1910 May Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL Special Session, flay 3, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:05 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht, City Attorney Lyon, City Treasurer Brinkman, Treasurer -elect Wybrant, Attorney Nelson, represent- ing Mr. Brinkman, and Attorneys Hurd and Longueville, representing Mr. Wybrant. Absent - -None. Mayor Haas stated that this meet- ing was an adjourned session of April 29, 1910, for the purpose of taking further action in the Brink - man -W ybrant contest. Attorney Nelson, representing Mr. Brinkman, asked to have the ballots from the Third Precinct of the Fourth Ward and the First Precinct of the Fifth Ward produced for the purpose of finding a certain ballot which had been voted by the voter for Brinkman and which had been rejected by the Council as a court of contest at its recount on Tuesday evening of last week. The Mayor appointed Aids. Sauer and O'Rourke a committee to assist the Recorder in bringing ballot boxes to the Council Chamber. Ballot boxes from the Third Precinct of Fourth Ward and the First Precinct of Fifth Ward were brought to the Council Chamber and opened, and Mr. Nelson offered a ballot from the First Precinct of Fifth Ward as evi- dence. Moved by Aids. Sauer and seconded by Ald. Singrin that the three ballots identified by Mr. Knoernschild and the one offered by Mr. Nelson, being two for Wybrant and two for Brink- man, be counted for the respective candidates for whom they were cast. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Saucer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays- -None. Moved by Ald. Sauer and seconded by Ald. Singrin that the vote as re- turned be declared a tie. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Aids. McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays - -Aids. Apel and O'Rourke. Mr. Nelson then had the Recorder write the following: On the 3rd day of May, 1910, we, the members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, sitting as a court of contest in the matter of Herman Brinkman, contestant to the office of City Treasurer of the City of Dubuque, against George Wybrant, incumbent of said office at the elec- tion held on the 4th day of April, Special Session, May 3, 1910 149 1910, we hereby find and determine and adjudge that no person was elected and the election of George Wybrant to said office shall be and is hereby set aside. Adopted by following vote: Ayes — Edward E. McEvoy, Ed- mund J. Sauer, James Saul, William Singrin and Robert Specht. Nays — Peter Apel and John O'Rourke. 1). J. Haas, Mayor, presiding. Dubuque, Iowa, May 3, 1910. Moved by Ald. Saul and seconded by Ald. Singrin to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved 1910 Mayor Attest: Recorder 150 Regular Session, May 5, 1910 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, May 5th, 1910. (Official.) Council met at 8:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht, City. Attorney Lyon. Ald. O'Rourke moved that action on the approval of the Council Pro- ceedings for the month of April, 1910, be deferred until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Singrin, that the rules be sus- pended to allow any one to address the Council in behalf of the Dubuque Shippers' Association. Carried. Senator Frudden addressed the Council in behalf of the business men of the city in reference to the Coun- cil appropriating $250 as its dues for membership in the Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association, and presented the petition to that effect offered last year. Mr. Frudden stated that through the efforts of that organization quite a change has been effected in the appropriations available for the improvement of the upper river, and Dubuque, being the largest and richest city between St. Paul and St. Louis should not be behind the other cities in supporting this associa- tion. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, pe- tition referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co., by J. W. Stapleton, superintend- ent, presented, asking the Council to adopt an ordinance granting the right to lay spur track from a point on Lot 243, East Dubuque, an addition to the City of Dubuque, to the Dubuque Packing Company plant. • On motion of Ald. Saul the rules were suspended to allow anyone to address the Council in reference to petition. Mr. James Beach, president of the Dubuque Packing Co., which desires the track laid in order to get it along- side of the proposed new plant of the company, addressed the Council and stated that it was necessary to secure the Council's consent to the laying of the track before the company can take the necessary steps toward sub- mitting its plans to contractors for bids on the new plant. Moved by Ald. Singrin, seconded by Ald. O'Rourke, matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground and the committee be called to meet at 5 p. m., May 6, 1910. Carried. Petition of John Keckevoet for the space of twenty -four feet by sixty feet in the corner of Harbor for ferry landing. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of residents of Garfield Avenue, calling the Council's attention to Windsor and Schiller Avenues be- ing used for dumping garbage, pre- sented and referred to Health Officer and Alderman of Fifth Ward. Petition to have a watering foun- tain placed on Dodge Street between Hill and Alpine Streets presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of P. M. Heinz, Geo. Sav- ary and C. H. Savay that Pear Street, from Cleveland Avenue to Rush Street. be surveyed and graded pre- sented. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, that the prayer be granted and the Engineer prepare plat and estimate and report to Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of R. L. Spellerberg, ask- ing Council to abate the nuisance of two cottonwood trees at 385 West Eleventh street. On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Jno. L. McNulty to re- duce special assessment levied against Lot 235, Glendale Addition, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Martin Fahey to instruct the Engineer to give him grade of al- ley between Adair and Audubon and Decorah and Delaware Streets pre- sented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, sec- onded by Ald. Singrin, the request be granted. Carried. - The petition of property owners on Avon Street to establish and maintain a light on Avon street presented. Moved by Ald. McE'ioy, seconded by Ald. Singrin, be referred to Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of The Labor Leader, per J. M. Conley, asking that they be ap- pointed official paper of the city for the ensuing term. Upon motion of Ald. Apel, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of J. Herod, asking the City to accept 50c in full of special assessment for removing snow from walk in front of City N. 1 /2, N. M. 1 -5 Lot No. 472. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Invitation from Dubuque Base Ball & Amusement Association to take part in the parade to be held on Saturday, May 7, 1910, to celebrate the opening of the base ball season in Dubuque presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, it was accepted with thanks. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith hand you statements of amounts advanced by ,me during the month of April, 1910, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants out- standing $246.04 New York exchange 2.95 Postage stamps expense 10.00 Freich charges, C. G. W. R. R 31.20 Tax receipts, paving Locust St. 392.97 Total $683.16 Library orders paid $734.05 Respectfully submitted, HERMAN BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion of Ald. Saul report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the report referred to the. Committee on Finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of April, 1910, showing the rece' rts and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand April 1, 1910 $136,198.86 Receipts from all sources 35,236.43 Total $171,435.29 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $ 28,865.18 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 2,415.00 Improvement bonds re- deemed 293.75 Special sidewalk certifi- cates redeemed 141.48 Special sidewalk certifi- cate coupons redeemed. .36 Total $ 31,715.77 Balance May 1st, 1910. $139,719.52 The above cash balance includes the improvement bond fund, im- provement bond interest fund and li- rary fund balance. Water Works balance April 1, 1910 $19,273.49 Deposited With City Treas- urer during April 5,109.22 Total $24,382.71 Orders drawn on City Regular Session, May, 1910 151 Treasurer during month. 3,244.26 Balance May 1, 1910 ...$21,138.45 Excavation permit account: Balance April 1, 1910 $40.00 Balance May 1, 1910 $40.00 Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds and sidewalk certificates and coupons re- deemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improvement bond coupons.$ 293.75 Regular bond coupons 2,415.00 Special sidewalk certificates 141.48 Special sidewalk certificate coupons .36 Total $2,850.59 Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of April, 1910, $2,651.50. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke the re- port was approved and warrants or- dered drawn to pay city officers and report be referred to the Committee on Finance. Also the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1910, to May 1st, 1910: Appropriation Expended Expense .. ....$40,000.00 $ 6,225.24 Road- - First District .. 6,536.52 2,128.29 Second District . 15,923.22 2,189.78 Third District .. 9,544.60 1,826.00 Fourth District . 10,843.04 1,467.35 Fifth District .. 8,333.88 3,438.25 Fire .... 48,000.00 6,115.60 Police .... 36,500.00 4,617.84 Sewerage ... 6,000.00 744.35 Printing .... 2,500.00 167.56 Street Lighting 27,000.00 2,237.25 Interest ... 40,000.00 159.05 Board of Health 7,000.00 280.25 Grading .. 6,000.00 196.1'S Special Bonded Paving .. Special Bonded Debt and In- terest .. 4,000.00 Mt. Carmel Ave nue Grading 2,500.00 Sidewalk Repair- ing .... 1,000.00 Bluff Street Ex- tension .. 500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, Dubuque Pack- ing Plant 2,500.00 Improvement of Windsor Ave 1,000.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, Third Ward, 18th Street 2,500.00 Bee Branch Sew- er, in Fifth Ward ... Improvement of Grandview Avenue .. 2,500.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 20.35 58.99 1.00 152 Regular Session, May 5, 1910 Eagle Point Park Clay Street Im- provement .. Heeb Street Grading .. ... Improvement of Valley Street . Improvement of - Willow Street. Opening of Booth and Spring Streets. Twenty - Seventh Street Storm Sewer .... .. Improvement of Althauser Ave. Improvement of Seventh Ave. . Firemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Policemen's Pen- sion Fund ... Opening and Grading Alley Between Clark a n d Angella Streets .. .... Opening of Ce- dar Street ... Part Cost of Car Street Wall .. New Street Sweeper .. Ninth Avenue Sewer .. .... 3,000.00 1,200.00 300.00 200.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,300.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 750.00 7 50.00 500.00 500.00 317.00 280.00 800.00. 2.870.85 1,320.93 311.99 256.15 $305,578.26 Respectfully submitted, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the month of March, 1910: Amount due Firemen $3166.90 Less 1' /r retained for Pension Fund .... 30.99 Balance clue firemen $3135.91 Due to extra help for fires $333.25 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Co -. Approved by Committee on Fire. -On motion of Ald. italti the report vas received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of April, 1910: Intoxication 43' Assault and battery 3 Breaking and entering 1 Disorderly conduct 3 Disturbing the peace 4 Petit larceny 4 Violating city ordinance 6 Vagrancy 38 Total 102 Residents arrested 32 Doors found open 21 Lodgers harbored 170 Defective lights 72 Meals furnished 46 Cost of food $ 9.20 Pound receipts $ 4.00 Police court costs $22.05 Sheriff, dieting prisoners $ 3.25 Patrol runs for prisoners 82 Transfer of prisoners 1 Ambulance calls 6 Miles traveled 99 A also beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for the last half of April, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1313.25 JAMES PICICLEY, Chief of Police. On motion of Aid. Sauer, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the police men and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report for defective lights for the month of April, 1910: I find from the report of the Police Department that the total hours that 72 lamps failed to burn would equal 3 1 -2 lamps burning for one month or $17.50. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port was received and the City Audi- tor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric company's bill for the month of April, 1910, the sum of $17.50. Street Commissioner Mahony report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of April 1910: Amount due laborers on streets.