Althauser 0902 902 Altheuser B.of k. Petn. to erect garage closer then 45* to street line. Granted. Docket No. 40-49 6 -28-49 0--as .Schnee 0 -Geo. Kruse Alterations to convert 5.7 :Frame into two fan. dwelling B P. 7 " 77 10 - -550 33550.000 0-Thos. Schnee C=GIese Sheet Metal Co. Beroof 2 fam. £r.Dwellg.B.P. 715 10 - 1 - 52 180.00 0-Donald Dolphin 0 -Burke P =1um tic Co. Reside_ S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.r. /, -9 -70 0 95.00 -Paul Buss C -Lang Const. ear -off, reroof SF res BP21611 3/8/93 $1500.00 902 ALI 0-janet Buss- - C-Westwood Blders erect 16x21 & SFBP35078 6/10196 S6,500.00 -