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Asbury Road 4867
�- oe 'on. 4867 Asbury - s- oe l fndx f� - o pper ' ons future_c 0 Joe Mond °1 d� fib' :3 _5�/9- 7___ /_ erect 6D'xT80' block Comm1O -O wner /Co pper MI11 Const shel_l__onl g on existingoun�at;on= y _ - - -B P3 7328 _-- 711/97___nta —__ 0- Westfield Square C Advanta Sign Co. install 6 wall signs (blnk) for use b tenants of retail outlet (4) 2.5x16-1----(2) 2 . - 5x12- 1 — comm 8P37390 7/8/97 $n /a 0- Coppe Mill Const. C -Co finish inter. PPer Mill Const $357,800.00 °{ unit 3 for refai gp37604 8jT2j9T I w _ 4867 Asbury 0-Joe Mond C- Copper Mill Const. finish for tenant space, 3 units, comm. BP38324 3/12/98 $5- 7,604.00 0- Copper Mill Const. erect 220 lineal foot retainin wall Owner - 6 -22 -98 $8000.00 9 BP38854 1- e d i t 1 ndn • C -;. .e new o. ,. b B':90'8 7 29/•: n/ 0 Da e H .ns: n m son 1 -Own: 9/ , 772.1.b1 g fo a to s: v ce, m :' 92 _____ ___ 4867 Asbury 3 �= o pperml� Coast„ _ complete - in to r % -of tenant - spac -mer- Drug) comm. BP39706 1/25/99 $17800.00 0-Infinity Fashion C - - s - -- -Gene panel replacement 8P 42476 10/13/2000 Signs - - $n /a