1981 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1981 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1981 COUNCIL MEMBERS D. MICHAEL KING, MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY JOHN L. FELDERMAN CAROLYN FARRELL MICHAEL W. PRATT City Clerk ........................................... MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ....................................... R.N. RUSSO City Solicitor .................................... BARRY A. LINDAHL Assistant City Attorney ............................ WILLIAM G. BLUM CITY MANAGER W. KENNETH GEARHART Administrative Assistant ......................... GENT WIttENBERG Airport Manager ..................................... THERON CLARK Budget Officer ...................................... PAULINE JOYCE Building Commissioner ..................... RICHARD FEYEN tll 10-30-81 Building Insp. Services Manager ........... DAVID SHURTS star,lng 11-1-81 Chief of Fire Department .......................... ROBERT N. DUNPHY Chief of Police Department ......................... ROBERT J. O'BRIEN City Assessor ......................................... FRANK FROST City Engineer ........................ ' ............. MICHAEL A. KOCH Civic Center Director .................................. STEVE PETERS Community Development Director ................. DANIEL DITTEMORE Coordinator, Off. of Disaster Services .................... ROBERT GOOCH Deputy Finance Director ................................ GERALD HIRD Director of Public Works ~ ........................ FRANCISA. MURRAY Director of Recreation ............................. TERRY TRUEBLOOD Dock Commission Manager ............................. SHIRLEY LANG Electrical Inspector ............................... ROBERT McCARTEN Finance Director ..................................... A.G. HEITZMAN Food & Restaurant Sanitarian .................. REX BRAMMER ti112-1-81 Food & Restaurant Sanitarian ......... FRANCES KRINGLE started 12-1-81 I-Icelth Director ................................. ARTHUR J. ROTH, JR, Human Rights Dir. & EEO Officer .................. MATHIAS K. LORENZ Information Services Director ........................... ALAN GELHAR Library Director ................................ ELIZABETH DONNAN Personnel Director ...................................... RANDY PECK Personnel Assistant ............................... Z.D. HANTELMANN Plumbing Inspector ................ ALVIN "BUD" ANDERSON til 3-31-81 Piumhlng Inspector ................................... LOUIS MULLEN Sanitary Officer ..................................... LaVERN GOERDT Street Commissioner ............................. MERLE FELDERMAN Supt. of Parks .................................... RICHARD KRAMER' Traffic Engineer ...................................... STEVE JEPSEN Transit Manager ................................WILLIAM G. KOHLER Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 5--American Trust & Savings Bank named depository for City's funds ................................................ 2 5--Alien Address Report Month, proclamation for January ...... 2 5--Airpert Comm. Submitting Minutes .... 4, 29, 46, 67, 80, 128, 141,156, ..................... 216, 278, 357, 373, 406, 422, 437, 485, 513, 535 5--Annual Financial Report for Year Ending 6-30-80 ........... 5 " 19--Agreement re: IDOT on right-of-way assu~rance statement for Federal Aid Projects ................................... 21 " 19--Audits, City Mgr. submitting same for FY 80 .............. 31 Feb. 2--Agreement re: Memorandum of, with Eska Co .............. 34 2--Auditor re: State of Ia. submitting report re: Highway Safety Program ............................................. 46 " 16--Amerlcan Red Cross Month, Proclamation for Month of March 49 " 16--Agreement re: City of Dubuque & Leras College re: issuance of bonds ............................................... 53 " 16--Agreement, Engineering Services with Cullen, Kilby, etc. for services on Radferd Road Ind. Park ....................... 60 " 16--ASAP funding, re: Mgr. submitting proposal ............... 60 " 16--AGREEMENTS re: amend same with Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce for Economic Services ....................... 63 " 16--Apartments Ltd., issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 66 M,,ar. 9--American Legion Week, Mar. 15-21 ....................... 70 9--Asphalt Paving Project No. t (1980), issuance of Bonds, etc... 70 9--Adams, John re: discussion on changing sign "Dubuque A Place to Live" . ....................................... 73 9--Airport Commission re: actions with Tri-State Flite Services, Inc .................................................. 74 " 10--Assistant Naturalist, re: discussion of wanting to keep psosi- tion ................................................. 83 " 10--Augustin, Myrlene, petition to keep Investigator position ..... 83 " 23--Algena (North) re: included in 1981 Asphalt Paving Project... 99, 131 "23--Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 (1981) ........... 98, 131,169, 349, 407 " 23--Astgen's Foods, Ltd, Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 111 April 6--Asbury Mayor re: Asbury's feeling regarding zoning in West Sector ............................................... 117 " 6--Arenz, John, attorney rep. Richardson Motors re: rally on Stoneman Road ....................................... 129 " 20--Animal Hospitals & Animal Clinics, re: Ord. allowing as condi- tional uses in C-2 Local Service Comm. District and as permit- ted uses in C-3 Arterial and C-4 General Commercial ......... 135, 163 " 20--Airport Commission requesting Council concur with approval of the Airport Master Plan & Off-Airport Land Use Plan etc... 139 " 20--Airport Master Plan etc. request by A. Commlselon to Council to approve same ....................................... 139 " 20--Aibert, Richard, Cigarette Refund approval ................ 141 " 20--Airport Corem. submitting objection of intent to suspend ser- vice by Miss. Valley .................................... 141 May 4--Aiarm Permits, re: Regulating Burglary & Robbery. ' ..... ................................................ 145, 171,188 4--American Trust & Savings Bank requesting approval of dates & locations for 2nd season of American Trust Summer Pops Band ................................................ 157 " 18--Agreement with State Health Dept. to provide "Pass-Through Funds" to the VNA & Project Concern .................... 170 " 18--Aragun Tap, Cigerette Permit ............................ 170 " 18--Althaus, Herbert E., Suspension of Real Estate Taxes ........ 174 " 20--Alternate Ward Map #1. Cbesen for Boundaries Nec. with New City Government ...................................... 175 June 1--Asbury Square, re: acceptance of Warranty Deed ............ 210 1--A & B Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................. 215 1--Astrnid, Cigarette Permit ............................... 215 1--American Legion Post #6, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License... 216 1--April, 1981 monthly reports, & proof of pub. of claims & receipts etc ........................................... 217 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Junel5--Agreement: Between City & Firefighters ................... 231 15--Agreement: Between City & General Drivers ............... 231 15--Agreement: Between City & Operating Engineers ........... 232 15--Agreement: Between City & Police ........................ 232 15--Agreement: Between City & Amni. Transit Union ........... 233 15--Adam's Shell Service, Cigarette Permit .................... 251 15--Avenue Tap, Cigarette Permit ........................... 251 15--Airport Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 252 15--Albert's IOCO, Cigarette Permit ......................... 252 15--Andresen's United, Cigarette Permit ...................... 252 15--American Legion, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 July 6--Anthony, Drew, objecting to Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project .............................................. 262 6--A & W Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ...................... 277 6--A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., Cigarette Permit ................. 277 6--Althaus, Dennis A., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 277 6--Arbor Oaks re: DEQ submitting supplement to construction permit ............................................... 279 6--Area Residential Care re: Writ of Certiorari etc. re: denial of a cond. use permit ....................................... 278 " 20--Abreech, Timothy G., claim .............................. 303 " 20--Ambulance Suit, re: Closed Session ....................... 304 Aug. 3--Assessment Schedule, Final, for 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ................................................ 349 " 17--Agreement re: City & US DOT re: Traffic Signals along U.S. 20 ................................................... 369 " 17--Archdiocese of Dubuque re: final plat approved for property near Mt. Olivet Cemetery ............................... 370 " 17--A.C. Pfohl Pl. re: approvai of final plat ..................... 371 Sept. 8--Agri Ind.-Dock Chairman recommend Petrakis Park bo sold to it ................................................... 383 8--AGREEMENT between City and ICRR relating to construc- tion of a bridge across their tracks located on the North-West Arterial .............................................. 391 8--AGREEMENT, Predesign Project for improvements on 9th Street and Kerper Blvd. by Iowa DOT ..................... 393 8--AGREEMENT between City and Iowa DOT relating to Traffic Signal Interconnection on Central Avenue from 17th Street to 22nd Street ........................................... 393 8--AGREEMENT between City and DOT relative to traffic signal improvements at Dodge and Bryant Street and Dodge and JFK Road ........................................ 394 8--Arendt, Edward, settlament of personal injury claim ......... 406 Oct. 5--A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Industrial Revenue Bond Idsue ..... ............................................ 428, 440, 444, 514 5--Allendorf, Don appointed to TV Community Taie- Programming Commission .............................. 436 " 19--Arthofer, Charles et ux, accepting plat of M.L. 246 .......... 463 " 19--Atkinson, Frank T., Notice of vehicle damage claim .......... 465 Nov. 2--Ambniance Bids re: City Mgr. submitting specifications etc... 477 " 2--Aetna Insurance Co. re: City Mgr. authorized to execute Takeover Agreement ................................... 478 2--Audit, FY 1981, Submitted by City Mgr ................... 485 " 9--Affidavit of Possession re: Petrakis Park Property ........... 492 9--Assessor, City, advising of Orders on appeal to Dis. Ct. of Fischer Realty Co. for property at 200 Main St. etc .......... 514 9--Agricultoral (& Horticultural) List of Individuals due Land Tax Ememptlans ...................................... 514 Dec. 7--Award of Merit bestowed on Capt. Pat Egan & Goraid Hirsch of Police Dept ......................................... 516 7--Adjacent properties to South Sector, rezoning .............. 522 7--Ambulance Bids etc .................................... 530 7--Agreement, between City & Policemen's Pro. Assn .......... 530 7--Angel Investment Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 534 7--Adams, Gregory J., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 534 7--Annual Performance Report, Proof of publication ............ 535 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Dec. 7--Air Transportation Requirements re: CAB Order on Emergen- cy requirements also notice of Ozark to suspend service at Ft. Dodge & Mason City etc ................................ 536 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 5--Binm, Wm, G., appointed Ass't. City Attorney .............. 1 5--Buses, re: Federal Assistance request for purchase for Keyline. 6 5--Bird, Dale request Council reconsideration before adoption of Plumbing Code ........................................ 12 Feb. 2--Bonds, re: Sale of Ind. Revenue Bonds, IWalnut Grove Proj.) .. 35-43 2--Bnilding Dept. re: complaint by UAW ..................... 46 2--Budget, FY 82 re: presentation to Council & Media .......... 47 " 16--Bonds, re: issuance of Private College Revenue Bonds (Loras College Project) ..................................... 51, 97, 177 " 16--Budget re: Setting date of P. Hearing ...................... 54 " 16--Bonds re: P. Hearing on issuance of Street Improvement bonds ................................................ 55 " 16--Bnilding Code Board of Appeals, appointment of Lloyd Gudenkauf, .......................................... 65 " 16--Biasi, Gcorge, nominated for Histeric Preservation Comm. (not appointed) ............................................ 65 " 16--Brlans, Inc., issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 66 " 16--Bergman, Milton R., Notice of Suit, re: Estate of Dorenda Jo Bergman ............................................. 68 "16--Birch, Mrs. Leroy, claim for personalinjuriee ............... 68, 406 ,, 16--Burlington & Muecatine St s., re: petition by Paul Derakier that City purchase alley ..................................... 68 Mar. 9--Birch Acres, approval of final plat ........................ 77 9--Backee, Joe, resigning from Housing Rehab. Corem .......... 81 9--Brandenberg, Bonnie, claim ............................. 81 9--Burdt, Clarence re: Cable TV Franchise .................... 82 " 10--Budget, FY 1982, Discussion & Adoption .................. 83-91 " 10--Budget, Fy 82, Proof of publication of Notico of P. Hearing na same ................................................ 83 " 10--Barnes, Mrs. Joan petition not to eliminate Asst. Naturalist position .............................................. 83 10--Barnes, Syman W., petition not to eliminate Asst. Naturalist position .............................................. 83 " 10--Barn Community Theatre objecting to proposed rant increase of Slattery Center ...................................... 84 " 10--Bnilding Services, FY 82 Budget Amendment .............. 86 " 16--Brutger Companies re: Purchase Option Agreement Radford Housing Site .......................................... 92 " 16--Bliss, Doris, re: happiness with present Hillcrest Apts ........ 92 " 23--Brandenberg, Bonnie, claim & denial ...................... 112 Apr. 6--Burchette, Carol, Cigarette Permit ........................ 127 6--Barr & F~ Enterprise, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 127 6--Brehm, Dr. John & Jean L., Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 128 6--Benten, Sonny, Cigarette License Refund .................. 129 6--Bowman, Russell W., claim .............................. 129 20--Beta Sigma Phi Day, Proclamation for 4-30 ................. 131 20--Boy's Club Week, Proclamation for April 19-25 .............. 131 20--Bodish, Paul, collection of delinquent refuse account ......... 138 20--Bernhnrd, Gary, collection of delinquenty refuse account ..... 138 20--Burlington & Muscatine Streets, re: denial of petition of Paul Demkiar for city to purchase nearby alley .................. 139, 154 "20--Bowman, Dwaine D., Class "B' Beer Permit ................ 140 " 20--Bereeford, Mrs. Bernice, claim ........................... 141 " 20--Brunswick & Link Streets, request for street light ........... 142 M. ay 4--Budget, FY 1981, amendment ............................ 145 4--Burglary & Robbery Alarm Permits. re: Ordinance regulating etc .......................................... 145, 171,187,188 4--Bining for Water Service for Residential, Commercial & In- dustrial Uses, re: Amending by Ord ....................... 149 4--Bus Operator, Parttime re: Resolution approving proposed Barg. Unit Amendment by ATU to represent same .......... 154 4--Bainbridge, James R, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 156 4--Block Grant Funds, FY 1981 re: Proof of publication of Notice of Intent to file request of approved application ............. 157 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page May 4--Berrynmn, Tom submitting resignation from Transit Bd ...... 157 " 15--Bnard of Supel?visors meeting with City Council re: Hydr- Electric Dam et~ ....................................... 159 " 18--Building Location & Arrangement re: Amendment of Zoning Ord. to provide for more flexibility of same with the Final Development Plan of PUD District ....................... 164 " 18--Bryant Street, re: disignation as a Through Street, ete ........ 168 " 18--Boat Launching Ramp re: Eliminatlon from 1981 Asphalt Pay. lng Program .......................................... 169 18--Biechler, John F. & Agnetta re: Acceptance of Res. No. 126-81 (approval of final plat of Tamarack SE ..................... 171 18--Bar-X Supper Club, Cigarette Permit ...................... 172 18--Beecher Co., Inc. (White & Asbury Rd.) Class "C" Beer Permit. 173 18--Bistro requesting Liquor License Transfer ................. 173 18--Budde, Michael J., Claim & denial ........................ 174, 217 18--Bernai, James & Mr. & Mrs. Julius, claim .................. 174 June 1--Budget re: Proof of Pub. of Notice of Pub. Hrg. to amend same for Fy ending 6-81 ..................................... 181 1--Budget, Amendments for FY Ending 6-81 .................. 181 1--Behr, Irv, re: Prop. Burglary Alarm Ord ................... 187 1--Bcecher Sand, Ltd. re: Agreement & Lease between City, Bd. of Dock Commissioners etc .............................. 204, 227 1--Burbach, Carl, re: Sanitary Sewer Extension near Resurrection Church ............................................... 208 1--Bell St. Storm Sewer, acceptance of improvement, final est .... .................................................... 209, 210 1--Bimrose, Tom & Joanna re: George Connelly property at 1750 Miller Rd ............................................. 211 1--Bishop Buffet, Cigarette Permit .......................... 215 1--Bucko's West, Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................... 215 " 15--Brooks, Kathiecn re: objecting to raising speed limits near Bryant School ......................................... 220 15--Bryant School District, re: discussion of speed limit change... 220 15--Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit .......................... 251 15--Brian's Standard Station, Cigarette Permit ................ 251 15--Bunker Hill Pro Shop, Cigarette Permit .................... 251 15--Barney's Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................... 252 15--Buddy's, Cigarette Permit ............................... 252 15--Busy Bee Cafe, Cigarette Permit ......................... 252 15--Bill On The Hill, Cigarette Permit ......................... 252 15--Benny's Steak House, Cigarette Permit .................... 253 15--Betty & Nick's Tap, Cigarette Permit ..................... 253 15--Blakeman, Ron, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 253, 437 15--Bethany Home, submission of Auditor's Report ............. 254 J,u, ly 6--Bergfeld, Audrey, objecting to Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer. 262 6--Bridge re: Northwest Arterial ............................ 266, 287 6--Burbach (& Resurrection) Sanitary Sewer Extension prc- ceedinge etc .......................................... 271 6--Blackhawk Co. re: Furniture etc. at Library Expansion ....... 273 6--Beecher Co., Inc. (2 outlets) Cigarette Permits .............. 277 6--Biedier "66", Cigarette Permit ........................... 277 " 6--Brown, Wm. C., Cigarette Permit ......................... 277 " 6--Bantu Shelter, Cigarette Permit .......................... 277 " 6--Bistro, Transfer of Liquor License ........................ 277, 405 " 6--Birkett, James J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 278 " 6--Bertsch, Robert for Conti-Carriers etc. re: termination of ease- ment with CNW and request for same with Hodge & Conti etc. 279 " 20--Bock, Earlre: comments about Wash. St. Urban Revit. Area, . 283 "20--Burda, Dennis & Catherine re: denial of rezoning request for property at 405 Lincoln ................................. 291 " 20--Building Code- Board of Appeals appointments of Gerald Guy, Donald Schroeder and Lesley Stephens ............... 300 " 20--Bonnett, David, re: appointment to Civic Center Corem ....... 300 " 20--Beecher, Rick, re: appointed to Historic Pres. Corem ......... 301 "20--Bernie, Harry, nominated to Playground & Rec. Corem ....... 301 "20--Buelow, Michael, appointed to Playground & Rec. Corem ..... 301 INDEX- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Paga July 20--Berendas, Floyd, nominated to Playground & Rec. Corem ..... 301 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page July 20--Biasi, George, nominated to Hist. Pres. Corem .............. 301 Aug. 3--Bear's IOCO, Cigarette Permit ........................... 355 " 3--Bowman, Dwalne D., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 856 " 3--Becben, Michael, settlement of claim ...................... 357 ,, 12--Bus System, re: Discussion of Transit Study ................ 358 " 17--Bistro, Cigarette Permit ................................ 372 " 17--Bainbridge, J.lt., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 373 " 17--Beck, Roger M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 373 " 17--Brady, Council Member requested removal from North East Iowa Crime Corem ..................................... 375 Sept. 8--Berwanger Boiler Co. awarded contract for Five Flags Theater Boiler Replacement ............................. ......... 390 8--Ballpark Complex Shive Hattery & Associates eng~neenng firm selected for same .................................. 394 8--Building Demolition etc. Ordinance providing for same ....... 396 8--Bar-X, The, granted Cigarette Permit ..................... 405 8--Brooks, Thehna, Notice of personalinjury claim ............. 406 " 21--Baum, William, granted Liquor License .................... 420 Oct. 5_Barnhart, Ray, speakerforBoardaandCommissionsDinner.. 425 5--Bus Garage facility, Don Deich relative to same .......... :.. 429 5--Blasi, George, appointed to TV Community Tale-progranumng Commission .......................................... 436 " 19--Barten's IOCO granted Cigarette License .................. 464 " 19--Behhing, Karl L., notice of personalinjury claim ............. 465 19--Berlage, Steila P., Notice of vehicle damage claim ............ 465 Nov. 2--Bible Week in Dubuque, Proclamation ..................... 468 " 2--Bockee, Richard re: petitioning to replace canvas awning at Walsh True Value ................................... 478 2--Brade, Marian, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 482 2--Beurskens, Thomas J., Election Results ................... 484 2--Bradac, Ted, Election Results ............................ 484 2--Brady, James, Write-In Vote for Council Member at Large .... 484 2--Bernal, James A. by Julius Bernal, claim ................... 485 Nov. 16--Barton Aschman Assn. re: Zoning reclassification change for Key City Investments Co ............................... 496 " 16--Backes, Leonard J. not seeking reappointment to Plumbing Board ............................................... 510 " 16--Bradley, Dale E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 511 " 16--Brady, James, Gen. Election results ....................... 511 " 16--Beurskens, Thomas, Gen. Election results .................. 511 " 16--Belcastro, Frank, Write in vote for Mayor in Gen. Election .... 512 " 16--Bradac, Ted, Write In Vote for Councilman At Large ......... 512 " 16--Bausman, Jodi, re: Award of Merit for police Captain and Detective for work on the same case ....................... 516 Dec. 7--Bradley, Dale E., Cigarette Permit ........................ 534 " 7--Bainbridge, J.R. Class "C" Beer & L~quor ....... 534 " 7--Bleile, Joseph F., Class "C" Comm. Beer & Liquor License .... 535 " 7--BertoEni, Angelina A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License... 534 7--Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, Class "C" Beer & Li- quor License ...................................... ' .... 534 7--Bleile, Herbert, Claim .................................. 535 7--Burns, Joe, Refund Request ............................. 537 7--Bus Service to St. Mary's Apt. re: response to petition ........ 536 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 5--Council Meeting, Regular Session ......................... 1 5--City Mgr., salary increase ............................... 1 5--City Mgr. submitting personal bonds for City officials ........ 2 5--ContiCarrlirs, re: Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement ...... 3 5--Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes Submitted ....... .......................... 80, 128, 173, 278, 303, 373,406, 465, 535 5--Community Development Commission submitting Minutes... ..: ......................... 4, 46, 156, 216, 356, 422, 513, 535, 559 5--Claims, re: Proof of publication, of Expenditures, Receipts for following months: November, 1980; December, 80; January, 81; February, 81; March, 81; April, 81; May, 81; June, 81 ......... ................................ 5, 67, 111,142, 157, 217, 279, 373 5--Cedar Rapids Television Co. re: copy of Opposition to Petition for reconsideration re: KDUB-TV Special relief before F,C.C... 5 " 19--City Council, Special Session ............................. 6 " 19--Caldwall, Rev. Robot t, Gave Invocation .................... 6 " 19--CONSTRUCTION of Water Supply Well No. 10 ............. 7 " 19--Crime Prevention Coalition, re: endorsement ................ 11 " 19--Complition of 18th St., 7th St., & Dell Street Steps .......... 24 " 19--Conlin, Orlin request vacation of undeveloped street in Grand- view Hgts. Sub ........................................ 24 " 19--Cronin, Rosemary, resignation from Historic Preservation Corem ............................................... 28 " 19--Cabli TV Comm. Minutes Submitted .............. 80, 128, 156, 173, ........................................ 278, 303, 406, 437, 535 " 19--Council Proceedings printed for July, August, 1980 approved.. 29 " 19--City Mgr. re: complaint from Handicapped Persons re: curb cubs ................................................. 30 " 19--City Mgr. re: response to Al Peleean's questions ............. 30 " 19--City Mgr. re: comments re: General Rev. Sharing Regulations. 31 " 19--Civil Service Comm. ce: applicant s who passed fire promotional exam ........................... . ..................... 31 " 19--Counsel for KDUB-TV re: reply to opposition to petition for reconsideration for special relief as filed by station KCRG-TV.. 31, 47 " 19--Cabli TV Franchise, re: opinions re: submission of proposals... 30 Feb. 2--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 33 " 2--Comm. Devel. Director in support of W. llth St. Area designa- tion ................................................. 33 2--Clancy, Rita Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ............... 46 2--City Mgr. re: report relative to inquiries of John Moore @ Human Rights Dept .................................... 46 2--City Mgr.'s response re: UAW inquiry ..................... 46 2--City Mgr re: legal opinion as to Ia. Open Meetings Law ....... 47 2--Cable Franchise re: Notice of Pub, Hearing ................. 47 2--City Mgr. re: FY '82 Budget .............................. 47 " 16--City Council, SpecialSesslon ............................. ' 49 " 16--Calonel Lelind Holland Week, Proclamation for Feb. 23 thru 28 ................................................. ~. 49 " 16--Conion Construction Co. re: Demolition of Trenkle Bldg ...... 50 " 16--Community Development Block Grant Funds re: Notice of P. Hearing .............................................. 55 ' 16--Capital Improvement Program, re: setting date of P. Hearing.. 54 " 16--City Mgr. requesting authocization to submit propoeel for con- tinued funding from ASAP .............................. 60 " 16--City Mgr. requesting authorization to execute amendment to Engrg. Services Agreement with Culien, Kllby etc. for $4000.00 for services on Radford Rd. Ind. Park Water Storage Tank ................................................ 60 " 16--City Hall Boiler/Burner Replaeement Project, re: complition.. 61 " 16--Completion of 18th St. Fire Station Remodeling Project ...... 61 " 16--Chamber of Commerce, re: amend Agreement re: Economic Development Services .................................. 63 " 16--City Mgr. requesting to proceed with final payment re: H.D. & R. (WWTP) ........................................... 63 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Feb. 16--Cedar Rapids Television Co. submitting opposition to reply etc. to petition for reconsideration re: petition of KDUB-TV for Special Relief. ........................................ 67 " 16--Copperhead Place, re: renaming lane between 4th & 5th ....... 67 " 16--Community Development Director Dittemore advising of pro- cees of lind on Pens. Ave., & requesting permission to adver- rise availability ........................................ 68 " 16--City Mgr. responding to Wm. Herrig re: Lower Main St. National Register nomination ............................ 68 M,,ar. 9--City Council, Regular Adjourned Session .................. 70 9--Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 7 .................... 77 9--Clarke Crest Estates, approval of final plat for portions of land within ............................................... 78 ' 9--Council Proceedings, months of Sept, & Oct .............. :. 80 9--Civil Service Commission, re: Promotional Examinations etc.. 81 9--Cox, Mrs. Dorrance (Monica), claim ....................... 81 9--Clised Session, (Council Meeting), Pending Litigation ........ 82, 112 9--Cabli TV Franchise Discussion ........................... 82 " 10--City Council, Special Session ............................. 83 " 10--Community Development Block Grant Funds re: input by League of W. Voters ................................... 83 " 10--Community Development & Housing Needs, re: Proof of Pub. of P. Hrg. for same ..................................... 83 " 10--Chelen, James, Petition requesting not to eliminate Asst. Naturalist position ..................................... 83 10--Chi, Cathryne, petition requesting to retain position of In- vestigetor ............................................ 94 10--Capital Improvement Program - 5 Year; Proof of Publication of Notice of P. Hrg. for adoption of same ..................... 83 " 10--City Manager Office, FY 82 Budget Amendment ............ 85 10--Celts Drum & Bugle Corps, $2500 approval of request in FY 82 Budget .............................................. 86 " 10--Convention & Visitors Bureau re: amendment of FY 82 Budget .............................................. 86 ' 10--City Collection Services, Ordinances revising ............... 89 " 10--City Counc'fl, Special Session ............................ 92 " 10--Community Development Director certifying receipt of pro- posals re: Purchase Option Agreement, Radford Housing Site. 92 " 16--Carnahan & Associates, re: Purchase Option Agreement Rad- ford Housing Site ...................................... 92 " 18--City Council, Special Adjourned Session ................... 94 " 23--City Council, Special Session ............................. 97 " 23--Citizen Participation Plan, re: authorizing the Adoption re: HUD ................................................ 101 " 23--Commuhity Development Block Grant Funds with the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development for FY 82, re: authorization to file application .......................... 102 " 23--Comm. Development Block Grant Projects re: request for releaec of funds ........................................ 103 "23--Comiskey Park Lighting Improvements Project, authorizing publication of notice of Environmental Review Findings ...... 104, 123 " 23--Clln-Que Inc, Addn. re: approval of plat .................... 108 " 23--Chamber of Commerce requesting to eloee Eagli Point Bridge. 110 " 23--Conti-Carrlirs Terminalre: their grain trucks stacking up on Kerper ............................................... 111 "26--City Council, Special Session ............................. 114 "26--Cabli TV Commission submitting presentation re: proposed Sections of Cable Franchise Ordinance ..................... 114 " 26--Cable Services Delivery System, re: commencing Negotiations with Teleprompter ..................................... 114 A,,pr. 6--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 117 6--Central Ave. Sewer Reconstruction, 24th to 26th St .......... ............................................ 121,122, 143, 347 " 6--Chaney Rd., restricting parking near Wahiect ............... 122 " 6--Community Development Block Projects, release of funds for specific ones .......................................... 123 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Apr. 6--City Island Paving of Bridge Deck, Approaches & ramps, & Painting of Bridge ..................................... 124 6--Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer re: institution of Eminent Domain Proceedings ................................... 124, 125 6--Council Proceedings for Nov. & Dec., 1980, approved ......... 128 " 20--City Council, Special Session ............................. 131 " 20--City Clerk certifying Notices of P. Hearing were sent to proper- ty owners re: 1981 Asphalt Paving Project on Mar. 31, 1981... 131 ' 20--Coilection of Delinquent Refuse Accounts, certifying said Ac- counts to County Auditor for collection .................... 138 " 20--Correll, Mary Henry, collection of delinquent refuse account... 138 "20--Community Development Block Grant Application re: HUD advising of receipt and acceptance ........................ 141 "20--Comiskey Park Lighting Project, proof of publication of En- vironmental Record filing ............................... 141 "20--Community Development re: Annual Performance Report pro- of of publication .................................... 141 "20--Clarke Crest Estates Phase IV, re: construction permits for sewage & water ........................................ 142 May 4--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 143 " 4--City Hall Parking Lot Expansion Project .......... 146, 201,348, 349 4--Council Proc. for months of Jan. & Feb. approved as printed... 156 " 4--Connelly, George, re: status report on state of his building by City Mge ......................................... 158, 171,211 " 15--City Council, Special Session with County Board of Super- visors ............................................... 159 " 15--County Board of Supervisors Special Meeting with Council re: Hydr-Eleetrlc Dam ..................................... 159 18--City Council, Special Session ............................. 161 18--Center Grove Drive, re: name change from Orchard St ........ 165 18--Cora Dr. re: name change from Carrie Dr ................... 166-185 18--Clarke Drive, designation as a Through Street etc ........... 168 18--Canfield Hotel, Inc., Cigarette Permit ..................... 172 18--Copper Kettle, Cigarette Permit .......................... 172 18--Country Pride Inn, Cigarette Permit ...................... 172 18--Community Development Block Grant re: Proof of Pub. of Notiee of Application of same ............................ 173 " 20--City Council, Special Session ............................. 175 " 27--City Council, Special Session re: Loras College Bonds etc ...... 177 June 1--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 181 " 1--Certificate of Clerk re: mailing of notices as to assessment of streets ............................................... 185 1--Conlon, Orlin, re: vacation of Lot 38 in Grandvlew Hgts ...... 203, 226 1--"Care Week", Proclamation for June 1-7 ................... 161 1--Creecent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, submission of procedures & Resolutions; etc ........................ 204, 217, 261,263, 304, 347 1--Clarke Crest Estates re: approval of plat of specific prop. in Roy Ney Sub ......................................... 211, 212 1--CK of Dubuque, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................... 215 1--Casey's General Store, Peru Rd. & Rookdale, Cigarette Permit. 215 1--Chateau Snpper Club, Cigarette Permit .................... 215 1--Clark Service Station, No. 478, Cigarette Permit ............ 215 1--Cremer Grocery Store, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................. 215, 216 1 --City Clerk Evaluation Form re: completion requested ........ 216 " 10--City Council, Special Session ............................. 