1881 February Council ProceedingsRegular Session, February 7, 1881 Council met at 9:30 a.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Minutes of January session read and approved The petition of Mrs B Spoo to cancel her taxes for 1880 on ct E 1/4 of lot 21 in L H Langworthy's addition was refered to the Com on Dilinuent Tax The petiiton of P John Markey asking compensation fot the breaking of his arm was on motion refered to the committee of the whole the petition of Nicholas Nicks for refunding of over tax on special assession of 17h Street was referred to the committee on claims with power the petition of John Trexler to refund over tax on special assessment of 17th street was also referred to the same committee with power The petition of JohnSiege for the same purpose was referred to the same committee with power. The petition of Elizabeth Spahhn to remit her taxes for the year 1880 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax The petition of the Sisters of Charity to cancel the special on the W 1/2 of min lot 191 in 1875 was referred to the Com on Streets with power The petition of J R McFarland to cause a settlement of special tax against the estate of Cyrus K Momil on Chestnut Street ws referred to the committee on claims The petition of John P Ricketts & Co to exempt tax for 5 years was referred to Com of Whole Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Henry Hagerman asking compensation for injuries sustained by him in falling into the 19th Street sewer was referred to the same committee The communication of Mayor Bush in regard to the building of a reservoir, etc. was referred to the same committee The petition of Mrs. Rebman to reduce her special tax on lot 156 east dubuque to $2.38 was referred to the committee on claims with power The petition of Fred Budden to cancel his tax for 1880 on lot 80 Cook's addition was referred to the committee on delinquent tax the petition of Mrs. Ann Curtiss to cancel her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Mrs. Rebman to reduce his taxes on Min lots 186 and 187 was referred to the same committee The petition of John Mueller on behalf of the heirs of John Sutter for the cancellation of their taxes for 1880 was referred to the same committee. The petition of mrs. Arthur to cancel her tax for 1880 on her homestead on Clay between Fourth and Fifth streets was referred to the same committee The petition of Wolf Gniber to refund him $1.65 over tax on lot 3 of sub outlot 675 was referred to the same committee The petition of May Gilmore to reduce her tax to $5.00 on city lot 72 for 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Johann Broderick to cancel her tax on the E pt of lot 16 and W 1/3 of lot 18 for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Adam Pier guardian to cancel the tax fo 1880 on the S 1/2 of lot 120 East Dubuque was referred to the same committee The petition of Elizabeth Tuegel to cancel her tax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Ann Sullivan to cancel her tax for 1880 on lot 2 Hughes Addition was referred to the same committee The petition of Augustus Wagner for the correction of his assessment of 1880 was referred to the same committee the petition of Augustus Wagner in behalf of the minor heirs of H F Knapp for the correction of errorneous assessment ws referred to the same committee the petition of Chamberlain Dewstoe & co to reduce assessent and refund the overtax was referred to the same commmittee The petition of Margaret Tracy to cancel her tax or the year 1880 on lot 14 in Cooper and smith's addition was referred to the same committee The petition of Bridget Nihill to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on lot 182 was referred to the same committee The petition of Sarah Devine to cance her tax on lot 131 for the year 1880 was referred to the same committee Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The petition of Gustav Jeffrey to reduce his assessment on city ot 500 to $1000 and to refund the overtax for 1880 ws referred to the same committee The petition of Fred Stange to refund him $1.50 as erroneous tax was referd to the same committee The petition of Prenella Viverberg to cancel tax for the year 1880 on lots 3 and 4 East Dubuque was referred to the same committee The petition of Mrs J Britt to refund the amount of $14.55 as overtax for 1880 was referred to the same committee The petition of Zions Church of the Evangelical Association to refund the overtax on special assessment was referred to the committee on Claims with power the petition of W J Knight for abatement of valuation on lot 626 for the taxation of 1880 was referred to the Del Tax committee The petition of Mary Trauch to cancel her tax for the year 1880 on lot 200 in east dubuque was referred to the same committee The petition of the Second Baptist congregation to cancel their tax for te year 1880 and to refund the sum of $40.00 paid in 1877 and 1878 on partial payments as shown by the reeipts of the ex-treasurer ws referred to the special committee Ald O'Neill, Altman, Jones, Leckie and Doerfler Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath the Dubuque licensed oil co et al asking for the extension of the railroad track to Jackson and Tenth Streets