1908 March Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL
Regular session March 5t11, 190S.
Council met at 8:45 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins
Ald. Clancy moved that the Council
proceedings for the month of Febru-
ary, 1908, be •approved as printed.
The following bills, having been
properly approved by the various com-
mittees, were ordered paid.
Wm. Coleman, putting up
street signs $ 50 00
Guy G. White, services month
of February 75 00
John B. Taylor, services in-
specting painting of sprink-
ling wagons 70 00
Wm. Grew, putting up street
signs 26 00
Louis Zemanek, assisting Mar-
ket Master during February. 35 20
Adolph Schaller, assisting Mar-
ket Master during February. 4 80
Geo. • L. Korman, grading Alt -
hauser avenue 72 00
Geo. L. Korman, building re-
taining wall on Althauser
avenue 541 00
Wilmer Cook, grading Adams
avenue 396 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., bal-
ance due on grading 25th
street 17 50
O'Farrel Contracting Co., bal-
ance due on grading West
Third street 76 80
Wilmer Cook, final estimate for
grading Adams avenue 85 80
John Kriebs, repairing harness
for Fire Department 3 25
Mettel Bros., straw and bran
for Fire Department 5 35
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
Fire Department Pi 10
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
road and Fire Department 8 55
Harger & Blish, stationery for
Police and Fire Commission-
ers 8 00
M. Kohn, meat for matrons'
quarters 2 175
Kaep & Buechele, police cap
and cord 5 50
Thos. F. Kane, oats and hay
for Patrol Horses 27 47
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing for police dept. 1 60
Pier Bros., coal for police dept. 14 72
Phil Doerr & Co., wood for po-
lice dept. 13 00
M. Morrisey, sawing and car-
R'.u1ar Session, March 5, 1908
Tying wood for police dept 2 00
Thos. Connolly Est., repairs to
patrol wagon 27 30
Linehan & 11Iolo, coal for po-
lice dept_ 9 41
H. J. Ilagerty, veterinary serv-
ices police dept. 2 64
E. J. Mulgrew, bread and milk
for police dept. 1 34
Jonas Scherer, repairing chair
for police matron 35
C. \V. Katz, eight meals fur-
nished prisoners during Feb -
ruary 1 60
Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
police dept. 75
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
police and road depts. 3 55
Eagle Point Lime Works, stone
and cement for road dept 42 50
John Butt, repairing tools for
road dept. 1 00
Martin- Strelau Co., team for
road dept • 1 20
Jchn Duggan, repairing tools
for work on Mt. Carmel ave 6 75
F. G. Becker, coal for steam
roller 3 76
Fischer & Co., coal and wood
for police and road depts.... 17 80
John Newman & Son, repairing
sprinkling wagons 125 45
John M. Lee, cinders for road
dept. 15 75
J. J. McCollins, wood for road
dept. 2 00
Wunder & Schilling, repairs for
engineer's office and road
dept. 15 60
James Beach & Sons, cinders
for road dept. 1 25
Kelly Springfield Road Roller
Co., repairs for steam roller. 25 00
Mauer & Kress, hardware for
road dept. 1 20
W. B Baumgartner, hardware
for road and exp. depts 1 65
Peter J. Seippel, lumber for
sidewalk and road depts 55 05
Chas. Giese, filing saws for
sidewalk dept. 2 80
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horse -
shoeing for sewer dept. . 80
A. Y. McDonald - Morrison Co.,
supplies for sewer dept 5 50
E. F. Frith, hauling' dead ani-
mals during months of No-
vember, December, January
and February 70 50
L. Lindenberg hardware for
fire and health depts. 30 75
Duggan & Cota, hardware for
.health and sidewalk depts 95
Kelly's Book Store, stationery
and supplies for various of-
fices and for primary elec-
tion 96 05
H. S. Moore, transcript of tes-
timony in case of Mary Demp-
sey vs. City of Dubuque 72 00
Eugene Anderson, making
measurements in Seventh
avenue in case of Sears vs.
City of Dubuque 5 00
J. 1 \T Kintzinger, expenses and
R. R. fare to Chicago and
return on water works inves-
tigation matter 10 60
Larry Daily, cleaning around
market square during months
of December, January and
February 42 00
John N. Juergens, repairing
paper on ceiling of council
Foley's Hand Laundry, towel
supply city hall 4 00
A. E. Ginehle, collecting de-
linquent personal taxes 61 50
Joseph B. Workman, collecting
back taxes 58 83
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for February 2 50
Key City Gas Co., gas for vari-
ous departments 70 00
G. B. Grosvenor, supplies for
Fire and expense depts 11 00
Eichhorn and Bechtel, supplies
for various depts. 8 63
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for
various depts. 20 60
Geo. W. Healey and Son, hard-
ware for various depts 215
Klauer and Kress, hardware for
various depts. 5 80
Times - Journal printing official
proceedings for December, Jan-
uary and February 156 79
Times Journal publishing Pri-
mary Election Ballot and notice
of election, two weeks 117 75
Telegraph- Herald printing offi-
cial proceedings for December,
January and February 148 55
Telegraph - Herald printing pro-
ceedings in pamphlets for
month of November, December
and January
Telegraph - Herald printing bonds
and printing for Treasurer's of-
Regular Session, March 5, 1908
7 00
47 05
58 00
Telegraph- Herald printing health
reports for September, October
and November, 1907 15 00
Telegraph- Herald publishing
Primary Election ballot and
notice of election, two weeks 117 75
Telegraph- Herald official and
sample ballots for Primary
election 133 00
National Demokrat printing offi-
cial proceedings for month of.
December, January and Feb-
ruary 75 00
Labor Leader printing official
proceedings for the months of
December, January and Feb-
ruary 75 00
Labor Leader publishing Pri-
mary election ballot and no-
tice of election for two weeks 117 75
Labor Leader printing for Re-
corder's office 5 00
Louis Fay, repairing election
booths and hauling booths in-
Third ward
Lawrence Daily, hauling elec-
tion booths to First ward
J. R. Flick, hauling election
booths to Fifth ward
J. J. McCollins, hauling election
booths to Second and Fourth
John C. Althauser, supplies for
H. Wunderlich, rent of chairs
and tables for election
Wm. Sinhold hauling lamps to
various Precincts for Primary
Eichhorn and Bechtel, supplies
for election
34 30
7 65
17 55
18 00
4 80
1 00
7 00
2 33
On motion the Judges and Clerks of
the Primary Election were allowed
for their services *10.00 each and also
$10.00 for the rent of buildings used
for Primary Election.
Petition of Cecelia Grosstick asking
that the taxes on her homestead, Lot
271 Davis Farm Add. for the year 1907
be cancelled, she being a widow with
six small children and unable to pay
same, was on motion granted and the
Treasurer to be instructed according-
Petition of Peter Molitor asking that
the taxes for the year 1907 on his
homestead the southerly 33 feet of Lot
13 Hooper's Add. be exempted to the
amount of $800.00 he being an honor-
ably discharged soldier, was on motion
granted and the Treasurer to be in-
structed accordingly.
Petition of Rt. Rev. John J. Keane
asking that the taxes on lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8 and 15 Levin's Add. be ex-
empted from taxation from and after
January 1st, 1908, said property to be
used for the erection of the new ca-
thedral was on motion granted and the
City Assessor to be instructed accord-
Petition of A. B. Brown asking that
his taxes for the year 1907 be can-
celled he being unable to pay same
was on motion referred to the com-
mittee of the whole and the city as-
Petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Heacock
asking that the taxes for the year
1907 on the property known as 196 Rush
Street be reduced to $500.00 she being
in poor health and unable to pay same,
was on motion referred to the com-
mittee of the whole and the city as-
Petition of John Leicht asking that
the special assessment for the im-
provement of Garfield Avenue abutting
lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 McCraney's Sub.
levied December 2nd, 1895, be cancelled
was on motion granted and the Treas-
urer to be instructed accordingly.
Petition of A. R. Flick Box Company
asking that the city grant them an ex-
emption from taxation for a period of
five years, was on motion, referred to
the committee of the whole.
Petition of M. Blake and E. C. Blake
asking that the Treasurer be instructed
to accent the amount of the special
assessment without interest levied
against lots 41, 42 and 43, Levins' add.,
for the improvement of Alta Vista
street, was on motion, granted, and
the Treasurer to be instructed accord-
Petition of B. W. Lacy et al asking
that Louisa street be improved by
grading, curbing and macadamizing
said street, was on motion, granted,
and the City Engineer ordered to pre-
pare plans and specifications for said
Petition of C. J. Peterson and P. S.
Slocum asking that the city use some
of the surplus material from the grad-
ing of the north end of Grandview ave-
nue to fill the ditches through side-
walks and lots in block two, Grand-
view Park add., claiming damage was
done this property by water from the
street flowing onto said lots, was on
motion, referred to the committee of
the whole.
Petition of the Board of Directors of
the Home of the Friendless et al asking
that an electric light be placed on Mt.
Pleasant avenue in front of the Home
of the Friendless, was on motion, grant-
ed, and the, City Electrician to be in-
structed to have a light installed where
desired as soon as possible.
Petition of John R. Waller asking the
approval of the Council to the replat
of sub- division of city out lots 691
700 and part of 721, was on motion, re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Mayor Schunk presented the follow-
ing report on the gas ordinance adopt-.
ed by the City Council February 20th,
Dubuque, Iowa, March 5th, 1908.
"To the City Council of the City of
"Gentlemen: —I herewith submit an
ordinance regulating the price of gas
within the City of Dubuque, signed
subject to the condition and restrictions
Regular Session, March 5, 1908
contemplated by the Council in the en-
actment, to -wit:
"First: That it shall not be offi-
cially published and will not be-
come effective, or operative until the
first day of April, 1908.
"Secondly: That the Key City Gas
company shall be given the notice
mentioned in its charter to present to
the Council legally sufficient reasons,
(if any it may have) why such ordi-
nance should not be enforced and be-
come validly effective.
"Mayor of the City of Dubuque."
Ald. Clancy stated this matter of the
gas ordinance was not clear to him
and did not think the gas company
had been properly treated in the mat-
ter, and moved that the Council re-
consider their action taken in adopting
the gas ordinance.
After some discussion as to the legal-
ity of reconsidering the passing of said
gap ordinance, the motion was put and
the vote resulted as follows:
Yeas - -Aids. Clancy, Hines and Tho-
Nays —Aids. Closs, McEvoy and
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Vote being tie, Mayor Schunk voted
nay and declared the motion lost.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the
pay roll for the city officers for the
month of February, 1908:
Amount due city officers $1,343.75
Respectfully submitted,
M. E. LYONS, Auditor.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the city officers, and the report re-
ferred to the committee on finance.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of February, 1908:
I find from the reports of the police
department that the total hours that
82 lamps failed to burn would equal
1 3-4 lamps for one month, or $9.45.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the City Auditor instructed to
deduct from the Union Electric com-
pany's bill for the month of February,
1908, the sum of $9.45.