$3185.65 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of April, 1910: Amount clue laborers on sewers.$148.80 Approved by Committee on 'Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY. Street Commissioner. On motion of Alds. Maul and Singrin the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls referred back to the proper committees. , Following Weighmasters' and Wood - measurers' reports of receipts were presented and read and on motion were received and filed: Jos. Straney $4.05 Robt. Hay 6.69 Mrs. C. Deckert .54 Louisa Pitchner .92 H. P. Lemper 14.06 Mrs. Geo. Pfiffner 5.53 On motion of Ald. Singrin reports be received and filed. Harbor Master Carroll reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby submit my re- port for months of January, February, March and April: Total $20.34 Wood measured $1.00 Treasurer's receipt for $1.00 hereto attached. Total wharfage collected $25.00 Respectfully submitted, J. H. CARROLL. On motion of Ald. Sauer report re- ceived and filed. To the City Council: Your committee to whom was re- ferred to ascertain the indebtedness of telephone companies, beg leave, to re- port as follows: Iowa Telephone Co. $1578.96 Dubuque Telephone Co. .... 1300.24 Western Union Telegraph Co. 1229.80 North American Telegraph Co 292.04 Postal Telegraph Co. 519.66 Respectfully, D. J. HAAS, Mayor. J. W. Lawlor, Clerk. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Saul, that it be referred to City Attorney for collection. Carried. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the notice of special as- sessment for removing snow and ice in the months of February and March, 1910. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by All. Singrin, that the notice be received and filed. Carried. Report of City Attorney and ex -City Engineer Ilg presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Specht, the rules be suspend- ed and allow Mr. E. Fengler to ad- dress the council in reference to Bee Branch sewer. Carried. Mr. Fengler addressed the council, stating the manner in which the sewer was constructed. , . Special Session May 5, 1910 153 Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. Apel, the reports be referred to com- mittee of the whole. Carried. - Notice of Charles Massey, claiming $3000.00 damages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained by falling on a sidewalk on the 16th day of March, 1910, presented. On motion of Ald Singrin referred to committee on claims and city attor- ney. Notice of Pauline Packwood, by C. W. Packwood, claiming $5000.00 dam- ages for personal injuries claimed to have been sustained by the falling of a sign on the corner of Eighth and Locust street, on the 3rd day of 11 arch, 1910, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to committee on claims and City At- torney. Ald. Saul, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the whole, to whom was referred the communication of Otto P. Geiger asking the city coun- cil to confirm the appointment of George H. Ellwanger as his deputy and fix his salary at $85.00 per month, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of petitioner be granted. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of City Engineer C. H. Baumgartner notifying the City Council of his ap- pointment of Joseph Friederich as clerk and draftsman and - W. Cullen as rod - man, and asking that said appoint- ment she confirmed and that their sal- aries he fixed at $80.00 and $60.00 per meats be confirmed and .that their sal - recommend that the appointments be approved and the salary for clerk and draftsman he fixed at $75.00 per month and that of the rodman at $50.00. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of City Attorney George T. Lyon, stating that he had reappointed E. H. Willging as Assistant City Attorney at a salary of $85.00 per month and Miss Nettie Bent- ley as stenographer at a salary of $20.00 per month and asking that said ap- pointments be confirmed and at the above stated salaries, would respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that appoint- ments be approved. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of City Auditor M. E. Lyons, asking that the City Council confirm the appointment of George Vogel as his deputy and fix his salary.at $100.00 per month, would respectfully recommend that Said - ap- Chapter 31 of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Regular Session, May 5, 1910 City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice of the Council's intention to construct a sanit.ry sew- er in Seminary Street from Madison to a point about 500 feet westerly thereof. Certified to by the publish- ers. No remonstrance being filed, and no one in the room objecting, the no- tice was on motion received and filed. Ald. McEvy offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a San- itary Sewer of eight -inch tile pipe be constructed in Seminary Street from the interesection of Madison Street to a point about five hundred and fifty (550) feet westerly thereof, accord- ing to the plans and specifications of said sewer prepared by the City En- gineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1910, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 19th day of May, 1910, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordin- ance. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and sec- onded by Ald. Singrin that the ordin- ance be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Ald. Specht offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare plans and specifica- tions for the extension of the Bee Branch sewer from Couler Avenue west to connect with the concrete culvert between said avenue and Lemon Street and also from the con- crete culvert in the alley between Couler Avenue and Jackson Street southeasterly as far as the appropria- tion made therefor will permit and file such plans and specifications in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer in ac- cordance with such'plans - and specifi- cation and submit the same to the City Council at as early' a date as possible. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. - Quarterly report Dubuque City Wa- ter Works presented and referred to Special Auditing Committee, consist- ing of Alds. Sauer, Saul and MvEvoy. Police Matron Hibbe reported that the windows in the Matron's Quarters were not in a safe condition. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke and sec- onded by Ald. Saul that it be referred to Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Carried. Reported that the watering foun- tain on First and Main was in need of repairs. Moved by Ald. Saul and seconded by Ald. McEvoy that it be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. Moved by Ald. Saul and seconded by Ald. McEvoy to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved 1910 Mayor Attest: Recorder 154 Regular Session,. May 5, 1910 pointment be confirmed and that the salary of said deputy be fixed at 480.00 per month. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the agree- ment entered into between the past City Council and the property owners along the improvement on West Lo- cust Street from Hodgdon Avenue to Alta Vista- Street be carried out and that in accordance therewith the City Treasurer be instructed to deduct the. sum of twenty cents per lineal foot from the cost of the guttering and to fix the assessment on the lots owned by the Rhomberg estate at a maximum rate of Fifty Dollars per lot. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communication of the Business Men's Association of Prairie du Chien, asking for a donation to help defray the cost of erecting a Marquette statue in said city, would respectfully recommend that said peti- tion be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of M. Schlegel, stating that he is the owner of Lot 19 in Althauser's Sub. and twat there has been a special assessment. of which one - seventh is paid, levied against said lot for the improvement of Eagle Street and that he is willing to pay the balance if the interest now due thereon be canceled, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to cancel said interest provided two sevenths of said assessment be paid within thirty days from date,' and the balance in equal annual installments with interest on deferred payments un- til paid. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Jo- seph F. Kingsley, et al, in relation to curbing being left out ill several places along the improvement on West Locust Street from Hodgdon Avenue to Alta Vista Street for the purpose of enabling property owners to more readily drive onto their premises, would respectfully report that all the property owners af- fected have since the filing of the above petition signified in writing their entire satisfaction with the work as it stands at present and their intention to pay their assessment when due without protest; we would therefore recommend that said petition be received and filed JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the Various reports of the Committee of the Whole Ald. O'Rourke objected to the adop- tion of the petition of Geo. T. Lyon and the communication of City Engineer C. H. Baumgartner on the grounds that the extra position and excessive in- crease of salary was not contemplated in the appropriations, nor provision made for them. The various reports of the Committee of the Whole were carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Apel, McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays— O'Rourke. Harbor Master Carroll asked for instructions from the Council in re- gard to the Harbor License. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Sauer to suspend the rules to allow Mr. Davis to address the Coun- cil. Carried by the folowing vote: Yeas — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Mr. Davis then addressed the Coun- cil as to the amount of space he de- sired for a ferry lannding'and what he thought would he a reasonable li- cense. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and second- ed by Ald. Apel, that the Harbor Master be instructed to collect Har- bar license in accordance with the City Ordinances. Carried. The Mayor stated he had received an invitation from the B. P. O. Elks for the Council to attend the banquet tonight after adjournment. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and second- ed by Ald. Singrin that the Council accept the invitation with thanks. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to alter Booth and Spring streets so that said streets will make a contin- uous thoroughfare from Julien Ave- nue to West Fourteenth Street, and be it further resolved that the City Eingineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement showing the land or lots through or over which the same is propsed to be made, the the same is proposed to be made, the quantity of land proposed to be taken and file such plat in the office for public inspection. ' That after such plat is prepared and filed, said City Engineer shall give the owners of the property through or over which such improvement is proposed to be made notice as prescribed in Section 2 of should not be declared a nuisance and removed. Special Session, May 19, 1910 157 Stated that Tschirgi & Son desired the use of the Rock Crusher for crushing rock on Bluff Street con- tract. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke and sec- onded by Ald. Saul that the Council grant Tschirgi & Son the use of Rock Crusher, and they to get through in the shortest possible time with the least posible dust, all in accordance to an agreement entered into a year ago. Carried. The request of G. A. R. to be grant- ed the use of Jackson Park on Decor- ation day stated. Moved by Ald. Saul the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Carried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved 1910 Mayor Attest: Recorder CITY COUN OIL Regular Session, May 19, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 9:00 p. m. Present — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent —None. Ald. O'Rourke moved that Council Proceedings for month of April be approved as printed. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Saul, that the order of busi- ness be suspended and proceed to consider petitions. Carried. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. and an ordinance granting the said C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. right to lay spur track from a point on Lot No. 343, East Dubuque, Addition to the City of Dubuque, to the Du- buque Packing Co. plant, presented. Moved by Ald. Singrin, seconded by Ald. Sauer, that the rules be sus - pended to allow anyone to address the Council in reference to the peti- tion. Carried. Mr. James Beach addressed the Council on behalf of Dubuque Pack- ing Co. Attorney P, J. Nelson addressed the Council on behalf of Frith's Union Slaughter House, asking to have some minor changes made in the Ordinance. Moved by Aid. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. O'Rourke, that the City Re- corder call a meeting of Ordinance_ Committee and City Attorney for 5:30 a. in., May 20, to draft an Ordinance granting C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. the right to lay a spur track and they to report to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Petition of G. E. Davis, J. R. Tay- lor and Dubuque Motor Boat Club, asking for a suitable location of boat house and landing dock for launches, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Singrin, the rules be sus- pended to allow anyone to address the Council in reference to the peti- titions. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -- Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays —None. Mr. J. R. Taylor, Mr. G. E. Davis and St. C. Ede, representing the Du- buque Motor Boat Club, addressed the Council in reference to the loca- tion desired. Moved by Ald. Singrin, seconded by Ald. O'Rourke, to refer the three pe- 156 Special Session, May,,14, .1910 CITY COUNCIL Special Session May 14, 1910. (Official.) Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 3:05 p. m. Present — Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent - -Ald. McEvoy. Mayor Haas stated that this meet- ing was called for the purpose of con- sidering the report of the Bijou party wall being in a dangerous condition and owned by the Dubuque Opera - Company and W. J. Burns and J. J. Nagle; also the request of the G. A. R. for the use of Jackson park ' on Decoration day; also the matter of operating the stone crusher on Seven teenth street, and such other business as may come before a regular session of the council. Ald. Saul, chairman of the commit - ee of the whole, reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the certified re- turn of service of the notice to the Dubuque Opera House Company and J. F. Burns requiring them, on ac- count of the dangerous condition of the same, to take down the party wall now standing on the north 03 feet 7 inches of City Lot 68, would respect- fully state that we referred said no- tice to City Engineer C. H. Baumgart- ner with instructions to make a thor- ough examination into the condition of said wall and report his findings bats to this committee. Said report we hereto attach and make a part of this report, and acting on the information therein contained would respectfully recommend that said wall be declared unsafe and that the City Attorney be • insructed to draw up the proper reso- lutions for the condemnation and,talc- ing down of the same. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul, chairman committee of the whole, moved the adoption of the re- port. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following resolution: Whereas, It appears from a notice directed to the Dubuque Opera House company and \V. J. Burns by J. R. Reinfried, Chief of the Fire Depart- ment, and Paul Ilg, City Engineer, and which was returned to this Council as having been served upon said partie. , that the wall which forms the south side of the building now occupying the southerly portion of lot sixty -seven (67) and the' north eleven (11) inches of lot sixty -eight (68), and which did form the north wall of the building former- ly occupying the south sixty -three (63) feet seven (7) inches of lot sixty -eight (68) in this city, is insecure and in an unsafe and dangerous condition; and it further appears from a report of City Engineer Baumgartner, made to this Council, that the wall is in such a de- fective and dilapidated condition as to be dangerous to life and property, and this Council, through its Committee of the Whole, having verified the reports by a personal examination of the said wall; therefore, Be it resolved, That the wall which forms the south side of the building now occupying the southerdy portion of lot 67 and the north eleven (li) inches of lot sixty -eight (6S), and which did form the north wall of the building formerly occupying the south sixty -three feet. seven (7) inches of lot sixty -eight (68) in the. City of Dubuque. be, and the same is, hereby declared to be a nuisance, and Be it further ressolved, That the Du- buque Opera. House Company, W. J. Burns and J. J. Nagle, the owners of said described wall, be, and hereby are, notified to abate said nuisance within twenty (20) clays from the adop- tion of this resolution, by removing the said wall. Alderman O'Rourke then moved that the Council declare its intention to ad- opt the resolution as read, at its next regular meeting, to be held on Thurs- day, May 19th, 1910, and that a written notice of the contemplated action of the City Council, together with a copy of the resolution, be personally served by the Chief of Police upon the owners of the property, commanding them to ap- pear before the City Council on that date and show cause, if any they have. why the wall should not be declared a nuisance and removed. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Absent — McEvoy. NOTICE. To Dubuque Opera House Company, W. J. Burns and J. J. Nagle: You and each of you are hereby notified that at a Special Session of the City Council of the City of Du- buque. held May 14th, 1910, the said Council declared its intention of adopting at its next regular meeting, to be held Thursday, May 19th, 1910, at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, the attached resolution declar- ing the wall therein described a nuis- ance, and you and each of you are hereby commanded to appear before said Council on that date and show cause if any you have, why the wall 158 Regular Session, May 19, 1910 titions to Committee of the Whole and Harbor Master to view the ground. Carried. The petition in the appeal of the Iowa Trust & Savings Bank from action of H. Brinkman, City Treas- urer, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Saul, to suspend the rules to allow Mr. J. E. Truesdale to address the Council in reference to petition. Carried. Mr. J. E. Truesdale read the con- tract between City of Dubuque and J. B. Workman and asked the Coun- cil for permission to proceed in the case. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ferred to City Attorney and the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of residents on Pleasant Street, asking to have light placed there and the sidewalk laid presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to Committee on Light and Sidewalk Inspector, they to report to Commit- tee of Whole. Petition of residents on Seminary Street, between Foye and Gold Streets, asking to have cement or brick walk laid and the rail changed, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, re- ferred to Sidewalk Inspector, he to report to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Agaunico Mines Devel- opment Co., asking permission to lay a pipe line across Julien Avenue un- der the surface, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to committee consisting of Mayor Haas, Ald. McEvoy and Street Com- missioner, they report to Committee of the Whole. Petition of John J. Krayer, asking to be appointed timekeeper for Street Commissioner, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Mary Bisanz, ask- ing to have taxes on N. 1 .h of Lot No. 2 in Myrtle Addition canceled. On motion of Ald. 'Singrin, referred to Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Petition of Ex -Chief of Police James R. Pickley, asking the City to refund him the sum of $600.00, bal- ance for services, presented. On mo- tion of Ald. Saul, referred to Com- mittee of Whole. Petition of Mrs. Theis and McCeney, asking the City for a re- duction of 20c per lineal foot on the improvement of West Locust street, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of C. A. Voelker, asking that Irving Street be opened to Del- hi Street, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Dubuque Base Ball and Amusement Association et al, object- ing to assessment levied for the im- provement of Twenty- seventh Street, presented. On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of A. L. Rhomberg, ask- ing that the taxes for the year 1909 on Lots No. 640 and 641, East Du- buque, and Block No. 24, Railroad Addition, be canceled. On motion of Ald. Apel, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Alice McGrath, asking that she be refunded the sum of $91.79, being 20c per lineal foot, for improvement on West Locust Street. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Memorial Day Commit- tee, asking the City to appropriate the sum of one hundred dollars for the proper patriotic observance of Me- morial Day, presented. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, that the prayer be granted and a warrant be drawn in favor of said committee. Carried by the following vote Yeas — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays —None. Petition of Bricklayers' and Ma- son's Union No. 17, asking to estab- lish an office for Building Inspector, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Remonstrance of James and Anna Spencer against any change in steps leading from Montrose Terrace to Fairview Place, presented. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, action be deferred un- til the report of Engineer is filed re- garding same. Carried. Petition of residents in the vicinity of the water fountain on Seminary Street, between Harold and Wood - worth, asking to have the same re- placed by a new one, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Morrison Bros., asking that the sewer be extended to their factory presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke,. referred to Committee of the Whole. • Petition of Mrs. Louisa Schwartz, asking that she be exempt from paying taxes on Lots 7 -9 in Marsh's Addition, preesnted. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Petition of Thomas Cahill and Chas. McManus, asking that the sal- ary of Park Custodian be increased. presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Edith Lawson, ask- ing to have the valuation on Lot 1 of Lots 30 and 31 in Morheiser's Sub., placed at $600.00, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of residents in the vicinity and adjacent to Sanford and Jackson Streets, asking to condemn and re- move billboards standing thereon, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of Whole to view ground. Invitation from Memorial Day committee inviting the City Council to participate in the parade on Mem- orial day presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and sec- onded by Ald. Saul, that the invita- tion be accepted with thanks, and the Council attend in a body. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays - -None. Petition of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress asking that the City employ skilled union labor wherever it is possible and have the union label appear on all city printing, presented. Moved by Ald. McEvoy and sec- onded by Ald. Apel, That the City Recorder and other City officers, City Attorney excluded, demand the union label placed on all printing when pos- sible. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor. and City Council: Gentlemen: —The following is the pay roll of the Fire department for the first half Of May, 1910: Amount due Firemen $1,628.00 Amount due Extra Firemen. 11.50 Total .... ........ $1,639.50 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Regular Session, May 19, 1910 • 159 Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the first half of May, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1,329.50 Amount due Extra Police 62.50 Total due $1,392.00 Respectfully submitted, THOMAS REILLY, Chief. On motion of Ald. Sauer the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the policemen and the report referred back to the Commit- tee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahony re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the first half of May, 1910: Amt. due laborers on streets $2,807.40 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of May, 1910: Amt.. due laborers on sewers.. $208.70 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. Singrin, the pay rolls on Streets and Sewers were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper committees. The annual report of the Chief of Police for the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1909, and ending February 28, 1910, preesnted. On motion of Ald. Saul, the same was received and referred to the Committee of the Whole. The following Weighmasters' and Marketmaster's reports of receipts were presented and read: C. W. Katz $22.70 R. Hay 2.20 On motion of Ald. Singrin reports were received and filed. Harbormaster Carroll reported as to presenting bills for wharfage. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. 