218 " 10--Central Engineering Co., re: lease to provide plant site to pr~- duce concrete for bridge structure ........................ 218, 270 10--Concrete Plant site, re: lease of prop. etc ................... 218 15--City Council, Special Session ............................. 220 15--Chancy, Sherry objecting to raising of speed limit near Bryant. 221 ! 5--Coyle, Cathy, obj ectlng to raising of speed limits near schools.. 221 15--Collins, Paul objecting to raising of speed limits on Carter Rd.. 221 15--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City & Firefighters. 231 15--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City & General Drivers Union ......................................... 231 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page June15--Collectlve Bargaining Agreement betweem City & Operating Engrg ............................................... 232 " 15--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City & policement's Protective Assn .... ~ .................................. 232 15--Collective Bargaining Agreement between City & Areal. Tran- sit Union ............................................. 233 15--Carousel Snack Bar, Cigarette Permit ..................... 251 15--Clancy Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 251 15--Clubhouee, Cigarette Permit ............................. 251 15--Coach House, Cigarette Permit..: ........................ 251 15--Choral Club Tavern, Cigarette Permit ..................... 252 15--City Tavern, Cigarette Permit ............................ 252 15--Craoo Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................. 252 15--Clarke College, Cigarette Permit .......................... 252 15--Cooper Wagon Works, Cigarette Permit ................... 252 15--Cue Master Billiards, Cigarette Permits ................... 252 15--Corner Tavern, Cigarette Permit ......................... 253 15--Creslanes Bowling, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 253 "22--City Council, Special Session ............................. 256 " 15--Civil Service Employee re: City Mgr.'s Suspension of Stanley Wenzel ............................................... 256 July 6--City Council, Regular Session ................... 259 " 6--Certificate of City Clerk certifying Notices of Hearing were mailed to property owners re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project .............................................. 261 6--Carnegie Stout Library re: Procedural Resolutions etc. for the Identifying Devices etc ................................. 272 " 6--Carnegie Stout Library re: Furniture & Equipment Final Est. etc .................................................. 273 " 6--Carnegie Stout Library re: carpeting & drapes, final resolu- tions etc .............................................. 274 6--Code of Ordinances, submission of Supp. No. 8 .............. 276 6--Corbett's Cash Grocery, Cigarette Permit .................. 277 6--Church of the Nativity, Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 277 6--CD Block Grant Program, approval of grant in amt. of $1,160,000 ............................................ 279 6--CAB submission of Notices of Intent of Miss. Valley Airlines Inc .................................................. 279 6--Continental Grain Co. & ContiCarriers request term. of cas- ment to CNW and granting new easement to Hedge & Conti... 279 " 14--City Council, SpecialSession ............................. 28t " 14--Cable TV Franchise re: discussion of proposals etc ........... 281 "20--City Council, Special Session ............................. 282 "20--Coventry Park, approval of final plat ...................... 292 "20--Carnegie Stout Library Expansion Projects; final acceptance Resolutions etc ........................................ 299 "20--Civic Center Comm. appointments of Francis Henkels, David Bennett & Louise Waller, & R.H. Wahier t .................. 300 "20--Community Development Comm., appointment of Melita A. Smith ................................................ 301 "20--Clark, Hugh, appointed to Plumbing Bd ................... 302 "20--Centrnl Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 302 "29--City Council, Special Session ............................. 305 "29--Cable TV Franchise - final Granting of same to Teleprompter.. 305 "29--City Hall Parking Lot, Ordinance Amending etc ............. 339 Aug. 3--City Council, Regular Session .............. 343 --Central Ave. at 22nd St., Traffic S~gnnl Improvements re: Resolutions etc .................................... 344, 387, 425 3--City Hall Handicapped Ramp, Final Resolutions ............ 349 3--Car~hew, Inc. The Redstone, Cigarette Permit, & Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................................. 355, 356 3--Corbett, Earl Glenn, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 355 3--City Mgr. advising of FY 1981 Carryovers ................. 356 3--Carryovers of FY 1981, re: advisement by City Mgr .......... 356 3--Council Proceedinge, Printed, for March & April, approved .... 356 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Aug. 3--Cedar Rapids TV submitting "Opposition to Petition for Special Relief". ....................................... 357 " 12--City Council, Special Session ............................. 358 "17 --City Council, Special Session ............................. 360 " 17--City Mgr. recommending sale of Petrakis Park otc ........... 363 " l?--City Mgr. requesting transfer of C.D. Block Grant Funds ..... 366 " l?--Community Development Block Grant Funds re: transfer of same ................................................ 366 " 17--Chicago Bridge & Iron, re: awarded contract for Dbq. Ind. Park Water Stornge Facility ............................. 367 ' l?--Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 9, adopted ............. 369 ' 17--CertiBcate re: submission re: providing transportation for handicapped .......................................... 370 1 ? --Cahill, Mike, reei~natinn from Elec. Appeals Bd ............. 372 l?--Captaln's Table, Cigarette Permit ........................ 372 17--Ciaims, Receipts etc. for June ............................ 3?3 l?--Councilreferrals, City Mgr.'s disposition ................... 373 1 ?--City Mgr. advising of disposition of Council referrals ......... 373 l?--Corp. Counsel reconunendiu~ denialof Donna J. Hines claim.. 374 24--City Council, Special Session ............................. 375 24--Clarke College re: transfer of beer permit to parking lot ....... 375 31--City Council, Special Session ............................. 376 31--City Mgr.'s Suspension of a Civil Service Employee, re: affirm- ed by Council ......................................... 3?6 " 31--CivilServiceEmpinyeeSuspension, re:affirmedbyCouncfl... 376 S,e, pt. 2--City Council, Special Session ............................. 377 8--City Councilregnlar adjourned session of September 3, 1981... 382 8--Conzett Wm. objecting to sale of Petrekla Park & recommend sale to Agri Industries .................................. 382 8--Central Ave. at 22nd St. re: Traffic Signal Improvements. 387,393, 425 8--Crescent Ridge Sewer A1 Palsean speaks to subject .......... 391 8--Consent Decree re: USA and City of Dubuque lawsuit re: sewage plant .......................................... 406 8--Cer tificato City Clark Asphalt Paving Project 1981 levy.. .... 407 8--Compiax for City Island Ballpark, Shivs Hattory and AssOCiates selected as engineering firm for same ............ 394 " 15--City Council, Special Session ............................. 408 "21--City Council, Special Session ............................. 409 "21--Churcbes allowed as principal permitted use in all Commercial and Light Industrial Districts and providing for off-street parking. ............................................. 410, 444 "91--Cable Regulatory Commission and Community Tale- programming Commission eetablished ..................... 412 " 21 --Cabla Electinn reeults .................................. 421 " 21--County Collector of Accounts submitting petitions for tax ex- emptions ............................................. 423 "21--Chicngo, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Pacific R.R. Co. requesting closing of grade crossings at 13th & 17th Streets ............ 423 Oct. 5--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 425 5--CONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL AVE. STREET LIGHTING AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT FROM 16TH ST. TO 22ND ST, PROJECT ............. 425, 469, 470 5--CONSTRUCTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SLUDGE TREATMENT FACILITY-BELT FILTER PRESS PROJECT ............................................ 426 5--Conti-Carriers and Terminals, Inc., and Hedge Transit Warehouse granted easement rights ...................... 429 5--Cable TV Regulatory Commission established .............. 436 5--Cable TV Community Tale-programming Commission established ........................................... 436 5--City Manager submitting responses to referrals from past meetings ............................................. 438 5--Civic Center Commission submitting annual report .......... 438 5--Carporation Counsel submitting opinion regarding dispute bet- ween Fischer Investment Co. and Molo Sand & Gravel Co ..... 438 6--City Council, Special Session ............................. 440 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Oct. 19--City Council, Special Session ............................. 444 " 19--Cable Franchise Election results submitted by County Board of Supervisors ......................................... 465 19--Cape Girardeau, Mo., City Attorney submitting copy of peti- tion for leave to intervene and objection to suspension of nonstop plane service as filed before the Civil Aeronautics Boards ............................................... 466 Nov. 2--City Council, Regnlar Session ............................ 468 2--CONSTRUCTION of North-West Arterial re: Stage I, P.C.C. Paving and Intersection ................................ 474 2--City Mgr. submitting Ambulance Bid Specifications ere ...... 477 2--City Mgr. submitting Pumping Engine Bid Specifications etc.. 477 2--City Mgr. submitting Resalutinns accepting shelving supplied by Estey Corp, for Library Expansion project ............... 477 2.-City Mgr. re: authorized to execute a Takeover Agreement with Aetna Ins. Co ..................................... 477 2--City Mgr. submitting Res. authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability of Fiscal Year 1981 Grantee Performance Reports, 480 2--Community Development Block Grant Funds re: notice of availability of FY 1981 Grantee Performance Report ......... 481 2--Crane Enterprises, Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..... 482 2--Ciarke, James T., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 482 2--Cnancil Proceedings for Months of July, Aug., 1981, approved. 482 ,, 2--Ciaims & Receipts for month of Sept. 1981 ................. 484 2--Comm. Development Comm. re: Housing Comm.'s appoint- ment of D. Hingtgen as liasion member .................... 485 " 2--Civil Aeronautics Bd. advising of conunents received from 12 carriers re: exemption pursuant to Sect. 403 of Fed, Aviation Act .................................................. 485 2--City Mgr. submitting FY 81 Audit Reports ................. 485 2--Civil Service re: results of Police and Fire Promotional Exams. 486 2--Civil Service re: results of Food & Restaurant Sanitarian Exam ................................................ 487 9--City Council, Special Session ............................. 488 9--City Council, Closed Session re: Collective Bargaining dlrec- tions ................................................ 493 9--Coliective Bargaining, re: Closed Session ................... 493 " 16--City Council, Special Session ............................. 494 " 16--City Mgr. re: Aeceptance of Warranty Deeds for parcels of pro- perty for N/W Arterial .................................. 503 " 16--Celotex Corp. re: Sewer Service Agreement ................. 505 " 16--Cbember of Commerce re: proposed Economic Services Agree- ment ................................................ 505 " 16--Carew, Allen, requesting Council fund Chamber of Carnmerce.. 505 " 16--Circuses, re: Exemption of Fees for same ................... 507 " 16--Carnivals, re: Exemption of Fees for same .............. 507 " 16--ChangeinformofGovernmentforCityofDubuque ...... 508 " 16--Code of Ordinances, readopted ....................... 508 " 16--Councli-Mgr.-Ward Form of Government - Ord. presented. 508 " 16--Council Members, Election results set out .............. 511 " 16--Cocayne, Marvin, Writs-In Vote for Mayor ............. 512 " 16--Civil Aeronautics Bal. re: submittlng Notices of Intent of Ozark Air Lines to suspend service at Ft. Dodge & Mason City ...... 514 "16--City Hall Parking Lot re: Al Palsean objecting .............. 514 Dee. 7--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 516 '" 7--Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 10 .................... 531 7--City Cede correcting re: Dubuque Civil Service Cornm ........ 530 7--Civil Service Comm. re: Code correction .................... 530 7--Corp, Counsel Russo re: bill for defense of suit of Sewage Treat- ment Plant ........................................... 532 7--City Mgr. re: monthly reports etc. for Oct. 81 ............... 535 7--Corps of Engrg. re: study of hydroelectric potential of Miss. River Locks & Dams ................................... 535 7--CAB re: Order on Reconsideration of Emerg. Air Trans. Re- quirements & Notice of Intent of Ozark to suspend service to Ft. Dodge & Mason City ................................ 536 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Dec. 7--City Mgr. re: response to petition for bus service to St. Mary's Apts. area ............................................ 536 7--City Mgr. re: response to referrals made to his office ......... 536 7--Civil Service Certified list of Fire & Police Entrance individuals ........................................... 536. 537 7--Certified list of Civil Service individuals for Fire & Police ..... 536, 537 7--Cable Franchise Administrator, selection made ............. 537 7--ContiCarriers & Termlnals, Inc. re: submitting bids for installa- tion of storm sewer at City flood wall ...................... 537 7--City Mgr. submitting Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Regulations ........................................... 538 " 16--City Council, Special Session ............................. 539 " 16--Closed Session re: Litigation matter ....................... 539 " 21--City Council, Special Session ............................. 540 "21--Chavenelle, Proclamation presented and street named after him ................................................. 540 "21--Clark, Robert P. requesting widening of Peru Rd. & Valley Rd. & intersection of Peru Rd. & Sheridan Rd .................. 547 " 21 --Chamber of Commerce re: Agreement appruved to end of fiscal year ................................................. 549 " 21--Council-Mgr.-Ward form of government specifics set out by Ordinance etc ......................................... 549, 550 "21--CAB re: advising of Notice of Intent of Ozark Air Lines, Inc. to suspend service at Dubuque ............................. 560 " 21--Council Proceedings for month of Oct., approved ............ 559 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. 5--Davis, Mary A., appointed City Clerk for 1981 .............. 1 5--Dubuque Bank and Trust, named depository for City funds... 2 " 19--Demolition, re:TrenkleBldg ............................. 10, 50 " 19--Dubuque Crime Prevention Coalition, re: endorsement ....... 12 " 19--DOT re: authorization for Mayor to execute agreement on right-of-way assurance statement for Federal Aid Projects .... 21 19--Dubuque re: Quit Claim Deed delivered from Dubuque Comm. School District re: Property in Highland Farm .............. 26 19--Duchow, Frank R., settlement of Claim .................... 20 " 19--Dock Commission Meeting Minutes.. 29, 46, 80, 111,128, 156, 216, 485 " 19--Dean, Raymond, claim .................................. 30 " 19--Dorweiler, Delos A. re: Traffic Noise Ordinance ............. 31 Feb. 2--Distributive Education Week, Proclamation for Feb. 8 thru 14. 33 2--DeHeck, Patricla, in support of W. llth St. Urban Revitaliza- tion Plan ............................................. 33 2--Daughtery, Biil, in support of W. 1 lth St. Urban Revitalization Plan ................................................. 33 2--Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance re: Russo requesting abeyance until interpretation can be clarified in blgher body of law... 43, 127, 276 2-Dubuque Land Development Corporation re: approval of two final plats of property .................................. 44 2--Dietz, Patricla A. suit against City ........................ 47 2--Deves, Thomas J., claim ................................ 47 " 16--Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, Pro- clamation for April 26 thru May 2 ......................... 49 " 16--Derakier, Paul H., petitioning City purchase alley between Burlington & Muscatine Sts ............................. 68 " 16--Dittemore, Daniel advising of process of land on Penns. Ave., and requesting permission to advertise availability of same... 68 " 16--Dubuque In Future re: willing to cooperate with advertisement etc. of land on Penns. Ave ............................... 68 Mar. 9--Dubuque A Place to Live, re: discussion on changing ......... 73, 74 " 9--Dubuque Land Development Co., re approvals of fmalplats of Clarke Crest .......................................... 79 9--Dorweiler, Delos volunteering to enforce 3 traffic Ordinances.. 80 9--Dorweiler, Delos, claim ................................. 81 9--Dugdale, Sally, re: Cable TV Franchise .................... 82 9--Dubuque Federation of Labor petition to keep Investigator position in H.R ........................................ 83 " 16--Dubuque In Futuru, introduction of members ............... 92 " 18--Dubuque In Future Housing Site, re: resolution authorizing an option agreement ...................................... 94 " 23--Dodge St., Inclusion in 1981 Asphalt Paving Pruject No. 1 .... 99,131 " 23--Dubuque Downt own Association re: parking in downtown area 100 "23--Dubuque Jaycees, Class "B" Beer Permit .................. Ill "23--Deves, Thomas J., denial of claim ......................... 112 A,,pr. 6--Duehr, Ruth, denial of claim ............................. 129 6--Dorweiler, Delos, suit dismissed .......................... 129 6--DEQ submitting construction permit for sewer & water for Oak Brook Development ................................ 129 " 20--Denton, Wm., for Homart requesting extension of their Redeveloper Designation Agreement ...................... 137 "20--Dubuque Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Ia. R-15 re: Res. extending the developer designation agreement with the Homart Development Co ................................ 137 "20--Demkier, Paul H. re: denial of City purchasing of alley & approving of portion of petition to raise water stop box ....... 139, 154 " 20--DEQ advising of construction permits for sewage & water for Radford Ind. Center, sewage for Redford Road Interceptor & Sewage & Water for Clarke Crest Estates .................. 142 May 4--Demolition Permit re: First Congregational Church request for buildings at 1044 and 1058 Locust St ...................... 154 " 4--Dubuque In Future, Inc. & Frummelt Ind. re: contract for pur- chase of real estate ..................................... 155 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page May 4--Dubuque Goff & Country Club, Class "A" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ............................ 156, 252 4--DBQ, Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................ 156 " 18--Division St. name change te Wacker Dr. ................... 166,185 " 18--Davis, James re: speaking in favor of Mike Steve appeal re: Plumbing Bd .......................................... 167 " 18--Denny's Lux Club, Cigarette Permit ...................... 172 " 18--Dubuque Packing Co., Cigarette Permit ................... 172 June 1--Dubuque Packing Co. re: Burglary & Robbery System ........ 187 1--Dock Board re: Lease & Agreement between Beecher Sand Ltd. & City etc ........................................ 204 1--Dunning St., vacate portion of as requested by Ferd Nesler .... 209 1--Dubuque Land Development, Ltd., acceptance of Resolution re: approval of plat of Clarke Crest E states ................. 213 1--Dip Tap (The), Cigarette Permit .......................... 215 1--Dodge House Motel, Cigarette Permit ..................... 215 1--Dubuque Building (The), Cigarette Permit .................. 215 1 --Dubuque In Best Western, Cigarette Permit ................ 215 " 15--Dockal, Myrtla, objecting to sale of Lot 38 in Grandview Hgts. Sub ................................................. 225 15--Dwelling Licenses, re: rental - failure to obtain same ......... 247 15--Dan's Super Standard, Cigarette Permit ................... 251 15--Demetri's Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................... 251 15--Dubuque Mining Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 251 15--Dunn's Conoco Service, Cigarette Permit .................. 251 15--Dave's Point After, Cigarette Permit & Liquor License ....... 252, 405 15--Derby Service Station(s) (4 outlets), Cigarette Permits ........ 252 15--Dodge St. IOCO - 33, Cigarette Permit .................... 252 15--Dog House Lounge, Cigarette Permit ...................... 252 15--Donut Boy, Cigarette Permit ............................ 252 15--Dubuque Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit ................. 252 15--Dubuque Sales & Service, Cigarette Permit ................. 252 15--Dubuque Zephyr, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 15--Donut Hut LTD, (3 outlets) Cigarette Permits .............. 252 15--Dubuque Marina, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 253 15--Donovan's Food Market, Cigarette Permit ................. 253 15--Dalsing, Lloyd, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 253 15--Dubuque Art Association, Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 253 15--Dubuque Invitational Softball requesting refund ............ 254 15--Dubuque Golf & Country Club re: fireworks display .......... 255 July 6--Dubuque Industrial Center re: Associate Sewer/Water Service Facilities ..................................... 268, 288, 290, 368 6--Damasco, Maxime C. re: Wash. St. Urban Revit. Project ...... 270 6--DOT re: Iowa for maintenance agreement with City .......... 271 6--Dick & Jean's Food Service, Cigarette Permit ............... 277 6--Dubuque Student Union, Cigarette Permit ................. 277 6--Dubuque MunicipalAirport, Cigarette Permit .............. 277 6--Dubuque Packing Co., Cigarette Permit ................... 277 6--Dale's Standard, Cigarette Permit ........................ 277 6--Donath, Jason, claim ................................... 278 6--DEQ re: supplement to const, permit for Sewer Ext, for Arbor Oaks ................................................ 279 6--Dubuque In Future Housing site re: extension of Option Agreement for O.E. Madsen etc .......................... 279 6--David, John, refund on Beer Permit ....................... 279 6--Dubuque In Future Housing site re: extension of Option Agreement for Alan Israel ............................... 280 " 14--Dubuque Full Gospel Buslnessmen's Assn. re: Christian Broadcasting etc ...................................... " 20--Damaso, Maxime re: comments about Wash St. Urban Revit. Area ............. ~ .................. : .............. 283 "20--Dubuque In Future re: Memorandum et Agreement with City re: Dubuque Ind. Center ................................ 293 Aug. 3--Dubuque County Fair Week, proclamation for Week of Aug. llth thru 16th ........................................ 343 3--Dolter's Drive In, Cigarette Permit ........ ~ .............. 355 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Aug. 3--Dubuque Packing Co., Class "C' Beer Permit ............... 355 17--Dubuque In Future re: Memorandum of Agreement with City for Management of the Dubuque Industrial Center .......... 365 17--Dubuque Industrial Center re: Memorandum of Agreement between City & Dubuque In Future etc .................... 365 17--Develapment Plan (final) plat for Industrial Center, extension requested ............................................ 366 17--Dubuque Ind. Park Water Storage Facility re: awarding con- tract etc .............................................. 367 17--Dubuque Park Bd. re: comm. of T. Schrup indicating not seek- ing reelection ......................................... 372 17--Demmer, Mary L., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .......... 373 31 --Driver, Transit re: suspension affirmed .................... 376 " 31--Detainer, Mary L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 373 Sept. 2--Dubuque In Future Inc. Notice Hearing re: Intent to dispose of real estate .......................................... 377, 409 " 2--Dubuque In Future /nc. re: A.C. Pfohl Piace--Industrial Center ............................................... 378 2--Dubuque In Future Inc. fix date hearing Industrial Develop- ment Revenue Bonds ................................... 378, 409 2--Deich, Don objecting to make up of committee on Petrakls Park ................................................. 382 8--DOT Agreement with same for predesign project for im- provements on 9th Street and Kerper Blvd ................. 393 8--DOT Iowa, agreement between same and City relating to traf- fic signal interconnection on Central Avenue from 17th Street to 22nd Street ......................................... 393 8--DOT Iowa, agreement between same and City relative to Traf- tic Signal Improvements at Dodge and Bryant Street and Dodge and J.F.K. Rd ................................... 394 8--Demolition of Buildings, Ordinance providing for same ....... 396 "21 --D.ub .uque Federatian of Labor supporting Human Rights Corn- nnsmon .............................................. 411 " 21--Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc. granted Liquor License ......... 420 " 21--Dorwefler, Delos relative to diverted storm sewage from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church near his property ............... 421 Oct. 5--Deich, Don reiative te facilities at Bus Barn ................ 429 5--Dubuque In Future Inc. issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ............................................... 431 5--Dolphin, Janet appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Commis- sion ................................................. 436 5--Dorweiler, Delos, relative to loud muffler noise on J.F.K. Rd... 437 5--Dubuque County Collector of Accounts submitting tax ap- peals ................................................ 438 " 19--Dory, Nelda L., granted Liquor License .................... 464 " 19--Day, Katherine Marie notice of vechicle damage claim ........ 465 " 19--Dix, Leo, Notice of backed up sewer damages claim .......... 465 19--Delaney, Daniel H., advising of merger of Teleprompter with Westinghouse ......................................... 465 " 19--Dock Commission. Paul J. Frommelt resigning from same ..... 465 Nov. 16--Davison, Jon, Write In Vote for Mayor at Gen. Election ...... 512 " 16--Deich, Donald, Sr., Election Results ....................... 513 " 16--Design Center re: Orders on Appeal To District Ct ........... 514 " 16--Dorwefler, Delos, Claim ................................. 514 Dec. 7--Durham, Janet, re: discussion on reprecincting plans ......... 529 7--Dubuque Industrial Center First Addn., approval of final plat. 532 7--Dorweiler, Delos, re: Noise Ordinance ...................... 535 7--Draining & Erosion Control regulations, presented by Mgr .... 538 "21--Dubuque Industrial Center Second Addn. - approval of final plat ................................................. 540 " 21--Demolition re: Dubuque Girl's Club etc .................... 546 "21--Dar/ay, W.S., & Co., bid awarded for Fire Apparatus ......... 547 "21--Deeign Center, Inc., Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 559 " 21--Dubuque, suspension of service by Ozark Air Lines .......... 560 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page £ Jan. 19--Eighteenth, Seventh & Dell St. Steps, Project, re: Completion. 24 " 19--Electrical Code Committee re: approval of National Electrical Code of 1981 .......................................... 31 " 19--Eleventh St. Revitalization Area (West 1 lth) ............... 33 " 19--Eska Co. re: Ind. Devel. Revenue Bonds .................... 33 Feb. 2--Electrical Examining Bd. Meeting ............. 46, 111,217,422, 513 , 16--Easter Seals Weeks, Proclamation for March 1 thru April 19... 49 " 16--Eighteenth Street Fire Station Remodeling project, comple- tion ................................................. 61 " 16--Economic Development Services of Chamber of Commerce re: amend agreements ..................................... 63 , 16--EXECUTIVE SESSION, 9:45 to 10:07 p.m. re: wage negotia- tion for Police Dept .................................... 68 Mar. 9--Eagles, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................... 80 " 10--Eagle Point Park, petition requesting not to charge admlssion to ................................................... 83 " 10--E.B. Lyons requesting not to lose Asst. Nat. position at same.. 83 " 10--Engineering Division re: amendment to FY 82 Budget ........ 85 "23--East 13th St., incinsion in 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1.. 100, 131 "23--Eagle Point Bridge, re: permission for closing at request of C. of C ................................................. 110 Apr. 6--Eminent Domain Proceedings started re: acquisition of prop. for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Property ................ 125 6--Eagles Store re: construction of concrete ramp .............. 125 " 20--Evanoff, Charles appointed to Mechanical Bd ............... 140 "20--Excavation Requests of J. Jones, Robert Schulte & Dan Freiburger ............................................ 141 "20--Environmental Review Records for C,D, Project, re: proof of publication advising of filing ............................. 142 M,,ay 4--Evening Optimist Club, Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 156 4--Evarts, Jeffrey L., claim ................................ 157 " 18--Electrical Code (National) re: adoption of 1981 Edition, etc .... 165 " 20--Engling, Alfred, reeonnnendation as to establishlng number of Wards ............................................... 175 June 1--Eighteenth St. Fire Station, Historical Preservation & Restoration Award ..................................... 181 " 1--Electric Code revision, proof of publication & Adoption of Or- dinance .............................................. 190 " 1--Electric Contractors, examination and registration amended.. 190 " 1--Eminent Domain proceedings started re: Sanitary Sewer Ex- tension in Resurrection Church area ....................... 208 . 1 --El Toro Lounge, Cigarette Permit ......................... 215 " 1 --Eska Corp., Cigarette Permit ............................ 215 " 15--Ellwanger, Thomas, objecting to increasing speed limits on Grandview ........................................... 221 " 15--Environmental Review Proceedures, Pr0of of Pub. for Block Grant Program ........................................ 254 July 6--Eminent Domain Proceedings re: Reeurrection/Burbach Sanitary Sewer Extension ............................... 271 6--Elbing, Steven R. re: resignation from Recreation Corem ...... 277 "20--Elderly, re: redefined for nursing home zoning usage etc ...... 291,360 "20--Eska Co, re: compliance with terms etc. imposed upon put-- chase of land .......................................... 299 "20--Emenitove, Gary, appointed to Cable TV Corem ............. 302 "20--Eliis, Charles, appointed to TV Cable Corem ................ 302 " 29--Election, re: submission of Franchise of Teleprompter for TV Cable etc ......................................... · · ·. 339 Aug. 3--DEQ advising of approval for proposed contract-bid documents for the Ind. Park Improvements Proj ............ 357 " 17--Engineering Agreement re: Warzyn Engrg, Co. for inspection services for Dubuque Ind. Park Water Storage Facility ....... 368 " 17--Eleet. Appeals Bd. resignation of Mike Cahlil ............... 372 Sept. 8--EASEMENT, Perpetual, granted to Interstate Power Co. for their facilities on the alignment of the North-West Arterial .... 392 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Sept. 8--Ewert, John G. Jr., on behalf of Sandra Ewert, personal pro- porty claim ........................................... 406, 485 " 21--ELECTION for Cable Franchise, results submitted .......... 421 " 21 --Elbow Street roadway Corporation Counsel advising of judge. ment on same ......................................... 422 Oct. 5--Easement rights granted to Chicago, Great Western R.R. Co. to Conti-Carriers and Terminals, Inc. and Hodge Transit Warehouse Co ......................................... 429 5--Ellis, Charles appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Commission.. 436 5--E. menitove, Gary appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Commie- stun ................................................. 436 5--Ehlers, Jerome appointed to TV Community Tele- programming Commission .............................. 436 " 5~Everist, Burton appointed to TV Community Tele- programming Commission .............................. 436 19--Environmental Awareness Day, Nov. 1st .................. 444 19--"Embassy West" approving plats for said area .............. 461 19--ELECTION results for Cable Franchise issue, submitted by County Board of Supervisors ............................ 465 Nov. 2--Edwards Concrete Contractors, Inc. re: awarded contract for Central Ave. Street Lighting & Traffic Signal Interconnect. from 16th to 22nd ...................................... 471 2--Estey Corp. re: acceptance of shelving supplied by same to Library .............................................. 477 2--ELECTION results for Dubuque Primary Election ...... 482, 483. 484 2--Engling, Alfred R., Sr., Election Results ................... 483 " 16--Edwards, D.J.'s request to rezone property south of Patricin Ann Dr. and west of Edwards Rd. from R-2 Single Family Res, to R-3 Multi-Faro. and R-4 PUD designation ................ 500 " 16--Eminent Domain proceedings re: property of Pixler Elec. Inc. for construction of roadway for North-Weet Arterial ......... 502 "16--Election, General, results set out ..... . .................... 511 Dec. 7--Egan Capt, Pat, re: Award of Merit for Jodi Bausman case 516 7--Edwards, D. James, rezomng property from R-2 Single Faro. to R-3 .................................................. 518 7--Edwards, Jim, requesting for rezoning near Edwards Rd ...... 518 7--Edwards, D. James, rezoning property from R-2 Single Faro. to R-4 PUD ............................................. 519 " 7--Eaeement, re: Perpetual for Elec. Transmission line on N/W Arterial .............................................. 528, 541 " 7--Emergency Vehicles Sales & Service re: awarding contract for Ambulance ........................................... 530 7--Eiks, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..................... 534 7--Entrance Examination results certified to Council for Fire & Police ............................................... 536, 537 7--Ereeinn control regulations, submitted by Mgr .............. 538 "21--Electrical Easement for Interstate Power Co. for N/W Arterial. 541 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 1981 SUBJECT Page F Jan. 5--Felderman, John L., elected Mayor Pro-Tern ................ 1 5--First National Bank, Depository of City's Funds for 1981 ..... 2 5--Five Flags Comm. submitting Minutes . 80, 173, 254, 278, 437,513,559 5--Finance Dir. submission of Annual Report ................. 5 19--Federal Assistance for purchase of 2 Keyline buses .......... 6 19--Fransen, Lorraine A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 29 19--Franchise Cable re: soliciting proposals from more than one company ............................................. 30 " 19--Fah, David J., claim & denial ............................. 30 " 19--Feeney, Paul, denial of claim ............................. 30 Feb. 2--Fitzgerald, Robert re: denial of claim ...................... 