1881 May Council ProceedingsRegular Session, May 4, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Council adjourned session at 9
communication of the citizen relief committee
committee of the whole
received and filed
the mayor appointed the following as a committee to locate a place on Main St ext
slaughter house
A communication was read from J K Graves in behalf of the motor company asking the city council
to rescind the action taken on Thursda last declaring the motor railway a nuisance and ordering its discontinuance
Mayor Linehan stated that he was not opposed to the running of the motor and wished for its continuance
Ald Doerfler moved to receive and file the communication
Ald Herod amended to have teh whole matter lay over one month that no action be taken for that time and
the opinion of the city attorney be given
lost as follows
yeas Craford Herod Kavanaugh and Rath 4
Nays Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley and Jones 6
The communication was then received and filed
the petition of N Bauer et al protecting against the extension of the railroad on Jackson to Tenth St
was referred to the committee on streets
Regular Session, May 4, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Ald Fengler offered the following
be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
Hill Street
Dubuque railway
be within five weeks of this officially notified of the action of the city council taken Monday
Charter forfeited
be and is kindly instructed to stop the running of all trains on such road until otherwise instructed by
the council
Ald Fengler moved to adopt the resolution and Crawford amended an action be tken for the space of
two weeks
Amendment lost be the following vote
Yeas Crawford Herod Kavanaugh and Rath
Nays Altman Clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley and Jones
the resolution was then adopted as follows
yeas Altman clancy Doerfler Fengler Foley and Jones
nays Crawford Herod kavanaugh and Rath
Ald Fengler presented the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque
that the City Engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and prepare a plat of the proposed
new street near the round house and to present the same at an adjourned session of the city council a
week from date
Ald Herod moved that the mayor appoint a delegation to attend the mississippi river improvement
convention to be held at Davenport on the 25th and 26th
Ald Herod Chairman of com of Whole reported to defer action on the remonstrance of the 6 month
R R Co against the erection of a slaughter house on sycamore st
Regular Session, May 4, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Same also reported to defer action upon its remonstrance
Butcher's association
Cleaners protest
council then adjourned to 2 o'clock pm
May 11
Attest Matin Kane
adjourned Regular Session, May 11, 1881
Council met at 2 o'clock pm
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The mayor stated the object of the meeting to receive a plat from the city engineer on Sycamore street
vacation and also to hear the report of the committee appointed to negotiate with the butchers on
securing a new location for a slaughter house
Ald Fengler moved that a committee of five be appointed to report at once on the vacation of
Sycamore from Lake to 19th streets a recess be had for 30 minutes
Ald Crawford amended to postpone in order to hear from the citizens committee on the motor question
lost by the following vote
yeas ald crawford herod kavanaugh and rath
nays altman clancy doerfler fengler foley and jones
the original motion was then adopted and the following committee appointed
Ald Fengler crawford foley jones and kavanaugh
Regular Session, May 11, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Resolution vacating Nineteenth from sycamore to Lake Street
The committee
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque
Mineral lot No 106 part of Maple Street
commencing at the north line of Eighteenth Street then north to the southerly line of Mineral Lot
First street commencing at the westerly line of Hickory street thence westerly to the terminist
of said twenty first street that part of Sycamore street commencing in the north line of Nineteenth street
thence along said sycamore street to the southerly line of lake street aht part of fifth street commencing
at its eastern terminist
thence west to the east line of white street
2nd that the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railway company are hereby authorized and allowed
to use all the parts of streets above vacated and annulled for any and all proper railway pumpout forever
And further that said railway company its successors and assigns shall make and maintain proper
approaches and crossings of all streets not hereby or heretofore vacated whenever required by said city.
provided however that the chicago Milwaukee and St Paul railway Co its successors and assigns shall
hold the city of Dubuque harmless and indemnify said city against all damage and costs recovered
against said city by reason of the vaction of the streets aforesaid.
