Altrura Drive 1165 1165 Altura Drive l 3o:of Ad. Petn.to waive side yard reouirment for srection of attached Garage. Granted east wall not closer than 6' from east property line, Docket No. 42 -63 0- Saffran Const. Go, ... - ..____. . Erect S.F,Frame Dwell;, B.P. 966 11.17 -60 13 onaid Schuster Construct Attached garage to side of S; ,Er. Ven Drellg. B •P• 9 -17 1,,500.00 _-- .... -.. . __- _- ....... 1165 ALTURA DR 0- Jim- 14oppman . C -Owner t /o, reroof, SF, sd BP 32923 9/21/95 $1875.00 • • .................... ...........................