47 " 16--Fees, Licenses re: revision of Ord. re: Junk Dealers, Pawnbrokers otc ....................................... 58 " 16--Fireworks, re: Ord. revising for issuance of same ............. 59 " 16--Fire Station Remodeling, 18th Street Project, completion ..... 61 " 16--Fourth Street Neighborhood Assn. re: renaming lane between 4th & 5th Sts. to "Copperhead Place". .................... 67 Mar. 10--Fjeilman, Judy (League of Women Voters) re: C.D. Block Grant Funds .......................................... 83 " lO--Fischer, Teresa, petitinnnottoeliminateAsst. Naturalistposi- tion ................................................. 83 " 16--Felderman, John, Member of Dubuque In Future ............ 92 "23--Fengler St. Overpass, Inclusion in Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 .................................................... 99, 131 " 23--Flora Park, resurfacing volleyball & ice rink area, inclusion in AsphaR Paving Project No. 1 ............................ 99, 131 " 23--Federal Revenue Sharing Funds summary of budget re: available to public inspection ............................ 107 " 23--FCC advising that the "Petition for Reconsideration" by KDUB-TV is denied .................................... 112 Apr. 6--Friendship Force requesting authorization of disbursement of funds to be used in hosting F.F. Ambassadors from West Berlin, Germany ....................................... 127 6--Fitzsinunons, Paul, appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd... 127 6--Fens, Ronald, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 128 "20--Fuel Economy Day, Proclamation for May 2 ................ 131 "20--Frieburger, Dan, excavation request ...................... 141 May 4--Foster Grandparent Day, proclamation for May 12 .......... 143 ' 4--False Alarm re: Service Charge by Police, Ordinance ......... 145 4--Funeral Processions, re: Ordinance Regulating .............. 148 4--Firelines, Regulating the Use of: re: Ord .................... 149 4--Fire Sprinkler Service Charges, re: Ord. Amending same ...... 149 4--First Congregational Church request for demolition permit hir 1044 & 1058 Locust ..................................... 154 4--Frommelt Ind. & Dubuque In Future re: contract for purchase of real estate .......................................... 155,207 " 18--Fee Adjustment re: Subdivision Regulations Fee Schedule & Subdivision Plat Review ................................ 167, 223 " 18--Fireworks Display at Vet's Park re: Petition of Jaycees ....... 167 " 18--Fremont Ave., designation as a Through Street otc .......... 168 " 18--Family Beer Store, Cigarette Permit ...................... 172 " 18--Fidelity & Surety Insurance re: Merchants Mutual Bonding Co. certifying able to transact business in Iowa ............. 174 " 18--Freund, George, comments about Ward System & supporting Alternate No. 1 ........................................ 175 June 1--Five Flags Theatre re: rental agreement .................... 211 1--Fourth Street Cafe, Cigarette Permit ...................... 215 1--Feneinn Finer Foods Rest., Inc., Cigarette Permit ........... 215 1--Fransen, Winifred M., claim ............................. 217 1--Friendship Force, Expressing Appreciation for contribution... 217 " 15--Firefighters re: Agreement between City & Local #353 ........ 231 " 15--FY 1982 Compensation Package & Wage Plan for Non- bargaining Unit Employees .............................. 234 " 15--Five Flage Commission, reslgnation of Jacque Merritt ........ 251 June 15--Fraternal Order of Eagles, Cigarette Permit ................ 251 " 15--Fischer Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit .................. 252 July 6--Fondeli, Donald, objecting to Crescent Ridge San. Sewer Pro- ject ................................................. 262 " 6--Frommelt Ind. re: request for Tax Exemption etc ............ 269, 282 " 6--Fuerste, Wm., Attorney for Central Engrg. re: lease for con- crete plant ............................................ 270 " 6--Frick, Ed re: sidewalk condition in Orchard Hills ............ 271 6--Frank Hardie Adv. re: Identifying Devices re: Library Expan- sion ................................................. 272 6--Fandrei, Inc. re: furniture & equipment for Library Expansion. 273 6--52 (Fifty-twol Tap Tavern, Cigarette Permit ................ 277 6--Finale Lounge, Cigarette Permit .......................... 277 6--Fischer & Co,, Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ......... 278 " 20--Fighting Saints Booster Club Week, Proclamation ........... 282 " 20--Flynn, John, of Flynn Ready-Mix, obi ecting to alternative bld- ding for projects ....................................... 289 " 20--Fyten, David, nominated for Civic Center Corem ............ 300 "20--Flynn, Dennis M., suit .................................. 303 " 29--Franchise, TV Cable granted to Teleprompter ............... 305 Aug. 3--Five Flags Theater Boiler Replacement re: Resolutions etc. for Project ............................................. ~ 343, 389 3--Final Assessment Schedule for 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ................................................ 349 " 17--Final Development Plan for Dbq. Ind. Center re: extension of time requested ........................................ 366 " 17--Ferring, Adella A., Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 372 S,e, pt. 8--Fourth St. Ball Park - resale to Pillsbury ................... 382 8--Flynn, Patrick, relative Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commit- tee's request for structure for veterans being constructed in Dubuque ............................................. 391 ,. 8--Frommelt, David appointed to membership in Dubuque In Future ...................... ' ......................... 406 " 21--Faldor f's Place plat approved ............................ 419 "21--Fire & Police Pension reports submitted ................... 422 Oct. 5--Fischer & Company, Inc. granted Cigarette License .......... 437 5--Fischer Investment Co. and Mole Sand & Gravel Co., Corpora- tion Counsel submitting opinion on dispute with same ........ 438 " 19--Frommelt Industries, Inc., issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ............................................... 451,491 " 19--Flynn, Colleen, notice of vehicle damage claim .............. 465 " 19--Fourth Street turning out of lights, Lucille Hess objecting to same ................................................ 465 " 19--Frommelt, Paul J. resigning from Dock Commission ......... 486 Nov. 2--Fire Promotional Examinations results certified by Civil Ser- vice Corem ........................................... 486 2--Food & Restaurant Examinations results certified by Civil Ser- vice Connn ........................................... 487 " 16--Family Week, Proclamation ............................. 494 " 16--Five Year Street Constructinn Program, Tentative Approval.. 504 " 16--Felderman, John L., Gen. Election Results ................. 511 " 16--Fischar Realty Co. re: City Assessor advising of Order on Ap- peal to Dis. Court ...................................... 514 Dec. 7--Faldorf-Deckal Woodland Preserve, approving finalplat ...... 533 " 7--Fink, Douglas, Cigarette License ......................... 534 7--Ft. Dodge re: Notice of intent of Ozark to suspend service ..... 536 7--Fire Entrance examination - certified list ................... 536 7--Flood Wall, re: installation of storm sewer & Conti-Carriers re- queeting payment ..................................... 537 " 21--Fire Apparatus re: bid awarded to W.S. Darley & Co ......... 547 ' 21--F.C.C. submitting "Memorandum Opinion & Order" re: KDUB-TV's Inc.'s Petition for Special Relief ............... 560 "21--Felderman, Council Member, expressing appreciation to all while on Council. 560 " 21--Farrell, Council Member, expressing appreciation to all while on Council ............................................ 560 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. --Gearhart, W. Kenneth appointed City Mgr. for 1981 ......... 1 " 19--Gudenkauf, Lloyd in favor of adoption of Plumbing Ord ...... 12 " 19--Grandview Heights Sub. re: request for vacation of undeveloped Street known as Lot 38~ ..................... 24 " 19--Gomers, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............. 29 " 19--GasRateChangus ..................................... 29, 174 " 19--Goodin, Charles R. re: opinion as to rehiring Police Chief ...... 30 " 19--General Revenue Sharing Regulations re: City Mgr. submit- ting comments ........................................ 31 Feb. 16--Glab, Tom re: clarification of "Precious metals" as to Second- hand Dealer Oral ....................................... 56 " 16--Gudenkauf, Lloyd appointed to Building Code Board of Appeals. 65 " 16--Glab, Charles, appointed to Historic Preservation Commission. 65 , 16--Griep, Maxine nominated Inet appted.) to Historic Preserva- tion Commission ....................................... 65 " 16--Glecson, Martbe appointed to Housing Corem .............. 66 " 16--Giesizr, Duane nominated (not appointedt to Housing Comm.. 66 " 16--Giesbrecht, Richard E., objecting to elimination of Human Rights Invest. position ................................. 67 Mar. 10--Grau, Theresa & Joseph, requesting not to charge admission to Eagle Point ........................................... 83 " 10--Grice, Victor re: comments on FY 82 Budget ................ 84 Apr. 6--Glaucoma- "Detect Glaucoma Weck" proclamation ......... 117 " 6--Guy, Gerald appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd. 127 6--Gotz, W.M. objecting to Council supporting Low Income Housing ............................................. 129 " 20--Grant, Ray, coliection of delinquent refuec account .......... 138 " 20--Gansemer, Robert M., collection of delinquent refuse account.. 138 " 20--Gravee, Mel re: Council concur with Airport Conun. regarding Airport Master Plan etc ................................. 139 " 20--Geisler, Thomas appointed to Mechanical Bd ............... 140 "20--Ginter, Donna, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 141 May 4--Ginter, Donna, Cigarette Permit .......................... 155 " 4--Grandview Park, re: Petition of Ferd Nesler requesting to vacate portion of same .................................. 157 4--Garnet Street, re: vacation of portion of same on request of Swiss Valley Farms, Hilldaie Div ................. 157, 171,229, 260 June 1--Grandview Heights, re: Vacation of Lot 38 to Orlin Conlin .... 203, 225 1--General Drivers & Helpers Union re: Mayor sign Stip. of Barg. Unit etc .............................................. 207 1--Gagne, Don, re: Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area. 208 " 15--Gilchrlst, David obi ecting to raising speed limlts on S. Grand- view ................................................. 221 15--General Driver's Union, Agreement with City ............... 231 15--Godfather's Pizza, Cigarette Permit ....................... 251 15--Gomer's Bar, Cigarette Permit ........................... 252 15--General Cinema Corp. of Iowa, Cigarette Permit ............. 252 15--Grnnd Tap Lounge, Cigarette Permit ...................... 252 15--Grandview Drug, Inc. Cigarette Permit .................... 252 15--Gaviniski, Robert J., Claim .............................. 254 15--Golf & Country Club, re: fireworks display ................. 255 July 6--Gerdemann, John, objecting to Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 262 6--Ginter, Harriet J. & Nancy E., Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 277 " 14--Graham, Tom re: religious programming with new cable TV franchise etc .......................................... 281 "20--Grading and Drainage re: Nor thwest Arterial, Stage I ........ 284,285 "20--Guy, Gerdid reappdinted to Building Code Beard of Appeais... 300 "20--Grizp, Maxine, nominated to Historic Pres. Corem ........... 301 " 20--Gartnnr, Wm. claim .................................... 303 Aug. 3--Genaral Drivers & Helper's Union, re: Signing of Stip. of Barg. Unit by Mayor ........................................ 353 3--Glecson, Martha, decision of not to reapplyf for Housing Conun ............................................... 356 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Aug. 3--Graham, Gloria, suit, and settlement ...................... 356, 514 " 12--Gaseli, Mrs. John, objecting to bus transfer station .......... 358 Sept. 8--Greiner, Robert Notice of personalinjury claim ............. 406 "21--Grabow, Ralph, granted Beer Permit ...................... 421 Oct. 5--Gilmore, Regina, (Dean) Cooper, memorializing same ......... 435 Nov. 2--Grantee Performance Reports re: Publication of Notice of Avaflabillty of same .................................... 480 2--Gruber, Paul, claim .................................... 485 " 16--Government, Change in furm fur City of Dubuque ........... 507,508 " 16--General Election, results set out .......................... 511 Dec. 7--Grading & Drainage & Erosion Control regulations, submitted byMgr .............................................. 538 7--Group Homes, re: Amendment to Zoning Ord. relative to lot area requirements ..................................... 546 "21--Girrs Club, re: demolition of same petitioned for ............. 546 " 21--Govermnent, Change in Forra, Ordinance setting out changes etc .................................................. 549 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. 5--Hindman, Rev. Kenneth, Invocation.. ~ ................... 1 5--Hee, Wm., Cigarette Permit ............................. 4 " 19--Holz, Don re: Seenndhand Ordinance opinion ............... 6 " 19--Human Rights re: John Moore complaint .................. 11 " 19--Herrlg, Wm. request Council reconsideration before Plumbing Code adoption ......................................... 12 " 19--Housing Code Appeals Board re: establishment ............. 19 " 19--Histericai Preservation Center re: submission of Lower Main Street District ........................................ 24 " 19--Highland Farm re: approval of plat of Subdivision ........... 26 " 19--Historlc Preservation Conun. resignation of Rosemary Cronin. 28 " 19--Heaiy, Patrick, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer & Liuqor License .............................................. 28, 29 " 19--Handicapped Persons, Inc. re: placement of curb cuts ........ 30 " 19--Honey, Herb re: denial of claim ........................... 30 " 19--Harry, Wm., re: settlement of claim ....................... 30 Feb. 2--Hardt Place No. 2 re: approval of plat ...................... 44 2--Human Rights re: John W. Moore complaint(s) .............. 46 2--Highway Safety Program re: audit report .................. 46 2--Herrig, Wm. re: opposition to 164 Main St. being placed on Na- tional Register of Historic Places ......................... 46 2--Houslng Rehab., resignation of Helen M. Vorwald, Wm. Hummel. 46 2--Hummel, Wm. resignation from Housing Rehab. Comm ...... 46 2--Houaing Comm. resignation of Richard Wertzberger, Jr ...... 46 ' 16--Holz, Don re: queetlon waiting perlod as it pertains to Seeond' hand Dealer Ord ....................................... 56 " 16--HD & R re: final payment requested for Engrg. Services ...... 63 " 16-Housing Rehab. resignation of Ed Resenow ................ 65 " 16--Historic Preservation Commission nominations of Charles Glab & George Blasi & Maxine Griep, appointment of Charles Glab ................................................. 65 " 16--Housing Commission nominations of Duane R. Glasler, Norb Laufenberg, Martha Gleeeen, appointment of Martha Gleeeen. 66 " 16--Heinz, Theodore J. & Georgia A., issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................... 66 " 16--Hlatorlc Preservatlon Commlssinn Meetlng ..... 67,111,156,216,356, ................................................ 465, 535, 559 " 16--Housing Connnlssion Minutee ..... 67,80,156,254,278,356,422,437, ................................................ 485, 513; 559 " 16--Housing Rehab. Commission Minutes: 1-20 ................. 67 " 16--Human Rights Investigator position elimination, petition by Richard E. Giesbrecht against same ....................... 67 " 16--Herrig, Wm., re: response by Mgr. re: Lower Main St. designa- tion on National Historic Register ........................ 68 Mar. 9--Historic Preservation Ordinance - re: Amendments .......... 74 " 9--Housing Rehab. Comm. resignations of Joe Backes & Harold P. Moldt ............................................. 81 " 10--Human Rights Investigator Position, re: petitions requesting to keep ............................................... 83 " 10--Human Rights Dept. FY 82 Budget Amendment ............ 85 " 23--Hawthorne Boat Ramp, Inclusion in Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ................................................ 99, 138 " 23--HD & R re: finalpayment for Wastewater Plant ............. 100 "23--Houslng re: filing of application for 22 units to be leased and application for additional 25 units of Sect. 8 Mod. Rehab. Housing ............................................. 106, 107 "23--Hennen, LaVern Nicholas, Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 111 Apr. 6--"Handicapped" - proclaiming "Very Special Arts Festival Day for the Handicapped". ................................. 117 6--Hamel, Larry, re: restricting parking near Wahlert High School ............................................... 122 6--Housing Code Appeals Bd. appointments of Hugh Richardson, Paul Fitzslmmons, Gerald L. Guy, Charlotte G. Kelly & Solomon S. Kessler ..................................... 127 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page A,,pr. 6--Hash, Volney, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 128 6--Haggetrom, Raymond L. & Kandis L., Class "C" Beer Permit.. 128 " 20--Homart Development Co. request 12 month extension of Redevelopment Designation Agreement ................... 137 " 20--Hummel, Barbara Jean & David M., Collection of delinquent refuse accounts ........................................ 138 " 20--Haugen, Kenneth, collection of delinquent refuse account ..... 138 " 20--Hamel, Larry petition for restriction of parking near Wahlert High School .......................................... 138 " 20--Hansen, Paul G. & Anne E., Cigarette Permit ............... 140 " 20--Harris, Sandra L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 141 " 20--Hawkeye Heating, Air Conditioning & Sheet Metal, claim ..... 141 " 20--Human Rights Commission Minutes.. 141,254, 278, 356, 422, 485,535 May 4--Historic Preservation Week, proclamation for week of May 10-16 ................................................ 143 4--High Blood Pressure Month, proclamation for month of May.. 143 4--Historic Pres. Corem. re: not objecting to demolition permit for 1044 & 1058 Locust .................................... 154 4--Harris, Sandra L., Cigarette Permit ....................... 155 " 15--Hansen, PaniG.&AnnE.,Class"C"Beer&LiquorLicense... 156 " 18--Harrmann, Marflee objecting to proposed increased speed limits on Pennsylvania .................................. 167 " 18--Hall, John F., Cigarette Permit ........................... 172 " 18--Hansen, Paul G. &, Anne E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 173 June 1--Historical Preservation & Restoration Award re: 18th St. Fire Station .............................................. 181 " 1--Hopper, Tom re: Prop. Burglary Alarm Ord ................ 187 " 1--Hawkoye Security Agency, re: request to take over monitoring burglary alarms etc ....... : ............................ 187 , 1--Henschel, Richard re: George Connelly property at 1750 Miller Rd .................................................. 211 1--Housing Rehabilitation Commission re: dissolution of same and reassignment of duties .............................. 213 1--Happy's Place, Cigarette Permit ......................... 215 1--Hardee's Drive Inn, Cigarette Permit ..................... 215 1--Hoffman House Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .............. 215 1--Heinz, Vivian (Oky Dokyl, Cigarette Permit ................ 215 " 15--"Honor America" proclamation for 6-14 thru 7-14 ........... 220 " 15--Harmann, Marilee objecting to increased speed limits on Penns ............................................... 221 " 15--Holiday Inn Motel, Cigarette Permit ...................... 252 " 15--Hartig Drug Co. (4 outlets), Cigarette Permits .............. 252 " 15--Heron, Inc., Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 252 " 15--H & S 76 Service, Cigarette Permit ........................ 253 " 15--Hy-Vee Food Stores, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 253 July 6--Hilby, Lester, re: objecting to Resurrection/Burbach Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 271 6--Human Rights Connn. resignation of Richard Riedi .......... 276 6--Happy Hour Tavern, Cigarette Permit ..................... 277 6--Hainz, Vivian, Cigarette Permit .......................... 277 6--HUD re: advising of approval of CD Block Grant Program in amt. of $1,160,000 ..................................... 279 6--Housing Program, approval of application for Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab. for 25 units ..................................... 279 6--Haneen, Ann, re: comments about Wash. St. Urban Revit. Area ................................................. 283 , 20--Housing for the Elderly, re: Ordinance clarifying etc ......... 291,360 " 20--Hartig, David re: placing city on Notice concerning Inland Molasses Co .......................................... 292 " 20--Henkels, Francis appointed to Civic Center Comm ........... 300 "20--Hinke, Stun nominated for C.D. Corem .................... 301 "20--Higley, Joan appointed to Library Bd ..................... 301 " 20--Hilby, Doug nominated for TV Cable Corem ................ 302 " 20--Hoffman House Res., Inc. Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Li- quor License .......................................... 303 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page July 20--Historic Pres. Comm. appointments of Paul Rossiter, Rick Beecher & Janlce Zenner ................................ 301 " 20--Human Rights Comm. appointment of Marianne Kessler ..... 301 " 20-- Hines, Donna J., clalm & denial .......................... 303,374 A,,ug. 3--Handicapped Ramp, re: City Hall - Final Resolutions etc ...... 349 3--Hiilcrest IGA Foodilner, Cigarette Permit .................. 355 3--Hart, Joyce J. & John R. Lammer, Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................. 355, 356 3--Healey, Mary submitting resignation from Library Bd ....... 356 3--Housing Connn. re: Martha Gleeeon not requesting reappoint- ment ................................................ 356 " 12--Hardcastle, Tom presenting Transit Development Program... 358 " 12--Hess, Wm., objecting to transfer point for new bus route ...... 358 " 12--Hess, Janet, objecting to transfer point for new bus route ..... 358 " 17--Highway 20, re: Agreement between City & US DOT re: Traffic signalization .......................................... 369 " 17--Handicapped re: Transportation for same & City receiving Cer- tificate for efforts to provide ............................. 370 " 17--Hintgen, Doris, reappointed to Housing Corem " 17--HousingComm. appointmentsofDorlsHintgen, EstherTauke & Randolf Lyon ....................................... 372 " 17--Haas, ClairL.,Claec"C"Beer&LiquorLicense ............. 373 " 17--Holy Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 372 " 24--H.H. of Dubuque, Inc. Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 375 Sept. 8--Herrig, Wm. - Plumbers Union object to sale 4th St. Ball Park to Pillsbury ........................................... 382 " 15--Hansen, Ann requesting transfer of Liquor Licenses ......... 408 " 21--Human Rights Commlasion relative to case load statistics .... 411 " 21--Happy's Place granted Liquor License ..................... 420 Oct. 5--Hansen, Art, relative to issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co .............................. 428 5--Hansen, Mr, & Mrs. Dwight, requesting not to change name of North Burden St ....................................... 428 " 5--Hogrefe St., portion of same to remain the same ......... 429, 455, 498 " 5--Hefel, Terreafice & Larry requesting to vacate alley located between Peru Road and Excelsior Ave., south of Walker St .... 429 " 5--Hoverman, Carol, appointed to TV Community Tale- programming Commission .............................. 436 " 5--Henechel, Richard, requesting release of security required for Blocks 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Timber Ridge ....................... 439 " 19--Hotels and Motels permitted uses in C-6 Planned Commercial District .............................................. 454, 495 " 19--Helllng, Anthony & Betty granted Liquor License ........... 464 " 19--Hess, Lucilla objecting to turning out of lights in 4th St. area.. 465, 513 Nov. 2--Hansen, Art, requesting Council approval of Ind. Rev. Bond Issue for McDonalds ................................... 468 2--Henkel, James, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 482 2--Hammel, Wm. K., Election results ........................ 483 2--Hull, Merlin D., Election results .......................... 484 2--Housing Corem. re: reappointment of Doris Hingtgen to C.D. Corem ............................................... 485 " 16--Hawkeye Stock Farm, rezoning portion .................... 496 " 16--Hocking, Dick of Barton Aechman Assoc. re: development of change of zoning for Key City Investment Co ............... 496 " 16--Hartig Drug Co. re: Class "C" Beer Permits ................ 510 " 16--Hammel, Wm. K., Gen. Election Results ................... 512 " 16--Herbst, Kenneth, Write In Vote for Mayor in Gen. Elect/on... 512 " 16--Horticultural, (& Agricultural) list of 1981 of individuals due Land Tax Exemptions .................................. 514 Dec. 7--Hirsch, Gerald, re: receiving Award of Merit for J. Bausman case ................. ................................ 516 7--Hydroelectric potential of Locks & Dams, re: study .......... 535 7--Historic Pres. Comm. re: Lower Main St. Design Study ....... 537 "21--H~storm Pres. Comm. re demolition of G~rl s Club ........... 547 " 21--Hoffman, David, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 559 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page ! Jan. 5--Industrial Rev. Bonds, re: Kivlahan Project. (Walnut Grove Proj.) ............................................... 2, 35-41 Feb. 2--Industrial Revenue Bonds, re: Eska Company .............. 33-35 "16--Inns of Iowa, Ltd., re: Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 46 16--Iowa DOT Engr. re: pier repair project on Miss. River Bridge.. 67 M,,ar. 9--Iowa DEQ re: routine survey on Wells & Distribution System.. 80 10--Investlgator position in H.Rights; petitions to keep same ..... 83 10--Internatinnal Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers requesting to retain. H.R. Investigator position ............. 83 16--Israel, Alan H. re: Purchase Option Agreement Redford Hous- ing Site .............................................. 92, 94 Apr. 6--Iowa DOT Agreement #81-3-014 re: paving, painting of City Island Bridget etc ..................................... 124 M,,ay 4--Incurance Women's Week, proclamation for May 17-23 ....... 143 4--1933, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................ 173 J,u, ne 1--Iowa DOT Funding for 21st Street Radius Improvement ..... 209 1--Imperial Lanes, Inc., Cigarette Permit ..................... 215 1--Iowa DEQ submitting Sewage Construction Permit for Cres. Rdge. Sanitary Sewer .................................. 217 " 15--Inland Molasses Co. Project re: Issuance etc. of Ind. Devel. Rev. Bonds ....................................... 227, 259, 455 " 15--Industrial Rev. Bonds re: Inland Molassee ................. 227,455 " 22--Iowa Municipal Worker's Comp. re: participation by City ..... 256 6--Iowa Inn, Cigarette Permit .............................. 277 6--Israel, Alan requesting extension of Option Agreement for pur- chase of real estate in Dubuque In Future Housing site ....... 279 "20--Ininnd Molasses re: notice of suit re: Odor Problem by David Hartig. .............................................. 292 "20--Information & Referral Serviee, re: Purchase of Service Agree- ment with Phon~-A-Friend .............................. 299 " 20--Idle Hour, Cigarette Permit ............................. 302 " 20--Ibellng, George R., claim ................................ 303, 422 A,ug. 3--Imperial Lanes, Inc, Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ....... 356 3--Industrial Park Improvements Project, re: comm. of DEA ad- vising of approval for proposed contract-bid documents ...... 357 " 17--Industrial Center re: extension of time for final development plan ................................................. 366 Sept. 8--I.C.C.R. Agreement between same and City for construction of bridge across their tracks on North-West Arterial Road ....... 391 8--Interstate Power Co. granted perpetual easements for their facilities on the alignment of the North-West Arterial ........ 392, 541 Oct. 5--Iowa Urban Stormwater Management Program sponsored by Iowa St. University approved for third year ................ 431 5--Industrial Revenue Bonds Issue granted to Dubuque In Future Inc ........................................... 431 " 19--Iowa Nurses Week, Oct. 18 thru 24 ........................ 444 " 19--Industrial Revenue Bonds, providing for issuance of same to Klauer Mfg, Co ........................................ 449, 489 " 19--Industrial Revenue Bonds, providing for issuance of same to Frommelt Industries, Inc ............................... 451, 491 " 19--Ibellng, LaVerne D., Notice of vehicle damage claim .......... 465 Nov. 2--Industrial Revenue Bonds Issue granted to A.Y, McDonald Mfg. Co. Project ....................................... 468 2--Industrial Revenue Bonds, providing for issuance of same to Nealer Center Project ............................... 471,516, 547 " 16--IDOT re: submission of 5 year Street Construction Program... 504 Dec. 21--Industrial Development Revenue Bond Issue re: Jeld-Wen Fiber Products, Inc .................................... 542, 543 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page J Jan. 19--Junk Dealers, re: Ordinance revising. ..................... 6 " 19--Jaeger Heights Sub. No. 2 re: rezoning of Block 1, 2 & 3 ....... 9 " 19--J.F.K. Fast Foods, Class "B' Beer Permit .................. 29 " 19--Judge, Byron K, Claim ................................. 47 Feb. 16--Jaeger Heights Sub. No. 2, Rezoning change from R-1 to R-2... 49 Mar. 9--Junnla's Lounge, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 80 " 23--January Receipts & Expenditores etc., Proof of Pub ......... 111 Apr. 6--Johnson, Dolores nominated to Housing Code Appeals Bd .... 127 " 20--Jamee, Jerry, collection of delinquent refuee account ......... 138 " 20-~Jones, Jack, Excavation request .......................... 141 ' 20--Jogerst, Agues C., petition requesting installation of street light at corner of Brunswick & Link Streets ................. 142 May 4--Jobs for Students Months, proclamation for months of May thru August .......................................... 143 4--J & RC, Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License & Cigarette Per- mit .................................................. 156, 252 " 18--Jayceee re: petition to sponsor Fireworks Display ........... 167 " 18--Jackson Si. IOCO, Cigarette Permit ...................... 172 " 18--Johnny's Tap & Grill, Cigarette Permit .................... 172 " 18--Junnie's Lounge Ltd., Cigarette Permit .................... 172 " 18--Jonee, Allan, claim ..................................... 174 " 20--Jochum, Sarah, Pulled Numbers to Establish Wards for City's New Ward System~ .................................... 175 June 1--Jay's Quality Meats & Beverages, Cigarette Permit .......... 215 " 15--Jewett, David, objecting to increasing speed limits on Kauf- mann ................................................ 221 " 15--Jaycees, Dubuque, transfer of Beer Permit ............. 251,277,408 " 15--Jay's Quality Meats, refund on Cig. License ................ 251 " 15--Joe's DX Service, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 " 15--Julien Motor Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 " 15--Jack's Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 252 " 15--Joter Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................ 253 July 20--Jochum, Para, petitioning City to erect signs directing public to WRA .............................................. 292 Aug. 3--June reports submitted by Mgr .......................... 356 " 17--James, Jerry Lee, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 373 Sept. 8--Juergens, Judith granted Liquor License ................... 405 Oct. 19--Johannsen, Maynard J., settlement of claim ................ 465 Nov. 19--Justman, C.R., Write-In Vote for Councilman At Large in Gen. Election .............................................. 512 Dec. 7--Junk, Don D., claim .................................... 535 " 21--Jeld-Wen Fiber Products, Inc. re: Ind. Rev. Bond Issue ....... 542 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page J,a,n. 5--King, D. Michael - appointed Mayor for 1981 ............... 1 5--Key City Bank and Trust, named depository for City's funds.. 2 5--Kivlahan Project, re: intention to issue Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds of $430,000 ............................................. 1, 35, 43 5--Kenney, Michael, Claim ................................. 5 5--Keyline re: Purchase of 2 buses Notice of Public Hearing etc... 6 " 19--Kress Ltd., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................ 29 " 19--Kieler, Hilda W., claim .................................. 30 " 19--KDUB TV re: submission of reply to opposition to petition for reconsideration of SepciaI Relief filed by KCRG-TV .......... 31, 47 Feb. 2--Kascel, Lavern B., Pres. of Eska Co., re: consideration of sale of Ind. Devel. Reven. Bonds ............................... 33 " 2--Kritz, Gary of opinion that Drug Paraphernalia Ord. will not stop drug traffic ....................................... 43 " 2--Kutsch, Mary Clare, claim ............................... 47 16--KENNEDY Read Widening Project - Street Lighting Project from Pennsylvania to Asbury, completion .................. 60 16--Kessler, Thomas E., issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 66 " 16--KDUB-TV re: petition opposition submitted by Cedar Rapids Television Co ......................................... 67 " 16--Kutsch, Mary Claire, denial of claim ....................... 67 " 16--Klauer, John re: appreciation to Mgr. for contribution to Meeting hosted by Klauer re: City Budget .................. 68 Mar. 9--KC & S, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................. 80 9--Kloft, Avlin, refunds requested ........................... 81 10--Klauer, John re: comments on FY 82 Budget ................ 84 23--Kerper Blvd., Inchision in 1981 Asphnit Paving Project No. 1.. 99, 133 23--Kruse, Dan (Pontiac-Datsun) Cigarette Permit .............. 110 23--Kerper Blvd. re: grain truck stack-up problem on same ....... 111 23--KDUB's Petition for Reconsideration is denied .............. 112 Apr. 6--Kane St., restricting parking near Wahler t ................. 122 6--Kessler, Solomon S. appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd... 127 6--Kelly, Charlotte G., appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd... 127 6--Kohnen, Rosemary J., Cigarette Permit .................... 127 6--Kersch, Jeannine A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 127 6--Knights of Columbus, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 128 6--Konrardy, Phillip, rezoning request to reclassify property at 1402 White St ......................................... 136 May 4--Kiss Your Baby Week, proclamation for May 10-16 .......... 143 --Kramer, Wm. L., Stat agmnst C~ty ........................ 157 " 15--Kexel, Duane, re: Procedures necessary re: Hydr~-Electric Dam ................................................. 159 " 18--Krieg, Katie re: nominated for P & Z Commission ............ 172 "18--Kruse, Dan (Pontiac) Cigarette Permit ..................... 172 June 1--Keyline Transit System re: proof of pub. of Notice of Pub. Hearing to consider grant app. for State Operating assistant to Ia. DOT etc ........................................... 181 1--Kisting, Joseph for Veggenthaler Co. re: proposed Burglary Alarm etd ............................................ 