160 - Regular Session, May 19, 19,10 BIDS. Bids for printing and furnishing As- sessment Books and Tax Roll were presented, and on motion ordered op ened as follows: Berg & Briggs $ 68.00 The Telegraph- Herald 112.00 Mat Co. 74.90 M. S. Hardie 65.00 On motion of Ald. Saul contract for furnishing and printing Assessment Books and Tax Roll was awarded to 1M. S. Hardie, being the lowest bidder. City Recorder Geiger presented bids for the construction of an S -inch tile pipe Sanitary Sewer in Seminary street. On motion bids were ordered opened. Frank D. Scharle, 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 71c; manholes, each, $29.00. Street & Steuck, S -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 63c; manholes, each, $27.00. O'Farrell Contracting Co., 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 57c; manholes, each, $28.00. J. G. Brown, 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 57c: manholes, each, $27.50. H. M. Scharle, S -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 56c; manholes, each, $22.00. H. G. Strong, S -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, 39c; manholes, each, $27.00. W. Cook, 8 -inch tile pipe, per lineal foot, $1.35; manholes, each, $25.00. On motion of Ald. Singrin bids were referred to City Engineer to investi- gate and report to the council. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Saul, that the judgment of the District Court of Dubuque County in the ease of Brinkman, contestant, vs. George Wybrant, incumbent, for office of City Treasurer, be made a matter of record. Judgment of District Court as fol- lows: May 14, 1910. Hearing to Court as per admission of the attorney P. J. Nelson, for contestant Herman Brink- man, George Wybrant is decreed to be elected to the office of City Treas- urer of the City of Dubuque. Judg- ment against Herman Brinkman and his bondsman for cost of court decree in conformity with judgment and stip- ulation and admission made of record by shorthand reporter, which appears in the Equity calendar for the May term, 1910, of the District Court of Dubuque County. City Recorder Geiger presented the bonds of Street Commissioner John Mahoney, City Auditor M. E. Lyons, Geo. D. Wybrant and continuation certificate of bond of Edw. W. Her- ron, B. F. Stedman, Martin Schei- decker. On motion of Ald. Saul re- ferred to City Attorney. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald, Singrin, that warrants be drawn and all bills properly audited by vari- ous committee be . paid. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were approved by the various committees: Albert Gasser, 1000 brick for W. 14th and Adair streets $ Standard Oil Co., axle grease for Road Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , supplies for Road Dept. Peter Jacobs, 1606 cubic yards macadam Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Road Dept. F, A. Burns, coal for steam roller Dr. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for March and April, Road Dept. John Coyne, 847 cubic yards macadam Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Road Dept.:. Ed. Grue, 4444 cubic yards ma- cadam Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Road Dept. Kelly - Springfield Road Roller Co., supplies for new steam roller Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road Dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies. Road Dept. Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co , supplies, 'Road Dept. Thomas J. Mulgrew Co., cement, Road Dept. Geo. Masters, repairing hy- drant at 27th and White and 11th St. park, and supplies .. Key City Rubber S. & P. Works, supplies A. E. Gmehle, commission col- lecting delinquent taxes J. B. Workman, commission collecting omitted taxes Clancy Transfer Co., wood for Police Dept. Frank Hardie, to transcript of testimony in case of Mrs. Liz - zie Post vs. City of Dubuque.. Pier Bros., - wood, City Hall .... Frank Dentin, wood, City Hall John L. Kies, drug suppnes for - Police Dept. Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone rental for April, 1910.. Key City Gas Co., removing lamp post at Bluff Street.. I. C. Chamberlain, balance on Policy No. 161,876, Iowa State Ins. Co. J. F. Ris & Bro, supplies for Fire Dept A. J. Hartig, toilet paper, City Hall . .. .. . G. H. Davis & Co., supplies, City Hall Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 5 cuspidor mats for Mayor's office 10.00 4.25 1.00 12.04 1.45 14.74 10.00 18.43 62.50 2.20 20.00 3.60 7.55 2.25 54.68 67.60 12.00 R. Herrmann & Sons, sup- plies for Mayor's office .75 J. P. Foley, towel service for April 4.00 C. E. Fitzpatrick, supplies for City Hall 1.00 Eagle Chemical Co., disinfec- tant for City Hall 20.00 Western Union Telegraph Co., electric clock and time service for April, 1910 1.00 Isaac Manhaf, 25 rags .75 Philip Breithaupt, repairs on plumbing in City Hall .75 Otto P. Geiger, notarial fee and premium on notary public bond 7.00 1.60 Mike Mullen, cleaning water pipe, City Hall 3.20 8.47 L. J. Schmit, supplies 1.10 Ed. Millins, sharpening lawn 2.50 mower 1.25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting 44.44 Co., supplies for Sewer de- partment 1.5 0 1.90 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Sewer de- partment 2.00 Ellwanger Bros., supplies for Sewer Dept.... .20 Key City Roofing Co., ce- ment for Sewer Dept 1.45 Union Electric Co., power for street light for April, 1910 2251.25 Union Electric Co., power for City Fire Alarm for April, 1 910 2.00 John Spencer,. preparing drawing for hose tower for Fourth St. Engine House.. 20.00 Key City Gas Co., supplies for Fire Dept.... ....... 4.6 5 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept 13.50 Babcock Fire Entinguisher, supplies for Fire Dept 3.00 Gamewell Fire Alarm Tele- graph Co., supplies for Fire Dept.. 56.25 H. Schenk, oats for Fire Dept.... .... 409.70 4.50 F. A. Burns, hauling oats to 6.75 Fire Depts 5.00 6.75 Win. Marshall, repairs Fire Dept 13.50 7.80 John J. Powers, horseshoe - ing for Fire Dept 12.80 17.42 - Central Electric Co., electri- cal supplies, Fire Dept 36.12 1.00 - - Clancy Transfer Co., taking clown wall at Bijou ruins 115.00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs 22.50 and supplies for Fire Dept. 5.46 Geo. W. Healey & Son, rope 2.45 for guard around Bijou theater, and other supplies 1.84 7.75 Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies and repairs, Fire Dept 9.29 5.55 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1 fireman's helmet 4.50 Demkier Bros., barn brooms 3.75 for Fire Dept 11.50 Special Session, May 19, 1910 161 A. R. Flick Box Co., 1 load shavings, Fire Dept Wunderlich & Wiederholdt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept . Herrmann & Sons, bed cas- ters for Fire Dept Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept Ellwanger Bros., rep and supplies for Fire Dept Clark Roller Awning Co , covers for springs and painting same for Fire Dept. Dennis Bros , hay for Fire Dept Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Fire Dept Key City Gas Co., coal for Fire Dept..... . .... Dr. J. Hagerty, veterinary service for April and March for Fire Dept Standard Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept Dave Wallace, hauling oats to Fire Dept James McLaughlin, hauling oats to Fire Depts Ed. Oiler, 1 pair rubber boots, Health Dept Jos. J. Bertsch Co., 1 pair leather sole boots, Health Dept Union Electric Co., light for Detention Hospital ....... Clancy Transfer Co., 1 wood for Mt. Carmel Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for sidewalks Robert McGivern, inspector cement curb and gutter on East Street National Demokrat, advertis- ing for April, 1910. Labor Leader, advertising for April, 1910 .... Geo. Masters, repairing light in Assessor's office and supplies Dr. J. Hagerty, veterinary service, March and April, for Police Dept.... Philip Breithaupt, repairing and plumbing at City Hall Eidhhorn & Bechtel supplies for Matrons American Ever -Ready Co , batteries for Police Dept F. G. Becker, coal for Folic Dept ..... , Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lumber for Police Dept Ellwanger Bros., repairs and supplies for Police Dept Mettel Bros., supplies for Po- lice and Fire Dept Trenk Wire Works, window guards for Matrons Key City Gas Co., light for Police and Fire Depts. for April, 1910 1.50 12.00 1.40 16.00 7.90 .85 43.78 52.20 28.75 18.40 4.50 3.20 3.20 1.25 6.50 3.00 10.00 48.82 9.60 12.50 12.50 .50 2.40 10.15 1.05 4.00 22.88 10.20 7.25 6.35 17.00 2.00 9 162 _Adjourned Regular Session, May 20, 1910 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Police Dept C. W. Katz, meals furnished to prisoners during April, 1910 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments 85.35 The following bills were referred to the Committee of the Whole: J. Linehan, Health $ 21.50 Nesler & Hammel, repairs 3.00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road .... 2.34 Phil Reddin, supplies Jack- son Park .75 Petition? of Geo. D. Wybrant, ask- ing the city to confirm the appoint- ment of Frank M. Blake, deputy, and Louis F. Kolfenback, clerk, and fix- ing the salary of the deputy at $100.00 per month and the clerk at $60.00 per month. Moved by Ald. Saul and seconded by Ald. O'Rourke that the same be approved. Carried. Ald. Saul stated there would be a meeting of the Committee of the Whole May 20, at 7:30 p. m. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn to Fri- day, May 20, at 8 p. rn. Carried. Attest: 11.30 9.20 Approved 1910 Mayor Recorder CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Adjourned Regular Session, May 20, 1910. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 10:15 p. m. Present —Aids. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Absent Apel. Mayor Haas stated that the meet- ing was an adjourned meeting of the regular session of May 19, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all matters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn to May 23, 1910, at 8 p. m. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved 191 Mayor Attest: Recorder Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910 163 CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910. Council met at 9:45 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht, Mayor Haas stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting of the reg- ular session of May 19, 1910, and was called to take up and consider all mat- ters which may properly come before a regular session of the City Council. Petition of St. Mark's Lutheran church asking that the City Engineer be instructed to give them street and lot lines, corner Twelfth and Locust streets, Lot No. 622a, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy the prayer was granted. City Engineer reported the bids on Sanitary Sewer in Seminary street as follows: Wilmer Cook $817.50 Frank D. Scharle 497.00 Street & Steuck 427.50 O'Farrell Contracting Co. 197.50 J. G. Brown 396.00 H. M. Scharle 377.00 H. G. Strong 295.50 Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Saul, that the contract be awarded to H. G. Strong, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Singrin, that Mr. James Hird be appointed inspector of Seminary street sewer. Carried. City Attorney Lyon reported he had examined the bonds of Geo. D. Wy- brant, John Mahoney, M. E. Lyons, E F. Norton, W. Hipman, J. H. Carroll, Otto P. Geiger, Charles H. Baumgart- ner, Joseph P. Scanlon, B. F. Stedman, and found them properly executed and that the renewal certificate of E. W. Herron runs to the Trustees of City Water Works, instead of running to Ald. Specht, the report be approved and E. W. Herron's certificate be re- turned for correction. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. •Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: • Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve Martha Street from Alta Vista Street to the alley first westerly thereof, and it is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter and macadamize said street and to assess the cost of said curbing, guttering and macadamizing against the abutting property. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke. Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on Martha street from Alta Vista street to the alley first westerly thereof, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway coin - pany, the amount and cost thereof, to he paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adja- cent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the City Recorder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the City Recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be ,used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the City Recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes —Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul. Singrin, Specht. Nays —None, Ald. McEvoy offered an Ordinance amending Chapter VI., of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of Dubuque, of 1901, entitled "An Ordi- ance to Determine Contested Elections and Tie Vote." Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Apel, be referred to Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Specht. Nays —Alds. McEvoy, Singrin. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following: Whereas, the contract heretofore en- tered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of a street as herein- after described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said im- 164 Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910 Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910 165 provement amount to $5,258.52. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of curbing, guttering and macadamizing West Lo- cust street from Hodgdon avenue to Alta Vista street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, twenty bonds for two hundred and fifty dollars each and one for two hundred fifty -eight and 52 -100 dollars, numbered 963 to 983 inclusive, dated May 7, 1910, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bear- ing interest at the rate of five per per cent. per annum, payable semi- annually. Aid. O'Rourke moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays None. • Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the Coln • mittee on Ordinance, presented and read the following resolution: AN ORDINANCE. An Ordinance granting to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company permission to construct, maintain and operate a spur track across the alley extending from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, be- tween Fine and Maple Streets; acro Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth Street and Maple Street; across the alley between lots 305 and 366 in East Dubuque Addition; across Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth and Cedar Streets. and across Seventeenth Street at the loca- tion shown by plat on file with the City Recorder, and regulating the construc- tion, use and maintenance thereof. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That to enable the Chi- cago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company to reach the plant of the Du- buque Packing Company, and other in- dustries, with a spur track which pro- posed track is to commence at a point on the most easterly present track of said company on lot `43 in East Du- buque, an addition to the City of Du- buque, and extend to the plant of the Dubuque Packing Company, situated on lot 377 and other lots in said East Du- buque Addition, permission be and the same is hereby granted to the said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to lay down, operate and maintain a spur track in the City of Dubuque across the following streets and alleys, viz,: Across the alley extending from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, be- tween Pine and Maple Streets; across Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth and Maple Streets across the alley between Lots 305 and 366 in said East Duibaque Addition; across Eighteenth Street and the in- tersection of Eighteenth and Cedar Streets; and across Seventeenth Street; said track to be laid across said street and alleys at the location as shown by the red line on the blue print submitted by said railway company and marked "Proposed Spur to Serv the Dubuque Packing Co., Dubuque, Iowa," which plat is hereby referred to and made a part of this Ordinance. Sec. 2. That the southerly end of said spur track shall at all times be held open so as to make possible an ex- tension of said track at any time in the future. should extension be direct- ed or authorized by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Sec. 3. That the said Chicago, Mil - waukee & St. Paul Railway Company shall. as a condition of the grant now made to it, extend said track now au- thorized to be laid, or lay additional spurs therefrom, at any time in the fu- ture, when orde red. to do so by the City Council of said City of Dubuque, for the facility and convenience• of other Interests desiring to make use of said track, provided, that said railway corn - pany be -made safe as to the cost of such extension by the party desiring same made. See. 4. That the laying down of said spur track shall he clone under the su- nervision of the C'ty Engineer and the Cmnmitt . on Streets of said City. Sec. 5. That in the laying down and operation of said track the same shall he so constructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction to ordinary travel on and the use of the streets and alleys crossed. That cars shall not he allowed to stand on said streets and alleys so crossed, and used by said track in such manner as to un- necessarily interfere with the use there- of. and said track shall at all times be used in accordance with all lawful re „- ulations, now or hereafter enacted by said city. sec. 6. That said spur track shall h. laid to the established grad:, of the streets and alleys crossed by it, or over which it runs• and should the grade of any street lie changed at any time, said track shall be changed to conform to such grade, at the expense of the said railway company, without claim of any kind against said city. See. 7. That said Railway Company shall keep the space between the rails of said spur track, and the - space to the end of the ties at all places where said track crosses any street or alley, so graded that carriages may easily pass over the same, and shall keep such spaces properly planked. paved. m e - cadamized, or otherwise improved, as rect, and shall keep any sidewalk cross- ing said track properly planked, or otherwise improved, as said city may direct. Sec. S. That said spur track shall be so constructed and maintained as not to dam up or obstruct the flow and drainage of water in the gutters o'• on tae surface of said streets and alleys, and said Railway Company shall be the City Council of said city may di- subject to, and strictly comply with, a❑ reasonable police regulations bearing on the use• and operation of said track. Sec. 9. The City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after twenty (20) years from the time this ordinance be- comes operative, or sooner in case the said plant of the Dubuque Packing Company, with which it is to connect, shall cease to he operative. A failure to comply with the provisions and con- ditions of this ordinance, or any part thereof, on the part of the company, shall also be grounds for immediate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said track may in sucn event be ordered removed and taken up by the City Council of said city. Sec. 10. That the said Chicago, Mil - waukee & St. Paul Railway Company shall, as a condition hereof, switch and "place” to any industry now or here- after located on said spur track the cads of any other railway or railroad company, owning and operating lines in the City of Dubuque, when re- quested so to do, at a. charge of not to exceed Two ($2.00) dollars for each car as switched or "placed." Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after itee passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times - Journal and the Telegraph -Her- ald, official newspapers of the city and its written acceptance duly endorsed herein by the said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Adopted 1910. Approved 1910. Mayor. Att( City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the fore- going ordinance are hereby accepted this day of , 1910. Superintendent of the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Ald. McEvoy moved that the read- ing just hat, be considered its first reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas— A7iel, O'Rourke, Saul, Sauer, Singrin, McE'Voy, Specht. , Nays —None. Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. Sin- grin, moved that the rules be sus- , • pended for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title for the sec- ond reading. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Ald. Singrin, seconded by Ald. Specht, moved that the ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Apel, ORourke, McEvoy, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays None. Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the report of ex- City Engineer Paul Iig and Street Commissioner John Mahony as to the cause of the collapse of that part of the Pee Branch sewer immediately north of Sixteenth Street, and also the opinion of City Attorney George Lyon as to the liability of the con - tractor for the recovering of said sewer, wound respectfully recommend that the City Attorney be instructed i o notify the Eagle Point Lime Works to proceed with the comple- tion of the work in accordance with its contract. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the following bills, would respectfully recommend that the same be paid and that war- rants in settlement thereof be or- dered drawn on the City Treasurer as follows: Eagle Point Lime Works, 5% retained on Z\Tinclsor Ave. Improvement $ 174.12 The Collis Co., stakes for City Engineer 2.50 Jas. Lee & Son, improvement of West Locust St 4652.00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., 1st estimate grading East St 525.00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., in- terest as per agreement with Committee 20.00 Homan & Roehl, tables for election purposes .... 4.75 H. Wunderlich & Son, tables for election purposes 4.50 M. Tschirgi & Son, extra work at Thirty - second St. sewer, less interest 59.20 JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, -to whom was referred the petition of John Keckevoet, asking that he be authorized to use a space 24 feet by 60 feet in the corner of the Ice Har- bor now occupied by the house boat in which he lives for the purpose of erecting a house on piling in such space. would respectfully recommend that the said petition be received and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. McEvoy moved that the Mayor be instructed to find out the intention of the Union Electric Co. regarding the two promised extensions, one on Asbury Street and one on West Lo- cust Street, before action is taken on the Union Electric Co.'s matter now in Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke to adjourn. Carried, OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Approved 1910 Mayor Recorder Attest: List of Warrants List of City Warrants Dubuque, Iowa, May 1, 1910. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by Edmund Linehan during the month of April, 1910, the same hav- ing been authorized by the proper committees and a majority vote of the Council, as indicated by the min- utes of the meeting held during said month. H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor.. $116 65 H. Brinkman, salary, Treas- urer • J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy Treasurer Jno, Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor- der Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 65 Joseph T. Kelly, salary, As- sessor .... .... 125 00 Allan Wiedner, salary, Ass,.;t- ant Assessor 83 30 Frank Kenneally, salary, As- sistant Assessor 83 30 Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00 Edgar Willging, salary, Assist- ant Attorney 75 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Police .... .. 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit- tee Clerk Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi- neer 166 65 Joseph Straub, Assistant City Engineer 60 00 John Mahoney, Assistant Street Commissioner 50 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 C. W. Katz, salary, Market - master T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master 45 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani- tress James Lynch, salary, Side- walk Inspector 60 00 Wm. Coleman, Rodman 60 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master 30 00 John A. Cunningham, Clerk to Police and Fire Commis- sioners Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash- ington Park Philip Reddin, Custodian Jackson Park .... 40 00 Joseph Straney, Custodian Phoenix Park .... 15 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy- sician Frank Flynn, Sanitary Officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector ...... 75 00 100 00 166 Adjourned Regular Session, May 23, 1910 Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was refered the bill of the Labor Leader for publishing the fac- simile of the official ballot and also the Mayor's proclamation and regis- tration notices, would respectfully recommend that $30.00 be allowed for publishing the official ballot and that the other notices be paid for in accordance with the rate fixed by the Code of Iowa. JAMES .SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that Ald. O'Rourke be authorized to pur- chase such quantity of Standard road oil as he may need for use in the Second Road district. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to make an examination into the condi- tion of the Armory hall roof and pre- pare a plan nad submit the same to the City Council, showing in his judg- ment the most practical manner of repairing or altering said roof so as to prevent its leaking and giving an estimate of the probable cost of such repairs or alterations. .TAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the owners of the property abutting on Harvard Street be permitted to construct an eight -inch tile pipe san- itary sewer in said street from Yale Street to Alta Vista Street provided the work he done under the sunervis- sion of the- City Engineer and Com- mittee on Sewers. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. AM. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. 'Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Specht, that the Engineer be in- structed to draw plans and specifica- tions for Bee Branch Storm Sewer of rock, same location as the cement plans offered, and submit both plans to the Committee of the Whole. Car- ried. Moved by Ald. Singrin, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, that the Engineer be in- structed to submit plans and specifi- cations of Bee Branch Sewer from Seventeenth street south, and estimat- ed cost thereof. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Specht, that the Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and speci- fications and estimate for the improve- ment of Seventh avenue. Carried. Moved by Ald. Specht, second by AM. O'Rourke, that the 'Engineer be 'instructed to prepare plans and speci- fications for the impruvement of Ninth avenue sewer, and the Engineer to consult , with -- Mr. L. - Brecle before drawing plans. Carried. Moved by Ald, Specht, seconded by Ald,' Sauer, that the Engineer be in- structed to prepare plans and speci- fications of Twenty- seventh street storm sewer. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Saul, that the Enginerr be in- structed to give grade and plans of proposed impro rement of Willow street, Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. Apel, that the City Engineer prepare specifications of sidewalk to be laid on College avenue' and West Third street and deliver to City Re- corder, who shall advertise for bids. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded • by Ald: Saul, that the committee on Public Grounds and Buildings be given power to do such repairing in city hall as they deem necessary. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald, Specht, that the City Recorder advertise for bids to furnish helmets for the Police. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Apel, that the street commission- er be instructed to lay walk between Raiff and Pickett streets, he to use the material that he thinks best suited. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Sauer, that the Committee Clerk be instructed to purchase a carload of brick and to charge the same to the various roads in which they are used. Carried. ' The Mayor stated that the G. A. R. extended through him an invitation to the police to attend Memorial Day parade. Moved by Aid. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. O'Rourke, that the invitation be accepted and Chief of Police be in- formed of same. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Apel, that the Engineer establish grade line on Vernon street from Alta Vista street. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy, seconded by Ald. Singrin, that the Water Works Trustees he asked to grant the City permision to convert the lot on which the standpipe is located into a park. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul, seconded by Ald. Apel, that the Engineer be in- structed to place grade stakes from the end of Dodg , Street and Grand- view Avenue for a distance of 600 feet south, and report to Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the Mayor and City Recorder investigate why the light has not been placed on Pickett Street. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, seconded by Ald. McEvoy, that the placing of a light on Fourth Street and Sixth Street Extension be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole. Carried. 168 List of Warrants E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 25 00 25 00 John Mahoney 50 00 John O'Rourke, salary, Alder- man ...... .... 25 00 D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman 25 00 James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00 Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder- man 25 00 Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief ... ... ... 99 00 tiVmi. HSpman, i salary, Elec- trician 82 M. Eitel, fireman .... 76 J. Essman, fireman 81 J. Flynn, fireman 75 A. Duccini, fireman 70 A. Heer, fireman 65 W. Kannolt, fireman 65 B. Kirsch, fireman 65 Wm. Gennedy, fireman 57 G. Beyer, fireman 70 J. Dailey, fireman 76 T. Ryder. fireman 81 AP Ducey, fireman 76 F. Murphy, fireman 70 M. Kelly, fireman 75 J. Bakey, fireman .... 65 D. Ahearn, fireman .. 82 P. Zillig, fireman 65 M. Sweeney, fireman 65 H. Cain, fireman .... ...... 65 J. Benzor, fireman 75 J. McLoughlin, fireman 65 A. McDonald, fireman 81 J. Murphy, fireman 49 G. Gherki, fireman 76 23 T. Kennedy, fireman 70 79 J. Barnes, fireman ..... 81 68 J. Smith, fireman 65 34 J. Keppler, fireman 65 34 J. Allen, fireman 70 79 M. Fahey, fireman .... 65 34 F. Kenneally, fireman 70 79 R. Weston, fireman 76 23 E. McDermott, fireman 65 34 R. Kenneally, fireman 65 34 J. Roshin, fireman 76 23 F. Baumgartner, fireman 70 79 J. Schoenberger, fireman 65 34 J. Connolly, fireman . 65 34 Wm. Smith, fireman 65 34 W. Kennedy, fireman 57 18 Wm. Dockstader, fireman 19 50 T. O'Brien, fireman 54 45 P. Kirsch, fireman 54 45 J. Dougherty, fireman 54 45 Firemen's Pension Fund 31 03 L. Blocklinger, police 54 15 M. Connolly, police 65 00 John Cody, police 65 00 James Corcoran police 65 00 Wm. Donahue, police 65 00 Phil J. Dunphy, police 72 35 Thomas Duggan, police 65 00 P. F. Fury, police 65 00 ' John Fox, police.... 75 00 William Fox, police 42 00 James Flynn, police , 65 00 50 23 68 74 79 34 34 34 18 79 23 68 23 79 74 34 50 34 34 34 74 34 68 50 M. Fogarty, police 65 Ben Gray, police 65 Geo. Jones, police 65 Emil Kahn, police 65 00 M. Kilty, police 65 00 John Kane police 61 75 John Eop, police 58 00 James Keefe, police 65 OQ P. Kenneally, police 65 00 B. Ludescher, police 65 00 Chas. Blest, police 70 00 Pat McCollins, police 65 00 M. McCormack, police 65 00 Pat McInerney, police 65 00 Henry Mueller, police 65 00 Hugh Markey, police 65 00 John J. OBrien, police 65 00 M. O'Connor, police 65 00 M. Ryan, police 65 00 John Raesle, police ... '77- 50 G. Raterman,pol ice 6k 00 John Spielman, police 65 00 Patrick Sutton, police 27 15 M. Stapleton, police . . .. 65 00 Joseph Stoltz, police 65 00 Pat Sullivan, police .... 65 00 Frank Williams, police 67 20 Dennis Sheehan, police 60 00 L. Zemanek, police.. ... 60 00 Wm. Fox, police ... 60 00 Miss B. Brennan, police ma- tron 65 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 65 00 LABOR ON STREETS. W. Flynn, 3rd 3 K. Frommelt, 5th G. Gadnelski, lst -2nd F. Geitz, 1st B. Glass, 2nd C. Geimer, 4th P. Guenther, 5th C. Gantenbein, 5th J. Hill, 1st M. Hannan, 2nd D. Hoag, 2nd J. Hamel, 4th T. Harker, 4th A. Hird, 4th J. Hird, 4th J. Haulert, 5th N. Herman, 5th John Heil, exp 25 00 John John. 3rd 5 40 Geo. Kyne, 2nd 17 20 P. Kreamer. 2nd 14 40 J. Kalmes, 2nd 1 SO J. Kress, 3rd 12 30 M. Kieffer, 4th 18 00 F. Krettle, 4th 4 40 C. Kupferschmidt, 5th 18 00 P. Kenneally, Health 25 20 P. Leonard, 1st 1 80 Ed. Lee, 1st 3 60 J. Lowery, 1st 2 F0 T. Lonergan, 2nd 14 40 R. Love, 2nd 7 20 D. Lilly, 3rd 6 80 Toni Lonergan, 3rd 28 90 F. Lillie, 5th 18 00 F. Lassance,. 5th 7 20 3 5 17 3 22 14 16 25 2 21 5 16 9 10 25 5 3 00 00. 00 00 40 00 0 40 20 20 60 GO 40 20 so 20 20 40 60 List of Warrants M. Morrissey, 2nd 14 611 A. miller, 2nd 21 60 B. Maguire, 2nd 16 20 J. Mullen, 2nd 14 40 Ed. Malloy, 3rd 16 20 Jas. Malloy, 3rd 7 20 Tom Malloy, 3rd 10 80 F. Maroney, 3rd 6 20 John Murtsch, 3rd 5 [0 J. Martineck, 4th 10 20 A. Manderscheid, 5th 5 40 J. McCarron, slt 3 60 D. McGuinness, 1st 2 60 J. McAleese, 2nd 6 20 R. McCaffrey, 2nd 23 40 T. McCaffrey, 2nd 1 80 John McLaughlin, 3rd 2 60 M. McDonough, 3rd 10 80 Jas. McLaughlin, 3rd 11 60 W. McLaughlin, 3rd 25 20 D. McGrath, 4th 12 60 P. McPoland, 4th 4 40 John McGrath, 4th 7 20 B. McDonnell, 1 -5 each 37 50 G. Noonan, 2nd 7 20 J. Noonan, 4th 8 SO Anton Nock, 5th 1 80 W. O'Brien, 1st 25 20 G. O'Neill, 2nd 6 20 P. O'Farrell, 3rd 23 00 L .Pettigue, 2nd 18 00 E. Pearson, 2nd 15 2:i C. Pierce, 3rd 14 20 Jr Pullens, 3rd 8 89 M. Prosser, 5th 18 00 M. Quinlan, exp 5 40 P. Ryan, 1st 19 00 J. Roussell, 1st 6 23 R. Rosemeier, 2nd 21 60 F. Rowe, 2nd 23 43 P. Royce, 2nd 5 40 J. Reid, 4th 7 20 Geo. Rink, 5th 18 00 F. Radloff, 5th 6 20 J. Flynn, 2nd 25 50 Jas. Richter, 1 -5 in each 25 00 F. Strohmeyer, 1st 7 20 D. Smyth, 2nd 23 40 H. Schoenbeck, 2nd 4 60 L. Stoller. 2nd 7 2( G. Schultz, 3rd 3 40 A. Stauer, 3rd 9 C E. Smith% ,rd 7 20 P. Schetsin, 3rd 25 20 J. Sloan. 4th 25 20 AV. Sheehan, 3rd . 10 80 J. Schroeder. 4th - 12 00 S .Sterling, 3rd 9 40 P. Smith, 4th 7 20 W. Shields, 4th 10 43 W. Steffens. 5th 18 00 F. Sell', 5th 18 00 J. Rchafetel. 5th 21 60 .T. Scheidecker, 5th 18 00 Casper Specht, 1 -5 in each 25 20 Otto Turner. 3rd 3.75, exp 1.80 5 55 John Taschner, 4th 8 40 J. Tobin, 4- 10.80;- exp 5.40 16 20 J. Twirg, 5th 18 00 S. Va. Rlern caller, 2nd 6 SO W. Waller.,, 1St 5 20 W. Woods, 1st B. Williams, 2nd J. Williams, 2nd J. Ward, 3rd L. Walenhe[m, 3rd H. Weber, 5th A. Well, 5th 169 3 63 23 40 490 7 20 10 20 13 45 1 .80 TEAMS. P. Apel, 1st -2nd 41 ,50 Si. Ackles, 3rd -4th 20 90 F. Burns, 3rd 17 SO J. Berwanger, 5th 45 90 J. Breitback, 5th 4 50 John Calvert, 2nd 53 00 Josh. Calvert, 2nd 41 50 AV. Cook, 3rd 53 50 B. Costello, 3rd -4th 20 50 A. Conrad, 2nd -5th 52 00 Phil Doerr, 5th 9 00 A. Dietl, 5th 4 50 M. Everett, 1st 4 50 J. Graham, 1st-2nd-4th 46'50 J. Haudenschield, 3rd 6 :40 F. Honecker, 5th 22 50 J. Linehan, 1st 23 09 P. Linehan & Sons, 2nd -3rd .... 57 50 John Long, 5th 22 50 Martin - Strelau & Co., 2nd 13 50 M. Markhan, 3rd 4 50 J. McCollins, 2nd 51 00 Jeff McGrath, 4th 29 00 P. S. Norton, 4th -5th 39 50 D. O'1\Ieara, 1st 9 00 IV. Ruesch, 5th 45 00 A. Rink, 5th 13 50 .Terry Sullivan, 1st 13 59 Ilnion Electric Co., sprinkling car 82 25 Edw. Ward. 3rd 22 00 LABOR- ON STREETS. M .Acker, 3rd 13 4'! W. Burke, 1st 2 GO J. Brouillette, 2nd 23 40 S. Bordeau, 2nd 1 SO J. Burns. 2nd 20 60 J. Berchen, 2nd 13 80 1I1. Boyle. 3rd 24 20 E. Brunskill, 3rd 3 60 Ben Burd, 4th 19 SO S. Bastian, 4th 8 40 P. Carney, 1st 20 SO J. Connolly, 1st 5 40 Jerry Cahill, 1st 7 20 W. Coughlin, 1st 11 SO Si. Cane, 1st 3 60 J. Coyne. 1st 1 80 Toni Carroll, 3rd 7 20 M. Chevalier, 3rd 11 69 ]VI .Carney, 4th 25 20 J .Cooney, 4th 25 20 John Cahill, 1st 25 20 M. 'Cleary, 4th 25 20 T. B. Cain, 4th 28 00 G. Collinson, 4th 9 80 J. Callaghan. 2nd 25 20 J. Duggan, 1st 10 00 T. Donahue, 1st 3 80 A. V. Floyd, 1st 1 80 M. Donegan. 2nd 7 20 B. DonneIly. 3rd 1 80 170 ' J. Duccini ' J. Dobler, 5th ' J, Egan, 2nd I J. Eberhardt, 5th • John Ess, 5th C. Ellerman, 5th W. Fitzgerald, 1st M. Farrell, 1st J. Flanagan, 2nd J. Fannon, 2nd G. Frost, 2nd F. Frick, 3rd W. Foley, 3rd 8 20. 15 20 19 80 18 00, 18 00 5 40 7 20 5 20 620 7 20 25 20 12 60 12 40 LABOR ON SEWERS. D. Cunningham J. Clune F. Donahue F. Luchterhand E. Manger John McLaughlin J. Rooney C. Sullivan L. Taylor J. Jellison H. Schilling, exp Grading Dunning avenue last March, 1910: P. Carney W. Coughlin P. Ryan .Jerry Sullivan D. J. Haas, Mayor (Magrt Holbs) .. $100 00 D. J. Haas, Mayor (Lizzie El- more) 450 00 D. J. Haas, Mayor (court costs, Lizzie Elmore) 11 35 American La France Fire En- gine Company, repairs for Fire Dept 5 no Geo. Bock, repairs for Fire Dept..78 Oc John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. 3 25 Becker Hazelton Co., supplies 110 for Fire Dept • W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for 1 50 Fire Dept. Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 49 firemen's helmets 199 00 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber 10 55 for Fire Dept.... Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for Fire Dent 1 40 A. R. Flick Box Co., sawdust for 2 25 Fire Dent.... Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept.... .... .... 25 00 Falkenhainer Co., sponges for Fire Dent 24 00 GPO. W. Healey & Son, supplies for Fin. Dont 65e Iowa Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept.... 7 10 KPv City Gas. Co., coke for Fire Dept.. . .. 38 90 Key City Roofing Cn.. repairing setter on 9th St. Engine House 21 80 Multi Rroc rlumhing repairs '. o+b of Fn°Ano TTnn 9 15 Lay.n. Pe.d and Rerwa 1ger. 1 hoeinc for Fire Dept.... 8 30 Wm. Marshall, repairs for Fire 23 40 23 40 25 20 25 20 25 20 16 :.0 25 20 30 00 25 20 8 00 9 80 half of $ 4 10 4 4 0 4 40 11 00 List of Warrants Dept 26 72 McClain Bros., bran for Fire Dept 1 35 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., sup- plies for Fire Dept. .... 