1908 August Council Proceedings=)
Regular Session, August 6, 1908. 233
Regular Session, August 6th, 1908.
Council met at 8:30 D. m.
Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke in the
Present — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Absent —Mayor Schunk and Ald.
Ald. Martin moved that the Council
Proceedings for the month of July,
1908, be approved as printed. Car-
Ald. Rand stated that in the mat-
ter of the improvement of West Lo-
cust Street, he had discovered that
such improvement was not feasible
as far as proposed in resolutions for-
merly adopted by the Council for the
improvement of said street and of-
fered the following resolution:
Whereas, The condition of the
storm water sewer and ditch on West
Locust Street is found to be such as
to make it impractical to improve the
above street as far west, as Alta Vista
Street,. therefore
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the resolution
of July 23, 1908, ordering the im-
provement of said street as far west
as Alta Vista street be and the same
is hereby rescinded.
Ald. Rand moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Bill of John Bohn, inspector Bee
Branch sewer, for month of July, 23
days, was $42.60.
Approved by the Committee on
Streets and on motion of Ald. Saul
was ordered paid.
Bill of Street & Steuck for con-
structing 130 feet of Bee Branch
sewer, $2,177.50, was presented and
Ald. Rand moved that Street &
Steuck be allowed an amount equal
to 100 feet at $16.75 or $1,675.00.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Haas, Martin, Rand,
Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Petitions and Communications.
Petition of Catharine Roesch, ask-
ing that the plat of Broadway Addi-
tion be changed and submitting copy
of present plat and also of the pro-
posed change of plats of said addi-
tion, was, on motion of Ald. Haas,
referred to the Committee of the
Whole, City Engineer and City Attor-
Petition of Pitts- Thompson Foundry
Co., asking that their taxes for the year
1907 be fixed in accordance with the
resolution adopted April 29th, 1905,
was, on motion of Ald. Singrin, re-
ferred to the Committee of the
Communication from the Executive
Committee of the Home- Coming
Celebration, asking that the Council
grant them the concessions for the
various street exhibitions and per-
formances during the week of the
Home- Coming Celebration, was, on
motion of Ald. Rand, referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Remonstrance of Christ Ellerman
and Theodore Grobe against the open-
ing of a proposed alley from Wind-
sor Avenue to Stafford Avenue was,
on motion of Ald. Singrin, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Communication from the Sherman
Circle, thanking the Mayor and Coun-
cil for the many courtesies extended
to the society and stating that the
society has vacated the rooms for-
merly used by them in the City Hall,
was read and on motion of Ald. Haas,
received and filed.
Petition of Harmony and Julien
Lodges, I. O. O. F., asking that the
taxes for the year 1907 on lot 633 be
canceled was, on motion of Ald. Rand,
referred to the Committee of the
Communication from the John T.
Hancock estate et al, asking that the
Council improve Grandview Avenue
from Delhi to Dodge Street by grad-
ing and subgrading space 15 feet wide
in center of the street for park pur-
poses and making 22% foot macadam
street on each side of the 15 -foot strip
and waiving all objections to paying
assessment for the improvement of
the street, also agreement of Tibey
Bros. to the change of ,their contract
to conform with the proposed man-
ner of improving said Grandview Ave-
nue, were read. On motion of Ald.
Martin rules were suspended to allow
parties interested in the improvement
of Grandview Avenue permission to
address the Council.
Mr C. T. Hancock, Eugene Adams,
George Grundy, (1. H. Wolff and D.
Cottingham spoke in favor of im-
proving Grandview Avenue on the
port for the month of July, 1908,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand July 1, 1908.$68,980.43
Receipts from all sources. 4,474.35
Warrants redeemed $ 20,576.24
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed 3,362.50
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed 1,042.37
Improvement bonds re-
Regular Session, August 6, 1908 235
$ 25,181.11
Balance Aug. lst, 1908.$ 48,273.67
Water Works balance Au-
gust, lst, 1908 $ 13,497.89
The above cash balance includes
the improvement bond fund, im-
provement bond interest fund and li-
brary fund balances.
Also the following is a record of
all interest coupons and bonds re-
deemed by the City Treasurer dur-
ing the past month and credited to
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed $3,362.50
Improvement bonds re-
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed 1,042.37
Also report that there is due the
city officers for the month of July,
1909, $2,923.45.
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1908, to August lst, 1908:
Appropriations. Expended.
Expense .... $41,500 $18,429.04
Road —
First District 6,120 5,253.10
Second District 14,734 6,567.02
Third District 8,839 4,962.98
Fourth District 10,598 6,373.10
Fifth District 8,165 6,568.44
Fire 49,000 17,161.63
Police .... 34,000 12,430.84
Sewerage .... 6,000 2,096.83
Printing ... 3,000 1,244.34
Street Lighting 29,000 8,886.85
Interest (warrants •
and regular bond
coupons paid) 40,000 ' 8,403.96
Board of Health 6,000 3,248.19
Grading .... 3,000 1,558.10
Special bonded
paving ....
Special bonded
debt and interest 4,500 2,000.00
Mt. Carmel Ave-
nue grading ; . 2,000 150.75
Sidewalk repairing 1,000 346.02
Bluff Street Ex-
tension .... 500 145.55
Improvement of
Windsor Avenue 1,500
Bee Branch Sewer
at Eighteenth
Street ....
Bee Branch Sewer
in Washington
Street ..... 7,000 6.75
Grandview Ave-
nue ...... 3.000
Grading Alta Vis-
ta Street 800 700.00
M. E. LYONS. Auditor:
On motion of Ald. Saul the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the city officers, and
the report referred to the Committee
on Finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —The following is the
pay roll of the Fire Department for
the month of July, 1908:
Amount due firemen $3,095.88
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by Committee on Fire.
On motion of Ald. Martin the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the firemen, and the re-
port referred back to the Committee
on Fire.
City Electrician Hipman reported as-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen : — herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the -
month of July, 1908:
I find from the reports of the Po-
lice Department that the total hours -
that 82 lamps failed to burn would
equal 2 lamps burning for one month,.
or $10.80.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion of Ald. Saul the report
was received and the City Auditor in-
structed to deduct from the Union
Electric company's bill for the month
of July, 1908, the sum of $10.80.
Chief of Police Pickley reported as
• Dubuque, August 1, 1908.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the
police report for the month of July,
Intoxication 38:
Petit larceny 1
Disturbing peace 6
234 Regular Session, August 6, 1908
proposed plan by parking the center
of the street.
Mr. John Hail, Frank White and
Mr. Yates spoke in favor of improv-
ing the street by macadamizing the
street in accordance with the plans
and specifications prepared therefor.
Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke stated
Mayor Schunk was not present at the
meeting and he had not expressed
himself to any of the Aldermen as to
how the street should be improved
and that several of the property own-
ers on the street had expressed them-
selves to the different Aldermen in
favor of improving the street in the
way the contract was let.
Ald. Rand moved that the prayer
of the petitioners be granted and the
street improved on the proposed park
Ald. Saul stated that property own-
ers were not as unanimous for the
improvement of the street on the
park plan as the petition would indi-
cate several of the signers having
stated to him that they were opposed
to the parking of the center of Grand-
view Avenue.
Whereupon Ald. Saul moved that
the petition of John T. Hancock es-
tate et al be received and filed and
the contractor to proceed with the
contract as awarded.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Haas, Martin, Saul
and Singrin.
Nays —A Id. Rand.
Absent—Ald. Frith.
Bids for improving West Locust
Street, St. Ambrose Street, Walnut
Street and for constructing sanitary
sewer in Yale Street were presented.
Ald. Rand moved that the bids for
the improvements of West Locust
Street be returned to the bidders un-
opened as changes would be necessary
in the specifications for said improve-
ment before any contract was award-
ed. Carried.
On motion of Ald. Saul bids for St.
Ambrose Street, Walnut Street and
Yale Street sewer were opened and
read and were referred to the City
Engineer to estimate.
Reports of Officers.
City Recorder Linehan presented
the veto of Mayor Schunk on the
resolution of AId. Rand for the im-
provement of West Locust Street filed
August 5th, 1908:
Dubuque, Iowa, August 5th, 1908.
To the Honorable Council, City of
Dear Sirs: —I herewith return to
you the- Alderman Rand resolution
adopted at the July 23rd, 1908, ses-
sion of your honorable body providing
for the improvement of West Locust
Street from the end of the present im-
provement westerly to the west side
The proposed improvement is, un-
der present conditions, not only im-
practical, it is impossible. To im-
prove the street to Alta Vista Street
will necessitate the completion of the -
storm sewer to that point first.
Until that is done, you are wasting
your time advertising for bids and
adopting resolutions for the work.
There is another objection to the.
proposed improvement and that is the
one I dwelt on in my veto to the first
resolution on this subject adopted by
your honorable body, and that is that
the property on said street will not
stand the assessment. The property
on one side of West Locust Street will
not stand the assessment, and if we
go ahead and make it, the City will
be at a great loss in making up out
of its own finances, the difference be-
tween what can be assessed to the
property owners and the actual cost
of the improvement.
I therefore return to you the Ald.
Rand resolution providing for the im-
provement of West Locust Street, and
hereby veto the motion that carried'
adopting the same.
Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke stated
that the action of the Council in re-
scinding its former action providing
for the improvement of West Locust
Street as far as Alta Vista Street was
equivalent to the withdrawal of the
original resolutions and therefore. ob-
viated the necessity of the veto.
of Alta Vista Street:
City Treasurer Brinkman reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith hand you
statements of amounts advanced by
me during the month of July, 1908,
for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor:
Interest paid on warrants
outstanding $1,490.30
Postage stamps expense 15.00
New York exchange expense 3.45
Total $1,508.75
Library orders paid.......... $913.65 ,
On motion of Ald. Saul the report
was received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the various amounts,
and the report referred to - the Com-
mittee on Finance.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re --
236 Regular Session, August 6, 1908
Assault 3
Wife abandonment 1
Hopping moving trains 3
Profane and abusive language 1
Vagrancy 25
Violating city ordinance 2
Total 80
Residents arrested 34
Doors found open 21
Lodgers harbored 16
Defective lights 82
Meals furnished 33
Cost of food
Pound receipts $3.00
Police court costs collected $14.70
Patrol runs for prisoners 73
Transfer of prisoners 2
Committee runs 1
Miles traveled 125
Sheriff, dieting prisoners for
month of July, 1908 $3.75
I also beg to submit the pay roll
for policemen for the month of July,
Amount due policemen $2,499.50
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion of Ald. Haas the report
and pay roll, were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the po-
licemen and the report referred to the
Committee on. Police and Light.
Street Commissioner Dorgan report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the last
half of July, 1908:
Amount due laborers on
streets $2,413.20
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the last half of
July, 1908:
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $226.00
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on Bluff Street Extension during the
last half of July, 1908:
Amount due laborers on Bluff
Street Extension $127.75
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Aids. Saul and Sin -
grin the pay rolls on streets and sew -
ers were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the . various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
City Engineer Ilg, also reported as
To the honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:— Referring to the at-
tached communication, signed by Jo-
seph A. Welu, and others, requesting
grade and line stakes on Pauline
Street, in Gmehle's Addition, have to
advise that I cannot find that there is
a "Pauline Street" in this Addition.
Would request further directions in
the matter.
In this connection would call your
attention to the fact that there is a
" Paulina Street" extending from West
Fifth Street to West Fourth Street.
Yours respectfully,
City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Haas the report
of City Engineer Ilg was referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
City Engineer Ilg also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Attached is a profile
showing in red proposed grades on
alley parallel to Windsor Avenue, ex-
tending south from Hennepin Street
to alley from Windsor Avenue to
Stafford Avenue, and on alley extend-
ing from Windsor Avenue easterly 120
feet to the alley first mentioned.
The grade lines as indicated are
recommended to you for adoption.
Yours respectfully,
City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Haas the reports
of the City Engineer and profiles
showing grade were referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
City Recorder Linehan presented
and read the printed notice certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to improve Windsor Avenue
from Eagle Point Avenue to a point
about 680 feet northwesterly there-
On motion of Ald. Martin rules
were suspended to allow remonstra-
tors permission to address the Coun-
Mr. Gus Wienecke, Sam Casey and
John Buecheler then addressed the
Council, remonstrating against pro-
posed improvement unless some other
plan is made for carrying off the
water. On motion of Ald. Haas the
matter was referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole and notice ordered
received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented, and read the printed notice,
certified to by the publisher, of the
Council's intention to improve the
alley first east of Windsor Avenue
from Hennepin Street to the alley first
south thereof.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read the printed notice,
certified to by the publisher, of the
Council's intention to improve the
Regular Session, August 6, 1908.
alley first north of Ries Street from
the east side of the alley first west of
Windsor Avenue to Windsor Avenue.
On motion of Ald. Martin rules
were suspended to allow the remon-
strators permission to address the
Council. Mr. K. Biehl and J. Kraus
.spoke, remonstrating against im-
.provement unless the alley was im-
proved the entire length.
On motion of Ald. Haas notices
were then received and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Tropf reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque,
Gentlemen: I herewith report to
your honorable body that I have
served the proper notices to the prop-
erty owners on the west side of Cor-
nell Street between May Place and
Thomas Street, wherever cement side-
walks have not been laid, also on the
-south side of Thomas Street between
Cornell and Henion Street.
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion of Ald. Martin report of
the Sidewalk Inspector was received
and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Tropf presented
•certified copy of the notice served on
Anna Collins, owner of City Lot 620,
ordering cement sidewalk laid in front
•of said property. Remonstrance of
Anna Collins against the proposed im-
provement was then read and on mo-
tion of Ald. Haas the notice and re-
monstrance were received and filed.
Following weighmasters' and wood -
measurers' reports of receipts for the
month of July, 1908, were presented
and read, and on motion were re-
ceived and filed:
Jos. Straney, for Thos. Faherty,$ 2.50
First Ward scales
Louisa Pitschner, West Du- .51
buque scale
J. H. Carroll, Woodmeasurer .15
C. W. Katz, Market Master 9.85
The report of the Water Works
'Trustees for the quarter ending July
1st, 1908, was presented, read, and on
motion of Ald. Saul was referred to
the Special Water Works Auditing
City Engineer Ilg reported that he
was ready to report on the various
contracts for street work and sewers
referred to him to estimate.
Bids are as follows:
For constructing Cement Curb and
Gutter on West Side of Walnut
L. Smith & Co., per lineal foot,
James Lee & Son per lineal foot,
On motion of Ald. Saul the con-
tract was awarded to James Lee &
Son and their bond fixed at $50.00
Bids for improving St. Ambrose
Street are as follows:
Wilmer Cook
Tibey Bros.