was referred to the committee on streets with power The city auditor reported the sum of $1190.30 required to pay the city officer for the month of January received and filed and ordered paid the city marshal reported $984.00 as the necessary amount to pay the regular and special police for the month of January making 25 arrests and receiving $1.50 as fines from police justice Hoerner the Treasurer's receipt for the amount being attached Received and filed and ordered paid The City Recorder reported having issued sundry licenses during the month of January to the amount of $133.50 received and filed the lamp lighter reported having lighted 183 gas lamps during the month of January Received and filed the wood measurer reported having measured 2312 cods of wood during the month of January Received and filed Polic Justice Hoerner presented his report for the month of January having had nine cases and collected $13.00. The receipt of the treasurer attacged fir $5.75 due the city report received and filed Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The market master reported having weighed 228 drafts on the market scales during the month of January. Amount $34.20 received from butter confiscated $1.75. the receipts of the treasurer attache due for board of prisoners $21.20 for supplying 106 meals at .20 cents per meal repor received and filed and claim ordered paid Weigher Schilling reported having weighed 5.26 hogs, 4 quarters of bef and 2 carcases of vale during the month of January. Teh receipt of the treasurer was attache for $45.63 the amount due the city report received and filed N C Ryan reported having weighed 195 drafts on the first ward scales in the month of January. Gross amount of received $28.23. The receipt of the treasurer attached for $4.25 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Chas Pitschner reported having weighed 246 drafts during the month of January. Gross receipts $36.90 The receipt of the treasurer was attached for $5.54 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed Frank Fosselman reported having weighed 164 drafts on the fifth ward scales amount of receipts $24.60 the receipt of the treasurer attached for $3.70 being 15 percent due the city report received and filed The city engineer presented a platt of the sub of lot 45 Simpson's addition which on motion was referred to the committee on streets Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Same also presented in profile of Wilson Avenue howing teh changes made with the consent of the abutting property owners referred to the same committee Council adjourned to 2:00 p.m. Council met at 2 O'clock p.m. Mayor Bush in the Chair Present: All the aldermen Ald Linehan Chairman of the committee on Finance reported in favor of approving the bonds of H Limbeck and T O'Sullivan as assessors for 1881 report adopted The committee on claims reported on the petition of Catherine Beck recommending it be referred back to the same committee with power to settle on the same basis as that of Ed Langworthy report adopted The same committee reported to refer the petition of Carson mcElrath to the same committee with power to settle as above report adopted The committee on streets reported to receive and file the bill of G R West for $2.65 report adopted The same committee reported adverseley on the petition of J H Dunn report adopted The committee on public grounds and buildings reported to receive and file the petition of John Deery et al for a rebate of rent as it would be discriminating Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Linehan amended to reduce the rent to $5.00 per night. The yeas and nays were had as follows Yeas: Altman, Kavanaugh, LInehan, Leckie, O'Neill - 5 Nays: Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Rath - 5 There being a tie the mayor voted in the negative. The amendment was lost and the report of the committee was on motion adopted. The committee on streets reported on the petition of P G Milligan et al recommending that the City Engineer be instructed to survey and plat a street fifty feet grade and to report to this council as soon as possible report adopted The commttee on claims reported to refer the petition of peter meyer back to the same committee with power to settle on the same basis as the settlement made with E Langworthy report adopted The committee on police reported on the instructions of the council that they had been carried out and the police headquarters located at the City Hall report approved The same committee reported the report of police justice Coakley for month of December 1880 correct and recommend it be received and filed report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the bill of M A Hubert for $12.00 report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of paying the bill of the key city gas co for $569.05 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of justice Coakley of $13.25 report adopted The committee on claims reported on the claim of T O Sullivan and recommended an order be drawn for $50.00 in his favor reported adopted The same committee reported to grant the petition of Geo Mehl and that the recorder draw an order in his favor for $30.20 Report adopted The committee on public grounds and buildings