Asbury Road 3465 3465 Asbury
0- DuTrac Comm. Credit Union C -Bank Bldg. Corp.
-erect fn dn - for — future - construction BP 12436 8/28/87
0- DuTrac Comm Credit Union
$N /A
erect structural steel for comm. bldg. 1 Bldg. Corp.
9. BP 12885 11/20/87
0- DuTrac Comm. Credit Union C -Bank Bldg. Corp.
complete erection of st1 & frm off. bldg. BP 12804 11/24/87
0- DuTrac Comm. Credit Union $1,200,100.00
C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst,
8 sets parking lot signs 4 sets 8" alum. letters
BP 13215 3/31/88
3465 Asbury
O-DuTrac Comm Credit Union C - Bank Bldrs. & Equip.
new canopy over exist. ATM, comm. bldg. BP 14718 12/6/88
$12000.00 -
0- DuTrac Comm. Credit Union C -Bank Bldg Corp.
install b athrms,ceilings 3rd Flr. off. _ bldg. _BP 15104
4/25/89 $78,000.00
0- DuTrac Credit Union C -Larry Weitz Signs
nstall 2x4 sg1 face sign on drive-up machine BP 15393
0- DuTrac Comm. Cr. Union C -Total Structures
finish inter, of portion 3rd flr, comm bldg BP17437
8/9/90 $18069.00
3465 Asbury
O- DuTrac Credit Union C -Total Structures, Inc.
alter. to 3rd flr for offices, comm. bldg BP18718
6/6/91 $15338.00
— 0 Du rac rest Inion - o a Structures
bldg B P20330 -5 81-92- -
O�uTac oC mm -Cr. Union C -Bank Bldg Corp.
remed.e4 3rd flr for offices, comm— Br36541 1/23/97 $145,000
0- DuTrac Comm. Cr. Union C_Larry Weit7 Sign_Syst.
replace letter logos w /new logos,change monument sign
41728 5{'3612000 n