187 1--Keyline, Amendment to grant application .................. 206 " 1--KC & S, Cigarette Permit ............................... 215 " 1--Kevin McGiffin's Kitchen, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............ 217 ' 1--Kress, Ltd., requesting Liquor License refund ............... 217 " 15--Kies, Tom, objecting to increasing speed limits on Grandview,. 221 " 15--Klauer, John, objecting to speed limits increases. ........... 221 ' 15--K-Mart Store #4018, Cigarette Permit ..................... 252 " 15--Kelly's Cove, Cigarette Permit ........................... 252 "15--Kresge's, Cigarette Permit .............................. 252 15--Kegger, The, Cigarette Permit ........................... 252 15--King of Clubs, Cigarette Permit .......................... 252 " 15--Kopple's Market, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 " 15--Knights of Columbus, Cigaeetto Permit .................... 253 " 15--Kennedy's Tap, Cigarette Permit...: ..................... 253 " 15--Kennedy, Wildred, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 253 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 1981~ SUBJECT Page June 15--Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Cigarette Permit ................... 253 "15--Kipp, Jean, claim ...................................... 254 July 6--Kruser, Robert, objecting to Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project .............................................. 262 6--Koch, Mike, City Engr. clarifying Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project ......................................... 262 6--Klauer, John re: stating Pack should use benefits of Ind. Rev. Bonds ............................................... 271 6--Kirk-Gross re: furniture for Library Expansion .............. 275 6--Kahle Carpet Co., re: carpet, draperies etc. for Library Expan- sion ................................................. 275 6--Ken's Union "76", Cigarette Permit ....................... 277 6--Kuhle's Sbeli Service, Cigarette Permit .................... 277 6--Kisting, Kevin W., claim ................................ 278 6--KDUB-TV re: submission of Motion for Expedited Action before FCC etc ........................................ 278, 407 July 20--Kelly, Elaine, requesting City put up directional signs to WRA. 292 "20--Kronfeldt, Rhonda, nominated to Civic Center Comm. & His. Pres. Corem .......................................... 300, 301 "20--Kessler, Marianne, appointed to Human Rights Corem ....... 301 "20--Kent, Delores, appointed to Library Bd .................... 301 "20--Kucera, Patricia, appointed to Playground & Rec. Comm ...... 301 "20--Krieg, Katie, appointed to P & Z Connn .................... 302 Aug. 3--Kerper Blvd. and Ninth St., re: discussion of improvements on same ................................................ 354 3--Klauer, James L, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 356 3--KDUB-TV re: Cedar Rapids Television Co. submitting "Op- position to Petition for Special Relief". .................... 357 " 12--Keyline Transit System, Diecussion of Final Report of Transit Study, including new transfer point ....................... 358 " 17--Kamentz, Shirley, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 373 Sept. 8--Kiwanis Club requesting to hold their Kid's Day Peanut Sale on 9-18 ............................................... 391 " 21--Kivlahan & Sons Construction, Inc. amendment to Industrial Development Revenue Bond issue ........................ 411 "21--Kopplas Market Inc., grantedBeer Permit ................. 421 "21--Kringla, Ann, denial of personal injury claim ................ 422 Oct. 5--Kerns, Terry notice of vehicle damage claim ................ 438 " 19--Klauer Mfg, approving plats for same ..................... 446 " 19--Klauer Mfg. Co, by Attorney Francis O'Connor advising of in- tent to purchase portion of land in Riverfront Sub. No. 5 ...... 447 " 19--Klauer Mfg. Co., issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ....... 449,489 " 19--Kohi, Wm. refund on unexpired Cigarette License ........... 466 Nov. 2--Klauer, John P., Election Results ......................... 484 2--Kineener, Loras J., Election Results ....................... 483 2--Kronfeldt, Rhonda M., Election Results .................... 483 2--King, Mike, Write In Vote for Election ..................... 484 " 16--Klauer Mfg. Co. re: City Disposing of interest of portion of pro- perty in River Front Sub. No, 5 ........................... 488 " 16--Klauer Mfg. Co. re: Lease Agreement for portion of property Adjoinlng River Front Sub, No. 5 ......................... 489 " 16--KeyRee Transit System, re: UMTA Assistance for operating exp .................................................. 494 " 16--Key City Investment Co. re: reclassification of property from C-3 Art. Bus. Corem. to C-6 PUD ......................... 496 " 16--Klauer, John, Gen. Election results ....................... 511 " 16--Kintzinger, Charles, Write In Vote for Mayor in Gen. Election. 512 " 16--Kinesner, Loras J., Election Results ....................... 513 " 16--Kronfeldt, Rhonda, Election Results ...................... 513 " 16--Key City Investment Co. re: City Assessor advising of Order on Appeal to Dis. Ct. re: property on J.F.K. Road ............ 514 " 16--Kunkel, Robert, (& Patricia) settlement of claim ............. 537 Dec. 21--Kacbevas, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 559 "21--KDUB-TV Inc.'s Petitlan for Special Relief re: FCC submitting Memorandum of Opinion & Order ......................... 560 Jan. 5--Lindahl, Barry A., appointed City Solicitor ................. 1 " 19--Lange, Ken re: Adoption of Plumbing Ord .................. 12 " 19--Lower Main Street area re: National Register nomination ..... 24 " 19--Luedtke, Meta Pl. re: approval of final plat ................. 27 " 19--Library Board ............ 29, 46, 80, 141,173, 216, 254, 303, 356, 406, ............................................ 422, 465, 535, 559 Feb. 2--Leonard Rev. Wm. P., Invocation ......................... 33 " 16--Loras College Project re: Issuance of Private College Revenue Bonds ............................................. 51, 97, 177 " 16--Liberty Coin re: question clarification of Secondhand Dealer Ord ................................................. 56 " 16--Licenses, fees etc. re: revision of same re: Junk Dealers, Pawnbrokers etc ....................................... 58 " 16--Laufenberg, Norb, nominated for Housing Corem. (not ap- pointed.) ............................................. 66 " 16--Lucky Stores, Inc. (2 outlets) issuances of Class "C' Beer Per- mits ................................................. 66 M,,ar. 9--Lehnhardt, Bob, re: Cable TV Franchise ................... 82 9--Leagne of Women Voters requesting City retain Human R. In- vestigator Position ..................................... 83 9--Legal Dept., FY 82 Budget approval of raise of R.N. Russo .... 85 " 16--Lundgren, Louis, re: Oral presentation of proposals re: Pur- chase Option Agreement Radford Housing Site ............. 92 "23--Leiiker, David re: problem of grain trucks on Kerper Bird ..... 111 Apr. 6--Low Income Housing re: complaint against by W.M. Gotz ..... 129 " 20--Location of building etc. re: Ord. providing more flexibility etc. within the final development plan of PUD Districts .......... 136 " 20--Loras Cortege, Transfer of Beer Permit .................... 140 " 20--Leonard Off Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 140 " 20--Link & Brunswick Streets, re: request for corner street light... 142 May 4--Lecust, 1044 & 1058 re: Demolition Permit request by F. Cong. Church ............................................... 154 4--Lehman, Thelma T., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License & Refund .............................................. 156, 407 " 4--Lange, Mrs. James petitioning to get City water & sewer ser- vices to Liberty St ..................................... 158 4--Liberty Street re: petition to provide sewer & water services... 158 15--Legal Opinion submitted by B. Lindahi re: City ability to sign application for permit re: Lock & Dam #11 .................. 159 " 18--Luckstead, Jori D. & Betty L., acceptance of Res. No. 126-71 (approval of final plat of Tamerack SE.) ................... 171 " 18--Lucky Stores (Eagle's) 3 outlets, Cigarette Permits .......... 172 " 18--Larsen, Beverly A., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ......... 173 June 1--Lytle, Joe, as Pres. of Hawkeye Security Agency Co. re: alarm systems (burglary etc.) ................................. 187 1--Lochner, Harrison, of Dbq, Elec. Motor Service re: Washington Street Urban Revlt. Area ................................ 208 1--Lent, Sue resignation from Playground & Rec. Commission... 215 1--Leonard Off Co., Cigarette Permit ......................... 215 1--Latenser, Ann P., claim ................................. 217 " 15--Link, James petitioning inr lower speed limits on W. 32nd St.. 220 " 15--Lease & Agreement between City, Beecher's & Dock Comm. re: property at E, 16th St .................................. 227 " 15--License, Rental Dwelling etc ............................. 248 J,u, fy 6--Lease re: Central Engrg. firm wantingland for concrete plant.. 270 6--Library re: Procedural Resolutions etc. for Identifying Devices with Frank Hardie Advertising ........................... 272 6--Long John Silver's, Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 277 6--Larson, Ron for Dubuque Full Gospel Businessmen's Assn. re: Christian boradcasting on proposed cable TV Franchise ...... 281 " 20--Luther Manor, re: rezoning request for their property at 3131 Hillcrest ............................................. 291,362 ". 20--Lincoln, 405, denial of rezoning request by Burds'. .......... 292 "20--Library, re: acceptance Res. of expansion project ............ 299 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page July20--Library Bd. appointments of Dolores Kent, Joan Higiey & Robert Mattux ........................................ 301 A,,ug. 3--Lihrary Circulation System Study, authorize, d, ,s, ,a me ......... 354 3--Lammer, John R., Cigarette Permit & Class C Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 356 3--Liberty Restaurants, Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses... 356 3--Library Board resignation of Mary Healey ................. 356 " 17--Lyon, Randolph appointed to Housing Camm ............... 372 " 17--Lounge, The, Cigarette Permit ........................... 372 " 17--Lehman, Thelma, refund on unexpired Cig. License .......... 373 Sept. 8--Lunda Construction Camm. awarded contract for North-West Arterial Bridge ........................................ 392 8--Legislative Statements for 1981-1982 submitted by City Manager ............................................. 404 8--Leppert, Richard, alley located near property at 3669 HiHcrest Rd .................................................. 407,429 Oct. 5--Lehnhardt, Robert, appointed to TV Community Tele- programming Commission .............................. 436 5--Leagne of Municipalities legislative policies for 1980-1981 sub- mitred ............................................... 438 " 19--Let's Hear It For Dubuque - Oct. 19 thru 31 ................ 444 " 19--Luedtke Subd., approving plat of same .................... 463 " 19--Lores College granted Beer Permit ........................ 464 Nov. 2--Locust Street Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements Project. ................................................ 475, 476, 515 2--Library re: accepting improvement for shelving supplied by Estey Carp ........................................... 477 2--Lucky Stores, Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 481 2--Lihrary Bd. resignation of Leland Stacker .................. 485 " 16--Leaee Agreement re: between City & Klauer Mfg. Co. for por- tion of property adjoining nearby River Front Sub. No. 5 ...... 489 " 16--Licensing Fees, Exemption from same for Peddlers & Tran- sient Merchants ....................................... 506 "16--Lucas, Wesley E., claim ................................. 514 " 16--Leick, Carni June, clalm ................................. 514 " 16--Leifker, David, Petitioning for any information re: Upper Mississippi River ...................................... 514 Dec. 7--Luckstead, Joe, objecting to zoning change along Rockdale Rd .................................................. 520 7--Locks & Dams re: study of hydroelectric potential ........... 535 7--Lower Main St. Design Study, re: submitted by His. Pres. Canna ............................................... 537 " 21--Library Bd. resignation of R. Mattox ...................... 560 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. 5--Mayor of 1981, D. Michael King appointed ................. 1 5--Mayor Pro-Tern, John L. Felderman appointed .............. 1 5--Martin Luther King Day, proclaimed for Jan. 15 ............. 2 5--MiNa Inc., Cigarette Permit ............................. 4 5--Moore, John W. re: formal Complaint against Human Rights and Response etc ...................................... 11, 46 5--Manternach, Wayne re: in favor of adopting Plumbing Ord .... 12 5--Melloy, Kenneth, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Be~r & Liquor License .............................................. 28, 29 " 19--Mangier, Richard, claim & settlement ..................... 30, 81 " 19--May's Drugs, refund request of $50 on unexpired Cig. License & $75 on unexpired Beer License ......................... 31 Feb. 2--Mayor, his signature only on Resolutions & Ordinances ....... 33 2--Miller, Beverly, Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 45 2--Mechanical Board Submitting Minutes of Meetings ....... 46, 217, 422 " 16--Missieeippi River Bridge, pier repair project, proposal by IDOT Engr ........................................... 67 Mar. 9--Mental Retardation Month Proclamation for March ......... 70 9--Moldt, Harold, Jr. resigning from Housing Rehab. Commis- sion ................................................. 81 9--Miller, James C., passing grade on promotional exam., re: Lieutenant Inspector. .................................. 81 9--Meyer, Bill, denial of claim .............................. 81 9--Moore, John requesting to set up newstand in T.C.P ......... 82 "10--Martin, Louis, of Ia. Civil Rights Comm., spoke for keeping H.R. Investigator position in budget ...................... 84 " 10--Maus, Alvin re: FY 82 Budget ............................ 84 " 10--Milk Permit Fees, re: revision ............................ 87 " 16--Milhrnndt, Paul, Member of Dubuque In Future ............. 92 " 16--Mmisen, Orville & Sons re: presentation of Purchase Option Agreement re: Radford Housing Site ...................... 92, 94 " 16--Mayer, Marayne, denial of claim .......................... 112 A,,pr. 6--Maryville Dr., restricting parking near Wahlert ............. 122 6--Marshall, Patrick T. nominated for Housing Code Appeals Bd. 127 6--Mayer, Dennis J., Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 128 8--Mississippi Valley Airlines, Inc. submitting notice of intent to suspend service to Dubuque ............................. 129 6--Missieelppi Valley Airlines, Inc. re: Waterloo Airport Comm. submitting objection of intent to suspend service at Waterloo. 129 " 20--Maas, Gary re: collection of delinquent refuse account ........ 138 "20--Mliler, RaymondA.,collectionofdelinquentrefuseaccount... 138 " 20--Mer reid, Nicimlas, collection of delinquent refuee account ..... 138 "20--Muecatine Streets & Burlington Streets, re: denial of petitinn of Paul Decak/er for City to purchase nearby alley etc ........ 139, 154 "20--Murdock, Stacey re: Council concur with A. Comm. regarding approving Airport Master Plan etc ........................ 139 "20--Mechanical Bd. appointments of Charles Evanoff and Themes Geisler ............................... 140 "20--Marco's Inc Class "C" Beer & Li uor License ........ ' q .............. 140 " 20--May, Terranee, claim & denial ............................ 141,174 "20--Misslssippi Valley Airimes re: Dbq. Airper t Comm. submitting objection of intent to suspend service by same .............. 141 "20--March, 1981, Monthly Report submitted ................... 142 May 4--Mirco, Ltd. re: suit against City & Housing Rahab. Camm ..... 157 " 18--Mercer Dr. Street name change to Wacker Dr ............... 168,185 " 18--Moldenhauer, Karin, nominated for P & Z Camm ............ 172 " 18--Miracle Car Wash, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................. 172 't 18--Merchants Mutual Bonding Co. submitting Certificate of Authority & Certification to transact business of Fidelity & Surety Ins. in State of Iowa .............................. 174 " 18--Moore, Kenneth L. denial of claim ............ 174 " 18--Munz, David J., denial of claim ........................... 174 June 1--Mueliich, Harry, as owner of Muell/ch '78' Service Center, re: proposed Burg. Alarm Oral .............................. 187 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page June 1 --Mini-buses re: execution of contract with Project Concern ..... 206 " 1--Michalick, Laurence L., re: George Connelly property at 1750 Miller Rd ............................................. 211 1--Moore, Elizabeth L, Claim ............................. 217 1 --Mnilen, Pamela A., claim ................................ 217 1--Mangeno, Roy P., claim ................................. 217 1--Monte Carlo, Cigarette Permit ........................... 215 1--Montgomery Ward, Cigarette Permit .................... 215 1--Maid-Rite Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................... 215 1--Marc's Big Boy, Cigarette Permit ......................... 215 i --Master's Plumber's License. re: petition of Mike Steve ....... 230 1 --Merritt, Jacque, resignation from Five Flags Corem .......... 251 15--Molly Maquires, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 15--Marco's Italian & American Food, Cigarette Permit .......... 252 15--Marty's Union 76, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 15--McCann's Standard, Cigarette Permit ..................... 252 15--Merchant's Hotel, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 15--Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit ................... 252 15--Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette Permit .................... 252 15--Mescher & Tench, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 15--Meyer's Tavern, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 15--Milk House, Cigarette Permit (2 outlets) ................... 252 15--Mister Donut, Cigarette Permit .......................... 252 15--Mr. Steak Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................... 252 15--Mario's Italian Rest. & Lnge.. Cigarette Permit ............. 253 15--Magi, The, Cigarette Permit & Liquor License .............. 253, 405 15--Mike Finnin Ford, Cigarette Permit ....................... 252 15--Meyer, Catherine, Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 253 July 6--Mississippi Valley Milk Producers Assn. re: conveyance of said real estate in Linehan Park to same ....................... 260 6--Means, Betty, objecting to Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project .............................................. 262 6--Murray, Frank, P, Wks. Dir. clarifying Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project ................................. 262 6--Marty, Milton re: objecting concrete plant site .............. 270 6--Maintenance Agreement re: Iowa DOT & City .............. 271 6--Mulligan's Ten Pin Tap, Cigarette Permit .................. 277 " 6--Morett's "76" Service, Cigarette Permit ................... 277 " 6--Miller, John G. Sr., Riverview Pk. Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 277 6--Martin, Isadore, settlement of claim ....................... 278 6--Mississippi Valley Airlines, Inc. re: comm. of CAB submitting Notices of Intent ...................................... 279 " 6--Madsen & Son, etc. re: extension of Option Agreement for pur- chase of real estate in Dubuque In Futuro .................. 279 6--Melloy, Michael re: Alan H. Israel request for ext. of Option Agreement for purchase of Real Estate in Dubuque In Futuro. 279 6--May, 1981, submission of monthly reports & list of receipts & expenditures .......................................... 279 " 20--Memorandum of Agreement re: Between City & Dubuque In Futuro re: Dbq. Industrial Center ......................... 293 " 20--Model Drug Paraphernalia, re: outcome of appeal to Circuit Ct. & adoption of Paraphernalia Ord ......................... 297 " 20--Mattox, Robert, appointed to Library Bd .................. 301 " 20--Murray, Chip. appointed to Playground & Rec. Comm ........ 301 " 20--Moldenhauer, Kerin, nominated to P & Z Corem ............. 302 " 20--Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program, report ....... 304,407 " 20--Municipni Metered Parking Lot, re: Ordinance amending and clarifying deslg, of City Hall Lot .......................... 339 Aug. 3--Mentally Handicapped Health Week, proclamation for Week of Aug. 16 .............................................. 343 " 17--Memorandum of Agreement re: setting out responsibilities for Management of Dbq. Ind. Center & transfer of properties to Dubuque In Futuro .................................... 365 " 17--Moore, John W. re: petition to place newstand box on public property ............................................. 366 " 17--Mt, Olivet Cemetery, nearby final plat approved for Arch. of Dbq. 370 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Aug. 17--Mangeno, Roy P. & Zelia, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .... 373 Sept. 2--Memorandum of Agreement re: Dubuque In Futuro Inc. re: Dubuque Industrial Center .............................. 378 " 8--Memorial Committee for Vietnam Veterans requesting a memorial structure at an appropriate site in Dubuque ........ 391 " 21--McCarthy Atty. Leo, on behalf of Kivinhan & Sons Construc- tion Inc. requesting amendment to Industrial Revenue Bond issue ................................................ 411 " 21--Monday, The Co., granted Beer Permit .................... 421 " 21--Mississippi Valley Airlines Inc. to suspend air transportation at Clinton & Ottumwa .................................. 423 Oct. 5--Mueller's, Ron, appealing Electrical Examining Board denied.. 425 5--Mueller, Mary et al requesting not to change name of North Burden St ............................................ 428 5--Miller, John appointed to TV Community Tele-programming Commission .......................................... 436 5--Murphy, Pat appointed to TV Community Tele-programming Commission .......................................... 436 5--Moin Sand & Gravel and Fischer Investment Co., Corporation Counsel submitting opinion regarding dispute with same ..... 438 " 19--Murphy, William granted Liquor License .................. 464 --Meier, Tine, notice of vehicle damage claim ................. 465 Nov. 2--MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT re: Industrial Revenue Bond Issue - Nesler Center Project ....................... 471,473 2--Master Street Name List adopted ......................... 480 2--Murphy, Wm. J. re: Cigarette Sales Permit ................. 481 2--Maguires, Molly, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 482 2--Murphy, Dallas L., Election Results ....................... 483 2--Manternach, Thomas J., Election Results .................. 483 2--Molo Oil Co. re: settlement for condemnation of property ..... 485 16--Martinson, Ralph, re: zoning change for Key City Investment property ............................................. 496 " 16--Makovec, Henry & Margaret, re: zoning of property at 2330 Rockdate Rd .......................................... 501 " 16--Menageries, re: exemption of license fees for same ........... 507 " 16--Mayor - Election Results ................................ 511 " 16--Murphy, L.J., Write In Vote for Park Corem. at Gen. Election. 512 " 19--Manternach, Thomas J., Election Results .................. 513 16--Mellon, Michael, Election Results ......................... 513 16--Murphy, Orville, Refund Request ......................... 514 " 16--McDonald, A.Y. re: No sig. Effect On Environment for pro- ject ................................................. 514 " 16--Mississippi River, re: David Leifker requesting information... 514 Dec. 7--Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit ...................... 534 7--Miliman, Norene J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 535 7--Morraco, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 535 7--Monthly Reports, City Treasurer & Fin. Director ............ 535 7--Maggio, Jeffrey T., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 534 7--Mississippi River re: study of hydro-electric potential of Locks & Dams .............................................. 535 7--Maeen City, re: Notice of Intent to suspend Service by Ozark.. 536 " 21--Memorandum of Agreement re: Ind. Rev. Bond Issue with Jeld-Wen Fiber Products, Inc ............................ 542 " 21--Mayor, setting Compensation for same & provisions for Mayor Pro Tem ................... 549 " 21--MiNa, Inc., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ............... 559 " 21--Mattox, Robert F., resignation from Library Bd ............. 560 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. 5--McCarthy, Leo, re: Kivlahan Bond Project ................. 2 5--McCarthy, Leo submitting Sanitary Sewer Easement Agree- ment re: Conti-Carriers & Terminals, Inc ................... 3 July 6--McCarthy, Leo re: condemnation motion re: Resurrection/Bur- bach sanitary sewer .................................... 271 6--McDonald, Marllyn nominated to Library Bd ............... 301 Sept. 8--McCarthy, Leo re: Pillsbury purchase Petrakis Park ......... 382 Oct. 5--McDonald, A.Y. Mfg. Co., issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ........................................... 428, 440, 444 5--McCaniey, Frank relative to alley located behind property of Richard Leppert at 3669 Hillcrest Rd ...................... 429 Nov. 2--McDonnid, A.Y. re: Industrial Rev. Bond Issue ............. 468, 514 Dec. 7--McFarland, Michael, favors Alternate "B" for reprocincting map ................................................. 529 7--McGinnis, Joseph, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 535 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. 19--Neuwoehner, Russel, attorney re: concern of coin dealer's classification re: proposed ordinance with Junk Dealers ....... 6, 56 " 19--Nesler, Jim, re: proposed Junk Dealer Ord .................. 6 19--National Register re: Lower Main Street District ............ 24 " 19--Northrange Industrial Park~ re: approval of plat of Subdivision etc ........................ 27 Feb. 16--National Energy Week, Procl~ti~ ~[ ~ch'~ ~ ~iii: 49 " 16--National Engineer's Week, Proclamation for Feb. 22 thru 28... 49 ' 16--Nickolas, Kevin, claim, denialofclaim ..................... 68, 129 " 16--Natlonal Register nomination of Lower Main St. designation, response to objection of Wm Herrig ...................... 68 Mar. 10--Neumeister, W.C., opposition to high administrative salaries & in favor of higher Council salaries ......................... 84 " 23--Notice of Intention to issue Private College Revenue Bonds, Series 1981 (Loras College Project) re: proof of publication .... 97 " 23--Noonan, John W., Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 111 "23--Neuberger, Gerald, denial of claim ........................ 112 Apr. 6--Nash, Ruth nominated for Housing Code Appeals Bd ........ 127 "20--Nauman, Dean & Holly, Claim ........................... 141 May 4--Nurslng Home Week Proclamation for May 10-17 143 --National H~gh Blood Pressure Month, proclamation for month of May ............................................... 143 " 4--Nesler, Fred requesting to vacate protion of Dunning St. in "Grandview Park". .................................... 157, 209 "18--National Electrical Code, adopting the 1981 edition .......... 165 " 18--Ness, Neeleon & Mary L., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .... 173 " 18--Nabors Drug, Cigarette Permit & Beer Permit .............. 215,437 " 18--Nash Finch Co., Cigarette Permit ......................... 215 " 18--Neighbor's Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 215 June 10--Noble, Tom, re: Central Engrg. re: lease of concrete plant site.. 218 " 15--Nesler, Mrs. James C., objecting to raising speed limits on S. Grandview ........................................... 220 " 15--North, Orvls, petitioning Council not to raise speed limits ..... 221 " 15--Non-bargainlng Unit Employees re: Package & Wage Plan .... 234 July 6--North West Arterial re: Acquisition of Properties, Preliminary Approval of Plans, Necessity for Approval, Fixing Date of Resolution Etc ........................................ 265 6--NorthWest Arterial, Stage I - Pretensioned - Prestressed Con- crete Beam Bridge re: Preliminary Approval of Plans, Fixing Date of Hearing, Necisslty for Improvement, etc ........ 266, 286, 392 " 6--Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. re: rate increases ........... 279 " 20--Northwest Arterial, Stage I, Grading and Drainage re: Pro- cedural Resolutions etc ............................. 284, 285, 354 " 20--Nursing Homes, re: allowing in PUD Districts etc ........... 291 ' 20--Noonan's Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 302 Aug. 3--Ninth St. & Kerper Blvd. re: discussion of Improvements etc.. 354 " 17--Newsbox, re: petition of John Moore to place some on public property. 366 " 24--Nor thEast Iowa Crime Commisslon, re: C.M. Brady requesting removal from Bd ....................................... 375 Sept. 8--Neu~qohner, Robert, Pres. Bd. Realtors re: sale of Petrakis Park ................................................. 382 8--Nichalson, Eddie re: sale of Petrakis Park to Agri Ind ........ 382 8--NorthWest Arterial Roadway, agreement with I.C.R.R. and City for construction of tracks across for same .............. 391 8--NorthWest Arterial, granting Interstate Power Company Per- petual Easement for the facilities on the alignment of same .... ................................................ 392, 541,542 " 21--NorthWest Arterial acquisition of land Closed Session for same ................................................ 423 Oct. 5--National 4-H Week in Dubuque Oct. 4 thru 10 ............... 425 " 5--No~'th Burden St., petitions requesting not to change name of same ............................................ 428, 455, 498 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Oct. 5--Nochols, Daniel, Notice of personalinjury claim to wire ....... 438 " 19--Navigation Lights by the Ia. DOT on the 561 City Island Bridge, approving project agreement for installation of same.. 459 " 19--Nash Finch Co., granted Beer Permit ...................... 464 Nov. 2--Nesler Center Project re: Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds to same .................................... 471,516, 547 2--NorthWest Arterial re: bidding procedures for construction of same ................................................ 474 2--NORTHWEST ARTERIAL STAGE I, P.C.C. PAVING & IN- TERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ............. 474, 523 " 16--NorthWest Arterial - approval of final plat for right-of-way .... 503 ' 16--Non-profit, Tax Exempt Organization re: exemptions from cer- tain fees .............................................. 506 Dec. 7--N/W Arterial re: sale of property to Schiltz Dev ............. 533 ' 7--Nesler, James E. Acceptance of Resolution approving Nesler Hts ................................................. 533 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 0 Jan. 19--An Ordinance 8-81 Amending Code of Ordinances by repealing certain sections and enacting new Sections in lieu thereof to provide for Vhe revising of the title of Chapter 22 to read "Secondhand Dealers, Pawnbrokers and Junk Dealers", to pro- vide new definitions; to clarify report requirements; to provide for a definition of the transactions and types of goods and materials requiring notice thereof, etc ..................... 6, 56 " 19--An Ordinance 7-81 Amending Code of Ordinances by reclassi- fying Block 1, 2, 3 in "Jaeger Heights Subdivision No. 2 from R-1 Interim Residential Zoning District Classification to R-2 Single Family Residential District Classification ............ 9, 49 " 19--Ordinance No. 1-81 Amending Chapter 30 of the Code of Or- dinances by Repealing Such Chapter and Enacting a New Chapter 30 in lieu thereof pertaining to revising and re~ enacting a Plumbing Code for the City of Dubuque, Iowa regulating the erection, installation, alteration, repairs, reloca- tion, replacement, addition to use or maintenance of plumbing equipment and systems within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; Providing for the Issuance of Permits and Collection of fees providing for the licensing of plumbing contractors and Journeymen and providing for penalties for violation of said Ordinance .............................. 12 ' 19--Ordinance No. 2-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be Amended by enacting Section 20-12.01 through 20-12.06 of Article XII of Chapter 20 in lieu thereof establishing a Housing Code Appeals Board .......... 19 " 19--An Ordinance 3-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Enacting a New Subsection A.18 of Subsection (d) of Section 25-257 in lieu thereof to provide that when signs are erected giving notice thereof no person shall park a vehicle on Clarke Drive on the north side from Heeb St. to the North Property Line of 1799 Clarke Drive and on the North Side from St. Ambrose St. to Asbury Rd .............. 21 " 19--An Ordinance No. 4-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new Subsection to Sec- tion 25-210 Providing that North and South Bound Vehicles on St. Ambrose St. sbeli stop before entering the intersection of Clarke Dr ............................................ 23 19--An Ordinance No. 5-81 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Amen- ding the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Repealing that Subsection of Section 25-210 Providing that Eastbound Vehicles on Clarke Dr. shall stop before the in- tersection of St. Ambrose St ............................. 23 " 19--An Ordinance No. 6-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Enacting a new Section 25-187.1 (a) in lieu thereof and by repealing Section 25-187.1 (c) thereof to provide for the manner of stopping school busses and the duties of bus drivers .................................... 25 Feb. 2--An Ordinance No. 15-81 Providing for the Establishment of an Urhan Revitalization Area in the West llth St. Area ......... 33, 109 2--Ordinances~ now signed only by Mayor and attested to by City Clerk 33 2--An Ordinance 41-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by instituting a new article in Chapter 26, Prohibiting the Use, Delivery or Possession with intent to use or Deliver Drug Paraphernalia or the Advertisement of Drug Parapher- nalia ................................................. 44, 127 2--Operation: New View re: change in legal status .............. 45 2--Open Meetings Law re: Legal Opinion ..................... 47 " 16--Ordinance No. 9-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be Amended by Revising Chapter 22 to Provide for the Repeal of Section 22-17 and Enacting a new Section in lieu thereof to provide the requirements for licenses and by repealing Section 22-18 and enacting a New Section in lieu thereof to provide for the issuance of licenses. 58 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 1981 SUBJECT Page Feb. 16--Ordinance No. 10-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Sections 26-13 and 26-14 of Article I, Chapter 26, Thereof and enacting a New Section 26-13 by prohibiting with certain exceptions, discharging firearms or fireworks within the City; by Providing for the issuance of Permits for Fireworks Displays and Firing Ranges ................... 59 Mar. 9--Oak Brook Dev. re: approval of rezoning ................... 72, 118 9--An Ordinance 16-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, to amend the Zoning Map with regard to properties in the West Sector of the territory involuntarily annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa ................................. 