1982 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1982 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1982 COUNCIL MEMBERS JAMES E. BRADY, MAYOR THOMAS BEURSKENS ........................ Council Member at Large DONALD DEICH ......................................... Third Ward WILLIAM HAMMEL ...................................... First Word JOHN KLAUER ............................... Council Member at Large LORAS KLUESNER ...................................... Second Word RHONDA KRONFELDT .................................. Fourth Word City Clerk .............................................. Mary A. Davis LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ........................ Barry A, Lindahl 1-82 to 4-3-82 Harley F. Stark, Jr. 4-3-82 City Solicitor .......................................... Barry A. Lindahl Assistant City Attorney ................................. William G. Blum CITY MANAGER W. KENNETH GEARHART Administrative Assistant ......................... GENT WITTENBERG Airport Manager ..................................... THERON CLARK Budget Officer ...................................... PAULINE JOYCE Building Commissioner ................................ DAVID SHURTS Cable Franchise Administrator .................. ALAN BLATECKY to 12-1 Chief of Fire Department ............................ ROBERT N. Dunphy Chief of Police Department ........................... ROBERT J. O'Brien City Assessor ......................................... FRANK FROST City Engineer ..................................... MICHAEL A. KOCH Civic Center Director ......................... STEVE PETERS to 10-15-82 ROBERT DRURY to 10-16-82 Community Development Director ................. DANIEL DITTEMORE Coordinator, Office of Disaster Services .................. ROBERT GOOCH Deputy Finance Director ................................ GERALD HIRD Development Planner .................................. JAMES BURKE Director of Public Works ............................ FRANCIS A. Murray Dock Commission Manager ............................. SHIRLEY LANG Electrical Inspector ............................... ROBERT McCARTEN Finance Director ..................................... A. G. HEITZMAN Food and Restaurant Sanitarian ..................... FRANCES KRINGLE Health Director ................................. ARTHUR J. ROTH, JR. Human Rights Director and EEO Officer ............ MATHIAS K. LORENZ Information Services Director .................. ALAN GELHAR to 7-30-82 THERESA GREEN 8-2-82 Library Director ................................. ELIZABETH MINTER Park and Recreation Director ....................... TERRY TRUEBLOOD Personnel Director ...................................... RANDY PECK Plumbing Inspector ................................... LOUIS MULLEN Street Commissioner ............................. MERLE FELDERMAN Traffic Engineer .............................. STEVE JEPSEN to 9-17-82 Transit Manager ................................ WILLIAM G. KOHLER Utilities Director ........................... BART JONES started 9-27-82 Wastewater Plant Supervisor ......................... PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Supervisor ................................... RAY ALLEN Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 4--American Trust & Savings Bank, designated as depository for 1982 ................................................. 3 4--AIRPORT COMMISSION submitting Minutes: ............ ..... 6, 52, 75. 108, 146, 185, 203, 264, 302, 312,347,378, 397, 410, 434 4--Army Corps of Enrgs: re: Hydroelectric Power Study of Lock and Dam #26 .......................................... 7 " 11 --Anti-Gag Rule Resolution, submitted by C.M. Deich ......... 13, 50 " 11--Appointments to Boards & Commissions, new procedure of appointment .......................................... 13 " 11--Area Council of Governments (ACOG) eet out that all Council Members serve on same ................................. 15 " 18--Audits City Mgr. transmitting FY '81 ..................... 12 " 18--Asbury Springs Sub. No 2 & 4, Possible Rezoning, etc ....... 19,36,37 " 25--AGREEMENT between Ia. DOT & City re: Improvements at Central Ave. at 14th St., White St. at 14th, Locust at 4th & White St. at 20th ...................................... 24 " 25--AGREEMENT between Ia. DOT & City re: Right of Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects .............. 25 " 25--Alternate Side of the Street Parking, consideration etc ....... 24 Feb. 1--Alley, Richard Leppert petition re: property behind HiHcrest .......................................... 33, 382, 401 8--Alternate Locations re: U.S. 61 in the vicinity of 16th St. Storm Water Detention Basin ............................ 43 8--A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Alt. Location for U.S. 61 Reloca- tion ................................................. 43 8--Asbury Mayor Plans for Radford Road .................... 46 8--Anderson, Dean, Cedar Cross Road Zoning Matter ........... 47 15--Adams, Jane Funding for Inf. & Ref ....................... 52 " 22--Aquarius Investments urban revit, app. for tax exemption .... 58 " 22--Apartments, Ltd., Class "C' Liquor License ............... 62 Mar. 8--Agreement re: Dock Comm. & Dubuque Dock Co ............ 70 8--Auditors selected for FY ending June '82, firm of Helle, Klosterman .......................................... 72 8--Atkinson, Frank T., denial of claim ........................ 76 10--Amllng, Rick, re: FY 83 Budget .......................... 79 10--Appel, Fred, FY 83 Budget (Park etc.) ..................... 79 10--Airport Dept. FY '83 Budget ............................ 80 10--Administratlve FY '83 Budget ........................... 80 10--Airport Dept., funding for FY '83 Budget .................. 84 10--Adoption of FY '83 Budget .............................. 86 15--Agriculture Day, proclamation ........................... 93 15--Agreement between City and Ia. DOT re: Traffic Signal In- stailations at Central, 11th, 10th, White Sts ................ 107 " 22--American Trust & Savings Bank, re: schedule of concerts ..... 110 " 22--Arhitratlon Award between City & Transit Union re: impact... 110 Apr. 7--Agreements re: Positive Guidance Dem. Project (Dodge at Bluff & Locust) ....................................... 123, 124 7--Adams, Gregory J., refund request on Cig. Permit & Liquor Lic .................................................. 129, 146 " 19--Amendments to FY '82 Budget and Date of Public Hearing ......................................... 139, 171,172 " 19--Arboreteum Assn. Lease Agreement between City and same ................................................ 140, 154 " 19--Agreement (Redeveloper Designation) with Homart re: Dubu- que Downtown Urban Renewal Project .................... 141 " 19--Alcoholic beverages C.M. Deich requesting amendment to etd. relative to same ............................... 145, 155, 156 " 19--Astgen's Food, Ltd., Class "C" Beer Permit & Cig. Lic ....... 145,238 " 19--Air Transportation CAB advising an Order relative to same at Ft. Dodge ............................................ 146 " 26--Allendor f, Kristy, claim & settlement ..................... 150,264 Ma,,y 3--Alcoholic Liquors re: Ordinance prohihiting in parks ......... 155,156 3--Agreement with Chamber of Commerce for Economic Develop- ment ................................................ 159 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page 3--American Central Airlines, Inc. re: Order to show cause for fitness determination to provide essential air service at specified points ....................................... 162 17--Appraisal, Security Building ' 17--Architeeturaliy significant re: 371 & 373 Bluff St ............ 170 , 17--Asbury Rd. Zoning amendment relative to Group W Cable property ............................................ 174, 188A ,, 17_Arnold, David J. appainted to TV Cable Reg. C°mm ......... 183 " 17--Appel, Fred. appointed to Park & Rec. Comm ............... 183 ' 17--Alpine St.. request for excavation by People's Natural Gas .... 186 ,, 17_American Legion Post 6, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ...................................... 185, 239 June 7_America, Period to Honor, Proclamation ................... 188A 7--Applicatlon UMTA for a grant ........................... 190 7--Agreement Between City, Dock, Burlington North, RR, Dbq. Cry. His. Society, Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Services & Robert's River Rides ................................... 191,222 7--Ad Hoc Comm. for Nuclear Education requesting to address Council and petition with 25 names supporting a strong U.S. & 195 Civil Defense .......................................... 201 7--Airpor t Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 201 7--Astrnid, Cigarette Permit ............................... 201 " 7--Avenue Tap, Cigarette Permit ........................... " 7--April, Proof of publication of List of claims ................. 204 " 7--April, reports submitted by City Treas. & Finan. Director .... 204 203 " 7--Abresch, Timothy G., denial of claim ...................... 203 7--Arnold, David J., denial of claim 7--American Central Airlines CAB submitting Final Order of 204 Fitness Determination .................................. " 21--A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. re: UDAG Grant Agreement ........ 230 "21--Agreements between: Operating Engrs., Dbq. Prof. Firefighters, Gen. Drivers & Non-Bargaining ~ Accepting & . .281-238 Adopting ......................................... 238 ,, 21--A & B Tap, Cigarette permlt ...................... 238 ,, 21_Alber t's IOCO, Cigarette Permit ....................... 238 21--Arago,n Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 21--Adam s Shell Service, Cigarette Permit .................... 289 21--Althaus, Dennis A., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 240,878 21--Airport Comments and problems by Terry Hudik ............ 242 21--American Central's T. Hudik commenting on problems ....... 242 21--Airpor t Improvements comments by M. Schuppener ......... 242 28--Agreement Pay Classification Study ...................... 244 28--Agreement with Corp. Counsel ........................... 244 July 6_AsphaltPavingProject, 1982, CityofDubuque ............. ..................................... 248, 249, 277-280, 424-425 6--Airport Comm. requesting Council do something about zoning. 252 6--Agreement With Lyle Sumek for FY '83 ................... 262 6--ARA Services, 4 outlets, Cigarette Permits ................. 262 6--Assessor, (City) re: Stipulation of Settlement of M. & C. Rolmer 265 for real estate on Ken Ct ................................ 6--Aquin Ave. Sanitary Sewer re: Notice from Dept. of Environ. Quality advising of Sewer Permit ......................... 265 " 6--Army Corps of Engrs. re: Public Notice re: R. Kehl construc- tion of ramp & mooring of barge in Ice Harbor ........... ~.. 265 " 6--Annual Report Cable Regulatory & Cable Tele-Programrmng 265 Corem ............................................ 268 ,, 19_Agreement with Ia. DOT for Asphalt Patching of Dodge ...... " 19--Airpert re: construction of two buildings ................... 268 , 19_A.y. McDonald Const. Project re: Public- of Notice of Envir°n' · Review Findings for C.D. Project ..................... 269, 293, 326 274 - 28--Appel, Rrent, re: UDAG Grant for Pack ................... Au, g,.2--AssessmentSchedulef°rCres'RidgeSan'SewerPr°ject'''290,291'348 2--A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Submission of Request for Release of Funds for Certain Urb. Devai, Action Grant Project ....... 292, 320 2--Articles of Agreement for DMATS Study, Amended ......... 293, 294 2--Annuni Contributions Contract Execution of Amendment .... 294 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Au,,g. 2--Articles of Agreement for DMATS Study, Amended ......... 293,294 2--Annual Contributions Contract re: Execution of Amendment.. 294 2--Anthony (Wayne) Place, approval of final plat .............. 298, 299 2--AGREEMENT re: Dubuque Humane Society & City for animal shelter services ................................. 300 9--AGREEMENT between City, Ia. DOT & Chicago, Mil. RR re: Reconstruction Project of E. llth St. RR Crossing ........... 311 9--Airport Mgr. opinion for new buildings at Airport ......... 311-312 " 16--AiY. McDonald Mfg. Co. Relocation Project re: Approval of Price Structure etc. for Dbq. Industrial Center: Prepare Pro- ject Agreement with Ia. DOT ........................... 818, 319 " 18--Asbury Springs Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hear- . lng to reclassify Block IV and portions of Block V in Asbury Springs .............................................. 330 " 18--ADDENDUM to P & Z Comm. recommendation- Conditions of Approval Powers Construction Co. Preliminary Develop- ment Plan ............................................ 331 " 23--A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Approval of Loan Agreement & Security Agreement Providing for Loan of UDAG Funds & Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Bonds etc ............. 333,351 " 23--Actlvities by For Profit Organizations re: Endorsement, discussion of possible Ordinances ......................... 834 28--Appeal(Notice) From Fischer Invest. Co. appealing Condemna- tion Award made by Compensation Corem ................. 335 23--Army Corps of Engrs. advising that P. Hrg. be held on the wing dike construction etc. at Cassvifie, Wis ................ 335, 336 Sept. 7--Arnold, David J. resignation from TV Cable Regulatory Comm ............................................... 347 7--A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. re: Proofs of publications of Notices: Notice of Intent to Release Funds for Construction Project, etc.. 348 7--Annual Report of Fire Dept. (1982), submitted .............. 347 " 13--Airpor t Comm. reappointment of C.J. May, Jr .............. 355 " 13--Arnnid, David J., appointed to TV Cable Tele-Programming Corem ............................................... 355 " 13--Air Transportation re: Order from CAB on various topics ..... 356 " 14--Application for financial Assistance with UMTA & Amend- ment ................................................ 368, 383 " 14--August, reports of Finance Dir. & Treasurer submitted ....... 868 Oct. 4--Amendment to Consent Decree for Wastewater Treatment Plant ................................................ 372 4--Annual Performance Report re: Proof of publication of Notice that it is on file in various places .......................... 379 4--August, 1982, Proof of publication of List of Claims and Receipts etc .......................................... 379 4--Ahmann, Pat, objecting to happenings at Dbq. Packing Co .... 379 4--Albert, Richard, requesting vacation to purchase alley hi Linehan Park Addn .................................... 379 4--Army Corps. of Engrs. advising of permits processed by them in Aug. .............................................. 379 " 11--Alley (Vacated), Approval of Plat of same abutting Lot 12 Sun- set Park Sub. #2, North of Hfllcrest Rd .................... 382, 401 " I1--Agrecment expenditure of'$1,130 as penalties to Ia. Bureau of Labor .............................................. 385 " il--Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Yr. ending 6-30-82, Proof of publication .................................... ~.. ,... 386 " 11--Airport Zoning re: Attorney Bhim advising of filing petition against County ........................................ 387 " 11--Alceholism & Drug Abuse (Tri-County Conun.) requesting budget asking. ........................................ 387 403 Nov. 8--Aliendorf, Don, applicant for Dock Comm .................. 8--Army Corps of Engrs. re: Notice as to Gas Pipeline Crossing River ................................................ 404 " 15--Asbury & Dana Streets re: denial of property east of Southway requested by Butt and Turnquizt for rezoning .............. 407 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Nov. 15--Administrative Policy change in wording for residency require- 408 ment for City Employees ................................ " 15--Area Residential Care, Attorney Blum submitting Opinion re: denial of Conditional Use Permit .......................... 411 ,, 22_August Council Proceedinge, approved as amended .......... 416 " 22--Area Justice Committee racial acts in City and offering their help ................................................. 417 Dec. 6_AGREEMENT Acceptance of same-providing for Loan of C.D. Block Grant Funds to FDL Foods, Inc ..................... 421 6--Annual Contributions Contract for Sect. 8 Mod. Rehab. Hous- ing Program, with HUD, re: Execution of same .............. 430 6--Aircraft/Missile Donation re: letter submitted by Ralph Schetgen from G. Rickard, Chief, Aircraft Disposition ........ 435 " 13--A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. re: tax exemption for new construc- tion, etc .............................................. 436, 440 " 13--Angel Investment Co., Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 438 " 20--Agriculturai Land Credit application re: elimination from Code 441 provision for City to process ............................. INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan, Feb. Mar. 4--Brady, James E. sworn in as Mayor ....................... 1 4--Beurskens, Thomas J., sworn in as at Large Council Member.. 1 4--Bowman, Dwaine D., Beer Permit ......................... 6 11--Bonds re: Jeld-Wen Fiber Products Project ................. 8 11--Bluff St. (& Dodge & Locust) Inclusion in Positive Guidance Demonstration Project .............................. 12, 123, 124 11--Boards and Commissions re: New Method of appointing dividuals ............................................. 13 11--Board of Appeals (Building Code), appointment of David L. Theme .............................................. 13 11--Board of Health, A fi Council Members Serve on Same ........ 15 18--Burbach, Carl re: Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer Project. 17 18--Bridge, re: Street Improvements for new bridge ............. 21 18--Brown, Gary T. Claim .................................. 22 18--Burning re: Open Burning, opinions etc. by Ia. DEQ ......... 23, 25 18--Blodgett, Char (Lucy Ladybug), opposed to increase in Market fees ................................................. 25 1--Barrett, Msgr. Norbert, Invocation ....................... 29 1--Bauerly, Jim & Kathy re: objecting to rezoning classification for Den's Transmission property ......................... 29 1--Berm, Herbert, objecting to rezoning classification for Den's Transmission property ................................. 29 1--Budget re: FY 83 documents presented .................... 34 1--Board of Dock Commissioners re: providing for 5 member board and prescribing their terms ......................... 33 1 --Bell, James W. claim ................................... 34 1--Budget re: Information & Referral Agency financing ......... 35 1 --Burbach, Carl, Resurrection Church San. Sewer Proj ......... 50 8--Brotherhood Week, proclamation ......................... 36 8--Bonds re: Tbermolyne Corp. Project ............... 38, 39, 68, 69, 227 8--Bet tsch, Frank re: Rail Study ............................ 42 8--Buda, Jr. Rocco, claim, denial ............................ 46, 137 8--Brown, Gary, denial of claim ............................. 46 8--Barro, Jim, Nemmer's lawsuit relative to Cedar Cross Road... 47 15--Bowling re: Kids Bowling for Kids Day, Proclamation ........ 48 15--Bertsch, Robert, Attorney, re: Resurrection Church San. Sewer rroj ................................................. 50 15--Budget Work Session etc ................................ 51 15--Burdt, Mary funding for Inf. & Ref. Services ................ 52 15--Bicker, Deb, funding for Inf. & Ref Services ................ 52 15--Bowen, Tricia, funding for Inf. & Ref. Services .............. 52 15--Boiand, Patti, funding for Inf. & Ref. Services .............. 52 15--Becket, Lawrence, funding for Inf. & Ref Services ........... 52 15--Block Grant funding, Old Main Street Redevelopment District. 52, 303 22--Budget, FY 83, Resolution etc. setting Date of P. Hrg. etc ..... 55 22--Beck, Daniel, urban revjt, app. for tax exemption ............ 58 22--Bisenins, David, urban revit, app. for tax exemption ......... 58 22--Bonds re: refund request by Sheppley ..................... 58 22--Brian's, Inc. Class Beer Permit ........................... 61 22--Bitter, Atty., claim on behalf of A.O. Fiscber ................ 62 22--Block, Charles, Sr., claim ................................ 62 22--Bus Service, re: comments by J. Rojemann ................. 63 22--Baseball/Softball Complex, discussion etc .................. 63, 64 22--Block Grant Funds re: approved for '82 .................... 63 8--Brooks, Rev. John giving Invocation ...................... 68 8--Bisseli, Marian G., Nominated & Appointed to Dock Bd ...... 73 8--Borley, Robert W., Applicant for Dock Bd .................. 73 8--Blum, Wm. Nominated & Appointed to Dock Bd ............ 73 8--Bower, Michael P., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ................................... 75, 108, 416 8--Basebali Complex, re: Merlin Papke submitting an offer of land for same .............................................. 76 8--Bell & Co., Denial of Claim ............................... 76 8--Berfeld, Janice, Claim .................................. 76 8--Betts, Juanita M., Claim & Denial ..................... 76, 129, 357 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 10--Budget Adoption for FY '83 ......................... 78-92, 110 10--Benzer, Myra, Objecting to library fees ................. 78 10--Baule, Bette, Obejcting to library fees .................. 78 10--Boettcher, Oscar, Park Dept. Budgetary Cuts ............ 79 10--Bernal, Julius, Objecting to Budget Cuts for FY '83 .......... 80 10--Bertram, Sandra, Objecting to Budget Cuts for FY '83 ....... 80 10--Brunet, Pat, Comments about Library Budget etc ........... 81 10--Barrett, Lewis, re: Funding for Operation: New View ......... 81 10--Bodnar, Ann, re: Operation: New View Funding ............. 81 10--Bus Garage Replacement, Deferred ....................... 84 15--Basic Plus Recognition Day, Proclamation ................. 93 15--Boucher, Marc, re: Old Main St. Histor. Area ............... 93 15--Brldge (Dbq~Wis) re: Street Improvements Project .......... ................................ 94, 95, 96, 114, 115, 144, 200, 425 15--Biasi, C. George, Seat Declared Vacant on Cable Corem ....... 103 ,, 15--Boyes, Milton, Claim & Settlement ....................... 104,109 "22--Baumgar tner, Jalm, Clalm & Denial ....................... 109,137 Ap, r,. 7--Butler, Rev. David, Invocation ........................... 114 7--Bluff (Dodge & Locust) Intersection re: Positive Guidance Pro- gram ................................................ 123, 124 7--Bernie, Harry J., Applicant for Transit Bd .................. 127 7--Berwanger, Charles, Appointed to Mechanical Bd ........... 127 7--Brehm, John G. & Jean L. Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 128 7--Beer in City Parks, re: Prohibiting ........................ 180 12--Boys Club Week, Proclamation ........................... 132 12--Beer Permit Revocation: Oil Depot ........................ 132 12--Breitbach, Don, re: The Oil Depot's revocation of Beer Permit. 132 12--Beer Drinking in a small park - banning same ........... 133, 155,156 12--Behan, Joe, Closing North Gate of Eagle Point Park earlier. 133 12--Burning - Open, of Garden Wastes re: Ord .................. 134 12--Block, Charles A. (Sr.) Denial of Claim ..................... 137 12--Birch, Madonna M., Claim & Settlement ................... 137,303 19--Budgnt FY '82, re: Directing Clerk to Publish Prop. Amend- ment & Date of P. Hrg .................................. 139 " 19--Beer, Sale Petition by C.M. Deich requesting Amendment to Ord. regulating Same ................................. 145 " 19--Bekke, Rod, Applicant for Cable Corem .................... 145 " 19--Backer, Philip L., Applicant for Cable Corem ................ 145 " 19--Boettcher, Thomas, Applicant for Cable Corem ......... :.... 145 " 26--Bluff St., Request for designation of duplex as arch. Slgnl- fieent ................................................ 148, 170 "26--Behr, Paul, Stop signs at Fengler & Kerper & New bridge traffic ............................................... 148 "26--Baumhover, Ralph, · Stop Signs at Feegler & Kerper ....... 150 May 3--Bicycles, Ordinance prohibiting same in Parks etc ......... 156 " 3--Block Grant Funds for FY '83 re: Proof of publication ........ 161 " 17--Bonds Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds (Security Bldg.) ......................................... 168, 206 to 220 " 17--Beer Law Violations Hearings & Suspensions ete ..... 169, 170, 179 " 17--Beecher, Betty & Bob Beer Law Violations Suspension ..... 169 " 17--Bertsch, Attorney Bob Speaking for Mrs. Heinz @ Beer Law Violations Suspension .............................. 169 ,, 17--Budget Amendment for FY ending 6-30-82 ................. 171,173 " 17--Bridge Closing (Eagle Point) and Closing of Traffic to portion of Rhomberg Ave ............. ' ......................... 174 " 17--Bertsch, Attorney Robert for Key City Investment Co. re- questing 6 mo. extension to submit Final Development Plan for Theatre No. 5 ...................................... 175 ,, 17_Banner, Paula, applicant & appointed to P & Z Comm ........ 182,183 " 17--Bakke, Rod, applicant for Cable Reg. Comm ................ 183 " 17--Beulow, Michael J. appointed to Park & Rec. Corem .......... 183 " 17--Baumhover, Richard, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ....... 183 " 17--Bemis, Harry J., applicant for Park & Rec. Conun ............ 183 " 17--Barwick, Elaine, selected as Alternate for Operation: New View ................................................ 184 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page ' 17--Beecher Co., Inc., Cigarette Permits, & Class "C" Beer Per- mits ................................................. 184 17--Bistro, Liquor License Transferred ....................... 185, 355 195 195 195 195 196 June 7--Bryant School Brownie Scouts petitioning for completion of Bike Trail ............................................ 7--Bike Trail re: requests for completion ........... .. 7--Beckman, Tom, requesting nuclear freeze Resolution. ....... 7--Bowman, Patricia, requesting nuclear freeze Resolution ...... 7--Board of Supervisors Executone telephone equipment ..... 7--Bargaining Units (Stipulation) Operating Engrs. signed by Mayor ............................................... 197 7--Burlington N. R.R. Co. re: Agreement with Dock Comm. re: Easements ........................................ 191,220-225 7--Barge & Fleeting Service Co. re: lease of Ice Harbor property.. ............................................. 191,192, 220-225 7--Benny's, Cigarette Permit ............................... 201 7--Bishop's Buffet, Cigarette Permit ........................ 201 7--Beer Permit, Transfer to McAleece Field by Jaycees ......... 202, 275 7--Berlage, Stella, denial of claim ............................ 204 7--Bethany Home Auditor's Report for 1980 & 1981 submitted... 204 7--Bridge (Eagle Point) demolition, re: Rhomberg Ave. closure... 221,222 21--Black, Wm. M. re: sublease of Historical Society for accomoda- tion of this dredge ..................................... 225 " 21--Bonds, Inc. Revenue re: Thermolyne Corp. Project ........... 227 " 21--Block Grant Project re: Authorization of Public of Notice of Environmental Review Findings ......................... 234 " 21--Board of Trustees restructuring of Fire & Police ............. 236 " 21--Borley, Robert W., applicant for Dock Bd .................. 236 " 21--Busch, Janet M., Applicant for Historic Pres. Corem ......... 237 " 21--Bakke. Rod, applicant for Cable TV Commissions, and appnint- merit to Tele-Programming Corem ........................ 237 " 21--Becker, Philip L., applicant to Cable TV Tel~Programming Comm ............................................... 237 " 21 --Boettcher, Thomas, Applicant for Cable TV Tale.Programming Comm ............................................... 237 21--Bar IThe), Cigarette Permit .............................. 238 21--Barney's Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................... 288 21--Bantu Shelter Tavern, Cigarette Permit & Liquor License ..... 238, 356 21--Botty & Nick's Tap, Cigarette Pormit ..................... 238 21--Bridge, The, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 21--Buddy's Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........................ 238 21--Busy Bee Cafe, Cigarette Permit ......................... 21--Bait Bucket, Cigarette Permit ........................... 21--Barten's IOCO, Cigarette Permit ......................... 21--Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit .......................... 21--Biedier 66, Cigarette Permit ............................. 21--Bill On the Hill, Cigarette Permit ......................... 21--Bob's 76 Central Service Center, Cigarette Permit ........... 21--Brian's Standard Service, Cigarette Permit ................. 21--Bunker Hill Pro Shop, Cigarette Permit .................... 21--Birkett, James J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... July 6--Block Grant Funds Proof of pub. of Notice of Intent to file release of FY '83 Block Grant funds for various projects ...... " 19--Burnside, Roy. B.R., Gave Invocation ..................... " 19--Buses, re: Seeking Fed. Assistance for purchase of 2 buses .... " 19--Bridge Dedication re: Dubuque Wisconsin Bridge ........... " 19--Beer Permit refund re: Adelia Ferring ..................... Aug. 238 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 240 264 267 267 270 272 2--Bradiey St. re: 1982 Concrete Pay. Project, Notices, Objec- tions, etc ............................................. 279, 280 2--Boyer St. residents requesting Block Party ................. 287 2--Bridge traffic facilitation by one-way streets for 9th & 11th... 295, 296 2 --Bridge Pedestrian Way over Hwy. 20, discussion ......... 301 2--Baldwin Dr., Petition about sidewalks .................. 301 2--Bowman, Dwaine D., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ....... 302 9--Buchheim, Professor D. L., Invocation ..................... 305 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page 9--Bonds, Martin Luther Home .......................... 307,339 Au,,g. 9--Belin, Harris, Etc. Bonding Counsel for Graham Group re: Clinlc Rev. Bonds ...................................... 314-317 " 16--Bfllierds Ordinance for licnasing etc .................... 323 ,, 16_Buses to John Deere Plant, Discussions ................... 332,356 ,, o9 no~,~,~aoe J R Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 335, 410 ,, 23_Beresford, Mrs. Donald (Bermce), Settlement of Claim ........ 33 " 23--Boat Docks on Miss. River re: Notice from Army Corps of 336 Engrs ............................................... Sept. 7--Bridge, re: Discussion of names for new Dbq.-Wis. Bridge... ........... 351,374, 379, 413, 444 " 7--Block Grant Project re: Pub. of Notice of Environ. Review Findings for FDL Foods UDAG ...................... 344-345, 393 " 7--Brueck Rd., Response by Mgr. to J. Oruber Petition ......... 349 7--Beck, Roger M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 347 7--Board of Trustees of Fire & Police Pension Systems re: Submit- 347 ting Financial Report ................................... " 13--Bonds Sale A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Loan Agreement etc.. 351-354 " 13--Boettcher, Thomas re: Applicant for TV Cable Tel~-Prog. 355 " 13--Bonds, FDL Food, Inc ............................... 368 368 ,, 20--Berg, Mary M., Claim ................................... ,, 20_Burgart, Rebecca, objecting to video arcade installation ...... 368 Oc,t,.4--Boiler Installation Project for Five Flags Theater ........... 373 4--Braun, Steven F. appointed to the Electrical Examining Bd... 377 " 4--Benson, Mrs. Richard, Claim, Denial ...................... 378, 439 " 4--Bitter, Attorney for Darrel Jones, suit for personalinjuries .... 378 " ll--Blum, Wm. requesting approval to execute Agreement on behalf of City approving exp. of $1,130 as penalties to Ia. 385 Bureau of Labor ....................................... .386 " 11--Backes, Ronald, Claim .................................. " 11--Blum, Ass't City Attorney, advising petition has been filed relative to hazard areas near the Airport ................... 387 388 ,, 18_Bit thright Week, Proclamation ........................... " 18--Bible (National) Week, Proclamation ................. ~ .... 388 ,, 18_Busing. School and Public Transit, re: duplication of serwces. · 388, 389 Nov. 1--Bahl, Michael J., Claim ................................. 397 " 1--Budget (FY 84) City Mgr. Submitting Summary of 398 Meetings ............................................. " 8--Bertsch, Attorney rep. C. Burbach requesting adoption of Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer Project ............... 399, 436 " 8--Burbach, Carl, requesting adoption of Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer Project ................................. 399, 436 8--Bisseli, Marian O., reappointed to Dock Bd ................. 403 8--Blakeman, Renald, Refund request for Liquor License ........ 404 " 15--Burden Property re: discussion on acceptance of Four Mounds gift for park, etc ................. . ...................... 406, 435 " 15--Butt, Homer P & Z denying zomng reclassification on pro- petty east of Southway between Dana Dr. & Asbury Rd ...... 407 409 ,, 15--Bistro, Cigerette Permit ................................ " 15--Blum, Attorney Bill submitting Opinina re: Conditional Use permit to Area Residential Care, Inc ...................... 411 " 22--Burroughs re: Lease Agreement between City & Data Network 415 & Burroughs ...................... ' .................... ,, 22_Bnilding Code Advisory & Appeals Bd. Submitting Minutes. ' · 416 Dec. 6--Brice, Petrides & Assoc., Inc. re: Engineering firm for Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location Study .................. 423 6--Billington, Mary re-appointed to Comm. Devel. Corem ........ 433 6--Benevolnat & Protective Order of Elks, Class "C" Beer & Li- 433 quor License .......................... ; ............ i i' 433 6--Blelle, Joseph F., Class "C" Beer & Liquor L~cense ......... 434 6--Becket, Thomas~ Claim ................................. INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Dec. 13--Board of Realtors P & Z submitting answer to letter re: Zon- ing Ordinance ......................................... 439 ' 13--Bnard of Realtors re: continuing effort to develop comm. sup- port ................................................. 439 " 20--Bakakos, Fr. Timothy, Invocation ........................ 440 " 20--Bertolini, Angelina, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 442 " 20--Bleck Grant Funds (Calendar Year 1983) re: Proof of publica- tion on intent to file a request for release of same ............ 443 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 4--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 1 4--City Clerk Mary A. Davis appointed ...................... 1 4--Corporation Counsel Russo appointed & resigned ............ 1 4--City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart appointed .............. 2 4--Corporation Council position opened ...................... 3 4--Charter of the City Embodying new form of government presented ............................................ 3 4--Clarke College, Class "B" Beer Permit & Cigarette Permit.. 6, 239, 442 4--CABLE COMMISSION·Tele~programming Submitting Minutes: ......... 6, 52, 108, 146, 185, 241,302, 312, 367, 393, 410, 443 " 4--CABLE COMMISSION - Regulatory Submitting Minutes:. ·. 6 26 75, 108, 161,264 302 312 335 356, 378, 397, 416, 443 " 4--Cedar Rapids TV Co. subnuttmg Petition re KDUB TV, Inc. s Petition for Waiver of Certain of Comm.'s Eules ............. 6 " 11 --City Council, Special Session ............................. 8 " 11--Community Development Comm. appointment of R. Fisch & T.P. Mflbrandt ........................................ 14 ' 11--Chamber of Commerce, Convention & Visitors' Bureau, ap- pointment of C. M. Beurskens to same ..................... 15 " ll--Crime Comm. (Northeast Ia.), C.M. Deich chosen to serve on 15 same ................................................ " Il--Claims & Receipts for month of Nov., Proof of publication ..... 16 " 18--City Council, Special Session ............................. 17 ' 18--Capital Improvement Program, submitted by Mgr ........... 21 " 18--Cavanaugh, Donald G., Claim ............................ 22 "25--City Council, Special Session ............................. 24 "25--Central Ave. at 14th St. re: Agreement between City & Ia. DOT ................................................ 24 Fe,b,. 1--City Cou,ncil, Regular Session ............................ 29 i--Children s Dental Health Month, Proclamation ............. 29 1--Cedar Cross Read Water Main Extension Project. 30, 31, 48, 49, 71,321 1--Crescent Ridge Water Main Extension Project.. · 30, 31, 48, 49, 71,321 " 1--Crescent Court Water Main Extension Project... 30, 31, 48, 49, 71,321 " 1--City Mgr. Old Main Historic Preservation District ........... 31 " 1--Corp. Counsel "Hold Harmless" Clause for Square Dancing Convention ........................................... 33 " 1--City Mgr. Transmission of FY '83 Budget .................. 34 ' 1--Closed Session re: Provide direction relative to pending litiga- tion ............................................. 34, 46, 47, 52 1 --Clancy, Rita, Liquor License & Cigarette Permit ............. 34, 239 1--COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMM. Submitting Minutes: ................... 34, 62, 104, 155,241,302, 378, 404, 438 1--Cedar Rapids Television Co. re: Reply to Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration in the matter of KDUB~TV, Petition for Waiver of Section 76.92(g) of the Comm.'s Rules ............. 35 8--City Council, Special Session ............................. 36 8--CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Submitting Minutes ...... ....................................... 46, 62, 75, 129, 347, 378 8--Claims and Receipts for Dec., 1981 ........................ 46 8--Civil Aeronautics Bd. re: Notice to Suspend Service (Ozark) at Ft. Dodge & Mason City ................................ 46 8--Cedar Cross Road re: Discussion relative to Nemmers' Lawsuit .............................................. 47 " 15--City Council, SpecialSession ............................. 48 " 15--Community Mental Health Center re: Funding for Inf. & Reft Services .............................................. 52 " 15--Chapman, Cindy re: Funding for Inf. & Ref. Services ......... 52 " 15--Chapman, Michael re: Funding for Inf. & Reft Services ....... 52 " 15--Carpenter, Richard objecting to heavy traffic on O'Hagen St.. 53 " 22--City Council, SpecialSession ............................. 54 " 22--City Mgr. submitting Resolutions for FY '83 Budget ......... 55 " 22--City Mgr. approving Tax Exempt Applications for Urban Revit. Areas .......................................... 57 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Feb. 22--Capital Improvement Program re: Setting Date for Public Hrg. on same .............................................. 56 "22--Community Development Block Grant Funds re: Authorizing publication of Notice of P. Hearing for same ................ 56, 57 " 22--City Mgr. approving Tax Exempt Applications for Urban Revit. Areas .......................................... 57 " 22--Central Market, re: Ord. revising fees, etc .................. 60 " 22--Computerized scanning check,out re: requested changes in Oed ................................................. 63 " 22--Comm. Dev. Block Grant Funds re: allocation for 1982 ....... 63 "25--City Council, Special Session ............................. 65 " 25--Corporation Counsel resumes submitted, voting for individuals to set up interviews for position of Corporation Counsel ....... 65 Mar. 1--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 67 8~City Council, Regular Adjourned Session .................. 68 8--Code Supplement No. 11 submitted ....................... 72 8--City Mgr. requesting to enter agreement with auditors Helle, Klosteman, etc ........................................ 72 8--Council proceedings for month of Dec., 1981, approved ....... 75 8--Civil Aeronautics Bd. advising of MVA suspending air trans. at Clinton & Ottumwa, & Ozark to suspend service at Ft. Dodge & Mason City ................................... 76 8--Claims, Receipts, proof of publication for Jan. '82 submitted... 76 8--Corp. Counsel submitting denial of claims .................. 76 8--Christ, Thomas, Claim, settlement ........................ 76, 129 " 10--City Council, Special Session ............................. 78 " 10--Community Development Dept. re: budgetary comments by League rep ........................................... 79 10--City Council, budgetary comments ........................ 80 10--City Mgr.'s Office, budgetary comments ................... 80 10--City Clerk's Office, budgetary comments, and authorizations.. 81, 85 10--CIP (Cap. Improvements Budget), re: FY '83 Budget ........ 81, 84, 86 10--Communicatlons Center, re: discussion of funding for FY '83.. 82 10--Comm. Development Dept. re: FY '83 Budget ............... 82 10--Civic Center Dept., re: FY '83 Budget ..................... 83 10--County-City Reciprocal Agreement re: Library Use .......... 83 10--Couler Valley/Toe of Bluff Feasibility Study, re: amendment of monies for FY '83 ...................................... 84 " 10--Classification (Pay) Study, budget authorization ............ 85 " 10--Corporation Counsel's Dept., budgetary authorizations ....... 85 " 10--Contrlbution of Purchase of Services, re: budget authoriza- tions ................................................ 85 " 10--Chamber of Commerce, re: budget authorizations etc ......... 86 " 10--Cats, Licensing, approved ............................... 87 " 15--City Council, Special Session ............................. 87 " 15--Comm. Development Block Grant Funds, re: Resolution authorizing submission of request for release of funds etc ..... 100 15--Comm. Development Block Grant Project re: authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings ...... 102 " 15--Cable Commission (Tele-Programming) declaring C. George Biasi's seat vacant ..................................... 103 22--City Council, Special Session ............................. 106 22--Central Ave. & 10th St. re: traffic signal improvements etc .... 107 22--City Mgr. presenting revised detailed & CIP budget .......... 110 22--Corporation Counselpositlon re: withdrawal of Jim Reynolds.. 109 22--CIP Budget, revised, submitted by Mgr ................... 110 29--City Council, Special Session ............................. 111 29--Corporation Counsel, position interviews of Lindahl, Naughton and Stark ............................................ 