Adopted by the following vote
yeas ald altman, clancy crawford doerfler fengler foley herod jones and kavanaugh
nays Ald Rath
Regular Session, May 11, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Regular Session, May 11, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Rule 11
city council
May 1881
action was taken looking to a declaration by said city
the rights and privileges heretofore granted to the Hill and West Street Railway co
operate said road
such actions ws taken under the belief that the city of Dubuque would incur liability and be subjected to
suits for damage of said railway was allowed to further operate said road
And whereas this council is now informed that the city of Dubuque cannot be held liable for damage
arising from the operation of railroads upon the streets of said city where the right to grant such
franchise is given said city by
therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the declaration of forfeiture aforesaid
be and the same is hereby withdrawn and annulled and the said west dubuque and hill street railway co
its successors and assigns be restored to all the rights and privleges possessed and exercised by said
railway company under and ordinance passed April 28 1877 and before said action was taken by this
council as aforesaid
Ald Fengler amended to postpone for 2 weeks
the amendment was adopted as follows
Regular Session, May 11, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
yeas Ald altman clancy doerfler fengler foley and jones
Nays crawford herod and kavanaugh rath
Resolution to examine troughs
slaughter house
further time was
On motion of Ald Doerfler the following committee was appointed to examine Steamer
report needed repairs
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The minutes of the april sessions were read and approved
The petition of M Considine et al remonstrating against placing dirt on Eighth St was referred to
Com on Streets and Eng with power
the petition of Jas Beach et al asking the covering of the Dodge Street sewer was referred to the
committee on streets and engineer
The petition of A Mueller to have special tax against lot No 8 Hamburg addition cancelled was
referred to the committee on claims and city attorney
the petition of john Siege et al to macadamize Washington between 15th and 18th streets was
referred to the committee on streets
The petition of B Bradford et al for a sidewalk on College Avenue was referred to the same committee
The petition of Geo B Hamilton et al to have all obstructions on college avenue removed was referred
to the same committee
the remonstrance of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railroad Co against the erection of a
slaughter house near the round house was referred to the committee of the whole Rule 11 was suspended
and Mr. W J Knight addressed the council in favor of the remonstrance
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The petition of F H Carberry et al protesting the removal of the motor track was deferred for
consideration to the adjourn session
the petition of Wm Corcoran et al for the grade of St Mary's street was referred to the committee on
the petition of M Schneidecker et al to reduce special assessment for improving Eagle Point Ave was
referred to the committee on claims and city engineer
The petition of E L Reynoldson et al for a lamp on Delhi and Dodge Streets on Grand View was
referred to the committee on police
The petition of P Carney for a position on the police force was also referred to the same committee
The petition of Chas Knight et al to improve Jackson street was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of Chas Rooner to have grade given him of Emmet Street and also to have the wall built
on the same was referred to the same committee
The petition of Wm Barnard et al for a sidewalk on the north side of Lorimier House and to drain ditches in
the vicinity was referred to the committee on streets and city engineer
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The petition of Farley Loetscher and Co asking permission to put up a
was referred to the
with power
the petition of G R Clark et al
street south of main brought to grade was referred to the committee
the petition of W H Peabody et al
Dell Street
was referred to the committee on Fire
John Schmidt for a position on the police force was referred to the committee on police