20 Spahn, Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Fire Dept 2 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs, for Fire Dept .. - r 75c M. Stafford, feed for Fire Dept, 63 23 John ' Schaetzle, supplies for Fire 9.36 Union Electric Co., power for Fire Alarm System 2 00 E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs for Fire Dept. 128 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept.. 12 85 American Ever Ready Co , batteries for Police Dept 4 00 S. C. Dike, repairs for Police Dept 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran and supplies for Police Dept.... .. 410 Frank Hamel, repairing plaster in Calaboose 18 75 Key City Gas Co., light for various Depts. 94 95 Key City Gas Co., rental and maintenance 4 gas arcs for Fire and Police 2 00 Mullin Bros., plumbing repairs, City Hall 24 40 Martin Strelau Co., coal for Police Dept 12 75 M"ttel Bros., bran for Police Dept .. 6 55 C. A. Noyes, shade and roller for Police Dept. 80 D. O'Meara, hauling for Patrol House 2 25 Union Electric Co., arc lights, month of March, 1910, 5 war - r 'inter- 4 of 8500.00, 1 of $237.25 2237 25 John Butt, repairs for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Road Districts 15 85 Barrett Mfg. Co., Tarvia for 3rd ^nrl Nth Road Districts 286 57 Dubuque Lumber Co., lumber for 7th Ave. bridge 5 76 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co , supplies for Road Dept. 110 Frank A. Frommelt, .repairing sprinkling wagon 20 20 Peter Hanson, supplies for Road Dept. 35 Joseph Haupert, 9.07 eu. yds macadam. Valerie. St 9 07 F. M. Jaeger & Co.. hardware for Pond Dept. 19 20 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road Dept. 5 30 John M. Lee, cinders. for 4th Street Extension .... .... 77 50 McCollins Transfer Line. pine wood for Road Dept. 3 75 T. J. Mulgrew Co.. coal for steam roller 19 80 'Pier 73r0s.. wood for stone crusher 3 50 Pitts- Thoninson Fdry Co., catch basin 'frame and cover 12 00 F. Schla -& Son, repairs for List: of ;Warrants r. Road Dept. 19 55 •Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lumber • for Sidewalk and Road Depts. 3 90 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road • Dept. 175 -Dan Sheehan, planting trees at Callaghan Park .... . 12 00 E. J. Vogenthaler Co., repairs for Road Dept. 23 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse - shoeing, Road Dept. 1 00 Anton Welu, 9.83 cu. yds. ma- cadam, Valeria street .. 9 83 • John Butt, repairs for Sewer Dept. ... . 14 45 F. M. Jaeger & Co., rope for Sewer Dept. .... 1 65 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for Sewer Dept. .... 4 10 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing, Sewer Dept. ... 1 00 M. Mullen. repairing fountain, Cleveland Ave. . • . • .. 18 20 H. B. McCarten, repairing Eighth street fountain 7 75 M. O'Donnell, repairing water pipes, city hall 6 00 Pitts - Thompson Fdry. Co., 2 sewer rings and covers 16 00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for Sewer Dept. 3 10 Berg, & Briggs, printing for Fire Dent. and Engineer's office ... 56 75 A. E. Bradley, repairing wall paper, council chamber 75 County Recorder, recording deed of IV. H. Day, Jr., to City of Dubuque 75 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service, February and March 34 84 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service, April 12 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for City Hall .... 75 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., supplies for Committee Clerk 85 Foley's Hand Laundry, towel service for March .... 4 00 Hoermann Press, envelopes for Mayor's office 2 78 3d. S. Hardie, printing for Engi- neer's office ..., 22 00 Geo, W. Healey & Son, grass seed, Washington Park 3 25 R. Hermann & Son, repairing chair, Treasurer's office 75 Key City Rubber Stamp Works, rubber stamp for mayor 1 25 G. F. Kleih, hardware for City Hall 3 25 Kaep & Buechele, box for Aud- itor 25 . McCollirls - Transfer Line, deliv- ering ballot boxes for Primary and City Election .. 8 00 Nutwood Livery Co., ambulance ' service 4 00 Pier Bros., wood for City Hall,. 3 50 W. R. Pearce, painting 3 street signs 1 00 t : Spahn-Rose Lumber Co., stakes for 'Engineer's office - .... 3 70 Western Union Telegraph Co., clock service, Treasurer's of- fice, March National Demokrat, official printing, March Labor Leader, official printing, March Telegraph - Herald, printing pro - ceedings, March 71 .38 Times - Journal, printing proceed- ings, March 7118 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Health Dept. .... 25 IVillmer Cook, improving 27th Street, from Jackson Street to C. G. «r track, 3 warrants 1157 27 Indiana Road and Machine Co., new Street Sweeper ... 256 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 instahnent with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 instalment with inter.... 500 00 A. L. Rhomberg, Eagle Park, 2 'instalment with inter.... 370 85 Edw. McKeown, registration clerk $ 30 00 Morris Bradt, registration clerk - Frank Kenneally, registration clerk Moses Lipmann, registration clerk Jos. Gehrig, registration clerk 30 00 Geo. Schaffhauser, registra- tion clerk ... .... 30 00 Jules Gregoire, registration clerk 30 00 1NTm. Kretschmer, registration clerk James J. Hoar, registration clerk 30 00 A. F. Voelker, registration clerk 30 00 John O'Connell, registration clerk 30 00 Otto Geiger, registration clerk 30 00 Edward Beiler, registration clerk 30 00 Wm. Haisch, registration clerk - 30 00 MT. H. Blake, registration clerk 30 00 Harry- Schneider,. registration clerk 30 00 Louis Herbst, registration clerk . 30 00 F. J. Hilger, registration clerk 30 G. B. Huck el, registration . clerk 30.00 Joe Trieb, registration clerk, 30 00 Joe Miller, registration clerk 30- 00 Chas. Steuck, Jr., registration clerk 30 00 - Thomas Federspeil, registra- 12 50 12 50 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 171 1 00 00 172 List of Warrants tion clerk Joe Keuper, registration clerk John Meyer, registration clerk Chas. Arendt, registration clerk Frank Brandt, registration clerk Fred Gantert, registration clerk 30 30 30 30 30 30 BENT OF BUILDINGS FOR ELECTION. John Giffinet, rent of build- ing $ 20 Torn Donahue, rent of build- _ ing ... ... 10 Mat. Quirk, rent of building 20 B. Westercamp, rent of build- ing 25 C. E. Wales, rent of building 25 Edw. Ryan, rent of building 25 F. A. Stines, rent of building 5 Palmetto Club, rent of build- ing 25 00 Meyer Bros., rent of building Frank Herber, rent of build- ing Henry G. Miller, rent of building Mrs. Mamie McDonough. rent of building John Sand, rent of building. Miss Rose Fengler, rent of building' Geo. Weigel, rent of building' Fred Roesner, rent of build - ins' ... 25 00 Frank Atkinson, rent of building 5 P. Regan, rent of building 10 25 25 00 25 POLICE. ... ... • • L. Llocklinger $ 34 James Corcoran 34 Mike Connolly 34 John Cody 36 Phil Dunphy 39 W. Donahue 36 Tom Duggan 34 Mike Fogarty 34 Pat Fury ...... 32 John Fox 40 James Flynn 34 1Vm. Fox ...... • 32 Pen Gray 34 Geo. Jones 34 Emil Kahn 34 Mike Kilty ....... . 34 James Keefe 32 John Cain 32 John •Kopp 30 ,Pat. Kenneally 34 Barney Ludescher ... 34 Chas. Leist 37 Pat McInerney 34 Pat McCollins Mike McCormick .... 36 Henry Miller 34 'Hugh Markey 34 John J. OBrien 34 Mike 0 Connor 32 John Raesle 42 Mike Ryan 00 Gus Rattermann 32 0'O 00 Pat Sutton 2 00 Joe Stoltz Mike tSapleton 34 70 00 Pat Sullivan 34 70 John Spielmann ..... 34 70 00 Dennis Sheehan 32 00 Frank Williams 32 50 00 Louis Zemanek 32 00 llirs B. Brennan 32 50 Kate Hibbe 32 50 H. Brinkman, interest paid on warrants outstanding 159 05 00 H Brinkman 49 14 H. Brinkman, Library orders 500 00 00 H. Brinkman 220 08 00 J. Haudenschield, feed 500 00 J. Haudeschield, feed 479 11 00 Issued in lieut of warrants Nos. 2 00 and 3, which were canceled by Conn- 00 cil April 14, 1910. 00 Geo. Miller, Supt. of Sprink- ling 48 45 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 00 00 00 • 70 70 70 85 65 Si 70 70 50 00 7 (1 00 70 70 70 00 50 50 00 70 70 35 70 70 85 70 70 70 50 50 34 BILLS. W. B. Baumgartner, hard- ware for Road Dept. $ 4 00 Butt 'Bros., repairs for Road Department 3 05 ' F. A. Burns, coal for steam roller 9 25 Frank Buetin, coal for steam roller 9 30 Geo. Bock, repairs for Road Department 3 45 John Butt, repairs for Road Department 1 30 F. G. Becker, coal for Road Department ....... 4 10 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for Road Department 3 20 W. D. Deckert, supplies for Road Department 5 05 Duggan & Cota, hardware for Road Department 1 60 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Road Dept. 21 25 Peter Even, coal for Road Department 6 20 Fuhrman Bros., supplies for Road Department 75 Fischer & Co., coal for Road Department . 12 40 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary services for Road Dept 30 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for Road Department 60 Hussman & Lies, hardware for Road Dept. 8 30 Iowa Oil Co., oil for Road Department ....... 40 F. M. Jaeger & Co., hard- ware for Road Dept. 1 20 G. F. Kleih, hardware for Road Department 1 25 Key City Gas Co., coke for Road Department 28 80 Key City Roofing Co., cement fOr Road Department '4 00 Key City Iron Works, re- pairs for Road Department . 7 25 • Klauer ,Mfg. Co., supplies for Road Department ..... 3 10 List of Warrants Klauer & Kress, hardware for Road Department ,p. Linehan's Sons C &, coal for Road Department L. Lindenberg, li..i'd't'bare for Road Department Wm. Marshall, repairs for Road Department Pier Bros., coal for steam roller E. J. Vogenthaler, repairs for Road Department Pitts - Thompson Fdy. Co , supplies' for Road Dept J. F. Ris' '& Bro., supplies for Road' Department Geo. F. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Road Department Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Road Dept. Adam Stoltz, supplies for Road Department F. Schlez & Son, repairs for Road Department Wm, Boyce, 8.88 cubic yards macadam, Southern Ave. . Tom Cain, 70.33 cubic yards macadam, Southern Ave. . George Coble, 19.44 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue 19 44 J. V. Casey, 30.15 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue Joe Donahue, 3.24 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue John Donahue, 36.84 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue Katharine Hall, 7.38 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue ..... Ellis Joyce, 41.06 cubic yards macadam, Rising Avenue. Chas. Lee, 54.57 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue Harold O'Hearn, 4.54 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue ... 4 64 George Schumacher, 5.54 cubic yards macadam, Southern Avenue ... 5 54 Cahill & Burke, 6.22 cubic yds. macadam, City Pound 4 67 Ernest, Smith, 7.34 cubic yds. macadam, City Pound ... 5 51 W. R. 1?earce, painting foun- tain, Washington Park ... 9 50 Thos. Connell, cleaning cala- boose 2 00 C. W. Katz, 22 meals fur- nished prisoners March .. 4 40 Geo. T. Lyon, expenses for various cases 14 75 Union . Electric Co., sprink- ling with car 500 00 Union Electric Co., sprink- ling, _ 227 10 90 2 35 3 55 30 6 60 11 50 4 55 1 46 1 75 1 50 1 20 7 45 8 88 70 33 30 15 3 24 36 84 7 38 41 06 54 57 LABOR ON STREETS. M. Acker, 3rd $ 19 80 W. Burke, let 21 60 173 - Ben Burd, lst -2nd 30 E. Besser, 1st p S.OA J. Browillettoe, 2nd J. Berchen, 2nd J. Burns, 2ncl 'i3 ..''1(i,19 OJ C. Bratt, 3rd 14 4') M. Boyle, 3rd '2 89 S. Bastian, 4th 14 60 J. Connolly, 1st 21 60 Jerry Cahill, 1st 11 60 M.' Cain, 1st 16 2C James Coyne, 1st 16 20 P. Carney, 1st 18 00 AV. Coughlin, 1st 18 00 H. Connell, 1st 9 Oil M. Chevalier, 3rd 3 60 M. Carney, 4th 13 60 M. Cleary, 4th 3 60 J. P. Cooney, 4th 1 30 T. B. Cain, 4th 4 00 G. Collinson, 4th 14 40 J. Calleghan, 2nd 23 • Duggan, 1st 21 60 T. Donahue, 1st 3 60 M. Donegan,- 2nd 19 80 J. D. Wachter, 4th 1 80 J. Dobler, 5th 19 30 J. Egan, 2nd 21 50 C. Ellermann, 5th 19 80 J. Eberhardt, 5th 18 80 J. Ess, 5th 19 FO W. Fitzgerald, 1st 16 20 M. Farrell, 1st 14 10 A. V. Floyd, 1st 16 20 J. Fannon, 2nd 1 80 G. Frost, 2nd 23 40 F. Frick, 3rd 12 20 W. Foley, 3rd 18 80 W. Flynn, 3rd 1 20 K. Frommelt, 5th 16 20 B. Frick, 5th 14 Oil J .Gadnalski, 1st 16 20 F. Geitz, 1st 12 60 B. Glass, 2nd 21 f C. Geimer, 4th 19 00 C. Gantenbein, 5th 23 40 John Hill, 1st 13 40 D. Hoag, 2nd 8 00 M. Hannon, 2nd 21 60 L .Hoarig, 3rd 12 60 T. Harker, 4th 10 89 A. Hird, 4th 12 00 J. Hird, 4th 23 40 J. Haupert, 5th 18 80 N. Hermon, 5th 19 SO A. Henderson. 5th 10 80 J. Heil, exp 25 00 P. Jacob, 3rd 17 00 John John. 3rd 14 . F. Keck, 2nd 12 60 P. Kreamer, 2nd 18 00 J. Knees, 3rd 18 00 N. Kettenhofen, 3rd 14 40 M. Kieffer. 4th 20 80 F. Krettle, 4th C. Kupferschmidt, 5th Mrs. M. Kass, 24 yds. rock P. Kenneally (Health) Ed. Lee, let P. Leonard, let J. Lowery, 1st. - 9It o F 1 80 19 811 8 10 23 40 5 40 16 20 3G lion ` MOO li I • °rl Ohvei I.onguevi]]e, judge' df election '" " 10' 00 Robgi4 Halpin, cleric of elec- tion '10 00 A. C. Gasser, clerk of eelction 10 00 Henry Gehrig, judge of elec- tion • 10 00 Frank Ferring, judge of elec- tion ...... 