1881 January Council ProceedingsRegular Session January 3, 1881
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
The minutes of the Decemer session were read and approved
The petitio of Mrs Margaret Fanning asking to have deed held against her homestead by
Wm Hintrager annulled and to redeem the same properly was referred to a special committee
consisting of Ald O'Neill Altman Jones Leckie and Doerfler
the petition of Geo Mekl to refund him liquor license paid by him in 1873 was referred to the
committee on claims
The petition of R W Lange et al protesting against water tax assessed against them was
referred to the fire committee
The petition of Mrs R Davis to remit taxes of 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent
The petition of Mrs kate Bannon to remit her taxes for 1880 was referred to the same
The petition of F W Pape to exempt the tax of 1880 on los in Sanford's Subdivision was
referred to the same committee
The petition of mrs. R Cook to cancel her ax of 1880 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Chas Mussehl to cancel his tax of 1880 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Alex Katherine for a reduction of assessment of 1880 was referred to the
same committee
Regular Session January 3, 1881
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
The petition of Rev John Hennessy asking a reduction of assessment on lot 56 for 1880 to $16000 was
referred to the same committee
The petition of Bridget Gregory for remission of tax of 1880 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Wenzel Mackesch asking a reduction of assessment of 1880 was referred to the
same committee
The petition of John Scarf to cancel tax of 1880 was referred to the same committee
the petitionof J G Peterson protesting paying water tax etc was referred to the committee on Fire
The petition of Wm Rebman claiming the sum of $236.50 for work done on Locust St from 15th to
16th Streets on June 1875 was referred to the committee on claims
The petition of Mrs John McMahon for cancellation of her tax for 1880 was referred to the same
committeeThe petition of Josiphine Dubrock for cancellation of her tax for 1880 was referred to the
same committee
The petition of John H Dunn asking compensation for work furnished on the alley of Jones Street was
referred to the committee on streets
The petition of Tschirgi and Schwind for a reduction of assessment for 1880 was referred to the
committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Mrs C C Smith was asking the city to redeem her homestead was referred to the
same committee
The petition of Martin Theis to remit his tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee
The petition of Mrs Henry Krueger to remit her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee
Regular Session January 3, 1881
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
The petition of wm N Monaghan for permission to construct a wharf boat on the outer levee was referred
to the committee of the whole
The petition of Mrs E Pelan for cancellation of monies and credits was referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
The petition of John Deery et al to reduce the usual charges on hall rent in behalf of the St Raphael
managers of the recent far was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings
The petition of Peter Klein et al asking a charter to establish and union slaughter house and to have property
in the vicinity of its erection on Sycamore Street improved was referred to the committee of the whole
The petition of Mrs F McCarthy for cancellation of her tax for 1880 was referred to teh committee
on delinquent tax
The city auditor reported $1077.95 as the necessary amount required to pay the city officers for the month
of December 1880
Report received and filed and ordered paid
The city marshal reported the sum of $984 required to pay the regular and special police for the month
of December 1880 and also that he had made 38 arrests during said month
report received and filed and ordered paid
The city recorder reported issuing sundry licenses to the amount of $287 during the month of December
Report received and filed
The market master reported having weighed 179 drafts on the market house scales during the month
of December. Amount returned to the city treasurer per receipt attached $26.85 due for meals $22.
report received and filed and claim paid
Regular Session January 3, 1881
Council met at 9 o'clock a.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
Weighmaster N H Schilling reported having weighed 6,444 hogs, 559 beeves and 39 veals during the
month of December 1880 o the different scales of teh city total earnings $380.05. The receipt of the
treasurer attached or $57.00 being 15 percent due the city
Lamplighter jas Nicol reported having lighted 180 gas lamps during the month of December 1880
Report received and filed
N G Ryan reported having weighed 183 drafts on the First ward scaleds during December 1880.
Amount received $27.45. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.11 being 15 percent due the
report received and filed
Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 170 drafts on the fifth ward scales during the month of
December 1880 amount received $25.50. The reeipt of the Treasurer attached for $385 being 15
percent due the city
report received and filed.
chas Pitschner reported having weighed 227 drafts on the west dubuque scales during the month of
December 1880. Amount received $34.05. The receipt of the Treasurer attached for $5.10 being
15 percent due the city.
Report received and filed
The wood measurer reported having measured 1718 cords of wood during the month of December
1880 and receiving therefore $69.75
Report recived and filed.