Chief of Police Pickley reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, Ia., March 1, 1908.
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit the
police report for the month of February,
Malicious mischief
Disturbing the peace
Disorderly conduct
Committing nuisance
Profane language
Assault and battery
Regular Session, March 5, 1908
roll for
Residents arrested
Doors found open
Lodgers harbored
Defective lights,
Meals furnished
Cost of food
Police court costs collected
Patrol runs for prisoners
Transfer of prisoners
Ambulance calls
Miles traveled
Also beg to submit the pay
police for February, 1908.
Amount due policemen $865,80
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the policemen and the
report referred to the committee on
The street and sewer committee re-
ported as follows:
Gentlemen: -We herewith submit
the pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the last
half of February, 1908:
Amount due laborers on streets. $1,311.53
- On. motion the pay rolls on streets
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts and
the pay rolls referred back to the com-
mittee on streets.
City Engineer Ilg reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:-Please find attached
grade of Heeb street from the south
lot line of Kaufmann avenue to the
center of Seminary street as shown by
red line, and I would recommend the
same .for your adoption.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion report of the City Engi-
neer was received and plat accepted
and referred to ordinance committee to
prepare an ordinance.
City Engineer Ilg also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:- Attached please find
bills for macadam broken in the var-
ious road districts, which I measured
as per your instructions.
Yours respectfully,
On motion the report of the City
Engineer was received and warrants
ordered drawn in the various amounts
to pay for said macadam.
Guy G. White reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:- Attached please find
bills against the Key City Gas Com-
pany, Union Electric Company, Street
& Steuck and O'Farrell Contracting
Company for rolling trenches during
the year 1907, as follows:
Key City Gas Company $34.50
Union Electric Company 19.50
Street & Steuck 7.50
O'Farrell Contracting Company 16.50
Respectfully submitted,
Asst. Street Commissioner.
On motion bills for rolling were re-
ferred to the city attorney for collec-
The following weighmaster's and
woodmeasurer's reports of receipts dur-
ing the month of February, were read,
and on motion received and filed:
J. H. Carroll, woodmeasurer $ .45
J. H. Carroll, wharfage 5.00
Louisa Pitschner, West Du-
buque scales 1.71
Thos. Faherty, First ward scales,
first half of February 2.61
Joseph Straney, First ward scales,
last half of February 1.80
Market Master Katz, City Hall 20.70
_Alcl. Hines, chairman of the com-
mittee on ordinances presented and
read an ordinance fixing the compensa-
tion of the members of the Fire De-
partment and repealing all previous
ordinances or parts of ordinances bear-
ing on that subject, and moved that
the reading just had be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved the rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading
the ordinance by its title for the second
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas--Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent-Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque;
Section 1. That the compensation
for members of the Fire Department of
the City of Dubuque shall be as fol-
Chief, $1,500.00 per annum.
Assistant Chief, $1,200.00 per annum.
Captains, $77.00 per month.
Engineers, $82.50 per month.
Stokers, $71.50 per month.
Drivers, $71.50 per month.
Hosemen and Laddermen, 3rd year,
$66.00 per month.
Hosemen and laddermen, 2nd
$60.50 per month.
Hosemen and laddermen, 1st year,
$55.00 per month.
Watchmen, $55.00 per month.
Section 2. That all ordinances and
parts of ordinances inconsistent with
the provisions hereof be and are hereby
Section 3. This ordinance to take
effect and be in force from and after
the 1st day of April, 1908, after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted , 1908.
Approved , 1908.
City Recorder.
year, •
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance in relation to the taxes of
the Morrison, Kretschmer Manufactur-
ing Company, and moved that the read-
ing just had be considered its first
reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved the rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading
the ordinance by its title for the second
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Ald. Hopkins.
Aid. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Regular Session, March 5, 1908
Carried by the following vote:
Yea -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays- -None.
Absent -Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows::
Whereas, the Morrison, Kretschmer
Manufacturing Company has estab-
lished a plant on City lots 417, 418 and
419, thereby giving employment to
labor, and
Whereas, the said business has been
established under the presumption that
the City Council would pursue its set-
tled policy regarding the encourage-
ment of the new enterprises, therefore
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque,
Section 1. That the taxes on all
buildings, machinery, and other per-
sonal property on said City Lots 417,
418, and 419, together with all other
personal property belonging to the said
Morrison, Kretschmer Mnfg. Co., and
used in carrying on its business, be ex-
empt from taxation for a period of five
years, commencing with the taxes for
the year 1907, provided the said plant
be in continuous operation• during said
Section 3. This ordinance to take ef-
fect and be in force from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald newspaper.
Adopted , 1908.
Approved , 1908.
City Recorder.
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance repealing an ordinance
entitled An Ordinance providing for
the regulation of gas rates and meters
and providing a penalty for the viola-
tion thereof, and moved that the read-
ing just had be considered its first
reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that rules be
suspended for the purpose of reading
the ordinance by its title for the second
time. Motion lost by following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Hines, Stumpf
and Thomas.
Nays - Alds. Closs and McEvoy.
Absent -Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the Com-
mittee of the Whole, reported as fol-
Your Committee of the Whole would
respectfully recommend that there be
appropriated from the grading fund
Ald. Hines also offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications for
an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
in Alta Vista street from Yale street
to the present sewer in West Fifth
street, showing the locations and gen-
eral nature of such improvement, the
extent thereof, the size and kind of
material to be used, and to prepare
an estimate of the cost thereof and
the amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of land adjacent to or abutt-
ing thereon per front feet or square
feet in area and to file such plat, speci-
fications and estimate in the office of
City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in
three consecutive issues of the official
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file, and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of said notice and after the com-
pletion of the publication of such no-
tice he shall at its next session, notify
the council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays- -None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Closs moved that the City En-
gineer be instructed to prepare a pro-
file and grade of Emsley's Lane from
Eagle Street north. Carried.
Ald. Thomas moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, March 19th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
Regular Session, March 5, 1908
the sum of $250.00 for the grading of
Heel) street.
MATT CLANCY, Chairman.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the report of the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Mayor Schunk presented the follow-
ing veto on the report of the Com-
mittee of the Whole ordering the taxes
of the Dubuque Bridge company can-
Dubuque, Ia., March 5, 1908.
To the City Council of the City of
Gentlemen —I herewith submit the
report of the committee of the whole
adopted by motion at the last regular
session of the city council, granting
the prayer of the petitioner, the Du-
buque Bridge company, ordering the
cancellation of the tax levied against
its bridge property for the years 1905
and 1906.
The Dubuque Bridge company has
enjoyed an exemption from taxation
for nineteen years and unless check-
ed the imposition 011 the public will
continue indefinitely. The plea of
an illegal contract illegally foisted on
a patient public has its limitations.
The company should pay its share of
public taxation the same as any other
The contract that they refer to was
originally granted the Dubuque and
Dunleith Pontoon Bridge company,
and as far as the exemption from tax-
ation it grants is concerned, was from
its inception and is now absolutely
illegal and void. I attach the opinion
of City Attorney Kintzinger which
establishes conclusively the illegality
of that part of the contract.
I herewith return to you the peti-
tion of the Dubuque Bridge company
endorsed by the favorable report of
the committee of the whole and on
motion adopted by the city council,
and hereby veto the motion that car-
ried adopting the same.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Hines offered the following:
Be it resolved by the city council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Alta Vista street from Julien
avenue to West Fifth street and it
is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gut-
ter and macadamize said street and to
assess the cost of said curbing, gutter-
ing and macadamizing against the
abutting property.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Regular Session, March 5, 1908
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines also offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the city
engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally
the location, nature and extent of the
proposed improvement on Alta Vista
street from Julien avenue to West
Fifth street, and the kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of the
entire cost thereof, and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and
the amount assessable upon any rail-
way or street railway company, the
amount and cost thereof to be paid by
the city, if any, and the cost thereof
and amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of land adjacent to or abut-
ting upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such plat and esti-
mate in the office of the city recorder;
that after the filing of said plat and
estimate in his office, the city recorder
shall publish in three consecutive is-
sues of a newspaper published in this
city, a notice stating that such plat
and estimates are on file, the location
and nature of the improvement, kind
of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of its cost, and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the city recorder
shall, at the next regular session of
the City Council, notify the Council
thereof in writing, with a printed copy
of such notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines also offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
construct a sanitary sewer in Alta
Vista street as follows, to -wit: An
eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in
said street from Yale street to the
present sewer in West Fifth street and
to assess the cost of said sewer against
the abutting property.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays - -None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins.
Regular session March 19th, 1908.
Council met at 8 :30 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds, Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
The following bills, having been
properly approved by the various com-
mittees, were ordered paid:
Frank Theiring, repairing pa-
trol wagon $ 56 50
Louis Zemanek, assisting mar-
ket master for first half of
March, 1908 19 20
A. A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy
Co., painting sprinkling wag-
ons and repairing same 232 00
Bill of Peter Eisbach, balance due
on construction of Bee Branch sewer,
$2,903.75, was on motion referred to
the committee of the whole and city
Petition of Theodore Grobe et al ask-
ing that Hennepin street from Wind-
sor avenue to Stafford avenue be im-
proved by grading, curbing and ma-
cadamizing same was on motion grant-
ed and the proper resolutions ordered
prepared for same.
Petition of E. Muntz asking that the
proposed sewer in Alta Vista street
he commenced at a point about 150
feet north of Yale street instead of
commencing at Yale street, was on
motion received and filed.
Petition of James Alderson asking
that grades be established on Yale
street and Harvard street in Oxford
Heights Add, claiming that if said
streets were graded material from
these streets could be used on the
grading of Alta Vista street was on
motion granted and the city engineer
to be instructed to give the proper
Petition of Frank Mihm et al ask-
ing that Pleasant street from Stafford
avenue to Viola street be improved by
grading, curbing, macadamizing and
guttering, the same was on motion
granted and the proper resolution ord-
ered prepared for same.
Petition of James Hayes asking that
the taxes for the year 1907 on City
Lot 1 of 2 and Lot 3 of the subdivision
of Lot 600 be canceled, stating that
said property had been sold and trans-
Regular Session, March 19, 1908 61
ferred by him to the Independent
School District of the City of Du-
buque, and was therefor exempt from
taxation, was on motion granted and
the treasurer to be instructed accord-
Petition of Mrs. George Vogt ask-
ing that the taxes for the year 1907
on her homestead, Sub. 2 of 2 and 1
of 159 L. H. Langworthy's Add., be
canceled, she being a widow dependent
on the support of her daughter' and
the sale of the products of a small
garden, was on motion granted and
the treasurer to be instructed accord-
Communication from M. Tschirgi &
Son asking that the city pay them
$62.50 balance due on construction of
storm water sewer in Ninth street, the
Chicago Great Western Railway com-
pany having refused to pay same, was
on motion granted and warrant order-
ed drawn in the sum of $62.50 and
bill against the Chicago Great West-
ern Ry. Co. to be referred to the city
attorney for collection.