111 Ap,r. 3--City Council, Special Session ............................. 112 3--Corporatlon Counsel appointed (Harley Stark) .............. 112 5--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 113 7--City Council, Regular Adjourned Session .................. 113 " 7--Cancer Control Month, Proclamation ...................... 114 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page 7--City Island re: referendum for baseball/softball complex ...... 123 7--Complex, baseball/softball, referendum for same ............ 123 7--Community Development Block Grant Projects re: E. llth St. Roadway Improvements .............................. .. 124 7--Civil Service Comm. reappointment of Dolores A. Reihle ...... 127 " 7--Claims, and Receipts for month of February, Proof of Publics- 129 tion ................................................. " 7--City Budget, summary of adopted, proof of publication ....... 129 " 7--Civil Aeronautics Bd. advising of Order extending requirement to provide essential air transportation by Ozark Air Lines at 130 Ft. Dodge & Mason City ................................ 7--Civil Service Commission certifying 2nd list of 10 applicants 180 for Firefighter ......................................... 132 i2--City Council, Special Session ............................. 12--Cable Television re: Ord. pr_oviding for subscriber rates ....... 183 12--City Mgr.'s Con~rac~, Adopted with revisinns(s) ............. 136 12_City Council Meeting rescheduled ......................... 136 19--City Council, Special Session ............................. 138 19--City & Dubuque Arboretum Assn. re: Agreement ............ 140 19--Central Ave. 12250-2252) denial of rezoning request .......... 142 " 19--CAB Re: Order appointing Appeals Panel of air trans, at Ft. Dodge ............................................... 146, 161 " 19--Council Proceedings (Printed), approved for Jan.. 1982 ....... 146 " 26--City Council, SpecialSession ............................. 148 " 26--Comm. Devel. Block Grant Projects re: Request for release of 148 funds .............................................. 152 May 3 --City Council, Regular Session ............................ " 3--Cable Car Sq. Assn. re: Flying Flags in area ................. 155 " 3--City Mgr. submitting Ord. amending Ch. 27 (Park-Rec. 155 Facilities) .................................. . .......... 157 3--City Mgr. re: Replacement Service Truck for Transit ......... 3--Chamber of Commerce re: Agreement with City re: Economic Development Services .................................. 159 " 17--City Council, Special Session ............................. 162 " 17--Carroll, Thomas J. re: Hearings/Suspensions of Beer Violaters. 169 " 17--Conzett, Atty. Wm., for R. Wagner re: Revocation of Beer Per- 170 17--Cable re: Installation of Twinaxial for DB&T between 7th & 176 8th St ............................................... " 17--C.D. Block Grant re: Authorizing Filing of Program State- 177 meat ................................................ " 17--Code of Ordinances, adoption Supplement No. 12 ............ 178 ' 17--Citatlon re: Notices of same etc. relative to violation of beer or 179 liquor license changed .................................. " 17--Cable Regulatory Comm. re: submission of Resignation of Gary Emenitove ....................................... 182 " 17--Cable Regulatory Comm. appointment of David J. Arnold ..... 183 " 17--Canfield Hotel, Cigarette Permit ......................... 184 " 17--Colligan, DanielM., claim ............................... 185 ,, 17_Cer tiBcate of Merchants Bonding Co. advising of authorizati°n to transact business of Fidelity & Surety Insurance .......... 186 June 7--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 188A 7--Comm. Devel. Funds re: using same for Ice Harbor Museum/ Riverfront Tourist Access ............................... 191 7--Cheney, Sherry, re: leading Brownie troops in requesting com- 195 pletion of Bike Trail. · ...... 7--Civll Defense re: Petition expressing support of a Referendum prior to any participation in any federally funded plan or pro- gram of civil defense .................................... 196 7--City Flag, re: Ordinance adopting same .................... 197 7--Contract with Project Concern covering mini-bus operation. · · 198 7--Chamber of Commerce for Cony. & Visitor's Council re: Pur- chase of Services Agreement with City .................... 198 " 7--Central Ave. at 22nd St. Traffic Signal Modification re: Final Estimate. Accepting Improvements etc ................... 199, 200 " 7--C.K. of Dubuque, Cigarette Permit ........................ 201 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page June 7--Casey's General Store, Cigarette Permit ................... 201 7--Chateau Supper Club, Cigarette Permit .................... 201 7--Corbett's Cash Grocery, Cigarette Permit .................. 201 7--Cremer Grocery Co., Inc., Cigarette Permit, & Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................... 201,202 7--Council Proceedings (Printed) for mo. of Feb.. approved ....... 203 7--Conlan, Terry, denial of claim ............................ 203 7--Cable TV Complaints of A. Weitz & Mrs. R.B. Tritech ........ 204 7--Caldwell, Rev. Robert, Gave Invocation .................... 206 7--Carleton D. Beh Co. re: submission of bids for Urban Renewal Tax Inc .............................................. 211 " 21 --City Council, Special Session ............................. 206 " 21--Comm. Devel. Block Grant Project re: Notice of Environ. Review Findings ....................................... 234 " 21--Collection Accounts re: Dellnquent Refuse, added to taxes .... 234,235 " 21--Civic Center Comm. appointments of Oehrle & Rafoth ........ 236 " 21--Cable TV Regulatory Comm. Jim Renier appointment to same. 237 " 21--Cable TV Tel~Programming Comm. of Bakke, Hoffman- Attaway, & Stribling. .................................. 237 " 21--Central Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 " 21--Crane Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permlt & Refund .......... 238,411 " 21--Copper Kettle, Cigarette Permit .......................... 238 " 21--Club House, Cigarette Permit ............................ 239 " 21--Coach House, Cigarette Permit ........................... 239 " 21 --Cooper Wagon Works, Cigarette Permit ................... 239 " 21--Council Proceedings (printedl approved for Mar. & April ...... 241 " 21--Complex (Park & Rec.) at City Island, results of Special Elec- tion ................................................. 242 " 21--City Island, re: Park & Rec. Complex Special Election ........ 242 " 28--City Council, Special Session ............................. 244 " 28--Corp. Counsel CONTRACT re: approval of same for Harley Stark. Jr ............................................. 244 Ju!,y 5--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 246 5--City Council, Regular Adjourned Session .................. 247 5--Chavenelle, Marjorie T. re: objecting to Zoning Change for greenhouses .......................................... 247 5--Concrete Project re: 1982 City of Dubuque, procedural resolu- tions etc ...................................... 248-250; 279-281 5--City of Dubuque 1982 Concrete & Asphalt Paving Project .... ............................................. 248-250; 279-281 " 5--Conner, Lucy, as Noise Counselor re: Airport Zoning ......... 252 " 5--Code Supplement No. 13, adopted ........................ 259 " 6--Comm. Devel. Block Grant Agreement with HUD re: approval of amt. for 12 mo. period ................................ 259 " 6--Comm. Devel. Block Grant Funds re: release of same for Old Main St. area ......................................... 260 " 6--Country Pride Inn, Cigarette Permit ...................... 262 6--Creslanes Bowling, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 262, 263 6--Cue Master Billiards, Cig. Permit ......................... 262 6--Choral Club, Cig. Permit ................................ 263 6--Council Proceedings, printed, approved for May ............. 263 6--Corp. Counsel re: Fischer Tax Appeal ...................... 264 6--Corps. of Engrs. re: Public Notice advising that R. Kehl pro- poses to perform work with construction of access ramp and mooring of a barge ..................................... 265 6--Cable Franchise Mrs. Tritsch submitting comments ......... 265 6--Cable Regulatory Comm. re: Submission of Annual Report .... 265 6--Cable Tele-Programming Comm. re: Submission of Annual Report ............................................... 265 6--Claims re: Proof of publication of same for May ............. 265 " 19--City Council, Special Session ............................. 267 " 19--County Property (Hwy. #20 & #416) rezoning, p & Z recommen- ding denial of request for same for M. He]ling & M. McNamer.. 268 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Ju,!y 19--Corner Tavern, Cigarette Permit ......................... 271 19--Cassville re: Notice from Corps. of Engrs. re: Work performed on river construction wing dam and closing dam ............. 272 " 19--Civil Aeronautics Bd. advising of Intent of Ozark Airlines re- quiring to provide essential air service at Ft. Dodge & Mason City ..................................... 273, 349, 379, 398, 435 " 19--Comm. of Swiss Valley Farms re: favoring HI zoning for area east of Central Ave. from Old City Limits north ............. 273 274 ,, 28_CityCouncfl, SpecialSession ............................. Au,,g. 2--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 277 2--Certificate of City Clerk certifying notices were mailed re: 1982 279 Concrete Paving Project ................................ " 2--Carlsen, G. Bert, Jr. objecting to McCormick St. Paving Project. 280 " 2--Correction of improper legal description re: Ord. amend. Ord. 286 5-82 ................................................. 2--Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project, final resolutions, etc., adopting final assessment schedule ....... 2--Contributlons Contract (Annual) re: Execution 2--City Sealer of Weights & Measures re: Ord. establishing same. 297 2--City Code updated relative to weights and measures ......... 297, 298 2--Comm. Dev. Block Grant Project re: Publication of Notice of Environ. Reveiw Finding re: A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Project. 298 2--Central Market re: Setting standard Weights & Measures ..... 298 2--Corbett, Earl G., Class "C' Beer Permit ................... 301 , 2--Cue Master Billiards re: request to see if in violation of Code.. · 302 " 2--Christensen, Ronald J., Claim, denial ..... .302 335 " 2--Corporation Counsel re: Order of Judge Deguan concerning 303 1978 Fischer Tax Appeals ............................... 2--Civil Aeronautics Bd. ICAB) advising of Order extending re- 303 qulremente to provide essential air transportation by Ozark,.. 2--Crescent Ridge re: A1 Polsean complaining of City handling. 303 303 2--Closed Session, re: Pending litigation ...................... 305 9--City Council, Special Session ............................. 9--Carew, Alan J. (Atty) rep. Martin Luther Home requesting is- 307 suance of Health Care Rev. Bonds ........................ 9--Central Ave. Street Lighting and Traffic Signal Interconnect from 16th St. to 22nd St. Project, final resolutions, etc ........ 310-311 9--Chicagn, Milwaukee RR, Ia. DOT and City as to reconstruction project of E. llth St. RR Crossing ........................ 311 " 9--Church of the Nativity, Beer Permit and refund ............. 312, 368 " 16--City Council, Special Session ............................. 314 ,, 16_Clinic Rev. Bonds re: for the Graham Group IMercy Clinic Pr°' ject) ...................................... 314-317,340, 341,412 " 16--Christensen's re: rezoning property at 2637 Windsor ......... 317 " 16--Comm. Devel. Bleck Grant Project re: release of funds re: A.Y. 320 McDonald Mfg. Co ............................... . ...... " 16--Chicago, NW. Trans. Co. re: City's purchase of Certain r~ght-of- 322 ways ................................................ " 16--City's purchase of certain abandoned right-of-ways by 322 Chicago, NW RR ...................................... ,, 16_Cable Rates for Radio & TV Salce & Service, re: Ordinance set- ting..; .............................................. 16--Charlie s Place, re: approval of final plat ................. 16--Cornlsh, Louis, claim ................................... 18--City Council, Special Session ............................. 18--Closed Session re: discussion of pending litigation ........... 23--City Council, Special Session ............................. 23--Consultant Services in the matter of FDL Foods, Inc. UDAG 333 Project .......... :,. ,. ................................ ,, 23--Carthew, Inc. Class C Bcer&LiquorLicense .......... 335 " 23--City Government section of Library Trustee Policies referred to the Corp. Counsel for clarification ...................... 335 323 324 326 327 327 328 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Aug. 23--Compensation Commission re: Notice of Appeal from Fischer Investment Co. appealing condemnation award ............. 335 " 23--Corps. of Engrs. re: advising of Public Hearing re: construction of wing dike on Mississippi .............................. 335 " 23--Corps. of Engrs. re: advising of proposal to authorize in- dividual activities under a general permit for the construction of boat docks on Mississippi ..... . ........................ 336 Sep,,t. 6--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 337 7--City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ...... ,, ............ 338 7--Cancer (National) Day, Proclamation ...................... 338 7--Chaplaln Schmitt Memorial Island re: Discussion of name & re- quest to erect marker; Construction Project ................ .................................... 341,374, 384, 403, 406, 418 7--City Island, re: Naming as "Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island". ............................. 341,374, 384, 403, 406, 418 7--CORRECTION of Ord. 40-82 by 52-82 re: One-Way Streets .... 343 7--Community Devel. Block Grant Project re: Res. Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for FDL Foods, Inc. UDAG Project .......................... 344-345 7--Cable Tele-Programming Comm. Michele Hoffman-Attaway resignation ........................................... 347 7--Civil Service Comm. Resignation of Ann Smith .............. 347 7--Clarke College transfer of Beer License... .................. 347,393 7--Claims & Receipts for Month of July Submitted ............. 348 7--Certiflcate of City Clerk re: Notices mailed of Assessments re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ........................... 348 7--Corps of Engrs. re: Advising of Cancellation of 9-15 Meeting... 349 7--Corridor Study on proposed Cedar Cross Extension, objection by C. Gflliam .......................................... 349 " 7--Capital Projects (FY '82) re: City Mgr. informing on in- completed ones ........................................ 349 "13 --City Council, Special Session ............................. 351 " 13--Churchill, Tom, appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Corem ..... 355 " 13--Corp. Counsel re: Opinion as to bylaws of Library Bd ......... 356 " 13--Civil Aeronautics Bd. re: Docket concerning Order on air trans., replace air carriers, & subsidy rates ................. 356 " 13--Cavanaugh, Donald G., Denial of Claim .................... 357 " 20--City Council, Special Session ............................. 363 " 20--Comm, Development Block Grant Documents re: Public. of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection ................. 365 " 20--Civil Service Connn. appointment of Gerald J. Kopges ........ 366 " 20--Council Proceedings for June, approved as amended ......... 367 " 27--City Council, Special Session ............................. 369 " 27--C.D. Block Grant Funds re: submission of request for release of funds for FDL Foods, Inc ............................... 369 Oct. 4--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 371 " 4--Clarke Crest Estates Sub. re: vacation of public utility ease- ment ................................................ 371,388 " 4--Community Development Block Grant ~unds re: authorization to transfer same ....................................... 372 " 4--Consent Decree re: Wastewater Treatment Plant, Mayor to sign; Amendment ...................................... 372, 422 " 4--Claims and Receipts for month of Aug. (Proof of pub.) submit- ted .................................................. 379 4--Code Supplement No. 14, Adopted ........................ 375 ' 11--City Council, Special Session ............................. 381 " 11--Carew, Atty. Allan, filing claim for M/M Virgil T. Mullin ...... 386 "18--City Council, Special Session ............................. 388 " 18--County Bd..of Supervisors request traffic engrg, study at 7th and Central ........................................... 389, 435 " 18--Central & 7th St. re: request by County Bd. for Traffic Study.. 389 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Nov. 18--Cul~de'sac at Rhomberg re: acceptance of Warranty Deed from Paul E. and Teresa D. Wagner and Leslie L and Patricia 390 Furuseth ............................................. " 18--Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II, re: Eminent Domain 391 proceedings started .................................... " 18--Cock N Bull, Inc., Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer & Liquor 392 License .............................................. 395 No,,v. 1 --City Council, Regular Session ............................ 1--Cablecasts re: purchase of better moritoring equipment at Council Chambers & Library for meetings .................. 395 1 --Corp. Counsel Stark, re: possibility of drafting Ord. that would allow residents to call police to tow vehicles that have parked in areas snow shoveled out by owners ...................... 396 1--City Mgr. submitting summary of Meetings on FY 84 Budge. 398 1--Cohimbia Street and Pleasant St., re: petition to retain street 398 light ................................................. 399 8--City Council, Special Session ...... : .................... 8--Community Development Commission appointment of Mellta A. Smith and F.M. Hellert ............................... 403 8--Clark, Hugh D., Applicant for Plumbing Bd ................ 403 8--Claims. James T., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 404 8--Claims for September, submitted (Proof of Pub.) ............ 404 " 15--City Council, Special Session ............................. 406 - 15_Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Grading, Drainage & R°ad- way Project ....................................... 406, 418, 419 " 15--Cancellation of Sublease with Dubuque Marina Lombard[/ 408 Streff ................................................ " 15--Chamber of Commerce re: quarterly report on Convention & 411 Visitors Bureau ....................................... " 15--Convention and Visitor's Bureau Quarterly Report by 411 Chamber of Commerce ....................... 412 " 22--City Council, Special Session ............................. " 22--Curbside Telephone re: request by Northwestern Bell & denial by Council ................................. 413~414 " 22--Community Development Block Grant re: Filing of Program 414 Statement ............................................ " 22--Community Development Block Grant Projects re: Authoriz- ing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings.. · 415 " 22--City of Dubuque Lease agreement between Burroughs & Data 415 Network ............................................. " 22--Capital Tobacco Corp. Cigarette Permit .................... 415 " 22--Computer Services re: Lease Agreement between City, Bur- roughs & Data Network ................................. 415 ,, 22--Council Proceedings (Prlnted) for month of Augnst ....... 416 Dec. 6--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 418 6--Comm. Development Block Grant Funds re: Loan Agreement providing for Loan to FDL Foods, Inc ..................... 421 6--Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location Study re: Brice, Petrides as Engineering Firm ............................ 423 6--Central Ave. to Kerper Blvd. re: reconstruction project for E. 11th St. reconstruction ................................. 426, 427 6--Community Development Block Grant Funds re: Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Pro- jects re: Public Improvements; Rehab Loans & Grants; Emergency Home Repair; Tool Lending Library; Washington ....... 428, 429 Tool Library; etc ............................... " 6--Certification re: Mayor authorized to execute pertairlng to the Environment Reveiw Procedures ......................... 430 " 6--Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab. Housing Program with HUD ...................... 430 " 6--Cats re: recognizing of three year immunizations ............ 431 6--Combustible liquid storage re: setting fees & annuallicense. · · 431,432 6--Community Development Comm. appointment of Mary Bill- 433 ington ............................................... INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Dec. 6--Community Planning and Development Division of HUD re: completion of review of Grantee Performance Report ......... 434 " 13--City Council, Special Session ............................. 436 " 13--"Caroling, Caroling" recording by Senior High School Choir presented to Mayor .................................... 436 " 13--Cable Service (TV) Rate Increase, requested etc ............. 437 " 13--Claims/Expenditures for month of October, Proof of publica- tion ................................................. 438 " 20--City Council, Special Session ............................. 440 " 20--Citizen of the Year Award to Daniel K. Dittemore ............ 440 " 20--Code of Ordinances, Supplement No. 15 Adopted ........... 441 " 20--Code elimination for City to process applications for agricultural land credits ................................ 441 " 20--Council Proceedings for Sept., approved as amended ......... 443 " 20--Casanova, Joseph S. objecting to raising price of Cable TV rates ................................................ 443 " 20--Cable TV Rates re: Objection to raising same ............... 443 " 20--Cart, Rich, Petitioning for adequate Human Rights funding... 444 " 20--Closed Session re: Discussion of pending litigation ........... 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan, Mar. D 4--Davis, Mary A., appointed City Clerk ..................... 1 4--Deich, Donald, Sr., sworn in as Council Member (3rd Ward) . . . 1 4--Deposltories named (Banks) for City's money ............... 1 4--Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. named depository .............. 3 4--Dubuque Girl's Club demolition postponed ................. 5 4--Dix, Win. opinion as to new Council mistakes ............... 7 Il--Dubuque Retired Teachers Day etc. Proclamation ........... 8 11--Dubuque Jaycee Week, Proclamation ..................... 8 ll--Don's Transmission Service re: request to rezone property on 30th St. between Elm & Jackson Sts .................... 11, 29, 158 11--Dodge, Bluff & Locust St. Intersections re: Positive Guidance Demonstration Project .............................. 12, 123, 124 11 --Daich, Council Member, submitting Anti-Gag Resolution ..... 13, 50 ll--Dock Commission appointments of Victor J. Grice & John J. Waltz ................................................ 14 11--DMATS, re: incorporation of all Council Members in same .... 15 il--Dubuque In Futuro, Inc., appointment of Council Member Kluesner and Buerskens to same ......................... 15 11--Dubuque County Municipal Defense Agency, Mayor Brady to 15 serve on same ......................................... 18--Dubuque to Wis. Brudge, re: street improvements ........... 21 18--Dock Comm. resignation of Wm. Woodward ................ 21 18--DEQ requesting comments on proposal to expand applicability of state rule on open burning ............................. 23 25--David, Lowell R. re: objection to noise and speeding on Shiras Ave ................................................. 25 25--Dept. of Environmental Quality re: Open Burning ........... 25 1--Dental Health Month (Children's), Proclamation ............ 29 1--Dubuque Sesquicentennial, Establishing 1983 .............. 32 1--Dock Bd. re: Composition and Ord. presented to increase mem- bers .......................................... 33, 51, 59, 72, 73 8--DMATS Policy Comm., re: Raft Study ..................... 42 8--December, 1981 - List of Claims & Receipts ................. 46 8--December, 1981 - Monthly reports submitted by Mgr ........ 46 8--Dubuque Symphony Orchestra re: Support for Inf. & Ref. Agency .............................................. 46 15--DMATS Policy Comm. re: Rail Study ..................... 51 15--DOCK BOARD Submitting Minutes: ..................... .................. 52, 104, 129, 185, 241, 264, 272, 302, 397, 411,434 15--Davis, Bruce, objecting to any Park fees ................... 53 15--Dubuque County Assn. for Retarded Citizens re: Funding for Inf. & Ref ............................................ 52 15--Delaney, Teresa re: Funding for Inf. & Ref .................. 52 15--Downtown Assn. re: Funds for Old Main St. Redevelopment Dis .................................................. 53 22--Denlinger, Norma re: Urban Revit. application .............. 58 22--Dolan, Mary, re: Fees for tennis courts ..................... 62 22--Dubuque Federation of Labor re: Funding for Inf. & Ref ...... 63 25--Devine, Michael B., Resume submitted for Corp. Counsel ..... 65 8--Dock Bd. re: Lease & Agreement between Bd. & Dbq. Dock Co. 70 8--Dubuque Dock Co. re: Lease & Agreement between Bd. & themselves ........................................... 70 8--Daugherty, Greg of Save-U-More re: Unit Pricing ............ 70 8--Dubuque Area United Participation Comm. re: Unit Pricing Code ................................................ 70 8--Dillon, Pat of Local 94 UAW, re: Unit Pricing ............... 71 8--Dubuque Marina, re: Lease between City & themselves ....... 71 8--Dock Bd. re: resignation of V. Grice & new appointment(s) .... 73 8--Donovan's Foods, Cigarette Permit ....................... 75, 238 8--December, 1981, Printed Proceedings approved by Council .... 75 8--Dubuque Marina, Cigarette Refund Request ................ 76 8--Dolphin, Michael J, Claim: Denial ........................ 76, 129 8--Driscoll, Mrs. Milton, Claim; Denial ....................... 76, 129 10--Dolan, Mary re: Objecting to fees for City Parks ............. 78 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 10--Dubuque Child Care re: Concerns over Library Budget Cuts... 78 10--Deans, Wayne, re: Opinion as to FY '83 Budget ............. 79 10--Dock Commission.re: FY '83 Budget Session ................ 80 10--Dix, Wm., Objections as to FY '83 Budget .................. 80 10--Disaster Services, FY '83 Budget Funding ................. 82 10--Dog Licensing; Changing of fees for neutered ............... 82, 87 10--Director of Park & Recreation - Establishment of same ....... 83 15--Dubuque- Wisconsin Bridge, Interim Street Improvements Projects .................................... 94-96, 114, 115, 144 " 15--Denlinger, Charles, Claim; Denial ......................... 104,203 " 15--Davis, Lowell, re: Closing Park Gate Early ................. 105 , 15--Dubuque Dock Comm. re: Amendment to Lease between City &DockCo ............................................ 106 " 22--Dodge St. re: Petition requesting lower speed limits .......... 109 "22--Dubuque Golf & Country Club re: Firework Display .......... 109 Apr.7--Dodge (& Bluff & Locust) Intersection re: Positive Guidance Demonstration Project ................................. 123, 124 7--Durham, Paul, applicant for Transit Bd .................... 128 7--Deggendor f, James J., Petitioning to change tatoaing laws .... 129 7--Dubuque Federation of Labor urging stclctor enforcement of Ord. regulating vandalism etc. in City Parks ................ 130 7--Disorderly conduct, subject addressed re: City Parks ......... 130 " 12--Davls, Lowell, requesting better traffic control on Shiras Ave.. 133 " 12--Dolan, John requesting law enforcement betterment near Eagle Point ........................................... 133 " 12--Donovan, M.L., Refund requested ........................ 137 ' 19--Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, re: Amendment to Same ..... 140 " 19--Deich, C. Member re: Amendment to Ord. re: Sale of Beer etc.. 145 " 19--Do-Sac, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............. 145 " 19--Dubuque Area Safety Council re: Elimination of roadside hazards .............................................. 147 "26--Dubuque Savings and Loans, Claims ...................... 150 May 3--Dubuque Day of Prayer, Proclamation ..................... 152 " 3--Downtown Urban Renewal Project re: Amending Plan' to acquire & dispose of Security Bldg. ............... 152, 162, 206-220. " 3--Dubuque Arboretum Assn. re: Lease Agreement for properties in Marshall Park ....................................... 154 , 3--DoSac, Inc. d/b/a Molly Magnires, Cigarette Permit .......... 160 " 17--Dubuque Rescue Mission, Proclamation ................... 162 " 17--Dan Dittemeore, C.D. Director, Receiving "Eddy Award" .... 162 " 17--Disposition Documents re: Security Bldg. Project ........... 162 " 17--Dubuque Bank and Trust Co. re: Ord. allowing installation of twinaxial cable across alley .............................. 176 " 17--Director position of new Park & Rec. Comm., established ..... 180 " 17--Downs, Robert L., appointed to P & Z Corem ................ 182 " 17--Dubuque Inn, Cigarette Permits .......................... 184 " 17--Dubuque Packing Co, Cigarette Permits ................... 184 " 17--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Class "A" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 185 ' 17--DEQ, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................ 185 " 17--DOT (Ia.)re: Overpass repair on Hwy. 20 ................... 186 17--Dorweiler, Delos A, Communication @ Traffic Noise ......... 186, 349 June 7--Dock Comm. re: Lease & Subleases of Property in Ice Harbor.. ............................................. 191493, 220-225 7--Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Services Co. re: Agreement of right-of- way across Burlington Northern Trackage, Sublease of Proper- ty to Historical Society .......................... 191-192, 220-225 7--Dubuque County Historical Society re: Subleasing property from Robert's River Rides ............................... 191-193 7--Dubuque Packing Co. re: Warranty Deed of real estate (lot 2 of Block II of Dbq. Pack Co. Addn) to City ................... 200 7--Dip Tap, Cigarette Permit ...... ~ ........................ 201 7--Dan Kruse Pontiac, Cigarette Permit ...................... 201 7--Dodge House Motel, Cigarette Permit ..................... 201 7--Dodge St. IOCO #33, Cigarette Permit ..................... 201 7--Dog House Lounge, Cigarette Permit ...................... 201 INDEX -- BOOK 112 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page June 7--Dubuque Invitational Softball Tournament, re: Beer Permit 202 Transfer ............. ,',' , ............................. 202 7--Dalsing, Lloyd A., Class C Beer & Liquor License ........ 204 " 7--DOT re: location approvalof Project F-561-2 ................ 225 ,, 21_Dredge (Wm. F. Black) Sublease of Dbq. County Hist. S°ciety' ' 21--Dock Comm. re: Rescinding of lease with Miss. Valley Milk Prod. & proposed Lease with Katuin Bros .................. 227 21--Dbq. Assn. of Pro. Firefighters re: Acceptance of Agreement. 231 21--Delinquent Refuse Accounts re: Added to Taxes ............. 234 " 21--Deich, C. Member, re: Amendment to Housing Code ......... 236 " 21--Dock Comm. re: Submission of resignation of Hank Waltz ..... 236 " 236 "21--Dock Comm. appointment of E.A. Sanderson ........ iiii ii i 236 "21--Dock Comm. re: Ad Hoc Committee ................ .... 236 21--Duchaw, Frank, Applicant for Civic Center Corem ....... .... 238 21--Dave's Point After, Cigarette Permit .................. 238 21--Donut Boy, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 21--Dougherty's United, Cigarette Permit ..................... 238 21--Dubuque Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit ................. 238 21--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit ............ 238 21--Dubuque Sales & Service, Cigarette Permit ................ 21--Dubuque Zephyr, Cigarette Permit ....................... 238 21--Dubuque Building, Cigarette Permit ...................... 239 21--Dubuque Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit .............. 239 21--Dan's Super Standard, Cigarette Permit ................... 239 239 21--Demetri's, Cigarette Permit ............................. 239 21--Denny's Lux Club, Cigarette ..Permit ...... . ................ 239 21--Donu~t Hut, Ltd, 13 outlets), Cigarette Pernuts ............ 239 21 --Dunna's Conoco Service, Cigarette Permit ................. 239 21--Dubuque Mining Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 21--Do Sac, Inc. (Molly Magnires), Cigarette Permit ............. 239 240 21--Dubuque Art Assn., Class"B" Beer Permit ................ 245 21--Delinquent Refuse Accounts, Added to Taxes ............... Ju!,y 6--Dubuque City Human Rights Month, Proclamation .......... 247 6--Dock Bd. Recieeion of a lease between Dock and Mississippi 248 Valley and approval of lease by Katuin Bros ................ 6--Dubuque Industrial Center, re: Providing for Preliminary Development Plan ..................................... 251,284 6--Donovan's re: requesting change in parking near their 252 business ............................................. 6--Dubuque Municipal Airport, re: request to rezone land around ........ 252 Airport ...................................... 264 " 6--Dorweller, Delos A. re: drainage problem ................... ,, 19_Dubuque Packing Co. re: UD. ,AG. G~ra~nt~%etc... VL~ ~,~,;~in2967o~274' 275 19--Dedicatlon of Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge re funding etc. · · 270 " 270 ,, 19--Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge Dedication re: Funding etc ....... 271 " 19--Dale's Standard, Cigarette Permit ........................ 275 ,, 19_Dubuque Municipal Airport re: construction of hangar s ...... Au,,g. 2_Dubuque Cannty Fair Week, Pr0clamation ................. 277 2--Dubuque Golf & Country Club IBy A. Hughes) objecting to 279 Bradley St. reconstruction .............................. 2--DELETION of 1982 Concrete Paving Project (Bradley, McCormick & Stewarts Sts.) ............... ~ ..... ;;2 ' ' ' '5 280, 281 2--Diverter request for Lincoln/Knieet St. area, rot tramc prop- " . .................. 287,322 lems ............................. " 293 " 2--DMATS re: Amending Articles of Agreement for same ....... 2--Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge traffic, set up of 9th & 11th Ste. 295 as one~way ............................................ 2--Dubuque Ind. Center, approval of final plats for first, second and third additions ........................... ~;........,299, 300 2--Dubuque Humane Society, re: Agreement to provme ammai 300 shelter services for City ................................. 2--Deich, Council Member re: repair of pedestrian bridge across 301 Hwy. 20 .............................................. 1982 SUBJECT Page Aug. 2--Dubuque Packing Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 301 " 16--Dubuque Ind. Center re: Resolution approving Appraisal Find- ings for the Pricing of Disposition Sites .................... 318 " 16--Dubuque In Future re: requesting Resolution relative to "Price Structure" for Dbq. Ind. Center .......................... 318 16--Demmer, Mary L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 325 " 23--Dix. S.M. & Ia. Appraisal & Research Corp. & Development Planning & Research Ass. re: Consultant Services for FDL Project .............................................. 333 " 23--Development Planning & Research Ass. re: Consultant ser- vices for FDL Foods Project ............................. 334 Se,p,t. 7--Deliquent Sewer Accounts certified to County Treasurer ...... 346 7--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, re: street assessment objection. 348 7--Disposal Sites re: Corps. of Engrs. advising of permits for discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters ...... : ....... 349 "13--Don Apte. re: Petition of Al Hughes relative to zoning ........ 354 " 13--Disaster Services re: Providing for Joint County Municipal Administration .................................... 354, 366, 376 ' 13--Dubuque County Land Preservation re: C.M. Kronfeldt pointed to as Council Member representative ............... 355 " 13--Digman Realty re: objection concerning real estate taxes ..... 357 " 13--Dittemore re: Report of FDL Foods ....................... 357 " 20--Delaney, Daniel H., applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment... 367 " 20--Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc., Class "B" Beer & Liquor License. 367 " 20--Dubuque Savings & Loan etc. vs. Joseph Schueller & City- SUIT ................................................ 368 Oct. 4--Dubuque Jayeees re: transfer of Beer Permit ................ 377 4--Dubuque Savings and Loan Assn. vs. Louis T. Clark & City - SUIT ................................................ 378 ' ll--DAV Handicapped Parking Awareness Month, Proclamation.. 381 " 11--Doty, Nelda, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............. 386 Nov. 1--Dock Bd. requesting formage of subcommittee .............. 396 1--Dubuque In Future re: request by J. Felderman that Roy Sher- man be appointed to group .............................. 396 8--Dock Comm. re-appointment of Marian Bissell .............. 403 8--Danner, Joseph A., reappointed to Plumbing Bd ............. 403 8--Duhaque Packing Co., refund of Cigarette Permit ........... 404 8--Digman, Eldon B., re: "Old Girls' Club Bldg." . ............. 404 " 15--Davis, Officer Wm. re: requesting change in Residency Re- quirements for City Employees ........................... 408 " 15--Dock Comm. advising of cancellation of sublease with Dubu- que Marina/Streff/Lombardi and new sublease with Dubuque Marina/Lombardi ...................................... 408 " 15--Dubuque Marina re: cancellation of lease with Lombardi/Streff and approvalof new lease with Lombardi ................... 408 " 15--Deery, David re: Claim .................................. 411 " 15--Dubuque Savings and Loan vs. Louis & Mary Clark AND City, suit ................................................. 411 " 22--Data Network re: Lease between Burroughs, City & Data Net- work ................................................ 415 " 22--Dubuque Christians for a Just Society re: petition to eliminate discrimination event s ................................... 416 Dec. 6--Drugged & Drunk Driving (National), Proclamation .......... 418 " 6--Dean. Marie Simpson re: comments about Helistop near Finley Hospital ............................................. 421 ' 6--Demolition of Garage on White St., approval by Hist. Comm. & Council ............................. : ................ 428 ' 6--Deich; Council Member reporting on League of Municipalities meeting in LA ......................................... 435 " 13--Dubuque Ind. Center re: Tax Exemption application by A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. for new construction ................... 436 "13--Deferment request, re: Pfold property for Resurrection Church San. Sewer ........................................... 436 " 13--Design Center, Inc., Class "B" Beer & Liquor License ........ 438 ' 20--Dittemore, Danielawarded"CitizenofYearAward'. ........ 440 INDEX -- BOOK t12 1982 SUBJECT Page £ Jan. 11--Economic Development Re: Wm. Hammel appointed as 13 Liaison .............................................. " 11--ECIA (East Central Intergovernmental Assn.)- C.M. Rhonda Kronfeldt chosen to serve when vacancy ................... 15 ,, 18_ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD Minutes Submitted: ·. ..................................... 22, 104, 203,302, 366, 416 " 25--Eagle Point Park re: Discussion closing back gate early ....... 25 Feb. 1--Election re: Mayor Pro Tern .............................. 32 1--Elm St., re: Alley behind re: damage to utility lines etc. as stated by C. Woodman .................................. 35 · . · , ' 46 " 15--Engineer s re: National Engineer s Week Proclamation ...... 15--Ecumenlcal Towers re: Parking Petition by Irene Pins ........ 52 15--Easter Seal Weeks in Dubuque, Proclamation ............... 54 " 22--Environmental Review Findings for Certain C.D. Block Grant Projects, re: Publication etc .............................. 57 ,, 22--Eagles (Frat. Order of) Class "C" Liquor ................ ;" 62 Mar. 8--"Eddy Award" given to Tri-State Square and Round Dancing 68' Group ............................................... " 10--Ekdale, Lynne re: Objecting to Library Budget Cuts ......... 78 " 10--Eberhardt, Auleen, re: Objecting to Park User Fees .......... 79 " 10--Engling, Al, re: Civic Center usage and objecting to library 79 budget cuts ....................................... " 10--Engineering Dept. re: 1983 Budget discussion public Hearing,. 80 " 10--Eminent Domain Proceedings re: Res. Church Sanitary Sewer· 99 " 15--Environmental Assessment Review Findings for 11th St. Roadway Improvements ................................ 102 " 15--Eleventh St. Roadway Improvements re: Environ. Assess. Review Findings ....................................... 102 " 15--Eagle Point Bridge re: Demolition ........................ 104 " 22--Eberhardt, Auleen, appreciation of Budget ................. 110 Apr. 7--East Eleventh St. Reconstruction, from Central to Kerper; Project, Etc ........ 121-122; 124, 129, 138-139, 161,175, 342, 426, 427 7--Election, Special re: Baseball/Softball Complex on City Island. 123,242 7--Eminent Domain Proceedings re: Authorized to acquire pro- perties needed for the reconstruction of 11th St. from Central 125 to Kerper ............................................. " 7--Environmental Assessment Review Findings, re: Publication of same relative to Ice Harbor Museum]Riverfront Tourist Ac- 126 " 12--ECIA, re: Requesting P. Hrg. on State Transit Ass't Grant ap- 132 plication for Keyline .................................... " 12--Eagle Point Park, re: Petition for banning beer & closing gate 133 earlier ............................................... ,, 19_,,Eddy Award" presented to J.C. Penney Co ................ 138 " 19--Embassy West, Acceptance of Warranty Deed re: land related 143 to N/W Arterial ....................................... " 19--Excavation re: Request from Jack Jones for Hill St .......... 147 May 3--Economic Development Services re: Agreement between City 159 & Chamber of Commerce ................................ 3--Evening Optimist Club, Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 160 17--"Eddy Award" presented to Dan Dittemore ................ 