1907 January Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL
Regular Session, Jan. 3, 1907.
Council rnet at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor Schunlc in the chair.
Present —Alds. Closs, Hines, Hop-
kins, Stumpf and Thomas.
Absent —Alds. Clancy, McEvoy.
Abl. McEvoy arrived at 8:37 p. m.
Ald. Hines moved that the council
proceedings for the month of Decem-
ber be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered
Iowa Telephone Co., telephone
service for various depart-
ments to March 31. 1907 $ 57 76
Dubuque Telephone Co., tele-
phone service for various de-
partments to Jan. 1, 1907 8 00
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for fire department 14 60
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
3 rubber coats for fire dept 13 50
Chas. Falkenhainer, supplies
for fire dept. 1 35
Mettel Bros., bran for fire dept. 2 25
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies
for fire dept. 9 75
Thos. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire
dept. 39 25
Laaaen & Sloan, horseshoeing
for fire and sewer depts 6 50
John Butt, repairs for fire dept. 1 70
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for fire dept 9 80
Pitts - Thompson Fdry. Co., re-
pairs for fire dept. 1 50
Linehan & Molo, plumbing re-
pairs for fire dept. 1 90
F. G. Becker, coal for fire dent. 20 43
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
fire dept. 14 60
Union Electric Co., .power for
city fire alarm system 2 00
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
for fire dept. 1 21
Standard Lumber Co., shavings
for fire dept. 3 00
National Refining Co., oil for
fire dept. 6 75
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats
for fire dept. 169 99
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for fire dept. 3 30
Andrew Ruh. bran for fire dept. 2 00
"Duggan & Cota, hardware for
fire dept. 1 00
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
dept. 16 70
Peter Even, coal for fire dept 46 69
Fengler & Beutin, coal for fire
dept. 13 55
Fischer & Co., coal for fire
dept. 39 79
Regular Session, January 3, 1907
Chas. W. Katz, meals furnished
prisoners during December 14 20
Felix Goodman & Co., carry-
ing 1 cord wood to police
matron's quarters 75
F. A. Burns, coal for police
dept. 12 12
Fischer & Co., coal for patrol
house 21 31
Thos. J. Mulgrew, 1 cord oak
wood for police dept. 5 50
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
for police matron's quarters. 1 95
M. Hannan, hauling 2 loads
manure from patrol house 1 50
Chas. Oswald, repairs and sup-
plies for police dept. 3 70
Boston One Price Clothiers,
city's share for police over-
coats 40 00
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for December 2105 15
Key City Gas Co., light for
various depts. ..... 134 30
Jas. 11. Pickley, expense police
dept. 50 00
Thos. F. Kane, hay for patrol
house 9 45
Duggan & Cota, nails for re-
pairs to sidewalks 2 35
Chas. Oswald, hardware for
road dept. 1 10
Mettel Bros., feed and cement
for road dent. 9 55
E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs
and supplies for road dept 12 95
Duggan & Cota, hardware for
road dept. 1 85
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
read dept. 1 40
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for road dept. 61 75
Pitts - Thompson Fdry. Co., cast-
ings for road dept. 43 �0
Fischer & Co., coal for road dept. 3 41
Eichhorn & Bechtel, 5 gal. oil for
road dept. 85
51. Hannan, hauling sand to City
pound 13 75
H. 1Vlagdal, old iron used for
heating sand at City pound 2 90
Duggan & Cota, hardware for
road dept. 1 55
James Street, rock furnished for
road dept. 16 25
Wm. Marshall, grates for road
dept. 6 50
Key City Roofing Co., cement and
sewer pipe for road dept. 11 20
John Becker, rock furnished for
building catch basins in Bee
Branch sewer 2 50
John Spear, inspector of Bee
Branch sewer last half Dec 9 25
Eichhorn & Bechtel, one bucket
for sewer dept. 20
John Butt, repairs for Bee
Branch sewer 40
Duggan & Cota, rope for Bluff
Street Extension ;wall 45
James F. Walsh' & Son, storm
blanket for sewer dept 3 00
Duggan & Cota, hardware for
garbage dump 4 30
Conlin & Kearns, 2 cords oak for
police dept. 11 00
M. S. Hardie, Stationery and
printing for various offices 67 25
Enterprise Printing Co., station-
ery and printing for various of-
fices 21 75
John E. Hartig, repairs for En-
gineer's office 1 75
Linehan & Molo, coal for various
offices 31 68
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for
City Hall 1 83
Ed. Malloy, sawing 2 cords oak
wood 2 25
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for vari-
ous departments 1 60
Chas. Oswald, supplies and re-
pairs for various departments. 10 35
A. E. Bradley, 1 lt. glass and
glazing same in Police head-
quarters . 2 75
Emil Stumpf, assisting Market
Master during December 39 00
I. S. Bigelow, examination and
testimony in case of Dempsey
vs. City of Dubuque 25 00
Chas. T. Bush, 6 photographs of
Ellis and Twelfth streets for
legal department 7 50
Dubuque Wooden and Lum-
ber Co., lumber for various de-
partments 24 66
Chas. Oswald, cleaning and re-
pairing stoves in various of-
fices 39 15
Bill of American La France
Fire Engine Co., $200.00, for rent of 2
Amoskeag fire engines for December
was referred to the Committee on Fire.
Bill of Duggan & Cota, $1.00, for
grass seed for Phoenix Park was re-
ferred to the Committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings.
Petitions and Communications.
Petition of M. M. Walker Co. et al,
asking that an Electric Lamp be
placed between First street and Jones
street at north end of Phoenix Park,
was on motion referred to the Com-
mittee on Police and Light.
Petition of Peter Gregory asking that
the City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept $100.00 in full settlement of special
as-iessment for improving Oak street
was on motion referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole and City Attorney.
Petition of J. A. Rhomberg estate et
al., residents and property owners at
Eagle Point, remonstrating against the
hauling of sand from Second avenue
and Garfield avenue, was read and on
motion the rules were suspended to
allow Mr. Kenety permission to address
Regular Session January 3, 1907
the Council on the subject, after which
the petition was on motion referred to
the Committee on Streets.
Communication from Lacy, Brown
& Lacy, attorneys for the holders of
the Water Works bonds, in reference.
to the appointment of a successor to F.
D. Stout as trustee for the holders of
said bonds was read and on motion
same was received and filed.
Petition of John W. Howe asking
permission to sink a mineral shaft
on Wilbur avenue at the intersection
of Olive street, and agreeing to as-
sume all responsibility for damages,
and to provide sufficient protection
around said shaft, was on motion re-
ferred to the city engineer and city
attorney with power.
Petition of Mrs. Catherine Sullivan
asking for the remission of taxes for
the year 1906 on her homestead prop-
erty, she being poor and unable to
pay same was on motion granted and
the treasurer to be instructed accord-
Petition of the Dubuque Boat and
Boiler Co asking for the vacation of
o certain strip of ground lying north
of the Ice Harbor was read and on
motion the rules were suspended to
allow Mr. J. Schreiner permission to
address the council on the subject,
after which the petition was referred
to the Committee of the 'Whole and
City Attorney.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: - -I herewith hand you
statement of amounts advanced by
me during the month of December,
1906, for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor:
Interest paid on warrants out-
standing $526.65
Excavation permits redeemed...90 00
New York Exchange expense
Postage, etc., expense 10 00
Express charges 30
Total $627 45
Library orders paid $768 73
H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the reports
referred to the Committee on Finance.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:- Herewith find my re-
port for the month of December, 1906.
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand Dec. 1, 1906..$20,778 78
Receipts from all sources... 24,230 95
$45,009 73
Warrants redeemed $18,789
Regular bond coupons re-
. Improvement bond coupons
Improvement •bonds redeem-
Water Works coupons re-
412 50
546 54
1,232 02
9,540 00
Total $30,520 79
Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1907..$14,488 94
The above cash balance includes
the improvement bond fund, improve-
ment bond interest fund and librar
fund balances.
Also report that there is due the
city officers for the month of Decem-
ber, 1906, $2,781.80.
Also the following is a record of
all interest coupons and bonds re-
deemed by the city treasurer during
the past month and credited to him:
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed $ 412 50
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed 546 54
Improvement bonds redeem-
ed 1,232 02
Mater Works bond coupons
redeemed 9,540 00
Total $11,731 06
The following list shows the ap-
propriations and the amount of war-
rants drawn on each fund since the
beginning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1, 1906, to January 1st, 1907:
Appropriation. Expended.
Road -
First district
Second district
Third district
Street lighting
Board of Health
Bee Branch -Wash-
ington street
Bee Branch - Fif-
teenth and Six-
teenth streets
Special bonded pav-
Special bonded debt
and interest
Regular Session, January 3, 1907
$40,000 $29,333.03
16,000 13,904.32
20,309 16,746.09
8,750 7,200.18
43,500 31,246.33
29,750 22,108.13
5,000 4,248.73
2,500 2,485.45
2,500 1,835.35
25,200 18,868.85
41,500 9,704.69
4,500 4,299.44
1,500 826.10
8,000 4,882.63
1,400 1,400.00
4,000 1,814.06
2,500 2,039.35
4,000 3,333.77
Mt. Carmel avenue
Sidewalk repairing
Special sewer fund
Bluff Street exten-
tion wall
Booth street sewer
1,000 170.30
1,000 994.44
2,000 1,967.27
1,000 996.52
750 714.00
M. E. LYONS, Auditor.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the city officers, and the report re-
ferred to the committee on finance.
Street Commissioner Kearney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the last
half of December, 1906:
Amount due laborers on streets.$506.00
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on sewers during the last half of De-
cember, 1906:
Amount due laborers on sewers.$165.80
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also beg to submit my pay roll for
labor on Bee Branch sewer during the
last half of December, 1906:
Amount due laborers on Bee
Branch sewer $57.30
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also beg to submit my pay roll for
labor grading Mt. Carmel avenue dur-
ing the last half of December, 1906:
Amount due laborers on Mt.
