Althauser 1130 1130 Althauser 0 - Anton_Lwack_ C-- Owner- Erect S.F.F'._Dweliing B.P.-6 - -- 4/1/47 44900.00 O.Eldon Doty .onstruct Stoop to s.f.Frame Dwell B. 100.00 g. p. 633 8 -17 -50 itta.f.¢a.V,• - :am ...AR*.{U.*A.. sSCIAne. �j.4°:�.i} 40% .LIN •,n» :. .._.. 0 -Giles E. Crider C- Relianance Impr. Co. Reside S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P.32S 6 -99_53 568.00 J- Racharc Fox 0-John P. Welter & Sons Rebuild porch to S.F.Fr.D;.rellg. b.p, 354 6 450.00