Asbury Road 1993 1993 Asbury St,
O Wi11iam White_ C- W.L.Hansei & Son
Erect addition to.Business - -Bld B,P. 4000,00
B .of A. Petn g• X83 3-13-48
'to permit Alteration to Er. Veneer dg
to extend present grocery store t
living o enti
move preset first floor & `i
quarters to and
floor with new_2nd
2nd story add. Granted Docket 1 -58
0 - William White
Alteration & Add to Frame Bus. Bldg., B.P. 776
11 -10 -58 10,000.00
1993 Asbury St,
B. of A. Petn. to waive Art IX Sec. 3 for addition to
rear- of. Business .Bldg. -and new front extended 88 -On to,
front of lot. both additions 1 s tory.
Granted for Add to rear 10: from r ear line. Addition
to front denied. Docket No. )40 -64
B.of A. Addition to front Of present grocery store
8 x • Wanted provided that space be landscaped
with shrubs and definitely no parking of cars will be
allowed in .front of the building. Docket No. 25 -65
.._ ......................
1993 Asbury St.
0 Im CTlite_ C -Spahn & Rose ;umbel- qq
4g6 o0II
Pddit-Con to rear 61 Br.Ven Bus,Bldg,,B,P 671 8 - -
CLHi?lcrrst Ma rket C-John acrllt
Erect Trine Carport D.P. 821 9 - 5 - 350.00
O. Wm. White
C. Elroy Hinz
Add. Rear Bus. Bldg.B.P. 535 8 -1 -65 3,000.00
Add. Front Br. Ven: -Bld - B P 823 10 -4-65 4,250..00
C D" bunue Ins .ion 2 S
r c;
Resi_dn Fr
p 7,,,--- - ----
1993 Asbu Road
0 Williani Mite Q. Charles Klaas
Erect Att Fr Gar Brk Bus Bld.g_B.P. 985 12/3173 2 800 0
1 B of Apetw_ithdr_awn_at_rqq_uest of owner public hearing
10 Sept 74 Docket 30-74
0 - IGA Foods C- Geisler Bros.
Reroof mas. comm. bldg, B.P. 1410, 11/2/78 3100.00 —
Board of Adj us talent - Docket -
1 9=82 Conditional-
__P_enii_t_to_change_from_ one nonrconfonning use_to another__
1 to allow siding, home improve. Approved 4/15/82 w/cond.
__ _
- -
1993 Asbury
0- Darryl Discher & Denny Stecklein (Burke Alumatic)
C -Burke Alumatic _
replace soffit, fascia, partition walls, comm. bldg.
BP 4166 4/27/82 $1500.00
I Discher
BP 8127 3 /6urke Alumatic
/85 $650.00
0-Burke Alumatic
C -Owner
I siding, remove, replace outside stairs, comm. /apt.
- BP 9563 1/15/86 $3200.00
O -Burke Alum.
install epdm rubber roof _ commnbi ldg BP21722 4/7/93$390.0(
1993 Asbury Rd. G
0 -Copy Systems C -Dub Sign Co.
in sign on f ace of�fict�3(�sq ft BP41207
_2/14/2000 n/a