Althauser 1104 1104 Altheuser
0 George Sehwinn C Dubuque Bfg. Co.
Reroofing frame dwelling B.F. 809 11/5/41 x4275.00
C. John Welter & Son
Reroof S.F. Br. DwellingB.P, 767 10 -1 -65 600.00
B of A pet for a var from Art IV, Sec 4- 106.6 for permissio
tb erect a 16x 32 swimming pool & 24x 32 garage & -
waive the 40% lot area coverage. GRANTED: Provided
a-ny improvements or cha-nges to the platted alley
would have to be approved by the Engineering Dept.
Docket 11 -76
1104 Althauser Ave.
0- William Runde
Erect detached concrete garage B.P. 518 8 June 76 4000.
Erect underground swimming pool C- Quailty Pools
B.P. 585 22 June 76 5000.00
6 Bi
•un'e E -Steve LUGrain
-t/o, reroo -SF-- BR361-71- 1D/- 9 -/ -96- $2-6-10_.00