72, 117 9--An Ordinance 17~81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be Amended by Revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying Lots 1-15 inclusive of Oak Brook Development from "R-5 Multi-Family Residential Planned Unit Development District to R-4 Multi-Family Residential Planned Unit Development District,'. .................... 72, 118 " 9--Ordinance No. 11-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be Amended by Enacting a New Section 19'/2-2 in lieu thereof to amplify definitions therein; by Enacting a New Subparagraph 10 of Paragraph (a) in lieu thereof to provide that the Commission may adopt guidelines for rehabilitation; and by repealing Section 6 of Chapter 19V2 and Enacting a New Section 6 in lieu thereof to provide for the identification and designation of Historic Districts; and by repealing Section 10 of Chapter 19'/2 and Enacting a New Sec- tion 10 in lieu thereof to provide for a manner of Appeal from Commission Decisions; by Repealing Section 11 of Chapter 19V2 and Enacting a new Section 11 in lieu thereof providing for penalties for violations hereof ......................... 75 ' 10--Ordinance No. 12-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances, By Repealing Section 16-36 Permit Fees, of Division 2, Article III Milk and Milk Products and Enacting a New Section 16-36 Per- mit Fees, of Division 2 Article III in lieu thereof to provide for revision of MiLk Permit Fees ............................. 87 " 10--Ordinance No. 13-81 An Ordinance Amending the Code of Or- dinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be Repealing Section 36-161 (1) Commercial & Industrial Uses, Division 4 Rates, and Enac- ting a New Section 36-161, Residential, Commercial and In- dustrial Uses, Under Division 4, Rates, in lieu thereof to pro- vide for revision of Water Rates .......................... 88 " 10--Ordinance No. 14~81 Amending the Code of Ordinances, by Repealing Section 17-33 and Subsection 17-36 (a) and 17-37 (a) and Enacting New Section 17-33 and New Subsections 17-36 (a) and 17-37 (a), in lieu thereof, this section and these subsections relate to frequency, time and areas of collection, charges and billing under Division 2, City Collection Services of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa ....................... 89 ' 23--Ombruni, Paul re: HD & R request for final payment for WWTP .............................................. 100 " 23--Off-Street Parking re: P & Z's denial to increase same for bars, etc .................................................. 100 Apr. 6--Ordinanjge No. 18-81 Authorizing Lucky Stores, Inc./Midwestern Food Division, P.O. Box 67, Rock Island, R- linois 61201 to construct Concrete Ramp ................... 125 6--Operation: New View discussion, and recommendation to go from Public Non-Profit to Private Non-profit erg. ...... 127, 139, 155 6--O'Neill's Rivervlew re: petition by Al Picker et ux to purchase property next to this ................................... 129 6--Oak Brook Dev. re: DEQ submitting construction permit for sewage & water ....... ................................. 129 ' 20~An Ordinance 21-81 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amend- ed by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying Lot 2 and Lot 3 of "Powers Irish Plateau" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Apr. 20--from R-5 Multi-Family Residential District and R-2 Single Family Residential District Classification to C-2 Local Service Commercial District Classification ........................ 135, 162 "20--An Ordinance 23-81 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by enacting New Sections 4-113.42, 2); 4-114.2, 17); 4-115.2, 7) of Article IV thereof to include Animal Hospitals and Animal Clinics as con- ditional uses in C-2 Local Service Conunercial Districts and as permitted uses in C-3 Arterial Business Commercial Districts and C-4 General Commercial Districts ..................... 135,163 " 20--An Ordinance 24-81 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, be amended by Revising Appendix A thereof, by repealing Section 4- of Article IV and enacting a new Section 4- of Article IV in lieu thereof, to provide for more flexibility in building location and arrangement within the final development plan of Planned Unit Development Districts ..... 136 "20--An Ordinance 22-81 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amend- ed by Revising Appendix A, thereof, by reclassifying the South 62.4 feet of South 2/5 of City Lot 483 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, at 1402 White St. from OR-1 Office Residential District classification to C-4 General Commercial District Classifica- tion ................................................. 136, 162 ' 20--Operatlng Assistance Application to Ia, DOT re: State Transit funds & Setting P. Hearing .............................. 136 " 20--Off-Airport Land Use Plan, re: A. Comm. request Council ap- proval etc ............................................ 138 M,,ay 4--Older Americans Month, proclamation for May ............. 143 4--An Ordinance 29-81 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing Chapter 31 of Said Code and Enacting a New Chapter 31 in lieu thereof Prohibiting Impersonating an Officer, Refusing Admittance of Officers; Prohibiting Use of Police Whistle; and Regulating Burglary and Robbery Alarm Permits; Providing for Burglary and Robbery Systems; and Providing for Service Charge for Police Response to False Alarms .......................................... 145, 171,188 4--Officer re: Prohibiting Impersonating or Refusing Admittance etc .................................................. 145 4--Ordinance No. 19-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Repealing Sections 25-164 and 25-165 of Division I of Article VI thereof and by Enacting New Sections 25-164 and 25-165 of Division I of Article VI in lieu thereof providing for driving through parades and processions. 147 4--Ordinance No. 20-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Repealing Section 36-100 of Article IV of Chapter 36 thereof and Enacting a New Section 36-100 in lieu thereof to provide for closing of account, by repealing Subsection (h) of Section 36-106 of Article IV of Chapter 36 thereof and Enacting a New Subsection (h) of Section 36.106 of Article IV of Chapter 36 in lieu thereof regulating the use of Firelines; By Repealing Subsection (b) of Section 36-136 of Ar- tide IV of Chapter 36 and Enacting a New Subsection (b) in lieu thereof relating to service connections: By repealing Subsection (i) of Section 36-147 of Article IV of Chapter 36 and Enacting a New Subsection (f) of Section 36-147 of Article IV of Chapter 36 in lieu thereof relating to the Location and Method of Installation of Water Meters; By Repealing Section 36-150 of Article IV of Chapter 36 thereof and Enacting a New Section 36-150 of Article IV of Chapter 36 in lieu thereof to pro- vide owner's duty to protect from damage; By Repealing Subsection (b) of Section 36-153 of Article IV of Chapter 36 and Enacting a New Subsection (b) of Section 36-153 of Article IV of Chapter 36 in lieu thereof relating to the Testing for INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page May 4--Accuracy of Meters; By Amending Section 36-161 of Article IV of Chapter 36 thereof by Enacting New Subparagraphs (c), (d), and (e), respectively relating to bilUng for service for residen- rial, commercial and industrial uses; by repealing Section 36-162 of Article IV of Chapter 36 thereof and Enacting a New Section 36-162 of Article IV of Chapter 36 in lieu thereof relating to Fire Sprinkler Service Charges; by Repealing Subsection (c) of Section 36-163 of Article IV of Chapter 36 thereof and Enacting a New Subsection (c) of Section 36-163 of Article IV of Chapter 36 in lieu thereof relating to the Placing of Meters; and By Repealing Section 36-164 of Article IV of Chpater 36 and Enacting a New Section 36-164 of Article IV of Chapter 36 in lleu thereof relating to the Place and Manner of Paying Water Bills ..................................... 149 4--Osco Drug, Refund Request ............................. 157 " 18--An Ordinance 28-81 of the City of Dubuque changing the name of Orchard Street to Center Grove Drive in the City of Dubu- que .............................................. 165, 185, 186 " 18--An Ordinance 30-81 amending Code of Ordinances by enacting new Sections to Chapter 13 in lieu thereof pertaining to revis- ing and re-establishing an Electrical Code of the City ......... 165. 190 ' 18--Orchard Street re: changing name to Center Grove Dr ........ 165,186 ' 18--An Ordinance 27-81 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. changing the name of Carrie Dr. to Cora Dr ......................... 166, 185 " 18--An Ordinance 26-81 changing the name of Mercer Dr., also known as Division St. to Wacker Dr ....................... 166, 185 " 18--An Ordinance 33-81 Amending Zoning Ordinance by enacting a new Section 10-101 Table 10-191 Schedule of Fees of Article X in lieu thereof, providing for the revision of Application Fees.. 166, 223 , 18--An Ordinance 34-81 Amending Code of Ordinances by revising Chapter 34 thereof by enacting a New Section 34-19 of Artlcla I1 thereof, to include a Fee Schedule for Subd. of Plat Review.. 167 ' 18--An Ordinance 32-81 amending Code of Ordinances by revising Subsection (c) of Section 25-220 of said Code providing that when signs are erected giving notice thereof, the lawful speed on various streets and portions thereof shall be as desingated.. 167, 222 " 18--An Ordinance 25-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be Amended by Adding the Streets Listed Herein to Subsection (b) of Section 25-209 of said Code Providing that when Sign are erected giving notice thereof, Drivers of Vehicles shall stop at every intersection before entering any of the specific streets which are designated as through streets ........................................ 168 18--An Ordinance 35.81 Vacating Lot 38 In Grandview Heights Sub ................................................. 203, 225 18--An Ordinance 40-81 Establishing the Washington St. Urban Revitalization Area Plan pursuant to the requirements of House File 81 ..................................... 208, 248, 283 June 1--An Ordinance 31-81 Amending the Code of Ord. of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Repealing Sec. I3, Sec. 14 (a), and Sec. 14 (b) of Article II, of Chapter 11¼ thereof and enacting a New Sec. 13, Sec. 14 (a) and Sec. 14 (b) in lieu thereof, providing for the Abolishment of the Housing Rehabilitation Comm. and reassigning its Monitoring and Appeal Function ............ 213 " 1--Olde German Bank, re: Transfer of Liquor License ........... 217,408 . 15--Orchard Hills re: petition on condition of sidewalks .......... 230 " 15--An Ordinance 38-81 Approving the vacation and sala of portion of Garnet Ave. approx. 30' x 329.17' between Jackson St. & Central Ave. for the appraised amount of $6,905.00 .......... 230 260 " 15--Operating Engrge. re: Agreement with City ................ 232 " 15--Ordinance No. 36-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Chapter 12 thereof and Enacting a New Chapter 12 in lieu thereof to provide for the establishment of precincts and Wards and the Destination of Polling Places within the City... 235 " 15--Oak Breok Development re: approval of plats ............... 249 " 15--Ordinance No. 37-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances be 1981 SUBJECT Page June15--amended by Repealing Section 20-4.01(d) of Article IV of Chapter 20 thereof, and by enacting a New Section 20-4.01(d) of Chapter 20~ in lieu thereof, providing for renewal of Rental Dwelling Operating Licenses, and for the Assessment of Penalties for Failure to Renew Such License ................ 247 15--Oky Doky (2 outlets), Cigarette Permits ................... 252 15--Old Fashioned Saloon, Cigarette Permits ................... 252 15--Old Shang, Cigarette Permit ............................. 252 15--Oil Depot, Cigarette Permit .............................. 252 15--Otting, Eugene A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 253 15--Office Grill, Cigarette Permit ............................ 253 July 6--Odegard, Rev. Laura, Gave Invocation for Council Meeting... 259 ' 6--An Ordinance 39-81 Prey'ding for the Public Hearing for prior approval of tax exemption for new construction filed by From- melt Industries, Inc .................................... 270, 282 6--O'Hara's Texaco Service, Cigarette Permit ................. 277 6--Olde German Bank, Cigarette Permit ...................... 277 6--Option Agreement re: extension requested by O.E. Madsen for purchase of real est. in Dubuque In Future ................. 279 6--Option Agreement re: extension requested by Alan Israel for purchase of real estate in Dubuque In Future ............... 280 6--Optimist Club (Evening), requesting refund on Beer Permit... 279 " 20--Oppendahl, Rev. A. re: comments about Wash. Street Urban Revit. Area ........................................... 283 " 20--An Ordinance 45-81 Amending Code of Ord. to enact new Sec- tions in lieu thereof providing for new definitions of Housing for the Elderly, to allow principal or conditional uses in underlying districts as principal permitted uses in the cot- responding PUD designation, to clarify accessory uses permit- ted within the PUD District and to develop a maximum permit- ted floor area ration standard not presently covered by exist- lng standards ......................................... 291,360 ' 20--An Ordinance 46-81 Providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by reclassifying property described as Lot 2-1 and Lot 2-1-1-1 of Power's Farm, located at 3131 Hillcrest Rd. from R-2 Single Family Res. to R-4 Planned Unit Development ..... 291,362 ' 20--Odor Prohiem, re: Inland Molasses & Notice of Claim by David Hartig ............................................... 292 " 29--Ordinance No. 42-61 Granting a Non-Exclusive, Revocable Franchise to Teleprompter Corporation of New York for the Operation of a Cable Services Delivery System in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; Permitting the Grantee to make use of the Public Streets and Ways, Setting the duration of Franchise to be twenty (20) years, Providing provisions relating to the following grant of franchise, service area, system design, stan- dards local regulations, subscriber protections and- miscellaneous provisions and setting forth details etc ........ 305 "29--Ordinance No. 43-81 Amending the Cede By Repealing Subsec. tion (5) of Section 25-304 Under Division 3, Municipal Parking Lots and Enacting a New Subsection (5) of Section 25-304 Under Division 3. Municipal Parking Lots and Enacting New Subsection (5) of Section 25-304 Under Division 3, Municipal Parking Lots, to Clarify the Designation of Parking Lot No. 5, As situated at the Northwest Corner of 12th & Central ....... 339 "29--Ordinance No. 44,81 Amending the Code, by Repealing Subsec. tion (1) of Section 25-307, Sam~-Time and Fee Schedule for Specific Lots Under Division 3. Municipal Parking Lots, and Enacting a New Subsection (11 of Section 25-307, Same-Time and Fee Schedule for Specific Lots Under Division 3, Municipal Parking Lots .......................................... 340 Aug, 3--Oberbroeckling, Merlin, Claim on behalf of Karen M. Ober- breockling ............................................ 356, 406 3--Ozark Air Lines Inc. advising of suspension of all air transpor- tatinn service in Dubuque effective 10-25-81 ................ 357 " 17--An Ordinance 47-81 Vacating Pine St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Bell St., Vacating Wall St. from the EPL of INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Aug. 17--Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St., Vacating Alley Between Wall St. and Wash. St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St., and Vacating Washington St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St ....................... 364, 383 Sept. 8--Ordinance 48-81 Regulating the moving and/or demolition of Buildings and the' use of Public Property during the erection, construction, alteration, repair remodeling or demolotinn of a building providing for the insuring of persons doing such work and providing for the penalties in violation thereof ........... 397 8--Ordinance No. 49-81 Amending Code of Ordinances by revising Section 25-43(b) of Article III of Chapter 25 of said Code pro- viding that the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in property damage to an apparent extent of $500.00 or more be required to submit a written report of said accident. 403 8--Ordinance No. 50-81 Amending Code of Ordinances providing that the drivers of school bus if not required to use flashing lights and stop arms when receiving or discharging pupils at a school or other educational activity locations ............... 404 " 21--Ordinance No. 54-81 Amending Code of Ordinances to include churches as a Principal Permitted Use in C-1 thru C-7 Commer- cial Districts and L-I Light Industrial Districts and to establish off-street parking space requiremonts for churches in commercial and industrial district ........................ 410, 445 " 21--Ordinance No. 51-81 Amending Code of Ordinances in lieu thereof creating a Community Tel~-progranunlng Commission and Cable Regulatory Commission establishing rates as pro- vided for in Ordinance No. 42-81 .......................... 412 Oct. 5--Ordinance No. 52-81 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 59-59 granting easement right to ContiCarriers and Terminals, Inc. and Hodge Transit Warehouse ....................... 430 5--Ordinance No. 53-81 Amending Code of Ordinances to establish a Reserve Service Vehicle Parking Zone with the City on the 4th St. Side of the 5 Flags Center .................... 434 5--Operation New View, discussion with County Board of Super- visors regarding same .................................. 435 5--O'Hara, J & P, Inc. granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 437 5--Ozark Air Lines Inc. advising of intent to suspend nonstop to various cities .......................................... 438 ' 19--O'Connor, Attorney Francis, on behalf of Klauer Mfg. Co. ad- vising of intent to purchase land in River front Sub. No. 5 ..... 447 " 19--Ordinance No. 57-81 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassi- fying properties near Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park on Peru Road from R-4 PUD Multi-Family Residential to C-2 Local Service Commercial Districts ....................... 453, 494 , 19--Ordinance No. 58-81 Amending Code of Ordinances thereof allowing Hotels and Motels as permitted uses in a C-6 Planned Commercial Dis. and to modify the required set back and maxi- mum bldg. hgt. requirements of C-6 Planned Commercial Dis.. 454, 495 19--Ordinance No, 59-81 Amending Zoning Ordinance rezonlng portions of Hawkeye Stock Farm from C-3 Arterial Business to C-6 Planned Commercial District ....................... 454, 496 " 19--Ordinance No. 60-81 Changing the name of Hogrefe Ave. from the WPL of Burden Ave. to its Westerly Terminus, to North Burden Ave ........ ~.: ............................... 455, 498 " 19--Ordinance No. 55-81 Authorizing Ed Turnquist Co., Inc. to construct a curb cut and handicap ramp for moving merchan- dise into and out of the store with all loading of trucks and vehicles restricted to the alley ............................ 459 Nov. 2--Ordinance No. 56-81 Authorizing Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc. to construct a canopy on the Front Entrance of Walsh Store on Iowa Street ................................... 478 " 2--Office Grill, Refund approved for Cigarette License .......... 485 " 16--Ordinance No. 65-81 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassi- lying property located south of Patricia Ann Dr. and west of Edwards Rd. from R-2 Sgi. Faro. Res. Dis. to R-3 Mniti-Fam. Res ....................... .' ......................... 500, 518 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Nov. 16--Ordinance No. 64-81 Amending Zoning Ordinance to reclassify Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of M.L. 482 in Table Mound Twnshp. from R-4 Multi-Family Res. Dis. classification to C-3 Arterial Bus. Comm. Dis. Classification (property located at 2330 Rockdale Rd.) ........................................ 501,517 " 16--Ordinance No. 67-81 Amending Code of Ordinances withregard to properties in the South Sector of the territory involuntarily anr~exed to the City .................................... 501,521 ' 16--Ordinance No. 68-81 Amending Code of Ordinances to amend the Zoning Map with regard to properties adjacent to the South Sector in the City of Dubuque ...................... 502,522 " 16--Ordinance No. 61-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 28-27 thereto providing for the Ex- emption of Investigation and License Fees to be paid by Non- profit, Tax Exempt Organizations from Paying Certain Fees (Peddlers & Transient Merchants) ........................ 506 " 16--Ordinance No. 62-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Enacting a New Section 6-64 thereto providing for the Exemption of Fees to be paid by non- profit, tax exempt organizations ICircuses, Carnivals and Menageries.) ......................................... 507 " 16--Ordinance No. 63-81 Adopting the Codification of all Or- dinances of the City of Dubuque .......................... 508 " 16--O'Neill, Thomas, Write In Vote for Mayor in Gen. Election .... 512 " 16--Ozark Air Lines. re: Notice of Intent to suspend service at Ft. Dodge & Mason City ................................... 514 Dec. 7--Ordinance No. 66-81 Amending Appendix A of Zoning Map of the Code of Ordinances by reclassifying property of D. James Edwards from "R-2 Single Faro. Res. Dis. to "R-4 PUD ....... 519 " 7--Ordinance No. 68-81 Amending Zoning Map with regard to properties adjacent to the South Sector in the City of Dubu- que, Iowa ............................................. 522 7--Ordinance No. 69-81 Amending Code of Ordinances of the City By Repealing Sections 2-179 and 2-180 thereof and enacting new Sections 2-179 and 2-180 in lieu thereof by creating a Civil Service Commission and providing for its qualification ....... 531 7--October Receipts & Expenditures, proof of publication otc .... 535 " 21--Ordinance Amending Code of Enacting New Sections 4-105.4, 4-106.4, 4-107.4, 4-108.4 and 4-109.4 and 4-106.3 of Article IV thereof by enacting a new minimum required lot area for GROUP HOMES, (Adopted in 1982) ...................... 546 "21--Ordinance No. 70-81 Amending Code to Provide for Council Manager Ward Form of Government, the Composition of Council, Compensation for the Mayor and Council Members, a Quorum to do Business, Calling Meeting to Order ........... 549 "21--Ordinance No. 71-81 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Chapter 12 thereof and Enacting a New Chapter 12 in lieu thereof to provide for the establishment of Precincts and Wards and the designation of Polling Places within the City of Dubuque, Iowa ........................................ 550 " 21--Ozark Air Lines, Inc. re: notice of suspension of service at Dubuque ............................................. 560 "21--October, 1981, Council Proceedings approved ............... 559 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. 5--Pusateri Bros. Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 4 5--Park Board Submitting Minutes ............. 5, 8, 141,173, 217, 278, ........................................ 356, 437, 465, 513, 535 5-- P & Z re: approval of final plat for Wollf/Northrange Ass. west of Radford Rd ......................................... 27 5--Planning and Zoning Conun. Submitting Minutes.... 5, 46, 67, 111,128 ......................... 141,173, 217, 254, 278. 303, 373, 437, 485 " 19--Plumhing Code re: Adoption ............................. 12 " 19--Petition re: opposition for reconsideration re: KDUB-TV for special relief .......................................... 5, 31, 47 " 19--P & Z re: recommending rezoning of Block 1, 2, & 3 of Jaeger Heights Sub. No. 2 ..................................... 9 " 19--P & Z re: recommending approval of final plat for Dubuque Comm. School Dis. for property located south of Kaufmann Ave. & adjacent to Bunker Hill Golf Course ................ 26 " 19--p & Z recommending denial of rezoning request of Larry Wolff for property in Northrange Ind. Park ...................... 27 " 19--P & Z approving of final plat of "Mete Luedtke Pl." on Lake Eleanor Rd ........................................... 27 " 19--P & Z re: election of officers .............................. 28 " 19--Peeple's Natural Gas re: rate changes ..................... 29, 174 "19--Patters, Eileen, deniat of claim ........................... 30 " 19--Polsean, Al re: response by City Mgr. to questions ........... 30 " 19--Photographic Equipment, Tim~Lapee re: audit for purchase.. 31 Feb. 2--P & Z re: approval of plat of sub. of "Hardt Pl. No. 2". ........ 44 " 2--P & Z re: approval of 2 final plats of property for Dbq. Land Development Corp ..................................... 44 2--Pratt, Council Member re: legal opinion as to participation in Cable Franchise process ................................ 47 " 16--Permits, etc. re: revision of same relative to Fireworks Displays & Firing Ranges ............................... 59 " 16--P & Z re: approving finalplat of "Zwack Place". ............. 65 " 16--Plumbing Board, appointment of Michael Wertz. D.D.S ...... 66 " 16--Police Contract re: direction to go to Arbitration proceedings.. 68 Mar. 9--Pfohl Place, A.C. re: Purchase Option Agreement ............ 72, 95 9--Poire, Mary, Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Liquor License .... 80 9--Promotional Examinations, re: Civil Service Commission ..... 81 " 10--Publlc Information Meetings, proof of publication of same re: FY 82 ................................................ 83 " 16--Purchase Optinn Agreement re: Notice of P. Hrg. to enter into (Proof of Pub.) etc ...................................... 92 " 16--Pratt, Michael, Member of Dubuque In Future .............. 92 " 16--Purchase Option Agreement, designation of Alan Israel & Or- ville E. Madsen re: Radford Housing Site ................... 93 "23--Purina Drive, re: inclusion in 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 .................................................... 99, 131 "23--Parking in downtown area re: Dubuque Downtown Assn ...... 100 "23--Parking, off-street re: P & Z's denial to increase for bars etc .... 100 A,,pr. 6--Polsean, A1 re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project ........ 124 6--Picker, A1 & Lisa petition requesting to purchase property located next to Lot 112 O'Nein's Riverview ................. 129, 139 6--Parade request by United Labor Participation Committee re: support of striking workers at Richardson Motors ........... 129 6--Poleean, Al objection to delay in answering his questions and submission of more specific questions ..................... 129 6--Palmer Drug Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 128 " 20--Powers Irish Plateau, approval of final plat ......... : ....... 134 ' 20--Powers, Philip A. & Martha F., re: Acceptance of Res. No. 100-81 (approval of final plat of Powers Irish Plateau.) ....... 134 " 20--Powers Irish Plateau re: Ord. to reclassify Lot 2 & Lot 3 from R-5 to R-2 ............................................ 135 " 20--Planned Unit Development Districts re: Ordinance enacting new Section to provide for more flexibility in building location and arrangement within final development l~lan ............. 136 Apr. 20--Parking - request for restricted times on streets near Wahlert High ................................................ 138 "20--Peters, Julio M., claim .................................. 141 " 20--Plumhing Board Minutes ....................... 141,173,254,373 M,,ay 4--Peace Day, Proclamation for Sept. 7 ...................... 4--Police Officer, re: Prohibiting Impersonating or Refusing A~- 143 mittance to ....................................... 187, 145, 171 4--Police Whistle, Prohibiting use of .................... 145, 171,187 4--Parking Lot Expansion, City Hall ........................ 146 4--Parades, Processions, re: Ordinance Regulating. ............ 147 4--Paying Water Bills, Place & Manner etc. re: Ord. Amending... 149 " 18--"PowerslrishPlateau"re:ProofofPub. ofNoticeofPub. Hrg. to reclassify portion of same from R-5 and R-2 to C-2 ......... " 18--Plumbing Board re: appeal of Mike Steve .............. 167,208,218 " 18--Peru Rd., designation as Through Street, etc ................ 168 "18--Pass-Through Funds to the VNA re: Agreement of City Mgr. with State Health Dept ................................. 170 " 18--P & Z approving final plat of Peter Kalb PI ................. 170 " 18--Peter Kalb Place, re: approval of final plat .................. 170 " 18--P & Z Commission, re: nominations of Kerin M. & Katie Krieg.. 172 " 18--Palmer Drug, Granting Cigarette Permit ................... 172 " 18--Planning & Zoning Commission, nominations of Katie Krieg & Kerin Moldenhauer and closing of nominations .............. 172 June 1 --Project Concern re: contract re: two mini-buses .............. 206 " 1--Pierce, Doug. representing Mike Steve, re: complaint against Plumbing Bd ......................................... 208, 218 1--Paraphernalia Ordinance ................................ 213 1--Playground and Rec. Commission, resignation of Sue Lent. ~.. 215 1- Perkins Cake & Steak. Cigarette Permit ................... 215 1--Pride Service Inc., Cigarette Permit (two outlets) ........... 215 1--Peters, Julie M., settlement of claim ....................... 217 " 15--PTA, Dubuque, objecting to raising of speed limits .......... 220 " 15--Policemen's Protective Association re: Agreement with City... 232 " 15--Police, Abolishment of Two Positions ..................... 233 " 15--Poning Places, re: establishment of same ................... 235 " 15--Precincts, establishment of same ......................... 235 " 15--Plumbing Board, resignation & reinstatement ............... 251 " 15--Pipe Inn, Cigarette Permit .............................. 252 15--Paul's Tap. Cigarette Permit ............................. 252 15--Park Square Tavern, Cigarette Permit ..................... 252 15--Pickle Barrell Subs. Cigarette Permit ...................... 252 . 15--Ponderosa Steak House, Cigarette Permit .................. 252 July 6--Polsean, A1 re: objections to Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project .............................................. 261,304 6--Petesch, Wayne, objecting to Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project .............................................. 262, 291 6--Pfohl, Louis H. re: Resurrection/Burbach Sanitary Sewer ..... 271 6--Pack, Dubuque re: John Klauer requesting they use the benefits of Industrial Revenue Bonds ..................... 271 6--puppet Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 277 6--Pusateri Bros., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 277 6--Parochetti Enterprises, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor Li- censes ............................................... 278, 405 "20--Powers Farm, re: possible zoning change ................... 291,362 "20--Phon~A-Friend re: exeeutlan of Purchase of Service Agreement. 299 " 20--Playground & Rec. appointments of P. Kucera, F. Chip Mur- ray, Michael J. Buelow & Philip Wagner ................... 302 " 20--Plannlng & Zoning Comm. appointment of Katie Krieg ....... 302 "20--Pinmbing Bd. appointment of Hugh Clark .................. 302 " 20--Pregler, Walter, appointed to Transit Bd ................... 302 "20--Pinomer, Lloyd J., claim ................................ 303 "29--Parking Lot s, City Hali etc. Ordinance Amending ........... 339,340 Aug. 3--Predesign Project Agreement for 9th St. Improvements, discussion etc ......................................... 354 3--Phiember, Gregory, claim ............................... 357 3--People's Natural Gas Co. re: rate decrease .................. 357 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Aug. 12--Publlc Transit Management and Consultants; Inc. re: recom- mended bus route changes financing ...................... 358 " 12--Pigman, Ed re: Transit Development Program for Dbq .... 358 " 17--Petrakis Park re: City Mgr. recommending sale etc .......... 363 " 17--Pillsbury Co. re: buying Petrakis Park etc .................. 363 " 17--Petrakis Park, re: approval of Plat of related property and set- ting Public Hearing etc ................................. 364 17--P & Z approving for Arch. of Dubuque's property near Mt. Olivet Cemetery ....................................... 370 17--Pfohl Pl. (A.C.) approval of final plat by P & Z ............... 371 17--P & Z approving final plat of A.C. Pfohl PI .................. 371 17--Park Bd. re: T. Schrup indicating not seeking re-election ...... 372 17--Pusateri, Michael, Refund ............................... 373 S,o, pt. 8--Polsean, Al, re: sale lights in sale of Petrakis Park ........... 382 8--Petrakis Park sale to Pillsbury ........................... 383 8--Pillsbury purchase PETRAKIS PARK for $180,000.00 ....... 383 8--PETRAKIS PARK sold to Pillsbury Co., Resol. 266-81 ....... 384 8--Pnisean, Al, relative to Crescent Rd;ge Sewer ............... 391 8--Petesch, Wayne, claim for condemnation of properties on Cres- cent Ridge ............................................ 406 8--Pluemer, Ms. Lynn, notice of backed-up sewer claim. ......... 406 "21--P & Z submitting Ordinance to allow churches as a principal permitted use in ali Commercial & Light Industrial Districts and providing for parking ............................... 410 " 21--P&Zapprovingfinalplatofportionof"Fnidorf'sPlace". .... 419 " 21--Pizza Hut of Dubuque granted Beer Permit ................. 421 " 21--Police & Fire Pension Boards reports submitted ............. 422 Oct. 5--Productivity Improvement Week Oct. 5 thru 11 ............. 425 5--Picker, Liz, requesting not to change name of North Burden St. 428 " 19--P & Z approving request of Manternach for rezonlng of Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park from R-4 PUD to C-2 classification. 453 ' 19--Pregier, Jill et al requesting to extend bus service near the St. Mary's apartments .................................... 466 " 19--Pregier, Walter, relative te lagistlation changes allowing for an increase in taxation in order to maintain bus service .......... 466 Nov. 2--Pumping Engine Bid Specifications submitted by City Mgr... 477 2--Pusateri Bros, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 482 2--Primary Election Results ........................... 482, 483, 484 2--Peteech, E. Wayne, Election Results, Ete .................. 483,484 2--Polsean, Tilden, Election Results ......................... 484 2--Pratt, Michael, Election Results .......................... 484 2--Promotlonni Exams, Fire & Police, List Certified by Civil Ser- vice Comm ........................................... 486 2--Police Promotional Examinations, List Certified by Civil Ser- vice Comm ........................................... 486 9--Petrakla re: vacatlan of various City properties .............. 492 9--Petrakis Park re: approving Affidavit of Possession, of proper- ty in Dbq. Harbor Co.'s Addn ............................ 493 " 16--Polsean, Al, re:objectionstoproposedimprovementofWWT Plant ................................................ 498 " 16--Parr;cia Ann Dr. re: property south of same, possible rezoning from R-4 Single Family to R-3 Multi-Family etc ............. 500 " 16--Pixler Electric Inc. re: selling property te City for roadway for North West Arterial ............................ 502, 516, 517, 528 " 16--P & Z approval of final plat for North*West Arterial .......... 503 " 16--Perfectinn Oil Co., re: acceptance of Warranty Deeds from same ................................................ 504 " 16--Peddlar's License-Ord. changing for tax-exempt organiza- tions ................................................ 506 " 16--Plambing Bd. re: Leonard J. Backes not reapplying .......... 510 " 16--Pratt, Michael, Gen. Election Results ..................... 511 " 16--Pregler, Walter, Write In Vote for 3rd Ward in Gen. Election.. 512 " 16--Park Commissioner, Election Results set out ............... 511 " 16--Petltlan of David Leliker requesting Upper Mississippi River Info ................................................. 514 "16--Polsean, Al, obi acting to City Hall Parking L'ot .............. 514 1981 SUBJECT Page Dec. 7--Patricla Ann Drive, re: rezoning nearby portion ............. 518 7--Paulson Elec. Co. awarding contract for Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements ........................... 