162 " 17--Eagle Point Bridge re: Closing portion of Rhomberg Ave ...... 174 " 17--Emenitive, Gary, resignation from Cable Reg. Comm ......... 182 " 17--Ernst, Daniel P., applicant for P & Z Com~m ................. 182 " 17--Eagles Supermarket, Cigarette Permit ........... ;' '.'...,.. 184 June 7--Edwards re: 6 Mo. Extension for completion of final plans PUD Development of property located south of Patricia Ann 196 " 7--Executone Telephone Equipment, re: Response by Mgr. to Bd. 196 of Supervisors ......................................... ,, 21_Eagle Point Bridge, re: Closing of Rhomberg etc ............. 220,221 " 21--Electrical Bd. of Appeals re: appointment of David J. Meyer... 237 " 21--E1 Toro Lounge, Cigarette Permit ......................... 238 "21--Elks Club Lounge #297, Cigarette Permit .................. 239 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page June 21--Eagles (Frat. Order off, Cigarette Permit ................... 239 " 21--Eska Corporation, Cigarette Permit ....................... 239 " 19--Environmental Review Findings for A.Y. McDonald Const. Project, re: authorized publication of notice ................. 269 Aug. 2--Extension request on Preliminary Plan approval for proposed Willow Spring Plaza Development by J. Powers ............. 287 " 2--Eleventh St. (& 9th St.) at one way streets to facilitate bridge traffic ............................................... 295, 296 " 2--Evening Optimist Club, re: Refund on Beer Permit ........... 303 " 2--Executive Session re: discussion of litigation ............... 303, 327 " 9--Eleventh St. Raikoad Crossing re: reconstruction and Agree- ment between City and Chicago, Milwaukee Railroad etc ...... 311 " 12--Engling, A1 re: elimination of buses to John Deere Plant ...... 332 " 23--Endorsement of Activities conducted by For Profit Organiza- tions, re: discussion of possible Ordinance .................. 334 Se,p,t. 7--Einck, Father Gregory, Gave Invocation ................... 338 7--Environmental Finding re: UDAG FDL Foods Project ....... 344 " 20--Electrical Examining Bd. resignation o f D.J. Hughes ......... 366 " 20--Electrical Examining Bd. appointment of Michael M. Sisler... 366 " 20--Electrical Examining Bd. appointment of Steven F. Braun .... 377 " 20--Eberhardt, Auleen re: letter from DOT relating to naming of new bridge ............................................ 379 Oct. 11--Environmental Awareness Day, Proclamation .............. 381 " 18--Easement (Construction) for Crescent Ridge San. Sewer ...... 391 " 18--Eminent Domain Proceedings for Cres. Ridge San. Sewer Pro- ject ................................................. 391 Nov. 1--Eagles (Lucky Stores, Inc.) Class "C" Beer Perndt ........... 397 " 22--Environmental Review Findings for several Projects re: Publication of Notice of Same ............................ 415 Dec. 6--Ernst, Dan re: Margaret Pfohl Estate, and status of deferr- ment for Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer .............. 423 6--Environmental Assessment for projects funded in CD Block Grant Program: Rehab Loan & Grant Program, Emergency Home repair; Tool Lending Library; Operation Paintbrush; Ind./Comm. Loan Participation - Old Main St. Area; Economic Development/Land Acquisition .......................... 6--Economic Development Land Acquisition re: Environmental Assessment .......................................... 429 6--Elks, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..................... 433 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Pag~ F Jan. 4--First National Bank, designated as depository for 1982 ....... 3 " 4--FIVE FLAGS COMMISSION Submitting Minutes: ........ ........ 6, 52, 104, 129, 185, 241,272, 302, 347,378, 386, 397, 416, 443 " 11--Fisch, Bob re: Group Home Ordinance Change .............. 9 " 11--Fisch, Robert, appointed to C.D. Comm. as Target Member... 14 " 18--Finance Report submitted for year ending 6-81 .............. 23 " 25--Farmer's Market re: Raising Stall Fees .................... 25 Feb. 1--Farragut St. re: Vacation of portions of same, requested by Thermolyne ......................................... 29, 30, 54 1 --Fransen, Lorraine A., Liquor License ...................... 34 8--Foothill & Fire Station re: Rezoning nearby property ......... 36 15--Fischer Investment Co. re: Rezoning part of W. 5th St ........ 50 15--Flexsteel re: Rail Study ................................. 51 15--Fifth St. (West) re: Rezohing property of Fischer Invest. Co... 50, 69 15--Funk, Karl re: Funding for Inf. & Referral Services .......... 52 15--Ford, Josie re: Funding for Inf. & Referral Services .......... 52 22--Faber, Mary J. re: Urban Revlt. App ...................... 58 22--Fadge, James, re: Urban Revit. App ....................... 58 22--Fees, re: Central Market ................................ 60 22--Fischex, Arthur O., Claim ............................... 62 22--Freeze, Robert J. Claim & Settlement ...................... 76, 203 Mar. 10--Fjellman, Judie. rep. League of W. Voters, FY '83 Budget Opinions ............................................ 79, 80, 81 10--Friedman, John, Opinion as to FY '83 Budget ............... 80 10--Fisch, Bob, Opinion as to CD Budget ...................... 80, 81 10--Finance Dept. re: FY '83 Budget .......................... 81 10--Fire Dept. budget funding re: Joint Comm. Center ........... 82 10--Fire Dept. re: storm window replacement ................... 82 10--Fees for Milk Inspection, increase same .................... 82 10--Fire Dept. stenographer position deleted ................... 82 10--Fire Dispatch system, discussion ......................... 82 10--Fees for Library, increased .............................. 83 15--Fahey, Paul, re: suspension of Beer Permit of Oil Depot ....... 103 22--Fireworks petition by Dbq. Golf & Country Club ............ 109 Ap,,r. 7--Fair Housing Month, proclamation ....................... 114 7--February, claims and receipts, proof of publication ........... 129 7--Firefighters 2nd list of 10 certified by Civil Service Comm ..... 130 7--Fury, Thomas R., applicant on 2nd list of 10 certified by Civil Service Comm. (Fire) ................................... 130 7--Frederick, Gary, applicant on 2nd list of 10 certified by Civil Service Comm. (Fire) ................................... 130 7--Five Flags THeater, submission of policy change for use and promotion ............................................ 131 " 12--Fahey, Paul, re: Hearing relative to suspension]revocation of Beer Permit for The Oil Depot ............................ 132 " 12--Fens, Ronald J., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ........... 136 " 19--For t Dodge, re: air transpor tatlon ........................ 146,161 " 19--Finance Director submitting March report ................. 147 " 26--Foster Grandparent Day, Proclamation .................... 148 " 26--Fengler/Garfleld Intersection re: discussion of new stop signs. 148, 150 " 26--Funds, release of same of C.D. for Ice Harbor Museum etc ..... 148 Ma, y 3--Flags, re: request by 4th St. area to fiy same on buildings ..... 155,267 3--Fourth Street Bus. area, re: request to fly flags on buildings... 155 " 17--Funds, permanent transfer re: Budget amendment ........... 173 " 17--Finai Development Plan, Extension of same for Theatre No. 5. 175 " 17--Flynn Co. Inc. re: awarding of contract for E. 11th St. Reconstruction ........................................ 175 " 17--Farber, Jim, applicant for P & Z Comm .................... 182 " 17--FCC submitting a Memorandum Opinion and Order re: KDUB- TV's petition for reconsideration ......................... 186 " 17--Fidelity & Surety Ins. re: authorization to transact buslness in state of Ia ............................................ 186 June 7--Flood Wall, re: request for completion of Bike Trail by Girl Scouts ............................................... 195 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page June 7--Fuerst, Paul, requesting nuclear freeze Resolution ........... 195 " 7--Farrell, Sr. Carolyn, requesting nuclear freeze Resolution ..... 195 " 7--Freeze of nuclear arms, request and resolutinn .............. 195 " 7--Flag, City, Ordinance providing for same ................... 197 ' 7--Frommelt, Maureen, designed City Flag ................... 198 " 7--Family Beer Store, Cigarette Permit ...................... 201 7--Family Mart, Cigarette Permit ........................... 201 7--Fenelon's Market, Cigarette Permit ....................... 201 7--Fischer's Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit ................. 201 7--Fourth St. Cafe, Cigarette Permit ......................... 201 7--February Council Proceedings, approved as printed .......... 203 7--Finance Dir. & Treasurer. reports for April ................. 204 7--Ft. Dodge re: Notice of Intent of Ozark to suspend service etc. Ozark required to provide service ............. 204, 273, 349, 398, 435 21--FDR Park, re: Mayor appreciating Optimist Club for donation of sliding board ........................................ 206 " 21--Fjeliman, Judie, of League of Women Voters, stressed endorse- ment of downtown renewal project taking place with Stampfer (Security~ Bldg ........................................ 206 " 21--Flrefighters, Acceptance of Agreement and Authorization for Mayor to Sign ......................................... 231 21 --Fire Dept. re: restructuring of Bd. of Trustees ............... 236 21--Feldman, Don, Applicant for Civic Center .................. 236 21--Fuller, Louis E., applicant for His. Pres. Corem .............. 237 21--Fenelon Finer Foods, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 238 21 --Fraternal Order of Eagles, Cigarette Permit ................ 239 21--Ferring, James L., Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 240 21--Fischer & Co., Inc, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 240 21--Finance Director re: reports for May ...................... 242 21--Fireworks Display at Vets Park, re: Jaycees Petition ......... 241,242 July 6--Flagn~en, re: Elimination of same at certain railroad crossings. 254 " 6--Fire Code, re: Ordinance repealing code provisions duplicated in Uniform Fire Code ................................... 255 " 6--Funds re: released by C.D. Block Grant Projects (Old Main St. Area) ................................................ 260 " 6--Finale Lounge, Cigarette Permit .......................... 262 " 6--Mike Finnin Ford, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 262 " 6--Fischer Co. re: 1978 tax Appeai closed ..................... 264 " 19--Federal Capital Assistance re: purchase of two buses for Keyline ............................................. 267 " 19--Flags re: amendment to Zoning Ord. allowing same in Hist. District .......................................... 267, 305-307 " 19--Fencing, re: package of figures etc. for same around/ce Harbor Parking int area etc .................................... 270 19--Ferrlng, Adelia, refund request for Beer Permit ............. 272 " 19--First National Bank as Conservator of Cynthia Nichols, claim. 272 "19--Fager, Anice, Claim .................................... 272 " 19--Friendship Force, request by Francis Henkels, for City to help with expenses ......................................... 268, 287 Au,,g. 2--Fair Week (Dbq. County), Proclamation .................... 277 2--Final Assessment Schedule for Crescent Ridge San. Sewer and procedure of payment .................................. 289 2--First Addn. Plat for Dubuque/nd. Centex, approved ......... 299 2--Feltes, Michael J. claim ................................. 302 2--Frey, Paul W., claim, denial .............................. 302, 434 2--Fischer Tax Appeals re: Order of Judge Degnan concerning 1978 Appeal .......................................... 303 " 2--Finance Director submitting June report ................... 303 " 16--Frye, Yvonne, claim .................................... 326 " 16--Fondell, Robert, objecting to rezoning in Asbury Springs Sub. 331 " 23--FDL Foods, Re: Approval of Consultant Expenses for UDAG Project .............................................. 333 " 23--Fischer Investment Co. appealing Condenmation Award Made by Compensation Bd ................................... 335 " 23--Friends of the Library, Section of Library Policy, re: Legal Clarification requested .................................. 335 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page ,, 23--Finance Director re: Monthly reports for JniY ............... 336 " 23--Finn, Colleen, Denial of Cldim ............................ 335 Sept. 7--Finley Hospital re: Questioning how Mercy Clinic Project wili Oct. Nov. Dec. ,, 20_Finance Director submitting monthly repot ts for Nov ........ " 20--Firk, Elmer, Claim ................................... 340 affect ..................... ; ............... ~I .......... 7--Finance Report, Street, for FY 82, Submitted by gr ....... 344 7--FDL Foods, Re: UDAG Project res. Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for same ........ 344-345 7--Fire Dept. Annual Report for 1982 ........................ 347 13--FDL Foods Project re: Report by D. Dittemore .............. 357 13--FDL Foods, Inc. re: Ind. Devel. Rev. Bonds - Public. of Notice of Intent to Issue; Calling P. Hrg. & Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Agreement - Abandonment of Proceedings etc .............................................. 358, 371,387 14--FDL Foods, Inc. re: Preferential Hiring for City residents ..... 362 20--FDL re: UDAG Grant re: Objections by United Food & Comm. Workers ............................................. 364, 406 20--Fighting Saints re: Contract between Five Flags & Miss. Valley Hockey ........................................ 364 20--Finance Director, re: August monthly reports ............... 368 27--FDL Foods, Inc. re: Submission of Request for release of C.D. Funds ......................................... :. 369, 372, 393 4--Four-H (National) in the City, Proclamation ................ 371 373 4--Five Flags Theater, Boller,,R,e~laeement ................... 11--Fortman, CarolM.,Class C Beer & Liquor License ......... 386,434 11--Financial Report, (Annual), Proof of publication ............. 386 18--Furuseth, Leslie I. & Patricia re: conveying property for cul-de- 390 sac On Rhomberg ...................................... 18--Finance Director re: monthly reports for September .......... 393 1--Felderman, John requesting that Roy Sherman of A.Y. McDonald's be appointed to Dubuque In Future Board ....... 396 1--FDL Foods, Inc., Cigarette Pernut, & Class C Beer Pernut . 397 1--Fiedler, Timothy D., Claim .............................. 397 1--Frank Hardie Advertising, Claim ......................... 397 8--Friendship Force Hosts presented Vase to Mayor for City ..... 399 403 8--Feldman, Don, Applicant for C.D. Comm ................... 399 8--Family Week, Proclamation ............... . .............. 15--Four Mounds- Burden property re: discussxon as to accep- tance of property ...................................... 406, 435 15--Five Year Street Construction Program re: approval and sub- mission to Ia. DOT ..................................... 408 15--Flynn, Sue Ann, Claim & Settlement ...................... 411,434 22--Fish, Rev. James, Gave Invocation ....................... 412 6--Fondeli & Sons re: Awarded contract for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Project ................................ 420 6--Finley Hospital re: Helistop objection by neighbors .......... 421 6--FDL Foods, Inc. re: Acceptance of Agreement Providing for the Loan of Comm. Devel. Block Grant Funds ............... 421 6--Federal Release of Community Development Block Grant Funds re: several projects ............................... 428, 429 6--Fees (& License) set for tank facilities which store flammable/ combustible liquids etc ................................. 431,432 6--Finance Director submitting reports for October ............ 434 6--Frank Hardie Advertising, Claim ......................... 434 443 20--Five Flags Comm. Resignation of Louise Waller ............. 443 443 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan. 4--Gearhart, W. Kenneth appointed as City Mgr. for 6 mo. term.. 2, 136 4--Government, Change in form, Charter submitted etc ......... 3 4--Girls Club re: Postponement of demolition of building recom- mended ............................................ 5, 104 " 11--Group homes re: amendment of Ordinance concerning ........ 9. 10, 11 " 11--Gag rule (Anti) Resolution submitted by C.M. Deich ......... 13,50 " 11 --Grice, Victor J. appointed to Dock Bd ..................... 14 " 11--Gomer's Inc. - Class "C" Liquor License ................... 15 " 25--Gaber, Merle, claim & denial ........................... 27.46,357 Feb. 1--Garfield Ave. re: vacation of portions of same as requested by Thermolyne ........................................ 29, 30, 54 1--Glendale Addn. re: possible rezoning for Den's Transmission prop. from C-1 to L-1 ................................. 11, 29, 158 1--Goldstein, Barbara re: funding for Inf. & Referral ............ 35 " 15--Grice, Victor objecting to Rail Study ...................... 51 " 15--Gearhart, Debra A. re: funding fur Inf. & Re£erral Ser ........ 52 " 15--Grimme, Gary re: requesting aid for food & shelter ........... 53 " 22--Girl Scout Week, proclamation ........................... 54 " 22--Gruben, Wayne re: urban revit, application for tax exemption.. 58 Mar. 8--Grice, Victor resignation from Dock Bd .................... 73 8--Gourlay, Alien J., applicant for Dock Bd ................... 73 8--Gustafson, Debra, claim & settlement ..................... 77. 129 10--Gravett, Wm. objecting to proposed Public Safety Comm. con- cept ................................................. 80 10--Gayne, Don & Pam, opinion relative to Operation: New View.. 81 10--Gavin, Darlene, opinion as to CIP ......................... 81 " 10--Gansen, Norman, re: funding for Operation: New View ........ 81 "22--Gullian, Sr. Constance, PBVM, appreciation for budget ....... 110 Apr. 7--Gartner, Cletus, re: questions @ intersection of 12th & Kerper. 115, 119 " 12--Ground Zero Week, Proclamation ........................ 132, 138 " 12--Gearhart, W. Kenneth, CONTRACT approved as City Mgr .... 136 " 19--Girl Scout Leader Recognition Day, Proclamation ........... 138 " 19--Grove Tools, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 146 " 26--Garfleld/Fengler St. Intersection re: objections to change in stop signs ............................................ 148, 150 " 26--Gene's (Eugene L. Kopp), Cigarette Permit, & Class "B' Beer Permit ............................................... 149, 150 " 26--Ginter, Donna M., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .......... 150 May 17--Grabow, Ralph J. re: Beer Permit Violation of Oky Doky #14.. 169 " 17--Group W Cable re: Zoning amendment for property at 3038 Asbury ............................................. 174, 188A " 17--Galle, Darryl, Claim, denial .............................. 185,264 " 17--Golf & Country Club Class "A' Beer & Liquor License ....... 185 " 17--Grove Tools, Inc. (Hawkeye Inn), Cigarette Permit .......... 184 June 7--Greenhouses, re: Possible amendment to Zoning Ordinance set- ting up as an accessory use .............................. 189, 247 7--Grant application with UMTA, for Keyline ................. 190 7--Girl Scouts from Bryant requesting completion of Bike Trail.. 195 7--Ginter, Harriet J. (Oky-Doky #15), Cigarette Permit .......... 201 7--Giese, Thomas W., claim, denial .......................... 203, 434 " 7--Group W, Complaints about charges, from A. Weitz & Mrs. Ralph B. Trit sch ....................................... 204 " 7--General Drivers & Helpers Union, re: Approval of Coll. Barg. Agree ................................................ 232 21--Guidelines re: Old Main Improvement Loan Program ........ 234 21--Gourley, Alien J., applicant for Dock Bd ................... 236 July 21--Glab, Charles D., appointed to Historic Pres. Corem .......... 237 21--Grand Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 21--Grandview Drug, Cigarette Permit ........................ 238 21--Godfather's Pizza, Cigarette Permit ....................... 239 21--Gomer's Bar, Cigarette Permit ........................... 239 21--Group W Policy Regulations, re: Comments by Mrs. Tritsch, . . 241 21--Grimme, Gary, re: Police Harassment Problem .............. 243 6--Grub's Pub, Cigarette Permit ............................ 262 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page · 271 " 19--Gerhard, Curtis L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 275 "19--Graves, Melvin re: Construction at Airport. ...... . .......... 2--Graham, Mary Jo, Objecting to Stewart St. Repawng ........ 280 Au,,g. 2--Gavin, Thad J., Objecting to Stewart St. Repaying .......... 280 " 2--Gollath, Inc., re: Rezonlng Request by P & Z for property on 285 w. 32ndSt .............................. iiiiiiiiiiiii 3Ol " 2--General Cinema Corp. of Ia., Cigarette Permit. 312 Class"B' B P ' " 9--Glyma, JohnF., eer ernst .................... 312 Class "C" B & L q M ' icense. " 9--Ginter. Donna . eer ~ nor L ......... " 9--Graham Group re: Clinic Rev. Bonds (Mercy Clinic) ......... ............................... ,' .,; .... 314-317,340-341,412-414 ,, 23_Gross, RobertR.&PatrickC.,Class C Beer&LiquorLic. · 335 348 Se,p,t. 7--Gartner, Wm., Claim ................................... 7--Garner, Judy A., Claim, Denial ........................... 348, 397 7--Gruber, James re: Response to Petition for repairs to Brueck 349 Rd .................................................. 7--Gilliam, Charles R. objecting to Corridor Study on Cedar Ct. 349 Exto .............................................. " 14--Grant application with UMTA for Keyline financ al assistance· 363 ,, 20_Gr ant Application with UMTA for,Keyline ................. 364,409 " 20--Grantee Performance Report (FY 83) re: City Mgr. publishing 365 notice as to where on file ................................ " 20--Goodmann, Dominic, appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment.. 367 Oct. 4--General Cinema Corp., refund on Cigarette Permit ........... 379 " 11--Orabow, Ralph, Refund on Cigarette License ............... 386 Nov. 8--Gourley, Allen, applicant for Dock Bd. Comm ............... 403 8--Girls' Cinb Building, re: Letter by Eldon Digman ............ 404 8--Glynn, John, refund request for Cigarette License ........... 411 Dec. 6_Glover, Lois, requesting action for Riverview St ............. 420,421 6--Garage re: demolition permit for same on White St ........... 428 6--Grantee Performance Report re: Comm. Planning & Develop- ment Div. of HUD advising of completion of review .......... 434 " 13--Group W Cable TV re: request for rate increase .............. 437 " 20--George, Maggie, petitioning for adequate funding for Human 444 Rights ............................................... INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 4--Hammel, Wm. K., swo~n in as Councll Member, 1st Ward ..... 1 4--Hartlgs, David re: zoning in lower Julien Dbq. Dr. IInland Molasses) ............................................ 5, 26 4--Historic Pres. Comm. recommending postponement of Girls' Club demolition ....................................... 5 4--Hanton, Anna M. & Thomas E., Claim ..................... 6 4--Hoffman House Restaurants. refund of Liq. License ......... 6 4--Hull, Merlin, comments on new Council .................... 7 11--Hammel, Council Member, appointed as liaison member to Economic Development ................................. 13 11--Houslng Code Appeals Bd. appointment of Dolores Johnson... 14 " 11 --Hull, Merlin D., appointment to Human Rights Comm~ ....... 14 " 11--Human Rights Comm. appointments of M. Hull, D. Miller & M. Pries ................................................ 14 " 11--Healy, Patrick, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 15 " 11--HISTORIC PRES. COMM. Submitting Mfuutes: ........... ...................................... 15, 62, 199, 241,264, 347 " 18--Hilby, Lestor re: Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer Project. 17 " 18--HUD re: advising that City has complied with applicable pro- gram regulations ...................................... 23 "25--HOUSING CODE ADVISORY & APPEALS BD. Submitting Minutes ................................... 26, 150, 302, 356, 397 " 25--Hentges, Sally, Claim, Settlement ........................ 27, 393 Feb. 1 --Hartman, Bill, objection to rezoning of Den's Trans. Property. 29 1 --Historic Preservation District re: Old Main Area ............ 31 1--Hilicrest re: alley behind same, property line problem brought up by Richard Leppert .................................. 33, 99 1--HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Submitting Minutes: .... ............................................. 34, 264, 302, 378 " 1--HOUSING COMMISSION Submitting Minutes: ........... ................... 34, 75,129, 161,203,264, 326, 347, 386, 404, 434 ' 1--HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Submitting Accountabil-. ity Reports: ................. 34, 62, 129, 203, 241,264, 347, 397, 404 " 8--Haferbecker, Earl & Mary Leu re: Cigarette Permit, Liquor Lic .................................................. 45 " 8--Hennen, LaVern, Class "C" Beer Permit ........ : .......... 45 8--Hammon, Gayle, re: Nemmer's lawsuit relative to Cedar Cross Road ................................................ 47 8--Henn, John, re: Nemmer's lawsuit relative to Cedar Cross Road ................................................ 47 ' 15--Hubbs, Brian, re: painting house addresses on street curbs .... 52 " 15--Hillcrest Family Services re: funding for Inf. & Ref .......... 52 "22--Henkels, Francis, re: Urban Revit. application for tax exemp- tion ................................................. 58 22--Haggerty, J.T., re: Urban Revit. application for tax exemption. 58 22--HUD re: advising of CD Block Grant Funds for 1982 ......... 63 22--Hoerner, Bob re: softball/baseball complex ................. 63 25--Hart, Robert C., submission of resume for Corp. Counsel ...... 65 25--Hedge, Steven, submission of resume for Corp. Counsel ....... 65 25--Heller, Mike, submission of resume for Corp. Counsel ......... 65 Mar. 8--Holocaust re: Victims of the Holocaust, Proclamation ........ 68 8--Henkels, Francis re: lease between Dubuque Marina & City .... 71 8--Helle, Klosterman, etc. re: firm to do Audits for City ......... 72 8--Hllvers, Wm., applicant for Dock Bd ...................... 73 8--Heliert, F.M., applicant for Dock Bd ...................... 73 8--Heinz, Theodore & Georgia A., Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 75 8--Hertig, James W., requesting City joined Ia. Juvenile Victim Restitution Program ................................... 76 " 10--Human Rights Budget, Human Rights/nv. Position, requested reinstatement etc ..................................... 78, 79, 84 " 10--Hessel, Tina, objectlng to library user fees etc ................ 80 " 10--Hanson, Roduey re: funding for Operation: New View ......... 81 " 10--Hotel-Motel Tax, re: percentage allocated for Tourism & Conven. Bureau ............................................... 86 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 15--Historic Preservation District, re: Old Main St. area allocated. 93 ,, 15_Historlcal designatlan objected to fur 164 Main St ........... 93 ,, 15_Housing re: Resointinn Executing Amendment to Annual Con' trlbutions Contract .................................... 102 " 15--Hofland, Roger, Cigarette refund ....................... ;. 104 " 22--Historic Pres. Comm. requesting appointment to their comrms- sion representing Old Main District ....................... 107 ,, 22--Harris, Sandra L. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 108 "22--Hart, Joyce, refund on Cigarette Permit & Liquor License ..... 109 Apr. 7--Hobbies Unlimited objecting to proposed removal of parking on 12th St ............................................ 118 7--Heaps, Jon, of Northwestern Bell regarding formal presenta- tion of installation of curbside phones etc .................. 122 7--Hellert, F.M., applicants for Bds. & Comms ......... 127,145, 182, 236 7--Hilvers, Bill, appointed to Transit Bd ...................... 128 7--Hash, Volney, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 128 7--HUD re; concurring with City's intention to extend the nonassisted protion of Dubuque's Current Housing Assistance 130 Plan ................................................. 7--Houslng Assistance Plan, re: extension of nonassisted portion. 130 7--Hoefflin, Larry, certified on 2nd list of 10 for Fire Dept. by Civil Service Comm .................................... 130 " 12--Haggstron, Raymond L. & Kandis L., Class "C" Beer Permit.. 136 " 19--Homart Co. re: Amendment to Extension of Redeveloper Designation Agreement ................................. 141 ,, 19_Herrig, Ronald & John re: Acceptance of W. Deed for proper tY in Embassy West ...................................... 143 " 19--Harem, Mrs. Guy, Claim & Settle,,m,e,n, t ..................... 146,203 ', 26--Haneen, PaulG.&AnnE.,Class C Beer&LiquorLicense... 150 May 3--Hwy. 52 re: North Sector Zoning ......................... 154 " 17--Haynie, Ken, Bonding Counsel for Security Bldg. Tax Inc. Financing ............................................ 162 ,, 17 _Hearings re: Beer Violations of Various Businesses .......... 169,170 " 17--Heinz, Vivian re: Beer Suspension Hrg. for Oky-Doky... ] .... 169 " 17--Hilby, Douglas, Applicant for Cable Reg. Comm ............. 183 " 17--Helm, Dianne M., Applicant for Park & Rec. Comm .......... 183 " 17--Hoffman, Paul E., Applicant for Park & Rec. Comm .......... 183 " 17--Happy's Place, Cigarette Permit ......................... 184 June 17--Hindman, Rev., Ken, requesting Nuclear Freeze Resolution. ·. 195 " 17--Harbaugh, Gene, requesting Nuclear Freeze Resolution ...... 195 " 17--Hardees Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ..................... 201 " 17--Hartig's Drug Co,, Cigarette Permits (4) ................... 201 17--Hy-Vee Save-U-More, Cigarette Permit & Beer Permit ....... 201,240 " 17--Historical Society re: Requesting Permit for Sandblasting .... 203 " 21--Hayes, James T., re: Final Report on Appraisal of Security Bldg ................................................. 206 " 21--Hist. Pres. Comm. appointments of Glab, Reilly, Schiel & Peckosh .............................................. 237 ,, 21--Hammel, Daniel J., Applicant fur Elec. Bd. of Appeals. 237 " 21--Hilby, Douglas, Applicant for Cable TV Reg. Corem .......... 237 "21--Hoffman-Attaway, Michele, appointed to Cable TV Tele-Prog. Comm. & Resignation .................................. 237,347 " 21--Happy Hour, Cigarette Permit ........................... 238 " 21--Holiday Oil Dis. Inc. (Derby), Cigarette Permits (4) ........... 238 " 21--Heron, Inc. (Walnut Beer Store & Tap), Cigarette Permit ...... 238 ,, 21_Hlatt & Schroeder Tap, Inc. Cigarette Permit & Liquor Permit and Refund ................................... 238, 335, 386, 411 21--Hard Timee, Cigarette Permit ....................... : :~ . · 239 21--Hoffman House, Cigarette Permit & Liquor License ......... 239, 302 21--Hawkeye Inn, Cigarette Permit .......................... 239 21--Holiday Inn Motel, Cigarette Permit ...................... 239 21--Heron, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor Permit ............... 240 21--Hudik, Terry, Pres. of Am. Central Airlines re: Airport Pro- blems ................................................ 242 July 6--Hickman-Kingsley, Rev. Jeannette, Gave Invocation ........ 247 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Ju],y 6--Human Rights Month. Proclamation ...................... 247 6--Henkels, Francis Wm., Re: Requesting Help with Friendship Force ............................................ 251. 268,287 6--Helnz, Vivian M., Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 263 " 19--Heliing, Marry re: for rezoning property in County ........... 268 " 19--Historicni Society re: Lighting and fencing for Ice Harbor Museum/Parking Lot .................................. 270 " 28--Hangars re: Constructlon of same at Airport ............... 275 Aug. 2--Hughes, Al, rep. Dbq. Golf &Ctry Club re: objecting to paving program for Bradley St ................................ 280 " 2--Hartig, Robert, Objecting to Stewart St. Repaving Project .... 280 " 2--Humane Society re: Agreement between City for Shelter Ser- vices ................................................ 300 " 9--Historic Districts re: Zoning Change to allow fl~gs (& Regula- tion and Requirement of Fee for Temporary Signs) ........... 305 9--Health Care Revenue Bonds re: Request for issuance for Martin Luther Home ............................ 307-310, 339-340 " i6--Hass, Clair L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 325 " 23--Hiatt & Schroeder Tap,/nc., Class "C" Beer & Liq. License .... 335 Sept. 7--Hanm~ Island re: Naming for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, Discussion of Erection of Marker ............... 341,374, 384 7--Hilby, Bernadette re: Naming of Dbq.-Wis. Bridge ........... 341 7--Hutchcroft, Mary, re: Winner of T-H Naming the Bridge Con- test ................................................. 341 7--Hilby, Doug, In favor of the name "Mazzuchelll" for the bridge ............................................... 341 7--Housing Assistance Project re: Mayor Executing App. for 50 Units ................................................ 345 7--Happy's Place, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 347 " 7--Highway 151 Bridge, Discussion of naming of same .......... ............................................ 351,374~ 379, 413 " 13--Hughes, Alre: Don Apt. Zoning .......................... 354 " 13--Haniey, W. J., Applicant for Airport Comm ................ 355 " 13--Hilby, Douglas, Applicant for TV Cable Reg. Corem .......... 355 " 13--Holy Trlnity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 356 " 14--Hiring re: Preferential for FDL Foods - City Residents ........ 362 " 20--Hockey Re: Contract between Five Flags & Miss. Valley Hockey, Inc .......................................... 364 Oct. 4--Hoover School, Designated as Official Polling Pl. for 20th Precinct .............................................. 375 " 11--Hittenmiller, Mark, Claim & Settlement ................... 386,393 " 18--Harley, Rev. Jack. Gave Invocation ....................... 388 " 18--Helllng, Anthony A. & Bette O., Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Liquor License ........................................ 392 Nov. 1--Heniy, Patrick, Refund on Cigarette License; Liquor License. .................................................... 398, 404 8--Henkels, Fran & Ellen, Presented Vase from Korean Visitors to Mayor on behalf of Friendship Force .................... 399 " 8--Hilicrest Rd. re: Vacation & Sale of alley abutting Lot 12 Sunset Park Subd. No. 2, north of Hilicrest Rd. to Frank Mc- Cauley ............................................... 401 " 8--Heliert, F. M., Appointed to C.D. Corem ................... 403 " 8--Hinke, Stan, Applicant for C.D. Corem .................... 403 " 15--Hartig Drug Co, Class "B" Beer Permits ................... 410 Dec. 6--HUD re: Advising material for UDAG Program has been ap- proved & authorizing City Mgr. to execute certification ....... 422 6--Historic Preservation Comm. approving demolition of a garage on White St ........................................... 428 6--HUD re: advising of completion of review of Grantee Perfor- mance Report ......................................... 434 " 13--Hartman, Nellie, Claim ................................. 439 " 20--Hansen, Art,, concurring with the presentation of Citizen of Year Award to D. Dittemore ............................ 440 " 20--Hoffman, David H., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 442 " 20--Human Rights Comm. re: petitions for adequate funding ...... 444 " 20--Hazel Green Village Pres. concurring with naming of bridge... 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page I Jan. 4--Inland Molasses Co. re: zoning problem & petition of David 5 Hartig's .............................................. " 11--Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds(Jeld-Wen) ...................... 8 " 18--Israel, Allen, petitioning for refund re: Sec. 8 Housing etc ..... 21 " 25--Iowa DOT re: Aggreement with City relative to improvements at Central Ave. at 14th St., White St. at 14th St., Locust St. at 4th St. and White St. at 20th ............................. 24 " 25--Iowa DOT Agreement relative to right of way assurance state- 24 ment for Federal Aid Projects ............................ 26 ,, 25_Inns of Iowa, Ltd., Class "B" Liquor Licenee ............... Feb. 1--Iowa State Historical Dept.. Div. of H. Pres. re: Old Main 31 Historic Pres. District .................................. "8--Ind. Dev Rev. Bonds{Thermolyne) ...................... 38'39'6468 " 8--Information & Referral Service, re: financ alreport .......... " 8--Information and Referral Service Agency, re: requests for con- tinued financialBacking from many individuals etc .......... 52, 63 " 22--Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds re: SHeppley requesting refund ........ 58 63 ',', 22--Itempricinglawre:requestedchangesetc .............. iiii 65 25--Interviews scheduled for position of Corporation Conusel. Mar. 10--Iowa Juvenile Victim Restitution Program re: request for City 76 to join same ........................................... 10--Information and Referral re: requesting funding for FY 1983.. 78 10--Information Services Dept. re: 1983 Budget ................ 81, 85 " 10--Investlgator Position in Human Rights Dept. funded ........ 84 " 10--Ice Harbor parking lot, construction discussed .............. 84 " 15--Interim Street Improvements, re: Project related to Dbq-Wis. Bridge ........................... 94, 95, 96,114, 115,144, 200, 425 " 15--Iowa DOT re: funding for 3 intersection improvements, etc .... 107 " 22--Ia. DOT submitting Final Environmental Impact Statement for proposed relocated US 61 project at Dubuque ............ 110 Apr. 7--Iowa DOT re: Agreement between them & C ty re: Positive Guidance Demonstration Project at Dodge, Bluff & Locust .... 124 7--Ice Harbor Museum]Riverfront Tourist Access re: Publication 126 of Notice Environmental Review Findings .................. 129 7--Inglee, Lori Ann, Claim ................................. 7--Iowa DOT re: Repair of Julien Dubuque Bridge ............. 131 " 26--Inmann, Ms. Marjorie, re: request for arch. significant designation for 371-373 Bluff St .......................... 148, 170 " 26--Ice Harbor Museum/Riverfront Tourist Access & Parking Lot Re: Res. authorizing submission of a request for Release of Funds for same; construction ............................ ..................... 148, 193, 194, 195, 204, 225,226, 252, 270, 427 May 3_ insurance Women's Week, proclamation ................... 152 ,, 17_ia. DOT re: Demolltion of Eagle Point Bridge ............... 174,221 184 ,, 17--Iowa Oil Co., Cigarette Permit .... ,; ..................... " 17--1933, Inc. Spatz Malones), Class C Beer & Liquor License 185 June 7--Ice Harbor properties, re: leases & subleases etc ......... 191,192, 222 7--Information & Referral, re: authorization of execution of Pur- chase of Services Agreement with Phon~-A-Friend ........... 198 7--Ia. DOT re: location approval of Project F-561-2 ............. 204 7--Ia. Appraisal & Research Co. re: final report for appraisal of 206 Security Bldg ............................. . ............ 234 7--Industrial Comm. Loan Participation re: Old Mum St. Area... 262 Ju~,y 6_ImperiatLanes, Inc, Cigarette Permlt ..................... 6--Ice Harbor re: Notice by Corps of Engrs. re: construction of 265 ramp and mooring of barge in Harbor ...................... 271 " 19--Idie Hour, Cigarette Permit ............................. Aug. 9--Iowa DOT re: Agreement between City and Chicago, Milwaukee RR and DOT re: E. 11th St. RR Crossing 311 reconstruction ........................................ " 9--Imperial Lanes, Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ........... 312 " 23--Ia. Appraisal & Research Corp. & S.M. Dix & Assoc. and Development Planning and Research Ass. re: consultant ser- vices for FDL Foods Proj ............................... 334 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Sept.14--Ind. Development Revenue Bonds re: FDL Foods, Inc. Project - Direct Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue & Calling P. Hrg. and authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Agreement ......................................... 358-362 Oct. 4--Iowa DOT letter read by A. Eberhardt relative to naming of new bridge ............................................ 379 " 11--Iowa Bureau of Labor re: Penalty Agreement requested by Ass't City Attorney Win, Blum .......................... 385 " Il--Interstate Power Co. re: City Mgr. needed more info. relative to street lighting, ........................................ 385 " 11--Iowa District Ct. re: petition filed against County by Attorney Blum re: Airport Zoning ................................ 387 Nov. 1--Iowa DOT re: notification of using standardized numbering system ............................................... 398 " 15--Ia, DOT re: Five Year Street Construction Program submitted, 408 Dec. 20--Inland Molasses, re: objection to rate reduction for water/ sewer etc ............................................. 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page J Jan. 4--Julien Dubuque Dr. (lower) area...zoning problem with Inland 5 Molasses .......................................... 11--Jeld-Wen Fiber Products Project. (Ind. Bond Issue ......... 8 11 --Joint Emergency Communications Center Project, re: funding. 12, 13 Il--Johnson, Dolores appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd ..... 14 11--John's Super Service, Cigarette Permit .................... 15 18--Jullen Dubuque Drive, re: zoning map amendments .......... 20 18--John F. Kennedy (JFK) Fast Foods, Class "B" Beer Permit. ~ . 22 25--Jarosh, Mrs. Sue, re: increasing Market stall fee ............. 25 Feb. 8--Justmann, Helen M. claim by R.N. Russo .................. 46 " 22--Jackson Park area re: Tax Exempt Applications ............. 57 " 22--Januaryreports submitted by Mgr ....................... 63 Mar. 8--J.R.R. Enterprises, Class "C" Beer Perwlt ................. 75 8--Junnie's Lounge, Ltd., Class C Bee Liquor License and Cigarette License ...................................... 75 8--January, Proof of publication of List of Claims, Expenditures 76 Receipts ............................................. " 8--Johnson, Patricia, claim ................................. 77 " 10--Joint Communications Center, re: discussion of funding ...... 82 " 15--Julien Dubuque Bridge. redecking floor .................... 104,131 " 15--JayCees, Dubuque, Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 108 Apr. 12--Johnston, Richard, re: concern with speed of cars leaving Eagle 133 Point Park ............................................ " 12--Johnson, Clint, re: closing of Eagle Point gates at 6:00 p.m .... 133 ,, 19_January Council Proceedinge, approved as printed ........... 