Carmel avenue $212.45
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully subinitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay rolls on streets
and sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the proper committees.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
The following is the pay roll of the
fire department for the month of De-
cember, 1906:
Amount due firemen $2,670.00
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by committee on fire.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the firemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on fire.
Chief of Police Pickley reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen —I herewith submit the
police report for the month of De-
cember, 1906:
Intoxication 49
Disturbing peace 11
vagrancy 9
Larceny 2
Profane language 3
Violating City Ordinance 1
Disorderly conduct 6
Total 81
Residents arrested 37
Doors found open 35
Lodgers harbored 75
Defective lights 23
Meals furnished 71
Cost of food $14.20
Police court costs collected $31.85
Sheriff dieting prisoners $ 7.25
Patrol runs for prisoners 91
Transfer of prisoners 4
Ambulance calls 1
Niles traveled by patrol wagon 157
Also beg to submit the pay roll for
policemen for the month of December,
Amount clue policemen $2,203.20
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay policemen, and the re-
port referred to the Committee on
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
- report of defective lights for the
month of December, 1906:
I find from the reports of the police
department that the total hours that
23 lamps failed to burn would equal
one -half of one lamp burning for one
.month, or $2.70.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the city auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric com-
pany's bill for the month of December,
1906, the sum of $2.70.
Sidewalk Inspector Mahoney report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen —The undersigned would
respectfully request your honorable
body to cancel special assessment for
$1.20, levied against Ernest Roeber,
lots 294 and 295, Ham's Add., May 3,
1906, the same being erroneous and
to assess the same to K. M. and V.
Schulte, lots 409 -410 Ham's Add.
Regular Session, January 3, 1 9 0 7
Also would respectfully request your
honorable body to cancel the special
assessment for 60c levied July 19, 1906,
against Mary McDonnell, sub. 5 of
City lot 601, as the same is erroneous,
and assess the same to Margaret Low -
ham, sub. 4 of Lot 601.
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion the report of the side-
walk inspector was received and filed,
and the treasurer to be instructed to
correct the various assessments on
his books.
City 'Assessor Scherr reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —The undersigned here-
by appoints Joseph J. Murphy and
Adam Doerr, Jr., assistant city assess-
ors -for the ensuing term, subj"et to
the approval of your honorable body,
and would recommend that the salary
be fixed at the same amount as last
Very respectfully,
C. B. SCHERR, City Assessor.
On notion the recommendations of
City Assessor Scherr were approved
and the report received and filed.
The bonds of City Assessor Seherr
and Assistant City Assessors J. J.
Murphy and Adam Doerr, Jr., also the
bond of Wood Measurer J. H. Carroll,
were presented and on motion were
City Engineer IIg reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council :
Gentlemen:—The undersigned re-
spectfully requests your honorable
body to cancel special bonded assess-
ment for $2.70 levied against Philip
Schwinn N. 7 feet of lot 4 Windsor
avenue sub., December 6, 1906, for con-
structing sanitary sewer Windsor ave-
nue, as same is erroneous.
Respectfully submitted.
PAUL ILG, City Engineer.
On motion report of the city engi-
neer was received and filed and the
treasurer to be instructed to cancel
same on his books.
The following weighmasters' and
wood measurers' reports of receipts
for the month of November and De
cember were read and reports were
received and filed.
Thomas Faherty, First Ward
Scales $ 6 70
C. W. Katz, Market Master 29 05
Louisa Pitschner, West Du-
buque Scales 2 81
John H. Carroll, Harbor Master 2 00
Geo. Pfiffner, Fifth Ward Scales 5 91
R. Hay, Eighth St. Scales 3 69
City Recorder Linehan presented
and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the council's
intention to levy a special assessment
for the improvement of Elm street
from 24th to 26th streets.
A remonstrance of A. A. Flick et al
remonstrating against the levying of
said special assessment until said
street has been completed was pre-
sented and read. On motion the print-
ed notice was received and filed. Ald.
Closs moved that the prayer of the
remonstrators be granted. Ald. Hines
moved as an amendment the remon-
strance be referred to the Committee
on Streets. Carried.
City Attorney Kintzinger presented
an opinion on the bill of the water
works trustees for the last year's sup-
ply of water for sprinkling purposes
and on motion same was referred to
special water works committee.
Ald. Hopkins moved that the mayor
ask the City Attorney for a written
opinion, based on the resolution of-
fered by him October 8th, 1906. Car-
Ald. Hopkins moved that the City
Attorney be instructed to present an
opinion to the Council as to the juris-
diction the City of Dubuque has over
the Ice Harbor, and showing in said
opinion the extent of the authority of
the City over the shores and water
of said harbor. Carried.
Ald. Gloss moved that the engineer
and stoker of the steam roller, the
superintendent of sprinkling and the
[time keeper for the street] commissioner
be laid off for a period of three months.
Ald. Hines moved that the
motion be Laid on the table. Carried.
Ald. Gloss moved to adjourn until
Jan. 17th, 1907. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 190. .
Regular Session, January 3, 1907
17th, 1907,
' Council met at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present - -Aids. Clancy, Close, Hines
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom.
as. -
Absent none.
Petition of L. Trueb, Guardian of
mirror heirs of Anton Trueb deceased,
asking that the Treasurer be instruct-
ed to accept $15.00 in full settlement
for the special assessment for improv-
ing Glen Oak Ave. abutting on their
property was on motion granted and
the Treasurer to be instructed accord-
Petition of Miss N. B. Tinkham, - et
el, asking that a light be placed on
Adams Avenue near the Eagle Point
Mission church was on motion referr-
ed to the committee on Police and
Petition of A. L. Rhomberg asking
that the taxes on the lots on which
the Detention Hospital is situated be
canceled for the year 1906, and also
notifying the city that the lease for
said lots have expired was read and
on motion the taxes for the year 1906
were ordered canceled, the treasurer
to be instructed accordingly, and the
matter of entering into a new lease
was referred to the Mayor, City At-
torney and Engineer.
Petition of the Board of Trustees of
the Odd Fellows Temple asking that
the assessment of taxes for the years
1905 and 1906, on their building be re-
duced to about 05,000.00 was on motion
referred to the committee of the whole.
Petition of John P. Thill asking that
the taxes for the year 1906, be cancel-
ed, the house having burned down and
he being. unable to pay said taxes was
on motion received and filed.
Petition of Mrs. R. Sims asking that
the taxes for the year 1906, on her
homestead be canceled, she being un-
able to pay same was on motion grant-
ed and tha Treasurer be instructed ac-
Petition of Mrs. Mary Fay asking
Regular Session, January 17, 1907
fcr the cancellation of taxes on her
homestead for the year 1906, she be-
ing unable to pay same was on motion
granted and the Treasurer be instruct-
ed accordingly.
Petition of Katharine Blitsch asking.
that the taxes for the year 1906, on
her homestead be canceled was on
motion granted and the Treasurer to
be instructed accordingly.
Petition of A. J. Lembeck and Chas.
Wyman, asking that the Treasurer be
instructed to accept $67.21 in full set
tlement of special assessments for im-
p. owing Audubon Ave. and West Four-
teenth Street abutting on their prop-
erty was on motion granted and the:
Treasurer to he instructed accordingly.
Remonstrance of Capt. Lester A.
Smith, et al, remonstrating against_
the granting of the petition of the -
Dubuque Boat and Boiler Co. was on.
motion referred to the committee of
the whole.
Ald. Clancy moved that the city en-
gineer he instructed to prepare a 44.ebt a
and profile showing the ground th
Dubuque Boat and Boiler Co. are ask-
ing for, said plat and profile to be sub-
mitted to the committee of the whole-.
at their next meeting.
Communication from the League of
American Municipalities inviting the-
City of Dubuque to join the League
was on motion referred to the com-
mittee of the whole.
Street Commissioner Kearney report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the first
half of January, 1907:
Amount due laborers on
streets 0464.45
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
sewers during the first half of January,
Amount due laborers on sew-
ers $125.50'
Approved by Committee on Sewers.
Also beg to submit my pay roll foil.
labor on Bee Branch sewer during the
first half of January, 1907: '
Amount clue laborers on Bee
- Branch sewer $123.45_
'Approved by Committee on Streets.
Also beg to submit my pay roll for -
labor for grading Mt. Carmel avenue
during the first half of January, 1907.
Amount clue laborers on Mt
Carmel avenue $197.80
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay rolls on streets
and sewers were received and warrants
ordered drawn to pay the various
amounts and the pay rolls referred
back to the proper committees.
Sidewalk Inspector Mahoney report-.
ed as follows:
'To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: -The undersigned would
respectfully recommend that the spe-
cial assessment of $1.40 levied against
C. A. Welker, lot 1 of Buettell's subdi-
vision, for repairing sidewalks during
the month of August, as per assess-
ment levied September 20th be can -
celled as same is erroneous.
Also request that special assessment
for $1.55 levied against J. F. Farwell
est., sub. 10, Klingenberg sub., lot, 1, be
refunded as same was paid under pro-
test, and the same be assessed
against Mrs. Chris Mathis, lot 13,
Sieges sub. Also request that special
assessment of •35c levied against J. J.
Nagle Martin's Dubuque, lot 9, Octo-
ber, 1905, for repairing sidewalks be
•cancelled as same is erroneous.
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion the reports of the sidewalk
Inspector were adopted and the treas-
urer to be instructed to cancel the
special assessments on his books and
a new assessment be levied against
Airs. Chris Mathis.
City Engineer IIg reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:- According to your in-
structions I present to you the cross
section and profile of the proposed ex-
- tension of the West Locust street
storm water sewer on the south side
of West Locust street from Hodgdon
avenue to Rosedale avenue. The esti-
mate cost for same is $8,400 at the
1 rate of 36.00 per lineal foot.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report of the city en-
gineer and the profile were referred to
the committee of the whole.
Committee Clerk J. W. Lawlor re-
ported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, January 17, 1907.