527 7--Perpetual Easement re: Electric Transmission on the N/W Art. right-of-way .......................................... 528 7--Precincting re: City of Dubuque redistricting etc ............ 528 7--Policeman's Protective Assn. re: Agreement between City & same ................................................ 530 7--P & Z approval of finalplat of Dbq. Ind. Center First Addn .... 533 7--Police Entrance Examination certified to Counc'd ............ 536 "21--P & Z approving finalplat of Dbq. Ind. Center Second Addn... 540 "21--P & Z approving amendment to Zoning Ord. relative to lot re- qulrement area for Group Homes ......................... 546 "21--Petition of Gene Sullivan re: demolition of old Girl's Club ..... 546 "21--Peru Rd., re: request for wldening intersections to allow for tur. ning lanes ............................................ 547 "21--Patitlan of Robert Clark requesting widening of intersections on Peru Road to allow for turning lane ..................... 547 "21 --Precincts, establishment of earne for City of Dubuque ........ 550-558 "21 --Polling Places, establishment of same in precincts for City ..... 550-558 "21--Pratt, Council Member, expressing appreciation during tenure on Council ............................................ , 559 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Q June 1-Quayle, Jim, for Wards, re: Burglary Alarm Ord ............. July 20--Qulck, R. Thomas appointed to Transit Bd ................. 187 302 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page RESOLUTIONS Jan. 5--1-81 Providing for the appointment of City Manager, City Clerk, Corporation Counsel, City Solicitor, and Assistant, and fixing salaries ......................................... 1 5--2-81 Designating the Official Newspaper of tlie City of Dubu- que (The Telegraph Herald) .............................. 1 5--3-81 Designating Banks (Amer. Trust & Svgs, DB&T, First Nat'l. & Key City) as depository for City's funds ............. 2 5--4-81 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Kiviahan Project) ................................ 2 5--5-81 Granting Cigarette Permits .......................... 4 5--6-81 Issuance of Liquor License (Class "C" Beer & Liquor) .... 4 5--7-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 4 " 19--350-81 Necessity for Improvements - Record of Final Adoption re: Water Supply Well No. 10 ............................ 7 " 19--8-81 Decision of Council re: Water Supply Well No. 10 ........ 7 " 19--9-81 Ordering Construction re: Water Supply Well No. 10 ..... 8 " 19--10-81 Awarding Contract re: Water Supply Well No. 10 to Verner Well Pump Co ................................... 9 19--11-81 Preliminary Approval of Plans, etc. for Demolition of Trenkle Bldg .......................................... 10 19--12-81 Necessity for Improvements for Demolition of Trenkle Bldg., final adoption .................................... 10, 50 " 19--13-81 Fixing Date of Hearing for Demolition of Trenkle Bldg.. 10 " 19--14~81 Ordering Construction for Demolition of Trenkle Bldg... 11 " 19--15-81 Endorsing Dubuque Crime Prevention Coalition, Inc .... 11 " 19--16-81 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the Iowa Dept. of Transportation on Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects ....................... 21 " 19--17-81 Direction to Pay Contractor from C.D. funds for 18, Dell & 7th Street Steps ..................................... 24 " 19--18-81 Final Estimate of cost of 18th St., Dell St. & 7th St. steps. 24 " 19--19-81 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 2 of Highland Farm in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 2 of Highland Farm in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 26 " 19--20-81 Approval of delivery of Quit Claim Deed by Dbq. Comm. School District re: property in Highland Farm .............. 26 " 19--21-81Approving the plat of Subdivision of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 of Block 2 of "Northrangn Industrial Park at Dubu- que, Iowa, except for deed recorded in Book of Lands 63, Page 252, and except for deed recorded as Instrument No. 9333-72, each in Office of Dubuque County Recorder ................. 27 " 19--22-81 Approving the plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Meta Luedtke Place in Section 12 and Section 13, Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa ................................. 28 " 19--23-81 Granting of Cigarette Permits ....................... 28 " 19--24-81IssuanceofClass B BeerPerrmt ................... 29 " 19--25-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 29 Feb. 2--26-81 Providing that the Mayor shah sign all Ordinances, Amendments, and Resolutions and City Clerk shall attest to same ................................................ 33 2--27-81 Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment with Eska Co., Inc ................................. 34 2--28-81 Authorizing the issuance and sale of Industrial develop- ment Revenue Bond, Series 1981 (Walnut Grove Project) of amount of $430,000 and execution and delivery of a loan agree- ment with Kivlahan & Sons Construction Inc ............... 35 2--29-81 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Hardt Place No. 2 in the City of Dubuque ................................ 44 2--30-81 Approving the Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 10 of Block 1 of Roy Ney Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ....... 44 2--31-81 Approving the plat of Subdivision of Lot 3 of 2 of Mineral Lot 204, Lot 2 of 2 of I of Mineral Lot 207 and Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 205 all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............ 45 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Feb. 2--32-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 2--33-81 Issuance of Class "C" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor License. and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............... " 16--34-81 Awarding Contract to Conlon Const. for Demolition of Trenkle Bldg .......................................... " 16--35-81 Directing Publication of a Notice of Intention to issue Private College Revenue Bonds (Loras College Project) Series 1981 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and calling a public hearing on the proposal to issue said bonds and authorizing execution of a memorandum of agreement .......................... " 16--36-81 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 1982 Budget for the City of Dubuque, Iowa ................. " 16--37-81 Setting the date of P. Hearing on the Five Year Capital Improvement Program ................................. " 16--38-81 Setting the Date of P. Hearing on the use of Revenue Sharing Funds included in the Fiscal Year 1982 Budget for the City of Dubuque ....................................... " 16--39-81 Authorizing Publication of Notice of P. Hearing for the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds ......... " 16--40-81 Fixing a date of Meeting at Which it is proposed to in- stitute proceedings in the issuance of $100,000 Street Improve- ment Bonds ........................................... " 16--41-81 Accepting Improvement of J.F.K. Rd. - Traffic Signals & Street Lighting from Penn. Ave. to Asbury Rd .............. " 16--42-81 Final Estimate in amt. of $275,169.09 for J.F.K~ Rd,- Traffic Signals & Street Lighting from Penn. Ave. to Asbury Rd ........................................... " 16--43.81AoceptinglmprovementforCityHallBoilor/BurnerUnit. " 16--44.81 Final Estimate for City Hall Boiler/Burner Unit ........ " 16--45-81 Accepting Improvement for remodeling of 18th St. Fire Station .............................................. 16--46-81 Final Estimate of remodeling of 18th St. Fire Station in amt. of $60,490 ........................................ 16--47-81 Accepting Improvement for 18th St. Fire Station Remodeling ........................................... 16--48-81 Final Estimate of 18th St. Fire Station Remodeling in amt. of $48, 604.76 ....................... : ............. 16--49-81 Accepting Improvement for remodeling of 18th St. Fire Station .............................................. 16--50-81 Final Estimate in amt. of $22,436 for 18th St. Firo Sta- 16--51-81 Approving an Amendment to Agreements with Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce for provision of Economic Development Services .................................. " 16--52-81 Approving the Tax Exemption Applications of Jackson Park Urban Revitalization Ama Property owners and authoriz- ing the transmittal of the approved applications to the City Tax Assessor ............ : ............................ " 16--53-81 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Zwack Plaoc in the City of Dubuque .................................... " 16--54-81 Cigarette Permits Issuanco ......................... " 16--55-81 Issuance of Beer Permits (Class "C") ................. " 16--56-81 Issuance of Cizss "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses .......... Mar. 9--57-81 Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of: City of Dubuque, 1980 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ............... 9--58-81 Approval of a Purchase Option Agreement on a portion of Lot 2 of A.C. Pfohl Placein the City of Dubuque, Iowa ...... 9--59-81 Adopting of Supplement No. 7 to the Code of Or- dinances ............................................. 9--60-81 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lots 11-19 in Block8 and the Subdivision of Lot 1-1-1-1-1 in "Birch Acres." . 9--61-81 Approving the plat of Lots 4-12 inclusive of Block 4, Lots 1-16 inclusive of Block 5, Lots 1-4 inclusive of Block 6, Lots 1-3 inclusive of Block 7 and Lots 5-9 inclusive ot; Block 8 of Clarke Crest Estates in the City of Dubuque ...................... 45 46 50 51 54 54 54 55 55 6O 60 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 65 66 66 66 7O 73 77 77 78 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Mar. 9--62-81 Granting permit to sell cigarettes .................... 79 " 9--63-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit .... 80 9--64-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses .......... 80 10--65-81 Adopting the Annual Budget for the FY ending June 30, 1982 ................................................. 86 " 10--66-81 Adoption of the Five Year Capital Improvement Pro- gram ................................................ 87 " 18--67-81 Authorizing an Option Agreement for Purchase of Pro- perty known as the Dubuque In Futuro Housing Site ......... 94 " 23--68-81 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale oI Private College Revenue Bonds - Loras College Project - Series 1981 in an amt. not to Exceed $3,000,000 ................................ 97 " 23--69-81 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc. re: 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ................................... 98 " 23--70-81 Neceesity for Improvement re: 1981 Asphalt Paving Pro- ject No. 1 ............................................. 98, 131 " 23--71-81 Determination of Proposed Assessments re: 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ............................ 99 " 23--72-81 Fixing Date of Hearing re: 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ................................................ 99 " 23--73-81 Providing for the sale and award of $100,000 Street Im- provement Bonds and approving and authorizing the agree- merit of such sale and award ............................. 101 " 23--74-81 Authorizing the adoption of a Citizen Participation Plan tot the City of Dubuque ................................. 101 " 23--75-81 Authorizing the filing of an application for a Community Development Block Grant for the City of Dubuque .......... 102 " 23--76-81 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Pro- jects ................................................. 103 " 23--77-81 Authorizing publication of notice of Environmental Review Findings for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects ........................................ 104 "23--78-81 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environment Review Findings for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects ........................................ 105 " 23--79-81 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection certain Community Development Block Grant Documents ...................................... 106 " 23--80-81 Authorizing the filing of an application for twenty-two units to be leased in the Section 8 Existing Housing Program.. 106 " 23--81-81 Authorizing Mayor to execute application for additional 25 units of Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Housing ....... 107 " 23--82-81 Approving Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "Clin-Que Inc. Addition" to the City of Dubuque ..... 108 "23--83-81 Granting permit s to soil clgarettes ................... 110 " 23--84-81 Issuance of Class "B' and Class "C" Beer Permits ...... 111 " 23--85-81 IssuanceofClass"C"Beer&LiquorLicense(s) ......... 111 " 26--86-81 Authorizing the City Mgr. to Commence Negotiations with Teleprompter of Dubuque for a Nonexclusive, Revocable Franchise for the Operation of a Cable Services Delivery System for the City of Dubuque, Iowa ..................... 114 Apr. 6--87-81 Finding that the Rehabilitation and Conservation of the Herinafter Specifically Described Properties, comprising the Washington St. area, is necessary in the intrest of the Public Health, Safety and Welfare of the residents of the City ....... 120 6--88-81 Acknowledging a Proposed Plan for the Washington St. Urban Revitalization Area, and providing for a Public Hearing. 121 " 6--89-81 Preliminary Approval of Plans/Specs. etc. for reconstruc- tion of the Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer from 24th to 26th St.. 121 " 6--90-81 Necessity for Improvement re: Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer from 24th to 26th St .............................. 122, 143 6--91-81 Fixing Date of Hearing re: Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer from 24th to 26th Street ................................ 122 6--92-81 Authorizing submission of a request for release of funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects .... 123 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Apr. 6--93-81 Authorizing Mayor execute a Supplement Agreement for the City of Dubuque identified as Iowa DOT Agreement #81-3-014 re: Paving of City Island Bridge approaches, ramp and deck; painting of City Island Bridge ................... 124 6--94-81 Ordered and Directed Eminent Domain Proceedings be instituted forthwith by the City for the acquisition of construc- tion easements for the construction of the Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ........................................ 125 6--95-81 Granting of Cigarette Licenses ...................... 127 6--96-81 Authorizing Issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits .............................................. 128 6--97-81 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permits. 128 " 20--97-81 Necessity of Improvement for 1981 Asphalt Paving Pro- ject SHOULD BE Resolution 70-81 ....................... 131 "20--98-81Decisinn of Council upon objections to plans, specs, form of contract & cost of improvement re: 1981 Asphalt Paving Project .............................................. 132 " 20--99-81 Ordering Construction re: 1981 Asphalt Paving Project.. 133 " 20--100-81 Approving plat of the subdivision of "Powers Irish Plateau" in the City of Dubuque. Iowa ..................... 134 " 20--101-81 Authorizing Resointinn to apply for $67,920 to be used for Operating Assistance under the state transit assistance program and enter into contract with the Iowa DOT ......... 137 " 20--102-81 Extending the Developer Designation Agreement with the Homart Development Co. for the Dubuque Downtown Ur- ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 .......................... 137 " 20--103-81 Authorizing the City Mgr. to collect delinquent refuse collection accounts in accordance with Section 17-37 (d) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............ 138 "20--104-81 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 in "Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ........................................ 139 " 20-- 105-81 Granting Cigarette Permit s ........................ 140 " 20--106-81 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits .............................................. 140 " 20--107-81 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Commercial Beer & Liquor Licence ........................................ May 4--108-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs. form of contract and cost of improvements, re: Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction from 24th thru 26th St ....... 4--109-81 Ordering Construction re: Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction ........................................ 4--110-81 Awarding Contract, re: Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction, to Stewart Construction .................. 4--111-81 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Amendment to the Fiscal Year t981 Budget and date of Public Hearing ......... 4--112-81 Approval of the proposed plans, specs, etc. for City Hall Parking Lot Expansion .... : ............................ 4--113-81 Necessity for Improvement for City Hall Parking Lot 140 143 144 145 145 146 Expansion Project ..................................... 146, 201 4--114-81 Fixing Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for City Hall Parking Lot Expansion Project .... 146 4--115-81 Accepting Improvement for Demolltinn of the Trenkle Bldg ................................................. 152 4--116-81 Final Estimate for demolltinn of the Trenkle Bldg ...... 153 4--117-81 Authorizing the filing of Amendments to Current Sec- tion 3 Application (IA-03-0017) and Pending Section 5 Applica- tion (IA-05-0028) with the Department of Transportation. United Stated of America, for a Grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act. of 1964, as Amended .................. 153 4--118-81 Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Stipulation of Bargaining Unit ....................................... 154 4--119-81 Approved of contract for purchase of real estate by and between Dubuque In Future, lac. and City of Dubuque Ire: Frommelt Ind. purchase~ ............. , .................. 155 4--120-81 Granting o£ Cigarette Permits ...................... 155 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page M, ay 4--121-81 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permit ............ 156 4 12 ..... -- 2-81IssuaneeofClass C Beer&LquorLmense .......... 156 " 18--123-81 Amending Resolution No. 70-81 re: Elimination of W. Locust St. from 1981 Asphalt Pay. Project ................. 169 " 18--124-81 Awarding Contract for the City of Dubuque 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. I to Tschiggfrie Excavating ...... 169 " 18--125-81 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of "Peter Kalb Place 'n the C'ty of Dubuque, Iowa ....................... 170 " 18--126-81 Approving plat of the Subdivision of "Tamarack SE" Dubuque County, Iowa ................................. 170 " 18--127-81 Granting Cigarette Permits to @ 20 outlets ........... 172 " 18--128-81 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer & Class "C" Beer Permits .......................................... 173 " 18--129-81 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................................... .......... 173 " 18--130-81 Authorizing the issuance, execution, delivery and sale of $3,000,000 in Aggregate Principal amount of Private College Revenue Bonds (Loras College Project) Series 1981, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the Execution and Delivery of an Indenture of Trust to Secure said Bonds, the Appointment of a Trustee, and the Execution and Del/very of a Loan Agreement, a Mor- tgage and a Security Agreement by and Between the City of Dubuque Iowa, and Loras College ....................... 177 June 1--131-81 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year Eh- ding June 30, 1981 ..................................... 181 1--132-81 Decision of Council upon objections to Plans, Specifica- tions, Form of Contract and Cost of Improvements re: City Hall Parking Lot Expansion ............................. 201 1 --1.33-81 Ordering Construction re: City Hall Parking Lot Expan- sion ................................................. 202 " 1--134-81 Awarding Contract re: City Hall Parking Lot Expan- sion ................................................. 202 ' 1--135-81 Approving plat of Lot 38 in Grandview Heights Sub- division .............................................. 203 1--136-81 Approving proposed written amendment to lease agree- ment by & between City of Dbq. and the Beecher Sand Ltd .... 204 1--137-81 ApProving and filing the plans, specs, etc. for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer .................................. 204 1--138-81 Necessity for Improvement for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ........................................ 205, 262 1--139-81 Approving Schedule of proposed assessments for City of Dubuque Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ................ 205 1--140-81 Fixing Date of Hearing re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 205 1--141-81 Authorizing the filing of an Amendment to Section 5 Application (IA-05-0009) with DOT, United States of America, for a Grant under UMTA ................................ 206 1--142-81 Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Stipulation of Bargaining Unit ....................................... 207 1--143-81 Appruval oI Eminent Domain Proceedings for necessary properties relative to the Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ........................................ 209 1--144-81 Authorizing Execution of an agreement between the City and Ia. DOT re: 21st St. Radius Improvement .......... 209 1--145-81 Accepting Improvement re: Bell St. Storm Sewer ...... 209 1--146-81 Final Estimate re: Ben St. Storm Sewer .............. 210 1--147-81 Approving agreements and directing to execute said agreements re: Ililnola Central Gulf Railroad re: Radford Road Sanitary Sewer ............................ : ........... 210 1--148-81 Approving and delivering Warranty Deed by Asbury Square, Inc. to City re: widening of John F. Kennedy Rd ...... 211 " 1--149-81 Approving the plat of the Sub. of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot I of Mineral Lot 207 and the Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 10 of BlOck I of Roy Ney Sub ................................. 211 " 1--150-81 Approving the Plat of Lots 5-9 of Block 6 of "Clarke Crest Estates". ....................................... 212 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 1981 SUBJECT Page June 1--151-81 Granting approval of Cigarette Lciense to @ 50 outlets. 215 1--152-81 Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits .............. 216 1--153-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ......... 216 "1~t:--154-81 Approval of disposal and interest and sale of Lot 38 in Grandview Heights Sub. to Or[in Conlin ................... 226 1--155-81 Approval of proposal to enter into an Amendment to Lease and Agreement by and between Bd. of Dock Commis- sions and Beecher Sand Ltd. re: tract of land ................ 227 1--156-81 Directing Publication of Notice of Intention to Increase the Authorized Aggregate Principal Amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Inland Molasses Co. Project) of the City of Dbq., Ia., from Not to Exceed $1,000.000 to Not to Exceed $1,700,000 ..................................... 227 1--157-81 Approving Plat of Vacated Garnet Ave .............. 230 1--158-81 Accepting the proposed Agreement between the City of Dbq. and the Dbq. Assn. of Professional Firefighters, Local #353, and Authorizing the Mayor to sign Said Agreement ..... 231 1--159-81 Accepting the proposed Agreement between the City and the Gen. Drivers and Helpers Union, Local 421, and authorizing Mayor to sign said Agreement ................. 231 1--160-81 Accepting the proposed Agreemen between the City of Dbq. and the International Union of Operating Engrs., Local #758 and authorizng the Mayor to sign said Agreement ....... 232 " 1--161-81 Accepting the proposed Agreement between the City of Dbq. and the Dbq. Po[icemen's Protective Assoc. and authoriz- Lng the Mayor to sign said Agreement ..................... 232 1--162-81 Abolishing two (2) Po[ice Officer Positions ............ 233 1--163-81 Accepting the proposed Agreement between the City of Dbq. and the Amalgamated Transit Union, Div. 329, and authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement .............. 233 1--164-81 Adopting the FY 1982 Compensation Package and Wage Plan for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees ............. 234 1--165-81 Approval of a Personnel Manual for fnil-time non- bargaining unit employees ............................... 235 1--166-81 Approving the plat of the Sub. of Lot 15 of "Oak Brook Development". ....................................... 249 1--167-81 Approving the plat of Blocks i thru 7 of "Oak Brook Townhouses". ........................................ 249 1--168-81 Granting of Cigarette Licenses to about 200 outlets .... 251 1--169-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit to 4 outlets ........ 253 1--170-81 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to several outlets ............................................... 253 ~-171-81 Providing for participation by the City of Dbq., Ia., in the formation of the Iowa Municipal Workers Compansation Aseec ................................................ 256 6--172-81 Relating to the holding of a Public Hearing regarding the increase from not to exceed $1,000,000 to not to exceed $1,700,000 in Aggregate Prinicpal Amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Inland Molasses Co. Project) of the City of Dbq., Ia.; approving proceedings with the Issuance and Sale of said Bonds; and authorizing execution of an Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement ................ 259 6--173-81 Approving of the disposal and interest and sale of real estate (portion of Garnet Ave.) to Mississippi Valley Milk Pro- ducers Assn., Inc. etc ................................... 261 6--174-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifica- tions, form of contract and cost of improvements re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer .................................. 263 6--175-81 Ordering construction re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 263 6--176-81 Acquisition of Properties for Northwest Arterial, Phase I, U.S. 20 to Pennsylvania Ave ........................... 264 " 6--177-81 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. re: Northwest Arterial, Stage I, Grading & Drainage ..................... 265 " 6--178-81 Necessity for Improvement, re: North-West Arterial, Stage I, Grading and Drainage ........................... 265, 284 July 6--179-81 Fixing date of Hearing re: North-West Arterial, Stage I, Grading & Drainage .................................... 265 6--180-81 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. re: N/W Arterial, Stage I, Pretensinned, Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridge .... 266 6--181-81 Necessity for Improvement re: N/W Arterial, Stage I, Pretcnsioned, Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridge ........... 266, 286 6--182-81 Fixing date of Hearing re: N/W Arterial Pretensioned, Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridge ....................... 267 6--183-81 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. re: Radford In- dustrial Park Storage Facility ............................ 267 6--184-81 Necessity for Improvement re: Radfurd Industrial Park Water Storage Facility ................................. 267,287 6--185-81 Fixing date of Hearing and auhtorizing advertisement for proposals re: Radford Ind. Park Water Storage Facility .... 268 6--186-81 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. re: Dbq. Industrial Center & Assoc. Sewer/Water Service Facilities ............. 268 6--187-81 Necessity for Improvement re: Dbq. Industrial Center & Assoc. Sewer/Water Service Facilities ................... 268 6--188-81 Fixing date of Hearing and authorizing advertisement for proposals re: Dbq. Industrial Center and Assoc. Sewer/Water Service Facdities ........................... 269 6--189-81 Authorizing the City Mgr. to execute a Maintenance Agreement with the Iowa Dept. of Transportation ........... 271 6--190-81 Accepting Improvement re: Identifying devices at Carnegie-Stout P. Library Ext. with Frank Hardie Adv ....... 272 6--191-81 Final estimate re: Identifying devices at Carnegie-Stout P, Library Ext ........................................ 272 6--192-81 Accepting improvement re: Furniture & Equipment at Carnegie-Stout P. Library with the Blackhawk Co., Jefferson, Wis ................................................. 272 6--193-81 Final estimate re: Furniture & equipment at Carnegie- Stout P. Library with the Blackhawk Co ................... 273 6--194-81 Accepting Improvement re: Furnishings, equipment and refinishing existing furniture at Carnegie-Stout P. Library expansion with Fandrei, Inc. Des Moinee, Iowa ............. 273 6--195-81 Final estimate re: Interior furnishings, equipment and refinishing existing furniture at Carnegla-Stout P. Library ex- pansion with Fandrei, Inc ............................... 273 6--196-81 Accepting improvement re: Carnegie-Stout P. Library expansion with Kahle Carpet Co .......................... 274 6--197-81 Final estimate re: Kahle Carpet Co. & Library expan- sion ................................................. 274 6--198-81 Accepting improvement re: Library expansion with Kirk-Gross Co ......................................... 274 6--199-81 Final estimate re: Library expansion with Kirk-Groee Co .................................................. 275 6--200-81 Accepting improvement re: Library expansion with Kirk-Gross Co ......................................... 275 6--201-81 Final estimate re: Library expansion with Kirk-Grees Co. 275 6--202-81 Adopting supplement No. 8 to the Code of Ordinances of the City ............................................ 276 6--203-81 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to about 25 outlets ............................................... 277 6--204-81 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit, Class "C" Beer Permit ....................................... 277 6--205-81 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ............................................. 278 20--206-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., etc. re: N/W Arterial, Stage I, Grading & Drainage .............. 285 20--207-81 Ordering construction re: N/W Arterial, Stage I, Grading and Drainage .................................. 285 20--208-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., etc. re: N/W Arterial, Stage I - Preteneioned-Preetressed Concrete Bridge ............................................... 286 " 20--209-81 Ordering construction re: N/W Arterial, Stage I, Pretensioned-Preetreesed Concrete Beam Bridge ............ 287 INDEX-- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 1981 SUBJECT Page July 20--210-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., etc. re: Dubuque Industrial Center & Associated Sewer/Water Ser- vice Facilities ..................................... 288 " 20--211-81 Ordering construction re: Dbq. Industrial Center & Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities .............. 288 "20--212-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, re: Dubuque Industrial Center & Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities ....................................... 290 " 20--213-81 Ordering construction re: Dubuque Industrial Center & Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities ................ 290 "20--214-81 Approving the Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2-1-2 Coventry Park in the City of Dbq ........................ 292 "20--215-81 Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment by and between the City of Dbq,, Ia. and Dubuque In Future, Inc. regarding the Dbq. Industrial Center ........... 293 " 20--216-81 Accepting improvement re: Library Facility Expansion, Carnegie-Stout Library ............................... 299 " 20--217-81 Final estimate re: Library Facility Expansion, Carnegie- Stout Library ......................................... 299 " 20--218-81 Resolving that the Eska Co. has complied with ali the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 142-71 .............. 300 " 20--219-81 Granting ieeuance of Cigarette Permits .............. 302 " 20--220-81Grantlng issuance of Class "C' Beer Permit ......... 303 ' 20--221-81 Granting issuance of Class "B" Beer & Liquor License.. 303 " 20--222-81 Resolving that the Ordinance No. 42-81 granting Teleprompter, Inc. of New York a non-exclusive franchise to erect, maintain, and operate plants and systems for cable television within the City of Dubuque for a term of 20 years to be submitted to the electorate of Dubuque at an election to be held on Sept. 8 ...................................... 339 Aug. 3--223-81 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. for Five Flags Theater Boiler Replacement ............................. 343 3--224-81 Necessity for Improvement re: Five Flags Theater Boiler Replacement .................................... 343-389 3--225-81 Fixing date of Hearing and authorizing advertisement for proposals re: Five Flags Theater Boiler Replacement ...... 343 3--226.81 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. for Central Ave, traf- fic signal improvement.s ................................ 344 3--227-81 Necessity for Improvement for Central Ave. at 22nd St. Traffic Signal Improvments ............................. 344-387 3--228-81 Fixing date of Hearing and authorizing advertisement for proposals for Central Ave. at 22nd St. traffic signals im- provements .......................................... 345 3--229-81 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. for White St. at 21st St. Radius Improvements ............................... 345 3--230-81 Necessity for Improvement re: White St. at 21st Radius Improvements ........................................ 346 3--231-81 Fixing date of Hearing and authorizing advertisement for proposals re: White St. at 21 st St. Radius Imp~'ovements. ~. 346 3--232-81 Awarding Contract re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer~. 347 3--233-81 Accepting improvement for Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer ............................................. 347 3--234-81 Final estimate for the Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer .... 238 3--235-81 Accepting improvement for City Hall Perking Lot Ex- pansion Project ..................................... 348 3--236-81 Final estimate for City Hall Parking Lot Expansion Project ............................................ 238 3--237-81 AccePting improvement for City Hatl Handicapped Ramp. 349 3--238-81 Ffiml estimate for City Hall Handicapped Ramp ......... 349 3--239-81 Adopting the fnufl assessment schedule for the City of Dubuque 1981 Asphalt Paving Project Number One, including certain information required by the Code of Iowa, specifics//y, the number of annual inst~Jllments, into which Assessments are divi- ded, the Interest on all unpaid instaliroents, the time when the assessments are payable and directin~the Clerk to certify the final schedule and to publish notice thereof. ..................... 349 Aug. 3--240-81 Accepting improvement for the City of Dubuque 1981 Asphalt Paving Project ................................. 353 3--241-81 Final estimate for the City of Dbq. 1981 Asphalt Paving Project .............................................. 353 3--242-81 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a Stipulation of Bargain- lng Unit re: General Drivers & Helpers Union ............... 353 3--A RESOLUTION Authorizing the Mayor to execute a supple- ment to Predesign Project Agreement for improvements on 9th St. & Kerper by Ia. DOT - FAILED TO PASS ........... 