Atlantic Street 1650 ._........____
10''. * e • .
Er eat ,S — F — - C- Geo: Reel v.
Fran Dwelling B.F.
B °f A. Petra. to
Granted pro erect car port 53 f ro m i xLine.00
vided written consent o£
Eton side line,
0- t No . 38-5[ adjoining Frcre
�� raYlor Y
owner. Docket
rest Car port to side C-Marietta Const� Co. of S,F,F
B.P. 777 12-
0-Geo 0-George M Iv&ruyama ame DweyZ g .
on to side of S 0-Loe Lukens
.F,Frame nnelig.B.P, 426 6-26-62 00
1650 Atlantic - — --- — --
0- George Maruyoma ' -7
place door hood SFr C -Disco
replace r hood
na es BP 13805 6/20/88
0- George
SF res C- Inter- $328.00
0-George B 24515 State Constr
reroorgearMaruyanna S$2,800 8/19/94
port SF BP 3 6732 4/7 C- Inter -tate
0-George carport, Contr.
enclose yama en7 econte
att. carport, C-Len Leconte
, SF 10/9/98 Constr