' To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -I herewith submit a
statement of the amount expended for
Regular Session, January 17, 1907
labor in the different wards for the
month of December, 1906:
First ward $ 27 50
Second ward 145 20
Third ward 148 75
Fourth ward 167 85
Fifth ward 86 35
Miscellaneous 349 25
Total amount expended in all
wards $924 90
Respectfully submitted,
Committee Clerk.
On motion, the report of the com-
mittee clerk was received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan presented
and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the council's
intention to levy a special assessment
for the repairing of sidewalks, during
the month of December, 1906. No re-
monstrance being filed, and no one in
the room objecting to the said special
assessment, the notice, on motion, was
received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Thomas offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for side•
wark repairing during December, 1906,
by city in front of and adjoining the
same a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
E. A. Engler, Finley Home, lot 10,
40 ft. Lumber, $1.20; 1 hr. labor,
50c: total 31 70
Mary M.'Berg, Cooper's Sub. (D.),
lot 1, 13 ft. lumber, 55c; 1 -2 hr
labor, 25c; total 80
Reuben Lewis, Est., City, 500, lot
6, 7 ft. lumber, 20c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total 45
J. J. Nagle, Cooper's Sub. lot 6,
40 ft. lumber, $1.20; 1 hr. labor,
50c; total 1 70
J. K. Deming and G. W. Kiesel,
Und. 1 -2 Union Lot 466, 30 ft.
lumber, 90c; 1 hr. labor, 50c;
total 1 40
F. N. Kretschmer, Sanford's sub
59c, lot 1, 37 ft. lumber, $1.10;
1 hr. labor, 50c; total 1 60
Al ercy Hospital, Min. Lot 66, 50
ft. lumber, $1.50; 1 1 -2 hr. labor,
75c; total 2 25
Maggie Doty, Reeder Langworthy
Sub., lot 6, 7 ft. lumber, 20c; 1 -2
hr. labor, 25c; total 45
German Bank, East Dubuque Add ,
lot 91, 10 ft. lumber, 30c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total 55
P. H. Murray, St. Raphael's Add ,
lot 1, 20 ft. lumber, 60c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total 85
John and E. Tibey, Sub. 3 of Min.
Lot 63, lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 30c;
1 -2 hr. labor, 25c; total 55
C. H. Jordan, Finley Home Add ,
lot 18, 27 ft. lumber, 80e; 1 hr
labor, 50c; total 1 30
Henry Schneider, Sub. 5 of Gie-
ger's Sub., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber,
35c; 1 -2 hr. labor, 25c; total ... 60
Minnie & M. A. Kemler, Sub. 4 of
Hodge's Sub., lots 1 and 2, 65
ft. ]umber, $1.95; 2 hrs. labor,
$1.00; total 2 95
Emma White, Finley Home Add ,
lot 16, 75 ft. lumber, $2.25; 2 hrs
labor, $1.00; total 3 25
- Ellen Rice, Union Add., Lots 145
and 146, 18 ft. lumber, 55c; 1 -2
hr. labor, 25c; total 80
Margaret Lowham, City, 601, lot
4, 12 ft. lumber, 35c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total 60
K. M. & V. Schulte, Ham's add ,
lots 409 and 410, 23 ft. lumber,
70c; 1 hr. labor, 50c; total 1 20
Total $23 00
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs. Hines.
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
. as.
Nays -None.
The annual report of the trustees
-of the Carnegie -Stout Free Library
was presented and read:
Report follows:
'To the City Council of the City of Du-
buque: -
Gentlemen: -In compliance with the
law regulating the administration of
public libraries, the Board of Trus-
tees of the Carnegie -Stout Free Public
Library, submit the following as their
annual report of the condition and
cost of maintenance of the, library for
- the year ending December 31st. 1906:
The annual report of the librarian
for the year shows an increased mem-
bership over the previous year of
1,243; also an increased circulation
of more than 1,000 volumes, the num-
ber of volumes circulated being 97,-
During the year 1,888 volumes have
been added to the library, the total
number on January 1st being 28,280
The inventory shows 82 volumes
have been lost or not returned to the
Financial Statement.
Balance Dec. 31, 1905 $1155 59
Less one check then unpaid 1 00
$1154 59
Total taxes collected in 1906.. 7534 23
Total support fund for 1906..$8688 82
Warrants drawn in 1906 . ...$8074 56
December, 1906, bills paid Jan.
1907 577 33
Regular Session, January 17, 1907
Total expenditures for 1906..$8651 89
Balance 36 93
Balance Dec. 31, 1906, report-
ed by City Treasurer 614 26
Deduct Dec. bills unpaid 577 33
Balance available $ 36 93
Classifying the various items of ex-
penditure shows as follows:
Salaries $3590 00
Books 1265 02
Binding 896 40
Printing 146 75
Stationery and supplies 77 66
Periodicals 282 12
Fuel 540 80
Light 595 10
Contingent fund 65 00
Sundries 157 83
Additions and repairs to build-
ing .. 457 88
Total $8074 56
The librarian's contingent account
shows the following receipts and ex-
Balance Jan. 1, 1906 $ 77 34
Fines 245 82
Rent of Auditorium 69 00
Lost books 7 10
Gifts 30 40
General fund 65 00
Sundries 4 81
Total $ 499 47
January $ 86 13
February 51 99
March 29 13
April 33 21
May 46 25
June 20 92
July 15 00
August 37 86
September 21 28
October 31 03
November 56 65
December 34 51
Balance 35 51.
Total $ 499 47
We desire to call your special at-
tention to the full and satisfactory re-
port of the librarian for the past year
which accompanies this report, as it
presents very comprehensive and in-
teresting details of the extent and
value of the work of the librarian dur-
ing the year.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Hopkins, chairman of the com-
mittee on finances, called the attention
of the council to the fact that several
of the funds are about exhausted, par -
ticularly the funds in the various road
He stated that the rivalry existing
among the several ward aldermen, each
of whom sought to obtain the lion's
share of the appropriation in the var-
rious districts for his own ward, was
largely the cause for this, and with a
view of correcting this evil and pre-
venting the alderman from one ward
taking more from a district than he
might be entitled to, he proposed that
each ward should constitute a road
district and in order to bring this
about, presented and read the follow -
ing Ordinance entitled:
"An Ordinance establishing road dis-
tricts for the purpose of cleaning,
sprinkling and repairing of streets,"
and moved that the reading just har be
considered its first reading.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nay s —None.
A]cl. Hopkins moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Ald. Hopkins then moved that the
ordinance be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
. The ordinance is as follows:
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That for the purpose of
cleaning, sprinkling and repairing the
streets, alleys and avenues the City is
hereby divided into five road districts
to be known as road districts number
one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and
five (5) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Sec. 2. All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the First Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 1 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the First Road
District of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 3. All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Second Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 2 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Second road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 4. All that- part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Third Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 3 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
Regular Session, January 17, 1907
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Third road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 5. All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Fourth Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 4 of-
Chpt.2 of the Revised Ordinances of_
1he City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Fourth road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 6. All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Fifth _Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 5 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Fifth road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 7. At the time of making the
annual appropriations each year the
City Council shall determine the
amount to be expended in each of said
road districts for the purpose of clean-
ing, sprinkling and repairing streets,.
alleys and public places in each of said.
districts, which appropriations shall
not he in excess of the proceeds of a
tax of two mills on the dollar on the
taxable value of the property included
in said district, in addition to the poll
tax of residents of said city and the
road tax on lands not liable for ordi-
nary city taxes.
Sec. 8 There shall be assessed and
levied by the 'City Council each year
against all taxable property within
each of the several road districts, aS
herein constituted, a tax not exceeding
two mills on the dollar on the as-
sessed valuation of the property in-
eluded in said district, said tax to be
known and designated as a district road_
fund and said funds shall be kept sep-
arate for each district, and the tax and
fund for one district shall be used and
expended solely in that district for the
purpose of cleaning, repairing and
sprinkling the streets therein. Said dis-
trict road tax and fund of each dis-
trict shall be assessed, levied and col-
lected at the same time and in the same
manner as now provided by law and
ordinance for the assessment, levy and
collection of the general taxes.
Sec. 9. All ordinances or parts of
ordinances heretofore passed and in-
consistent with the provisions of this
ordinance are hereby repealed. -
Sec. 10. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect .March 1, 1907,
and after its passage and publi-
cation one time in the Telegraph -Her-
ald newspaper of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted , 1907.
Approved 1907.
City Recorder.
Mayor. -
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on ordinance, presented and read
an ordinance regulating second hand
dealers and moved that the reading
just had be considered its first read-
ing. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the or-
dinance be referred to the committee of
the whole, and the recorder notify the
second hand dealers when to meet this
committee. Carried.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com-
mittee on claims, reported as follows.
the Honorable Mayor and City
Ge ntlem en : —The undersigned, Com-
mittee on Claims and City Attorney,
would respectfully report:
That there is now pending in the
District Court of Dubuque County,
Iowa, the case of Herman Bishop,
plaintiff, vs. The City of Dubuque, de-
fendant, wherein the plaintiff asks
judgment against the city of Dubuque
in the sum of $3,000 by reason of per-
sonal injuries sustained by him on or
about the 4th of February, 1906. by
reason of falling on a defective side -
walk in front of and abutting lot 123
in Burden - Lawther's addition to the
City of Dubuque, Iowa, caused by step-
ping on a loose plank which threw him
violently to the sidewalk, as a result of
which he claims that the joint of his
lower right jaw was dislocated; that
his face, head, arms and legs were
bruised, and that the hearing in his
right ear was impaired; that he was
confined to his home on account of said
injuries for considerable time.
The undersigned have investigated
the facts in the case and deeming it to
the best interests of the city that a
compromise be effected have reached
an 'agreement with plaintiff whereby
plaintiff will accept two hundred fifty
($250.00) dollars in full settlement, re-
lease and discharge of his claim for
injuries against the city, plaintiff to
pay all court costs now accrued in
said case.
We would, therefore, respectfully
recommend that this action be settled
upon that basis and that a warrant be
issued in favor of the mayor in the
sum of two hundred fifty_ ($250.00) dol-
lars with which to effect said settle-
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 155th
clay of January, 1907.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney. .