354 3--243-81 Awarding contract re: North-West Arterial, Stage I, Grading and Drainage .................................. 354 3--244-81 Cigarette Peru/ts to 6 outlets ....................... 355 3--245-81 Class "B' & Class "C' Beer Permits issued ........... 355 3--246-81 Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses issued ............. 356 " 17--247-81 Approving the plat of vacated Pine St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Bell St., vacated Wall St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St., vacated alley bet- ween Wall St. & Washington St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St .......................................... 364 3--248-81 Setting disposition of Petrakis Park authorization of P. Hearing. ............................................. 364 " 17--249.81 Accepting a Memorandum of Agreement with Dubuque In Future, Inc. providing for the Assignment of Responsilities for Management of the Dubuque Industrial Center, for the marketing of sites therein, and providing further for the transfer of certain property of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Dubuque In Future, Inc., an Iowa Non-Profit Corporation .... 365 " 17--250-81 Directing the transfer of certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Funds ................................ 366 " 17--251-81 Providing for an Extension of the time limitation sep- c/f/ed in the Ordinance authorizing the establishment of a Plan- ned Industrial District for submission of Final Development Plans for the Dubuque Industrial Center ................... 367 " 17--252-81 Awarding Contract for the Dubuque Industrial Park Water Storage Facility ................................. 367 " 17--253-81 Authorizing the City Mgr. to execute an Engineering Agreement with Warzyn Engineering Co. re: Water Storage Facility in Dubuque Industrial Park ....................... 368 " 17--254-81 Awarding Contract to Gordon Russell, Inc. for Dubu- que Ind. Center and Assoc. Sewer/Water Service Facilities .... 368 17--255-81Authorizlng execution of an Agreement between the City of Dbq., Ia. and the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Adm. relating to the improvement of traffic signals along U.S. Highway 20 i.n Dubuque ....................... 369 " 17--256-81 Adopting Supplement No. 9 to the Code of Ordinances.. 369 " 17--257-81 Approving plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot i of Lot 1 of the Northwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One- Quarter, Section 11, Township 88 North, Range 2 East of the 5th Principal Meridian, and the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 of the Southwest One- Quarter, Section 11, Township 88 North, Range 2 East of the 5th Principal Meridian, each being in Table Mound Township.. 370 " 17--258-81 Approval of plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of A.C. Pfohl Pl. in the City of Dubuque .................................. 371 " 17--259-81 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to 5 outlets ............ 372 " 17--260-81 Class "B" Beer Permits issuance ................... 372 " 17--261-81 Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenseissued ............. 373 " 17--262-81 Issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor License ............................................. 375 Sept. 2--263-81 Approval of Plat of Subd. Lot i of Lot 2 of A.C. Pfohl Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ........................ 377 2--264-81 Approval disposal of interest in Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of A. Pfohl Place renamed Dubuque Industrial Center City of Dubuque, Iowa according to plat approved by Resolution No. 263-81 to Dubuque In Future Inc ......................... 377 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Sept. 2--265-81 Fixing date public hearing on proposed Industrial Development Revenue Bonds {Dubuque In Future, Inc. Pro- jeet) Series 1981 ....................................... 378 8--266-81 Authorizing sale of "PETRAKIS PARK" in the City of Dubuque. Iowa, to Pillsbury Company ..................... 384 8--267-81 Approving and making permanent record plans and specifications White St. at 21st St. Radius Improvements ..... 386 8--268-81 Ordering Construction of White Street at 21st St. Radius Improvements per plans and specifications .......... 386 8--269-81 Awarding Contract for White St. at 21st St. Radius Im- provements to Tschiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque .......... 387 8--270-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifica- tions form of contract and cost of improvements at Central Ave. and 22nd St. traffic signal ........................... 388 " 8--271-81 Ordering construction of Central Ave. at 22nd St. traf- fic signal improvements ................................. 388 8--272-81 Awarding contract re: Central Ave. at 22nd St. traffic signal improvements ................................... 389 8--273-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifica- tions form of contract and cost of improvements for Five Flags Theater Boiler replacement .............................. 390 8--274-81 Ordering construction of Five Flags Theater boiler replacement .......................................... 390 8--275-81 Awarding contract to Berwanger Boiler Shop Inc. for construction and installation of Five Flags Theater boiler replacement .......................................... 391 8--276-81 Authorizing execution of Agreement between City of Dubuque, Iowa and Ill. Central Gulf Railroad Co. re: construc- tion of bridge across tracks located on N/W Arterial .......... 391 8--277-81 Awarding contract to Lunda Construction Co. of Black River, Wisc. for construction of Pretensionod-Prestressed Con- crete Beam Bridge N/W Arterial .......................... 392 8--278-81 Intent to grant Interstate Power Co. perpetual ease- ment for their facilities on alignment of N/W Arterial ......... 392 8--279-81 Authorize Mayor execute a Predesign Project Agree- ment for improvements on Ninth St. and Kerper Blvd. by IDOT .............. : ................................. 393 8--280-81 Authorizing execution of Agreement between City of Dubuque, Iowa and IDOT, relating the traffic signal intercon- nection on Central Ave. from 17th St. to 22nd St ............ 393 8--281-81 Authorizing execution of Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and IDOT re: to traffic signalimprovements at Dodge and Bryant St. and Dodge and J.F.K, Rd. ICrescent Ridge) ............................................... 394 " 8--282-81 Authorize execution by City Manager of Engineering Agreement with Shive-Hattery and Assoc. for engineering ser- vices of predesign of City Island Ballpark Complex.., ....... 394 " 8--283-81 Approving Official report of Municipality for streets and parking for Fiscal Year 1980 ......................... 395 8--284-81 Authorize execution of Annual Contributions Contract - Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Housing Units ........... 395 8--285-81 Authorize execution of Annual Contributions Contract - Consolidated for 411 Section 8 Existing Housing Units ....... 396 8--286-81 IsSUance of Cigarette Permit ....................... 405 8--287-81 Issuance of Beer Permits .......................... 405 8--288-81 Issuance of Liquor Licenses to Class "C" (Commercial) Beer and Liquor License ........... : .................... 405 - 21_289.81 Determining to proceed with issuance of $1,000,000 In- dustrial Revenue Bonds IDubuque In Future Inc. Project) 1981 ................................................. 409 " 21--290-81 Authorizing amendment to Resolution No. 28-81 and Industrial Development Revenue Bond Series 1981 {Walnut Grove Project) and Loan Agreement with Kivlahan & Sons 411 Construction Inc....,. ................................. " 21--291-81 Approving plat of Subd. of Lot 2 of I of Subd. of Lot 1 of I of "Faldorf's Place" in Dubuque, Iowa ................. 419 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Sept.21 --292-81 Issuance of Beer and Liquor Licenses ................ " 21--293-81 Grantlng issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits. Oct. 5--294-81 Necessity for Improvement for Central Ave. lighting 42O 421 and traffic signalinterconnect from 16th St. to 22nd St ....... 425,469 5--295-81 Preliminary approval of plans and specs, for Central Ave. street lighting and traffic signal interconnect from 16th St. to 22nd St ................................ : ........ 426 5--296-81 Fixing date of hearing and authorizing advertisement for Central Ave. street lighting and traffic signal interconnect from 16th St. to 22nd St ................................ 426 5--297-81 Necessity for Improvement for Wastewater Treatment Sludge Treatment Facilities-Belt Filter Press ............... 426, 498 5--298-81 Preliminary plans for Wastewater Treatment Sludge Treatment Facility-Belt Filter Press Project ................ 427 5--299-81 Fixing date of hearing for Wastewater Treatment Sludge Treatment Facilities-Belt Filter Press ............... 427 5--300-81 Authorizing the filing of application with DOT for a UMTA Grant ......................................... 428 5--301-81 Authorizing execution of agreement with Iowa State University for participatingin urban stormwater program .... 431 5--302-81 Authorizing issuance and sale of $440,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds with Dubuque In Future...:... 431 5--303-81 Approving an agreement with Dubuque In Future Inc. providing for the loan of Community Development Funds ..... 433 5--304-81 Memorializing Regina {Dean) Cooper Gilmore ......... 435 5--305-81 Granting issuance of Cigarette Licenses ............. 436 5--306-81 Granting Class "B" & "C' Beer Permits ............. 437 5--307-81 Granting issuance of Class "C" (Commerical) Beer & Li- quor Licenses ......................................... 437 6--308-81 Authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment between City and A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co ............. 440 6--309-81 Fixing a date for public hearing on proposal with A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co ..................................... 441 6--310-81 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for certain Community Development Block Grant Project ......................................... 442 19--311-81 Authorizing the filing of an Urban Development Action Grant for the A.Y. McDonald Co. Expansion Project ......... 444 19--312-81 Amending Resolution No. 164-78 and providing for a correction reference to the plat subdividing project in Block 1 "Rivorfront Subd. No. 5" . .............................. 446 19--313-81 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Block 1 "Riverfront Subd. No. 5" in the City of Dubuque ...... 447 19--314-81 Declaring the Intent of the City of Dubuque to dispose of interests in certain real estate (KLAUER MFG.) .......... 447 19--315-81 Declaring the intent of the City of Dubuque, Iowa to dispose of interests in certain real estate {KLAUER MFG.) ... 448 19--316-81 Authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment with Klauer Mfg~ Co. for Industrial Development Revenue Bonds ........................................ 449 19--317-81 Fixing a date for hearing on proposed Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Klauer Mfg. Co ............ 449 19--318-81 Authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment with FrommeR Ind., Inc ............................ 451 19--319-81 Fixing a date of hearing on proposed Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Frommelt Industries Project. 452 19--320-81 Authorizing the issuance of $1,600,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds with Inland Molasses Co ....... 456 19--321-81 Approving project agreement for installation of naviga- tion lights by the IDOT on the 561 City Island Bridge ........ 459 19--322-81 Approving the plat of the Subd. of Lot lA of the Subd. of Lot A of Embassy West in the City ..................... 461 19--323-81 Approving plat of the Subd. of Lot 2A of the Subd. of Lot A of Embassy West in the City ....................... 461 19--324-81 Approving plat of the Subd. of Lot I of 3 in Bryne's Sub. etc. for r/w acquisition of North West Arterial Roadway.. 462 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Oct. 19--325-81 Approving plat of Subd, of Lot I of 1 of 1 of the Correc- tion Plat of Lot 1 of M.L. 246 (Arthofer & Wilson) ........... 462 "19--326-81 Approving plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Luedtke Subd. in the City of Dubuque ................................... 463 " 19--327-81 Granting issuance of Cigarette Licenses ........... 464 " 19--328-81 GrantingClass "B' and"C' Beer Permits ........... 464 " 19--329-81 Granting Class "B" and "C" Liquor Licenses ......... 464 Nov. 2--330-81 Determining to proceed with the issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (A.Y. Mcdonald Mfg. Co, Pre- ject) Series 1981 ....................................... 468 2--331-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, etc, for Central Ave. St. lighting and traffic signal interconnect .... 469 2--332-81 Ordering construction for Central Ave. St. lighting & traffic signal interconnect ............................. 470 2--333-81 Awarding contract for Central Ave. St. lighting & traf- fic signal interconnect .................................. 471 2--334-81 A Resalutinn directing the Publication of a Notice of In- tention to issue not to exceed $1,000,000 aggregate principal amt. of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Neeler Center Project) Series 1981 of the City of Dubuque, Ia. and calling a public hearing on the proposal to issue said bonds and authorizing execution of a Memorandum of Agreement ...... 471 2--335-81 Approving and filing proposed plans, specs, etc. for the N/W Arterialin the est. amt. of $705,114.33 .............. 474 " 2--336-81 Necessity for Improvement for N/W Arterial, Stage I, P.C.C, Paving and Intersection improvements .............. 474-523 2--337-81 Fixing date of hearing & authorizing advertisement of proposals (N/W Arterial, Stage I, P.C.C. Paving & Intersec- tion) .............................................. 475 2--338-81 Resolved that the proposed plans, specs, for the Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements are approved etc... 475 2--339-81 Necessity for Improvement re: Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements .............. ............ 476-525 2--340-81 Fixing date of hearing & authorizing advertisement for proposals re: Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Im- provements ........................................ 476 2--341-81 Accepting improvement re: Shelving for the Carnegie- Stout Library Expansion ................................ 477 2--342-81 Final Estimate re: shelving supplied by Estay Corp. for the Carnegie-Stout Library Expansion ................... 477 2--343-81 Authorizing the City Mgr. to execute a takeover agree- ment with the Aetna Ins. Co. re: Estay Corp. to furnish shelv- ing etc. at Library ..................................... 477 " 2--344-81 Adopting a Master Street Name List ............... 480 2--345-81 Authorizing Publication of Notice of availability for public inspec, certain Comm. Devel. Block Grant Documents.. 480 2--346-81 Cigarette Permit to Wm. Murphy ................ 481 2--347-81 Granting Class "C'! Beer Permit ................ 481 2--348-81 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to several outlets ............................................... 482 9--349-81 Approving disposal of property to Klauer Mfg. Co. Ipert. of River front Sub.) .............................. 488 9--350-8~ Authorization and execution of Lease Agreement with Klauer Mfg. Co ....................................... 489 9--351-81 Resolution to proceed with the issuance and sale of In- dustrial Development Revenue Bonds (Klauer Mfg, Co. Project in amt. not to exceed $7,000,000} ......................... ~90 9--352-81 Resolutidn to proceed with the issuance and sale of In- dustrial Development Revenub Bonds, Series 1981 (Frommelt Ind,) in an amt. not to exceed $5,000.000 ................... 491 9--353-81 Clarifying Ordinance No. 47-81 vacating Pine St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Bell St., vacated Wail St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St., vacated alley between Wail St. and Washington St, from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St., and vacated Washington St. from the EPL of Market St. to the WPL of Fourth St.,, 492 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Nov. 9--354-81 Approving Affidavit of Possession re: Petrakis Park.. · 492 " 16--355-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, etc. re: WWT Sludge Facilities Belt Filter Press ................... 499 " 16--356-81 Ordering Construction re: WWT Sludge Treatment Facilities Felt Filter Press ............................... 499 ' 16--357-81 Awarding Contract to Civil Constructors, Inc. re: Belt Filter Press at WWTP .................................. 500 " 16--358-81 Approval of disposal of property to Pixler Electric Inc. for 527,500 .......................................... 502 "16--359'81 Approving plat of Subd. of Lot 2 of the Subd. of Lot 1 of SW¼ of SW¼ of Sect. 28, Township 89N; R2E of the 5th P,M. in the City of Dubuque ................................ 503 " 16--360-81 Approval of Warranty Deeds by Schlitz Develop. Corp. 503 " 16--361'81 Acceptance of delivery of Warranty Deed by Perfection Oil Co ............................................. . . 504 " 16--362-81 Approving a Tentative 5 yr. street construction pro- gram and submitting same to the IDOT .................. 504 ' 16--363-81 Authorizing the City Mgr. to execute a Sewer Service Agreement with the Celotex Corp. in Dubuque, Ia ........... 505 " 16--364-81 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit to several outlets ..... 510 " 16--365-81 Granting Class "C' Commeroial Beer & Liquor Licenses to 3 outlets ........................................... 511 Dec. 7--366-81 Approval of dispeeal of real estate to Pixler Elec ....... 516 7--367-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, etc. for N/W Arterial, Stage I, P,C.C. Paving & Intersection Im- provement ete ......................................... 523 7--368-81 Ordering construction for N/W Art., Stage I. P.C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements ..................... 524 7--369-81 Awarding contract to Tschiggfrie Ex. for N/W Arterial, Stage I, P.C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements ........ 525 7--370-81 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, etc. for Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements ........ 526 7--371-81 Ordering construction for Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements ................................ 526 " 7--372-81 Awarding Contract for Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements ................................ 527 7--373-81 approving of disposal of interest re: Schiltz Devel. & Pi:der Elec, Property, etc ................................ 527 7--374-81 For the Notification of P. Hearing Granting a perpetual easement to Interstate Power Co. for right-of-way on the N/W Art. 528 7--375-81 Accepting improvement for Water Supply Well #10 .... 529 7--376-81 Final estimate for Water Supply Well No. 10 .......... 529 7--377-81 Accepting the proposed Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque Policemen's Protective Assn ......... 530 7--378-81 Adopting Supplement No. 10 to the Code of Ordinances. 531 7--379-81 Approving the final plat of Dubuque Ind. Center First Addn. in the City ...................................... 532 7--380-81 Approving plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of "Nesler Hgts." on Grandview in the City of Dubuque ...................... 532 7--381-81 Approving the plat of the Subd. of "Faldorf-Dockal Woodland Preserve" in the City of Dubuque ................ 533 7--382-81 Cigarette Permits to 3 outlets ...................... 534 7--383-81 Granting of Class "C" Beer Permits to 3 outlets ....... 534 7--384-81 Granting of Class "C' Beer & Liquor License to several outlets .............. : .....,; ........... "21--385-81 Approving the plat of D~u4~ Ind"~iri~ ~nte~ ~,~ 535 cond Addn.' . ..................... "21--386-81 Approvi~ ~sl~gal ;f i~ter;~t of ;;al eagate to Schilta 540 Development Corp ..................................... 541 "21--387-81 Granting a perpetual easement to Interstate Power Co. for Right-of-Way on the N/W Arterial ..................... 541 " 21--388-81 Authorizing the execution of a Memocandum of Agree. mont with JELD-WEN FIBER PRODUCTS, INC ........... 542 "21--389-81 Fixing a date of Hearing on proposed Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1981 (JELD-WEN FIBER} ............................................. 543 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 1981 SUBJECT Page Dec. 21--390-81 Approving proposed specs., plans etc. for Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ................................. 544 "21--391-81 Necessity for Improvement re: Resurrection Church San. Sewer ........................................... 545 " 21--392-81 Approving proposed Assessment for Resurrection Church ............................................... 546 " 21--393-81 Fixing Date of Hearing for Resurrection Church San. Sewer ................................................ 546 " 21--394-81 To proceed with the issuance and sale of Ind. Develop- ment Rev. Bonds. (Neeler Center Pruj.) in an amt. not to exceed $1,000,000 ............................................ 547 "21--395-81 Approving Agreement between City & Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce .................................. 548 "21--396-81 Approving Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits to 2 outlets ............................................... 558 "21--397-81 Granting Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Liquor License to 1 outlet and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to 4 outlets... 558 5--Russo, R.N., appointed Corporation Counsel for 1981 ........ 1 5--Roy, Sally, Refund request for unexpired Cigarette License and Beer and Liquor Licenses ............................ 5, 47 " 5--Rogers, L.H. concern about proposed Second Hand Dealer Ord ................................................. 6 19--Richter, Gerald D,, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 29 19--Renier, Jim, re: city should solicit proposals for cable franchise from more than one Co .................................. 30 Feb. 2--Resolutions, Ordinances etc. signed only by Mayor or City Clerk ................................................. 33 2--Roy Ney Sub., re: approval of plat of Lot 10 of Block 1 ........ 44 2--Recreation Comm. Submitting Minutes ...... 29, 46, 80, 111, 141, 173, ......................... 216, 278, 356, 437, 465, 485, 513, 535,559 " 16--Revenue Sharing Funds re: setting date of P. Hearing for FY 82 Budget ............................................ 54 " 16--Rosenow, Ed resignation from Housing Rehab. Comm ........ 65 9--Rogers, Gerald W., promotion to Fire Equipment Operator .... 81 9--Renier Co., re: Cable TV Franchise ........................ 82 9--Revenue Sharing Funds for FY 82. Proof of Pub. of Notice of P. Hrg ................................................. 83 " 10--Rasmussen, Ruth, requesting to retain Investigator position.. 83 " 10--Russo, R.N. approvalofwage increase ..................... 85 " 10--Riverboat Museum to: no appropriation in FY 82 Budget ..... 86 " 16--Radford Road Housing Site re: Purchase Option Agreement, etc .................................................. 92 " 16--Runde, Mr. Bob, member of Dubuque In Futuro ............. 92 " 16--Ralne, Roger, happy with his renting of Hillcrest Apte ........ 92 "23--Rlak, Rendali R., Class "C" Beer & Liqubr License ........... 111 "23--Revenig, James, Claim; and denial of claim ................. 112,141 " 25--Reynalds, Rex, submission of presentation re: Proposed Sec- tions of Cable Franchise Ordinance. ........................ 114 Apr. 6--Ramp, concrete re: construction at Eagles Store ............. 125 " 6--Richardson, High nominated and appointed to the Housing Code Appeals Board .................................... 127 6--Relas, Carl, claim & settlement ........................... 129, 174 6--Richardson Motors re: strike workor's parade ............... 129 "20--Respect for Law Week, Proclamation for weok of May 1-7 ..... 131 ' 20--Refuse collection accounts - delinquent - certify same to Coun- ty Auditor for collection ............................... 137 " 20--Redstone, The, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License & Cigarette Permit & Refund .................................. 140, 252, 407 "20--Revenue Sharing Act as adopted by City Budget on file re: Fro- of of publicetion ....................................... 142 "20--Rad ford Industrial Center re: Ia. DEQ advising of construction permits etc ........................................... 142 May 4--Robbery Alarm Permits and Systems, re: Ordinance regulating ............................................ 145, 187 4--Revco Discount Drug Center, re: Cigarette Permit ........... 155 18--Radford Rd., designation as a through street ............... 168 18--Riveralde Bowl, Cigarette Permit ......................... 172 18--Ruegnitz Drug Store, Cigarette Permit .................... 172 18--Ron's Barrell Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 172 18--Resurrection Men's Service Club re: Class "B" Beer Permit for McAleece Field & refund ................................ 173, 304 June 1--Roseliep, Jim re: Prop. Burglary Alarm Systems Ord ......... 187 1--Resurrectlan Church, re: Senitw-y Sewer Extension .......... 208, 271 1--Radfurd Rd. Sanitary Sewer, re: agreement between Illinois Central & City ......................................... 210 1--Roy Ney Sub., re: approval of plat ........................ 211 1--R & S Enterprises, Cigarette Permit ....................... 215 l~Reberte Food Service, Cigarette Permit .................... 215 1--Riverside Bowl, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 216 " 15--Reilly, Judy in support of raising speed limits ............... 220 " 15--Rental Dwelling Licenses re: failure to obtain etc ............ 247 INDEX -- BOOK 111 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page June15--Randall's Foodarama (2 outlets), Cigarette Permits & Beer Permits .......................................... 252, 303,403 "15--Ring's Fine Foods, Cigarette Permite ...................... 252 " 15--Rumphf's, J.W., Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 " 15--Revco Discount Drug Centex (2 outlets) Cigarette Permits, Class "C" Beer Permit .................................. 253, 277 ' 15--Ray's Standard Service, Cigarette Permits ................. 252 " 15--Roeth, Dolores E., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .......... 253 July 6--Radford Industrial Park Water Storage Facility, re: Preliminary approval of plans, Necessity for Improvements etc... 267 6--Radford Road re: Frommelt Ind. request for tax exemption .... 269 6--Rolle, Ed, re: objection to concrete plant ................... 270 6-- Riedi, Richard, resignation from Human Rights Corem ....... 276 6--Recreation Commission re: resignation of Steven R. Elbing .... 276 6--Rate increases, re: telephone co ........................... 279 20--Radford Industrial Park Water Storage Facility, re: procedural Resolutions etc ........................................ 287 "20--Relic, Ed re: discussion of alternative bidding for City projects. 289 "20--Rossiter, Paul, appointed to Hist. Pres. Corem .............. 301 "20--Reynolds, Rex, appointed to TV Cable Corem ............... 302 "20--Renier, Jim, nominated to TV Cable Conun ................. 302 A,ug. 3--Redmond, Franziska M., claim ........................... 357 ' 3--Rate decrease notice by people's Natural Gas Co ............ 357 " 12--Route changes, re: Keyline Bus System discussion etc ........ 358 " 17--Ruseell, Gordenn, Inc. re: awarded contract for the Dbq. Ind. Center & Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities ......... 368 Sept. 2--Revenue Bonds re: Dubuque In Future Inc ................. 378 " 8--Rolle, Tom, of Agri Ind. re P~ckets Brewery ................ 383 " 21--Retired Senior Volunteers Day - Sept. 23rd ................. 409 "21--Ray, Rev. James relative to work load in Human Rights Dept.. 411 "21--Railroad crossings at 13th & 17th Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul R.R. requesting same .............................. 423 Oct. 5--Respect Life Week Oct. 4 thru llth ....................... 425 " 19--Reynolds, Hal, on behalf of Frommelt Industries for issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ............................. 451 N,,ov. 2--Radiologic Technology Week, proclamation ................ 468 2--Reynolds, James L., Election results ...................... 483 " 2--Reynolds, Rex, Election Results .......................... 483 " 2--Restaurant Examination Results certified by Civil Service Comm ............................................... 487 " 16--River Front Sub. No. 5 re: sale of portion of property to Klauer Mfg. Co ............. ................................ 489 " 16--Rudolf's Farm, rezoningportlon .......................... 496 " 16--Reckdale Rd. re: rezoning of property of Henry & Margaret Makovec ............................................. 501 16--A RESOLUTION Approving the Agreement and authorizing Mayor to execute Service Agreement for Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce .................................. 505 " 16--Regan, Bill, Gen. Election Vote for Park Commissioner set out. 511 " 16--Reynolds, Rex, Election Results .......................... 513 Dec. 7--Redlatrlcting, of City of Dubuque ......................... 528, 529 7--Russo, Corp. Counsel, submitting statement for sewage work project ............................................... 532 7--Revco Discount Drug Centers, of Iowa, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................... 534 7--Richman, John, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 534 7--Renaud, Mary Pat, Claim ............................... 535 7--Rooney, Deanna Kay, Claim ............................. 535 7--Reilly, Tom, re: Lower Main St. Area designation ............ 536 " 21--Radford Rd. re: designation of Chavenelle Rd ................. 540 " 21--Resurrectlan Church Sanltary Sewer Project ............... 545,546 1981 SUBJECT Page $ Jan 5--Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement re: Conti-Carriers & Ter- minals ............................................... 3 5--Secondhand Dealers, re: Proof of Pub. of Notice of Pub. Hear- lng to consider Ordinance to revise the title of Chapter 22 of Code adoption of Ordinance .............................. 6, 56 " 19--Stop Control re: redesignation for northbound & southbound traffic on St. Ambrose at Clarke Dr. & restriction of parking on north side of Clarke Dr. from St. Ambrose to Asbury Rd ...... 21 19--School buses re: Ordinance Amending ..................... 25 19--Splagelhalter, Robert P., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .... 29 19--Sincere Enterprises, Inc., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .... 29 19--Scott, Jerry A., claim ................................... 30 19--Schmid, Bernadine, settlement of claim .................... 30 19--Strong, Roy, refund of $50 on unexpired Cig. License ......... 31 Feb. 2--Smith, Thomas, Daniel & Jaaice M., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 46 2--State of Iowa, Auditor re: Audit Report of Highway Safety Program ............................................. 46 " 16--Street Improvement Bonds, re: P. Hearing ................. 55 " 16--Stoeckel, Larry re: questions about Secondhand Dealer Or- dinance .............................................. 56 " 16--Shaffer, Dorothy, issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 88 " 16--Sherman, Leroy J., claim ................................ 68 " 16--Smith. Mrs. Loretta, claim .............................. 68 Mar. 9--Shamrocks Against Dystrophy Day, Proclamation .......... 70 --Street ~mprovement bonds, Proof of Pub. & Resolution re: 1980 Asphalt Paving Project ................................. 70 9--Stoeckel, Lawrence J., request for shooting range permit ...... 74, 82 9--Sears, USA Petroleum re: Cigarette Permit ................. 79 9--Simon, Roger, d~niai of claim .............................. 81 9--Sexton, Darlene, refund requested ........................ 81 " 10--Schrlaber, Dave re: FY 82 Budget..: ...................... 84 " 10--Slattery Center, re: rent discussion in FY 82 Budget ......... 84 " 16--Scott, Mr, Bob, Member of Dubuque In Future ............. 92 " 23--Spring Valley Rd., inclusion in 1981 Asphalt Paving Proj. No. 1. 99, 183 "23--Strom, David requesting Task Force by appointed concerning downtown parking ..................................... 100 " 23--Street Improvement Bonds, re: Providing for sale & award etc. 101 "23--Section 8 Existing Housing Program & See. 8 Mod. Rehab. Housing re: authorizing execution of application(s} .......... 106, 107 "23--Sawvell, Robert re: Wash. St. Urban Revit. Area requesting additional 5 Va block area be included ...................... 110 " 23--Schumacher, Earl E., Class "C" B~r Permit ................ 111 "28--Seardino, Vincent, claim ................................ 112 " 23--Smith, Loretta C., denial of claim ......................... 112 "23--Stonehill Care Center re: request for concrete near bus stop .... 112 Apr. 6--Senior Citizens Recognition Month proclamation for month of May ................................................. 117 6--Scenic View Dr., restricting parking near Wahlert ........... 122 6--Settla, JoAnn, claim .................................... 129 6--Scholtes, Michael H. claim ............................... 129 6--Sexton, Darlene Cigarette License refund .................. 129 20--Sun Day in Dubuque, Proclamation for May 3 ............... 131 20--Schueller, Duane A., collection of delinquent refuse account... 138 20--Swlas Valley Area, re: approved recommendations of two Zon- ing Bds. re: Off-Airport Land Use Plan .................... 139 ' 20--Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1 - approval of plat .... 139 "20--St. Patrick's Parish Corp. Class "B' Beer Permit ............ 140 "20--Schlueter, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W., claim ................... 141 " 20--Schiel, Judith Ann, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 140 "20--Schulte, Robert, Excavation request ...................... 141 "20--Specie! Olympics Track & Field Meet, invitation to Council .... 142 " 20--Street Light request by Agnes Jogeret for corner of Brunswick & Link Sts ............................................ 142 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page May 4--Swartz, Rev. David, invocation ........................... 143 " 4 --Special Day of Prayer, Proclamation for May 17th ........... 143 4--Stewart Construction re: Awarding contract for Central Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction .......................... 145 4--Siegert, Gene, commenting for proposed Ordinance regulating parades etc ........................................... 147 4--Spielman, Charles J., Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 156 4--Swiss Valley Farms. Hllldale Div., requesting to vacate portion of Garuet St ...................................... 157,171,229 " 15--Smith, Donna. Chairperson of County Bd, of Supervisors re: special meeting with Council relative to Hydr~-E1ectric Dam.. 159 " 15--Staaley Engineering, re: prcceduree necessary re: Hydro- Electric Dam .......................................... 159 " 18--Subdivizion Plat Review re: Fee Schedule Amendment ....... 167 " 18--Steve, Mike re: appeal before Plumbing Board .......... 167,208,218 " 18--Speed lhnits, re: discussion of recommendations for change of same on arterial & major collector streets .................. 167 " 18--State Health Dept. re: Agreement with same to provide "Pass- Through Funds" to VNA ................................ ].70 " 18--secea, Betty, resignation from P & Z Commission ........... 172 " 18--Sav~-U-More, Granting Cigarette Permit .................. 172 " 18--Silver Stallion Lounge, Cigarette Permit ................... 172 " 18--Sitzman, Gregery C., suspension of reni estate taxes ......... 174 June 1--Skowrunek, Casey for Skoweanek Jewelers re: Prop, Burglary Alarm Ordinance ...................................... 