Angella Street 0590 590 1,ngella O- Ronald M riette C- yueltty Loafing Ca. Reroof brick dwelling 52 4/29/43 100.00 0- C. Fittenmil er 0-Owner Mjtion to S.F. Frame-Dwelling B.P. 406 6/e)46 390.00 C. Mettille Roofing Co. Rexx x�'xxFumtat xibt = .... s._.. e Wax Reroof S.F. Br. DwellingB.P. 476 7 -20 - 65 425.00 C--Burke Alumatic Co. 501.00 over overhang of 5 .F,Frame Dwel1g.B,P. 612 8 -15-67