Also your Committe on Claims would
respectfully recommend that the claim
of Mrs. Augusta Besser, who was in-
jured by falling on an apron on the
corner of Twelfth and Washington
Regular Session, January 17, 1907
Sweets, be settled by 'paying said Mrs.
Besser the sung of fifty dollars, provid-
ed she agrees to accept said sum in
full for all damages she may have
sustained by reason of said fall and_
will sign a waiver holding the city -
harmless from any further liability in_
the matter.
Matt Clancy, J. A. Stumpf, J. W.
Kintzinger, City Attorney.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the various reports of the committee
on claims.— Carried.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Streets, reported as follows:
Your Committee on Streets. to whom.
was referred the petition of A. L.
Rhomberg, et al, asking that the per-
mission granted certain parties to ex-
cavate in Garfield Avenue at Second.
Avenue, be rescinded would respect-
fully recommend that said petition be-
received and filed, but that the parties -
doing the excavating be compelled to
grade said Garfield Avenue so as to-
keep it at all times in a passable con-
Also, your Committee on Streets
would respectfully recommend that the -
City Engineer be instructed to meas-
ure the macadam in the pound and
report the amount thereof with the
name of the owner to the City Council.
at its next meeting.
Also, your Committee on Streets -
would respectfully recommend that
men be put to work in the Hill Street,
West Seventeenth street and Diagonal
Street quarries, to get out rock for
Also, your Committee on Streets
would respectfully recommend that
warrants be drawn in the various
amounts to pay the following bills for
the grading of Mt. Carmel Avenue._
Bradley and Sullivan, 543 cu.
yds. filling @ 25c $ 135 75"
Frank Mathis, 504 cu. yds. fill-
ing a 25c • $ 126 00.
John Linehan, 79.5 cu. yds. fill-
ing @ 25c $ 19 85
T. B. Hines, Chairman.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
various reports of the Committee on
Streets. — Carried.
Ald. Hines of the Committee on Pub-
lic Grounds and Buildings reported, as
Your Committee on Public Grounds
and Buildings respectfully report that
we have had the market master's of-
fice papered and recommend that a
warrant be drawn in the Supt of $14 00 -
to pay the bill of P. Evison for said
T. B. Hines.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
report. — Carried.
Ald. McEvoy chairman of the com-
mittee on Printing moved that the
City Recorder be instructed to adver-
tise for bids for printing the index
and binding 25 copies of the council
proceedings for the year 1906, bids to
be presented to the council at the
meeting February 7th, 1907.
Ald. Stumpf,. chairman of the com-
mittee on sewers reported as follows:
Your committee on sewers would re-
spectfully recommend that warrants
be drawn in the various amounts to
pay the following bills from the pro-
, ceeds of the bonds issued to defray the
cost of constructing the said sewers.
O'Farrell contracting Co., con-
structing a sanitary sewer
in Lincoln ave. from John-
son to Middle ave 51190 80
'Street and Steuck, constructing
sanitary sewer in Eagle Point
Ave. and Windsor Ave. from
Queen street to Sutter street 51234 46
John A. Stumpf, Chairman
Ald. Stumpf moved the adoption of
the report of the committee on sewers
— Carried.
Ald. Closs, chairman of the Board
of Health, reported as follows:
Dubuque, January 17th, 1907.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —Your Board of Health
respectfully reports that at a meeting
held January 14th, 1907, the following
bills were approved and referred to
the county for payment:
John A. Voelker, conveying peo-
ple to the detention hospital$ 32 00
John A. Voelker, fumigation of
22 houses 122 75
E. P. Peryon, medicine fur-
nished for patients at the
detention hospital 1 55
The bills of Dubuque Undertaking
Co. for fumigation of 25 rooms and
halls at Wartburg Seminary, $134.45,
and of $48.42 for the fumigation of 5
- houses, were referred back to the Du-
buque Undertaking Co. to be correct-
ed; to be certified to, and approved
by the Health Physician before pre -
sentation to the Board of Health.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of
the report of the Board of Health. Car-
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the minutes of the
s ession of September 20th, 1906,
Regular Session, January 17, 1907
would respectfully recommend that
said minutes, on page 314, be correct-
ed as follows: That the words "Ald.
Hopkins then moved that the ordi-
nance be adopted," be inserted in lieu
of the words "Ald. Hopkins then
moved that the water works ordinance
be passed to its first reading." And
in view of the fact that the motion
was wrongly put and wrongly voted
on, that all that portion of said min-
utes after the words "On motion re-
port was received and filed." to the
subsequent motion made by Ald. Closs
be stricken from the records, and that
the City Recorder be instructed to
have this correction inserted in the
pamphlet for the month of September.
1906, in the space left at the end of the
minutes of the session of September
20th, together with a note of the date
when this matter was referred to this
committee, and the date of its report
back to the city council.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the report of the committee of the
whole, Carried.
Ald. Hines moved that the City Engi-
neer be instructed to prepare plans
and specifications for a concrete arch
bridge on 7th street extension. with an
estimate of the cost of said bridge,
also an estimate of the cost 'of filling
up the site of the present bridge, and
present same to the council at their
next regular meeting. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the street
commissioner be instructed to take
measures to protect the garbage dump
by riprapping same at a cost not to
exceed $400.00, and said work to be
completed before the ice begins to
move out. Carried.
Ald. Thomas moved to adjourn un-
til February 7th, 1907. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
Special Session, January 21st, 1907.
Council met at S:20 p. rn.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Absent —None.
Mayor Schunk stated the objects of
the meeting were as follows:
1st. —To consider the affairs of the
Dubuque water works, and the adop-
tion of an ordinance entitled "An Ordi-
nance prescribing the manner of pre-
ferring and hearing charges against
any member of the Board of Water
Works Trustees, and for determining
the same by the City Council."
2nd. - -To take up and consider the
matter of street sprinkling.
3rd. —To take up and consider the
matter of the collection of the one mill
road levy, made in Julien township by
the Board of Supervisors.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mitte of the whole, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council: On No vember 15th, 1906, the following
suggestion presented by Alderman
Clancy to the City Council, was refer-
red to this committee:
"The Water Works Trustees have
presented a bill for services rendered
the city, and while I believe that they
are entitled to every consideration at
our hands, I wish to say that if this
bill is paid it will mean additional tax-
ation for which we, as members of the
City Council, will have to bear the
blame. Therefore I think the water
plant should be turned over to the
City Council to operate."
I do not offer this as a resolution,
but as an expression of opinion to
-which I invite your attention.
Since the passage of the foregoing
an agreement has been entered into
between the Vlrater - Works Trustees and
John Morrison whereby it appears that
the entire management of the plant
was turned over to the said John Mor-
- contrary to the intention of the
law governing the management of the
rnunicipa113- owned water works.
It was thereupon decided at a meet-
ing of the committee of the whole, to
ask the Water Works Trustees for
their resignations and in case of the
Council being able to obtain the sane,
that the Mayor would select a new
Board, from names submitted by the
City Council, provided the names so
Special Session, January 21, 1907
submitted be those of good „responsible
business men.
And that in the event of a new Board
being appointed the Council would
make a special levy to pay off the
present debt on the plant and give a
clearance to the retiriny Board of
Trustees. In the event of a refusal on
the part of the present Trustees to ten-
der their resignations, that other
means be taken to bring about a
change in the management of the plant.
The Trustees were sent for at this
point ill the proceedings, and in ans-
wer to Trustee Ellwanger's question
the foregoing decision of the commit-
tee was read.
Trustee Gniffke thereupon stated he
supposed they had been called to ans-
wer ruestions and that had he known
the real intention of the committee was
to ask for the resignation of the Trus-
tees, he .would not have been present.
He then stated that Mr. Morrison held
the same position with the Trustees
that the Chief of the Fire Department
does with the City Council.
Mr. Gniffke was informed that the
Chief of the Fire Department had no
authority to purchase supplies. Both
Trustees Gniffke and Ellwanger de-
nied that Mr. Morrison had absolute
power and stated that he was subject
to the Trustees.
llr. Ellwanger, in explanation of the
appointment of Mr. Morrison, stated
that it had been made because it had
been claimed by several of the officers
of the Municipal League that should a
first-class mechanic be given charge of
the Eagle Point station the operating
expenses could be reduced and the con-
sumption of coal diminished. The
Trustees asked Mr. Morrison to accept
the position, which he declined to do
unless his services should be accepted
gratis by the Trustees.
The minutes of the meeting at which
i\Ir. Morrison was appointed, were
brought in and read, an interlineation
in the same stating that Mr. Morrison
would reduce the operating expenses
"about 30 per cent,” was objected to by
Trustee Gniffke, who stated that such
was not the record, and that the words
"about 30 per cent," should not be
City Attorney Izintzinger explained
to the Trustees the meaning of the
above decision of the committee asking
for the resignation of the Trustees,
and stated that the Council was willing
to meet the indebtedness of the water
plant, hut that the people having lost
confidence in the present Board, would
not endorse such an action.
Mr. Gniffke asked how he knew this
to be a fact.
Mr. Kintzinger stated that last
spring's election proved it.
Mr. Gniffke then stated that the pub-
lic were also tired of the present Alder-
Whereupon Mr. Kintzinger said the
reason for this was that the Aldermen
had upheld the present Trustees.
Ald. Clancy then moved the adoption
of the report of the committee of the
whole. Carried.
Ald. Clancy presented the resigna-
tions of John Ellwanger and Philip
Ryder as Trustees of the Dubuque
Water Works, and moved that same be
read. Carried.
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 21st, 1907.
Hon. H. A. Schunk,
Mayor of Dubuque.
Dear Sir: —As a member of the Board
of Trustees of the City Water Works,
I desire to say that I cannot see my
way to the betterment of the plant, and
the giving to the people the water ser-
vice they should have, without the put-
ting of more money into repairs and
improvements; and as the city has re-
fused, and the Trustees are wholly un-
able to obtain any from any other
source, I think it better that I should
resign and leave it to the City Council
to select Trustees which the Council
may be willing to assist to do what-
ever is necessary to put the works in
proper condition.
