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Altrura Drive 1170
1170 Altura Drive 0—George Donovan Erect B.F. Frame Dwell.g. B.F. 134 3 -30-61 13,000.00 0 -John Nicks C- Bullock Garages Erect - detached frame garage, B.P. 1191, 11/19/76, 1600.00 O_ - John Nicks Reroof SFFr Dw11g, B.P. 254, 4/13/79 1150.00 0 -John Nicks C -Steve Behr Const. erect - 12x18 -& 5 x20 -- deck - -on -rear & side SF frm dwllg BP 11517 3/30/87 $1665.00 -John Nicks C- Zephyr Alum. Prod. iding,soffit,fascia,casings, SF res & gar. BP21640 3/16/93- 5374.00 • 1 1170 Altura Drive 0 -John Nicks Top All Roofing tear off,reroof sd SF BP24733 9/7/94 $2036.00 ]- John Nicks C- Zephyr Alum 2eside (alum) & repair trim, sd, SF BP 28605 3 -28 -95 $7493.00