On motion of Ald. Saul the con-
tract for improving St. Ambrose
Street was awarded to Tibey Bros.
and their bond fixed at $450.00.
Bids for constructing sanitary sewer
in Yale Street are as follows:
O'Farrell Contracting Co $167.10
Geo. L. Korman 167.00
Dave O'Neill 119.55
On motion of Ald. Saul the con-
tract for constructing sanitary sewer
in Yale Street was awarded to Dave
O'Neill and his bond fixed at $30.00
Reports of Committees.
Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Police and Light, stated
that the Police Department was in
need of bedding for matron's quarters
and moved that the matter of the
purchase of bedding for matron's
quarters be referred to the Commit-
tee on Police and Light with power.
The Committee of the Whole re-
ported as follows:
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the corrected bill
of The Labor Leader for printing the
official notices for the month of June,
would respectfully recommend that
said bill be allowed and that a war-
rant in the sum of $12.50 be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in full
settlement of the claim.
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom was referred the report of
the Dubuque Bridge Company for the
year ending April 30, 1908, would re-
spectfully recommend that said re-
port be referred to the committee
designated by ordinance; that is the
Mayor, the Auditor and the Assessor.
Also your Committee of the whole
would respectfully report that the
flooring on both the Seventh Street
and Sixteenth Street 'bridges is in a
dangerous condition and would rec-
ommend that the Street Commissioner
he instructed to have the city car-
penter replank said bridges without
Also your Committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that
the Street Commissioner be instructed
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Also: Whereas it is deemed neces-
sary and expedient to improve the
east side of Grandview Avenue be-
tween State Street and South Dodge
Street in front of and abutting the
premises hereinafter described by
laying down a permanent sidewalk
thereon composed of cement or brick
material eight feet wide;
Therefore, Be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, nature
and extent of the proposed improve-
ment on the east side of Grandview
Avenue between South Dodge Street
and State Street, and in front of and
abutting lot 2 of 1 of Mineral Lot 47,
owned by J. H. Rhomberg, and the
kind of material to be used, and an
estimate of the entire cost thereof
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon
such improvement per front foot, and
to file such plat and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate
in his office, the City Recorder shall
notify said abutting and adjacent
property owners, as provided by ordi-
nance, that such plat and estimates
are on file, the location and nature
of the improvement, kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of its cost,
and the time before which objections
thereto can be filed, and the time fixed
for hearing, which time shall not be
less than five (5) days after the ser-
vice of such notice, and after such
service shall have been made, the City
Recorder shall, at the next regular
session of the City Council, notify the
Council thereof in writing, with a
copy of such notice accompanying the
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -- Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Also: Whereas it is deemed neces-
sary and expedient to improve the
north side of Twenty -Fifth Street be-
tween White Street and Jackson
Street, in front of and abutting the
Premises hereinafter described by lay-
ing down a permanent sidewalk there-
on, composed of cement material four
feet wide.
Therefore be is resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, That
the City Engineer be and he is here-
by directed to prepare a plat showing
Regular Session, August 6, 1908
generally the location, nature and ex-
tent of the proposed improvement on
the north side of Twenty -fifth Street,
between White Street and Jackson
Street and in front of and abutting
lot 225, Davis Farm Add., owned by
J. H. Rhomberg, and the kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
the entire cost thereof and the
amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount and cost there-
of, to be paid by the city, if any, and
the cost thereof and amount assess- -
able upon each lot or parcel or land'
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office'
of the City Recorder; that after the
filing of said plat and estimate in his
office the City Recorder shall notify
said abutting and adjacent property
owners, as provided by ordinance,
that such plat and estimate are on
file, the location and nature of the -
improvement, kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of its cost, and
the time before which objections:
thereto can be filed, and the time
fixed for hearing, which time shall'
not be less than five (5) days after -
the service of such notice, and after
such service shall have been made,
the City Recorder shall, at the next.
regular session of the City Council,.
notify the Council thereof in writing,.
with a copy of such notice accom-
panying the same.
Ald. Haas moved the adoption or
the resolution:
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,.
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent - -Ald. Frith.
Also: Be it resolved by the City -
Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a
permanent sidewalk of the width of
twelve feet be and the same is here-
by ordered 'to be laid on the west
side of Bluff Street between Sixth and
Seventh Streets, and in front of the
following described premises: City
Lot 620. Such sidewalk to be con-
structed of materials and in the man-
ner as follows: Eight inches of cin-
ders, 3 inches of concrete and one -
inch of cement wearing surface, said
sidewalk to be completed on or be-
fore October 1st, 1908, and the cost
of same to be taxed against said pre-
mises and collected in the manner -
prescribed by law.
Be it further resolved that the City
Recorder be and he is hereby ordered
to give ten days' notice by publica-
tion as provided by ordinance asking
for proposals for the doing of said
work under contract with the City.
The proposals for the doing of said
work shall be acted upon by the City
Council on the 20th day of August,
238 Regular Session, August 6, 1908
to investigate the condition of the
filling of the trenches occupied by
the underground conduit system on
West Fourteenth Street and report his
findings back to the Street Commit-
Also your Committee of the Whole,
to whom were referred the bids of N.
Kolfenbach for laying cement side-
walk on Fifteenth Street, of the
O'Farrell Contracting Co. for the im=
provement of Yale Street, of the
O'Farrell Contracting Co. for the im-
provement of Washington Street from
Eighth to Tenth Streets, of the O'Far-
rell Contracting Co. for the improve-
ment of Jackson Street from Eighth
to Ninth Streets, would respectfully
recommend that on account of there
having been but one bid submitted for
each of said contracts, all of said bids
be rejected and that the City Recorder
be instructed to re- advertise, ,for bids
for the aforesaid improvements.
Ald. Rand moved the adoption of
the various reports of the Committee
of the Whole. Carried.
The Committee of the Whole rec-
ommended the following sidewalk
Whereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the north side
of Cleveland Avenue between Apple
Street and Pear Street in front of and
abutting the premises hereinafter de-
scribed by laying down a permanent
sidewalk thereon, composed of cement
material five feet wide;
Therefore, Be it resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, nature
and extent of the proposed improve-
ment on the north side of Cleveland
Avenue between Apple and Pear
Streets and in front of and abutting
lot 58, Union Add., owned by Martha
Hickok est., and the kind of material to
be used, and an estimate of the entire
cost thereof and the amount and cost
of such improvement, and the amount
and cost thereof to be paid by the
city, if any, and the cost thereof and
amount assessable upon each lot or
parcel of land adjacent to or abutting
upon such improvement per front
foot, and to file such plat and esti-
mate in the office of the City Recor-
der; that after the filing of said plat
and estimate in his office, the City
Recorder shall notify said abutting
and adjacent property owners, as
provided by ordinance, that such plat
and estimate are on file, the location
and nature of the improvement, kind
of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of its cost, and the time before
which objections thereto can he filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five (5)
days after the service of such notice,
and after such service shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a copy of such notice ac
companying the same.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Also: Whereas it is deemed neces-
sary and expedient to improve the
east side of Cardift Street between
West Third Street and the southerly
end of Cardiff Street in front of and
abutting the premises hereinafter de-
scribed by laying down a permanent
sidewalk thereon composed of cement
material four feet wide;
Therefore, 13e it resolved by the -
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, nature -
and extent of the proposed improve-
ment on the east side of Cardiff
Street between West Third Street and
the southerly end of Cardiff Street
and in front of and abutting lot 13
of City Lot 724, owned by William:
Hintrager, and the kind of material
to he used, and an estimate of the
entire cost thereof and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and
the amount and cost thereof, to be
paid by the city, if any, and the cost.
thereof and amount assessable upon
each lot or parcel of land adjacent to
or abutting upon such improvement
per front foot, and to file such plat
and estimate in the office of the City
Recorder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the
City Recorder shall notify said abut-
ting and adjacent property owners, as
provided by ordinance, that such plat
and estimate are on file, the location
and nature of the improvement, kind
of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of its cost, and the time before
which objections thereto can be filed,
and the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five (5)
days after the service of such notice,
and after such service shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
ne.t regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a copy of such notice ac-
companying the same.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,.
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent - -Ald. Frith.
Alderman Haas offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove the alley first north of Ries
Street from the easterly line of the
alley first east of Windsor Avenue to
Stafford Avenue, and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade and macadamize said
alley and to assess the cost of said
macadamizing against the abutting
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution:
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent - -Ald. Frith.
Alderman Haas also offered the
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing
generally the location, nature and ex-
tent of the proposed grading and ma-
cadamizing of the alley first north of
Ries Street from the easterly line of
the alley first east of Windsor Ave-
nue to Stafford Avenue, and the kind
of material to be used, and an esti-
mate of the entire cost thereof, and
the amount and cost of such improve-
ment, and the amount assessable upon
any railway or street railway com-
pany, the amount and cost thereof,
to be paid by the city, if any, and
the cost thereof and amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office
of the City Recorder; that after the
filing of said plat and estimate in his
office, the City Recorder shall pub-
lish in three consecutive issues of a
newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and es-
timates are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement,. kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made, the City Recorder
shall, at the next regular session of
the City Council, notify the Council
thereof in writing, with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Alderman Haas also offered the
Whereas, The congregation of the
Haly Ghost Church has constructed a
sanitary sewer in Thirtieth Street
from the west side of Couler Avenue
to the public sewer in the alley be-
tween Couler Avenue and Jackson
Whereas, Said congregation is
willing to transfer said sewer to the
City of Dubuque on condition that the
same be maintained and cared for as
all other public sewers, and
Whereas, The acquisition by the
City of said sewer would be beneficial
to abutters thereon who are precluded
from connecting therewith at present
on account of its being private prop-.
erty; therefore
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City take
over said sewer and care for and
maintain the same as in the case of
all other public sewers, and be it fur -
Resolved, That the City Attorney
be and he is hereby directed to pre-
pare the necessary instrument trans-
ferring said sewer to the City of Du-
buque and to have the same proper-
ly executed.
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
AId. Rand moved as an amendment
that the resolution be referred to the
Committee of the Whole, Sewer In-
spector and City Engineer. Carried.
Ald. Haas also presented a resolu-
tion for the improvement of Windsor
Avenue. On motion of Ald. Rand the
resolution was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Alderman Martin offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
Committee on Police and Light be
authorized to secure the services of
some qualified person to destroy the
unlicensed and unclaimed dogs
brought to the city jail and that such
person be allowed for his services at
the rate of twenty -five cents for each
clog destroyed by him.
Ald. Martin moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
240 Regular Session, August 6, 1908
AId. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution:
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays -- -None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Alderman Rand offered the follow-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve West Locust Street from
Hodgdon Avenue to the west side of
Blake Street and it is hereby pro-
posed to grade, curb, gutter and ma-
cadamize said portion of said street
and to assess the cost of said curb-
ing, guttering and macadamizing
against the abutting property.
Ald. Rand moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -- Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent- - -Ald. Frith.
Alderman Rand also offered the fol-
Pe it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to prepare a plat showing gen-
erally the location, nature and extent
of the proposed grading, curbing, gut-
tering and macadamizing on West
Locust Street from Hodgden Avenue
to the west side of Blake Street and
the kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of the entire cost there-
of, and the amount and cost of such
improvement, and the amount assess-
able upon any railway or street rail-
way company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon
such improvement per front foot, and
to file such plat and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the City Recorder shall
publish in three consecutive issues of
a newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and es-
timates are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice,
and after such publication shall have
been made, the City Recorder shall,
at the next regular session of the
City Council, notify the Council there-
of in writing, with a printed copy of
such notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Rand moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Alpine Street from West
Third Street to Julien Avenue and it
is hereby proposed to re- gutter said
street with brick on a macadam
foundation and to assess the cost of
said re- guttering against the abutting
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Frith.
Alderman O'Rourke also offered
the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby di-
rected to prepare a plat showing gen-
erally the location, nature and extent
of the proposed re- guttering with
brick, on Alpine Street between West
Third Street and Julien Avenue, and
the kind of material to be used, and
an estimate of the entire cost thereof,
and the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount assessable
upon any railway or street railway
company, the amount and cost there-
of, to be paid by the city, if any, and
the cost thereof and amount assess-
able upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such
improvement per front foot, and to
file such plat and estimate in the of-
fice of the City Recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the City Recorder shall
publish in three consecutive issues of
a newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and es-
timates are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
tlhe time fixed for hearing, which
time shall not be less than five days
after the last publication of such no-
tice, and after such publication shall
have been made the City Recorder
shall, at the next regular session of
the City Council, notify the Council
thereof in writing, with a printed
copy of such notice accompanying the
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution:
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
242 Regular Session, August 6, 1908 Regular Session August 20th 1908 243
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to run the lines on Southern
Avenue from its intersection with
Grandview Avenue south to the city
limits with a view of determining
whether said avenue is properly lo-
cated and report his findings to the
City Council at its next meeting.
Ald. Saul moved the adoption of
the resolution:
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas — Alds. Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent - -Ald. Frith.
Ald. Martin stated that several of
the property owners on Fifth Avenue
were remonstrating against the con-
dition of the sidewalks on said street
and moved that the Committee Clerk
give Sidewalk Inspector instructions
to have matter of sidewalks on Fifth
Avenue attended to. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved that the Council
adjourn to Thursday evening, August
20th, 1908. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 1908
Regular session August 20th, 1908.
Council met at 8:45 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present — Alderman Frith, Haas,
Martin, O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and
Absent —None.
The following bills, having been
properly approved by the various
committees, were on motion of Ald.