Since I have been one of the Trustees
I have, to the best of my ability, ex-
erted myself to render the public the
best services of which I have been
capable; and nothing has been done,
to my knowledge, which was not in
the direction of giving the public the
best services possible. If any wrong
has been done I do not know of it, and
I hope if any has been done, it will he
brought to light, and the doer of it ex-
Had we been aided in getting the
necessary funds, I feel sure the result
would have been different, and that we
would now have a system that would
be a credit to the Trustees as well as
to the city.
But I do not desire to weary you
with vain regrets, and will take it as
a favor, if you will accept this as my
resignation, to take effect immediately.
Respectfully yours,
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 21st, 1907.
Hon. H. A. Schunk,
Mayor of Dubuque.
Dear Sir: —As a member of the Board
of Trustees of the City Water Works,
I desire to say that I cannot see my
way to the betterment of the plant and
the giving to the people the water ser-
vice they should have, without the put-
ting of more money into repairs and
Special Session, January 21, 1907
improvements; and as the city has re-
fused, and the Trustees are wholly un-
able to obtain any from any other
source, I think it better that I should
resign and leave it to the City Council
to select Trustees which the Council
may be willing to assist to do what-
ever is necessary to put the works in.
proper condition.
Since I have been one of the trustees
I have, to. the best of my ability, ex-
erted myself to render the public the
best services of which I have been
capable; and nothing has been done, to
my knowledge, which was not in the
direction of giving the public the best
services possible. If any wrong has
been clone, I do not know of it, and I
hope if any has been done, it will be
brought to light, and the doer of it
Had we been aided in getting the
necessary funds, I feel sure the result
would have been different and that we
would now have a system that would
be a credit to the Trustees as well as
to the city.
But I do not desire to weary you
with vain regrets, and will take it as a
favor if you will accept this as my
resignation, to take effect immediately.
-Whereupon Ald. Hines moved that
the resignations of John Ellwanger
and Philip Ryder be accepted, to take
effect when their successors will be
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
Trustee H. B. Gniffke was invited to
address the Council.
Mr. Gniffke then stated that he would
refuse to tender his resignation as
Trustee of the Dubuque Water Works.
Hopkins thereupon offered the
Whereas, Trustees Ryder and Ell -
.anger have resigned as Water Works
Trustees for the betterment of the
water works, and
Whereas, Trustee Gniffke has abso-
lutely refused all overtures of the
Council for a similar resignation, there-
fore be it
Resolved, That the Mayor and spec-
ial water works committee be and are
hereby instructed to immediately pre-
fer charges of mismanagement found
and existing against Trustee H. B.
Gniffke, and that the City Attorney be
instructed to prosecute the same.
Ald. Hopkins moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on ordinances, presented and read
an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance
prescribing the manner of preferring
and hearing charges against any mem-
ber of the Board of Water Works Trus-
tees, and determining the same by the
City Council," and moved that the
reading just had be considered its first
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hcpkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
The ordinance is as follows:
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. Any member of the
beard of waterworks trustees of the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, may be re-
moved from office upon charges made
in writing and a hearing thereunder,
when charged with the commission
of any crime or for any of the follow-
ing causes when found guilty there -
0f, as hereinafter provided:
1. For habitual of wilful neglect
of duty.
2. For any disability preventing
a proper discharge of the duties of
his office.
3. For gross partiality.
4. For oppression.
5. For extortion.
6. For Corruption.
7. For wilful misconduct, mal-
administration in office.
S. Upon conviction of a felony.
9. For a failure to produce and
fully account for all public funds and
property in his hands at any inspection
or settlement.
Section 2. The city council shall
hear and finally determine all com-
plaints made under the provision of
this ordinance.
Special Session, January 21, 1907
,l if._
- 4
Sec. 3. All charges preferred'
against any member of the water-
works trustees of the city of Dubuque
under this ordinance shall be by
complaint made in writing, signed.
and sworn to by some resident of the
city of Dubuque and directed to the -
city council of the city of Dubuque;,
such complaint shall briefly set forth
the name of the person charged and
the facts which constitute the charge_
preferred, and shall be presented to
the city council at any regular or_
special meeting thereof; if in their;
opinion the matter set forth in such
complaint warrants an investigation_
and trial of the party therein charged,,
the council shall further appoint_
a time for the hearing, giving the
defendant not less than three nor
more than ten days' notice of the
time and place of such trial; such
notice shall be in writing, signed.
by the mayor and shall, to -
gether with a copy of the complaint,
be served on the defendant by the
chief of police or any other peace.
officer in like manner as original no-
tices are served under the laws of
Iowa. The city recorder shall issue'
subpoenas for witnesses and the city
council may require the production_
of books and papers.
Sec. 4. At the time set for trial=
the council will - proceed to the hear-
ing of t he case, unless for good cause
shown by either party the council
shall deem it just to continue the
hearing to a future day. Upon the
trial, the city attorney, or such other -
person as may be designated by the
city council, shall conduct the pros-
ecution, and the defendant may be
heard by himself or his attorney. If
the defendant after being notified
fails to appear and answer to the
complaint, or if he admits the truth
of the matter set forth in the com-
plaint, the council may, in their own -
opinion, hear evidence in the matter,
or at once proceed to a final vote as
hereinafter provided. All questions
arising in the progress of the hear-
ing shall be determined by a majority
vote upon the ayes and nays. As soon
as the hearing of the case is closed,
the presiding officer shall put the
question: "Is the defendant guilty ?"
the vote to be taken by the ayes and
nays. If more than one charge is pre-
ferred in the complaint, the question
shall be put separately on each. It
shall require an affirmative vote of
two - thirds of all members elected to
the council to find him guilty. If the
defendant is found guilty as herein
provided for, the mayor or presiding
officer shall forthwith declare: "That
by judgment of the city council the -
defendant is removed and expelled
from the office heretofore held by
Sec. 5. It is hereby made the duty
, of the recorder to enter upon his
records a copy of all complaints filed
under the ordinance, with a brief
statement of the proceedings had in
each case, and the final vote and de-
cision with the ayes and nays there-
• on.
Sec. 6. The removal or expulsion
of any member of the board of
waterworks trustees under the pro-
visions of this ordinance shall not ex-
empt him nor his sureties from
bility on his official bond.
Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage and publication in the
Dubuque Telegraph - Herald, the official
newspaper of the city of Dubuque.
City Recorder.
Alderman Clancy offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the, City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That in the
future the Water Works Trustees be
requested to act with the special water
works committee of the City Council
in the management of the water plant.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas. —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
On motion the City Attorney was
instructed to prepare an ordinance
compelling the Union Electric Com-
pany to sprinkle the streets between
- their car tracks, and to notify the
Union Electric Company to that ef-
Ald. Clancy moved that the street
committee and City Attorney inter-
view the Board of Supervisors in re-
• gard to the collection of the one mill
- road levy of Julien Township for the
City of Dubuque, and report back to
the City Council. Carried.
Alcl. Closs moved to adjourn until
- February 7, 1907.
City Recorder.
Approved 190. .
... Mayor
Special Session, January 21, 1907
List of City Warrants
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1907.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com
Mete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of December, 1906:
.Jchn Walsh, macadam $ 28 20
H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor 116 65
H. Brinkman, salary Treasurer 133 30
J. A. McKinley, salary, deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 75 00
E. A. Linehan, salary, Recorder 116 65
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 80 00
_M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
A Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
.J. J. Murphy, salary, . Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
E. E. Bowen, salary, Assistant
Attorney 75 00
1MIiss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher, Legal Department 20 00
.Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Joseph I einfried, salary, Fire
Chief 1(0 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer 166 65
G. Vihite, salary, Timekeeper 75 00
.J. B. Taylor, salary, Superin-
tendent of Street Sprinkling 60 00
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's offices 1 75 00
Wm. Hippman, 'salary, Elec-
trician 83 30
•C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas-
ter 50 00
P Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park
Custodian 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus-
todian 10 00
Dr. Chas. Palen, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolman 60 00
T. Hackney, salary, Pound -
master 40 00
Jdrs. H: Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00
John Mahony, salary, Sidewalk
Inspector 75 00
Tom Jess, Rodman 50 00
John Glab, Harbor' Master 20 00
John Kearney, Street Commis-
sioner 83 30
•M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
N. J. Gloss, salary, Alderman 00
Torn Hines, salary ,Alderman 25 00
List of City - Warrants
Brad Hopkins, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
John A. Stumpf, salary, Alder-
Chas. T. Thomas, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
I1. Eltel, fireman 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
A Duccini, fireman 65 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
W. Kannolt, fireman 50 00
B. Kirsch, fireman 50 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
J. Dailey, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 65 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 00
W. McClain, fireman 60 00
J. Beakey, fireman 50 00
D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
T. Flynn, fireman . • .. 65 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cam, fireman 60 00
J. Benzor, fireman 60 00
J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T Kennedy, fireman 65 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 55 00
C. Ka.nnolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 65 00
M. Fahey, fireman GO 00
W. O'Connell, fireman 60 00
P.. Weston, fireman 65 00
R. Kennelly, fireman 55 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
F Kenneally, fireman 15 00
J. Rcshin, fireman 65 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00
J. Schoenberger, fireman d0 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
F. Burlde, fireman 1 65
Max Bemis, police 23 85
James Corcoran, police 56 85
M. Connolly, police 56 85
Win. Colemanfi, police 49 50
John Cody, police 56 85
Michael Duggan, police 53 15
Phil J. Dumphy, police 67 20
William Donohue, police 12 85
P. J. Furey,police 55 00
John Fox, police 67 20
James Flynn. police 55 00
M. Fogarty, police 56 85
Nic Jarding, police 56 85
Pat Hanlon, police 55 00
John Hennessey, police 12 85
Emil Kann, police 56 85
M. Kilty, police 56 85
John Kop, police 51 35
James Keefe, police 56 85
B. Ludescher, police 60 00
Chas. Liest, police 62 00
Pat McCollins, police 55 00
Chas. McDonald, police 56 85
Dennis McGrath, police 56 85
Pat McInerney, police 56 S5
Henry Mueller, police 53 15
John Murphy, police 53 15
John O'Brien, police 56 85
John J. O'Brien, police 16 50
M. O'Connor, police 56 85
John Raesle, police 67 20
Thomas Reilly, police 67 20
Pat Sullivan, police 27 50
Peter Scharff, police 55 00
Peter Schmidt, police 55 00
Patrick Sutton, police 47 65
Joseph Stoltz, police 55 00
Henry Schroeder, police 56 85
Frank Theisen, police 58 65
Frank Williams, police 44 00
B. Brennan, police 30 00
K. Hibbe, police 30 00
EMBER, 1906.