Communication from H. E. Tredway
protesting against there being any
change made in the plat of the Cooper
plat of Prospect Hill Add., without
his consent thereto and stating that
if any change is made without his
consent he shall consider himself en-
titled to damages, was on motion re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Communication from R. F. Keating
et al asking that the city deed back
to them property purchased from
Mary Rubeck June 4th, 1888, on ac-
count of an error having been made
in the deed and therefore affecting the
title to the property was on motion
referred to the city attorney and city
engineer for correction.
Petition of John P. Wagner et al ask-
ing that an electric light be placed on
Penn street at the intersection of the
alley between Delhi street and Cherry
street was on motion referred to the
committee on police and light with
Petition of Frank Thome, secretary
of stone masons' union, asking that the
council have all stone mason work
done by union masons, was on motion
referred to the street commissioner
with instructions to have city mason
work done by union masons.
Petition of Frank Lange et al ask-
ing that the city lay a sidewalk and
curbing along one side of Willow
street, was on motion referred to the
committee of the whole.
and that the street was now in bad
shape and moved that the steam roller
be sent up to roll Kaufmann avenue at
Ald. Clancy moved that the matter
be referred to the Alderman of the 5th
ward to have the horse roller sent to
roll said street. Carried.
Bids for supplying the fire depart-
ment with 1,500 feet of 2 1 -2 inch dou-
ble jacket cotton covered hose, were
,presented, and on motion were ordered
`to be opened and read. On motion bids
were then referred to the committee of
the whole.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:- Herewith find my re-
port for the month of February, 1908,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand January 31st,
1908 $ 74,231 59
Receipts from all sources 119,466 12
Total $193,697 71
Warrants redeemed $ 75,246 02
Regular coupons redeemed 7,079 88
Improvement bonds redeem-
ed 10,047 29
Sidewalk certificate coupons
fund 34 64
Sidewalk certificate redeem-
ed 51 49
Total $ 92,459 32
Balance on hand February
29th, 1908 $101,238 39
The above cash balance includes the
Improvement Bond Fund, the Improve-
ment Bond Interest Fund and the Li-
brary Fund balances.
Also the following is a record of all
interest coupons, sidewalk certificates
and bonds redeemed by the City
Treasurer during the past month and
credited to him:
Regular bond coupons redeem-
ed $7,079 88
Sidewalk certificates redeemed 34 64
Total $7,114 52
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the beginning
of the fiscal year beginning March 1st,
1907, to March 1st, 1908:
Appropriation Expended
Expense $40,000 $39,937.29
Road -
First District 7.030 0.525.33
Second District 12,000 12,000.72
Third District 8,000 7,952.78
Regular Session, \larch 19, 1908
Fourth District
Fifth District
Street Lighting
Board of Health
Intakes from Jackson St.
to Bee Branch Sewer 1,500
Special Bonded Paving 2.500
Judgment 4,500
Special Bonded Debt and
Interest 2,000
Mount Carmel Avenue
Grading 2,000
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000
Bluff Street Extension
Wall 1,000
Improvement o f Davis
Re- Arching Sewer an 8th
Street 1,500
Improvement of Windsor
Seventeenth Street Storm
Water Sewer 1,809 1,797.62
West Locust Street Storm
Water Sewer 4,000 3,805.50
M. E. LYONS, Auditor,
On motion, the report was received
and referred to the committee on fin-
50D 498.60
Fire Chief Reinfried presented par-
tial report as to the condition of the
various public buildings and the
changes he would recommend as be-
ing necessary to make said buildings
fire procf.
On motion the Fire Chief's report was
received and referred to the committee
of the whole.
Committee Clerk Lawlor reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -I herewith attach the
receipts of the City Treasurer for $22.00,
the amount referred to me for collection
from the Electrical Workers Union by
the committee of the whole for the use
of the Armory Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
On motion the report of Committee
Clerk Lawlor was ordered received and
City Attorney Kintzinger presented
his annual report as City Attorney, and
on motion same was referred to the
committee on finance to be embodied in
the annual finance report.
City Engineer Ilg presented the fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:- Attached please find
bills for macadam broken in the var-
62 Regular Session March 19, 1908
tric Company stating that the arc light
recently ordered installed on Mt. Pleas-
ant avenue would be installed as soon
as the new electrical equipment re-
cently ordered for their power plant
would be ready for operation, was on
notion received and filed.
Original Notices in the District Court
of suit of Edward Brunskill against the
City of Dubuque for $1,000.00 and of
Myrtle Brunskill, minor, by Edward
Brunskill her father, against the City
of Dubuque for $5,000.00, were, on mo-
tion referred to the committee on
claims and City Attorney.
Petition of the Fifth Ward Non -
Partisan League by O. F. Lange presi-
dent, and E. J. Wiedner secretary, ask-
ing that a sidewalk four feet wide of
brick or cement, be ordered laid on the
east side of Fifth avenue from Rhom-
berg avenue to the end of the ma-
cadamized part of said street, was on
motion, granted and the sidewalk in-
spector to be instructed to serve the
proper notices and ascertain if the
property will stand the assessment.
Petition of the Fifth Ward Non -Par-
tisan League by Otto F. Lange, presi-
dent, and E. J. Wiedner secretary, ask-
ing that sidewalks four feet wide of
brick or cement, be laid on the west
side of Windsor avenue from Burden
.avenue to Davis avenue, also on the
northeast corner of Rhomberg and
:Schiller avenues, in front of lot 15, Mc-
Craney's Second addition, also on both
.sides of Garfield avenue from Chicago
Great Western railroad tracks to Kniest
:street, also on the north side of Gar-
field avenue between Kniest street and
Johnston avenue, excepting where
such walks of brick or cement are al-
ready laid, were on motion granted and
the Sidewalk Inspector to be instruct-
ed to serve the proper notices on the
owners of said property.
Petition of the Fifth Ward Non -Par-
tisan League by Otto F. Lange presi-
dent, and E. J. Wiedner secretary, ask-
ing that the Council appropriate a sum
necessary to complete the Bee Branch
.sewer from its present terminus to the
city limits, also that the Council ap-
propriate a sufficient sum to perman-
ently improve Windsor avenue from
Eagle Point avenue to Davis avenue,
were on motion referred to the commit-
tee of the whole.
Petition of the Fifth Ward Non -Par-
tisan League by Otto F. Lange presi-
dent, and E. J. Wiedner secretary, ask-
ing that the Street Commissioner be
instructed to immediately make neces-
sary repairs on Fifth avenue, on Kauf-
mann avenue and on Rhomberg avenue
from Reed avenue to the approach of
the Eagle Point high bridge, and that
said repairs be paid out of the Fifth
Ward road fund, - was on motion, re-
ferred to the Street Commissioner and
the Alderman of the Fifth ward.
Petition of the Fifth Ward Non -Par-
tisan League by Otto F. Lange presi-
dent, and E. J. Wiedner secretary, ask-
ing that two electric arc lights be im-
mediately placed on Thomas Place, was
on motion, referred to the committee
on police and light with power.
Petition of the Fifth Ward Non -Par-
tisan League by Otto F. Lange presi-
dent, and E. J. Wiedner secretary, ask-
ing that the Council appoint a commit-
tee to meet with a like committee of the
Board of Supervisors of Dubuque
County to arrange for the macadam-
izing and improvement of Davis ave-
nue, half of the expense of same to be
paid by the city and the other half by
the county, was on motion, referred to
the committee of the whole, and the
City Engineer to be instructed to pre-
pare an estimate of the cost of finishing
the improvement of Davis avenue.
Petition of the Fifth Ward Non -Par-
tisan League by Otto F. Lange presi-
dent, and E. J. Wiedner secretary, ask-
ing that the Council order the lot be-
longing to the City of Dubuque sit-
uated on Queen street between Eagle
Point avenue and Regent street, be im-
mediately cleansed, renovated, graded
and improved so that said property can
be used as a suitable play ground for
the children of the neighborhood, was
read. Whereupon Ald. Clancy moved
that said lot on Queen street be
cleansed and 'graded and the property
be turned over to the school children.
Ald. McEvoy moved as an amend-
ment that the matter of cleaning and
grading said lot be referred to the
committee on public grounds and build-
ing to report back to the Council.
On motion, the rules were suspended
to allow Mr. Otto F. Lange, president
of the Fifth Ward Non - Partisan
League, permission to address the
Council. .
Vote was then taken on the amend-
ment, which resulted as follows:
Yeas -Alds. McEvoy and Stumpf.
Nays -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and Thomas.
Original motion carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the Street
Commissioner take charge and clean
up and grade the city lot, on Queen
street at once. Carried.
Ald. Thomas stated that Kaufmann
avenue had not been rolled after the
sewer was put in said street last fall,
64 Regular Session, March 19, 1908
ions road districts, which I measured
as per your instructions.
Yours respectfully,
City • Engineer.
On motion, the report of the City
Engineer was received and warrants
ordered drawn in the various amounts
to pay for all macadam as approved by
the committee.
City Recorder Linehan presented and
read the printed notice certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's intention
to construct a sanitary sewer in Alta
Vista street from Yale street to the
present sewer in West Fifth street. No
remonstrance being filed and no one in
the room objecting to the said improve-
ment, the notice was, on motion, re-
ceived and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also present-
ed and read the printed notice, certi-
fied to by the publisher, of the Coun-
cil's intention to improve Alta Vista
street from Julien avenue to West Fifth
street. No remonstrance being filed
and no one in the room objecting to the
said improvement, the notice was, on
motion received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also present-
ed and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the City Coun-
cil's intention to improve Asbury street
from Delhi street to St. Ambrose street.
No remonstrance being filed, the rules
were, on motion, suspended to allow
remonstrators permission to address
the Council.
Mr. John Hillery, Mrs. Schueller and
Miss Louise Pitschner then addressed
the Council remonstrating against the
proposed improvement of Asbury street.
On motion, the notice was then re-
ceived and filed.
Assistant Street Commissioner White
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen : —I herewith submit
the pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the first
half of March, 1908:
Am't due laborers on streets....$502.90
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of March,
Am't due laborers on sewers....$199.65
Approved by Committee on sewers.
On motion the pay rolls on streets
and sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the proper committees.
Mr. Robert Hay, weighmaster of city
scales at 8th and White streets, pre-
sented report of scale receipts for
month of February, 1908, amounting to
On motion, the report of Weighmas-
ter Hay was received and filed.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on ordinances, presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade on
Heeb street in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and moved that the reading just
had be considered its first reading.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, .