the petition of Margaret Glennon for remission of her tax her homestead was referred to the com on
delinquent tax
The petition of D W Carver et al to appoint J G Shattuck as a detective for the city was referred to the
committee on police
the petition C Gilliam asking city council to accept his resignation as coal oil inspector was received
and filed
The petition of Margaret Carr Sr to cancel her tax for 1880 on lot 57 Finley's addition was referred
to the committee on delinquent tax
the petition of Phil Pier et al for continuation of work on Bluff St Extension was referred to the city
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Petition of A Turner asking to be reimbursed
W Welter petition
Ellison tax petition
Butchers want a union
The communication of the Dubuque Butchers Assn asking for a
Union slaughter house
referred to committee of the whole
the petition of Carr Ryder and Wheeler tax of 1857 was referred to the committee on delinquent tax
The petition of Maria Wolf to cancel her tax for 1880 on the W 1/2 of lot 31 Cox's addition was referred
the same committee
the petition of John T Hancock et al asking to have Eagle Point Avenue from West Main St to the
Water Works Reservoir improved was referred to the committee on streets
the petition of E Mueller et al fo ra sidewalk on White St between 14th and 15th Streets was referred
to the committee on streets
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
J P Early for the priv of building a wood shed and barn
referred to the committee on Fire with power
Petition of Wm Rebman in regard to the vacation of Nineteenth and Sycamore Ave
Petition of Voelker in regard to the vacation of
The petition of R Cox and C Kaltenbach asking the city council to assess damages on the vacation of
Nineteenth and Sycamore Streets was refered to the committee of the whole
The petition of Maria A Stine for remission of tax for 1880 was referred to the committee on
delinquent tax
two Insurance policies on the Town clock Tower were presented
Jms P Quigley
referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings to report thereon
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Auditor report
Marshal report
special police
11 arrests and receiving$1.00 as fines from justice
Ald Doerfler moved to receive and file the report and warrants
recommendations of the marshal be referred to the committee on police
Ald Fengler moved to reconsider the matter of referring the recommendations to the commitee on
Ald Crawford thought the suggestions of the marshal should receive some attention and thought they
should be referred to the proper committee
Ald Doerfler moved to receive and file the same.
Ald Crawford moved as a substitute to refer to the committee on police. The yeas and nays were had as
Yeas Ald Clancy Crawford Foley Herod and Kavanaugh
Nays Altman Doerfler Fengler Jones and Rath
The mayor cast the deciding vote and the matter was refered to the committee on police
The city recorder reported having issued licenes during the month of april to the amount of $3946.64
report received and filed
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Hoerner report
Lamps lighted
Market Master report
Frank Fosselmann Fifth Ward Scales
Wood Measurer reported
W C Ryan First Ward Scales
Chas Pitschner West Dubuque Scales
Report received and filed
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Plat of Grand View
south to the city
Afternoon session
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Petition of E H Sheppley asking to have the WEst Dubuque Hill St Station condemned as was the petition
of F H Carberry et al remonstrating its condemnation
On motion rule 11 was suspended and and S M Poollock and others addressed the city council for
and against the motor
Ald fengler offered the followig resoltuion
Be it resolved by the city counci of Dubuque tha the charter of the hill and West Dubuque R R be declared
forfeited under secion 3 and 6 of the ordinance
Be it further resolved that the said hill and west dubuque R R Company or its owner may be permitted
to operate that road whenever they may furnish a bond of one hundred thousand dollars to protect the
city in case of suits for damage by accidents or other causes. The bond to be accepted or rejected by
the council if not considered good.
Ald Herod ammended to place the bond at $50,000.