146 " 19--Jack Jones re: Petition to excavate on Hill St ............... 147 May 3_JayCees re: transferring of Beer Permit ................ 161,275,377 Ju,n,e 7--Jerry's Tap, Cigarette Permit... ~ ........................ 201 7--Jullen Motor Inn, Cigarette Pernut ....................... 201 " 7--Joter, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor L, ic ................... 202 " 21--JayCees, re: fireworks display at Vets Park ................ 241 Ju!,y 6--Johnny's Tap, Cigarette Permit ....... ,,' ',; ..... ~'.. ~/ ..... 262 6--JerilnvestmentCo.&JelsCorp.,Class B Beer~ernu~ .... 263 6--Jasper, Ralph, re: refund request for Beer Permit ............ 264 Aug. 2--Jonathan Lane, re: response to petition for sidewalk repair on 301 that & Baldwin Dr ..................................... " 2--June reports of Fin. Dir. and Treasurer .................... 303 " 9--June re: Proof of pub. of Receipts & Expenditures ........... 312 " 16--James, Jerry Lee, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 325 ,, 23 _John Deere plant buslng, posslble elimination .............. 332.356 " 23--Johnson, Rita, denial of clah~ ............................ 335 " 23--Junk, Don D., denlalof claim ............................. 335 " 23--July reports by Fin. Director & City Treas. submitted ........ 336 Se,p,t. 7--July list of Claims & Receipts, Proof of Publication .......... 348 7--Jones, Allen, settlement of claim ....................... ,~.. 348 " 13--Joint County Municipal Administration for Disaster Services, Ordinance updatlng City Code ....................... 354, 366,374 ,, 20_June Printed Council Proceedinge, approved as amended ..... 367 Oct. 4--Jones, Darrel, Suit presented by Atty. Bitter ............... 378 ' 18--Jaeger, Agnese L., Claim ................................ 393 Nov. 22--Jamestown Town Clerk requesting conuuittee be set up for 413 naming of .Bridge Dec. 6--Judge, Byron Keith, denial of claim ....................... 434 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page K Jan. 4--Klauer, John sworn in as an At-Large Council Member ....... 1 4--Kluesner, Loras, sworn in as Council Member (Ward 2) ....... 1 4--Kronfeldt, Rhonda sworn in as Council Member (Ward 4) ...... 1 4--Key City Bank, designated as depository .................. 3 4--Kramer, Richard, Past Park Supt. honored by Proclamation etc .................................................. 4 4--Keyline re: filing of 2nd Amendment to Section 5 Application for a grant under UMTA ................................ 4 4--Kennedy Road property between Fire Station & Foothill, pos- sible rezoning ......................................... 19, 36 " 18--KDUB-TV re: legal documents submitted re: Petition for Waiver of Sec. 76.92(g) of the Commission's Rules ........... 23, 35 Feb. 8--Krayer, Bob re: RaiIStudy .............................. 42 8--Klauer Mfg. Co. re: Alternate Location for U.S. 61 etc ........ 44 15--Kids Bowling for Kids, Prociamatlon ...................... 48 15--Kaukaskie, Irene, re: funding for Inf.& Ref. Services ......... 52 15--Kerr, Jean re: funding for Inf. & Ref. Services ............... 52 15--Kutsch, John, re: funding for Inf. & Ref. Services ............ 52 22--Kivlahan, John, application for urban revit, tax exempt status. 58 22--Kress, George W., claim, denial ........................... 62, 104 22--Keyline, re: concerns of Wm. Most ........................ 62 22--Kessler, Thomas E., Cigarette License refund ............... 63 22--Kratoska, Richard of Shlve-Hattery re: spec f cs of ballpark complex .............................................. 63 " 22--Karmann. Marc, re: ballpark complex ...................... 63 Mar. 8--Keyline re: UMTA agreement executed for operating expenses. 71 8--Keegan, Michael P., nominated & appointed to Dock Bd ...... 73, 74 8--Kersch, Thomas H., applicant for Bds. & Comms. 73, 127, 145,182, 236 8--Kennedy, Gary, Claim & Denial .......................... 77, 129 8--Knepper, Robert J., Claim & Settlement ................... 77, 204 10--Klauer, Jeff, re Opinion of FY '83 Budget .................. 79 10--Kapp, Dr. David, re: Library Budget ...................... 80 10--Kennedy Ct. & Keyway San. Sewer Project Deferred ......... 84 15--Kelly, Wm. J. (IV), Claim ................................ 104 15--Knights of Columbus Week, Proclamation ................. 106 Ap,,r.7--Koeperich, Ronald T., applicant for Civil Service Comm ....... 127,366 7--Koppes, Gerald J., applicant & appointed to Civil Service · Comm ............................................... 127, 366 " 7--Kiebel, Jeffrey S., one of 2nd list of 10 Certified by Civil Ser. Comm. for Firefighter .................................. 130 " 7--Kerper Blvd. re: Curb cut for water main by Thermolyne ...... 131 " 12--Keyilne re: P. Hrg. on State Transit Ass't Grant Application.. 132, 170 " 12--Kdights of Columbus, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 137 " 12--Kersch Jeannine A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 137 " 12--Klein, Daniel J., Claim & Denial .......................... 137, 204 " 19--Kueter, Del, re: Denial of rezoning request for 2250-2252 Cen- tral ...... . ..... 142 19--Kluga, Rob. Claim & Denial .............................. 146, 150 " 26--Koelker, Rev. Harry, Gave Invocation ..................... 148 " 26--Kopp, Eugene L. (Geno's), Cig. Permit, Class "B" Beer Perimt. .................................................... 149, 150 " 26--Koos, Cletus, Suit Against City .......................... 150 Ma,,y 3--Kunsch, Fr. Wm., Gave Invocation ....................... 152 3--Key City Investment Co. Place, re: approval of final plat ...... 157, 158 3--Key City Investment Co. re: 6 mo. extension of Final Devel. Plan for Theatre No. 5 ............. : .................... 175 " 17--Kucera, Patricia re: applicant for Park & Rec. Comm ......... 183 " 17--Kane, M. Catherine, applicant for Park & Rec. Coram ......... 183 " 17--Kronfeldt, Rhonda, alternate for Operation: New View is L. Kluesner ............................................. 184 " 17--Kluesner, Loras (Council Member) alternate for Operation: New View ............................................ 184 " 17--Klauer, John, alternate for Operation: New View is Elaine Bar- wick.. 184 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page May 17--Kevin McGiffln's Kitchen, Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 184 ' 17--Kiernan, James, Claim .................................. 185 " 17--KDUB-TV's Petition for Reconsideration re: FCC Submitting Mem. Opinion ......................................... 186 " 17--Kennedy Rd. re: Paving Comments received by West Side Bus. & Prof. Assn .......................................... 187 " 17--Kemp, Dick re: People's Natural Gas Petition for Excavation.. 187 June 7--Keyline re: Grant application with UMTA .................. 190 7 --Klinge, George, resignation from Elec. Exam. Bd ............ 201 7--Kegger, The, Cigarette Permit ........................... 201 7--Kopple's Market, Cigarette Permit ........................ 201 7--Kelly, Debra Jean, Claim ................................ 203 7--Kieler, Hilda W, Denial of Claim ......................... 203 21--Katuin Bros. Lease .................................... 227,248 21--Ken's Union "76", Cigarette Permit ....................... 238 21--KC&S Concessions, Cigarette Permit ...................... 238 21--K-Mart Store #4018 .................................... 239 21 --Knights of Columbus, Cigarette Permit .................... 239 21--Kresge Store, S.S., Cigarette Permit ...................... 239 21--Kennedy, Wilfred, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ....................................... 240 " 21--Kennedy's Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 240 " 21--Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 240 July 6--Keg Beer re: Permitting same in Public Parks under certain conditions ............................................ 253 6--Kehl, Robert re: Public Notice for construction of ramp and mooring of barge ...................................... 265 " 19--Keyline re: Fed. Grant Assistance for purchase of 2 buses ..... 267-270 " 19--Knicker's Escape Tunnel, Cigarette Permit ............ ~ .... 271 Au,,g. 2--Konrardy, Lloyd & Lee Ann, objecting to Brady St. repavlng.. 280 2--Klavitter, Klm, objecting to McCormick St. repaving ........ 280 " 2--Keliy, Fran, objecting to Stewart St. repaving. ............ .. 280 " 2--Kniest St. (& Lincoln) request for diverters for traffic by rem- dents of area ...................................... 287, 322, 342 " 2--Kemp, James R., claim .................................. 302 " 2--Klein, Billy G., Claim ................................... 302 " 9--Klauer, James J. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 312 · ' ' 325 " 16--Kamentz, Shlrley, Class "C" Becr & L~quor L~cense .......... Sept. 7--Kluecner, Lotus, appointed Mayor Pro-Tern for 8 months ..... 338 " 13--Kane St.~ re: Don St. Apartment zoning problem ............ 354 " 13--Kluesner, Lotus, appointed voting delegate to League of Mun. Annual Meeting ............... : ....................... 355 ,, 13--Kronfeldt, Rhonda, appointed as member to serve on Dubuque County Land Preservation .............................. 355 " 13--Kopple's Market, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 356 ,' 14--Keyline re: financial assist ance application with UMTA ....... . ........................................... 363. 383, 395, 409 Oc, t. 11--Kopp, Eugene L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 386 18--King, Elaine re: petition to declare state of emergency in Ia. by reason o f economic depression ........................... 389 Nov. 1_Key City Investment Co. re: approval of final plat of "Yiannis Place". .............................................. 3~5,396 1--Kopp (Gene), d/b/a Gene's - Cigarette Permit ............... 397 8--Korean Visitors present Vase to Mayor via Friendship Force Hosts ................................................ 399 15--Kwik Stop Food Mart, Cigarette Permit ................... 409 Dec. 6--Kisting, Kevin, denial of claim ........................... 434 6--Kerns, Terry, denial of claim ............................. 434 " 13--Kachevas, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 438 " 20--Kamp, Mary Leu, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 442 " 20--Kempthorne, Tina, objecting to rate reduction that Inland Molasses receives ...................................... 444 " 20--Kelly, Mr. (Pres. of Hazel Green, Wis. Village) re: naming of new bridge ............................................ 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page L Jan. 4--Lock and Dam No. 26, re: Hydroelectric Power Study, comm. of U.S. Army Corps of Engrs ............................. 6 " 11--Locust St. (& Dodge & Bluff), re: Inclusion in Positive Guidance Demonstration Project ......................... 12 11--Luther Manor, re: requesting six month extension on zoning changes.. 13 " 11--Library Board appointments of Marllyn McDonald and Catherine Seitz... 14 ' 11--Leitch, Chad C. appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment ...... 15 " ll--Love, Phllllp R., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 15 " 25--Lucy Ladybug, (Char Boldgett) opposing increased Market fees ................................................. 25 " 25--Lewis, John, for Square Dancing Convention, requesting Coun- cil waive "Hold Harmless" clause forparking. .............. 27, 33 Feb. 1--Leppert, Richard re: alley problem behind Hillcrest .......... 34 I --Lindahl, re: request for Closed Session ete .................. 34 " 1--Litigation, re: Closed Session relative to same .............. 34, 47.52 " 8--Lees. Joe, re: RailStudy ................................ 42 8--Lucky Stores, Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit. (Elm & JFK) ...... 45 " 15--Lynch, Carol re: Inf. & Ref. Service Funding ................ 52 " 15--Langkamp, Willy re: Inf. & Ref. Service Funding ............ 52 " 15--Lux, Bill re: concern for city and request more volunteer in- volvement ........................................... 53 " 22--Love, Kev n re: urban revit, app. for tax exemption .......... 58 " 22--Lantz, Maurice D. re: funding for Inf. & Ref ................ 63 " 25--Legal Staff re: Interviews set up for Corp. Counsel position .... 65 " 25--Lindahl, Barry re: scheduling interview for Corp. Counsel posi- tion. Mar. 8--Lights - re: Keep the Lights Burning in Dubuque, Proclama- tion ...................... 68 8--Lease & Xgree~nt b~wee~ bock ~mm. & Dbq: ~ock'~... ] 70 8--Labor Participation Comm. (United) re: support of Unit Pricing Code. " 8--Lochner onald ,appl ant f r'Dock' d .... 73 " 8--Lynch. Wm., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............. 75 " 8--LIBRARY BOARD Submitting Minutes: ...................... 76, 146, 185, 203, 241,264, 335, 378, 434, 438 " 10--Library Budget Discussion, and authorlzations ......... 78,79,80,83 " 10--Labor Participation Comm. re: retain H. Right Investigator position .............................................. 78 " 10--Less, Mike, objecting to banning beer in parks .............. 79 " 10--Leonard, Steve, re: cost saving at Library .................. 80 " 10--Legal Dept. budget discussion ........................... 81 10--Leagne of Women Voters re: Budget Discussion, revenue shar- ing, user fees... 81 10--Licensing of Dogs & Cats ................................ 87 15--Leppert, Richard re: alley problem behind Hillcrest .... 33, 99, 382, 401 15--Lehnhardt, Robert re: Cable TV Comm. vacancy ............ 103 15--Luerkens, Wm. & Jeannette, Claim & Denial ................ 104, 137 22--Lynch, Bill, Cigarette Permit ............................ 108 22--Larson, Franklin A., Claim & Settlement ................... 109, 393 22--Lammer, John R., Cigarette Refund ....................... 109 29--Lindahl, Barry A., interview for Corp. Counsel position .............................................. 111 Apr. 3--Lindahl, Barry A., nomination for Corp. Counsel position ..... 112 ' 7--Locust (Dodge & Bluff), Positive Guidance Demonstration Pro- ject ............... ;,..,; ...................... 123 " 7--LeonardOilCo.,Class C BeerPermit ................... 128 7--Loes, Robbie S., one of 2nd list of 10 certified for Firefighter... 129 7--Lampers, Troy, J, one of 2nd list of 10 certified for Fireflghter. 130 " 12--Library (National Library Week) preclamation .............. 132 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Apr. 12--Lesch, Joseph T., re: Public Hearing for State Transit Asst. Grant for Keyline ...................................... 132 ' 12--Lammers, John R., refund requested ..................... 137 " 19--Lease Agreement between City & Dubuque Arboretum Assn.. 140, 154 " 19--Leibold, Tom, as Realtor, re: property tax burden on citizen... 141 ,, 19_Lutheran Church (Prince of Peace) re: acceptance of Warrenty Deed for property ..................................... 143 May 3--Love, Mary, Pres. of Cable Car Square Assn., requesting con- sideration to fly flags in 4th St. area ....................... 155 17--Leonard Oil Co. re: Hearing & Suspension of Beer License ..... 169 17--Loeffelholz, Sandi, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm .......... 183 17--Loetscher, Carnie B., applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ........ 183 17--Liberty Restaurants, Inc. (Sflkas), Cigarette Permit ......... 184 17--Legion (American) Post, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..... 185 17--Larsen. Beverly A., Class ,C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 185 " 17--Leitner, Harold G., Claim; Denial ......................... 185, 241 June 7--Leases re: properties in Ice Harbor area, Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Co., Robert's River Rides. Inc., Dbq. County Hist. Society .... ........................................... 192, 220 to 225, 248 7--Leonard Oil Co.. Cigarette Permit ......................... 201 7 --Lindecker, Brenda, claim ................................ 203 " 7--Liphardt, John, claim, denial ............................. 203,264 21--Lambert, Mrs. David, Applicant for Civic Center Comm ...... 236 21 --Lochner, Donald H., Applicant for Dock Bd ................ 236 21--Lorraine's 1900 Tap, Cigarette Permit ..................... 238 21--Lin-Gar Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 21 --Loras College, Cigarette Permit .......................... 239 21--Legion (American), Cigarette Permit ...................... 239 21--Love, Kenneth J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 240 21--Leadership Training with Lyle Sumek, discussion etc ........ 244 270 July 19--Lighting, re: Ice Harbor Parking ,L,?, project ................ 19--Liberty Restaurants, Inc., Class C Beer & Liquor License... 271 " 19--Leash Law re: Patricia Nauman objecting to same ........... 272 " 19--Loan Participation Program re: Old Main Street Area Project. 272 Au,,g. 2_Legal Description re: correction of same (Amending Ord. 5'82). 286 2--Lincnln Ave. (& Kniest St.) re: request etc. for diverter for traffic problems ................................... 287, 322, 342 2--Ludwig, Marjorie, petitioning Council for diverter at Lin- colrdKniest St. area .................................... 287,322 2--Locust St. Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements, re: accep- ting improvements, final estimate etc ..................... 295 2--Legislative Concerns re: forwarded to League of Ia. Municipalities ......................................... 300 " 2--League of Ia. Municipalities, re: legislative concerns forward- ed ................................................... 300 " 2--Litigation re: Closed Session to give direction to Legal Counsel.. 303, 327 " 16--Loney, Del, petitioning for diverter at Lincoln/Kniest St. area.. 322 " 23--Loan Agreement with A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co .............. 333,351 " 23--Library Trustee Policies re: requesting clarification by Corp. Counsel .............................................. 335, 356 Sept. 13--League of Ia. Municipalities re: Loras Kluesner set as voting delegate .............................................. 355 Oct. 4--Lang, Father Charles, Invocation ......................... 371 4--Leitch, Atty. for Dubuque Land Development requesting vaca- tion of utility easement in Clarke Crest Estates ............. 371 4--Lindahl, Barry A. submitting findings dismissing the Nem- 378 mers case ............................................. " 18--Loras College-Beckman Hall, Cigarette Permit .............. 392 Nov. 1--Lucky Store, Inc. (Eagle's) - Class "C" Beer Permit .......... 397 1--Leafy, Mary, claim ..................................... 397 1--Lewis, Carol, Claim .................................... 397 1--Light (Street), requested to keep at corner of Pleasant & Col- 398 umbia ............................................... 8--Lochner, Donald ti. - Applicant for Dock Bd ................ 403 8--Love, Phillip R., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 404 " 8--Loras College, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 403 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Nov. 15--Levenhagen, Father Robert, Gave Invocation ............... 406 15--Luksetich, Thomas re: reclassification of property east of Southway ............................................ 407 15--Lombardi, Pat (Schuster) re: new Sublease approved by Coun- cll with Dubuque Marina ....................... ......... 408 15--Lombardi-Schuster, Pat re: Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...................................... 409, 410 22--Loan Agreement with Professional Arts Plaza Ldt. Partner- ship re: Clinic Revenue Bonds at Mercy's Graham Group ..... 412 22--Lease Agreement between City, Burroughs Corp. & Data Net- work Ass ............................................. 415 22--Lynch, Wm. J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 416 Dec. 6--Lambert, Checie re: objection to "Helistop" at Finley Hospital. 421 6--Loan Agreement from CD Block Grant Funds to FDL Foods, Inc .................................................. 421 6--License & Fees set for tank facilities which store flammable li- quids etc ............................................. 431 6--Local 94, UAW, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 433 6--Loras College, Refund on Cigarette Permit ................. 435 6--Lindahl (Solicitor) re: status of Nemmers case ............... 434 6--League of Municipalities re: Verbal Report by C.M. Deich ..... 435 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page M Jan. 4--Mayor James E. Brady sworn in for 1982 ................... 1 4--Mayor Pro-Tern J. Klauer sworn in ........................ 1 11--Martln Luther King Day, Proclamation .................... 8 11--Mllbrandt, T., Paul, Appointed to C.D. Corem ............... 14 11 --Miller, Dean A. appointed to Human Rights Corem .......... 14 11--Meisenburg, John, Cigarette Permit ...................... 15 11--Melloy, Kenneth, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 15 11--Maiers, Alphonse, Claim & Denial ........................ 16, 357 18--Melloy, Michael, on behalf of Resurrection Church re: proposed Sanitary Sewer .................................. 15, 17,399, 436 " 25--Market fees, Discussion on raising, Ord. revising ............ 25, 60 " 25--Moes, Sr. Mary Roger, Claim & Settlement ................. 27, 104 Feb. 1--Mayor Pro Tern, re: Ordinance providing for designation and term ................................................. 32 8--Memorandum of Agreement re: Thermolyne Ind. Dev. Rev. Project .............................................. 40 8--Mainers, Alphonse, denial of claim ........................ 46 " 15--Marie's re: Fundlng for Inf. & Ref. Service .................. 52 " 22--Miehe, Ben re: Urban Revit. application for Tax Exemption... 58 "22--Miller, Beverly R., Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 62 "22--Murphy, Ed., Claim .................................... 62 "22--Most, Wm. G., re: Keyline ............................... 62 "22--Murray, F.J. IChip) re: Presentation for Softball/Baseball Com- plex ................................................. 63 "22--Miller, Mrs. John re: Softball/Baseball Complex ............. 63 Mar. 8--Merit al Retardation Month, Proclamation .................. 68 " 8--Montgomery, Rose Marie, applicant for Dock Bd ......... 73, 236, 403 8--Meyer, Dennis J., Class "B" Beer Permit ................... 75 " 8--Mississippi Valley Airlines re: Notice by CAB relative to suspension of air transportation at Clinton & Ottumwa ....... 76 " 8--Moore, Elizabeth A., denial of claim ....................... 76 " 8--Meyer, Bill, claim & settlement ........................... 77, 313 " 8--McCay, Margaret A., claim ............................ ... 77 " 8--Mueller, Marie, claim ................................... 77 " 10--Moes, Sr. Roger Mary, re: opinion as to FY '83 Budget ........ 79 ' 10--Murray, Chip, re: consolidation of Park & Rec ............... 79 " 10--Melby, Janet, budgetary comments relative to Airport ....... 80 " lO--Montgomery, Rose Marie, re: funding for Operation: New View ................................................ 81 10--Milk Inspection Fees, raised ............................. 82, 90 10--MVA IMiss. Valley Airlines) re: increase of fees .............. 84 10--Mid-Contlnents Airlines re: increase of fees ................. 84 10--Madison St. Step Project, reduction of funding .............. 84 10--Mayor's Summer Youth Program, elimination of funding ..... 85 15--Moderate Rehabilitation Housing re: Resolution Auth. Execu- · tion of Amendment to Annual Contributions Contract ........ 102 " 15--MECHANICAL BOARD Submitting Minutes: .............. ........................................ 104, 264, 378, 386. 397 Apr. 7--Metz, Mrs. Susan submitting petition objecting to parking and traffic changes at 14th & 16th Streets ..................... 118 7--Mechanical Bd. reappdintment of Charles Berwanger. .. 127 7--Moldenhauer, Robert, Cigarette Permit ................. 128 7~Mr. Bili's Ltd., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 128 7--Maggin, Jeffrey T., refund request ....................... 129 7--Meisenburg, John, refund request ........................ 129 7--Motsch, Calvin, one of 10 certified (2nd list) by C. Ser. Comm. for Firefighter ....................................... 130 7--Meyer, Thomas F., certified in 2nd list of 10 for Firefighter.. 130 " 12--Miller, Robert (Rev.) gave invocation ................. 130 " 12--Meetings of City Council, changed to every other week, plus work sessions on intervening weeks ...................... 136 " 19--Meek, James A., appointed to TV Cable Community Tele- Programming Commission ............................. 145 " 19--Maggie, Jeff, refund request .......................... 146 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Apr. 19--March, 1982, submission of monthly reports of Finance Dir. and City Treasurer ..................................... 147 " 26--Marco's, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................. 150 May 3--Marshali Park, re: Lease Agreement between City & Ar- boretum Assn ......................................... 154 3--Meetings of Transit Bd., Ordinance providing for ............ 158 3--Moliy Magnires, Cigarette Permit ........................ 160 " 17--Mechanicdi Bd. reappdintment to same by Frank Schwartz .... 182 " 17--Moldenhauer, Kerin, applicant for P & Z Comm ............. 182 " 17--Murray, F. Chip, applicant for new Park & Rec. Corem ........ 183 " 17--Miracle Car Wash, Inc., Cigarette Permit ........... : ...... 184 " 17--Millman, Nelson, Class"B"BeerPermit ................... 184 " 17--March, Receipts & Expenditures, proof of publication ........ 185 17--Merchants Bonding Co. advising of authorization to transact its appropriate business of Fidelity & Surety Ins ............ 186 17--Memorandum Opinion of FCC re: KDUB-TV's petition for reconsideration ........................................ 186 "17--Mirco, Ltd., dismissal of suit ............................. 186 June 7--Mini-bus re: Contract of Project Concern with City ........... 198 7--Maid-Rite Rest., Cigarette Permit ........................ 201 7--Marc's Big Boy, Cigarette Permit ......................... 201 7--Meyer's DX, Cigarette Permit ........................... 201 7--Montgomery Ward & Co., Cigarette Permit ................. 201 7--Meyer, Catherine M., Class "B" Beer Permit, Cigarette Per- mit ................................................. 201,202 7--Mason City, re: CAB submitting Final Order of Fitness Deter- mination of American Central Airlines, Inc. and Notice of In- tent of Ozark Airlines, Inc. to suspend an service ............ 204 " 21 --Misslssippi Valley Milk Producer s re: rescinding of lease ...... 226 21--Meyers, David J., appointed to Elec. Bal. of Appeals .......... 237 21--Mescher &Tench, Cigarette Permit ....................... 238 21--Milk House, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 21 --Mister Donut, Cigarette Permit .......................... 238 21--Monte Carlo, Cigarette Permit ........................... 238 21--Magi, The, Cigarette Permit ............................. 239 21 --Marco's Italian Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........... 239 21 --Marty's Union 76, Cigarette Permit ....................... 239 21--Merchants Hotel, Cigarette Permit ....................... 239 21--Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit ................... 239 21--Moose, Loyal Order of, Cigarette Permit, Class "A" Beer & Liquor License ........................................ 239, 240 " 21 --Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette Permit .................... 239 " 21--March Council Proceedings, approved as printed ............ 241 " 21--May Reports of Fin. Dir. and Treasurer .................... 242 July 6--Mississippi Valley Milk Producers re: rescission of lease with Dock Comm .......................................... 247, 248 6--Miller, Frank, re: Ord. changing zoning for greenhouses ....... 247 6--Mr. Steak, Cigarette Permit ......................... · .... 262 6--Morett's 76 Service, Cigarette Permit ..................... 262 6--Mini-Mart, Cigarette Permit ............................. 263 6--Miller, John George, Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 263 6--May Council Proceedings, approved ....................... 263 6--May, proof of publication of that month etc ................. 265 19--Maker, Helen A. claim .................................. 272 19--Mliler, Karl E., denial of claim ............................ 272 19--Mississippi River re: Corps of Engrs. advising of wing dam and closing dam at Cassville ................................. 272 " 19--Mason City, re: Notice from CAB re: Ozark Airlines requiring to provide essential service ...................... 273, 349, 398, 435 " 19--Meatpacking Industry re: filing of Urban Development Action Grant for assistance .................................... 274 " 19--May, C.J., re: input to discussion of construction of buildings at Airport ............................................ 275 " 19--Maus, Mel, re: UDAG Grant for Dubuque Pack ............. 274 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page July 19--Municipal Airport re: construction of hangars etc ............ 275 2--Moore, Fr., Gave Invocation for meeting ................. 277 A~,,g. 2--Murphy, Pat, objecting to Stewart St. repaving (1982 Con. Paving Proj.) ........................................ 280 2--Market Master re: appointed as City sealer of weight & measures ............................................. 297 2--Measures; City Sealer established for weights & measures; also measures approved by City ............................ 297,298 2--Market (Central), Ordinance establishing provision for same.. 298 9--Mentally Handicapped Health Week, Proclamation .......... 305 9--Martin Luther Home, re: request for issuance of Health Care Bonds and resolutions, etc ....................... 307-310, 339-340 9--MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT re: Execution re: Mar~ tin Luther Health Care Bonds etc ......................... 308-310 " 16--Mercy Cllnic Project re: issuance of Clinic Revenue Bonds peti- tioned for by Belin, Harris etc. (Bonding Counsel) ........... ...................................... 314-316, 340-341,412-413 " 16--Memorandum of Agreement re: Graham Group for issuance of Clinic Revenue Bonds .................................. 314 " 23--Mangeno, Zella E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License & Sunday Sales ................................................ 335,347 " 23--Mississlppi River re: Army Corps of Engrs. advising of P. Hrg. relative to construction of wing dikes near Cassville .......... 335,336 Se,p,t. 7--Mayor Pro-Tem Loras Kluesner appointed for 8 months ...... 338 7--Mazzuchelii, Fr. re: submission of name for new Dbq.-Wis. Bridge ............................................... 341 " 13--Monday Co.,Class "C" Beer Permit ....................... 356 " 14--MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT re: Execution etc. for FDL Foods, Inc. Project ................................ 358, 362 " 20--Mans, Mel re: conditions for granting UDAG Grant for FdL... 364 " 20--Miss. Valley Hockey, Inc. re: Contract with City (5 Flags) ..... 364 Oct. 4--Maiers, Attorney Wm., representing T. Maiers and R. Schmitt, re: offer to purchase property at 604 Peru Rd ............... 371,424 4--Mitchell, Wm., Applicant for Elec. Exm~ning Bd ........... 377 " 11--Murphy, Wm. J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 386 " 11--Mullin, Virgil T., Claim ................................. 386 Nov. 1--Monitoring Equipment re: upgrading for Council Meetings at Chamber and Library ................................... 395 1 --Meeting Summary of FY '84 Budget, conducted by Mgr ...... 398 1 --Melloy, Kenneth, refund request on Cigarette Permit ......... 398 " 8--Marker on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ............... 403 8--Melloy, Kenneth, refund on Liquor License ................. 404 " 8--Mississippi River, re: Notice from Army Corps of Engrs. as to crossing of Natural Gas Pipeline .......................... 404 Dec. 6--Mass, Bonnie, Claim .................................... 434 " 13--Mihalakis, Phillip, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 437,438 " 13--Millman, Norene J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 438 " 1B--Mr. Bill's Ltd., Refund on Liquor License .................. 438 " 20--Moracco, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 442 " 20--MiNa, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............... 442 " 20--Matous. Edward, Claim ................................. 443 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan. 11--McDonald, Marilyn appointed to Library Bd .............. 14 ' 18--McCarthy, Leo, on behalf of Hilby & Pfohl, re: Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ............................. 17 " 18--McCoy, Bob, re: designation of Old Main St. Historic Pres. District ............................................ 21 18--McAIpin, Sara BVM, re: funding for Inf. & Ref .............. 52 Mar. 8--McMulien, Don, applicant for Dock Corem ................ 73 15--McCoy, Robert, in favor of Old Main St. designation ......... 93 15--McAleece Field Property, re: amendment to Thermolyne Op- tion ................................................ 98 3 MA1 ..... May -- c eeceRec. Area, Class B BeerPermlt ............... 160 June 21--McDonald, A.Y, re: UDAG Grant Agreement with City ...... 230 " 21 --McEvoy, Edward, applicant for Civic Center Corem .......... 236 ' 21--McMullen, Don, applicant for Dock Bd .................... 236 " 21--McCann's Standard, Cigarette Permit ..................... 239 Ju!,y 6--McGovern, Dixie L., claim .............................. 264 6--McCay, Margaret A., Denial of claim .................... 264 " 19--McNamer, Marry re: request for correct zoning for County pro- perty at Hwys. 416 & 20 ............................... 268 Aug. 2--McCormick St. re: 1982 Concrete Paving Project, Notices, Objections ......................................... 279, 280 2--McClain, Michael J. & Tanie A., objecting to McCormick St. paving .............................................. 280 2--McDermott, W.J., objecting to Stewart St. paving ........... 280 " 16--McGarvey, John H., re: Memorandum of Agreement with The Graham Group ........................................ 315 " 16--McKay, Thomas W., requesting Ord. to correct Legal descrip- tion (amending Ord. 5-60) ................................ 317 Sept. 7--McGreal, Sister M. Nona, re: in favor of name "Mazzuchelli" for new bridge ......................................... 341 Nov. 8--McMullen, Don, applicant for Dock Corem ................. 403 " 8--McCauley, Frank & Fay re: Ordinance vacating alley abutting Lot 12 Sunset Park Subd. No. 2 North of Hillcrest Rd ........ 401 Dec. 13--McGinnis, Joseph M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 438 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan. 4--Naughton, Attorney for David Hartig's re: zoning in Lower Julian Dubuque Dr. (Inland Molasses Co.) .................. 5 " 4--November monthly reports submitted ..................... 6 ,, 11_Nash, Russell, re: group home Ordinance change ............ 9 " 11--Northeast Ia. Crime Comm., Council Member Deich chosen to 15 serve on same ......................................... 11--November, claims & Receipts, Proof of publication ........... 16 " 18--Nederhoff, Dale requesting reappointment on the Northeast Ia. Criminal Justice Council ............................. 22 " 18--Northeast Iowa Criminal Justice Council, re: petition of Dale A. Nederhoff requesting to be representative ............... 22 " 25--November 1981 Printed Council Proceedings, Approved ...... 27 Feb. 1--Nemmers, Julian re: lawsuit proposal, status ................ 34, 434 " 1 --National Distributive Education Week, Proclamation ........ 36 " 15--NationalEnglneers' Week, proclamation ................. ... 48 " 15--Neumolster, Dr. & Mrs. re: objection to water main extension on Crescent Ridge ..................................... 48 " 15--Naughton, Dennis, re: urban revit, app. for tax exemption ..... 48 "22--Noel, Dennis claim, denial ............................... 62, 129 " 25--Naughton, Dennis re: interview scheduled for position of Corp. 65 Counsel .............................................. ' 25--Nouhaus, M.L., resume submitted for Corp. Counsel ......... 65 Mar. 10--Neumslster, Dr., re: FY '83 Budget ........................ 79 " 10--Nash, Russell, objecting to library cuts .................... 80 " 10--Nederhoff, Dale re: funding for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps .... 81 " 10--Non-Bargaining Personnel, 6% increase or $1300, allocated for FY '83 ............................................... 84 " 15--Nelson, Dan rs: Dubuque Marina petition .................. 99 15--Novaks, Rev. Edward L., invocation ...................... 106 15--Neuwoehner. Robert, claim, & denial .................. 109, 129, 356 " 29--Naughton, Dennis J., interview for position of Corp. Counsel . 111 Apr. 3--Naughton, Dennis J, withdrawal of application for Corp. Counsel position ....................................... 112 7--No Parking re: Proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing to amend portion of Section 25-257 designating "No Parking" 118 Areas ................................................ " 7--Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., re: installation of curbside phones ............................................... 122 " 19--National Year of Disabled Persons, Proclamation ............ 138 " 19--Neuwoahner, Robert A., as Realtor. re: property taxation ..... 141 Ma,,y 3_Nor th Sector Zoning, Ordnances submitted otc ....... 154, 155,188A 3--Nash Finch Co., Class "C Beer Permit .................... 160 3--Notices of Findings of No Sign. Effect on Environment (Proof of Publ.) for various projects ............................. 161 " 17--Nesler Center re: installation of cable between Dbq. Building and same ............................................. 176 - 17_Notice of Citation for Beer Permittee or Liquor Licenses, Ord. changing ............................................. 179 " 17--Nugnnt, Betty, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ............. 183 " 17--Ness, Neeleon & Mary Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 185 " 17--1933, Inc. (N~neteenThlrty-Three, Class C Beer & I ~quo . · 185 June 7--Nuclear armament freeze, request for Resolution concerning. · 195 7--Neuman, Sr. Margeurite, requesting nuclear freeze Resolution. 195 7--Nabor's Drug, Cigarette Permit .......................... 201 7--Neighbor's Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 201 7--Nash Finch Co. (Warehouse Market), Cigarette Permit ....... 202 7 Neuwoeimer~ Robert F..Claim 203 21 --Nonbargaining Unit Employees, re: Adopting '83 Compensation 233 21--Noonan's Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 238 July 6--Nickels, Howard J., claim ............................... 264 " 6--Notice from Dept. of Environmental Quality re: sewer permit for Aquin Ave. Sanitary Sewer ........................... 265 " 19--Nichols, Cynthia, re: Suit by First National Bank as Conser- vator vs. City ......................................... 272 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page July 19--Notice from CAB re: Intent of Ozark to provide service at Ft. Dodge & Mason City ........................... 273, 349, 379, 398 " 19--Naumann, Patricia re: Objecting to Leash Law for cats ....... 272 " 19--Ninth & Eleventh St. re: One-Way Streets .................. 295, 296 Aug. 9--Nativity Church, Class "B" Beer Permit; Refund ............ 312,368 " 16--Newt Marine Store re: Cigarette Permit .................... 325 " 23--Notlce from Appeal from Fischer Investment Co. appealing Condemnation Award made by Compensation Corem ........ 335 Sept. 7--Natlonal Cancer Day, Proclamation ....................... 338 " 7--Naming of new Dbq.-Wis. Bridge - Discussion etc ............ ........................................ 341,374, 379, 413, 444 " 7--Naming of Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, discussion etc.. ................................................ 341, 374, 384 " 20--Nash, Ruth, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment ......... 367 Oct. 4--National YWCA Teen Week, Proclamation ................. 371 " 4--National 4-H Week in the City, Proclamation ............... 371 " 4--Nemmers, City Solicitor Lindahl giving information about Suit ................................................. 378 " 18--Northwest Arterialre: Stop Intersection ................... 389 " 18--NaborsDrug, Inc.,Class"C"BeerPermit .................. 392 " 18--Nash Finch Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 392 " 18--Neyens, Steve & Leslie, Claim ............................ 393 Nov. 1--Numbering System (Standardized) for new structures, submit- ted by WIS DOT & IA DOT: ............................ 398 8--Natural Gas Pipeline re: Notice by Northern Nat. Gas to put pipeline across Miss. River .............................. 404 " 15--Nonconforming Uso Section of Zoning Ordinance re: P & Z submitting Amendment ............................ 408, 417, 420 " 15--Nash, Russell, re: Town Meeting date changed .............. 411 " 22--Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. re: Request to install 5 curb- side phones; Denial ..................................... 413 Dec. 6--National Drugged and Drunk Driving Awareness Week, Prc~ clamatlon ............................................ 418 6--Northwestern Development, Inc. for awarding contract for Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ...................... 428, 437 6--Northwest Arterial, Stage I, Grading & Drainage, Project .... 426 " 13--Notice of Federal Rev. Sharing Funds for FY '82, (Proof of Pub.) ................................................ 438 " 13--Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment .... 438 " 20--November monthly reports of City Treas. & Finance Director.. 443 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page O Jan. 4--ORDINANCE NO. 1-82 Accepting a Charter for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, embodying the existing form of government on 1-1-82 ............................................. 3 4--Osborne, Don, re: Group Home & pending Ordinance ......... 9 " 11--ORDINANCE NO. 2-82 Amending Zoning Ordinance by Enac- ting a New Minimum Required Lot Area in Sq. Feet for Group Homes, and to Change Lot Area Per Resident Requirement for Group Homes in Res. Districts R-2, R-3, R-4 & R.5 and OR.1... 10 " 11--ORDINANCE NO. __-- Amending Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property located at 30th St. from Jackson to Elm Sts. from C-1 Comm. Dis. classification to L-1 Light Industrial Classification ......................................... 11, 29 11--Operatinn: New View, Council Members Klauer and Kronfeldt chosen to serve ........................................ 15 " 18--Odden, Rev. Robert, Invocation for Meeting ................ 