A. Alderson, 3rd $ 2 25
J. Brouillette, 1st 3 75
John Brachtenbach, 2nd 3 75
J. Brenner, 2nd 6 00
Paul Becker, 3rd 75
Peter Cramer, 1st 75
Jas. Callaghan, 1st 20 00
M. Carney, ist $1.35; 2nd $2.25;
3rd $7.65 11 25
M. Collins, 1st $1.30; 2nd $1.90;
3rd $3.65 3 85
Jas. Connolly, 1st $1.35; 2nd
$2.25; 3rd 90c 4 50
W. Coughlan, Health 19 50
J. P. Cooney, 1st $5.40; 2nd
$9.00; 3rd $3.60 .. 18 00
Thos. Donahue, 1st $1.35; 2nd
$2.25; 3rd 90c 4 50
John Dobler, 1st $7.00; 2nd
$9.00; 3rd $4.00 20
John Ess, 2nd $6.75; 3rd $3.00 9
Jos. Eberhardt, 2nd 5
Frank Frick, 2nd 4
Nic. Fischer, 2nd 4
E. Fitzlaff, 1st $7.60; 2nd
$10.40; 3rd $4.50 22
Barney Glass, lst 9
Jos. Gavin, 1st 20
Jos. Guenther, 2nd 6
Peter Guenther, 2nd 7
John Hafey, 1st 5
Ed. Herbst, 3rd 6
J. Hanson, 3rd 1
Peter Jacobs, 2nd 6
Aug. .lass, 2nd 7
Kettenhofen, 2nd 1
John Kness, lst $1.35; 2nd
$2.25; 3rd 90c
M. Lonergan, 1st
Fred Lillie, 2nd
R. Love,. 1st $1.75; 2nd $3.90;
3rd $1.50
M. Lonergan, 1.st
J. McNulty, 1st
P. McPoiand, 3rd
R. McGivern, 3rd
B. McDonnell, 1st $15.80; 2nd
$20.30; 3rd .$9.05 45
List of City Warrants
4 50
6 75
7 15
9 00
1 50
5 25
\V. O'Brien, 1st 20 00'
Chas. O'Neil, 1st 12 40
John Parker, 3rd 2 25
W. Quinlan, 1st 1 50
Phil Reddin, lst 1 50
James Ryan, 1st 18 00
H. Rowland, 1st $26.25; 2nd
$33.75; 3rd $15.00 75 00
Nick Sweeney, 1st 13 15
Chris Sholl, 2nd 9 75
John Sloan, 2nd 3 00
Frank Scherr, 2nd 20 00
Matt Specht, 2nd 20 00
Patrick Smith, 3rd 1 50
Al. Scherr, ist $1.75; 2nd $1.00;
3rd $3.00 5 75
W. Tobin, 3rd 9 00
Nic. Wampach, 2nd 3 00
H. J. Weber, 2nd 10 50
AST. Bradley, 1st $ 18 30
John Calvert, 1st 10 20
M. Hannan, lst $9.35; 3rd $3.00 12 35
J. Linehan, 1st $5.95; 2nd
$4.25; 3rd $4.25 14 45
John Long, 2nd 11 50
John McQuillan, 2nd 28 90
Louis Peil, 2nd 3 45
Adam Stoltz, 2nd 8 50
Art Turner, 2nd 11 50
Jas. Tobin, 3rd 32 30
D. Cunningham $ 19 20
E. Daley 19 20
F. Luchterhand 19 20
W. Lillie 19 20
J. Rooney 19 20
J. Smith 19 20
Con Sullivan 25 00
J. Tacke 19 20
J. Wells 19 20
Peter Guenther
J. Hanson
Fred Lillie
Al. Scherr
John Long
Aug. Rink
$ 5 25
10 15•
3 75
8 75
3 85
5 95
Thomas E. Frith, hauling gar-
bage and dead animals dur-
ing the month of August $407 70
Ben Kaufman Co., city's share
on 17 police overcoats $170 00
Linehan & Molo, coal for city
hall 29 70'
Kenna Printing Co., stationery
for treasurer's office 4 25
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for va-
rious departments 7 50'
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for
engineer's office 90'
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co, re-
pairing blue print frame
G. B. Grosvenor Co., supplies
for various offices 6 85
American Rubber Supply •Co ,
repairing numbering machine 4 00
Kenna Printing Co.. supplies
for recorder's office.. 9 00
J. W Wittmer, supplies for va-
rious departments 5 60
Telegraph- Herald, printing tax
list 48 40
Telegraph - Herald, official print-
ing, November 74 84
The Times-Journal, official
printing November and part
of: October 87 46
National Demokrat, official
printing November 25 00
Mullen Bros., repairs to water
fountains 11 55
Geo. ZIT. Healey
& Son, supplies
for Washington Park 5 70
Key City Gas Co., repairs and
supplies for Fourth Street
Engine House 4 GO
Tini Sullivan, clerk district
court, witness •fees in case of
Dempsey vs. City of Dubuque 68 50
J. J. Dunn, sheriff, serving no-
tices in Tibey and Dempsey
case vs. City of Dubuque 4 50
Emil Stumpf, assistant market
master during November 39 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting
Co., 30 feet hose for .garbage
dump - 7 50
Dr. Henry Albert, examination
of two samples of city water 7 00
Dr. Walter H. Bnhlig, bacteri-
ological examination of wa-
ter 25 00
J. \V. Wittmer, supplies for
health department 50
Model Wall Paper Co., painting
fountain in Washington park
and railings 8 85
F. A. Miller, brooms for vari-
ous departments 4 55
Pier Bros., coal for various of-
fices 28 67
Conlin & Kearns, ice for city
hall 3 00
A. E. Bradley, glass and glazing
for various offices 2 50
C. O. D. Laundry Co, towels
furnished in November 16 00
Fischer & Co., ice furnished va-
rious departments 18 00
Gow & Curtis, plumbing repairs
at city hall 2 75
Ferdinand Mertz, repairing
locks at city hall 4 90
Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
various departments 50
Thos. Malloy, sawing and pil-
ing three cords of wood 3 75
Larry Daily, cleaning around
market square October and
November 28 00
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
various departments 2 00
Key City Gas Co., light for va-
rious departments 108 60
Cincinnati Regalia Co., supplies
for police department 5 20
List of City Warrants
J. W. Wittmer, supplies for po-
lice department 2 05
Thos. F. Kane, oats for patrol
house 22 92
Thos. J. Mulgrew, coal for pa-
trol house 14 28
C. W. Katz, 43 meals furnished
Prisoners during November
at 20c 8 60
Fischer & Co -, coal and wood
for police department 21 22:
M. L. Grings, repairing lock for
police department 25
J. J. McCollins, wood for va•
lions departments 11 00'
Collings & Pfiffner, shoeing pa-
trol horses 24 50
Martin & Strelau, wood for po-
lice department 3 50
Linehan & Molo, supplies for
patrol house 1 25•
M. Hannan, hauling manure
from patrol house 1 50
Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
patrol house 3 35
Estate of Thos. Connolly, sup-
plies for patrol house 7 30
F. A. Burns, wood for police de-
partment 5 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices to patrol horses Octo-
ber and November 2 76
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for November ..2103 35
J. W. Wittmer, toilet paper for
fire department 6 75
Fengler & Beutin, coal for fire
and police departments . 45 95
F. A. Burns, coal for fire de-
partment .. 35 96
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for
fire department 9 08
Thos. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire
department 13 75-
Phelan & Hanson, horse -shoe-
ing for fire department 4 10
Standard Lumber Co., shavings .
