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Angella Street 0571
571 inigella St. -Hero ld igan C- Q,uslity Roofing Co, efoof fremc.dh ^e11ir Lfl I534._9/2L/42.,, 150.00 0- Quality Roofing 'o. Reside frame dwelling R.p. 455 3/10/45 - 540.00 )-tirdadred Ia11igan C- Dubuuue Insulation Siding .eroof S.F. Frame Dt en'1g.B.P, 879 11-2.4-70 300,00 - Robert Tierney C -Disco Bldg Imp. to, reroof, t /o,reside SF BP36018 9/19/96 $6753.00