Atlantic Street 1515 1515 Atlantic St.
0 -Geo. Kennelly C -Anton Easton-
Erect 1 story frame dwelling.
B.P. 564 10/1/30
B.of A. Petn for erection of Single Gar ::rage
5t from side St. Line & 2 ft from s11ey grsnted
Docket No. 47 -47
0. R.G. Rink C. Zephyr. Aluminum Products Inc.
Reroof S.P. Prairie Dwellin B.P
9 18 1 3 63 658.00
- _
1515 Atlantic
0-Kevin Kane C-Mike Strub Const.
remodel basement sr frm dfTg BP 12754 10720f87 $6000.00
Board of Adjustment Docket 57-96 for Special Exception
to build att. - garage 1 foot from side rop line and
16' from front prop line. Approved 9/26/96
Board of Adjustment Docket 63-98 for Special Exception
to construct det. garage 4' from alley side prop. line
& 4' from front prop. line (Filmore) Approved 10/22/92
0-Ann Hoch
C-Dan Dietz Const.
erect 14 ' x21' det. frm garage SF BP39491 10/26/98 $3528.00