17 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 4-82 Amending Zoning Ordinance to reclassify property of Powers Construction Co. from R-5 Multi- Family Residential Dis. to OR-1 Planned Unit Development Dis .................................................. 19, 36 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 5-82 Amending Zoning Ordinance to reclassify property located in Asbury Springs Sub. No. 4 from R-2, R-4 and R-5 District to R-3 Multi-Family Residential Dis- trict ............................................. 19, 20, 37, 38 18--ORDINANCE NO. -- Amending Zoning Ordinance to amend Zoning Map with regard to a portinn of property on Julien Dbq. Dr. in the South Sector of the territory involuntari- ly annexed to the City of Dbq. to be reclassified to "H-I Heavy Industrial District." . .................................. 20 " 18--Old Main Street Historic Pres. Comm. re: discussion of designation ...................................... 21, 93, 94, 364 " 25--Open Burning re: DEQ letter and discussion ................ 25. 26 "25--Oky Doky #9, Class "C" Beer Permlt ...................... 26 Feb. 1--ORDINANCE NO. 6-82 Approving vacating a portion of Far- ragut St., Garfield Ave., and the alley south of Farragut St. parallel to Kerper Blvd .................................. 30, 54 1--Old Main Historic Preservation District re: review of same by Ia. State Hist. Dept. etc ................................. 31 1--ORDINANCE NO. 3-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 2-81 thereof and Enacting a New Section 2-81 in lieu thereof to provide for the Election of a MAYOR PRO-TEM of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, and Pro- viding for the Designation and Term of Said Mayor Pro-Tem.. 32 1--ORDINANCE NO. 10-82 Amending Cede of Ordinances for the City of Dubuque, Iowa providing for a Five Member Board of Dock Commissioners and prescribing their terms of office... ............................................. 33, 51, 59, 72, 73 8--Ozark Airlines, re: Notice of Suspension of Service to Ft. Dodge & Mason City ................................... 46, 76 ' 15--ORDINANCE NO. 9-82 Amendfug Zoning Ordinance to rezone properties at 442-444 and 426-428 W. 5th St. from R-3 Multi- Family Res. Dis. to OR-1 Office Residential District .......... 50, 69 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 7-82 Amending the Code relative to the make-up of the Transit Board ............................ 51, 59 " 15--Ottmans, Gocrgie re: Inf. & Ref. Services funding ............ 52 " 15--Osborne, Donald R., re: Inf. & Ref. Services funding .......... 52 " 15--O1d Main Street Redevelopment District re: Downtown Assn. supporting Block Grant funds for same .................... " 22--ORDINANCE NO. 8-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 24-27 in lieu thereof providing for the issuance of Permits for Stalls in the Central Market .......... " 22--Ostert, Jim, as owner of Walnut Acres, re: proposal to sell to City ................................................. 63, 64 Mar. 8--Oberhausen, John L., claim & settlement ................... 77, 129 " 8--Odell, C.B., claim & denial ............................... 77, 203 52 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 8--Olson, Marilyn, funding for Operation: New View ............ 81 " 8--Operation: New View, requests for funding and final funding.. 81, 85 " 10--ORDINANCE NO. 11-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City providing for licensing of DOGS and CATS and RABIES CONTROL ................................... 87-89 " 10--ORDINANCE NO. 12-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City Providing for revision of MILK PERMIT FEES ..... 90 " 10--ORDINANCE NO. 13-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City Providing for a LICENSE FEE FOR OPERATION OF SERVICE STATIONS .............................. 91 " 15--Old Main St. Historic District, discussion, designation, modifi- cations ............................................. 93.94, 364 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 14-82 Establishing the OLD MAIN HISTORIC DISTRICT ................................. 93 15--ORDINANCE NO. 16-82 Amending Code of Ordinances pro- viding that those intersections designated are hereby declared to be "Stop Intersections." . ............................ 96, 116 15--ORDINANCE NO. 15-82 Amending Code of Ordinances pro- viding that when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersection before enter- ing 12th St., east from the WPL of Kerper Blvd. to EPL of Cen- tral Ave. and Garfield Ave. from EPL of Elm St. to the SPL of Fengier St. and from the NPL of Fengier St. to Shiras Ave .... 97, 116 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 17-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by providing that those intersections designated are hereby declared to be "Yield Intersections." ...................... 96, 117 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 18-82 Amending Code of Ordinances pro- viding that when signs are erected giving notice thereof no per- son shall at any time park a vehicle upon certain streets or parts of streets ........................................ 97, 118 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 19-82 Providing for prior approval of Tax Exemption for new construction for Tbermdiyne Corp ........ 98, 120 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 23-82 Amending the code by enacting a new Section 27-37 providing for use of intoxicating beverages in Public Parks ........................................ 103, 156 " 15--Oll Depot, suspensinn of Beer Permit ...................... 103 " 22--ORDINANCE NO. 22-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by repealing Division 4 of Article III comprised of Sections 27-86 through 27-95 providing for the elimination of Petrakis Park as a Municipal Athletic Field ............................ 107, 135 " 22--Old Main St. area requesting an appointment to the Historic Pres. Comm. representing their area ....................... 107 Ap,,r. 7--Option Agreement between City and Thermolyne Corp ....... 119 7--Ozark Airlines, re: Order to provide essential air transp, at Fort Dodge & Mason City, by CAB ....................... 130, 161 " 12--Oil Depot, re: Hearing as to suspension/revocation of Beer Per- mit for selling beer to minor .............................. 132 " 12--ORDINANCE NO. 20-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 36-183(w) in lieu thereof, providing for monthly subscriber rates for Pay Television Services ......... 133 12--ORDINANCE NO. 21-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by Ena~ ting New Section 17-1 in lieu thereof and by the Addition of New Sections 17-3, 17-4 and 17-5 providing for restrictions on Burning of Wastes and Providing for Seasons] Open Burning Periods ..... 134 12--Open Burning re: Ordinance regulating .................... 134 9--0 Rourke, Karen, applicant for TV Cable Comnusmon ........ 145, 237 Ma,,y 3--Olympic Heights, re: Nor th Sector Zoning .................. 154,155 3--An ORDINANCE to Amend the Zoning Map with regard to properties in the North Sector of the Territory Involuntarily Annexed to the City of Dubuque ............ 154, 188A 3--An ORDINANCE --__ Amending Zoning Map with regard to properties adjacent to the North Sector in the City of Dubuque ......................................... 155, 188A 3--ORDINANCE NO. 23-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by Repealing Certain Sections of Chapter 27 and Enacting New Sections in lieu thereof providing for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors and Beer in Parks, Open Seasons and Hours for Parks and the Prohibition of, Bicycles and Motor-Driven Vehicles in Parks ...................................... 155, 156 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page May 3--ORDINANCE NO. 24-82 Amending the Code of Ordlnances by Enacting a New Section 38-75(a) of Division 2 of Article III providing for Meetings for the Transit Bd ................. 158 ' 17--Option Agreement re: Purchase of Security Bldg ............ 162, 208 " 17--An ORDINANCE NO. 30-82 Providing that General Property Taxes levied and collected each year on ali property located within the Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Project Area be paid to a Special Fund for payment on principal and interest on loans, mohies advanced to and indebtedness, including bonds issued or to be issued in connection with Urban Renewal Redevelopment Project ............................. 167,200, 206 17--Oky-Doky Stores re: Hearing/Suspensions of Violators of Beer Permits .............................................. 169, 170 " 17--An ORDINANCE NO. 28-82 Amending Code by Enacting a New Section 4-113.3 of Artiale VI in lieu thereof to allow ser- vice vehicle parking as an accessory use and regulate the num- ber and weight of vehicles ............................... 175, 189 " 17--An ORDINANCE NO. 25-82 Authorizing Dubuque Bank and Trust Co. to construct a Twinaxial Cable between the Dubuque Building and Nesler Center ............................. 176 " 17--ORDINANCE NO. 26-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by Adding a New Section 5-8 to Chapter 5 to Provide that Notice, and the Manner Thereof be given to Beer Permittee or Liquor Licensee of Citation for Violation of Section 5-3 or 5-7 of Chapter 5 of the Code... 179 " 17--ORDINANCE NO. 27-82 Amending Certain Sections in Chapter 27 by Enacting new Sections in lieu thereof creating a Park and Recreation Commission and the office of Park and Recreation Director .................................... 180 " 17--Operation: New View re: alternates selected for Council Members. 184 ' 17--Overpass, U.S. 20, re: repair project ....................... 186 " 17--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Certain Sections of the Zoning Ordinance in lieu thereof to delete greenhouses as principal permitted use in the R-1 Residential District and to establish a maximum size for non-commercial greenhouses.... 190, 247 June 7--Operating Engineers re: Authorization of signing of Stipula- tion of Bargaining Unit ................................. 197 7--ORDINANCE NO. 29-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, by Adding Section 2-9 thereof providing for a CITY FLAG ...................................... 197 7--Office Grill, Cigarette Permit ............................ 201 7--Ozark Airlines, re: Notice of Intent to suspend ali service to Ft. Dodge & Mason City ................................... 204 21--Operating Engrgs. re: Acceptance of Agreement with City .... 233 21 --Old Main Improvement Program re: Guidelines etc .......... 234 21 --Organizational Devalopment, re: Lyle Sumek retention ....... 234 21--Oehrle, John L., appointed to Civic Center Comm ............ 236 21--Old Fashion Saloon, Cigarette Permit ..................... 238 21--Old Shang, Cigarette Permit .......................... 238 21--Oky-Doky, (5 outlets), Cigarette Permits ................. 238 21--Olde German Bank, Cigarette Permit .................... 239 21--Otting, Eugene A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 240 21--Oeth, PcterJ.,Class B Bee e t. 240 21--Orchard Hills Subd. re: petition concerning road & sidewalk problems ........................................... 243. 301 July 6--ORDINANCE NO. 38-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances bY providing for an Amendment to the PI Planned Ind. District provisions of Zoning Ord. (Repealing Sec. 4-121 PI Plaun. Ind. Dis. of Article IV & Enacting a New Section 4-121 PI Planned Ind. Diet. of Article IV.) .............................. 251. 281 6--ORDINANCE NO. 39-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by providing for Preliminary Development Plan for Dubuque Ind- dustrial Center ...................................... 251. 284 6--ORDINANCE NO. 31-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 27-26 thereof providing for the Elimination of the Office of Park Superintendent ................. 253 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page July 6--ORDINANCE NO. 32-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by Enacting a new Subsection lc) of Section 27-37 in lieu thereof permitting "Keg Beer" in Public Parks under Certain Condi- tions ................................................ 253 6--ORDINANCE NO. 33-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 35-2 in lieu thereof and providing for the elimination of a Flagmen at Certain Railroad Crossings ....... 254 6--ORDINANCE NO. 34-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 14-10, 14-11, 14-12 and 14-13 thereof Pro- riding for the Repeal of Code Provisions, Duplicated in the Uniform Fire Code ..................................... 255 6--ORDINANCE NO. 35-83 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Division I of Article III of Chapter 14 Com- prised of Sections 14-46 Through 14-49 in lieu thereof pro- viding for General Provisions pertaining to Service Stations and Tank Trucks ...................................... 255,256 6--ORDINANCE NO. 36-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Division 2 of Article/II of Chapter 14 Com- prised of Sections 14-55 through 14-58 Providing for Service Station Licenses ....................................... 257 6--ORDINANCE NO. 37-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 2-69 in lieu thereof, providing for Of- ficers' Bonds .......................................... 258 6--O'Hara Texaco, Cigarette Permit ......................... 262 6--Oil Depot, Cigarette Permit .............................. 263 6--Oky-Doky #7, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 263 6--Oky-Doky #15, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 263 6--O'Donnoll, Mrs. Wm., Claim ............................. 264 " 19--ORDINANCE NO. Amending cer tain Sections of the Zoning Ordinance to allow "Flags in Historic Districts", to definite temporary signs and regulating their use and requiring a $10 Certificate Fee .................................... 267 " 19--Ozark re: Notice from CAB re: essential air service at Ft. Dodge & Mason City ....................... 273,349, 379. 398, 435 Aug. 2--ORDINANCE NO. 49-82 Amending Code by reclassifying pro- perty at 53 W. 32nd St. from R-3 Multi-Family Resid. Dis. classification to C-2 Local Service Commercial District classification ...................................... 285, 331,332 2--Ordinances set for P. Hearing by recommendation of Mgr. re: Powers Construction request ............................ 286 " 2--ORDINANCE NO. 47-82 Amending Ordinance No. 5-82 to correct an improper legal description ...................... 286, 328 " 2--ORDINANCE NO. 48-82 Amending Ordinance No. 4-82 by adopting an amended Preliminary Development Plan for an OR-1 Office/Res. PUD .................................. 286, 328 " 2--ORDINANCE NO. reclassifyingpropertyadjoin- lng the OR-1 PUD from 1~8 Multiple Family District to R-2 Single Family District .................................. 286, 331 2--One-Way streets of 9th and 11th, to facilitate new bridge traffic ............................................... 295,296 2--ORDINANCE NO. 40-82 Providing that the City Code be amended by Revising Section 25-182, Subsection 13) and Subsection (4) of Said Code: Providing upon those streets & Parts of Streets and in alleys designated as on.way streets and signs posted for one-way traffic vehicles shall be driven on- ly in the direction designated ............................ 296 2--ORDINANCE NO. 41-82 Amending the City Code by Repeal- ing Sections 24-98 through 24-111 of Div. 2 of Article VI thereof, and by enacting new Sections 24-98 through 24-101 of Division 2 of Article VI in lieu thereof providing for a City Sealer of Weights & Measures and Penalties for violations .... 297 2--ORDINANCE NO. 42-82 Amending the City Code by repeal- ing Sections 24-33 and 24-34 thereof and by enacting a new Sec- tion 24-33 in lieu thereof providing for the Weights & Measures to be used in the Central Market .......................... 298 " 2--ORDER re: Fischer Tax Appeals, set out by Judge Deguan .... 303 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Au, q, 2--Optimist Club (Evening) refund of Beer Permit .............. 303 2--Ozark Airlines re: CAB Setting out Order extending re- quirement s to provide essential air transportation ........... 303 2--Old Main St. Area re: Proof of publication of Notice of Intent to file request for release of Block Grant Funds .............. 303 " 16--ORDINANCE NO. 50-82 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at 2637 Windsor Ave. from R-3 Mniti- Family Residential District Classification .................. 317, 338 " 16--ORDINANCE NO, 44-82 Amending and Correcting Ordinance No. 5-60 by Deleting in Section 4 thereof "Lot 5, Block 5, Railroad Addition" and inserting in lieu thereof "Lot B, Block 5, Railroad Addition." (Correction of Legal Description) ...... 317 " 16--ORDINANCE NO. 45-82 Amending the Code by Repealing Sections 6-17, 6-18, 6-21, 6-22 and 6-20 and by enacting a New Section 6-20 providing for licensing of Billiard & Pool Halls .... 323 " 16--ORDINANCE NO. 46-82 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 36-183(i)(1) and Enacting a New Section 36-183(i)(1) providing for Subscriber Charges and Radio and TV Sales & Service .............................................. 323, 324 "23--ORDINANCE NO. __ Amending the Code by ad- ding a new Chapter to said Code, to be known and entitled as Chapter 13¼, Endorsement of Activities Conducted by For Profit Organizations ................................... 334 Sept. 7--ORDINANCE NO. 51-82 Amending Code by Revising Section 25-210 Subsection (b) of said Code: Providing that those in- tersections designated are hereby declared to be "Stop In- tersections'' for all purposes (eastbound and westbound of Lin- coln & Kniest Sts.) ..................................... 342 7--ORDINANCE NO. 52-82 Repealing Ord. 40-82, and Providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City be Amended by Revis- ing Section 25-183, Subsection (3) and Subsection (4) of said Code: Providing upon those streets and parts of Streets and in alleys designated as one Way Streets Signposted for One-Way Traffic, Vehicles shall be driven only in the direction designated ........................................... 343 " 13--ORDINANCE NO. 54-82 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Article II of Chapter 11 comprised of Sections 11-16 through 11-23 in lieu thereof providing for a Joint County Municipal Adm. for Disaster Services Purposes.. 354, 366, 376 Oct. 4--Ordinance requested that would allow residents to call police to two vehicles that park in places that have been snow shoveled out by owner .......................................... 371 " 4--ORDINANCE NO. 53-82 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 12-36(b) thereof and Enacting a New Section 12-36(b) in lieu thereof providing for a Polling Place for the Twentieth Precinct ............................................. 374, 375 4--O'Hara, J & P, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 378 " Ii--ORDINANCE NO. 57-82 Vacating an Alley abutting Lot 12 Sunset Park Subd. #2, north of Hillcrest Road known as Lot 12A in Sunset Park Subd, #2 ............................. 383 " Il--ORDINANCE NO. 55-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 27-90 Renaming Harem Island to Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ........................ 384 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 56~82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Revising Section 25-210 Subsection (b) of said Code: Providing that those intersections designated are hereby declared to be "Stop Intersections" for all purposes of this section and vehicles bound in the Direction indicated must stop before entering the Designated Intersection ...................... 389, 390 Nov. 8--OldGirlsClubBnildingre~letterssubmittedbyEldonDignmn... 404 "22--ORDINANCE Authorizing Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. to instan 5 drive up curbside telephones - denied ............. 414 Dec. 6--ORDINANCE NO. Amending Appendix A of Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by enacting a new Article II which establishes provisions to aliow expansion of non- conforming uses ....................................... 420 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Dec. 6--Operation Paintbrush re: Environmentni Assessment ........ 429 6--Old Main St. Area (Ind. Comm. Loan Participation) re: En- vironmental Assessment ................................ 429 6--ORDINANCE NO. 58-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 7-45(b) and Enacting a New Section 7-45(b) providing for 3 year immunizations against rabies for cats .... 431 6--ORDINANCE NO. 59-82 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Division 3 to Article III of Chapter 14 com- prised of Sections 14-70, 14-71, 14-72, and 14-73 Providing for the issuance of a License for a Fee for Tanks Containing Cor- rosive, Flammable or Combustible Liquids ................. 432 6--October, 1982, re: monthly reports of Finance Director & City Exemption for new construction filed by A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. for property in Dubuque Industrial Center, Third Addition ................................. 436, 440 "13--Oky'Doky (Trans-Miss ~nv~tm~nt g, Inc~ ), Cigar~tte'Perm~t... 437 " 13--October, 1982, re: List of Claims and Expenditures (Proof of pub.) ........................ "20--ORDINANCE NO. 61-82 Amendin~ d~d ~;~ ~½ 1~ 438 Sect/on 35-11 which provided for Partial Exemption for Agticultural Lands .................................. 441 " 20--O'Mara, ThomasJ &BrigiteE.,ciaim .............. ; ...... 443 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan. P 4--Publication of notification for opening of Corporation Counsel. 3 4--Petitlon by Atty. Naughton for David Hartig re: zoning in lower Ju]ien Dubuque Dr ................................ 5 4--PARK BOARD -- Submitting Minutes: ........................ 6, 22, 26, 52, 62, 75, 108,150, 161,185,397 6 7 "ll--Power Study, re: Hydroelectric study re: Fact Sheet submitted by U.S. Army Corps of Engrs ............................ " 11--Polsean, Tilden, opinion as to how the new Council was dding.. " 11--Polsean, Al, questioned garbage rates, and Cres. Ridge San. Sewer ................................................ 7 " 11--P & Z Comm. re: denial of rezoning request of property lacated at 30th St. between Elm & Jackson ....................... 11 " 11--Positive Guidance Demonstration Project re: Resolution ap- proving (To include approaches to and intersection of Dodge, Bluff & Locust Streets) ................................. 12 " 11--Pries, Mark appointed to Human Rights Comm ............. 14 " 11 --Plumbing Bd. appointment of Albert Bracket ............... 15 " 11--Polsean, Al, response to questions set out 1-4-82 ............. 16 " 18--Pfohl, Margaret, estate, re: Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 17 " 18--P & Z Comm. re: rezoning request of Powers Con. Co. re: pro- perty located east of J.F.K. Road between Foothill and Fire Station .............................................. 19 " 18--Powers Construction Co. re: rezoning of property between Foothill and Fire Station ................................ 19 " 18--Petition of Thermolyne requesting vacation of certain proper- ties .................................................. 21 " 18--Petition of Allan Israel requesting refund re: Sec. 8 Housing... 21 " 25--Pries, Rev. Mark, invocation for meeting ................... 24 " 25--Printed Council Proceedings for Nov., 1981 approved ........ 27 Feb. 1--Petition of Jim & Kathy Bauerly re: Don's Transmission reclassification ........................................ 29 " 8--Powers, Jay of Powers Construction re: rezoning of property near J.F.K. Road ...................................... 36 " 8--Petition of DMATS re: funds for Rail Study ................ 42 " 8--PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION COMMISSION Sub- mitting Minutes: ............................. 46, 62, 76, 108, 150 " 15--Plaza 20 Foods, re: Cigarette Permit and Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................. 51 "15--PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Submitting Min- utes: ...... 52, 104, 129, 146, 161,185, 264, 302, 326, 356, 378, 416, 438 15--Patters, Richard, Claim, denial ........................... 52, 146 15--Petition of B. I-Iubbs re: painting addresses on street curbs .... 52 15--Petitinn of Irene Pins re: Parking near Ecumenical Towers .... 52 15--Painting addresses on street curbs, re: B. Hubbs petition ..... 52 15--Pins, Irene re: parking near Ecumenical Towers ............. 52 15--Phone-A-Friend, Inc. re: Petition for funding for Inf. & Ref.... 52 15--Parks re: objections to charging fees ...................... 52' 22--Pottor, Lee & Karen re: urban revit, app. for tax examption .... 58 22--Petition of E. Sheppley III requesting refund of $3500 for/nd. Dev. Rev. Bond ........................................ 58 22--Poire, Mary, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 62 22--Petition of B. Vesperman re: objecting to fees for parks etc .... 63 22--Petitions re: funding for Inf. & Ref. Service ................. 63 22--Petition of R.J. Schm~tz re: computerized scanning check-out.. 63 22--Palm, Ron re: for softball/baseball complex ................. 63 22--Ports, Gene, re: for softball/baseball complex ............... 63 Mar. 8--Pricing Code re: discussion of same ....................... 71 8--Pregler, Walter re: objecting to grease pencil marking re: unit Pricing discussinn ..................................... 71 8--Polsean, Tilden, applicant for Dock Corem .................. 73 8--Papke, Merlin, submitting an offer of land for baseball complex.. 76 8--Program, fa. Juvenile Victim Restitution, requesting City join same by Ass't County Attorney .......................... 76 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 8--Proof of publication of claims, expenditures etc. for Jan. 1982.. 76 8--Pins. Tharsella, claim ................................... 77 8--Park Dept. employees requesting reconsideration of proposed budget cuts ........................................... 77 8--Pregier, Steve, of Park Dept. speaking to Council relative to budget cuts .......................................... 77 10--Park Dept. 1983 Budget Comments etc .................... 78 10--Police & Fire Dept., re: 1983 Budget Comments etc ......... 78.81, 82 10--Park Dept. re: suggestion to cut walnut trees at Marshall Park. 79 10--Pease, Kenneth, re: Library Budget ....................... 80 10--Perlllo, Elaine. re: Library Budget ........................ 80 10--Prochaska, Tom, re: Library Budget ..................... 80 10--Plain, Larry, re: Library Budget .......................... 80 10--Public Works Dept. re: Budget ........................... 80 10--Parking Division re: FY '83 Budget ............ · ........... 80 10--Public Safety Programmer, re: discussion of new position in '83 Budget .............................................. 82 " 10--Park Dept. re: Budget discussion, etc ...................... 82 " 10--Park Board Salaries, re: motion to eliminate same ........... 82 " 10--Park & Rec. Supervisory positions, re: motions to eliminate same ............................................... 83 10--Park Pavillions Fees, re: raised ........................... 83 10--Peru Road etc. Sewer Projects, re: deferred in FY '83 Budget.. 84 10--Purchase of Services re: FY '83 Budget .................... 85 10--Pay Classification Study, re: adopted for FY '83 Budget ...... 85 10--Police Dispatch System, re: discussion at budget time ........ 82 10--Public Safety Programmer position, deleted ................ 82 10--Peru Rd./Kenn. Ct. & Keyway San. Sewer projects, project deferred .............................................. 84 " 15--Petition of United Assn. of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Ind. objecting to building being plac- ed on the National Register of His. Places .................. 93 " 15--Parking vehicles on streets re: Ordinance setting out rules .... 97 " 15--Park Bd. re: City Mgr. submitting Res. providing for disconti- nuance of Park Bd. & Play. & Rec. and setting for Hearing, also Resolution ............................................ 97 " 15--Playground & Rec. Bd., discontinuance by Resolution ........ 97 " 15--Property Tax Exemption for Thermdiyne, proposal submitted. 98 ' 15--Publlc Hearing re: Discontinuance of Park &Rec. Boards as such ................................................. 98 " 15--Parks re: discussion of banning alcoholic bev. in same ........ 103 " 15--Park Dept. employees re: budget cuts of Park Dept .......... 107 15--Petrakls Park, elimination of all references in Code to same. 107, 127. 135 " 22--Proof of publicatlon, of Notice of Finding of No Significant Ef- fect on the Environment for project to be undertaken under Ti- tle I of the Housing & C.D. Act ........................... 109 Apr. 7--Proof of publication of Notice of Public Hearing to amend por- tion of Section 25-257 designating"No Parking" areas ....... 118 7--Petition of L. Pfeiler for M. Schwartz requesting not to eliminate parking on both sides of 16th St. between Maple and the RR tracks ......................................... 118 7--Petltlon of Mrs. S. Metz objecting to parking & traffic changes. 118 7--Petition of Hobbies Unlimited objecting to removal of parking on 12thSt ............................................ 118 7--Parking, removal of same on 12thSt. discussion, etc .......... 118 7--Park Bd. - discontinuance of same and Playground & Rec. Comm. 121 7--Playground & Rec. Comm. discontinuance of same & Park Bd. 121,180 7--Positive Guidance Demonstration Program re: Amendment between City & Ia. DOT for Bluff, Locust & Dodge St. intersec- tion ................................................. 123, 124 7--Petition of A1 Polsean re: parking Meters and Parking Lots .... 123 7--Polsean. A1 re: Parking Meters & Parking Lots .............. 123 7--Park & Recreation Complex re: providing for referendum ..... 123 7--Positive Guidance Demonstration Project, re: Dodge St. at Bluff & Locust), resolutions etc ........................... 123 " 7--Police & Fire Retirement Bdi of Trustees re: appointment of Daniel E. Welu ........................................ 127 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Apr. 7--Policemen's Protective Assn. re: appreciation for postponing Public Safety Commissioner ..................... ~ ........ 130 7--Parks re: vandalism problem etc .......................... 130 7--Parker, Thomas D., certified on 2nd list of 10 for Firefighters by Civil Service Comm .................................. 130 7--Public Safety Commission position, re: postponement of hiring etc .................................................. 130 " 12--Parks, re: banning beer in same ........................... 133 " 12--Petition re: bannlng drinking of Beer in Eagle Point & locklng north gate ............................................ 133 " 12--Pay television services re: Ordinance providing for monthly subscriber rates ....................................... 133 " 19--Professional Secretaries Week, Proclamation ............... 138 " 19--Penneys, re: recipient of Eddy Award ...................... 138 " 19--Petitlon of Realtors relative to property taxation views ....... 141 " 19--P & Z re: Denial of rezoning request of Del Kueter for 2250-2252 Central Ave .................................. 142 19--Prince of Peace Lutheran Church re: approving delivery of deed of property from same .............................. 143 19--Petition of C.M. Deich relative to sale of beer or alcoholic beverages ............................................ 145 " 19--Petition of W. Pregier relative to changing place of Transit Bd. meeting .............................................. 145 " 19--Pregier, Walter (Transit Bd.) re: changing place of Bd. meetings ............................................. 145 " 19--Palmer Drug Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 145 " 19--People's Natural Gas Co. submitting 1981 Annual Report ..... 146 " 26--Petition of P. Behr re: Stop Signs at intersection of Fengier/ Garfield .............................................. 148 Ma,,y 3--Planning & Zoning re: North Sector Zoning ................. 154 3--Properties, In & Adjacent to: re: North Sector Zoning ........ 154. 155 3--Peru Road, re: North Sector Zoning ....................... 154 3--Parks re: Beer Drinking Discussion, Ord. re: Prohibition of alcoholic liquors, Open Seasons & Hours & Bicycles and Motor Driven Vehicles ....................................... 156 3--Petitlon re: Cable Car Sq. Org. relative to flags in 4th St. Area. 155 " 3--Petitinn re: Prohibiting Beer in Parks ...................... 155 " 3--Park Bd. Resolution, as attached to Ord. 23-82, approved ..... 157 " 3--Plat, re: Key City Investment Co. approved ................ 157 " 3--P & Z re: Recommending approval of final plat of Key City In- vest. Co .............................................. 157 " 3--P & Z re: Rezoning request of Den's Transmission Services .... 158 " 3--Petltion of Jaycees re: Transferring of Beer Permit .......... 161 " 3--PLUMBING BOARD Submitting Minutes: ........... 161,303, 404 " 3--Proof of publication of Notice to release funds for FY '83 Block Grant Funds for 11th St. Roadway Improvements, and Notices of Findings of No Significant Effect on tho Environ- ment for various projects ................................ 161 ' 17--P & Z re: revising current C-2 Comm. District Accessory Uses etc. for Group W Cable property at 3033 Asbury ............ 174 " 17--Parking re: Vehicle as an accessory use (Group W Cable Pro- perry at 3033 Asbury) .................................. 175 " 17--Petitinn of R. Bertsch for Key City Investment Co. relative to 6 mo. extension for final development plan for the expansion of Theatre No. 5 ......................................... 175 " 17--Program Statement for CD Block Grant for City ........... 177, 178 " 17--Park and Recreation Comm. re: dissolving of Park Bd. and Playground & Rec. Comm. and creating a Park and Recreation Comm ............................................... 180 " 17--P & Z Commission appointments of Paula Benner & Robert L. Downs ............................................... 183 " 17--Polsean, Tilden, applicant for P & Z Corem ................. 182 " 17--Park & Rec. Commission appointments for newly created Comm ............................................... 183 " 17--Panozzo, Joseph, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ........... 183 " 17--Palmer Drug Co., Cigarette Permit ........................ 184 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page May 17--Petition of Bistro re: transferring of Beer Permit ............ 185 " 17--Proof of publication of List of Receipts etc. for March ........ 185 " 17--Polsean, Aifred L., claim ................................ 185 " 17--Paving of J.F.K. Road & Wacker Dr. from Penns. to Highway 20, comments of West Side Bus. & Prof. Assn ............... 187 " 17--People's Natural Gas request for excavation ................ 186,187 " 17--Patters, Richard, settlement of claim ...................... 186 June 7--Period to Honor America, Proclamation ................... 188A 7--Peace Day, Proclamation ................................ 188A 7--Parking Lot re: Ice Harbor Museum ................... 192, 193, 194 7--Petition of Girl Scout Troop requesting completion of Bike Trail.. 195 7--Petitlon of Ad-Hoc Comm. for Nuclear Education requesting nuclear freeze resolutions etc ............................ 195 7 --Petition of 600 signatures expressing support of a Referendum prior to any participation in any federally funded plan or pro- gram of Civil Defense ................................... 196 7--Petition of D. James Edwards requesting 6 mos. extension for final plans of property south of Patricia Ann Dr ............. 196 7--Patricia Ann Drive re: nearby property given 6 mos. extension for development ....................................... 196 7--Police Dept. re: Executone phone equipment discussion ....... 196 7--Project Concern re: mini-bus contract ..................... 198 7--Purchase of Service Agreement re: Phone-A-Friend and Infor- mation and Referral .................................... 198 7--Purchase of Services Agreement with Chamber of Commerce for Convention & Visitor's Council ........................ 198 7--Packing Co., re: delivery of Warranty Deed to City of Lot 2 of Block I I of Dbq. Packing Co. Addn ........................ - 200 7--Plaza "20" DX, Cigarette Permit ......................... 201 7--Puppet Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 201 7--Petition of Dbq. Cry. Historical Society requesting amendment to Code relative to permit for sandblasting ................. 203 7--Proof of Publication, of List of Claims for April, & Notice of In- tent to Release Comm. Devel. Funds for Ice Harbor Mus ...... 204 7--PARK & REC. COMM. Submitting Minutes of Meetings: .... ............................. 203, 241,302, 347. 367,386, 393, 443 7--Project F-561-2, location as submitted by Ia. DOT ........... 204 21 --Pay Classification Study re: Discussion etc ................. 233, 244 21--Police re: restructuring of Bd. of Trustees (Retirement) ....... 23~ 21--Polsean, Tilden, applicant for Dock Bd ..................... 236 21--Peckosh, Paul, appointed to His. Pres. Corem ............... 237 21--Paul's Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................. 238 21--Perkln's. Cigarette Permit ............................... 238 21--Pipe Inn, Cigarette Permit .............................. 238 21--Park Square Tavern, Cigarette Permit ..................... 239 21 --Plaza 20 Foods, Cigarette Permit ......................... 239 21--Ponderosa Steak House, Cigarette Per,nit .................. 239 21--Pusateri Bros. Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................... 240 21 --Printed Council Proceedings of March & April, approved ...... 241 21--Plumley, Sandra J., re: comments on keeping unemployed busy in City ............................................... 241 " 21--Park & Rec. Complex on City Island re: Special Election Results .............................................. 242 " 21--Polsean, Al re: Objections @ consultants ................... 243 " 21--Petition of Roger Rick et al re: streets & sidewalks in Orchard Hills ................................................ 243, 301 July 6--Petition of M. Chavenelle re: zoning change concerning greenhouses .......................................... 247 " 6--Paving Projects re: City, 1982 .................... 248, 249,424, 425 6--PI Planned/nd. District re: amendment to provisions ........ 251 6--Prefiminary Development Plan (Amended) for Dbq. Inc. Center ............................................... 251 6--Petitinn of F. Wm. Henkels re: Friendship Force ......... 251,268, 287 6--Petltion of Donovan's Market re: Parking Spaces ............ 252 6--Parking Meters re: Verbal request of Mayor Brady re: time change on Main St. between 11th & 12th St ................. 252 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page July 6--Petition of Airport Comm. re: Airport zoning Changes ........ 252 " 6--Park Superintendent re: Elimination of Office ............... 253 " 6--Parks re: Allowing Keg Beer etc .......................... 253 " 6--P & Z Comm. re: approval of final plat of property of Clara Papenthein ........................................... 261 " 6--Papenthein, Clara re: approval of final plat by P & Z Council... 261 " 6--Prlde Service, Inc., Cigarette Permits ..................... 263 6--Prlnted Council Proceedings for May, approved ............. 263 6--Proof of publication of Notice of Intent to file release of FY '83 Block Grant Projects for Various Projects ................. 264 " 19--P & Z re: Petition denied for rezoning property at Hwys. 416 & 20. 267 " 19--P & Z re: Amendment to Zoning Ord. to allow "Flags In Historic Dis." and requiring a fee for temporary signs ........ 267 " 19--Petition of C. Member Kronfeldt re: Monies budgeted for Ice Harbor Parking Lot .................................... 270 " 19--Parking Lot of Harbor Museum etc., re: petition by C. Member Kronfeldt relative to monies allocated for same ............. 270 " 19--Petition of C. Member Kronfeldt re: dedication of Dubuque- Wisconsin Bridge ...................................... 270 " 19--Petition of C. Member Kronfeldt re: update of Dubuque Downtown Development situation ........................ 270 19--Parochettl Enterprises, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 271 19--Proof of Publication, of Notice of Finding of No Sign. Effect on Environment for Indust./Comm. Loan Participation Program Old Main St. Area ...................................... 272 19--Public Notice of Corps of Engrs. re: various construction & closings etc. on Mississippi River ......................... 272 " 19--Petition of John Tigges re: amendment to Zoning Ordinance relative to height requirements for fences, etc ............... 273 " 19--Polsean, Al, objecting to taxation of his annexed property etc.. 273 Au,,g. 2--Paving Project (1982) for City ........................ 279, 280, 281 2--Proof of publication re: Notice to Property Owners re: 1982 279 Conc. Paving Project ................................... 2--Property Owners notified by City Clerk re: 1982 Concrete Pay- lng Proj .............................................. 279 " 2--Petition of property owners objecting to paving of Bradley St. 279 " 2--Petition of property owners objectlng to paving of McCormick St ................................................... 280 " 2--Petition of property owners objecting to paving of Stewart St. 280 " 2--Paving Project (1982 - Concrete), DELETED ............... 281 " 2--Planned Ind. District re: repealing of Section 4-121 of Art. IV and enactment of new ................................. 281 to 284 " 2--Planned Ind. District re: establishing for property known as Dbq. Ind. Center ................................ ~ ...... 284P285 " 2--Planning and Zoning re: approving request of Goliath, Inc. for rezoning ............................................. 285 2--Petition of J.J. Powers re: requesting P. Hrg. to allow medical building .............................................. 286 2--Powers Con. C. re: Public Hearings set in response to request for correcting wrong legal desc.; amended Prel. Develop. Plan for OR-10ffice/Resid. PUD; reclassifying property from R-3 Multiple Fam. to R-2 Single Family ....................... 286 2--Preliminary Devel. Plan Amended (Ord. presented) for OR-1 Office Residential PUD presented ........................ 286 2--Petition of residents of Kniest & Lincoln re: diver ter for traffic in their area .......................................... 287, 322 2--Petesch, Wayne, re: Petition for diverter at Knlest & Lincoln Sts .................................................. 287, 322 2--Pergande, Judy re: Petition for dlverter at Kniest & Lincoln Sts .................................................. 287,322 2--Petltion of Boyer St. residents re: Block Party .............. 