reported on the claim of F Mertz of $2.75 and recommended the payment of the same report adopted Teh committee on Fire reported in favor of paying the claim of the firm Farley Lotscher & Co for $13.25 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of paying the claim of T W Ruete for $21.05 report adopted The same committee in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Leo W Burden for the privlege of putting up a frame shed report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of JOhn Pier et al as the request had been granted report adopted Teh same committee made the following report on the petition of J B Ricketts and leo your committee beg leave to report that they have inquired into the matter and find that petitioners are entitled to the prayed for. hey have therefore agreed to grant the prayer of petitioners and ordered the water company to lay pipes in order to meet requirements of petitioners report adopted The committee on delinquent tax reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs. Henry Krueger for the year 1880 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax for 1880 of Mrs. R Davis on her homestead report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs R Cook for 1880 on her homestead report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Kate Bannon for the year 1880 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax for 1880 of Josephine Dubrock report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported to have the assessment of Tschirgi and Schwind reduced for 1880 and the city recorder draw an order for $38.80 in their favor for overpayment report adopted The same committee reported i favor of cancelling the tax of 1880 of Chas Mussehl report adopted the same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Martin Thers for 1880 on his homestead report adopted the same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of 1880 of Bridget Gregory on his homestead report adopted The same committee recommended the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to redeem lot at 45 finleys addition from Mr. Heintrager without penalty on special interest owned by Mrs. C C Smith as the sale is shown to be erroneous and void report adopted The same committee recommended that the written assessment named in the petition of Wenzel Mickesch for the year 1880 be placed at $1200.00 and that the 3 percent discount be allowed report adopted The same committee recommended that the taxes of Celia Sprague for the year 1880 be cancelled report adopted Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs. Jms McMahon for the year 1880 Report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of 1880 placed against John Scharf report adopted The same committee reported in favor of remitting the tax of F W Pape the realestate being church property report adopted The same committee reported to reduce monies and credits of Elizabeth Pelan to $8000.00 for the year 1880 and the 3 percent discount be allowed provided taxes are paid at once report adopted The same committee reported to place the assessment of John Hennessy on lot 56 for the year 1880 at $16000.00 report adopted The same committee reported in favor of reducing the tax of Alex Kathrine for the year 1880 one half report adopted The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mrs. F McCarthy for the year 1880 Report adopted Ald Leckie Chairman of the Committee on Police made the following report Your committee to whom Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The arrest of G W Smith for not having a license by the marshal Ald Leckie Chairman of the Committee on Police made the following report Your committee to whom was reported the matter of the arrest G W Smith for selling goods on the streets without a license would report that afer a careful examination into the facts in teh case find that the city marshal acted hastily and without using proper judgement. Would recommend that hereinafter in such cases where he finds parties having a receipt for money paid for license in their possession instead of arresting and bringing them before a justice that he instruct them to go and get the proper license from the recorder the report was adopted Ald Leckie from the committee of the whole reported in favor of referring the petition of Wm N Monaghan to the committee on harbors for consideration report adopted Ald Leckie made the following report on the case of P Ryder: Your committee to whom was referred the complaint against policeman Ryder for neglect of duty after hearing the statement of Paul Traut, Wm Schum and Jacob Conant recommend that the same be referred back to the council for action. After being discussed thoroughly it was moved by Ald Kavanaugh to lay the matter on the table. The yeas and nays were had as follows: yeas: Altman, Kavanaugh, Linehan, O'Neill, Rath - 5 Nays: Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Leckie - 5 It being a tie the mayor cast his vote in the affirmative. the motion of Ald Kavanaugh was declared to have been carried and it was ordered to be laid on the table. Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Ald Leckie Chairman of the special railroad committee made the following report on the petition of Mesers Bush Robison et al and on the resolution in regards to the erection of a union depot: Your committee to whom was referred this petition and resolution would respectfully report that the matter of building a union depot for the use of the J C R R Co and the C M and St. Paul R R Co having been submitted to the C M and St. Paul Co and they having refused to join in building a union depot would recommend that this petition and resolution be received and filed. The report was adopted Ald Leckie offered the following as chairman of special railroad committee: Be it resolved by hte City Council of the City of Dubuque that the City Treasuter be instructed and empowered to receive from Wm G Stuwart one third of the amount of the special assessment levied against lot 747 for the year 1875 in full for said assessment in accordance with the terms agreet upon in reference thereto by the special committee on railroad matters. The resolution was adopted. the following resolution was read a second time: Whereas it is proposed that a part of Sanford Street in the City of Dubuque where the same runs through Stafford Addition be vacated and also that said Sanford Street be straightened and opened through Sanford Addition to said city Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Therefore resolved by the City Council fo the City of Dubuque That the City Engineer be instructed to make a survey and that Sanford Street in the city of Dubuque where the same abuts upon lots 38 39 and 69 in Staffords addition to said city and where the same is proposed to be vacated and also a survey and plat of said street through Sanford Addition to said city where the same is proposed to be opened and established and file the same in his office and give the notices provided by ordinance to all persons interested in the matters aforesaid. The resolution was adopted by a full vote as follows: Yeas: Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill, Rath Ald Linehan presented the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that orders on the treasurer for the following amounts be issued: Sullivan Mary C - 1 order of $500.00 dated Fabuary 2, 1881 payable in 3 years with interest at the rate of 6% payable annually. Albert Kulas 1 order of $3.00 dated ebruary 2, 1881. Payable in 3 years with interest at 6% per annum payable annually. Alfred Tredway 8 orders of $500.00 each dated February 5, 1881 payable in 2 years from date with interest at the rate of 6% payable annually. Geo L Torbert 5 orders of $500.00 each dated February 14, 1881 payable in 3 years from date with interest at 6% payable annually Geo L Torbert 1 order of $388.27 dated February 14, 1881 payable in 3 years from date with interest at 6% payable annually. Wm Armstrong 1 order of $5000.00 dated Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath February 8th 1881 payable one year from date with interest at the rate of 6% payable annually Wm Armstrong one order of $5000.00 dated February 8 1881 payable two years from date with 6% payable annually said orderes to be issued to take up loan ordres nos. 399 514 512 515 513 issue d in 1880 The resolution was adopted The following claims were read and ordered paid H Haas F H Finke N H Thedinga D W Linehan John Nye Ed Blake thos Murray M Downey C H McMaster Bittman & Schroeder J Klein Telephone Ex Co J McKenzie Daniel Walsh Kiene & Son W Morgan Sol Turck Hose Co J K Graves Hose Co Phil Pier N Eichmnn Mr Gagnonet G Zachina C W Robison Andrew Tredway & Sons Fifth W Hose Co Burch Babcock & Co Key City Hook and Ladder Co Henry Jungk Thos McCann Dubuque Water Co John mcCoy Peter Melchior P Donnelly Dan Breen John Pals P Domenig B D Linehan J Kleik B D Linehan Dub Water Co N H thedinger N C Ryan J L LaNicca Frank Thuring J Maclay Healty Bros Leo J Hesion Warner Lewis Jms E Hartig M McGrath Mrs Schwaltka Phil Pier N Eichmann Dub Cabinet makers association The claim of G R McKenzie for $5.10 was referred to the st com Regular Session, February 7, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Fengler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Linehan, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath The claim of C and A Christman for $650 was referred to the committee on fire The claim of F W Reute for $30.40 was referred to the same committee The claim of the Daily Telegraph for $3.00 was referred to the committee on printing The claim of N C Ryan for $50.00 was referred to the Com on Claims The claim of M O Tschirgi Jr for $2.00 was referred to teh same committee Council then adjourned Attest Martin Kane City Recorder Special Session, February 11, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Absent - Ald Fengler and Linehan Ald Herod presented the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque that orders on the treasurer for the following amounts and descriptions be issued No 2665 dated February 11 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank rate of interest 6 percent payable in one year from date. No 2666 dated February 11 1881 $3000 in favor of the German Bank rate of interest 6 percent per annum and payable in two years from date No 2667 date February 11 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and payable in 3 years from date No 2668 dated