Frith ordered paid:
John Wickham, 1.0 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
Ave.... .... .... .......$ 1 00
Wm. Boyce, 6.4 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Ave... 6 40
Wm. Walker, 20.0 cubic yards
macadam, Valley St....... 20 00
John O'Shea, 62.0 cubic yards
macadam, Valley St....... 62 00
Hugh Connell, 12.3 cubic
yards macadam, So, Locust
St .... 32 30
Jule Russell, 56.0 cubic yards
macadam, Valley St 56 00
1'. Furey, 37,2 cubic yards
macadam, Valley St.. 37 20
John Duggan, 62.5 cubic yards
macadam, Valley St 62 50
John Mullen, 49.6 cubic yards
macadam, Hill St.... 45 20
Jos. Brouilette, 24.6 cubic
yards macadam, Hill St 24 60
Geo. Frost, 28.2 cubic yards
macadam, Hill St 28 20
Edw. Lee, 15.0 cubic yards
macadam, Valley St 15 00
Mullen' & Miller, 35.1 cubic
yards macadam near 4th
St. Elevator 35 10
P. Ryan, 25.0 cubic yards ma-
cadam Dodge St. 25 00
Mrs. J. McGee, 1.5 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Ave 1 50
Jerry Sullivan, 9.4 cubic yards
macadam, Valley St.... 9 41)
John Schaefer, 11.2 cubic
yards macadam, Hill St 8 40
Mike Cain, 54.4 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Ave 54 40
Tom Cain, 45.5 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Ave 45 50
Mrs. De Fountain, 8.2 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
Ave 8 20
N. Sweeney, 19.6 cubic yards
macadam, Dodge St 19 60
Harry Frith, 19.1 cubic yards
macadam, Southern Ave 19 10
Geo. Shoemaker, 2.0 cubic
yards macadam, Southern
Ave 2 00
Mrs. Hall, 7.8 cubic yards ma-
cadam, Southern "Ave 7 80
John Convey, cleaning cala-
boose 1 00
Chas. W. Katz, dieting prison-
ers during July 6 60
E. J. Mulgrew, supplies fur-
nished Police Matron 2 17
American Electrical Novelty &
Mfg. Co., batteries for Po-
lice Department 4 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies
furnished Police Matron 95
Peter Hanson, hay and oil for
Police and Road Depts 70
Key City Gas Co., light for va-
rious departments 73 85
Key City Gas Co. maintenance
of 4 gas arcs for Police and
Fire Departments 2 00
Key City Gas Co., coke for
Fire Department 29 95
W. B. Baumgartner, hardware
for Fire and Sewer Depart-
ments 1 90
Babcock Fire Extinguisher
Co., supplies for Fire De-
partment 21 00
Jas. Beach & Son, soap for
Fire Department 4 00
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Fire Department 4 45
Chas. Skemp & Son, repairs
for Fire Department 18 05
F. C. Keesecker, drug supplies
for Fire Department 48 35•
Eichhorn & Bechtel, bran for
Fire Department rr 1 40'
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs f6r
Fire Department 3 15
Mettel Bros., bran and salt for
Fire Department 2 65
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horse -
shoeing for Fire Department 4 25
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for Fire De-
partment 14 00
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
Fire Department 2 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing for Fire Department 1 25
Standard Lumber Co., shavings
for Fire Department 13 50
Kelly's Book Store, supplies
for Fire Department 1 05
David T. Howie, 'repairs at
Central Engine House 16 50
G. F. Kleih, supplies for Engi-
neer Department 1
Kelly's Book Store, supplies
for various offices 20 50
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for Engineering Department 17 53
G. B. Grosvenor Co., 2 rolls
blue print for Engineer 3 00
Berg & Briggs, stationery for
Assessor's office 43 50
Berg & Briggs, stationery for
Treasurer's office 5 75
Linehan & Molo, repairs to
fountain at Linwood 3 40
Foley's Hand Laundry, towel
service during July 4 00
244 Regular Session August 20th, 1908
Mrs. Koenig, scrubbing com-
mittee rooms
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies
for cleaning at City Hall
Phil Breithaupt, plumbing re-
pairs at City Hall
Mullen Bros., plumbing repairs
at Sixth Street fountain
Geo. Masters, plumbing re-
pairs at 27th Street fountain
Edw. T. Cleaver, plumbing re-
pairs at various fountains
Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co ,
hose reel handle, Jackson
P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., lum-
ber for Jones Street scales
J. J. Dunn, serving notices in
Water Works cases
County Recorder, recording
plat and deeds Shiras Park.
Key City Chemical Co., 10 gal-
lons disinfectant, City Hall.
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
rent electric clock and time
service in Treasurer's office
Linehan & Molo, 1 bale white
waste for steam roller
Clark Roller Awning Co., can-
opy for steam roller
Key City Gas Co., coke for
steam roller
G. F. Kleih. hardware for
Road Department
L. A. Pitschner, oil for Road
1 25
4 00
1 65
3 90
17 15
4 05
3 00
20 00
1 00
14 00
3 85
38 9)
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., supplies for sprinkling
wagons 4 25
Geo. W. Healey & Son, one
dozen steel shovels for Road
Department 4 00
Standard Oil Co., oil for steam
roller 1 88
F. A. Burns, coal for steam
roller 22 50
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for steam
roller 13 55
John M. Lee, constructing ce-
ment crossing on Julien Ave 43 00
James Lee & Son, constructing
cement steps and reinforced
concrete covering cor. High-
land Place and Arlington St 55 00
Wm. Marshall, repairing steam
roller 6 70
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Department 9 10
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs to
Road Department 92 63
Chas. Giese, repairs for vari-
ous departments 2 15
Dubuque Woodenware & Lum-
ber Co., lumber for repairs
to sidewalks 45 82
Geo. W. Healey & Son, nails
for repairs to sidewalks 5 60
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for July 2229 25
Union Electric Co., power for
fire alarm system 2 00
E. T. Frith, removing garbage
and dead animals during
July 456 03
G. F. Kleih, supplies for
Health Department 25
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
hose for garbage dump 9 00
Telegraph - Herald, publishing
rules of Board of Health 40 00
Telegraph - Herald, official
printing, July 81 50
Times - Journal, official print-
ing, July 88 18
Times - Journal, printing pam-
phlets, July 22 35
Labor Leader, official printing,
July 12 50
O'Farrell Contracting Co., bal-
ance due on construction of
Troy Street sanitary sewer. 17 06
O'Farrell Contracting Co., bal-
ance due on construction of
sanitary sewer between
Windsor Avenue and Queen
Street 28 53
D. W. Linehan, balance due
on construction of sanitary
sewer in Kauffman Avenue,
North Ilain and Leibnitz
Streets 69 76
Chas. Hilliary, inspecting Yale
Street sewer 5 00
H. B. McCarten, repairing
water fountains 31 70
R. L. Spellerberg, supplies and
repairs for Sewer Depart-
ment 3 00
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horse -
shoeing Sewer Department
horse 1 60
Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co ,
castings for Sewer Depart-
ment 8 00
Linehan & Molo, supplies for
Road Department 3 50
Mathis, Metz Co., stationery
for Auditor's office 14 00
H. Wunderlich & Son, mat-
tress for Police Matrons
quarters 3 00
Following bills were referred as
Bill of O'Farrell Contracting Co.,
grading Asbury Street, balance due
$406.00, was on motion referred to
Committee on Streets.
Bill of Collings & Pfiffner, horse -
shoeing for Fire Department, $12.50,
was on motion referred to Chief of
Bill of Clerk of District Court, Fee
bills various cases, $19.30, was on mo-
tion referred to the City Attorney.
Petitions and Communications.
Petitions of Leathers & Trewin et al,
representing twenty -five property
owners on Grandview Avenue be-
tween Dodge and South Dodge, also
of James Phelan et al, property own-
ers on Grandview Avenue between
Regular Session, August 20th, 1908. 245
South Dodge Street and Southern Ave-
nue and of 1,081 citizens of Dubuque,
asking that the Council have Grand-
view Avenue improved on the park
plan, were read and on motion of Ald.
Frith rules were suspended to allow
interested parties permission to ad-
dress the Council. Judge O. P. Shiras,
C. T. Hancock, W. S. Wright, Rev. G.
M. Orvis Gus Wienecke, Kiesel Kar-
berg, T. B. Cain, Mr. Collis, D. Cot -
tingham and John Cunningham spoke
in favor of improving Grandview Ave-
nue on the park plan. Mr. Thos Hill,
John Hail and John Stedman spoke
against park plan of improvement.
Aids. O'Rourke, Frith, Rand, Mar-
tin and Haas then spoke, giving their
views on the manner of making the
Ald. Haas then moved that the
Council reconsider their action taken
at the session held August 6th, in re-
ceiving and filing the petition of John
T. Hancock est et al. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the petition
of J. T. Hancock est et al, the plans
for the improvement of Grandview
Avenue and all matters in relation to
said improvement be referred to the
Committee of the Whole and a com-
mittee of six citizens to be selected by
the Mayor. Carried.
Petition of Jesse Venn, owner of
Sub. 3 of Lot 12, O'Neill's Sub., ask-
ing that the taxes on said lot for the
year 1907 be exempted to the amount
of $800.00, he being an honorably
discharged soldier, was, on motion of
Ald. Frith, granted and the Treasurer
to be instructed accordingly.
Petition of Michael Nellis, asking
that the taxes for the year 1907 on
Sub. Mineral Lot 149, Lots 21 and 22,
be exempted to the amount of $800.00,
he being a honorably discharged sol-
dier, was, on motion of Ald. Frith,
granted and the Treasurer to be in-
structed accordingly.
Petition of Dubuque Boat &
Boiler Works, asking that their taxes
for the year 1907 be canceled in ac-
cordance with resolution passed by
the City Council, was, on motion of
Ald. Rand, referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petition of H. Byard et al, asking
that Villa Street, south of Forrest
Street, be widened to a width of 30
feet, was, on motion of Ald. Saul, re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of John Schroeder et al,
asking that the Council order a side-
walk constructed on the north side of
Hart Street at the corner of Hart
Street and Couler Avenue, was, on
motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the
Sidewalk Inspector with power.
Petition of John Steadman et al,
stating that the lines for the improve-
ment of the west side of Grandview
Avenue, as surveyed by the City Engi-
neer, between West Third and Dodge
Street, is from three to five feet more
on their lot lines than the plats show
and asking that the city have the
street improved according to the
measurements on the city plats or
have a new survey made by a disin-
terested Engineer, was, on motion of
Ald. Saul, referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Communication from Hurd, Lenehan
& Kiesel, stating that on July 21st,
1908, the District Court of Dubuque
County rendered a judgment for $42,-
715.36, with interest at 6% from July
10th, 1908, and for costs of suit taxed
at $35.05 in the case of the Martin -
Strelau Co. against the City of Du-
buque, and asking that the City pay
the judgment or to levy a sufficient
tax upon all the taxable property to
pay said judgment, was, on motion of
Ald. O'Rourke, referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
Invitation of the Executive Commit-
tee of the Home - Coming Celebration,
inviting the Mayor and City Council
to participate in the Home- Coming
parade, was, on motion of Ald. Frith,
accepted and the Council to attend in
a body.
Communication from P. F. Rooney,
asking that City Engineer be in-
structed to establish the line of his
lot abutting on Robinson Avenue, was,
on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Union Electric Company,
asking that they be granted permission
to lay tracks on Confer Avenue and
make the connections with tracks
running into new car barn to be erect-
ed south of the present barns, ac-
cording to plans and plat submitted to
the Council and that the Mayor be
authorized to issue a written permit
for said work, was, on motion of Ald.
Frith, granted and the tracks to be
laid under the supervision of the
Street Committee.
Petition of Rev. Bro. Francis et al,
representing St. Mary's High School,
asking that permission be granted
them to use the Armory on Saturday
nights from September 1st to March
1st for training for basket ball games,
was, on motion of Ald. Frith, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
ceipts from City Treasurer Brinkman
for seventeen 25 -100 dollars collected
by me from the Union Electric Com-
pany and the Key City Gas Company
for services rendered them by the
steam roller. Respectfully,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Saul the report
was received and filed.
Street Commissioner Dorgan also
presented a bill of the City of Du-
buque against Geo. Masters for roll-
ing trench on Bennett Street, $4.50.
On motion of Ald. Saul bill was re-
ferred to Street Commissioner Dorgan
for collection. •
City Recorder Linehan presented
and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the Council's
intention to improve West Locust
Street from the end of the present
improvement westerly to the west side
of Blake Street. No remonstrance be-
ing filed and no one in the room ob-
jecting to the improvement of said
street, the notice was, on motion, re-
ceived and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read the printed notice,
certified to by the publisher, of the
C'ouncil's intention to improve the
alley first north of Ries Street from
the easterly line of alley first east of
Windsor Avenue to Stafford Avenue.
No remonstrance being filed and no
one in the room objecting to the im-
provement of said alley, the notice
was, oh motion, received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read the printed notice,
certified to by the publisher, of the
Council's intention to improve Alpine
Street from West Third Street to Ju-
lien Avenue.
Remonstrance of Reeder Langworthy
et al against the proposed improve-
ment was read and, on motion, remon-
strance was referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole and the notice or-
dered received and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Tropf presented
certified copy of the notice served on
J. H. Rhomberg, owner of Lot 225.
Davis Farm Add., ordering cement
sidewalk laid in front of said proper-
ty. No remonstrance being filed and
no one in the room objecting to the
laying of said sidewalk, the notice
was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re-
ceived and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Tropf also pre-
sented the certified copy of the notice
served on William Hintrager, owner of
Lot 13 of City Lot 724, ordering ce-
ment sidewalk Laid in front of said
Regular Session August 20th 1908 247
' property. No remonstrance being filed
and no one in the room objecting to
the laying of said sidewalk, the notice
was, on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re-
ceived and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Tropf also pre-
sented the certified copy of the notice
served on R. W. Kemler, Adm. of the
Martha Hickok Est., owner of Lot 58,
Union Add., ordering cement sidewalk
laid in front of said property. No
remonstrance being filed and no one
in the room objecting to the laying of
said sidewalk, the notice was, on mo-
tion of Ald. O'Rourke, received and
Sidewalk Inspector Tropf also pre-
sented certified copy of the notice
served on Anna 'Collins, owner of City
Lot 620, ordering cement sidewalk
laid in front of said property. Re-
monstrance of Anna Collins against
the proposed improvement was then
read and on motion of Ald. O'Rourke
the notice and remonstrance were re-
ceived and filed.
City Attorney Lyon reported as fol-
Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 20th, 1908.
To fhe Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit a
copy of the opinion handed down by
the Hon. Robt. Ronson, Judge of the
District Court of Dubuque County,
Iowa, in the case of the Martin -Stre-
Iau Company vs. The City of Du-
buque. It being an unusual action it
is my desire to receive instructions
from your honorable body before tak-
ing any further steps in the matter.
Please advise me whether or not .
your body wish this action prosecuted
Yours very truly,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the City Attorney and opinion of
Judge Bonson were referred to the
Committee of the Whole.
Reports of Committees.
Ald. Martin, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Ordinances presented and
read an Ordinance establishing a
grade of Walnut Street from Chestnut
Street to West Eleventh Street and
moved that the reading just had be
considered its first reading. Carried.
Ald. Martin then moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
reading the ordinance by its title for
the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
246 Regular Session, August 20th, 1908
The following communication from
the Trustees of the Carnegie -Stout Li-
brary was read and on motion of Ald.
Rand referred to the Board of Equal-
To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: —I herewith transmit a
resolution passed by the Board of Li-
brary Trustees in agreement at the
requirements of the statute:
Resolved, That the Board of Trus-
tees of the Carnegie -Stout Free Pub-
lic Library of Dubuque, in pursuance
of the requirements of the statute of
the State of Iowa, hereby determine
and fix one -third of a mill on the dol-
lar of the taxable valuation of prop-
erty in the city of Dubuque for the
year 1908 as the amount or rate to be
levied, collected and appropriated for
the ensuing year for the maintenance
of the Library; and that due notice of
this action by the Board of Trustees
be certified to the Mayor and Com-
mon Council of the City of Dubuque.