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,.
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Heeb
street from the south lot line of Kauf
mann avenue to, the center of Seminary
street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby established
and adopted as shown by the profile of
said street and grade prepared by the
City Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 5th day of March, 1908,
being No. 641 and marked "Grade and
profile of Heeb street from the south
ter of Seminary street, b. m.'s top of
lot line of Kaufmann avenue to the cen-
foundation of Heeb's barn, s. w. corner
of Kaufmann avenue and Heeb street,
elevation 39.83; northwest corner porch.
Peter Grutz's frame house on the south
1. -2 of lot 10 Marsh's add., elevation.
119.88." Said grade beginning at the
south lot line of Kaufmann avenue,
which is station 0, elevation 35.50;
thence to station 3+55, elevation 72.35;
thence to station 5 +35, elevation 76.35;
thence to station 8+35, elevation 82.35;
thence to station 11+35, elevation.
105.00; thence to station 12, elevation
106.50; thence to station 12 +40, eleva-
tion 102.50; thence to station 13 +35,.
elevation 88.30.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its-
publication one time in the Telegraph -
Herald newspaper.
Adopted, 1908.
Approved, 1908.
City Recorder.
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance establishing r grade on
Rosedale avenue in the City of Dubu-
que, Iowa, and moved that the reading
just had be considered its first reading.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas,
' Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows:
De it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Rosedale
avenue in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby established
and adopted as shown by the profile of
said street and grade prepared by the
City Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 20th day of February,
1908, being No. 639, and marked "Grade
and profile of Rosedale avenue, b. m.'s
top of first lower step John Parker's
frame house on lot 1 of 1 of m. 1. 183,
elevation 136.54; door sill frame house
on west 50 feet of lot 3 of mineral lot
179, elevation 253.67; east end of door
sill double frame house at intersection
of West Locust street and Rosedale
avenue, north side of West Locust
street, elevation 253.67." Said grade
beginning at the west lot line of Alta
Vista street, which is station 0, eleva-
tion 113.40; thence to station 8, eleva-
tion 133.00; thence to station 9, eleva-
tion 136.00; thence to station 19, eleva-
tion 166.10; thence to station 26+50,
elevation 191.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
Regular Session, March 19, 1908
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted, 1908.
Approved, 1908.
City Recorder.
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance changing the name of
Klingenberg street in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, and calling the same
Hennepin street, and moved that the
reading just had be considered its first
reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of reading
the ordinance by its title for the sec-
ond time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the name of the-
street now known as Klingenberg
street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be
changed, and that said street be called
Hennepin street.
Section 2. This ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald newspaper.
Adopted, 1908.
Approved, 1908.
City Recorder.
Ald. Hines also presented an ordi-
nance in relation to the taxes of the
Hottman Boiler Co., and moved that
the reading just had be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules"
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, .
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Alcl. Thomas also presented and read
the following report of the Committee
on claims:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: —The undersigned, Com-
mittee on Claims and City Attorney,
would respectfully report:
That there is now pending in the
District Court of Dubuque county, Iowa,
an action entitled Clara Weiland vs.
City of Dubuque, in which the plaintiff
seeks to recover the sum of $100.00
damages for injuries to her building
located on Couler avenue, by reason of •
the bursting of the sewer pipe, causing
the water to flow therefrom into and
against the walls of her building. The
plaintiff has agreed with this commit-
tee to accept the sum of $35.00 in full
settlement of all damages therefor, the
city to pay the court costs of $8.15.
We would therefore recommend that
a settlement be made on that basis and
that a warrant in the sum of $43.15 be
ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor
with which to affect said settlement.
"Dated this 14th day of March, 1908.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the com-
mittee on claims and city attorney
was approved and warrant in the suns
of $35.00 drawn in favor of the mayor
to effect the settlement of the claim
of Clara Wieland.
Ald. Thomas also presented and read
the following report of the Committee
on Claims:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, City.
Gentlemen: -The undersigned, Com-
mittee on claims and City Attorney,
would respectfully report:
That Sister Mary Alonzo of St.
Joseph's Academy during the month of
September, 1907, called our attention
to injuries sustained by her in being
thrown onto the street from a carriage
while driving along Seminary Hill dur-
ing the night, by reason of being upset
by a pile of dirt left in the street in
front of the residence of Hiram L. Hart.
At that time the undersigned and Mr.
Hart agreed by way of compromise for
the damages received by said Sister, to
pay in full for the injuries sustained by
her a reasonable amount for medical
services and hospital attendance; the
City to pay - one- - half and Mr: Hart to
pay the other half. The total amount
of these two bills as herewith attached
is Two Hundred Thirty ($230.00) Dol-
In order to avoid any law -suit on
this claim, we would respectfully rec-
ommend that one -half of said amount
Regular Session, March 19, 1908
be paid by the City, the other half to
be paid by 1VIrt'Hart, the. owner of the
property adjoining the street where the
damages- occurred.-- We would, there-
fore, recommend that a warrant in the
sum of One Hundred- Fifteen ($115.00)
Dollar be ordered. drawn in favor of the
Mayor with which to settle this claim
in full.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 14th
day of January, 1908.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the com-
mittee en . claims and cit_' attorney
was approved and warrants ordered
drawn in the sum of $115.00 in favor
of the mayor with which to effect a
settlement -in claim cf Sister Mary
Ald. Thomas of the Committee on
Claims also presented and read the fol-
lowing report of the Committee on
Your Committee on Claims, to whom
was referred the claim of Mrs. Mary
Fritsche asking that.she be allowed the
sum of -ninety-six dollars as damages
for injuries sustained by her by reason
of falling on an icy sidewalk, would
respectfully recommend that the -peti-
tioner be allowed the sum of Fifty
Dollars, provided she accept said sum
in full settlement of all claims she may
have against- the City of Dubuque - by
reason of said accident, that a war-
rant in said amount be drawn on the
City Treasurer in favor of the Mayor
to be paid over to said Mary Fritsche
upon her signing a waiver drawn in ac-
cordance with the foregoing recom-
Acting Chairman.
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the com-
mittee on claims and city attorney
was approved and warrants ordered
drawn in the sump of $50.00 in favor of
the mayor to effect a settlement of the
claim of Mrs. Mary Fritschie.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the bill of the Iowa
Publishing Co. for $150.00 for six maps
of the City of Dubuque, would respect-
fully recommend that said bill be paid
and that a warrant in said amount be
ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in
settlement of the bill.
Also, your committee of the whole,
66 Regular Session, March 19, 1908
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows.
Whereas, the Hottman Boiler Com-
pany has erected a building on lots 200,
201, 202 and 203 in Glendale Addition,
and are operating a boiler shop on said
premises and thereby giving employ- _
ment to labor, and
Whereas, the Hottman Boiler Corn-;
pany has built and is operating its
plant under the presumption that the
City Council will pursue its settled
policy of encouraging new industries,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the taxes on all
machinery and other personal property
owned by - the Hottman Boiler dom-
pany and used - in carrying on their
business be exempt from taxation for a
period of Ave years from the year 1907,
provided said plant be operated con-
tinuously .during said period.
Section 2. This ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Telegraph -
Herald, the official newspaper of the
:City of Dubuque.
Adopted, 1908.
City Recorder.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the Com-
- mittee on claims, presented and read
the following:..
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.,
Gentlemen: —The undersigned com-
mittee on claims and city attorney
would respectfully report:
That there is now pending in the dis-
trict court of Dubuque county, Iowa, an
action entitled John Tibey vs. City of
Dubuque, in which the plaintiff seeks to
- recover the sum of $1,095.00 as a bat-
ance due him on his contract for the
construction of the stormwater sewer
- in Dodge street, and also for damages
.on account or delay claimed to have
been caused him by the officers of the
city. The plaintiff in said action has
agreed to ,accept the sum of $300.00 in
full settlement for his claim against the
city in said action, the city to pay the
court costs therein. - – '
Inasmuch as tt e''City shifts liability
to plaintiff therein in the sum - of
$114.40, and inasmuch' as the city'ivotuld
be bound to pay the court costs' therein
in event it was successful in said suit,
the undersigned deemed it adidsable to
settle case on basis of $300.00 and
court costs. This case was at one time
partially tried and the court costs
therein amounted to the sum of $74.66.
We – would therefore recommend that
the warrants be ordered drawn in favor
of the'mayor in the sum of '$374.66 with
which to affect said settlement.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 14th
clay of March, 1908.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the cohi-
mittee on claims and city attorney
was approved and a warrant ordered ,
drain in the hum of $374.66 in favor '
of the mayor with which to effect the
settlement cf the claim of John Tibey.
Ald. Thomas also presented the fol-
lowing report of the committee on
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council, Dubuque, Iowa.
Gentlemen: —The undersigned, Com-
mittee on Claims and City Attorney,
would respectfully report:
That there is now pending in the Dis-
trict Court of Dubuque county, Iowa,
an action entitled Margaret Metz vs.
City of Dubuque, in which the plaintiff
seeks to recover the sum of $4,000.00 for
personal injuries received by her by
reason of falling upon an icy sidewalk
on Clay street between 14th and 15th
streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
on or about the 9th day of February,
1907. Plaintiff in said action has agreed
with this committee to accept the sum
of ,.$200.00 in full settlement of all her
claims against the City for said in-
juries, plaintiff to pay the court costs
We would therefore recommend that
a settlement be made on that basis and
that a warrant in the sum of $200.00 be
ordered drawn in favor of the Mayor
with which to affect said settlement.
Dated this 14th day of March, 1908.
City Attorney.
Committee on Claims.
On motion the report of the com-
mittee on claims and city attorney
was approved and warrants ordered
drawn in the sum of $200.00 in favor
of the mayor with which to effect set-
tlement in claim of Margaret Metz.
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on Louisa street
from the south side of Delhi street to
the north side of Grace street, and the
kind of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of the entire cost thereof, and the
amount and cost of such improvement,
and the amount assessable upon any
railway or street railway company, the
amount and cost thereof, to be paid by
the city, if any, and the cost thereof
and amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of Land adjacent to or abut-
ting upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such plat and estimate
in the office of the City Recorder; that
after the filing of said plat and esti-
mate in his office, the City Recorder
shall publish in three consecutive issues
of a newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and esti-
mates are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
its cost, and the time before which ob-
jections thereto can be filed, and the
time fixed for hearing, which shall not
be less than five days after the last
publication of such notice, and after
such publication shall have been made,
the City Recorder shall, at the next
regular session of the City Council,
notify the Council thereof in writing,
with a printed copy of such notice ac-
companying the same.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman McEvoy also offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That Asbury
street from its intersection with Delhi
street to its northerly intersection with
St. Ambrose street be improved by
grading, curbing, guttering and ma-
cadamizing the same in accordance
with the plans and specifications for
such improvement prepared by the City
Engineer and now on file in the office of
the City Recorder; and be it further
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the 1st
day of July, 1908, and shall be paid for
in the manner prescribed by Chapter
XXXII of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, for the payment
of the cost of street improvements.