February 11 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and payable in 4 years from date No 2669 dated February 11 1881 amount $3228.71 in favor of the German BAnk with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and payable in 5 years from date. Said orders to be issued to take up the following loan orders issued as follows: No 399 dated April 16 1880 amount $1000 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at 8 percent and Special Session, February 11, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Absent - Ald Fengler and Linehan due January 1 1881 No 514 dated May 3 1880 $5000 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at 8 percent due January 1 1881 No 512 dated May 3 1880 $5000 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at the rate of 8 percent and due January 1 1881 No 513 dated May 3 $4228.71 held by the Dubuque County Bank interest at the rate of 8 percent and due January 1 1881 The resolution was adopted by the following vote Yeas - Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jone, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Nays - None Ald Herod reported in favor of cancelling the tax on lot 191 owned by the Sisters of Charity for 1875 report adopted Council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder Special Session, February 16, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath Ald Herod presented teh following resolution Resolved that whereas at the last special session of the city council a resolution was passed authorizing the recorder to issue certain amounts bearing 6 percent to redeem certain outstanding 8 percent warrants numbered 399, 514, 512 and 513 and Whereas we find said warrants have already been provided for in this manner Therefore be it resolved that the recorder be instructed to draw warrants for the following amounts bearing 6 percent annual interest and cancel those already issued on the 11th inst for $15,228.71 No 2665 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank time 1 year int 6 percent per annum No 2666 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank Time 2 years interest at 6 percent payable annually No 2667 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank Time 3 years Interest at 6 percent payable annually No 2668 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank time 4 years Interest 6 percent payable annually Special Session, February 16, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, Linehan, O'Neill and Rath No 2669 dated February 17 1881 amount $3000 in favor of the German Bank time 5 years interest at 6 percent per annum payable annually No 2671 dated February 17 1881 amount $1000 in favor of D A Gehrig. The time 7 years interest at 6 percent per annum No 2672 dated February 17 1881 amount $1449.69 in favor of D A Gehrig. the time 2 years interest at 6 percent per annum payable annually To replace and take up warrants issued in 1880 of the following description due on or before January 1 1881 No 1925 for $2500 interest at 7 percent No 2061 for $5000 interest at 7 percent No 1693 for $4000 interest at 7 percent No 928 for $3000 interest at 7 percent No 2399 for $2949.69 interest at 8 percent Resolution was adopted Ald Linehan then moved to cancel the warrnats which was adopted. The warrants were cancelled by the committee on Finance and Council then adjourned Attest Martin kane recorder Special Session, February 21, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath = 8 the mayor stated the object of the meeting to be to make provision for the special railroad election The committee on Ordinances presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for submitting to a vote the question of the sale of certain real estate On motion of ald O'Neill the ordinance was adopted Rule 29 was then suspended by the following vote Yeas: Ald Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath Nays: none On motion of Ald O'Neill it was read by its title and the ordinance passed Ald Leckie moved that each war select and name the judges and clerks of the election adopted Ald O'Neill reported the names D Rice, Thos Armstrong ad judges and James Watters and James Rowan as clerks of the first ward polls at Montana House. Ald Altman reported L Berg and Chas Mehl as judges and B D Linehan and D M Blumenauer as clerks of the Second War Polls at the court house. Ald Jones reported the names of N C Armstrong and B Schulte as judges and C A Voelker and C W Robison as clerks of the Third Ward polls a the City Hall Special Session, February 21, 1881 Mayor Bush in the Chair Present - Aldermen Altman, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh, Leckie, O'Neill and Rath = 8 Ald Leckie reported the names of Rath Hamil and R O Anderson as judges and J B Glmore and Ed Mobley as clerks of the Fourth Ward Polls at Thos McCoy's store Ald Doerfler reported the names of Wm Poehl and Peter Specht as judges and Jms Ruegamer and Wm Tuegel as clerks of the Fifth Ward polls a the Iowa Brewery On motion of Ald Leckie the committee on printing were empowered to have the necessary printing of tickets done for the elections to be held on the day announced by the mayor in hrs proclamation forthcoming Council adjourned Attest Martin Kane Recorder