Ashton Place 1640 1640 Ashton 5$ 0- Delbert Hillery C— &,G.uVitkerall .Erect 5 Room 2 Story Frame Dwelling. B.P. 461 8/1/40 B.of A. Lst.bldg,line. approved Docket No,23_ 40 0-Delbert Hillery C -Owner Screening porch of sing. Pam. Prone dwelling B.P. 1075 4/20/42 -425.00 1640 Ashton F1606 0 -D. Z. H fiery C -Zoe Lukas. edition t 264 7 -7 -47 800.00 C Barney_Gntz Construct attachea garage to rear of S F F B.P. 737 1 0 -19 -59 `600,00 'rage tae g. 0 — Delbert Hillery C_K & K H eating C Reroor S .F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 577 8 - - 280,00 0 — & K Heating Co, Res ide S.D.Frearie Ihaell g.B.P, 920 10 -2 -63 1,400.0 I 1640 Aston P1 3 -Bill Abbott C -DISCO esi e sePr - Dw lg, - B =P._. 776';'7/227// ._._ _.._._x..00 ".00...._...._ Bi11 ♦Gross C -Owner rect 2nd storyadd. above exist. room, SF res BP 13944 /12/88 $7004.00 )-Bill Gross C -Owner ;ear -off-, sheet- ing r-eroof SF - -frm rlwi-l-g BP 15728 8/3/89 ;840.00 •