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council on
the 2nd day of April, 1908, and the City
Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
Regular Session, March 19, 1908
days' notice by publication asking for
proposals as provided by ordinance.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
A bsent—Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman Closs offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deem-
ed necessary and advisable to improve
Hennepin street from Windsor avenue
to Stafford avenue, and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma-
cadamize said street, and to assess the
cost of said guttering, curbing and ma-
cadamizing against the abutting prop-
Ald. Cloys moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman Closs also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on Hennepin street
from Windsor avenue to Stafford ave-
nue, and the kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of the entire cost
thereof, and the amount and cost of •
such improvement, and the amount as-
sessable upon any railway or street
railway company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of'
the City Recorder; that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
the City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city, a notice stating that
such plat and estimates are on file, the
location and nature of the improvement,
kind of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of its cost, and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the City Recorder
shall, at the next regular session of the
City Council, notify the Council there-
of in writing, with a printed copy of
such notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the-
68 Regular Session March 19, 1908
to whom was referred the petition of
A. B. Brown & Co. asking that the per-
sonal taxes assessed against them for
the year 1907 be cancelled, would re-
spectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petitioners be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed accord-
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. Elizabeth Heacock asking that
on account of her poverty and ill health,
the valuation on her property be re-
duced to $500.00, would respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the pe-
titioner be granted and that the Treas-
urer be instructed accordingly.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
George W. Dean asking that he be al-
lowed the sum of $25.00 for erroneously
and illegally tearing up his sidewalk
and hauling away his filling, would re-
spectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that a
warrant in said sum be ordered drawn
on the City Treasurer in full settle-
ment of the claim.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the various reports of the committee
of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Closs moved that the Street
Commissioner be instructed to put a
20 -inch tile pipe drain across Emsley
Lane and the City Engineer be instruct-
ed to prepare a grade on said street so
street can be graded for use. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy moved that the matter
of placing an arc light at the corner of
15th and Locust streets be referred to
the committee on police and light with
Alderman Hines offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That Alta Vista
street from Julien avenue to West Fifth
street, be improved by grading, curb-
ing, guttering and macadamizing the
same in accordance with the plans and
specifications for such improvement
prepared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Recorder,
and be it further
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the 1st
day of September, 1908, and shall be
paid for in the manner prescribed by
Chapter XXXII of the Revised Ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque, for the
payment of the cost of street improve-
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council on
the 2nd day of April, 1908, and the City
Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days' notice by publication asking for
proposals as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Class, Hines,.
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines also offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary
sewer of eight inch tile pipe be con-
structed in Alta Vista street from the-
center of Yale street to the present
sewer in West Fifth street, according
to the plans and specifications of said
sewer prepared by the City Engineer
and now on file in the office of the-
City Recorder, and be it further
Resolved, That said sewer shall be
completed on or before the 1st day of
June, 1908, and shall be paid for at the
time and in the manner prescribed by
Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque,
for the payment of the cost of con-
structing sewers. The proposals for
doing such work will be acted upon by
the Council on the 2nd day of April,
1908, and the City Recorder is hereby
ordered to give ten days' notice by pub-
lication, asking for proposals as pro-
vided by ordinance.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Cloys, Hines;.
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
Alderman McEvoy offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of'
the City of Dubuque, That is it deemed`
necessary and advisable to improve -
Louisa street from the south side of'
Delhi street to the north side of Grace -
street, and it is hereby proposed to
grade, curb, gutter and macadamize
said street and to assess the cost of
said curbing, guttering and macadam-
izing against the abutting property.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of'
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman McEvoy also offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa, March 1st, 1908.
To the Honorable Mayo: and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: —The following is a
complete list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of February, 1908:
H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor..$116 65
H. Brinkman, salary Treasurer 133 30
J. A. McKinley, salary, deputy
Treasurer 100 00
jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's
office 75 00
E. A. Linehan, salary Recorder 116 65
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 85 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 05
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
E. E. Bowen, salary, Assistant
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, steno-
grapher Legal Department 20 00
Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of
Police 125 00
Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire
Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit-
tee Clerk 95 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer. 166 65
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's offices 80 00
Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec-
trician 100 00
C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas-
ter 55 00
T. Hackney, salary, Pound -
master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani-
tress 25 00
John Mahony, salary, Sidewalk
Inspector 75 00
Thos. Jess, Rodman 55 00
J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master.. 30 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
N J. Closs, salary, Alderman 25 00
Thos. Hines, salary, Alderman 25 00
BI ad Hopkins, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
John A. Stumpf, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
Chas. T. Thomas, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
John A. Cunningham, Clerk to
Police and Fire Commission-
ers ,. 15 00
M. Eitel, fireman .. 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
A Duccini, fireman 65 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
W. Kannolt, fireman 60 00
B. Kirsch, fireman 55 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
List of Warrants
J. Dailey, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman '15 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 65 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 00
J. Beakey. fireman 60 00
D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzor, fireman 65 00
J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T Kennedy, fireman 65 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 60 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 65 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
W. McConnell, fireman 60 00
H. Weston, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 65 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
R. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
J. Roshin, fireman 65 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00
J. Schoenberger, fireman 60 00
T. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
J. Connolly, fireman 55 00
Wm. Smith, fireman 50 00
J. Peed, fireman 52 50
L. Blocklinger, police 60 00
M. Connolly, police 58 00
John Cody, police 54 00
James Corcoran, police 60 00
Wm. Donahue, police 54 00
Phil. J. Dumphy, police 70 00
Thomas Duggan, police 60 00
P. J. Fury, police 60 00
John Fox, police 75 00
James Flynn, police 62 00
M. Fogarty, police 60 00
Ben Gray, police 60 00
Pat Hanlon, police 60 00
Geo. Jones, police 60 00
Edw. Kumpf, police 58 00
Pat Kenneally, police 60 00
Emil Kahn, police 60 00
M. Kilty, police 60 00
James Keefe, police 60 00
B. Ludescher, police 65 00
Chas. Liest, police 70 00
Hugh Markey, police 75 00
Pat McCollins, police 60 00
M. McCormack, police 60 00
Pat McInerney, police 60 00
Henry Mueller, police 58 00
John Murphy, police 60 00
T. O'Meara, police 58 00
John J.O'Brien, police 60 00
M. O'Connor, police 60 00
M. Ryan, police 60 00
John Raesle, police 70 00
Peter Scharff, police 2 00
John Spielman, police 60 00
Patrick Sutton, police 46 00
M. Stapelton, police 60 00
Joseph Stoltz, police 60 00
70 Regular Session, March 19, 1908
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman Closs also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deem-
ed necessary and advisable to improve
Pleasant street from Stafford avenue
to the east line of Viola street, and It
is hereby proposed to grade, curb, gut-
ter and macadamize said street and to
assess the cost of said curbing, gutter-
ing and macadamizing against the
abutting property.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
i\[cEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays- -None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman Closs also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally the
location, nature and extent of the pro-
posed improvement on Pleasant street
from Stafford avenue to the east line of
Viola street, and the kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of the en-
tire cost thereof, and the amount and
cost of such improvement, and the
amount assessable upon any railway or
street railway company, the amount
and cost thereof, to be paid by the city,
if any, and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder; that after the filing
of said plat and estimate in his office,
the City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper pub-
lished in this city, a notice stating that
such plat and estimates are on file, the
location and nature of the improvement,
kind of material to be used, and an
estimate of its cost, and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such notice,
and after such publication shall have
been made, the City Recorder shall, at
the next regular session of the City
Council, notify the Council thereof in
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman Stumpf offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deem-
ed necessary for the safety and con-
venience of the public that Eighth
street where crossed by the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Com-
pany, be planked from lot line to lot
line, and be it
Resolved further, That the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Com-
pany be and it is hereby directed to
construct and maintain planking be-
tween its tracks and one foot outside
thereof, and constructed in such man-
ner that vehicles may easily pass over
the same, and be it further
Resolved, That the City Recorder
shall prepare and cause to be served a
notice directed to said railroad com-
pany, notifying it of the passage of the
foregoing resolution and directing it to
comply therewith within thirty days
after service of such notice under pen-
alty prescribed by Section 4 of Chap-
ter XLVI of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Ald. Stumpf moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, April second, 1908.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse-
shoeing for Fire department 13 50
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs Fire
and Road departments 28 45
John Newman & Son, repairs
Fire departmer r 2 55
J. and P. Sullivan, repairs Fire
department 6 00
Michael Mullin, repairs plumbing
Central Engine house 13 35
John Kriebs, repairs harness
Fire department 8 20
E. J. Vogenthaler, repairs for
Fire department 1 80
Hussman & Lies, supplies for ,
Fire department 25
Key City Iron Works, repairs
Fire department 2145
Thomas F. Kane, hay and oats
for Fire department 111 05
Dubuque Mattress Co., cots for
Fire department 2 20
Whelan & Crahan, bran for Fire
department 3 95
II. Wunderlich & Son, repairs
chairs for Fire department 80
Clark Roller Awning Co., sup-
plies for Fire department 60
Farley & Loetscher Co , sawdust
for Fire department 75
1 Matt Stafford, supplies for Fire
department 14 75
Jos. Simones & Co., pillow cases
and sheets for Fire department 31 20
Telegraph- Herald, printing 200
copies Rules and Regulations
for Fire department 138 00
Telegraph- Herald, p r i n t i n g
bonds and printing for various
departments 106 50
Smith- Morgan Printing Co ,
printing 200 copies Rules and
:Regulations for Police depart-
ment 176 00
Smith - Morgan Printing Co ,
printing for assessor .. 26 25
Key City Gas Co., light for
various depts 110 30
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
dept 37 55
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depts. for
Jan., Feb. and March 62 38
Z. B. Hoffmann, mounting and
hanging new city maps 28 55
Fengler & Beutin, coal for var-
ious depts 25 00
Ellwanger Bros., harness sup-
plies and repairs for various
depts 20 15
F. M. Jaeger Co., hardware sup-
plies for various depts 25 12
Geo. W. Healey & Son, hard-
ware supplies for fire and road
depts. 15 65
Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil and feed
for fire and sewer depts 2 25
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for Jan 2202 25
Union Electric Co., power for
city fire alarm system ......`.. 2 00
List of Warrants
E. P. Peryon, supplies for police
dept 4 00
Jas. Levi & Co., shades and pul-
leys for police dept 1 20
Frank Hamel, plastering and
repairing in Burtillon room 12 00
M. Hannan, hauling manure
from patrol house 3 00
C. W. Katz, meals furnished
prisoners during Jan 4 60
Ferd. A. Kesler, repairing clock
in police matron's quarters 1 00
Henry Henge, sawing and car-
rying in 1 cord of wood, city
hall 1 50
Phil Doerr & Co., coal for var-
ious depts 60 40
Palmer, Berg & Co., stationery,
various offices 14 50
Pier Bros., coal for police dept.. 15 75
C. L. McGovern, wood for var-
ious offices 13 00
E. J. Mulgrew, bread for
police matron'; quarters 1 87
McCollins Transfer Co., coal and
wood for various depts 26 90
Collings & Pfilfner, horseshoeing
for fire and police depts 8 80
Sani Swift, county recorder, re-
cording fees 1 00
M. S. Hardie, stationery for
various offices 73 75
Jos. Geisler, repairing roof of
Central Engine house 24 20
Chas. Fischer, sawing and car-
rying in two cords of wood 2 00
Foley's Han Laundry, towel
service for January 4 00
Union Printing Co., stationery
for assessor" effice 26 75
Phil. Breithaupt, plumbing re-
pairs at City Hall 10 30
A. E. Bradley, glazing and re-
pairing paper at City Hall 2 00
G. B. Grosvenor Co., stationery
for various offices 11 13
Chas. Oswald, cleaning, repair-
ing and setting up stoves in
various offices 39 60
Chas. Oswald, gas mantles, re-
pairing police stars 6 00
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., rub-
ber stamps and ink for various
offices 2 55
Butt Bros., repairs for road
dept. .... 3 75
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road
dept. 2 75
H. Magdal, old iron for road
dept. 1 95
Chas. Matz, repairs for road dept 2 30
Geo. Bock, repairs for road dept. 7 00
Peter Hanson, feed and oil for
road dept. 3 10
Lagen, Sloan and Peid, horse-
shoeing for road and sewer
horses 4 25
John Butt, repairs for road,
fire and sewer depts. 19 80
Pitts, Thompson Fdry. Co., one
catch basin grate and sewer
Pat Sullivan, police 60 00
Frank Williams, police 60 00
Miss B. Brennan, police matron 60 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 60 00
Labor on streets in the different road
districts during the last half of Jan-
uary, 1908:
Thos. Addyman, 4th
Paul Becker, 4th
Tony Becker, 4th
Mike Boyle, 4th
E. Brunskill, 4th
Peter Cramer, 2nd
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd
C. Crowley, 2nd
WT Corbett, 2nd ..