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Ald Crawford amended to postpone until advice of the city attorney was given upon the matter
the motion by ald Fengler to forefeit the charter was then adopted as follows
Yeas Altman Clancy Dorefler Fengler Foley Jones and Rath
Nays Crawford Herod and Kavanaugh
therefore the recorder read the following
on behalf of the owners of the Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway I respectfully protest against the
action of the City Council in on during said time
as an arbitrary unjust and unsubstantiated judgement upon vested rights the owners will look to the city for
redress for whatever praying they may sustain
respectfully j k graves
May 2nd 1881
On motion of Ald Doerfler the above communication was received and filed
The petition of A Kailin asking the cancellation oof taxes for the year 1880 was referred to the committee
on delinquent tax
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Finn Tax petition
Resolution to extend fire limits
to the east side of Washington between fifth and 19th streets reported in favor of receiving and filing
the same
report adopted
The same committee presented an ordinance entitled an ordinance granting to the J C R R Co the right
to extend its track on jackson sgreet to tenth street which was read the first time when a motion was
made to suspend the rules and adopted as follows:
Yeas Altman Clancy Crawrford Doerfler Fengler Foley Herod Jones kavanaugh and Rath
Nays None
The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted
The committee on finance reported adversely on teh claim of W S Bissell to take up a city bond
report adopted
the committee on claims reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Patrick Markey claiming
report adopted
The same committee made the following report on the petition of the Second Baptist Congregation
Your committee would recommend that the city pay back to petitioner the $40.00 with interest at
the rate of 6% making $7.50 and that an order be drawn in their favor for that amount and to pay the
tax for 1880 without interest if paid in 30 days
report adopted
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
McCollins for $2.00
report adopted
Shields $30.00
report adopted
The same committee reported to allow the clerk of the board of health $100.00
report adopted
the city attorney made the following report on the claim of the clerk of the courts
the undersigned to whom was refered the foregoing claim of the clerk of courts for costs would
recommend that the same be allowed as marked in red ink on the right hand margin with totals
as follows: the city vs Rebman $6.95. The chadwick vs city et al $13.60.
J H Sheilds city atty report received and filed and claims ordered paid
The committee on streets reported on the petition of Henry Englecke et al in favor of granting the
same and that a sidewalk four feet wide of good No 1 five inch plank be laid on Elm St bet 22nd and
23rd streets
report adopted
The same committee reported on the petition of W H Murphy that the city engineer be instructed to give
the grade of grand view street
report adopted
the same committee reported on the petition of Geo Stephens that they have instructed the street
commissioner to depost the available cleanings on teh street as prayed for
report adopted
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
the same committee reported on the petition of Path Vaughan et al
the same committee reported in favor of granting the petition asking fo rthe improvement of the alley bet
13th and 14th and white and Jackson streets
The same committee recommended that the petition of Mrs Martin be received and filed
report adopted
On the petition of W J Clarke et al the same committed recommended that the city engineer be and is
hereby instructed to make the plans together with the estimate of the cost of the improvement of Center
and Hazel streets and to report the amount at the next regular session of the council
report adopted
Ald Kavanaugh from the committee on harbors made the following report of Central Island property
Whereas by the terms of a certain contract entered into the 16th of August 1875 between the city of
Dubuque and the Dubuque Central Improvement company and Henry L Stout the city was given the right
to locate a strip of ground 300 feet wide extending from the north boundary of said immprovement company
to the south line thereof and by the terms of said contract the city was to receive a deed for said strip
where so located
therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
tha the strip as designated and shown upon a plat in the
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
office of the city engineer and dated day of be declared the location of said strip
with the terms of said contract and the city rights on the premises and the city allowing be instructed
to demand a deed therefore from said Henry L Stout and others in accordance with the contract aforesaid
Resolution was adoptd
The committee on public grounds and buildings repoerted on the petition of M Laughlin that they had
employed him as custodian of parks
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the insurance renwal of James Plaister on
the Town Clock Tower
the same commmittee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of J Butter
report adopted
The same committee reported to refer the communication of City Engineer on permit plan to the
committee on ordinances
report adopted
the same committee reported in favor of accepting the nuisance policies on the town Clock Tower presented
by Jms P Quigley and that on order be drawn in his favor for $30.00
report adoptedThe committee on Fire reported in favor of receiving and filing the claim of C W Ware
for $2.00 the same had already been paid
report adopted
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Eagle Point Avenue
Johnson Avenue
Windsor Avenue
High Street
report adopted
The committee on police reported in favor of ganting the petition of J McClaine et al asking for a lamp
on Dodge St
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of the petition of F Agrun et al for a lamp on south Locust St
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of H Schuler et al for two lamps on Center
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of P J Flynn et all for a lamp on Bluff below
First Street
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of granting the petition of C Welsh et al for three lamps on
Couler Avenue one at Mihnis one at C Welsh and one at
report adopted
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
W J Wood
two lamps on the extension of Bluff Street
report adopted
same committee reported in favor of referring the petition of Anthony Wilson to the committee
report adopted
the same reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Jery Driscoll special detective
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of referring the petition establishing a sewage system to the
committee of the whole
report adopted
the same committee reported in favor of referring the recommendations of ex-marshal Duane for
employment of detective to committee of the whole
report adopted
The same committee reported that the petition of L Moore et al be received and filed
report adopted
the committee on delinquent tax reported to receive and file the petition of Chamberlain Dewstoe
and company
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of allowing M Eggleston to pay into the treasury $13.00 as
the amount of his taxes in full for 1880.
