Asbury Road 3333 3 333 -Asbury Street o. JLC.A.P.,.ITIC, Erec masonr ` ry _ super market bldg B , P X 370 ,000.00 E terat3 ©ns 0 14 P 11C,k & Sow --alt quist /g autt .,BP, 403 6/13/72 mas /st co -mm blfl - C- H Y - Vee 163- 6/i8/8Food Stores r slab C'Don Sisley __. 8 r Sla outdoor freezer & cut &rSons pou b'f 10/5/22 $4800.-(10-- . door Comm, bld 9 jJ it 1 3333 Asbury St. remodel 1nt, of_I1ldShy, $;_St),, ,On�15$n _ • TFi_Stat ralinct -- _.._— oomm. bldg, gp 61.16 s 8 ✓1$ new gra d_ Sys tem..: cei � St ackis — Const -- : $4 000 .00 0'Tr� State_Inde g, comm. _bId • alter to 'inter, ma Bilod Soc. C Jack Cont 1405 Stac Tr7 State Co m m. onst N /A 81 bldg BP 1 4107 8/9 remove old 't -- /88 sign .install BP _14325 9 /8/-88 3 x32' wal7nta Sign Co, $ sign non i um. — 3333 Asbury 3 0 -Tri -State Blind : Soc. C -Owner al ter to make 16x-31—off ice,- Comm. - - bldg- aP --1- _ /9/89 - -- $ 240 0_00.___ - 0 -Tri _ - �� 6 - State Blind inter.. remodel n C-Bud Gaten 9 comm. bldg. BP 16564 3/23 / -- $2800.00 0 -T-i State Blind Soc. /90 -- -alder - -t-o- � nt- er -. -- O -Owner - _----_ - ____--- - -- 4/19/91 $3950.00 o-€ mas - -& stl -..-eomm.1---- $8183}2- --- dg ____- - 0 -Tri =State Blind Soc. - -rer -c-omm bl 0 J7m Giese Comm Rfg - 0 -Tri State Blind 621364_7}/}79 $Zrr0 erect office on mezzanine TVeOwner 00 00 -c , comm.. BP242 2 40 00..00 it I 1 3333 Asbury Board of Adjustment mo w three S � Docket 4 5 -95 for ZOne Approve / and 124 sq. ft. Or Sign Varianc t o wali mtd. gn in C -2 0 -Tri -State Indep. Blind si Soc. C- Advanta signs, 96 sq. Sign install 2 wall 3 O -Tri -State p' ft Blind 122 sq. o . Rfg -install new 9 8/1/96 i Society G -jam Giese Comm. Rf __ $ 30 000.00 e roof system, comm. BP40479 7/13/99 11