287 2--Petition of J.J. Powers requesting 6 mo. extension on the preliminary development plan re: Willow Spring Plaza Development ......................................... 287 2--Powers, John J. re: Extension for Willow Spring Plaza Development requested ................................. 287 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Aug. 2--Parking Ramp Lighting Improvements re: Locust St. final estimate; acceptance of improvement ...................... 295 2--Plat (final) approval of Wayne Anthony PI ................. 298, 299 2--Plats approved for First, Second & Third Addn. of Dubuque Ind. Center ........................................... 299, 300 2--Petltion response from Mgr. relative to request for repairs of sidewalks on Jonathan Lane & Baldwin Dr. (Orchard Hills area) .................................................. 301 2--Pedestrian Bridge on Hwy:~20, ke: discussion by D. Delch ..... 301 2--Polsean, Al, re: complaints about Crescent Ridge handling by City ................................................. 303 2--Proof of publication of Notice of Intent to file request for release of Block Grant Funds re: Old Main St. area ........... 303 9--Proof of publication of Notice of P. Hrg. to amend Zoning Ord. to regulate and require fee for temporary signs and allowing Flags in Historic Dis ................................... 305 9--Proof of publication of Receipts & Expenditures for month of June ................................................. 312 " 16--Petition of Belin, Harris etc. requesting issuance of Clinic Rev. Bonds (Mercy Clinic Proj. - Graham Group) ................ 314 " 16--Petition of Attorney T. McKay re: amending Ord. 5-60 to cot- rect legal description ................................... 317 " 16--Petition of Dubuque-In-Futuro requesting adoption of Resolu- tion re: Price Structure for Dbq. Ind. Center ................ 318 " I6--Price Structure for Dbq. Ind. Center re: adoption ............ 318, 319 " 16--Project Agreement with Ia. DOT for A.Y. McDonald Reloca- tion Project ........................................... 319 " 16--Pool Halls, Ordinance amending licensing etc ............... 323 " 16--Plat approved for Charlle's PI ............................ 324 " 16--Proof of publlcation, of Notice of Finding of No Significant Ef- fect on the Environment for A.Y. McDonald Construction Pro- ject ................................................. 326 " 23--Proof of publication of Notice of P. Hearing to consider Ord. providing for correction of Ord. 5-82 ....................... 328 " 23--Proof of publlcetion, on Notlce of P. Hrg, to provide an amend- ment of Ord. 4-82 which Ord. provided for approval of an amended Preliminary Development Plan for Powers Office Pro- ject ................................................. 329 " 23--Powers Office Project re: Ord. providing for amendment of Ord. 4-82 which reclassified zoning on property .............. 329 "23--Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hearing to reclassify Block IV and portions of Block V in Asbury Springs Sub ........... 330 "23--Powers Construction re: Amendment to Correct Legal Descrip- tion, Preliminary Development Plan Amendment & Rezoning, East of J.F.K. Road between Foothill Rd. & Fire Station ...... 330 " 23--Petition of Al Engling re: buses going to John Deere ......... 332 " 23--Profit (Forl Organizations re: Endorsement of Activities re: possible Ordinance ..................................... 334 " 23--Polsean, Al, objecting to zoning matters; truck traffic on Cres- cent Rd .............................................. 336 " 23~--Powers, Jay, expressing appreciation for consideration ....... 336 Sept. 7--Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hrg. for intention to issue Clinic Rev. Bonds - Mercy Clinic Project ................... 340 7--Petition of Telegraph Herald re: designation of new Dbq.-Wis. Bridge ............................................... 341 7--Petition of Msgr. Sigwarth Et al re: naming of Hamm Island as Chaplain Schmitt ...................................... 341 7 --Pension Funds (Fire & Police) re: Financial Reports Submitted. 347 7 --Phone-A-Friend, Inc., re: Annual Report submitted .......... 347 7--Peterson, Elmer P., claim ................................ 348 7--Proof of publication of List of Claims and Receipts for month of July ............................................... 348 7--Proof of publication of various Notices re: A.Y. McDonald Co. Construction Project etc ................................ 348 7--Petition of Wm. Urban requesting refund on Liquor License (The Tunnel) .......................................... 349 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Sept. 7--Petition of Delos Dorweiler re: Noise Ordinances ............ 349 " 13--Petition of A1 Hughes re: Don Apts, zoning problem ......... 354 " 13--P & Z denying request of Dale Winter for indoor rec. estab .... 354 " 13--Portzen, Michael re: refund on Cig; License ................. 354 " 14--Preferential Hiring for FDL Foods Inc. for residents of City... 362 " 20--Petition of Local 150A Members re: hiring practices of any employer who takes over Dbq. Packing Co ................. 364 ' 20--Pitzer, John, re: objection for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment ...... 367 " 20--Polsean, Tilden, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment ...... 367 " 20--Parochetti Enterprises,/nc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 367 Oct. 4--Productivlty Improvement Week, Proclamation ............. 371 4--Petition of Atty. C. Leltch, for Dbq. Land Devel. requesting vacating of utility easement in Clarke Crest Estates ......... 371 4--Peru Rd. re: T. Maiers & R. Schmitt making an offer for City to purchase same ........................................ 371,424 4--Petition of Mrs. F. Snyder re: Ord. that would allow residents to call the police to tow vehicles that park in places that have been snowshoveled ..................................... 371 4--Polling Place Set for 20th Precinct: Hoover School ........... 374, 375 4--Pizza Hut, Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 378 4--Proofs of publication, on Notice of Findings of No Signaficant Effect on the Environment for FDL Foods, Inc. Project; Notice that Copy of the Annual Performance Report is on file in various places within the City; List of Claims and Receipt for month of August ...................................... 379 4--Petition of General Cinema Corp. for Cigarette License Refund. 379 4--Petition of R. Albert requesting vacation to purchase alley in Linehan Park Addn .................................... 379 " 4--Petitions for suspension of realestate t~xes presented by County. 379 " 11--Plat approval of Vacated Alley Abutting Lot 12 Sunset Park Subd. #2, North of Hfllcrest Rd ........................... 382 " 11--Petition of Ass't Atty. Blum requesting authorization to ex- ecute Agreement on behalf of City approving expenditure of $1,130 to Ia. Bureau of Labor ............................ 385 " 11--Proof of publication re: Notice of P. Hrg. on intention to issue Ind. Dev. Rev~ Bonds for FDL Foods, Inc. Project ........... 386 " 11--Proof of publication, of Notice that P. Hrg. on issuance of Ind. Dev. Bonds has been cancelled ........................... 386 " 11--Proof of publicatlon of City Annual Finan. Report ........... 386 " 11--Petitlon fried against County by Attorney Blum re: Airport Zoning ............................................... 387 " 18--Pregler, Walter, re: Resolution relevent to duplication of bus- ing by School and Public Transit ......................... 388, 389 "18--Proof of publlcation of Notlce re: Clarke Crest Estates ........ 388 " 18--Public Transit re: duplication of service with school system... 388, 389 " 18--Petition of Unemployed Support Group of Dubuque re: peri- tion to Governor declaring state of emergency by reason of economic depression ................................... 389 " 18--Petition of County Bd. of Supervisors re: traffic engrg, study at Central & 7th ....................................... 389 " 18--Proof of publication re: advising of intent to file a request for release of FY '83 Block Grant Funds for FLD Foods, Inc. Loan Participation Program .................................. 393 Nov. 1--Petty, Rev. Edward, Gave Invocation ..................... 395 " 1--Petition of Dock Bd. requesting subcommittee be formed for help with Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island ................ 396 " 1--Petition of Dock Bd. requesting subcommittee be formed for help with Chaplain Schraltt Memorial Island ................ 396 1--Petition of J. Felderman {Dbq. In-Futuro) requesting Roy Sherman from A.Y. McDonald's be appointed to Dbq. In Futuro ............................................... 396 1--Petltion of citizen requesting street light at Pleasant & Colum- bia St ................................................ 398 1 --Pleasant and Columbia St. re: request to retain street light .... 398 1 --Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hrg. re: FY '83 UMTA Sec- tion 5 Operating Assistance Program for Keyline ............ 395 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Nov. 1--Plat of Yiannis Placg, approved .......................... 395 1--Proof of publication of Notice of P, Hearing by City Mgr. for revenue sharing expenses .............................. 397 1 --Proof of publication re: Notice of P. Hrg. to property owners re: Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ...................... 400 1--Proof of pubrication, on Notice of P. Hearing re: vacation and sale of real estate known as Lot 12A in Sunset Park Subd. no. 2 .................................................... 401 " 8--Petition of John (Hank) Waltz re: marker on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ...................................... 403 " 8--Plumbing Bd. appointment of Joseph A. Danner III and Gerald P. Swift ........................................ 403 " 8--Proof of publication of list of Claims for month of September.. 404 " 8--Piperine re: Notice by Army Corps of Engrs. as to drosslng of Miss. River ........................................... 404 " 15--Planning and Zoning re: denying zoning reclassification east of Southway requested by Homer Butt and Ed Turnqnist ....... 407 " 15--Petition of Dbq. Policemen's Protective Assn. re: Officer Wm. Davis re: AP on Residency Requirement for City employees... 408 " 15--Planning and Zoning submitting review etc. of Non- Conforming Use Section of the Zoning Ordinance ............ 408 " 22--Professional Arts Project re: Issuance of Clinic Rev. Bonds.... 412.413 " 22-- Polsean, Alfred, claim; denial ............................ 416.434 " 22--Petition of Dubuque Christians for a Just Society re: discriminatlon events ................................... 416 " 22--Planning and Zoning re: Holding a Work Session relative to the Non-Conforming Use Section of Zoning Ordinance ........... 417 Dec. 6--Proof of publication of Not. to Contractors of the Receipt of Proposals for construction of Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Project .............................................. 419 6--Planning and Zoning Comm. submitting proposed Zoning Or- dinance Amendments to the Non-Conforming Uses Section of Zoning Ord ........................................... 420 6--Petitlon of Lois Glover re: street conditions etc. on Riverview St ................................................... 420, 421 6--Petition of Mrs. Cherie Lambert re: Objections to Helistop pad at Finley Hospital ..................................... 421 " 6--Pfohl, Margaret (Estate) re: Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 423 " 13--Petition of A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. requesting P. Nrg. on ap- pllcation for prior approval of tax exemption for property in Dubuque Ind. Center, Third Addn ........................ 436 " 13--Pfohl property deferment request-David Strom requested honoring. (Res. Church San. Sewer Project) ................. 436 " 13--Petition of Group W Cable TV for a rate increase ............ 437 " 13--Proofs of publication re: Notice of Submittal on actuai expen- ditures of Federal Rev. Sharing Funds for FY '82; Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment for various CD Projects; List of Claims & Expenditures for Oct .......... 438 " 13--Planning & Zoning submitting response to Bd. of Realtors let- ter re: Zoning Ord ...................................... 439 " 20--Polsean, Al and Tilden, re: questioning tax exemption status for A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. new construction .............. 440 " 20--Proof of publication on Intent to file a request for release of Calendar Year 1983 Block Grant Funds .................... 443 " 20--Petition of J.S. Casanova objecting to raising of price for Basic declaratory judgement, decree & other relief on 3 counts ...... 443 " 20--Petition of Tina Kempthorne objecting to rate reduction that Inland Molasses receives ................................ 444 " 20--Pfohl, Jane, petition for adequate funding for ttuman Rights.. 444 " 20--Petition from 61 signers for adequate funding for Human Rights ............................................... 444 " 20--Post, Nellle, petition for adequate funding for Human Rights.. 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page A~g. 2--Quick, R. Thomas reappointed to the Transit Bd ............ 301 ' 16--Qualben, Rev. James, Gave Invocation ................... 314 Dec. 13-Quere, Dr. Ralph, Invocation ............................ 436 " 20--Qnick, R. Thomas, resignation from Transit Bd ............. 443 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan. 4--P~usso, R.N. Appointed as Corporation Counsel for 3 mos ..... " 4--Russo, R.N., declining ~ppointment as Corporation Counsel... 2 4--Rossiter, Paul. of Hist. Pres. Comm. recommending postpone- ment of Girls' Club Demolition ........................... 5 4--Rupnow, Lee, Claim .................................... 6 4--Rooney, Deanna Kay, Denial of Claim ..................... 6 4--Revenue Bonds re: Jeld-Wen Fiber Prod. Project ............ 8 " 11--Rhomberg, Fr. Tom re: Group Home Ordinance, Change ...... 9 ' il--RESOLUTION submitted concerning Anti-Gng rule as set out by C. Member Deich .................................... 13, 50 11--Receipts, Claims etc. for Nov., Proof of publication ........... I6 IS--Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer Project, Discussion & Procedural Resolutions ................................ 17, 18, 50 " 18--Ralkoad (Chicago, Milwaukee, etc.) Requesting Closing of E. 17th ................................................. 20 " 18--Reiliy, Tom re: Old Main St. Historic Pres. District .......... 21 "25--Rieder, Lorl R., Claim & Denial ........................... 27, 46 Feb. 8--Rezonlng re: Properties located E. of J.F.K. between Foothili & Fire Station ........................................... 36 8--Revenue Bonds re: Thermolyne Corp. Project ....... 38, 39, 68, 69, 227 8--Russo, R.N., re: Claim for Helen M. Justmann ............... 46 " 8--Recelpte for Dec., 1981 .................................. 46 " 8--Radford Rd. re: Asbury requesting knowledge of long-term plans ................................................ 47 " 15--Rezoding re: West 5th St. as requested by Fischer Investment Co .................................................. 50 " 15--RESOLUTION Repealing Resolutions Nos. 390-81, 391-81, 392-81, 12-82 and 13-82 re: Construction of Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ................................. 50 " 15--Repealing Resolutions re: Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 50 " 15--Reflly, Sue re: Funding for Inf. & Referral Services ........... 52 22--Riverfront Sub., re: notice of vacation of parcel of property etc. 54 22--Rojemann, Justin re: bus service & fees .................... 63 22--Richards, Mary re: funding for Inf. & Ref. Service ........... 63 22--Refund for Cig. Permit, for Thomas E. Kessler .............. 63 22--Referendum re: softball/baseball complex .................. 63 22--Roth, Jim, re: softball/basebali complex .................... 63 25--Rissman, John A., submission of resume for position of Corp. Counsel .............................................. 65 " 25--Rehberger, Robert L., submission of resume for position of Corp. Counsel ......................................... 65 " 25--Reynolds, James H., scheduling of interview for position of Corp. Counsel ......................................... 65 Mar. 8--Rezoning, re: W. 5th from R-3 Residential to OR-1 Office Residential ........................................... 69 " 8--Reinnd requested for Dubuque Marina .................... 76 " 8--Rupnow, Lee, denialofclaim ............................. 76 " 10--Rojeman, Justin re: suggestions for Keyline re: 1983 Budget.. 78 " 10--Rutan, Lynn re: objecting to chargingllbrary fees ........... 78, 80 " i0--Rockdale Road Bridge, re: petition requesting replacement .... 78 " 10--Recreation Dept., re: suggestion by Dr. Neumeister during budget session ........................................ 79 " 10--Ressler, Fr. Mark, of opinion re: Library Dept ............... 79 " 10--Ray, Rev. James re: Human Rights Budget ................. 79 10--Ryan, Jim & Sally, objecting to user fees at library ........... 80 10--Rabies Control for Dogs and Cats ......................... 89 15--Reiliy, Tom, re: designation of Old Main St. area ............. 93 15--Recreation Comm., re: Resolution discontinuing as such ...... 97 15--Resurrection Church Sewer re: Eminent Domain Proceedings.. 99 22--Rick, Randall R., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 108 22--Ruden, Gary L., re: Lowering speed limits on Dodge St ....... 109 22--Reynolds, James H., withdrawing application for City Corp. Counsel .............................................. 109 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 22--Richter, Gerald, Cigarette Refund ........................ 109 Ap, r,. 7--Referendum, re: Basebali/Softbali complex ................. 123 7 --Reihle, Dolores, reappointed to Civil Service Comm .......... 127 7--Rick, Randall R., on 2nd list of 10 certified for Firefighter ..... 130 " 7--Ruden, Gary, re: response from City Mgr. relative to speed limits on Dodge St .................................... 131 " 12--Rates re: Pay Television Subscriber Services - Ordinance set- ting ................................................. 133 " 19--Realtors re: addressing Council relative to property taxation.. 141 " 19--Redevelopers Designation Agreement with Homart, re: amend- 141 ment ................................................ " 19--Roadside Hazards, re: Resolution submitted by Dbq. Area Safety Council ........................................ 147 " 19--RESOLUTION Providing for the authorization to amend and extend Redeveloper Designation Agreement for a period of 6 mos., adopted and then by motion reconsidered and not adopted .............................................. 141 " 19--Riesselman, Joseph, applicant for TV Cable Commission ...... 145 May 3--RIK, re: Downtown Urban Renewal Project (Acquisition of Stampfer Building) ..................................... 152 3--RC, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........................ 161 " 17--Rescue Mission (Dbq.), Proclamation ...................... 162 " 17--Rhomberg, re: Closing to vehicular traffic .................. 174 " 17--Rec. Commission, re: creation of new Park and Rec. Commis- sion ................................................. 180 17--Renier, Jim, applicant for Cable Reg, Comm ................ 183 17--Regan, Wm. R., appointed to Park &Rec. Comm ............ 183 17--Robert's Food Service. Cigarette Permit ................... 184 17--Riverslde Bowl, Cigarette Permit ......................... 184 17--Resurrectlon Men's Service Club, Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 184 " 17--Receipts etc. for month of March (Proof of pub.) ............. 185 " 17--Rick, Randy, Cigarette Permit ........................... 184 June 7--Robert's River rides re: Sublease of Property to Dbq. County His. Society through Dock Comm., etc ............. 191,193, 220-225 7--Riverfront Tourist Access re: Ice Harbor area - Parking Lot construction procedures ................. 193-195,204, 225, 226, 252 7--Roberts, David re: requesting nuclear freeze resolution ....... 195 7--Referendum re: support of same by petitioners who request Referendum prior to any participation in any federaliy funded plan or program of civli defense ........................... 196 " 7--RESOLUTION approving referendum prior to participation in any federally funded plan or program of civil defense...motion to deny same .......................................... 196 7--R & S Enterprise, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 201 7--Roeth, Dolores S., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 202 7--Riverside Bowl, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 202 7--Read, Thomas B., settlement of claim ..................... 204 7--Reiter, Robert M., dismissal of lawsuit ..................... 204 " 21--Report (Final) on the Appraisal of the SECURITY BLDG. by J.T. Hayes, Ia. Appraisal & Research Co ................... 206 " 21--Rhomberg Ave. re: Closure to vehicular traffic for demolition of Eagle Point Bridge ................................... 220 " 21--Refuse accounts, Collection re: added to taxes .............. 234,235 " 21--Rafoth, Andrea, appointed to Civic Center Comm ............ 236 " 21--Reilly, Thomas. reappointed for Cable TV Tele-Programming Corem ............................................... 237 " 21--Renier, Jim, appointed to Cable TV Regulatory Comm ........ 237 " 21--Ray's Standard Service, Cigarette Permit .................. 238 " 21--Regal 8 Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 " 21--Revco Dis. Drug Center #3016, Cigarette Permits, 2 Outlets, Class "C" Beer Permit .................................. 238, 240 " 21--Randalrs Foodarama. 2 Outlets, Cigarette Permits .......... 239 " 21-- Redstone, The, Cigarette Permit .......................... 239 " 21--Ring's Fine Foods, Cigarette Permit ...................... 239 21--Ron's Barrell Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 241 21--Recreation Complex, Special Election ..................... 242 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page June21--Ricke, Roger, re: petitioning for help with sidewalk etc. pro- blems in Orchard Hills Subd ........................... 243,301 July 6--River City Paving, Inc. re: awarding contract for Ice Harbor Museum River front Tourist Access ....................... 252 6--Railroad Crossings, re: Elimination of Flagmen at Certain Crossings .......................................... 254 6--Reports (Annual) of TV Cable Regulatory and Tele- Programming Comm .................................. 265 6--Relmer, Michael A. & Carol A. re: Stipulation of Settlement for real estate for Ken Ct .................................. 265 " 19--Randall's International, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 271 " 19--Rupert, Colleen Ann, Claim ............................ 272 " 19--Rosheks Mgr. J.B. White re: in favor of UDAG Grant for Dbq. Pack ................................................ 274 Aug. 2--Rezoning request to reclasslfy proper ty at 53 W. 32nd St. from R-3 Multi-Fem. to C-2 Local Service Comm. (requested by Goliath, Inc.) ......................................... 285 9--Rdilroad Crossing reconstruction at 1 lth St. Project ......... 311 9--Receipts & Expenditures re: Proof of publication of same for June ................................................. 312 9--Roling, Gilbert F. & Joseph, Claim & Denial ............... 313, 314 " 16--Revenue Bonds re: Mercy Clinic Project .................... 314-317 " 16--Rezoning property of Christensen's (On Windsor) ............ 317 " 16--Railroad abandonment sdie of property to City by Chicago NW RR .................................................. 322 " 23--Reding, Robert, objecting to proposed rezoning W. 32nd St... 331 " 23--Randall's, Class"C"BeerPermit ......................... 334 Sept. 7--Richardson, Pat & James, in support of "Mazzuchelli" name for new bridge ......................................... 341 7--Reynolds, Jim, re: erection of marker on Chaplain Schmitt Island ............................................... 341 7--Rehab. Housing (Sec. 8) re: Mayor to Execute Application for additional 50 Units of Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab. Housing ........... 345 7--Russell, Robert J., Claim ................................ 348 " 13--Ressler, Fr. Mark A., Invocatlon for Council Meeting ......... 351 " 20--Richardson, Mary M., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 367 Oct. 4--REPEAL of FDL Foods, Inc. Ind. Revenue Bonds ........... 371 4--Resolutlon Providing for the naming of the newly dedicated bridge, presented ...................................... 374 4--Richardson. Mary M., Cigarette Permit .................... 377 11--Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer Permit ................ ................................. 381,382, 399, 400, 423, 436, 437 18--Rhomberg Ave. Cul-De-Sac re: acceptance of Warranty Deed from Wagner's & Furuseth's ............................. 390, 391 Nov. 1--Radiologic Technology Week, Proclamation ................ 395 1--Rick. Randy, Refund on Cigarette Permit & Liquor License... 398,404 1--Revenue Sharing Expenditures re: Proof of Publication of Notice of P. Meeting .................................... 397 15--Rninbo Oil Co., Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 410 " 22 --Raclsm re: concern of organizations in City ................. 416,417 Dec. 6--Riverview Street re: Petitlon by Lois Glover ................ 420,421 6--Rnilroad Overpass (32nd St.) re: property adjacent to turned down ................................................ 424 6--Resldential Rehab Loan & Grant Program re: Enviromnental Assessment ........................................... 428 6--Rehab. Housing (Section 8) re: Execution of Consolidated An- nual Contributions Contract & General Depository Agree- ment ................................................ 430 6--Rabies re: recognizing of three year immunizations for Cats... 431 6--Revco Discount Drug Centers of Ia., Class "C" Beer Permit... 433 6--Richman, John, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 433 6--Racism concern re: expressed by Sr. Gaff Fitzpatrick ......... 435 6--Report (Verbal) by Council Member Deich on League of Municipalities Meeting in LA ............................ 435 6--Rickard, Gerlad A., re: Aircraft Missile Donation Brochure .... 435 13--Rate Increase petitioned for by Group W Cable TV .......... 437 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Dec. 13--Realtors re: P & Z Submitting response to letter re: Zoning etd ................................................. 439 " 13--Realtors re: Advising of efforts to develop community support. 439 ' 20--Roethig, Robert, petitioning for adequate funding for Human Rights ............................................... 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Resolutions Jan. 4-- 1-82 Providing for the appointment of City Clerk (Mary Davis) 1 4--2-82 Providing for the appointment of a Corporation Counsel (Russo) .............................................. 1 4--3-82 Providing for the appointment of a City Manager (Gearhart) ........................................... 2 4--4-82 Designating the Official Newspaper of the City .......... 2 4--5-82 Naming Bank Depositories .......................... 2 " 4--6-82 Authorizing filing of a 2nd Amendment to Sec. 5 Applica- tion with the U.S. DOT, for a Grant under UMTA ........... 4 4--7-82 Granting Class "Beer Permit ........................ 5 " 11--8-82 To Proceed with the Issuance & Sale of Ind. Development Rev. Bonds, (Jeld-Wen) ................................. 8 " 11--9-82 Authorizing the Approval of Prel. Plans for Implementa- tion of a Positive Guidance Demo, Proj. on approaches to, and at the Intersection of Dodge, Bluff & Locust Streets ......... 12 "11--10-82 Issuance of Cigarette pecmit ........................ 15 " 11--11-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor LIZ .... 15 " 18--391-81 Necessity for Improvement for Res. Church San. Sewer, final adoption ......................................... 17 18--12-82 Decision of Council upon objections to plans etc. for Res. Church San. Sewer ..................................... 18 ' 18--13-82 Ordering construction for Res. Church San. Sewer ...... 18 " 18--14-82 Authorizing closing of E. 17th St .................... 20 " 18--15-82 Authorizingissuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 22 " 18--16-82 Authorizing issuance of Liquor License ............... 22 " 25--17-82 Authorizing Execution of Agreement between City & IDOT re: Improvement of Central at 14th St., White at 14th, Locust at 14th and White at 20th ......................... 24 "25--18-82 Authorizing Mayor to Execute an Agreement with the IDOT on Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Project .............................................. 24 " 25--19-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 26 " 25--20-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............................................. 26 Feb. 1--21-82 Approving Plat of Vacated Portions of Farragnt Street, Garfield Ave. and Alley South of Farragut St. Parallel to Kerper ............................................... 30 1--22-82 Approving proposed plans, specs, etc. for Cedar Cross Road, Crescent Ridge & Crescent Court Water Main Extension and ordering placing same on file in Clerk's office ............ 30 1--23-82 Necessity of Improvement re: Cedar Cross Rd., Crescent Ridge, & Crescent Court Water Main Extension ............... 31, 48 1--24-82 Fixing Date of Hearing re: Cedar Cross Road, Crescent Ridge, & Crescent Court Water Main Extension ............. 31 1 --25-82 Establishing 1983 as the Dubuque Sesquicentennial .... 32 1--26-82 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses .............. 34 1--27-82 Regarding the issuance of Not to Exceed $3,200,000 in Aggregate Principal Amount of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds (Ther- mniyne Corp. Project); Directing Publication of Notice of In- tention to Issue, and Calling a Public Hearing on the Proposal to Issue Said Bonds and Authorizing Execution of a Memoran- dum of Agreement ..................................... 38 " 8--28-82 Re: Correction of Resolutions No. 373-81 and 386-81 relative to Legal Description in disposal of property to Schiltz Dev. Corp ............................................ 43 " 8--29-82 Clarifying the Policy of Council on Matter of Alternate Locations for the U.S. 61 Relocation Project in the Vicinity of the 16th St. Stormwater Detention Basin .................. 43 8--30-82 Granting Cigarette Permit ......................... 45 8--31-82 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 45 8--32-82 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License ................. 45 " 15--33-82 Decision of Council upon Objections to Plans, Specs. etc. re: Cedar Cross Road, Crescent Ridge, & Cres. Court Water Mai0 Ext ............................................. 49 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Feb. 15--34-82 Ordering construction re: Cedar Cross Road, Crescent Ridge. and Crescent Court Water Main Extension ........... 49 " 15--__ RESOLUTION Providing for Anti-Gag Resolu- tion for City Employees re: discussion etc .................. 50 " 15--35-82 Granting Cigarette Permits ......................... 51 " 15--36-82 Issuing Class"C" Beer Permit ...................... 51 ' 15--37-82 Issuing Liquor Licenses ............................ 51 " 22--38-82 Re: Approval of disposal & sale of vacated real estate to Thermolyne Corp ...................................... 55 " 22--39-82 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the FY '83 Budget .............................................. 55 " 22--40-82 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on tile Five Year Capital Improvement Program ........................... 56 " 22--41-82 Authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the Use of Comm. Dev. Block Grant Funds ................. 56 " 22--42-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain Comm. Dev. Block Grant Pro- jects ................................................. 57 " 22--43-82 Approving Tax Exemption Applications Submitted by Property Owners in the Jackson Park, W. 11th St. & Washington St. Urban Revitalization ..................... 57, 58 " 22--44-82 Fixing special election to be held upon proposal to establish a capital improvement reserve fund for accumulating monies for financing for City Island ballpark complex ........ 64 " 22--45-82 Granting Cigarette Permits ......................... 61 " 22--46-82 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits .................. 61 " 22--47-82 Issuance of Ciasa "C" Liquor License ................. 62 Mar. 1--48-82 Public Hearing and Resolution Approving Proceeding with the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed $3,200,000 Ag- gregate Principal Amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Thermolyne Corp. Project) of the City of Dubuque? Iowa .............................. ~( ................ 68 1--49-82 Approving Amendment to Lease and Amendment by and between City of Dubuque, Iowa, by and through its Board of Dock Commissioners and the Dubuque Dock Co. and that the Clerk is directed to publish notice of said Lease and Agree- ment ................................................ 70 1--50-82 Awarding Contract re: construction of Cedar Cross Rd., Cres. Ridge, & Crescent Court Water Main Extension to W.C. Stewart Cons ......................................... 71 1 --51-82 Adopting Supplement No. 11 to tlie Code of Ordinances.. 72 1--52-82 Cigarette Permit to i outlet ......................... 75 1--53-82 Issuance of Class "B" Beer to 2 outlets and Class "C" Beer Permit to 1 outlet .................................. 75 " 1--54-82 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Lic. to 4 outlets .... 75 " 1--55-82 Adopting Annual Budget for Fiscal Year Ending 6-30-83. 86 " 10--56-82 Adoption of Five Year Capltal Improvement Program... 86 " 15--57-82 Necessity for Improvement re: Interim Street Im- provements related to the Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge ...... 94, 114 " 15--58-82 Approving of proposed plans, specs., etc. for Interim Street Improvements related to Dbq. to Wis. Bridge in amt. of $209,477.44 ........................................... 95 " 15--59-82 Fixlng Date of Hearing for Interlm St. Improvements re: Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge ............................ 95 " 15--60-82 Ordering Construction re: Interim St. Improvements re: Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge ............................ 95 " 15--61-82 Autliorizing the Conducting of a Public Hearing on the Discontinuing of the Park Bd. and Playground & Rec. Comm.. 97 " 15--62-82 Amending an Option Agreement with Thermolyne Cor- poration .............................................. 98, 99 15--63-82 Approval of Instituting Eminent Domain Proceedings for acquisition of sanitary sewer easements for construction of Resurrection Church San. Sewer .......................... 100 " 15--65-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for a Certain Comm. Development Block Grant Project ......................................... 102 iNDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 15--66-82 Authorizing Execution of Amendment No. 1 to Annual Contrib. Contract No. KC-9004 Project No. IA 05-K087-002 25 Units Section 8 Moderate Rehab. Housing ............... 102 " 15--67-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ....... i i 103 "22--68-82 Approval of proposal to enter into an Agreement to Lease by and between the Board of Dock Commissioners of the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the Dubuque Dock Co ........... 106 " 22--69-82 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Ia. and the Ia. Dept. of Transportation re: Traffic Signal Installations at White & Eleventh St., Central Ave. & Elventh St., and Construction of the Northwest Radius at the Intersection of Central Ave. & 10th St ................ 107 ii 22--70-82 Issuance of Cigarette Permits ..... i ............ 108 22--7182IssuanceofClass B Beer and ciass C'BeerPermits. " 22--72'82IssuanceofClass"C"Beer&LiquorLicenee ...... 108 . 108 Ap,,r. 7--73-82 Providing for the Appointment of a Corporation C~u~s~l. 114 7--74-82 Decision of Council upon objections to Plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements re: Interim St. Im- provements, Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge ................. 115 7--75-82 Amending an Option Agreement with Thermolyne Corp. 119 7--76-82 Necessity for Improvement for E. Eleventh St. Recon- struction from Central to Kerper ....................... 121,138 7--77 82 Preliminary Approval of plans, Etc. for E. 11th St. ,, Reconstruction from Central to Kerper ................... 121 7--78 82 Fixing Date of Hearing for E. 11th St. Reconstruction from Central to Kerper ................................. 122, 138 7--79-82 Ordering construction for E. llth St. reconstruction from Central to Kerper ................................. 122 7--80-82 Authorizing Spec al Election for Park & Rec. Baseball] Softball Complex ............................... ....... 123 7--81-82 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between the City and Ia. DOT relating to Implementation of Positive Guidance Demonstration Project on the Approaches to and at the Intersection of Dodge, Bluff & Locust Streets ........... 124 7--82-82 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa Dept. of Transportation relating to Implementation of Positive Guidance Demonstration Pro- ject on the Approaches to and at the Intersection of Dodge, Bluff & Locust Streets ............................... 124 " 7--83 82 Authorlz ng Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Pro- jects (11th St. Roadway Improvements) ................. 124 7--84-82 Authorizing the instituting of Eminent Domain Pro- ceedings for the reconstruction of E. 11th St. from Central to Kerper ............... ................................ 125 7--85-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for a Certain Community Development Block Grant Project ......................................... " 7--86-82 Cigarette Permits to 2 outlets.. 126 ..................... 128 7--87-82 Authorizinglssuance of Beer Permits to 3 outlets ....... 128 7--88-82 Authorizing issuance of Beer & Liquor Licenses ...... " 12--89-82 Authorizing Resolution to apply for $56,915 to be used for operating assistance under the state transit assistance pr~i 128 gram and enter into contract with the la. DOT .............. 132 " 12--90'82 Autharizing Beer p,e,r,n~ts .......................... 136 ii 12--91-82 Authorizing Class C Beer & Liquor Licenses ........ 126 19--92 82 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, form of contract and cost of improvements re: E. llth St. Reconstruction from Central to Kerper .................. " 19--93-82 Directing City Clerk to Publish Proposed Amendment to 139 the Fiscal Year 1982 Budget & Date of Public Hearing ........ 139 " 19--94'82 Approving Lease between City and Dubuque Arboretum covering City-owned real estate located in Marshall Park ..... 140 " 19--95'82 Fixlng the Date of Public Hearing for an Amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 ..................................... 140 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Apr. 19--96-82 Amending the Redeveloper Designation Agreement with the Homart Development Co. for the Downtown Dubuque U~ ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, and Providing for a Six Month Extension thereof ............................... 141 " 19--97~82 Acceptance of Warranty Deed for property described as Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot A of Embassy West from Ronald J. and John W. Herrig ........................................ 143 " 19--98-82 Acceptance of Warranty Deed. for property described as: Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot A of Embassy West in the City of Dubu- que from Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church ....... 143 " 19--99-82 Acceptance of Warranty Deed for property described as: Lot C of Embassy West in the City of Dubuque from Dubuque Development, Inc ...................................... 144 " 19--100-82 Awarding Contract for Interbn St. Improvements relating to the Dubuque to Wis. Bridge to Tschiggfrla Ex- cavating ............................................. 144 " 19--101-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits ............. ................................. 145 " 19--102-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 145, 146 " 26--103-82 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for certain C.D. Block Grant Funds ................. 148 "26--104-82 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permit(s) .......... 149 " 26--105-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. 149, 150 " 26--106-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ....... 150 May 3--107-82 Amending the Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, to Allow the City of Dubu- que to Consider Proposals for Acquisition and Disposition of Properties for Private Rehabilitation ...................... 152 " 3--108-82 Directing the City Manager to Initiate Certain Pro- ceedings relating to Acquisition of Property in the Urban Renewal Project Area .................................. 153 " 3--109-82 Approval of a Lease Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Arboretum Assn ................ 154 " 3--110-82 Approving Plat of Lot i and Lot 2 of "Key City Invest- ment Co. Place" in the City of Dubuque, Ia .................. 157 " 3--111-82 Approving an Agreement for Econowic Development Services with the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce ...... 159 " 3--112-82 Granting Cigarette Permits ........................ 160 " 3--113-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits .............................................. 160 " 3--114-82 Auhtorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ............................................. 160, 161 " 17--115-82 Authorizing Acceptance of an Option Agreement for Purchase of Certain Property in Furtherance of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, as Amended ........................ ' 162 ' 17--116-82 Approving the Minimum Requirements, Competitive Criteria, Offering Documents and Procedures for Disposition of the Security Bldg. Property; (2) Determining that the Pro- posal Submitted by Security Building Partnership Satisfies the Offering Requirements and Declaring the Intent of the City to Enter into the Contract for Sale of Land for Private Development By and Between the City and Security Building Partnership in the Event that no Competing Proposals are Submitted; and (3) Soliciting Competing Proposals .......... 