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Avalon Road 1715
1715 Avalon Road O. Carl Blirsch Not B»il$ by Hirsch. Erect S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 254 4 -27 -64 13,000.00 0_Car:Delbert tiller- ___ - -__ Erect S.F. Br. Ven. Dwellg.B.F. 449 7-6-67 13,000.00 - - -- -- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 0 -Leo Herbst C -Owner tear =off, sheeting, reroof, SF - dwllg BP 16839 574/90 -- _$1650_00 0- Leo Herbst C- Miller Constr - New - roof, sd,SF _BP26595 Y0 =27= 4 $2fl00.fl0