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of receiving and filing the petitio of Thompson & Douglas
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
in favor of appointing a committee of one from each ward with the city assessor
the assessment
The mayor appointed as committee
The same committee reported adverse to the petition of J B Rcketts
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Bridget Roach
report adopted
The same commitee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of E Blake 1880
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of Mary smith for 1880
report adopted
The same committee reported in favor of cancelling the tax of mrs B Keogh 1880
report adopted
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Bukman received a majority of the votes cast declared elected to the office of street commissioner
Ald Fengler moved that the salary of Mr. Bukman be placed at $75 per month in order to justify him in
keeping a horse
Ald jones from the special committee on bons reported as follows
To the mayor and aldermen
your special committee would report that they have received and approved the bonds of the written
officers except that of the oil inspector who has tendered his resignation with thanks to the council
the report was adopted
Ald Fengler presented the following
resolved by the city council of Dubuque that a sidewalk 4 feet wide of No two
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
inch plank
this notice constructed and
conformity with the ordinance
sidewalk on the
street between 22nd and 23rd
adopted by a full vote
same presented the following
resolved by the city council
of the city of dubuque
improve alley on 13th and white
13th and 14th
conforming with ordinance
city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work
the macadamizing to be done at the epense of the owner of the abutting property
adopted by a full vote
Ald herod presented the following which was adopted
resolved by the city council of the city of dubuque that the sum of the dollars per month during ten months
of last year be allowed Leonard Buehler for the extra work requird and performed by him as health
officer of this city this to be in full compensation of all claims by him against the city for said extra services
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
plank be with
constructed nd laid
ordinance in relation to
sidewalks on the east side of broadway
diagonal st
lots 14 16 18 20 12 10 8 and 6
which was adopted
city council
tht the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to deduct all licenses and taxes from the amounts due
any one having claims against the city
Also the following which was adopted be it resolved by the city council of dubuque
that the committee on streets be and is hereby instructed to have the work on southern Avenue near Kemps
which is in an unfinished condition completed the cost not to exceed $200.00
Also the following which was adopted
be it resolved by the city council of Dubuque
that the committee on streets be and are hereby instructed to have that part of Center Street in Finley's and
Burton's addition west Dubuque left unfinished last year completed as soon as practicable at a cost not
to exceed $150.00
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
Couler Avenue
guttered curbed and macadamized
Same also presented the following wwhich was adopted
Be it resolved by the city council of dubuque
That the Deputy Marshal be and is hereby instructed to inspect the sidewalks within the c\ity limits to
serve notices on property owners where sidewalks are out of repair and to report those which need
reviewing by the city council at the next June session
Ald Fengler presented the following
be it resolved by the city council of dubuque
that the committee on streets be and is hereby instructed to have a good four foot stone crossing laid on the
north side of 17th on Clay street and south side of Couler Avenue and Twentieth Street
report adopted
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
J K Beikman
street work
east side of iowa street and seminary hill to grade and to make the same possible for to deduct the amount
as the abutting property owners are willing to donate $50.00 towards the improvement
Ald Crawford offered the following
That the dubuque Times the Dubuque Herald the Evening Telegraph and the Dubuque National Demokrat
he declared the official papers of the city for the present year and that they be paid for all advertising
and other work ordered by proper authority as follows; the duuque times Dubuque Herald and National
Demokrat at one half the regular rates and the EveningTelegraph the sum of $200.00 for the entire year.
