 ft. width -
3.ft., -,at 1 /2c - - - 2120
Feb.- 8 —A., L. Collier and L. II.
Langworthy, trust., East -Du- .
buque Acid., lot 372, length -
100 ft., width 5 ft., at lc 1.00.
Feb. 9 —Rich. Waller Est., City
lot 119, length 40 ft., width 8
ft., at 11/2c .60
'Feb, 9 —Peter McLaughlin, City,
N. 2 -3 of lot 124, length 60
ft.. width 8 ft., at 1 .90
Feb. 9— Dubuque Brewing &
;Malting Co., City lot 176,
length 60 ft., width 8 ft., at
1 1 / c
Feb. 9— Finley Hospital, City
lot 25, length 20 ft., width 8
ft., at 1 1 ,%c
Feb. 9--Win. F. Cooper, City,
N. 43.9 ft. of lot 117, length
114 ft., width 8 ft., at 1
Feb. 9 John Hickey, City, S.
21 ft.. lot 117; N. / of lot
118, length 30 ft., width 8
ft., at 1 • .45
Feb. 10 —G. Tenhaaf Est., City,
S. 55, N. M. 1 -5, lot 451,
length 30 ft., width 10 ft., at
1%c .50
Feb. 10 —Joe Rowan, City, N. 2 -5,
lot 458, length 80 ft., width
12 ft., at 2c 1.60
Feb. 10 -- Germania Stock Co.,
City Lot 209, length 100 ft.,
width 12 ft., at 2c 2.00'
Feb. 11— Alice E. Woodward
and Mary Spenseley, City, lot
32, length 113 ft., width 12
ft., at 2c 2.25
Feb. 15 —'arm. Lawther, City,
und. 1 6, N. 30.1 ft.; N. J.
Schrup, City, und. 1 /2, N. 30.1
ft., lot 77, length 70 ft., width
- 6 ft., at 1 .90
Feb. 15 — Cooper Wagon & Bug-
gy Co., City, N. 64.3 ft., lot
73, length 60 ft., width 12 ft.,
at 2e - 1.20
Feb 15 —John Flynn, City, E.
.40 ft., lot 84, length 40 ft.,
width 8 ft., at 1 c .60
Feb. 15 —C. A. Voelker, Davis
Farm Add., lot 272, length 60
ft., width 6 ft., at 1 /4c .75
Feb. 15 —C. A. Voel' er, Quig-
ley's out lot 710. lot 485,
length 50 ft., • width 4 ft., at -
lc .50
March 4 —W. Brunskill, City lot
627, length 100 ft., width 12
ft., at 25/ c 2.00
Mareh 4---W. Brunskill, City lot
627, length 50 ft. width 8 ft.,
at 1 1 A c 1.00
March 4— German Trust and
Savings Rank, City lot 571,
length 100 ft., width 8 ft., at
1 • 1.50
March 4 Wm. Bradley, Jr.,
City, S. ft., N. 75 ft., lot
477, length 22 ft.,' width 8 ft.,