10 00 John Strobel, judge of elec- tion 11 00 John La Barge, clerk of elec- tion 10 00 Fred Bade, cleric of election 10 00 W. R. Lenihan, judge of elec- tion 10 00 Geo. Vogt, judge of election 10 00 John E. Hedley, judge of election 11 00 M. Hogan, clerk of election 10 00 Fred Ris, clerk of election 10 00 Otto C. Neumann, judge of election 11 00 F. L. Egelhof, judge of elec- tion J. A. Stumpf, judge of elec- tion Robert Quinlan,.clerk of elec- tion Louis Sanner, clerk of elec- tion J. P. Merkes, judge of elec- tion Jos. Hummel, judge of elec- tion Oscar Stecher, judge of elec- tion 10 00 Nick Schneider, clerk of elec- tion Lorenz Hauer, clerk of elec- tion S. A. Crawford, judge of elec- tion 10 00 .T. T. Butler, judge of election 11 00 Peter Schuler, judge of elec- tion Jno. Trexler, clerk of elec- tion Matt. DeMuth, clerk of elec- tion Matt. McCullough, judge of election 10 00 Mont. Rickey, judge of city election • 11 00 B. P. Laude, judge of election 10 00 Ray Thompson, clerk of elec- tion Henry Girard, clerk of elec- tion Pat Royce, judge of election. 11 00 Ernest Staheli, judge of elec- tion O. Bennett, judge of . elec- tion Louis Herbst, clerk of elec- tion 10 00 Chas. Falkenhainer, clerk of election . 10 00 E. J. Ryan, judge of election 11. 00 J. , M. Kennedy, judge of elec -, tion .............., -. 10.00 p. W.R and;' judge 'of election J. F. Lee, clerk`'b'f election H. C'orrancef'cfei" ktif election C. T. Thomas,' 'judge of elec- tion Alex Reed, judge of election Geo. Schlagele, judge of elec- tion ... ... .... C. K. Mathis, clerk of election C. P. Mettel, clerk of election Martin Klump, judge of elec- tion ... ... .... John Klarmann judge of elec- tion Herman Zernecke, judge of election ...... ..... Otto Meissner, clerk of elec- tion.... Gregory Vath, clerk of elec- tion ... ... .... John Grimm, judge of elec- tion ..... ... ...... Geo .Vollrath, judge of elec- tion ... ... .... Chas. Nead, judge of election Rob. Heckler, clerk of election Joe \Velu, clerk of election Peter Raab, judge of election Wm. Tuegel, Jr., judge of election Edw. Stoltz, judge of election H. Knoernschield, clerk of ' election Joh nHeim, clerk of election. Approved Attest: 176 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 11 00 10 00 191 _Mayor Recorder NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8 p. m. Thursday, May 19, 1910, for the con- struction of an 8 -inch tile pipe Sani- tary Sewer in Seminary Street, from present manhole to a point about 550 feet westerly, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require 565 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe, including extra drop pipe to manhole at Madison Street. 3 Manholes. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed, and 'as pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, work to be com- pleted on or before 1st of July, 1910. 174- R.` Love, 2nd •T.' honergan, 2nd M: Lavin, 2nd D. :Lillie, 3rd T. J. Lonergan,.3rd W. Lynch, 4th F. Lillie, 5th F. Lassance, 5th A. Miller, 2nd -exp J. Mullen, 2nd B .Maguire, 2nd M. Morrissey, 2nd L. Maher, 2nd T. Malloy, 3rd F. Maroney, 3rd Ed. Malloy, 3rd James Malloy, 3rd J'. Martinek, 4th A. Maudenschild, 5th B. McDonnell, 1 -5 in each D. McGuinness, 1st T. McNulty, 1st R. McCaffrey, 2nd -exp J. McAleese, 2nd M. McDonough, 3rd James McLaughlin, 3rd W. McLaughlin, 3rd D. McGrath, 4th John McGrath, 4th P. MePoland, 4th 1 Y O'Brien, 1st C. O'Neil, 2nd P. O'Farrell, 3rd Ed. Pearce, 2nd C. Pearce, 3rd M. Prosser, 5th Jas. Richter, 1 -5 in each Jules Roussell, 1st P. Ryan, 1st P. Rowe, 2nd P. J. Royce, 2nd R. Roesemier, 2nd -exp J. Ryan, 2nd J. Reddin, 3rd J. Reid, 4th Geo. Rink, 5th F. Radloff, 5th F. Strohmeyer, 1st D. Sheehan, 1st D. Smyth, 2nd L. Stoller, 2nd List of :Warrants 21 60 21 60 12 30 13 60 4 00 9 40 5 40 19 80 16 20 14 80 5 40 3 90 9 80 17 20 8 20 14 SO 13 43 15 40 19 80 3750 16 20 14 40 19 80 21 60 9 09 18 89 23 40 2 SO 1 SO 4 60 23 40 17 00 13 60 12 60 18 80 18 SO 25 00 16 20 18 00 6 40 4 60 10 23 14 10 19 3 14 7 20 15 80 40 40 00 80 60 20 20 60 20 J. Schaeffer, 2nd .... 2 A. Stauer, 3rd 2 E. Smith, 3rd 16 P. Slade, 3rd 1 P. Schetsen, 3rd 3 J. Sloan, 4th 3 W. Shields, 4th 14 J. Schroeder, 4th 14 P. Smith, 4th 11 W. Steffens, 5th 19 F. Selli, 5th • 19 J. Schafetel, 5th 19 J. Scheidecker, 5th 18 J. Scheuer, 5th 9 W. Sheehan, 3rd -5th 1 C. Specht, 1 -5 in each 23 40 A. Turner,. 3rd 7 20 J. Tobin,. th -exp 12 00 ' J. Taschner,..4th .14 - 60 J. Twieg, 5th ' • • 13' 40 60 80 20 80 60 60 60 60 20 80 80 80 80 00 80 Geo. Van Wie, 1st. ,,; W. Walker, 1st . ......... W. Woods, let -.. ...... . B. Williams, 2nd -ex.P • J .Walsh, 2nd ..,n' . i! L. Walkenheim, 3rd A. Welu, 5th H, Weber, 5th .... ...... TEAMS. Peter Apel, lst -2nd M. Acker, 3rd - 4th........... Frank Burns, 3rd J. Breitbach, 5th J. Berwanger, 5th John Calvert, 2nd Josh Calvert, 2nd W. Cook, 3rd B. Costello, 4th A. Conrad, 3rd -5th A. Dietl, 5th .... .......... Phil Doerr, 5th N. Everett, 1st J. Graham, lst -2nd -4th J. Haudenschield, 3rd F. Hohnecker, 5th M. Kenneally, let .T. Linehan. 1st J. Long, 5th P. Linehan & Son, 3rd- 5th... J. Mulligan, 1st Martin- Strelau Co., 2nd -3rd- 5th . .. .... J. T. McCollins, 2nd Jeff McGrath, 4th P. S. Norton, 4th J. Oswald, lst -2nd James Powers. 4th W. Ruesch, 5th Aug. Rink. 5th. Jerry Sullivan. 1st Clark Van Wie, 1st Ed. Ward, 3rd LABOR ON SEWERS. D. Cunningham .... ....... J. Clune F. Donahue F. Luchterhand ....... 'E. Magner John McLaughlin J. Rooney C. Sullivan L. Taylor GRADING DUNNING P. Carney W Coughlan P. Ryan Jerry Sullivan 1 80 16 20 21 60 19 20 14 40 12 40 18 80 19 80 20 50 45 00 • 88 00 27 00 49. 50 49 50 54 00 15 5 18 50 56 00 36 00 22 50 51 50 47 50 47 00 11 50 12 50 4 50 36 00 38 50 18 00 23 23 3 33 22 12 23 30 23 AVE. 3 3 3 9 54 25 58 50 39 00 38 00 37 50 1 00 20 00 36 00 20 00 42 50 42 50 40 40 60 90 60 60 40 00 40' 60 60 60 00 JUDGES AND CLERIKS OE ELEC- TION . Edw. 1\IcEvoy, judge of elec- tion $ 10 00 Hugh Milligan, judge of elec- tion 11 00 Edw. Lee, judge of election 10 00 H. L. Lundbeck, clerk of elec- tion • 10 00 Ed. Schaefle, clerk of election 10 00 • Matt. Clancy, -judge - of . elec- tion ... ... -11 00 J: H. - Lucas, judge of. elec- Bidders must st,at,e price, per lineal - foot for tile pipe d eaeh manhole. • All bids must 1 by a certified check fgr:A50 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantte that a contract will be- entered into , if awarded. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, May 9, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, 5 -9 3t City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. (Official Publication.) An Ordinance granting to the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company permission to construct, maintain and operate a spur track across the alley extending from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, be- tween Pine and Maple Streets; across Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth Street and Maple Street ; across the alley between lots 305 and 3i6 in East Dubuque Addition; across Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth and Cedar Streets, and across Seventeenth Street at the loca- tion shown by plat on file with the City Recorder, and regulating the construc- tion, use and maintenance thereof. Pe it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That to enable the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company.to reach the plant of the Du- buque Packing Company, and other in- dustries, with a spur track which pro- posed track is to commence at a point on the most easterly present track of said company on lot 9, 13 in East Du- buque, an addition to the City of Du- buque, and extend to the plant of the Dubuque Packing Company, situated on lot 377 and other lots in said East Du- buque Addition, permission be and the same is hereby granted to the said Chicago, Milwaukee &. St. Paul Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to lay clown, operate and maintain a spur track in the City of Dubuque across the following streets and alleys, viz: Across the alley extending from Seven- teenth Street to Eighteenth Street, be- tween Pine and Maple Streets; across Eighteenth Street and the intersection of Eighteenth and Maple Streets; across the alley between Lots 305 and 366 in said East Dubuque Addition; across Eighteenth Street and the in- tersection of Eighteenth and Cedar Streets; and across Seventeenth Street; said track to be laid across said street and alleys at the location as shown by the red line on the blue print, submitted by said railway company and marked "Proposed Spur to •Serve the Dubuque Packing Co., Dubuque. Iowa," which plat is, hereby referred to and made a.part of -tins . Ordinance. � l OffiEi -a lj N , l4 - Se,t 2. That the southerly end gf,Isaij spur tray ,shall at all times ,Ue., I }1�, open, ,so as to make possible,, tension ok,,said track at any, t }ureOu the - :future. should extension be dir;g,ct- ed or-authorized by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. Sec. 3. That the said Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company shall, as a condition of the grant now made to it, extend said track now au- thorized to be laid, or lay additional spurs therefrom, at any time in the fu- tune, when ordered to do so.by the City Council of said City of Dubuque, for the facility and convenience of other Interests desiring to make use of said track, provided, that said railway com- pany be made safe as to the cost of such extension by the party desiring same made. Sec. 4. That the laying down of said spur track shall be done under the su- pervision of the C'ty Engineer and the Committee on Streets of said City. Sec. 5. That in the laying down and operation of said truck the same shall be so c Instructed and maintained as to create the least possible obstruction to ordinary travel on and the use of the streets and alleys crossed. That cars shall not be allowed to stand on said streets and alleys so crossed, and used by said track in such manner as to un- necessarily interfere with the use there- of. and Said track shall at all times he used in accordance with all lawful re illations, now or hereafter enacted by said city. Sec. 6. That said spur track shall h' laid to the established grade of the streets and alleys crossed by it, or over which it runs, and should the grade of any street be changed at any time, said track shall be changed to contorni to such grade, at the expense of the said railway company, without claim of any kind against said city. Sec. 7. That said Railway Company shall keep the space between the rails of said spur track, and the space to the end of the ties at all places where' said track crosses any street or alley so graded that carriages may easily pass over the same, and shall keep swih spaces properly planked, paved. m - -• cadamized, or otherwise improved, as rect, and shall keep any sidewalk cross- ing said track properly planked, or otherwise improved, as said city may direct. Sec. S. That said spur track shall he so constructed and maintained as not to clam up or obstruct the flow and the surface of said streets and alleys, and said Railway Company shall be the City Council of said city may di- subject to. and strictly comply with, all reasonable police regulations bearing ,on the use and operation of said track. Sec. 9. The City of Dubuque reserves the right to revoke the privilege hereby granted at any time after twenty (20) years from the time this ordinance be- comes operative, or sooner in case the said plant of the Dubuque Packing Company, with which it is to connect, shall cease to be operative. • A failure to comply with the provisions and con- ditions of this ordinance, or any part thereof, on the part of the company, shall also be grounds for immediate forfeiture of the privileges herein granted, and said track may in such event be ordered removed and taken up by the City Council of said city. Sec. 10. That the said Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Company shall, as a condition hereof, switch and "place" to any industry now or here- after located on said spur track the cads of any other railway or railroad company, owning and operating lines in the City of Dubuque, when re- quested so to do, at a charge of not to exceed Two ($2.00) dollars for each car as switched or "placed." Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Times - Journal and the Telegraph -Her- ald, official newspapers of the city and its written acceptance duly endorsed herein by tile said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Adopted May 23, 1910. Approved May 27, 1910. D. J. HAAS, Mayor. Attest: OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the foregoing ordinance are hereby ac- cepted this 27th day of May, 1910. J. W. STAPLETON, Superintendent of the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany. 5 -28 -1t Official Notices 177