162 " 17--117-82 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of Issuing Not to Exceed $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax .Increment Revenue Bonds, and Providing for Publication~f Notice Thereof ...................................... ~: ....... 168 "17--118-82 Designating as Architecturally Significant the Proper- ties (373 & 371 Bluff), Pursuant to the Requirements of Appen- dix A of the Code ...................................... 170, 171 " 17--119-82 Amendhig the Current Budget for the FY '82 ......... 171,172 " 17--120-82 Approving Permanent Transfer of Funds (Budget) ..... 173 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page May 17--121-82 Setting Public Hearing for purpose of considering the closure of Rhomberg Ave. to vehicular traffic from the west abutment,of the Eagle Point Bridge to a cul-de-sac to be con- structed approx. 800 feet south of the bridge abutment, and adoption of the Agreement number 82-16-039 with Ia. DOT... 174 " 17--122-82 Awarding Contract for E. 11th St. Reconstruction from CentraiAve. to Kerper Blvd. to Flynn Co .................. 175 " 17--123-82 Authorizing the Filing of a Program Statement for C.D. Block Grant for the City ................................ 177, 178 " 17--124-82 Adopting Supplement No. 12 to the Code of Ordinances of the City ............................................ 178 " 17--125-82 Cigarette Permits to about 20 outlets ................ 184 " 17--126-82 Cigarette Permit to I outlets.: ..................... 184 ' 17--127-82 Authorizing issuance to Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. 184 " 17--128-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "A' and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...................................... 185 June 7--129-82 Authorizing the filing of an application with the Dept. of Transportation, USA, for a grant under UMTA of 1964, as amended ............................................. 190 7--130-82 Setting for P. Hearing the proposed Agreement bet- ween the City, the Dock Comm., the Burlington N. RR, the Dubuque County Historical Society, Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Services Co. and Robert's River Rides, Inc .......... 191 7--131-82 Setting for P. Hearing the proposed amendinent to lease and agreement between the City and its Dock Comm. as Lessor and Dbq. Barge and Fleeting Service Co. as lessee ..... 191,192 7--132-82 Setting for P. Hearing the proposed sublease by and between the Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Co. and the Dbq. County Hist. Soc. by and through its Bd. of Dock Comm. as Lessor and the Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Services as lessee ................ 192 7--133-82 Setting for P. Hearing a proposed amendment to Lease and Agreement by and between the City of Dbq. by and through its Bd. of Dock Comm. as Lessor and Robert's River Rides, Inc. as lessee .................................... 193 " 7--134-82 Setting for P. Hearing the proposed sublease between Robert's River Rides, Inc. and the Dubuque Cry. Hist. Society through its Bd. of Dock Comm. as Lessor and Robert's River Rides, Inc ............................................ 193 7--135-82 Necessity for improvement for Ice Harbor Museum- Riverfront Tourist Access ............................... 193, 226 7--136-82 Ordering proposed plans/specs, etc. placed on file for Ice Harbor Riverfront Tourist Access ........................ 194 7--137-82 Fixing Date of Hearing re: Ice Harbor Museum/River- front Tourist Access ................................... 194 7--138-82 Ordering Construction for Ice Harbor Museum/River- front Tourist Access ................................... 194, 195 7--139-82 Endorsement of freeze for nuclear arms .............. 195, 196 7--I40-82 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a Stipulation of Bargain- ing Unit - Operating Engrgs ............................. 197 7--141-82 Final Estimate for White St. at 21st - Island Insulation. 198 7--142-82 Accepting Improvement for White St. at 21st St., Island Installation ..................................... 199 7--143-82 Final estimate for Central Ave. at 22nd St. Traffic Signal Modification .................................... 199 7~144-82 Accepting Improvement for Central Ave. at 22nd St. Traffic Signal Modification .............................. 200 " 7--145-82 Acceptance of delivery of Warranty Deed by Dbq. Pack- ing Co ............................................... 200 7--146-82 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to @ 50 outlets ......... 201 7--147-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. 202 202 " 7--148-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License.. " 17--149-82 Authorizing an Extensinn of the Option Agreement for the Purchase of the Security Building in the Dubuque Downtown Urban Renewal Project ........................ " 17--150-82 Determining Compliance of Security Building Disposi- tion Proposals with Terms of Offering ..................... 208 209 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page June 17--151-82 Accepting the Proposal for Sale and Redevelopment of the Security Building Disposition Parcel, Approving Contract for Same, and Authorizing Exercise of Option ............. 209 17--152-82 Instituting Proceedings to take Additional Action for the Issuance of $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds.. 210 " 17--153-82 Authorizing the issuance of $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Series 1982, and Providing for the Security of such Bonds for the purpose of Carrying out an Urban Renewal Project in the City, Designated as the Downtown Dbq. Urban Renewal Project, Ia. R-15 ........... 211 " 17--154-82 Closing Rhomberg Ave. from the west abutment of the Eagle Point Bridge to a cul-de-sac to be located approx. 800 ft. south of bridge abutment ............................. 221 " 17--155-82 Ratifying the Agreement between the Burlington North. RR Co., the Dbq. Co. Hist. Society, Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Service Co., Robert's River Rides, Inc., and the City. 222 " 17--156-82 Amending Lease Agreement between Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service Co. and City ............................ 222, 223 " 17--157-82 Approving Sublease between Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Services Co. to the Dbq. County Histo. Society the westerly 125 feet of the inner levee property leased by Dbq. Barge & Fleeting Service Co ................................... 223, 224 " 17--158-82 Amending Lease Agreement with Robert's River Rides, Inc ................................................. 224 " 17--159-82 Approving Sublease of property leased by Robert's River Rides, Inc ....................................... 225 " 17--160-82 Decision of Council Upon Objections to Plans, Specs., form of Contract and Cost of Improvements, re: Ice Ha2bor Museum-Riverfront Tourist Access ....................... 226 " 17--161-82 Rescinding Lease between the Mississippi Valley Milk Producers and authorizing Mayor to sign Consent Agreement between City & Katuin Bros., Inc ......................... 227 " 17--162-82 Authorizing the issuance of $3,000,000 in Ind. Rev. Bonds. (Thermolyne Corp.) .............................. 17--163-82 Authorizing Endorsement of UDAG Grant Agreement . Concerning the City and A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Bond Issue. 230 17--164-82 Accepting the Agreement between the City and the Amal. Transit Union, Div, #329 ........................... 231 17--165-82 Accepting the Agreement between City & Dbq. Assn. of Prof. Firefighters ...................................... 231 17--166-82 Accepting the Agreement between the City and the General Drivers and Helpers Union, Local #421 ............. 232 17--167-82 Accepting the Agreement between the City and the In- ternational Union of Operating Engrgs .................... 233 21--168-82 Adopting the FY 1983 Compensation and Wage Plan for Non-bargaining Unit Employees ....................... 233 21~169-82 Authorizing Publlcation of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for a Certain Comm. DeveL Block Grant Pro- ject ................................................. 234 " 21--170-82 Authorizing the City Mgr. to Collect Dalinquent Refuse Collection Accts, in Accordance with Section 17-37(d) of the Code .......................................... ~ ..... 235 " 21--171-82 Authorizing Issuance of Cigarette Permits to @ 200 outlets ............................................... 237, 238 " 21--172-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" and "C" Beer Per- mits ................................................. 240 " 21--173-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License, and Class ~'A" Beer & Liquor License .............. 240 July 6--174-82 Approval o~ Recissinn of Lease between City (Dock Bd.) and Mississippi Valley Milk Producers, said recission being conditioned upon Consent to said rescission executed by MV Milk Prod, that a Lease by City of Katuin Bros. Inc .......... 248 6--175-82 Necessity for Improvements re: City of Dubuque 1982 Asphalt Paving Project ................................. 248, 277 6--176-82 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Specs. etc. for City of Dubuque 1982 Asphalt Paving Project .................... 248, 249 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page July 6--177-82 Fixing Date of Hearing and Author;zing Advertisement for Proposals re: City of Dubuque 1982 Asphalt Paving Project... 249 6--178-82 Necessity for hnprovement re: City of Dubuque 1982 Concrete Paving Project. (Failed Final Adoption) ......... 249, 280 6--179-82 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc. re: City of Dubu- que 1982 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project ........ 250 6--180-82 Fixing Date of Hearing re: City of Dubuque 1982 Con- crete Paving Project .............................. 250 6--181~82 Awarding Contract re: Ice Harbor Museum-Riverfront Tourist Access ................................... 252 6--182-82 Adopting Supplement #13 to the Code of Ordinances... 259 " 6--183-82 Authorizing the Execution of a C.D. Block Grant Agreement with HUD ............................. 259 " 6--184-82 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for certain C,D. Block Grant Projects .............. 260 " 6--185-82 Approving the Plat of the Subd. of Lot 1of Lot No, 1of the Southeast One Quarter of Northeast One Quarter, Section 10, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of 5th Principal Meri- dian, Being in Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa 261 " 6--186-82 Cigarette Permits to about 15 outlets ............... 262, 263 " 6--187-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................. 263 " 6--188-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 263 " 19--189-82 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between the City and the Iowa Dept. of Transportation relating to Asphalt Patching on Dodge St. from Bluff St. to Grandview Ave ...... 268 " 19--190-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain C.D. Development Block Grant Project re: (A.Y. McDonald Project) ....................... 269 " 19--191-82 Authorizing the Filing of a Third Agreement to Section 5 Application (IA-05-0009) with the Dept. of Transportation, USA, for a Grant Under UMTA Act of 1964, as Amended ..... 269 " 19--192-82 Granting Cigarette Permits to 5 outlets .............. 271 " 19--193-82 Authorizinglssuance of Class "C' Beer Permits ....... 271 " 19--194-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' Beer & Liquor Licenses ............................................. 271 " 19--195-82 Authorizing the Filing of an Urban Development Ac- tion Grant for Meatpacking Industry Assistance Project ..... 274 Aug. 2--196-82 Decision of Council upon Objections to Plans, specs., form of Contract and Cost of Improvements re: 1982 Asphalt Paving Project ........................................ 278 2--197-82 Ordering construction for 1982 Asphalt Paving Project. 278 2--198-82 Awarding Contract for 1982 Asphalt Paving Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating. ................................ 279 2--199-82 Final Estimate for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ..... 288 2--200-82 Accepting Improvement and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer ........... 288 2--201-82 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the Cres- cent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Including Certain Info. required by Code re: Payment schedule & Directing Clerk to Certify Final Schedule & Publish Notice thereof. ....................... 289 2--202-82 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for a Certain Urban Development Action Grant Project. 292 2--203-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain Community Development Block Grant Project ......................................... 293 2--204-82 A2 Approving the Plat of "Dubuque Industrial Center First Addn." in the City ................................. 299 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Aug. 2--210-82 Approving the Plat of "Dubuque Ind. Center Second Addn." in the City of Dubuque, Ia ........................ 299 2--211-82 Approving the Plat of "Dubuque Ind. Center Third Addn.". ............................................. 300 " 2--212-82 Cigarette Permit to General Cinema Corp. of Ia ....... 301 ' 2--213-82 Authorizing Issuance of Class "B' Beer Permit and Class "C' Beer Permit .................................. 301 " 2--214-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...................................... 302 ' 9--215-82 Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment with Martin Luther Home .......................... 308 " 9--216-82 Fixing a Date for Hearing on Proposed Health Care Revenue Bonds, Series 1982 IMartin Luther Home Project) .... 309 " 9--217-82 Accepting Improvement for the Central Ave. Street Lighting and Traffic Signal Interconnect from 16th St. to 22nd St ................................................... 310 9--218-82 Final Estimate for Central Ave. Street Lighting & Traf- fic Signal Interconnect from 16th St. to 22nd St ............. 311 9--219-82 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between City of Dubuque and Ia. Dept. of Transportation, and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific RR Co. re: reconstruction of the RR tracks at E. llth St .............................. 311 9--220-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits ....... 312 9--221-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 312 " 16--222-82 Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Agree- ment with the Graham Group ............................ 314 " 16--223-82 Fixing a Date for Hearing on Proposed Clinic Rev. Bonds, Series 1982 IMercy Clinic Project~ .................. 316 " 16--224-82 Approving Appraisal Findings for the Prlcing of Disposition Sites in the Dubuque Ind. Center ............... 318 16--225-82 Directing the City Mgr. to prepare a Project Agreement with the Ia. Dept. of Transportation for the A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Relocation Project ............................. 319 " 16--226-82 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain C.D. Block Grant Projects ............... 320 ' 16--227-82 Accepting Improvement and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice re: Cedar Cross Rd., Crescent Ridge & Crescent Ct. Water Main Extension ............................... 321 " 16--228-82 Final Estimate for Cedar Cross Rd., Crescent Ridge & Crescent Ct. Water Main Extension ....................... 321 " 16--229-82 Approving Offer to Purchase of certain areas of aban- doned right-of-way of Chicago and North Western Transporta- tion Co. to City of Dubuque .............................. 322 ' 16--230-82 Approving Plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of "Charlie's Place" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................. 324 " 16--231-82 Granting Cigarette Permit to Newt Marine Boat Store. 325 " 16--232-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' Beer & Liquor Licenses ............................................. 325 " 23--233-82 Approving a Loan Agreement and a Security Agree- ment, Providing for the Loan of Urban Development ActiSh: Grant Funds to the A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co ................ 333 " 23--234-82 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into Agreements for Consultant Services in the Matter of the FDL Foods, Inc. Urban Development Action Grant Project ........ 333 " 23--235-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' Beer Permit ........ 334 " 23--236-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ............................................. 335 Sept. 7--237-82 Resolution to Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Health Care Revenue Bonds Series 1982 IMartin Luther Home Projectl in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $2,000,000 ............................................ 339 7--238-82 Resolution to Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Clinic Revenue Bonds, Series 1982 IMercy Clinic Project) in an Aggregate Principal Amount No to Exceed $6,000,000 ....... 340 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Sept. 7--239-82 Acceptance of Warranty Deed by Sunny, Inc. convey- ing to the City the real estate described as: Lot 2 of City Lot 269 in the City from Sunny, Inc .......................... 343 " 7--240-82 Approving the City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 1982, Street Finance Report .................................. 344 " 7--241-82 Authorizing Mayor to Execute Application for Addi- tinnal 50 Units of Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Housing and Approval of Amendment of Housing Assistance Plan ..... 345 " 7--242-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain Community Development Block Grant Project ......................................... 344 " 7--243-82 Authorizing the Collection of Delinquent Sewer Ac- counts in Accordance with Sections 36-55 and 36-59 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia .............. 346 " 7--244-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to 4 outlets ....................... ' ............. 347 " 13--245-82 Authorizing the issuance of $4,300,000 of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Pro- ject) Series 1982 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of Financing the Cost of Acquiring, Constructing and Equipp- ing Ind. Facilities for Use by A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., the Ex- ecution and Delivery of an Indenture of Trust to Secure Said Bonds, the Execution and Delivery of a Loan Agreement with A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. and the Sale of Said Bonds Related Matters .............................................. 351 " 13--246-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' and Class "C" Beer Permits .............................................. 355, 356 " 13--247-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 356 " 14--248-82 Resolution Regarding the Issuance of Not to Exceed $~0,000,000 in Aggregate Principal Amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (FDL Foods, Inc. Project) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Directing Publication of Notice of In- tention to Issue. and Calling a Public Hearing on the Proposal to Issue Said Bonds and Authorizing Execution of a Memoran- dura of Agreement ..................................... 358 " 20--Resolutinn Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the Dept. of Transportation, USA, for Grants under the Urban Mass Trans. Act of 1964, as Amended ..................... 363 " 20--250-82 Authorizing the Filing of a Fourth Amendment to Sec. 5 Application (IA-05-0009) with the Dept. of Transportation, USA, for a Grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964. a~ Amended ..................................... 364 " 20--251-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain Community Development Block Grant Documents ...................................... 365 " 20--252-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits ........ . ...................................... 367 " 20--252A-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) and Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License .............. 367 " 27--253.82 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Retease of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects ...... 369 Oct. 4--254-82 Rescinding and Repealing Resolatlon No. 248-82 and Providing for the Abandonment of Proceedings on Issuance of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds in the FDL Foods, Inc. Project ......... 371 " 4--255-82 Directing the Transfer of Certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Funds ................................ 372 ' 4--256-82 Authorizing the Mayor and Corporation Counsel to sign an Amended Consent Decree relative to the Wastewater Treat- ment Plant ........................................... 372 " 4--257-82 Accepting Improvement for installation of a Boiler in Five Flags Theater with Berwanger Boiler Shop ............. 373 " 4--258-82 Final Estimate for Boiler at Five Flags Theater ....... 374 " 4--259-82 Adopting Supplement No. 14 to the Code of Ordinances. 375 " 4--260-82 Cigarette Permit for Mary M. Richardson ............ 377 " 4--261-82 Class "B" Beer Permit for Pizza Hut and J & P O'Hara, Inc. and Class "C" Beer Permit for Dennis Albert Althaus .... 377,378 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Oct. 4--262-82 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License for L. Sheldon, J. San- didge, and M. Tindell ................................... 378 11--263-82 Necessity for Improvement for Resurrection Church San. Sewer ........................................... 381,399 11--264-82 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Specs., etc. for Resur- rection Church Sanitary Sewer ........................... 382 " 11--265-82 Schedule of proposed assessments for the Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ................................. 382 " 11--266-82 Fixing Date of Hearing for Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer Project ................................. 382 " 11--267-82 Approving Plat of Vacated Alley Abutting Lot 12 Sun- set Park Subd. #2, North of Hilicrest Road ................. 382,383 " 11--268-82 Authorizing the Filing of an Amendment to an Applica- tion with the Dept. of Transportation, USA, for a Grant, Under the UMTA ........................................... 383 " 11--269-82 Cigarette Permit for Judith M. Sandidge ............. 385 " 11--270-82 Class "C" Beer Permit for Transport Sales Co ......... 386 " 11--271-82 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License for 4 outlets ......... 386 " 18--272-82 Approval of vacation and easement (10' wide) through the center of Lot 5 of Block 8 of "Clarke Crest Estates". ...... 388 " 18--273-82 Petitioning Ia. State Legislature to adopt local option legislation which would authorize residents of cities, by vote, to exempt themselves from school bus tax levies, the transpor- tation of students by public transit ....................... 389 " 18--274-82 Approval of delivery of Warranty Deed by Paul E. Wagner and Teresa D. Wagner and Leslie I. Furuseth and ? Patricia Furuseth for conveyance of property to the City ...... 391 " 18--275-82 Eminent Domain proceedings be instituted for acquisi- tion of construction easement through property on Crescent Ridge for San. Sewer Project ............................ 391,392 " 18--276-82 Cigarette Permits for 5 outlets ..................... 392 " 18--277-82 Class "C" Beer Permits to 2 outlets ................. 392 " 18--278-82 Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor License to 1 outlet and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to I outlet ....... 392 Nov. 1--279-82 Approving Plat of "Yiannias Place" in the City of Dubuque, Ia ....................................... ,... 395, 396 " 1 --280-82 Cigarette Permit to FDL Foods, Inc. & Gene Kopp ..... 397 1--281-82 Class "C" Beer Permit to Eagles & FDL Foods, Inc .... 397 " 8--282-82 Decision of Council Upon Objections to Plans etc. for Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer ...................... 400 " 8--283-82 Ordering Construction re: Resurrection Church Sani- tary Sewer ........................................... 400, 401 ' " 8--284-82 Disposal of interest in vacated portion of alley abutting Lot 12 of Block 8 of Sunset Park Subd. No. 2, located north of Hillcrest Rd. in the City for Frank & Fay McCaulay .......... 402 " 8--285-82 Class "B" Beer Permit tor Loras College ............. 403 " 8--286-82 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to J. Clark & phil]dp Love ................................................ 404 " 15--287-82 Approval of proposed plans, specs, etc. for Chaplain Schmit t Memorial Island, Grading, Drainage & Roadway Paving. 406 " 15--288-82 Necessity for Improvement for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Grading, Drainage & Roadway Paving ..... 406, 418 " 15--289-82 Fixing Date of Hearing & Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Grading, Drainage and Roadway Paving (Base) ..................... 407 " 15--290-82 Approving a Tentative Five Year Street Construction Program and Submitting Same to the Ia. DOT .............. 408 " 15--291-82 Authorizing the Execution of Grant Agreements with DOT, USA, for Grants under UMTA, as Amended ........... 409 " 15--292-82 Cigarette Permit for Bistro & Kwik Stop Food Mart .... 409 " 15--293-82 Cigarette Permit for Patrlcia Lombardi Schuster (Ms. Pat's) ................................................ 409 " 15--294-82 Class "B" Beer Permits to Hartlgs, Oky-Doky 6, and Rainbo Oil Co ......................................... 409, 410 " 15--295-82 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License for Town Clock Inn, Inc., Lowrie E. Smith and J:R. Bainbridge .................. 410 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Nov. 15--296-82 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to Patricia Lombardi Schuster (Ms. Pat's) .................................... 410 " 22--297-82 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Clinic Revenue Bonds, Series 1982 IProfessionai Arts Project) in the Principal Amt. of $3,500,000 the execution and delivery of an Indenture of Trust to Secure Said Bonds, and the Execution and Delivery of a Loan Agreement with Professional Arts Plaza Limited Partnership IGRAHAM GROUP AT MERCY) .............. 412 " 22--298-82 Authorizing the Filing of a Program Statement for a C.D. Block Grant for the City ............................ 414 " 22--299-82 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain C.D. Block Grant Projects ....... 415 " 22--300-82 Cigarette Permits to H. Shetlar & Capital Tobacco Corp ................................... .............. 415 " 22--301-82 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to H. Shetler & Michael Bower & Wm. Lynch ............................ 416 Dec. 6--302-82 Decision of Council Upon Objections to Plans, Specs., otc. for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Grading & Drain- age .................................................. 418, 419 6--303-82 Ordering Construction for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Grading, Drainage & Roadway Paving (Base) ........ 419 6--304-82 Awarding Contract for Chaplain Schmitt Mem. Island Grading, Drainage & Roadway Paving IBase) ............... 420 6--305-82 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for the Loan of C.D. Block Grant Funds to FDL Foods, Inc ....... 421 6--306-82 Authorizing a Correction to be Made in the Amendment to the Consent Decree Relative to the Wastewater Treatment Plant ................................................ 422 6--307-82 Engineering Firm Selection for the Cedar Cross Exten- sion Corridor Location Study ............................ 423 6--308-82 Authorizing a supplement contract to 1982 Asphalt Paving Project for slurry sealing of Algona St., Asbury Rd., Kaufmann Ave ........................................ 424 6--309-82 Accepting Improvement for 1982 Asphalt Paving Pro- ject ................................................. 424 " 6--310-82 Final Estimate for 1982 Asphalt Paving Project ....... 425 6--311-82 Accepting Improvement for Interim Street Im- provements related to the Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge ...... 425 " 6--312-82 Final Estimate for Interim St. Improvements related to the Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge ........................ 425 " 6--313-82 Accepting Improvement for North-West Arterial, Stage I, Grading & Drainage ............................. 426 " 6--314-82 Final Estimate for Contract for North-West Arterial, Stage I, Grading & Drainage ............................. 426 " 6--315-82 Accepting Improvement for E. 11th St. Project from Central Ave. to Kerper Blvd ............................. 426 " 6--316-82 Final Estimate for contract for E. 11th St. from Central Ave. to Kerper Bird .................................... 427 " 6--317-82 Accepting Improvement for Ice Harbor Museum- Riverfront Tourist Access ............................... 427 " 6--318-82 Final Estimate for Ice Harbor Museum-Riverfront Tourist Access ........................................ 427 " 6--319-82 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Comm. Devel. Block Grant Projects ....... 428 " 6--320-82 Authorizing Execution of Consolidated Annual Con- tributions Contract and General Depository Agreement 48 Units, Section 8, Moderate Rehabilitation Housing .......... 430 " 6--321-82 Cigarette Permit to Sunshine Mart of Dbq., Ltd ....... 433 " 6--322-82 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to Local 94, UAW & Class "C" Beer Permit to 3 outlets ........................ 433 " 6--323-82 Authorizing Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to four outlets .................................. 433,434 ' 13--324-82 Awarding Contract for Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer to Northwestern Development, Inc. of East Dubuque, Ill ................................................... 437 " 13--325-82 Cigarette Permit to 3 outlets ....................... 437 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Dec. 13--326-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit for 2 outlets ............................................... 437,438 " 13--327-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer & Liquor License to one outlet and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to four outlets ........................................... 438 " 20--328-82 Adopting Supplement No. 15 to the Code of Ordinances. 441 " 20--329-82 Cigarette Permits to Mary Leu Kamp ............... 442 "20--330-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer & Class "C" Beer Permit ........................................... 442 " 20--331-82 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 442 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan, Feb. Mar, 10--Smith, Mrs. Floyd G., objecting to library fees .............. I 0--Shaffer, James re: harvesting of Walnut Trees in Marshall Park... $ 4--Solicitor position (Corp. Counsel) position opened up for receipt of resumes etc ......................................... 3 11--Setter, David re: Jeld,Wen Fiber Prod ..................... 8 11--Seitz, Catherine, Appointed to Library Bd .................. 14 11--Spiegelhalter, Robert, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 15 18--Seventeenth St. re: closing at request of Chicago Milwaukee RR .................................................. 20 18--Street Improvements re: Dubuque to Wisconsin Bridge ...... 21 18--Sincere Enterprises, Inc,, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .... 22 18--Steward, Gary. refund .................................. 22 18--Schubert, Mrs. Alien, objecting to high taxes and no bus set, vice on Tower Dr ...................................... 23 25--Sesquicentennial, discussion ............................. 25 25--Shiras Ave. re: request for more police patrol by residents ..... 25 25--Salas, Mrs. Joy A.. claim and denial ..................... 27, 46, 357 25--Square Dancirg re: request to waive "Hold Harmless" clause for RV parking ........................................ 27, 33 1--Streiber, Jerome, re: Den's Transmission property rezoning... 29 1--Sesquicentennial, re: establishing of Dubuque's 1983 ......... 32 1--Starr, Waiter J., claim and denial ......................... 34, 129 1--Sherman, John, Refund Request for St. Pat's ............... 35 1--St. Patrick's re: request for Beer Permit refund .............. 35 8--Safety Sabbath Sunday, Proclamation ..................... 36 8--Schlitz Devel. Co. re: Correction Resolution relative to Legal Description ........................................... 43 8--Street Stormwater Detention Basin, re: Alternate Location for U.S. 61 Relocation Project in that vicinity .................. 43 8--Sidewalks, re: Clarence Wernimont's objection to unshoveled.. 47, 52 8--Schneider, Jerome, re: Nemmer's lawsuit relative to Cedar Cross Road ........................................... 47 8--Sorenson, Richard & Sheila, re: Nemmer's lawsuit relative to Cedar Cross Road ...................................... 47 15--Shaffer, Dorothy, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 52 15--Schlitz-Fitzpatrick. Mary, re: funding for Inf. & Ref. Service... 52 15--Schreck, Ardell, re: funding for Inf. & Ref. Service ........... 52 22--Steffen, Lawrence re: Urban revit, application for tax exemption.. 58 22--Sheppley, Edward III requesting refund re: Ind. Dev. Bond issue ................................................ 58 22--Sherman, Wayne, Claim ................................. 62 22--Schonoff, M.P., claim and denial .......................... 62, 203 22--Scharnau, Ralph & Ruth, re: funding for Inf.& Ref ........... 63 22--Shlve-Hattery, re: setting out proposed land-use for ballpark complex .............................................. 63 22--Spielman, Chuck, re: comments on ballpark complex ......... 63 22--Smith, Doug, comments on ballpark complex ............... 63 22--Softball/baseball complex, re: discussion etc ................ 63 22--Schmltz, Rick re: computerized scanning checkout ........... 63 25--Scieszinski, Joseph re: submission of resume for position of Corp. Counsel ......................................... 65 25--Stark, Harley F., Jr., interview scheduled for position of Corp. Counsel .............................................. 65 25--Seeser, Karl H. re: submission of resume for position of Corp. Counsel .............................................. 65 8--Shamrocks for Dystrophy Day re: Proclamation ............. 68 8--Square & Round Dancing Group received Eddy Award ....... 68 8--Schmitz, Rick re: unit pricing Ordinance ................... 70 8--Stewart, W.C., received contract for Cedar Cross Rd. etc. Water Main Extension .................................. 71 8--Supplement No. 11 to the Code of Ordinances ..... : ......... 72 8--Sharpe, Douglas L. re: applicant for Dock Bd ............... 73 8--Smith, Robert W, applicant for Dock Bd ................... 73 8--Sullivan, R.J. appointed to Dock Bd ....................... 74 78 79 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Mar. 10--Seeley, Shirley, opposing proposed budget cuts for Library .... 80 10--Sand, Mary Ann objecting to cuts in library budget .......... 80 10--Schmidt, Judy, objecting to cuts in library budget ........... 80 10--Schmidt, Judy, objecting to cuts in library budget ........... 80 10--Street Dept. re: comments at budget session ................ 80 10--Stewart, Gary, re: contributions budget .................... 81 10--Sigwarth, Msgr. re: Funds for Wash. Oppor. Center .......... 81 10--Sutton, Ruby, funding for Operation: New View ............. 81 10--Smith, Tom, objecting to tax increases; giving opinion as to various City problems, requesting clinics for unemployed ..... ...................................... 81, 93, 105, 147, 150, 393 " 10--Stenographer position at Fire Dept. deleted ................ 82 " 10--Salaries of Park Bd. members deleted ..................... 83 " 10--Sanitary Sewer, monies aliocatod for Resurrection Sewer ..... 84 " 10--Special Assessment debt service re: elimination in Operating Budget .............................................. 85 " 10--Summer Youth Program (Mayor's), funding elimination ...... 85 " 10--Service St arlene, License fee established ................... 91 " 15--Stop Intersections re: Ordinance setting out those by Kerper & Fengier etc ........................................... 97 15--Stop Intersections re: Ordinance setting generally ........... 96 15--Suspensinn of Beer Permit re: Paul Fahey (Oil Depot) ......... 103 15--Sherman. Roger C., Claim ............................... 104 15--Sullivan, Mike re: Park Dept. Budget Cuts ................. 107 15--Schumacher, Earl E., Class "C" Beer Permit..~ .............. 108 15--Speed Limits on Dodge St. re: Petition requesting lowering same.. 109 22--Steger, Norbert J., Claim ................................ 109 29--Stark, Harley J., interview for position of Corporation Counsel. 111 Ap, r,. 3--Stark, Harley J., appointed as Corp. Counsel for City ..... 112,114,244 7--Streets (Through), designation of same etc ................. 116 7--Stop Intersections, designation of same etc ................ 116, 117 7--Schwartz, Milton, requesting Council not eliminate parking on both sides of 16th St. between Maple and the RR tracks ...... 118 7--Sixteen St. re: elimination of parking, discussion etc ......... 118 7--Sybron Corp. (Owner of Thermolyne) re: Tax Exemption for same for new Construction, ............................. 120 7--Swift, Gerald P., applicant for Mechanical Bd ............... 127 7--Schumacher, Peter F., Cigarette Permit .................... 128 7--Sherman, Roger, claim; settlement .................... 129, 137, 241 7--Shelter, Lois A., claim & settlement ....................... 129 7--Sutter, Joan, refund request ............................. 129 7--Smith, John D., refund request ........................... 129 7--Superior Welding Co., claim; closure of case ................ 129, 416 7--Skemp, Charles, one of 2nd list of 10 certified by C.S.C. for Firelight er ........................................... 130 7--Suspension of Real Estate Taxes, Request Denied ........... 130 7--Solid Waste Agency Budget submitted .................... 131 " 12--Substance Abuse Prevention Week, proalamation ........... 132 " 12--State Transit Ass't Grant application for Keyline for P. Hearing.. 132 " 12--St. Patrick's Parish Corp. Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 136 " 12--Scott, Jerry A., denial of claim ........................... 137 " 19--Spielman, Charles J., Class "B" Beer Permit ................ ' 145 " 19--Safety Council (Dbq. Area), submission of Resolution relative to elimination of roadside hazards ........................ 147 " 19--Smith, Tom, re: comments to Council ...................... 147, 150 " 26--Stop Signs, questions about those at intersection of Garfield & Fengier .............................................. 14~ "26--Schulte, Monica L., claim ................................ 150 Ma,,y 3--Smail Business Week, Proclamation ....................... 152 3--Security Building re: Actions to Acquire Same .............. .......... ........................ 153, 162, 163, 164, 206 to 220 3--Service Truck re: request for replacement for Transit....': .... 157 " 3--Schiel, Judith Ann, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 161 " 17--Seabee Veterans of America, proclamation ................. 162 " 17--Stampfers re: Security Bldg. Purchase of same for downtown Urban Renewal Etc ....................... 162, 163, 164, 206 to 220 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page May 17--Site Mini-Mart re: Hearing & Suspension of Beer License etc.. 169, 170 17--Suspension of Beer Permits for Various Businesses .......... 169 17--Supplement No. 12, Adopting same for the Code of Ordinances. 178 17--Swartz, Frank reappointed to Mechanical Bd ............... 182 17--Silver Stallion Lounge, Cigarette Permit ................... 184 17--Schumacher, Earl (Oky~Doky Foods #5) .................... 184 17--Schumacher, Earl E. & Thomas W., Class "C" Beer Permit .... 184 June 7--ServiceVehiclesre:Zoningchangetoprovideforsame ...... 188A, 189 ' 7--Sublease of property by Robert's River Rides, Inc. to the Dbq. Cty, Hist. Society through Dock Corem .................... 193,224 " 7--Scouts (Girl), Petitioning for completion of Bike.Trail ......... 195 " 7--Supervisors (County) re: discussion of Executone phone equip- ment ..... ' ........................................... 196 " 7--Savary's Tavern, Cigarette Permit ........................ 201 " 7--Shot Tower Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 201 " 7--Sid's Beverage Store, Cigarette Permit .................... 202 " 7--Schwartz, Milton E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 202 " 7--Sandblastlng re: Petition of Dbq. County Hist. Society r~ questing an amendment to Building Code .................. 203 " 7--Schultz, Marvin H., claim, denial ......................... 203, 272 " 21--Shaw, McDermott & Co. submitting bid(s) for Urban Renewal Tax Inc. Rev. Bonds .................................... 211 21 --Salary Plan (and Wage) for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees.. 233 21--Sumek, Lyle re: Organizational Development Program... 234, 244, 262 21--Sanderson, E.A. (Sandy), appointed to Dock Bd ............. 236, 237 21 --Sharpe, Douglas L, applicant for Dock Bd ................. 236 21 --Smith, Robert W.. applicant for Dock Bd ................... 236 21--Schiel, Judy, appointed to His. Pres. Comm ................ 237 21--Schublln, John A.. applicant for His. Pres. Comm ............ 237 21--Stribling, Donald W., applicant for Cable TV Tele-Programm. Corem ............................................... 237 "21--Southend Beer Store, Cigarette Permit .................... 238 "21--Sunnycrest Manor, Cigarette Permit ...................... 238 "21--Schroeder (& Hiatt) Tap, Inc.. Cigarette Permit ............. 238 21--Sears-Roebuck Co., Cigarette Permit ...................... 239 21--Shanahan DX, Cigarette Permit .......................... 239 21--Sirloin Stockade, Cigarette Permit ......................... 239 21--Spatz Malone (1933 Inc.), Cigarette Permit ................. 239 21--Savary, John L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 240 21--Schollmeyer, Wayne P. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 240 21--Smith, Thomas, Daniel, & Janice, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 240 " 21--Spiegelhalter, MalvinA.,Class"C"Beer&LiquorLicense .... 240 " 21--Sinwey, Dennis J., Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 240 " 21--Schuppener, Mark. re: Improvements at Airport ............ 