W. Clark, 4th
Mike Carney, 4th
J. J. Cooney, 4th
M. Corbett, 4th
J. P. Cooney, 2 -3 -4, $4.48 in each
Ed. Donegan, 4th
J. Dobler, 2 -3 -4, $4.50 in each
J. Flanagan, 2nd
Frank Flick, 3rd
W. Flynn, 3rd
Carl Frey, 4th
Pat. Farrell, 4th
E. Fitzlaff, 2 -3 -4, $5.50 in each
Jos. Gavin, 2nd
Frank Elliott, 2nd
W. Hennessy, 2nd
M. Higgins, 2nd
E. Herbst, 4th
P, Hamel, 4th
Jake Heinz, 4th
Nic Kettenhofen, 3rd 80c, E. $1.60
Tom Lonergan, 2nd
Landon Taylor, 4th
John Lorengett, 4th
J. P. M' litor, 2nc ..
J. Martinek, 4th
W. Maus, 4th
?Nile Martin, 4th
Jas. McAleese, 2nd
T. McCaffery, 2nd
M. McGovern, 2nd
J. McKernan, 2nd
R. McGivern, 4th
John McGrath, 4th
D. McGrath, 4th
M. McKeown, 4th
D. McPoland, 4th
Thos. McEvoy, 4th
George Numan, 2nd
P. S. Norton, 4th
Ed. Noonan, 4th
Chas. O'Neil, 2— $4.40, E.—$3.20
T. O'Brien, 2nd
T. O'Laughlin, 2— $3.70, 3— $7.80.
4 —$3.70 15 20
J. O'Halloran, 4th 7 20
W. O'Halloran, 4th 10 80
W. Quinlan, 2nd 2 00
Phil Reddin, 2nd 2 00
Frank Rowe, 2nd 23 80
Peter Rosen, 2nd 5 40
Peter Reilly, 4th . 16 20
James Ryan, 2nd 11 20
W. Swenk, 2nd 11 60
$ 12 60
4 00
14 00
1 80
7 20
5 20
25 00
5 40
10 80
14 40
7 20
14 40
5 40
13 44
3 60
13 50
7 20
5 60
1 60
17 10
5 40
16 50
25 00
12 60
23 80
7 60
18 00
9 00
2 40
2 80
14 40
7 20
6 75
16 20
16 20
5 40
9 95
12 15
7 60
28 00
25 00
16 20
16 20
14 40
7 20
28 00
3 60
10 80
12 60
7 60
14 00
List of Warrants
Al Scherr, 3rd
John Singrin, 2— $3.70, 3— $3.80,
4 —$3.70
John Sloan, 3rd
Adolph Scalier, 3rd
Frank Scherr, 3rd
Patrick Smith, 4th
Henry Smith, 4th
Frank Theiring, 2nd
W. Tobin, 4th
James Tobin, 4th
James Graham
Mike Hannan, 2nd
J. J. McCollins, 2nd
Jeff McGrath, 4th
H. Stumpf, 2— $9.45, 3— $37.80,
4 —$9.45
Ott Turner, 3rd
22 40
11 20
1 60
1 60
25 00
1 60
7 20
1 80
4 80
1 60
4 50
9 90
4 05
56 70
10 35
Labor on sewers during the last half
of January, 1908:
D. Cunn ngham
M. Corbett
Ed. Daley
Steve Dorsey
J. Jellison
F. Jellison
F. Luchterhand
J. McLaughlin
J. Rooney
J. Smith
C. Sullivan
J. Tacke
J. Wells
E. Stumpf
24 50
24 50
24 50
24 50'
24 50
24 50
24 50
24 50
24 50
24 50
32 50
24 50-
24 50
56 70.
Guy G. White, service month of
January computing annual re-
port street commissioner $ 45 00
Louis Zemanek, assisting Mar-
ket Master during month of
J. B. Taylor, salary 2 days sup-
erintending repairs of sprink-
ling w agons 5 40
Bart McDonnell. labor stoker
steam roller and putting up
street signs 19 25.
'Wm. Grew, putting up street
signs 32 60
Wm. Coleman, putting up
street signs 50 00
H. Schoenbeck services as cus-
todian Jackson Park from Dec
1st to 5th 6 00
Lorenz Eberhardt, repairs for
Fire department 4 40'
T. J. Mulgrew Co. coal for Fire
department 7 65
Linehan and Molo. coal for
Fire department 1100•
F. G. Becker, coal for Fire
department 15 60-
Peter Even, coal for Fire de-
partment . 40 72'
F. A. Burns & Co., coal for Fire,
Police and Road departments 39 70
John J. Powers, horseshoeing for
Fire and Road departments 36 75.
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horseshoe-
ing for . Fire department 7 15.
List of \ \Tarrants
cover 10 75
Key City Roofing Co , cement
and sewer pipe 1 79
James A. Hayes, insurance for
sprinkling wagons 10 14
Spensley and Spensley, insur-
ance on patrol house 16 00
Leathers and Trewin, insurance
on City Hall Bldg 25 00
H. F. Salot, insurance on City
Hall Bldg 25 00
M. J. McCullough, insurance on
City Hall Bldg 25 00
Peter Kiene & Son, insurance on
City Hall Bldg 25 00
Ferring and Kretschmer, insur-
ance on City Hall Bldg 25 00
J. P. Early, insurance on City
Hall Bldg 25 00
Iowa Horne Insurance Co., insur-
ance on City Hall Bldg 50 00
C. H. Reynolds, insurance on
City Hall Bldg 25 00
James A. Hayes, insurance on
City Hall Bldg 25 00
A. P. Abeln, insurance on City
Hall Bldg 25 00
Coates and Robinson, insurance
on City Hall Bldg., furniture
and fixtures 25.00
Hoffman and Kemler, insurance
on City Hall Bldg., furniture
and fixtures 25 00
J. F. Kunz and Co., insurance on
Town Clock and Ninth Street
Engine House 23 80
J. H. Bradley, insurance on
Town Clock 22 60
W. J. Connolly, insurance on
Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
Al Schollian, insurance on Ninth
Street Engine House 19 40
Otto F. Lange, insurance on
Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
C. H. Meyer Company, insurance
on Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
C. A. Voelker, insurance on
Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
F. H. Weihe and Co., insurance
on Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
Traub and Feigner, insurance on
Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
Geo. W. S'chrup, insurance on
Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
Dub. Fireand Marine Ins. Co ,
insurance on Ninth Street En-
gine House 38 80
H. Brinkman, interest on war-
rants outstanding 868 29
H. Brinkman, miscellaneous ex-
pense 95 75
H. Brinkman, library orders paid 303 44
'Labor on streets during the first
half of February, 1908:
Thos Addyrnan, 4th $ 4 80
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd 2 40
Paul Becker, 4th 11 20
Peter Cramer, 2nd 4 00
M. Corbett, 2nd 10 80
J. P. Cooney, 2 -3 -4, $4.16 in each 12 48
John Dobler, 2 -3 -4, $4.50 in each 13 50
John Flanagan, E.- $3.20, 2nd $1.20 4 40
W. Flynn, 3rd 8 00
Frank Frick, 3rd 15 20
E. Fitzlaff, 2 -3, $5.50 in each 11 00
Barney Glass, 2nd $10.40, E. 3.20 13 60
Jos. Gavin, 2nd 25 00
P. Geary, 2nd 10 80
Conrad Geimer, 4th 6 40
M. Higgins, 2nd .. 10 80
W. Hennessy, 2nd 12 00
E. Herbst, 4th 1 60
N. Kettenhofen, 3rd 7 20
T. Lonergan, 2nd $8.40, E. 80c 9 20
Thos. McCaffery, 2nd 10 80
M. McGovern, 2nd 9 00
Jas. McAleese, 2nd 10 80
Chas. McDonald, 2nd 9 00
Dennis Noonan, 2nd 10 80
Chas. O'Neill, 2— $4.50, E. $9.60 14 00
Lem Palm, 2nd 9 00
W. Quinlan, 2nd 3 20
Phil Reddin, 2nd .. 5 60
Frank Rowe, 2nd 10 80
Jas. Ryan, 2nd 11 20
W. Swenk, 2nd 12 40
Chas. Seward, 2nd 1 60
Adolph Shaller, E. $4.80, 3— $10.40 15 20
Al. Scherr, 3rd 20 80
John Sloan, 3rd 7 20
John Singrin, 3rd 12 00
Frank Scherr, 3rd 25 00
Patrick Smith, 4th 2 80
Jos. Theiring, 2nd 90
W. Tobin, 4th 13 60
James Tobin, 4th 12 80
F. G. Becker, 3rd 6 30
M. Hannan, 2rd 15 75
Herman Stumpf, 3rd 8 10
Ott Turner, 3rd 13 50
James Tobin, 4th .. 2 25
Labor on sewers during the first half
of February, 1908:
D. Cunningham 22 75
M. Corbett 22 75
E.Daley 22 75
Steve Dorsey 22 75
J. Jellison 22 75
F. Jellison 22 75
F. Luchterhand 22 75
J. McLaughlin 22 75
J. Rooney 22 75
J. Smith 22 75
C. Sullivan 32 50
J. Taclte 22 75
J. Wells 22 75
E. Stumpf 52 65
PittsThompson Foundry 'Co ,
grates for sewer department 10 80
W. J. Schneider, supplies for
Patron House 20 00
John Pier, insurance on City
Hall Bldg., furniture and fix-
tures 25 00
J. H. Herancourt, insurance on
Ninth Street Engine House 19 40
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 50
J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk in Treasurer's
office 75 00
E. A. Linehan, salary, Recorder 116 80
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 85 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 80
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
E. E. Bowen, salary, Assistant
Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, steno-
grapher Legal Department 20 00
Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire
Chief 100 00
3, W. Lawlor, salary, Commit-
tee Clerk 65 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer 166 65
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's offices 80 00
Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec-
trician 100 00
C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas-
ter 55 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Custo-
dian 8 40
Jos: Straney, salary, Park Custo-
dian 6 60
T. Hackney, salary, Pound-
master .,.. 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani-
tress 25 00
John Mahoney, salary, Sidewak,
Inspector 75 00
Tom Jess, Rodman 55 00
J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master 30 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
A. Duccini, fireman 65 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
W. Kannolt, fireman 60 00
B. Kirsch, fireman 55 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
J. Dailey, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 65 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 00
J. Beakey, fireman 60 00
D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzor, fireman 65 00
J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T. Kennedy, fireman 65 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 60 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman .. 65 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
List of Warrants
W. McConnell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 65 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
R. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
J'. Roshin, fireman 65 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00
J. Schoenberger, fireman 60 00
T. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
J! Connolly, fireman 55 00
Wm, Smith,. fireman 50 00
J: Peed, fireman .. 55 00,
L. Blocklinger, police 58 00
M. Connolly, police 62 00
John Cody, police 62 00
James Corcoran, police 62 00
Wm. Donahue, police 62 00
Thomas Duggan, police 62 00
P. J. Fury, police 60 00
John Fox, police 75 00
James Flynn, police 62 00
M. Fogarty, police 62 00
Bent Gray, police 62 00
Pat Hanlon, police .. 56 00
Geo: Jones, police 62 00
Edw. Kumpf, police 62 00
Pat Kenneally, police 62 00
Emil Kahn, police 62 00
M. Kilty, police 62 00
James Keefe, police 62 00
B. Ludescher, police 65 00
Chas. Liest, police 72 35
Hu gh Marhey, police 77 50
Pat McCollins, police 60 00
M. McCormack, police 62 00
Henry Mueller, police 58 00
John Murphy, police 62 00
John Raesli, police 72 35
Frank Schoentgen, police 2 00
Labor on streets in the Second and
Third Road Districts during the last
half of February, 1908:
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd $ 4 00
Peter Cramer, 2nd 3 20
J. P. Cooney 3 85
John Dobler, 3rd 4.50
F. Frick, 3rd — $3.20, E. $1.50 4 80
P. Farrell, 3rd 2 40
W. Flynn, 3rd 4 80
E, Fitzlaff, 3rd- 5 50
Barney Glass, 2nd 7 20
J. Hamsmith, 3rd 3 20
Nic. Kettenhofen, 3rd $2.40, El
Tom Lonergan, 2nd
James McAleese, 2nd
Chas. O'Neil, 2nd $5.60, E
W. Quinlan, 2nd
Phil Reddin, 2nd
James Ryan, 2nd
Chas. Seward, 2nd
W. Swenk, E
Al. Scherr, 2hd
Adolph Schaller, 3rd $5.60, E $1,50
John Singrin, 3rd
W. Sloan, 3rd
John Sloan, 3rd
Frank Scherr, 3rd
John 'Ward, 3rd
Herman Stumpf, 3rd
4 00
1 60
1 60
$4.00.. 9 00
1 60
2 40
9 60
6 40
1 60
19 20
7 20
1 60
2 40
3 20
25 00
3 20
6 30
To Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque, to
construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in Alta Vista street from Yale
street to the present sewer in West
Fifth street.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed sewer is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require:
975 lineal feet 8 -inch tile pipe.
6 manholes,
and will cost the abutting property
owners $730.00.
Any person having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer
is 'hereby notified to appear before the
City Council at its regular session
March 19th, 1908, or to file in writing
with the City Recorder their objections
on or before March 19th, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque March 9th, 1908.
3 -9 -3t City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Whereas, the Morrison, Kretschmer
Manufacturing Company has estab-
lished a plant on City lots 417, 418 and
419, thereby giving employment to
labor, and
Whereas, the said business has been
established under the presumption that
the City Council would pursue its set-
tled policy regarding the encourage-
ment of the new enterprises, therefore
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque,
Section 1. That the taxes on all
buildings, machinery, and other per-
sonal property on said City Lots 417,
418, and 419, together with all other
personal property belonging to the said
Morrison- Kretschmer Manufacturing
Company, and used in carrying on its
business, be exempt from taxation for
a period of five years, commencing
with the taxes for the year 1907, pro-
vided the said plant be in continuous
operation during said period.
Section 3. This ordinance to take ef-
fect and he in force from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
Official Notices.
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald newspaper.
Adopted March 5th, 1908.
Approved IVlarch 7th, 1908.
H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald, March 9th, 1908.
3 -9 -1t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque;
Section 1. That the compensation
for members of the Fire Department of
the City of Dubuque shall be as fol-
Chief, $1,500.00 per annum.
Assistant Chief, $1,200.00 per annum.
Captains, $77.00 per month.
Engineers, $82.50 per month.
Stokers, $71.50 per month.
Drivers, $71.50 per month.
Hosemen and Laddermen, 3rd year
$66.00 per month.
Hosemen and laddermen, 2nd year,
$60.50 per month.
Hosemen and laddermen, 1st year,
$55.00 per month.
Watchmen, $55.00 per month.
Section 2. That all ordinances and
parts of ordinances inconsistent with
the provisions hereof be and are hereby
Section 3. This ordinance to take
effect and be in force from and after
the 1st day of April, 1908, after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted March 5th, 1908.
Approved March 7th, 1908.
Attest: H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald, March 9th, 1908.
3 -9 -1t. City Recorder.
Notice to Garbage Contractor.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to 4
o'clock p. m., March 17th, 1908, for the
removal of garbage and dead animals
for the season of 1908, in the districts
herein below designated, all of said
garbage to be hauled and dumped at
Labor on sewers during the last half
of February, 1908:
D. 'Cunningham 21 00
M. Corbett 21 00
E. Dailey 21 00
Steve Dorsey 21 00
J. Jellison 21 00
F. Jellison 21 00
F. Luchterhand 21 00
John McLaughlin 21 00
J. Rooney 21 00
J. Smith 21 00
C. Sullivan 32 50
J. Tacke 21 00
J. Wells . 21 00
Ernest Stumpf 1 75
E. Stumpf 48 60
Linehan & Molo, rope for sew-
er dept $ 22 65
Geo. F. Kleih, supplies for
sewer dept 5 80
Nils M. Hanson, supplies for
sewer dept 8 50
Union Electric Co., are lights
for February, 1908 2204 60
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire dept 28 20
F. G. Becker Co., coal for fire
dept 20 75
Linehan & Molo, coal for fire
department 29 72
McCollins Transfer, coal for fire
dept. 13 41
Fischer & Co., coal for fire dept 58 54
F. A. Burns, coal for fire dept 18 58
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horse -
shoeing for fire dept 25 20
John J. Powers, horseshoeing
for fire dept 4 05
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing for fire dept 7 50
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for fire dept 11 05
Torbert Drug Co., supplies for
fire dept 7 40
T. H. Clark, supplies for fire
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces for fire dept 21 12
Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
fire dept.
Butt Bros., repairs for fire dept 34 65
Carr, Ryder & Adams, supplies
for fire dept 1 75
Thos. Connolly Est., repairs for
fire dept. 44 40
Union Electric Co., power for
city fire alarm system 2 00
Klauer Mfg. Co., repairs for fire
dept 2 00
Jos. J. Rowan, bedding for fire
Official Notices.
6 00
H. Brinkman, interest on war-
rants outstanding 1018 98
H. Brinkman, paving West Main
Street at Phoenix Park 1058 74
H. Brinkman, library orders paid 642 31
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of February, 1908.
City Recorder.
To Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque to-
improve Asbury street from its inter-
section with Delhi street to the inter-
section of St. Ambrose street.
That the plat ' and specifications of
said proposed improvement is now on
file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
Curbing, 2,350 lineal feet.
Guttering, 2,350 lineal feet.
Macadamizing, 5,230 square yards.
Grading, 2,588 cubic yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $5,480.00.
Any person having objection to said.
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
regular session to be held March 19th,
1908, or to file with the City Recorder
their objections in writing on or be-
fore March 19th, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque, March 9th, 1908.
3 -9 -3t. City Recorder.
To all Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the •
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve Alta Vista street from Jul-
ien avenue to West Fifth street.
That a plat and specifications of said
proposed improvement is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
Grading, 4000 cubic yards.
Curbing, 2300 lineal feet.
Guttering, 733 square yards.
Macadamizing, 3,000 square yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $3,635.00
Any person having objection to the
said improvement is hereby notified
to appear before the City Council at its
regular session, March 19th, 1908, or to •
file in writing with the City Recorder
their objections on or before March,
19th, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque, March 9th, 1908.
3 -9 -3t City Recorder.-
the city clump, at the foot of Railroad
First District —All the territory south
of Eighth street and Julien avenue ex-
Second District —All territory lying
between Eighth street and Julien ave-
nue extended and Seventeenth street
and West Seventeenth street extended.
Third District —All territory lying
north of Seventeenth and West Seven-
teenth streets extended.
Garbage must be removed once a.
day in the down town districts and
twice a week on the bluffs during the
months of May, June, July and Oc-
tober, and once a day in the down
town districts and three times a week
on the bluffs during the months of
August and September.
Bidders must state the price per day
for removing in each district, and the
price per day in the entire city.
A certified check of $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank must accompany each
bid as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
3- 13 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Dealers in Fire Hose.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, March
19th, 1908, for furnishing the City of
Dubuque with fifteen hundred (1500)
feet of two and one -half inch cotton
jacket rubber lined hose. Said hose
to be guaranteed for a period of five
years and to stand a pressure of not
less than four hundred (400) pounds.
