Auburn Street 1515 1515 Auburn bt.
0- I.C.Lei
Lrect 2 story frame dwelling.
B.F 904 3/25/25
Foroef game droll 109 5 /25/43 9 5/25/4.:, 95.00
Addition to 0-Web n6e1
Fear of e.f.frmae dwelling. p 6 00.00.
�• • •327 6 -27-49
0 . Mrs. Fred Beadle
Reroof C. Beaver Roofing Co,
Sunporch S.F. Fr, Dwelig,B,P• 1372 12 -13 -66 75.0(
Reroof 2 F. Fr. _tvr 1 1.,p
Dw. B b4-,gtiIi11 - Si3w 0Sheet Metal
1515 Auburn
Board of Adjustment Docket 28 :83- f6r var iance rom- front
-- and side yard-setback-requirements-to allOW-C ORStrUCti011 -
_ of det. garage 15 feet, 8 inches from front prop. line,
and 1 foot from alley line Approved 6/16/83
0 -John J.
Mauls C -Owner
-erect 24x30 det frm
0 -John Nauss gar SF dwllg BP 5858 6/23183471-64M
replace 7x26 porch floor,
SF res BP 10471 7/9/86 $959.00
0 -John Nauss
tear -off, reroof SF C- -Owner
res BP17415 8 -6 -90 975.00
1515 Auburn 3
- O= John gauss
alter. to two windows SF frmdwllg BP1890 g
/ /91 $250.00
0 -John gauss
t /o, reroof SF res & C =Owner
gar. BP37208 6/16/97 $2450.00