Asbury Road 3305 O. America 305 Asbury St. Oil CO. C erect Ste C. Perry Co/1st. Co, Steel Service Station 11.P. 188 4 -9-69 30 C El View Co Co, 000 _00 Add to steel _sertce_statior, Wash _ ! 459 8 JuI Cc_ar wash one _sta11 �' 75 0- Standa oil _ u,000.00 Erect- C-JOhnson Concrete Co _O -AMOCO Dil o-o-pJ over pum erect canopy on hnson_Co / 9000 pump comm. B BP 289 289Q / 71 21/80 island _ 0 --- rc s® • • 3305 Asbury St. 0 -Amoco Oil Co. o'\, 0 -Amt new l c oon C -Ace Si � - Brians Standard o ld location BP Sign 9 / 5/ remove C -Carr 6251 g /p 3 remove ove x10, install 7x10 sign on Weitz onion t. 3/11/8g gn on same location 0. Brians Standard Service Erect T emporary � 0-6ri Resurrection Church ans Standard 7288 7/76/90 N/A erect temporary C - Resurrection C 0- Amoco- 0i1 Cosign BP20806 8/1 0/92 Church Demolish 1 story brk/frm 11 -28 -94 N/A building, Comm BP273727 Constr 6 ii 3305 Asbury 0 - Amoco Oil Co. 3 erect_ -0n C Hantlex of Colorado Inc $3500.00 to equpmentSi _ 0 Steve_ . comm BP67 - 4 � �2/ 9-7 -__ erect -0dat ion for-future O -Steve Smith__ Smith - comm - bl dg - BP -37x45 -- 5 erection of steel 6/ 97 erect 4 g/2 & st1 C orfu / /a - /9-7 n/a 0-Steve roof for future comm. bldg Smith erect - - ---_ _ 9 9 /8 /97enter. walls to C 0_wner /a complete shell comm. BP37755 0 Smith - --- -- - -_ tions wa71 ,soffit 10/3 797 eter -_ Gbeun n/a ,demising wall 9 tenant — - - Inter. parti C0 rest. BP37893 3305 Asbury 0 Steue _ �m�th- install ceilings, partitions, tions divisin comet BP37980 -Owner e ili , - 9 wall, of Docket 54 -97 for 2 wa�1 - _ 9ns, 1 12 -- 1 /2 sq• Ft. Variance to install ._. p= Steve_Smith _ teach -- construct 3 concentric soffits comet - Pe inter ter_�heupg_tenan - t__ BP 3805? concentric 00 . ceiling 0 -Four Seasons {Z -- _ _columns, ins t signs, ur - two wall mtd. � ' ZMan lllum. BP38168 12 -- /17/97 o - e 3305 Asbury ve j�h 5 - erect dtV1sl - comet Spaces -8P3 8234 1/28/g C ff-- $2000.00 wall between 0 Steve Smith 0- Steve 4 tenant -wall signs C- Advanta Sign n/a i n 9 Co. 0-Steve 9 to-north wall BP38272 fa Ste Smith — - 2/1 /98 3/10/98 $280,000.00 for - tenant -s comet -C --Owner - - 9- $280, 000.00 pace, NO. 3, - . BP38319 0 -Steve Smith 4 Seasons -i nstall - sig n n C- Advanta_.____ -_ 9 on exist. pole 61' Sign Co. QstaTnt:• Check Cashing Larry Weitz S8-5 - 2- 2 1 x7' sg7 face Mum Lei e /21 /9g rr/a 8P38878 6 - /29/98 n /a lum s�9ns o S�9ns_ exist. pole I I 3305 Asbury e -Steve Smith A 6 finish rater, for retail 0 -Owner /1/98 $1000.00 space; divrsin9 wall _ _ ,comm.