The communication of H Lembeck appointing T O Sullivan Asst City Assessor for 1881 was on
motion approved Bonds of both officers were presented and referred on motion of Ald Doerfler to
the committee on finance
Police Justice Coakley reported the number of fines due the city the reeipt of the treasurer being attached
for $5
referred to the com on Police
Regular Session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
M Dowling reported having expended $170.00 on the streets during the month of December 1880. The
report after being certified by teh Com on Streets was received and filed and orders ordered drawn
in favor of the different persons named therein
The committee on claims reported adversely on the petition of Thos. Wilson asking for the refunding
of $2 on over-tax
report adopted
The Committee on streets reported having attended to the fixing of the sidewalk complained of in the
petition of Anton Stines
report approved
The same committee made the following report on the suit of Ed Langworthy against the city: your
committee report having settled with Mr. Langworthy on the following basis. He withdraws the suit against
the city pays his own costs and $462.50 in full payment for special assessment of December 2, 1878
on lots No. 36 106 176 177 226 and 227 in east Dubuque
report adopted
The committee on Harbors reported adversely on the petition of John Mundt asking compensation for
making a road from the Iowa to the Wisconsin shore
report adopted
the committee on markets reported in favor of issuing a license to Mrs F Herbst for the balances of
the year for $12.50 if paid within 30 days
report adopted
the committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of Mary E Canavan's petition asking to cancel her tax
for 1880
report adopted
Also in favor of the petition of Eugene Flynn and to remit $6.00 to apply on his taxes
report adopted
Regular Session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
Also on the petition of Cath Gerlach recommending that the city treasurer be instructed to receive one
half of the special assessment on or before March 1882 and the remainder on or before march 1883
report adopted
Same committee reported adversely on the petition of P A Ruley for cancellation of taxes for improved
property in 1873
report adopted
Also in favor of the petitio of Schloth Bros to cancel tax on their oatmeal factory to the amount of $111.65
for 1880.
report adopted
Also in favor of the petition of Elizabeth Schroman asking to have her taxes for 1880 cancelled.
report adopted
Also in favor of granting the petition of Sophia Prange for cancellation of taxes for 1880
Report adopted
Adverse to the petition of mary A McDaniel for remission of her tax for 1880
report adopted
In favor of granting the petition of Mrs. F Roehl for cancellation of taxes for 1880.
Report adopted
In favor of granting the petition of Mrs Henry Stecher for cancellation of taxes for 1880.
report adopted
In favor of the petition of Mrs. Margaret Roberts for cancellation of taxes for 1880.
report adopted
Adverse to the petition of Mrs. Jane Young for cancellation of taxes for 1880 lot 343 Davis Farm
Report adopted
Regular Session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of F Burdt for 1880 asked for in his
Report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of placing the assessment of J A Hooper on his lot on Fenelon
Street at $2,000 for the year 1880.
Report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Geo Kimmerlo asking a reduction on his assessment
for 1880
report adopted
The same committee reported adversely on the petition of Therea Walther asking exemption on lots
267 and 246 Davis farm for 1880
report adopted
Ald Herod presented the following resolution which was adopted. Resolved. That the water tax on the
main and side tracks of the Illinois Cenral Railroad Co. for the year 1880 be pladed at a valuation of
Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000)
Council Adjourned to 2 o'clock p.m.
Afternoon session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
City Attorney Shields reported in favor of paying P G Quigley $39 as court costs instead of $70.40.
report adopted
The committee on printing reported in favor of paying the claim of F A Gruffske for $43.75
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of Ham and Carver for $117.50
report adopted
Afternoon session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Times Co for $59.50
report adopted
the same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Telegraph Co for $100.00
report adopted
The police committee reported having found the report of J D Jennings. Police magistrate for November
1880 correct and recommended it be received and filed
report adopted
the same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the Globe Gas Light Co for $264.58 for
furnishing gas
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of the key city Gas co. for $551.85 for
report adopted
The same committee reported to receive and file the petition of Cath Ryan for permission to conduct
a saloon without a license
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of M C Prentiss and that an order be
drawn on the treasurery for $15 in behalf of the petitioner
report adopted
The following report was made on Sanford Street and adopted: to the honorable mayor and council of
the city of Dubuque
Gentlement the undersigned your committed to whom was referred the matter of straightening Sanford
Street and the settlement therefore with the Dubuque Loan Association and others owing property
abutting upon the part of said street to be vacated would report that it is advisable to straighten
Afternoon session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
Said street and vacate a part thereof. that all persons interested have been seen and an arrangement
made that their assent be given to such vaation by the city conveying to such parties to wit: James
Rowan owner of lot 38, mrs. Werdnt, owner of lot 39 and Henry Kruse owner of lot 69 the part of said
street abutting upon the premises aforesaid and 25 feet in width as shown upon the plat of said
proposed change in Engineer's office.
J J Linehan
Geo Fengler
Jos Herod
Ald herod presented the following which was adopted
Whereas it was proposed that a part of Sanford Street in the city of Dubuque hwere the same runs
through Stafford Addition to be vacated. And also that said Sanford Street be straightened and opened
through Sanford Addition to said city.
Therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that the city engineer be instructed to
make a survey and plat of Sanford Street in the city of Dubuque where the same abuts upon lot 38, 39
and 69 in Stafford's addition to said city and where the same is proposed to be vacated and also a
survey and plat of said street through Sanford Addition to said city where the same is proposed to be
opened and established and file the same in his office and give the notices provided by ordinance to
al persons interested in the matter aforesaid.
Ald O'Neill presented the following which was adopted: be it resolved by the city council of the city
of Dubuque taht an order be drawn on the city treasurer for $200.00 in favor of Alphonse Matthews
being the balance in full for the revising and proof reading of the ordinances of 1880.
Afternoon session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
Ald Leckie presented the following:
Whereas serious charges against Patrick Ryde police officer of the city have been presented to the
committee on police by responsible citizens of the city charging him with gross and wilful neglect of
duty causing thereby the loss of property from one of the stores on Main Street. Therefore resolved by
the city council of the city of Dubuque that this matter be referred to a committee for investigation to
report to this council.
Referred to the committee of the whole.
Ald Doerfler presented the following which was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council iof the city of Dubuque that the office of pound master be re-established
and that Wm Koenig be re-appointed at a salary of $40.00 per month from this date.
Ald Fengler presented the following whch was adopted.
Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that an order for $6 be drawn on the city treasurer
in favor of Mr. Eugene Flynn the same to apply on his city taxes for 1880.
The following bills were read and ordered paid
Key City Gas Co
Jos Renfried
Fifth Ward Hose Co
P Klauer
Rouse Dean and Co.
Faust and O'Connell
Asa Roberts
Lagen and Clair
key City Hook and Ladder Co
j K Graves Hose Co
R Thompson and Co
P Olinger
Sol Turck Hose Co
C Mason and Son
Wm G Watters
John McCoy
Jms E Hartig
Dub Water Co.
Tel Ex Co
Schreiber and Strinsky
Pfiffner and kriebs
J M Linehan
J McCoy
Laflin and Rand P Co
A Heeb
Chas Steuck
Chas E McMaster
J E Foye
N Eichmann
Henry Haas
Afternoon session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
James Zachma
Mrs. P McMahon
John Kleck
W H Torbert
F Loeltz
Jas Kelly
Lawrence Daly
D W Linehan
Morrison Bros
John McCoy
T J and D L Connell
Dub Cabinet Makers Association
Wemott Howard & Co
Vogel and Ferguson
G W Burton
Phil Pier
B W Blanchard
G B Rand
Wood and Gissel
John McCoy
Edward Smythe
the claim of m A Hubert of $12.00 for police buttons was referred to the committee on police
The claim of T O'Sullivan of $66.00 for assess R R Companies water tax was referred to the committee
on claims
Ald Doerfler moved that the committee on police be instructed to have the city hall made headquarters
for the plice and a room prepared for their accommodatio on the first floor. Ald O'Neill amended to
remove the headquarters to seventh and main streets. The yeas and nays were had on the amendment
as follows:
Yeas Ald Altman, Kavanaugh and O'Neill 3
Nays Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Leckie and Rath 5
The amendment ws lost and the original motion adopted by the following vote:
Yeas Ald Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Leckie and Rath 6
Nays Kavanaugh and O'Neill 2
Ald Doerfler moved that the committee on police be instructed to place a telephone in the new quarters
and also to place Mr. Koenig at their disposal
Afternoon session January 3, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan,
O'Neill and Rath
The claim of F Mertz of $2.75 for a snow scraper was referred to the committee on public grounds
and buildings
The claim of G R West of $2.65 for two iron bars was referred to teh committee on streets
Council adjourned
Martin Kane
Special meeting January 19, 1881
Council met at 9 o'clock p.m.
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill
and Rath
A petition was read from Bush, Robison and others stating that the Illinois Central Railroad Co
was ready to join with the Chicago and Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Co in the construction of a
union depot on teh site of the present Illinois Central railroad depot. Ald Leckie offerd a resolution
showing the advantages to be derived from the erection of such a building and would like to have
it adopted
Ald Fengler moved to refer the matter to the special railroad committee and the ssame was ordered
by the following vote:
Yeas Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Fengler and Rath 6
Nays Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie and O'Neill 4
The petition of Burch Babcock and Co et al to have the gade between Eleventh and Twelfth Street and
East of the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Track raised was referred to the street committee
Special meeting January 19, 1881
Mayor Bush in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill
and Rath
On motion of Ald Linehan the Mayor was appointed the following committee to negotiate a deed with
the central island improvement Co for two strips of land one near Seventh Street and the other on
Third near the outer levee viz Ald Kavanaugh Linehan Jones Herod and Doerfler
The petition of A Levi in behalf of Mrs. C B Walter in relation to the committee on claims
The petition of Carson McElrath to refund overassessment on lot 86 east Dubuque was referred to
the same committee
The petition of Cath Beck to refund over tax of lot 486 in east dubuque was referred to the same
the mayor called attention to the arrest of G W smith by the city marshal for not having a license to
referred to Police Com
Martin kane