Very respectfully,
Pres. Board of Library Trustees.
Communication from M. Kassler,
asking that he be granted permission
to erect a frame barn, 16 feetx30 feet,
14 feet high, sides to be covered with
galvanized iron and shingle roof and
submitting the written consent of 91)
per cent of the adjoining property
owners, was read and on motion oi`
Ald. Frith granted, provided metal
roof be put on the building and build-
ing to be erected under the supervision
of the Chief of the Fire Depart-
ment and the Alderman of the Second
Bids for improving Yale Street,
Jackson Street, Washington Street and
for constructing cement sidewalks on
Fifteenth Street and on Bluff Street
were presented and on motion of Ald.
Rand were opened and read and re-
ferred to the City Engineer to esti-
Bids are as follows for Improving
Jackson Street:
Wilmer Cook, $779,54.
Peter Eisbach, $949.40.
O'Farrell Contracting Co., $805.65.
Eagle Point Lime Works, $948.00.
On motion of Ald. Frith contract for
improving Jackson Street was awarded
to Wilmer Cook and his bond fixed at
Bids for improving Washington
Street are as follows:
Peter Eisbach, $1,482.40.
Eagle Point Lime Works, $1,449.00.
O'Farrell Contracting Co., $1,344.00.
Wilmer Cook, $1,343.90.
On motion of Ald. Frith the con-
tract for improving Washington
Street was awarded to Wilmer Cook
and his bond fixed at $400.00.
Bids for improving Yale Street are
as follows:
O'Farrell Contracting Co., $952.80.
Wilmer Cook, $973.31.
Tom Jess, grading Yale Street,
On motion of Ald. Rand bids were
referred to the Committee of the
Bids for cement sidewalk on Fif-
teenth Street are as follows:
L. Smith & Co., per square foot, 12c.
Jas. Lee & Son ,per square foot, 12c.
Tom Jess, per square foot, 14c.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the
contract for sidewalk on Fifteenth
Street was awarded to Jas. Lee & Son.
Bids for cement sidewalk on Bluff
Street between Sixth and Seventh
Streets are as follows:
L. Smith & Co., 12c per square foot.
Jas. Lee & Son, 121/20 per square
Tom Jess, 13c per square foot.
On motion of Ald. O'Rourke the
contract for sidewalk on Bluff Street
was awarded to Jas. Lee & Son at
12% cents per square foot.
Reports, of Officers.
Street Commissioner Dorgan report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: I herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on streets in the dif-
ferent road districts during the first
half of August, 1908:
Amt. due laborers on streets.$1,268.85
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of August,
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $222.75
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on Bluff Street Extension during the
first half of August, 1908:
Amount due laborers on Bluff
Street Extension $184.30
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Aids. Saul and Sin -
grin the pay rolls on streets and sew-
ers were received and warrants or-
dered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
Street Commissioner Dorgan also re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith attach re-
248 Regular Session August 20th, 1908
Ald. Martin moved that the Ordi-
nance be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
The Ordinance follows:
AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade
on Walnut Street from Chestnut
Street to West Eleventh Street in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Walnut
Street from Chestnut Street to West
Eleventh Street in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, be and the same is here-
by established and adopted as shown
by the profile of said street and grade
prepared by the City Engineer and
accepted by the City Council on the
9th day of July, 1908, being No. 653,
and marked "Profile and Grade of
Walnut Street from Chestnut Street to
West Eleventh Street, b. ms. coping
northwest corner Walnut and Chest-
nut Streets, elevation 255.66 and fire
plug northwest corner West Eleventh
Street, elevation 231.44." Said grade
beginning at the south line of Chest-
nut Street, which is station 0, eleva-
tion 253.27; thence to station 1-24,
north curb Rose Street, elevation
252.27; thence to station 1+63, ele-
vation 251.40; thence to station
4+62, north curb West Eleventh
Street, elevation 228.50.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal
Adopted, , 1908.
Approved, , 1908.
City Recorder.
Ald. Saul, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the macadamizing, guttering
and curbing at Asbury Street from
Delhi Street to St. Ambrose Street by
the O'Farrell Contracting Co., con-
tractors, and would recommend that
said improvement be accepted and
that the City Engineer be instructed
to prepare a special assessment
against the lots or parcels of land
benefitted by such improvement and
file the same in the office of the City
Recorder who will thereupon publish
the notice of said assessment as re-
quired by ordinance.
Ald. Saul moved that the report be
referred to the Committee of the
Whole. Carried.
Ald. Singrin, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Sewers, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Sewers would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sanitary sewer constructed
in Yale Street from Alta Vista Street
to Harvard Street by D. O'Neil, con-
tractor, and would recommend that
said sewer be accepted and that the
City Engineer be instructed to pre-
pare a special assessment against the
lots or parcels of real estate bene-
fitted by such improvement and file
the same in the office of the City Re-
corder who will thereupon publish the
notice of said assessment as required
by ordinance. W. SINGRIN,
Ald. Singrin moved the adoption of
the report of the Committee on Sew-
ers. Carried.
Ald. Frith, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Fire, reported that the Fire
Department are in need of 200 feet
of chemical hose and moved that the
matter of purchase of chemical hose
be referred to the Committee on Fire
with power. Carried.
Ald. Haas, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Delinquent Tax, reported as
Your Committee on Delinquent
Taxes, to whom was referred the pe-
tition of Mary L. Casey, a widow in
delicate health with young , children
depending on her labor for support,
asking that the taxes for the year
1907 on her homestead, Lot 2 in Fin-
ley Addition, be canceled, would rec-
ommend that the prayer of petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Ald. Haas moved that the report of
the Delinquent Tax Committee be
adopted. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported as
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Harmony and Julien Lodges, I. O. O.
F., asking that the taxes for the year
1907 on City Lot 633 be canceled,
would respectfully recommend that
the prayer of the petitioner be not
granted. We would recommend, how-
ever, that the valuation on said lot be
placed at $10,000.00 for the year
1907, and that the City Treasurer be
instructed to accept said taxes on the
above valuation.
Also, your Committee of the Whole, to
Regular Session, August 20th, 1908. 249
whom was referred the remonstrance
of C. Eilerman et al against the open-
ing of the alley first north of Henne-
pin Street, would respectfully recom-
mend that said remonstrance be re-
ceived and filed.
Also, your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the protest of cer-
tain property owners on Windsor Ave-
nue against the improvement of said
avenue in the manner proposed, would
respectfully recommend that said pro-
test be received and filed.
Also, your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the petition of the
Pitts- Thompson Foundry Co., asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to exempt its taxes for the year 1907
in accordance with the action of the
City Council of April 29, 1905, would
respectfully recommend that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted and
that the Treasurer be instructed ac-
Also, your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the resolution of
Alderman Haas authorizing the im-
provement of Windsor Avenue from
the southeasterly curb line of Eagle
Point Avenue to a point about six hun-
dred and eighty feet northerly there-
of, would respectfully recommend that
said resolution be adopted.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the various reports of the Commit-
tee of the Whole. Carried.
Resolutions and Motions.
Alderman Haas offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That Wind-
sor Avenue from the southeasterly
curb line of Eagle Point Avenue to a
point about six hundred and eighty
feet northwesterly thereof be im-
proved by grading, curbing where
necessary and brick paving said por-
tion of said avenue on its present
foundation, in accordance with the
plans and specifications for such im-
provement prepared by the City En-
gineer and now on file in the office of
the City Recorder, and be it further',
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the
1st day of November, 1908, and shall
be paid for in the manner prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque for
the payment of the cost of street in1-
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council on
the 3rd day of September, 1908, and
the City Recorder is hereby ordered to
give ten days' notice by publication
asking for proposals as provided by
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Alderman Haas also offered the fol-
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the aI-
ley first east of Windsor Avenue from
Hennepin Street south to the souther-
ly end of said alley be improved by
grading and macadamizing the same,
in accordance with the plans and
specifications for such improvement
prepared by the City Engineer and
now on file in the office of the City
Recorder. and be it further
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the
15th day of November, 1908, and shall
be paid for in the manner prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinance of the City of Dubuque
for the payment of the cost of street
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council on
the 3rd day of September, 1908, and
the City Recorder is hereby ordered
to give ten days' notice by publication
asking for proposals as provided by
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Alderman Haas also offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, That the
alley first north of Ries Street froth
Windsor Avenue to Stafford Avenue
be improved by grading and ma-
cadamizing the same, in accordance
with the plans and specifications for
such improvement prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it,
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the
15th day of November, 1908, and
shall be paid for in the manner pro-
scribed by Chapter XXXII. of the
Revised Ordinance of the City of Dil-
buque for the payment of the cost of
street improvements.
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the Council on
the 3rd day of September, 1908, and
the City Recorder is hereby ordered
to give ten days' notice by publication
asking for proposals as provided by
250 Regular Session, August 20th, 1908 Regular Session August 20th 1908 251
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -Alds. Frith Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Ald. Rand presented resolution for
the improvement of West Locust
Street. On motion the resolution was
referred to the Committee of the
Ald. Saul was excused at 11:00 p.
Alderman Rand offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable !
improve Asbury Street from the
south side of Cherry Street to the al-
ley first southerly thereof, and it is
hereby proposed to macadamize saki
portion of said street and to assess
the cost of said macadamizing against
the abutting property.
Ald. Rand moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Alderman Rand also offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing
generally the location, nature and ex-
tent of the proposed improvement on
Asbury Street from the south side of
Cherry Street to the alley first south-
erly thereof, and the kind of material
to be used, and an estimate of the
entire cost thereof, and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and
the amount assessable upon any rail -
way or street railway company, the
amount and cost thereof, to be paid
by the city, if any, and the cost
thereof and amount assessable upon
each lot or parcel of land adjacent to
or abutting upon such improvement
per front foot, and to file such plat
and estimate in the office of the City
recorder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the
City Recorder shall publish in three
consecutive issues of a newspaper
published in this city, a notice stating
that such plat and estimates are on
file, the location and nature of the
improvement, kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of its cost, and
the time before which objections
thereto can be filed, and the time
fixed for hearing, which time shall
not be less than five days after the
last publication of such notice, and
after such publication shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in
writing, with a printed copy of such
notice accompanying the same.
Ald. Rand moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Alderman O'Rourke offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to
improve Julien Avenue from Bluff
Street to Alta Vista Street and it is
hereby proposed to curb and reset
curb where necessary and gutter both
sides of said Avenue from Bluff
Street to the easterly curb lines of
Alta Vista Street with brick on a ma-
cadam foundation and to assess the
cost of said curbing; guttering and
foundation against the abutting prop-
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Alderman O'Rourke also offered the
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the
City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing
generally the location, nature and ex-
tent of the proposed improvement on
Julien Avenue from Bluff Street to
the easterly curb lines of Alta Vista
Street, and the kind of material to
be used, and an estimate of the en-
tire cost thereof, and the amount
and cost of such improvement,
and the amount assessable up-
on any railway or street rail-
way company, the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if. any,
and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon
such improvement per front foot, and
to file such plat and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the City Recorder shall
publish in three consecutive issues of
a newspaper published in this city, a
notice stating that such plat and es-
timates are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of such notice,
and after such publication shall have
been made, the City Recorder shall,
at the next regular session of the
City Council, notify the Council there-
of in writing with a printed copy of
such notice accompanying the same.
Ald. O'Rourke moved the adoption
of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas- -Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald. Martin offered the following:
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That
a permanent sidewalk of the width
of four feet be and the same is here-
by ordered to be laid on the east side
of Cardiff Street, between West Third
Street and the southerly end of Car-
diff Street, and in front of the fol-
lowing described premises: Lot 13
of City Lot 724. Such sidewalk to be
constructed of materials and in the
manner as follows, to -wit: Eight
inches of cinders, 3 inches of con-
crete and one inch of cement wear-
ing surface. Said sidewalk to be
completed on or before the 1st day
of October, 1908, and the cost of the
same he taxed against said premises
and collected in the manner prescrib-
ed by law.
Be It Further Resolved, That said
property owner be and is authorized
to construct said sidewalk at his own
expense, provided he begins work
thereon within ten days after being
notified by the City Recorder of th'i
passage of this resolution by the City
Council, and completes the same
within thirty clays thereafter.
Be it Further Resolved, That if
said work is not commenced within
the time named in said notice that
the City Recorder be and is hereby
ordered to give ten days notice by two
publications asking for proposals for
the doing of said work under con-
tract with the City. The proposals
for the doing of said work shall be
acted upon by the City Council on
the 3rd day of September, 1908.
Ald. Martin moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald. Haas offered the following:
Whereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the east side of
Rhomberg Avenue between First
Avenue and Second Avenue in front
of and abutting the premises herein-
after described by laying down a per-
manent sidewalk thereon composed
of cement material six feet wide.
Therefore Be it Resolved by the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat
showing generally the location, na-
ture and extent of the proposed im-
provement on the east side of Rhom-
berg Avenue between First Avenue
and Second Avenue and in front of
and abutting the north 10 feet of Lot
268 and Lot 269, Ham's Add., owned
by Mary A. Kemler et al, and the
kind of material to be used, and an
estimate of the entire cost thereof and
the amount and cost of such im-
provement, and the amount and cost
thereof, to be paid by the city, if any.
and the cost thereof and amount
assessable upon each lot or parcel of
land adjacent to or abutting upon
such improvement per front foot, and
to file such plat and estimate in the
office of the City Recorder; that after
the filing of said plat and estimate in
his office, the City Recorder shall no-
tify said abutting and adjacent prop-
erty owners. as provided by ordinance,
that such plat and estimate are on
file, the location and nature of the im-
provement, kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of its cost, and
the time before which objections
thereto can be filed, and the time fixer
for hearing, which time shall not be
less than five (5) days after the ser-
vice of such notice, and after such
service shall have been made, the
City Recorder shall, at the next regu-
lar session of the City Council, notify
the Council thereof in writing, with
a copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin.
Nays -- -None.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald. Haas also offered the follow-
Whereas it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the east side of
Rhomberg Avenue between First Ave-
nue and Second Avenue in front of
and abutting the premises herein-
after described by laying down a per-
manent sidewalk thereon composed of
cement material six feet wide.
Therefore Be it Resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, That
the City Engineer be and he is hereby
directed to prepare a plat showing
generally the location, nature and ex-
tent of the proposed improvement on
the east side of Rhomberg Avenue be-
tween First Avenue and Second Ave-
nue and in front of and abutting lot
267, Ham's Addition, owned by R.