187 1--Sigworth. Msgr. re: Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area ................................................. 208 1--Sanitary Sewer Extension re: Resurrection Church area ...... 208, 209 1--Sports Page, Cigarette Permit ........................... 215 1--Sfikas Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit & Bear Permit ...... 215, 405 1--Schumacher, Earl (Oky Doky), Cigarette Permit ............. 215 1--Schwartz, Milton E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 216 1 --Sehiel, Judith Ann, re: Transfer of Liquor License ........... 216 1--Sehumacher, Earl E. & E. Thomas, Class "C" Beer Permit .... 216 15--Speed limits re: Public Hearing, Ordinance adopting ......... 220, 222 15--Storybeok Hills Children's Zoo Weak, Proclamation for 6-29 to 7-5 .................................................. 220 " 15--Schreader, John objecting to increasing speed limit on Roosevelt ............................................ 221 " 15--sehrceder, Jim, objecting to increased speed limit on Grand- view ................................................. 221 15--Subdivisinn Plat Review. re: fee schedule ................... 225 15--Steve, Mike re: Master Plumber's License .................. 230 15--Sears, Roebuck, Cigarette Permit ......................... 252 15--Slrloin Stockade, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 15--Spatz Malonea, Cigarette Permit ......................... 252 15--Stampfer'e Dinette, Cigarette Permit ..................... 252 15--Sid's Beverage Store, Cigarette Permit .................... 252 15--South End Bear Store & Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........... 252 15--Shanahan DX, Cigarette Permit .......................... 252 ' 15--Savary's Tavern, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 15--Suporeave Petroleum Corp., Cigarette Permit ............... 253 15 --Speigelhalter. Melvin A.. Class "C" Bear & Liquor License. 254 " 15--Smith. Thomas, Daniel & Janice M,, Class "C' Bear & Liquor License .............................................. 254 " 15--sebeilmeyer, Wayne Paul, Class "C" Bear & Liquor License... 254 " 15--Savary, Joim L. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 254 " 15--Sloway~ Dennis J.. Claea "B" Bear Permit .......... 253 ' 15--Sarazin. Lac. Claim ................................... 254 " 15 -- sehrald. Barnadine. Clalm ............................... 254 " 15--Sizler. Danial F.. Claim ............................... 254 " 15--Sagevilla Drainage District re: Public Hrg. on Engr.'s Report.. 254 J,,uly 6--Sewer Project re: Crescent Ridge ........................ 281 6--Sehmidt. Dan re: concrete plagt site for Central Engrg ...... 270 6--Steuer. George re: Or,hard Dr. sidewalk problems ........ 271 6--Sewer Project, re: Resurrection ChurclYBurbach ........... 271 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page July 6--Shot Tower Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 277 6--Street & Co. IJ.D.) Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 277 6--Scetties, Cigarette Permit & Liquor License ................ 277,405 6--Schmit, Tom, claim .................................... 279 6--sehmid, Bernadine, denial of claim ........................ 278 6--Sanitary Sewer Ext. of Arbor Oaks, DEQ's supplement ete .... 279 20--Sigwarth, Msgr. re: comments about Wash. St. Urban Revit. Area ................................................. 283 " 20--Sawveil, re: comments about Wash. St. Urban Revit: Area .... 283 "20--sewer/Water Service Facilities re: Dubuque Ind. Center, pro- dural resolutions, etc ............................... 288, 290, 368 "20--Stager, John F., approval of final plat of "Coventry Park'. .... 292 " 20--Schrceder, Donald re: appointed to Building Code Board of Ap- peals ................................................ 300 "20--Stephens, Lesley, reappointed to Building Code Bd. of Ap- peals ................................................ " 20--Smith, Melita A. appninted to C.D. Corem .................. 301 " 20--Seitz, Catherine, nominated to Library Bd .................. 301 "20--Sandven, Rhea re: appointed to TV Cable Corem ............. 302 " 20--Summer Youth Employment Program, re: report on progress.. 304 " 20~Sandven, Rhea appointed to Cable TV Corem ............... 302 Aug, 3--St. Patrick s Parish Co. re. Transfer Beer Perrmt ............ 355 3--St. CalumbkilleChurch, Class B BeerPernut ............. 355 3--sehuelier, George, ~laim ................................. 357 " 17--Supplement No. 9 to the Code of Ordinances re: adoption ...... 369 " 17--Schrup, Thomas G. re: not seeking r~-election to Park Board... 372 " 24--Student Union re: transfer of Beer Permit for Clarke College... 375 " 31--Suspension of a Civil Service Employea re: City Mgr. & Council affirm ............................................... 376 S,e, pt. 8--Strom, David for Fischer Co. re: sale of Petrakis Park ........ 383 8--Shlve, Hattery & Associates engineering Firm for redesign of City Island Ballpark Complex ............................ 394 8--Streets and Parking Official Report for Municipality for Fiscal Year 1980 approved and forwarded to IDOT ................ 395 8--Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Housing Units, authorizing execution of Annual Contributions Contract for same. (25) .... 395 8--Section 8 Existing Housing Units {411) authorizing execution of Annual Contributions Contract for same ................. 396 8--School buses not required to use flashing lights and stop arms when receiving or discharging pupils at a school or other educa- tional activity locations ................................. 404 8--Spatz Malones requesting to serve food outside premises dur- lng Riverfeet Days ...................................... 405 "21--Sheldon, Linda L, granted Liquor License ................. 420 "21--Stuart, Rayse Notice of personalinjury claim ............... 422 " 21--Smith, N.E. on behalf of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific R.R. Co. requesting closing the 13th & 17th St. grade crossings ............................................. 423 Oct. 5--Stevens, Paul, relative toizsuance of Industrial Bonds for A.Y. McDonald Mfg. ....................................... 428 5--Sandven, Rhea, appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Commis- sion ................................................. 436 5--Stribling, Don appointed to TV Community Tale-programming Commission .......................................... 436 5--Suchanek, Marc, notice of personal injury claim ............. 438 " 19--Schmelzer, Dave, notice of backed-up sewer damage ......... 465 " 19--Stuar t, Rayse, notice of personal injury claim ............... 465 ' 19--St. Mary's apartments residents of same requesting to extend bus service near same ...................... ] ............ 466 Nov. 2--Shalving, re: acceptance of same Estey Corp. for Library Ex- pansion project ........................................ 477 2--Street Name List, Master, and establishing Rules and Pro- cedures for New Street Names ........................... 480 2--Smith, Lowrie, E., Class "C" Bear & Liquor License .......... 482 2--Stork, Charles E., Election Results ........................ 484 2--September, 1981 Claims and Receipts, proof of publication .... 484 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Nov. 2--Stocker, Lekand, resignation of Library Board .............. 485 " 16--South Sector, rezoning of properties in same ................ 501 " 16--South Sector, adjacent properties, rezoning of same .......... 502 " 16--Schlitz Devel. Corp. re: acceptance of Warranty Deeds from same ................................................ 504 " 16--Street Construction Program, Five Year, Approving of same.. 504 ~ 16-sewer Service Agreement with Celotex .................... 505 " 16--Sumek, Lyle, re: extension of contract etc .................. 506 " 16--Smith, Thomas, Daniel & Janice M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 511 " 16--Stork, Charles, Gen. Eleetion Resnits ...................... 512 "16--Specht, Francis L., Suit ................................. 514 Dec. 7--South Sector, rezonlng ................................. 521,522 7--Street Lighting, Program for Evaluation of same ............ 529 7--Supplement No. 10, Code of Ordinances, submitted .......... 531 7--Sewage Treatment Plant re: statement rec'd, from Russo ..... 532 7--Spiegel, Robert, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 535 7--St. Mary's Apartments request for bus service re: response... 536 7--Storm Sewer, re: at flood wall and Conti-Carrier requesting payment from City ..................................... ~537 21--Street sign name re: Chavenelle Rd ........................ 540 21--Schlitz Devel. Corp. re: sale of City Land ................... 541 21--Sullivan, Gene F. re: demolition of old Girls Club ............ 546 21--Sheridan Rd., re: petition to widen to allow for turning lane .... 547 21--Schoen, John A., settlement of claim ...................... 559 21--Schnee, Steven, Refund request .......................... 560 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 5--Telegraph-Herald, designated as Official Newspaper for City of Dubuque ............................................. 1 5--TFM Co. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................. 4 " 19--Trenkle Building re: Demolition .................... 10, 50, 152,153 ' 19--Trafflc control re: northbound & southbound traffic on St. Ambrose at Clarke Dr. & restriction of parking on north side of Clarke Dr. from St. Ambrose to Asbury Rd ................. 2 I " 19--Traffic Control etc. re: school bus stopping etc .............. 25 " 19--Tri-State Electronics Association of opinion that City should solicit proposals from more than one cable co ............... 30 " 19--Time~Lapse Photographic Equipment re: City Mgr. submitting audit for purchase ..................................... 31 Feb. 2--TFM Co.. Class "C" Beer Permit ....................... i. 45 2--Transit Commission Submitting Minutes ........ 46, 80, 111,128, 141, ................. 156, 216, 254, 278, 303,422, 437,465, 485, 535,559 " 16--Treatment Plant re: Final Payment requested ............... 63 " 16--TFM Co., issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 66 " 16--Thomann, Sr. M. Rosalie, settlement of claim ............... 67 " 16--Teleprompter Corp. re: Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., plann- ing to acquire control of same ............................ 68 Mar. 9--Tri-State Flite Services, Inc. re: request relief from actions of Airport Comm ........................................ 74 9--Teleprompter Corp. submitting Waiver of rules & regulations of FCC re: Petition for Special Relief ....................... 81 9--Tiggee. Richard S., promotion to Fire Equipment Opr ........ 81 9--Tri-State Electronics Assn., re: Cable TV Franchise .......... 82 " 10--Tri-State Independent Blind Society requesting to retain In- vestigator position ..................................... 83 " 10--Thorns, Allen re: comments on FY 82 Budget ............... 84 " 10--Transit Department, FY 82 Budget approval of copier ........ 85 " 23--Twenty-First & White Improvements and Twenty-Second St. & Central Ave. Signalization, re: authorizing publication of the Environment Assessment Review Findings ................ 105, 123 " 26--Telepeempter re: commencement of negotiations with City re: Cable Services Delivery System .......................... 114 Apr. 6--Tina Ridge, restricting parking near Wahlert ............... 123 " 20--Transit - Operating Assistance Application set for P. Hearing. 136 May 4--Transit re: Authorizing the filing of Amendments of Applica- tion with UMTA ....................................... 153 4--Tegeler, Earl, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 156 4--Transit Comm., Resignation o f Tom Berryman .............. 157 " 18--Terhune, Scott re: increasing speed limits, giving specifics of stopping time etc ...................................... 167 " 18--ThroughStreets, designation of specific ones .............. 168 " 18--Tschlggfrie Excavating, re: Awarding of contract of 1981 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ............................ 168 " 18--Tamarack SE, re: approving of plat of same in Dubuque Coun- ty ................................................... 170 " 18--Toni's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ............................ 172 " 18--Tressel, Allen C., Cigarette Permit ........................ 172 "18--TFM Co., Class "C" Beer & Liquor Lieense ................. 173 " 18--"Take Back the Night Week", proclamation for June 15-21 .... 181 June 1--Tax Exemption, re: application by Frommelt Ind. Inc ........ 207 --Twenty-First Street Radius Improvement .................. 209 ' 1--Tschiggfrie, Ed re: Acceptance of Resolution of approval of plat of Clarke Crest Estates ............................. 213 --Ted s Meeting Place, Cigarette Pernut ................. 215 " 1--Ted's Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................. 215 " 1--Thompson's Food Market No. 1, Cigarette Permit ........... 215 " 1--The Tunnel Tavern, Cigarette Permit ...................... 215 " 15--Timmermans, Frederick re: not changing speed limit on Rockdale Rd. 220 15--Traffic Ordinance re: changing speed limits on specific City streets ................................................ 222 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page June 15--Transit Union, re: Agreement between City etc .............. 233 15--Target Store #86, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 15--Terry's West Side Lounge, Cigarette Permit ................ 252 15--Theisen's Store, Cigarette Permit ......................... 252 15--Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 15--Trausch Baking Co., Cigarette Permit ..................... 253 15--Tri-State Catering Service, Cigarette Permit ................ 253 " 15--Tindeli, Marionette S., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ...... 254 " 15--Tnily, Michael. Claim ................................... 254 J,u, ly 6--TFM Co. (Oky-Doky - 4 outlets), Cigarette Permit ........... 277 6--Thacker, Terry, claim ................................... 278 6--Telephone Co. (Northwestern Bell) rate increases ............ 279 14. Teleprompter, submission of highlights of agreement reached with City ............................................. 281 - 20--Tschiggfrie. Ed, requesting alternative bidding for certain City projects ....................... ' ....................... 289 " 20--Transit Bd. appointments of R. Thomas Quick & Walter Pregler .............................................. 302 " 20--Teleprompter Corporation of New York, final granting of Cable / TV Franchise ......................................... 305 Aug. 3--Traffic Signal Improvements re: Central Ave. at 22nd St., Resolutions etc .................................... 344, 393,425 3--Twenty-First St. Radius Improvements, Resolutions etc. for Project .............................................. 345, 386 3--Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ........................................ 347 3--Twenty-Second St. Tap, Cigarette Permit .................. 355 " 12--Transit Development Program re: presentation ............. 358 " 17--Traffic Signals along U.S. 20 re: Execution of Agreement bet- ween US DOT & City ................................... 369 " 17--Transportation for Handicapped re: City receiving Certificate to provide same ....................................... 370 " 17--Tauke, Esther, appointed to Housing Corem ................ 372 " 17--Thill, Lorrane, Cigarette Permit .......................... 372 " 31--Transit Driver suspension, affirmed ....................... 376 Sept. 8--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for White St. at 21st St. Radius Improvements ............................... 387 8--Traffic Signal Improvements at Dodge and Bryant and Dodge and J.F.K. Rd., authorizing Agreement between City and Iowa DOT for same ......................................... 394 " 8--Traffic Ordinance amended providing for the report of an acci- dent to property damage in an apparent extent of $500.00 ..... 403 8--Terry, Mary, Notice of car damage claim ................... 406 " 21--T.I. Investments Inc. granted Beer Permit ................. 421 Oct. 5--Transport Sales Co., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 437 5--Teleprompter Corporation's application for Cable Franchise submitted ............................................ 438 " 19--Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park approving rezonlng for same ................................................ 453 " 19--Turnquist Co., Inc. authorized to construct a curb cut and han- dicap ramp for moving merchandise into and out of their store. 459 " 19--TFM 51 W. 32nd St. granted Beer Permit .................. 464 " 19--Teleprompter advising of merging with Westinghouse ........ 465 Nov. 2--Telephone Pioneer Week Proclamation for week of Nov. 2 ..... 468 " 2--Traffic Signal Interconnect from 16th to 22nd St. (Central Ave.) ............................................ 469, 470, 471 " 16--Terrace Heights Sub& re: zoning change from P~4 PUD to C-2 Local Service Comm. Dist. Class .......................... 494 " 16--Tax-Exempt organizations, re: exemption of paying certain fees ................................................. 506 " 16--Translent Merchants re: Ord. exempting License fees. etc ..... 506 "16--TFM Co. Oky-Doky #6, Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 510 " 16--Town Chick Inn, Inc., Cla~s "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 511 " 16--Thompson, Gene P., Gen. Election results for Park Commis- sioner, ............................................... 511 " 16--Trenkle Bldg. re: obj. to City Hall Parking Lot by A1 Polsean.. 514 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Dec. 7--Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarding of contract of N]W Arterial, Stage I, P.C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements ........ 525 7--Tegeler, Earl, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 534 " 21--Tindeli, Marionette, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 559 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page 0 Jan. 5--Uhlrich, Elizabeth, claim ................................ 5 " 5--UMTA re: request for Federal Assistance for purchase of 2 6 buses ................................................ Feb. 2--Urban Revitalization Area re: West 11th St. Area ........... 33, 109 " 2--UAW re: inquiry about not receiving proper assistance from Bldg. Dept ........ ,' ;,' ................................ 46 Mar. 9--Urbain, Wm.,Class C Beer&LiquorLicense ............ 80 9--US 52 & US 20, re: IDOT advising of proposals to let concrete resurfacing ........................................... 80 " 10--United Labor Participation Committee requesting to retain H.R. Investigator position .............................. 83 Apr. 6--United Participation Committee requesting to plan parade in support of striking Richardson Motor Workers .............. 129 M,,ay 4--Utility Billing, re: Payment etc. Ordinance addressing same... 153 4--UMTA, re: authorizing of filing application for a Grant ...... 153 " 18--Urban Corn Boy Planting Day, proclamation for May 21, 1981. 161 ,, 18_Unge, Leo, petitioning for Suspension of Real Estate Taxes for 2 citizens ............................................. 174 June 1--UMTA, re: amendment to Grant Project IA-05-0009 ......... 206 " 15--Uelner, Thomas re: petition of condition of sidewalks in 230 chard Hills ........................................... 15--United Auto Workers, Local #94, Cigarette Permit ........... 252 " 15--Union Cigar Store, Cigarette Permit ...................... 253 Aug. 17--U.S. Highway 20, re: Agreement between City & US DOT, re: Traffic Signals ........................................ 369 Sept. 8--United Way Campaign Time Proclamation - Sept. 10 thru Nov. 382 " 8--Union LabelWeek Proclamation - Sept. 7 thru 12 ............ 382 Oct. 5--UMTA authorizing application with same for buses .......... 427 5--UDAG (Urban Development Action Grant) A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. advising of applying for same .................... 428, 444 " 19--Unser, Mr. Wm., Notice of boat damages claim .............. 495 Nov. 16--UMTA, re: Notice of P. Hrg. for request for funds for operating 494 expenses ............................................. Dec. 7--Unge, David A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 535 "21--UAW, Class "B" Beer Permit ............................ 559 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page ¥ Jan. 19--Varner Well Pump Co., awarded contract for Water Supply Well No. 10 ........................................... 9 " 19--Vacatlon re: undeveloped street known as Lot 38 in Grandview H~,t s. Sub ............................................ 24 Apr. 6--"Very Special Arts Festival Day for the Handicapped", pro- clamation ............................................ 117 May 4--Vacate portion of Dunning St., re: petition of Ford Nesler ..... 157 209 ' 4--Vacate portion of Garnet St. at request of Swiss Valley Farms, Hilldnie Div ........................................... 157 " 18--Visiting Nurse Assn. re: "Pass-Through Funds". ............ 170 June 1--"Vlaiting Nurse Appreciation Week", proclamation for June 1-7 .................................................. 181 1--Voggenthaler Corp. re: Proposed Burglary Alarm Ord ........ 187 1--Valentine, Ed, for Valentine's Body Shop, re: Prop. Burglary Alarm Ord ............................................ 187 1--Vacate Lot 38 in Grandvlew Hgts. re: Orlin Conlin ........... 203 1--Village Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 252 1--Vasco Drug, Cigarette Permit ............................ 252 " 1--Vern's Fastop Drug, Cigarette Permit ..................... 252 July 6--Vendors Unlimited Sunnycreet Manor Cigarette Permit ...... 277 " 6--Vendurs Unlimited University of Dubuque Student Union, Cigarette Permit ....................................... 277 " 6--Vendurs Unlimited Regal 8 Inn, Cigarette Permit ............ 277 8--Van Nostrand, Maury of Agri Ind. re: building barge terminal in City ............................................... 382 Oct. 5--Vacating of alley leeated between Peru Rd. and Excelsior Ave., south of Walker St., requested by Douglas & Terrence Hefel... 429 5--Valantine, Irwin, notice of vehicle damage claim ............. 438 Nov. 9--Vacatlon of Various City properties re: Petrakis Park ........ 492 Dec. 21--Valley Rd., re: request for widening to allow for turning lane... 547 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Jan. 5--Willenborg. Barney, Refund request of $50 on unexpired Cigarette License ...................................... 5 " 19--Water Supply Well No. 10. re: construction ................. 7 "19--Wolff/Northrange Associates re: approval of flnal plat etc ..... 27 " 19--Wolff, Larry re: P & Z recommending denial of rezoning r~- quest ................................................ 27 " 19--Western Union Telegraph Co. re: rate increases ............. 29 Feb. 2--West 11th St. Urban Revitalization area Project .......... 33, 79, 110 " 2--Walnut Grove Project re: Sale of Ind. Devel. Revenue Bonds.. 35 2--West Side Enterprises, Inc., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License. 46 2--Wertzberger, Richard Jr., resignation from Housing Comm... 46 2--Washington Tool Library Activities, report by City Mgr ...... 47 " 16--Water Storage Tank of Radfurd Rd. re: Engrg. Services Agree- ment with Cullen, etc ................................... 60 " 16--Wastewater Treatment Plant, re: request for final payment to H.D. & R ............................................. 63, 100 " 16--Wertz, Michael D.D.S., appointed to Plumbing Board ........ 66 " 16--West Side Enterprises, inc., issuance of Cigarette Permit ..... 66 " 16--Willenborg, Barney, refund request ....................... 67 " 16--Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., re: Planning to control Teleprompter ......................................... 68 Mar. 9--West Sector re: amendment of properties in same ............ 72 9--Will-Co., Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 80 9--Wells, re: Ia. DEQ submitting Routine Survey .............. 80 9--Weimerskirch. Virgil, denial of claim ...................... 81 " 10--Wartburg Theological Sem. requesting City retain H.R. In- vestigator position ..................................... 83 ' 10--Water Rates, revision .................................. 88 " 23--West Locust St., Incinsinn in 1981Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 .................................................... 99, 131 " 23--Water Service Connection Charge of $9.00 per lineal foot ...... 108 "23--Washington St. Urban Revitalization Area ........ 110,120,101,203, ............................................ 208, 248, 270, 283 " 23--Waltz, John requesting Wash. St. Urban Revit. Area include additional 5V~ block area ................................ 110, 208 " 23--Weber, Michael R.. Issuance of Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 111 " 23--Winders, James Robert, Issuance of Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 111 "23--Welchert, Kathleen petitioning for strip of concrete between curb & sidewalk in front of bus shelter near Stonehlll Care Center ............................................... 112 " 23--Wards, delineation etc .................................. 112 A, pr. 6--West Sector zomng, re. Asbury s feelings .................. 117 6--West sector, Amending of Zoning Map .................... 117 6--Wahlart High School, re: restricting parking on nearby streets. 122 6--Welah, Richard D.. claim; settlement ...................... 129, 254 6--Waterloo Airport Comm. submitting objection of intent re: Mississippi Valley Airlines suspension of service ............ 129 "20--White St., 1402 re: rezoning request ....................... 136,162 "20--Wablert High Schcol re: Petition for restricting parking on nearby streets ......................................... 138 " 20--Weinke. John M. & Mary L., Cigarette Permit .............. 140 " 20--Wareco System of Iowa, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 140 " 20--Windsor Tap Co., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 140 May 4--Water Service - Ordinance regulating installation of Water Meters & Paying Water Bills etc .......................... 149 " 4--Warnke, John & Mary L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .... 156 " 4--Winsor, Richard, Refund Request ......................... 157 " 4--Wemett, Robert L., suit against City & Jeff L. Evarte ........ 157 " 18--Wacker Dr. re: name change from Mercer or Division St ...... 166 " 18--West Locust St., designation as a Through Street etc ........ 168 " 18--West Locust St:~ elimination from 1981 Asphalt Pay. Project.. 169 " 18--Waigreen Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 173 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page May 18--Wernke, John & Mary, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 173 " 18--Walsh, Kathleen M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 173 " 18 --Ward Delineatinn - Special Session ........................ 175 " 18--Worm. Richard, requesting Alternate #1 specifying boundaries of 4 wards ............................................ 175 June 1--Wimiey, O.C Invocator for C. Meeting for June 1 st ........... 181 1--Wards, by Jim Quayler, re: Prop. Burglary Alarm Ord ........ 187 1 --Wareco, Cigarette Permit ............................... 215 1--Wartburg Food Service, Cigarette Permit .................. 215 1--Wagner's Plaza 20 DX, Cigarette Permit ................... 215 1--Wilson, Stephen, claim .................................. 217 15--West 32nd St., re: speed limit discussion ate ................ 220 15--Wards, redistricting of City .............................. 235 15--Waltz. John (Hank) re: Washington St. Urban Revitalization area discussion .................................... 248, 270, 283 15--Wagner, Roger, resignation from Plumbing Board ........... 251 15--West Dubuque Tap; Cigarette Permit ..................... 252 15--Woolworth's Store, Cigarette Permit ...................... 252 15--White House Tavern, Cigarette Permit .................... 252 15--Wheel House, Cigarette Pormit ........................... 252 15--Windsor Tap, Cigarette Permit ........................... 252 22--Wenzel, Stanley, re: Council reaffirm City Mgr.'s suspension.. 256 22--Worker's Compensation Assn. re: participation by City etc .... 256 J,u, ly 6--Walgreen Co., Cigarette Permit .......................... 277 6--Weber, Darcie H., claim ................................. 278 6--Writ of Certioria from ARC vs. City's etc. re: denial of cond. use permit ............................................ 278 6--World Hunger & Poverty Relief Week, Proclamation ......... 282 " 20--Water Storage Facility, Radford Ind. Park, re: procedural Resolutions ........................................... 287, 367 "20--WRA, re: petition for signs directing to same ............... 292 " 20--Waller, Louise appointed to Civic Center Corem ............. 300 "20--Wahlert, R.H., appointed to Civic Center Connn ............. 300 "20--Wagner, Phil, appointed to Playground & Rec. Conun ........ 302 " 20--Wiliging, Mark, appointed to TV Cable Corem .............. 302 Aug, 3--White Street at 21st St. Radius Improvements, Resolutions etc. for Project ........................................ 345, 386 3--Water Storage Facility re: Engrg. Agreement with Warzyn Engrg. Co ............................................ 368 " 17--Warzyn Engineering Co. re: Engineering Agreement to inspect Dbq. Ind. Park Water Storage Facility .................... 368 " 17--Wilcox, Tom H., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 372 " 17--Wertzberger, Barbara J. Claim ........................... 374 Sept. 8--Woodward, Wm. re: Pillsbury purchase of Petrakis Park ...... 382 "21--Wallace, Nancy relative to work load of Human Rights Direc- tor .................................................. 411 Oct. 5--White Cane Day Oct. 15th ............................... 425 5--Wastewater Treatment Sludge Treatment Facility-Belt Filter Press Project ................................. 426, 498, 499, 500 5--Willging, Mark, appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Commie- sion ................................................. 436 5~Walsh, Rosemarie, settlement of personal injury claim ....... 438, 465 " 19--Wilson, John et ux accepting plat for M.L. 264 .............. 463 Nov. 2--Walah True Value Hardware re: replacement of canvas awn- ings ................................................. 478 2--Waliis-Price, Jane, Election Results ....................... 483 " 16--Winders, (Frank) Place, zoning change of portion ............ 496 " 16--Warranty Deeds re: parcels of property for N/W Arterial ...... 503 " 16--White St. at 21st Radins Improvement re: Warranty Deeds for parcel of property ...................................... 504 " 16--Wallis-Price, Jane, Election Results ....................... 512 " 16--Williams, Ellen A., claim ................................ 514 Dec. 7--Water Supply Well #10, Project .......................... 529 7--Woodiand Preserve (Faldorf-Dockal), approval of final pelt of that subd ............................................. 533 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Dec. 7--Wetter, David, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 535 " 21--Wards, estabfishment of same set out by Ord ............... 550-558 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Y Mar. 10--Yang, Ta-Yu, of Ia. Civil Rights Comm. spoke for keeping H.R. Investigator position in FY 82 Budget ..................... 84 May 4--Youth In Government submitting Proclamation expressing gratitude fo City Officials for their support of Youth in Government Program .................................. 157 Oct. 19~Youth Appreciation Week second week in November ......... 444 Nov. 2--Youth Appreciation Week, Proclamation .............. ...... 468 INDEX -- BOOK 111 1981 SUBJECT Page Z Feb. 16--Zwack. Place re: approving plat .......................... 65 Apr. 20--Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes ......... 141,156,303, 485,559 June 15--Zayre Snack Bar, Cigarette Permit ........................ 252 " 15--Zoning Ordinance, Amendments to same ........... ....... 254,278 July 20--Zenner, Janice appointed to Hist. Preservation Comm ........ 301 Nov. 2--Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc. re: authorized to construct awning at Walsh Stores ................................. 478 " 16--Zoning Map Amendments re: South Sector and Adjacent Pro- perties ........................................... 501,521,522 Dec. 21--Zoning change re: lot requirement for group homes etc ........ 546 Regular Session, January 5, 1981 1 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, January 5, 1981. Council met at 7:30 p.m. (C.S.T.) Present--Council Members Brady, Farrell. Felderman, King, Pratt, City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart, Cot- poration Counsel R. N. Russo. Meeting was called to order by Retiring Mayor Farrell. Invocation was given by Rev. Ken- neth Hindman, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church. Retiring Mayor Farrell expressed her thanks to the City Staff for their assistance given to her during her tenure of Mayor during 1980. City Clerk requested nominations for appointment of Mayor. Council Member Felderman moved that D. Michael King be appointed Mayor for the City of Dubuque for the year 1981. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. No other nominations being made, vote on the motion was as follows: Yeas--Council Members Farrell, Felderman, King, Pratt. Nays--Council Member Brady. The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Mayor D. Michael King who took his place in the Mayor's chair at the Council table. Council Member Pratt moved tha John L. Felderman be elected to serve as Mayor Pro-Tern for the year 1981. Seconded by Council Member Farrell Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor King, Council Members Farrell, Felderman, Pratt. Nays--Council Member Brady. The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Mayor Pro-Tern, John L. Felderman. RESOLUTION NO. 1-81 Providing for the appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk, Corporation Counsel, City Solicitor, and Assistant City Attorney, providing for their bonds ~nd fixing their salaries. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: That the following officers be ap- pointed, subject however, to the right of the Council to declare such offices vacant or remove the officers therefrom at the pleasure of the City Council with or without cause, and to be paid the compensation in the ap- proved budgets as provided therein and the City Manager provide a bond in the amount of $5,000, the City Clerk provide a bond in the amount of $5,000 and the City Corporation Counsel pro- vide a bond in the amount of $1,000. City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart City Clerk Mary A. Davis Corporation Counsel R.N. Russo City Solicitor Barry A. Lindahl Asst. City Attorney Wm. G. Blum Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of January, 1981. D. Michael King Mayor Michael W. Pratt James E. Brady John L. Felderman Carolyn Farrell Council Members ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Pratt moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Brady. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Farrell, Council Members Brady, Felderman, King, Pratt. Nays--None. Mayor King administered the oath of office to W. Kenneth Gearhart as City Manager, R. N. Russo as Corpora- tion Counsel and Mary A. Davis as City Clerk. Council Member Farrell presented the evaluation report of the City Manager as completed by Council Members. Upon discussion, Council Member Felderman moved that the City Manager's salary be increased 11% retroactive to July 1, 1980 to July 1, 1981. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor King, Council Members Farrell, Felderman, Pratt. Nays--Council Member Brady. Council Member Felderman further- moved that effective July 1, 1981 the Manager's salary be increased 7%. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor King, Council Mem- bers Farreil, Felderman, Pratt. ' Nays--Council Member Brady. RESOLUTION NO. 24~1 DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA ,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: