1907 Index City Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY C 0 U C 1 L OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE YEAR 1907. DUBUQUE: M. S. Hardie, Printer. CITY OFFICERS FOR YEAR 1907. Mayor -H. A. Schunk. Recorder - Edmund A. Linehan. Treasurer -H. W. Brinkman. Assessor -C. B. Scherr. BRAD HOPKINS - Fourth Ward. MATT CLANCY -First Ward. THOMAS B. HINES- Second Ward. J. A. STUMPF -Third Ward. Mayor Pro. Tem. -MATT CLANCY. Fire Chief -JOS. REINFRIED. Chief of Police -JAMES R. PICKLEY. Committee Clerk -J. W. LAWLOR. Electrician -W. P. HIPMAN. Finance. Hopkins, Thomas, Clancy. Ordinances. Hines, Closs, McEvoy. Claims. Thomas, Stumpf, Clancy. Streets. Hines, Clancy, Stumpf, McEvoy, Closs. Sprinkling. McEvoy, Clancy, Closs. Harbors. Hopkins, Hines, Stumpf. Supplies. Closs, McEvoy, Stumpf. Markets. Stumpf, Thomas, McEvoy. Public Grounds and Buildings. Thomas, Hines, Stumpf. Fire. Clancy, Hopkins, Thomas. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. ALDERMEN -AT- LARGE. Auditor -M. E. Lyons. Attorney -J. W. Kintzinger. Engineer- Paul llg. CHARLES T. THOMAS -Fifth Ward. ALDERMEN. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. EDWARD E. McEVOY - Fourth Ward. N. J. CLOSS -Fifth Ward. Street Commissioner -JOHN KEARNEY Sidewalk Inspector -JOHN MAHONEY. Market Master - CHARLES W. KATZ. Harbor Master -JOHN CARROLL. Supt. Sprinkling -JOHN B. TAYLOR. STANDING COMMITTEES. Police and Light. Hines, Stumpf, McEvoy. Printing. McEvoy, Stumpf, Clancy. Delinquent Tax. Hines, Thomas, Hopkins. Sewers. Stumpf, Clancy, Hopkins. Electrical Construction. Closs, Stumpf, Hines. Board of Equalization. Closs, Clancy, Hines, McEvoy, Stumpf. Board of Health. Mayor Schunk, Aldermen Thomas and Closs, Citizens Joseph Scanlon, Edward M. McEvoy, Edward P. Peryon. Health Officer -Dr. Charles Palen. Sanitary Policeman -Frank Flynn. Clerk to Board - Edmund A. Linehan. Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the first and third Thursday Evenings in each month at 8:oo o'clock. Feb. March 7- Armory Hall, relative to repairing, also securing new armory 2 7, 3 1 59 7- Assessor's Office, painting and papering of 3o, 5 21- Appropriations for ensuing year 37, 52 28- American La France Fire Engine Co., rent for two (2) fire engines to Feb. 25, 1907 51 21 -Adams ave. from First to Second ave., improvement of 87, 113, 120, 129, 202, 289, 302, 309, 310, 330, 333, 334, 35 3 395, 397, 39 4 4 4 4- Alderson, James, pet. of rel. to opening of street from Julien ave. to W. Fifth st. 116, 3 3 3z 333, 396, 402, 418, 45 4 49 5 5i 5 54 4 -Alta Vista street from Julien ave. to W. Fifth st., pet. of James Alderson rel. to opening of 116, 3 3 3 333, 39 4 4 45 4 49 5 5 5 54 4- Atlantic ave. from W. Fourteenth st. to Rosedale ave., pet. of J. J. Rogers et al. rel. to imp. of and grade 116, 159, 16o, 1 7 6 , 1 99, 206, 208, 216, 266, 3 3 395 4- Althauser ave. from Stafford ave. to Eagle st., imp. of 118, 12 5, 1 35, 1 4 1 , 1 44, 1 45, 1 49, 1 5 0 , 1 55, 18 7, 1 9 0 , 1 9 1 , 20 7, 2 45, 28 5, 2 9 6 , 2 9 8 , 3 33 397, 4 457, 4 4 495, 499, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 53 8 -Alley bet. Main and Locust from Seventh to Ninth streets, brick paving of _ 124, 1 35, 1 4 2 , 154, 156, 160, i8-Alleys, cleaning of 191, 240, 269, 28 7, 499, 5 508, 520, 527, 528, 543 1 33, 1 34 May 2- Asbury street from Delhi to St. Ambrose streets, improve- ment of 149, 195, 208, 240, 271, 288, 2 9 8 , 35 353, 354, 3 395 2- Alpine street bet. W. Fifth and Julien ave , (2) sidewalks ordered on 1 7 1 , 1 7 2 , 2 3 0 , 2 44, 2 74, 347, 34 357, 3 3 395, 4 4 453, 5 544, 545 June 6- Avenue Top Mining Co., pet. of, rel. to laying of intake pipe in Dub. Harbor Imp. Co.'s add. 203 6- Alleys, lighting of, bet. Main and Locust from Second to Eleventh and bet. Main and Iowa from Second to Elev- enth streets 203 6- Albatross Steamer, stand of colors for 221 6 -Adams avenue from First ave. to Ascension ave., engineer give grade stakes on 234 17- Atlantic ave. from W. Fourteenth to Dexter ave., improve- ment of and grade 206, 216, 219, 266, 272, 288, 298, 35 353 Aug. 1 -Adams ave. from First ave. to southerly terminus of said street 3 334, 354, 374, 3 39 53 537, 54 547, 54 55 562 16- American Sign Co., pet. of, rel. to furnishing street sign 332 Nov. 7- Ahern, Maurice, claim for personal injury of 48o 7 -Alley bet. Jackson and Washington from Sanford st. to Twenty- second st., pet of John Olinger, change width of 480, 491 April INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. A PAG 1907 Jan. Feb. it March it Sept. 1NDEX- -Book 37. SUBJECT. B PAGE 3 -Bills allowed and referred 1, 2, 18, 19, 20 3- Bonds, City Assessor's and Deputy's 4 17 -Blitsch Katharine, Taxes _ 7 17- Bishop Herman vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of claim 11, 3 0 17- Besser Mrs. Augusta, settlement of claim u, 30 17 -Board of Health Report 12 21 -Bee Branch Sewer, bill of John Spear inspecting same 21 21 -Bee Branch Sewer, construction of by O'Farrell Contrg. Co 21 7 -Bills allowed 25, 26 7 -Bee Branch Sewer from 22nd st. to 23rd st., pet. of H. Knoernschild et al. rel. to construction of._ 27, 32, 36, 70, 71 7 -Barry ave., pet. of Thos. Barry relative to vacating 2 7, 75 7- Blaise Edw. vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of claim 31, 36 7- Becker Barbara and Anthony vs. City of Dubuque, settle- ment of claim .. 31, 36 21 -Bluff street bet 8th and 12th st., change of grade on 4 5 7 85, 118, 132, 204, 29o, 291, 294, 318 28 -Bills allowed and referred . 47, 48, 7 28- Buehler Leonard et al. rel. to vacating part of Fengler ave.._._ 48, 72 28 -Bills against the City of Dubuque rel. to presentation of ...... 57 21 -Bills allowed 7o 21 -Board of Health Report and_Rules 76 to 84 and ro5 to 112 inc. April 4 -Bills allowed._ 115, 116 18 -Board of Health Report 130, 131 May 2 -Bills allowed and referred 1 37, 1 3 8 2 -Bonds of Waterworks Trustees 2- Bertillion System of Detecting Criminals, relative to installa- tion of 151, 241, 242 16 -Booth and Dodge,streets (city property), sidewalk ordered on 165, 197,, 210 34 374, 375 16 -Booth street bet. West Third and West Fifth streets, sidewalk ordered on 1 7 1 , 2 44, 2 75, 35 416 i6-Bluff street bet. 12th and 13th street, sidewalk ordered on 175, 198, 208, 232 16 -Bonds Water Works, redemption of.. 16 -Bonds Improvement, redemption of June 6 -Bills allowed and referred 201, 202, 247, 248, 288, 289 6 -Board of Health Report 220, 221, 248 ro- Byrnes Mrs. Wm., settlement of personal damage claim of.... 2 35, 2 43 ro -Bills referred 2 35, 2 9 8 17- Benches for various City Parks, rel. to purchase of 241, 247 20 -Bills allowed and referred 1 39, 1 59 191 1 97 2 45 20- Broadway street bet. Blocklinger Lane and Diagonal street, sidewalk ordered on 248, 28 3, 2 9 6 , 343, 377, 37 July 1 -Bills allowed z85 1 -Board of Health Report 289, 290 5 -Bills allowed 2 93, 2 94 18 -Bills allowed 301 i8 -Bell Bros., pet. of rel. to obtaining permission to lay a six inch water main from 8th to 4th st Aug. 1 -Bills allowed 1 -Bonds Surety Co's., to file certificate of authority to issue 326 i6 -Bills allowed 33 33 16 -Board of Health Report 21 -Board of Health Report 5 -Bills allowed and referred 5- Blondin Mary L., taxes 390 5 -Board of Equalization, appointment:of 391 19 -Bills allowed and referred 401 19- Bunting Mary L., pet. of rel. to accepting spl. assmt. for im- proving a street._ 3 3 373, 4 3 3 335 355, 35 3 39 4 4 1 9 0 7 23 -Bills allowed 4 3 -Bills allowed and referred 421, 422, 502 3 -Brown Frank E. cigar box factory, taxes 428 3 -Bonds Improvement, redemption of ... 434 3 -Bluff street extension wall, rel. to protecting same from being undermined by heavy rains 434 " 3 -Board of Health Report 43 " 17 -Bills allowed and referred 443 Nov. 7 -Bills allowed and referred -477, 47 479, 502, 511 21 - Bills allowed and referred 497, 5 21 -Board of Equalization, report of__.... 21 -Board of Health, report of 26 -Bills allowed 5 -Bills allowed and referred 19 -Bills allowed and referred Sept. Oct. Dec. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. B PAGE 501, 502 5 537 511, 512 53 53 54 541 1907 C Jan. 17- Council proceedings of 1906, binding 25 copies of 21- County Road Fund, rel. to city receiving the one (I) mill levy of Julien township 7- Council Chamber, painting and papering of 21- Contagious diseases in the city of Dubuque, preventative for spreading of 21- Cherry street, grade and profile of 21- Committee Room, relative to securing a new one 21- Carney, M., cancellation of spl. ass'mt for constr. of sanita- ry sewer in Booth street March 4- College ave. bet. W. 2nd and W. 3rd streets, pet. of Wm Schneider et al. rel. to improvement of 21- Cattle running at large, rel. to amending an ordinance to prevent 21- Cooper, A. A. Jr., taxes 21- Cooper, A. A., Wagon and Buggy Co., taxes 4 -Cups for drinking fountains, rel. to Geo. Miller supplying_ _ 18- Collins, Mary A., taxes 2 -C. B. & Q. Ry. Co., taxes 2 -Clay street bet. loth and Iith, pet. of Mrs. C. Brede et al rel. to repairing of 16 -City Hall, re- roofing of 159, 218, 219, 241, 284, 288. 3 335, 49 495 i6- Central Engine House roof, repairing of 1 59, 545, 54 16- Cleveland ave. bet. Pear and Quince streets, sidewalk or- dered on 168, 2 43, 2 75. 2 7 6 , 339, 34 35 3 381, 416 June 6- Cullen & Kane by T. J. O'Donnell, taxes " 6- Crawford, Mary, residence on Linn street, rel. to removing same July 1- Corbett, Mary J., taxes Aug. i6-C. G. W. Ry. Co., pet. of, rel. to planking bet, rails on 9th street instead of brick paving 16 -City Directory, communication from Telegraph - Herald rel. to city purchasing copies for various departments _. Sept. 5- Cleaver's Laundry Co., Main bet. loth and 11th sts., pet. of H. B. Glover et al. rel. to discontinuing Oct. 3 -City Hall, rel. to Attorney's opinion as to what committee said building is in charge of - Nov. 7- Connors' Soda Water Factory, taxes _ 7- Charity organization by B. F. Blocklinger, pet. of, rel. to securing storage room in the City Hall 7 -City Town Clock, taking care of 19- Crunion, Elizabeth, taxes Feb. 11 'I April May Il IC 11 Dec. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE. 12 , 3 57 16, 1 79, 20 3, 2 4 2 3 5 37, 7 38, 216, 264 3 39 59 67 7 7 301 121 127, 160 138 1 39 203 203, 289 288, 289 333 333, 408 39 4 479, 5 480 4 5 54 54 1907 Jan. Feb. July Aug. It IC 1, Sept. it Oct. „ C. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. D PAGE 3- Dubuque Boat and Boiler Co., rel. to vacating a certain strip of ground lying north of the Ice Harbor 2 , 735 , , , , 102, 103, 128 17- Detention Hospital grounds, expiration of 52 lease 69, 73, 74, 75, 101 7, 43 5 537 21 -Dax, Peter, macadam 2I 7 -- Dubuque Altar Co., taxes 26, 70 7- Decorah City of, bill of city against, for unloading steam roller 28 21- Dubuque Bridge Co., pet. of, rel. to securing rights to recon- struct Dubuque High Bridge for railway purposes._ 35, 5 59, 63, 6 4, 6 5, 99, 21- Dubuque Women's Club, rel. to securing room at the City Hall for detention of juvenile criminals 38 March 21 -Dodge street from South Dodge street to Grandview ave , grade of 68, 213, 214, 264 21- Dubuque Water Co., bill of city of Dubuque against for April 4- Dubuque Packing Co., taxes May 2- Dearborn, Elizabeth, taxes macadam 68 dered on . 252, 282, 2 9 6 , 34 343, 3 375, 37 4 4 5 116, 160 138 2- Decoration Day Exercises, invitation to participate in, also appropriation 1 39 16 -Dodge street bet. Booth and York streets, sidewalk or- dered on 167, 168, 2 43, 2 5 0 , 2 16 -Dodge street bet. Booth and Alpine streets, sidewalk or- dered on __ 1 67, 168 June 6- Dubuque High Bridge Co., annual report of 20 4 , 54 ,, 6- Decorations street, purchase of 22I 2o- Drees, Mrs. F. C., pet. of, cancellation of special assessment for removing snow and ice 2 4 2 , 394 20 -Delhi street bet. Julien and Stewart avenues, sidewalk or- 10 , 544 77 18 -Dog Pound corner 22nd and Jackson streets, abatement of_.._ 302, 328 I -Delhi street from Asbury street to the city limits, grade established on . 3 3 37 16- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, pet. of. asking for a donation of $100.00 to help defray the exptitses of Labor Day celebration 16 Detention Hospital, bids advertised for taking care of 21 -Dodge street bet. Booth and Hill streets, sidewalk ordered on 5- Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, taxes 19- Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., pet. of, rel. to repairing the street leading to the bridge__ 401 3- Dubuque Packing Co., pet. of, rel. to arching Bee Branch sewer bet. 16th and 17th streets 423 17- Dubuque Bridge Co., taxes 454, 497 Nov. 7- Dubuque Club, taxes._ 479, 5 7- Dietl, Mrs. Anna, taxes 479 7- Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co.,;taxes 479 7- Dubuque Star Brewing Co., taxes 479, 5 7- Diamond Jo Line, bill of city against for wharfage 481, 499 21- Detention Hospital, taking care of 502, 521 21- Dubuque Baseball Ass'n, pet. for use of Armory Hall 510 100, 101 33 4 335 35 391 1907 March INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. E Jan. 3- Electric light bet. 1st and Jones streets north end of Phoenix Park, pet. of M. M. Walker Co. et. al. relative to placing of 3 -Elm street, improvement of from 24th to 26th st 5, 21, 126, 1 3 0 , 1 34, 1 4 2 , 3- Engineer and stoker of steam roller laid off for a period of three months___ _______________________________ 17- Electric light on Adams ave. near Eagle Point Mission Church, pet. of Miss N. B. Tinkham et al. relative to placing of 7, 1 59, 479 Feb. 7- Elliott Mathilda, taxes 26 7- Electric light on West Third street midway bet. College ave. and Walsh st., pet. of H. Gatena et al. relative to placing of 2 7, 3 7- Electric light at the intersection of Algona and Delaware ave., pet. of John Foll et al. relative to placing of 2 7, 1 59 21 -Ex- Mayors of the City of Dubuque, present City of Dubuque with their picture for Council Chamber 28- Engine House No. 1, repairs of 28- Election booths, repairing of and bill for same 21- Eighteenth street from the west side of alley between Jackson and Washington sts., to the west side of Elm st., grade on 68, 215, 263 If 21- Electrician City, salary relation to collection of 72 April 4- Electric light on Bennett street at the foot of the first incline to the west of Grandview ave., pet. of G. R. Rogers et al relative to placing of 116 1 59 4- Electric light at the intersection of Paul street and Klingen- b eerg Terrace, pet. of John Vogel et al. relative to placing I16 4- Electric lights on Burden ave., pet. of Chas. Rickauer et al. relative to placing of 116 18- Electric light on Madison bet. Seminary and 17th street, pet. of Chas. H. Bradley et al. relative to placing of 127, 1S9 May 2- Electric light at loth and Clay street, pet. of Chas. Pape et al. relative to placing of 2- Eastern Iowa Traction Assn., franchise for use of certain streets 1 39, 159, 210, 211, 212, 213, 260, 261, 262 2- Eberhardt Joseph, settlement of personal damage claim of.... 1 47, 1 53 16- Eleventh street from Bluff to Clay street, brick paving of 1 53, 1 54, 1 57, 161, 1 9 2 , 1 94, 208, 238, 270, 28 7, 4 4 4 44 443, 453, 457, 474, 4 49 493, 5 5 16- Electric lights, installation of at Bluff st. ext., Joseph st., 7th and White, 9th and Maple, 19th and Jackson, Asbury and Cherry st., Bennett st., Leibnitz and Clifford st 159 16- Emmett street bet. Bluff and St. Mary's street, sidewalk ordered on 167, 206, 2 43, 2 45, 2 4 6 , 2 5 0 , 276, 281 16 -Elm street bet. 13th and 14th, sidewalk ordered on 22 5, 2 44, 2 73, 3 4 4 43 4 535, 54 547, 5 16- Eighteenth street bet. Jackson and Washington street, side- walk ordered on 226, 263 16- Electric arc lights which fail to burn, police to report all June 6 -Elm street on the south side of Lincoln ave., brick crossing ordered on. 234 20- Eighth street from Bluff street to the C. G. W. tracks, brick paving of 2 45, 2 85, 3 35 3 3 395, 397, 39 4 4 4 July 5- Engineer be notified to attend Council meetings in future 298 18- Electric light pole cor. of Ellis and Almond streets, pet. of F. L. Fuller et al. relative to removal of 301 Aug. 1- Electric light cor. of Fourth and Bluff streets, pet. of M Hogan et al. relative to lighting said light 314 PAGE 1 43, 1 5 0 , 18 9 46, 6 5 5 5 1 39 2 34 2 5 1907 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. E 1- Electric light at intersection of West Eleventh and Olive streets, installation of 21- Eisbach Peter, bill of for constructing Bee Branch sewer from Eagle Point ave. to Sanford ave Sept. 5- Electric light cor. of West Third and Nevada street, pet. of C. J. Young et al. relative to placing of 19- Electric light on Mt. Carmel ave. 300 ft. from Grandview ave., placing of 3- Electric light on North street about 35o ft. west of Grand- view ave., pet. of Geo. Grundy et al. relative to placing of 17- Electric arcs light on Langworthy ave. bet. Booth and Al- pine street, pet. of P. Gordon et al. relative to placing of Nov. 7- Electric light on 4th street extension near Tower street, pet. of Dubuque Star Brewing Co. relative to placing of 7- Ernsdorff Michael est., pet. of relative to paying special for paving Jones st., levied Dec. 7th, 1896 21- Electric light at 18th and Pine street, pet. of Hammel - Henker Co. relative to placing of 21- Electric light at Rosedale ave. and Willow street, pet. of John O'Rourke et al. relative to placing of 21- Electric light on Audubon ave., pet. of John O'Rourke et al relative to placing of 21- Eckert Geo., claim of for personal damages:__ Aug. Oct. If PAGE 3 349, 499 39 4 4 443, 510 479 479-5 497 497 497 500, 501 1907 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE Jan. 17 -Fay, Mrs. Mary, taxes 7 17- Farwell, J. F., cancellation of special assessment for repairs of sidewalk.. 8 " 17 -Free Public Library, annual report of Feb. 7- Farrell, Florence, pet. of, by H. C. Kenline, attorney, rel. to settlement of claim 26, 218, 242 7- Firemen City, rel. to increase in pay 2 7 21 -Fire Chief Reinfried, communication rel. to needs of the Fire Department 37, 5 7 7 21- Flick, R., rel. to spl. ass'mt for constr. of sanitary sewer on White street 39 28 -Fire Engine, rel. to purchasing of new and exchange an old.. 5 1 4 8 , 2 35 4- Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., rel. to maintaining a building across the alley bet. 7th and 8th streets and White and Jackson streets 59 21 -First Universalist Society of Dubuque, taxes 70, 119, 21 9, 2 43 21- Fourth street, grade of 7 21 -Fire Hose, rel. to purchase of 72, 76 4 -First street from Iowa to Main streets, brick paving of 119, 120, 1 4 6 , 147, 188 4 5 5 5 5z 5 543 18- Flick, A. R. Box Co., pet. of, rel. to maintaining a spur track across the alley in block 17.. 127, 144, 187, 203 May 2 -Fire Engine J. J. Linehan, rel. to exchange of 51, 148, 2 35 16- Fourteenth street from Bluff to Clay streets, brick pav- ing of 154, 163, 180, 195, 206, 208, 214, 21 5, 2 39, 265, 271, 288, 298 16 -Fifth street bet. Locust and Main, sidewalk ordered on 1 7 0 , 2 43, 2 7 6 , 345, 357, 377 i6 -Foye street bet. Merchant Lane and West Locust, sidewalk ordered on 1 77, 2 44, 2 7 6 , 2 77, 3 359, 37 39 4 4 4 47 4 495, 5 June 6- Fourteenth street bet. Clay and White, 2 sidewalks or- dered on 226, 22 9, 2 44, 251, 268, 2 73, z 2 9 6 , 3 3 3 3 6- Fifteenth street abutting the city pound, sidewalk ordered on.. 22 9, z 3 4 522 17- Fraternal Order of Eagles, Dubuque Aerie, No. 568, pet. of, rel. to securing the use of Iowa and intersecting streets bet 5th and 12th and Clay and Main streets for the purpose of holding a street carnival 17- Fountain corner 8th and Main, rel. to purchasing new one 2 47 20- Fountain on 6th street bet. Clay and Iowa streets, replacing of 2 53 20- Fountain corner of Couler and Kaufman avenues, rel. to re- placing of 2 53 Aug. i6 -First Ward Scale House, telephone in, pet. of Edes Robe Tanning Co. et al. rel. to installing 332 21- Flick, Mrs. F., pet. of, rel. to cancelling of the special as- sessment for the construction of a sanitary sewer in White street bet. Eagle Point ave. and Sanford ave Sept. 19- Finance Report, rel. to printing and binding of 19 -Fire horses, wanted and for sale Oct. 3- Feldstein, Jos., bill of city against for old iron 3- Farrell, Jas. W., by Margaret Farrell, executrix, taxes _. 433 17 - -Fuel and Feed, furnishing for various departrn'ts....453, 4 4 5 5 520 March „ April „ 9 2 37, 3 35 394 4 418 4 434, 473 4 G Jan. 3- Gregory, Peter, rel. to paying special assm't for improve- ment of Oak street 2, 71 " 17- Garbage dump, repairing of 12, 65, 71 Feb. 7- Grosstick, Cecelia, taxes 26 " 2r- Geeting, E., taxes ...._._ 36 March 21- German Theological Seminary et al., pet of, rel. to amend- ing an ordinance restricting cattle from running at large on the hill district west of Grandview ave. 67 21- Garbage and dead animals, removal of for the season of 1907 102, 130, 131 April 4- Grandview avenue from Delhi to Dodge streets, pet. of John Phillips et al. rel. to change of grade and itnproveint of _116, 121, 126, 154, 207, 220, 221, 222, 3 33 335, 39 39 4 4 4 4 5 18- Galena, Ill., invitation of city to attend the Grant Day cel- ebration 127 May 16- Grandview avenue bet. Grace and Bennett streets, sidewalk ordered on 174 June 17- Goosehorn Mining Co., pet. of, rel. to securing permission to sink a shaft on the alley south of Grandview ave. and west of Ryder ave 2 37, z 3 17 -Grant Park, grading and sodding of 2 4 1 , 2 47, 3 3 20- Grades on all streets where sidewalks have been ordered laid, engineer to prepare same 2 53 July 5- Germania Hall Societies, rel. to settlement of special ass'mt for paving Iowa street 294 5- German Presbyterian School of the Northwest, rel. to settle- ment of special ass'mt for paving 17th street 294 Oct. 3- Grigg, J. J., et al., pet. of, rel. to draining or filling the pond on lot 27 in Riche's sub 423 Nov. 7- Germania Hall Societies, taxes 479, 5 21- Governor's Greys, pet. of, rel. to lease of Armory Hall 497, 54 Dec. 19 -Gow & Curtis, bill of city for rolling trenches 541 19- Gierens, Benjamin, pet. of, rel. to opening a saloon corner 16th and Maple 54 54 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE 1907 May INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE Jan. 3 -Howe John W., asking permission to sink a mineral shaft on Wilbur ave 2 Feb. 7- Heacock Mrs. Elizabeth, asking cancellation of special as- sessment for sidewalk repairs 26 7 -Heeb street from the south line of Kaufmann ave. to the west line of lot 4 L. H. Langworty add., grade and profile of 30 " 7- Hartman & Son, bill for repairs to 18th street engine house._ 51 " 21 -Huber Isadore, settlement of damage claim 36 March 2,- Hennessey Nellie vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of per- sonal damage claim __ 75, 120, 128 April 4 -Heeb A. F., pet. of rel. to construction of a private sewer in Rock street 116 4- Harbor Master, pet. of rel. to increase in salary 116 i6 -Heeb street from Kaufmann ave. to the south lot line of lot To, Marsh's add., rel. to establishing grade on and im- provement of 16 4, 2 33, 33 394 June 6- Hallahan Jeremiah, claim of $3,000 for personal damages 203, 302 " 20- Harbor Master, duties of 2 47, 2 95, 2 9 6 , 4 4 5 " 20 -House boats in harbor, removal of July i8- Hentrich Chas., pet. of asking city for his lot lines for the purpose of laying cement walk _ 301 Aug. i6- Harkett W. A., pet. of relative to postponing action to lay a sidewalk on Hill st Sept. 5- Hottman Boiler Co., taxes 19- Hintrager Wm., owner of lot 22 O. Taylor's sub. relative to fiilling said lot 408, 444, 49 Oct. 3 -Hill Thos., notice of suit 423 Nov. 7 -Hense I. F., claim for personal damages_ 480, 4 49 2 47 33 4 391, 408 1907 Jan. Feb. it March April May June Sept. Oct. Nov. INDEX- -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE I 3 -Ice Harbor, city of Dubuque's jurisdiction question of 7 -Iowa League of Municipalities, pet. of, asking the city to in- vestigate the cost to the city of protecting railroad prop- erty, thereby aiding legislature to pass a law covering same 21- Illinois and Western Ry., pet. of F. W. Hild, agent, rel. to securing rights on certain streets for railway purposes 35, 4 5 59, 61, 62, 63, 9 97, 9 99, 116, 122, 135, 28- International Association of Machinists, Julien Lodge, No. 379, pet. of rel. to appointing one (I) of their number a member of the Board of Water Trustees 4 -Iowa Telephone Co., rel. to compelling said company to put the streets torn up in good condition 21 -Iowa Telephone Co., bill of city of Dubuque against for roll- ing trenches 4 -Iowa street from 3rd to 1st, brick paving of 119, 120, 1 4 6 , 1 47, 188, 489, 510, 511, 522, 528, 5 4 -Iowa National Guards, 49 Co. A, bill for use of Armory Hall 120, 2- Insurance on City Hall 6 -Iowa Telephone Co., bill of city against for damages to 8th street storm sewer i6- Improvement Bonds, redemption of 19 -Iowa Publishing Co., pet. of, rel. to purchase of new maps of the city of Dubuque 17 -Iowa street bet. 1st and 2nd, sidewalk ordered on 7 -I. O. O. F. by Board of Trustees, pet. of, rel. to repairing their sidewalk on 9th street, claimed to have been dam- aged by contractors paving 9th street 5 26 6o, 204 4 65 68 543 128 138 219 1 97 4 434, 444 455 479 1907 Feb. May June Sept. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE J 21 -Jones street bet. Iowa and Warren sts, sidewalk ordered on 39, 199, 222 21 -Jones street bet. Warren and Water streets, sidewalk or- dered on 40, 1 69, 199, 207, 213, 280, 303 16 -Jones street bet. Locust and Harrison streets, sidewalk or- dered on 166, 199, 222 16- Julien avenue bet. Bluff and Hill streets, sidewalk ordered on 172, 231 16- Julien avenue bet. Bluff and Rock streets, sidewalk or- dered on 1 74, 28 3, 2 9 6 , 359 20 -Jewel Tea Co., damage claim 2 45 19- Jaeggi, Joseph, and 011ie Reed, pet. of, rel. to securing per- mission to open a saloon 401 19- Johnson avenue, crossing bet. Rhomberg and Lincoln ave- nues, rel. to repairing 4 1907 7 -Kein Peter, cancellation of special assessment for repairs to sidewalk 2 9 2,- Kassler M., taxes 35, 70, 120 21- Kessler Jacob et al., petition of relative to refunding special assesment for construction of sanitary sewer bet. Jackson and Washington st March 21 -King Mrs. Annie, petition of relative to settlement of special assessment for improvement of Grandview ave 67 21 -Key City Gas Co., bill of City of Dubuque against for macadam and rolling trenches 68, 123, 4 21 -Kemps Arnold, petition relative to the construction of side- walk on Washington st. bet. Lincoln and Sanford ave 71, 87, 121 2- Keckevoet John, taxes 1 39 2- Kohlman Mrs. Margaret, petition of relative to repairing the partially burned building on Couler ave 1 5 1 , 1 53 6- Kessler Magdalene, taxes 20 3, 2 4 2 , -Kiene Henry, petition of remonstrating against excavating in alley near Ryder street z 16- Kaufmann ave., brick paving of 33 21 -Key City Gas Co., petition of asking for an extension of franchise 33 39 402 Feb. u i f May June July Aug. Oct. „ Nov. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE 38, 39 17 -Kopp John, petition of relative to constructing a temporary sidewalk on Willow st._ 444, 4 5 53 17- Kennedy F. J., petition of relative to being appointed Meat and Milk Inspector 17- Keenan Anna, claim of for personal damages, $3,000__ 7 -Key City Building Co., taxes 7- Kinnier W. H., petition of relative to repairing alley bet 13th and 14th and Main and Iowa streets 444, 45 444 479, 5 479, 503 1907 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE L Jan. I7- Limbeck, A. J., pet. of, rel. to settlement of special ass'mt for imp. of Audubon ave and W. 14th st 17- League of American Municipalities, inviting city of Du- buque to join the same 21- License, general notice to public rel. to paying same Feb. 7- Lobdell, Ira, taxes March 21 -Lee, James, cancellation of special ass'mt of, for repairs to sidewalks 69 21- Lights in alleys bet. Main and Iowa and Main and Locust streets, rel. to merchants along said route maintaining same April 4- Linehan, Bart. E., pet. of, rel. to vacating an alley in Du- buque Harbor Co.'s add 116, 122, 131, 1 34, 1 4 1 , 1 4 2 4 -Lee, James Sr., pet. of, rel. to excavating in Gilliam's sub on Angella street 116 8- Linehan & Molo, bill for constructing manhole on 8th street for Roshek building 12 4, 2 47 May 16- Locust street bet. Jones and Dodge, sidewalks ordered on 200 June 20- Library Trustees, appointment of _. 242 July 18- Louisa street bet. Delhi and Grace streets, pet. of J. C. Ben- nett et al. rel to grading of 301, 316, 347, 379 Aug. 1- League of American Municipalities, invitation of, rel. to Council attending annual convention at Norfolk, Va 314 16- League of Iowa Municipalities, invitation of relative to City of Dubuque Joining same 33 4 443, 444 Sept. 5- League of Iowa Municipalities convention at Council Bluffs, invitation to attend 39 4 443, 444 5- Lyons, Daniel, pet. of, rel. to removing the wire fence en- closing the alley near Milwaukee ave., also remonstrance__ 391 19- Lawther, Wm. Co., pet. of, rel. to securing permission to construct a water main for fire protection in Locust street from 4th to 2nd streets 406, 43 433, 4 Oct. 17- Lancaster, Capt. E. J., pet. of, rel. to securing permission to erect a coal bin at the harbor front 443 17 -Levi, E. S., pet. of, rel. to securing permission to erect fire- proof stairway southwest corner 4th and Main Nov. 7- Lincoln, Geo., claim for personal damages of 21 -Long, Israel, pet. of, rel. to refunding his express license 7 7 21 27, 219, 296 75 444 4 499 497 1907 17- Macadam at city pound, Engineer measure same II, 30, 38 17- Macadam broken at Hill and 17th street quarries 11 17 -Mt. Carmel avenue, grading (Bradley & Sullivan, F. Mathis, J. Linehan)__ 1i 17- Market Master's office papered, bill for same.. 11 17- Minutes of Council proceedings of September loth, 1906, cor- rection of 12 Feb. 7- Morrison & Kretschmer Manufacturing Co., taxes 27 7 -Muntz Edward et al., petition of rel. to opening certain streets bet. Julien avenue and West Fifth street 27 7- Mayor's office, painting and papering of 3o, 56 7-Monteith Anna vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of claim of__ 31, 36 21- Morgan Joseph, pet. of rel. to vacating a strip of ground through lots 22 and 23, in Morgan's sub.__35, 71, 85, 113, 128, 12 9, 2 94, 3 21- Meats, diseased not to be disposed of within the city limits__ 2I-Milk, inspection of 39, 2 9 0 , 43 437, 444, 4 47 47 P 39, 2 9 0 , 45 4 4 4 5 5 535, 53 55 " 28 -Main street, rel. to change of name 49 March 21- Mulkern Mary A. by Jas. A. Hayes, admr., pet. of rel. w set- tlement of special assessment for improvement of Iowa street 67, 130 21 -Metz Margaret, claim for personal damages of 67, 127 21- Macadam, bills allowed 7 21- Madden Bridget vs. City of Dubuque, settlement of personal damage claim of 75, 11 9 April 4- Monthly Market Day, pet. of M. M. Walker Co. et al. rel. to change of location of from 7th street to Phoenix Park..____ 116, 1 59 18- Millville road from Lemon street to city limits, pet. of H. J. Jecklin et al. rel. to repairing 127 18- Macadam, bills allowed 129 May 2- Morris Johnson Brown Manufacturing Co., taxes 138 2- Memorial Day exercises, invitation to participate in, also ap- propriation 2- Morris Johnson Brown Manufacturing Co., bill of city against for macadam 141, 426 2- Mineral shaft on lot 14, J. L. Langworthy's add., declared a nuisance 148 16- Macadam, bills allowed 16 -Main street bet. 9th and 11th, sidewalk ordered on 173, 200, 20 7, 2 3 2 , 2 53 June 6 -Mehl Charles, taxes ___ 219 6 -Maple street bet. 13th and 14th, sidewalk ordered on ........ ..____ 22 7, 2 44, 2 77, 3 3 4 43 466 2 45 Jan. " 1< „ „ If July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. M 20- Macadam, bills allowed 1- Macadam, bills allowed 285 1- Milligan E. F., pet. of rel. to stopping the water from West 14th street and college grounds from emptying on to his ground on West 17th street 2 85, 3 33 4 5 54 z -Mats for cuspidors in Council Chamber, rel. to purchase of.... 298 18- Macadam, bills allowed 3o 16 -Merz Fred, pet. of rel. to damage caused his property by 333, 4 5 54 33 4 434, 444 4 443 444, 45 454 455 heavy rains 21 Macadam, bills allowed 19 -Maps of the City of Dubuque, rel. to purchasing. 3- Mersch Jerry, bill of city against for macadam 17- Macadam, bills for. 17 -Meat and Milk Inspector, appointment of 17- Macadam in various wards as used, apportioning of _._..___.__.._ 17 -Main street bet. 7th and 8th streets, sidewalk ordered on. 7 -Mumby Mrs. M., pet. of rel. to being allowed the value of old plank walk torn up by contractor building cement walk PAGE 1 39 1 55 480 1907 Nov. Dec. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. M 7 —Metz Manufacturing Co., taxes 7— Macadam, city to purchase no more 21— Mueller Ernest, taxes 5— Musicians, pet. of rel. to compelling the Union Electric Co. to carry their musical instruments 19— Martin & Strelau Co., pet. of rel. to payment of an old ac- count for coal furnished Water Works Co PAG$ 479 49 0 497 539 54 1 1907 Jan. May June Aug. Oct. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. Mc 3— McDonnell, Mary, cancellation of special ass'mt for repairs to sidewalk 2— McHenry, Mrs. Mary A., taxes 16— McDonald Morrison Mfg. Co., rel. to annulling an ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in East Dubuque add__ 6— McCann, Ellen, taxes 16— McCauley, Mary, taxes 3— McAloon, James, pet. of, rel. to obtaining permission to conduct a saloon on Julien avenue PAG1± 4 138 165, 191, 208 203 33 423 1907 Jan. 0 3 -Oak street, improvement of, rel. to special ass'mt levied against Peter Gregory for 23,741 1 3- Officers, reports of 2, 3- Officers, appointment of (assessor's office) 4 i7-Odd Fellows' Temple, by Board of Trustees, taxes 7, 71 17- Officers, reports of ..... _____........ 7, 8 17- Ordinance establishing five road districts for the purpose of cleaning, sprinkling and repairing of streets 9, lo, 22, 2 3, 3 17- Ordinance relative to regulating second -hand dealers 1I 21- Ordinance relative to preferring and hearing charges against any member of the Board of Water Works Trustees 13, 15, 16, 23, 24 21- Ordinance relative to compelling Union Electric Co. sprink- ling between their tracks 16, 32, 71, 121, 1 3 0 , 1 39, 3 7- Officers, reports of 27, 28, 29, 30 7- O'Rourke, Catherine, cancellation of special ass'mt for re- pairing sidewalk 29 21- Officers, reports of 21- Ordinance relative to barring diseased meats being sold within the city limits 28- Officers, reports of 4- Ordinance granting the Illinois & Western Ry. the right to use certain streets and alleys for railway purposes 6o, 61, 62, 63, 9 97, 9 99, 4- Ordinance granting the Dubuque High Bridge Co. the right to reconstruct their bridge for railway purposes 63, 64, 65, 99, loo, 101 21- Officers, reports of, monthly and annual 67, 68, 70, 120 21- Officers, City Attorney to instruct all in their new duties 71 21- Officers, salaries 7 73, 10 5, 1 4 8 21- Ordinance fixing salaries of officers .. 72, 73, 105, 131, 188 21- Ordinance vacating a strip of land on the north side of the Ice Harbor to Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works 2 , 7, 35, 5 6 9, 73, 74, 75, 101, 102, 103, 128 21- Official papers, appointment of 75 21- Ordinance relative to making connections with sanit'y sewer 76, 77, 104 21- Ordinance, rules and regulations of Board of Health April 77 to 84, inclusive, and 105 to 112, inclusive 4- Officers, reports of 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 18- Officers, reports of __ 128 It 18- Officers, appointed and sworn in 130, 1 3 1 , 1 3 2 , 1 5 1 , 1 79 May 2- Officers, reports of 1 39, 1 4 0 , 1 4 1 , 1 43 2- Ordinance granting A. R. Flick Box Co. right to lay a track in block 17, Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co.'s add .. 144, 187, 203 2- Ordinance establishing grade on Althauser avenue from Staf- ford avenue to Eagle street 2- Ordinance increasing the salary of street commissioner 2- Ordinance establishing a grade on 9th street from Bluff to Pine streets 'C It i Feb. March „ „ 11 CI U it INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE 2- Ordinance establishing grade on Willow street from the west line of min'l lot 179 to the east end of said Willow street.. 2- Ordinance establishing a grade on Iowa street from 3rd to 1st streets 16- Officers, reports of .. 16- Ordinance establishing a grade on loth street from Bluff to Elm streets 16- Ordinance establishing a grade on the alley bet. Main and Locust from 7th to 9th streets i6- Ordinance establishing a grade on 11th street from Bluff to Clay streets 17- Ordinance establishing a grade on 12th street from Bluff to Clay streets 35, 3 39 49, 5 264 1 44 , 145, 187 1 45, 188 1 45, 146, 186 146, 186. 187 1 4 6 , 1 47, 188 1 53 1 5 6 , 1 57, 1 9 2 156, 191 1 57, 1 9 2 1 5 8 , 1 93 1907 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE M Jan. 17- Nagle, J. J., cancellation of special ass'mt for repairs to 8 March 21 -Ninth street from Bluff to Pine, brick paving of 68, 87, 118, 145, 146, 150, 186, 194, 20 8, 2 37, 238, 269, 28 7, 2 97, 333, 4 4 4 443, 453, 457, 473, 479, 483, 49 5 5 53 53 54 547, 557, 561, 562 21- Norton, John W., special ass'mt for repairs to sidewalks 69 June 6 -Ninth street bet. White and Jackson streets, 2 sidewalks ordered on 228, 229 6- Nevada street bet. W. 3rd and W. 5th, sidewalk ordered on _ 22 9, 2 3 0 , 2 43, 2 45, 2 74, 321, 322, 3 37 3 39 6 -Ninth street bet. White and Elm, sidewalks ordered on 228, 229, 2 44, 2 73 Aug. 1- Nineteenth street from Maple to Pine streets, pet. of C., M & St. P. employes rel. to clearing 314 Nov. 21 -North street from Grandview ave to Louisa street, grade and profile of ..._ 499 sidewalks 1907 Aug. If , t CC If CI if Sept. Oct. If (, Nov. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. 0 PAGE 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Booth street from Dodge street to Julien avenue -34 374, 375 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Rush street from South Dodge to Pear street 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on West 3rd street from Al- pine to Walsh street 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Delhi street from Allison Place to Forest Lane 342, 343, 375, 37 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Broadway Extension and Broadway from King street to lot 21, John King's second add 343, 377, 37 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on South Locust street and Southern avenue from Dodge to Valley street 343, 344, 381, 382 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on South Locust street from Jones to Dodge street 344, 377 21 Ordinance establishing a grade on Fifth street from Locust to Main street 345, 377 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Southern avenue from Valley to Sullivan street 345, 34 37 379 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Seminary street from Madison street to Schroeder ave 21- Ordinance changing the grade of Louisa street from Delhi to Grace street 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Alpine street from West 3rd to Julien ave 347, 34 380 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Wood street from West 14th street to Rosedale ave 34 382 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on West Locust street from Hogdon ave. to the west end of West Locust street 321, 369, 370 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Arch street from West Locust street to St. Ambroise street 321, 3 37 5- Officers reports of 39 393, 395 19- Officers reports of 402, 403 3- Officers reports of 4 4z 427, 428 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Rush street from Pear st to Mountain Lane 4z 4 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Cleveland ave from Union street to Mountain Lane 4 43 466 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on White street from Eighth to Ninth streets 43 466 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Elm street from 13th to 16th streets 430, 467 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Maple street from 13th to 14th streets 431, 466 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Sixteenth street from Washington to Elm streets 43 4 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Windsor ave. from Eagle Point ave to Edward street 43 4 4 3- Ordinance granting to Wm. Lawther Co. the right to con- struct and operate a water main for fire protection in Locust street from 4th to znd street thence to their plant 43 433, 4 3- Ordinance regulating the sale of Meat, Fish and Fowl....43 437, 4 47 47 3- Ordinance providing for inspection of Milk, Dairies and Dairy Herds, and licensing same 437, 43 439, 4 4 4 5 5 535, 53 55 17- O'Shea, James, pet. of rel. to measuring macadam 443 17- Officers reports of. 45 45 453 7- Officers reports of._ 481, 4 4 4 7- Ordinance changing the grade on Grandview ave______ ________ _____ __4 4 5 5 7- Ordinance establishing a grade on Solon street from Alpine street to about 180 feet east thereof._ 486, 5 34 34 34 37 34 37 347, 379 1907 < 1 11 If ,l July „ ,1 Aug. CI I C (, ,1 I4 1, INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE 0 May i6- Ordinance establishing a grade on 13th street from Bluff to Clay streets 158, 1 59, 1 93 ,6- Ordinance granting the Eastern Iowa Traction Association the right to operate an electric railway on certain streets__ 159, 210, 211, 212, 213, 260, 261, 262 June 6- Officers, reports of .. 204, 205, 206, 210 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on Jones street from Bluff street to the levee 213, 262, 263 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on Dodge street from South Dodge street to Grandview avenue 213, 214, 264 6 Ordinance establishing a grade on 14th street from Bluff to Clay streets 214, 215, 265 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on 18th street from the alley bet. Jackson and Washington streets to Elm street 215, 263 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on Atlantic avenue from W 14th street to Woodlawn Park add 216, 266 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on Cherry street from As- bury street to the city limits 216, 264 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on Washington street from Lincoln to Eagle Point avenues 217, 263, 264 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on Washington street from 24th to 26th streets 217, 218, 265, 266 6- Ordinance establishing a grade on Washington street from 26th to 27th streets 218, 266 ro-Oleson, Mrs. Anna, settlement of personal damage claim of_ 2 4 2 20- Officers, reports of 2 43 20- Ordinance establishing a grade on Emmett street from Bluff to St. Mary's street 245, 246, 281 20- Ordinance establishing a grade on 24th street from Jackson to Pine streets 206, 246, 282 20- Ordinance establishing a grade on 26th street from Jackson to Pine streets 246, 247, 281 I- Officers, appointment of 285, 286 1- Officers, reports of 286, 287 5- Ortscheid Andrew, pet. of rel. to reopening a saloon 294 5- Officers, reports of 2 95, 2 97 18- Olinger Mrs. Maggie, pet. of rel. to settlement of special ass'mt for paving Iowa street 301 18- Officers, reports of .____.___ 302 1- Officers, reports of 3 3 316 1- Ordinance changing the names of certain streets and avenues in the Fifth Ward I- Ordinance granting Bell Bros. the right to construct and operate a high pressure water main for fire protection in Locust street from 8th to 4th streets 1- Ordinance establishing a grade on Delhi street from Asbury street to the city limits 319, 32o, 370 1- Ordinance establishing a grade on Foye street from West Locust street to Station 6.+95 on Foye street 32o, 372 1- Ordinance establishing a grade on West Locust street from Hodgdon avenue to the west end of West Locust street and on Arch street from West Locust to St. Ambrose street__._ 322, 3 1- Ordinance establishing a grade on Nevada street from West 3rd street to Julien avenue 321, 3 37 I- Ordinance amending an ordinance relating to the construc- tion and reconstruction of sidewalks 3 3 37 37 16- Officers, reports of 334, 335 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on South Dodge street from Wilde to Dodge street 33 339, 379, 380 21- Ordinance establishing a grade on Cleveland avenue from Union street to South Dodge street 339, 34 380, 381 3 3 373, 423 1907 Dec. INDEX - -B ook 37. SUBJECT. 0 Nov. 7- Ordinance establishing a grade on Pleasant street from Staf- ford ave to Viola street 7- Ordinance establishing a grade on Fifteenth street from Elm street east 7- Ordinance amending an ordinance relative to appointing a Harbor Master and defining his duties 21- Officers reports of 21- Officers appointment of 5- Officers reports of 5- Officers bonds 5- Officers appointive laid off 19- Officers reports of PAGE 4 4 522 4 522 4 4 5 49 5 5 5 501 533, 534, 535 535 537 54 1907 7- Policemen city, relative to increase in pay 2 7, 7 73, 10 5 7- Pochter, Morris, correction of taxes 3o March 4- Police Matron's rooms, painting of 65, 70 7 " 21 -Pier, A. L., taxes 69 21- Parks, public, relative to beautifying 75, 1 5 1 , 1 53, 1 55, 206, 241, 2 47, 3 3 407, 501 4- Patent Novelty Co., license collected from 119 18- Police uniforms, relative to purchase of 130 2- Phoenix Park, relative to grading and cement walk_ 1 5 1 , 1 53, 155, 206 2o- Pogson, Peloubet-Co., communication, also report of... 2 53, 54 1- Police and Fire Commissioners, appointment of, bonds and supplies for 28 5, 2 94, 2 97, 3 3 3 326 1- Police, Chief of, appointment of 285 1- Police and Fire Commissioners' Clerk, appointment of, and salary 286, 301,325 18- Police Matrons, increase of salary 3o3, 325 16- Public Library, communication of Trustees relative to fixing a levy on all taxable property for the maintenance of 21- Pleasant street from Stafford ave. to Viola street, pet. of F Mihn1 et al. rel to improvement of 5- Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co., taxes 6- Patrol House, repairs at 19- Patrol box in Audubon School yard, rel. to removal of 17- Piepels, Frank, et al., rel. to constructing temporary side- walk on Willow street 17 -Popp, John, pet. of, rel. to being appointed Meat and Milk Inspector._ 17- Police and Fire Dept., blank applications for position on, and examinations for 7 -Park Custodian, pet. of J. Kleinschnlidt rel. to removal of 5 -Poor, Mrs. I. P., taxes Feb. It April May June July It „ Aug. Sept. Oct. I ' Nov. Dec. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. p PAGE 333 33 394, 45 486, 522 39 39 4 444, 4 53 444 473 480 53 546 1907 INDEX —B00i 37. SUBJECT. PAGE Q Feb. 7 —Queen street extension, pet. of Linwood Cemetery Ass'n by Jas. Beach, Pres Sept. 19— Quinn, Daniel, pet. of, taxes 27 401 1907 SUBJECT. PAGE Aug. Sept. Dec. INDEX - -Book 37. R Jan. 5— Roeber Ernest, cancellation of special assessment for repairs to sidewalk ¢ 14 i 7— Rhomberg A. L., taxes "Detention Hospital" and lease 7, 43 3 537 " 17 —Road districts divided into five instead of three 9, JO, 22, 23, 32 March 21— Richardson B. F., pet. of rel. to refunding auctioneer's license 67 April 4 —Ryder Mrs. Mary, taxes.__ 116 4 —Ryder Jos., pet. of rel. to a settlement of special assessment for improvement of Cleveland ave 122, 159 i8—Roehl Wm. L., pet. of rel. to resetting curb in front of lot 21, Finley's add 127, 147, 148 May. 16— Railings, sidewalk constructed by the city not to be removed 18o June 6 —Rumpf F. A., taxes 203, 291 6 —Rush street bet. South Dodge and Quinn streets, sidewalk ordered on 223, 224, 268, 3 34 375, 401, 428, 4 4 47 494, 495, 5 16— Robison V. E. et al., remonstrance of, remonstrating against changing water course bet. lots 46, 47 and 48 Morhiser's sub. and lot 2 of mineral lot 172 __ 33 333, 4 4 5 —Rohr Pauline, taxes 390 19— Rhomberg Titus, notice of suit of rel. to securing title to lot 4 in mineral lot 1 44 402 19 —Red Cross Drug Co., pet. of rel to refunding part of license paid for selling patent medicines 541 1907 Jan. IC „ I' i t March II CI It It tt (I 11 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE S 3- Second and Garfield ave., rel. to hauling sand from 2, II 3- Sullivan, Mrs. Catherine, taxes _ 2 3- Schwinn, Philip, cancellation of special ass'mt for construct- ing sanitary sewer 3 -Supt. of Sprinkling, laid off for a period of three months 17 -Sims, Mrs. R., taxes 17- Sewer, storm water, on W. Locust street, extension from Hodgdon to Rosedale ave 8, 119, 128, 132, 1 4 1 , 1 55, 1 5 6 , 1 9 0 , 2 19, 28 5, 3 3 17- Sidewalk, repairs of, special ass'mt December, 1906 ._ -- 8, 9, 22 17- Sewer, sanitary, in Lincoln ave. from Johnson to Middle ave 17- Sewer, sanitary, in Windsor ave. from Queen to Sutter sts___ 17- Seventh street extension bridge (concrete bridge for same, or repairing old bridge) 12, 2 9, 37, 4 48, 120, 121, 122, 123, 129, 130, 288, 2 9 1 , 3 17- Sprinkling between tracks of the Union Electric Co., city to compel said company to 16, 32, 71, 121, 130, 1 39, 3 21- Sewer, sanitary, between Jackson and Washington, construc- tion of same by Steuck & Linehan 21 21- Sewer, sanitary, in Alta Vista street, construction of same by Steuck & Linehan 21 21- Sewer, sanitary, bet. Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues, con - strnction of same by Steuck & Linehan 21 Feb. 7- Sussman, H., taxes 26 7- Sewer, storm water, in 22nd street from Jackson street to the Bee Branch sewer, pet. of H. Kuoernschild et al. relative to construction of 27, 71, 118, 120, 12 9, 1 3 2 , 1 34, 135, 202 2 45, 285, 289 7 -Sewer men, city, pet. rel to increase in pay 27, 72, 73, 105 7- Sewer, sanitary, in Grace, Louisa and Delhi streets and Grandview avenue to the German Presbyterian College_- 2 7, 3 3 6 7, 8 4, 8 5, 113, 119, 126, 1 54, 16 3, 1 64, 1 9 8 , 20 7, 209, 210, 240, 278, 288, 501, 526, 535, 53 539, 54 544, 55 559 7- Standard Lmbr. Co., bill of city against for gravel furnished 28 7 -Sill, Elizabeth, re- assessment for construction of sanitary sewer in Lincoln avenue 3o 7 -Steam roller house, rel. to repairing roof on _. - -. 32 7 -Stove for Treasurer's office, rel. to purchasing new one 32 21- Steiner, Mary S., taxes.. 85, 70 21- Slocum, P. S., taxes 36 21- Southern avenue bet. Dodge and Valley streets, 6 sidewalks ordered on 4 4 43, 44, 1 97, 206, 207, 223, 326, 343, 344, 35 357, 3 3 3 4 4 4 416 21- Southern avenue bet. Valley and Samuel streets, 9 sidewalks ordered on 21- Southern avenue bet. Samuel street and English Lane, 2 4 4 4 43, 44, 45, 4 16 9, 1 97, 206, 22 3, 2 49, 28o, 281, 345, 34 37 379 sidewalks ordered on 41, 42, 116, 16o, 1 97, 22 3, 345, 34 37 379 21- Sullivan, Patrick, pet. of, rel. to back salary claimed due him 6 7, 3 21 -Sewer Sanitary in Eighth street from Roshek Bldg. to alley between Main and Iowa streets, petition of Roshek Bros relative to construction of 67, 123, 124, 247 21- Sidewalk repairs of special ass'mt Jan. and Feb. 1907 69, 70, 101, 10 21 -Sixth street, grade of 71 21- Spielman M., cancellation of sp'1 ass'mt for constructing Dodge street sanitary sewer 76 1 24 21 -Sewer Dept., Hose for, discarded by Fire Dept. 76 21- Sewer, storm, in 17th street 85, 113, 119, 120, 130, 245, 285, 3 4o 21- Sewer, sanitary, in West Locust, Alta Vista, Rosedale ave., Willow and Asbury streets 86, 87, 112, 119 April 4- Sewer, sanitary, private, in Rock street, pet. of A. F. Heeb rel. to construction of 116, 130 4 5 7 1907 4- Streets brick paved, relative to cleaning and sweeping of, and iron box receptacles 120, 12 9, 1 35, 147, 288 8- Sears, Henry and Margaret, settlement of personal damage claim of 122, 203 8- Security Building, relative to excavating in street and alley for foundation of 123, 130 8- Sewer, sanitary, in Eagle Point ave. from Windsor to Stafford ayes., construction of 124, 125, 129, 1 34, 1 5 1 , 1 55, 1 9 0 , 21 9, 245, 280 28 5, 2 97, 3 3 334, 35 3 3 395, 397, 4 4 4 18-St. Joseph's College, Taxes_ 127, 291 18-St. Ambrose street from Willow to Asbury streets, pet. of N. Zengel et al rel. to imp. of 127, 148, 149, 160, 196, 209, 240, 272, 288 2 9 8 , 35 353, 3 395 18- Strinsky Flora, cancellation of special ass'm't for repairs to sidewalk during 1905 129 18- Sewer, sanitary, in Chestnut street, extension of _ 12 9, 1 4 8 , 1 55, 189, 19o, 221, 454 18- Street Laborers, relative to increase in pay from $1.50 to $1.6o per day -- -- --- --- 1 3 1 2- Sheridan Clem, Taxes 139 2- Sewer, sanitary, in Kaufman ave., N. Main and Leibnitz street to Paul street 1 39, 16 4, 16 5, 1 97, 198, 209, 241, 278, 288, 301 39 4 4 4 4 428 16 -Spear John, pet. of relative to vacating a strip of ground abut- ting his property on West 8th street 16- Sisters of Visitation, taxes 16- Schmid Mfg. Co., taxes 16-Summit street, pet. of W. M. Kretchmer et al, rel. to con- structing brick crossings on 153 16- Sewer, storm, in Eighth street relative to recbnstruction of_.__ 160, 219, 285 " 16 -South Locust street bet. Jones and Dodge streets, sidewalk ordered on 165, 166, 206, 207, 222, 344, 377 16- Summit street bet. Fenelon Place and West 5th street, side- walk ordered on 169, 170, 198, 199, 207, 221, 267 16- Seminary street bet. Madison and Foye streets, sidewalk ordered on 1 75, 2 44, 2 74, 34 359, 360, 378, 401, 416 16- Sidewalks, repairs of, March and April 196, 209 16- Southern avenue between Dodge street and English Lane, sidewalk ordered on 1 97, 20 7 June 6 -Sewer sanitary, in Delhi street from Allison Place ioo ft west, pet. of Jacob Mehl relative to extension of 20 3, 2 3 1 , 2 45, 2 5 1 , 2 74, 2 79, 2 9 8 , 3 334, 35 374, 3 39 4 434, 453, 47 473, 479, 497, 5 6 -Smith Louis, taxes 219 6- Sullivan Michael est. by Jerry Sullivan, admx., taxes 219 6- Sewers, storm, water, Street Commissioner to examine all and notify all parties concerned to remove their obstructions 5 534, 543, 547, 55 562 therein -- 220, 4 5 6- Sewer, sanitary, Board of Health to make a report to Council those who failed to connect with 220, 289, 290 6 -South Dodge street bet. Dodge and Cleveland avenue, side- walk ordered on 22 4, 26 7, 3 33 339, 379, 380, 401, 47 495, 5 6- Sixteenth street bet. Elm and Washington streets, sidewalk ordered on 227,431,467 6- Sewer, sanitary, in alley bet. Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues from Johnson avenue to Kniest street, rel. to construction of 2 33, 2 45, 2 49, 2 75, 2 79, 2 9 8 , 4 4 4 44 44 444, 47 473, 4 6- Sewer, sanitary, in Sutter street and the alley bet. Windsor avenue and Queen street, construction of 2 34, 2 45, 2 49, 2 75, 2 7 8 , 2 79, 2 9 8 , 3 335, 349, 35 3 3 406, 409 April May It It C' 11 INDEX- -Book 37. SUBJECT. S PAGE 1 53, 2 9 1 1 53 153 1907 11 ,1 July Aug. 'C Sept. Oct. 11 11 11 u INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE June To-Slattery Dr. Wm. P., bill of for services rendered Fireman P. Zillig, injured at fire 2 35, 298 17- Sidewalks ordered laid by the city and not laid, Recorder to advertise for bids 2 4 1 , 2 45 2o- Stolzer Marble and Granite Works of Portage, Wis., damage claim of 2 4 2 , 45 20- Street obstructions, removal of 247 20- Seminary street bet. Hodgdon avenue and West Locust street, sidewalk ordered on 2 5 2 , 2 53, 281, 3 39 20- Sidewalks new, ordered laid, rel. to appointing a comtnittee to look after details of 2 53 20- Spring street from Julien avenue to West 14th street, Engi- neer prepare an estimate of the cost of grading_.__ 2 53 20- Sidewalks, repairs of, May 279, 280, 296, 33 1- Sewer, sanitary, in the alley bet. Rhomberg and Garfield avenues and Lincoln avenue rel. to construction of 2 9 1 , 35 35 3 395, 44 45 45 47 480 1- Sewer, sanitary, in the alley bet. Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues from Middle to Reed avenues, rel. to construction of 291, 3z 35 35 3 395, 44 45 47 537, 543, 54 55 562 1- Streets in Fifth Ward, renumbering of 291, 292, 318, 373 18- Smedley Steam Pump Co., taxes 301, 3 18- Sewer, sanitary, in W. 3rd street from Booth street to Col- lege avenue, pet. of N. P. Collis et al. rel. to construc- tion of 301, 3 4 439. 44 45 47 i8 -Scale house, First ward, painting of 303 18- Sidewalks, repairs of, June 310, 317, 318 I- Sewer, sanitary, in N. Main street from Liebnitz street to about 200 ft. south, pet. of J. F. Johannsen et al. rel. to construction of 3 3 33 334, 35 374, 3 39 453, 474, 4 49 5 5 1- Sewer, storm, in the gutter on north side of W. 5th street 326 i6-Stoltz avenue from Lemon street west about 400 ft., pet. of Andrew Weiser et al: rel to improvement of 33 354, 355, 394 i6-Sewer, sanitary, in Chestnut street from Walnut street about 300 ft. west thereof, pet. of F. B. Lathrop et al. rel. to construction of i6-Sprinkling Couler avenue from Kaufman avenue north, pet of J. G. Becker et al. relative to 332 i6-Streets in various parts of the city in bad shape from the heavy rains i6-Sewer, sanitary, in Eagle Point avenue and Kniest street from Johnson avenue to Lincoln avenue 16- Smallpox in the city, recommendation to prevent spread of.. ,6- Sixteenth street bet. Iowa and Clay, sidewalk ordered on 19 -Sixth avenue, pet. of Geo. Fink et al. rel. to repairing of 19- Street improvements, rel. to City Council, Street Commis- sioner, Street Committee, and City Engineer inspecting all before same are accepted.._ 3- Schwartz, Louisa, taxes 4 49 3- Sewer, sanitary, in Broadway, extension of, pet. of Jos. - Schaettgen et al. rel to 4 44 45 457, 47 473, 4 5 5z 535, 537, 53 544, 559 3 --St. Joseph's College grounds, rel. to repairing wash -out of.... 427 3 -- Street & Steuck, bill of city against for macadam 427 3- Seventh avenue, grading of 434 17 -St. Mary's Church, by Rev. Geo. W. Heer, pet. of, taxes 443, 49 17 -- Sewer, sanitary, in Kaufman avenue to Altar Mfg. Co., pet of J. J. Nagle and T. F. Phillips Co. rel. to extension of 444, 45 47 4 49 49 5 545, 561 17- -Solon street from Alpine to Lois streets, grade of 45 4 5 33 39 4o8 335 335 335 36o, 361 401 4 434 1907 Oct. 11 I1 ,1 11 Nov. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Dec. 11 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE S 17- Sidewalks, cement, constructed by the city, accepted 45 4 499 17- Skating rink, bids advertised for privilege of conducting 453, 5 535, 537 i7,-Second street bet. Main and Iowa streets, sidewalk ordered on 454, 455 17- Sewer, storm, in 26th street from Jackson to Bee Branch 457, 440 ,7- Sidewalks, repairing of, July and August 475, 4 493, 494 17- Sidewalks in dangerous condition, Inspector make report of 457 7- Sewer, sanitary, from Queen street to Burden avenue, exten- sion of 479, 511 7- Saunders avenue from Lemon street west, pet. of C. J. W Saunders, Jr., rel. to repairing of 480 21- Sewer, sanitary, in Union ave., pet. of Alice McGrath rel. to being exempt from paying for 497 21- Sidewalks, various special assessment notices 500, 521, 525, 526, 528 21- Specifications for street improvements, revising of 502 21- Streets crossed by R. R. Co's. to be planked 506 21- Street signs, relative to placing of.. 506 2,- Sidewalks, repairs of during Sept. and Oct 5 543, 549, 557 19- Security Building Co. pet. of, rel. to proposed changes on building, cor. 8th and Main streets.. 541 i9-Sidewalks, repairs of during Nov 56o, 561 1907 {1 Feb. If Dec. INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGU T Jan. 3 -Time keeper for street commissioner laid off for a period of three months 5 17 -Trueb L. rel. to settlement of special ass'mt for improvement of Oak street 7 17 -Thill John P., taxes 7 7- Taxes, R. R., relative to collection of 26 7 -Turck Solomon, ex -mayor of Dubuque, resolution of respect upon death of 32 March 21- Taxes, personal collection of 7 53 546 April 8- Twenty -fifth street from Jackson to Elm street, also from Washington to Elm street, improvement of 125, 126, 127, 136 1 4 1 , 1 5 0 , 1 55, 16o, 190, 219, 406, 4 4 4z 44 4 18 -Tench Mary, cancellation of sp'1 ass'mt for repairs to side- walk during July, 1906 129 May 2 -Tenth street from Bluff to Elm streets, brick paving of 151, 1 53, 1 54, 1 5 6 1 57, 160, 161, 192, 194, 208, 238, 270, 287, 297, 298 16- Teamsters, city, pet. of Aug. Renk et al relative to increase in wages of.. 153, 220 16- Twelfth street, from Bluff to Clay streets, brick paving of 1 53, 1 54, 158, 161 162, 1 93, 1 94, 1 95, 208, 238, 239, 270, 271, 287, 298 16- Thirteenth street, from Bluff to Clay streets, brick paving of._I53, 1 54, 1 5 8 , 1 59 16 3, 1 93, 1 95, 208, 239, 271, 288, 2 97, 4 4 443, 457, 479 4 49 499, 5 5 5 5 53 543, 545, 546 16 -Tenth street bet. Main and Locust streets, sidewalk ordered on 173, 198, 208, 232 16- Twelfth street bet. Locust and Bluff streets, sidewalk or- dered on 1 7 6 , 1 99, 207, 231, 232, 2 37 16- Twenty- fourth street bet. Pine and Elm streets, sidewalk ordered on 178, 206, 2 45, 2 4 6 , 2 4 8 , 2 49, 2 77, 282 16- Twenty -sixth street bet. Jackson and Washington streets, sidewalk ordered on 178, 206, 2 33, 2 4 6 , 2 47, 267, 281 June 6 -Tenth street bet. White and Jackson streets, sidewalk or- dered on _. 22 5, 2 44, 2 7 2 July 5- Thomas Place, street and wall on, in need of repairs 298 " i8-Trieloff Theo., pet. of rel. to settlement of special ass'mt for imp. Coates ave 301, 3 Aug. 1 -Third and Iowa streets southwest corner of, rel. to removing the debris from the walk abutting 326, 393 16- Telephone in First Ward scale house 332 16- Twenty -third street bet. Elm and Pine streets, sidewalk re- quested on by L. F. Cook et al 333, 394 Oct. 3- Taxes, valuation of taxable property within the city, report of assessor 428 3 -Tax commission, appointment of 435, 444, 454, 49 Nov. 7 -Tax sale property relative to Mayor buying for the city all, on which special assessments have not been paid 21- Taxes, levy for 1907 5 -Tax list for 1907 ready for collection, notice of treasurer 5- Treanor Patrick, claim for personal damages of 495 506 559 53 54 1907 Vet). April Sept. Oct. ,f INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. U 7 -Union Electric Co., bill of City of Dubuque for macadam and rolling trenches 18 -Union Electric Co., notice of acceptance of a new franchise of 5 -Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association, appro- priation for 3 -Union Electric Co., construct a culvert under track on Jack- son and 26th streets 17 -U. S. Asst. Engineer S. Edwards, pet. of rel. to securing a strip of land at the Ice Harbor for repairing U. S. boats PAG$ 28, 2 9, 5 4 127 3 4 44 444 1907 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. V Jan. 17- Voelker, C. A., cancellation of special ass'mt for repairs to sidewalks Feb. 2I- Voting machines, rel. to purchasing fourteen (14) 28-- Voelker, C. A., bill against for constructing brick gutter on 13th street March 21 -- Vaults, cleaning of April i8-Vollenweider, John, cancellation of special ass'mt for cut- ting weeds, July, 1905 Aug. 16- -Villa street at the intersection of Shannon street, pet. of Frank White et al. rel. to grading of Oct. 17-- Vogel, A., pet. of, rel. to furnishing new step crossing on 17th street 17 -Vogt Louis, pet. of rel. to being appointed Meat and Milk Inspector__ Nov. 7- Voelker C. A., pet. of, by C. B. Scherr, rel. to reducing as- sessment on sw/ of lot 35, McCraney's 2nd add 21- Veterinary service, bids advertised for PAG$ 8 37 5 102, 130 127 33 434 443 444 4 5 53 533, 555, 55 ,1 March INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE w 3 -Water Works Trustee for the holders of water works bonds, rel. to appointment of new trustee 2 3- Wilbur avenue at intersection of Olive street, pet. of Jphn W. Howe rel. to sinking a mineral shaft on 2 3 -Water Works, rel. to Council giving financial aid to 3 -Water Works, bill for sprinkling 17 -Wyman Chas., pet. of rel. to settlement of special ass'mt for improvement of Audubon avenue and West 14th street 21 -Water Works Trustees, manner of preferring and hearing charges against any member of the board 13, 15, 16, 23, 24 21 -Water Works Trustees, City Council asking for the board's resignation 13, 14, 67 21 -Water Works Trustees to act in conjunction with special committee 16 21- Warrants Jan., 1907 17, 18, 20, 21, 53, 54, 5 7- Wieland F. W., damage claim 26 7- Windsor avenue improvement of, pet. of Linwood Cemetery Association by Jas. Beach president 27 7- Wildhaber Jacob, cancellation of special ass'mt for cleaning alleys in 1902, also repairs of sidewalk 29. 7 -Wolf Mary, reassessment for construction of sanitary sewer in Lincoln avenue 30 21- Wasser Christina, taxes 35, 70, 71 21- Wieland Clara, damage claim 35, 12 7 21 -Water Works, bills and pay rolls rel. to auditing 46 28 -Weihe F. H. & Co., taxes 48, 71 28 -Water Works Trustees, appointment of 52, 6 7, 1 39 28-- Warrants February, 1 9 0 7 53, 54, 55, 5 21- -Webb Annie, taxes 71 21- Willow street from the easterly line of the present improve- ments to Avoca avenue, improvement of 86, 118, 146, 16o, 186, 18 7, 3 4 21 -- Washington street bet. Eagle Point and Sanford avenues, rel. to grade on 71, 87, 121, 303 21 -- Warrants Feb., 1907 88, 89, 9 9 9 93, 94, 95 4-- Washington street bet. Lincoln and Eagle Point avenues, sidewalk ordered on 120, 179, 206, 21 7, 2 45, 2 4 8 , 26 3 26 4, 2 7 6 , 3 3 47 495, 5 4 - -West 3rd street from Walsh street to Grandview avenue, im- provement of 121, 12 9, 2 45, 3 01, 3 334, 349, 3 3 4o6, 409 i8--Warrants March, 1907 1 33 2 -- Warrants, cancellation of 2 -Water Works Trustees, bonds of 1 39, 1 59 2 -Water Works, indebtedness of 151 16 -West Locust street from the end of the present improvement to Alta Vista street, pet. of Thos. Hughes et al. rel. to improvement of .______. ..... _. 179, 206, 251, 252, 283, 296, 321, 3z 3 3 16 -Water Works books, rel. to appointment of auditors to ex- amine 154, 202, 203, 457, 502 i6-West Third street bet. Booth street and Glen Oak avenue, sidewalk ordered on 170, 2 43, 2 7 8 , 34 34 35 4 4 5 545 16 -Wood street bet. W. 14th street and Rosedale ave., sidewalk ordered on 1 77, 34 382 16- Washington street bet. 26th and 27th streets, sidewalk or- dered on 179, 206, 218, 232, 233, 266, 268, 303 16-- Woodlawn Park, rel. to removing fences about the streets and alleys in 179 16 -- Warrants, April, 1907 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186 16- -Water Works Bonds Nos. 121 to 140, redemption of 5 S 7 1 43 191 1907 INDEX - -Book 37. INDEX- -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE W June 6- Washington street bet. 24th and 26th streets, grade of 217, 218, 265, 266 6 -White street bet. 8th and 9th streets, sidewalk ordered on 22 4, 244, 272, 3 4 4 43 466 20 -West Third street bet. Booth and Nevada streets, sidewalk ordered on 250, 282, 296, 34 34 35 37 4 416 20 -- Warrants, May _______ 2 55, 2 5 6 , 2 57, 2 5 8 , 2 59, 260 July 18- Warrants, June 3 3 3 3 3 3 Aug. 1- Windsor avenue from Eagle Point avenue north, brick pav- ing of 328, 355, 3 395, 43 44 45 4 4 47 16 -- Weiser, Andrew, pet. of, claiming damages done his prop- erty by the heavy rains 333, 408 16 -Water Works Trustees, quarterly report ending July 1, 1 9 0 7 333 Aug. 21- Warrants, July 3 3 3 366, 367, 368 Sept. 5- Willoughby, Grace R. Est., petition of, rel. to paying special ass'mt for paving Iowa street 39 4 19- Wright, W. S., pet. of, relative to refunding him the taxes paid on lot 12, Johnson's sub 402 19- Webber, Win., petition of, relative to settlement of personal damage claim 402, 4 19-- Warrants, August 410, 411, 412, 4 4 4 Oct. 3 -Water Works, bill of, for installing fire hydrant 422 3- Wieland, Mrs. F., taxes 434 3- Workman, Jos. B., pet. of, rel. to being employed to collect back taxes due the city of Dubuque 435, 454, 49 17 -Water Works, rules and regulations of the city 445, 44 447, 44 449, 45 49 17- -Water Works Trustees, quarterly report of for 3rd quarter __ 451 17 -Water mains in Garfield avenue northerly to Reed avenue, extension of 456, 480 17- Warrants, September _ 459, 460, 46,, 462, 463 17- Wagner, Nicholas, pet. of, rel. to filling lot 22, O. Taylor's sub, owned by Wm. Hintrager 408, 444, 490 17- Willow street, temporary sidewalk ordered on 444, 4 5 53 17- Weeds, cutting of, during months of June, July and August 474, 4 494 7- Wertin, George, taxes 479, 5 2,- Waller, John R., pet. of, relative to settlement of special ass'mt for improving S. Bluff street 49 54 26-- Warrants, October 5 5 5 5 5 5 19-- Western Union Telegraph Co., taxes 541 19- Warrants, November 55 55 55 553, 554, 555 „ Nov. Dec. 19 Aug. SUBJECT. Y 21- -Yates street from W. 17th to Franklin streets, improve- ment of PAGE 354 1907 INDEX - -Book 37. SUBJECT. PAGE Z Oct. 17— 'tearing, J. H., pet. of, relative to being appointed tax com- missioner 444, 454, 490