Bidders will state on outside of en-
velope "Proposals for Fire Hose."
The City reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
3- 14 -3t. City Recorder.
Official Notices.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Heeb
street from the south lot line of Kauf-
mann avenue to the center of Seminary
street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby established
and adopted as shown by the profile of
said street and grade prepared by the
City Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 5th day of March, 1908,
being No. 641 and marked "Grade and
profile of Heeb street from the south
ter of Seminary street, b. m.'s top of
lot line of Kaufmann avenue to the cen-
foundation of Heeb's barn, s. w. corner
of Kaufmann avenue and Heeb street,
elevation 39.83; northwest corner porch
Peter Grutz's frame house on the south
1 -2 of lot 10 Marsh's add., elevation
119.88." Said grade beginning at the
south lot line of Kaufmann avenue,
which is station 0, elevation 35.50;
thence to station 3 +55, elevation 72.35;
thence to station 5+35, elevation 76.35;
thence to station 8 +35, elevation 82.35;
thence to station 11+35, elevation
105.00; thence to station 12, elevation
106.50; thence to station 12+40, eleva-
tion 102.50; thence to station 13+35,
elevation 88.30.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted March 19th, 1908.
Approved March 20th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph- Herald March 21st, 1908.
3 -21 -1t City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the name of the
street now known as Klingenberg
street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be
changed, and that said street be called
Hennepin street.
Section 2. This ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald newspaper.
Adopted March 19th, 1908.
Approved March 20th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph- Herald March 21st, 1908.
3 -21 -1t City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Rosedale
avenue in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby established
and adopted as shown by the profile of
said street and grade prepared by the
City Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 20th day of February,
1908, being No. 639, and marked "Grade
and profile of Rosedale avenue, b. m.'s
top of first lower step John Parker's
frame house on lot 1 of 1 of m. 1. 183,
elevation 136.54; door sill frame house
on west 50 feet of lot 3 of mineral lot
179, elevation 253.67; east end of door
sill double frame house at intersection
of West Locust street and Rosedale
avenue, north side of West Locust
street, elevation 253.67." Said grade
beginning at the west lot line of Alta
Vista street, which is station 0, eleva-
tion 113.40; thence to station 8, eleva-
tion 133.00; thence to station 9, eleva-
tion 136.00; thence to station 19, eleva-
tion 166.10; thence to station 26+50,
elevation 191.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Telegraph -
Herald newspaper.
Adopted March 19th, 1908.
Approved March 20th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph - Herald March 21st, 1908.
3 -21- It City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Whereas, the Rottman Boiler Com-
pany has erected a building on lots 200,
201, 202 and 203 in Glendale Addition,
and are operating a boiler shop on said
premises and thereby giving employ-.
ment to labor, and
Whereas, the Hottman Boiler Com-
pany has built and is operating its
plant under the presumption that the
City Council will pursue its settled
policy of encouraging new industries,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the taxes on all
machinery and other personal property
owned by the Hottman Boiler Com-
pany and used in carrying on their
business be exempt from taxation for a
period of five years from the year 1907,
provided said plant be operated con-
tinuously during said period.
Section 2. This ordinance to be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
Official Notices.
publication one time in the Telegraph -
Herald, the official newspaper of the
City of Dubuque.
Adopted March 19th, 1908.
Approved March 20th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph- Herald March 21st, 1908.
3 -21 -1t City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the
City Recorder until 8:30 p. m., Mon-
day, April 2nd, 1908, for the improve-
ment of Asbury street from its inter-
section with Delhi street to the inter-
section of St Ambrose street in ac-
cordance with plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
2,506 lineal feet of new curbing set.
2,506 lineal feet of guttering.
4,340 square yards of macadamizing.
Earth filling, 800 cubic yards.
2,588 cubic yards of grading.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed by
Chapter XXXIC of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1901, of the City of Dubuque,
work to he completed on or before
July 1st, 1908.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for new curbing set, the price per
lineal foot for guttering, the price per
square yard for macadamizing, also
price per cubic yard for grading.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, .March 21st, 1908.
3- 21 -2t. City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the
City Recorder until 8:30 p. m. Thurs-
day, April 2nd, 1908, for the improve-
ment of Alta Vista street from Julien
avenue to West Fifth street, in accord-
ance with plans and specifications pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now on
file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
2,300 lineal feet of new curbing set.
733 square yards of guttering.
3,000 square yards of macadamizing.
4,000 cubic yards of earth filling.
580 cubic yards of cutting.
80 Official Notices.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or-
dinances' of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or be-
fore September 1st, 1908.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for new curbing set, the price per
lineal foot for guttering, the price per
square yard for macadamizing, also
price per cubic yard for grading.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, March 21st, 1908.
3 -21 -2t City Recorder.
Notice to Sewer Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the
City Recorder until 8:30 p. m., Thurs-
day. April 2nd, 1908, for the construc-
tion of an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in Alta Vista street from the
center of Yale street to the present
sewer in West Fifth street, in accord-
ance with the plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require
975 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe.
6 manholes.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed by
Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordi-
nances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque,
work to be completed on or before June
lst, 1908.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for tile pipe, and each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, March 21st, 1908.
3- 21 -2t. City Recorder.
Applicants for Police and Fire De-
partments will be examined Monday,
April 6th, 1908, 8 P. M., City Hall.
3- 24 -13t.
Registration Notice.
Mayor's Office, March 23, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that the regis-
ters of election, duly appointed to reg-
ister voters in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, will be in attendance at the
places herein below mentioned, for the
purpose of correcting the registry list
of names of such electors as may be
entitled to vote at the city election
to be held on Monday April 6th, 1908.
Said registers will meet at their re-
spective places on Thursday and Fri-
day, March 26th and 27th, and Sat-
urday, April 4th, 1908, at 8 o'clock a.
m. and be in session until 9 o'clock
p. m. of said days.
Said registers will thereafter meet
on Monday (Election Day), April 6th,
1908, and be in session from the time
the polls open until they close, and
register only such voters as were ab-
sent from the city during the preced-
ing days that the board was ,in ses-
sion, also such voters as did not be-
come citizens until Monday, April 6th,
The places of registration in the sev-
eral wards and precincts of said city
are as follows:
First Precinct — Rafferty's Place,.
South Locust street.
Second Precinct —Mrs. Lucas' Place,.
First and Locust streets.
First Precinct— County Court House..
Second Precinct— Fourth Street En-
gine House, up stairs. •
First Precinct —Ninth Street Engine -
Second Precinct —City Hall.
Third Precinct — Vogel's Place on
Clay between 17th and 18th streets.
First Precinct —Wales Hotel.
Second Precinct —Nic Hebler's Place
at the Western Brewery.
Third Precinct— McGuire's Barber
Shop, 146 West Locust street.
First Precinct —F. F. Spahn's Place,.
Couler Avenue.
Second Precinct —Henry G. Mueller's.
Place, corner of Elm street and Eagle
Point avenue.
Third Precinct —Miss Rose Fengler's.
Place, corner Schiller and Rhornberg
Fourth Precinct —Wm. Roesner's
Place, corner 23rd and Jackson streets.
All qualified voters of said city are
hereby notified that unless they voted
at the last fall election they must pre-
sent themselves at the places and time -
herein above mentioned for registra-
tion, or they will be debarred of the
privilege of voting at said election.
Witness my hand and the seal of •
said city this 23rd day of March, 1908.
H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor.
3- 23 -3t. City Recorder.
To Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
to improve Louisa street from the south
side of Delhi street to the north side
of Grace street.
That the plat and specifications of
said proposed improvement is now on
file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
Curbing, 1140 lineal feet.
Guttering, 770 square yards.
Macadamizing, 1550 square yards.
Earth filling, 950 cubic yards.
Cutting, 700 cubic yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $2,150.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its reg-
ular session to be held April 2nd, 1908,
or to file with the City Recorder their
objections in writing on or before April
2nd, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque, March 25th, 1908.
3 -25 -3t City Recorder.
To Whom it May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque to
improve Pleasant street from Stafford
avenue to the east line of Viola street.
That the plat and specifications of
said proposed improvement is now on
file in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
Curbing, 998 lineal feet.
Cutting, 437 cquare yards.
Macadamizing, 1200 square yards.
Grading, 1563 cubic yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $1,695.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at is
regular session to held April 2nd,
1908 or to file with the City Recorder
their objections in writing on or be-
fore April 2nd, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque, March 25th, 1908.
3 -25 -3t City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
Official Notices.
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. No person, firm or cor-
poration selling and supplying gas to
the inhabitants of the City of Du-
buque, shall charge more than ninety
cents (90c) per thousand feet there-
for, and no person, firm or corpora-
tion shall charge, exact or receive in
excess of ninety cents (90c) per thou-
sand cubic feet for gas supplied and
sold by them to any inhabitant of
said city.
Section 2. No person, firm or cor-
poration selling and supplying gas to
the inhabitants of the City of Du-
buque shall in any way either by
themselves, agents or employees, ad-
mix, adulterate, infuse or inject air
into or with any gas sold or supplied
to inhabitants of the City of Dubuque.
Section 3. No person, firm or cor-
poration selling and supplying gas to
the inhabitants of the City of Du-
buque, shall use, or permit to be used, -
meters for the purpose of measuring
gas unless they correctly and accur-
ately measure the actual number of
cubic feet of gas passing through
Section 4. The city council may, '
whenever deemed advisable, appoint
some suitable person as meter and
gas inspector, for the purpose of in-
specting and testing all meters and
tided that it is the intention of the
city council of the city of Dubuque to
improve Hennepin street from Windsor
avenue to Stafford avenue.
That the plat and specifications of
said proposed improvement is now on
file in the office of the city recorder.
It is estimated by the city engineer
that said improvement will require:
Curbing, 1,050 lineal feet.
Guttering, 466 square yards.
Macadamizing, 940 square yards.
Grading cutting, 1,560 cubic yards.
Filling 320 cubic yards.
Making a total estimated cost to the
abutting property owners of $1,440.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the city council at its
regular session to be held April 2nd,
1908, or to file with the city recorder
their objection in writing on or before
April 2nd, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque, March 26th, 1908.
3- 26 -3t. City Recorder.
82 Official Notices.
gas used, sold and supplied to the in-
habitants of the city of Dubuque.
Section 5. Any person, firm or cor-
poration violating any of the provis-
ions of Sections 1, 2, and 3 of this
ordinance shall, upon conviction there-
of, be punished by a fine of not less
than ten dollars ($10.00) or more than
one hundred dollars ($100.00) for
each offense.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect on and after
the 1st day of April, 1908, after its
passage and publication in the Tele-
graph- Herald, official newspaper of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Section 7. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
Adopted February 20th, 1908. .
Approved: H. A. SCHUNK,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph- Herald March 31st, 1908.
City Recorder.