Resolved further that the proprietors of each of said papers be required to signify their acceptance of the
above terms in writing within ten days from this date and the failure of either to do so shall be considered
a declension of this appointment.
Ald Doerfler amended to divide $350.00 between the Iowa and Demokrat
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
The amendment was
the original resolution was then adopted
a resolution was offered to have a lamp placed on Prairie Street east side
refered to street commissioner
Ald Jones presented the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that Twelfth street between White and Jackson Streets be graded guttered curved and macadamized
in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject tht the city engineer be and he is hereby instructed
and directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvemeens and the city recorder
directed to give the proper notic for bids and proposals for the performance of the work the guttering
curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property
Adopte by a full vote as follows
yeas Altman Clancy Crawford doerfler Fengler Herod Jones kavanaugh Foley and Rath 10
Ald Rath Herod and Clancy were appointed as the Executive Committee of the Board of Health
Rule 11 was suspended and M Morgan addressed the council asking to be relieved on th ebond of J H
Morgan in respect to Seminary Street
Ald Crawford moved to have the engineer give final estimate at an adjournd meeting
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
the petition of H Groppe asking for reduction of the assessment for the year 1880 was referred
to the committee on delinquent tax
Ald herod presented the following
resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
That the city recorder by authorized to advertise for bids for the collection of garbage from the alleys
below th ebluffs and from the 15th of May to the 15th of October bids to be sent to the city recorder by
4 o'clock p.m. the 9th
acted upon by the council at the first adjourned session
the resolution was adopted
Ald Doerfler presented the following which was adopted
be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque
that an order for $7.50 be drawn in favor of E Langwothy and F Weigel for services in examining the
condition of the Tremont House five for E Langworthy and two dollars and fifty cents for F Weigel
A communication was read from Treasurer Gehrig stating he had refued Jms Graff a saloon license
and asking for information as to what to do in the case On motion of Ald Doerfler no license was granted
and the Marshal instructed to close up the place
Ald Herof offered the following
Resolved that the sum of ten dollars be allowed to John Bale for damages done to the wall on his
premises on Madison Street by the city This to be in full for all claims against the city for said damages
Regular Session, May 2, 1881
Mayor Linehan in the Chair
Present - Aldermen Altman, Clancy, Crawford, Doerfler, Fengler, Foley, Herod, Jones, Kavanaugh
and Rath
A communication
the Citizen's Relief Commitee
The following bills were then allowed
T J Donohue
J J Van Wil
Telephone Exe Comp
F H Finke
Phil Doerr
JG LaNicca
Geo Wilman
Sol Turck Hose Co
J K Graves Hose Co
T E Frith
Ham and Carver
J Klick
Mr. Schwatke
M C Laughlin
F Bruns
Key City Gas Co
Phil Prir
D W Linehan
D H Gehrig
C H McMaster
J J Van Wil
A Pinkerton
Dub Water Comp
L Darby
Mrs McMahon
Key city Hose
Fifth Ward Hose
Wm robinson
Arnold Tschirgi
F G Brandt
P E Foley
Dan Breen
James M Kenzie
Key City Gas Co
James Kelly
New Globe Cas Co
Key City Gas Co
the several claims on the street work amounting to $1429.35 were ordered paid
A communication was read from the Mississippi River Improvement Committee of Keokuk, owa and
was deferred to an adjourned meeting
the claims of Farley Loetscher and Co for $1.50 were referred to the committee on fire
the claims of F Agnew for 50 cts was referred to the committee on claims and the claim of Mr Ahern
to St Com
Adjurned to Wednesday May 4 at 4 p.m.
Martin Kane