Waller Estate, and the kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
252 Regular Session August 20th, 1908
the entire cost thereof and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and
the amount and cost thereof, to be
paid by the city, if any, and the cost
thereof and amount assessable upon
each lot or parcel of land adjacent to
or abutting upon such improvement
per front foot, and to file such plat
and estimate in the office of the City
Recorder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the City
Recorder shall notify said abutting
and adjacent property owners, as pro-
vided by ordinance, that such plat and
estimate are on file, the location and
nature of the improvement, kind of
material to be used, and an estimate
of its cost, and the time before which
objections thereto can be filed, and
the time fixed for hearing, which time
shall not be less than five (5) days
after the service of such notice, and
after such service shall have been
made, the City Recorder shall, at the
next regular session of the City Coun-
cil, notify the Council thereof in writ-
ing, with a copy of such notice ac-
companying the same.
Ald. Haas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand and Singrin.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Saul.
Ald. O'Rourke stated that grading
of Pleasant Street was more than was
originally intended.
Ald. Frith moved that the matter
of the grading of Pleasant Street be
referred to the Committee of the
Whole to view the grounds as soon as
possible. Carried.
Ald. Haas moved that the Union
Electric company be granted permis-
sion to construct a cross -over on
Jones Street, work to be done under
the supervision of the Committee on
Streets. Carried.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the
Council adjourn to Monday evening,
August 24th, 1908. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 1908
Special Session, August 21, 1908.
Council met in Mayor's office at
10:30 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds. Frith, Haas Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Absent —None.
Ald. Rand moved that Committee
Clerk Lawlor act as Recorder pro
tem for present meeting. Carried.
Mayor Schunk stated that the ob-
ject of the meeting was to consider
the bills of the O'Farrell Contracting
Co. for the 5% retained on certain
improvements made by said firm dur-
ing the year 1907, and to take up such
other matters as might properly be
brought before the meeting.
The Street Committee then pre-
sented the following bills:
O'Farrell Contracting Co., amt.
retained on the improvement
of Twenty -fifth Street $ 33.89
O'Farrell Contracting Co., amt.
retained on brick paving of
Eighth Street 995.79
O'Farrell Contracting Co., amt.
retained on the improvement
of West Third Street 67.13
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the sum
of $1,000.00 on account be allowed on
the foregoing bills. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the Street
Commissioner be instructed to exam-
ine West Third, Eighth and Twenty -
fifth Street improvements and report
to the City Council on Monday, August
24th 1908, as to his findings. Car-
Ald. Rand moved that the City En-
gineer be instructed to bring the curb
and gutter on the west side of Asbury
Street from Cherry Street north to
their proper grade within one week
from date. Carried.
Ald. Frith moved that the City En-
gineer be instructed to set stakes
showing the grade on Pleasant Street
not later than Saturday, August 22nd,
1908. Carried.
Ald. Saul moved that Tibey Bros.
be instructed to distribute the surplus
material from Grandview Avenue
along the property abutting thereon
under the direction of the Street Com-
missioner. Carried.
There .being no further business, the
meeting was then adjourned.
Recorder Pro Tem.
Approved 1908
Adjourned Regular Session, August 24th, 1908. 253
.Recorder Pro, Tem.
Adjourned Regular Session, August
24th, 1908.
Council met at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Absent - -None.
Mayor Schunk stated that the meet-
ing was an adjourned meeting of the
regular meeting of August 20th, 1908,
and was called to take up and con-
sider all matters which may properly
come before the City Council.
Petitions and Communications.
Communication from Dubuque
Trades and Labor Congress inviting
the Mayor and City Council to par-
ticipate in the Annual Labor Day
Parade and Picnic Sept. 7th with
platoon of police, was, on motion of
Ald. Frith, accepted with thanks.
Communication from League of
American Municipalities, inviting City
of Dubuque to send delegates to rep-
resent the city at the Twelfth Annual
Convention to be held in Omaha Sep-
tember 30th, Oct. 1st and 2nd, was,
on motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of A. W. Kemler Est., ask-
ing that alley between Lot 1 of Mc-
Coy's Sub. and Lot 25 in Deming and
Horr's Sub. be vacated and annulled,
was, on motion of Ald. Rand, referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
Reports of Offi
Street Commissioner Dorgan re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —As per your instruc-
tions, I have examined Eighth Street,
West Third Street and Twenty -Fifth
Street work done by the O'Farrell
Contracting Co. and found same in
good condition.
Yours respectfully,
Street Commissioner.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the Street Commissioner was ap
proved and warrants ordered drawn
in the sum of $96.81 to pay the bal-
ance due O'Farrell Contracting Co.
on these contracts.
City Attorney Lyon reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
254 Adjourned Regular Session, August 24th, 1908 Adjourned Regular Session, August 24th, 1908 255
Gentlemen: —The undersigned, to
whom was referred the expense bills
for the examination of the city's mu-
nicipal accounts, respectfully reports
as follows:
There is no doubt about the legis-
lature having power to provide for
such an examination, and as it did so
by Section 1056a 11 of the supple-
ment of the Code of 1897, which pro-
vision is quite explicit, it is my opinion
that the account rendered by the
State Auditor is a valid obligation
against the City and must be paid.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the City
Attorney was referred to the Com-
mittee of the Whole.
City Attorney Lyon also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:- -The undersigned, to
whom was referred the petition of
James Benda et al, asking that the al-
ley between Sycamore and Lynn
Streets, from 17th to 18th Streets, be
opened, respectfully r eports thereon
as follows, to -wit:
I find from the records of the Coun-
cil Proceedings of the year 1889, that
a petition was presented to the City
Council by the present owner's
grantors, and which petition was en-
dorsed or acquisced in by the present
petitioner's grantors asking that this
alley be vacated, that the petition was
referred by the Council to the Com-
mittee of the Whole, which commit-
tee reported recommending that the
use of the alley for manufacturing
purposes be granted the petitioners.
While the records, as far as I have
discovered, do not show what, if any
action was taken by the Council upon
the reports of its committee, it ap-
parently was the intention of the
Council to grant to the petitioners the
use of the alley for manufacturing
purposes, and while the records show
the proceedings to have been irregu-
lar, still, the petitioners having acted
upon such proceeding, taking poses -
sion of the alley and making exten-
sive improvements thereon, and they
or their grantees having held such
possession ever since, with the knowl-
edge of the City, it is my opinion that
the City would now be estopped from
claiming title thereto, at least to that
part thereof which has been actually
occupied by the petitioners and their
successors, and I am further of the
opinion that the City could be en-
joined from interfering with such oc-
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Martin the re-
port of the City Attorney was referred
to the Committee of the Whole.
City Attorney Lyon also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:— Referring to your re-
quest for an opinion relative to the
power of ,the City to issue bonds for
the purpose of completing or extend-
ing the Bee Branch sewer, I would
state that the only authority for such
a bond issue is that found under Code
See. 987. As such an issue would be
based on special assessment of abut-
ting or adjacent property, and it hag
been customary to make the payments
for this work by appropriation out of
the general fund, and it is not pro-
posed to make such assessment under
the provision of the Code referred to,
the issue in question could not be
Furthermore, even though authori-
ty for a general bond issue could be
found, it is apparent that, if the City
has reached its legal indebtedness, a
liability of this nature would be il-
legal. Respectfully,
City Attorney.
On motion of Ald. Haas the report
of the City Attorney was received and
The report of the Water Works
Trustees for 1.3 months and 10 days,
from April 20th, 1907, to June 1, 1908,
was presented and read and on mo•
tion of Ald. Frith was referred to the
Water Works Auditing Committee.
Ald. Rand, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Claims, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
The undersigned Committee on
Claims and City Attorney, to whom
was referred the claim of Mrs. Jose-
phine Prowse for damages on her
premises on Jackson Street, would re-
spectfully report that we have exam-
ined the facts in this case, and find
that the course of the water has done
considerable damage to her property.
We would further report that we have
come to an agreement and compro-
mise with her by the terms of which
the City is to construct a plank wall,
or protection on the side of said sewer
or creek adjoining and abutting her
property, which will prevent any fur-
ther damage thereto, and underset
one corner of a wood shed on the
premises, in consideration of which
said Josephine Prowse agrees to re-
lease the City of Dubuque from all
damages done her property or that
may hereafter accrue by reason of
the sewer in its present condition.
We would therefore recommend
that her claim be settled in accord-
ance with this report, and that the
Street Commissioner be instructed to
build said plank wall along and ad-
joining the premises under the super-
vision of the Committee on Claims,
and also place an abuttment under the
corner of the shed now on said pre-
mises, and that the necessary release
be obtained from Mrs. Prowse in set-
tlement of her claim in consideration
of said work.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
Dubuque, August 24th, 1908.
On motion of Ald. Frith rules were
suspended to allow Mr. Kintzinger,
attorney for Mrs. Prowse, permission
to address the Council.
On motion of Ald. Frith the report
of the Committee on Claims and City
Attorney was then approved and the
Street Commissioner to be instructed
to carry out the recommendations of
the Committee on Claims.
Ald. Martin moved that the Street
Commissioner notify O'Farrell Con-
tracting Co. to hurry the work of the
improvement of Alta Vista Street.
Ald. O'Rourke, chairman of the
Committee of the Whole, reported as
Your Committee of the Whole, to
whom was referred the bids for the
improvement of Yale Street, would re-
spectfully recommend that the con-
tract be awarded to O'Farrell Con-
tracting Co. for the sum of $952.80,
they .being the lowest bidders.
Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re-
port of the Committee of the Whole
be adopted and the contract be award-
ed to O'Farrell Contracting Co. and
their bond be placed at $250.00. Car-
Ald. Martin moved that the rules
be suspended to allow the abutters on
Grandview Avenue and all parties in-
terested to address the Council. Car-
Mr. C. T. Hancock then addressed
the Council, stating that all the prop-
erty owners had signed waivers to
have the street improved on the park
plan with a 25 -foot street on either
side with exception of Mr Hill, Mr.
Wafters, John Hail, John Steadman
and Mr. Yates.
After much discussion a motion was
carried that a recess of five minutes
be taken by the Council to more fully
talk over the proposed park plan.
Upon reconvening at 9:45 p. m.
Ald. Martin moved that further action
on Grandview Avenue be deferred un-
til Tuesday evening, August 25th, to
allow the committee additional time
to complete the signing of the waivers
for the improvement. Carried.
Rules were suspended to allow Mr.
Rumple permission to address the
Council in reference to the change of
lines of Grandview Avenue as made
by City Engineer Ilg.
Ald. Saul moved that the City Engi-
neer be instructed to be present at
the Council meeting Tuesday evening.
Ald. Saul moved that the City Re-
corder notify the City Engineer to
make a more definite report on the
grading of Grandview Avenue and
present same to Council Tuesday
evening. Carried.
Ald. Rand moved to adjourn to
Tuesday evening, August 25th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Approved 1908
256 Adjoureed Regular Session, August 25th, 1908
Adjourned Regular Session, August
25th, 1908.
Council met at 5:50 p. m:
Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke in the
Present —Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke, Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Absent —Mayor Schunk.
Mayor Pro Tem O'Rourke stated
that the meeting was an adjourned
meeting of the Adjourned Regular
Session of August 24th of the regular
meeting of August 20th, 1908, and
was called to take up and consider all
matters which may properly come be-
fore the City Council.
Ald. Frith moved that the rules be
suspended to permit the parties inter-
ested in the improvement of Grand-
view Avenue to address the Council.
Mr. C. T. Hancock then presented
a petition asking that Grandview Ave-
nue be improved in accordance with
a plan accompanying .the petition
and stated that the waivers of all par-
ties along the proposed improvement
were attached to said petition except
Messrs. Hill, Hail, Stedman and Yates,
all of whom had refused to sign the
waivers for the change in said im-
Mr. Hail and Mr. Yates also ad-
dressed the Council, stating that they
were still opposed to the improvement
of Grandview Avenue on the park
Ald. Frith moved that the Council
postpone action on Grandview Avenue
until Monday evening, August 31st.
Motion lost by following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Frith and Haas.
Nays —Alds. Martin, Rand, Saul and
Ald.Saul stated that he was in favor
of settling the Grandview Avenue im-
provement one way or another at this
Ald. Singrin asked that the City At-
torney give the Council an opinion as
to the legality of the waivers signed
by the property owners.
City Attorney Lyon stated that the
waivers as prepared and signed by the
majority of the property owners on
Grandview Avenue are all right and
are drawn up legally.
The following report of the joint
committee of citizens and members of
the Council was then read:
Dubuque, Iowa, August 24, 1908.
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: —At a session of the
To the Honorable Mayor and City
joint committee of citizens and mem-
bers of the City Council held in the
Council Chamber on the evening of
August 21, 1908, for the purpose of
determining a plan for the improve-
ment of Grandview Avenue, Judge O.
P. Shiras presiding, there were present
Messrs. Shiras, Orvis, Peaslee, McFad-
den, Pollock, Grundy, Hancock, Collis,
Bissell and Adams of the citizens, and
Mayor Schunk, Alds. O'Rourke, Frith,
Haas, Martin, Rand, Singrin and Saul
of the City Council. The question of
the manner of improving Grandview
Avenue was discussed at length and it
was finally decided that the following
plan be recommended to your honor-
able body for adoption; viz: Five feet
parking from lot line to sidewalk, five
feet cement walk, seven and one -half
feet parking from walk to face of
curb, twenty -five feet driveway, fifteen
feet parking with intersections or
cross -overs at proper distances, then
twenty -five feet driveway, seven and
one -half feet parking from face of
curb to sidewalk, five feet cement side-
walk and five feet parking from walk
to lot line. Provided, that wnere any
greater width than one hundred feet
occurs on said avenue, the space from
curb to lot line and also for driveways
shall remain the same as above men-
tioned, while the center parking will
be widened to conform to the increas-
ed width of the street.
The Committee of the Whole con-
curring in the above recommendation,
would further recommend that the
City Attorney and Ordinance Commit-
tee be instructed to amend the ordi-
nance fixing the width of sidewalks
on Grandview Avenue, and that the
City Engineer be instructed to change
his plans and specifications for the
above improvement to conform with
the recommendation herein set forth.
Ald. Rand moved that the changes
in the proposed improvement of
Grandview Avenue, as set out in the
above report of the joint committee
of citizens and aldermen be approved
and that the report of the Committee
of the Whole be adopted.
Carried by the following vote: .
Yeas —Alds. Martin, Rand, Saul, Sin -
Nays —Alds. Frith and Haas.
Ald. Frith and Haas stated that
they were not opposed to the park
plan of improving Grandview Avenue
but voted against adopting report now,
because they thought committee
should have more time in hopes that
the signatures of the balance of the
abutters could be obtained.
Adjourned Regular Session, August 25th, 1908. 257
Ald. Frith moved that rules be sus-
pended to allow the property owners
on Grandview Avenue to address the
Council in relation to the location of
the lines of their lots. Carried.
Mr. Cottingham and Mr. Rumple
then addressed the Council, stating
that the lines for the improvement of
Grandview Avenue were from 3 to 6
feet on their lot lines and stated that
they thought a new survey should be
made before any further work was
City Engineer Ilg then addressed
the Council, stating that the lines run
by him corresponded with the lines
run by former City Engineers Blake
and Boyce and the latter's assistant
Mr. Anderson, and were the correct
Ald. Frith moved that the City En-
gineer with the assistance of Assistant
City Engineer Scharle run the lines
on Grandview Avenue again. Carried.
Ald. Martin moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, September 3rd,
1908. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 1908
John Kane, police 64 00
James Keefe, police 62 00
B. Ludescher, police 60 00
Chas. Liest, police 67 20
Hugh Markey, police 74 70
Pat lMcCollins, police 64 00
M. McCormack, police 62 00
Pat McInerney, police 30 00
Henry Mueller, police 52 00
John Murphy, police 62 00
T. O'Meara, police 62 00
John J. O'Brien, police 58 00
M. O'Connor, police 64 00
M. Ryan, police 64 00
John Raesle, police 74 70
John Spielman, police 62 00
Patrick Sutton, police 58 00
M. Stapleton, police 62 00
Joseph Stoltz, police 62 00
Pat Sullivan, police 64 00
Frank Williams, police 64 00
Miss B. Brennan, police ma-
tron 60 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 60 00
on Streets in the different Road Dis-
tricts during the last half of June,
M. Acker, 3rd $ 5 60
T. Acldyman, 4th 6 40
Sam Allen, 4th 6 40
John Burns, 2nd 8 80
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd 12 40
Paul Becker, 4th 18 40
John Boltz, 5th 12 80
J. Brenner, 5th 8 80
J. Brachtenbach, 5th
C. Buddien, 5th
M. Cain, 1st
P. Carney, 1st
H. Connell, 1st
R. ICaffery, 2nd
H. Calvert, 2nd
J. Callaghan, 2nd
M. Carney, 4th
James Cooney, 4th
J. Connoly, 1st, $2.30; 2nd,
$5.75; 3rd, $7.75; 4th, $5.70;
5th, 90c
O. Donahue, 1st
O. Donahue, 1st
John Duggan, 1st
T. Donahue, 3rd, $11.20; 4th,
Peter Dax, 3rd, $17.20; 4th,
John Enright, lst, 90c; 2nd,
J. Eberhardt, 5th
John Ess, 5th
George Frost, 2nd
W. Flynfi, 3rd
F. Frick, 3rd
P. Farrell, 3rd
W. Frost, 4th
J. Frick, 5th
John Forster, 5th
H. Fleck, 1 -5 in each
N. Frith, 1 -5 in each
Barney Glass, 2nd
Pat Gilloon, 2nd
Henry Galle, 3rd
List of Warrants 259
Conrad Geimer, 4th 18 40
II. Grode, 5th 6 40
G. Gau, 5th 10 40
Jos. Grab, 5th 10 4U
C. Gantenbein, 5th 22 50
R. Harker, 2nd 2 00
Chas. Hanson, 4th 1 05
James Hird, 4th 22 50
N. Herman, 5th 6 40
John Heil, 1 -5 in each 25 00
F. Illrcke, 5th 6 40
J. Jellison, 3rd 5 85
John John, 3rd 7 40
Peter Jacob, 3rd 8 55
M. Kieffer, 4th 19 75
M. Kaas, 5th 14 40
C. Kupferschmidt, 5th 8 80
P. Krocheski, 5th 8 80
F. Kupferschmidt, 5th 1 60
J. Kness, 1st, $2.30; 2nd,
85.75; 3rd, $7.75; 4th,
$5.70; 5th, 90c 22 40
J. Kraus, 1st, $2.30; 2nd,
$5.75; 3rd, $7.75; 4th,
$5.70; 5th, 90c 22 40.
P. Kenneally, Health 22 50•
J. Lowery, lst 7 30•
M. Lavin, 2nd 19 20.
F. Lillig, 5th 10 40
F. Lassance, 5th 8 80
T. Lonergan, 1st, $7.40; 2nd,
$15.00 22 40'
James Meeghan, 2nd 19 20'
John Mullen, 2nd 19 20
A. Miller, 2nd 8 00
J. Martinek, 4th 14 00
J. McAleese, 2nd 18 40
J. McQuillan, 3rd 3 20
W. McLaughlin, 3rd 17 35
J. McLaughlin, 3rd 2 80•
P. McPoland, 4th 11 40
B. McDonnell, 1 -5 in each 20 20
John Noonan, 4th 16 90
W. Nagle, 4th 1 60
W. O'Brien, 1st 22 50'
C. O'Neill, 2nd, $11.20; 3rd,
$5.60; 4th, $5.60 22 49
John Parker, 4th 2 15
P. Priebe, 5th 6 40
22 40 M. Prosser, '5th 8 80
1 75 Thos. Reynolds, 2nd 8 80'
3 20 Frank Rowe, 2nd 19 20
2 80 Fred Riemund, 2nd 3 20
James Ryan, 2nd 20 80
22 40 W. G. Ruprecht, 1 -5 in each 37 50
H. Rowland, 1 -5 in each 51 95
22 40 J. Richter, 1 -5 in each 50 09
J. Reid, lst, $2.30; 2nd, $5.75;
16 90 3rd, $7.75; 4th, $5.70; 5th,
10 40 90c 22 40
6 40 Nick Sweeney, 1st 80
22 50 Pat Sage, 2nd 11 20
7 80 Otto Schaller, 3rd 9 60
14 15 John Singrin, 3rd 22 59
3 75 John Schroeder, 4th ' 10 80
18 15 J. Schultz, 5th 6 40
6 40 A. Soeki, 5th 4 80
4 80 Jos. Schafetel, 5th 2 40
8 65 Casper Specht, 1-5 .in .each 20 00
50 00 J. Spahn, 3rd 6 00
19 20 Arthur Turner, 3rd . 10 95
9 20 J. Twieg, 5th 4 80
3 20 S. Vandermullen, 2nd 5 60
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa, August 1st, 1908.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: —The following is a
complete list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of July, 1908:
H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor $116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treas-
urer 133 35
J. A. McKinley, salary, Deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk Treasurer's
office 60 00
E. A. Linehan, salary, Recor-
der 116 70
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 85 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
A. Doerr, Jr., salary, Assist-
ant Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assist-
ant Assessor 100 00
Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney 150 00
Edgar Willging, salary, Assist-
ant Attorney 75 00
Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of
Police 100 00
Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire
Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Commit-
tee Clerk - 100 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engi-
neer 166 65
Henry Scharle, Assistant City
Engineer 75 00
John Dorgan, Street Commis-
sioner 100 00
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's
and Engineer's offices 75 00
Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec-
trician 83 35
C. W. Katz, salary, Market -
master 55 00
T. Hackney, salary, Pound -
master 40 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani-
tress 25 00
Henry Tropf, salary, Sidewalk
Inspector 60 00
Wm. Coleman, Rodman 50 00
J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master 30 00
E. E. Frith, salary, Alderman 25 00
Dan J. Haas, salary, Alderman 25 00
Peter R. Martin, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
John O'Rourke, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
D. W. Rand, salary, Alderman 25 00
James Saul, salary, Alderman 25 00
Wm. Singrin, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
John A. Cunningham, Clerk to
Police and Fire Commis-
sioners 15 00
Geo. Miller, Supterintendent of
Sprinkling 60 00
Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Phy-
sician 50 00
List of Warrants
Frank Flynn, Sanitary Police-
man 65 00
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and
Milk Inspector 75 00
Tom Cahill, Custodian Wash-
ington Park 40 00
Philip Reddin, Custodian
Jackson Park 40 00
Thomas Faherty, Custodian
Phoenix Park
M. Eitel, fireman
J. Essman, fireman
J. Flynn, fireman
A. Duccini, fireman
A. Heer, fireman
W. Kannolt, fireman
B. Kirsch, fireman
G. Beyer, fireman
J. Dailey, fireman
J. Barnes, fireman
T. Ryder, fireman
W. Ducey, fireman'
F. Murphy, fireman
M. Kelly, fireman
J. Beakey, fireman
D. Ahearn, fireman
P Zillig, fireman
M. Sweeney, fireman
H. Cain, fireman
J. Benzor, fireman
J. McLoughlin, fireman
A. McDonald, fireman
J. Murphy, fireman
G. Gherki, fireman
T. Kennedy, fireman
J. Smith, fireman
J. Keppler, fireman
C. Kannolt, fireman
J. Allen, fireman
M. Fahey, fireman
W. McConnell, fireman
F. Kenneally, fireman
R. Weston, fireman
E. McDermott, fireman
R. Kenneally, fireman
J. Roshin, fireman
F. Baumgartner, fireman
J. Schoenberger, fireman
J. Tschudi, fireman
J. Connolly, fireman
Wm. Smith, fireman
J. Peed, fireman
W. Kennedy, fireman
T. O'Brien fireman
W. Connolly, fireman
L. Blocklinger, police
M. Connolly, police
John Cody, police
James Corcoran, police
Wm. Donahue, police
Phil J. Dunphy, police
Thomas Duggan, police
P. J. Fury, police
John Fox, police
James Flynn, police
M. Fogarty, police
Ben Gray, police
Pat Hanlon, police
Geo. Jones, police
Edw. Kumpf, police
Pat Kenneally, police
Emil Kahn, police
M. Kilty, police
260 List of Warrants
Larry Walsh, 2nd
John Ward, 3rd
z. Waehenheim, 3rd
A. Welu, 5th
M. Wiesner, 5th
N. Wampach, 5th
H. Wiegraffe, 5th
P. FVeirich, 5th
P. Apel, 1st, $3.90; 2nd,
$10.15; 3rd, $13.65; 4th,
$9.75; 5th, $1.55 $ 39 00
M. Ackels, 3rd, $24.95; 4th,
25.00 49 95
F. G. Becker, 2nd 81 00
F. Burns, 3rd 8 10
J. Berwanger, 5th 16 20
John Calvert, 2nd 46 80
Josh Calvert, 2nd 48 60
B. Costello, 4th 45 90
A. Conrad, 1st, $1.20; 2nd,
$2.90; 3rd, $3.75; 4th,
$2.90; 5th, $,52.25 63 00
Phil Doerr, 5th 26 10
James Graham, 1st, $2.10;
2nd, $26.85; 3rd, $23.70 52 65
M. Hannan, 2nd 43 20
J. Haudenschield, 3rd 5 40
J. Long, 5th 38 25
J. Linehan, 1st, $40.55; 2nd,
$16.30; 3rd, $3.75; 4th,
$2.80; 5th, 50c 63 90
P. Linehan Co., 2nd, $12.60;
3rd $25.20; 4th, $12.60 50 40
A. Marietta, 1st 8 10
F. Mathis, 1st 8 10
Sam Morrow, 1st 45
J. J. McCollins, 2nd, $50.15;
3rd, $2.70 52 85
C. McElrath, 3rd 25 65
McElrath Teaming Co., 4th 27 45
C. L. McGovern, 4th 5 85
D. O'Meara, 1st, $4.10; 2nd,
$10.70; 3rd, $14.40; 4th,
$11.30; 5th, $1.65 41 15
A. Renk, 5th 38 25
W. Ruesh, 5th 4 05
J. Stumpf, 3rd 36 00
A. Stoltz, 5th 34 20
James Tobin, 4th 46 35
Union Electric Co., 1st, $15.40;
2nd, $42.20; 3rd, $72.80;
4th, $3.90; 5th, $249.00 383 30
Frank Winters, 4th 46 35
on Bluff Street Extension during the
last half of June, 1908:
Peter Carney $ 10 00
James Doyle 10 00
Thos. O'Brien 8 00
W. Sheehan 1 10
grading Mt. Carmel
the last half of June,
Peter Carney
Mike Cain
O. Donahue
N. Sweeney
M. Kenneally
A. Marietta,
F. Mathis
2 40
4 80
5 15
6 40
6 40
6 40
13 60
10 40
Avenue during
$ 6 40
1 60
4 80
4 80
8 10
4 05
4 05
during the last half of June, 1908:
Ed Daily $ 45 50
F. Donahue 22 75
J. Jellison 22 75
F. Luchterhand 22 75
M. O'Meara 22 76
J. Rooney 22 75
C. Sullivan 30 00
L. Taylor 22 75
J. Tacke 22 75
D. Warren 22 75
H. Brinkman, interest on war-
rants outstanding 355 CO
H. Brinkman, expense, fire
and road 126 1.5
H. Brinkman, library orders
issued 129 93
Dubuque Commercial Club,
refund of license 10 00
in the several Road Districts during
the first half of July, 1908:
Mat Acker, 3rd $ 9 60
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd 12 0:1
J. Burns, 2nd 8 80
F. Brown, 3rd 65
Paul Becker, 4th 17 60
J. Brachtenbach, 5th 9 60
J. Boltz, 6th 4 30
C. Buddien, 5th 8 00
H. Connell, 1st 11 20
Peter Carney, 1st 3 20
R. Caffrey, 2nd 12 00
M. Carney, 4th 16 80
James Cooney, 4th 16 80
51. Corbett, 4th 27 00
J. Connolly, lst, $2.05; 2nd,
$5.45; 3rd, $7.30; 4th,
$5.20; 5th, 80c 20 80
John Duggan, 1st 11 20
Owen Donahue, lst, $8.80; 4th,
$3.20 12 00
M. Donegan, 2nd 4 SO
T. Donahue, 3rd, $10.40; 4th,
$10.40 20 80
Peter Dax, 3rd, $15.60; 4th,
$5.20 20 80
J. Eberhardt, 5th 9 60
J. Ess, 5th 6 40
J. Egan, 2nd 4 80
George Frost, 2nd 22 60
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 22 50
F. Frick, 3rd 14 00
W. Flynn, 3rd 4 00
P. Farrell, 3rd 4 80
W. Frost, 4th 16 SO
John Frick, 5th 4 80
Barney Glass, 2nd 3 20
P. Gilloon, 2nd 12 80
H. Galle, 3rd 18 80
Conrad Geimer, 4th 16 80
Jos. Grab, 5th 16 00
Geo. Gau, 5th 9 60
C. Gantenbein, 5th 22 50
Tom Harker, 4th 80
George Hird, 4th 1 80
James Hird, 4th 22 50
John Heil, 1 -5 in each 25 00
F. Ihrcke, 5th 4 80
Peter Jacobs, 3rd 19 20
John John, 3rd 9 80
N. Kettenhofen, 3rd
M. Kieffer 4th
F. Kretter, 4th
F. Kupferschmidt, 5th
M. Kass, 5th
Peter Kien, 4th
P. Kenneally, Health
J. Kness, lst, $2.05; 2nd,
$5.45; 3rd, $7.30; 4th,
$5.20; 5th, 80c
J. Kraus, lst, $2.05; 2nd,
$5.45; 3rd, $7.30; 4th, $5.20;
John Lowery, 1st
M. Lavin, 2nd
F. Lillig, 5th
T. Lonergan, 1st, $6.90; 2nd,
John Mullin 2nd
A. Miller, 2nd
Ed. Malloy, 3rd
Tom Malloy, 3rd
Jos. Martinek, 4th
J. McQuillan, 2nd
James McAleese, 2nd
W. McLaughlin, 3rd
J. McLaughlin, 3rd
P. McPoland, 4th
B. McDonnell, 1 -5 in each
P. O'Hearn, 1st
W. O'Brien, 1st
C. O'Neil, 2nd, $10.40; 3rd,
$5.20; 4th, $5.20
John Parker, 4th
Theo. Ruprecht, 5th
James Ryan, 2nd
Jas. Reid 1st, $2.05; 2nd,
$5.45; 3rd, $7.30; 4th, $5.20;
5th, 80c
Pat Sage, 2nd
J. Schaefer, 2nd
J. Singrin, 3rd
John Schroeder, 4th
John Spahn, 3rd
H. Schoenbeck, expense
Chas. Seward, 2nd
Casper Specht, 1 -5 in each
A. Turner, 3rd
W. Tobin, 4th
J. Twieg, 5th
John Wickham, 1st
John Ward, 3rd
L. Wachenhein, 3rd
J. Wodrich, 5th
11 20
17 60
3 20
1 60
6 40
27 00
22 50
20 80
20 80
11 20
6 40
9 6+)
20 80
16 00
15 20
19 40
4 80
11 20
9 45
6 95
17 60
14 40
10 40
28 85
1 60
11 25
20 80
17 60
11 20
19 20
20 80
13 40
4 00
22 50
8 00
1 25
1 25
17 60
20 00
17 60
4 40
11 2
8 0 0
4 80
4 80
6 40
Peter Apel, 1st, $3.90; 2nd,
$10.50; 3rd, $13.65; 4th,
$9.75; 5th, $1.55 $ 39 00
M. Ackels, 3rd, $14.25; 4th,
F. Burns, 3rd
F. Becker, 3rd
Josh Calvert, 2nd
John Calvert, 2nd
B. Costello, 4th
A. Conrad, 1st, $1.30; 2nd,
$3.40; 3rd, $4.55; 4th,
$3.25; 5th, $43.30
Phil Doerr, 5th
A. Dietl, 5th
J. Graham, 1st, $1.75; 2nd,
$22.25; 4th, $19.65 43 65
List of Warrants 261
42 75
32 40
12 15
38 70
36 45
43 65
55 80
17 55
28 35
M. Hannan, 2nd
J. Haudenschield, 3rd
John Long, 5th
P. Linehan Co., 3rd
J. Linehan, lst, $21.40; 2nd,
$23.15; 3rd, $3.95; 4th,
$2.80; 5th, 45c
C. L. McGovern, 4th
McElrath Teaming Co., 4th
J. J. McCollins, 2nd, $13.50;
3rd, $27.00
D. O'Meara, 2nd
D' OMeara, 1st, $4.10; 2nd,
$10.70; 3rd, $14.40; 4th,
$10.30; 5th, $1.65
W. Ruesch, 5th
J. Siegworth, 1st
J. Stumpf, 3rd
A. Stoltz. 5th
James Tobin, 4th
Frank Winters, 4th
40 50
on Bluff Street Extension during the
first half of July, 1908:
Peter Carney $ 19 10
Jas. Doyle 19 10
M. B. McAllister 9 10
W. O'Brien 11 25
W. Sheehan 19 10
Jas. Sweeney 10 45
J. Siegworth 28 35
during the first half of July, 1908:
F. Donahue $ 21 00
J. Jellison 21 00
F. Luchterhand 21 00
M. O'Meara 21 00
J. Rooney 21 00
C. Sullivan 30 00
L. Taylor 21 00
J. Tacke 21 00
D. Warren 21 00
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horse -
shoeing for Fire Dept $ 6 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 10 50
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
Fire Dept. 5 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horse -
shoeing for Fire Dept 4 75
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
and shavings for Fire Dept. 21 25
Thomas F. Kane, hay and oats
for Fire Dept 320 95
Key City Gas Co., coke for
Fire Dept. 8 90
Peter Lang, supplies for Fire
Dept. 70
Walter B. Baumgartner, hard-
ware for Fire Dept 85
Linehan & Molo, mops for
Fire Dept. 4 00
Mettel Bros., salt for Fire
Dept. 1 30
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
" vices for fire horses for May
and June 20 24
Whelan & Crahan, bran for
Fire Dept. 2 70
262 List of Warrants
David T. Howie, repairs for
Delhi Street Engine House. 34 18
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
Fire Dept. 4 00
National Refining Co., oil for
Fire Dept. 6 75
Gamewell Fire Alarm Co ,
keys for fire alarm boxes 25 00
Union Electric Co., power for
fire alarm system 2 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for month of June 2223 85
Standard Oil Company, oil and
grease for Road Dept 13 97
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
Road Dept. 2 10
Key City Roofing Co., cement
and grease for Road and
Fire Depts. 16 25
W. D. Deckert & Co., supplies
for Road Dept 1 70
Geo. Ragatz & Sbn, repairs for
steam roller 9 86
Martin - Strelau Co., rent of
wagon 60
Pitts- Thompson Fdry. Co ,
catch basin, frame and
grate 12 75
F. A. Burns, coal for steam
roller 13 68
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for road horses for
May and June 1 76
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
Road Dept. 2 00
Key City Gas Co., coke for
Road Dept. 19 55
Key City Gas Co., removing
lamp post from Second and
Locust Streets 1 20
Peter Lang, hardware for
Road Dept. , 1 45
Wm. Marshall, repairs for
steam roller 4 13
Byrne & Saul, gravel and gut-
ter stone for Road Dept 62 95
G. F. Kleih, axle grease for
Road Dept. 75
Phil Heller, horseshoeing
horse for Road Dept 1 00
Linehan & Molo, coal and
sewer pipe for Road Dept 23 01
O'Farrell Contrg. Co., grading
Asbury Street, second esti-
mate 500 00
Street & Steuck, 5% retained
for one year on Adams Ave-
nue contract 70 25
Geo. L. Korman, first estimate,
grading Louisa Street 160 00
Dubuque Woodenware Co ,
lumber for sidewalk repair-
ing 5• 33 78
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
sidewalk repairing 4 90
Peter J. Seipples Lumber Co ,
lumber for sidewalk repair-
ing 49 05
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for
Road, Sewer and Expense
Depts. 4 55
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
Road, Health and Expense
Depts. 7 80
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horse -
shoeing for Sewer Dept 1 00
F. Schloz & Son, sharpening
picks 20.
Street & Steuck, 5 %0, retained
one year for constructing
sewer in Eagle Point Ave 17 95
Street & Steuck, 5% retained
one year for constructing
sewer in Chestnut Street 9 75
Edw. T. Cleaver) repairing
drinking fountains 10 09
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service, various depts 58 88
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
for Police Dept 1 20
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices for Police Dept 2 64-
anion Printing Co., dog license
books 8 00
Key City Gas Co., rental and
maintenance 4 gas arcs for
month of June 2 00
Peter Hanson, supplies for Po-
lice Dept. 85.
C. W. Katz, 37 meals furnish-
ed prisoners 7 40
G. F. Kleih, hardware for Po-
lice Dept. 30
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats
for Police Dept 20 12
John A. Cunningham, pre-
mium on bonds of Police
and Fire Commissioners 45 00-
A. E. Bradley, scraping off pa-
per and calcimining and
putting up moulding, etc.,
in Juvenile Court room 20 00
Geo. T. Lyon, costs in United
States Court in gas case 10 00
J. T. Teal, labor, fixing up Ju-
venile Court room 34 45
Edward Bemes, repairing and
sharpening lawn mower 75
Standard Lumber Co., shingles
for City Pound 3 00
Mullen Bros., plumbing re-
pairs at Flat Iron Park 3 50
Louis Fay, labor, cleaning up
Juvenile Court room 2 00
Berg & Briggs Co., printing
for City Assessor 36 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairing
tools for City Engineer 1 15
Recorder Dubuque County, re-
cording deed 75
Foley's Hand Laundry, towel
service month of June . 4 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for city scale platform 1 05-
Western Union Telegraph Co ,
electric clock service treas-
urer's office for June 1 00
L. Daily, cleaning around
market square 48 30
Geo. Masters, plumbing, City
Hall 4 10
Key City Gas Co., gas for vari-
ous departments 83 55
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service, various offices 13 25-
Telegraph- Herald, four bonds
for Alta Vista Street sewer. 4 75
Telegraph - Herald, printing
Board of Health reports,
February, March, April and
May, and 500 envelopes 23 00
Telegraph - Herald, printing
Council Proceedings for
month of June, 1908 76 70
Times - Journal, printing Coun-
cil Proceedings for month of
June, 1908 70 03
Tines- Journal, printing pam-
phlets for month of June,
1908 22 21
E. T. Frith, hauling garbage
and dead animals for the
month of June, 1908 439 14
Peter J. Seipples, lumber for
garbage dump 7 25
1[. Tschirgi & Son, 5% re-
tained for one year on bills
for construction of storm
sewers in Twenty - second
Street and Seventeenth
Street 97 30
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing Patrol horses 10 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct list of all war-
rants issued by me during the month
of July, 1908.
City Recorder.
Right of Way Notice.
To Emma Heinze et al., Fred Wod-
rich Estate, P. J. Ruegamer:
You are hereby notified, that a
proposition is now pending before the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
for the establishment of an alley
across land in which you claim an
interest, as follows: Lots 22, 25 and
26 of Wick's Addition to the City of
Dubuque, a plat of which proposed
improvement has been filed in the of-
fice of the City Engineer of said City,
and you are notified that at a session
of the said City Council to be holden
at the City Hall of said city, on the
3rd day of September, 1908, it will
be determined whether said establish-
ment will be made, and you are here-
by notified to appear before said
Council at said session, and show
cause, if any you have, why proposed
improvement should not be made.
City Engineer.
Dubuque, July 29th, 1908.
7 -30 10t
(Official Publication.)
AN ORDINANCE Establishing the
Grade on Hennepin Street from
Windsor Avenue to Stafford Ave-
Be It Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade be and the
same is hereby established and adopt-
. ed on Hennepin Street from Windsor
Avenue to Stafford Avenue, in the City
Official Notices 263
of Dubuque, Iowa, as shown by the
profile of said street and grade pre-
pared by the City Engineer and ac-
cepted by the City Council on the
25th day of June, 1908, being Profile
No. 652, and marked "Profile showing
grade of Hennepin Street from Wind-
sor Avenue to Stafford Avenue, b.
m.'s door sill house No. 72, 94.13;
north corner curb Stafford Avenue,
— 1.29.20." Said grade beginning at
the easterly curb line of Windsor
Avenue, which is station 0, elevation
north side 86.40, south side 86.40;
thence to station, 1 -{-32, angle of
street, elevation east side 93.40: west
side 92.40; thence to station 2+39,
elevation east side 34.00, west side
93.00; thence to station 2+-78, eleva-
tion west side 93.75; thence to station
3+50, elevation north side 100.10,_
south side 100.10; thence to station 4,
elevation 105.95; thence to station
5 +37.5, elevation 127.80.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be-
in force and take effect from and af-
ter its passage by the City Council and
its publication one time in the Du-
buque Telegraph - Herald and Times- -
Journal newspapers.
Adopted July 23rd, 1908.
Approved August 1st, 1908.
H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal August 5th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, August 20th, 1908, for the
re- improvement of Washington street
from the north curb line of Eighth
street to the south curb line of Tenth
street, in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by the City
Engineer and now on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
720 lineal feet of old curbing reset.
450 square yards of guttering.
1,150 square yards of macadamiz-
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or
before November 1st, 1908.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for old curbing reset, the price
per square yard for guttering, also the
price per square yard for macadam-
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
izing, also price per cubic yard for
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check .for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque August 8th, 1908.
8 -8 -2t ' City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve the alley first north of Ries
Street from the easterly line of the al-
ley first east of Windsor ,Avenue to
Stafford Avenue.
That the plat and estimate of said
proposed alley is now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engl..
neer that said improvement will re-
quire 300 square yards macadamizing,
80 cubic yards grading, making a to-
tal cost to the abutting property own-
ers of $180.00.
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap
pear before the City Council at its
regular session to be held August
20th, 1908, or to file with the City
Recorder • their objections in writing
on or before August 20th, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque, August 12, 1908.
8 -12 -3t • City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve Alpine Street from West
Third Street to Julien Avenue by 're-
guttering the same on a macadam
That the plat and estimate of said
proposed improvement is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said improvement will re-
quire 990 square yards brick gutter on
a macadam foundation, 300 lineal feet
Curbing reset, making a, total .estimat-
ed cost to the abutting property own-
ers of $1,629.00.
Official Notices 26*
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
regular session to be held August
20th, 1908, or to file with the City
Recorder their objections in writing
on or before August 20th, 1908.
Dated at Dubuque, August 12, 1908.
8 -12 -3± City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to improve West Locust Street from
the end of the present improvement,
westerly to the west side of Blake
That the plat and specifications of
said proposed improvement are now
on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said improvement will re-
Curbing, 400 lineal feet.
Guttering, 777 square yards.
Telford macadam, new, 466 square
Telford macadam, renew, 1,870
square yards.
Grading, 700 cubic yards.
Making a total estimated cost to
the abutting property owners of
Any person having objection to said
improvement is hereby notified to ap-
pear before the City Council at its
regular session to be. held August
20th, 1908, or to file with the City
Recorder their objections in writing
on or before August 20th, 190S.
Dated at Dubuque, August 12, 1908.
8 -12 -3t City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To All Who Are Named Below' You
are hereby notified that in accordance
with an ordinance of the City of Du-
buque for repairing sidewalks by the
city carpenters during the months of
May, June, July and part of August.
1908, that a special assessment will
be levied for the expense thereof at
the regular meeting of the City Coun-
cil to be held September 3rd, 1908, up-
on all lots and parcels of land on said
improyement, owned by you, being
subject to such special assessment.
And you are hereby notified to appear
at said meeting of the council to be
held September 3rd, 1908, and show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque August 8th, 1908.
8 -8 -2t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, August 20th, 1908, for the
re- improvement of Jackson street
from the north lot line of Eighth
street to the south curb line of Ninth
street, in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by the City
Engineer and now on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
Curbing resetting, 612 lineal feet.
Guttering, 227 square yards.
Macadamizing, 684 square yards.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or
before November lst, 1908.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for old curbing reset, the price
per square yard for guttering, also the
price per square yard for macadam-
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque August 8th, 1908.
8 -8 -2t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, August 20th, 1908, for the
improvement of the west side of Bluff
street, between Sixth and Seventh
streets, and in front of and abutting
the following described premises: City
lot 620, in accordance with the plans
and specifications prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the' City Engineer
that the said improvement will re-
quire 72.6 lineal feet of cement side-
walk twelve feet wide on a foundation
of eight inches of cinders.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by the ordinance relating to the con-
struction of sidewalks in the City of
Dubuque, work to be completed on or
before the 1st day of October, 1908.
Bidders must state the price per
square foot for sidewalk laid.
Official Notices
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $25.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque August 8th, 1908.
8 -8 -2t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, August 20th, for improve-
ment of the south side of Fifteenth
street, between Elm and Pine streets
and in front of the following describ-
ed premises, Lots 187 and. 216, East
Dubuque Add., in accordance with the
plans and specifications prepared by
the City Engineer and now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that the said improvement will re-
quire 200 lineal feet of cement side-
walk five feet wide, on a foundation
of cinders.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and accepted by
the Committee on Streets. Work to
be completed on or before the 15th
day of September, 1908. Bidders
must state the price per square foot
for sidewalks laid. Each bid must be
accompanied by a certified check for
$25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a
guarantee that a contract will he en-
tered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque August 8th, 1908.
8 -8 -3t City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, August 20th, 1908, for the
improvement of Yale street from Alta
Vista street to the east line of Har-
vard street, in accordance with the
plans and specifications prepared by
the City Engineer and now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require
Curbing, 464 lineal feet.
Guttering, 213 square yards.
Macadamizing, 427 square yards.
Grading, 600 cubic yards.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or
before November 1st, 1908.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for new curbing set, the price.
per square yard for guttering, the
price per square yard for macadam-
266 Official Notices
Owner. Description. Total.
June —Lena Hermann Est.,
Wullweber's sub., lot 8, 10 sq.
ft., 30c; 1/2 hour labor, 25c $ .55
June —W. G. Cox, Cox's Add ,
lot 61, 10, sq. ft., 30c; 1/2 hour
labor, 25c .55
June —N. and E. Langworthy
Est., Glendale Add. No. 3, lots
270 and 271, 25 sq. ft., 75c; 1
hour labor, 50c 1.25
June —A. J. Lembeck et al ,
Marsh's Add., E. 100 ft. of
lot 45, 10 sq. ft., 30c; 12 hour
labor, 25c .55
June —H. C. Xiessell, Cummins'
sub., lot 8, 6 sq. ft., 20c; 1 /2
hour labor, 25c .45
June —C. M. Buettell Est., Cox's
Add., lot 28, 5 sq. ft., 15c; 1 /2
hour labor, 25c .40
June —Wm. Klauer et al., Davis
Farm Add., lot 213, 10 sq. ft ,
30c; 1 /2 hour labor, 25c .55
June —D. J. Lenehan, Home
Add., lot 11, 5 sq. ft., 15c; 1 /2
hour labor, 25c .40
June —W. G. Cox, sub. Min. lot
90, lot 2, 20 sq. ft., 60c; 1
hour labor, 50c 1.10
June — Fransiska Wagner, O. S.
Langworthy's sub., lot 1, 10
sq. ft., 30c; 1 /2 hour labor, 25c .55
June —Jas. Beach, Newman,
Cooper & Smith's sub., lot 16,
5 sq. ft., 15c; 1/2 hour labor,
25c .40
July 2 —J. W. Norton, Gilliam's
sub., lots 4 -5, 8 sq. ft., 25c; 1/2
hour labor, 25c, Repairs .50
July 14 —H. B. McCarten, Ron-
son & Stewart's, lot 23, 12 sq.
ft., 35c; 1 /2 hour labor, 25c,
Repairs .... ... .60
July 1S —G. Tenhaaf Est., Davis
Farm Add., lot 357, 27 sq. ft.,
80c: 1 hour labor, 50, Repairs 1.30
July 18 —W. G. Cox, sub. M. L.
90, lot 1 -2, 15 sq. ft., 45e; 1/2
hour labor, 25c, Repairs .70
July 18 —W. G. Cox, Cox's Add ,
lots 59, 60, 61, 10 sq. ft., 30c;
1/2 hour labor, 25c, Repairs .55
July 20 —Jacob Marshall Est ,
Tivoli Add., N. 1/2 lot 10, 10
sq. ft., 30c; 12 hour labor, 25c,
Repairs .55
July 20 —Jno. Pickup Est., Un-
ion Add., lot 43, 8 sq. ft., 25c;
1 /2 hour labor, 25c, Repairs .50
July 21 —Wm. Klauer et al ,
Davis Farm Add., lot 213, 5
sq. ft., 15c; 1 / z hour labor,
25c, Repairs .40
July 31 —F. A. Rumpf, ' Dub.
Harbor Improvement Co.'s
Add., Bl. 16, lot 5, 8 sq. ft.,
25c; 1 / 2 hour labor, 25c, Re-
pairs' .50
July 20 —Wm. Hintrager, sub
city 724, lot 13, 1 hour's
labor, 75c, Tearing up old
walk .75
July 29 —J. B. Rhomberg Est.,
Tivoli Add„ lots 25 -26, 1
hour's labor, 50c, Tearing up
old walk
July 29— Rhomberg & Meuser,
Davis Farm Add., lot 225, 1 /2
hour labor, 25c, Tearing up
old walk
August 6 —G. E. Davis, A. Me-
Daniell's sub., lot 765, 50 sq.
ft., $1.50; 2 hours' labor,
$1.00, Repairs
8 -21 -3t City Recorder.
at Dubuque, August 21st,
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council to be held
September 3rd, 1908, to pay for the
construction of an eight -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Yale Street from
Alta Vista Street to Harvard Street
by Dave O'Neill, contractor. Amount
of special assessment, $130.50, same
to be assessed against the abutting
property upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street on which said'sani-
tary sewer was constructed, and the
separate lots and parcels of ground,
or specified portion thereof, subject to
assessment of such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof, as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or
to said plat must file his or their ob-
jection in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held September 3rd, 1908, or
to appear at said session of the Coun-
cil to show cause, if any you have,
why said assessment should not be
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, August
22nd, 1908.
8- 22 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, September 3rd, 1908, for
the improvement of the alley first
north of Ries Street from 'Windsor
avenue to Stafford Avenue in accord-
ance with plans and specifications
prepared by the City Engineer and
now on file in the office of the City
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said improvement will re-
120 square yards of guttering.
420 square yards of macadamizing.
80 cubic yards of grading.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work, to be completed on or
before November 15th, 1908.
Bidders must state the price per
square yard for guttering, the price
per square yard for macadamizing,
also price per cubic yard for grading.
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, August 22nd,
8- 22 -2t. City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, September, 3rd, 1908, for
the improvement of the alley first east
of Windsor Avenue from Hennepin
Street south to the southerly end of
said alley in accordance with plans
and specifications prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said improvement will re-
120 square yards of guttering.
120 square yards of macadamizing.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or
before November 15th, 1908.
Bidders must state price per square
yard for guttering and the price per
square yard for macadamizing.
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, August 22nd,
8- 22 -2t. City Recorder.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. rn.
Thursday, September 3rd, 1908, for
the paving with brick of Windsor
Avenue from the southeasterly curb
line of Eagle Point Avenue to a point
about six hundred and eighty feet
Official Notices
northwesterly thereof, in accordance
with the plans and specifications pre-
pared by the City Engineer and now
on file in the office of the City Re-
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that said improvement will re-
3,020 square yards of brick paving
on the present foundation.
400 lineal feet of old curbing reset.
20 lineal feet of new curbing set.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised
Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque, work to be completed on or
before the 1st day of November, 1908.
Bidders must state the price per
lineal foot for new curbing set, price
per lineal foot for resetting old curb-
ing, also the price per square yard for
paving with brick, the contractor to
furnish all new, material and to do
all the work.
Each bid must be accompanied
with a certified check for $100.00 on
some Dubuque bank as a guarantee
that a contract will be entered into if
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, August 22nd, .
8- 22 -2t. City Recorder
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by
the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m.
Thursday, September 3rd, 1908, for
the improvement of the east side of
Cardiff Street between West Third
Street and the southerly end of Car-
diff Street and in front of the fol-
lowing described premises, Lot 13 of
City Lot 724, in accordance with the
plans and specifications prepared by
the City Engineer and now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engi-
neer that the said improvement will
require 56 lineal feet of cement side-
walk, four feet wide, on a founda-
tion of cinders.
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and accepted by,
the Committee on Streets. Work to
be completed on or before the 1st
day of October, 1908. Bidders must
state the price per square foot for
sidewalks laid. Each bid must be ac-
companied by a certified check for
$25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a
guarantee that a contract will be en-
tered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, August 22nd,'
8- 22 -2t. City Recorder.
268 Official Notices
(Official Publication.)
AN ORDINANCE establishing a grade
on Walnut Street from Chestnut
Street to West Eleventh Street in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Walnut
Street from Chestnut Street to West
Eleventh Street in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, be and the same is here-
by established and adopted as shown
by the profile of said street and grade
prepared by the City Engineer and
accepted by the City Council on the
9th day of July, 1908, being No. 653,
and marked "Profile and Grade of
'Walnut Street from Chestnut Street to
West Eleventh Street, b. ms. coping
northwest corner Walnut and Chest-
nut Streets, elevation 255.66 and fire
plug northwest corner West Eleventh
Street, elevation 231.44." Said grade
beginning at the south line of Chest-
nut Street, which is station 0, eleva-
tion 253.27; thence to station 1 +24,
north curb Rose Street, elevation
252.27; thence to 'station 1 +63, ele-
vation 251.40; thence to station
4 +62, north curb West Eleventh
Street, elevation 228.50.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald and Times- Journal
Adopted August 20th, 1908.
Approved August 22nd, 1908.
H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily
Times - Journal August 26th, 1908.
City Recorder.
Regular Session, September 3rd, 1908 269
Regular Session, September 3rd, 1908.
Council met at 9:10 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Aids. Frith, Haas, Martin,
O'Rourke. Rand, Saul and Singrin.
Absent —None.
Ald. Frith moved that the Council
Proceedings for the month of August,
1908, be approved as printed. Car-
The following bills, having been
properly approved by the various
committees, were ordered paid.
John Bohn, inspector Bee
Branch sewer $ 50.00
Robt. Love, inspector North
Street Culvert 21 15
Ed. Daily, inspector Sixth
Street paving 21 20
Street & Steuck, constructing
Bee Branch sewer 1713 53
'Tibey Bros., grading Grand-
view Avenue 1015 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., con-
structing culvert on North
Street 320 00
Ed. Malloy 10.3 cubic yards
macadam at City Pound 7 75
Bill of Wilmer Cook to grading of
Milwaukee Avenue, amounting to
$181.90, was, on motion of Ald. Frith,
allowed in the sum of $150.00 on ac-
Bill of Dr. H. T. Walker, $50.00, for
professional services rendered Mrs.
Anna Peters, who claimed to have
fell and dislocated her elbow, was,
on motion of Ald. Rand, referred to
- the Committee on Claims and City At-
Petitions and Communications.
Petition of Otto M. Schmid et al,
asking that a cement curb and gutter
be placed on : Grandview Avenue in-
stead of cement gutter and stone
curb, as provided in the specifications
for the improvement of said street and
waiving all damages, was read and on
motion of Ald. Frith the rules were
suspended to permit the parties inter-
ested in the change of the plans for
the improvement of Grandviw Ave-
nue to address the Council.
Mr. C. T. Hancock, Francis Coates,
Sr., and Herbert Adams then ad-
dressed the Council in favor of hav-
ing cement curb and gutter on Grand-
view Avenue.
Ald. Frith inoved that the petition
of Otto M. Schmid et al, asking that
the curb and gutter on Grandview
Avenue he constructed of cement ma-
terial be granted, provided the con-
tractor will sign a contract to that ef-
fect. Carried.
Petition of Peter A. Ziegler et al
and 141 other signers, stating on oath
that the Shelter Home for Dogs on
Jackson .Street, near 25th Street, is a
nuisance and a disgrace to the neigh-
borhood and asking that the Council
order the nuisance abated.
Ald. Martin moved that the prayer
of the petitioners be granted and the
Dog Shelter declared a nuisance.
This brought about considerable
discussion, after which Ald. Saul
moved as an amendment to Ald. Mar-
tin's motion that the petition be re-
ferred to the Committee of the Whole.
Amendment lost by the following vote:
Yeas =Aids. O'Rourke, Saul and
Nays —Alds. Frith, Haas, Martin
and Rand.
Original motion carried.
Ald. Frith moved the Chief of Po-
lice be instructed to notify the par-
ties sheltering the dogs on Jackson
Street to abate the nuisance complain=
ed of within 10 days from date.
Ald. Martin moved as an amend-
ment to Ald..Frith's motion that the
parties be allowed 60 days time in
which to abate the nuisance. Amend-
ment carried.
Petition of Mrs. Susie Wieland, ask-
ing that the taxes for the year 1907
be exempted on Lot 1 of the Sub. of
L. H. Langworthy's Add., she teeing a.
widow with several small children de-
pending oh her for support, was, on
motion of Ald. Frith, referred to the
Delinquent Tax Committee.
Petition of Mrs. C. D. Hayden, ask-
ing that the taxes on her homestead
be canceled for the year 1907, she be-
ing a widow with several children de-
pending on her for support and un-
able to pay said taxes, was, on mo-
tion of Ald. Frith, referred to the De-
linquent Tax Committee.
Petition of Louisa Schwartz, asking
that the taxes on lot 6, in Kringle's
Sub. and lot 6a of Quigley's out lot
711 be cancelled for the year 1907,
she being a widow and unable to pay
said taxes, was on motion of Ald.
Frith referred to the Delinquent Tax
Petition of Schmid Mfg. Co., asking
that the City Treasurer be instructed
to accept the taxes for the year 1907,
according to the exemption granted
them June 18, 1903, for a period of
5 years, was, on motion of Ald. Frith,