for fire department 12 75
John J. Powers, horseshoeing
for fire department 20 50
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
fire department 3 84
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for en-
gine house No. 1 2 75
Fischer & Co., coal for fire de-
partment 43 39
McClain .Bros., bran for fire de-
partment 50
Peter J. Seippel, lumber for
fire department 9 80
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
one fireman's coat 3 75
Pier Bros., coal for fire depart-
ment 15 81
Chas. T. Kennedy, horseshoe -
ing for fire department 2 00
Union Electric Co., power for
city fire alarm system 2 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for fire depart-
ment 21 40
Martin & Strelau, coal for fire
department 9 21'
F. G. Becker, coal for fire de-
partment 29 45
(Conlin & Kearns, coal for fire
department 11 51
.A. Y. McDonald & Morrison
Mfg. Co., water glass for fire
department 35
'T. W. Ruete Drug Co., supplies
for fire department 17 70
:Phil Heller, harseshoeing for
fire department 6 00
..John McDermott, supplies and
repairs for fire department 3 85
Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing
for fire and sewer depart-
ments 19 00
'G. F. Thormann, supplies for
repairing engine house No. 1 1 25
Jos. J. Rowan, bedding for fire
department 18 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing for fire department 24 85
- Ellwanger Bros., repairs for fire
department 7 25
Peter Lang, hardware for re-
pairs to Engine house No. 1 1 35
Key City Iron Works, repairs
for fire department 24 31
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., glass
for 9th St. engine house 2 70
J. F. Ris and Bro., hardware
for fire department 1 00
- Estate Thomas Connolly, re-
. - pairs for fire department 3 25
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vice fire department for Octo-
ber and November 22 08
Thomas F. Kane, hay and oats
for fire department 359 34
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
department 28 45
John Newman, repairs for fire
department 4 90
Mettel Bros., bran for fire de-
partment 1 00
Wm. Gere, unloading old road
troller 15 00
John Parker, two loads rock
for Asbury street 1 50
'Chas. Matz, repairing sprink-
ling wagon 1 25
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for road department 83 56
F. A. Burns, coal for steam
roller 34 11
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
road epartment 5 70
- Key City Iron Works, repairs
for road department 1 10
John Becker, three stepping
stones, road epartment 2 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vices, road department 1 84
- Hussman & Lies, supplies, for
road department 9 60
- Phil Heller, horse shoeing, road
department 3 00
- F. G. Becker, coal for steam rol-
ler 12 62
- M. J. G. La Nicca, supplies for
road department 4 50
L. Lindenberg, hardware for
road department 6 10
List of City Warrants
Dubuque Woodenware Co., lum-
ber for road epartment 20 17
M. Hannan, sand for road de-
partment 10 00
Martin Strelua Co., salt for
road department 12 50
Pitts- Thompson Foundry Co ,
supplies road department 16 38
John J. Powers, horseshoeing
road department 6 50
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
various departments ... 11 60
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for
road department 2 75
Key City Roofing Co., cement
for various departments 6 95
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
lumber for road department 108 45
Mettel Bros., sewer pipe and
feed, road department 32 95
Tom Mellay, sawing wood for
sewer department 1 25
F. M. Jaeger & Co., hardware
for sewer department 1 00
Steuck and Linehan, riprapping
across Bee Branch sewer
near 27th street 15 00
F. Schloz & Sons, repairs for
sewer department 1 05
Klauer & Kress, supplies for
sewer department 1 30
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
sewer department 1 00
Geo. F. Kleih, hardware for
sewer department 75
O'Farrell Contracting Co , 5th
estimate on Bee Branch,
Washington Street sewer....1000 00
F. M. Jaeger, supplies for sew-
er department 40
J. Jellison, services as inspector
Bee Branch sewer, last half
of November 4 60
John Schrup, services as in-
spector Windsor Avenue and
Eagle Point Avenue sewers. 26 18
John Spear, services as in-
spector of Bee Branch sewer
for last half of November 15 40
Thomas E. Frith, removing gar-
bage and dead animals dur-
ing the month of November 183 30
H. Brinkman, interest an war-
rants outstanding 782 67
H. Brinkman, expense 60 60
H. Brinkman, library orders
paid 848 04
German Savings Bank, loan
warrants 5000 00
Dubuque National Bank, loan
warrants 5000 00
J. Brouillette, 1st $ . 75
J. Brachtenbach, 2nd 1 50
Paul Becker, 3rd 7 90
Jas. Connolly, 1st 1 50
Jerry Cahill, 1st 1 50
Jas. Callaghan, lst 20 00
Id. Carney, 3rd 12 40
W. Coughlan, Health 19 50
J. P. Cooney, 1st $5.85; 2nd
$9.75; 3rd $3.90 . 19 50
John Dobler, lst $6.00; 2nd
$10.00; 3rd $4.00 20 00
John Ess, 2nd 75
N. Fischer, 2nd 1 25
E. Fitzlaff, 1st $6.75; 2nd $11.25
3rd $4.50 22 50
Barney Glass, 1st 7 15
Jos. Gavin, 1st 20 00
John Gau, 2nd 4 50
Peter Guenther, 2nd 1 50
Jos. Guenther, 2nd 75
John Hafey, 1st 1 50
Geo. Hendricks, lst $1.15; 2nd
$2.30; 3rd $3.30 6 75
Aug. Jass, 2nd 5 65
N. Kettenhofen, 2nd 40
M. Lonergan, lst 3 75
Fred Lillie, 2nd 2 65
R. Love, 3rd 75
J. McNulty, 1st 3 00
Jas. McAleese, 1st . 3 00
P. McPoland, 3rd 4 50
R. McGivern, 3rd 20 00
Chas. O'Neil, lst 8 25
James Ryan, 1st 18 00
Nick Sweeney, 1st 6 00
.Iohn Sheehan, lst 75
Tom Sheehan, 1st 1 50
Chris. Scholl, 2nd 9 00
John Sloan, 2nd 1 90
F. Scherr, 2nd 20 00
M. Specht, 2nd 20 00
Al Scherr, 1st $1.75; 2nd $1.75, 3 50
Rich. Turner, 2nd... 2 25
W. Tobin, 3rd 7 50
H. J. Weber, 2nd 4 50
W. Bradley, 1st
M. Hannan, 1st $23 65; 2nd
$7.50; 3rd $3.00
John Long, 2nd
J. McQuillan, 2nd
Adam Stoltz, 2nd
Art Turner, 2nd
James Tobin, 3rd
D. Cunningham $ 17 60
E. Daley 17 60
F. Luchterhand 17 60
W. Lillie 15 20
J. Rooney 17 60
J. Smith 17 60
C. Sullivan 25 00
J. Tacke 17 60
J. Wells 15 20
CEMBER, 1906.
D. Cunningham $ 1 60
E. Daley 1 60
J. Haupert 2 25
J. Hanson 4 50
F. Lillie 8 75
W. Lillie 4 00
List of City Warrants
3 85
34 15
6 80
3 85
5 10
22 95
34 45
Office of Chief of Police,
Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 26, 1907.
All Auctioneers, Pawnbrokers, Junk
Dealers, Hotel, Restaurant and Eat -
ing House Keepers, Owners of Bowling
Alleys and of Billiard and Pool Tables,
etc., Owners of Theaters and Shows,
Peddlers, Porters, Transient Mer-
chants, Street Venders, Vault Cleaners,
Scavengers, Teamsters, Expressmen
and Owners of Hacks, 'Omnibuses, Car-
riages, Drays and Owners or Harbor -
ers of. Dogs and all other parties re-
quiring a license.
You and each one of you are hereby
notified that said licenses are now past
due and if not paid immediately you
will he prosecuted in accordance with
the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque.
1- 27 -10. Chief of Police.
F. Luchterhand 1 60
J. Rooney 1 60
Al Scherr 10 50
J. Smith 1 60
J. Tacke 1 60
H. J. Weber 1 75
J. Wells 4 00
John Long 3 00
P. Ahern (Mt. Carmel Ave.) $ 14 40
P. Ahern (S. Locust St.) 8 10
Peter Carney (S. Dodge St.) 17 10
Peter Carney (Rush St.) 16 20
James Doyle 17 10
John Grue 13 50
W. O'Brien 25 00
W. Sheehan 13 50
Walter Bradley 13 60
J. Linehan 26 80
John Spear, inspector Bee
Branch Sewer $ 20 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., grad-
ing Elm Street 235 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., con-
structing Bee Branch sewer, 740 98
Steuck & Linehan, amount re-
tained May 17, 1906 for con-
structing sanitary sewer be-
tween Jackson and Washing-
ton street from 25th to 27th
street 36 65
Steuck & Linehan, amount re-
tained Sept. 6, 1906, on sani-
tary sewer in Alta Vista st. 37 14
Steuck & Linehan, amount re-
tained Sept. 28, 1906, on sew-
er in alley' between Rhom-
berg and Lincoln Ave 66 25
Peter Dax, macadam 18 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a correct list of all warrants issued
by me during the month of Decem-
ber, 1906.
City Recorder.
Special Assessment Notice.
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the City
of Dubuque for repairing sidewalks in
the month of December, 1906, that spe-
cial assessment will be levied for the
expense thereof at the regular meeting
of the City Council upon all lots and
parcels of land on said improvement
owned by you, being subject to such
special•assessment. And you are noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
Council to be held on the 17th day of
January, 1907, and show cause, if any
you have, why said assessment should
not be levied:
E. A. Engler, Finley Home, lot 10,
40 ft. lumber, $1.20; 1 hr. labor,
50c; total $1 70
Mary M. Berg, Cooper's Sub. (D.),
lot 1, 13 ft. lumber, 55c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total
Reuben Lewis, Est., City, 500, lot
6, 7 ft. lumber, 20c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total
J. J, Nagle, Cooper's Sub. lot 6,
40 ft. lumber, $1.20; 1 hr. labor,
50c; total
J. K. Deming. and G. W. Kiesel,
Und. 1-2 Union Lot 466, 30 ft.
lumber, 90c; 1 hr. labor, 50c;
F. N. Kretschmer, Sanford's sub.
59c, lot 1, 37 ft. lumber, $1.10;
1 hr. labor, 50c; total 1 60
Mercy Hospital, ➢Mil. Lot 66, 50
ft. lumber, $1.5Q; 1 1 -2 hr. labor,
75c; total 2 25
Maggie Doty, Reeder Langworthy
Sub., lot 6, 7 ft. lumber, 20c; 1 -2
hr. labor, 25c; total 45
German Bank, East Dubuque Add ,
lot 91, 10 ft. lumber, 30c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total 55
P. H, Murray, St, Raphael's Add ,
• lot 1, 20, ft. lumber, 60c; 1 -2 hr.
labor; 25c; total 85
John and E. Tibey, Sub. 3 of Min.
Lot 63, lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 30c;
1 -2 hr. labor, 25e; total 55
C. H. Jordan, Finley Home Add ,
lot 18, 27 ft. lumber, 80c; 1 hr.
labor, 50c; total 1 30
Henry Schneider, Sub. 5 of Gie-
ger's Sub., lot 1, 12 ft. lumber,
' 35c; 1 -2 hr. labor, 25c; total ... 60
Minnie & M. A. Kemler, Sub. 4 of
Hodge's Sub., lots 1 and 2, 65
ft. lumber, $1.95; 2 hrs. labor.
$1.00; total 2 95
Emma White, Finley Horne Adcl ,
lot 16, 75 ft. lumber, $2.25; 2 hrs.
labor, $1.00; total 3 25
Ellen Rice, Union Add., lots 145
and 146, 18 ft. lumber, 55c; 1 -2
hr. labor, 25c; total
Margaret Lowham, City, 601, lot
4, 12 ft. lumber,, 35c; 1 -2 hr.
labor, 25c; total
K. M. & 1 7. Schulte, Ham's add ,
1 70
1 40
Official Notices
lots 409 and 410, 23 ft. lumber,
70c; 1 hr. labor, 50c; total 1 20 •
1 -8 -3t. City Recorder.
Official Publication.
An Ordinance.
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That for the purpose of
cleaning, sprinkling and repairing the
streets, alleys and avenues the City is
hereby divided into five road districts
to be known as road districts number
one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and
five (5) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Sec. 2. All that part of the City of'
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the First. Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 1 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the First Road
District of, the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 3. All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Second Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 2 of
Clint. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Second road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 4. All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Third Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 3 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Third road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 5. All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Fourth Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 4 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
Ole City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Fourth road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 6.' All that part of the City of
Dubuque which lies within and com-
prises the Fifth Ward of the City of
Dubuque, as described in Sec. 5 of
Chpt. 2 of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, of 1901,
shall be and constitute the Fifth road
district of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 7. At the time of making the
annual appropriations each year the
City Council. shall determine the
amount to be expended in each of said
road districts for the purpose of clean-
ing, sprinkling and repairing streets,
alleys and public places in each of said
districts, which appropriations shall
not be in excess of the proceeds of a
tax of two mills on the dollar on the
taxable value of the property included
in said district, in addition to the poll
tax of residents of said city and the
road tax on lands not liable for ordi-
nary city taxes.
Sec. S. There shall be assessed and
levied by the City Council each year
against all taxable property within
each of the several road districts, as
herein constituted, a tax not exceeding
two mills on the dollar on the as-
sessed valuation of the property in-
cluded in said district, said tax to be
known and designated as a district road
fund and said funds shall be kept sep-
arate for each district, and the tax and
fund for one district shall be used and
expended solely in that district for the
purpose of cleaning, repairing and
sprinkling the streets therein. Said dis-
trict road tax and fund of each dis-
trict shall be assessed, levied and col-
lected at the same time and in the same
manner as now provided by law and
ordinance for the assessment, levy and
collection of the general taxes.
Sec. 9. All ordinances or parts of
ordinances heretofore passed and in-
consistent with the provisions of this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Sec. 10. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect March 1, 1907,
and after its passage and publi-
cation one time in the Telegraph -Her-
ald newspaper of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted January 17, 1907.
Approved January 18, 1907.
Attest: Edmund A. Linehan,
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Telegraph -
Herald January 18th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Official Publication.
An Ordinance.
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. Any member of the
beard of waterworks trustees of the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, may be re-
moved from office upon charges made
in writing and a hearing thereunder,
when charged with the commission
of any crime or for any of the follow-
ing causes when found guilty there-
of, as hereinafter provided:
1. For habitual of wilful neglect
of duty.
2. For any disability preventing
Official Notices
a proper discharge of the duties of
his office.
3. For gross partiality.
4. For oppression.
5. For extortion.
6. For Corruption.
7. For wilful misconduei mal-
administration in office.
S. Upon conviction of a felony.
9. For a failure to produce and'
fully account for all public funds and'
property in his hands at any inspection,
or settlement.
Section 2. The city council shalll
hear and finally determine all coin- -
plaints made under the provision ofj
this ordinance.
Sec. 3. All charges preferred'
against any member of the water -=
works trustees of the city of Dubuque
under this ' ordinance shall be by-
complaint made in writing, signed
and sworn to by some resident of the
city of Dubuque and directed to the
city council of the city of Dubuque;
such complaint shall briefly set forth
the name of the person charged and
the facts which constitute the charge
preferred, and shall be presented to
the city council at any regular or
special meeting thereof; if in their
opinion the matter set forth in such
complaint warrants an investigation
and trial of the party therein charged,
the council shall further appoint
a time for the hearing, giving the
defendant not less than three nor
more than ten days' notice of the
time and place of such trial; such
notice shall be in writing, signed
by the mayor and shall, to-
gether with a copy of the complaint,
be served on the defendant by the
chief of police or any other peace{
officer in like manner as original no-
tices are served under the laws of
Iowa. The city recorder shall issue
subpoenas for witnesses and the city
council may require the production
of books and papers.
Sec. 4. At the time set for trial_
the council will proceed to the hear-
ing of t he case, unless for good cause
shown by either party the council,
shall deem it just to continue the
hearing to a future day. Upon the
trial, the city attorney, or such other
person as may be designated by the
city council, shall conduct the pros-
ecution, and the, defendant may be
heard by himself or his attorney. IV
the defendant after being notified
fails to appear and answer to the
complaint, or if he admits the truth
of the matter set forth in the com-
plaint, the council may, in their own
opinion, hear evidence in the matter,
or at once proceed to a final vote as
hereinafter provided. All questions
arising in the progress of the hear-
ing shall be determined by a majority-
vote upon the ayes and nays. As soon
.as the hearing of the case is closed,
the presiding officer shall put the
. question: "Is the defendant guilty ?"
the vote to be taken by the ayes and
nays. If more than one charge is pre-
ferred in the complaint, the question
. shall be put separately on each. It
. shall require an affirmative vote of
two - thirds of all members elected to
the council to find him guilty. If the
• defendant is found guilty as herein
.provided for, the mayor or presiding
• officer shall forthwith declare: "That
by judgment of the city council the
• defendant is removed and expelled
from the office heretofore held by
Sec. 5. It is hereby made the duty
of the recorder to enter upon his
records a copy of all complaints filed
under the ordinance, with a brief
• statement of the proceedings had in
each case, and the final vote and de-
cision with the ayes and nays there-
Sec. 6. The removal or expulsion
of any member of the board of
- waterworks trustees under the pro-
visions of this ordinance shall not ex-
empt him nor his sureties from lia-
bility on his official bond.
Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
:its passage and publication in the
Dubuque Telegraph - Herald, the official
. newspaper of the city of Dubuque.
Adopted January 21st, 1907.
Approved January 22nd, 1907.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Telegraph-
- Herald January 23rd, 1907.
City Recorder.
Official Notices
Regular Session, February 7th, 1907.
Council met at 8:30 p. m.
Mayor Pro Tem Clancy in the chair.
Present -Alds. Closs, Hines, Hop-
kins, Stumpf and Thomas.
Absent -Mayor Schunk, Ald. Mc-
Ald. Hines moved that the council
proceedings for the month of January
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills were ordered
Peter J. Seippel Lbr. Co., lum-
ber for road dept $ 20.35
Thos. Byrne, to rent of derrick
for road dept. for 60 days 60.00
Dr. J. J. Brownson, to profes-
sional services rendered Pat.
McMullen, who fell while
working on Bluff street ex-
tension wall 10.00
M. J. G. LaNicca, paint and oil
for road dept. .60
Chas. Giese, sharpening saws
for road dept. 2.60
M. Hannan, hauling 12 loads of
sand to city pound 15.00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ice, sewer dept. horses, De-
cember and January 1.84
John J. Powers, horseshoeing
for road dept. 1.30
Dub. Wooden Ware & Lbr. Co ,
lumber for road dept. 89.73
F. A. Burns, 1 1 -2 cords sawed
oak for road dept. 10.50
H. C. Milligan, brooms for road
dept. 1..90
Geo. Bock, supplies and repairs
for road dept. 3.95
Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies
for road dept. 17.05
Peter Hanson, oil and hay for
road dept. 2.55
Ed. Donnolly, glazing two lights
of glass 2.50
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
road dept. 3.70
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for
road dept. 29.55
John Ernsdorff Iron Co., sup-
plies for road dept. 6.51
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
road dept 11.00
Hussmann & Lies, supplies for
road dept. 16.75
A. Tredway & Sons Hardware
Co., supplies for road dept 4.10
Mettel Bros., feed and cement
for road dept. 8.55
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road
dept. 8.15
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
road dept. • 5.60
Regular Session, February 7, 1907 25
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co.,
lumber for Mt. Carmel Ave.. 10.95
John Duggan, repairs for road
dept. 8.10
C. W. Siegele, stove and pipes
for road dept. 2.50
Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing
for sewer and road dept..... 10.65
Peter Even, coal for fire dept.. 45.59
F. A. Burns, coal for fire dept.. .49
Fengler & Beutin, coal for fire
dept.' 15.65
Pier Bros., coal for fire.dept... 12.60
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire
dept. 22.58
F. G. Becker, coal for fire dept.. 36.48
Key City Gas Co., coke for
fire dept. 22.15
Geo. W. Healey & Son, horse-
shoe calks for fire dept. 32.75
John J. Powers, horseshoeing
for fire dept. 8.25
Phelan & Hanson, horseshoeing
for fire dept. 4.40
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for fire dept 14.75
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
for fire dept. 4.25
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept. 12.70
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
lumber for fire dept .50
Dub. Wooden Ware and Lum-
ber Co., lumber for fire dept 2.75
Key City Iron Works, repairs
for fire dept. .50
H. Corrance, two 2 -gal. jugs for
fire dept. .40
Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co ,
supplies for fire dept. 10.00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for
fire dept. 1.15
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ice for fire dept. horses, Dec.
and Jan. 22.08
Union Electric Co., power for
city fire alarm system 2.00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
fire dept. .75
J. N. Juergens, painting 18th
street engine house doors 13.70
Mettel Eros., feed for fire dept. 1..15
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
fire dept. 406.01
Linehan & Molo, repairs for fire
dept. 1..15
National Refining Co., oil for
fire dept. 20.25
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., sup-
plies for fire dept. 12.00
Key City Gas Co., light for vari-
ous departments $117.70
Union Electric Co , arc lights for
January, 1907 2105.15
Phelan & Hanson, horseshoeing
for police department 3.00
Collings & Pfiffner,. horseshoeing
for police department 13.05
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ice to patrol horses for De-
cember'and January 2.76
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
patrol horses 42.89