242 " 21 --Special Election re: Park & Rec. Complex on City Island ...... 242 July 6--Service Stations re: Ordinance providing for General Provi- siena etc ............................................. 255 6--Service Stations re: Ordinance providing for licensing of same. 257 6--Supplement No. 13 to the Code of Ordinances, Adopted ....... 259 6--Sport Page, Cigarette Permit ............................ 263 6--Street, J.D. & Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 263 6--Spialman. Charles, refund request for Beer Permit ........... 264 6--Stipulatinn of Settlement re: Michael A. & Carol A. Reimer .... 265 19--Signs re: Ordinance amending definition etc. and regulating their use & requiring a fee ............................ 267. 305-307 " 19--State Operating Assistance Contract for FY '83 re: executed by Mayor ............................................ 270 " 19--State Capital Assistance Contract for FY '83, executed by Mayor. 270 " 19--Schroeder, Alvin re: claim, denial ......................... 272,434 " 19--Sialer, Madonna, re: claim ............................... 272 " 19--Schultz, Marvin H.. denial of claim ........................ 272 " 19--Swiss Vailey Farms re: favoring HI zoning for area east of Cen- tral north of City Limits ................................ 273 " 19--Status Report on Zoning Ordinance Review, re: City Mgr. sub- mitred ............................................... 273 INDEX -- BOOK 112 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page July 28--Smith, Dave re: UDAG Grant for Dbq. Pack ................ 274 " 28--Schultz, Merlln.(Bud) re: UDAG Grant for Dbq. Pack ....... 274 " 28--Schmidt, Robert, as Airport Commission relative to hangar construction at Airport ............................... 275 Aug. 2--Stewart St. concrete paving Project, Notices, objections, dele- tion ............................................. 279, 280, 281 2--Stokesberry, Alberta, objecting to repaving of Stewart St ..... 280 2--Steuer, Keith, request Council approve Block Party for Boyer St ............................................... 287 2--Sewer, Sanitary re: Crescent Ridge, final estimates, schedule of assessments etc ...................................... 288-292 2--Sealer (City) of Weights and Measurers as set out by Code .... 297 2--Second Addn. of Dubuque Industrial Center, approving the Plat ................................................ 299 " 2--Smith, Charles J., claim ................................ 302 2--St. Patrick's Parish, Refund on Beer Permit ............... 303 2--St. Columbkille's Church's, Class "B" Beer Permit & Refund.. 301,368 2--Sidewalks re: response by Mgr. to petitioners of Jonathan · Lane & Baldwin St. area ................................ 301 9--Signs re: Schedule of Comprehensive Sign Regulations etc .... 307 9--Street Lighting re: Central Ave. Interconnect from 16th St. to 22nd St. - finalization of project .......................... 310-311 9--Stecher, Joseph R., Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 312 " 16--Sale of abandoned right-ofiway to City by Chicago, NorthW. Railroad ....................................... ...... 322 " 16--Skemp, Charles R. & Gloria M., re: approval of final plat of Charlie's Place near Cedar Cross Road ..................... 324, 325 " 23--Security Agreement with A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co ........... 333 " 23--Splegelhalter, Melvin, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 335 " 23--Schroeder Tap (Hiatt), Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 335 Sept. 9--Swift, Raymond, re: in favor of name "Mazzuchel]i' for new bridge ............................................... 341 9--Sigwarth, Msgr., re: naming of Schmitt (Or Harem) Island after Chaplain Schmitt and requesting approval of erection of market ............................................... 341 9--Schmitt Island re: naming of "Hamm Island" and discussion of erection of marker etc ............................ 341,374, 396 9--Sunny, Inc. re: acceptance of Warranty Deed from same for property acquired for E. 11th St. Project ................... 9--Stop Intersections re: Kniest & Lincoln .................... 9--Streets re: designation of One-Way ........................ 9--Street Finance Report re: submission of City Mgr. for 1982 ..... 9--Sewer Accounts (Delinquent) certified to County Treasurer .... 9--Smith, Ann, resignation from Civil Service Commission ....... 9--Smith, Charles J., claim ................................. 9--Schmerbach, Mark Allen, denial of claim ................... 9--Street Assessments re: Dubuque Golf & Country Club ........ 13--Schlitz, L.J., re: Statement on Non-Conforming Uses relative to Don Apts .......................................... 354 " 20--Slsler, Michael M. appointed to Elec. Exam. Bd ............. 366 " 20--Stephens, Lesley, applicant for Civil Service Comm .......... 366 " 20--Stonskas, Robert, claim ................................. 368 Oct. 4--Schmitt, Ralph re: Offer for City to Buy 604 Peru Rd ......... 371,424 4--Snyder, Florence et al re: Petitioning for residents to call police when people park in places snow-shoveled out by owners ...... 371 4--Snow-shoveled Places, Petition by residents for Ord. that would allow calling the po]ice when others park in their areas.. 371,396 4--Supplement No. 14 to the Code of Ordinances, Adopted ....... 375 4--Sheldon, Linda, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 378 4--Sandidge, Judith, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License; Cigarette Permit ............................................... 378, 385 4--Suspension of Real Estate Taxes requested by County ....... 379 " 11--Sewer-ResurrectionChurchProject...381-382,399-400,423,436,437 " 11--Street Lighting re: City Mgr. Gave Verbal Report ........... 385 " 11--Schroeder (Hiatt), Tap, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 386 " 11--Sauser, Mary, Claim .................................... 386 343 342 343 344 346 346 348 348 348 1982 SUBJECT Page Oct. 18--Seventh & Central, re: Request by County for Traffic Study... 389 " 18--Stop Intersections re: Ord. Setting on N/W Arterial .......... 389, 390 ' 18--Sewer - Obtaining Easement for Crescent Ridge San. Sewer, Phase I I ............................................. 391 " 18--Settle, JoAnn, Settlement of Claim ....................... 393 " 18--September Monthly Reports from Fin. Dir. & Treasurer ...... 393 Nov. 1--Sherman, Roy, (Of A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.), appointed to Dubuque In Futuro Bd ................................. 396 1--Schubert, Fred, Claim .................................. 397 8--Selig, Rev. Alan, Invocation ............................. 399 8--Sunset Park Subd. re: Vacation of real estate known as Lot 12A ................................................. 401 8--Sales of Alley abutting Lot 12 Sunset Park Subd.//2, North of Hillcrest Rd .......................................... 401 8--Smith, Melita A., reappointed to C.D. Comm ................ 403 8--Scott, Edward, Applicant for C.D. Comm .................. 403 8--Smlth, Robert W., Applicant for Dock Comm ............... 403 8--SwiR, Gerald P., appointed to Plumbing Bd ................ 403 8--September List of Claims, Proof of Publication .............. 404 15--Street Construction Program (5 Year) Submitted to Ia. DOT.. 408 15--Smith, Lowrie E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......... 410 15--Schuster (Lombardi), Pat, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License... 410 15--Schroeder, David J., Refund on Liquor License .............. 411 22--Shetler, Harry, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 415, 416 " 22--Steichen, Robert re: Clarification of Zoning Ordinance ........ 417 Dec. 6--Sunshnie Mart of Dubuque, Ltd., Cigarette Permit & Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................... 433 6--Spiegel, Robert, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 433 6--Solicitor (City) Lindahl, re: Nemmers Case status ............ 434 6--Schetgen, Ralph re: Letter from Gerald A. Rickard re: Aircraft/ Missile Donation Brochure .............................. 435 6--Senior High School Students presenting Mayor with "Carol- ing, Caroling" recording ................................ 436 " 13--Strom, David request honoring of deferment request filed in January for Pfohl property (Resurrection Church San. Sewer Project) .............................................. 436 " 20--Sherman, Roy of A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. re: clarifying future plans of the company ................................... 440 " 20--Supplement No. 15, adopted to the Code of Ordinances ....... 441 " 20--September Counc]i Proceedings, Printed, Approved as Amend- ed ................................................... 443 " 20--Schenck, Peter, Petitioning for adequate budget for Human Rights ............................................... 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 4--TRANSIT BOARD - Submitting Minutes of Meetings: ...... .............. 6, 22, 62, 129, 146, 150, 203, 302,378, 397, 410, 434 4--TRANSIT BOARD-Submitting Earnings Statement Statistics:.. 6, 26, 62, 76, 146, 203,241,302, 347,367,378, 393, 416, 443 11--Terhune, Scott re: Group Home Ordinance change ........... 9 11--Theme, David L. appointed to Bldg. Code Bd. of Appeals ..... 13 11--TFM Co., Class "C" Liquor License ....................... 15 18--Thermolyne Re: requesting vacation of certain properties ..... ............................................. 21, 29, 30, 54, 55 18--Tropf, Carl, Claim & Denial .............................. 22, 46 "25--TFM (Oky-Doky 9) Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 26 Feb. 8--Thermolyne Corp. Project re: Bonds, Procedural Resolutions etc ................................................. 38, 39, 68 8--Thermolyne Corp. re: Memorandum of Agreement ........... 40, 41 8--Townsend, Kenneth re: signing Mem. of Agree. as Pres. of Thermolyne ........................................... 42 " 15--Taxes, objection to same by Dr. Neumeister ................ 48 " 15--Transit Bd. re: Ordinance revising make-up etc .............. 51, 59 " 15--Tax Exempt Applications re: W. 11th St. & Jackson Park area. 57 " 15--Tennis fees, re: objection against ......................... 62 Mar. 8--Tri-State Square & Round Dancing Group re: receipt of Eddy Award ............................................... 68 " 10--Thnmpson, Edna, re: Safety Director position ............... 79 " 10--Thompson, Gene, re: Park Bd. budget ..................... 79 " 10--Thompson, Edna, re: FY '83 Budget ....................... 79 "10--Translt Dept., re: FY '83 Budget .......................... 80, 84 " 10--Tri-County Alcoholism program, monies allocated ........... 85 " 10--Tourism and Convention Bureau of Chamber of Commerce re: allocated percentage of Hotel-Motel Tax ................... 86 " 10--Transit Bd. salaries deleted .............................. 84 " 15--Thermolyne, re: approval of Tax Exemption ............. 98,119,120 " 15--Taylor Rental Corp. re: suit ............................... 104 " 15--Traffic Signal Installations re: Agreement between City and Ia. DOT re: White, 11th St., Central Ave., 1 lth St., 10th St .... 107 " 22--Terry, Mary, denial of claim ............................. 109 " 22--Transit Union, re: submission of impact of Arbitration Award. 110 Ap, r,. 7--Through Streets, designation of same etc .................. 116 7--Trafflc Changes, at 14th and 16th Streets .................. 118 7--Thermolyne Corp. re: Option Agreement between them and City ................................................. 119 7--Tax Exemption re: Thermolyne Corp ...................... 119, 120 7--Thompson, Gene, re: superintendents position (combined) as opposed to discontinuance of same. (Park & Rec. Depts.) ..... 121 7--Telephonee, presentation by Jon Heaps of NW Bell relative to curbside phones ....................................... 122 7--Transit Bd. appointments of George Enderson, Jr. & Wm. Hllvers .............................................. 128 7--Thiltgen, Ron C., applicant for Transit Bd .................. 127 7--Theobold, Roger, Cigarette Permit ........................ 128 7--Teleprompter Cable TV submitting Financial Report for period ending Dec. 31, 1981 .................................... 131 7--Thermolyne Corp. re: permission to open cut Kerper Blvd. for water eervice connectinns ............................... 131 7--Tax Suspension request & denial ......................... 130 " 12--TelevisionServlcee(Pay),re:OrdinanceProvidingformonthly Subscriber Rates ...................................... 133 ' 19--Tschiggfrie Excavating Co., contract hwarded for Interim St. Improvements related to Dbq. to Wisconsin Bridge .......... 144 " 19--Transit Bd. re: elimination of necessity of having same meet in the Council Chambers .................................. 145, 158 " 19--Treasurer, re: montlfly report for month of March ............ 147 " 19--Tegeler, Earl, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 150 Ma,,y 3--Transit Dept. re: emergency replacement of servlce truck ..... 157 3--Tri-State Independent Blind Society re: Cigarette Permit. 160 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page May 3--Turner, Jerry, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 161 " 17--Transportatinn Week, proclamation ....................... 162 " 17--Tax Increment Bonding re: Security Building. 162, 167, 200, 206 to 220 " 17--Thompson, Jack, as Pres. of Oky Doky Stores, re: Beer Permit Violations ............................................ 169 " 17--Transit re: Proof of publication of Notice of P. Hearing on the State Assistance Grant application for Keyline in amt. of $56,915 .............................................. 170 " 17--Transfer of funds relative to Budget Amendment ............ 173 " 17--Theatre No. 5 re: extension of Final Development Plan fur Key City Investment Co .................................... 175 " 17--Tschudi, Michael J, applicant fur Mech. Bd ................ 182 " 17--TV Cable Reg. Comm. appointment of David J. Arnold ....... 183 " 17--Thompson, Gene P., appointed to newly created Park & Rec. Comm ............................................... 183 " 17--Thompson's Food Market #1, Cigarette Permit .............. 184 " 17--Trausch Baking Co., Cigarette Permit ..................... 184 " 17--Town Clock Plaza, Beer Permit Transferred from Bistro ...... 185 June 7--Telephone discussion of Executone equipment etc. for Law En- forcement Center ...................................... 196 7--Traffic Signal Modifications at Central Ave. & 22nd St. re: Final Estimate and Accepting Improvement ............... 199, 200 7--Ted's Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................. 202 7--Toni's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ............................ 202 7--Tunnel Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 202 7--Tindell, Marionette, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 202 7--Treasurer Reports for April .............................. 204 7--Tritsch, Mrs. Ralph B., objecting to Group W Regulations.. 204, 241,265 "21--Traffic closing of Rhomberg Ave ......................... 220 "21--Thermolyne Corp. Project re: Issuance of /nd. Dev. Rev. Bonds ............................................... 227 21--Transit Union, Acceptance of Agreement .................. 231 21--TFM Co. (Oky-Doky), Cigarette Permit .................... 238 21--Target Store #86, Cigarette Permit ........................ 239 21--Torry's West Side Lounge, Cigarette Permit ................ 240 21--Theisen's Store, Cigarette Permit ......................... 240 21--Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 240 21--Tri-State Independent Blind Society, Cigarette Permit ....... 240 Ju~,y 6--Tank Trucks re: Ord. providing for specific provisions ........ 256 6--Tank Trucks re: Ord. providing for Service Station Licenses under Tank Trucks Div ................................. 257 6~T. Willy's Saloon, Cigarette Permit ....................... 263 6--Ted's Meeting Place, Cigarette Permit ..................... 263 6--Tax Appeal by Fischer Co. for 1978, Closed; Order given ...... 264, 303 6--Tigges, John, requesting amendment to Zoning etd .......... 273 6--Tippe, Fred re: UDAG for Dbq. Packing Co ................. 274 Au,,g. 2--Traffic problems, request for diver ter at Kniest & Lincoln ..... 287 2--Third Addn. of Dubuque Ind. Center, approval of plat. 300 2--Transit Bd. re: appointment of R. Thomas Quick ............ 301 2--Thlltgen, Ron C., Applicant for Transit Bd ................. 301 2--Treasurer's Reports for June ............................. 303 9--Traffic Signal Interconnect from 16th to 22nd St. (Central) - Finalization of Project .................................. 310-311 " 23--Takes, Peter re: For W. 32nd St. Razoning .................. 332 Sept. 7--Thompson, Edna re: Question how Mercy Clinic Project affects Finley Hospital ........................................ 340 7--Telegraph Herald re: Petition requesting adoption of name "Mazzuchel~" Bridge for new Dbq.-Wis. Bridge ............. 341 7--Tilton, John (Jac), Promotion Director for T-H, re: submission of contest results for naming of Bridge .................... 341 " 7--Treasurer (County), receiving delinquent sewer accounts from City ................................................. 346 " 7--TV Cable Tels-Programming Comm. resignation of Michele Hoffman-Attaway ..................................... 347 " 7--TV Cable Regulatory Comm. resignation of David Arnold ..... 347 " 7--Tunnel IThe), refund on Liquor License .................... 349 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Sept.13--Trick or Treat Proclamation ............................ 351 13--Transit Bd. re: Findings about buses to the Deere Plant ...... 356 13--Taxes re: Objection by Digman Realty ..................... 357 20--Testroet, Paul, Applicant for Civil Service Corem ............ 366 20--T.L Investments. Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 367 20--Travis, David, Claim ................................... 368 20--Treasurer, Reports for month of Aug ..................... 368 Oct. 4--Twentieth Precinct, Changing of Polling Place to Hoover School ............................................... 374. 375 " 4--Tri-State Veteran's Memorial Bridge, Adoption of name for new Bridge, etc ........................................ 374, 444 " 4--Tindell, Marionette S.. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 378 " 4--Taxes, Request for suspension by County .................. 379 " 11--Thompson, Rev. Rick, Invocation ......................... 381 " 11--Tri-County Citizens Comm. of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse, re: Budget Asking ........................................ 387 " 18--Transit Bd. re: submission of Resolution relative to duplication of services (School busing and Public Transit) ............... 389 " 18--Traffic Engineering Study re: requested by County for 7th and Central .............................................. 389 " 18--Treasurer re: reports for Sept ............................ 393 Nov. 1 --Telephone Pioneer Week, Proclamation .................... 395 " 1--Trickling Filter Mechanism re: purchased from Cedar Rapids for Wastewater Treatment Plant ......................... 395 " 1--TV Monitoring Equipment re: upgrading that in the Chamber & Library for telecasting of meetings ...................... 395 " 15--Turnqdist re: denial by P & Z of rezoning request east of Southway between Asbury & Dana Dr ..................... 407 " 15--TFM Co. (Oky-Doky No. 6), Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 410 " 15--Town Clock Inn, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 410 " 15--Town Meeting re: date of same changed by Russell Nash ...... 411 " 22--Town Clerk of Jamestown, Wis., re: naming of Hwy 151 Bridge ............................................... 413 " 22--Thielen, Helen A., claim, denial ........................... 416,443 " 22--Takes, Peter J. re: Non-conforming use Amendment to Zoning Ord ................................................. 417 Dec. 6--Thirty-Second St. Overpass re: Property Adjacent offered by Wm. Maiers .......................................... 424 6--Tschiggfrie Excavating re: awarded supplement contract for 1982 Asphalt Paving Project ............................ 424 6--Tool Lending Library (Washington) re: Envlronmental Assess- ment...: ............................................ 428 6--Tank Facilities which store flammable/combustible liquids- providing for issuance of a Fee ........................... 431,432 6--Trans-Miss Investment, Class "B" Beer Permit; Cigarette Permit ............................................... 433, 437 6--Treasurer Reports for month of October ................... 434 " 13--Tax Exemption for new construction, requested by A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co ..................................... 436, 440 " 13--Tegeler, Earl, Class "B' Beer Permit ...................... 438 " 20--Transit Bd. resignation of R. Thomas Quick ................ 443 "20--Thul, Joyce, Claim ..................................... 443 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Jan. 4--UMTA re: Filing of an amendment for a Grant .............. 4 ' 19--U.S. Industrial Chemical, re: zoning map amendments requests for Julien Dubuque Dr ................................. 20 Feb. 8--U.S. 61 Relocation Project re: Alternate Location in the vicini- ty of 16th St. Stormwater Detention Basin ................. 43 8--Urbain, Wm., Re: Class "C' Liquor License ................. 45 8--Urban Revitalization Area re: Tax Exempt Applications ...... 57 Mar. 8--Unit Pricing Code re: discussion and consideration of chang- ing .................................................. 70 8--United Labor Participation Comm. re: support of Unit Pricing Code ................................................. 70 8--UMTA re: Agreement executed by Mayor for operations ex- penses of Key fine ...................................... 71 8--United Way re: Honor Award for City ..................... 76 " 10--United Labor Participation Comm. requesting reinstating posi- tion of Human Rights Investigator ....................... 78 " 10--Uthe, Bob, against library cuts .......................... 80 " 15--U.S. Army Corps of Engrs. re: demolition of Eagle Point Bridge ............................................... 104 " 15--Ungs, Leo, of County, requesting suspension of taxes of real estate for an individual ................................. 130 Apr. 19--Urban Renewal Plan re: Provision for Amendment ........... 140 May 3--Urban Renewal Plan for downtown Dubq., amended to allow for the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, to allow for City to ac- quire and dispose of certain properties for private rehabilita- tion ................................................. 152, 153 17--Urban Renewal Tax Increment~District & Sale of Tax Incre- ment Bonds ......................... 167, 168, 200, 206, 211 to 220 June 7--UMTA re: application for grant .......................... 190 7--Uthe, Robert. requesting for nuclear freeze Resolution ........ 195 7--Union Cigar, Cigarette Permit ........................... 202 " 21--UDAG Agreement re: A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co .......... 230,292,333 " 21 --University of Dubuque Student Union, Cigarette Permit ...... 238 " 21--UAW, Local #94, Cigarette Permit ........................ 240 July 6--Uniform Fire Code re: repeal of Code Provisions duplicated in same ................................................ 255 " 19--UDAG Agreement - Dubuque Packing Co .............. 267,274, 275 " 19--UMTA re: Filing of Third Agreement to Sect. 5 App. with DOT, USA, for a Grant ................................. 269 Aug. 2--University of Dubuque re: objecting to McCormick St. repav- ing. ................................................. 280 2--U.S. 20 pedestrian bridge, re: discussion ................... 301 " 23--United Way Campaign Time, Proclamation ................. 328 " 23--UDAG Project re: FDL Foods .................... 333,344-345,364 Sept.14--UMTA re: financial assistance application & setting P. Hear- ing (Keyline) .......................................... 363 " 20--UMTA re: Filing of a 4th Agreement to Sect. 5 App. with DOT, USA, for a Grant ...................................... 364 Oct. 4--Ungs, Leo, petition(s) for suspension of real estate taxes from County .............................................. 379 " 11--UMTA, Filing of Amendment to Application with DOT, USA, for Grant ......................................... 383, 395, 409 " 18--Unemployed Support Group re: petition to Governor declaring State of Emergency by reason of economic development ...... 389 Dec. 6--UDAG Program, re: HUD advising material for program has been approved & authorizing City Mgr. to execute certifica- tion ................................................. 422 " 6--Uhlrich, Elizabeth, settlement of clalin .................... 434 " 20--Ungs, David A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 442 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page ¥ Feb. 22--Vos, Rev. Thomas, gave Invocation for C. Meeting ........... 54 " 22--Vacate re: Notice of P. Hrg. for purpose to vacate and dispose of interest in parcel of property located in Block 9 Riverfront, Sub. #3 ............................................... 54 " 22--Vesperman, Betha, objectlng to fees for library & parks ....... 63 Apr. 7 --Vandalism re: in City Parks .............................. 129 " 12--Volunteer Week, proclamation ........................... 132 " 19--Vets Park re: Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 145 June 7--Vehicle Parking re: Ordinance changing Service Vehicle relative to zoning etc ................................... 189 " 7--Vern's Fastop DX, Cigarette Permit ...................... 238 7--Village Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................ 238 7--Vets Park re: Fireworks Display .......................... 242 July 19--Vasco Drug, Cigarette Permit ............................ 271 " 19--Vogel, Bert re: in favor of name "Mazzuchelli" for new bridge.. 341 Sept.20--Video Arcade, re: Rebecca Burgart obi ecting to same ........ 368 Oct. 4--Vacation of utility Easement in Clarke Crest Estates ........ 371 " 11--Vacating of Alley abutting Lot 12 Sunset Park Subd. #2, north of Hilicrest Road known as Lot 12A in Sunset Park Subd. #2.. 383, 401 " 18--VanNatta, Linde re: petition to declare state of emergency in Ia. by reason of economic depression ...................... 389 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page W Jan. 4--Woodyard, Earl F., Refund on Cigarette License ............ 6 " 11--Waltz, John J., appointed to Dock Corem .................. 14 " 18--Woodward, Wm., resignation from Dock Corem ............. 21 " 18--Woodman, Clair A., re: requesting removalof barricade, etc... 21, 35 "25--Westside Enterprises, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ........ 26 Feb. 1--Water Main Extension for Cedar Cross Rd., Crescent Ridge & Crescent Court, procedural Resolutions, etc ...... 30, 31, 48, 49, 71,321 8--Wernimont, Clarence re: unshoveled sidewalks on Central ..... 47, 52 8--Wright, E. David re: Nemmer's Lawsuit for Cedar Cross Rd... 47 " 15--Weis, Paul, gave Invocation ............................. 48 " 22--West 11th St. re: Tax Exempt Applications ................ 57 ' 22--Washington Street Urban Revitalization Areas- application etc .................................................. 58 " 22--Waltz, John (Hank) questioning Council authority re: Dock Comn~ ............................................... 59 " 22--Windsor Tap, Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................... 61 " 22--Warehouse Market, re: requesting changes in item pricing law. 63 "22--Walnut Acres, re: Jim Ostert requesting to sell to City for ballpark .............................................. 63, 64 Mar. 8--Women's History Week, Proclamation .................... 68 8--West 5th re: rezoning ................................... 69 8--Windsor Tap, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 75 8--Williams, Elien A., denial of claim ......................... 76 10--Welsh, Mary, re: opinion as to FY 83 Budget ................ 79 10--Weliman, Rex. opinion as to FY 83 Budget ................. 79, 80 10--Welby, Janet, opinion as to FY 83 Budget .................. 80 10--Water - Wastewater Div., FY 83 Budget ................... 80 15--Will - Co. Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 103 15--Wernimont, Karen, claim, settlement ...................... 104, 186 22--White St., Traffic Signal installations ..................... 107, 198 22--Weber, Michael B., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 108 22--Winders, James R., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......... 108 Apr. fi--Waltz, John (Hank), opinion as to parking relative to new bridge opening ........................................ 119 7--Welu, Daniel, reappointed to Police & Fire Retirement Bd. of Trustees ............................................. 127 · "7--Wareco System of Iowa, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 128 7--Waddick, Dan, clnim ................................... 129 " 12--WDBQ re: award as Best Station (Radio) by magazine ........ 132 " 12--V~ork Sessions for Council - scheduled in intervening weeks... 135 ' 19--Wulfekuhle, Phil, Realtor, relative to property tax burden ..... 141 " 26--Warranty Deeds re: acceptance of same for parcels of properties for NW Ar terini Project ........................ 142, 143 " 26--Wernke, John & Mary, Class "C" Beer & Liquor ............. 150 Ma,,y 3--Wulfekuhle, Phil re: proposal for Sec. Bldg. submitted by RIK. 152 3--Wacker Dr. re: east of same, re: approval of final plat of Key Ci- ty Investment Co ...................................... 157 3--Walgreen Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 160 3--Welsh, Kathleen M., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 161 " 17--Wagner, Robert re: Wagners DX Station, Hearing/Suspension of Class "C" Beer Permit ................................ 170 " 17--Wagner's DX Station, Hearing/Suspension of Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................... 170 " 17--Willoughby, David, appointed to Park & Rec. Comm ......... 183 " 17--Weber, Mike, Cigarette Permit ........................... 184 " 17--Wacker Dr., paving improvement comments submitted by West Side Bus. & Prof. Assn ............................. 187 " 17--West Side Bus. & Prof. Assn., re: paving of JFK Road & Wacker Drive ......................................... 187 June 7--Whitis, Dr. Peter, requesting nuclear freeze Resolution ....... 195 " 7--White St. at 21st Radius, Traffic Signal Improvements ....... 198, 199 " 7--Warranty Deed from Dbq. Packing Co. to City for Lot 2 of Block 11 of Dbq. Packing Co. Addn ....................... 200 " 7--Wareco System of Ia., Cigarette Permit .................... 202 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page June 7--Warehouse Market, Cigarette Permit ...................... 7--Walsh, Rose Marie, settlement of claim .................... 7--Weitz, A., objecting to Cable charge ....................... 21--Wage & Salary Plan, re: Non Bargaining Unit Employees 21 --Waltz, Hank, submission of resignation from Dock Comm 21--Walgreen Co., Cigarette Permit .......................... 21 --White House Tap, Cigarette Permit 21--Windsor Tap, Cigarette Permit 21--West Dubuque Tap, Cigarette Permit ..................... 21--Woolworth's Store, Cigarette Permit ..................... July 6--Ward, Wm.. re: change in parking around Donovan's Market.. 6--Willy's (T.) Saloon, Cigarette Permit. f ..................... 6--WHeel House, Cigarette Permit 202 204 204 233 236 238 238 238 240 240 252 263 263 6--Wagner, Dick, Claim; Denial ............................. 264,434 19--Wing Dam construction at Cassville re: Notice by Engrs ...... 272 28--White, J.B., Mgr. of Rosheks commenting on UDAG Grant... 274 28--Wahlert, R.H. re: requesting Council approve UDAG applica- tion to help FDL Foods ................................. 274 Aug. 2--W. 32nd St. re: rezoning to reclassify property on W. 32nd from R-3 Multi-Family Res. to C-2 Local Service Colnm. District ................................................ 285. 331,332 2--Willow Springs Plaza Development re: request for 6 mo. exten- sion on preliminary plan approval by John Power ............ 287 2--Weights and Measures re: Ordinance providing for a City Sealer of same ......................................... 297 2--Weighte and Measures re: providing for standardized ones for Central Market ........................................ 298 2--Wayne Anthony Place, re: approval of final plat ............. 298,299 ' 16--WindsorAve. re:rezoningpropertyofChristensen's ......... 317,338 " 16--Wilcox. Tom H., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 325 " 16--West's, G.R., Ord. reclassifying Lot 27 from t~3 Multi-Family to C-2 Local Service .................................... 332 " 23--Wing Dike Construction at Cassville, Wis., re: Notice of Army Corps of Engrs. relative to Hearing ....................... 335, 336 Sep. 7--Wilkie, Fr. requesting naming of new Bridge after Fr. Maz- zuchelli .............................................. 341 7--Warranty Deed re: accepted for property acquired for E. llth St. Project ............................................ 342 7--Wilcox, Tom H., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 347 " 13--Winter, Dale re: P & Z denying request for indoor comm. rec. establ ................................................ 354 " 13--Welty, Buster, re: problems with P & Z and Bldg. Dept ....... 357 Oct. 4--Wastewater Treatment Plant, Amendment to Consent Decree. .................................................... 372, 422 " 11--White Cane Safety Day, Proclamation ..................... 381 " 11--War tburg Seminary Day, Proclamation~ ................... 381 " 11--Woolworth Store, Refund on Cigarette Permit .............. 386 " 18--Warranty Deed for cul-de-sac at Rhomberg Ave., acceptance.. 390 " 18--Wagner, Paul E. & Teresa D., conveying property for cul-de~ sac at Rhomberg ....................................... 390 Nov. 1--Wastewater Treatment Plant, re: purchase of Trickling Filter Mechanism from Cedar RapidsJ ........................... 395 " 1--Wisconsin DOT re: standard numbering system for new struc- tures ................................................ 398 " 1--Weber, Michael, refund request on Cigarette License & Liquor License .............................................. 398, 404 " 8--Waltz, John requesting to speak relative to Marker on Chap. Schmitt Island ........................................ 403 " 22--Work Session re: Non Conforming Use Section of the Zoning Ordinance ............................................ 417 Decl 6--Weiblen, Rev. Wm., Invocation ........................... 418 " 6--White Street re: demolition permit for garage approved in His. Pres. district .......................................... 428 " 6--Wetter, David, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 438 " 20--Wulfekuhle, Phil, (Bd. of Realtors Pres.) presented "Citizen of the Year Award" to Daniel K. Dittemore ................... 440 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Dec. 20--Wahlert, R.C. re: concurring with Citizen of Year Award to D. Dittemore ............................................ 440 " 20--Wagner, Mary Ann, Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 442 " 20--Waller, Louise resignation from Five Flags Comm ........... 443 " 20--Waidschmitt, Shirley, Petition for adequate funding for Human Rights ........................................ 444 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Y Jan. 18--Youth Hockey Week, Proclamation ....................... 17 Feb. 8--yeager, Gary G., claim, and denial ......................... 46,146 Mar. 15--Yield Intersections, re: Ordinance specifying ............... 97, 117 Ap,,r. 7--Youth in Government Days ............................. 130,132 7--National YWCA Week, proclamation ...................... 132 June 21--Yarger & Associates, re: City Pay Classification Study ....... 233 Oct. 4--YWCA (National) Teen Week. Proclamation ................ 371 Nov. 1--Yiannias Place, approval of final plat ...................... 395,396 1--Yiannis, N.J. and Christine, for Key City Investment Co., Ac- ceptance of Resolution No. 279-82 ........................ 396 8--Youth Appreciation Week, Proclamation ................... 399 INDEX -- BOOK 112 1982 SUBJECT Page Z Jan. 4--Zoning problems with Inland Molasses, petition by D. Hartig.. 5 " 11--Zoning Bal. of Adjustment, appointment of Chad Leitch ...... 15 " 18--Zoning Map Amendments, re: Julien Dubuque Dr ........... 20 Feb. 1--Zoning Bd. of Adjustment re: referral of rezoning problems with Den's Transmission property ........................ 29 " 8--Zoning change re: property east of JFK Rd. between Foothill & Fire Station ........................................... 36 " 15--Zoning Change re: property at 442-444 and 426-428 W. 5th St.. 50 "22--Zirkelback, Dennis & Sandra, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Li- quorL ............................................... 61, 62 " 22--ZONING BD. OF ADJUSTMENT Submitting Minutes ...... ...................... 62, 104, 146, 203, 241, 272, 302, 326, 397,438 " 22--Zoeller, Barbara re: funding for Inf. & Referral .............. 63 May 3--Zoning Map amendments for annexation area (North Sector). 154, 188A " 17--Zoning amendment re: Group W Cable Property at 3033 Asbury. ~ ............................................ 174 June 7--Zirker, Eugene, Bishop of Church of Latter Day Saints, Gave Invocation ........................................... 188A 7--Zoning amendment re: changing greenhouses ............... 189 "21--Zayre Snack Bar, Cigarette Permit ........................ 240 July 6--Zonlng land around Airport, request by Airport Corem ....... 252 " 19--Zoning Ordinance Review re: City Mgr. submitting status report ............................................... 273 " 19--Zoning re: Swiss Valley Farms going on record as favoring HI zoning for area east of Central Ave. from old City limits north to the new City limits ................................... 273 " 19--Zoning Ordinance, re: petition of John Tigges relative to amendment to Ord. in regard to height requirements for fences ............................................... 273 Aug. 2--Zoning change re: Ord. 28-82 Repealing Sec. 4-121 PI Planned Ind. Dis. of Article IV and Enacting a new Section 4-121 Plann- ed Ind. Dis ........................................... 281 9--Zoning change to regulate & require fee for temporary signs and flags in Hist. Districts ............................... 305-307 Sept.20--Zoning Bd. of Adjustment appointment of Dominic mann ................................................ 367 Oct. 4--Zimpro Sidastream Processing Unit re: EPA dropping require- ment of instaliation .................................... 373 Nov. 15--Zoning Reclassification Denial for property east oI Southway as requested by H. Butt & Ed Turnquist ................... 407 " 15--Zoning re: P & Z Comm. submitting their review and recom- mending approval of amendment to Non-Conforming Use S~ec- tion of Zoning Ordinance ................................ 408 Dec. 8--Zoning Ordinances re: Amendments to the Non-Conforming Uses Sections ......................................... 420 " 13--ZoningOrd. re:P&ZSubmittingResponsetoBd, of Realtors' Letter ............................................... 439 Regular Session, January 4, 1982 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, January 4, 1982. Council Met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) in City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by D. Michael King. Past Mayor D. Michael King com- mented on his tenure on the Council and stressed his appreciation of fellow Council Members, City staff and citizens of Dubuque and wished the best to the new Council. Let the record show that the elected Mayor and all elected Council Members had previously been ministered their oaths of office and signed them before the City Clerk. James E. Brady was sworn in as Mayor by City Clerk Mary A. Davis. Thomas J. Beurskens, Donald Delch Sr., William K. Hanunel, John Klauer Loins Kluesner and Rhonda Kronfeldt all sworn in as Council Members by the City Clerk. Council Member Deich moved that John Klauer be selected as Mayor Pro- Tern for the first eight months of the year. Seconded by Council Member Beurskens. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayer Brady. Council Mem- bers Beurskens, Delch, Hammel, Kinesner, Kronfeldt. Nays--None. 'Abstain--Council Member Klauer. Mayor Pro-Tern Klauer sworn into office by the City Clerk. Mayor Brady commented on his responsibilities and the serious effort that wi]] be made by himself and other Council Members in the coming years' terms and commended former Mayor King on his hard work and dedication. RESOLUTION NO. 1.82 Resolution Providing for the Appointment of a City Clerk BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: Tha~ in accordance with Chapter 372.13(3) of the Code of Iowa, 1981, the following official be appointed as City Clerk for the purpose to perform the duties of said position as required by State Law, subject however, to the right of the Council to declare such of- lice vacant or remove the official therefrom at the pleasure of the Coun- cfi with or without cause, and said official to be paid the compensation as provided in the current budget. CITY CLERK Mary A. Davis Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day of January, 1982. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Hammel moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Klauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem- bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel, Klauer, Kluesner, Kronfeldt. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 2-82 Resolution Providing for the Appointment of a Corporation Counsel BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: That in accordance with Chapter 372.7(3b) of the Code of Iowa, 1981, the following official be appointed as Corporation Counsel for the purpose to perform the duties of said position as required by State Law, subject however, to the right of the Council to declare such office vacant or remove the official therefrom at the pleasure of the Council with or without cause, and said official to be paid the compen- sation as provided in the current budget. CORPORATION COUNSEL Romolo N. Russo Passed, adopted and approved this 4th day of January, 1982. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Hammel moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Beurskens, Car~ tied by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem- bers Deich, Klauer, Kluesner. Kronfeldt. Nays--Council Members Beurskens, Hammel. Council Member Khiesner moved to amend the Resolution of appointment of Corporation Counsel R.N. Russo, with amendment stating term to ex- pire Mrch 31, 1982 and Clerk follow through on process of notification of